July 2019 East Providence Reporter

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The East Providence

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JULY 2019 Volume 15, no. 7


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The Reporter July 2019



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July 2019 The Reporter


East Providence News Briefs Emergency Council Meeting Seeks Term Ratification New EPHS Impacted

The City Council met in an emergency session at 8 A.M. on Friday morning, June 21st to vote on a resolution requesting state legislative approval of its council new four-year term. Although local voters had approved the change to a four year council term from two years and the issue was approved by the RI Board of Elections and the local canvassing authority, the city “bond attorney” wanted conformation of General Assembly ratification of the local charter change. The council needed time to advertise the meeting and Friday morning was the earliest time in which the board could meet. The council unanimously approved the early morning resolution and it was immediately transmitted to the RI General Assembly where it is being scheduled for ratification before this session adjourns for the legislative year. The resolution stated in part that, “... on November 6, 2012, the voters of The City of East Providence approved an amendment to Section 2-1 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of East Providence, establishing four (4) year terms for members of the City Council, and since that date, there have been several amendments to the Horne Rule Charter, changes in various state laws affecting municipalities, and an amendment to the Constitution for the State of Rhode Island; and the City Council for the City of East Providence at this time wishes to seek legislative ratification of the amendments to Section 2-1 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of East Providence as amended to confirm the term of office of the members of the Council. The City Council for the City of East Providence requests that the Rhode Island General Assembly ratify the amendment to Section 2- 1 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of East Providence as amended and by said ratification give effect to, confirm, and validate such Section 2-1 of the Home Rule Charter of The City of East Providence as amended.” City Solicitor, Michael Marcello told the council at its June 18th meeting that this is "out of an abundance of caution" as it would make the bond attorney comfortable that the council and the Mayor have "the authority to bind the city to these (new high school) bonds."

Council Approves Payment of High School Preconstruction Bills

The School Department had requested payment to begin covering some preconstruction expenses as the new high school project gets underway. The schools submitted invoices for May 2019 from Ai3 Architects, Inc. in the amount of $736,946.83, the Peregrine Group (the owner s program manager) in the amount of $59,000.00, Stephen Turner, Inc. in the amount of $50.00, and School Department reimbursable expenses in the amount of $434,570.00 for a total amount of $1,230,566.82. The council unanimously approved the resolution authorizing the “Mayor of the City of East Providence acting through and by the City Finance Director to pay the invoices not to exceed $1,230,566.82.” “All of these costs are covered in the approved bond and subject to reimbursement,” said Ward Three councilman and building committee chairman, Nate Cahoon.

Council Gives 1st Passage to Revised Sidewalk Snow Removal Policy

The ordinance states in part, that “All owners of any property bordering any street, highway, or public place within the city shall, within the first 24 hours after the end of any snowfall, or the fall or deposit of snow and ice on the sidewalk or sidewalk area bordering said property, from any cause whatsoever shall: (1) Remove, or cause to be removed all snow or ice from a path not less than three (3) feet in width from the entire length of said sidewalk adjacent to the sidewalk area. (2) Remove, or cause to be removed all snow or ice from a path not less than three (3) feet in width from any curb cut in said sidewalk adjacent to the sidewalk area. (3) For corner lots, remove or cause to be removed all snow or ice from a path not less than three (3) feet in width, extending the length of the sidewalk adjacent to the sidewalk area, and including the street curbs occurring at the intersection forming the street corner. (4) Remove, or cause to be removed all snow and ice form a path not less than three (3) feet in width from any street curb abutting a painted crosswalk.

(5) Remove or cause to be removed all snow or ice deposited on or within one (1) foot of any fire hydrant on the sidewalk or sidewalk area bordering said property. (6) Not cause any snow or ice removed from any sidewalk, sidewalk area, curb cut, street curb, or driveway to be deposited in any street, highway or public place; or upon a sidewalk or sidewalk area bordering another owner’s property. (7) Treat any such area from which snow or ice has been removed with sand, salt or other suitable material. continued on next page...

Inside This Issue Business Directory................62 Church News & Events.........27 Chamber of Commerce.........44 Classifieds.............................. 61 Clubs...................................28 Events...................................24 Heritage Festival...................34 Library..................................52 News Briefs............................3 Obituaries............................60 Parks & Recreation...............10 People....................................20 Scouts.................................30 School..................................18 Senior Center News...............58 Sports.................................45 State House...........................50 Town News............................10


The Reporter July 2019

The East Providence



Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

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Violators of the policy can be fined $25. which can be increased to $75. and more if notice is ignored. Fines occurring within a school pedestrian area will be doubled. Homeowners can notify the City in writing if they have a hardship which prevents them from clearing snow and ice. The policy states that “any owner of any property bordering any street, highway, or public place within the city, who is physically incapable of removing snow or ice in accordance with this section, may apply to the Director of Public Works for a hardship waiver. Upon such application, the Director of Public Works will recommend approval or denial of the hardship waiver to the City Council. The City Council shall approve or deny the hardship waiver.” Proof needed would be “documentation from a board certified physician indicating that the owner suffers from a medical condition that prevents him or her from shoveling snow; If the owner furnishes evidence of 30% or greater military disability rating; If the owner furnishes documentation, such as a Social Security benefits statement, demonstrating that the owner is 100% disabled.” The ordinance also states that “failure to pay any fine issued in accordance with this section within thirty (30) days will result in the creation of a special lien against the property, which lien shall be removed only upon payment of the fine in addition to an administrative penalty of one-hundred dollars ($100.00). The imposition of such fine and/or administrative penalty may be appealed to municipal court within ten (10) days of the issuance of a written citation for the violation. Residents will have an opportunity to address the council at its next meeting and before 2nd and final passage is voted on.

Victor C. Santos, New HR Director

East Providence Mayor Bob DaSilva has appointed Victor C. Santos as the city’s new Human Resources Director. In a late June press release from Project Manager/ Executive Mayoral Aide Patricia Resendes, it was announced that Santos was hired. After Kathleen Waterbury’s controversial tenure as a prior Human Resources Director, resulting in an expensive settlement with the City the post had been briefly filled but became open again when Maureen GomesLopez resigned after a short tenure. Santos will oversee all personnel matters in the city’s Human Resources Department. In addition, Santos will be responsible for management training, recruitment, performance evaluation systems as well as contract negotiations. “Mr. Santos’ more than 20 years in human resources, both as human resources manager and affirmative action officer, will be an asset to the city’s personnel office,” DaSilva said. “Santos has a proven track record in safety and worker’s compensation and firsthand knowledge in employee and labor relations, worker’s compensation, and payroll and benefits administration.” Prior to joining the city of East Providence, Santos was human resources director at Tides Family Services. Before leading Tides HR office, Santos was assistant vice president of human resources/affirmative action officer at Cape Cod Community College where he instituted intercultural dialogues to create awareness around diversity and inclusion, provided professional development opportunities for staff and reorganized the college’s recruiting and onboarding process. According to Resende, Santos also served as assistant general manager of human resources and affirmative action

Victor C. Santos at Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA), where he revamped an employee recognition program and was responsible for the negotiation and execution of labor contracts. “When Santos is not spending time with family, he spends his free time volunteering with the Community Center Grupo Amigos da Terceira, an organization he help found. He is also past president of the International Public Managers Association, a member of the International Society of HR Management and has a seat on the Board of Directors of both - A Wish Come True and RI Day of Portugal,” said the press release. Santos, who speaks English, Portuguese and Spanish, earned his Bachelor of Arts in communications at Rhode Island College.

July 2019 The Reporter

New Tax Rate for City Announced

The Mayor’s office has issued a press statement in which they announce the tax rate for the year 2019. Although a new City budget hasn’t been developed yet the new rate is based upon a recently completed property revaluation. While the tax rate has actually gone down, most homeowners will see a slight increase due to a higher revaluation. “The tax rate changes are the result of a statistical revaluation. Per RI General Law 44-5-11.6, cities and towns are required to perform a statistical update every third and sixth year and a full property revaluation every nine years,” said Patricia Resende, Project Manager/Executive Mayoral Aide. The statistical update was completed by Vision Government Solutions Inc. The City of East Providence increased in value from $3.75 billion to $4.25 billion. Residents of East Providence will see tax rate changes in the revaluation year. Residents are slated to receive their tax bills during the June 7-9 weekend. Tax rates for each category (residential, commercial, tangibles and tax levy) will be reduced for fiscal year 2019. In the residential category, the rate will be reduced to $20.02 from $22.88. The commercial tax rate will be reduced from $25.33 to $24.62 and tangibles will be reduced to $56.39 from $56.51. With the rate changes, the average single-family home owner with a home valued at will see an annual increase of 1.5 percent or $68.64. “The result of this increase will decrease the tax rate. The residential category saw the largest increase in value, which resulted in the largest percentage decrease. The average single-family residence rose approximately 16 percent in value from $200,000 to $232,000. This results in an annual increase of $68.64,” said Resende. Residents with more expensive valued homes, especially those with waterfront homes will see the highest increases. Waterfront homeowners on Narragansett Terrace in Riverside have been complaining loudly and had already filed a lawsuit against the City and Vision Government Solutions Inc. for their property assessment from the last revaluation. A similar action was taken against the Town of Barrington for this company’s revaluations by hundreds of Barrington residents in 2008. In that case, a settlement was worked out. Although the home values didn’t change a lot in the Barrington case settlement. The challenge from the Riverside residents is still pending.

City Tax Assessor Vacancy to be Filled

The City is looking to fill the vacant position of tax assessor with the recent resignation of Steve Hazard. Current Finance Director Malcolm Forbes has been doubling as interim Tax Assessor. The City has advertised the position, stating in part, “... this is a professional position under general supervision of the Director of Finance. The position exercises supervision over the Assessment Division staff including assistant assessors and clerical employees. This specialized work includes planning and directing assessment programs including participation in the activities of appraisal of real and personal property and preparation of an assessment roll and tax toll. Administrative supervision and direction in matters of policy are received from the Finance Director, but responsibility for the fixing of values rests solely with the Tax Assessor.” The position requires graduation from an accredited four year college or university with a major in business or public administration; or equivalent experience and professional development. Preferably someone with additional knowledge or course work in accounting, finance, architecture, engineering or law. At least five years experience as a Tax Assessor, deputy, or assistant assessor in a municipality or state agency; or equivalent experience as a supervisor for an appraisal company doing commercial, industrial, or municipal appraisal work. The salary range is listed at $75,052.69 – $87,496.83. The application period will close on July 8th, 2019.


City to Commence Runnins River Culvert Project Roadway to close for 30 days

Mayor Bob DaSilva has announced that a portion of Warren Avenue at the Runnins River Culvert will be closed for about a month. The area is at the Seekonk line. “Work on the Runnins River Culvert Project is slated to begin in mid-July. The city’s contractor, JH Lynch, will be closing Warren Avenue and County Street at the Runnins River crossing for a 30-day period to install culverts. The project has not yet commenced due to the Runnins River level. Once the river level recedes, a more definitive date will be announced,” said a statement at the end of June from the Mayor’s office. The area has been subject to frequent flooding of the State Street area in East Providence. A three foot high by seven foot wide culvert will be constructed of concrete underneath the roadway. Traffic from both East Providence and Seekonk will be detoured around the project. Specific times and more details will be forthcoming.

Runnins River Culvert Project

Police Continue to Make Key Arrests

EP and Pawtucket Bank Robbery Suspect Arrested

In a June press release, the City of East Providence reported that the East Providence Police Department, in conjunction with the Pawtucket Police Department, report the arrest of Kevin Donovan, 41, of Weymouth, Mass. in a bank robbery that occurred on May 23, 2019 at the Citizens Bank branch located at 622 Taunton Ave. in East Providence and the Citizens Bank branch located at 539 Smithfield Ave. in Pawtucket on June 4, 2019. East Providence and Pawtucket police detectives worked in conjunction and through this cooperation were able to identify Donovan as the suspect in both bank robberies. On Wednesday, June 12, 2019 detectives were able to develop information that Donovan was in a shopping plaza in Haverhill, Mass. Detectives immediately notified the Haverhill Police Department and a short time later, East Providence and Pawtucket detectives were notified that the Haverhill police had Donovan in custody. Detectives from both agencies responded to Haverhill to continue the investigation. Donovan is currently being held in Massachusetts as a Fugitive from Justice Charge on Robbery warrants from East Providence and Pawtucket. The investigative team was led by East Providence Det. Jeffrey Mace and Pawtucket Det. Paul Trout. Assisting in the investigation were East Providence Dets. Kris Ellinwood, Matthew McNulty, Michael Spremulli, William Dubois and Steven Rodrigues as well as Pawtucket detective Michael Cioe.


The Reporter July 2019

Police Respond to Social Media Video of Arrest

In a press release issued from the office of the Mayor on May 28th, 2019, the East Providence Police have made a statement about a social media video that has circulated regarding a local arrest. “The East Providence Police were made aware of a video clip of our officers during an arrest Monday evening (May 28, 2019). The video depicts an officer delivering a single blow to the back of the neck of a female suspect. Prior to this incident, an officer was on routine patrol interacting with children in the Evergreen Apartments complex. A separate group of juveniles approached the officer and alerted him to a disturbance between a male and female that was taking place nearby. As the officer responded to the area of the disturbance, he could hear screaming in the vicinity of 120 Evergreen Dr. The male had fled the area and the officer encountered 24-year-old Alexis Cable, a resident of the Evergreen Apartments complex. The officer attempted to ask Cable about the disturbance. She was uncooperative and attempted to leave the area. Cable then began to loudly scream for relatives to exit their apartments. As a result, numerous members of Cable's family exited and circled the officer. While circling the officer, the crowd became increasingly agitated and antagonistic toward the officer. The family encouraged others to interfere with the officer causing the crowd to grow.” “Additional officers arrived on scene and an attempt to arrest Cable and control the crowd was made. As officers tried to put Cable in handcuffs, she pulled away and began gouging the officers' wrists, forearms and hands with her fingernails. She was eventually able to be placed in handcuffs and walked to a police cruiser. While officers were attempting to put her in the cruiser and despite being in handcuffs, she continued gouging officers' wrists and forearms with her nails. Officers attempted to release Cable's hands to avoid being continuously injured by her, but she would not let go. After being told several times to let go of their arms, a single forearm strike was delivered by one of the backup officers to the back of Cable's lower head/neck area in an effort to release her nails from the officer's wrist. This single strike caused Cable's body to move forward, her grip to be broken and she was able to be secured in the police cruiser. While at the police station, Cable advised she was uninjured, but was transported to Rhode Island Hospital out of an abundance of caution. The officers' injuries were cleaned and treated by the East Providence Fire Department. Additionally, one of Cable's fingernails, which had broken off during her attempts to injure the officers, was located in the rear of the police cruiser. The investigation is ongoing as additional video footage depicting the incident in its entirety is being obtained. An internal review will be conducted by the East Providence Police Dept's Office of Professional Standards.” Cable is charged with: • Disorderly Conduct • Three counts of Simple Assault and Battery • Resisting Arrest

Local Stabbing Suspects Arrested

Police have released a statement regarding a stabbing which occurred in a local park on Wednesday, May 1st. “The East Providence Police Department reports the arrest of three juveniles, a 17-year-old male, a 17-year-old female, and a 16-year-old male, for the stabbing of a 16-year-old during an altercation at the Onna W. Moniz-John Park, on McCausland Avenue. The East Providence Police Department received a call of a disturbance at the park. When officers arrived, they located the juvenile victim in the park with a stab wound to his back and immediately began rendering aid. The suspects had fled the area in a vehicle and were later apprehended in a driveway on Freeborn Avenue.

The victim was transported to Hasbro Children's Hospital for a non-life threatening injury and was later released. The three suspects were charged with Assault with a Deadly Weapon and Conspiracy. Two of the juveniles, one male and one female, were processed and released. The third juvenile is being held at the RI Training School.” - Lt. Raymond Blinn, Detective Division.

Police Announce That Large Scale Fentanyl Distribution Ring was Stopped

In April 2019, members of the East Providence Police Dept's Vice Unit were in contact with the Massachusetts State Police and Bristol County Sheriff's Office regarding a large scale fentanyl distribution ring operating in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts. Shortly thereafter, the East Providence Police Vice Unit opened an investigation and were able to identify locations in East Providence and Providence where large quantities of fentanyl were being processed, sold and/or stored. In May 2019, the Vice Unit teamed up with the Providence Police Dept's Intelligence and Organized-Crime Bureau establishing surveillance teams throughout East Providence and Providence. With the information obtained, search warrants were applied for and granted. On June 4, 2019, at approximately 10 p.m. search warrants were executed at 32 Burnside St., Providence, 229 Alabama Ave., Providence and on RI Reg. BX-177, a 2016 Honda Accord. As a result, officers located and seized a large amount of suspected narcotics, cash and paraphernalia. SEIZED: • Approximately 3 kilograms of suspected fentanyl (value wholesale $50,000 per/kilo) • 6.4 grams of suspected fentanyl pills • 15 grams of suspected cocaine • $59,326 • Kilo press • Several cell phones • 2016 Honda Accord (two after-market compartments) ARRESTED: • Andrew Savinon, 29, of 229 Alabama Ave. Providence, RI and charged with Manufacturing/Possession/Delivery Schedule I/II • Lorenzo Rivas, 23, of 1478 Broad St. Providence, RI, charged with Manufacturing/Possession/Delivery Schedule I/II • Erick D. Gutierrez-Polanco, 23, of 54 Mitchell St. Providence, RI and charged with Manufacturing/Possession/Delivery Schedule I/II

RI Legislative Action by East Providence Delegation

Representative Gregg Amore Legislation on Opioid Crisis Passed by House

The Rhode Island State House has issued a press release on June 20, 2019 stating in part, “Rep. Gregg Amore's (D-Dist. 65, East Providence) legislation (2019-H 5434A) that would exclude chronic intractable pain from the definition of "acute pain management" for the purposes of prescribing opioid medication was passed by the House of Representatives. "We want to make sure that our public policy in regard to addressing the opioid crisis does not have the unintended consequence of hurting patients who are trying to manage chronic pain. These patients are not addicts, they are suffering with pain associated with cancer, palliative care, and in many cases, chronic intractable pain. We need to let physicians determine how best to manage their patients' pain," said Representative Amore. Chronic intractable pain is defined as pain that is excruciating, constant, incurable, and of such severity that it dominates virtually

July 2019 The Reporter every conscious moment. It also produces mental and physical debilitation and may produce a desire to commit suicide for the sole purpose of stopping the pain. The bill calls for new guidelines for the treatment of chronic intractable pain be based upon the consideration of the individualized needs of patients suffering from chronic intractable pain. The legislation acknowledges that every patient and their needs is different, especially those suffering from chronic pain. The bill now heads to the Senate for consideration.

Amore Co-Sponsors Bill to Compensate Wrongfully Imprisoned

Rep. Gregg Amore praised the passage of legislation (2019-H 5329A), sponsored by Rep. Patricia A. Serpa (D-Dist. 27, West Warwick, Coventry, Warwick), which would give compensation to innocent people who have spent time behind bars but later released when new evidence shows they were not guilty. Amore is a cosponsor of the legislation. "First, I'd like to thank Representative Serpa for her tenacity in getting this bill passed. It is a sad reality in our state and across the country that innocent people are sent to prison for crimes they did not commit. Because our criminal justice system is not infallible and because there have been significant advances in forensic science, there is a need for this legislation. I think that it is more than fair that the victims of wrongful incarceration be compensated for their unjust imprisonment and that Rhode Island join the thirty other states that already provide compensation for this injustice," said Representative Amore. Representative Amore has introduced a similar version of the bill the past two legislative sessions. In 2016, he crafted the bill with students at East Providence High School after the class discussed wrongful imprisonment in the school's contemporary issues class and the class learned that Rhode Island in one of 17 states that does not compensate the wrongfully imprisoned. The bill passed by the House would authorize any person who has been wrongfully sentenced to a term of imprisonment greater than one year to petition the presiding justice of Rhode Island Superior Court for an award of compensation and damages, including attorney's fees. Under the legislation, if the court found that the claimant was wrongfully incarcerated, it would grant an award of $50,000 for each year served in a correctional facility. For incarceration of less than a year, the amount would be prorated to 1/365 of $50,000 for every day served. The award may be expanded to include compensation for any reasonable costs including housing, transportation, subsistence, re-integrative services, and mental and physical health care costs, along with reasonable attorney's fees.

