April 2020 East Providence Reporter

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The East Providence

eporter R

APRIL 2020 Volume 16, no. 4


Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence • www.ReporterToday.com

Support Our Local Restaurants Dining Guide on page 14

Students, Parents Boys Teachers, Basketball TeamFace Distance Learning Finishes Record Season see 20 see page page 37


The Reporter April 2020


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April 2020 The Reporter



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The Reporter April 2020

East Providence News Briefs On the Cover:

Students at Waddington School participated in "Chalk Your Walk Day" where students wrote positive messages and drew cheerful pictures outside to share with the town. Third grader Emma Carter is pictured with her artwork.

Inside This Issue Business Directory................29 Chamber of Commerce.........12 Classifieds.............................. 29 Clubs...................................25 Events...................................16 Home & Garden...................23 Library..................................19 Letters................................9 News Briefs............................4 Obituaries...........................27 Restaurant Guide..............14 School..................................28 Senior Center News...............12 Sports.................................17 Town News............................10


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All Schools Now Closed Through April – Distance Learning to Continue

The last days of March saw a grim Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo tighten her previously ordered restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Raimondo ordered all residents to “stay at home,” in place until further notice. All residents are being asked to “Go to work if you can’t work at home, but come home and stay there,” said the Governor. All social gatherings of more than 5 people are banned until further notice. EP playgrounds and parks are all closed to the public. Schools in East Providence will remain physically closed but “Distance Learning” will continue through the end of April. Things are looking grim for school to open buildings and resume traditional classes this year. That decision has not been made yet.

The Chronology of East Providence’s Response

East Providence Mayor Bob DaSilva and the city council moved fast to enact emergency provisions to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. The Mayor was tested in his first term of office and issued several emergency executive orders. The March 17th city council meeting was truncated with just urgent matters voted on. The Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) announced the state’s first presumptive positive case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) early last month. The person, a school administrator at St. Raphael Academy in Pawtucket had traveled to Italy in mid-February. The RIDOH coordinating closely with Miriam Hospital where he was being treated. It was later disclosed that the individual’s wife is an East Providence elementary school teacher who had returned to work here after her husband was hospitalized. This set into motion a series of actions by state and local officials. East Providence Superintendent of Schools, Kathryn Crowley forwarded a health advisory to local families issued by the RIDOH. The advisory provided public information regarding the growing concerns on the coronavirus or COVID-19. Saint Raphael Academy confirmed that a “member of our community has had a “presumptive positive” test result to the coronavirus” and closed school. St. Ray’s students and chaperones who were on the recent trip to Europe were placed on self-quarantine and will be self-monitoring with RIDOH supervision.

EP City Leaders Rolled Out Preventative Measures

The City released a statement on March 1st. The statement was jointly issued by the office of Mayor and School Superintendent. Mayor Bob DaSilva, Superintendent Katherine Crowley, Council President Robert Britto, Council Vice President Bob Rodericks, School Committee Chair Charles Tsonos, Dir. of Administration Napoleon Gonsalves, East Providence Fire Chief/EMA Dir. Glenn Quick, East Providence Fire Battalion Chief Michael Carey and Capt. John Potvin, East Providence Police Capt. James Nelson and Dir. of School Facilities and Security Tony Feola met on Sunday, March 1st to discuss the city’s response on the latest developments from the RIDOH on the first presumptive case of Coronavirus in Rode Island. The city administration worked together with the School Department to set a number of steps in motion which included; continued sanitation and cleaning of all East Providence schools, daily sanitation of all East Providence school busses, frequent hand washing reminders, use of hand sanitizer in all city schools and buildings, cleaning of desks and other hard surfaces and other measures. As the problem seemed to worsen, the School Committee received a report from Superintendent of Schools Crowley at their March 10th meeting regarding the possible need to go to “virtual learning” should schools have to be closed at some point. The plan is to provide for virtual (online) instruction due to the growing concerns for the current coronavirus crisis. Already athletic contests, concerts and other school events have been closed or have had limited public attendance allowed. “We have been designing a plan in case we have to close schools,” said Superintendent Crowley. “We will do this to stay in contact with our children. We will use google docs and our plan still will need RI Department of Education approval, although they are awaiting our plan. Our draft plan and parental letters have been used by the health department and other districts. We are tweaking the plan and hope to get it approved but never have to use it,” added Crowley. As it turned out, the plan was needed as all schools in Rhode Island were ordered to close. Crowley said that high school and middle school staff had been familiar with virtual learning implementation and most the district’s planning now is with elementary schools. Ben Russell of the district

April 2020 The Reporter technology team said that the district is far along with planning. “Legislation (state) was approved years back for a limited number of instruction days. We have enough computers to provide any students that may not have one at home,” added Russell. Mayor DaSilva Declares a State of Municipal Emergency. Several Executive orders were issued and updated: DaSilva issued an executive order, which suspends municipal and probate courts, suspends entertainment licenses and other special event permits, limits the number of people who gather at bars, social clubs, restaurants and places of worship within the City, as well as postpones public events during the municipal emergency, among other directives. The Senior Center has halted all programs until further notice. Seniors seeking food, prescriptions or other senior services are encouraged to call Senior Center staff at 401435-7800. Please provide a 24-hour notice before delivery is needed. All branches of the public library are closed until further notice. The community still has online access to the library and the following services through the website, eastprovidencelibrary.org “We are really hoping to do this to keep you and your family safe from contracting and spreading the virus,” said Mayor DaSilva. Most city offices and operations will remain open until further notice, but the community should continue to avoid visiting City Hall or other municipal offices to conduct non-essential business. Residents should instead utilize the City’s website to conduct normal business and visit the city’s social pages (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) for updates. All entertainment licenses and special event permits, whether for bars, social clubs, or other events, are suspended during the period of this state of emergency. The City will not be issuing any entertainment licenses or special event permits during this time. City officials were directed to cancel all non-essential official city meetings, limit the travel of city employees, and postpone all public events during the period of this state of municipal emergency. Small business support: Rhode Island small business owners can now receive 45 minutes of free tech support via teleconference or over the phone. This service has been coordinated by Rhode Island Commerce and is being staffed by volunteers from some of Rhode Island’s leading tech companies. The experts will be available to help small business owners set up equipment to work from home, shift to online meetings and help with document management and security. Rhode Islanders can visit Commerce’s website or call 521-HELP to get started.

City Tax Penalties Suspended

DaSilva issued an executive order to suspend municipal tax penalties during the COVID-19 pandemic. The order will ultimately suspend all late interest charges of city water bills until further notice, halt all utility shutoffs due to late payments of city water bills until further notice, suspend deadlines to apply for tax exemptions and suspend the city tax sale process for a period of 30 days. “This is a trying time for East Providence families and residents who aren’t working or who have had to temporarily cease business operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic,” DaSilva said. “This order will provide East Providence families and businesses some relief and decrease financial burden while the city’s residents and the rest of the world cope with this emergency.”

Emergency Loan Fund to Assist Local Businesses

Officials announced details of an emergency loan fund that would benefit local businesses that may be facing cash flow issues. Loans would be funded through the existing City-administered federal Urban Development Action Grants program. In addition, the City will coordinate with Rhode Island Small Business Administration and area banks to maximize benefits to local businesses. Specifics of this loan program are being released this month. In addition, the City, together with the East Providence Chamber of Commerce is developing a survey (to distributed early next week) to solicit feedback from the local businesses on what assistance is needed during this uncertain time.

