September 2010 SR

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The Seekonk




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OCT. 2


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Circus Vidbel Returns to Rehoboth With an Exciting New Show

All New

BLOCKBUSTER Show! story and Photos on page 52

By Laura Calverley Circus Vidbel is returning to Rehoboth next month with a big new show that promises to thrill and entertain kids of all ages. Proceeds will benefit the Rehoboth PTSA. The circus takes place on Saturday and Sunday, October 2 and 3 on Redway Plain at the corner of Route 44 and Bay State Rd. Performances are Saturday 2 p.m., 4:30 p.m., and 7 p.m. and Sunday, 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. This year’s show is completely new, says Co-owner and Performance Director Mike Ashton, who with his wife Susan Vidbel-Ashton, took over the circus in 2008 and put it back on the road after it was on hiatus for several years. Susan’s grandparents founded the circus in 1984. Circus Vidbel is one of only a handful of one-ring traveling circuses still traveling the country and ‘wowing’ crowds under ...continued on page 52 the big top tent.

Support Helping Hands Food Pantry

Bring a Donation To The Circus Food Drive!

BACK TO SCHOOL turn to page 56

2 The Reporter September 2010



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September 2010 The Reporter


Town of Seekonk News Notes Seekonk Showcase to Close

The Seekonk Showcase Theater on Fall River Avenue will have its final curtain call on Labor Day. The theater is closing because “it is no longer financially viable to continue operations” according to a spokesperson from owner National Amusements. The other Showcase Cinema, in Seekonk Square near the Target store on Route 6, will remain open. The theater employs about 40 people but the company says it will try to find them positions at other theaters. There is no word yet on the company’s plans for the Fall River Avenue property.

Town Begins Work on Redrafting Master Plan

Seekonk will soon begin the process of redrafting its Master Plan, last updated in 2000. The planning board recently hired the Horsley Witten Group as consultants on the project. Residents approved $40,000 at the spring town meeting to hire a consultant. Town planner John Hansen said the goal is to update the Master Plan by the end of 2011.

Seekonk Scouts Earn Eagle

Congratulations to Patrick Brown, Michael Mullen and Tighe Ratcliffe of Seekonk for becoming Eagle Scouts last month. Eagle is scouting’s highest rank. Each young man completed an Eagle Scout project. Brown conducted a multi-town collection

drive to benefit the Haven of Grace Ministries in Woonsocket. Mullen’s project provided house numbers for Seekonk homes that were either missing numbers or were hard to identify. House numbers are important if public safety personnel need to find a home in an emergency. Ratcliffe worked with Community Autism Resources to coordinate a training seminar held at the Newman Y for baby-sitters, grandparents and caregivers of children on the autism spectrum.

Construction on Banna Fire Station To Begin Soon

Renovations to the Banna Fire Station on Pine Street are expected to begin this winter. Residents approved $7 0,000 at town meeting last year to refurbish the building. Plans call for an expansion of the first floor including an office for the police department and a community room, and construction of a second floor for sleeping quarters. The project had been on hold due to a lawsuit filed by a neighbor, but is now back on schedule. It is expected to be completed by next summer. The station is named for firefighter Richard Banna, who died in the line of duty in 1977.

Seekonk 200th Birthday Celebration

Seekonk turns 200 in 2012 and the town recently held its first meeting to start planning the bicentennial celebration. Town clerk Jan Parker says she was very pleased

ound at the Circu r A n w s Clo



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e Circu 12 at th

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OCT. 2


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with the turnout. Representatives from the school department, library, Lions Club, Kiwanis Club, and many residents attended. Everyone was very enthusiastic about the celebration and offered many good ideas. The town is planning to kick-off the year-long celebration with a dinner/dance in January 2012, but other possible ideas include a night at the Pawsox, town-wide barbecue and summer concert series. The town is looking for volunteers to help with the celebration. The next meeting is scheduled for October 21 at 7 p.m. at town hall. If you can’t attend the meeting or need further information, call the town clerk’s office at 08-336-2920.

Inside this Issue Antiquarian Society....................36 Back to School..........................60 Births.........................................9 Business Directory...................101 Church......................................88 Classifieds...............................99 Club Announcements.................33 Dining Guide...............................86 Events and Activities...................22 How You Can Help..................... Letters to the Editor....................... Library.........................................76 Obituaries................................98 People in the News.....................39 Rehoboth Council on Aging.......90 Rehoboth Ramblings.................13 Rehoboth Rescue Squad..........14 Rehoboth Town News................16 Scouts.......................................81 Seekonk Human Services..........72 Seekonk Scene..........................21 Sports Update............................48 Weddings................................93 Who’s Who..................................97

4 The Reporter September 2010

Castle Cleaning

Rehoboth Post Office Food Drive Saturday September 18th

Dungeons Dusted, Moats Mopped, Parapets Polished

The employees at the Rehoboth Post Office are once again getting involved in helping to replenish the local Food Pantry this year.

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On Saturday September 18th, your rural carrier will be picking up dry goods at every mailbox during their normal delivery. The Postmaster is asking local residents to help out by placing the food in a plastic bag and hanging it on the mailbox. We are also taking contributions in the Post Office lobby.

Last year was a very successful year. Through your generosity, we were able to collect over 6000 pounds of dry goods.


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We hope you enjoy receiving our paper each month! We encourage you to continue to send us your news, letters, and announcements. We also hope you will support your local businesses because they make this newspaper possible!

Thank You to Everyone who Sent Answers! 1958 East Little League team:

First row front: left to right: Jim Davis (batboy), Gary Spect, Don Backlund, Kim Thompson. Row 2: Steve Menzel , Pete Shutter, Tim Zucci, Jack Dennen, Wally Davis, Jack Egan, Sam DelSignore. Third row: Mike Szala, Ken Bloomquist, Barry Bullock, Pete Dean. Back Row: Coaches Jack Egan Sr. and Wally Davis Sr. This photo was taken by Donald Reed of Providence St. on June 4, 19 8 at the Palmer River School Field. Photo and info were submitted by Jack Egan, AKA Mr. Egan, Coach Egan. If you would like a copy of this photo please contact the Reporter.

September 2010 The Reporter

Letters to the Editor... The letters in this section do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Let us hear from YOU!

Dick & Barbara Georgia

Enough Is Enough

Would you like a Parking Lot, Commercial Septic System, or Gazebo in your backyard? I don’t know about you, but I would definitely choose the Gazebo. Apparently, the residents of the Francis Farm Subdivision didn’t have that choice. Lucky them, they got all three. After reading the news article in the Sun Chronicle that detailed the Board of Selectmen meeting Monday, I was outraged. Just when I thought that any action by members of the Board of Selectman couldn’t get any worse, Selectmen Foley and Leffort have taken my outrage to a new level. As reported in the Chronicle, a company associated with Francis Farm owner, Ken Foley purchased three lots in 2007 and then he proceeded to erect a gazebo, septic system and parking lot as an extension of his business. These lots are zoned residential not business and should be utilized only for residential purposes. At Monday’s Selectman Meeting, the board rejected the Rehoboth Zoning Enforcement Officer’s request for legal counsel even though he received multiple complaints from neighbors of Francis Farm. Selectman Foley recused himself “because the matter pertained to his business, Francis Farm”. Selectman Kevin McBride voted yes and Selectman Leffort voted no. Leffort stated “the town has spent more than $6,000 on zoning issues and should not be expending any more money”. Ironically, the Board of Selectman has authorized the overspending of the legal counsel line for each of the past three years. Certainly, there are no longer any checks and balances within our town government. The people who appoint the Zoning Enforcement Officer and the members of the Zoning Board of Appeals are the same people who may be abusing the zoning by-laws in this town. When will the residents of the town say enough is enough? Do those in power represent our best interests or are they simply planning on violating our by-laws for their own interests? Bonnie Kelley Rehoboth

Time for Yet Another Change!

I don’t know about you but living in the 4th Bristol District I feel like I have had no one who represents my interests on Beacon Hill since Phil Travis retired 4 years ago. Phil always represented the wants and needs of working class families in this area and that is why he served us for 26 years. However, over the past 4 years we have had someone who does not represent us, our wants, our needs, and the needs of our families and that person is Steve D’Amico. D’Amico is a self serving activist of the worst kind. He voted to raise taxes every chance he got but he himself uses some pathetic clause that allows state representatives who live 50 or more miles from the state house from having to pay income taxes. Because our representative D’Amico lives 51 miles from the statehouse he can actually get away with not having to pay taxes yet in return he votes for us to pay more? This is not the type of representative I want representing the 4th Bristol District. The people of Norton, Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Swansea deserve better. D’Amico also does not support casinos coming to Massachusetts. He would rather see that money continue to go to Rhode Island and Connecticut so not only does he support more taxes but he does not support jobs to assist people in paying those taxes. No wonder former state representative Phil Travis has crossed party lines and endorsed Steven Howitt in this coming election. Phil would rather see someone who can actually get the job done and properly represent the 4th Bristol District than see some activist liberal continue to put ideology over the wants and needs of the families in this district just because he belongs to the same party that Phil does. Thank you Phil for once again doing what was right and helping to defeat D’Amico this November, he simply does not deserve to be reelected for 2 more years when he has not properly represented us these past 4 years. Neil LeBeau Swansea, MA letters continued on next page

The Rehoboth/Seekonk

Reporter P.O. Box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769

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Target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia, President Editor/Publisher - Barbara Georgia Advertising - Mary Nascimento Feature Writers Laura Calvery David Howard Leslie Patterson Photography Dick Georgia Norm Spring Technical/Graphics Scott Hewitt Michaela O’Connell Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson Meredith Amaral

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The Reporter September 2010

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Fireworks Thank You

After speaking to the lovely, young woman from Norton who produced that spectacular fireworks display at the Rehoboth Fair, I was informed that John Ferreira donated the whole show. It’s so nice to hear about a selfless and generous act of kindness. After hearing so much negativity that is so rampantly reported it is refreshing to hear something positive. Thank you, John. It was much appreciated. Ernie and Kay Veader

So Sad, Mr. Saad

I am compelled to write this letter to the editor regarding one of the articles submitted by David Saad in the August issue of the Rehoboth Reporter. It was titled “Creating Jobs” and was published on page 11. If some of you are like me you keep your Reporter around to read skipped articles or reference comments on previously published articles. For those of you who do, get your Reporter out, or go to and check this out; it is a jaw dropper. The article is submitted as Mr. Saad’s own original thoughts on job creation since he never referenced where the actual article came from and he signed it as his own. But if you Google Frederick W. Smith: One Simple Way to Create click on the link and read each paragraph side by side you will see some amazing similarities. Here is an example; this is the opening paragraph written by Frederick Smith: “America needs more jobs. To get them, we need business to increase capital investment. This is especially true for well-paying industrial jobs in capital-intensive industries. The best way to do that is to let all businesses, large and small, significantly accelerate depreciation of their capital purchases.” Here is David Saad’s opening paragraph: “Massachusetts, as well as America, needs more jobs, and we need them now! One way to seed this field is to allow businesses to increase their capital investment. This is true for well-paying industrial jobs in capital-intensive industries. We ought to let all businesses, large and small, significantly accelerate depreciation of their capital purchases.” And the articles basically read like that through out. Now I am no rocket scientist but to me that is a little too close in verbiage to be a coincidence; more like plagiarism. I thought voters might be interested in this because it makes you wonder, how many other articles are not the original thoughts of Mr. Saad? As a Republican myself I look first for honesty and integrity in a candidate. My vote will definitely be placed elsewhere. Respectfully Submitted, Judy Durand - Rehoboth, MA

Thank You

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Sincere thanks to the staff at the Rehoboth Reporter, who have consistently run press releases and free ads to promote our on-going programs and upcoming events. This was particularly true this summer when we held our “Family Colonial Day.” You were kind enough to run a reminder on the front cover, and many people received their Reporters the day before the event. We had a great turnout. We are grateful to the Rehoboth Reporter for their commitment to our local community! Barbara Spencer, Director Carpenter Museum letters continued on page 8

September 2010 The Reporter


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8 The Reporter September 2010


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A Proud Reformer Speaks Out…

In last month’s Rehoboth Reporter, Mr. Brawley wrote against newly appointed Reformers who will serve on various town boards. What Mr. Brawley failed to mention was that the previously appointed Reformers who held the Zoning Board of Appeals positions were asked to step in when the previous (opposition appointed) board members walked out mid-term in a hissy-fit over the fact that one of their members was not reappointed. This showed a lack of loyalty and respect to the town. Secondly, Selectman McBride, Conservation Commission Chairman Pennoyer, and opposition party member Mr. Gerry Schwall all praised Conservation Commission member Bruce Andrews during a recent town meeting, and spoke against the efforts of selectmen Foley and Leffort to accept Mr. Andrews’ resignation. Finally, when things don’t go the opposition party’s way, they resort to disrupting selectmen meetings, harassing Reform members and their families, leaving obscene messages on Reform member’s telephones, and destroying Reform members’ property. These acts can all be verified. These are not the people I want serving on Rehoboth’s town boards and making decisions that affect all of us. (Webster defines reform as “to make better by putting a stop to abuses or malpractices, or by introducing better procedures, etc…”) A proud Reformer, Susan Anderson

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Rehoboth Lions Club Run For Sight Motorcycle Run Is Great Success

By Laura Calverley The 6th Annual Rehoboth Lions Club Run for Sight Motorcycle Run drew hundreds of bikers from throughout the area on Saturday, August 28 to raise money for Lions Club charities. The 2-mile run started at Palmer River Elementary School and traveled through several communities, ending at the Seekonk Rod and Gun Club on Reed Street where a pig roast with all the fixin’s was held and everyone enjoyed live music and a DJ. “Everyone had a great time,” said Mike Costello, who with John DuVally, organized the event. Costello said this year’s event was better attended than last year and that many more people who couldn’t participate in the bike run, came to the Gun Club later in the day. Lions Club member Dale Sousa and his wife Theresa have participated every year since it started.

September 2010 The Reporter “It’s great. You meet a lot of people from other towns and the event afterwards is nice,” said Theresa Sousa. Lifelong Rehoboth resident Frank Pariseau has taken part in the ride 3 or 4 times. “I love it. It’s worth it because it’s for charity,” Pariseau said. This year’s event, the biggest of the year for the Lion’s Club, was dedicated to the memory of longtime member Danny Pugliese, who died earlier this year. “He loved doing this event,” said Costello. Organizers Costello and DuVally want to thank all the sponsors and volunteers who helped make the event such a success.

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10 The Reporter September 2010

Beckwith’s New Assistant Principal Is Looking Forward to an Exciting Year

Charles Jodoin, Beckwith Middle School’s new Assistant Principal Charles Jodoin, Beckwith Middle School’s new Assistant Principal, has been an educator, in one field or another, for more than twenty years. He brings a great deal of experience, both in the classroom and as an administrator, to the job. Most recently he was an English Language Arts and Latin teacher at Kuss Middle School in Fall River. He was also Director of the theater arts program at Kuss. Jodoin says that the unique thing about his experience at Kuss was that when he arrived there five years ago, Kuss was a chroni-

By Laura Calverley cally under performing school. Over the past five years, the school saw “tremendous positive gains,” he says. And he was part of the team that helped the school achieve those gains. “It was a wonderful experience to be part of the redesign team and be part of a group of individuals who helped turn the school around from the ground up,” said Jodoin. Jodoin plans to apply that experience working with the Kuss team to improve school performance, to working with the team at Beckwith. Beckwith is currently in “restructuring” for not meeting state criteria in math in the subgroup of low-income students, although the aggregate did achieve adequate yearly progress in the subject and the overall performance rating is “high.” The results of the 2010 MCAS are expected out next month. “I find myself in a very comfortable environment. I’m coming from a school that five years ago was in a very, very different situation than Beckwith. Nonetheless, many of the tools and experiences that I had at Kuss, really can find a home here,” Jodoin said. Prior to working at Kuss Middle School, Jodoin worked as a teacher and administrator in the parochial school system. He was a Catholic priest in the diocese of Fall River for a little under five years. He has a B.A. from St. John’s College of Liberal Arts in Brighton and a Masters of Divinity from St. John’s School of Theology. One of Jodoin’s favorite quotes is “the only constant in education is change” and it seemed to apply to his own career, and his decision to leave the priesthood. “I felt that in my own life, I was being called to move into other areas,” he said. Jodoin also worked as a child and family therapist in the mental health field.

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September 2010 The Reporter He is currently completing his PhD in Educational Leadership from Capella University in Minneapolis. Jodoin, who grew up in New Bedford, says he’s excited about the new position and he was impressed with the school, teachers and administrators right from the beginning of the interview process. “I was very impressed with the seriousness given to looking for the right person and the sense of warmth and acceptance that I found even at the very beginning,” Jodoin said. “I left the interviews, both with the search committee and subsequently, with the Superintendent, knowing this was a great place to come to, with wonderful people who shared a common vision of excellence for their schools,” said Jodoin. Since he started the job on July 1st, he’s been busy becoming acclimated and learning the routines of the school. He’s also been involved with the hiring for open positions at the school. “Both Deb (Principal Debra Pincince) and I hold a commitment to hiring the absolute best candidates that we can find and we’ve begun a lot of discussions around what will be needed in order to retain and develop new hires, which is so important in keeping consistency and stability within the school,” Jodoin said. Jodoin says he’s also been working with Pincince on establishing some new protocols that will be implemented in September. These protocols involve faculty leadership, enhancing communication and using student data more effectively. “Education today is a data-driven enterprise,” Jodoin said. He says that one of the things they’ve been working on this summer is how best to “use data in a systematic process in order to make decisions around instruction and learning.” Beckwith has used data before, he says, but he hopes the school will take the use of data “to the next level.” The plan is to implement PIM (Performance Enhancement Mapping) teams for each of the major subjects that will meet monthly and use a systematic approach to better instruction and learning. “What we’re looking to do is to take what was called their SWAT team and bring it to the next level by breaking it up into separate PIM teams for English, Math and Science,” Jodoin said. In addition to focusing more on student data, Jodoin says the administration wants to implement mechanisms for enhancing communication and create more opportunities for ‘distributed leadership’ among the faculty and “developing leadership capacity within the school.” Last spring Pincince came under criticism from the Dighton-Rehoboth Teachers’ Association about the leadership and com-


munication at the school. At the time, Pincince said she was aware of the concerns and was in discussions with the teachers’ union, and always supported the teaching staff. Jodoin says he is thankful about being in an environment and with a principal that sees him and his role as a partnership. He and Pincince “have a true collaboration,” he says, and they share a common vision of education and preparing students for the 21st century. “Both Deb and I, and all the faculty who I met, share a common commitment to have the best school possible and offer the students the best education possible,” Jodoin said. “With that common vision and with some of the structural changes that we are looking at, in terms of facilitating good communication and leadership and our new faculty, I see positive things that can certainly happen,” Jodoin said. “I am optimistic that we will have a good year and an exciting year,” he said. Jodoin currently lives in Marion with his wife, Lori, and they are in the process of adopting two siblings from Russia.

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September 2010 The Reporter

Rehoboth Ramblings


by Leslie Patterson

Turn It Down!

his research on noise pollution, he got the overall impression that I’m pretty sick of hearing that stupid phrase, “If it’s too loud, “most people fear silence.” That’s probably true, but there’s a wide you’re too old.” You are absolutely right; I am too old. Can’t argue spectrum of sounds between utter silence and deafening decibels, with you there. But the blasted (in both senses of the word) music and music belongs somewhere in the middle. is still too loud and has been for a long time. In fact, as a young One more thing: if I may digress from the topic above, I can’t person I left a concert by The Who in 1970 because it was too loud resist making a suggestion regarding the recent controversy about for me. (Please note that Pete Townshend admits that he has lost bringing guns to meetings at Rehoboth town offices. Those who three-fourths of his hearing.) favor the Dodge City approach would do well to listen to Johnny My noise aversion can also be traced to that same time period, Cash’s classic “Don’t Take Your Guns to Town” and reflect that when I lived in an apartment building above a couple of young things didn’t turn out so well for the gun-totin’ guy in that song. idiots who played the same three chords on the electric guitar over and over, until I called the building manager yet again. This might explain why I dislike electric guitars. It certainly explains my disgust at shabbily built apartment buildings. Fast-forward 40 years and the music (all types of music, not just rock) has only gotten louder. Loud is now the cultural norm and if you can’t stand it, even if it causes your ears and central nervous system actual pain, you’re just a grumpy old coot who should go live in the woods like Thoreau. All this is a roundabout way of getting to the recent article, “Why Teenagers Can’t Hear You” in the New York Times “Room for Debate” opinion section, where several writers discussed the recent finding that one in five teenagers now has a hearing loss similar to what you would normally find in someone 0 or 60, and All Interior wondered how much MP3 players are to blame. & Exterior Apparently it all depends on how loud the volume is. An audiologist at the University of Colorado says that all MP3 players are Licensed & Insured capable of putting out high enough levels to cause hearing loss. Clifford Andreozzi However, a person can listen to music using a portable player with 87 Main Street (401) 433-4785 earbuds all day long at a volume of 60% or less and it will cause Riverside, RI 02915 Cell (401) 952-7784 no harm, but listening at full volume for even five minutes will leave you with temporary hearing loss. This temporary damage builds up over time and will lead to hearing loss that is permanent, irreversible and, the audiologist points out, preventable. The problem is compounded when there is already a lot of street noise in an urban landscape to begin with. So here you have young people who turn up their iPods even louder to drown out the subway noise. This article also did not address the problem of hearing damage caused by high decibel music played in all the clubs the kids frequent. But the problem of noise goes way beyond teens and their music. I am past going to loud rock concerts at this point, but I still dread going to social events with live music these days because it’s always too loud, ranging from slightly annoying (“I can’t hear you”) to physically painful (“my ears are bleeding!”) If the music is that loud, I know it is causing further hearing loss, which I can ill afford at my age. Earplugs can only do so much; they only muffle sound somewhat. I hate being branded as a party pooper just because I am apparently more sensitive to loud noise than others, but so be it. I want to save my hearing for things I enjoy listening to, such as birdsong in the morning and crickets in the evening. I also wonder what the point of a party is, especially for those past their teenage rebellion years, when the music is so loud conversation is 508-386-1232 impossible. In the Times article, writer George Michelson Foy says, “The big issue is this: as a society, we embrace noise sickness. Our culture associates high volume sounds with parties, success.” He adds that in doing

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The Reporter September 2010 H BOt RES






Rehoboth Rescue Squad Training in Personal Safety (TIPS) By Tom Rose, Captain of Rescue And Roger Mayer, Lieutenant of Rescue

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Getting ready for school

See that your children put everything they carry in a backpack so things won’t get dropped along the way. Have them wear bright contrasting colors so that they will be visible to drivers. Make sure they leave the house on time so they can be at the bus stop and arrive before the bus is due. Avoid running, as that can be dangerous!

walking to the bus stop

Walk your young child to the bus stop and have older children walk as a group. There is safety in numbers and groups are easier for drivers to see. Stop and look left, right and then left again if you must cross the street. Make sure your child sees you and explain why you are doing that.

waiting at the bus stop

While at the bus stop, wait in a safe place away from the road. Do not let your child play running games or push and shove at the bus stop. It’s dangerous near traffic. Children should never speak to strangers at the bus stop and never get into the car with a stranger. Advise the child to go straight home and tell you if a stranger tries to talk to them or pick them up. As they wait for the bus to arrive, they should watch for red flashing lights and the stop sign to be extended, and cross only when all traffic has stopped. Again, look left, right, and left again before crossing. Crossing the street should always be done in front of the stopped bus.

Getting on and off the bus

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School Bus Safety

Now that the school year has started a few days ago we need to keep our children safe traveling to and from school.

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Warn children that, if they drop something, they should never pick it up. Instead, they should tell the bus driver and follow the driver’s instructions. If they bend over to pick up a dropped object, they might not be seen by the driver and could be hurt if the driver pulls away from the stop. Remind children to look to the right before they step off the bus. A vehicle or even a bicyclist not paying attention might be passing by the bus on the right. Teach your children to secure loose drawstrings and other objects that may get caught in the handrail or door of the bus as they are exiting. Give your child a note and follow your school’s procedures if you would like your child to get off at a stop other than the one they are assigned. The driver isn’t allowed to let a child off at another stop without written permission. If you meet your child at the bus stop after school, wait on the side where the child will be dropped off, not across the street. Children can be so excited at seeing you after school that they dash across the street and forget the safety rules.

Riding the bus

Children should talk quietly, be courteous to the driver, and follow the driver’s instructions. Children should remain seated during the entire bus ride and keep the aisles clear. Things should never be thrown on the bus or out windows. Emergency exits should never be played with, however, if there is an emergency, children should listen to the driver and follow instructions. While we, as adults and young drivers travel through town, please keep in mind the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 90: Section 14 which deals with precautions for safety of other travelers and which reads in part: “When approaching a vehicle which displays a sign bearing the words “SCHOOL BUS” and which is equipped with front and rear alternating flashing signal lamps which are flashing and which has been stopped to allow pupils to alight from or board the same, a person operating a motor vehicle shall bring his vehicle to a full stop before reaching said school bus and shall not thereafter proceed until the warning signals are deactivated, unless directed to the contrary by a police officer duly authorized to control the movement of traffic… No person shall op-

September 2010 The Reporter erate a motor vehicle within a distance of 100 feet behind a school bus. Every school bus shall have the words “keep back 100 feet” prominently displayed on the back of the bus.” By following these simple rules, our children will be safe between home and school.

Meet Your Rehoboth Rescue Squad Members At age nineteen, Nick Mutter is one of the younger members of Rescue, and is already well on his way to a career in emergency services. Nick has been a certified EMT for over one and a half years. He has recently received his EMT Intermediate certification, and is currently training to become a paramedic at Springfield College where he is also a four-year student working to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree in Emergency Medical Services Management. He is also a Lieutenant for Springfield College EMS and an American Heart Association BLS/CPR instructor. Nick is a member of numerous organizations including the National Association of Search and Rescue, International Police Mountain Bike Association, MA/RI Medical Reserve Corps, and he is also a Nationally Registered EMT-Basic. As you can see, Nick is a highly motivated individual who has dedicated himself to a career in emergency services. We are proud to have Nick volunteer his time to serve on Rescue and contribute to the safety of our town.


Have an old car or truck no longer usable

The Rehoboth Rescue Squad is looking for vehicles to be used for rescue training. Donors will receive a 225 receipt for tax purposes. Call Bud Fagundes for pickup at 508.252.3048.

SCUBA Divers

The Rehoboth Rescue is looking to augment our Dive Squad. If you are a recreational or professional SCUBA diver and would like to volunteer your services to the town, please contact us. We own equipment including tanks and regulators. We also have a ZODIAC inflatable boat, fully equipped, with an outboard and a trailer. Check us out! We can always use help and our training dive drills are fun, summer or winter. The Rehoboth Rescue Squad continues to train and is always looking for volunteers. Contact Chief Gary Kloss at 401.226.3870 for an application or visit us on our website at Write to us at Rehoboth Rescue Association PO Box 61, Rehoboth, MA 02769-0061. You may also contact us at (774) 371-0017 anytime.

For Ad Rates Call 508.252.6575 or Check the web at


The Reporter September 2010

Rehoboth Town News Kathy’s Corner

part Now ic with ipating A

Den ltus tal

Dog Licenses


Kathleen J. Conti Town Clerk

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our patient before

State Elections

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There are still 271 unlicensed dogs in the Town and I would remind dog owners to get their dogs licensed as soon as possible. The Non-Criminal Citation process started this month which will add an additional $2 .00 fine to the license and late fees already in place for unlicensed dogs.

The State Primary will be held on Tuesday, September 14, 2010, in one precinct, The Gladys L. Hurrell, Rehoboth Senior Center, at Bay State Road. All voters in Rehoboth will cast their ballots at this location. The polls will be open at 7 a.m. and remain open until 8 p.m. There will be only one Special Voter Registration session prior to the State Primary and that is scheduled for Wednesday, August 2 th at the Town Clerk’s Office from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. This is the final date to register to be eligible to vote in the State Primary. Voter registration may also take place during regular business hours at the Town Clerk’s Office, Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Potential voters may also register by mail by completing a mail-in registration form. The mail-in registration for those wishing to be eligible to vote in the September 14th State Primary must be postmarked by August 2 th and received in the Town Clerk’s Office no later than September 1st. Voters who will be out of town on Election Day or who will be unable to get to the polls may contact the Town Clerk’s Office to obtain an absentee ballot; a written request, with the voter’s original signature, to the Town Clerk is required to obtain a ballot. The cut-off for applying for absentee ballots is 12 noon on Monday, September 13th for the State Primary. If voters have questions regarding their eligibility, they should call the Town Clerk’s Office at 08 2 2-6 02, x109 or x110. The State Election will be held on Tuesday, November 2, 2010. There will be only one Special Voter Registration session prior to the state election and that is scheduled for Wednesday, October 13th at the Town Clerk’s Office from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. This is the final date to register to be eligible to vote in the State Election.

Save the Date for Fall Town Meeting

Selectmen have scheduled the Fall Town Meeting for 7:30 p.m. Monday, November 8 at Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School. The final voter registration to be able to participate in the town meeting is scheduled for 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday, October 29 at the Town Clerk’s office. Please note that these are revised dates. The town meeting was originally scheduled a few weeks earlier on October 18 but it has been changed to Nov. 8. The final voter registration date was also changed. The new date for final voter registration is Oct. 29.

