The letters in this section and opinion articles do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Let us hear from YOU!
Have you ever heard of The Witches Dance or the RI Witches Guild? It is associated with the Parade in Wickford around Halloween, and this year a “Witches Ball “ on Oct 21st. We are their Sister Guild and have been expanding and decided it was time to begin a chapter in MA. I have been a member for the last year, teaching and performing the witches dance at many venues. Last year we did both the Rehoboth and Seekonk Senior Center Halloween parties with my Belly dance classes and added the Witches Dance. We also danced at the American Legion’s Community Halloween party. Our goal is to increase venues this year to include Nursing Homes, Community parties, etc. We are not a for-profit group, we are a group of fun, likeminded people who love to share joy through the Witches Dance and dressing up for events. Our first meeting, open to the public, will be May 11th at 6PM at the Blanding Library Goff Hall.
We have a Facebook page, Massachusetts Witches Guild, SE MA Chapter, and our goal is to expand and share the fun. It is a public page and here is a recent post:
“We have our first meeting scheduled!!!!! Thursday May 11th at 6 pm at the Blanding Library in Rehoboth Ma. It is a beautiful hall so I am very excited!! We will do a meet and greet for members, come up with some ideas for future meetings, times and (also if changing days and times is better to include everyone it is an option) themes, ideas on how we can support the community, for now we cover SE Ma. As the Guild expands we will have different areas covered and since Massachusetts is a BIG Commonwealth we have a slightly different plan on how we will proceed with expansion. Your job is....... 1) come up with ideas where we can dance to support the community. Nursing Homes , Senior Centers, Parades, Children’s school events, Library events etc. in SE MA, 2) come up with themes for our meeting so we can have fun and 3) I would like to end every meeting doing The Witches Dance to keep us all ready for big events : ) So at the end of our meetings I will teach and we will do the Witches Dance ( RI Guild style). Bring your hat and broom and be ready for some fun!! Do not worry if you do not have one because we will do a Bling your Broom and Hat Event to get everyone ready dance!!! Spread the word and if you know anyone interested, any age, sex, sexual preference or identity, or religious affiliation ALL are welcome!! Have them come to the meeting and we can Bless the world with joy through dance. After all there is a little Witch in everyone !!”
MUST arrive by the 23rd of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!
Rehoboth Cover: The entrance to Camp Ramsbottom (pg.57) carved by Chainsaw Artist Michael Higgins of Rehoboth. Photo by Earle Dias Earle Dias Photography
Seekonk Cover: Sage Nickelson with her fish from Seekonk Lions
Doug Allan Memorial Fishing Derby (pg.40)
continued on next page...
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Massachusetts Witches Guild is not a religious group. I am a Belly dance Teacher in Rehoboth (KaliliaDance.com) so the dance intrigued me, as it does many others. I now run the Sister Guild, teach The Witches Dance and look for ways we can use it to bring fun, joy and a connection through the dance to the community. I do happen to be a practicing Witch and have been for many years but that is separate from the Guild. The Guild does not do religious functions. We have members from all religious affiliations, who just have fun dressing up and sharing joy in the community through dance. Working with the other RI Witches Guild Chapters we have danced at children’s events, community parties, parades, flash mobs, the Providence Pedestrian Bridge with the Providence Drum Troupe, Halloween parties at restaurants and even Halloween in July events at the Warwick Library.
If you are interested in learning more about our group, please join us for our first meeting on Thursday May 11th at 6 pm at the Blanding Library in Rehoboth. Sincerely, Cheryl Sulyma-Masson (Kalilia)
Hello All ~ Happy May! – The Spring flowers are here, birds are back, and the leaves have popped ~ thank goodness Spring has arrived! If it is May, it must be Tax Day . . . as a reminder, quarterly taxes were due Monday, May 1st ~ thank you.
Thank you all election workers, registrars, police, fire, highway, facilities management departments, constables, election equipment staff, Rehoboth post office staff, potty-john & town clerk’s office staff
Thank you, Rehoboth Reporter, for delaying the printing of the April Reporter to include the 4-4-23 Unofficial Election results. For official results, please check the town website under the Town Clerk’s 4-4-23 Election Results webpage @ https://www.rehobothma.gov/ sites/g/files/vyhlif4911/f/news/tally-ate-4-4-2023-official_results. pdf or news and announcements @ https://www.rehobothma.gov/ home/news/official-4-4-23-annual-town-election-results. Congratulations to all elected candidates. Reminder: If you were elected or re-elected to a position and have not been sworn in to office, please stop by the Town Clerk’s Office to take your oath of office. No elected or appointed official may take any action until they officially take their oath after being elected or appointed ~ thank you!
I would personally like to thank the many people who participated in our April 4, 2023 Annual Town Election and for helping us make sure the election ran smoothly. From the Wardens, Clerks, Inspectors, Constables, Police, Fire, Highway & Facilities Management Departments, Registrars, Set-Up/Take-Down Crew, Rehoboth Post Office and Town Clerk staff, we were able to hold another successful election in our wonderful centralized polling location in the Francis Farm Museum Building. Thank you for all your hard work. There is no way we could have an election without the wonderful
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help of you all ~ thank you for all you do for so many! Thank you also to Sara and Billy for the delicious Vinos meals. Thank you all for your support, time, dedication, and true passion of assuring our elections are run safely, professionally, securely, and expeditiously. The Town of Rehoboth is truly fortunate to have the entire Election staff working on their behalf. Finally, thank you to the 815 of 10,282 voters who voted in the 4-4-2023 Annual Town Election! Those voters who voted in person were able to use Rehoboth’s new election equipment. Thank you all for your positive feedback.
On Tuesday, April 4, 2023 those voters who voted in-person at the Annual Town Election were introduced to Rehoboth’s new voting equipment, the LHS-ImageCast Precinct-Version-2-tabulators. After 10-years of using the LHS-Accuvotes, the election equipment started showing its age by requiring frequent repairs and one unit caught on fire while testing the tabulators for the 11-8-22 Gubernatorial Election. In 2016 we were notified that the vendor discontinued selling the Accuvote tabulators but would continue to support the Accuvotes as long as they were able to get parts; they estimated 5-8 years. As a result, due to the aging equipment, on November 28, 2022 I met with the Board of Selectmen and requested they vote to discontinue the use of the Accuvote tabulators and accept the new election tabulators as Rehoboth’s election equipment for future local, state and federal elections. The Selectmen’s certified, unanimous vote was sent to State Elections and Rehoboth’s new election equiupment has been confirmed at the State level. The reaction of Rehoboth voters, at the last election, was very positive. It was nice to see the voter’s reaction when the tabulator confirmed their vote was tabulated; a win for all involved. Thank you Rehoboth taxpayers for the new election equipment!
As we noticed in the Town Clerk’s Office this past election, there seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the absentee and/or voteby-mail application process. Below are a few facts to keep in mind, especially for next year when we have four scheduled elections (March 2024 Presidential Primary, April Town Election, September State Primary and November Presidential/State Elections).
Voters are required to file a new mailed ballot application request every calendar year. In January of each year, you may request all ballots be mailed to you for all elections scheduled from January – December of the current year by completing an Absentee or Vote-By-Mail ballot application.
Absentee Ballot Application (Must qualify – see qualifications below*) Application @ https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/elections/download/ absentee-ballot-applications/Absentee-Ballot-Application-English. pdf OR
*You can vote by absentee ballot if you qualify:
• You will be away from your city or town on Election Day
• You have a religious belief that prevents you from voting at your polling location on Election Day
• You have a disability that prevents you from voting at your polling location
Vote by Mail Ballot Application (No excuse voting – all other voters) Application @ https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/elections/download/ vote-by-mail-applications/vote-by-mail-paper-application-2023.pdf
Please Note: If you choose “All Elections” on your vote-by-mail or absentee application, and you are registered as an unenrolled/independent voter or registered in any party/political designation other than Democrat, Republican or Libertarian, you will need to identify on your ballot application what “Party” ballot you are requesting for the Presidential Primary and State Primary. Your choices in 2024 will be Democrat, Republican, or Libertarian. If you are registered as a Democrat, Republican or Libertarian, you can only select your party ballot during a primary election.
Now is the time to have your voice heard. Rehoboth voters have been notified, through delivery of the Annual Town Meeting Warrant to their home on Friday, April 29, 2023, that the date for upcoming Town Meeting will be Tuesday, May 9th at the Francis Farm Community Complex – Museum Building – 27 Francis Farm Road, Rehoboth; beginning at 7:00 PM; 6:00 PM voter check-in begins. There are a total of 35 Warrant Articles; therefore, should we need to have a 2-day Town Meeting, the Moderator will adjourn the meeting to Wednesday, May 10th at 7:00 PM. We will continue using the Clickers to speed up the voting process at Town Meeting. Depending on the length of discussion, if all goes well, the Moderator, Mr. Cute, is hopeful we can complete our Town Business in one day. If you have any news you would like the Moderator to share with Town Meeting on May 9th, please send to LSchwall@ RehobothMA.gov ~ thank you.
The last day for Voter Registration, to be eligible to participate in the Annual Town Meeting, was Saturday, April 29, 2023. The Town Clerk’s Office was available from 8:00AM to 5:00PM. on April 29th to accommodate last minute registrations. As always, if you would like to register to vote, or change your party affiliation, you may go to the Secretary of State’s Election Division any time, 24/7, by going to www.RegisterToVoteMA.com and complete the voter registration form online. However, if you were not registered by Saturday, April 29, 2023, you will not be able to vote in the May 9, 2023 Annual Town Meeting. If you would like to check your voter status (active or inactive), you may also go to:
https://www.sec.state.ma.us/VoterRegistrationSearch/MyVoterRegStatus.aspx and see if your registration is active and what precinct you vote in.
The Rehoboth Annual Town Census reflects our current population total, which as of April 15, 2023 is “officially” 12,916. That is an increase of 307 residents over last year’s “official” population figure of 12,609. After calls to households from our Registrars, we still have 952 census forms, out of 5,580 forms that were mailed in January, which have not been returned (Precinct I = 242 non respondents; Precinct II = 181 non respondents, Precinct III = 261 and Precinct IV = 268 non respondents). Thank you to the 4,628 residents (82.94%) who have returned their 2023 Town Census forms. For the remaining 17.06%, or 952 residents, please send in your census/street listing forms as soon as possible ~ thank you. I anticipate the Street Listings being available mid-late May for those of you who like to purchase them for $15. Please call our office before heading up to town hall to see if the Street Listings have arrived so you don’t waste a trip. I would like to thank Assistant Town Clerk, Kerrie Perkins, Administrative Aide, Jennifer Hose and the Registrars Helene Vitale, Jenn Moitozo, and Kathy Conti for your help with processing the almost 5,000 census forms we received to date. We all had another busy and successful Census season ~ thank you all!
Dog licenses are due and payable on April 1st of each year. Thank you to the 1,500+ dog owners who have already renewed their dog’s 2023 license. Any dog license not paid by May 31st will be assessed a $15.00 per dog late fee in addition to the license fee(s). Yearly we offer dog owners a 60-day grace period to pay their dog’s licenses without charging a late fee; however, we must now impose those fees effective June 1st. You may renew your dog license online (https://permiteyes.us/rehoboth/publichome. php ), by mail, or in person. Currently we have 974 dogs that are unlicensed; we hope to hear from their owners soon. Please renew your dog’s license as soon as possible and definitely by May 31st to avoid the late fees. Thanks so much!
Anyone having questions regarding any of the above information may call the Town Clerk’s Office at 508-252-6502, X3109, X3112 or X3110 or e-mail me at LSchwall@ RehobothMA.gov . In closing, Kerrie, Jenn and I wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms in Rehoboth. We also wish everyone a healthy and safe Memorial Day. Reminder, the Memorial Day Parade is scheduled for Monday, May 29, 2023. The Parade will start at 10:15 AM near the C.O.A. & American Legion on Bay State Road, travel through the village and end up at the Veterans’ Memorial Gazebo, Redway Plain. Hopefully by Memorial Day the weather will be rain free and absolutely perfect. Most importantly, on Memorial Day, please remember to honor all those who made the ultimate sacrifice to secure our country and protect its citizens. Please have a happy, healthy and safe month of MAY!
April was a busy month for the Public Health Nurses’ office. We are beginning a series of informational meeting to coincide with the Wednesday Luncheons. The presentations will be scheduled for 11am, so that we are not interrupting the luncheon itself. Our goal is to begin the series on May 17th, with topic to follow. The topic will be decided by surveying our seniors at the luncheons on Mondays and Wednesdays (which start at 11am). The presentation should not be more than 30 minutes. Thus far we are offering the following:
• What is dementia? and support for families caring for a loved one with dementia.
• Nutrition, diet and exercise
• “Aging in place”
• Fall prevention
• Planning Advanced Care Directives
• Prevention of Elder exploitation and elder abuse
• How to use your phone or other electronic devices
• Stress management
• Signs and symptoms and managements of diabetes, lung and heart disease, stroke and other chronic and mental health diseases.
As time goes on, we will add other topics suggested by our seniors. (Dr. Christine Herald is planning to do a presentation on her ophthalmology service, hopefully in midJune) If you cannot come to the luncheons and want to make suggestion for other topics of interest, please call 508-962-4558 or e-mail ghamel@rehobothma.gov
As a reminder, if you want to come to the luncheons, but do not have transportation, please call me at the number above, and we will get you sorted!
I’m delighted to inform you that with the help of Ralph Arguin and Linna Sherman (Director of the COA), Rehoboth has been chosen, along with 2 other towns, to be the lead Step-Off for the Walk MA Challenge. The challenge begins on May 3rd. We will meet at 10am at the Rehoboth Senior Center here at Francis Farm (27 Francis Farm Rd.) The Step-Off will begin with a presentation by Tara Hammes, from the Ma. COA, with more information on the challenge. One lucky person, who is present at the Step-Off on May 3rd, will win a fitbit!
An infectious disease update: We receive a notification from the CDC/Health Alert network (HAN), that there is an increase in the incidence of Shigellous: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been monitoring an increase in extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Shigella infections Continued on page 12...
(shigellosis) reported through national surveillance systems. This means that this strain of Shigella is resisted to the usual treatment methods used in the past. The CDC further explains that: Shigella bacteria are transmitted by the fecal-oral route, directly through person-toperson contact including sexual contact, and indirectly through contaminated food, water, and other routes. Shigella bacteria are easily transmitted because of the low infectious dose (as few as 10–100 organisms), and outbreaks tend to occur among people in close-contact settings. However, as stated in the previous statement: CDC defines XDR Shigella bacteria as strains that are resistant to all commonly recommended empiric and alternative antibiotics. For further information you can go to: www.emergency.cdc.gov/han/2023/han00486.asp
Should you develop any of the following symptoms, please check in with you Primary Care Practitioner (PCP): Fever, Bloody or prolonged diarrhea, Severe stomach cramping or tenderness, DehydrationPreventative measures can be found at: https://www.cdc.gov/ shigella/prevention-control.html
On a happier infectious disease note, Linna Sherman, Director of the COA, will be hosting an “Unmasking Ball” on June 13th at the Senior Center (27 Francis Farm Rd.) It promises
to be a really fun evening with dinner ($10 donation), music, a photo booth and smore’s by Fireman Randy, just to name a few. Watch out for the June addition of the Rehoboth Reporter for more information!
And lastly for this month, we will celebrate Cinco De Mayo on May 5th. This holiday tends to be, as many others do also, a reason to imbibe. As your nurse, I feel I should just caution you all on the concerns related to drinking and your health and drinking and driving. If you feel you have a problem with drinking, or indeed misuse of other recreational drugs, please go to our town website @ https://www.rehobothma. gov/public-health-nurse for more information on treatment and support.
I’ll sign off now. Please remember to be kind, be safe and be healthy!
Sincerely, Geri
Birthday presents for our Rehoboth families facing challenging times
The Blizzard of Giving, Inc. is available all year round to help Rehoboth Children. We are here to help make your child’s birthday even more special! Please visit our website www.rehobothblizzardofgiving.org where you can access our request forms and find more information.
If you would like to include your child(ren) to our Birthday Blizzard list please provide the following information:
• Parent/Guardian’s name, address, email, phone
• Child’s name, gender, birthday month & year, general interests
In order to fulfill your requests, please send in all the above information at least 3 weeks in advanced of when you would like to receive your child’s gifts.
This information can be emailed to rehobothblizzard@gmail.com or mailed to Colleen McBride, 35 Pond Street, Rehoboth, MA 02769
The Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc. is committed to serving the community by providing Christmas gifts, holiday support, and special occasion needs to Rehoboth residents who are facing challenging times in their lives. Donations can be made out to “Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc.” and mailed to: Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Attn: Cathy Edington, 61 Reservoir Ave., Rehoboth, MA 02769
Easy! Swamps are gross, mosquito-infested mud traps… right? This knee-jerk reaction most of us have to the word swamp (say it out loud – it even sounds awful!) is based on centuries of unfounded fear and loathing. Legends like Britain’s Jenny Greenteeth or the nearby Hockomock Swamp ghosts, who haunt swamplands search-
ing for victims, perfectly capture our disdain for these seemingly useless wastelands.
But what is a swamp, really? Like so many questions, the answer depends on whom you ask.
From a scientific perspective, swamps are forested wetlands. Dominated by trees or shrubs, swamps are permanently saturated with mineral-rich water that either moves very slowly, or doesn’t move at all.
Swamps may not be appealing real estate to most humans, but they are home to numerous plants and animals. Several bird species find refuge here during migration or while raising their young, taking advantage of the abundant resident amphibians, invertebrates, fish, reptiles, and yes, insects. In fact, their calm waters make swamps ideal nurseries for all sorts of creatures. Coastal swamps are actually referred to as “nurseries of the ocean,” due to the wide variety of marine animals that spawn here.
Colonial Americans and their descendants have viewed swamps as either obstacle or opportunity. Between draining, filling, and deforestation, we have erased about half of the 221 million acres of wetlands that were once scattered across our country’s landscape. Some of the animals who depended on those ecosystems have also been lost, such as Bachman’s warbler and the Carolina parakeet.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, Rehoboth’s own swamps played an important part in the New England economy. Harvested annually by rugged locals who braved harsh winter conditions, the trees in Squannakonk Swamp, Bad Luck Swamp, and Manwhague Swamp were used for everything from cedar shakes to oyster poles. Unfortunately, this logging all but eradicated the old growth Atlantic white cedar in Rehoboth, and most of our swamps are now dominated by red maple trees.
Because of the pervasive cultural aversion to swamps, they have often meant safety to those in hiding, such as runaway slaves and Indigenous Americans. Most well known locally is of course Anawan Rock, at the northern end of Squannakonk Swamp, where Wampanoag sachem Anawan and other followers of the defeated sachem Metacom (a.k.a. King Philip) were captured. According to Tilton’s History of Rehoboth, the swamp provided such effective cover that Captain Church and his soldiers wouldn’t have been able to find the camp if they hadn’t been led there by two of Anawan’s own band.
Fortunately, most legislation now recognizes swamps and other wetlands as what they truly are: indispensable – and not only for protecting wildlife, but humans too. Wetlands help fight climate change by naturally suppressing decay and trapping greenhouse gasses that would otherwise be released. They protect coastlines from storms and erosion, minimize flooding by absorbing excess rainfall, and serve as a natural water filtration system. Federal and state agencies are now prioritizing wetland restoration across the country, including local projects in Plymouth, Worcester, and on the Cape.
Of course, we could have saved ourselves a few centuries of trouble by seeking guidance from the local Indigenous peoples, who value many of the plants that grow in swamps as food and medicine. The language of the Abenaki, a tribe who originally lived throughout New England, innately recognizes the importance of wetlands by calling them “gardens” or “medicine fields.”Expand your swamp horizons by visiting The Roy Wheaton Horton Preserve, which comprises a substantial portion of Squannakonk Swamp. This historic land was donated to the Rehoboth Land Trust by the late E. Otis Dyer, who described Rehoboth’s swampland as “an oasis of wildlife, solitude and beauty for our community.”
-written by Abby McWain
If you haven’t explored the town’s Danforth Street property yet, join the Rehoboth Land Trust (RLT) for a walk along the newly established trails, thanks to resident and RLT member Otter Brown. From 10 am to 12 pm, on May 20, 2023, spring wildflowers, birds, insects, and other wildlife will be our focus with RLT naturalists Madeleine Linck, Otter Brown, and Carol Entin leading the walks. The initial access to the trails is a somewhat steep, rocky ascent, but the trails are either flat or have more gentle slopes after that. Trekking poles might be helpful! Wear sturdy footwear, insect repellent and carry water and a snack. Children are welcome if they can manage the inclines! No pets, please. Parking is tight, so we must limit our group to 20 people who have signed up in advance. Please email RLT Trustee Madeleine Linck at madeleine.linck@ gmail.com to reserve your place(s) and learn about parking. If you have questions, contact Carol Entin at president@ rehobothlandtrust.net or 508-415-6065.
Penny is young adult grey cat, spayed, vaccinated, and combo-tested negative. She has spent part of her life as a barn cat and is a bit shy. She gets along well with other cats. There are also other adult animals and some puppies and kittens who will become available in several weeks’ time; for more information, see our listings on Petfinder. com. To make an appointment, or to report a lost or found pet, please call 508-252-5421, ext. 126.
The Rehoboth Historical Commission is seeking donations of class photos (of Rehoboth School Children) taken prior to the year 2000. Many of the older generations went to one-room schoolhouses that are no longer in use, and the photos from these classes may not have been recorded or preserved. Therefore, the Rehoboth Historical Commission is seeking to preserve these pieces of our town’s history. This is a great opportunity for the community to see the Rehoboth school children through the years.
We are seeking these class photos so they may be displayed at the Rehoboth Senior Center and made available for public viewing. The photos will be displayed in the senior center for approximately one year, and then will be on permanent display in the former arcade building at Francis Farm, where meetings of the many town boards and commissions are held weekly.
If you would like to participate and donate an old class photo, please drop it off at the Rehoboth Senior Center at the Francis Farm Complex. The senior center is open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Please include the school’s name where the photo was taken, along with the class year, grade, and donor’s name, so we may record these details.
We thank you in advance for your participation and your contributions in this project, and for assisting the Rehoboth Historical Commission in its efforts to record and preserve the history of the Town of Rehoboth and its inhabitants.
The Town of Rehoboth Events Committee hosted its 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Francis Farms campus on Sunday April 2nd! Despite a chilly breeze, we had an unprecedented turnout of over 1000 with 400 children attending! This year we were able to partner with the Council on Aging, who had hot coffee and pastries available for sale. We had four talented face-painters from the high school, a Rehoboth fire engine and a Rehoboth patrol car. Several town officials were on hand to enjoy the festivities! A special thanks to Buckles the Easter Bunny, Fireman Randy and his mini choo-choo train, the Rehoboth Fire Department, the Girl Scouts, and Dave Aguiar with his K-9 dog EDO. As parents watched, three groups of enthusiastic egg hunters sprinted through the landscaped grounds of Francis Farms, and collected over 3000 Easter eggs! Did they enjoy themselves? Absolutely! Check these photos out!
I would like to thank you all who participated in last year’s Rehoboth Memorial Day Parade. The “Rehoboth” Memorial Day Parade will now be conducted “ annually ” in the town of Rehoboth. If you haven’t participated in the past, the town of Rehoboth’s Veterans Office would love to have you in our Memorial Day Parade this May 29th 2020. Please call 508-252-4467 or e-mail Jake at
The Parade will start at 10:15 AM near the C.O.A. & American Legion on Bay State Road, travel through the village and end up at the Veterans’ Memorial Gazebo, Redway Plain. This year, you’ll see 68 new 3’x 5’ American Flags on the utility poles along the entire parade route from early May through late July. The Memorial Day Ceremony will commence at around 11:30 AM followed by dedication for all our Fallen Comrades who’ve given the ultimate sacrifice and for those who have fallen since last Memorial Day with a ceremony ending at noon with the lowering and raising of the American Flag.
