SEPTEMBER 2022 VOLUME 18, NO. FREE9East ProvidenceThe ReporterTM Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence • Time to Head Back to School Vote in the Primary Election Tuesday, September 13, 2022 Polls Open 7 AM - 8 PM Polling Place Info on page 6 See page 30

2 The Reporter September 2022 Free Pet Food Delivery! Rehoboth * Dighton * North Dighton * Taunton Free delivery $50 minimum pet food purchase www.baystatepet.comat NEW ENGLAND TIRE Car Care Centers 1416 Fall River Ave. - Rte. 6 SEEKONK, 508-336-2170MA visit us at 1590 Warwick Avenue WARWICK, RI • 401-737-1400 44 North Main Street ATTLEBORO, MA • 508-222-0367 515 South Main Street MANSFIELD, MA • 508-261-6100 367 West Main Street NORTHBOROUGH, MA • 508-393-9183 We service company cars (National Accounts). eywr Also in: FREE! CHANGESNOWFLATMOUNTING*INSTALLATION*REPAIRS*TIREOVER* * WITH TIRE PURCHASE 4 4 4 4 *when purchased with our wheel balance, road hazard & alignment package No other discounts or substitutions apply. Some LT, brand and aspect ratio size exclusions. See store for details. Buy 3 Tires, Get the 4th FREE* OR Buy 1 Tire, Get the 2nd 1/2 PRICE!!* NEW ENGLAND TIRE ey wr FALL CAR PACKAGECARE $5900 *TPMS Charges may apply. Special oils & filter types may result in extra charges. Special antifreeze may result in extra charges. Environmental fees extra. Shop supplies extra. Most vehicles. No other discounts apply. Redeem at New England Tire. Must present coupon to get this price. Includes: • Lube, Oil Change & New Filter (up to 5 quarts of a major brand oil) • Top Off Coolant & Other Fluids Under the Hood • Complete Tire Rotation* • Check Tread Depth on All Four Tires • Adjust Tire Pressure to Manufacturer's Specs • Evaluate Brake Condition • Inspect Battery Terminals & Connections • Examine All Belts & Hoses for Cracks & Proper Tension • Vehicle DNA Kit Performed • Reg $64.00 $15.00SAVE M-FSat7:30-68-5 ANY BRAKE SERVICE SERVICE MANAGER'S CAR CARE PACKAGE Shop supplies extra. No other discounts apply. Redeem at NEW ENGLAND TIRE OIL, LUBE & FILTER Includes: • Lube, where applicable • New oil filter installed • Up to 5 quarts major brand oil • Special oils & filter types will result in extra charges • Most U.S. & Import cars • Regular price - $35.95 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT SEP22 *No other discounts apply. Redeem at New England Tire. Includes: • Check Tire Wear • Check Tire Air Pressure • Vehicle DNA Check: Check Tires, Brakes and Brake Fluid Condition, Belts, Hoses, Transmission Fluid, Power Steering Fluid, Anti-Freeze, Wipers, Battery, Filters. PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT $995 Must present coupon to get this price. $2995 PLUS TAX, & $2.50 HAZARDOUS WASTE FEE. Must present coupon to get this price. $16.00SAVE DISC SERVICEBRAKESAVINGS $2000 OFF No other discounts apply. Must present coupon to get this offer. SANITIZE YOUR CLIMATE CONTROL Shop supplies extra. No other discounts apply. Redeem at New England Tire. • Registered U.S. EPA virucide, bactericide and fungicide • Kills bacteria and freshens air-conditioning systems • Eliminate harmful microbes • Inhibits the growth of mold and mildew PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT $10900 *SYNTHETIC OIL CHANGE $6995 1978 2022NEW DENGLANERIT 44th Anniversary $26.00SAVE WE WILL PICKUP AND DELIVER YOUR CAR FOR SERVICE PLUS TAX Must present this coupon to get this price. Most vehicles. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Fluid/Filter disposal charges apply. Additional charges for shop supplies. See store for complete details. Redeem at New England Tire. • Regular Price $85.95 • Up to 5 Quarts Full Synthetic Oil • New Oil Filter Installed • Lube (Where Applicable) • Multi Point Vehicle Inspection *special oils and filter types extra charge SEPT. 2022 SEP22SEP22SEP22SEP22SEP22

September 2022 The Reporter 3 Paid for by Friends of Bob DaSilva.

“After more than 100 or so years of operation, things start to give way,” said Mayor Bob DaSilva. “The ride was not stable, so new clock tower at East Providence High School.
It has been three years since the historic Crescent Park Looff carousel has given a ride or played its melodic organ music. The 127-year-old carousel was in danger of continuing its majestic presence as major renovations were needed. The Crescent Park Carousel was built in 1895 by Charles I.D. Looff, one of the earliest and foremost carousel design ers. The Crescent Park Carousel is nationally recognized as a true masterpiece of wood sculpture. Originally built as a showcase for prospective buyers, it is the largest and most elaborate of Looff’s works. The Carousel contains 62 beautifully hand carved figures and four fanciful chariots (Crescent Park History). The carousel features elaborate embellish ments of decorative panels, beveled mirrors, faceted glass jewels, electric lights, colored sandwich glass windows and its original band organ music surround flying steeds to cre ate Looff’s “Total Carousel Experience.” Spot repairs have been made through the years but restoration experts, which are far and few between, recommended the suspension of the delicate ride before permanent damage was done. Much more than paint and minor repairs were needed.
In early August, Looff’s horses and chariots rode again. A successful trial “soft” open ing of the world famous Crescent Park Carousel was held on August 6th. The inimitable carousel manager, Tracy Johnson gave the Looff a trial run to make sure no kinks were obvious. A few passersby saw the carousel in motion and stopped to watch. They were allowed to ride as a further test and all went well. “I guess we’re ready for tomorrow’s official opening” (Sunday August 7, 2022) said a confident Johnson as Looff’s horses galloped at a speed which seemed faster than ever and the original organ music blared loud and clear. “We’re so happy to announce that the Charles I.D. Looff Crescent Park Carousel has officially reopened! Phase I of our Stabilization Project has been completed and we are
able to operate the Carousel this season. We are currently riding 30 to 40 people at a time (higher when its more children than adults, more adults we stick around 30). We are riding minimum capacity to preserve the center and top barrings until we can replace them in phase 2 of the stabilization project. As for weight limits, we have and have always had a 200 lb weight limit on the jumper horses, we ask that if people exceed that weight, you ride a stationary horse, stand or sit in a chariot. Rides will be limited as we move toward Phase II, projected to begin in October 2023. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work diligently to keep the magic of our beloved Carousel alive for another generation,” beamed a happy Tracy Johnson. Close to a thousand people showed up for the return of the Carousel. However, the long and complicated repairs are ongoing. “Once the complete renovation is done, we can revert back to full capacity ridership.”
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4 The Reporter September 2022 Inside This Issue Birth Sports.............................34SourSeniorScouts............................45School..........................30People...........................37NewsLibrary...............................25FromFoodEvents..........................23DeathClubs...........................19Classifieds.....................ChurchBusinessAnnouncement.........47Directory...........53News&Events.........4452Notices......................52&Dining.....................50theCandidates........11Briefs..........................4Center....................46Grapes........................31 East Providence News Briefs
The Carousel had been closed for the restoration of its center foundation since October of 2019. This work was vital to the long-term health of the Carousel reported experts. Lo cally, Ed Serowik has been working on the Carousel since his early teenage years. Now in his eighties, Serowik continues to help preserve the Carousel. “It has been a major part of my life,” said Serowik. “This major structural work is massive but is needed or we would have lost the Carousel for good.” Carousel Manager, Tracy Johnson, has been at the forefront of the restoration. “The City of East Providence contracted with Geisser Engineering and Todd Goings of Carousels and Carvings to create a plan to reinforce the mast foundation and the framing to the center floor, which will help to begin stabilizing the carousel,” said Johnson. “The City then hired New England Foundation and Stabilization Company, based here in East Providence, to begin implementing the plan. That plan called for the installation of 16 helical supports to be installed into the sand. These supports are motor driven into the sand at key locations and will be attached to the floor framing and as well as the new cement piers that will be poured beneath the mudsills to support the mast,” explained Johnson. The work is pro gressing and all 16 foundation helical piers have now been installed. The next step was to have the forms made, and the concrete poured. “It’s actually a five-point foundation that holds the carousel in the air and four of the five points were failing,” Johnson explained.
Portions of this News Briefs were compiled with contributions from Bob Rodericks.
The Repairs
On the Cover: The
Photo by David Andrade of W. Parmentier Media
Crescent Park Looff Carousel is Back!
"We’re Back" – Manager Tracy Johnson

• The average season is 100 days so the ride would travel 7136 miles (over 37 million feet)
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National Register of Historic Places: The Crescent Park Carousel was placed on the National Register of Historic sites and places in 1976. In 1985, the Rhode Island General Assembly proclaimed the Carousel as the State Jewel of American Folk Art and in 1987, the Department of the Interior, Na tional Park Service, designated the Carousel as a National Historic Landmark. Technical nerds may want to know the Carousel by the Numbers:
• The ride is 50 feet in diameter The building is 100 feet in diameter The ride is 157 feet in circumference One ride is thirty revolutions which means the ride travels approximately 0.9 miles (4710 feet)
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Sensory Friendly Hours: Every Saturday the band organ will be off from noon to 3 pm so those with sound sensitivities are able to enjoy the beautiful carousel. The organ will resume after the break at approximately 3:20 pm. Hours of Operation: Saturday & Sunday 12 pm – 6 pm. Ticket Prices: Ages 3 and under ride free. Tickets never expire after purchase and are $2.00Rideseach.will pause daily at approximately 3:00 pm for 20 minutes. The Ticket Booth closes at 5 pm (or 7 pm on select Fridays) or one (1) hour before closing to ensure we are able to get through all of our guests. The Carousel will also be open from 4pm to 8pm on the following dates: Friday, September 23, 2022 and Friday, October 21, 2022.
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• In the 116 years of operation, the ride has gone 33 times around the Earth or 3.3 times to the Moon!
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Dick Georgia - Executive Editor Feature Writer Bob Rodericks Director of Operations Michaela Oerman Graphics & Marketing Keri Cote Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson TCI Press PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320
• In one hour, the ride travels 9 miles (47100 feet) or in one day, the ride travels 71.4 miles (376,800 feet)
• And with an annual average rider ship of 100,000 The Crescent Park Carousel has given 11.6 million rides and still counting. Even with the minor ride restric tions, visitors have been ecstatic at the return of the carousel rides. Social media has been flooded with complimen tary comments and well-wishes from people throughout the region.
TM we needed to stabilize it. It involved putting down giant blocks of concrete, engineered the way it should be. Just to see the smiles and the cheers and excitement of not only the young people, but old and young alike. That’s what’s exciting about it. Everyone enjoys a good carousel,” added DaSilva. Besides the children, the happiest person at the Looff Carousel may be its manager, Tracy Johnson. “My heart was full all week end,” said Johnson after the long-awaited opening. Some Other Restrictions Remain: According to manager Johnson, a few restrictions will remain temporarily. Rides will pause daily at approximately 3:00 pm for 20 minutes. The Ticket Booth closes at 5 pm (or 7 pm on select Fridays) or one (1) hour before closing to ensure we are able to get through all of our guests. “We will close the line 30 minutes before closing time.”
September 2022 The Reporter 5 P.O. Box 377 Rehoboth, MA 02769
© 2016 Target Marketing Group, Inc.
Fans of the Looff Carousel line up for a long anticipated ride at Carousel opening. My first visit to the Carousel.Looff Carousel is back.

6 The Reporter September 2022 KEEP BOB RODERICKS EP City Council-at-Large VOTE NOVEMBER 8TH! Paid for by the Friends of Bob Rodericks for City Council Committee Primary Election Information The Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. The polls will be open from 7:00 AM To 8:00 PM. WARD SEN REP Vote Dist. Polling Place 1 14 63 1001 Francis School, 64 Bourne Ave 1 14 63 1002 City View Manor, 99 Goldsmith 2 14 63 1003 Whiteknact School, 261 Grosvenor Ave. 1 18 63 1004 Rumford Towers, 95 Newman Ave. 1 18 63 1005 Francis School, 64 Bourne Ave. 2 18 63 1006 East Prov. Senior Center 610 Waterman Ave 2 14 64 1007 St. Francis Church Hall 81 N. Carpenter St. 2 14 64 1008 Hennessey School 75 Fort St. 3 14 64 1009 Martin Middle School 111 Brown St. 3 14 65 1010 Fuller Learning Center 260 Dover Ave 3 14 65 1011 Kent Heights School, 2680 Pawtucket 3 18 65 1012 Riverside Cong. 295 Bullocks Pt. Ave. 4 18 65 1013 Harbor View Manor, 3663 Pawtucket Ave. 4 18 65 1014 Riverside Library, 475 Bullocks Pt. Ave. 4 32 65 1015 Crescent Park Manor, 243 Crescent View Ave. 4 18 66 1016 Waddington School, 101 Legion Way 4 32 66 1017 Oldham School, 60 Bart Dr (Meadowcrest) The City of East Providence needs poll workers for the primary election on September 13, 2022, and the general election on November 8, 2022. Must be available to work all day from 6 am to 9 pm. Must also attend a training class held by the Board of Elections. This is a one-time paid position and workers must be at least 16 years old to qualify. If interested, contact the Board of Canvassers at 401-435-7502.
City Council Reinforces “No Hotel” at Metacomet
Metacomet opposition leader, Candy Seel later wrote that “…this is an extremely im portant step. It embeds this language into the Plan itself and does not leave the issue to the design guidelines process, as the Planning Department suggested and as
The City Council added language at its August meeting that ensures a hotel will not be part of the Metacomet development plan. Objectors to the current Metacomet plan, notably Candy Seel, spoke and pointed out language in proposed amendments to the city Code of Ordinances, which appeared to still have a hotel as a permitted use in the Metacomet subdistrict. Although the coun cil had previously voted against any hotel on the property, the language was enforced to clarify that the inclusion of a hotel would not be allowable. An amendment offered by Metacomet supporters was introduced by Councilman Nate Cahoon which stated in part; “the scale of development shall be limited to the traffic capacity of the Veterans Memorial Parkway to service such develop ment without the addition of traffic lights, as is called for in the language for the Veterans Memorial Parkway Sub-District. The access road from the Veterans Memorial Parkway must be carefully designed to be safe and efficient; the scale of development shall be limited by the traffic capacity of the Veterans Memorial Parkway, as is called for in the lan guage of the Kettle Point Sub-District.” The amendment also stated in part, “The Wa terfront District Commission shall contract for a peer review of the traffic study to be provided by the developer. The developer shall provide funds to the Waterfront District Commission for the peer review study.”

September 2022 The Reporter 7
Hunt’s Mill Bridge Rebuild Continues
The Hunts Mill Bridge was built in 1926 and has been classi fied as “structurally deficient” since 2011. “Given its historic status and that of the surrounding area – it is one of the most historically important areas in East Providence,” said RIDOT Director Peter Alviti. “The RIDOT will replicate the bridge’s historic features while replacing it with a modern structure. RIDOT has taken this approach with many other bridge rehabilitation and replacement projects to preserve the ornate or historically significant features while still maintaining current safety standards,” said project engineers. The Hunts Mill Bridge, carrying Route 114A (Pleasant Street) over the Ten Mile River in East Providence, will remain closed until the end of the year. Demolition is underway and should last about one month
Attorney Conley argued.” Attorney Conley replied that the “fore sight” of the creators of the 2003 commission plan who listed many safeguards for the Parkway and said that it was more than adequate and protections already existed. “We already are bound by certain Parkway restrictions,” said Conley. Council members Cahoon, Rodericks and Britto voted in favor of the clarifying amendment, which now goes to the city Waterfront Commission. Councilman Mourato, while supporting the KMG group, voted against the overall amendment, citing his opposition to the waterfront commission. Mourato did vote to exclude any reference to a hotel. Councilman Britto maintained that a potential low-profile hotel with views of the river, would be a positive thing for the area. Councilwoman Sousa was not able to attend the meeting. Eventually all reference to the inclusion of a hotel anywhere in the project was eliminated. Attorneys and spokespersons for developer Marshall voiced their opinion that safeguards for Veteran’s Parkway already existed and they would be bound to the stipulations such as no traffic lights, certain curb cuts, etc.
Paid for by Friends of Nathan Cahoon before the rebuilding process can begin. Motorists are following the signed detour around the closed bridge, with police officers from East Providence and Seekonk in place to assist as necessary. The bridge carries approximately 11,420 vehicles per day and is an important route connecting homes on either side of the river and businesses along the Route 44 corridor and the Rumford section of East Providence. While RIDOT anticipates opening the new bridge to traffic by the end of the year, final completion of the project is expected in summer 2023.