September 2010 The Reporter


Community Preservation Committee Sets Criteria for Potential Projects

At the July meeting of the Community Preservation Committee (CPC), members reviewed proposed criteria for projects to be funded by the Community Preservation Act funds, and a final version is being prepared. The criteria along with a Project Submission form will be available at the Town Clerk’s Office by September 1. The CPC is actively soliciting proposals for projects that quality for funding under the CPA. Proposals that are submitted under any one or more of the following four topic areas will be reviewed at one or more public hearings to be scheduled for December 2010. The four topic areas are: (1) acquisition, creation and preservation of open space; (2) acquisition and preservation of historic resources; (3) acquisition, creation and preservation of land for recreational use; and (4) creation, preservation and support of community housing. The CPC intends to propose funding from CPA funds for one or more approved projects via the Town Warrant for the Town Meeting in the spring of 2011.

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Rehoboth Ambulance Committee, Inc. Receives Donation from the Charter Charitable Foundation for Purchase of New Lifesaving Equipment

The Rehoboth Ambulance Committee, Inc. has received two new Lucas II CPR compression devices. The units were purchased with the assistance of a generous donation from the Charter Charitable Foundation and Annie, Sarah and Kevin Nichols as well as Kenneth M. Jones of the Jones Fund. The devices will replace the units purchased previously. These devices are lighter and are able to work on AC and DC power to provide continuous, high quality compressions. These devices have also added the capability for use on pediatric patients. Rehoboth Ambulance EMT’s and Paramedics have been recognized twice in the past year by the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Association for resuscitating two townspeople that were in cardiac arrest. The Rehoboth Ambulance Committee, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides 911 emergency service to the townspeople of Rehoboth. “Help us to help you” is our motto and we mean it. If you have any questions or would like more information about the ambulance check out our website at

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Rehoboth Energy Committee Receives a Revenue Enhancing Proposal from Ameresco

Ameresco, a large scale solar electrical facility developer, is the bid winner with a proposal that gives Rehoboth and its schools a chance to save at least 30% of current electricity costs. The offer also includes a guaranteed capped landfill lease income of $24,000 per year to the town. The School Committee and Town Officials are now considering the offer. If town and school officials agree that the proposal holds real benefit, Rehoboth citizens must approve 2 proposals at the next town meeting: First, a large scale solar power production by-law must be approved. The proposed by-law adds large scale photovoltaic power production as an approved use of land in the town. The proposed by-law also lists guidelines that guarantee a safe solar power facility installation while protecting neighbors from unwanted visual obstructions. An open Planning Board meeting was held on September 1st at 7:30 P.M. to allow town citizens to comment on the by-law proposals. Copies of the by-law can be found at the town office building, Blanding Library and the Council on Aging Building. Secondly, the town must approve a 1 - 20 year term for Ameresco’s leasing of the landfill. Any contract committing the town to an agreement longer than 10 years must be approved at town

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The Reporter September 2010

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meeting. The 1 to 20 year contract period is necessary to make the project worthwhile, according to the developer. The 1 -20 year period also guarantees the town low energy costs at a time when energy costs are almost certain to rise. Questions or comments will gladly be received at any meeting of the Rehoboth Energy Committee. Meetings are posted at the town office building and the Channel 9 scroll. The Energy Committee welcomes comments and questions at any of their regularly scheduled meetings. Their meeting times, agenda and locations are posted at the town office building and on the channel 9 scroll. Submitted by David House, Rehoboth Energy Committee Chairperson

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Increased Risk of Mosquito-Borne Illnesses In Massachusetts Residents Urged To Take Precautions To Avoid Mosquito Bites

Contact: Lynn Allienello, RN Public Health Nurse, Rehoboth Board of Health The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) and the Rehoboth Board of Health want residents to know that the risk of mosquito-borne illness is on the rise in Massachusetts. These mosquito-borne illnesses include West Nile virus (WNV) and eastern equine encephalitis (EEE). This summer, health officials have seen an increased amount of early season EEE activity in mosquitoes in southeastern Massachusetts, two horses infected with EEE in Worcester County, and a rise in the number of WNV-infected mosquitoes from multiple areas of the state. WNV and EEE are spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. People under age 1 or over age 0 are at greatest risk for serious illness from EEE, and people over age 0 are at higher risk for severe infection from WNV. By taking a few, common-sense precautions, you can help protect yourself and your family:

Avoid Mosquito Bites

Be aware of peak mosquito hours. The hours from dusk to dawn are peak biting times for many mosquitoes. Consider rescheduling outdoor activities that take place during evening or early morning hours. Otherwise, take extra care to use bug spray and protective clothing. Clothing can help reduce mosquito bites. Although it may be difficult to do when it’s hot, wearing long-sleeves, long pants and socks when outdoors will help keep mosquitoes away from your skin. Apply bug spray when you go outdoors. Use a bug spray with DEET (N, N-diethylm-toluamide), permethrin, picaridin (KBR 3023), IR3 3 , or oil of lemon eucalyptus [p-methane 3, 8-diol (PMD)] according to the instructions on the product label. DEET products should not be used on infants under two months of age and should be used in concentrations of 30% or less on older children. Oil of lemon eucalyptus should not be used on children under three years of age. Permethrin products are intended for use on items such as clothing, shoes, bed nets and camping gear and should not be applied to skin.

Mosquito-Proof your home

Drain standing water. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. Limit the number of places around your home for mosquitoes to breed by either draining or getting rid of items that hold water. Check

September 2010 The Reporter rain gutters and drains. Empty any unused flowerpots and wading pools, and change water in birdbaths frequently. Install or repair screens. Keep mosquitoes outside by having tightly-fitting screens on all of your windows and doors. Fix any holes or tears in screens, so mosquitoes can’t get in. Horse owners are encouraged to vaccinate their horses and reduce their horses’ exposure to mosquitoes. Signs of illness in any horse should be evaluated by a veterinarian. More information about mosquitoborne illness and levels of EEE activity in Massachusetts during 2010 can be found on the DPH website at http://www.mass. gov/dph/wnv. Recorded information about WNV and EEE is also available by calling the DPH Public Health Information Line at 1-866-MASS-WNV (1-866-627-7968).

Advisory on Cooking of Shell Eggs

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) is reminding the public of the importance of thoroughly cooking eggs and egg products to prevent food borne illness. This reminder is particularly important in light of the FDA recall on shell eggs involving a number of states. Federal and state officials are investigating a nationwide increase of Salmonella Enteritidis infections associated with shell eggs. Outbreak: Since May 2010, there has been a four-fold increase in the number of cases of Salmonella Enteritidis infections nationwide. Source: Preliminary investigations by federal and state officials suggest that shell eggs are the likely source of many of these infections. Two egg producers in Iowa have been identified as potential sources of contaminated eggs. Recall: FDA used the findings from its preliminary investigation to issue a nationwide egg recall associated with eggs produced at the facilities in Iowa. For upto-date information about the recall, go to: 22.htm. Distribution: MDPH has monitored the situation daily for new information that might affect Massachusetts consumers. As of August 24, no eggs being distributed in Massachusetts have been impacted by the recall. MDPH offers the Following Advice to Consumers on egg safety: • Eggs should be cooked until both the white and the yolk are firm. Eggs should be eaten promptly after cooking. • Eggs should be kept refrigerated at 4 ° F (7° C) at all times. • Discard cracked or dirty eggs. • Wash hands, cooking utensils, and food preparation surfaces with soap and


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The Reporter September 2010


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water after contact with raw eggs. • While in use, do not keep eggs warm or at room temperature for more than 2 hours. • Refrigerate unused eggs and/or egg-containing foods promptly. • Do not eat raw eggs. • Avoid restaurant dishes made with raw or undercooked, unpasteurized eggs. Restaurants should use pasteurized eggs in any recipe (such as Hollandaise sauce or Caesar salad dressing) that include raw eggs. • Consumption of undercooked eggs should be avoided, especially by young children, elderly persons, and persons with weakened immune systems or debilitating illness. See the following links for additional information about egg safety and the egg recall: ucm077342.htm For more information, contact the MDPH Bureau of Environmental Health Food Protection Program at 617-983-6712.

Pet Lovers Wanted!

The Rehoboth Animal Shelter currently has both cats and dogs waiting to find loving homes. There is a lively male American Eskimo dog, pictured here. There’s also a quiet female dog who may have some dachshund in her but has longer legs. Friendly cats include a long-haired black and white female, a neutered orange and white male, and more. Especially noteworthy are these seven tabby kittens, four girls and three boys, born in early July. For more information, call 508-252-5421, ext. 126.

r y



September 2010 The Reporter


Brian P. Lynch

The Seekonk Scene

Complete Painting Service

Town Clerk’s Corner By Jan Parker, Seekonk Town Clerk

Passport fees have been increased as of July 13th. Most passports have increased by about $3 .00 each. Any questions concerning the process or the fees, please call 08336-2920 and we will be happy to help you or go on and all the forms and information are on that site. There are still many dogs that have not been licensed. Please provide a current rabies certificate. All dogs over six months old need to be licensed per Massachusetts Law. Save a Pet is collecting items for the animal shelter. Cleaning supplies such as paper towels, laundry detergent, bleach, chewy dog treats, peanut butter, kongs, washable cat beds, Arm and Hammer kitty litter, Pedigree canned dog food, and Purina Cat Chow are all needed at the shelter. The barrel is in the Town Hall lobby for those donations or you may bring them to the Town Clerk’s office and we will see that they get them. The shelter is always collecting used printer toner cartridges. They are recycled and the shelter receives the money for them. The barrel for the cartridges is also in the lobby of Town Hall. The Veteran’s Agent is also collecting items to send to our troops. If you wish to donate, the list of items is on our website at You may bring items to this office that you would like to donate and we will see that the agent gets them. It is a nice way to remind our men and women who are serving in the military that we are grateful for their service. We are preparing for our annual September 11th ceremony. Because of the way September 11th falls on a Saturday this year, we have chosen Thursday, September 9th as the date for our ceremony. It will be held at 6:00 PM at the Public Safety Complex. This year we will have at least three classes of elementary students participating, along with our own Honor Guard, police and fire departments, veteran’s agent, local clergy and a bagpiper. Please attend and say thank you to our public safety employees and remember those who died on September 11th, nine years ago. The Town is in the process of having a new web site developed. It should be up and running sometime next month. Residents will find this new site a very useful tool for obtaining information and forms. The State Primary election is Tuesday, September 14th. All voting is at the High School and the polls are open from 7:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. The State election will be held on Tuesday, November 2nd. (Same hours as the Primary election and all voting at the High School.) We maintain a list of residents who want to be poll workers. If you would like to be added to the list, please call us at 336-2920.

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The Blanding Library Website Has Changed. Our New Address Is



Throughout my campaign I’ve provided clear solutions to our economic, healthcare, jobs and education challenges. My background, in economic development and leadership skills, will provide our state with answers for jobs and fiscal growth. I will fight to lower taxes and reform laws that have been barriers to our local businesses. I look forward to serving our district with solutions and distinction. I ask for your support in the upcoming primary on September 14th. Thank you.




FOR MASSACHUSETTS STATE REPRESENTATIVE For more information visit: Paid for by the Committee to Elect David Saad


The Reporter September 2010

EVENTS & ACTIVITIES ReMOVAl seRVICe Attic - Cellar - Total House we tAKe eVeRythING • Furniture • Brush • Appliances • Yard Waste • Construction Debris • Trash

Demolition of...Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools

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Procopio Harvest Block Party 2010: Bringing The Town Together

By Laura Calverley The 11th Annual Larry Procopio Rehoboth Harvest Block Party takes place on Saturday, September 18 at Redway Plain on Route 44. The event, which runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., is an opportunity for the community to get together and enjoy entertainment, games, demonstrations, and more, at little to no cost. It was founder Larry Procopio’s vision to create a familyoriented town event where people did not have to spend a lot of money. Admission and parking are free as usual and there is no charge to set up a booth. The only cost is the food, vendor items and helicopter rides. There will be children’s activities including games, a moonwalk, hayrides, and kiddie train rides. Dave and Sue Rollins are running the children’s games, which are expanded this year. The games run 11 a.m. to 12 noon and include a three-legged race, apple-bobbing and pie-eating contest. Prizes will be awarded, too. The Fire Department brings their kid’s train, which is very popular, and the Marciello family will be showing their goats which kids can pet. “It should be a fun time for kids,” said Lynne Searle, who is organizing the event with the help of a committee and many volunteers. Music will be playing all day by a DJ and there will be a performance by the talented Dighton-Rehoboth High School marching band under the direction of Doug Kelley. Rehoboth Police, Fire, Rescue and Ambulance will be exhibiting public safety vehicles and a K-9 demonstration is planned. The Block Party is a town-sponsored event and many community groups and residents contribute. Lions club members have been an integral part of the event since the beginning, helping cook food, run the concessions and more. The boy scouts help park cars and the girl scouts help with children’s activities. The American Legion sets up a display of American and military flags along Route 44 that draws people to the event. Many local businesses support the Block Party. Diamond Rental is donating the moonwalk. Mike Schobel provides the hayrides with the cost donated by a local business. Developer John Ferreira donates the helicopter with proceeds going to local organizations. Many local farms including Four Town Farm, Souza Farm and Homestead Farms are also donating items for the event, including pumpkins and hay bales. It was Procopio’s dream for the whole community to get involved and for everyone to enjoy themselves. “We want people to be able to walk in, sit down, bring a blanket, and be entertained,” said Searle. Procopio created the event and after he died in 2007, his wife Beverly took over running things. Because Bev has been ill, Searle and the committee have been organizing this year’s event. Searle says that Bev is on the road to recovery and everyone is praying that she will be well enough to attend the Block Party this year. Considering recent events in the news and disagreements at selectmen’s meetings, the town needs “more than ever a community that is together,” said Searle. “We look forward to continuing Larry’s vision to bring the community and families together for a happy day,” Searle said. The rain date for the Block Party is September 19.

September 2010 The Reporter

Rehoboth Contra Dances

Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA $8; Information: All dances taught. Beginners welcome. Partners not necessary. Contact: 508-252-6375;

Friday, September 10, 8 p.m.

All dances will be taught by caller Nils Fredland. Music will be performed by Rumblestrip, with Nat Hewitt, Liza Constable, and Glen Loper.


2nd Annual Parish Festival - Sept 11

Join the faith community of St. Nicholas of Myra Church in North Dighton, MA for their 2nd Annual Parish Festival on Saturday, September 11th, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. There will be games, crafts, raffles and more for the kids along with food and music. The Festival will take place on the parish grounds at 499 Spring Street, North Dighton, MA. For further details please call 508-822-1425.

September 24, 8 p.m.

All dances will be taught by caller Linda Leslie. Music will be performed by Notorious, with Eden MacAdam-Somer and Larry Unger.

October 8, 8 p.m.

All dances will be taught by caller Lisa Greenleaf. Music will be performed by Rumblestrip, with Nat Hewitt, Liza Constable, and Glen Loper.


(who lost his life “blocking the shot”, in the last 3 seconds, saving the game and win for his team)


Bethany Martone Cell: (401) 265-0960

Specializing in environmentally friendly products!

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 (rain or shine) Registration: 10:00 - 11:45 SEEKONK SPEEDWAY Rt 6, Seekonk, MA $20.00 PP Ride Ends & Festivities at HOULIHANS TAVERN 28 Water St, East Providence, RI; (401) 435 - 4044



***if You Don’t Ride, The Festivities Start At 1:30*** (You Just Pay The $20.00 At The Door) For Questions Re: Ride, Making A Donation Or Tickets Proceeds Go To The “Nathan D. Crowell Memorial Fund” In honor of 9/11 flags will be provided to riders for their motorcycles


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Est. 1940

The First Baptist Church in Swansea

3rd Annual Chicken Barbeque Sept. 11th at 5pm

We invite the public to a scrumptious feast! The Chicken Barbeque is an old fashioned church harvest supper. The menu includes ½ of a pit bbq’ed chicken, coleslaw; New England baked beans, fresh corn on the cob and “Swedish” apple pie baked by our own fine cooks. The secret recipe sauce (not your usual red sauce!) is applied by our master chef Bruce Wilde as the chicken is cooked over an open pit to mouth watering perfection. Tickets for this fine eating experience are only $15 for adults and $8 for those 10 and under. The meal will be served in our fellowship hall at 21 Baptist St., just ¼ mile west of the intersection of Routes 136 and 6. Take Mass. exit 2 from I-195. You may reserve tickets by calling the church office at 508-379-9728 or contacting one of our members.

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The Reporter September 2010

Poetry in the Village September 15

Robert Choate Tree Surgeon

Residential & Commercial Complete Services

Poetry in the Village begins its season with Rich Berg as opening feature. The event is from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. For September event only, Poetry in the Village will take place at Autumn’s Cafe, corner rtes 118 and 44, Winthrop St., Rehoboth, MA. All future events will be at Rehoboth Blanding Library, Bay State Rd. Rehoboth, the third Wednesday of the each month. Open Mic at all events! For more info: nlmboucher@comcast. net.

St. Mary’s Annual Clam Boil & Steak Fry

Licensed Arborist

Fully Insured • Free Estimates Serving RI & MA

September 19

South Seekonk Gun Club; Reed St, Rehoboth

Gathering at 3 p.m., Dinner at 5 p.m.


Quality Work At Reasonable Prices

Clam Boil $25.00; Steak Fry $20.00 (children under 10 eat free- clam boil only)

Limited tickets are available; For Tickets please call: Michael Boyce 401-253-2734, Gordon Hubbard 508-336-7461, Ken Bridge 508-336-6691

To Benefit Massachusetts Eye Research Dedicated to the memory of Ray Dyer

Saturday, September 18 1:00 PM Shotgun Start Crestwood Country Club Rehoboth, MA $125 per person - includes 18 holes, carts and dinner buffet

Great choice of prizes Gifts for all!!

Bramble format (2 low ball scores per hole) - Men’s, Women’s & Mixed teams welcome. Closest to the Pin / Longest Drive / Closest to the Line / Money Holes / Putting Contest For information, email whitehead.j@ or call a Lion: Jim Whitehead (508-989-0821), Jay Crandall (508-2526878), Bill Cute (508-252-9435), Ted Ballard (508-252-9238), Doug Harvey (508-2529350), or Ray Medeiros (508-252-9470)

Community Dance • Sept. 19th

Now Open




Rehoboth Lions 22nd Annual Golf Tournament

626 Fall River Ave., Seekonk, MA • 02771 508.336.4699

CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED & SOLD (furniture & household items)

* Free * On Sunday evening, September 19, from 7 to 9 p.m., there will be a community dance held at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, in Rehoboth. This dance is hosted by the Sunday Night Jammers, a group of area musicians who meet regularly on Sunday evenings at Goff Hall to play Celtic dance music. The September 19 dance will feature contra dance steps and a variety of international and couple dances, such as polkas and waltzes. All dance steps will be taught. Admission is free and open to the public, and all ages and beginners are welcome. It is not necessary to come with a partner. A potluck precedes the dance at 6 p.m. For information, call Bob Elliott at 508-669-5656 or Judith Schrier at 401-751-4554, or you can email Paul Wilde at http://www.

Open: Thursday thru Sunday

The Literacy Center Fall Tutor Training Evenings: Mondays, 6:30pm – 9:00 pm

September 27, October 4, 18, 25, and November 1, 8 or Daytimes: Wednesdays, 9:30 am – 12:00 pm September 29, October 6, 13, 20, 27 and November 3 Following the completion of training, volunteers will be matched with an adult who wants to learn to read, improve writing or math skills, prepare for the GED, learn English, or obtain US Citizenship

Rehoboth American Legion Auxiliary Unit #302 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - ATHLETIC

New Installs - Repairs - Startup & Shutdown - Modify and Upgrades

High-Low-Jack (“Pitch”) Card Tournament Fundraiser

Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 7:00pm

$20.00 Entry Fee; Proceeds to benefit Veterans and their families; Prizes; Kitchen will be open

September 2010 The Reporter


Big Brothers of Rhode Island 22nd Annual 5K Walk-A-Thon Saturday, September 25 • 10am to 1 pm Rain or shine at Byrant university 1150 douglas Pike, smithfield, R.I.

Our 22nd Annual K Walk-A-Thon is less than two months away. Today, I’m writing to ask for your support and to encourage you to get a head-start. You can help in a number of ways:

save the date

Plan to join us for our 3.2-mile walk around the picturesque Bryant University campus. Your presence alone is a tremendous show of support, and we value it.

form a team

This is an all-ages event with lots of fun activities going on besides the walk proper (read on for details). The more, the merrier. Bring your family, friends and co-workers. Better still, solicit donations as a team.

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Call Mitch (774) 406-0587

Sandra (Rourke) & Ernie (Carl) Boren’s

Ask for contributions

This Walk-A-Thon is one of our organization’s most important fundraisers. Year after year, it directly impacts our ability to continue to provide mentorships, match support, and social services for the children and families who participate in our programs. The 2010 Walk-A-Thon marks a critical moment in the event’s 22-year history. Please do what you can to help us make it a success. We accept donations online at www.bigbrothersri. org and by check. Our mailing address is listed below.

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VIALL FARM. To Be Built by Meridian Custom Homes. Granite kitch w/subzero & wolf appliances, mstr w/whirlpool, 10’ ceilings, hdwds, custom moldings. Model available to tour by appointment. Other Home Sites & Pckgs Available. $679,000

Custom Ranch on corner lot. Nice open floor plan with lots of potential, dated, but well maintained. Bedrooms have carpet over hardwood floors and master has it’s own bath. Title V in hand & new well. $249,000

Recruit Big Brothers

If you know someone who’s thinking about volunteering as a Big Brother, the Walk-A-Thon is one of the best places to introduce him to our program. Present and past Big Brothers attend every year. Big and Little Brother pairs join us for the morning. Our Executive Director and staff social workers will be on-hand to provide information. Plus, our Board Members always bring a strong show of support, and they’re happy to talk about their experiences with Big Brothers of Rhode Island. In short, there will be plenty of people to welcome prospective Big Brothers, answer questions and give a sense of what our organization is all about. Most importantly, it’s a fun day and all are welcome. We’re looking forward to a performance by singer Danielle Lima, James McBride, “Mr. Deep Positivity’s” positive rap music and a canine search and rescue demonstration led by Rhode Island State Trooper Matt Zarrella. We’re also thrilled that Tony Bristol of Lite Rock 10 will join us once again as emcee, plus there will be gifts and a bike raffle for all children, ages 7 to 18, who attend. Stay tuned to for details.



Mint Cape, 2 car garage. Kitchen & Bath on 1st Wonderful home on country rd w/pond & sm dock. remodeled, new windows on 1st and in front of 2nd, Mint condition, finished basement, hot tub area. electric updated, new furnace, septic system being C/A, scr porch, above gr pool. 5 run kennel or lg workshop 25’x16’, w heat, electric, water. $359,900 installed. This home will be move in ready. $259,900



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The Reporter September 2010

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Hearts & Hands Walk-a-thon and Family Fun Day September 25th

Community Autism Resources invites business, schools and families to sign up for their annual “Hearts & Hands Walk and Family Fun Day” event on Saturday, September, 25, 2010 at Bristol Community College in Fall River, MA. Participants can register online at or contact Jan Randall at (508) 379-0371. The “Hearts & Hands Walk-a-thon and Family Fun Day” will benefit over 2000 families in 85 cities and towns in Southeastern Massachusetts. This includes the area of the South Shore, the greater Brockton Area, The greater Plymouth Area, The greater New Bedford Area, Cape Cod and the Islands, The Greater Fall River Area, and all of Bristol County Massachusetts. The Walk will support Community Autism Resources mission to provide AT NO CHARGE the vital services and programs that are absolutely necessary for children, teens and adults on the Autism Spectrum and their families! As part of our Walk we are also having an ALL SCHOOLS CHALLENGE. Libraries of books and DVDs related to Autism Spectrum Disorder will be awarded to the top three teams. All teams will get a FREE prize just for signing up. The Family Fun Day will take place before, during and after the walk, offering families of those with Autism Spectrum Disorders, fun activities in a comfortable environment. Visual schedules of the day’s events will be available. There are free activities for the whole family including our Bubble Creation Station, Face Painting & Temporary Tattoos and more. There will also be an Autism Awareness Store that will have a wide variety of items including: bracelets, pins, key chains, car magnets, T-shirts and much more! And there will be a large raffle with a wide variety of items. Refreshments will also be available for free. For more information or to register call Jan Randall 508-3790371

Headstone Fund-Raider for Jose Martinez

Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner & Raffles Please join us September 25th • 1pm-5pm

American Legion Post 311; 351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA Call Russell Bradley 508-336-9822 Donation $12 Jose A. Martinez was a very beautiful child who passed away at Children’s Hospital Boston on July 2, 2010 from Congestive Heart failure. He had been hospitalized for six months, waiting for a Heart Transplant, then other complications set in and he lost his battle for his little life. The American Legion Post 311 of Seekonk, MA is sponsoring a fundraising event for Jose, in hopes to raise money to purchase a Headstone for him. The fundraiser will include a Spaghetti & Meatball dinner and raffles. Tickets for the event will be available for $12.00 – Donation. The Jose A. Martinez Fundraising committee is seeking donations for a raffle table. We are asking support from community businesses to help us by donating any item, or gift certificate for this event. A trust fund has been established, The American Legion, Jose A. Martinez Trust Fund for all monetary and fundraising donations. All funds will be administered and distributed toward the Headstone for Jose. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.

September 2010 The Reporter

In It for Literacy Fundraiser



September 25th

The Friends of the Dighton Public Library are having a fund raiser called “In it for literacy: a night of performances” - highlighting Ben Horsman, local comedian, as master of ceremonies. The fundraiser will be Saturday, September 2 , 2010, at 7 p.m. at the John VanGyzen IV Hall (former V.F.W.) at 49 School St., N. Dighton. The night will feature our local talented artists. Ben will be the MC and conclude the evening with his hilariously funny comedy act. Featured artists: • Josh Martin, classical pianist • Kyle Sousa (known for his blues and jazz music) • The Dighton Little Theatre group will perform a skit to showcase the amazing acting talent in the greater Dighton area. • Alex and Kara Fortier (Kara plays traditional folk, Celtic and Cape Breton fiddle tunes accompanied by her brother Alex on piano). • Mia Boostrom (A quarter finalist on America’s Got Talent, Mia has gained fans across the country with her soulful sound and meaningful lyrics. Mia’s music is acoustic blues, jazz and pop) • Andrew Smith will display his art work for a silent auction. In addition to the performances there will be great raffle prizes. A complete list of raffle prizes is available at the library. This is a great way for the public to meet our Friends members in a relaxed and enjoyable setting. We look forward to seeing you there and wish to thank you in advance for your support. Tickets are available at the Dighton Public Library. Tickets are $15.00 each for adults, $7.00 for seniors (over 62) and children under 12. Contact: Friends of the Dighton Public Library 508-669-6421

Standing up to powerful special interests Fighting for working families and senior citizens Making Government more honest and accountable Fighting for our Communities

State Representative 4th Bristol District n Massachusetts For the past two terms, I have fought to change the culture of Beacon Hill and have stood up to House leadership and special interests while delivering for our working families. I have succeeded in closing corporate tax loopholes and fought against wasteful spending. I have been leading the charge for government that is honest, open and accountable. I humbly ask for your vote so I can continue to work for the people of Rehoboth and Seekonk. Paid for by the D’Amico Committee

Come One, Come All to the American Legion Auxiliary’s Fall Bazaar Saturday, 10/2

the American Legion Auxiliary of Seekonk will hold their first annual Fall Bazaar. It will be held indoors at the American Legion Post located at 3 1 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA between 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. Spaces are still available for $2 .00. Please contact Kathy at 401-434-8917 or auxiliary311@ for more information.

Epworth United Methodist Church

915 Newport Ave. Pawtucket, RI 02861 Thrift Shop now open on Wed. and Sat. from 10:00 til 1:00. Great Selections!

Rummage/Booksale Yard Sale Saturday Oct. 2nd Starting at 9am - ending at 2pm




508.252.4770 454 Winthrop Street (Rte. 44) Rehoboth, MA

Office Hours By Appointment

Now Offering Saturday Appointments • Complete Dental Implant Center • • Prosthetics • • Teeth Whitening • • Bonding • • Family & Cosmetic Dentistry • • Crowns • • Emergency Treatment •


The Reporter September 2010 S & W Productions Presents

The 1st Annual Southern New England Chocolate Show October 3rd • 10am - 5pm Crowne Plaza. Warwick RI

F . A . C .T.

Family Activity Center Today

Yard & Craft Sale Fund Raiser Date: Saturday, October 2, 2010

East Providence Senior Center Outdoors (weather permitting) or Cafeteria 610 Waterman Ave . East Providence . RI 02914

Time: 9am-2pm Cost: $25. per 12’ space Bring Your Own Table & Chairs


From candies and baked goods, to chocolate diamonds and pearls, and everything in between!

Johnson & Wales University Chefs and student chefs will be educating and demonstrating various chocolate preparations and ingredient ideas. We will be having 3 separate GOLDEN TICKET GIVEAWAYS for $100 Toys “R” Us giftcards, Local and World Renowned Big Nazo Puppets will be entertaining our guests. On hand will be 92 PRO F.M. and HOT 106 with CD giveaways. Raffles from many of our vendors ALL DAY. A marriage made in chocolate heaven, Edible Arrangements and Sweet Streams Chocolate Fountains colaborate to bring you an amazing dipping station! Adults $15, Kids 12 and under $5 or FREE w/ donation to RI Food Bank


Detach this portion and mail with your check payable to: F.A.C.T. , 145 Taunton Avenue, Rm. 303, East Providence, RI 02914


Antique Dealers Wanted

For Folk Art, Antique & Artisans Show, November 5 & 6 at Francis Farm in Rehoboth. This is the major fundraiser for the Carpenter Museum. Spaces are $100. Please call Betty Collins at 401-726-4520 for more information.

