August 2020 East Providence Reporter

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The East Providence

eporter R

AUGUST 2020 Volume 16, no. 8


Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence •

A Townie Profile

US Army Captain Catherine Browning Story by Bob Rodericks on page 13

Executive Officer Browning with Commanding Officer and First Sergeant


The Reporter August 2020




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August 2020 The Reporter

East Providence News Briefs Metacomet Re-Zoning Piques Interest of Residents

With a petition in hand reaching 3,000 signatures and growing by mid-July, many city residents are objecting to a proposal from Marshall Properties to develop the iconic golf course into a new parcel of residential, commercial and some open space. The property sits on Veteran’s Memorial Parkway and extends back into city neighborhoods around Pierce Stadium and other streets off S. Broadway. East Providence/Pawtucket State Senator and former City Councilman, William Conley is representing Marshall Properties in their quest to seek zoning relief from the East Providence City Council. Also assisting Marshall is Joseph Shekarchi, Rhode Island State House Majority Leader from Warwick. Marshall has a purchase and sales agreement with Metacomet ownership led by golfer Brad Faxon, to purchase the 105 acres of rolling terrain in East Providence. Metacomet Country Club, an iconic Donald Ross design, is noted for tremendous course conditions and great putting surfaces. Club membership was informed by a management letter that golf course ownership was in serious conversation with a potential developer. More than a year ago, the property was listed for sale at about $3.5 million and sold to the Faxon group for $2.2 million. Brad Faxon is a former PGA Tour player. Other Faxon partners are Steve Napoli, Brendan VanDeventer, Karl Augenstein and Tim Fay. The pristine parcel overlooks Narragansett Bay and is considered one of New England’s finest country club/golf courses. The letter to members was dated February 21, 2020, stated in part: “…unspecified losses last year were greater than originally projected and that the owners are in discussions with a company to purchase the property. Plans are for the course to remain open as a public golf course until early summer. “We would like to inform the Membership that we have entered discussions toward the possible sale of the Club property. It is probably not a surprise to our members that our first calendar year was financially difficult, with our losses higher than in the Club’s two prior years. Our high hopes and primary intent were to grow the Club’s Membership to levels necessary to support the club with minimal “Outside” play and to maintain the Club as a private club. Based on the golf dynamics of the club and the state, and the downward trends of the golf industry, in general we do not see a path toward our ability to do that as a private or even semi-private club. As for the name, Metacomet, it was the fashion at the turn of the 20th century for golf clubs organizing in New England to select Native American names. Metacomet was a great Indian Chief of the Wampanoag Tribe, a friend of the Pilgrim settlers of the 17th century who was later named King Philip by the English after he succeeded his father as leader of the Wampanoag tribe. The course was originally designed by Leonard Byles, but, in 1924, Donald Ross was hired to consult and re-design the golf course which currently stands. The new layout was opened on August 7, 1926. Known as a challenging course with lots of character, it is widely considered to have among the best putting greens in New England. A leader in the move against the Marshal development as initially listed is Candy Seel of East Providence. A group has formed a facebook site called “Keep Metacomet Green.” “I’ve been reading lots of comments about throwing out all the current elected officials, including members of the City Council. Let’s keep in mind that the only elected officials who have thrown in their lot with the Marshall plan are Mayor Bob DaSilva and Senator Bill Conley. The members of the Planning Board are appointed and not elected. This matter has not come before the City Council as a whole, except for planning public hearings to give the people a chance to speak. A couple of Council people have stated that they are not in favor of rezoning and throwing this to the Waterfront Commission until they revisit the Five-Year Comprehensive Plan of 2010-2015 and/or we find out a great deal more about the current development plan. Let’s keep putting the pressure on all of them to do the right thing. If they don’t, then come 2022 we can throw out any of them who deserves defeat. Until then I don’t see a need to disparage them all for a vote they haven’t even taken,” said Ms. Seel. Also very active in the move to save Metacomet is Jane Brindisi Crevier. Crevier has taken a measured approach to the issue. “We are not against economic development! We are however against this specific proposal which is so enormous it will destroy the aesthetics & functionality of this city. Traffic & over burdening of our Police /Fire / Water / Sewers are also concerns,” writes Brindisi-Crevier. It’s not a done deal. The city council still needs to vote on rezoning and passing this to the Waterfront Commission neither of which we want . You still have a chance to be heard at one of two public meetings August 6 & 11. If you feel our representatives have already made up their minds then that in itself is a sad state of affairs,” adds Brindisi-Crevier. continued on next page...

The East Providence




Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

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Target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia - Executive Editor Feature Writer Bob Rodericks Director of Advertising & Graphics Michaela Oerman Graphics & Marketing Keri Cote Layout Jonathan Darling Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson TCI Press

PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 The views expressed in The Reporter are not necessarily those of the editor or staff.


The Reporter August 2020

Activist Lynn Miller of East Providence has organized a petition drive which has garnered nearly 3,000 signatures in opposition to the re-zoning change by mid-July. The first official act of the City Council in reference to this development will be to conduct public hearings. Moving away from zoom meetings, the council has set two actual public hearings to be held on August 6th and August 11th. While the site is not yet determined, the council is hoping to arrange the hearings to be held at the Martin Middle School which will allow for many more people than the city hall chambers. Council members have all stated that they are interested in getting public input before making any decisions.

New Automated Trash Collection is Here

As one answer to the reported problem of rodents in some parts of East Providence, the city has now banned the placement of individual bags and containers at curbside, other than city provided automated bins. The Mayor’s office and the City Council agreed on an extension to the current trash contract which will provide the city with new automated trash receptacles. They will work similar to the recyclable containers. Each household/apartment will be provided with one 95 gallon bin. Bags and regular trash bins are no longer allowed. DPW Director Steve Coutu emphasized that the new bins are equipped to hold more that seven (7) household trash bags. Residents can buy additional bins at $45. Each, which are said to be cheaper than buying a trash can at a box or hardware store.

Inside This Issue Business Directory...........30 Chamber of Commerce......12 Church News..................12 Classifieds..................... 29 Events...........................10 Letters...............................8 Library...............................19 News Briefs......................3 Obituaries.......................26 People............................13 Restaurant Guide............17 School........................21 Scouts...........................23 Senior Center...................27 Sports..........................20 Town News......................9

Coutu went on to say that this should go a long way to controlling the rodent problem in the City. “It will also be a more attractive street and home appearance during trash day.” Residents can bring unwanted trash cans to the City garage for disposal or “use them for yard waste collection with a City provided sticker.” The $155,000 cost for the new bins will be spread out over five (5) years in a zero-interest loan provided by the trash hauler, Mega. Regular yard waste and recyclable collections will continue as they currently exist. The program was slated to begin on August 1, 2020. Ward Two (2) councilwoman Anna Sousa also offered several amendments to ordinances for first passage which outline rules and fines for those not complying with health and safety trash regulations.

Residents to Get Fishing Pier from Kettle Point

In a resolution sponsored by at large councilman Bob Rodericks, the City took deed to a 600 foot fishing pier and near 3 acres of public access waterfront land. The subject property is located on the shoreline of the Providence River immediately west of the East Bay Bike Path; and “Whereas, for over 75 years, the site has been in private ownership with the public prohibited from entering the site; and whereas, both pedestrian and vehicle access to the parcel is provided; and whereas it is the City’s intent to obtain ownership of the parcel to serve as a City park that would provide opportunities for fishing and scenic views of Upper Narragansett Bay…” The land and pier were part of the development of Kettle Point and pledged to the City to be used as a public park. Kettle Point development has also pledged $15,000 which will be put aside for general maintenance of the dock and benches in the area, etc. “This is waterfront land that was never accessible to the public. At least now, residents can use the fishing pier and enjoy another public park and open space,” said Councilman Rodericks in sponsoring the measure.

City to Join Blackstone Valley Tourism

In a resolution sponsored by Ward 3 councilman Nate Cahoon, the City Council approved authorizing the City of East Providence to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Blaclcstone Valley Tourism Council Inc. “The intent is to accomplish a vision that will improve the shared interests in our ten (10) communities and allow the Blaclistone Valley Tourism Council access to the previously held funds to promote tourism activities.” “East Providence will put tax revenue previously generated and held in escrow by the state of Rhode

Island hotel tax to work for the direct benefit and support of tourism activities within the City of East Providence,” said Cahoon. Around $400,000 has been set aside for use specifically in East Providence for promoting tourism. East Providence has been part of the Blackstone Valley National Heritage Corridor since its inception in 1986; and the Educational Vessel Blackstone Valley Explorer, operated by the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council, has worked in and out of East Providence since 1994. The Blaclistone Valley Tourism Council Inc. provided a tourism analysis for East Providence in 2016 and has partnered with the East Providence Chamber of Commerce on several projects over the past decade.

Emergency Generator Approved for Water Pumping Station

The City had recently issued a Request for Proposals for the replacement of the Kent Heights Emergency Generator and received one proposal from Calson Constructlon Corporation in the amount of $157,465.00. Funding for this project is available through the Water Enterprise Fund Capital Account. “While there was only one bidder for this project, Calson recently successfully and professionally installed generators at City Hall, the Senior Center, and the Department of Public Works garage, according to City officials. “The generator will replace an aging and unreliable generator which can no longer carry the full electrical load under emergency power at the Kent Heights Water Pumping Station and storage facilities,” noted Cahoon. The measure was approved unanimously.

