September 2010 EP

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The East Providence

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Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

Helping the Community, one Lunch at a Time

back to school see page 47

Saturday morning routines vary for many high school students. Hanging out with friends, going to church, having a big family breakfast, working out, or the most common answer, sleeping in, were some of the responses given by high school students I spoke to. But more than 0 East Providence High School Varsity Football Players can add making lunches for Crossroads homeless shelter as part of their summer Saturday morning routine. These athletes have given up their summer weekend mornings to give back to their community. I asked Coach Shane Messier, assistant varsity coach and former townie, why this service was important for the city and football team. He felt that Townie Pride, a phrase that used to mean something, is falling apart. “It seems like our city is not only losing its Townie Pride but its also starting to divide into 3 different communities.� says Coach Messier. He and Assistant Varsity Coach, Mike Huftalen asked student athletes at the end of the school year if they would be willing to donate their time and money to help people in need and restore some pride within the community. All the students would receive in return was the self gratification of knowing they helped someone that needed them. Coaches Messier and Huftalen were surprised with the response that they received. Continued on page 4...

East Providence High School Varsity Football players giving back to the community.

The Reporter September 2010


September 010 The Reporter


East Providence news Briefs Health Hazard Lurking in East Providence Waterways

The state Dept. of Environmental Management and Health has issued a warning against recreational activities in several bodies of water in East Providence. Drinking water or eating fish from these waters is also discouraged The poison resulted from a naturally occurring algae bloom in the Ten Mile River, Central Pond, Turner Reservoir and Omega Pond. The Ten Mile River forms the boundary between Massachusetts and Rhode Island along the northern half of East Providence and Seekonk; the other bodies of water are within the city of East Providence. The DEM has confirmed the cause is a blue-green algae, Microcystis, also referred to as cyanobacteria, that can form the naturally occurring toxin, Microcystin. Symptoms of exposure to this toxin in humans include stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, muscle and joint pain and irritation of the skin, eyes and throat. People who have been exposed and experience these symptoms should contact their health-care provider. Rhode Island State Veterinarian Scott Marshall said pet owners should not allow pets to drink the water or swim in it since pets can also become infected. As the days get shorter and cooler, the algae will likely die off and any toxins that are in the water will decline. The DEM will inform the public when it’s safe to have contact with the water.

School Superintendent, Cirillo, given Contract Extension

School committee members voted unanimously to extend school Supt. Mario Cirillo’s contract by two years, through August 013. With a year left to his contract, the decision secures Cirillo’s job beyond November’s election when new board members may be elected. The new contract will give Cirillo a raise equal to the increase of the annual consumer price index. Cirillo’s career began as a middle school teacher 41 years ago in Springfield, MA. He then took an administrative role as assistant principal before becoming the superintendent in Foster-Glocester.

Thermo fisher Scientific Will Close facility in East Providence

Thermo Fisher Scientific, a local manufacturer of disease test kits, will close its doors in East Providence next year. The closing will result in the lay off of 68 employees. The facility will remain open until June 011. At least two or three employees will be asked to relocate, but the bulk of the workers, who produce the test kits, will be laid off and offered a severance package. Thermo Fisher Scientific is a world leader in science services with its corporate offices in Waltham, Mass. The company has four major divisions including its analytical instruments production, laboratory products, the clinical and specialty diagnostic and its catalog division and has clients within the pharmaceutical and biotech companies, hospitals, diagnostic labs, universities and colleges, government agencies and other research facilities.

Hundreds Apply for Half-Dozen Police Positions

Police Chief Joseph Tavares announced that more than 00 applicants have applied to become East Providence police officers. He was pleased with the total number of applicants and with the fact that about 10 percent are women and more than 15 percent are minorities. The recruitment promotion included signs posted around town, in front of the police station and on bus shelters. The police also held an open house for potential candidates and a feature article in the East Providence Reporter. The police department is currently short seven officers though a final decision on how many will be offered jobs has not yet been made. On Saturday, Aug. 8, the police department held a physical agility test for the candidates. The number of qualified candidates is expected to be narrowed further by written examinations and oral interviews. The top finishers will be offered jobs and the remaining applicants will remain on the list for another two years if future vacancies occur. The process should be completed by November.


CANDIDATES Call us Now to Advertise!

The October Issue of The Reporter will be your last chance to advertise before the election!

Call 508-252-6575 Inside This Issue Back to School....................47 Births..................................7 Business Directory...................78 Classifieds................................ 77 Clubs......................................34 Dining Guide............................73 E.P. Chamber of Commerce..... EBCAP News............................19 Events & Activities.................... 9 How You Can Help.................64 Letters to the Editor...................5 Library..................................54 News Briefs................................3 Opinion............................. Candidates Letters.......59 From the Mayor................. 0 EP School Committee........16 East Bay Center.................17 Parks and Recreation.............. 6 People......................................4 Senior Center News................67 Scouts...............................57 Town News............................. 5 Weddings/Engagements......70


The Reporter September 010

Continued from the Cover...

Helping the Community, one Lunch at a Time The coaches and athletes, guided by Roy and Kris Allen, who lead the “Just One Lunch” program, have been making lunches most Saturday mornings throughout the summer. Kris Allen spoke very highly of these young men. “These athletes showed up on Saturday mornings, brought their own money to go towards making the lunches, and made as many as they could. Great kids, these football players are, we made 750 lunches with these athletes in 6 weeks.” The final wrap up was done in August and the athletes were asked to bring groceries, as well as their contribution for the lunches, to make baskets to bring to an interim house in Provi-

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dence. Coach Huftalen was concerned that adding another thing to Saturday morning lunches would be too much. However, the bags were overflowing with groceries. Coach Huftalen was very happy and proud of the players. On average, the athletes made 1 5 lunches every week. Not only were Coach Messier and Coach Huftalen impressed with the athletes dedication to this cause but the Allens could not emphasize enough what a “kind, dedicated, respectful group of young men these are.” They wanted the community to know about these kids and what they have accomplished. When I turned to the football players to ask them their thoughts, I realized then why this service was so special. It seemed to me by their responses that they didn’t think what they did was all that special. Dana Andrade, Sr. Defensive End, stated “its good to do things to help others.” Aaron Chartier, Jr. Offensive Lineman, felt that they have plenty of others Saturdays to do things they want to do. All the players felt that doing the community service helps them to get to know each other on the team and its more fun doing service like this as a team than alone. Mike Huftalen, Jr. Offensive Lineman, wants the community to “get into the football program, get excited about the team and come to the games.” What did the team learn from this experience? “Others aren’t as fortunate as us,” says Aaron Chartier. What I learned from these athletes was that they provided help to others just because it was needed and I think that is a special thing. Kris Allen closed her discussion with these words, “My husband and I want the community to know what great kids they have in this city, the commitment that they have made each week. They are good, respectful kids who worked hard.” Coach Messier added, “We have some amazing students in East Providence. The Townie Football team will continue to help the community. I ask East Providence residents to support our kids. It will be awesome to see Pierce Stadium packed again on Friday nights. Let’s jump on these powerful kids backs and bring ‘Townie Pride’ back!” We have seen them excel in their community, come see the East Providence Townie Football players shine on the field at their 1st home game September 4 at Pierce Field. Thank you, Dana Andrade, Kenny Meade, Mike Davol, Sean Sparks, Scott Jarvis, Devin Christy, Carmillo Crumbly, Tom Turner, Jessica Fish, Corey Agin, Jayden Decosta, Mike Huftalen, Robbie Delgado, Kyle Delgado, Brenton Decosta, Aaron Chartier, Marcus Farmer, Frankie Allen, Mikel Pires, Devon Pina, Nick Liete, and Mark Medeiros for making many of us proud.


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EP Varsity Football players making lunches for Crossroads homeless shelter on one of several Saturday mornings.

September 010 The Reporter


The East Providence


Letters to the Editor...

Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

The comments in this section and the ads do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff of The East Providence Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Please Note: • Letters MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters MUST arrive by the 15th of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory Nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!


good old Party

What has happen to the leadership of the GOP in East Providence? Not being Part of this political group but being supported by them in a race for school committee, I don’t have the understanding of what their goals are as to seeking candidates for this up coming election. Truly if I was a Republican in East Providence I would be concerned with the effectiveness to lead, I’d even question if their constituents are even aware of this inadequacy of leadership. What leads me to this conclusion? Simple they just have not been able to find contenders in Wards and 3 for both school committee and city council, In the State General Assembly they just gave the Democrats their positions with out any opposition. In district 65 they found a challenger for the endorsed Republic Candidate, in this particular case they have battled and essentially eaten their own, to promote their own small groups ideas and codes. This leadership does not represent their constituents, but are a Party that acts as a club. They want their prerogatives and their powers protected. Anyone not with them is against them. It is that simple. Yes they find candidates to run against their own, but can’t lead to get good candidates to run for school committee and council in many wards. How can this leadership not find candidates in the ward that the chair person lives? Also how much has the ward 3 committee grown with this chair person? Finally, in wards that we share candidates in our city with other towns and cities, not one person that is a Republican lives in East Providence! It is truly sad what has happened to the Republican Party, even though many of our elections are non-partisan we all know that party ties are very strong in our election process. I am a firm believer every candidate should have an opponent, but this party has just taken the right of our choosing away. It

seems to me the powers to be did not work hard enough to get the respect of registered City Republican to produce a positive picture for this city Republicans. The product of this kind of fringe politics is that the citizens of East Providence lose. It may not be a matter of fact but I think the voters have strong feeling on what has happen in this State and City; they are not happy with the Democrats and are willing to swing their votes to other Parties. Not getting Good Republican Candidates this City governance passed up the chance of winning. This why I ask what has happen to the Grand Old Party of East Providence? Bob Enos

P.O. box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769

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We welcome all ideas, photos, articles, news releases and notices that affect local areas. We reserve the right to refuse any submission, including classified ads and display advertising.

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The Reporter is...



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Target Marketing Group, Inc.

Helping Small Businesses

Sen. Frank DeVall deserves credit for his bill SB 179 becoming law in Rhode Island and helping small businesses continue to advertise with neon lighting. There are many local retailers and merchants in the state that use neon lamps to illuminate their signage, and Sen. DeVall’s bill enables them to keep this crucial method of attracting customers. If Sen. DeVall did not demonstrate his successful leadership on this issue, hundreds of Rhode Island small businesses would have had to purchase new lighting for their signs, or seen their existing signage dimmed to a point where it could barely been seen at night. Sen. DeVall’s law is environmentally responsible and good news for Rhode Island businesses. Sincerely, David Hickey International Sign Association

continued on page 6

Dick Georgia - Executive Editor Barbara Georgia - Publisher Advertising Mary Nascimento call 401-569-47 6 Feature Writers David Howard Carolyn Bray Laura Calverley Gina Wesley-Silva Photography Norm Spring Technical/Graphics Scott Hewitt Michaela O'Connell Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson Meredith Amaral TCI Press

PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 Visit Our Website at...

The views expressed in The Reporter are not necessarily those of the editor or staff.


The Reporter September 010

Top Heavy financial Structure

At their August 10th meeting the East Providence School Committee took the liberty of extending the contract of Superintendent Dr. Mario Cirillo. We believe that this decision was premature considering that Dr. Cirillo still had one year remaining on his current contract and, the decision to renew should have been left up to the sitting School Committee at the time of it’s expiration. Our Superintendent is one of the highest paid in the state of Rhode Island and our teachers are now the lowest! In addition he receives a $14,000 annuity for not taking health insurance (A buyback just like the one that was also stripped from the teachers). This is an obvious display of the “Do as we say, not as we do” philosophy of our current school committee majority.

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In the difficult economic times we are facing, conscientious business leaders and municipalities across America have been leading by example by adjusting and making cuts to ALL employee salaries from the top down. East Providence has instead made major cuts to the salaries of staff members, reduced the number of teachers, over crowded our classrooms, opted to cut recess at the elementary schools, moved an inordinate number of children out of their neighborhood schools and cut the CNA program at the EPCTC all the while, giving raises and adding unnecessary positions to the administration staff. We as candidates and taxpayers feel we cannot afford this top heavy financial structure one more day, and demand this irresponsible behavior end! We believe the two year extension of this Superintendent’s contract was strictly a political maneuver and not done in the best interest of the students or the taxpayers of our city. The only gain from this extension was for Dr. Cirillo. It is about time for this School Committee to start advocating for the best interest of our STUDENTS and not our Administration. THAT is what the School Committee was intended for! Charles S. Tsonos Candidate Ward 1 EP School Committee Stephen A. Furtado Candidate Ward 2 EP School Committee (Unopposed) Chrissy Rossi Candidate Ward 4 EP School Committee

Why Teachers’ unions are important to Quality Public Education

I was recently asked how teachers’ unions benefit students. The question was asked by an intelligent, well informed, private sector professional who hoped that I could provide an answer that could cut through the vitriol and mudslinging that encompasses the debate about teachers’ unions and their impact on education reform, student achievement, and a community’s ability to pay its bills. The question opened my eyes to the fact that teachers’ unions have not done a great job of articulating the answer to this very important question. After all, teachers are in the business of educating their students and if an organization like a teachers’ union does not serve that end, then why does it exist? The developing narrative on teachers’ unions is that they are an impediment to educational reform, that they protect poor teachers, and that their powerful political influence has broken city and town budgets while placing the concerns of the adults before those of the students. Some have gone so far as to say that teachers’ unions are the cause of America’s education crisis. This narrative, while easy to understand, is simply false. Its conclusions are not backed by any empirical evidence and its authors seek political gain through demagoguery and misinformation. Those who make the argument against teachers’ unions often refer to the members as “hacks” or “thugs” and portray them as greedy and selfish. Take just a moment to think about your kindergarten teacher, a dues paying member of a teachers’ union, does she remind you of Jimmy Hoffa? So let’s get past the ridiculous stereotyping and answer the question as to why teachers’ unions are important to quality public education. *Competitive salaries and benefits attract the best possible teachers to a school district. If salaries and benefits are not protected by a contract they would be slashed every time there was a budget crisis. Teachers’ unions work to negotiate competitive salaries and benefits so that talented teachers can be attracted and retained. Outside of parental influence, nothing benefits students more than a talented teacher in a classroom. *Teachers’ unions are run by teachers and unlike the politicians who make decisions on local education policy, these teachers have the educational background and experience that

September 010 The Reporter allows them to understand what works best for both students and teachers. Having this group represented at the bargaining table protects the integrity of the education system. It is always more politically popular to hold the line on taxes than it is to decrease class sizes and hire more teachers. Without teachers’ unions, class sizes would grow larger and larger with every budget crisis. All research indicates that smaller class sizes, especially in diverse and economically challenged communities, are beneficial to students. *All too often the politicians making education policy decisions have no vested interest in the system. In many cases their children attend private schools and their most vocal constituents demand tax relief above all else. Many don’t attend school functions or even enter the school buildings on a regular basis. This combination of factors removes them from the day to day realities of the public school classroom. Teachers understand those realities and how best to serve their students. If they were removed from the bargaining process, an essential voice in protecting students’ interests would also be removed. *Teachers, like all Americans, deserve due process. Teaching in a public school is challenging because you serve many masters. Teachers answer to and are observed and evaluated by immediate supervisors and building principals as well as the central administration. This is not so different from the private sector management structure. What is different is that parents, each school committee member, and a number of other elected officials also consider themselves your boss. There is no doubt that teachers are hired to serve the public and they should take that responsibility very seriously, but they cannot serve at the whim of every disgruntled parent or politician. Political pressure to change a grade or give Councilman X’s niece a break is not uncommon. A conflict with a student, whether it’s over a grade or behavior, could result in a political firestorm if that student happens to be politically connected. This highly charged atmosphere requires a fair system of due process so that teachers can teach and not worry about political interference affecting their position. A stable work environment with teachers who have the courage of their convictions, without political pressure, is good for students. *I have written extensively on why merit pay for teachers does not work and how test based merit pay promotes teaching to the test and cheating, while at the same time diminishing the desire to work collaboratively to better serve students. There is no significant data that points to better student outcomes based upon merit pay for teachers. (I read recently where British Petroleum CEO Tony Hayward received an 18 million dollar compensation package upon his resignation. If that is how private sector “pay for performance” models work, why would we adopt them in public education?) Collective bargaining for teachers rewards experience and advanced degrees. For some reason, the new wave of education reform downplays experience, but I would venture a guess that Commissioner Gist and those like her, if need be, would prefer the heart surgeon with twenty years of experience over the one doing only his third surgery. I can tell you with the utmost confidence that I am a better teacher now than I was ten years ago. My experience continued on next page...


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The Reporter September 010

Many Make Pledges. . . Few Deliver Results As Senator, frank DeVall helps lead… 1st Statewide School Funding Formula in 15 years, resulting in $4.2 million EXTRA for East Providence Schools in State Aid to Education. Income Tax Reform lowering income taxes for hard working Rhode Islanders. Pension Reform resulting in $90 million in savings to Rhode Island Taxpayers.

But there’s work to be done

• Need to consolidate City and School Budgets and Services. • Need to continue to explore opportunities to make the City of East Providence & Rhode Island more attractive to do business. • Need to build and repair bridges and roads throughout the State.


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and continued education has been invaluable. Teachers’ unions understand the value of experience and advanced degrees and have worked hard to protect a salary structure that rewards both. An experienced educator, who has a wealth of knowledge, benefits both new teachers and students alike. Let me conclude by dispelling some of the myths surrounding the impact of teachers’ unions on education reform and student achievement. The two states with the highest student test scores, year in and year out, are Massachusetts and Connecticut. Both states have very strong teachers’ unions. Southern states have traditionally had the worst test scores. Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and Arkansas routinely finish at the bottom and in those states teachers’ unions are the exception and not the rule. In Florida, where teachers unions are also very weak or nonexistent, the dismissal rate (those fired) is 1%, while in New York, a strong teachers’ union state, the dismissal rate is the same 1%. Charter schools, many of which operate outside of union contracts, are by and large testing at or below their union staffed public school counterparts, even though they have fewer ESL and special education students. In most districts, including East Providence, poor teachers can be removed from the classroom during the first three years of employment without any union interference. Administrators must do their jobs and document teacher failure in order to remove ineffective teachers from the classroom. Teachers with tenure are entitled to due process but can also be removed under a negotiated tool known as a target program. The target program allows struggling teachers a period of time to improve and meet certain targets. If those targets are not met the teacher is dismissed without union interference. It takes courage and due diligence for an administrator to use these target programs and not fall back on the easy excuse that the teachers’ union protects bad teachers. (By the way, my private sector friends tell me it’s not so easy to fire professional level people in the private sector either, but it sure sounds good on talk radio.) Teachers’ unions are not perfect and they deserve criticism when it is due, but they are not the blight upon society that they are portrayed to be by the conservative movement in Rhode Island and nationwide. Teachers’ unions protect the salaries, benefits, and working conditions of their membership and in doing so protect the children they teach. My father used to say, “You get what you pay for”, and he was correct. I want my children to be taught by men and women who earn a decent salary, have access to quality health insurance, and are committed to their profession. Teachers’ unions have ensured that their well

September 010 The Reporter educated and talented members are part of America’s vibrant middle class, and that they are not looking for the first opportunity to leave the profession in order to earn more, in both money and respect. Gregg M. Amore 73 Plymouth Road

Re-elect Jack Savage District 65

october Meeting

Confident in the magnanimity of the people of East Providence, I write to you this day as the president of the East Providence High School Alumni Association seeking your support, your counsel, your perspective, and your time. Our humble Alumni Association has, in its three and one half years, matured handsomely, and we now stand on the threshold of a new and exciting period of growth. As such, our annual membership meeting, which is scheduled for Monday, October 4, 010 at 7:00 p.m., in the East Providence High School Library, will undoubtedly be a major determinant of the vision that guides our thriving Association in the years ahead. None of us alone can accomplish completely the noble work to which we are called. And for that reason, I believe that your membership in our Association is so very important. For it is true that we are many members, but one Association, and the mightier for it. I humbly request the honor of your presence at our October meeting that you may see what we are, and what we have to offer our beloved city. Please visit the Alumni Association online at John F. Butler President, EPHS Alumni Association

Rodi will make a great State Rep. for District 2

During a midmorning in June, I went to the East Side Market Place to do some grocery shopping. To my dismay I noticed that the RIPTA Trolley stop that was in front of the market was gone! I went inside and inquired about the trolley stop. I was told it was moved across the parking lot to the side of the Rite Aid, an exposed sidewalk facing south. This move was in response to many Salvation Army residents who apparently used the area as their personal smoking lounge. According to Eastside Market Place the move was to eliminate this loitering and the offensive smell of cigarette smoke. Sure enough when leaving the store, I saw a short post with a trolley sign on it next to the Rite Aid. Ordinarily I would not have paid it much mind, but it was a very hot day continued on next page...

Your Independent Thinking, Republican Representative from Riverside. I voted against:  ___  ___  ___  ___

Increasing your car taxes Increasing the cost of your electricity Reducing Aid to cities and towns Reducing funding for Public and Charter Schools

I voted for:  ___  ___  ___

A stronger Ethics Commision A Statewide Education Funding Formula Income Tax Reform that makes us competitive with Massachusetts

I need your support to continue the Fight to Change Rhode Island.

Vote Savage in the Republican primary September 14. Paid for by the Committee to reelect Representative John Savage.