HORNBINE BAPTIST & HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CHURCH 141 Hornbine Road, Rehoboth, MA (Corner of Hornbine and Baker Street)

ANNUAL BAZAAR Saturday, September 25th 8am-Sundown

For more information contact: Nancy O’Hern (508) 252-6143 or Lucille Faria (508) 493-3348

September 2010 The Reporter

6th Annual Chili CookOff Fundraiser Sunday, October 3rd, 2010 1 – 4 P.M.

Gladys L Hurrell Sr. Center (Rt. 118); Rehoboth, MA $6 pp $5 seniors/children (under10 free)

Come vote for your favorite Come enjoy Music by “Ghost Music” Classic and Antique Cars (weather permitting) sponsored by Rehoboth tRIAd Also check out the Bake sale for (Musical Mondays)


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Seekonk Booster Club Golf Outing

The Seekonk Athletic Boosters Club will hold their annual golf outing on Monday, October 4 at Ledgemont Country Club. The cost of $110 includes 18 holes of golf, cart and catered lunch. Tee signs are also available at a cost of $100. The event begins at 9:00. All funds raised benefit the athletic programs at Seekonk High School. Anyone interested in participating should contact Bob McKenna at 08-336-3168.

Dighton - Rehoboth Gridiron Club

Clam Boil

October 9, 2010 Doors open @ 6 P.M. Serve @7 sharp seekonk Rod and Gun Club Good food, Good People lobster Raffle, 50/50, and much more! All you Can eat - (B y O B)

Tickets are $ 25 dollars per/ person For tickets and more information contact Chris Whitmore-(508)669-6145; Jen Micheal-(774)-644-5670; Michelle Renaud-(508)252-9679; Jill Berry 508-252 -1231

we hope to have your support

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Reed, Boyce and Travis P.C. ATTORNEY AT LAW 239 Winthrop St., Rehoboth, MA Rt. 44 & Rt. 118 TEL: (508) 252-6699

Bay State


Arts in the Village’s 10th Anniversary Celebration Pianist Thomas Pandolfi performs October 9 • 7:30pm

Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA $1 general, $13 seniors, $ children and students; cash and checks only; Information: 08-2 2- 718 The program will include works by Liszt, Chopin, and Schumann, as well as a rarely performed solo version of a Gershwin concerto. A graduate of the Juilliard School of Music, Pandolfi is emerging as a prodigious virtuoso who excels in reviving the core repertoire from the Golden Age of pianism. Champagne and refreshments will be served to celebrate the premiere of the 10th season. Subscriptions for the season are still available.

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The Reporter September 2010

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Annual Dighton Community Calico Fair Sat. October 16

The Dighton Community Church will hold its annual Calico Fair Saturday, Oct. 16, in Friendship Hall, next to the church, located on Elm Street, off Route 138, from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Ample parking is available. Included in this year’s festivities are raffles, a country store, homemade backed goods, a second time around, crafts, roll ups, children’s activities, many craft tables and much more. The country kitchen will be open serving coffee, doughnuts, lunch and snacks.

Serving RI & Southeastern MA RIMP #625 MAMP #12592


In Memory of Rui Amaral 10-23-57 to 10-24-09 Hosted by Running with Scissors Hair Salon

Sunday, October 3rd 10 am to 2pm Minimum donation is $10.

Running with Scissors 301 Taunton Ave, Seekonk, MA 02771 508-336-4816

Rehoboth American Legion Auxiliary Unit #302

Call (401)434-6436

2nd Annual Rui Amaral

Craft Fair

Saturday, October 23 9am to 2pm

Tables available; Call Cheryl 08-2121263

We will be donating all the money made that day to a local Family affected by cancer. Please come for a great haircut and to support a good cause.

“Even without a perfect body, one can have a perfect soul.”

Crafts, raffles, bake sale & food

American Legion, 84 Bay State Road (at the Cannon), Rehoboth, MA

The First Baptist Church in Swansea 21 Baptist St. in Swansea

A1 wood Floors Over 20 years experience • Family owned and operated

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Founder’s Festival

Oct. 23 from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

This occasion celebrates the founding of the town of Swansea by our first pastor John Myles and his friend Capt. Thomas Willet in 1667. Our congregation has served the spiritual and social needs of these communities ever since. We have been at the root of the influence of American history through our heritage of tolerance and freedom of religion. We are the originating source for what later became Brown University. We are preparing to celebrate our 3 0th anniversary in 2013. So we have each of the last seven years, thrown a party for the surrounding communities. There will be continual music on two stages from 10 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. The performers include old favorites like “No Spare Parts,” a blue grass and gospel group, The “Rockin’ Revs” who play classic rock, “14 Strings” (a.k.a. Matt and Dave) who favor us with folk rock and new comers like “Kyrie Road” who do contemporary Christian music family style, “The Jet Kings” who do rock-a-billy and hard rock, and many others. Food will include this year Cuban favorites such as empanadas and Cuban sandwiches as well as our traditional offerings of New England favorites. The musical performances will be surrounded by the crafters and artists whom we invite to display and sell their works. New this year will be a silent auction of items that range from a week in the Bahamas to rare collectibles, items and gift certificates from local stores. Completing the party will be an old book sale, and a bounce castle and lots of things for kids to do courtesy Small Wonders preschool. There is no admission charge to attend this event We just want you to come and have fun. We still have room for crafters, artists and musicians who would offer either a 30 or 60 minute set. We are open to all “family friendly” music whether it be rock, jazz, pop, blues, gospel, blue grass, sacred, classical or Christian styles. Community groups are also encouraged to bring an activity or simply to be present to share information about your group.

September 2010 The Reporter

Funny Picture Fund Raising Contest!

By: Zoe Karavolis Ever taken that perfect picture, of someone doing something really stupid? Well now is your chance to show it off and give everyone a little laugh! Any picture you have that you think can get someone to giggle, send it in! There are no guidelines. This contest is a fundraiser to benefit Soccer Rhode Island that is getting young athletes involved in helping their community. All the proceeds go towards the Mia Hamm Foundation which helps with the awareness of marrow transplants. The more each athlete raises, the more they get in return. Once they reach $2 0, they and one guest will get to meet Mia Hamm herself! Right now, I have my own fundraising page which you can view at: player/sportsgal60 4. I am very involved in soccer and am looking forward to meeting Mia and helping her foundation! There are no rules on the size of the picture or what it is printed on, as long as it is clear and not photo shopped. Please send all entries with a minimal donation of $ .00. Send them to 83 Anawan Street, Rehoboth, Massachusetts or email them to sportsgal60 4@ The winning picture will be published in the next issue of the Rehoboth Reporter. Incentive to win? Having the funniest picture in town! This contest is made to be really fun and to help a good cause at the same time!

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Dighton-Rehoboth High School

Learn About The $1900 A Month Benefit For Veterans & Spouses

Saturday, November 27th Francis Farm 5:30 – 12:00 - Ticket Information – Earl Dias 774-406-1430

Many Veterans and spouses qualify for a little-known VA benefit designed to keep Veterans and spouses at home and out of the nursing home. It can also pay for assisted living. The benefit ranges from about $1000 a month for widows to about $1900 a month for couples. Our FREE report outlines the benefit and what it takes to qualify. Call now for a copy of your free special report.

Class of 1985 • 25 Year Reunion

Fall Classes at Old Colony Music Together

Old Colony Music Together invites families to try a music class this fall. Music Together is an internationally recognized early childhood music program for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergartners, and the adults who love them. First offered to the public in 1987, it pioneered the concept of a research based, developmentally appropriate early childhood music curriculum that strongly emphasizes and facilitates adult involvement. Music Together classes are based on the recognition that all children are musical. There are several free demo classes set up before the start of the fall session. Come try a class! You can register for a free trial class by going to or by calling ( 08) 838-981 . The 10 week fall session begins the week of September 13th. Registration includes 2 copies of the CD recording, a beautifully illustrated songbook and a parent guide DVD and booklet.


Rehoboth Business Association

food Pantry drop Off

second saturday Of every Month

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The Reporter September 2010

Club Send Your Letters, Club News and Announcements to...




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Announcements Rehoboth Lions Club News

After a summer of fundraising activities, The Summer Bash and the Run For Sight, another successful year is about to begin. Our first meeting back after summer break is on September 8th at Hillside, 7:00 p.m. The 2010-11 budget was presented and passed at the BOD meeting on the 18th of August and will be presented for discussion and vote at this meeting. September 22nd meeting is at Papa’s @ 7:00 p.m. This can be a dress casual evening. Be A Beacon of Light, A Beacon Of Hope, or a Beacon of Service. International President Sid L. Scruggs III has challenged all Lions to be a beacon for our community. We are the ones who help, support, and answer the calls to the needs of our community. He has suggested four areas of need with Global Service Action Programs. Let us shine our Beacon of Light on supporting our youth in their endeavors, continue to support programs that educate the community on preventable blindness, shine a Beacon of Light for the needy with food drives throughout the rest of the year and support Earth Day during the month of April. Lions do make a difference! September 1 th – clam boil, and September 18th is our Golf tournament at Crestwood. See any Lion for tickets and to sign up a foursome.

New England Antique Truck and Tractor Association

The summer may be winding down but the club’s show & pull season is still going strong with many upcoming events including our fifth annual Show, Pull & Swap Meet on Sunday, Sept. 26th (one day only) at Francis Farm, Rehoboth. There is still time to reserve a 10’ x 30’ space for $1 .00 (no food vendors, please) Call Bev Baker 08-222-7109 or TJ Melo 08-272- 474. Recently at Rochester Fair, club members Tony Vacca and Bruce Thompson placed first and third respectively in the tractor division with the theme “Hillbilly Days”. This has been a banner for year for Tony and his tractor “The Spirit of Farming”. (photo to be sent under separate e-mail). The club will be at the Pardon Gray Festival on Sept. 11 & 12, Tiverton, RI. The club has been invited to take part in the Cracker Barrel Classic in Wrentham on Sept 16th-19th. The club is planning to have a display at the Rehoboth Block Party on Sept. 18th. Also on the 18th, many members will take part in the farm tractor pull at Robert Childs, Inc. in Dennis, MA. October 3rd & 4th we will be at the Norman Bird Sanctuary in Tiverton, RI. October 24th is our last scheduled pull at Francis Farm for the year. Our next meeting is on Sept. 1 th when we will finalize plans for the Fall show on the 26th. Check with the website for more information,

NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO STOP ADVERTISING! Call 508-252-6575 Let us design your ad!

September 2010 The Reporter

Rehoboth Anawan Lions Club News

By Bernie DeRoche The Rehoboth Anawan Lions will be holding their regular meeting in September. In July and August they had summer meetings where events and monies were set up for the new Lionistic year of July 1, 2010 through June 30th, 2011. Some projects are continuing and we could have some new ones. In August we had our Summer Bash and in July we had our Chardonnay event. Both were successful. We still continue to do our Bingo Night at the Marian Manor Nursing Home for the patients who come and play and believe me it’s something they really look forward to every month. We also take part in the Block Party – see you there! In September we will be doing our Yankee Candle sale from September 2nd through October 7th. If you are interested in the candles make sure you contact any Rehoboth Anawan Lion. I’m sure they will be happy to “serve” you. We will be participating in the Walk-a-Long in October where members raise money for Massachusetts Eye Research. We walk along the Canal at the Cape which is a very enjoyable time - so long as it’s not raining! Other events with details will be forth coming so watch for our news items with information in the next issue. We, the Rehoboth Anawan Lions, would like to thank you for all your support in the past and for your continued support of our events in the future. With that support we have always been very successful. Remember our motto: “We Serve” and indeed we do.

Kiwanis of Greater Seekonk

Kiwanis of Greater Seekonk helps children. Recently, they bought 0 bicycle helmets for the bicycle equipment and helmet check at the Seekonk Police Open house. Their on-going project is to provide tuition grants to families who need child care for their pre-school children. Annually, they present a $ 00 scholarship to a Seekonk senior. They support the New England district Pediatric Trauma Institute at Boston Children’s Hospital. They are raising funds with UNICEF for the Kiwanis International project to eliminate tetanus in infants and pregnant women around the world. On Friday, October 8th at 7:00 p.m. they are sponsoring a clam boil at the Seekonk Rod & Gun Club on Reed Street in Rehoboth (tickets are $2 ). There are Kiwanis programs for students to encourage community service. There is a Key Club at Seekonk High School. A Builders Club is being chartered at the Hurley Middle School this September. If you would like more information about these activities or would like to join us and make new friends while performing worth while community service, please call or email Lynn Neves ( 08-336 736 or or Linda Ferreira ( 08- 7-18 4 or


is looking for people interested in discussing articles monthly. Call 508-252-3446

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Kiwanis Club of Greater Seekonk

Clam Boil

October 8, 2010 – 7:00 p.m.

Seekonk Rod & Gun Club, 61 Reed St. Rehoboth, MA 02769 Menu: clams, sausage, linguisa, hot dogs, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions and ice cream sandwich. Good food, raffle and helping Kiwanis help children. Tickets - $2 Available from club members and 08-336- 736 and 08-336-2663, 08-336-93 2 and Town Clerk 08-336-2920. Limited number.


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The Reporter September 2010

Rehoboth Anawan Grange

David J. Ledoux


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As predicted last month we had a short business meeting on the 24th of August. We presented Tyrel Bliss the Anthony C Thatcher scholarship. He will be a sophomore at Bridgewater State College, recently named as a University, where he is majoring in accounting. It was voted to send The secretary and Lady Assistant Steward to represent the Grange at the State session in October as the Master has a new job. We then went to Uncle Ed’s Front Porch where we all had yummy ice cream. Just a little information on the Massachusetts State Grange policies regarding land use and property insurance. Open Space - MSG supports increased aid to farmers and other open space owners to help maintain the open vistas that make Massachusetts a tourist attraction and provides its citizens with fresh produce and homegrown products. I am happy to relate that I was recently able to buy peaches from two local orchards and preserved some for the winter as well as enjoying the taste of a juicy fruit for breakfast. The Grange has some members who can teach others to preserve produce. Come join us and see. The next meeting will be September 14th when we will have a penny sale to benefit Deaf activities. On September 28th we will have an open meeting so any one is welcome to attend. Hope everyone will have a wonderful time at the Larry Procopio Block Party on the 18th. Due to other family commitments I will be unable to be there but thank Bev for the invitation. Enjoy the new Grange year.

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Rehoboth Business Association Meeting Notice

Tuesday - September 28th 2010 Country Garden Bed & Breakfast 339 Tremont Street Rehoboth, MA 02769 6:00 – 6:30 P.M. Social; 6:30 P.M. Dinner; 7:30 P.M. Meeting Topic: Energy By Law Speaker: David House of Rehoboth Energy Com. Cost IS $20.00 for Members & NonMembers RSVP By September 24th, 2010 Email POKEY2U@AOL.COM or Call Dale at 08-2 2-3312 Rehoboth Business Association P.O. Box 643 Rehoboth, MA 02769

the Easiest way tO REACh EVERybOdy Advertise in the Reporter! for More Information Call 508-252-6575

September 2010 The Reporter


Rehoboth Breed Expo – Yep this is Horse Country

Over 700 people enjoyed the weather, the 100 manicured acres and the Breed Demonstrations at Hobby Horse Farm on Sunday, August 1 th when the Bristol County Horsemen’s Association presented the Rehoboth Breed Expo. The show opened with a tribute to America by Donna Spellman and Peter Vanderveer, both of Rehoboth, riding their Morgans. Participants also included 3 star Parelli Professional Avery Gauthier of Tiverton RI who had just returned from a tour in Quebec, and a person Paso Fino team led by Kimberly Wallace of Abington. 22 exotic and common horse breeds were shown in all. The Country and Bluegrass music supplied by Nate Adams of Attleboro set the perfect mood for this event. Horse drawn carriage rides were offered by John Frost of Remembrance Hill in Rehoboth and Hay Rides were given by Mike Shobel of Shobel’s Farm. There were over 0 attractions and vendors scheduled to attend. The event grossed roughly $4000 and after expenses is expected to have generated $3000 for the Rehoboth Parks Commission. Response to the event has been very positive. In fact it has been so positive that the organizers were invited back to the Farm and are considering doing it again next year. Left: Kimberly Wallace riding her Paso Finao. She was one of a five member Paso Finao Team.

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The Reporter September 2010

A.M. Carpentry

The Rehoboth Antiquarian Society News

The Carpenter Museum...


UnEarthing Our Farming Past: An Oral History Project

(508) 222-6573 Wood & Vinyl Siding Roofing • Decks Cement Work Additions & Restorations New Construction Remodeling Rehoboth, MA LICENSED & INSURED

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So… we were thinking… wouldn’t it be neat if young people in our town could interview older Rehoboth residents and learn more about them? Sounds great! And how about finding residents that know about the history of our farming community here, which has been such an important part of our past? Even better. And could we coordinate our efforts with the Blanding Library which will also “serve up” an enticing menu of books about local food and sustainability? Sure. Hmmm… can we give it a theme? How about: “Food, Glorious (Local) Food?” That’s it! Now, we need a kick-off event. Food… drink… a Wine TASTING with delicious hors d’oeuvres...and a Silent Auction to add some fun (and help fund our project). Yes! Please join us on Thursday, October 7, 7-9 p.m. to “kick off” the Carpenter Museum’s Oral History Project, “UnEarthing Rehoboth’s Farming Past.” All welcome! $10 admission includes free wine glass. For info Call 08-2 2-3031 or go to

Pineview Electric Residential Commercial Industrial Fully Insured A3413 MA-RI License E39021

Joe O'Brien


YARD & LAWN CARE SPECIALIST: CHRIS MANLEY Does Yard Work give you STRESS ????? Why spend ALL of Your time maintaining your yard when you could just be ENJOYING it??? Spring/Fall Cleanups - Weekly Lawn Maintenance - Landscape Design/Installation Hedge/Shrub Pruning - FREE Estimates Competitive Pricing

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A New Image for Folk Art, Antique & Artisans Show at Francis Farm, Nov. 5 & 6

We were going for a new “look” this year. And thanks to Rehoboth artisan Melissa Treichler, we now have a charming angel weathervane for all our promotional materials that we design for the Folk Art, Antique & Artisans Show (at Francis Farm, Fri. Nov. , 4-9 p.m. and Sat. Nov. 6, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.) For a list of all the artisans who will be at the show this year, go to

Ready… Set… Go Bike Rehoboth

Although our speed at getting our first historic bike route onto the website has been a bit slower than we’d wished, we finally have uploaded it! Special thanks to volunteer Paul Beukema, an avid Rehoboth biker who designed the bike route, Pete Berdos, who designed the map and Lende McMullen, who added important information and put it all together. Try it! Go to our website: www.

Pied Potter Hamelin’s Magical Potter’s Wheel Sept. 19, 2-3:30 p.m.

Carpenter Museum, Rehoboth, MA “Pied Potter Hamelin’s Magical Potter’s Wheel” will be appearing on Sept 19 at 2 p.m. at the Carpenter Museum, 4 Locust Ave., Rehoboth. This 1-1/2 hour performance will include discussions of pottery making techniques and Massachusetts pottery history with storytelling. The unique demonstration of making teapots, chickens and dragons on the pottery wheel has been featured in over 200 venues since 198 . All ages are invited. For more information call 08-2 2-3031 or go to This program is supported by the a grant from the Rehoboth Cultural Council, a local agency supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.

Thank You!

A heartfelt thank you to all of the volunteers who helped to make the clambake a success, and to the many bakers who provided

September 2010 The Reporter goods for the bake sale. And special thanks to those in our business community who lent their support: Bristol County Savings Bank, Century 21 Real Estate, J. Fisk Construction, Inc., Dunkin’ Donuts, Adams Farms & Adams Heights, Luke P. Travis, Munroe Feed & Supply, Don’s Small Engine Repair, Tranquil Lake Nurseries, Chartley Country Store, Chartley Liquor, Rehoboth Country Club, Plaza Pizza Also, special thanks to Norma Blackledge, who organized the bakers, Pam Christman, who designed an eye-tempting (and profitable!) raffle, Lynn Goff, who was the secretary and ticket master, and of course Otis Dyer, Jr., who coordinated the event.

Fall Calendar of Events

September 19: Pied Potter Hamelin: A Unique Pottery Wheel Demonstration at Carpenter Museum, Sunday 2-3:30 p.m. October 7: Wine Tasting/Silent Auction at Carpenter Museum, Thursday 7-9 p.m. November & 6: Folk Art, Antique & Artisans Show at Francis Farm, Friday 4-9 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. November 18: Vincent Luti Talk on Local Gravestones at Carpenter Museum, Thursday 7:30 p.m.


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Seekonk: dream location on cul-de-sac, turner reservoir, access to wtr/trails, custom features, lg eik, stnls/granite/ marble, dbl-sided fp, 1st flr mstr, 7-zone heat, 3-level deck, fla rm. $638,500. Jeanne Derham 508-942-8567





Seekonk: Pretty updated split level on large attractive lot. 3BR, 1.5 with fireplace and finished lower level. Updated septic. Very private area but close to highway access and shopping. $329,900. George Saber 401-525-1351


We are pleased to announce that Jeanne Derham

Rehoboth: 4 BR Colonial on 6.44 acres! kitchen w Corian Seekonk: Steps from Turner Reservoir. Immaculate Cape counters, liv & fam rms both with FPs. Gorgeous Fla. rm on quiet dead end w/water access. 3 beds, 2 baths, fp, w cathedral ceilings & new hdwds/cent air upstairs. Mashdwds; updates: windows, vinyl, roof, furnace. Move in ter suite w FP. $519,000 Jodi Hedrick 508-509-3925 condition! $249,900. Robin Lozito 401-486-6937

Attleboro: Sprawling Ranch w/in-law. feat hdwds, 2 fireplaces, walk up attic, fenced yard, encl porch, 2 car garage. Close to commuter train, public golf a short walk. $275,000. Deb Donahue 401-419-4165

Rumford: Oversized cottage/bungalow features 5 bedrooms, applianced kitchen, living room, family room, fenced yard with shed. Subject to lien holder approval. $139,000. Linda Julian 401-714-6363

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The Reporter September 2010

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September 2010 The Reporter


People In The News

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Locks of Love

Denise Smith

100% Coverage No one offers a better deal! Call 508-252-6575 to Advertise!

This is my daughter Ainsley, who recently cut her hair to donate to locks of love. Her desire to do so is based on her compassion for a classmate, Emma Wheeler, who was diagnosed with cancer, some time ago. Emma, a resident of Rehoboth and student at Palmer River, is an inspiration to us all. Perhaps her act of kindness will start a chain reaction. We’re very proud of our daughter. Suzanne and David

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Rehoboth Resident Part of Prize Winning Amica Team

Debbie Craft and her team at Amica have won first place in competition for creating this mask, centered around Waterfire in Providence. The mask as shown depicts the natural elements of water and fire. The Team will maintain bragging rights until next year’s competition.

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The Reporter September 2010

Local Dancers Making a Splash

David Laurino Plaster & Paint serving rehoboth for over 20 Years

Call David 508-252-4773 Fully Insured

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Megan King – Rehoboth, Kelley McBride – Rehoboth, Liliana Sykes – Seekonk, Annik Spencer – Rehoboth, Leah Voccio, Katrina Spiezio – Taunton and Casey Rutter - Seekonk

Delisle & Son Painting & Repair Interior & exterior specialist In Rehoboth & seekonk Call...508-878-4142 or 508-676-1995

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Call now to book Painting for the Fall

Powerwashing & Minor Repairs

The company dancers from Doug’s Music have been making quite a splash in the New England area this past year. Their previous performances include dancing at the Roger Williams Park Zoo’s Christmas spectacular, performing in conjunction with the Newman YMCA, and also competing at Dance Makers Inc. The first weekend in August, the dancers competed in Nashua, New Hampshire and received first place scores. Megan King received second place in the senior category for her tap solo, and Liliana Sykes and Leah Voccio received a judges special award for their senior contemporary duo. Congratulations for all of your hard work!


Seekonk Auto Body 32 Industrial Court, Seekonk

508-336-6610 508-336-5334 Fax 336-2510

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With Our New 60 Foot Spray Booth We are able to repair... AUTOMOBILES • DUMP TRUCKS • HEAVY EQUIPMENT BOATS • R.V.'S • FARM EQUIPMENT • HORSE TRAILERS OWNER: Tom & Julie Clark

MANAGER: Steve Couturier

Lisa King Competes in Special Olympics National Games

Rehoboth resident Lisa King, a member of the Wampanoag Warriors Special Olympic RI team, has recently returned from Lincoln NE. From July 17-24, 2010, Lisa had the opportunity to compete in track and field for Special Olympics Rhode Island at the National Games in Lincoln, NE. She placed 4th in the 200m and in the 400m races. Lisa won a silver medal in a 4x100 relay. After returning from the National Games Lisa received an invitation to compete in the National Games again. This time she will compete in China.

September 2010 The Reporter China has extended an invitation to the USA to participate in the Chinese National Games as honored guests. Team USA will be comprised of 6 athletes participating in track, bowling and swimming. The games will be held from September 16-26, 2010. Lisa is employed at KFC in Somerset. She also works at Boston Apparel in the Taunton Industrial Park. In the fall of 2008 the Taunton Area on disAbility Awareness (Tacoda) awarded her the Mayor’s award for “Outstanding Employee.” Lisa is the daughter of Joan and Clarence King of Rehoboth. She is also the sister of Michelle Lamoureaux of Vernon, CT and David King of Loveland, OH.

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Christopher Duarte graduates with honors. Christopher Duarte of Seekonk graduates Summa Cum Laude with a degree in Marine Engineering from Massachusetts Maritime Academy. Christopher led his class as their 2010 Valedictorian. Days earlier Christopher was commission Ensign USN aboard the U.S. Constitution in Boston. Upon his graduation Chris is a 3rd engineer aboard the ship Bro Hawaii for Maersk Shipping Lines LLC, off the waters of Japan and Korea. Christopher is the son of Brian & Julie Duarte, grandson of Dennis & Josephine Veader, Masie Duarte and the late David Duarte all of Seekonk.




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The Reporter September 2010

Candidates Views on Current Issues

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Steven Howitt on the Title 5 Income Tax Credit Program Improving the Environment and Creating Jobs

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Are you aware that you qualify for an income tax credit for repair of your on-site septic system? As a homeowner in the 4th Bristol District, if you have a septic system (and the majority of homeowners here do) I want to ensure that you are aware of the Title program.* It is called the Title Income Tax Credit program and operates under the Massachusetts Department of Revenue (MA DOR) According to MA DOR site, here are some of the basics: The income tax credit is equal to 40% of the design and construction expenses, not to exceed $1 ,000., making the maximum credit $6,000. The credit is limited to $1, 00. in any tax year and is effective for the tax years commencing January 1, 1997. To be eligible, the taxpayer must not be a dependent of another taxpayer and must occupy the property as a principle residence. Norton, Rehoboth, Seekonk and Swansea are predominately serviced by on-site private septic disposal systems covered by Title . The last major changes to Title occurred in1997. This credit program needs revision to help ease the staggering costs that the homeowner faces with a Title system repair. The ceiling should be increased to reflect today’s costs relative to a repair of a septic system. When elected State Representative, I will recommend that $2 ,000. replace the $1 ,000. amount, thus giving the taxpayer up to a $10,000. tax credit, based on the 40% credit. I will also recommend an accelerated depreciation schedule as follows: 40% in the first year ($4,000. tax credit); 30% in the second year ($3,000.00 tax credit); 20% in the third year ($2,000.) and 10% in the final and fourth year ($1,000. tax credit) for the taxpayer, based on the $2 ,000. ceiling costs. Actual tax credits would differ depending on the associated costs charged to the taxpayer. By accelerating the credit, the taxpayer receives relief in the initial year of the costs of constructing the replacement system as well as incentive for replacement and/or repair of defective septic systems. Of course, as these systems are repaired and improved, local aquifers will benefit as an added value and positive environmental impact. Imagine how this will help stimulate our local economy by creating new jobs for local small business people, and for such workers as engineers, septic installers, as well as various suppliers, those working in sand and stone, pipe, pre-cast concrete, landscapers, nurseries and more. As your next State Representative, I will continue to look for opportunities such as this Title Income Tax Credit Program and will continue to focus my energies to benefit the 4th Bristol District. *Some information in this article was extracted from the Massachusetts Department of Revenue from a Technical Information Release of 1997 by then-Commissioner of Revenue Mitchell Adams. For more detailed information, and to read the new method for calculating interest subsidy effective 1999, go to to the Department of Revenue, and find more on Title , Septic Systems expenditures credit. For more on Steven Howitt go to .