Dog Registration & Rabies Clinic Canceled

The City announced a cancellation regarding the scheduled dog and rabies clinic. “In alignment with the Gubernatorial and Mayoral Executive Orders, the annual Dog Licensing and Rabies Clinic hosted by the City of East Providence Clerk’s Department, East Providence Animal Shelter and Rhode Island Veterinary Medical Association has been cancelled until further notice,” said City Clerk Samantha Burnett. “We thank you for understanding as we navigate through this unprecedented time,” Burnett added.

The East Providence




Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

P.O. Box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769

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PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 news@eastprovreporter.com The views expressed in The Reporter are not necessarily those of the editor or staff.


The Reporter April 2020

“Grab N Go” Feeds Children in East Providence

The East Providence School Department reacted quickly to provide local families with lunch for children who wanted or needed one with schools closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Under the leadership of Food Services Director Melissa Read, children are provided a nutritious lunch if they need one. Read’s staff had to quickly put together a program and prepare and deliver food to several pickup locations from Riverside to Rumford. Ham & Cheese Sandwiches, Turkey Club Wraps, Fresh fruit, Ham & Cheese subs, Bagel Fun lunch, yogurt Parfait/granola, milk and more.

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Joining together to feed kids during pandemic.

“Grab N Go” Also Feeds 600 Seniors One Day Last Month

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City officials and employees, together with ‘We Share Hope’ volunteers, bagged groceries for East Providence seniors in need on Tuesday, March 24th. Bags were distributed to EP seniors via a drive-through, open-air market beginning at 1 pm. All of this was done while practicing social distancing. “We will try to do this again,” said Mayor DaSilva.


Covid-19 No Payment, No Interest Loan Programs; City Partners with Chamber to Assist Small Businesses

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In response to the impact on small businesses, Mayor DaSilva, together with Planning & Economic Development Director William Fazioli, Chief Planner Jim Moran and Community Development Director Dave Bachrach, designed two loan programs. “The COVID-19 pandemic has not only devastated the public’s health but has forced hundreds of businesses to shutter their doors leaving thousands of people unemployed,” Mayor Bob DaSilva said. “We hope the rollout of these loans and modification of other loans will give our small businesses the support they need. While the City recognizes this is an interim step to provide immediate assistance, we are more than ever committed to building a strong and resilient economy,” Mayor DaSilva said.

City Coping with Closed Restaurants

Through further notice, there will be no on-site food consumption for restaurants, bars, coffee shops, or other food establishments in Rhode Island. Establishments with a food license can continue to conduct pick-up, drive-thru and delivery only. Several East Providence food establishments have been providing take-out and delivery service. Also all recreational and entertainment businesses, as well as any close contact businesses (this includes but is not limited to gyms, fitness centers, hair salons, and nail salons) must be closed to in-person operations.

Utilities Shutoffs on Hold

The Public Utilities Comission (PUC) has issued an emergency order mandating that all regulated utilities not terminate services at this time. The state has also directed utilities to stop sending past due accounts to collection agencies and is encouraging nonregulated utilities to do the same. If service is terminated, Rhode Islanders should call their utility provider. If the provider is unable to help, customers should call the PUC at 401-780-9700.

April 2020 The Reporter

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The Reporter April 2020

Good Night Lights for Hasbro Kids Still On

EP Police at Vets Parkway for Good Night Lights

EPHS graduate and Hall of Famer, noted cartoonist/artist Steve Brosnihan, released a statement concerning the weekly effort to prop up spirits of sick children at Hasbro Hospital. Brosnihan has devised the popular program which has received national acclaim. “Friends of Good Night Lights (GNL), as restrictions to combat the spread of the Coronavirus limit what we can do at this time, keep in mind that sending a Good Night Lights signal can be a safe and monumentally appreciated action. I received word that nearly all art-related programs that serve patients at Hasbro Children’s Hospital have been put on hold, including my own cartooning visits. It is crushing to face the temporary loss of this privilege for the kids. Most of the popular public GNL signal sites allow a car to be pointed at the hospital(s) to make this possible. They include the East Bay Bike Path on the Veterans Parkway and Bold Point Park in East Providence. GNL happens every night at about 8:30 pm,” said Brosnihan.

The Reporter will continually update any late breaking news on our website: ReporterToday.com.

School Maintenance workers sanitizing schools


Expires 4/30/2020

Expires 4/30/2020

School custodians cleaning buildings

April 2020 The Reporter

Letters to the Editor... Please Note: • Letters MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters MUST arrive by the 20th of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!

Email: news@eastprovreporter.com The comments in Letters to the Editor, Opinion Columns and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication...It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented in an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion.

Country Club Behavior

You concentrate on life, we’ll get the mortgage part done.

As a former citizen of East Providence for forty-three years, a • First-Time Homebuyer Program • Credit education student, K through twelve, in its school system, a longtime teacher • VA/FHA Loans • Construction/Rehab Loans within that same system, and now, as a retiree, I want to express • Jumbo Loans • Conventional loan financing my anger and disgust at the way the sale of one hundred and five acres of prime East Providence land has been jobbed off to a loCall 401.233.4700 to set up an appointment with one of our mortgage cal construction group for the ridiculous price of a about two and specialists, or visit navigantcu.org/mortgage to learn more. a half million. It’s as if the government of East Providence has money to burn, which, of course, it doesn’t. To allow a purchase and sales agreement to be signed for this sum shows spectacularly bad judgment on the part of the city, NMLS#462987 Federally insured by NCUA which still has rights in this matter. Can the city undo the entire deal? Why not? Explain much more, please. In specifics. Looks like we’ve handed off one exclusive club to another group of clubby people. One hundred and five acres of water view for two and a half million? What realtor • Rumford, RI • would not, in private, laugh at such a deal? Ray Paiva, Broker/owner And ridicule it. In the meantime, we’re supposed to beED ED UC UC D D moan the loss of a club where people play RE RE games and trade favors. A unique Donald Ross design, among a dozen others. The idea that all government is bad and that all taxpayers were born to be ripped off is only reinforced by these transparent East Providence: Solid 3 bedroom ranch, desirable east greenwich antics. East Providence: 10-rm split level, schools. Meadowbrook/hanaford. There’s still time and opportunity for the cath ceilings, lg master w/bath/ Newer kitchen, roof, dishwasher, city to reassert itself. shower/whirlpool tub. FP, HWs, w i n d o w s . F r e s h l y p a i nt e d , Barrington: Waterfront property Gas heat, C/A, alarm, sprinklers, Show us something different. Show us lg basement, Din Rm, HWs, with beautiful views of the bay, 2-car garage, 40 x 20 inground something halfway decent and respectable. shed, fenced yard. Quiet, kid two beds nice kitchen, nice walkout pool, cabana w/kit, bath, bedroom. friendly neighborhood. Minutes from basement to backyard on the Show us something that will return reasonPatios with granite picnic table. to shopping and rt 4/95/295. water! Listed at $455,000 able money to the city so that it, too, can $479,900 Ray Paiva 401-447-2275 $289,900 Ray Paiva 401-447-2275 Dick Thomas 401-474-1504 develop an immune system and not be preyed upon. (401) 447-2275 • www.paivarealtygroup.com Disgraceful. Arnold McConnell Rita Valcorba Rita Valcorba

