SEPTEMBER 2023 VOLUME 19, NO. 9 FREE East Providence The ReporterTM Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence • Teachers & Staff are Welcomed Back to School... ...with TOWNIE PRIDE see page 35
2 The Reporter September 2023 Free Pet Food Delivery! Rehoboth * Dighton * North Dighton * Taunton Free delivery $50 minimum pet food purchase at NEW ENGLAND TIRE Car Care Centers 1416 Fall River Ave. - Rte. 6 SEEKONK, MA 508-336-2170 visit us at 1590 Warwick Avenue WARWICK, RI • 401-737-1400 44 North Main Street ATTLEBORO, MA • 508-222-0367 515 South Main Street MANSFIELD, MA • 508-261-6100 367 West Main Street NORTHBOROUGH, MA • 508-393-9183 We service company cars (National Accounts). Also in: FREE! INSTALLATION* MOUNTING* FLAT REPAIRS* SNOW TIRE CHANGE OVER* * WITH TIRE PURCHASE *when purchased with our wheel balance, road hazard & alignment package No other discounts or substitutions apply. Some LT, brand and aspect ratio size exclusions. See store for details. Buy 3 Tires, Get the 4th FREE* OR Buy 1 Tire, Get the 2nd 1/2 PRICE!!* NEW ENGLAND TIRE FALL CAR CARE PACKAGE $5900 *TPMS Charges may apply. Special oils & filter types may result in extra charges. Special antifreeze may result in extra charges. Environmental fees extra. Shop supplies extra. Most vehicles. No other discounts apply. Redeem at New England Tire. Must present coupon to get this price. Includes: • Lube, Oil Change & New Filter (up to 5 quarts of a major brand oil) • Top Off Coolant & Other Fluids Under the Hood • Complete Tire Rotation* • Check Tread Depth on All Four Tires • Adjust Tire Pressure to Manufacturer's Specs • Evaluate Brake Condition • Inspect Battery Terminals & Connections • Examine All Belts & Hoses for Cracks & Proper Tension • Vehicle DNA Kit Performed • Reg $74.00 SAVE $15.00 M-F 7:30-6 Sat 8-5 ANY BRAKE SERVICE SERVICE MANAGER'S CAR CARE PACKAGE Shop supplies extra. No other discounts apply. Redeem at NEW ENGLAND TIRE OIL, LUBE & FILTER Includes: • Lube, where applicable • New oil filter installed • Up to 5 quarts major brand oil • Special oils & filter types will result in extra charges • Most U.S. & Import cars • Regular price - $45.95 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT SEP23 *No other discounts apply. Redeem at New England Tire. Includes: • Check Tire Wear • Check Tire Air Pressure • Vehicle DNA Check: Check Tires, Brakes and Brake Fluid Condition, Belts, Hoses, Transmission Fluid, Power Steering Fluid, Anti-Freeze, Wipers, Battery, Filters. PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT $995 Must present coupon to get this price. $2995 PLUS TAX, & $2.50 HAZARDOUS WASTE FEE. Must present coupon to get this price. SAVE $16.00 DISC BRAKE SERVICE SAVINGS $2000 OFF No other discounts apply. Must present coupon to get this offer. SANITIZE YOUR CLIMATE CONTROL Shop supplies extra. No other discounts apply. Redeem at New England Tire. • Registered U.S. EPA virucide, bactericide and fungicide • Kills bacteria and freshens air-conditioning systems • Eliminate harmful microbes • Inhibits the growth of mold and mildew $10900 *SYNTHETIC OIL CHANGE $6995 NEW ENG L DNA ERIT SAVE $26.00 WE WILL PICKUP AND DELIVER YOUR CAR FOR SERVICE PLUS TAX Must present this coupon to get this price. Most vehicles. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Fluid/Filter disposal charges apply. Additional charges for shop supplies. See store for complete details. Redeem at New England Tire. • Regular Price $95.95 • Up to 5 Quarts Full Synthetic Oil • New Oil Filter Installed • Lube (Where Applicable) • Multi Point Vehicle Inspection *special oils and filter types extra charge SEP 2023 SEP23 SEP23 SEP23 SEP23 SEP23 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT
September 2023 The Reporter 3
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Letters to the Editor...
The comments in Letters to the Editor, Opinion Columns and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication...It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented in an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion.
Tirrell Realty
431 Willett Ave Riverside, RI 02915
City Needs Branding
The East Providence City Council is supporting making the city a viable place to live and do business. Great, but this attitude needs more than rhetoric. It needs branding and visible signage expressing Welcome and signage displaying the various organizations in the city that show it is active and has vitality. Successful organizations and cities use branding to express statements like “Welcome to East Providence” city by the Bay, or A city of Progress etc.
Economics 101, branding is the first step of promotion. The City Council, the Mayor’s Office, and volunteers like the Art Council should form a committee and come up with an expression of our brand to by-pass the rhetoric and take affirmative action. Show what we are good at, and not just a suburb of the capital city.
Richard Ferreira Riverside
Dr. Gian Calandrelli
Please Note:
• Letters MUST be signed and contain a phone number!
• Letters MUST arrive by the 20th of the month!
• We will withhold any letters of an accusatory nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!
4 The Reporter September 2023
Advertise in The East Providence Reporter! CALL 508.252.6575 520 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk, MA (508) 336-7260 FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY
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East Providence News Briefs
Mayor Bob DaSilva Delivers FY 2024 Proposed Budget to City Council
The fiscal 2024 budget proposes General Fund expenditures of $191,767,267, a $7.5M increase (4.06 percent) over the FY 23 appropriation. Of the total General Fund expenditure increase, city operating expenditures increased by $4.5M (4.96 percent) and funding of the School Department rose by $3M (3.19 percent). The proposed budget seeks a 3.5 percent increase in the tax levy.
“This budget balances the needs and expectations of our residents, continues needed investments in public safety, public education and school infrastructure, and strengthens our private pension fund,” Mayor Bob DaSilva said. “The City’s finances remain stable and strong, and this budget continues our efforts to provide affordable, quality services, while also recognizing the challenges that our taxpayers face in this economic inflationary climate.”
One of the main challenges was driven by the need to pay scheduled bond debt associated with the voter-approved school bonds. This required making difficult decisions including the elimination of previously funded, but vacant positions (Deputy Fire Chief, one Parks Division position, and an IT position).
The proposed increases of $7.5M are primarily related to the following:
• A $1.5M increase of voter-approved debt services – Martin Middle and Waddington Elementary Schools
• A $3M increase for the School Department ($2M - City & $1M - School State Aid)
• A $500K increase for the statutorily required property revaluation assessment
• $1.2M increase for municipal salaries, contractual obligations and related benefits
• $300K in Refuse/Recycling Tipping Fees increase
• $400K Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) increases per the city’s actuarially required contribution (ARC)
• $600K Firemen’s and Policemen’s Pension Fund increases to meet the City’s ARC
• Inflation/Increase of cost of goods and services including utilities such as electricity,heating and gas
The general fund expenditures and the increase to the budget is being supported with revenues from the following: $116M Property Taxes ($4M increase), $62M State Aid ($3M increase), $11M Departmental Sources ($500K increase), $3M Miscellaneous
“This (budget process) may be the most important role of the City Council,” said council president Bob Rodericks as he was presented the proposed budget from Mayor DaSilva. “We have a fiduciary responsibility to the community. We have our homework; we’ll begin public workshops on Tuesday (8/29/23).”
An interactive link to the proposed budget is available here on OpenGov, on the city’s transparency portal
September 2023 The Reporter 5
Cover photo: Townie mascot gives Principal William Black a welcoming hug. Photo courtesy of @Townie Athletics Twitter page
Portions of this News
were compiled
Inside This Issue Business Directory...........46 Church News & Events....24 Classifieds........................ 43 Clubs...........................15 Events..........................21 Food & Dining..................26 How You Can Help...........13 Letters to the Editor............4 Library..........................29 News Briefs........................5 Obituaries......................30 People........................18 School..........................35 Scouts..........................20 Senior Center....................44 Sour Grapes.......................5 Sports.............................31
from Bob Rodericks.
East Providence
Rehoboth, MA 02769
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School Committee Sends FY 23-24 Budget of $97M to Council
At its August meeting, the School Committee passed a 2023-2024 budget in the amount of $97,024,640. The request represents a 3.6% increase from last year in the amount of $1.9M. The final approved budget was brought down from an initial requested increase of $2.1M at the request of Mayor Bob DaSilva. DaSilva asked the schools to reduce its request and offered to help the process by having the city include the cost of a high school Resource Officer as part of the city police budget account. The schools also reduced a salary and benefits line due to planned retirements. Overall, the Mayor asked the school department to reduce its budget request by $211,000. These changes brought the school budget down to the 3.6% increase.
“We do work really well with the city and their departments, so this is a good budget, and we’ll make it work,” said Superintendent of Schools Sandra Forand. “We’ll have to look at this when we come back to the table next year.”
A couple of committee members questioned the lowering of the budget and worried about funding losses to shrinking grants and state aid. “We want to be good partners with the city,” said Forand. “We always make it work.”
One positive feature is the growth of the student population in the city. Forand told the committee that the district census has increased from 5065 in 2020-21 to 5336 in 2023-24. “I can tell you that the enrollment is growing. In one day we had over 7 students enroll in the high school. “The high school census is at 1700, middle schools are at 1134 and the elementary schools are at 2107. Additionally, we have 96 students placed outside of the district,” added Forand.
“As with our regular enrollments, our special education numbers have increased. There has been a steady increase from 2020-21 with 1020 students to 1108 this year with 134 students currently in the referral process. Some out of district placements mandated by the state can cost over $100,000 per student,” said Forand. The committee voted 3-1 to accept the budget. Chair Jenni Azinaro, members Max Brandle and Ryan Queenan voted in favor with Anthony Ferreira the lone dissenter. Member Jessica Beauchaine was not present.
The city council will review the school budget as part of a series of public workshops. The council cannot make line-item decisions on the school budget, just the bottom-line total amount.
Schools Have Busy Summer
Schools Superintendent Sandra Forand gave the School Committee in early August a robust report on facilities. The planned build and renovations at several schools are moving ahead as planned. “Six school buildings have been completely cleaned and are ready for the school year. The other six are in progress and are on schedule,” said Forand. “Seven separate summer programming and construction projects are underway. Windows are being replaced at Riverside Middle, Orlo Avenue and Silver Spring schools.
Construction of the bond-issue approved renovations at Martin Middle School has begun with preparation work. “We will be communicating with neighbors on the planned work and traffic patterns at Martin MS. The police will help us with a traffic plan. Right now, the office area is being moved and cafeteria work will be done. Hennessey and Silver Spring smoke stacks renovations are essentially complete,” added Forand. Also, Oldham School (former Meadowcrest) is having classroom reconfiguration and a trailer is there to accommodate support staff offices. There has been a lot going on and all work is progressing as it should with no expected delays at this point,” said Forand.
City Council Questions Speed Camera Operation
A review of statistics regarding the city speed camera system took place at the August 15 City Council meeting. Ward One councilman Frank Rego had placed the review on the agenda. The council had several questions for the president of Sensys-Gatso, Bill Braden. This is the company which was hired to install and partially manage the speed and redlight cameras. Speed cameras are in front of a few schools (EP High School, Bay View, Riverside Middle School, Kent Heights and St. Margaret School) while red light cameras are scattered at different busy intersections. School zone speeding infractions are $50 with running a red light brings a fine of $85.
Since its inception the program has ticket some $8 million in fines but the city has realized about $5 million. Some tickets are thrown out by the Municipal Court and others remain unpaid. The city plans on budgeting about $3 million in ticket revenue in each of the last two budgets. Rego asked several questions regarding specific data. Company president Braden said that the average speeding violator went 15 miles over the speed limit and that local police officers approved 94% of potential violations. By the end of June 2023, there were just over 264,000 “incidents” or initial violations recorded by all cameras. Of that num-
6 The Reporter September 2023
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Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence
The MAILED FREE TO 100% OF EAST PROVIDENCE For Display Ad Rates Call Our Office at 508-252-6575 or Visit Our Website at... Send your ads to... Published by: Target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia - Executive Editor Feature Writer Bob Rodericks Director of Operations Michaela Oerman Graphics & Marketing Keri Cote Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson TCI Press PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 TM
ber, 196,000 (approx.) tickets had actually been issued, Rego and the council was told. About 60,000 tickets haven’t been paid yet.
Council President Bob Rodericks had been asking for a “zip code report,” to verify the claim that most offenders were not East Providence residents. The council was told that 73% of all those receiving violations were non-East Providence residents. “24% of tickets were sent to registered East Providence addresses,” said the company report. An incident breakdown was given by each zip code address involved. Rodericks also added that many residents, including City Hall staff were unsuccessful in reaching a company representative at the Sensys-Gatso phone number listed for inquiries.
The report indicated that 3,453 red light violations were issued for 2022 with 4,609 between January-June of 2023. There were 132,828 school zone violations in 2022 and 56,746 from JanuaryJune, 2023. There was an initial payment rate of 71% realized in 2022. The camera statistical report showed a 27% decrease in school zone speeding, comparing the same time period of JanuaryJune 2022 (77,962) and 2023 (56,746).
Police Chief Chris Francesconi replied to questions that up to four traffic patrol officers will spend about an hour or so, checking on the validity of tickets. Only those driving over 10 miles per hour above the speed limit will get a ticket. Councilors Frank Fogarty and Rick Lawson suggested that actual police officers using radar to control speeding is a better idea than cameras. “A human being can better see a situation,” said Lawson. Fogarty proposed the idea of paying retired officers to do the same task. Chief Fransesconi routinely points out that he doesn’t have the staff to cover this need on a regular basis.
Newly appointed City Clerk, Jill Seppa, said that unanticipated additional work and expenses has occurred for workers in the clerk’s office. The added impact involved receiving resident complaints, court expenses, supplies, etc.
Throughout the discussion, Director of Administration Napoleon Gonsalves, a retired Pawtucket police officer, chastised the council for “encouraging people to speed” by their comments about the controversial camera system. The comments did not sit well with council members who shot back retorts. “Stop saying that,” said Ward Two councilwoman Anna Sousa. “Accidents happen where we don’t have cameras also.”
The current contract with Sensys-Gatso expires on December 30, 2025. The company expressed a willingness to negotiate changes with the city council now, but no guarantees were mentioned. Some on the council have suggested limiting the speed camera times to before and after school hours and possibly eliminating a camera or two. The city administration opposes any changes. Referring to a proposed meeting with company officials and council members, Gonsalves said, “You will include administration I hope.” Rodericks answered that all parties will be involved.
EP Police Tout Success in Recruitment
Mayor Bob DaSilva and police chief Chris Francesconi have released a statement touting the city’s recent success in hiring new police officers. Many communities in Rhode Island are having difficulty filling police vacancies.
“Over the last several years, police departments across the state and country have encountered difficulties with recruiting new police officers. Contrary to the trend, the East Providence Police Department has found success in recruiting officers to join the rank and file over the last 18 months all while facing retirements and other staffing shortages. Department leaders point to several factors that have contributed to the influx of new hires. Cooperation between police administrators, city leaders and union officials helped to develop a recruitment program that focused on lateral transfers along with new recruits,” said the press statement.
continued on next page...