September 2010 The Reporter

D’Amico Provides Help for Family Farms, Economic Development

Representative D’Amico (D-Seekonk) announced help for area farmers and struggling families. D’Amico’s bill to encourage plot farming bill, was adopted as part of the Economic Development Bill and signed into law. “Small plots are a great way for people to supplement their income,” D’Amico said. “The reform allows for farms as small as 2 acres to be eligible for technical support and grants from the Department of Agriculture,” said D’Amico. “With the right know-how, these farms can generate more than $10,000 per acre each year. Full scale family farms who often lease small acreage from their neighbors will also benefit from this.” The reform offers protection from zoning restrictions. “I had a constituent who had an issue with a blueberry patch she owned. She was nearly put out of business when she was prevented from putting up a sign advertising that people could pick their own blueberries. Arbitrary restrictions like this won’t be a threat to small farmers anymore.” continued on page 44

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The Reporter September 2010

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September 2010 The Reporter In addition to protecting local farming interests, D’Amico has been a top proponent for other forms of sustainable economic development. He helped win funding for a $17 million bio-processing center in the region. “This will bring good, full-time, high-paying jobs to our area, and will become an anchor for a new bio-tech industrial park.” He also voted to help Mass businesses create and sustain jobs by lowering the corporate excise tax from 9. % to 8%, and allowing small businesses to band together into buying groups to lower the cost of health insurance rates.

Steve D’Amico “These are tough economic times,” said Rep. D’Amico. “We need to be doing everything possible to help create new jobs and find innovative ways for people to supplement their incomes.”

From The Office of Sheriff Thomas Hodgson

DARTMOUTH – Bristol County Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson has initiated an investigation of Rep. John Quinn’s recent public release of an internal sheriff’s department memo that makes public some information that could clearly endanger the physical safety of the staff and inmates at both the Ash Street Jail and the Dartmouth House of Correction The action by Mr. Quinn leaves him with the need to admit he did not understand that release of the document is a violation of security and thus released it or he did recognize the release as a serious security breach but decided to do it anyway. Either option makes it clear that Beacon Hill is no training ground for someone seeking a job in the area of public safety. Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of security or even fundamental common sense would have easily recognized the calamity that making this information public may cause. Such wanton release of this type of classified information immediately compromised the safety of the staff and inmates of both facilities. With the collusion of a department employee Mr. Quinn obtained the document and attempted to use it in what is an increasingly clear effort of a Beacon Hill insider to put his own campaign ahead of any public safety issue. continued on next page

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The Reporter September 2010 FREE ESTIMATES


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Whatever the selfish motivation of Mr. Quinn to release this internal document flies in the face of good judgment and underscores his lack of understanding about corrections and law enforcement. As both a lawyer and state representative Mr. Quinn should know the state law as it relates to the release of information about security measures. Sound judgment alone should have been enough to prevent him from releasing to the press our internal document announcing specific staff reductions and staff assignments to the press. The recent news stories about the danger to our military engaged in war by the announcement of deployment strategies and reductions of personnel should have reminded Mr. Quinn of the inherent danger of making public information of this sort that endangers lives. The dangers of announcing staffing reduction and deployment strategies includes threats to the safety of our employees and inmates. It also increases the potential for people outside of our prison and jail to be bolder in their attempts to smuggle contraband into our facilities that could ultimately cause harm or even death to staff members or inmates or both. For a man who talks endlessly about “care and custody of inmates” Mr. Quinn showed no reluctance to place inmates as well as staff in danger by release of information that clearly compromised both. We will be asking Mr. Quinn to cooperate in our investigation of this egregious breach of security by explaining his reason for releasing such information and pointing out to us the employee or employees who provided the security information to him. Submitted by Bernard Sullivan, Director of Public Information Bristol County Sheriff’s Office

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Leading Environmental Groups Endorse Rep. D’Amico

Since first taking office only 3 years ago, Representative Steve D’Amico (D - Seekonk) has stood up to corporate interests in defense of our environment. This month, he was honored to announce the endorsements of some leading environmental groups: the Sierra Club, Clean Water Action, and the Massachusetts League of Environmental Voters. “Steve D’Amico has been key in the passage of some of the most important environmental bills the state has ever seen,” said Phil Sego, Political Chair of the MA Sierra Club. “His active support on environmental issues has earned him the enthusiastic support of the Sierra Club.” “Clean Water Action is proud to endorse Rep. Steve D’Amico for re-election. Rep. D’Amico has been a strong advocate for a healthy environment and is committed to protecting our drinking water, promoting clean, renewable power, and replacing toxic chemicals with safer alternatives. We look forward to continuing our work with him in the future,” said Jeff Knudsen, MA Clean Water Action Political Director. “The Massachusetts League of Environmental Voters is proud to announce its endorsement of Representative Steve D’Amico,” said Lora Wondolowski, Executive Director for MLEV. “Rep. D’Amico has been a tireless advocate for protecting our health from toxic chemicals, and has been a leader in efforts to create green jobs. We look forward to working with Steve next session on common sense environmental solutions.” One of D’Amico’s priorities has been to change the way electronic waste is handled in Massachusetts. Currently, most used electronics, such as computers and televisions end up in landfills, where they leach hazardous substances like lead and cadmium into our eco-system. Right now, the costs of disposal are shouldered

September 2010 The Reporter by our towns and tax payers. “We need to shift that burden to the producers of electronics,” said D’Amico. “This will also encourage them to design products that are easier to recycle, while saving money for our communities.” “My kids and I have spent a lot of time exploring and enjoying the outdoors,” D’Amico said. “For me, protecting the environment is personal. And, I know it is to a lot of hard-working parents like me, who deserve to see their children grow up in a clean, green world.” Submitted by Steve D’Amico



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Rehoboth Family Childcare North Dighton

Stacie Ruffini • 774-872-0191


Steven Howitt Advocates For Jobs

Nancy Brockmann • 508-252-4920 Pat La Croix • 508-252-3240 Joanne Plumer • 508-252-1252 Kim Ranley • 774-254-1240

KIDS under 9 $10.00

New England Film Movement Hosts Howitt as Film-Friendly Candidate

“In my run for State Representative, as a member of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) and the Massachusetts Production Coalition (MPC), I can think of no more fitting a tribute to our colleagues in the business than to successfully oust “Film-Foe” incumbent, Steve D’Amico, in November.” Howitt spoke with members and friends of the New England Film Movement at a gathering hosted by Chuck Slavin, Actor, and Susan Darian, South Shore Casting. Howitt continued, “The incumbent’s mission to abolish the Massachusetts Film Tax Credits is shameful. Taking jobs away from people is wrong. My mission is about creating jobs and continued employment for everyone. It is clear the incumbent doesn’t understand that the film industry is about more than actors; it is also about keeping ancillary people working. These business people depend on these livelihoods to put food on the table.” “For example, I spoke with a professional photographer who has been out of work these last 14 months. I talked with another businessman who depends on the industry to earn his livelihood training actors for a specific skill set, and another who is now tending bar and finding fewer casting calls available in New England. Others I speak with in my District, who work in this industry, are hurting as well, and totally behind my efforts to succeed. I will continue to work tirelessly to bring jobs back to the Commonwealth, and the citizens in Norton, Seekonk, Swansea and Rehoboth in the 4th Bristol District in particular.” “I am grateful and sincerely thank everyone, in particular Chuck and Susan, and those of you who travelled a long distance to be here tonight for supporting my candidacy. With all of us working together to keep jobs in the state, and creating more opportunities for everyone to get back to work and stay working, our success will bring us more joy than winning an academy award! …well, it will come close anyway!” he quipped to applause. The event brought together SAG, AFTRA, MPC members and others in ancillary trades who are putting their volunteer efforts and support behind film-friendly candidates like Howitt. For more information


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The Reporter September 2010



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The Maroon Team, “Shipwreck,” is one of 12 teams in RIPUL. They made it to the semi-finals on August 14th.


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The Rhode Island People’s Ultimate League (RIPUL) is a co-ed league open to everyone who wants to play Ultimate Frisbee, the fun and exciting team sport. The Rhode Island Ultimate League is a great introduction to the sport of Ultimate for the newcomer and a fun, relaxed environment for the experienced player. The league sign ups are in the spring and the season lasts from May to the middle of August. The teams battle it out all summer long on the Cole St fields in Seekonk Ma, right around the corner from the Seekonk Cinemas. “It’s a great way to stay in shape, have some fun, and be part of a competitive team sport. I played Ultimate in college, so it’s nice that I can still get out here and play,” says Dustin Oerman of Riverside. RIPUL is a production of RIUPA, INC., a for-profit corporation, to serve the disc-related needs of Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts and to promote the great sport of ultimate.

IACHETTI PAINTING COMPANY Interior and Exterior Painting - Wall covering Powerwashing Quality Materials, Reasonable Prices Full Insurance Coverage Family Business for 87 years 14 Jones Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02861 #722-4174 Lic # 7657

Lots of action went on in the game Blue vs. Brown in the finals.

Maroon’s captain makes a catch in the semi-finals.

Dentistry At Its MOST Advanced. Dentistry At Its MOST Comfortable. September 2010 The Reporter


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Buyers of Junk Cars, Trucks &many Late Model Thanks to the most recent• advances in laser dentistry, dentalVehicles procedures • 24 Hour Towing • Quality Flatbed Service can now be completed without the need for anesthetics, vibration or the disconcerting whine of the dental drill.Paid Dr. for Alan Merchanthouse just Highest Prices Scrap Vehicles - Callemploys for Pricing such technology in a relaxing country setting in Rehoboth. For the highest 508-789-4047 or 508-761-6343 • Seekonk, MA quality dental care – furnished by a highly trained and friendly staff of dental Family Owned professionals – call (508) 252-6121 to schedule your appointment with Licensed & Operated for & Insured Dr. Alan Merchanthouse. 40 years Congratulations to Navy winning the 2010 RIPUL Championship in an exciting 17-16 win over Brown.

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TriCounty Saints Youth Hockey League

Tri-County Saints is a non-profit youth hockey organization that provides quality, affordable hockey programs for local towns, including but not limited to Attleboro, Brockton, Easton, Foxboro, Lakeville, Mansfield, Norton, North Attleboro, Rehoboth, Sharon, and Taunton. The Saints House League program is perfect for children under 10 who know how to skate and are ready to play hockey games. The league focuses on teaching players the basic fundamentals of hockey with the major emphasis on having fun. The Saints also offer youth travel hockey programs for all levels Mites through Midgets as well as Learn-to-Skate and Learn-to-PlayHockey sessions. All programs and session begin in early September. For more information and to register, go to

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Seekonk Girls Rec. Basketball Starts November 1 2010

Seekonk Girls Rec. Basketball starts November 1 2010. Registration forms will be at the schools, library, and Pumpkin Something. Registration closes on October 19th so register early. Leagues are Grades K – 2 instructional, 3 – 5 junior league, and 6 – 9 senior girls. Days of practice and games will not be available until we get our permits signed by the recreation committee and school department. Any questions contact Terry Howarth at

Convenient Parking

Dr. Gabriel Wassouf

Same Day Emergency Treatment FREE Consultations by Appointment



The Reporter September 2010

The Seekonk Junior Golf League has approximately 120 golfers participating.

The players range in age from 8 to 17 year old and come from many area towns (including 14 from Rehoboth). Our home course is Hillside Country Club in Rehoboth but we play throughout the summer on many area courses.

highlights of week 7 (August 21, 2010):

A battle for first and second is coming down to the wire with 4 points separating the two.

Week 7 match players traveled to the north to play Chemawa Golf Course in North Attleboro. The course was in spectacular condition and the children had a great time playing the challenging front 9 with a par 36. Medalist rounds for match players were; Ethan Reddington, 44, Mortgage Master, Kyle Kearns, Rehoboth Country Club, 49, and Rebecca Sochin, Seekonk Self Storage, 0. The shot of the day occurred on the 9th hole a Par 3 140 yards over water to 6 feet by Kyle Kearns. The traditional players were home at Hillside Country Club enjoying a beautiful day and a fine golf course. The teams that achieved the most points this week were: Rehoboth Country Club, Dr C’s, and Armor & Martel Photography. Over 1,000 points were scored by all six teams the most this season. Most points scored by a traditional player: Adam Berube, Cinlar, 34, Mateo Martinez Armor & Martel Photography, 30, Emond Tanner, Dr C’s, 28, Ryan Riordan Mortgage Master, 27, Leah Voccio, 27, Seekonk Self Storage, and Anthony Guglielmo, 26, Rehoboth Country Club. Match Play (9 Holes-Chemawa CC) Cinlar vs. Rehoboth Country Club; Winner: RCC (79-74) Dr. C’s vs. Armor & Martel Photography; Tie: (76-76) Seekonk Self Storage vs. Mortgage Master; Winner: Mortgage Master (79-76) Team Points Rehoboth Country Club Dr. C’s Seekonk Self Storage Mortgage Master Armor & Martel Cinlar

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September 2010 The Reporter


Tyler Berry

Tyler Berry was the DR Falcons SCC undefeated teams MFP. Tyler ran 1,000+ yards rushing, 60 tackles. He was the leading rusher & leading tackler. He had 12 touchdowns and was a Taunton Gazette All-star and a unanimous SCC All-star. Tyler graduated in the National Honor Society. He is the son of Eric and Jill Berry and the grandson of Gene & Carol Campbell & Ron Berry. He will be attending Bryant University in the fall.

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The Reporter September 2010

Coming to Rehoboth!

All New


Oct. 2nd & Oct. 3rd


Sm Adop

Continued from the Cover...

Circus Vidbel Returns to Rehoboth On Oct. 2nd & 3rd With an Exciting New Show By Laura Calverley

Some of the new performers in this year’s show are the Zoppe Equestrian acts, Darnell’s Incredible Dog Act, and a Rola-Bola, or balance board, act by Tevin DelMonte. The Zoppe-Zamperla Family are seventh generation equestrian acrobats who perform bareback riding and dressage acts that will delight the audience. Ashton says the crowds will also love Darnell’s incredible dogs as they perform a Poodle beauty pageant and magic acts. “The whole show is going to be very exciting. It’s our strongest show since we opened,” said Ashton. Other highlights of the this year’s circus include Susan VidbelAshton performing her amazing aerial act and Mike Ashton, who does a juggling act with his feet known as risley. Ashton’s 24-yr old son Miles takes part in the performance, which Ashton says is “really exciting” and “more complex than last year.” In addition to being co-owner and performance director, Ashton is also Ringmaster for the show. And, he plays sensational music and sings in a 30-minute pre-show performance to entertain the crowd as they take their seats.

Due to an overw Feline Rescue will be tion events every Wed p.m. at 36 Bacon Squ space opens up to sa speak directly with ex the animals they are p you and Children ofyour family. T

“Clown Around time” for all Ages features A free Clown Nose for Kids 12 And under

Before the show, the ring will Coming this year to be open for “Clown Around Time” where anyone can go down and dance and play before the show starts. There are usually hulahoops and other circus items to play with. Every child 12 and under that attends the circus will be given saturday a & sunday clown nose to enjoy at the show. If kids want to dress up as clowns, on Redway Plain that’s okay too. “We invite kids into the ring to play before the show sponsored by starts. Everyone loves it. The kids burn off energy and moms and dads Rehoboth PtsA take pictures. The ring ends up full of kids having a great time,” said Ashton. Allaudiences proceeds willboth benefi t The Ashtons know how to keep happy, having grown up in the entertainment business. Rehoboth PTSA Susan started performing in her grandparents’ circus when she was nine years old. She and her sister, Jennifer, who is an animal trainer with The Big Apple Circus, performed with their grandfather for years. Mike is a seventh generation entertainer. His father was one of the Seven Ashtons, a popular acrobatic act that performed in circuses, vaudeville and on television in the 19 0’s and 1960’s. He started performing with his father when he was 4 years old and has had a successful career as a musician, performing in Las Vegas and doing NBA half time shows around the country and on cruise ships. After he and Susan got married, they performed together. The Ashtons’ 4-yr-old daughter, Cheyenne, also performs. She enjoys riding a pony during the national anthem and sometimes joins her father’s risley act. Now she is the eighth generation in show business. Producing and performing in a circus can be challenging, but after two years of being back on the road with Circus Vidbel, the Ashtons are very excited about this year’s show. “Every year it gets better,” Mike said.

Rehoboth October 2 & 3

September 2010

The Reporter


Help Support Helping Hands Food Pantry-

Bring a Donation To The Circus Food Drive

mitten with Kittens ption Meow-A-thons

whelming number of kittens, Angelcat Haven holding ongoing “Smitten With Kittens” adopdnesday through the end of summer from - 8 uare, Plainville, MA. For each kitten adopted a ave another stray’s life. At Angelcat Haven you xperienced adoption coordinators who know placing, and can recommend the best pet for There are many adorable cats and kittens of all

Mike Ashton


The circus’ fundraising appearance at Redway Plain in Rehoboth is a benefit this year for Rehoboth PTSA. Forty percent of proceeds from advance ticket sales for the live Vidbel performances will benefit the PTSA . The PTSA would like all those interested in attending the circus to buy their tickets in advance of show day, so they can realize the greatest profit. Our group receives a much smaller share of ticket sales on show day.

Ticket Information

Tickets for Circus Vidbel are $8 in advance and $10 at the door. Tickets will be sold by the Rehoboth PTSA through Palmer River and Beckwith Schools and will also be available at Anawan Cleaners and Chartley Country Store in Rehoboth, as well as S& B Cleaners (Briarwood Plaza) and Newman YMCA in Seekonk. There is no assigned seating - all seats provide an excellent view under the big top. For information on tickets and the PTSA circus fundraiser call 08-264-4742 .

All New show

Come Watch Vidbel Circus Set Up At 9am On Sat. October 2nd At Redway Plain

Circus Day in the mid-1800’s was treated as a holiday by most schools and businesses in the U.S. Everyone took the day off to see the circus set up and see the sights, sounds and aromas of the circus. It was the biggest “free” show in the late 19th and early 20th century era. You may relive those moments in history by joining in with “children of all ages” to watch the Cicus Vidbel “Big Top” go up around 9:00am on On Saturday, October 2nd At Redway Plain. We welcome everyone to join us in our love of circus.

The Rehoboth PTSA is asking everyone to support the circus food drive by bringing a non-perishable food item to Vidbel Circus to support The Rehoboth Helping Hands Food Pantry in their efforts to keep food on their shelves at this time of year. There is currently a nationwide shortage of food at all food banks and pantries. The Helping Hands Food Pantry serves 60 to 7 Rehoboth families each month, according to Steve Martin , and that number is climbing every month. Just bring a food item or two to the show and drop it off at the Food Drive booth. If you would rather make a monetary donation, please make checks payable to Rehoboth Helping Hands Food Pantry with a notation “for Circus Food Drive.” Cash is especially important as the Helping HandsFood Pantry now has to pay for it’s utilities and other operating expenses every month.

Susan Vidbel


The Reporter September 2010

September 2010

The Reporter

How You Can Help

Reeves masonry

Rhode Island Blood Center Town Listing 9/9/2010 - 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Stone Walls, Steps, Walks, Patios Cobblestone, Chimney Repointing Foundation Repair, Sea Walls - new/repaired

9/26/2010 - 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

Repair Work - No Job Too Small Over 40 Years Experience • Free Estimates

Stone Masonry Design

E Providence

Performance Physical Therapy, Bloodmobile; 400 Massasoit Avenue St. Francis xavier Church, School Gym; 81 North Carpenter Street

9/9/2010 - 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Troy, Pires & Allen Insurance, Bloodmobile; 376 Newport Avenue


9/13/2010 - 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Warren, RI 401-245-2036 • cell 401-497-1842

Al Reeves & Steve Reeves

Fully Insured / Lic. #30110

deadline for submitting News

Churches of Riverside, Evangelical Covenant Church; 16 Rounds Ave

9/20/2010 - 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

is now the 23rd of each month...


Advertise In the Rehoboth Reporter

Little Red School House, Bloodmobile; 20 Sprague Ave

9/14/2010 - 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Aitken Elementary School, Gymnasium; 16 Newman Avenue

Call 508-252-6575

9/17/2010 - 4:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Old Country Buffet, Bloodmobile; 37 Commerce Way

9/18/2010 - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Webster Bank, Bloodmobile; 1 19 Newman Avenue

9/19/2010 - 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

American Legion Post 311, Hall; 3 1 Fall River Avenue

9/28/2010 - 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Super Stop & Shop, Bloodmobile; 12 Highland Avenue

Volunteers Needed!

Did you know that 1 in every 0 children in the U.S will go to sleep without a home this year? Horizons for Homeless Children is looking for energetic and enthusiastic volunteers to play with children living in family homeless shelters in Barnstable, Bristol, and Plymouth Counties. If you have an extra 2 hours a week and a desire to make a difference in the lives of some wonderful children, then we have the volunteer opportunity for you! A six month commitment is required. Attendance at one of our training sessions is mandatory. Upcoming trainings: Saturday, September 2 th from 9:30-4:30 in Boston or Tuesday, October th and Wednesday, October 6th from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Brockton/Bridgewater area. Sign up today! Contact our office at ( 08) 99994 4 or at for more information and an application, or fill one out online at www.

Visit my Clearance Closet!

$10 OFF Any Purchase Over $30.00 expires 9-30-10

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Dare Family Services is seeking caring families to provide foster care for area children. While helping a child, you will receive excellent training, 24 hour support and a tax free stipend toward the child’s care. For more information, please call 08-802-9 1 .

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The Reporter September 2010

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Y Family Fun Events in September Movie Night Friday, September 10, 7:00 P.M.

Big Screen Projector in the Gymnasium, bring your own pillows and blankets, swim first and change into PJs. Free for Members, Nonmember Families only $8

Parents Night Out Friday, September 17, 5:45-8:45 P.M.

Children aged 3 through 11 have playtime, dinner and do arts and crafts while you get some R & R or have your own date night. For YMCA Members only $10/child

Eat Cheap Family Night sponsored by DiParma Restaurant Thursday, September 30, 5:15-6:30 P.M.

Eat healthy and inexpensively while you enjoy quality family time and meet new friends. Swimming with pool games or family Zumba class follows the meal, Y members $5/person and nonmembers $8/person proceeds benefit the YMCA Financial Assistance Campaign sending children to enrichment programs after school, camps and enrolling them in youth development and leadership opportunities. For details visit Newman YMCA 472 Taunton Ave on Route 44 in Seekonk MA or Call 508-336-7103.

Fall Registration for Newman YMCA Preschool, Wrap Around Kindergarten, Before and After School Care open now: Kinder Kids World Wrap around Kindergarten Program

Newman YMCA offers bus transportation and complete curriculum to wrap around the ½ day kindergartens for either morning or afternoon sessions in our licensed Kinder Kids World located at the YMCA.

Kids World Preschool Ages 2.9 – 6 years

Licensed for RI and Massachusetts is located at the YMCA and offers a high quality care and exciting curriculum with a rotation of enrichment activities including swim lessons, dance and karate. Emphasis on social skills and school readiness.

Before and /or After School Care Grades K through Middle School

The Y offers 2, 3 and 5 day options as well as holiday, snow day, professional day and vacation week care. Quality, licensed child care is provided for Rehoboth, Seekonk and East Providence schools. We offer a safe and stimulating environment which includes enrichment programming, recreation activities, home work assistance, arts and crafts as well as indoor and outdoor sporting activities. Each location has their own unique qualities with certified staff offering a wide variety of opportunities for the children to learn and enjoy what they are doing. Coming this fall in our Before and After School Child Care are two new programs for all ages. The first one was created by “Harvard Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and Physical Activity” for our YMCA’s nationally and is entitled “Kids on the Move” which inspires and teaches kids to eat healthy and increase their activity level. The second is “Enrichment Choice” whereby participants can choose a new enrichment program every 6 weeks. Choices include options such as Swimming, Hip Hop, Lego Engineering, Mad Science, Sports Medley, Drawing and more. The Newman YMCA accepts DCYF, DHS, DSS as well as private

September 2010 pay. Financial assistance is available for anyone with need. For details visit Newman YMCA 472 Taunton Ave on Route 44 in Seekonk MA or Call 508-336-7103.

The Y’s Shooting Stars Studio

Our dance program has grown and we are expanding into space on route 44 on the Dighton/Rehoboth line at 51 Winthrop St. Classes for preschool through adult in all disciplines are offered with a flair for the international including Irish Step, Greek and Latin classes. Dancers aged 10 – teens may participate in the traveling Dance troupe who performs for community events and at Assisted Living Facilities in the area. Boys only classes are also being offered. Plus, we offer inclusion dance classes as well as separate classes for children with special needs.

The Reporter



Systems Associates, Inc.

Septic System Designs Since 1995 Perc. Tests Title-5 Inspections Wetland Fillings Free Consultations


Our Lady Queen of Martyrs

The Seniors, from Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, meet the first Tuesday of the month at the parish center, 365 Central Ave., Seekonk, MA. We will be holding our next monthly meeting on Tuesday, Sept 7, 2010 at 1 P.M., at the parish center. It will be an Ice Cream Social and all couples, singles, widows or widowers are welcome to join us. Our aim is for everyone to come and enjoy themselves with all our members. If you would enjoy getting out once a month, to have fun & laughter and a luncheon, then you are invited to join & attend our monthly meetings. Those wishing to join may do so at the meeting. Come with someone OR by yourself, (we will introduce you to the other members in our club). Dues are only $6.00 per year! (payable by November). Entertainment this month will be provided by ‘Gentlemen of Leisure’, a Dixie band for your listening pleasure. October 5th meeting will be a Brown Bag Auction. Bring an item in a ‘brown bag’ to be auctioned off at reasonable prices to raise funds. Chicken Pot Pie will be served at this October meeting at 12 Noon. November 2nd meeting will be a Turkey Dinner, served family style. Trips: Contact Claire at 508-226-7163 for reservations and information. Fall Foliage Train Ride, Thurs., Sept 30, 2010 through New Hampshire enjoy a buffet luncheon at the Common Man Inn.

Advertise in our Business Profile Section...

Call 508.252.6575

Painting & Powerwashing Interior • Exterior / Commercial • Residential Mildew Removal • Log Homes & Decks Sealed • Wallpaper Borders


Welcome Back

Our Lady of Mt Carmel Women’s Guild will meet Thursday, September 9th, in the lower church at 7:00 P.M., for our Welcome Back Meeting. Officers for the 2010-2011 year are President Fran Gorman, Vice-President Mary-Lou Skinner, Secretary Eileen Quigley and Treasurer Ellen Vermette. All women are invited; new members are welcome. Refreshments will be served.

Memorial Baptist Church

The Fall Worship Service at Memorial Baptist Church, 340 Central Ave., Seekonk, MA 02771, 508-761-5142,,, Rev. Delphain Demosthenes, will begin at 10:15 A.M. beginning Sunday, September 12, 2010. Sunday school classes will begin at 9:00 A.M. for all ages. Child care and Nursery care is available during the Worship service. The building is handicapped accessible. There is an active Youth Group which meets Sundays 12:00 P.M. and schedules many events throughout the year. We welcome all to worship, visit and serve with us.

Craig A. Winter Phone: 508-285-3752 Fax: 508-285-9951

23 Power Street Norton, MA 02766

Oscar Ni, O.D. Optometrist-Vision care • Serving Seekonk area for the past 10 years • Eye care for the whole family • Same day service available • Featuring Dolce & Gabbana and DKNY frames • New Location, New Phone Number

10% off on Rx glasses with this ad must present at the time of purchase

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751 Fall River Ave. Seekonk, MA 02771 • 508-336-0576 •


The Reporter September 2010

J & L Landscaping & Garden Center (508) 399-8947

Now Budding Hardy Mums, Asters and Montaux Daisies

•Pumpkins, all sizes •Bushel Baskets • Witches •Terra Cotta Pots & Hanging Mums •Hay Bales •Corn Stalks •Fall Flags •Wicker Baskets •Fall Bows •Scarecrows •Wreaths

Available for Delivery or Pick-up: OOD NED W ) SEASO 2 cord (cord-1/

• Mulch • Stone • Screened Loam • Pool - Mason Sand • Stone Dust

or • Grass Seed • Fall Fertilizer • Pellitized Pick-up Delivery

Lime • Trees • Shrubs • Perennials

WE INStALL • Walks • Walls • Patios WE CARRY Pavers, Flagstone, Cobblestones, Pennsylvania Fieldstone, Irregular Bluestone

Slice Seeding & Aerating Service Available.

363 Taunton Ave., (Rt. 44) Seekonk, MA e M-Sa 8AM-5PM, Su 8AM-4PM y

Slater Mill celebrates the 200th Anniversary of Wilkinson Mill ~ 1810-2010 on Thursday, September 30, 2010, 6-9 P.M.

Slater Mill supporters will eat, drink, bid and have a wonderful evening while helping the Mill to reach its goals such as raising funds for our Education Program that allows school children studying American History to opportunity to visit Slater Mill at no cost to them or their school and feel what it was like to work in a mill and live in an 18th century home. This visit is a key component to educating children about Slater Mill’s role as the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution, a National Historic Landmark and a Rhode Island treasure. Wilkinson Mill, designated a National Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark, sits adjacent to Slater Mill and was built to support Slater Mill by making machine parts for Sam’s innovative ideas he brought with him from England. Wilkinson Mill is the birthplace of innovative machinery which would lead to the precision screw that we know today and David Wilkinson is the inventor of the steam engine used to power boats. Celebrate the history of the Mill’s blueprint and it’s evolution over the past 200 years! It’s a place where David Wilkinson cast the first carding and spinning machines; a woolen and textile factory opened; became a machine shop that produced machinery and told for the leather and jewelry industry; a warehouse where furniture was stored and is today the home of the Slater Mill collection of artifacts which include original Lewis Hine images documenting labor and living conditions in RI at the turn of the 20th century. This year’s event will be held at the Slater Mill and the evening will begin at 6:00 P.M. with delicious hors d’oeuvres, cash bar, an opportunity to bid on silent auction items and preview the live auction items while listening to the sensational traditional live music. Enjoy a warm and hearty fall buffet dinner and dessert while emcee Tony Petrarca, from WPRI Channel 12 gets the action going with the live auction. This is Tony’s third year with Slater Mill hosting the live auction portion of the evening. The live and silent auctions are supported by members of the immediate and expanded community to support Slater Mill Museum who become sponsors, donate auction items, or attend the event.

