The East Providence
eporter R
january 2020 Volume 16, no. 1
Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence •
Healthy Living 2020 see page 26
The Reporter January 2020
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January 2020 The Reporter
East Providence News Briefs City Council Assessing Wastewater Contract Options
At its December 17th meeting, the city council listened to three options available regarding wastewater treatment services for the city. East Providence currently contracts with the Suez Water Corporation to operate the sewage plant and services. A contract was awarded to Suez in 2009 to operate and maintain the city wastewater system. That contract is set to expire in April of 2020. The goals of the wastewater system beyond operation and maintenance include providing cost effective services to rate payers, maintaining a level of service, developing a long-term approach to preserving infrastructure. In June of 2019 the Arcadis Consulting firm was hired to evaluate the existing contract and advise on all options. This is done in conjunction with the RI Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM). East Providence averages 6.7 million gallons a day (MGD) with a peak daily flow of 14.2 MGD. There are 27 sewer pump stations and 133 miles of sewer with 3,216 sewer manholes. The 2019 city wastewater budget was $14 million. The council was told that the RIDEM heavily regulates requirements for staffing, pump stations, permits and collection systems, etc. There are three basic options facing this city council: Renegotiate the existing contract for a renewal term; Procure a new contract through an RFP process (proposal request) or to re-assume local control and operations of the wastewater system. Part of the city system includes a contract with the Narragansett Bay Commission for 43 miles of sewer with 1.084 sewer manholes, mostly in the northern part of East Providence. The current Suez contracts allows for the complete system operation, sludge hauling and disposal and all other regulatory mandates. The Arcadis consultants are completing analysis of all options. The agreement with the Town of Barrington has often been questioned by city residents. The consultants told the council that the agreement which dates to a 1973 sewage plant expansion, is a good one. “Barrington fees include a 10% administrative fee, an agreement to pay proportionate share of treatment operation and management and other plant services. It meets or exceeds the industry standard,” said the consultants. Barrington pays East Providence about $1.7M annually. This includes debt service and operation and management (O&M). It is based on their town flow. Cost savings are unknown at this time if the city were to revert back to local O&M. If the city goes out for new bids without renewing, the consultants predict a potential for 20% to 30% higher costs. The availability of hiring new qualified staff is a risk as are cost fluctuations with supplies, chemicals, etc. The city would assume responsibility for all backups and customer complaints, 24 hours per day. Should the city resume total operation, the transition would be complete by October 1, 2020. The analysis is ongoing and the council will continue to consider all options with public input available.
City Council/Mayor Exploring Grassy Plains Park Renovation
The council and Mayor have approved initial capital expenditures for the renovation of the long ignored Grassy Plains Playground area in Riverside. The large tract of open space is in the area of Rounds Avenue, Grassy Plains, Estelle Drive and Tanglewood to mention some of the abutting streets. The Mayor has proposed a matching RI Department of Environmental Management grant to provide for recreational expansion for the Grassy Plains site. Soccer fields and other projects would be provided. A projected cost would be $300,000 with the city and RIDEM splitting the cost. Some of the immediate land abutters spoke in opposition at the December 17th meeting yet others in the neighborhood have voiced support for the revitalization of the long neglected open space. Ward Four (Riverside) councilman Ricardo Mourato said he would set up meetings in the neighborhood for more discussion. City at-large councilman Bob Rodericks said he would prefer a public workshop at a council meeting in which “all council members can attend and be involved.” The open meetings laws prevents more than two council members attending a non-advertised (legally) meeting. “I still will have a neighborhood meeting so people can speak,” said Mourato. “Yes, all except us (council),” said Rodericks in reply. To date nothing has been scheduled either way.
On the Cover:
Riverside Middle School Robotics Team "Magnetech" see more on page 30.
February Will Feature... The 2020 New Year Health & Fitness Guide To advertise call 508.252.6575
Inside This Issue Birth....................................35 Business Directory................46 Church News & Events.........19 Chamber of Commerce.........26 Classifieds.............................. 41 Clubs...................................23 Engagement.........................34 Events...................................18 Food & Dining......................45 Health & Wellness...................27 Library..................................20 Letters................................8 News Briefs............................3 Obituaries...........................44 Parks & Rec.......................13 People....................................16 Robotics................................30 School..................................31 Senior Center News...............42 Sports.................................36 State House...........................25 Town News............................10
The Reporter January 2020
The East Providence
City Lottery Rents Home to Riverside Woman Runner-up Takes Keys to New Home
Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence
P.O. Box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769
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PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 The views expressed in The Reporter are not necessarily those of the editor or staff.
L to R Julia Dempsey, David Bachrach and Harold Alexieff at EP house lottery drawing. Julia Dempsey, a 1986 East Providence High graduate, was given the keys to a newly refurbished home on Payette Street in the city. The former Providence Country Day caretaker home on the grounds of the Robert Rock Senior Center was rented at below market rent. Dempsey who is from East Providence came up number two in a lottery drawing for the house in December. The original lottery winner was veteran Harold Alexieff who eventually declined to accept the prize. Alexieff attended the ceremony in which Dempsey was given keys to the house and congratulated her. East Providence Mayor Bob DaSilva, together with the city’s Community Development Office, had launched a lottery for the single-family home at below market rent. It was their hope to give preference to one deserving veteran or veteran family. The lottery drawing was held on December 17, 2019 during the City Council meeting. Mr. Alexieff’s name was pulled at random at that time. David DosReis, Rhode Island Office of Veteran Affairs Case Worker and city Community Development Director David Bachrach were present at the drawing. A runner-up name was selected in case the first winner declined the home which was the case. “I’m so filled with happiness, I am so grateful, I am very appreciative that veteran Harold Alexiett was present to offer congratulations,” said Dempsey in a public statement of thanks. Harold deserves my thanks first for his veteran service and for the great opportunity he gave me to have this home,” she added. “It’s amazing to see that strangers offer well wishes, and congratulation for me. I am so amazingly happy that I can’t begin to ever explain the feeling,” said Dempsey. “Today with the help of Kasim Yarn Director of Veterans Affairs for Rhode Island, the City handed the keys to Julia Dempsey to her new rental home. Julia was the runner up in the Veteran’s preference lottery. We are happy for her,” said Mayor Bob DaSilva. The newly renovated, one-bedroom home has an open-space feel and features newly installed hardwood floors, windows and lighting fixtures. The home also boasts new kitchen appliances and bathroom fixtures. The home is centrally located near the high school, senior center and shops and restaurants. There is also off-street parking available. The project was funded through the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department through their Community Development Block Grant Program according to David Bachrach.
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January 2020 The Reporter
EPHS Hall of Fame Seeks Nominations Last Call for 2020 Inductees
The East Providence High School Hall of Fame Committee announces last call for nominations for 2020 inductees. Nominations will be accepted through February 1, 2020. The East Providence High School Hall of Fame was established in conjunction with the East Providence High School 1984 Centennial year. Created by former Superintendent of Schools Myron J. Francis, Class of 1947, and others, in an effort to promote Pride in city schools, the purpose of the Hall of Fame is to recognize Townie graduates who have brought honor to themselves and to the high school. During the course of the school’s existence, many EPHS graduates have distinguished themselves in high school, and in all walks of life following graduation. Consequently, the selection process is difficult. Nevertheless, a nomination procedure was adopted, criteria for selection were established, and a broadly-based selection committee makes the final decisions. Selection is based upon achievements which shall include a meritorious record in at least one - and preferably more - of the following areas: • Job-related achievements; one who excels in their chosen field after graduation. • Professional honors and awards, professional affiliations, publications. • Civic or community involvement. • Extraordinary contribution to society. • Positive impact on the East Providence community. • Exceptional and documented individual athletic accomplishment(s) during one’s high school, college, or beyond. • Exceptional dedication as a staff member to the students of East Providence High School for a minimum of 10 years with a significant and direct impact on students and the community. • Other appropriate qualifications which the committee believes merit consideration.
New Hall of Fame Chair Announced
Gregory Dias, a 1975 EPHS graduate, has been elected as the next chairperson of the East Providence High School Hall of Fame committee. Dias will replace Bob Rodericks, EPHS Class of 1972. Rodericks told the committee that he would step aside as committee chairman after 10 years in that position. “My schedule is pretty full with City Council responsibilities and many other commitments,” Rodericks told the HOF committee at its recent meeting. “I have enjoyed chairing this group for the past ten years and it’s time to let someone else lead us. I was pleased to help keep the Townie HOF mission going, just as envisioned by former Superintendent of Schools Myron Francis planned,” added Rodericks. “Bob will stay on as an active committee member and we have asked him to continue as our HOF induction Master of Ceremonies,” said Chairman Dias. “I am thankful for the opportunity to chair a very active and wonderful group of committee volunteers,” Dias added. “We continue to urge the community to submit nominations of worthy high school graduates,” said Dias. Dias has become one of Rhode Island’s prominent attorneys and is an active volunteer in many East Providence and Rhode Island charities. He is on the Board of Directors for the East Bay Community action program, the Non-Profit Coastline Employee Assistance Program, the R.I. Student Assistance Program, the TAP-In and K-Rob Foundations and the Friends of Townie Athletics fundraising group. He is a member of the Rhode Island Bar since 1982 and the Federal Bar since 1983. Hall of Fame Nomination forms are available and can be picked up in the high school main office. You can also receive a form by email from: Completed nomination forms can be mailed to: EPHS Hall of Fame Committee, PO BOX 16571, Rumford, RI 02916.
Holiday for Heroes
4th Year Volunteer Effort
Once again Tracy Adams Capobianco, a former city councilwoman and patriotic volunteer organized a “Holiday for Heroes” effort to bring gifts and holiday cheer during the holiday season. December 2019 was the 4th consecutive year Capobianco and volunteers have done this. “We started in 2016 and every year since it has grown,” said Capobianco. “We were hoping this would evolve into an annual tradition and so far the interest has grown each year. Originally my Dad suggested the children at the Little Red School House Day Care & School in Riverside, RI make cards, which of course we agreed to do immediately. But then my staff and I thought it would be wonderful to get as many other people involved as possible. Our hope was that people would buy cards and sign them as a family. Others would donate money and we bought cards and gifts to present and it has taken off from there,” she said. Capobianco asked people to drum up support from within their families, neighborhoods, schools and workplaces. They have a list of about 185 veterans living at the Bristol Veteran’s Home which they try to accommodate. “The effort includes sending children s Christmas cards to full blown gift bags with life s necessities and some fun stuff,” added Capobianco. Helping Capobianco with this effort is Rick Lawson, himself a veteran and local volunteer on many fronts in East Providence. Lawson who has been active with recognizing local veterans, especially looked forward to “having conversations with kids about our all volunteer military and what they do for America and the whole world, as we make Christmas cards together.” The group gets together at the school on Sprague Ave. in Riverside, R.I. each year. They gather and collect donations and package all the gifts. "I really am only able to do this because I’m lucky enough to know so many great helpers," Capobianco said. "This is how you build a community. Projects like this are always easier with my little helpers (students) and the residents who volunteer donations. I am proud of the kids. They would rather help with this Veterans project than play with any toys when we organize the gifts. To us, helping others is the best lesson we can teach," added Capobianco. Family plays a big part in the “Holiday for Heroes” effort. Both Capobianco’s father and mother and entire family are instrumental in helping her out. “My daughter won't be happy that this story mentions her a lot but she deserves a lot of credit, as do her friends," said her dad Alan "Chubby" Adams. "We’re all excited to team up and bring some cheer to the Veterans home.”
Tracy Capobianco organizing last year's Veteran's donations effort.
The Reporter January 2020
Ordinance Creates Kennel License; Stricter Laws to Protect Animals
The East Providence City Council has passed an ordinance that not only updates definitions to align with state laws, but also creates a kennel license and stricter rules on the tethering of dogs. An initiative to update the ordinance first began with talks between Council President Robert Britto, Mayor Bob DaSilva and City Solicitor Michael Marcello last spring. With significant input from East Providence Animal Control Officer William Muggle and input from the City Council, the two-part ordinance received final passage on Dec. 3, 2019 and Dec. 17, 2019, respectively. Council President Britto believed it was imperative that the Council take action to not only align the city’s ordinance with state laws, but to do what it could to thwart animal cruelty and to ensure dogs receive adequate veterinary care, food and water. “With everything going on with animal cruelty throughout the state it was something we needed to bring forward and educate the community,” Britto said. “We needed to take a proactive approach.” Under the amended ordinance, a dog owner cannot tether a dog with a choke-type collar, head collar or prong-type collar. An owner must not confine or tether a dog when the temperature is beyond the Tufts Animal Care and Condition Weather Safety Scale (TACC) weather safety scale. The ordinance also states that no dog should be kept on a permanent tether that restricts the dog’s movement to an area less than 6 foot radius or 113 square feet. In addition, it states that a dog owner cannot keep a dog tethered for more than 10 hours during a 24-hour period, cannot tether a dog between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. (except for 15 minutes), and cannot keep any dog confined in an area or enclosure for more than14 hours during a 24-hour period. In addition, the amended ordinance also includes the creation of a kennel license. The license, which is granted by the Council and expires annually on December 1, applies to any place that temporarily houses animals not owned by the proprietor. Under the amended ordinance, the Animal Control Officer will conduct yearly inspections within three months of the expiration date of the kennel license or upon receiving a complaint. To report suspected animal abuse, neglect or cruelty, please contact East Providence Animal Control at 401-435-7675 or email If you are unable to contact the Animal Control Officer, please contact the RISPA’s law enforcement agent at 401-438-8150 Ext. 2 or by emailing
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Knights of Columbus Remember Veterans
EP Residents Perry, DeJesus Organize Christmas Gift Drive
By Bob Rodericks Operation ROVAC or “Remember Our Veterans at Christmas” has concluded its sixth consecutive year of presenting the residents of the Rhode Island Veteran’s Home in Bristol with bags full of Christmas gifts. ROVAC is a giving mission started by East Providence resident and Big Blue Bug Solutions (Pest Control) Technical Director, Tony DeJesus. The charity drive has been going on for close to twenty years. Around six years ago the East Providence Knights of Columbus council 1528 partnered with this effort. Led by local Knight Steven Perry, the Knights of Columbus (K of C) 1528 convinced most other Columbus members from throughout Rhode Island to lend a hand. Both DeJesus and Perry are East Providence High graduates and residents of the city.
ROVAC co-ordinator Steven Perry (Left) and Tony DeJesus of Big Blue Bug Solutions during the collection of Christmas gifts for RI veterans. Perry is the statewide ROVAC coordinator for the K of C and arranged for several other K of C councils in the state to drop off new clothing, toiletries and other gifts for the veterans at the East Providence council on Pawtucket Avenue. “We’ve gradually grown every year and from filling up two SUV’s a few years ago, we now fill up a few 20 foot long panel trucks with new clothing, toiletries and gifts in our 6th year,” said Perry. The Columbus Club members have been collecting donations and in mid-December K of C councils from all over the region braved a rain/snow storm to drop off donations at the Pawtucket Avenue hall. “One hundred percent of all donations get to the Veteran’s Home and we do our best to honor our veterans. The veterans home has shut down the public cafeteria and has struggled of late. The K of C councils in Rhode Island are happy to help with these donations at Christmas,” said Perry. Some 200 extra large gift bags are prepared, sorted and distributed to the veterans in residence in the state’s veteran’s home in Bristol. “If there is anything left over, the home (Veterans) stores the items to give new incoming residents, many who come to the home with very few personal possessions,” added Perry. The Knights efforts also provides many Christmas cards for the residents as many don’t receive any at all. “Our council turned in over 200 cards and many of the state’s catholic school students also submit cards. Many of the cards are home made by the students,” said Perry.