Residential Outdoor Recreational WoodBurning Fires Now Okay

After much debate, the council approved the use of outdoor woof burning fire pits in the City with several restrictions. The fire pits can only be used in single residential homes or duplexes. They cannot be used in any multi-unit residences. Some listed restrictions are: All residential outdoor recreational clean wood-burning fires shall be kindled and maintained within a designated fire place/pit, purchased or constructed, that is wholly constituted of non-flammable material!, and does not exceed three (3) feet in diameter, as determined by the East Providence Fire Chief or designee. Commercially purchased fire places/pits shall be operated according to manufacturers’ instructions in a safe manner. All residential outdoor recreational clean wood-burning fires shall burn exclusively “clean wood.” No other wood or material

August 2020 The Reporter may be burned. “Clean wood” means natural wood or pellets, made therefrom that has not been painted, stained, coated, preserved, or treated with a synthetic substance, including, but not limited to, copper chromium arsenate, creosote, or pentachlorophenol. “Clean wood” does not include driftwood, and does not include construction or demolition debris, nor wood that contains any glue or resin, as in plywood or other composite wood products. All residential outdoor recreational clean wood-burning fires must be located at least thirty (30) feet away from any abutting property owner’s dwelling or structure, as determined by the East Providence Fire Chief or designee. Such fires must not cause noxious emissions on the property of others, or other nuisance or hazard to surrounding persons or property, as determined by the East Providence Fire Chief, or designee, or other duly constituted authority. The use of accelerants to kindle or maintain residential outdoor recreational clean wood- burning fires is prohibited. Accelerants include, but are not limited to, gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, turpentine, butane, lighter fluid and other flammable solvents. Further, all residential outdoor recreational clean wood-burning fires must be kindled and maintained at a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet from any storage receptacle containing an accelerant. A competent person of at least eighteen (18) years of age, possessing access to a source of water (e.g. a garden hose connected to a water supply) sufficient to extinguish such fire shall constantly attend such fire until the fire is extinguished. All residential outdoor recreational clean wood-burning fires shall be immediately and entirely extinguished upon the direction of a member of the East Providence Fire Department, the East Providence Police Department, or other duly constituted authority. One city resident voiced opposition during the first passage hearing due to smoke and odors his home receives from neighbors burning wood in their nearby yards. “How are you going to measure and regulate the provisions of this?” he asked. Councilman Cahoon, the resolution’s sponsor said that complaints should be called in to the fire department who will have to check it for a legal fire. The measure is still scheduled for second passage in August.

Rep. Amore Seeks Small Business Relief

Rep. Gregg Amore, Chairman of the House Small Business Committee, is calling on the RI Commerce Corporation to work with Rhode Island’s small businesses impacted by COVID-19 to expedite access to much needed capital through the Small Business Development Fund, which the General Assembly included in the FY2020 state budget. “COVID-19 has decimated our small businesses and those that are still in operation are struggling to remain open. The backbone of our state’s economy needs help and it is imperative that RI Commerce tap into the Small Business Development Fund so that more of our small businesses are not forced to close their doors for good. Speaker Mattiello and the House Small Business Committee look forward to working with Governor Raimondo to help assist our small businesses by getting them additional stabilization resources during this unprecedented time.” said Representative Amore (D-Dist. 65, East Providence).

School Board Chair has Opponent

East Providence School Committee chairman, Charles Tsonos will face political newcomer, Michael Budziszek this November in a challenge to retain his seat. Budziszek is an associate professor and Biology program lead at Johnson & Wales University in the Science Department. Budziszek’s campaign issued a statement with his formal declaration for the Ward One school board seat held by Charlie Tsonos, Ward One. “In his role at Johnson & Wales, Michael has been an integral part of both program and building designs, charged with ensuring proper development of and measurement of student outcomes in


his role as Chair of the College of Arts and Sciences Outcomes Assessment and member of the University Outcomes Assessment committees. As a science professor, one of his main motivations for running for School Committee is to safely help the academic body navigate the future challenges presented by the COVID-19 crisis. “Budziszek has lived in East Providence for 11 years, is married, and has twin girls enrolled at Myron J. Francis Elementary School. He has lived in Rhode Island since 1994, coming here as the son in a Navy family when his father accepted a position in the Department of Defense in Middletown. He completed his Masters and Doctoral degrees at the University of Rhode Island, focusing on molecular biology, biochemistry, plant sciences, environmental sciences, and education. “As the Ward 1 School Committee representative, Michael will bring a wealth of knowledge from the worlds of both science and education. As a father of two young girls in the school system, he is invested in being the kind of leader dedicated to the best outcomes for the students, teachers, and community.” “I decided to run for school committee as I have always believed that our future, the future of a successful and prosperous economy and society, starts with proper investment in our public education Continued on next page....

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The Reporter August 2020

system and it’s infrastructures, our children, and teachers. I want to help champion the needs of both students and teachers in East Providence. I also want to make sure that as we send our children back to school in the Fall, that we have established safe protocols to mitigate the spread of coronavirus and any future infectious agents. I also believe that no child shall go without any of the basic needs to be a successful and prepared student. I have worked with schools in the past, and also presently, to build food gardens to nourish body and mind. I believe that we need to reconnect with how our food is produced and also develop a stronger connection to the environment. This, I feel is how we strengthen our community. In addition, one of my goals is to assist in the possible need to pivot to remote learning in the upcoming academic year as we monitor the spread of the coronavirus. As an educator and scientist, I believe I am well suited for this endeavor.” - Michael Budziszek Statement

School Department Planning for School Opening

The school committee accepted a report from the school administration on their plan as submitted to the state department of education at its July meeting. Dr. Sandra Forand, an Assistant Superintendent was the lead administrator in preparing the report. Several sub committees and dozens of people served on Superintendent Crowley’s task force on how to safely reopen schools. The local plan will be reviewed by the Commissioner of Education and health officials for acceptance or modification. In a July 14th letter to all RI teachers, Commissioner Angelica Infante-Green wrote: “All across our state, leaders of our districts, charters, and state-run schools are hard at work with their teams putting together their reopening plans. I know how challenging this process feels, and I know it can sometimes feel like a thankless task. The uncertainties of the public health situation, the concerns of parents and families, the challenges surrounding budget planning - it all adds up,” said Infante-Green. “We are collectively tackling an unprecedented situation, knowing full well that there will be gaps in even the best of plans. We are also getting national attention for the right reasons, including a new report from Johns Hopkins University that found we are just one of 13 states that addressed all 12 factors in our reopening guidance. We are on the right track. I am convinced that we are doing more than just preparing for a back-to-school effort for this fall. We are changing the fundamental dynamics of PK-12 education in our state. All across Rhode Island, neighbors are collaborating with neighbors to make sure their plans are as solid as possible. Teams of principals and teachers are developing new ways of thinking about the fundamentals of their classrooms,” she added. Crowley and Forand stressed that the district plan is fluid and can change as circumstances arise. School Board Chair, Dr. Debra George & Dr. Kelsey George Charles Tsonos issued a related statement via social media. “I understand the struggle that parents face as to sending their child back to school. The best option in East Providence for education is the School Department. As one member of the School Committee, I feel that parents should have the option to opt for distance learning. If a parent chooses to send their child to school, they also have a choice. In either case, school personnel, students, parents, all should be kept safe. Personal hygiene and cleanliness are more important now than ever. If a child wants to go to school, it falls upon us to keep them safe. If a child Providing Orthodontic care in or parent wishes to have distance learning, we should also respect their wishes. The South Attleboro / / Vineyard Haven School Department is the best option for our children, one way or the other,” wrote (508) 761-5230 / (508) 336-3066 / (508) 693-3766 Tsonos.

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August 2020 The Reporter



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The Reporter August 2020

Letters to the Editor... The comments in Letters to the Editor, Opinion Columns and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication...It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented in an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion.

Please Note: • Letters MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters MUST arrive by the 20th of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!


Remarks on the Devepment of Metacomet

For over 100 years the Metacomet Country Club has been part of the landscape of our city and while the vast majority of East Providence residents did not have access to the private club, its natural beauty, rolling fairways and serene setting provided green, open space abutting our neighborhoods and pleasing sight lines as we drive, walk or bike by on Veterans Memorial Parkway. Those of us who have had the opportunity to play golf on the fantastic Donald Ross design know just how much of a gem the golf course is. Through no fault of our citizens or our local elected or appointed officials, that green, open space, is on the cusp of being developed, and while we respect, as we all should, a private transaction and development within established zoning restrictions, it is very important that three key elements are met before our city council signs off on the currently proposed development. First, the community, and especially the neighbors surrounding Metacomet, should be transparently engaged at each and every point of the process and their concerns and ideas should be heard and incorporated into any plan. Second, any development should preserve significant acreage for open space and community access. Lastly, this development should be part of an overall comprehensive and holistic economic development plan for our city that acknowledges legitimate concerns regarding traffic congestion and overdevelopment. Our personal preference is that Metacomet remain a golf course and function facility, albeit one that can be accessed by more of our citizens than have had that opportunity in the past. We do understand that is an unlikely scenario at this point and that the owners of the property have every right to do with it what they please, within existing zoning. With that said, any zoning changes to accommodate a development must meet the aforementioned criteria or we will be doing a great disservice to our city and its residents. Representative Joe Serodio- District 64, East Providence Representative Gregg M. Amore- District 65, East Providence

2020 FTA Golf Tournament Canceled


Expires 9/30/2020

Expires 9/30/2020

Due to the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Friends of Townie Athletics has decided to forego this year’s golf tournament scheduled for Saturday, September 19, 2020. After much discussion and in an abundance of caution and concern for the health and safety of our golfers and volunteers, we feel that this decision is the best way to proceed. We do plan on continuing this great tradition in the fall of 2021. The date and venue will be announced in a timely fashion so that all participants may plan accordingly. The FTA wishes to thank all Corporate Sponsors, Tee Sponsor, golfers, and volunteers for their past support of this tournament. We hope that you will once again support us in the fall of 2021. Respectfully, Stephanie A. Vinhateiro Secretary, Friends of Townie Athletics

August 2020 The Reporter

City of East Providence News City Issues RFP for Redevelopment of Riverside Square Site

East Providence, RI – The city of East Providence is requesting proposals from development firms for the purchase and redevelopment of city-owned land on the corner of Fenner & Bullocks Point Avenues. The site is that of the former Vamco jewelry company. The city purchased the property, located at the corner of Fenner and Bullocks Point Avenue, in 2007. The factory, which was in disrepair, was demolished and the city put the vacant property, which abuts the East Bay Bike Path, out to bid in 2016. Now, in an effort to continue the revitalization of the area, East Providence is putting out the request for proposal to redevelop the Riverside Square site. Mayor Bob DaSilva, together with the city’s Planning & Economic Development Director Bill Fazioli, plan to work with the community and the Council to find a great use for the site. “We’ve always seen all parts of our city as a place to live, work, learn and play and this area is no different,” Mayor DaSilva said. “We envision that area of Riverside to be a destination area for our creative community, which would provide an area for live/work spaces, restaurants and galleries.” The city looks forward to reviewing proposals that meet the expectations of its vision statement.