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A portion of the proceeds will help Slater Mill continue preserving their extensive collection of important and unique artifacts which are housed within the Wilkinson Mill. Tickets are $6 per person and if you would like to reserve your ticket, get information on becoming an event sponsor or have any questions about this event, please call Chandler at 401.72 .8638 x107 or email

September 2010

Open Artist Studios

The Reporter



September 25 and 26, 2010 11 a.m. to 5p.m.

Visit us at our new location in Riverside!

Open Studios: Pawtucket – More than 80 artists will show artwork in their studios in five historic mill buildings in Pawtucket. Organized by the Pawtucket Arts Collaborative.

216 Willett Ave • Riverside, RI Now Located in the Schroder’s Plaza

(401) 433-5165

Blackstone studios, 163 exchange street Riverfront lofts, 10 exchange Court lorraine Mill, 560 Mineral spring Avenue hope Artiste Village, 1005 Main street Mill at 545 Pawtucket Avenue

For a listing of artists, directions, and map:

Visit our other location in Cherry Branch Plaza

Sturdy Memorial Hospital Lists September Support Groups

Sturdy Memorial Hospital offers support groups on a variety of topics throughout the year. The groups are FREE and open to the public. The following are scheduled for September 2010: Prostate Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, September 1, 2010 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, call the Oncology Department at 08-236-7010. Partners and Caregivers of Patients with Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, September 8, 2010 from :30 – 6:30 p.m. in Conference Room A. For more information, call the Oncology Department at 08-236-7010. Stroke Support Group – Thursday, September 9, 2010 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. in the Clinical Education Center. For more information, call the Nursing Education Department at 08-236-7166. Breastfeeding Support Group – Tuesday, September 14, 2010 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. in the Clinical Education Center. For more information, call Nursing Administration at 08-236-71 1. Cancer Support Group – Tuesday, September 21, 2010 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, call the Oncology Department at 08-236-7010. Diabetes Support Group – Wednesday, September 22 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. For more information, call the Nursing Education Department at 08-236-7166. Breast Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, September 29, 2010 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, call Ellen Gilbert or Julia Twining at 08-236-701 . Sturdy Memorial Hospital is a full-service, independent, financially stable, not-for-profit acute care community hospital in Attleboro, Massachusetts.

40 Charles Street • Wakefield, RI • (401) 783-3100 Authorized

Peter Curti, President


deadline for submitting News is now the 23rd of each month...

Advertise In the Rehoboth Reporter

Call 508-252-6575


Yamaha Adventurer Utility Vehicles

Yamaha Concierge 6 Passenger Vehicle

Yamaha Golf Car With Aluminum Utility Box

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We are New England Golf Cars, a full-service provider of golf card and utility vehicles with over 25 years of experience. We service, repair and sell all major brands of golf car. We supply vehicles for business, factories, campgrounds, and special events, and are a licensed dealer of yamaha golf cars and parts. Contact us to find out how we can tailor a golf car solution to fit your needs.




62 INDUSTRIAL WAY SEEKONK, MA 02771 PHONE 508-336-4285 FAX 508-3336-4762


The Reporter September 2010

back to school Rehoboth PTSA

Welcome back! It’s hard to believe, but it’s that time of the year again – the start of another school year. The Rehoboth PTSA would like to welcome all new and returning students and their families back to school. As part of our commitment to our students, one of our responsibilities is to talk with you about the PTSA and encourage you to get involved. The Rehoboth PTSA is a volunteer organization made up of parents, grandparents, teachers, school administrators, even students with one goal; to foster a nurturing and caring environment to help give our children a better education. We help teachers and school administrators with the resources they need so they can do their best work while making school fun for our kids. Through fundraising efforts and continued parent involvement, the PTSA is able to raise and donate the money needed to purchase educational materials & equipment for the school (and also offer some fun activities in the process!) that further promote your child’s education.

Who Says You Can’t Have it All?

Our success depends on participation from as many parents as possible. It’s a parent’s enthusiasm, support and involvement that inspire children to do their best. Many working parents feel that they cannot be included in the PTSA because they cannot come to every meeting or volunteer for every event. There are endless ways you can contribute. To find out how you can help, visit us at or just let me know if a program or event interests you and when you might be free to lend a hand. We promise that the time you give to our group, our school and our children will be worth it. On behalf of the entire Rehoboth PTSA organization, I invite you to join us throughout the year and make a difference in your child’s education. We’re always eager to find more great people, just like you, to help us meet this goal. Please join us for our first meeting: Wednesday, September 8th in the Palmer River Cafeteria 7 p.m. Debbie Fitzgerald Rehoboth PTSA President 08-2 2-1048/

Dates to Remember

Sept 8 – Membership Rally; Oct 6 – Budget Meeting; May 4 – Awards Ceremony; more to come

Palmer River Fall Fundraiser September 13th-October 19th

Cristoline Company’s Showcase of Fine Gifts Edibles, Gift Wrap, cookie dough, magazine subscriptions, gift cards, Food Court and Grandma’s Pies. Pick Up November 17th More Information to follow via backpack express. Thank you for all your help and support. Suzanne Cabral

11th Annual Larry Procopio Harvest Block Party

Redway Plain Rte 44 Saturday September 18th 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

(rain date Sunday) Be sure to stop by and visit our booth to join the PTSA and also to win some exciting prizes For Providence Country Day School students, challenging oneself in the classroom, on the athletic fields, in the art studio, on the stage and in the community is all in a day’s work. PCD’s college prep scholars are also league champion athletes, award winning artists, actors and singers. They are leaders in their school and in their communities and each one helps make our school a more vibrant place to learn and grow. college prep | arts | athletics | grades 6-12 | co-ed 660 Waterman Ave. • E. Providence, RI 02914 401.438.5170 |

OPEN HOUSE - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Starting in September... • “Get in Shape” for moms w/ “Friends are Fun” for Kids (same time!) • yoga at Elite Spa - earn coupons for treatments! • Strength/Core, muay thai boxing (w/pads) and Judo For Families Drop us an e-mail and we will send you the applications/info

Julia sweet’s

FITness MoM® sTuDIo Rt. 118 / 340 Anawan Street - in the back


September 2010

Circus Vidbel

coordinate 4-6 after school events for the th grade students) Holiday Shop Chair (plan the annual holiday shop)

October 2 & 3.-.Redway Plain All New show

2010-2011 Reflections Art Contest

The Original Olde Tyme Circus Under The Big Top All proceeds will benefit Rehoboth PTSA

Loraine’s Stitch ‘n’ Crafts

Unleash your artistic talents. This year’s Reflections theme is

Thank you Newman YMCA for the Use of your Facility for our Back To School Bash. What a great way of getting our children ready for the start of school again. A fun time was had by all!

Your Help is Needed please show your support and Volunteer

Open Positions for 2010-2011 Membership Chair (coordinate, organize, and submit membership to state PTA) Newsletter (receive information and create monthly newsletter just think how fun and creative you can be, this is perfect for the parent who cannot attend all meetings but still wants to help behind the scenes BW Fundraising Chair (pretty self explanatory, we need someone to coordinate fundraiser(s) for Beckwith this year) th Grade Events Chair (do you like to plan parties? Do you have a th grader this year? Then this committee is for you

The Reporter

“together we Can…”

A place for fun and learning

There are six categories to choose from again this year. Each student can choose one or more categories to enter. The categories are dance/choreography, photography, film production, musical composition, literature and visual arts. So, get your artistic minds flowing and get ready to submit your original works. More info to follow…

sign up now for after-school classes

Classes start week of September 13th Join us for the fun!!! • Sewing for Beginners • The Breakfast Club • Pieces of the Season • Quilting Check out our website for more classes & schedules

PROJECTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS 224 Winthrop St. • Rte. 44, Rehoboth, MA 508.252.5640 • Tues-Sat 11-5

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“I am just amazed at how much you can come up with for the kids and how you lovingly teach them! We feel blessedto have you -you are the best and our children are the lucky ones!!!” -S. Burnett TaeKwondDo!



The Reporter September 2010

s Farm k a O n i w T Presents . with.. h t o b o h e R


A . . S P. A. l Age Prog o o h c S ram er t f A

Now g n i l l o r n E for fall 2010 Licensed by the DEEC

Designed by Children, Parents and teachers to meet the needs of Rehoboth’s school age children, ages 5-14 years old.

WE OFFER • Smaller Class sizes • Language Programs • Karate • Fine Arts Program • Music • Homework tutoring • Cooking • Music & Dance • Outdoor Activities • & more

319 d tremont street, Rehoboth MA Chartley’s Country Plaza

For more Info. Call 508.252.5522

September 2010

Palmer River News

Elise DuBois, Assistant to the Principal

Welcome Back Everyone!

Everyday Math

We are pleased to announce the district’s recent adoption of Everyday Mathematics. This fall, pre-K through grade 2 teachers and students will begin using this research-based curriculum, developed as part of the University of Chicago School Mathematics project. Additionally, several classrooms in grades 3 and 4 will pilot the program this year. Grades 3 and 4 will move to full implementation in future years. Everyday Mathematics reflects the state and national goals for mathematics and includes these features: • Curriculum that explores mathematical content beyond basic arithmetic • Problem-solving approach based on everyday situations • Frequent, varied practice of basic skills • Instructional approach that revisits the concepts regularly • Emphasis on communication and teamwork • Commitment to home/school partnerships Our teachers have shown great enthusiasm for the new math program and have spent many hours in training and preparation. We will be hosting several parent nights about Everyday Mathematics in the fall, so please watch for these dates and times. Additionally, on the Palmer River and Dighton Elementary websites there is more information on the new program.

Mark Your Calendars

In an effort to help you plan ahead for the coming school year, we ask you to please mark your calendar for the coming school events.

teacher workshop

Monday, October 18, 2010 - Early Release Tuesday, November 2, 2010 - No School Monday, January 24, 2011 - Early Release Monday, March 21, 2011 - Early Release

early Release days

Monday, October 18, 2010 - No P.M. Pre-School-K Thursday, November 18, 2010 - Parent/Teacher Conferences No AM/PM PreSchool-K Monday, January 24, 2011 - No PM Pre-School-K Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - Parent/Teacher Conferences No P.M. only Pre-School-K Monday, March 21, 2011 - No P.M. Pre-School-K

The Reporter


V I S I O N C A R E “Our Focus is On You”

Cutting Edge Technology Premier Eyecare Distinct Eyewear

4 3 8 - 2020 400 Warren Avenue

w w

the Pawtucket & Providence Figure Skating Club

basic Skills Ice Skating Lessons Classes Begin on Friday, September 17, and Saturday, September 18 Classes are available for ages 3 through adult. For registration forms and program information, please visit our website:; click on “Basic Skills”.

tO REGIStER: Mail in your application, available on our website: Registrations must be postmarked by September 8 to avoid a late fee. For questions, email or call 508-212-2611.

Parent/teacher Conferences

Thursday, November 18, 2010 - Early Release (not on school calendar) Wednesday, March 9, 2011 - Early Release (not on school calendar)

fall classes begin september 13th!

continued on next page...

Alicia's Dance Studio 16 years of Dance Education

Ballet, Hip Hop, Jazz, Tap, Pointe

Join the Fun!

Dance with friends and make new ones! 224 Winthrop Street • Rt. 44 Rehoboth • (508) 252-1245 Located across from Dunkin' Donuts

319 Tremont st. chartley Plaza rehoboth rte. 118

508 222-5157 Jill M. Quinn * Director

eNROLL NOW CALL 508-222-5157

visit us at: Find us on FACeBOOK!


The Reporter September 2010

Excitement in Our Library


Enriching Children’s Lives

Infants, Toddlers, Pre-School, Pre-K and Kindergarten

now accepting enrollment for Pre-school, Pre-K & Kindergarten Half & Full Day Programs Available Call now for information (508) 336-8919 Please ask for Karen 1009 Taunton Ave. • Seekonk, MA 02771


Grades K-Middle School 7AM –start of school; dismissal – 6PM Wrap around kindergarten with transportation to/from school State licensed, high quality care Added Value! Professional Enrichment classes; Instructional Sports; Middle School Age Leadership Club and so much more Register by 8/31/10 Get a FREE session of Swim Lessons

NEWMAN YMCA 508-336-7103

• Grades K-Middle School • 7AM –start of school; dismissal – 6PM • Wrap around kindergarten with transportation to/from school • Including Enrichment Choices like:

We welcome our new school librarian, Brenda Carr. Ms. Carr Brenda Carr has worked formerly at the Dighton Public Library for several years and additionally has experience at the Maxwell Library at Bridgewater State College. We are excited and pleased that she will be coming to Palmer River. As we all get back to the routine- we encourage you to set up your own ‘reading regimen’ at home as school begins. There is no better resource for improving student literacy than reading itself. We commend students that took advantage of our summer reading lists for every grade level. Mrs. McSweeney looks forward to giving these students a token reward for all their fine reading. We are happy to share that Dr. George has again offered to support our literacy through the Reading Rocks program. All of our Palmer River readers can take great pride in the many thousands of pages that they read last year and the wonderful new books that they earned for our library.

Health Happenings

Illness: The beginning of a new school year marks the beginning of the new cold, virus and allergy season. Please teach your child to wash his/her hands at every opportunity. This is most effective practice to slow the transmission of many communicable diseases. Please do not send your child to school with a fever, excessive coughing and sneezing, or an unusual rash. If you need advice, please call the Health Room or your Pediatrician. Medication: We are happy to provide medication administration services to our students. Please remember that children are not to transport medications to and from school. A responsible adult must transport them, and a parent or legal guardian must sign the appropriate paperwork. Any medication brought to school by a child will be held at the school and can not be given according to state nursing laws. Forms: Please send any outstanding immunization and physical forms to the Health Room as soon as possible. Place it in an envelope addressed to the Health Room and your child’s teacher will forward it to me, or you can bring them to the main office. If you have any questions, please call the Health Room at 08-2 2- 138.

Are You Willing to Share Your Time?

Are you interested in being a school volunteer? We are always looking for “enthusiastic moms” (or dads) who might be willing to support our school through some copy work, volunteering at lunch duty, our library, helping out in a classroom or even reading with our students in a program called Great Leaps. All of our volunteers need to have a CORI/ SORI check done prior to working in our

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MORNING YOGA BEGINS IN SEPTEMBER enjoy some bliss while the kids are at school...

BLISS EXPRESS ~ AM CLASSES offered Tues & Thurs 9:30am 75mins cardio flow with creative core, sacred strength, flexibility, radiantly soulful & playfully blissful see website for schedule & to register

Sports Medley, Hip Hop, Drawing, Swim, Lego Engineering, Mad Science, Leaders Club and more

NeWMAN YMCA 508-336-7103

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September 2010 school. If you are interested in learning more about any volunteer opportunities we would ask that you stop by to talk with our office staff. We will take your contact information and invite you to join us in our up and coming volunteer orientation. We are always open to providing our students with unique enrichment opportunities. You may even have an expertise in science, engineering or technology that might dovetail with our state frameworks and classroom curriculum. We encourage you to become an active part of our school community.

Back to the Island

It’s time to get back on board with Study Island. This web based program is accessible to students, grades one through four, from school or home. The program is divided into sections based on subject (math, science, etc.). Each section is made up of 10 to 2 topics, which contain about 20 to 2 questions each. Each topic is accompanied by a lesson, which includes some brief information about the material covered in that section. If you have Internet access, your child can access Study Island from home as well as school to support their learning of concepts and prepare for the MCAS standardized tests. We continue to see great academic benefits for the students who work consistently on this program. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity by using Study Island. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Schwall and she would be happy to assist you. Key-

As we begin our new academic year, we stress the importance of establishing a partnership with your child’s teacher. This year there will be many new academic challenges for your child(ren). We aim to have all of our learners embrace these learning opportunities with enthusiasm and determination. If there are questions or concerns that present, your child’s teacher is the first avenue to a solution or resolution. Send in a note or make a quick call. It is far better to communicate your concerns early on when they can be addressed without delay. All children are asked to transport a homework folder back and forth each day. Do your best to check this folder daily and support your child as you see fit. On this end, teachers will be checking the folders daily for any correspondence or homework items. Together, we can ® make this a really wonderful year!

The Reporter


GYMNASTICS Life Has Challenges. Gymnastics is part of our human nature. Gymnastics is a safe, fun way to build a healthy foundation for life. Want your child to learn fitness, confidence, and self-esteem? Renaissance Gymnastics Academy will help your child achieve their true potential.

Open House September 19 2-4pm FREE TRIAL CLASSES

ages 2-5: 2pm ages 5-7: 3pm

CLASSES BEGIN 9/7! CALL TODAY! “We’re More Than Just Cartwheels!” 887 Waterman Ave~ East Providence 401-435-0159 ~

Citizens For Citizens, Citizens For Citizens, Inc. Inc

Program HeadHead StartStart Program

save the date: friday september 10 6:30 - 8:30pm

Meet & Greet at Martin Elementary School in Seekonk Tour the school, meet new families, Connect with families you haven’t seen this summer! Kids - assemble crafts and enjoy our ice cream bar!

Bay State Road, MA Rehoboth MA Bay State Road, Rehoboth

A Developmentally Appropriate A Developmentally Appropriate Pre-School for: Pre-School Program Program for: and Seekonk Dighton, Dighton, RehobothRehoboth and Seekonk

Currently Currently Enrolling Enrolling (by -Sept. 1st) - 5 years Children 3Children (by Sept.31st) 5 years • Foster Children Automatically Qualify • Foster Children Automatically Qualify Breakfast & Lunch Served • Breakfast &•Lunch Served Part Based Day & Options Home Based Options Available • Part Day & •Home Available

Please call (508) 675-2151, Please call (508) 675-2151, ext. 204 ext. 204 more information for morefor information Ma. License # 8117990 Ma. License # 8117990 #212592


The Reporter September 2010


492 Winthrop Street • Rehoboth, MA 02769

Dance Class Registration

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Dighton Rehoboth Regional High School Key Dates for Fall september 6: labor day (no school) september 16: Back to school Night, 6-8:30 september 27: school pictures taken October 11: Columbus day (no school) October 18: early Release, teacher workshops November 2: teacher workshops, no school

We’re on the Web!

“What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge, and not knowledge in pursuit of the child.” -George Bernard Shaw

The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School Citizens Scholarship Foundation

The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School chapter of Citizens Scholarship Foundation seeks new members this fall to help raise and distribute scholarship funds. Residents do not need to have a child in the school district in order to serve. Contact the CSF president at for more information. CSF also encourages residents and alumni to send donations now to grow to help spring graduates. Donations are accepted year-round. You may specify a particular scholarship and donate to the general fund. In addition, DR graduating classes planning their reunions (Class of ‘79 and ‘80) should consider setting up a scholarship to honor your years at DR.

Deadline for Submitting News is now the 23rd of each month

Send news to

George R Martin School PTO Calendar

9/10 - Welcome Back Meet & Greet 6:30 - 8:30 - all Martin Families Welcome 9/16 - Open House 10/6 - PTO Meeting - 6:30 p.m. in Library 10/7 - Martin Kids in Motion Walk-athon

Seekonk Girl Scouts Registration Sept. 16

Come and learn more about Girl Scouting in Seekonk!

Representatives will be available with information at the Open Houses at Aitken School 9/1 and Martin School 9/16. Townwide registration for Girl Scouts will be held on September 23, 2010 at the Seekonk Public Library - :4 - 7:4 p.m. For more information contact Beth at

September 2010

The Reporter

Aitken School

Pumpkin Somethin’ Saturday Oct. 2nd

Over 40 Crafters, Rock wall, Bouncies, Arts and Crafts, Raffle Baskets, Pop Corn, Bake Tables, Food Stand, Pony Rides, Demonstrations, Pie Eating Contest, Kid and Young Adult Games and Prizes, Pumpkins and Mums, and so much more! 10-3 October 2, 2010

Aitken School PTO 36th Annual Pumpkin Somethin’

Crafters Wanted

Rent a 10 x 10 spot for the day for only $35.00 October 2, 2010 10 - 3. All interested parties should contact Lynn Simpson at or call 508-761-7667. 2010 - Reporter Ad - 7.5 x 4.875.qxp


5:24 PM

Page 1

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             



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Discount Tickets Available at Select Walgreens

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The Reporter September 2010

Paid Political Advertisement

We Have the Lowest Cost Per Inmate in the State


Paid for by the Tom Hodgson Committee

That’s Why The Bristol County Jail rates in the Top 10% of Jails Nationwide!

Nobody’s Tougher on Crime


Small Business Owners Bring Jobs And Job Training To Unemployed In today’s economy, there is so much discouraging news with businesses nationwide laying off workers and the unemployed struggling to find jobs. But, it is very encouraging and hope-inspiring to hear of the success stories coming out of MTTI. MTTI is a privately-owned small business that employs over thirty local workers whose jobs are dedicated to the training and education of unemployed and underemployed members of the community; with the skills necessary to become valuable employees within industries that have a high job demand. MTTI’s motto is “Education for Employment”. MTTI held its Grand Opening of its’ newly expanded campus on Route 6 in Seekonk, Massachusetts. The post-secondary career and technical school converted vacant automotive dealerships (previously Tasca Volvo) to a career school offering skills training in eight different career areas, including: Automotive Service Technician; Building and Property Trades Technician; Computer Service Technician/Network Installer; Electronic Communications Technician; Marine Service Technician; Medical Assistant; Medical and Dental Office Management; Motorcycle/Power Equipment Technician MTTI has for the past 25 years worked closely with businesses to identify occupations in demand and to custom design career training programs to meet the needs of each given industry. Employer Advisory Boards oversee the curriculum design, shop/lab equipment, tools, etc. MTTI has been nationally accredited since 1993 and when the Accrediting Commission surveyed MTTI’s students during an April re-accreditation visit, 100% of the students were pleased with their decision to attend their school and would recommend it! MTTI has maintained graduation rates of approximately 80 percent for many years and has met the demanding job placement standards in every program, even in this difficult economy. The evening of the Grand Opening was greeted with graduates of MTTI’ programs who wanted to come back and share their stories of success after leaving MTTI. It was somewhat of an emotional experience as each speaker told their story and expressed the gratitude they felt toward the school. Additionally present, were a number of local employers who had hired and currently employ MTTI graduates. Each expressed their confidence in the training provided at MTTI, as well as their plans to continue to hire MTTI graduates. Representative D’Amico also attended the Grand Opening and spoke some inspiring words regarding the service MTTI provides its’ students and the state of Massachusetts. Presented to the founders

September 2010 and owners of MTTI, was a citation in recognition of the opening of their new campus in Seekonk, Massachusetts and the dedication to the education of their students. The citation was presented by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and signed by Speaker of the House, Robert A. DeLeo and State Representative Steven J. D’Amico.

The Reporter



Author Uses Information Acquired From Local East Providence and Rehoboth Residents

Kimberly Fusco has written a new young adult novel. The story is set in a Massachusetts town during the depression years of the 1930’s. A portion of the story is set in a one-room schoolhouse. As part of her research, Kim visited the Hornbine School in Rehoboth. The Hornbine School is a one room school house museum. Beverly Pettine is a local East Providence resident and the head school teacher. She makes arrangements for many area classes to visit the school for a day of reenactment every spring and fall. Kim’s first visit to the historic school museum was on a raw, overcast day in the fall of 2008. She sat down and spoke with Evelyn Rose Bois and Frances Magan Jones as they recalled their lessons and adventures at Hornbine School during the 1930’s. Kimberly Newton Fusco returned in the spring of 2009 with her mother, Priscilla, and her daughter Laura to experience the recreation of a day at the one-room schoolhouse. Ms Pettine’s knowledge and expertise was unmistakable. Much of what Kim saw and heard on both of her visits has been incorporated into her young adult novel “The Wonder of Charlie Anne.” Left: Frances Magan Jones (left) and Evelyn Rose Bois (right) examining “The Wonder of Charlie Anne”, a young adult novel. Beverly Pettine (middle), an East Providence resident, is acknowledged with Jones and Bois in the book for their contributions. The novel, which is available in local book stores, is already receiving outstanding reviews. Don’t miss Charlie Anne and her friend Phoebe as they create a friendship that outlasts hardship, sadness and racial tension, reminding us all that courage and a heart that cares can overcome most anything. The Hornbine School Museum is open to the public from 2-4 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month between June and September. The School is located at the corner of Hornbine Road and Baker Street in the south east corner of Rehoboth. Please note: the School will be open on Saturday, September 2 th rather than that 4th Sunday to coincide with the Hornbine Church Rhode Island author, Kimberly Bazaar across the street Newton Fusco, visited the Hornbine from the school. School with her mother and daughter while researching for her book “The Wonder of Charlie Anne.”

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The Reporter September 2010

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Attleboro, MA, August 4, 2010 -- Sturdy Memorial Hospital will be offering a Free infant massage program on Saturday, September 2 , 2010 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Auditorium at the Hospital. This program is designed for new moms and their partners and will be led by Jean Stringham, Sturdy Memorial’s infant massage coordinator. It will focus on the techniques and benefits of massage for infants. Tips on how to soothe and calm a colicky baby will also be provided. Parents are encouraged to bring their infants, age two weeks to ten months old. Participants from prior programs have the following to say: “Not only did I learn how to soothe my baby, but I now know when the optimal time to massage him is.” “It was especially helpful to me as a first time mother. I really enjoyed the program.” Class size is limited and pre-registration is necessary. For more information or to register by September 20, 2010, please call Nursing Administration at 08/236-71 1. Sturdy Memorial Hospital is a full-service, not-for-profit acute care community hospital in Attleboro, Massachusetts.

Sturdy Memorial Hospital Is A Massachusetts Department Of Public Health Designated Primary Stroke Services Hospital

Attleboro, MA, August 24, 2010 – Sturdy Memorial Hospital is a designated provider of primary stroke services through the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH). The designation allows for Sturdy Memorial Hospital to provide emergent diagnostic and therapeutic services to patients who present with acute stroke symptoms. Sturdy Memorial Hospital was first approved by the Massachusetts DPH as a primary stroke services provider in 2004. According to the American Stroke Association, approximately 800,000 Americans will suffer a new or recurrent stroke this year alone, making stroke our nation’s number three killer following cancer and heart disease. Stroke is also a leading cause of severe, long-term disability as it can cause paralysis, vision problems, memory loss, and speech/language problems. Furthermore, the American Stroke Association has estimated that Americans will have paid approximately $73.7 billion in 2010 for stroke-related medical costs and disability. Act F.A.S.T. if you think someone may be having a stroke. You could save a life.

September 2010 The Reporter Face: Ask the person to smile. A stroke can cause one side of the face to droop. Abrupt dimming of vision or a sudden, severe headache with no known cause are also warning signs. Arms: Ask the person to raise both arms. If one arm drifts downward, that could signal a stroke, which can trigger weakness, numbness or paralysis of an arm or leg, particularly on one side of the body. Sufferers may also have unexplained loss of balance, or a sudden fall. Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Stroke victims may slur their words, have trouble speaking or understanding speech, or not be able to talk at all. Time: If the person has any of these symptoms, call 911. Stroke is a life-or-death emergency in which every minute counts. Brain cells are dying. The best way to prevent a stroke is to reduce your stroke risk factors. Some risk factors, such as increasing age, gender, family history, race and prior stroke or heart attack, can’t be changed. Others, however, can be controlled or treated. They include: high blood pressure, tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, and obesity. To find out more about your stroke risk, visit the National Stroke Association website at and, speak with your primary care physician. To find a new physician in your area, please call Sturdy Memorial Hospital’s free Physician Referral Line at 508-236-8500. Sturdy Memorial is a full-service, non-profit acute care community hospital in Attleboro, Massachusetts.



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Wendy Brescia, Aesthetician The Spectacular was founded by John Reckner, an Oxford, Massachusetts postal carrier. Inspired by a Vermont farm he had seen lined with glowing jack o’ lanterns, Reckner organized the first Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular in Oxford in 1988. The 185 jack o’ lanterns featured in this first Spectacular were carved by local residents and displayed for only one evening on a hillside behind a local school. About 300 spectators attended. Today, Mr. Reckner, his family, and their crew of jack o’ lantern artResidential Free Estimates ists continue to bring the Spectacular to life. & Commercial Fully Insured The 2010 Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular runs October 7th through the 31st, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. (trail closes by 11 p.m.) rain or Landscape Construction & Weekly Lawn Maintenance shine. The Spectacular is an important fundraiser for Roger Williams Park Zoo. Proceeds from the event will support the Zoo’s • Walkways • Retaining Walls • Patios environmental education and conservation efforts both locally and • Bobcat Services • Hydroseeding • Firewood around the globe. General admission on Sunday through Thursday nights is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and $9 for children ages 3 to 12. On Matt Blais - Owner Cell Phone (508) 400-3764 Friday and Saturday nights, admission is $13 for adults, $11 for seniors and $10 for children ages 3 to 12. Children under three are free. Zoo members receive a discounted rate on Monday through Thursday nights only, when they present their Roger Williams Park Zoo membership card and another form of ID (reciprocal Zoo agreements do not apply to the Spectacular). Groups of 25 or more may call (401) 467-0150 for advance reservations and group rates. No individual advance tickets will be sold. Phone / Fax (508) 252-5275 Roger Williams Park Zoo is conveniently located in Providence, RI exit 16 off Interstate I-95 north, exit 17 off I-95 south, about 1 hour Phone (508) 252-5490 from Boston and 90 minutes from Hartford. For more information, visit or call (401) 7853510. Roger Williams Park Zoo, one of the oldest in the nation, is Rhode Island’s number one outdoor family and tourist attraction, and is also a leader in conservation efforts undertaken by a zoo of its size. The Zoo has received numerous awards for environmental education, and conservation work done locally and around the Bruce Young ~ John Benevides world, caring for species that without human intervention would face certain extinction. Falamos Portugues • Lisenced in MA & RI Roger Williams Park Zoo is supported and managed by the Rhode Island Zoological Society and is owned by the City of 87 Tremont Street • Rehoboth, MA 02769 Providence.

