
You know, Paula, the one who retired back in July 2021 and who was fortunate enough to have our Rehoboth Reporter print my meanderings. I have plans to write on that subject again and what it’s like on this side of retirement but in the meantime something else has come to the forefront of my brain.
I want to express my thoughts and comments on the changes taking place in our town.
First, this is NOT a complaint or criticism in anyway, merely an observation. I support our town in its endeavors to make this a best/better place to live and raise a family, and to make the changes our officials deem necessary in order to achieve those goals.
One thing I am having difficulty adjusting to right now however is change. You may have guessed by my past memos regarding retirement, I am no longer a “young-un” and do not adjust to changes as quickly as in the past.
Having said that, the subject foremost right now has to do with all the changes in our public buildings. No doubt they are necessary. My concern is not being aware of exactly all the changes being made other than by word of mouth. For instance, during the winter months I had to contact our ambulance committee in need of help. They were there, ac companied with members of the police. They were exceedingly quick, unfailing in their attention to the matter, and sympathetic while respectfully doing what needed to be done. I cannot stress enough how fortunate our town is to have people we can count on when an emergency arises.
Once the problem had been addressed and a little time had passed, I thought a mere verbal thank you wasn’t quite enough. I decided to deliver some goodies to both the am bulance/fire and police departments. I was more than surprised and scared out of my wits (what is left of them) when I walked into the new police department and a voice greeted me. Not a ‘person’, a voice. From where? I was the only person visible. Of course, it turned out to be a two-way mirror that I stood facing while talking to myself, not knowing or seeing who I was corresponding with.
While I know, in the world we live in now, this is best for the safety of everyone in town, including the police, but as a first-time visitor to the building, as opposed to the previous version, it shook me up quite a bit. I felt like I was on Blue Bloods or some other TV crime show.
At this point, after having heard a few comments from people in town regarding the new town hall also, I hope never to have to enter the building uneducated, even though I had been in the building many times before it was sold. I have lived in Rehoboth for 54 years, have raised a family here, started a small business here, worked in town and volunteered when and where I could. This is my town and I support it whole heartedly as it grows and works to keep the residents of our town safe.
never have but I do understand the
the people of our town
see first hand the
their taxes to support, as well as maintaining
well aware the said changes are still being worked on but I
looked into when it is appropriate; and soon.
There may or may not be residents of our town who think the same way and that’s fine, but I would like to see a public walk-through of our town offices to see the changes being made and the new policies and procedures being implemented to keep us safe as well as to meet and commend the people in charge of keeping us informed and safe.
This is my town, our town, and I have nothing but pride for the town and the people working to make it as good as can be.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Enjoy the Fall and all the beautiful colors that will be on display in our town soon.
Respectfully, Paula M BoudreauAt 2:00 in the morning, Christmas Eve, 2004, my wife and I awoke, not to a “clattering of hoof beats” on our roof, but to the screams of our 4-year-old daughter. Rushing to her bedroom, we found her trying to stand up, but falling over and yelling, “please make the room stop spinning around daddy!”
Trying to stay calm while she twitched in my arms all I could think was “aneurysm!”
My wife called 911 and within minutes, in through the front door came a giant in blue, med. kit in one hand, teddy bear in the other. That Officer quietly and quickly took control of the situation, calming not only our little girl, but my wife and me as well. The EMT’s ar rived almost as quickly, and we spent Christmas at Hasbro Children’s Hospital tending to nothing worse than what was an extremely bad ear infection.
That night is memorable for many obvious reasons, but one that remained important to my entire family was our meeting Officer (eventually Deputy Chief) Mark Rossi. He was known as the “teddy bear policeman” for several years but became a close friend of our family and continued to be a professional that we, and the people of our great Town could rely on in any situation.
Having lived in Rehoboth for 21 years, I have had many opportunities to interact with the men and women of the RPD and our fire and rescue folks. They are all tops in my book! Mark Rossi is a tremendous representative of our public safety organizations, and he will be so greatly missed in his well-deserved retirement. Thank you for always being there for us Mark!
Clark CurtisTo the wonderful friends of the Hart and Chaisty Families.
Your over whelming support and all of your thoughtful cards, gifts and prayers were very much appreciated.
It is so amazing how so many of you thought so much of Rus sell Hart and respected him in so many ways.
Our gratitude and thanks are endless to you all.
We would also like to send thanks to Doreen Taylor for writing that beautiful article about, Mom, Beverly. You wrote a wonderful tribute to all that she has done for this town. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you and Mom was lucky to have you on her side.