The Reporter September 010

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and I saw a lone senior citizen standing there exposed to the sun with some bags at her feet. The heat that day was unbearable so I could only imagine how terrible this was for the senior citizens standing there without shelter to block the sun. When I returned home I called the one person I knew that would do what he could to help. I called Richard Rodi, who has done so much for our senior citizens in Fox Point and the city of Providence. I explained the situation to Mr. Rodi and he told me he would get right on it. That very night he called me back and told me, “The Trolley stop is going back to its original spot” Apparently, Mr. Rodi went to the store and spoke with management there and after a short negotiation the problem was solved. Mr. Rodi explained the health risks and liabilities that were associated with this serious move of the trolley stop. Mr. Rodi offered to provide a twelve foot park bench in addition to a sign over the bench to deter any future loitering. Mr. Rodi also contacted RIPTA to explain the situation, which an agreement had been made and that The Trolley stop could be brought back to its original place under the shelter of Eastside Market Place. On July 1 th, Mr. Rodi and his son Jacob purchased and installed a twelve foot green and tan park bench along with a sign that reads, “A gift from The Rodi Foundation for Our Providence


SOLD - this summer










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Seekonk: Steps from Turner Reservoir. Immaculate Cape on quiet dead end w/water access. 3 beds, 2 baths, fp, hdwds; updates: windows, vinyl, roof, furnace. Move in condition! $249,900. Robin Lozito 401-486-6937


Riverside: Great little starter or downsize!2 beds or 1 bed and dining room terrific very private yard fence w/huge deck 1 car garage outstanding area great value!! Come see... $169,000. Jane Marshall 401-486-4847

Rumford: Cape, kitchen w/island + dining opens to liv rm w/hdwds & sliders to deck and pool. New windows, vinyl siding, mstr w/whirlpool, finished lower. 4 BR's, 2 full baths, $245,000. Michelle Cartwright 401-663-5677

Barrington: Sweet Ranch in desirable Primrose area. New windows and young roof. Sunny & spacious yard ready for your garden! Hardwoods, large family room. Great starter or retirement! $234,900. Michelle Cartwright 401-663-5677

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September 010 The Reporter Senior Citizens�. I knew I could count on Richard Rodi he comes through for us every time. So hats off to Eastside Market Place for being a good neighbor and to Richard Rodi for being a wonderful advocate for Fox Point Seniors like myself. As I know he will be a wonderful State Rep. for us here in District when we elect him in November. Thank you, Julia Fortes


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goodbye to Bubbah

On Wednesday, August 11th, a total stranger rang my doorbell at 8: 0 p.m. to let me know that my cat had been hit and killed by a car. I only got her first name, “Terry,� and I believe she said she lives near Hunts Mills in East Providence. I would like to try to contact Terry to express my eternal gratitude for her kindness and compassion. She could have easily kept right on driving. Terry told me she was out that night with her young daughter to deliver invitations to her daughter’s birthday party. Coming upon my dead cat must have been a horrible way to end what should have been an enjoyable mother-daughter outing. I am very, very grateful to Terry for her prompt action. Because Terry took the time to stop, and to ring several other doorbells before coming to mine, we could retrieve our cat before any other cars made contact with him. We wrapped him in a towel and carried him home. My cat, Bubbah, was 14 years old and will be missed terribly. Finding Terry will be the final step in bringing his passing to some sort of closure. I would like Terry to know how deeply my husband and I appreciate what she did for us. I would also like her to know that her actions that night demonstrated human compassion in action for her young daughter. What a wonderful lesson to teach a young adult. If this e-mail could be posted in your Letters to the Editor section, I am hoping that Terry or someone she knows will see it. I would want Terry to know that if she is ever in my neighborhood, I would warmly greet her at my door again. With my sincere thanks, Laura B. Choiniere 50 Barney Street, Rumford H: 434-5379, W: 254-3038 508.837.0371

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You Owe it to Yourself to be Treated Right!

Letter Concerning Mr. Carcieri’s Disregard for freedom of Speech

In the fall of 009, Mr. Carcieri’s school committee passed a brand new rule declaring Freedom of Speech non-existent at School Committee meetings. He did that by not allowing anyone from the audience a chance to speak at a meeting UNLESS that person had signed up six days ahead of time. That person also had to write down the question he/she wanted to ask at the next meeting. UNLESS Mr. Carcieri’s form was filled out six days ahead of time, that person could not speak at the next meeting. It is evident that Mr. Carcieri’s arrogant leadership style failed to consider that our continued on next page...

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The Reporter September 010


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founding fathers addressed the issue of Freedom of Speech by stating in the First Amendment to our Constitution that Congress shall make no law abridging the Freedom of free Speech. It didn’t take long for the citizens of East Providence to become very upset with Mr. Carcieri’s new rule. At each meeting, after the school committee addressed an issue, and perhaps voted on that issue; there was no dialogue with the citizens of East Providence because they had no right to speak. Of course, if a citizen HAD signed up six days in advance with a question, he/she could be called on to speak. The problem clearly was how was a citizen to know BEFORE a meeting was taking place, what question he/she wanted to ask? Many School Committee meetings followed with angry citizens signing up six days beforehand to speak against Mr. Carcieri’s new rule. Mr. Carcieri himself spoke several times about how much time was taken up with citizens complaining about his new rule. It took a meeting in the spring, where parents and students upset about the possible drop of a high school program, to really drive home the un-American status of Mr. Carcieri’s new rule. It was a few meetings later that Mr. Carcieri suggested that the new rule be amended to allow audience members to speak IF the majority of the School Committee voted to allow that person to speak without signing up ahead of time. At this moment, the other members of the school committee decided to disagree with Mr. Carcieri and said that the citizens of East Providence did not need the school committee’s vote to allow them to speak—that they should be called on and allowed to speak in turn. At that moment, Mr. Carcieri complained, “If we let that happen, we will be here after midnight!” Another School Committee member said, “That is what we are elected to do.” So, in the late spring of 010, Mr. Carcieri’s new rule was abandoned. Freedom of Speech was restored to the citizens of East Providence, who took time out of their busy lives to attend a City meeting because they care about their City so much. This lesson was a hard one for the citizens of East Providence to learn. We now know it is time for new leadership on the East Providence School Committee. Respectfully submitted by Sandy Barone

John Rossi for State Senate Wins Support of Ward 3 East Providence Democratic City Committee

East Providence—The Ward 3 East Providence Democratic City Committee gathered at Knights of Columbus on Thursday, August 19, 010 at 7:00 P.M. to interview John Rossi, candidate for State Senate, for the upcoming 010 election. Upon conclusion of the interview, the Ward 3 East Providence Democratic City Committee voted to support John Rossi in the upcoming election. “I am glad to announce that the Ward 3 East Providence Democratic City Committee enthusiastically voted to support John Rossi for State Senate. John Rossi represents the type of change that is desperately needed during these difficult times. He is a true leader who is driven by the concerns of the voters. I encourage all to vote for John Rossi in the upcoming primary election on Tuesday, September 14,” stated Ward 3 Chairwoman Maria Luci Stoddard. “I thank the Democrats of Ward 3 for their vote of support. I am dedicated to improving the conditions in our city and state. It all begins with strong, economic development,” stated John Rossi. John Rossi is the Democratic candidate for State Senate-District 18. The Primary election is scheduled for Tuesday, September 14, 010. Ward 3 in East Providence encompasses the Kent Heights and substantial sections of Riverside. Ward 3 East Providence Democratic City Committee

September 010 The Reporter

The Lifeblood of East Providence

Senior citizens are great. I plan to be one someday. As much as we care for and respect them, we cannot count on them to start a small business or broaden the tax base. That will only be accomplished by attracting young professionals to our city. They must believe it is a good place to raise their families and put down roots. We no longer live in a world where growing up in a town is a prerequisite for caring about it. “Townie Pride” is great to have, but it will not save us. We will either attract young professionals to East Providence, or stagnate. We had better welcome them. Let’s take a look at simple demographics, because potential newcomers certainly do. A tax base’s strength is counted by the rooftops, not the number of families in a city. The future of any city’s fiscal abilities depends on new growth under those rooftops. Do high taxes matter to renters? Ask any landlord what happens if property taxes go up. Real Estate agents will be quick to point out that one of the first concerns for a new family’s choice of homes is the local school. If you have been told that I or any candidate would be against teachers or effective schools, you have been fed a line of bunk. I leave to you to deal with those who would spew such inept blather; it is not designed to aid in the growth of our city. This is a plea for common sense. The phantom of discontent still lurks in the silence of those who run for office but do not publish their platform. I ask you, the citizen, to demand that candidates respond to your questions because some obviously prefer not to do so. If perhaps you think that satisfying the demands of labor unions will bring peace, ask candidates for city office how much increased tax burden will be expected of you. Would anyone honestly believe the taxpayers will continue to accept the burden? If they were willing, could they? Even more important, if they are running for the General Assembly as I am, are they making promises to city organizations? Please ask them how they plan to implement state policy. They should be willing to quickly point out that they will have little to do with city affairs because their duty as a state legislator would be specific to state law. Be certain that what they promise is applicable on the state level, and that you would be comfortable with the way Rhode Island as a whole would view your choice. We must see past the short-sighted desire to go along with friends. As long as we close our eyes to it, we give them permission to continue. Perhaps the young professional should ask; would a friend send an unprepared friend to office to represent them? Steve Gerling

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opposed opinions

It never ceases to amaze me how two people observing the same circumstance can develop two completely opposed opinions. Case-in-point is the letter from Lorraine Ramos, published in the August 010 edition of The East Providence Reporter. I have no idea how many times Ms. Ramos had occasion to visit the office of the Board of Canvassers on the 3rd floor of City Hall, but, over the years, I have had business that brought me there frequently. The entire staff was always polite, extremely helpful, both professional and respectful of their customers needs. With all due respect to Ms. Ramos - she is entitled to her opinion, after all - I am sure there are many others, who, like me, do not now - nor ever did - have an experience that was less than efficient and accommodating. Wendy S. Caputo


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The Reporter September 010

School Committee Chair Carcieri Deserves Taxpayer And Parent Support!

Anthony Carcieri, Chairman of the East Providence School Committee, has earned my support for re-election. Here’s why: he has worked exceptionally hard to meet the needs of our students and save money for the hard working taxpayers of East Providence. Under the leadership of “Tony” Carcieri, the East Providence School Committee recently signed a new teachers’ contact that will save EP taxpayers approximately $5 million in one school year! This new contract increases the number of school days and the length of the day, includes a 5% pay cut, a 0% co-pay for health insurance premiums (for the first time), and ends the $5,000 payment to those who did not take the taxpayer-funded health insurance. Previous EP school committees enacted generous pay and benefit packages that not only took nearly 80% of the school budget, but also were unsustainable in these tough economic times. Under the current School Committee, this unfair imbalance has changed – the focus is now in favor of the students. As Mr. Carcieri says, “… the main beneficiaries of educational policies must always be the students.” Chairman Tony Carcieri needs the support of every concerned taxpayer and parent to continue the fight for educational excellence for all East Providence students. Stephanie Sullivan - Rumford

no Recess

When I read the Providence Journal on the morning of Aug 17th I was shocked at the comment Mr. Carcierei made that the children were being supervised by Teaching Assistants whom according to him are not qualified to do so. You, sir, should have talked to some of us to find out what it is we do. I am known to my children in school as Mrs. Brown. I have been a teacher’s aide, teacher’s assistant, supervising aide, supervising asst., recess aide & assistant for 39 years, 8 months, and about 8 days. I find your comment rude & disrespectful as you do not know what you are talking about. We supervisory assistants are more than qualified to do our job at recess. We are out on the field with the children. We know just by watching them if a fight is going to start & stop it before it even starts. We run out to the field in the middle of a tag football or soccer game if they are having a problem & settle it. If someone is hurt, we immediately get them to the nurse. If you needed an excuse to do away with the recess decision you made you should of come up with something better than all of us teacher’s assistants as you call us not qualified for the job. By the way, we are supervisory assistants. Being the chairman of the school committee, I am surprised you do not know what our job description is. I take offense at your remark in the Journal and feel you owe all of us an apology. The aids that do recess work very hard and do their jobs good and efficiently. I myself have done my job for 39 years and 8

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months. Also, the city does not or has never paid for our medical. We are not allowed to pay our medical through the city to help us with the cost. We are a real asset to the school and city. Think of all the money you have saved in the last 39 years by having us on your team. In my daily travels I meet many of my students that are grown and doing very well as adults & parents. I am proud of all of them, especially when they thank me for helping them because they listened when I was keeping them out of trouble at recess, in the lunch room & in the hallways and classrooms. Too bad you cannot see what a good job we do with our children in our school system. Have a good day Mr. Cacieri. Elvia Brown - East Providence

Thanks for the Help

Recently, I have been very fortunate to be working on a new business venture that may allow me to locate a manufacturing facility right here in East Providence. As you start any new business each step along the way can be a daunting task. I have been a active member of the community with the schools but have never had an opportunity to look at the City from a business perspective. I am happy to report that many people have been great to work with it. I am continuing to work on the venture and look forward to the days ahead and they promise to be exciting. Since I didn’t know where to start in the process, I have spoken and worked with many people in the past few months including Planning Director Jeanne Boyle, City Manager, Richard Brown, Representatives Jack Savage, Bob DaSilva and Senator Frank DeVall. Each person has brought their own State contacts to the table to help make this happen. Senator DeVall has helped to bring the right people to the table at the Economic Development Corporation (EDC). These meetings will become key since there are opportunities to locate in other states but as a Townie I want to be in the State and just as importantly, in East Providence. Senator DeVall continues to show enthusiasm for the endeavor and a real commitment to the City of East Providence. We at ART want to say thank you for the assistance. He has worked hard to understand who we are and what we can offer East Providence. To the voters of East Providence – we so often hear about what not is getting done. As a result, I wanted to share with you that there is work being done. Voters in Senate District 18, please keep Senator DeVall as your Senator and Jack Savage as your Representative at the State House. They have demonstrated to ART that they doing the job they were elected to do. I am hoping that very soon Advanced Renewable Technologies can call East Providence home. I am very excited about the days ahead. Dennis Streit - Chief Sales & Marketing Officer Advanced Renewable Technologies

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September 010 The Reporter

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The Reporter September 010

The Bottom Line:

East Providence School Committee Anthony A. Carcieri, EP School Committee Chair


free Play for our elementary school students: no Longer an Afterthought!

A meeting was held at the Myron J. Francis Elementary School in East Providence last night to dispel rumors that recess had been eliminated. The Myron J. Francis Elementary School’s Parent Teacher Organization invited the East Providence School Department to a meeting on Monday August 3, 010 to discuss recess. The PTO had received multiple phone calls and emails from parents stating that they had “heard rumors” that the East Providence School Department was eliminating recess for our elementary school students! Our school administration was happy to have the opportunity to dispel these rumors. This inaccurate information was released to the public and media by unknown sources without the knowledge or consent of the East Providence School Department.

“I support saving our waterfronts. Fox Point’s effort to make

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Our elementary school students will have their unstructured free time to play. Our elementary school students will receive a total of 15 minutes of recess time during the school day. Recess will no longer be an after-thought of 10 minutes squeezed in after a rushed lunch period. Our students will also receive more time for physical education - a total of 100 minutes per week as required by the Rhode Island Department of Education. Our students will receive more time to eat their lunch.

What We Know:

We know that children play to learn, We know that children play to burn-off energy built-up during classroom time. We certainly know that research points to the importance of at least 15 minutes of play to enhance learning in the classroom. We also know that children will benefit from the opportunity to be physically active when they need it most - and their needs are not limited to 10 minutes, if that, squeezed in after a rushed lunch period. Our teachers will be empowered to determine when their students need a break. It may be after lunch, it may be some time just before a test, and it may be in-between lessons. Teachers will have the professional discretion to utilize 15 minutes of daily unstructured recess to best serve their students! Teachers may use the entire 15 minutes in one block of time or they may decide that breaking up play time for their students will be helpful. Elementary students have different needs on different days. Teachers will be free to make those decisions. East Providence elementary school students will receive personalized experiences with their classroom teachers and our teachers will now have opportunities to professionally assist in the development of their students’ social and teamwork skills during unstructured play.

More Community Partnerships:

The East Providence School Department is partnering with the YMCA to build upon the professional capacity of our certified nurse-teachers and our physical education instructors to establish the RI Department of Health’s “Eat Smart, Move More” Program. The East Providence School Department is intent on developing our health curriculum to enhance student services.

A Win/Win:

The children in the East Providence elementary schools will have more free time to play, they will have more time to eat their lunch and they will be provided services targeted to reinforce a healthy and fit lifestyle.

September 010 The Reporter


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“Christine” has been a consumer of East Bay Center Inc. since 1983. Before coming to East Bay, she experienced such severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and fear that she could not leave her house. She was having a difficult time functioning and performing everyday activities. “Christine” was placed in a residential treatment facility, where she lived for three years. Her doctor prescribed medication to help minimize her symptoms, and case managers taught her everyday life skills to help her with her functioning. Through hard work, “Christine” was discharged and moved into her own apartment in 1986. To continue her progress, she attended “Open Door” which was a social group that met at East Bay Center (EBC). The focus of her recovery then turned to the vocational program. “Christine” stated she was not really sure about working, but that the EBC staff encouraged and supported her to try. They helped her learn how to back up computers and perform data entry duties. EBC also helped “Christine” with obtaining a part-time position at A New Leaf Florist in Providence where she learned other job skills, and had her first taste of work in many years. In 1996, she became so proficient that was hired by EBC, performing data entry and other clerical duties in support of two departments. Over the years “Christine” attended college, and applied newly acquired computer skills such as database maintenance and reporting to her work. She is currently studying to become certified in Office Automation. “Christine” states that working has changed her life dramatically. She admits that at first, she did not really see how learning job skills and working would be beneficial to her treatment, and to her overall quality of life. Now she says that she would miss working if she no longer did it. She likes having her mind focused on something, and it adds structure to her day. She feels a sense of accomplishment and purpose at the end of the workday. She enjoys the social aspect as well. “Sometimes,” she says, “it’s not easy. But I know it’s important. I would not be where I am today, if it was not for East Bay”. “Christine” is one of many success stories within EBC’s vocational program: “East Bay WORKS”. The goal of East Bay WORKS is to understand your individual business needs and job match candidates with fast and efficient recruitment from our existing pool of job-ready applicants. Our skilled employment representatives, in partnership with you, will identify attributes, skills, and qualifications of the candidates, while meeting your business needs right at your own establishment. East Bay WORKS provides: Free placement service; Prescreened, qualified job applicants; On-the-job training, as needed; Supportive services from our trained Employment Specialists; Tax credit consultation; Dependable work force; Reduced advertising costs, Followup communication to ensure complete satisfaction Serving the greater Rhode Island area. For more information about East Bay WORKS, please contact Mike Rogers, Program Manager at (401) 46-1195. We also encourage you to visit our website at for information regarding services, employment, locations, etc. “Christine” is an actual client of East Bay Center, but we have changed her name with her permission to protect her Dr. Rodger Lincoln D.C. confidentiality.

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The Reporter September 010



Revamped Weaver Library offers More

CONLEY Council At Large

by Carolyn Bray After closing for a period of months to enable remodeling, the Weaver Library has reopened with a new design, new ‘mod cons,’ and a lot of traffic in the summer season. One of the new additions to the library is a room just for teens to hang out, which is clearly labeled Teens in big letters. The room actually fronts the building but is off to the side by itself, by the far right wall as you face the computers in the main library.


CONLEY Council At Large Democrat

A Better Way

“I am a candidate for City Council because I want our hope in the future to be the hallmark of our spirit and pride in our achievements to Our city needs break out of be the defining qualityto of our character. We cannot remain City of and the confl ictathat is conflict, leadinggridlock us into political bankruptcy.” bankruptcy. We need leadership that

ready to be a champion all the Billy for Conley people community. We must It’s Time of forour a Change in East Providence On Tuesday, November 2nd all work together to conquer the Elect Democrat difficult challenges we are facing. It is our city be great again. “Itime am afor candidate fortoCity Council because I is

Billy Conley

Council At Large want our hope in the future to be the hallmark Ideas and Fresh of“New ourStop spirit andmy pride in ourApproaches” achievements by headquarters at to be definingAve., quality of our character. We 431theWillett Riverside Ri 02915 cannot remain a City of conflict, gridlock and political bankruptcy.”

Billy Conley

It’s Time for a Change in East Providence On Tuesday, November 2nd Elect

Billy Conley Council At Large

“New Ideas and Fresh Approaches” Paid for by Conley for Council Committee

Computers now seem prolific in the main room. There are two circles of them as you face West: an inner circle which seems most popular - probably because distracting noise from other library patrons is usually at a minimum there - and an outer circle around it. These state-of-the-art computers can be reserved ahead of time, for an hour. If you are using one and it is not reserved for someone, you may well be offered an extra 15 minutes or more at the end of an hour. If you don’t reserve and are not able to swiftly get the computer running with your library card number when you sit down, the reservation system unfortunately allows for someone rushing up to staff to reserve the computer you are trying to log onto, so be aware that reserving can save you that potential hassle. The library computers have been in high demand recently, often by young people out of school - and school computer access - for the summer. There are also different, separate computer stations near the front desk that allow patrons at busy times to check their books in or out by scanning them on these computers, thus avoiding waiting in line. The children’s area of Weaver still comprises the left wing of the building as you enter the front door, but now there are more, creatively-themed rooms for separate age groups to use, and staff to work with whatever children come. There is an aquarium, a miniature house, and more such amusements aimed at the youngest library patrons. Back in the main room, DVDs are now on racks next to where the magazines used to be, and the magazine rack is now against the West wall, beyond the computers, at the far left side of the room. The DVD selection seems broad and diverse (foreign and American), but as of now the library has chosen not to have a “new releases” section for the DVDs. The films seem to be alphabetical by title. There is also a new policy in the main adult library area of making a number of staff (there always seem to be at least three of them around) available and encouraging them to engage patrons to find out if they need help. As you are perhaps scanning the new specialized racks of books (newer cookbooks, new non-fiction, etc.) which lead into the computer circles, with highlighted hard covers perched on top of the computer outer circle, you will likely be approached at least once and offered assistance to find whatever you seek.

September 010 The Reporter It is clear much work and thought went into the library’s new design and equipment, and most of the staff seem open to suggestions. The main room especially appears lighter and more spacious than it used to be; one staff person said even more computers will be installed in that space, to meet the high demand. Old favorites at the library remain, like the trolleys of books for sale by the restrooms, and opento-the-public programs (check the East Providence library website or pick up a flyer at the libraries) that still use the library spaces. At a casual glance on several different mornings and afternoons, the library seems full of engrossed patrons making good use of the new tools available to them at the revamped Weaver Library. If you want a book or DVD, and/or a place where your child can be amused for a bit while you peruse.

news from the East Bay Community Action Program... East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) offers a wide array of health and human services for area residents. Its upper bay headquarters is located at 100 Bullocks Point Avenue in Riverside. For information on services, call 437-1000. East Bay Community Action Program, (EBCAP) will celebrate the opening of six new supportive housing units and two Head Start classrooms on Monday, Sept. 0 at 10 a.m. at 70 Turner Ave. in Riverside as local, state and federal officials gather for a ribbon cutting ceremony. The six supportive housing units for individuals and families will be operated by East Bay Coalition for the Homeless (EBCH), a program of EBCAP, and bring to 18 the number of housing units for EBCH in the east bay. The Head Start classrooms will replace ones housed in leased space at the Meadowcrest School. The spacious classrooms will be divided into areas that describe the learning experience, such as a dramatic play area, a housekeeping area, reading area, etc. A playground will be part of the Head Start facility, funded by a grant from Carter Family Foundation. Rhode Island Housing played a major role in EBCAP obtaining the property, which was formerly a convent for St. Brendan’s Church and a day care facility for the elderly. Those attending the ribbon cutting will be given tours of the classrooms and apartments. “The opening of 70 Turner Avenue will provide additional housing opportunities for individuals and families with children and add new classrooms to help give pre-school children an important educational advantage through the successful Head Start program,” Dennis Roy, EBCAP Chief Executive Office said recently. “We appreciate the hard work and cooperation of Rhode Island Housing and East Providence officials in making this project a reality,” he added.