January 2020 The Reporter “The idea of Operation ROVAC is to remember our veterans by bringing them donated gifts, with the help of Big Blue Bug Solutions, Knights of Columbus councils and individual donations,” said Tony DeJesus. “The community provides the gifts, and we do the delivering. Gifts can be given by individuals or organizations. In the past, we have had support from schools, civic organizations, and religious groups. The outpouring of support has been inspiring. Too often, many of our local veterans are left without friends, family, and gifts during the holiday season. For all they have done for us, we can t let our hometown vets go without,” DeJesus added. “It is really heartwarming to present the brave men and women of our Veteran’s Home with these Christmas gifts,” said Perry. Perry, DeJesus and the scores of volunteers spend several months getting ready for the ROVAC program. “Some of the items collected were board games and playing cards, socks, underwear, comfy pajamas, sweatshirts, slippers, etc.,” said Perry. “This years’ Saturday collection drive amassed the largest amount of donations yet. We want to get bigger every year. The Rhode Island Veteran's Home is a 110-acre complex on Mount Hope Bay in Bristol with about 208 beds. The home provides quality nursing and residential care to Rhode Island war veterans. Some of the services provided include social, medical, nursing and rehabilitative services.
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Gifts are boxed and bagged before being sorted and wrapped as Christmas presents for residents of the Veteran's Home in RI.
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The Reporter January 2020
Letters to the Editor... Please Note: • Letters MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters MUST arrive by the 20th of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!
Email: The comments in Letters to the Editor, Opinion Columns and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication...It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented in an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion.
Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation News
The Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation would like to thank all those who donated to this year’s Holiday Family Adoption Campaign. Through your generosity, we came close to reaching our goal which allowed us to increase the number of families we adopt annually in partnership with The Tomorrow Fund. Knowing firsthand the challenges families face when coping with pediatric cancer, the foundation is proud to be able to lend our support during the holiday season. The Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation is in its 12th year and through its work, Lauren’s heart truly does go on. While the holidays have come and gone, it’s not too late to help us reach the foundation’s goal. If you have the desire to help, contributions are accepted year round and can be mailed to: Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation P.O. Box 154544 Riverside RI 02915 From all of us at the Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation, we wish you a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year! The Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing scholarships to assist graduating and continuing students whose studies will be in the disciplines of medicine, music/theater and culinary arts, while also providing funding for families battling pediatric cancer from Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts through the Tomorrow Fund at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. Additionally, the foundation supports local music/theater groups on an annual basis. Please visit our Facebook Page; Lauren Zarembka Memorial Foundation.
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Special Assessment to Pay for the New High School
Recent published reports concerning approximately $6.5 million in School Department “outside aid monies” held by the City of East Providence should be of great concern to East Providence taxpayers who overwhelmingly supported construction of a new high school. Depending on who you believe those funds, which rightfully belong to the School Department, may or may not have been known and made available to the School Department. In the meantime our schools have long suffered from lack of funds needed to finance needed repairs and ongoing maintenance issues. It won’t be long before the City must start raising taxes to support construction of the new East Providence High School. I have previously suggested to the current City Council, as well as the previous one, that the City should consider collecting those additional revenues through a “Special Assessment” in addition to the regular property tax assessment. Those funds should then be held in “Special Assessment Account” separate from the General Fund and be used solely to pay off the bonds which will be required to construct the new school. This assures taxpayers that those revenues will go to the cost of the new school, and not into the General Fund, where it can be used for purposes other than construction of the school. It further ensures that when those bonds are paid off, the taxes being collected for the school will end along with the “Special Assessment”. That also means that the added assessment required for the school will not be increased incrementally as the regular tax rate increases. Which, it surely will. In addition it assures taxpayers that monies collected for construction of the new school are not shunted off into some unknown, obscure fund that can be hidden from public awareness and scrutiny as has apparently happened with the $6.5 million. I urge the taxpayers of East Providence to contact members of the City Council to ask that they adopt this means of taxing and paying for the new high school. This is not a new or unique concept. In fact it is exactly the way the Town of Barrington funded the construction of their newly completed middle school. Robert Amman
Commitment to Supporting those Affected by Alzheimer's Disease
Leaders such as State Representative Liana Cassar, as well as East Providence Mayor Bob DaSilva, East Providence Senior Center Director Laura Jones and Meghan Connelly of the state Office of Healthy Aging have shown their commitment to supporting those in the local communities affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia by attending the Community Town Hall Conversation on Cognitive Health held at the Evergreen House Health Center this week. Their participation and engagement with those residents and other professionals in the area should be commended and acknowledged. Over 23,000 Rhode Islanders have Alzheimer’s disease, while there are over 53,000 caregivers that support them. Through legislation, increased awareness and community and civic action, more individuals will receive the resources they need. Alzheimer’s is the fifth leading cause of death in Rhode Island and could possibly be first by 2050 based on current trajectories. The time for action is now, and our community officials are helping to take the lead. Eric Creamer, Director of Public Policy Alzheimer’s Association - Rhode Island Chapter
January 2020 The Reporter
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The Reporter January 2020
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Expires 1/31/2020
Grants Mean More Meals for Hungry EP Residents
Sparked by a recent report that thousands of people are skipping meals due to lack of food, Rhode Island Foundation awards $180,000 in unplanned end-of-the-year grants East Providence, RI – The holiday season just got a lot brighter for people who rely on local food pantries thanks to grants from the Rhode Island Foundation. Sparked by a new study reporting that thousands of Rhode Islanders are going hungry every day, the Foundation is announcing special grants supply local food pantries. “While we continue to pursue long-term solutions to poverty, we also support these organizations in providing immediate and critical assistance to struggling Rhode Islanders,” said Neil D. Steinberg, the Foundation’s president and CEO. According to the R.I. Community Food Bank’s 2019 Report on Hunger, Rhode Islanders in need missed over 11 million meals this year. The East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) in East Providence was awarded $15,000 to support the operations of its community food banks, which assist more than 5,000 households annually. “This support comes at a critical time for our busy food banks. They are often the first place that new clients come to our agency for services. We will be able to assist families with nutritious food and work with them to determine if they are eligible for additional program supports such as food stamps or heating assistance,” said Dennis Roy, EBCAP’s president and CEO. Another $50,000 went to the R.I. Community Food Bank, which will use the funding to make 150,000 pounds of food -- enough to provide an additional 185,000 meals – available to area food pantries like the Good Neighbors Meal Site and the Good Neighbors Pantry in Riverside and the Bread of Life Food Pantry in Rumford. “The economy is strong, with low unemployment, but there are still thousands of Rhode Islanders who cannot afford three healthy meals a day. Demand for food assistance remains high at our member agencies as families struggle to afford basic household expenses,” said Andrew Schiff, CEO of the Food Bank. The funding is among $180,000 in emergency grants to seven social service agencies that provide food to low-income households. Also receiving grants from the Foundation are the Comprehensive Community Action Program in Cranston, Connecting for Children and Families in Woonsocket, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center in Newport, the Jonnycake Center for Hope in South Kingstown and the Jonnycake Center of Westerly. The Rhode Island Foundation is the largest and most comprehensive funder of nonprofit organizations in Rhode Island. Working with generous and visionary donors, the Foundation raised $114 million and awarded $52 million in grants to organizations addressing the state’s most pressing issues and needs of diverse communities in 2018. Through leadership, fundraising and grant-making activities, often in partnership with individuals and organizations, the Foundation is helping Rhode Island reach its true potential. For more information, visit
Expires 1/31/2020
January 2020 The Reporter
East Providence Fire Department Promotes 11, Including Fire Chief The City of East Providence Fire Department promoted 11 members of the fire service during a ceremony held on Tuesday, Dec. 2. Family, friends and East Providence Fire Department staff looked on as a new fire chief, two battalion chiefs, three captains, four lieutenants and the city’s first rescue lieutenant took the fire department oath and were officially sworn into their new rank by Mayor Bob DaSilva. “All of you possess the bravery and commitment that it takes to be a member of the fire service,” Mayor Bob Dasilva said. “Each day when you walk into your firehouse you do it not knowing what your tour will bring. “The sacrifice you make is not only willing to give your life to save someone else, sacrifice is also spending time away from your loved ones, from your family on holidays, missing your children’s first steps or first words, not being able to attend your child’s soccer games or school events,” DaSilva added. “Being a firefighter is not an 8 to 4 job, it’s a 24/7 job. Newly promoted Chief Glenn J. Quick told the newly promoted staff: “You’re the leaders of tomorrow. Never stop training. Never stop learning your craft. Your knowledge is going to protect you.” In addition to Quick’s promotion to chief the following members of the East Providence Fire Dept. were promoted: Michael O’Melia – Battalion Chief Theodore H. Hopkins III – Battalion Chief Scott Weber – Captain Joseph A. daSilva – Captain Douglas Drainville – Captain Joseph Donato IV – Lieutenant Adam L. Christina –Lieutenant Daniel J. Pion – Lieutenant Joseph W. Burns – Lieutenant Joseph D. Horn – Rescue Lieutenant “These are the individuals right here who have the boots on the grounds, who are riding the rigs and working calls on the streets,” Quick added. “They save lives every day.”
Newly promoted Chief Glenn J. Quick pictured with Mayor DaSilva.
11 promoted by Mayor DaSilva.
First Rescue pictured with Mayor DaSilva.
The Reporter January 2020
Route 195 Opened To Traffic 60 Years Ago
On Dec. 15, 1959, traffic officially began to flow on the new EP freeway between the Washington Bridge (12-4-59 aerial view of the interchanges, EP Planning Dept.) and the East Shore Expressway. It began in 1957 with the demolition of many houses, businesses, and 3 schools from Watchemoket Square to the Mass. state line. In August 1958, Leo P. Reardon filmed a 16mm movie of the razed area from the corner of Carpenter St. and Oakley Street. In back, on his left, would have been the A. P. Hoyt Grammar School
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on Lyon Ave. On his right down Oakley St. would have been the EP Roller Rink on Broadway. The Medeiros white house on the right, next to the bulldozer, was moved to Fort St. Leo stood on Broadway, near Oakley St., to film the construction of the Broadway underpass. The house in the photo on the corner of Agnes St. and Broadway was moved to Hull St. During 1960-1961, the freeway would extend east beyond exit 8 to connect with the Mass. Route 195. On Nov.11, 1961, the freeway was named the East Providence Veterans Memorial Expressway. Fourteen spans became memorials for 28 EP veterans who served in WWII and Korea. Were any of these honored veterans members of your family?
To see maps of the original houses and photos of a few houses in their new locations, veteran memorials’ locations and veteran names, come attend an informal gathering at Weaver Memorial Library on Wed., Jan. 15 at 10 a.m. - noon and Thurs., Jan. 30 at 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Shares your memories of these events and houses moved, veteran’s names, etc. with Susan Cady, digsEPhistory @
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January 2020 The Reporter
East Providence Dept. of Parks & Recreation Winter/Spring 2020 Programs
Registration begins January 2nd. Register by calling 401-4336360. All programs are held at the Senior Center, 610 Waterman Ave. unless otherwise noted. Fees apply where noted. Participants must obtain center membership: 1 year: Ages 6-17, $25 / Age 18+, $50 / Age 55+, $25 Senior Center 610 Waterman Ave., East Providence, RI 02914 Main Office: (401) 435-7511 Fax: (401) 435-1999 Rec. Center: (401) 433-6360
Creative Dance
Ages 2-4 / Saturday 9:30am -10:15pm / $40 p/month / Jan. 11 – May 23. (No class 2/22, 4/11, & 4/18) For kids who are ready to be on their own, but if they still need a parent present, that’s ok too! Basic fundamentals of ballet, tap, jazz, tumbling, balancing, imagination, rhythm and movement. Please wear athletic or dance attire, bare feet or ballet slippers.
Creative Tumbling
Ages 3-5/ Saturday 10:30am -11:15am/ $40 p/month/ Jan. 11 – May 23. (No class 2/22, 4/11, & 4/18) This class is designed for children who are ready to tumble on their own. Here children will learn basic tumbling and gymnastics fundamentals, balancing, imagination, balance beam, floor, rhythm and movement. Children will learn playground and gymnastics safety as well as fine and gross motor skills.
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Pre Tap/ Ballet Dance
Ages 3-6/ Wednesday 4:30 – 5:15pm/ $40 p/month/ January 8 – May 20. (No class 2/19 & 4/15) Students will work on the foundations of tap & ballet. Children will build confidence in their skills so they can move to the next level with ease and learn how to have fun in a class setting.
After School Fun
Ages 6-14 Mon - Fri. 3 - 7pm (included with membership) Afterschool time at the Rec. features a fun atmosphere for youth. Activities include sport competitions, games, crafts, cooking, computers, homework help, community service projects and more! * Fees may apply to some activities.
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Coed Ages 6-14 / Wed. / Beginners 6:307:30pm; Intermediates 7:30 – 8:30pm. $36 per child. Jan. 22 – March 18, (No class 2/19) Held at Waddington Elementary school, 101 Legion way.
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The Reporter January 2020
Youth Basketball League
Ages 12- 16 (Co-ed) / $45 per child League provides a chance for players to hone their skills, advance to higher levels and learn good sportsmanship and teamwork. Games held on Saturdays, 3 - 6pm at Riverside Middle, 179 Forbes St. January 11 - March 28 (No games 2/15 & 2/22) Registration ends at try outs, Jan. 4th, 3-4:30pm
Ages 4-6 Mini Tumbling: Wednesday 5:20pm - 6:05pm Ages 7-14; Petite Tumbling: Wednesday 6:10 –6:55pm $40 p/month January 8th - May 20 * no class 2/19 & 4/15 Tumbling teaches basic tumbling, gymnastics and dance skills from rolls to back handsprings to leaps and turns. The class curriculum is designed to teach each student at their own individual pace and skill level.
Youth Dance
Hip Hop: Ages 5+ Thursday 4:30 5:15pm; Petite Tap & Ballet: Ages 7+ Thursday 5:20 - 6:05pm; Petite Tap & Jazz; Ages 7+ Thursday 6:10 - 6:55pm $40 p/ month January 9th - May 21st, (No class 2/20 & 2/16).
Sewing Workshops
Ages 7-12 $40 per session Tuesday 4:305:30pm January 7-28 Beginner class where children will learn many techniques and concepts of sewing while having fun creating one of a kind pieces! Includes materials for 1st project. Space is limited.
Kreative Kitchen
Ages 8-14 (co-ed) 4wks $20 Thursday 4:30-5:30pm January 23 - February 13 Kids how to make their own after school “smart snacks” at home! Space is limited.
Soccer Skills & Drills
Tuesdays, Session I: January 14 - February 11; Session II: February 25 - March 24. Ages 6-9, 6:30-7:30 pm / Ages 10-12, 7:30-8:30pm. Held at Waddington Elementary school 101 Legion Way. Coaching staff of the Revolution Academy will design training sessions that allow for creativity, individuality and imagination. Players will be encouraged to train and play with freedom in a unique environment. Focus will be on moves, ball mastery, fake, feints, finishing and speed of play. Space is Limited
School Vacation Day Camp
$12 per day per child Winter Day Camp: February 18, 19, 20, 21; Spring Day Camp: April 13, 14,15, 16, 17. Day camps are offered at the Rec Center from 9am - 5pm during school vacation for youth members ages 6-12 (not all days offered). Activities include games, sports, art & crafts and special events. Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
Kids Night Out
Ages 6-12 Friday 6-9pm $6 per date January 17, February 14, March 13 and April 3. Parents can enjoy their night out knowing that their children are at the Rec Center enjoying a supervised night full of fun games and crafts! Pizza and drinks provided. Limited space, pre-registration required.