2020 Candidate Forums Coming Up

Ask the Candidates What They Will Do if You Elect Them!

• Senate District 18 between William Conley, Jr. v. Cynthia Mendes • Representative District 64 Jose Serodio v. Brianna Henries School Committee, Ward 2. Anthony Ferreira v. Damian Ramos v. Max Brandle. The top two vote getters in the School Committee race will go on to the general election in November. As it has done in the last three elections in East Providence, the League of Women Voters will be inviting candidates in East Providence’s three primary races to answer questions from constituents in a debate format, so that voters can compare their priorities and qualifications. While in the past, forums have been live, with live audiences, because of COVID 19 the League will be using Zoom to record the sessions. These will be posted on the website of the League of Women Voters,, on Facebook, and on YouTube on September 4. Please submit your questions to: All questions used will be asked of both candidates, and should be issue-oriented. Deadline: August 25. We look forward to your participation.




The Reporter August 2020

EVENTS East Providence Historical Society News “2nd Sunday” Summer Open Houses - August 9 LOOF on Tour - Sat. August 8 -Ed Center ** 1:00 - 3:30 pm

John Hunt Museum - 65 Hunts Mills Road - 02916 “Hikes At Hunt’s”- 1:30 at the Gazebo

Master Gardener Talk - 2:30 - Historic Garden Tour and Practical Plant Uses Yes, we are welcoming friends back to the John Hunt House and Hunt’s Mills! Some safeguards will be in place: small numbers in the house at one time, hand sanitizing and masks, please. We have been busy in the gardens and making plans for the community gardens behind the house. The animal fencing and irrigation system has just been put in and volunteers have transformed the Ed Center basement into the new Master Gardener headquarters. Come pick up free seeds and masks. We look forward to seeing you again! ** We are partnering with the EP Arts Council for “LOOF on Tour.” Please see the Arts Council website for details/hours. Please visit for further information

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Introducing "Swing King"... Chance to Win $2,500 every round of golf Coming in September... Glo Ball Pro Shop Opens Daily at 7:30am ~ Call for Tee Times ~ 82 Hillside Ave, Rehoboth ~ 508-252-9761 download “hillside cc” app to stay up to date

What: The Looff On Tour When: August 8th 12-6pm Where: Various locations throughout East Providence Contact: Rick Lawson As we prepared for The Looff 2020 Covid-19 came along and derailed our plans. We held out hope things would get under control and we could hold our festival at Crescent Park as we have done for the last 5 years but alas that will not be the case this year. This year we will reimage The Looff to adapt to this age of Covid-19. We have come up with The Looff On Tour. Because we cannot gather in large groups we will combine the concept of an Open Studio Tour where artists open their home studio to the public with the concept of The Looff. There will be 10 locations for the public to tour and check out the amazing artwork of artists and writers. The artists are excited to showcase their work. This year with our scaled down event we will have 18 artists and 3 writers. We will also offer entertainment scaled down to acoustic duos and 3 piece bands at Stevie D’s Riverside Tavern. The artists will be set up from Rumford down to Riverside with a few booths at Hunt’s Mills. Hunt’s Mills will also offer entertainment in the form of belly dancers and an A Capella group. “Our goal this year is to keep the spirit of The Looff alive. We have been in a lockdown fighting the virus and we hope our event encourages people to get out and about in our great city in a way that is safe and also entertaining.” Says Rick Lawson Chairman of the East Providence Arts Council. We will be distributing maps throughout the city as well as online for anyone who would like one. We also plan to offer an enticement to encourage folks to visit multiple locations. Because of the fluidity of everything these days we ask that you visit our website at https://eastprovidencearts. org/looff-on-tour/ to stay up to date on all activities regarding The Looff On Tour. “Art is what we turn to these days. Music, books, movies, and creating our own art is what will carry us through these extraordinary times” Rick Lawson “Together we will get through this.”

August 2020 The Reporter



The Reporter August 2020

Church News

COVID-19 Memorial - 1,000 Ribbons and Counting Nearly two months have passed since Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ began hanging ribbons of remembrance on its fence line. The COVID-19 Memorial continues to grow and is being co-created with members of the community who have lost loved ones to COVID. Names have been written in marker on the fabric strips as a way of remembering that the numbers of fatalities reported in Rhode Island each represent a person… a spouse, a parent, a child, friend or neighbor. This week, Rhode Island will see it’s 1,000th death attributed to COVID-19. 1,000 families devastated. And Newman UCC wishes to

let you know that these 1,000 neighbors are not being forgotten. If you have lost a friend or loved one to COVID, you are invited to write their name on one of the 1,000 ribbons hanging on the fence line. (black sharpie works best) Please park in the parking lot and walk over to the Memorial. Unable to get to the church? Contact Pastor Timoth Sylvia at 401-434-4742 ext. 11 and a volunteer will write the name for you. Newman UCC is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ and extends this invitation to one and all, living out the example of Jesus’ extravagant welcome.

Haven United Methodist Church News

1. Welcome Back To In-Person Worship!!!! Sunday @ 9:30 am. For your safety, we will be following CDC and State guidelines. Bring your mask and join us! Please use the rear parking lot entrance. *2. Haven Free Music School - Beginning September 12th Haven UMC is opening a Free Violin School for youth in the surrounding community. Lessons every Saturday: 10:00-10:45 am for Beginners and 11:00-11:45 am for Intermediates. Application and Essay about “Why I want to learn to play violin” available on our website For more information, contact the church. 3. Thrift Store: Opening On Saturday, August 1st! For your safety, we will be following CDC and State guidelines. Bring your mask. Lots of new items! Clothing, coats and jackets, shoes, linens, household items, puzzles, odds and ends. Donations are gratefully accepted (we’ll pickup clothing and small items if needed). Volunteers are welcome! 4. Do you or your group/organization need a place to hold meetings? Sporting events? Activities? Conferences? We have Office Space Available as well! We have a variety of spaces available from small to large, including a gym. We have an elevator and chair lift for accessibility. Contact the office for room sizes, availability and suggested donations. Haven United Methodist Church, 200 Taunton Ave., E. Providence, RI. Call 401438-4911 or email havenumchurch@yahoo. com for more information. Pastor’s Office Hours are Monday, Tuesday and Saturday from 9am to 12pm and by appointment. Church Office hours are Monday thru Wednesday from 9:30am to 4:30pm and Thursday from 9:30am to 2:30pm. Visit our website at *FREE VIOLIN MUSIC SCHOOL Visit for more info

August 2020 The Reporter


People In The News Townie Grads, where are they now? US Army Captain Catherine Browning – A Townie Profile By Bob Rodericks

Browning said. The Reporter talked with As Catherine Browning was set to graduate from East ProviBrowning during her senior year at EPHS. dence High School in 2012, her summer plans included getting When asked if she was ready for the tough ready to report to cadet basic training – or “BEAST” training – at regiment ahead, Browning smiled slightly West Point Military Academy in New York. Instead of a summer at and said, “they’ll (army) help me get ready. I the beach or other leisure activity before college or work, Browning will have many educational and job opportuwould be attending prestigious West Point in early July. EPHS’s nities with West Point.” The enrollment protop ranked senior in 2012 would soon be starting a tough basic cess for West Point is complicated. There are training program with the US Army. “Oh yes, I had to complete a rigorous academic, medical, physical and full army basic training,” Browning said with a smile when asked. leadership qualifications that a candidate “The military program begins on your first day at West Point. Most must possess before even being considered military training takes place during the summer, with new cadets for acceptance. Catherine Browning did not Catherine Browning undergoing Cadet Basic Training - or Beast Barracks - the first at West Point disappoint. year, followed by Cadet Field Training at nearby Camp Buckner the second year,” Browning explained. continued on next page... The United States government has a description for West Point. “The Academy is renowned as the world’s premier leader development institution, and accomplishes its mission by developing cadets intellectually, physically, militarily, ethically, spiritually, and socially. The student body, or Corps of Cadets, numbers 4,400 and each year approximately 1000 cadets join the Long Gray Line as they graduate and are commissioned as a second lieutenant Carpentry & Painting in the U.S. Army.” Cadets spend their third and fourth summers Basement Remodeling serving in active Army units around the world; attending advanced training courses such as airborne, air assault or northern warfare; Interior & Exterior Work or training the first and second year cadets as members of the Where Quality & Affordability Count leadership cadre. No Job is Too Small • Senior Citizen Discount • Free Estimates Catherine Browning excelled at West Point as she did at EPHS. Thomas H. Huber • LICENSED & INSURED She graduated from West Point in 2016 as a Captain and Medical Services Officer and is currently assigned to the Third Infantry Division based out of Fort Stewart, GA. From October 2016 to October 2017 Captain Browning was stationed in Camp Casey, South Korea. While in Fort Stewart, she served as the Treatment Platoon Leader and Executive Officer for the Medical Company supporting more than Open 4000 Soldiers in the 2nd Armored Brigade. 7 days “I’m currently the Brigade Support Coordination Cell Medical Officer. We’re forward deployed to Poland,” Browning told the Reporter in an interview last month. “We elebrating ears in usiness were supposed to return late May to early Thank you to all of our clients and friends June but due to COVID19 we’ve assumed the Regionally Aligned Forces mission and for your continued patronage and support. will stay in Europe for 9 months,” she added. Browning was nominated by United States Senator Jack Reed and was one of only 4 or 5 Rhode Islanders to enroll at West Hot Stone or Paraffin Wax Now $40 (was $45) Point in 2012. A top high school student, Now $27 (was $32) Now $45 (was $52) We have 50 colors! she was accepted at Brown University and expires 9/15/20 expires 9/15/20 expires 9/15/20 Brandise as well as just about any college or university she could choose. She was Bikini Wax or a recipient of an ROTC scholarship which Eyelash Extensions would apply to any school with an ROTC program. But in the end, Browning chose Now $25 (was $30) Now $25 (was $32) to serve in the military and to do so at West expires 9/15/20 expires 9/15/20 expires 9/15/20 Point. “I looked into the Coast Guard and Naval Academy, but it was West Point and 150 Highland Ave., Route 6 (Next to Job Lot), Seekonk, MA the army which appealed to me the most,”