With love and sincere thanks, The Hart and Chaisty Families
The Seekonk Recycling Committee would like to thank the residents of our town for taking advantage of our rain barrel pro motion through the Great American Rain Barrel Company of Hyde Park, MA, last month. When we first proposed the project to the manufacturer, we did not anticipate the response nor the attention of the media on the effects of a summertime drought in our area. We are sure that had a lot to do with the result in which a total of 81 barrels were purchased, as compared with 25-30 sold three years ago in a similar promotion. We offered a discount on the price of the first 50 barrels sold in the hopes we could generate enough interest to reach that goal. As the result of the feedback we have received this time, we will consider having another promotion next year, hopefully with more satisfied owners collecting precious rainwater for their yards and gardens.
Bill Kirchmann Recycling CoordinatorHello All ~ I hope you are enjoying the beau tiful Fall weather in Rehoboth! Speaking of the Fall, I would like to remind all town residents that Town Offices will be closed on Monday, October 10th for Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Also, on Tuesday, November 1st , quarterly real estate taxes are due. Early voting for the upcoming State Election – Gubernatorial Elec tion will begin on October 22nd and run through and including November 4th. Schedule of dates and hours appears below. Final reminder, as the Board of Selectmen voted on September 26th, there will be a Rehoboth Special Town Meeting on Tuesday, October 25th, which will be held at 7:00 PM at the Francis Farm-COA building “Francis Hall”; this date replaces the November 1st Special Town Meeting date that is listed on your 2022 Census calendar.
Due to the unexpected reduction of staff in the Town Clerk’s Of fice, the added requirements of the Clerk’s Office to prepare for (1) the October 25, 2022 Special Town Meeting, (2) the mandate from the State Legislature for a two-week “daily” In-Person Early Voting sessions at Francis Farm (October 22, 2022 through November 4th), (3) the mailing of over 2,000 Vote-by-Mail applications/bal lots (once we receive the 11-8-2022 State Election/Gubernatorial Election Absentee and Vote-by-Mail ballots from the State during the first week of October), (4) Advanced Processing of the Vote-byMail Ballots that we receive daily, along with (5) preparing for the 11-8-2022 Gubernatorial Election, the Town Clerk’s Office “walk-in window hours” will be limited while we are processing the ballot ap plications and ballots. The State mandates immediate turnaround of the Election ballots once the ballots are delivered to our office. Therefore, with limited staffing at this time and the State/Town re quirements of the Clerk’s Office, we will be required to curtail the “in-person window hours” of the Clerk’s office while processing the ballots. The ballot application and processing of mail-in/absentee ballots is an extremely tedious process which includes numerous confirmation steps , and must be conducted in an uninterrupted manner as each application must be pro cessed systematically as required by the State. As a result, we cannot be interrupted while processing ballot request applications and/or ballot processing daily sessions. We thank you for your understanding. A notice will be placed on the Town website and front foyer of Rehoboth Town Hall (340 Anawan Street) when the ballots are being processed. A schedule of the Town Clerk Window-Hours will be posted on the town website and front foyer, once we receive the Election ballots from the State and are aware of the daily timeline. In order to maintain a smooth continuation of Town Clerk Office services to all residents and voters of Re hoboth, while managing the various other activities required of our office, we respect fully request you please either contact us for an appointment or come early morning/late afternoon when we are not processing the
Election ballots. We thank you for your understand ing during this extremely busy time in the Clerk’s Office. Should you like to make an appointment, please either e-mail TownClerk@ or call 508-252-6502 X-3109 or 3110. Thank you for your help and understanding.
As mentioned above, on Monday, September 26th, the Board of Selectmen voted to hold a Special Town Meeting on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, beginning at 7:00 PM at the COA/Senior Center location of Francis Farm – Francis Hall building (not the Museum – the Museum is set up for daily In-Person Early Voting Sessions and the upcoming Gubernatorial Election). Voter check-in will be gin at 6:00 PM. The last day to register to vote for the upcoming Special Town Meeting will be Saturday, October 15, 2022 between the hours of 8:00AM to 5:00PM at the Rehoboth Town Hall – 340 Anawan Street (Route 118). You may also register to vote anytime prior to the October 15, 2022 deadline by mailing in a voter registra tion application (copies can be found at the Town Hall, Rehoboth Post Office lobby, Blanding Library, Rehoboth COA/Senior Center or online @ ).
You may also register to vote 24/7 by going to www.RegisterTo prior to the voter registration deadline of 10-15-22 in order to participate in the Town of Rehoboth Special Town Meeting ~ thank you.
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The guide below outlines the multiple options voters have to participate in the fall 2022 election.
The guide below outlines the multiple options voters have to
participate in the fall 2022 election.
