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The Reporter November 2022
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November 2022 The Reporter
The Reporter November 2022
East Providence News Briefs City 2022-23 City Budget Passed
The City budget for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year was approved by the City Council. Through several public workshops in which the entire proposed budget by Mayor Bob DaSilva was available for scrutiny, only minor changes were made by the council. Public comment, while available, was not offered by many residents. In fact, council members were mostly in agreement with most of the budget line items, even voting to increase the amount DaSilva initially requested for a few items. However, while saying they agreed with a lot of the budget, council members Anna Sousa, Ward Two and Ricardo Mourato, Ward Four voted against the final plan. Council President and Ward One member Bob Britto, Nate Cahoon, Ward Three and At-Large member Bob Rodericks voted for the budget. Sousa and Mourato believed the budget carried financial problems for future budget
Inside This Issue Business Directory...........54 Church News & Events.........51 Classifieds..................... 53 Clubs...........................22 Death Notices......................53 Events..........................21 Food & Dining.....................50 From the Candidates........11 Holiday Guide....................30 Library...............................45 News Briefs..........................4 People...........................39 School..........................26 Senior Center....................48 Sour Grapes........................34 Sports.............................34 State House......................44
preparations. Britto, Cahoon and Rodericks viewed the final budget as “responsible” in meeting the many needs of the community. “The Consumer Price Index is over 8%. As we all know, everything has gone up in price. The city faces that too,” said Rodericks. A tax levy of 1.08% in light of infrastructure needs and programs, is reasonable with today’s economy, was the belief of the council members voting to approve. “It’s smoke and mirrors,” retorted Mourato in voting against. Sousa joined Mourato in voting against the final budget. DaSilva’s original request called for a levy increase of .67% but increases added by council members brought the levy to the 1.08%, said city Finance Director Malcolm Moore. Britto told council members that maturing past bonds, city retirements and other budget considerations would help offset future lost revenue. Moore also explained that the upcoming mandated property revaluation will be a factor in tax levy versus actual dollar tax rates. Moore estimates this budget will raise the average homeowners tax bill by $48 annually. Much discussion was held on the proposal by Cahoon to add three additional workers to the Department of Public Works. The estimated increase to the budget is $225,000, which Cahoon said represented salaries and benefit contributions. Mourato said he opposed the idea and would like more in depth discussion at a later date. “This was on a whim,” said Mourato. “I want to know what the needs are and why we need three more parks employees,” he added. “Yes, happy to do that if you want that discussion,” answered Cahoon. “That’s why we’ve had all these budget workshops for the past several weeks. The salaries and benefits are for entry level workers, and the RI DEM recommends a ‘number’ of employees for parks and recreation, per acre. We are well under that ratio. We have over 780 acres of parks and fields and are investing in many park renovations,” Cahoon said. “We will also have close to 10 acres of open space at Metacomet to maintain. Currently, seven full time workers aren’t enough.” Rodericks added that he gets weekly complaints about parks and ball fields needing grass cut, weeding done, etc. “It’s about time we maintain our parks appropriately. Preventative maintenance saves money in the long run,” he added. In the end, most council members said they supported the line items as proposed in the budget, but the bottom line passed by the 3-2 vote.
Portions of this News Briefs were compiled with contributions from Bob Rodericks.
Street Flooding Issues Discussed
The council last month heard from DPW Director Dan Borges who gave an update at the request of at-large council member Bob Rodericks on the progress the city was making on street flooding. “I held a community meeting at Dewey Avenue several weeks ago, after the heavy rains we had,” said Rodericks. “About 30 residents attended along with the Mayor, Director Borges and engineer Eric Skadberg. We promised feedback to the neighborhood. This applies to other areas in the city and speaks to decades of infrastructure neglect which we are now trying to correct,” added Rodericks. “We had pretty historic rains this summer that led to significant flooding issues.” Borges told the council. “As a result of those storms, what we have done to date, is we have identified those areas and are compiling linear foot measures of those pipes. The plan is to send cameras in the pipes and then fix or replace problem areas.” Borges said the city would be going out to bid shortly for most of this project. “We’ll do what we can with our staff and go out to hire for more complicated work,” said Borges.
Voter Question Number 4: Martin Middle & Waddington Bonds
Question Number 4 on the November 8th ballot seeks public input on a bond issue to repair and replace parts of Martin Middle school and Waddington Elementary school. Both schools still have major portions of their buildings using an outdated “open classroom concept.” The question reads: Shall an acted passed at the 2022 session of the R.I. General Assembly entitled: “An act authorizing the City of East Providence to finance the construction, renovation, improvement, alteration, repair, furnishing and equipping of schools and school facilities in the City by the issuance of not more than $148,000,000 bonds, notes, and/or other evidences of indebtedness therefor, subject to the approval of state housing aid at a reimbursement rate or state share ratio of not less 48.5% for expenditures available for state aid and provided that the authorization shall be reduced by any grant received from the school building authority capital fund” be approved. An approval of this question will authorize the City of East Providence to issue not more than $148,000,000 in bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness to
November 2022 The Reporter finance the construction, renovation, improvement, alteration, repair, furnishing and equipping of schools and school facilities, particularly Martin Middle School and Waddington Elementary School, with the condition that the City receives as state school aid for at least 48.5% of eligible expenditures.
Council Rejects 24 Hours Operation for Cumberland Farms
The City Council unanimously voted against a request from the new Cumberland Farms being built on Newport Avenue in Rumford last month. The surrounding neighborhood wrote letters and expressed many concerns with an operation that may give rise to traffic and noise from a 24-hour operation at that site. Councilman-at-Large Bob Rodericks said that “the Cumberland Farms chain has been a good business for the city. The modernized location in Kent Heights is widely accepted by the neighborhood and does very well,” he said. Rodericks said the Rumford residents were not generally opposed to Cumberland Farms, just the extended hours. “As one neighbor wrote, I welcome Cumberland Farms as a neighbor I just don’t welcome the 24 hour request.” “I’m surprised that there isn’t a representative from the business here to answer questions,” said Rodericks. Separate from the 24 hour vote, Rodericks asked city Economic Development Director Bill Fazioli and planning department officials to verify that the Newport Avenue project was adhering to the original approved plan for development. “A resident stated that the plan has not been followed as the council approved. Can we confirm one way or another,” he asked. Fazioli and planning officials said that the plan is followed closely and has not deviated from the original approval. The plan includes almost 1400 plantings of trees, shrubs, grass, etc. and fencing, all making up a 35 foot buffer along neighborhood streets.
City Partners with One Neighborhood Housing
City officials and housing leaders held a ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the newly rehabilitated Sutton Place apartments last month. East Providence is now the seventh municipality in the state to reach the 10 percent threshold for affordable housing. In a collective press release by all parties, the following was stated: “Housing remains one of the most urgent issues in Rhode Island. ONE Neighborhood Builders (ONE|NB) hosted U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse, Lt. Governor Sabina Matos, East Providence Mayor Bob DaSilva, state and local officials, and leading housing
advocates marking the completed renovation of Sutton Place in East Providence,” said the joint release. “When communities invest in affordable housing, they are investing in a stronger economy. We would not be in a position to open the doors of Sutton Place without strong support from our partners in government, from the federal delegation all the way to the local and municipal leaders in East Providence,” said ONE|NB Executive Director Jen Hawkins. “East Providence is now the seventh municipality in Rhode Island to reach the state’s 10 percent lowand moderate-income housing goal. Mayor DaSilva doesn’t just talk about affordable housing. He walks the walk.” Sutton Place includes a total of 36 apartments in two identical buildings on Sutton Avenue in East Providence. ONE|NB purchased the property for $3.3 million. By rehabilitating the property, ONE|NB prevented the future displacement of existing residents, many of whom would likely experience severe hardship in trying to secure alternative housing. To qualify for the apartments, tenants must be at or below 80 percent of Area Median Income (AMI). According to officials familiar with the project, ONE|NB invested more than $6 million in the property, with funding coming from Rhode Island Housing, the state Housing Trust Fund, and the East Providence Waterfront Commission, among others. Many of the state funding resources were made available because of federal funding secured by Sens. Reed and Whitehouse. “This renovated building preserves affordable opportunities for people from all walks of life to live together in modern, enhanced apartments with new amenities. Sutton Place is a great example of what can be accomplished when we work together to breathe new life into older buildings. It is a win for its residents and a win for the community,” said Senator Reed, the author of the law establishing the Housing Trust Fund, which contributed $1.19 million in federal funding to the renovation project. “Rhode Island families are getting squeezed by high housing costs,” said Senator Whitehouse. “Solving this challenge is going to take a commitment from leaders at all levels of government. I commend Mayor DaSilva and state officials for seeing through the renovation of Sutton Place, and I’ll keep fighting down in Washington to secure funding to ensure every Rhode Islander has a safe, affordable place to call home.” In June 2022, Governor Dan McKee signed a state budget that included $250 million for housing, including funding for low- and moderate-income housing developments similar to the rehabilitation of Sutton Place. ONE|NB Executive Director Jen Hawkins served on the Low-and Moderatecontinued on page 7...
The East Providence
Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence
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PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 The views expressed in The Reporter are not necessarily those of the editor or staff.
The Reporter November 2022
November 2022 The Reporter Income Housing Act Commission which made recommendations to state leaders on how best to direct state funds to solve Rhode Island’s housing crisis. “What ONE|NB has accomplished here is a model for communities across the state. They have created three dozen units of affordable housing in the midst of a crisis without displacing residents,” said Lt. Governor Matos. “Our administration will be looking to Sutton Place for inspiration as we put our historic, quarter-of-a-billion-dollar investment in housing to work in all 39 cities and towns.” “There is a high demand for affordable housing units,” said East Providence Mayor Bob DaSilva. “Despite this trend, only a handful of communities are welcoming new housing opportunities. With over 1,200 housing units currently under construction or permitted, East Providence is addressing this problem head-on. Sutton Place is a prime example of this.” The Sutton Place properties were built in 1970 and required substantial renovation. ONE|NB’s rehabilitation included the installation of new windows and doors in common areas, landscaping, parking lot repairs, and a new roof at 54 Sutton. The roof at 60 Sutton was replaced in 2020. Individual apartments underwent substantial renovations, including new flooring, plumbing, kitchen and bath cabinets and countertops, new windows, doors, and fire and electrical code upgrades. “Sutton Place represents a strategic and meaningful investment in homes, in communities and in Rhode Island,” said James Comer, RI Housing Deputy Director. “We’re thrilled to be celebrating the completion of a project that has created long-term affordable homes for Rhode Islanders in partnership with an innovative developer, a welcoming municipality and supportive state leadership. Financing these kinds of developments can be complicated, but they reap rewards for Rhode Island residents who need safe, affordable places to live and thrive.”
Police Explorers Receive $2K Donation from Local Church
The East Providence Police Explorers Post 750 accepted a $2,000 check from Bethany of the Nazarene Church in Rumford. Pastor David Vatral presented the check in October, to Paul Manning, a 19-year-old who has been in the program for five years and has plans to someday serve in law enforcement. Pastor Vatral presented the check on behalf of his church members who wanted to help the community in some way. Continued on next page...
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RiverAve., Ave., Seekonk, MA 02771 14621462 FallFall River Seekonk, MA 02771 336-4043 • (508)(508) 336-4043 • BIRD FOOD • FEEDERS • GARDEN ACCENTS • UNIQUE GIFTS
ANNA SOUSA City Council Ward 2 November 8th • Sponsored and Passed ordinances to protect the environment & Bay, promote public health, support local businesses for mixed use development, and trash & rodent nuisances • Volunteers and supports local schools and athletics by participating in annual reading week, PTA events and fundraising • Hosted multiple community meetings for continued city improvement and sponsored community events like Day of Portugal, Women’s History Month Event, Trunk or Treat, and Christmas Tree Lighting • In memory of my parents, hosted a Dominga as a member of Holy Ghost Beneficial Brotherhood • Frontline worker throughout Covid at RIH and volunteered for city vaccine clinic
Paid for by friends of Anna Sousa.
The Reporter November 2022
“We are so thankful to Pastor Vatral and his parish family for their amazing donation,” Mayor Bob DaSilva said. “The funds will be used to help our city’s youth explore the world of law enforcement and perhaps someday pursue a career in the field.” Chief Christopher Francesconi thanked Pastor Vatral and all of his parishioners for their generous and thoughtful donation.
State Senate | Democrat | District 14 Val has delivered for East Providence.
★ Eliminated the car tax for good ★ Implemented a $250 child tax credit per child ★ Passed historic gun safety legislation ★ Codified Roe v. Wade into state law ★ Passed the Act on Climate to protect our environment and create green jobs
★ Sponsored the retail Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) incentives pilot program that promotes healthy eating and nutrition
Paid for by The Committee to Elect Val Lawson
“The Explorers program gives the youth of East Providence the opportunity to better understand policing and allows them to volunteer within the community,” Chief Francesconi said. “These proceeds will help those who may not be able to afford the cost of the program and also for our much-needed supplies.” The East Providence Police Explorers program is for all young men and women between the ages of 14 and 20 who are interested in pursuing a career in law enforcement. The East Providence Explorers meet once every other week from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at 610 Waterman Ave., East Providence (Robert Rock Senior Center). During these meetings, Explorers are instructed in various aspects of law enforcement. The areas of study include, but are not limited to, traffic stops, building searches, traffic control, self-defense, use of force, firearms safety and use, DUIL Stops, criminal law and officer safety. The East Providence Police Department is currently recruiting new members into the program. Youth interested in the program are invited to attend the first meeting and sign up on October 26, 2022 @ 6:30 p.m. at 610 Waterman Ave., (Robert Rock Senior Center). For more information, please contact Lt. David Pacheco at Dpacheco@
MATT DAWSON for EAST PROVIDENCE Please Vote on Tuesday November 8 - Early Voting Open Now
Matt Dawson has my full support because he is a lifelong Townie, a family man, and a thoughtful and accomplished professional. He shares our community's values and will serve us well in the RI House of Representatives.
• Former State Prosecutor • Build a Strong Economy • Support Working Families • Invest in Public Education • Expand Affordable Housing • Common Sense Gun Laws • Protect Our Environment • Defend Reproductive Freedom • Ensure Funding of Medicare
CONTACT (401) 258-3660 Paid for by Friends of Matt Dawson - Edward Galvin, Treasurer
Representative Gregg Amore
November 2022 The Reporter
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The Reporter November 2022
EP Police to Seek Federal Funding
In accordance with U.S. Department of Justice Policy and Bureau of Justice Assistance grant requirements, the East Providence Police Department issued a statement to the general public that states, in part; “The Police Department is pleased to make its intentions known to seek Federal funding available for public review and comment. The Police Department is requesting $10,737.00 to purchase equipment with the goal of meeting the RI General Laws as it pertains to annual firearms qualifications for police
officers. The department would use some of the funds to rent a mobile firearm range from Blue Line Corp. Additionally, the department would purchase firearm holsters for new recruits. With the department hiring many new recruits, it is necessary to outfit them with the necessary equipment prior to entering the Rhode Island Municipal Training Academy, or for lateral transfer officers from other departments, before they enter their Field Training program. The amount is allocated for the City of East Providence, to be designated towards law enforcement programs through the 2022 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program. Any individuals or groups wishing to view the grant proposal in its entirety, and/or offer comment on the Department’s request for funding are encouraged to contact Sgt. James Aceto of the East Providence Police Department, 401-563-8699.
