The East Providence
eporter R
FEBRUARY 2021 Volume 17, no. 2
Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence •
Love is in the Air pg. 22
Townie Girls in Thrilling Come from Behind Win See page 24
The Reporter February 2021
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February 2021 The Reporter
East Providence News Briefs Covid 19 Vaccines Come to East Providence
The City has received only about 250 vaccines as of the very end of January as Rhode Island begins to roll out the muchawaited vaccination process. The mayor’s office anticipates getting more vaccine and more specific procedures to the public at large. In a statement released on January 28th, the Mayor stated that “the city was made aware this week that it has been allocated 250 doses of the COVID19 vaccine. Our EMA team has put a plan in place to get the vaccine out to those residents 75 and older who had already been registered on the RI Special Needs portal. You can find more information about the RI Special Needs portal here. https://eastprovidenceri. gov/departm.../emergency-management. The city has been informed that we will be getting more vaccine during the week of February 14 at which time we hope to be engaging in a much more comprehensive vaccination program,” said Mayor Bob DaSilva. Captain John Potvin from the East Providence Fire Department issued an alert message to City residents. “We understand that you may have many questions regarding COVID-19 and specifically the distribution of vaccines to our East Providence residents. The City has received its first batch of vaccines, totaling 250 and will be distributing those vaccines to a portion of our most vulnerable population, our 75-plus residents this weekend. The City has already identified this specific population based on residents who were PREVIOUSLY registered with the Rhode Island Special Needs Registry. If you are on this list to receive these first vaccines, you do not need to take any action. Identified residents will be contacted by city personnel in the coming days to schedule their vaccination. The City is slated to receive additional vaccines in the coming weeks and is currently working on a plan to distribute those vaccines to all populations. The distribution will be based on need and with guidance from the RI Dept. of Health. Additional information on which populations will receive those future vaccines, when they will receive it and how, will be posted on the City’s website at, and on the City’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter social platforms in the coming weeks. We ask that you continue to remain patient as the City begins its rollout,” added Captain Potvin.
Amore, Lawson Seek State Help to Acquire Metacomet
Rep. Gregg Amore and Sen. Val Lawson call for state help in acquiring Metacomet A joint press release by Amore (D-Dist. 65, East Providence) and Lawson (D-Dist. 14, East Providence) declared that the two will be introducing resolutions calling for the state to help the City of East Providence with the costs of acquiring Metacomet Golf Course for the purpose of protecting urban public open green space in the city.
The Amore – Lawson Press Statement
“Urban public open green space is an extremely limited resource in our state and during the rare scenarios when this land becomes available to the public, we as elected leaders must do everything in our power to protect and support urban public open green spaces for the betterment of our residents. The historic and beautiful Metacomet Golf Course in East Providence is one of these urban green spaces and the state, under existing law, has a duty to protect this island of urban green space from demolition and development. The research is clear that urban public green spaces such as Metacomet provide a litany of positive attributes for the surrounding community, including climate change prevention, rising continued on next page...
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The Reporter February 2021
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Inside This Issue Business Directory...........31 Church News..................21 City News......................13 Classifieds..................... 30 Clubs...........................15 Letters...............................12 Library...............................29 Love is in the Air...............22 News Briefs..........................3 Obituaries.......................26 People............................20 Restaurant & Dining.............23 School..........................17 Scouts........................25 Senior Center...................28 Sports..........................24
property values, outdoor recreation, improving an urban climate, and the overall general wellbeing of residents with access to urban public open green spaces. Simply put, the community of East Providence would be best served with the preservation of Metacomet Golf Course for public use and I will continue to work with state officials in order to protect this rare urban public open green space,” said Representative Amore. “Preserving the urban green space of the Metacomet Golf Course is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the residents of East Providence that will greatly benefit our community and the many generations to come. Green open areas in our urban core such as the Metacomet Golf Course are disappearing rapidly and we must preserve what we still can so that our all of our residents have access to urban public open green space and its proven benefits,” said Senator Lawson. The resolutions will direct the Director of the Department of Administration to take all necessary steps to prepare and budget the state’s share of the costs, as provided in Chapter 4 of Title 32 of the Rhode Island General laws, for the acquisition of the Metacomet Golf Course by the City of East Providence.” At last month’s city council meeting, the council voted to hire an attorney who will hire an appraiser to set an independent market value to the property, as required by eminent domain law. The appraisal process is expected to take several weeks. In response to the Amore-Lawson proposed legislation, operators of the ‘Keep Metacomet Green’ (KMG) social media page, issued a response. The KMG statement said, in part, “This is a great step forward and we owe a big debt of gratitude to Rep. Amore for his leadership. Rep. Amore’s resolution encompasses nearly every argument that Keep Metacomet Green! (KMG) has been setting forth since July 2020 in its grassroots effort to preserve the open and green space of Metacomet. As such, KMG totally supports Rep. Amore’s resolution and calls upon the legislators representing East Providence residents in both houses of the General Assembly to not only support the resolution, but to advocate for its passage with their State House colleagues and the leaders of the House and Senate,” said the KMG statement. The statement also thanked Senator Val Lawson for jointly sponsoring the bill in the RI Senate.
Clarification on Marshall’s Initial Variance Request on Metacomet
In last month’s edition of the Reporter, a story on the request from the Marshall Corporation to rezone Metacomet stated that the City Council had rejected that petition. A leader of the KMG group, Candy Seel, wrote to say the story was incorrect and asked for a correction. “Marshall pulled its petition before the Council’s scheduled vote on September 25,” said Ms. Seel. Seel maintained that there was no Council vote. Councilman Bob Rodericks, who supplied the content of that article to the Reporter, responded. “Candy Seel is correct. I did answer Mrs. Seel regarding her concern. While the council that night did not formally vote because Marshall withdrew their rezoning request, we were asked to explain how we would have voted. Each council member gave an opinion, and the tally was 4 would have voted against, while 1 would have approved. So, it wasn’t a formal recorded vote but it served to inform everyone. The bottom line of the article was that 4 were against, 1 in favor of the Marshall plan. Thank you, Mrs. Seel, for seeking specific clarification,” said Rodericks. “The distinction matters because having withdrawn their petition, Marshall cannot come back before the Council with substantially the same request for 18 months. Had there been a vote to deny, that prohibition would not be in effect,” added Ms. Seel.
City Council Supports Resuming Normal Business Hours in City
(At press time the State of RI has relaxed much of the restriction on restaurant dining, gyms, spas and some other facilities. Restaurants can now operate at regular business hours. However, restaurant bar areas must remain closed to patrons, disappointing owners of small venues who depend on that bar business.) The City Council approved a resolution last month asking the Governor and General Assembly to adjust closing time restrictions for local businesses. The resolution sponsored by Ward Three Councilman Nate Cahoon, received unanimous council support. “I think it’s time for these businesses to return to somewhat normal operating hours, with proper social distancing in place,” said Cahoon. “We need to provide as much economic relief to these businesses as possible,” Cahoon said. The resolution said, in part: in response to the global pandemic related to COVID-19 the State of Rhode has implemented several executive orders and health directives to control the rate of infection. one such measure of November 8, 2020, mandates closing times for businesses of 10:00pm on weekdays and 10:30pm on weekends. while these measures were well-intentioned, the East Providence City Council has not been presented with any report, study, or scientific evidence indicating that such measures
February 2021 The Reporter effectively control the spread of the Coronavirus or reduce the rate of positive COVID-19 tests, or related hospitalizations and deaths. East Providence businesses are compelled to implement all enacted measures related to facial coverings; social distancing; etc., regardless of their hours of operation. Restrictions on closing times have caused significant harm to East Providence businesses already reeling from the economic impacts of COVID-19. In the unanimous vote, the Council resolution urged the Governor and the Rhode Island General Assembly to “take immediate action to allow East Providence businesses to resume normal operating hours, in accordance with state law; and that the Governor and General Assembly take immediate action to provide additional, substantial financial relief to those East Providence businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting prevention measures.” The Cranston City Council and some others have passed similar resolutions. Lt. Governor Dan McKee is known to also favor such requests. Except for ‘sitting at a bar’ it now appears that the restrictions have been relaxed.
City Pitches RIDOT on Proposal for Connection Between Three Communities
The City has issued a press release regarding a proposal for the Henderson Bridge. The state is in the process of rebuilding the Henderson or “Old Red Bridge” which carries traffic between Providence’s East Side and East Providence. “The city of East Providence under Mayor Bob DaSilva’s direction is working on a proposal that would create connectivity between the East Side of Providence, Rumford and Seekonk. The proposal is to take the existing Henderson Expressway (which is slated for improvements in Phase II of the Henderson Bridge replacement project) and develop it into two lanes of travel. The proposal features a center parkway/walkway/bikeway dividing the east and westbound lanes and connection to the Seekonk River Crossing parcel via a roundabout (to replace the Broadway Bridge) allowing travelers to continue on to Pawtucket Avenue.” An original plan called for the Henderson Bridge to continue East and connect to I 195 or Pawtucket Avenue. It was never completed. The DaSilva plan is to “create a new route of travel for pedestrians, bicyclist, motorists and even mass transit via a potentially new Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA) bus route,” Mayor Bob DaSilva wrote in his letter to RIDOT Dir. Peter Alviti. The City has also made its pitch to RIPTA seeking its input and potential support in creating a new transit hub in the vicinity of Pawtucket Avenue and has outlined the potential the specific project has for enhancing transit connections within the City. “Mayor DaSilva also believes a partnership between East Providence and RIDOT, with support from federal and state delegation, could provide the city and state with federal grant opportunities to fund the project,” continued the statement from City Hall.
Schools On Site Testing for Students and Staff that are Asymptomatic
Kathryn M. Crowley, Superintendent of Schools has announced that the East Providence School District will be providing asymptomatic testing to students and staff in the coming weeks. Consent letters were to be emailed to all parents and “must be returned to your child’s school no later than Friday, January 22, 2021. Tests will be administered during school hours to those students with signed consent slips only starting the week of January 25th,” said Crowley. “We will also schedule one night of testing at your child’s school if you would like to accompany your child. This Binax test antigen card is a one-minute test and results will be available within 15 minutes. If your child is positive, the school nurse will call you.” The BinaxNow COVID-1 Antigen Test is a voluntary self-swab test. Students 12 years old and older can swab themselves but observed by a trained staff. Younger students will be swabbed by the school nurse. These cards take less than one minute to administer and are NOT the “deep nose” swabs that are found at other state testing sites. The BinaxNOW swabs work by swabbing the inside of each nostril five times in a circular motion and placing the swab on an antigen test card for results. This is an asymptomatic test designed to detect COVID-19 where no symptoms are present, helping to further prevent the potential spread of the virus within all schools. School winter athletics will be required to participate in the testing and will be observed by the athletic trainer, Amanda Moran. Athletes will be provided more information from our Athletic Director. Students will receive more information from their Principal regarding testing dates. continued on next page...