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The Reporter April 2020

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City News Meal Pick Up Bus Stops

The East Providence Public Schools will be closed from March 23 through the end of April. Beginning March 23rd and until further notice, the EP School Dept, partnering with Chartwells and Ocean State Transit will deliver student breakfasts/lunches to our community school sites and bus stops across the city. Please note the sites and bus stop times posted. Full list of Bus Stops and times are posted at www.reportertoday.com under school news. The bus staff will be distributing the meals, so there is no need to go into the buildings. We thank you for your cooperation during this time. Stay well. The following site will be available along with the schools and bus stops. Site 1: 9:15 – 9:45 AM Pierce Memorial Field 201 Mercer Street East Providence, RI 02914 Site 2: 8:30 – 10:00 AM East Providence High School Student Parking Lot 2000 Pawtucket Ave. East Providence, RI 02914

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April 2020 The Reporter


City and Rhode Island Food Association Join Together to Thwart Hoarding

The City of East Providence, together with the Rhode Island Food Dealers Association, whose membership includes grocery retailers Stop & Shop, Shaw’s, ALDIs and PriceRite, as well as suppliers, wholesalers, distributors, brokers and manufacturers, are working to maintain order and thwart hoarding of essential supplies at local grocers. East Providence Mayor Bob DaSilva today announced that the City is working with local retailers to maintain order at local grocers and to remind the community that shelves are being restocked with essential goods. “During this time of uncertainty, it is imperative that our community come together,” Mayor DaSilva said. “With that said, we need to be sure all East Providence families have the supplies that they need and in order to do that, we are asking residents to work with us and our retailers to have a safe and fair shopping experience.” “Our member retailers are working hard to serve the customers of East Providence,” said Steven Arthurs, president and CEO of the Rhode Island Food Retailers Association. “Please be aware that the supply lines for grocers are in overall good shape and the supply of goods are moving from food manufacturers to wholesalers and suppliers and ultimately to your store shelves. “There is no need to overbuy or hoard products,” he added. “As a critical industry our stores will remain open to serve you as we deal with the COVID-19 challenge.” In order to maintain order at local grocers, the City has asked retailers to implement a policy to limit items that are in short supply to two. Customers who attempt to checkout with more than the allowed items, will be asked to return the extra items. Those customers refusing to abide by the policy will be asked to leave. “Working together to put limits in place will ensure that all customers have access to essential goods,” DaSilva said.

East Providence Saves Funds, Energy with National Grid Program

The city of East Providence has tapped into National Grid’s Energy Initiative program resulting in taxpayer savings. Once complete, the City would have added, bright LED lighting at City Hall, the East Providence police station and Fuller Creative Learning Center. “The new lighting has not only brightened our city buildings, but has offered energy and financial savings,” Mayor Bob DaSilva said. “In total, our city will see nearly $23,000 in annual financial savings and 136,916 in annual Kilowatt-hours savings over 13 years.” “Through this program, East Providence was able to implement LED technology with no upfront cost, with annual savings exceeding annual costs and with no taxpayer impact,” Jerry Drummond, lead commercial sales representative at National Grid. East Providence joins more than half of Rhode Island’s municipalities that currently participate in the program. Electricians with O’Neill Electric install LED lights at East Providence City Hall in an effort to save the city energy and funds. For more information, please contact the Office of the Mayor at 401-435-7521.

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The Reporter April 2020

Please Be Advised: Stay at Home Services for Seniors

Mayor DaSilva is encouraging all older adults of East Providence to follow the recommendations and guidelines put forth by Governor Gina Raimondo and the Rhode Island Department of Health as per the recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. This includes not attending gatherings or events of 10 or more people, to keep a 6-foot radius between themselves and others and to wash your hands. In an effort to provide addition support to East Providence Seniors as they follow the social distancing recommendations, Mayor DaSilva has put in place a service run out of the East Providence Senior Center that will allow East Providence Senior Center staff to pick up essentials for seniors and deliver those essentials to seniors at their home. Please call the East Providence Senior Center at 401-435-7800 to schedule a delivery. We ask that you give us at least 24-hour notice. Although the East Providence Senior Center is closed for all activities, all Senior Center staff will continue to be available to support our older adult residents, members of the Senior Center and their families in any way we can. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 401-435-7800.

News from The Senior Center AARP Safe Driving Course Scheduled for June 15th* 11:15 am- 4:00 pm

To register please call the Senior Center at 401-435-7800. Check with your insurance company, in advance, to determine if you qualify for an insurance discount for completing this course. *Date Subject to Cancelation Due to COVID-19

Townie Road Runners

June 8-10, 2020: Lancaster – $385.00 pp to include 2 Nights Accommodations, Sight and Sound Theatre – Queen Esther play, Mon–Wed. 2 Dinners at Shady Maples and Millers, 2 Breakfasts, Tour of Amish country, Kitchen Kettle Village, Motor Coach Trans. Single Occ. Add $100.00. Insurance available. Sept. 14-17, 2020 W i l d w o o d , N J $395.00pp include 3 Nights Accommodations, 3 Breakfasts, 3 Dinners, Entertainment, Mon–Thurs. Afternoon Pizza Party, Ice Cream Social at 50’s themed Cool Scoops Parlor, Day in Atlantic City with Bonus Package, Dinner with entertainment, Motor Coach Transportation. Single add $83.00. Insurance available. Call: Eleanor Monteiro at (401)434-8194 - 28 Metacomet Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916.

Public Works Department Releases Covid-19-Related Rubbish Changes

The following changes have been made to rubbish collections. Mattress, appliance, yard waste and bulky item collections have all been suspended for the month of April. This is effective immediately and will be reassessed at the end of the April. The trash collector will only be collecting trash that is in trash bags and/or in a trash barrel, no bulky items such as furniture or other household items place at the curb will be collected. The City’s collection contractor is operating with a limited crew and the main goal is to have the weekly rubbish collected while keeping employees safe. Residents who are able and would like to drop off yard waste material can do so Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the City’s Forbes Street compost area. Recycling will continue to be collected as scheduled. For questions or more information, please contact DPW Program Coordinator, Donna McMahon at (401)435-7701 Fax: 434-1725.