Mattresses & Box Springs Free Drop Off: Saturday, November 5, 2022
Residents can drop off their old mattresses or box springs for free on Saturday, November 5th from 9 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Mattress and/or box spring, two pieces or one set, per household are collected on scheduled Saturdays by appointment only. Fee for curbside collection is $25 each piece. Residents can schedule a pick-up by submitting a service request or calling the Recycling Office at 401-435-7701. Mattress collections can be scheduled during the months of March through December. No collections in January and February. Mattresses can also be dropped off at Rhode Island Resource Recovery throughout the year at 60 Shun Pike in Johnston at no fee, as long as mattress is not torn or damaged it can be recycled follow signs for the small vehicle drop off area, call 942-1430 for more information.
Candidates for RI State Senate District 14 - East Providence
David O'Connell
Valerie Lawson
Supports suspending the State Gas Tax.
Voted against suspending the State Gas Tax.
Supports providing Energy Assistance to residents.
Voted against giving energy assistance to residents.
Refund the $600 million State Budget Surplus to the Rhode Island Taxpayers. Will serve all Rhode Island citizens & residents equally. Supports a 2022 budget amendment to give $500,000 to each school district to fortify their schools' safety. Legislators must take responsibility for our failing public schools and begin fixing them.
No consideration of a State Budget refund. Paid as Vice-President of NEARI teachers' union and then voted on legislation favoring unions in contract negotiations. Voted against the budget amendment proposal of $500,000 to make our schools safer. No improvement in Student Proficiency scores while in office, and she's a teacher!
Vote for David O'Connell for State Senate by November 8th, 2022
Paid for by Friends of David O’Connell
November 2022 The Reporter OPINION
FROM THE CANDIDATES Dear Friends and Neighbors,
My name is Anna Maria Peters. I’m running for RI State SenPolitical Ad Disclaimer: ate, District 18 (East Providence, Pawtucket). My husband John It is the policy of The Reporter to run political/ (Jack) Peters is running for RI State Representative, District 65 (East Providence). This is my first run for public office, and I’m pleased campaign announcements & press releases with the to have met so many wonderful people. I’m happy to say I’ve put purchase of ad space. Candidates should call 100% into my campaign for the people of East Providence and 508-252-6575 for more information and rates. Pawtucket. However, here lies the problem: Our system is broken on so many levels. Let’s start with our schools. Our children are failing in basic fundamentals of math, reading and writing as shown in recent test scores. Additionally, our children were afraid to go to school because of the pandemic. We need more counseling than ever in today’s schools to support students in all areas of education. I’ve spoken to local high school students who are disgusted with what they’re experiencing in their schools and with the agenda which imposes on their personal choices while ignoring their true educational needs. They’ve told me they want “out” of the present school system. So, do we taxpayers build new public schools just to then bus our children out to private or charter schools to get an education with better test scores? I recognize the students’ frustrations that carry over to parents and the community at large. Our beautiful children, what’s happening to them and their future potential? Where were our elected officials while this erosion was happening? Are the current elected officials responsible for running our city and state deaf, dumb and blind to the situations at hand or are they just apathetic? Moving on to the economy: are you tired of the endless spending with the same ole’ promises and zero results? The rising rate of inflation, gas prices, higher heating and food costs are all on a constant upsurge, including perpetually increasing taxes for homeowners and sky-rocketing PCUapproved utility costs. Renters also feel it! Landlords raise rents to compensate for taxes and overall rising costs. State spending seems never ending despite RI’s $1.25 A TIME TO START CLEANING THE STATE HOUSE billion stimulus money. • Protect our Constitutional & Civil Rights Our Constitutional and Civil Rights are being infringed upon, even our medical free• Support and Help our Veterans and Seniors doms. Mandating vaccines and threatening • A Right to Life those who don’t want the shot with job loss • Fight for Families, Parents and Children’s Rights – well that’s just WRONG! Our very way of • Stop the Crime life and our precious freedoms are being • Pass Fiscally Sound Laws taken away exemplified by the threat of a • The Real Green Deals recently failed proposal to fine and double• Listen to the Voice of the People tax for vaccine non-compliance. • Stop the Attacks, Live and Let Live In conversations with constituents, concerns pointed to many of our seniors and others leaving Rhode Island as they cannot Paid for by the Friends of John R Peters
Stop the RI State House from messing with your LIFE, resulting in your loss of LIBERTY, because you will not be able to pursue your HAPPINESS.
Declare Your Independence on November 8th, 2022
John R. “Jack” Peters House Seat #65
continued next on page...
Anna Maria Peters Senate Seat #18
The Reporter November 2022
City Of East Providence State Of Rhode Island
NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION This Is To Notify And Warn The Legally Qualified Electors Of The City Of East Providence, That The General Election Shall Be Held On
The Polls Will Be Open From 7:00 AM To 8:00 PM VOTING DISTRICT
1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
Francis School, 64 Bourne Ave City View Manor, 99 Goldsmith Ave. Whiteknact School, 261 Grosvenor Ave. Rumford Towers, 95 Newman Ave. Francis School, 64 Bourne Ave. East Prov. Senior Center 610 Waterman Ave St. Francis Church Hall 81 N. Carpenter St. Hennessey School 75 Fort St. Martin Middle School 111 Brown St. Fuller Learning Center 260 Dover Ave Kent Heights School, 2680 Pawtucket Ave. Riverside Congregational, 295 Bullocks Pt. Ave. Harbor View Manor, 3663 Pawtucket Ave. Riverside Library, 475 Bullocks Pt. Ave. Crescent Park Manor, 243 Crescent View Ave. Waddington School, 101 Legion Way Oldham School, 60 Bart Dr. (Formerly Meadowcrest)
WARD SEN REP DIST. 14 14 14 18 18 18 14 14 14 14 14 18 18 18 32 32 32
63 63 63 63 63 63 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 66
1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017
Please Call 435-7502, If You Have Any Questions Regarding Your Polling Place Peter G. Barilla Sr., Chairman John Barone, Member East Providence Canvassing Authority
afford to live here any longer due to rising costs. What a shame! For one constituent, the issue raised was regarding changing the demographics of our cities without making reciprocal infrastructure accommodations. His concern mainly involved delaying rescue vehicles due to inadequate and inferior infrastructure in areas that cannot sustain suitable traffic flow nor provide ample parking. I am listening very closely even to these details that are derailing us. Veterans’ issues are always of concern, and we support our Veterans, our brave men and women who fought for our way of life and freedoms. My husband is a disabled Vietnam Veteran. So, we’re intimately acquainted with veterans’ issues. I have personally and humbly worked at the Veterans Home in Bristol. I was privileged to meet these great individuals personally and to have had the distinct honor to care for our veterans in their time of need, especially in their final hours here on this earth. I’ve walked this walk; it’s not just talk. This campaign season has been a rewarding learning experience, meeting and listening to constituents’ concerns in Pawtucket and East Providence. The good news is that we have opportunity to change what’s happening. We have choices this year since many new people are running for office and we can make a difference by voting to change the “old guard”. We want to preserve our treasured way of life for future generations, to live free, in peace once again and thrive as Americans in our great state and country. Lastly, I thank God for giving me strength to campaign every day and courage to confront problems for you and for our district. Please know I’ve heard you, am listening closely to your concerns and fears. Now is the time for changing the “old guard”, to clean up the mess in our state, starting with the RI General Assembly in our state house. Vote Anna Peters - State Senate, District 18, November 8th.
November 2022 The Reporter
MORE CITY NEWS City Prepares to Launch Statistical Revaluation Project Which Will Inspect Properties
East Providence, RI — The City of East Providence is preparing to begin the Statistical Revaluation Project that had been delayed from December 31, 2021 to December 31, 2022. Under the Statistical Revaluation, each taxpayer receives a new assessment and will have an opportunity to have a hearing on their new assessment. The City is preparing to visit and inspect (in person) all properties that have sold and those properties whose owners have pulled a building permit within the last year. The city of East Providence has hired Northeast Revaluation Group, LLC, a municipal revaluation vendor located in Warwick, RI to assist with the project. The process is expected to begin in October. Northeast Revaluation data collectors (Dan Wert, Todd Wheeler, Mike Pratt and John Hocking) will have identification badges and the registrations of their vehicles are on file with the East Providence Police Dept. The city of East Providence Assessor’s Division has additional details regarding this process should homeowners have any questions. Upon visiting a property, data collectors will attempt to perform and interior and exterior inspection of the property to confirm the City’s assessment records are accurate. It is important to note that no valuation decisions are made at the time of inspection. At a later date, the property owner will receive an Interior Data Verification letter that will provide an opportunity to review the interior features and make adjustments. Since all assessed valuations are based on sales as of a certain date, later changes in the market will gradually make assessments not in line with the real estate marketplace. The rise and fall of real estate values make certain properties more valuable or less valuable, in relation to each other. Due to these reasons, the state of Rhode Island settled on a three-year schedule for property revaluations. The project is scheduled for completion in early 2023 and property owners can expect to receive a new assessment notice at that time. The notice will include the new property assessment and information regarding informal appeals. For any questions regarding this process, please call the city of East Providence Assessor’s Office at 401-435-7574. A helpful description of the revaluation process may be found at under “Revaluations Explained” AND under FAQs.
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The Reporter November 2022
I would like to continue to be a strong voice for your children and a dedicated supporter of our teachers and staff. Paid for by The Friends of Jessica Beauchaine
Remembering Our Veterans and Military Service Members
The EPVMER2021 committee, again this year, encourages sending a greeting card and/or letter to a veteran or an active service member you know. Or address it “to any veteran” and mail it to your church, or to the Volunteer Office, VA Medical Center, 830 Chalkstone Ave., Providence, RI. 02908. The VA Medical Center welcomes cards (birthday, get well, thinking of you) all year round. Or mail to the RI Veterans Community, 480 Metacom Ave., Bristol, RI 02809. Let them know their military efforts are not forgotten and they are appreciated. Read more about the contributions of many of our veterans and military members on the E. Prov. Military Service Honor Roll. View visual tributes of the honor roll as well as photos and video taken at the E. P. Veterans Memorial Expressway double Re-dedication event held last Nov. 2021. No internet? View it on the computers at the public library. Biographies of the veterans with individual war memorials in E. P. have been written. Last call to reach their families! A new list of relatives is posted. If you recognize a relative’s name, please ask that person to contact epvme @ hotmail. com ASAP to pre-view and edit the bio. This collection will be finalized soon so it can be printed in 2023. Thank you, veterans and military service members, for your service to our country!
Re-Elect Ricardo Mourato East Providence City Council WARD 4
Visit Paid for by friends of Ricardo Mourato
City of East Providence Signs Ordinance Expanding Disabled Veterans’ Exemption
East Providence, RI – Mayor Bob DaSilva, together with Council President Robert Britto, signed an ordinance expanding disabled veterans’ exemption to more eligible East Providence residents that have been designated service-connected disabled veterans. Council President Britto and Mayor Bob DaSilva were joined by Veteran Anthony Ballirano, who worked with the city’s assessors and law departments to draft the language for the ordinance.
★ VOTE FRANK REGO for E.P. City Council – Ward 1 ★ “My friend Frank Rego has been serving our community and state for his entire adult life. He’s smart and extremely hard working, but most importantly, he’s a passionate advocate for our city.” Gregg Amore
Paid for by Frank Rego Committee, Manny Vinhateiro, Treasurer
“I am proud to support Frank Rego to serve as our City Councilman for Ward 1. Frank is a parent, a local small business owner, and a lifelong Townie who brings an unparalleled level of experience and care to every facet of his life. He is dedicated to making our city the best place it can be.”
Katherine Kazarian
State Representative District 63
November 2022 The Reporter “This brings real tax relief to our veterans who have servicerelated disabilities but were not at 100 percent,” Mayor Bob DaSilva. “Our administration has been and always will be committed to our veterans.” “The Council collaborated with our Mr. Ballirano and the Mayor’s Office to make this happen,” Council President Britto said. “This ordinance gives our city the opportunity to expand veterans’ exemptions to more eligible East Providence residents and we are proud of the work and collaboration that went into making this a reality for our veterans.” An ordinance was recently introduced by Council President Robert Britto and Council Vice President Bob Rodericks. The Councilors, worked with the Mayor’s Office and City Tax Assessor on the ordinance, which was passed on October 18, 2022. The ordinance was written after implementation of House Bill H7349 and Senate Bill S2955. House Bill H7349 was sponsored by House Majority Whip Katherine Kazarian, Rep. Gregg Amore, Rep. Liana Cassar and Rep. Brianna Henries and Senate Bill H7349 was sponsored by Sen. Val Lawson. The ordinance enables the city to expand its disabled veterans’ exemption to more eligible East Providence residents who have been designated service-connected disabled veterans. In the past, state law allowed for Veterans who were 100 percent total service-connected to receive an exemption. Now, the City offers an exemption for veterans who have been evaluated by the the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs and have a service-connected disability of less than 100 percent. This exemption cannot be combined with any current veterans’ exemptions. Applicants are eligible starting with the 2023 tax bills and must apply by May 25, 2023 to receive the exemption on the 2023 tax bill. Applicant must be an East Providence resident and own and occupy a residential property as your primary residence.
Katherine Kazarian
State Representative District 63 Endorsed Democrat
Vote Tuesday, November 8th Paid for by Friends of Katherine Kazarian
The Best Choice for EP!
East Providence City Council at Large
A Leader for East Providence:
Action not just Words! More to do!