Vote by Mail, Vote Early In Person or Vote on Election Day
State Election Gubernatorial November 8, 2022 Francis Farm Museum 7 AM 8 PM October 29, 2022 November 1st 5PM
View sample ballots at: clerk/pages/elections voting links
View sample ballots at:
Review Ballot Questions – Voter Information Red Book
Review Ballot Questions – Voter Information Red Book https://www.sec.state.
For information on ALL ballot questions go to:
Click on “2022 Ballot Questions.” information-for-voters-22/quest_1.htm
For information on ALL ballot questions go to: www Click on “2022 Ballot Questions.” for voters 22/quest_1.htm
ranked among the nation’s top hospice and home care programs by the
Are you a registered voter? Check your voter status @
Check your voter status @ trationSearch/MyVoterRegStatus.aspx
Voter Registration: Deadline to reg ister to vote: October 29th Register to vote online at: www.register
Best Superior Performer award — and HopeHealth Community VNA is the only home health organization in the state to earn the distinction five years in a row.
Voter Registration: Deadline to register to vote: October 29th Register to vote online at:
us to learn about our full range of services.
Vote Early in Person at the Francis Farm Museum Building 27 Francis Farm Road.
Vote by Mail, Vote Early In Person or Vote on Election Day Continued on next page...
Early Voting in person will be available for the fall 2022 election. An application is not required to vote early in person... just show up check in and vote!
State Gubernatorial Election
Voting in Person
10 Emory Street, Attleboro, MA 02703
by your side.
This 96-page book contains over 190 photographs of Rehoboth’s past and present. Route 118 links its northern to southern borders, while Route 44 connects its eastern and western borders. Along these winding roadways, American history has been made. Native Americans and English settlers traversed these same paths. Though not the geographical center of town, these intersecting roads contain the majority of businesses.
how Rehoboth looked
the town. Visit historical locations.
Available at: Munroe Grain, Araujo Farm and Greenhouses, Readmore Books-Taunton, and online
Vote Early in Person at the Francis Farm – Museum
Building – 27 Francis Farm Road.
Early Voting in person will be available for the fall 2022 election. An application is not required to vote early in person...just show up – check in and vote!
Period: October 22nd – November 4th
Location: 27 Francis Farm Road – Francis Farm – Museum Building
Please see complete In-Person Early Voting schedule below:
Saturday, October 22nd Friday, November 4th , 2022 (Please Note No Sunday Hours) Day Date Hours
Saturday 10/22 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Monday 10/24 9:00 AM 1:00 PM
Tuesday 10/25 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Wednesday 10/26 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Thursday 10/27 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Friday 10/28 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Saturday 10/29 10:00 AM 4:00 PM
Monday 10/31 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Tuesday 11/1 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday 11/2 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday 11/3 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday 11/4 8:00 AM 12:00 PM
All registered voters qualify to vote by mail in the fall 202 2 elections. 45 days prior to post card application was mailed to ALL registered voters, by the Secretary of the Commonwealth Elections Division, to the voter’s mailing address, if the voter has not already applied by mail ballot 60 days prior to the election. If you did not receive a postcard, and would by mail, please go to: us/ele/elepdf/Vote by Mail Paper 2022.pdf for a fillable PDF application. Please complete sign and drop off your ballot in the ballot box at town hall or mail to 340 Anawan Street Town Clerk’s Office.
APPLY EARLY to allow ample time for processing your application and for the postal s your ballot to you.
Applications can be returned by mail (postage is pre-paid on the post card application or placed in the drop box outside of the town offices (340 Anawan Street) A signatu order to process your application Questio ns can be directed to: TownClerk@RehobothMA.Gov
Voters who have applied for a vote by m ail ballot m ay use this link to track the status of thei well as their ballot status (mailed / received back). Please note that we anticipate a applications (there are over 10,000 voters in Rehoboth) and request you allow at leas checking the status of your application and allow a minimum of 10 days to rece Please DO NOT contact the Town Clerk's Office to check on your status until the recomm tim e listed a bove has passed. Inquiries should be sent to
Mailed Ballots include a postage pre paid return ballot envelope that is addressed to the To You m ay return your ballot by m ail (please see deadlines below) or hand deliver your ballo the drop box outside of the Town Offices (deadline is close of polls on Election Day).
All registered voters qualify to vote by mail in the fall 2022 elections. 45 days prior to the election, a post card application was mailed to ALL registered voters, by the Secretary of the Com monwealth – Elections Division, to the voter’s mailing address, if the voter has not already applied to receive a vote by mail ballot 60 days prior to the election. If you did not receive a postcard, and would like to vote by mail, please go to: https://www.sec. for a fillable PDF application. Please complete – sign and drop off your ballot application in the ballot box at town hall or mail to 340 Anawan Street – Town Clerk’s Office.
