The Rehobot ehoboth h
JULY 2022 VOLUME 34, NO. 7
Serving the Residents of Rehoboth, Seekonk and Surrounding Communities Since 1989
Local Farms & Gardens SPECIAL TOWN ELECTION see page 62
Saturday, June 11th
Local Farms & Gardens pg.36
Remembering Otis Dyer Photo by Earle S Dias Photography
see page 63
2 The Reporter July 2022
July 2022 The Reporter
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4 The Reporter July 2022
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July 2022 The Reporter
Letters to the Editor... The letters in this section and opinion articles do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Let us hear from YOU!
Please Note:
• Letters to the Editor MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters to the Editor MUST arrive by the 23rd of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!
Is Anyone Listening? It never ceases to amaze the guarded defensive posturing displayed by the School Department at Town Meeting when a suggestion is made to make a change in the budget. The body language of the School Committee and their aggressive manner to which they speak. They behave like, “how dare you touch our money.” They need to be reminded that it is OUR money not theirs and WE are entitled to explanations of how they spend OUR money. What is insulting is the response received from school administration that they are “not obligated to explain” anything. The arrogance of that statement alone speaks volumes to the hole that we as a community have dug all these years in not stepping up or should I say standing up to the school politicians and demand answers. We have blindly entrusted our tax dollars to people who have said repeatedly, “it is for the children”. Yes, it is for the children but what type of example does the School Committee set when town financial procedures are not followed? When half-truths are said to get their own way? When the displayed attitude and behavior is “gimme it, it is mine”? One hour before Town Meeting a conversation was had with the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen. He was told that depending on what was presented by the School Department there may or may not be a motion for a change. He further said any change now would be “bad” for the schools. When a meeting was held with him and the Town Administrator on May 4, 2022, the initial idea was to cut the school department by one million dollars but instead an idea was floated to create a School Reserve Fund. A Reserve Fund establishes a budgeted amount annually to be utilized for unanticipated or unbudgeted costs. There is a process to follow to use the funds. The town side of government sets up $100,000 annually for just such a process. Instead of cutting the school budget by one million dollars, the attempt was made to establish a Reserve Fund and begin the new year with one million appropriated dollars. The School Committee as if coached ahead of time, jumped to their feet, and protested that a Reserve Fund is illegal by MGL40 Sec 13E – School District Reserve Funds to Pay for Unanticipated or Unbudgeted Costs for Special Education, Out-ofDistrict Tuition or Transportation.
Ms. Mahoney and Ms. Sluter read to the audience the title of the law, however, failed to read clearly the opening section, which reads, “Any school district which accepts this section, by a majority of vote of the school committee and a majority vote of the legislative body or, in the case of a regional school district by majority vote of the legislative bodies in a majority of the member communities of the district may establish and appropriate or transfer money to a reserve fund to be utilized in the upcoming fiscal years, to pay, without further appropriation, for unanticipated or unbudgeted costs of special education and recovery high school programs, out-of-district tuitions or transportation. The balance in such reserve fund shall not exceed 2 percent of the annual net school spending of the school district.” First, the thought of a legal creation of a Reserve Fund is not addressed in this statue. What is addressed is an “acceptance” law. Unless the School Committee can produce documented proof of a majority vote to accept the law followed by documented proof of a majority vote by the Legislative Body also known as Town Meeting, to accept the law, they were giving out misleading advice in assuming the idea was “illegal”. Also, the motion on the floor did not mention special education, recovery high school programs, out of district tuitions or transportation. Second, Town Counsel was present, and he did not offer to review or explain the law in its entirety as School Committee members referenced and as presented the motion failed. It was never expected to pass but we gathered 49 votes. From September 2021 to April 2022 the School Committee transferred 1.2 million dollars between lines to satisfy their needs and while yes, the transfers are completed in open session of regular School Committee meetings, there is no discussion to be heard. This total comes from the total of the worksheets presented each month. It is rubber stamped without question. So, what is wrong with establishing a one-million-dollar Reserve Fund for School use? Nothing. It is less money than their monthly transfer practice through the end of April 2022 this fiscal year alone and it will provide transparency and accountability. Something our newest members had campaigned about, and our current members preach but do not practice.
Just as they use the Guide to Massachusetts Public Information incorrectly, they use buzz words to frighten people into submission and it is inexcusable. They do not feel they must explain but the GMPI says the Superintendent is not restricted in doing so. The next time you request public information from the School District, and they send you a copy of MGPI you will see. They have the choice to explain, they choose not to. continued on next page...
Inside This Issue Business Directory......................69 Church News..............................48 Classifieds...............................68 Club Announcements.................25 Events....................................35 Farm & Garden.........................36 Food & Dining..............................60 Letters...................................5 Library...................................... Blanding.......................39 Seekonk.......................40 Obituaries................................63 People.....................................46 Rehoboth COA............................51 Rehoboth Ramblings..................8 Rehoboth Town News.................10 School News..............................53 Scouts...................................32 Seekonk Human Services..........49 Seekonk Town News...................20 Sour Grapes...............................35 Sports..................................52 State House................................44
6 The Reporter July 2022
The Rehoboth/Seekonk
Reporter P.O. Box 377 Rehoboth, MA 02769
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The narrative from the School Committee remains suspect and questionable. We must look more closely at warrant articles, budgets and why our tax bills keep rising because it is the hidden things that bite us later. Keep this in mind the next time we are asked to borrow or take from free cash for anything. Always remember it is OUR money. Who has better right to ask questions and expect explanation? FYI: 2022-2023 State Net School Spending: $24 million 2022-2023 Seekonk School Spending $30 million Thank you Doreen Taylor - Seekonk
Why Dighton Rehoboth K-8 Withdrawal?
Years ago in 1987 Dighton and Rehoboth joined in an agreement to form a regional K-12 school district. At that time it was a fair and equitable decision. Now however it is not. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has changed the equation without a say by regional districts. These changes do not affect a non-regional district, “A Stand Alone District”. Some of the negative results of these regional mandates are; a wealth formula that favors the least wealthy town. This is based on each town’s personal income and the property values. Rehoboth has a population of 13K +, and Dighton is 8K+. The average income of the two is very similar, so of course Dighton would be the least wealthy town. As a result their school committee members can determine the budget formula to use, which favors Dighton. In a standalone district this cannot happen. A regional school district by DESE rules allows the joint school committees by a majority vote can nullify a Town Meeting’s vote. By a vote of eight out of 10 school committee members did this, 5 from Dighton and 3 of our own members. In 2019 the eight voted to nullify three town meeting votes, one of which on July 18, 2019, the largest attendance ever,1025, of which 187 voted to accept, 838 voted not to accept the District’s budget. This is the power DESE has given to a regional school district, 838 votes just cancelled!! No one should be able to throw out a majority vote! The right to your vote should be sacred. These are examples of just a few of regional districts inequities. By not being in a regional district none of this can happen. Only Rehoboth would be in control of our K-8 as result of the Wealth Formula and the Statutory Formula we have basically lost control of our own schools. For fiscal year 2023, due to these rules Rehoboth is paying 67% of K–12 budget. Research analysis of the fiscal 2023 budget by backing out the K-8 costs has shown that Rehoboth would have saved approximately 4.1 million dollars by being in a standalone school district. For these reasons I would ask you to please attend our Special Town Meeting on August 6th, Saturday, 1 p.m. at Francis Farm, in order to take back our own control for the betterment of our children’s education. This will be the only article on the warrant. Respectfully, Jay Crandall, a concerned citizen for better education.
There will be another public meeting for residents to attend to ask questions and get information on Thursday, July 21st, 7p.m. at Francis Farm, COA Building. For more information go to Town of Rehoboth website, Boards and Committees, K-8 Withdrawal.
Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson TCI Press
PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 Visit Our Website at...
The Letters to the Editor and opinion articles do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all points of view.
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July 2022 The Reporter
Let’s Keep Our Pets Safe This Summer
Summer has come and we need to think of our pets. Please try and keep your pets inside where it’s cool and have plenty of fresh cold water near them at all times if they have to be outside. Make sure they are in a shady area too. Never leave your pet in a parked car. Even with the window slightly opened the car will turn into an oven. You hear about dogs dying in cars all the time. Please, they are safer at home. If your dog is overcome by heat exhaustion you can give immediate first aid by immersing him or her in cold water until body temperature is lowered. If you see a dog in a parked car, call the police or animal control officer. This is animal abuse and the dog won’t live long. Never let your dog ride in an open pickup truck. It’s not safe and it’s against the law. Watch out for fleas and ticks. Please visit your local animal shelter. Spay and neuter your pet as it will be healthier for them. Never force your dog to run in very hot, humid weather. Let’s keep our pets cool and safe this summer. And if you see animal abuse please call the police or animal control. Thank you, Karen Ahern - Rehoboth
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8 The Reporter July 2022
Rehoboth Ramblings by Leslie Patterson
Up in the Air Again
Well, that was quick. We recently flew on a new direct route from Green Airport to Columbus on a new airline called Breeze. The flight was fine, but now it’s apparently gone with the wind, pardon the pun. This route was supposed to last through the summer, but apparently didn’t last through June. I knew that it was too good to last. Of concern to a greater number of local flyers, their direct flights from Providence to Los Angeles, which so many people have been looking forward to, have been shelved until next February, or so they say. We’ll see. I’m not sure which of their other routes have been altered, or how long this airline will stay in business. People who paid for tickets on this coast-to-coast route are hopping mad about the cancellations, having to try to find flights
on other airlines at great expense. Maybe this isn’t the best time to try to get an airline off the ground, excuse another pun. Also, though the Breeze pilot did a good job, the flight attendants on our plane seemed awfully inexperienced. Our trip to see family in Ohio, after over two and one-half years, turned out very well anyway. We even enjoyed great weather in the 70’s in the Midwest. This was in early June just before the dreaded heat dome came to stay over the middle of the country. My motto is go early in the summer and forget traveling in July. It’s too hot anyway. So our trip can best be summed up by saying “glad we went when we did”. We flew back on Southwest since Breeze was only offering the Columbus flights on Friday and Monday. The airports were already mobbed on a Tuesday in early June, but then for most of the country, school’s out after Memorial Day. The phrase “less is more” can be interpreted quite literally these days, especially with travel. You will be paying more and getting less, in both service and JULY 29 convenience, just like in every other aspect of life. Getting through security both coming and going was as stressful and crowded as East Providence, you might expect during the holidays, not with an ordinary midweek Rhode Island flight. This does not bode well. My sympathies to all whose travel experiences have been or will be a sore trial this summer. Those convenient and fairly frequent Southwest flights to SEPTEMBER 2 Providence that connected through the Baltimore airport seem to Seekonk, have disappeared, except for a few at inconvenient hours, and at Massachusetts greater expense. Why would anyone want to fly from New England to the Midwest by way of Tampa and pay a ridiculous price for the inconvenience? Convenience is the number one reason we fly. *Free standard daytime Now some words about Terminal A at National Airport in admission for residents of Washington DC. Designed like spokes on a wheel, the gates are specific towns on specific crammed close together (I felt that mask-wearing was still a must dates. Find your town at under these very crowded conditions) and the acoustics are so bad that the noise level drowns out important announcements like gate changes, etc. On the other hand, if you have a window seat on Coggeshall Farm Museum | Bristol, RI the plane, when you fly into DC you’ll get a great view of all those impressive monuments below. It was fun to be above the clouds again, one of the best parts about flying. It was also good to use Green Airport again, but be warned there was only one restaurant open (in addition to Dunkin Donuts, of course) early this summer. If you turn right when you get through security there’s a place that sells packaged sandwiches. No beating around the bush! Best prices to fit your budget. Another of my travel mottos is always bring food; you never know. I’m pleased to see that airports now offer water bottle refilling Services: Garden rototilling, shrubs/hedges removed, small land stations as part of the bubbler, to give it its clearing/overgrown area cutbacks, Brook/Stream clean outs. RI name. Poison Ivy removal. Don’t forget the plant beds that need reshaping One gripe about Green is our experience this time with its Red Beam Garage. and new mulch. Hedge & grass cutting schedule is full. It’s always worked out fine for us before, but this time we discovered that the entire hood of our car was festooned with pigeon poop. The parking spot must have been right under rafters that are the pigeons’ favorite latrine. Yuck. Nothing like having to hose down the car after returning from a long day of travel. I’ve said it before, but my favorite quip about travel comes from the inimitable Miss Piggy of the Muppets, who says, “If getting there is half the fun, you must be going somewhere really terrible.” References available upon request
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July 2022 The Reporter
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10 The Reporter July 2022
Rehoboth Town News From the Clerk Hello All ~ Happy July. I can’t believe we are more than half way through 2022. I also can’t believe nine full years have passed since I became your Town Clerk. I have to say . . . time sure does fly when you are having fun!!! I am definitely having fun and absolutely love being your Town Clerk. Thank you for another exciting, interesting, challenging, and informative year!
As you are aware, Saturday, June 11, 2022 Rehoboth held a Special Election to fill the two vacated Selectman seats along with one Stormwater Officer position. The polls were open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM at the Francis Farm Community Complex – Museum Building. Of the 9,940 eligible voters, 879, or 8.84% of the voters participated in the Special Election. The election results appear below and on the Town Website @ https://www.rehobothma. gov/home/news/6-11-2022-official-special-town-election-results . Congratulations to all candidates who ran for office and welcome Selectman Johnson, Selectman Mills and Stormwater Officer Nunes to your newly elected positions. I wish you all well.
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Street Listings
We received the Annual Street Listings based on the 2022 Census data we gathered this year. If you would like a copy, there is a $15.00 charge. You may purchase at Laura Schwall town hall or online at and click on Street Listings.
Non-Respondents To The 2022 Rehoboth Annual Town Census
If you have not responded to the census, your voter status will change to inactive unless you return the signed confirmation card you received stating that you still live in the Town of Rehoboth. Last month we mailed 831 voter confirmation/inactivation cards to those Rehoboth voters who did not complete their 2022 Annual Town Census, as per Massachusetts General Law. Individuals that are on the Inactive Voter List (those who do not return our acknowledgement card or who have not answered our annual town census) will need to provide proof of continuous residency before being allowed to vote in any federal, state, or town election and/or town meeting. If you received a postage paid voter inactivation/confirmation card in the mail, please complete, sign and return to us as soon as possible so we may reinstate your “active” voting status ~ thank you. Please remember, we have several elections and town meetings coming up; therefore, you will want to make sure your voting status is “active” when you show up at the polls or town meeting. Thank you.
Upcoming – August 6, 2022 – Special Town Meeting
The Rehoboth Board of Selectmen have voted to hold a Special Town Meeting on Saturday, August 6, 2022 at the Francis Farm Community Complex – Museum Building beginning at 1:00 PM to discuss and vote on the withdrawal of the Rehoboth K-8 from the Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District. The K-8 Withdrawal Study Committee has a webpage located on the Town Website, which provides more information on the matter for the voters of Rehoboth to review prior to Town Meeting. The website can be found at https://www.rehobothma. gov/k-8-withdrawal-study-committee . The K-8 Withdrawal Study Committee will also be holding their second informational session at the Francis Farm Community Center – Francis Hall/Council on Aging building, located at
July 2022 The Reporter 27 Francis Farm Road on Thursday, July 21, 2022 beginning at 7:00 PM. If you are not registered to vote and would like to participate in the August 6, 2022 Special Town Meeting, the voter registration deadline is Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 5:00 PM. You may also register to vote on We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming August 6, 2022 Special Town Meeting. You should receive your Town Meeting warrant, from the Board of Selectmen, by the week of July 18th, if not sooner.
Business Certificates
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Business owners are reminded that the application fee for a business certificate and/or business certificate renewal is $50.00 and that your certificate is valid for four years. If your business license is expiring within the next six months, you should have received your renewal letters and applications during the month of June. Please send in your notarized business certificate renewal, along with payment or stop by so we can notarize your signature and provide you with an updated business certificate. Thank you and we wish you well with your business.
(401) 736-0600 • (401) 323-6100
Dog Licenses
All dog licenses were due and payable by April 1st. Unfortunately, a $15.00 late fee was assessed for any licenses that were not renewed by June 1st, after a 60-day grace period. We still have 541 dogs that are unlicensed for this year. Total licensed dogs so far in 2022 is 1,771 as of June 28, 2022. A non-criminal citation with an additional charge of $25.00 will be issued for any dogs that are not licensed by July 15th, so please, license your dog(s) to avoid any further late charges. 320 dog owner letters were sent during the beginning of June to remind dog owners to renew their dog’s license before the added expense of $25 is added to their dog’s license fee. If your dog has a valid rabies vaccine, you may register your dog online at – click on “Online Payments” or go directly to: php to renew your dog(s) 2022 license. If you prefer to pay in person or drop off your payment in the drop box at Town Hall, 340 Anawan Street, that is also an option. If, unfortunately, your dog has moved or passed away, please let us know by phone 508-252-6502 X-3112 or X-3109, email or by checking the Permiteyes website listed above and check off the box moved/deceased to update our database; we are so sorry for your loss. Thanks so much.
The Massachusetts VOTES Act – Signed into Law – 6-22-2022
On June 22, 2022, an election reform law titled “The VOTES Act” was signed into law. Among other things, the VOTES Act makes several of the temporary changes from the pandemic permanent. The new law also makes the absentee voting process and early voting by mail processes consistent. Below are a few highlights of the new “VOTES Act”: Continued on next page...
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The Reporter July 2022
VOTER REGISTRATION - Beginning July 22, 2022, the voter registration deadline for all elections and town meetings will be 10 calendar days before the date of the meeting or election and “in-person” registration hours were reduced from 8:00AM-8:00PM to 8:00AM-5:00PM.
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VOTE BY MAIL - Effective immediately, early voting by mail must be available for all state elections, state primaries, and presidential primaries. Early voting by mail is also required for all local elections and preliminaries, unless the city or town opts out. In order to opt out of Vote by Mail for a local election, the selectmen, city council, or town council must hold a public hearing and public roll call vote to NOT allow Vote by Mail no later than 45 days before the date of the election. Cities and towns cannot opt out of Vote by Mail for a local election if the election is happening on the same day as a state election, state primary, or presidential primary. My personal belief, as your Town Clerk, is “Vote by Mail” should be available to all Rehoboth voters for all Elections; local elections as well as state elections. Therefore, I will not be requesting the Board of Selectmen “opt out” of the vote by mail process for local elections. Vote by Mail Applications - As in 2020, the State Elections Division will be mailing Vote by Mail applications (postcards) at least 45 days before every regular state primary, state election, and presidential primary. The applications will be sent to everyone registered to vote by the 60th day before the election who has not already applied for a ballot. The applications will be pre-addressed to the Rehoboth Town Clerk’s Office and postage pre-paid. Unlike previous years, family members are now allowed to request an early Vote by Mail ballot on a voter’s behalf, as they currently can with absentee ballots. Similarly, family members are now permitted to return an early Vote by Mail ballot for the voter as well. Application Deadlines - The deadline to receive a request for any ballot (early or absentee) to be mailed is now 5 business days before the election. A business day is any weekday that is not a legal holiday, so this will typically fall one week before Election Day. For the September 6th State Primary, because Labor Day is not a business day, the deadline to receive vote by mail applications in our office will be 5:00PM. Monday, August 29th. For the November 8th State Election, the deadline for our office to receive vote by mail applications is 5:00PM Tuesday, November 1st. No ballots can be mailed to any voter whose application has not been received by 5:00PM on the 5th business day before the election. However, “in-person” early voting is still available until the Friday before the election for applicable elections and in-person absentee voting is still available until noon on the day before the election (if that day is not a holiday). IN-PERSON EARLY VOTING - In-person early voting must now be offered for all regular state primaries, state elections, and presidential primaries. It must also be offered for special elections and primaries to fill vacancies for U.S. Senate or Congress. Inperson early voting must also be held for any municipal elections being held on the same day as one of the above listed elections. In-Person Early Voting Dates - In-person early voting for biennial state elections must be held from the 17th day through the 4th day before the election. In 2022, the early voting period for the November 8th State Election will begin on Saturday, October 22nd and end on Friday, November 4th. Early voting for state and presidential primaries will begin on the 10th day before the primary and end on the 4th day before the primary. Early voting for the September 6th State Primary will begin on Saturday, August 27th (the same day as the voter registration deadline) and end on Friday, September 2nd. In-Person Early Voting Hours – Those hours will be determined by the Town Clerk’s Office in conjunction with the Board of Selectmen. More information to come as we get closer to the September Primary and November Gubernatorial Elections. In closing, Lynn, Odete, Logan and I wish you all a wonderful 4th of July and a happy, healthy, safe, and memorable summer! Please stay healthy and safe!! I look forward to chatting with you again in August. Sincerely, Laura
July 2022 The Reporter
It’s A Birthday Blizzard of Giving! Birthday Presents
For our Rehoboth families facing challenging times The Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc. has expanded its include Birthday Gifts to support our Rehoboth Children. Please visit our website for more information. If you need support to celebrate your child’s birthday, please use the form available on the website- two to three weeks’ notice is required for assistance with birthday celebrations so please provide ample notice:
News from the Public Health Nurses Office The PODIATRIST is visiting the Public Health Nurses Office at 27 Francis Farm Road on Thursday JULY 14th from 9a-12n.