Senator Valerie Lawson "Senior Savings Protection Act" Passes Senate

Sen. Valarie J. Lawson's (D-Dist. 14, East Providence) legislation (2019-S 0433A) that establishes the "Senior Savings Protection Act" was passed by the Senate. The act would require certain individuals to report the occurrence or suspected occurrence of financial exploitation of persons who are 60 years of age or older and persons who have a disability between the ages of 18 and 59 years old. "With so many terrible stories of our seniors and most vulnerable citizens being victimized through financial scams over the phone and on the internet, as well as more direct financial manipulation from people they trust, I saw that this bill was necessary to protect our seniors and our disabled citizens. These crimes that drain the bank accounts of our at-risk populations need to be stopped before continued on next page...

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The Reporter July 2019

they are able to do maximum damage and this bill will hopefully accomplish the task of stopping these ever-evolving schemes and scams from taking place," said Senator Lawson.

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Senator William Conley Legislation to Increase Rhode Island's Earned Income Tax Credit

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According to the bill, if a qualified individual, a person associated with a broker-dealer who serves in a supervisory, compliance, or legal capacity, believes that financial exploitation is taking place, or being attempted, the individual must notify the Department of Business Regulation, the Division of Elderly Affairs, and law enforcement. The individual may also alert immediate family members, legal guardians, conservators, or agents under a power of attorney of the person possibly being financially exploited. The legislation also allows qualified individuals to hold financial transactions that they believe may be involved with financial exploitation. The bill also calls for the Department of Business Regulation and the Division of Elderly Affairs to develop websites that include training resources to assist in the prevention and detection of financial exploitation against the elderly and the disabled. The bill now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration.


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SPRAY TAN New Clients - 1 per person

Also in June the RI Senate passed legislation introduced by Sen. William J. Conley Jr. (D-Dist. 18, East Providence, Pawtucket) that would increase Rhode Island's earned income tax credit. The legislation (2019-S 0272) would raise the earned income tax credit from 15 percent to 20 percent for the tax years 2020 and beyond. The EITC is a tax credit that reduces the income tax owed by lower-wage working families. The federal credit is considered one of the nation's most effective tools for lifting families out of poverty, boosting the incomes of low-paid working families who struggle to afford basic needs like housing, heat, food, and health care. The value of the federal credit changed in December 2017 with passage of the Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which uses a different measure of inflation, the Consumer Price Index. This means that the maximum value of the federal credit will rise more slowly over time than under the previous method. "This change reduces the value of Rhode Island's current 15 percent EITC," said Senator Conley. "With reduced federal and state credits combined, working families stand to lose hundreds of dollars per year. Rhode Island can mitigate this effect by increasing our EITC from 15 to 20 percent. It is worth noting that three of every five recipients of the federal credit use it temporarily - for just one or two years at a time - while they get back on their feet." The measure now moves to the House of Representatives, where similar legislation (2019-H 5245) has been introduced by Rep. Scott A. Slater (D-Dist. 10, Providence). Also introduced and passed in the Senate was a Conley bill to protect the rights of customers to pay for things in cash. "This is a consumer protection bill," said Senator Conley, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee. "Credit-card only policies are discriminatory to the old, the young and the poor. They can also be used to track spending history to build a profile and make identity theft easier. Those who wish to avoid all that by paying in cash should not be penalized." The legislation (2019-S 0889) would make it unlawful for any retail establishment offering goods or services for sale to discriminate against a prospective customer by requiring the use of credit for purchase of goods or services. According to a survey by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, about 8 percent of households have no bank account and only 75 percent of American adults have credit cards. "Credit card-only policies are also age-discriminatory, since only adults can get credit cards," said Senator Conley. "This is a troubling trend, and this bill will put a stop to it." The measure now moves to the House of Representatives, which has passed similar legislation (2019-H 5116A) sponsored by Rep. Mia Ackerman (D-Dist. 45, Cumberland, Lincoln).

July 2019 The Reporter


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Move right in! One level Condo. Enjoy walking around the East Side & Wayland Sq. Bright and open living w/lg windows letting in natural sunlight. Granite counters, Cherry cabinets, appliances. Garage parking, fitness center. $329,900

3Bed 2Bath Colonial w/In-Law! HWs & ceramic tile, lots of storage. Full Finished basement w/summer kitchen! Lg 2-Car Garage, new vinyl siding. Over 6,000SF yard, long/ wide driveway w/lots of off street parking. Fresh paint. $239,000







Bill Tirrell Luci Stoddard 401-641-8114 401-474-6301

Larry McNulty 401-742-9222




Rose Pereira 401-258-0769

Charming 2 bedroom, 1 bath cape in desirable Waddington neighborhood. Staircase to attic with room to grow. Hardwood floors and spacious yard. $209,900

Beautiful 2 bed Waddington ranch. New furnace. HWs, C/A. Big family rm in basement. 1 car garage. Cute sunroom leads to a 408 sq ft. deck and fenced yard on a large corner lot, save money on your water/sewer bill with a shallow point well for watering the lawn. $239,900

Brand new 2,432sf Colonial in Pleasant Street area. 2 1/2 Bath, must see master bed suite with bath, hardwoods throughout, 2 car garage, beautiful kitchen, all located on 11,900 sf lot. $549,900




ntract co

Rebecca Graham Gil Medeiros 401-474-7489 401-688-5867

Jennifer Feighery Kristen Moniz 401-219-6217 401-692-8643

Marcel Robert 401-439-5574

Kathy Santos 401-241-5380

Paul Faella Peter Leddy 401-529-1422 401-374-5345




Beautiful 3 bedroom dormered cape, 2 full baths, spacious family room must see, hardwoods, modern kitchen, living room with fireplace, garage and off parkway. Great area. $294,900

Lots of potential with this 2 bedroom bungalow, full basement, and close to everything. Cash only, sold as is. $125,000

3 bed, 1 bath Ranch on corner lot in Silver Spring. Finished breezeway between house & garage for extra space. Very well kept older kitchen & bath. Partially finished basement. Two car garage. $259,900

Elizabeth DeSousa Donna Ainsworth Jeff Searle 401-524-2299 401-578-9140 401-787-3000

Mary McKenna 401-301-1164

Lisa Bell 401-374-0645

Joanne Perella AJ Wasserman 401-487-1348 401-286-4445

Martha Wallick 401-573-0129

Doug James 401-263-7489

For a FREE Market Analysis of your home Call 401-437-2030

The Reporter July 2019


East Providence Town News “2nd Sunday” Summer Open Houses July 14, August 11 1:00 - 3:30 pm

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3 Beds, 1 1/2 Bath in Rumford RI LD

2:30 in the gardens

July - NO special presentation August - New ways to use your summer produce The Historical Society, the Ten Mile River Group and the EP Conservation Commission wish to thank everyone for their support of the RI Preservation Conference and the Rumford Bake-Off extravaganza. We continue to offer a family outing experience here at Hunt’s Mills: history/ hiking/ herons/ herring and so much more. The Hunt House is in showplace condition with a new “costume” room and you will want to make this a regular spot for your family to enjoy. If you enjoy early map reading, visit the new Ed Center to mark the progression of Rehoboth becoming East Providence. The EP yearbooks are handy there for you to show your children/ grandchildren a class photo or two. The EPHS is a volunteer organization dedicated to the preservation of local history. We are located at the 1751 John Hunt House Museum in the Hunts Mills Local Historic District, maintain a URI Master Gardening program, and provide educational programs open to the public. For more information visit info@ephist.org or call 401-438-1750

East Providence Dept. of Parks & Recreation www.eastprovidenceri.net Senior Center - 610 Waterman Avenue East Providence, Ri 02914 Rec. Center: (401) 433-6360 / 433-6359




Master Gardener “Show and Tell”

110 Chelsea Dr., Seekonk MA LD



2019 “Concerts in the Park”

25 Boyden Blvd., Riverside RI LD

511 Child St. #206, Warren RI LD



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The East Providence Department of Recreation announces the 2019 “Concerts in the Park” series! Meet us at the band shell at Rose Larisa Memorial Park, 701 Bullocks Pt. Ave. Riverside RI. Shows are held on Thursday evenings and begin at 6pm unless otherwise noted. Bring lawn chairs and blankets for seating. Performances are weather permitting and are free and open to the public. The 2019 Concerts in the Park series is sponsored by Navigant Credit Union. For information, contact the East Providence Recreation Department at 401-435-7511 / www.eastprovidenceri.net / www.facebook/EPRecDepartment . July 11: David Tessier”S All Star Band Classic rock of the 60’s & 70’s July 18: Mixed Emotions Classic Rock July 25: *7 p.m. Strictly Sentimental Swing Band Swing & Jazz August 1: Rick Ashman Classic oldies & Pop tunes August 8: Seth Burkhart 4 Smooth Jazz All Concerts Are Weather Permitting

July 2019 The Reporter

Bus Trips

• July 10: On Golden Pond Boat Tour Holderness, NH. Lunch at Walter’s Basin • July 24: Mississippi Style River Boat Ride, lunch included • August 7: Martha’s Vineyard Island Tour, lunch on your own in Edgartown. • September 16-19: St. Andrews By-The-Sea and Campobello Island. Passport or passport card needed For reservations call Deborah Rochford at 437-2983 or 435-7511

East Providence Recreation Announces Summer Programs

Except where noted, programs are held at the Senior Center, 610 Waterman Ave. Fees apply where noted. Participants must obtain center membership. Membership for one year: $25 (ages 6-17 & 55 and up); $50 (ages 18-54)


Creative Tumble: Thurs 10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m., $40 per child/ per month (ages 3-5), Classes begin July 11, 2019 - Held at Breed Hall. This class is designed for children who are ready to tumble on their own. Here, children will learn basic tumbling and gymnastics fundamentals, balancing, imagination, balance beam, floor, rhythm and movement. Children will learn playground and gymnastics safety as well as fine and gross motor skills. Tumble With Me: Thurs 9:30 a.m. -10:15 a.m., $40 per child/ per month (18 months - 3.5 years old with parent participation) Classes begin July 11, 2019 - Held at Breed Hall. This class is focused on kids having fun and learning something new in a structured environment with the assistance of a parent, guardian, babysitter, aunt, uncle etc. Tumble With Me is designed to introduce acrobatic fundamentals, balancing, tumbles, parachute, imagination, exploration, rhythm and movement. The goal of this class is to get younger students interacting with other children their age, work on listening, taking turns, and creating a smooth transition into other class settings. Tap/Ballet: Weds 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m., $40 per child/per month (ages 3-5) Classes begin July 10 – Held at Senior Center – cafeteria. Combination class that introduces young children to basic dance skills


feel confident when their children are practicing at home or on the playground. At the completion of class, students will have the skills and what they need to move on to the next level with ease.


Hatha Yoga: Tuesdays 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m., $12 per class. Classes are led by Kathy Ashton CYT200. Classes begin June 4th and are being held in the Senior Center multipurpose room. Hatha Yoga is for everyone regardless of age, ability or flexibility! The benefits of this gentile practice include reduced stress, increase in your flexibility, balance, focus and the ability to quiet the mind.*Please bring your own non-slip mat. Fit Mix: Mondays 6 p.m. – 7 p.m., $5 per class. Classes are led by Karen Ramos-Boyd. Classes are being held June 3-August 26 in the Senior Center multipurpose room. This adult class mixes cardio, weights, bands and more to help you get a balanced workout while allowing you to set your own pace. Vinyasa Flow Yoga: Thursdays 6 p.m. – 7 p.m., $10 per class. Classes are led by Kim Daniels. Classes begin June 6, 2019 for the summer session and are being held in the Senior Center multipurpose room. In this yoga class, you’ll build strength, flexibility and balance. Classes are intelligently designed to stretch and strengthen all major muscle groups. You’ll flow through linked series of postures with focus on alignment and breath. *Please bring your own non-slip mat. continued on next page...


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Tap/Jazz: Thursdays 4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. $40 per child/per month (ages 8-14). Classes begin July 11 and are held in the Senior Center cafeteria. Combination class of Jazz & Tap basic dance skills! Tap/Ballet: Thursdays 5:20 p.m. – 6:05 p.m., $40 per child/per month (ages 6-9). Classes begin July 11 and are held in the Senior Center cafeteria. Combination class of Tap & Ballet dance skills HIP HOP: Thursdays 6:20 p.m. – 6:55 p.m., $40 per child/per month (ages 6-14). Classes begin July11 and are held in the Senior Center cafeteria. Get your child moving with this high energy dance class! Watch your child gain confidence as they learn choreography, hip-hop fundamentals, break dancing and the history of hip-hop. Tumbling: Wednesdays 5:20 p.m. – 6:05 p.m. (ages 4-6), $40 per child/per month; 6:10 p.m. – 6:55 p.m. (ages 7-14) $40 per child/ per month. Classes begin July 10 and are being held at Breed Hall. Tumbling teaches basic tumbling, gymnastics and dance skills from rolls to back handsprings to leaps and turns. The class curriculum is designed to teach each student at their own individual pace and skill level. Students are taught gymnastics safety so parents can



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The Reporter July 2019

4th of July Fireworks

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East Providence Independence Day Celebration! Friday, July 5, 2019 (rain date, July 6, 2019) Pierce Stadium, 201 Mercer St. Gates open at 6 p.m. Entertainment by Kicking Hole & Crushed Velvet with fireworks to follow. Free and open to the public. Food and beverage concessions. For information/registration please call the Recreation Center at 401-433-6360 or Recreation main office at 401-435-7511

Lunch in the Park

Summer Meals program begins: Mon. - Fri. 11a.m. -1 p.m. June 24 – August 2 (No meals will be served on July 4, 2019.) Meals are offered at the following locations: Pierce Field, 201 Mercer St.; George Lima Park, 261 Grosvenor Ave.; Providence Ave. Playground (serving Noon – 1 p.m.), 50 Providence Ave.; and Onna Moniz-John Park (operating until Aug. 23., *no meals Aug. 12), 11 McCausland Ave.




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Concerts in the Park

Concerts in the park sponsored by Navigant Credit Union are held at Rose Larisa Park, 701 Bullocks Point Ave. Riverside. All concerts start @ 6 p.m. unless noted.

East Providence Recreation Dept. Announces 2019 Dolly Searle Golf Winners

June 3, 2019 marked the 64th Dolly Searle Memorial Golf Tournament! This year’s event was held at the Metacomet Country Club. The tournament provides funding for scholarships awarded annually to East Providence residents graduating high school who are college bound and are planning to major in recreation, education, fine arts and public service. The East Providence Recreation Department extends its deepest appreciation to Metacomet’s Head Golf Professional, Mr. C.J. Talbert as well as our generous sponsors: Anchor Insulation, Cavaco Brothers Inc.; Community & Teacher’s Federal Credit Union; Joseph R. Crook Peter Rochford, winner of Jr.; Custom Dry Wall LLC.; Del’s Lemonade of East Providence; 1st Low Gross: (76) Graphic Ink; J & K Enterprise; Motoring Technical Services Inc.; O’Brien & Sons; Providence Country Day School; Robert Barlow; Watson Funeral Home and Michael Tripp. The 2019 Dolly Searle winners are as follows: • 1st Low Gross: Peter Rochford (76) • Best Ball (Team, 151): Stever Dever, Joseph Crook, Tony Perella and Bob Manning • Longest Drive: A.M.-Al Braz; P.M.-Ian McIntosh • Closest to the Pin: A.M. -Phil Sousa; P.M.- Dave Izzo For more information please call the Recreation Department at 401-435-7511.

July 2019 The Reporter

Carousel Now Open but Repairs Still Needed By Bob Rodericks


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Crescent Park Looff Carousel. City of East Providence photo. The Crescent Park Carousel was recently closed for repairs. Staff members noticed a problem with “swaying” and unevenness of the rotating floor. With an annual average rider ship of 100,000, the Crescent Park Carousel has given 11.6 million riders a thrill since its birth. The Crescent Park Carousel was built in 1895 by Charles I.D. Looff, one of the earliest and foremost carousel designers. The Crescent Park Carousel is nationally recognized as a true masterpiece of wood sculpture. Originally built as a showcase for prospective buyers, it is the largest and most elaborate of Looff’s works (Carousel Park Commission). On June 25, 2019, the City Council appointed Carousel Commission held a meeting in which they outlined a plan to repair and re-open the famous carousel. The commission has hired a “Carousel Specialist”, Carousels and Carvings, and is studying the results of their recommendations. “What we are hoping to do is only a temporary fix, the carousel needs to be properly supported to ensure its continued operations,” Carousel Manager Tracy Johnson told the commission members. Also attending the meeting was Mayor Bob DaSilva, City Solicitor Michael Marcello and City Council members Ricardo Mourato and Bob Rodericks. A joint statement from Mayor Bob DaSilva and the commission stated that “the carousel will temporarily remain closed to the public due to a mechanical issue that is affecting the balance of the ride. We had our long-time caretaker assess the situation, and we are unable to locate the exact cause of this imbalance. We have contacted Carousels and Carvings, a manufacturer of carousels and provider of restoration services, and are expecting them to assess the carouse. Once the cause has been determined, we will be able to create a plan for repairs and will update everyone as information becomes available. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding. Our goal has always been and remains to keep the carousel alive for generations to come.” The 125 year old carousel has seen several repairs and maintenance efforts through the years. Specialists at Carousels and Carvings have determined that the intricate system which supports the carousel is in need of a lot of work. “They determined that our mast is leaning, causing an increased and uncontrollable sway in the ride,” said Johnson. “The carousel’s support system, the mast and mudsills with supporting pillars, rests above floor level. The mast support pillars should rest centered on top of these pillars and they do not,” added Johnson. The commission is now awaiting a report from the company “that will help us to create the plan and implement repairs in order of importance,” said Johnson. The Carousel contains 62 beautifully hand carved figures and four fanciful chariots. Overall richness of effect was Looff’s trademark and the Crescent Park Carousel gives full interpretation to that spirit. Elaborate embellishments of decorative panels, beveled continued on next page...

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The Reporter July 2019

mirrors, faceted glass jewels, electric lights, colored sandwich glass windows and its original band organ music surround flying steeds to create Looff’s “Total Carousel Experience.” Crescent Park Carousel was placed on the National Register of Historic sites and places in 1976. In 1985, the Rhode Island General Assembly proclaimed the Carousel as the State Jewel of American Folk Art and in 1987, the Department of the Interior, National Park Service, designated the Carousel as a National Historic Landmark (Carousel Commission website). One of the constants at Crescent Park is Ed Serowik. One of the constants at Crescent Park has been 77 year old Edward Serowik of Riverside. Serowik has worked at the park since 1948 or so. The Reporter interviewed Serowik a few years ago in doing a special on the Carousel. “Since I was 12 to 14 years old I worked at the park setting pins at the bowling alley and other odd jobs. At 15 I was working on the Merry-

Rendering of the support pillar which needs a rebuild. There are 4 of these.

Go-Round. I was the last hire of Mr. Looffs’s daughter,” said Serowik. “After high school I continued to work at the park. I became ride supervisor and head of maintenance for the entire park.” In 1972, Serowik was hired by the city school department and eventually became head of maintenance for the high school, a job he held for 30 years. “While working full time for the schools, I continued to work part time at Crescent Park. I’ve seen a lot in my years here,” he recalled pensively. “When the park closed in 1977 it was sad to me and to so many. It was boarded up and remained closed for years. Retired now, Serowik helps keeps the place going and has filled the carousel with hundreds of pictures and memorabilia from the park’s early days. Patrons often visit him in his very small, cluttered office to view pictures and chat about the history of Crescent Park. His personal knowledge and collection is extensive. When the park closed and was sold, the carousel’s future was in doubt. A grassroots lawsuit by 5 Riverside residents to “save Crescent Park” was imitated . A large auction was held in March of 1979. The Carousel was slated to be torn down with the rest of the park. But local residents, Gail Durfee, Jobel (Tracy) Aguiar, Richard Lund, Linda McEntee, & Robin Peacock fought back. While most of Crescent Park was auctioned off in 1979, a fire destroyed much of the midway in 1980. And in 1984 the vacant shore dinner hall burned down. Arson was suspected. The “Save our Carousel Committee” led by the “Crescent Park Five” concentrated on an effort to at least

East Providence Vocational Training for Adults Registration REGISTRATION:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday August 19,20,21 Time: Mon/Tues 2-6pm Wed 2-4pm Place: East Providence Career & Technical Center 1998 Pawtucket Avenue East Providence, RI 02914 Telephone: 401-435-7815 x4402 E-Mail: rsilva@epschoolsri.com


Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)--120 hour minimum instruction time. Classes meet on Monday & Tuesday from 4:30-8:30 P.M. Cost $500.