The East Providence
Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence
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The Reporter February 2021
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Rep. Gregg Amore Supports School COVID-19 Vaccination Plan
Rep. Gregg Amore (D-Dist. 65, East Providence) is supporting an effort by the East Providence School Department and School Committee to have teachers and support staff included in the state’s Phase One COVID-19 vaccination plan. Currently, only hospital workers, first responders, and residents and employees of long-term care facilities are included in Phase One of the plan. “As we continue to grapple with this pandemic, the vaccine has brought hope to so many that returning to our normal way of life is within reach, but in order to accomplish this, we must make the best use of our limited amount of vaccine doses. It is within this spirit that I am supporting the East Providence School Department and School Committee by urging health officials to include teachers and educational support staff within the Phase One COVID-19 vaccination plan,” said Representative Amore. “The Department of Homeland Security considers educators ‘critical infrastructure workers’ but they have been left out of the vaccination plan. And with so many children returning, or have already returned, to in-person learning, we must protect the health and safety of our educational staff who are so crucial to the healthy development process of our youth. I support the East Providence School Department’s efforts by urging the Department of Health to protect these crucial members of our community by adding them to the Phase One vaccination plan – they and our children deserve it,” concluded Representative Amore.
Council Adopts Ordinance on Large Donation Boxes
The City Council approved an ordinance in January which would regulate the placement and monitoring of exterior donation boxes within the city. The ordinance was introduced by Council President Robert Britto & Council Vice President Bob Rodericks. “The purpose of this article is to regulate the placement of unattended donation boxes within the city,” said President Britto. Council members related that donation boxes are often not monitored well and show visible signs of “overflowing debris and in some cases actual trash.” “We want to ensure that unattended donation boxes do not pose a hazard to pedestrian and vehicular traffic; and that material is not allowed to accumulate outside of the unattended donation boxes where it can be scattered by adverse weather conditions, animal contacts and human activities; and Establish criteria that avoid attracting vermin, unsightliness, and public health hazard,” said Britto and Rodericks. The ordinance stated in part that, a person, entity, association or organization who places, maintains or operates unattended donation box(es) to solicit donations of salvageable personal property must get a permit and be responsible for such donation boxes. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, place, maintain or operate any collection bin without first obtaining a permit issued by the Building Official. An unattended donation box means any unattended container, receptacle, or similar device that is located on any property within the city used for soliciting and collecting donations of clothing or other salvageable personal property. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, place, maintain or operate any collection bin without first obtaining a permit issued by the Building Official. A permit issued under this article shall be valid for one year and renewable for one‐year periods thereafter. The operator who will maintain or operate the unattended donation box must be qualified to solicit donations of salvageable personal property pursuant to Rhode Island General Laws. The proposed location and placement of an unattended donation box on the property owner’s real property must be in compliance with all applicable laws and will not impede pedestrian,
February 2021 The Reporter bicycle, site distances onto adjacent streets or vehicular traffic. This ordinance, along with the new trash receptacle policy in the City, “will go a long way to keeping our streets and properties safe and clean,” was a sentiment of the Council.
Martin Middle School Teacher Recognition
Paul Tarasevich of Edward R. Martin Middle School in East Providence was chosen among K–8 educators nationwide for “best-in-class use of i-Ready® and/or Ready®” teaching. In a January 6, 2021 press release from Curriculum Associates, LLC, the research-based entity, said “Curriculum Associates has named Paul Tarasevich of Edward R. Martin Middle School in East Providence, RI to its 2021 class of Extraordinary Educators, an annual program that celebrates and connects exemplar teachers from around the country. Tarasevich is among 44 teachers from 26 states and Washington, DC chosen for this honor that recognizes educators who exhibit best-in-class use of i-Ready and/or Ready, illustrate growth and achievement via formal assessments, demonstrate innovation and engagement practices for students, are evangelists for high standards and student achievement, and have been teaching for at least two years.” “It goes without saying that this has been an unprecedented school year that has challenged educators, students, and families alike,” said Rob Waldron, CEO of Curriculum Associates. “However, this group of Extraordinary Educators - like so many other educators across the country has more than risen to the occasion. We are proud to recognize Paul for his hard work, dedication, and innovative best practices that continue to positively impact the students they serve.” continued on next page...
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The Reporter February 2021
This year’s Extraordinary Educators, who were chosen from among hundreds of nominations, will have access to a network of peers from around the country to collaborate, connect, and learn from throughout the year, as well as receive unique professional development opportunities from Curriculum Associates. They will also be invited to participate and present at the Extraordinary Educators Leadership Summit, as well as other professional learning events throughout the year. “I’m excited to be named an Extraordinary Educator because I want to learn from fellow educators and share successes that I’ve had in my classroom,” said Tarasevich. “Teaching is a reflective practice in which we are constantly looking for ways to improve student outcomes. I’m eager to open up and share the accomplishments we have had at Martin Middle School over the past few years, as well as learn, network, and share with educators around the country.”
Today, Curriculum Associates’ programs are used in almost half of Rhode Island school districts. Founded in 1969, Curriculum Associates, LLC designs research-based print and online instructional materials, screens and assessments, and data management tools. The company’s products and outstanding customer service provide teachers and administrators with the resources necessary for teaching diverse student populations and fostering learning for all students.
Rep. Kazarian Elected House Majority Whip
Rep. Katherine S. Kazarian (D-Dist. 63, East Providence) was elected to the position of House Majority Whip last month at a virtual House Democratic caucus. The Majority Whip is the third-highest ranking position within the Rhode Island House of Representatives and Whip Kazarian is only the second woman to hold the position. Kazarian will work closely as part of the Democratic Leadership Team headed by Speaker K. Joseph Shekarchi and Majority Leader Christopher Blazejewski. “To say this is a tremendous honor would be an understatement and I thank Speaker Shekarchi, Leader Blazejewski, and my colleagues in the House for their votes of confidence in my ability to be the new House Whip. Our state is facing significant challenges over the course of this year and I am eager to work with my fellow legislators in order to set Rhode Island on a path to recovery,” said Whip Kazarian. In a State House statement, a Representative spokesperson said that Kazarian was first elected in 2013. “She has a strong background in the tech field, having previously worked at both Upserve and Virgin Pulse, and was previously a Senior Planner for the City of Pawtucket. Whip Kazarian received a bachelor’s degree in urban studies and economics from Columbia University’s Barnard College and was inspired to run for office by President Barack Obama’s commencement address to her graduating class in 2012.” Sen. McCaffrey, Rep. Kazarian to introduce legislation to streamline marriage solemnizations, remove legislature from process: Senate Majority Leader Michael J. McCaffrey (D-Dist. 29, Warwick) and House Majority Whip Katherine S. Kazarian (D-Dist. 63, East Providence) plan to introduce legislation that would authorize the governor to designate any person to solemnize a marriage. As it currently stands, only the General Assembly can authorize individuals to solemnize a marriage. “It is an inconvenience to the people Providing Orthodontic care in of Rhode Island that they need to seek a formal act of law just because they want a South Attleboro / / Vineyard Haven friend or family member to officiate at their (508) 761-5230 / (508) 336-3066 / (508) 693-3766 wedding,” said Leader McCaffrey. “Votes and committee meetings are also a very inefficient way to handle what amounts to a clerical task. Getting married should be a Read Our Reviews! joyous occasion, and there’s no reason the state needs to bog it down with red tape.” * Seekonk location is minutes from our former East Providence location! continued on page 10...
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February 2021 The Reporter
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The Reporter February 2021
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The act would allow the governor to designate any person who is eligible to vote to solemnize a marriage within the state on a particular day and within a particular city or town. The authorization would expire upon completion of the marriage. A fee in the amount of $25 would be a prerequisite and would be payable to the secretary of state, or a fee of $20 for applications that are submitted electronically. “This bill will modernize the process by placing it online and ensuring that it’s available to all Rhode Islanders year round,” said Whip Kazarian. “Some time ago, I was contacted by a constituent in July about their nuptials scheduled for September. Unfortunately, the General Assembly had already concluded its session for the year and there was no other alternative possible. It broke my heart when I had to tell my constituent there was nothing I could do to ensure their perfect wedding with the officiant of their choice and this is why this legislation is needed to modernize our system in Rhode Island.”
Sen. Lawson Named Senate Deputy Majority Leader
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Sen. Valarie J. Lawson (D-Dist. 14, East Providence) has been appointed by Senate President Dominick J. Ruggerio to serve as a deputy majority leader in the Senate for the 2021-2022 legislative session. “To be appointed to the leadership of the Senate is a true honor, and I thank President Ruggerio, Leader McCaffrey and the rest of my colleagues in the Senate for trusting in my abilities to execute this important role in the chamber. Rhode Island is facing substantial challenges this year, but I am confident that through collaboration and hard-work, we will weather this storm. The Rhode Island Senate is eager to tackle these significant problems for the betterment of our state and its residents,” said Senator Lawson. Senator Lawson, who is serving her second term in the Rhode Island Senate, is also the Secretary of the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services and the Secretary of the Senate Committee on Special Legislation and Veterans’ Affairs. Senator Lawson is a Social Studies teacher at East Providence High School and is Vice President of the National Education Association Rhode Island. In addition, Senator Lawson is the former President of the East Providence Education Association.
City Rolls Out Two Initiatives to Address Residents’ Housing Needs
The City of East Providence has rolled out two new initiatives to assist residents negatively impacted by COVID-19. Mayor Bob DaSilva, together with the City’s Finance Department and Office of Community Development, has rolled out a Housing Assistance Program and an opportunity for Tax Sale relief. The Housing Assistance Program will provide assistance to eligible tenants/homeowners who are facing financial hardship, specifically due to the pandemic
February 2021 The Reporter and are at risk of eviction or foreclosure. In addition, Mayor DaSilva also signed Executive Order 2021-004, which postpones the annual tax sale process to December 2021. With the tax sale scheduled for May 1, 2022, this will allow the taxpayer additional time to become current and therefore not be subject to the $300 levy fee. “Our City’s residents are facing challenging times during this pandemic,” Mayor DaSilva said. “With these two initiatives, we are able to provide our eligible resident tenants, landlords/homeowners with some of relief from financial hardship during a difficult time.” The Housing Assistance Program is designed for eligible tenants/homeowners who are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19 and are at risk of eviction or foreclosure that might result in becoming homeless. Owner occupied landlords are eligible for this program and may also initiate on behalf of their tenants. Applicants should prepare a short explanation of how COVID-19 has caused a financial hardship that has put them at risk of eviction or foreclosure.