September 2023 The Reporter 7 BULLOCKS PT. LAUNDROMAT 257 Bullocks Point Ave. Riverside Parking located behind building 401-433-2708 SELF-SERVICE COIN LAUNDRY *OPEN 7 DAYS 5 AM - 10 PM* DOITYOURSELFANDSAVE! 401 Bullocks Point Avenue Riverside RI 02915 401-433-5605 Open Tues-Sat • Walk-Ins Accepted HAIR • NAILS • WAXING WALK-INS WELCOME 15% OFF All Services including Lash Extensions, Microblading & Teeth Whitening expires 9-30-23
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The East Providence Police Department’s Planning and Training Unit has worked tirelessly over the past year and a half to onboard 24 new officers, 13 of which are lateral transfers from other police departments. With the anticipation of three more lateral transfers being added this month and three recruits currently attending the Rhode Island Municipal Police Training Academy, the total number of new officers hired since 2022 will be 30.
“Upon my appointment as Chief of Police, hiring qualified candidates was the highest priority,” Chief Chris Francesconi said. “The men and women of our agency have worked tirelessly to recruit, vet, support and train this unprecedented number of hires and I commend them for that. We have attracted some great folks to join our ranks.” During this time of tremendous growth, the City of East Providence has continued to see a drop in our crime rate year after year.
“I am so very proud of the men and women of our East Providence Police Department and the work they do in our community,” Mayor Bob DaSilva said. “I am especially proud of the fact that there has been a steady decrease in criminal offenses over the last six years.
“I am pleased to say that East Providence has one of the lowest crime rates in Rhode Island, especially as we are one of the state’s largest municipalities,” said city council President and at-large councilman Bob Rodericks. “East Providence has a great combination of good citizens, families and a quality police department staff. This city council fully supports our police, fire and all emergency responders.”
“Our administration has been laserfocused in bringing the East Providence Police Department to full staff,” DaSilva added. The East Providence Police Department is currently recruiting entry level police officers. The application deadline is September 6, 2023. The department is also hiring certified lateral transfers through the end of December 2023. Interested parties should apply.
City Seeks Public/Private Partnership for Mixed-Use at Former Oldham School
The City administration requesting proposals from interested parties to purchase or lease the former Oldham School, a prominent historic structure owned by the City of East Providence located at 640 Bullocks Point Avenue for the development of a mixed-use housing and small business incubator.
According to an announcement from the mayor’s office, the city seeks proposals that will benefit the City while preserving the historic architectural features of the former school. “Generations of families have attended the school and it has always been a prominent landmark of the community. Successful proposals will demonstrate a commitment to the preservation of the exterior architectural features, conformance to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and a clear benefit to the city,” states the proposal.
The proposal brought some push back from City Council members who said the idea of a “sale” was new to them. “I do not support this latest proposal,” said Ward 4 councilman Rick Lawson. I was excited to get ARPA funds allocated to get this building reopened and explore a business incubator, workforce development space, and community use. Renovating this building will be a great addition to East Providence. I’m ready to start working with the administration to get this project started. First step is doors, windows, and a roof,” added Lawson in initial comments.
Specifications may be downloaded from the City’s website https://eastprovidenceri. gov/rfp
East Providence Government is Hiring
Are you looking for a job? Possible with the City of East Providence? The city has been advertising several jobs that are listed on the city web site. A few of the jobs may be in the process of being filled but many are still open. The openings are due to retirements and other reasons. Interested persons can check out the following listings on the city web site to verify status and availability:
• Building Inspector
• Lateral Patrol Officer
• Entry Level Police Officer
• Assistant Water Superintendent
• Laborer - Parks
• Laborer - Highway
• Animal Control Officer
• Youth Services Librarian
• Youth Services Coordinator
• Tax Collector
• Part-Time Poundkeeper Position
• Assistant City Sergeant
• Water Utility Laborer
• Utility Equipment Operator
• Assistant Water Superintendent
• Laborer – Highway Division
• Assistant City Sergeant
• Police Clerk Typist Ii
• Traffic Control Personnel And Crossing Guards
• Clerk Typist Ii - Public Building/Zoning
Washington Bridge Construction Update
The repairs of the state’s $78 million Washington Bridge project continue to move on, although traffic backups continue to frustrate motorists. On I-195 West, at the Washington Bridge, a new lane split will be located just after the lane drop from four lanes to three after the Broadway interchange. Traffic coming onto the highway from the Veterans Memorial Parkway and Taunton Avenue on-ramps will not be affected, merging onto the bridge after the split. Motorists wishing to take the Gano Street (Exit 1D) off-ramp must keep right at the split. Drivers trying to reach the South Main Street (1C) off-ramp also should use the right lane. The lane split will be in place until late fall.
East Providence: Valley St., from Taunton Ave. to Warren Ave., is closed permanently. Use the Connector Rd. and Waterfront Dr. to detour.
East Providence/Providence: I-195 West, from Broadway to South Main St., left lane closed for barrier removal, Fri. night 9 p.m.-5 a.m.
8 The Reporter September 2023
page 10...
continued on
Former Oldham School on Bullocks Point in Riverside
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East Providence/Providence: I-195 West, from Broadway to South Main St., alternating lane and on/off ramps closed to establish a new traffic pattern with the current split removed and all lanes shifting to the left, Sat. night (Aug. 26), 8 p.m.- 6 a.m. Expect delays.
Providence: Effective Sat. night (Aug. 26), Exit 1D (Gano St.) off I-195 West, will close for bridge work for approximately two months. Follow signed detour.
Providence: Gano St., under I-195, alternating one-way traffic for utility work, Sun. night, 9 p.m.- 5 a.m.
New Assistant Principal at EPHS
Jill Usenia was hired as Assistant Principal for East Providence High School. “Welcome our newest member of the Townie Family,” writes Principal Bill Black. Usenia began her teaching experience as a student teacher at East Providence High School and then was a substitute in East Providence. She comes to EPHS from North Providence with over 16 years of experience as a teacher at North Providence High School. “Ms. Usenia has a strong understanding of the importance of leadership, collaboration, and student success. She has worked in various roles throughout her career, including English teacher, CTE teacher, SIT Team Co-Chair, NEASC Leader, RTI Coordinator, National Honor Society Advisor, and Data Team analyst.
Jill Usenia
Ms. Usenia began at EPHS this summer and hit the ground running,” adds Black.
Usenia fills a vacancy left by the transfer of former Assistant Principal Lian Furtado. Furtado will be leaving the high school, where she served as Assistant Principal since 2020 and has accepted a new role as an Intensive Resource Teacher at Riverside Middle School. “Prior to becoming Assistant Principal, Mrs. Furtado excelled as Dean of Students and Special Education Teacher, demonstrating a deep commitment to students,” said Black. “Her ability to build connections and provide guidance to students is exceptional. Mrs. Furtado’s experience and care for students’ well-being will undoubtedly benefit the Riverside Middle School Community. We express our heartfelt gratitude to Lian for her invaluable contributions to East Providence High School. We wish Lian continued success in her new position, knowing she will continue to make a profound difference for East Providence,” continued Black.
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Lian Furtado moving to Riverside Middle School.
Townie Icon Millie Morris Passes
By Bob Rodericks
Mildred “Millie” Morris, 88, passed away on August 2, 2023. Morris, a proud 1952 EPHS graduate, was known to thousands in East Providence, RI. “I think we’re cousins,” she would often chuckle when greeting someone. In many cases she was. Brought up in a family entrenched in politics, public service and government, Morris, herself, was elected to public office. She was elected to the East Providence School Committee in 1996 and served for 12 years. During that tenure Morris was named as committee clerk, vice-chairperson and board chairperson by her fellow committee members. She remains today as one of the highest vote getters ever in East Providence.
Since retiring from elected office, she had remained an active community volunteer in many endeavors. These activities included but were not limited to the Crescent Park Carousel Commission, the Friends of Townies Athletic Organization, the EP High School Hall of Fame Committee, of which she is also an inductee, the East Providence Juvenile Hearing Board and many other charitable efforts. As a member of the Friends of Townie Athletics Organization (FOTA), Morris actively helped to raise funds and provide East Providence student-athletes with awards, equipment, banquets and other things not necessarily provided within limited school budgets. She insisted on East Providence students receiving the best possible in academic and athletic supplies. Recently Morris was voted by the public as one of a few citizens to have her portrait hang in City Hall.
Morris was also active in the city and state Democratic party, although with a fierce independent flair. She did not hold back from speaking her mind and was one of the first women to become a political force in East Providence. Much of this stemmed from her dad, Manuel Sousa, who was a prominent figure in East Providence government and from her uncle, John Lewis. Lewis became the key administrative aide to former Senator Claiborne Pell. When visiting East Providence, Pell would always seek out Millie Morris for conversation and advice. In 2015 Morris was honored by state and local elected officials. Senators and Representatives from Washington joined all state and local officials in honoring Morris at a gathering, for her many years of service to the community.
Before entering elected office, Millie Morris worked for 32 years as a school secretary. She worked at the former Central Junior High and then East Providence High School. Many students would joke that Morris would keep an eye on them, telling students that “I know your parents, you better not be late for class and you better come to school every day!” Indeed, Morris seemed to know everyone in East Providence. A walking history book of knowledge.
Upon retiring from her secretarial position, Morris was urged by many of her friends to run for a position on the School Committee. It was a time of turmoil for the school department and Morris was instrumental in helping to right the atmosphere for schools. She won a decisive victory in her first campaign and never looked back.
Just two weeks before her passing, Morris had organized a gathering of East Providence School retirees which was attended by many colleagues. Although not feeling well, she made it a point to attend and greet everyone. As Morris would feel the effects of poor health closing in on her, she would not be able to attend some
functions. An active member of the FOTA, she planned on attending the EPHS championship baseball banquet in July. “We raised money to help with the awards and dinner and I’d love to be there,” she told friends. “I’ve also known the Townie baseball coach since he was born, and I want to be there for him.” Minutes before the banquet would start, she would call Townie AD Alex Butler to say she couldn’t make it. A sign to close friends that Millie was nearing the end. “I feel badly,” said head coach Bobby Rodericks. “She has always been there. She sent me a nice card because she couldn’t make the dinner.”
Among her closest friends were former Superintendent of Schools Manuel Vinhateiro and Stephanie Vinhateiro. The Vinhateiros may have been the last non-family members to say goodbye to Morris, visiting her at hospice hours before her passing. “East Providence has lost a wonderful lady. Millie Morris was a dear friend/ extended family member and a remarkable woman.
In her lifetime she touched the lives of countless students, friends, neighbors, classmates and constituents. As a devoted mother, sister, daughter, friend and lifelong Townie, Millie tireless made her hometown, of which she was extraordinarily proud, a better place to live, grow and play. It will be difficult to imagine any family, high school or city events without her presence or involvement. Her smile, and her wisdom will be missed,” said Manny & Stephanie Vinhateiro.
Since her passing, Townies and non-Townies have shared stories of how Millie had touched their lives. Everyone had a similar sentiment: East Providence won’t be the same without Millie Morris.
She is survived by her daughters Lianne Bartlett, Paula Totten (Bill) and Pamela Santos (Jeff). She adored her grandchildren Ryan, Neil, Alec, Kayla, Matthew and Jason.
September 2023 The Reporter 11 DON’T PAY 1-800 PRICES! LET US DO THE DIRTY WORK BIG BLUE REMOVAL REAL ESTATE CLEANOUTS: Houses, Condos, Garages, Attics, Basements, Barns & More! DEMOLITION: Sheds, Decks, Pools, Fences, Construction Debris & More! JUNK & DEBRIS REMOVAL: Furniture, Appliances, Yard Waste... We take EVERYTHING! CALL TONY TODAY! BEST PRICES! FREE ESTIMATES! (508) 889-0824 or (508) 226-1295
Millie Morris recently honored by Mayor Bob DaSilva
East Providence Dept of Parks & Recreation
East Providence Recreation offers Dance, Jump and Roll programs
The City of East Providence Recreation Department is partnering with Kinderdmotion and Dance of New England to offer dance, fitness, and tumbling classes for ages 16 months – 8 years at the East Providence Recreation Center, located at 610 Waterman Ave., East Providence.
Classes are held on Tuesdays starting September 12, 2023 – October 17, 2023
Times and fees are as follows:
• Ballet: ages 3-5; Tuesdays, 5:10-5:40 PM; $75 per child
• Fitness & Tumbling: ages 3-5; Tuesdays, 5:45-6:15 PM; $75 per child
• Ballet, Tap & Modern: ages 5-8; Tuesdays, 6:20-7:05 PM; $85 per child
• Dance with me: ages 16 mos. – 24 mos.; Tuesdays, 10:30-11:00 AM; $75 per child
• Kindertots: ages 2-4; Tuesdays, 11:00 – 11:30 AM; $75 per child
Pre-registration is required. Registration is available online at
For more information, please call the Recreation Center at 401-433-6360.
East Providence Recreation Bus Trips
• (New Date) - October 4 Foliage/Hobo Train Ride. Lunch on board with Hart’s Turkey Farm
• October 28 - Baseball hall of Fame, Cooperstown, NY
• November 8 - North Shore Music Theatre Beverly, Mass “Elvis, A Musical Revolution. Lunch at Danversport Yacht Club
• November 29 - Newport Playhouse/Cabaret/Buffett “Miracle on South Division” Christmas Show
PPAC Shows
• October 22 - Mrs. Doubtfire
• December 17 - The Nutcracker @ The Vets
• December 28 - Moulin Rouge Show Shuttle/Dinner @Danvenport’s
• February 11 - To Kill A Mockingbird Starring Richard Thomas Show/Shuttle/ Dinner @ Danvenport’s
• March 17 - Frozen
• April 28 - Company Show/Shuttle/Dinner Danvenport’s
For more information, please call Deborah Rochford at 401-437-1577 or 401-4357511
12 The Reporter September 2023 • MAIN OFFICE: 610 WATERMAN AVENUE, EAST PROVIDENCE, RI 02914 • M-F 8-4 TEL: (401) 435-7511 • FAX: (401) 435-1999 September is Seeding Time! • Granular Fertilization • Weed & Insect Control • Grub Control • Mosquito & Tick Control • Tree & Shrub Care • Perimeter Pest Control • Core Aeration & Overseeding George W. Haworth Owner/Operator 401.392.1025 • (cell) 401.601.4420 Each Lawn Doctor franchise business is independently operated. ALLIED ROOFING
Types of
Shingle Roofs • Flat Roofs • Gutter Cleaning & Repair Chimney Pointing • Lead Chimneys • Slate Work • Copper Work Missing Metal Repair • Rotted Fascia Board Repair RI: GC-42976 MA: 189147 781-268-7807 For Prompt, Reliable, Quality Work Call Chris
Roof Repairs
How You Can Help
H.O.P.E Essential Program by Jules Hope Chest
East Providence, RI; Jules Hope Chest is a non-profit organization that was established to provide the extra hope and enhancement of items and programs that are truly essentials of childhood. They are the items that are easily cut from budgets but we are making them our priority to allow children to just be kids and not have to worry about the needs and essentials for their childhood. We are committed to helping the most vulnerable at need children in the state of Rhode Island by providing opportunities and resources that they may otherwise not experience.
Our commitment and involvement with children and families extends throughout the year because the struggles they face daily. We established our H.O.P.E Essential Program
(Helping Our Parents Excel) to provide the essentials needed to help families with hygiene, household items and other items to help make their quality of life excel.
As a result of the impact that inflation has had on so many families that we assist a great need for essential items has become elevated to alarming numbers. We established an essential area in our office to help provide our client families that need some extra assistance obtaining items that cannot be purchased by SNAP and have become difficult for families to afford. This program includes items such as diapers, wipes, soap, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrushes, bug spray, sunscreen, body wash, laundry detergent, toilet paper, tissue and other needed items.