Call to book an appointment @ Office: 508-252-5947 ext. 3127 or 3128 OR Cell: 508-962-4558
We need: Parent/Guardian’s name, address, email, phone Child’s name, gender, birthdate, general interests
This information can be emailed to Or mailed to Colleen McBride, 35 Pond St., Rehoboth, MA 02769 If you have any questions, please call 508-966-8122 The Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc. is committed to serving the community by providing Christmas gifts, holiday support, birthday gifts and other special occasion needs to Rehoboth residents who are facing challenging times in their lives. Donations can be made out to: “Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc.” and mailed to: Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Attn: Cathy Edington, 61 Reservoir Ave., Rehoboth, MA 02769 Colleen McBride, Cathy Edington, & Cheryl Santos Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc.
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The Reporter July 2022
Rehoboth’s 2022 Memorial Day Parade & The True Meaning of a Riderless Horse
During this past Memorial Day Parade, many people along the parade route didn’t understand the meaning of or understanding why Wendy Wolf Cardarelli was walking by the side of “A Riderless Horse” with empty boots facing backwards………… So as the Director of Veteran Services of Rehoboth, I would like to your readers to know that…… A riderless horse is a single horse, without a rider, and with boots reversed in the stirrups, which sometimes accompanies a funeral procession. The horse that may follow a caisson carrying the casket. A riderless horse can also be featured in military parades to mobilize either fallen soldiers.
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In the United States, the riderless horse is part of the military honors given to an Army or Marine Corps officer who was a colonel or above; this includes the President, by virtue of having been the country’s commander in chief and the Secretary of Defense, having overseen the armed forces. Alexander Hamilton, former Secretary of the Treasury (1789–1795) was the first American to be given the honor. Historian Ron Chernow noted that Hamilton›s gray horse followed the casket «with the boots and spurs of its former rider reversed in the stirrups. Abraham Lincoln was the first president of the United States to be officially honored by the inclusion of the riderless horse in his funeral cortege, although a letter from George Washington’s personal secretary recorded the president’s horse was part of the president’s funeral, carrying his saddle, pistols, and holsters. Traditionally, simple black riding boots are reversed in the stirrups to represent a fallen commander looking back on his troops for the last time.
US Navy Photo: Symbolic of a fallen leader who will never ride again, the Caparisoned horse is led down Constitution Ave., following the Caisson carrying the body of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan
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Wendy Wolf Cardarelli Rideless Horse
American Legion at the parade
July 2022 The Reporter
Rehoboth Minutemen at the parade
Rehoboth Animal Shelter News
There has been an influx of kittens at the Rehoboth Animal Shelter. They are boys and girls, tabbies, tuxedos, and more. Some are ready to be adopted now and some will be ready in a few weeks, once they have had all their shots. Vaccinations and spay/neuter surgery are included in the adoption fee. For more information, about adoptable pets, or to report a lost or found pet, call the shelter at 508-252-5421 or e-mail
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One of the cute kittens!
Rehoboth Ambulance Committee, Inc. Continues HEARTSafe Community
The Town of Rehoboth received Heartsafe Designation in 2003. The town received this designation as being active in the prevention and emergency care for heart attacks. It is estimated approximately 250,000 sudden cardiac arrests occur each year and only 10% of out of hospital cardiac arrests survive. The survival percentage increases with immediate CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). We know CPR and defibrillators save lives. Since 2003 the Rehoboth Ambulance Committee, Inc. has been the lead agency in creating “Rehoboth-a HEARTSafe Community”. This includes training and initially placing AEDs in two police cruisers (within a month the first save was recorded). The Rehoboth Ambulance Committee to this day continues AED training and CPR training. Any Rehoboth group or civic organization such as town offices, schools and the COA have received training by the Rehoboth Ambulance Committee, Inc. There are CPR classes held monthly on the third Thursday starting at 5 PM. The classes are held at the • Fully Insured Rehoboth Congregational Church, 139 Bay State Rd. in Rehoboth. Successful comple• Free Estimates tion results in an American Heart Association certification. To register for class or more information contact Bonnie at 508 252 3049.
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The Reporter July 2022
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From The K-8 Withdrawal Study Committee One of the most often asked questions to the K-8 Withdrawal Study Committee is: What are the projected/potential Rehoboth K-8 withdrawal financial consequences?
There would be some one-time costs during the separation period. For example, we would have to hire a labor lawyer to facilitate moving employees from the jurisdiction of the DR Regional District to the Town of Rehoboth. There may also be other unforeseen legal expenses. Rehoboth might have to hire more staff at the Town offices to handle the influx of new employees to the Town. We would also have to hire a Superintendent to oversee our K-8 as well as a Business Administrator and a Special Ed Coordinator. These decisions would be made by our new school committee. All of the figures for the following analysis are from the District Business Office FY23 School Committee approved Assessment Sheet. The financial benefit to our community could be substantial. As you may know, since the State’s implementation of the statutory method for calculating the assessment to Dighton and Rehoboth, Rehoboth has had to pay a disproportional share of the out-of-pocket expenses of the District. To clarify, of the District’s FY23 minimum required contribution of $21,814,425, Rehoboth must contribute $14,610,032 and Dighton must contribute $7,204,393. Dividing $14,610,032 by $21,814,425 shows that Rehoboth’s contribution is 67% of the total minimum required by the State. Rehoboth has 1440 students enrolled out of 2546 total District students, or about 57% of the students. That extra 10% is the so-called ‘wealth factor’ which Rehoboth has to pay at a minimum. When the District spends more than the required minimum (this year $6,072,207), this extra amount is divided up in a different way. The calculation for the above minimum is based on the percentage of the operating budget of each Town’s K-8 and the high school to the total operating budget. The high school percentage is then divided by the high school enrollment from each community. This is a more equitable way of dividing costs.
July 2022 The Reporter To Summarize:
Rehoboth’s required minimum: $14,610,032 67% of the total Dighton’s required minimum: + $ 7,204,393 33% of the total Total District required minimum: $21,814,425 District above minimum: $6,072,207
Enrollment: 1440 57% Enrollment: 1106 43%
Percentage of the District’s operating budget:
Rehoboth K-8 26.56% of $6,072,207 = $1,612,767 Dighton K-8 23.65% of $6,072,207 = $1,436,368 High School 49.79% of $6,072,207 = $3,023,072 High School portion of the above minimum ($3,023,072) is then divided by enrollment. Rehoboth high school enrollment 404 59.9% 59.9% of $3,013,072 = $1,812,049 Dighton high school enrollment + 270 40.1% 40.1% of $3,013.072 = $1,211,023 674 Transportation fees and capital are not part of the statutory assessment rules. The method of assessment described previously relates only to operational expenses. Each Town pays its own transportation costs. Each Town pays its own Capital costs for K-8 buildings. The high school’s capital costs are divided by the average of both the enrollment percentage of each Town and the EQV (Property Value) percentage of each Town. Rehoboth’s enrollment at the high school is 60% of the total and its EQV is 64% of the total of the EQV of both towns. Therefore, the average of 60% and 64% is 62%. Rehoboth pays 62% of the Capital costs at the high school. This formula is in our 1987 agreement (Section IV, D) as well as in our original 1958 agreement and would still be how we would determine our Capital costs at the high school. Because Rehoboth is part of a Regional District, the so-called ‘wealth formula’ for calculating the operating assessments to each town is applied to our K-12. If we withdraw our K-8, it will be applied to the high school only. This fact alone should save Rehoboth money. An analysis separating Rehoboth’s operating K-8 costs, minimum contribution, and Chapter 70 aid for FY23 shows that withdrawal of its K-8 would save about $2.5 million. That means Rehoboth’s minimum contribution, which it would have to pay anyway, would leave about $2.5 million to spend on hiring additional Rehoboth K-8 administrative staff or on improving educational opportunities for its students. For FY23, Rehoboth was also assessed about $1.6 million for its K-8 portion of the ‘above minimum’ budgeted. For FY23 alone, separation would have saved Rehoboth about $2.5M + $1.6M for a total of $4.1M. Many District-Wide expenses, such as the FICA match and teachers’ retirement health and life insurance contributions, are included in the high school budget. If Rehoboth withdraws its K-8, that portion of these expenses would transfer to Rehoboth (and Dighton). Both Towns are paying these expenses already through their District assessment. Thus, the high school budget should decrease accordingly. So it shouldn’t cost any extra. It is difficult to estimate the exact amount Rehoboth K-8 withdrawal would save annually, because every year our minimum required contribution changes, our enrollment changes, and our Owner ~ An Independent Agent Chapter 70 aid changes. Because Rehoboth would be subject to the ‘wealth formula’ for just grades 9-12 instead of for the whole K-12, it should realize savings. If you wish to view the complete spreadsheet analysis, showing how the $2.5M in savings was calculated, or the FY23 DRRSD School Committee Approved Assessment sheet, go to the Town of Rehoboth website, select Boards and Committees, then scroll down to K-8 Withdrawal Study Committee. The first of the Frequently Asked Questions will be this question. There is a link to both the spreadsheet analysis and the FY23 district assessment at the end of the answer. The K-8 Withdrawal Study Committee, Mike McBride, Jay Crandall, TJ Maynard, Susan Ohsberg, and Kelly Doran
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The Reporter July 2022
Dighton-Rehoboth Grads Told to Seek Opportunity
DR graduation
By Joe Siegel Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School’s graduating class were encouraged to find something that inspires them as they plan their future. The 176 members of the Class of 2022 were cheered on by friends and family as they marched onto the school’s athletic field. Valedictorian Alexander Tomellini spoke about opportunities in life. “The key is to see the potential for opportunity and be grateful for it,” Tomellini said. Tomellini also acknowledged the numerous championships won by the school’s sports teams during the past four years. Salutatorian Graeme Sullivan described his classmates as “doers.” “We do what we want, we do what we can, and we do what we need to do,” Sullivan said, noting the class “hit the ground running” in their senior year after being required to attend classes remotely due to the Covid 19 pandemic. “We’ve been inspired with life lessons that our teachers, our parents, our guardians and our role models have taught us about respect, making good choices and surrounding ourselves with good people,” D-R Superintendent Anthony Azar told the graduates. “We are in a place in time where people are recognizing the critical value of empathy and the impact we have on others. You’ve been impacted by extraordinary times since your freshman year and you have inspired all of us.” Principal John Gould referenced a quote from Grandma Moses when he said the graduates had shown the “quality of perseverance” and “a commitment to excellence.” “You did not let the pandemic stop you,” Gould said. “Well done.”
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Valedictorian Alexander Tomellini
July 2022 The Reporter
Azar Bids Farewell to Dighton-Rehoboth
By Joe Siegel Anthony Azar is bidding a fond farewell to the Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District on Thursday after an eight year stint as Superintendent. Azar said some of the biggest challenges during his tenure were “building a budget that created opportunities for our students while balancing the financial stability in both of our district municipalities, and having people that may not understand the inner workings of public schools not recognize the work our students and administration have accomplished.” Closing the schools due to Covid-19 and instituting distance learning posed its own set of challenges, Azar recalled: “No one had ever experienced a pandemic before in our experiences and we all had to learn a whole new way to approach the delivery of our educational programs. We developed a multitude of ways for students to have enrichment opportunities during vacation weeks and the summer for educational recovery.” Azar believes the district and the two member towns are “in much better financial shape” now than when he first started in the position. Azar noted the creation of a full-day kindergarten program for the district, upgrades of the athletic facilities at the high school, making sure roofs and windows were replaced, adding new HVAC systems to the schools, and having worked with “an incredible staff at all levels.” Azar said he always had an “open door” policy, allowing residents to get to know more about the schools. “I have continually invited people to meet with me and discuss ideas because I have lived in town for two decades. I have had the pleasure of discussing positive school experiences with so many people who felt a comfort level of coming up to me while I was coaching baseball, baseball or soccer,” Azar noted.
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William Runey, the former Principal of Attleboro High School, is taking over as Superintendent on July 1. Azar advises Runey to “be honest, transparent, approachable, kind and always consider how your next decision will impact kids and to hold tight, there are rapids ahead.”
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The Reporter July 2022
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I hope everyone had a fun and safe Fourth of July. Did you know that fireworks have always been a part of the Independence Day celebration in the United States since the first celebration, in 1777? Fireworks were used in China in the 12th century, but it wasn’t until the 15th century that they became popular with European Monarchs as a way to celebrate national Florice Craig pride as well as the Monarchs’ own birthday. I hope everyone had the chance to see some spectacular firework displays, in and around Seekonk. July has other fun days to celebrate, like July 7th World Chocolate Day and July 17th National Ice Cream Day.
Election News
On July 22 Governor Baker signed chapter 92 of the Acts of 2022, which is known as, the VOTES Act. This new law changed some existing laws and made permanent many of the procedures used in the 2020 election. Here is an overview of the new law: • Changes the voter registration deadline to 5pm on the 10th day before any election • Makes early voting by mail permanent for all presidential primaries, state primaries and state elections • Makes early voting by mail consistent with absentee voting (family members can apply and return ballots) • Changes deadline to apply for vote by mail ballot from 4 days to 5 business days • Allows mail-in ballots postmarked on or before the biennial state election and received within 3 days to be counted • Requires early voting in person for presidential primaries, state primaries and state elections • Allows for advance removal and advance deposit of early and absentee ballots
Election Dates
State Primary Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Voter registration deadline is August 27, 2022 5pm. General Election Tuesday, November 8, 2022 Voter registration deadline is October 29, 2022 5pm.
Early Voting Hours for the State Primary
Saturday August 27 9 : 0 0 A M – 5 : 0 0 P M Monday August 29 1 : 0 0 P M – 4 : 0 0 P M Tuesday August 30 1 : 0 0 P M – 4 : 0 0 P M Wed. August 31 1 0 : 0 0 P M – 7 : 0 0 P M Thursday September 1 1 : 0 0 P M – 4 : 0 0 P M Friday September 2 9 : 0 0 A M – 2 : 0 0 P M * Hours might be subject to change All Early voting will take place at Town Hall, 100 Peck St.
Vote by Mail News
As in 2020, the State Elections Division will be mailing Vote by Mail applications at least 45 days before a regular primary, state election, and presidential primary. So, expect the first post card “Vote by Mail Application” to arrive the last week of July. There will be a second post card mailing, again, sent by the State Elections division, to everyone registered to vote, by the 60th day before the election who has not, already applied for a ballot. The application
July 2022 The Reporter will be pre-addressed to go to Seekonk Town Hall and will be postage pre-paid. Family members are now permitted to return an early Vote by Mail ballot for a voter as well. You can also get a Vote by Mail application on the Town of Seekonk’s website under the Town Clerk’s page/downloadable forms, as well as on the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website. Or you can come into the Town Clerk’s office and fill one out. It is IMPORTANT to note when filling out an application for the State Primary if you are listed as NO PARTY or UNENROLLED and want to vote in the Primary you MUST choose/ check the box for the party ballot you want sent to you. If you are unenrolled and don’t check a party box YOU WILL NOT BE SENT A BALLOT. We can’t choose for you. The deadline to receive a request for any ballot (early or absentee) to be mailed is 5 business days before the election. A business day is any weekday that is not a legal holiday. For the September 6th Primary, because Labor Day is not a business day, the deadline for the Town Clerk’s office to receive a Vote by Mail application is 5pm Monday August 29th. Leaving it to that late date is cutting it close for us to mail it out to you to get it in time or the election. Remember that we will be having in-person early voting available until Friday before the election.
Stephen E. Navega, PC - ATTORNEY AT LAW -
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2022 State Primary Candidates
Pease note that the candidates are subject to changes due to withdraw or objections before the State Ballot Law Commission.
Lieutenant Governor R Leah V. Allen R Kate Campanale D Kimberley Driscoll D Tami Gouveia D Eric P. Lesser Attorney General R James R. McMahon III D Andrea Joy Campbell D Shannon Erika Liss-Riordan D Quentin Palfrey Secretary of State R Rayla Campbell D William Francis Galvin D Tanish M. Sullivan Treasurer R No Nominations D Deborah B. Goldberg Auditor R Anthony Amore D Christopher S. Dempsey D Diana Dizoglio
Census information
Representative in Congress 4th District R No Nominations D Jake Auchincloss Councillor 2nd District R No Nominations D Robert L. Jubinville
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Senator in General Court R Maria S. Collins D Marc R. Pacheco
Representative in General Court R Steven S. Howitt D No Nominations
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District Attorney R No Nominations D Thomas M. Quinn III D Shannon M. McMahon Sheriff – Bristol County R Thomas M. Hodgson D Nicholas Bernier D Paul R. Heroux D George M. McNeil County Commissioner R No Nominations D John Thomas Saunders
As of June 24, 2022, the count of residents registered to vote is 11,367 voter, and 2,510 non-voters. (Please note this figure is continually changing due to people being added and deleted off the voter rolls and people moving in or out of town). If you need information about your voter status, or about the elections in general, do not hesitate to call us or email us. 508-3362920 or Florice Craig, Town Clerk & Lorraine Sorel, Assistant Town Clerk
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Governor R Geoff Diehl R Chris Doughty D Sonia Rosa Chang-Diaz D Maura Healy
The Reporter July 2022
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Hannah’s Herd 5K Collects for Doorways
Members of the Baldassi family dropped off food collected for Doorways food pantry in connection with daughter Hannah’s 5K run event. Hannah Baldassi is a runner. She is a member of the Seekonk High School cross-country team and has participated in charity road races for years. But when Covid turned all the road races into virtual events, she decided to create her own event for the benefit of the Doorways food pantry and Save the Bay. Hannah and her family organized the event and collected food to help support local families in a time of food uncertainty. We at Doorways Food Pantry would like to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to the entire community of Seekonk who have sustained the food pantry these past 2+ years. Not a week goes by that a car does not pull up to our North School location to drop off donations from individual families; sometimes these donations are quite large. Always they are given with love and concern for our neighbors in need. Schools, churches and civic organizations have held food drives on our behalf. We are humbled by your support. Today, the assistance provided by a food pantry is more important than ever, as the cost of gasoline, fuel oil, and groceries continues to increase. Over seventy families rely on Doorways on a regular basis, and Doorways, in turn, relies on people like you. Thank you.
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Hannah’s Herd
Seekonk Animal Shelter News
Albus is a 7-year-old, domestic short haired, black tabby & brown male cat. He is a very sweet boy who enjoys attention, but he is not fond of other cats. He likes to be pet and does not mind being picked up. Albus has been neutered, micro-chipped and is up to date on vaccines. Are you ready to open your heart and home to Albus? Visit him or any of our available cats, guinea pigs, or rabbits, at the Seekonk Animal Shelter, 100 Peck St., Seekonk MA, 508-336-6663.