For more information or to apply:
Call the Community Development office at (401) 435-7536, visit us online at www. under Departments/ Community Development, or email or dbachrach@
Pre-K Lottery in May 2021
The Rhode Island Department of Education will be holding a lottery in early May 2021 for the East Providence PreKindergarten Program. To receive notification when the lottery opens for registration, please call 401-270-7571 or email eperez@
City Dems Elect Slate of Officers
The East Providence Democratic City Committee recently met to reorganize and elect a slate of officers for the 2021-2023 term. The following were elected: • Chairman: Bruce Rogers • Vice Chairman: Kevin Braga • Treasurer: Charles Dwyer • Recording Secretary: Stephanie Vinhateiro • Corresponding Secretary: Susann Della Rosa The East Providence Democratic City Committee is comprised of sixty men and women who represent the four wards in the city. Prior to the pandemic, in-person monthly meetings were held on the fourth Monday of each month. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, Zoom meetings have replaced the in-person meetings, according to recording secretary Stephanie Vinhateiro.
Congratulations to Lt. Michael Rapoza, Sgt. Stephen Rodrigues, Sgt. Andrew Dubois, Detective Corporal Warren Caldwell and Detective Corporal Dennis Medeiros on their promotions! All were formally sworn in by Mayor DaSilva late last month.
The Reporter February 2021
Letters to the Editor... The comments in Letters to the Editor, Opinion Columns and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication...It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented in an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion.
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Please Note: • Letters MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters MUST arrive by the 20th of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!
Let's Meet in the Middle
There has been much discussion and debate in East Providence over the fate of Metacomet Country Club. You will recall that the facility, which had been under financial duress for years, was sold to a group of investors, who in turn sold it to a local developer. That developer then submitted a proposal to the City for development of the site. Because that proposal required a zoning change, a zoning request was submitted to the City. Since then, as is often the case is in these matters there has been much back and forth between the City, citizens, nearby neighbors and the developer. But, as is often the case, there are two diametrically opposed groups involved. There are those who say “No development of the property is acceptable”. And there are those who say “Private enterprise should have the right to pursue any development as they see fit within the confines of local rules and ordinances”. Good and solid arguments can, and have been made for either position. Normally there’s a solution that lies somewhere in the middle. That does not seem to be the case here, as the opposition seems bent on preserving the property “as is” and proposes that the City take it by eminent domain. And the City seems somewhat persuaded by that argument. For me personally, I have no dog in this fight, but urge both sides to sit back and consider their position. First, for the City to take the property by eminent domain, they would probably have a long and expensive legal battle on their hands. Eminent domain proceedings are difficult to pursue and should be considered only as an absolute last resort. There are very stringent requirements for any eminent domain action. And in the end, the City (and taxpayers) must come up with reasonable funds to make a major purchase of property that is a potential major tax revenue producer. A quick on-line review of Rhode Island Eminent Domain laws says that the owner of property being taken is entitled to a minimum of 150 percent of the fair market value of the property being seized, as compensation. On the other side is the added cost to the developer of expending additional funds for a project that is already a major financial undertaking. And they run the risk of alienating themselves from the City for future projects. The solution should be for both sides to meet somewhere in the middle. But eminent domain should only be considered by the City only as an absolute last resort. And then, only within the confines of existing Rhode Island Eminent Domain law. Robert Amman East Providence, RI 02914
NEWS Deadline:
is the 23rd of each month Send News To
February 2021 The Reporter
City News Four EP Trees Designated as “Champion” Trees by the Rhode Island Tree Council
City Hall released a press statement announcing a “tree designation” for four local trees. When John Campanini of the Rhode Island Tree Council, visited East Providence to measure the Weaver Beech Tree, located in front of Weaver Library, he was surprised to find that three other trees qualified as Champion Trees. The trees were significant for their size as well as cultural and historical Weaver Library Tree importance in Rhode Island. This year, the Weaver Copper Beech is listed among the top 10 in Rhode Island alongside the Weaver Gingko, which ranked as fourth largest in the state. East Providence is also home to a tall Red Oak between the post office and the Weaver House, which measured 20th in the state. The City’s greatest champion may be the Eastern Cottonwood tree near the RIDOT facility on Warren Avenue, which was awarded as the No.1 Champion Tree of this species in the entire state. RI Tree Council has provided a certificate of authenticity to the city of East Providence for these notable tree specimens. The designation of the Copper Beech as a Champion Tree will also help with securing funding for care and preservation of the tree. The tree is in need of pruning and the soil around the tree is compacted, threatening the health of the tree. RI Tree Council will help the City address these issues in early spring of next year. In July, East Providence Urban Forest, a group of neighbors working to conserve the City’s trees for future generations, submitted the application for the Weaver Copper Beech. “Submitting the application for the tree was done to highlight the importance of mature trees as champions of our urban forest,” Jenn Tierney of EPUF said. “Mature trees reduce air pollution by 60 percent, along with asthma, skin cancer and hypertension, to name a few benefits.” “Trees, like the Newman Red Oak, are also important to East Providence’s history and culture -- not to mention beauty,” Tierney added. “Thank you to RI Tree Council for awarding these champion trees here in East Providence,” Mayor Bob DaSilva said. “This award will not only provide recognition for the importance of the trees, but also give the city the financial resources to keep them alive for many more years.” RI Tree Council is also partnering with the city of East Providence on a tree planting and Arbor Day Celebration at the Hull Street Park & Playground adjacent to Whiteknact Elementary School, in April 2021. RI Tree will provide the trees and necessary equipment for planting shade trees in several locations around the park and playground, as well as a row of tall growing arborvitaes to provide a visual and sound barrier between the park and Interstate-195. This spring, the East Providence Parks Department is also working directly with East Providence Urban Forest to organize neighborhood tree inventory sessions to create a precise map of the city’s urban forest. More details to follow in early 2021.
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The Reporter February 2021
Mayor’s Community Advisory Board Rolls Out 2021 Initiatives Encourages Community Participation
The East Providence Mayor’s Community Advisory Board (MCAB), created in August to promote communication between communities within the City and the administration and to discuss systemic racism and to promote the values of diversity and inclusivity within the City, has rolled out its initiatives for 2021. Since its formation in August 2020, CAB set the ball in motion naming its officers. Those officers include: Chairperson Michelle Nuey, Vice Chairperson Tatiana DosSantos and Secretary Krista Moravec. “Since our inception we have engaged in deep, meaningful conversation,” Nuey said. “Now, we’ve determined on which areas we would like to focus our attention; how we will express our communities’ concerns; and how we will offer suggestions to Mayor DaSilva and his administration. “But in order to do that, we are looking to the community at large for their participation,” Nuey added. “Our meetings are a safe place for community members of diverse backgrounds to share their stories, experiences and most importantly, share solutions.” The Board, which includes a total of 17 individuals from a broad range of social and professional backgrounds, has narrowed down its initiatives to a number of areas of focus for the year, rolled out a new speaker series to be held during its monthly meetings and launched a social media presence. “My hope for the board is that we can make a difference in the lives of East Providence people of color. This is my passion. I’m honored to serve alongside so many amazing people and for my amazing city,” Vice Chair Tatiana DosSantos said. “We need to get comfortable being uncomfortable,” Mayor Bob DaSilva said. “This is the first step in a lengthy, but necessary, process of creating a healthy dialogue to promote the values of diversity and inclusivity, not only here in the city, but throughout the state and our nation. “I look forward to working with Community Advisory Board members and Elmer Pina, the city’s newly named Municipal Integrity Officer to continue that dialogue with the community,” Mayor DaSilva added.
The Community Advisory Board’s 2021 focus areas and goals include: Community Engagement: Social Media platform, Surveys/ Needs Assessment, Community Presence, Concerns related to systemic racism and institutional bias Education: Develop extracurricular opportunities which promote diversity, cultural awareness, anti-racism education
Police/Community Relations and Agency Integrity
Advancements to enhance police integrity, accountability, community policing; Recruitment and retention strategies; Understanding use of force, field and vehicle stops; Bias-based policing and implicit biased training; Creation of educational tools; Rhode Island Police Chiefs Association 20 for 2020 campaign
Institutional Diversity & Equity/Representation across systems: Representation Across Systems; Representation on city
boards, departments and committees; Informing and identifying pipelines that enhance representation; Addressing systemic racism through awareness (Redlining) Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month (currently via Zoom). For more information on meetings, please visit the city website at
February Preparations Underway for Special EPVME Veterans’ Event
On Saturday, Feb. 20, from 10 a. m. to noon, the public is invited to help prepare for the EP Veterans’ Memorial Expressway (EPVME) Re-dedication ceremony. 1. Donations of plastic or silk, solid red, solid white, and solid blue, carnations or roses, and greenery, can be dropped off in the Pierce Field parking lot. These will be used to decorate the bridge memorial signs. 2. If you have NOT been able to do so VIA THE INTERNET, names for the EP Military Service Honor Roll CAN BE SUBMITTED ON PAPER and DROPPED OFF. Please provide in memory of or in honor of, last name, rank, first name, middle initial or name, military event/years or country, KIA, MIA, POW, active duty, reserves, etc., and branch. Please include a phone #, email address, or SASE, to confirm receipt and to contact you in case there is a need to clarify the information. View more details about the EP Military Service Honor Roll and present names posted at www.ephist. org. Deadline is Oct. 1, 2021. The most recent EP Military Service Honor Roll will be included in the virtual ceremony. Welcome to Planta Wellness 3. Making a videotape of part of the Nov. 6th ceremony is underway. Need to borrow The East Bay’s Premier flags of each branch of the military service, CBD & Wellness Boutique MIA, POW, USA (50-100 flags), RI, and EP on poles and a large USA flag without a Focusing on your health pole. Volunteers to videotape the event and inside and out edit the video are needed. Please email to arrange a one Revitalize * Restore day loan of the flags or to receive the time to meet to videotape and any last minute or Also offering nontoxic cosmetics and supplements rain date info via email. The video will become part of a virtual ceremony to be available to people who Join Us for Our Grand Opening ~ February 12th cannot attend the Nov. 6th EPVME re-dedication ceremony. Details how to reserve a First 25 customers will receive a complimentary copy will be published later. Revitalize * Restore gift bag Further ceremony details and the volunteers needed, as well as the names of veterans with bridge memorials (seeking Located next to Grapes & Grains to contact their relatives, see the Jan. Re24 Bosworth St. Barrington, R.I. 02806 • 401-561-1234 porter) are posted at com/view/epvmer2021
February 2021 The Reporter
Club News & ANNOUNCEMENTS Be A Lighthouse Friend
The year 2021 will be a most exciting time for Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, as it marks its 150th a n n i v e r s a r y. Events are being planned throughout the year for members and the community to celebrate this jubilee year. You can join in the celebration by becoming a member of Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse. Members will have an opportunity to be actively involved in planning and participating in commemorative events. All members receive a subscription to Pomham Glow newsletter, to keep you informed of programs and activities. As a member, you have the privilege of a discounted rate on boat trips to the lighthouse and invitation to members-only events. For just $30, you can join as a Lighthouse Keeper (individual membership), or for $15, Assistant Keeper (student membership). Surprise the whole family with a Keeper Family membership (for those who live in the same household) for $50. Or provide additional support for East Providence’s historic lighthouse by purchasing family membership at select levels: $75 for Lighthouse Lampist, $100 for Lighthouse Inspector, $250 for Lighthouse Superintendent or $500 for Commissioner of Lighthouse Service. Corporate memberships are also available at $250. Memberships are renewable annually. The membership year is from January 1 to December 31. Membership at these select levels will also receive special gifts: an 8” x 10” color photo of the lighthouse for Lampist; photo and Pomham Rocks Lighthouse boxed keychain for Inspector; photo, keychain and mug for Inspector; and photo, keychain, mug and a copy of the book, Rhode Island Lighthouses, for the Commissioner level. Whatever level you choose, you will feel the personal satisfaction in knowing that your gift membership assists with the support and preservation of this historic maritime light station and museum. Join now by sending a check, made payable to Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, to Membership Chair, Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse, P.O. Box 15121, Riverside, RI 02915. A membership package, including a welcome letter, membership card, newsletter and lighthouse sticker and special gifts will be sent. Email with any questions.