We need donations so if you can provide monetary help, donations of unopened & unexpired items or gift cards to help us continue helping our families excel.
This is a great opportunity to support our mission. To find out more information about our non-profit organization visit us at www. or visit our social media accounts or call 401216-8677 for more details.
Essential Items Needed for our Program
• Band-Aids (All types, styles & sizes)
• Toothpaste (Adult & Children)
• Deodorant (Men & Women’s)
• Soap (Bars & Liquid)
• Hand Sanitizer
• Baby Wipes
• Diaper Cream
• Pacifiers
• Sippy Cups
• Laundry Detergent
• Dryer Sheets
• Shampoo (Baby & Adults)
• Body wash
• Sunscreen
• Bug Spray
• Body Lotion (Baby & Adults)
• Toilet Paper
• Kleenex
This is the current list of needed items for the Essential Program. We are always open to additional suggestions
September 2023 The Reporter 13 www. .com
401.270.2247 Get smart about your coverage! Matt Gilson Your Local Farmers Agent 1725 MENDON RD UNIT 206 CUMBERLAND, RI 02864 MGILSON@FARMERSAGENT.COM
61 Maple Avenue • Barrington, RI 02806 401-245-0707 • Residential/ Commercial Interior/ Exterior KENNY’S Masonry & Chimney Sweeps Locally Owned & Operated for 20 Years Quality, Service & Dependability • INSPECTIONS • EMERGENCY SERVICE • SWEEPING • CAPS • LINERS • REBUILDS • WATERPROOFING • FLASHING • DRYER VENT CLEANING Masonry Repair & Restoration: Walkways • Patios • Pavers • Walls • Chimneys 508-649-1938
Good Neighbors Community Kitchen and Food Pantry is here to help if you need groceries or a delicious hot meal! Our Community Kitchen serves lunch Monday through Friday from 11am-1pm. You can dine-in or take your meal to go. We offer one meal per person per day, free of charge. We also host a free Bingo Breakfast each Friday morning starting at 9:30am. All are welcome to our Community Kitchen!
Our Food Pantry is open to East Providence residents every Wednesday from 9am-12pm, the last Saturday of each month from 10am-12pm and we now have an evening pantry on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 5-7pm. Our pantry provides non-perishable foods, dairy, fresh produce, bread and frozen meats to residents. We also have a Food for Kids program that provides additional kid-friendly foods to families with children throughout the summer. This service is free of charge. Please bring a form of identification to register for the pantry.
Good Neighbors is located in the former St. Brendan’s school at 55 Turner Ave. Riverside, RI 02915.
We ask that patrons use our parking lot and entrance in the back of the building on Dorr Avenue.
We are very appreciative of all in-kind donations and community support! If you would like to donate food items, please drop them off between 9am-1pm Monday-Friday. If you are interested in volunteering, please visit our website to learn more at
Call or email us with any questions or if you are experiencing a food emergency. We are here to help. Phone: 401-433-0045 Email:
14 The Reporter September 2023 Rumford: 20 Newman Ave, Suite 1020, Rumford RI 02916 Warren: 91 Main Street, Suite 121 Warren RI 02885 Tourister Dental Opening in Rumford this Summer! We are located in Rumford Center 20 Newman Avenue Call today to schedule an appointment 401-289-0071 Most insurance plans accepted. Walkways • Patios • Retaining Walls Spring/Fall Clean-ups • Weekly Lawn Maintenance Hydroseeding • Bobcat / Excavation Services Tree Service • Brush Mowing Services Matt Blais, Owner FREE ESTIMATES Fully Insured Residential & Commercial 508-252-4554 Fencing • Brush Removal Services
East Providence Historical Society News
“2nd Sunday” Fall Open House : September 10
• Exhibit: East Providence’s Famous Amusement Parks
• Hikes at Hunt’s : 1:30 at the Gazebo
• Family Games: 1 - 3PM
• “Roots” at EPHS : 1-3pm at the Ed Center
John Hunt Museum
65 Hunts Mills Road - 02916
Over a 100 years ago EVERYONE in RI came to Riverside and Hunt’s Mills for a clambake, the rides, the dance halls and the fun. The weekend trolleys were full of people heading to East Providence. Ed Serowik Sr. grew up at Crescent Park and eventually took on the care of the carousel. The Eds, Sr. and Jr., will be at each exhibit with videos and first hand stories of the parks’ “hey days,” with a special program in October at the Weaver Library. The exhibit will be on display 2nd Sundays through December. Don’t forget that you can research your family tree at our Education Center!
• Upcoming: Union Primary Tour -1340 Pawtucket Ave - Monday, Sept. 25 - 5 :30-7pm
• The Serowik Story Hour - Weaver Library - Monday, October 23 - 6:30 pm
To contact the EPHS: Leave a message at: (401) 473-0677 or
The Chorus of East Providence Schedules Open Sing Rehearsals
If joining a community chorus is something you think you might enjoy, come sing with the Chorus of East Providence on September 12, 19, and 26 and then decide if this is right for you.
The Chorus of East Providence is a non-audition, community chorus. The only requirement is a love of singing and a willingness to commit to weekly rehearsals. Rehearsals are held on Tuesdays from 7 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. in the hall of St. Martha’s Church, 2595 Pawtucket Ave., East Providence, RI.
The Chorus performs a concert in December and one in May. This year’s first concert, “Sing a Christmas Carol,” is on December 9th and 10th and will be held at the new East Providence High School. The program will include traditional carols from several countries and cultures as well as music from the movie “A Christmas Carol”.
Come sing!
Rhode Island Rose Society Meeting
September 9th at 10:00AM
Have you ever wondered how to receive a Blue Ribbon in a Rose Show?
Join us at the RI Rose Society’s September 9th meeting at 10:00 at Shepherd of the Valley Church, 604 Seven Mile Rd., Hope, RI (western Cranston line).
Our Annual Six-Pack Show features our late season roses reviewed by an ARS judge, who gives great advice on enhancing your winning blooms. Free and open to the public. Find us on Facebook and at
September 2023 The Reporter 15 East Providence Columbus Club BOOK YOUR NEXT EVENT: Anniversary Parties • Birthdays • Collations Graduation Parties • Showers • Holiday Parties To book your next function, Call 401-434-9744 Enjoy our 32 seat climate controlled lounge with multiple HD tv’s showing all of your favorite sporting events... Lounge opens at 3pm Monday-Saturday 3200 Pawtucket Ave. East Providence, RI 02915 401-434-9744 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Plenty of parking in the rear parking lot! Club & Museum News
Colonial in the middle of a culde-sac, lg living rm w/fp, dining rm with built-ins, original hwds throughout. Side screened-in porch. One car garage, fenced in yard with shed. Minutes to schools, recreation, stores, Rt 95 and 195. Immediate occupancy.
Listed at $449.900 Ray Paiva 401-447-2275.
Ray Paiva, Broker/owner
East Providence: Pride of ownership! Pierce field area, large 3 + bedroom bungalow, potential in-law, 3 full bathrooms, one car garage, carport, long driveway for off street parking, newer shed, screened in yard dinning area, gas heat, enclosed front porch, all appliances will remain. Large fenced yard. Ray Paiva 401-447-2275.
Warwick: Great opportunity to own a 4 bed, 2 bath, colonial located in Norwood. Huge corner lot, with hardwood floors throughout. Recently updated hot water heater and furnace. Roof replaced in 2010. Doesn't meet FHA requirements. Come and see all the potential this home has to offer!
Stephen Perrino 401-206 8907.
News from Seekonk American Legion Pig Roast – Sept 9th
Professional pig roast with all the fixings (baked beans, potato salad, corn, etc). Being held on Sept 9th at 2 pm at the Seekonk American Legion. Donation of $25.00. Advanced tickets available at the Post. Located at 351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA. For additional information and tickets please call 508-336-9822.
Paint Party to Benefit
“Service Dogs for Veterans” –Sept 17th
A Paint Party will be held on Sunday, September 17th at the Seekonk American Legion located at 351 Fall River Ave, 2nd floor, Seekonk, MA. We will be painting on canvas. Doors open at noon with painting starting at 1 pm. Tickets include all materials and one free beverage. There will be a cash bar.
Reservations must be made in advance by September 3rd in the amount of $35.00 per person, ages 16 and up. Please make checks/money orders payable to: American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 311 and mail to Donna Reed, 29 Lanesboro St, Pawtucket, RI 02861. Tickets are nonrefundable and will be mailed upon receipt of reservation.
16 The Reporter September 2023 (401) 438-1994 • (401) 434-4774 2244 Pawtucket Avenue • East Providence, RI 02914 • Foreign & Domestic • Insurance Estimates • Complete Collision Work • Aluminum Repair Certified Great Service. Great Quality. Factory Certified: Chevrolet • Buick • GMC • Cadillac • Ford • Dodge • Chrysler Fiat • Jeep • Subaru • Nissan & Infiniti • Honda & Acura • Hyundai • Kia Excellence Guaranteed Rated #1 Body Shop Buses are back on the road! Please drive safely. HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc.; Corporate NMLS ID #6521 (; 110 Jefferson Boulevard, Suite I, Warwick, Rhode Island 02888; RI Lenders License 20112804LL. Rev 3.20.17 (0317-3417) Rita Valcorba Mortgage Loan Originator, NMLS #79078 OFFICE: (401) 854-2869 CELL: (401) 265-8449 Rita Valcorba Mortgage Loan Originator, NMLS #79078 Direct Line: 401-533-5394 Cell: 401-265-8449 Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company, Inc. NMLS # 1788. Rhode Island Licensed Lender and Broker
20072185LB and 2007218LL. This is not a commitment to lend. Not all borrowers will qualify. Equal Housing Lender. 447-2275 •
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• Rumford, RI
East Providence: 3 Bed, 1.5 Bath
Please send any questions to or or call/text Donna at 401-451-1944. 100% of net proceeds from this event will go to NEADS to train a Service Dog for a Veteran.
Fall Psychic Fair – October 8th
We will be holding our Fall Psychic Fair on Sunday, 10/8/23 at the Seekonk American Legion located at 351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA. Admission is free. 15-minute readings are $20.00 each. There will also be several Vendors and Crafters. The hours are from 10 am to 3 pm. Proceeds to benefit the American Legion Auxiliary programs for our Veterans, community and children. For more information, please call Kathy at 401-434-8917 or send email to
Tri-City Campout 2023 September 28th – October 1st
This coming September Tri-City Lodge #14 will be holding their annual Elks camp out. We would welcome anyone from RI Lodges to enjoy this fun-filled weekend. If you have a camper or tent and would like to stay the weekend, they’d love to have you. You can call the Lodge to reserve a spot at 401-737-9510. Can’t stay the weekend? No problem. You can also come for the day and enjoy live music, games, tributes and more exciting surprises!! The weekend is jam-packed with loads of fun! All this for $10 per person!
State Arts Council Opens Arts and Cultural Grant Applications
The R.I. State Council on the Arts announced today that applications are now open for grants to arts and culture organizations, folk and individual artists, and arts educators. The deadline for Folk Arts Apprenticeships and Fellowships is on Friday, Sept. 15. The deadline for grants for arts educators, organizations and individual artists is on Monday, Oct. 2.
To assist in the application process and meet the Monday, Oct. 2, deadline, Arts Council staff members have scheduled virtual workshops and office hours throughout August and September. The online meetings will focus on best practices as well as help with budget planning. First time applicants are encouraged to attend and apply.
Upcoming Workshops:
To view a listing of help sessions and workshops, visit Grant application assistance and support schedule | RISCA.
• The first Grant Workshop will be virtual on Thursday, Aug. 17, at 11 a.m.-noon. RSVP is Required.
• The second one will be in person on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 6 p.m.7:15 p.m., at the South Providence Library, 441 Prairie St., Providence. RSVP is Required.
The following grants are now accepting applications:
• Folk and Traditional Arts Apprenticeships are designed to foster artistic skills between a mentor and an apprentice. The program creates an opportunity specifically for individuals who share a common cultural heritage. Deadline: Friday, Sept. 15.
• Folk and Traditional Arts Fellowships support individual artists who demonstrate the highest level of skill and accomplishments in their craft. Deadline: Friday, Sept. 15.
• Project Grants in Education offer support to schools, non-profit organizations, arts educators and teaching artists. Recipients engage students in rich and meaningful artistic experiences in dedicated learning environments. Deadline: Monday, Oct. 2.
• Project Grants for Organizations provide up to $3,000 in support of arts and culture projects that are relevant and meaningful to R.I. communities. Deadline: Monday, Oct. 2.
• Community Engaged Project Grants offer funding of up to $3,000 for artists or groups of artists to create arts and culture projects that are directly and actively engaged Rhode Island residents. Deadline: Monday, Oct. 2.
• Make Art Grant provides grants of up to $3,000 for artists or groups of artists to create or continue specific artwork in any discipline. Projects have specific goals, although completion and public showing of the art is not required. Deadline: Monday, Oct. 2.
September 2023 The Reporter 17 FRED’S SERVICE CENTER • INC. Since 1986 LAWN MOWER SERVICE • SALES • PARTS • SERVICE 3730 Pawtucket Avenue Riverside RI • 401-433-3000 SUMMER SPECIALS $5.00 OFF any Lawn Mower Tune-up Offer Expires 10-15-23 $20.00 OFF any NEW Lawn Mower Offer Expires 10-15-23 TABELEY’S ROOFING From roofs to windows Tabeley’s has your needs covered Master Elite Installer, 20 years of perfection Our Reputation is on the Top of Thousands of Homes Bill Hopkins
Lionel Mini Storage, Inc. 95 Commercial Way East Providence, RI 02914 AllSizesof GarageStorage 5'x10' 10'x10' 12'x10' 10'x15' 10'x25' 20'x25' FOR MORE INFORMATION Call Lionel Vieira President NOS FALAMOS PORTUGUES (401) 435-0028 (401) 265-3797
People In The News
East Providence Teen A Winner In Statewide College Scholarship Competition
Emanuel Kanger is Among Just Five Students
Statewide Who Will Share Up to $320,000 Over Four Years from The Rhode Island Foundation
The Rhode Island Foundation is sending an East Providence teen off to college with a scholarship through its Carter Roger Williams Initiative, which was launched by philanthropists Letitia and the late John Carter.
Emanuel Kanger is one of just five students selected statewide based on their academic achievement, financial need, appreciation for Roger Williams’ values and record of community service. They are eligible to receive up to $320,000 over four years. Nearly 70 students across Rhode Island competed for the scholarship assistance.
“Thanks to the continued generosity of the Carter family, these students are able to think big about their future. By finding inspiration in Roger Williams, they are on the path to creating their own inspiring stories,” said David N. Cicilline, president and CEO of the Foundation.
Kanger graduated from East Providence High School. He plans to attend Dean College to pursue a degree in exercise science. His goal is to become a strength and conditioning mentor. At East Providence High, Kanger participated in the Spanish Honor Society, the Environmental Club, the Art Club, the International Club, the football team, track and field and the AV Club.
Kanger and his mother immigrated from Liberia in 2014. In his application, Kanger shared how he relates to Roger Williams’ values.
“Me and my mother moved to the United States in hopes for a better life. I try to help out the younger classmates by setting examples. If I see somebody doing something that may get them in trouble, I say something. I feel like my story is an example of what this scholarship stands for no doubt,” he said.
In addition to Kanger, this year’s recipients are Antonio Boyd and Brettyn-Olivia Newsome of Newport, John Otele of Cranston and Mandy Tran of Providence.