Please respond to the Veterans Office if you’re interested in participating in this year’s Memorial Day Parade. Thank you!
Voters will be asked to approve a $36 million budget at the May 9 Annual Town Meeting. The meeting will begin at 7 pm at the Museum Building at Francis Farm, 27 Francis Farm Road.
The total town government budget is $13, 783, 975. This year’s budget represents a 9.45 percent increase over FY23.
The total education budget is $22, 967,952. Of that, $21, 259, 072 is for the Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District. That figure represents an increase of 4.4 percent over last year.
$1.4 million is for Bristol/Plymouth Vocational Technical School, and $272, 000 is for Bristol County Agricultural High School.
Finance Committee chair Colleen Simpson noted town revenues increased by $1.42 million. “There is a combined total increase of $1.2 million for tax levy, 2 1/2 increase and new growth,” Simpson wrote in the meeting warrant. “We are estimating an additional increase of $250,000 from local receipts.”
As for education, Simpson reported an increase of $1.23 million.
• $896,601 - Dighton Rehoboth Regional School District – The state minimum local contribution increased $536,327.
• $239,173 - Bristol Plymouth - This includes a capital assessment of $167,902 for the current construction project. This payment will become larger as building progresses and loan funds are expended.
• $102,713 - Bristol County Agricultural – Student enrollment increased from 18 to 29.
There are a total of 34 warrant articles. The first nine articles are the consent agenda. These include the annual town surplus equipment auction authorization, the setting of salaries and compensation of elected officials, the Community Preservation budget and appropriation of monies from Community Preservation Fund annual revenues, and authorization to pay bills from a prior year.
Other warrant articles include:
To see if the Town will vote to receive the Report of the Finance Committee, and to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of $1,436,167 to defray the expenses of Bristol Plymouth Regional Technical High School for the ensuing fiscal year and to make all appropriations therefore, or take any other action relative thereto.
To see if the Town will vote to approve an amendment to the agreement between the Town and Bristol Plymouth Regional Vocational School Agreement to include the addition of the Town of Freetown as a new member to the District; or take any other action relative thereto.
To see if the Town will vote to approve the use of $50,000 from the Historic Preservation Reserve of the Community Preservation Act (CPA) to purchase the buildings and property located at 133 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA in its entirety including any closing
costs or costs associated with the same, and further to authorize the Selectmen to convey a historic preservation restriction on such property, or take any other action relative thereto.
To see if the Town will vote to reallocate $125,000 from Beckwith Middle School capital. Which was voted on at the FY23 Town Meeting. Funding was for Air Handling Repair/Replacement; electric services. The reallocation of funds will be for security enhancements including, but not limited to, security cameras and door access controls for Beckwith and Palmer River Schools. Reimbursement of actual cost will be submitted upon completion and inspection of completed work.
Also to be voted on are a number of street acceptances, bylaw amendments, and fund transfers.
The entire warrant can be viewed on the town website: https:// www.rehobothma.gov.
The Town of Rehoboth has entered into a land swap agreement with the Housing Authority.
Paul Jacques, chairman of the Housing Authority, has proposed constructing 30 units of senior housing. The group is working with the Women’s Development Corporation, the Historical Commission, and the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) on the project.
In exchange for giving the town a parcel of land off of Anawan Street, the Housing Authority will be given ownership of the land on Bay State Road which contains the Anawan School and the adjacent site where the former Council on Aging was located.
“We want to continue this partnership,” Selectmen Chair Skip Vadnais told Jacques on Monday. “We’ve come a long way.”
No Trespassing signs and protective fencing were put up around the Anawan School in June 2021 after William McDonough, the town’s Building Commissioner, said the building at 53 Bay State Road was “unsafe.”
McDonough reported 90 percent of the ceilings had collapsed and all of the hardwood floors were “completely buckled and rotted.” The building was also impacted by extensive water damage. McDonough ordered the building be demolished within 90 days. The CPC and Historical Commission fought to save the building from being torn down.
The interior of the Anawan School would need to undergo massive renovations, Jacques noted. The exterior would be preserved for its historic value.
“The Town benefits by not needing to spend money to perform the demolition, and obtains six acres of land abutting existing property we already own on Anawan Street,” Selectman Michael Deignan wrote in the May 2022 town meeting warrant.
Work on the reconstruction of Rt.44/118 is scheduled to begin, which will convert the highly traveled and dangerous intersection into a traffic roundabout.
The project will involve utility pole upgrades, drainage improvements, roadway lighting, pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, and traffic signal removal, according to District 5 Highway Division of MassDOT, which is conducting the long-planned work.
Town officials expect the project to be completed in July 2025.
Drivers who are traveling through the area are advised to expect delays, reduce speed, and to use caution.
I will
your budget and put my 35 years experience to work for you!
Spring is finally here. The buds on the trees are starting to pop along with the flowers. I hope everyone gets out and enjoys this beautiful time in New England. As I always do in my May article, I like to remind folks of the many wonderful trails we have throughout Seekonk. The Gammino Pond Preserve Storybook Trail has just installed a new story for kids to enjoy. Caratunk Wildlife Refuge is another great place to walk trails and bird watch. Thanks to the many folks who cleaned up our trails on Earth Day. Also, thanks to DPW for the Spring clean-up they did on all playgrounds and fields throughout Town. A friendly reminder to dog owners, Massachusetts has a statewide leash law that prohibits having dogs off-leash in public places.
The Annual Spring Town Meeting will take place 7PM on Monday May 8 at the Seekonk High School Auditorium. Please come out and participate in this very important budget meeting.
Don’t forget to license your dog(s). it is a Massachusetts General Law to license every year. There will be a $20.00 late fee per dog imposed on license renewals after May 31st. When getting a dog license please remember to have your current rabies expiration date and rabies tag number.
The Annual Seekonk Memorial Day Parade will take place Saturday May 27, 2023. It will start at 10am at the Seekonk High School, 261 Arcade Avenue and end at the Seekonk Hurley Middle School, 650 Newman Ave. The Memorial Day Celebration will take place at the conclusion of the parade at the Seekonk Veterans Memorial Park, 410 Newman Ave. The Seekonk Veteran Council is sponsoring hamburgers and hot dogs at American Legion Post 311, 351 Fall River Ave. from 12:00PM-2:00PM. Please come out and show your support, and honor all those who have served our Country.
If you are thinking about having a yard sale, please be advised you need a yard sale permit. You can get them online at www. seekonk-ma.gov under Department/Town Clerk/Downloadable forms. It is $5.00 per day with a total of four per year. There is also a page outlining the bylaw for yard sale signage. It is not permitted to use telephone poles to post any type of sign.
The Annual Water Department meeting will be held May 9, 2023 6:00pm in the large maintenance garage, 50 Water Lane. Their warrant includes the budget for next fiscal year.
The Town Clerk’s office, as well as other departments get phone calls that belong to other town offices. I would like to take the time to give an alphabetical list of the departments in Town Hall and a brief description what they are responsible for. Please keep this listing for future reference.
Assessor’s Office 508-336-2980 – Questions regarding how a property is assessed. Real estate, personal property, vehicle, boat excise tax and farm animal tax. Assess values to commercial, industrial, residential, personal property. Process exemptions for veterans and elderly. Abatements for personal property, real estate and motor vehicles. Measurements of parcels maintained on maps. Maintains deeds from 1966 to present.
Building Department 508-336-2990 – Questions regarding obtaining building, electrical, gas, plumbing and pool permits. Investigates zoning by-law questions and/or violations.
Collector’s Office 508- 336 2930 – Questions regarding bills and payment of: Real estate and personal property tax bills. Mo-
tor vehicle excise tax bills, disposal/trash bills, Municipal Lien and Certificate of Good Standing issued.
Conservation Department 508 -336-2944 – Responsible for protection of Seekonk’s natural resources. Wetland and water resource permits. Questions regarding, development near wetlands and streams, passive recreation. Investigates wetland violations and illegal discharges into storm drains, water bodies and streams. Accepts donations of land for preservation.
Tom Greaves Rehoboth, Ma
email: ttoolmaker@comcast.net
Council on Aging/Human Services
508–336-8772 – 540 Arcade Ave. Responsible for GATRA Dial-A Ride Service, senior activities, events and trips. Meals on Wheels, food and fuel assistance
Health Department 508-336-2950 - Oversees all aspects of Title 5, licenses septic installers, engineers, food service facilities, piggeries. Inspects food service facilities, pools, motels, tanning salons, health spas. Investigates tenant-landlord disputes. Investigates potential illegal dumping.
Planning Department 508– 336-2961 – Questions concerning subdivisions, re-zone requests, site plans, zoning by-law revisions, Form A plans.
Parks & Recreation 508–337-877– Field use permits, building use permits, seasonal and family programs.
Public Works 508–336-7407 – Questions concerning trash pickup, recycling, landfill passes. Maintains town roads and municipal facilities. Tree Warden.
Selectmen/Town Administrator 508-336-2910 – Budget information and purchasing information. Alcoholic beverage licenses, amusement, antique / second-hand, entertainment, selling motor vehicles, vending machine licenses. Personnel/employment information. Town by-law information.
Town Clerk’s Office 508-336-2920 Questions concerning business certificates, dog licensing, voter registration/ election information. Yard sale permits, marriage licenses, census/new resident information. Notary service, Justice of the Peace, raffle and bazaar permits. Seekonk Cemetery, records and deeds. Vital records: marriage, death, birth, genealogical records.
Treasurer’s Office 508–336-2970 – Departmental receipts, tax titles, employee payroll and benefits. Town/School retiree health insurance.
Veteran’s services 508–336-8772 – Compensation, pension, insurance for veterans. Discharge difficulties. Employment, educational, vocational training. Help with alcoholic/drug treatment, hospitalization and domicile care. At-risk homeless and housing. Gold Star parents. Loan information- SBA and VA. Care of Graves. Advocacy with other government agencies.
Water District 508–761-8170- Questions concerning drinking water usage, quality and bills.
Zoning Board of Appeals 508–336-2961 Appeal of a decision made by building inspector or town official. Special permits and variances.
Town Hall will be closed Monday, May 29, 2023 in observance of Memorial Day. Memorial Day is the day that’s set aside to remember with gratitude and pride all those who served and died for our country and our freedom. Please remember to thank a Veteran.
Kiwi is an adorable short haired, female, black tabby with beautiful white markings! She is approximately 3 - 4 years old. This sweet girl is missing a portion of her tail however, it does not affect her balance at all.
She likes attention and enjoys being pet. Kiwi does not like dogs or other cats. She is up to date on vaccines and has been spayed and microchipped. Kiwi is ready to move into her forever home as a single pet! Visit her at the Seekonk Animal Shelter, 100 Peck St., Seekonk, MA 508-336-6663. Kiwi
The museum opened from April through September and each year one of the exhibit rooms is dedicated annually in memory of a Seekonk Fire Dept. member. Chief David Bowden was honored with memorabilia of Chief’s long time history and dedication to the CVFA as well as his commitment to community service.
A new addition to the Museum was the Wall of Honor dedicated to the history of the three original Seekonk Fire Stations and their members. A portion of the wall is also dedicated to the Central 6, six members of the CVFA who were killed in World War II. The Central 6 Memorial Garden at the museum was updated in the spring and now includes a plaque donated by family and friends in memory of Edmund Korkuc our most senior member who passed away in March of 2022.
The museum members and our 1953 Maxim antique fire engine participated throughout the year in numerous parades and events including the annual Seekonk Memorial Day Parade, the Library Pre-School program’s annual visit to the museum. Fire Chief Sandra Lowery and Police Chief Dean Isabella also attended the event. Participation in the annual Warwick, RI Gaspee Days Parade took place in June.
In August Seekonk’s Police National Night Out was hosted at the Seekonk Safety Complex. The annual CVFA outing took place, highlighted by the presentation of the Warren N. Carpenter Memorial Scholarship that was awarded to Gina Carpenter. Gina attends Boston University and is the daughter of Joe Carpenter and Renee Lambert and granddaughter of CVFA members Warren S. and Margaret Carpenter. The scholarship is in memory of Deputy Chief Carpenter and was presented to Gina by the Deputy Chief’s daughter Kerri Carpenter-Cosgrove and fellow CVFA member Rich George, who are the Chairpersons of the scholarship.
The months of October, November and December were a busy off season for the museum. Seekonk Celebrates, and the Seekonk Fire Dept hosted their annual open house at the Seekonk Safety Complex as well. A very special event in Riverside, RI took place in October to honor the memory Edmund Korkuc. Ed was also the Manager of the Rhode Island Big League All Star baseball team that advanced to the Big League World Series in 1978 in Florida. Seekonk had four players represented on the team and three members from Seekonk were in attendance, Chris Lima, Gary Najas and Joe Sousa. Glenn Larrabee was also a teammate from Seekonk. A plaque honoring the team that finished seventh in the world was unveiled at the Ron Silva Baseball Complex.
Our honorable military Veterans were once again aboard the Maxim for the annual Seekonk rolling Veterans Day Parade. Santa arrived in December at the Seekonk Little League complex with his Elves and helpers and completed his Seekonk visit with an annual rolling Christmas ride to visit the students at Martin and Aitken Schools the week before Christmas.
The Seekonk Fire Museum is honored to be chosen to host attendees of the Society for the Preservation of Antique Motor Fire Apparatus in America on Friday July 14th. The national event is July 11-15, 2023 at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick, RI in partnership with the Rhode Island Antique Fire Apparatus Society.
We thank you for the continued support of the Seekonk Fire Museum as we rely on your gracious donations to continue to honor and support the members and memories of Fire, Police and EMS departments throughout our country!
Donations are always appreciated and can be mailed to:
Central Volunteer Fire Association/Seekonk Fire Museum
211 Newman Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771
The CVFA is a 501c3 non-profit Association.
April 15 • May 20 • June 17
July 15 • August 19 • September: 16
Many of us heard the story about the First Thanksgiving from family members and in the lower grades at school. The Pilgrims and the Native Americans dined together on wild turkey, fish, ducks and geese, venison, corn, onions and chestnuts. Fruits and berries were a tasty dessert. It wasn’t a quick run to the grocery store for this meal to come to fruition. After a successful 1621 growing season, all gathered for a three day “festival” of sorts, knowing that they had a sufficient harvest, large enough to celebrate and still have ample provisions to last through the following spring. It did take a community to prepare the foods. Was it a feast or just a simple meal shared by many thankful people? I think it was a little of each.
Moving ahead to 1863, President Abraham Lincoln announced that the first “official” Thanksgiving holiday would be celebrated on Thursday, November 26, 1863. On Thanksgiving Day 1924, Macy’s Christmas Parade (now known as the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade) offered marching bands, floats, and animals. Santa was in the last float, symbolically bringing in the Christmas season. The parade has grown in size and its route has been altered slightly since its beginning. Currently, the route is approximately two and one-half miles long, terminating in front of Macy’s flagship department store on 34th Street at Herald Square. Santa, now with a bit more fanfare and confetti, still brings in the Christmas season.
Why are address signs important for residences in Seekonk? It essentially comes down to this: Can we find your home quickly? That’s all there is to it! Let’s take a look at an example.
Imagine that it’s late at night. You’ve tripped and fallen down your stairs. Nobody else is home. Fortunately, you have your cell phone and can call 911. Now, think about how easy it will be for us to find you. It’s dark. You may have a large property, or a house set back in the woods. Maybe you have a gate. Is your house easy to find? Would it be easy for somebody who has never been there before to find it? In the dark? Even if you live in a more populated neighborhood, is there anything that distinguishes your house from the rest of the houses on the street?
That’s why address signs are important. We need you to give us the tools to help us find you quickly. Help us help you! With a twisted ankle, the extra five to ten minutes it might take would only be uncomfortable. But what if it was more serious? A heart attack or a stroke? Any extra time taken to find you could be the difference between life or death. Think about it… Next time you are driving home, play a thought experiment in your mind. Imagine that you have never been there before, and all you have is a street address (because that’s all we’ll have). What can you change to make it easier for us to find you? Our recommendation is to install a clearly visible address sign.
It’s the law: Massachusetts General Laws C. 148, S. 59 specifies that every building in the state must have clearly visible address numbers posted.
Seekonk Town By-Laws – Category 30 – “Building Numbers” - The Board of Selectmen shall require that every building used for a dwelling house or a place of business in the Town of Seekonk bear, in a conspicuous place, a clear and legible building number. This number must be a minimum of 4” in height and contrast with its background in order to be visible from the street. For buildings with considerable setbacks or situated in a way which the number is not clearly visible from the street, the building number shall be
located in a manner in which it can be seen clearly from the street (on a mailbox, post, etc.) …
The following are some guidelines on house numbers for a residence in the state of Massachusetts:
• Use large visible numbers
• Numbers on the residence need to be a minimum of 4-inches in height and facing the street.
• Put numbers under lighting, and use numbers with a contrasting background, so they will be visible at night.
• If your driveway is long, post your house number on both sides of a mailbox or sign pole at the end of the driveway near the road. A reflective sign with reflective numbers is recommended for optimal visibility.
• Be sure to keep numbers visible by trimming trees and bushes
At the end of the day, we are here to help. However, the action of properly displaying your address could help us find you, and could be the action that saves your life or the life of a loved one.
Seekonk Fire Department
500 Taunton Avenue
Seekonk, MA 02771
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
6:30 PM at the Seekonk Library
The speaker at this year’s annual meeting of the Seekonk Land Conservation Trust (SLCT) will be Dr John Cherry, a renowned archaeologist who has been a Professor of Archaeology and Professor of Classics at Brown University since 2006. Professor Cherry’s varied and vast international and academic career has included archaeological studies in Great Britain, the United States, Greece, Italy, Armenia, and Monserrat in the Caribbean. Now retired and a Seekonk resident of 17 years, Dr Cherry will discuss findings from his excavation of the original housing site on his property which was the homestead of the Woodward family farm. The farm, dating back to 1824, was 60 acres and mainly used agriculturally. He has applied archaeological methods to recovering artifacts that are revealing of the life and livelihood of the people who originally settled this land. Join us to learn about local history and how an archaeologist can recover information about the past two or three centuries. His talk will begin about 7pm, following a brief SLCT business meeting. The annual Mary C Wilson Conservation Award will also be presented, and light refreshments will be served! Questions? Contact: Jessica Blackledge, Stewardship Coordinator at slctstewardship@ gmail.com
The Attleboro Lodge of Elks has always been a beneficent presence in our community. Recently, members of the Elks visited the Doorways Food Pantry to present them with a $1,000.00 donation to help needy Seekonk residents. The funding source was the Elks National Foundation, which annually distributes thousands of grants to non-profits to address food insecurity, heating costs and housing issues throughout the country. Doorways was one of a half-dozen local organizations nominated by the Attleboro Lodge to receive a grant from the national foundation.
In addition to the national grants, the Attleboro Lodge has also made several generous donations to Doorways with funds that derive from their own local fundraising efforts. Their gifts support many local residents in need of a helping hand, and the food thus provided will grace the dinner tables of homes throughout our community. More than seventy local families rely on Doorways on a regular basis, and Doorways, in turn, relies on people like the Elks. They really are some of the Best People On Earth.
The Board of Selectmen voted to change their name to Select Board. Selectwoman Michelle Hines brought up the proposal at the board’s April 5 meeting. Hines believed the name should be genderneutral. Other options were Executive Board and Town Council.
“I think if we looked at Town Council, that would be a change of our government,” Chairman Michael Healy said. “I have no issue with Select Board. I’ve seen it in other communities, it’s probably the best choice we have.”
Selectman Justin Sullivan said the town charter would need to be modified to include the name change.
Selectwoman Pam Pozzi noted the voters at town meeting would need to approve the name change before being referred to the Massachusetts Attorney General.
In addition, all town policies and procedures will now be revised to be gender-neutral.
Voters at the May 8 Town Meeting will be asked to approve a FY’24 budget of $69.1 million. That figure represents a 3.5 percent increase over the current fiscal year’s budget.
The biggest portion of the budget is designated to education$33.3 million. Fixed costs and debt service add up to $15, 650,950. The budget for Public Safety is $11.2 million, a five percent increase over the current fiscal year.
Another article will ask for the appropriation of $100,000 to fund a feasibility study on the Seekonk Public Library. Last July, the Library had been awarded a $7.3 million grant from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners for the construction of a new building.
Michael Durkay, chairman of the Library Board of Trustees, noted the grant was “provisional”, which meant the voters had to approve the grant at a special election to be held before January 9, 2023.
Voters at the October 25, 2022 special town meeting rejected plans to build a new $24 million public library. The new building would have replaced the current 14,880 square foot facility at 410 Newman Avenue. A proposal for a $19.6 million library was defeated at the May 2021 town meeting.
Other articles include:
To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $150,000 from the Community Preservation Fund Undesignated Reserve for the Medeiros Farm Committee, under the direction of the Board of Selectmen, to seek, hire, and direct a consultant to develop a master plan for the Medeiros Farm project at Elm Street and Lincoln Street.
To see if the Town will vote to acquire, by gift, purchase, eminent domain or otherwise, six (6) parcels of land in Seekonk, located at 34 Hammond Street; 0 Hammond Street; 291 Chestnut Street; 297 Chestnut Street; 303 Chestnut Street, and 0 Chestnut Street, containing 6.46 acres, more or less, with any improvements thereon; and to appropriate and transfer from the Community Preservation Budgeted Reserve Fund the amount of $560,000 for the purchase of said property; and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to take any and all actions to carry out the purposes of this article.
To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to dispose of surplus property or material, exclusive of buildings and land, but including compost, no longer needed by the Town, or take any other action relative thereto.
The meeting begins at 7 pm at Seekonk High School. The entire warrant can be viewed on the town website: www.seekonkma.gov.
The Seekonk School Committee adopted the FY’24 budget of $36 million by a vote of 3 to 2. Chair Meaghan Mahoney, Noah Escaler, and Kyle Juckett voted in favor, with Kim Sluter and Emily Field in opposition.
“I feel strongly that we’re not doing right by all the (students) to vote for the budget as it currently stands,” Sluter said Monday.
“We need to try to figure this out for now in the hope that moving forward we have to try to make sure we have a budget that is sustainable,” Mahoney said.
The majority of the budget, $23.9 million, is for instruction. $1.7 million is for administration. $4 million is for pupil services and $2.3 million is to pay for maintenance and utilities. There will be a projected increase in state aid of $578, 354 for a total of $7, 754,874.
Teachers and parents had expressed their anger about proposed cuts to the arts programs at Seekonk High School. One of the speakers said it would be a “devastating loss” for the students.
Superintendent Rich Drolet explained some positions were being eliminated in order to make up for a $320,000 shortfall. Drolet suggested removing a second school resource officer from the budget in order to keep the second art teacher position at the high school.
Positions which were also cut included a district wide administrative assistant, a Hurley Middle School library specialist, and part-time school nurses. “We’re open to feedback on lines in the budget,” Drolet said.
Sluter encourages parents to attend the spring town meeting to voice their concerns on the budget. “I’m hoping that we could all work together,” Sluter added.
A consultant has identified more than $42 million in needs for Seekonk Public Schools. Dan Phillips of Colliers told the school committee Monday about the conditions of the four schools, how many classrooms are being used, and enrollment projections.
The firm conducted an assessment of the buildings last summer as part of the district’s strategic plan.
Aitken Elementary School has $3.4 million in needs, including a new roof, gymnasium floor, and “longer-term” HVAC issues, according to Phillips.