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save and preserve the Looff Carousel. Many proposals were floated to city leaders and several did not include keeping the carousel. Contacted shortly before she passed away, Gail Durfee did not want to say much. “I’ve pretty much been taken out of the loop these days,” she said. Durfee did have a few comments however. “Our goal was to save the carousel and some prime waterfront land for the public. That was our goal,” she said. After a long legal battle, in which former state Attorney General, Arlene Violet represented the group, a compromise was reached in Superior Court. The carousel was saved and the city was given about 7 acres of bay front land for open space and almost 4 acres around the carousel itself. In turn, developer Kelly & Picerne got to build Section 8 housing for the elderly and handicapped near the carousel in a complex now called Crescent Park Manor. Individual upscale condos were built on the Bullocks Point avenue side of the road. The developer bought the land from the city for about $825,000. And thus, the historic Crescent Park Looff Carousel was saved and now thrives. The Crescent Park Five, as they been called, were recently inducted into the EPHS Hall of Fame for their efforts to save the Looff Carousel. Of the over 50 carousels that Charles Looff built in his lifetime, the Crescent Park version remains one of the few remaining in operation in the world. Looff’s first carousel was built on the pier at Crescent Park and doubled as a sample to perspective buyers from other parks. It was later moved to Hunt’s Mills in Rumford where another smaller amusement park operated. But the larger and grander version still sits in Riverside. At press time, the Carousel posted the following on their facebook page: "We are pleased to announce the carousel will reopen on Friday June 28, 2019 at 5pm. As you may know the carousel was experiencing mechanical issues. We have made repairs and adjustments that will see us through the 2019 season. We are implementing some changes in operations to help protect the carousel and ensure it remains in operation. We will be decreasing the amount of people on the ride to approximately 30 people per ride. We are not booking any additional parties during business hours, and those functions already booked will be hosted as private. Please check the operating schedule before you visit as the normal schedule has changed to accommodate previously booked parties. Normal summer hours are Thursday Sunday noon to 6 p.m. with the exception of the following dates: Saturday, July 6 noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 20 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, August 3 noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, August 24 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and hope to see you at the park soon!"

July 2019 The Reporter


1930's CHARMER

East Providence: Location! Fantastic corner lot w/ample traffic perfect for your business opportunities! Close to established business. $239,000 Cathy Sousa 401-474-8306

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East Providence: Character filled w/beautiful main stairway, sunroom & many updates throughout. Separate gas & hot water heaters & lovely yard. $344,000 Jean Clarke 401-374-5039

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Riverside: Three bed Colonial on quiet side street! Hardwoods, bay windows, period details, built-ins & KIT w/SS appliances. Missie Rose 508-826-9966

CLASSIC CHARMER Barrington: 3 bed Cape! French doors, gas FP, built-ins, wine bar, updated baths, hwds, AC & private backyard w/heated IG pool! $699,900 Michelle Cartwright 401-245-2000

UNDER CONTRACT Riverside: 4 bed Bungalow w/traditional woodwork, cook’s EIK, dining w/built-ins, gleaming hwds & 3-season porch. Manicured, private yard! Jeanne Derham 508-942-8567


UNDER CONTRACT R u m fo rd : Tu r n - k e y 3 bed Ranch! Hardwoods, fireplace, updated KIT & bathroom, sliders to deck & large fenced yard! Lisa Halajko 774-991-0052


East Providence: Sprawling 4 bed, 3.5 bath executive Ranch! Hardwoods, built-ins, fp, KIT w/granite, laundry on 1st, master & 1864 SF rec rm! $465,000 Jean Clarke 401-374-5039


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East Providence: 3 bed Colonial w/ front porch, front foyer, EIK, ample sized beds, hwds, updated bath & part finished lower. $199,000 Jean Clarke 401-374-5039

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The Reporter July 2019


July 2019 The Reporter

CLASS OF 2019!

Photos by Paul Tumidajski



The Reporter July 2019



Officials Break Ground on the New East Providence High School



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Pictured from left to right: RIDE Commissioner Angelica Infante-Green, Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea, East Providence Superintendent Kathryn Crowley, Governor Gina Raimondo, General Treasurer Seth Magaziner, East Providence School Committee Chairman Charles Tsonos, East Providence Mayor Roberto DaSilva East Providence, RI – Governor Gina M. Raimondo and other state and local officials today joined students, parents, educators, and community members in a groundbreaking ceremony for the new East Providence High School. The ceremony marked the start of construction on the $189.5-million project, one of the largest to receive funding under the State’s School Construction Program. The 304,000-square-foot, four-story facility, with capacity for 1,600 students in grades 9-12, will open in 2021. Officials hailed it as a state of the-art, comprehensive high school that will serve as an exemplar for school districts throughout New England. “This ceremony marks a critical milestone in our journey to transform this historic high school and build a bright future for this community,” said Kathryn M. Crowley, Superintendent of the East Providence School District. “The new East Providence High School will provide our students and staff academic, athletic, and enrichment spaces in which to innovate, experiment, and thrive.” Last November, East Providence residents overwhelmingly approved a bond referendum to finance the project, seizing an opportunity to receive State reimbursement for up to 75 percent of eligible costs. “Today’s groundbreaking is a sign of progress not just for East Providence, but for all of Rhode Island,” said Governor Raimondo. “This exciting investment in state-of-the-art facilities and hands-on learning experiences will help prepare East Providence students for jobs of the future.” Also on the speaking program was General Treasurer Seth Magaziner, who chaired the Rhode Island School Building Task Force that led to the new investment in school facilities across the state. In November, Rhode Island voters also approved a statewide bond referendum to finance the first phase of the initiative. The Governor has pledged $1 billion in State funds to rebuild and repair school facilities. Angelica Infante-Green, new Commissioner of the Rhode Island Department of Education, spoke about the importance of modern

July 2019 The Reporter school buildings for providing high quality teaching and learning. Other speakers at the event included: • Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea • Charles Tsonos, Chair, East Providence School Committee • Joel Monteiro, East Providence School Committee and Building Committee Co-Chair • Nathan Cahoon, East Providence City Council and Building Committee Co-Chair • East Providence Mayor Roberto DaSilva • State Representative Gregg Amore, who is also Athletic Director at East Providence High School The program featured performances by the East Providence High School band and chorus. Sixth grade students from Riverside and Martin middle schools in East Providence attended the ceremony, representing the Class of 2025, the first group of students who will spend all four years of high school in the new building. The project is designed by Ai3 Architects. Gilbane Building Company is the Construction Manager at Risk, and Peregrine Group, in partnership with CGA Project Management, is serving as the Owner’s Project Manager. The new building will feature 45 core academic classrooms, 10 science labs, two greenhouses, a Library Media Resource Center, and performing arts and music spaces, including a 900-seat auditorium. Academic spaces are designed to align instruction in core subject areas with Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs – including Culinary Arts, Allied Health, Graphic Arts, Construction Technology, Forensic Science, Radio and Television Broadcasting, and others – which will be expanded and enhanced in the new facility. The campus also will feature new fitness and athletic facilities, including a gymnasium with basketball courts and a walking track, which will be available to the community. Sports facilities will include a new synthetic turf football stadium and regulation track, halftime facility, tennis courts, and new fields for softball, baseball, and lacrosse. The new school is designed to meet Northeast Collaborative for High Performance Schools (NECHPS) design guidelines. The sustainable design both optimizes energy usage and improves energy efficiency. For more information, visit www.epbuildingcommittee.com.

EBCAP Head Start Now Enrolling

East Bay Community Action Program’s Head Start Program is now enrolling for the 2019-2020 school year. Head Start is a Bright Stars rated early childhood education program for children ages birth through 5 years old. We offer no cost options for eligible families, affordable day care services, healthy meals and snacks, social and health services, as well as home based program options. Our professional teaching staff is committed to offering high quality education for infants, toddlers, and preschool children through an evidence based curriculum to build children’s confidence, creativity and critical thinking skills, and promote positive outcomes. Eligibility for the Head Start program is based on the following: 1. Residency, families must live in one of the following towns to enroll in an EBCAP early childhood program: Newport, Middletown, Portsmouth, Jamestown, Little Compton, Tiverton, Bristol, Warren, Barrington or East Providence. 2. Age of the child (Pregnant women and children age birth to 5 years old) 3. Family income level or special eligibility due to foster care status or homelessness To apply, visit our website at www.ebcap.org or call 401-3672001 for more information. Families of children with special needs and foster parents are encouraged to apply.


Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation Scholarship

Just a reminder that all applications for the Lauren Zarembka Memorial Scholarship foundation awards are due and must be postmarked no later than July 15, 2019. Graduating and continuing students who will be studying in the disciplines of medicine, music/theater and culinary arts are eligible to apply. If you are in need of an application please email bzarembka2021@gmail.com with the subject line “Scholarship Application”. The Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing scholarships to assist graduating and continuing students whose studies will be in the disciplines of medicine, music/theater and culinary arts, while also providing funding for families battling pediatric cancer from Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts through the Tomorrow Fund at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. Additionally, the foundation supports local music/theater groups on an annual basis. Please visit our Facebook page at: Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation for the latest news. Should you wish to assist the foundation, donations can be mailed to year round to: The Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation; P.O. Box 154544, Riverside RI 02915

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The Reporter July 2019

People in the News University News Rumford Resident Recognized for Academic Excellence at Tufts University

Local Law Firm Announces New Associate

Rebecca and Ronald Warr are glad to announce that Alexander T. Joyal has joined the Law firm of Warr & Warr, PC located here in East Providence. Mr. Joyal was born in Providence, Rhode Island and grew up in Barrington, Rhode Island. After graduating from LaSalle Academy, he obtained his B.A. in Political Science in 2013 from the Pennsylvania State University. He obtained his Juris Doctor in 2018 from Roger Williams University School of Law.

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Isabel Britto was named to the dean’s list at Tufts University for the Spring 2019 semester. Dean’s list honors at Tufts University require a semester grade point average of 3.4 or greater.

Luke Montalbano Named to Emory & Henry College’s Spring 2019 Dean’s List

Luke Montalbano of Rumford was named to the Emory & Henry College Spring 2019 Dean’s List. Montalbano was among more than 200 students named to the Spring 2019 Dean’s List. To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must achieve at least a 3.6 (A minus) grade point average and must have completed at least 12 credit hours of course work during the semester.

Lindsey Amaral Named to Spring 2019 Dean’s List at American International College

Lindsey Amaral, of East Providence, is among 463 students who have been named to the Spring 2019 Dean’s List at American International College. Dean’s List students are ful time students who have achieved a 3.3 to 4.0 GPA.

Riverside Resident Bradford Bonanno Receives Bachelor’s Degree at 151st WPI Commencement

On Saturday, May 11, on the Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) campus quadrangle, 1,019 bachelor’s degrees were awarded during the university’s 151st commencement ceremony. Bradford Bonanno of Riverside, R.I., was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science with high distinction.

Riverside Resident Named to the Spring 2019 Curry College Dean’s List


Curry College is proud to announce that Taylor Medeiros of Riverside has been named to the Dean’s List for the Spring 2019 semester. To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must earn a 3.30 GPA, have no incompletes, and have no grade lower than a “C” for the semester.

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Some 3,275 students were awarded degrees during the University of Vermont’s 218th commencement ceremonies. Darren Walker who presides over the Ford Foundation, one of the world’s most influential social justice philanthropies and one of the largest private foundations in the United States, delivered the address. Marta Calise, of Riverside, RI, graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Professional Nursing during commencement ceremonies on May 19, 2019, at the University of Vermont. Kimberly Furtado, of East Providence, RI, graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography during commencement ceremonies on May 19, 2019, at the University of Vermont.

July 2019 The Reporter

Hannah Fitts Named to Dean’s List at Bates College and Named to NESCAC All-Academic

Hannah Fitts of Rumford, R.I. was named to the dean’s list at Bates College for the winter semester ending in April 2019. This is a distinction earned by students whose cumulative grade point average is 3.77 or higher. She also has received 2018-19 NESCAC Spring All-Academic honors. Fitts, a member of the Women’s Rowing team, is one of sixty-eight students from Bates College’s soring sports teams who received the honor from the New England Small College Athletic Conference. To be honored, a student-athlete must have reached sophomore academic standing and be a varsity letter winner with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.50 (raised from 3.40 a year ago). Fitts, the daughter of Dr. Sherri C. Nelson of Rumford, R.I. and Mr. Frederic P. Fitts and Ms. Susan B. Sluyter of Cambridge, Mass., is a 2016 graduate of Lincoln School. She is a junior majoring in physics and minoring in Spanish and mathematics at Bates.

Roger Williams University Announces Spring 2019 Dean’s List


minimum grade point average of 3.5, receive no letter grade below “C,” have no withdrawal grades, and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits for the semester. The following students have met these requirements: East Providence, RI Hometown, State; Name, Major, Parents (If Listed) Michael Allienello, Criminal Justice, son of Michael Allienello and Susan Allienello Corey Cinquegrana, Criminal Justice, son of John Cinquegrana and Kristine Cinquegrana

Local Students Receive Degrees from Quinnipiac University

The following students received degrees from Quinnipiac University during ceremonies held in May: Hometown, State; Name, Degree, Major (if listed) East Providence, RI Jacqueline Tyler, Master of Science, Organizational Leadership

East Providence Resident Named to Spring 2019 Semester Dean’s List at Dean College

Bristol, RI - Select students have been named to the Spring 2019 Dean’s List at Roger Williams University in Bristol, R.I. Full-time students who complete 12 or more credits per semester and earn a GPA of 3.4 or higher are placed on the Dean’s List that semester. The following local students have been named to the Spring 2019 Dean’s List at Roger Williams University, in Bristol, R.I.: Joshua Brennan-Audino, of Rumford, RI Maegan Charette, of Riverside, RI Matthew D’Amico, of Riverside, RI Shawn Darosa, of East Providence, RI Dominic Deandrade, of East Providence, RI Emma Dehetre, of Riverside, RI Kathryn Macnie, of Rumford, RI Sabrina Martins, of East Providence, RI Scott Pogorilich, of Rumford, RI Kelcie Popolillo, of Riverside, RI

Dean College is pleased to announce that John Kauffman of East Providence has earned a place on the Dean’s List for the Spring 2019 semester.

Lasell College Honors Class of 2019 at 165th Commencement Ceremony

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A record number of graduate and undergraduate students at Lasell College were awarded degrees on Saturday, May 11, 2019 in a ceremony featuring remarks from Massachusetts Congressman Joseph Kennedy III. Justin McCoy of East Providence (02914) graduated with a BS in Exercise Science. Emma Pereira of Rumford (02916) graduated Cum Laude with a BA in Fashion Communication & Promotion. More information on Lasell College Commencement can be found at https:// www.lasell.edu/discover-lasell/news/commencement-2019-recap.html. For more information contact: Samantha Mocle, assistant director of communications at smocle@lasell.edu or at 617-243-2386.

Endicott College Announces Local Dean’s List Students

Endicott College, the first college in the U.S. to require internships of its students, is pleased to announce its Spring 2019 Dean’s List students. In order to qualify for the Dean’s List, a student must obtain a

Lasell College Students Named to Dean’s List

Newton, MA - Lasell College announced today students named to the Dean’s List for their academic accomplishments in the Spring 2019 semester. continued on next page...

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The Reporter July 2019

To be named to the Dean’s List, Lasell students must complete at least 12 credits as a full-time student and achieve a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher. Justin McCoy of East Providence (02914) Emma Pereira of Rumford (02916) For more information contact: Samantha Mocle, assistant director of communications at smocle@lasell.edu or at 617-243-2386.

Jennifer E. Teixeira Graduates from University of Rhode Island

Jennifer E. Teixeira, of Riverside, graduated from The University of Rhode Island with a Master’s of Business Administration on Saturday, May 18, 2019.

Costello of Emmanuel College Earns Spot on Spring 2019 Dean’s List

Ruby Costello of Rumford has been named to Emmanuel College’s Dean’s List for the Spring 2019 semester. To earn a spot on the Dean’s List, Emmanuel students must achieve a grade point average of 3.5 or higher for a 16-credit semester.

Ellen B. Rogers of Rumford RI on Dean’s List at College of the Holy Cross

Ellen B. Rogers, a first year student at the College of the Holy Cross, has been named to the Dean’s List for the second semester of the 2018 – 2019 academic year. She is the daughter of Patrick A. Rogers of Rumford and of Maura Healey also of Rumford.

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Area Residents Named to Dean’s List for the Spring 2019 Semester at Quinnipiac University

Hamden, Conn. - The following area students were named to the dean’s list for the Spring 2019 semester at Quinnipiac University: To qualify for the dean’s list, students must earn a grade point average of at least 3.5 with no grade lower than C. Full-time students must complete at least 14 credits in a semester, with at least 12 credits that have been graded on a letter grade basis to be eligible. Part-time students must complete at least six credits during a semester. East Providence, RI: Victoria Gouveia, Ashley Shankar, Victoria Stanley.

Local Students Named to Stonehill College Spring 2019 Dean’s List

Easton, MA - To qualify for the Dean’s List, students must have a semester grade point average of 3.50 or better and must have completed successfully all courses for which they were registered. Meghan Ghazal, a member of the Class of 2019 from Riverside (02915) Christina D’Amico, a member of the Class of 2020 from Riverside (02915)

Area Resident Named to Dean’s List at University Of New England

Biddeford And Portland, Maine/Tangier, Morocco (June 14, 2019) - Emily Machado of East Providence, RI has been named to the Dean’s List for the 2019 spring semester at the University of New England. Dean’s List students have attained a grade point average of 3.3 or better out of a possible 4.0 at the end of the semester.

URI Students Named to the Spring 2019 Dean’s List

The University of Rhode Island is pleased to announce the Spring 2019 Dean’s List. To be included on the Dean’s List, full-time students must have completed 12 or more credits for letter grades during a semester and achieved at least a 3.30 quality point average. Part-time students qualify with the accumulation of 12 or more credits for letter grades earning at least a 3.30 quality point average. Note: Students who qualified for the Dean’s List, but have restricted access to their information under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines, are not included on this public listing. Students may adjust these restrictions on eCampus. Kihindei Adai, Eryn Aldrich, Faith Allen, Jordan Amado, Aaron Amaral, Emma Anderson, Kate Atwell, Ingrid Avendano, Alex Berger, Sarah Bollinger, Kelly Brunette, Sky Carvalho, Grace Cipriano, Cole Coffey, Madison Coogan, Nate Costa, Nicholas Costa, Brynne Costa, Alex Costa, Dawn Coyro, Bruno DaCosta, Brett Dailey, Matthew DaSilva, Sarah DelBonis, Darien Dinaro, Bella DiSanto, Kaleigh Esposito-Russell, Nicole Faria, Jordan Farnsworth, Guillermo Funes, Ethan Gervais, Evan Goncalves, Elenia Goris, Joshua Harrison-Lombardi, Kierstin Heck, Liam Hegarty, Dean Hernandez, Phone Htoo, Mohamad Jamal Aldine, Trey Kassed, Christopher Kinder, Magenta Kolakowski, Allyson Lacerda, Erin Lamarre, Capri Lamboy, Jia Ying Lin, Priscilla Machado, Chris Machado, Nick Mackevich, Danny Mandelli, Makaila Marshall, Haley Martins, Hanna Maynard,Kathryn Mcgee, Jeremy Medina, Shelby Mello, Nick Mercurio, Emily Modica, Marti Monteiro, Nicholas Murray, Nghia Nguyen, Colin O’Hara, Kyle Overwood, Zach Pangborn, Tyler Pereira, Ariana Pereira, Gabriel Pratt, Cynthia Pytel, Rachel Ray, Charles Rego, Bailey Ricci, Emma Richelsoph, Sydney Roberts, Jordan Rosa, Cassandra Santiago, Aaron Schneidereit, Catherine Silva, Maxi Siravo, Megan St Hilaire, Kathryn Sullivan, Tyler Tashdjian, Cameron Thibeault, Trayquawn Thornton, Madison

July 2019 The Reporter Turner, Rebekah Vecchiarelli, Julia Vieira, Cindy Villanueva, Brandon Williams.