The Rhode Island Foundation is the largest and most comprehensive funder of nonprofit organizations in Rhode Island. Working with generous and visionary donors, the Foundation raised $98 million and awarded $76 million in grants in 2021. Through leadership, fundraising and grant-making activities, often in partnership with individuals and organizations, the Foundation is helping Rhode Island reach its true potential. For more information, visit
18 The Reporter September 2023
East Bay Pressure Wash Co. LLC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SERVICES Call for Free Estimate 401-245-5268 • We Accept All Major Credit Cards SOFT WASHING / POWER WASHING (low pressure) ROOF & HOUSE CLEANING SkyVac™ Gutter Vacuum High Reach System Cleans Gutters without Using Ladders Celebrating Our 15th Year in Business. We Thank You! 10% OFF on any Gutter Vacuum Cleaning, Soft Washing or Power Washing Service offer expires 10/31/2023, cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion Reduce Damage to Your Roof from Further Growth of Lichen, Moss, and Black Mold (Streaks)! HOUSES • ROOFS • VINYL SIDING DECKS • FENCES • PATIOS Lawn Maintenance • Mulching • Hedge Trimming Reseeding • Fertilizing • Landscape Design Call to schedule Spring clean-ups! Free Estimates
Emanuel Kanger - Carter Scholarship
Townie Alum Griffith Named SOS Legal Counsel
Jennifer Griffith appointed by Secretary of State Amore
Rhode Island Secretary of State Gregg Amore recently announced that fellow East Providence High School graduate Jennifer Griffith has joined the RI Department of State as Legal Counsel. In a late July press release Amore stated, “We are honored to have Jennifer join our team as Legal Counsel for the Rhode Island Department of State. Her immense experience in State government and the legal system will be a tremendous asset in our efforts to strengthen our democracy, improve our elections systems, and increase civic education,” continued Amore.
Prior to joining the Department of State, Griffith served as the State of Rhode Island’s Child Advocate, having been appointed in 2016 by Governor Gina Raimondo. As Child Advocate, Griffith conducted many investigations resulting in improved safety of children in State care and the child welfare system in Rhode Island, including significant changes to the practices of the Rhode Island Department of Children, Youth & Families. Under her leadership, the Office of the Child Advocate doubled its staff and budget. She led several high-profile investigations and reports resulting in the closure of several group homes due to criminal activity, and enactment of several significant changes to the DCYF. Before being appointed as Child Advocate, Griffith served as a staff attorney for Rhode Island Legal Services for ten years, representing low-income clients in all family court matters.
Griffith is a member of the Rhode Island Women’s Bar Association and the Rhode Island Bench/Bar Committee and serves on the Executive Board of the Edward P. Gallogly American Inn of Court, the Executive Board of the Rhode Island Family Court, the Rhode Island Family Court Bench Bar Committee, the Rhode Island Children’s Cabinet, the Rhode Island Child Care Commission, the Rhode Island Child Support Advisory Committee, and the Rhode Island Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee. Also, she was appointed to the East Providence Waterfront Commission in 2019.
A Former Senior Class President & Athlete at EPHS
Jennifer Griffith is a 1995 graduate of East Providence High School. In high school, she was the Senior Class President, and captain of the girls’ tennis team. Jen received her bachelors’ degree from the College of Holy Cross and her Juris Doctorate from Roger Williams Law School. She is licensed to practice law in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and the United States Federal District Court of Rhode Island. Griffith has also been inducted into the East Providence High School Hall of Fame and was appointed to the East Providence Waterfront Commission in 2019.
University News
Western Connecticut State University Graduates
East Providence: Nessa Iseult Mage, MS Applied Behavior Analysis
East Providence resident named to Clark University’s Spring Dean’s List
Worcester, MA -- Ky L. Souza, of East Providence, was named to first honors on the Clark University Dean’s List. This selection marks outstanding academic achievement during the Spring 2023 semester.
September 2023 The Reporter 19 Jose Soares Masonry Pavers • Walkways Cement Stonewalls • Chimneys Patios • Steps No job too small! Call 401-463-8967
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Jennifer Griffith
S couting A round
Scout News from Troop 55 Riverside
Do you need community service hours? Scouts are always having fun helping in the community. Join us and we will also show you what Scouts are made of. Before the Scouts went to Yawgoog they needed to raise funds to go camping for the week. So they had a car wash to raise the money. Thank you to all the Townies and friends that came out to get their cars washed and to help us raise the money we needed to get to Yawgoog!
We had a great week at Camp Yawgoog where the scouts learned about merit badges they need, go swimming, hiking, fishing, repelling, Shooting sports, and the new ATV sports. Below is a picture of Molly Penden on right. Talking to an advancement review team on left of picture from left Jason Shelly, Chris Vandal, and Jenn Emerson. Molly talks about her knowledge of the badge she is done working on.
Scout News
Congratulations to Eliza White for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. In the picture below Eliza is standing with Red Troop Scout Leader Rudolf Kraus. Eliza’s project was to collect all the necessary supplies a new pet owner would need, to make adoption of a pet smoother, with a more likely process.
Troop 55 Riverside Empowers the next generation with leadership, service, and life skills in an inclusive and safe environment that is open to all 6th-12th grades. We will be meeting in September at St. Andrews Lodge, 18 Turner Ave., Riverside on Monday nights from 6:30 till 8 pm. (NO meeting on Labor Day 4th, meeting on 11th and 18th, and on the 4th week we meet on Wednesday 27th same time.). Contact for more info.
20 The Reporter September 2023 Advertise in The East Providence Reporter! CALL 508.252.6575
Left to right: Joey Vitolo, Ash Levesque, Jacob Dickstein, and the scout behind the car is Theo Leland. Having fun washing a classic car on a hot day.
Camp Yawgoog
Congratulations to Eliza White for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout!
Events & Activities
Brass Attack & Classic Car Show at Crescent Park Featuring Local Music Icon Dave Tanury Free Concert on September 17th
Brass Attack will be performing a free concert at Crescent Park in Riverside, RI on Sunday, September 17, 2023. The widely popular band is often referred to as “New England’s Hottest Horn Band.” The band has performed for two US Presidents as well as for many Fortune 500 Corporations, weddings, parties, concerts, and clubs across the country. Formed in 1983, Brass Attack is a nine-piece band featuring four horns, a rhythm section, and five lead vocalists - one female and four male - performing classic hits from the 1930’s up to today. They play the hits of artists as diverse as: Beyonce Knowles, Frank Sinatra, Bruno Mars, Earth Wind and Fire, Michael Buble, Tower Of Power, Alicia Keys, Chicago, Justin Timberlake, Glenn Miller, James Brown, Van Morrison, The Temptations, Sting, The Four Tops, Tom Petty, Santana, Blood Sweat and Tears, and Aretha Franklin, among many others in a wide-ranging, crowd-pleasing repertoire. “Our unique instrumentation, custom musical arrangements, and high degree of musicianship lend to the band’s versatility and professionalism,” said band leader, vocalist and drummer Tom Petteruti.
From Riverside garage band to the Music Hall of Fame: East Providence music lovers have been following lifelong Townie Dave Tanury for years. Tanury, Brass Attack’s vocalist/guitarist extraordinaire, started playing guitar in 1965 shortly after seeing the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show. Dave was a member of the Barrington Boys Choir, which toured Europe that summer of ’65,
sparking his interest in vocal harmony while playing ukulele on the tour bus. After returning from the tour, Dave got his first guitar and has not stopped playing since.
continued on next page...
September 2023 The Reporter 21
After several high school rock bands, Dave was a founding member of the legendary RI band Rizzz, which played clubs and concerts during the 1970’s. Continuing through the 1980’s, Dave founded bands such as Tanoose, Contact, and Uptown Ruler which featured Tom Petteruti, James Vierra (Ep ’72) and others. Music critics have referred to Tanury as a Rhode Island guitar-slinging legend and gritty, soulful vocalist.
In 1973, EP guitarists David Tanury, Jim Tait and drummer Rick Couto of the Riverside underground band Powerhouse, joined forces with saxophonist Bob Weisberger, Joe “Klem” Klimek on harmonica and sax and bassist Kenn Reynolds to form a new band which is considered one of the finest and most successful in Rhode Island music history - RIZZZ.
In 2017, Tanury was honored, along with his former bandmates from Rizzz, to be inducted into the Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame for his stellar and most influential career on the Rhode Island Music scene. Six of the seven original RIZZZ band members were graduates of East Providence High School. Rizzz EPHS graduates are: Rick Couto 1969, Dave Tanury, Jerry Xavier and Kenn Reynolds, 1970 and Bob Weisberger and Jim Tait, 1971. “I am humbled at the outpouring of congratulations after the RI Music Hall of Fame induction,” said Tanury.
Brass Attack also features vocalist Kate Winslow. Her incredibly soulful voice brings the band a wide range of old school R&B, Soul, Classic Rock, and Jazz Standards. Winslow has a magnetic stage presence, and a magnificent voice delivering a diverse and very soulful repertoire of classic tracks.
Tanury is quick to point out the versatility and quality of each band member. “We perform well together, that is our magic,” said Tanury. Making the concert location appropriate is that Tanury lives just a short distance away from Crescent Park.
The September 17th Crescent Park concert will be combined with a local Classic car Show. The car show will begin at 2 pm and the band will perform from 4:30-6:30 pm. Concert goers can bring a lawn chair for the bayside show.
22 The Reporter September 2023 Advertise In The East Providence Reporter! ELECTRONICS RECYCLING DRIVE-UP EVENT Saturday, October 7 10 AM to 1 PM 2775 Pawtucket Ave, East Providence (401) 572-3644
The Members of Brass Attack: Kate Winslow -Vocals, Dave Tanury - Guitar/Vocals, Steve Vallante - Keyboards/Vocals, Jeffrey Mortrude - Bass, Tom Petteruti - Band Leader/Drums/Vocals, Bill Smith - Trumpet/Vocals, Fritz Benz - Trumpet/Vocals, John Knasas - Saxophone/Vocals, Steve L’Heureux - Trombone/Vocals
Dave Tanury
East Bay Retired Teachers Fall Luncheon
21,2023 11:30AM
The East Bay Retired Teachers Association will be holding their Fall luncheon on Sept 21,2023 at Benjamin’s Restaurant, Taunton Ave. Seekonk (inside Ramada Inn). The meeting will commence at 11:30 with the scholarship raffle to follow. The project for this meeting will be monetary donations for Izzy’s Foundation, a charity that provides assistance for family members who have children at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. They provide rest and nourishment for those attending to their sick children. The luncheon choices are: chicken parmigiana, shrimp scampi, baked stuffed haddock and fish and chips The cost is $25. Please send your check and selection to Anne Laderer 18 Monmouth Drive Riverside, R.I. 02915 by September 13, 2023. Please remember to bring your new raffle items which enables us to provide 2 scholarships to deserving seniors from East Providence High School and Mt. Hope High School.
The Piecemakers Quilt Show
Saturday, October 28, 2023 9:00AM-2:00PM
Sponsored by: The Piecemakers Quilt Group
Seekonk Congregational Church
600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771
Admission: $5.00 per person
Featured Quilter: Brenda Devine
You’re Invited to View Our Quilted Fabric Art...Over 100 Quilts on Display!
Challenge Projects, Quilter’s Boutique, Bargain Table, Quilter’s Café with Lunch & Snacks, See our Starry Night Christmas Quilt!
Liberty Tax Hosts 17th Free Electronics Recycling
Drive-Up Event with Indie Cycle, LLC
East Providence, RI, (September 1, 2023) – East Providence
Liberty Tax is hosting its 17th Biannual Electronics Recycling Event with Indie Cycle, LLC, on Saturday, October 7, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Liberty Tax’s East Providence Office began partnering with Indie Cycle in 2015 and holds two electronic recycling events with them every year, in October and April. “We believe in protecting the environment; and Indie Cycle provides an important service to the community that our neighbors really appreciate.” said Paul Pliakas, owner of the Liberty Tax in East Providence.
Indie Cycle accepts many types of unwanted electronics for recycling FREE of charge. Those items include computers, laptops, monitors, televisions (must be whole and intact/no broken or exposed TV tubes), PDA’s, mice, keyboards, cameras, calculators, and small medical equipment, plastic speakers, toner cartridges, CD/DVD players, wires, stereos, telephones, microwaves, and small appliances. Batteries accepted include auto/marine, laptop, cell phone, lithium, power tool, and battery backups (but none with alkaline).
A $10.00 disposal fee applies to each large wooden-boxed speaker ($5 for small), laser-jet printer, air conditioner, dehumidifier, and other coolant containing devices. Additional charges will apply to large copy machines and printers.
Items not accepted include any type of light bulb, disposable/ single-use batteries, smoke or carbon monoxide detectors, thermometers, thermostats, glass blender bowls, furniture, electric organs/pianos, heating pads/blankets, blood pressure cuffs, cushioned chairs, mattresses, plastic bags, cardboard, rigid plastic bins, Styrofoam, wood, firearms, or hazardous waste such as paint or chemicals. These materials will be sorted out on site and returned to our customer for proper disposal elsewhere.
For more information about what can be recycled, visit www. or email To learn more about Liberty Tax, visit
EPHS Class of 2003 20th Reunion
Saturday, November 25, 2023, at 7PM
Ladder 133, 133 Douglas Ave, Providence, RI 02908
Can you believe it’s been twenty years since our graduation?
Let’s celebrate and catch up! For more information and tickets: FB Group:
September 2023 The Reporter 23 Open House and Registration Tuesday, September 12th from 5-7PM 218 Willett Avenue, Riverside RI 02915 • (508) 336-5284 artistic director -Sarah Halpin NDCA CERTIFIED Offering Classes in all Dance Disciplines for ages 2 and up Register @ 9/12 Open House or Call 508-336-5284 For inquiries check us out at Affordable Rates
Tickets available at the show.
First United Methodist Church of Warren/Bristol “Blessing of the Animals”
Sunday, September 10th at 10:00AM
“The First United Methodist Church of Warren/Bristol (25 Church Street in Warren) invites all to a “Blessing of the Animals” Worship Service on Sunday, September 10th at 10:00 a.m. Lead Pastor/ Ministry Team Member Heidi Fiore, MDiv will be leading us in worship. All are invited to bring their pets. Please have them in a carrier or on a leash. If the weather cooperates, we will meet outside the church on the front lawn. If it is raining, we will meet in Fellowship Hall. Please come and celebrate the special place pets hold in our hearts as we thank God for their unconditional love.”
Newman Congregational Church News
2023 Children, Youth, and Families
Open House
Sunday, September 10th
Newman Congregational Church, UCC is kicking off its program year on Sunday, September 10th with an open house to highlight our ministries for children, youth, and families. During Worship at 10am, we will gather kids and families for a backpack blessing. Following the blessing, kids in grades Kindergarten - 5th grades are welcome to Church School. In addition, infants and toddlers are welcome to join our professional staff and volunteers in the
nursery. After worship, all are welcome to join us in the education wing to meet our Minister for Faith Formation, Nursery Staff, and volunteers. You can also learn more about our upcoming programs for youth and families which includes but are not limited to: Family Nights at Newman, High School Youth Group, and Confirmation.
1st Annual Missions’ Art Sale
Saturday, Sept 23, 2023, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Newman Congregational Church, UCC will host their 1st Annual Missions’ Art Sale. All proceeds are donated to various charities. Throughout the hall, you will find paintings, posters, and various forms of wall art, perfect for your Christmas giving! There will be refreshments available for sale while you shop. Bring your friends and enjoy the festivities!
Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is located at 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916. For more information, contact the Church Office at 401-434-4742 X10.
Newman UCC is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ and extends this invitation to one and all, living out the example of Jesus’ extravagant welcome.
Haven United Methodist Church News
1. Thrift Store - Summer Clearance! Come browse our selection of women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, as well as knickknacks, household goods, linens, and more! Donations are accepted and can be brought in when we are open, or during church office hours. OPEN 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th SATURDAYS of the month from 9am-Noon.
2. Community Music Project at Haven UMC - Haven UMC believes that music has the power to bring people together, and our goal is to create an inclusive and supportive community. We are recruiting Adult classical instrument performers and singers. Rehearsals are on Saturdays from 12:30-2:30pm beginning in September 2023. There will be a Christmas Concert in December with additional performances in the community. If you want to use your musical gifts for the community, please join us! To register or for information call 401-438-4911 or email
3. Haven Free Music School - If you are interested in taking lessons for the violin, viola, cello, piano, trombone, or hand chimes, please contact our office for application or additional information. Lessons are every Saturday morning. New classes will begin in September.
4. Neighborhood Basketball Project - Haven UMC gym has been serving the EP Community and beyond for 91 years. We are looking for volunteers to help us revitalize our gym. Also, we want to know how the Haven UMC GYM and BB program impacted your life. To share your stories, memories, and experiences or to volunteer, contact us at: or 401-438-4911.
5. Volunteer Opportunities - We are a Certifying Organization that has been granted authority to give out the President’s
24 The Reporter September 2023 Church News SOLUTIONS 401-349-5600 FREEDOM FROM WHAT BUGS YOU! NEW NAME, NEW LOCATION... SAME GREAT SERVICE We have moved to 225 Putnam Pike, Johnston, RI 02919 PEST & PROPERTY 225 Putnam Pike, Johnston RI 02919
Volunteer Service Award to volunteers assisting with programs at Haven UMC. We are looking for volunteers to assist with the Community Music Project. The Haven Chamber Orchestra participants will be eligible for volunteer hours as well. Also, the Thrift Store is looking for people interested in helping out on Saturdays to run the store. If you are interested in any of the above, contact the Haven UMC office.
6. AA Meetings - every morning at 10:00am. Entrance is on Alice Street side of the church.
7. Do you or your group/organization need a place to hold meetings? Sporting events? Activities? Conferences? We have OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE as well! We have a variety of spaces available from small to large, including limited availability for our gym. We have an elevator and chair lift for accessibility. Contact the office for room sizes, availability, and suggested donations.
8. Hybrid Worship - In-person or livestreamed on Facebook every Sunday @ 9:30 am. Come join us!! COVID-19 restrictions: MASKS and SOCIAL DISTANCING continue as a precaution. Recorded service can be viewed at havenumchurch. We have an elevator and chair lift for accessibility. Haven United Methodist Church, 200 Taunton Ave., E. Providence, RI. Call 401-438-4911 or email for more information. Pastor’s Office Hours are Monday, Tuesday and Saturday from 9am to 12pm and by appointment. Church Office hours are Monday thru Wednesday from 9:30am to 4:30pm and Thursday from 9:30am to 2:30pm. Visit our website at www.
Seekonk Congregational Church In Person Sunday Services
We hope you will join us each Sunday at Seekonk Congregational Church UCC at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary at 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA for our weekly service. Please come if you feel comfortable, all are welcome, masks are optional. Our church school continues through the summer at 9:30 AM e will continue to record our services and they are available the following day at Seekonk Congregational Church YouTube and on Cable 9 Seekonk at 9 AM each morning.
September Worship Service Updates
Beginning on Sunday September 17th we will resume 2 services each Sunday. The 1st at 9 AM, the 2nd at 10:30 AM. Communion will be served at each service. Church school will be held during the 9 AM service with licensed day care available for both services. We invite you to join us.
New Member Seminar
If you have been attending SCC-UCC and would like to join the church as a member, there will be a new member seminar on Sept 24th at 11 AM
Upcoming Events
• Friday October 6, 2023 5:30 – 9 PM National Faith & Blue Weekend Join the Seekonk Police and Seekonk churches for a free combined annual event. Cookout, Family Friendly Movie, Bounce House, UTV rides, Games, Playground & more. Event location is Faith Christian Center 95 Sagamore Road. Fun for all ages.
• Saturday, October 14, 2023 - 8:30AM – NOON Church Yard Sale Rent a table and sell your treasures! $35 a table. Call the Church Office (508-336-9355) to reserve a table.
• Saturday, November 4, 2023 - HARVEST DINNER - Buffet serving from 5:00 to 6:30PM. Eat In or Take Out. MENU: Baked Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Butternut Squash, Harvard Beets, Onions, Cole Slaw, Rolls & Butter and Apple Bread Pudding…TICKET PRICES: Adults $15.00 and Children (ages 5-12) $6.00. RESERVATIONS are SUGGESTED. For tickets or an information please contact the Church Office at 508-336-9355 or Donna Euell at donna.euell@ or 401-523-5283.
We have the most loyal members on the planet and we thank and appreciate every one of them. Police, Firemen, Teachers, City Workers and neighbors in our Community built our very
Credit Union family for over 60 years.
September 2023 The Reporter 25 Locally grown experience and expertise. Contact me for all your real estate needs! Alicia Reynolds Sales Associate 401.835.2605 NCUA EQUAL HOUSING Nos Falamos Portuguese Mon - Thurs 9-4:30 Fri 9-6, Sat 9-12 1169 South Broadway, East Providence, RI 438-7788 438-7789 Member East Providence Chamber of Commerce Federally Chartered & Federally Insured HAPPY LABOR DAY WEEKEND!
COMMUNITY & TEACHERS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION C.O.D. OIL No Frills, No Bills. $10.00 Off 1st Delivery of the Season good thru 9/30/23 Colder days are coming... We’ll keep you warm.
& Dining
Make Mornings a Breeze with Time-Saving Breakfasts
(Family Features) Mornings can be hectic enough with wake-up calls, preparing for work, getting the kids ready and so many other daily tasks. Add in the need (or desire, at least) for a nutritious breakfast, and starting a new day can feel downright exhausting. Make your mornings easier with delicious, better-for-you meals you can make ahead of time using simple ingredients like Success Boil-in-Bag Tri-Color Quinoa, which offers a heat-safe, BPA-free and FDA-approved bag and is easily prepared in just 10 minutes. You don’t have to know how to pronounce quinoa to enjoy its light, nutty flavor packed with protein and all nine essential amino acids.
As a good source of fiber, it’s a perfect solution composed of a medley of red, black and white quinoa that can make these Ham, Cheese and Zucchini Breakfast Cups a breeze. They’re an ideal on-the-go solution for weekday breakfast bites that fit your busy schedule.
Cook up a batch as part of your Sunday meal prep and enjoy a week’s worth of tasty, simple cups for the entire family. Once the combination of green onions, cheddar, ham, quinoa and more have been cooked and cooled, they can be refrigerated for up to 1 week.
For a creamier, fruity, dairy-free option, these Quinoa Overnight Oats make for a satisfying breakfast you can grab from the fridge and take to the office. Loaded with whole grains, bananas, blueberries and pomegranate, they’ll provide the energy you need to get through the day while saving time in the morning.
These tasty treats can also last up to 1 week in the refrigerator, but remember to wait to add any crunchy toppings, honey or syrup until you’re ready to enjoy so those favorite ingredients stay fresh longer. Another pro tip: Once you’re done preparing your sweet, nutritious breakfast for the week ahead, divide evenly into four resealable togo containers to make weekday mornings as easy as possible.
To find more weekday morning solutions using easy-to-make whole grains, visit
Ham, Cheese and Zucchini Breakfast Cups
Prep: 15 min ~ Cook: 25 min ~ Serves: 12
• 1 bag Success Tri-Color Quinoa
• nonstick cooking spray
• 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
• 1 cup shredded zucchini
• 1/2 cup diced ham
• 2 eggs
• 1/4 cup egg white
• 1/4 cup sliced green onion
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
Prepare quinoa according to package directions. Preheat oven to 350 F. Coat 12-cup muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray.
In large bowl, combine shredded cheddar cheese, shredded zucchini, diced ham, eggs, egg white, sliced green onion, salt and black pepper. Mix well. Spoon batter into prepared muffin tin.
Bake 25 minutes. Cool 5 minutes then remove to wire rack to cool completely.
Quinoa Overnight Oats
Prep: 15 min ~ Cook: 10 min ~ Serves: 4
• 1 bag Success Tri-Color Quinoa
• 2 cups almond milk
• 1 cup quick-rolled oats
• 2 bananas, mashed
• 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
• 1 cup fresh blueberries
• 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
Prepare quinoa according to package directions. Let cool completely.
In large bowl, combine almond milk, oats, bananas and cinnamon. Stir in quinoa and blueberries.
Cover and refrigerate overnight. Divide among four serving bowls and garnish with pomegranate seeds.
Tips: For added sweetness, drizzle with honey, maple syrup or agave syrup, to taste. For a grab-and-go breakfast, combine overnight oats mixture and divide in resealable, single-serving jars or containers. Seal and refrigerate overnight.
Source: Success Rice
26 The Reporter September 2023 736 N Broadway East Providence, RI (401) 434-1505 Outdoor Dining Now Open! Mariachi Band on Thurs! Margaritas Made Fresh! Hours: Sun-Thurs 11am-9pm Fri & Sat 11am-10pm 401-431-1322 288 Warren Avenue, East Providence PATIO NOW OPEN Look for Specials & Family Meal Deals on Facebook Mon-Thur 11:30-9, Fri-Sat 11:30-11, Sun 11:30-7 401-434-0942 122 Taunton Avenue, East Providence NEW! FISH & CHIPS ONLY $11.99 Wednesday - Friday EP WiEnErs Don't forget dessert! Strawberry Shortcake $3.59
‘Fall’ In Love with Family-Favorite Autumn Recipes
(Family Features) With temperatures cooling and cravings leaning toward comforting flavors, fall offers a perfect time for families to explore adventurous twists on favorite foods. As you and your loved ones rework the menu for autumn, turn to versatile ingredients that provide fresh tastes and new ways to enjoy classic recipes.
One star ingredient that can be used for appetizers, main courses, sides, snacks and desserts alike is watermelon. In fact, using the entire watermelon (rind included) means you’ve discovered a sustainable way to create nutritious meals without food waste.
Watermelon Flesh
In the fall, whole watermelon is still available in many areas. You can also find mini watermelon in the fresh cut produce section at many local grocers. The flesh is often the favorite (and most-used) part of the watermelon. Served on its own as a hydrating snack or as part of a recipe for tasty entrees, the flesh offers something for nearly every appetite so no watermelon goes to waste.
Watermelon Juice
Watermelon is 92% water, making it a sweet choice for staying hydrated. Even if your watermelon is overripe, don’t throw it out – instead, juice or puree it to retain value and nutrition. Use it to sweeten this Watermelon Bourbon Glaze then drizzle over a perfectly grilled flank steak and serve with mashed potatoes and grilled vegetables for an ideal fall meal.
Watermelon Rind
The rind is often thrown out – many people don’t realize you can eat it, too. The rind absorbs flavors added to it and adds an unexpected texture to this Watermelon Walnut Currant Chutney. Try serving over brie with crackers or simply dip with naan or baguettes. Find more flavorful fall solutions to avoid food waste at
Watermelon Bourbon Glaze with Grilled Flank Steak
Servings: 6
• 1 1/2 cups watermelon juice (approximately 2 1/2 cups chopped watermelon, blended)
• 2 tablespoon minced garlic
• 1/4 cup soy sauce
• 1/4 cup brown sugar
• 2 teaspoon hot sauce
• 1/4-1/2 cup bourbon
• 2 pounds flank steak or London broil
• 1/4 teaspoon cornstarch
In medium saucepan over medium-high heat, reduce watermelon juice to 2/3 cup. Toward end of reduction, add garlic. Remove from heat, cool 10 minutes then add soy sauce, brown sugar, hot sauce and bourbon. Mix well.
Continued on next page...
September 2023 The Reporter 27 431 Winthrop Street, Rte 44,Taunton MA • 508-823-8664 1666 Diamond Hill Rd, Cumberland RI • 401-305-3916 520 Foundry Street, Easton MA• 508-297-0327 Hours: Sun-Thurs 11:30-8pm; Fri-Sat 11:30-9pm *DAILY SPECIALS *HOMEMADE DESSERTS Family Style Dinners Door Dash Delivery Online Ordering Available continued on next page... (508) 557-0091 2 Olney St (Briarwood Plaza) • Seekonk, MA Call Us for YoUr Catering needs Proudly providing prepared food and meals for you to heat and serve at home! We have Pans of Food, Party Platters, Specialty Egg Rolls, Deli Meats, Prepped Meats for Grilling, Sides & Salads, Gourmet Dog Treats, NEW...Gluten Free Goodies! Now Serving ACAI BOWLS! Made to Order
Place watermelon-bourbon glaze in large zip-top bag. Add steak and massage to cover meat. Close bag and refrigerate 3-4 hours.
Heat grill to high heat. Remove steak from plastic bag and gently shake to remove excess glaze.
Grill steak 4-6 minutes; turn, grill 4-6 minutes, depending on thickness of steak. Remove from heat. Steak should be pink in center.
Allow steak to rest on platter or cutting board 10 minutes.
Mix small amount of watermelon-bourbon glaze with cornstarch. In small saucepan over medium-high heat, add cornstarch mixture to remaining glaze and simmer 3-5 minutes. Reduce to medium heat until mixture thickens. Remove from heat.
Cut flank steak on bias into thin strips. Drizzle watermelon-bourbon glaze over top.
Dine In, Take Out,
Cook at Home!
The Value of Trees
Intense rainstorms this summer have caused flooding across roads and lawns. Rain gardens, shallow depressions with plants, are designed to absorb runoff from gutters and pavement. Some native trees are perfect for rain gardens such as red maple (Acer rubrum) and tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica). Flowering shrubs such as summersweet (Clethra alnifolia) and blueberry (Vaccinium) also thrive in moist soils. Biodiversity can be added with native flowers, sedges,and grasses. A visit to the western end of the Providence pedestrian bridge demonstrates how native plants, rain gardens, and permeable paving work to provide a functional landscape in all weather.
Want to learn more about trees? Request the EPUF community e-newsletter via
28 The Reporter September 2023
UP TO $300 OFF GAS INSERTS Warming up the Community THE AREA’S LARGEST SHOWROOM SAVE $300 - GAS INSERTS SALE ENDS 10/9/23 Financing Available 508-336-2600 Tues - Thu 10-6 pm; Fri - Sat 9-5 pm
Weaver Library is proud to present...
Indoor Jazz Concert!
Monday, September 11th 6:30-7:30pm
Al Testa’s Jazz Quartet
Join us for a night of beautiful jazz music performed by Al Testa’s Jazz Quartet! Registration not required. This event is free and open to the public. Limited seating available, first come, first served.
Weaver Library is proud to present...
FREE Paper Shredding Event!
Saturday, September 30th 9am-12pm
In the side parking lot at Weaver Library! Free paper shredding event for East Providence residents. 2 file box maximum. Registration not required. This event is free and open to the public. Limited seating available, first come, first served.