Located on an island off the coast of East Providence, Pomham Rocks Lighthouse is the last surviving lighthouse in upper Narragansett Bay. The Lighthouse was built in 1871 and served as a navigational aid to the brisk shipping traffic in the Providence River until the Coast Guard decommissioned it in 1974. Since 2004, the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse have made it their mission to protect and preserve this landmark that is listed on the National Register of Historical Places.
The Rhode Island Rose Society News
Need some Beauty in your life? The Rhode Island Rose Society is holding its monthly meeting on Saturday, February 13, 2021 on Zoom at 10:00 - 12:30. Our program will be an informative presentation on “How to take great pictures of Roses” by Award-winning photographer, Jacqui Nye. Find us at to get on the Zoom Meeting or to become a member of the RI Rose Society.
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The Reporter February 2021
Rotary Club of East Providence/Seekonk Announces Scholarship Program for High School Seniors $1,000 scholarship deadline is March 08, 2021
The Rotary Club of East Providence, RI /Seekonk, MA announces the deadline for its annual scholarship program for 2021. Each year, the Rotary Club awards $1,000 scholarship each to four graduating seniors from the following schools: East Providence High School, East Providence Career & Technical Center, Saint Mary’s Bay View Academy, and Seekonk High School. Deadline for the application is March 08, 2021. “The purpose of the scholarship is to reward a local high school student who best exemplifies the criteria of service, leadership and
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academic achievement,” states Elisabeth Galligan, 2020-2021 president of the Rotary Club of East Providence/Seekonk, MA. “Consideration is also given to need, and applicants must be a resident of East Providence or Seekonk.” Interested students should obtain the official application form from their school guidance counselor. He/she would complete the application form and return it to their guidance counselor directly by the deadline. The Rotary Club’s Educational Trust Scholarship Committee then selects the recipients from a pool of the most deserving applicants submitted by each school’s guidance department. Chartered in 1946, the Rotary Club of East Providence, RI/ Seekonk, MA is a local club of Rotary International, based in Chicago, IL. Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. The Rotary Club of East Providence/Seekonk meet’s at Chelo’s Restaurant 911 Warren Ave. East Providence, RI (1st & 3rd) Monday’s a month at 12:15 pm. For more information, contact Club Service Director Stephen J. Propatier at 508-336-9007 or write: PO Box 14303, East Providence, RI 02914: or Web Site:
Jules Hope Chest Reindeer Raffle Winners Announced
Jules Hope Chest a local non-profit is proud to announce the winners for our Reindeer Raffle Winners from our 25 days of Christmas daily raffle from the 1st - 25th of December 2020. Below the Established 2005 winners are listed for all to read. Reindeer Raffle Winners Announced: ($50.00 daily prize) Thank you to all who supported our 1st Ever Reindeer Raffle the 25 Days of Christmas Drawings. The proceeds helped our 8th Annual Joe Silva Toy Drive. 12/1 – Karen Panzarella; 12/2 – Lisa America’s fiscal policy is Bento; 12/3 – Jumella Thornton; 12/4 – broken in many ways. From Donna & Emma; 12/5 – May Murphy; 12/6 agenda-based stimulus packages – Margaret Patterson*; 12/7 – Margaret to fiscal fraud, financially Patterson*; 12/8 – Steve Zog; 12/9 – Cheryl Cunha; 12/10 – Lisa Antonio; 12/11 – Ryan irresponsible decisions by Thain; 12/12 – Richard Lobello; 12/13 – Judy political leaders have left the Silva; 12/14 – Richard Lobello*; 2/15 – Karen hard-working American middle Panzarella; 12/16 – Derrick Bordon; 12/17 – class to struggle between Donna & Emma; 12/18 – Paula Paiva*; 12/19 periodic unemployment and a – David Martins; 12/20 – Tabitha Martins*; national paradigm that favors 12/21 – Andrea Lemire*; 12/22 – Derrick corporatism. In this short Bordon; 12/23 – Steve Zog; 12/24 – Richard political treatise, David DeLuca Lobello; 12/25 – Zack Oz lays out a simple solution that *Donated winnings back to the Toy Drive via Jules Hope Chest. will inspire the working American Ticket Seller / Winner Incentives: and redeem the American dream. 1st Prize Top Seller: Donna Silva (Prize $20 Visa GC) 2nd Prize Top Seller: Tracy Capobianco (Prize $15 Dunkin GC) 3rd Prize Top Seller: Mariah Medeiros (Prize $10 Old Navy GC) Congratulations & Thank you for your help!! (Prizes for Sellers are being mailed to your homes.) About the Author: David DeLuca, born on May 2nd 2000, is a Stay tuned for 2021 announcements… current Seekonk resident who graduated from Seekonk High For more information regarding our nonSchool. He currently volunteers in multiple political organizations profit organization please visit us at www. as well as working full time as a computer technician.
February 2021 The Reporter
SCHOOL NEWS Scholarship Applications Available
East Providence residents who are high school seniors or who are undergraduates in an accredited college, community college, technical or vocational school are eligible to apply for a scholarship from Scholarship Foundation (SF) of East Providence. Students who live in East Providence and attend public, private or parochial school in another location, or who are home-schooled, are eligible to apply. Last year SF of East Providence awarded more than $208,000 in scholarships. Each student receives a scholarship package of at least $1,100. Due to the challenges associated with the pandemic, students are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible. In order to complete the application, high school students will have to contact their guidance counselor to complete a section, and enrolled students will need to contact their college bursar to order transcripts. All information is due by the deadline and applicants need to allow time for receipt of these essential documents. Applications for graduating seniors are available in the guidance offices at East Providence High School, St. Mary’s Academy Bay View, St. Raphael Academy, LaSalle Academy, Bishop Feehan, Bishop Hendricken, St. Andrew’s, Barrington Christian Academy, Providence Country Day and The Jacqueline M. Walsh School for the Performing and Visual Arts. Applications can also be completed online and printed from the Scholarship Foundation’s website, www. Applicants can contact Susan Jordan, Scholarship Foundation Senior Awards Chair, at 401-437-0062 or Completed senior application must be postmarked by March 19, 2021. A different application is needed for students already attending a college or career program. Enrolled applications are not available at high schools. Enrolled applications can be completed online and printed from the Scholarship Foundation’s website, Scholarship Foundation Enrolled Awards Chair is Debbie D’Arezzo. She can be contacted at 401-433-5745 or Completed applications for enrolled students must be postmarked by April 1, 2021.
RI Foundation Offering College Scholarships Up to $20,000 a Year
An East Providence resident is among the 24 students who have won statewide since the Carter Roger Williams scholarships were first presented in 2017. High school seniors have until Feb. 12 to apply for college scholarships of up to $20,000 a year through the Carter Roger Williams Initiative at the Rhode Island Foundation. Conceived of and funded by philanthropists Letitia and the late John Carter, the program honors the principles of the state’s founding father. “Roger Williams was a complicated man, but the pillars he aspired to resonate even in our modern era. Thanks to the vision and continued commitment of the
Carter family, young people across Rhode Island will continue to discover his values and be able to connect with them,” said Neil D. Steinberg, president and CEO of the Rhode Island Foundation. “Since the program started in 2017, 24 students have been awarded scholarships totaling $1.3 million.” continued on next page...
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The Reporter February 2021
Rhode Island high school seniors who display an appreciation for values like freedom of conscience and learning from others that Roger Williams practiced are eligible for up to $80,000 over four years based on financial need and academic good standing. Applicants must be residents of Rhode Island, high school seniors and attend a public, parochial or independent high school in Rhode Island. Candidates will be evaluated based on financial need, comprehension and application of Roger Williams’ principles and record of academic and community achievement. Taliq Tillman of East Providence is one of seven students who won in 2018. He is attending Dartmouth University. While the Carter Roger Williams Scholarships are the largest scholarships the Foundation awards, they are among nearly $3 million in scholarships the Foundation will award this year. The Carter Roger Williams Initiative also includes a free online education hub at that offers activities and discussion starters on Roger Williams and his teachings for elementary, middle and high school educators to use in their classrooms. Also available online is a comprehensive collection of verified information about Roger Williams and his life, legacy and character. The Rhode Island Foundation is the largest and most comprehensive funder of nonprofit organizations in Rhode Island. Through leadership, fundraising and grant-making activities, often in partnership with individuals and organizations, the Foundation is helping Rhode Island reach its true potential. For more information about applying for a Carter Roger Williams Scholarship, visit
Call 508-252-6575 to Advertise
Golden Ticket Winner at Sacred Heart School
Tyler Bernardo
Tyler Bernardo, a 2nd-grade student in Mrs. Sharon Chalmers’ class, was recently one of the Feinstein Jr. Scholar Golden Ticket winners! Tyler won $5,000 for Sacred Heart School and also a check for $500 for a charity of his choice. Tyler and his family chose to award the $500 to Hope & Faith Drive, LLC!