April 2020 The Reporter


Commentary – My Take By Bob Rodericks

As a citywide elected official in East Providence, I feel compelled to publicly comment on the scary pandemic we are all experiencing. Most of all I comment as a lifelong Townie with a deep sense of love for this city. My approach is to be available and aware of the needs of this city, while not getting in the way of the professionals whose job it is to provide daily oversight of municipal services. Bob Rodericks I have been available to constituents, City Hall, Schools and others, but respect the lines of protocol that need to be observed. I am very impressed with the reactions of many. This is a worldwide horrific health emergency which is new to just about all of us on this planet. It is uncharted territory. While I am not an enthusiastic supporter of Governor Gina Raimondo on all issues, I think she is doing an excellent job in managing this emergency. Without an initial panic, the Governor and Dr. Nicole Scott of the health dept. have shown measured, responsible and firm leadership. The Governor has risen to the occasion and has been forceful and effective with public communication. At the city level, first term Mayor Bob DaSilva has shown good leadership and has not hesitated to issue needed Executive Orders intended to notify and protect our community. The Mayor has informed our city council and other officials just before issuing important public edicts so that we are all on the same page. We know the Mayor and School Superintendent have had some prior professional differences on budget finances, but they have worked well together to ensure our educational system meets the needs of our kids. While City Hall is technically closed due to this crisis, most departments are accessible to residents while many workers and department heads are at their desks monitoring city government. Thanks, Mayor DaSilva, for your clear, decisive actions in this emergency. While some raise an eyebrow at the frequency with which the Mayor posts information on social media, it has certainly helped with this crisis. It is the quickest way to convey information in this age of electronic media. I also applaud my city council colleagues for leading from a distance and staying out of the way of the day to day professionals. Superintendent of Schools Kathryn Crowley has been most effective and swift in her actions. I’ve witnessed Crowley and many school staff jump into quick action with little to no preparation time. Within days of closing schools, a program was developed to provide nutritious meals for all students who want or need them. Hundreds of meals have been given out in the first days of schools being closed and distribution sites have been expanded and will continue. In my opinion, providing our kids with a nutritious meal is the right thing to do. Our kids, especially the youngest, are understandably apprehensive and unsure of what this pandemic really means. Yes, the “three R’s” are important, but so is providing for the psychological/social needs of our precious kids. Crowley and her staff should receive an A+ for their efforts, especially with such little preparation time. East Providence was one of the first, if not the first community to put together a “virtual learning curriculum,” which was accepted by the state and used as a template for others in many cases. Our awesome police and fire departments have been at the forefront of this crisis. Police officers have helped kids with lunches and chromebook distribution. Police and fire were there helping to hand out of food baskets to senior citizens in need. Police Chief Bill Nebus and Fire Chief Glen Quick have worked together to pro-

vide EP with emergency planning and their staffs are ready for any issues that may arise. Both departments have quietly been very busy responding to numerous calls for assistance. Police & fire personnel meet up with danger every day and then face keeping their own families safe. Godspeed to them all. I feel awful for our small businesses. Many will suffer. Please help by patronizing the take-out food venues that may be offered. When they all reopen, we need to support them widely! Obviously, our brave doctors and nurses and all health care workers are on the front lines. They need our total support and admiration. I also salute the unsung workers in our markets, stores, drugstores, gas stations etc. that may be open. These workers are facing virus exposure and sometimes unruly shoppers who are panic buying. Also to our U.S. Mail and other parcel carriers who still deliver to us daily. Thanks to them all! And so, Townies, we’re in this together and will never look upon everyday life as the same again. Please take this pandemic as deadly serious. Listen to the experts, not amateur rumors and remedies that appear on social media every hour. Love, good luck and good health to all family, friends and everyone. (Councilman Bob Rodericks is a contributor to the Reporter News Magazine. His views here are his own and not necessarily the views of this publication.)

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The Reporter April 2020

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$ 99 HAM 9 served with& home & rolls Ham orEGGS Prime fries rib and scrambled eggs with butter

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April 2020 The Reporter

$ 99


Ham or Prime rib and scrambledProgram eggs Restaurant Offers Affordable Dining Option for People 60/+ served with home fries & rolls with butter East Bay Community Action Program has Restaurant Program dining vouchers available for purchase through its Ocean State Senior Dining Program. The Restaurant Program offers vouchers to the IHOP Restaurant located at 159 West Main



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$ 99

Ham or Prime rib and scrambled eggs served with home fries & rolls with butter


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ive Golf Tournament. Look for details!

ment. Look for details!


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Steamed little necks, 969 Broadway, East Providence, RI 02914 sausage, chourico, 401-431-5900 HOURS hot dog, sweet 99 Newport Ave, Pawtucket, RI 02861 Wed: Dinner only 4-8 potato, white potato, 401-728-5600 Thurs & Sat: Breakfast 8-11 & Dinner 4-8 onion, corn-on-cob, DRIVE THRU WINDOW AVAILABLE Fri: Breakfast 8-11 & Dinner 2-8 topped with a baked 228 Washington St, Attleboro, MA 02703 Sun: Breakfast only 8-11:30 stuffed lobster


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oming Soon iAlive Golf Tournament. Look for details!

The EBCAP Restaurant Program is open to individuals 60 years of age or older. Vouchers for the program, which must be obtained prior to dining, are available at the Barrington Café, 281 County Rd. (telephone number 401-2471926), the Bristol Café, 1020 Hope Street (telephone number 401- 253-8458), the Portsmouth Café, 110 Bristol Ferry Rd (telephone number 401- 683-4106), the East Providence Café, 610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI (telephone number 401-435-7800, ext. 2), the Warren Café, 20 Libby Lane, Warren, RI (telephone number 401-247-1930) or at East Bay Community Action Program, 100 Bullocks Point Avenue, East Providence, RI (telephone number 401-437-1000 ext. 121). A donation of $5.00 is suggested. Vouchers at IHOP are redeemable between 7am – 10:30am and 4:30pm-8:00pm, 7 days a week; vouchers at Newport Creamery are redeemable Monday – Friday from 7 am – 11 am and from 4 pm- 8 pm. Diners can select from a limited menu of nutritionally balanced entrees at both sites. All vouchers must be used during their month of purchase. This program is funded in part by the United States Administration on Aging and state funds through the RI Office of Healthy Aging. East Bay Community Action Program is a private, non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation that provides a wide array of health and human services to the residents of Rhode Island’s East Bay, including the municipalities of East Providence, Barrington, Warren, Bristol, Little Compton, Tiverton, Portsmouth, Middletown, Newport, and Jamestown. For more information regarding services and to learn how you too can support the CAP which supports the East Bay Community, please visit ebcap.org.

YOUNG’S CATERERS 364 Newman Avenue, Seekonk Ma


We have daily individual as well as family size take out meals. We also offer Chicken Pies, French Meat Pies and Stuffies everyday. For menus contact us on facebook at Young’s Catering or call our office phone at 508-336-4053 .

Hours of operation: Monday - Friday 9am to 6pm (pickups 12-6pm) Saturday 9am to 3pm

The Reporter April 2020


Events & Activities Swansea Animal Shelter Yard Sale Sunday, May 31st 9am-2pm

68 Stevens Rd, Swansea MA 02777 “Everything” Yard Sale! Bake Sale, Plant Sale, 50/50 Raffle Open House, Project Spay All proceeds go to the animals

Bread of Life Food Pantry Responds to Community Needs

82 Hillside Avenue, Rehoboth MA 508.252.9761 • www.HillsideCountryClub.com

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The Bread of Life Food Pantry which is housed at Newman Congregational Church, UCC did things a differently for their recent opening. Due to the physical distancing restrictions and the decision of the church to suspend all in-person gatherings, the Food Pantry was in need of making modifications to its typical routine in order to meet the needs of the community. And in doing so, enlisted the help of many new volunteers from the community. Multiple, small volunteer crews worked hard over the course of the days leading up to the opening to pre-bag groceries for the pantry’s clients. On the evening of the pantry opening, clients were met in the parking lot and volunteers loaded groceries directly into their cars. Each family received four bags of groceries, one of which was filled with produce and bread. In times such as this, it is these examples of the community coming together to meet the needs of some of the most vulnerable among us that brings us hope. Thank you to all of the community members who stepped up to volunteer. And thank you to the many, many who financially support the Bread of Life Food Pantry. This ministry would not exist without you. The pantry will be open again on April 14th and 28th from 5-7 pm. Bread of Life Food Pantry c/o Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ PO BOX 4764 Rumford, RI 02916 For more information, Rev. Timoth Sylvia at 401-434-4742 ext 11.