July 2022 The Reporter
Selectmen Discuss Road Safety Following Fatal Crash
By Joe Siegel The Seekonk Board of Selectmen discussed possible ways to improve road safety following a deadly crash earlier this month at the intersection of Route 44 (Taunton Avenue) and Lincoln Street. A husband and wife from Pawtucket were killed June 13 when their vehicle tried to cross Route 44 from Lincoln Street and was struck by a motorist driving eastbound. The speed limit on that stretch of Route 44 is 45 mph. Selectmen Chairman Justin Sullivan noted the intersection was “very dangerous” at Wednesday’s meeting. Sullivan said a number of road audits and traffic safety studies had been conducted over the last 10 years. Town Administrator Shawn Cadime said the stop signs on Lincoln Street were expanded in size from 30 to 36 inches after the town was able to get on the state’s Department of Transportation list of low cost safety improvements. In 2017, Mass DOT conducted a road safety audit for the resurfacing work on Route 44. Cadime said a “signal beacon” would be installed at the intersection. “I’m not sure how much a yellow flashing light is really going to do for travel and safety,” Cadime said. “It really is just line of sight and the speed of the vehicles going over there.” Cadime said he sent a letter to Mass DOT requesting a review of the speed limit on Route 44. “We were trying to get the state to respond,” Sullivan explained. “Unfortunately we’ve had this unfortunate event here that we need to now get the state to open up their eyes and see that it’s as dangerous as we’ve been telling them.”
School Superintendent: Pickleball Not Allowed on Tennis Court
By Joe Siegel The Seekonk High School tennis courts are for tennis only, Superintendent Rich Drolet said Wednesday. Some residents took to social media last weekend to complain about a set of rules regarding use of the courts. “Pickleball is prohibited like the sign says and like I said the other night, the tennis courts are intended for tennis use only,” Drolet noted. “The high school ordered the sign and (Principal William Whalen) and I approved it. I am checking with legal to see if there are any issues with the wording.” The sign notes: • Tennis facilities are for Seekonk residents and their guests • All players should be prepared to show proof of residency in the form of a valid ID or driver’s license if requested by school or town staff. • Courts are for TENNIS ONLY – all other uses require a permit. “We’re just trying to protect the courts for tennis use and for our tennis teams,” the high school’s Athletic Director John Moran said at Monday’s school committee meeting. “We are willing to make exceptions for Seekonk residents (and their guests) to play pickleball, though,” Drolet added. “What Mr. Moran was conveying is if a Seekonk resident wants to fill out a building use form to play pickleball, the athletic director and the high school will approve. This will allow the high school to know when people are playing pickleball and who they are so that the (athletic director) can check the courts before and after use to ensure there is no damage to the surface of the courts. Mr. Moran, Dr. Whalen, and I feel this is a reasonable compromise. Any Seekonk resident who wants to play pickleball there should contact Mr. Moran or fill out a building use form (found on the high school’s website) and send it to Mr. Moran.”
Rain Barrel Sale Planned for Seekonk
The Recycling Committee of Seekonk is arranging for a rain barrel sale involving the Great American Rain Barrel Company, similar to the one we ran back in 2019. Full details will be provided in our next publicity release, with the possibility of a reduced price for Seekonk residents.
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The Reporter July 2022
Seekonk High School Graduates 158
SHS Graduates
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By Joe Siegel Seekonk High School’s Class of 2022 were honored for triumphing over obstacles at Friday’s commencement exercises. The 158 graduates marched onto the school’s athletic field under a sunny evening sky as the Seekonk High School band played “Pomp and Circumstance.” Chanelle Gomez, Alya Goulart, and Mira White recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Principal William Whalen praised the graduates for dealing with the Covid pandemic and the difficulties associated with distance learning. Valedictorian Thomas Wang lauded his classmates for never giving up and being united during hard times. Salutatorian Lucy Lewis said “the biggest lesson we have learned is how much life changes.” Reflections were offered by Class Representatives Kate Leinson and Jazlyn Monteiro, followed by remarks from Class Advisors Dr. Rosamaria Carlozzi and Mr. Nathan Charette. After all the diplomas were handed out, the graduates gleefully tossed their caps into the air and said their final farewells to high school. Salutatorian Lucy Lewis
SHS Graduates
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Superintendent Rich Drolet addressing the graduates
July 2022 The Reporter
Events at the Seekonk American Legion Post 311 Chicken BBQ
A Chicken BBQ will be held on Saturday, August 20th at 2 pm at the Seekonk American Legion located at 351 Fall River Ave, 2nd floor, Seekonk, MA. A $20.00 donation per person is requested. Tickets are available in advance at the Legion Post 311. For information call 508-336-9822.
Masonry & Chimney Sweeps
Paint Party to benefit “Service Dogs for Veterans”
A Painting Party will be held on Saturday, September 17th at the Seekonk American Legion located at 351 Fall River Ave, 2nd floor, Seekonk, MA. . Instruction by Emma Healey. We will be painting Sunflowers on canvas using a 3D multimedia air drying clay technique. Doors open at noon with painting starting at 1 pm. Tickets include all materials and one free beverage. There will be a cash bar. Reservations must be made in advance by September 3rd in the amount of $35.00 per person, ages 16 and up. Please make checks/money orders payable to: American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 311 and mail to Donna Reed, 29 Lanesboro St, Pawtucket, RI 02861. Tickets are nonrefundable and will be mailed upon receipt of reservation. Please send any questions to auxiliary311@yahoo. com or or call/text Donna at 401451-1944. 100% of net proceeds from this event will go to NEADS to train a Service Dog for a Veteran. 351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA 02771 508-336-9822
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The Reporter July 2022
Explore Local This Summer!
Passport to History offers free admission to 16 museums and historic sites throughout southern Massachusetts
American Legion Post 302 *Hall Rentals - Open to the Public *Bar & Lounge open to "All Guests!" *Legion/Lions All you can Eat Breakfast 2nd Sunday of every month 7:30-10:30AM
*Every Friday Night - Music - Food - with a different menu every Friday by - AH! La Carte and with very reasonable prices $$
*Hi-Lo Card Leagues - Monday & Wednesday Nights
*Cribbage Leagues Monday Nights Jan-April & Wednesday Nights May through August for
*No rental cost -
Funeral Collation
Mon-Fri 3:00 PM to Close, Sat 12:00 PM to Close Sun 1:00 PM to Close Located at 84 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA Call # 508-252-9079 or E-mail Jake @
Passport to History is a joint effort of local museums to share and explore the diverse history of southeastern Massachusetts for FREE through September 1. Grab your passport and get started at any of this year’s sixteen participating locations including Rehoboth’s Carpenter Museum. A passport equals free admission for up to four people at each site. Be sure to collect your “I WAS HERE” stamp at all the sites, and tag us on your journey with #PassportToHistory. New for 2022, are Passport Day Trips which combine nearby sites with other great places to explore and grab a bite to eat. Make a day of it and enjoy all that Southeastern Mass has to offer! To see the trips and get the curated Google links be sure to visit www. 2022 Sites: • Alden House- Duxbury • Attleboro Area Industrial Museum • Berkley Historical Society • Carpenter Museum- Rehoboth • Duxbury Rural and Historical Society • Fall River Historical Society • Fisher Richardson House- Mansfield Historical Society • Historical Society of Santuit and Cotuit • Middleboro Historical Association • Oliver House- Middleborough • Old Bridgewater Historical Society • Old Colony History Museum • Paragon Park Museum- Hull Passport to History is developed by the Old Colony History Museum and funded, in part, by the Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism and the Southeastern Massachusetts Convention and Visitors Bureau. For 2022, this program is also supported in part by grants from the Attleboro, Berkley, Duxbury, Easton, Fall River, Freetown, Hull, Mansfield, Mid-Cape, Middleborough, New Bedford, Plymouth, Rehoboth, Rochester, and Wareham Cultural Councils, local agencies which are supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.
About the Carpenter Museum:
The Carpenter Museum, named in honor of major benefactors Elsie Carpenter and her son E. Winsor Carpenter, is Rehoboth’s local history museum. Our mission is to collect, document, preserve, and share material culture related to the town’s history. We connect the Rehoboth community with these artifacts and with local history in general through our exhibits and programming. The Museum provides the wider community with research support, especially in the area of genealogy, and promotes learning about American history through direct experience with objects from the past.
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July 2022 The Reporter
Hornbine School Museum’s Open House Season
We have been unable to have school classes visit the school for the past three years because of the unpredictability of the Corvid Virus. However, we were able to arrange for three classes to visit for the day this June. The public is invited to visit any of our Open House Sundays. We may be offering children a chance, for a nominal fee, on selected days in August and September, to attend the school for a day. The day’s program will include a host of old-fashioned activities and learning opportunities. Wearing historic clothing will be encouraged. Class sizes will be limited. Look for more information on our Facebook Page “Hornbine School Museum” or in the August edition of the Reporter. Rehoboth’s Hornbine School Museum will be open to the public between 2PM and 4PM on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in July, August and September. We are celebrating Frances Magan Jones’ 100th birthday this season by displaying pictures of her involvement with the school. The Schoolhouse is located at the corner of Hornbine and Baker Roads in south-eastern Rehoboth. We hope to see you one of these dates.
A Personal Note by Dave Downs
I was hired during May of 1972 to teach 3rd grade at the North Rehoboth School. Mrs. Doris Johnson, who was the 4th grade Teaching Principal at the school, invited me to accompany her class on a field trip to the Hornbine School. That field trip was on June 14, 1972 – Flag Day. As it turned out, that was the first full day experience I had in Rehoboth. This June 14th was the 50th anniversary of that day.
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1169 South Broadway, East Providence RI Mrs. Doris Johnson, teaching principal at the North Rehoboth School, greeting Mr. Downs’ 3rd grade class in 1974. She continued to invite the 3rd graders to The Hornbine School until she passed. By then, all 3rd grade classes from Rehoboth took field trips to the Hornbine School each year. (Submitted photo)
Mr. Downs celebrating his 50th year at The Hornbine School. (Submitted photo)
The Reporter July 2022
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A Little History about 84 Bay State Road Now Known as The American Legion Post 302
The building that has been known as “Town Meeting Hall” or “Nichols School” today houses the American Legion Post #302. This building was constructed around 1844 after the town comExperience. Integrity. Results. mittee approved the purchase of the lot on April 19, 1843 from Mr. A trusted advocate for Buyers & Sellers. Simeon Goff for a new Town Meeting Hall. The lot was recorded to be in the dimension of a square then known as the “Meeting Hall” Happy 4th of July from our family to yours. or “Town Square” later to be known as “Legion Square”. In 1922, this building housed a Grammar School called Nichols AARON DORAN Sales Associate, School that had the briefest history of all the schools seen today Liscensed in MA & RI in Rehoboth. The school opened in 1922 specifically to accommodate 7th and 8th grades. It closed in 1930 when the Anawan (401) 864-1644 Cell School was completed at 53 Bay State Road. During those eight years, there was just one teacher – Mrs. Charlotte C. Thatcher, although Dorothy Beckwith taught for a brief period from April-December 1930. Ten years after WW I ended in the spring of 1929, several Rehoboth veterans of World War I, decided that an American Legion Post should be established in Rehoboth. An application was forwarded to American Legion National Headquarters and upon favorable acknowledgment, the group was organized and given a temporary chartered on November 5, 1930, along with American Legion Auxiliary and both were permanently charted on November 10, 1931. In 1930 a special committee met with the Selectmen and then at the Town Meeting it was voted and approved to sell them a Dr. Gian Calandrelli Dr. Lisa Daft recently vacated “Town Meeting Hall” building situated at what is now known as Legion Dr. Lisa Daft and Dr. Jared Stubbs Square, for consideration of $1.00 and the property was sold on April 6, 1931, with the Are pleased to announce Dr. Chris Vanderpool provision that said property be reverted to has joined our family and cosmetic dental practice. the town upon expiration of the Posts charter.
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Picture taken Circa 1900 was built in 1843
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Photo taken by Bill Saunders around 2000
July 2022 The Reporter
In April 1934, the M-1906 4.7-inch howitzer located at the Legion Square was obtained through the interest of Congressman Joseph W. Martin and purchased by the American Legion Post 302 for $100.00 in 1935. The M-1906 howitzer is a noble relic of World War I and saw heavy service at that time. The cannon was been refurbished several times over. In 1997, extensive repairs were needed, thanks to Bill Humes, Lions Club and with local support; the cannon received a complete refurbishment. Twenty years later during the winter of 2016-17 a Boy Scout Danny Furze earned his Eagle Badge for refurbishing the cannon by scrapping, patching, priming, and repainting while housed in J & • Auto Detailing J’s Materials maintenance garage on US 6. In 2019 • 12 Volt Installations the cannon was relocated from its previous location Matt Sousa for 84 years on the island due to safety realignment 51 Winthrop St, Rehoboth MA of Bay State Road where Photo by Bill Saunders taken in 2005 is rests today. The Legion incorporated on December 28, 1954, as the Rehoboth Post 302, American Legion, and Department of Massachusetts Incorporated. In September 1962, Mrs. Pauline Peckham, the principal of Country Kindergarten that was once located at the corner of Brook and Morton Street, purchased Country Kindergarten, relocated, and moved to the American Legion Hall at 84 Bay State Road known as the “Nichols School House”. For 20 years the school had contributed to the education of over 700 children from Rehoboth, Swansea, Seekonk, Somerset, and Dighton. In 1978 to 1980, the Johnsons family used the hall as a “haunted house” for Halloween before they moved their event behind the Blanding Library. The hall was even used as a storage area for the Rehoboth Lions Club even weddings were conducted inside. Over the decades, the building came into total disrepair, there were no floors left, just dirt and a rotted roof. In 1989-90, a drive had begun to refurbish the historic building with members like John J. Flynn who put in over 3,000 hours gutting out the building and remodeling along with George Parent and others. The kitchen, bar, lounge and constructing an office had come a long ways with A & R Building Supplies giving credit to the Legion. By 1992-93 a debt of $25,000.00 needed to be taken care of, a fund drive went into high gear, one fundraiser starting the first annual golf tournament fundraiser on September 12, 1993 at the Hillside Country Club along with spaghetti dinners and breakfasts. In the 1990’s, the Legion was open Wednesday’s & Saturday’s 12:00 to 9:00 PM to public events such as military whist and numerous suppers were conducted and enjoyed by friends from far and near. Legion members were glad to assist their Auxiliary making these affairs most pleasurable and profitable. In 1994-95, the Legion received a Liquor Licenses from the town Selectmen after explaining to the town that the Legion need to bring in $800.00 a month for revenue to maintain the monthly overhead expenses and major renovations. On April 7, 1998 the Sons of the American Legion received their charter, a group for descendants’ sons of Veterans who served this Great Country. The group assists American Legionnaires of Post 302 with events, conduct meat raffles, steak fry’s, help out with the Harvest Festival and other events. They have always earned their own income and dispense it with judgment and effectiveness to assist Veterans, Sons and to the local community like Rehoboth Food Pantry. At the turn of the century, American Legion Post 302 became very active in the town of Rehoboth. The membership was very generous and contributed funding to many town organizations Proudly serving Rehoboth & Seekonk including Helping Hands, fuel assistance, the Police Association, Gift Certificates Available and local little league. The post also donates funds to the Veteran’s Services Office to assist local veterans in need.
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The Reporter July 2022 2005 the Legion rebuilt the ramp in to comply American Disability Act, 2008 all windows and doors were replaced, 2009 the entire building was resided with new vinyl siding, 2010, the Sons constructed a Smoking area in the back of the building with John DuVally and others by laying paving stones throughout the back. They also installed a fire pit with overhead awning and constructed a new outside shed. A whole new roof and sheeting was replaced after major hailstorm in 2012 that caused a lot of damaged and most of this was covered by insurance. 2014-16 the Legion was engaged in relocating and installing new bathrooms along with remodeling the lounge area. In 2019, the town enhanced the safety along Bay State Road by redesigning the Legion Square’s intersection. The facility operates food and beverage services during regular operating hours Monday through Friday 3:00 PM till close, Saturdays 12:00 PM till close and Sundays 1:00 PM till close and retains a full liquor license. The building is also available to rent for functions inside the Legions Hall. The American Legion Auxiliary offers two scholarships to new graduates from D-R Regional High School. The Auxiliary has always been known as one of the most progressive and stable units in the country. The Auxiliary gets high praise for their interest in the disabled, children welfare, civic duties as an Auxiliary’s’ responsibility. They have always earned its own income and dispenses it with judgment and effectiveness. For many years the Legion and the Auxiliary have been instrumental in supervising and conducting patriotic exercises on Memorial Day in Rehoboth and Flag Day.
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Rehoboth American Legion Post 302
The Rehoboth American Legion Post 302 would like to thank John Ferreira at J & J Materials, Ryan’s Asphalt, John DuVally Construction, Mike Berwick Electric and Lenny Mills of American Forms for their support and input into enhancing the safety of walking into the Sports Lounge & Bar by reducing the old 1843 constructed 10-inch risers to today’s standards of 7 ½ inch risers. The Adjutant of the American Legion Jake Kramer stated that “it almost feels like walking up a ramp verse climbing into the old building.”
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Photo taken by Jake Kramer June 25, 2022
American Legion Post 302 Public Events
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The American Legion now serves food on Fridays 5-9 PM Catered by Ah! La Carte Check with the bar for the specials of the week. Kim Fugundes serves food on the last Friday of the month Call the American Legion if your interested in playing in the HiLo Card Leagues on Monday Nights from September-November & April – June or on Wednesday nights September – December and start up again in January – April – all games start at 7:00 PM The Cribbage League plays on Monday Nights January – March and then on Wednesday Nights from May – August – all games start at 7:00 PM On certain Sundays each month - 1:00 to 4:00 PM – Craft Work Shops - Having a GREAT TIME! e-mail for more information • July 8th, 2022 - Friday - 6:30-10:00 P.M., Jim Powers Entertainment presents Old Time Rock “N” Roll, Classical Rock & County - No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Ah! La Carte Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks –
July 2022 The Reporter Dancing and sit back and enjoy groups/657024961125913/ • July 10th, 2022 – Sunday -7:30-10:30 A.M. American Legion & Anawan Lions Monthly Breakfast, Second Sunday of every month $10.00 donation - All you can Eat! • July, 15th, 2022 – Friday - 7:00-10:00 P.M. + – Live Karaoke performed by Jazzy Jill’s Karaoke Entertainment, Come on in and sing a song or two – No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Ah! La Carte - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! • July 22nd, 2022 – Friday - 7:00-10:00 P.M. – Live Music performed by Notorious Jones Entertainment with Classical Rock Music – No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Ah! La Carte - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! https://www. • July 29th, 2022 – Friday - 7:00-8:00 P.M., Sons of the American Legion’s Monthly Meat Raffle followed by Metta’s Karaoke Night 8:00 till 11:00 P.M. – No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Kim Fugundes - serves food on the last Friday of the month from 6:00 – 8:00 PM groups/657024961125913/ • August 5th, 2022 - Friday - 6:30-10:00 P.M., Jim Powers Entertainment presents Old Time Rock “N” Roll, Classical Rock & County - No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Ah! La Carte Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back and enjoy groups/657024961125913/ • August, 12th, 2022 – Friday - 7:00-10:00 P.M. + – Live Karaoke performed by Jazzy Jill’s Karaoke Entertainment, Come on in and sing a song or two – No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Ah! La Carte - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! • August 14th, 2022 – Sunday -7:30-10:30 A.M. American Legion & Anawan Lions Monthly Breakfast, Second Sunday of every month $10.00 donation - All you can Eat! https://www. • August 19th, 2022 – Friday - 7:00-10:00 P.M. – Live Music performed by Notorious Jones Entertainment with Classical Rock Music – No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Ah! La Carte - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! https://www.
Rehoboth Garden Club News
The Rehoboth Garden Club is very pleased to announce that it will awarding a $2,500 scholarship for 2022. The qualified applicant must be entering college this Fall or be a returning student, majoring in Floraculture, Horticulture, Agriculture or a related Environmental Science. The application deadline is November 1, 2022. The scholarship will be awarded in December 2022. For an application, email Linda Murphy at or call Mary Louise Pacheco at 508-252-3975. At the recent Newport Flower Show, the Rehoboth Garden Club was awarded second place for their entry. The category was “The Garden of Eden.” The team of Marj DeAngelis, Judith Doty, Helen Saulia and Linda McHugh combined fourteen different plants whose soft colors, interesting forms and textures created a lush, peaceful display. On July 18, 2022 at 5:30 PM, a new bench in the Carpenter Museum Herb Garden will be dedicated to the memory of past RGC member Evalyn Muggleton. All are invited to attend the ceremony, and to enjoy the herb garden at it’s peak.