Happy New Year! Welcome 2020
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Fit Mix
Led by Karen Ramos-Boyd. Monday 6 7pm $5 per class. Mixture of cardio, weights, bands and more to help you get a balanced workout while allowing you to set your own pace.
Hatha Yoga
Led by Kathy Ashton CYT200. Tuesdays 6-7:30pm/ $12 per class when purchased on a monthly basis. $14 walk-in. Please bring your own non-slip mat.
Led by Daoist Master Li Thursday 6:307:30pm, 30 for the 4 classes. January 16, 23, 30 and February 6.
Crescent Park Looff Carousel Fundraiser
Saturday, February 29, 2020, from 6-8 pm at the Brightridge Club, 59 Brightridge Ave. Pasta Dinner benefiting the Depot Project at the historic Crescent Park Carousel! Dinner includes salad, pasta, meatballs and bread and butter. Cash bar and raffle available. Ticket Prices: Ages 13 and older, $12; Ages 6-12, $6. Children 5 and under eat free. Tickets may be purchased at the office located at 610 Waterman Ave. or online at To register or for more information please call the Recreation Center at 401433-6360.
East Providence Recreation Dept. Bus Trips • March 11, 2020 Boston Flower Show • May 19, 2020 Boston Red Sox vs Tampa Bay • Azores May 31-June 7, 2020 For More information please contact Deborah Rochford at 437-2983 or 435-7511
Call us at 508.252.6575
to advertise in February!
January 2020 The Reporter
Pawtucket: Charming 4 bed Cape in Pinecrest! Hardwoods, updated EIK, living w/built-ins, sunroom & fenced backyard w/fire pit. Lisa Raposa 401-286-3861
Rumford: Fabulous 4 bed, 1.5 bath w/hwds, living w/FP & bookcases, modern KIT, 3-season rm, gas heat & updated windows. Walk to bike path! $339,000 Jean Clarke 401-374-5039
PEACEFUL SETTING Swansea: 3 bed country Colonial on wooded lot! Living w/stone FP & bay window, EIK, bonus rm & scrn porch. Near frams & brooks! $310,000 Deb Jobin & Co. 401-527-7894
Barrington: Sunny & Spacious! Open layout, Florida room, sliders to deck & fenced backyard w/fire pit. Fabulous location near bike path! Lisa Raposa 401-286-3861
NEW LISTING Seekonk: Sunny 3 bed Ranch w/updated KIT, 4-season room w/door to backyard, ample storage & new septic system. Over 1600 SF! $349,000 Jean Clarke 401-374-5039
UNDER CONTRACT Rumford: Classic, character filled Two-Family w/beautiful moldings, built-ins, front porch & large backyard! Separate utilities. Robin Lozito 401-486-9637
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Riverside: Rare 4 bed, 3.5 bath w/lg attached office space zoned for business. Make this gem your dream home with your taste & style! Michaela Farley Massey 401-338-2533
Barrington: Admired 3 bed Cape! French drs, gas FP, built-ins, wine bar, updated baths, hwds, AC & private backyard oasis w/heated IG pool! Michelle Cartwright 401-245-2000
East Providence: INVESTORS Take Note! Renovated w/3 beds on 1st & 2 beds on 2nd. Oversized lot & detached 2c garage. Kent Heights! $383,000 Missie Rose 508-826-9966
We highly recommend Slepkow, Slepkow & Associates, Inc. Attorneys at Law 481 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence, RI 02915 401-437-1100 Fax 401-437-5066 •
The Reporter January 2020
People in the News Tabeley’s
Hanlon Named Assistant Principal at Mt. Hope High School
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Robert Hanlon is the new assistant principal at Mt. Hope High School in Bristol. Martin Middle School Social Studies Department Coordinator, Robert Hanlon, has been appointed the new Assistant Principal at Mt Hope High School in Bristol, RI. Mr. Hanlon has also taught at Riverside Middle School and East Providence High School for a total of 19 years. “We will miss Mr. Hanlon at MMS and with mixed emotions we wish him well in his new endeavor,” said Martin principal William Black. “He is a wonderful classroom teacher and he has coordinated events like the attendance and honors breakfast, dodge ball tournaments, various field trips and many more opportunities. Mr Hanlon is always looking for ways to engage students and make school exciting for them,” added Black. “Mr Hanlon has dedicated his career to the students and families of the East Providence School Department. As a teacher, coach, adviser, and leader he has taught many through the years.” Tributes to Hanlon came from students and staff at all three secondary schools in East Providence. “Thank you so much for all the kind words! It was truly an honor to serve the city of East Providence for the past two decades. I am so grateful to the Martin Wildcat family and the Townie community for always making me feel at home and appreciated throughout my career,” writes Hanlon in an open post to the city. “Throughout my tenure in East Providence it has been my pleasure to work with thousands of students and athletes at all three secondary schools; Martin, Riverside Middle Schools, and East Providence High School as both a teacher and coach. I am beyond proud at all that I witnessed these kids accomplish over the years, there is no doubt that East Providence students are among the finest that Rhode Island has to offer,” said Hanlon. “Looking back on my career here, I can only hope that the impact I had on the schools that I worked in was a fraction of the impact East Providence had on me. Teaching in EP absolutely changed my life for the better. I am eternally grateful for all of the opportunities and experiences I had in East Providence. Perhaps my career as an administrator will bring me back someday,” he added. And quoting East Providence Athletic Director Gregg Amore, Hanlon finished his goodbye by saying, Townie Pride never sleeps!
January 2020 The Reporter
University News
Eastern Student Matthew Buteau of Rumford Creates Print for Windham Hospital Gala
Digital art & design students in Eastern Connecticut State University's Art 335: Graphic Design course collaborated with Windham Hospital's Auxiliary to enhance the theme of the hospital's 2019 fundraising gala, this year themed "Sous La Mer" (Under the Sea). Of the students was Matthew Buteau '20 of Rumford, who majors in New Media Studies. The 15 students enrolled in the class created large-scale posters and submitted them for consideration for the event. Only one student's work was chosen to represent the theme of the gala, but all student work were on display as auction items at the event. The curriculum of the Art 335 Graphic Design course offers students a pre-professional experience in art and design by giving them the opportunity to work with a real client on a communitycentered project. Students in this year's course collaborated with the executive director of the Windham Hospital Foundation, Shawn Maynard, under the guidance of Art Professor June Bisantz. They responded to Maynard's request, prepared work to present to him as options and underwent the competitive process of submitting work for selection and approval. For Sous La Mer, students were tasked with creating large-scale posters, using evocative imagery and typographic designs to illustrate quotes about the sea from authors, statesmen, artists and philosophers such as Vincent Van Gogh, Herman Melville, John F. Kennedy and Kalil Gibran. Pleased with the work that Eastern students created, Maynard and his team decided to use all 15 designs as items for the silent auction at the event, giving students the opportunity to have their work seen and purchased. "The posters are amazing! Eastern students are full of talent and I'm happy to say that my home is now blessed with a Tae Kim poster," said Kristine Fletcher, administrative assistant of fund development at Windham Hospital. "Sous La Mer was a great success, and Eastern's Digital Art and Design students were at the heart of it," said Bisantz. "It's an honor to work with such talented, hard-working students. Knowing their work is seen and appreciated, and helping them experience the satisfaction of making a community contribution through their work is why I love teaching at Eastern."
Wheaton College (Ill.) Student Jacqueline Boutcher of East Providence Performed in 'Through His Own Redeeming Love,' the 2019 Christmas Festival Concert
Wheaton, IL - Wheaton College student Jacqueline Boutcher performed in "Through His Own Redeeming Love," the 2019 Christmas Festival presented by the Wheaton College Conservatory of Music. Boutcher, of East Providence, Rhode Island, sang soprano II in Women's Chorale. The Wheaton College Conservatory of Music provides students with comprehensive instruction that cultivates creativity, proficiency, and achievement in a Christ-centered environment. For more information, please visit This holiday season, local public television stations around the country will air "Messiah, Prince of Peace," the 2017 Wheaton College Christmas Festival. To watch the program, check your local listings at Wheaton College (Wheaton, Ill.) is a coeducational Christian liberal arts college noted for its rigorous academics, integration of faith and learning, and consistent ranking among the top liberal arts colleges in the country. For more information, visit
Calli Vocke Named to Elmira College Dean's List for Fall 2019 Term
Elmira, NY - Calli Vocke of East Providence, RI, has been named to the Elmira College Dean's List for the Fall 2019 Term. Full-time undergraduate students registered for at least 12 computable credit hours and earning a term grade point average of 3.6 or higher at the end of Term I or Term II are placed on the Dean's List at the College. Founded in 1855, Elmira College is a private, residential, liberal arts college offering 30-plus majors, an honors program, 17 academic honor societies, and 20 Division III varsity teams. Located in the Southern Finger Lakes Region of New York, Elmira's undergraduate and graduate student population hails from more than 20 states and nine countries. Elmira is a Phi Beta Kappa College and has been ranked a top college, nationally, for student internships. The College is also home to the Center for Mark Twain Studies, one of four historically significant Twain heritage sites in the U.S., which attracts Twain scholars and educators from around the world for research on the famous literary icon. Proud of its history and tradition, the College is committed to the ideals of community service, and intellectual and individual growth. Founded in 1855, Elmira College is a private, residential, liberal arts college offering 30-plus majors, an honors program, 17 academic societies, and 20 Division III varsity teams. Located in the Southern Finger Lakes Region of New York, Elmira's undergraduate and graduate student population hails from more than 20 states and nine countries. Elmira is a Phi Beta Kappa College and has been ranked a top college, nationally, for student internships. The College is also home to the Center for Mark Twain Studies, one of four historically significant Twain heritage sites in the U.S., which attracts Twain scholars and educators from around the world for research on the famous literary icon. Proud of its history and tradition, the College is committed to the ideals of community service, and intellectual and individual growth.
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The Reporter January 2020
Events & Activities Women’s A Cappella Chorus Begins Open Rehearsals Tuesdays starting Jan. 7 at 7:15 p.m.
EP History Scrapbook Drop-In: Construction of Route 195, EP Veterans Memorial Expressway, Submit Veteran Names for the EP Military Honor Roll Jan. 15 and 30
The Harmony Heritage chorus is an award-winning chapter of Harmony, Inc. that performs under the direction of Bob O’Connell. Pawtucket, Rhode Island, December 2019 — Harmony Heritage Chorus, the Pawtucket, RI chapter of Harmony, Incorporated, an international organization of female a cappella singers specializing in the barbershop harmony style, will hold open rehearsals every Tuesday evening, beginning on January 7th. Female singers of all ages and musical backgrounds are encouraged to attend. Rehearsal begins at 7:15 PM at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 50 Park Place in Pawtucket, RI. “Almost every one of our members came for the music, but each of us stayed for the camaraderie and satisfaction that comes with contributing to an organization like the Harmony Heritage chorus,” says Kim Thompson, chapter president “We welcome women who like to sing, even if it’s just in the privacy of their cars or their showers.” The Harmony Heritage chorus is an award-winning chapter of Harmony, Inc. that performs under the direction of Bob O’Connell, an accomplished director, performer and musician. “It’s important to note that barbershop harmony is often considered the ‘every man’s’ a cappella,” says O’Connell. “Members don’t need to have a lot of musical experience, formal training, or even have the ability to read music. As long as she loves to sing, we have the tools to help her find success in barbershop harmony.” Harmony Heritage chorus primarily sings in the barbershop harmony style, which traces its musical roots back to the turn of the 20th century. Today, barbershop harmony singers not only celebrate the classics, but also put their own spin on contemporary songs as well. For more information about Harmony Heritage chorus, visit or call Barbara-Ann MacIntosh at 401560-0073 or About Harmony Heritage Founded in 2001, the Southern New England chapter of Harmony, Inc., also known as the Harmony Heritage chorus, brings four-part a cappella harmony to the local community through regular performances and educational events. The chorus consists of women representing a wide range of musical backgrounds, from novice to trained professionals, and performs under the direction of Bob O’Connell. Harmony Heritage rehearses at 7:15 PM on Tuesdays at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 50 Park Place, Pawtucket, RI. For more information, visit
Join an informal gathering where residents sit around a table to talk and listen to shared memories, from 60-62 years ago, of the construction of Route 195 (1957-1959) and the dedication ceremony (Dec. 15, 1959) of the freeway that divides the city of East Providence. Photos and scrapbooks are welcome. Local historian Susan Cady will display maps and photos of where houses were before the big dig and where some houses are now located. Was your house in the path of the freeway and had to be moved or razed? Where is your or your neighbor's house now? Also since Route 195, in 1961, became the East Providence Veterans Memorial Expressway, (EPVME), names of EP citizens who served in the armed forces can be submitted in person at this meeting, for the virtual military Honor Roll. This honor roll will be posted on the EP Historical Society's website in late January 2020. The list may be published also in the local newspaper for Veterans' Day. This collection of veteran names is part of a tribute to celebrate the 60th anniversary (11-11-2021) of the naming of the freeway for our veterans. Suggestions how to preserve this list of names so these men and women are not forgotten can also be discussed. Share comments and questions with Susan epvme@ Location: Weaver Memorial Library 41 Grove Ave., East Providence, RI 02914 in conference table room Wednesday, January 15, 10- noon Thursday, January 30, 2-4 pm
Names Sought for EP Military Honor Roll
All present and former residents of East Providence, RI, living and deceased, who served in World War II and after, can participate. This includes residents who served during peace times and who are on active duty. Provide in “honor" of or in "memory" of, last name, rank, first name, military event name, country location, or actual years served, and branch. Example, in memory of Carlton, Lt. Donald E., WWI, Army, unknown if graduated EP High School. For WWII veterans especially, please include the high school attended and graduation year or did not graduate. Graduation info will not be published. This detail is needed to reconstruct the missing alumni (1946) list of 2125 East Providence High School students who served in WWII. An attempt is being made to locate and include EP veterans of WWII who attended other high schools. Names of residents of Seekonk, MA who attended EP High School during WWII are also welcome to participate. Family and friends may submit names. Corrections and additional info (change from "in honor of" to "in memory of", rank, branch, etc.) can be made later if not known at this time. Names can be submitted to Susan Cady via email epvme@ until Nov. 2021. During January and February 2020, efforts will be made to collect submissions in person, as not everyone uses email. Details of times and drop off locations will be announced in the local EP newspaper.
January 2020 The Reporter
CHURCH EVENTS Newman UCC Partners with Weaver Library for a Racial Justice Book Discussion Series Begins Thursday, Jan. 23 at 7 p.m.
East Providence, R.I. – In an effort to stimulate new ideas for equipping ourselves and our community to act justly and dismantle systems of injustice, Weaver Library and the Newman Congregational Church, UCC are proud to present a new Racial Justice Book Discussion Series. Over the course of six months, we will look at elements of systemic racism from a variety of perspectives as presented in six books on the topic. Copies of the books will be available on a first come first serve basis at the library. The discussion series, which begins on Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 7pm, will take place in the Champlin Program Room of the library. The series is intended to give readers the opportunity to explore current social issues more deeply as well as to be challenged in ways that will draw out ideas for addressing the topics in our wider community. All are welcome to participate! Pick up the first selection, The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein, at the Weaver Library now to be ready for discussion on January 23rd. You may contact the group’s facilitator, Rev. Timoth Sylvia by phone at 401-434-4742 ext. 11 or via email at timoth.sylvia@gmail. com for more information. The book titles are as follows: January - The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein February - The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander March - Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates April - White Fragility by Robin Diangelo May - Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson June - How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi The Book Discussion Series will meet at Weaver Library on the fourth Thursday of each month from January through June. The discussions will begin at 7:00pm and end by 8:30pm. Facilitator Timoth Sylvia serves the community as Senior Pastor from Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ in Rumford, Rhode Island. A graduate of Bangor Theological Seminary, Timoth has served in Youth, Campus and Parish Ministry for nearly 20 years. Outside of his ministry with Newman UCC, he invests a good amount of his time and energy into advocating for children and families involved in the foster care system. Weaver Library is located at 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914. For more information, contact the group’s facilitator, Rev. Timoth Sylvia by phone at 401-434-4742 ext. 11 or via email at This program is free and open to all.