Episcopal Church of the Epiphany Worship Moves Virtual!





Our building may be closed, but church is open and worship and spiritual care have moved online! In this time of global pandemic, we are here to support your heart and soul with the nourishment of worship and prayer. Check our website www.epiphanyep.org and follow us on facebook www.facebook.com/epiphanyep for regular updates, live videos and more. Virtual Holy Week Worship will be on Facebook live (you DO NOT need a Facebook account to watch live): Palm Sunday, April 5, 9:30am Good Friday – 12noon Stations of the Cross, 7pm Tenebrae Candlelight Meditations Easter Sunday, April 12 – Worship & Music PICTURED: RACHAEL WARREN


April 2020 The Reporter



By Bob Rodericks

Townies Joe Andrade Named RI Basketball Coach of the Year All Five Starters Garner Awards

The East Providence High School boys basketball program does, box out and take a charge,” added Andrade after the game. continues to receive accolades in a shortened season due to the East Providence looked good in the opening minutes of the Covid-19 pandemic gripping the world. Once the season had been game but the Hawks played steady, was hot on offense and widofficially declared over, some statewide awards were issued. The ened their lead in the second half, to which EP could not recover RI Basketball Coaches Association named Townie Head Coach from. EP made a slight run late in the game cutting the deficit to Joe Andrade as a 2020 Division I Basketball Coach of the Year. All 10 points but a third consecutive come from behind win was not five starters on the team also received honors also. Andrade also in the cards. In the end, East Providence just missed too many won the award in 2017. R.J. Pina and Brian Taylor were first team shots and was out hustled by Hendricken. The Townies had three All-Division I and second team all-league selections. Justin Pena, players reach double-digit scoring. Justin Pena (17), Brian Taylor Josh Kauffman and Zach Russell were second team all-division. (15) and Richard Pena (14). “I definitely appreciate the award because it's your coaching peers who are voting. Obviously, it has been a good year even though it ended too early,” said Andrade. “This team was easy to coach, no discipline problems in or out of the classroom. It made my job easy and I appreciate that,” he added. The season has been bitter-sweet as the most successful boys basketball team in some 20 years was hoping for a chance to play for the RI state championship. With its exciting 57-54 homecourt win over Cumberland High on senior night, the Townies boys basketball team had achieved the most wins in Division I play since 1979. East Providence has also played well in other seasons winning 12 times on five other occasions. The Townies were expected to handle Cumberland on senior night, but the Clippers had upset in mind when they outplayed EP and led at halftime 29-24. “We regrouped at the half and realized that we were rushing things. The team played better in the 2nd half and held on at the end,” said Dr. Debra George & Dr. Kelsey George Townie coach Joe Andrade. With the Townies struggling at times, Richard Pina kept them in the game with 21 points and several key rebounds and relentless play. Brian Taylor tossed in 10 points and Justin Pena had 8 key points. Josh Kauffman and Zach Russell each contributed 7 points for the Townies come from behind win. The Townie basketball fans have noticed the boys surge as each game is near capacity at the Townie gym. In Division I playoffs EP knocked off a strong LaSalle team at LSA and made it to the state divisional final four bracket. Hendricken would eventually win that title. At that divisional final four game against Providing Orthodontic care in Hendricken at CCRI, close to 1,000 or more Townie fans comprised a standing South Attleboro / / Vineyard Haven room only crowd on the Townie side of the (508) 761-5230 / (508) 336-3066 / (508) 693-3766 fieldhouse to cheer on East Providence. “Hendricken played a very scrappy game and they got a lot of hustle points,” said East Providence head coach Joe Andrade. Read Our Reviews! “We have to execute better on offense and * Seekonk location is minutes from our former East Providence location! do the little things teams like Hendricken

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The Reporter April 2020

All RI School Sports Halted

Thomas A. Mezzanotte, retiring Executive Director of the RI Interscholastic League has announced the suspension of all high school sports until further notice. Due to the coronavirus Pandemic, all Rhode Island schools are closed. “Based on the report from Governor Gina Raimondo announcing that all public K-12 schools in Rhode Island will follow distance learning plans from March 23 to April 3, the Rhode Island Interscholastic League will further push back the start of the spring sports season. A new start date has not been determined. The RIIL understands how important sports are to its studentathletes and will do whatever it can to salvage as much of the spring season as possible, while remaining in compliance with the guidelines set forth by the Rhode Island Department of Health and maintaining the health and safety of the Rhode Island community as its top priority.

City Youth Sports on Hold

Little league baseball, youth soccer and football among others, have their springtime activities on hold due to the pandemic that is gripping everyone. The ball fields are silent and the “crack of the bat” is nowhere to be heard. Even sandlot type games of kids are not allowed under the emergency declarations that prohibit gatherings on city playgrounds and ball fields. A statement was issued by Little League Headquarters from Williamsport, Pennsylvania. “Little League International operates more than 6,500 programs in more than 84 countries, and therefore, we recommend that our leagues exercise an abundance of caution and implement a temporary suspension/delay of all league activities until no earlier than May 11. As information continues to become available regarding the increasing spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), we will provide our leagues and district administrators, with additional guidance on the implementation of the Little League® program in your local communities.” A statement from Rumford Little League said, “Rumford Little League Families, we want to provide you with some updates and some useful information during this stressful time. We are a community and want what is best for everyone! We know that, joining together, we can get through this and have a great season. As of now, per the recommendation of Little League baseball, we are suspending league activities until May 11th. This will be re-evaluated weekly up Anniversary Parties • Birthdays • Collations until that date. We will keep you in the loop with any new information,” said the league Graduation Parties • Showers • Holiday Parties statement.” To book your next Riverside Little League also issued a function, please notice to members which said, “Riverside Little League has cancelled all scheduled contact Dan Grant events as recommended by Little League @ 401-434-9744 International in response to the Covid 19 health emergency. This includes: Tryouts, Meat & LOBSTAH raffle and Clinics. We will keep everyone updated with changes.” Plenty of An EP Central League notice said, parking in the “Still feeling optimistic, please be patient rear parking lot! as we continue to keep the best interest of your child in mind. Parents and fans can forward any inquiries to info.epcll@gmail. Enjoy our 32 seat climate controlled lounge with multiple com. Thank you for your patience and understanding.”

East Providence Columbus Club Book your next event:

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Riverside Little League Registration Open

Riverside Little League's 2020 baseball registration is now open. Register online at www.rill.org. Contact us with questions at www.facebook.com/rllri.org.

Check our website and facebook page for updates!

April 2020 The Reporter


East Providence Public Libraries

WEAVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 41 Grove Avenue, 401-434-2453

RIVERSIDE BRANCH LIBRARY 475 Bullocks Point Ave, 401-433-4877

Fuller Creative Learning Center, 260 Dover Ave. 401-228-3903

East Providence Public Library Staff Are Still Hard At Work For You!