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The Reporter August 2020

As we met Browning during her last year at EPHS, it was quickly obvious that she was a quiet and humble person as she negotiated the crowded hallways and classrooms. Yet, she was not only the top academic scholar at East Providence High School, but she was a formidable athlete. Browning excelled in Cross-Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track, and has received rowing training and has

completed a triathlon. Browning’s top physical condition and sharp intellect would propel her toward West Point education. “Yes, I am prepared to serve my nation and accept deployment anywhere in the world. I plan on making this a life-long career and may consider an eventual future as a doctor or other work in medicine or maybe Neuroscience,” said a contemplative Browning in 2012. “Second Lieutenant is the lowest rank after finishing the Academy. My goal is to aim as high as possible,” Browning added. It appears she met and exceeded that goal. A member of the 2012 EPHS National and Rhode Island Honor Auto | Home | Life | Business Societies, class Valedictorian, a top athlete and an accomplished musician – are just some of Browning’s many accomplishments Matt Gilson Matt Cell Gilson to date. In high school she also volunteered in many school and 401-301-7392 community endeavors and liked to read a lot, keeping up on world Cell 401-301-7392 Toll Free 866-403-5273 news events. Her rigorous academic and athletic schedule held Toll Free 866-403-5273 her back a little with her many musical talents but “I did play the jazz guitar and a euphonium (sort of a tuba) and have played a bit Licensed RI, MA, CT, FL with the Rhode Island Philharmonic, but haven’t dwelled on my Licensed RI, MA, CT, FL music much,” she offered. Browning attended Myron J. Francis Elementary and Edward Martin Middle schools before entering EPHS. “I think East ProviOffered by MetLife Auto & Home®, a brand of Metropolitan Property and Casualty Ins. Co. and its affiliates, dence provided me with a great educational opportunity and I made MetLife RI. Auto Home isfrom a brand of Metropolitan Property andAuto & Home Insurance Agency, Inc. Warwick, Life&insurance unaffiliated companies through MetLife L0618505861[exp0521][All States][DC] ©2018 MetLife Services and Solutions, the most of it. School is what you give to learning. I did my best,” Casualty Insurance Company and its affiliates, Warwick, RI LLC 1610-703873 CS L1016480913 [exp0919][All States][DC] 2016 ©MetLife Auto & Home she said. “I have no regrets attending EPHS (instead of a private school) and I have lots of people to thank. My parents and family, my teachers, my coaches and people in the community - all have been important to me,” said Browning. Captain Browning is now proudly serving the nation and had a Auto and Marine Upholstery remarkable experience at West Point. “I was challenged in ways that I had never been challenged before mentally, physically, and academically. I truly failed for the first time and learned the importance and necessity of resilience,” explained Browning. She chuckled as she mentioned favorite and not so favorite memories at the Academy. “I won’t miss things like ‘Military movement” (a quasi-gymnastics class), SAMI mornings, Cadet Field Training and Convertible Tops • Boat Cushions • Truck Seats losing four Army-Navy games in a row. My best memories include anything to do with the Army Crew Team, graduation and commisComplete Auto Interiors sioning day, and the Army-Navy game.” 2403 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence, RI “The friends I made at West Point are some of the most amazing and talented people I know. They are the epitome of selfless leaders 401.434.3202 and I’m proud to serve in the Army alongside them because I know that they represent the positive change that we need,” she added. As far as EPHS goes, Browning said that she can recommend her alma mater to anyone. “The school offers much, you Main Office: Office:303 950 Warren Satellite Ave, Ste must work hard and give back,” she said. Bristol County Medical Center Medical Associates of RI, Inc. EastRIProvidence, RI Ave., 02914 950 Warren Suite #104 / E. Prov., RI 02914 1180 Hope St.Office: / Bristol, 02809 Main Satellite Office: Her former high school track coach, Bob Bristol Medical Center Medical Associates RI, Inc. (401)County 253-8900 (401)of228-7887 (401) 228-7887 • Fax# (401) 253-3131 Duarte, speaks effusively about his former 950 Warren Ave., Suite #104 / E. Prov., RI 02914 1180 Hope St. / Bristol, RI 02809 Fax# (401) 253-3131 Fax# 253-3131 (401)(401) 228-7887 (401) 253-8900 en Noseworthy Norman Chartier start athlete. “I can honestly say that CathFax# (401) 253-3131 Fax# (401) 253-3131 Noseworthy or of Operations Colleen Director of FinanceNorman Chartier Director of Operations Director of Finance erine might be the finest student athlete that I have had the honor of coaching. She logy D. Bandow, M.D. was a 6-season captain, JR & SR Cross We are extremely happy to announce n M. Vittimberga, M.D. Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track. She tte DaSilva, PA-C that Michael A. Reuter, DPM, FACFAS has Medicine is an extremely hard worker that has dealt n K. Banner, M.D. received the Physician of the Year Award ew Brumbaugh, M.D. with a lot of setbacks because of injury,” ndra Constantino, M.D. from TheDPM Miriam Hospital. Dr. Reuter is Board M. Dennison, M.D. Duarte continued. As a freshman, Browning Jordan S. DeHaven, E. Fischer, M.D. Certified in Foot Surgery. He specializes in was one of the state’s top distance runners. ey R. Hamilton, M.D. a A. Harrop, M.D. Diplomat of the American Board of corrective surgery with an foot and ankle Injuries may have kept Browning from beOrban, M.D. d F. Perrone, M.D. ing one of the best high school athletes in emphasis on diabetic limb reconstruction and Podiatric Surgery A. Ross, M.D. a long time.” wound care. He joined Medical Associates of Medicine / Infectious Diseases Certified in Foot Surgery B. Torf, M.D. Indeed, US Army Captain Catherine RI, Inc. in 2011 and sees patients in our 950 Medicine / Women's Health Browning has been a humble, yet shining Cyronak, M.D. Warren Ave, East Providence office. When Medicine/ Pediatrics star from her accomplishments in East C. Mohlman, M.D. Michael A. Reuter, not at work, Dr. Reuter enjoys sailing, boating Providence, RI to her global contributions as m Care and spending time with his family. en A. Whelan, M.D. a graduate of West Point Military Academy. DPM, FACFAS s Truly a “Profile in Townie Pride.” K. Filardo, M.D.

n S. DeHaven, D.P.M. el A. Reuter, D.P.M. d A. Reuter, D.P.M.

Caito’s Auto and Boat Top, LLC

Medical Associates of Rhode Island, Inc.


Dermatology Grace D. Bandow, M.D. Gwenn M. Vittimberga, M.D. Graciette DaSilva, PA-C

Internal Medicine Kathryn K. Banner, M.D. Matthew Brumbaugh, M.D. Cassandra Constantino, M.D. Allen M. Dennison, M.D. Bruce E. Fischer, M.D. Geoffrey R. Hamilton, M.D. Pamela A. Harrop, M.D. Zsolt Orban, M.D. Howard F. Perrone, M.D. James A. Ross, M.D.

Internal Medicine / Infectious Diseases Alane B. Torf, M.D. Internal Medicine / Women's Health Andra Cyronak, M.D. Internal Medicine / Pediatrics Leslie C. Mohlman, M.D. Long Term Care Cathleen A. Whelan, M.D. Pediatrics Debra K. Filardo, M.D.

Podiatry Jordan S. DeHaven, D.P.M. Michael A. Reuter, D.P.M. Richard A. Reuter, D.P.M. Nurse Practitioner Margaret Gagner, R.N.P. Elaine D. Hart, R.N., N.P. Walk-In Center

Treatment In All Aspects of Foot Care

Other Services: Audiology Cardiology

August 2020 The Reporter

Dymond Bush Awarded Librarian Scholarship

Dymond Bush of East Providence has been named a 2020-2021 American Library Association Spectrum Scholar. She is currently pursuing a Master of Library and Information Science at Simmons University where she serves as secretary for the Special Libraries Association at Simmons and Chair of Students of Color in the School of Library Dymond Bush and Information Science. The Spectrum Scholarship Program actively recruits and provides scholarships to American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Middle Eastern and North African, and/or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander students to assist them with obtaining a graduate degree and leadership positions within the profession and ALA. Through Spectrum, the American Library Association affirms its commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion by seeking the broadest participation of new generations of racially and ethnically diverse librarians to position ALA to provide leadership in the transformation of libraries and library services. In the 2020 application cycle, the Spectrum Scholarship Program received four times as many applications as there were available scholarships, and the majority of this year’s applicants were deemed highly fundable. A prestigious committee of 22 jurors selected this year’s Spectrum Scholars based on their commitment to community building, leadership potential and planned contributions to making social justice part of everybody’s everyday work in LIS.