September Events at the Fuller Creative Learning Center
The Fuller Creative Learning Center continues its schedule of programs and workshops. The schedule for September includes:
Adults/Young Adults
• Block of the Month Quilting - 1st and 3rd Tues 6-7:30pm
• Charity Sewing - 2nd and 4th Tues 2-3:30pm
• VR Headset Demo - Wed, Sep 6 10-11am
• Flower Arranging and Art with What Cheer Flower - Tues, Sep 12 6-7pm (registration required)
• All Abilities Art - Wed, Sep 20 10:30-11:30am (registration required)
• Coffee & Paint - Wed, Sep 13 10-11am
• DIY Tin Art - Thurs, Sep 7 6-7pm
• Meatless Meals Cooking Demo (Pulled “Pork”) - Tues, Sep 19 6-7pm
• Mail Packaging Art - Thurs, Sep 14 6-7pm
• Adult Paint Night - Tues, Sep 26 6-7:00pm (registration required)
• Documentary: Ruthless - Monopoly’s Secret History - Wed, Sep 27 10:00-11:00am
• Themed Learning for Preschoolers - Mon in September (except Sep 4), 10:30-11:15am
• Playwriting - Wed, Sep 6 3:30-4:30pm
• 3D Pen Competition - Wed, Sep 13 3:45pm
• DIY Mermaid Costumes - Mon, Sep 11 3:45pm
• Gardening at Fuller! - Mon, Sep 18 & 25 3:45pm
• After School Garden Snacks - Wed, Sep 20 & 27 3:45pm Teens
• Virtual Reality - By appointment. All Ages
• Drop-in Tech (WiFi, Computers, Sewing Machines, Virtual Reality Headsets, 3D Printer Pens, Recording Studio) or by appointment More information on these events can be found on the East Providence Library website or our Facebook page. You may also contact the Fuller Creative Center at fullercreativelearning@gmail. com for more information or to register.
As an extension of the East Providence Public Library, the Fuller Creative Learning Center focuses on hands-on learning programs and workshops for all ages. Join us at the Center located on 260 Dover Avenue, East Providence, RI for one of these beneficial experiences!
September 2023 The Reporter 29 Ada’s Cleaning Services 401-499-5018 Available Mon-Sat Residential & Commericial Free Estimates • Insured
WEAVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 41 Grove Avenue, 401-434-2453 RIVERSIDE BRANCH LIBRARY 475 Bullocks Point Ave, 401-433-4877 FULLER CREATIVE LEARNING CTR 260 Dover Ave. 401-228-3903
CJS / Statewide APPLIANCE REPAIR 401-434-1460 $84.95 Diagnostic Visit $5 OFF ($79.95 - mention ad) Most Appliances, Fee waved with repair Scan this QR Code for more information on these programs and others offered at the East Providence
NEWS Deadline: 25th of each month Send to:
Established in 1940, 3rd Generation
September Kids Activities
FUN for Toddlers & Preschoolers
Wednesdays at 10am at Weaver Library
• Sept. 13 - Music for Children with Lindsay Meehan & Rita Caruso
• Sept. 20 - Music & Movement Storytime
• Sept. 27 - World Music with Chaia May Preschool Development Activities
Mondays in September, 10:30-11:15 at Fuller Creative Learning Center. Ages 3-5
Baby/Toddler Play Group
Fridays, September 22, 29 - 9:30-11:00 at Riverside Branch Library. Relax and connect with other families. Ages 0-3
Baby/Toddler Storytime
Thursdays, September 21 - October 19, 10:30-11:00 outside at Crescent Park. Join us for a half hour of stories, songs, dancing, and playing.
Pirate Costumes
Thursday, September 14 at 4pm at Riverside Library. Make your own pirate costume to wear for this month’s Block Party! Grades K-5
September Block Party - Pirates & Mermaids
Thursday, September 21, 4:00-7:00pm on the lawn at Weaver Library. Food trucks, live music, games and activities! All Ages
For more information, please go to our Calendar of Events at or scan the QR code.
• Charles ¨Charlie¨ H. Boudreau, 92, of East Providence and Pinnellis Park, FL, passed away on July 24, 2023 surrounded by his loving children.
• Esther (Blanck) Silva of East Providence, RI passed away peacefully on Tuesday, July 25, 2023, at age 90.
• Mildred “Millie” Morris, 88, a lifelong East Providence resident, passed away on the morning of August 2, 2023.
• Robert “Bobby” J. Cavaco,59, a lifelong resident of East Providence, RI, passed away at his residence, unexpectedly on August 4, 2023.
• Lucille Irene (Fredette) Trahan, 92, passed away peacefully at home on Sunday, August 6, 2023.
• George C. Erickson, 94, of Fenner Avenue, Riverside, died peacefully on August 9, 2023.
• Michael G. Finnerty, 63, of East Providence, passed away on Wednesday August 9, 2023.
• John A. Holmes, Jr. beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother died peacefully in his sleep on August 9, 2023 at the age of 74.
• Manuel S. Silva, 81, formerly of Leonard Avenue, East Providence passed away peacefully surrounded by his family on Saturday, August 12, 2023.
• Mary A. Clarke, 75, of Bristol and formerly of Rumford, passed away on Sunday, August 13, 2023 at her home.
• Ronald J. Kelly, 86, of Rumford, RI and Cape Cod, MA passed away peacefully on Tuesday, August 15th, 2023 at Rhode Island Hospital after a brief illness.
• Robert Choiniere, 98, of East Providence, passed away Thursday, August 17, 2023.
30 The Reporter September 2023 SEASONED FIREWOOD CUT & SPLIT HARDWOOD $250 Per Cord $450 for Two Cords Free Delivery Locally $200 Per Cord Picked Up 401-438-3000
RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL Specializing in Kitchen & Bathrooms Batty Construction HOME IMPROVEMENTS (401) 639-7230 • Remodeling • Additions • Siding • Silestone • Granite • Painting • Roofing Peter Batty RI Reg. # 33335 / MA Reg. # CS51340
By Bob Rodericks
EPHS Boys Soccer has a New Coach
Tim Calouro, a 2001 Townie graduate and former soccer player has been named the next head boys soccer coach to succeed retiring long time coach Tony Vierra. Calouro and Vierra were Townie soccer teammates. Calouro, an all-state player at EPHS, is an East Providence native and began his playing career with the East Providence Merchants in 1994. He went on to play premier soccer with Bayside in 1996. Tim continued his playing career at East Providence Senior High School in 1998. He was selected 2nd Team All Division in 1999 and 1st Team All Division and 1st Team All State in 2000.
He went on to play college soccer at St. Joseph’s College in 2001 and finished his collegiate career at Rhode Island College in 2002 through 2004.
Calouro has been responsible for developing and leading the youth academy for the East Providence Youth Soccer Association. Calouro has been part of a rich soccer history at EPHS. Tim’s father, Ben Calouro is a 1972 Townie graduate and starred as a key soccer player for those early dominate teams led by legendary coach George Poli. Calouro’s goal is to bring back a state soccer championship to East Providence.
“I am pleased to have accepted a new role as the East Providence High School Men’s Soccer Coach,” said Calouro after his appointment in July. “I can’t wait to get started and I want to thank EPHS principal (Bill) Black and Athletic Director Alex Butler for this opportunity. I am ready to work hard for these kids,” added Calouro.
Tony Vieira, a Townie 2002 graduate decided to retire after some 13 years as Townie head coach. “It was time for me to move on,” said Vierra. “Family and job responsibilities make it a busy time. I will be around to help Tim and the program,” added Vierra. Vierra is currently superintendent of parks for the city and active in youth soccer.
Calouro is very excited to lead this generation of Townie soccer players. “I stress teamwork, encouragement and I am fortunate to have known many of the current players from prior years of youth soccer.” It has a been a while since boys soccer has won a state championship. East Providence athletic officials think Calouro has the right stuff toward that goal.
Soccer Fundraiser
The Townies boys soccer team is sponsoring a team fundraiser on Sunday, September 10th from 11am - 3pm at East Providence High School. There will be a $10 Entry fee for all vehicles. Cars, trucks and bikes are all welcome. The event will also feature a number of food trucks and raffles, as well as music.
Local Athletes in Championship Tournament
Both Junior & Senior Squads Win Titles
Several East Providence athletes participated in the RBI Baseball League’s Junior and Senior Division Baseball tournament. The tournament is associated with the Pawtucket Boys and Girls Club program. MWH Constructors included East Providence residents Jonathan “JJ” Renaud, Chris Charbonneau and Alex Enright. The trio were starters and key players for the team which included teammates from Barrington and Pawtucket. Vin Enright of East Providence along with Matt Ferreira were the coaches. The group made it to the championship game which they won late last month. The MWH Constructor team faced off against Collette
based in Pawtucket, for the tourney championship at Slater Park under the lights. MWH finished the tourney run with an 8-1 record entering the final. Earlier they defeated Palagi’s 6-0 in a semifinal win. Charbonneau, Enright and Renaud all played well in the final with JJ Renaud being named the game MVP for a stellar pitching performance. Renaud tossed a complete game one-hit shutout while firing 11 strikeouts in a dominating performance for the 2-0 win.
Continued next page...
September 2023 The Reporter
Coach Tim Calouro
EPHS players help win the RBI seniors tournament at Slater Park last month.
Rock's on Prospect RBI seniors champions. Kayla Panu photo from Valley Breeze.
RBI tournament champions Junior Division MWH Constructors.
Photo by Kayla Panu, Valley Breeze.
RBI Senior Division Win
The RBI senior division title game also went to a team with East Providence players. State champion EPHS starters Dylan Annicelli and Oliver Andrews made key contributions for the team, Rock’s on Prospect. Rock’s defeated Downeast Coffee Roasters 8-1 for the title. Annicelli, the superb sophomore pitcher for EPHS recorded three strikeouts in late inning relief for the team. Annicelli also contributed a key RBI double in the fourth inning. Like their Juniors counterpart, Rock’s on Prospect, the number one seed with just one tournament loss, scored first and never looked back to take the championship.
EPHS Teacher Coutoulakis Receives COX Outstanding Coach Award
East Providence High School Phys Ed teacher Kristen Coutoulakis received the 2022-23 Cox Communications “Outstanding Coach” award. ‘Coach Coutie’ as she is known to colleagues and students, donated her $1,000 cash award to Special Olympics. In addition to her duties as a gym and health instructor at EPHS, Coutoulakis is a devoted supporter of Special Olympics. “Unified Sports has kept the “spirit of sport” in my heart. Our students enjoy friendship, competition and being part of something bigger than themselves,” says the affable EPHS teacher in a recent fundraising request. The 20222023 EPHS Unified Basketball team won the RI state championship. “I credit my colleague coaches and students for this award. They all are deserving,” said Coutoulakis in responding to the Cox award. In addition to her coaching and teaching responsibilities, she is widely known for her wide smile and big hugs to students and fellow teachers and staff when she walks the high school corridors. “She is an amazing teacher and member of our learning community. We are so lucky to have her at EPHS,” said principal Bill Black.
Annual Friends of Townie Athletics Golf Tournament
The annual Friends of Townie Athletics (FOTA) Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, October 7th at Crestwood Country Club in Rehoboth, MA. The deadline for signing up is September 15th. $150 per player or $600 for a foursome. This includes 18 holes of golf, a riding cart, lunch, evening reception, “Super Ticket” and awards. Registration forms are available at the Friends of Townie Athletics Organization Facebook page or by contacting a FOTA member. The event is a major fundraiser which provides 100% of all monies raised for East Providence High School and middle school student-athletes. The FOTA also announce that the last of the Commemorative Bricks were installed at East Providence High School this summer. Thank you to all who purchased a brick.
32 The Reporter September 2023
Coach Coutoulakis, left, with EPHS Unified Arts Basketball State Champions 2023.
The last of the Friends of Townie Athletics Commemorative Bricks were installed at EPHS this summer.
September 2023 The Reporter 33 Puppies are a lot of work!! Confused about how to safely socialize and train your puppy? We are here to teach your puppy to become the best social and well-mannered dog he can be! Get started right away with flexible Puppy Kindergarten classes and multiple Puppy Socials each week for safe socialization and training! Join our friendly community of dog lovers for fun and support! • 401-714-5652 Located in East Providence, RI Heidi Palmer McNeil, CTC, CPDT-KA How can we help?
Football Schedule 09/01/23 04:45 PM Injury Fund at Central Falls HS 09/08/23 07:00 PM Westfield at EPHS 09/15/23 07:00 PM at St. Raphael Academy at McCoy Annex 09/22/23 07:00 PM at Cumberland High School Tucker Field 09/29/23 07:00 PM Cranston West at EPHS 10/06/23 06:00 PM Mt. Pleasant High School at EPHS 10/13/23 06:00 PM East Greenwich High School at EPHS 10/21/23 12:00 PM at Burrillville High School 10/27/23 06:00 PM Bishop Hendricken High School at EPHS 11/23/23 10:00 AM at La Salle Academy
Boys Soccer Schedule 09/01/23 05:00 PM Injury Fund at Barrington High, Moses Brown 09/06/23 06:30 PM Central High School at EPHS 09/08/23 07:00 PM at Central Falls HS - Macomber Stadium 09/13/23 06:30 PM at Cumberland High School 09/16/23 10:00 AM Classical High School at EPHS 09/19/23 06:30 PM Lincoln at EPHS 09/26/23 06:30 PM at LaSalle 09/30/23 10:00 AM Moses Brown School at EPHS 10/03/23 06:45 PM at North Kingstown High School 10/06/23 06:00 PM at Mt. Hope High School 10/11/23 06:30 PM Portsmouth at EPHS 10/14/23 10:00 AM South Kingstown High School at EPHS 10/17/23 07:00 PM at Tolman HS McKinnon-Alves Complex 10/21/23 10:45 AM at Bishop Hendricken High School 10/25/23 06:30 PM Barrington at EPHS EPHS Girls Soccer Schedule 09/02/23 11:00 AM Injury Fund Barr - Exeter W. Greenwich 09/08/23 04:00 PM at Mount Saint Charles Academy 09/12/23 06:30 PM Ponaganset High School at EPHS 09/15/23 06:30 PM North Providence High School at EPHS 09/18/23 03:45 PM at Scituate High School 09/20/23 06:30 PM Prout School at EPHS 09/22/23 06:00 PM Providence Country Day at Pierce Field 09/26/23 06:30 PM Middletown High School at EPHS 09/28/23 04:00 PM at West Warwick High School 10/02/23 06:30 PM Portsmouth at EPHS 10/04/23 06:30 PM at Coventry High School 10/10/23 06:30 PM Burrillville at EPHS 10/12/23 04:00 PM at Mount Saint Charles Academy 10/16/23 06:30 PM North Providence High School at EPHS 10/18/23 04:00 PM at St. Mary Academy Bay View 10/24/23 06:30 PM North Smithfield at EPHS 10/26/23 06:00 PM at Lincoln High School EPHS Girls Volleyball 09/01/23 06:30 PM Scituate at EPHS 09/06/23 06:30 PM at Cranston West 09/07/23 06:30 PM Classical High School at EPHS 09/12/23 06:30 PM Barrington at EPHS 09/14/23 06:30 PM at Rogers High School 09/15/23 06:00 PM at Mt. Hope High School 09/18/23 06:30 PM St. Raphael Academy at EPHS 09/20/23 06:00 PM at Johnston High School 09/26/23 06:30 PM St. Mary Academy Bay View at EPHS 10/02/23 06:30 PM Lincoln at East Providence High School 10/04/23 06:00 PM at Middletown High School 10/10/23 06:30 PM at Pilgrim High School 10/12/23 06:30 PM Ponaganset High School at EPHS 10/16/23 06:30 PM at Cumberland High School 10/18/23 06:30 PM Exeter West Greenwich at EPHS 10/24/23 06:30 PM at North Smithfield High School 10/26/23 06:30 PM Westerly at EPHS St. Mary Bay View Soccer Schedule 09/11/23 04:30 PM Scituate at Bay View 09/12/23 04:00 PM at Coventry High School 09/18/23 04:30 PM Burrillville at Bay View 09/22/23 04:00 PM at Mount Saint Charles Academy 09/26/23 04:00 PM North Providence at Bay View 09/28/23 06:00 PM at Middletown High School 10/02/23 07:00 PM at North Smithfield 10/04/23 05:00 PM Lincoln at Bay View 10/10/23 06:30 PM at Ponaganset High School 10/18/23 04:00 PM EPHS at Bay View 10/20/23 06:00 PM at Prout School 10/26/23 04:00 PM Portsmouth at Bay View 10/31/23 04:00 PM at West Warwick High School
The 2023 EPHS State Championship baseball team was honored at the RI State House this summer as guests of Secretary of State Gregg Amore.