• Responsible, quick action during • $6.9M Emergency Fresh Water pandemic. Vaccine centers accessible. Connection. Long overdue. No cost to City! BCWA paid entire bill! • Responsible votes leading to many grant proposals saving tax dollars. • Finally working on water & sewer pipes, some 100 years old! • Renovation of many neglected public parks like Grassy Plains, Kent Heights Park, • Proposed study on elderly tax freeze! Crescent Park seawall & Carousel, Pierce • New law preventing sale of stolen and others. Better parking, lights & mostly catalytic converters plaguing City! with state grants not local tax. • New tax exemption EP veterans! • Strong advocate for providing the best • No cost removal of navigation hazards equipment needed by police & fire. on EP waterfront. Army corps to pay! • Helped to solve years long legal cases. Decades long problem! • Convinced Mobil/Exxon to allow a Forbes • Revitalization of Pierce Stadium! New St. entrance to little league fields. P.A. systems, fencing, score boards, ADA • Bob has either led or strongly pushed for bathrooms in both baseball and football citywide improvements. More to be done! fields were repaired after neglect of prior years! Paid for by The Friends of Bob Rodericks
The Reporter November 2022
Applicant must fill out an application with Assessor’s Office, must be honorably discharged and submit (along with the application) a letter from the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs that indicates that they have been evaluated and have a service-connected disability with an overall rating of less than 100 percent. Based on the received rating, veterans will fall into one of the three categories below and receive the exemption amount mentioned. Tax Classification Tiers for Service Connected Disabled Veterans Less than 100% Disabled (amounts based on 2022 Tax Rate subject to change ever Revaluation cycle per RIGL 44-3-24) • Tier 1- VA Disability Rating % between 0%-30% Valuation Reduction $10,725 ($234.45 Tax Credit) Tier 2- VA Disability Rating % between 31%-60% Valuation Reduction $13,200 ($288.55 Tax Credit) • Tier 3- VA Disability Rating % between 61%-99% Valuation Reduction $15,675 ($342.66 Tax Credit)
These amounts are not in addition to the regular Veterans exemption, if you currently receive that and now qualify under the new law your amount with be upgraded.
East Providence Holds It First-Ever Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
East Providence, RI – The City has hosted its first-ever celebration in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. The event took place October 5, 2022 at East Providence City Hall. Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15, the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of Central America, until October 15, after Columbus Day, known as Day of the Race to Hispanic countries. Within this time frame, a majority of former Spanish colonies in Latin America celebrate their respective Independence Days. “It is important to recognize the diversity of our community, bring awareness their traditions and celebrate the culture,” Mayor Bob DaSilva said. “This may have been the first Hispanic Heritage event, but it will certainly not be the last.” With the City seeing a growing population of Hispanic residents, city staff worked towards an event highlighting Hispanic culture in efforts to lay the groundwork for annual Hispanic Heritage celebrations in East Providence.
•Proud Navy Veteran • Husband & Father of 4 Townies • Rumford Resident for 12 years • President Rumford Little League for 6 years • Avid Fund Raiser for local charities
I Will Focus on Veteran Services, Water/Sewer Rates, A Transparent City Budget, Repairing City Infrastructure, Better Funding for Our Schools I will listen to your concerns and help problem solve.
Vote Tuesday, November 8th
Members of Progresso Latino’s own PLATINUM group, pantomimed a wedding ceremony and celebration by using expressions on the face and movements of the body instead of words. The City worked with local organization Progresso Latino, a nonprofit dedicated to helping Latino and immigrant communities achieve self-sufficiency and economic progress through a variety of programs. Thanks to Progresso Latino, attendees were able to enjoy a few words from guest speaker Dilenia Cruz, expressing the organization’s eagerness to work with East Providence officials on future events. The event featured performances by Progresso Latino’s own PLATINUM group, who pantomimed a wedding ceremony and celebration by using expressions on the face and movements of the body instead of words. The second was a traditional set from two dancers of the group Fraternidad Folklorico Boliviano.
November 2022 The Reporter
John Understands That It's About US, the Residents, Not Him
• John's profession is to listen and speak up for his members and workers, like us. • John has spent his life protecting and helping the community, like us. • John is an honest, humble person, like us. • John will work hard to help lower, water, sewer and tangible property taxes... FOR US!
Thank you, John, for running for Mayor of East Providence to represent us! Paid for by the Supporters of John Rossi
The Reporter November 2022
East Providence Residents Invited to Share Ideas at Free Community Dinner Nov. 15 In increasingly divisive and polarized times, the Rhode Island Foundation is inviting East Providence residents to share ideas over neighborly meal East Providence, RI – The Rhode Island Foundation is inviting East Providence residents to share their thoughts about the issues that are important to them at a free community dinner Nov. 15. “Now more than ever Rhode Islanders need a place for listening, reconnecting and inspiring constructive, civic and civil dialogue,” said Neil D. Steinberg, the Foundation’s president and CEO. “Every voice in Rhode Island deserves to be heard. Grab a friend and join other engaged folks in your area for a free meal and positive discussion to highlight opportunities in your community and our state.” The event will be held at the East Providence Senior Center, 610 Waterman Ave. from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Check-in will begin at 5:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public, but seating is limited. Register at
“We’ll offer people the chance to talk face-to-face with each other over family-style meals. Bring your ideas for improving your community and the local challenges you’d like to see addressed,” said Steinberg. The event is the final stop in the Foundation’s statewide food and friendship tour that began July 14. The East Providence and statewide findings will be shared with participants and the public after the final session. The Rhode Island Foundation is the largest and most comprehensive funder of nonprofit organizations in Rhode Island. Working with generous and visionary donors, the Foundation raised $98 million and awarded $76 million in grants to organizations addressing the state’s most pressing issues and needs of diverse communities last year. Through leadership, fundraising and grant-making activities, often in partnership with individuals and organizations, the Foundation is helping Rhode Island reach its true potential. For more information, visit
Our East Providence City Councilman-at-Large Elections Matter! A BRIEF MESSAGE
Dear Voter, It has been a pleasure to represent EP during my first term as Councilman-at-Large. I will continue to act on issues facing EP, without the delays shown by prior city governments. We have accomplished a lot in the past few years and we have much more to do. This can only be accomplished as a “team” and our success as a city is never about “one” person, rather it is measured by all of us working together. It isn’t realistic for everyone to agree on every issue, but we can all agree to converse responsibly as honest citizens. I hope you will join with me as we move East Providence forward!
• 1972 EPHS Graduate • 1980 Roger Williams Univ. B.A. Dean’s List • Numerous certificates for municipal government, school safety & related tasks • 1979-2008 EP School Department Administrator. Truant Officer, Director of Student Registration & Attendance, Special Assist. to the Superintendent & more. • Devised the first school safety Code Red & Crisis Response policy for East Providence.
• Part time Milieu Therapist for Bradley Hospital from 1985-1995 • Former Chair EP School Committee • Former chair Governor’s Juvenile Justice Commission • Prior league director, coach and volunteer for East Providence little leagues, CYO and youth football • EPHS Hall of Fame Inductee • Founder of Townie Sports Network for cable television • R.I. Cable TV Advisory • Former small business mgr. 401-640-5802
Paid for by the Friends of Bob Rodericks for City Council Committee
November 2022 The Reporter
Silver Spring Golf Course – A Hidden Gem Townie Lou Roccabello Restores Club By Bob Rodericks
It may not be as majestic as the Wannamoisett, Agawam Hunt or the former Metacomet golf courses, but the 6-hole Silver Spring golf course on Pawtucket Avenue in East Providence is a little known gem for golfers. The course which opened in 1919 had fallen on tough times. Membership is down to about 80 members, down from a census of a few hundred. There used to be long waiting lists to join but the recent downturn in golf club popularity and damage from COVID restrictions haven’t helped. The privately owned Wannamoisett, Agawam Hunt and Metacomet all faced some level of financial difficulty. Wannamoisett and Agawam Hunt rebounded enough to stay open, but Metacomet sold its property privately. Late last month The Reporter toured the public-private Silver Spring course. The paper met with club president Lou Roccabello and members Charlie Jordan, Jim Hibbert and Pete Taylor. The small course is struggling to stay open and is hearing rumors of a possible sale or some “action” regarding the golf course. The entire property is owned by the Mobil-Exxon corporation and is leased to the membership group for a nominal fee, if anything at all. It’s an arrangement which may date back to the 1900’s. “What happened over the last couple of years is that this course became unplayable. The conditions kept people away, among other reasons,” said new club president Roccabello. Roccabello grew up in East Providence and is a 1972 graduate of East Providence High School. He now lives nearby in Barrington. He is an expert on greens-keeping and has worked on numerous parks such as Colt State Park, Goddard Park and Fort Adams to name a few. He is the past president of the Rhode Island Golf Course Superintendent’s Association and had refurbished Goddard Park for the state. With numerous friends and some family in East Providence, he was asked if he could help with Silver Spring this past year. “I said yes, and I came in with very limited equipment and resources to bring back the course.” Bring it back is an understatement. Roccabello accepts no payment of any kind and volunteers his time 7 days a week, three times a day. The course president gave a golf cart tour of the expansive site. “As you can see, we brought it back. The play we’re now getting has been phenomenal. The actual greens are as good as any more exclusive facility. Our conditions here are spot on,” he said. A ride to all of the greens and around the picturesque property reveals lush scenes not observed from Pawtucket Avenue. Lou Roccabello got involved with Silver Spring 20 years ago when another member, his brother, the late Rocky Roccabello urged him to join. “I live now near the RI Country Club in Barrington, and love golf, but I’m here every day, mused Roccabello. “The membership is the best kept secret in the golf community,” chuckled member Charlie Jordan. “It costs $400.00 a year for unlimited golf. Any time, every day, members can golf, even holidays,” said Jordan. “We have seen all kinds of excitement. We have golfers hitting glow in the dark balls at night. We’re flexible for our size. The 6-hole course can be played several ways. “You can play either 6, 9, 12 or 18 holes of quality golf.” The six-hole format can be played in approximately 1 hour. The 9-hole format in approximately 1 ½ hours. The 12-hole format in approximately 2 hours and the 18-hole format can be played in approximately 3 hours. “It is very creative; we are a 6 hole course with 18 distinct holes. All holes are played from different teeing areas, therefore giving you the 18 distinctive holes. The same greens, but there are many different tee-off spots,” Roccabello explained. Roccabello and Jordan quickly pointed out that a professional athlete and other serious golfers enjoy the refurbished course. “We have assistant superintendents from elsewhere coming here to play a lot. People are very impressed and like our flexibility and friendliness,” said Roccabello. The course is run mostly by volunteer members. A
budget of about $50,000 covers salaries for groundskeepers and grass cutters and there is an expense for water and gas for tractors. “We keep things very reasonable for our members.” Although the once unkempt golf course is now looking superb to many golfers, club members are not resting idle. “We will never be complacent,” said Roccabello. “There are always ways to improve. If it was perfect, we’ll still find something that needs to be done.” The course does have a small clubhouse but not at the level of more prestigious clubs. It has a small gathering area and some supplies are stored. A non-member can come play golf for 30 to 40 dollars and even rent or borrow a golf club and balls. “Most times we don’t charge for the use of clubs and give away some used golf balls. A garage stores sophisticated greens grooming machines that Roccabello and others use to manicure their course. It becomes clear that Roccabello was the key to the club’s resurgence. Since his arrival it didn’t take long for members to see a vast improvement in course conditions. “We went right to work. I brought in some URI turf guys I know to help start us off. Equipment was broken down, everything was tired and finances were poor. We made the club all inclusive, anyone can join, anyone can play. There is no place that is this affordable. Those on fixed incomes, veterans, senior citizens, are all able to afford golf at Silver Spring.” Continued on next page...
Silver Spring President Lou Roccabello with Boo, their mascot, and Pete.
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The Reporter November 2022
The club often provides free beverages at times to members. The club reaches out in many directions to keep up with the times. Veterans are invited to play free golf on Veteran’s Day. Non members can walk in and play golf for 30 to 40 dollars for an entire day. Ten dollars Established in 1940, 3rd Generation will give you use of an electric golf cart, even though most members choose to walk. The course offers more than physical golf. It also forges a close friendship with members. The recent passing of 89-year-old Joe Pangborn illustrates this point. Pangborn was an active member of Silver Spring until his health declined. “For a few months before Joe passed, Specializing he would come to the club and sit while greeting and watching members play golf,” said Charlie Jordan. “We felt it really helped Joe enjoy his final days and we actually noticed in Kitchen & Bathrooms an uptick in club revenue with people coming by to visit Joe.” • Remodeling • Additions The club stretches out playing golf “until there is snow on the ground,” laughed the group. Although many youngsters in the city flock to the course with sleds in hand when • Siding • Silestone it does snow, the club kind of looks the other way. In fact, many golfers play during a cold • Granite • Painting winter day, if the sun is out. “So, if you really divide the $400 membership fee by the number • Roofing of actual golfing days, it probably costs only a few dollars a day to play golf. A bargain,” noted Pete Taylor. “If I wasn’t a member here, I wouldn’t be playing three days a week as I do now.” All parties believe that the course is now top notch. “I truly believe it is in the best condition that this course has ever been in,” added Jim Hibbert, club publicist. “This is a great, affordable club for those who can’t otherwise pay for more expensive country clubs. And we’re close to the same quality of golf.” The current site where Silver Spring golf course exists has an interesting history. The Peter Batty land is bordered by Pawtucket Avenue at the top to the East and the East Bay Bike Path RI Reg. # 33335 / MA Reg. # CS51340 and the Providence River at the bottom of the site to the West. At one time this property was home to one of the city’s majestic amusement parks. “Vanity Fair is the most ambiRESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL tious, grandiose amusement park north of Coney Island,” shouted out ads for the new park opening in 1907. It had all the rides like its southern neighbor, Crescent Park. There was a Chute the Chute, roller coaster and carousel. It boasted a hotel, boardwalk, dinner hall, Wild West Show, dance hall, circus, an Indian congress, and wild animal area. Perhaps one of the most spectacular events ever was the “Fighting the Flames exhibit.” Fighting the Flames was a mock city that every afternoon would have flames shoot from gas jets and actors would call for help. There would be an exciting rescue by fire fighters who had November 26th the actors jump into nets, arms of fire fighters, or were carried away to safety. The developers over extended themselves though as it also set itself apart by charging admission, having a planned midway, and an overall design scheme. The midway was surrounded by white buildings Snowblower Service with lights outlining each structure. Vanity Fair was doomed to fail. 1 e 9 c n 8 i 6 S • SALES It went into receivership in its first year. It struggled on for two years until 1910 when it went bankrupt. • PARTS By 1915, Standard Oil Company bought the land and created • SERVICE SERVICE CENTER • INC. an oil tank farm on the water’s edge. Silver Spring Golf Course was established in 1919 as a company golf course for the Standard Oil SPECIALS Company. Later Standard Oil sold out to Mobil Oil and the course $5.00 OFF was used for Mobil Oil executives. On January 8th, 1963, Robert any Snowblower Tune-up Salter leased the property from Mobil Oil and incorporated Silver Offer Expires 12-15-22 Spring Golf Course. Later, a group of local men organized a corporation with the goal of providing an affordable golf course for $20.00 OFF “seniors, juniors and the local public.” Today Silver Spring is public/ any New Snowblower 3730 Pawtucket Avenue private and is also open to the public. It has a Board of Directors Offer Expires 12-15-22 and remains on land owned by Exxon/Mobil. Riverside RI • 401-433-3000 Club members have heard the rumblings of Exxon/Mobil wanting to sell off the property, but no one has been informed of any specific actions. “It would be very difficult to sell this land due to decades of oil, etc., which have passed through this land from The Law Offices of tankers,” believe many club members. Tanya M. Gravel, Esq. The club wants to increase membership and to publicize the course more to those not familiar with it. We want to increase public support and awareness. “I was on a waiting list for 3 or 4 years Divorce, Child Custody, Child before I could join,” said Jordan. Not anymore. “In the meantime, Support, & Restraining Orders we invite people to visit and join while we have this membership Criminal Defense: room. You can’t beat this deal if you like golf. It may be the best Misdemeanors and Felonies deal in America. Come check us out,” said President Lou Roccabello. As the interview ended, Lou Roccabello and his faithful Call NOW for your free consultation! dog Boo, took their usual walk around the course. MA Bar & RI Bar
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November 2022 The Reporter
Events & Activities East Providence Recreation Announces 2022 Turkey Trot 5K / 6 Mile Run
The East Providence Recreation Department will hold the 2022 Turkey Trot 5K and 6 mile run on Saturday, November 19, 10:00 AM at Pierce Stadium, 201 Mercer Street. 5K entry fee is $22 until November 6; $25, November 7 – November 18; $30 on race day. 6 Mile entry fee is $35 until November 6; $37, November 7 – November 18; $40 on race day. Free T-Shirt to all runners registered by November 6. Awards to overall first place male and female runner in each race. Medals to all participating runners. Edward Cronan Sr. Memorial Trophy awarded to the first East Providence resident finisher of the 5K. Donations of non-perishable food items for “Hope & Faith” food pantry gratefully accepted. Register online at or https://eastprovidence. For more information please call the Recreation Department at 401-435-7511.
