August 2011 RR

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The Rehoboth


AUGUST 2011 VOLUME 23, NO. 8



Serving the Residents of Rehoboth, Seekonk and Surrounding Communities Since 1989

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Meet rev. Sarah Weaver, The new Pastor at rehoboth Congregational

By Laura Calverley Reverend Sarah Weaver, a fourth generation pastor from New Milford, Connecticut, is the new pastor at Rehoboth Congregational Church, United Church of Christ. Weaver started on April 1. She replaced Reverend Scott Spencer who served the church for 12 ½ years. Weaver has been at the job for almost four months now and she has had a very busy summer getting acclimated to the job, meeting members of the congregation and the community, holding services, and planning for the future. She has organized a regular dinner get-together, called “Let Us Break Bread Together” where she and her husband, Bruce, and members of the congregation share a meal together at different people’s homes. “We’re getting to know them and getting to know Rehoboth and what they want out of the church,” Weaver said. continued on page 4...

Fundraiser for Emma

Four classmates of Emma Wheeler, a local Rehoboth child, diagnosed with a Wilms Tumor in October of 2009, in partnership with Del’s lemonade of East Providence, Rhode Island, sponsored a fundraiser to help raise money in support of her foundation. The group raised nearly $400 from individual contributors along with a donation from Dell’s of East Providence. Over the summer, the children came up with the idea to travel the journey with Emma by helping to augment the cost of her treatment by raising money through a lemonade stand. The group quickly realized that a lemonade stand wouldn’t give them the leverage they need to raise a sizable donation. Del’s Lemonade of East Providnece offered to give the ten year olds a percent of the proceeds from the sales from the Monster Truck Thrill Show at Seekonk Speedway , Sunday, July 31 in support of their mission. Emma is currently being treated at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago, under the direction of Hasbro Children Hospital. Pictured are Richard Tartaglia, Avery Carriuolo, Johnathan Drown, and Oliia Blais. The group’s organizer, Richard Tartaglia is hoping that others would take the challenge and organize their own fundraiser in support of Emma’s foundation. Josh Wheeler, Emma’s father, has raced trucks at the Speedsway. For more information visit

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