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Club & Museum News
East Bay Retired Teachers Association Luncheon
The East Bay Retired Teachers Association will be holding a winter luncheon on March 16, 2023, at Benjamin’s Restaurant, Taunton Ave. Seekonk, Ma. The restaurant is inside the Ramada Inn. The meeting will convene at 11:30 am with the scholarship raffle to follow. The selections for the luncheon are baked scrod, shrimp scampi, fish and chips or Chicken Parmigiana. The Cost is $25. Send a check and your selection to Anne Laderer 18 Monmouth Drive Riverside, R.I.02915 by March 8, 2023. Our project will be making monetary donations to the Confetti Foundation, a charity that provides birthday parties for children in Hasbro Hospital and other children’s hospitals throughout the United States. Please remember to bring your raffle items as we will resume our presenting 2 scholarships to deserving high school seniors from East Providence High School and Mt Hope High School.
East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club and Seekonk Lions Club
Announce 31st Annual Charity Golf Tournament Monday, May 22, 2023
Ledgemont Country Club to host golf tournament with proceeds benefiting both organizations local charities
The East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club and the Seekonk Lions Club announce that their 31st Annual Charity Golf Tournament will be on Monday, May 22, 2023 at the Ledgemont Country Club 131 Brown Avenue, Seekonk, and beginning at 1:00 p.m. (Shotgun Start). The golf event will benefit Rotary and Lions charities in the East Providence and Seekonk communities.
The fee for a individual golfer is $150 and $600 for a foursome with early registration received before May 5th and increases to $175 per golfer/$700 per foursome received after May 12th. The registration fee includes greens fees, golf cart, favors, lunch, cocktail reception and prizes. Prizes for the longest drive, closest to the pin, both low gross and net team scores and more. Business Tee-Sign Sponsorships, with your business name on display, are $125.
Proceeds for the golf tournament will benefit a number of local community organizations supported by the Rotary Club and Lions Club including area high school scholarships, food banks, youth sports, and many other charitable projects.
EP Seekonk Rotary Club -Will Francis (314) 808-7433
East Providence Elks Lodge #2337
60 Berkeley Street
East Providence, RI 02914
Annual Spring Meat Raffle
FRIDAY, MARCH 31ST @ 7:00 PM to benefit the Building Fund
• GRAND PRIZES: Ring Home Securit y Bundle, 6-Quart Instant Pot Duo 7-in-1, Parkside Restaurant Gift Card, Easter Dinner Basket
• SPLIT-THE-POT (50/50) raffle
• Multiple MEAT TABLES including: Steaks, Pork, Hams, Turkeys, Ground Beef, Shrimp Rings, and Hot Dogs
• FREE HOT DOGS AND TUNA ROLLS (while they last) www.epseekonkrotary.org
Seekonk Lions Club -Dana Heberlein (401) 741-9070 www. seekonklions.club
Love Your Lighthouse
You can indicate your love of your local lighthouse by becoming a member of Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse. Join if you want to become actively involved with caring for this historical landmark. Or join to show your support. Your membership dues will provide funding for ongoing projects and maintenance of the maritime light station. Either way, as a member, you have the privilege of a discounted rate on boat trips to The Lighthouse and invitation to members-only events.
For just $30, you can join as a Lighthouse Keeper (individual membership) or for $15, Assistant Keeper (full-time student membership). Involve the whole family with a Keeper Family membership for $50 or Lampist membership for $75. Or provide additional support for East Providence’s beloved lighthouse by purchasing membership at select levels: $100 for Lighthouse Inspector, $250 for Lighthouse Superintendent or $500 for Commissioner of Lighthouse Service. Corporate memberships are also available at $250. Memberships are renewable annually and run from January 1 to December 31. Whatever level you choose, your membership assists with preservation of this historical lighthouse and museum.
Send your check, made payable to Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, to Membership Chair, Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, P.O. Box 15121, Riverside, RI 02915. Email pomhamrockslighthouse@yahoo.com with any questions.
Located on an island off the coast of East Providence, Pomham Rocks Lighthouse is the last surviving lighthouse in upper Narragansett Bay. Since 2004, the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, a chapter of the American Lighthouse Foundation, have made it their mission to protect and preserve this landmark that is listed on the National Register of Historical Places.

Annual Lighthouse Run Saturday, April 22
Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse are sponsoring their third annual benefit run on Saturday, April 22, 2023. More than 250 runners and walkers of all ages from throughout New England participated in last year’s event. Organized by Rhode Races & Events, the Pomham Rocks Lighthouse Run will start and end at Rose Larisa Park, 701 Bullocks Point Avenue, Riverside across from Crescent Park Carousel. It will wind through scenic neighborhoods and will be followed by refreshments at the Park. There will be three race options: 5K walk, 5K and 10K runs. A virtual component to the run is also available. In addition to overall winners, prizes will be awarded for the male and female category in seven age groups, ranging from Junior (18 and under) to Grand Veteran (70+). Details and registration are available at https://runsignup.com/Race/RI/Riverside/ PomhamRocksRun.