STATE SENATE DISTRICT 14 Here to Bring Back Integrity, Accountability and Transparency to our State Government, the Housing Crisis, Saving Green Space, Mental Health, Infrastructure, and Education Funding are a Few of the Essential Issues that are Important to Me to Initiate Action On.
"The Clear Choice for A New Voice" 401-952-4072 • • Nicholas Ferrara Paid for by Friends of Nick Ferrara
Remember to visit for more up-to-date news & events!
The Reporter November 2022
Club & Museum News Join Us for Our 1st East Providence Community Table Dinner
Where food brings people together. To feed the hungry, physically and relationally, by providing community gatherings in which food, friendship, and neighborly love will be shared by all. To provide an atmosphere in which our community members can come together to serve one another and experience the love and support of the people around them, building stronger relationships and healthier lives. In the world today, people are hungry for real relationships. East Providence Community Table is established by the East Provi-
dence Elks with a passion to feed the community physically and relationally with a once-a-month meal and social gathering. After a decade of technology and social media becoming the conduit for human connection, society, by and large, is starving for personal interaction and a desire to experience community. As human beings, we are designed for relationships. We need each other. But through a slow decline of social interactions and an ever-increasing busyness in our modern-day lives, people are experiencing devastating levels of depression, anxiety, broken families, and a lack of mentoring relationships, causing the general public to feel alone and disconnected. At East Providence Community Table, we believe that by coming together to interact we can begin to establish a network of support and community that will promote healthy and thriving individuals and families. It’s time to restore a deep and bonding unity within the human race, and it begins in our local community. Join us for food, friendship, and neighborly love. Our 1st East Providence Community Table Dinner will be held on Saturday, November 5th at the East Providence Elks Lodge, 60 Berkeley Street. Dinner will be served from 5 pm – 7 pm. Feel free to stay after dinner for music and socializing. Dinner will be pasta and meatballs, salad, bread, and dessert. Recommended donation for dinner is $10 to offset the cost of dinner and take-home pasta bowl. Any proceeds from the dinner will benefit local Elks charities.
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Upcoming Fundraisers at the Seekonk American Legion
Meat Raffles on 11/5 and 11/12
Meat Raffles will continue on the following Saturdays; 11/5 and 11/12 starting at 2 pm. There are 3 tables of steaks, chicken, pork, seafood, TV and other prizes. 50/50 raffle. Kitchen opens at noon. The Post is located at 351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA. Call 508-336-9822 for information or directions.
Turkey Raffle on 11/18
Annual Turkey Raffle on Friday, November 18th. Raffle starts at 7:00 pm for 30 turkey baskets that include vegetables and all the fixings. Turkey Baskets raffled every 10 minutes. Admission is free. Raffle books are also available at the Post prior to the event. The Post is located at 351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA. Call 508-336-9822 for information or directions.
November 2022 The Reporter
The Reporter November 2022
Your Vote Matters! Keep Bob Rodericks City Council at Large! Paid for by the Friends of Bob Rodericks for City Council Committee
November 2022 The Reporter
Rumford Lions Present Harvest Dinner Sunday, November 6, 2022
Santa Maria Club, Six Corners, East Providence, RI 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM $20.00 per person $10.00 children under 10 Proceeds to benefit the Rumford Lions Charities
Lighthouse Speaker to Bring History to Life
The year 2022 marks the 200th anniversary of the Fresnel lens, called “the invention that saved a million ships.” The innovative lens used in lighthouses allowed vessels to safely navigate treacherous waters and find their way through dense fog. Using prisms arranged in a beehive design, the light from the lamp within was reflected and refracted into a powerful central beam that could be seen further than any created before. The inventor of this revolutionary lens was French physicist Augustin-Jean Joseph Smith Fresnel. Since last fall, the museum at Pomham Rocks Lighthouse has showcased the antique Fresnel lens that lit the light station from c1926 to 1974. To commemorate the development of this important lifesaving invention, the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse will feature a performance portraying Augustin-Jean Fresnel at their annual meeting. Joseph Smith, a Performing Artist of Living History, will bring the character to life in a lighthearted presentation. An actor since 1995, Smith has combined his love of history and acting to “give voice to stories that celebrate the human spirit.” He has portrayed Augustin Fresnel for the American Lighthouse Foundation, Michigan Lighthouse Festival, Florida Lighthouse Association, Michigan Lighthouse Alliance, The Fire Island Lighthouse Preservation Society, Montauk Lighthouse, The Horton Point Lighthouse, New London Maritime Society/The Custom House Maritime Museum and The National Lighthouse Museum. If you’ve been thinking about joining the lighthouse group, now is the perfect time. To join, visit Members and their guests are invited to attend the annual meeting at Hillside Country Club in Rehoboth, MA on November 6 from noon to 4 p.m. Reservations can be made by sending a check for $35 per person to Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, P.O. Box 15121, Riverside, RI 02915, Attn: Annual Meeting.
East Bay Retired Teachers Association Fall Luncheon
The East Bay Retired Teachers Association will be holding their fall luncheon on November 17, 2022 at Benjamin’s Restaurant on Taunton Ave. Seekonk inside the Ramada Inn (through the lobby) convening at 11:30 am. Following the luncheon, we will have our scholarship raffle. Our project this fall is providing $10 Shaw’s gift cards for Hope and Faith Charity which provides food and other essentials for those in need for their Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. Our program will include having Carl Sweeney, Director
and Founder of Hope and Faith with us to explain his charity and all the new facets he has established that add so much to the needs of others. The luncheon selections are: Pilgrim turkey dinner, baked scrod, shrimp scampi and chicken cutlet parmigiano. Included in the luncheon are soup or salad and dessert at a cost of $25. Send your check and selection to Anne Laderer 18 Monmouth Drive Riverside, R.I. 02915 by November 9. We are happy to announce that we will be resuming our scholarship program this year and will be awarding 2 $1000 awards to deserving students from East Providence High School and Mt Hope High School. If you are unable to attend and want to participate in our charities please send your remittance to Rae Holland-Long 45 River Run East Greenwich, R.I. 02818 and indicate the charity/charities you would like to contribute to. Remember to bring your new items for our scholarship raffle. Hope to see all of you there and celebrate our resumption of doing our good works and catching up with many former colleagues.
East Providence Lions Club News
East Providence Lions had their October meeting at Davenports. Guest speaker was Carl Sweeney of Hope & Fait, a nonprofit community organization. Carl was inspired to start this organization by his granddaughter Hailee, who wanted to help others less fortunate in the community with food, clothing, etc. Carl has visited schools to read to children and also provide groceries for them to take home. Carl, was recently inducted in to the EP Hall of Fame for his contributions and dedication of helping others in the community. The EP Lions were very generous in making food donations to support Hope & Faith. If you are interested in making a difference in our community, please contact EP Lions and join us for a meeting.
East Providence Lions members with Carl from Left to Right: Carol Wood, Carl Sweeney and Henry Caparco.
The Reporter November 2022
Diagnostic Visit
$5 OFF ($79.95 - mention ad) Most Appliances, Fee waved with repair
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November 26th
Jose Soares Masonry Pavers • Walkways Cement Stonewalls • Chimneys Patios • Steps
Orlo Avenue School News Orlo Avenue school welcomed back students at Back-to-School night with food, friends and a chance to dunk the dean and secretary. Returning students have been showing kindergartners and new students what our core values, Respect, Responsibility, Cooperation, look like. We had an in depth look at respect this month. Respect for others, ourselves, and school and personal materials. Orlo students and staff would like to thank EP Urban Forest, EP parks dept, EP tree commission, PACE RI, and other volunteers for helping plant trees and shrubs around the building and field. Orlo trees.
Hennessey School News
#HennesseyRising #Gratitude
Hennessey Elementary is THANKFUL for so many things this year especially our Hennessey Heroes who go above and beyond each day to be their best!!! We are THANKFUL for all the families and heroes who showed their HERO PRIDE for our October spirit days and the awesome attendance at the annual Townie Pride Parade. Our heroes showed
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November 2022 The Reporter their school spirit and it was a night to remember. Our classrooms and halls were overflowing with school spirit for Hero Day, Unity Day, Orange and Black Day and the Pink Out. Looking forward to our November Spirit Days of Dress Like a Teacher and World Kindness Day. #HennesseyLovesASpiritDay We are THANKFUL for each other and celebrate all the things that UNITE us. Each year we celebrate Unity Day at Hennessey by wearing orange and taking the pledge to support kindness, acceptance and inclusion. #UnityDay2022 We are THANKFUL for our partnerships with all our community members who enhance our heroes educational experience. Our partnerships promote and strengthen the social ties between schools, families, neighbors and community organizations. Thank you to the continued support we receive from the Boys and Girls Club, our HEZ family navigator, Naomi Zelter, the City of East Providence Planning Department, the Hope and Faith Organization, and our dedicated Parent Teacher Association who planned an awesome Harvest Dance in October! #CommunityEffort We know the importance of reading each night, please visit our Little Library located in the front of our school where you can get free books for all ages. #LeadersAreReaders Hennessey students and staff will continue to work hard each day, and we will continue to show the importance of our core values of being SAFE, RESPECTFUL and PROUD!
Mrs. Pillsbury’s 4th graders are wearing yellow for friendship.
H Anthony
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School Committee
for your support during the Primary Election.
Our kindergarteners are ready for Hero Day!
I need to ask for your support again for the General Election on November 8th. Early voting starts October 19th at City Hall. During my tenure on the East Providence School Committee, I consistently performed weekly walk-throughs of the schools and made running lists of deficiencies. These lists were given to our maintenance department and as each item was corrected, it came off the list. This level of oversight has not been done in the two years I have been away. I'm asking for your vote, to send me back to the School Committee to protect our assets and ensure safe, clean schools for our children.
(401) 255-2850
VOTE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Paid for by Anthony Ferreira, Campaign Manager Chrissy Rossi
The Reporter November 2022
November 2022 The Reporter
The Reporter November 2022
Pomham Rocks Santa Arrives November 26th
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Loraine’s Stitch ‘n’ Crafts
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Open Wed-Fri 12-6, Sat 11-4 or anytime the lights are on!
Santa doesn’t always come on a sleigh. In Riverside, he comes by boat! Families are invited to see Santa take a boat ride around Riverside and conclude his journey with a trip around Pomham Rocks Lighthouse on Saturday, November 26. Santa will leave the dock at Haines Park on the Lady Pomham II and will motor around the Terrace, arriving at Sabin Point Park at about 10.30 a.m., before continuing to the lighthouse. In the event of inclement boating weather, the rain/wind date will be Sunday, November 27 at 10:30 a.m. To celebrate Santa’s arrival, members of Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse will greet guests at Sabin Point Park with Munchkins and hot chocolate, courtesy of Dunkin’. Just in time for holiday gift giving, Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse will have available for sale at Sabin Point the 2022 holiday ornament that features a colorful picture of the north view of the East Providence lighthouse. The 2” diameter classic ceramic ornament has a white ribbon hanger and is gift boxed. It is made exclusively for Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse by Barlow Designs of East Providence. A card describing the history of this New England landmark accompanies the ornament. Also available at the event will be the limited-edition Fresnel lens ornament, which was issued to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the lighthouse. The 3.25” x 2” ornament is made of silver rhodium, has a red ribbon hanger and is displayed in a silver gift box. It was specially designed for Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse by Beacon Design, a division of ChemArt, located in Lincoln, RI. It also sells for $20 and includes a card relating the history of the iconic antique lens. Built in 1871, Pomham Rocks Lighthouse is the last surviving lighthouse in upper Narragansett Bay. It still serves as an aid to navigation and is listed on the National Register of Historical Places.
Rumford Towers Residents Association Christmas Bazaar Saturday, December 3, 2022 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Rumford Towers Residents’ Association announces their upcoming Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in the Community Room between the North and South buildings, 95-105 Newman Avenue in Rumford, RI. Doors open at 9:00 am sharp. Items on sale will be handmade crafts, baked goods, gift baskets, Christmas items, large White Elephant table, jewelry, penny social, and silent auction. Santa will stop by to visit with the children. The kitchen will be open for lunch with sandwiches. Tickets Any haircut or bath appointments for Christmas cash, wine, liquor and food booked for the month of November, baskets, plus other donated items. You do not need to be present to win. Masks are will have their *choice add-on for optional. Rumford Towers is a residential a FREE tooth brushing OR a FREE community for elderly and disabled adults. Help us ring in the Christmas season and nail buffing at the time of service. raise money for our Association to continue *Let the groomer know at the time of service which you prefer. the programs it now has for its residents. Questions? Call one of our Co-Chairs, Jim Se habla @chibischoice • español Dubiel 401-588-2068 or Ed Monaghan at 401-359-1795 or President Tom Harrington 141 Newport Avenue, Rumford, RI • Call: 401.229.3460 • Text: 510.681.2468 @chibischoice at 401-741-8538.