Taylor Heating

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The Reporter September 2010

Seekonk Human Services Seekonk Human Services Staff *Center Hours *Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Wednesday Evenings at Town Hall By appointment only *Friday 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 Noon Telephone: (508) 336-8772 FAX: (508) 336-2239 Executive Director Bernadette Huck Ext. 15

Administrative Assistant Phyllis Corbitt ext. 12 Editor: Town Crier, Art Therapist Clerical Assistant Kimberly Mallon ext. 10 Educational & Social Programs Karen Stutz ext. 14 (Monday – Wednesday mornings) Outreach Case Managers Jan Tabor, LPN ext. 11

Senior Aides Nancy Rodrigues Nancy Vine Loretta Ferreira Seekonk Human Services Executive Board Members... Christine Allen Rene Andrews Anita Gendron Victoria Kinniburgh Anne Libby Lynne Neves Josephine Veader

Veronica Brickley, LPN BASOC ext. 17 (Monday, Wed, Friday)

The presentation and lunch on September 8 has been cancelled and will be rescheduled. On September 29 there will be an open forum for candidates running for election. All who attend will get a free lunch. You must sign up for lunch a week prior. The topiary flower arranging on October 27 has been cancelled and will be rescheduled. The TRIAD meeting and Halloween party will still take place.

Fall Open House • Sept. 11th 10-5 & 12Th 12-5 NEW! Upholstered Furniture


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September 2010 Newsletter Foxwoods Casino Day Trip Thursday, September 30, 2010

Depart: 8:15 a.m. (Seekonk Showcase Cinemas 1-10) Return to Seekonk: 5:00 p.m. Cost: $18 Includes bus trip, $10.00 Keno Voucher and $10.00 Food Voucher. Checks payable to “Friends of Friends” Payment due when you sign up. For reservations please call 508-3368772. Limited Seating!

Newport Playhouse - Thursday, December 2, 2010

Depart: 10:00 a.m. Return: 5:00 pm Cost: $46 The bus will leave Seekonk Human Services and proceed to the Newport Playhouse, where you will enjoy a delicious buffet lunch. The extensive buffet menu includes Salads, Side dishes, entrees of meatballs, roasted or BBQ chicken, ham, corned beef, baked scrod & sliced pork. Assorted desserts complete the meal. The play “Natalie Needs a Nightie” is about Tommy Briggs who lives in the same apartment as a woman who has the same name – and as a result, mail, calls, and visitors get mixed up. Tommy’s boss insists that all employees be married. His boss stops by to visit and to meet Tommy’s wife during the holidays. Tommy has someone pose as his wife, but he ends up with too many wives. After you have enjoyed this hilarious play, you will return to your seats for a spectacular cabaret. Call 508-336-8772 for reservations. A deposit of $23 is due when you sign up. Balance is due by November 18th. Checks should be made out to Friends of Friends and brought or mailed to Seekonk Human Services, 320 Pleasant Street, Seekonk, MA 02771.

The WWII Liberty Ship S.S. John W. Brown

“Help Celebrate SSHSA’s 75th Anniversary” The S.S. John W. Brown is a maritime museum and a memorial to the shipyard workers who built, merchant mariners who sailed, and the U.S. Navy Armed Guard crews who defended the Liberty ships during World War II. Come walk the decks of this historic ship. Where: Providence Piers, Dock Conley, 200 Allen Ave, Providence, RI Tour times: Thursday, September 23 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Friday, September 24 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Saturday, September 25 Day Cruise, No Visitors Sunday, September 26 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday, September 27 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. Cost: $5 donations is requested from adults; children under 12 are free

September 2010 The Reporter Tour museum spaces, crew quarters, bridge, mess rooms, troop berthing and much more. View the magnificent 140-ton triple-expansion steam engine, walk the decks, and stand on the bridge from that historic time. Visitors must be able to walk up the gangway.

Affordable Fuel Inc. No need to hunt around for great home heating oil prices!

Womens’s Breakfast - September 1, 2010 @ 8:30 a.m.

Mary Beth DeLeo’s Restaurant. Women of all ages are invited to meet for breakfast on the first Wednesday of every month. No sign up is required and you are welcome to bring a friend with you. The cost is up to you – order off the menu whatever you want.

Call Affordable Fuel for Our Daily Price Quote

Men’s Breakfast September 9, 2010 @ 8:30 A.M.

Brothers Seafood Restaurant @ Briarwood Plaza Men! You are invited to come out and enjoy breakfast with a great group of men who have been meeting together each month for several years. Bring a friend if you like. All ages are welcome. You can order off the menu and the cost is up to you.

Historical Bus Tour of Seekonk

The historical bus tour scheduled for September 9th will be rescheduled to September 23rd. The tour will cost $3 and sign up can be done at the Men’s Breakfast or by calling Seekonk Human Services at 508-336-8772. Women are invited to go on the tour as well. The bus will pick you up at Briarwood Plaza at 10:00 am and return before 1:00.





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Men’s Breakfast – October 14, 2010

Open Forum with candidates running for election

PITCH – Hi Lo Jack

Dates: September 1 & 15 Time: 12:30 – 2:30 S e e k o n k Human Services All are welcome. No sign up is required.

Auto & Truck Removal

Exploration Wednesdays

Date: September 29, 2010 “Open Forum for candidates running for election” Lunch: Free Chowder & Tuna Sandwiches Please sign up so we can accommodate you. Date: October 6, 2010 OMR “Online Medical Registries” will give a presentation A Free lunch will be provided by OMR for all those who attend the presentation. Please sign up at (508) 3368772 Date: October 13, 2010 Speakers: Sarah Brayton & Somerset Ridge Nursing Homes will be at Human Services. Topic: “What You Are Entitled to After Surgery” Lunch: $3 Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, vegetables & dessert. In order for us to accommodate you, please sign up and pay in advance for lunch.

Cardiac Prevention Clinic September 15, 2010, October 20, 2010, November 17, 2010 - 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon

Why not take advantage of a Free health clinic which is held once a month at Seekonk Human Services. Nurses from South Coast Hospital will be here to check cholesterol, glucose and blood pressure. Your test results will be available within 5 minutes and while you are waiting you can ask the nurse about any concerns you may have or any medications you are taking. No appointment is necessary, it is first come first served. This clinic enables you to monitor your health each month.

Aerobics - September 9, 2010 @ 11:30 – 12:30

Come join us for an enthusiastic class led by Lee McCaffrey, senior fitness instructor. All ages are welcome to attend this class. Bring a friend and make some new ones. We have a wonderful group who have been working out together for many years. If you have never been and would like to, the first class is Free. Classes meet every Tuesday and Thursday from September to June. No sign up is required – just come when you can. The cost is $3 per class.

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The Reporter September 2010





Serving Southern New England

TRIAD @ Seekonk Human Services @ 10:00 A.M.

Meetings are held at Seekonk Human Services and everyone is welcome. TRIAD is a coming together of the Seniors, the Sheriff’s Dept. and the Police & Fire Dept. Date: September 22, 2010 Speaker: Brian McKearney, LTC Consulting. Topic: “Senior Scam Awareness: S cams to be discussed – Postal Service Mailers & Flyers, Telemarketing Calls, Television Commercials & Paid Advertisement Shows, Door to Door Salesmen. Credit & Debit Cards, monitoring monthly statements, monthly charges to look for, contacting proper authorities and local Better Business Bureau. At the conclusion of the seminar, Mr. McKearney will be taking questions. Lunch: $3 Pot Roast dinner Dessert Extravaganza provided by ATRIA Bay Spring Village Call 508-336-8772 to sign up for lunch. Please pay in advance so that we can accommodate you.

Halloween Party - October 27, 2010 @ 10:00 A.M.

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Speakers: Michelle Hines, Seekonk Police Dept. & Marty Ulak, Seekonk Fire Dept. will be speaking on “Fall Safety”. The Halloween Party will feature a delicious lunch of baked chicken, scalloped potatoes, & vegetables. Lunch will be available for $3. Wear a costume if you like. Prizes will be awarded for best costumes. Please sign up for lunch and pay in advance so that we can accommodate you.

Chef on a Shoe String - September 28, 2010

1:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. @ Seekonk Human Services Once again Human Services will have student chefs from Johnson & Wales, who will demonstrate how to cook economically and nutritiously for one or two. Please call Karen Stutz at 508-336-8772 if you would like to sign up for this class. Cost: $3 A sample of what has been prepared by the chefs will be available to bring home.

Beltone New England

“Free Hearing Screenings” @ Human Services Date: October 20, 2010 Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon A trained Beltone Community Outreach Specialist will be available to provide Free hearing screenings. Appointments must be made by calling 508-336-8772.

Fuel Assistance

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If you had fuel assistance last year, be on the lookout for your application which should arrive in September. File the application as soon as you get it. If you have never had fuel assistance and would like to apply, please call Seekonk Human Services at 508336-8772 and make an appointment with the Outreach Department after the middle of September. Maximum income for 1 person in 2010 is $29,126 and for 2 people is $38,087. Income includes your social security, pensions and any interest income. If you need help filling out your application, please contact the outreach department at Human Services for an appointment. If you are homebound or unable to climb the stairs to our offices and need assistance, please call 508-336-8772.

Volunteers Needed To Host Day Trips

Seekonk Human Services is looking for volunteers to host day trips. All volunteers will receive a FREE Trip on the day that they host. If you are interested in helping us, please call 508-336-8772 and speak with Bernie Huck, Director.

Medical Equipment Needed

Seekonk Human Services is in need of wheelchairs in good condition and small shower chairs. If you have any of this equipment you could donate to us, please call Human Services at 508336-8772. It will be very much appreciated by those in need in our community.

September 2010 The Reporter senior Center update

Town Meeting appropriated $ 0,000 for use for any architectural, engineering, or other services needed to produce plans for a new senior center. Committee members include Mia Alwen, Designer/ Teacher; Arminee Madarentz, Architect; Jack Vatcher, construction (retired); James Reinnke, Contractor; Gail Ardito, (Business Owner); Robert Mclintock, (retired); and Dave Bowden, (retired). The committee is working on finalizing space needs for the building. Meetings are televised and several meetings will be held in September. Watch for meeting postings at Town Hall or on Cable 9, or call Human Services at 08-336-8772. We all look forward to a new, energy-efficient, fully handicapped-accessible, healthy building for Human Services employees and those they serve.

Prescription Advantage

“Having trouble affording the premiums, co-payments, or “donut-hole” costs for your prescription drugs?” Massachusetts has a state prescription assistance program called Prescription Advantage to help limited income seniors and low income disabled persons under 6 cover their prescription drugs. Membership in Prescription Advantage also entitles you to change your prescription drug plan once a year at any time of the year. To determine whether you are eligible for Prescription Advantage, call Seekonk Human Services and make an appointment at 08-336-8772.

GAtRA transportation

1-800-483-2 00 Dial-A-Ride. Cash Fares Each Way: Seekonk to Attleboro… $1.2 , Seekonk to East Providence… $1.2 , Seekonk to Rehoboth… $1.2 , Seekonk… $1.2 , Seekonk to Providence… $2. 0, Seekonk to Pawtucket… $2. 0, Seekonk to Barrington (upon availability)… $2. 0, Any towns outside of these areas will be upon availability. Passes: 10 – Ride Ticket… $10.00 You can purchase a GATRA ticket at Seekonk Human Services or you can pay cash on the van. Tickets cannot be purchased on the van. If you are homebound and need a ticket please call Human Services @ ( 08) 336-8772. Do you need a gatra photo id? Call Stacy at 1- 08-226-1102 x 273

seekonk - elderly & disabled taxation Aid fund

Applications are available at Seekonk Human Services and at the Assessor’s office at the Town Hall. All applications must be returned to the Assessor’s office by October 1, 2010. Income: There are criteria that must be met to be eligible. An applicant must demonstrate low income as defined by an annual combined household income of $43,710 or less. Each applicant will be required to complete a financial and income and expense statement as part of the application process. Credits applied to real estate taxes if eligible. Elderly: To qualify as elderly, the applicant must be 60 years of age or older as of July 1, 2010. Disabled: Every applicant applying on the basis of a disability shall provide the committee with as much information as possible supporting that disability. Each disability case will be evaluated on its own merits and on a case by case basis. Determination of disability eligibility is at the sole discretion of the committee. Residency: Applicant must have owned and occupied the real estate in Seekonk as his or her primary domicile for at least five years prior to application deadline. Applicant must be the titled owner of the property or hold a life estate in the property. If title is held by a trust, the applicant must be both a trustee and a 0% beneficiary of the trust in order to qualify.

Computer Classes at seekonk library

Seniors! Are you interested in taking a computer class and if so what would you like to learn? Call Anne at the library at 08336-8230 and let her know if you are interested.


yMCA Application for financial Assistance

Applications are available at the Y – Verification of income is required for all adults and must accompany the application. For more information call 08-336-7103.

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deadline for submitting News is now the 23rd of each month...

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The Reporter September 2010

News And Notes From

Blanding Library by Leslie Patterson

Monday - Thursday 11:30 - 8:00pm

Friday & Saturday 10:00 - 4:00pm

124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 508-252-4236,

For Kids: The first Tot Time of the fall season will be on Tuesday Sept. 14 at 10 a.m. There will be a Tot Time on every other Tuesday at 10 a.m. from then until Dec. 7. Tot Time is a short (under 30 minutes) session of books, music, and movement for little ones under age 3. Programs are free but advanced registration is required. Fall Story & Craft Hours for children aged 3 through kindergarten will be offered on Wednesdays 10-11 a.m. and Thursdays 2-3 p.m. starting on Sept. 15 and 16 and continuing up through Thurs. Nov. 18. Registration is required for this series also.

AClass lass




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A big Thank You goes to Uncle Ed’s Ice Cream for donating prizes for the summer children’s reading program at the Blanding. Calling all knitters! I know it’s early to think of Christmas but when you’re making gifts for the holidays you need to get an early start. The knitting group that meets at the Blanding is starting a giving tree in September. They are setting up a Christmas tree and asking for donations from all local knitters. You don’t have to be part of the knitting group to participate but if you would like to join, they meet on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 7 p.m. Beginners are especially welcome. Bring in your hand-knit socks, gloves, mittens, hats and scarves, all of which will be displayed on the tree and then donated to local charities in time for the holidays. Book Discussion: Readers are welcome at the book discussion group that meets at the Blanding each month. On Wed. Sept. 15 at 7 p.m. the book discussed will be “Leisure Seeker” by Michael Zadourian, and on Wed. Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. the book of choice will be “Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet” by Jamie Ford. Copies are available at the Blanding. Ongoing services available at the Blanding include delivery service for homebound library patrons and computer classes held at the library. Call the Blanding for more information. Look for announcements next month of some of the book selections and programs in the upcoming town-wide reading program. This year’s topic will be “Food, Glorious (Local) Food” and will include programs for both children and adults. Household Help: The Blanding just acquired a great new book called “What’s a Disorganized Person to Do: 317 Ideas, Tips, Projects, and Lists to Unclutter Your Home and Streamline Your Life” by professional organizer Stacey Platt. There’s an awful lot of information on how to be better organized out there, both in print and online, but this is one of the most useful books I’ve ever read on the subject. Ms. Platt covers everything from organizing closets to safeguarding electronic data, and gives lots of helpful tips, including web sites of interest. The Blanding Library (508-252-4236) is open Monday through Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Sundays and holidays. The library is located at 124 Bay State Rd. You can find us on the web under

September 2010 The Reporter

Seekonk Public Library Seekonk Public Library - 410 Newman Avenue - Seekonk, MA (search: Seekonk Public Library) (search: seekonklibrary)

Computer Classes

The Seekonk Public Library is offering computer classes to SAILS library cardholders in September. The library is now featuring classes using Microsoft Office 2007. Learn Word and Excel using the new versions of these programs. A variety of other classes are available to help ease the fear of computer use at home, work, or school. Sign up for the following September classes: September 8 1:30 – 3 p.m. Internet I: the Basics September 11 9:30 – 11 a.m. Computer Basics I: Desktop and Mouse September 14 1:30 – 3 p.m. Excel 2007 II: Formulas and Functions September 22 1:30 – 3 p.m. Computer Basics I: Desktop and Mouse September 23 6 - 7:30 p.m. Optimal Resume I September 2 9:30 – 11 a.m. Word 2007 I: the Basics Registration is required. The classes are open to either Massachusetts residents with a SAILS library card or Rhode Island residents with a Seekonk Public Library card. Call the Adult Services Department at 08-336-8230, ext. 130 to register.


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hand Quilting Class

Quilters will enjoy a series of Hand Quilting classes taught by Marguerite Hanley at the Seekonk Public Library beginning Saturday, October 9 from 12:30 – 3 p.m. Hand quilting brings out the very best of any quilt made. The fine detail of this craft will be learned over the course of the series. Take out those unfinished quilts and take them to the class. Find the right quilt design to show off the best of your handiwork. Registration begins on September 13 and is required as space is limited. The class is open to either Massachusetts residents with a SAILS library card or Rhode Island residents with a Seekonk Public Library card. Seekonk residents are given first preference. Call the Adult Services Department at 08-336-8230, ext. 130 to register. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Seekonk Public Library.

healthy Choices for People and Planet series

A 4-part series titled “Healthy Choices for People and Planet” will be held this fall at the Seekonk Public Library beginning September 16th. Topics include green buildings, geothermal for heating and cooling, low impact development, and recycling. Sponsored by Sustainable Seekonk, the presentations are free and open to the public. Donations are welcome. Programs will run from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. A Green Buildings seminar will be held Thursday, September 16th with speakers Joseph Newsome and David Ward. Joseph Newsome provided the vision and managements skills for transforming an old factory at 17 Gordon Avenue in South Providence into a small business incubator, the first green commercial building in Rhode Island and the first green building in a Federal Enterprise Zone anywhere in the nation. David Ward, a LEED certified professional engineer, is founder and principal engineer of Energy Engineering & Design of Framingham. His projects include the South Providence business incubator, the Save the Bay Center in Providence, and the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum in Boston. The 17 Gordon Avenue project won the US Green Building Council’s LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) “silver” rating after a lengthy review process. The three-story building has a 10kilowatt solar-energy array, a living roof, a rainwater recovery/reuse system to flush toilets, interior light shelves, energy-efficient lighting, and other green features. The September 16th program will be a “green” event through a donation made by Mass Energy Consumers Alliance to match energy use for the evening with the purchase of clean, local wind power through the New England Wind Fund. Other programs in the series include Geothermal for Heating and Cooling on Thursday, October 21st, Low Impact Development on Thursday, November 4th, and Buy Less, Recycle More on Thursday, December 2nd. The Healthy Choice series is sponsored by Sustainable Seekonk in collaboration with the American Friends Service Committee, Newman YMCA, Mass Energy/RI People’s Power & Light, Seekonk Com-

LIC# 663


The October Issue Will Feature a Home Improvement Section Call 508.252.6575 to Advertise!!!


The Reporter September 2010

Repairing Your Shoes for 20 Years

Fran's Shoe Service

Formerly of 2475 Pawtucket Ave

Now Accepting Drop-offs & Pick-ups at 6 Convenient Locations: Prestige Cleaners 338 County Rd., Barrington RI & 753 Fall River Ave., Seekonk MA

Rex Cleaners 2838 Pawtucket Ave., East Providence RI

Anawan Cleaners Junction Plaza , Rt.44-118, Rehoboth MA

S & B Cleaners Briarwood Plaza, 8 Olney St., Seekonk MA

Perfect Tailoring 454 Taunton Ave., Seekonk MA

munity Garden, Seekonk Congregational Church Mission and Social Action Committee, Seekonk Conservation Commission, Seekonk Human Services, Seekonk Planning Board, Seekonk Public Library, Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD), and UMass-Dartmouth Sustainability Center. For more information about the September 16th event or the series, call (508) 3363594.

Introduction to Facebook Class Offered

Are you interested in starting a Facebook page, but don't know how to do it? Already have a Facebook page, but would like to learn more about what else it can do for you? The Seekonk Public Library will hold an Introduction to Facebook class on Thursday, October 7 from 6 - 7:30 p.m. More than 500 million people are active users of Facebook, and the numbers keep growing. In this class, learn how to stay in touch with old friends and new using this social networking platform. Participants will be shown how to set up their profile, add a picture, find friends and family, control their content and ensure the security of their information. Participants will need an email address prior to the class and have access to it in order to set up a new account. Those attending who have laptops with Wi-Fi capability can use them for the program. If you do not have a laptop the library has a limited number to lend to SAILS cardholders for the program. The program is free and open to all. Registration is recommended. Call the Adult Services Department at 508-336-8230, ext. 130. It is sponsored by the Friends of the Seekonk Public Library.

Paranormal Realities Discussion

Keith Johnson, founder of the paranormal research organization, N.E.A.R. (New England Anomalies Research), will be giving a presentation highlighting the experiences he, his wife, and brother have had as paranormal investigators at the Seekonk Public Library on Wednesday, October 13 at 6:30 p.m. The Johnsons have lead ghost tours at Slater Mill in Pawtucket and investigated paranormal happenings there. Learn about these experiences and more at this lecture. Other topics discussed will include orbs, apparitions, EVPs (electronic voice phenomena), and demonology. Keith Johnson has been featured on the SciFi channel’s Ghost Hunters. This program is free and open to all. It is sponsored by the Friends of the Seekonk Public Library. For more information contact the Adult Services Department at 508-3368230, ext. 130.

Pottery Demonstration

For Ad Rates Call 508.252.6575 or Check the web at

Maria Correia

A pottery demonstration and talk by Rick Hamelin, the Pied Piper of Pottery, will be held at the Seekonk Public Library on Wednesday, September 29 at 6:00 p.m. Learn how pottery is made in this live demonstration. Rick Hamelin has been making pots since 1976 and founded his studio in 1985. He has also taught and worked in museums and art centers. He became committed to studying the historical redware potters after learning of the Colonial and Early American industries that existed in his native Central Massachusetts. Rick will share the history of pottery in the New England area. This program is free and open to the public with funding provided by the Seekonk Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. For more information contact the Adult Services Department at 508-336-8230, ext. 130.

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Shane Wood Jazz Trio to Perform

The music continues at the Seekonk Public Library on Wednesday, October 6 at 6:30 p.m. with a performance by the Shane Wood Jazz Trio. Enjoy a night of great jazz music and vocals. Massachusetts based, the Shane Wood Jazz Trio is a dynamic, talented band that has been playing jazz for over 20 years. The program is free and open to the public with funding provided by the Seekonk Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. For more information contact the Adult Services Department at 508-3368230, ext. 130.

Dear Friends:

Seekonk Public Library is requesting a member of your organization to serve on a new joint effort to enhance community programming in our area. Other community groups, churches and organizations have also been contacted by letter. The purpose of the Collaborative Community Programming Committee (CCPC) is to provide the community with more diversified program offerings. The CCPC will make recommendations for

September 2010 The Reporter library programming to meet the educational, recreational, social and cultural needs of Seekonk. Input and assistance for securing speakers and performers will be sought. The initial organizational meeting of the CCPC will take place on Monday, September 20, at 3:30 p.m. in the Library’s Meeting Room. Light refreshments will be served. Please contact Mary Ellen Siniak or Anne Klegraefe at Seekonk Public Library at 508-336-8230 for additional details. You may also email us at or We look forward to seeing you in September and working with you in the future. Thank you for your time. Mary Ellen M-E Siniak - Senior Librarian for Youth Services (508) 336-8230 x140 -

Consumer Fraud Presentation

Join us on Thursday September 30th from 6 – 7:30 a.m. at the Seekonk Public Library, as Andy Liles of American Credit Counseling Service, a nonprofit organization offering free credit counseling, will speak about consumer fraud. Fraudulent activities target many age groups, but particularly Senior Citizens. Computer, sales, credit, and bank frauds are just some of the issues affecting consumers. The presentation will focus on the warning signs of fraud and how to make complaints to get results. This program is free and open to all. For more information call the Adult Services Department at 508-336-8230, ext. 130.

How To Support Your Friends of the Library - Become a member

One of the many ways residents can support the The Friends of the Seekonk Public Library is to become a member of the organization. Formed in the late 70’s as a non profit group the FOL focus their attention on the library and provide funding resources to pay for many of the educational or entertainment family nights or adult programs, museum and park passes, the BOOKPAGE and other services that may not be available without the Friends funding. A membership in the Library Friends organization supports our library. Membership categories range from $10 to $100 annually. A tax deductible donation of just $10.00 will help support these programs and services. Our Seekonk Public Library Programs are free and open to the public. If you have had the opportunity to enjoy a program this year or just want to support your Library please fill out the form provided and mail to: Friends of the Seekonk Public Library, 410 Newman Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771. Thank You.

Friends of the Seekonk Public Library Annual Membership. Name:_____________________________________ Address:___________________________________ ___________________________________________ Telephone:_________________________________ E-Mail_____________________________________ Membership Categories Paperback - $10 Best Seller - $20 Classic - $50 Rare - $100 Mystery - $___________




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The Reporter September 2010

Rehoboth Cultural Council

This article is to inform the citizens of Rehoboth of the availability of money to support arts, humanities and interpretive science projects. The local cultural council is a grass roots organization that is funded by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Each year we receive funds from the state, which are available to artists, individuals, organizations and others who wish to share these projects, exhibits, etc. with and for the betterment of our community. The application process is rather simple. The forms for application of funds is available at the Blanding Library, Town Hall (lobby) or on-line. A downloadable copy of the application can be found at In order to be eligible for the current (2011 grant cycle) applications are due, and must be postmarked by October 15, 2010. By doing so your project must take place between January 1 and December 31, 2011. In recent years we have not had enough quality projects to fund or enough applications to consider. Therefore, we decided to bring attention to this grant program by publishing in the Rehoboth

Reporter. If you are an individual, artist, part of an organization, or have skills to share with your community we want to hear from you. We encourage projects that take place at new and diverse community venues. If you have an idea and wish to discuss it or need help with the application please contact us at rehobothcultural@ The Local Cultural Council Program, administered at the state level by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, provides state funds to cities and towns to regrant at a local level. Municipally appointed volunteers meet and decide how to distribute the money to projects in the arts, humanities and interpretive sciences. We are required to ask for community input every three years. Your local cultural council members have designed a survey for you to indicate the community interests. These surveys are also available at the Town Hall and Blanding Library. Sincerely, Your local Cultural Council Members

Rehoboth Cultural Council Survey

Town Hall 148 R Peck Street Rehoboth, MA 02769 • Email: The Rehoboth Cultural Council is collecting opinions to help us set our funding priorities for the next three years. Please complete this form and drop off at the Blanding Library or Town Hall in boxes labeled Rehoboth Cultural Council. You can also mail this form to the Town Hall at the above address before October 15, 2010. You may also email your comments to:

Which Cultural Happenings would you like to see in Rehoboth? Please circle your choices:

Art Shows/Art Exhibitions

Restoration/Preservation Projects

Support of Local Artists

Events showcasing Cultural Diversity

Craft & Folk Art

History or Philosophy Projects

Poetry Slams/Literary Events

Dance Programs

Community Gatherings (concerts, festivals)

Performing Arts

Science, Nature, Environmental Programs

Art Education in Schools

Theater, Mime, Puppetry Events

Field Trips to Cultural Events for students

Instructional Events (workshops)

The Rehoboth Cultural Council is a local agency funded by The Massachusetts Cultural Council a state agency

September 2010 The Reporter



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The Reporter September 2010

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Pack 2 Rehoboth Jr. Webelos had a great time when they attended Cub Scout Camp at Colt State Park in Bristol where they earned belt loops for archery, BB gun, maps and compass photography, skateboarding and several others.

Pack 1 Rehoboth News Attention 1st Grade Boys

Enrollment is now open for the up coming 2010/2011 Cub Scout Year. If you have a son that is entering into the 1st grade and is interested in Scouting please check out our web site Keep an eye out for our flier to come home with your son during first weeks of school. You can meet us and talk to our Leaders and Scouts at the 11th Annual Larry Procopio Harvest Block Party Saturday, Sept. 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Redway Plain (the corner of Route 44 and Bay State Roads.) In addition, you and your son are also welcome to join us at our Pack meeting/open house Wednesday night September 29th at 6:30 at The Rehoboth Congregational Church. We look forward to having your son join Pack 1 Rehoboth. We will be having our Fall Family Campout in October and would love to have you there.

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to Advertise in the Reporter Call 508-252-6575

September 2010 The Reporter


Rehoboth & Seekonk Girl Scouts Come Join the Fun! Fall Registration is here!