EPLAC February 24 2021 Virtual Workshop and Meeting Transition to Adult Services Workshop
Hello Parents and Caregivers. The East Providence Local Advisory Committee For Special Education, EPLAC, invites all to join our monthly meeting and workshop to be held virtually on Wednesday, February 24th at 6:30 pm. This special workshop will focus on Transition to Adult Services for Students with Developmental Disabilities. An overview of the transition process will be presented along with important information from The Office of Rehabilitation Services, (ORS), RI Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH), and the RI Parent Information Network (RIPIN). The transition process begins at age 14. There will time
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February 2021 The Reporter to ask questions during this workshop, followed by a brief EPLAC meeting. To attend, please register by email to eplac@epschoolsri. com. You will then receive a link to join the meeting. We hope to see you there! EPLAC is a committee comprised of parents of children with disabilities along with administrators, teachers and others with a concern for our children. The committee meets throughout the school year to host workshops, and share concerns and information focused on special education and your child. Come, meet the committee, other parents, and E.P. School personnel. Bring your questions and ideas. We look forward to meeting you! The public is welcome to attend all EPLAC meetings. For More Information contact:
The Future is Bright at Hennessey School #HennesseyRising
Hennessey students and staff returned to school ready to learn and continue the hard work it takes to continue to rise. Last month we focused on goal setting and we are eager to start the second half of the school year to reach those goals. We are ready to set, plan and achieve our goals by persevering and having a growth mindset, our core values for the month of February. Grade 5 student, Colby knows how to set a plan to reach a goal. He shared his goal of wanting to be better at adding and subtracting decimals so he made a plan to complete 5 iready math lessons this month to reach that goal. Way to make a plan, Colby!!! The future is bright for heroes who showcased their career aspirations for Career Day. We had doctors, veterinarians, scientists, artists, forest protectors, coaches, lawyers, designers, teachers and police officers. Grade 5 student Breeana, wants to be a baker when she grows up. She is baking a lot of cookies, especially sugar cookies with sprinkles to prepare herself for that career. Looking forward to our February spirit days, pink/red day and sports day. They are sure to be a hit!!!! Our positive office referrals continue to rise and make us proud in recognizing all the great work our heroes are doing! It’s always a great day when we can celebrate our heroes at our monthly hero assemblies because we know that Hennessey Heroes always show that we are SAFE, RESPECTFUL and PROUD!
Maria is ready for Career Day.
Justin is ready to work.
Local Residents Named to Honor Roll at the Providence Country Day School
East Providence, R.I. (January 28, 2021) - Congratulations to the following Providence Country Day School students, who have been named to the honor roll for first trimester: Thomas Allen, Class of 2024, High Honors Emmanuel Barboza, Class of 2026, Honors Marguerite Cuzzone, Class of 2024, High Honors Antonio DaPonte, Class of 2027, High Honors Anna Shamgochian, Class of 2024, High Honors Claire Shamgochian, Class of 2021, High Honors Kolby Vocke, Class of 2022, High Honors The Providence Country Day School, established in 1923, is a college preparatory school serving students in grades 6-12. The diverse student population draws from more than 45 communities throughout Southeastern New England. The school’s educational program balances rigorous academics, visual and performing arts, and competitive athletics. The mission and values are upheld by a faculty distinguished by academic excellence and deep personal commitment.
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The Reporter February 2021
People In The News EP Resident, Kaitlyn Barnett, Promoted to Director of Marketing at DiPrete Engineering
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DiPrete Engineering, a civil engineering and surveying firm located in Cranston, has announced the promotion of Kaitlyn Barnett to Director of Marketing. Kaitlyn, a resident of East Providence, RI, joined DiPrete in 2017 after working at a public relations firm in Providence. She has over 8 years of marketing and communications experience across multiple industries including A/E/C, non-profits, technology, healthcare, Kaitlyn Barnett hospitality, and more. “Kaitlyn has really stepped outside of her comfort zone, taken on responsibilities that were not necessarily in her wheelhouse, and continues to make herself more versatile in her marketing/business development role,” said Sheryl Guglielmo, Senior Project Manager at DiPrete Engineering. As part of the Business Development team at DiPrete, Kaitlyn leads the firm’s RFP/RFQ process and helps with proposal writing. She manages all aspects of the firm’s communications including company newsletters, press releases, website, social media platforms, and other marketing initiatives. Kaitlyn also oversees the design of company collateral, coordinates networking events and client meetings, and practices best SEO strategies to help the firm gain exposure in valuable markets. “Kaitlyn is a great asset to our firm and we could not be more proud of her growth,” added Sheryl. “We look forward to what her future at DiPrete holds.” Outside of work, Kaitlyn enjoys running, kayaking, and exploring new places. She also runs a food blog called Providence Eats where she highlights her favorite Rhode Island restaurants’ dishes.
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February 2021 The Reporter
CHURCH NEWS Newman UCC Racial Equity Story Time Saturday, February 6, 2021 at 10am
Area children and their families are invited to bring their energy and curiosity to a Racial Equity Story Time via Zoom. In celebration of Black History Month, we will read a collection of books about historical Black figures. Family conversations will be woven in as well as time to explore thoughts about racial equity together. For additional information and to receive the zoom link, please contact the church office at (401) 434-4742 X10 or email Christy Wynveen at more from Newman UCC on page 23...
Seekonk Congregational Church News Ash Wednesday 2/17/21 Services
Seekonk Congregational Church UCC will hold 2 in-person services on Wednesday February 17, 2021. One at noon and another at 7 PM in the Sanctuary at 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA. Masks, safe distancing and advance registration are required, the link is located on our Facebook page or Website www.SCC-UCC. com or you can send an email to and the link will be sent to you. Please call the church office at 508-3369355 if you are unable to register online and the staff will be able to assist you with registering. Please come if you feel comfortable, all are welcome. We will also record a virtual service which you can view on Seekonk Congregational Church YouTube which will be available on Wednesday February 17 at 7 AM. Confirmands and Mentors will meet on Zoom at 6:30 PM on Feb 17 to view the service together.
In Person Sunday Services
Seekonk Congregational Church UCC is open for in-person services Sundays at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary at 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA. Masks and safe distancing are required. Advance registration is requested, the link is located on our Facebook page or Website or you can send an email to and the link will be sent to you. Please call the church office at 508-336-9355 if you are unable to register online and they will be able to assist you with registering. Please come if you feel comfortable, all are welcome. We will continue to provide a virtual service at Seekonk Congregational Church YouTube.
Take Out Italian Night Dinner Saturday 2/20/21
We would like to announce that we are having a TAKE OUT ITALIAN NIGHT DINNER. We have a variety of main dishes, soups, salads and desserts for you to order. Our main dishes will serve 2. You can find our order form on our Facebook page – Seekonk Congregational Church FaceBook or our Website www.SCC-UCC. com or you can send an email to and the link will be sent to you. Please call the church office at 508-3369355 if you are unable to order online and an order form will be sent to you. You will be able to pick up your selections on Saturday February 20th between 2 and 6 PM at the Fall River Avenue Parking Lot at 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA. A confirmation email will be sent to you after you submit your order. Let SCC-UCC do the cooking for you, plan ahead and order several main dishes.
Haven United Methodist Church News
1. in-Person Worship - Sunday @ 9:30 am. For your safety, we will be following CDC and State guidelines. Bring your mask and join us! Please use the rear parking lot entrance. Services are livestreamed at and uploaded to our Haven UMC YouTube channel at https://www. 2. Thrift Store Open - We are open on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month. Face masks and contact tracing are mandatory. For more information, contact the church. We are accepting donations and are in need of household items and small appliances. Donations can be brought in when we are open, or during church office hours. Pickup is available if needed. 3. Do you or your group/organization need a place to hold meetings? Sporting events? Activities? Conferences? We have Office Space Available as well! We have a variety of spaces available from small to large, including a gym. We have an elevator and chair lift for accessibility. Contact the office for room sizes, availability and suggested donations. Haven United Methodist Church, 200 Taunton Ave., E. Providence, RI. Call 401-438-4911 or email for more information. Pastor’s Office Hours are Monday, Tuesday and Saturday from 9am to 12pm and by appointment. Church Office hours are Monday thru Wednesday from 9:30am to 4:30pm and Thursday from 9:30am to 2:30pm. Visit our website at www.
Do You Believe In God? Do You Believe In Good And Evil? Do You Believe In Heaven And Hell? If You Answered Yes to These Questions, the Next Question is, How are You Putting God in Your Life? Do You Belong to a Church? Do You Attend Church Services? Do You Pray? Are You Concerned with the Secular World? If You are a Fallen Away Catholic, Perhaps You Should Give Some Thought to Coming Back to the Church. If You Are Not Catholic, Please Give Some Thought to Joining a Church Even if it isn’t Catholic.
We Need to Change this World. That Change Starts with You! I Urge You to Visit the Web Site: At This Time When God Is Under Constant Attack, We Must Come Back To Him. Reach Out To Him, He Is There For You!
This Invitation Is From A Sinner, Who Wants You To Join Him On The Journey Back To God.
The Reporter February 2021
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Will You Be My Virtual Valentine “Two Hearts” Package
Riverside RI 02915
Spend a cozy night at home with champagne & truffles while learning the history of Champagne with this Valentine’s Day package from Linden Place Mansion. Linden Place, an 1810 historic mansion in Bristol, RI, has announced a unique way to celebrate Valentine’s Day 2021. Working in partnership with a Paris-based wine scholar, the “Two Hearts” experience will include a bottle of R’Dumont champagne, hand-picked by Grapes & Grains, handmade truffles by Sweet Lorraine’s of Barrington, a cozy fleece blanket, and history and trivia anecdotes about champagne and chocolates. Valentine’s Day aficionados will pick up their basket of treats, settle in at home, and will then Google Chat in to a very special presentation. The package is $75. “Champagne is one of the elegant extras in life,” said Charles Dickens. The presenter for the Two Hearts Package will share stories on how champagne became connected to elegance, as you relax and listen at home and let the bubbly stars dance on your palate.
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February 2021 The Reporter
Valentine's Day is Sunday, February 14th Tanisha Townsend, the Two Hearts virtual guide, has cultivated a community of wine enthusiasts through an unyielding passion for oenology. As Chief Wine Officer of lifestyle agency Girl Meets Glass, ( Tanisha leads wine classes and tours in Paris (and virtually). She also hosts the podcast, Wine School Dropout. Her goal is to empower individuals with an advanced knowledge of wine & spirits in order to build confidence in their tastes and make choices as a better-informed consumer. “We all have fantasies of sharing a personalized chauffeur driven tour of the Champagne region of France one day,” said Linden Place Executive Director Susan Battle. “But until that day arrives, why not enjoy cozying up at home with your special someone and sipping champagne as together you learn about how it is made and why it tastes so darn good, while indulging on delicious sweets, and enjoying a special shared experience.” The Two Hearts Package of treats can be picked up at Linden Place Mansion Gift Shop at 500 Hope St. Bristol, between 10 am and 5 pm on Thursday, February 11, Friday, February 12 and Saturday, February 13 from 10am-1pm. The Zoom presentation by Ms. Townsend will take place on Sunday February 14th at 5 pm. To order your Two Hearts Valentines Package, visit or call (401)253-0390 for more information. Deadline to order is February 8.