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November 2022 The Reporter
Holiday Guide 12th Annual East Providence WinterFest Celebration
The City of East Providence and WinterFest Committee presents the 12th annual WinterFest celebration on Saturday, December 3, at the East Providence Senior Center, 610 Waterman Avenue. WinterFest is a free event that promises fun for the whole family! Festivities begin at 3:00 PM with Dave Marchetti’s “Animal Experiences” petting zoo, free, “grab n’ go” tree ornament crafts, popcorn and hot chocolate. Joe’s Snack Shack will be on site for those seeking a late lunch/early dinner. The public is invited to stroll the beautifully decorated WinterFest landscape while waiting for Santa’s arrival by firetruck. Upon his arrival, Santa will preside over the WinterFest tree lighting. Children will be able to visit with Santa, receive a candy treat and enter the WinterFest bicycle raffle! For more information, contact the East Providence Recreation department at 401435-7511 or visit WinterFest on Facebook.
OSDRI launches Holiday Collection Drive for Grocery Gift Cards and Food Items
Operation Stand Down RI is putting out a call to action to the local community in the days leading up to Veterans Day. Starting Friday, October 21, OSDRI will be seeking support from the local community to help stock the OSDRI food pantry shelves in time for the Holiday Season. “Due to inflation and rising food prices our annual Holiday collection drive is imperative this year in order to ensure our Veterans are not forgotten on Veterans Day and do not get left behind through the Holiday Season,” said Erik Wallin, Esq. Executive Director of OSDRI. “OSDRI relies on gift cards throughout the year to assist our veterans with groceries, gas, and clothing. As we head into the holiday season, this become particularly important in order to guarantee that our low-income veterans are able to provide a Thanksgiving meal and a Christmas holiday to their families.” Individuals and organizations looking to contribute are invited to drop off Gift Cards and food items between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. “Our goal is to collect enough food and gift cards by Veterans Day in order to ensure that the veterans we serve can enjoy the holiday season without the stress of having to figure out how to put food on their tables,” said Wallin. OSDRI is seeking the following food items: canned vegetables, cranberry sauce, gravy, stuffing mix, boxed dessert, and gift cards to local supermarkets.
Personal Touch Country Gift Shoppe
Holiday Open House 11/10-11/13 • Snowmen • Wreaths • Santas • Ornaments • Soy Candles • 2023 Calendars• Pictures ...and So Much More! 299 Fall River Ave. Seekonk, MA • (508) 336-0488 e y
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The Reporter November 2022
2022 Holiday Guide Trinity Repertory Company Presents 46th Annual Production of A Christmas Carol Iconic Holiday Story Plays November 3, 2022 – January 1, 2023
Trinity Repertory Company returns to live performances with its 46th annual holiday production of A Christmas Carol. Noted for being a new production each year, the 2022 production will be directed by Aileen Wen McGroddy, a recent graduate of the Brown/ Trinity Rep MFA Program in Directing, and features longtime company member Phyllis Kay as Ebenezer Scrooge. A Christmas Carol runs in the Chace Theater from November 3, 2022 through January 1, 2023 with press opening night on Wednesday, November 9, at 7:30 pm. Tickets start at $27 and are available online at trinityrep. com/carol or by contacting the ticket office at (401) 351-4242. “I am particularly excited to have Aileen at the helm of A Christmas Carol this year,” Trinity Rep Artistic Director Curt Columbus said. “Her work is always filled with music, joy, and wonder, which makes her perfectly suited to deliver a beautiful holiday present to audiences with this story. I’m also beyond thrilled to have Phyllis Kay in the role of Scrooge in our production. Phyllis is one of the great treasures of the Trinity Rep acting company. Her brilliant sense of humor and her incredible heart will make this a Carol for the ages.” A Long-Standing Tradition Founding Artistic Director Adrian Hall first added A Christmas Carol to Trinity Rep’s lineup in 1977, just four years after moving into the company’s current home at the Lederer Theater Center on Washington Street. Since then, the production has become a holiday tradition for generations of families in Southern New England. Trinity Rep’s production is set apart from other holiday productions by the fact that it is reimagined every year by a new
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director, cast, and set of designers in order to be relevant and timely for contemporary audiences. Nearly two million people have seen the show since its inception more than four decades ago.
Special Performances
Special performances for this production include Open Captioned performances on November 30, December 1, 2, 3, 4 at 7:30 pm; and December 3 and 4 at 12:00 pm. The Sensory Friendly Plus! performance of A Christmas Carol, designed to meet the needs of guests with sensitivities to light and sound, will be held on November 19 at 12:00 pm. Through Trinity Rep’s Project Discovery program, schools can arrange for students to experience this live production with tickets to a student matinee performance, a study guide that can be used in the classroom to prepare for the play, and a post-show discussion with the production team. The Project Discovery performance dates for A Christmas Carol are November 10, 16, 17, 22, and 30; and December 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 20, and 21 at 10:30 am. Visit for more information and to book your school. A Christmas Carol at Trinity Rep is presented by Cardi’s Furniture and Mattresses with supporting sponsor Amica Insurance. Trinity Rep’s 2022-23 Season is sponsored in part by the Rhode Island State Council on The Arts (RISCA). 110 Grill is Trinity Rep’s Opening Night Sponsor, and Southwest Airlines is the Official Airline of Trinity Rep.
Trinity Repertory Company
Rhode Island’s Tony Award-winning theater, Trinity Rep has created unparalleled professional theater for and with its community since its founding in 1963. Trinity Rep strives to facilitate human connection and has been a driving force behind the creativity that fuels and defines the region for more than 50 years. Trinity Rep is committed to reinventing the public square and inspiring dialogue by creating emotionally-stimulating live productions that range from classical to contemporary and innovative education programs for all ages and abilities. Its annual production of A Christmas Carol has brought families together for more than four decades and made memories for nearly two million audience members.
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November 2022 The Reporter
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Artistic Open House & Holiday Sale
Artistic Open House & Holiday Sale at the mill at 30 Cutler St. Warren, RI. on Saturday and Sunday November 26 & 27 from 11 am - 4 pm. We offer items in all forms of artistic media including, paintings, drawings, coloring books (kids & adults) photos, knitters (hats & scarves, bandanas) wood working, ceramics (plates, bowls, cups, Christmas Ornaments 3-D items), jewelry for both kids and adults, and other items as well. All are unique, and handmade by local artists and artisans. We will offer crafts for the kids, and music for your holiday shopping pleasure. We will have something for everyone on your shopping list, and these are items that will not be found in stores. The Mill is located at 30 Cutler St. located off Child St. (Rt. 103) in Warren, (near Tom’s Market), and the sale happens on the second floor. We have 2 entrances, 1 is located in the front Tower entrance, and the second behind the building in our ample parking lot.
27th Annual Mission Bazaar
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Sat, Dec 3, 2022, 9:00AM-3:00PM
Rumford, RI – Newman Congregational Church, UCC will host their 27th Annual Mission Bazaar. All proceeds are donated to various charities. The previous year's beneficiaries include Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi, our Haiti mission, foster children, and Dorcas International Institute in Providence. Amongst the tables you will find ornaments; “Newman’s Own” Country Store featuring a variety of crafts, breads, and cookies. There will be decorated fresh balsam wreaths, hand knit items, quilted Christmas items, fleece scarves, handmade crafts, and jewelry made by Haitian artisans. You are sure to find treasures at “Newman Marcus” (our white elephant tables). Bring your friends and enjoy the festivities! Newman UCC is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ and extends this invitation to one and all, living out the example of Jesus’ extravagant welcome. Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is located at 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916 - on the corner of Newman and Pawtucket Avenues. For more information, call 401434-4742 X10.
88 Taunton Ave, E. Providence RI • 401-438-1980
Located in East Providence, RI Heidi Palmer McNeil, CTC, CPDT-KA
The Reporter November 2022
SPORTS REVIEW By Bob Rodericks
The Townie Herd is Born!
A group of students at East Providence High School have formed to show up at school events, on and off campus, for the purpose of supporting classmates. They dress in Townie regalia; they carry bullhorns and flags and they sing, cheer and dance in the bleachers and stadiums as they offer encouragement to Townie teams. Although the Herd has student leaders taking charge, the group may have been formed at the urging of high school boys’ basketball coach Joe Andrade. Andrade has helped organize and advise the group and the Herd has grown to over 135 student members. “I’m here to advise and help, but the students took the idea and ran with it,” said Andrade. “There are core student volunteers like Chris Riel, Billy Fitzgerald, Jason Russo, Jacob Leite, Sophia Muhl, John Vaughn, and Marley Nicini. Marley Nicni is our sports photographer, and Chris Riel and Marcus Bostic take leadership roles with graphics and social media. Jason Russo and Jacob Leite announcing the games and do the scoreboard, and Billy the Herd and John Vaughn have lead roles in motivating the student sections at games,” added Andrade.
EPHS Principal William Black with the Townie Herd.
November 2022 The Reporter
Some of the Herd’s goals are to get the students involved in different aspects of the school and sports, to get athletes to support other athletes, students to support students, and overall keep the culture of the school positive with pride. “I want kids to have fun and have something to look forward to when they are in school. I want the students to see academic success and to also take leadership roles in our school. Kids need positive reasons outside the classroom to help them succeed within their studies,” he added. Coach Andrade, in addition to being a respected teacher, has been a very successful boys basketball coach. His recent teams have impressed people statewide and the Townies are always competitive, featuring some of the state’s best players. The driving motivation behind Joe Andrade is to see that high school kids learn and do well. “I want kids to like school and to have fun and do well. We all need to support each other, athletes and non-athletes. Our kids must support all areas like the arts, music, academic clubs, etc. That’s what Townie Pride means to me.” Andrade and others are seeing the rewards of the student led Herd. Recently a parent sent the Superintendent of Schools and School Principal a letter about the Herd. “I am so pleased that my son is part of the Herd,” she writes. “The biggest goal I have for my son is that he will do well in school, of course. Not an easy task always. He did like coming to EPHS last year but since joining the Herd, he Get smart about your coverage! absolutely loves coming to school this year. Thanks to the Herd,” she wrote. That parent’s sentiment is just the result Andrade was hoping for with the Herd. “Early this year we have had many successes with the Herd. I hope it continues as we enter the winter season. As Matt Gilson some would agree, Townie Pride is back,” said the coach/adviser. Your Local Farmers Agent School Principal William Black is a big promoter of the Herd. Black often sits for awhile 1725 MENDON RD UNIT 206 and cheers with his students in the stands or bleachers. “The Herd has been a huge asset CUMBERLAND, RI 02864 MGILSON@FARMERSAGENT.COM to East Providence High School this school year. So many students have invested their time and enthusiasm to energize our community and keep Townie Pride flowing during our games. The culture and climate of the school has been positively impacted by the Herd. Students, Staff and Families talk about the Herd often and say how fun it is to attend the games this year. They have made a massive difference on the high school experience this year at EPHS and we are lucky to have them!” Black told RAVASSOS & USIAK the Reporter. “The Herd is Townie Pride personified and it is growing by the day,” said EPHS veteran teacher, coach and Athletic Director, Gregg Amore. “It is a group of positive kids supporting their classmates and creating an exciting environment around Townie Athletics. They certainly give us a home field advantage,” Amore said. The Herd Broker/Owner also travels to away games when they came. The group recently attended a volleyball game at Barrington High School. The theme that night was “dress up” and support Townies in a respectful way. (401) Indeed, many of the Herd, if not all, were dressed in formal type clothes and were well received. “The Herd value is in promoting school and community spirit,” adds Amore. “The best part is that this is a student driven initiative that has tremendous support from the school administration and staff,” Amore said.
Real Estate Brokerage James E Travassos Licensed since 1985
Happy Thanksgiving To All! Go EP Townies!
Councilman at Large Bob Rodericks & Family Paid for by The Friends of Bob Rodericks
The Reporter November 2022
EPHS Football
The up and down Townie football season has them alive for the playoff picture as of this writing. The Townies have looked both impressive and sluggish on offense, but they had recent big wins over East Greenwich, 46-14, and Burrillville, 28-13. Thanksgiving Day football against LaSalle is home this year at Pierce Stadium.
EPHS Football 4 and 3 Record to Date
EP 47-0 win over Pilgrim EP 29-22 win over Saint Ray’s EP 31-7 loss to Cumberland EP 28-22 loss to Cranston West EP 40-8 loss to Mount Pleasant EP 46-14 win over East Greenwich EP 28-13 win over Burrillville
EPHS Girls Tennis
The EPHS girls tennis team has enjoyed playing on their brand new courts at the Townie campus. East Providence will be one of the top seeds as playoffs approach. “Our tennis team loves playing on our brand-new courts,” said head coach Slade Sharma. “The result was a 7-0 sweeping victory in our first match here earlier. I am so proud of these girls for all the hard work they’ve put in to have a successful start. More work to be done and many more matches to be played on these amazing courts! Go Townies!” Sharma adds. Check the school website for schedules or the Reporter on line for updates.
The Townies Max Whiting advances the ball. Paul Tumidajski photo.
• • • • • •
EPHS Girls Tennis (results to date) 13 and 1 record EP 6-1 win over West Warwick EP 5-2 win over Toll Gate EP 4-3 loss to Bay View/Hendricken EP 6-1 win over Central EP 6-1 win over Coventry EP 7-1 win over Coventry
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November 2022 The Reporter
Jaelyn DaSilva returns a shot vs Johnston Townie tennis seniors
Doubles player Caroline Haggarty returns a shot. Isabella Hurley in the background • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Hope Moran vs Johnston
Townies Paris Martin with EPHS Principal Bill Black.
Townies Keira Mullen hitting vs St. Rays. Paul Tumidajski photo.
Townies Emma Nordquist setting vs St. Rays. Paul Tumidajski photo.