Rehoboth girls in Kindergarten thru grade 12 & interested adults can register on Wednesday, September 1 from 7-8 P.M. in Goff Hall (Blanding Library on 124 Bay State Road) and get information at the PTSA meeting Wednesday, September 8th at 7 P.M. at Palmer River Elementary School. Look for the Girl Scout information table at the Rehoboth Harvest Block Party on Saturday, September 18 on Rehoboth’s Redway Plain (located at the corners of Bay State Road and Pond Street and Winthrop Street/Rt 44). Or contact Rebecca Smith (Rehoboth) at 08-2 2- 767. Seekonk girls in Kindergarten thru grade 12 & interested adults can register @ 7 P.M. during the following Open Houses: Wed, Sept 1 at Aitkin School and Thurs, Sept 16 at Martin School; or Thurs, Sept 23 from :4 – 7:4 in the Seekonk Public Library at 410 Newman Ave. Or contact Beth Fecteau (Seekonk) at 08- 7-1238. Girl Scouts is an inexpensive opportunity for all girls to build character, strength and confidence. It takes volunteers to create, lead and develop the program for our

Cub Scouts from Pack 1 Rehoboth earn their Light of Christ Award Pictured Jack Whitehead and Billy Dalpe with father Costa from Mount Carmel Church in Seekonk, MA.


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The Reporter September 2010

girls. Any adults interested in volunteering as a leader or service team member and would like more information you may contact Colleen McBride at 2 2-6430. Leaders are needed: the best part of being a leader is the opportunity to share something special with your daughter & watch her experience new challenges with other girls her age. I loved discovering what challenges the troop enjoyed; from a new clay craft to rock climbing to volunteering at a community event… to going to NYC to see ‘Momma Mia’! You also schedule when, where & how often you want your troop’s meetings. We’ll even train you! Adults are needed locally in many roles including assisting leaders, leaders, special event organizers, mentors, public relations,

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among other opportunities! We appreciate your help, from 1 hour a month or a short term commitment chairing an event. Join the fun, join girl scouts! Visit Girl Scouts of RI (&MA) at For more information please visit our local website:

Girl Scouts Help Wounded Soldiers Gain Independence

GSRI makes a donation to the Wheels for Warriors Project

On Thursday, August 12, 2010, local Girl Scouts will gather at Camp Hoffman in West Kingston, RI to present a check for $ ,867.60 to Operation Support Our Troops, Inc. (OSOT). This cash donation is earmarked for their “Wheels for Warriors� project which gives away specially equipped vans to injured or paralyzed veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars so that they may regain freedom and independence. To date, the organization has given away 20 fully retrofitted custom vans funded by similar donations. Each year, Girl Scouts of Rhode Island, Inc. (GSRI) selects a local charitable organization as beneficiary of the annual Cookie Sale Service Project. Troops elect to donate a portion of their proceeds from the Girl Scout Cookie sale to this charity as a way of giving back to their community. This year local customers also generously purchased and donated over 300 cases of Girl Scout Cookie for our soldiers abroad. The cookies were shipped overseas in April. “These girls showed their support for our troops both while in combat and once they returned home,” said Mary Kay Salamone, President and CEO of OSOT, Inc: a self-described “Army wife, mother and daughter” from Rhode Island. “The Girl Scout program continues to produce leaders, young women of character. We are so grateful for this generous donation.” “The cookie sale isn’t just about selling cookies,” says Ginger Lallo, Product Sales Manager for Girl Scouts of Rhode Island, Inc. “It provides the girls with an opportunity to give back to their community in a meaningful way.” For more information about the Girl Scout Cookie Sale Service Project, or about Girl Scouts in Rhode Island in general, contact Liz Andreadis at 401-331-4 00 x1303.

About Girl Scout Cookies

It’s been 90 years since Girl Scouts began selling home-baked cookies to raise money. The idea was so popular that in 1936, Girl Scouts of the USA enlisted bakers to handle the growing demand. Since then, selling Girl Scout Cookies has become a successful way to help girls develop important leadership skills and earn money for activities. Each season, Girl Scouts sell almost 200 million packages of Girl Scout Cookies!

About Operation Support Our Troops, Inc

This not-for-profit, all volunteer organization was founded to help improve the morale and welfare of members of the armed forces of the United States of America deployed in harm’s way. They send care packages with personal comfort and food items to military personnel deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq; and provide support to wounded service men and women in US military facilities. Their mission is to support our armed forces, wherever they may be and in whatever way possible. For more information, visit:

About Girl Scouts of Rhode Island

Free Estimates


MA 508-643-0001 FAX: 508-222-5510 RI 401-724-0009

Girl Scouts is the world’s preeminent organization dedicated solely to girls – all girls – where, in an accepting and nurturing environment, girls build character and skills for success in the real world. Girl Scouts of Rhode Island, Inc., serves all of Rhode Island, Pawcatuck, CT, and girls from Bellingham, Blackstone, Attleboro, Fall River, North Attleborough, Plainville, Somerset, Swansea, Westport, Wrentham, Millville, Rehoboth and Seekonk, MA. For more information about Girl Scouts of Rhode Island, please visit

September 2010 The Reporter

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Girl Scouts along with Ginger Lallo, Product Sales Manager, GSRI, Inc., (left) present May Kay Salamone, President and CEO of Operation Support Our Troops, Inc., (right) with a check for $5,867.50. Troops donated from the proceeds of their 2010 Cookie Sale for the Wheels for Warriors project, which gives away specially equipped vans to injured veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

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The Reporter September 2010

Dining Guide Recipes from the Cabin

Macoun. Ever hear of this variety of apple? Most New Englanders have.

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I’m not really certain whether it is pronounced “Macoon” or “MacCowen”, as I’ve heard people pronounce it both ways, but it is my favorite kind of apple. Not always available in regular food stores, but very popular at roadside stands and pick your own orchards, the Macoun is a cross between McIntosh and Jersey Black varieties. While it looks very much like the McIntosh, the Macoun is very juicy with firm snow white flesh. They are sweet and crisp, never spongy. The Macoun was developed to be better than the McIntosh, and in my view it is. In fact, they ripen later and keep longer than most apple varieties. Try a Macoun. Heck, get out to an orchard and pick your own favorite (you’ll pick Macoun). In this month’s issue I have included my Apple Oatmeal Crisp recipe. I like this recipe first and foremost because of the oats in the crisp topping. Old-fashioned oats add healthy fiber, and a special, hearty, slightly crunchy bite and texture. It is simple to prepare. Peeling the apples is the most time consuming part of the preparation. And, the flavor IS fall in New England. I don’t think I need to tell you to serve it with ice cream or whipped cream. This month I also highlight one of my favorite fall vegetables, the butternut squash. Similar to pumpkin, with it’s thick orange flesh, and nutty sweet flavor, it is great roasted, boiled, mashed, and in casseroles. I almost always roast butternut. Then again I roast all of my vegetables. Seasoned sweet or savory, butternut can be roasted in two halves with skin still on, flesh ready to scoop. Or, I peel it, chunk it, toss it with savory herbs and seasonings, and roast it until it is tender and caramelized. Lastly this month I will make one of my favorite adventurous meals for the Anawan club members. While I frequently repeat many of the favorite menu’s I have cooked for them, I also regularly serve something completely different and innovative, something ethnic and interesting. Last month I made Gazpacho. OK half of them hated it. They just don’t like cold soups even on a 90 degree day. The other half loved it. This month I will shock them by making a dish most have never even heard of, Moussaka.

September 2010 The Reporter Moussaka is an eggplant and meat casserole of Greek origin. You may use lamb or ground beef. It is splendid for buffets because it should be prepared in advance. Like many of my favorite casseroles, the flavor of this dish improves on standing one day. Reheat before serving. If you have an adventurous group, or just want to add something new to your culinary repertoire, try this recipe. If you have read my monthly articles, you know I have been asking for home recipes. Now I am begging. Please, please send me recipes to Let’s all eat each other’s cooking and say it was good. ~Chef Erin

Roasted Butternut 1 butternut squash 1 TBS olive oil 1 tsp salt ½ tsp pepper ½ tsp garlic, minced 1 tsp thyme

Serves 4-6

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Peel butternut. Cut off stem end. Cut butternut in half lengthwise. Scoop out seeds and pulp. Cut in large chunks and toss with oil and seasonings. Place on baking sheet and bake @ 20-30 minutes, till golden and tender.

Moussaka Serves 8-10

3 medium eggplant ½ cup vegetable oil 3 large onions, finely chopped 2 pounds ground lamb or beef 3 TBS tomato paste ½ cup red wine ½ cup parsley, chopped ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

¼ pound butter 6 TBS flour 1 quart milk 4 eggs, beaten till frothy Pinch of nutmeg 2 cups ricotta cheese 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 cup parmesan cheese, grated Peel the eggplants and cut them into slices about ½ inch thick. Brown the slices quickly in ¼ cup of the oil. Set aside. Heat the remaining oil in the same skillet and cook the onions until they are brown. Add the ground meat and cook 10 minutes. Pour off the excess fat. Combine the tomato paste with the wine, parsley, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Stir this mixture into the meat and simmer over low heat, stirring frequently, until all the liquid has been absorbed. Remove the mixture from the fire. Make a white sauce by melting the butter and blending in the flour, stirring with a wire whisk. Meanwhile, bring the milk to a boil and add it gradually to the butter-flour mixture, stirring constantly. When the mixture is thickened and smooth, remove it from the heat. Cool slightly and stir in the beaten eggs, nutmeg and ricotta. Grease a baking pan and sprinkle the bottom lightly with crumbs. Arrange alternate layers of the eggplant and the meat sauce in the pan, sprinkling each layer with parmesan and crumbs. Pour the ricotta sauce over the top. Bake 1 hour, or until the top is golden. Remove from oven and cool @ 30 minutes before serving. Cut into squares and serve.


Apple Oatmeal Crisp

Serves 6 6 cups tart cooking apples, peeled and large diced 1 tablespoon lemon juice 4 tablespoons sugar 1 cup rolled oats, old-fashioned ½ cup brown sugar, packed 1/3 cup flour 5 TBS butter, softened 1 tsp cinnamon Pinch of salt Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Toss apples with sugar and lemon juice. Place apples in a greased shallow baking dish. Combine remaining ingredients, and sprinkle over the apples. Bake for @45 minutes, or until apples are tender and bubbling. Serve warm.

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The Reporter September 2010

Church Listings Newman Congregational Church

Corner of Newman & Pawtucket Aves (Rumford) For more info: 401-434-4742

Vedanta Society of Providence

227 Angell St Providence RI 02906 401-421-3960

Seekonk Congregational Church

600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk,MA (508)336-9355 Web site:

New Testament Baptist Church

corner of Woodward St. and Rt. 140 in Norton. 508-285-9771

Christian Life Church 222 Plain Street, Route 118 Rehoboth, MA 508-252-3364

Holy Cross Catholic Church

(HORNBINE BAPTIST CHURCH) 141 Hornbine Road, Rehoboth, MA (401) 438-4616

Memorial Baptist Church,

340 Central Ave., Seekonk, MA 02771, 508-761-5142 Seekonkmbc@verizon

Eusebeia Bible Church

224 Winthrop Street Rehoboth, MA 02769 508-252-3505

West Dighton Christian Church

Epworth United Methodist Church

Trinity United Methodist Church

Rehoboth Congregational Church

2767 Horton Street No. Dighton, MA Phone 508-252-9066

51 Railroad Ave. Taunton 508-824-8244

North Christian Church

Located at 2360 Chestnut Street North Dighton, MA Tel: 508-252-9494

Church of Salgion

Rt. 114, Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA Circle of Salgion - Church of Wicca Email: Phone: 774-229-6019

Dighton Community Church 2036 Elm Street, Dighton, Mass. (508)669-6241 or (508)761-5503

The First Baptist Church of Dighton

438 Main St. - Dighton, MA 02715 Church Phone:(508)669-5077 (508)822-1743

St. James Lutheran Church

Middle Highway and County Road in Barrington, RI (401)-246-0227

St. Dominic Catholic Church

RT—6 1277 Grand Army Highway Swansea Mass 02777 Rectory 508—675-7206

Lighthouse Gospel Church 595 Winthrop St., Taunton Children's Church Nursery Available

915 Newport Ave. Pawtucket, RI 02861 Service starts at 9:30- 10:30 A,.M. Every Sunday.

United Church of Christ

139 Bay State Road, Rehoboth 508-252-4545

Winthrop Street Baptist Church

Rt. 44 / 39 Winthrop St. Taunton, MA 508-822-1976

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

81 Warren Ave., East Providence, RI 401-434-7456

Taunton Seventh-day Adventist Church

109 Winthrop Street, Taunton (508) 823-6679

Somerset Congregational Christian Church, UCC 1411 County Street, Somerset Phone - 508-672-6623

Fall River Seventh Day Adventist Church (English language) 2695 No. Main St., F.R. 646-3506

First Christian Congregational Church United Church of Christ

GAR Highway, Rt. 6 • Swansea 508-673-7179 or 676-3815

Brick Church

1056 Center St. Dighton Call 951-7358

September 2010 The Reporter

New Beginnings Evangelical Church

Greater Fall River Baptist Church

294 Taunton Ave., Seekonk, MA Tel. #: 508-336-4038

1980 South Main Street P.O. Box 975, Fall River, MA (508)673-7700

Good News Bible Chapel

Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal

235 West Street, Attleboro 508 226 2916

Grace Community Chapel 110 County Street, Seekonk, MA 508-336-5971

Hornbine Baptist Church

Church Services Sunday 10 A.M. 141 Hornbine Road, Corner of Baker Rd. South Rehoboth

First Spiritualist Church Anawan Grange

Rt. 44 & 118 Rehoboth

The First Baptist Church of Swansea 21 Baptist Street Swansea, MA Telephone (508)379-9728

Christ Church Episcopal 57 Main Street, Swansea, MA (508) 678-0923

Community Covenant Church

615 Tremont Street, Rehoboth, MA (508)-222-9400

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church

Rt. 44 - Seekonk, Massachusetts 984 Taunton Ave. • P.O. Box 519 336-5549 • Rectory: 336-9022



Rehoboth Baptist Church 132 Moulton Street (Rt.. 118) 508-252-6437 • Fax 252-1080


490 Broadway, Pawtucket, RI 401-723-0408


Church of the Epiphany

1336 Pawtucket Avenue Rumford between Newman Avenue and Rumford Library 401-434-5012

West Congregational Church United Church of Christ Winthrop Street at North Walker (Rte 44) • Taunton, MA Church Office: 508 824-3461


The Reporter September 2010

Rehoboth Council on Aging September/October 2010 Council on Aging Newsletter Council on Aging Board meets at 10:30 p.m. 55 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769 on the 4th Tursday of the month, Phone 08-2 2-3373 Fax 08-2 2-4617

Hours of operation:

Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Closed Fridays

Kitchen hours:

Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon

Transportation Reservations: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon

Transportation Hours:

Monday through Friday 8:30am - 4pm

deadline for submitting News

is now the 23rd of each month...

Advertise In the Rehoboth/ seekonk Reporter

Call 508-252-6575

Monday, September 6th

Closed in Observation of Labor Day

Tuesday, September 14th

State Primary - All Precincts Vote at COA

Monday, October 11th

Closed in Observation of Columbus Day

Monday, October 18th

Fall Town Meeting - DR Reg. High School


The next meeting will be on September 23rd at 10:30am

Services available at the Rehoboth Council on Aging fuel assistance

If you receive your re-application for fuel assistance in August, just verify that all the information is correct. Send your verification of income such as, award letter from Social Security or checking account statement showing automatic direct deposit of Social Security and all other income. Please include copies of electric and natural gas, propane or oil bill. If you need assistance please call 08-2 2-3372

Podiatry Clinic with dr, Marian Markowitz

Appointments start at 10 a.m. please call to schedule yours.

Meals on wheels and Meal-site Information

Please contact our meal site for information on the Meals on Wheels program or the site meals served Tuesday through Thursday. A donation of $2.00 is requested for lunch, which consists of a main course,

10 Emory Street in Attleboro

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your choice . . . our caregivers

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dessert and milk. Copies of the month’s menu are posted at the front door, on the reception desk and in the dining area for your review.

s.h.I.N.e Counselor at your COA on thursdays

The Rehoboth Council on Aging is pleased to convey that there is an S.H.I.N.E. Counselor every Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. by appointment or drop in. If you need assistance with Insurance, Medicare Part “D” or Prescriptions please call and set up your appointment. If you have any questions or require assistance with an application, please call the SHINE Program at 08-2 2-3372.

the COA Posts Community Information & “fRee” health screenings & support Groups

Please check the bulletin boards every time you come in to the Council on Aging for Free Health Screenings and Support Groups updates, we also post other important information that can be a benefit to you, family or friends.

Rehoboth Police department Community Outreach Program

Every other Monday starting September 13th from 9am to 1pm, the Rehoboth Police Department’s Officer Paul McGovern and fellow officers will be available at the Rehoboth Council on Aging to answer any questions or concerns that the Senior Citizens of Rehoboth may have.

My life My health

Starting Tuesday, September 21st through October 19th from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. the Bristol Elders Service will be at the Rehoboth Council on Aging to present “My Life My Health” a chronic disease self-management program. Please call 08-2 2-3372 for contact information.

estate Planning Basics! Are you Prepared?

The Rehoboth Council on Aging, Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769 will host a Workshop on Wednesday, October 6, 2010 10:00 A.M. Presented By: Jane E. Sullivan, Esq., Douglas G. Harvey* Estate and Medicaid Legal Services Financial Services Professional. 624 Brayton Avenue 9 Baker Street Fall River, MA 02721 Rehoboth, MA 02769 08-679-0 3 08-2 2-93 0 Estate Planning Basics to be discussed include: Health Care Proxies, Living Wills, HIPAA Authorizations, Durable Powers of Attorney, Declaration of Homestead, Wills, Trusts, Social Security Benefits, Medicare/ Medicaid Basics, Long Term Care Insurance, Retirement Income/Asset Protection * Member - Bristol County Estate Planning Council

September 2010 The Reporter For more information, please contact: Norie Palmer 508-252-3372

“H E A L T H B E A T” COA’s Fitness Corner “Wanabee Weight Meeting” Mondays, 11:30 a.m. Free

A group of ladies meet and support each other with their weight losses and gains. The best way to lose weight is with encouragement and support of friends. In this meeting we as a group will cover what we ate, if we exercised and share what we did if we lost weight. Meetings are held on Mondays at 11 a.m. prior to Gert’s Café.

Tuesday Tai Chi at 9:00 a.m. Cost $3.00 per Class

Try a graceful way of exercising which is easy on your joints. This method of balancing may be new to you, but it has a great positive outcome for any age.

Tuesday Aerobic (Line) Dancing 10:00 a.m. Cost $ 3.00 per Class

If you like to dance and have fun then this is the group is for you. Everyone is welcome to come in and try out some steps.

Balancing Exercise & Upper Cardio

This class is free and held on Wednesdays at 11 a.m. There is plenty of room available in any or all of our classes if you care to join us. This activity uses weights and stretching bands and balancing done on exercise balls. You can also do this exercise class in chairs.

COA Social Gatherings Announcement

On Monday, September 20th Rehoboth’s Officer Paul McGovern will again be the “Chef of the Day” at Gert’s Café. Officer Paul loves to cook, as all the Gert’s Café participant found out first hand. So mark those calendars and make your reservations early. Remember there is limited space.

Diner Dances

On Saturday, October 16th 5 p.m. Jim Scimone and friends will be hosting a diner dance to benefit the Rehoboth Council on Aging and Friends of the Elderly sponsored Health Clinic and Fuel Assistance. The cost of this event is $8.00. Please call 508-2523372 fro tickets or information.

Gert’s Café

Thank you also to all our patrons for coming to the COA for the summer session and once again making Gert’s Café the “In Place to Meet and Eat” Remember that Gert’s Café opens for the regular season on Monday September 13th, at 11:45. Hope to see you all there!

“Men’s Morning Coffee”

This is a group of “men” who meet Thursdays 9am to enjoy fresh coffee, pastry and conversation with old and new friends. Come on down and enjoy the morning with them and share your comments and ideas.

Card Games 3 Days a Week! Cards are here at your COA!

Mondays at 9:30 a.m. we have a cribbage group, Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. we have a ladies group that not only play cards but also games Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. we have a Hi-Lo Jack group. All have a great time and are always looking for a few “new” folks to join them.

COA Craft Corner

Crafts with Christine

At 10 a.m. Wednesdays you have the opportunity to learn how to work with beads, shells and paints to create jewelry, frames and art using these items. Cost for these events is $3.00 to $7.00 per class depending on material cost.

Knitting and Crochet Group

If you ever wanted to learn more about knitting or crocheting, the Ladies of the Needles are always there to share their knowledge with you. Don’t be shy! Come in and join the group on Thursdays at 10 a.m.


Do you quilt or know of anyone who would like to come to our Quilting Group. There is always plenty of knowledgeable support offered. This group meets on Thursday s at 9:30 a.m.

News from The SHINE Program Serving Health Information Needs of Elders

Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage Plans Annual Open Enrollment

Annual open enrollment for Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage Plan is November 15 to December 31. Each year at this time, beneficiaries can make changes in their Part D coverage. Any change made during this open enrollment will be effective on January 1. The Part D and Medicare Advantage programs offer special enrollment periods during the year to people who become newly eligible. While this is a voluntary (Part D) program, people who did not join during the initial open enrollment or when they became newly eligible will face a penalty for late enrollment. Part D is an insurance program that provides help with prescription cost and protection from catastrophic costs. The standard plan requires members to pay a monthly premium, deductible, co-insurance, and direct-pay, out-of-pocket costs during the period of time when there is a gap in coverage or what is often referred to as the “donut hole.” The program establishes a limit, however, on the out-of-pocket costs to enrollees by providing comprehensive coverage when an enrollee’s drug costs hit a certain amount each year. Medicare beneficiaries can enroll in a stand alone Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (PDP) offered by companies under contract with Medicare CMS. While the companies must offer plans that provide coverage at least as good as the standard plan, they can provide additional options and coverage. Beneficiaries may also enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO, PPO and PFFS), which provides health coverage and Part D Coverage. Beneficiaries should explore the plans available to ensure that they choose a plan that provides the most comprehensive coverage. Information about the plans is available on the Medicare website (Note: Medicare beneficiaries who

Comprehensive Behavioral Health Care Services

Community Counseling Activities

Important! Registration is required for all upcoming programs. All activities will have participant sign up sheets for them. Most of the Activity programs that are at the Council on Aging are free and open to the public. Some programs require minimum attendance; if there is no interest then that activity will be either cancelled or postponed. Please call 508-252-3372 for information on all activities or to sign up.


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The Reporter September 2010

Need a Vacation?

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Don’t miss out because of a loved ones care needs! • Are you needing to be reenergized and can't do it because you are a primary caregiver? • Do you feel like it's your turn for some much needed care but are putting others first? If you answered yes to these questions, you deserve to take the time you need. At Life Care Center of Attleboro we know what it's like to be the caregiver in the family. Each of us knows your loving, hard work can take a toll on you and your family. The best thing you can do for your loved ones is TAKE A VACATION. As part of your travel plans you'll want to make sure that your caregiver duties are covered. Why not consider respite services for your loved one while you are away. Respite services at Life Care Center of Attleboro provides your loved one with 24 hour care by competent, caring and professional staff. Beautifully appointed semi private or private rooms provide the safe and secure environment you want. Nutritious meals, snacks and activities round out the days, evenings and weekends. If medication administration, rehabilitation or nursing care are needed, we provide services right here at the facility. Imagine you, your family and friends spending a relaxing vacation knowing you have provided for your loved one. Go away and know all your loved ones needs will be met at Life Care Center of Attleboro. To arrange for a tour, inquire about rates and programs, please call LeeAnn or Laurel at 508-222-4182 and come see what we can offer you as you make your travel plans. Let Life Care Center of Attleboro make all of your vacation plans a reality.

enroll in a Medicare HMO or PPO plan can only enroll in Part D coverage offered by their plan. They cannot enroll in a stand alone PDP.) For assistance with enrolling in a Medicare Part D, please call the SHINE program at 508-252-3372.

SHINE Training to begin September 20, 2010

“Attleboro- Volunteers are being recruited for the Serving Health Information Needs of Elders Program, known as SHINE. “The SHINE Program is looking for dedicated and committed people to help senior citizens understand health insurance coverage. The SHINE program is seeking counselors in the greater Attleboro, Taunton and Fall River areas, who are willing to give 4 to 8 hours a week. “SHINE Counselors are trained and certified by Executive Office of Elders Affairs. The next SHINE training dates are September? 20, 22, 24, 27, October 1, 6, 8, 15, 18, 20, 22, November 19. (Time is 10:00 am to 3:00 pm) All dates must be attended to successfully complete the SHINE training. For more information, or to sign up for training, call Lisa Sarkis, Regional SHINE Director, at 508-222-1399.

Organization Events and News: The Best Is Yet to Come!

The next two meetings of The Best is Yet to Come, a senior social group, will be held on September 9, and October 14, 2010 at the Gladys L. Hurrell Senior Center. Please bring an item for either the Rehoboth Animal Shelter, or the Food Pantry.

Upcoming Fundraiser

The Best is Yet to Come will be hosting Helping Hips, belly dancing by the Sunshine Sisters on September 24th at the American Legion, 84 Bay State Rd., Rehoboth. Hors d’oeuvres will be served. Tickets are $8.00 and proceeds support local charities. New members always welcomed. Call Pat Higson for details. 508 252-4602. And Remember The Best Is Yet to Come!


Sheriff, Police and Seniors working together to enhance the lives of our seniors…. Next TRIAD meetings are September 15th and October 20th 10 the Rehoboth Council on Aging. New Members Always Welcome

Up Coming Activities

969 Park St. • Attleboro, MA


TRIAD Forum - September 1, 2010 for “Members only”. Rehoboth TRIAD Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser “October 3rd, 2010 1 – 4 P.M. “Gladys L Hurrell Sr. Center, Rt. 118 “$6.pp $5. Srs. and children (under 10 free) At the door

“Come vote for your favorite chili “Enjoy music by Ghost Music “View Classic and Antique cars (weather permitting) Sweets on Sale to benefit “Musical Mondays” at the COA Still time to enter your Chili-call Pat @ 508-252-4602 Programs being offered through TRIAD are: “Free “911” cell phones, “File of Life, “Are you OK? Program, “Project Lifesaver, “Yellow Alert

Senior Citizens Club

The Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club is a Social and Charitable Club Meetings are scheduled for the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the Month at 1:30 p.m. at the Rehoboth Council on Aging.

Up Coming Activities

The Annual Senior Bazaar is scheduled for Saturday, October 23rd, set up starts on Thursday, October 21st, at 1 p.m. Please contact Virginia or Dot for more information.

The Friends of the Elderly Club

The Friends of the Elderly partly fund some services at the Rehoboth Council on Aging such as podiatry and cholesterol clinics. They meet at 3 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. New Members always Welcome.

The Following Trips Are Co-sponsored By The Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club & Sandcastle Seniors: Tuesday, October 19th, day trip to Foxwoods.

Foxwoods day trip October 19 for $20.00 includes r.t. bus trans. Drivers tip, buffet & $15.00 keno.

Tuesday December 7th, day trip to Foxwoods.

Foxwoods day trip December 7 for $53.00 includes r.t. bus trans. Drivers tip, buffet, $115.00 keno and a matinee show “herb reed and the platters”.

Atlantic City

3 day trip to Atlantic City, Feb. 27, 28 & March 1st for $155.00 p.p. dbl. Occ. Includes r.t. bus trans. Driver’s tip, 2 nights lodging at the Tropicana Resort, 2 dinner buffets $15.00 food credit and a revue show. To sign up for any of the above trips or for more information, please call “Pete” at 508-761-5087. All trips are on a first come first served basis. All trips have pick up points in Rehoboth and So. Attleboro and are open to everybody.

September 2010 The Reporter

Weddings & Engagements

Jessica Sears Engaged to William Chisholm III

Thomas and Madeline Sears of Rehoboth announce the engagement of their daughter Jessica to William Chisholm III. William is the son of William Chisholm Jr. of Raynham, MA and Joyce Chisholm of Warwick, RI. Jessica is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and works for Instron in Norwood, MA. William is a union carpenter for Shawmut Construction. The couple currently resides in Smithfield, RI. An October wedding is planned.

Worried About Aging Family Members?

- Wondering about whether or not they can safely live alone anymore? - Is Dad remembering to take his meds correctly? - Has Mom fallen again?


Don’t Wait Until There’s A Crisis!

There IS an alternative – one that is close by.

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SWAN BROOK ASSISTED LIVING, located within a lovely renovated Victorian home in Swansea, provides our residents with gracious living in a small-town country setting. • 28 Spacious Apartments • Sumptuous meals • Housekeeping • Laundry services • Medication management • Clinical services • Community connections And SO much more!

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The Reporter September 2010

Katie Ruth Gruca Engaged to Thomas Joseph Reen

Edward and Audrey Gruca of Rehoboth, MA are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Katie Ruth Gruca to Thomas Joseph Reen, son of Rose Reen of Morrisville, VT and John Reen of Stowe, VT. Katie graduated from Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School in 1999, received her Legal Executive Assistant Certificate from Katharine Gibbs School in 2000, and her Paralegal Certificate from Northeastern University in 2003. She is a Litigation Paralegal with Stackpole & French Law Offices in Stowe, VT. Thomas graduated from People’s Academy in Morrisville, VT in 1998 and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Castleton State College in 2002. He is a Personal Banker/Lender for Merchant’s Bank in Waterbury, VT. The couple is planning a May, 2011 wedding.