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The Reporter September 010





How We Saved East Providence

by Joseph S. Larisa, Jr.

This marks the 0th edition of “From the Mayor’s Desk” in the Reporter. Each month for nearly two years I have tried to provide you with the inside scoop on the big issues affecting East  pick-up - delivery Providence. Among the biggest is how, unlike almost every other municipality, your City Council and School Committee majorities service have been able to work hand in hand over the last two years to hold the line on taxes, while improving our City. The present Council and School Committee took office just when the “great recession” was getting underway. Over the last two years, the recession caused the State to chop almost every penny of City aid, costing us millions each year both in the City budget and the School budget. In the bad old days (and in most other municipalities), the “solution” would have been to simply raise your property taxes to whatever level was necessary to support the contracts in place and their salary and benefit increases regardless of their fairness  or affordability. Some still preach this “torch the taxpayer” approach. In fact, I was at a meeting recently when a gentleman  stated that EP never should have mandated a 0% teacher copay or withdrawn a 5% pay increase or eliminated $5,100 healthcare buybacks. When I informed him that to continue prior salary and We pick up at your home on Wednesday. benefit levels would have meant a property tax increase of 10% Deliver on Thursday - 0%, he was not phased. “It is only a few hundred dollars extra  a year,” he replied.  Well, maybe he had a few hundred a year extra to pay for unaffordable salaries and benefits, but we realized that most Townie  property taxpayers absolutely do not. In fact, many do not have any company paid health care, pay up to 50% or more if they do - and that is only if they have a full time job at all. That is why this Council and School Committee said, enough! While other cities were increasing the tax rate by double digits each year, we We Service All makes & models would live within our means regardless of the special interest attacks. That change in thinking was unprecedented in Rhode Island. It was also, in our view, the only fair course of action in these difficult times. *up to 5 qts., most cars Working side by side for you, both expires 10/15/2010 the Council and School Committee took unprecedented steps to drastically cut Free Shuttle Service spending while still providing and improving essential City services and actually upgradMass Inspection ing the education for our kids. We bid out a Expires 10/15/2010 Station new wastewater treatment plant that is $1 million under budget, guaranteeing that EP We Match Any pays sewer rates below comparable communities for years to come. We added a Competitor beautiful new addition to our Senior Center, coupons See Service making it one of the best in the State. Our Department for details historic Looff Carousel keeps spinning, while Rose Larisa Memorial Park hosts concerts and some of the best sunsets in the State. We balanced the City budget while maintaining most all City services. On the school side, a lot of hard battles and work have resulted in a balanced budget and a new culture of achievement for East Providence kids. The Bradley Partnership has brought many special needs kids


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 

  




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September 010 The Reporter back to EP for their schooling, and computer upgrades have finally been put in place as well as program changes to improve educational opportunities for our children. All schools are slated to share $1 million in critical enhancements to their physical plant that will pay for itself through energy savings. And a $15 million bond issue subject to voter approval this fall will result in significant upgrades to many of our schools. We have a reformed school administration. Patronage is out and merit based decisions for our kids is in. Even with these improvements, the end financial miracle is a City budget this year that is $ million less than last year and tax rate increases not exceeding the City cap of 3.5% per year. All had to share fairly the burden of a drastic decrease in State aid – employees and taxpayers. To say it was not easy would be the understatement of the year. Where we could not cut salaries and benefits, we were forced to layoff employees. We faced massive protests by the teachers’ union and police union. We faced pickets and we faced personal attacks both public and private. The School Committee was told its actions to balance its budget were illegal. The Council was told its actions to allow the City Manager to manage the Police Department were likewise illegal. The Fire Union continues to demand (and we reject) pay increases of 6% this year and 6% for last year. Had the special interests been correct – or if we backed down – we would have been forced to raise your property taxes 10% to 0%, costing you hundreds of dollars more each year for as long as you own your home. We saved East Providence by not backing down. We won in the court of law, and equally important, in the court of public opinion. When times got tough, the silent majority kept us going. We would get stopped in a store, emailed on line or called on the phone. The message, always the same theme – “I am a struggling homeowner who cannot afford hundreds more in taxes. You are doing the right thing. Please keep fighting for people like me.” There are those, however, that want to undo all the progress we have made to rein in spending and property taxes. Under the guise of wanting to “give back” to the community, they really want to increase your taxes to “give back” the cuts in unaffordable spending over the last two years. On the other hand, the Council and School Committee majorities have valiantly fought for Townie taxpayers time and time again – and we are winning. In a democracy, whether that continues is up to you. As always, if you have any questions, concerns or comments, please email me at * Joe Larisa was elected Mayor of East Providence for a fourth term in December 2008 by the Council. He was elected councilman at large in November 2008, a position he previously held from 1992-2002, and 2004-06.

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The Reporter September 2010

East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce

SEPTEMBER CHAMBER EVENTS! Open to the Public. Contact the Chamber for details.

Business After Hours 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, Sept. 15, 2010

FREE for EP Chamber members $15pp for non-members Registration required by 9/13/10. Contact the Chamber.

Hosted by... East Providence Carousel Commission at Looff Carousel, Bullock Point Avenue, Riverside, RI Colorful carousel horses & business suits! What a sight! Join us for what will surely be a fun networking event. Bring lots of business cards for exchanging.

BUSINESS DURING HOURS Wed., September 22, 2010 12:00 p.m. - 1:29 p.m. Check-in: 11:45-Noon Registration required. Contact the Chamber. Location: Radisson Hotel Providence Harbor 222 India Street, Providence, RI

The Chamber's monthly networking luncheon. Leads and lunch DURING the workday. Everyone gets time to present a 60-second "commercial" about their business. $15pp for EP Area Chamber members & their guests $25pp non-members

New Member Promotion WOW! Join the Chamber now and get over $1,500 in EXTRA benefits*!

We've teamed up with Citadel Broadcasting to offer new members one month's placement on the Chamber's Interactive Marketing Page on these Web sites: WPRO AM and LITE 105 FM. ($500 value) · FREE Merchant Services Account set-up* & Terminal from East Commerce Solutions ($500 value!) A must for every business! Set-up your account to accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and/or AmEx · FREE logo placement (with link to your Web site or email) in the Chamber’s weekly blast emails to all members for THREE months ($270 value) · FREE logo placement (with link to your Web site or email) on the home page of the Chamber’s Web site for THREE months ($270 value)

PLUS, new members get a chance to win two, luxury box seats to the November 21, 2010 New England Patriots vs. Colts game at Gillette Stadium. Value: Priceless (Compliments of Capital City Financial) All members receive a free listing in the Chamber's online business directory.

Visit to learn more about the Chamber and get a membership application.

*offer ends 10/31/10

Welcome New Chamber Members! Chef Ricardo Costa Citadel Broadcasting DeAlmeida Chiropractic Francis Farm Parmatech-Proform Corp. Ultimate Electronics United Water

Visit the Chamber's Web site for 2010 Chamber Calendar of Events, directory of member businesses, news & more

Serving the communities of East Providence & Barrington, RI and Seekonk & Rehoboth, MA

East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce 1011 Waterman Avenue East Providence, Rhode Island 02914

Grand Opening at Ultimate Electronics-Seekonk

(r-l) EPACC board member, Dr. Rodger Lincoln, and executive director, Laura McNamara, welcome John Howland, General Manager of Ultimate Electronics, to the business community.

phone: 401.438.1212 fax: 401.435.4581 email:

September 010 The Reporter

Wrong number Leads to Reunion by Carolyn Bray


So the next time you receive a wrong number, you may want to consider finding out who is on the other end of the line. Ray Anderson is certainly glad his friendliness, curiosity and good memory led him to this reunion with a classmate. “My wife says: ‘you’ll talk to anybody, you’ll talk to a tree,’ laughs Ray Anderson.

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Ray Anderson is a tall, friendly man - reminiscent of Mr. Green Jeans on the old children’s show, Captain Kangaroo, a character he happens to love - and • High Performance & custom Parts lifelong East Providence resident. He attended the Tristam Burgess School in East Providence as a child, and eventually became a physical education teacher in the Attleboro school system himself. Retired now from his teaching career and work as a sales representative, Anderson spends time on his extended family and de At A Time! High things green. Whether it be working on his own lushly landscaped e Ri n .O Performace garden and his church’s patches of plants and flowers, showing lt.. i u Parts W b visitors around the Blithewold gardens as a docent, or supporting her e Dreams Are conservation issues, Ray Anderson is a champion of things green. He lives in Rumford with his striking, titian-haired wife Paula, a lifeCar Show long Rumford resident. He and his wife, daughter Erika, son-in-law October 2nd and two grandchildren often attend church together in Rumford. Like many of us, Ray Anderson gets occasional wrong numbers 10-2 • Factory Trained & ASE Certifi ed Mechanics at his home phone. While these calls are annoying to most, Ander(raindate Oct. 3rd) • State of the Art Equipment • Specializing son had an unusually social response to a wrong number that came Fundraiser to in European, Asian & Domestic Vehicles to his home recently. The male caller asked for someone Anderson Benefit Local • No Vehicle too New or too Old didn’t know and had never heard of, but when the caller’s name Charities - Joe Marques - appeared on Anderson’s caller ID, a bell went off in Anderson’s memory and he kept the man on the line. Anderson asked Marques a few more questions, quickly estabmost cars • exp 10/15/10 lishing both men’s respective ages and where Marques lived when he was attending elementary school. Marques, now residing in 30 Veterans Memorial Parkway • East Providence, RI Warren, had grown up in East Providence. Eventually in this unexpected conversation, Ray Anderson • 401-435-4444 umphantly informed Joe Marques that Marques had been a student Ken Andrade - President Nos Falamos Portuguese at the Tristam Burgess School when Ray was a student-teacher • insurance Repairs Welcome there, and had been in Anderson’s first class. Marques was surprised and delighted at the coincidental phone reunion. The two men have since met up and renewed a friendship. Marques now works part-time as a teacher of math at the Community College of Rhode Island Newport campus; both men have enough time available to be able to incorporate a new old friend into their lives. Ironically, Welcome to Our New Location Anderson points out, Marques plays golf at Conveniently Located on Route 44 (Winthrop St) Taunton the Segregansett Country Club in Taunton, Massachusetts, where Anderson’s son Marc also plays. Anderson will also tell you that, during a business stop-off at a company in Fall River • Laser Hair Removal - when he was embarked on his second ca• Sun Damage and Spot Age Removal reer selling post-disaster clean-up services • Leg and Facial Vein Treatments • Skin Tightening - he immediately identified a woman from his East Providence school days, on whom he • Wrinkle Reduction • Diamond Peel Microdermabrasion hadn’t set eyes for over 50 years. (“Haven’t • And Much More... got Alzheimer’s yet,” jokes the 70something Anderson.) Priti A. Patel, M.D. is now accepting new patients for medical practice Why is Anderson’s memory so sharp for Early Morning and Evening Appointments Available children he hasn’t seen or heard of in over 50 years? One reason may be, he theorizes, We Accept All Major Insurance choking up as he says it, that the students meant so much to him.


The Reporter September 010

East Providence Town News East Providence Partisan Primary notification

This Is To Notify And Warn The Legally Qualified Electors Of The City Of East Providence That A Partisan Primary Shall Be Held On Tuesday, September 14, 010, To Nominate Candidates For Federal And State Office. The Polls Will Be Open From 7:00 A.M. To 9:00 P.M. If You Usually Vote At 1. City Hall, 3rd Fl. 145 Taunton Ave., . Weaver Memorial Library, 41 Grove Ave. 3. Francis School, 64 Bourne Ave. 5. Newman Church Hall , 100 Newman Ave. 6. Rumford Towers, 95 Newman Ave. 7. EP Community Center, 13 0 Pawtucket Ave. 8. EP Senior Center, 610 Waterman Ave. 9. Kent Heights Sc, Rm “B” 680 Pawtucket Ave. 10. Kent Heights Sc, Rm “A” 680 Pawtucket Ave. 11. K of C Hall, 3 00 Pawtucket Ave. 13. City View Manor, 99 Goldsmith Ave. 14. Whiteknact School, 61 Grosvenor Ave 15. Grove Ave. School, 100 Grove Ave. 16. Hennessey School, 75 Fort St. 17. Teamsters Hall Local 51, 1 1 Brightridge Ave. 18. Martin Middle School, 111 Brown St. 19. Silver Spring School, 1 0 Silver Spring Ave. 1. Riverside Congregational, 95 Bullocks Pt. Ave. . Riverside Middle School, 179 Forbes St. 3. Waddington School, 101 Legion Way 4. Meadowcrest School, 60 Bart Dr. 5. Riverside Library, 475 Bullocks Pt. Ave. 6. Oldham School, 640 Bullocks Pt. Ave

You Will Vote Today At: City Hall, 3rd Fl. 145 Taunton Ave. Weaver Memorial Library ,41 Grove Ave. Francis School, 64 Bourne Ave. Francis School, 64 Bourne Ave. Rumford Towers, 95 Newman Ave. Rumford Towers, 95 Newman Ave. E. P. Senior Center, 610 Waterman Ave.. Kent Heights School, Rm “ B “ 680 Pawt Av. Kent Heights School, Rm “A “ 680 Pawt Av. K of C Hall, 3 00 Pawtucket Ave. City View Manor, 99 Goldsmith Ave. Whiteknact School, 61 Grosvenor Ave. St. Francis Church Hall , 81 N Carpenter St. Hennessey School, 75 Fort St. Martin Middle School, 111 Brown St. Martin Midldle School, 111Brown St. Silver Spring School, 1 0 Silver Spring Ave. Riverside Congregational, 95 Bullocks Pt. Riverside Middle School, 179 Forbes St. Waddington School, 101 Legion Way Meadowcrest School, 60 Bart Dr. Riverside Library, 475 Bullocks Pt. Ave. Oldham School , 640 Bullocks Pt.Ave.



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Polling Places that have changed are Newman Church, E.P.Community Center, Teamsters Local 51 Hall, Grove Ave. School. PLEASE CALL 435-7505 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR POLLING PLACE. Dorothy O’Gara, Chairperson Peter Barilla, Clerk Thomas C. Riley, Member East Providence Canvassing Authority

grant Awarded To East Providence Prevention Coalition

The East Providence Prevention Coalition, EPPC, received a $ ,500 legislative grant from the Rhode Island Senate to fund East Providence’s first ever youth leadership conference. This conference is being organized by DICE, the youth branch of the EPPC, and will take place on October , 010. The conference will provide youth in the 7th to 1 th grade the opportunity to experience a variety of workshops on writing, art, and civic engagement. Senator Frank DeVall Jr. (District 18) sponsored this grant, recognizing that prevention efforts with our youth are vital to creating future leaders and a safe and healthy community. On behalf of the East Providence Prevention Coalition, I wish to express our sincerest gratitude to Senator Frank DeVall Jr. for assisting us with funds to sponsor this ground breaking leadership conference in East Providence. His continuous support is invaluable to us. Thank you to Senator DeVall. Sincerely, Jennifer L. Wall Executive Director of the EPPC

September 2010 The Reporter

EPTA Calls for Council Vote on Tax Cap Reform Proposals before Ballot Deadline

The East Providence Taxpayers Association (EPTA) says the City Council owes the community a public vote about the specific provisions of the tax cap charter amendment voters will be allowed to decide in November. The civic group says the Council dodged votes on important reform proposals such as requiring a voter referendum to override the tax cap, lowering the cap to the lesser of 2.5% or the rate of inflation, and preserving the cap on the tax levy in the existing city ordinance. (East Providence, RI – July 27, 2010) – The East Providence Taxpayers Association today called on the City Council to schedule a meeting immediately to vote on placing a number of proposals to strengthen the city tax cap on the November ballot for voter approval as amendments to the City Charter. The EPTA previously asked the Council to vote on the reforms at its meeting last Tuesday. City officials declined to place the request on the Council’s meeting agenda and the Council did not vote on the proposals. The EPTA presented draft charter amendment language modeled after the existing city ordinance capping taxes at 3.5% of the previous year’s levy, or the total amount of all property tax bills the city issues. The EPTA text proposed strengthening the existing cap by requiring a majority vote in a referendum to override the tax cap. Currently, the City Council can override the cap with a 4/5 vote. The EPTA also proposed lowering the cap from 3.5% to 2.5% or the inflation rate, whichever is less. EPTA spokesperson Bill Murphy said, “We are very disappointed that the Council would not vote on our proposed tax cap charter amendment language. The Council owes citizens and taxpayers an accounting of where it stands on these issues.” Murphy continued, “Although it was unfortunate that the Council dodged a vote, I appreciated that they listened to and discussed the ideas I presented. At the same time, I found it troubling that some members of the Council interfered with and derailed motions made by other members to vote on some of our proposed reforms. This type of obstruction was clearly evident when one member of the Council made a motion to reduce the cap to 2.5% and another sought to honor my request to schedule a another meeting in a few days at which both my proposal and the one put forward by the mayor could be debated and voted on. Most disappointing of all, though, it appeared that no member of the Council favored giving

VOTE Tuesday, September 14th DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY





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The Reporter September 010




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East Providence Parks & Recreation fall Program Schedule

Program registration begins Monday, September 0th, 010. Register by calling 433-6360. Except where noted, programs begin the week of October 4th. *Program fees where indicated. Participants must obtain center membership: 1 year: Ages 6-17, $10 / Age 18+, $ 0.


Handyman Work

We Accept

voters the power to decide whether or not city government should be allowed to exceed the tax cap.” The city must submit final ballot language for the tax cap charter amendment to the Secretary of State’s office by Wednesday, August 4th. The EPTA has asked the City Council to convene a meeting by the end of the week to discuss and vote on the group’s proposals for strengthening the tax cap.

 

Arts for Tots: Ages 3-5 /Tues. 4-5 p.m. / Oct. 5 – Dec. 14 Dance: Ages 3-5 Ballet: TBA Tap: TBA Tumble Tots: Ages 3-5. Saturdays, 10 – 11:30 a.m. - Oct. 9 - Nov. 13 “Something Spooky”: Halloween party for pre-school - grade 3. Friday, Oct. , 6-8 p.m. Free Treats! Games & Prizes! Free tickets available at the Recreation Center & Parks and Recreation Department Room 303 at City Hall Beginning October 1st.



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in the Republican Primary, September 14. Paid for by the committee to reelect Representative John A. Savage

Karate: Ages 6-14 Thursdays 7-8 p.m. - Oct. 7- Dec. 3 - 10 wks. $45 per child Teen Weight Training: Coed Ages 13-15 / M, W & F, 4-6pm / Begins Oct. 4th Youth Basketball: Coed Ages 6-14 - Wed. - Beginners 4-5:30 p.m.; Intermediates 5:30-7 p.m. *Ability level tests held Oct. 6th, Classes begin Oct. 13th Floor Hockey: Mondays: Ages 6-10, 4-5 p.m. - Ages 11-14, 5-6 p.m. - Begins Oct. 4th Beginner Gymnastics: Ages 9-15 - Thursdays 5:30-6:30 p.m. - October 7th - 8th 4 weeks *$10 per child Dance: Ages 6-9: Ballet: TBA Tap: TBA Arts & Crafts: Ages 6-1 Thursdays 4-5 p.m. - Oct. 7 - Dec 16 Jewelry Making: Ages 7-15 Thursdays 4-5 p.m. November 4 & 18, December & 9 *4 classes for $10 per child (project supplies included) School Break Fun: Center opens at 1 noon for all youth members during holiday recess. Arts & crafts, tournaments, & more!


Pilates: Mon & Wed. 6 - 7:30 p.m. - $3.50 p/class or pre-pay Monthly for $ 5 - Begins Sept. 0th Coed Adult Volleyball League: Sundays 5 p.m. Begins October 3rd. Adult Cribbage Club: Thursdays 6:30 p.m. Program Room. Begins Sept. 3rd. Yoga: Tuesdays 6 - 7:30PM. $1 /class. *Please bring your own non-slip mat. Bands, Balls, Sticks & Kicks: (Co-ed Cardio Strength Training) All Levels welcome!

September 010 The Reporter Tuesdays 7:45 -8:45pm / *$3 per class / Begins Oct. 5th Step It Up: (Co-ed Step Aerobic & Strength Training) All Levels welcome! Thursdays 6:30- 7:30 p.m. - *$3 per class - Begins Oct.7th Zumba: Latin dance inspired fitness! Mon. 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. / $3 per class - Begins Sept. 0th Family Swim: EP High School Pool 000 Pawtucket Avenue. Free Family Swim, Thursdays & Fridays 6:30-8:30 P.M. Begins Sept. 30th. *Please Note: All swim sessions are cancelled during school breaks/closures. * Youth under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult relative.

Center Hours and Special Events

Fall hours effective as of September 0th 010. M-F Adults: 9 a.m.-9:30 p.m. - Ages 6-11, 3-5 p.m. - Ages 1 14, 5-7 p.m. - Ages 15-17, 7-9 p.m. Saturday all Ages: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. - Sundays Ages 18+ Only!: 1-5 p.m. *Please Note: children may not accompany adult members during their use of the recreation center. Turkey Trot Charity Road Race: Saturday Nov. 0th 10 a.m. Recreation Center - 4.3 mile “Fun Run” to benefit the EP Welfare dept. holiday programs. Pre-reg. $15 / $16 day of race.

“Total Baseball fundamentals Clinic” with Dennis “oil Can” Boyd

East Providence youth ages 9-18 will have an opportunity to participate in a two day baseball Fundamentals Clinic to include hitting, fielding and pitching with former Red Sox Pitcher Dennis “Oil Can” Boyd, Saturday and Sunday September 5th & 6th, 010 at Pierce Memorial Stadium, 01 Mercer St., East Providence. The clinic fee is $30 per participant. Pre-registration is required. Registration begins Wednesday, September 1st until Friday September 4th from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Register by calling 433-6360 or 433-6359. The clinic schedule is as follows: Ages 9-1 : Saturday & Sunday, September 5th & 6th, 8 A.M. – 11 A.M.; Ages 13-18: Saturday & Sunday, September 5th & 6th, 1 – 3 P.M. Participants must have their own baseball glove and come dressed in proper athletic attire and footwear. For more information, please contact the Recreation Center at 433-6360.

october Trips

The East Providence Parks and Recreation Department will be taking reservations for the bus trips which will be held in October. On October 6, there will be Foliage trip to the Flaghill Winery in Lee, N.H. for lunch and a tour. There will also be a stop at Swan Chocolates and the Anheuser-Busch Brewery. October 0 will be another Foliage trip to Long Fellows Wayside Country Store is also included. On October 7, there will be a day time trip to Foxwoods. Also you may call at anytime for the trip to Mohegan Sun on Friday night October 9. Reservation for these trips will begin on September 10 by calling Deborah Rochford at City Hall 401-435-7513 beginning 8:30 a.m.