EP 7-0 win over Exeter WG EP 7-0 win over Johnston EP 6-0 win over Cranston East EP 6-1 win over Woonsocket EP 4-3 win over Scituate EP 7-0 win over Shea EP 5-2 win over PCD EP 7-0 win over Tolman
EPHS Girls Volleyball - 14 and 2 record to Date EP 3-0 win over Chariho EP 3-1 win over Mt. St. Charles EP 3-0 win over Middletown EP 3-0 win over Pilgrim EP 3-0 win over Ponagansett EP 3-1 loss to Cumberland EP 3-0 win over EWG EP 3-2 win over Portsmouth EP 3-0 win over N Smithfield EP 3-0 win over Westerly EP 3-2 loss to Chariho EP 3-0 win over Barrington EP 3-1 win over Rogers EP 3-0 win over Saint Ray’s EP 3-0 win over Johnston EP 3-0 win over Burrillville
The Reporter November 2022
Martin Boys’ Soccer Team
The Martin boys soccer season ended on a rainy Tuesday night in late October. The 4-2-2 Wildcats lost to an undefeated North Cumberland (11-0-0) at the Cumberland high school turf field. “We walked off the bus and on to the Cumberland turf with nothing to lose except a ton of experience, as not one player on our team has ever been in a playoff. The nerves were real no matter how many times they said they weren’t nervous,” said Coach Chris Januario (Coach CJ) after the game. The team started out well as 8th grade Captain Gerry Gagnon scored 10 minutes into the game. “Gagnon won a hard battle beating two defenders and tucking the ball into the upper 90 corner, away from the keeper,” noted coach CJ. The Martin lead didn’t last long as it woke up the North Cumberland powerhouse who applied intense pressure for the remainder of the half while scoring twice. North Cumberland led 2-1 at the half. North Cumberland came out of the halftime and scored quickly. Early into the second half, North Cumberland put the game away and Martin could not catch up. “We did make some adjustments at the half but although our kids tried hard, we just couldn’t catch Cumberland,” said coach CJ. With about 10 minutes left in the game, Martin pulled its starters as a deserved “curtain call” and gave “the bench some playoff experience.” “It hurts to lose in the playoffs after so much hard work and time put in this season but I’m over the top proud of my guys and everything we accomplished,” coach CJ said after the game. “With losing only three 8th grade starters, the team will come back next year with some experience and the hunger to get back to the playoffs and take it to the next level,” said the Martin coach. “Our team did reach some pre-season goals. The boys finished above the .500 mark, they beat cross-town rival Riverside and they made the playoffs. They also had fun,” added coach CJ. “I want to thank all the parents, friends and family support we got all season long. This is a great group of boys and I’m proud of everything they have done.” Coach Januario let his team know that as playoffs started that “we are in as 4th seed, and anything can happen once we are in the playoffs. We have had great leadership this year by either grade leader Gerry Gagnon who has been on a hot streak netting 4 goals against first place Paul Cuffee for a 5-5 Tie. Gagnon continued his steak with two more goals leading the team to a 4-1 victory last month and securing the last playoff spot in the Eastern division,” said the MMS coach. The team awaits the announcement of where they will play as they get set to go on the road and try to upset the state playoff bracket. Earlier before playoffs began, Martin and Riverside played in the first annual Mayor’s Cup championship. Martin pulled away for the City title with a 4-1 win over rival Riverside. “We pulled out our best performance of the year with this win. Great leadership by our 8th grade captain Gerry Gagnon who finished with two
goals and two assists while rest of the team contributed with effort and determination as well,” said Januario. “Also congratulations to Coach Mike Resendes and his Riverside Vikings soccer team. They had a nice season and it’s great to send Wildcat and Viking student-athletes to our high school,” said Martin’s coach.
EPHS Winter Sports begin on Nov. 28
All athletes must have an up to date physical and be registered on Family ID in order to participate. Athletes new to Townie Athletics also need to submit a notarized Assumption of Risk Form-Please see link at the bottom of the page. Please contact the coaches for more information: • Boys Basketball: • Girls Basketball: • Wrestling: • Swimming: • Boys Indoor Track: • Girls Indoor Track: • Comp. Cheerleading: • Gymnastics: • Hockey: Link to Family ID:
Riverside Little League’s Ed Korkuc Posthumously Honored
Former Riverside Little League coach, Ed Korkuc, who was posthumously honored by the league this morning at the Ron Silva Forbes St. Complex. As a former coach and RLL volunteer for years, I was pleased to see so many in attendance today. Coach Korkuk led a 1978 team of combined “Big Boys 16-18” team from several area leagues to a New England championship. They played well and fell a little short of a national championship played in Florida. “Thank you to everyone that attended the festivities at the Ron Silva Baseball Complex. We were blessed with great weather as we shared memories about former coach Korkuc and heard great stories about that amazing 1978 team. It was an honor to meet members of coach Korkuc’s family, see so many former and current players in attendance, and have so many current and prospective East Providence political members take time out of their day to attend and celebrate coach Korkuc’s dedication to Riverside Little League youth sports,” said RLL officials. “Thank you, Riverside Little League and Bob DaSilva, East Providence Mayor for this honor on behalf of our Dad and the 1978 East Coast champs. It was truly an incredible day that we will treasure for years to come,” said Donna Niederberger on behalf of the Korkuc family.
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Riverside Middle School Boys Soccer team. The team had a good year.
November 2022 The Reporter
People In The News Hennessey Teacher Emily Rendine Wins Milken Award
Recognition brings $25,000 gift to stunned EP teacher and a trip to Los Angeles By Bob Rodericks
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$25,000 for Emily Rendine at Hennessey School The Milken Award has recognized outstanding teachers for 35 years. The prestigious honor, to be presented this 2022-23 school year at up to 40 schools across the nation, has been described as “the Oscars of Teaching.” The first recipient in the United States this year and the only Rhode Island winner this year, is Emma Rendine, a third-grade teacher at Agnes Hennessey School in East Providence. Rendine’s award is a $25,000 unrestricted cash payment. “I don’t know, I’m still in shock,” said Rendine after the ceremony. “I may plan a school field trip.” Additionally, Rendine is invited to attend an all-expenses-paid Milken Educator Awards Forum in Los Angeles, where they will network with their new colleagues as well as veteran Milken Educators and other education leaders about how to increase their impact on K-12 education. “We are thrilled to begin another season of recognizing and celebrating our nation’s outstanding educators with the Milken Educator Award. I am happy to welcome Emily Rendine to our vast, talented network,” said Dr. Jane Foley, senior vice president of the Milken Educator Awards and a 1994 Indiana Milken Educator. “Emily’s creativity in engaging her students, fostering impressive student growth, and leading professional development on a larger scale are just some of the many ways she exemplifies a Milken Educator.” The excitement began to build in Hennessey School early Wednesday morning. Guests and dignitaries began arriving and assembled in the school gymnasium along with dozens of pompom waving students. Everyone thought it was a school assembly and no one knew what was about to happen. “Congratulations to Emily and the entire East Providence school community on their special recognition from Milken! We are so grateful to have such a passionate, dynamic and inspirational educator leading our children and serving as a shining example of educational excellence,” said Commissioner Infante-Green. “From encouraging students to reach their full potential, to embracing a growth mindset, Emily is preparing our students for success. Thank you, Emily, for your commitment to our children, Hennessey Elementary School, and the families and future of Rhode Island.”
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The Reporter November 2022
Hennessey students react to their teacher's award. Bob Rodericks photo.
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The Milken foundation released a statement saying in part, “Rendine encourages her students to practice “productive struggle,” which inspires them to take risks in order to foster empowerment and ownership of learning. In her classroom she creates an environment where activities are tailored to students’ learning styles as they rotate through stations with individualized activities, meeting children at their varying levels. Her students embrace a growth mindset as they dive into projects like creating machine launchers or exchanging letters with third grade pen pals across the country. During the pandemic, Rendine led her students on more than two dozen virtual field trips, including to sports arenas, a topiary garden and the Basketball Hall of Fame. Thanks in part to her leadership and innovative teaching style, Hennessey Elementary’s state rating improved significantly from priority status to a three-star rating (out of five). During the 2021-22 school year, her students charted significant growth, going from 28% to 67% proficiency for reading and from 12% to 55% for writing.” Rendine earned a bachelor’s in elementary education and psychology in 2012 from Saint Michael’s College, followed by a master’s in reading and a certificate in dyslexia knowledge and practice from the University of Rhode Island in 2021. “I was so surprised, I thought it was just a regular assembly,” Rendine told The Reporter. “It turned out to be one of the best days of my life,” she said. “I’ve always wanted to be a teacher, since I was a kid. This is like a dream come true!” Rendine attended East Providence schools and lives in East Providence. “My teachers in EP always inspired me to become a teacher. Maybe I’ll plan a schoolwide field trip.”
Emily Rendine and dignitaries. DR. FRANK CASARELLA
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November 2022 The Reporter
Local Student AP Scholar at Bishop Feehan
Academic honors have been pouring into Bishop Feehan High School’s Holcott Drive campus, and Principal Sean Kane is beaming with pride and saluting his students and staff on their accomplishments. Sixty-eight Feehan students – far more than ever recorded before – recently learned of their status as AP Scholars from the College Board. AP Scholars receive an AP score of 3 or higher on three or more Advanced Placement exams. Thirteen Feehan students achieved AP Scholar with Honor status (AP average above 3.25 and a 3 or more on at least four AP exams) and 18 earned the coveted AP Scholar with Distinction level (average of at least 3.5 and a 3 or more on five or more different AP exams). Additionally, nine Feehan seniors recently received Commended Students status in the annual National Merit Scholarship Program (NMSP). Commended students represent the top 3% of PSAT takers in the country. “It’s been quite a fall for our Feehan scholars,” reports an excited Kane. “We love the honors, of course, but I can’t help but reflect on all the hard work by both our students and our staff that makes all
this possible. Our faculty have been actively increasing access to AP courses and growing our SAT prep programs, and our students have responded so well. It’s a great day to be a Shamrock.” As noted by Principal Kane, this most-recent success follows a concerted effort by Feehan academic leaders to expand access to Advanced Placement courses and build in even more PSAT and SAT supports for Feehan students. In fact, the 2021-22 school year saw 242 Feehan students (the most ever) taking at least one AP course and 87% of those students achieving an AP exam score of 3 or higher (considered the passing score). The average AP score at Feehan in 2022 was 3.64. Forty-five percent of Feehan seniors in the Class of 2022 received a score of 3 or better on at least one Advanced Placement exam.
The Class of 2022 Feehan AP Scholar from our area: Patrick J. McGee, AP Scholar with Distinction
More information can be found at Interested students and families can also reach out to Feehan Director of Admissions, Dustin Demers, at ddemers@
Bob Rodericks City Council-at-Large BUDGET
• Responsible budgeting for city needs, including a first-year new high school bond payment of $4Millon, all within a minimal tax increase. • Open budget workshops each year. Providing plenty of information on formulating the final budget.
• Installing new LED streetlights in all streets. Solving years-long legal issues with this. • New popular trash collection program, addressed citywide rodent, health & esthetics needs. • Much needed waterfront renewal. • $6.9M emergency backup water pipeline at no cost to EP. Many
other initiatives underway or completed!
• Revitalization of Pierce Memorial Stadium which had been deteriorating for years. Handicapped seating, bathrooms, landscaping, fencing, all improved greatly. Broken scoreboards and public address systems replaced. Mostly grant or capital funding used, not raising local budget lines. • Addition of popular “splash pads” for summer use by families. • Many new opportunities for children & families at little to no cost. • Improvements underway to most fields & parks. This will continue as staffing issues improve due to pandemic, etc. • Little league fields receiving first-ever lights, expanding opportunities.
• Councilman Rodericks has responded to every constituent request for help. From daily routine issues to serious concerns of residents regarding our quality of life in EP.
• Rodericks has helped to bring a much-needed level of professional leadership to city government. He always attempts compromise, if possible, in the best interest of the entire city. • Our city teachers have finally received a deserved level of respect that was at an all time low. School budgets have finally been appropriately funded. • Projects like the Willett Pond renewal, artwork across EP, parks rehab and so much more, are done with input from many. Leadership involves pulling people together. Teamwork EP!
* INTEGRITY * LEADERSHIP * Paid for by the Friends of Bob Rodericks for City Council Committee.
The Reporter November 2022
The Agency Paiva Opens in New East Providence Plaza A Ribbon Cutting Event Was Held on September 30th
After 34 years in business, The Agency Paiva has a new home in East Providence. The new plaza that houses The Agency Paiva is located at 501 Warren Avenue. The plaza is a 3,680 square foot building with three units and ample parking. The Agency Paiva will operate out of a 1,600 square foot unit and the remaining space has been combined to accommodate Bling Eyewear, an optometric practice and optical boutique in Cranston that has decided to open a second location. Bling is owned by Paiva’s sister-in-law’s family, making this a real family affair. “It was a dream that came about suddenly,” confessed Joe Paiva. “I came across this property by accident, while I was helping a client friend to look for property. I probably would never have considered it, if it wasn’t for the fact that my sons were working with us. I would probably just be content retiring and going into the sunset at my current location. This makes me feel as though the business is endless and there is no end to it. It’s a good family story.”
Grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony at The Paiva Plaza. From left, East Providence Mayor Roberto DaSilva, Nicholas Paiva, Odilia Paiva, Joseph Paiva, and Alex Paiva. Friends, associates, City Officials, and community members joined the Paivas for the inauguartion ceremony on September 30th. East Providence Mayor Roberto DaSilva cut the ribbon on the new facility along with Paiva, his wife Odilia, his sons Alex and Nicholas and future daughter-in-law Kelsey McNulty. He said he was honored to join Joe and his family for the occasion. “What was once an empty lot and blight on the neighborhood is now a vibrant new plaza. Not only is Agency Paiva moving in but already a new business is slated to move in to the other commercial space at the plaza. Mr Paiva’s continued investment in East Providence and service to the community is much appreciated.” said Mayor DaSilva. The mayor also said this project, which broke ground last December, is a testament of the City working in collaboration with private investments as the project was completed in record time. “We are there to help. The City should be there to help people who want to invest in our community to make something like this The new plaza where the business will operate, become a reality,” continued the mayor. located at 501 Warren Ave. The new building was blessed by Rev. José Rocha of the Providence Diocese. “Thank you for the good things you brought to this town,” Father Rocha told Paiva, who proceeded to say he meets what you need to be successful: “be honest, be hospitable, identify the people’s needs, and meet those needs.” Paiva, who emigrated from the Azores, with his family at age 6, settling in Bristol in 1967, worked hard through his life for what he has today. In 1983, he joined Metropolitan Insurance in East Providence. Five Odilia Paiva Joseph E. Paiva Alex Paiva Nick Paiva Asst Mgr General Mgr Acccount Mgr Acccount Mgr years later, he decided to “take the plunge” and opened The Agency Paiva, renting office space at 254 Warren Ave. In 1994, he purchased a multi-family building at 194 Warren Ave which two years later would serve as the home of the agency up until a few weeks ago. Fifteen years ago, his wife Odilia joined the business. His son Alex, who serves as account manager, joined in six years ago. “You come to work and it is business, but you work with the people you love every day,” said Alex. “We’re very happy to see the next phase in the business and see our Hours of Operation: Mon- Fri 9-5, Evenings by Appointment family grow as well.” His son Nicholas, who also serves as account manager, joined the business four years ago and says he is very Visit Our Website For More Information excited to see the family business expand. “I am so proud of our dad and to see his accomplishments,” he continued, “We will Licensed In Rhode Island & Massachusetts see where the road will take us.”
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November 2022 The Reporter
East Providence Resident Earns Award from WGU
Salt Lake City (Grassroots Newswire) October 20, 2022 - Alyson Catalan of East Providence, R.I. has earned an Award of Excellence at Western Governors University School of Education. The award is given to students who perform at a superior level in their coursework.