We continue to answer the phone. You are invited to call 401-434-2453 with any questions you might have Monday through Friday, 9am-5pm. Applying for a new library card and renewing your current card is still possible. Use the “Apply for/Renew a Library Card” link in the Ocean State Libraries catalog: https://catalog.oslri.net Play along with us! Get “caught reading.” Share a photo of yourself or your kids reading and use the hashtag #caughtreadingEPPL on Facebook or Instagram. Miss Pam will continue to provide Storytime twice weekly. You can find the Storytime videos on our YouTube Channel. Families are also welcome to contribute a book review! Picture books, chapter books, any book that your child has recently read will do. Email a short video, 60 seconds or less, to eplibrarypam@yahoo.com and she will upload them to our YouTube channel. You may have the time now to do that genealogy research you have always wanted to do. We are pleased to announce that Ancestry now offers remote access. Use your library barcode to log in and continue your genealogy research from home. Find the link under our research tab on our homepage. Kanopy, our film streaming service, now has a list of titles that don’t go toward your monthly play credits. Browse the list of the 46 credit-free films without the worry of maxing out your play credits before the month is up! Access Kanopy under the E-Library tab on our home page. The staff at Fuller Creative Learning Center will be delivering learning opportunities by email! Appropriately, the theme is “What can I do around the house?” Offerings will include quick and easy recipes, DIY household projects, fun for kids and more. To receive new learning opportunities via email, please send an email to fullercreativelearning@gmail.com. Don’t forget that your family counts in the 2020 Census! Fill it out at www.2020census. gov eBook reading has increased dramatically with many new users and more eBooks, and audiobooks, being checked out! eZone has both adult and children’s books, fiction and nonfiction with more content being added frequently. Library fines no longer stop you from accessing eBooks. Another free source for children’s eBooks is TumbleBooks. Find the link on our website.

Need to stay in touch by text? Text Free allows you to text a librarian who will respond in 24 hours or less. Ask a question or send some library love! Text us at 401-287-2567. The much loved stuffed animals at both Riverside and Weaver have been washed and fluffed and can’t wait for playtime again.

Floors have been stripped and waxed and are gleaming. Staff at Weaver are even cleaning all the books! Our doors may be closed, but many services are still open to you. We miss you and look forward to serving you in person one day soon.

Dr. Lisa Daft and Dr. Jared Stubbs Dr. Lisa Daft Dr. Christina Sorensen Are pleased to announce Dr. Chris Vanderpool has joined our family and cosmetic dental practice. Providing comprehensive Providing comprehensive dental care in dental care in more Seekonk, Seekonk, MA for than 35MA. years. WeWe welcome new patients! welcome new patients!

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The Reporter April 2020

EP Students, Teachers, Parents Face Distance Learning By Bob Rodericks

The worldwide pandemic, known as coronavirus, has put routine life on hold for most of the nation. Rhode Island schools have been ordered by Governor Gina Raimondo to conduct education through “Distance Learning” since March 23rd. As of this writing, schools will continue with online classrooms through Friday, April 3rd, 2020. It is very possible, however, that the virtual learning may continue beyond this date. After two weeks of virtual learning, the Governor and Dr. Alexander-Scott will reevaluate the situation and make a new determination. By many accounts, the East Providence School District was in the forefront of preparing to enable teachers and students to continue instruction during school closure.

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Midway through the first week of virtual classrooms, Superintendent Crowley had a good assessment of how the program was working. “Distance Learning in East Providence is going very well. One hundred percent of our teachers were online with students. Our student attendance is very good and getting better each day. I am very proud of our teachers and how they embraced this new initiative in a very short period of time. We completed our chromebook pick-up with a small percentage that have not picked up a device,” said Crowley. Students can use their own computers and home technology but can contact their principals if they still need a chrome book to take home. On the second day of home instruction the district passed out over 400 hot spots throughout the city with another 200 made available the next day. “Our technology staff and Director Ben Russell have been a very big part of our success, a fabulous team. This whole project has been a team effort between Directors, Assistant Superintendents, Principals, Assistant Principals, teachers and support staff,” Crowley said. “The school committee has been very supportive of our efforts and also the Mayor and city council. Townie Pride alive and well,” added Crowley. East Providence had been working on their virtual learning plan for a while. “A virtual learning plan was developed to ensure the continued education of all students in the district,” said East Providence Superintendent of Schools Kathryn Crowley. “Teachers received professional development during the week of March 9-13, 2020 regarding the implementation of this plan. Our plan received approval from the Rhode Island Department of Education and was a template for some other districts.” Just before schools were closed, the district took swift action to developed plans with school lunch provider Chartwells and Ocean State Transit, the school bus vendor. “Chartwells was asked to provide food to students who may be in need during a quarantine. We also developed a protocol with Ocean State Transit to ensure that our busses are cleaned daily. We rescheduled our maintenance and custodial staff to ensure ongoing, prompt and efficient cleaning and sanitization of our schools,” said Crowley. The district’s plan has procedures to measure student participation. Each school can list attendance by teacher monitoring of live virtual learning steps. “The way that we will know that students are ‘present’ is by having them login to their Homeroom Google Classroom each day and answer a question. This should be done as early as possible in the ‘school day’. If a student does not login to the Homeroom Google Classroom for two days in a row, a staff member will be contacting home,” said Riverside Middle School principal Robert Perry. The district is keeping daily numbers on attendance and student participation. A look at district attendance for Tuesday March 24th showed very high attendance rates for every school. Reports show 100% participation by all classroom teachers in every school: School Enrolled Online EPHS 1,430 1,386 Riverside Middle 581 570 Martin Middle 597 587 Myron J. Francis 402 394 Hennessey 249 236 Kent Heights 267 256 Orlo Avenue 259 247 Silver Spring 252 240 Waddington 539 508 Whiteknact 260 248 Oldham 60 Full day 52 Full day 99 Half day 84 Half day Pre-K @ Martin 99 90


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“We have stepped into uncharted territory,” said RMS Principal Perry. “It has been necessary to put together a plan in record time. District and school level staff have come together to create a plan which will be a work-in-progress. We are getting started right away, we know that we are going to have to make changes as we go along. It is going to take a lot of patience, flexibility, and cooperation from everyone. Things are off to a good start though,” added Perry. Perry was confident that secondary students will benefit from their prior experience with distance learning. “Our kids have had ‘Daytime 1:1’ for a while now. Every morning during the last two school years, kids have checked out a chrome book, used it in