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University News

F. Angelo Chiong Graduates from Johnson & Wales University

F. Angelo Chiong, son of the proud parents Frank & Mina Chiong of Martin Street in East Providence, graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 4.0 GPA on May 28, 2020 at Johnson & Wales University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Design & Configuration Management. He currently works for Hart Engineering Corporation in Cumberland, RI.

F. Angelo Chiong

University News continued next page...

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The Reporter August 2020

Fairfield University Spring 2020 Dean List

The following local Fairfield University student(s) received Deans List Honors for the Spring 2020 semester. East Providence, RI - Olivia Dumon

Bryant University Students Named to Deans’ List Anthony Chamoun, class of 2022, from Rumford, RI Elliot Charron, class of 2021, from Riverside, RI Tyler Freitas, class of 2021, from East Providence, RI James Picerelli, class of 2020, from East Providence, RI Thor Silva, class of 2020, from Rumford, RI Lizmar Torres, class of 2022, from East Providence, RI

Bryant University Students President’s List

Thor Silva, class of 2020, from Rumford, RI Tyler Freitas, class of 2021, from East Providence, RI

Emerson College Announces 2019-2020 Graduates

Riley Medeiros of East Providence, RI graduated in December 2019 and received a BA degree in Business Creative Enterprises.

Briden earns degree from Clark University

Worcester, Mass. July 2, 2020 - Shannon Dalton Briden, of Rumford, R.I. (02916), received a degree from Clark University on Sunday, May 24. Briden graduated with a Master of Business Administration.

Local college students graduate from Eastern Connecticut State University

Matthew Buteau of Rumford, who graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in New Media Studies. Lauren Landry of Rumford, who graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

LOCAL FARM SPOTLIGHT Walker Street Organic Gardens is in its 7th year! Robert Desrochers grows a variety of heirloom tomatoes, sweet corn, and raspberries at 92 Walker Street in Seekonk. He also offers local honey and his pottery and leaf sculptures. “We are all organic and we are here for the local community,” says Bob, “It is the customers’ stand. I put what they like on the table. It is the community support that keeps us going.” Bob’s prices are very reasonable and is based on the honor system. You can pick what you want, you weigh it, and then pay with cash or credit card. They are Covid-conscious with safe social distancing and plexi glass. Bob says everything is “clean, clean, clean.” Stop by today for some delicious food or beautiful pottery. They are open 7 days a week from 9am until 6pm.

Walker Street Organic Gardens • Heirloom Tomatoes • Sweet Corn • Raspberries • Local Honey • Pottery & Leaf Sculptures 92 Walker Street, Seekonk MA 401.648.5587

Jamielin Forsythe of Riverside, RI Earns Bachelor of Science from Springfield College

Springfield, MA -- Jamielin Forsythe of Riverside, RI, has earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science/Occupational Therapy from Springfield College for studies completed in 2020.

Students Named To Dean’s List at Fitchburg State Rumford - Jack M. Harney

Champlain College Dean’s List for the Spring 2020

Burlington, VT - Aidan Murphy of Rumford, RI, who is majoring in Game Programming, has been named to the Champlain College Dean’s List for the Spring 2020 semester.

Jessica Doucette Named to Spring 2020 Dean’s List at Hofstra University

Hempstead, NY -- Jessica Doucette of Riverside, RI excelled during the Spring 2020 semester, achieving a GPA of at least 3.5 to earn a spot on the Dean’s List.

Roger Williams University Spring 2020 Dean’s List

Bristol, RI (07/27/2020)-- Select students have been named to the Spring 2020 Dean’s List at Roger Williams University in Bristol, R.I. Full-time students who complete 12 or more credits per semester and earn a GPA of 3.4 or higher are placed on the Dean’s List that semester. Matthew D’Amico of Riverside Lyndsey Ferreira of East Providence Elizabeth Furtado of East Providence

Join Us for Indoor or Outdoor Seating Take Out Available

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August 2020 The Reporter


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The Reporter August 2020

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August 2020 The Reporter


East Providence Public Libraries August Events at the Fuller Creative Learning Center Adults/Young Adults

Adult Painting @ Fuller - Wednesday, August 5 2:00-3:00pm Paper Quilling @ Fuller - Tuesdays, August 11 & 25 3:30-4:30pm Zoom Tutorial (Virtual program) - Wednesday, August 12 10:00-11:00am Monthly Real Estate/Landlord Group @ Fuller - Wednesday, August 26 3:00-4:00pm Fall Gardening Talk with URI Master Gardener - Monday, August 31 2:00-3:00pm

Children/Teenagers Meet the Pets with Fuller (Virtual Program) Mondays, August 17, 24, & 31 10:00-11:00am

More information on these events can be found on the East Providence Library website or our Facebook page. You may also contact the Fuller Creative Center at or call 401-228-3903 for more information or to register. As an extension of the East Providence Public Library, the Fuller Creative Learning Center focuses on hands-on learning programs and workshops for all ages. Join us at the Center located on 260 Dover Avenue, East Providence, RI for one of these beneficial experiences! For more information contact Ryan McCauley at

Weaver Library Farmers Market To Give Away Starter Kits

Weaver Library Farmers’ Market 2020 Schedule of Performances 4 -7 PM unless otherwise noted: • Aug. 6th: Kleyla Family Band -Rock and roll with great vocals! • Aug. 13th: Narrow River Band- Lots of music from the 60s and 70s • Aug. 20th: Justin Marra-Folk, rock, and blues • Aug. 27th: Cardboard Ox-Folk with sweet, soulful harmonies • Sept. 3rd: Hank & Tom-Fun on the fiddle with old time tunes • Sept. 10th: Dave Drumhead-A drumming circle (4 -6pm) • Sept. 10th: Sacred Flames-Belly dance! (6 -7pm) • Sept. 17th: Cardboard Ox-Folk with sweet, soulful harmonies • Sept. 24th: Kleyla Family BandRock and roll with great vocals!

The Weaver Library Farmers Market has rolled out a plant starter kit giveaway. Thanks to a generous donation from Christmas Tree Shop, the City of East Providence/Weaver Library Farmers Market will give away two free starter kits of vegetables, herbs, or flowers to anyone participating in the Farmers Markets until all the pallets are emptied. Visitors to the market, will receive a third kit free with any purchase from the Market and experience the many positive benefits of growing a garden. The Weaver Library Farmers Market, which is open from 4 -7 p.m. on Thursdays during the month of August, offers fresh food and live music for a pleasant, lively, outdoor shopping experience. Local farmers and producers will be selling vegetables, eggs, baked goods, honey, beeswax candles, cheese, salsas, jams and more. Stop by the Market Table for Sacred Cow Granola, Rhed’s Hot Sauce, and beautiful veggie-themed masks selling for only $2. Listen to a different band each week from the shade of the beautiful copper beech tree and enjoy a delicious dog from Pop’s All Beef Hot Dogs. The Farmers Market welcomes customers with SNAP/EBT, WIC, Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program coupons, and credit or debit cards. Thanks to a grant from Farm Fresh RI, SNAP customers can double their SNAP. For every dollar you swipe, you will receive a FREE dollar in Bonus Bucks for fruits and vegetables. With the goal of keeping everyone healthy, the Market is taking precautions The Samuel Whelden House ~ 349 Warren Avenue, East Providence to avoid the spread of the coronavirus and asking customers to plan their shopping trips with efficiency in mind. Everyone must wear a mask. The market is roped off and has one entrance and exit. Social distancing is a must, especially while in line. Sanitizer is available at the Market Table and the SNAP/ EBT Table, and thank you for eating your purchased food at home, not at the market. Weaver Library is located at 41 Grove Avenue, East Providence, RI. 02914. For the most current market information, see the Weaver Library Farmers’ Market Facebook page or call the library at 401-434-2453. ATTORNEY WILLIAM C. MAAIA For more information about the Weaver Library Farmers Market, please contact Joyce May at 401-434-2453 /

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The Reporter August 2020

Spotlight on Sports By Bob Rodericks

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The summer of 2020 continues to be disappointing for area youth as sports in general has remained at a standstill. Fall school sports is on thin ice and most summer leagues have been put on hold or have started to operate on a very restricted basis, following all Covid 19 guidelines. At least little league baseball has begun some scrimmage and game activity. Once again Kim Rock Field in Rumford has been active with activity, although by social distancing rules of the day. “Rumford Little League is gearing up for a late Summer Farm and T-Ball season. Practices will begin on August 1st. I f you have already registered, your coaches will be reaching out to you. If you are not signed up, you can visit our website at to register today. Let the fun begin!” said league President Eddie Wencis. Riverside LL has also begun play and has come alive as much as possible. “As you can guess we cannot be more thrilled that baseball is back! We have formed teams and practice and games have begun using social distancing guidelines. We will be following the CDC, state and local guidance to create a safe and modified plan for your child’s little league experience. If you had not already registered for spring, you may register for the (Summer 2020) season at As always thank you for your support and patience as we adjust to the new way of operating our youth little league. Any questions feel free to reach out to” - Riverside Little League. “As EP Central Little league gets back into action, we are very excited. The Majors, team, ATC took the field for their 1st game of the season. Great to see our players back at it! Registration is still open for our junior minor and minor teams (6-10 year olds). Registrations also for our Challenger Division. Act fast as space is limited due to state regulations for Covid-19 safety. Register at - East Providence Central Little League. The Post 10 ATC Legion team continues to play ball combing players mostly from East Providence High School, Martin Middle and Riverside Middle Schools and LaSalle. The team has been successful and has the following games in August: Monday, Aug. 3 at Ponagansett HS; Tuesday Aug. 4 vs. Warwick at Pierce; Friday Aug. 7 vs. Elmwood Sports at Pierce; Monday Aug. 10 at Smithfield HS and others TBD. The dedication of the Robert F. Amaral Little League Field at Pierce Field will be postponed until the 2021 season when a more traditional opening day can be held. “We also want out-of-state family members to be able to attend,” said an organizer, Bob Rodericks. “We look forward to a gala event next season to honor the girls LL pioneer, Bob Amaral.”