Celebrate your love by visiting one of our advertisers today! Whether it be flowers, delicious takeout, a wonderful dine in meal, or warm alpaca socks... they've got you covered! Newman UCC Board of Missions Offering Two Opportunities to Give Back
Newman UCC is holding a Valentine’s Day themed Bake Sale to raise money for Missions programs, including Crossroads RI and the Bread of Life Food Pantry. Items can be ordered in advance (deadline February 7) at and picked up curbside at Newman Church, located at 100 Newman Ave. in Rumford, on February 13 between 11 AM and 1 PM. Items must be paid for at pick up time in cash or check (made out to Newman Church), exact change appreciated. Newman Church is also collecting Hygiene Kits for Church World Service, to be distributed to disaster victims and those in need worldwide. A Hygiene Kit consists of the following: One hand towel measuring approximately 16” x 28” (no fingertip or bath towels), one washcloth, one wide-tooth comb (remove from package), one nail clipper (fingernail or toenail, remove from package), one bar of soap (bath size in wrapper), one toothbrush (in original packaging), and ten standard size Band-Aids®. Place all items in a one-gallon plastic bag with a zipper closure, remove excess air from bag, and seal. Please do not add toothpaste to the Hygiene Kit. Cartons of toothpaste that have an extended expiration date will be added to Hygiene Kit shipments just prior to shipment. Completed kits can be dropped off at Newman Church on the morning of February 23, March 16 and 30, April 13 and 27. Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is located at 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916. For more information, contact the Church Office at 401-434-4742 X10. Newman UCC is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ seeking to live the love and justice of Jesus in our community, our nation and the world.
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The Reporter February 2021
Sports roundup By Bob Rodericks
Townie Girls in Thrilling Come from Behind Win The continuing pandemic is still creating havoc with the interscholastic athletic schedule for all Rhode Island schools. To date there haven’t been many contests and the few held so far are not able to admit fans. On Thursday, January 28, 2021, the Townie girls basketball team took on an always tough Prout high school. The Townies have struggled as coach Bay Lambert has been rebuilding the program for a couple years. It looked like more of the same struggle as East Providence went into the half trailing by 14 points. “I really got after the girls at the half and they responded,” said coach Lambert. “They never gave up.” The game picked up in intensity and remained close but with East Providence playing great defense and chipping away, the Townies upended Prout with a 49-44 win. EP Scorers Pts Estrella D’Ambra 15 Arianna Soares 12 Kayla Hannon 8 Makiah Denson 4 Jaliyah Da Cruz 4 Ahmya Ingram 3 Halee Manleiga 3
EP Girls lose to Narragansett 36-32 EP Scorers Makiah Denson Estrella D’Ambra Arianna Soares Kayla Hannon
Pts 12 5 4
Jaliyah Da Cruz Ahmya Ingram Halee Manleiga
3 3 2
EPHS Girls Basketball Roster: Name Grade Brookelyn Feola 10 Estrella D’Ambra 9 Hailee Manteiga 10 Ahmya Ingram 10 Jaliyah Da Cruz 11 Autumn Holmes 10 Makiah Denson 11 Samantha Clarke 9 Kayla Hannon 11 Nyima Goncalves 9 Arianna Soares 12 Elizabeth Santiago 10 Head Coach: Tshombe Lambert Assistant Coach: Bill McEnery Athletic Trainer: Amanda Moran
Townie Boys Defeat Woonsocket, Lose to LaSalle and Cumberland
EP Defeats Woonsocket 78 to 69. Freshman Trey Resendes continues to excel with 26 points in January 27th win. EP Scorers Points Trey Resendes 26 Brian Taylor 23 Chris Vieira 11 Maxamus Collins 9
Now Selling Firewood
Casey Daniels, Proprietor
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Ilyas Torres Elijah Moniz Kenaz Ochgwu Denzy Suazo Levi Jacobs
5 2 2
EP loses to LaSalle 81 to 71 EP Scorers Points Ilyas Torres 17 Trey Resendes 15 Brian Taylor 14 Max Collins 9 Chris Vieira 7 Denzy Suazo 3 Jay Gonsalves 2 Elijah Moniz 2 Xavier Hazard 2 Levi Jacobs 0 EP loses to Cumberland 83 to 78 EP Scorers Points Brian Taylor 38 Max Collins 16 Trey Resendes 12 Chris Vieira 7 Denzy Suazo 3 Elijah Moniz 2 EPHS Boys Basketball Roster 2021 Name Grade Maxamus Collins 10 Ilyas Torres 12 Christian Vieira 12 Trey Resendes 9 William Winfield 10 Brian Taylor 12 Elijah Moniz 11 Maxwell Whiting 10 Jayveeon Gonsalves 10 Levi Jacobs 9 Denzy Suazo 11 Kenaz Ochgwu 9 Xavier Hazard 9 Head Coach: Joe Andrade Assistant Coaches: Kyle Ivy Jones, Todd Costa, Mason Santos Athletic Trainer: Amanda Moran
February 2021 The Reporter
scoutING AROUND A Great Adventure
Members of East Providence Girl Scout Troops 117, 491, 516 and 519 at Adventure Park in Storrs, Ct Members of East Providence Girl Scout Troops 117, 491, 516 and 519 went to Adventure Park in Storrs, Ct. to complete some of the requirements needed to earn the Outdoor Adventurer badge. What an adventure they had! This park has “aerial trails” up in the trees of the forest. There are 100 treetop platforms connected by bridges, rope courses, ladders and zip lines. The girls had to navigate from one tree platform to another while wearing safety harnesses secured to safety cables. It was challenging and fun.
A Very Special Thank You
Personal hygiene items and feminine care products collected by EP Girl Scouts on behalf of Hope and Faith Drive, LLC. The East Providence Girl Scouts would like to thank everyone who donated personal hygiene items and feminine care products for AJ’s Heroes, a division of Hope and Faith Drive, LLC. Hope and Faith Drive, LLC is a non-profit organization located in East Providence that provides food and much needed items to families in need. Because of your generosity, we were able to collect 281 personal hygiene items: toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, lotion, hand sanitizers, razors, etc. and 265 boxes of feminine care products. We Girl Scouts appreciate that you made the time and effort to purchase the items and then bring them to the Scout House. We are so thankful and grateful!
Girl Scout Cookie Season Kicks Off
Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England (GSSNE) and Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) kicked off the 2021 Girl Scout Cookie season nationally, during a challenging time when many Girl Scouts are selling in creative, socially distant, and contact-free ways to keep themselves and their customers safe. Even in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, girls are adapting their sales methods to share the joy of Girl Scout Cookies through the largest girl-led entrepreneurship program—including taking contact-free pickup and delivery orders through a new national collaboration with Grubhub. Additionally, GSUSA is making online cookie ordering available nationwide so consumers who don’t know a Girl Scout can still purchase cookies from a local troop for direct shipment to their homes or donation to local organizations including food banks, health care workers and first responders. “Neither rain, now snow, nor sleet, nor COVID will stop our Girl Scout entrepreneurs from finding creative ways to fuel their cookie business! Much like our beloved postal carriers, Girl Scouts are finding safe ways to ensure that those delicious cookies find their way into the hands of loyal customers because they love running their own businesses! In addition to maximizing a virtual platform, we are most grateful to the partnership we have with GrubHub who will be delivering some of the cookies that girls package up! We are also very appreciative of some local businesses who are letting us use their parking lots for drive-by cookie sale locations where we’ll be using touchless payment methods," said GSSNE President/CEO, Pam Hyland.
How to Safely Purchase Girl Scout Cookies
• If you know a registered Girl Scout, reach out to her to find out how she’s selling cookies in ways that meet local and state safety protocols. • If you don’t know a Girl Scout, visit, text COOKIES to 59618 (message and data rates may apply. Text STOPGS for STOP, HELPGS for help), or use the official Girl Scout Cookie Finder app for free on iOS or Android devices. • Visit to order via contactfree delivery from Grubhub in Warwick--dates and times TBA. • GSSNE is grateful to Walmart, GNC, and Petsense for opening space outside their retail locations to sell cookies in a safe and socially distant manner, when allowed by local COVID-19 guidelines. • Enter your zip code into the Girl Scout Cookie Finder at www. to purchase from a local troop or to donate cookies to first responders and local causes.
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The Reporter February 2021
OBITUARIES Margaret Ann Cary (nee: Doherty)
George Cardono
Margaret Ann Cary (nee: Doherty), 95 passed away on January 11, 2021 at her daughter’s home on Center Street, Rangeley, Maine, with family at her side. Margaret (‘Marge’) was the wife of Harry W. Cary, Jr. for 71 years and was the daughter of Edward L. Doherty and Margaret G. Doherty of Warren, RI. She was born on February 9, 1925 in Providence, residing in Warren until her marriage in February 1945. She was predeceased by her husband, Harry. She resided in marriage in: Valdosta (GA) and Madison (Wisconsin) for a short time while her husband was serving in the US Army Air Force during WWII, before returning to Rhode Island. After having her first child, they lived in Conimicut (Warwick), RI, for about 2 years before moving to Riverside, RI, where she lived for many years. She is survived by her children: Harry W. Cary, III of Riverside, RI and Rangeley, ME, Diane M. Machado of Riverside, RI; Paul E. Cary of Cranston, RI and Rangeley, ME and Jeannine M. Sahagen of Rangeley, ME. She and her husband traveled extensively in North America in their motor home. She also traveled to her ancestral home in Ireland and to Holland and Belgium. Winters in later years were spent in Venice, FL, while they lived in Rangeley Spring, Summer and Fall. She was an avid knitter, always keeping family members in warm wool sox, mittens, and hats. She had a tremendous memory and the Irish gift of gab. She worked for years at Waters Elementary School in Riverside for the East Providence school department. A great joy in Marge’s life was visiting with her children and especially her 9 grandchildren, and her 15 great grandchildren. A private mass and burial to be held in Rangeley Maine.