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The Reporter November 2022
From the State House Legislators Honored for New Law Protecting Confidentiality of Domestic Violence Survivors State House — To mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Gov. Dan McKee today ceremonially signed legislation that helps protect survivors of domestic violence by keeping their addresses confidential. The bill signing took place at the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Governor McKee was joined by Lt. Gov. Sabina Matos, bill sponsors Sen. Dawn Euer and Rep. Gregg Amore, and numerous advocates, groups, and organizations from across Rhode Island. At its annual meeting last week, the Coalition presented its legislative award to Senators Euer (D-Dist. 13, Newport, Jamestown), Louis P. DiPalma (D-Dist. 12, Middletown, Newport, Tiverton, Little Compton) and Representative Amore (D-Dist. 65, East Providence) for championing the legislation. The law (2022-H 8015A, 2022-S 2659A) establishes the Address Confidentiality Program, which enables survivors of domestic violence to apply to the Secretary of State to have an address designated by as the person’s substitute address. “Ensuring the privacy and protection of domestic violence survivors is of the utmost importance. This legislation, which I am proud to sign, provides Rhode Islanders the opportunity to safely live their lives, free of worry or concern that their abusers will be able to harm them or their loved ones,” said Governor McKee. “I sincerely thank the legislators, advocates, and organizations who saw to it that this legislation passed the House and Senate and made it to my desk.” “Helping survivors find safe, stable housing where they can’t be reached by their abuser is the first step in breaking the cycle of domestic violence,” said Lt. Governor Sabina Matos. “This law will ensure that no victim will have to live in fear of being contact by their abuser because their address may be listed in public records. Thanks to the work of the Coalition Against Domestic Violence and our partners across government, survivors now have an additional layer of protection, and we are one step closer to ending the scourge of domestic violence.” “The effects of domestic violence impacts every aspect of a victim’s life and tears at the very fabric of our communities. And sadly, even though a victim may physically escape their abuser, it
Photo: From left, Rep. Gregg Amore, Sen. Dawn Euer and Sen. Louis DiPalma receive the legislative award from the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
does not always mean that the abuse will end for themselves or their children. This bill will keep victims of domestic violence and their families safe from their abusers while also allowing them to build back and live their lives as normally and safely as possible. Everyone should feel safe and secure in their homes and this bill will provide victims of domestic abuse another layer of protection from their abusers. I also have to thank the many victims of domestic violence who bravely told their stories while advocating for passage of the bill. It is my hope that this bill can give them, and others like them, the security and safety for themselves and their families that they deserve,” said Representative Amore. “Far too often, survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or other abuse face continued harassment and intimidation from their abuser. This prevents survivors from healing and puts their safety at continued risk. The Address Confidentiality Program will create a pathway for survivors and their families to safely participate in the many public aspects of life, which is something everyone deserves. I want to thank the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence for its assistance and advocacy, and the Secretary of State’s office for its collaboration,” said Senator Euer. Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence Executive Director Lucy Rios said: “When victims of domestic abuse relocate after fleeing violence, we must do all we can to keep them safe and protect their wellbeing. This life-saving program provides an extra layer of safety and security for survivors and their children, and gives them peace of mind that their abuser will not find them. Not only will this bill support survivors and their families who have been able to relocate, just knowing this program exists can also make all the difference for a victim navigating how to leave an abusive situation. We are filled with gratitude for everyone who made this legislation a reality – including several survivors who shared their experiences – and we celebrate this victory for survivor safety in Rhode Island with Governor McKee and the legislative champions who sponsored and supported this bill.”
Rego Receives Endorseents
Frank Rego, candidate for East Providence City Council in Ward 1, recently received endorsements from Senator Jack Reed and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. "It is an honor to have the support of these two fine men. I will be working with them to keep East Providence going," remarked Frank Rego.
November 2022 The Reporter
WEAVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 41 Grove Avenue, 401-434-2453
RIVERSIDE BRANCH LIBRARY 475 Bullocks Point Ave, 401-433-4877
November 2022 Activities for Children @ East Providence Public Libraries Storytimes
• Evening Family Storytime at Weaver Library. Mondays, September 12 - November 28 at 6:30. Special guest Fedora the Explorer on November 28! Geared for ages 2-6. • Outdoor Toddler/ Preschool Story & Play at Weaver Library. Tuesdays, September 13 - November 29 at 10:30. • Baby/Toddler Storytime at Riverside Library. Thursdays, September 15 - December 1 at 10:30. No storytime on November 24. Outdoor storytimes are weather permitting. Please check the online Calendar of Events for updates.
FULLER CREATIVE LEARNING CENTER, 260 Dover Ave. 401-228-3903
punumuk: Wee-chumun’s Thanksgiving Story by Danielle Greendeer, Anthony Perry and Alexis Bunten. StoryWalk® Every day. All ages. • Saturday, November 12 at 10:00 at Weaver Library - Family Movie Matinee. The Bad Guys (PG, 100 min). Popcorn provided! • Family and Friends Photo Days! Wed, Nov 30 at 5:00-8:00 and Sat, Dec 10 at 10-12pm and 2-4pm at Weaver Library. Bring Family and Friends for Holiday Photos. Digital images mailed to you. For more information, please go to our Calendar of Events at East Providence Public Library – Official Website of the East Providence Public Library or scan this QR code:
Fuller Playgroups
• Preschool Learning Activities. Mondays, September 12 - November 28 at 10:30. Ages 3-5 • Infant/Toddler Playgroup. Fridays, September 2 - December 9 at 10:30. Ages 0-3. Registration Required.
Tuesday Afternoons at Weaver Library at 3:45
• November 1 - Legos. Ages 3+ • November 15 - Page Turners Book Club. Grades K-2 • November 22 - Robots! Play with Botley and Dash robots, and make robot crafts. Ages 5+ • November 29 - Wimpy Kid Book Party. Make crafts and play games based on the popular series. Ages 5+ • Spooky STEM at Weaver Library. Tues, Oct 18 at 3:45 - Monster slime & candy stacking. Ages 6+ • Spooky Crafts at Riverside Library. Wed, Oct 19 at 4:00. Registration required. Ages 4+
Wednesday Afternoons at Riverside Library at 4:00
• Nov 2 - Thanksgiving Storytime and Craft. Ages 3+. • Nov 9 – Legos and Magna Tiles! Ages 3+. • Nov 16 – Autumn Cotton Ball Painting Ages 5+. Registration required. • Nov 30 - Robots! Play with Botley and Dash robots, and make robot crafts. Ages 5+
Children’s Book Club at Weaver Library
• RICBA Parent and Child Book Club at Weaver Library. Read and discuss the 2023 Nominees for the Rhode Island Children’s Book Award (RICBA). For kids in grades 3-5 and their grownups. Includes snack and craft. This month: Chunky by Yehudi Mercado • The Page Turners Afterschool Book Club. Read the book aloud with Ms. Steph, share a snack, and do an activity. Tues, Nov 15 at 3:45. Grades K-2
More Programs!
• Take & Make Craft. Pickup at Weaver & Riverside Libraries beginning the 1st of every month. While supplies last. • Read to a Dog at Weaver Library. Mondays, November 14 and December 5 at 5:00-6:30. • StoryWalk® on the lawn at Weaver Library. This month: Kee-
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The Reporter November 2022
Book Club
PAIVA Realty Group • Rumford, RI •
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Seekonk: This is a commercial business rental listing. Great exposure on Fall River Ave. 20x20 office space. Private entrance, off street parking, plenty of storage space, heated garage, immediate occupancy. $1400/month Ray Paiva. 401-447-2275
Riverside: Multi/Two family in quiet area, both units have large rooms with full baths. First floor has beautiful hardwoods, nice back fenced back yard. 2nd floor is a legal apartment. $379,000 Dick Thomas. 401-474-1504
Providence: 3 Family investment, vinyl siding, repl windows, newer basement windows, no central heat, updated electric 100 amp circuit breakers, no FHA, cash sale only! Buyer responsible for hard wired smoke & carbon detectors. 2 Separate entrances and exits. $324,900 Ray Paiva 401-447-2275
(401) 447-2275 •
Monday, November 28th, 2022 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm virtual meeting on Zoom OR Wednesday, November 30th 11:00 am - 12:00 pm in person meeting at Weaver Library We will be reading Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter by Tom Franklin. Stop by to pick up a copy or download the title from eZone. Please register by calling us at 401-4342453 or online at on our calendar of events.
November Events at the Fuller Creative Learning Center
The Fuller Creative Learning Center continues its schedule of programs and workshops. The schedule for November includes:
Adults/Young Adults
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• Adult Sewing Series (Tree Skirt) - Tuesdays (except Nov 8th) 6:00-7:30pm (registration required) • Coffee and Connections with EPPC Monday, November 7 10:00-11:00am • Paint Night - Tuesday, November 29 6:00-7:00pm (registration required)
The Value of Trees As winter winds arrive, we should appreciate the protection from our urban forest. Trees form windbreaks that shelter us from the cold. Windbreaks around a house cut heat loss and energy bills. A typical windbreak uses large evergreen trees (pine, spruce, or fir) in rows to the north or west of a house. In urban gardens, the native juniper (Juniperus virginiana) and other small trees can do the trick. Even an evergreen hedge can reduce snow drifts across a front door or driveway. Planted wisely, trees in winter make our homes and neighborhoods warmer and more beautiful. A message from EP Urban Forest.
November 2022 The Reporter • Recording your Genealogy - Tuesdays, Nov 15 & 22 12:00-4:00pm (appointment required)
All Ages
Law Offices of William C. Maaia
• Themed Learning for Preschoolers Mondays November 10:30-11:15am • Infant/Toddler Play and Development Group - Fridays in November 9:3011:00am (registration required) • NaNoWriMo Writing Series - Mondays in November 3:30-4:30pm (registration required) • Easy Thanksgiving Side Dishes Cooking Series - Wednesdays 11/9-11/23 3:30-4:30pm (registration required) • Gratitude Tree - Throughout November! • Drop-in Tech (WiFi, Computers, Sewing Machines, Recording Studio) or by appointment More information on these events can be found on the East Providence Library website or our Facebook page. You may also contact the Fuller Creative Center at for more information or to register. As an extension of the East Providence Public Library, the Fuller Creative Learning Center focuses on hands-on learning programs and workshops for all ages. Join us at the Center located on 260 Dover Avenue, East Providence, RI for one of these beneficial experiences!
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The Reporter November 2022
Robert Rock East Providence Senior Center Senior Center Services:
Elder Resource Specialist
Amanda Mattress. Monday–Friday 401270-1788
Healthy Aging Nurse Coordinator
Shahnee Lagor, BSN, RN-BC. Office hours: Tues/Thurs/Friday 9AM-2PM
Registered Dietitian
Ann Marie, Sabula, MA, RDA, LDN, CDE, CDOE. Office hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays by appointment. 401-447-6299
Eastside Clinical Laboratory
508-915-3999 508-916-1979
First Wed of month 8:30-11:30 am Drop In Service: Just bring your lab slip
Notary Public
Pat Thomas, Receptionist. M-F 9:00am12:00pm to notarize documents.
Senior Shopping
Thursday Mornings- Call 401-435-7800 The Senior Center will pick you up at your home and take you to Stop and Shop or Shaw’s in East Providence. Open to Seniors living in East Providence.
SHIP Counseling
By Appointment Only– Call 401-4357876 x1137
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November 2022 The Reporter Veteran Benefit Counseling
Available every Monday. Call Michael for an appointment today to see if you are getting the maximum benefits you deserve as a Veteran! (401) 208-5484;
Age Well, Get Connected
November 12, 2022 10:30AM
Age Well, Get Connected is a monthly computer assistance session hosted by East Bay Community Action. Drop in and have your computer questions answered as well as learn some new tips and tricks you may have not known before! No Registration Required.
SmartPhone Tips & Tricks Tuesdays From 10am-11am
Drop by the Robert Rock East Providence Senior Center to learn some tips and tricks with your Smart Phone! No registration required.
East Side Clinical Lab
Wed Nov 2, 2022 8:30am-11am
The first Wednesday of the month. All you need to bring is your lab slip and East Side Clinical Lab will take your bloodwork right at the Senior Center!
Blood Pressure Clinics
Nov 15, 2022 10:30am-11:30am
Hattie Ide Chafee. Monitoring your blood pressure is easy!
Don’t Delay, Get Your Flu Shot Today! November 10th from 9:30-1:30
While each flu season differs in severity, during most seasons, people 65 years and older bear the greatest burden of disease. The burden from flu in 2020 was low due to COVID-19 protections— staying home, mask wearing, physical distancing, avoiding crowds, and less travel. However, the rate of seasonal flu-related deaths and hospitalizations remain high for older adults. This increased risk is due in part to declines in immune response with age. CVS Flu Clinic is scheduled for Thursday, November 10th from 9:30-1:30. Anyone interested in receiving their flu vaccine must register ahead of time by contacting the Healthy Aging Nurse Coordinator at 270-1792.
Living Well with Diabetes
4 week long educational program to help support people living with diabetes. Gain insight and knowledge about diabetes management and glucose control from qualified experts in diabetes education. Find support amongst peers. Regain control and confidence to help live long, healthy lives. Classes are held on the following Wednesdays from 9:3011:45am: Nov 9th, 16th, 30th, Dec 7th
Let’s Celebrate World Diabetes Day!
World Diabetes Day is marked every year on November 14th, the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who co-discovered insulin along with Charles Best in 1922. Rhode Islanders can take part in a FREE event full of informative, eye-opening, and inspirational presentations, discussions, and Q&A sessions. Anyone interested in participating can register online at The event takes place Monday, November 14th from 9:00-12:00 at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick.
The Foot Doctor is back!
Friday, Nov 18th from 1-3:30
Dr. Dave Ruggiero is making health care easy and convenient by coming to you at the Robert Rock Senior Center. Take advantage of this quick and easy service by calling the Healthy Aging Nurse Coordinator at 270-1792 to register for your appointment. Dr. Ruggiero will be on site in the Health Office on to perform nail clippings and callus removal.
Chronic Pain Self-Management Class Mondays from 9:30am-11:30
Do you suffer from chronic pain? Managing chronic pain can be a real challenge. It is one of the most common conditions experienced by older adults. Whether you suffer from arthritis, degenerative disc disease, or neuropathy- chronic pain can often lead to falls, insomnia, depression and even death. Let us help connect you with trained professionals who can offer tips and helpful resources to help manage your pain and get you living again! Join our 6 week Chronic Pain Self-Management class every Monday from 9:30am-11:30. Classes run from 10/24-12/5. Please call the Healthy Aging Nurse Coordinator to register, 270-1792.