Caroline Patricia Feeley of East Providence Named to Clemson University President’s List

Caroline Patricia Feeley of East Providence has been named to the President’s List at Clemson University. Feeley, whose major is Pre-Business, made the President’s List for the spring 2019 semester. To be named to the President’s List, a student must achieve a 4.0 (all As) gradepoint average.

Bentley University Names Local Students to Honors Lists for Spring 2019 Semester Bentley University President, Alison Davis-Blake, along with Dean of Business, Michael Johnson-Cramer, and Dean of Arts and Sciences, Rick Oches, recently announced the names of local residents who were honored for their outstanding academic achievement in the Spring 2019 semester. The following resident from your readership was recognized:

Alexandra G. Lima To be named to the Dean’s List, a fulltime student must have a grade point average of 3.3 or higher with no course grade below 2.0 during the term. In addition to being named to the spring Deans List Alexandrea also graduated with a double major in Accounting & Finance with a minor in Actual Science.

Local Eastern Students Named to Spring 2019 Dean’s List

Eastern Connecticut State University recently released its spring 2019 Dean’s List for full-time and part-time students. Among the students are: Full-time student Matthew Buteau ‘20 of Rumford, who majors in New Media Studies. Full-time student Emma Drolet ‘21 of Riverside, who majors in Health Sciences. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students must be in good academic standing and obtain a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher.

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University of New Hampshire’s Dean’s List for the Spring 2019 Semester

The following students have been named to the Dean’s List at the University of New Hampshire for the spring 2019 semester. Michaela Newman of East Providence, RI earning Honors Keenan Dunleavy of Rumford, RI earning Highest Honors Students named to the Dean’s List at the University of New Hampshire are students who have earned recognition through their superior scholastic performance during a semester enrolled in a full-time course load (12 or more graded credits). Highest honors are awarded to students who earn a semester grade point average of 3.85 or better out of a possible 4.0. Students with a 3.65 to 3.84 average are awarded high honors and students whose grade point average is 3.5 through 3.64 are awarded honors.

Colleen O’Brien of Rumford Named to the University of Hartford Dean’s List

The University of Hartford is pleased to announce Colleen O’Brien of Rumford has been named to its Dean’s List for Spring 2019.


Dr. Debra George & Dr. Kelsey George We are proud to announce Dr. Kelsey George has joined Dr. Debra George at George Family Orthodontics. Kelsey graduated from Boston University School of Dental Medicine for both her dental degree and her post-graduate degree in Orthodontics. She received a prestigious award for her dedication to excellent patient care. Dr. Kelsey’s training in the latest technology and techniques along with Dr. Debbie’s years of experience will ensure our patients continue to receive excellent care.

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The Reporter July 2019

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July 6, 12-8 p.m.

The Cape Verdean Museum will host a Tardi Kultural, an afternoon of culture in celebration of our Independence at the Cape Verdean Progressive Center (CV Club) located at 329 Grosvenor Avenue, East Providence from noon to 8:00 pm. Vendors, musicians and performers. Cost is $10.00. Free showcase of Cape Verdean Artist in the Founder's Hall. Later, please join us inside at the Founder's Hall to listen and dance to Cape Verdean Music to closing. Cost is $5.00. All attendees of the earlier event who have a stamp will be submitted at no cost for the evening event. Please join us in celebration of our Cape Verdean Independence.

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July 12-13, 2019 Pierce Memorial Field

Online applications are now available for vendors who wish to exhibit at the 39th Annual HeritageFest on July 12-14, 2019. The 3-day outdoor music and arts festival will be held at Pierce Memorial Field. Food vendors, business exhibits, crafters, artisans and fine artists as well as non-profits are welcome. There is no fee for non-profits, but space is limited and allotted on first-come, first-serve basis. To access the online vendor forms please visit www.epheritagedays.com and select the “Vendor” tab at the top menu. Complete the appropriate form by clicking on the buttons. Payment can be made through PayPal or credit card. If you wish an application mailed to you, please call 401-435-7511 and leave your name and telephone number. Our vendor chair will contact you. The annual festival is produced by the all-volunteer board of directors of East Providence Heritage Days Inc., a 501c3 non-profit corporation. The festival is funded through grants, fund raising activities, individual donations and corporate sponsorships. It builds community and enhances the quality of life for both residents and non-residents. The festival has made the arts accessible and affordable and has shined a positive light on the City of East Providence for nearly four decades.

Ten Mile River Watershed Council's Roger William Paddle July 20


The Ten Mile River Watershed Council is pleased to announce that the Roger William paddle will be held on July 20 this year, the TMRWC does this paddle every other year and it is sure to sell out. The paddle begins in East Providence at Freedom Green on North Broadway, which is close to the Roger Williams Spring which was Rogers’s first choice of a homestead. We will travel down river to Omega Dam and the Paul Bettencourt fish passage. Here is our only portage on this trip into the Seekonk River. We will continue down the Seekonk River around India Point through the hurricane barrier into the Providence River ending our paddle at Market Square, from here we move to the Roger William National Memorial for a talk by one of the rangers and bite to eat. This paddle is free to members, non members are charged 20 dollars, to cover transportation and food costs To register contact Keith@TenMileRiver.net

July 2019 The Reporter

Touch a Truck Fundraiser Sunday July 28, 11AM - 3 PM

Hasbro Children's Hospital CMN Children’s Miracle Network 2th Annual Fund Raiser Wal-mart 1180 Fall River Seekonk, MA Come Explore Your Favorite Things. Free of Charge. We will take Donation. Our poster child this year is Julette. She is a local girl from Seekonk, MA.

2019 Golf Tournament Charity Fundraiser Monday, July 29th

On Monday, July 29th 2019 The Rotary Club of East Providence/ Seekonk and the Seekonk Lions Club Charitable Trust, a 501(c)(3) organization will conduct their 28th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at the Wannamoisett Country Club. I am one of the organizers for the event and Chair of the Committee. We are hoping to make this year’s event even more successful than those in the past and are seeking your help to achieve our goal. We are looking for golfers, individuals as well as foursomes ($195 per player/or $780 for a foursome). In addition, to help support this event we are selling Teesign Sponsorships for businesses and or organizations ($125.00) or you can help support by donating a raffle and/or auction item. Contact: Stephen Propatier www.epseekonkrotary.org

National Night Out

Tuesday, August 6, 5-8 pm

Event will be held at the EP Senior Citizen Center ~ 610 Waterman Avenue East Providence Sponsored By: East Providence Citizen Police Alumni Academy Association (EPCPAAA) and the East Providence Police Department. This is East Providence's Tenth Year in which local Police Departments and their Citizen Police Academy Associations are involved in participation in a National Event to bring Community Relations between Our Police Department and the Citizens of East Providence together for National Night Out. This event is held nationally — in conjunction with participating states. Held, every first Tuesday of August, It brings together the Public, for a fun time on a beautiful summer evening. Meanwhile, the members of the EPCPAAA are busy getting the grounds organized and ready, so generous community vendors and businesses can Welcome The Public, .and even share a “Freebie” as the members of the EPCPAAA offer folks a warm grilled hot dog, cold bottle of water and a bag of chips. At this time, the community can approach an officer and compliment them on a job well done, as well as offering concerns in their own backyards. This is a chance to meet the new EP Chief of Police Bill Nebus, and his new “Brass." They will “mingle among the guests, and introduce themselves and talk about some refreshing ideas to make neighborhoods friendlier and safer. Since we organized this fun evening in 2009 at Larissa Park, we had to move to the Senior Center's grounds — soccer field. Every year since the word got out and our residents enjoyed the exhibitions, music, first responders' vehicles, etc., Children have had a ball jumping in bouncy houses; touch a truck and trying to win a prize. The adults had fun walking around and meeting old friends. This year, we are happy to welcome back some old friends that make National Night Out the event it is today. Since last year, we have grown and now we have new friends that are eager to join in the excitement. So here is a list of people you will see and say hello to. But first we have to mention is, this night is free to all and no costs are needed. There is nothing that will be sold, and there are no politicians to bother anyone!

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The Reporter July 2019

Things to do and see are food vendors: Uncle Tony's Pizza Simple Greek - Burrito Bowl, Domino Pizza, etc. Other kind supporters, that will be informational or servicebased are: local business, churches, organizations such as Blue Cross of RI, Brain Injury Association and Dunkin Donuts Safety Van - EP Library - EP Lion Association - EP Knights of Columbus - The Greenwood Fire House (Fire Trucks) - Liberty Tax - Narragansett Council of Boy/Girl Scouts – Martial Arts Organizations, Dance Schools Demos, School of Rock, NE BX Bikes, Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, Seekonk PD (Dog Demo), EPPD (Dog Demo) - East Providence Police Dept. S.W.A.T. Mobile. The Rhode Island Blood Bank ( Blood Drive is excepting donations in their bus located in the parking lot).and of course, Santa & Mrs. Claus.

PS: We are adding a Dunk Tank…Who will be getting a dunk..??? And without the following long-term supporters this event would not be possible: Seekonk’s Target, Frito Lay Inc., East Bay Tobacco Youth - East Bay Community Action - AAA - T.D. Bank – EPPD -Self Defense Training - R.A.D. - Pawtucket PD.-McGriff Crime Dog – New York Life Insurance – Fingerprinting Our Children and Our Seniors…Harley Owners Groups- #2522 - EP Mohawks- EP FOP (Federal Order of Police). They are very generous to be once again sponsoring a Raffle of two children bikes. Thank You! Music provided by our own officer Mike Spremulli. Big thanks! So mark this Fun Night Out on your calendar and stop by to speak to our "Friendly" Police Officers and our proud EP Police Cadets and members of the EPCPAAA wearing proudly their red shirts, And me don't forget to stop by and say Hello! The "Happy Go - Lucky” Hot Dog Lady Rosie, And amy trusted helpers Joann & Barbara. EPCPAAA President - Scott Rose VP - Jack Rose Treasurer & Secretary - Tony Oliver Publicity Chair - Rosemary Perry Oliver Company Sponsors Contact – Paul Plikas And Our EPPD - Community Officer -Sargent Mark Norton

East Providence High School Class of 1963 Reunion Saturday, Aug. 24, 6 p.m.

The 56th Class reunion will be held on Saturday, August 24, at the Shriner's Imperial Room in Cranston - 6 pm - cocktails and hors doeuvres - 7 pm dinner. The Grand buffet with a prime rib carving station, same DJ, Sergio and no formal program. Dress will be casual, no jeans. Please send your check for $40 pp made out to EPHS Class of 1963 and send to Betty DuLude, 23 Circle Drive, Seekonk, MA 02771. Deadline is August 15. Please join us for an evening of fun, dancing, good food, and best of all, reminiscing with old friends. You wanted to do it again, so we are! Last year was a great success!

East Providence High School Class of 1969 Save the Date: September 28th

We are planning our 50th Year Class Reunion for Saturday, September 28, 2019 at the Metacomet Country Club in East Providence. More details will be announced soon. If you wish to be kept updated please send us your contact information to EP69Reunion@gmail.com. Please spread the word to make the evening memorable.

New Customers Only

Cape Verdean Progressive Center 75th Anniversary October 12

Save the date for this big celebration at the Providence Marriott, 1 Orms St., Providence, RI. Formal invitation to follow.

July 2019 The Reporter

CHURCH NEWS & EVENTS The On-The-Go Summer Special @ Holy Angels Church Thursday, July 11, 3-6 p.m.

Holy Angels Parish in Barrington will commence its seasonal festivities at the On-The-Go Summer Special, being held on Thursday, July 11 from 3:00 to 6:30pm. All are welcome to place an order for this dinner event, where delicious take-out food and great raffles will be featured. The menu will be available until Tuesday, July 9 or while supplies last. Please visit holyangelsevent.com.

Craft/Flea Market Sale

Saturday, August 17, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Hope Congregational Church, 120 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence, will be sponsoring a Craft/Flea Market Sale on Saturday, August 17, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. (Rain date – August 24). Sell your own stuff on the front lawn of the church! Rent a 30” x 8’ table – reserved before August 1, $25 – after August 1, $30. Reserve your table now by stopping in at the church office any weekday morning or by calling 434-2415. Last year’s sale was a huge success with hundreds of shoppers! Refreshments will be available as well as excellent parking.

Haven United Methodist Church News

Haven United Methodist Church, 200 Taunton Ave., E. Providence, RI. Call 401-438-4911 or email havenumchurch@yahoo. com for more information. Office hours Monday thru Thursday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm. Check out our website at http://www. havenumchurch.com. 1. Welcome Pastor Juhee Lee! Join us as we worship and celebrate the beginning of our ministry together! 2. New Worship Time - Effective July 7, 2019, our Sunday morning worship service will be at 9:30 am, followed by Coffee Hour. 3. Haven UMC Thrift Store: Open EVERY Saturday (including summer) from 9 am to 12 pm. Lots of new items! Clothing, coats and jackets, shoes, linens, household items, puzzles, odds and ends. Donations are gratefully accepted (we'll pickup clothing and small items if needed). Volunteers are welcome! 4. Come, join our family! Are you searching for a church home? Do you or someone you know need prayer? At Haven UMC, we are a haven for those who would seek to know God better, while spreading the love of Jesus Christ. Worship Service is at 9:30 am on Sunday followed by Coffee Hour. 5. Do you or your group/organization need a place to hold meetings? Sporting events? Activities? Conferences? We have Space Available! We have a variety of spaces available from small to large, including a gym. We have an elevator and chair lift for accessibility. Contact the office for room sizes, availability and suggested donations.

Do You Believe In God? Do You Believe In Good And Evil? Do You Believe In Heaven And Hell? If You Answered Yes to These Questions, the Next Question is, How are You Putting God in Your Life? Do You Belong to a Church? Do You Attend Church Services? Do You Pray? Are You Concerned with the Secular World? If You are a Fallen Away Catholic, Perhaps You Should Give Some Thought to Coming Back to the Church. If You Are Not Catholic, Please Give Some Thought to Joining a Church Even if it isn’t Catholic.

We Need to Change this World. That Change Starts with You! I Urge You to Visit the Web Site: www.catholicscomehome.org At This Time When God Is Under Constant Attack, We Must Come Back To Him. Reach Out To Him, He Is There For You!

This Invitation Is From A Sinner, Who Wants You To Join Him On The Journey Back To God.



The Reporter July 2019

Club News & Announcements Grange Community Service

Roger Williams-Rumford Grange recently distributed 383 dictionaries to all of the third graders in the city of East Providence as part of the national “Words for Thirds” Dictionary Project. The goal of this program is to assist all students in completing the school year as good writers, active readers and creative thinkers by providing students with their own personal dictionary. The dictionaries are a gift to each student to use at school and at home for years to come. This is the fifteenth year that the third graders of East Providence have received dictionaries from the local Grange. John A. Lawson, Jr., Community Service Chairman of the Grange, visited all eight elementary schools to make the presentations. Participation in the Dictionary Project is just one of the many community service projects undertaken by Roger Williams-Rumford Grange members. General Mills “Box Tops for Education” are donated to the R.I. School for the Deaf; aluminum tabs are collected for the Shriners Hospitals and Ronald MacDonald House; old magazines are donated to the Seafarers’Mission; items from the wish lists of both Ronald MacDonald House and Meeting Street School are also collected; and children’s Christmas gifts are given to local distributors. If you would like to assist the Grange in any of their projects or would like more information about the organization, please contact John or Shirley Lawson at 434-1491. On May 29th, the Grange also presented its Community Citizen Award to Dr. Cynthia Lawson Whitaker, Chief of Services at the Greater Nashua Mental Health Center in Nashua, New Hampshire. She was presented this award in appreciation for her outstanding efforts helping others with their mental, emotional and spiritual is-

Raffle tickets are available at the Recreation Office in Breed Hall at 610 Waterman Avenue and at the EP Rec Center in Riverside.

sues by giving of herself for the betterment of mankind and the community. Some of Dr. Whitaker’s efforts have been: 1) supporting the deaf community in their efforts to have more services available for them; 2) with the opioid crisis, stressing the possible assistance that could be made available to those with addictions; 3) making the public aware of the Mental Health services available to those who are dealing with addiction, depression and other mental and emotional problems; 4) working with the Southern New Hampshire Rescue Mission in their efforts to assist the homeless and destitute; and 5) being part of the “Over the Edge” Fundraiser for the United Way of Nashua, rappelling off the 24 story Brady Sullivan Building in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse Great Getaway Raffle

Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse is sponsoring a fundraising raffle for three exclusive Getaways. Prizes feature a magical package of five One-Day Park Hopper passes to Walt Disney World. Park Hopper passes allow guests to visit multiple theme parks on the same day. Parks include Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney’s Hollywood Studios and Disney’s Animal Kingdom. The total value of the One-Day Park Hopper admission passes is $845. Transportation and lodging are not included. This is an excellent prize for all ages, especially for families who are considering a trip to Disney World or those who spend some time in the Sunshine State. Passes expire in two years. Enjoy a one-of-a-kind experience in our Light Keeper package at Borden Flats Lighthouse. View sunrise and sunset on the coasts of Fall River and Somerset, MA from a unique vantage point from the caisson-style lighthouse, located in the Taunton River, near the Braga Bridge. The lighthouse stay package features a special overnight stay at Borden Flats as well as transportation to and from the historic 1881 light station. Bring dinner and breakfast and make or heat it outside on the gas grill or in the fully equipped kitchenette on the first level; relax in the second-level living room or third-level entertainment area; rest peacefully in the fourth-level bedroom; and witness spectacular views from the top-level lantern room. Depending on the night selected, the Light Keeper package is valued at up to $395. The final prize in the Great Getaway Raffle is a two-night Cape Cod Getaway at the family-friendly Bayside Resort. The Cape Cod package includes two nights in a deluxe queen room that accommodates two adults and two children. Continental breakfast and discount certificates toward dinner are part of the $350 package. Bayside Resort is located in West Yarmouth, MA, overlooking picturesque Lewis Bay. It features an indoor pool, fitness center and arcade and an outdoor firepit. Activities, entertainment, golfing and shopping are nearby. The Cape Cod Getaway can be used from October 14 to May 1 and the certificate expires in 2021. The drawing will take place at 6 p.m. on August 10 at the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse tent at the Looff Arts Festival in Rose Larisa Park, Riverside. You do not need to be present to win. Great Getaway Raffle tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25. They will be sold at the Looff Arts Festival or can be obtained by sending a check, made payable to Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, c/o 81 Harris Street, Riverside, RI. 02915. Include your name, address and phone number on your check. Call 401-433-3463 with any questions. Proceeds from the raffle will be used to maintain historic Pomham Rocks Lighthouse.

July 2019 The Reporter

Rhode Island Rhythm and Blues Preservation Society

Some years ago the Beatles wrote a song entitled “I get by with a little help from my friends”. The Rhode Island Rhythm & Blues Preservation Society thrives when our ‘friends’ provide support and encouragement for our efforts. We are a 501c3 non-profit membership organization that strives to fulfill our goals of preserving and promoting R&B music through a variety of programming and other means. After a difficult and relatively inactive winter, event wise, we enter this time of year working hard to bring a variety of programs and services to the community at large. Planning is underway for out 11th Annual R&B Heritage Month Festival and Heritage Day celebration. We are also planning our 5th Annual Meet & Greet celebration in the fall with a student focused concert. As we enter a new fiscal year we are again asking for your support. Membership dues and donations are just one way that you can support us. But we now also need a little of your time. I assure you that the Rhode Island Rhythm and Blues Preservation Society is a community group worth your consideration. We make a lasting and positive contribution to the musical scene of this great state. For more news from the Rhode Island Rhythm & Blues Preservation Society, visit www.bluespreservationsociety.org or call 401-461-0012.