• Estimate to finish Construction is 2024 • Total Projected Cost: $84 Million
Project Schedule & Cost
• Location: Providence/East Provi dence
According to the RI Department of Transportation (RIDOT) the Henderson Bridge was declared structurally deficient in 1996, the first year that RIDOT started keeping records. The RIDOT feels that the bridge was initially “over built” and is rebuilding a smaller, more efficient connection between East Providence and Providence.
8 The Reporter September 2022 Val Lawson has delivered for Townies. Now let's deliver for Val. ★ State Senate | Democrat | Distric t 14 Val VOTE SEPTEMBERTUES.13 T H DEMOCRATICPRIMARY P aid f or by T he Commit tee to Elec t Val L aw s on Senator in General Assembly District 14 Two Year Term Vote for 1 Valarie J Lawson* Opponent Henderson Bridge ProjectMainUpdateProject Features and Benefits • Replaces 6 Lane Structurally Deficient Bridge with a 3- lane bridge • Converts Interchanges to At-Grade Intersections • Provides a Separated Bike/Ped Infrastructure • Provides economic development opportunities • More Efficient Roadway Network to Support Economic Development • Up to 25 Acres of Land Made Available • 75% Reduction in Project Area Structure Footprint • 12% Reduction of Statewide Structurally Deficient Bridge Area • Lower Future Maintenance Cost
• Started Construction in 2020
• Detours needed are limited State Announce Grants to Support Public Space State officials announced a placemaking grant of $2.9 million to support the hospital ity, tourism, and events industries in Rhode Island. The announcement said that this will help East Providence complete its citywide interpretive signage plan for the City’s 31 historic resources. Funding would support “research, writing, image acquisition and graphic production for signage. The grant amount of $75,000 is for the capital invest ment of lighting including receptacles along the East Bay Bike Path to enable small and large events to be held in the evening hours.” This request is also for the procure ment of a portable stage, portable audio system, and two pop-up canopies. “These elements can also be used throughout the city to support additional events that will bring tourism and revenue to support other local establishments,” said the state announcement.
“Thanks to the help of our Congressional delegation, RIDOT will rebuild it using an additional $54.5 million in federal funds. The total cost for this project is $88.5 million,” said RIDOT officials. Known as the Red Bridge, Henderson is a 26-span steel girder structure spanning 2,000 feet over the Seekonk River. It carries 20,000 vehicles per day and connects the cities of Providence and East Providence. “The bridge was over built. RIDOT will demolish it and build a narrower structure with two lanes of traffic westbound and one lane eastbound,” explains project engineers. The cities of Providence and East Provi dence collaborated to outline the attributes they wanted this project to have. These in clude spaces that will benefit both commut ers and those seeking recreation. The new structure will have a shared use bike path connecting the on-street bicycle networks in East Providence and Providence as well as the Blackstone River Bikeway. “By reducing the structural footprint RIDOT will decrease the percentage of structurally deficient bridge area in the state by 12 percent. The new smaller bridge will provide better access management for future development of approximately 25 acres and will decrease the need for maintenance,” explains RIDOT officials in a project statement.

September 2022 The Reporter 9 Your Hometown Realtor! NosPortugueseFalamos Phil Tirrell, Broker / Owner 401-374-0844 (401)437-2030 431 Willett Ave, Riverside, RI (across from CVS) Jennifer401-219-6217FeigheryRose 401-258-0769PereiraBill 401-474-6301Tirrell Paul 401-529-1422FaellaDonna401-524-2299AinsworthLuci 401-641-8114Stoddard Mary 401-301-1164McKenna ® Doug 401-935-3202Caito For a FREE Market Analysis of your home call 401-437-2030 "BUY OR SELL WITH TIRRELL, YOUR HOMETOWN REALTOR." @tirrellrealty @weichert_tirrellteam Larry 401-692-8643Kristen401-742-9222McNultyMartel Gil Elizabeth401-688-5867MedeirosDeSousa401-787-3000Joanne 401-487-1348Perella AJ 401-484-1480CostaMartha 401-573-0129Wallick Rebecca401-474-7489Graham Kevin 401-543-0148Oladapo Lyle401-282-0206Richardson Amber774-226-3119Lourenco Cyndi 781-856-2933Pariseau Phyllis 401-556-1205Handy Jenna 401-339-5513Costa Eli 401-282-9553Salit Kimberly 401-226-2033Nunes Leah 401-641-8156Stoddard Jeff Abraham401-578-9140SearleSheriff401-935-0890 EQUAL OPPORTUNITYHOUSING SOLD! The right time is right now. Don't wait to sell!

The Pleasant Street bridge may be “OUT” but the EP Historical Society is “IN!”
• September 20 Log Cabin, Holyoke, Mass. Tribute to American bandstand PPAC Shows 2022 • October 9: Mean Girls • October 30: Tootsie Dinner/Show/ Trolley Ride from Davenport’s res taurant • November 20: Les Miserables 2023
• February 26: Come from Away • March 11: Simon & Garfunkel Story
• March 26: Hadestown • April 23: Six • April 26: Beetlejuice For tickets and reservations please contact Deborah Rochford at 401-437-1577
The East Providence Police is proud to announce the promotion of several officers. Captain Michael Jones, Lieutenant Kurt Hawes, Sergeant Michael O'Connell, and Detective Stephen DeMedeiros were sworn in by Bob DaSilva, East Providence Mayor and Chief Christopher Francesconi to their new positions at the department. The newly promoted officers were joined by family, friends, and fellow officers at the ceremony held in the city council chambers. Congratulations and good luck in your new positions!
The Len Iannacone Collection: “Spaces And Places In RI” Hikes at Hunt’s : 1:30 at the Gazebo Family Games: 1 - 3PM Rumford Junction Band : 2:30 at the Gazebo John Hunt Museum - 65 Hunts Mills Road
The entire private collection of Leonard Ian nacone‘s own work goes on sale September 11 at Hunt’s Mills and October 1 at the Weaver Library. The EP Libraries, the Arts Council and the EPHS offer these drawings, prints, and oils directly to the communitylocal art at local prices. For the catalog and details about the artist: All pictures will be available at the first sale - nothing will be held back. For other events/information: or
EP Rec Dept Bus Trips
East Providence Historical Society News Sunday” Fall Open House: September 11 • 1pm - 4 pm Blockbuster Art Sale!

Candidates should
508-252-6575 for more information and rates. continued on next page...
September 2022 The Reporter 11 Paid for by The Committee to Elect Maureen Gomes Lopez Governing with AccountabilityCredibility & True Transparency FROM THE CANDIDATES • 401-699-2908 EAST SCHOOLPROVIDENCECOMMITTEE WARD 2
Political Ad Disclaimer: It
Paid for by friends of Carissa Moglia Maureen Gomes Lopez for Mayor Dear Residents, My name is Maureen Gomes Lopez and I have been a resident of East Providence for 35 years. My husband Earl L. Lopez was born and raised in RI and recently retired from the City of Providence as a police officer after 38 years with him serving his last years as part of the homeland Security team for 4 mayors. We have a daughter, who is a Pharmaceutical Director for a major consulting firm. We have a grandson that just entered his first year at the University of Rhode Island. I have posted articles from April thru June in the Reporter, Post and Apraca magazine and on Facebook explaining why I am running for mayor and also posted my 25 years career history of executive managerial leadership, organizational, crisis manage ment, and negotiations experience in public and private sector. If you have not already visited my website to review my qualifications, please visit or send me an email at candidates, and now I am asking for your vote because my record proves that I am the best “qualified” candidate to be the next mayor and build a stronger resilient East Providence that residents can be proud of. It is clear, we cannot afford to keep an incompetent individual with no professional executive experience to handle the office of mayor. is the policy of space. call
The Reporter to run political/ campaign announcements & press releases with the purchase of ad

12 The Reporter September 2022 In 2018 we voted to have 2 forms of government to allow for the separation of powers. Our residents cannot afford to elect a candidate that is already violating our charter by campaigning with the Ward 2 and Ward 4 councilors and sharing a campaign head quarters with them. We also have a candidate who runs several businesses and interested in a portfolio for contract building but has no knowledge or experience that can successfully deal with all aspects of our city government. As your mayor my goals and objectives are to build a new stronger foundation for East Providence future. Here are a few of my goals for our city.
Administration Staff - I am committed to hiring members of my executive staff that has the experience and meets the job descrip tions needed for the executive office of the city. We cannot continue the practice of hiring friends and family who lack the professional experiences and knowledge required for these important positions. The city deserves a team of experts.
City Taxes - I will be dedicated to reducing the present tax bur den on our residents and finding solutions that will result in lowing property taxes and stabilize our rising tax rates. City property revalu ations are scheduled for 2023 and I will ensure that the companies and individuals that will be handling this important task are license qualified individuals that will provide fair and equitable evaluations.
Auditing - Immediate independent audit of all city accounts, including grants, all state and federal funding. Ensure fiscal respon sibility at all levels of our city government. Review all tax structures and find ways to reduce tax burdens for our residents.
Safety Issues, Camera System - For 4 years there were no attempt to stop the speeding on our streets and without input or recommendations from the Police Chief and the members of the police officer’s union. Our current mayor entered into an agreement with Sensys Gatso costing the city tax payers the following (informa tion pulled from 17 pages of the 5-year contract agreement). Billing cost for their system and related service for the red-light fixes fee is $1,800 per month plus $15.40 per individual for administration fees for violation notifications.
City Development and Economic Growth - My rules of en gagement for our economic future will be to negotiate with devel opers that understand I will be working in the best interest of our community development goals. There will be a full Investigation of all past development agreements and I will make it a point to conduct a survey on safe development growth opportunities. This will be at the top of my agenda.
City Businesses Small and Large support – I will develop a stronger partnership with city businesses to work on a long-term plan to stabilize and help promote their economic growth. After the effects of the pandemic, our businesses have been holding on and hoping for relief in the way of funding. I will put all our ef forts into providing for stabilization and ensure future growth of our business community. The new administration will guarantee a stronger partnership with our small and large businesses to ensure that every dollar available for business survival is used from grants, state and federal funding.
Our city has been given a once in a lifetime funding opportunity from the federal and state government. However, how we spend these funds can determine our city’s future. It is imperative that residents elect an experience leader with the knowledge to work in the cities best interest.
Green Space and Historical Preservation Environment pro tection - A community taskforce will be created to identify green space and historical sites. We will have a sustainable city plan to safe guard our green space and also preserve our historical build ings and land marks.
Housing Accessible - Affordable - We can’t 100% fund our way out of the housing problem we face in East Providence. My admin istration will need to fundamentally use common sense planning on building housing in our city. According to HousingWorks RI’s 2021 in 2020 there was no city or town where a family making a yearly income of almost $70 thousand could buy a home. The cost of affordable buying and affordably living by renting, right now, is not attainable. Families must spend 30% of their income on housing. I will work with our state agencies, nonprofit and for-profit home builders which will help to expedites sustainable energy efficient buildings of homes and diversity of home types such as apartment and multi-family dwelling housing needs.
Infrastructure and Roads - Develop a real project plan to repair our roads and infrastructure on a regular basis. What were seeing now is an attempt to patch numerous city streets and roads, all done for election purposes. I will guarantee that I will create an overall plan to ensure we have a viably schedule to get this work done in a timely fashion.
Mayor Communications - Hold quarterly town hall meetings, individual community meetings establish to keep residents informed of all city plans, programs activities and development opportuni ties. Meet with organizations throughout the city to see where the mayor’s office can help in reaching our community goals together.
Family Support - Through city, state and federal funding my administration will create a family incentive service that will support our families by introducing quality before/after school and summer programs for their children. We must work to make it possible for young families that live in the city and we must create an opportu nity to also bring new families into our city through a family FIRST support program. We have a state-of-the-art high school but our K to middle schools is shamefully overdue for safety and learning environment needs.
City Utilities -water sewer reports and taxes - Our current mayor signed a 10-year contract renewal with SUEZ, the city’s water and wastewater service provider. Under the new $49.8 million contract, SUEZ will be required to make $1 million in capital improvements per year, resolve odor is sues, and invest in new technologies to protect the city from sewer overflows and enhance compliance measures. I will review the current contract and meet and request that the company give me a bi-annual water quality report that will provide information on our city’s water sources and safety. I will dedicate state and federal funding to upgrade our outdated sewer and water systems to ensure that we have done all we can to protect our residents.
Olivia M. Howard, LMFT Over 10 years clinical experience working with children, adolescents & adults Individual, Couple & Family Therapy Anger Management • Anxiety / Depression • Work Place Stress Communication Issues • Grieving Bereavement & Loss Lifestyle Changes • Parenting • Relationship Other Service: Marriage Preparation • Parenting Workshops Flexible Appointments Available; Saturday & Evenings (401) 225-0458 410 North Broadway, East Providence RI 02914 Most Insurances Accepted

Our Children our Schools – I will work with the school committee members to provide after pandemic care to all levels of our educational environment. We have a state-of-the-art high school but our lower city schools have become a safety concern. We need to assess all our schools in regards to health and safety issues. Our new federal funding will provide the opportunity to invest in our educational structure and reshape our school system in many ways. Our teachers need a support assistant program in every classroom on a regular basis. Let’s create a stress-free environment for the students and teachers.
Community Service Projects Make New Friends up to code and be useful to the city and its communities. City Organizations support - Cultural appropriate outreach is a way to unite our city and support our neighborhoods. We should be investing state and federal fund ing that will allow for partnerships with all diverse community organizations. East Providence is rich with a wonderful multicultural environment let’s keep our city together and not divide our cultural resi dents by not spreading equal funding to all organizations.
Police and Fire department - Our Po lice and Fire departments will be provided with additional funds for department growth and safety needs. Funds that are not provide by state and federal dollars. Police and Fire department should have active shooter training to protect all our schools. I will take a serious look at the Police departments building. There are many health issues concerning the ventilation system and other safety problems within the building structure that need to be investigated. I ask for your trust and vote on Primary day, September 13th. Let’s move forward together to build a stronger East Provi dence.
Monthly Activities Guest Speakers
September 2022 The Reporter 13 As for the speeding system per month, the fee is $2,500 for camaras with a $7.30 for each administrative fees for violation notifications. These tax dollars should have been placed in our police department to add more police officers in our communities. Having police at our school districts is a better option. Installing speed bumps in areas of need is worth pursuing. Currently our city is paying $4,300 a month just for equipment use and the additional individual violation costs has created a three-tier system of money grabbing. Our city residents would like to know where the profits that the city collects for this program is going. One place it is not going is lowering of our tax burden.
Maureen Gomes Lopez, Candidate for Mayor of East Providence
Great Buildings in our city that have remained vacant for years - There are many vacant buildings in several communities that can be refurbish and used for housing or recreational needs. I will take a good look at these buildings and see what is required to bring them
MiniLionelStorage,Inc. 95 Commercial Way East Providence, RI 02914 All Sizes of GarageStorage 20'x25'10'x25'10'x15'12'x10'10'x10'5'x10' FOR MORE INFORMATION Call Lionel Vieira President NOS FALAMOS PORTUGUES (401)435-0028(401)265-3797
Senior Center – I have met with numerous senior center members over the last few months. The center has lost much of its “loyalty” to senior residents since Robert Rock, the past senior center director left. Our seniors are very unhappy with the current atmosphere. The center should be a place where our seniors can socialize with other city seniors in different times of the day. The center should thrive to provide a social, educational and welcoming environment which can go far in offering excellent quality of life programs and services and social events. I recently spend most of the day at the center. There were very few social events scheduled and the busiest time of the day was the lunch time as sistance. The center should provide educational and stimulating social programs. Also, senior housing is a present issue in this city. My administration will take a hard look at this problem as we create access to affordable housing.
Reshaping and rebuilding our educational systems must be one of our top priorities. It will take a responsible leader to manage all aspects of need vs funding levels. This will include making educational opportunity for East Providence adult population.

14 The Reporter September 2022 Finding new ways to make aindifferenceRhodeIsland’sfuture. Paid for by Friends of David O’Connell • Using common sense and creative thinking to achieve intelligent solutions • Refund budget surpluses to the taxpayers • Eliminate the Legislator Grants slush fund • Suspend the state Gas Tax • Raise student proficiency rates in our public •schoolsPromote Tourism & Arts in our state • Consider and prioritize the needs of our families in all legislation
David O’Connell (401) Doconnell330@gmail.com632-2516
Trying to help remedy the occurrences of mass shootings, our state government passed three bills this year. I would have ap proved of two of them and rejected the third. Prohibiting the carry ing of loaded rifles in public is a reasonable law, and the raising of the age to purchase a pistol or rifle to 21 is also acceptable. The third law makes it a crime for honest citizens to own a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds. This will do nothing to prevent a psy chopath from carrying out his carnage using multiple magazines. Such legislation tries to make us feel safer, but it accomplishes nothing productive while penalizing responsible citizens.
A rich American Indian history is intertwined with our celebrations of our many varied nationalities and cultures. Combined with our precious jewel of Narragansett Bay, our state offers a wide range of wonderful attractions for other Americans and world travelers to experience. Promoting and expanding a vibrant tourism will help support our financial needs with revenues from visitors, while making our local communities a pleasure to live in. I invite all my neighbors to contact me with your concerns and ideas that could make our city and state a better place to work and raise our families.
Dear Townies, Quality Education, Equal Opportunity, and Safety. This is what I want to see for my children and yours. I will work with our parents, students, school administrators, and teachers to give them the tools they need to ensure success for all of our students. I respectfully ask for your support in the upcoming elections.Sincerely, Rafael Villanova
About Rafael: Married to Iris N Agosto and the father of Angelirys, Alondra, and Anayah. 25 Years of service and current police dispatcher for the city of Providence and served as a substitute teacher in the East Providence School district. Quality education, Equal opportunity, and school safety are my priority. A graduate of Johnson and Wales University with a Masters’s degree in Administration of Justice and Security.
Vote for Dave O'Connell RI Senate District 14
Vote for Dave O’Connell Candidate - RI Senate District 14 on November 8th
As a city resident for 45 years, I’ve decided to be a candidate for the office of Senator in the Rhode Island General Assembly, representing district 14 in East Providence. The local news this year is filled with evidence of unrestrained state spending, driven by a legislature that is 87% composed of members of the Democrat Party. We are virtually a one-party state ruled by a super-majority. Their fiscal irresponsibility and far-leftist social agenda has pro duced a bad business climate and underperforming public schools that must be reversed and restored. But a strong, clear voice of reasonable debate can be heard from the Republican legislators. With the supportive votes of like-minder citizens, I hope to add my voice to theirs in the Senate, proposing intelligent solutions to our problems while working toward a prosperous future for all Rhode Island residents and workers. Using common sense and creative thinking, we can find new ways of addressing our stubborn, longterm problems while allowing everyone the opportunity to chase that a person receives in wages represents the hours of his or her life that they’ve spent earning it. I will remind my colleagues of this when they create the annual state budget, stating clearly that wasteful spending must be eliminated. Also, any surplus revenues should be returned to the taxpayers, and not spent on someone’s new ideas. Additionally, frivolous legislative grants amount to an unbudgeted slush fund and should be elimi nated completely. If an official wishes to support a charity in their district, let them donate their own funds, and not the taxpayers’.
As one of the original 13 colonies, Rhode Island is filled with valuable places, stories and artifacts dating back over 400 years.
It was embarrassing to read the Johns Hopkins survey of schools in Rhode Island that revealed the dismally low proficiency scores of students in math and English. We must find the causes of this shameful situation, and positively reform those policies and conditions that are within the control of state authority. If private schools have created programs and policies that are more success ful in bringing students to achieve diplomas, why can’t we imitate their strategies? We don’t need to reinvent the wheel, since the path to higher student proficiencies already exists. Our children deserve an excellent public education, and our government should be held responsible for providing it.