Martin Elementary School has $6 million in needs, including the repaving of parking lots and roadways, a new roof, interior finishes, and long-term HVAC issues.
$15 million worth of needs were identified for Hurley Middle School, including an HVAC system, roof replacement, upgrade of the electrical service and distribution panels, exterior masonry, and work on the parking areas.
$17.9 million worth of needs were identified for Seekonk High School, including a new roof, locker rooms, an HVAC system, and an upgrade of interior finishes due to the age of the building.
Phillips said school district enrollment would increase from 10 to 27 percent over the next 10 years, although a 19 percent increase is most probable. Hurley and Seekonk High School would end up with larger classes as a result. To keep class sizes at an acceptable level, more classrooms need to be utilized, Phillips noted.
A 10 classroom addition to Aitken was completed in June 2021 at a cost of $11 million. Voters approved the funding at the May 2019 Spring Town Meeting. The school committee formed an ad hoc building committee to oversee the project. Some members of the Board of Selectmen had questioned the need for the expansion due to lower than anticipated enrollment figures for the 2021-2022 school year.
Phillips outlined several options, including keeping the grade configuration the same and fixing the buildings, making Aitken a pre-kindergarten through Grade 2 and Martin for grades three through 5, or taking the fifth grade out of the elementary schools and adding that to Hurley.
Another idea Phillips proposed would be the construction of a new middle school designed for grades five through eight, or adding classrooms to Hurley.
“The expectation is that we are going to have a 20 percent growth in our student population,” said committee member Kyle Juckett. “These numbers could potentially be quite lower.”
Committee member Noah Escaler noted more teachers would need to be hired if more classrooms are added to the schools.
“I love that we have all this influx and people moving in. I just want to make sure we all look at this with a very frugal eye. I think the facilities study is good but we need to take a slow roll on it and look at many different options,” Escaler added.
This past weekend, Seekonk Firefighters Local 1931 held a St. Baldricks Shave-a-thon to raise money for the fight against childhood cancer.
Nearly $7500 was raised with Evan Akers leading the charge as the top earner, single handedly eclipsing $2500.
The sponsors/contributors included Mariah Miller, Firehouse Geckos, Heritage Tree, Dublin Rose, Medic CPR, Buffalo Wild Wings Highland Ave., Lowe’s Seekonk, Newbalance, Plainridge Casino, Slack’s Ouster House and Grill, BioOne Boston, Triple B Plumbing, Anna K Photography, and David Dinnerstein.
Town and state officials, along with members of the Seekonk Police Department gathered Saturday for the installation of David Enos as Chief of Police.
“Over the years you have faced many challenges and always found a way to set an example no matter what the circumstances,” Selectmen Chair Michael Healy said.
“I am lucky to be able to continue to contribute to an organization with such a rich history,” Enos said. “An opportunity to build off its strong foundation and leave this department a better organization like so many Chiefs before me. There have been many challenges over the past several years and members of this department have always maintained their commitment to serve and protect our community.” Enos also recognized the leadership of former Chiefs Ron Charron, Craig Mace, and Dana Beal.
State Senator Marc Pacheco, D-Bristol and Norfolk, and State Rep. Steven Howitt, R-Seekonk, praised Enos. The invocation and benediction were led by Father Edward A. Murphy. The Seekonk Police Honor Guard presented the colors at the beginning of the ceremony.
Enos, who joined the department in 2003, was appointed by the Board of Selectmen in February following the termination of former Chief Dean Isabella. Isabella, who had a year remaining on his contract, filed a lawsuit against the town and the selectmen for breach of contract.
Prior to Isabella’s termination, Town Administrator Shawn Cadime explained the police department needed to undergo a “directional shift.”
Six new members of the Seekonk Police Department were welcomed at the April 26 Board of Selectmen meeting. The new officers are Mitchell Dudley, Alex Flaxman, Zachary Woynar, John Domagala, Ian Boisvert, and Eric Schoonmaker.
“This is an exciting time for them and for the Seekonk Police Department,” said Chief David Enos. “It’s exciting for them because it’s the start of their career.”
Enos added it’s beneficial to the department because they now can backfill positions “which have been vacant for some time.”
The Seekonk Police Department presented awards to several officers at Wednesday’s Board of Selectmen’s meeting. The honorees are listed below:
• Ptlm. James Nelson
• Ptlm. Jason Valderrama
• Ptlm. Douglas Hood
• Ptlm. Dennis Pereira
• Ptlm. Eric Schoonmaker
Exceptional Service Award
• Det. Keith Perry
Chief of Police Medal
• Ptlm. David Mahoney
• Ptlm. Timothy Bartucca
Public Service Award
• Sgt. Richard Cordeiro (East Providence Police Department)
Department Recognition
• Sgt. Diogo Mello (EPPD)
• Det. Cpl. Kevin Feeney (EPPD)
Mandi Wapenski, Rehoboth resident, is part of Ocean State Ice Theatre novice team sponsored by Pawtucket & Providence Figure Skating Club which represented the United States in the international competition, Nations Cup, that was held at the Skating
Club of Boston in Norwood this past weekend. It is the biggest competition in the world for ice theater and it is by invitation only to compete.
Ocean State Ice Theatre novice team won 6th place in the world!
Facts about the team:
Consists of 16 youths from 11 years old to 18 years old Ocean State Ice Theatre represented the U.S. in the same competition in France in 2019
They have won five national championships and the group has medaled in two international competitions.
Easton, MA - Bailey Adams of Seekonk, MA, was recently honored at Stonehill College’s 2023 Student Life Awards. This ceremony celebrates students, faculty and staff who have made outstanding contributions to student life at Stonehill and to the communities surrounding the College.
Covenant Cooperative Nursery School, 165 Rounds Avenue, Riverside, RI is participating in a Saver’s FUNDrive during the month of May. Clothing of all types and sizes, soft accessories, shoes and boots, textiles (bedding, bath linens, curtains, tablecloths, fabrics), books (no encyclopedias) and magazines are accepted. Items may be dropped off at the preschool during school hours, Monday to Friday, 9:00am-2:30pm until May 31.
All clothing/textiles must be clean, gently-used items, securely packed in large, heavy-duty garbage bags. Books and magazines must be securely packed in boxes and sealed with packing tape. All items must be clean and in usable condition.
Proceeds from this fundraiser support family engagement events and curriculum enhancement for the preschool. For more information, contact the Covenant Cooperative Nursery School at (401) 433-3196 or ccns@eccriverside.org.
Saturday May 6, 2023
The Dighton Historical Society will host an afternoon of colonial demonstrations on Saturday May 6, 2023
This event will be held at the Winslow / Davis Museum 1217 Williams Street Dighton, Massachusetts from 1-4 P.M.
The demonstration will be presented by the 13th Continental Regiment/ Rehoboth Minutemen
This event is Free and open to the public. It is sponsored by Dighton- Massachusetts Cultural Arts Council
Sunday May 7, 2023
8:00 - 11:00AM
Rehoboth Fire Station #2, 333 Tremont Street
$12.00 Per Ticket Donation
See Any Station 2 Firefighter For Tickets Or Call (508) 226-2914 OR (508) 252-3132
Walk-Ins Welcome
Clean out your closets!
Covenant Cooperative Nursery School is raising funds to supplement plans for family engagement opportunities and children’s enrichment programs at our preschool center. Support us (and clean out your closets) by donating bags of clothing, soft household goods, textiles, books and mgazines to our FUNDrive.
Monday-Friday • May 1-31 • 9am-2:30pm
Covenant Cooperative Nursery School - 165 Rounds Ave, Riverside, RI Liz Diamond (401) 433-3196 / ccns@eccriverside.org
Clothes: men’s, women’s and children’s clothes; coats, shoes, scarves, handbags, wallets, fashion accessories, ties, belts, backpacks, etc.
Household Textiles: bedding, comforters, blankets, sheets, towels, linens, tablecloths, curtains, pillows, etc.
Also: Books & Magazines (No Encyclopedias)
Please put clothes and household textiles in bags & books in boxes. All items must be clean and in sellable condition.
Saturday, May 6th 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Centenary United Methodist Church
15 Sanford Street
Attleboro, MA
Sunday, May 7
Watuppa Reservation Headquarters, 2929 Blossom Road, Fall River
Join MassWildlife, local partners, and individual volunteers for a day of service and fun at the Southeastern Massachusetts Bioreserve. After the cleanup and a picnic lunch, volunteers can tour areas that are normally closed to the public.
Cleanup: 9:45 a.m. – noon
Meet at the Watuppa Reservation Headquarters located at 2929 Blossom Road in Fall River. Parking is limited, please carpool if possible. Volunteers will be assigned specific cleanup locations within the greater Bioreserve area.
Picnic Lunch: 12:00 noon
Volunteers are invited to return to the Watuppa Reservation Headquarters where a picnic lunch including hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, fruit, granola bars, and water will be provided.
• Tour of the DCR Fire Tower at Copicut Hill: Take advantage of this rare opportunity to climb into the fire tower for great views of the Bioreserve and hear from DCR staff about important fire control work.
• Copicut Reservoir Wildlife Walk: Join Mike Labossiere from the Watuppa Reservation and members of local bird clubs for a hike around Copicut Reservoir and gain access to areas that are normally closed to the public. Walkers may see loons, bald eagles, and many other species of wildlife.
• Copicut Woods Hike: Join the The Trustees for a trail hike in Copicut Woods.
For details and registration, visit: www.Mass.gov/WMAcleanup
Those who pre-register and attend will receive a 2-year subscription to Massachusetts Wildlife magazine
May 13, 2023 1:00 – 3:00 PM
Fashions of 1776 along with Historic Tales with be presented by the Rehoboth Minutemen/13th Continental Regiment on May 13,2023 from 1:00 – 3:00 PM at the Attleboro library. The purpose of our organization is twofold: First, to accurately recreate the lifestyles, clothing, equipment, drill, battle scenarios, and encampments of the men, women, and children of the original 1774 Company, as closely as possible. Secondly, to provide an educational resource and further the public’s understanding of the American War of Independence. The fashions of 1776 with historic tales will showcase the Patriots of Attleboro along with other local communities, who played a role in the fight for independence. By using researched reproduction clothing and accessories, we will demonstrate the difference between a continental soldier, a colonial minuteman, sailors, farmers, and man of substantial wealthy. We will also explore the myth of colonial flags, recite colonial poems and songs of the era. And to quote Abigail Adams, we will “Remember the Ladies” We will also discuss the vital role women played in the fight for independence.
Seating is limited so please scan the QR code to register or call the library to reserve your seat today!
To learn more about the Rehoboth Minutemen/13th continental regiment please consult our webpage at http://www.13thcontinentalregiment.org/ or our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/thirteenth.regiment
Saturday, May 13 from 8am to 2pm
St. Nicholas of Myra Church, 499 Spring Street, North Dighton, is having a Spring Plant Sale on Saturday, May 13 from 8am to 2pm. We will have annuals, perennials, herbs, vegetable and house plants. There will also be a Plant and Gift Certificate Raffle.
Sunday, June 4th at 11am
Preview Fri & Sat 10am-4pm
LIVE Antique Auction ~ LIVE Bidding
Online Bidding Available
380 Winthrop Street, Rte. 44 • Rehoboth, MA
Estate Items: Fine GOLD Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Fine Porcelain, Indian Artifacts, Navaho Rugs, Old Oil Paintings, Oriental Rugs, Silver Mexican Jewelery, Great Estate Items & Fine Furniture, Lawn Ornaments
Ed Tessier, Jr., Auctioneer
For more info on the web: www.americana-auction.com
For info or consignment call 508-771-1722
SUNDAY MAY 21, 2023, 3:00 PM
TCHAIKOVSKY - Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture
GLAZUNOV - Saxophone Concerto, Op. 109 featuring Andy Wilds, alto saxophone
SIBELIUS - Symphony No. 2, Op. 43
Funding provided in part by a grant from the Rhode Island State Council of the Arts through an appropriation by the Rhode Island General Assembly, a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, and private funders.
Saturday, May 20, 2023
at 5:30 pm
St. Nicholas of Myra Supper Club will be holding a Clamboil Saturday, May 20, 2023, at 5:30 pm at St. Nicholas of Myra Parish Center, 499 Spring Street, North Dighton, MA. The menu - clams, potato, onion, sausage, hot dogs, linguiça, hot bread, dessert. Raffle to follow meal. Tickets are available for $25 for adults, $5 for children under 10. Tickets available after all Masses or call the Parish office - 508 822-1425 or Fay - 508 824-1055.
May 20 & May 21, 2023
Our Spring 2023 concert titled, Radio Time Machine, will highlight familiar favorites from the airwaves! The toe tapping program will feature hits from the 1950s to the present including selections from classic artists like The Beatles, Tina Turner, The Beach Boys, Elton John, and more. The hit parade continues with more recent chart toppers from Walk The Moon, Adele, Luke Bryan, and Lady Gaga. The concert will be accompanied by live musicians and theatrical lighting effects.
Please join us on May 20th at 7pm or May 21st at 2pm at Taunton High School for this spectacular show! Visit smfconline. org for tickets!
Sunday, May 21, 2023
The Narragansett Bay Symphony Community Orchestra’s Season Finale concert of the 2022-23 season will be on Sunday, May 21, at 3PM in the auditorium of the new East Providence High School, 2000 Pawtucket Ave. East Providence, RI.
The concert begins with the romantic “Romeo and Juliet Fantasty Overture” by Tchaikovsky, followed by the “Saxophone Concerto, Op. 109” by Glazunov featuring Andy Wilds on the alto saxophone. The epic “Symphony No. 2, Op 43” by Jean Sibelius concludes the program.
Admission is “Pay what you wish.” For more information or to purchase tickets, visit NaBSCO’s website, www.nabsco.org or call 401-274-4578.
South Coast Community Chorale invites you to their 2023 Spring concert. A unique experience you will not want to miss!
Fall River, MA – The South Coast Community Chorale (SCCC) is excited to present their 2023 Spring concerts. The concerts will take place on Saturday, May 20th, 7:30pm at St. Thomas More Church, 386 Luther Ave, Somerset, MA and Sunday, May 21st, 3:00pm at Good Shepherd Parish, 1598 South Main St, Fall River, MA. The SCCC will also be doing a special performance in conjunction with the Fall River Symphony Orchestra on May 7th, 3:00pm at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, 327 Second St, Fall River, MA.
The South Coast Community Chorale cordially invites you to their 2023 Spring concerts! SCCC will feature Mozart’s Requiem, Wicked (Choral Highlights), A Medley from Les Miserables, The Music of M-G-M, and one of the director’s favorites, The Awakening. This season, SCCC will incorporate a multimedia experience into their performance, with a unique pairing of choral music and a visual video display.
Tickets are $15 in advance and $18 at the door (Prices for students and seniors are $3 off either price). Visit their website at www.sccchorale.com for more information and to purchase tickets online through Eventbrite®. Check out SCCC on Facebook and Twitter too!
Directed by Frank Wilhelm, the South Coast Community Chorale is a group of singers based out of Fall River, Massachusetts. Members come from Fall River and nearby communities including Somerset, Swansea, Dighton, Rehoboth, Seekonk, Westport, Dartmouth, New Bedford, Taunton, Raynham, and Middleboro. The group performs concerts each May and December for their spring and winter concert seasons. Past performances have in-
cluded venues in Fall River, New Bedford, Westport, Taunton, and Swansea. In addition to their regular concert seasons, once a year, the chorale awards a scholarship to an area student who plans to pursue a career in the music field.
www. .com
For Membership info or questions, contact Hank Coleman at 508.243.0244 or email hjcoleman@comcast.net or email Thurston Tarter pttarter@gmail.com
It’s time to enjoy our gardens by planting flowers and vegetables. The Dighton Historical Society is holding its Plant Sale on Saturday, May 20th from 9 AM to 2 PM, rain or shine, at our Winslow-Davis Museum, 1217 Williams Street, Dighton, MA. If you have plants you can donate, call Karen at 508-245-1139.
The Dighton Historical Society is holding its Annual Strawberry Festival on Saturday, June 10th, from 11 AM to 3 PM on Dighton Town Hall grounds and the Pavillion on Route 138 in Dighton, MA. This is a yearly celebration to acknowledge the Dighton Strawberry and the economic powerhouse it was for the town for many years. We will be selling Strawberry Shortcakes, have great vendors selling their items, and fun for the kids. See you there.
June 18, 2023 11am Till 4 Pm
Assonet, Massachusetts Rain or Shine!
• Homemade Strawberry Shortcake
• Hot dogs and Lemonade
• Live music from Midnight Sun Country Band
• A great assortment of Crafters
• Fun for the whole family!
• Crafters Call Dottie @ 508-644-2459. Spaces are filling up quickly!
Assonet Village Four Corners at the Bandstand Route
Exit 13 (Old Exit 10) from 24 South
Exit 11 (Old Exit 9) From 24 North
Our signs will lead you there! Free parking!
This annual Festival is held to provide scholarships for students from Freetown, MA
Sponsored by The Tuesday Club of Assonet and the Freetown Cultural Council, MA Cultural Council www.tuesdayclubofassonet.org
Like us on Facebook: Tuesday Club of Assonet
NEWPORT, R.I. – This year’s Newport Flower Show will take visitors on a colorful and beautiful voyage through the floral world, all within the spectacular rooms, terrace and lawn of Marble House.
Tickets are now on sale for the 27th annual Newport Flower Show, to be held June 23, 24 and 25, 2023.
For the first time in a quarter century, the Flower Show will be held at Marble House (1892), a Newport jewel inspired by the Petit Trianon of Versailles. The show’s usual location, Rosecliff, is undergoing several important restoration projects and will remain closed to the public until September.
The Opening Night Reception – the event that kicks off the Newport summer season – will be held Friday evening, June 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. Guests will mingle on the oceanside back lawn of Marble House while enjoying cocktails, cuisine from a variety of stations, live music and a lifestyle marketplace for shopping.
This year’s Flower Show takes its name and inspiration from “The Grand Tour,” the Gilded Age tradition of an extended voyage to immerse oneself in the art and culture of Europe. This theme will be reflected in the entries for the Creative Mixed Planters class, which will interpret such iconic destinations as Versailles, the Alps and
Venice; and Botanical Arts, where artists create beautiful, intricate objects and jewelry from dried plant materials.
“Holding the Newport Flower Show in a different location will be both challenging and exciting,” said Trudy Coxe, CEO and Executive Director of The Preservation Society of Newport County, which organizes the show. “It creates many new possibilities. This is the reason for ‘The Grand Tour’ theme, and this Flower Show will be a favorite destination as we head into the summer season.”
Bartlett Tree Experts returns once again as the Presenting Sponsor of The Newport Flower Show. Event Sponsors include Atria Senior Living, Ala von Auersperg, BankNewport, Coca-Cola, R.P. Marzilli Landscape Professionals, National Trust Insurance Services LLC, Proven Winners and Taste Design Inc.
Daytime tickets for The Newport Flower Show will be for a specific date and time slot, either 9 a.m. to noon or noon to 3 p.m. VIP early admission at 8 a.m. is also available. Parking is free in the Preservation Society lot across Bellevue Avenue from Marble House.
For tickets, go to www.newportmansions.org/events/the-newport-flower-show.
The Preservation Society of Newport County, Rhode Island, is a nonprofit organization accredited by the American Alliance of Museums. It is dedicated to preserving and interpreting the area’s historic architecture, landscapes, decorative arts and social history. Its 11 historic properties – seven of them National Historic Landmarks – span more than 250 years of American architectural and social development.
For more information, please visit NewportMansions.org.
August 26th at 1087 Newman Ave. contact the committee Jacquelyn “Lyn“ Greeley Robinson, Deb Stebenne and Michelle Hines on Facebook and messenger. Pass the word.
East Providence Class of 1963
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Shriner’s Imperial Room (handicap accessible)
One Rhodes Place, Cranston, RI
6 - 7 Cocktails --- 7 Buffet by Ralph’s Catering
DJ - Sergio
$60 pp - $1 per year
Please makes checks payable to EPHS Class of 1963 and mail to Betty Dulude, 23 Circle Drive, Seekonk, MA by August 5.
Saturday, August 19, 2023 Time: 5PM-10PM
Five Bridge Inn, 152 Pine Street, Rehoboth MA 02769
Hors d’oeuvres – Cash Bar
Buffet Dinner – DJ – Dancing
$75 per person. Reservations now being accepted. Attire: Evening Casual
Visit our facebook page: Dighton-Rehoboth Class of 1973 or contact Janice Hagopian Narsasian at jnarsasian@gmail.com. Please leave your name, street address, email address, and phone number. You will be contacted with addition information.
The Rehoboth Congregational Church worships every Sunday at 10 AM. Join us for a wonderful blend of traditional worship with a modern twist. We sing, we laugh, and we enjoy the fellowship of one another’s company while strengthening our faith and serving others. If you can’t make it to the building, you can still worship with us! Our Sunday services are live streamed both on our website www. rehobothcongregational.org/worshiponline and on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/rehobothcongregational Missions
May 7th Following our 10AM worship. Fundraiser to support the work of the RCC Missions. The potato bar will open directly after church for a free will offering.
Start Mother’s Day off on the right foot! Come to church and celebrate Mom!
Tuesday, May 16th | 11:30 AM in Fellowship Hall
Sunday, May 28th | 10 AM at the Ministerial Grounds (weather permitting). If inclement weather is predicted, service will be moved to the church and will be announced via email and facebook. Location: The Ephraim Hunt Ministerial Land can be access by a small parking area located at 75 (approx.) Pond Street. It is advised to park at the church and carpool if possible due to the small size of the parking lot. All are welcome to our annual outdoor worship on Memorial Day Weekend. Please bring your own chairs or blankets as there will be none available when we get there. We will be worshipping in the first clearing from the parking lot which has a handmade altar and cross. The path is clear and level. Help will be available for those who need assistance. We also ask that you take care not to disturb the natural beauty of the area.
Every Thursday at 10:00 AM in our Fellowship Hall, lead by Jodi Durette, Chair of Deacons – coffee will be provided.
New Office Hours: the church office will now be open Tuesday – Friday | 9 AM – 1 PM
June 4th – Choir Sunday
June 11th – Children’s Day
June 17th – RCC Annual Yard Sale
June 18th – Father’s Day & Mason Sunday
We hope you will join us each Sunday at Seekonk Congregational Church UCC at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary at 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA for our weekly service. Please come if you feel comfortable, all are welcome, masks are optional.
We will have a 2nd service on the Sunday May 7th at 11 AM and also on May 21st there will be a 2nd service as we will celebrate with our 2nd graders for Communion Sunday. Communion will be served at both services and child care will be available. Church school will continue at 9:30 AM
We will continue to record our services and they are available the following day at Seekonk Congregational Church YouTube and on Cable 9 Seekonk at 9 AM each morning.
Mark your calendars for August 7 – 11, 2023 8:45 to 12:15 each day for VBS 2023. The theme this year is GO GREEN. Ages preschool – 6th grade for $25 for the week. 7th grade and older will serve as VBS Helpers. All are welcome, you do not need to be a member to attend vacation bible school. For information contact Kristin at 774-991-1555.
Please make note of all our upcoming services and activities:
• 05/07/23 Worship Service - 2 Services 9:30 & 11 AM Welcome
New Members
• 05/14/23 Worship Service 9:30 AM Mother’s Day Café following the service
• 05/21//23 Worship Service - 2 Services 9:30 & 11 AM (11 AM will be communion Sunday for our 2nd graders)
• 05/28/23 Worship Service 9:30 AM Pentecost WEAR RED
• 06/04/23 Worship Service – 2 Services 9:30 & 11 AM (11 AM will be confirmation Sunday, all are welcome to attend)
• For July and August there will be one service only at 9:30 AM
No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at Seekonk Congregational Church. If you have any questions on the above or wish to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, please email Donna.euell@gmail.com. All events and services are open to ALL. Please check out our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/SeekonkCongregationalChurch/ for updates.