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August 2020 The Reporter


SCHOOL NEWS 12th Annual EPLAC Recognition Awards



The annual East Providence Local Advisory Committee for special education was held via a video format due to the Covid 19 pandemic. MC’s for the night were Mary Nascimento and Heather Resendes, EPLAC Co-Chairs. The committee thanked all school committee members, school administration, principals and directors. Opening remarks were made by Superintendent Kathryn Crowley and new Special Education Director, Leslie Anderson was introduced.

The 2020 Recipients, and their Nominators:

Educator and Support Staff Award Recipients:

This award highlights An educator or support staff who has provided consistently outstanding services to advance the success of students with special needs by demonstrating teaching practices in the classroom which enable achievement and participation of students with special needs in one or more of the following areas: • Peer helping strategies • Social skills development • Management of behavior • Differentiated instruction, instruction accommodations & appropriate test modifications • classroom organization • training & support of staff which increases achievement of students with special needs • Promoting parent involvement to enable achievement and participation of students with special needs. 1. Michael Kirkutis, PE Teacher Riverside Middle School; Nominated by Brian Petsch, Dean of RMS. 2. Stacey Croteau, Teacher Kent Heights Elementary; Nominated by Danielle Cournoyer, Parent of KHS Student. 3. Dawn Ottone, Paraprofessional Whiteknact Elementary; Nominated by Shana Walsh, Teacher at Whiteknact . 4. Lynn MacDonald, Paraprofessional Martin Middle School; Nominated by Amy Moran, Teacher MMS.

Program Award:

This award selects a school based program, demonstrating outstanding results in promoting success of students with special needs through the cooperative efforts of school administrators, regular education and special education staff. 5. Best Buddies, Whiteknact Elementary Chapter; Nominated by Amanda Batista, Teacher Whiteknact.

Community Service Award:

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6. Ms. Jalyn Alves; Nominated by Christine Alves, Mother and Sharon Kochan, Parent of student. Presented by Karen Rebello, Principal MMS Pre-K.


Announcement of Non Recipient Nominees:

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7. Tribute to the late Carla Midgley, Special Educator, Hennessey Elementary and Presentation of Carla Midgley Award; Presented by Amanda Fournier, EPLAC member and friend.

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The Reporter August 2020

Student Awards:

EST. 1994

Carla loved her students! The evening ended in our normal fashion by honoring the following students who have made an outstanding contribution to school objectives or programs in one or more of the following ways: • Participating in school programs which increase peer acceptance and support individual differences. • Providing direct assistance, friendship, and encouragement to students with special needs. • Demonstrating leadership in student activities to promote a spirit of caring, belonging, and cooperation among the student body.

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9. Ethan Amaral, Student Martin Middle School; Nominated by Jodi Audet, Teacher MMS 10. The EPHS Drumline; Brandon Charette, Abigail Schwab, Kareem Sanni-Thomas, Lucien Fournier, Shawn D’Arezzo, Alyssa Janerelli, Alex Coia, Brian Brierly, Andrew Baptista, Jacob Mastrostefano, Eric Robinson, Harry Hogan-Shaw.

Students East Providence High School:

Nominated by Ted Kochan, Parent 11. Quinn Britto, Student East Providence High School; Nominated by Donna Ferrara, Teacher EPHS. 12. Dominique Avellar, Student Martin Middle School; Nominated by Amy Moran, Teacher MMS.

Bishop Feehan Third Quarter Honor Roll

Vice Principal for Academics, Anne Kennedy, is proud to announce the Honor Roll students for the third quarter. East Providence: Rachel Simone, 12 - First Honors Benjamin Feeley, 10 - Third Honors

August 2020 The Reporter


scouting around 24 New Badges Prepare Girl Scouts to be Ambitious and Decisive Leaders

Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England and Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) today announced 24 new badges designed to help girls practice ambitious leadership in the crucial areas of automotive engineering, STEM career exploration, entrepreneurship, and civics, many of which remain male-dominated. In a year of unprecedented global change, our country’s need for strong, broad-minded, and decisive leadership has never been greater. Through new and existing programming, Girl Scouts equips the next generation of female change-makers with the breadth of knowledge, skills, and experiences they need to take charge and do good for the world, both now and in the future. The new Girl Scout badges include: • Entrepreneurship (grades K–12) • STEM Career Exploration (grades 2–8) • Automotive Engineering (grades K–5) • Civics (grades K–12) Steady leadership is essential during a crisis such as COVID-19, from fostering trust and showing compassion, to managing challenges with agility, to evaluating outcomes of decisions. The Girl Scout program is proven to develop strong and effective leaders— among many positive outcomes, Girl Scouts are much likelier than non-Girl Scouts to take an active role in decision making (80% vs. 51%), which is a critical aspect of leadership. “Now more than ever, it’s critical that we have strong leaders who can make informed decisions that make the world a better, safer place,” said GSUSA CEO Sylvia Acevedo. “During our current health crisis, the world leaders who have been among the most decisive and effective in addressing the pandemic have been women. With these new badge experiences in STEM, entrepreneurship, and the critically important subject of civics, Girl Scouts is continuing to build the transformational female leaders of today and the future and showing girls the power they have to truly change the world.” Girl Scouts has made free self-guided activities from select new and existing programming available digitally to the public through Girl Scouts at Home™, keeping families engaged and connected to their communities. Girls can further engage with the badges and topics through online videos, activities, or special live virtual events. Members can access a suite of Girl Scouts’ programming digitally through the Volunteer Toolkit, including troop meeting plans and other resources to help girls earn badges and awards. In addition, beginning this summer, all councils will also have the opportunity to host their own Girl Scout Cyber Challenge sponsored by Raytheon Technologies, enabling middle and high school girls to learn crucial cybersecurity skills as they compete in challenges such as running traceroutes and identifying phishing schemes. The Cyber Challenge prepares girls to pursue careers in computer science and cybersecurity. To join or volunteer, visit

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The Reporter August 2020

Local Boy Scouts Honor Healthcare Workers with 800 Care Packages

The Narragansett Council, Boy Scouts of America hosted a Gratitude Parade for hospital workers at Rhode Island Hospital and Kent Hospital on Monday July 13 to recognize the dedication, bravery and compassionate care of essential workers. Dozens of Scouts and volunteer leaders from Pack 4 & Troop 55 Riverside, Pack 1 & Troop 2 Barrington, Troop 1 Seekonk & Pack 1913 West Warwick helped distribute 800 S’mores Care Packages to front-line workers, featuring a variety of s’more treats. This was the largest food donation to a Rhode Island hospital during the pandemic.

Puppies don’t understand social distancing but still need safe socialization and training!

The East Providence, Cranston and Warwick Fire Departments also joined the parade along with the Scouts, their leaders, and Narragansett Council CEO Tim McCandless. This Gratitude Parade and other similar “Good Turns” have raised $136,000 over the past four months to fund the Council’s diverse programming. The parade was part of the 25th Annual Distinguished Citizens Awards Celebration, which raises funds to ensure that youth from low-income households can enjoy the Scouting advantage through the Narragansett Council’s Scoutreach program. In the past 25 years, more than $6,000,000 has been raised to enrich the lives of 20,000 low-income youth in the Scoutreach program. Through Scoutreach, over 1,100 Scouts annually enjoy exciting weekly meetings, monthly outdoor activities, work with trained leaders, participate in virtual Scouting programs, and receive recognition for their achievements.

Join us for small classes and Puppy Socials…Private training is available.

EP Girl Scouts Hold Virtual Meetings

The Covid-19 pandemic has made it almost impossible to hold regular Girl Scout meetings. Instead, East Providence Girl Scouts are holding virtual troop meetings using Zoom, a cloud based video service that you can use to virtually meet with others - either Our Puppy Day School and by video or audio or both - while conducting live chats. Some Dog Daycare programs are troops are using Google Classroom. Virtual meetings create new challenges and opportunities for girls to experience Girl Scouts. It Open in a safe and sanitized allows them to get comfortable and tech savvy as well as to gain environment! character, confidence and courage by expressing themselves and learn leadership skills to take them into the virtual world. For every How can we help? adventure that can be done in-person, there is another that can be • 401-714-5652 shared and taught and experienced virtually. East Providence Girl Scouts have done just that! They’ve gone Heidi Palmer McNeil, CTC, CPDT-KA virtual during the Covid-19 pandemic. Troop 417 enjoyed a conference call with a local bee keeper family, the Pendens. During the call, the girls learned about the bees life cycle, the bees role in the environment, what a bee hive looks like and watched the bee keepers harvest honey. The keepers also shared videos UNDER CONTRACT IN 3 DAYS! showing the girls what a box of bees look like when building their hive. As an added treat, the girls were given small samples of the harvested honey to taste. The girls all had fun learning about bees and didn’t get a single sting! Troop 516, a Junior Girl Scout troop, visited two different Brownie troops via 64 Greenwood Avenue 18 Miller Street Zoom to share their experiences as Junior Girl Scouts. They talked about their favorite adventures, the favorite patches they had earned and told them what they were looking forward to doing as Cadette Girl Scouts. They shared this information so the Brownies would know what to expect when they become Junior Girl Scouts next year. The “Be Prepared Not Scared” patch was earned by Troop 447 through a Google meeting. People are told to be ready for an emergency but how do they actually prepare for it? During natural disasters, it is neighbors helping neighbors who are often the first responders. That is a scary Michelle Rockwell | 401.954.1159 Kathleen Pierard | 401.527.0562 thought. Through this patch program, girls were taught what items they need to have on hand (food, water, shelter, communica140 Wickenden Street tion devices, light sources), animal care and Providence, RI 02903