• Move the Office of the Mayor back to the first floor. There will be no barriers between you and I. You will have full access to your new Mayor. There will be no additional costs for this move except the time it will take to relocate the current occupants.
• I will work diligently and openly work to make our city government a repository for the peoples interests. The special interest groups, such as massive development companies and partisan politicians, will no longer control City Hall. Paid for by The friends of John Rossi, Treasurer William Nebus.
To the People of East Providence, As the primary election approaches, I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all those who have shown me kindness and support as I run for Mayor of East Providence. I have enjoyed every conversation, chance meeting at the supermarket, email, phone call and text message. It has been a great experience and has opened my eyes to so many issues facing this city.
• Treat all city employees with the dignity and respect they deserve.
• This city is suffering the worst rat infestation in our history. Between rats and pigeon waste, our city streets are unhealthy and I will not tolerate it. We are better than this.
• Pierce Field, once a jewel of the city, has been severely neglected. I was appalled when I attended Heritage Days. The track is a mess, the bleachers are crumbling, the ball fields all need work and the beautiful wrought iron gates are all rusted. This is completely unacceptable and will be part of the city’s new maintenance plans.
• Modification of the speed and traffic cameras that have been installed throughout the city. The overall goal is eliminating them, while taking steps to ensure student safety and motor vehicle code enforcement.
• I support preserving what was known as the Metacomet Golf Course as green space. I would sponsor a special elec tion for a ballot question to have the city take the property over by eminent domain. You deserve to have a say in how your tax dollars are spent.
Sincerely, John Rossi, Candidate for Mayor
• Working closely with our state delegation, I will begin the process of incorporating affordable housing. We have enough million-dollar condos right now and not enough safe, affordable places for families.
I am truly humbled by the endorsements of two very well-respected council members, Councilwoman Anna Sousa and Councilman Ricardo Mourato. Our city is fortu nate to have two local representatives who care so deeply for our residents and have done their level best to support the needs of everyone in this city. They have served us with dignity and distinction and I am honored to have their sup port. They are the epitome of public service. Below is a short list of items I plan to tackle starting day one and ask you to consider this list as you go to cast your vote:
• Fill long vacant positions in city departments so we can get this city back on track. We have waited far too long for enough employees to get city work done. Our DPW, First Responders, HR Department, Recreation Department and so many more have suffered due to a lack of employees. The hiring process begins day one.
• We will once again have a trans parent and compre hensive line-item budget that all resi dents can read and understand. It will replace the current budget that right now, lends itself to monies being hidden in plain sight because it’s convoluted and unclear.•Iwill work with the council to re view ordinances and zoning to streamline processes and make it less burdensome to renovate your prop erty or build a deck. I will also work with the council and law department to see that bank-owned properties do not sit vacant and neglected for years at a time. Residents could be living in these homes rather than banks using them as a write-off and not keeping up with the maintenance. You should not have to live next to that.
September 2022 The Reporter 15
John Rossi for Mayor of East Providence
• The elimination of surveillance cameras at city hall that are intrusive on employee workspaces and where the public transacts their business.
• Employ a full-time grant writer.
Ricardo Mourato, Anna Sousa & John Rossi
• It will be my distinct pleasure to begin to replenish the deforestation in Riverside. Our current administration leveled four acres of trees behind Riverside Middle School to make room for a soccer field. This must be rectified.
When I was growing up in East Providence, it was more like a small town where everyone looked out for each other. We worked together to make things happen. We had carnivals, bonfires and plenty of family entertainment. We cared about our curb appeal. There is no reason why we can’t restore our Townie Pride and get back to our roots as an All-American City. If your vision of East Providence lines up with mine, I would appreciate your vote on September 13th in the primary.

16 The Reporter September 2022
Energy Cost
East Providence joining a program like this would be part of my overall aim to maintain a stable tax rate for the city and also help businesses and residents save money on their monthly energy bills. It will also help East Providence attract new and vibrant businesses and help maintain a great quality of life for our present residents and for future generations.
By Frank Rego With the recent announcement from Rhode Island Energy (formerly National Grid) about the potential for massive energy rate increases this winter if elected I would propose that East Providence petition the Public Utilities Commission to join other cities and towns to expand the city’s access to renewable energy electricity at competitive rates . Community choice aggregation allows municipalities to procure electricity in bulk for residents and businesses. One aspect of this is to increase the renewable energy used by the entire city. I would propose that the city council approve the aggregation plan and retain the New York city based consultant Good Energy. This is the same consulting firm that the Neighboring Town of Barrington selected. As a councilperson I will solicit public input before the final version goes to the PUC. While researching this matter I looked at a Boston University study on how this issue affected cities and towns in the Common wealth of Massachusetts, which was at the forefront of the concept when it enacted legislation in 1997.
C O N T A C T • Former State Prosecutor • Support Working Families • Invest in Public Education • Expand Affordable Housing • Common Sense Gun Laws • Protect Our Environment • Defend Reproductive Freedom • Ensure Funding of Medicare (401) 258 3660 Matt Dawson has my full support because he is a lifelong Townie, a family man, and a thoughtful and accomplished professional. He shares our community's values and will serve us well in the RI House of Representatives. E N D O R S E M E N T S Representative Gregg Amore MATT DAWSON for EAST PROVIDENCE Vote in the Primary Sept 13 - Early Voting Open Now Paid for by Friends of Matt Dawson The Primary Election is September 13th! Polls will be Open 7am-8pm See page 6 for your polling place.

September 2022 The Reporter 17
Vote Miles Bonalewicz for School Committee at Large
I’m Miles Bonalewicz, Candidate for School Committee – “At Large” in the Sept. 13th primary. I’m a 35-year lifelong Townie with a wonderful wife and two beautiful children 3 and 5 years old, giving me a truly vested interest in our schools now and into the future. I can emphatically say that I am running on my own accord with ties only to this community and its success, not a politician, political group or power seeker. I am focused solely on matters that will provide a flourishing, safe, rewarding environment for our children, educators, staff, parents and caregivers. You can expect honesty, integrity and transparency as I focus on policy and issues that I see most important, such as: -Creating/updating policy that will mindfully address complex present-day issues, especially concerning school safety, substance abuse and mental health -Ensuring every student’s education is emphasized and focused on equally, regardless of whether they are college bound or career bound after high school, creating well rounded teens ready to tackle their adult years -Proper support of educators and staff, and foresight to address looming teacher shortages -Fiscal responsibility, ensuring we safeguard and strengthen things like Special Education programs, Career Tech and extracurricular activities; along with tackling important construction projects, maintenance and building needs I Respectfully ask for your vote in the Primary on Sept. 13th. Please feel to contact me with any questions or concerns at Mi or search “MilesforEP” on Facebook to learn more.
Paid for by Friends of Miles Bonalewicz Paid for by The Committee to Elect Maureen Gomes Lopez MAUREEN’S PRIORITIES • Ensure Fiscal Responsibility • Growing Our Economy • Creating Jobs • Helping Families • Roads & Infrastructure • Support Small Business CAST YOUR VOTE FOR ME ON PRIMARY DAY SEPTEMBER 13TH, 2022 VOTE MAUREEN GOMES LOPEZ

A group of original Neighborhood Park kids reunite
Loving the splash pad at Neighborhood Day at Onna Moniz Park
Moniz-John has been active for decades in East Providence and throughout the region. She also operates a popular Mobile Museum of Black Artifacts which brings historical items, photos and artwork on the road. She is the former Director of Affirma tive Action and Welfare services for East Providence. Every year Saturday, August 20, 2022, marked the 31st Year of what is known as Neighborhood Park Day. Since 1991, the Central Avenue area neighborhood has been celebrating “Neighborhood Pride and Harmony” at the city park located between Central and Mc Causland Avenues off North Broadway or Massasoit Avenue. The idea for having a “Neighborhood Day” annual event began when Onna Moniz-John and volunteers decided to renovate Central Park over twenty years ago. Due to Moniz-John and the neighbors’ efforts, the park received city, state and federal funding to totally refurbish the large park area. Today the spacious park, renamed the Onna Moniz-John Park, includes plenty of shade from large trees gushed.Throughout the day, visitors would thank Moniz-John for her efforts. Young people manned a large grill where free burgers, etc. were given out. There were free soft drinks, cotton candy and other goodies available all day. DJ Donnie Battle Senna provided music, a spirited talent show was held and awards were given to winners of the Jackson basketball tournament. Young kids enjoyed the new splash pad on a day which was very hot and local and state-wide candidates for office came by to shake hands. Local businesses donated food goods and sup plies and the day had a feel of that old time county fair atmo sphere. “It’s what we do,” said Moniz-John. “We are the park.” she decorates the City Hall display case in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Black History Month. Although the founder of the Neighbor hood Day celebration, Moniz-John deflected praise away from herself when speaking of the celebration last month. “This is about pride in a neighborhood, pride in a city and pride in these families,” said Moniz-John. “The young families are mingling with older folks and together the neighborhood makes this possible. What a beautiful place to as semble and praise family and neighborhood peace and pride,” the affable Moniz-John
By Bob Rodericks throughout and includes basketball courts, a tot basketball court, playground equipment, park shelter, walking paths, a splash pad and a K-Rob Foundation Action Sports Park/Skatepark.
“The goal of the annual Neighborhood Park Day is to promote neighborhood pride and harmony,” said Moniz-John. “The day also is for remembering those who have lost their lives and memorial izing them.” It starts out with a mile long memorial walk through the neighboring streets and has grown large enough to require a police car escort. Jamal Jackson, a neighborhood resident, died in 2008. He lived across from the park. Jackson was in training to be an ACI guard when he died from a heart attack. He was a “park kid” and had helped to organize Neighborhood Days. A popular basketball tournament held at the park every year is called the Jamal Jackson Basketball Tournament. Family and friends now walk in the “memorial procession” in Jamal’s name before the allday tournament begins. Today, the memorial part of the Neighborhood Park Day in cludes people reciting the names of lost loved ones, a memorial brick display and other acts of remembrances and honors. The daughter of the late Dr. Kenneth Walker, a RI legend in education, sports and government, was present this year to receive a citation in her dad’s honor from Mayor Bob DaSilva and park organizers.
Paid for by Friends of Nick Ferrara
A 31 Year Tradition - Neighborhood Park Day
18 The Reporter September 2022

Association Luncheon Meeting
East Providence Athletic Club Thanks Golf Tournament Supporters
September 2022 The Reporter 19 Jose Soares Masonry Pavers • Walkways Cement Stonewalls • Chimneys Patios • Steps No job too small! Call 401-463-8967 e y r • (401) 431-2816 Reg. RI 18045 • Lic. MA 134986 TABELEY’S ROOFING From roofs to windows Tabeley’s has your needs covered Master Elite Installer, 20 years of perfection
The RI Rose Society will hold its monthly meeting on Saturday, September 10,2022 at Shepherd of the Valley U.M. Church, 604 Seven Mile Road, Hope, RI (corner of Scituate Ave.) from 10:0012:30. “The Garlic Mistress” will present everything you ever wanted to know about garlic with an opportunity to purchase garlic for planting and eating. Follow us on Facebook and
Our Reputation is on the Top of Thousands of Homes Bill Hopkins Bay Teachers
The Rhode Island Rose Society News
Club & Museum News East
The East Bay Retired Teachers Association will be holding a luncheon meeting on September 15, 2022, at Benjamin’s Restau rant 213 Taunton Ave. Seekonk. Ma. {On Rt. 44 inside the Ramada Inn}. The meeting will convene at 11:45 and the scholarship raffle will follow. The open menu will consist of Chicken Parmigiana w/ pasta, fish and chips, eggplant parmigiana w/pasta, baked scrod w/potato, manicotti. haddock au gratin w/potato, linguini carbonara w/ bacon, mushrooms, egg and cheese, haddock pizzaiola w/ melted cheese over pasta, shrimp scampi over pasta and stuffed shells. Also included are soup or salad and dessert and coffee. The cost is $25. Send your check to Anne Laderer 18 Monmouth Drive Riverside, RI 02915 by September 7. Our program will be Richard Fleischer, CEO of Project Undercover, whose program provides diapers, clothing, socks, and other vital necessities to those in need. He will explain how his program originated and how it has expanded. After speaking to Richard, he explained that their real need presently is diapers and with the volume he uses, he can buy in bulk and get tremendous savings. With the inflation cost of diapers, monetary donations will enable him to purchase many more than what we pay for them. If you are unable to attend and would like to contribute to this worthwhile cause, send your donations to Rae Holland-Long 45 River Run East Greenwich RI 02818. Write checks out to Project Undercover. Remember to bring your raffle items {only New Items Please} as we’d like to reinstate our scholarship program which grants scholarships to 2 deserving East Providence and Mt. Hope seniors.
More than $5100 was raised during the East Providence Athletic Club’s 25th Annual John Chalmers Charity Golf Tournament. The July event was held at Triggs Memorial Golf Course, Providence, and over 100 golfers participated. Since its inception, the tourna ment has raised more than $99,500 for area charities. This year’s recipients are the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Hasbro Chil dren’s Hospital, Kyle Page Fund, Weaver Memorial Library and Acts of Kindness/Surfers Healing RI. Tournament organizers, Chuck Andrews and Wayne Larned, wish to thank all the volunteers and supporters for another suc cessful year. Donations were received from Outback Steakhouse, MTTI, Wharf Tavern, Hazelton Golf Course, Pine Valley Country Club, Alive Restaurant, Hidden Hollow Golf Course, Dee Jay’s Car Wash, Palmer River Restaurant, Broadway Lounge, Firestone Tire of East Providence and Seekonk, Perry-McStay Funeral Home, Narrows Center for the Arts, Midville Golf Course, Tranquil Hair Lounge/Shandra Printer, Fairlawn Golf Course, Applebee’s, J&L Landscaping, McLaughlin & Moran, Reservation Golf Club, Sun daes Ice Cream, Lobster Pot, M&M’s, Brothers Seafood, Wampa noag Golf Course, Market Basket, Dudek’s Bowling Lanes, Eddie’s Barber/Salon, Your Bike Shop, T.G.I. Fridays, Tire Pros, Audubon Society of Rhode Island, Sax’s Steak & Pizza, Southwick’s Zoo, Triggs Memorial Golf Course, The Sacred Cow/Munroe Dairy, Chris Gasbarro’s Fine Wine & Spirits, Coca Cola Corp., AAA, Jamestown Country Club and the Chalmers Family. East Providence Athletic Club 118 Mauran Ave.

We will be holding our Fall Psychic Fair on Saturday, 10/9/22 at the Seekonk American Legion located at 351 Fall River Ave, 2nd floor, Seekonk, MA. Admission is free. 15 minute readings are $20.00 each. There will also be several Vendors (spaces still avail able). The hours are from 10 am to 3 pm. Proceeds to benefit the American Legion Auxiliary programs for our Veterans, community and children. For more information, please call 508-336-9822 or send email to
Lorraine – Medium and Intuitive Card Reader, Beverly Sylvia – Psychic and Spirit Medium, Annalise Hajer - Spiritual Medium, Debbie Matthews - Spiritual Psychic Medium, Anita Wakim - Intuitive OH Card Reader, Astrid Meijer– Akashic Records Reader, Georgette Biscari – Certificated Spirit/Psychic Medium over 30 years.
“To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the founding of our Club in 1872,“ noted Squantum Association Board Member Paul Williams, “we initiated the Squantum Association Charitable Foun dation. It is funded independently by our membership to support charitable and community organizations which improve the quality of life in our state. We are happy to have one of our first donations assist FPRL, our long-time community partner,” he added.
Dennis Tardiff of Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, left, accepts grant check from Paul Williams, board member of Squantum Association.
The remaining funds will be used to replace the internal piping needed to restore the connections on the northern downspout of the lighthouse to the building’s cistern. The cistern, a sealed brickwalled underground water reservoir, was restored last year and is now in working order. Since 1871, Pomham Rocks Lighthouse has relied on rainwater collected from its red tile roof to furnish water for cooking, bathing and drinking. A large gutter surrounding the roof and two downspouts direct the rainwater collected by the roof into pipes which lead to the storage cistern in the lighthouse cellar. Originally the system was connected to a hand pump in the kitchen, which allowed the keeper to pump water out of the cistern as needed. The system now feeds the faucets on the first and second floors of the lighthouse and a flushing toilet. A divertor valve on the exterior piping allows the water flowing from the roof to be monitored. When the water runs clear, the divertor valve can be closed manually, allowing the clear water to flow into the cistern for future use. The downspout system on the south side of the lighthouse is currently in use. This grant will provide funding to restore to its original historic function the piping system con nected to the north side of the building. Both the north and south down spouts were operational when the lighthouse was completed in 1871.
Fall Psychic Fair at the Seekonk American Legion
20 The Reporter September 2022 401 Bullocks Point Avenue Riverside RI 02915 401-433-5605 Open Tues-Sat • Walk-Ins Accepted Men • Women • Children HAIR • NAILS • WAXING WALK-INS WELCOME 15% OFF All Services including Lash Extensions, Microblading & Teeth Whitening expires 9-30-22 Hairstylist Wanted. Chair rental also available! FRED’SSERVICECENTER•INC. Since 1986 • SALES • PARTS • SERVICE 3730 Pawtucket Avenue Riverside RI • 401-433-3000 $5.00 OFF Generator Service Offer Expires 10-15-21 $20.00 OFF any New Generator Offer Expires 10-15-21 Generator Service Hurricane Season 2021 Be Prepared Service Your Generator Now! Seekonk American Legion News
Meat Raffles at the Seekonk American Legion Meat Raffles will be held on the following Saturdays; 10/22, 10/29, 11/5 and 11/12 starting at 2 pm. There are 3 tables of steaks,
Squantum Awards Grant To Pomham Rocks
The Squantum Association Charitable Foundation recently awarded a $2,500 grant to the Friends of Pomham Rocks Light house. It is one of the inaugural grants of the newly-formed chari table foundation. “We are grateful to the Squantum Association Charitable Foundation for their generous support that will enable us to continue our efforts to restore Pomham Rocks Lighthouse with historical accuracy,” stated Dennis Tardiff, chair of the Friends’ Board of Directors.
This is the initial year that Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse have offered tours to the public to visit the island light station in Riverside. One of the first things many visitors do upon arrival is to sit on the white Adirondack chairs facing the river. Perched high on the island, they offer a panoramic view of the bay and a cool respite from the summer’s heat. Funding from the grant will allow the Friends to provide eight additional Adirondack chairs to ac commodate guests on the tours.