The Providence Marathon is coming to our neighborhood on Sunday May 7th. To avoid traffic and road closures Saints Matthew and Mark Episcopal Church (5 Chapel Rd. Barrington RI 02806) is changing the service time from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm with a potluck-supper after the service. Please join us!
Annual Plant Sale May 13th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at Saints Matthew and Mark Episcopal Church 5 Chapel Rd. Barrington RI 02806
Newman Church, UCC, in partnership with the Rhode Island State Council of Churches, are excited to announce the arrival of an exhibition of quilts created by the Sacred Ally Quilt Ministry from Jaffrey, New Hampshire. This exhibition, born out of the murder of George Floyd, explores the pain and marks of racism in our country.
Opening of the exhibition will take place on Saturday, May 20th at 10am with opening remarks and a Racial Equity Storytime. At 11am, avid quilter Joan Potter will lead a discussion and demonstration about political quilts. At 1pm, Felipe Agudelo and Venson Jordan will lead a discussion titled: Why the Lives of Black Lives Matter: A Discussion about Care, Humanity, and Race. The exhibit will close at 4pm.
On Sunday, May 21st, we welcome the community to join us for our weekly worship service at 10am followed by coffee and conversation in the garden. At 12pm, the exhibition will reopen to the public with music performed by Geoffrey Greene. We will close our weekend with a ceremony at 2:30pm. The exhibit will close at 4pm.
For more information please contact our Minister for Faith Formation Christy Wynveen at newmanucc.ce@gmail.com
Sellers wanted! Tables are limited!
Saturday, June 3 9 am – 2 pm
$25 donation for the rental of an 8’ table & 2 chairs, proceeds from your table is 100% yours!
This is an indoor venue, no rain date is needed. The event will be well publicized, in a high-traffic area!
Sellers: Set up after 7:30 am, and you are responsible for the removal of your unsold items.
There is a donation collection box in the Newman parking lot if you have any remaining clothing or linens you’d like to discard.
Newman UCC is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ and extends this invitation to one and all, living out the example of Jesus’ extravagant welcome.
Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is located at 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI 02916 For more information, contact Christy Wynveen at newmanucc.ce@gmail.com
The following events are taking place at First Christian Congregational Church which we would appreciate your publishing.
The First Christian Congregational Church, UCC located at 1113 GAR Highway, Swansea, MA will be hosting the Strictly Sentimental Swing Band on Monday, May 1, 2023 at 7:00 pm in our beautiful sanctuary. The Concert will feature an assortment of favorite Big Band Songs. Please plan to join with us. No fee, donations only.
The First Christian Congregational Church, UCC located at 1113 GAR Highway, Swansea, MA will be hosting our May Breakfast on Saturday, May 6, from 8 – 11 am. This will be a sit down breakfast buffet featuring scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, pancakes, muffins, juice, coffee & tea. The cost for the breakfast is $12 for adults, $6 for children 6 – 10, and children 5 and under eat free! Homemade Candy Baskets will be available for purchase! All are invited to come and enjoy the food, fellowship and fun!!
351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA 02771
Meat Raffles Continue
Meat Raffles each Saturday through May 20th. The raffles take place each Saturday at 2 pm. There are 3 tables of steaks, chicken, seafood, TV and other prizes. 50/50 raffle. Kitchen opens at 1 pm.
• Free Hot Dogs and Hamburgers at the Legion after the Memorial Day Parade on Saturday 5/27 from noon – 2 pm.
• We are collecting new socks and underwear to be distributed to Veterans during the Operation Stand Down RI event on 9/15 and 9/16.
Friday Night Bands – starts at 8 pm
• Rock A Blues – 5/5
• 6L Camino – 5/12
• After Dark – 5/19
• 3 Can Jam – 6/2
• Rock A Blues – 6/9
• Rock A Blues – 7/21
Ricky V: Wednesdays from 7 pm to closing
Hall Rental: 200-person capacity. Contact Bob Reed for information at 508-336-9822
To help Homeless and At Risk
Operation Stand Down Rhode Island’s mission is to help homeless and at-risk veterans. It has provided thousands of veterans with access to important services including health, dental, and substance abuse care, as well as employment, legal, and housing services since 1993.
Each year OSDRI holds a two-day outreach event at 1010 Hartford Ave, Johnston, RI. This year the event will be held Thursday, 9/15 and Friday, 9/16.
The Seekonk Legion Family will be setting up a table to distribute socks and underwear to the male and female Veterans who attend the event. We are accepting donations of new socks and underwear from the community. A donation box is located downstairs at the American Legion Post located at 351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA. For more information you can contact us at 508-336-9822 or auxiliary311@yahoo.com.
For more information on Operation Stand Down, please visit their website at www.osdri.org.
Moms of Preschoolers (MOPS) can get a break on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Community Covenant Church (615 Tremont St, Rehoboth, MA) from 9:30-11:30am.
Come and enjoy childcare for the kiddos and a warm breakfast with soon to be new friends in a kind, loving, and supporting environment.
~ Sage Nickelson with her fish
The Seekonk Lions Eleventh Annual Doug Allan Memorial Fishing Tournament proved again to be as strong as ever. Although there was a few sprinkles of rain, a good turnout of over 70 kids and parents battling it out for the top prize at the prestigious American Legion Post 311 awards banquet.
This year we had two newcomers that took down some of the longtime champions. Ethan Mattison took the helm for the boys with a 14” rainbow. For the girls, Sage Nickerson, with the help from her dad, pulled in a 14.5” rainbow as well!
Brody Sylvester and Evan Sylvia flipped a few beauties of 13” and 12 ¾”. For the girls, Caitlin Laliberte and Abigail Sylvester reeled in a 13 ¾” and 13” respectively.
Jordan Dagget caught the most fish with seven and Devin Le right behind with five. Luke Peltz (Fishing Derby record holder 15 ½”) , Madison Ando, Evan and Caden Vose, Brooke Laliberte Kaiden Medas and Dustin Laplante have honorable mentions with their fishing skills.
These anglers received the best prizes of any youth fishing tournament in the area comprising of 30 different awards from local businesses with values totaling almost a $900. That is not including the 100 chicken sandwiches from Chik-Fil-A!
The Seekonk Lions Club would like to thank all our supporters. Steve Hurley at Massachusetts Fisheries & Wildlife, and our friends at the Grist Mill Tavern. All the contributions from Bass Pro Shop Foxboro, Chick-Fil-A Seekonk, Chris Gasbarro’s Fine Wine and Spirits, American Legion Post 311, Seekonk Grand Prix, Toti’s Pizza, United Skates of America, The Purple Cow, MidiCi Italian Kitchen, Cuzins Pizza, Fun City Trampoline Park, Denny’s, On the Water, The Nerdy Baker, Sky Zone EP, Fiesta Tex-Mex, and Sue at Master Homemade Donuts.
For pictures go to Seekonk Lions Club | Seekonk MA | Facebook and visit TV 9 - Seekonk, Massachusetts for great video coverage. The derby chairs want to thank all the volunteers and friends that make this a memorable yearly event for the youth in our area. Enjoy your future fishing escapades and we will see you next year!
The Seekonk Lions Club, through our Charitable Trust, wishes to thank all who attended the 2023 Taste of the Town at the Team Works facility in Seekonk making it a huge success!
We would like to thank our partner Chris Gasbarro of Chris Gasbarro’s Fine Wine & Spirits for putting together our participating beer and wine vendors. Then we would like to thank the New England Patriots Cheerleaders for signing autographs and taking pictures for our hungry and thirsty patrons.
Thanks to those beer and wine vendors who included Reserved, Narragansett Brewery, Sam Adams, Bershire Brewery, CT Valley Brewing, Buzzards Bay Brewery, New Belgium Brewing, Two Roads Brewing, L Knife, and Anheuser-Bush Budweiser.
In addition, of course a special thank you to our food and restaurant vendors who made the event so delightful and delicious. From Seekonk: Bone Yard Barbeque, Micheletti’s Restaurant, Old Grist Mill Tavern, Red’s Kitchen, D’s Lectables, Sarcastic Sweets, Young’s Caterers, and Plaza Mexico. From East Providence, RI: Campino’s Portuguese Restaurant, Red Bridge Tavern, Rosa’s Tavern. From Warren, RI: Perella’s Ristorante
Please support those who support us! Please save the date for next year’s 27th Annual Taste of the Town 2024, Patriot’s DayMonday April 15, 2024. Please follow all of the activities and mission of the Seekonk Lions Club @ www.seekonklions.org. For pictures/ video of event please go to Seekonk Lions Club | Seekonk MA | Facebook and visit TV 9 - Seekonk, Massachusetts Thank-you.
Gary S. Sagar, PresidentIn celebration of Arbor Day, the Rehoboth Garden Club will be planting a tree at Francis Farm to show our appreciation for all the environmental benefits that trees provide. The community is invited to join us on Saturday, April 29, 2023 at 10:00 AM for the planting ceremony.
The Rehoboth Garden Club Annual Plant Sale will take place at Francis Farm in the Miller Hall Pavilion on Saturday May 6, 2023 from 9 AM – 1 PM. Perennials from members’ gardens, annuals, herbs, vegetables, and hanging plants will be for sale. In collaboration with Bristol County Agricultural High School, we will have a large selection of shrubs and bushes that have been grown on their campus. Purchasing the Bristol Aggie plants benefits both our club and the high school. All plant sale proceeds will be used to fund our scholarship, civic and educational programs.
If you feel overwhelmed by the invasive plants in your garden and yard, you should attend our May 15, 2023 meeting at Goff Hall at 6:30 PM. Our guest speaker, Sally Johnson, is a Certified Invasive Species Manager and owner of the native plant design firm, Ecoastal Design. Sally will discuss how to identify invasives and develop strategies to combat their spread. The community is invited to this informative event.
The Rehoboth Garden Club is accepting applications for the Carolyn “Pat” Knowles Scholarship for the 2023-2024 academic year. Qualified applicants must be entering college this fall or be returning college students. They must also be majoring in Floraculture, Horticulture, Agriculture, or a related Environmental Science. The application deadline is May 15, 2023 and will be awarded in December, 2023. For an application, email Linda Murphy at Ljmurphy47bell@yahoo.com or call Mary Louise Pacheco at 508-252-3975.
New members are always welcome! For club information please contact Judith Doty at 508-567-5276.
Saturday, May 20, 2023 - 8 am -12 pm
The Seekonk Knights of Columbus will host their annual charity yard sale!
Knights of Columbus Hall
532 Arcade Ave., Seekonk, MA 02771
We will have 30 vendors/sellers. So whatever you’re looking for should be there. Free parking, free admission and a 50/50 raffle
Visit our Facebook page for more details.
Rain date Sunday, May 21, 2023
The Russell Latham Citizen’s Recognition Night will be held on Wednesday, May 17th at Hillside Country Club starting at 6:00 pm social hour and dinner at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $35.00. The event honors and celebrates individuals in the community whose service to Rehoboth has surpassed expectations
We are excited to share the list of this year’s winners who will be honored at the event.
• Outstanding Youth Award: Morgan Randall
• Public Servant Award: Gerald Schwall
• Educator of the Year Award: Victor Augusto
• Educator of the Year Award: Kristin Voccio
• Community Service Award: Maureen Whittemore
• Community Service Award: Charlotte Castro
• Good Neighbor Award: Jennifer Shallcross
For tickets or other information, please direct any calls to Mike Salois at 508-222-2656 or Steve Brasier at 508-505-1610
Other upcoming Rehoboth Lions Events include:
• There are only two Claim Boils left this Spring - we will restart in September: May 3 and June 7. Contact any Rehoboth Lion for tickets.
• Our annual Chet Munroe Chicken Barbeque will be held Sunday, June 4th. Tickets are $20. Please reach out to Mike Salois at 508-222-2656 for more information.
• Save the Date! The 2023 Rehoboth Lions Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday October 15th 2023 at the Swansea Country Club
For more information, contact Don Nokes: 401-255-3666 Scott Lacourse: 774-203-8653, or visit the Rehoboth Lions Website, https:// rehobothlions.org/.
We look forward to seeing you at our events! Rehoboth Lions - We Serve!
Sunday June 4th 1-5PM
Join the Carpenter Museum for our annual Strawberry Festival Sunday June 4th 1-5PM. The event will be held at the Museum in the Rehoboth Village (4 Locust Avenue). Entry is free!
DiGiacomo Car penter Museum – Dir ector Ave. – Rehoboth, MA 02769 (508)252-3031 – dir ector@r ehobothantiquarian.or g
The annual Strawberry Festival is a family friendly event featuring activities related to early American History such as candle dipping, weaving, spinning, butter making, peg making, clay pinch pot sculpting, colonial yard games, and so much more! The event will also have strawberry shortcake, strawberry lemonade, and baked goods for sale. Parking is available in the field behind the Museum
The Car penter Museum’s Annual Strawber r y Festival Retur ns (REHOBOTH, MA) –
Car penter Museum for our annual Strawber r y Festival Sunday June 4th 1-5PM. T he event at the Museum in the Rehoboth Villag e (4 Locust Avenue). Entry is free!
About the Carpenter Museum: The Carpenter Museum, named in honor of major benefactors Elsie Carpenter and her son E. Winsor Carpenter, is Rehoboth’s local history museum. Our mission is to collect, document, preserve, and share material culture related to the town’s history. We connect the Rehoboth community with these artifacts and with local history in general through our exhibits and programming. The Museum provides the wider community with research support, especially in the area of genealogy, and promotes learning about American history through direct experience with objects from the past.
Strawberry Festival is a family friendly event featuring activities related to early American h as candle dipping, weaving, spinning, butter making, peg making, clay pinch pot olonial yard games, and so much more! The event will also have strawberry shortcake lemonade, and baked goods for sale. Parking is available in Congregational Church.
The New England Antique Tractor & Truck Association will be having its Annual Spring Show at Silverbrook Farm in Acushnet, MA on June 3rd (rain date June 4th).
The Show will feature a swap meet, tractor & truck show with tractor games, a plowing demonstration, and wagon rides. Admission to the show is a non-perishable food item to benefit Shepherd’s Pantry in Acushnet.
For more information, please visit our website www.neatta.org or find us on Facebook!
We are a full-service real estate firm, priding ourselves in ensuring that your real estate transaction is closed in a proficient and professional manner. Our manner in ensuring this quality is by communicating and collaborating with all parties involved, including realtors, lenders, and insurance agents.
Now serving Baked Scrod on Thursdays 4:00 till 7:00 P.M. & Fridays 4:00 – 8 PM our kitchen remodeling for Fish & Chips should be open by May 1st
Take Outs are welcome – call in your order in early for pickup at 508-252-9079
Tarot Card Tuesday – Every Tuesday 5:00 PM till when ever
Sign up for our Monday-Tuesday & Wednesday Night Dart Leagues
Mass Lottery - Play "KENO" "MegaMillion" "PowerBall" +
If you’re interested in playing in a Card League of Hi-Lo Jack
Monday Nights from September through November & April –June or… Wednesday nights September – December and start up again in January – April
The cribbage league plays on Monday nights January - March and then Wednesday nights from May - August
All games start at 7:00 PM @ $7.00 per game
e-mail speedyjake@aol.com or call #508-252-9079
• May 6th, 2023 – Saturday - 4:00-10:00 P.M. – DURBY HAT CONTEST - Entertainment – Food Specials of the Week – Drinks – Dancing – Electronic Dart Board & have a GREAT TIME! https:// www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063368911454
• May 12th, 2023 – Friday - 7:00-10:00 P.M. – Live Music performed by Notorious Jones Entertainment with Classic Rock Music – No Cover Charge! – Food - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Entertainment, so sit back & have a GREAT TIME! Play the Electronic Dart Board or join our Dart League �� https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063368911454
• May 13th, 2023 – Saturday - 4:00-10:00
• May 14th, 2023 – Sunday -7:30-10:30
A.M. American Legion & Anawan Lions Monthly Breakfast, Second Sunday of every month $12.00 donation - All you can Eat! https://www.facebook.com/ groups/657024961125913/
• May 19th, 2023 - Friday - 7:00-10:00 P.M., BLACK LIGHT DUO presents Classic Rock & Roll – No Cover Charge! – Food - Check with the bar for the specials of the week –Drinks – Entertainment, so sit back & have a GREAT TIME! Play the Electronic Dart Board or join our Dart League https://www. facebook.com/groups/657024961125913/
• May 20th, 2023 – Saturday - 4:00-7:00
P.M. – PREAKNESS HORSE RACE –Entertainment to follow – $25.00 Ticket – Bet on your Favorite Horse https://www. facebook.com/groups/657024961125913/
• May 20th, 2023 – Saturday - 7:00-10:00
P.M. - “Vinyl Frontier Band” with Live Music Entertainment playing Classic Rock Music – No Cover Charge! - Food – Drinks –Dancing & having a GREAT TIME! https:// www.facebook.com/Vinylfrontierband/
• May 26th, 2023 – Friday - 7:00-8:00 P.M., Sons of the American Legion’s Monthly Meat Raffle followed by Karaoke - 8:0011:00 P.M. – No Cover Charge! – Food - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Entertainment, so sit back & have a GREAT TIME! Play the Electronic Dart Board or join our Dart League https://www.facebook.com/ groups/657024961125913/
• May 26th, 2023 – Friday - 8:00-11:00 P.M. + – Live Karaoke performed by METTE Entertainment, Come on in and sing a song or two – No Cover Charge! – Food - Check with the bar for the specials of the week –Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! Play the Electronic Dart Board or join our Dart League https://www. facebook.com/groups/657024961125913/
• May 29th, 2023 – Monday - 12:00 - 4:00
P.M. MEMORIAL DAY EVENT, FoodCheck with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! Play the Electronic
Dart Board or join our Dart League https://www.facebook.com/ groups/657024961125913/
• June 2nd, 2023 - Friday - 6:30-10:00 P.M., Jim Powers Entertainment presents Old Time Rock “N” Roll, Classic Rock & County – No Cover Charge! – Food - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Entertainment, so sit back & have a GREAT TIME! Play the Electronic Dart Board or join our Dart League https://www.facebook.com/groups/657024961125913/
• June 4th, 2023 – Sunday - 11:30 - 1:30 P.M. 51st, Annual Rehoboth Lions Take Out Chicken BBQ dinner - $20.00 per plate, with more info call Mike @ 508-222-2656
• June 9th, 2023 – Friday - 7:00 -10:00 P.M. – Live Music performed by Notorious Jones Entertainment with Classic Rock Music – No Cover Charge! – Food - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Entertainment, so sit back & have a GREAT TIME! Play the Electronic Dart Board or join our Dart League �� https:// www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063368911454
• June 10th, 2023 - Friday - 7:00 - 10:00 P.M., On3 Entertainment, Classic Rock – No Cover Charge! – Food - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Entertainment, so sit back & have a GREAT TIME! Play the Electronic Dart Board or join our Dart League https://www.facebook.com/groups/657024961125913/
• June 11th, 2023 – Sunday -7:30-10:30 A.M. American Legion & Anawan Lions Monthly Breakfast, Second Sunday of every month $12.00 donation - All you can Eat! https://www.facebook.com/ groups/657024961125913/
We would like to thank David Andrade, Anthony Azar, Donny Azar, David Downs, Dawn Houlker – Azar, Jann McMurry, Cathy Potter, JoAnn Racine, and Brenda Saben for helping to clean and neaten up the school for the season. This year, we put extra effort cleaning the outside of the windows.
We will have 13 classrooms from the towns of Swansea, Seekonk and Somerset attend the school for a day between May 17th and June 13th. There are many days open this spring and fall to have other CLASSES join us for a day. The school is open to public, private and home-schooled classes. The cost for a class to spend a day at the school is $150.00. For additional information contact Cathy Potter, School Director, at 508 252 3682
We plan to have a display at the Carpenter Museum’s Strawberry Festival on Sunday, June 4th from 1 – 5 P.M. Come on down and visit with us while enjoying a strawberry shortcake!
The Hornbine School Museum will be open to the public, (2 – 4 P.M.) each 2nd and 4th Sunday, June – September, this summer. We are located at 144 Hornbine Road in south east Rehoboth, MA. Google “hornbineschool” to see our website. The Hornbine School Museum also has a Facebook page.
We will be welcoming 13 classrooms back to spend a day in the past at the school this spring. There are many days open this
May will mark the start of library activities around “2023: The Year of the Bee”, beginning with a screening of “Bee Movie” on Friday, May 19 at 6:30 pm. We will also be hosting James DeTerra for a learning session about honey bees and beekeeping, so please check our online event calendar for details.
Concert at Goff Hall: On Sunday, May 7 at 7 pm. there will be a concert by Le Note Diverse, who will perform a selection of vocal and instrumental pieces by three women composers from 17th-century Italy. This concert is funded by a grant from the Rehoboth Cultural Council. Admission is free, with donations welcome.
Baby/Toddler Time continues Tuesdays at 10:30 and Story & Craft Hour continues on Thursdays at 10:30 for preschoolers (siblings are welcome).
LEGOS return on Saturdays May 13 and June 10, from 11 to 2. No registration is necessary for this fun and free activity and a parent may work with a young child.
Stop in between 11 and 3 to create a fairy/gnome garden. The library will supply small boxes, along with shells, beads, ribbon and more, but supplies are limited. Feel free to bring a favorite container and items from home. Costumes are welcome too. This activity is not recommended for very young children.
On Thursday June 8 at 10:30, Harvard author/illustrator Marietta Apollino visits to read her new picture book “Jack the Library Cat”, a sweet story of a cat that sneaks into a library. Story-related crafts to follow. All ages welcome.
On Tuesday, June 13 at 10:30, special guest Anne-Marie Forer joins us with her Tunes-n-Tales Toddler Time program.
Two book groups meet at the Blanding monthly. The next meeting of the book group which meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 3 to 4 pm will be on May 10. The book discussed will be “The Beekeeper of Aleppo”, a novel by Christy Lefteri. For more information, call Desire Palmer at 508-717-1230.
Coming up in June, there will be a special guest author at the Blanding book club which meets at 7 pm on the first Wednesday of the month. On June 7, local author Holly Fitzgerald will discuss her book “Ruthless River”. For more information, call the library at 508-252-4236.
The history discussion group that meets at the Blanding will be taking a break until fall. Until then, Hank Coleman has some reading suggestions. For military history: “The Proud Tower” and “The Guns of August” both by Barbara Tuchman. For economic history, “The Panic of 1907”, second edition by Sean Carr and Robert Brener, and “The Creature from Jekyll Island by Edward Griffin. For social history: “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair.
The Blanding now offers its patrons the Mango Language Learning program, as well as the library edition of Ancestry.com. Go to www.blandinglibrary.net to find out more. A reminder that SAILS library cards (which may be used at any member library in Southeastern Massachusetts) are available for free to all Rehoboth residents. If you don’t have one yet, stop by the Blanding to register.
With summer coming up, be sure to look for the dozen museum passes that are available through the library. You can reserve them through the library’s website. Although terms vary, each one-day pass to a museum or institution on the list can save you money on admission to these popular places in MA, RI and CT.
The Blanding Public Library, 124 Bay State Rd. in Rehoboth (508-252-4236) is open from Monday through Thursday from 10 am to 8 pm and on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 to 4. Closed Sundays and holidays, including Mon. May 29 for Memorial Day.