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The Reporter September 010

2010 EPPRD Annual Awards night

The East Providence Parks & Recreation Department sponsored its annual Awards Night on Thursday, August 5th, at the East Providence City Hall. This event is the culmination of the Departments summer playground program.

Jr. Kickball Runners-up: Silver Spring

Team Members: Robert Almeida, Nathan Bento, Kevin Jones, Zach Bento, Kevin Nunez, Tyler Germano, Trent Patnaude, Joey Anselmo, Jacob Miguel, Nathan Daluz, Josh Olsen

Sr. Kickball Runners-up: Hull Street

Team Members: Shantell Hall, Eddy Andrade, Robert Watson, Evan Olmo, Quinn Nunez, Raevyn Watson, Jay Andrade, Mike Avant, Leondra Short, Deja Oakes, Ashley Quintanilha, M.J. Hall

Jr. Kickball Champs: Pierce Field

Team Members: Austin Correia, Julianne Simao, Eric Simao, Katrina Correia, T.J Camara, Ethan Grant, Sebastian Grant, Devin Baptista, John Kelly, Alexis Giguere, Skyla Chakouian, Taysia Hatch, Devin Rivet, Dante Williams

Sr. Kickball Champs: Pierce Field

Team Members: Fritz Gabriel, Raekwon Kelley, Kyerston Casey, Julian Andrade, Trystan Casey, Josiah Hatch, Nate Vincent, Nathan Silveira, Olivia Renzi, Kris Barr, Celina Oliver, Aaron Araujo, Kelvin Faial, Dylan Medina, Hayden Mota, Dylan Pacheco

bowling Tournament Winners

Midget Division, (ages 6-8): Riv. Rec score: 99 Team Members: Ariana Henderson, Emily Fowler, Madison Ford, Shane Haynes Junior Division, (ages 9-11): Riv. Rec. score: 357 Team Members: Eddie Cordeiro, Danny Cummins, Mikey Cummins, Gabriel Anastacio

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Senior Division (ages1 -15): Pierce score: 348 Team members: Nathan Silveira, Hailey Vincent, Nathan Vincent, Selena Oliver

bowling High Scorers

Midget: (ages 6-8) Dante Avant, Hull St. - score: 93 Junior: (ages 9-11) Raevyn Watson, Hull St. - score: 107 Senior: (1 -15) Nathan Bento, Silver Spring - score: 108

Special Needs Playground Awards

Swimmer of the Year: Alicia Pacheco; Bowler of the Year: Ashley Cesar; Playgrounder of the Year: Heather Mary Anable

Arts N’ Crafts Award

Best of Show: “Popsicle Stick Ranch House”by Glenlyon playgrounders Meredith Cronin, Briana Carvalheira, Madison Turner, Dorian Amotta, and Caislin Francis

Staff Awards

010 Recreation Leader of the Year: George Leonardo 010 Recreation Supervisor of the Year: Morgan Johnson

Individual Playgrounder of the Year Awards

Glenlyon: Briana Carvalheira; Prov. Ave: Khalia Cotugno; Hull St.: Brandon Olivo; Riverside Rec.: Hailey & Madison St. Onge; Pierce: Nathan Vincent EPPRD 010 Playgrounder of the Year: Kevin Nunez, Silver Spring Playground


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September 2010 The Reporter



In memory of NATHAN D. CROWELL (who lost his life “blocking the shot”, in the last 3 seconds, saving the game and win for his team)

SAT, SEPTEMBER 11th (rain or shine)

Registration: 10:00 - 11:45, $20.00 PP SEEKONK SPEEDWAY. Rt 6, Seekonk, MA Ride Ends & Festivities at HOULIHANS TAVERN on the River; 28 Water St, East Providence, RI; (401) 435 - 4044


Sept. 11th Yard Sale

St. Mary’s, East Providence, St. Mark’s Riverside and St. Matthew’s Barrington will be holding a Tri-Parish yard sale at St. Mark’s 10 Turner Avenue, Riverside on September 11th from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Table space is available for rent. This is a rain or shine event. If interested, please call Sue Rossi at St. Mark’s to rent a spot She may be reached at 433-0211, Tuesday thru Friday from 9 a.m. - 12 noon. Hope to see you there!

S. Willard Roofing & Resoration


***if You Don’t Ride, The Festivities Start At 1:30*** (You Just Pay The $20.00 At The Door) For Questions Re: Ride, Making A Donation Or Tickets Proceeds Go To The “Nathan D. Crowell Memorial Fund” In honor of 9/11 flags will be provided to riders for their motorcycles

Sept. 11th Golf Tournament

The Friends of Townie Athletics will be hosting its second annual golf tournament to benefit the athletes at East Providence High School on Saturday September 11, 2010 at Crestwood Country Club. The 1 p.m. shotgun is a 2 ball, best ball tournament, followed by dinner. The cost per golfer is $125.00. All proceeds will benefit the East Providence High School athletic program. Please contact Gregg Amore at 401-434-7877 or e-mail him at gamore@ for more information or to register. Please join us for a fun filled day of golf at one of Southern New England’s finest private country clubs and at the same time help East Providence High School’s student athletes.

Riverside Circle#28, Daughters of Isabella

Ham and Bean Supper and Raffle Saturday, September 11

The Knights of Columbus Hall, Crescent View Avenue, Riverside, RI. Dinner tickets are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children up to 12 years old. Reservations should be made by September 4, 2010. Call Helen (433-2796) for reservations and information. The dinner is at 5:00PM and should be a lot of fun. Everyone is welcome.

Sept. 12th We Share Hope Fundraiser

The East Providence Elks will host a continous spaghetti and meatball buffet from 1 to 4pm on Sunday, September 12. Tickets are 6 dollars for the buffet. There will also be raffles with gifts being donated by our local merchants throughout the afternoon. Karaoke will begin at 5pm with Cal Raye and everyone is welcome. All proceeds from the events will go to share hope. Tickets will be on sale at the Elks Lodge, 60 Berkley St. in East Providence or call 437-8857, or David Lepage at East Providence paint 437-1444.

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The Reporter September 2010

Community Yard Sale Fundraiser Sept. 18th • 8 A.M. – 1 P.M.

EPHA Student Parking Lot; Rain date: Sunday Sept 25

Get Rid Of Your Old Stuff and Help Out The PTSA.

Cost Is $20 per Space – (Bring Your Own Tables) Send Your Cash Or Check Payment To: EPHS PTSA; 2000 Pawtucket Ave EP, RI 02914. Please Include Your Name And Phone Number. Questions? Call 437-1523

Throw The Lifeline: Concert for the Gulf Sunday, September 19th • 5:00 p.m.

Haven United Methodist Church; 200 Taunton Ave., E Providence

Free Admission, Refreshments to Follow Donations benefit Families of Fishermen through the Gulf and South Atlantic Fisheries Foundation, Inc.

Come and Enjoy! This Is Your Chance To Help! For more information or to schedule an interview please call Melissa Enos 508-463-5081 or e-mail

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

Annual Clam Boil & Steak Fry • Sept. 19

The South Seekonk Gun Club on Reed Street in Rehoboth Mass. Gathering at 3 p.m. with Dinner at 5 p.m. Clam Boil is $25.00 (children under 10 eat free - clam boil only) Steak Fry is $20.00. Limited tickets are available. For Tickets please call: Micheal Boyce 401-253-2734; Gordon Hubbard 508-336-7461; Ken Bridge 508-336-6691


Roofing Specials

Sept. 23rd • Goddess Delight

In case you missed Goddess Delight’s performance in July at Weaver Library, plan to catch them at the East Providence Senior Center on Thursday, September 23 at 11 A.M. What a great, uplifting way to start your day! Planning ahead, Goddess Delight and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation will be holding a fundraiser on Saturday, October 16 at the St. John’s Club in Fall River, MA from 3 - 6 P.M. Besides lovely performances by Goddess Delight and other beautiful dancers, light refreshments and a cash bar will be available. Tickets are $20, $5 for children under 12. Email: goddessdelight7@yahoo. com for more information. Visit our Website, and the Goddess Delight Belly Dance Troupe Page on Facebook for all Goddess Delight news.

33rd Annual Heritage Day Festival Saturday, September 25th Roger Williams National Memorial Park

282 North Main St, Providence, RI Noon to Dusk Rain date: Sunday, September 26, 2010.

“Travel around the world in a day” Admission to this family event is FREE

Rhode Islanders of all ages are invited to join in a lively celebration of our state’s rich cultural heritage. The Roger Williams National Memorial Park (North Main St) will be filled with booths offering cultural displays, a mouth-watering array of traditional foods and craft demonstrations and exhibits from more than 11 different countries and foods from over 8 countries.



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Open Tues-Sat • Walk-Ins Accepted

September 2010 The Reporter Bolivia, Cape Verde, Guatemala, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Panama, Puerto Rico, and Turkey are just some of the groups that will be there to showcase their culture, music, and dance. The children’s area will have The International Peace Flag Project, face painting, story telling, demonstrations and arts and craft and a rock wall. A parade of over 45 international flags will start off the day. Dancers and musicians from various countries dressed in native and colorful costumes will perform all Saturday afternoon. And at the end of the day, stay and walk over to the Latina WaterFire. Our main headliner group is the wellknow Brass Attack, Southern New England’s finest live dance band. They are a nine-piece band featuring four horns, a rhythm section, and a lead vocalist. The unique instrumentation and high degree of musicianship lend to the band’s versatility and professionalism. Members of the band have performed with prominent national acts such as The Tonight Show Band, Tavares, Ray Charles, The Four Tops and The Temptations. The band has shared the stage with Earth Wind and Fire, has been featured on WOTB 100.3 F.M. in Newport, RI and has won the Providence Phoenix Music Poll! Known for its keen sense of entertainment and professionalism, as well as keeping audiences dancing all night long, Brass Attack is truly an exciting and welcome addition to our annual Heritage Day Festival For Release—For further information: Heritage Program Coordinators Mercedes Monteiro (401) 222-4133 Denise Oliveira, (401) 222-4137 -


Stephanie (Santos) Sivalingam

for State Representative District 65 Vote in the Republican Primary Election Tuesday, September, 14th Sivalingam will: · Work to make RI a more business-friendly state · Support E-verify · Support meaningful pension reform Sivalingam will not: · Support binding arbitration

Sat, Sept. 25th Sacred Heart School Reunion

Great news from Sacred Heart School, 56 Purchase Street, East Providence, RI… We are having a reunion! Alumni, former students, and friends of Sacred Heart are invited! 3:30 - Tour of Sacred Heart School 5:00 - Mass At Sacred Heart Church 6:00 - Family Style Dinner in The Church Hall, 118 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, RI COST: $25.00 Hope To See You There! For more information contact:

· Support never ending contracts · Accept health insurance or buybacks at taxpayers’ expense Endorsed by: · East Providence Republican City Committee · RI Statewide Coalition Business Network · RI Tea Party · RI Republican Assembly Paid for by Friends of Stephanie Sivalingam



The Reporter September 2010

Big Brothers of Rhode Island 22nd Annual 5K Walk-A-Thon Saturday, September 25 • 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Rain or Shine Byrant University; 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, R.I.

Save the date

Plan to join us for our 3.2-mile walk around the picturesque Bryant University campus. Your presence alone is a tremendous show of support, and we value it.

Form a team

This is an all-ages event with lots of fun activities going on besides the walk proper (read on for details). The more, the merrier. Bring your family, friends and co-workers. Better still, solicit donations as a team.

Ask for contributions

This Walk-A-Thon is one of our organization’s most important fundraisers. Year after year, it directly impacts our ability to continue to provide mentorships, match support, and social services for the children and families who participate in our programs. The 2010 Walk-A-Thon marks a critical moment in the event’s 22-year history. Please do what you can to help us make it a success. We accept donations online at and by check. Our mailing address is listed below.

Brothers of Rhode Island. In short, there will be plenty of people to welcome prospective Big Brothers, answer questions and give a sense of what our organization is all about. Most importantly, it’s a fun day and all are welcome. We’re looking forward to a performance by singer Danielle Lima, James McBride, “Mr. Deep Positivity’s” positive rap music and a canine search and rescue demonstration led by Rhode Island State Trooper Matt Zarrella. We’re also thrilled that Tony Bristol of Lite Rock 105 will join us once again as emcee, plus there will be gifts and a bike raffle for all children, ages 7 to 18, who attend. Stay tuned to for details.

Cruise Night & Car Show September 26th • 12 – 5 p.m. In Memory of John Rebello

East Providence Knights of Columbus 3200 Pawtucket Ave

Muscle – Hot Rod – Classic – Work In Progress – Truck 8 Trophies Awarded Dash Plaque for Each Car $10 Entry Fee, All Proceeds to Charity For Info Call Eric at (401) 413-6566

Recruit Big Brothers

If you know someone who’s thinking about volunteering as a Big Brother, the Walk-A-Thon is one of the best places to introduce him to our program. Present and past Big Brothers attend every year. Big and Little Brother pairs join us for the morning. Our Executive Director and staff social workers will be on-hand to provide information. Plus, our Board Members always bring a strong show of support, and they’re happy to talk about their experiences with Big

F . A . C .T.

Family Activity Center Today

Yard & Craft Sale Fund Raiser Date: Saturday, October 2, 2010

East Providence Senior Center Outdoors (weather permitting) or Cafeteria 610 Waterman Ave . East Providence . RI 02914

Time: 9am-2pm Cost: $25. per 12’ space Bring Your Own Table & Chairs NAME ADDRESS PHONE

Detach this portion and mail with your check payable to: F.A.C.T. , 145 Taunton Avenue, Rm. 303, East Providence, RI 02914


American Legion Auxiliary’s 1st Annual Fall Bazaar • Sat., October 2nd

Come one, come all. To be held indoors at the American Legion Post located at 351 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA between 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. Spaces are still available for $25.00. Please contact Kathy at 401-434-8917 or for more information.

Car Show October 2nd • 10-2 (raindate Oct. 3rd)

Fundraiser to Benefit Local Charities •Trophies• Oldies Music • Door Prizes • Food

September 010 The Reporter

St. Martha's Annual Harvest Weekend Saturday, october 2nd • 5pm to 10pm & Sunday, october 3rd • 1pm until 8pm.

St. Martha’s Church, 2595 Pawtucket Avenue The festivities will take place in the church hall. The weekend will include great food; including our heavenly Malassadas (which will also be served for breakfast on Sunday beginning at 7:00am), entertainment, games, raffles, a pumpkin patch, and Harvest Fun for the entire family. Admission is free. For more information, call the church at (401)434-4060.

4th Annual golf Tournament Maria E. Pinheiro Scholarship fund

Sunday, october 10th • Swansea Country Club

Scholarship awarded to a deserving East Providence High School Senior.

18 holes of Golf, bag Lunch, Golf Cart and Dinner - $100 per person Raffles and Door Prizes!!!

Dinner donated by Outback Steakhouse of Seekonk, MA. To register, please call Margaret Curvelo 401-837- 871, Paula Francis 401-480-3367, Sue Goulart 401-465-94 1, Tom & Lisa Pinheiro 401-438-3939 or Lisa Costa 401-473-5098. Also find us on facebook for more information.

Class of 1960 East Providence High School 50th Reunion

October 16, 010 at the Metacomet Country Club located at 500 Veterans Memorial Parkway, East Providence, RI For more information please contact Allan Gilmore at 401-4343667.

Calling all vendors

Vendor & Quality Craft fair Saturday, october 23 from 9-2

Sponsored by St. Paul’s Church Booster Club, Pawtucket, RI. No flea market items or adult theme vendors. Fee: $ 5 a table ( ½’ x8’ provided) plus donation to raffle. Call Judy at 7 8-4300 or email at to reserve table. Limited space – reserve early.

E.P. Elks Lodge #2337 Craft fair Saturday, november 13, 9am-4pm

Elks Lodge; 60 Berkeley Street (off Warren Avenue); East Providence, RI Booths representing local Artisans with exquisite handmade jewelry, handcrafted holiday ornaments, gift baskets, candy, knitted apparel, wearable arts and much more. The fair includes a raffle table to benefit the Bundles of Joy, an organization whose aim is to help underprivileged children in the greater Providence area. Come and join us in this community event.

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The Reporter September 010

Club News & Announcements friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse news & Events

Restored fire Boat Launched

Last year, the City of East Providence donated to the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse two, old, retired motor boats that the fire department has once used for water emergencies. The rusting boats were sitting in the yard of the City’s Dept. of Public Works when the organization learned about them. After careful inspection, members of the non-profit group determined that they could restore them with a lot of time and effort. A task and challenge they were willing to take on. Rob Charbonneau, Joe Estrella and Nate Wroblinski, members of the organization, volunteered their time and spent months work-

ing on one of the boats. On Saturday, August 1, the restored boat made its debut at a picnic and boat launch celebration that was held at Haines Park in East Providence. East Providence’s Fire Chief Joseph Klucznik, Harbor Master Bruce Dufresne and City Councilman Bruce DiTraglia witnessed the launching of the boat into the water as a celebratory spray of champagne christened the vessel. The “new” boat will be used by the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse to transport their work crew out to the lighthouse for general maintenance and grass cutting.

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Before and after photos of the boat.

Ri Lighthouses Slide Show September 13

A Complete Collision Center • Major & Minor Auto / Truck Repairs • State of the Art 45 Foot Spray booth for Cars & Trucks • Dupont Computerized Color Matching • Free Towing with All Insurance Claims • Competitive Fleet Rates

Headlight Special Restore your Headlights $40.00 5 Eastern Ave., East Providence, RI 02914 • (401) 572-3330 John Barbosa - owner

A general membership meeting of the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse will be held on Monday September 13th, at 7:00 P.M. at the James R.D. Oldham School Bullocks Point Ave. in Riverside. The program will be a narrated Power Point presentation of all 1 Rhode Island lighthouses plus 5 sites and pictures of lost lighthouses. The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome to attend this onscreen “cruise” that also includes East Providence’s Pomham Rocks Lighthouse.

Lighthouse Cove Clean up September 18

Volunteers are needed for a clean-up of the shoreline facing the Pomham Rocks Lighthouse in the Riverside section of the City. The event will take place on Saturday, September 18th from 9:00 a.m. until Noon. The clean-up is being organized by the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, a non-profit local organization, and supported

September 2010 The Reporter by the City of East Providence and United Water. The area to be cleaned can be accessed from the rear of the East Providence Sewer Plant at One Crest Avenue. Bags, gloves and snacks will be provided. Rain date is Saturday, Oct 2nd. Contact David Kelleher to sign-up: 401-433-2763.

Dinner Dance Fundraiser

Vote for Recovery! Reckless Spending Stops Now!

Gerling Steve



October 9

The restoration of the Pomham Rocks Lighthouse continues and funds are needed to support this great effort. The Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, a non-profit organization based in East Providence, is hosting a dinner dance to raise funds for the Lighthouse. The event is open to the public and will be held on Saturday, October 9, 2010 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 50 Crescent View Avenue in Riverside from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Food will be catered by Uncle Tony’s Pizza & Pasta Family Style Restaurant and feature: eggplant parmesan, chicken parmesan, ziti, meatballs peppers, sausage and salad. A cash bar cocktail hour will be open before dinner is served. Music will be provided by The Aristocats, a light & melodic-small group jazz and swing band. Tickets are $30.00 per person. Call for reservations: Dave Kelleher 401- 433-2763, Nancy Doucette 501-226-1185 or Florence Quigley 401- 433-1629.


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The Reporter September 010

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RedBridge neighborhood Association Community update

During the August 17th East Providence City Council meeting, RBNA President Richard Rodi addressed the council with the monthly update of the association. He spoke out about graffiti in Central Park and in the neighborhood in general. “This is a place where families would like to take their children, but it is so bad that they reluctantly choose to take them to other parks in the city”. The graffiti is made up of vulgarities penned in magic marker on the playground equipment and on just about any surface visible within the park. Rodi, suggested that if the city cannot effectively handle repainting, then he would do it himself if the city would provide the funds. But Councilman Coogan of Ward agreed to simply donate six hundred dollars of his own money to repaint and also added that he would personally assist the RBNA in the repainting. A date for repainting will be determined. Next was alerting the city council about the Providence Journals practice of delivering sections of their paper to every property in the neighborhood. These sections have not been requested by residents and are not wanted. In fact the Projo is littering and the city council agreed with the residents. According to Mayor Larisa, city manager Brown is to contact the Projo with a cease and desist order and if the papers continue the city will bring suit against the Journal for ignoring a city ordinance against littering. It was announced that a planned neighborhood clean up to coincide with a national one sponsored by the Audubon Society is coming up soon. This clean up will take place at Central Park at McCausland Ave on Saturday September 5th at 9:00 a.m. all residents are needed and welcomed.

RBnA Monthly Meetings

Call for a quote. get 25 bucks.

Barbosa & Son Auto Repair, Inc. We are your Neighborhood Auto Repair Shop

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East Providence, RI 8/7/10 -- The Red Bridge Neighborhood Association, (RBNA) is happy to announce that they will continue to hold their monthly meetings at The East Providence Boys & Girls Club, located at 115 Williams Ave. Keeping in line with working in the community, members of the RBNA cannot think of a better place to meet than a strong community institution within the Red Bridge Neighborhoods. Meetings are held on the last Tuesday of each month. The Red Bridge Neighborhood Association’ mission is to work in partnership with organizations, businesses, and officials seeking to improve the City of East Providence’ Red Bridge neighborhoods preserve and promote our diverse, urban community as a safe, vibrant, and sustainable place to work, live, and play. RBNA also will provide neighbors with resources to solve community problems and opportunities, to become a powerful voice in the neighborhoods planning and development. Ultimately, we want to strengthen relationships among neighbors to build community and civic involvement. RBNA President Richard Rodi, “The RBNA meetings are where you may voice your opinion and bring up issues that affect you and your neighbors or businesses. Take advantage of your Neighborhood Association and get involved with taking back your neighborhood.” Red Bridge Neighborhood Assoc. Richard Rodi, President


September 010 The Reporter



Car Care Centers

Summer Car Care Packages Sale ends September 20th, 2010






FRee SOCCeR BALL GiVe AWAY! Starting September 7th, players of Attleboro Youth Soccer will receive certificates that can be redeemed for a free soccer ball at NEW ENGLAND TIRE, while supplies last.