• Raise $60 per person or $1,500 per team
• MS Jet Pull is a giant tug of war between you {your team) and a 757 FedEx Express Jet weighing more than 72 tons supporting the NationalMultiple Sclerosis Society. Here is our link to sign in and sign up and donate https://mssociety donordrive com/participanU202166 for 25 volunteers to win this year! them on! the Fish” Clam Boil Football Party Sunday, September 11th 1:00 pm East Providence Elks Lodge #2337 60 Berkeley Street Tickets are $25, limited number available in the Lounge or at the door Pa r o s car oon cou tesy of Dave Gran und www davegranlund com chicken, pork, seafood, TV and other prizes. 50/50 raffle. Kitchen opens at noon. The Post is located at 351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA. Call 508-336-9822 for information.
MS Jet Pull September 24, 2022 , 9 AM Rhode Isl and T.F. Green Interna tional Airport 572 Airport Road Warwick,RI Requirements
September 2022 The Reporter 21 Our family treating your family for generations Providing Orthodontic care in South Attleboro / Seekonk / Vineyard Haven (508) 761-5230 / (508) 336-3066 / (508) 693-3766 WWW.GEORGEFAMILYORTHODONTICS.COM Read Our Reviews! Complimentary Consultations Flexible & Affordable Payment Options State of the Art Technology Invisalign & Braces for Adults and Children
East Providence Elks Riders Memorial Day
With friends and family to cheer
The Seekonk Knights of Columbus will host its 2nd annual charity craft fair on Saturday, October 22, 2022, 10 am – 2 pm at 532 Arcade Ave., Seekonk, MA 02771. Last year was a sellout. This year we’ve added 15 additional lots. Outdoor lots are $25 each and measure 15 ft x 30 ft which will accommodate a vendor’s vehicle and pop-upIndoorcanopy.tablespaces are $25 each and in clude an 8 ft table with setup and breakdown assistance. PayPal remittance is available. Please contact the K of C as soon as pos sible at 508.336.7952 to reserve your space. For more information, visit us on FaceBook. Rain date is Sunday, October 23, 2022.
Join the E.P. Elks Riders to remember and honor our departed members Sunday, September 18, 2022 East Providence Elks Lodge; 60 Berkeley Street, E.Providence, RI Registration and Breakfast will be served from 9 – 10:30 AM
Saturday, October 22, 2022, 10 am – 2 pm
• Spectator fee $5.00 per person (children 12 and under free) Age Mi nimum:12
Craft Fair Vendors Wanted
help us
Afterwards a remembrance service will take place at the EP Elks Lodge followed by a cook out and party. $25.00 pp: Tickets are available at the Lodge or from any EP Elks Riders member or call 774-284-5196. Proceeds to benefit Elks Charities
Followed by a ride through the East Bay area.

If you want your voice back, if you want your city back and if you want this city managed by honest, humble and rock-solid leadership, I urge you to vote for John Rossi in the September 13th Primary and again in the General Election on November 8th.
Councilwoman Anna Sousa Endorses John Rossi for Mayor of East Providence Sousa the Councilwoman Who is Working For You! Back to School! Laugh. And Have Fun! Mourato, Anna Sousa & John Rossi
John has a deep understanding of the hardships facing our city and its people. He has developed a plan to address many of them during his first 90 days. He will put thoughtful, best practices in place to substantially decrease new challenges that will inevitably come our way.
Ward 4 Councilman Ricardo Mourato, Riverside Committed to Community, Dedicated to Progress. Paid for by friends of Anna Sousa.
I have known John to be a person of integrity. The community and his peers respected John dur ing his twenty plus years as a public servant with the East Providence PD. I believe that John’s leader ship, common sense approach to problem-solving and simply listening to the residents and taxpayers of our great city will genuinely be putting the com munity first. John has earned my respect and my endorsement.Ilookforward to working with John to improve our city. I support John Rossi (The People’s Mayor) for Mayor of East Providence.
22 The Reporter September 2022
As we consider Mayoral candidates, let’s think about what we envision the city to look like in the next 4 years, while keeping in mind the next 20+. East Providence has become an increasingly more desirable city due its central location between Boston and New York and lower real estate prices compared to major cities nearby. What does that mean? We need Leadership and Management that not only prioritizes the economic growth and stability of our city’s infrastructure but considers the overall impact of those changes on the environment as well as the resident’s quality of life in this city. The candidate for this job is John Rossi. We need someone with an eclectic view to meet the needs and wants of a diverse population, made up of new and lifelong residents, to accomplish this task. Someone with forward thinking and foresight, not myopic shortsightedness. We need a leader who will look out for the residents’ interests first and not pander to big developers. That person is John Rossi. A great city leader would motivate their teams and excite the community to do better and be better. John has those skills. In his current role, he leads teams through negotiations. He listens to all parties in the discussion to achieve the best results. He compromises when needed but always keeps in mind who he is representing. I trust candidate Rossi will work WITH the PEOPLE and for ALL the PEOPLE of East Providence, not only special interest groups. We, the residents of East Providence, deserve someone who is altruistic not egocentric, whose concerns are about the community’s needs and wants. A balance needs to be returned to the branches of government to prevent what has happened in the last three and a half years from ever happening again.
Councilman Ricardo Mourato Endorses John Rossi for Mayor of East Providence

The Chorus of East Providence will hold its Open Sing rehearsals on September 6, 13 and 20, 2022. These rehearsals are open to anyone interested in joining the Chorus. No auditions are necessary— just a love for singing and a willingness to commit to weekly rehearsals. The Chorus performs two concerts. The first concert this season is “An Ameri can Christmas” and will be on December 3 and 4, 2022. The second concert will be in May. Rehearsals are on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in the lower hall of St. Martha’s Church, 2595 Pawtucket Ave., East Providence. Chorus members are required to show proof of vaccine and masks are optional. Annual dues are $100 which covers the cost for music. We hope you will take this opportunity to see if being a member of a chorus is right for you.
Art Sale: The Leonard Iannacone Collection “Spaces And Places In Rhode Island”
The East Providence Historical Society presents two sales of the Len Iannacone collec tion, a life’s worth of drawings, oils, and prints of his beloved RI and East Providence. Len was a 1st generation Italian American, born in 1942, who grew up near Pierce Field, went to local schools and graduated from RISD. He played tennis at the Indoor Court, loved the EP Band and was loyal to his family’s roots. Some of you may remember his raccoon coats?
Len’s estate was very generous to EP groups, including the Historical Society. These sales are a collaboration by the Histori cal Society, the EP Libraries and the EP Arts Council. We will have a retrospective of Len’s family/ life photos as part of this tribute. This is your chance to own an Ianacone original of the spaces and places we call home.
Chorus of East Providence Open Sing
SALE #1 : Sunday, September 11: 1-4pm John Hunt Museum -65 Hunt’s Mill’s Rd - 02916
SALE #2 : Saturday, October 1: 12 - 4pm Weaver Library - Grove Ave - 02914
No art work will be held back. All pictures will be for sale on Sept 11. To preview the catalog: A suggested price will be on each picture at the sales. A group of Len’s East Providence work will be on display at City Hall from Sept 19 - 30.
Late in life, Len opened a gallery on Warren Avenue filling 5 rooms with his own works. In the early 1990s, Len could be found sketching at Hunt’s Mills and socializing with all of the volunteers. We have kept his sketches of Hunt House and the gristmill for our collection. We have tried to photograph the 65 works in the catalogue ( as clearly as possible but some are quite old and need to be seen in person.There are original drawings galore and prints at prices everyone can afford. You can furnish your office with local art! Len’s oils are very unique, as seen through his mind’s eye, and his oil of the Oyster House at Watchemoket was shown at the Providence Art Club. Some framing is highly ornate and decorative, done by Len himself in most cases.
September 2022 The Reporter 23 Events & Activities 401.270.2247 Get smart about your coverage! Matt Gilson Your Local Farmers Agent 1725 MENDON RD UNIT 206 CUMBERLAND, RI MGILSON@FARMERSAGENT.COM02864 Weaver Libr ar Fy armers Market 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 SNAP . WIC . CASH . CREDIT Thursdays, June 30th September 15th 4 7pm Fresh Food, Live Music, Family Entertainment MEAT AND LOBSTER RAFFLE

24 The Reporter September 2022 Save A Pet Society, Inc. to benefit the Online Auction!! Save A Pet Societ y, Inc. P.O.Box 474 Seekonk, MA 02771 3 5 th Annu a l Ch a r i ty Au cti o n Major Credit Cards Accepted October 1Seekonk Animal Shelter For updates and details... Visit us at: Or on Facebook at: 'Seekonk Save A Pet' or 'Friends of the Seekonk Animal Shelter’ October 28, 2022 Browse and bid on a variety of items, including gift certificates for restaurants & entertainment, collectibles, sports memorabilia, gourmet foods, golf outings, pet related items, jewelry, and so much more! Gold Sponsor: Silver Sponsors: Are you interested in what candidates have to say about the protection of green space in East Providence? Check us out on Facebook and see for yourself. KEEP METACOMET GREEN KMG keepmetacometgreen To sign up for KMG’s e-digest,,Director Keep Metacomet Green is a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation concerned with quality of life issues in EP including the protection of open space as an essential element of a community.
Brightridge Club of East Providence will hold its 1st Annual Fall Fair and Classic Car Show on October 8th at the Bright ridge Club, 57 Brightridge Avenue, East Providence from 2pm to 7pm. This is a free event open to the public. We will have 60 + awesome vendors from local businesses In the community, along with food vendors and children activities. Also, a classic car show with some nice rides.
1st Annual Fall Fair & Classic Car Show
A $10.00 disposal fee applies to each large wooden-boxed speaker ($5 for small), laser-jet printer, air conditioner, dehumidifier, and other coolant containing devices. WE DO NOT ACCEPT any type of light bulb, disposable/single-use batteries, smoke or carbon monoxide detectors, thermometers, thermostats, glass blender bowls, furniture, electric organs, heating pads/blankets, blood pressure cuffs, cushioned chairs, mattresses, plastic bags, cardboard, rigid plastic bins, tapes/disks, glass, broken TV tubes, Styrofoam, VCR tapes, floppy disks, chemicals, propane canisters, wood, paper, aerosol cans,Styrofoam, wood, fire arms, or hazardous waste such as paint or chemicals. These materials will be sorted out on site and returned to our customer for proper disposal elsewhere. For more information about what can be recycled, visit or email To learn more about Liberty Tax, visit
East Providence Liberty Tax Biannual RecyclingElectronicsEvent
East Providence Liberty Tax is hosting its 15th Biannual Electronics Recycling Event with Indie Cycle, LLC, on Saturday, October 1, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. “We love holding our Electronics Recycling Events with Indie Cycle, they provide a very impor tant service to the entire State of Rhode Island.” said Paul Pliakas, owner of the East Providence Liberty Tax office. “2022 has been one of the hot test years on record. Recycling used electronics is an important way to help protect the environ ment. We are taking COVID-19 precautions and the event will be drive-up only. We encourage our neighbors to stay in their vehicles, and safely, sociallyIndiedistance.”Cycleaccepts many types of unwanted electronics for recycling FREE of charge. Those items include computers, laptops, monitors, televisions, routers, PDA’s, mice, keyboards, inkjet printers, plastic speakers, toner cartridges, CD/DVD players, radios, network equipment, wires, stereos, telephones, microwaves, small appliances, auto/marine batteries, and battery back-ups (but none with alkaline).
Brightridge Club

Dave Marchetti’s Animal Experiences - Sept 17 at 2:00. All Ages. Learn about lizards, turtles, frogs, snakes, and some furry animals too! You’ll have a chance to hold the animals at the end of the** of rain, this program will move inside and be limited to 70 attendees. Tickets will be handed out on a first come basis beginning 1 hour before program start time.
September Children's Activities Storytimes Evening Family Storytime at Weaver Mon, Sept 12,19, 26 at 6:30. Special guest Beauty the Bookish Princess on Sept 26! Geared for ages 2-6.
The focus of the concert program will be on pieces from his catalogue of recordings beginning with ‘Sound & Spirit’ (2000) through the latest live release ‘Say What?’ (2020). The program also encourages questions from the audience and will include some of the history and evolution of original fingerstyle guitar playing. This event is free and open to the public. Limited seating avail able, first come, first served, and we will cap this event at 70 seats.
Friday & Saturday 9-5 WEAVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 41
Solo Concert with Peter Biedermann
• Sept 14 at 10:00 - Music for Children with Lindsay Meehan. Ages 2-6. • Sept 21 at 10:00 - Storytime Yoga with Create Power Yoga. Bring your own mat. 18 months-5.
Monday, September 19th at 6:00pm
Saturday Family Program on the lawn at Weaver**
**In case of rain, Wednesday morning outdoor programs will move inside and be limited to 70 attendees. Tickets will be handed out on a first come basis beginning 1 hour before program start time.
Outdoor Toddler/ Preschool Story & Play at Weaver Tues, Sept 13, 20, 27 at 10:00. Baby/Toddler Storytime at Rose Larisa Park Thurs, Sept 15, 22, 29 at 10:30. Outdoor storytimes are weather permitting.
Monday - Thursday 9-8; Grove Avenue, 401-434-2453 Point Ave, 401-433-4877 260 Ave. 401-228-3903
Weaver Library - 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914
Peter Biedermann is a solo fingerstyle instrumental guitarist based in Green Valley, AZ that has performed in several different contexts since the mid 70’s. While his music doesn’t settle into any particular genre, it is a hybrid, contemporary style that melds elements of American, European and other world influences into a jambalaya of sound enhanced by subtle electronics and live looping on various guitars in unique tunings. PB began focusing on performing original music starting in the mid 80’s.
• Sept 28 at 10:00 - Through Me To You Puppetry. Ages 0-5.
American Eagle Enterprises,LLC 508-622-5110 Light RemodelingPaintingCarpentry&more Free Estimates Handyman Service continued on next page... Estate Items: Fine GOLD Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Oriental Porcelain, Old Military Weapons, Old Oil Paintings, Oriental Rugs, Silver Mexican Jewelry, Great Estate Items, 19th Century American Furniture Americana Auction Ed Tessier, Jr., Auctioneer For more info on the web: For info or consignment call 508-771-1722 ANTIQUE AUCTION Sunday, October 2nd at 11am Preview Fri & Sat 10am-4pm LIVE Antique Auction ~ LIVE Bidding Online Bidding Available 380 Winthrop Street, Rte. 44 • Rehoboth, MA
Wednesday Morning Performers on the lawn at Weaver**