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August 2020 The Reporter what first aid courses they need to take in order to be prepared for a natural disaster. It is the intent of the program to take away the fear and replace it with empowered Girl Scouts. Virtual indoor and outdoor scavenger hunts were held by Troop 491 members and their families. They also painted coffee mugs for their mothers on Mother’s Day while talking with one another via Zoom. The girls enjoyed socializing during these activities. It gave them a a sense of life before Covid-19. Troop 117 earned their 2020 Lockdown patch. Girls were asked to document their experiences during the COVID-19 health crisis. They took pictures of some items that were different because of the COVID-19 pandemic: safe distance lines on the floor of banks and grocery stores, playground entrances wrapped with caution tape so children wouldn’t play on the equipment, teddy bears placed in the windows of homes, and thank you signs for first responders. They wrote a letter saying how the pandemic affected them. Their parents also wrote a letter explaining how the pandemic affected them too. For the project portion of the patch, girls painted the trunk of a tree on paper. They asked each person at home with them to paint the palm of their hand and then press their palm over the tree trunk creating the tree’s foliage. Each person was asked to sign their name under their hand-print. When it is safe to do so, all of these items will be placed in a time capsule at the East Providence Scout House and will be opened in 20 years. Undoubtedly, Covid19 has changed our way of life in so many ways. All of us have had to make adjustments in our daily routines in order to keep safe and healthy - Girl Scouts included. Virtual meetings have made it possible for Girl Scouts to continue to have meetings (on line) and socialize with one another while in the safety of their home. Covid-19 hasn’t dampened their Girl Scout spirit.


GS Troop 447 News

Troop 447 Juniors completed the Be Prepared, Not Scared patch series and segments mostly through online meetings. They learned and discovered ways to be prepared for natural disasters in the US. This included segments in preparation of Emergency water sources, food, shelter, communication, light sources, animal care, mutual aid and first aid, including emergency plans for fire and travel. During one online meeting Navy Veteran, former Barrington resident and dog trainer, John Devine, helped Troop 447 girls learn more about how to prepare a pet for emergency situations. Girls learned how laws changed to protect animals in emergency situations due to the abandonment of animals during Hurricane Katrina. Troop 447 has been happy to be able to meet in person again.

Troop 447 girls learned first aid basics, the resources inside an EP ambulance and what happens to patients from Firefighters Sharon Bedard and Dan Kanavage and Paramedic Erika Carcieri.

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The Reporter August 2020

OBITUARIES Christopher L. Callan Christopher L. Callan, 49, of Newport and Pawtucket, died unexpectedly on July 18, 2020. He was a graduate of Rogers High School, Newport in 1989. Christopher was on active duty with the U.S. Army for 11 years, seeing service in Haiti, Germany and Kosovo, and later, as a member of U.S. Army Special Forces, in numerous countries in East Asia. Upon returning to Rhode Island in 2006, he joined Christopher L. Callan the East Greenwich Police Department, while continuing to serve in the Rhode Island National Guard until his passing. As a National Guardsman, he served one combat tour in Afghanistan, earning a Bronze Star. He was known for an encyclopedic memory, a ready infectious smile and a quirky sense of humor. His outgoing personality and uncanny ability to personally connect with almost anyone ensured that he had a vast array of friends both domestically and within the international military paratrooper/special forces communities. He is survived by three children: Rosemary, Margaret and Samuel, his former wife of 21 years, Sarah, all of East Greenwich; his parents Dennis and Melinda Callan of Newport; his two sisters: Riley Correia of Middletown, RI and Katherine McCormick of McKinney, TX; and his companion Stephanie Georgia, of Pawtucket. A private funeral with military honors will be in the Rhode Island Veterans

Cemetery at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers the family asks that contributions in Christopher’s memory be made to the Unquiet Professional (, P.O. Box 761 Wakefield, RI 02880, an organization dedicated to serving Gold Star Families and Veterans.

Death Notices

• Richard Alan Gaffney, 70, of Circuit Dr., Riverside, passed away early Wednesday morning, April 15, 2020. • Olivia S. Andrade, 88, of Riverside passed away peacefully at home on Sunday, June 28, 2020. • Idalina B. DoSouto, 77, passed away on Monday, June 29, 2020 at her home. • Geraldine, (Gordon) Lisker, 102, died peacefully on Monday, June 29th. • Carolyn H. (Hanson) Faulhaber 84, of East Providence, formerly of Barrington, passed away on Monday June 29, 2020 at HopeHealth. • Rose M. Querceto, 81, passed away on Monday, June 29, 2020. • Jeanne H., (Poisson) Atwell, 77, of Tanglewood Drive, Riverside died unexpectedly at home on Sunday July 5, 2020. • Lillian Rose, 95, of Rumford, passed away on Sunday, July 5, 2020 at Tockwotton on the Waterfront. • Colonel Anthony DeCastro, EPPD, ret. 87. passed away Monday, July 6, 2020. • Charles W. Pringle, Sr., 89, of Pawtucket Avenue, Rumford, died peacefully on July 7, 2020 at home surrounded by his loving family. • Simon Joseph Richardson of East Providence was born in Providence, RI on August 26, 1963. He died on July 7, 2020 (age 56). • Gregory M. LaMarre, 63, formerly of Rumford, died unexpectedly on July 8, 2020 at Rhode Island Hospital. • John Robert “Bob” Scanlan, 87, of Woodcrest Drive, Riverside, died peacefully on July 8, 2020 at Rhode Island Hospital. • Jean F. Henderson, age 94, formerly of Algonquin Road, Rumford and recently of Highland Ave., Providence, died July 10, 2020 at Philip Hulitar Hospice Center. • Richard M. Whitehead, 86, passed away on Thursday, July 9, 2020 at his home. • Briggs A. Doherty, Jr.,77 of Rumford, a legacy of the clothing business in Providence for nearly 60 years, passed Monday July 13th, after a brief illness. • Stanley Lawrence Sorrentino, 92, devoted and loving husband of the late Hope (Adams) Sorrentino, and son of the late Vincent and Katie (Goldstein) Sorrentino, passed away Monday, July 13, 2020 at Tockwotton on the Waterfront, East Providence. • Antonio Andrade, 94, of Riverside passed away peacefully on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at the Philip Hulitar Hospice Center. • Jesse L. Ousley, 37 years old, of East Providence and Westport, MA, died early last Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at Rhode Island Hospital after being stricken at the home of his cousin in East Providence, after being assaulted earlier in Fall River, MA. • Scarlett Elizabeth Hume Pereira, the cherished 15-month-old daughter of Manny and Brianne (Hume) Pereira of East Providence, passed away tragically Thursday, July 16, 2020. • Mary Mitrelis, 92, passed away on Sunday, July 19, 2020 at her home. • Ernest “Jack” Wilson, Jr., 73, of Riverside, passed away on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at his home surrounded by his loving family. • Stuart J Marshall, 64, of 20 Spring Street, Riverside, died peacefully at home on July 23, 2020 surrounded by his loving family.

August 2020 The Reporter


East Providence Senior Center August 2020

610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914 401.435.7800 • Fax: 401.435.7803 •

Letter from the Director

We are now in phase lll of Reopening Rhode Island. The Office of Healthy Aging (OHA) convened a committee to create guidance for the reopening of Office of Healthy Aging Community Gathering Sites which includes Senior Centers. This guidance can be found on the website. Once on the website, click on Healthcare & Human Services and then click on Guidance for OHA Community Gathering Sites. The Mayor and I are working on our written reopening plan for the state. At the same time, I am preparing our building with signage, screening procedures and mapping out social distancing in our building. Cleaning products are being purchased and policies are being written for measures to increase safety of all who enter our building. This is no easy feat as the safety of our members is our top priority. I cannot give you a solid reopening date at this time since much will depend on the ability to obtain the resources needed to follow the guidance set forth by OHA. Reopening will not be all at once, but gradual as we are looking at each activity separately. We will be communicating plans for reopening via Facebook and My Senior Center, robo-calls. So stay tuned. Wishing you all good health, Laura Jones

Retired Senior Volunteer and Foster Grandparents Program

Hello to all, we miss you! Please join us to celebrate and to thank you for all that you do! Invitations to the RSVP/FGP Annual Drive-Thru Recognition Event were mailed to all volunteers serving 50 hours or more annually. The Drive-Thru Thank You Event will be held on Tuesday, August 11th (rain date August 12th) 9 AM-3 PM at Hugh Cole School parking lot in Warren. To avoid congestion in the school area we are separating arrival times by last names with A-L driving thru between 9 AM-Noon and M-Z driving thru between 1 PM-3 PM. Gifts and prizes for all that attend. Please call us if you haven’t already at 435-7876 to RSVP for the event. We look forward to seeing you there!


Sponsored by Blue Cross, Blue Shield of RI Susan Bayley is teaching a Zoom Yoga class. Classes are Fridays from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. If you would like to try it out contact Susan at Susan will send you an invite to join in.

Farmers Market Vouchers

Are available and being distributed at the East Providence Senior Center. Please call for more information at 401-435-7800.

Cloth Face Coverings

FREE & AVAILABLE At The Senior Center Call: 401-435-7800

Thanks to Our Volunteers!

Thank you to all of the volunteers who have shared their time and talent sewing cloth face masks and driving to deliver food and meals to our older adult population in East Providence. In the month of July the East Providence Senior Center distributed 3,800 meals and delivered 100 food pantry bags to those unable to get to the East Bay Community Action Food Pantry. If you are in need of a face mask or you want to volunteer to sew, please contact Pat Thomas at the East Providence Senior Center at 401-270-1863.