The Seekonk Public Library, in partnership with the Seekonk Land Conservation Trust, invite you to submit your digital photos of the beautiful, natural public spaces in town May 1st through May 15th. The goal of our fourth Nature Photography Contest is to digitally preserve Seekonk’s natural spaces and ecology in concert with existing efforts to conserve the town’s natural beauty. Selected photos will be uploaded to a public Flickr gallery to share views of Seekonk’s landscape and wildlife, creating a digital walking tour of the preserved spaces in town.
The Seekonk Nature Photography Contest is open to photographers of all ages, with categories for Children (through grade 5), Teens (grade 6-12), and Adults; all experience levels are welcome! Photos must be submitted electronically by using the entry form at seekonkpl.org/photo. Photos must be taken at one of the public spaces listed below, and feature images of wildlife, plant life, natural landscapes, weather, or any other aspect of nature (no pets or portraits):
Qualified natural spaces for contest
information about the peculiar person who has recently taken on the role of Teen Librarian. After putting it all together, we’ll give our brains a break with pizza and a friendly chat, so Carla can get to know you too!
This event is free and open to teens and tweens in grades 5 and up. Please register through the Events Calendar at www. seekonkpl.org/events.
For more information, call Adult Services at the library at (508) 336-8230 or email library@seekonkpl.org.
Wednesday, May 24 at 6 PM
Thinking of lightening your yard care load by reducing or transitioning from a traditional lawn? Come to Seekonk Public Library on Wednesday, May 24 at 6 PM for the program Goodbye Lawn:
• Caratunk Wildlife Refuge
• Cushing Conservation Area • Edna Martin Wildlife Refuge • Gammino Pond • Runnins River Trail • Seekonk Meadows
Nine finalists, three in each category, will receive a mounted print of their photo. Three winners, one from each category, will have their photo featured prominently in the online gallery and receive an Amazon Gift card (value $25).
Contest submissions may be uploaded at seekonkpl.org/photo between May 1 and May 15, 2023. Guest judges and public voting will follow, with a final reception planned for June 28, 2023.
Questions and inquiries about the photo contest can be emailed to: naturephotos@seekonkpl.org
Wednesday, May 10 at 6 PM
Celebrate the return of sunlight and color this spring by creating a glass mosaic suncatcher with us! Come to the Seekonk Public Library on Wednesday, May 10 at 6 PM for Glass Mosaic Workshop to create your own glass project. Instructor Leslie Doherty of Ways of Color will lead us remotely as we meet together at the library to assemble a mosaic to hang in a window. You will be using real glass pieces with infinite color combinations. Space is limited for this free program; a SAILS library card is required to pre-register in the online Events Calendar at ww.seekonkpl.org/events.
For more information, call Adult Services at the library at (508) 336-8230 or email library@seekonkpl.org.
Thursday, May 11 at 3:00 PM
A cryptic query. A murky mystery. A perplexing predicament. Who is our new Teen Librarian? To find out, come to Seekonk Public Library on Thursday, May 11 at 3:00 PM for a puzzle-solving, code-breaking, pizza-eating party! Get to know Carla while working your way through brain teasers like cryptograms, logic puzzles, and rebuses. Every solved clue and cracked code will reveal more
Sustainable Alternatives. In this presentation you will learn how to get started including understanding your soil composition to choose plants that will thrive and reviewing lawn replacement methods including garden beds, meadows, hardscaping and traditional seed alternatives. This program is presented by Todd Breitenstein, certified NOFA organic land care professional and founder and president of Our Grateful Garden. This program is free and open to the public; for planning and to be notified of program updates please register in the Events Calendar at www.seekonkpl.org/events.
For more information, call Adult Services at the library at (508) 336-8230 or email library@seekonkpl.org.
Thursday, May 25 at 3:30 PM
Want to add a personal flair to your wardrobe? Or fix a hole in a favorite pair of jeans? Come to Seekonk Public Library on Thursday, May 25 at 3:30 PM for a workshop on the art of creating patches! Using eco-printed designs from nature and the Japanese Boro technique for mending kimonos, participants will create their own unique patch to take home and use in any way they wish. With the help of Liz Bayer of Seven Arrows Farm in Attleboro and extraordinary stitcher Vangy Auclair, local artist Leslie Guglielmo will introduce this unique and expressive style of artwork to teens and tweens ages 10 and up.
This program is free and open to the public; for planning and to be notified of program updates please register in the Events Calendar at www.seekonkpl.org/events.
For more information, call Adult Services at the library at (508) 336-8230 or email library@seekonkpl.org.
Tuesday, May 30th at 6:00 PM
Join us for a lively discussion of The Woman They Could Not Silence: One Woman, Her Incredible Fight for Freedom, and the Men Who Tried to Make Her Disappear by Kate Moore on Tuesday, May 30th at 6:00 PM at Seekonk Public Library. The title is available as an ebook and audiobook through Libby, an ebook through Hoopla, or you may place a hold and pick up a print copy at the library. New members are always welcome!
"1860: As the clash between the states rolls slowly to a boil, Elizabeth Packard, housewife and mother of six, is facing her own battle. The enemy sits across the table and sleeps in the next room. Threatened by Elizabeth's intellect, independence, and outspokenness, her husband of twenty-one years is plotting against
her and makes a plan to put her back in her place. One summer morning, he has her committed to an insane asylum. The horrific conditions inside the Illinois State Hospital in Jacksonville, Illinois, are overseen by Dr. Andrew McFarland, a man who will prove to be even more dangerous to Elizabeth than her traitorous husband. But most disturbing is that Elizabeth is not the only sane woman confined to the institution. There are many rational women on her ward who tell the same story: they've been committed not because they need medical treatment, but to keep them in line-conveniently labeled "crazy" so their voices are ignored."-- Provided by publisher.
For more event information, visit www.seekonkpl.org or email library@seekonkpl.org.
Attention, OverDrive app users! OverDrive is discontinuing the legacy OverDrive app for all phones and tablets on May 1. Libby is OverDrive’s newer app for browsing and enjoying digital content from our library; it’s time to give Libby a try! All your loans, holds, and wish list items will be waiting for you in Libby when you setup the app using your library card.
Libby also comes with new features you’ll love, like:
• Tags to categorize books however you’d like—including your OverDrive wish!
• Recommend titles and get a personal notice when items are purchased with Notify Me
• Compatibility with Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and Sonos speakers
• Search & borrow from all eight MA library networks at once from your device, nearly 1 million ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines and growing, when you setup partner libraries
If you use a computer for the Overdrive collection, you can enjoy these features, too, by switching to the Libby app website: libbyapp.com/library/sails
Learn more on the library’s website, seekonkpl.org, or stop by with your device and library card for help making the switch!
Thank you to all who came out to our big book sale on May 6th. We appreciate the support that is shown to us in our efforts to fund library programs.
We are looking for substitute volunteers to help us with our daily sales in the lobby. Sometimes our lobby volunteers are unable to come to the library for a variety of reasons. In order to keep the lobby staffed, we are in need of people who are willing to come in and help us when those absences occur. If you or someone you know might be interested and would like more information, please email us at friends@seekonkpl.org
Monday, May 1 - Saturday, May 6
The first week of May is Children’s Book Week and we’ll be celebrating with books and special library programs. Events include Family Book Bingo, Watercolor Painting, Free Comic Book Day, and Storytime on the Go (see separate descriptions, below). Plus, families are invited to stop by all week long for special coloring sheets and activity handouts.
Tuesday, May 2, 6 PM
Join us for a Family Book Bingo session in celebration of Chil-
dren’s Book Week. Winners will be rewarded with their choice of books from our book prize table. Registration is required.
Thursday, May 4, 4 - 6 PM
Join watercolor artist and children’s book illustrator Sue Greco to learn how to paint with watercolors. Children in grades 1-5 will learn painting techniques in this 2-hour class. They will also leave with a completed watercolor piece of their own making. Just in time to make a perfect Mother’s Day gift or a masterpiece to keep all to themselves! Registration is required.
Saturday, May 6, 10 AM - 4 PM
Children and families are invited to celebrate Free Comic Book Day by stopping by Seekonk Library between 10 am and 4 pm for a FREE, newly released kids’ comic book. Books include Animal Crossing, Smurfs, Lovely Muco, Kotto Kotorra, MadBalls vs Garbage Pail Kids, Sweet Valley Twins, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dog Man and the League of Misfits, Investigators, Baby Sitters Little Sister, Spidey and his Amazing Friends and the Last Comics on Earth. Supplies limited.
Friday, May 12, starting at 3:10
Build reading skills and gain confidence in reading aloud by coming to the Library to “Paws To Read”. Register to reserve a 20 minute time slot to have your child read to Gizmo and Pepe, two adorable chihuahua/pomeranian mix therapy dogs. Each one-on-one private session is facilitated by Sandra Healey and her two dogs. Space is limited. Children should come prepared with a book they can read or arrive at the library a few minutes early to select a book in the children’s room.
Thursday, May 18, 4-5 PM
Join Farmers Sarah and Emily from Osamequin Farm at the Seekonk Library to learn all about Honey Bees! We’ll learn about why bees are so important, Queen Bees, and how bees make honey and pollinate. We’ll even get to taste some delicious honey! Kids will also plant some bee-friendly seeds to take home with them. Let’s celebrate World Bee Day together! Great for kids in grades K-5. Registration is required.
Friday, May 19, 10 AM
Join us for a special butterfly storytime! We’ve been raising butterflies in the Children’s Room, and we need your help celebrating as we release our new butterflies into the Seekonk Meadows! We’ll read butterfly stories and then head out into the meadows to watch our butterflies fly off to their new habitat! This storytime is weather permitting, as we cannot release the butterflies in the rain. Registration is required.
May 1 - 15
The Seekonk Nature Photography Contest returns this spring! From May 1 through May 15 all ages are invited to submit digital photos from six designated public, natural spaces in Seekonk. The goal of this project, sponsored by the Seekonk Land Conservation Trust, is to digitally preserve Seekonk’s natural spaces and ecology in concert with existing efforts to conserve the town’s natural beauty. Selected photos will be uploaded to
Continued on next page...
a public Flickr gallery to share views of Seekonk’s landscape and wildlife, creating a digital walking tour of the preserved spaces in town. Details at seekonkpl.org
Seekonk Library storytimes focus on talking, singing, reading, writing and playing- important principles for your child’s reading readiness. Please bring your SAILS library card so your child can browse and select books to take home. Siblings are always welcome.
Baby & Toddler Storytime: Mon, May 1, 8, 15 at 10 AM
Join Miss Sharon for a weekly storytime that includes a book or two followed by music, fingerplays, movement and yes, even bubbles! Drop in. No registration required. Please bring your SAILS Library card so your child may take storytime books home.
Go packets. Each packet will include 6+ books and an age appropriate early literacy activity. The activity will support one or more of the five early literacy practices: talking, singing, reading, writing and playing. Register at seekonkpl.org to reserve your child’s packet. Drop in or register at seekonkpl.org’s calendar of events
What are TumbleBooks? They’re animated, talking books created by taking existing books, adding animation, sound, music and narration to produce an ebook which you can read or have read to you. TumbleBooks also have storybooks, chapter books, nonfiction, puzzles, games, language learning and more. Truly something for every reader! Just choose a device, log in once and view. Always free! Browse the collection at Seekonkpl.org/Kids.
Preschool Storytime: Weds, May 3, 10, 17 at 9:30 AM
NEW TIME Join Ms. Sandie for storytimes for children ages 2-5. Siblings always welcome! No registration needed. Please bring your SAILS Library card so your child can select storytime books to take home.
Thanks to the most recent advances in laser dentistry, many dental procedures can now be completed without the need for anesthetics, vibration or the disconcerting whine of the dental drill. Dr. Alan Merchanthouse employs just such technology in a relaxing country setting in Rehoboth. For the highest quality dental care – furnished by a highly trained and friendly staff of dental professionals – call (508) 252-6121 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Alan Merchanthouse.
Storytime on the Go! Throughout May
Create a storytime experience at home with Storytime On The
● Laser Dentistry
● Comprehensive Care
● Cosmetic Dentistry
● Bonding
● Dental Implants
● Emergency Treatment
Sat, May 27, 10 AM
Bring a lawn chair or blanket, as well as your family and friends, and watch the annual Seekonk Memorial Day Parade from Seekonk Library’s front lawn. The parade steps off from Seekonk High School at 10 AM, travels down Arcade Ave, onto Newman Avenue and then concludes at the Hurley Middle School. Following the parade, a Memorial Day ceremony will take place at the Seekonk Veterans Memorial Park, adjacent to the Library. The library and restrooms will be open from 9 AM - 5 PM.
There have been some exciting developments in the Latin classes at Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School this year. Among the highlights are the National Latin Exam awards, an authentic Roman banquet, a field trip to New York City, a study of art from the Aeneid, a comparison of myth and film, and an exploration of the impact of Latin language and ancient Roman culture on our government, the English language, and modern society.
Notably, ten students received awards after taking the National Latin Exam, which is administered to over 100,000 students worldwide each year. The following DR students were recognized:
• Cum Laude: Nathaniel Wheeler, Isabelle Williamson
• Magna Cum Laude: Benjamin Darling, Jane Kostka, Emma Bonin, Julia McDonough, Hayden Bessette
• Silver Medal Maxima Cum Laude: Maryeileen Kelleher, Kate Lewandowski
• Gold Maxima Cum Laude: Hannah Carvalho
It’s worth noting that Hayden, Kate, and Nathaniel are among the top five students in their graduating class this year.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of Latin class is the study of mythology and how films like Disney’s Hercules and Percy Jackson
and the Lightning Thief have either remained faithful to the original stories or adapted them for modern audiences. Maryeileen Kelleher said, “Watching the movies was great, but it was also fascinating to learn about how the myths have evolved over time into the stories we know today.”
Like many other world language classes, the Latin students learned about ancient Roman holidays. One particularly interesting example is Saturnalia, which was later adapted by early Christians into Christmas. The ancient Romans celebrated Saturnalia by exchanging gifts, lighting candles, gambling, and even allowing slaves to swap places with their masters and enjoy a night off. As in previous years, the Latin I class held a Roman banquet or Cena, where students dined al fresco on a variety of foods, including meats, cheeses, veggies, olives, cheese cake, and fruits.
Latin students from grades 9-12, including those in Latin I, II, III, and Advanced Placement, visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City on March 31. In addition to touring the Greek and Roman galleries, the students also had the opportunity to find mythological subjects in other parts of the museum and in modern works at the Museum of Modern Art. The Advanced Placement class even had the chance to analyze works of art based on the Aeneid and present their findings to the class. River DeCoste remarked, “We got to choose our favorite paintings from the story and research them further. It was really interesting to incorporate art history into our studies.”
To help cover the cost of the field trip, Mrs. Loell secured grants from the Dighton and Rehoboth Cultural Councils.
All in all, Latin has had an excellent year, or as they say, an “annus optimus”.
Superintendent Bill Runey is pleased to announce that a DRRHS Senior was recently named one of 50 outstanding CTE Scholars in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts by The Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators (MAVA). Thomas Dyson, son of Jo Anne and David Dyson, is an exemplary DRRHS student in the CTE Engineering Design and Drafting Program under the direction of Mrs. Jessica Nardozzi. Thomas is a self-motivated, respectful, and dedicated student who has demonstrated his knowledge and skills both inside and outside the classroom. His dedication is evident through his
continued on next page...
membership in SkillsUSA, where he received the Career Technical Education Award in Engineering and Drafting, placing 2nd in a state competition. Thomas is an incredibly hard-working student who has consistently chosen to challenge himself. Thomas one of DRRHS’s top Student Athletes, competing 4 years in Winter Track and Lacrosse. Thomas was awarded the Junior Scholar Athlete of the Year Award. Thomas is planning to attend Liberty University in the fall where he will continue to pursue his post-secondary education in Mechanical Engineering.
An awards banquet, hosted by The Massachusetts Association of Vocational Administrators (MAVA) was held recently at Mechanics Hall in Worcester and annually attracts more than 500 educators, public officials, parents, and students to honor these promising seniors.
Grade 9
High Honors: Sarah Escola, Alena King, Alexis Rego
Honors: Riley Bodick, Abby MacDonald, Savannah Poisson, Anthony Porraro, Melanie Quin, Cian Shaw, Adison Sobczak
Grade 10
High Honors: Jack Pardi
Honors: William Godfrey, Grace Gordon, Alexander Gries, Seth Varhol
Grade 11
High Honors: Peyton Griffin, Samuel Marcotte
Honors: Troy Casto, Szymon Ferri, Jarrad Klang, Travis Turner
Grade 12
High Honors: Faith Boutin, Abigail Calamar, Cory George
Honors: Nicholas Aguiar, Laura Birch, Emmaline Lafleur, Nyah Ramos, Corina Silva
The Rehoboth Antiquarian Society invites eligible candidates from Rehoboth and its surrounding communities to apply for this second semester scholarship. The successful candidate(s) will be awarded up to $1,000 in scholarship funds. Students enrolled in a post-high school program, such as library science, history, archeology, anthropology, conservation, restoration, preservation, or related fields are encouraged to apply. The application deadline is Friday, June 16, 2023. Interviews will be conducted during the last two weeks of June and the successful candidate(s) will be notified by August 31. An application and additional information can be found on the RAS website: rehobothantiquarian.org/ras-scholarship/.
Congratulations to the talented student participants of the PTSA Reflections Art Contest at Palmer River Elementary School! These young artists were given the challenge to create original works of art in response to this year’s theme: “Show Your Voice.” Through their artistic endeavors, students had the opportunity to explore their own thoughts, feelings, and ideas, while developing artistic literacy, increasing confidence, and nurturing a love for learning that will serve them well in both school and life.
The creativity and skill displayed by the students were truly impressive, with artwork ranging from paintings and sculptures to films and music. The library at Palmer River Elementary School was transformed into an art gallery, showcasing the diverse and captivating pieces created by these budding artists.
Choosing the winners was no easy task for the teachers and staff, as the entries were all beautiful and thought-provoking. The following students were recognized for their outstanding contributions: Hailey Titcomb, Emmett Wright, Hannah Boulay, Brooke Pento, Mariana Cunha, Julianna Dixon, Mila Lewis, Jackson Edington, Korey Grant, Olivia Lewandoski, Allison Carson, Isla DiPalma, Caizzi Read, Dominic Lopes, Riley Read, Mila Beaulieu, Riley Pento, Callie Lewis, Dean Buckley. Congratulations to each and every one of these talented students for their hard work and artistic achievements!
The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District recognized students who had excelled in the state’s standardized testing system, MCAS.
The Commissioner of Education for the Commonwealth has reached out to districts to acknowledge exemplary progress and performance on the state MCAS test.
“Standardized testing has always been a challenge because it is very difficult for our outstanding teachers to balance the expectations of a statewide test vs. the ever-changing approaches to curriculum and instruction,” Superintendent Bill Runey said at Tuesday’s school committee meeting. “This has been magnified by the significant disruptions to the educational delivery that started in March of 2020.
When our students are recognized for performing at a level of excellence, it is a testament to the wonderful educational environment created by our teachers and staff as well as the support they receive at home from their families.”
The students honored were:
Beckwith Middle School
Jordan Arcisz, Noelle Blais, Jacob Bourgoin, Deven Dagnese, Allison Gagnon, Luke Gallucci, Zion Louis, Zachary McCann, Brendyn Murphy, Davi Oliveira, Brody Palazzi, and Alexander Quin.
Dighton Elementary School
Lincoln Duquette, Rhys O’Donnell
Dighton Middle School – Keira Ahaesy, Corinne Braga, Kyleigh Feeney, Logan Holt, Ella Leclerc, Jaila Soares
Trinity Aguiar, Jocelyn Borkowski, Adriana-Madison Bozek, Penny Braga, Jacob Coutu, Alexander Dalpe, Lucy Latour, Sophia Lin, Gabe McCrohan, Kylie Mirra, Emma Mullen, Miranda Oliveira, Abigail Renaud, Madison Roy, Ethan Sammis, Brodie Sammis, and Victoria Williams.
Palmer River Elementary School
Audrey Brown, Jameson Taylor
As children hopped off the first bus during Camp Ramsbottom’s inaugural summer, the Beatles topped the record charts with “Paperback Writer,” President Lyndon B. Johnson led the nation, and TV’s Cartwright family of “Bonanza” fame worked the Ponderosa. The year was 1966 and some 50 campers spent part of their summer exploring nature and learning outdoor crafts at Camp Ramsbottom, situated on 167 sprawling acres in rustic Rehoboth, Mass.
Operated by the Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket, Camp Ramsbottom is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, highlighted by a Sunday, July 24th gathering for all current and former campers, counselors and their families. The day of outdoor fun will include: a cookout; camp tours; swimming in the pool; mini-golf; petting zoo; and more while attendees reunite and reminisce with friends. The event runs from 11 a.m.–5 p.m. The camp is located on Route 44, 205 Winthrop Street in Rehoboth.
“It’s difficult to briefly describe what Camp Ramsbottom has meant since 1966 to so many Rhode Island and Massachusetts kids during their formative years. Although, the one word that best captures the Ramsbottom experience might well be “memories.” Whether a nature hike through the woods, campfire cooking, a hot day’s swim, or a kayak ride, every camper carries his or her nostalgic, childhood moments that will remind them of time enjoyed at Camp Ramsbottom,” said James Hoyt, Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket’s CEO.
Camp Ramsbottom is accredited by the American Camp Association, which is a leading, national authority in child development that works to preserve, promote and improve children’s camp experience. The popular camp has shaped summertime memories during a half century for close to 20,000 campers and counselors. The camp’s broad influence on local youth is directly due to the generosity of George R. Ramsbottom, who donated the camp’s land to what was then the Pawtucket Boys’ Club. Ramsbottom, 18881979, was a successful Pawtucket industrialist, making his mark as president and treasurer of the Seekonk Lace Company. He is a 1976 inductee of the Rhode Island Heritage Hall of Fame. Known for his community commitment, perhaps his altruistic legacy is best shaped by the summertime opportunities he provided to youth from Pawtucket and beyond.
Tickets to the Camp Ramsbottom 50th anniversary celebration are $15 for adults and $10 for kids 4-12, while children three and under attend free. To reserve tickets, call 401-722-8840 ext. 814 or visit www.bgcpawt.org to learn more and access online registration.
The Rotary Club of East Providence/Seekonk announces a series of six self-defense classes are now forming for women and girls’ empowerment. Sessions will be held on Saturdays from June 3 through July 8, 2023 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am at EP Martial Arts Academy, 345 Taunton Avenue in East Providence.
Led by Candace Rushton, a 5th degree Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt who specializes in violence prevention, the program will cover protective stances, awareness of surroundings, techniques to defend oneself safely during an assault or crime, and more selfdefense skills.
“Rotary International has put an emphasis this year on empowering girls, to protect and improve their wellbeing and enhance their quality of life,” states Kathleen Shatraw, 2023 president of The Rotary Club of East Providence/Seekonk. “Our Club is pleased to partner with the EP Martial Arts Academy in offering this safety program for girls and women.”
Rushton is recognized as a positive female role model in martial arts. In addition to teaching Jiu Jitsu for over 22 years, she competed in grappling tournaments internationally and earned the title of Women’s Lightweight Advanced North American Grappling Association Champion for two consecutive years. She has been working in human services for the past 40 years where she has dedicated her time in the safety and protection of children and families. A graduate of the Rhode Island Victims Assistance Academy, Candace has also attended countless trainings on conflict resolution, behavior management, and understanding sensory diagnoses and sensitivities in people. She has a background in the healing arts as a Reiki Master and Meditation and Mindfulness teacher.
“Candace is an excellent, credentialed instructor who is donating her time for this important women’s empowerment initiative,” comments Bart Axelrod, an owner and founder of EP Martial Arts Academy and member of the East Providence/Seekonk Rotary Club. “This is an opportunity to get specialized training in a controlled and safe environment. It’s a fact that self defense helps to build confidence and help people find safety in threatening situations.”