Big Fundraising Success at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island

Brendan C. Kane, Board President, and Liz Catucci, Development Chairperson, achieve their goal of raising $100,000 in 100 days for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island. Cranston- Brendan C. Kane, President and Principal of Peregrine Property Management in Rumford, Rhode Island has served as President of the Board of Directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island (BBBSRI) since 2017. At the end of this year, Kane will step down from this position and pass the torch to another. As we have closed in on the end of the 100 days he wants to thank all who answered his call and became members of the 2019 Big Brothers Big Sisters President’s Circle. This year with pledges and gifts from friends and contacts, Kane and Liz Catucci, Business Development Manager at PKF O'Connor Davies, LLP, and Chairperson of BBBSRI’s Development Committee have met their collective goal of $100,000 in 100 days. This outstanding show of support will provide Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island with the necessary funds to provide the youth of Rhode Island with professionally supported mentors who will work to defend their potential for years to come. A special thank you and recognition goes to Tom Furey of Furey Roofing, board member of Big Brothers Big Sisters and longtime advocate for youth mentoring, for helping us reach our $100,000 goal.

Celebrating 37 Years of Quality Service!

The Rhode Island Rhythm and Blues Preservation Society 12 Kipling Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02907 401.461.0012 │ rirbps@gmail.com │ www.bluespreservationsociety.org

Membership Application

Happy 4th of July!

Keeping R&B Alive

Join/Renew RIRBPS Membership Today! Become an active member or simply enjoy the variety of events and concerts we have to offer. RIRBPS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to preserving and promoting the blues in the African American tradition. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. The membership renewal year starts June 1 and expires May 31 of each year. First time applicants are prorated quarterly on a one-time basis and are assessed the full fee for each renewal year. To become a member, please complete the application and mail to the address below: Membership Fee Schedule: Student Individual: Couples Non Profit Venue/Club Corporation

$ 5/yr $ 15/yr $ 25/yr $ 50/yr $ 75/yr $ 100/yr



____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Subtotal ____ Donation (Optional) ____ Total ____

NAME: _______________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________________ State_____________ ZIP_____________ Telephone No.________________________

E-mail Address__________________________

VOLUNTEER INFORMATION (Optional): In addition to supporting the Society with my membership donation, I would like to help out as a volunteer in the following way: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Mail application with check or money order payable to RIRBPS: Sylvia Whiting, Treasurer 125 Cliff Avenue, Winthrop, MA 02152 617.539.3951 / sylmax99@yahoo.com RIRBPS is a 501(c)3 Tax Deductible Organization.


459 Willett Ave. (next to CVS) Riverside, RI 02915 401-433-4491


51 Cole Street (behind Town hall) Warren, RI 02885 401-245-9755

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The Reporter July 2019

SCOUTING AROUND TOWN Junior Girl Scout Troop 707 Received Their Bronze Award

Troop 707's "Project Adoption" helps them to earn their bronze award Junior Girl Scout Troop 707, comprised of 16 scouts from East Providence, Seekonk, and Rehoboth, spent 10 months working on their Bronze Award Project and recently received their Bronze

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Award. The Bronze Award is the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can achieve and includes a project that contributes to the community in a direct and meaningful way. They named their project ‘Project Adoption’ and their goal was to minimize impediments to pet adoption. The scouts reached out to local schools, community businesses, and nonprofit organizations to get permission to put in place pet supply donation collection boxes that the scouts would monitor. The scouts sewed and decorated 50 bags to give new pet owners that they then filled with the donations made by our generous community members. The bags full of items were given to the Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RISPCA) and Save One Soul Animal Rescue for distribution to new pet owners. Thank you to the 25 donation sites including East Providence Schools, Seekonk Schools, Rumford Pet Center, Petvalu, Petco Seekonk, the Newman YMCA, and thank you to everyone who donated to this project! We are excited to see what these young leaders will do next!

July 2019 The Reporter

Troop 55 Riverside Earns Troop of the Year

On June 6, 2019 the Adult Leaders of Troop 55 Riverside attended the 2019 Southeast Area Service Awards Dinner for the Narragansett Council of the BSA. This active Troop was very honored to be named Troop of the Year at the dinner. The following adult leaders also received awards: Chris Cuhna, Scoutmaster of the Year; Sheila Vandal, Scouter of the Year; Chris Vandal, the Bucklin Award and Don Britton, The Golden Sparkplug Award.

134 Central Ave.Seekonk, MA



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Adult Leaders of Troop 55 Riverside at the 2019 Southeast Area Service Awards Dinner for the Narragansett Council of the BSA







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In addition to this great honor, the Troop camped twice recently. First stop was Camp Cachalot in Plymouth, MA where the girls worked on their Canoeing Merit badge and the Boys rode their bikes through some trails in Myles Standish State Forest. Another camping trip took the linked troops to Buckhill Scout Reservation in Pascoag, RI. Each patrol worked hard on camping skills and cooking a variety of creative and delicious meals. The weather was nice and the Troop enjoyed canoeing, kayaking and swimming. They capped off the day with a fun Saturday night Campfire Show. continued on next page...


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The Reporter July 2019

They capped off the camping day with a fun Saturday night Campfire Show


The boys rode their bikes through some trails in Myles Standish State Forest

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The troop enjoyed swimming at camp

Thanks to all who came out to and made Troop 55’s Car Wash the most successful yet. Your generosity is appreciated as the Troop gears up for their annual summer camping at Yawgoog in late July!

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Troop 55's car wash

Upcoming events

· Marching in the Bristol Fourth of July Parade · Camp Yawgoog · National Night Out: August 6 · Recruitment Carnival: August 17 Your son or daughter can join in the fun, too. For more information go to Troop55riverside.org or come check us out at one of our weekly Monday night meetings held at St. Andrew’s Masons Lodge (located @18 Turner Avenue, riverside) @ 6:30 PM. We hope to meet you soon!

July 2019 The Reporter

Local Students Receive Honors at Saint Raphael Academy

Local students attending Saint Raphael Academy were recently recognized at several academic awards ceremonies this spring.

East Providence

Michael Furtado Jr., Gr. 10, Spanish I Award Madison Cabral, Gr. 11, Honors English 11 Award, Outstanding Service Award, Moral Compass Award, St. Anslem College Book Award, French Honor Society, National Honor Society Joseph Noel, Gr. 11, FBLA Award, General Treasurer Seth Magaziner Award, French Honor Society, National Honor Society Adrianna Sepe, Gr. 11, Providence College Book Award, National Honor Society Freya Badger, Gr. 11, Sage College Book Award, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, Thespian Honor Society Saylor Costa, Gr. 11, Springfield College Book Award, Spanish Honor Society, National Honor Society Reilly Johnston, Gr. 12, Outstanding Service Award, Rhode Island Honor Society, Henry A. Barry ’31 Memorial Award

Sacred Heart School Grade 8 Students Graduate

Nineteen eighth graders graduated last night at a ceremony and Mass at Sacred Heart Church in East Providence. Rev. Silvio De Nard, Sd.C., pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, was the celebrant. Following the Mass and ceremony the graduates and their guests attended a reception in the school’s gym. Eighth grade homeroom teacher, Arthur Santoro, made arrangements for the ceremony as well as the class trip and banquet. In his remarks to the class and their guests, Principal Mo Guernon remarked, “This is an exciting time for all of you. For as the future unfolds before you, you have an opportunity and obligation to create a more just society. I know that each of you is up to that challenge.” Band and choral director Philip Desrosiers orchestrated the music at the church. Local graduates from EP are: Jake Araujo, Adam Camille, Jesse Cardarelli, Jonah Costa, Ava Francesconi, Giovanna Francesconi, Skye Oliveira, Tatiana Seco, Tyler Seco, Anthony Souza, and Arun Thomas.


Miles DeMacedo, Gr. 9, Honors Algebra I Award Elizabeth Murphy, Gr. 9, Outstanding Service Award Rachel Gomes, Gr. 11, Outstanding Service Award, Spanish Honor Society, National Honor Society Colby Luiz, Gr. 11, Outstanding Service Award, Clarkson University Leadership Award, Spanish Honor Society, National Honor Society Stephanie Murphy, Gr. 11, Outstanding Service Award, Honors Spanish IV Award, Harvard Book Award, Rensselaer Medal, National Honor Society Zachary DaCosta, Gr. 12, Statistics Award Nathaniel Mottur, Gr. 12, Saints Angel Award

Dr. Lisa Daft and Dr. Jared Stubbs Dr. Lisa Daft Dr. Christina Sorensen Are pleased to announce Dr. Chris Vanderpool has joined our family and cosmetic dental practice. Providing comprehensive Providing comprehensive dental care in dental care in more Seekonk, Seekonk, MA for than 35MA. years. WeWe welcome new patients! welcome new patients!


Emily Fournier, Gr. 12, Outstanding Service Award, Rhode Island Honor Society, Excellence in Social Studies, Doreen A. Tomlinson ’80 Memorial Award John Brennan, Gr. 12, Drawing & Painting II Award, Rhode Island Honor Society Benjamin Senra, Gr. 12, Saints Angel Award, Rhode Island Honor Society, Dennis M. Lynch Jr. ’74 Memorial Award, Thespian Honor Society Shawn Hughes, Gr. 12, Rhode Island Honor Society


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The Reporter July 2019

July 2019 The Reporter


The 39th Annual East Providence Heritage Festival July 12-14th at Pierce Field

The 39th annual East Providence HeritageFest will take place July 12-14 this year at Pierce Memorial Field. The event will have live music, a midway, food, craft and business vendors plus nonprofit exhibits, and other family fun. It will run from 6-11 on Friday, 2:30-11 on Saturday, and 3-10:00 on Sunday. The festival is known to be a “Townie Homecoming Weekend,” bringing members of the community together. You won’t want to miss this weekend full of good music, good food, art and fun! See the lineup of bands below!

For Tickets Visit www.epheritagedays.com $10 Advance Weekend Pass or $5/Day Children 12 & Under FREE!


12th Annual Summer Hoop CampS

Tyler & Ryan

Friday, July 12th at 6:30 PM

• Gordon School

Tyler, age 25, and Ryan, age 23, are two quickly growing stars from Bristol. They are both singer-songwriters, though Ryan usually leads vocals. The two started their YouTube channel in 2010 and now have 150k subscribers, called Falcoanators, and 15 million views. They also have 42k monthly Spotify listeners. They upload weekly covers to their channel, which is called Tyler & Ryan. The two also recently had birthdays, Tyler’s was at end of March and Ryan’s was mid June; happy belated guys! They’re opening the festival this year at 6:30!

East Providence, RI JULY 8th-12th • 9:00 AM TO 2 PM (8:30am drop-off) Boys & Girls Grades 1-9, Cost: $190.00

• Providence Country Day School

East Providence, RI JULY 29th-AUG 2nd • 9:00 AM TO 2 PM (8:30am drop-off) Boys & Girls* Ages 6-16* Cost: $185.00 *separate instruction by gender and age/ability in the three court PCD Fieldhouse For more info call Frank Luca at 401-639-0814 or Register on-line @ www.1on1basketball.com

Best Wishes From...

Best Wishes From...

Rappoport, DeGiovanni & Caslowitz, Inc.

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Tyler & Ryan

Brendan Rush & Bella Hannah

Friday, July 12th at 7:15 PM

Stephen M. Rappoport*

Stephen M. Rappoport* Jack R. DeGiovanni, Jr.* Jack R. DeGiovanni, Jr.* Andrew S. Andrew S. Caslowitz Caslowitz Michael J. Michael J.Farley* Farley* Danielle A. Britto James T. Glendinning* **Also Bar AlsoMembers Members Massachusetts Massachusetts Bar

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The Reporter July 2019 Brendan Rush is back! The 18 year old was the first rapper at HeritageFest two years ago, and this year, he’s performing with Bella Hannah. Brendan uploads his songs to YouTube, including “The Takeover” and “Halloween” which have received thousands of views. He’s another quickly growing artist, this year teaming up with singer-songwriter Bella Hannah. Bella sings and raps, collaborating with Brendan in songs such as “Can’t Turn Back Now,” and “Halloween.”

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Friday, July 12th at 8:00 PM

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Psycle is a four piece rock and roll band that travels all over New England (and occasionally Canada) performing a wide variety of songs. The band includes Seth Salois (vocals and guitar), Jay Spynes (drums), Mike Katz (bass and vocals), and Joe Nicolazzo (lead guiatar). I reached out to the band when I found their Instagram, asking if they wanted to share anything about the upcoming event. “We as a band are so excited to have the opportunity to play the Heritage Festival. We have seen many great local and national artists over the years so being able to bring our music to that stage is amazing.”


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Dirty Deeds

Ballet • Pointe • Tap • Jazz • Hip Hop • Modern Toddler thru adult

Friday, July 12th at 9:00 PM

Open HouseS Thursday, July 25th • 6-8pm Sunday, August 11th • 2-4pm

Dirty Deeds is an AC/DC tribute band, named after the song Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. The band has been touring for over 20 years now and the work hard to recreate the unique tone of the memorable band exactly. Bob Conti is the lead vocalist, with Chris Longo on drums, Chris Rapoza on bass guitar, Mike Joly on rhythm guitar, and their newest member Matt Shane on guitar as well. This band has won Motif Magazine’s “Best Tribute Act” every year since 2014; that’s 6 years!


The Whodos

Mommy & Me Class

We focus on the artistry of dance and are not a competition School

Saturday, July 13th at 3:00 PM

Rebello Funeral Home 901 Broadway, East Providence, RI 02914

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National Funeral Directors Association

Let’s get this out of the way, what the heck is a Whodo? According to Urban Dictionary, its an “extremely old, or wrecked car that the owner still drives like its new.” This Americana band has dubbed itself as a “good bar band.” The band started with Walter Barlow on guitar and vocals, and Joe Chirico on lead guitar, keyboard, and vocals. Walter’s oldest son joined them for while, but unfortunately had to leave, prompting Scot “Skip” Harris to join on bass and vocals. The band also welcomed Bob Drouin, who plays several instruments such as the fiddle and bouzouki (that’s a string instrument from Greece that looks like an Avacado shaped guitar with a long neck). They will be leading as the first Saturday performance!

July 2019 The Reporter


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The Reporter July 2019

El Guapo


Saturday, July 13th at 4:00 PM

Saturday, July 13th at 5:30 PM

El Guapo El Guapo is a “sexy rock and soul” band. They play familiar and fun tunes with Andy Moreillon on vocals and bass, Jeremy Harper on vocals and guitar, and Jeff Markland on drums and backing vocals. The band was created in 2011 in a downtown Champaign bar over a round of shots. For those of you who don’t know, El Guapo was the villain in The Three Amigos. It also meaning handsome or sexy, which the band uses to describe their presence.




Shryne is a radiant band, delivering an energetic sound to the stage. They blend todays pop sound with the influence of classic rock. There are a handful of multitalented members including Jon Brennan (lead vocals, keyboard, guitar), Alex Tirrell (keyboard, vocals), Ben Tirrell (guitar, vocals), Andrew Sharp (bass, guitar), and Kevin Pereira (drums). The band has won several awards, including Band of the Year and Best Break-Thru Band of the Year!

Who’s Next The Ultimate WHO Tribute

Saturday, July 13th at 6:30 PM

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Who's Next This group works incredibly hard to mimic The WHO band. Each member has exact replicas, and according to their page, their fans claim that each has a distinct likeness to their counterpart. Bill Carell is Pete Townshend, rocking the guitar with Dave Macdonald on Vocals as Roger Daltrey aka Roger From Oz. Mike Conte is on bass as John Entwhistle or The Ox and Rick Saveres is Keith Moon aka The Loon, “Moonie” on drums. The band has been recognized as the best The Who tribute band in the world.

July 2019 The Reporter

The Blushing Brides

VicToria Doran

Sat, July 13th at 9:00 PM

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The Blushing Brides This group was formed around 1979 and started off with their favorite band’s music: The Rolling Stones. Since then, the members have journeyed through different music and artists, but have journeyed back to their original tracks. There are two guitarists, Paul Martin and James Green, was well as a bass player Van Dijk. Richard or “Rocco” Berthiaume is their drummer and Maurice Raymond is the vocalist. The band has toughed through some rough times, but now they’re here to show off their talent together.

They Were Robots!

Sun, July 14th at 3:30 PM

198 Waterman Ave., East Providence, RI A Health Concepts, Ltd. Facility

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They Were Robots This band is only a few years old, based out of Providence. There are six members, consisting of Matt Smith (bass), Keith Harriman (trombone), Alex Colburn (trumpet, french horn), Tim Eskey (drums/percussion), Chris Mitchell (keyboard, lead vocals), and Mike Cirino (lead vocals, guitar). This band likes to be wild and fun: you can even tell from their Facebook page! They play Experimental and Alt Rock, but describe it as “your music collection falling down a flight of stairs.” They even say that the enjoy “creating music and confusing the living daylights out of people while doing it.” They haven even offered accounts about creating their band, talking about how the search for a drummer gave them a trombone player instead. This fun band is the beginning of the end of HeritageFest 2019!

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The Reporter July 2019

Lady Lupine

Political Advertisement

Enjoy the 4th of July!

Wishing all a safe and fun summer!

Sunday, July 14th at 4:15 PM

If you have been reading for a while, you know that I like to clear up words and phrases that people may not be too familiar. So, “heavy soul,” where did that come from? The band members share different backgrounds in music. Christina Lacoste, the lead vocalist, shares a background in soul and blues with her band mate and lead guitarist Fran McConville. However, bass player Xander Hayes and drummer Josh Cuadra both grew from heavier rock, hence the description “heavy soul.” The group performs original songs and cover, inspired by artists like Stevie Wonder and Hiatus Kaiyote. As Christina told the Boston Voyager, “Music is for everyone and it’s supposed to bring us together in a common space.”

Anna Sousa

East Providence Ward 2 City Councilwoman

Paid for by the friends of Anna Sousa

We Mail Free to Everyone's Door! Lady Lupine

Enjoy East Providence

HeritageFest 2019!

Paid for by The Committee to Elect Val Lawson

Legacy Band & Show

Sunday, July 14th at 5:00 PM

This band performs a wide variety of music including covers of Current Top 40 Dance hits, Contemporary R & B, Classic Old School R & B, Neo Soul, Modern Soul and Quiet Storm. Quiet storm is a genre of music performed in a smooth and romantic way, influenced by jazz. Legacy is a seven piece band. Members include David Cherry (lead vocals), Joe Benton (vocals, rhythm guitar), Phil Pegg - (vocals, rhythm guitar), Daniel “DJ” Calloway (drummer), Michael Vanover - (lead vocals), Matt Passeroni (bass), and Joe Godfrey (keyboard).

Happy Birthday USA!

Enjoy the East Providence Heritage Festival!

Katherine Kazarian

State Representative ~ East Providence Paid for by Friends of Katherine Kazarian.

Legacy Band & Show

July 2019 The Reporter

The Samuel Whelden House 349 Warren Avenue, East Providence


Enjoy the Heritage Festival!




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Served on the Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Education, the Rhode Island Board of Education and chaired the East Providence School Committee.

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About WCM William C. Maaia, Esq. has a distinguished career practicing law in Rhode Island. Upon graduating from Suffolk University Law School, he served as a special assistant attorney general under R.I. Attorney General Dennis J. Roberts and as a bail commissioner for the City of East Providence. In 1982, Attorney Maaia opened the Law Offices of William C. Maaia & Associates. Maaia Law has acted as legal counsel to individuals, government entities and small businesses throughout the state including the R.I. Real Estate Commission, the Pawtucket Water Supply Board and Full Channel, Inc. Attorney Maaia was appointed as special counsel to the R.I. Ethics Commission and has served on the R.I. Board of Education and chaired the East Providence School Committee.