April 2020 The Reporter their classes, and checked it back in at the end of the day. We also have an Instructional Coach who works every day with teachers to integrate new learning apps and tech skills into their classes. The biggest challenge for teachers is going to be balancing the need to directly instruct kids with the realities of distance learning,” said Perry. Students need to be able to access their curriculum on Google Classroom with a device connected to the internet. Several devices can access Google Classroom such as smartphones, tablets, desktops, laptops, and Chromebooks. Many students (mostly secondary) have used Google Classroom and should be familiar with the platform say school officials. “On March 23rd, we began Distance Learning as the first day of school. Students, staff and families shared some photos of working in their homes as they begin this journey of distance learning. The feedback from families has been very positive,” said Martin Middle Principal Bill Black. “They are pleased the district has a plan and is communicating to them. Everyone has been very flexible as we know this is not how we do business in school usually,” added Black. The message posted by Silver Spring school is representative of a system-wide feeling: “This will be a new experience for all of us and for some of our students this will be the first time that they are accessing lessons on Google Classroom. We ask our families to be patient, as we will all do our best to ensure that our students have lessons that are aligned with our curriculum and Standards and are supported. We understand that the first week may be a bit stressful, as students and parents/guardians learn how to use the technology and resources. Know that our teachers, support professionals, and staff will be available for assistance, so don’t despair. This is uncharted territory for all of us, and we want you to know that we are all in this together.” The school district provided a chrome book to any student who did not have a computer at home. They were distributed to families from the Martin gymnasium over a three day period before distance learning began in homes. The process was done in a smooth and secure process. School committee at large member Joel Monteiro assisted in supervising the distribution. “I can’t say enough about the speedy action and attention to detail that every employee of our district executed right from the governor’s call to close. Each of them is performing their respective roles as effectively as we could ask,” said Monteiro. “From custodians to administrators, our team is rising to the challenge every day, with each day being stronger than the previous one. I’m very proud, and stand ready to continue to support them,” added Monteiro. Dean of Students for Waddington School, Cory Howland, replied that “the Waddington school community has worked hard to embrace distance learning. Although this is a challenging time for students, parents and teachers, everyone is doing an amazing job. We began our kickoff to distance learning with a Chalk Your Walk Challenge for our community and it was a huge success. We posted many fun pictures on our school’s Facebook page,” said Howland. “Our school community is learning to navigate Google Meets as our new way to communicate face to face. For our classroom school work, we are using Google Classroom where students get their daily assignments. We miss being together at school, but with everyone working together, we can do this!” added Howland. The high school has also been hard at work. “We have rallied together - we are all supporting one another and out of the classroom still! This experience is so new for everyone. Our goal is to take things slow, keep communication flowing and work our way through this history making experience as one,” said EPHS principal Shani Wallace. We want everyone (students, parents and educators) to take care of themselves mentally and physically along with keeping our brains flowing with educational opportunities. We want this to be a positive learning opportunity for everyone, one day at a time,” added Wallace. Kristopher and Rachel Hallene are busy working parents of three school age children, 1st, 3rd, and 6th graders. “First, I would say that I think the district did a very good job of putting this together in a short amount of time. There have, at least from my perspective, been fewer bumps in the road than I expected,” said Kristopher.


“The workload seems reasonable for each grade level. From two parents working full time from home trying to assist 3 kids, it can be a struggle sometimes, but as we move forward in this endeavor, and routines become reestablished, we’re thinking it’ll get easier,” he said. Hallene would quip, however, that “also, a huge thanks to my wife Rachel who settled down the majority of the battles and resets our students!”



The Reporter April 2020

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April 2020 The Reporter


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The Reporter April 2020


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April 2020 The Reporter

In Memoriam Nicholas Alahverdian


For additional death notices please visit www.reportertoday.com

July 11, 1987 - February 29, 2020

Nicholas Alahverdian’s battle for life ended on February 29, 2020. The children and families in the care of the Rhode Island Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF) for whom he inspired and led through turbulent government transgressions have lost a warrior that fought on the front lines for two decades. Mr. Alahverdian died two months after going public with his diagnosis of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. He was in his 32nd year. At the bedside were Mrs. Alahverdian, their two children, and extended family. East Providence Mayor, Bob DaSilva, Nicholas Mr. Alahverdian was a devout Catholic. Alahverdian, and Rep. Michael Marcello, City In keeping with Mr. Alahverdian’s wishes, his Attorney for the city of E. Providence. earthly remains were cremated with his ashes scattered at sea. Statesmen in the House of Representatives and Senate joined with Mayors across Rhode Island in homage to a man whom they acknowledged as “one of the most vocal, outspoken and constructive advocates for reforming DCYF and the child care system”. Providence Mayor Jorge O. Elorza remembered Mr. Alahverdian as "a beloved community leader whose selflessness and lifelong contributions to the residents of the State of Rhode Island have earned him the unwavering admiration and respect of many." WPRO News, the first news organization to announce the death of Mr. Alahverdian, was a base for him over the years as he told Rhode Islanders of the devastation suffered by children in care. Rhode Island politics, which are often fraught with tension, were put aside when Speaker Nicholas A. Mattiello remembered Alahverdian from the House Rostrum following the introduction of a Resolution in his honor, unanimously supported by the entire House of Representatives. Earlier in the month, the House adjourned with a moment of silence in memory of Mr. Alahverdian. Mr. Alahverdian was a painter, author, ornithologist, political scientist, sociologist, accomplished orator, and child welfare advocate. He spent 20 years in the House of Representatives and the Senate, where he not only served as a state employee at the age of 14, but also provided lawmakers with insight into the abusive DCYF practices. Alahverdian left his employment to became the youngest lobbyist in history as he fought for DCYF reform. He was then exiled to Nebraska and Florida where he was silenced until his 18th birthday. Surviving what Providence Journal columnist Bob Kerr called a Dickensian existence in Rhode Island and enduring war-like torture in Nebraska and Florida was a triumph of sheer will. Alahverdian continued his crusade against DCYF abuses until his death, and with merely two weeks prior to his untimely passing, a bill creating a DCYF oversight commission was introduced in his honor by Rep. Ray Hull. He again did the unthinkable and was admitted to and became an alum of Harvard University, the most peaceful and intellectually invigorating four years of his life aside from the past four years with his young loving family including his beloved wife and cherished children. Mr. Alahverdian leaves many friends ranging from the world of politics to music to business and beyond. The family thank with utmost gratitude Dr. Jeffrey Hunt, Bob Kerr, the Hon. Ray Hull, Hon. Bob DaSilva, Hon. Joanne Giannini, Hon. John Lombardi, Hon. Jeffrey Pine, the professors Dr. John Hamilton, Dr. Theo Theoharis, Dr. Thomas Underwood, all of Harvard University; Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame artist Rudy Cheeks, friends Saling Simon and Leah Cooke, and countless others who filled the last third of his life with love, joy, excitement, and wonder.

Besides his immediate family, Mr. Alahverdian’s survivors include his uncles Michael and Edward Alahverdian, his cousins, and numerous siblings, half-siblings, nephews, and nieces. Condolences to the family can be sent to info@nicholasalahverdian.com or at the online condolence book on EverLoved.com.

In Loving Memory

Michael Dillon DaSilva Jr. Michael Dillon DaSilva Jr. was born on April 13, 2007. He passed away at 3 months old. I just want everyone to remember him on his birthday and I want to tell him that I love him very much. I loved him since the day he was born and till the day I die. Love, Mommy.