APPLY EARLY to allow ample time for processing your applica tion and for the postal services to deliver your ballot to you.
Applications can be returned by mail (postage is pre-paid on the post card application mailed to you) or placed in the drop box outside of the town offices (340 Anawan Street). A signature is required in order to process your application. Questions can be directed to: TownClerk@RehobothMA.Gov
Voters who have applied for a vote by mail ballot may use this link to track the status of their application as well as their ballot status (mailed / received back). Please note that we anticipate a large volume of applications (there are over 10,000 voters in Rehoboth) and request you allow at least 1 week before checking the status of your application and allow a minimum of 10 days to receive your ballot. Please DO NOT contact the Town Clerk’s Office to check on your status until the recommended amount of time listed above has passed. Inquiries should be sent to
Mailed Ballots include a postage pre-paid return ballot envelope that is addressed to the Town Clerk’s Office. You may return your ballot by mail (please see deadlines below) or hand deliver your ballot by placing it in the drop box outside of the Town Offices (deadline is close of polls on Election Day).
Ballots can NOT be returned to the polling location on Election Day - they must be returned to the ballot drop box located at the Town Offices (340 Anawan Street). Your returned ballot on Elec tion Day will be processed and brought to the polls to be cast by the Town Clerk’s staff.
Voters who receive a vote by mail ballot but have not returned it prior to Election Day may appear to vote in person and cast a ballot on Election Day. Any voter who has returned a vote by mail ballot (or voted early in person) is not permitted to appear to vote in person on Election Day.
Deadlines for ballots to be returned and counted for November Election are:
• Ballots returned in the drop box (340 Anawan Street) must be received by 8PM on November 8th.
• Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked by November 8th AND received by the Town Clerk by 5PM on November 12th.
Please note that US Postal delivery services are not consistent and can range from 3 to 11 days. If mailed in Rehoboth, our local post office is very responsive; however, if you are mailing your ballot outside of Rehoboth, we recommend voters return their ballots in the drop box outside of the town offices by 8PM on Election Day to ensure it is counted. Thank you for voting and thank you for your consideration.
On September 9, 2022, the Elec tions Division certified that a refer endum petition for a ballot question that was submitted on September 7, 2022 had been signed by enough registered voters to qualify for place ment on the November 8, 2022 State Election Ballot.
Because this petition was submit ted after the July 2022 deadline for inclusion in the printed Information for Voters booklet that is mailed to each household, this question is not listed in that voter guide. The question will, however, be listed on each November 8 State Election ballot as Question #4.
Do you approve of a law summarized below, which was ap proved by the House of Representatives and the Senate on May 26, 2022?
This law allows Massachusetts residents who cannot provide proof of lawful presence in the United States to obtain a standard driver’s license or learner’s permit if they meet all the other qualifica tions for a standard license or learner’s permit, including a road test and insurance, and provide proof of their identity, date of birth, and residency. The law provides that, when processing an application for such a license or learner’s permit or motor vehicle registration, the registrar of motor vehicles may not ask about or create a record of the citizenship or immigration status of the applicant, except as otherwise required by law. This law does not allow people who cannot provide proof of lawful presence in the United States to obtain a REAL ID.
To prove identity and date of birth, the law requires an applicant to present at least two documents, one from each of the following categories: (1) a valid unexpired foreign passport or a valid unex pired Consular Identification document; and (2) a valid unexpired driver’s license from any United States state or territory, an original or certified copy of a birth certificate, a valid unexpired foreign na tional identification card, a valid unexpired foreign driver’s license, or a marriage certificate or divorce decree issued by any state or territory of the United States. One of the documents presented by an applicant must include a photograph and one must include a date of birth. Any documents not in English must be accompanied by a certified translation. The registrar may review any documents issued by another country to determine whether they may be used as proof of identity or date of birth.
The law requires that applicants for a driver’s license or learner’s permit shall attest, under the pains and penalties of perjury, that their license has not been suspended or revoked in any other state, country, or jurisdiction.
The law specifies that information provided by or relating to any applicant or license-holder will not be a public record and shall not be disclosed, except as required by federal law or as authorized by Attorney General regulations, and except for purposes of motor vehicle insurance.
The law directs the registrar of motor vehicles to make regula tions regarding the documents required of United States citizens and others who provide proof of lawful presence with their license application.
The law also requires the registrar and the Secretary of the Com monwealth to establish procedures and regulations to ensure that an applicant for a standard driver’s license or learner’s permit who does not provide proof of lawful presence will not be automatically registered to vote.
The law takes effect on July 1, 2023.