• Coffee & Connections with East Providence Prevention Coali tion - Monday, September 12th 10:00am-11:00am
• Sept 27 at 3:45 - Ivy and Bean Book Party. Make crafts and play games based on the popular series. Grades 1-5 Take & Make Craft: Pickup at Weaver & Riverside Libraries beginning Tues, Sept 6. While supplies last. International Dot Day at Riverside Wed, Sept 14 at 4:00. Ages 4+. We’ll read The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds, make dot art, and enjoy a snack. StoryWalk® Kickoff Dinosaur Party on the Weaver Lawn. Tues, Sept 20 at 3:45pm We’ll read the book We Don’t Eat Our Classmates by Ryan T. Higgins, have dinosaur snacks, music, and a special visit from a T. Rex! StoryWalk® open every day in Sept. All ages.
• **In case of rain, this program will move inside and be limited to 70 attendees. Tickets will be handed out on a first come basis beginning 1 hour before program start time.
Adults/Young Adults
• Sept 13 at 3:45 - Audubon Raptor Encounter** Live hawks and owls. Ages 4+
• How to Tie a Necktie - Wednesday, September 14th 11:00am12:00pm
Children’s Book Clubs at Weaver Library Kids’ Graphic Novel Book Club. Thurs, Sept 22 at 5:30. Dis cuss, draw and share your favorite graphic novels. Grade 4-6. This month: Drama by Raina Telgemeier. The Page Turners Book Club. Thurs, Sept 29 at 5:30. Discuss the book, share a snack, and do an activity. Grades 2-4. This month: Yours Sincerely, Giraffe by Megumi Iwasi. For more information, please go to our Calendar of Events at or scan this QR code: September Events at the Fuller Creative Learning Center
• Chinese Cooking Demos - Tuesdays, September 20th and 27th 6:00-7:00pm (registration required)
• Themed Learning for Preschoolers - Mondays in September (excluding September 5th) 10:30-11:15am
• Adult Sewing Circle - Wednesday, September 7th 1:00-2:30pm (registration required)
Tuesday Afternoons at Weaver Library
• Adult Sewing Series - Halloween Quilt - Tuesdays (excluding September 13th) 6:00-7:30pm (registration required)
The Fuller Creative Learning Center continues its schedule of programs and workshops. The schedule for September includes:
• Sept 20 at 3:45 - StoryWalk® Kickoff Dinosaur Party. See below for details. All ages.
• Acrylic Painting - Monday, September 12th 3:00-4:00pm
26 The Reporter September 2022 www. .com LICENSEDARBORIST INSUREDFULLY Stump Grinding ~ Large Tree Removal Ornamental Pruning Seasoned Firewood ~ Cord Wood Large Crane for Difficult Removals! No Damage to Lawn! Jim Marcello Seekonk, MA (508) 336-4869 ~ (401) 723-6128 Landscape Design Plantings, Mulch Bed, Loam & Seed CJS / APPLIANCEStatewideREPAIR401-434-1460ey $5Diagnostic$84.95VisitOFF($79.95-mentionad)MostAppliances,Feewavedwithrepair The Law Offices of Tanya M. Gravel, Esq. Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, & Restraining Orders Criminal MisdemeanorsDefense:andFelonies Call NOW for your free consultation! MA Bar & RI Bar P: 401-680-6259 • 127 Dorrance St., Third Floor, Providence RI 02903

• Drop-in
www.529-8680TKREBcom •
Join us
James Travassos Brokerage KUSIAK Broker/Owner since (401) 3D Printer Demo - Wednesday, Sep tember 21st 11:00am-12:00pm (regis tration required) Studio Demo - Wednesday, September 28th 11:00am-12:00pm Tech (WiFi, Computers, Sew ing Machines, Recording Studio) by on these events can be found on the East Providence Library website or our Facebook page. You may also contact the Fuller Creative Center at for more information or to register. an extension of the East Providence Public Library, the Fuller Creative Learn ing Center focuses on hands-on learning programs and workshops for all ages. at the Center located on 260 Dover Av enue, Providence, RI of
September 2022 The Reporter 27 EastColumbusProvidenceClub BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT: Anniversary Parties • Birthdays • Collations Graduation Parties • Showers • Holiday Parties To book your next function, please contact Dan Grant @ 401-434-9744 Enjoy our 32 seat climate controlled lounge with multiple HD tv’s showing all of your favorite sporting events... Lounge opens at 3pm Monday-Saturday 3200 Pawtucket Ave. East Providence, RI 02915 401-434-9744 PUBLICTOOPENTHE Plenty of parking in the rear parking lot! • Infant/Toddler Play and Development Group - Fridays in Sep tember 9:30-11:00am (registration required) • Virtual Tech Series: 3:30-4:30pm (registration required) Wednesday, September 14th - How to be a YouTuber Wednesday, September 21st - The Past and Potential Future of VRWednesday, September 28th - A Career in Video Games • Silk Screen Art with Kathleen Marshall - Mondays, September 19th and 26th 3:30-4:30pm (registration required) All Ages • Community Garden: Fall Gardening - Wednesday, September 7th 11:00-12:00pm (registration required) • Customizing Clothes - Tuesday, September 6th 6:00-7:30pm (registration required)
for one
these beneficial experiences!
Real Estate
• Recording

28 The Reporter September 2022

September 2022 The Reporter 29

30 The Reporter September 2022 Back to School We carry size Newborn - kids 16 & Maternity XS - Plus Welcome Back Message from School Superintendent Forand
NCUA EQUAL HOUSINGNos Falamos Portuguese Mon - Thurs 9-4:30 Fri 9-6, Sat 9-12 1169 South Broadway, East Providence, RI 438-7788 438-7789 Community & teaChers Federal Credit union Member East Providence Chamber of Commerce Federally Chartered & Federally Insured WE KNOW ALL ABOUT LOYALTY! We have the most loyal members on the planet and we thank and appreciate every one of them. City workers, School veryCommunityemployees,DepartmentPoliceandFiremenandneighborsinourbuiltoursuccessfulCreditUnionfamilyforover60years.
Photo by David Andrade of W. Parmentier Media.
New East Providence School Superintendent Dr. Sandra Forand sent out a welcome back email to families of public school students. Forand was appointed to replace Kathryn Crowley. back to the 2022-2023 school year! It is my honor and pleasure to serve as your superintendent of schools beginning this year. As a life-long resident of the city and an educator in the district for the last twenty-two years, I have had the pleasure of establishing many relationships with families throughout the city. look forward Providence High School.

September 2022 The Reporter 31 continued on next page... BULLOCKS LAUNDROMATPT. 257 Bullocks Point Ave. Riverside Parking located behind building 401-433-2708 SELF-SERVICE COIN LAUNDRY *OPEN 7 DAYS 5 AM - 10 PM* DO IT YOURSELF AND SAVE! to expanding upon those relationships in my current role. For this coming school year the district focus will be on the following areas: 1. Strengthening the instructional core 2. Improving attendance 3. Expanding our focus on the social-emotional well-being of students 4. Aligning district and school-wide priorities for continuous improvement We encourage you to get involved in your child’s education whether it’s serving on the strategic planning committee, volunteering in your child’s school, attending events or asking them about their day. Family involvement matters! I wish you and your children a safe, healthy and happy school year.”
Hennessey’s Back to School Fun #HennesseyRising
Hennessey Elementary is excited to begin a new year of teaching and learning with our heroes! We continue to work with students and families to best meet the needs of all of our students and school community. Our first school event, our annual Ice Cream Social, was a huge success in August as staff, students and families were able to reconnect over some ice cream treats. We want to shout out to all our community partners for coming to this event to support our Hennessey families! We look forward to meeting all of our families at the Open House on September 20. #communitypartners We would like to thank Bridgepointe Christian Church for their continued support for all East Providence elementary students at their Back to School Drive that was held in August. #thankyou We will be kicking off our core values teaching in the month of September with a focus on kindness and school-wide attendance. We know Hennessey Heroes are Attendance Heroes (HERE, EV ERYDAY, READY TO LEARN, ON TIME). We will be participating in Start with Hello during the week of the 19th-23rd. Students and staff will be participating in activities that focus on bringing us together and including each other. #StartWithHello #HennHeroPride

PTA Members, K teacher, Mrs. Orsini and 1st graders catching up at the ice cream social.
32 The Reporter September 2022 NEWS Deadline: is the 25th of each month Send News news@eastprovreporter.comTo Paying Cash For Gold, Silver, and Sterling u.s. and Foreign coins old comics and sporting cards old watches and collectibles diamonds and jewlery phone # 508 336-9103 113 taunton avenue seekonk, mass samewexler'slocationfor40years Hennessey students and staff will continue to work hard each day, showing the importance of our core values of being SAFE, RESPECTFUL and PROUD and we look forward to a productive, successful year of teaching and learning! #Hen nesseyCoreValues
Congratulations to the following stu dents who were named to the 2021-2022 third trimester honor roll at Providence Country Day School. East Providence: • Marguerite Cuzzone, class of 2024, High Honors • Yutong Li, class of 2023, High Honors • Anna Shamgochian, class of 2024, High Honors
Fuller, a member of the class of 2023, received the University of Rhode Island Alumni Association Book Award - Awarded to the Junior in our school whose outstand ing personal attributes and service to school and community make this person worthy of honorable recognition; Alex Poulos Memo rial Athletic Award.
All smiles from these 3rdProvidencegraders.
East Providence, RI: Jason DeMacedo, University of Saint Joseph, Athletic Director’s Sequoia Award Local Residents Named to Third Trimester Honor Roll at Providence Country Day School
Country Day School is an independent college preparatory school serving students in grades Pre-K through Grade 12 on two campuses. Our 30+ acre campus in East Providence is home to grades 5-12, while Henry Barnard Lower School in Providence, RI serves our younger learners in PreK-Grade 5. The school focuses on academic achievement, encourages exploration and creative problem-solving, and promotes the values of character and good citizenship.
ResidentProvidenceReceived an Award from Providence Country Day School
Local Resident Graduates from Providence Country Day School
Congratulations to Blake Fuller from East Providence, who received awards from Providence Country Day School this spring. Awards were given in recognition of academic and artistic excellence, athleti cism, community service, and leadership.
Congratulations to the following student(s) who graduated from Providence Country Day School on June 8, 2022. Families and faculty gathered on campus to honor the graduates, who were recognized for their academic, artistic and athletic achievements, their leader ship skills, their service to the community, and their enduring spirit in the face of adversity.
Lots of support at the Ice Cream Social from the Hennessey Staff.

EPLAC can support you to become an advocate for your child’s special education. Come, meet the committee, other parents, and EP school personnel. Through meetings and workshops, EPLAC focuses on current issues regarding special education and your child. The committee is always seeking new members. We look for ward to meeting you! The public is welcome to attend all EPLAC meetings! What is EPLAC?
September 2022 The Reporter 33 How Good is St. Luke’s School? So Good That We Attract Students from Over 15 Communities 10 Waldron Ave., Barrington, RI 02806 • Traditional Catholic Values Combined with Rigorous Academics Call for a Tour Today 401-246-0990 Preschool to Grade 8 Thinking of selling? Call Today for a Free Market Analysis! 1 Sweetbriar Ave, Riverside247 Woodward Ave, E.Providence 55 Coleman St, Seekonk 13 Laura St, E. Providence 401-486-6937 • Robin Lozito Quality Service & Results!
The East Providence Local Advisory Committee For Special Education (EPLAC) welcomes all back to join in the first meetings of the school year beginning on Wednesday September 7th and September 28th at 6:00 pm at the Martin Middle School Library. 111 Brown St. East Providence. Do you have a student receiving special services in school this year?
• March
• April
Providence Local Advisory Committee for Special Education (EPLAC) Meeting info and Calendar Hello
• November
East Families, It’s that time of year again!
Licensed RI
2022 • No
• January
– Winter
The East Providence Local Advisory Committee For Special Education (EPLAC) is a committee comprised of parents of children with disabilities along with administrators, teachers and others with a concern for our children. We meet throughout the school year to share information and concerns of educational issues. Our com mittee’s goals are: -To enable parents of special education children to be effective in their advocacy efforts -To jointly advocate for all children with special needs -To aid the East Providence School Department in its efforts to provide quality education for all students -To provide each other with a strong network of support Come share your voice, and bring your experiences and questions! For more information, eplac@epschoolsri.comcontact: East Providence Local Advisory Committee For Special Education 2022-2023 YEAR meetings are held on the last Wednesday of every month at 6pm in the Martin Middle School Library September 7, 2022 September 28.2022 October 26, 2022 30, December Meeting Break 25, 2023 15 2023 29,2023 26 2023 May 24, 2023 For more information or updates, please visit our website at
• February

By Bob Rodericks owned and operated
• 09/02/2022: Injury Fund at 4:45 pm
• EPHS at Cumberland High School 4:45 pm 09/09/2022: Pilgrim High at East Providence High School 6 pm 09/15/2022: St. Raphael at East Providence High School 6 pm 09/24/2022: Cumberland at East Providence High School 10:30 am 09/30/2022: East Providence High at Cranston West High 7 pm 10/07/2022: East Providence at Mt. Pleasant High School At Conley Stadium 6 pm 10/14/2022: East Providence at East Greenwich High 6 pm 10/21/2022: Burrillville at East Providence High 6 pm 10/28/2022: East Providence at Hendricken 7 pm 11/24/2022 Thanksgiving Day Game: LaSalle at EPHS at Pierce Stadium 10 am
EPHS Fall Sports Schedules See
Larry McNulty Realtor® Cell: 401-742-9222 Office: 401-437-2030 Fax: 401-437-2034 Tirrelllarrymcnulty@gmail.comRealty 431 Willett Ave Riverside, RI 02915 Each office is independently
East Providence continues to see changes as they will play its second season in their own brand-new stadium behind the new high school. The interscholastic league has also realigned football divisions. Among a growing chorus of schools who believe that the schools who can take players from anywhere in the region have an unfair advantage over schools limited to students within their geographical borders, schools have been shuffled a bit. The new setup still allows the non-public schools to play in the inter scholastic league. The state’s top Division will now include Hendricken, LaSalle, Central and North Kingstown. Division 2 will include Barrington, Burrillville, Cranston East, Cranston West, Cumberland, East Greenwich, East Providence, Mt. Pleasant, Portsmouth, Shea, South Kingstown, St. Raphael Academy, Westerly and Woonsocket. Division II will be divided into 2A and 2B. The new D-2 group in cludes many schools formerly from D-1 play.
The Reporter September 2022 NEWS Deadline: 25th of each month Send to: SPORTS REVIEW
East Providence High School football is guided by third year head coach, Jon Stringfellow as they enter the 2022 interscholastic season in a new alignment. Although in his third year of leading the Townies squad, Stringfellow is a veteran of East Providence and high school football, having played and coached at many levels. East Providence has been rebuilding its program, hoping to get back to being one of the premier footballs in the state. At one point, East Providence had the most football state championships but has not won a title since 2006 when the Townies beat Hendricken 35-13 at Pierce Stadium. Before that, the Townies beat LaSalle for the title in back-to-back wins 35-21 and 19-6 in 2002-03 respectively. With the emergence of Hendricken and LaSalle trading places at the top in recent years, East Providence now holds 15 state championships while Hendricken has 17 and LaSalle has 16. Hendricken has won every year since 2010 except in 2017 when LaSalle beat them. The Townies title years were 1943, 1949, 1950, 1953, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1979, 1980, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2003 and 2006.
The Townie footballers had a busy summer with passing leagues, scrimmages and weekly weightlifting and conditioning workouts. Coach Stringfellow and his staff are not in love with the current state lineup but are hopeful they can work their way back to statewide prominence. The 2022-23 football schedule is:
Townie Football in New Alignment

September 2022 The Reporter 35 775 FALL RIVER AVENUE, SEEKONK, MA SUPREME 30, BIRCH LOGS, REFLECTIVE PANEL, IRON AGE GRAPHITE FRONT 508-336-2600 TUES - THURS 10-6 pm; FRI - SAT 9-5 pm; Monday by appt SAVE UP TO $300 on
The members of the East Providence High School basketball team have taken advantage of their brand-new weight room and athletic facilities that the new high school offers. The team has completed a couple of successful playoff seasons and is looking forward to the coming school year. “As summer is ending here the boys basketball team has fully utilized this weight room this summer. We consistently had 10 to 15 guys each morning and went three times a week. Some players without a ride, walked to school from Riverside. The group seems very motivated,” said Townie head coach Joe Andrade. “These are the things that many people don’t see or even understand. The kids worked hard all summer and will look to continue that when the school year starts in weight room. High school basketball is more than basketball we also gain life skills,” added Andrade. The coach explains how he teaches kids to be an advocate for themselves. “I tell them that even at my age, I need to advocate for myself. Nothing is handed to me as I work for everything and they need to advocate for themselves inside and outside the classroom,” advised the popularAcknowledgingcoach. that coaches aren’t paid during the summer, Andrade said he still comes in for three days a week condition ing. “I do as much as possible for these kids. We were in a Massachusetts premier tournament and a great summer league in Johnston. We have to keep it going,” said Andrade. The Massachusetts premier tour nament was in late June and the Townies went 2-1. “We played very good teams from out of state in that Massachusetts tourney. In the Johnston summer tournament, we made it to the final four and lost out to Cen tral High. We lost a good overtime game to LaSalle and we defeated Hendricken in the last game of the summer season.” “Individually, Junior Xavier Hazard has become stronger, more confident and you can argue he is one of the best shooters in the state. Senior, Max Collins, had an amazing summer. He is learning to control emotions and be a leader. Senior Will Win field has worked himself into amazing shape and will be a problem for other teams and Try Rezendes had a good summer also,” recapped the coach. Andrade also pointed out that several younger kids including freshmen and sophomores were involved and looked promising. Townie basketball is looking like fun, both boys and girls. The girls’ team will be profiled in an upcoming issue.
Basketball has Busy Summer
Girls Cross Country Check with EPHS Athletics for schedule update school teams will be profiled in coming issues and online)
sale ends 10/10/22
The Herd at EPHS. A group of students dedicated to Townie Pride and student involvement at school events. Ready for the 2022-23 school year.