The Reporter July 2019

The Luis Neves Show

Sunday, July 14th at 7:00 PM

Luis Neves is from Lisbon, Portugal and brought his culture and music to the USA in 1970. With him is Sergio Craveiro, Jason Craveiro, John Franco, and Ricky Almedia on guitar, drums, and keys. To quote Luis, “we’re all about having a good time doing what we do best. As long as everyone is smiling, dancing and having a good time, we’re happy.“ Unfortunately, the band is closing at the end of this year, but Neves hopes to start a new adventure in 2020. Luis Neves é de Lisboa, Portugal e trouxe a cultura dele e a música para o Estados Unidos em 1970. Com ele está Sergio Craveiro, Jason Craveiro, John Franco e Ricky Almedia na guitarra, bateria e teclado. Para citar Luis, “Gostamos de nos divertir fazendo o que fazemos melhor. Enquanto todos estiverem sorrindo, dançando e se divertindo, ficaremos felizes.” Infelizmente, a banda está acabando no fim desse ano, mas Neves espera começar uma nova aventura em 2020.

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Congratulations on another successful year!

Luis Neves

Robert Black & The Elvis Express Band Sun, July 14th at 8:00 PM

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Robert Black is an Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash Tribute artist. Many fan say that his ability to really connect with the audience allows them to call Black a friend. Robert has works his craft since 2012. He has worked with both bands and backing tracks, and this year he’s bringing the King to the stage to finish out HeritageFest. So, in the words of Elvis Presley, “until we meet again, may God bless you as he has blessed me.”

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Enjoy the Heritage Festival!

July 2019 The Reporter


2019 Heritage Festival Vendors

Food and Beverage

• Coco Bongos - Adult frozen drinks in specialty containers • Del’s Lemonade • Fanelli Midway - Fried Dough, Candied Apples, Cotton Candy, Popcorn • Haven Brothers - Chicken Tenders, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Onion Rings, Mozzarella Sticks • Incred-A-Bowl - Rice Bowls, Noodle Bowls, Salads, Soups • Just Dogs - Strawberry Shortcake, Strawberry Smoothies, Pretzels • Rhody Roots - Farm to Table Tapas. Gluten Free & Vegan Options. • Golden Gate Foods - Gyros, Chicken Pita, Greek style Steak Pita, Chicken Kabob, Fried Chicken-On-A-Stick, Foot Long Corn Dogs, Funnel Cake, Mac-n-Cheese, French Fries • Saugy Inc. - RI’s Famous SAUGYS Frankfurters • Stanley’s Famous Hamburgers - Burgers, Hot Dogs, Lobster Salad Rolls • Mindful Maia’s Juice & Tea - Smoothie Bowls, Smoothies, Herbal Juices & Teas • The Sausage King - Italian Sausage & Peppers, Kielbasa, Steak Sandwiches • What’s the Scoop - Soft Serve Ice Cream, Sundaes, Root Beer Floats, Frappes • Casa Tia Rosa - Portuguese Food, Chourico & Peppers, Cacoila, Portuguese Chicken

Art & Craft Vendors

• Greenwich Bay Glassworks - Original hand blown glass items, pendants, pens, glass straws, incense burners, honey dippers, wine stoppers • Beautiful Bathing By Betsie - Homemade soaps & bath products, sugar scrubs, bath bombs, lip balm • Fashion For Empowerment - Wearable Fiber Art Creations fusing European & Asian techniques employing organic mediums, Egyptian cotton, fruit & vegetable dyes, bamboo, leather & sheep’s wool. • Gail’s Glitter - Fine Jewelry from around the world, hats, scarves & hair accessories • Ardour Accessories - Handmade home décor, fashion accessories, chakra items, precious stone jewelry, children’s clothing and pet accessories • Carmen’s Cultural Creations - Handmade quilts, crochet afghans, cultural craft items • We Be Jammin - Jam, Salsa, BBQ Sauce, Pickles, Beets & Marinades • Babesofitaly - Handmade graphghans, pillows, amigurumi • Usborne Books & More - Children’s Books • Henna by Heather - Henna Body Art • Chalk Couture - On site chalking for adults & children • Pampered Chef - Kitchen Tools, Food Products, Cookbooks • Lady Pendants - Hand Bags, Fashion Jewelry • LuLaRoe - Women’s & Children’s Clothing • MK’s Sports Merchandise • Tattoo Mania - Temporary Airbrushed Tattoos • Hel-Lo-Dolly - Doll Clothes for American Girl, New Generation, My Life, Doll Jewelry & Tooth Pillows • Ed’s Crafts - Assorted Costume Jewelry, Beanie Babies, Hats, Shirts • Wonderland of Pearls - Pick a Pearl Jewelry • Joan Smith - Handmade children’s toys • Wicked Awesome Creations - Custom tumblers, personalized & unique gifts • PartyLite - Candles & accessories

• Face Paint & Body Art by Linz - Face Painting and glitter tattoos for adults & children • AliCat Jewels - Customized charm bracelets, gemstone pendants, sterling silver rings • Rita G’s Accessories - Handmade Keyfinder • Carol’s Creations - Wreaths & paracord crafts • Miss Priss Clips - Handmade pacifier clips, teething clips & infant items • Maverick, The Collection - Women’s clothing boutique, sizes S-3X • Teacher/Mom Designs - Designer key chains, mugs, tumblers • Susan Palumbo - Fleece items, animal pocketbooks, ponchos, lanyards

Business Exhibits

• Renewal By Andersen - Replacement Windows & Doors • Affordable Cabinet Refacing - Kitchen Cabinet Refacing, Quartz counter tops • JCS Enterprises - Vacation Club • TechniArt Inc. - National Grid Program, discount/wholesale priced LED Lighting • Captain Cruise & Crew - Travel Info • Altered Reality Entertainment - Promoting RI Comic Con • Mambo Pa Ti - Dance School Info • RI Fashion Week - Designer Clothing • Eastgate Nursing & Rehabilitation Center - Informational • Adecco Staffing, USA - Recruitment & Staffing Services

Sponsor Exhibits

• Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RI • Washington Trust Co. • East Providence Elks Lodge # 2337

Non-Profit Exhibits

• Children’s Friend - Foster Parenting Info • Falun Dafa Association of RI - Teaching the craft of origami lotus flower, info on Falun Dafa advanced system of mind and body improvement • Refugee Dream Center • Roll Out The Black - Traveling Museum of Black Memorabilia • Trinity Tabernacle Church, Inc. - Calendar Raffle, giving away small toys to children

HERITAGE continues on page 55

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The Reporter July 2019

July 2019 The Reporter



Girls Little League Pioneer, Robert F. Amaral, Honored

The East Providence City Council at its June 18, 2019 meeting, voted unanimously to name the girls little league field at Pierce Stadium after a long time league volunteer, Robert F. Amaral. The field has been unnamed for decades after former Central Little League president Amaral lobbied the city for its construction. "Girls were not able to play Little League Baseball according to national rules until 1974," said at-large councilman Bob Rodericks. Rodericks sponsored the request to name the field for Amaral. "Bob Amaral had been a strong advocate for girls to have the opportunity to play in organized Little League. In 1974, and due in major part to the diligent resolve of Bob Amaral, girls in East Providence began to play organized Little League softball. Girls also have the option to play on a baseball team," Rodericks told his council colleagues. "I want to thank the council for this great honor. It was a pleasure to have helped these girls play softball," Amaral told the audience after the award. "It wasn't fair that just the boys could play and not the girls. My daughter asked me at dinner one night why we don't play and I was always with the boys. I got the look from my wife and I said okay, you get enough girls and we'll play," said Amaral. The Amarals lived near Pierce Field at the time and upon driving home from work the next night, Robert Amaral found over 16 girls waiting at the field. "I got some equipment and we played ball," continued on next page...

Members of the Amaral family gather after the city council naming of the Robert F. Amaral Field at Pierce Stadium.

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The Reporter July 2019

funding but they persevered with Amaral at the helm. Eventually the city built the girls their own field which is the same field now named in Amaral's honor many years later. Amaral, now 84, was a Little League volunteer for thirty years. During this tenure he served as a team manager, director, League President and a New England District Administrator for girls team softball development. Amaral is 1954 graduate of East Providence High School and a 1961 Graduate of Rhode Island Electronics Technical School. "Mr. Amaral is a great mentor, coach and friend to many of us," said a former player and one time league president Tim Costa who attended the council meeting. Current EPCLL president Chuck

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Michael was in attendance. "All of our little leaguers congratulate and thank you, Mr. Amaral," said Michael. Riverside Little League president Brian Rutkowski and Rumford president Eddie Wencis were also present along with many Central Little League board members. "Our family is so proud of dad, and it was great to see old players there to honor him too," said Amaral's daughter Robin Amaral Lozito. "What a great celebration for our dad and all girls who enjoy the game," added Barbara Amaral Farrand. The East Providence Central Little League is in its sixty-seventh year of existence. East Providence Central Little League officially started in 1953 with four sponsors and a handful of volunteers.

Rumford Defeats Riverside in Boys Major Division Title Game


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Rumford LL Majors Champions Shannon Agency Phillies Rumford major division little leaguers, Shannon Agency Phillies, won hard fought 11-6 victory over a strong Big Al’s squad from Riverside little league to take home the championship.

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Rumford LL Elmhurst Pub Cardials win the Senior League Championship against Rumford LL Hot Club Red Sox at Glenlyon Field. In an all-Rumford championship game, the Elmhurst Pub Cardinals won the Senior League Championship against the Hot Club Red Sox in a title game at Glenlyon Field. "Congrats to both teams in a great all-Rumford LL final," said league president Eddie Wencis.

July 2019 The Reporter

Riverside Minors Take City Title


EPHS Girls Softball Wins 2019 Award

The East Providence High School softball team won the Division I Sportsmanship Award for 2019. "Congratulations to the Townie softball team and Coaches Rob Traverse and Jon Chapman. This is well deserved. Townie Pride Never Sleeps," said Townie athletic Director, Gregg Amore.


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www.TKREB.com Riverside Minor League and city champs EP House of Pizza. Riverside little league's EP House of Pizza defeated Rumford LL Lonardo & Sons for the city minor division championship. In a tight game in which Rumford was leading 5-2 late in the game, Riverside rallied back to go ahead by one, 6-5. Riverside won the game after a gameending double play in the last inning.




Celebrating over 100 years of Catholic education! Riverside minors stretch before title game. Coach Mike Sabourin in background.

2019 EPHS Townies Boys Lacrosse Wins 2nd Sportsmanship Award

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2019 EPHS Lacrosse team The East Providence High School Townies boys lacrosse team is the recipient of the coveted 2019 Ted Gilmartin Team Sportsmanship Award. "We were recognized by the RI Lacrosse Officials. This is a State award and is across all divisions and all teams. We are one of two teams to have ever won this award more than once. This is the second time that we have won (2015)," said Townie head coach Angelo Pizzi, a teacher at East Providence High School.

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The Reporter July 2019

EP AD Recipient of 2019 Murgo Award

East Providence Director of Athletics, Gregg Amore has been honored by the Rhode Island Athletic Trainers’ Association with the group’s 2019 Frank Murgo Service Award. Representative Amore was presented with the award at the association’s Athletic Training Conference and State Meeting held at Providence College on June 4. Amore was honored due to his educational efforts and dedicated service to the athletes and athletic trainers of Rhode Gregg Amore Island. “I am honored and humbled to have received this recognition from the RI Athletic Trainers’ Association. As someone who has been involved in competitive youth sports for years, I have witnessed how invaluable the work of athletic trainers is to the health and safety of our young athletes and I thank them for all that they do and for this wonderful honor,” said Athletic Director and State Representative Amore. The Rhode Island Athletic Trainers’ Association is the professional membership association for certified athletic trainers who support the athletic training profession in the state of Rhode Island. They are a member organization of the National Athletic Trainer's Association, District One.

Popular Townie Baseball Camp Back Again

There is still time to register for the Townie Baseball Camp which will be held at Pierce Stadium the week of July 22 through July 26. The camp runs Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. Players T-Ball through high school are welcome. "The mission

of the camp is to teach skills, proper techniques, and the correct approach to the game, all in a fun-filled atmosphere," said camp director, EPHS Varsity Baseball coach Bobby Rodericks. Tee shirts will be provided to participants who register early. Registration on a first come first serve basis. Camp coaches include the EPHS Coaching Staff, RI High School & College Coaches, former EPHS Standouts, former professional players, RI All-Star high school players and ATC Baseball Staff. The camp features Hitting, Fielding, Bunting, Base-running, Pitching and Competitions. There will be Pitching drills and warm-ups with Pro and College Pitchers. Game competition and fun contests with prizes and awards. "Have Fun While Skills Building!" Hot Lunch will be provided for all participants at close of camp each day, if wanted. Proceeds Benefit EPHS Baseball & EP Middle School Sports. Camp Fee is $100. per camper for the week. $175. for a family of two and $240. for a family of three. For registration information email bobrodericks@gmail.com or bobbyrodericks@aol.com. Don't miss one of Rhode Island's best summer baseball camps.

New EPHS Head Girls Basketball Coach

EP Athletic Director Gregg Amore announced the selection of Tshombe Lambert as the new East Providence High School Head Girls basketball coach. "He is an EP grad who garnered all state honors in both football and basketball and went on to play football at Bryant University as a scholarship player," said Amore. "He has been a successful girls AAU and middle school coach and we are excited to announce the hiring. Tshombe is a born leader and motivator who is passionate, competitive and dedicated to leading our girls basketball program for years to come. We are thrilled to welcome him back home to the Townie Athletic family where he was so successful as a student and athlete," added Amore.


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10/16/17 3:01 PM

July 2019 The Reporter

Special Olympics Athletes Cheer Success

Katie Carcieri and Jessica Bullock proudly display some medals. On the weekend of May 31st thru June 2nd, the Special Olympics team from East Providence competed in the Special Olympics of Rhode Island’s 2019 State Summer Games, held on the campus of URI. Over 2,000 Athletes from all over the state (including 23 from East Providence) gather together for a weekend of competition including Aquatics, Bowling, Bicycling, Power lifting, Soccer, and Track & Field. The weather for the weekend, which is always important, worked out. We just had a little rain during Saturday afternoon, but all of the outdoor competitions went on without any issues. Opening ceremonies started this year with all of the teams marched into Keaney Gymnasium and are cheered on by their friends and family. Then they have the lighting of the Olympic Torch. This is always an inspirational moment. Saturday was the second day of competition and there was also some additional outside activities provided by Special Olympics of Rhode Island. They had music, Zumba lessons, Yoga lessons, craft making activities, massage booths, and even a Llama petting Zoo. Then later that evening they have Closing ceremonies which was highlighted by the parade of over 550 motorcycles and an outdoor dance party. The theme of this year’s closing ceremonies was NEON. So all of the athletes (as well as coaches and chaperones) were adorned with neon clothing and glow lights of all colors and styles. The motorcycle riders even joined the athletes as they took pictures, listened to the music, and even danced. Then the evening was topped off by a Lazer light show display. It is so enjoyable to see the athletes dance and celebrate with the same athletes that they competed so hard against during the day’s competition. The amount of sportsmanship, effort, and courage that is on display during the weekend is truly inspirational. Seeing the look on the athlete’s faces, as family and friends cheer them on, is one you will not soon forget.



Matthew Allienello: Shot Put – 4th plase Jessica Bullock: 50 Meter – Silver, 100 Meter – Silver Michael Bullock: 100 Meter – Gold, 200 Meter - Gold Katie Carcieri: 50 Meter – Gold, Softball Throw – Bronze Geoffrey Carpenter: 50 Meter – Silver, 100 Meter – Silver Michael Conheeny: 50 Meter – 4th Place, Softball Throw – Gold Luis Agasto Cortijo: 50 Meter - Bronze , 100 Meter - Silver Elizabeth Davenport: Softball Throw – Silver, Turbo-Jav – 5th Place Kevin Dexter: 100 Meter – Gold, 200 Meter – Silver Emmet Estrada: 100 Meter – 5th Place, 200 Meter – 4th Place Peter (PJ) Kochan: 50 Meter – 4th Place, Softball Throw – Silver Donna Lang: Softball Throw – Bronze, Turbo-Jav -Bronze Brett Nadrowski: Softball Throw – Bronze, Turbo-Jav – Gold Ben Nascimento: 50 Meter - Bronze, Softball Throw - Gold Michael N eves: 50 Meter – Bronze, Turbojav – 4th place Logan O’Rourke: 50 Meter – Gold, Softball Throw – Gold Ben Patch: 50 Meter – Silver, 100 Meter – Gold Toneka Rocha: 50 Meter – Gold, 100 Meter – Silver William Roche: 50 Meter – Gold, Softball Throw - Gold Denzel Sivels: 50 Meter – Bronze, Softball Throw – Gold Jonathan Solis: 50 Meter – Silver, Softball Throw – Bronze Anitra Valles: 50 Meter – Silver, Softball Throw – 5th Place Brian Vieira: 100 Meter – 4th Place, 200 Meter – 5th place • Head Coach: Jim Bullock • Assistant Coaches: Pat Bullock, Al Carpenter, Saul Estrada • Chaperones: Kathy Davenport and Tori DeCotis • Volunteers: Diane Carpenter, Casey Duckworth, Stacy and Stephen Nadrowski Thanks to all of the chaperones, partners, volunteers, and parents who helped and supported our program during this 2019 past season. “Special Thanks” to the Patch family, for providing and setting up a 20 ft. x 30 ft. tent for the athletes at URI.

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The Reporter July 2019

From the State House Senate Approves Ban on 3-D Printed Guns and Other Untraceable Firearms

State House — The Senate today approved legislation sponsored by Sen. Cynthia A. Coyne to ban 3-D printed firearms and other untraceable or undetectable firearms in Rhode Island. “As we struggle to fight the gun epidemic in this country and try to improve our efforts to prevent children, criminals and the mentally ill from possessing firearms, we must not tolerate attempts to subvert our laws by making guns untraceable or undetectable. Serial numbers, background checks and metal detectors help prevent tragedies, and our laws should be clear that no one should be trying to get around them to engage in criminal activity,” said Senator Coyne (D-Dist. 32, Barrington, Bristol, East Providence). The legislation (2019-S 0084 Aaa) would make it unlawful in Rhode Island for any person to manufacture, sell, offer to sell, transfer, purchase, possess, or have under his or her control any

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firearm that is made from plastic, fiberglass or through a 3-D printing process; or one that lacks a serial number under the requirements of the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968; or one that would be undetectable by a metal detector after removal of all parts other than a major component, or whose major component would not generate an accurate image if subjected to the type of screening equipment used at airports and public buildings. The bill sets a punishment for violations at up to 10 years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines. Repeat offenders would not be eligible to have any part of their sentences suspended or deferred, or for probation. In June 2018, the federal government entered a settlement with a Texas nonprofit called Defense Distributed that was to allow it to post free online blueprints for a pistol that could be created from plastic by anyone with 3-D printing equipment. A U.S. District Court later issued a preliminary injunction banning the release of the blueprints until the resolution of a lawsuit by attorneys general from 19 states and the District of Columbia seeking to ban the untraceable weapons. Before the settlement, the U.S. State Department maintained Defense Distributed was in violation of the Arms Export Control Act. The attorneys general participating in the lawsuit, as well as Senator Coyne and many others, argue that releasing the plans imperils the public by allowing unlimited, unmarked, untraceable weapons to be accessed by anyone, including those legally prohibited from possessing them, and would allow the creation of weapons that would be undetectable by metal detectors. Banning 3-D printed guns was one of the recommendations made by the Rhode Island Working Group for Gun Safety, a 43-member task force that was assembled following the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., when panel issued its final report in October. “With 3-D guns, criminals seeking guns would be able to bypass background checks, age restrictions and gun licensing rules,” said Senator Coyne, who is a retired lieutenant with the Rhode Island State Police. The legislation is cosponsored by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairwoman Erin Lynch Prata (D-Dist. 31, Warwick, Cranston), Senate Health and Human Services Committee Chairman Joshua Miller (D-Dist. 28, Cranston, Providence), Senate Finance Committee Chairman William J. Conley Jr. (D-Dist. 18, East Providence, Pawtucket) and Sen. James A. Seveney (D-Dist. 11, Portsmouth, Bristol, Tiverton). The bill now goes to the House of Representatives, where Rep. Patricia A. Serpa (D-Dist. 27, West Warwick, Coventry, Warwick) is sponsoring companion legislation (2019-H 5786).