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The Reporter July 2022
SCOUT NEWS Local Girl Scout Creates Robes for Cancer Patients and Earns Highest Award in Girl Scouting
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Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England is excited and proud to announce that Alexis Wells from Rehoboth, MA has earned the Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest award in Girl Scouting. Alexis’ Gold Award project is titled Robes for Charlton Memorial Hospital Oncology Center. Alexis’ project was to create homemade and comfortable robes for cancer patients while they go through treatment at Southcoast Oncology Alexis Wells Center. Every new patient at the oncology center would pick from a variety of robes in different sizes and colors. The robe they chose would stay with them throughout their treatment, and then they would take it home with them when they are finished. Instead of using the uncomfortable hospital gowns, they were able to have something comfortable that was their own. “My favorite part about being a Girl Scout was genuinely everything. I loved the trips and learning so many useful things. Luckily, I was able to go to Disney my senior year which was an unforgettable experience. Girl Scouts will always have a place in my heart.,” said Alexis Wells, Gold Award Girl Scout. About the Girl Scout Gold Award Since 1916, Girl Scouts have been making meaningful, sustainable change in their communities and around the world. The Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest award in Girl Scouting, acknowledges the power behind each Gold Award Girl Scout’s dedication to not only empowering and bettering herself, but also to making the world a better place for others. These young women are courageous leaders and visionary change makers. They are our future, and it looks bright!
Alexis will join the millions of Girl Scout alum around the world who have successfully created, developed, and executed “Take Action” projects that have positively impacted their communities and the world, earning Girl Scouts’ highest award: According to the Girl Scout Research Institute’s (GSRI’s) report, The Power of the Girl Scout Gold Award: Excellence in Leadership and Life, Gold Award Girl Scouts receive greater lifetime benefits than their peers regarding positive sense of self, life satisfaction, leadership, life success, community service, and civic engagement thanks to their experience in Girl Scouting, including earning their Gold Award. When compared to non–Girl Scout alums, Gold Award Girl Scouts soar when it comes to seeing themselves as leaders, providing service to others through volunteerism, and having positive attitudes about themselves and the lives they lead. More generally, over 90 percent of Girl Scouts not only attributed their success in life to Girl Scouts, but they also said they could not have had access to the same experiences anywhere else. Over the course of the last century, millions of Girl Scout alums have positively impacted their communities and the world with their creative, impactful, and sustainable Take Action projects. It’s not only Girl Scouts who understand the value of the Gold Award. Some universities and colleges offer scholarships unique to award recipients, and Gold Award Girl Scouts are entitled to enlist in the armed forces at a higher pay grade than individuals who have not earned the award.
Caleb Sawant Achieves Arrow of Light Rank in Cub Scouts
Pack 5- East Providence would like to congratulate Caleb Sawant of Rehoboth and Calico Shuman of Riverside on achieving their Arrow of Light rank in Cub Scouts. You have worked hard and learned a lot. Remember to always “Do Your Best”. Congratulations!
left to right: Steven Shuman, Calico Shuman, Caleb Sawant, Sheila Sawant
July 2022 The Reporter
Aaron Alexander Prata Completes Eagle Scout Project
The Town of Rehoboth and the Director of Veterans Services would like to thank Aaron Prata on his Eagle Scout Project for “The Veterans walkway for War on Terrorism” in front of the Rehoboth Town Hall’s Flagpole. Statement from Aaron: My name is Aaron Alexander Prata from 15 Mine Brook Road, and I am a Life Scout in Boy Scout Troop 3. I’m an 18-year-old student at Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School, entering my senior year in the Fall of 2022, and I have been a part of the Boy Scouts of America organization since the age of five. This program has changed my life forever by enabling me to develop skills, knowledge, and fundamental understanding as to the outdoors and the ever-changing world surrounding it. It has shaped my character, and truly built me into the young adult that I am today. Aaron Prata
The completed project.
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The Reporter July 2022
Meet Troop 1 Seekonk’s Newest Eagle Scouts Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Scouts BSA program of the Boy Scouts of America. Since its inception in 1911, only 8% of Scouts have earned this rank. This summer, Troop 1 Seekonk is proud to celebrate our scouts who have earned the prestigious Eagle rank during the pandemic, including the following 3 scouts who call East Providence their hometown. Each Eagle Scout is required to propose, manage, and complete an Eagle Scout project of their choice. During these service projects scouts demonstrate leadership to others while putting into practice various skills they’ve learned over their scouting careers. We are thankful for these scouts and the projects they’ve completed for our community.
During his years in scouting, Andrew has earned 22 merit badges, joined the Order of the Arrow, and participated in many scout outings. He enjoyed all of the camping, canoeing, hiking and white-water rafting trips he went on and especially enjoyed going to Yawgoog. Andrew graduated from East Providence High School in 2021 and is currently attending the University of Rhode Island for Electrical Engineering.
Michael Pereira
Michael’s Eagle Project was the construction and installation of flag retirement boxes at Seekonk American Legion and Mount Saint Charles Academy. These boxes are publicly available to drop off flags that need to be retired. Although the two boxes look nothing alike, they both serve to bring American flags from local communities in for a proper retirement by our troop. Michael has earned 36 Merit Badges and Order of the Arrow: Brotherhood. He has also earned his Bronze, Gold and Silver Eagle Palms and attended NYLT. Michael joined Cub Scouts Pack 88 Rumford as a tiger, and attended for all 5 years, then later came back as a Den Chief for 3 more. Michael’s favorite trips to go on were the bike, canoeing, and white-water rafting trips in the summer. These were always awesome trips he looked forward to months in advance. Michael had the opportunity to go on a high adventure trip to Florida Sea Base. This was one of the most unique and memorable trips ever. He wants all the scouts to know “If you ever get a chance to go on high adventure, DO IT!”. He is looking forward to attending Western New England University in the upcoming years as an Information Technology student. Michael is a member of the WNE Drumline, campus food committee, and Applied Computer Machinery clubs.
Andrew Langille at Seekonk Congregational Church
Michael Pereira with the Flag box.
Andrew Langille
Andrew’s Eagle Project was the construction of a path and mulch circle at Seekonk Congregational Church Fall River Avenue. A team of volunteers cleared and mulched the path and circle. They also installed fences along the side of the path. This path allows those with mobility concerns to get up to the raised level on the church’s property.
Matthew Lloyd at Scituate Historic Cemetary SC119
July 2022 The Reporter Matthew Lloyd
For the longest time, Matt had wanted to work on a historical cemetery as his Eagle Project. In his three years as a Life Scout, a lot of his time was given to finding the right location. He searched all across Rhode Island, using the cemetery database made public by the RI Historical Cemeteries Commission (he would like to thank the Commission for their endless support of his project). After searching over 5000 cemeteries, he chose one in Scituate, known as SC119, as the location of his project. He and 12 volunteers focused on clearing the area of poison ivy, outstanding roots, tree stumps, and dirt mounds; they used D/2 Biological Solution to safely and effectively clean the gravestones of their mold and rot. Overall, he spent 34.5 hours planning, preparing, and executing the project – with over 70 community service hours collectively given to volunteers. In Scouts, he has earned some interesting merit badges, including Personal Finance, Plumbing, Citizenship in the Nation, and many more. Matt received honors such as being elected to the Order of the Arrow, being elected as Senior Patrol Leader of Troop 1, and more. He says he’s learned the frustrations of leadership, discipline, responsibility, and commitment. He’s also been on incredible journeys, had many highs and few lows. Matt has seen the tops of mountains and been in countless forests. He’s experienced happiness and sadness, joy and anger, understanding and confusion. He has gone through all the motions of being a kid and has matured to a functional adult. As he prepares for his career as an industrial welder, he will use all the lessons that he learned from Scouts and will not soon forget what it has taught him.
We wish our Eagle Scouts all the best in their future endeavors! If you’d like to find out more about scouting, please contact us: Visit our website at Email us for more information: Scouts BSA Troop 1 Seekonk (for Boys ages 11-17): Scouts BSA Troop 9 Seekonk (for Girls ages 11-17): Cub Scout Pack 88 Rumford (for Boys & Girls, Grades K-5):
Events & Activities Seekonk High School Class of 1972 – 50th reunion Sunday, August 28, 2022 at the Fall River Country Club 5- 10pm
Invitations were mailed out June 1st. RSVP by July 22, 2022. If you did not receive your invitation, please email with your address information so we can make sure you receive your invite. It’s time to celebrate and reconnect with old friends!
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The Reporter July 2022
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July 2022 The Reporter
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The Reporter July 2022
July 2022 The Reporter
News and Notes from Blanding Library By Leslie Patterson
FORE! Mini-Golf on Sat. July 9
Bring your team (no more than five in a group) for Mobile MiniGolf at the library on Sat. July 9, for all ages. Call to reserve your tee time, with time slots that start between 11:30 and 2:30. This event is made possible by the Friends of the Blanding Library.
Rainforest Reptiles on Tues. July 12
Rainforest Reptiles presents an hour long educational program at 1 pm on Tues. July 12. You’ll see a variety of small animals (bugs, lizards, frogs, etc.) along with a presentation by a herpetologist of four larger animals. All animals are tropical or semi-tropical. Each audience member will have the opportunity to view them up close. This program is sponsored by the Rehoboth Cultural Council.
Baby/Toddler Story Time Tuesdays
Baby and toddler story time on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 will begin on July 12. There will be a special “Tunes-N-Tales” musical program on Tues. July 26. Older siblings are welcome. Ann-Marie Forer will share her songs, stories and more. Please register in advance for this event.
Stories on the Lawn July 14 & 21
Bring a chair or blanket and listen to several stories on the library’s front lawn on Thursday July 14 & July 21 at 10:30. A simple craft will be available to make or take home. You can bring snacks if you’d like. In case of rain, this will be held in the hall.
National Hot Dog Day, Wed. July 20
At a special story time for all ages on Wed. July 20 at 10:30 you can meet Melissa and her therapy dog “Jack Ryan” and make a fun hot dog craft to take home. No registration necessary.
Children’s Author Events
July 27: Author/illustrator Carla Marrero returns this summer to share several of her books about cats and the stories they tell on Wed. July 27 at 10:30. Make a craft to take home. No registration needed. Aug. 3: Local author/illustrator Nancy Cote visits several of her fun children’s stories on Wed. Aug. 3 at 10:30. All ages welcome; no registration needed. Aug. 10: Alec Carvlin, author of the children’s book “How to Bake a Universe” visits the library on Wed. Aug. 10 at 10:30 to read his popular story and lead group activities. This talk is geared for children from kindergarten through grade 6. Please register for this program.
program. Young visitors may acquire a special stamp or sticker to add to their summer passport by visiting each of these five libraries. Each library will feature one of the National Parks. .
The Great Rehoboth Book Hunt
The Great Rehoboth Book Hunt is on! We’re placing our first 4 foot x 6 foot book cover somewhere in Rehoboth on Saturday, July 2, followed by at least one additional book cover per week for eight weeks. Stop by the library and pick up a passport to collect stamps from each cover, and check out our website, Facebook page, and Instagram account for clues about the location of each book. Find the books, take a “shelfie,” stamp your passport, and enter to win a prize.
Town-wide Read: The Map Thief
The library is coordinating a town-wide read of The Map Thief: The Gripping Story of an Esteemed Rare-Map Dealer Who Made Millions Stealing Priceless Maps by Michael Blanding. We’re encouraging adult readers in Rehoboth to read The Map Thief over the summer in preparation for a visit from the author Saturday, October 15th at 2:00 p.m. Other upcoming events include displays of Rehoboth maps at the Library, a lesson and activity about maps for children, and a treasure map activity. Come by and pick up or reserve a copy to borrow. The Blanding Public Library ( is open Monday through Thursday from 10 to 8 and on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 to 4. Closed Sundays and holidays. Phone 508252-4236.
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Animal Diversity on Aug. 18
The Lloyd Science Center from Dartmouth will present a program on Animal Diversity on Thurs. Aug. 18 at 11 a.m. This program is for all ages and is sponsored by the Rehoboth Cultural Council.
Read Beyond the Beaten Path
This is the theme of the Massachusetts summer reading program this year. The Blanding is offering young patrons a choice of a reading log, a writing journal, Read&Bead, or for children too young to read, Book Buddies. Read what you want when you want. Anything you read counts. You set your reading goals and we’ll have the supplies waiting for you. Stop by the library to find out more. The Blanding Library is also part of the Southcoast Five, along with Berkley, Swansea, Somerset and Dighton. We offer a Passport
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The Reporter July 2022
Seekonk Public Library Programs for Children and Families
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Children’s Summer Reading Challenge continues! Read Beyond the Beaten Path June 14-August 14, 2022
Children ages birth - entering 5th grade in the fall are invited to join us on a summer reading adventure! Log your reading minutes, complete fun activities, write optional book reviews and earn virtual raffle tickets to use towards fantastic prizes! PLUS...every time you visit the library you will earn a paper raffle ticket towards our special in-library “extra” prizes! So many chances to win! It’s easy to sign up and keep track of your reading log. Register at Note: If you have participated in an online reading challenge with us in the past (summer, winter or 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten), you already have a Beanstack account! Simply log in and select this year’s challenge! Contact us for help registering at Paper logs are also available if you would prefer to not use the app.
Camp Crafts
Mondays, July 11, 18 or 25, 3 PM
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July 11 make pony bead keychains! There will be a few patterns available for kids to choose from or create one. Once you’ve learned this beading technique, there are so many different variations you can create. July 18 Make marbled paper art by using shaving cream. You can make your own paper for journaling and drawing or display your marbled paper as art itself. July 25 This week we’ll be learning how to weave using a cardboard loom. We’ll be making coasters, but once you’ve learned this weaving technique, the sky’s the limit. Register separately for one or all three programs. Registration required.
Kite Making & Flying! Tuesday, July 26, 1 PM
Join us to make a kite and learn why kites fly and what to do when they don’t. Learn why the string on kites tangle and how to keep your string tangle free. Then discover the joy of relaxing with a kite flying in the sky. Come play with us! Presented by Gary Engvall who has been a kite enthusiast since he was a child and who built his first stunt kite by reading a book! Registration required at calendar of events.
r your Call fo itial in FREE tion lta consu
Luke P. Travis, Esq.
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Babies & Books’ Monday, July 11, August 8 at 10 AM
Join Miss Sharon for a monthly storytime that includes a book or two followed by music, fingerplays, movement and yes, even bubbles! Held indoors in the Library’s Meeting Room. No registration required. Please bring your SAILS Library card so your child may take storytime books home. Seekonk Library storytimes focus on talking, singing, reading, writing and playing- important principles for your child’s reading readiness.
Summer Storytimes in Seekonk Meadows Fridays, through August 12 at 10 AM
Join Ms Sharon or Ms Sandie for a weekly summer storytime outside in the gazebo on Friday mornings at 10am. We’ll be reading stories, singing songs, blowing bubbles, and having all kinds of adventures! And if the weather doesn’t cooperate, we’ll move the program inside. Registration is NOT required, but please bring your SAILS library card to bring books home and continue the storytime adventure! As always, our storytimes focus on talking, singing, reading, writing, and playing- important principles for YOUR child’s language development and reading readiness!
July 2022 The Reporter
41 • • 508.336.8230 Blueberry Storytime at Osamequin Farm Thursday, July 21, 10:30 AM
Families with children of all ages are invited to a special storytime at Osamequin Farm, 80 Walnut St, Seekonk. There will be stories about blueberries and then we’ll go blueberry picking! Bring a picnic lunch and after storytime find a shady spot to enjoy lunch on the grounds of the farm. Register for the waiting list at calendar of events.
Fairy House Storytime at Osamequin Farm Thursday, July 28, 10:30 AM
Families with children of all ages are invited to a special storytime at Osamequin Farm, 80 Walnut St, Seekonk. There will be stories about fairies and then everyone will build a simple fairy house out of materials we find in the woods and fields, materials such as moss, sticks, and stones. Bring your imagination and build some magic as we engage with nature! Bring a picnic lunch and after storytime find a shady spot to enjoy lunch on the grounds of the farm. Registration required.
Trails & Trail Mix!
Monday, August 1, 10 AM
Let’s make a tasty trail mix then discover Seekonk Meadows and the Gammino Pond trails with Seekonk’s Conservation Agent, Jennifer Miller. We’ll meet-up in the library, make a simple and nutritious snack then head out to explore nature. We’ll travel down trails, stroll past story boards, and make our way to the Gammino Pond, all while taking in the natural world around us. Registration required. A collaboration between Seekonk Library and the Seekonk Conservation Commission.
Camp Games
Monday, August 8, 3 PM
Summer games in the Meadows! We’ll be playing traditional camp games like egg carry races, potato sack races, pass the water, giant ring toss, and more! Great for the whole family to celebrate the end of our Summer Reading Challenge! Registration required.
Lego Mania! with Detective Keith Perry Tuesday, August 9, 11 AM
Love Legos? Come to the library for a unique way to build with detective Keith Perry from the Seekonk Police Dept! Everyone will get a small, closed box filled with assorted Legos. A timed challenge will be announced and then, all at the same time, everyone will open up the box and start to build! Following the challenge, participants will have the opportunity to discuss their build before starting on a new, different box of Legos! The program will include challenges, timed competitions and free build time, too. Registration required.
ROOFING From roofs to windows Tabeley’s has your needs covered Master Elite Installer, 20 years of perfection • (401) 431-2816 Our Reputation is on the Top of Thousands of Homes Bill Hopkins
Evening Nature Walk with Seekonk Library at Caratunk July 20 at 6 PM
As our summer reading theme says, let’s go “beyond the beaten path,” this time with an evening nature walk. Join us at Caratunk Wildlife Refuge for the program Nighttime Nature Stroll on Wednesday, July 11 at 6 PM. This program will meet and be held at Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk, MA. A naturalist from the Audubon Society of Rhode Island will lead this night hike on their refuge. We’ll learn how and what to look and listen for as we track nocturnal visitors who might be curious about us! And don’t forget that if you’ve registered for the 2022 Adults Summer Reading Challenge attending this event earns you an entry in our prize drawing! Space is limited; pre-registration with a SAILS library card is required. Register in library in the Events Calendar at or by calling Adult Services at 508336-8230 extension 56130. For more event information, visit www. or email
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The Reporter July 2022
Learn from a Master Gardener
An old proverb about learning says, “ What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, what I do I understand.” Take your gardening knowledge to a new level by working alongside a URI Master Gardener this season at Seekonk Library & Meadows. All experience levels are invited to join in hands on gardening sessions from 4-6 PM on the 3rd Tuesday of every month through October: July 19, August 16, September 20, October 18 Ask your own gardening questions and serve the library community all in one; come and make this your best gardening year yet!
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Managing Savings and Investments in Turbulent Times Wednesday, July 27th at 6:00 PM
Seekonk, MA – Inflation is at its highest rate in 40 years, the stock market is volatile, and interest rates on mortgages and loans are rising. It can be difficult to know how to safeguard your savings, investments and other assets during these turbulent financial times. William O’Donnell, a financial adviser from the Association of Financial Educators will be here to offer advice and answer questions on Wednesday, July 27th at 6 PM.