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The Reporter September 010

Coach Dick Whelan’s Kindness Changed My Life

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By Bill Reynolds, Sports Writer for the Providence Journal The obituary said that he had been the first high school player Joe Mullaney had recruited at Providence College back in the Fifties. It said that he had been a starter on the Friars’ first two NIT teams in 1959 and 1960. It said that he was 7 , lived in Chepachet, and had died July 4. What it didn’t say was that, once upon a time, Dick Whelan had gone out of his way for me, a kindness that, in many ways, changed my life in ways that were unimaginable back then. It was at a basketball camp in western Coventry, one that was run by Mullaney and Ernie Calverley, then the coach at the University of Rhode Island. It was the early 1960s, and I was in high school, just another kid full of basketball dreams. Whelan was one of the guys working the camp. He had not been a big star on those first two NIT teams, the ones who came out of nowhere and captured this state’s imagination, back when the Friars were beginning to write their basketball story, back when it all seemed as fresh and new as first love. The stars had been Lenny Wilkens and Johnny Egan, two names that now hang from the rafters in the Dunk. Jim Hadnot was the other big name, the 6-foot-10 kid from Oakland, Bill Russell’s protégé. Whelan was the great shooter on the wing, an important piece of the ensemble that was changing PC’s history back then. So when he took an interest in me it was like being visited by a basketball god, because that’s what the Friars were to me then.

Common Cause Rhode Island Report Card Legislative Score Card: Representative John Savage is always amongst the higher scoring legislators when it comes to good government, open government, reform government votes. But in the year 000 and again in 008 Representative John Savage recieved the Highest Score of all Members of the Rhode Island Senate and House.

“I need your help to continue the fight to change Rhode Island”

Vote Savage

Your Independent thinking, Republican State Representative from Riverside. Republican Primary, September 14. Paid for by the committee to reelect Representative John A. Savage, Dist. 65

Dick Whelan on the Providence team in 1960

September 010 The Reporter I was a shooter then, too. But I was essentially self-taught, a skill honed from countless nights in the backyard when I would put a flashlight on a rock and shine it at the basket, while I shot in the dark and played imaginary games in my head. Whelan changed that. He taught me the right way to shoot a basketball. Taught me to get the ball up on my fingers, get it off my palm, use my wrist more. All things I never had been taught before, never had known. I felt as if I had been invited inside some exclusive club, had been taken inside the game in ways that other kids weren’t. Whelan made me a better shooter that week, a skill that would turn out to give me a sliver of high school fame, and eventually get me admitted to Brown University, a school I never would have gotten into without the ability to shoot a basketball. It was a school that ultimately afforded me opportunities I might not otherwise had gotten, opportunities indirectly related to what Whelan once taught me. Not that he ever knew that. To him, it was no doubt all about passing down what someone once had taught him, the secrets of the game being handed down like some hidden password that opened up new worlds. That’s what coaches do, what they always have done, pass along the knowledge. Ever since that long-ago summer I have helped many kids through the years with their shooting, all the same lessons Whelan once taught me. Not that he ever knew that either. As fate would have it, he became my freshman coach at Brown. It was a part-time job. His real job was as a liquor distributor, but it was apparent that the game was still his love. But he was married by then, had a child, had real life issues to deal with. I remember going back to his apartment in East Providence a couple of times, remember his daughter, Kelly, who was little more than an infant then.


For a while he was a part-time scout for PC, breaking down other teams, and after that he did similar things for a Los Angeles-based scouting service. I would bump into him occasionally in those years, and there always would be talk of getting together some time, but we never did. Something always seemed to get in the way. But if life often goes in different directions, affection never does. So when I saw his obituary in the paper it was like a kick in the heart, a lament that I had let so much time pass. I hadn’t known he was sick, that he’d had a succession of health issues the past decade or so. I still thought that one day I’d walk into some gym somewhere and he’d be sitting there. The calling hours were in Smithfield, and in the lobby was a team picture of the 1960 Friars. Inside the room there was a personal video. Several of the scenes were of his Friars days, his face full of youth, his body young and strong, back when Whelan could shoot a basketball as well as anyone. In the receiving line were Michelle Martin, his companion the past 18 years, his two daughters, his sister his brother-in-law, and several grandkids. And I wanted to tell them that once upon a time Dick Whelan had been very good to me, but there were people behind me in the line, and it was all such a long time ago. Most of all, I wanted to tell them that I’ve never forgotten his kindness, that it is something I always carry with me, and never more than when I try to help some kid learn to shoot a basketball the right way, and hear Dick Whalen’s voice in my head. Even if he never knew it. Dick Whelan’s daughter Mary Whelan Nasimento works for the East Providence Reporter. Printed with permission from Bill Reynolds and the Providence Journal.


Tommy Rose Democrat for City Council, Ward 3 Honesty • Integrity • Commitment Resident of East Providence for over 20 Years

Don't Forget to Vote for Tommy Rose on Sept. 14th! Email • Any Questions Call (401) 952-8208 Find us at Tommy Rose for Council Ward 3 East Providence Paid for by the friends of Tommy Rose.

The Reporter Reporter September September 010 010 The

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Lustrous Hwds, 6RM, 3BR, 1.5BA R. Ranch, One Owner, Fam Rm, Spacious, ready to move in; 3 beds on Brick FP, 3 seasons rm, 3 Beds, New Cape on Cul-De-Sac off Wamp.Trl/ RT114., FP, 3 season porch, 12,000 sq. 1st, hdwds. 4th Bed, office, fam rm on Heating, Waddington School. TAXES lower; 2 baths, Nayatt School. $329,000 REFLECT HOMESTEAD $ 214,900 ft. lot, PRICE TO SELL! $ 189,000








Roomy 3 Bed Colonial, 2 Bath, 2 Car Garage. You will feel at home in this one. $195,900


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The Reporter September 2010

People in the News

The Antonio Family

This little boy, “David” came here from Georgia in July looking forward to riding on our carousel only to find this sign. As you see he was very sad & disappointed. He is the grandson of Margie Sousa & great grandson of Dorothy Sampson Duane, both from Riverside. 2010 - Reporter Ad - 7.5 x 4.875.qxp


5:24 PM

On August 8, 2010, the Antonio family celebrated their coming to America from Portugal 52 years ago. Seventy attended and twenty three were unable to attend. The matriarch, Piedade Antonio, seated in the second row, is ninety eight years old. She has 10 children, 25 grand children, 28 great grand children and 1 great great grandchild. Page 1

 

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September 2010 The Reporter


Chorus of East Providence Awards Scholarship

The Chorus of East Providence, in partnership with the Citizen’s Scholarship Foundation of East Providence, recently gave a scholarship for $1000.00 to Sarah Pothier. Ms. Pothier, a 2010 graduate of East Providence High School, will attend Rhode Island College where she will major in theatre. For information about The Chorus of East Providence,: call 401-323-7041, email or visit the website:

ENDORSED DEMOCRAT - CITY COUNCIL WARD 4 Michael DiGioia is a life long Rhode Island resident. Michael DiGioia is married to Kelly and has 2 children. President Betty Capaldo of The Chorus of East Providence presents $1000.00 check to Sarah Pothier, EPHS 2010.

Erin Caliri

Erin Caliri has completed the doctor of osteopathic medicine degree at the Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine of Midwestern University. A 1998 graduate of Mt. Hope High School, she earned a bachelor of arts in psychology from Assumption College in 2002. Dr. Caliri plans to complete a residency program in pediatric medicine at the University of Nevada School of Medicine in Las Vegas. She is the daughter of Joseph and Lynda Caliri of Warren and the granddaughter of Claire Anella Hedgepeth and Adeline Caliri and the late Joseph Caliri of East Providence.

Michael DiGioia is a graduate of URI (BA, MA) and University of Massachusetts School of Law (JD). Michael DiGioia is a former Assistant District Attorney in Bristol County. Michael DiGioia is a lawyer in private practice. Michael DiGioia is a parishioner of Saint Brendan's.

• Tired of Bickering? • Tired of Arguing? • Tired of Riverside

being forgotten and left out?

If you are, I'd like to talk to you and ask for your support.

Why is Michael DiGioia running for City Council? "I have never run for public office. I am running now because I'm upset that all I see in city government is arguing and bickering, cost increases and service cuts. I wouldn't run my family this way. I wouldn't run the city this way. I'm asking for your support. There has to be a better way for all of us."

Michael DiGioia with his wife Kelly and two children, Isabella, age 2 and Michael II, 15 months.

Vote: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 For a ride to the polls call 258-6524

Erin Caliri

Paid for by the friends of Michael DiGioia


The Reporter September 010

Andrew Bettencourt

Andrew Bettencourt, after graduating from Riverside Jr. High attended St. Raphael Academy in Pawtucket, RI. After his junior year, he was recruited to play hockey at Hebron Academy, a prep school in Hebron, Maine. He repeated his junior year and recently graduated. He led the team in goals and points and was named team MVP. He now has signed to play Jr. A Hockey in the Eastern Jr. Hockey League (EJHL), for the Philadelphia Revolution. He’s hoping to improve his game and continue to improve on his speed and strength to prepare for college. He is the son of Stephen and Sandy Bettencourt of Riverside. RI MP 2009 RI Pipefitter 1505

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Local Artist-Educators Awarded nearly $100,000 in graduate fellowships from The Antonio Cirino Memorial fund

Providence, RI - Sixteen Rhode Island artist-educators have been awarded a total of $97,500 from the Antonio Cirino Memorial Fund at The Rhode Island Foundation. The fellowships are awarded to artists pursuing graduate degrees to teach the arts. Antonio Cirino was a prominent Rhode Island artist, author, and instructor for whom more than 90 years of dedication to the arts was not enough: upon his death, his estate established the $800,000 Cirino Fund at the Foundation to offer fellowships for would-be art teachers. Born on March, 3, 1889 in Serino, Italy, Cirino came to the United States when he was two years old. He attended the Rhode Island School of Design and later joined the faculty in 191 where he taught for nearly 40 years. He also taught at Columbia, Illinois State, and Indiana Universities. He was a prolific oil painter and was honored by the Salmagundi Club (New York), the Rockport Art Association (Massachusetts), and the Providence Art Club. His impressionistic work of New England landscapes is exhibited in public, private and national collections and galleries. “The Foundation is proud to support efforts to sustain and improve arts education through this important fellowship program,” noted Neil D. Steinberg, president and chief executive officer of The Rhode Island Foundation. “It is widely acknowledged that including arts in school curricula enriches students’ lives and enlivens the learning process. We congratulate the fellowship recipients on their talent and initiative.” “The Antonio Cirino Memorial Fund honors our faculty and their passion for teaching. It is an inspiration to the RISD community to see this robust list of future artist-educators from Rhode Island. Fellowships like this are a critical resource for graduate students and I congratulate the award recipients on this honor in memory of Mr. Cirino,” said John Maeda, president of the Rhode Island School of Design. First-time Cirino Award winners include: Kyla Pearson, Riverside, toward a master of art in art education at Rhode Island College; Renewals of their Cirino Awards were granted to the following: Anthony Champa, East Providence, toward a master of art in art in public at the University of Ulster, United Kingdom; Ana Paulo, East Providence, master of art in art education at Rhode Island College; Applicants for Cirino fellowships must be Rhode Island residents/artists who need financial assistance to acquire education toward a masters or doctorate in order to pursue a teaching career in the arts. Applicants may be degree candidates in one or more aspects of the arts and in one or more of the arts disciplines. The next application deadline for Antonio Cirino Memorial Fund fellowships will be in spring 011; a full list of scholarships offered through The Rhode Island Foundation is available in the scholarships section of the Foundation’s website,

Providence Children’s Museum Names New Board Members

Rumford resident Carol Lin Vieira has been named one of several new new members to Providence Childrens' Musuem Board of Directors.

Advertise in The East Providence Reporter! CALL 508.252.6575

September 2010 The Reporter


Who Supports John Rossi for Senate? Elmwood Dodge Chrysler Jeep 625 Taunton Avenue East Providence, RI Dairy Bee Ice Cream 240 Bullocks Point Avenue Riverside, RI Red Realty 8 Dover Avenue East Providence, RI Wallace Software Design 3350 Pawtucket Avenue Riverside, RI Little Red School House 20 Sprague Avenue Riverside, RI

Bovis Tavern 287 Taunton Avenue East Providence, RI

Elite Tanning 250 Bullocks Point Avenue Riverside, RI

Horton's Seafood 809 Broadway East Providence, RI

Park Towne Builders 49 Griffith Drive Riverside, RI

L & S Lock and Key 492 Waterman Avenue East Providence, RI

Del's Lemonade 400 Waterman Avenue East Providence, RI

Riviera Restaurant 580 North Broadway East Providence RI

Emily's Alterations 448 Waterman Avenue East Providence, RI

Waterman Avenue Deli 97 Waterman Avenue East Providence, RI

Pershing Auto Body 110 Pershing Street East Providence, RI

E.P. Mail & Freight Inc. 500 Waterman Avenue East Providence, RI

Fred's Electrical Service 300 Waterman Avenue East Providence, RI

Town Pizza & Family Restaurant 949 Willett Avenue Riverside, RI

Madeira Restaurant 288 Warren Avenue East Providence, RI

C.L. White Construction 120 Forbes Street Riverside, RI

Small Businesses Do!

On September 14th, a vote for John Rossi is a vote for real economic development and job creation.





STATE SENATE District 18 For more information contact John at Paid for by friends of John Rossi For Senate




John with wife Chrissy Rossi, and daughter Casondra Bevilacqua

For a ride to the polls, call (401) 484-0806


The Reporter September 010


Chrissy Rossi for

School Committee Ward 4

Email me your concerns at

My Family and I are life-long Townies. We all went through the East Providence School System • I am willing to work hard to advocate for the children of East Providence and help bring civility and courtesy back to the school committee • I'll be thinking outside the box to help create "Fresh ideas" to get out of debt • Reduce Administration Costs • Advocate for full day K across the board

It's not all about the money

• Advocate for smaller class sizes • Advocate for the return of the "Gifted Progam" for our exceptional students in grades 4 and 5 • Encourage any and all students at EPHS interested in the program at the CTC to sign up and learn a meaningful trade


We have collected School Supplies all summer long and are donating to East Providence Students

paid for by the friends of Chrissy Rossi

September 010 The Reporter

back to school opening of Schools 2010-2011 School Year

Who Says You Can’t Have it All?

All Schools in the City of East Providence will be open for the 010- 011 school year on Wednesday, September 8, 010. The first day of school will be a regular school day. Please note revised start and end times for all schools. All staff will report for orientation on Tuesday, September 7, 010 at 8:30 A.M. in the Auditorium at East Providence High School. High School 7: 5 A.M. to 1:45 P.M. Only Freshman (Grade 9) will report on Wednesday, September 8, 010 at 7: 5 A.M. All students will report on Thursday, September 9, 010 at 7: 5 A.M. Middle Schools 8:05 A.M. to : 0 P.M. Elementary Schools 8:55 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Francis Orlo Hennessey Silver Spring Kent Heights Waddington Meadowcrest Whiteknact Oldham All students entering elementary and secondary schools for the FIRST time in East Providence must register at the Central Registration Center located at the School Department Administration Building, 80 Burnside Avenue, East Providence. Children entering kindergarten for the first time must be 5 years of age by September 1, 010 and children entering first grade must be 6 years of age by September 1, 010. Opening day for All Kindergarten Students will also be Wednesday, September 8, 010. Morning Kindergarten hours are 8:55 A.M. to 11: 5 A.M. Afternoon Kindergarten hours are 1 :30 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. Full day kindergarten hours are 8:55 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Bus Schedules are posted on the School Department website ( and will be published in local newspapers. Lunch Prices: Secondary $ .30 Elementary $ .00 Please direct your questions to the appropriate School Department Office: 433-6 10 Attendance & Registration 433-6 14 Human Resources 433-6 9 Transportation 433-6 16 Special Services 433-6 Office of the Superintendent 433-6 00 All other Calls

EPHS Class of 1954 Reunion

Sunday, September 19 4:00 pm ‘til… Wannamoisett Country Club

Contact Bob Johnson (401) 434-3951; E-mail

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For Providence Country Day School students, challenging oneself in the classroom, on the athletic fields, in the art studio, on the stage and in the community is all in a day’s work. PCD’s college prep scholars are also league champion athletes, award winning artists, actors and singers. They are leaders in their school and in their communities and each one helps make our school a more vibrant place to learn and grow. college prep | arts | athletics | grades 6-12 | co-ed 660 Waterman Ave. • E. Providence, RI 02914 401.438.5170 |

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The Reporter September 010

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Community Service at Kent Heights Elementary School

Fifth graders at Kent Heights Elementary School with the assistance of Mrs. Rose-Paquette, teacher and Feinstein Coordinator, were busy during the 009- 010 school year not only with academics, but with community service projects. Fifth grade students were instrumental in initiating and coordinating Feinstein events that consisted of raising funds and much needed items such as food, clothing, cell phones, books, pet supplies, and paper products for Crossroads Rhode Island, Women’s Center of Rhode Island, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, the American Red Cross to help victims of the earthquake in Haiti, St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, American Cancer Society, Providence Animal Rescue League, as well as Mr. Feinstein’s campaign to fight hunger. The entire school community came together to help those less fortunate, which is to be admired and applauded. Congratulations to Kent Heights’ fifth graders as they move onto middle school. It is quite certain that they will continue to help to make our world a better place.

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September 010 The Reporter

stay in school


"Hey Ma, I need a physical by Monday!"

Playground Community Build at Kent Heights Elementary School

Let Us Help You... Barrington Urgent Care School, Camp & Sports Physicals Only $25.00

The Kent Heights Elementary School’s PTA worked tirelessly to raise funds to build a much needed playground for the kindergarten play yard. On June 6, 010 over forty volunteers spent the day assembling playground equipment, digging holes, shoveling dirt, stirring cement, and performing many other tasks that were necessary to make this community build a success. In the end, a wonderful playground appeared from what had been a patch of grass, to the delight of all who were present. Now, Kent Heights Elementary School’s younger students will have amazing playground equipment to play with when they are outside. Thank you to the City and School Department for providing assistance and allowing this project to move forward and to all of the volunteers and donors who worked hard during the community build and who contributed to the PTA’s fundraising events throughout the year. It was a heartwarming experience to see the community come together to help put smiles on the faces of young children. On September 8, 010 at 9:00 a.m., the Kent Heights PTA will have a ribbon cutting ceremony in the kindergarten playground to officially open the Kent Heights Elementary School playground. All those who helped make this playground a success are invited to the ceremony.

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Christine St. Hilaire

L���� D�M���� A�������� Every Decision she makes starts with the Welfare of Your Children FIRST!


Gianna Abatecola and Alison Batty were Principals for a Day at Kent Heights Elementary School this past May. Throughout the day, Miss Abatecola and Miss Batty visited classrooms, ran the school store, made the morning announcements, and assisted Mrs. Avila in performing other administrative tasks. Both young ladies handled all of the tasks with enthusiasm and professionalism. Great job Miss Abatecola and Miss Batty. There is a future for you as educational leaders!


Principals’ for a Day at Kent Heights Elementary School



School Committee Member At Large


The Reporter September 2010

Small Business Owners Bring Jobs and Job Training To Unemployed

In today’s economy, there is so much discouraging news with businesses nationwide laying off workers and the unemployed struggling to find jobs. But, it is very encouraging and hope-inspiring to hear of the success stories coming out of MTTI. MTTI is a privately-owned small business that employs over thirty local workers whose jobs are dedicated to the training and education of unemployed and underemployed members of the community; with the skills necessary to become valuable employees within industries that have a high job demand. MTTI’s motto is “Education for Employment”. MTTI held its Grand Opening of its’ newly expanded campus on Route 6 in Seekonk, Massachusetts. The post-secondary career

and technical school converted vacant automotive dealerships (previously Tasca Volvo) to a career school offering skills training in eight different career areas, including: Automotive Service Technician, Building and Property Trades Technician, Computer Service Technician/Network Installer, Electronic Communications Technician, Marine Service Technician, Medical Assistant, Medical and Dental Office Management, Motorcycle/Power Equipment Technician MTTI has for the past 25 years worked closely with businesses to identify occupations in demand and to custom design career training programs to meet the needs of each given industry. Employer Advisory Boards oversee the curriculum design, shop/lab equipment, tools, etc. MTTI has been nationally accredited since 1993 and when the Accrediting Commission surveyed MTTI’s students during an April re-accreditation visit, 100% of the students were pleased with their decision to attend their school and would recommend it! MTTI has maintained graduation rates of approximately 80 percent for many years and has met the demanding job placement standards in every program, even in this difficult economy. The evening of the Grand Opening was greeted with graduates of MTTI’ programs who wanted to come back and share their stories of success after leaving MTTI. It was somewhat of an emotional experience as each speaker told their story and expressed the gratitude they felt toward the school. Additionally present, were a number of local employers who had hired and currently employ MTTI graduates. Each expressed their confidence in the training provided at MTTI, as well as their plans to continue to hire MTTI graduates. Representative D’Amico also attended the Grand Opening and spoke some inspiring words regarding the service MTTI provides its’ students and the state of Massachusetts. Presented to the founders and owners of MTTI, was a citation in recognition of the opening of their new campus in Seekonk, Massachusetts and the dedication to the education of their students. The citation was presented by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and signed by Speaker of the House, Robert A. DeLeo and State Representative Steven J. D’Amico.

September 2010 The Reporter

Author Uses Information Acquired From Local East Providence and Rehoboth Residents

Kimberly Fusco has written a new young adult novel. The story is set in a Massachusetts town during the depression years of the 1930’s. A portion of the story is set in a one-room schoolhouse. As part of her research, Kim visited the Hornbine School in Rehoboth. The Hornbine School is a one room school house museum. Beverly Pettine is a local East Providence resident and the head school teacher. She makes arrangements for many area classes to visit the school for a day of reenactment every spring and fall. Kim’s first visit to the historic school museum was on a raw, overcast day in the fall of 2008. She sat down and spoke with Evelyn Rose Bois and Frances Magan Jones as they recalled their lessons and adventures at Hornbine School during the 1930’s.

The Pawtucket & Providence Figure Skating Club

Basic Skills Ice Skating Lessons Classes Begin on Friday, September 17, and Saturday, September 18 Classes are available for ages 3 through adult. For registration forms and program information, please visit our website:; click on “Basic Skills”.

TO REGISTER: Mail in your application, available on our website: Registrations must be postmarked by September 8 to avoid a late fee.