Sponsor the Run for The Lighthouse
Show your support for East Providence’s historical landmark! Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse is seeking businesses to sponsor their third annual Lighthouse Run. All proceeds will help to maintain this iconic light station. All sponsors will have their logo printed on the back of the commemorative t-shirt. Sponsorship levels include a $250 Key Sponsor; a $500 Bell Sponsor, which also includes a printed mile marker; and a $750 Lantern Sponsor, which also provides a complimentary space for a promotional booth at Rose Larisa Park. The $1,000 Tower Sponsor also includes two complimentary run registrations. Businesses may choose to be a Partner for $100 or Booster for $50 and their name will be listed on a sign at post-event activities at Rose Larisa Park or they can make a donation in any amount.
Businesses interested in sponsoring the Pomham Rocks Lighthouse Run can send a check, made payable to Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, to P.O. Box 15121, East Providence, RI 02915. For more information, contact lighthouse1871@cox.net.
Volunteer at the Run for The Lighthouse
Volunteers are needed to help with registration, race set up and take down, food distribution, to serve as course marshals to guide runners along the way, and at the finish line as timers and to congratulate all who participate.
There will be three race options: 5K walk, 5K and 10K runs. The 10K run passes by The Lighthouse on the East Bay Bike Path. The 10K Run starts at 8:00 a.m. The 5K Run/ Walk begins at 8:30 a.m. Volunteers will be needed between 6:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Individuals, friends or groups are welcome to volunteer. To learn more or to sign up to volunteer, contact race director Judianne Point at judianne@protonmail.com. Information about the Lighthouse Run is available at www.pomhamrockslighthouse.org.
Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse is a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer chapter of the American Lighthouse Foundation. Proceeds from the run will support efforts to maintain this important New England maritime light station and museum that is an integral part of Rhode Island’s heritage and that is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
Americana Auction
Fabulous Estate Auction
Sunday, March 26th at 11am
Preview Fri & Sat 10am-4pm
LIVE Antique Auction
LIVE Bidding
ONLINE Bidding
Ed Tessier, Jr., Auctioneer
For more information and preview: www.americana-auction.com
Liberty Tax Hosts 16th Free Electronics Recycling Drive-Up Event with Indie Cycle, LLC
Saturday, April 1st from 10am to 1pm
East Providence Liberty Tax is hosting its 16th Biannual Electronics Recycling Event with Indie Cycle, LLC, on Saturday, April 1, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
“We’ve held Electronics Recycling Events with Indie Cycle since 2015, because we believe in protecting the environment; Indie Cycle provides a very important service to the community.” said Paul Pliakas, owner of the East Providence Liberty Tax office.
Indie Cycle accepts many types of unwanted electronics for recycling FREE of charge. Those items include computers, laptops, monitors, televisions (must be whole and intact/ no broken or exposed TV tubes), PDA’s, mice, keyboards, cameras, calculators, and small medical equipment, plastic speakers, toner cartridges, CD/DVD players, wires, stereos, telephones, microwaves, and small appliances. Batteries accepted include auto/marine, laptop, cell phone, lithium, power tool, and battery backups (but none with alkaline).
A $10.00 disposal fee applies to each large wooden-boxed speaker ($5 for small), laserjet printer, air conditioner, dehumidifier, and other coolant containing devices. Additional charges will apply to large copy machines and printers.
Items not accepted include any type of light bulb, disposable/single-use batteries, smoke or carbon monoxide detectors, thermometers, thermostats, glass blender bowls, furniture, electric organs/pianos, heating pads/blankets, blood pressure cuffs, cushioned chairs, mattresses, plastic bags, cardboard, rigid plastic bins, Styrofoam, wood, firearms, or hazardous waste such as paint or chemicals. These materials will be sorted out on site and returned to our customer for proper disposal elsewhere.
For more information about what can be recycled, visit www.indiecycle.com or email indiecycle@gmail.com. To learn more about Liberty Tax, visit www.LibertyTax.com.
About Liberty Tax
Liberty Tax, a portfolio company of NextPoint Financial Inc. (TSX: NPF.U & OTC Pink: NACQF), is a tax preparation service with more than 2,700 locations, and serves approximately 1.6 million consumer and small business clients in the United States and Canada. Established in 1997, Liberty Tax is one of the nation’s leading tax preparation companies, with franchised locations in every major metro area throughout the U.S. and Canada. For a more in-depth look, visit Liberty Tax Service and on Facebook.
EP Class Of 1963
Where Are You?
East Providence Class of 1963
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Shriner’s Imperial Room (handicap accessible)
One Rhodes Place, Cranston, RI
6 - 7 Cocktails --- 7 Buffet by Ralph’s Catering
DJ - Sergio
$60 pp - $1 per year
Please makes checks payable to EPHS Class of 1963 and mail to Betty Dulude, 23 Circle Drive, Seekonk, MA by August 5.