A YES VOTE would keep in place the law, which would allow Massachusetts residents who cannot provide proof of lawful pres ence in the United States to obtain a driver’s license or permit if they meet the other requirements for doing so.
A NO VOTE would repeal this law.
See full text of existing law: ele22/information-for-voters-22/full_text.htm#four
As provided by law, the 150-word arguments are written by proponents and opponents of each question, and reflect their opinions. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts does not endorse these arguments, and does not certify the truth or accuracy of any statement made in these arguments. The names of the individu als and organizations who wrote each argument, and any written comments by others about each argument, are on file in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
IN FAVOR: A YES vote will keep in place a law that allows all drivers in Massachusetts to be properly vetted for licenses (by pro viding proof of identity, date of birth, and residency), pass required tests and buy insurance, regardless of immigration status.
A YES vote means safer roads and better tools for law enforce ment to do their jobs. In 17 states with similar laws, passage led to
declines in uninsured drivers and hit-and-run crashes. That’s why this measure is endorsed by over 60 law enforcement officials state wide—including most sheriffs, district attorneys, and all 42 police chiefs in the Massachusetts Major Cities Chief of Police Association.
Voting YES helps families and workers by ensuring they can drive legally to school and work. It makes sense for all of us.
That is what Massachusetts law provides and a YES vote will keep in place.
Franklin Soults; Yes on 4 for Safer Roads; P.O. Box 15 Readville, MA 02137;
AGAINST: In his veto message of this bill, Governor Charlie Baker made it known that the Registry of Motor Vehicles does not have the capability or expertise necessary to verify documents from other countries and notes that, if this bill becomes law, Mas sachusetts drivers’ licenses will no longer confirm that a person is who they say they are.
Additionally, Governor Baker states the bill specifically restricts the Registry’s ability to share citizenship information with entities responsible for ensuring only citizens register to vote and vote in our elections, significantly increasing the likelihood that noncitizens will register to vote.
This bill is patently unfair to those who have taken the time to immigrate to our great country via legal means and significantly diminishes the public safety of all residents of the Commonwealth.
We urge a no vote on this issue.
October is one of our busiest months for Marriage Intentions/Certificates in Rehoboth. Therefore, as a quick reminder of the process. Both parties must come to Town Hall and complete a three-part packet (Marriage Intention, Marriage Supplement, and Marriage Worksheet). Please look for the fillable PDFs and instructions included on the Town Clerk’s website: . Please do not sign the documents until you we can witness your signature. We will also be making a photocopy of your driver’s license. We ask, if possible, please make an appointment prior to coming to Town Hall (508-252-6502 – X3109 or X3112). The parties must provide their social security number and mother’s maiden name. Upon completion of the docu ments, there is a “State required” 3-day waiting period before the couple may pick up their marriage license. The marriage license is good for 60-days. If you are not married within that timeframe, you must complete the process again. The charge is $20 for the Marriage Intention and $10 for the Marriage Certificate. Note: If you are using an officiant from an other state (Rhode Island for example), your officiant must obtain a one-day solemnization certificate from the Secretary of State’s office prior to your wedding day. The application can be found on the Secretary of State’s website
External/Welcome.aspx , the Rehoboth Town Clerk’s website https://www.rehobothma. gov/town-clerk/pages/marriage-licenses, or we have copies at Town Hall.
In closing, please stay healthy and safe and have a wonderful October. Odete and I wish you all a safe and healthy Columbus/ Indigenous Peoples’ Day and Halloween! We wish you all a wonderful October. I look forward to chatting with you in November. Please stay healthy and safe.
I hope this finds you all safe and well and settling into your Fall routines. We con tinue to be happily busy with our health and wellness activities here THE Public Health Nurses’ Office @ 27 Francis Farm Road. Of note, the Wellness Clinic will be moving from Wednesday to Monday from 11am-1pm, starting in October. The clinic coincides with Gert’s Café Luncheon which starts at 12n on Mondays. The lunch is delicious, nutritious and open to all for $3. (You should also come by on Wednesdays for pie and ice-cream @ 12n, the pie is from Bateson’s Farm and is out of this world!)
But I digress! The Wellness Clinic contin ues to offer BP and blood glucose (diabetic) screening, as well as help with any health or medication question you may have. And sometimes, one just needs to stop by for a chat! We are in the Senior Center on Mon days, you’ll see us in the corner!
We are now offering a Bereavement and Caregiver Support Group every Wednesday @1pm at the Senior Center. Everyone is welcome.
Also, just as a reminder, if you need us to visit you or a loved one at home, just give us a call at 508-252-5947 ext. 3127. We can check in on you, help you with a health or medication issue, follow up with you as visiting nurse services conclude or bring vac cinations to your home if you have trouble getting to the clinics. We can also provide transportation to our senior center for their activities or to visit the Wellness Clinics. We’ll take you from door-to-door!