Haven United Methodist Church News
Haven United Methodist Church, 200 Taunton Ave., E. Providence, RI. Call 401-438-4911 or email havenumchurch@ for more information. Pastor's
Office Hours are Monday and Tuesday from 9am to 12pm and by appointment. Church Office hours are Monday thru Thursday from 9:30am to 5:00pm. Check out our website at https://www. 1. Come Worship With Us! - Our Sunday morning worship service is at 9:30 am, followed by Coffee Hour. Come, join our family! Are you searching for a church home? Do you or someone you know need prayer? At Haven UMC, we are a haven for those who would seek to know God better, while spreading the love of Jesus Christ. 2. Thrift Store: Reopens on January 4. Christmas Clearance!! Lots of new items! Clothing, coats and jackets, shoes, linens, household items, puzzles, odds and ends. Donations are gratefully accepted (we'll pickup clothing and small items if needed). Volunteers are welcome! 3. Haven Basketball – Anyone from Haven or the community, ages 8 to 17, is welcome to play. Practice: 8 to 14 year olds – Wed. 5:30-7pm and Sat. mornings 9-10:30am; 15-17 year olds 6:30-8:30pm Thurs. at Martin Middle School gym. Call the church office for details. 4. Do you or your group/organization need a place to hold meetings? Sporting events? Activities? Conferences? We have Space Available! We have a variety of spaces available from small to large, including a gym. We have an elevator and chair lift for accessibility. Contact the office for room sizes, availability and suggested donations.
Mary’s Closet Thrift Shop
Mary's Closet Thrift Shop is open in Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm (weather permitted). We have a varied of items such as clothing for men, women, children and babies, also kitchenware, and knick-knacks and other items as well. There are new items added in all the time. Stop by and check it out. The Entrance to Mary's closet is located on 4th street across the street from St Mary's Episcopal Church on 81 Warren Ave in East Providence.
The Reporter January 2020
East Providence Public Libraries WEAVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 41 Grove Avenue, 401-434-2453
Monday - Thursday 9-8; Friday & Saturday 9-5
RIVERSIDE BRANCH LIBRARY 475 Bullocks Point Ave, 401-433-4877
Childrens' Activities Harry Potter Movies
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
(2001, rated PG, 2 hrs 32 min) Saturday, January 4, 1:30 at Riverside Library
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002, rated PG, 2 hrs 41 min) Saturday, January 18, 1:30 at Weaver Library
Big Blue Blocks @ Weaver
Thursday, January 9, 9:30-11:30 for ages 1-6
Bring your child to build and play with our large foam blocks. This is an open-ended play activity. Children will create, explore, solve, and imagine which helps to build their brain development, builds important creative thinking and problem-solving skills, and contributes to emotional well-being. For ages 1-6. Registration is not required.
Cornish Pixie Lantern Craft @ Riverside Thursday, January 9, 3:30-4:30, ages 6-10
Do you recall the mischievous Cornish Pixies in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Make your own Pixie lantern using jars, tissue paper, and tea lights. Registration required online or call 401-433-4877.
Sit Stay Read @ Weaver & Riverside Libraries
Reading aloud to therapy dogs can help children who struggle with reading.
Read to Daniel the Cockerspaniel
Mondays, January 13, February 10, 5:30-7:30 at Riverside Library Call 401-433-4877 to schedule a 15 minute session. Mondays, January 27, February 24, 5:30-7:30 at Weaver Library Call 401-435-2453 to schedule a 15 minute session.
Harry Potter Readers Theater & Bertie Botts Every Flavored Bean Tasting @ Weaver Tuesday, January 21, 3:30-4:30, grades 2-6
We will bring Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone to life by reading a script adapted from the book, and then we will taste-test Bertie Botts jelly beans. Registration required online or call 401-434-2453.
Weekly Storytimes
January 14 through May 9
Registration is not required. Half hour storytimes include stories, songs, crafts, and other activities. Storytimes will not meet during school vacation weeks (Feb. 18-22 & Apr. 15-19). • Wednesdays, 9:30am, ages birth - 36 months @ Riverside Library • Wednesdays, 6:30pm, ages 2 – 6 @ Weaver Library • Thursdays, 9:30am, ages birth – 36 months @ Weaver Library • Thursdays, 10:30am, ages 3 – 6 @ Weaver Library
Fuller Creative Learning Center, 260 Dover Ave. 401-228-3903
Chess Club @ Riverside Library
Thursdays, January 17 – February 21, 3:30-4:30
Ages 6-18 Learn how to play or improve your skills. Registration required: Call 401-433-4877.
Teen Programs
(For ages 10+ unless otherwise noted.)
Intermediate Knitting @ Riverside
Wednesdays, January 15 – February 19, 5:30-7:30pm
This 6-week series is open to knitters who know the basics but are ready to learn some new techniques. We will also cover how to read a knitting pattern, how to harvest yarn from recycled sweaters, and more! For kids and adults ages 10+. Register online at www. or by calling 401-433-4877.
Community Service for Middle School Students Monday, Jan. 6 @ Riverside, Thursday, Jan. 9 @ Weaver
This new opportunity is open to East Providence residents in grades 6-8. Earn community service hours by working on a variety of helpful projects at the library! No registration required. Please plan to arrive on time and stay for the full session.
Teen Community Service Night @ Weaver Tuesday, Jan. 7, 5:30-7:30pm
This monthly event will allow East Providence teens in grades 9-12 to earn community service hours for meeting with the Teen Librarian to discuss which programs/materials/services you would like to see provided by the library. We will also work on other service activities. No registration required. Please plan to arrive on time and stay for the full session. Snacks provided!
Teen Intercultural Conversation Night @ Weaver Tuesday, 1/28, 5:30-7:30pm.
Have fun and get to know more people at the library! Participate in English conversation with other teens. High school students from East Providence can earn community service hours. English language learners (ages 14-19) welcome! No registration required. Please plan to arrive on time and stay for the full session.
More Community Service Options
Thursday, Jan. 9, 2:30-3:30pm @ Weaver Monday, Jan. 13, 5:30-7:30pm @ Riverside Friday, Jan. 24, 2:30-3:30pm @ Riverside Saturday, Jan. 25, 10:30am-12:30pm @ Riverside
Additional opportunities for East Providence teens in grades 9-12 to earn community service hours for high school or other organization-related requirements.
January 2020 The Reporter
Ongoing Activities for Childern & Teens Looking For A Tutor?
Check out our website to interact with a live tutor. Tutor.Com tutors can help you with homework, studying for an exam, or understanding today’s lesson. Math, Science, Social Studies, and English – elementary grades through high school (including AP) and adults. Tutor.Com tutors are available every day from 2:00pm-10:00pm with an East Providence library card.
Reading Buddies @ Weaver Library
13, & 27 3:30-4:30pm • Theatrical Makeup (Ages 8+) - Jan. 8, 15 and 22 3:30-4:30pm • Little Wizards (Pre-K) - January 24 & 31 10:30-11:15am • Harry Potter: Trivia, Games, & Treats (ages 8+) - Fridays, January 24 & 31 3:30-4:30pm • Paper Snowflake Extravaganza (Ages 7+), Jan. 29 3:30-4:30pm
All Ages
• Tech Time - WiFi, 3D printer, and recording studio (by appointment) • Drop-in Fridays! Erector Set, sewing machines, recording studio, crafts, etc.
More information on these events can be found on the East Providence Library website or our Facebook page. You may also contact the Fuller Creative Center at or call 401-228-3903 for more information or to register. As an extension of the East Providence Public Library, the Fuller Creative Learning Center focuses on hands-on learning programs and workshops for all ages. Join us at the Center located on 260 Dover Avenue, East Providence, RI for one of these beneficial experiences! For more information contact Ryan McCauley at
The library will match a teen with an elementary school child to read together for one hour each week at the library. For more information, call the Weaver Library at 4342453 or ask about it in the Children’s room.
Read Down Your Fines @ Weaver and Riverside
Youth 16 and under can reduce their overdue fines by reading in the library. Tell a librarian when you start reading. 30 minutes of reading = $1 waived.
Fuller Creative Learning Center
The Fuller Creative Learning Center continues its schedule of programs and workshops. The schedule for January includes:
Adults/Young Adults
• Vision Board - Thursday, January 2 6:00-7:00pm • Adult Coloring - Monday, January 6 11:00am-12:00pm • Basic Knife Skills - Tuesday, January 7 6:00-6:45pm • Adult Painting - Monday, January 13 11:00am-12:00pm or Thursday, January 30 6:00-7:00pm • Quilting: Block of the Month FULL (contact to be on waiting list) - Tuesdays, January 7 & 21 6:00-7:30pm • Bullet Journaling 101 - Thursday, January 9 6:00-7:00pm • Portuguese Soup & Paella - January 14 6:00-7:30pm • All About Telescopes w/ Bob Horton January 16 6-7pm • The Iceland Experience - Thursday, January 23 6:00-7:00pm • Expressive Art - Tuesday, January 28 6:00-7:00pm
• Winter Wonderland (Pre-K) - Jan. 3, 10, 17 10:30-11:15am • Cookies & Coloring (Ages 6+) - Jan. 6,
Dr. Lisa Daft and Dr. Jared Stubbs Dr. Lisa Daft Dr. Christina Sorensen Are pleased to announce Dr. Chris Vanderpool has joined our family and cosmetic dental practice. Providing comprehensive Providing comprehensive dental care in dental care in more Seekonk, Seekonk, MA for than 35MA. years. WeWe welcome new patients! welcome new patients!
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The Reporter January 2020
Weaver Library Adult and Family Programs
Bogleheads Providence-Metro Chapter Meeting at the Weaver Library Saturday, January 10 - 11:30am
Join us for a talk on income taxes at the first Providence-Metro Bogleheads Chapter Meeting of 2020! New members are always welcome. Light refreshments. The Providence-Metro chapter welcomes members at all stages of investment, from very beginners to lifelong students of the stock market.
Creating Awareness around Stress and Burn-out with Co-active Coach Marie Mechtaly at the Weaver Library Saturday, January 11, 10-11:30am or 12:30-2pm
Marie Mechtaly is a Certified Professional Co-active Coach. Her approach to coaching is a ‘whole person approach’ that merges values with inspired action. For the New Year, Marie will facilitate two free interactive and experiential workshops in which participants will learn about the impact of stress, burn-out and compassion fatigue. The workshop offers tools to identify and combat stressors and ultimately will help participants create a roadmap for living a life according to values and purpose. Please register for either session by going to the library’s Events Calendar at or by calling 401-434-2453.
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"ROBIN" The Ultimate Robin Williams Tribute Experience at the Weaver Library Monday, January 13, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Spend an evening with America's premier Robin Williams tribute artist Roger Kabler and you may feel that you are in the presence of one of the funniest and most beloved comedians in history. To Kabler, Robin Williams was not only a comic genius and wonderful actor; he was also a philosopher and humanitarian. Kabler's show, which is funny, poignant, and sometimes a wild ride, is best appreciated by an adult audience.
Unraveling My Purple Sweater: A Conversation on Mental Health at the Weaver Library Tuesday, January 21, 7:00 - 8:30pm
Join artist and teacher Amy Kinney, author of Unraveling My Purple Sweater, who has turned her lifelong struggle with mental illness into a book of art to share with others. Hear the stories behind the images in her book, ask questions, and develop an understanding of how creative expression can support recovery and transformation. Amy's program is intended for anyone looking for a new perspective on mental health and especially for the loved ones of individuals struggling with mental health issues. Books will be available for sale and signing.
Racial Justice Book Discussion at Weaver Library Thursday, January 23, 7:00 - 8:30pm
Join a discussion of The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein, the first selection in a new discussion series at the Weaver Library. Led by Rev. Timoth Sylvia, Senior Minister of Rumford's Newman Congregational Church, the group will meet at 7pm on the fourth Thursday of the month from January through June. Copies of the books will be available on a first come first serve basis at the library.
How to Follow a Low Carb Diet for Weight Loss or Diabetes at the Weaver Library Saturday, January 25, 11:00am - 12:30pm
Many have heard of or tried low-carb diets in order to lose weight. Despite having great results, many also find it hard to maintain. Psychologist David Weed will explain how to do this successfully by developing effective strategies. In addition to weight control, low-carb eating also works well for people who are pre-diabetic or diabetic. Learn tips to safely resolve your symptoms and reduce or eliminate your medications. The workshop will conclude with samples from a simple low-carb lunch.
Screening & Discussion of the film 'THE PUBLIC' with URI's Media Education Lab at Weaver Library Sunday, January 26, 1:30 - 4:00pm
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Just what does the "public" in public library mean? And what do libraries have to do with social issues like homelessness, mental illness, and the opioid crisis? Come for an afternoon screening of Emilio Estevez's new film The Public and stay for a discussion about the issues it raises and how well the film, or any film, can address them. Estevez stars, along with Alec Baldwin, Jena Malone, Michael Kenneth Williams, Taylor Schilling, and Christian Slater. Library programs are free and open to all. No registration is necessary unless otherwise noted.
January 2020 The Reporter
Club announcements Bristol Elks & Broadway Merrill Join Forces Fundraising For Local Causes
Once again, the Bristol County Elks will be holding their WinterSpring 2020 Raffles at the Broadway Merrill to raise funds for the Bristol Elks charitable causes. One Hundred Percent Of The Funds Raised Goes To Elks Charitable Causes! The raffles are Open To The Public and will be held at the Broadway Merrill, 535 North Broadway, East Providence. Raffles start on Saturday, January 11th, and run every week through Saturday, March 21st, from 2:00pm to 4:30pm with chances to win great prizes like meat trays, giant lobsters, flat screen TV’s, Gift Cards and CASH prizes.Funds raised benefit causes right here in our local communities, such as the East Bay Cares Food Distribution Program, Scholarship Programs, Veterans Programs, and many other Elks charitable causes. We hope you join in on the fun at the Broadway Merrill!
Chartered in 1946, the Rotary Club of East Providence, RI/ Seekonk, MA is a local club of Rotary International, based in Chicago, IL. Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. The Rotary Club of East Providence/Seekonk meet’s at Chelo’s Restaurant 911 Warren Ave. East Providence, RI (2) Monday’s a month at 12:15 pm. For more information, contact Club Service Director Stephen J. Propatier at 508-336-9007 or write: PO Box 14303, East Providence, RI 02914: or Web Site:
East Providence Columbus Club Book your next event:
East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club
Anniversary Parties • Birthdays • Breakfasts Graduation Parties • Showers • Holiday Parties To book your next function, please contact Dan Grant @ 401-434-9744
$1,000 Scholarship Program For High School Seniors deadline is March 9
The Rotary Club of East Providence, RI /Seekonk, MA announces the deadline for its annual scholarship program for 2020. Each year, the Rotary Club awards $1,000 scholarship each to four graduating seniors from the following schools: East Providence High School, East Providence Career & Technical Center, Saint Mary’s Bay View Academy, and Seekonk High School. Deadline for the application is March 09, 2020. “The purpose of the scholarship is to reward a local high school student who best exemplifies the criteria of service, leadership and academic achievement,” states Renate Alexander, 2019-2020 president of the Rotary Club of East Providence/Seekonk, MA. “Consideration is also given to need, and applicants must be a resident of East Providence or Seekonk.” Interested students should obtain the official application form from their school guidance counselor. He/she would complete the application form and return it to their guidance counselor directly by the deadline. The Rotary Club’s Educational Trust Scholarship Committee then selects the recipients from a pool of the most deserving applicants submitted by each school’s guidance department.