Left: Frances Magan Jones (left) and Evelyn Rose Bois (right) examining “The Wonder of Charlie Anne”, a young adult novel. Beverly Pettine (middle), an East Providence resident, is acknowledged with Jones and Bois in the book for their contributions. Kimberly Newton Fusco returned in the spring of 2009 with her mother, Priscilla, and her daughter Laura to experience the recreation of a day at the one-room schoolhouse. Ms Pettine’s knowledge and expertise was unmistakable. Much of what Kim saw and heard on both of her visits has been incorporated into her young adult novel “The Wonder of Charlie Anne.” The novel, which is available in local book stores, is already receiving outstanding reviews. Don’t miss Charlie Anne and her friend Phoebe as they create a friendship that outlasts hardship, sadness and racial tension, reminding us all that courage and a heart that cares can overcome most anything. The Hornbine School Museum is open to the public from 2-4 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month between June and September. The School is located at the corner of Hornbine Road and Baker Street in the south east corner of Rehoboth. Please note: the School will be open on Saturday, September 25th rather than that 4th Sunday to coincide with the Hornbine Church Bazaar across the street from the school.

For questions, email or call 508-212-2611.


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The Reporter September 010

Gather your


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The Newman YMCA provides high quality before and after care for the following school districts: Rehoboth, Seekonk and East Providence. You’ll have piece of mind while your child completes his or her homework, participates in skill building life long activities for health and wellbeing, chooses optional enrichment classes like “Mad Science”, Dance, Swimming and Lego Engineering. Transportation is provided to/from the schools when needed. Holiday, early release and School Closing Days care is also provided as well as school vacation camps. The Newman YMCA is a charitable non-profit organizations dedicated to building healthy spirit, mind and body for all through programs, services and relationships that are based on our core value of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. For details visit Newman YMCA 47 Taunton Ave on Route 44 in Seekonk MA or call 508-336-7103.

Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church

10 Turner Avenue, Riverside; 433-0211

new Church School Year Starting! Everyone Welcome!!

Godly Play Church School Pre-School to 5th Grade RITE 13 Middle School to High School Register at church on Sundays for classes starting on Sunday, September 12, 2010 at 9:00 A.M.



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September 010 The Reporter


pencils and notebooks

Kent Heights Elementary School’s 2nd Annual

Run for Fun SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, november 6th

More details to follow in the coming months. If you are interested in sponsoring, volunteering or participating, please contact the Kent Heights PTA at (401) 435-7824 during school hours.

Seekonk Junior High School Class of 1962 Reunion

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The Seekonk Junior High School Class of 196 is planning a reunion and is looking for former classmates. Contact Diane Penacho Perry at: 508-336-0 4

St Martha’s Basketball Sign- ups Ages 5-15

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Registration Monday, September 20th at 6:00 p.m. & Monday, September 27th at 6:00 p.m. Located at St. Martha’s Church Hall 2595 Pawtucket Ave, East Providence, RI For more information call Chip at 401-431-1480

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The Reporter September 010

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WEAVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI 401-434-2453 Monday - Thursday 9-8; Friday & Saturday 9-5 FULLER BRANCH LIBRARY 260 Dover Avenue, East Providence, RI 401-434-1136 Monday & Wednesday 10-6; Friday 10-5 RIVERSIDE BRANCH LIBRARY 475 Bullocks Point Avenue, Riverside, RI 401-433-4877 Monday – Thursday 10-8; Friday & Saturday 10-5 RUMFORD BRANCH LIBRARY 1392 Pawtucket Avenue, Rumford, RI 401-434-8559 Tuesday & Thursday 10-6; Saturday 10-5

Little neck Cemetery: Stories & Myths

Monday, September 13 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Riverside Branch Library 475 Bullocks Point Ave, East Providence Michael Znosko, Chairperson of Little Neck Cemetery, will share interesting and unique stories & myths about the residents and monuments of this local historic cemetery established in 1655. Hear fascinating stories about the Willetts, the Browns and other notable local figures who are buried there. Be entertained with tales from how much Willett spent when he purchased the land from the Massassoits to who is buried in the plot Lizzie Borden purchased.

integrating Spirituality and Science for improved Health Tuesday, September 21st from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Riverside Branch Library 475 Bullocks Point Ave, East Providence This presentation integrates spiritual practices with scientific support for the benefit of improved mental and physical health. The presenter will demonstrate practices from several spiritual traditions and share information from neurobiology research that supports how these practices cause positive changes in the brain. Participants will experience several simple but effective techniques that, if practiced regularly at home, can have a positive impact on physical and mental health. Skills such as breathing, mindfulness, and prayer can have many benefits, including improved concentration and blood pressure, and reduced anxiety and muscle tension. Brandi Gifford, is a licensed psychotherapist, specializing in Holistic Counseling and EMDR therapy. She has a private office in Bristol, RI where she integrates psychology, spirituality, and body-centered practices to help people with anxiety, depression, grief, and PTSD. Both programs are free and open to all. No registration is required. Any questions, call 433-4877.

September 010 The Reporter

Books Are Wings

Putting free Books in the Hands of Children

Many Make Promises..........Few Can Deliver Daniel Da Ponte has fought and delivered: •Income Tax Reform that lowers income taxes for 75% of Rhode Islanders

From left: Cataloging Librarian Debbie Tirrell, Yout6h Services Asst. Harriet Moore, BAW President Monique Renaud, and RI Sen. Frank Devall. Thanks to the efforts of RI Sen. Frank Devall, Books Are Wings, a non profit organization founded in 1998 to promote children and family literacy by ensuring that all children have access to books in their home, is the recipient of a RI state legislative grant. The check presentation took place at the Weaver Library. BAW has given away over 550,00 free books. In her remarks, Mrs. Renaud expressed appreciation to Sen. Devall for his assistance to the BAW Program. “Studies have proven that children who have good reading skills are most likely to be good students, graduate form high school, become responsible adults, and contribute to the good of their respective communities. BAW is proud to help improve family literacy by placing free books in the hands of children and instilling the notion that reading is fun.”

•School Funding Formula resulting in $4.2 million EXTRA for East Providence Schools •Pension Reform resulting in $90 million in savings to Rhode Island Taxpayers


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The Reporter September 010

Capability Pride Integrity On Tuesday, September 14th ELECT


"I will work to bring new ideas to Council to help move EP forward in a positive direction"


Thursday September 9th • 6-9 • $30/person KofC Hall 3200 Pawtucket Ave., East Providence, RI 02915

"I am a familiar face in the City of East Providence with strong beliefs in the City" Paid for by the Friends of Steve Gianlorenzo • 356 Dover Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914

Weaver Library Adult Programs

Thursday, Sept 16th - 12:30 - 2 P.M. Great books Discussion Group

Join us for a lively discussion of “Alienated Labour” by Karl Marx. Contact Librarian Joyce May to register and to get a copy of the reading.

Monday, Sept 20th - 7-8 P.M. Human Trafficking Awareness

Jen Tufano of the Rhode Island Chapter of Run for Freedom will speak of her organization’s mission to raise awareness of Human Trafficking in America and its goal to establish Dream Homes to house victims of this atrocity.

Tuesday, September 21st - 2P.M. & 7P.M. • Tuesday book Clubs

Have you always wanted to read or reread what many consider to be the greatest American novel? Join us for a lively discussion of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby at either :00 P.M. or 7:00 P.M. Contact Librarian Joyce May to register. The Adult Summer Reading Program concludes at the P.M. discussion with prize drawings.

Thursday, Sept 23rd - 11A.M.

Goddess Delight Belly Dance Troupe to perform at the East Providence Senior Center Weaver Library is proud to sponsor the Goddess Delight Belly Dance Troupe in a morning concert at the Senior Center, 610 Waterman Ave. The public is invited to attend.

Tuesday, Sept 28th - 6:30 – 8P.M. Weaver Writers Group for Adults


All New

BLOCKBUSTER Show! Coming to the Area on... nd OCT. 2 2PM, 4:30PM, 7PM rd & OCT. 3 2PM, 4:30PM

Redway Plain, Rt. 44 Rehoboth, MA

A newly formed Adult Writers Group, led by author Carolyn Davis and Librarian Joyce May, will meet regularly on the 4th Tuesday of each month from September through June. The Weaver Group offers writers the opportunity to develop their craft, to share their work, and to receive thoughtful and useful critique from their peers. All genres are welcome. This program is free and open to adults, but we must limit it to 0 members. Contact Joyce to register.

Monday, October 4th - 7-8P.M.

Field of Screams: Haunted Tales from the Baseball Diamond, the Locker Room and Beyond Co-author Dan Gordon shares the sometimes bone-chilling, sometimes heartwarming, sometimes hilarious stories that make their way around clubhouses, team buses, and water coolers in his new book that explores the connections between baseball and the paranormal. The “Field of Screams” roster includes Derek Jeter, Roy Halladay, Tim Lincecum, Jered Weaver, Adrian Beltre, Tim Wakefield, David Wright, Matt Kemp, Evan Longoria, Torii Hunter, Bobby Cox, Joe Maddon, Barry Bonds, Ichiro Suzuki and hundreds more.

September 010 The Reporter

Scouting Around Town Boy Scout Troop 55 Riverside

Boy Scout Troop 55 Riverside recently held an Ice Cream Social for The McAuley House in Providence. The idea for the event came as an offshoot of Daniel Isabel’s Eagle Project. Scouts served over fourteen gallons of ice cream in sundaes to 5 guests of McAuley House. The Scouts were able to earn Community Service towards their rank advancements and the guests of McAuley house enjoyed some ice cream on a warm day. It was a great event for all involved. Want to get some Holiday Shopping done early? The Friends of Troop 55 Riverside will be hosting a Craft Fair on Saturday October 3rd from 10am to 4pm at the American Legion Post 10 on Willet Avenue in Riverside. Want to be a Vendor? Vendors are wanted so if you’re interested call Clare @ 433-5766 for more information. The Scouts will also have a table selling handmade crafts that were created while working on badge requirements. Hope to see you there! The first Troop meeting of the year will be Monday September 13th @ 6:30 in the upper level of the American Legion Post 10 on Willet Avenue. Any boy age 11 or older is welcome to attend and see what Boy Scouts is all about.

Sincere Thank You

The East Providence Scout House Association would like to thank the person who anonymously gave a very generous donation for the Girl Scout House in Riverside. Your kindness and generosity is deeply appreciated! Your contribution will be used to buy some new tables, chairs, and much needed supplies for the Scout House. Thank you so much!

girl Scout Registration

Registration night will be held on Thursday, September 3rd, beginning at 6:00 P.M. at the East Providence Scout House located at 351 Willett Avenue in Riverside (across the street from the Post Office). Girls and young ladies in Grades K - 1 may sign-up at that time to become an East Providence Girl Scout. Adults wishing to become leaders, co-leaders, or serve as a committee member may also register at that time.

Boy Scout Troop 55 Riverside at their Ice Cream social.



The Reporter September 2010

Girl Scouts Help Wounded Soldiers Gain Independence

© Disney/Pixar. © Mattel, Inc. All Rights Reserved. MR. POTATO HEAD and MRS. POTATO HEAD are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. © Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. Slinky®Dog is a trademark of Poof-Slinky, Inc.

this charity as a way of giving back to their community. This year local customers also generously purchased and donated over 300 cases of Girl Scout Cookie for GSRI makes a donation to the Wheels for Warriors Project our soldiers abroad. The cookies were shipped overProvidence, R.I., (August 11, 2010) – On Thursday, August 12, 2010, loseas in April. cal Girl Scouts will gather at Camp Hoffman in West Kingston, RI to present “These girls showed their support for our troops a check for $5,867.60 to Operation Support Our Troops, Inc. (OSOT). This both while in combat and once they returned home,” cash donation isFELD earmarkedENTERTAINMENT for their “Wheels for Warriors‟ project which gives said Mary Kay Salamone, President and CEO of OSOT, away specially equipped vans to injured or paralyzed veterans of the Iraq and TO147283 Inc: a self-described “Army wife, mother and daughter” .: Afghanistan wars so that they may regain freedom and independence. Ad Size: 5.75”Tox 10” from Rhode Island. “The Girl Scout program continues ement City: PROVIDENCE date, the organization has given away 20 fully retrofitted custom vans funded to produce leaders, young women of character. We Section: ENTERTAINMENT by similar donations. are so grateful for this generous donation.” on Date(s): Each year, Girl Scouts of Rhode Island, Inc. (GSRI) selects a local charitable “The cookie sale isn’t just about selling cookies,” organization as beneficiary of the annual Cookie Sale Service Project. Troops says Ginger Lallo, Product Sales Manager for Girl elect to donate a portion of their proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie sale to Scouts of Rhode Island, Inc. “It provides the girls with an opportunity to give back to their community in a meaningful way.” For more information about the Girl Scout Cookie Sale Service Project, or about Girl Scouts in Rhode Island in general, contact Liz Andreadis at 401-3314500 x1303.

Girl Scouts along with Ginger Lallo, Product Sales Manager, GSRI, Inc., (left) present May Kay Salamone, President and CEO of Operation Support Our Troops, Inc., (right) with a check for $5,867.50. Troops donated from the proceeds of their 2010 Cookie Sale for the Wheels for Warriors project, which gives away specially equipped vans to injured veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Troop 4 Riverside

The Magic Begins At $13 For Opening Night Tickets!* *(Excludes Rinkside and VIP seats. No double discounts. Price does not include $1 facility fee.)

SEPT. 16 - 19

Buy tickets at, Retail Locations, Dunkin’ Donuts Center Box Office or call 1-800-745-3000 ÀÊ v À >Ì ÊV> Ê­{䣮ÊÎΣ ÈÇääÊUÊ À Õ«ÃÊ­{䣮ÊÎΣ äÇääÊiÝÌ°Ê£xx





SEPT. 16 SEPT. 17 SEPT. 18 SEPT. 19 7:00 PM*

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Limited number of Rinkside and VIP seats available. Call or go online for details. ­-iÀÛ ViÊV >À}iÃÊ> `Ê > ` }ÊviiÃÊ >ÞÊ>«« Þ°Ê*À ViÃÊ` Ê ÌÊ V Õ`iÊf£Êv>V ÌÞÊvii°®

Troop 4, Riverside back from their recent week at Yawgoog Scout Reservation. Our scouts earned 72 merit badges during their week at camp, 50 Yawgoog segments, 3 silver CY awards, 3 bronze CY awards and one gold CY award. Three scouts achieved the rank of Tenderfoot, one made Second Class, two became Star Scouts and Austin Faria made Eagle Scout. Theodore Sanford Jr. was awarded the J Harold Williams medal of merit and the troop earned Elmo’s troop of the week award for the third year in a row! Great job!

September 010 The Reporter


Now oPEN

Comments from The Candidates Larisa Announces Reelection Campaign

East Providence Mayor Joe Larisa, who is elected as councilman at large, today announced that his re-election campaign for the Council is underway. “I am running for re-election to continue to lead our fight for fundamental fairness for East Providence taxpayers. Against all odds, in the middle of the worst financial times in our history, we have held the line on property taxes. While other communities imposed giant tax increases on their residents, we said, ‘not here.’ We cut our budget by $ million through tough work and hard fought battles. The alternative would have been to go after • Sales Townie taxpayers to support unaffordable contracts, salaries and benefits. We said, ‘not • Service on our watch.’” “We stand up because of you. We feel your pain in the middle of the “great reces• Parts sion.” I hear from you every day. Many Townies do not have jobs. Many do not have healthcare. Many are struggling to put food on the table, gas in the tank and heat in the house. You simply cannot afford your City to charge you 10% - 0% or more in property tax rate increases that we saw in other communities. So we ended contracts with a $0 healthcare copay and unreasonable benefits. We reduced the size of government, and we FALL SPECIAL! won every legal battle against us that saved the City from bankruptcy. The savings went to every taxpayer,” continued Larisa. “The last two years has been a triumph of the public interest over the special interests. expires 10-15-10 The Council and School Committee worked together better than we have in decades. Despite budget woes, educational opportunities and programs for kids are increasing like never before. Patronage and politics have been replaced with merit and focus on what it best for our children. It is not about protecting the contract; it is about protecting the kids.” “While my opponent is heavily supported by special interests who are demanding more of your tax dollars and is endorsed by the political machine, I remain an Independent, beholden to no one but you. The only endorsement that counts to me is yours on election day. I respectfully ask for your vote to continue the change that Providing quality service since 1977 has made East Providence a state leader,” concluded Larisa.

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frank DeVall Letter

During the 010 General Assembly session, representing Senate District 18, East Providence, I voted for the $7.8 billion 011 budget bill, which does not include tax increases, trims public pensions, preserves valuable open space and avoids the depth of cuts to the state’s social services originally proposed by the governor. The budget balances both the current year’s $18 million deficit as well as the $366 million projected deficit next year though a combination of federal funds, decreases in spending, and reductions in state reimbursements to municipalities for automobile excise tax reductions. The plan does not rely on the state’s rainy day fund, or on any refinancing of the state’s long-term debts, to close the deficits. In fact, the bill repays $ million borrowed in 009 from the rainy day fund, a year later than proposed by the governor. The budget includes a program that will bring in up to $47.5 million in federal emergency Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) funding to create a subsidized jobs, training and assistance program that will help get the needy working and stimulate Rhode Island’s economy. I also voted for and strongly supported a new law to overhaul Rhode Island’s income tax structure as a huge advancement for Rhode Island’s workers and economy. The law reduces taxes for most Rhode Islanders and simplifies the system, making the state a more attractive place to live and do business. It will reduce the number of tax brackets from five to three; lower the highest marginal rate from 9.9 percent to 5.99 percent while eliminating the flat tax for high earners. The law also increases the standard deduction for all taxpayers. The new system is effective for the 011 tax year.


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The Reporter September 010

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I voted for a fair and responsible budget that closes a major deficit, decreases state spending and most notably, does not include any tax increases. I was also a strong supporter of revamping our state’s income tax structure to provide much-needed relief to taxpayers and make Rhode Island more competitive with our neighbors. I am proud to have voted for these two significant pieces of legislation that will put our state on the right path. My experience over the last two years serving in our state government has help me to gain valuable knowledge of the collaborative working atmosphere that needs to take place to deliver results. Most recently, I have been working closely with renewable energy investors and the RIEDC (Economic Development Corporation) to attract their manufacturing process plant to locate here in East Providence. This group of investors has already met with city officials as well and it is my desire to hopefully give you more details of this economic opportunity to our City in the coming weeks. Thank you for sending me to the Senate two years ago and to continue to serve our community, I’m respectfully asking you for your support and VOTE in the Democratic Primary being held on Tuesday, September 14th. Respectfully submitted by: Frank DeVall, Jr.

What Signs Won’t Tell You

Riverside looks like a rummage sale, and I can’t pretend not to have contributed. The signs are out in force like little (or ridiculously huge) two-dimensional campaign workers; make believe scorecards placed in hopes that a perception of popularity will somehow get us out of the mess we’re in. Whether standard size or even the giant circus-sized monstrosities, signs simply tell you to do something. Evidently, some think that people need to be told over and over, because many lawns have a multitude of them. If the five on one lawn don’t convince you, the gigantic one that blocks your view of oncoming traffic will. Unfortunately, signs tell little if anything about the candidate. They just “talk”. Signs fail to mention the fact that the General Assembly has an obligation to all of the people of Rhode Island; not just a select few. Our state has been led to the brink of disaster by a General Assembly that insists on catering to special interests, and refuses to acknowledge that businesses and homeowners are strapped with the burden of their irresponsible pandering. But many of the signs simply shout for more of the same. The signs don’t tell you what will happen if we don’t stop spending what we don’t have. My sign doesn’t have room to explain that I will sponsor legislation to eliminate the $500 minimum tax placed on small business, because I know that Rhode Island will only recover when government gets out of the way of business and allows it to profit. I wish my sign could shout out to people that government cannot create jobs, and that those who promise this make empty pledges. Jobs can only be created by businesses that are willing to hire because the environment allows them to, rather than punishing their success. My sign fails to tell you what will happen if business gets pushed out any more. My sign can’t tell you that I promise to strengthen the citizens’ interests in contract negotiations, nor can it remind you that closed doors are closed for a reason; to keep you out. Just your wallet is invited. My sign fails miserably at reminding you that I will stand for the values of the real backbone of Rhode Island, because people should want to come here to earn a living, not to live off the earnings of others. Perhaps when you see one of my signs, it can remind you that I stand willing to debate any of my opponents at any venue, such as the one sponsored by East Bay Patriots, tentatively scheduled for September sixteenth at the Old Court House in Bristol. The fact

September 010 The Reporter that I was not informed of certain recent events until after the deadline to apply for speaking had passed speaks volumes; my opponents would rather not debate me in public, and they know that my points would resonate well with voters. Such horse-hockey shows their contempt for those who vote by informed decision. In the mean time, I still challenge any of my opponents to explain how their specific policies would help the Rhode Island economy as a whole (nitty-gritty, guys, none of this “create jobs” bunk). I call upon them to tell the public their plans for their first two years in office. Mine are spelled out on my web site. They are far too numerous to fit on a sign. However, I’d still be happy to come and put one on your lawn personally. Stephen Gerling

John Rossi Announces Candidacy for State Senate—District 18

First time candidate John Rossi seeks the office of State Senate to bring positive change to our city and state East Providence- First time candidate John Rossi has officially announced his campaign as a Democratic candidate for State Senate in District 18. “I have been engaged in public service for most of my life, I seek to continue my public service by becoming your voice in the Rhode Island General Assembly. Like most of you, I am very unhappy with the economic conditions we are currently experiencing—1 % unemployment is completely unacceptable. The people of East Providence deserve better and as your next State Senator I will do my best to improve the business climate in our city and bring much needed jobs to East Providence,” stated Rossi. “As your next State Senator, I will be visible and active in the community. I will always be available to listen to all concerns from everyone.” “Other focuses of my campaign will be increasing funds to public education, as well as property tax relief for home owners. No longer should the burden of taxes be placed solely on the property owner” Rossi said. John Rossi resides in Riverside, and is married to Chrissy Rossi. They have two children, Ashley and Casondra. Senate District 18 encompasses Riverside, Kent Heights and parts of Rumford. “I ask for your vote on Tuesday, September 14, 010 in the Democratic Primary Election and in return, I will listen to your concerns and work tirelessly to improve the dire conditions we are currently facing”. John Rossi Democratic Candidate for State Senate, District 18 E. Providence