Space is limited to 20 participants per class. Pre-registration is required. Participants should dress in sneakers and comfortable clothing.
The program is open to females aged 13+ regardless of physical fitness. Attendees will receive a t-shirt on the first day of class and a pink belt upon completion. Cost is $99 per person total for all six classes. Scholarships are available upon inquiry.
To register, contact Bart Axelrod at bart.axelrod@gmail.com or 401-489-3189.
Francis Hall
27 Francis Farm Road, Rehoboth
Phone 508-252-3372
Fax 508-252-4716
Monday - Thursday 8:00am to 4:00pm Fridays 8:00am to Noon
The COA will be closed
April 7th & 17th
Walking Club will now start @ 9:00 on Wednesday April 19th through the warmer weather.
Join Our Walking Club
Mon-Wed- Fri @ 10:00
Lace up your sneakers and get ready for the Walk Massachusetts Challenge!
• Combined Yoga,
• Acrylic Painting Class
• JOIN OUR WALKING CLUB: MondayWednesday- Friday. Start time 9:00
• Wellness Check Mondays & Wednesdays
By Nurse Geri 11:00-1:00 In Francis Hall
• We have added a Paper Crafting Class and a Jewelry Making. We can always use extra supplies. Scrapbooking, Cricut Supplies, die cuts, embossing folders, Jewelry making supplies.
• We are in need of cotton, flannel, and fleece fabric for sewing projects.We are accepting yarn donations for hats & blankets
• We would like to thank the Blizzard of Giving and Traditions Bakery for the beautiful Birthday cake that arrives for the First Monday of each month. The cake celebrates all of the birthdays for that month.
• Thank you to The Cook’s House, Rehoboth Baking Company & Traditions Bakery for their generous donations of pastries for the Easter Egg Hunt. Thank you to all that send us donations
9-11 Cribbage
9:00 Walking Club
10:00 Bocce
10:00 Cornhole Toss 11:00-1:00pm Wellness Check with Nurse Geri
Noon Gert’s Café
~ Limited seating ~ $3.00 Please call to reserve a seat 508-252-3372
9:00 Zumba $3.00
10:00-Noon Jewelry Making Class (NEW) $5.00
10:00 Bocce
10:00 Cornhole Toss
10:00 Ladies Sewing & Quilting
10:15 Combined Yoga (chair or mat) $3.00
1:00 Bocce & Cornhole Toss
1:00 Hi-Lo Jack
1:00- 3:00 Crafty Fun Classes (NEW) $5.00 taught by Daisy Gilmore.
9:00 Walking Club
10:00 Bocce
10:00 Cornhole Toss
10:00-2:00 Nails by Gabbi call the COA for an appointment
11:00-1:00pm Wellness Check with Nurse Geri
Noon Lunch $3.00
1:00-3:00 Acrylic Painting Class $5.00 Taught by Daisy Gilmore
9:00 Tai Chi
10:00 Ladies Knitting, Crochet, & Tea
12:00 Drums Alive $3.00
1:00 Bocce
1:00 Cornhole Toss
1:00-3:00 Paper Crafting Class includes Card Making, Stamping, etc. (FREE)
1:00-3:00 Watercolor Class $5.00
9:00 Men’s Coffee
9:00 Walking Club
10:00 Bocce
10:00 Cornhole Toss
Bradley Marshall Outreach/SHINE/ Housing Coordinator is available Mondays thru Wednesdays 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM and Thursdays 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM to assist you with Social Service needs from Fuel, Food, housing, Medical Insurance, and intervention help. Please call for an appointment at 508-252-3372.
If you are at the 200% Federal Poverty level (or $2,430 single family/person) you may qualify for other assistive programs, therefore give the office a call to review possible programs you may be able to receive. Remember you have paid into these federal/ state programs through out your working life so now’s the time to see if your taxes can help you during these inflation times.
Fuel applications to Citizens for Citizens are still being accepted for this year under the LIHEP heating year 2022-2023. We have the new application forms here, in the office, for you to apply, which can provide you benefits that would be from $900 and up for the year. You can apply for benefits no matter if you own, rent, or lease you home if you are below
the 200% FPL or 60% of the estimated state income ($42,411 single person) you should apply. Those that do go on fuel assistance will be able to get other benefits such as discounts toward your electric bill
So, the benefits a quite a lot, especially help with the cost of fuel and bring down your electric bill by 30% and placing you in a restricted category so if you do fall behind on your electric bill, they cannot cut your power. So, call and make an appointment and we will take care of all the necessary reporting for you. Re-certification forms have been sent for those on the Fuel Assistance Program from pervious years. You should have received them by now. If you did not receive one call CFC at 508-679-0041 or call this office. When you receive your form call this office to assist you with ensuring you get the Highest benefit possible.
Also, if you are having difficulty with fuel and you are approaching a ¼ tank please call the office and we will attempt to assist you in getting up to 100 gallons.
Questions or needs on Housing should also be directed to this office. We can assist you in the application process for State housing, the voucher program, and review for affordable housing that is open for low or rent based income rentals
Applications for Food (SNAP benefits) assistance can be process at any time, so please call the office on how we can help you with your nutrition needs and save costs on your food bill.
As of March 2,2023, the extra support provided by the COVID emergency relief funds will end, when officials roll back pandemic-era increases to SNAP benefits. The program, administered by the Department of Agriculture, provides monthly stipends to people with low incomes to spend on food. Although the Federal Law on SNAP Benefits ended officially on April 1st with the help of the Massachusetts Food Collaborative and many other supporting parties there was submitted to the Massachusetts House Committee on Ways and Means draft budget (H3900). The addition to the 2203 budget was signed into law by Governor Healy, which will help with the loss of benefits for this vial program until the Federal Farm bill is completed by Congress in July. This addition will help with the financial fall off by adding additional State money to the program from April 7th payments to the final payment on June 2nd. Beneficiaries will get up to 40% of the difference between your normal monthly SNAP benefit amount for your household size, with a minimum amount of $38.00 add during these monthly payments. You may
be able to increase your benefits by telling DTA about medical costs over $35.00 for household who have a 60 or older living in the home, if your housing costs have gone up (rent/mortgage) or child or disabled adult care cost have increased
If you think you benefit has gone down too much contact Bradley Marshall at the Social Service Dept. for assistance to appeal your case or help, put through the changes for support the request for increase.
Medicaid Wind Down Nationwide
In March 2020, the federal government declared a public health emergency (PHE) due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the PHE and consistent with federal continuous coverage requirements, MassHealth put protections in place that prevented members’ MassHealth coverage ending during the COVID-19 emergency. The declaration of the pandemic emergency has been in total, ended as of May 11th and many programs will be ended as of April 1, 2023.
The federal government has decided to end the continuous coverage requirements. In response to this decision, MassHealth will return to our standard annual eligibility renewal processes. Starting April 1, 2023, all current MassHealth members will need to renew their health coverage to ensure they still qualify for their current benefit. These renewals will take place over the next 12 months.
In order to reduce the number of qualified members that lose their coverage, MassHealth is working with the Massachusetts Health Connector, Health Care For All, and other partners to make sure members know how to renew their coverage and are aware of other affordable health coverage options if needed.
The renewals will done over a period of time starting this month April 1, 2023 to April 1, 2024. During this time period you may receive a letter or a big blue envelope.
Please review all letters and forms you receive from MassHealth to insure you keep your information up to date with MassHealth and not be removed from the program
Some members will receive letter stating they have been automatically reviewed and will continue on whatever program you have, as MassHealth has be able to match your information against state and federal data. Therefore, there will be no action need to be done by you.
Some will receive a letter requesting and up date from you. It will begin as –MassHealth has received information from a trusted source: followed by what they need and the telephone number (800) 841-2900 to call. This is not a scam please follow through to maintain your MassHealth.
Some will receive a big “BLUE” envelope. Inside is the MassHealth Renewal application that needs to be filled out and copies of all documents requested and then sent to MassHealth office as directed. DO NOT IGNORE THIS APPLICTION if you wish to continue your coverage under MassHealth. If you need assistance with the application and getting it processed and sent to MassHealth call either this office – Bradley Marshall – SHINE (508)252-3372 or MassHealth customer service at (844) 365-1841.
Eventually all MassHealth recipients at one time or another over the course of being on MassHealth for at least a year will receive the renewal notice and form to be done as required by both state and federal rules. Additional questions maybe directed to Bradley Marshall (Outreach/SHINE/Housing Coordinator) at (508) 252-3372
Rehoboth Public Health Nurse
Geraldine Hamel, RN MSN: Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. 508252-6502 ext. 3127 or 508-252-5947
Stephanie Reis, RN BSN: 508-252-6052 ext. 3128
Offering multiple medical services for our Rehoboth citizens: Home Visits, Vaccinations, Support groups: Bereavement, Caregiver assistance, Dementia support and more
• Wellness Clinic Monday & Wednesday 11:00-1:00
• Podiatry Clinic: Last Thursday of the month
• Blood Pressures & Glucose Screenings:: Please contact the Public Health Nurse Geri Hamel 508-252-3127 for more information.
Please contact Bristol Elders, Inc. at (508) 675-2101 for information on the Meals on Wheels program.
A Municipal Department of the Town Mission:
The Rehoboth Senior Center’s mission is to develop and provide programs, opportunities, and resources to enrich the social, emotional, physical, mental, and economic well-being of Rehoboth’s elder citizens.
The Rehoboth Senior Center shall serve as a community focal point and an inclusive support system where Rehoboth’s elder citizens:
• • Can engage in leisure, wellness, educational, and social programs that promote an enhanced quality of life and socialemotional health and well-being
• • Can enjoy onsite meals prepared in the senior center kitchen and be served in the building’s dining area
• Can connect to their peers and community
• Can foster inter-generational relationships and shared activities
• Can obtain information on and access to governmental supports and programs that connect people to transportation, housing, nutritional, and economic assistance
• Can gain access to health information and resources to support independence and ensure healthy aging in our community
• Can seek out opportunities for lifetime learning and volunteering and civic engagement
The Rehoboth Senior Center’s vision is to grow and expand our offerings while preserving our commitment to the dignity and worth of every person in our community.
The Rehoboth Council on Aging shall:
a. Provide, coordinate and link available resources to help meet the needs of the Town of Rehoboth’s elders.
b. Carry out programs and services that range from information on community education, referrals, outreach, transportation, Meals on Wheels, health screenings, intergenerational activities, crafting programs and other programs beneficial to our seniors.
At our meeting, the Election of officers was held on April 19th: President, Donna Howard; Vice President, Steve Silva; Secretary, Jane Williams; and Treasurer, Clarence King. A huge “Thank you” was given to all last year’s officers, and to our new officers, for working towards the club’s success this year. We look forward to more of the same.
Our future plans include a Yard Sale, Lunch Outing at LePage’s Restaurant, our Annual Fall Bazaar, a Christmas Outing, a Christmas Party, our 50th Anniversary Celebration, and a 90th Birthday Celebration for club seniors. Lots to do, and many hands are needed. Our committee members are already hard at work. Volunteers and new members are always welcome.
Be watching for the Dues Notices that will going out soon. Our dues are $10 PER YEAR, covering the time period of May 1 to April 30 of the following year. Dues will be due by the end of June each year.
Don’t be surprised to see that the RSCC will be having a few surprise raffles this year at the Monday or at the NEW Wednesday lunches at the Senior Center.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, May 17th right after the NEW Senior Center Wednesday lunch that is scheduled now. If weather permits, our meeting may be outside in the Pavilion. See you there!
Donna Howard President, RSCC, Inc.The center is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm, and Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm and Friday 8:30am - 12:00pm. We welcome all to come and enjoy the activities and companionship at Seekonk Human Services.
Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 11:00am
All of your medication arrives on time in easy to open packaging that is clearly labeled with the date and time medications should be taken. This helps take the guess work out of organizing your pills. The best part of this is there is no additional cost to you! Coffee and pastry will be served. Preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
Wed, May 17, 2023 at 11:30am
The Southcoast Ringers have been together for several years. What started out as a handbell class turned into a community handbell group. They rehearse weekly in Berkley and hold concerts in the spring and during the Christmas Season. This spring their concert is “Bells Throughout the Year” with songs for each month. You will also see that handbell ringing is as much visual as it is listening to music. They all enjoy ringing and sharing their love of handbells. Coffee and pastry will be served. Preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
Wed, May 24, 2023 at 12:30pm
Steve Hurl is a storyteller? A blues man? A noted guitar stylist? A musical pilgrim? Yeah, sure, why not? He has been called all of the above. If Steve was just one of those, he’d be bored. By moving through a wide variety of influences, he has managed to come up with a number of original songs that respect the hand-made, real-time, roots music that inspires him in the first place. He has been continuously leading and performing with this band since 1999. They are a familyfriendly, sensitive to cultural issues, and not loud. Coffee and pastry will be available. *This program is funded by the Seekonk Cultural Council. Preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
Wed, May 31, 2023 at 11:30am
Dawn DiMarco, Nutritionist will be here from Bristol Elder Services (BES) to talk about “Shopping on a Budget” for healthy aging! She will discuss components of a shopping on a budget and how to make a balanced plate that benefits the body during aging. For all who attend this program there will be a will be a meal consisting of Chicken Cordon Blue, roasted potatoes, peas, whole wheat roll, pie, and Crystal light. Preregistration is required for this program by calling 508-336-8772.
Wed, May 10, 2023 @ 11:00am
Instructor is Cheryl Sulyma-Masson
Tribal Grooves is an exercise technique created by Paulette Rees Denis. Certified Teachers in the technique use Global Caravan Bellydance moves in a choreography to raise a sweat while having fun. Participants will learn a short choreography with moves that they can than take home and use in their daily exercise practice. Rather than focusing on specific move technique Tribal Grooves uses this dance flow to make exercising and fitness fun. No previous experience is required for the class. Preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
Mondays @ 11:30am
Are you interested in playing or learning to play Canasta? Please call our office at 508-336-8772 if you are interested in participating.
Mondays in May at 12:30pm
Preregistration is required for this class. The cost for this class is $5 for Seekonk residents and $7 for non-Seekonk residents. All classes have limited availability. **Art Work subject to change.
Projects for May 1st, May 8th, May 15th and May 22nd, are to be determined. If you would like to know what the Arts & Crafts will be for this month, please call 508-336-8772
Wed, May 10, 17, & 23 at 3:45pm
Do you want to keep your mind sharp? Come play chess, if you don’t know how that’s okay we can teach you! Cameron from the Dr. Kevin M. Hurley Middle School will be working with seniors who love chess or want to learn! This is a great opportunity to challenge yourself. Preregistration required by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
May 10, 2023 10:00am - 2:30pm
Dr. Lechan provides monthly Podiatry Clinics. An appointment is required. Items needed are insurance cards with your primary doctor’s name, date of last doctor’s visit, summary of last visit, and list of medications. *Please check with your insurance regarding co-pays.
May 17, 2023 9:00am - 11:00am
SHS has partnered with the Seekonk Fire Department to provide free monthly blood pressure & glucose screenings.
May 17, 2023 @ 11:30am at The Red Bridge Tavern on Waterman Ave, E.P.
The Women’s lunch group meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 11:30am. Everything is dutch treat. If you are interested in joining for good food and good conversation, while supporting our local restaurants, please call Seekonk Human Services at 508-336-8772.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 @ 2:00pm
Movies & More”
Use your library card to get FREE eBooks, magazines and movies on your device! Join Librarian Michelle Gario in this 90 minute session for an introduction to using YouTube features. You must bring your Gmail login I.D. and password for this program. Bring your own tablet, phone, or laptop; please make sure your device is fully charged. Contact the Seekonk Human Services to preregister for this at: 508-336-8772.
Bocce, Horseshoes & Cornhole @ 11:00am
All activities will be played at 11:00am. Bocce will be on Mondays, Horseshoes on Tuesdays, and Cornhole on Wednesdays. Preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-336-8772. Activities are weather dependent.
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Price: $119.00 Per Person
Location: Danversport Yacht ClubDanvers, MA
Since appearing on America’s Got Talent in 2009, The Texas Tenors have performed over 1,300 concerts, released 4 Studio Albums, 2 PBS Specials, 4 DVD’s, multiple singles and a children’s book that have earned them impressive recognition including 3 Emmy Awards. Their latest albums “Rise” and “A Collection of Broadway & American Classics” both debuted at #1 on the charts making them Billboard Magazine’s #10 Classical Crossover Artist in the World.
These classically-trained, versatile tenors have performed around the world including headline shows in Las Vegas, China, and a 24-city tour in the United Kingdom. The Texas Tenors were honored to be included among the top 50 acts in the world and the only vocal group from the United States invited to compete on NBC’s 2019 series America’s Got Talent: The Champions.
Best of Times Travel is proud to bring this national treasure to their stage. Don’t Miss Out! Seats are limited! If you are interested please call 508-336-8772.
Plated Luncheon Meal Choice: Stuffed Breast of Chicken or Baked Scrod. Also Included: Salad, Vegetables, Breads, Dessert, Coffee/Tea.
Price includes Transportation, Plated Luncheon, Meal Tax & Gratuity, and Show Ticket. Register by May 20th to secure your spot! Trip must be paid for in full at time of sign up, no refunds for cancellations less than 14 days.
More information to come Retirement Advisors at Financial Square
Wed, June 7, 2023 at 11:30am
Cassandra with Retirement Advisors at Financial Square is interested in hosting and Educational Discovery Seminar regarding “Taxes in Retirement. This will be a complimentary event for all who attend. The CEO, Greg Lavelle, has been helping educate Schools, Senior Centers, City/Town Halls, MA Council on Aging and Libraries on Retirement Planning, Taxes in Retirement as well as Long Term Care.
The Highwaymen - Songs & Stories with Matt York
Wed, June 14, 2023 at 1:00pm
Longtime New England musician/author Matt York will perform the songs of Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Kris Kristofferson and Waylon Jennings and tell stories of their careers. The four songwriting legends joined forces in the 1980’s to form the country supergroup The Highwaymen. However, prior to that, they’d each established themselves as stars and their careers intersected many times since the 1960’s. Matt York was recently nominated for the Boston Music Award for Best Country Artist and his album Gently Used was just named one of the Patriot Ledger’s best albums of 2022. *This program is supported by a grant from the Seekonk Local Cultural Council.
Wed, June 21, 2023 at 11:30am
Dawn DiMarco, Nutritionist will be here from Bristol Elder Services to talk about “Benefits of Buying/Eating Local Food” for healthy aging! She will discuss components of a the benefits of buying and eating local food. For all who attend this program there will be a meal served.
Wed, June 28, 2023 @ 11:30am
Join us for an afternoon of entertainment, fun and a lunch. Steve Burke, RI musician is a one man band that plays the
keyboard, sax, smooth jazz vocals and dances. Lunch and dessert will be served, fee to be determined.
Computer access is now available at Seekonk Human Services. If you’re without a computer at home but you need to access one, we may be able to help. Residents are welcome to use our laptops to surf the internet and check emails etc. For more information, or to check for availability, please call 508-336-8772.
Residents of Seekonk who are homebound due to physical limitations or illnesses that are long term or temporary are able to enjoy library materials through our Homebound Delivery Service.
Seekonk Public Library’s Homebound Delivery Service is for residents who have no one in their household to go to the library for them. Adult Services staff will coordinate deliveries and can work with participants to choose materials that meet their needs and interests. Volunteers will deliver the materials to the participant’s door contact-free and return borrowed materials to the library. For more information, call Adult Services at the library at (508) 336-8230 or email library@ seekonkpl.org.
Did you know that as of July 1, 2012 the Commonwealth banned the practice of disposal of needles, syringes and lancets (sharps) into your household trash? The Seekonk Board of Health has a Sharps Disposal program. This program is for Seekonk residents only. Those who use this program pay for the program. The fee is $9.00, which includes a one-gallon sharps container and the disposal of that container. Any questions please contact the Board of Health 508-336-2950.
Chair Yoga 10am
Canasta 11:30am
Arts & Crafts 12:30pm
Strength & Cardio 1pm
Zoom BINGO 1:30pm
Drums Alive 9am
Hi Lo Jack 1pm
Zoom Trivia 12:30pm
Drums Alive 9:30am
Belly Dancing 11:00am
Mahjong 1pm
Zoom Coffee Chat 1:30pm
Chair Yoga 10am
Dance Cardio 9:15am
Tai Chi 10:30am
*All activities are subject to pre-registration
Officer Maria Vicenzo is welcoming community questions to be answered. Questions can be mailed to the center, dropped off in person, or placed in our lock box that is attached to the building at the entrance. We will post answers to the questions in the monthly newsletter and on our Facebook page, if requested. If you prefer to be called, please leave your contact information and we will be in contact.
Join our email list! Things are changing so quickly these days and we want to be able to get the word out to you quickly. Please give us a call and give us your email address; we want to share fun activities, links to zoon and other virtual programing you may like.
Tuesday, Wednesdays & Thursdays
Seekonk Human Services will be working with Bristol Elder Services to provide nutritional meals for lunch on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays to go. Meals come completely cooked and prepackaged. All you need to do is heat it up! Meals need to be ordered the day before by 9:30am. Suggested donation of $2.25 per meal which will be collected at the time of pickup. Pick up will be between 11am - 12pm. May’s menu is available on our Facebook Page and by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
The Seekonk Department of Veterans Services and Seekonk Veterans Council will run the Seekonk Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony on Saturday, May 27th. The parade will form at Seekonk High School (261 Arcade Avenue) at 9:00am and stepping off at 10:00. The parade route is the same as in past years, Arcade Avenue turning right onto Newman Avenue and ending at Hurley Middle School (650 Newman Avenue).
Directly following the parade is the ceremony, held at the Seekonk Veterans Memorial Park (410 Newman Avenue). After the ceremony, the Veterans Council will sponsor lunch at American Legion Post 311 (351 Fall River Avenue) which will be hamburgers and hot dogs. Lunch will start around noontime.
The Secretary of Veterans is now a cabinet level position reporting directly to the Governor of the Commonwealth. The secretary formerly reported to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The fact that our secretary was not at cabinet level had been a battle for Veterans Services Officers throughout the commonwealth.
The initialism DVS (Department of Veterans Services) has been replaced by EOVS (Executive Office of Veterans Services). The mission of the Executive Office of Veterans’ Services (EOVS) is to act as the primary advocate on behalf of all the commonwealth’s veterans.
EOVS provides our veterans and their families with quality support services and directs an emergency financial assistance program for those veterans and their dependents who are in need.
Eligible veterans and family members may get financial assistance, peer support from the Statewide Advocacy for Veteran Empowerment (SAVE) team, connection to the Women Veterans’ Network (WVN), or opportunity for burial at the Massachusetts Veteran Memorial Cemeteries in Agawam and Winchendon. The Executive Office of Veterans’ Services also oversees the commonwealth’s Veterans Homes (formerly called Soldiers Homes) in Chelsea and Holyoke, which eligible veterans can apply to for long term care.
EOVS is located on the 7th floor of the federal building at 600 Washington Street in Boston. They may be reached directly by phone at 617-210-5480 or via fax 617-2105755. You can also message them online at the following: https://www.mass.gov/forms/ contact-the-eovs
They have subject matter experts to assist veterans and their families on the following topics: Education Benefits, Employment & Career Readiness, Housing Resources, Legal Resources, MASSVETS Financial Benefits, Military Records, Mental Health & Counseling, Transportation Resources, VA Disability Benefits, VA Medical/Dental & Women Veterans Network/Benefits.
James LaFlame
Seekonk Veterans Services Officer Office 508-336-2940
Email: jlaflame@seekonk-ma.gov
The center is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm, Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm and Friday 8:30am12:00pm. Come and enjoy the activities and companionship at your center.