Amy Dunivan deCastro Weds Daniel Redman

Amy Dunivan deCastro and Daniel Redman Warren were married on June 12, 2010 at Saint Mary’s Church in Seekonk. The bride is daughter of Arlindo and Colleen deCastro, of Rehoboth. The groom is son of Philip and Susan Warren, also of Rehoboth. The bride and groom graduated from Dighton-Rehoboth High School in 2002. The bride is a graduate of Endicott College, where she received a bachelors’ degree in nursing. The groom is a graduate of Bryant University, where he received a bachelor’s degree in finance. The newlyweds currently reside in North Attleboro. Katie Ruth Gruca is engaged to Thomas Joseph Reen

Residential Commercial


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September 2010 The Reporter


Birth Announcements Send us Your Birth, Wedding, Engagement or Anniversary announcement Most Announcements run for FREE Please send to, or send to PO Box 170, Rehoboth MA 02769.

Liana Grace Rosa

Melissa and Jason Rosa of Rehoboth are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Liana Grace Rosa. Liana was born on June 1st at 3:16 p.m. in Sturdy Memorial Hospital. Liana weighed 7 pounds & 6 ounces and measured to be 20 ž inches long. Maternal Grandparents are Denise Medeiros and Armand Roy of Swansea and William Wilson of Somerset. Paternal Grandparents are Suzanne Rosa of Seekonk and William Rosa Jr. and the late Sandra Rosa of Rehoboth. Maternal Great-Grandparents are Louis and Carmelina Ouellette of Swansea and Lorraine Medeiros and the late Joseph Medeiros of Swansea. Paternal Great-Grandparents are William and Lorraine Rosa of Rehoboth and William and Pauline Perry of Attleboro Falls.

Brody Aaron Bates

Brody Aaron Bates

Aaron and Lindsay (White) Bates of Mattapoisett are proud to announce the birth of their son Brody Aaron Bates on May 1 , 2010 at Tobey Hospital in Wareham, MA. Brody weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces and was 20 ½ inches long. Maternal grandparents are Jeffrey and Janet White of North Dighton and Paternal grandparents are Robert and Sharon Bates of Mattapoisett. Maternal great-grandparents are Bud and Edith White of Seekonk and Paternal great-grandparents are Alan and Mary Bates of Acushnet and Bea Meagher of Clearwater, FL.

Zackary Alan Rutko

Zackary Alan Rutko

Liana Grace Rosa

Jeff and Holly Rutko proudly announce the birth of their son, Zackary Alan Rutko, who was born on June 30, 2010 at 8:29 p.m. at Women and Infants Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island. He weighed in at 8 lbs, 7oz and was 20 inches long. Zackary was welcomed home by his big sister, Bella Kai. Paternal grandparents are Robert and Roberta Rutko of Rehoboth, MA. Maternal grandparents are Stan and Ginger Ceritto of Southbury, CT.


The Reporter September 2010

Payton Elizabeth Groff

Melissa Reis of Seekonk, MA and Kevin Groff of Pawtucket, RI are proud to announce the birth of their daughter Payton Elizabeth Groff. She was born on August 4th at 6:46 p.m. at Women & Infants Hospital in Providence, RI. She weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 19 1/2� long. Maternal Grandparents are Jose & Rosemarie Reis of Seekonk, MA. Paternal Grandparents are Christine Malloy of Pawtucket, RI and the late Edward Groff of Bristol, RI.

Lincoln Jason Levisee

Lincoln Jason Levisee

Jason and Isabel Levisee are proud to announce the birth of their second son, Lincoln Jason. He was born on June 7, 2010 at 10:43 a.m. at Women and Infant’s Hospital in Providence. He weighed 8 pounds and 10 ounces and was 20.75 inches long. Lincoln was welcomed home by his big brother, Tucker, as well as many good friends and family members. Maternal grandparents are Joe and Gloria Dasilva of New Bedford, MA and paternal grandparents are Chester and Theresa Levisee from Greenfield, MA. We are blessed that Lincoln has joined our family and look forward to making memories with him.

Payton Elizabeth Groff

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September 2010 The Reporter

Considering Adoption?

Adoption Options Offers Free Informational Meetings

Providence, August 16, 2010 – Adoption Options is holding a free informational session those considering adoption and are interested in hearing about available options. Licensed adoption workers will be available to provide information and answer questions. In Rhode Island, the next meeting is scheduled from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 9 9 North Main St. in Providence on September 16, 2010. Adoption Options, a non-sectarian, non-profit, comprehensive adoption program of Jewish Family Service works with prospective adoptive parents, birth parents and people who have been adopted. The agency is licensed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with offices in Rehoboth and Providence. The agency’s work with all members of the adoption triad is focused on helping individuals to understand their options and make the most informed choices for their future. For more information, please contact Peg Boyle at 401-331- 437 or visit

Helping Hips, Belly Dancing

The Best is Yet to Come, a senior social group, will be hosting Helping Hips, belly dancing by the Sunshine Sisters on September 24th at the American Legion, 84 Bay State Rd., Rehoboth. Hors d’oeuvres will be served. Tickets are $8.00 and proceeds support local charities.


Who’s Who... & What They Do

Profiling Local Businesses

Calling All Canines!

Bring your friends to THE CANINE JOINT Physical Rehabilitation and Fitness Center

for their OPEN HOUSE taking place on Sunday, September 26th from 9AM to PM. We want you to see how you can assist your canine back on their feet or getting in shape! There will be raffles which include pairs of tickets to Twin Rivers comedy Club, 3 $9 vouchers toward the use of our facility, and much more. We will also have various canine care related vendors, FREE food, door prizes, and underwater treadmill or jet swim demonstrations! You can even sign up for FREE seminars on canine massage, trigger and pressure point release and home exercise programs taking place throughout the year. Our Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioners will be available to give a FREE 10 minute assessment of gait, balance and muscle symmetry or a FREE 10 minute massage. There will be informational seminars with our acupuncturist, and chiropractor to explain the benefits of their practice for your canine. We hope to see you there but if you cannot make it please feel free to drop in anytime! Hours of operation, Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, 8:30AM to 6PM, Sat 9 to 12noon (Oh, and all you canines, please keep your human on their leash while visiting, THANKS!) For more info see our website at www.TheCanineJoint. com or call us at (508)761-6500

455 Central Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771


Every Business Has A Story...

Let Us Know About Yours.

Advertise in our Business Story Section... Call 508.252.6575


The Reporter September 2010

IN MEMORIAM Afonso Fernandes Pinto

REHOBOTH Bradford L. Hagar

Bradford L. Hagar, 61, of Lakewood Ranch, FL, died at Sarasota Memorial Hospital, following a brief illness, on June 26, 2010. Brad was the son of Alton and Emily (Crossley) Hagar. He grew up in Rehoboth and graduated in 1967 from Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School. He attended Northeastern University and completed his engineering degree in Florida. He is survived by his wife, xingke Li of Lakewood Ranch; two daughters, Dr. Kristen Hagar of Providence, RI, and Samantha Hagar of Davie, FL; and one son, Alton James Hagar of Lakewood Ranch, Florida. He is also survived by five sisters: Joan Watrous of Pulaski, TN; Gail Macomber of Taunton, MA; Kay Waite of North Dighton, MA; Holley Dutra of Wakefield, RI; and Joy Browning of Lakeland, FL and many nieces and nephews. A memorial service was held at Rehoboth Congregational Church on Friday, August 20, 2010, at ten a.m. Burial was in the family plot of the Rehoboth Village Cemetery with a collation at the church hall.

SEEKONK Herbert E. Cushing II

Herbert E. Cushing II 82, of Taunton Avenue died August 10th at Home & Hospice Care of RI. He was the beloved husband of Maryann (Cameron ) Cushing. Born in Seekonk, MA he was the son of the late Harold and Lucille (Mason) Cushing. Besides is wife of 8 years he is survived by his children Dr. Anne Cushing-Brescia and her husband David, Dr. Herbert E. Cushing III and his wife Karen, Dr. Cameron Cushing and his wife Lisa and 7 grandchildren. He was the brother of the late Carolyn Sturtevant. His funeral service was held on Saturday, August 14th in Newman Congregational Church, 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford. Burial followed in Carpenter Cemetery, Rumford. Arrangements by the J.H. Williams & Co. Funeral Home, 210 Taunton Avenue, East Providence. In lieu of flowers, contributions in his memory may be made to Newman Congregational Scholarship Fund, 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916.

Afonso Fernandes Pinto, 60, of Mayflower Drive, died Thursday at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston. He was the beloved husband of Maria Liduina (Andrade) Pinto. Born in Videmonte, Portugal, he was the son of the late Serafim Prata Pinto and Lucilia Dos Santos Fernandes. He was a construction worker for Fernandes Masonry. Besides his wife of 31 years, he is survived by his loving daughters, Jessica Pinto of Seekonk and her boyfriend Nicolas Cardoso, Jennifer Thompson and her husband Andrew of East Providence and Michelle Pinto of Seekonk. He is survived by his brothers Alfredo Pinto, Joaquim Pinto, Manuel Pinto, his sister Maria Almeida all of Portugal and Joaquim Fernandes and his family. He leaves many nieces and nephews, relatives and friends. He is survived by his mother-in-law Maria Andrade of East Providence. The funeral was held on Tuesday, August 24th with a Mass of Christian Burial in St. Francis xavier Church, 81 No. Carpenter St., East Providence. Burial was in Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Family requests in lieu of flowers contributions in his memory be made to United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, 808 Saltsburg Rd., Ste 201, Pittsburgh, PA 1 239.

Walter L. Gelinas

Walter L. Gelinas, 90, of Willis Avenue, Seekonk, died Thursday at home. He was the husband of the late Eugenia M. (DeSerres) Gelinas, who died in 200 . They were married for 62 years at the time of her passing. Born in Pawtucket, he was a son of the late Lucien and Lena (Benoit) Gelinas. He resided most of his life in Seekonk and lived in the same house for 61 years. Mr. Gelinas served in the Army during World War II. Mr. Gelinas was employed as a silversmith for most of his career, and also worked in jewelry manufacturing. He was a longtime parishioner of St. Stephen Church. Throughout his life ,Walter was involved in the restoration and preservation of organs, including the Leroy Theatre in Pawtucket, the Community Theatre in North Attleboro, and the Stadium Theatre in Woonsocket. He was a member of the American Theatre Organ Society. Walter’s passion for organ music extended with the program “Organ Melodies,” a longtime staple on WARA. Walter was also a local history buff and

enjoyed researching and displaying many old photos of yesteryear, particularly many of the trolleys that crisscrossed through the Greater Attleboro and Seekonk area. He is survived by a son, Paul Gelinas of Naples, FL; a daughter, Patricia Cook of Clearwater, FL; two grandchildren, Michael Benoit and Lynn Easley, both of FL; and a great-granddaughter, Paris Benoit of FL. He was the brother of the late Rita Ouellett and uncle of Robert Ouellett of Brockton. His Mass of Christian Burial was held Wednesday, August 2 th in Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church, Coyle Drive, Seekonk. Burial followed in St. Stephen’s Cemetery, South Main Street, Attleboro. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Sister of the Holy Cross Development Office, 377 Island Pond Dr., Manchester, NH, 03109-4811.

DIGHTON Reginald David Lingard

Reginald David Lingard 7, of Dighton, MA, died unexpectedly in the family’s vacation home, on Wednesday, July 21, 2010. He leaves behind his wife of 31 years; Sheree (Blakely) Lingard, and three children; Jennifer Lee; Michaela-Ann; and Tyler David all of Dighton, MA. He was the son of the late Reginal David Lingard. He is also survived by his parents Louise (Lingard) Harrington and Neil Harrington, both of Rehoboth, MA and also 6 brothers and 2 sisters. Reginald was a former Marine Corps veteran and a retired Massachusetts State Employee.

September 2010 The Reporter

CLASSIFIEDS 1 To 15 Words - $10 16 To 30 Words - $15

GIANT YARD SALE: 64 Elm Street, Rehoboth, MA, 8:30 – 3:30 Rain or shine. Everything must go. Something for everyone – furniture, books, housewares, tools, boston terrier memorabilia, much more.

REAL ESTATE I’ll Buy or Lease your house, make your payments, do repairs, close quickly, any area, any price, any condition; call 774222-042 .

FOR RENT FOR RENT: 900 sq. ft. store front, high traffic count on Rehoboth/Dighton line on Rt. 44 in a country setting. Great for business/ office. Call for details. 774-218-19 9. FOR RENT: Apartment in North Dighton, MA, 1, miles from Route 44, comfortable second floor, 1 bedroom, appliances, no utilities. Monthly rent, $600.00. Call 08669-61 9.

COMMERCIAL RENTAL COMMERCIAL RENTAL: For Sale/Lease, seven acres on Rt. 44 in the Dighton/ Rehoboth area, zoned commercial with town water. This property could be a great location for many businesses or offices, etc. Call for details. 774-218-19 9.

Send Ad with Payment

The Rehoboth Reporter P.O. Box 170, Rehoboth, MA 02769

Classified Deadline: 23rd. of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising

Additional Words - $.25 each



FOR RENT: 2 – 12’x 40’ Garages – 8’ x 8’ overhead doors. 24 hr. security; off Taunton ave. $300 per month. Heat & Elect. Available. Plus – 8’ x 8’ Metal Containers, $7 / month; Also, 1 Bedroom apt. Bath, kitchen, living room & sunroom 10’x30’ & patio – 10’x20’. Men only. $6 0/month. Call Al ( 08)3 3-1626.

VACATION RENTALS CUSTOM LOG CABIN: Sugar Hill, Franconia NH, sleeps 6, fireplace, full kitchen; minutes from New Hampshire attractions; swimming, hiking, fishing, boating, or just R&R; weekly & weekends, Call 401-433-4491.

FREE STUFF! FREE: METAL SWING SET with glider, 2 swings & slide. For young children. Call 08-2 2-4782

CHILD CARE ACTIVE CHILDCARE: Before & After kindergarden care still available. 26 years experience ,CDA Certified, EEC Lead teacher, CPR & First Aid, home preschool program, Nutritious meals and snacks included, 2 acres fenced play ground, indoor playground, 4 large play rooms, 8 to 1 Ratio, 7 AM- PM. Call 08-2 2-361 .


508-336-9103 113 taunton ave Same location for 40 Years Seekonk, Ma


FOR SALE: Queen size, box spring and mattress, used two months. $100.00 Call ( 08)669-61 9. FOR SALE: six foot three point hitch wheel barrow. Excellent condition. $27 .00 ( 08)828-9994. FOR SALE: Backyard Classic Professional Charcoal grill/smoker great for smoked pork/ ribs used once $1 0.00. ( 08)828-9994. SEASONED FIREWOOD: Cut, split & delivered. Call 08-2 2-4 48. FOR SALE: $80 weider iron barbell set. Two bars. 08-61 -98 RUBBERMAID stock tank, 70 gal. 26 liters, with drain; $80.00 o/b/o must sell 2 2- 737 1992 FORD TAURUS WAGON; 12 ,000 miles; always dependable; new brakes, exhaust system, 2 tires and battery all within last year; $900 o/b/o must sell 2 2- 737 BICYCLE – Trek 2300 WSD. Size small, Ultegra parts, 6 0c wheels, computer. Currently set up as a triathlon bike. Have original handlebars and bar stem for conversion back to road bike. Great condition. Serviced every year. $4 0.00. 08-223-2416 or 401-480-4063. FOR SALE: 21’ extension ladder. Light duty. $7 Call 08-61 -98 .

Why Deal with Summer Stink!? We do the Dirty Work!

GOlD, SilveR & SteRlinG u.S. and foreign Coins Old Comics and Sports Cards Old Watches and Collectibles Diamonds and Jewelry


We Support Local Business

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The Reporter September 2010

CLASSIFIEDS 1 To 15 Words - $10 16 To 30 Words - $15

Additional Words - $.25 each

Cutcliffe Glavin



Send Ad with Payment

Please Note:

Business-Services Advertising Rates $35 for up

The Rehoboth Reporter

P.O. Box 170, Rehoboth, MA 02769

Classified Deadline: 23rd. of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising

to 30 words

GENERAL SERVICES Personal Care Assistant: Mature person needed for developmentally delayed young adult. Unique opportunity. After school hours. Own transportation. 3 to 5 afternoons/week. Contact 401-480-6806.

PARTY RENTALS: For sale or rent, Tents and moon-walks, x-party place, call Dan after 5pm (774)306-1278 Cleanouts & Cleanups: Houses, attics, cellars, garages, etc. Demolition of sheds, fences, pools, decks, etc. Junk Removal, handyman services. Insured. Call Gary at (508)245-0832.

R.I. and MA. Bars

Services: unemployed teacher available to tutor, house sit, dog sit, or provide elder assistance. Rehoboth resident for 8 years. Fee negotiable depending on service., Call 508-406-1287, 508-223-2353.

Conrad M. Cutcliffe

Local Housekeeping available. Please call Natalie at (508) 496-5350.

(401) 454-1900 Fax (401) 331-7001

WALK YOUR DOG: While you work. Seekonk Area. 508-336-8659 CLEAN OUTS: Whole House, garages, basements, attics, apartments. Also including small businesses. Free Estimates. Call Steve 508-567-8734

Classes: wire wrapping classes taught in my home or in your home by gallery quality artisan. Will provide materials, $75 for 2 hours. Must have manual dexterity. Call 508-4061287, 508-223-2353.

CASE CLEANING COMPANY: In CASE you have company. For reasonable rates, call Tracey Case at 508-977-7921 or cell 508941-3028; email traceycase2002@yahoo. com; Rehoboth resident for 40 years. Petsitting services also available! References.

Child Care: Grandmother looking to care for your newborn. Part-time, Seekonk, Rehoboth areas. My home, would consider yours. Ex. References, formally cared for twins. Approved for Infant Foster care, have had all the classes. Non-smoker/drinker. Valid driver’s license. If interested, call Claire (870)213-6332.

Attorneys at Law The Packet Building 155 South Main St., Suite 300 Providence, RI 02903-2963

Deadline for Submitting News

is now the 23rd of each month...

Advertise In The Rehoboth/ Seekonk Reporter

Call 508-252-6575

OLD WINDOWS REGLAZED & PAINTED: Workmanship guaranteed. Call Lou for prompt service at (508) 252-3996. GUTTERS CLEANED: Call (508) 2523996


PIANO LESSONS: Taught in my home, both classical and popular to persons of all ages. Anita Russo, 8 Terrybrooke Road, Rehoboth 508-252-4208.

William E. Dalpe (508) 252-6980

Good old fashioned reliable service

Title 5 Inspection Septic Systems • Cesspools * Not affiliated with any septic system repair, installation or pumping company


Discount On Title V Inspection

Professional Inspection Services Call Steven Drew • (508) 667- 4025

September 2010 The Reporter


September Business Directory CATEGORY Adult Education Appliance Repairs Appliance Repairs Architectural Design Art Supplies/Framing Assisted Living Attorney Attorney Attorney Attorney Attorney Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Shop Auto Dealers Auto Dealers Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Salvage Auto Salvage Bank Bookkeeping Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Materials Building Materials Candidate Candidate - Rehoboth Candidate - Rehoboth Candidate - Seekonk Carpentry - Finish Carpentry - Finish Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Child Care Child Care Child Care Child Care Chimney Cleaning Church Circus Cleaning Service Cleaning Service Cleaning Service Collectibles Concrete Cutters Consignment Store Consignment Store Craft/Sewing Supplies Dance Studio Dance Studio Dentist Dentist Dentist Dentist



MTTI 67 Affordable Appliance Repair Co. 84 McPartland Appliance Repairs 72 VIZCAD 17 Gregory D. Dorrance, Co. 6 Swan Brook Assisted Living 93 Cutcliffe, Galvin & Archetto 100 Donald E. MacManus, Attorney 102 Laurie P. Mullen 74 Lori O'Brien-Foeri 22 Reed, Boyce & Travis, P.C. 29 Sousa's Auto Body 20 Tri Star Autobody, Inc. 55 Seekonk Auto Body 40 Bristol Toyota 12 Elmwood Dodge 51 Manny's Auto Repair Inc. 57 New England Tire 2 Somerset Chrysler Jeep - Max Motors 43 Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 34 Trustworthy Auto 17 Gary's Auto Removal 73 Seekonk Auto Salvage 49 Coastway Credit Union / Decunha 37 Meredith Amaral Bookkeeping 79 A. M. Carpentry 36 DTP Construction 50 M.G. Salois Construction 73 Nerney Construction 29 Richard G. Dias 70 Wood Frame Structures Inc. 83 Brightman Lumber Co. 31 J & J Materials Corp. 44 Steven Howitt 15 Sheriff Tom Hodgson 68 Steve D'Amico, Rep. MA 27 David Saad - Candidate 21 Mark Koussa Carpentry 14 Pine Woods Construction 76 Earle's Carpet Cleaning 74 M & S Carpet & Upholstery 41 ASAP - c/o Twin Oaks 62 Briar Wood Child Academy 64 Citizens For Citizens - Attn. Carol 65 Rehoboth Family Childcare Assoc. 47 RJD & Sons - Chimney Sweep 22 Holy Cross Church 28 Circus Vidbel 52 Castle Cleaning 4 Crystal Clean - Bethany Martone 23 Leslie & Deb's Cleaning Service 17 Wexler's Collectibles 99 Cut Rite Concrete Cutting Corp. 79 Corner Consignment Shoppe 24 Saks Consignment 55 Loraine's Stitch 'n Crafts 61 Alicia's Dance Studio 63 Step Ahead School of Dance 63 Dr. Robert Zaluski 27 Dr. Wassouf D.D.S. 49 Jared W. Stubbs, DDS 16 Kenneth J. Rawlinson, D.D.S. 43

CATEGORY Dentist Disposal Service Dog Grooming Dog Grooming Dog Services Driveways & Masonry Electrician Electrician Electrician Electrician Electrician Entertainment Excavating Excavating Fence Installation Fence-Sales/Serv. Figure Skating Financial Advisor Fireplaces/ Chimney's Flooring - All Types Flooring - Wood Flooring - Wood Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Propane Fuel - Propane Garden Center Gift Shop Glass Fabricator Glass Fabricator Golf Cars Hair Salon Hair Salon Handyman Handyman Handyman Health Care Health Care Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Heating & Air Heating Service Heating Service Home Improvements Home Improvements Home Improvements Home Products Horse Stable-Lessons Hospital Insurance Agency Insurance Agency Irrigation Junk Removal Kitchen Remodeling Landscape Materials



Ritebite Dental 96 Professional Duct Cleaning 104 Groom & Style 33 Pampered Pets 9 Canine Mastery, Inc 56 Blue Stone Driveways & Masonry 18 Dorrance Electric 35 James Tavares Electric 82 Kevin Jordan Electrical 50 Neal Bellavance Electric 26 Pineview Electric 36 King Richard's Faire 67 J. Fisk Construction 46 J. M. Turner Construction Co. 25 Fence Tech 84 Foxx Fence 26 Pawtucket and Providence Club 63 NEXT Financial Group, Inc 54 Briggs Family Fireplace 20 Custom Linocraft 70 A-1 Wood Floors 30 David J. Ledoux Hardwood Floors 34 Affordable Fuel 73 Al's Quality Oil Co. 10 Columbus Energies Inc. 85 E & V Oil Co. 104 Pricerite Discount Heating Oil 75 Seekonk Oil 81 Stateline Fuel & Burner Service 94 Arrow Gas Corp. - Inergy Propane 70 Propane Plus 20 J & L Landscaping & Garden Center 58 Willow Tree Country Shoppe 72 A Class Glass 76 Anawan Glass & Mirror Inc. 34 New England Golf Cars 59 Crew Cuts 47 Running With Scissors 33 ABT Handy Services 6 CBS Enterprises 100 Grandpa Tom 69 Comm. Counseling of Bristol County 91 Community VNA 90 Bliss Life Yoga 64 Rehoboth Fitness Training 60 Renaissance Gymnastics Academy 65 YMCA - Newman 64 Taylor Heating-Air Conditioning 71 COD Heating 6 Larry's Heating & A.C. 32 CA Home Improvement 13 John Rico Lighting & Improvement 81 Professional Property Maintenance 39 Fuller Brush - Earl Goff Jr. 50 Saddle Brook Farm 32 Sturdy Memorial Hospital 7 Lefebvre Smith Insurance 39 Lezaola Insurance & House Group 46 United Irrigation 31 Junk Vehicles 35 Kitchens Direct, Inc 59 Daniel D. Wright Realty LLC 8


The Reporter September 2010

September Business Directory CATEGORY Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Lawn Care Lawn Sprinklers Marble Fabricators Martial Arts Masonry-Construction Masonry-Construction Massage Therapy Medical Practice Music Nursing Home Optometrists Optometrists Optometrists Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Pest Control Services Pet Services Pet Services Plastering & Painting Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Private School Real Estate Real Estate



Acorn Landscapes 75 Atlantic Landscaping 79 Bee Green Lawncare, LLC. 45 Chris Manley 36 K.L.P Landscaping 42 Lawnscapes 21 MacManus Landscape Services 37 Oakhill Landscape 82 Superior Lawn Care 71 Simply Safer Lawn Care 51 P & G Irrigation 24 Star Marble & Granite 41 USA Karate 42 StoneScapes - Mark Carvalho 83 William Gallant, Jr. Masonry Services 39 Serenity Massage 14 Internal Medicine & Preventative Care 11 Dougs Retail & Learning Center 66 Life Care Center of Attleboro 92 Brown Center 63 Dr. Lucia A. M. D'Angelo 41 Oscar Ni,O.D. ,Optometrist 57 Adams Painting 4 Brian P. Lynch - Painting 21 C.A Winter Painting/Powerwashing 57 Delisle & Son Painting & Repair 40 EZ Painting 83 Iachetti Painting Company 48 Lundco Painting LLC. 45 Reliable Painting Co. 79 Driveway Medics 77 Hanley Paving, Inc. 74 Mohegan Seal Coating Co 30 Roland Metivier Asphalt Paving 32 Ryan Asphalt Paving 46 Bi-State Pest Control 56 Rehoboth Pet Care 18 The Canine Joint 97 David Laurino - Plastering 40 Potter Plumbing 41 Sine Plumbing & Heating 30 Vintage Plumbing & Heating 8 The Providence Country Day School 60 Century 21 T. R. Little, Realtor 11 D. Cormier Custom Homes 19

Donald E. MacManus Attorney at Law

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Real Estate David Smith, Century 21 25 Real Estate Maria Correia Realtor (Mateus) 78 Real Estate ReMax Rivers Edge 37 Real Estate Sam Barchi - Coldwell Banker 58 Restaurant Boneyard Barbecue & Saloon 86 Restaurant Country Kitchen 87 Restaurant Dunkin Donuts - Seekonk 9 Restaurant Honey Dew Donuts 85 Restaurant Luxury Box Bar & Grille 86 Restaurant Tito's Cantina 87 Roofer-Waterproofing Atlas Roofing & Waterproofing Co. 23 Roofer/WaterProofing Cameron Roofing 84 Roofing Contractor B & R Fournier Construction, Inc. 50 Roofing Contractor Certified Roofing Services 14 Roofing Contractor Tabeleys Roofing 47 Security Systems Home & Commercial Security 56 Septic Designs OSD Systems Associates Inc. 57 Septic Inspections Pro Inspection Services - Steven Drew 100 Septic Systems AO Construction 75 Septic Systems Fisk Contracting 83 Septic Systems Town Sanitation 35 Septic Systems-Cleanin Action Sanitation 58 Septic Systems-Cleanin Bay State Sewage Disposal, Inc. 29 Septic Systems-Cleanin Croome Sanitation, Inc. 48 Septic Systems-Cleanin Soares Sanitation Pumping, Inc. 82 Shoes Fran's Shoe Service 78 Small Engine Repair Seekonk Small Engine Inc. 69 Spa Bella Faces 71 Stone Masonry Reeves Stone Mason Contractor 55 Stump Grinding Mike's Stump Grinding 42 Summer camp Rehoboth Fitness Studio 61 Trash Removal A. Viera Disposal 10 Trash Removal Cleanway Disposal & Recycling 33 Trash Removal Waste-Tech, Inc. 99 Trash/Junk Removal Big Blue Removal Service 22 Tree Service Advanced Tree 82 Tree Service Choate Tree Service 24 Tree Service M.D. Tree Service 23 Tree Service Precision Tree Inc. 48 Tree Service Seekonk Tree 77 Tree Service Steve's Tree Service 69 Veterans Consultant Lori O'Brien-Foeri 31 Water Treatment Water Filter Company, Inc. 16 Wood Furnaces Reed Outdoor Furnaces 13 Writing - Editing David Howard - Writing Workshop 102

ATTENTION WRITERS Professional manuscript critiques and marketing assistance available from published writer with MFA in creative writing. Reasonable rates for stories, articles, novels. Contact: or call 401-438-8367

September 2010 The Reporter




Larry Procopio


No Admission Charge!

Saturday, September 18th Redway Plain

A terrific lineup of town organizations, businesses and schools will par ticipate in the day long event including...

* Rain Date: Sunday, September 19, 2010 at the corners of Winthrop St. (Rt.44) and Bay State Road and Pond St.

Food / Beverage Bands / Music Hayrides Fun for Kids Demonstrations Farmer’s Market organizations Picnic Area * Check next month’s Rehoboth Reporter for additional attractions!

There is an ample picnic area and people are encouraged to bring chairs, blankets, umbrellas, and picnic lunches. NOTE: FREE Parking is allowed on the field, but prohibited along Route 44 and adjacent streets.


The Reporter September 2010

The Reporter P.O. Box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769

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