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The Reporter January 2020
Club Supports Doorways Food Pantry
Renate Alexander, President of the East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club, presents a check for $500.00 to Gerry McCabe of Doorways Food Pantry in Seekonk to help fight food uncertainty in our local community. The volunteers and clients of the Doorways Food Pantry would like to say “thank you” to the Rotary Club of East Providence and Seekonk for their continuing strong support of our mission to ensure that no home in our community has to go without food. Over the last several years the East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club has made large annual contributions to Doorways; the food their donations provide will stock the cupboards, fill the lunchboxes, and grace the dinner tables of homes throughout our community. At Doorways, we estimate that over the last eighteen years we have given away over one million pounds of food at no cost to our clients. Rotary International is an international service organization whose purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian service and to advance goodwill and peace around the world. It is a non-political and nonreligious organization open to all people regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation / identity or political preference, and boasts over a million members worldwide. Rotarians help local charities to help those in need; more than sixty local families rely on Doorways on a regular basis, and Doorways, in turn, relies on people like our local Rotary Club. We thank them for their generous support.
Club Gives Donations
Above: Jennifer Hyde gives a check of $500.00 to Karla Peetz, Program Director of Boys & Girls Club. Left: EP/Seekonk Rotary Club President Renate Alexander hands a check to Jo Rodehorst from TapIn Food Pantry. The club supports many local organizations, including the Boys & Girls Club and TapIn Food Pantry
EBCAP Healthy Families America, a Healthy Families America Site, Accredited for Quality Service
East Bay, RI- Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America) announced that the Healthy Families America (HFA) affiliate, East Bay Community Action Program’s (EBCAP) Healthy Families America has been accredited as a provider of high quality home visiting services to expectant families and families with infants and young children. HFA is the signature program of PCA America and has been providing home visiting services for nearly 30 years. Expectant and new parents have common questions about their child’s development. HFA connects with families through community partners like hospitals and pediatricians to support parents, meeting within the familiarity and convenience of the family’s own home. HFA is an accessible, voluntary and well received service. “HFA sites utilize evidence-based best practices to provide individualized support to families when needed most, and linkages to community services,” said Melissa Merrick, President and CEO of PCA America. “We congratulate EBCAP Healthy Families America and we commend the staff for their leadership and commitment that has contributed to this most notable and highly regarded achievement.” The accreditation process is based upon a stringent set of 12 critical elements grounded in more than 30 years of research. The process involves an in-depth examination of the site’s operation, as well as, the quality of the visits made by HFA home visitors. “We commend the EBCAP Healthy Families America for opening itself up to such an intensive review process,” said Kathleen Strader, National Director of HFA. “We believe that all families and all communities deserve access to quality home visiting services.” The HFA site in Newport is located at 19 Broadway, Newport, RI 02840 and the site in East Providence is located at 100 Bullocks Point Avenue, Riverside, RI 02915. We provide services to Rhode Island’s East Bay - East Providence and cities and towns comprising Newport and Bristol Counties. The program currently has openings for new families to participate. Visit for more information. “As an HFA program we have always taken a family centered approach to working with families. Our program strives to deliver services that are high quality, and which respect each family’s individual needs. The accreditation process allowed us to review our systems and make necessary changes to enhance the quality of our services to all families,” said Donna Razza, Family Development Director at EBCAP. Recent family satisfaction survey results showed that 100 % of families were satisfied with EBCAP HFA services, 100 % were likely to refer a family member or friend to the EBCAP HFA program, and 100 % felt they were treated with respect. Home visitors in each community receive extensive training on a wide range of topics important to just about every new parent, such as: caring for a new baby, ensuring the baby is receiving the nutrition needed, promoting healthy child development, and coping with a myriad of other potential stresses, such as financial, housing, partner relationship, etc., that may become heightened with an addition to the family. PCA America was established in 1972 with the belief that child abuse and neglect is preventable. The not-for-profit, volunteerbased organization is committed to preventing child abuse in all forms through education, research, public awareness, and public policy development. Today, PCA America has 50 statewide chapters. PCA America implemented the Healthy Families America (HFA) initiative in 1992. HFA serves families of all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, meeting the needs of close to 600 communities in 38 states, D.C., the U.S. Territories and Israel.
January 2020 The Reporter
From the State House With Hard Work, Rhode Island Can Transform Public Education
By Rep. Liana Cassar and Rep. Terri Cortvriend A good education should be a right for Rhode Island’s children. We both left the forum with new energy to work collaboratively And while our state has a checkered record of delivering on with students, parents, teachers, administrators and community this responsibility, we firmly believe that Rhode Island has what it and state leaders to transform our schools. We know we can do takes to identify the solutions we need. this. Our neighbor Massachusetts once had similar struggles, and We joined the nearly 400 Rhode Islanders — leaders, educanow provides both hope and a model of excellence for us to follow. tors, parents, students and more —who participated in the early We will continue to advocate to improve the state of education December event organized by the Rhode Island Foundation to in Rhode Island because we understand that this is what’s right help brainstorm strategies to create systemic change in our educafor the future of our children’s health, economic success and their tional system, and we were deeply impressed by the engagement, lives, which will in turn make for a stronger future for our state. knowledge and open-mindedness of all in the lively conversations Rep. Liana Cassar and Rep. Terri Cortvriend are Democrats of the day. serving their first term in the General Assembly representing District This productive event showed that our state has a population of 66 in Barrington and East Providence and District 72 in Portsmouth parents and students who want to be involved in the conversation and Middletown, respectively. with the educators and administrators to assure that the needs of all students are met with high-quality educational opportunities and the appropriate social-emotional support to thrive. We have sent our children to Rhode Island public schools. We are a former school committee member and a public health professional who came to this event with experience, but left with new insight and hope about the capacity to turn our educational system into one that is truly excellent. It cemented our belief that Rhode Island would benefit from models of education where students lend their voices in shaping their own education. Integrating parent and student input and engagement would provide critical ownership and would help ensure
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that the needs of students and families are truly being met. Diversification of our educator population is needed, to include men, people of color, and individuals who need flexible work arrangements. Students need cultural awareness, and will benefit from having teachers who have a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. We must be willing to take an honest look at real data, and stop relying on and perpetuating truisms about specific communities. All districts can and should improve, need adequate funding to do so, and need transformational leaders. We need to address alternate pathways to allow students to demonstrate proficiency and to take accountability for their education. We all can see that one size does not fit all – not all districts, nor all schools or students. Schools need flexibility to serve the needs of their own students. We must acknowledge the real challenges that arise from conflicting interests of unions and school districts, but refuse to consider it an insurmountable challenge to school improvement. We have many talented educators who want to be effective. We can identify ways to attract and develop high-quality educators and provide them with further training so they can help institute the innovation needed to make our schools places students want to be and where they can thrive.
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The Reporter January 2020
Proudly serving the communities of East Providence & Barrington, Rhode Island and Seekonk & Rehoboth, Massachusetts since 1897
Introduce your Business at our first Networking Event of the Year Meet a group of friendly people from Chamber member businesses in the area Tuesday, January 14, 2020 Business DURING Hours 11:45am - Noon Check-in Noon-1:30pm lunch, introductions… Location: Davenport’s Restaurant 1925 Pawtucket Avenue East Providence, RI 02914
East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce 1011 Waterman Avenue East Providence, Rhode Island 02914
The Chamber’s monthly networking luncheon. Bring lots of business cards for exchanging.
$25 per person. Reservations required. Save $5 by registering by 1/10/20. Contact the Chamber. Open to the public w/pre-registration.
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Healthy Living
January 2020 The Reporter
Looking for a Healthy New Year’s Resolution? Don’t Overlook Your Eyes (StatePoint) The most ambitious time of year is upon us: the time to set New Year’s resolutions. All the parties have been hosted, the marshmallows have been toasted and you’ve binged on your new favorite TV show the entire month of December. Now you’re asking yourself, “What do I want to accomplish this year?” A New Year’s resolution is, for all intents and purposes, a good thing. Now consider this twist on the standard resolution format: opt for a few, small, lifestyle wins rather than mounting an all-out assault on your current habits – more resolution-lite, if you will. Choose resolutions that have clear start and end points, and that are attainable for you. Most of all, resolutions should make you feel good – that’s the whole point, right? “A resolution that checks all the boxes is to get an eye exam,” says VSP network doctor, Jennifer Chinn. If you have loved ones in mind, bring them. Their eyes will thank you. Here’s why: • It’s Easy: With a comprehensive eye exam, there’s no uncomfortable warm-up, pep talk or preparation period. Making an appointment is easy: you simply show up and your eye doctor tests different aspects of your vision and eye health. Save the maximum effort for a goal further down your list, knowing an eye exam is a small investment of energy that reaps huge health rewards. • It Doesn’t Take All Year: You can be certain that unlike most resolutions where some level of delayed gratification is the motivator, a comprehensive eye exam provides immediate results. “All within your visit, you’ll learn the shape your vision is in, and, if you wear glasses or contact lenses, whether your prescription has changed,” Dr. Chinn says. • It’s Really Healthy: Beyond ensuring great vision, an eye exam offers an incredible look into your overall health. In fact, an eye exam is often the first line of defense when it comes to protecting your health.
During your visit, the eye doctor will examine your eyes to check their visual acuity (or how clearly you see), and for any signs of eye conditions like dry eyes, digital eye strain, glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration. “More significantly, a comprehensive eye exam gives eye doctors an unobstructed view of the eyes’ blood vessels and optic nerves, both of which can give away signs of chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and even some cancers years before a person shows symptoms,” notes Dr. Chinn. Unfortunately, many outward signals of diseases and conditions don’t appear until some damage has occurred, making eye exams powerful, preventative tools to keep tabs on what’s quietly happening in your body. To find an eye doctor near you, visit You don’t need 20/20 vision to see that the case for a 2020 eye exam is clear. Make this the year you commit to an annual trip to the eye doctor.
PHOTO SOURCE: (c) Jovanmandic / iStock via Getty Images Plus •
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The Reporter January 2020
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January 2020 The Reporter
Healthy Living 10 Doctor-Recommended Health Tips for the New Year (StatePoint) Four in 10 adults in the U.S. have two or more chronic diseases, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While certain conditions and risk factors are beyond one’s control, the new year is the perfect time to consider the many lifestyle choices you can make for improved health. “With too many holiday sweets and not enough exercise likely in the rearview mirror, now is the perfect time to consider your personal goals and how you can make positive health choices in the coming year,” says American Medical Association (AMA) President Patrice A. Harris, M.D. “The good news is that there are a few easy steps you can take that will set you on the right track for a healthier 2020.” To get you started, the AMA is offering 10 wellness tips for the new year: 1. Steps you take now can help prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes. Learn your risk by taking the self-screening test at 2. Be more physically active. Adults should do at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity, or 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity activity. 3. Visit to better understand blood pressure numbers and take necessary steps to get high blood pressure – also known as hypertension -- under control. Doing so will reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke. 4. Reduce your intake of processed foods, especially those with added sodium and sugar. Eat less red meat and processed meats, and add more plant-based foods, such as olive oil, nuts and seeds to your diet. Also reduce your consumption of sugarsweetened beverages and drink more water instead. Drinking sugary beverages -- even 100% fruit juices -- is associated with a higher all-cause mortality risk, a new study published in JAMA Network Open suggests. 5. If your health care professional determines that you need antibiotics, take them exactly as prescribed. Antibiotic resistance is a serious public health problem and antibiotics will not make you feel better if you have a virus, such as a cold or flu. 6. If consuming alcohol, do so in moderation as defined by the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans -- up to one drink daily for women and two drinks daily for men, and only by adults of legal drinking age. 7. Talk with your doctor about tobacco and e-cigarette use (or vaping) and how to quit. Declare your home and car smoke- and aerosol-free to eliminate secondhand exposure. 8. Pain medication is personal. If you’re taking prescription opioids or other medications, follow your doctor’s instructions. Store them safely to prevent misuse and properly dispose of any leftover medication. 9. Make sure your family is up-to-date on vaccines, including the annual influenza vaccine for everyone age six months or older. If you’re pregnant, you can receive the flu vaccine during any trimester, but should receive the Tdap vaccine early in the third trimester to protect yourself against flu and whooping cough. 10. Manage stress. A good diet, sufficient sleep (at least 7.5 hours per night), daily exercise and wellness activities, like yoga and meditation, are key ingredients to maintaining and improving your mental health, but don’t hesitate to ask for help from a mental health professional when you need it.
PHOTO SOURCE: (c) LightFieldStudios / iStock via Getty Images Plus
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The Reporter January 2020
Exciting News from the Martin Middle School Robotics Club
Robotics Photos from the Riverside Middle School Robotics Club
RMS Robotics Team
At top, “Champions of the City.” At bottom, “The Pedestrians”. Both teams have won the qualifier and have been invited from Martin Middle School to compete for a State Championship at Rogers Williams University on January 11th. Under the leadership of Mr. Tom Hargreaves, the Martin Middle School Robotics Teams practice each day after school. Our Robotics Club students from grades 6-8 are engaged in hands-on experiences, building confidence, growing their knowledge and develop habits of learning. Mr. Hargreaves and his students have been preparing for robotics competition. His program is built around theme-based challenges to engage students in research, problem solving, coding, and engineering. On December 7th, three Robotics teams from Martin Middle School competed in the First Lego League Qualifiers Match at Martin Middle School along with nineteen other schools from around the state of Rhode Island. Two out of the three Robotics teams from MMS scored so well that they made it to the State Championship to be held on January 11th at Roger Williams University. The two teams that will represent Martin Middle School are “The Pedestrians” and the “Champions of the City”. The Robotics Club emphasizes teamwork, discovery, and innovation. Our students emerge more confident, excited, and equipped with the skills they need in a changing workforce. We are proud of the Martin Middle School students, teachers and families as they continue their journey to Roger Williams University on Saturday, January 11th! Go Wildcats!!!
John Andrade (left) and Amy Weinberger, of ExxonMobile, present RMS principal Robert Perry with a donation for the school's Robotics Program.
Bay View Wins 1st Place at Robotics Competition St. Mary Academy Bay View middle school Robotics Team won 1st place Champions Award at completion at Martin Middle School on Dec 7. The team will compete in the Statewide competition at Roger Williams University in January. At left: Teacher/Coach Valerie Briden and her daughter Tess Briden (8th grade), both of East Providence.
January 2020 The Reporter
SCHOOL NEWS Holiday Cheer was in the Air at Hennessey School!
Zayden and Dante on Wild West Day.
Noah and Jaylanny celebrating holiday spirit day.
Covenant Cooperative Nursery School at 165 Rounds Avenue in Riverside is
Licensed by RI DHS
Ornaments made by our Hennessey Heroes. Giving and Gratitude is flowing throughout the Hennessey School Community during the month of December. Students worked to raise money for The Tomorrow Fund as a service project. They raised a total of $300.00!! Students and staff enjoyed the week of spirit with 5 consecutive spirit days in a row! It seemed like Holiday Spirit Day and Pajama day were some of the favorites. Wild West Day was a new spirit day at Hennessey this year. Danasia, a 1st grader, liked Wild West Day because “some people had nice cowboy and cowgirl boots. Some people even complimented each other and I liked that!” The music of the East Providence High School Band was a hit at Hennessey. We think there will be some future high school band members and even some conductors in our futures. 3rd grader, Brayden said that the high school students showed their kindness to us by coming to our school. Someday I want to play the tuba!!” Students and staff have been reflecting on what they are grateful for in the school-wide gratitude jar. We have a lot of gratitude for our families, friends, school, teachers, and our Hennessey team.