Adults Summer Reading Book Chats July 13 and August 10
Let’s “read beyond the beaten path” as our Summer Challenge says and get recommendations from other readers. Join us at the library for Book Chats: Adult Summer Reading on Wednesdays, July 13 and August 10 at 6 PM. Librarian Michelle Gario says, “I think of the “book chat” as basically an open ended book talk; rather than a discussion where everyone talks about one title, you choose the books you’ve most enjoyed recently and share about them. It’s a chance to meet in person and share your reading finds with other book lovers.” And don’t forget that if you’ve registered for the 2022 Adults Summer Reading Challenge attending this event earns you an entry in our prize drawing! Register online in the Events Calendar at or by calling Adult Services at 508336-8230 extension 56130. For more event information, visit www. or email
Library Summer Concert Series Begins
The 2022 Seekonk Library Summer Concert Series begins on July 26 at 6:30 PM with a performance by the Jesse Liam Band. Jesse and his 3-piece band perform a variety of old and new favorites, from the Beatles to Bruno Mars. Jesse was a finalist in the 2015 Rhode Show Big Break Contest, is a perennial national anthem performer and has been named Best Male Vocalist by Limelight and Motif magazines. This show is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. On August 2 at 6:30 PM Women in World Jazz will present an educational performance for the whole family featuring an international ensemble of all-female performers showcasing music from around the world. The concert features musical styles from Cuba’s cha cha to Cape Verde’s Coladeira as well as songs from Israel, Brazil and Japan, mixed in with jazz favorites. This program is sponsored through a grant from the Seekonk Cultural Council, a local agency that is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Both shows will be held in the Meadows and are free of charge. For information, visit, email agreil@seekonkpl. org, or call the library at 508-336-8230 x561
Nonfiction Book Club:
The Gardner Heist: The True Story of the World’s Largest Unsolved Art Theft by Ulrich Boser Tuesday, July 19th at 6:00 PM
Seekonk, MA –Join us for a lively discussion of The Gardner Heist: The True Story of the World’s Largest Unsolved Art Theft on Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 PM at Seekonk Public Library. The title is available digitally as an ebook and audiobook through Overdrive, or you may place a hold and pick up a print copy at the library. New members are always welcome!
July 2022 The Reporter
Friends of the Seekonk Public Library Blow Out Sale
*Make a Mess! Thursday, July 28 from 3 – 4 PM
Outdoor art has never been so messy! Please wear grubby clothes as we expect color e v e r y w h e r e!
The Friends will be having our quarterly blow out sale in the library’s meeting room on Saturday, August 20th from 10 AM until 3 PM. Books will be at reduced prices. Donations of books in condition for resale are still being accepted by the volunteers in the lobby daily. We are still looking for volunteers to help with our lobby sales and those interested in serving on the Friends Board.
Scan Days for Remembering Seekonk Landmarks
You can now register for Scan Days at Seekonk Library to record images and stories for the Remembering Seekonk Landmarks project. Appointments are available for specific time slots on the following dates:Fri., July 15 Tue., July 19, Mon., July 25, Wed., August 24, Thu., August 25 The goal of this project is to capture memories of the places “that used to be there.” To participate you must pre-register and bring a maximum of five original photos to be scanned at the library. The digital images will be emailed to you or an email address of your choice for sharing. Select images may be made available on a digital archive website. Clear, non-blurry photos up to a maximum size of 8.5“ x 11“ are welcome. Photos will be scanned as is without editing. Photos must be your own to comply with copyright (e.g. no newspaper clippings or professional photographs). To be considered for archiving, the photos should showcase a roadside landmark that is no longer in business; we are especially seeking landmarks from 1940 - 1969 from Routes 6, 44, 152, and Fall River Avenue. Personal photos from family businesses in these locations are ideal. Additional information will be requested for identification. Register with the library in the Events Calendar at or by calling Adult Services at 508-336-8230 extensio
Teen Summer Challenge Continues at the Library
Students entering grades 6-12 can participate in the Teen Summer Challenge which runs until August 18, 2022. During the Challenge teens can earn raffle tickets for reading, writing reviews, completing online activities and attending fun programs. Tickets can be entered into 6 weekly raffles. Teens can register any time at Please email with any questions.
*Kindness Rock Painting Saturday, July 30 from 2-4 PM
Join local artist Joe Raez and learn how to create beautiful painted rocks. This program is sponsored through a grant from the Seekonk Cultural Council, a local agency that is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
Dentistry At*Crazy ItsCircuits MOST Advanced. Dentistry At Its MOST Thursday, August 4 fromComfortable. 3 – 4 PM Make a flashlight and more with LED lights, copper tape and batteries!
Thanks to the most recent advances in laser dentistry, many dental procedures Thursday, from 3 – vibration 4 PM or the can now be completed withoutAugust the need 11 for anesthetics, Please answer in the form of a question as we compete for disconcerting whine of the dental drill. Dr. Alan Merchanthouse employs just tasty prizes! such technology in a relaxing country setting in Rehoboth. For the highest *RSVP online to reserve a space in this program. quality dental care – furnished by a highly trained and friendly staff of dental For information, visit, email teens@ professionals – call (508) 252-6121 to schedule your appointment with, or call the library at 508-336-8230 x56141. Dr. Alan Merchanthouse. ● ●
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When was the last time you played Duck, Duck, Goose? We’ll dust off some oldies and try some new games, too.
*Needle Felting Thursday, July 14 from 3 – 4 PM
Create an adorable fox from colored wool. We will watch a video from Pop Up Art School and craft along. PLUS: the video will be available to stream all month if you can’t make it or want to practice at home!
*Mug Cakes Thursday, July 21 from 3 – 4 PM
Bring a microwave safe mug and mix together everything you need to make a personal chocolate cake!
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The Reporter July 2022
From the State House Full transcript of these press releases can be found at
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Representative Steven Howitt supports $10.9 billion infrastructure bill
Boston – State Representative Steven Howitt (R-Seekonk) recently voted to support a $10.9 billion infrastructure bond bill that provides funding for safety upgrades at the MBTA, the planning and design of the East-West Rail project, and hundreds of local transportation and environmental projects across the state. House Bill 4897, An Act relative to Massachusetts’ transportation resources and climate, also known as the MassTRAC bill, was engrossed by the House of Representatives on a vote of 155-0 on June 23. The bill is a redrafted version of legislation that was initially filed by Governor Charlie Baker on March 17 to take advantage of the funding opportunities provided in the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) that was signed in November of 2021. In addition to providing funding for interstate and non-interstate highway projects as well as non-federally aided roadways, House Bill 4897 also contains funding for rail and airport improvements as well as the planning and programming of municipal roads, bridges, sidewalks, transit facilities, shared-use paths, and bicycle, pedestrian and other multi-modal facilities. Additional funding is provided for climate change adaptation and for expanding electric vehicle charging infrastructure, incentive programs promoting e-bikes and public transportation, the replacement of high-emissions vehicles, and other steps to reduce emissions.
Representative Steven Howitt supports Governor’s veto to prevent undocumented immigrants from obtaining a Massachusetts driver’s license
Boston – State Representative Steven Howitt (R-Seekonk) recently voted to sustain Governor Charlie Baker’s veto of legislation that would allow undocumented immigrants to obtain a Massachusetts driver’s license. In voting to support the Governor’s veto, Representative Howitt cited concerns about the fairness of the underlying bill and questioned whether sufficient safeguards are in place to prevent individuals who cannot provide proof of lawful residence from using a driver’s license to register to vote. Despite his objections, the House of Representatives voted 119-36 to override the Governor’s veto on June 8. The Senate is expected to take up the Governor’s veto on June 9. If the override is successful, the bill will become law without Governor Baker’s signature and will take effect on July 1, 2023.
Representative Steven Howitt supports mental health parity bill
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Boston – State Representative Steven Howitt (R-Seekonk) recently voted to support legislation that would improve access to mental health services and establish parity between behavioral and physical health care insurance coverage. House Bill 4879, An Act addressing barriers to care for mental health, was engrossed by the House of Representatives on a vote of 155-0 on June 16. In addition to implementing measures to improve response time for individuals seeking acute psychiatric care, the bill also focuses on addressing youth behavioral health, expanding the state’s behavioral health workforce, and enhancing community-based behavioral health services. According to Representative Howitt, the House proposal requires insurers to cover critical behavioral health services, including emergency service programs, mental health acute treatment without prior authorization, and annual mental health wellness exams. It also allows individuals with behavioral health-related disabilities
July 2022 to continue to be covered under their parents’ health insurance after turning 26. The Division of Insurance would be responsible for monitoring insurers’ compliance and the Office of Patient Protection would be authorized to refer potential parity violations to the division and to the Attorney General’s office. Representative Howitt noted that House Bill 4879 creates online portals to help health care providers more easily identify open beds for minors and adults in need of mental health and substance use services. Currently, patients with acute mental health needs often have to wait for an extended period of time in a hospital emergency room before they can secure a psychiatric inpatient bed, a practice known as “boarding.” The Massachusetts Health and Hospital Association, which tracks boarding statistics, found that earlier this month there were 660 behavioral health patients, including 156 pediatric patients, boarding at 53 hospitals. The House bill includes a series of youth behavioral health initiatives, including the creation of a cost-neutral model emergency response plan to assist schools in responding to behavioral health crises and the development of a statewide program to help implement school-based behavioral health services. In addition, the bill also establishes a complex care resolution panel requiring support and coordination across multiple state agencies to respond quickly to children with complex behavioral health needs. Representative Howitt said the House proposal also takes steps to attract and retain behavioral health care workers by establishing a scholarship program to support a more diverse workforce and encourage more clinicians to serve high-need populations. Two additional grant programs created in the bill would focus on integrated care models to help providers offer behavioral health care in primary care settings, as well as a program to promote providers’ mental health and well-being.
The Reporter
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The Reporter July 2022
People In The News Rehoboth Ambulance Chief Honored with “EMS Steward of the Community” Award Scott Meagher has been honored as Morton Hospital’s 2022 “EMS Steward of the Community” award recipient. In celebration of National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Week, Steward Health Care hosted this award ceremony for the fourth time on May 16 at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel in Norwood. Active in EMS for more
than 43 years, Meagher currently serves as Chief at Rehoboth Ambulance Committee and Director of the Paramedic & EMT Program at Massasoit Community College. Meagher was nominated and recognized for his decades of service to EMS and to our community. Allison Ramler, MD, Chief of Emergency Medicine at Morton Hospital; Scott Meagher, Rehoboth Ambulance Chief and “EMS Steward of the Community” Award Recipient
Damian Marie Day, O. P. Ordained a Roman Catholic Priest
Damian Marie Day, O. P., (Joseph Michael Day), son of Liz and Fred Day of Rehoboth and 2011 graduate of Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School, was ordained a Roman Catholic priest with the Dominican Order (Order of Preachers) on May 21, at The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. by Archbishop Augustine DiNoia, O. P. Father Damian celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Seekonk) on May 29 before enjoying a pilgrimage of ten days in Rome with his parents. Father Damian is currently pursuing a Licentiate in Sacred Theology in D.C., which he plans to complete next spring.
Father Damian with his parents
Call 508-463-6150 or 774-226-0908
July 2022
The Reporter
Congratulations to Edward Perry III
Edward Perry III, lives in Rehoboth on Providence Street. Born and raised here in town he takes great pride in everything he does, including his two hobbies…first would be his yearly Christmas decorations which has brought so much joy to many and the Griswold over the top award for his elaborate display. His 2nd hobby is racing at Seekonk Speedway in the Sportsman division. This too has brought him success on the track. Saturday June 11th, he accomplished his second win of the season. It was not always smooth sailing as the race was riddled with cautions right to the end, which brought us to a nail biting green, white, checkered finish. When all was said and done, he had out bested the remainder of the field taking a well-deserved checkered flag. Eddy is the brains behind everything that happens with his car, including the paint scheme which he runs. During the week Eddy works in his garage with Colby Lambert who also keeps his car there. At the track the team includes, crew chief: Skyla Perry, (daughter), Kody Rotondo, (nephew), Maria Perry, (wife) Bill Perry, (brother) Sabrina Bruce, (Bill’s significant other) …. Eddy and Maria are the proprietors of C.O.D. Heating, which is the primary sponsor, along with K. Rotondo Enterprises, Reynolds Auto Wrecking, Family Auto and Dutch Auto…motor by Nat. Looking for something to do on a Saturday night, check out the Seekonk Speedway and see theses awesome men and woman race. Think about what it takes to make one of these cars work. The time and dedication to the sport involves countless hours. You have to Love it…. Congratulations Eddy.
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Ed Perry, Feature Winner
Lemonade Stand Fundraiser
Madison Johnson of Rehoboth and friend Josie Greene (both fourth graders) held a lemonade stand on 6/25 and raised $84 with which they went shopping and donated food and toys to the Rehoboth Animal Shelter.
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The Reporter July 2022
Church News & Events The Bread of Life Food Pantry The Bread of Life Food Pantry is a collaborative ecumenical effort of five East Providence churches: Bethany Church of the Nazarene, Church of the Epiphany, Evangelical Covenant Church of Riverside, Newman Congregational Church and St. Margaret Church. The Pantry is located at Newman Congregational Church, 100 Newman Avenue, and is open twice each month, on the second and fourth Tuesdays from 5 to 7 p.m. The Pantry is currently operating as a drive-through distribution in the church parking lot to assure the safety of our guests and volunteers during the Covid pandemic. The Pantry welcomes all those in need of food
assistance. More information about the Bread of Life Food Pantry can be found by visiting the Pantry’s website at EPBreadOfLife. org; emailing the Pantry at ; or calling 401-434-4742. During July, the Pantry has been designated as the beneficiary of a Stop & Shop community service program. The Pantry will receive $1 for every Bloomin’ 4 Good Flower Bouquet sold at the Stop & Shop located at 1925 Pawtucket Avenue in East Providence. Please consider purchasing these flowers that will benefit the Pantry.
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Seekonk Congregational Church In Person Sunday Services
We hope you will join us each week at Seekonk Congregational Church UCC at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary at 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA for our weekly service. Please come if you feel comfortable, all are welcome, masks are optional. We will continue to record our services and they are available the following day at Seekonk Congregational Church YouTube and on Cable 9 Seekonk at 10 AM each morning. Upcoming Seekonk Congregational Church Events/Services • August 1 – 5 Vacation Bible School 8:45 – 12:15 Pre-school through Grade 6 extended day through 5:15 is available. All are welcome to attend, registration is required. Contact Kristin Putney for additional information. If you have any questions on the above, please email or call the church office at 508-336-9355
Memorial Baptist Church News
Memorial Baptist Church located at 340 Central Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771 will be presenting the following out door concerts (weather permitting) on our beautiful church lawn. If weather is bad, the concert will be moved indoors.
Upcoming Events:
July 23, 2022--6:00 PM---Crimson Rain. Come and enjoy an evening of worship, music and fellowship. August 6, 2022--6:00 PM---The one and only Mark 209 will be back again for their summer concert!! Please join us on our church lawn for an evening of beautiful music, fellowship and lots of fun. For more information, please call our church office at (508) 761-5142 or e-mail at
July 2022
Seekonk Human Services
Everyone enjoying a delicious breakfast at Percy's Place in East Prov.
Thursdays @ 1:00pm
Seekonk Human Services would like those of you who love to play Cribbage to come back to our center and enjoy playing again. If you have never been here to play, there is no better time to start. Everyone is more than welcomed to come. Those of you who want to play, please call us to let us know if you are interested in playing Cribbage at 508-336-8772.
Massachusetts SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol)
Wed, July 17, 2022 @ 11:30am
Come meet Maria Pimentel, a representative of Massachusetts SMP Program. Participate in a discussion on how to prevent, detect, and report healthcare errors, fraud and abuse. We all can have an active role in protecting Medicare for ourselves and future generations. This free information workshop will provide you with the tools to become a more informed and engaged health care consumer, including the importance of protecting your Medicare number. Although new Medicare cards have random numbers and no longer Social Security numbers, you still need to be vigilant and protect yourself from becoming victim to deceptive marketing and medical identity theft. To reserve your seat, preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-336-8772. If you cannot attend this workshop but have questions about questionable healthcare bills, Medicare Summary Notices, or other health insurance explanation of benefits statements, please call the MA SMP Program office at 1-800-892-0890.
TRIAD - K-9s Trained to Detect COVID-19
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 @ 11:00am
In July 2021, The Bristol County Sheriff’s office in Massachusetts announced they will be the first law enforcement with K-9s trained to detect COVID-19. The law enforcement agency had a small graduation ceremony
The Reporter
The center is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm, and Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm and Friday 8:30am - 12:00pm.
they held for the K-9s. The two dogs are being partnered with members of the Bristol County law enforcement team to detect COVID-19 in public areas. Huntah is about 1 year and 8 month-old Black Labrador, and Duke, is about 1year and 8 month-old Golden Labrador/Retriever mix, they were trained at Florida International University’s International Forensic Research Institute. The dogs can detect the COVID odor on a counter or table if it was recently touched by a COVID-positive individual, or even detect the odor on a tissue used by someone with COVID. The dogs were trained using masks worn by COVID-19-positive individuals. The masks were burned by UV light to destroy the actual virus. To reserve your seat, preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
New Outdoor Activities
All these activities will be played at 11:00am. Bocce will be on Mondays. Horseshoes will be on Tuesdays. Cornhole will be on Wednesdays. Everyone is welcomed to play these games. Preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-336-8772. Outdoor activities will be played outdoors only. Activities are weather dependent.
Arts & Crafts
Mondays in July 1:00pm
Preregistration is required for this class. The cost for this class is $5 for Seekonk residents and $7 for non-Seekonk residents. All classes have limited availability. **Crafts are subject to change. July 11- Seahorse; July 18 - Canvas Bag; July 25 - White Flower Wreath
Podiatry Clinic
Wed, July 13, 2022 10am - 2pm
Dr. Lechan provides monthly Podiatry Clinics. An appointment is required. Items needed are insurance cards with your doctor’s names, date of last doctor’s visit, summary of last visit, and list of medications. *Please check with your insurance regarding co-pays.
Blood Pressure & Glucose Clinic
Wed, July 20, 2022 9:00am-11:00am
Seekonk Human Services has partnered with the Seekonk Fire Department to provide free monthly blood pressure & glucose screenings.
Let’s Learn Together!
Tuesday, July 26, 2022 at 2:00pm
“Using Apple Photos, Android Gallery and Google Photos Apps” Photo gallery apps have powerful tools for helping you sort through the images on your phone or tablet. Join Librarian Michelle Gario in this 90 minute session to review some of the features in these apps. This program is for TABLETS AND PHONES ONLY. Bring your own tablet or phone. Please make sure your device is fully charged. Contact the Seekonk Human Services to preregister for this at: 508-336-8772.
Women’s Breakfast
We meet every 3rd Thursday of the month at 10am supporting our local restaurants. Everything is Dutch treat. If you are interested in joining our group of women for good food, & good conversation, please call the office at 508-336-8772.
The Reporter July 2022 July 21, 2022 - IHOP in East Providence August 18, 2022 - Vino’s in Rehoboth
Monthly Breakfast
If you would like to join the group please call or text Beverly at 1-401-749-4841. Our next get together will be on July 21st at 10am at IHOP in East Prov
Future Special Activities
Rondae - “Hip Hop Exercise” is here again on, August 10, 2022, at 11:30am with Rondae. *Sponsored by the Seekonk Cultural Council. Coffee with the Sheriff - On August 17, 2022 at 11:30am, grab some coffee and learn how the Bristol County Sheriff’s office is helping seniors. Sheriff Thomas Hodgson and the Sheriff’s Office programs team will talk about some of their free Senior Safety Programs. If you are interested in these activities, our space is limited, so please preregister, by calling 508-336-8772.
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FREE N95 Masks
Seekonk Human Services has partners with the Board of Health to offer our residents N95 masks, surgical masks and hand sanitizer. We appreciate the Board of Health for supplying these masks in efforts to keep our residents safe during this pandemic. Masks and hand sanitizer can be picked up during normal business hours.
Computer Stations
Computer access is now available at Seekonk Human Services. If you’re without a computer at home but you need to access one, we may be able to help. Residents are welcome to use our laptops to surf the internet and check emails etc. For more information, or to check for availability, please call 508-336-8772.
Library Homebound Delivery
Residents of Seekonk who are homebound due to physical limitations or illnesses that are long term or temporary are able to enjoy library materials through our Homebound Delivery Service. Seekonk Public Library’s Homebound Delivery Service is for residents who have no one in their household to go to the library for them. Adult Services staff will coordinate deliveries and can work with participants to choose materials that meet their needs and interests. Volunteers will deliver the materials to the participant’s door contactfree and return borrowed materials to the library. For more information, call Adult Services at the library at (508) 336-8230 or email
Sharps Disposal
Did you know that as of July 1, 2012 the Commonwealth banned the practice of disposal of needles, syringes and lancets (sharps) into your household trash? The Seekonk Board of Health has a Sharps Disposal program. This program is for Seekonk residents only. Those who use this program pay for the program. The fee is $9.00, which includes a one-gallon sharps container and the disposal of that container. Any questions please contact the Board of Health 508-336-2950.