Our next ‘flu clinic is October 11th from 9am-12n, at Anawan Pharmacy, 224 Win throp St. Rehoboth. Please visit www.anawa to book an appointment.
Our 1st Annual Rehoboth Community Health and Wellness Fair will be held here, at 27 Francis Farm Rd. on Saturday Octo ber 15th from 9am-3pm. We are so excited to offer this community wide event that features health and wellness information from the nurse’s office, the police, fire, and the emergency medical services person nel. We will be providing health and safety information for all age groups, but also fun
for all in exploring the police cruiser, fire engine and meeting the police service dog. The goal is to build a relationship with these services, so it’s not as scary in the event any of us need to avail of the services in an emergency. To that end it will certainly be hard to beat Lt. Randy Laravie with his fire engine! He will be here for rides around the farm for our children, both young and old! ��
We will also have our tractor drawn carriage up and running. The carriage, built by our own Bob Caron, is being spruced up as I write. We will have food from Vino’s, a few local food trucks, The Ice Cream Barn and incredible treats from Bateson’s farm. And we’ll have music and games. The Farm has volleyball, Bocci, corn hole toss, a basket ball and a volleyball court and we’ll have a Hi-Low-Jack game going inside!! We hope the event will mix health, wellness and fun and foster multigenerational relationships in our community.
(We will also have the following demon strations: Belly dancing @ 9am, Zumba @ 9am and Tai Chi @ 2pm Stay tuned for more infor mation on other activi ties we are still getting information on @ public-health-nurse) or with the QR code.
Our podiatrist will visit again on Novem ber 17th from 9am-12n, please call 508-2525947 ext. 3127 to book an appointment. His services are offered at the Public Health Nurse’s Office @ 27 Francis Farm Road, in the white farmhouse. The charge is $30
One of our focuses this month is child hood obesity.
As we glide back into our work and school routines, we can again pay heed to healthy eating and exercise routines. There are multiple and varied resources available to promote healthy diets and exercise, but it helps to involve the whole household to build a sustainable healthy lifestyle. So, sit together to make the grocery list, focus on lean proteins, grains, fruits and vegetable (find a couple that most will eat �� ) and allowa little room for a treat, so there is less chance of binging. In many areas of our community, we have the option to go for a walk or to ride a bike safely. There are some beautiful trails here at Francis Farm if your neighborhood doesn’t have sidewalks, or you’d just like to walk in nature. We have our walking group every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am, leaving from the Senior Center. (See the calendar under the Rehoboth Senior Center news for other heathy activities oc curring all week at Francis Farm)
Adopting healthy eating and exercise does so much to promote both physical and emotional health and doing it as a family can keep us accountable to each other. If your family is just you, keep in touch with friends, or come on over to the Senior Center and
build some new and supportive relationships there. Remember what I keep telling you, Rehoboth Seniors are not old!!
As I write to you, we are still in the last weeks of September. September is the month we dedicate to Suicide Awareness. However, I believe it is something we should be aware of throughout the year. I don’t want to end our chat on a sad note, but I do want us all to be aware of the signs to look for, and the support available. Having survived a suicide in my family as a child, I want to write an epistle here, with support, informa tion and a warning not to ask “what do have to be sad about?!” Because you know not what it is like, until you have walked in the
shoes of someone who does. But instead of that epistle, I offer the following web link: html and I hope you will peruse the site, even if it is just to heighten your awareness of suicide risk, incidence and prevention. And if you are walking in those terribly sad and hopeless shoes, please know, you are not alone. If you feel you are in crisis, please call 988 or go to your nearest emergency room, Sending love and support, Sincerely, Geri and Stephanie
We can always use more help, so if you are interested in finding ways to volunteer for the pantry, please call us at 508-493-1922 or visit Goff Hall on November 14th!
Some reminders: Every Thursday, between 2:30 and 4:30 the pantry opens its doors (located in the rear of the building) to help provide food and other necessities to residents in need. If you have trouble getting to the pantry, please call us at 508-493-1922 so we can arrange a delivery of groceries for you.