It’s a great time to be a Hennessey Hero!
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The Reporter January 2020
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Our Concert Band under the direction of Ms. Susana Pimentel, Band Director performed at Martin Middle School during the evening Winter Band Concert on December 4th.
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Our MMS Chorus under the leadership of Wildcat chorus director, Mr. Robert Rappa performed at Martin Middle School during the evening Winter Choral Concert on December 11th. Martin Middle School has a strong tradition of an amazing music program for many years. Band Director, Ms. Susana Pimentel and Chorus Director, Mr. Robert Rappa have worked tirelessly for many years to get the most out of their students. Parents rave that a “transformation” occurs with their children in Band and Chorus classrooms who come to Martin with a basic if any experience in music and leave Martin as true musicians who perform for hundreds during Winter and Spring Concerts at Martin. Our students perform at the State House, various concerts, competitions, elementary schools, senior centers and much more. Recently, seven Martin Middle School Wildcats received All State honors and were selected as they very best of their craft in both Band and Chorus in the entire state of Rhode Island. There are many wonderful things happening within all of the classrooms between teachers and students at Martin Middle School and the Band and Chorus program teachers and students are a part of the school success!
January 2020 The Reporter
Saint Raphael Academy Announces First Quarter Honor Roll
Saint Raphael Academy congratulates students from the East Providence who have achieved honor roll status for the first quarter marking period in academic year 2019-20. Highest Honors Grade 9: Ethan Wright Grade 10: Samuel Clark Grade 12: Freya Badger, Madison Cabral, Adrianna Sepe First Honors Grade 9: Jake Araujo, Daniel Rocha Grade 10: Adam Aguiar, Samuel Costa, Miles DeMacedo, Jazmyne Hall, Elizabeth Murphy Grade 11: Elijah DaCosta, Hayden Midgley, Santiago Molina, Madelyn Paquette, Lauren Reilly, Reily Whitehead Grade 12: Andrew Aguiar, Saylor Costa, Rachel Gomes, Colby Luiz, Stephanie Murphy, Joseph Noel Second Honors Grade 9: Jonah Costa, Leah Dos Santos, Kaylee Estrela, Amber Francisco, Juliet Laurens, Skye Oliveira, Arun Thomas Grade 10: Meghan Cabral, Spencer King, Diana Lopes, Abigail Medeiros, Simon Treanor Grade 11: Lucas Amaral, David Chase, Michael Furtado, Jr., Joseph Grant, Jeffrey Pimental, Jr., Emily Ryder Grade 12: Adam Gomes, Zachery Pereira, Chloe Raposo, Neiko Ward
St. Luke’s School Announces Honor Roll
The following East Providence residents have achieved Honor Roll status at St. Luke’s School in Barrington for the recently completed trimester. Grade 6 Honors with Distinction: Charlotte Alvarez, Braeden Clark, Siena Rietheimer. First Honors: Elaine Joy, Bruce Sao Bento, Monica Scimeca. Second Honors: Alyssa Karalekas. Grade 7 Honors with Distinction: Tyler Rose. First Honors: Braeden Ellis, Dylan O’Connell, Nathan Olson, Benjamin Warr. Grade 8 First Honors: Morgan Clark, Sydney Spellman. Second Honors: Jacob Barcelos, Adam Boufatti, Brady Moschella, Natalia Sullivan.
Bishop Feehan Announces First Quarter Honor Roll
Vice Principal for Academics, Anne Kennedy, is proud to announce the Honor Roll students for the first quarter. Honor Roll is a recognition of high performing students based on the student’s overall average in any given quarter, regardless of the levels of their classes. Bishop Feehan has three levels of Honor Roll. First Honors is awarded to students whose overall average in that quarter is grade 93.00 or higher, Second Honors is grade 90.00 or higher, and Third Honors is 85.00 or higher, with no individual grade below 80. Congratulations to the following students from our area: First Honors James Fasy, 9; Patrick McGee, 10; Meaghan McGee, 12 Second Honors Giovanna Francesconi, 9; Victoria Woodruff, 10; Rachel Simone, 12 Third Honors Thomas Woodruff, 9; Benjamin Feeley, 10; William Roche, 10
Local Residents Named to Honor Roll at the Providence Country Day School
Congratulations to the following Providence Country Day School students, who have been named to the honor roll for first trimester: Thomas Allen, 2024, High Honors Emmanuel Barboza, 2026, Honors Wangming Jiang, 2021, Honors Claire Shamgochian, 2021, High Honors Kolby Vocke, 2022, High Honors Pengze Wu, 2022, High Honors
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The Reporter January 2020
Engagement Announcement TRAVASSOS & KUSIAK
Sarah Beth Benaski Engaged to Michael Todd Blaydes
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We hope you enjoy receiving our paper each month! We encourage you to continue to send us your news, letters, and announcements. We also hope you will support your local businesses because they make this newspaper possible!
Michael Todd Blaydes and Sarah Beth Benaski The Benaski and Roca families of Rehoboth MA are excited to announce the engagement of their daughter Sarah Beth Benaski to Michael Todd Blaydes of Riverside RI. He is the son of the Blaydes and Hazzard families. On December 15, 2019 she said yes at LaSallete in front of their family. She is a hairstylist and he is a letter carrier for the USPS in Providence RI. Sarah graduated from Dighton Rehoboth High School and Michael graduated from East Providence High School. The couple are planning a spring of 2020 wedding.
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January 2020 The Reporter
Birth Announcement Adeline Grace Oerman Michaela and Dustin Oerman of Rumford, along with big sister Josephine, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Adeline Grace Oerman. Adeline was born on October 3, 2019 at 9:57am weighing 9 lbs., 1 oz. and measuring 20.5” long.
We, here at The Reporter, want to extend our sincere CONGRATULATIONS to Michaela & Dustin on the beautiful addition to their growing family – and to our Reporter Family as well! Congratulations and Welcome, Adeline! Adeline Grace Oerman
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The Reporter January 2020
EPHS Boys Basketball: Strong Start for Townies
Richard Pina takes a shot vs Hope.
EPHS boys basketball wins Harry Mutter annual holiday tourney last month. The annual Harry Mutter Holiday tournament at EPHS was won this year by East Providence High. The tournament held at EPHS featured teams from Shea, North Providence, Toll Gate and EP. The tourney is sponsored by the volunteer Friends of Townie Athletics Organization (FOTA) and the Community & Teachers Credit Union. East Providence and Shea High defeated North Providence and Toll Gate to advance to the tourney final in late December. Both teams were undefeated entering the tourney championship. The tournament is named for the late Harry Mutter who was a long time school system employee and Hall of Fame athlete from EPHS. Mrs. Patricia Mutter was on hand to award the championship trophy along with the chairman of the Friends of Townie Athletics volunteer organization. The FOTA annually raises thousands of dollars for East Providence school sports.
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The Townies defeated North Providence in a thrilling 81-76 overtime win on December 26th to send them to the title game the next night against Shea High. Although Erickson Bans of Shea netted his 2,000 career point during the tourney, the Townies took a decisive 86-76 win for the championship. The Townies Justin Pena had 26 points and team mate Richard Pina scored 21 points on his way being named the tourney MVP. Richard Pina also netted 23 points for EP in their opening round win over the Cougars. The Townies held a slim two point lead at halftime in the title game but then opened up a 10-0 run in the third quarter and would never look back. The Townies win over a tough Shea team left the visitors with a 5-1 overall record as EP at press time remains undefeated with 4 wins. Also scoring for the Townies was Brian Taylor with 10 points, Josh Kauffman 12, and Zachary Russell added 14 for EP. The Townies Christian Vieira scored 3. Earlier in December EP bested Juanita Sanchez High School of Providence 85-60 with Richard Pina hitting for 24 points. Also in that game Brian Taylor had 16 and Josh Kauffman 15 points. Justin Pena threw in 8 points. In another Division I contest, East Providence beat back Hope High 69-56. Kauffman, Pina and Taylor scored 21, 18 and 13 points respectively. Juan Severino had a game high 29 points for Hope. East Providence's Richard Pina is among the state leaders, averaging 21 points per game. Josh Kauffman is averaging 18 per game. The undefeated Townies take on undefeated Hendricken to start off the January schedule. The game is set for January 2nd, 7 pm at EPHS. An update will be posted by the
January 2020 The Reporter
Townies Matthew DosSantos pushing the ball up court vs Hope.
The Townies Tyler Lima takes the ball up the court vs Hope.
EP boys basketball Head Coach Joe Andrade at team practice last month.
EPHS Girls Basketball: New Coach Bay Lambert Getting the Crowds Out
Townies basketball team. EPHS basketball photo. Although the lady Townies are 0-1 in league play, the Townies are playing inspired basketball under 1st year head coach Tshombe “Bay” Lambert. Lambert a 2002 graduate and former basketball and football player for the Townies is not only the head coach but a self-anointed cheerleader for his team. The team is trying to bounce back from a winless last season. Lambert frequently posts on social media about his team. "I’m asking everyone to be at the EPHS gym tomorrow making noise and enjoying yourself, to cheer these girls on to do the impossible, let’s have that place rocking!," said Coach Lambert before the Johnston game. "If you’re from EP and you especially was there with me, then there shouldn’t be an excuse if you’re not there! These girls have worked so hard
and they need us and our support ," said the new coach. The enthusiasm seems to be spreading. Although the Townies were heavy underdogs against a tough veteran Johnston team, the EPHS gym was packed. The crowd was loud throughout the entire game and even though Johnston wore down EP and took the win 55-38, the large crowd was appreciative. Sara Laurino Duarte played for the Townies from 1997-2000 and is now a physical education teacher at the high school. "I’ve been to many of the high school games since I started teaching here over 10 years ago and have never seen the stands this packed. It was exciting to see the girls finally getting the attention they deserve. Thank you coach for getting the community hyped up about our girls," said an excited Duarte. Referring to the Johnston loss, Lambert was disappointed but remained positive. "It was a tough loss tonight to a very good team, a team that has been playing together forever and they are at the top of the division. I’m so proud of my girls, they kept fighting and fighting. At the end we were right there but they made big shots and we didn’t. The future is bright for EP Girls Basketball and we belong. Back to work tomorrow," said the energetic coach. Lambert was ecstatic about an early season non-league win over Cranston East. The Townies came out slow and didn't play well. "We couldn’t hit the ocean, ton of turnovers, we were getting out rebounded and we’re down by 9 with 5 minutes to go. It was gut check time," said the coach. On the Townie sideline, Lambert was racing up and down continued on next page...
The Reporter January 2020
as far as referees would allow. "I was going nuts on the sideline screaming for energy," he said after the game. "But it was an epic finish and comeback for the win. These girls showed amazing heart at the end. We have a lot to fix but you always have a chance with heart." Indeed, Coach Lambert has heart, strong vocal chords and he has the Townie gym filled on most nights when his team is playing. They aim to win some games this season. The team has two non-league wins and after the Division I loss to Johnston, they head into tough league play in January.
Providence Gridiron Club Announces EP MVP Selections
continued on next page...
Caleb Almeida, Left and Carew Gomes receive MVP awards at Providence Grid Iron Club annual dinner. Grid Iron Club photo.
Large crowds have been attending boys and girls basketball games at EPHS. This crowd is watching the girls team in December action.
The Providence Gridiron Club announced the selection of two Townie football players at its annual awards dinner last month. East Providence defensive football player Kaleb Almeida and offensive player Carew Gomes received Most Valuable Player recognition. It was Almeida's second time winning the award. Also the football club announced that former Townie All-Stater Steve Silva was inducted into the 2019 Gridiron Hall of Fame class. Silva led the Townies and then graduated from Holy Cross College. Silva excelled at Holy Cross as a two time captain and All American selection. All-Stater at EPHS, Silva was named as Rhode Island player of the year. He graduated from EPHS in 2000. Silva briefly played professional football.
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Middle School Sports Updates
From MMS and RMS Administrations
Riverside Middle Boys Basketball
The boys team enter winter break with 5-0 record after cruising to a 58-20 victory over Paul Cuffee. "We were led by Skyller Garcia's 13 and Trey Rezendes' 10 points. The other players that scored were Ruan Gillis, Joseph Chaves, Domenic Maitao, Elijah McNair, Davien Jean-Rene, Tre'von Franklin, Cameron Evora, Eddie Turay, Kenaz Ochogwu, and Xavier Hazard," giving us a well balanced squad," said coach Scott Breault. The boys used a strong team effort to also beat Western Hills 61-42. The team was lead by Trey Rezendes' 16, Xavier Hazards 13, Eddie Turay's 11, Skyller Garcia's 10, and Kenaz Ochogwu's 9 points. Elijah McNair and Ryan Gillis each had 3 points
January 2020 The Reporter
Riverside Middle School boys basketball team off to a good start.
RMS girls basketball team
and Dominic Maiato had 2 points. Cameron Evora, Andrew Espada, and Joseph Chaves also contributed with tough defense. The team returns to action after the holiday break on January 2nd at Bain.
Riverside Middle Girls Basketball
The RMS girls team defeated Ricci in December, 48-4 with contributions from all team members. Captain Estrella D’Ambra and Breena Hannon led with 10 a piece. Samantha Clarke contributed 5, while Mackenzie Pimentel, Naryah Rolon, and Amaiah Ortiz each had 4. Ariana Ingram had 3, while Mia DeAngelis, Harmonie McDowell, Daisha German-Silva, and Ava Williams each contributed a bucket.
MMS Wrestling
The Martin Middle School Wrestling Team is sitting at 2-2 at the winter holiday break. With victories in the last two matches including at home versus Ferri Middle School and on the road at Ponaganset Middle School. The wrestlers are beginning to see what is takes to have success on the mat. MMS Coach Bobby Rodericks continues to work with his wrestlers to prepare them for the second half of the season. The team has been working hard and getting ready including practices during the winter break to continue to improve. The Wildcats under the helm of Coach Rodericks have a strong history of success and MMS looks forward to watching the team compete and get stronger in 2020. The next matches include a Tri-tournament at Martin on Wednesday, January 8th against Barrington and Lincoln as well as a Tri-tournament at Chariho with Martin competing against Kickemuit and Western Hills on January 13th. Martin finishes up its final two matches before the state championship against Western Hills at Martin on 1/15, Martin will travel to Nathaniel Greene in Providence to compete against Nathaniel Greene and Esek Hopkins Middle School.
MMS Girls Basketball
Under the direction of Coach Damien Ramos, the MMS Girls Basketball team is working hard and showing improvement since last season. The girls are sitting on a 1-3 record with winning their last game on the road at Birchwood Middle School in North Providence. The team looks to keep it going and put together some great games continued on next page...
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The Reporter January 2020
starting in January. The Wildcats home schedule will be at home versus Veterans MS on 1/7, then in-city rival Riverside MS on 1/14, Western Hills on 1/21, and Park View Middle School at Martin on 1/28. The girls will travel on the road in the following contests at Winman MS on January 3rd, at UCAP on 1/9, at LaSalle on 1/16, at Ricci on 1/23, and finishing the regular season at Paul Cuffee School on 1/30.
MMS Boys Basketball Update
The Wildcat Boys Basketball Team are sitting at 4-1 at the winter break. Coach Chris Kennedy and his team are in second place in the Central Division with victories over Hope Highlands, Bain MS, Deering MS, Birchwood MS and the only loss was to at Feinstein MS in Coventry. The boys’ basketball team’s away schedule will be at Veterans MS on 1/7, then at in-city rival Riverside MS on 1/14, at Western Hills on 1/21, and final regular season road game at Park View Middle School on 1/28. The Wildcat Boys Basketball Team will defend their home gym with games at Martin on the following games Wiman MS on January 3rd, UCAP on 1/9, LaSale on 1/16, Ricci MS on 1/23, and finishing the regular season at home against Paul Cuffee School on 1/30.