A true renaissance man was lost on January 26, 2021. George Cardono passed at the age of 88. George was the 9th of 11 children born to Beatrice (Laurenza) and Angelo Cardono on January 3, 1933. George grew up on a produce farm in Riverside, RI. He was the oldest child at home during WWII and took a responsible role of bringing food to market at the age of 15. Later, George served as a medic in a MASH unit at Fort Hood, Texas during the Korean conflict. George is survived by his beloved wife, Desire Palmer with whom he shared many wonderful years. They enjoyed traveling to many locations, one of the most favorite being short trips to Plymouth, MA. He loved his children and their spouses: daughter Angela Cardono Cunard and her husband Edward Cunard of Rehoboth; son Mark Cardono and his wife Tracy Sioussat of Andover. He was very proud of his three grandchildren: Sean David McBride, Seth Matthew McBride and Riley Merritt Cardono. He is survived by brothers, Norman Cardono of Cumberland, RI and Angelo Cardono of Downey, CA. He is predeceased by his siblings: Daniel Cardono, Joseif Cardono, James Cardono, Angela Kennedy, Theresa Sherrod, Joan Saxer, Catherine Cardono and Marianna Cardono. George was an extremely creative and talented man. He thrived on challenge, work and purpose. George started out in the outdoor sign industry and went on to start his own advertising agencies in Providence and New York. During this time, he ran many local political campaigns. He was the owner of the Pawtucket Indians baseball team at McCoy Stadium in the 1960s. George went back to the farm life in the 1970’s and 80’s, owning and operating an equestrian facility. He was equally comfortable in jeans on his tractor or in a business suit flying to New York for a meeting. George created
and constructed the iconic Big Blue Bug. Upon “retiring”, he took on the challenge of Hillside Country Club in Rehoboth. He designed and built 9 additional holes at the course. His resilience and tenacity were truly displayed as he rebuilt after a devasting clubhouse fire. After selling the country club, George “retired” to yet another career. He earned his real estate and broker’s licenses and founded Blu Sky Real Estate. He was still working part time in real estate up until his death. George enjoyed golfing. He had a standing golf date for many years with his brothers on Thursdays. He traveled often to Bermuda to play. He was an excellent cook and was a member of the “Gourmet 7” club in the 1970s. George was active in the Rehoboth Business Association, the Rehoboth Republican Committee and the Rehoboth Veteran’s Committee. He served on the Park Commission and Housing Authority in Rehoboth as well. George truly enjoyed going out to lunch with his friends and grandsons on a regular basis. For George, the adventure is over. Hopefully the sadness this brings can be replaced with the joy of many wonderful memories. Due to Covid restrictions, the service will be private. Arrangements are in the care of WaringSullivan Home at Birchcrest, Swansea. For online condolences,
Death Notices
Domenic J. Pontarelli, 84, a longtime East Providence resident, passed away Thursday, December 10, 2020 at the Gatehouse Hospice at Divine Providence Hospital in Williamsport, PA. Ann H. Costa (Pratt), 81, formerly of East Providence, passed away peacefully on Sunday, December 13, 2020 at Kent County Hospital. Albert J. Draper, 72, passed away Sunday, December 20, 2020. Denise G. (Gagne) Francis 62 of East Providence passed away on Friday, December 25, 2020 at Rhode Island Hospital due to complications from COVID. Frederick H. MacDonald, 86, of Riverside died peacefully at the Philip Hulitar Hope Hospice Center in Providence on December 25, 2020.
February 2021 The Reporter Agnes Ann Paiva, a devout Christian lady and our dear mother, grandmother, and sister, passed peacefully into the eternal embrace of the Lord on December 26th, at Landmark Medical Center from complications of COVID-19, after a brief period of declining health. Madeline Corey “Beauty”, age 100, died December 27, 2020 at RI Hospital. Daniel Julius Price, Jr. (Junie) passed on Sunday, December 27, 2020 at Rhode Island Hospital. Denise A Serapiglia, 59 of East Providence passed away peacefully, surrounded by her family on Sunday, December 27, 2020, after a long and brave battle with cancer. Victor Francis Barclay was born October 17, 1929 in WaKeeney Kansas, to Elmer Glen Barclay and Blanche Fredrica (Pulver) Barclay, He passed away on December 27th, 2020.
Edward Angel “Jose” Costa, Sr., 88, of Riverside, passed away peacefully on January 17, 2021 surrounded by his family. Frank Arkins, 99, of East Providence, passed away Sunday, Jan. 17, 2021 at Eastgate Nursing Center. George Amaral, formerly of Summit St., East Providence, passed away on January 18, 2021. Thomas W. McEntee 75, of Riverside passed away peacefully and unexpectedly, January 18, 2021 at Miriam Hospital from complications unrelated to Covid. Oswald A. Rosenholm 90 of Riverside, RI formally of Barrington, RI, passed away on January 19, 2021. Edith J. (D’lorio) Murphy, 80, of Coventry, a former resident of East Providence for fifty years, passed away peacefully on January 20, 2021.
Pearl E. Tippe, 89, passed away Tuesday, December 29, 2020. William M DeCoste, 66, of Bristol Avenue, Riverside, died peacefully on December 31, 2020 with his loving family by his side. Eileen M. Wilson, 83, formerly of East Providence passed away peacefully on Saturday, January 2, 2021, at Grace Barker Health. Joanna F. Britto, 73, of Blanche Avenue and a lifelong resident of the City of East Providence passed away on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at Miriam Hospital.
Judith Irene McElwain went home to be with Jesus on January 21, 2021. Raymond Francis Sr. “Voo” of Riverside, 86, died peacefully at home January 21, 2021, surrounded by his loving family. Juliet Paolucci, 87, of East Providence passed away on Friday, January 22, 2021 at the Linn Health Care Center.
Joseph B. Sousa, 89, of East Providence, formerly of Fox Point passed peacefully at home on January 5, 2021 surrounded by his beloved wife of 63 years, Lillian N. Sousa, and loving family. Edmund G. Taylor, 58, of Floyd Avenue, Riverside, died peacefully on January 5, 2021. Jack Oliver, in his 100th year, of Riverside, passed away at home, Jan. 6, 2021. William A Castro, 83, of East Providence and most recently of Atria Bay Spring Village in Barrington died peacefully on Friday, January 8, 2021. Nancy L. Kiley, 85, of Rumford passed away on Sunday, January 10, 2021 at Elderwood at Riverside. Paula M. (Gonsalves) Ouellette, 73, formerly of Riverside and Tiverton, died unexpectedly on January 10, 2021 at the DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH. Stephen W. Northup passed away on January 11, 2021 at the age of 68 after many years of failing health. Everett D. King, Jr, age 70, of Riverside, was born on December 25, 1950 and passed away on January 11, 2021 after a short battle with cancer. Stephen P. Brun, 73, of East Providence, passed away peacefully at Hope Hospice & Palliative Care, Providence, on January 13, 2021, succumbing to complications from Covid-19 after a 25-year battle with Parkinson’s Disease. Charles E. Golden, SR., 86, formerly of Dartmouth Avenue, Riverside, died peacefully on January 14, 2021 at Tockwotton on the Waterfront surrounded by his loving family.
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The Reporter February 2021
East Providence Senior Center January 2021
401.435.7800 • Fax: 401.435.7803 • 610 Waterman Avenue, East Providence, RI 02914
Letter from the Mayor
The month of February brings many changes, a new president, and new leadership both at the national level and in Rhode Island. Governor Raimondo has been chosen to join President Biden’s cabinet as Secretary of Commerce and Lieutenant Governor Dan McKee is now the Governor of Rhode Island. Change often brings anxiety because there are many unknowns but change can also bring hope. Our hope is for an increase in the number of vaccines coming into our state so we can get as many of our residents, especially those who are at high risk due to their age and those living with chronic conditions, vaccinated as quickly as possible. Rhode Island is currently in phase 1 of the state’s distribution plan with the next group to be vaccinated those 75 years of age and older. The projected start for vaccinations is February/March. The City of East Providence is partnering with the state to increase communication around the distribution planning so our residents will know who, when and where vaccinations will be given. Please feel free to contact the East Providence Senior Center at 401-435-7800 or visit our new website at for up to date vaccine information. Sincerely, Roberto L. DaSilva
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Sponsored by Blue Cross, Blue Shield RI Susan Bayley is teaching Zoom Yoga classes Fridays from 9:00 am to 10:00 am. If you would like to try it out contact Susan at Susan will send you an invite to join in. No Cost.
East Bay Community Action Food Pantry WE DELIVER!
Did you know the East Providence Senior Center is partnering with the EBCAP Food Pantry to deliver food pantry bags to your home? If you are in need of food and unable to get to the pantry, give us a call at: 401-435-7800 for more information.
Need a Mask?
If you are in need of a free face mask or you want to volunteer to sew, please contact Pat Thomas at the East Providence Senior Center at 401-270-1863. Thank you to all of the volunteers who continue to share their time and talent sewing cloth face masks for our community.
Tax Assistance
East Bay Community Action's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program will once again have trained and certified preparers available to provide free tax preparation to clients earning under $57,000.00. This year there will be drop off only tax preparation, no in-person appointments. The site will be located at 100 Bullocks Point, East Providence. Preparers also help taxpayers to receive tax credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Child Tax Credit, and Tax Credits for the Elderly. If you are not required to file a federal income tax return but live in a dwelling subject to property tax and qualify income to rent ratio, you may be eligible for the Rhode Island Property Tax Relief Credit. Details regarding income guidelines can be found at Please note that a valid Driver's License/ Photo ID for the taxpayer and social security cards for the taxpayer and all dependents are mandatory. Eligible persons may call 401-435-7876 after February 3, 2021, to schedule an appointment.
AARP Tax Prep
Starting on Mon, February 22, 2021
Location: Riverside Branch Library, 475 Bullocks Point Ave., East Providence By Appointment: Call 401-246-1678.
Age-Friendly RI Virtual Community Center:
Where Rhode Islanders Can Connect, Learn & Play
Check out the Age-Friendly Virtual Community Center February Calendar of Events: month/2021-02/ If you haven’t checked out the Virtual Community Center you don’t know what you’re missing! Programs now available in Spanish.
Bicycle Repair Project
Are you mechanically inclined? Are you interested in giving back to your community? Looking for senior volunteers who would like to repair bicycles. Refurbished bicycles will be donated to East Providence residents in need of a bike. Please contact the E. Prov. Senior Center at 401-435-7800 for more information.
Snow Patrol
Are you a senior living in East Providence who needs assistance with Snow Removal? The Boys and Girls Club is partnering with the East Providence Senior Center to connect seniors, who are in need of assistance with snow removal, with volunteer youth. Please contact the East Providence Senior Center for more information. Please contact us before it snows so you can be matched up with a youth and are ready to go for the next storm. Call East Providence Senior Center at: 401-435-7800.
GRAB & GO Lunches
Home delivery is available within the City of East Providence Please make your reservations at least 24 hours in advance. East Providence Senior Center Cafe Phone: (401)-270-1814. For Goldsmith/City View Cafe Phone: (401) 4347645. Boxed lunches are for people aged 60/+ or disabled individuals. A suggested donation of $3.00 per boxed lunch will help to sustain the program.
Last month, a memoriam was given to all the EP Senior Center Members who had passed in 2020. It was brought to my attention that Alberta Roy passed in March of 2020. Alberta joined the East Providence Senior Center in 2018. She will be sorely missed by all.
February 2021 The Reporter
East Providence Public Libraries WEAVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 41 Grove Avenue, 401-434-2453
Monday - Thursday 9-8; Friday & Saturday 9-5
RIVERSIDE BRANCH LIBRARY 475 Bullocks Point Ave, 401-433-4877
February Children's Activities
American Red Cross presents “Prepare with Pedro” Tuesday, February 9, 3:30 - 4:05
For kids in grades K-2. The Red Cross presents this interactive program that teaches kids how to Be Prepared and to Take Action in the event of a home fire. Register at
American Red Cross presents “The Pillowcase Project”
Tuesday, February 23, 3:30-4:30
For kids in grades 3-5. Kids will learn how to be prepared for a home fire, including: what to do; how to assemble a “Go Bag;” and how to create a family escape plan. Kids will also practice a breathing exercise to cope with anxiety.