July 2019 The Reporter


Senate Passes Sen. Coyne’s Bills on Alzheimer’s Care, Elder Abuse State House – The Senate has approved four bills sponsored Sen. Cynthia A. Coyne to better support Rhode Islanders affected by Alzheimer’s disease and to protect against elder abuse. The Senate has approved Senator Coyne’s bill (2019-S 0223) to establish a program within the Department of Health dedicated to Alzheimer’s disease, and create a 13-member advisory council that would provide policy recommendations, evaluate state-funded efforts for care and research and provide guidance to state officials on advancements in treatment, prevention and diagnosis. The bill is based on legislation signed into law last year in Massachusetts. “Alzheimer’s disease profoundly reshapes families, often for years. Its effects slowly rob people of the abilities they have had their whole lives. Providing the care that their loved ones need can be an enormous challenge for families. We must ensure that we are carefully and effectively using every available resource we have to ensure that every person affected by Alzheimer’s has the support and care they need,” said Senator Coyne (D-Dist. 32, Barrington, Bristol, East Providence), whose father died after suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. The bill, which unanimously passed the Senate June 4, would require the Department of Health to assess all state programs related to Alzheimer’s, and maintain and annually update the state’s plan for Alzheimer’s disease. The bill would also require the Department of Health to establish an Alzheimer’s disease assessment protocol specifically focused on recognizing the signs and symptoms of cognitive impairments, and appropriate resource information for effective medical screening, investigation and service planning. The bill would require caseworkers working with the Department of Elderly Affairs to be familiar with those protocols. Additionally, the bill would require a one-time, hour-long training on diagnosis, treatment and care of patients with cognitive impairments for all physicians and nurses licensed in the state. House Majority Leader K. Joseph Shekarchi (D-Dist. 23, Warwick) is sponsoring the bill (2019-H 5178) in the House. Adoption of the bill would enable Rhode Island to qualify for federal funding that is available to help states with their efforts to support those with Alzheimer’s disease. Today, the Senate approved three more of her bills related to Alzheimer’s care or elder abuse. The Senate approved legislation (2019-S 0302A) she is sponsoring to allow the spouses or partners of patients residing in Alzheimer’s or dementia special care unit or program to live with them, even if they do not meet the requirements as patients themselves. Allowing couples to live together would help maintain patients’ relationships, connections and personal dignity. Rep. Joseph M. McNamara (D-Dist. 19, Warwick, Cranston) is sponsoring the bill (2019-H 5141) in the House. It also passed legislation (2019-S 0603A) expanding a law that requires people who have reasonable cause to believe a person over age 60 is being abused, neglected or mistreated to report it to the Division of Elderly Affairs, which will report the incident to law enforcement if appropriate, and intervene. Currently, health care providers and numerous types of workers who come into contact with elderly or disabled people in health care facilities are required to report suspected abuse or neglect within 24 hours. The legislation adds a section of law requiring reporting of suspected abuse, exploitation, neglect or self-neglect of people over age 60, regardless of whether they live in a health care facility. It also expands the list of those required to report suspected abuse to include physician assistants and probation officers and protects employees who report abuse from liability (unless they are found to be a perpetrator) or negative consequences at work for reporting abuse or neglect. Similar legislation (2019-H 5573) is sponsored in the House by Rep. David A. Bennett (D-Dist. 20,

Warwick, Cranston). Passage of the bill comes just in time for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, which is Saturday, June 15. Designated by the United Nations, the commemoration is intended to raise awareness about the millions of older adults worldwide who experience elder abuse, neglect and financial exploitation. All four bills passed by the Senate are now bound for the House. “There must be no tolerance for abuse or neglect of elderly people, and no vulnerable elderly person should be left in the care of a person who has a criminal past that includes violence or abuse,” she said. “These bills aim to ensure that elderly people are in safe hands and are helped immediately if they are being victimized.” continued on page 61




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The Reporter July 2019

East Providence Public Libraries WEAVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 41 Grove Avenue, 401-434-2453

RIVERSIDE BRANCH LIBRARY 475 Bullocks Point Ave, 401-433-4877

Childrens' Activities

Earn Prizes At The Library This Summer!

It’s easy! Children read anything and everything, and check off the days they spend time reading. When participants have read for 10 days, we will place a personalized bookplate in their honor in a new library book of their choice. After additional 10 days of reading, kids will receive a free book to keep and a Pawsox ticket for the August 14th game. Children can earn even more prizes for completing our Reading BINGO Card. At registration, kids will receive a coupon card with free admission to several local fun spots.

Sit Stay Read @ Weaver & Riverside Libraries Read to Daniel the Cockerspaniel

Reading aloud to therapy dogs can help children who struggle with reading. Mondays, July 8, Aug. 5, 5:30-7:30 at Riverside Library Call 401-433-4877 to schedule a 15 minute session. Mondays, July 29, Aug. 26, 5:30-7:30 at Weaver Library Call 401-435-2453 to schedule a 15 minute session.

Ricky Katowicz presents The Rainbow Beard Show @ Weaver Wednesday, July 9, 2:00, ages 3+

Fuller Creative Learning Center, 260 Dover Ave. 401-228-3903

Teen Programs

(For ages 10+ unless otherwise noted.)

Teen Community Service Nights @ Weaver Library Tuesdays through Aug. 6, 5:30-7:30pm

This weekly summer event is open to East Providence teens entering grades 9-12 to earn community service time for high school or other organizational requirements. Participants will be making coiled market baskets with recycled and repurposed materials to give away at the Weaver Library Farmers Market. Teens who participate in a minimum of three Tuesday evening sessions will also have the opportunity to earn additional community service hours by helping to distribute the baskets at select Weaver Library Farmers Market dates in July and August.

Fused Glass Workshop @ Riverside Monday, July 8, 2pm

Create your own Dichroic fused glass pendants or magnets with colorful pre-cut glass in this easy, fun class. Presented by Deenie Pacik. Children ages 10-12 must be supervised one-on-one by an adult during this program. Registration required by visiting www. eastprovidencelibrary.org or by calling 401-433-4877.

Galaxy Bottle Charms @ Weaver Wednesday, July 10, 2pm

This unique show features special guests, minute-long dance parties, and a celebration of authentic feelings. People often don’t know what to expect and that is, in and of itself, the expectation. Audience participation is encouraged.

Make a tiny galaxy in a bottle that shimmers and swishes when you tilt it, then turn it into a necklace or a keychain. Registration required by visiting www.eastprovidencelibrary.org or by calling 401-434-2453.

Mobilequest presents: Steam Stations @ Weaver

Constellation Luminaries @ Weaver

Six space stations including: Code the Alien Robot (coding); Space Landing (engineering); and Light Up the Moon (circuits). Register online or call 401-434-2453.

Create your own glowing constellation in a jar using battery operated LED lights and other materials. Registration required by visiting www.eastprovidencelibrary.org or by calling 401-434-2453.

Tuesday, July 16, 2:00-3:00, ages 6+

Galaxy Scene Craft @ Riverside Wednesday, July 17, 11:00

All ages are welcome.

Model of Planet Saturn @ Riverside Wednesday, July 24, 11:00, ages 7+

Use a Styrofoam ball, paint, and an old CD to make a model of Saturn. Register online or call 401-433-4877.

Dave Marchetti’s Animal Experiences @ Weaver Tuesday, July 30, 2:00, ages 3+

Live animals including turtles, snakes, lizards, a chinchilla, a hedgehog, and more. Learn about each animal, and hold them at the end.

Space Diorama Craft @ Riverside Wednesday, July 31, ages 7+

Register online or call 401-433-4877.

Wednesday, July 17, 2pm

Paint Class @ Riverside Monday, July 22, 2pm

Learn how to paint an image step by step and complete your own special creation in this fun workshop with artist Rebecca Killian of Mermaid Masterpieces. Registration required by visiting www. eastprovidencelibrary.org or by calling 401-433-4877.

Laboratory Lockdown Escape Room @ Weaver Wednesday, July 24

Register for either session one (2 - 2:30pm) or session two (2:30 – 3pm). Penelope Periodic has activated the biohazard sensors in the MobileQuest Lab and is locked inside. Can you help her figure out what she did to set off the sensors and then turn off the alarm to help her escape? Presented by MobileQuest Adventures. Registration required by visiting www.eastprovidencelibrary.org or by calling 401-434-2453.

July 2019 The Reporter

Space Origami with RIMOSA @ Weaver


Learn how the principles of origami folding are applied by engineers and make your own moving structure to take home! Presented by the Rhode Island Museum of Science and Art. Registration required by visiting www.eastprovidencelibrary.org or by calling 401-434-2453.

As an extension of the East Providence Public Library, the Fuller Creative Learning Center focuses on hands-on learning programs and workshops for all ages. Join us at the Center located on 260 Dover Avenue, East Providence, RI for one of these beneficial experiences! For more information contact Ryan McCauley at rmccauley@ eplib.org

Ongoing Activities for Childern & Teens

Let everyone know!

Wednesday, July 31, 2pm

Looking For A Tutor?

Check out our website to interact with a live tutor. Tutor.Com tutors can help you with homework, studying for an exam, or understanding today’s lesson. Math, Science, Social Studies, and English – elementary grades through high school (including AP) and adults. Tutor.Com tutors are available every day from 2:00pm10:00pm with an East Providence library card.

continued on next page...

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at www.ReporterToday.com

Reading Buddies @ Weaver Library

The library will match a teen with an elementary school child to read together for one hour each week at the library. For more information, call the Weaver Library at 434-2453 or ask about it in the Children’s room.

Read Down Your Fines @ Weaver and Riverside

Youth 16 and under can reduce their overdue fines by reading in the library. Tell a librarian when you start reading. 30 minutes of reading = $1 waived.

Fuller Creative Learning Center

The Fuller Creative Learning Center continues its schedule of programs and workshops. The schedule for June includes:

Adults/Young Adults

• Home Improvement Series - Simple Reupholstering on July 9, Tile Backsplash on July 23, 6:00-7:00pm • DIY Almond Milk & Oat Milk - Thursday, July 11 6:30-7:30pm • Families Sewing for Good (Family) - July 16, 30 6:00-7:30pm • Cooking for One - Thursday, July 18 6:30-7:30pm • Life Hacks Swap - Thursday, July 25 6:30-7:30pm


• Construction Zone (ages 5-9) - Weds, July 10-24 3-4:30pm • Painting with Bob Ross Series (ages 9+) - Mondays, July 8-29 10:30-11:30am • Contemporary Dance (ages 7+), Thurs., July 11 - Aug. 1 12:30-1:15pm • MobileQuest Battlebots (ages 10+) - July 19 11am-12:00pm • Feel Good Circus (ages 5+) - July 26 11:00am-12:00pm • DIY Doll Making (ages 6-9) - Wednesday, July 31 3:00-4:00pm • Sidewalk Chalk Meet Up (ages 2-6) - July 5 & 12, 10:3011:30am

All Ages

• Tech Time - WiFi, 3D printer, and recording studio (by appt) • Drop-in Fridays! Erector Set, sewing machines, recording studio, crafts, etc. - Fridays, July 5 - August 30 1:00-4:00pm More information on these events can be found on the East Providence Library website or our Facebook page. You may also contact the Fuller Creative Center at fullercreativelearning@gmail. com or call 401-228-3903 for more information or to register.

200 Taunton Ave., East Providence Two Saturdays per month & Two Tuesday evenings per month For hours and days and special events visit: www.godspeedchurch.org/kidspace-toy-library Open to all community members Designed for ages 2-10 Free membership Children must be accompanied by an adult 18 years old or over Visit us on Facebook for the latest news! Our mission Kidspace Toy Library exists to provide a community space for kids and families to build friendships through play, and to foster creativity and imagination by providing access to a variety of toys. It is a not-for-profit, volunteer-run ministry of Godspeed Church. Lots of toys! Board games, puzzles, playsets, blocks and building toys, dolls and action figures, educational toys, dice and card games, and more! Play with the toys at Kidspace, or bring your favorite home for a week or two (loan period dependent on item). Special events Check our Facebook page for latest updates—our grand opening, game nights, etc. Lots of fun is in the works! Donations Got a closet full of toys that aren’t getting used anymore? Donations to the toy library are welcome. We accept gently-used toys, and tax receipts are available upon request. Kidspace Toy Library at Godspeed Church is a member of the USA Toy Library Association.


The Reporter July 2019

Weaver Library Adult and Family Programs Concert on the Lawn: Warwick Symphony Orchestra

Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 6:30pm

The 70-piece orchestra performs patriotic, popular/jazz, and musical theater selections. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy a delicious dinner from Gotta Q BBQ food truck, voted Best BBQ Truck in 2018!

Storytimes for Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers @ Weaver Library July 11, 18, and 25 at 10:00

Summer Storytimes will take place on July 11, 18, and 25 at 10:00-10:45 at the Weaver Library (41 Grove Ave., East Providence, RI). These Storytimes are geared for toddlers and preschoolers, as well as babies. Bring your little ones to listen to a couple short stories, sings songs, and get up and dance. We’ll even bring out toys for everyone to play with at the end. Registration is not required for Storytimes.

Weaver Library Farmers Market

The Weaver Library Farmers Market invites you to an exciting 2019 season with great food, live music, and fun children’s activities each week. Our farmers and producers will be selling veggies, fruit, eggs, chicken, meat, fish, pickles, cookies, pies, coffee, honey, granola … getting hungry yet? Need a quick dinner? Pop’s All Beef Hot Dogs will be serving hot dogs, sausages, and more. The Market welcomes customers with SNAP/EBT, WIC, Senior

Farmers' Market Nutrition Program coupons, and credit or debit cards. Thanks to a grant from Farm Fresh RI, SNAP customers can double their SNA! For every dollar you swipe, get a FREE dollar in Bonus Bucks for fruits and vegetables.

Thursday, July 11, 4-7pm

Music by Cardboard Ox. Special Program: URI SNAP-ED Nutrition Educator will prepare a healthy recipe using food from the Farmers’ Market. Enjoy a sample!

Thursday, July 18, 4-7pm

Music by Justin Marra Special Program: Holly and the Sacred Flames Belly Dance Performance @ 6 p.m.

Thursday, July 25, 4 -7pm

Music by Ocean State Ramblers.

Thursday, August 1, 4-7pm

Music by Farm Dog @ 4:45pm. Special Concert for children by Toe Jam Puppet Band starting at 3:30pm

Thursday, August 8, 4-7pm

Music by Allysen Callery. Special Food Demonstration by Chef and Rhed’s Hot Sauce creator Deja Hart. Try samples of Deja’s Smoked Mussel and Corn Chowder!

Concert on the Lawn: New Providence Big Band Wednesday, July 17, 6:30pm

Featuring the dynamic vocalist Katie Kleyla, this fun big band performs the great standards. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy an out of this world burger from Rocket Fine Street Food!

Concert on the Lawn: The KabuJazz Ensemble Wednesday, July 24, 6:30pm

Gifted vocalist Candida Rose and her ensemble combine Cape Verdean musical roots with American influences to bring a fresh new take on world/jazz music which Candida calls “KabuJazz.” Bring a lawn chair and enjoy dinner from Taste of Island Food Truck.

Concert on the Weaver Lawn: The URI Jazz Big Band Wednesday, July 31, 6:30pm

The University of Rhode Island’s Big Band plays a set of highenergy jazz and jazz fusion music from the 1930s to the present. Led by Professor Joseph Parillo, the band is headed to the Newport Jazz Festival after their performance at Weaver! Bring a lawn chair and enjoy an out of this world burger from Rocket Fine Street Food!

Concert on the Weaver Lawn: Navy Band Northeast Wednesday, August 7, 6:30pm

The Navy Band will perform on Aug. 7. It wouldn’t be summer without the Navy Band! Exceptional Navy musicians play everything from patriotic tunes to jazz and pop. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy Americana fare from the one and only Haven Brothers Mobile Food Truck.

July 2019 The Reporter


The Heritage Festival Continued from page 43

Spectator Information Regarding Security and Prohibited Items

HeritageFest is dedicated to providing a safe and secure venue for all spectators, participants, sponsors, and staff. In doing so, the following information security and prohibited items information is provided.

GREGORY S. DIAS Attorney at Law

Person/Clothing Searches

All spectators are subject to being searched, by security personnel, before entering the venue. The search will include the use of metal detectors and/or a pat down.

Bag Searches

All bags of any kind are subject to search by security personnel prior to entering the venue.

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Prohibited Items

• Weapons of any kind (guns, knives, explosives, etc..) • Food or beverages of any kind, including alcohol • Illegal drugs and/or substances • Bottles, cans, thermoses, etc. • Fireworks or pyrotechnics • Laser Pointers • Animals (Documented certified working/therapy dogs exempt) • Segways, scooters, Hover boards, etc (Persons with disabilities exempt) • Skateboards, bicycles, etc… • Noisemakers, bullhorns, air horns, etc. • Drones ( Unless granted permission by venue management prior)

Spectator Conduct

• Spectators and participants are responsible for their conduct. The following behavior will subject a spectator or participant to immediate ejection (non-refundable) and arrest if the behavior is determined to be deemed unlawful: • Exhibiting behavior that is unruly, disruptive, irresponsible, illegal, threatening or violent • Using foul or abusive language or making obscene gestures • Interfering with the enjoyment of others, any ongoing event or business activity • Engaging in public drunkenness • Verbally or physically harassing or abusing any guests, vendors, participants, or staff • Engaging in any solicitation • Using or possessing any illegal substance • Failing to follow instructions of security personnel or law enforcement • Event management reserves the right to deem any other item inappropriate.


Call to make an appointment for your

Free Consultation

401-438-8211 • 349 Warren Ave, East Providence, RI 02914

Visit my website www.gregdias.com

The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers in the general practice of law. The Court does not license or certify any lawyer as an expert or specialist in any field of practice.





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The Reporter July 2019


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Enjoy the Heritage Festival

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Representative Gregg Amore and family wish you a Safe and Happy Summer... Have Fun at the Heritage Festival!

July 2019 The Reporter

2019 Heritage Festival Sponsors PLATINUM SPONSOR




Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence





Bank RI B 101-WWBB FM 101.5 NBC 10 94HJY-WHJY FM 94.1 RI Comic Con

Clarion Hotel Law Office of Gregory S. Dias Mateus Realty Perry McStay Funeral Home Rebello Funeral Home Inc. Rob Levine & Associates

Friends BayCoast Bank Braided Products Co. Chaput & Feeney CPA’s Colonial Mills Inc. Community & Teachers Federal Credit Union Custom Drywall East Bay Refreshments Inc./Del’s Lemonade Eastgate Nursing & Rehabilitation Center LLC EP Professional, Managerial & Technical Assoc.

Law Offices of Robert M. Brady Law Office of Sen. William J. Conley Jr. Newman YMCA O Dinis Restaurant Pawtucket Credit Union Phil Gasbarro Liquors Rep. Gregg Amore S&W TV & Appliance Co.

2019 Booster Club Barlow Designs Inc. Consolidated Concrete Corp. Guardian Pest Control Inc.

Independence HomeHealthWares James Auto Co. Smith Family Dental Associates Inc.



The Reporter July 2019

East Providence Senior Center

610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 Phone 435-7800 Dining Room Ext. 2 Fax 435-7803

The mission of the East Providence Senior Center is to assist, inform and enrich the lives of all persons 55 years of age and older or disabled persons in the East Providence area.