Artist Materials Complete Line of Woodcarving Supplies Hours: M-F 9-5 Sat 9-12
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Email List
Things are changing so quickly these days and we want to be able to get the word out to you quickly. Please give us a call and give us your email address; we want to share fun activities, links to zoon and other virtual programing you may like.
Activities and Programs Mondays
Chair Yoga 10am Knitting 12pm Arts & Crafts 1pm Strength & Cardio 1pm Zoom BINGO 1pm Indoor Cornhole 1pm
Drums Alive 9am Hi Lo Jack 1pm Zoom Trivia 12:30pm
Drums Alive 9:30am Belly Dancing Mahjong 1pm Zoom Coffee Chat 1:30pm
Chair Yoga 10am BINGO 1pm Cribbage 1pm
Zumba 9:30am Tai Chi 10:30am *All activities are subject to pre-registration
Community Questions for our Police Liaison
Officer Maria Vicenzo is welcoming community questions to be answered. Questions can be mailed to the center, dropped off in person, or placed in our lock box that is attached to the building at the entrance. We will post answers to the questions in the monthly newsletter and on our Facebook page, if requested. If you prefer to be called, please leave your contact information and we will be in contact.
Nutritional Meals To Go Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Seekonk Human Services will be working with Bristol Elder Services to provide nutritional meals for lunch on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to go. Meals come completely cooked and prepackaged. All you need to do is heat it up! Meals need to be ordered the day before by 9:30am. Payment is $2.50 per meal which will be due at the time of pickup. Pick up will be between 11am - 12pm. July menu is available on our Facebook Page and by calling our office at 508-336-8772. The center is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm, Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm and Friday 8:30am 12:00pm. Come and enjoy the activities and companionship at your center.
July 2022
The Reporter
Rehoboth Council on Aging • There will be a Carriage Ride for the Seniors @ Gert’s Café Sponsored by Rehoboth Triad Monday July 25th @ Noon • We have added new activities: Bocce, Cornhole Toss & Scrapbooking • Stop in and have a cup of coffee. We will have muffins & donuts Wednesdays from 10 to Noon • We are in need of cotton fabric for sewing projects.We are accepting yarn donations for hats & blankets If you can donate, please call and we will set up a safe and secure drop off
Cribbage 9-11 Walking Club 9:00 start time 10:00 Bocce 10:00 Cornhole Toss Gert’s Café Noon~Limited seating call to reserve a seat 508-252-3372
Pickleball 8-10:00 at the Nike Park 9:00 Zumba 10:00 Ladies Sewing & Quilting 1:00 Bocce & Cornhole Toss
Walking Club 9:00 start time Coffee 10-Noon outside seating option 10:00 Bocce 10:00 Cornhole Toss
Pickleball 8-10:00 at the Nike Park 9:00 Tai Chi 10:00 Belly Dancing 10:00 Ladies Knitting, Crochet, & Tea 1:00 Bocce 1:00 Cornhole Toss Scrapbooking 1:00 Free supplies.
Men’s Coffee @ 9:00 Walking Club 9:00 start time 10:00 Bocce 10:00 Cornhole Toss
Blood Pressures & Glucose Screenings:
Please contact the Public Health Nurse Geri Hamel 508-252-3127 for information.
Meals on Wheels:
Please contact Bristol Elders, Inc. at (508) 675-2101 for information on the Meals on Wheels program.
S.H.I.N.E / OUTREACH / Housing
The COA’s Outreach/SHINE/Housing Coordinator: Bradley Marshall is available Mondays thru Wednesdays 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM and Thursdays 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM to assist you with Social Service needs from Fuel, Food, housing, Medical Insurance, and intervention help. Please call for an appointment at 508-252-3372. Currently Fuel applications to Citizens
for Citizens is closed until October but if you are having difficulty with fuel and you are approaching a ¼ tank please call the office and we will attempt to assist you in getting up to 100 gallons. Problems with medication costs or changes in prescriptions that your plan is now refusing, please contact us for assistance in helping to obtain coverage or possible changes in the plan you are on. Questions or needs on Housing should also be directed to this office. Currently applications for Food assistance are still being process, so please call the offices on how we can help you with your nutrition needs.
Our program chairman, Marge Johnston, is working hard to schedule entertainment each month. It is much more encouraging to plan events when there are many people to enjoy them. We are hoping to again see more new faces to attend and participate in the wonderful camaraderie and fun. I will do my very best to keep the meeting short. So… will we see you at our next meeting on July 20th at noon? We look forward to seeing you there. Donna Howard President RSCC, Inc.
Joan Levesque-Arguin Receives Award
Senior Citizens Club News
How wonderful it was to see so many new faces at our June meeting!!! We had over 28 folks who came, enjoyed seeing familiar people, and meeting new friends. After the meeting we all feasted on hot dogs, strawberry shortcake or blueberry cake. Thank you Diane for making our delicious lunch! Our 2nd Vice President, Elaine Amaral decided to step down from that position. The RSCC greatly appreciates her input as an officer over the last few years, and will continue to enjoy her input. Thank you, Elaine for your work in that office. Our new 2nd Vice President is Jane Williams. Thank you, Jane for accepting this position. After lunch the new Bingo game came out using our brand new set with slider cards that made it so easy and more efficient to play without missing a number! There were four winners of the Bingo games and the Door Prize was won by Gerri Shallcross. At our next meeting, July 20, 2022, at Francis Farm, a lunch will be prepared, BLT’s made with garden tomatoes, by Diane Silva. Dessert will also be provided. The RSCC has a few fundraisers coming up. Be looking for informational flyers around town. There will be contact information on those flyers as well.
Joan Levesque-Arguin accepting the Massachusetts Commonwealth Heroines Award on June 22,2022 Recommended by Rep. Steven Howitt. Joan delivers Meals on Wheels with her Sister Babs. Joan and Babs worked side by side until Babs recently passed away with Alzheimer’s. We admired Joan’s devotion to her sister. When Covid-19 hit Joan did her North Route and also took over The Southcoast Collaborative School’s route. This meant Joan delivered 5 days a week. Sometimes she delivered both North and South Rehoboth routes in the same day. Joan would pack up eggs from her neighbor and deliver the eggs with meals. Joan would pass out candy treats, hats for winter, loaves of bread, potted flowers, Thanksgiving meals, etc. Joan has also created a Little Free Library at her home for all to use.
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The Reporter July 2022
Raiders Cross Country Team had an awesome inaugural season
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Beckwith XC Season
The debut of the BMS Cross Country Team was spectacular! The team was composed of some of the finest student-athletes at Beckwith! The Boys XC Team competed valiantly week after week to finish in the top 5 in the Massasoit League! The athletes are: James Holt, Liam Leonard, Zachary Sidok, Miles Trexler, Aaron Mercer, Walter Ellis, Brennan Chisholm, Samuel Couto, Mackinley Garcia, and Hawkyns.Pray. The Girls XC Team had their eyes on capturing the number one spot in the Massasoit League. It was evident from the first meet that our Lady Raiders had the talent and the drive to accomplish this feat! Our Lady Raiders are: Bonnie Arrigo, Campbell Cordeiro, Bailey D'Alessio, Alexis Flood, Taylor Pierce, Kaia Goulart, Emily Juergens, Raegan Baer, Cooper Bettencourt, Isabelle Bouchard, Grace Callaghan, Angelina Chaves, Alyssa, Costa, Maggie Kazanjian, Riley Kazanjian, Cailee Leonard, Julia Mello, Ava Morgado, Isabelle Rego, Savannah Ulicnik, and Isabelle Williamson. Our eighth graders will be truly missed. We wish them luck in their future endeavors! These student-athletes were "Born to Run."
Going for the Gold
The 2022 Special Olympics USA Games were held June 5-12 at Disney World in Orlando Florida this year. This was the largest USA games in history, bringing 5500 athletes and their coaches from all 50 states and parts of the Caribbean. Seekonk resident Heather Wyrostek and her Dad Frank were part of this exciting event. They were bocce players on Team Rhode Island. Congratulations go to Heather for earning a Gold medal in bocce singles on Tuesday. She and her dad also finished with a silver in unified doubles and a bronze in team play later in the week. Heather has been a Special Olympian for 26 years. She also attends Cooperative Productions in N Dighton Ma. Heather also just celebrated 15 years of employment at Starbucks in Seekonk
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Heather Wyrostek wins a Gold Medal in Bocce at the Special Olympics
July 2022
The Reporter
School News D-R Regional School District Announces Administrative Changes for 2022-2023
Dighton-Rehoboth- Superintendent of Schools Dr. Anthony C. Azar announced today that the regional school district will have several administrative changes for the 2022-2023 School Year. The D-R Regional High School principal, Dr. John Gould, will be leaving the district at the end of the school year and the district thanks Dr. Gould for his 5 years of service. We also wish Dr. Gould all the best as he sets out to write another chapter for his next educational endeavor. Also leaving the high school is the CTE Director, Mrs. Diane Rose. We extend our gratitude for her work and wish her the best in her new educational experience at Cape Cod Technical High School. Serving as the principal for the high school beginning July 1st, 2022 will be one of its current Asst. Principals, Mrs. Gail DeCecco. “Gail began teaching in 2008. From 2008-2019, she was a secondary English teacher, department leader, instructional coach, and administrator in Providence Schools. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education, English, a middle school teaching certificate, and a master’s degree in Educational Leadership. Prior to teaching, she worked in human services where she supported youth and adults with disabilities,” Azar said. Gail and her husband, for several years, were therapeutic foster parents for youngsters with special needs. In addition, she is a proud military spouse, mother, and grandmother. Fun fact: Mrs. DeCecco attended North Rehoboth Elementary School K-2. In addition to both Dr. Gould leaving the district and Mrs. DeCecco assuming the role of principal next year, we wish Mrs. Katelyn Lima all the best as she transfers from the high school to the Asst. Prin. position at Dighton Elementary School. She will be replacing Mrs. Ashley Fullen who has accepted a position at Bristol Agricultural and Technical High School. We wish Ashley all the best in her future endeavors. Katelyn comes to DES as: 1. Assistant Principal at DRRHS for the past 4.5 years 2. Previously in Taunton for 10 years which included being a Special Education Teacher at the HS level and an ABA Therapist at the Elem. level 3. Completed CAGS in Educational Leadership from BSU and currently completing her Doctorate in Educational Leadership from UMASS Lowell Both Mrs. Lima and Mrs. DeCecco will be sending introductory letters to their respective school communities. A search for the two Assistant Principal positions and CTE Director at the high school will commence immediately.
D-R Regional School Announces New Dorothy L. Beckwith Principal
Rehoboth- Superintendent of Schools Dr. Anthony C. Azar announced today that Dr. Steven Donovan will be the next principal of the Dorothy L. Beckwith Middle School. Dr. Azar said, “Steven was a former colleague of mine when he served as the Superintendent of the Acushnet Public Schools. Steven is excited to return to the middle school level and serve the Beckwith Middle School Community and we are looking forward for Dr. Donovan to start on July 1st.”
“Dr. Donovan started his educational career as a middle school guidance counselor in Acushnet where he taught social-emotional learning classes, provided individual and group counseling, and performed other counseling responsibilities. He then was named the Middle School Principal and Superintendent of the PK-8 school district. He served eleven years in Acushnet as Superintendent until leaving to take on his current position as the Executive Director of a special education collaborative,” Azar said. Dr. Donovan has a BA in History from UMass Amherst, a Masters in School Counseling from Bridgewater, a CAGS in Educational Leadership from Bridgewater and a doctorate in Educational Leadership from Northeastern. Dr. Azar thanked the search committee made up of administrators, staff and parents that held initial interviews for the position. Dr. Donovan will be sending out a letter of introduction to the Beckwith Middle School Community in the near future.
D-R Regional 2nd Annual Library Card Night a Success
Dighton-Rehoboth-Superintendent Dr. Anthony C. Azar thanked the many families that took advantage of this wonderful opportunity for their child(ren) to experience our local libraries and to be able to obtain/hold their first library card. He also thanked the staff at both libraries, the administrative teams and his Administrative Assistant, Celeste Sullivan, for scheduling library card night. Azar said, “I remember the excitement of my children holding their own library card for the very first time. I am deeply appreciative of the families that visited with me last evening at their local libraries. It was extremely rewarding to create a similar memorable moment for our families to visit their local libraries. The purpose of Library Card Night was to instill a renewed interest in our valuable local libraries while fostering a love of reading for success for the young students of Dighton and Rehoboth.” Due to the success of our 2nd Annual Library Card Night, it was announced that the Dighton-Rehoboth Regional school district along with staff from both town libraries, will participate in future “Library Card Night”. Stay tuned and keep reading! As you might recall, The first Library Card Night was scheduled back in 2019. However, due to the pandemic we had to put the 2nd Annual Library Card Night on hiatus until we were able to schedule another Library Card Night Last night
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The Reporter July 2022
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Students Earn Top Awards On National Language Exams
East Providence, RI – St. Mary Academy – Bay View (“Bay View”) announces that 58 Students in their World Language program have earned top honors in the National Spanish and National Italian Exams. The National Spanish Examination is given by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) to recognize student achievement in the study of Spanish. Students from Bay View earned 3 gold, 6 silver, 13 bronze medals, and 28 Honorable Mention awards. Attaining a medal or honorable mention for any student on the National Spanish Examinations is very prestigious. It is the most widely used Spanish test in the United States, with over 55,000 students participating in 2021. Students from Bay View have a long history of achievement on the exams and were taught by Spanish teachers Ms. Claire Denault, Ms. Graziella Giampaoli, Mrs. Vera Goncalves Keller, and Mrs. Elisabete Teixeira. Bronze medals: Yiling Brady (Spanish 01) grade 7 of Seekonk Sienna Byrne (Spanish 2) grade 9 of Rehoboth Honorable Mention: Sophia Andrade (Spanish 01) grade 7 of Rehoboth Milan Byrne (Spanish 01) grade 7 of Rehoboth Sophie Green-Sermak (Spanish 01) grade 7 of Rehoboth Ariana Bobiak (Spanish 1) grade 8 of Seekonk Avery Gomes (Spanish 1) grade 8 of Rehoboth Laura DeGirolamo (Spanish 2) grade 10 of Rehoboth
79 Seniors Graduate with 100 Percent College Placement
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Class of 2022 earned $20,239,898 in college scholarships; graduates attending 51 different colleges St. Mary Academy – Bay View graduated its Class of 2022 on Monday evening, June 6, at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. The Class of 79 graduates have all been accepted into college, with plans to pursue higher education degrees at 51 different colleges and universities. Collectively, the Class earned $20,239,898 in college scholarships. The Class 0f 2022 graduates: Rehoboth: Ashley Anderson +* Abbie Green-Sermak +* Molly Kilkenny * Jia Weingard +*
Seekonk: Jane Maciel * + National Honor Society * Rhode Island Honor Society
St. Luke’s School Announces Honor Roll
The following Seekonk residents have achieved Honor Roll status at St. Luke’s School in Barrington for the recently completed trimester. Grade 8: First Honors: Lauren Adamonis. The following Rehoboth residents have achieved Honor Roll status at St. Luke’s School in Barrington for the recently completed trimester. Grade 6: First Honors: Max Buckley, Joseph Ptaszek. Grade 8: Honors with Distinction: Madeline Welch, Emma Chartier.
July 2022
Seekonk Elementary Student Competes in National LEGO Competition
The Reporter
Call for an informative, honest and friendly quote.
Martin Elementary School student Nolan Hurd and his Boston Duck Boat Lego design. (Photo courtesy LEGOLAND Discovery Center Boston)
TH SEEKONK – Superintendent Rich Drolet and Principal Jennifer McKay are pleased to announce that Nolan Hurd, a 9-year-old from Seekonk’s Martin Elementary School, competed in a national Lego July 25th - 29th & August 15th - 19th competition this week. On May 21, Hurd won the title of Mini Master Model Builder of Boston at LEGOLAND Discovery Center Boston, beating out 30 660 Waterman Ave, East Providence RI 02914 other young builders who all made a Lego creation representing 9:00 AM TO 2 PM (8:30am drop-off) what summer means to them. Hurd was tasked with building a Lego creation that represents the city of Boston, and he created a Boys & Girls* Ages 5-15* Cost: $200.00 Boston Duck Boat Parade highlighting everyone’s favorite Boston sports teams. *separate instruction by Sign up for both By gaining the title of Boston’s Mini Master Model Builder, Hurd age/ability in the three PCD camps & Receive a earned a spot in the national competition to become the Mini Master court PCD Fieldhouse discounted price! Model Builder of North America. Hurd, Principal McKay and Hurd’s classmates were able to announce Hurd’s placement in the national competition to the Martin For more info call Frank Luca at 401-639-0814 school community during morning announcements on the last day or Register on-line @ of school earlier this month. After that, attention on Hurd’s Lego creation grew and his entry in the competition was shared on social media and in the local news. Hurd competed virtually against 16 other Lego builders who represented their local LEGOLAND Discovery Centers across North Keep your kids busy and active! America. The winner, announced Wednesday, June 29, was revealed to be a young UP TO 5 DAYS PER WEEK... builder representing Legoland Discovery ONE PROGRAM: $109/MONTH Center of Westchester, New York. “We are so thrilled for Nolan and how ALL THREE PROGRAMS: $134/MONTH he has represented himself, his school and Registration: $65 one program, $115 two or three programs (uniform included) his community during this entire competition,” Principal McKay said. “He shows so CELTIC JUDO CLUB: AGE 8+ much creativity and design skills through his creations, especially for someone who MON & WED 7-8:15PM • SUN 10-11:15AM is only 9 years old. The entire Martin comKID’S KICKBOXING: AGE 5-9 munity expresses our congratulations to him on winning the Boston Mini Master Model MON 5-5:45 PM • THUR 5:30-6:15PM • EVERY OTHER SAT 11-11:45PM Builder contest and having such a great BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU: AGE 6+ showing in the national contest.”
SAT & SUN 8-10AM
345 Taunton Ave, East Providence RI 401.489.3189 •
The Reporter July 2022
Beckwith Chronicle
Nurse’s Notes
Vaccinations/state-mandated requirements needed for 7th grade students AND 6th grade students entering 7th grade in the fall: Tdap booster, 2nd Varicella (chicken pox) vaccine, Meningitis vaccine A current physical is also required for entrance to 7th grade.
As always, if your student is involved in inter-scholastic sports a physical is needed EVERY year. Physical forms and proof of immunization can be emailed to
Beckwith Website
Please be sure to check our web page over the course of the summer for grade supply lists and updates.
BMS Racing Championship
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127 Tremont Street Rehoboth Summer Reading We Acc s! At Beckwith cher Middle School we believe that students become Voureaders better when they are able to make choices about the books
they read and when they love the books they have chosen. We hope students find many great books to read this summer and we are asking students to read one book following the theme for their grade. Summer Reading packets are available on the Beckwith Middle School main web page.