Charlie Tsonos Speaks out

My name is Charlie Tsonos. As a lifelong resident of East Providence (class of 1967), a father of four children who are products of the East Providence public schools, and a small business owner and a retired Lt. Col. USAR; I am a candidate for School Committee from Ward One. Contrary to the claims of my opponent, I am an independent thinker and do NOT answer to any person or organization. If I am fortunate enough to be elected, I will be answer to the citizens of Ward One and the citizens of our fine city. It is my fervent hope and belief that working together we can move our city into the future with a positive and inclusive style of leadership. As your school committee member, my goal will be to promote the long term growth of the City of East Providence. I believe that families and businesses will come to our city to celebrate the quality of life and bright future provided by enlightened and inclusive leadership. I am a fiscal conservative who believes that neither negativism nor extremism enhance the community’s quality of life. Due to the negative and somewhat despotic tactics of the present leadership of our school committee, we are losing excellent teachers, administrators and most sadly students, whose parents no longer have faith in their public schools. My opponent, the current chairman of the school committee, blames others for his shortcomings and has set a rather sad standard for prohibiting and stifling


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The Reporter September 2010

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The Simple Solution!

public input and public discourse. He and his cohorts talk about having our proud city declare bankruptcy. This is not a blueprint for building a city that will attract business and encourage future development; rather it is financial catastrophe. My opponent believes in “Townie Shame”. I have always believed in “Townie Pride”. During difficult economic times the burden of reducing expenses must be carried by everyone, not just the teachers, aides, secretaries and custodians. Cutting out- of- control administrative costs within our school system will reduce taxes. Within our school department and our city, we have not done enough of top trimming upper tier staff to effectively reduce costs. I believe that we can reduce expenses, reduce taxes and STILL allow our city to grow. These cost saving measures can and will be accomplished if we all work together inclusively, not by constant bickering, back biting, confrontation and a dismissive attitude of those who seek to participate in the democratic process. Due to negativity, bluster, and just plain poor leadership we are no longer the proud community we once were. We must reclaim the banner of pride that once symbolized our city! I promise that if elected, we will have an open government with transparency and opportunity for debate and discourse. My name is Charlie Tsonos and I am running for School Committee from Ward One. Charles S. Tsonos

What better time than election time to finally speak up? Securing the right person in office to get the job done is the final moment for residents to have their voices heard. The public is upset, and with good reason! Taxes are going up, again… property taxes, and now a car tax (not to be confused with property tax on your vehicle). Numerous issues fly, but when we get right to the point, the number one issue is money. Social issues aside, the paramount effect of concern is our economic well being. The hard working taxpayer pays dearly now, more than ever. Without fiscal stability and responsibility, nor a plan for the future, social service programs and social issues have bleak futures at best. The voters want relief from tax burdens along with the other high costs of living in Rhode Island. It seems that every fifth home has someone who is unemployed, living with no benefits or such that are in jeopardy. These people have families to support, yet can’t even afford what one would consider necessities, never mind common comforts. We all know how difficult it has become to live in our state. For some, it is nearly impossible to stay afloat. There are senior citizens out there that are making drastic decisions with their lives by not taking full

All Bikers Welcome

Kingdom Cruzers

East Bay Chapter – CMA (Christian Motorcycle Association) E-mail

*Meeting - Last Thursday of the month *Chelo's Restaurant, 911 Warren Ave, East Providence, RI * Meeting 7pm to 9pm

CMA information:

September 010 The Reporter doses of their prescribed medications in order to afford food. In many cases, seniors have told me that they simply purchase dog and cat food to eat. One senior told me, “if it is good enough for the pets then it is good enough for me; I need to live”. Not only is this brutal and heart wrenching, is it also entirely unnecessary! It is unfathomable to think that our legislators have done this to our State and our own, who live and do their best to survive here. However… it is the truth! What is the problem? In April, we had nearly 77,000 residents out of work, with more to come as we have witnessed. We have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. Year-end 009, Rhode Island lost 6,500 businesses of all sizes. Just about every social service program has been slashed to the point that many agencies have had to close their doors. It appears as though increasingly, the public tightens their belts, but state government continues to loosen theirs a notch or two. How can we not notice the pattern: tax and spend, tax and spend; where paradoxically, most citizens are living paycheck to paycheck. In hopes that the Federal government would send more stimulus money, the legislature left a $100,000,000.00 gap in our budget this year. Obviously, the state did not wait for its paycheck… it never came. The raiding of rainy day funds and tapping into allocated monies is not the answer, and it needs to Stop! Speaking of taxes, we need to stop using band aids to attempt to fix long-term solutions. In this light, our State needs a proverbial cast! Giving 75 million to one company to empirically employ 45 is not the answer. If that business fails, (which odds are it will), we lose… again. If allocated correctly, those funds could have gone to ten, even twenty start-ups, or to existing companies to help them grow and enlist hundreds of Rhode Islanders- not just 45! We should be working with existing businesses that are fortunate enough to still be in business. This is the very backbone of our economy. Let’s start with increased tax credits to enable these industries to grow and flourish. We also need to offer tax credits to companies for locating, furnishing, and hiring in our state under a ten year agreement to “stay or pay”. Hence, if the company leaves Rhode Island before the minimum ten year period, it would be forced to pay all tax credits and benefits with interest back to the state as a result. This is a good start. In turn, we can begin to lower taxes in most cases. Eliminate the $500.00 income tax, which at the point of a loss becomes a slap in the face. Lastly, we need to do away with the “Inventory Tax”, which also hurts corporations immensely, and then, logically reduce the paperwork and other filings and fees that businesses are forced to produce. We should not be in the business of crippling business to the point of closure. Our state has to become a total small, “business friendly” state. We need to work hard to develop and reshape our state’s strategy to attract large and small companies, whose products and services can be matched to our public and private college majors. This creates a steady supply of qualified, sound employee/employment resources that will inevitably stimulate and help restore our economy to the way it should be: stable and back on the road to long-term recovery! Richard Rodi Candidate for State Rep. District 2


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“Thank you for sending me to the Senate two years ago and to continue to serve our community, I’m respectfully once again asking for your support and VOTE.”

LIVING HERE IS A HONOR, SERVING YOU IS A PRIVILEGE, FIGHTING FOR YOU IS A CAUSE. During my term, I have been directly involved in Local Bills that:

Assisted workers laid off by the closing of the Colibri Group, providing employees with extended health insurance coverage.

Adjusted the quorum procedure for the East Providence Water Commission so that members could do business in a swift manner. Friends of Frank DeVall for State Senate for a ride to the polls call (401) 862-1921

Paid for by the Friends of Frank DeVall, Jr., Treasurer – Grace DeVall


The Reporter September 010

How You Can Help Tap-in Busier Than Ever

Tap-In , the all volunteer donor supported agency assists clients in the East Bay areas of Barrington, Warren, Bristol, Riverside and East Providence. With such difficult economic times it is a very busy place indeed! A driver’s pool provides rides to medical appointments, and is always in need of new volunteers to help fill the requests. The Emergency Food Closet helps clients stretch their tight budgets with some of the basics, and is also always in need of replenishing. Snacks and drinks for children as well as toiletries are truly appreciated.

GET AN ONLINE AUTO/HOME POLICY QUOTE Enjoy a fast, free, premium estimate.

Children’s clothing is offered in sizes infant thru 14 and tends to go out as quickly as it comes in. With the school year approaching, the agency is hoping donations will make it possible to offer new underwear and socks for children of those ages. There are currently good sales on these and also on school supplies which are expensive for clients. There is a “Baby Closet” which may provide cribs, strollers, high chairs, changing tables, car seats, baby gates, etc. While small furniture items may be dropped off at the agency, most larger and overstuffed pieces are matched with needy clients. A Housewares and Linens Closet attempts to provide necessary bedding, towels, pots, pans, dishes, glasses, flatware, and small appliances of all types from lamps and vacuums to coffee pots and mixers. Also, the very high temperatures this summer have resulted in a huge increase in the need for fans and air conditioners. Donations will be welcomed during regular office hours of 9 to noon, Monday thru Friday at the agency which is located in the lower level of the Library Building on County Rd. Please call 47-1444 during those hours for any further information or if interested in volunteering.

East Bay Toastmasters,

VISIT WWW.Statelineins.COM Fill out a secure online form. An actual agent promptly reviews your information to assure that you get the very best deal we can provide. Virgil Sales, Jr., CLU, ChFC Stateline Insurance & Financial Services Inc. 520 North Broadway, East Providence, RI 02914 • 401-438-8345

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Improve your communication, presentation and leadership skills. Toastmasters will give you the skills and confidence you need to effectively express yourself in any situation. Whether you are a professional, student, stay-at-home parent or retiree, Toastmasters is the most efficient, enjoyable and affordable way of gaining great communication skills. You’ll be more persuasive and confident when speaking, and you’ll improve your one-on-one dealings with others. Meetings are held the first and third Thursday each month at the United Methodist Eldercare at 30 Alexander Ave, East Providence, RI, 0 914. Meetings start at 5:30 and end at 7:30 p.m. Visit us at or contact us at

September 010 The Reporter

Pied Potter Hamelin’s Magical Potter’s Wheel, Sunday, Sept. 19, 2 - 3:30 p.m.

Carpenter Museum, Rehoboth, MA - "Pied Potter Hamelin's Magical Potter's Wheel" will be appearing on Sept 19 at p.m. at the Carpenter Museum, 4 Locust Ave., Rehoboth. This 1-1/ hour performance will include discussions of pottery making techniques and Massachusetts pottery history with storytelling. The unique demonstration of making teapots, chickens and dragons on the pottery wheel has been featured in over 00 venues since 1985. All ages are invited. For more information call 508- 5 -3031 or go to This program is supported by a grant from the Rehoboth Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.

Wine Tasting & Silent Auction Thursday, october 7, 7 – 9 p.m.



HARVEST Block Party

Saturday, September 18th Redway Plain • Rehoboth, MA

* Rain Date: Sunday, September 19, 2010 at the corners of Winthrop St. (Rt.44) and Bay State Road and Pond St.

Carpenter Museum, Rehoboth, MA - A “kick-off” event for Carpenter Museum’s Oral History Project, “UnEarthing Rehoboth’s Farming Past.” Admission: $10 includes free wine glass. Contact: 508- 5 3031,

folk Art, Antique & Artisans Show friday, nov. 5, 4 – 9 p.m., Saturday, nov. 6, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

No Admission Charge!

Francis Farm, Rehoboth, MA - More artisans! More antiques! More fun! Free admission. Food and entertainment. All proceeds benefit the Carpenter Museum. For details & directions go to www. Or call 508- 5 -3031.

REPRESENTATIVE JACK SAVAGE ALWAYS Fighting for East Providence! “For over six years I have been vigorously arguing for a fair, equitable, predictable School Funding Formula.”


East Providence State Education Aid increases

From $ 4,531,957 To $ 9, 53,46 plus extra $$$ for special education and transportation

Vote Savage, Your independent thinking, Republican Representative from Riverside. RepUBLiCAN pRiMARY, SepTeMBeR 14 Paid for by the committee to reelect Representative John A. Savage, Dist. 65


The Reporter September 010

An Open Letter To The Voters Of Ward Two - East Providence From

The Independent Democratic Team We Have A Better Plan For Representation In Our Ward And In Our City. We pledge to support, fight for and present issues to our local, state and federal officials that affect all of us on a daily basis. We feel that the current endorsed slate has lost touch with reality and therefore everything that is important to you and me in our everyday lives.

Please support our entire slate and come out on September 14th. Marsha A. Burke Barbara J. Carreiro

Stephan A. Furtado, Jr.

Brian D. Castro

Former School Committeeman David Medeiros

Councilman Brian G. Coogan Jonathan Couto Richard G. Croke William F. Dorr Manuel Ferreira

Brian A. Monteiro Former Mayor Bruce Rogers Julie A. Silva Joseph A. Thomas

September 2010 The Reporter

East Providence Senior Center News Monthly Highlights

Blood Pressure Clinic 13th 10:30 a.m. East Bay Center 14th 9:00 a.m. Gambling Study 14th 10:30 a.m. Weight Maintenance 14th 10:30 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 16th 10:30 a.m. AARP Board Meeting 16th 1:00 p.m. In-Sight 17th 12:45 p.m. To Life Adult Day Services 21st 10:30 a.m. Food Stamps 22nd 10:00 a.m. RSVP Board Meeting 22nd 1:00 p.m. Belly Dancing 23rd 11:00 a.m. Diabetes Support 23rd 1:30 p.m. Caregivers Support 27th 10:30 a.m. East Bay Center 28th 9:00 a.m. Elder Law 28th 10:30 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic 28th 10:30 a.m. Advisory Board 30th 9:00 a.m.

Computer Assistance Monday, Sept. 27th 2 to 4 p.m.

On the last Monday of every month, two students from MTTI career training school will assist any member with computer questions. These volunteers will try to resolve your computer problems, and help you with a computer course you may be taking. The students will be in the computer lab.

Vendor Program

Our new vendor program has been successful! Local vendors who have services or products of interest to seniors will have space in our lobby to showcase themselves and provide education. Each Tuesday this month we have in our main lobby: Gambling Study Tuesday, September 14th 10:30 a.m. To Life Adult Day Services - Tuesday September 21st - 10:30 a.m. Elder Law Tuesday, September 28th 10:30 a.m.

Exercise Programs Intermediate Yoga

Monday & Wednesday 9 a.m. $3 Integrated YOGA for emotional/mental power. Flexibility, strength, balances, beauty, stretching, weight reduction, improved breathing, relaxation, and stress relief. All are components of our Yoga classes.

Beginners Yoga

Mondays 10:30 a.m. $3

Ballroom Dance

Monday 2 p.m. $3

Relearn all the old moves on the ballroom dance floor as well as some new ones. Singles are welcome.


Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 a.m. $2 Instructor Karen Boyd gives members a great cardiovascular workout. Hand and ankle weights are used to tone and build your muscles. ZUMBA Tuesday 9:00 a.m. $5 The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin flavor and international zest into the mix and you’ve got a Zumba class!

610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 Phone 435-7800 Dining Room 435-7872 Fax 435-7803

Weekly/Monthly Programs 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

Arthritis Exercise

8:15 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m. 1:25 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

Fitness Center

8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

Tai Chi

Tuesday 11:00 a.m. $3 This ancient art form of exercise has been proven to reduce stress as well as chronic pain. It also reduces heart rate along with calming the mind and body. Wednesday & Friday 10:45 a.m. No Charge A proper balance of exercise and rest can help relieve stiffness and maintain or improve your joint mobility and muscle strength. Our fitness room is open Monday through Friday 8am - 4pm. The fitness room consists of treadmills, recumbent bikes, an elliptical stepper, hand weights, and six dual weight machines. Other features include a matted floor, mirrored walls, water, stereo, and cable TV. You must have approval from your physician to participate in this program. Forms can be obtained in the Administration Office. The fee is $35 for a one year membership.

Card Games

Bridge Thursday 1:00 p.m. Pokeno Monday 9:00 a.m. Cockroach Tuesday 8:15 a.m. Cribbage Tuesday 1:00 p.m. Hi Lo Jack League Friday 1:15 p.m.

Classes Crafts

Monday & Thursday 1:00 p.m. Craft class makes dolls for Hasbro Children’s Hospital and cancer pillows for Women & Infants Hospital. Other “make and take” crafts will be taught.


9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 1:20 p.m.

Monday Pokeno Intermediate Yoga Beginners Yoga Caregivers Support Group (4th Mon) Book Club Craft Class Ballroom Dancing Tuesday Cards (Cockroach) Zumba Aerobics Exercise Watercolor Class Bocce Ball Weight Maintenance (2nd Tues) Tai Chi Drawing Class Cribbage BINGO Stroke Club (1st Tues) Wednesday East Side Lab (1st Wed) Intermediate Yoga Manicurist Scrabble PACE Nutrition Class Thursday Tax Preparation (Feb. & March) Aerobics Exercise Nutrition Weight Loss Bridge Craft Class Diabetes Support Group (4th Thurs) Friday Billiards League Scrabble PACE Meditation Class (not held in August) In-Sight Support Group (4th Fri) Hi Lo Jack League

Daily Lunch Noon Library 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. Coffee Hour 2:15 p.m. Fitness Center 8 a.m. — 4.p.m. (closed 12-1pm)


The Reporter September 2010 Watercolor

Tuesday 9:30 a.m. $5 Come learn a form of watercolor for all levels of talent. Some of the fantastic artwork is displayed throughout the center. Drawing Tuesday 1:00 p.m. $5 This group of artists works with pencil drawing, beginners to advanced welcome.

Computer Classes

Sessions & Times Vary Our computer lab consists of class room computers and computers for general use. All computers are on-line. Courses offered: Introduction to Computers, Microsoft Word Part 1 & 2, and Introduction to the Internet Part 1 & 2. Computer classes are conducted by trained computer teachers. Classes are held in 4 week sessions. Each class meets for 1hr. and 15 minutes. The cost per session is $20/members and $25/non members. Classes are filled on a first payment basis. Class size is limited to six students.

Support Groups

Diabetes Support 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Open meeting held monthly for people with diabetes to meet for mutual support. The group meets the fourth Thursday of each month. Caregiver’s Support 1 0 : 3 0 a . m . 11:30 a.m. This support group is held the fourth Monday each month. The sessions offer support and sharing with others who are caring for loved ones. Stroke Club 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. The Stroke Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month and provides entertainment, education, support, socialization, refreshments, and transportation for stroke survivors and their caregivers. In-Sight Support 12:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. In-Sight offers programs and support in productive living for the vision impaired. The group meets the 3rd Friday of every month.

Senior Center Library

The library is a very warm and lovely place for people to choose a good book and read in a nice quiet area. We continue to receive many donations of new and current books. These donations have truly enhanced the quantity of our library. We also have current magazines for your enjoyment. The book club meets on Monday afternoons. New club members are welcome.

General Services

Elder Information Specialist: Our Elder Information Specialist assists the elderly and their families in providing information

- referral and assistance with accessing services and programs. Nutrition Program: The center provides a nutritional meal to approximately 125 seniors per day. The Cranston Senior Center provides the meals. Case Management - Senior Services: The center coordinates with East Bay Community Action Program Inc., for all casework and follow-ups. Protective Services Council, made up of city departments and mental health/social service agencies, meets monthly to discuss problems concerning the elderly. Transportation: The center has two buses that are used daily for door-to-door transportation to and from the center. Notary: This service is available in the Administration Office at no charge. Seminars: Monthly social, educational, and financial seminars on topics relating to seniors. Manicurist: A manicurist visits the center weekly for manicures and polish changes. Gift Shop: The gift shop has many different items for the convenience of the seniors. Small items from candy and greeting cards to jewelry, handmade items and crafts are available.

Leisure Programs

Book Club Monday 1:00 p.m. Bingo Tuesday 1:25 p.m. Scrabble Wednesday & Friday 10 am Meditation Class Friday 11:00 a.m. Library Daily 8-4 p.m. Computer Games Daily Lounge Billiards Daily Lower level

Senior Center Healthy Aging

Nutrition Weight Loss. A new 10 week session begins after Labor Day. Get fit before the holidays! Contact the Health Office at 435-7870 to register or stop by with any questions. Our walking club continues. Please join our walkers when they meet daily at 10:30 a.m. at the dining room side door (unless we have bad weather). You don’t have to walk every day, but you can win prizes as you build up your time. Please join us for this free exercise group; all abilities are welcome. We have Registered Dieticians available for appointments in the health office. They can counsel you, in private, about your personal needs and insurance covers these visits. They are certified diabetes educators too. We also have a Nurse Practitioner who will help you with any diabetes teaching needs, especially insulin. To schedule a visit, stop by the health office or call us at 435-7870. Our own Ann Marie Sabula RD and Dolores Norton Braica NP lead a weekly meditation group at the senior center each Friday

at 11 am. This program is free and open to all members. Beginners welcome! East Side Clinical Lab draws blood work here once per month. The date for this month is: Wednesday September 1, 8:30-11:30. There is no pre-registration, just come in with the lab slip from your doctor. Please utilize this service so they will continue. Waterview Villa’s nurse, Sonya Moniz will be taking blood pressures on Wednesday, September 8th from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the dining room. Come sit and chat with our favorite nurse! We are very pleased to have Hattie Ide Chaffee for monthly blood pressure checks. They will be here on Monday, September 13 from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the dining room. Please stop by and find out the wonderful services they provide our community. Nutrition/Weight Loss Maintenance group will be meeting Tuesday September 14 at 10:30 a.m. We will be having a general discussion. Please join us so we may continue this group! The East Bay Center clinical social worker, Kathleen Beltramello LICSW, is assisting our seniors with any of their social service needs. The dates this month are: September 14 and 28 from 9 a.m. to12 noon. Do you have questions? Do you just wish to talk with someone confidentially? Please contact us for an appointment at 435-7870. The Food Stamp Assistance program will be here on the third Wednesday of every month to assist seniors with eligibility requirements and the application process. Many seniors are eligible and they do not know it! This month Janet Holmes will be here on September 22nd. Please contact her at 437-0006 ext. 147 to make an appointment. Evergreen House Health Center will be taking blood pressure readings on Thursday, September 16 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the dining room. Stop by to have your blood pressure taken and to speak with lovely Yvonne about this wonderful facility. Diabetes Support Group will be meeting on: Thursday, September 23 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. We will be having a special guest speaker, Mary Proietta RD, discussion the signs and symptoms of diabetes complications-and how to avoid them! If you have diabetes, please attend this wonderful, supportive group. No pre-registration is necessary. Our Caregiver’s Support Group will be meeting Monday, September 27 at 10:30 a.m. We will be having a general discussion. If you have responsibility as a caregiver, please join us for this very supportive group! No pre-registration necessary. Atria Bay Spring Village will be taking blood pressures on Tuesday, September 28 in the dining room from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

September 2010 The Reporter Did you know that Atria Bay Spring Village extends an open invitation to anyone of our members for a tour and lunch at their facility? They can accommodate up to ten for this free event. Just contact them directly at 246-2500. If you have any questions about these programs, or to register, please visit the Health Office or call 435-7870.