In other RLL action, Sean Black pitched a complete game with no walks and 6 strikeouts. He let up 0 earned runs and had Rumford in a 0-0 game in the last in ning! With great defense all the way up to the last inning, Rumford fell 2-0. However, they advanced to the playoff portion of the tournament, TBA.
Dr. Alexandra Reilly
Rumford Little League Play Continues
36 The Reporter September 2022 Creating Healthy Smiles for the Whole Family! 91 Main Street, Ste 121 Warren, RI (American Tourister Building) 401.289.0071
Rumford little league (RLL) continues with post little league tournament play. The RLL 10U team represented well in the annual Joe Charette memorial 10U tournament. With a hard fought 3-0 win which featured great pitching & stellar defense, the team moved on to semifinal action. The team lost out to eventual champions Warwick Continental. The 12U team started pool play in the Joe Charette tourney with a 1-0 win vs. Silverlake. The team was carried by the outstanding 1 hit 18 strikeout performance of Jamison Sydney. However in follow up 12U action, the team fell 3-0 to Narragansett. The team will move on to playoff action TBD at press time.
Rumford Little League action in August. RLL photo.

promotion Reduce
Tickets available for 36th HOF Induction Ceremony Attendees get tour of new EPHS
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People In The News
The last East Providence High School Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony was in October of 2018, due to the Covid Pandemic. The EPHS Hall of Fame Committee will induct six new members on October 16, 2022. “It has been a while, but our committee is back on track reviewing EPHS Hall of Fame candidates,” said committee chairman Gregory Dias ‘75. The 2022 ceremony will break slightly from past practice and the induction ceremony will be held at the new East Providence High School in the James T. Kanelos Dining Hall (cafeteria) on October 16, 2022. Previously the ceremonies were held at a restaurant.
Ron Rossi was legendary. His strong voice could be heard throughout classrooms, the junior high school, the high school and the community of East Providence. As a teacher, colleague, coach, scout leader, neighbor and friend, Ron was a rare phe nomenon. He embodies what a TOWNIE was all about. He was a man larger than life, a man devoted to family, his work, his friends, and his hometown of East Providence. Ron remained integrally related to the Boys Scouts of America and the Special Olympics to which he dedicated both his professional and personal life until his untimely death.
Mark Hayward graduated from East Providence High School in 1973. He was a member of the student council and home room representative, French Club and the Young Republican Club. After leaving East Providence High School and prior to graduation from Providence College in 1977, Mark ran and was elected to the East Providence City Council and was then elected by his fellow council members as Mayor
Ronald (Ron) Rossi graduated from East Providence High School in 1968. During his high school years, Ron was a member of the French Club, Control Room crew and the high school swim team. He was also a Boy Scout in Troop 5 in East Providence and attained the rank of Eagle Scout. As an adult, he was very involved with Troop 2 in North Scituate, where he lived for many years. Among his scouting activities, he taught badges, water activities and camping skills.
The EPHS Hall of Fame was established by former Superinten dent of Schools, Myron J. Francis, Class of 1947, in conjunction with the high school Centennial year in 1984. The Hall of Fame was intended to bring a sense of pride to the community. The inaugural HOF year consisted of twelve Townie graduates. The HOF committee continuously seeks nominations from the general public to expand a focus on the many meritorious EPHS gradu ates. Anyone can nominate a Townie graduate by contacting a committee member or writing to: EPHS Hall of Fame Committee, PO Box 16571, Rumford, RI 02916.
Ron Rossi has been posthumously nominated by Don Lurgio and Dick Wood for membership into the East Providence High School Hall of Fame.
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Following his graduation from college, he joined the faculty at Riverside Junior High School as a science teacher and continued with scouting, serving as a troop leader, and as the aquatics coach for the EP High School Special Olympics team for 20 years. Ron’s commitment and dedication to the Special Olympics was also evi denced by his service as the Special Olympics Sports Director for over 10 years and by being chosen by the Rhode Island Special Olympics to coach the International Special Olympics team.
Ronald Rossi
Ronald Rossi Class of 1968
Mark Hayward Class of 1973
Growth of Lichen, Moss, and Black Mold
The 36th Class of EPHS Hall of Fame Inductees
Mark Hayward
EPHS Hall of Fame to Induct 6 in October

38 The Reporter September 2022 of the City from December 1976 to January of 1982. Mark’s drive to continue in public service led him to become the Director of Local Government Relations, Office of International Affairs, US EPA, District Director of the US Bureau of the Census, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, US Small Business Affairs, SBA Acting Chief Council for Advocacy Office of Advocacy US SBA, Deputy Director/Assistance Director for Economic Development, SBA and since 1999 District Director of the Rhode Island District Office, US Small Business Association. In this capacity, Mark has been instrumental in handling a broad range of statewide business re lationships designed to foster the growth and success of existing and start up business ventures within the State of Rhode Island.
Jennifer Griffith Class of 1995
Dr. Heather I. H. Dos Santos gradu ated from East Providence High School in 1994. During her high school years, Heather was voted “Most Likely to Suc ceed”, a member of the National and Rhode Island Honor Societies, president of the Multicultural Student Club, mem ber of the Portuguese Club, Yearbook Editor and a member of the track and field teams. Her community involvement included volunteering for Citizens Schol arship of East Providence and Haven Healthcare of East Providence. Heather proudly continues to reside in East Providence while serving the urban school district of Central Falls for more than a decade. She is a published author and researcher advocating and promoting social justice, equality and education for all people.
Jennifer Griffith John Mark Andrade team MVP in 2000-2001. John Mark graduated from Syracuse with a degree in Consumer Studies in 2002 and moved to Portugal, after graduation, where he played professionally.
John Mark is an East Providence resident with his wife and sons and continues to invest his time, effort and resources into the East Providence community as President and owner of Bayside FC, and with building soccer fields within his home city. He was nominated by East Providence Hall of Fame member Dave Shadrick and his son Dave Shadrick, Jr.
Heather earned a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) from Johnson & Wales in 2017 and her Doctorate in Edu cational Leadership from Johnson & Wales in 2018. Dr. Heather I. H. Dos Santos was nominated for membership into the East Providence High School Hall of Fame by Onna Moniz John. family court matters. She was appointed as the State’s Child Ad vocate in March 2016 and received unanimous advice and consent of the RI Senate in 2016. As Child Advocate, Jen is the director of the state agency which serves as oversight to the DCYF. Under her leadership, the office has doubled its staff and budget. Over the last five years, the office has conducted several highprofile investigations and reports resulting in the closure of several group homes due to criminal activity, and enactment of several sig nificant changes to DCYF practice to increase the safety of children in state care. Jen is a member of the Rhode Island Women’s Bar Association, the Executive Board of the Rhode Island Family Inns of Court, the Rhode Island Family Court Bench Bar Committee, the Rhode Island Children’s Cabinet, the Rhode Island Child Care Commission, the Rhode Island Child Support Advisory Committee, and the Rhode Island Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee. Also, she was appointed to the East Providence Waterfront Commission in 2019.Forher achievements and accomplishment, she was nominated to the East Providence Hall of Fame by Judge Lia. N. Stuhlsatz.
Heather began her career in education at Providence College, graduating in 1998 with a degree in Elementary and Special Educa tion. Her first year of teaching began in North Carolina where she was awarded the Sallie Mae First Class Teacher of the Year Award in 1999. She then spent 8 years teaching in Connecticut, initially as a special educator and finally, as a Dean of Students in Hartford and New Britain. While in Connecticut, she earned a Master of Arts Degree in Special Education. Heather, has since, spent more than a decade in the Central Falls School District as: educator, Dean of Students, and Assistant Director of Special Education. Currently, she serves as the Director of Alternative Multiple Pathways Programs for Secondary Schools in Central Falls. Heather has created unique educational pathways for diverse student populations who are at risk to both fail and dropout. She serves as a liaison to the Rhode Island Training School for incarcerated youth from Central Falls and is the presiding admin istrator for truancy court proceedings at Central Falls High School.
John Mark returned to the United States and served as head soccer coach at Dean College before coming to Providence College where he is in his 11th season coaching, first serving 4 seasons as an assistant coach and then promoted to associate head coach in 2012. John Mark has helped the Friars reach the NCAA Tournament in six of his previous 10 seasons with the Friars.
Mark’s experience and expertise was needed more than ever in the recent times during the Covid crisis to help preserve and foster a continuation of small business. These efforts have included PPP loans in Rhode Island, Restaurant Revitalization Grants, Shuttered Venue Operations Grants and Economic Injury Disaster loans. For his many achievements and accomplishments in service to his fellow Rhode Islanders, Mark was nominated by East.Provi dence High School Hall of Fame member Howard Levine.
John Mark Andrade Class of 1998 John Mark Andrade graduated in 1998 from East Providence High School. As Soccer Team Captain and MVP in both junior and senior years, he was also a two year All-State Soc cer player, a 1997 NSCA All American, an UMBRO and Gatorade State Player of the Year. He was an honor roll stu dent, a member of the student council, and the Portuguese Club. John Mark went on to Syracuse University as a four-year starter on the soccer team where he earned All Big East honors in 2000 and 2001 and all Northeast Region honors. He was team captain at Syracuse in 2001 and was named Dr. Heather I. Dos Santos
Jen was a staff attorney at Rhode Island Legal Services for ten years, representing low-income clients in all
Jennifer Griffith is a 1995 graduate of East Providence High School. In high school, she was the Senior Class President, and captain of the girls’ ten nis team. Jen received her bachelors’ degree from the College of Holy Cross and her Juris Doctorate from Roger Williams Law School. She is licensed to practice law in Rhode Island, Massa chusetts, and the United States Federal District Court of Rhode Island.
Dr. Heather I. Dos Santos Class of 1994

Carl’s work and passion has garnered numerous awards and recognition, including the Paul Harris Fellow award for outstand ing service and achievement in helping the Rotary Club serve the youth, parents and community, the Recognition Program Award from the East Providence School Department and a Citation from the East Providence City Council for his work in the East Providence community. Carl can now add his induction in the East Providence High School Hall of Fame to his list of rec ognitions for his amazing accomplishments. Carl was nominated by Dr. Sandra Forand as an honorary member of the East Provi dence High School Hall of Fame.
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Date: October 16, 2022 Place: East Providence High School, 2000 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence
Carl and Hailee formed a plan to collect each month one canned good or $1.00 from anyone who would donate, then de livered donated canned goods and other non perishables items right to the door of those in need. The dynamic duo was able to convince others to join in their admirable efforts, as well as entice local businesses to donate prepared foods to those in need. When Carl retired, he was able to devote more time to Hope & Faith. Carl and his entire family have added other non- profits such as A. J’s Hero’s to donate new and gently used clothing, the Kindness Project which was developed to pay tribute to the “pay it forward” movement and the Carl IV Helping Hands Project.
Carl Sweeney took a circuitous route in completing his time at the East Providence High School. He may not have walked across the stage with his classmates, but he certainly learned his passion for teamwork and community service while at East Provi dence High School. Carl completed his High School journey in 2001. Carl worked for the East Provi dence School Maintenance Depart ment for over 38 years before retiring in 2016. His passion to help others led Carl and his granddaughter Hailee As cenio to create and run the Hope and Faith Drive to address a need he saw Ronald R. Warr, Jr.Rebecca N. Warr 47 Bullocks Point Avenue, East Providence, RI 02915 (401) www.Warr-Warr.com437-2600
Tour of the new high school (after ceremony) Price: $30 per Ticket
Deadline for purchasing tickets: September 30, 2022 For tickets: Send request to Hall of Fame Committee, PO Box 16571, Rumford, RI 02916. Also, all former HOF inductees will be able to pick up their “old” picture plaques since new ones were installed in the new school. For further information, contact Millie Morris at 434-4654 or email Bob Rodericks bobrodericks@gmail. com.
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September 2022 The Reporter 39 Carl Sweeney (Honorary) in the East Providence community. The organization was inspired by the realization that some of our neighbors go without a meal some days due to life circumstances and events.
Time: 12:00 noon Social Hour Luncheon: 1:00 pm Induction: 2:30 pm
Johnston: RR 3 beds/2baths, on dead-end. Open living w/ granite and SS kit. HWs, slider to deck. Full bath, master, and 2 add’l beds in main living area. Fin LL w/lg space, full bath, walk-out to backyard. 2 car garage connected to a/c and has heat. Nearly 2/3 acre lot w/sprinkler, shed. $399,000 Stephen Perrino. 401-206-8907
Providence: 3 Family investment, vinyl siding, repl windows, newer basement windows, no central heat, updated electric 100 amp circuit breakers, no FHA, cash sale only! Buyers responsible for hard wired smoke & carbon detectors. 2 Separate entrances and exits. Ray$324,900Paiva 401-447-2275
Carl Sweeney
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Ticket & Ceremony
Public Invited to Ceremony & Luncheon The community is invited to attend the ceremony to help honor these Townies. In addition to the induction, guests will be served a luncheon and a tour of the new EPHS will take place for those interested. The moderate ticket price covers the cost of plaques, programs, certificates and the luncheon.
• Real Estate • Estate Planning • Personal Injury • Corporate Law Discount for Police, Veterans, Firefighters, Teachers & Nurses Licensed in RI, MA & CT Welcome back to school! Have a great year.
Warwick: Remodeled two-bed raised ranch. New cabinets, granite and SS appl in kit. Fin LL w/ entertainment, storage, laundry. Walk-out to fenced yard. Deck w/ view of the bay in winter. Minutes from Oakland and Buttonwood Beaches and more. $315, 000 Stephen Perrino. 401-206-8907
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40 The Reporter September 2022 20 New Firefighters Join EPFD (Out of 300 Applicants)
SOLUTIONS FREEDOMwww.lincolnpestcontrol.com401-349-5600FROMWHATBUGSYOU! NEW NAME, NEW LOCATION... SAME GREAT SERVICE We have moved to 225 Putnam Pike, Johnston, RI 02919 PEST & PROPERTY 225 Putnam Pike, Johnston RI 02919 KENNY’S Masonry & Chimney Sweeps Locally Owned & Operated for 20 Years Quality, Service & Dependability • INSPECTIONS • EMERGENCY SERVICE • SWEEPING • CAPS • LINERS • REBUILDS • WATERPROOFING • FLASHING • DRYER VENT CLEANING Masonry Repair & Restoration: Walkways • Patios • Pavers • Walls • Chimneys 508-649-1938 The Reporter is the ONLY paper MAILED FREE to 100% of East Providence!
The class completed twenty weeks of intense training at the Rhode Island Fire Service Academy in Exeter, RI and then a separate training within East Providence. “Congratulations and welcome to East Prov idence, where we have a well trained and community supported department,” Chief Glenn Quick told the class. “The Depart ment was organized in 1875, with the first paid members starting in 1911. We made the transition directly from hand-pulled to motorized apparatus and now feature a fully equipped department meeting the needs of a great community.” The new probationary firefighters will bring the department up to full staffing. “These appointments will fill current and upcoming vacancies and will reduce our overtime,” said Chief Quick. Family pride at fire graduation
The 35th East Providence Fire Department Training Academy held its Graduation Ceremony on August 23, 2022. Twenty new firefighters were added to the department from an original applicant pool of 300. Included in the class were 4 women or 20% of the class – the highest ever for an East Providence fire training class. “I am very proud to see the diversity in this great class,” Rhode Island Lt. Governor Sabina Matos told the graduating class. The Lt. Governor was joined by Mayor Bob DaSilva and City Councilman-at-large Bob Rodericks in the audience. Police Chief Chris Franseconi and fire officials from the state and other communities were present along with family and friends of the class. The newest members of the fire department are: Christopher J. Arruda, Jared C. Averill, Anna Cappelli, Kyle A. Carpenter, Leonardo A. Cepeda, Joel A. Delgado, Katherine H. Dumas, James D. Far less, Colin J. Ford, Melissa B. Gieck, Duncan M. Hamiton, Tyler J. Harris, Richard B. Hoey, Ian C. Loveall, Daniel W. Mallette, Brian C. Masse, Ryan W. McNeill, Andres, E. Perez, Jerry L. Sullivan and Erica L. Vincent.

September 2022 The Reporter 41
Tired of Dentistry That Doesn’t Work?

Local Student Tyler K. Storey Receives National Honor
The National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) today announced student Tyler K. Storey from Rumford, RI, has been selected to become a member of the esteemed organization. The Society recognizes top scholars who have demonstrated outstand ing leadership, scholarship, and community commitment. The announcement was made by NSHSS Co-founder and President James W. Lewis. “On behalf of NSHSS and our co-founder Claes Nobel, a mem ber of the family that established the Nobel Prizes, I am honored
42 The Reporter September 2022 C. Maaia/Noah Mark) and finally, Best Original Score. It was a cleanThesweep.financing came from MIT’s Lemelson Foundation (Stepha nie Couch, Executive Producer), “This Old House” on PBS and “Downton Abbey” as well. Maaia Mark was also a semifinalist in the Rhode Island Film Festival applications where 7,000 filmmakers worldwide, like the LAIFF Festival applications, also submitted their work. Coast to Coast recognition for the Santa Barbara California-based produc tion company of Maaia Mark. Congratulations to Dr. Levi Maaia and his entire team. The title of the documentary “Pathways to Invention,” directed by Levi C. Maaia, explores the workshops, garages, laboratories and office accomplished inventors in fields of material, software, biotech etc. in a way to see the traits and tools of entrepreneurs. Distribution of the Pathways to Invention trailer is already online and the full featured 90-minute film will be released in the near future.
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Best Director – Dr. Levi C. Maaia, PhD, a local Rhode Island native and now a Cali fornia film maker, received the LAIFF Award (Los Angeles International Film Festival –2022) Saturday, August 27, 2022 on the red carpet at a Hollywood Studio. Dr. Maaia’s production company, Maaia Mark Produc tions, received the award for long documentary; Best Producer(s) (LeviDr. Levi C. Maaia
Best Feature
Dr. Levi C. Maaia Receives Film Festival Award

September 2022 The Reporter 43 EASTROOFINGPROVIDENCE Shingle Roofs • Flat Roofs • Gutter Cleaning & Repair Chimney Pointing • Lead Chimneys • Slate Work • Copper Work Missing Metal Repair • Rotted Fascia Board Repair All Types of Roof Repairs RI: MA:GC-42976189147 401-545-6580 For Prompt, Reliable, Quality Work Call Chris
Worcester, MA -- John Larsen of Rumford has been inducted into the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society at College of the Holy Cross, the oldest and most prestigious national honor society of the liberal arts and sciences. Larsen is one of 48 new Holy Cross inductees. Membership in Phi Beta Kappa is highly selective, and selection is based primarily on scholastic achievement and breadth of education. to recognize the hard work, passion and commitment that Tyler has demonstrated to achieve this exceptional level of academic excellence,” said Lewis. “Tyler is now a member of a unique com munity of scholars – a community that represents our very best hope for the future.” “We are proud to provide lifetime membership to young scholars to support their growth and development,” stated Lewis. “We help students like Tyler build on their academic success by connecting them with learning experiences and resources to help prepare them for college and meaningful careers.”
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Benjamin Shamgochian Graduates from Tufts University
Rumford’s John Larsen Inducted in the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society at College of the Holy Cross
Medford, MA -- Benjamin Shamgochian of East Providence graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Tufts Uni versity. Benjamin was also named to the Dean’s List for the spring 2022 semester.