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Virtual Community

Age-Friendly Rhode Island Virtual Community Center Check out the new Virtual Community Center on the AgeFriendly Rhode Island website: . Go to the website and click on Virtual Community Center. There is lots of exciting programing for you to investigate. You can take a virtual exercise class, take a virtual tour of a museum or listen to a lecture from a University of Rhode Island, Master Gardener. Check out all the fun activities to keep you connected while sheltering in place. Check out the calendar of events for a peak what Age Friendly RI Virtual Community Center is offering in the month of August.

Telehealth Nutrition Appointments

Ann Marie Sabula, MA, RDN, LDN, CDE, CDOE, Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and Diabetes Educator is available to schedule a telehealth nutrition appointment. A telehealth appointment can be done via telephone or Face Time and is a great and safe way to get nutrition advice during the current health crisis. For more information please call Ann Marie at 401-447-6299.

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The Reporter August 2020

The State Health Insurance Program

The State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) provides assistance to individuals who are aging into or who are already enrolled in the Medicare system. SHIP counselors provide individual, unbiased counseling to Medicare eligible beneficiaries to help them understand health care cost/coverage and to make the most appropriate choice for their health care needs. SHIP serves Medicare beneficiaries, caregivers, adults with disabilities, and low-income individuals who may qualify for assistance programs. Whether you are turning 65 or under the age of 65 and receive Social Security Disability benefits, SHIP counselors can help you make informed choices and answer your questions. For more information or to schedule an appointment call East Bay Community Action Program at 401-435-7876. Consider becoming SHIP volunteer. The position offers great learning opportunities, online training, and meaningful work, as well as gratitude and appreciation from beneficiaries.

Food Distribution Meals On Wheels

The East Providence Senior Center is delivering Meals on Wheels to individuals who are age 60 or older who are homebound, unable to drive/utilize public transportation, leave their home independently, unable to shop and/or prepare a nutritious meal due to the Covid-19 pandemic. For more information call the East Providence Senior Center at 401-435-7800.


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East Bay Community Action Food Pantry

Food Pantry Hours By Appt Only—401-437-1000 ext. 127 Monday 12 pm to 4 pm Tuesday 12 pm to 4 pm Wednesday 12 pm to 6 pm Thursday 12 pm to 4 pm Friday 8 am to 12 pm

GRAB & GO Lunches

Please make your reservations at least 24 hours in advance East Providence Senior Cafe Phone: (401)-270-1814 For Goldsmith/City View Cafe Phone: (401) 434-7645 These boxed lunches are for people aged 60/+ or disabled individuals. A suggested donation of $3.00 per boxed lunch will help to sustain the program

Be Safe Plus: Family Service of Rhode Island

Delivering fresh foods and cleaning supplies to keep Rhode Island’s seniors healthy and well. Am I eligible? Who we serve: • Adults age 60+. • Adults with disabilities who reside in housing facility in which there is a Title IIIC meal site. • Adult children with disabilities who reside with their parent age 60+. • Caregivers + spouses of aforementioned individuals. • Grandparents or caregivers age 55 and older caring for grandchildren or foster children under the age of 18. Where do we deliver? All across the state of Rhode Island. These are “no contact” home deliveries, so that our drivers and you remain safe. Drivers will leave your delivery at the door and contact you by phone to let you know your package has arrived. What’s in the box? It may vary depending on availability … Fresh fruits, vegetables and proteins-as well as safety supplies like masks, hand sanitizer, sani-wipes, thermometers, toilet paper, paper towels, and gloves. How do I get help? Call The Point –your healthy aging help desk at: (401) 462-4444 For group deliveries, call: (401) 519-2283 Delivery Time: Our staff will call you to discuss your needs and schedule your delivery. Please understand this is not an emergency food delivery service and it may vary depending upon the volume of referrals.

Call 401.632.3602

August Is National Eye Exam Month

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If you are over 65 it is recommended to get your eyes examined every 1-2 years. EyeCare America helps seniors qualify for free eye exams. August is also Cataracts Awareness Month an important time for seniors to be tested for cataracts that can cloud eye lenses and lead to vision loss. CONTACT EYECARE AMERICA Email: Phone: 877-887-6327 Hours: 8:00 am-Noon, Monday-Friday (Pacific Time)

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Civil War, WW1, WW2, Anything to do with military; helmets, knives, uniforms, guns, HAVE (license), anything related to wartime, will pay cash for items, ask for Charles, call 508-2306444; call anytime thanks Flower vases. Please donate. Call Debbie at 401-632-3602. I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you Joe in Rehoboth 508-558-5129.


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August 2020 The Reporter



Wash Dry Fold service by Erica! Drop off Monday - Friday 6am to 9am at 257 Bullocks Point Ave., Riverside or by appointment. Call (401) 578-6366. Housecleaning. Is your home in need of a great cleaning? Whether you need a one time or regular cleanings. Years of experience. Fridge and oven included in our service. Call Gil for details 508-840-6611. BIG BLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House. We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. Call Tony 508-226-1295;


Barrington Public Schools has an opening for a custodian, experience preferred. It includes a full benefit package with health insurance, pension and paid vacations. If interested please contact the Barrington Public Schools at 401-245-5000. Barrington is an Equal Opportunity Employer.



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CJS / Statewide Appliance Repair


Diagnostic Visit


$5 OFF ($69.95 - mention ad)

PARTY RENTAL SERVICES: Moonwalks for sale or rent for $125 per weekend. 20x30 Tent package includes tables & chairs $350. 20x20 Tent package includes tables & chairs $250. Setup included locally. Call early for reservation. Dan 401-255-1072.


Plants for Sale: Inside and outside; hanging plants, perennials, annuals, herbs, bushes, coleus, strawberry plants, ground cover, angel trumpets, citronella plants & forsythia. Extra large pots available. Everything from $1 to $10. 401-433-2922. Also, you can find me at The Weaver Farmer’s Market on Thursdays July thru September from from 4-7pm.


OFFICE SPACE RENTALS. East Providence. Available a 10' X 16' own entrance from the street and access to main shared suite. And two 9' X 11' offices located in the office suite. Rent includes utilities, Wi-Fi, shared conference room, kitchen, bathrooms, & parking. Call Julie 401-368-7208.

Reg. RI 18045 • Lic. MA 134986

Most Appliances, Fee waved with repair

e y


StoneScapes Specializing in all styles of stone masonry with over 35 years experience

• STONEWALLS • FIREPLACES • PATIOS • WALKWAYS Call for a free estimate

MARK CARVALHO • (774) 229-6360


The Reporter August 2020

Business Directory CATEGORY






Appliance Repairs

CJS / Statewide Appliance Repair


Landscape Service

Superior Lawn Care



Attorney William C. Maaia



Bullocks Point Laundromat


Auto Body

A-1 Custom Auto Body


Masonry-Construction StoneScapes - Mark Carvalho


Auto Repairs

New England Tire


Medical Center

Medical Associates of RI


Beauty Products

Isabel’s Avon & Gift Boutique


Nail Salon

Perfect Nails


Candidate - East Prov. Joel Monteiro



George Family Orthodontics




Paving Contractor

All Phase Asphalt Driveways


Caitos Auto & Boat Top Company

Chamber of Commerce East Providence Chamber



East Bay Pressure Wash


Chimney Services

Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney Sweep 30

Private School

St. Margaret School


Cleaning Service

Debbie’s Cleaning Service


Real Estate

Jack Conway & Company



Wexler’s Collectibles


Real Estate

Larry McNulty, Realtor



Olivia M Howard, LMFT


Real Estate

Residential Properties - Providence 24

Country Club

Hillside Country Club


Real Estate

The Tirrell Team



Coastal Dental Seekonk


Real Estate

TK Real Estate Brokerage



Eager Family Dentistry



Batty Construction



George Family Orthodontics



Dicky’s Clam Shack Two








Dog Training

Pooch Pawsitive



El Mariachi



The Looff



La Familia


Farm Stand

Walker Street Organic Gardens



Madeira Restaurant



Wood & Wire Fence Co., Inc



Stevie D’s Riverside Tavern


Food/Party Store

Thomsen Foodservice



Tai Pan


Funeral Home

Family’s Choice Cremation, Inc.



Sax’s Steak & Pizza


Hair Salon

Shear Image Salon



Uncle Tony’s Pizza



Just In Time Handyman Service


Roofing Contractor

Tabeleys Roofing


Heating & Air Cond

Fox Mechanical


Seafood Market

Digger’s Catch



Matt Gilson


Stove Shop

Fireplace Showcase



Medicare Made Easy


Trash/Junk Removal

Big Blue Removal Service



Metlife Auto and Home


Tree Service

Advanced Tree


East Bay Pressure Wash Co. LLC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SERVICES SOFT WASHING - POWER WASHING (LOW PRESSURE) ROOF & HOUSE CLEANING We use Just the Right Pressure for Better Cleaning Eliminate further growth of lichen, moss and black mold from your roof.

Houses • Roofs Vinyl Siding • Decks Fences • Patios Vinyl Siding Mildew Retardant Application Included w/any House Cleaning


Masonry & Chimney Sweeps Locally Owned & Operated for 20 Years

Quality, Service & Dependability

Celebrating our 12th year in business!


offer expires 9/30/2020, can not be combined with any other offer or promotion

Masonry Repair & Restoration: Walkways • Patios • Pavers • Walls • Chimneys

any soft or 10% OFF onpressure washing

Call for Free Estimate 401-245-5268 We Accept All Major Credit Cards


August 2020 The Reporter

Tired of Dentistry That Doesn’t Work?

We Can Help!



The Reporter August 2020

Postmaster: Deliver by AUGUST 6th




Ground Level Storage Containers Clean • Secure Watertight Units Delivered to your Location





BACK IN THE GARAGE Member National Portable Storage Association

CUSTOM TAKE-HOME TRAYS $325 00 $22500 IN-OFFICE WHITENING $799 00 $64900



OfferExpires Expires July 31, 2020 Offer August 31st, 2020

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