34 The Reporter September 2023
"Townie Pride" can be difficult to describe in words to some who ask. Pictures can tell a lot. These images of EPHS student athletes, band members and the student HERD, as they welcome teachers back to school for 2023... speaks volumes. Above photos courtesy of The EP Herd.
September 2023 The Reporter 35 How Good is St. Luke’s School? So Good That We Attract Students from Over 15 Communities Traditonal Catholic Values Combined With Rigorous Academics 10 Waldron Avenue, Barrington • 401-246-0990 • Call for a Tour Today 401-246-0990 Preschool to Grade 8 Welcome Back, Townies! Paid for by the friends of Anna Sousa Anna Sousa East Providence Ward 2 City Councilwoman Welcome Back to School! Learn, Laugh and Have Fun! We are Back! The district was welcomed back by Townie athletes, Herd members and the EPHS band. Photo courtesy of @Townie Athletics twitter page.
Back to School
Scholarship Foundation of East Prov. Celebrates 55th Year with $5 Million Milestone
Scholarship Foundation of East Providence is celebrating 55 years as a community non-profit organization. And they have much to celebrate. Founded in 1968, the fledgling group of volunteers was formed to establish a way to bring together the resources of civic organizations, businesses, families and individuals in East Providence to financially support local students who want to continue their education beyond high school. In 1969, five students received the first scholarships, totaling $1,750.
This year, with the help of local residents and businesses, Scholarship Foundation of East Providence administered scholarships totaling nearly $214,000 to East Providence students. Scholarships of $1,500 or more were awarded to 62 East Providence students graduating from public, private and parochial high schools and 77 scholarships to students who are already enrolled in college, career or technical school. The scholarships were administered on behalf of businesses, civic organizations, schools, reunion committees, PTAs, past recipients, families and individuals in our city, as well as from former Townies across the country. Using a standardized application process, SF of East Providence evaluates candidates anonymously and administers scholarships based on merit and financial need.
“This is a banner year for us,” notes Joseph Durand, president of the scholarship group. “We are proud to announce that in our 55th year, we have reached three major milestones. First, the annual phone-a-thon,
in its 29th consecutive year, raised more than $128,000. This pushed the total amount raised through phone-a-thons to more than $2.5 million. Secondly, with this year’s scholarship distribution, since our inception, Scholarship Foundation of East Providence has awarded more than $5 million to East Providence students. And finally, the number of recipients we have assisted has grown to more than 5,000. We are grateful to all who have been so generous and have helped to enable these recipients to achieve their career goals,“ he added.
Mr. Durand recognized new scholarships that were awarded this year, including the East Providence High School Band Scholarship in memory of Wayne Gage, Elizabeth Patnaude Memorial, Frank and Emily Squittiere Memorial, Goulet Family Scholarship in Memory of Raymond Goulet, Jacob Merola Memorial, Path to Knowledge Family, and Peter Saunders Memorial Scholarship in Memory of Charles Saunders. New book awards included: Ed and Philomena Moniz, Pickering Family and Rogers Family Book Awards.
President Joe Durand welcomes local residents to join the volunteer organization as a member. Members assist with scholarship application review and distribution, planning annual fundraisers, and maintaining accurate records. To learn more about helping Scholarship Foundation of East Providence, visit or contact
36 The Reporter September 2023 Upcoming EPHS Dates to Remember: September 2023 2: Car Wash 11am-3pm 4: Labor Day-No School 11: Faculty Meeting 2:00pm 21: Meet the Teachers Night 6pm-8pm 15: Townie Pride Parade @ Pierce 19: College Fair @ Warwick Mall 6pm-8pm 19: DodgeBall tournament 6:30 20: PTSA Meeting 6:30pm 22: Blood Drive 7:30am-1:30pm (auditorium) 25: Faculty Advisory Board @ 2pm 25: School Improvement Team Virtual @ 6pm 28-29: UC/Staff Pictures 29: Homecoming Football Game 30: Homecoming Dance at 7pm-10pm
Eye Care Call now for your Back To School eye exams! Complete adult and children’s eye care, eyeglasses, contact lenses, treatment and management of ocular disease. 250 Wampanoag Trail, Suite 304 East Providence, RI 02915 • 401-435-5555
East Providence Family
Nós falamos Português Call now for an appointment. Most insurance plans accepted. All Girls. Independent. Catholic. College Preparatory. Preschool to Grade 12. Academic excellence since 1874. Join Us for Open House Sunday, October 29 at 12pm Pre-register at
Dr. Lionel Lemos Jr, Dr. Michael C. Santos, and Dr. Steven W. Santos
Supporting Teachers 4 Ways To Help Lighten The Burden For Educators
(Family Features) Teachers are more than leaders in their classrooms, they are leaders in the communities they serve, committed to educating the leaders of tomorrow, and their value cannot be overstated. To provide an optimal learning environment that equips their students for success, teachers often go above and beyond, sometimes at great personal expense.
In fact, an analysis by My eLearning World estimates teachers will spend an average of $820.14 out of pocket on school supplies during the 2023-24 school year, the largest amount ever, which doesn’t include all of the hours dedicated beyond the traditional school day.
To help alleviate some of the burden, consider these ways parents, guardians and community members can contribute and support the efforts of educators.
Volunteer in the Classroom
One of the easiest ways to learn what life is like in the classroom and truly understand the needs is to spend some time there helping out. Many school districts could use volunteers to assist with one-onone tutoring, organizing library books, chaperoning field trips, speaking to classes about career paths and more. Start by checking with your child’s teacher or calling the front office to see what opportunities might be available.
Assist with Classroom Registries
Well-equipped classrooms are essential to student success, but teachers cannot do it alone. To help assist educators in reducing out-of-pocket expenses for classroom supplies, Walmart’s Classroom Registry allows teachers to create personalized lists of items they need, making it easy for the community to contribute to and support their efforts. Tailored to educators with personalized creation flow and recommended classroom items unique to each grade level - including popular items such as stationery, classroom decorations, art supplies, classroom treats and rewards such as stickers and “edutainment” items - teachers can share their lists quickly and easily through direct links to their custom registries. Registries are also discoverable via the registry search using the teacher’s last name and state.
Work with Your Student at Home
Not all learning takes place in the classroom. In fact, you can model the importance of your child’s education at home and create good habits such as doing homework at a certain time each night, getting a good night’s rest before school and using lessons learned in the classroom during family time. Contact your child’s teacher to learn more about the lesson plan and what you can do at home to assist with your student’s education.
September 2023 The Reporter 37 Continued on next page ... 401-533-9153 CREIDL@MEETINGSTREET ORG WWW THEGRACESCHOOL ORG APPLY NOW! After School Sports Audio Visual Experience Off Campus Learning Student Council Clubs Guest Speakers Leadership Opportunities The Grace School Middle School Program Includes: FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE EAST PROVIDENCE 4TH & 5TH GRADERS! CAN YOU SEE YOURSELF AS A HUSKIE? 401-533-9153 | CREIDL@MEETINGSTREET.ORG | WWW.THEGRACESCHOOL.ORG CURIOUS? From STEAM labs to art studios and athletic fields, Wheeler is where N-12 students discover, create, and excel. OPEN HOUSE Saturday, Oct. 21 from 9am-Noon
Attend School Board Meetings to Voice Support
Because important decisions that impact teachers are often made by those not in the classroom every day, keeping tabs on the issues impacting teachers and local school districts can help you advocate for educators if the need arises. Start by attending a few school board meetings to learn how they operate and get a handle on issues directly impacting teachers. Then make your voice heard – or run for the school board – to support policies and actions that serve teachers’ best interests.
Find customized classroom wish lists and more resources to support teachers at
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Protecting Children in a Digital Age
(Family Features) Keeping a watchful eye on your kids requires an increasing level of tech savvy many parents find intimidating. Not only are your kids vulnerable to bad actors online, but your family’s personal information could be at risk, as well.
Learn how to protect your children and family in this digital age with these tips:
Elementary-Age Children
* Encourage open communication. Have conversations about what your kids see and do online and talk with them about potential dangers. Avoid lecturing in favor of an open exchange of information.
* Make their inherent interest in privacy work in your favor. Kids in this age group, particularly toward the middle school years, understand the concept of privacy and value it immensely. Use that context to help them understand what goes online is there to stay. Talk about what kinds of information should always be kept private, including identifying details like addresses and social security numbers.
* Stay on alert. Not all apps are completely safe (even the ones you can access from trusted stores) and not all filters are foolproof. Keep close tabs on what your kids are downloading by reading comments and reviews, and regularly monitoring what kind of content they see.
Middle School and High School Kids
* Continue talking about privacy. You can never have too many conversations about privacy. What seems like harmless sharing on social media can be quite revealing. For example, frequent posts about visits to a favorite store or restaurant can allow a predator to begin tracking behavior patterns that make your child a target. It’s also important for kids to understand how their privacy settings work. For example, settings that allow exposure to friends of friends make their visibility to strangers much broader than they may realize.
* Help manage their online reputation. Behaviors that once resulted in a day or two of hallway chatter can now live forever. Documenting mischief online is only fun until it spills over into real life and everyone sees those mistakes in full color - including prospective future employers.
* Be clear about your position on bullying. From the safe distance of a screen, it’s easier for kids (and adults) to say things they’d never say in person. Teach your kids to handle problems constructively offline and avoid engaging in attacks on others through social media, email and other platforms.
College Students
* Reinforce the risks. Once they’re on their own, kids may feel more liberated to make their own choices online. However, college students are easy prey for identity theft and worse. Remind them what’s at stake if they fail to protect their identity and private information, like where they live and what they do on a regular basis.
* Teach smart practices. With all the independence that comes with college life, this is an ideal time for your student to take personal responsibility for his or her online security, including learning about virus protection, updating software, avoiding scams and backing up data.
If you’re looking for more practical advice for everyday family matters, visit
38 The Reporter September 2023
Low inventory...high demand...perfect time to sell! We can help buyers as well!
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40 The Reporter September 2023
My name is Tom Lopatosky. I’m the President of LOPCO Contracting ( and I’m honored to have the opportunity to talk to you about home improvement on a monthly basis. I love answering your questions! Please send them to tom@ or call 401-270-2664. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this column!
How to Make Older Windows Easier to Open & Close
Old windows can be difficult to open and close, especially if they have not been maintained over the years as well as they perhaps could have been.
One way to make sure they function as best as possible is by using beeswax. Beeswax is a natural, non-toxic substance that can be used to lubricate and protect the moving parts of old windows, making them easier to operate.
Here are some steps you can follow to use beeswax to help old windows open and close more easily:
Clean the windows: Before applying beeswax, it’s important to clean the windows thoroughly. Use a soft brush or cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the tracks and frames. You may also want to use a vacuum cleaner to remove any loose debris.
Apply the beeswax: Once the windows are clean, you can begin applying the beeswax. You can use a solid block of beeswax or a mixture of beeswax and other natural ingredients such as coconut oil or olive oil. Simply rub the wax onto the tracks and frames of the window, making sure to cover all the moving parts.
Work the wax into the tracks: After applying the beeswax, you’ll need to work it into the tracks of the window. You can do this by sliding the window back and forth a few times, or by using a small brush or cloth to work the wax into the grooves. Make sure to apply enough wax to lubricate the tracks, but not so much that it will attract dirt and debris.
Clean up any excess wax: After working the wax into the tracks, you may notice some excess wax on the window frames. Use a clean cloth to wipe away any excess wax, making sure to leave a thin layer on the tracks.
Test the window: Finally, test the window to see if it’s operating smoothly. If it’s still difficult to open or close, you may need to apply more wax or use a different lubricant. You may also need to make some repairs to the window, such as replacing broken hardware or adjusting the alignment of the sashes.
Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when using beeswax to help old windows open and close:
Beeswax is a natural substance that can be used safely on most types of windows, including wood, vinyl, and metal. However, you should test a small area first to make sure there are no adverse reactions.
If you’re using a mixture of beeswax and other natural ingredients, make sure to use a high-quality beeswax that is free from additives or contaminants.
Beeswax can attract dust and debris over time, so it’s important to clean the windows regularly to prevent buildup.
If you’re applying wax to a window that has been painted, be careful not to get any wax on the paint. It can be difficult to remove and may damage the finish.
If you’re unsure about how to properly maintain your old windows, it’s always best to consult with a professional. They can offer advice on the best methods and materials to use, as well as provide repairs and maintenance services if needed.
Beeswax can be a simple and effective way to help old windows open and close more easily. By following these steps and taking the proper precautions, you can ensure that your windows will function properly for years to come.
About Tom Lopatosky
Tom Lopatosky has run his own RI-based painting and repair business since 1995; LOPCO Contracting – the “Personable, Particular Professionals” – specializes in exterior & interior painting and carpentry. Recently LOPCO Contracting was named ‘RI’s Finest Painting Contracting Company’ by ShopInRI Magazine. In 2013, Tom was named “Humanitarian of the Year” by the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America (PDCA) and a “40 Under 40” award winner by Providence Business News. He is a member of both PCA (Painting Contractors Association) and RIBA (Rhode Island Builders Association). Tom has often had weekly ‘Home Improvement Tips’ that have aired on the radio on 630 WPRO AM and on television on WPRI 12. You can catch Tom LIVE on the radio EVERY Saturday, 2pm-3pm, on 630 WPRO AM (99.7 FM) during his weekly ProTalk Home Improvement Radio Show!
September 2023 The Reporter 41
20 Years in the Oil Industry * $125 Burner Cleanings * Maintenance, Service & Installations * We also Repair & Install Sump Pumps 401.422.6353 No Service Contracts & the Choice to Buy Heating Oil Cheaper! Call me today to buy or sell Avon Paula M. Carroll Avon Independent Sales Representative 401-743-2705 Email: Shop online: Ask an Expert www. .com
42 The Reporter September 2023
Garage Sale on September 9th: 16 Peck Street in Rehoboth, 9am-3pm, Various items.
We are looking for our cat, Koa, who has been missing from our Cedar Street home (Rehoboth) sine August 23rd. He is a 9-year-old large light and dark grey colored guy (Maine Coon mix) with white paws and green eyes. Thanks, Mike 508-951-1338.
Puppies, Purebred Portuguese Podengos medium. Smooth coat, mature with dark yellow eyes. Smart, loyal family happy dogs. Wormed at 3,4,6 weeks old. No known genetic medical problems. 8 weeks old 9/10. Males $500 cash females $600 cash. Contact me only by phone. 508-222-5909 Cathy.