For food donations, our generous friends have provided a number of convenient drop off locations to donate:
Blanding Library – Bay State Road, Rehoboth
Land-Tek – 477 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth
Munroe Feed & Supply – 200 Fairview Ave., Rehoboth
Harvest Tap and Table – 2685 Grand Army of the Republic Hwy, Swansea, MA 02777
Monetary donations can be made directly on our website https://rehoboth, via PayPal at https:// id=DR4FU8URSBZU4, or can be mailed to:
The Rehoboth Food Pantry
51 Winthrop Street
Rehoboth, MA 02769
We often are asked “what do you need most?” Here is a sample list of some of the items we have trouble keeping on the
Ramen Noodles - Chicken and Beef
Canned Pasta : Spaghetti and Meat balls, Beef-a-roni, Beef Ravioli (mini and regular), Spaghettios
Tuna Fish (in water -white and light)
Tomato Paste
Tomato Sauce
Crushed Tomatoes
Pureed Tomatoes
Canned: carrots, potatoes, beets, corn, peas
Baked Beans (not vegetarian)
Jelly : raspberry, strawberry, grape
Peanut Butter - creamy and chunky
canned fruit - mandarin oranges, peach es, pears, pineapple
Chowder (Progresso type)
Canned chicken
very special
Gold Medal
The Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc. is a local public charity whose mission is to serve Rehoboth residents by providing Christ mas gifts, holiday support, and special occasion needs to our Re hoboth children and their families who are facing challenging times in their lives. In October we will begin taking request for all holiday gifts. For those in need of assistance we have forms available on our website These completed forms MUST be received, by November 9th - of course earlier than November 9th would be wonderful! We cannot accept mailed lists that are not on the forms found on our website. We hope to help make your holiday season brighter!
As always, we are grateful for our wonderful Rehoboth com munity support! Your generosity allows us to continue to serve our Rehoboth families with children in need. As always, we welcome your participation and support of our mission, we are a 501-c3 nonprofit. As in past years, there will be gift request “snowflake” boards located around town and boxes for drop off. Please check our website ( ) for information on Snowflake board locations, gift drop- off locations, and information on adopting children/families. Until our “snowflakes” are posted in November, the best way to provide support is by providing gift cards and tax-deductible monetary donations. Checks should be made out to “Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc.” and mailed to Re hoboth Blizzard of Giving, Attn: Cathy Edington, 61 Reservoir Ave., Rehoboth, MA 02769. We continue to provide birthday support and Birthday forms are also available on our website. Questions may be directed through our website: www.rehobothblizzardofgiving. org, email: or by calling Colleen McBride at (508) 966-8122. All personal information will be kept confidential. We thank everyone for all they do to make this project so successful!
God bless, Colleen McBride, Cathy Edington, & Cheryl SantosFido is at the Rehoboth Animal Shelter waiting for a home. Fido, also known as Bananas, is a young adult neutered male Dalmation. He is friendly with people and other dogs and has a great deal of energy. We are working on his manners, but he is still too rambunctious for young children. Fido would enjoy a large fenced yard and a canine companion.
For more information about Fido or other adoptable pets, check or call 508-252-5421, ext. 126 and leave a mes sage. That phone number is also the one to use to report a lost or found pet.
If you’re looking for the best sweet corn in New England, you go to the Fine Farms Corn Crib in Northern Rehoboth.
This year, Ruth Fine Handy, who celebrated her 88th birthday on August 8th, while working at the Corn Crib, and her husband, George, have decided to retire.
The Corn Crib, at Anawan and Tremont Streets, has opened from mid-July until October for many years.
Now, Ruth and George have replaced crops on 17 acres at their Attleboro location with 16,000 solar panels to provide income for themselves from a local power company.
Ruth’s grandparents were born in White Russia, not far from Lithuania. Her grandfather was a scholar who studied to become a rabbi. He moved his family to New York to escape the brutal po groms against Jews by the Russians, whose soldiers would murder Jews and confiscate their land. After her grandfather suffered an injury that prevented him from continuing his job as a painter in New York, the Jewish Agricultural Society of New York located a farm
in Attleboro on which the family could settle. Ruth’s grandparents spent the next 50 years developing the land into one of the largest working farms in New England .
Ruth’s husband, George Handy, bought the farm from her father, Hyman Fine.
The Fine family has farmed in Rehoboth and nearby Attleboro since 1903. The farm has been in the family for three generations.
Ruth is proud to say she was a farmer’s granddaughter, a farmer’s daughter, and now a farmer’s wife.
George does all the plowing, hoeing, and harvesting of the crops single handedly. Very impressive for a man soon to turn 86 years old!
Ruth works selling corn and other vegetables at the Corn Crib seven days a week from July until the corn runs out.
The produce section of a big grocery store could never match the warmth of Ruth’s welcoming smile at the roadside stand, or the sight from Annawan Street of George carefully tending his crops.
The couple’s retirement will doubtlessly leave a void in the farming spirit of Rehoboth, and in the happy errand of picking up freshly picked ears of corn.