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A Middle School Youth Group Ice Cream Sunday for youth in grades 6-8 will take place on Sunday, September 18. A High School Youth Group Ice Cream Sunday for youth in grades 9-12 will take place on September 25. Both events will take place outdoors in the church pine grove. If the weather is inclement, we will gather indoors.Foradditional information please contact Christy Wynveen at (401) 434-4742 X13 or email
• Sept 11 – 9:30 AM Celebration Sunday – Teachers and Com munion Class Commissioned – Church School begins • Sept 30 – Chili Bake Off & Dessert Auction Returns in Person. For Information contact Pat Smith at 401-429-8696
Seekonk Congregational Church News
Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 9am
• Oct 22 - Trunk or Treat • Oct 29 - Contemporary Christian Rock Concert • Nov 5 – 5 PM Harvest Supper Returns in Person • Dec 3 – Christmas Bazaar Returns in Person – virtual ordering will be available • Dec 10 - Winter Wonderland If you have any questions on the above, please email Donna. or call the church office at 508-336-9355. All events and services are open to everyone. Please check out our Facebook Page tionalChurch/ for updates.
Newman Congregational Church is an open and affirming con of the United Church of Christ located at 100 Newman Ave Rumford, RI. Sunday worship is held at 10 am online with an option. No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
Church News & Events
Newman Congregational Church invites the youth in your home for an Ice Cream Sunday! During our time together we will build ice cream sundaes, get to know other youth, and share ideas of what adventures the youth group might try in the upcoming year.
Since March 2020 when the Covid pandemic began, the Bread of Life Food Pantry has been operating as an outdoor distribution in the parking lot of Newman Congregational Church, UCC. The Pantry will resume its indoor distribution on September 13. Modifi cations to the indoor distribution as it was carried out before Covid will be made to create less crowding in the various Pantry spaces and to shorten the time that it takes for guests to complete the process. Masks will be required as there will be situations where physical distancing is not possible and the vaccination/health sta tus of volunteers and guests cannot always be known. Volunteers who are able to lift bags weighing up to 15 pounds are especially needed to assist guests in carrying their groceries to their cars or to the bus stop. If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please visit the Pantry’s website at or call the Pantry at 401-434-4742. The Bread of Life Food Pantry is a collaborative ecumenical effort of five East Providence churches: Bethany Church of the Nazarene, Church of the Epiphany, Evangelical Covenant Church of Riverside, Newman Congregational Church and St. Margaret Church. The Pantry is located at Newman Congregational Church, 100 Newman Avenue, and is open twice each month, on the sec ond and fourth Tuesdays from 5 to 7 p.m. The Pantry welcomes all those in need of food assistance. For more information about the Bread of Life Food Pantry, visit the Pantry’s website at EPBre; email the Pantry at ; or call 401-434-4742.
In Person Sunday Services
Newman Congregational Church United Church of Christ News Church School Kick-Off
44 The Reporter September 2022 www. .com
Bread of Life Food Pantry to resume Indoor Food Distributions
We hope you will join us each week at Seekonk Congrega tional Church UCC at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary at 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA for our weekly service. Please come if you feel comfortable, all are welcome, masks are optional. We will continue to record our services and they are available the following day at Seekonk Congregational Church YouTube and on Cable 9 Seekonk at 10 AM each morning.
Upcoming Seekonk Congregational Church Events/Services
Newman Congregational Church United Church of Christ invites your family to join us for Church School! This upcoming year we will explore various units about spirituality, faith, and what it means to be a part of the Jesus movement. After worship, stick around and join our community for our an nual picnic and cookout. Ice Cream Sundays! September 18, 2022 at 11:15am September 25, 2022 at 11:15am
• Oct 15 – 9 AM to 1 PM Grandma’s Attic Christmas Sale, this is a PRE Christmas Bazaar selling only Grandma’s attic items, jewelry and a Drawing Table

We Are Girl Scouts Girl Scouts bring their dreams to life and work together to build a better world. Through programs across Southeastern New England, Girl Scouts of all backgrounds and abilities can be unapologetically themselves as they discover their strengths and rise to meet new challenges—whether they want to climb to the top of a tree or the top of their class, lace up their boots for a hike or advocate for climate justice, or make their first best friends. Backed by trusted adult volunteers, mentors, and millions of alums, Girl Scouts lead the way as they find their voices and make chang es that affect the issues most important to them. To join us, vol unteer, reconnect, or donate, visit, follow @gssne on Instagram, follow @GirlScoutsofSNE on Twitter, and like us on Facebook at
East Providence Girl Scout Troop 447 has worked very hard to complete their outdoor journey which included 4 badges: Night Owl, Trail Blazing, Primitive Camper and Take Action (a service project.) They donated multiple cases of cookies to local Fire Stations, and the Police Station. And celebrated their year at the beach. 229-6360
Scouting Around StoneScapeS Specializing in all styles of stone masonry with over 35 years experience • STONEWALLS • FIREPLACES • PATIOS • WALKWAYS Call for a free estimate MARK CARVALHO • (774)
New Raspberry Rally™ Girl Scout Cookie Joins Lineup for 2023 Season
Nationwide Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England will offer the new Raspberry Rally cookie, a thin, crispy cookie infused with raspberry flavor and dipped in a delicious chocolaty coating. Are you ready to power the amazing adventures of Girl Scout entrepreneurs? Ready, set, rally! Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England and Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) announced that the new Raspberry Rally cookie will join its nationwide lineup for the 2023 Girl Scout Cookie season. The thin, crispy cookie is a “sister” cookie to the beloved Thin Mints®, infused with raspberry flavor instead of mint and dipped in the same delicious chocolaty coating. Raspberry Rally gives devoted Girl Scout Cookie lovers yet another reason to be excited for the upcoming cookie season. This must-have new cookie will be the first in the Girl Scout Cookie lineup to be exclusively offered for online sale and direct shipment only, enhancing girls’ e-commerce sales and entrepreneurial skills. Raspberry Rally will be available to consumers nationally during the 2023 Girl Scout Cookie season.
Girl Scout Troop 447 News
The Girl Scout Cookie Program encourages girls to be risk takers, to think outside of the box, and to be confident in their own abilities. The cookie program embraces the understanding of the world of business, money management, and entrepreneurship. Cookie Business badges range anywhere from goal setting to learning effective in-person and online sales pitches, using mar ket research, creating business plans, and implementing digital marketing campaigns.
“We think the online-exclusive Raspberry Rally™ will be a great addition to the cookie lineup and will be a great way for our cookie entrepreneurs to learn about digital marketing! As always all in-person and online cookie proceeds remain local and help benefit Girl Scouts within our council. These proceeds provide Girl Scouts the opportunity to explore new things in STEAM and the outdoors, plan exciting travel adventures, have fun experiences with their friends, and so much more,” said Ginger Lallo, Chief, every purchase of the online-exclusive Raspberry Rally cookie supports local Girl Scouts who are helping make our world a better place. Let’s come together to celebrate the young change-makers who are solving problems and learning new skills—one box of cookies at a time.
Girl Scouts in Southeastern New England and across the United States will offer the Raspberry Rally cookie next season alongside favorites like Thin Mints®, Adventurefuls™ and Caramel deLites®.
September 2022 The Reporter 45

TO SIGN UP: SEPTEMBER 15, 2022. Please visit or call the Dining Room with any questions: 401-270-1814
Monday September 19 10:30AM
URI Pharmacy Outreach: High Blood Pressure
through the caregiving
Advanced Directive Hope Health September 7, 2022 10am Your Voice, Your Choice. Do your loved ones know what your end of life wishes are? What happens if you are in an accident and can’t make health care decisions? End of life discussions are difficult. For many, the burden is placed on family to decide what life saving measures their loved one wants; but you can ease that pain by making your wishes known ahead of time in what we call an advance directive.
Michael Rhilinger- (401) Michaelrhilinger@veteransinc.org208-5484
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is one of the most common health conditions amongst Americans. Many people are on medications to help lower their blood pressure and prevent heart disease and stroke, but not many people understand which medications do what and why. Learn more about the different kinds of medications prescribed. Understand how the medications work, when is the best time to take them and common side effects to be on the lookout for. Plus, hear more about our Blood Pressure Self Monitoring Program offered right here at the Robert Rock Senior Center. Enrollment starts this fall!
learn ways to cope
3. Are you a Rhode Island resident? If you answered “yes” to all the above and you meet the income guidelines, you are eligible for a free produce box of fruits and vegetables. Forms to sign up are avail able at the Robert Rock East Providence SeniorDEADLINECenter.
Robert Rock East Providence Senior Center Call Michael for an appointment today to see if you are getting the maximum benefits you deserve as a Veteran!
46 The Reporter September 2022 Looking for Scheduler/HumanExperiencedResources Located at: 425 Willett Avenue • Riverside, RI 02915 Phone : 401-437-3515 • Toll Free: 800-868-8770 • Bilingual (Spanish) a plus • Sign on bonus • Retention bonus • Incentives • Immediate openings • Part or Full Time Monthly Caregiver Support Group
Hear what your options are so that you can be prepared and ensure your end of life wishes are followed.
East Side Clinical Lab Wednesday September 7, 2022 8:30am-11am The East Side Clinical Laboratory visits the Robert Rock Senior Center on the first Wednesday of the month. All you need to bring is your lab slip and East Side Clinical Lab will take your bloodwork right at the Senior Center! Blood Pressure Clinics Monitoring your blood pressure is easy!
Grace Barker Sept 13th 10:30AM
September 30, 2022 3PM-4PM resources will be provided to help guide you journey. Please join us to with as well as any concerns you may have with your journey. Open to the public. Free of charge. Counseling
Tips & Tricks with your Smart Phone Tuesdays From 10am-11am Drop by the Robert Rock East Providence Senior Center. No registration required Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
x1171 Veteran
SHIP (State Health Insurance Program Counseling) is avail able at the Senior Center every Friday by appointment only for the month of September. Discuss Medicare enrollment, current plans, and future medical plans. Call John today for an appointment! 401-435-7876 Benefits Counseling Available every Monday at the Robert Rock East Providence Senior Center.
Do you want a FREE box of RI grown fruits and vegetables?
2. Do you earn less than the income listed below?
Hattie Ide Chafee Sept 20th 10:30AM
1. Are you, 60+ years of age or do you receive SSDI?

Birth Announcement Tiago
Tiago Lee Resendes Gary and Amanda Resendes of Riverside are proud to an nounce the birth of their Son, Tiago Lee Resendes. He was born on June 8, 2022, at 8:00 am. He weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces and was 20 inches long. He was greeted at home by big sister, Nelia, age 6. Maternal grandparents are John and Cathleen Medina of Riverside. Paternal grandparents are Carlos and Maria Resendes of East Providence. Great-grandparents are Joseph and Shirley Petit of Ocean Gate, New Jersey. Lee Resendes
September 2022 The Reporter 47 We hope you enjoy receiving our paper each month! Please support your local businesses because they make this newspaper possible!

September 10 & 11, 2021; 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium 1401 Hope Street (Route 114), Bristol, RI
Tickets may be ordered in advance at or pur chased at the admissions tent at the event.
The rulers of the sky are descending on the Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium in September. Birds of prey with long sharp talons, hooked beaks, and highly developed eyesight and hearing are headed to Bristol. They’re raptors, the superior hunters of the avian world.
Family 4 Pack: $55 - Children ages 3 and under are free Two-Day Pass: Adult: $30 - Child: $20 (ages 4 -12) Children ages 3 and under are free Audubon Raptor Weekend 2022 is sponsored by RI PBS.
General Admission: Adult: $17 - Child: $12 (ages 4 – 12)
Join Audubon for a screening of the award-winning docu mentary Last of the Right Whales and panel discussion with local biologists and experts on the plight of this endangered whale that summers off the Coast of New England.
The Raptors are Descending on Bristol…
48 The Reporter September 2022
From the only known calving grounds to the shifting feeding grounds, Last of the Right Whales follows the North Atlantic right whale migration and the people committed to saving a species still struggling to recover from centuries of hunting. Now climate change is forcing right whales further north in search of food, putting them on a collision course with deadly ships and fishing gear.
With unprecedented access to film the whale migration, Last of the Right Whales brings a message of hope about the most at-risk great whale on the planet.
Last of the Right Whales
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI Free and Open to the Public North Atlantic right whales are dying faster than they can re produce. With just over 330 remaining in our oceans, these great whales rarely die of natural causes. Instead, they are run over by ships or suffer lethal injuries from fishing gear. If we don’t act to protect them, in 20 years they could be extinct.
After the documentary join Audubon for a Q&A panel discus sion with members of the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium: Dr. Robert Kenney, Professor Emeritus, University of Rhode Island; Captain Thomas Fetherson, US Navy-retired; Regina Asmutis-Silva, Executive Director, Whale and Dolphin Conservation; and Anne DiMonti, Director, Audubon Society of Rhode Island Nature Center technology will also be demonstrated. Ropeless or On-Demand Fishing has been developed to help save the North Atlantic right whales and other whale species from entanglement in fishing gear.
Note: Screening and panel discussion are free and open to the public; reservations are required and donations welcome. For details and to register, visit the events calendar at This program is not recommended for young children. Documentary produced by HitPlay Productions.
Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion with Members of the North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium September 22, 2022; 7:00 pm
Audubon Raptor Weekend 2022 Eagles, owls, hawks, and falcons will be featured in live presen tations, educational programs, and activities for bird enthusiasts of all ages. Audubon Raptor Weekend presents a unique opportunity for visitors to get up-close with many species and learn about their adaptations and habitats in this engaging, family-friendly weekend event.Entertaining and educational games and activities for families will be featured both days. Admission also provides access to the award-winning Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium and entrance to the Center’s 28-acre wildlife refuge, including aquarium exhibits, the scenic boardwalk to Narragansett Bay, and the Palmieri Pol linatorForGarden.moreinformation on Raptor Weekend, visit
Walkways • Patios • Retaining Walls Spring/Fall Clean-ups • Weekly Lawn Maintenance Hydroseeding • Bobcat / Excavation Services Tree Service • Brush Mowing Services Matt Blais, Owner FREE ESTIMATES Fully Insured Residential & www.SuperiorLCinc.comCommercial 508-252-4554 Tree Service • Brush Removal Services (401) 736-0600 • (401) 323-6100 Prompt, Reliable, Quality Work

A Christmas Carol Children’s Auditions to Be Held September 10
Trinity Rep’s 2022-23 Season is sponsored in part by the Rhode Island State Council on The Arts (RISCA). 110 Grill is Trinity Rep’s Opening Night Sponsor, and Southwest Airlines is the Official Airline of Trinity Rep. Trinity Repertory Company Trinity Rep is committed to reinventing the public square and inspiring dialogue by creating emotionally-stimulating live produc tions that range from classical to contemporary and innovative edu cation programs for all ages and abilities. Its annual production of A Christmas Carol has brought families together for more than four decades and made memories for over a million audience members. The 2022-23 Season includes productions of The Inheritance Parts 1 and 2, A Christmas Carol, By The Queen, The Inferior Sex, and Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. For more information, visit Trinity Rep’s website at Reach 100% of your customers! Call 508.252.6575 to advertise!
Auditions for children ages 8 – 12 for Trinity’s Annual Production
Providence, RI: Trinity Repertory Company announces that children’s auditions for this year’s production of A Christmas Carol will be held Saturday, September 10 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm at the South Attleboro location of Cardi’s Furniture & Mattresses. Advance registration is required and is available at kidsauditions.Auditionsare open to children ages 8 - 12 who will be 12 years or younger through the entire run of the show. Children should come prepared to sing a holiday song of their choice, and will also read from a section of the script as part of their audition. This year, we are looking to cast children who are bilingual in English and Spanish in select roles, although this is not a requirement for auditioning or casting. All auditionees must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by the time rehearsals start in October.
September 2022 The Reporter 49 (401) 438-1994 • (401) 434-4774 2244 Pawtucket Avenue • East Providence, RI 02914 • Foreign & Domestic • Free Estimates • Insurance Estimates • Complete Collision Work • Aluminum Repair Certified Great Service. Great Quality. Factory Certified: Chevrolet • Buick • GMC • Cadillac • Ford • Dodge • Chrysler Fiat • Jeep • Subaru • Nissan & Infiniti • Honda & Acura • Hyundai • Kia Excellence Guaranteed Rated #1 Body Shop