East Providence Senior Center And Monty’s Trips

Sept. 25, 2010 Bourne Scallop Festival - $61.00 to include transportation, Scallop or Chicken dinner to include French Fries, Cole Slaw, Roll/Butter, soda, a narrated 90 minute Cruise on Cape Cod Canal, craft booths and entertainment. Insurance $5.00 Oct. 3 - 6, 2010 L a n c a s t e r, PA $440.00pp Dbl. Occ. to include 3 nights accommodations, 3 Buffet Breakfasts, 3 Amish Style Dinners, Sight & Sound Theatre featuring “Joseph” & Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre featuring Church Basement Ladies, Guided Tours, Lancaster Outlet, Hershey Chocolate World, all Taxes, Baggage, Meal and Driver’s Gratuities and Motor coach Transportation. Insurance available. Nov. 26 - 29, 2010 Christmas at the Beach - $385.00 Dbl. Occ. to include 3 nights accommodations, 3 full course breakfasts, 2 full course Holiday Dinners, Admission to Busch Gardens’ Christmas Town, Garden of Lights tour at Norfolk’s Botanical Gardens, Holiday Lights at the Beach Tour of Virginia Beach Boardwalk, Star of Wonder: The Mystery Of the Christmas Star Planetarium Show, Christmas Imax Movie, Virginia Air & Space Museum, Virginia Living Museum, Guided tour of Colonial Williamsburg, Souvenir Gift, Gratuities and Motorcoach transportation. Insurance available. Dec. 5 - 7, 2010 Indian Head Resort $260.00 Dbl. Occ. to include 2 nights Deluxe Accommodations, 2 Breakfasts, 2 Dinners, a Cocktail Reception, Entertainment each evening, Free Individual Photo, Christmas Party with Santa & Gift, all taxes, Transportation & Driver’s Gratuity included. Feb. 21 – 23, 2011 Atlantic City/Tropicana - to include 2 Nights Accommodations, $20.00 Cash Bonus, 1 Breakfast Buffet, 1 Dinner Buffet, Casino Revue Show, Motor Coach Transportation and Driver’s Gratuity. $167.00 Dbl. Occ. Triple Occ. $ 162.00 Single Occ. $230.00 Insurance $ 15.00 Sign up in the E. Providence Senior Center Administration Office or call (401) 4357800 Ext. 7. Can also call: Eleanor Monteiro at (401)434-8194 - 28 Metacomet Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916. Trips Must Be Booked and Paid In Full 30 Days from Date of Trip. Please Make Your Reservations Early


Coupons “Making a Difference’ We ask all to bring in clipped coupons found in the Sunday newspaper and maybe we can make a difference. They are distributed to the spouses and children of troops who sometimes struggle to make ends meet on military salaries.

Cell Phone Recycling

The center is collecting used or discarded cell phones. Most phones end up in kitchen drawers collecting dust. By partnering with Cellular Recycler, we have developed a way to make the most of used cell phones. A box is in the administration office for depositing the cell phones. We thank you in advance. The phones will either be recycled for their precious metals according to EPA standards or be refurbished for use in developing countries. The memory of each phone is “flashed” to wipe out any previous information stored on the cell phone.

Scam Warning

Rhode Island DMV Warns Consumers of Bogus DMV Website The Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) issued a warning to Rhode Islanders of a bogus website asking motorists to register their vehicles using a credit card. The site: is in no way associated with the Rhode Island DMV. To date, it appears no


Rhode Island motorists have accessed the fraudulent services via the website. Rhode Island is one of a number of states that have been targeted, including Vermont and New York. If motorists using search engines type in “Rhode Island registration renewals,” or a similar search phrase, the bogus website may be a link that appears. The Rhode Island DMV is warning computer users not to visit these websites, and only visit the official Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles website to do their on-line transactions. Rhode Island DMV is working with the state’s web portal manager,, to monitor web activity, and has contacted web search engines, such as Google, to have the fraudulent sites removed. The Rhode Island State Police and the Office of Attorney General have been notified of the fraudulent website. If a motorist believes they used the fraudulent website, they should contact the RI State Police Detective Bureau, at 444-1000. Rhode Islanders looking to legitimately conduct transactions with the Rhode Island DMV through the Internet should visit www. You should never give out personal information to Someone who calls. The Government will not and does not call for this or any other personal information.


The Reporter September 010

Weddings & Engagements Aron Donato to Wed Sarah Dumphy





Mention This Ad and Receive

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Mr. Louis Evans and Mrs. Jo-ann Donato of Rumford, RI announce the engagement of their son, Aron Donato of Rumford, RI to Sarah Dumphy of Worcester, MA the daughter of Mr. David and Mrs. Christine Dumphy of Oxford, MA. A July 011 wedding is planned.




Engaged? Just Married? Celebrating a 25th, 50th or 100th Wedding Anniversary?!?

Send your Announcements & photos to news@ it's free! Aron Donato and Sarah Dumphy.

Demetrios Designer

Wedding Dress

NEW, UNALTERED, UNWORN, WITH TAGS • Size 6 style 4233. My measurements are roughly 35, 28, 37 • Romantic, Sophisticated & Sexy! Modern Vintage Look. • Sweatheart top, with rouching (like magic,

Tanya Periquito to Wed Christopher Resendes

Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Periquito are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter Tanya Periquito to Christopher Resendes son of Scott and Louise Mansi of East Providence. Both are graduates of East Providence High School. Tanya also graduated from Rhode Island College this past May with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. They are planning a wedding for June 011.

shows off curves / creates them if you don't have them... which was my case). White lace, flattering

mermaid style. Train is chapel length. • I bought the dress at a bridal shop but ended up getting a different dress. (Shops don't allow

New at Bridal shops this dress costs $1,000-$1,300

ASKING $500.00

Please call Laurie 339-221-0704

Come by to give it a try...of course you may bring your mom or girlfriends to help. Located in Rehoboth

Happy dress shopping! - Laurie

PS: In the magazine pic it looks more form-fitting...I think it is her pose.

Tanya Periquito and Christopher Resendes.

September 010 The Reporter

Christine L. Bowers to Wed Wesley T. Mcguire

Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Bowers of Middletown, RI are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Christine L. Bowers of Riverside, RI to Wesley T. McGuire, son of Ms. Jill McGuire of Wakefield, RI. Christine is a 1998 graduate of Middletown High School in Middletown, RI and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration in 00 and a Masters of Science in Accounting from the University of Rhode Island. Christine is a CPA employed as the Controller of Community VNA in Attleboro, MA. Wesley is a 1996 graduate of South Kingstown High School in South Kingstown, RI and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 000 from the University of Rhode Island. Wesley is a Mechanical Engineer at BAE Systems in Middletown, RI. An October 30, 010 wedding has been planned at the St. John’s Episcopal Church in Barrington, RI with a reception to follow at the Atlantic Beach Club in Middletown, RI.

Christine L. Bowers and Wesley T. McGuire.

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Charest Jr.


David and Kristen are pleased to announce their marriage which took place on May 31, 010. They were happily married by Father Roger of St. Patrick’s church in Cranston RI. The ceremony took place in Sharon MA at Saphire Estates. The groom’s best man was his brother Dan Charest and ushers were grooms cousins Ryan and Eric Antuono and bride’s brother Brian Rasmusson. The maid of honor was Val Pedolino and the bridesmaids were sisters Ashley and Brianna Wargo. Dave and Kristen enjoyed two weeks in St. Lucia before returning to their home in Johnston RI. David graduated from East Providence High School 00 . David and Kristen are both graduates of Salve Regina University 006.

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Charest Jr.

let everybody know for FREE!

Send Pictures and Announcements to


The Reporter September 010

Birth Announcements Alexander Lee Conti

Erica Tefft and Lee Conti announce the birth of their son Alexander Lee Conti on July nd at Woman & Infants Hospital in Providence at 10:4 A.M. Alexander was 8 lbs and 1 oz and 0 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Penny and Bill Tefft of Hope Valley, RI and paternal grandparents are Hildirezendes and Richard Conti of East Providence.

Phoebe Bell McClelland.

Phoebe Bell McClelland

Alexander Lee Conti.

Beth and Adam White of Rumford welcomed their daughter, Phoebe Bell McClelland White at 9:31 A.M. on May 3, 010 at Women and Infants’ Hospital. Phoebe weighed 8lbs 4oz and was 0” long. Phoebe has three older siblings: Eliza and Chapman who are 6, and Gresham who is 3. Her Aunt and Uncle, Kate and Josh White, also live in Rumford. Paternal Grandmother, Suellen Franze, resides in Pawtucket, RI. Maternal Grandparents, Becky and EJ Butler reside in the mother’s hometown of Kennesaw, GA.

Payton Elizabeth groff

Melissa Reis of Seekonk, MA and Kevin Groff of Pawtucket, RI are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Payton Elizabeth Groff. She was born on August 4th at 6:46 p.m. at Women & Infants Hospital in Providence, RI. She weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 19 1/ ” long. Maternal Grandparents are Jose & Rosemarie Reis of Seekonk, MA. Paternal Grandparents are Christine Malloy of Pawtucket, RI and the late Edward Groff of Bristol, RI.

Hope Perkins Jaworski.

Hope Perkins Jaworski

Payton Elizabeth Groff.

Christine and Anthony Jaworski of Riverside are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Hope Perkins Jaworski. Hope was born on July 1st at 8:43 p.m. at Women and Infants Hospital. She weighed 8 lbs and 1 oz. and was 0.5 inches long. Hope was welcomed home by her big sister Grace Rita Jaworski who is 1/ years old. Maternal grandparents are Paula Perkins of East Providence and the late William “Perk” Perkins of East Providence. Paternal grandparents are Edward Jaworski and Gail Meyers of Katzenthal, France and the late Rita Jaworski of Manchester, Connecticut.

HUNGRY? Recipes from Chef Erin...

September 010 The Reporter

find it in the


Dining Guide

Apple Oatmeal Crisp

Serves 6 6 cups tart cooking apples, ½ cup brown sugar, packed peeled and large diced 1/3 cup flour 1 tablespoon lemon juice 5 TBS butter, softened 4 tablespoons sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 1 cup rolled oats, old-fashioned Pinch of salt Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Toss apples with sugar and lemon juice. Place apples in a greased shallow baking dish. Combine remaining ingredients, and sprinkle over the apples. Bake for @45 minutes, or until apples are tender and bubbling. Serve warm.

Roasted Butternut Serves 4-6

½ tsp pepper 1 butternut squash ½ tsp garlic, minced 1 TBS olive oil 1 tsp thyme 1 tsp salt Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Peel butternut. Cut off stem end. Cut butternut in half lengthwise. Scoop out seeds and pulp. Cut in large chunks and toss with oil and seasonings. Place on baking sheet and bake @ 0-30 minutes, till golden and tender.

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The Reporter September 010


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Coupon Expires 10/15/10. One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer. Good at East Providence & Riverside Subway only.

6-inch Cold Cut Trio for just $1.99

Coupon Expires 10/15/10. One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offer. Good at East Providence & Riverside Subway only.

Serves 8-10

3 medium eggplant ½ cup vegetable oil 3 large onions, finely chopped pounds ground lamb or beef 3 TBS tomato paste ½ cup red wine ½ cup parsley, chopped ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ pound butter 6 TBS flour 1 quart milk 4 eggs, beaten till frothy Pinch of nutmeg cups ricotta cheese 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 cup parmesan cheese, grated

Peel the eggplants and cut them into slices about ½ inch thick. Brown the slices quickly in ¼ cup of the oil. Set aside. Heat the remaining oil in the same skillet and cook the onions until they are brown. Add the ground meat and cook 10 minutes. Pour off the excess fat. Combine the tomato paste with the wine, parsley, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Stir this mixture into the meat and simmer over low heat, stirring frequently, until all the liquid has been absorbed. Remove the mixture from the fire. Make a white sauce by melting the butter and blending in the flour, stirring with a wire whisk. Meanwhile, bring the milk to a boil and add it gradually to the butter-flour mixture, stirring constantly. When the mixture is thickened and smooth, remove it from the heat. Cool slightly and stir in the beaten eggs, nutmeg and ricotta. Grease a baking pan and sprinkle the bottom lightly with crumbs. Arrange alternate layers of the eggplant and the meat sauce in the pan, sprinkling each layer with parmesan and crumbs. Pour the ricotta sauce over the top. Bake 1 hour, or until the top is golden. Remove from oven and cool @ 30 minutes before serving. Cut into squares and serve.

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September 2010 The Reporter

Autumn Supper


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The Reporter September 010

What Republicans need to know about their current District 65 Representative, Jack Savage 1. Sponsored Binding Arbitration Bill that would BIND the hands of the elected School Committee and give non-elected arbitrators control over YOUR tax rate. 2. Supports never ending contracts, severely limiting what School Committees can do to improve quality and control costs.


The following jobs are available at EBCAP Head Start Positions

3. Was the LONE vote against pension reform, referring to it as “torturing teachers�.

On Call Subs

Jack Savage does NOT have the best interest of the residents of District 65 in mind, but rather those of special interests.

Associate Teachers


Education Coordinator Kids Connect Consultant

That is why the East Providence Republican City Committee STRongLY EnDoRSES

Stephanie Santos Sivalingam for State Representative District 65 in the Republican Primary on Tuesday, September 14th.

Additional Jobs Nurse Manager Quality Improvement Coordinator Certified Nurse Midwife Health Advocate Nurse-Per Diem

Paid for by the East Providence Republican City Committee, Robert S. Carlin Jr. Chairman

Please email Sharon at

September 2010 The Reporter

CLASSIFIEDS Send Classified with Payment to The East Providence Reporter; P.O. Box 170, Rehoboth, MA 02769. BUSINESS CLASSIFIED RATES $35 FOR 30 WORDS Classified Deadline: 25th of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising

FOR SALE For Sale: Queen size, box spring and mattress, used two months. $100.00 Call (508)669-6159. (e910)


1 To 15 Words - $10 16 To 30 Words - $15 Additional Words $.25 each

For Sale: six foot three point hitch wheel barrow. Excellent condition. $275.00 (508)828-9994. (e910) Backyard Classic Professional Charcoal grill/smoker great for smoked pork/ribs used once $150.00. (508)828-9994. (e910)

Affordable Fuel Inc.

FOR RENT For Rent: East Providence, Furnished studio apartment. 1st Floor on bus line & near stores. 435-4187. For Rent: East Prov. Apartment, 1st floor – 3 rooms, gas, heat, busline, no pets/smoking. 1st & security. Call 401-433-0871 For Rent: Apartment in North Dighton, MA, 1,5 miles from Route 44, comfortable second floor, 1 bedroom, appliances, no utilities. Monthly rent, $600.00. Call 508-669-6159. (e910)

No need to hunt around for great home heating oil prices! Call Affordable Fuel for Our Daily Price Quote


VACATION RENTAL Custom Log Cabin: Sugar Hill, Franconia NH, sleeps 6, fireplace, full kitchen; minutes from New Hampshire attractions; swimming, hiking, fishing, boating, or just R&R; weekly & weekends, Call 401-433-4491.

FREE STUFF! FREE: METAL SWING SET with glider, 2 swings & slide. For young children. Call 508-252-4782 (e910)

GENERAL SERVICES PARTY RENTALS: For sale or rent, Tents and moon-walks, x-party place, call Dan after 5pm (774)306-1278 (e1010)



Call us Now to Advertise! The October Issue of The Reporter will be your last chance to advertise before the election!

Call 508-252-6575


The Reporter September 2010

SEPTEMBER BUSINESS DIRECTORY Adult Education A/C & Heating Architectural Design Art Classes Attorney Auto Body Auto Body Auto Dealers Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Salvage Bakery Bank Building Contractor Building Contractor Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Candidate - EP Carpentry - Finish Chamber of Commerce Chiropractor Circus Collectibles Consignment Store Consignment Store Counseling Credit Union Credit Union Dance Studio Dance Studio Dentist Dog Grooming Electrician Engine Repair-Lawn Entertainment Fence-Sales/Serv. Figure Skating Fireplaces/ Chimney's Food Service Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil

MTTI 50 Vicmir 36 VIZCAD 59 Splat Kindercrafts 53 Law Office of Nicholas Barrett Assoc 19 Aggressive Collision Center 34 Tri Star Autobody, Inc. 14 Hot Rides INC. 23 Barbosa & Son Auto Repair 36 Fred's Service Center , Inc 21 Mike's Truck & Trailer Repair 19 New England Tire 37 Somerset Chrysler Jeep 80 Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 20 Seekonk Auto Salvage 6 Crugnales Bakery 73 Coastway Credit Union / Decunha 10 East Providence Siding 11 Wood Frame Structures Inc. 14 Bruce DiTraglia 19 Christopher Blazejewski 61 Daniel DaPonte 55 David Sullivan 24 EP Republican City Committee 76 John Rossi, Candidate 25 John Rossi, Candidate 45 Luisa Abatecola 49 Maria- Luci Stoddard 57 Michael DiGioia 43 Stephanie (Santos) Sivalingam 31 Steve Gianlorenzo 56 William Conley 18 Bruce Rogers 66 Chrissy Rossi Candidate 46 Dr. Isadore Ramos c/o Pete Barilla 29 Frank Devall 63 Frank Devall 8 John Savage, Representative 26 John Savage, Representative 38 John Savage, Representative 9 John Savage, Representative 65 Richard Rodi 16 Ryan Tellier, For School Committee 50 Steve Gerling 35 Thomas Rose 39 Mark Koussa Carpentry 54 East Providence Chamber 22 New Hope Family Chiropractic 17 Circus Vidbel 48 Wexler's Collectibles 60 Corner Consignment Shoppe 62 Saks Consignment 27 Olivia M Howard, LMFT 48 Columbus Credit Union 48 Community & Teachers Credit Union 8 Bayside School of Dance 53 Twinkle Toes Dance Studio 47 Dr. Dimitri Ganim 6 Pampered Pets 7 Pineview Electric 29 Fred's Service Center 28 King Richard's Faire 42 Foxx Fence 4 Pawtucket & Providence Club 51 Briggs Family Fireplace 26 Thomsen Foodservice 17 Affordable Fuel 77 Al's Quality Oil Co. 60 Columbus Energies Inc. 33 Savard Oil Co. Inc. 34

Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Propane Furniture/Upholstery Garden Center Golf Club Graphic Design Grocery / Meat Market Hair / Nails Hair Salon Hair Salon Hair & Tanning Salon Handyman Hardware Store Health Care Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Home Improvements Home Improvements Insurance Agency Insurance Agency Jewelers Landscape Materials Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Laundromat Lawn Care Live Entertainment Medical Practice Music Musical Instruction Nursing Homes Optometrists Orthodontics Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Pest Control Services Physical Therapy Physical Therapy Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Private School Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Roofer/WaterProofing Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Sheds Small Engine Repair Spiritual Healing Stump Grinding Trash/Junk Removal Tree Service

Stateline Fuel & Burner Service 80 Wood's Heating Service 55 Arrow Gas Corp. - Inergy Propane 54 Masterson Furniture and Upholstery 44 J & L Landscaping & Garden Center 61 Wampanoag Golf Course 62 Engine Graphics 11 Pita Market 75 Perfect Nails & Facials 13 Jace Salon & Spa 6 Shear Image Salon 30 Rhonda & Co. 52 Just In Time Handyman Service 30 Standard Hardware 27 Barrington Urgent Care 49 Renaissance Gymnastics Academy 52 YMCA - Newman 51 Almeida Home Improvements 44 Professional Property Maintenance 28 Lezaola Insurance & House Group 10 Stateline Insurance 64 M.R.T. Co., Inc. 7 Daniel D. Wright Realty LLC 12 East Bay Landscape, Inc. 13 Jacole B Landscaping 62 Moore's Landscaping 63 Superior Lawn Care 60 Launder Plus 20 Simply Safer Lawn Care 56 Disney On Ice - Feld Entertainment 58 Internal Medicine & Preventative Care 23 Dougs Retail & Learning Center 52 Learn to Play Guitar 53 Waterview Villa 69 Brown Center 53 Romani Orthodontics 35 Adams Painting 4 Cronan Painting 70 Z Painting 63 First Choice Pest Control 27 Balance Holistic Center 62 Sport & Spine Physical Therapy 11 Dyer Plumbing & Heating 59 Fullport Plumbing & Heating 44 The Providence Country Day School 47 Juan Cerda BOA - Remax Agents 15 Marcel Robert / Tirrell Realty 38 Maria Correia Realtor (Mateus) 13 Mateus Realty 79 Red Realty 2 Remax Heritage Agent Brokers 15 ReMax Rivers Edge 10 The Tirrell Team 40 Cebas Diner 75 Luxury Box Bar & Grille 74 Phillips Street Restaurant 74 Schroder's Deli 73 Sparky's Coney Island 74 Subway - East Providence 74 Tito's Cantina 75 Cameron Roofing 12 Artesani Remodeling 30 S. Willard Roofing 29 Tabeleys Roofing 54 B.O.B. Supply 17 Seekonk Small Engine Inc. 59 Positive New Beginnings 28 Mike's Stump Grinding 28 Big Blue Removal Service 12 Advanced Tree 30

September 010 The Reporter

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EAST PROVIDENCE - Well kept 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Ranch, 2 Kitchens, FR, Hw's/Tile, gas heat, central air; new roof, siding, windows, upgraded electric, sliders, patio, garage. $209,900


RUMFORD - This property can be used as a SF or 2F, 2 Brs each side, siding, porch, deck, shed, 6,400sf corner lot. $169,900

EAST PROVIDENCE - Brightridge!! 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Cottage, dining, LR/fireplace, partially finished lower, gas heat, upgraded electric, siding, garage, fenced yard. $179,900









EAST PROVIDENCE - Pierce Field!! Clean 2 unit Duplex style, 1 Br each, partially finished lower, some updates, siding, garage. $179,900



EAST PROVIDENCE - Brightridge/ Silver Spring!! Short Sale Approved!! 3 Br Ranch, FR, Cathedrals, skylights, sliders, patio, HW's, gas heat, garage, 7000+sf lot $169,900


RIVERSIDE - Clean/young 3 Br, 1 1/12 bath R/Ranch, FR/Bar, office, sliders, deck, siding, garage, gas heat, 6400sf lot. $199,900. Subject to bank approval!!




EAST PROVIDENCE - 2/3 BR, 2 bath Ranch, Par tially finished lower with spacious FR, Den, bath/jacuzzi. Gas Heat hw's/tile, pool, fenced yard. $189,900





EAST PROVIDENCE - Centrally located!! Clean 2 Family, separate front entrances and utilities, vinyl siding, replacement windows, young gas boilers/HW tanks, upgraded electric, par tially finished lower, garages. $219,900

EAST PROVIDENCE - Brightridge!! Estate Sale!! Great location & potential!! 3/4 Br Ranch, FLRM, young roof & replacement windows; gas heat/central air, upgraded electric, siding, garage, fenced yard. $149,900



EAST PROVIDENCE - Pierce Field!! Watch the fireworks from your lawn!! 3 Br, 2 bath Ranch, 2 Kitchens, FR, Den; young roof, siding & windows; upgraded electric, gas heat. $154,900




BRISTOL - Enjoy all Bristol has to offer!! 4 Br, 1 1/2 bath Colonial, FR, cathedrals, fp; new roof, gas boiler, upgraded electric; sliders/deck, 10,820sf lot on dead end, walk to Colt State Park, water, bike path & parade rt. $279,900






CRANSTON - Knightsville!! 2 Fam, 2/3 Br each, sveral updates!! roof, replacement windows, upgraded electric, central air both floors, enclosed front porch, garages, 8000sf lot. $189,900

434-8399 FALAMOS PORTUGUES • FAX # 435-3401

582 Warren Avenue • East Providence, RI 02914

Visit our website for information on these and other properties at...



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