High School Schedules EPHS Boys Basketball
Thu 1/02 -7:00 pm Mon 1/06 -7:00 pm Fri 1/10 -7:00 pm Tue 1/14 -7:15 pm Thu 1/16 -7:00 pm Mon 1/20 -7:00 pm Wed 1/22 -6:30 pm Fri 1/24 -7:00 pm Mon 1/27 -7:00 pm Thu 1/30 -7:00 pm Fri 2/07 -7:00 pm Mon 2/10 -6:00 pm Wed 2/12 -7:00 pm Fri 2/14 -7:00 pm Tue 2/18 -7:00 pm Thu 2/20 -6:00 pm Mon 2/24 -7:00 pm
Hendricken at East Providence East Providence at Cranston East South Kingstown at East Providence East Providence at Smithfield Hope at East Providence Central at East Providence East Providence at Hendricken East Providence at La Salle Cranston East at East Providence North Kingstown at East Providence East Providence at Coventry East Providence at South Kingstown St. Raphael at East Providence East Providence at Woonsocket Mount Pleasant at East Providence East Providence at Classical Cumberland at East Providence
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EPHS Girls Basketball
Fri 1/03 -7:00 pm Tue 1/07 -7:00 pm Thu 1/09 -7:00 pm Tue 1/14 -7:00 pm Fri 1/17 -6:30 pm Tue 1/21 -7:00 pm Thu 1/23 -12:00 pm Mon 1/27 -7:00 pm Wed 1/29 -6:30 pm Fri 1/31 -7:00 pm Tue 2/04 -7:00 pm Fri 2/07 -7:00 pm Thu 2/13 -7:00 pm Mon 2/17 -7:00 pm Wed 2/19 -7:00 pm Fri 2/21 -6:00 pm Wed 2/26 -7:00 pm
East Providence at La Salle Moses Brown at East Providence East Providence at Portsmouth East Providence at Cranston West East Providence at Johnston North Kingstown at East Providence La Salle at East Providence East Providence at Rogers East Providence atMoses Brown Bay View at East Providence Portsmouth at East Providence East Providence at St. Raphael Barrington at East Providence East Providence at East Greenwich Smithfield at East Providence East Providence at South Kingstown Wheeler at East Providence
EPHS Hockey
Fri 1/03 -9:00 pm Sat 1/04 -8:40 pm Fri 1/10 -7:00 pm Fri 1/17 -7:30 pm Sat 1/18 -9:00 pm Fri 1/24 -9:00 pm Sat 1/25 -9:00 pm Thu 1/30 -6:00 pm Sun 2/02 -1:30 pm Sat 2/08 -8:50 pm Fri 2/14 -7:00 pm Sat 2/15 -7:30 pm Fri 2/21 -7:00 pm
Barrington at MB/EP/Tolman - Lynch Arena Burrillville at MB/EP/Tolman - Lynch Arena MB/EP/Tolman at Mount St. Charles MB/EP/Tolman at Hendricken Smithfield at MB/EP/Tolman - RI Sp. Center MB/EP/Tolman at Lynch Arena La Salle at MB/EP/Tolman at Lynch Arena MB/EP/Tolman at Burrillville at Levy Arena MB/EP/Tolman at Barrington - P. Abbey Mt. St. Chs. at MB/EP/Tolman - RI Sp. Center MB/EP/Tolman at Boss Arena Hendricken at MB/EP/Tolman - Lynch Arena MB/EP/Tolman at Smithfield - Smithfield Rink
EPHS Boys/Girls Swim
Mon 1/06 -3:00 pm Fri 1/10 -3:45 pm Wed 1/15 -12:00 am Fri 1/24 -12:00 am Wed 1/29 -3:45 pm Wed 2/05 -3:30 pm Wed 2/12 -4:00 pm Fri 2/14 -5:30 pm Wed 2/19 -3:30 pm
Fri 1/03 -7:00 pm Tue 1/07 -7:00 pm Thu 1/09 -12:00 am Mon 1/13 -7:00 pm Wed 1/15 -7:00 pm Thu 1/23 -7:00 pm Mon 1/27 -7:00 pm Wed 1/29 -6:00 pm Fri 1/31 -7:00 pm Tue 2/04 -7:00 pm Fri 2/07 -7:00 pm Tue 2/11 -7:00 pm Mon 2/17 -7:00 pm Wed 2/19 -7:00 pm Fri 2/21 -7:00 pm Mon 2/24 -7:00 pm Wed 2/26 -7:15 pm
East Providence at CCRI-Lincoln EP vs. Shea/Tolman at Pawt. Boys/Girls Club East Providence vs. Burrillville East Providence at Mount St. Charles EP vs Smithfield at Boys & Girls Club of EP EP vs Toll Gate at Boys & Girls Club of EP Classical vs EP at Boys & Girls Club of EP EPat Pilgrim - McDermott Pool EP vs N. Prov. at Boys & Girls Club of EP
Bayview Basketball
St. Raphael at Bay View Bay View at Cranston West North Kingstown at Bay View Bay View at Rogers La Salle at Bay View South Kingstown at Bay View Portsmouth at Bay View Bay View at Wheeler Bay View at East Providence Barrington at Bay View Johnston at Bay View Bay View at East Greenwich Bay View at St. Raphael Cranston West at Bay View North Kingstown at Bay View Rogers at Bay View Bay View at Smithfield
January 2020 The Reporter
CLASSIFIEDS WANTED Civil War, WW1, WW2, Anything to do with military; helmets, knives, uniforms, guns, HAVE (license), anything related to wartime, will pay cash for items, ask for Charles, call 508-230-6444; call anytime thanks Wanted: Flower vases. Please donate. Call Debbie at 401-6323602. Paying CASH for Coins, Gold & Silver Jewelry, Flatware, Costume Jewelry, Antiques, Smalls, Old Toys, Gift Cards, Fishing Lures, Pre 1964 Coins, Oddities. Warren Exchange 175 Main Street in Warren (401) 245-5001. Off Street Parking. I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you Joe in Rehoboth 508 558 5129.
Custodian Wanted: Barrington Public Schools has an opening for a custodian, experience preferred. It includes a full benefit package with health insurance, pension and paid vacations. If interested please pick up a paper application at the Barrington Public Schools, 283 County Road, Barrington, RI 02806. Barrington is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
House on farm for rent in Rehoboth. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths. $1700 +first, last and security. Call Jennifer 508-333-8265.
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Cell Phones for Soldiers Collection at Liberty Tax – East Providence
The Liberty Tax office in East Providence will open at 8 AM, Six Days a Week, Monday through Saturday, from January 2020 Through April 15, 2020, to Collect Cell Phones for Soldiers. Cell Phones for Soldiers helps make contact with home a reality for troops who are stationed overseas and face expensive phone calling charges. Neighbors can drop off their cell phones, in any condition, at 2775 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence. PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE at (401) 572-3644, if you have any questions, or need driving directions to our office. For more information about the wide range of services that Cell Phones for Soldiers provides to soldiers and veterans, please visit https:/ / Free Hypnotism discussion every Tuesday evening from 7:00 to 8:00 pm at 225 Newman Ave Rumford, RI with Ed Smith at Mind Mechanic Hypnosis. Email for details.
HOUSE CLEANING: Is your home in need of a really good cleaning? Whether you need one, or regular cleanings. Years of experience! (we include oven, inside fridge in our service). Call Gil for details 508-840-6611. BIG BLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House. We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. Call Tony 508-226-1295; A Handy Svc. LLC: Honest, Dependable, and Affordable. Kitchen and Bathroom remodeling. Painting, Carpentry, Windows, Doors, Floors, and more! Insured. R.I Registration #27314. Call Mike @ 401-487-3850
The Reporter January 2020
East Providence Senior Center 610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 Phone 435-7800 Dining Room Ext. 2 Fax 435-7803
Dates To Remember
Jan. 3: Blood Pressure Clinic: 10:30am Jan. 8: Stroke Support Group: 1:00pm Jan. 9: AARP Board Meeting: 12:30pm Jan. 13: Caregiver Support: 10:30am Jan.14: Blood Pressure Clinic: 10:30am Jan.16: Blood Pressure Clinic: 10:30am Jan. 17: InSight Support: 12:45pm Jan.20: CLOSED-MLK Jr Day Jan. 27: Memory Café: 2:00pm Computer Assist: 2:00pm Jan.28: Blood Pressure Clinic: 10:30am
Laura Jones
Director-Ext. 5
Shontell Gomes
Admin. Assistant-Ext 4
Ellen Frazier
Resource Specialist-Ext. 3
Mary Jane Milner
RN, CDE, CDOE-Ext. 7
Cindy DeMedeiros Dining Room-Ext. 2
Other Staff
Richard DiCecco-Facility Manager Pat Thomas-Receptionist Ed Daft-Transportation Lee Wilber-Transportation Dick Wood-Transportation Steve Checrallah-Transportation
Advisory Board
Maryann Leonardo Angela Caldarone-Byrd Judy Phillips Jim Phillips George Furtado Jan Kinder Ann Fagundes Ken Goucher Elaine Robinson Donald Senna
Volunteer Opportunities
Fitness Center, Gift Shop, Library For more information on volunteer opportunities call: Laura Jones, Director of Senior Services at 401-435-7800 ext. 15003.
The mission of the East Providence Senior Center is to assist, inform and enrich the lives of all persons 55 years of age and older or disabled persons in the East Providence area.
January Happenings RIPTA Bus Passes
Friday, January 10th
11:00 am-1:00pm in the EPSC Lobby.
Living Well with Diabetes Classes Jan. 16th 23rd, 30th 9:30-11:45am
American Diabetes Association Accredited Program. Registration is required. Call 401-435-7800 or stop by the Health Office
You Don’t Want to Miss This: Elder SCAMS Seminar Jan 22nd at 11:00 am
Sponsored by RI Attorney General’s Office • Learn how to identify and protect yourself from scams. • Learn the resources available and what to do if you think you have been scammed. • Learn to identify and protect yourself from elder abuse. Call 401-435-7800 or stop by the reception desk at the EP Senior Center to register.
Thursday, Jan. 30th from 9:00-1:00
“Do you or someone you know have trouble hearing on the telephone? With CaptionCall you can understand every word of every phone call. It’s large, easy-to-read screen quickly displays written captions of what your callers say. That means you can get more from your conversations-and from life. If you wear hearing aids but still have difficulty hearing on the phone, or if you have hearing loss but have not yet committed to hearing aids, CaptionCall is the perfect solution to help you stay connected with loved ones. Captioned telephone is a federally funded program administered by the FCC as part of the Americans with Disabilities Act and is an absolutely FREE telephone. Please join us in the lobby of the East Providence Senior Center to learn more.”
Membership Rates
$15 Residents $20 Non-Residents
Fitness Room
Resident: $55 incl membership Non-Resident: $65 incl membership Couple Resident: $100 incl membership Couple Non-Res: $120 incl membership Note: Please scan in when entering the facility. This is very important because our funding depends on it. The best way to produce data is through the scan system.
Wheel of Fortune
Thursdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Sponsored by Right at Home.
Fitness Center
Our fitness room is open Monday through Friday 7am to 4pm. The fitness room has treadmills, recumbent bikes, elliptical machines, hand weights, and six dual weight machines. Features include: a matted floor, mirrored walls, water cooler, stereo, and cable TV. You must have approval from your physician to participate in this program. Forms can be obtained in the Administration Office. The fee is $40 for a one year membership, $45 for nonresidents.
Yoga Information
Mon Beginners 10:30am, $3 Mon Intermediate 9:00am, $3 Mon Chair Yoga Noon, Free Mon Yoga Flow 4:15pm, $3 Wed Intermediate 7am, $3 Wed Blended 9am, $3 Thurs Intermediate 4:15pm, Free Fri Blended 8am, $3 Yoga classes come in four varieties: Beginner, Intermediate, Intermediate Blended with Bone Builders and Chair. How do you know which class is right for you? All classes involve a variety of gentle yoga poses: standing, seated in chairs, and doing poses on the yoga mat. All classes offer the benefits from yoga of enhancing your strength, flexibility, balance, breathing and relaxation. So how are they different? Beginner Yoga is an introductory class for those who wish to find out whether yoga is right for them. No prior experience is needed. Intermediate Yoga is appropriate for anyone who has some familiarity with yoga and is generally fit. Yoga and Bone Builders Blend: Starts with a warm up and gentle yoga, then moves into stretches and weight-lifting. The exercises are specifically designed to enhance muscle strength, balance, and breathing. Class ends with a cool down, restorative yoga poses and ten minutes of Savasana (relaxation pose). Chair Yoga sponsored by Aldersbridge Communities. Combines movements with breathing and mindfulness. The breathing aspects of yoga can improve blood pressure as well as heart rate. Improves concentration and mind/body connection.
January 2020 The Reporter
Diabetes Outpatient Education Classes
Your Health Insurance will cover one complete 4 day session per year. Classes are taught by Certified Nurses, Dietitians, and Pharmacists. Learn the skills to successfully manage your diabetes and meet others with this disease. New Classes staring in January 2020.You are not alone! Class size is limited. Pre-registration is required.
Memory Care Café Jan. 27, 2-3:30 p.m.
Connections for caregivers and those with memory loss. A memory café is an opportunity for individuals with all forms of dementia and their care partners to come together for interactive and therapeutic activities. Light fare and beverages will be served. Sponsored by Atria Bay Spring Village.
Join us for Lunch
Monday—Friday at 11:45
We invite you to join us for lunch, served Monday through Friday at 11:45. Catch up with old friends and meet new ones. A suggested donation is $3. For more information call Cindy at 401.435.7800 Ext 2. Thank you to Cindy and the kitchen staff for the third straight year receiving a perfect score during the RI Health Department inspection.
Registered Dietician, Ann Marie Sabula is available for appointments in the health office. She will counsel you in private about your personal needs and insurance covers these visits. She is also a certified diabetes educator. To schedule a visit, stop by the health office or call us at 435-7800 Ext. 1.
Elder Resource Specialist
Elder Resource Specialist, Ellen Frazier assists the elderly and their families in providing information/referral and assistance with accessing services and programs.
Registered Nurse, Mary Jane Milner is available for appointments in the health office. She is a Certified Diabetes Educator who can help with any topic regarding diabetes, and other basic nursing questions. To schedule a visit, call 4357800 Ext. 7.
Nutrition Program
The center provides a nutritional meal to approximately 85 seniors per day. Reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance. 401-435-7800 ext. 2.
Senior Health Insurance Program Mondays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Sponsored by East Bay Community Action Program. Trained volunteer counselor is available at the center on Mondays from 9:00am-3:00pm.
Blood Pressure Clinics - 10:30am
• Jan. 3 Orchard View Manor • Jan. 14 Grace Barker Health • Jan. 16 Evergreen Health Center • Jan. 28 Hattie Ide Chaffee Home
Computer/iPad Assistance
Monday, Jan. 27, 2-3:30 p.m.
On the last Monday of every month students from MTTI career training school will assist any member with computer questions. The students try to resolve your computer problems and help you with a computer course you may be taking.
Gift Shop Open 9am 1pm
Donations Wanted:The center’s gladly accepts gently used or new items for the gift shop. Items can include: jewelry, handbags, small accessories, small household items, knitted baby/children goods. All donations should be brought to the Administration Office.
Goodwill Donation Box Blue container in lobby
Goodwill Industries of Rhode Island's mission is to provide job training for RI youth and adults with disabilities and other barriers to employment. Accepting donations of clothing appropriate for interviews: Blouses, Shirts, Pants, Dresses, Skirts, Socks, Shoes, Belts, and Purses etc.