* NOTE: *Seekonk Human Services is primarily an informational and referral agency. We try to help you directly or by introducing you to a network of federal, state, or local support services. Seekonk Human Services offers legal, financial, recreational, medical screenings, and other activities/services by volunteers or nominally paid practitioners. Participation in these services/activities is with the understanding that Seekonk Human Services, Town of Seekonk, or its employees do not assume any legal or other responsibility for advice of services rendered by such volunteers or nominal cost practitioners.
In 2009, Rehoboth resident Attorney Frank Corso of this office successfully exonerated and freed an innocent man serving an 80year prison sentence. In 1981, Ulysses Charles was found guilty and sentenced for crimes he did not commit. He had exhausted all his rights of appeal, and was destined to die alone in prison. After languishing in prison for decades, on December 30, 2004, the Massachusetts Legislature enacted the Massachusetts Wrongful Conviction Statute. This law allowed certain individuals who met the statutory criteria to bear the burden and prove their factual innocence by clear and convincing evidence. If successful in proving actual innocence, the individual was entitled to seek a modicum of financial compensation and, most importantly, the freedom guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights.
Freedom is one of the invaluable entitlements to all citizens. What placed Mr. Charles in prison in the first instance was a combination of human error and official misconduct. Mr. Charles took on this challenge and prevailed, and was the very first citizen to prevail under this statute. It was a privilege to represent him and to secure for him that which he should never have lost, his freedom.
Most recently, on April 26, 2023, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court restored the due process rights of 27,000 citizens noting that these individuals had their due process rights violated by “egregious government misconduct” relating to the use of unreliable breath test results between June 1, 2011 and April 18, 2019. Commonwealth v. Hallinan involved the prosecution of an individual for the crime of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence, or OUI as the term is understood. Make no mistake, there is and should be zero tolerance for such a crime. Anyone rightly arrested and convicted for such an offense should -- without question -- suffer the consequences of this self-inflicted injury. However, our country, like no other, has instituted safeguards by which the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt the guilt of one charged with a crime in a manner consistent with due process protections guaranteed by the Constitution. That standard was not met in the case of Lindsey Hallinan or the other 26,999 individuals impacted by the Court’s decision.
The issue that gave rise to the Court’s extraordinary recent pronouncement concerned the potential use in evidence of breath test results from a device known as the Alcotest 9510 Breathalyzer. When she was charged with the offense, Lindsay was advised by her lawyer to admit to the offense because her case was not winnable in the face of breath test results produced by the device. According to the Supreme Judicial Court, the decision to admit to the offense was not voluntary because the Massachusetts Office of Alcohol Testing engaged in egregious misconduct by withholding information “demonstrating that the particular Alcotest 9510 device had failed certain certification tests.” The case is well worth reading and points out and analyzes several other past cases where the failure to adhere to Constitutional mandates have resulted in the unacceptable deprivation of guaranteed Constitutional rights. Violations of due process and government misconduct such as these are all too common, but generally do not receive the attention warranted to emphasize how important it is to preserve the sacred rights that our founders fought to establish so that we could all live in a free society. The loss or even momentary depravation of Constitutional rights has a devastating impact on the standard of living for any individual who might suffer such an experience. Every
day motorists get frustrated when they sit in a car waiting for a slow changing traffic signal to switch from red to green. The magnitude of being wrongfully accused, convicted, and incarcerated has no parallel. Undoubtedly, all parties must conform to the rules for our justice system to work.
If you feel you have suffered a violation of your Constitutional rights, please reach out.
Bringing you fresh, locally grown seasonal flowers available at 14 Chestnut Street, Rehoboth via our farmstand, special occasion blooms & CSA shares
• Watercolors in the Field Art Workshop 9/9 at 12:30
• All About Dahlias Workshop w/Design 9/10 at 9:30
• Pop up Yoga Classes!
Thanks to a grant from the Rehoboth Cultural Council-the following are free!
• iPhone Photography Class 8/25 at 10am
• Photography Class 8/27 at 9:30am
Registration is required for all workshops!
Local Farming is not limited to just crops and livestock - many local farmers also grow a variety of flowers and vegetables. These colorful and fragrant plants play an important role in the local economy and provide a source of beauty and enjoyment for residents and visitors alike.
Many farmers in Rehoboth grow a variety of flowers, including zinnias, marigolds, and dahlias. These colorful blooms are used for a variety of purposes, including decorating homes and businesses, creating floral arrangements for weddings and other special events, and selling at farmers markets and other local venues.
Vegetable farming is also a key component of agriculture in our area. Many local farmers specialize in growing a variety of vegetables, including tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and squash. These fresh and nutritious vegetables are sold directly to consumers at farmers markets, roadside farmstands, and other local venues, providing a source of healthy and delicious food for residents and visitors alike.
One of the benefits of buying locally grown vegetables is that they are typically harvested at the peak of freshness and flavor. This means that they are not only more nutritious, but also more flavorful and satisfying than vegetables that have been transported long distances from other parts of the country or even other parts of the world.
Overall, farming here is a diverse and vibrant industry that includes a wide range of crops, livestock, and other agricultural products. Whether you’re looking for fresh flowers to brighten up your home or garden, or delicious and nutritious vegetables to feed your family, you’re sure to find something that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations in our thriving agricultural community.
So why not drive around and discover all that our farmers have to offer?
We can’t wait to share our blooms with you!
(Family Features) Warmer months are likely to have the whole family eager to dive into outdoor activities. This year, as you tackle the garden, find ways to get the youngest family members in on the action, too.
Not only is gardening an activity you can enjoy together, there are numerous ways to incorporate age-appropriate, teachable moments from counting and colors to responsible care of living things.
Creating a positive first experience with gardening can start with this simple advice:
* Dedicate a spot for a junior garden, which allows you to instill a sense of pride and ownership in the little gardener while protecting your own garden areas from ambitious young hands.
* Provide appropriate tools in child sizes. Just as you would teach a child the finer points of baseball using a bat and glove, demonstrate the joys of gardening with tools such as a rake, hoe and trowel, all of which can be found in sizes more manageable for little helpers.
* Let the kids choose what to plant. Whether flowers or food plants, allow children to make their own decisions (within reason) about what they would like to grow. This can help them engage
in the magic of watching items they selected emerge from the ground and grow into their finished forms.
* Encourage exposure to unfamiliar plants that entice the senses with appealing smells and flavors. Herbs such as chives, mint and basil are good choices, or consider edible flowers such as pansies or violets.
* Set an example for your child to imitate by giving regular and proper care to your own garden.
Remember to bring the lesson full circle by enjoying the bounty of your garden together, whether it’s a small hand-cut bouquet or a meal featuring your child’s fresh-grown produce. Find more tips for gardening with your kids at eLivingtoday.com.
Source: Family Features
(Family Features) When spring arrives, days of enjoying your outdoor living space aren’t far away. Getting your yard ready for months of outdoor enjoyment will take a little work, but you’ll quickly see and appreciate the results. These five steps can have you on your way to a lush, healthy lawn and outdoor area in no time.
1. Dethatch
Throughout the winter, dead grass and other debris accumulate on your lawn. This waste, known as thatch, can be quite a hindrance to your spring lawn. It promotes fungi, encourages pests and keeps new grass seed from sprouting. You can use a special dethatching rake or any rake with sturdy tines.
2. Aerate
Before spreading grass seed, you’ll want to give the new roots room to spread and grow. Aerating the lawn helps make your soil more welcoming to new growth by allowing moisture, nutrients and air to sink deeper into the soil. Depending on the size of area you need to aerate, two of the easiest options are doing the job by hand or using an attachment on a riding lawn mower.
3. Prune
The lawn isn’t the only place debris can pile up. Your flower beds and any other vegetation can become a holding ground for twigs, branches, leaves and other yard waste. Give your plants, shrubs and trees a close look to find broken, damaged or dead material and remove it to make way for new growth.
Even the healthiest lawns are susceptible to weeds, but getting a jump start on weeding early in the season can help you keep control. You can manage weeds by treating with an herbicide before the sprout or, if you prefer, there are chemical-free alternatives like vinegar, salt or cornmeal. Be aware that many alternative products don’t distinguish between the vegetation you want (like grass) and weeds, so these remedies are best used along borders and within beds to discourage weed growth.
Winter weather and wear can cause uneven patches in the lawn. Seeding in the spring requires more work than the fall (especially if you tend to have hot, dry summers), but with enough nurturing and regular water, you can fill those spots in for a more uniform lawn.
Visit eLivingtoday.com for more advice to make your outdoor living space spectacular.
Spring is my favorite time of year. Autumn is undeniably beautiful but the darkness is encroaching then and winter is bearing down on us with its icy breath. Early to mid-spring is full of promise with its lovely flowers of all kinds. It’s only later when spring heads into summer that the downside of the bright half of the year appears, such as poison ivy everywhere along with mosquitoes (the ticks seem to be here all year long these days). Then there are the dreaded invasive plants. I swear you can watch Japanese knotweed grow if you stand there longer than five minutes. It’s the Godzilla of invasive species.
The highlight of April for our family was my nephew Bill’s running in the Boston Marathon. An accomplished runner, he came from Oregon, where he is now living, and his mother and brother came from Ohio for the big event. It was fun to show family around historic Boston sights for the first time in several years. We are all very proud of Bill, who is also a long-distance cyclist and has even run a couple of ultra-marathons, though I still don’t see how that is humanly possible. And no, no one else in our family is even remotely athletic like this. Congratulations to all who took part in the Marathon.
Walks in the woods or by the shore are more my speed. We recently discovered the town hiking trails off Danforth St. If you’re heading north on Danforth, there’s a small parking area on the left shortly after the turn for Rocky Hill. The longer trail goes all the way to Perryville Dam but there’s a shorter one that loops around, where you can see a vernal pool in spring and some amazing massive rock formations (to climb on or go around). Seeing an old stone wall in the midst of the forest makes you wonder how earlier generations of New Englanders managed to farm in this area. Of course, the trees had all been cut down for farming at that time, but that stony soil must have been quite an obstacle. Thanks to the volunteers who maintain hiking trails here and elsewhere and keep them in good condition.
Another place we only discovered last year is the trail behind the Seekonk Library on Newman Avenue. The trail we like goes around Gammino Pond and is an easy one-mile walk, though there is a set of two dozen stairs at one point. It’s right on the Rhode Island border and a good place to walk dogs too, though please keep them leashed so they aren’t jumping on other smaller dogs and their walkers. Here’s something I’ve been meaning to say for a while: it’s good to clean up after your dog but please take the bag with you. Don’t leave a bag of dog poop just sitting by the trail.
Thanks to all who volunteered for the Keep Rehoboth Beautiful annual town-wide spring cleanup, spending days picking up tons of trash from our roads. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. I just wish the litter wouldn’t come back but I’m a realist. I would also encourage local walkers to carry a bag to pick up litter while they’re out, though of course one person can’t carry very much at one time. But if every litter bit hurts, as they used to say, everyone who picks up a discarded beer bottle also helps a little.
Spring wildlife sightings around here include a coyote just walking down the street one afternoon. As I was going out the door, I was startled to see a large German shepherd/husky just walking by itself. It took several seconds to fully realize that it was actually a coyote. We locked eyes for a minute (it wasn’t that close) and then he trotted down the street and disappeared into the woods. He (I assume it was a male) was very large but non-aggressive and
minding his own business. But still, keep an eye on small pets and please don’t leave pet food or garbage out where it’s accessible to wildlife. The next evening the back yard intruder was a huge raccoon. I haven’t seen any skunks but I’ve certainly smelled them. I haven’t seen many deer lately either but I’m sure they are still out there. Soon all these animals will have young ones. Spring has sprung.
Unless noted, registration is required for all programs. A complete listing of activities & programs are detailed in the Audubon Nature Tours and Programs, a free guide to connecting with the natural world. Register online at www.asri.org or call (401) 949-5454.
May brings the best birding of the year so grab your binoculars and search for spring migrants with an expert. Join a bird banding program and learn about local species and what is gained from recording their movements. May is the perfect time to get outside, enjoy the warmer weather, and learn more about our feathered friends!
These beautiful birds include warblers, tanagers, vireos and others that visit Rhode Island in the summer and head back south for the winter. “It never fails to amaze me that these tiny, feathered jewels, like the Blackburnian Warbler and the Black-throated Green Warbler, make their way from the subtropics to New England and back again every year,” said Lauren Parmelee, Audubon senior director of education.
Audubon encourages visitors to get out and discover the joy of birding by offering FREE birding walks throughout the month of May. “There is nothing like an early spring morning when you walk into the woods and hear the calls and songs of orioles, tanagers, warblers and vireos who have just arrived overnight,” said Parmelee. “The sounds, the colors, and the movement in the trees is overwhelming and thrilling at the same time.”
Locations Across the State
Spring migration is here, with different bird species moving through each week. Audubon offers over 30 FREE birding walks throughout the month of May. These walks are geared for teen to adult, and novice birders are welcome. There are also Saturday programs geared just for families! Although all programs are free, registration is required.
For dates, details, and to register, visit the events calendar at www.asri.org/calendar.
Sundays: Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk, MA
Mondays: Maxwell Mays Wildlife Refuge, 2082 Victory Highway, Coventry, RI; Parker Woodland Wildlife Refuge, Maple Valley Road, Coventry RI
Tuesdays: Fort Nature Refuge, (Rt. 5), 1443 Providence Pike, North Smithfield, RI
Wednesdays: Locations determined weekly. Registered participants will be sent details.
Thursdays: Marion Eppley Wildlife Refuge, Dugway Bridge Road, West Kingston, RI ; Touisset March Wildlife Refuge, Touisset Road, Warren, RI; Emilie Ruecker Wildlife Refuge, Seapowet Road, Tiverton, RI
Fridays: Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, 99 Pardon Joslin Road, Exeter, RI
Saturdays: These walks are perfect for beginners and families. Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Ave., Seekonk, RI; Fort Wildlife Refuge, 1443 Providence Pike, North Smithfield, RI
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
May 6, 2023; 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Thanks to Citizens, the Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium is open free to the public on the first Saturday of every month. Join Audubon for nature stories, animal discoveries, hikes, and more. No need to register!
• 10:00 am - 3:00 pm: Nature Craft Table
• 10:00 am: Nature Story
• 11:00 am and 2:30 pm: Animal Interview
• 1:00 pm: Spring Garden Visitors: Join a tour of the Audubon Palmieri Pollinator Garden! Learn the best practices for managing a garden to support pollinators and take away simple garden tips and tricks to use at home. Plan to walk on uneven ground and dress for the weather.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Free. Ages: All.
Art Exhibit by Melanie dai Medeiros
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
May 7 – June 24, 2023, 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
As a contemporary artist and resident of southeastern New England, Melanie dai Medeiros constructs the story of the land through found objects, shared narratives, and intimate observation. Living in Rhode Island, one becomes acutely aware of the history of the land. Foundations, stone wall remnants, fallen leaves, shells, and more leave evidence of the many generations of numerous living beings to have called this area home. In these paintings and drawings, Melanie dai depicts the past and present simultaneously. Her work will be on display through June 2023.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Free with Admission. Ages: All.
continued on next page...
Spring Birding on Prudence Island
Prudence Island, RI
May 18, 2023; 7:30 am – 3:00 pm
The spring bird migration will be in full swing by mid-May, and Prudence Island is a wonderful place to see a wide variety of species thanks to the diversity of habitats. Come explore forest edges, marshes, meadows and anywhere else the birding looks good.
Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Prudence Island, RI; Fee: $12 member; $14/non-member. Ages: Teen to Adult. For more information on Prudence Island trips and to register, visit the events calendar at asri.org/calendar
Turtle Time with Audubon!
Audubon Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, Seekonk, MA
May 21, 2023; 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Families have fun learning about local turtle species and where they live. Meet and greet Audubon turtles Otto and Speedy, who call Caratunk home. Then enjoy a 15-minute walk to spot wild turtles in the pond! Please dress for the weather.
Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk, MA; Fee: $5/member child; $7/non-member child. Ages: 5 and up. Register through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI
May 24 & 27, 2023
May 24, 2023; 1:00 – 2:30 pm: Indoor lecture with The Mushroom Hunting Foundation.
There are many types of mushrooms in our region. Some are poisonous, but their ecology is interesting...while others are simply delicious! Learn about fascinating fungi with Ryan Bouchard and Emily Schmidt, New England mushroom hunting educators.
May 27, 2023; 7:00 – 8:00 pm: Guided Walk & Wild Mushroom Cooking Class
Mushroom Hunting Foundation experts will lead participants around the Audubon wildlife refuge for a close look at local fungi in their natural habitats. Discover tips on mushroom photography and see firsthand how collecting tools are used. Then head back to the Nature Center and Aquarium for a wild mushroom cooking demonstration.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Fee for both sessions: $65/member, $70/non-member. Ages: Adult. Register through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Audubon Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, Seekonk, MA
May 27, 2023; 9:15 – 11:15 am
Come to Audubon and experience bird banding, where experts capture, band, measure, and release songbirds in order to record their movements. Birds will be gently removed from tall “mist nets” set in the shrubby habitats on the grounds of the Nature Center and Aquarium. The techniques of identifying, measuring, weighing, and banding the birds will be demonstrated before they are released. The migratory habits and life history of each captured species will be discussed. Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk, MA; Fee: $10/member adult, $5/member child; $14/non-member adult, $7/ non-member child. Ages: 6 and up. Register through the events calendar at asri.org/calendar.
Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, Bristol, RI May 29, 2023; 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Start the summer off right at Audubon! Bring the kids for upclose animal encounters, a wetland exploration, crafts and more. No registration required.10:00-2:00: Craft Table
10:00 am: Nature Story
11:00 am & 2:30 pm: Animal Interview
1:00 pm: Wetland Exploration – Walk down to Audubon’s wetlands and discover creatures big and small that live in this unique habitat. Audubon Nature Center and Aquarium, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Free with Admission. Ages: All.
Images: Indigo Bunting Photo Credit Ed Hughes
(Family Features) Keep the grill cooking all summer long with a family favorite, seafood, and satisfy taste buds with fresh flavors hot off the grates. While some people assume seafood is challenging to cook, it can actually be an easy meal for home chefs of all skill levels.
To ensure your cookout is an unrivaled success, start with seafood that brings superior taste to the table. From crustaceans to a wide selection of unique-tasting oysters and sea scallops, mussels and clams, Maine Seafood offers something for all seafood lovers.
With a coastline that stretches 3,478 miles along the cold, clean North Atlantic, the state is home to a diversity of both wild-caught and farmed species.
Get inspired by these Maine Seafood grilling tips, sure to elevate your at-home seafood experience with the state’s superior taste and quality:
Littleneck Clams
Heat grill to medium-high heat then place littleneck clams directly on grill grates or in a single layer on a large baking pan. After 5-7 minutes on the grill, clams will begin to open. Without spilling juice, carefully place clams on a serving platter. Serve with melted butter or in pasta. Discard clams that don’t open.
Place oysters cupped sides down directly on grill heated to medium-high. Cover the grill and cook until oysters open and meat is opaque and cooked through, about 5 minutes for smaller oysters and 8-10 minutes for larger ones. Place on a serving platter, remove top shells and run a sharp knife along insides of bottom shells to detach oysters. Top with garlic butter and serve with lemon.
Heat grill to medium-high heat. Pat salmon dry; brush with olive oil and top with seasonings. Place salmon skin side down on grill grates and cook 6-8 minutes, or until meat turns opaque. You can also try a grill-safe cedar plank to infuse added flavor.
Heat grill to medium-high heat. Pat haddock - flaky white fish that’s sweet and delicate - dry and brush with olive oil. Wrap fillets in aluminum foil with herbs and seasonings; completely seal with seam sides facing upward. Grill 8-10 minutes, or until meat turns opaque.
Lobster Tail
For a delicious twist this summer, enjoy these tender, tasty Grilled Lobster Tacos with vinegar slaw and cilantro lime crema. For easy, delicious recipe inspiration and to order seafood straight to your door, visit SeafoodfromMaine.com.
Grilled Maine Lobster Tacos
Time: 25 minutes ~ Servings: 8
Vinegar Slaw:
• 2/3 cup apple cider vinegar
• 1 teaspoon celery seeds
• 2/3 cup white sugar
• 1 cup water
• 1/2 small head green cabbage, shredded or cut thinly (approximately 8 cups)
Cilantro Lime Crema:
• 1/2 cup sour cream
• fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
continued next page...
• 1/2 cup mayonnaise
• 4 teaspoons fresh lime juice
• 1 lime, zest only, minced
• 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic
• kosher salt, plus additional to taste
• freshly ground black pepper, to taste
Lobster Tacos:
• Extra-virgin olive oil
• 4 large (4-6 oz ea) Maine Lobster tails, defrosted
• 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
• salt, to taste
• pepper, to taste
• 8 small flour tortillas
• pico de gallo
• 1 lime, cut into wedges for serving
• To make vinegar slaw: In small saucepan over medium heat, heat apple cider vinegar, celery seeds, sugar and water; stir until sugar dissolves. In large bowl, pour mixture over cabbage; cover and refrigerate.
• To make cilantro lime crema: In blender, blend sour cream, cilantro, mayonnaise, lime juice, lime zest and garlic. Season with salt and pepper, to taste; refrigerate.
• To make lobster tacos: Preheat grill to medium-high heat.
• Brush grill grates with oil to prevent sticking. Using kitchen shears, cut lobster shells in half lengthwise. Place skewer through meat to prevent curling during cooking.
• Brush lobster meat with melted butter and season with salt and pepper.
• Grill lobster tails meat side down 5 minutes then flip.
• Brush meat again with butter and cook 5 minutes, or until opaque throughout. Cook to 140 F internal temperature.
• Remove meat from shells and cut into bite-sized chunks or leave whole, if desired.
• Place tortillas on grill 30-60 seconds per side, or until warmed and slightly brown.
• Add drained slaw to tortillas. Top with lobster meat, pico de gallo and cilantro sauce. Serve with lime wedges.
Source: Maine Seafood
(Family Features)
Hawaiian Huli Huli Chicken
Recipe courtesy of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Prep: 10 min ~ Cook: 30 min~ Serves: 4
• 12 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast (about 2 large breasts), cut into 1-inch cubes (about 24 cubes)
• 1 cup fresh pineapple, diced
• 8 wooden skewers (6 inches each), soaked in water
• 2 tablespoons ketchup
• 2 tablespoons light soy sauce
• 2 tablespoons honey
• 2 teaspoons orange juice
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon ginger, minced
elevated atmosphere. Hillside is a destination for families, friends and co-workers to have some great times in the countryside.
We’re a public country club with an elevated atmosphere. Hillside is a destination for families, friends and co-workers to have some great times in the countryside.
We’re a public country club with an elevated atmosphere. Hillside is a destination for families, friends and co-workers to have some great times in the countryside.
We’re a public country club with an elevated atmosphere. Hillside is a destination for families, friends and co-workers to have some great times in the countryside.
To make sauce: Combine ketchup, soy sauce, honey, orange juice, garlic and ginger; mix well. Separate into two bowls and set aside.
Preheat grill to medium-high heat. Preheat oven to 350 F.
Mother’s Day Brunch
We’re a public country club with an elevated atmosphere. Hillside is a destination for families, friends and co-workers to have some great times in the countryside.
Experience homemade, from scratch recipes at Hillside Tavern
Experience homemade, from scratch recipes at Hillside Tavern
Sunday, May 14th 10:30AM - 2:00PM
Two state-of-the-art, private Trackman golf simulators that fit up to 10 comfortably
Experience homemade, from scratch recipes at Hillside Tavern
Two state-of-the-art, private Trackman golf simulators that fit up to 10 comfortably
Two state-of-the-art, private Trackman golf simulators that fit up to 10 comfortably
Two state-of-the-art, private Trackman golf simulators that fit up to 10 comfortably
Sunshine, scenery, sips and snacks!