“A Better ENROLLING Spring Concerts – Wanda H for FALL 2012 and ALL DAY KINDERGARtEN
ene r
Students in 8th grade STEM classes at BMS have been studying transportation technology per DESE guidelines. During their investigation they looked into the four forces that act upon a transportation device, thrust, lift, drag and weight. They used this knowledge to design a CO2 powered dragster that would optimize speed. Once they settled on a design, they made a styrofoam mockup and placed it into a wind tunnel to evaluate their designs' aerodynamics. Students used this information to either redesign their dragster or start building their balsa wood model for racing. Each of the nine 8th grade classes then competed in a double elimination tournament during class to determine which team designed and built the fastest dragster. The classroom champions were: Thalia T, Madi W, Jack L, Alex S, Ainsley Z, Isabelle R, Ava M, Chase C, Josh H, Riley K, Julia M, Nick R, Gavin S, Landon L, Connor B, Isaac D, Nathan R, Mackinley G, Logan M, Aaliyshiana S, & Laura B. On Friday, June 10th, the nine class champions, in front of the rest of the 8th grade students, teachers and administrators, held the 2022 Beckwith Dragster finals in the gymnasium. As the races started there was anticipation in the air as race teams got ready for their turn to show how fast their car was. The drag strip was scaled to a ¼ mile at 19 meters long and the times were electronically captured. Mr. Sampson assisted in recording the times in 100ths of a second and using a mathematical formula he converted the time into miles per hour, mph. The individual races were close, some cars winning by less than 3/100ths of a second. Going into the last race, the Makinsta Car built by Mackinley and Logan, was in first place with a speed of 41.32 mph having covered the course in 1.03 seconds. This first place ranking was short lived as the last two cars down the track bettered their time. In the last race Isaac and Nathan’s Lightning McQueen finished with a time of 1 second flat and a speed of 42.56 mph but fell to the 2022 Beckwith Middle School Dragster Champions Grampa-Wheel-E. Grampa-Wheel-E, belonging to Riley, Julia and Nick, finished the course in 0.96 seconds at a speed of 44.33 mph to take home the title and the trophy. All of the students involved applied what they learned in class to design and build their dragsters, and had some fun along the way. • ept
We •
Smaller Class Sizes
Beckwith Middle School's annual Spring Chorus Concert was held on Monday, June 13th in the D-R Regional High School auditorium. Choral students, under the direction of Ms. Lynnette Lopez and accompanied by Ms. Melissa Grossi, performed an exciting selection of music which opened with the 5th grade chorus' beautiful rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner." Other memorable selections throughout the night included "So Long, Farewell" from The offer: Sound of Music, “This is Me" from 2017 film The Greatest Showman, Irving Berlin's “Blue Skies,” Lilo & Stitch's "Hawaiian Roller
— CO
Fine Arts Program
$10 Of
The Reporter
July 2022
Smith Insurance Group AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS • LIFE Denise Smith
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Beckwith Middle School Presidential Scholars
For their commitment to academic excellence and achievement, eighteen 8th grade students were awarded certificates and pins and were treated to our traditional Presidential Breakfast this year. Raegan Baer, Grace Callaghan, Riley Kazanjian, Julia Mello, Gia Papa, and Isabella Saumweber were awarded the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence. These students received an A- or better in all subjects throughout their Beckwith careers. Isabella Bouchard, Chase Cooper, Cailee Leonard, and Ainsley Zibrida were awarded the Presidential Award for Academic Achievement. These students received an A- or better in all subjects throughout their Beckwith careers with the exception of one B+. To receive a Presidential Award is an outstanding accomplishment. Congratulations to our students for this achievement!
The Linda Sousa Unity Award
Linda Sousa was a special educator for nearly 20 years. She had a passion for education and was well respected and admired by her colleagues. More importantly, she was loved and respected by the many students whose lives she touched. It was exceedingly important to Linda that all students be treated with respect, be accepted, and have access to the same opportunities both in and out of school. Seeing students with differing abilities working cooperatively together was something that Linda found extremely satisfying. It confirmed her belief in the benefits of inclusion and the kindness that exists within our amazing students here at Beckwith. This year's recipients of The Linda Sousa Unity Award are Maggie Kazanjian, Riley Kazanjian, Grace Callaghan, and Mackinley Garcia. We know Linda would be so proud of the students receiving this recognition this year. She would be proud of the entire unified team for their kindness, dedication to cooperation, and team spirit.
participated in an ice cream social. Joshua Auricchio was chosen to receive the Williams College Book Award for his outstanding accomplishments. Lilyana DiIorio and Lucien Risotti received the Anthony Ferreira Citizenship Award for outstanding citizenship and contribution to school culture. Congratulations to our 8th grade students!
Coaster Ride," and a medley from The Lion King. Congratulations to all choral students and Ms. Lopez on a wonderful performance! Our annual Spring Band Concert was held on Thursday, June 9th. Under the direction of Mr. Francese, band students performed a variety of selections from different styles of music. Some pieces that 5th and 6th Grade Band performed at the concert included "Frère Jacques," which students performed in a 3 part round, and "Montego Bay," a calypso song which was their first advanced piece of the year. 7th and 8th Grade Combined Band performed "Twilight Smiling" and "Midnight Mission." 8th Grade Band performed an energetic piece called "Shockwave" on their own. Many students also bravely performed solos on their own and in small groups. Thank you to all students for their hard work and dedication this year. Congratulations to all band students and Mr. Francese on a wonderful performance!
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Beckwith’s Scholar Leaders
Eighth graders Madison Williams and Hawkyns Pray were selected as D.L. Beckwith Middle School’s Scholar Leaders for 2022. This prestigious award is given to students from schools throughout New England who demonstrate a commitment to academic excellence and the school community. Madison and Hawkyns are positive leaders in the Beckwith school community who model the criteria for student leaders. Madison and Hawkyns consistently work hard in and out of the classroom demonstrating dedication to academic content and a strong work ethic. Among peers they stand out as positive models of respect, responsibility, and safety. They are kind, considerate, and mature. They are personable students that positively impact the climate and culture of the school building. Congratulations to Madison and Hawkyns for receiving this award and thank you for making Beckwith Middle School a better place.
Congratulations BMS Eighth Graders!
Beckwith Middle School was so happy to celebrate the success, hard work, and growth of our 8th grade students on June 27. Students received awards and certificates, were treated to a cook-out style lunch, received yearbooks if purchased, and
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The Reporter July 2022
Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School Class of 2022 Samantha Aguiar Tara Alegria Keaneau Alves Josiah Alvis Sarah Amaral Deven Anderson Kallieh Anderson Kylie Antonio Nicholas Antonio Alexander Arocho Calvente Andre Ashton Benjamin Baglini Connor Bain Aliyah Barbosa Cole Beagan Griffin Behm Brianna Berube Charleigh Blackwell Gianna Blackwell Kylah Blair Blanchette Kylie William Booras Jacob Botelho Keira Brown Samuel Brown Mitchell Bushell Ryan Callaghan Hailey Calore Grace Campos Christian Chace Sarah Charbonneau Landon Chaves Caleb Chavez Adora Chisholm Nathan Cleathero
Lyric Cochrane Shaun Conklin Nathan Conti Theodore Conti Reece Cordeiro Kristin Corvi Brady Courcy Christina Courtemanche Julia Croome Arianna Crosby Ethan Cutler Audrey DaCosta Leah Daniello Sabrina DaSilva Lauren DeCoste Anthony DeCristoforo Kayley Dias Bryce Downs Christopher Emond Jaden Faria Ava Fernandez Jillian Ferrara Alexander Ferreira Nathan Ferreira Colin Foster Maria Frangakis Anthony Gabriel Avril Gagnon Ashlyn Galloway Madison Gerrish Ella Gesner Eric Gormally Emma Goulart Autumn Gousie Callie Gouveia
Samantha Grady Destiny Granata Greenberg Jacob Guertin Marisa Carleigh Hall Taylor Hart Emma Herman Madison Hinerman Mark Hogan Julia Iafrate Brandon Johnson Taylor Jones Cameron Kairit Caroline Kelliher Lauren Kerwin Tyler Kindberg Mason Kulpa Isabella LaBree Jayden LaFleur Lily Lamontagne William Landry Morgan Lawton Mary Lizotte Jade Lowe Cassandra Lunghi Andrew Machado Briana Malaguti Samantha Malloy Isabella Malo Kameron Marando Kaelyn Maria Natalia Martin Ethan Martinous Ryan McCarthy Margaret McMullin
Ava McQuillan Hailey Medeiros Nicholas Medeiros Reilly Medeiros Myles Mendoza Lexie Menezes Tristen Montalvo Caitlin Morgado Justus Morgan Julian Mota Makayla Motta Franky Munoz Quincey Munson Isabel Murdock Sophie Murdock Matthew Nadeau Caleb Newman Emma O'Neill Ryan Ouellette Kylie Palmer Ian Papa Ashley Pavao Ava Pequeneza Evan Pereira Kristopher Pereira Adam Perreira Jillian Pestana Sebastian Pickford Matthew Plutzner Rian Pontes Hendrix Pray Irma Ramos Eliana Raposo Joshua Rebello Caroline Reed
Erin Rego Kenneth Rocha Jillian Ross Isabella Rudolph Zoey Santos Katelyn Schultz Ryan Scofield Lucas Silva Mayana Silva Emily Simoes Kevin Smith Abigail Sousa Jaelyn Souza Dario St James Mia Stanzione Madalyn Stevens Graeme Sullivan Jacob Suprenard Tyler Swan John Tattrie Julia Tavares Madison Tavares Luke Taylor Julia Tessier Mason Tessier Marc Thaler Austin Thurber Alexander Tomellini Peter Torres Brady Walsh Molly Walsh Samuel Watts Benjamin Wheeler Jack Wright Rachel Zankul Thomas Zibrida
Class of 2022 Top 10
Nicholas Antonio
Sarah Charbonneau
Lauren DeCoste
Madison Gerrish
Jillian Pestana
Eliana Raposo
Graeme Sullivan
Luke Taylor
Alexander Tomellini
Benjamin Wheeler
July 2022
The Reporter
Seekonk High School 2022 Graduates Jared Tyler Amado Jason Amaral Lillian Ray Bento Catherine Elizabeth Bergstrand Faith Marie Bettencourt Milo Joseph Biggs Adam Ryan Boothe Spencer Richard Boucher Noah Parker Boudreau-Faria Victoria Alexis Bourassa Matthew James Boutin Liam Robert Bradbury Edward Robert Brady Madison Margaret Burbank Jacob Owen Cabral Nathan Benjamin Cabral Sofia Ella-Rose Cabral-DaSilva Danally Ysabel Cabreja Kendal Ann Cacchiotti *Chase Dawson Carlsten Luke Brayden Carvalho Madison Louise Casala Aaron Shine Chen Emily Nicole Chin Ethan Flor Clarke Jake Matthew Coleman Alexander David Cordeiro Isabella Olivia Cordeiro Jordan Anthony Nascimento Correia Abeni Ciara Cota Dakota Marie Cote Lauren Elizabeth Couitt Giuliano Michael Cozzo *Kyle Anthony Cristino Joshua Patrick Cronin Cameron Patrick Culpan Devin Wayne Dailey Soleil Rose DeBarros Spencer McKay Deering Dominic Michael DeLuca Adam James Deslauriers Jason Raymond Deslauriers Aiden Francis DiPalma Aurora Ellen Dumont *Bria Rae Dunphy Phoebe Adwoa Akyeabea Duodu Ali Elizabeth Faria Garrett Robert Fecteau Isabel Maira Figueiredo Jonathan Shaun Freeman Reagan Christopher Furtado Kylie Nevaeh Galante Ava Frances Gardner Noah Paul Gaspar Joanne Geha Kelsey Madison Gendreau
Michael Patrick George Isabella Mae Gerardi Chanelle Andrea Gomez Adam Wesly Gonzalez Aliya DaSilva Goulart Devin Timothy Grant Lily Bliss Haines Brady James Halpin Olivia Rose Hardro Emma Elizabeth Hindle Madison Dakota Hytinen Grace Alexandrina Ippolito Philip Vito Ippolito Rowan Clyde Jordan Maddison Ann Julien Ian Brown Kane Nicholas Robert Kasper Lauren Jane Keough Melanie Elizabeth Keough Gabriella Anne Killam Michae Patrick King Sarah Ann King Luis Enrique Landaverde Isabella Grace Lastrina Zakery James Laverdiere Corey Joel Ledoux Nicholas Simon Lehourites Kate Taylor Leinson Isaiah James Leonard *Stephanie Camille Letourneau *Lucy Qiuming Lewis Cody John Leydon Emma Nicholette Pacheco Lima Camryn Grace Loomis Lilly Elizabeth MacDonald Christina Giulia Magnotta Coralymar Martinez Tyler John Massud Kristina Ann Matos Zoe Anne McElaney Luke Grissom Mello Nathan Richard Mello Brooke Rose Meyer Jeffrey Raymond Michaud Julianna Maria Mihailides *Madison Alexis Mirabile Rachel Kathleen Moehle Brady Moniz Diandre Jose Monteiro Jazlyn Skye Monteiro Joslyn Cecilia Moore Natalie Grace Moore Camryn Alicia Morris Cecilia Rose Runhild Neary Dylan Thomas Nordberg Micah Allen Nugent
*Kayla Lynn Owens Owen Joseph Pacheco William Rodi Pagliarini Gianna Emma Panciotti Neel Rasik Patel Neel S. Patel Saloni Patel Finn Robert Paterson Emily Diane Pedro Kate Jacqueline Pegoraro *Leandra Rose Pereira Nicholas Jose Perez Eric Robert Phillips Cameron Leo Pilato Jayla Fatima Pina Aaron John Pincince Makayla Rose Pistocco Alec Antonio Prata Jessica Ann Provazza Ryan Paul Provazza Brandon Carlo Reakes Mackenzie Roseanne Reilly Hailey Elizabeth Reynolds Christopher Medeiros Rezendes Angelyna Rios Kaylie Jade Rolon Elisabeth Maria Roslonek Tyler Stephen Royer Kelli Rose Ryan Mackenzie Lee Sears Cameron Davis Sears Ashley Ruth Silveira Sean Andon Simmons Bridgette Aungellia Slattery De’knyah Annmerie Smith Andrew Joseph Smyth Samantha Lenore Soares Ethan Louis Sorrentino Avery Ann Sousa Zoe Lurdes Sousa Cullen Andrew Steitz Kyleigh Lynn Sullivan Molly Katherine Swist Gary Mikel Taraian, JR Robert Joseph Teves Jack Pasek Tow Sophia Rhea-Anne Tracey Madison Joy Velasquez Seth Villagran *Thomas Jitian Wang Mira Elizabeth-Odile White Julia Lauryn Botelho Woodcock *Nicholas Xin Yang William Avery Young *indicates top ten
The Reporter July 2022
Food & Dining Guide Who’s hungry? Visit one of these markets and restaurants today! We will be closed for vacation Monday, July 18th thru Monday, August 1st. Re-opening on Tuesday, August 2nd at 11:30AM. 508.336.4361 503 Winthrop St. Rehoboth
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Kitchen Hours: Monday thru Saturday 12pm to 9pm Sunday 12pm to 7pm
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July 2022
The Reporter
Food & Dining Guide
The Cooks House Proudly providing restaurant-quality meals for you and your family
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The Reporter July 2022
Farm & Garden Walker Street Organic Gardens Walker Street Organic Gardens is in its 9 th year! Robert Desrochers grows raspberries, a variety of heirloom tomatoes, sweet corn, fairytale eggplant, peppers, squash, and cucumbers at 92 Walker Street in Seekonk. He also offers his own honey and his pottery. “We are all organic and we are here for the local community,” says Bob, “It is the customers’ stand. I put what they like on the table. It is the community support that keeps us going.”
FRESH PICKED RASPBERRIES Heirloom Tomatoes • Squash Sweet Corn • Fairytale Eggplant Peppers • Cucumbers Our Own Honey •Pottery
WALKER STREET ORGANIC GARDENS 92 Walker Street, Seekonk MA • 401.648.5587
Check our FB page for updates!
Farm Stand Open Daily:
Monday 12-5, Tuesday-Friday 10-5 Saturday & Sunday 9:30-5 SNAP/HIP and WIC and Senior coupons accepted If we didn’t grow it, you will know it! 508-245-4635 • 33 Agricultural Ave., Rehoboth, MA
Bob’s prices are very reasonable. Raspberries and strawberries are here as well as early varieties of tomatoes are on the table at the beginning of the month! You pick what you want and then pay with cash, credit card, or venmo. Stop by today for some delicious food or beautiful pottery. They are open 7 days a week from 9am until 6pm.
Souza Family Farm When you visit Souza Family farm you are greeted by Val, Jen, Isabelle, Kaylee, Kathy, or Ann. They are always happy, helpful, and welcoming. Nothing keeps them from the greenhouses where they grow a wide arrangement of flowering plants, vegetable plants, hangers and herbs. The greenhouses are open to the public. Stop on by to see what is ready and what is growing!! The farm stand will open on Father’s Day when the crops will be ready to harvest. Their large variety of vegetables in-season includes: 40 varieties of tomatoes, zucchini, summer squash, winter squash, peppers, onions, cucumbers, pickling cukes, cauliflower, broccoli, large variety of beans, blueberries, corn, lettuces and more! They will have more and more vegetables as the season changes. They do supplement our produce from local sources. If they don’t grow it, you’ll know it! Farmer’s Market coupons at the Farm Stand as well as SNAP/HIP are accepted.
Come visit us at Osamequin Farm, at the corner of Walnut St and Prospect St in Seekonk! We are a non-profit cooperative farm, hosting multiple farmers all under “one roof”, plus Pick Your Own blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and cut flowers! We open up the farm for community gatherings, educational workshops, and private events. Visit our website for all the details and to get on our email list! Sustainability is at the center of our mission - EVERYTHING we offer is chemical free, grown with organic practices. We only sell what we grow - you can expect to find berries, vegetables, culinary and medicinal herbs, and all the flowers in our Farm Stand this summer. Our blueberries are never sprayed, so they’re safe for the kids to pick and put right into their mouths in the field! Follow us on social media @osamequinfarmto be sure you hear about all our events, workshops, and when the berries are ready to pick! New this summer: our first ever FAMILY CAMPOUT fundraiser on the farm!
join us on the farm Osamequin Farm
never-sprayed blueberries & cut flowers
Seekonk MA
for all ages
all organically-grown produce cut flowers and herbal products
July 2022 The Reporter
August 8, 1926 - May 23, 2022 Rehoboth - Everett Otis Dyer (E. Otis Dyer), 95, passed away on May 23, 2022 at Sturdy Hospital in Attleboro MA. He was born at home on August 8, 1926 in Framingham MA, the youngest of four children of Alice Everett Dexter Dyer and Samuel Dyer. He spent an idyllic childhood in the woods and ponds of Framingham. He loved reading, especially history, and building cabins, camps and trails in the woods. He graduated from Framingham High E. Otis Dyer School in 1943 and from University of Maine in 1949 with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering. He interrupted his college career to serve in the U.S. Navy during WWII as a radar technician on the submarine USS Skipjack. He witnessed the first atomic bomb test at Bikini Atoll on July 1, 1946. Otis met Jean Woodbridge Palmer on a blind date in Framingham where she was attending college. They married on Jean’s 22nd birthday in 1950 and began life on a dilapidated farm in Rehoboth that had been in Dyer’s family since 1818. They raised four children on the family farm which included cattle, chickens and a variety of other animals. Otis loved farming and over time, he expanded the farm and revitalized its pastures, hay fields and woodlots. The original 1746 homestead was renovated and eventually placed on the National Register of Historic Places. Great Meadow Hill Farm is now nationally recognized as a Bicentennial Farm, for being in the same family for over 200 years. Otis also spent time in Truro MA, his father’s birthplace, and built, with his father and brother, a cottage on a dune overlooking Cape Cod Bay. The cottage would become part of a beloved summer colony of the extended Dyer family for four generations. He began his engineering career with Stone and Webster at Montaup Electric plant in Somerset MA and then at Walco Electric in Providence RI. In 1954 he began a land surveying business in his home. He constructed an office across the street and continued running E. Otis Dyer, Land Surveying until his death. He especially enjoyed deed research which greatly contributed to his knowledge of local history. His lifelong passion for history led him to help the Rehoboth Antiquarian Society build its museum and barn and serve as President for over twenty years. He was a charter member of the Rehoboth Historical Commission for more than 50 years and a member of the Rehoboth Revolutionary War Bicentennial Commission. In 2016 he was appointed Rehoboth Town Historian. He researched, wrote and contributed many articles, pamphlets and books including Swamp Yankee, a history of local farm life in the 1900s, and a book about the early history of Rehoboth and the Rehoboth Congregational Church that he was completing at the time of his death. continued on next page...
From the Rehoboth cover: View of Great Meadow Hill Farm from the swim pond. Photo by Richard Benjamin.
