July 2011 RR

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The Rehoboth


JULY 2011 VOLUME 23, NO. 7



Serving the Residents of Rehoboth, Seekonk and Surrounding Communities Since 1989

Beckwith 6th Graders Raise $11,076.25 for the Rehoboth Food Pantry

Rehoboth Agricultural Fair Returns For Its 72nd Year by Laura Calverley

One of the biggest local events of the summer, The Rehoboth Agricultural Fair, will take place from Thursday, August 11 through Sunday, August 14. The annual fair at the Pray farm is again expected to draw thousands during its fourday run. Organizers say it will be bigger and better than ever with a bigger midway, a new white tiger show and, for the second year, a big fireworks show on Saturday night. One of the highlights of this year’s fair is a new white tiger show featuring Vicenta Page, a fifth generation circus performer, and her six white Bengal tigers. Vicenta has been performing solo with tigers since she was 18 and she toured with Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus for years. The Agricultual fair will again include all the fun and educational activities it has become known for, such as 4H and FFA animal shows, truck and tractor pulls, food, demonstrations and live entertainment every night. “We’re looking to have a very good turnout this year,” said Fire Chief Bob Pray who has been organizing the fair for years with the help of many volunteers. Many favorites are expected to return including Lance Gifford’s magic show, a racing pigs show and karoake. ...continued on page 4

The Beckwith 6th graders raised $11,076.25 for the Rehoboth Food Pantry. They had a read-a-thon where they received pledges for each book they read. Above is the presentation of the check to Steve Martin with the top readers of each class. Madison Burtan (pictured far left) was the top reader with 70 books read.

31st East Providence


July 15th - July 17th • 2011 Pierce Memorial Stadium & Field 201 Mercer Street • East Providence RI

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