Alternately thread three chicken cubes and three pineapple chunks on each skewer. Grill skewers 3-5 minutes on each side. Brush or spoon sauce from one bowl onto chicken and pineapple every other minute. Discard remaining sauce from first bowl. To prevent chicken from drying out, finish cooking to minimum internal temperature of 165 F in oven. Using clean brush or spoon, coat with sauce from remaining bowl before serving.
Sunshine, scenery, sips and snacks!
Enjoy it all at our outdoor Tiki Bar.
Source: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Sunshine, scenery, sips and snacks!
Enjoy it all at our outdoor Tiki Bar.
Enjoy it all at our outdoor Tiki Bar.
Live entertainment, trivia nights and premier dining experiences
Live entertainment, trivia nights and premier dining experiences
Live entertainment, trivia nights and premier dining experiences
@thehillsidecc | hillsidecountryclub.com
@thehillsidecc | hillsidecountryclub.com
@thehillsidecc | hillsidecountryclub.com
82 Hillside Ave, Rehoboth, MA 02769
82 Hillside Ave, Rehoboth, MA 02769
82 Hillside Ave, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Prom season is here, and it's time to start thinking about the latest prom trends that will make you stand out on the big night. From classic styles to modern twists, here are some of the hottest prom trends to keep in mind when choosing your prom dress, tuxedo, or accessories.
One of the biggest trends for prom dresses this year is the return of the classic ball gown. This timeless silhouette never goes out of style and is perfect for those who want to make a dramatic entrance. Look for ball gowns with modern updates, such as bold colors, intricate beading, or unique cutouts. Another popular dress trend is the two-piece dress, which features a cropped top and a high-waisted skirt. This trend is perfect for those who want to show off their midriff while still looking elegant and sophisticated.
When it comes to tuxedos, the classic black and white ensemble remains a popular choice. However, many guys are opting for more modern styles, such as a colored suit or a velvet jacket. These options allow guys to express their individual style while still adhering to the formal dress code. Bowties are also making a comeback, adding a touch of old-school charm to any outfit.
Accessories are another important aspect of prom fashion. This year, statement jewelry is a must-have for any prom-goer. Bold earrings or a chunky necklace can add a pop of color and personality to a simple dress or tuxedo. Clutch purses are also a popular choice, with many designers offering unique and stylish options.
When it comes to prom hairstyles, loose waves and braids are still very much in fashion. However, many people are opting for sleek and simple updos, such as a low bun or a chic ponytail. Hair accessories, such as hairpins or headbands, can add a touch of glamour to any hairstyle.
Finally, makeup trends for prom are all about the drama. Bold and bright eyeshadow palettes, bold lip colors, and glittery highlighters are all popular choices for those who want to make a statement. However, those who prefer a more natural look can still achieve a flawless finish with subtle foundation, mascara, and lip gloss.
This year's prom trends truly offer something for everyone. Whether you prefer classic elegance or modern twists, there are plenty of options to choose from. Just remember to choose an outfit that makes you feel confident and comfortable, and you're sure to have a night to remember.
As couples look forward to their wedding day in 2023, it's never too early to start planning for the latest wedding trends that will make their special day even more memorable. From unique venues to non-traditional wedding dresses, here are some of the top wedding trends to keep in mind.
One of the biggest trends for weddings in 2023 is a move towards more personalized and unique venues. Couples are looking beyond traditional wedding venues like churches and ballrooms and opting for more unconventional spaces that better reflect their
personalities. Think outdoor locations such as gardens, vineyards, and beaches, as well as less conventional locations like museums, industrial warehouses, and barns. Many couples are also choosing to host their weddings in multiple locations to create a more dynamic experience for guests.
In terms of wedding dresses, non-traditional styles are becoming increasingly popular. Designers are breaking away from the classic white gown and introducing a variety of colors and textures, such as blush, champagne, and even black. Many brides are also opting for non-traditional fabrics like velvet, tulle, and lace. Separates, jumpsuits, and pantsuits are also gaining popularity, offering brides more freedom to move and dance while still looking stylish and chic.
When it comes to wedding decor, the trend is all about sustainability and eco-friendliness. Couples are opting for natural, locallysourced materials such as wood, linen, and wildflowers to create a rustic and earthy atmosphere. DIY elements like handmade centerpieces and upcycled decor are also becoming more popular, allowing couples to showcase their creativity and personality while reducing waste.
Another trend for weddings in 2023 is a focus on experiential entertainment. Instead of traditional wedding bands or DJs, couples are incorporating unique and interactive entertainment options such as live art installations, photo booths, or even dance performances. Couples are also adding elements like food trucks, craft cocktail bars, and late-night snacks to keep their guests entertained and engaged throughout the night.
In terms of wedding invitations, minimalism is in. Couples are opting for simple and elegant designs, with a focus on typography and negative space. Soft, muted color palettes are also popular, giving invitations a romantic and timeless feel. Digital invitations are also becoming more common, as they are not only more eco-friendly, but also more convenient for guests to RSVP and stay up-to-date on wedding details.
Finally, when it comes to wedding photography, candid and documentary-style photos are becoming more popular. Many couples are opting for a more natural and unposed approach, allowing their photographer to capture the genuine emotions and moments of their big day. Film photography is also gaining popularity, as it offers a timeless and romantic look that complements the trend towards more personalized and unique wedding styles.
The wedding trends for 2023 offer plenty of exciting and unique options for couples to personalize their special day. From unconventional venues to non-traditional wedding dresses, couples are embracing creativity and individuality to create a truly unforgettable wedding experience.
“Where Passion
Ernest “Carl” Boren, devoted husband of 57 years to Sandra (Rourke) Boren,
passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at Rhode Island Hospital. Resident of Rehoboth, MA and Naples, FL, owner of Century 21 David Smith Real Estate. Ernest was born and raised in East Providence, RI and was the son of the late Stanley A. Boren and Ruth (Pease) Boren. He attended East Providence High School and then enlisted in the United
States Army where he served in Germany for 2.5 years as a Spec. specializing in Ground Control Radar repair in the MEDEVAC unit.
Once out of the service, he entered an Aircraft Instrument Repair Apprenticeship at Quonset Point Naval Air Station. He also enjoyed a career in computers and networking at companies such as RCA, Scientific Data Systems, Honeywell, Data General, Digital Equipment Corporation, Tivoli (at Hanscom Air Force Base) all while holding the titles of Software Senior Engineer, Systems Integration Consultant, Software Specialist.
His passions were boating, fishing, computers, and music. He grew up collecting vinyl records, loved 50’s music, and began DJ’ing parties in the early 60’s, eventually starting Ghost Music Service during the “disco” era. He enjoyed spending time in Florida with his wife and family and enjoyed cooking.
Ernest leaves behind 2 sons, Edward Lee Boren of Freetown, MA and Carl Raymond Boren of Bellingham, MA; Daughter-in-law Kathleen Boren and Debbie Boren; 5 grandchildren, Jared Boren, Gwyneth Boren, Fiona Boren, Jonathan Beal, and Joseph Beal. In addition, various nieces, nephews. He is predeceased by his brother Stanley Boren and sister Sandra Poland. He was extremely proud of his grandchildren and enjoyed attending concerts, recitals, sporting events and musicals.
His funeral service was held Monday April 24,2023 at 10:00am in the REBELLO FUNERAL HOME, 901 Broadway, East Providence, RI.
Burial with Military Honors was held in Rehoboth Village Cemetery, Bay State Road, Rehoboth.
Relatives and friends were invited to attend. Calling hours are Sunday April 23, 2023, from 1:00pm –4:00pm and on Monday morning from 9:00am – 10:00am at the funeral home
Donations in his memory may be made to Tunnels to Towers Foundation, 2361 Hylan Boulevard, Staten Island, New York. www.rebellofuneralhome.com.
• Carol (Leppanen) LeBaron, 73, of Rehoboth passed away on Friday, March 24, 2023 at the Miriam Hospital, Providence, RI.
• Rosemary L. Pacheco, 75, of Rehoboth, MA passed away on Friday, April 14, 2023 at the Philip Hulitar Hospice Center.
• John F. Adams, 87, of Rehoboth, passed away on Friday, April 21, 2023 at his home.
The Seekonk community is mourning the loss of former selectman Donald Kinniburgh.
Kinniburgh, 76, passed away on April 21. Born in Providence, he was the son of the late Donald and Irene (Taylor) Kinniburgh. Along with his wife Victoria, he is survived by three sons.
Kinniburgh was a Navy Veteran of the Vietnam War who served for four years on the USS Shangri La from 1965-1969.
“Don is a legend who will be missed,” said Selectman Chris Zorra. “He dedicated many years to Seekonk serving in different capacities.”
“I didn’t know Don for very long but I am glad I met him,” said former selectman Adam Petronio. “He held a passion for the town of Seekonk and its veterans. His support and guidance over the past couple of years was very much appreciated along with his gruff but refreshingly direct manner. I feel fortunate that I got to spend some time with Don. Our heart and prayers go out to Vicki and their family during this difficult time.”
Kinniburgh was involved in politics and town government for many years, including his time as the leader of the Seekonk Republican Town Committee, as a member on the Board of Selectmen, along with the planning committee and personnel board as well as Commander and historian of the Seekonk American Legion.
Kinniburgh also played a major role with the planning, building, and construction of the Veterans Memorial located on the Seekonk Public Library grounds in addition to the new Senior Center.
Calling hours were 4-7pm Friday April 28, followed by funeral services with military honors Saturday April 29th at 11:30am at Costigan-O’Neill Funeral Home 220 Cottage St. Pawtucket, RI.
Choate, Donna J. (Gamage), 66, of Rehoboth, MA, passed away peacefully on April 8, 2023 in her home surrounded by loved ones. Born in Riverside, RI, Donna always reminisced about the Crescent Park Looff Carousel and Haines Memorial State Park; where her and her husband’s love story began. Donna received her Master’s degree from Salve Regina and was a Holistic Counselor. She received many accolades for her ability of
Donna J. Choate transfer light and healing. Her kindness and compassion for every person, animal and God knew no bounds. It was this genuine love that made every encounter with Donna memorable; and of course, her signature hugs. In her free time, she could be found curled up with a good book or enjoying one of her many hobbies (cooking, golfing, horseback riding or being out in nature). The list of how remarkable Donna was is never-ending; she will be gravely missed by her family and friends.
She is survived by her loving husband of forty-three years, Robert (Bob) Choate and her cherished children, Dashiell Choate and his wife Samantha of Rehoboth, MA and Kira Choate of Vernon, VT. She was the treasured sister of the late Doug Gamage. Her funeral service will be private.
Raymond H. “Mike” Christopher, Jr., 90, of Seekonk and Rangeley, Maine, died peacefully at home on Friday, April 7, 2023. He was the loving husband for 65 years to the late Barbara A. (Carlson) Christopher. Born in Providence, he was a son of the late Raymond H. Christopher, Sr. and Virginia (Barrows) Christopher.
A University of Rhode Island graduate, Mike followed in his father’s footsteps, owning and operating E.A. Johnson, a printing company in East Providence, for many years until his
retirement. He loved the outdoors and had a special place in his heart for Rangeley, Maine, where he owned a home overlooking the lake. He loved to snowmobile in the winter and work on his property. Along with his wife Barbara, Mike enjoyed traveling with other couples and was often the ringmaster of ceremonies. He was active in many organizations, including the URI Alumni Association, East Providence Rotary Club, the Shriners, the Masons and Wannamoisett Country Club. He was a member of the Rehoboth Congregational Church.
He leaves his loving children: Karen Christopher, Lynne Manchester and her husband Neal, and Raymond H. Christopher III and his wife, Donna. Mike was the devoted grandfather of six grandchildren. He was the brother of Nancy Oden, Jane Christopher, John Christopher, the late Bruce Oden and the late Carol Tappan.
Calling hours are respectfully omitted. A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, May 6 at 11:00 a.m. at the Rehoboth Congregational Church, with a reception following. Burial at Quidnessett Memorial Cemetery will be private. In lieu of flowers, gifts in Mike’s memory to the Rehoboth Congregational Church, P.O. Box 325, Rehoboth, MA 02769, www.rehobothcongregational.org. will be appreciated.
Arrangements are in the care of the Home of J.H. WILLIAMS &CO., 210 Taunton Avenue, East Providence.
For online messages of condolence, kindly visit www.jhwilliamsfuneralhome.com.
Rosemary L. Pacheco, 75, of Rehoboth, MA passed away on Friday, April 14, 2023 at the Philip Hulitar Hospice Center. She was pre-deceased by her husband, Raymond Pacheco, who recently passed away in February. Born in Pawtucket, she was the daughter of the late John E. Donofrio and Hilda P. (Viveiros) Donofrio.
Throughout her career in Customer Service and financial settings, Rosemary was known as a team player with excellent coordination skills. While involved at Full Channel, Inc. (the Family owned
Rosemary L. Pacheco and operated local Cable Company serving Barrington, Warren and Bristol) she was involved in Management of the Customer Service Department managing both the Call Center and the Front Office. She later embarked in the Building Industry by developing Monarch Builders with her former husband and her son, William G. Campos III. Rosemary was always willing to work long, hard hours to ensure success in business. Known for quality home building, Monarch Builders earned many awards in the Building Industry. Upon retiring, she and her husband,Ray, enjoyed traveling to Fort Myers Beach where they resided each year during the winter months.
Upon their return to Rehoboth each season, they enjoyed long summer drives and weekend get-aways to Cape Cod and New Hampshire. She and Ray also enjoyed NASCAR Racing which they shared with their friends. She was known by all as a caring, sensitive and very giving person. She enjoyed bringing happiness to others and their children by providing gifts and acknowledgments which would become life-long momentos.
Beside her son, Bill, she leaves a stepson Jonathan J. Pacheco (Lisa), two sisters, Linda Jane Maaia (William) and Valerie J. Daniels. She leaves three nephews and their families who she dearly loved and admired, Patrick A. Daniels (Erin), Levi Maaia (Daniela, Sydney, Juliet) and Casey M. Daniels. She was formerly married to William Campos, Jr. of North Port, Florida.
Her funeral was held Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 9:00 AM from the Perry McStay Funeral Home, 2555 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00 Am in Our Lady Of Mt. Carmel Church, Seekonk, MA. Burial will be in Rehoboth Village Cemetery.
John F. Adams, 87, of Rehoboth, passed away on Friday, April 21, 2023 at his home. He was the husband of Susan M. “Susy” (Dunn) Adams.
Born in Pawtucket, he was the son of the late Earl F. and Ida E. (Mowry) Adams. John was the founder and the owner & operator of Adams Emergency One for 42 years. He was the former President of New England Institute of Restoration and Cleaning. John was a member of the Chemawa Golf League and a former member of the Bristol Yacht Club. He was a communicant of
St. Margaret Church and was also a member of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cancer Support Group. He was a Navy veteran.
Besides his wife he leaves one daughter, Elizabeth A. Bevelander of Taunton, one son, Jeffrey S. Adams of Bristol, two granddaughters, Julia Bevelander and Amanda Adams and one sister, Gladys Adams. He was the brother of the late Jude Adams.
His funeral was held on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 9:00 AM from the PERRY-McSTAY FUNERAL HOME, 2555 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00 AM in St. Margaret Church, 1098 Pawtucket Avenue, Rumford. Burial with Military Honors will be in Mt. St. Mary Cemetery. Calling hours are Wednesday 5-8 pm. Contributions in his memory may be made to, The City of St. Jude, 2048 West Fairview Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama 36177
June B. Horton, 80, of Rehoboth, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by her loving family on April 17, 2023. She was the wife of the late Curtis Howard Horton. Born in Taunton, she was a daughter of the late Roger Bennett and Elizabeth (Carpenter) Bennett.
June B. Horton
Mrs. Horton was employed as a vocational instructor with Southcoast Educational Collaborative for many years until her retirement. She was a member of the Rehoboth Congregational Church and member of the Women’s Activities Club in Rehoboth. Her greatest joy was spending time with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
She leaves her loving children: Kelly J. Lynch and her husband Terrence of Warwick and Curtis Wayne Horton and is wife April L. Gerald Horton of Palm Meadow, FL. Cherished grandmother of Josh Germain, Nicole Germain, Rachael Ann Horton, Kelsey DeNinno, Erin Sherwood, Molly Lynch, Sarah Lynch, and great-grandmother of Layla J. DeNinno. She was the sister of Roger Bennett of Forsyth, GA, Sandra Motler of Taunton, Linda Tobin of Rehoboth, Paul Bennett of Rehoboth, and the late Nancy E. Larabee, William Bennett, and John Bennett.
Her Funeral Service was held Monday, April 24, 2023 at 12:00 P.M. in the Home of J.H. WILLIAMS & CO., 210 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, RI. Burial will follow in Rehoboth Village Cemetery. Friends may call from 11:00 to 12:00 P.M. prior to the service.
In lieu of flowers, gifts in her memory to Compassionate Care Hospice, 100 Myles Standish Blvd, Suite 103, Taunton, MA 02780 will be appreciated.
For online messages of condolence, kindly visit www.jhwilliamsfuneralhome.com
Extraordinary collection. Saturday, May 13th from 9am-2pm. 467 Brown Avenue, Seekonk MA. Chinese Furniture, oriental rugs, ceramics, copperware, Egyptian tapestries, electric keyboard. Rain or Shine.
Neighborhood Yard Sale Bullocks Pt Ave Riverside, RI Saturday
May 13,2023 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Rain Date - 5/20/23
Medical shower bench with arm rest. New, unused – duplicate order. $25.00 Call 508-761-5502.
Stylist Wanted: Affordable chair rental for Busy upscale salon located in East Providence. please contact 401-383-1905
Wanted: Teenage boy or girl to help with yardwork. $10/hour in Riverside. 401-433-2922.
Part-time Bank Teller Wanted. Community & Teachers Federal Credit Union. Call 401-438-7788.
Caregiver needed fpr special needs woman. Experienced. Saturdays 12-4PM. Occasional Sundays 11-3PM. Flexible Hours. $22.00 per hour. BCI required. Paid by Agency. Barrington 401-289-0127
Hiring All Positions: Dicky's Clam Shack. Apply online on Facebook or www.dickysclamshack.com.
Painter wanted: Looking for experienced home painter / handyman. Call Brian at 774-406-0478.
Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speedway. Buyers and Vendors wanted every Sunday 7AM – 1PM from March 26th thru December 3rd 2023. Call Linda at 401-263-5737.
I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you, Joe in Rehoboth 508-558-5129.
Plants for sale: Perennials, annuals, Euonymus bushes, Angel Trumpets, Coleus, succulents, fig trees, strawberry plants, & tomato plants. Free small plant with visit, prices from $3-$20. Call 401-433-2922.
BOOK YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION PARTY NOW! Riverside Sportsman Assoc. Mohawk Drive off Wampanoag Trail. For all occasions: Birthday, Family Reunions, Club/Organization Meetings. Cash Bar. Monthly Steak Fries and other events. Call the club at 401-433-0209, leave a message.
CUSTOM LOG CABIN HOME: Pearl Lake Rd in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Minutes from attractions: Sugar Hill,
For a full transcript of this Press Release, go to www.reportertoday.com.
Franconia Pkwy, Santa’s Village, Whale’s Tail Water Park, and Cog Railway; sleeps 6, fireplace, swimming, hiking, fishing, boating, kayaks or just R&R. Booking now for Spring and Summer getaways: Weekly or weekends. Call Joe at 401-439-8089.
I am a Personal Care Assistant & Housekeeper willing to help you! Will perform many duties including meal prep, medication reminders, shower assistance, shopping/errands, laundry, light cleaning. Call Terri for information and rates. 774-284-7600.
GSS Property Solutions LLC. Repairs/Maintenance/Handyman. Fully Insured & Bonded. Registered in. Mass & RI. Call: 401-6889749. Email: gsspropertysolutions072@gmail.com
Bicycle Sales & Service: Your Bike Shops Spring Tune-ups on all brands. In Riverside next to CVS 401-433-4491 and in Warren next to the Police Station and the bike path 401-245-9755. Call Art or Joe for *NEW* hours and service.
Housecleaning: Is your home in need of a really good cleaning? Whether you need a 1 time cleaning, or regular cleanings. Years of experience! (We include fridge and oven w/ our cleanings) Call Gil for details 508-840-6611.
BIG BLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House. We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. Call Tony 508-226-1295; www.BigBlueRemoval.com.
Classifieds are a whole lot easier! Visit our website, post your classifed for PRINT & ONLINE and pay with your credit card.
Teddy Bear Learning & Daycare Center, Seekonk MA. Preschool looking for full time EEC certified teacher; Contact Michelle at 508-336-2244 or teddybearlearning2023@ gmail.com.
Twin Oaks Farm & Learning Center: Teachers needed for our Infant, Toddler, Preschool, and Kindergarten rooms. Must have a DEEC certification for Teacher or above. Full time with benefits. We have so many children waiting for placement and need teachers to expand our classrooms. We are a small school offering children "A BETTER BEGINNING" in an enriched environment. We have been a school since 1994, and continue to set standards in our industry through our curriculum and teachers. Come be part of our team of educators. Call 1-508-252-5522 to set up an interview with Ana Neves the Director.
Tax package expands Senior Circuit Breaker and rental deduction, reforms estate tax Boston – State Representative Steven Howitt (R-Seekonk) and the members of the House Republican Caucus recently presented a united front as they attempted to preserve the will of the voters on the Chapter 62F tax law, while approving a sweeping $1.1 billion tax relief package.
Steven HowittHouse Bill 3770, An Act to improve the Commonwealth’s competitiveness, affordability, and equity, was engrossed by the House of Representatives on a vote of 150-3 on April 13. The wide-ranging bill consists of a series of tax relief provisions that would double the Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit, increase the rental tax deduction, reform the estate tax, provide a higher state match on the federal Earned Income Tax Credit, and phase-in a reduction in the shortterm capital gains tax over two years.
The bill also calls for changes to the voter-approved Chapter 62F law, which was passed in 1986 but has only been triggered twice in the last 37 years, first in 1987 and again in 2022. Chapter 62F ensures that excess tax revenues are returned to the state’s taxpayers whenever revenue collections in a fiscal year exceed an annual cap tied to wage and salary growth, which resulted in nearly $3 billion in excess revenues being returned to taxpayers last year in the form of a rebate.
Representative Howitt explained that under the current Chapter 62F law, the amount of money returned to taxpayers corresponds
to a percentage of their individual tax liability. House Bill 3770 includes language that proposes any future 62F payouts instead be distributed to all taxpayers in an equal amount, regardless of their income or tax liability.
During floor debate on the bill, the House Republican Caucus offered an amendment to strike the proposed changes made to 62F. Representative Howitt supported the amendment, citing the importance of upholding the will of the state’s voters and not tinkering with the law, but it was defeated on a vote of 26-128.
While Representative Howitt remains strongly opposed to making any changes to the voter-approved law, he also acknowledged that the proposed changes will likely result in more lower and middle-class taxpayers receiving a larger 62F refund than they did last year, if and when the law is triggered again in the future.
Despite the Chapter 62F changes, Representative Howitt said that he voted for the underlying legislation because it will provide over $1 billion in tax relief to Massachusetts residents and business owners phased in over three years.
The tax relief package must still be approved by the Senate and signed by Governor Maura Healey before it becomes law. Representative Howitt said that he and the rest of the House Republican Caucus will ask Governor Healey to veto the changes to Chapter 62F should those provisions make it into the final version of the bill. For a full transcript of this article please go to reportertoday.com