Barn capable of 2-3 horses with corral turnout. Call John at 508-958-1567.
FOR RENT: Small 2 bedroom in Seekonk: 2 bedroom. Please call John at 508-958-1567.
Help Wanted: Part-time teller at Community & Teachers Federal Credit Union, 15-20 hours. For more info call 401-438-7788, ask for Joan or Ken.
Help Wanted: Full time position with accounting experience, Community & Teachers Federal Credit Union. For more info call 401-438-7788, ask for Joan or Ken.
Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speedway. Position available Sundays from March 26th thru December 3rd. Looking for general help around the Flea Market every Sunday from 5am-noon. Call Linda at 401263-5737.
Helper needed for non-verbal girl with RETT syndrome. Saturday OR Sunday 1PM-4PM. $20/hour with taxes taken out. Background check required. Barrington 401-289-0127
Exercise helper needed for girl with RETT syndrome. 3:30PM-5:30PM flexible days. Taxes taken out. Background check required. Barrington 401-289-0127.
BOOK YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION PARTY NOW! Riverside Sportsman Assoc. Mohawk Drive off Wampanoag Trail. For all occasions: Birthday, Family Reunions, Club/ Organization Meetings. Cash Bar. Monthly Steak Fries and other events. Call the club at 401-433-0209, leave a message. (e724)
CUSTOM LOG CABIN IN Sugar Hill, Franconia, White Mountains, NH. Pearl Lake Rd. Minutes from attractions, Pearl Lake and Polly’s Pancake house. Sleeps 6, fireplace, swimming, hiking, fishing, boating, kayaks or just R&R. Booking now for Fall and Winter getaways: Weekly or weekends. Call Joe at 401-439-8089 for information and pictures.
WANTED: Free Christmas wreaths and decorations. I can pick up. Call Debbie at 401-632-3602.
Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speedway. Buyers and Vendors wanted every Sunday 7AM – 1PM from March 26th thru December 3rd 2023. Call Linda at 401263-5737.
I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you, Joe in Rehoboth 508-558-5129.
Handyman/Home Repairs/Improvements: GSS Property Solutions LLC; Registered, Bonded; Fully Insured. Servicing Mass & RI; Call/Text: 401-688-9749.
Bicycle Sales & Service: Your Bike Shops Tune-ups on all brands. In Riverside next to CVS 401-433-4491 and in Warren next to the Police Station and the bike path. Call Art or Joe for *NEW* hours and service. 401-245-9755
Housecleaning: Is your home in need of a really good cleaning? Whether you need a 1 time cleaning, or regular cleanings. Years of experience! (We include fridge and oven w/ our cleanings) Call Gil for details 508840-6611.
BIG BLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House. We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. BEST PRICES. Call Tony 508-226-1295 or 508-889-0824; www.
Junk Removal in Rehoboth, Taunton, Attleboro and everywhere in Southern MA! Rapid Junk Removal has trucks rolling throughout the area daily. We can handle your Junk Removal, Estate/Property Cleanouts and Debris Cleanups - all at an affordable price, since we're always in the area! For a quote, TEXT pictures to our text line: (401) 360-5837 or visit our website at www. for a free quote. We'll send you back a price and availability to get your junk removed and property cleaned up! Junk Removal Locally owned vendor. No job too small! Family owned & operated. Best deals in town! Affordable pricing. 401-360-5837.
Teachers Wanted!
Teddy Bear Learning & Daycare Center, Seekonk MA. Preschool looking for full time EEC certified teacher; Contact Michelle at 508-336-2244 or
Twin Oaks Farm & Learning Center: Teachers needed for our Infant, Toddler, Preschool, and Kindergarten rooms. Must have a DEEC certification for Teacher or above. Full time with benefits. We have so many children waiting for placement and need teachers to expand our classrooms. We are a small school offering children "A BETTER BEGINNING" in an enriched environment. We have been a school since 1994, and continue to set standards in our industry through our curriculum and teachers. Come be part of our team of educators. Call 1-508-252-5522 to set up an interview with Ana Neves the Director.
September 2023 The Reporter 43
CLASSIFIEDS Place Classified ads at
Elder Resource Specialist
Amanda Mattress. Monday–Friday 401-270-1788
Community Health Worker
Gilbert Williams–Hackney. Monday-Friday 401-443-4312
Healthy Aging Nurse Coordinator
Shahnee Lagor, BSN, RN-BC . Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9AM-2PM
Registered Dietitian
Ann Marie, Sabula, MA, RDA, LDN, CDE, CDOE. Office hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays by appointment. Call 401-447-6299
Paying Cash For
Eastside Clinical Laboratory Transportation
The first Wednesday of each month 8:30 am-11:30 am. Call 401-435-7800 to register for transportation.
Notary Public
Pat Thomas, Receptionist M-F 9:00 am-12:00 pm to notarize documents for our seniors.
Senior Shopping
Thursday & Friday Mornings- Call 401-435-7800. The Senior Center will pick you up at your home and take you to Stop and Shop or Shaw’s in East Providence. Open to Seniors living in East Providence.
SHIP Counseling
By Appointment Only– Call 401-435-7876 x1137
Billiards League
Are you interested in participating in a co-ed billiards league? If you are interested in learning how to play billiards, please call 401-435-7800 to inquire today!
Help from Office of Healthy Aging
September 25, 2023 10:30am
Are you in need of assistance but don’t know where to turn to for help? Could you use some help with personal care and help keeping your home or apartment clean and safe?
Mind Your Heart Study II
Rhode Island’s Office of Healthy Aging can help link you up with services and programs in the community; many of which are not widely known about. Find out services that are available to you. This presentation will be extremely helpful for caregivers as well!
Have you been diagnosed with heart failure?
Researchers are looking for patients with heart failure to see if Mindfulness Training improve their self -care.
Have been diagnosed with Heart Failure
Be at least 18 years old
Have access to a telephone
Able to understand and speak English or Spanish
You will be compensated for your time. Parking is available.
If you are interested in learning more about the Mind Your Heart Study II, please contact us at 401-793-8233 or email
Blood Pressure Checks
• September 5th 10:30AM: Orchard View
• September 12th 10:30AM: Grace Barker
URI Snap Ed Is Back!
September 20, 2023, 10:30am
Now that summer is coming to a close, some of you may be tempted to eat those hearty, high carbohydrate, comfort meals. Learn tips on how to better balance a meal using the My Plate model as well as the importance of creating a routine on how to include foods that will benefit your mind, body, and health.
Flu Shot Clinic
September 27th 10:00am-12:00pm
Registration is required! Please register with our Healthy Aging Nurse Coordinator, Shahnee by calling 401-270-1792.
Chiropractic Therapy
Tuesday, October 10 10:30am
Do you suffer from lower back pain or
44 The Reporter September 2023 RobeRt Rock east PRovidence senioR centeR 610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 • Phone 435-7800
Gold, Silver, and Sterling u.s. and Foreign coins old comics and sporting cards old watches and collectibles diamonds and jewlery
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same location for 40 years
have trouble with balance? Chiropractic therapy may help!
This drug free treatment has proven to help reduce pain and improve balance and alignment in some patients. Join us to hear more from a local chiropractor!
Brown Bag Medication Review
**Appointments held on Friday, October 27 10:30AM**
URI Pharmacy is now booking 3 private 1:1 appointments to review medications, uses, and necessity. If you are interested in booking an appointment, please call Shahnee at 401-270-1792.
Age Well, Get Connected
September 13, 2023 10:30AM
Age Well, Get Connected is a monthly computer assistance session hosted by East Bay Community Action. Drop in and have your computer questions answered as well as learn some new tips and tricks you may have not known before! No Registration Required.
Tips and Tricks with your Smart Phone
Tuesdays From 10am-11am
Drop by the Robert Rock East Providence Senior Center to learn some tips and tricks with your Smart Phone! No registration required.
The Point Assistance
September 18 10AM-11:30AM
Do you have a question about opportunities available to you? Come speak to a representative from the Point to explore options for healthcare, employment, and more!
Medicare Open Enrollment Informational Fair
Thursday October 12 10am-12pm
Are you new to Medicare, or will be eligible soon? Looking for more information to understand how Medicare works, the parts of Medicare, and your options for coverage?
Use this informational fair as a one stop shop to gather information on Medicare Open Enrollment 2024 plans. Seek out new policy information, supplemental plans, information on first time enrollments, and speak to representatives on site!
AARP Driver Safety Programs
AARP will be conducting classes at several sites in the East Bay Region as indicated. The course is designed especially for seniors 55 and older but anyone can attend the program. The instructor will review safe driving strategies and various insights to assist seniors with their driving skills needed in today’s environment. It includes video interviews and supported data with experts.
The fees are $20.00 for AARP members and $25.00 for non-members. Advanced registration and payment are required and there are NO TESTS to successfully complete the program.
Individuals who have a Medicare Supplement Plan insured by AARP United Health
Care can take the program for free. However, “PLAN MEMBERS MUST SHOW THEIR MEMBERSHIP CARD” to the instructor to attend the class at no fee. Instructor verification is mandated by AARP and there are no exceptions.
If an insurance discount is one of your objectives, please inquire in advance with your automobile insurer to determine if you qualify for the discount and the amount if you complete this program.
Classes will be held at the following sites:
• Peck Center for Adult Enrichment in Barrington on September 21st, 2023 from 9:45 am to 3:15 pm. Call 247-1926 and dial 201.
• Robert Rock Senior Center in East Providence on October 30th, 2023 from 11 am to 4 pm. Call 435-7800.
• Evergreen House Health Center in East Providence on November 16th, 2023 from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm . Complimentary buffet breakfast will be served. Call 438-3250 Ext. 1129.
Christopher Heights™ Assisted Living offers new living option packages for every season of your life.
Christopher Heights now offers packages that cater to the individual needs of our residents with the following options:
Created for the individual who is independent with personal care needs but would benefit from a vibrant social setting, daily chef prepared meals, and the security of 24-hour onsite staffing.
Developed for the individual who would benefit from assistance with personal care needs and a vibrant social setting, daily chef prepared meals, a private apartment and peace of mind knowing their residency with us is secure.
Designed for the individual that requires assistance with personal care and benefits from a vibrant social setting, individualized service plans, and understands the need for financial assistance and planning while aging in place in a private apartment.
Fashioned for the individual that needs assistance with personal care and services such as transportation and escorts to appointments or shopping. This individualized plan offers catering on all levels for those residents that may have limited access to outside support therefore needing additional attention to optimize independence.
To learn more about our Senior Lifestyle Plans, please contact Lynda Henry at 508-222-2868
Margaret Phillips
September 2023 The Reporter 45
45 South Main Street • Attleboro, MA 02703 • Tel: 508-222-2868
46 The Reporter September 2023 Business Directory (401) 736-0600 • (401) 323-6100 Prompt, Reliable, Quality Work CATEGORY COMPANY NAME PAGE James E Travassos Real Estate Brokerage TRAVASSOS & KUSIAK Broker/Owner Licensed since 1985 (401) 529-8680 CATEGORY COMPANY NAME PAGE Appliance Repairs CJS / Statewide Appliance Repair 29 Assisted Living Christopher Heights Assisted Living 45 Attorney Attorney William C. Maaia 38 Auto Body A-1 Custom Auto Body 16 Auto Repairs New England Tire 2 Beauty Products Avon - Paula Carroll 41 Chamber of Commerce East Providence Chamber 42 Cheerleading Cheer UP Athletics 34 Chimney Services Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney Sweep 13 City Councilwoman Anna Sousa 35 Church Zion Gospel Temple 21 Cleaning Service Ada’s Cleaning Services 29 Collectibles Wexler’s Collectibles 44 Comic Strip Sour Grapes 5 Community Org EP Urban Forest 28 Credit Union Community & Teachers Credit Union 25 Dance Studio Twinkle Toes Dance Studio 23 Dentist Eager Family Dentistry 48 Dentist George Family Orthodontics 10 Dentist Lisa Daft DMD & Associates, PC 4 Dentist SmileMakers 3 Dentist Tourister Dental Associates 14 Dog Training Pooch Pawsitive 33 Farm - Apparel Kave Rock Farm 22 Fence-Sales/Serv. Wood & Wire Fence Co., Inc 48 Firewood Foley Excavating 30 Fuel - Oil COD OIL 25 Hair Salon Shear Image Salon 7 Hall Rental Knights of Columbus 15 Handyman American Eagle Enterprises, LLC 20 Heating Service Almeida’s Heating Service 41 Home Improvements LOPCO Contracting 40 Hospital Mind Your Heart Study 44 Hotels Hotel Tybee 39 Insurance Lori Bordeiri 30 Insurance Matt Gilson 19 Landscape Service Cutting Edge Landscaping 18 Landscape Service Superior Lawn Care 14 Landscape Service Welshman Landscaping & Constr 46 Laundromat Bullocks Point Laundromat 7 Lawn Care Lawn Doctor 12 Lawnmower Sales/Svc Fred’s Service Center, Inc. 17 Masonry - Custom Jose Soares Masonry 19 Masonry-Construction Welshman Landscaping & Constr 46 Mortgage Broker Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company 16 Optometrists East Providence Family Eye Care 36 Orthodontics George Family Orthodontics 10 Painting Contractor Levine Painting Co., Inc. 46 Painting Services Catanzaro & Sons Painting 13 Paving Contractor Gem Paving & Seal Coating 18 Pest Control Services Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions 24 Powerwashing East Bay Pressure Wash Company 18 Prepared Food/Deli The Cooks House 27 Private School St. Luke’s School 35 Private School St. Mary Academy - Bay View 36 Private School The Wheeler School 37 Real Estate Alicia Reynolds, Sales Associate 25 Real Estate Larry McNulty, Realtor 4 Real Estate Mateus Realty 47 Real Estate Paiva Realty Group 16 Real Estate The Tirrell Team 9 Real Estate TK Real Estate Brokerage 46 Real Estate Vicki Doran 38 Remodeling Batty Construction 30 Restaurant El Mariachi 26 Restaurant EP Wieners 26 Restaurant La Familia 27 Restaurant Madeira Restaurant 26 Roofing Contractor Allied Roofing 12 Roofing Contractor B & R Fournier Construction, Inc. 19 Roofing Contractor Tabeleys Roofing 17 School Meeting Street - The Grace School 37 Self Storage Lionel Mini Storage, Inc. 17 Stove Shop Fireplace Showcase 28 Tax Preparation Liberty Tax Service - East Prov. 22 Trash/Junk Removal Big Blue Removal Service 11 Tree Service Advanced Tree 7 Welshman Landscaping & Construction CHARLIE WELSHMAN (401) 219-9919 BRICK/PAVER PATIOS & WALKWAYS • RETAINING WALLS Concrete • Bobcat Services • Grading Power • Washing Planting • Spring & Fall Cleanups• Loaming, Seeding, Sod Fertilization • Trimming • Mulching/Edging Free Estimates • Book Your Projects Now!
September 2023 The Reporter 47 A SIGN OF SUCCESS AND A NAME YOU CAN TRUST!! A message from... (401) 434-8399 582 Warren Avenue • East Providence, RI 02914 Email • Fax 401-435-3401 MATEUS Realty ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS... We Need Listings! LOOK!! SOLD FOR SALE Are you wondering what your property is worth in today’s market? Call Mateus Realty today for a free market analysis! Mateus Realty is a family owned and operated agency with a personal touch that has been helping families buy and sell their homes since 1975, the experience makes the difference. We speak Portuguese & Spanish!
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