Creamy Spinach, Mushroom and Lasagna Soup Recipe courtesy of Emily Weeks, MS, RD, on behalf of the Mushroom Council
Low-calorie, low-sodium, fat-free and cholesterol-free, mushrooms are nutrient rich and can play a starring role in a variety of meals. With an array of fresh varieties and nearly endless ways to prepare them, they can be your powerhouse from the produce department.Findmore recipe ideas and ways to make the most of your grocery store dollars at
Serve Up Nutrition
The savory umami taste of mushrooms means a flavorful experience in blended recipes like burgers, where the chopped mushrooms help hold in the juiciness. Or, you can chop, quarter, slice or enjoy them whole in a recipe like Creamy Spinach, Mushroom and Lasagna Soup.
One Carton, Multiple Dishes
Thanks to mushrooms’ versatility, you can buy one large carton of mushrooms to chop up then bulk up multiple dishes, from a morning omelet to hearty soups to blended burgers.
Savor the Flavor
Blending finely chopped mushrooms with ground meat can extend portion sizes of your favorite meaty recipes and help your bottom line. Chop your favorite mushroom variety to match the consistency of ground meat, blend the chopped mushrooms and meat together then cook to complete the recipe. For burgers, use a blend of 25% finely chopped mushrooms and 75% ground meat. For tacos or chili, use 50% mushrooms and 50% meat or an even higher mushroom-to-meat ratio.
50 The Reporter September 2022 Food & Dining Guide 401-431-1322 288 Warren Avenue, East Providence DINE-IN / CURBSIDE / TAKEOUT OutdOOr PatiO NOw OPeN! Look for Specials & Family Meal Deals on Facebook Mon-Thur 11:30-9, Fri-Sat 11:30-11, Sun 11:30-7 736 N Broadway East Providence, RI (401) 434-1505 Outdoor Dining Available! LIVE Mariachi Band on Thursdays! Hours: Sun-Thurs 11am-9pm Fri & Sat 11am-10pm WE ARE HIRING Outdoor Dining Available! THE SEAFOODFRESHEST&BESTFRIEDCLAMSAROUND! Fresh Seafood Purchased Daily! Fried Burgers-SteakClams-Chowder-Clamcakes&Cheese-ChickenFingers OPEN THURS-SUN 11am-8pm 14 FALL RIVER AVE, REHOBOTH (near Seekonk Speedway) • 508.557.1691 Stretch Your Grocery Budget with a Savory Solution (Family Features) In today’s world, grocery shopping can seem more like a burden than an opportunity to gather supplies for your family’s favorite meals. With prices of everyday ingredients fluc tuating almost daily, it’s important for many families to make their dollars go further at the store. Easy ways to stretch your grocery budget, like using versatile ingredients, can make the checkout experience a little less impact ful on your household’s finances. Consider the benefits of mushrooms, which provide a delicious option to enhance flavor in fa vorite recipes while extending portions in an affordable way. Save Money Stretch your dollars by stretching your meals using a process called “The Blend.”
Prep time: 10 minutes ~ Cook time: 30 minutes ~ Servings: 4

Top with shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes and shredded Mexican cheese then one small tortilla. Make sure not to overstuff so wrap doesn’t break apart while cooking. Fold edges of large tortilla toward center until completely covered.Inhot skillet, generously spray with nonstick cooking spray. Carefully place wrap seam side down on skillet. Cook 2-3 minutes until golden brown. Flip and cook other side until golden brown. Repeat with remain ing mushroom-meat mixture, tortillas and toppings. Cut wraps half and serve. 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon oregano 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1 bay leaf 3 cups vegetable broth 6 lasagna noodles, broken into pieces 1/2 cup heavy cream 5 ounces fresh baby spinach 1 cup whole milk ricotta 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese, for topping
• 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1/2 cup finely chopped yellow onion • 8 ounces mushrooms, such as white button, crimini or porta bella, finely chopped 1/2 pound lean ground beef
• 1 tablespoon taco seasoning 6 burrito-size flour tortillas (about 10 inches each) 1/3 cup nacho cheese sauce 6 tostada shells • sour cream • 6 mini soft taco-size flour tortillas (about 4 1/2 inches each)
In large skillet over medium-high heat, heat olive oil. Cook onions 1-2 minutes until translucent. Add mushrooms and ground beef. Cook about 5 minutes, or until beef is no longer pink. Stir in taco seasoning. Cook 2-3 minutes. Set aside. Lay one large flour tortilla on flat surface. Spread 2 tablespoons mushroom-meat mixture on center of tortilla. Drizzle dollop of nacho cheese over mushroom-meat mixture. Top meat with one tostada shell then spread thin layer of sour cream over tostada shell.
Dine In, Take Out, or Cook at Home!
September 2022 The Reporter 51 Fresh Fish Daily, Open 7 Days Diggers Catch WILD. NATIVE. FRESH. Quality Seafood • Dependable Service East Side Shellfish ClambakeSeason... Order Now! Cell: 401-473-4950 Store: Digger3282@hotmail.com401-490-0740 537 NORTH BROADWAY • EAST PROVIDENCE, RI 02914 ey AVAILABLECATERING EBT TAKE OUT 401-434-0942 122 Taunton Avenue, East Providence Mon - American Chop Suey Tues - Turkey Dinner Wed - Meatloaf Dinner Clam Cakes/NE Chowder Thurs - Shepard’s Pie Fri - Tuna Melt w/Fries Clam Cakes/NE Chowder EP WiEnErs Breakfast Every Day - All Day! Daily Specials Under $10 Cheeseburger, Wiener & Fries $10.99 Restaurant FridayMonday-ThursdayHours:3-9pm&Saturday12-10pmSunday12-8pm 508.557.0839 • 569 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth MA 02769GiftChristmasReservationswww.ialiverestaurant.comNowTakingforEve&ChristmasDayCertificatesAvailable • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil • 2 cloves garlic, minced • 1 medium onion, small diced • 8 ounces mushrooms, such as white button, crimini or portabella, sliced • 1 jar (24 ounces) marinara sauce • 1 can (15 ounces) diced tomatoes • 2 tablespoons tomato paste • 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar • 1 tablespoon dried basil Heat large pot over medium heat. Add olive oil, garlic, onion and mushrooms. Cook, stirring occasionally, until onions and mushrooms soften, 4-5 minutes. Add marinara, diced tomatoes, tomato paste, vinegar, sugar, basil, salt, oregano, pep per, bay leaf and broth. Bring to boil over high heat then reduce heat to low and simmer. Add lasagna noodles and cook, stirring often, until softened, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and remove bay leaf. Stir in heavy cream and spinach until wilted, 2-3 minutes.
Blended Crunchy Mushroom Wraps Recipe courtesy of the Mushroom Council
• shredded lettuce • diced tomatoes • shredded Mexican cheese blend nonstick cooking spray
Divide between bowls and top each with dollop of ricotta and sprinkle of mozzarella.
Prep time: 15 minutes ~ Cook time: 20 minutes ~ Servings: 6

Janice M. (Rose) Burke, 85 of East Provi dence, passed away on Sunday August 21,2022 at Hope Hospice, in Providence.
Sylvia M. Kenney, 84, of Silver Lake, New Hampshire and formerly of Riverside Rhode Island passed away at home on Sunday, July 24, 2022. It is with great sorrow that we announce the loss of Jean A Coelho, 76, formerly of East Providence, who passed away peace fully on July 26, 2022 in New Port Richey, FL.
Death Notices
Kirk W. Dalton, 68, of Rumford, RI passed away at home on Friday, July 29, 2022.Norman A. Morrell 91, of Riverside, RI passed away on July 30, 2022.
REAL ESTATE Renting Harder Hall Resort Sebring Florida; Week 47 (11/19-11/26); 1BR/1BA; Max Occupancy 4; Many amenities; Build ing 2 Unit 17; $600; Trying to sell $1000/BO;; Call Thelma 508-9425362 or
Alexandrina C. Cordeiro, 89, of East Providence, RI passed away on August 3, 2022, at Waterview Villa Nursing Home, sur rounded by her loving family at her bedside.
Edward John Hyde, 83, of Rumford, passed away on Sunday, July 31, 2022 at his home surrounded by his loving family.
Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speedway. Positions available for general help around the Flea Market Sundays thru December 3rd. Call Linda at 401-263-5737. WANTED Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speedway. Buyers and Vendors wanted every Sunday 7AM-1PM thru December 3rd 2022. Call Linda at 401-263-5737. I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you Joe in Rehoboth 508-558-5129.
Wayne F. Gage, 66, of Rumford, passed away peacefully at Rhode Island Hospital surrounded by his loved ones.
52 The Reporter September 2022 Place Classifieds www.ReporterToday.comat CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED RATES: 1-15 Words: $10 ~ 16-30 Words: $15 Additional Words: $.25 each Business Rate: $35 for 30 words Classified deadline:: 25th of the month GENERAL CONTRACTOR Established in 1940, 3rd Generation RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL Specializing in Kitchen & Bathrooms Batty Construction HOME IMPROVEMENTS (401) 639-7230 • Remodeling • Additions • Siding • Silestone • Granite • Painting • PeterRoofingBatty RI Reg. # 33335 / MA Reg. # CS51340 HELP WANTED We are hiring: El Mariachi located at 736 North Broadway is hiring servers, bartend ers, dishwashers. Please call 401434-1505.
HOME & GARDEN Plants for sale: Perennials, annuals, Eu onymus bushes, Angel Trumpets, Coleus, succulents, fig trees & angel’s trumpet, free small plant with visit, prices from $2-$20. Call 401-433-2922. Come and see my plants at The Weaver Library Farmers Market June 30th thru Sept 15th.
Gail G. (McNeil) Sharp 85 of Rumford, passed away on Wednesday August 10, 2022 at home , surrounded by her family.
CUSTOM LOG CABIN HOME: Pearl Lake Rd in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Minutes from attractions: Sugar Hill, Franconia Pkwy, Santa’s Village, Whale’s Tail Water Park, and Cog Railway; sleeps 6, fireplace, swimming, hiking, fish ing, boating, kayaks or just R&R. Booking now for Fall and Winter getaways: Weekly or weekends. Call Joe at 401-439-8089.
HALL RENTAL BOOK YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION PARTY NOW! Riverside Sportsman Assoc. Mohawk Drive off Wampanoag Trail. For all occasions: Birthday, Family Reunions, Club/ Organization Meetings. Cash Bar. Monthly Steak Fries and other events. Call the club at 401-433-0209, leave a message. SERVICES Handyman: GSS PROPERTY SOLU TIONS LLC; Handyman, Maintenance, Home Repairs; We also offer snow plowing service & trash haul; Regis tered and Insured; PH: 1295;work.Fences,ConstructionFurniture,Cellar,508-840-6611.ovenYearsaaand401-245-9755.brands,Shopscom.EMAIL:GSSPropertysolutions072@gmail.401-688-9749;BicycleSales&Service:YourBikenowdoingSpringTune-upsonallRiverside401-433-4491andWarrenCallArtorJoeforspecialsservicenow.Housecleaning:Isyourhomeinneedofreallygoodcleaning?Whetheryouneed1timecleaning,orregularcleanings.ofexperience!(Weincludefridgeandw/ourcleanings)CallGilfordetailsBIGBLUEREMOVALSERVICE:Attic,TotalHouse.Wetakeeverything!Brush,Appliances,YardWaste,Debris,Trash…DemolitionofSheds,Decks,
Thomas E. McCann, Jr. 87, of Legion Way, Riverside, died unexpectedly on August 13, 2022 at Rhode Island Hospital.
Candidate - City Council Bob Rodericks, Candidate 6 Candidate - Mayor Bob DaSilva 3 Candidate - Mayor Bob DaSilva 28 Candidate - Mayor John Rossi for Mayor 22 Candidate - Mayor John Rossi for Mayor 15 Candidate - Mayor Maureen Gomes Lopez 11
Candidate - East Prov. Rafael Villanova 14 Candidate - East Prov. Teresa Rego Samayoa 7 Candidate - State Rep Brianna Henries 8 Candidate - State Rep Matthew S. Dawson 16 Candidate - State Rep San Shoppel for RI 6 Candidate - St Senate Dave O’Connell 14 Candidate - St Senate Nicholas Ferrara 18 Candidate - St Senate Val Lawson
September 2022 The Reporter 53 Business Directory CATEGORY COMPANY NAME PAGECATEGORY COMPANY NAME PAGE 25% OFF MOLD PREVENTION TREATMENTS & SANITIZING NEXT WEEK ONLY Call Dave's Family Business SummerArrived!Has AARP AARP Local Chapter 1302 13 Antiques/Cash for Gold Americana Auction 25 Appliance Repairs CJS / Statewide Appliance Repair 26 Attorney The Law Offices of Tanya M. Gravel 26 Attorney Warr & Warr, P.C. 39 Auto Body A-1 Custom Auto Body 49 Auto Repairs New England Tire 2
8 Chamber of Commerce East Providence Chamber 54 Chimney Services Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney Sweep 40 Clothing Store RevendaChildren’s/MaternityConsign 30 Collectibles Wexler’s Collectibles 32 Comic Strip Sour Grapes 31 Community Org Keep Metacomet Green 24 Counseling Olivia M Howard, LMFT 12 Credit Union Community & Teachers Credit Union 30 Dentist Eager Family Dentistry 56 Dentist George Family Orthodontics 21 Dentist Seekonk Dental 10 Dentist SmileMakers 41 Dentist Tourister Dental Associates 36 Duct Cleaning Think Green, Think Clean Air 53 Engine Repair-Lawn Fred’s Service Center, Inc. 20 Estate Cleanouts Clean Slate Estate, Inc 46 Estate Cleanouts Clean Slate Estate, Inc 34 Farmers Market Weaver Library Farmers’ Market 23 Fence-Sales/Serv. Wood & Wire Fence Co., Inc 56 Hair Salon Shear Image Salon 20 Hall Rental Knights of Columbus 27 Handyman American Eagle Enterprises, LLC 25 Home Improvements Stateside Vinyl Siding Company 44 House Cleaning Marinalva’s Cleaning 25 Insurance Matt Gilson 23 Landscape Service Cutting Edge Landscaping 37 Landscape Service Superior Lawn Care 48 Laundromat Bullocks Point Laundromat 31 Lawn Care Lawn Doctor 43 Masonry - Custom Jose Soares Masonry 19 Mortgage Broker Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company 39 Nursing Service Health Care Connection 46 Orthodontics George Family Orthodontics 21 Painting Contractor Levine Painting Co., Inc. 48 Party Rentals After 5 Party Rentals 42 Paving Contractor Gem Paving & Seal Coating 20 Pest Control Services Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions 40 Photographer W. Parmentier Photography 47 Powerwashing East Bay Pressure Wash Company 37 Private School St. Luke’s School 33 Real Estate Alicia Reynolds, Sales Associate 42 Real Estate Larry McNulty, Realtor 34 Real Estate Mateus Realty 55 Real Estate Paiva Realty Group 39 Real Estate Red Maple Property Solutions 36 Real Estate ReMax Rivers Edge 49 Real Estate Rhonda Vieira-Cherry, Realtor 10 Real Estate Robin Lozito - ReMax Rivers Edge 33 Real Estate The Tirrell Team 9 Real Estate TK Real Estate Brokerage 27 Remodeling Batty Construction 52 Restaurant Dicky’s Clam Shack Two 50 Restaurant El Mariachi 50 Restaurant EP Wieners 51 Restaurant iAlive Restaurant 51 Restaurant Madeira Restaurant 50 Roofing Contractor East Providence Roofing 43 Roofing Contractor Tabeleys Roofing 19 Seafood Market Digger’s Catch 51 Self Storage Lionel Mini Storage, Inc. 13 Stove Shop Fireplace Showcase 35 Trash/Junk Removal Big Blue Removal Service 4 Tree Service Advanced Tree 26
Candidate - Mayor Maureen Gomes Lopez 17 Candidate - East Prov. Carissa Moglia 11 Candidate - East Prov. Frank Rego 16 Candidate - East Prov. Miles Bonalewicz 17 Candidate - East Prov. Nathan Cahoon 7

the communities of East Providence &
Guest Speaker: Andrea Moshier, Rhode Island Energy about the energy saving incentives and programs available to RI and MA businesses and residents. Lunch included. Reservations required by 9/10/22 on Chamber’s Web site or contact the office. members register early and Save to non members w/pre registration. Everyone will have time to introduce their business.
Kids and Adults! The Chamber’s popular, family friendly Touch A Truck event returns
54 The Reporter September 2022 East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce 1011 Waterman Avenue East Providence, Rhode Island 02914 401.438.1212 phone Email: Web site:
RI $5pp
Tons of Fun for to huge parking lot 1011 Waterman Providence, or $20 of 4 or more follow us on Facebook for event schedule and
Avenue East
Proudly serving Barrington, Chamber’s monthly in person networking luncheon. Bring lots of business cards for exchanging.
Visit and
Saturday, September 3 10:00am—2:00pm 10:15am Ribbon Cutting R i b b o n C u t t i n g s & G r a n d O p e n i n g s Join in the Celebration! Open to the Public New Location: 220 Willett Avenue Riverside, RI 02915 Thursday, September 15 4:00pm—6:00pm 4:15pm Ribbon Cutting New Location: 144 Central Avenue Seekonk, MAKim Borges Nunes Kara Tavernier, LUTCF
Rhode Island and Seekonk & Rehoboth, Massachusetts since 1897 Tuesday, September 13, 2022 East Providence Area Chamber Business DURING Hours 11:45am Noon Check in Noon 1:30pm lunch and introductions Location: Davenport’s Restaurant 1925 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence, RI The

September 2022 The Reporter 55 A SIGN OF SUCCESS AND A NAME YOU CAN TRUST!! A message from... Serving East Providence and surrounding areas since 1975. Free Market Analysis Luis Mateus (401) 368-2403 • Pam Reis (401) 368-2402 Jeff Mateus (401) 447-9459 • Paul T. Reis, Jr. (401) 474-8092 (401) 434-8399 FALAMOS PORTUGUES • FAX # (401) 435-3401 582 Warren Avenue • East Providence, RI 02914 MATEUS Realty ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS... NOW IS THE BEST TIME TO SELL!! • Low Inventory • Several Buyers • High Prices • Low Interest Rates We Need Listings! LOOK!! SOLDFOR SALE