Note to Senior Center Members
Did you know the Senior Center now can send you a message when it is necessary to cancel a class? If you have caller ID on your phone, the number will show up as 617-440-3507, Somerville MA. Please swipe your membership card each time you visit the center for each activity you participate in, including the fitness center. When you swipe in, we know you regularly attend that activity and we then know to contact you.
Students 4 Seniors
Connecting students from the EPHS with senior citizens at the Senior Center. The program will help to “Bridge the Gap”, increasing intergenerational awareness and understanding between the different generations. Students and seniors will meet once a week on Wednesdays 2:003:00, for one hour, for a minimum of one academic year. For information call EBCAPs Office of Volunteer Services at 401.435.7876.
Unwanted & Unused Prescription Drugs
It is easier than ever to safely dispose of unwanted and/or unused prescription medications, drugs/patches, over the counter medications, ointments and vitamins. There is a locked Drug Box in the Administration Office at the East Providence Senior Center. All drugs will be transported to our Police Department for disposal.
Weekly/Monthly Programs Monday
9:00am Intermediate Yoga 9:00am Walking Group 10:30am Beginners Yoga 10:30am Caregivers Sup Grp 3rd Mon 12:00pm Chair Yoga 1:00pm Pokeno 2:00pm Ballroom Dancing 2:00pm Computer Help - Last Mon 2:00pm Memory Café - 4th Mon 4:15pm Yoga Flow 6:00pm Fit Mix 9:30am 9:30am 12:30pm 1:25pm 2:00 pm 7:00am 8:30am 9:00am 9:00am 10:45am 1:00pm 1:30pm
Aerobics Exercise Watercolor Class Watercolor Class BINGO Tai Ji Quan
Intermediate Yoga East Side Lab-1st Wed Blended Yoga Scrabble Chair Exercise Cribbage Stroke Group-1st Wed
9:30am 9:30 am 11:00am Noon 12:30pm 1:00pm 1:00pm 2: 00pm 4:00pm
Aerobics Exercise Wheel of Fortune Yoga Dance-Jan.23rd Mah Jongg Bridge Craft Class Diabetes Support-4th Thurs Tai Ji Quan Yoga Flow
8:00am 8:30am 10:00am 10:30am 10:45am 11:00am 12:45pm 1:20pm 4:15pm
Blended Yoga Scrabble Mah Jongg Fitness Advisor Chair Exercise Meditation Class In-Sight Support Grp.-3rd Fri Hi Lo Jack League Yoga Flow
7am—4pm Fitness Center 8am—4pm Billiards 9am—1pm Library 8am—4pm Computer Lab 9am-11am AM Coffee 9am-1pm Gift Shop 11:45am Lunch 2pm –3pm Coffee Bar
Card Games
Pokeno Monday 1:00pm Cribbage Wednesday 1:00pm Bridge Thursday 12:30pm Hi Lo Jack Friday 1:20pm
For more information on the programs listed here, as well as the many other offerings and a daily menu, call the Center or stop by!
The Reporter January 2020
IN MEMORIAM Geoffrey “Geoff” O’Hara, 50, of Rumford, RI died on November 22, 2019 after a long-standing battle with depression, a heartbreakingly fatal disease. Bette Catherine Erickson, 91, of Riverside, RI and York Beach, ME, passed away on November 23, 2019 after a courageous battle with congestive heart failure. She was the loving wife of George Erickson. Charles “Charlie” H. Apuzzo, 87 years old died on November 24, 2019. Ralph A. Paparella, 101, of Wampanoag Trail in East Providence, peacefully passed away on November 24, 2019. Louise Herminie Kilpatrick, 90, died peacefully in the wee hours of November 26th at the Bethany Home in Providence. Maria “Catherine” Fidalgo, 95, of Wheldon Avenue and formerly of Pawtucket Avenue passed away after a brief illness with her family at her side on Friday, November 29,2019 in Hospce Care. Dorothy M. Taylor, 95, of Lincoln Avenue, Riverside, died peacefully on November 30, 2019 surrounded by her loving family. MaryAnn J. Lemieux 75, passed away Wednesday December 4, 2019 at Waterview Villa in East Providence, RI. Cosimo T. Arrigo, 80, of East Providence, passed away peacefully with his brother at his side, Thursday afternoon, Dec. 5, 2019 at the Eastgate Nursing Home. Genevieve DeVall (Doyle) (1940-2019). It is with profound sadness that the family of Gen (Sister) announces her passing on December 6, 2019 at the age of 79. Lydia J. Motta, 86, passed away on Saturday, December 7, 2019. Thomeeka D. Speaks, 24, passed away on Saturday, December 7, 2019 at Rhode Island Hospital. Jane A Nelson, 93, of Riverside, died peacefully on December 10, 2019 surrounded by her loving family. Mildred I. Moniz, age 96, of East Providence, died December 11, 2019 at the Linn Health Care Center surrounded by her loving family. Susan L. Rotondo, R.N., 68, passed away in the comfort of her home in Rumford, Rhode Island surrounded by her loving family on Thursday, December 12, 2019. Donna M. Fanion, 68, passed away on Wednesday, December 18, 2019. Jane (Veyera) Albanese, 84, of Hazelwood Ave., East Providence, passed away suddenly with her family by her side Saturday, Dec. 21, 2019 at RI Hospital.
Food 5 Steps for Better Meal Prep
( Eating healthier and saving time around the house are common goals for many families, and there’s one solution that can help attain both: meal-prepping. By planning and preparing meals in advance of each week, you can practice better portion control while creating free time for normally hectic mornings, afternoons and evenings. Consider these tips to start your meal-prepping process: 1. Include the whole family. By letting everybody in on mealprepping, you’re helping ensure everyone is satisfied with the breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks that become your end results. Even if you only plan to work in advance on lunches, for instance, loved ones will likely enjoy the process more if all are pleased with the meals they enjoy later. 2. Plan the meals. Once the whole gang is included and onboard, start brainstorming the recipes and dishes you’d like to make. Try starting with just one course at first - lunch is likely to be the easiest - to help keep meal-prepping simple at the start. 3. Buy ingredients in bulk. Whether your grocery shopping takes place over the weekend or on a free weeknight, purchasing ingredients and supplies in bulk - without overbuying perishables like fruits and veggies - can help make sure you have everything you need once it’s time to build the meals themselves. 4. Head to the kitchen. Pick one day each week when you can plan to spend ample time in the kitchen making your meals. Use cooking techniques that are less hands-on, like baking or slowcooking, as often as possible so you can multitask throughout. 5. Sort and divide. Using quality food containers to keep your meals as fresh as possible, start splitting up servings in ways that fuel you and family while instituting improved portion control. By sorting out specific meals ahead of time, you can begin creating better eating habits. Visit for more kitchen tips and tricks. Source:
6 Tips for Adding More Seafood to Your Family’s Menu
(Family Features) Seafood can make for a healthy addition to diets, particularly for children. It improves body and brain function, and studies conducted by “Pediatrics” and the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” have linked seafood to reduced risks of heart disease and allergic conditions like asthma. In fact, the United States Department of Agriculture suggests making seafood part of healthy diets and its 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend putting it on menus at least twice a week. While there are common complaints, such as “my kids won’t like it” or “I don’t know how to prepare it,” these tips can help make it quick, easy and affordable to add nutritious seafood to your family’s menu. * Start with shrimp. Shrimp is one of the most popular types of seafood in the United States. Try shrimp warm or cold as a snack, appetizer or main course. It’s versatile and can be sauteed, broiled, boiled, grilled or baked. * Make it fun. Consider putting healthy fish like wild cod, salmon or pollock into fun foods like tacos or burgers. * Buy frozen. Fish is now flash frozen at sea to lock in freshness. Frozen seafood meals add convenience and help cut down on waste because what you don’t use can go back in the freezer.
January 2020 The Reporter
& Dining * Cook with your kids. If your kids don’t think they like seafood, have them help with dinner. Cooking with kids can help develop healthier long-term habits and a more adventurous palate. It also helps improve motor functions and confidence. In fact, a study published in “Pediatrics” shows getting children involved in meal preparation may increase their enjoyment of healthy foods. * Pick the right products. To create a family-friendly menu, consider an option like Aqua Star’s Cutting Board meal kits, a selection of 10 recipes that include everything a family needs to prepare a tasty, healthy meal. Selections include tacos, flatbreads and comfort favorites. With pre-portioned ingredients for quick preparation and cleanup, they make it easy for parents and kids to create their own restaurant-quality meals. * Eat at home. Eating out often can drive unhealthy eating habits and strain family budgets. Seafood is easy and convenient to make, whether you use a simple recipe like these Chipotle Shrimp Street Tacos or choose a convenient meal kit, and can help you spend more time together at the dinner table. Find more tips and recipes to add seafood to your family’s table at
Chipotle Shrimp Street Tacos Total time: 20 minutes ~ Servings: 2
Going Out? Staying In? Find Good Food Right Here.
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Now 431 Winthrop Street, Rte 44,Taunton MA • 508-823-8664 Booking 1666 Diamond Hill Rd, Cumberland RI • 401-305-3916 Holiday 520 Foundry Street, Easton MA• 508-297-0327 Parties
Reservations Recommended
Reach 100% of your customers! 401-305-3916 Call 508.252.6575 to advertise! 1666 Diamond Hill Road Cumberland, RI 02864
1 Aqua Star Chipotle Shrimp Street Tacos Meal Kit, including: creamy ancho chili sauce Aqua Star shrimp chipotle seasoning spinach corn roasted tomato white corn tortillas 2 teaspoons cooking oil, divided
• Submerge unopened sauce packet in bowl of water to thaw. • In large skillet, heat 1 teaspoon oil; add shrimp and cook 6-8 minutes. Drain excess fluid and add chipotle seasoning. • In medium skillet, heat remaining oil; add spinach, corn and roasted tomato. Cook 4-5 minutes until water is evaporated; set aside. • In microwave, warm tortillas in moist paper towel 30 seconds. • To build tacos, fill two tortillas with shrimp and vegetables then top with sauce. Source: Aqua Star
Always open to the public Winter Kitchen Hours: Wed – Sat, 4:30 – 10pm
FREE appetizer on Thursday with every flight (martini, wine, beer)
Check our special Valentine’s Menu Friday, Feb 14th Live music with Billy Musto 7-10pm
For all menus: For live music schedule/events:
LaCollina is located at 82 Hillside Ave., Rehoboth MA 508.252.5563 Make a reservation today!
The Reporter January 2020
American Eagle Entertrises, LLC 46
Appliance Repairs
CJS/Statewide Appliance Repair 46
Just In Time Handyman Service 7
Attorney William C. Maaia
Health & Fitness
Complete Fitness
Auto Body
A-1 Custom Auto Body
Heating & Air Cond
Fox & Delomba
Auto Dealers
The Car Palace
Landscape Service
Cutting Edge Landscaping
Auto Repairs
New England Tire
StoneScapes - Mark Carvalho
Yankee Auto Electric Inc
Mortgage Broker
Sierra Pacific Mortgage
HarborOne Mortgage
George Family Orthodontics
One On One Basketball Camp
Romani Orthodontics
Chamber of Commerce East Providence Chamber
Covenant Coop Nursery School 31
Chimney Services
Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney
Private School
St. Luke’s School
Wexler’s Collectibles
Real Estate
Joe Botelho, Realtor
Olivia M Howard, LMFT
Real Estate
Mateus Realty
Country Club
Hillside Country Club
Real Estate
Paiva Realty Group
Credit Union
Comm&Teachers Credit Union
Real Estate
ReMax Rivers Edge
Credit Union
Navigant Credit Union
Real Estate
Residential Properties
Coastal Dental Seekonk
Real Estate
The Tirrell Team
Eager Family Dentistry
Real Estate
TK Real Estate Brokerage
George Family Orthodontics
Real Estate
Vicki Doran
Lisa Daft DMD & Associates, PC 21
Batty Construction
Romani Orthodontics
La Collina
Smith Family Dental Associates 27
La Familia
Engine Repair-Lawn
Fred’s Service Center, Inc.
Roofing Contractor
Tabeleys Roofing
Food/Party Store
Thomsen Foodservice
Stove Shop
Fireplace SHowcase
Fuel - Oil
Trash/Junk Removal
Big Blue Removal Service
Hair Salon
Shear Image Salon
Tree Service
Advanced Tree
Hall Rental
Knights of Columbus
Antiques/Cash for Gold Americana Auction
CJS / Statewide Appliance Repair
Diagnostic Visit
$5 OFF ($69.95 - mention ad) Most Appliances, Fee waved with repair
e y
American Eagle Enterprises,
Handyman Service Light Carpentry Painting • Odd Jobs Remodels & more Free Estimates
January 2020 The Reporter
THE EXPERIENCE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE Since 1975, Mateus Realty has been helping families like yours buy and sell their homes. Mateus Realty understands the market and the emotion that comes with buying or selling a home, whether you are a first time home buyer in need of some guidance, a growing family looking to expand, or seniors looking to downsize. Our goal is to provide personalized service, professional advice from the beginning of the transaction, to a successful closing. Luis Mateus is personally involved in every single transaction.
A Sign of Success. A Name You Can Trust!
East Providence Colonial $309,900
Rumford Bungalow $199,900
Johnston Ranch $239,900
Pawtucket 3 Family $339,900
East Providence Raised Ranch $299,900
Riverside Two Single Family Homes $249,900
East Providence Ranch $249,900
East Providence Raised Ranch $259,900
Buying or Selling WE NEED LISTINGS!
CALL 401-434-8399 Falamos Portugues •
The Reporter January 2020
Postmaster: Deliver by JANUARY 8th
PAIVA Realty Group • Rumford, RI •
Ray Paiva, Broker/owner sold
East Providence: 10-rm split level, cath ceilings, lg master w/bath/ shower/whirlpool tub. FP, HWs, Gas heat, C/A, alarm, sprinklers, 2-car garage, 40 x 20 inground pool, cabana w/kit, bath, bedroom. Patios with granite picnic table. $499,900 Ray Paiva 401-447-2275
Barrington: Waterfront property with beautiful views of the bay, two beds nice kitchen, nice walkout from basement. Listed at $495,000 Dick Thomas 401-474-1504
Warwick: 3 bed 2 bath bungalow w/HWs, open plan, dbl parlor w/ wood stove, dining, reno kitchen, new cabinets, stainless appl, granite, pantry, laundry. Updated elec&heat, front porch, private yard. $495,000 Stephen Perrino 401-206-8907
(401) 447-2275 • Rita Valcorba Rita Valcorba
Mortgage LoanLoan Originator, NMLS #79078NMLS #79078 Mortgage Originator,
Direct Line: 401-533-5394
OFFICE: (401) 854-2869 CELL: (401) Cell: 401-265-8449
265-8449 HomeBridge Inc.; ID #6521 (; 110 Jefferson Sierra Pacific Financial MortgageServices, Company, Inc.Corporate NMLS # NMLS 1788. Rhode Island Licensed Lender and Broker 20072185LB and 2007218LL. Boulevard, Suite I, Warwick, Rhode RI Lenders License 20112804LL. Revqualify. 3.20.17 (0317-3417) ThisIsland is not 02888; a commitment to lend. Not all borrowers will Equal Housing Lender.
ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN ALTERNATIVE TO DENTAL INSURANCE? OUR 12 MONTH PLAN INCLUDES: You save on everything from fillings and nightguards to cosmetic procedures and crowns. There are no deductibles and you cannot be denied coverage. Let us make your dental care affordable in 2020!
1 Comprehensive Exam 1 Set of Check Up X-Rays 2 Adult or Child Cleanings 1 Emergency Visit *Restorative and cosmetic services are offered at fees that are significantly discounted from our regular office fees.
Sarah Eager, DDS, FAGD