Chair Yoga

RI Rehab Physical Therapy

Monday's Chair Yoga is Sponsored by Aldersbridge Communities

Tuesday, July 16th, 10:30am

A Neighborhood Village

Tuesday, July 9th, 10 am-Noon

A Community of Mutual Support in East Providence Would you like to stay in your own home as your grow older? Do you wish for more services that would help you do that? For instance, rides, errands, and help with home maintenance? Do you wish for more ways to stay connected with friends and others? We are a group of your East Providence neighbors who hope to create the kinds of volunteer support that will help all of us remain in our homes safely, independently and in community as we grow older. You can help us learn more about what matters to you by completing a brief survey. Stop by our table and chat with one of our volunteers. If you are Interested in learning more, please stop by the Weaver Library to pick up our Neighborhood Village information sheet or email us at neighborhood.village@villagecommonri.org. You can help us find out more about what matters to you by completing a brief survey. We will have an information table at the East Providence Senior Center on Tuesday July 9th from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon. Also, look for as at the Weaver Library Concerts starting at 6:00 PM on Wednesday July 10 and August 7 and at the Weaver Library Farmer’s Market on July 25 from 4:00 - 6:00 PM.

July 11th, 18th, 25th, Aug 1st, 9:30-11:45 am

Please call the Health, Nutrition and Diabetes Education Office if interested in attending one of these classes call; 401-435-7800 ext. 7.

Largest of its kind in East Bay

Our state-of-the-art, 1,800 square foot rehabilitation suite for providing personalized physical therapy and occupational therapy services to our residents features: • Modern therapy equipment • Walkway lane for ambulatory motion • Steps and treadmill • Kitchen, laundry and bathroom areas for independent living skills practice • Private therapy rooms for sensory work and relaxation • And more

Walking Group

Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00 am

Take out your comfortable shoes and meet us in the lobby. We will begin at 9:00 am and use the trails surrounding the Senior Center. Walk as much or as little as you wish to do. No Cost! Enjoy the nice weather on our walking track

FREE Yoga Class

Thursdays 4:15-5:15pm

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of RI is sponsoring a free Yoga class for those who love yoga. Slow and gentle, encompassing nearly all types of modern yoga. A basic approach to breathing exercises and postures. You do not have to have Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage to participate.

Join us for Lunch

Living Well with Diabetes Classes

Rehabilitation and Wellness Center

One on One Compassionate Care RI Rehab’s East Providence clinic is conveniently located within the expansive, state-of-art facilities at Healthtrax Fitness & Wellness. East Providence patients enjoy amenities such as an indoor pool with a retractable roof which is an ideal environment for RI Rehab’s aquatic therapy program. One on one uninterrupted time with a therapist is what sets us apart. Our therapists develop an individualized treatment plan which is key to each client’s success in achieving their goals.


Monday—Friday at 11:45

We invite you to join us for lunch, served Monday through Friday at 11:45. Catch up with old friends and meet new ones. A suggested donation is $3. For more information call Cindy at 401.435.7800 Ext 2. Thank you to Cindy and the kitchen staff for the third straight year receiving a perfect score during the RI Health Department inspection.

2019 Step Up Challenge September 3-30th

The 2019 Step Up Challenge sponsored by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of RI (BCBSRI) is a fun opportunity to inspire older adults to be physically active. The Challenge is a friendly competition between participating local Senior Centers who will encourage their seniors to include physical activity in their daily routine. The ultimate goal is for older adults to improve their overall health. The Challenge will run through the month of September. Tuesday September 3rd thru Monday September 30th, 2019 Each participating senior center will be a team. The winner of each region will be the senior center with the highes average steps over 4 weeks. There will be three regional prizes of $2,500 awarded for senior centers to use to promote health and wellness at their location.

Looking for Information

Living Will, Assisted Living Facilities, Housing Options, Home Care Agencies, Nursing Homes, Adult Day Care, Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. Contact Elder Resource Specialist Ellen Frazier in the Administration Office. 30 ALEXANDER AVENUE, EAST PROVIDENCE, RI 02914 | (401) 438-7210 | ALDERSBRIDGE.ORG AC July ADs.indd 1

6/14/19 11:23 AM

July 2019 The Reporter


Registered Dietician, Ann Marie Sabula is available for appointments in the health office. She will counsel you in private about your personal needs and insurance covers these visits. She is also a certified diabetes educator. To schedule a visit, stop by the health office or call us at 435-7800 Ext. 1.

Fitness Room

The centers Health & Wellness gym features a state-of-the-art fitness center designed to meet the health and wellness needs of older adults. There will be a wide selection of cardiovascular, strength training, free weight and stretching equipment. The fitness center equipment is safe, comfortable and easy to operate for members of all skill levels. Using the array of machines, equipment and accessories, members 55 years and up will be able to maintain and improve their physical fitness levels while enhancing their quality of life.

Afternoon Coffee 2pm – 3pm

Sponsored by Brookdale East Bay Senior Living - 1440 Wampanoag Trail

Support Groups

Stroke Club - 1:30pm - 3:00pm

The Stroke Club meets on the first Wednesday of each month and provides entertainment, education, support, socialization, refreshments, and transportation for stroke survivors and their caregivers.

In-Sight Support - 12:45 - 3:00pm

In-Sight offers programs and support in productive living for the visually impaired. The group meets the 3rd Friday of every month.

Caregiver’s Support - 10:30 - 11:30am

Held the third Monday each month. The sessions offer support and sharing for those who are caring for others.

Diabetes Support - 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Open meeting held monthly for people with diabetes to meet for mutual support.The group meets the fourth Thursday of each month.

Clinical Lab

Wednesday, June 5, 8:30-11:30am

Eastside clinical lab draws blood work the first Wednesday of the month. There is no pre-registration, just come in with your lab slip.

Complimentary Blood Pressure Clinics - 10:30am

• July 5 Orchard View Manor • July 9 Grace Barker Health • July 10 Pawtucket Skilled & Rehab • July 15 Elderwood in Riverside • July 18 Evergreen Health Center • July 23 Hattie Ide Chaffee Home

Computer/iPad Assistance

Monday, July 29, 2pm to 4pm

On the last Monday of every month, students from MTTI career training school will assist any member with computer questions. The students try to resolve your computer problems and help you with a computer course you may be taking.


Gift Shop Open 9am 1pm

Donations Wanted:The center’s gladly accepts gently used or new items for the gift shop. Items can include: jewelry, handbags, small accessories, small household items, knitted baby/children goods. All donations should be brought to the Administration Office.

Goodwill Donation Box Blue container in lobby

Goodwill Industries of Rhode Island has requested that we place an indoor donation bin for clothing that can be used by their clients and job seekers. The mission of the Agency is to provide job training for Rhode Island youth and adults with disabilities and other barriers to employment. Please feel free to donate all types of clothing that would be appropriate for their job seekers to wear for interviews: Blouses, Shirts, Pants, Dresses, Skirts, Socks, Shoes, Belts, and Purses etc.

Ballroom Dance Lessons Mondays 2pm to 4pm

Learn the Tango, Swing, Foxtrot, Rumba, Waltz, West Coast Swing. No partner necessary. Beginners are welcome. For more information call (401) 434-0080 or the center at (401) 435-7800. continued on next page...

Reach 100% of your customers! Advertise in The Reporter! 508.252.6575

The Reporter July 2019


Weekly/Monthly Programs Monday

9:00am Intermediate Yoga 9:00am Walking Group 10:30am Beginners Yoga 10:30am Caregivers Sup Grp 3rd Mon 12:00pm Chair Yoga 1:00pm Pokeno 2:00pm Ballroom Dancing 6:00pm Fit Mix

IN MEMORIAM Donald Brearton


9:30am Bocce (Weather Permitting) 9:40am Aerobics Exercise 9:30am Watercolor Class 12:30pm Watercolor Class 1:00pm Tai Ji Quan 1:25pm BINGO


7:00am Intermediate Yoga 8:30am East Side Lab - 1st Wed 8:30am Scrabble 9:00am Blended Yoga 9:00am Walking Group 10:45am Chair Exercise 1:00pm Cribbage 1:30pm Stroke Club - 1st Wed


9:40am Aerobics Exercise 12:00pm Mah Jongg 12:30pm Bridge 1:00pm Tai Ji Quan 1:00pm Craft Class 1:00pm Diabetes Sup Grp-4th Thurs 6:00pm Yoga


8:00am Blended Yoga 9:00am Billiard League 9:00am Scrabble 10:00am Mah Jongg 10:30am Fitness Advisor 10:45am Chair Exercise 11:00am Meditation Class 12:45pm In-Sight Sup Grp (3rd Friday) 1:20pm Hi Lo Jack League


8am-4pm Fitness Center 9am-1pm Gift Shop 9am-3pm Library 8am-4pm Computer Games 9am-11am Coffee An 11:45am Lunch 2:00pm Coffee Bar

You should never give out personal information to someone who calls you. The Government will not and does not call for any personal information.

Deborah A. Saial, age 63, of Anthony St., died June 2, 2019 at the Philip Hulitar Hospice Center with her loving family by her side. Manfred S. Vasiliauskas, passed away on Monday, June 3, 2019 at the Philip Hulitar Hospice Center surrounded by his loving family.

Donald Brearton Donald Brearton of North Port, FL, previously of Warwick, RI, passed away on February 5th, 2019. Family and Friends attended a Funeral Honors Memorial Service on June 15, 2019 at the VFW Post 183, 172 Washington St., Warwick, RI 02888.

Death Notices

Virginia Silva 91, a life-long resident of East Providence passed away at Rhode Island Hospital on Holy Thursday April 18, 2019 with her daughter by her side. Dennis A. Simbron Sr., 82, of East Shore Circle, East Providence, formerly of Glenwood Ave., Pawtucket, passed away Saturday evening May 25, 2019 at Orchard View Manor after a long battle with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). Shirley Miller Bledsoe, 84, died May 26, in East Providence, R.I., after a long illness. Virginia J. Geisser, 92, of Riverside passed away peacefully on Sunday, May 26, 2019 at home surrounded by her loving family. Rosemarie A. (Creighton) Fournier, 69, of Arlington Street, East Providence, died unexpectedly on Tuesday May 28, 2019 at home. Eleanor M. Marco (Scribner), 93 of Riverside and Johnson’s Pond, Coventry RI, passed away Friday, May 31, at the Riverview Health Center in Coventry. Rosa T. Silva, of East Providence, died June 1, 2019 at Philip Hulitar Hospice Center with her loving family by her side. Eileen F. (Garrahy) Tait, 57, of Breeze Way, Riverside, died peacefully at home on June 2, 2019 with her family by her side.

George H. Landry, Jr. 91 of East Providence, died Monday June 10, 2019 at home. Jean Carroll Elizabeth Lukin, 89, of Oneco, CT passed away on June 11, 2019 at Waterview Villa in East Providence. Thomas “Tom” J. Nolan, age 61, died unexpectedly at home on June 13, 2019. Ann F. Barrett, 99, of Riverside, RI and formerly of Nanuet, New York passed away Friday, June 14, 2019 at her home. Ernest C. Jackson Jr., 85, of Jenks St., East Providence, passed away Saturday, June 15, 2019 at Philip Hulitar Hospice Inpatient Center in Providence. John E. Travers, 94 of East Providence passed away on Saturday, June 15, 2019. Norman I. Westgate, of Rumford formerly of Pawtucket, RI, passed away on June 16, 2019. Ernestine B. “Tina” Calitri,” 85, formerly of Riverside and Seekonk, MA, died peacefully on June 17, 2019 surrounded by her loving family. Charles E. Lapré, 96, of Rumford, RI passed away on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at Evergreen House Health Center. Edwin Frank Burnett, 92, passed away unexpectedly at his home at Winslow Gardens on Tuesday, June 18, 2019.

To submit an obituary for print, call the Reporter Office at 508-252-6575 for rates and information. Obituaries start at $75

CLASSIFIEDS 1 To 15 Words: $10 ~ 16 To 30 Words: $15 Additional Words: $.25 each


Classified Deadline: 25th of the Month


For Sale: Pair of White Antique Cast Iron Garden Chairs $1449.00 Call Deborah 508-226-1723. SEASONED FIREWOOD. Cut, split & delivered. $220 per cord. 508-252-4548. (e819)


Gigantic Estate Sale: Multi-family plus contents of Maine hunting/ fishing cabin. 15’ Grumman Boat w/ motor and trailer. Fishing gear, custom made king size chocolate brown head board, antiques, wicker furniture & more. Sat/Sun July 13th & 14th, 53 Read St, Seekonk. Rain dates July 20-21.


Civil War, WW1, WW2, Anything to do with military; helmets, knives, uniforms, guns, HAVE (license), anything related to wartime, will pay cash for items, ask for Charles, call 774-719-8478 or 508-230-6444; call anytime thanks I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you Joe in Rehoboth 508 558 5129.


PIANO LESSONS: Taught in my home, both classical and popular to persons of all ages. Anita Russo, 8 Terrybrooke Road, Rehoboth 508-252-4208. Tutor. Retired teacher with Masters in Elementary Education and early childhood experience looking to help students keep their skills sharp over the summer (and beyond)! Meet at your local library. $25/ hour. Call Liz (401) 368-8238.


PARTY RENTAL SERVICES: Moonwalks for sale or rent for $125 per weekend. 20x30 Tent package includes tables & chairs $350. 20x20 Tent package includes tables & chairs $250. Setup included locally. Call early for reservation. Dan 401-255-1072.


VIP Cleaning Service: Let us make your life easier, healthier, happier and most of all cleaner!!Family owned and operated for over 13 years. Fully insured & bonded. Commercial, residential, deep cleaning, basic cleaning, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, one time, move in/move out, post construction, windows, power washing, strip & wax vct floors, restore hardwoods. We customize a cleaning service program to suit your needs and budget! Call or email for a free estimate. (401) 338-2306 or (401) 270-3838. vipcleaningservice@yahoo.com. BIG BLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House. We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. Call Tony 508-226-1295; www.BigBlueRemoval.com.


Independent contractor to operate Wash/Dry/Fold business. Serious inquiries only! Leave a message at (401) 433-2708.

July 2019 The Reporter



BOOK YOUR EVENTS NOW! Riverside Sportsman Assoc. Mohawk Drive off Wampanoag Trail. For all occasions: Birthday, Family Reunions, Club/Organization Meetings, Baby/Bridal Showers. Also great for bachelor/bachelorette parties. Cash Bar. Annual pig roast coming in October – for tickets call Joe 401-439-8089. For hall information call Arthur at 401-831-0561 or 401-433-0209.


CUSTOM LOG CABIN HOME: Pearl Lake Rd in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Minutes from New Hampshire attractions: Sugar Hill, Franconia Pkwy, Santa’s Village, Whale’s Tail Water Park, and Cog Railway; sleeps 6, fireplace, swimming, hiking, fishing, boating, kayaks or just R&R. Booking now for summer getaways: weekly $700 and weekends $275, Call Joe at 401-439-8089.

State House continued from page 51

Legislation OK'd to Protect Furloughed Employees During Gov't Shutdowns

The General Assembly today passed legislation introduced by Sen. William J. Conley Jr. (D-Dist. 18, East Providence, Pawtucket) and Rep. Carlos E. Tobon (D-Dist. 58, Pawtucket) that would provide financial protections to Rhode Islanders who have gone unpaid as a result of government shutdowns. The bill (2019-S 0065aa, 2019-H 5191Aaa) would enable city and town councils to grant relief from penalties on the payment of taxes on real estate and personal property during periods where federal or state government cease governmental operations, in whole or in part, for employees of the state or federal government.

Conley Legislation Passed to Protect the Rights of Customers to Pay with Cash

The State Senate today passed legislation introduced by Sen. William J. Conley Jr. (D-Dist. 18, East Providence, Pawtucket) that would protect the rights of customers to pay for things in cash. “This is a consumer protection bill,” said Senator Conley, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee. “Credit-card only policies are discriminatory to the old, the young and the poor. They can also be used to track spending history to build a profile and make identity theft easier. Those who wish to avoid all that by paying in cash should not be penalized.” The legislation (2019-S 0889) would make it unlawful for any retail establishment offering goods or services for sale to discriminate against a prospective customer by requiring the use of credit for purchase of goods or services. According to a survey by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, about 8 percent of households have no bank account and only 75 percent of American adults have credit cards. “Credit card-only policies are also age-discriminatory, since only adults can get credit cards,” said Senator Conley. “This is a troubling trend, and this bill will put a stop to it.” The measure now moves to the House of Representatives, which has passed similar legislation (2019-H 5116A) sponsored by Rep. Mia Ackerman (D-Dist. 45, Cumberland, Lincoln).


The Reporter July 2019

BUSINESS DIRECTORY Antiques/ Cash for Gold Americana Auction 21 Appliance Repairs CJS / Statewide Appliance Repair 62 Attorney Attorney Gregory Dias 55 Attorney Attorney William C. Maaia 41 Attorney Donald E. MacManus, Attorney 62 Attorney Rappoport, DeGiovanni & Caslowwitz 35 Attorney Warr & Warr, P.C. 8 Auto Repairs Fred’s Service Center, Inc. 46 Auto Repairs New England Tire 2 Automobile Dealer Scott Motors 37 Automotive Yankee Auto Electric Inc 51 Bank HarborOne Mortgage 15 Bike Shop Your Bike Shop 29 Bookeeping Service Hammond, Inc. 19 Camp-Basketball One On One Basketball Camp 35 Candidate - East Prov. Anna Sousa 40 Candidate - East Prov. Gregg Amore, State Rep. 65 56 Candidate - East Prov. Val Lawson 40 Candidate - State Rep Katherine Kazarian 40 Chamber of Commerce East Providence Chamber 44 Chimney Services Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney Sweep 32 Church MLR Tax Services 27 Collectibles Wexler’s Collectibles 22 Country Club Hillside Country Club 25 Credit Union Community & Teachers Credit Union 24 Credit Union Navigant Credit Union 7 Credit Union NCU Financial 13 Dance Studio Bayside School of Dance 36 Dentist Coastal Dental Seekonk 7 Dentist Eager Family Dentistry 64 Dentist George Family Orthodontics 23 Dentist Lisa Daft DMD & Associates, PC 33 Dentist Romani Orthodontics 48 Dentist Smith Family Dental Associates 18 Driveways & Masonry DeJesus Driveways 26 Engine Repair-Lawn Fred’s Service Center, Inc. 11 Excavating Graceway Excavation 30 Food/Party Store Thomsen Foodservice 10 Fuel - Oil Al’s Quality Oil Co. 51 Fuel - Propane Dupuis Oil 25 Funeral Home Rebello Funeral Home 36

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Glass Fabricator Golf Hair Salon Handyman Heating & Air Cond House Cleaning Landscape Service Landscape Service Liquor Store Mortgage Broker Nursing Home Nursing Homes Nursing Homes Nursing Homes Orthodontics Orthodontics Painting Contractor Party Rentals Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Pest Control Services Pharmacy Powerwashing Private School Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Remodeling Restaurant Roofing Contractor School Screen Replacement Tanning Salons Trash/Junk Removal Tree Service Zoo

Frank Lizotte’s Glass Co., Inc. 55 Rehoboth Country Club, Inc. 38 Shear Image Salon 46 Just In Time Handyman Service 20 Fox & Delomba 22 Marinalva’s Cleaning 19 Cutting Edge Landscaping 12 Superior Lawn Care 24 Landry Liquors 31 Jason Potrzeba - Webster Bank 43 Hattie Ide Chaffee Home 42 Aldersbridge Communities 58 Eastgate Nursing & Rehabilitation Ctr 39 Waterview Villa 59 George Family Orthodontics 23 Romani Orthodontics 48 Andrews & Sons Painting 18 Party Rental Services 46 All Phase Asphalt Driveways 49 Gem Paving & Seal Coating 29 Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions 31 Simpson’s Pharmacy, Inc 21 East Bay Pressure Wash Company 37 St. Cecilia’s School 47 Mateus Realty 56 Mateus Realty 63 ReMax Rivers Edge 15 Residential Properties - Providence 64 Rhonda Vieira-Cherry, Realtor 24 Robin Lozito - ReMax Rivers Edge 10 The Tirrell Team 9 TK Real Estate Brokerage 47 Vicki Doran - Coldwell Banker 39 Batty Construction 36 La Collina 32 Tabeleys Roofing 12 East Providence Career & Tech Ctr 14 Blackstone Valley Window & Door 11 AfterGlow 8 Big Blue Removal Service 20 Advanced Tree 12 Southwick’s Zoo 45

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July 2019 The Reporter

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The Reporter July 2019

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