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The Reporter April 2020

SCHOOL NEWS Help Reach Scholarship Phone-A-Thon Goal

In early March, students, parents and volunteers from Scholarship Foundation of East Providence called thousands of East Providence residents during their annual phone-a-thon. Proceeds from the event will provide scholarships for East Providence students who are entering or already enrolled in a four-year college or in vocational or technical school. Much has happened in the world since then. “We were fortunate to have been able to initiate this fundraiser when we did,” noted Phone-a-thon Chair Louise Paiva. “The rest is up to the people of East Providence,” she added. Under current circumstances, the need for financial assistance to prepare for a career is even greater than before. “Our goal is to raise $100,000 for scholarships this year,” she noted. Members of the volunteer scholarship organization are grateful for the initial contributions that have been received from local residents who were called during the phone-a-thon. There is still time to help. Residents who did not receive a phone call during the phone-a-thon, but who would like to contribute, can send a check, made payable to Scholarship Foundation of East Providence, to: Scholarship Foundation of East Providence, P.O. Box 154438, Riverside, RI 02915.

Local Student Named National Geographic GeoBee RI Semifinalist

The results are in! The National Geographic Society named Wyatt Keough, Grade 8 student at Edward R. Martin Middle School in East Providence, Rhode Island, as one of the semifinalists eligible to compete in Wyatt Keough the 2020 National Geographic GeoBee State Competition. This is the second level of the National Geographic GeoBee competition, which is now in its 32nd year. To determine each school champion, GeoBee competitions were held in schools throughout the state with students in the fourth through eighth grades. This year, an estimated 2.4 million students competed in the GeoBee, with 8,661 students becoming school champions. School champions also took an online qualifying test, which they submitted to the National Geographic Society. Up to 100 of the top-scoring students in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Department of Defense Dependents Schools and U.S. territories were invited to compete in the State GeoBees. State champions will receive a medal, $1,000 in cash, and other prizes, as well as a trip to Washington, D.C., to represent their state in the National Championship where they will compete for additional cash, awards and college scholarships. The second- and third-place State GeoBee winners will receive cash awards of $300 and $100, respectively. Follow the national competition at www. natgeobee.org.

Bay View Student Awarded Preeminent Teen Visual Arts Prize

Asking for your support for scholarships for East Providence students are: holding sign, scholarship recipients Lily Palumbo and Mikayla Medeiros, both students at Providence College; and back row, recipient parents Darlene Simmons, Kevin Oliver and Ruth Kauffman.

St. Mary Academy – Bay View is very pleased to announce that Lindsey Williams ’23 (Riverside) has been awarded Scholastic Art & Writing Award, in the national competition. This prestigious distinction sees her join the ranks of notable Scholastic Award alumni, including Tschabalala Self, Stephen King, Kay WalkingStick, Charles White, Joyce Carol Oates and Andy Warhol—all of whom won medals when they were teens. Ms. Williams was awarded a Gold Medal for her abstract sculpture “Trapped,” creat-

ed under the direction of Visual Arts teacher Jean Petisce-Lynch (Seekonk, Mass.). Ms. Williams also received a coveted American Visions Medal, which is given to just one artist from each region. The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, established in 1923, saw more than 110,000 students submit nearly 320,000 works of art and writing this year, and National Medal recipients were selected by some of the foremost leaders in the visual and literary arts for excellence in originality, technical skill and the emergence of a personal voice or vision. Of these 320,000 submissions, only 3,000 works received a National Medal, which places Williams within the top 1% of all submissions. As a Gold Medal recipient, Ms. Williams and her parents will be invited to the National Awards Ceremony, held in New York City in June, and her work will be included in an online gallery (posted in June). Her piece will also travel with the National Scholastic Art Show for the next two years. “I couldn’t be more proud of Lindsey and the entire Visual Arts Department, which has fostered the creativity of National Medal recipients for four of the last five years,” said Upper School Principal Colleen Gribbin. “Bay View’s visual arts faculty offer outstanding instruction to student-artists of all levels, and they thoroughly prepare those who chose to study art more intensively for the next steps on their path, which for many of our young women is undergraduate study at art school. Bay View’s Visual Arts program is a hidden gem and an important part of our STEAM curriculum.”

EPLAC for Special Education News

It’s That Time Of Year. EPLAC, The East Providence Local Advisory Committee for Special Education, is seeking nominations for its annual Special Needs Recognition Award Program. We are continuing to seek nominations for educators, support staff, teacher assistants, therapists, programs, students, parents and/or community resources that have provided consistently outstanding services for special education students, especially in the area of inclusion. Do you know someone doing outstanding work? Nominate them! Due to current events, the EPLAC committee has extended the nomination deadline to April 15, 2020. The award ceremony Is currently scheduled for May 14, 2020. For questions about the nomination process and criteria, please email eplac@ epschoolsri.com for information.

April 2020 The Reporter

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HELP WANTED Crossing Guard: Barrington Public Schools is accepting applications for the position of crossing guard. Interested candidates can pick up an application at the School Administration Office, 283 County Road. Hourly Rate $15.45. Custodians: Barrington Public Schools is accepting applications for Substitute Custodians. Interested candidates can pick-up an application at the School Administration Office, 283 County Road. Barrington is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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DIRECTORY Accountant Appliance Repairs Auto Body Auto Repairs Caterers Chamber of Commerce Chimney Services Collectibles Country Club Country Club Country Club Credit Union Credit Union Deli Dentist Dentist Dentist Dentist Dentist Dentist Driveways & Masonry Duct Cleaning Engine Repair-Lawn Fence-Sales/Serv. Florist Food/Party Store Fuel - Oil Hall Rental Handyman Handyman Landscape Service Landscape Service Laundromat Masonry-Construction Meal Delivery Service Mortgage Broker Orthodontics Painting Contractor Paving Contractor Powerwashing Private School Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Remodeling Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant-Pizza Restaurant-Pizza Roofing Contractor Screen Replacement Self Storage Stove Shop Theatres - Live Trash/Junk Removal

MLR Tax Services CJS / Statewide Appliance Repair A-1 Custom Auto Body New England Tire Young’s Caterers, Inc. East Providence Chamber Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney Sweep Wexler’s Collectibles Hillside Country Club Ledgemont Country Club Lincoln Country Club Community & Teachers Credit Union Navigant Credit Union The Italian Corner Coastal Dental Seekonk Eager Family Dentistry George Family Orthodontics Lisa Daft DMD & Associates, PC Romani Orthodontics Smith Family Dental Associates DeJesus Driveways Think Green, Think Clean Air Fred’s Service Center, Inc. Wood & Wire Fence Co., Inc P & J Florist Thomsen Foodservice COD OIL Knights of Columbus American Eagle Entertrises, LLC Just In Time Handyman Service Cutting Edge Landscaping Superior Lawn Care Bullocks Point Laundromat StoneScapes - Mark Carvalho Feast & Fettle Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company George Family Orthodontics Cronan Painting All Phase Asphalt Driveways East Bay Pressure Wash The Wheeler Schoolc/o Laurie Flynn Jeff Searle, Realtor Paiva Realty Group Remax Rivers Edge-Jean Clarke Residential Properties - Providence The Tirrell Team TK Real Estate Brokerage Batty Construction Boneyard Barbecue & Saloon Chelo’s Harvest Market iAlive Restaurant K.P. Grill La Collina Madeira Restaurant Miller’s Roast Beef Mizu Asian Bistro & Sushi Union Burrito Vino’s Family Cafe PieZoni’s Sax’s Steak & Pizza Tabeleys Roofing Blackstone Valley Window & Door Lionel Mini Storage, Inc. Fireplace Showcase Trinity Repertory Company Big Blue Removal Service


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The Reporter April 2020


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April 2020 The Reporter



The Reporter April 2020

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