East Bay Foster Grandparent Program
Actively recruiting community members 55 years of age or older to serve as Foster Grandparent volunteers in local elementary schools, Head Starts and libraries. The heart of the program is the one-on-one daily attention that FGV’s provide. This special relationship helps young people grow, gain confidence and become more productive caring members of society. Foster Grandparents receive a tax free stipend which will not affect any federal, state or local benefit or entitlement; amounts range from $45.00 - $120.00 per week. Foster Grandparents also receive a mileage allowance, meals during service, paid holidays and accident and liability insurance while serving. For more information please call: Diane Palmer, Program Coordinator, East Bay Foster Grandparent Program, 401-712-2743, a division of East Bay Community Action Program.
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The Reporter November 2022
Food & Dining Guide Happy Thanksgiving!
324 Waterman Ave. East Providence, RI 02914
Pumpkin and Spinach Layered Rice Casserole
Prep time: 10 minutes ~ Cook time: 50 minutes ~ Servings: 4 2 cups Minute Instant Jasmine Rice 5 ounces spinach 7 ounces pumpkin puree 1 clove garlic, minced 1/2 cup heavy cream 1 cup ricotta cheese 2 tablespoons butter, cut into cubes 1 egg 1 1/4 teaspoons salt, divided 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, di1 1/4 teaspoons black pepper, divided vided 1 tablespoon olive oil 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided Prepare rice according to package directions. Stir in pumpkin puree, cream, butter, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper; set aside. Preheat oven to 375 F. In large skillet over medium heat, heat oil. Add spinach and garlic; cook 2-4 minutes, or until wilted. Let cool completely; squeeze out excess moisture. Season with 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. In medium bowl, combine ricotta, egg and spinach. Stir in 1 cup mozzarella, 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese and remaining salt and pepper. Layer half of rice mixture in greased 8-inch square baking dish. Top with spinach mixture then top with remaining rice mixture. Sprinkle with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan. Cover with foil; bake 30 minutes. Remove foil; bake 15-20 minutes, or until golden brown and bubbling.
Restaurant Hours:
Monday-Thursday 3-9pm Friday & Saturday 12-10pm Sunday 12-8pm
Now Taking Reservations for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day
Fresh Fish Daily, Open 7 Days
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est 1987
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We l c o m e
To O u r Is l a n d
DINE-IN / CURBSIDE / TAKEOUT Order Full Thanksgiving Dinner To Go! Make Thanksgiving Dinner Reservations Now!
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122 Taunton Avenue, East Providence
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TAKE OUT 401-434-0942
Lobster Rolls Every Saturday!
LIVE Mariachi Band on Thursdays! Margaritas Always Made Fresh!
Hours: Sun-Thurs 11am-9pm Fri & Sat 11am-10pm 736 N Broadway East Providence, RI (401) 434-1505
November 2022 The Reporter
Church News & Events An Indigenous People’s History of the United States & On Critical Race Theory Racial Justice Book Discussions
As part of Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ’s ongoing commitment to education and dialogue on structural racism and white supremacy, we invite the wider community to participate in our monthly book discussions. The book group meets using the Zoom platform on Monday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:30pm EST over three consecutive weeks in November and two consecutive weeks in December. Discussions on Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz’s An Indigenous People’s History of the United States will be held on November 7, 14 & 21. Discussions on Victor Ray’s On Critical Race Theory will be held on December 5 & 12. Interested in participating? Visit our website to register at ministries/racial-justice.
Haven United Methodist Church News
1. Thrift Store - Lots of new items! Donations are accepted and can be brought in when we are open, or during church office hours. OPEN SATURDAYS! 2. Community Music Project at Haven UMC - Recruiting Adult Classical Instrument Performers for the Haven Chamber Orchestra. Rehearsals and Performances from September 2022 through May 2023. For application call 401-438-4911 or email 3. Homecoming Thanksgiving Sunday Join us for our Thanksgiving worship service with special music, followed by a time of fellowship and food! Everyone is welcome! 4. Volunteer Opportunities - We are a Certifying Organization that has been granted authority to give out the President’s Volunteer Service Award to volunteers assisting with programs at Haven UMC. We are looking for volunteers to assist at the Free Music School. The Haven Chamber Orchestra participants will be eligible for volunteer hours as well. Also, the Thrift Store is looking for people interested in helping out on Saturdays to run the store. If you are interested in any of the above, contact the Haven UMC office. 5. AA Meetings - every morning at 10:00am. Entrance is on Alice Street side of the church. 6. Do you or your group/organization need a place to hold meetings? Sporting events? Activities? Conferences? We have OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE as well! We have a variety of spaces available from small to large, including limited availability for our gym. We have an elevator and chair lift for accessibility. Contact the office for room sizes, availability, and suggested donations.
7. Hybrid Worship - In-person or livestreamed on Facebook every Sunday @ 9:30 am. Come join us!! COVID-19 restrictions: it is recommended that MASKS and SOCIAL DISTANCING continue as a precaution. Recorded service can be viewed at https://www. We have an elevator and chair lift for accessibility. Haven United Methodist Church, 200 Taunton Ave., E. Providence, RI. Call 401-438-4911 or email for more information. Pastor’s Office Hours are Monday, Tuesday and Saturday from 9am to 12pm and by appointment. Church Office hours are Monday thru Wednesday from 9:30am to 4:30pm and Thursday from 9:30am to 2:30pm. Visit our website at www.
East Providence Columbus Club BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT:
Anniversary Parties • Birthdays • Collations Graduation Parties • Showers • Holiday Parties To book your next function, please contact Dan Grant @ 401-434-9744
Plenty of
parking in the rear parking lot!
Enjoy our 32 seat climate controlled lounge with multiple HD tv’s showing all of your favorite sporting events... Lounge opens at 3pm Monday-Saturday
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 3200 Pawtucket Ave. East Providence, RI 02915
The Reporter November 2022
November 2022 The Reporter
Death Notices Harry “Tex’ Torigian, 91, of Chappell Street, Seekonk, MA, died peacefully on July 6, 2022. Robert Leonard Francoeur, age 88, of East Providence passed away Monday, September 26, 2022 at Evergreen House Health Center. Florence D. Depatie, 97, of Rumford, passed away at home in the presence of her family on September 28, 2022. Marjorie H. “Honey” (Smith) Grant, 89, of Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence, died on September 30, 2022 at home surrounded by her loving family. Stanley A. Jablonski, 83, of Rumford, passed away at home on Friday, September 30, 2022. Joseph A. Pangborn, Jr. 89, passed away on Friday, September 30, 2022 at Miriam Hospital. Thomas Staamer Dwyer, 78, of Riverside, RI, passed away on September 30, 2022 after a long illness. Raymond J. Sanders 94, Born October 17, 1927 passed away on October 1, 2022. Marion Therese Wrye, 76, of Euclid Avenue and formerly of Meadow Avenue, Riverside, passed away on Saturday, October 8, 2022 after a long illness. Dorothy (Mello) Maia,88, of East Providence, passed away on Tuesday, October 11,2022 at home, surrounded by her family. Peter Bedrosian, Jr., 68, of East Providence, passed away on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at RI Hospital, surrounded by his family. Theresa Griffin, 88, of Riverside, RI, passed away peacefully surrounded by her family on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. Alyce Jane (McKinnon) Marcello, 87, of Riverside, passed away on Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at HopeHealth Hospice & Palliative Care, Providence. Apostolos A. “Paul” Zafiriades, 50, of Beverly Road, Riverside, died unexpectedly on October 19, 2022.
Barrington Public Schools is accepting applications for Substitute Custodians. Interested candidates can pick-up an application at the School Administration Office, 283 County Road. Barrington is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Part-time bartender needed at the Elks! DAY & NIGHT SHIFTS AVAILABLE, $7/hr +tips. Stop in and fill out an application or call Rich at 401-952-3736. East Providence Elks Lodge #2337, 60 Berkeley St, East Providence, RI 02914 Bold and in a box for October! Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speedway. Positions available for general help around the Flea Market. 5AM to Noon. Sundays thru December 3rd. Call Linda at 401-263-5737. KFratt Inc./Advocare Senior Living is looking for compassionate caregivers to work with seniors in our area. Flexible hours - days, nights, weekends and overnights. Duties include companionship, light housekeeping, running errands and meal prep. Please call 401-434-6727.
Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speedway. Buyers and Vendors wanted every Sunday 7AM-1PM thru December 3rd 2022. Call Linda at 401-263-5737. I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you Joe in Rehoboth 508-558-5129.
Plants for sale: Perennials, annuals, Euonymus bushes, Angel Trumpets, Coleus, succulents, fig trees & angel’s trumpet, free small plant with visit, prices from $2-$20. Call 401-433-2922. Come and see my plants at The Weaver Library Farmers Market June 30th thru Sept 15th.
BOOK YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION PARTY NOW! Riverside Sportsman Assoc. Mohawk Drive off Wampanoag Trail. For all occasions: Birthday, Family Reunions, Club/ Organization Meetings. Cash Bar. Monthly Steak Fries and other events. Call the club at 401-433-0209, leave a message.
WINTER WONDERLAND - SKI HOUSE WHITE MOUNTAINS NH/ FRANCONIA: Custom log cabin home in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, located on Pearl Lake Rd. Minutes from Cannon Mt., Loon, and Bretton Woods. Booking now for winter - snowmobiling trails right out of our
driveway! Sleeps 6, fireplace, full kitchen, hiking, fishing. For info and pics call Joe at 401-439-8089.
LMK Building & Remodeling LLC. Finish Carpentry, kitchen & bath remodels, tile work, painting & More Registered & Insured 401.475.0471. Bicycle Sales & Service: Your Bike Shops now doing Fall Tune-ups on all brands, Riverside 401-433-4491 and Warren 401-245-9755. Call Art or Joe for hours, holiday specials and service. Experienced, professional drywall taper available for big and small home projects. Services: Tape and compound, skim coat, patch, touch-up, sand. Cash preferred. Free estimates. Call/text Juan today at 347-661-6560. Housecleaning: Is your home in need of a really good cleaning? Whether you need a 1 time cleaning, or regular cleanings. Years of experience! (We include fridge and oven w/ our cleanings) Call Gil for details 508-840-6611. BIG BLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House. We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. Call Tony 508-2261295;
Mini Storage, Inc. 95 Commercial Way East Providence, RI 02914
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The Reporter November 2022
Business Directory Appliance Repairs Attorney Attorney Auto Body Auto Repairs Bike Shop Bird Feed & Supplies Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - East Prov. Candidate - State Rep Candidate - State Rep Candidate - State Rep Candidate - State Rep Candidate - State Rep Candidate - RI Senate Candidate - RI Senate Candidate - RI Senate Chamber of Commerce Chimney Services Church Collectibles Comic Strip Community Org. Craft/Sewing Supplies Dentist
CJS / Statewide Appliance Repair Attorney William C. Maaia Law Offices of Tanya M. Gravel, Esq. A-1 Custom Auto Body New England Tire Your Bike Shop Wild Birds Unlimited Anna Sousa Anthony Ferreira Bob DaSilva Bob DaSilva Bob Rodericks, Candidate Bob Rodericks, Candidate Bob Rodericks, Candidate Bob Rodericks, Candidate Bob Rodericks, Candidate Edward Wencis Frank Rego Jessica Beauchaine John Rossi for Mayor Miles Bonalewicz Ricardo Mourato Ryan Queenan Teresa Rego Samayoa Katherine Kazarian Matthew S. Dawson Anna Maria Peters Antonio U de Simas Jack Peters Dave O’Connell Nicholas Ferrara Val Lawson East Providence Chamber Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney Sweep Faith Christian Center Wexler’s Collectibles Sour Grapes EP Urban Forest Loraine’s Stitch ‘n Crafts Eager Family Dentistry
26 47 20 48 2 7 7 27 3 28 18 44 15 24 35 16 14 14 17 23 14 6 10 15 8 11 16 11 10 21 8 52 48 36 45 34 46 30 56
Cedar Hill Realty
Celebrating 15 Years in Real Estate!
We at Cedar Hill Realty would like to give back to our community. Sign a listing agreement prior to Dec 31, 2022 and you'll only pay 4% to sell your home - our way of saying Thank You for all the support over the last 15 years.
Gary Plante, Broker/Owner/Realtor (508) 944-2486 •
Dentist Dentist Dentist Dog Training Driveways & Masonry Education Entertainment Farm - Apparel Farm - Turkeys Fence-Sales/Serv. Figure Skating Club Firewood Fuel - Oil Gift Shop Gifts & Collectibles Hall Rental Handyman Home Improvements Insurance Insurance Agency Interior Design Landscape Service Masonry - Custom Masonry-Construction Mortgage Broker Nail Salon Orthodontics Painting Contractor Pet Services Property Management Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Remodeling Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Seafood Market Self Storage Snowblower Sales/Svc Town Trash/Junk Removal Tree Service
George Family Orthodontics 22 Seekonk Dental 40 Tourister Dental Associates 43 Pooch Pawsitive 33 DeJesus Property Services 48 East Providence Education Assoc. 21 The Chorus of East Providence 33 Kave Rock Farm 32 Belwing Acres Turkey Farm 32 Wood & Wire Fence Co., Inc 56 Pawtucket and Providence Figure Skating 34 Foley Excavating 38 COD OIL 39 Casa Ideal 33 Personal Touch 31 Knights of Columbus 51 American Eagle Enterprises, LLC 13 Stateside Vinyl Siding Company 13 Matt Gilson 35 The Agency Paiva 42 Love Home Redesign 39 Superior Lawn Care 43 Jose Soares Masonry 26 StoneScapes - Mark Carvalho 19 Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company 46 Sally Nails & Spa 30 George Family Orthodontics 22 Levine Painting Co., Inc. 36 Chibi’s Choice 30 DeJesus Property Services 48 Alicia Reynolds, Sales Associate 39 Cedar Hill Realty 54 Mateus Realty 55 Paiva Realty Group 46 The Tirrell Team 9 TK Real Estate Brokerage 35 Vicki Doran 48 Batty Construction 20 El Mariachi 50 EP Wieners 50 iAlive Restaurant 50 Madeira Restaurant 50 Townies 50 B & R Fournier Construction, Inc. 45 East Providence Roofing 47 Tabeleys Roofing 36 Digger’s Catch 50 Lionel Mini Storage, Inc. 53 Fred’s Service Center, Inc. 20 City of East Providence Canvassing 12 Big Blue Removal Service 13 Advanced Tree 26
November 2022 The Reporter
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FOR SALE A message from...
Are you wondering what your property is worth in today’s market? Call Mateus Realty today for a free market analysis! Mateus Realty is a family owned and operated agency with a personal touch that has been helping families buy and sell their homes since 1975, the experience makes the difference. We speak Portuguese & Spanish!
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The Reporter November 2022
Postmaster: Deliver by November 5th
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