Toddler/Preschool Storytime - Tuesdays, 10:00-10:30 on Zoom Join Miss Pam for a story, songs, and some silly dancing. Register each week on the library’s online calendar.
Recorded Storytimes On Youtube
Check out the library’s YouTube channel for recorded storytimes.
Take & Make Crafts
Thursdays, 3:30-4:30 on Zoom
February 4 - Valentine Bouquet February 11 - Crabby Valentine February 18 - Bird Treat Heart February 25 - Snowmen Friends Geared for ages 10 & younger. Craft kits can be picked up at Weaver Library anytime during the week of the scheduled craft (first come, first served). If the library is open for “Library Takeout” only, please call from your car when you arrive, and a kit will be put in the foyer for you to pick up. Basic crafting tools will be needed. Make your craft by yourself, or join us on Zoom to make the craft with other kids. The Zoom link will be given out with the craft. Younger children might need adult assistance.
Fuller Creative Learning Center, 260 Dover Ave. 401-228-3903
February Virtual Events at the Fuller Creative Learning Center
The Fuller Creative Learning Center continues its schedule of programs and workshops. The schedule for February includes:
Adults/Young Adults
• Community Chat - Mons, February 1, 8, 22 (times vary) • Portuguese Soup Demo - Tuesday, February 2 6:00pm • Adult Paint Along - Thursday, February 4 6:00-7:00pm • Valentine’s Day Paper Quilling - Tues. Feb 9 1:00-2:00pm • Chinese New Year (Fried Rice Demo) - Feb 11 5:00-6:00pm • Road Trip with Ted Reinstein - Tues, Feb 16 7:00-8:00pm • Happy Heart Cooking w/Kathi M - Feb 18 & 25 6:00-7:00pm
• Yarn Wrapping (age 6+) - Wed February 3 3:30-4:15pm • DIY Baking Quick Breads - Fri, February 5 3:30-4:30pm • Photography (ages 7+) - Feb 8 & 17 3:30-4:30pm • DIY Valentine’s Day Cards - Wed, Feb 10 3:30-4:30pm • Children’s Chinese New Year - Fri, Feb 12 3:30-4:30pm • Acrylic Painting for Kids (ages 7+) - Feb 19 & 26 3:30-4:15pm • DIY Video Game Class (ages 7+) - Wed, Feb 24 3:30-4:30pm More information on these events can be found on the East Providence Library website or our Facebook page. You may also contact the Fuller Creative Center at fullercreativelearning@gmail. com for more information or to register. As an extension of the East Providence Public Library, the Fuller Creative Learning Center focuses on hands-on learning programs and workshops for all ages. Join us at the Center located on 260 Dover Avenue, East Providence, RI for one of these beneficial experiences!
Youth Services Coordinator "Visits" Sacred Heart School
Let’s Draw Together
Tuesdays, February 2 & 16, 3:30-4:30
For children ages 6-12. Grab some paper and your drawing tool of choice, and connect with other kids who like to draw. Miss Harriet will draw with your, and we’ll talk about our ideas. Register at
Book Bundles
Not sure which books to choose for your child? Try a Book Bundle. Each Book Bundle has five hand-selected books on a topic, plus activities and songs to go with it. Our current themes are: winter, snow, Valentine’s Day, dinosaurs, fire fighters, and many more. While the library is open for “Library Take Out” only, please call us at 401-434-2453 (Weaver Library) or 401-433-4877 (Riverside Library). We can let you know which Book Bundles are available and schedule a time for you to pick one up.
“Build It” STEM Backpack Kits
The Weaver Library is now lending “Build It” STEM Backpack Kits geared toward elementary age students. Each kit contains two books, matched with a toy, focused on a certain aspect of engineering: chain reaction machines, robotics, circuits, building, and more. Patrons may borrow a kit for three weeks at a time.
Youth services coordinator, Pam Schwieger, visited Sharon Chalmers grade 2 Class at Sacred Heart School. In past years, Sacred Heart classes would walk over to Weaver Library for a tour or to listen to a story in person. Since the pandemic has taken away that luxury, “Miss Pam” joined this class virtually. She read them a winter story and talked about upcoming virtual library programs. And then they all got up to dance to the Stand Up Sit Down song. We are looking forward to a time when we can, once again, meet in person, but until that trimester comes, we’ll have fun through the screen.
The Reporter February 2021
Place Classified ads at
Home health care. CNAs and Homemakers in high demand to care for the elderly and disabled population in their home. Join our team for flexible hours, new starting rates and a sign on bonus. Apply at, email human resources at or simply call 401437-3515 for more information. If you love helping people; Don't hesitate! Apply now!
Buying old coin collections, stamp collections, and jewelry. Email The Golden Goose at Looking for Christmas decorations. Please donate. Call 401632-3602. Civil War, WW1, WW2, Anything to do with military; helmets, knives, uniforms, guns, HAVE (license), anything related to wartime, will pay cash for items, ask for Charles, call 508-2306444; call anytime thanks. I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you Joe in Rehoboth 508-558-5129.
ROOM FOR RENT: East Providence, PRIVATE, nice set up for ONE mature male. Furnished, cable TV, sink, frig, storage, parking, bus, utilities, nice yard. $145 weekly. Call 401-434-1372.
Wanted, estate lot for single family home in Rehoboth, Attleboro, Dighton, Seekonk. If you have a large property or farm and would like to sell and want it kept undeveloped and natural, please email
Masonry & Chimney Sweeps Locally Owned & Operated for 20 Years
Quality, Service & Dependability
Masonry Repair & Restoration: Walkways • Patios • Pavers • Walls • Chimneys 508-649-1938
Cell Phones for Soldiers Collection at Liberty Tax – East Providence: The Liberty Tax office in East Providence will open at 9 AM, Six Days a Week, Monday through Saturday, from January 2021 Through April 15, 2021, to Collect Cell Phones for Soldiers. Cell Phones for Soldiers helps make contact with home a reality for troops who are stationed overseas and face expensive phone calling charges. Neighbors can drop-off their cell phones, in any condition, at 2775 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence. PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE at (401) 572-3644, if you have any questions, or need driving directions to our office. For more information about the wide range of services that Cell Phones for Soldiers provides to soldiers and veterans, please visit https://www.
1969 Chevy C10 Pickup truck for sale: This truck is being sold as is. The intent would be for this truck to be a restoration project. Not available to be sold in parts. All offers considered. Please contact Joe at 401-644-5495 for all inquiries. Paying CASH for Coins, Gold & Silver Jewelry, Flatware, Costume Jewelry, Antiques, Smalls, Old Toys, Gift Cards,Fishing Lures, Pre 1964 Coins, Oddities. Warren Exchange 175 Main Street in Warren (401)245-5001. Off Street Parking, Fair & Friendly :)
Plants for Sale: Beautiful plants for Valentine’s Day, birthdays, and every special occasion. Inside and outside; hanging plants, perennials, annuals, herbs, bushes, coleus, ground cover, angel trumpets, begonias, citronella plants & forsythia. Extra large pots available. Everything from $3 to $10. Call 401-433-2922 for an appointment to see my plants in glass containers and unique pots. Free small plant with visit.
Housecleaning: Is your home in need of a really good cleaning? Whether u want regular or a one time cleaning. Years of experience! (oven/fridge included). Call Gil for details 508-840-6611. FREE SCRAP REMOVAL: all appliances, fridges, washers/ dryers, A/Cs, etc. Call/text 401-368-3706 or email scrapabilities@ I am a Personal Care Assistant & Housekeeper willing to help you! Will perform many duties including meal prep, medication reminders, shower assistance, shopping/errands, laundry, light cleaning. Call Terri for information and rates. 774-284-7600. Wash Dry Fold service by Erica! Drop off Monday - Friday 6am to 9am at 257 Bullocks Point Ave., Riverside or by appointment. Call (401) 578-6366. BIG BLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House. We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. Call Tony 508-226-1295;
February 2021 The Reporter
Business Directory CATEGORY Accountant Appliance Repairs Attorney Auto Body Auto Repairs Candidate - East Prov. Chamber of Commerce Chimney Services Church Cleaning Service Collectibles Collectibles Community Programs Country Club Credit Union Dentist Dentist Dentist Duct Cleaning Estate Cleanouts Farm - Apparel Fence-Sales/Serv. Fire Restoration Florist Fuel - Oil Garden Center Gift Shop Hair Salon Handyman Handyman Health & Wellness Insurance Laundromat Local Author Mortgage Broker Orthodontics Painting Contractor Preschool Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Remodeling Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Roofing Contractor Self Storage Snowblower Sales/Svc Tax Preparation Trash/Junk Removal Tree Service Tree Service
Edward M. Simpson, C.P.A. CJS / Statewide Appliance Repair Law Offices of Tanya M. Gravel, Esq. A-1 Custom Auto Body New England Tire Liana Cassar East Providence Chamber Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney Sweep MLR Tax Services Elite Cleaning The Golden Goose Wexler’s Collectibles EP Community Development Office Hillside Country Club NCU Financial Eager Family Dentistry George Family Orthodontics Lisa Daft DMD & Associates, PC Think Green, Think Clean Air Clean Slate Estate, Inc Kave Rock Farm Wood & Wire Fence Co., Inc Providence Fire Restoration P & J Florist COD OIL Under the Sun Farm Casa Ideal Shear Image Salon American Eagle Enterprises, LLC Just In Time Handyman Service Planta Wellness Matt Gilson Bullocks Point Laundromat David DeLuca, author Sierra Pacific Mortgage Company George Family Orthodontics Cronan Painting Covenant Coop Nursery School Paiva Realty Group The Tirrell Team TK Real Estate Brokerage Vicki Doran Batty Construction El Mariachi EP Wieners Madeira Restaurant Tabeleys Roofing Lionel Mini Storage, Inc. Fred’s Service Center, Inc. Liberty Tax Service - East Prov. Big Blue Removal Service Advanced Tree Casey Tree Service
13 20 6 18 2 6 3 30 21 16 27 20 11 22 7 32 8 15 20 19 22 32 7 22 10 10 19 22 31 12 14 31 13 16 17 8 27 17 17 9 25 31 28 23 23 23 12 4 20 6 12 13 24
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The Reporter February 2021
Postmaster: Deliver by FEB 6th
Ground Level Storage Containers Clean • Secure Watertight Units Delivered to your Location
BACK IN THE GARAGE Member National Portable Storage Association
February Is National Children’s Dental Health Month Eager Family Dentistry is committed to making your child’s dental experience enjoyable. We offer minimally invasive laser dentistry, sealants, custom sport mouthguards, and low radiation digital x-rays. NOW ACCEPTING MORE INSURANCE POLICIES
Sarah Eager, DDS, FAGD