E. Otis Dyer with his chickens at Great Meadow Hill Farm, Photo by Richard Benjamin.
BLAESER INSURANCE Blaeser Insurance is a local independent agency and is a farm certified agency with Nationwide Insurance, one of the largest farm insurers in the country, which just recently began writing policies in Massachusetts. Whether you are a farm with commercial livestock or crops, an equine operation, a hobby farm, or you simply do a couple of hay cuts each year for a farm tax credit, we are here to tailor coverage to your individual needs. We are local and professional, and we have the traditional approach to customer service that you can rely on during our initial consultation, the servicing of your account, and if you ever have the need to file a claim. Call us for a free quote and a second opinion anytime!
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The Reporter July 2022
Otis was active in Rehoboth politics as a member of the Gravel Committee, Water Study Committee, Survey Board, and Planning Board. He helped to create Rehoboth’s first zoning map. He was honored to serve as Grand Marshall for the 375th anniversary parade of Rehoboth. He supported preserving Rehoboth’s woods and open spaces. He researched and purchased nearly every parcel of the 435-acre historic Squannakonk Swamp, the largest contiguous property in Rehoboth. In 2016 he donated the entire property to the Rehoboth Land Trust and requested that it be named for one of his late mentors, Roy Horton of Dighton MA. Otis was predeceased by Jean, his wife of 68 years, by his three siblings, Jane Dyer Ellsworth, Samuel Dyer Jr. and Justine Dyer Phillips, and by his son, E. Otis Dyer Jr. He leaves two daughters, Betsey Dexter Dyer (Robert Obar) of Walpole MA and Lydia Dyer Carswell (Larry Carswell) of Rehoboth, a son, Nathaniel Paine Dyer (Lisa-Marie Sanford) of Rehoboth, and six grandchildren: Daniel Carswell, James Carswell, Alice Obar, Samuel Obar, Caleb Dyer and Tatum Dyer. Funeral arrangements have been made with Foley-CookHathaway Funeral Home in Attleboro MA. Interment will be private at the family’s lot in the Stevens Corner Cemetery in Rehoboth. A memorial service will be held at the Rehoboth Congregational Church on Monday, August 8 at 9:30 a.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts to the Carpenter Museum, P.O. Box 2, Rehoboth MA 02769 will be appreciated.
Otis and his sons, Nat and Otie Jr., and his mother, Alice Dyer, standing in front of the Carpenter Museum as it is being built in 1978.
Trustees of the Rehoboth Antiquarian Society, circa 1980. Rear row:Ernest Goff, Jr., Otis Dyer (Vice President), Robert Wray Front row: Winsor Carpenter (benefactor), John Waterman, Melvina MacDonald, Evelyn Muggleton (Secretary), and Charles Evans (President).
Above photos:Otis and his son Nat Dyer on tractors at Great Meadow Hill Farm. (1965 and 2021)
Cows at Great Meadow Hill Farm, Photo by Richard Benjamin.
July 2022 The Reporter
Otis Dyer haying on the farm in 2005.
Jean and Otis on a Blount cruise.
Otis & Jean Dyer in front of their home, the Aaron Wheeler house built circa 1746. The Carpenter Museum, built in 1978, was modeled after The Wheeler house. Photo by Richard Benjamin.
Weathervane and Arnold the peacock at sunset on the farm. Photo by Richard Benjamin.
Otis and children celebrating a madeup family holiday called Bluie Field Day (1960s). It was invented by Otis when the younger children were disappointed at not being included in big sister Betsey’s Brownie Field Day. Bluie Field Day was celebrated with a parade and games on the first Saturday after school ended.
Competent Concern When the Need Arises Affordable Funeral & Cremation Services regardless of financial circumstance Pre-Planning Specialists Proudly serving Rehoboth & Seekonk families since 1898 Andrew J. Correia, MBIE; President/Funeral Director & Embalmer
210 Taunton Ave., ROUTE 44 • East Providence RI 02914 (401) 434-2600 •
The Reporter July 2022
IN MEMORIAM Cheryl Lynn Silva-Crawford Sept 26, 1968 - April 4, 2022
Compliance Manager and UNIFY Global Administrator at Red Nucleus, Spring Grove, Illinois, United States. Cheryl lived at 198 Homestead Avenue in Rehoboth, Ma with her family until schools and colleges called her away. She started her education at the old Anawan School. We were asked about her skipping a grade, but we wanted her to be with children her own age. She was taught at home and couldn’t wait to start school. When finishing college she bought a 4 acre farm in Lake Villa, Illinois where she lived for 19 years with Katy Sue, her sheltie, Venus and Taya, her cats. Later on she bought two shelties, Brody and Duchess. She loved the old farm with the silo, barn and sheds. She had her own garden from strawberries to pumpkins and her shelties could run around all they wanted to in the fenced in field. She had many deer and animals visit from the woods. She said it felt like she was back home in Rehoboth. Cheryl married James Crawford of Spring Grove, Illinois, Sept. 29th, 2019 in Wisconsin, just over the border, and they lived on Cheryl’s 4 acre farm in Lake Villa, Illinois. Cheryl became ill 5 months after they were married. 1 was told by her husband that her illness kept her in and out of the hospital. Even though she was ill, they bought a four bedroom house with a pool, hot tub, finished basement with a pool table and bar, etc. on June 28th 2021 and the four acre farm was sold in September 17, 2021. Cheryl never really got to enjoy the new house. She passed away several
Just remember that loved ones never go away. They are always by our side, even on days when they may seem like just an illusion.
months later in the Spring Grove, Illinois hospital. To this day, boxes are still unpacked in the basement. Cheryl was predeceased by her father Alfred Silva of Rehoboth, MA. She leaves behind a husband, who has an adult daughter, Amberlynn who was married on April 6th 2022, and two adult sons, Andy and Josh Crawford, of Illinois, her Mother, Shirley (Bennett) Silva of Rehoboth, Ma, and brother, George PerrinMohr and wife Maryalice Mohr of Jamaica Plains, Boston, MA and an uncle, Leslie Bennett, and wife Jeanne of East Bridgewater, MA and five aunts, Anita (Bennett) Diiorio of Raynham, MA, Nancy Zito (Bennett) of Seekonk, MA, Beverly (Bennett) Fitzgerald of Concord, New Hampshire, Kathryn (Bennett) Pollard of Largo, Florida, Betty (Bennett) Dupfily of Attleboro, MA and several cousins and her two shelties, Brody and Duchess and many close friends. Cheryl was of no specific religion. We went to any church indoors or out we wanted to. Her special place was a huge flat-topped boulder in our backyard near the edge of the woods where she would sit and watch the birds and animals around her while she read a book or did some of her homework. She even made a wooden sign with the number of her little area and stuck it in the ground to let you know, this is private property. One day on our bike ride she wanted to stop at a church. I put the bikes aside and turned around and she was gone. I sat down and waited awhile and then went to look for her. She was inside sitting with a lady. The woman smiled at me and left. I asked no questions as most parents would have done. As I have said, Cheryl was a very special
person. Not many have seen the side of her that I have. Her religious father maybe. He never said. She was on a bowling team with her father and continued bowling when she lived in Illinois with other friends. Cheryl was a talented bowler and took lessons to improve her skills. Through the years she bowled in many leagues. She enjoyed dog sports and dog classes, such as obedience, agility, rally and scent work. Cheryl was a gifted artist and frequently participated in acrylic painting in local restaurants and online. She was an avid sports fan as she rooted for her Patriots, Red Sox and Bruins as well as the Chicago Cubs, Bears and Blackhawks. Cheryl was always up for any new adventure, such as BBQ judging, cooking classes, dancing classes and zip lining. She engaged in every activity with a warm smile that would light up the room and she added friends in each new hobby along the way. Cheryl helped her mother (who is a lifetime member of the Massachusetts Archaeological Society, Robbins Museum and Rehoboth Antiquarian Society) whenever she was working on a dig for native artifacts at the Toby or Dyer site, both in Rehoboth, Ma. Cheryl also helped find artifacts on a Cape Island on weekends when not digging for clams or fishing. She loved the Cape and rode her bike around the canal and took many pictures of the canal when it was frozen over, and also fished and camped there on weekends. She learned to ride her bike for the first time without training wheels, on Mother’s Day while camping. She loved to sit in the back of the canoe to guide it over to the island. Cheryl had many different summer jobs, one was the summer she worked for the Rehoboth Town Hall on Peck street. She also was a Girl Scout with her neighbor Karleen Kelly whose mother, Sharon, led the group. Cheryl was a student at Dighton Rehoboth High School and was active in many activities, graduating with high honors and a scholarship to Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. She remained active in many organizations, including choir, all while managing a job. She graduated magna cum laude with high honors with a B.A. in economics. She also earned a 4 year scholarship from Bowdoin College to a New York College, but she chose going to Illinois. She earned her Masters Degree in Macroeconomics and Finances from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. She continued her education with several Professional Certifications including Data Analytics, RAPS, PMI and PMP, project
July 2022 The Reporter management professional organization. She was compliance manager and UNIFY Global Administer at Red Nucleus, Spring Grove, Illinois, also attended the Wharton School and earned her certification in Data Analytics. She received many recommendations. Cheryl Was an experienced pharmaceutical professional and management consultant with over 19 years of global industry knowledge, specializing in regulatory affairs, clinical operations and technology, then implementation project management. Cheryl led the effort to identify and quantify cost savings within Abbott’s administration Service Technology portfolio. Her effort reduced the portfolio by more than 2S percent and provided cost savings of over $400,000. She received and analyzed over 15,000 label reviews for 30 of Abbott’s products in more than 150 Countries for $2 million less than the vendor proposal. Cheryl was highly intelligent and skilled. She contributed greatly to many positions over the span of her career, including Senior Consultant and Compliance Manager for Red Nucleus, regulating Affairs Project. Led Abbott’s Senior System Consultant for Baxter International, IT project manager and business systems analyst for Abbott Labs. Product manager for Business logic and Financial Economist for Chicago Board of Trade. Her soft spoken nature, quick wit, kindness and warm heart are deeply missed by her family, countless friends and her two shelties, Brody and Duchess. Most of this can be found on the computer that was written by information given to the Thompson Funeral Home in Spring Grove, Illinois, from papers found in Cheryl’s office by her husband. Just type in - Cheryl Lynn Silva Crawford. Donations for Cheryl can be made to The RL T, Rehoboth Land Trust, to save the animals, beauty and history of Rehoboth, MA, and will be greatly appreciated by her family and we know Cheryl would Jove it. There will be no public services at this time. A Celebration of life BBQ will be held by the family during the summer months as the weather warms.
Patricia “Pat” (Phillips) Pearson
Elaine V. SalleyChemelowski
Elaine V. Salley-Chemelowski Patricia “Pat” (Phillips) Pearson Pearson, Patricia “Pat” (Phillips), 88, of Moulton Street, Rehoboth, Ma, died peacefully on May 31, 2022 at home surrounded by her loving family. She was the beloved wife of Robert G. Pearson. Pat was born in Riverside where she had a wonderful childhood and made lifelong friends. She was a daughter of the late Joseph P. and Helen (Richmond) Phillips and lived in Rehoboth since 1956. Mrs. Pearson was a member of the Seekonk Congregational Church. Pat enjoyed gardening and spending time with her loving family. Besides her husband of sixty seven years, she is survived by three daughters, Carol A. Pearson of Rehoboth, MA, Susan L. Harris of Rehoboth, MA and Patti-jean Trombley of Rehoboth, MA; three grandchildren, Lianne Correia of Rehoboth, Raquel Pearson of Rehoboth, Robert Trombley of Rehoboth and two great grandchildren, Bryce Pearson and Amelia Correia. She was the sister of the late Richard Phillips and Bud Phillips. Her funeral service will be held on Sunday June 5, 2022 in the W. RAYMOND WATSON FUNERAL HOME, 350 Willett Avenue, Riverside at 3 p.m. Calling hours are 1-3 p.m. For online condolences please visit
Elaine V. Salley-Chemelowski of Seekonk, passed away peacefully on Friday, June 24, 2022 at 55 years of age. Beloved wife of Eugene M. Chemelowski. Daughter of the late Phyllis C. (Swierk) and Robert L. Salley of Rehoboth. Loving mother of Amanda Carvalho of Rehoboth. Cherished sister of Debbie Rogers, Judy Kercher, Linda Salley and Paul Salley. Elaine also leaves many nieces and nephews, cousins and friends. Elaine was born in Attleboro and grew up in Rehoboth, where she attended the Rehoboth Public School System and graduated from the Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School. Elaine went on to attend college and later pursued a career in retail as an inventory control specialist. She moved to Seekonk in 2015. In lieu of flowers, donations in Elaine’s name may be made to the American Breast Cancer Society at Relatives and friends are invited to attend visitation on Wednesday, June 29, 2022 from 4-7:30 PM at Duffy-Poule Funeral Home, 20 Peck Street, Attleboro. A Service will be conducted at 7:30 PM at the funeral home. Burial will be held privately at a later date.
Death Notices Rehoboth
Patricia “Pat” (Phillips) Pearson, 88, of Moulton Street, Rehoboth, Ma, died peacefully on May 31, 2022 at home surrounded by her loving family.
Robert T. Fuller, 89, passed away peacefully with his family by his side on Thursday, May 26, 2022. Carlota “Lotinha” Santos, 78, of Seekonk, passed away on Saturday, June 18, 2022 at Rhode Island Hospital.
80 Broadway, Taunton MA 02780 508.822.0081
Owners and Directors, Amy Silva Rigtrup, Type 3, Lawrence Quintal, Type 3 and Christine (DeLawrence) Quintal, Type 3
The Reporter July 2022
We are hiring: El Mariachi located at 736 North Broadway is hiring servers, bartenders, dishwashers. Please call 401434-1505. The Barrington Public Schools has an opening for a custodian experience preferred. It includes a full benefit package with health insurance, pension and paid vacations. If interested please log onto Job #3913868 to apply or pick up a paper application at the Barrington Public Schools, 283 County Road, Barrington, RI 02806. Barrington Public Schools is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Help Wanted – Carpenter’s Helper. Will Train. Must be reliable and have transportation. Call Ron at 401-723-4548. Solid Waste Truck Driver Wanted: Local, family owned company. Good benefits and pay. 40+ hours. Willing to train the right person. Call Dale at 508-958-0796. Wanted: Teenage boy or girl to help with yardwork. $10/hour in Riverside. 401433-2922.
For Sale: GE Stackable Washer/ Dryer, white, less than 2 years old, apartment size 74” high, 24” wide, 24” deep; $900 or best offer. Call Bill at 508-252-9000.
BOOK YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION PARTY NOW! Riverside Sportsman Assoc. Mohawk Drive off Wampanoag Trail. For all occasions: Birthday, Family Reunions, Club/ Organization Meetings. Cash Bar. Monthly Steak Fries and other events. Call the club at 401-433-0209, leave a message.
CUSTOM LOG CABIN HOME: Pearl Lake Rd in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Minutes from attractions: Sugar Hill, Franconia Pkwy, Santa’s Village, Whale’s Tail Water Park, and Cog Railway; sleeps 6, fireplace, swimming, hiking, fishing, boating, kayaks or just R&R. Booking now for Spring and Summer getaways: Weekly or weekends. Call Joe at 401-439-8089. VACATION - HONEYMOON RENTAL:
Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speedway. Positions available for general help around the Flea Market Sundays thru December 3rd. Call Linda at 401-263-5737.
Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speedway. Buyers and Vendors wanted every Sunday 7AM-1PM thru December 3rd 2022. Call Linda at 401-263-5737. I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you Joe in Rehoboth 508-558-5129.
Buildable lot w/ town of Seekonk water hookup. Lot is on the Rehoboth/Seekonk town line-Carpenter/Cross St. $75,000 as it sits. For more information call 508-761-8203 and ask for George.
Plants for sale: Perennials, annuals, Euonymus bushes, Angel Trumpets, Coleus, succulents, fig trees & angel’s trumpet, free small plant with visit, prices from $2-$20. Call 401-433-2922. Come and see my plants at The Weaver Library Farmers Market June 30th thru Sept 15th.
Holiday Pet Sitter: Local pet sitter & dog walker with 14 years odd experience! Text 401-374-8423 or email for more info! Handyman, Maintenance, Landscaping. GSS Property Solutions LLC. Registered & Fully insured. No job too small. Experienced. We're proud of our craftsmanship. Free estimates. 401-688-9749 Bicycle Sales & Service: Your Bike Shops now doing Spring Tune-ups on all brands, Riverside 401-433-4491 and Warren 401245-9755. Call Art or Joe for specials and service now.
Wanted: Your old vinyl records. LPs and 45s also stereo equipment. Call or text 347-385-2551 or email steadysounds@ to set up an appointment, we come to you!
Place Classifieds at
St. Michael, Azores Ponta Graca (Portugal). Pristine 2 bed, 2 bath apartment with kitchen, DR, LR & laundry. Linens provided. Majestic Atlantic and mountain views from spacious deck. Near golf courses, beaches, and more. $560 Weekly. Time is money, must act now. Call 401-480-0374 or 508-336-8432.
Engaged? Just Married? Celebrating a Special Anniversary? Let everyone know! Send your news to
Cabinet refinishing! no mess no hassle. Make your kitchen brighter and look new for a fraction of the cost of new cabinets. J Rodrigues painting call Joe at 508 989 8085. local and reliable. I am a Personal Care Assistant & Housekeeper willing to help you! Will perform many duties including meal prep, medication reminders, shower assistance, shopping/ errands, laundry, light cleaning. Call Terri for information and rates. 774-284-7600. Housecleaning: Is your home in need of a really good cleaning? Whether you need a 1 time cleaning, or regular cleanings. Years of experience! (We include fridge and oven w/ our cleanings) Call Gil for details 508840-6611. BIG BLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House. We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. Call Tony 508-2261295;
July 2022 The Reporter
Business Directory CATEGORY Antiques/Cash for Gold Art Supplies/Framing Attorney Attorney Attorney Auto Body Auto Body Auto Dealers Auto Parts Auto Repairs Building Contractor Camp-Basketball Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Child Care Chimney Cleaning Chimney Services Cleaning Service Cleaning Service Collectibles Comic Strip Country Club Credit Union Dentist Dentist Dentist Dentist Dentist Dentist Electrician Electrician Events Farm Farm Farm Stand Fence Installation Financial Advisor Flooring - All Types Flooring - Wood Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Propane Funeral Home Funeral Home Funeral Home
Americana Auction Gregory D. Dorrance, Co. Laurie P. Mullen, Attorney Law Office of Luke P. Travis Stephen E. Navega A-1 Custom Auto Body Seekonk Auto Body Bristol Toyota NorthEastern Auto Supply New England Tire A.M. Carpentry One On One Basketball Camp Earle’s Carpet Cleaning M & S Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Twin Oaks Farm Learning Center RD Chimney Sweep Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney Sweep Ada’s Cleaning Services Debbie’s Cleaning Service Wexler’s Collectibles Sour Grapes Hillside Country Club Community & Teachers Credit Union Coastal Dental Seekonk David C. Zaluski, D.D.S. Dr. Wassouf D.D.S. George Family Orthodontics Lisa Daft DMD & Associates, PC Seekonk Dental Greaves Electric Neal Bellavance Electric The Coggeshall Farm Museum Osamequin Farm Souza Family Farm Walker Street Organic Gardens Fence Tech Island Time Financial Services Earle Dias Interiors David J. Ledoux Hardwood Floors Al’s Quality Oil Co. E & V Oil Co. Propane Plus Family’s Choice Cremation, Inc. J.H. Williams & Co. Funeral Home Silva Funeral Home
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Business Directory CATEGORY Optometrists Orthodontics Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting/Powerwashing Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Pest Control Services Pet Services Physical Therapy Plastering Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Prepared Food/Deli Private School
Dr. Lucia A. M. D’Angelo George Family Orthodontics Advantage Painting EZ Painting Iachetti Painting Company Levine Painting Co., Inc. Lundco Painting LLC. Handrigan Renovations All Phase Asphalt Driveways Custom Paving Company Gem Paving & Seal Coating Mohegan Seal Coating Co Bi-State Pest Control Chibi’s Choice Personal Best Physical Therapy East Coast Plastering Sine Plumbing & Heating Vintage Plumbing & Heating The Cooks House Seekonk Christian Academy
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July 2022 The Reporter
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The Reporter July 2022
The Reporter P.O. Box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769
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