*Corn Crib fans will be delighted to know that Ruth’s cook book (The Fine Farm Cookbook) will be available online soon at
With opioid overdose deaths increasing during the pandemic, the Drug Enforcement Administration announces its 23rd Take Back Day is scheduled for October 29th 2022. The last national take-back day was in April 2022. Just under 5,000 collection sites brought in 744,000 pounds of unwanted pills. The collected medications will be disposed of at several incineration facilities throughout New England that will convert the pharmaceutical waste into clean, renewable energy for use by local communities. Since 2010, this initiative has resulted in over 1.6 million pounds of pharmaceuti cal waste collected over twenty-two drug take back events in New England. With studies indicating a majority of abused prescription drugs come from family and friends, including from home medicine cabinets, clearing out unused medicine is essential.
DEA and its partners will collect tablets, capsules, patches, and other solid forms of prescription drugs. Liquids (including in travenous solutions), syringes and other sharps, and illegal drugs will not be accepted. DEA will continue to accept vaping devices and cartridges at its drop off locations provided lithium batteries are removed.
Helping people dispose of potentially harmful prescription drugs is just one way DEA is working to reduce addiction and stem overdose deaths.
Learn more about the event and find a local collection site at, or by calling 800-882-9539.
The town of Rehoboth will be joining in the effort to promote cyber security. Since 2004, the President of the United States and Congress have declared October to be Cyber security Awareness Month, helping individuals protect themselves online as threats to technology and confidential data become more commonplace. The Cyber security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Cyber security Alliance (NCA) lead a collaborative effort between government and industry to raise cyber security aware ness nationally and internationally.
The IT Advisory Committee will be in charge of educating citizens about how to protect themselves online. “It really just has to do with the actions of individuals, thinking more, putting more protections in place,” said Anna Deignan, chairperson of the IT Advisory Committee.
According to Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA): As Americans become more reliant on modern technology, we also become more vulnerable to cyber attacks such as corpo rate security breaches, spear phishing, and social media fraud. Complementary cyber security and law enforcement capabilities are critical to safeguarding and securing cyberspace.
Law enforcement performs an essential role in achieving our nation’s cyber security objectives by investigating a wide range of cyber crimes, from theft and fraud to child exploitation, and ap prehending and prosecuting those responsible. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) works with other federal agencies to conduct high-impact criminal investigations to disrupt and defeat cyber criminals, prioritize the recruitment and training of technical experts, develop standardized methods, and broadly share cyber response best practices and tools. Criminal investigators and network security experts with deep understanding of the technolo gies malicious actors are using and the specific vulnerabilities they are targeting work to effectively respond to and investigate cyber incidents.
Deignan noted the IT Committee was seeking volunteers. Any one who is interested can fill out a talent bank form at Town Hall.
For more information, visit
The Board of Selectmen has given authorization to the Green Energy Committee to proceed with their plans for the Pleasant Street and Tremont Street fire stations. Carolyn Panofsky, chairper son of the committee, said grant funding would be used. $200,000 is the maximum amount of funding for which the Town can apply.
The total amount of funding for the two fire stations is $181,595. The money would be used to weatherize and install new heat pump systems in order to provide heating and air conditioning for both buildings. Panofsky spoke with Fire Chief Frank Barresi, who thought those would be “excellent improvements” for the buildings.
The committee previously did weatherizing and window replace ment work for the Goff Memorial Hall. “Because (the town pays) the operating costs, that means we’re paying for the heating and the lighting and so forth,” Panofsky said.
Other buildings had been considered, including the animal shelter. “(The staff) is unable to make an assessment of exactly what’s needed because the building isn’t in the condition it will be in when they’re working on it,” Panofsky explained. “If everything isn’t laid out in one of these competitive grants, it just gets denied.”
The grants include money left over for subsidies to purchase either hybrid vehicles or electric vehicles.
According to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), several cities and towns across the Common wealth have purchased either battery electric and/or hybrid vehicles, including Boston, Acushnet, Brockton, Cambridge, Dartmouth, Dighton, Fall River, and New Bedford.
According to the DEP website: MassEVIP Fleets is a Mass DEP rolling grant program aimed at making electric vehicles (EVs) more widely available across Massachusetts. The program provides incentives for public entities to buy or lease EVs. Maximum funding amounts depend on vehicle type and means of acquisition.
“In terms of maintenance, they break down less, they’re much more resilient, they have a longer life and so forth,” Panofsky noted. “Even though they might be initially more expensive, over the long term they’re much less expensive to drive.”
Selectman Michael Deignan told Panofsky he didn’t think the town would be purchasing an electric vehicle any time soon, but added he wouldn’t want to lose the grant funds to pay for one.
The Rehoboth Board of Selectmen has scheduled a special town meeting for October 25 at Francis Farm. However, Town Clerk Laura Schwall will not be available to oversee it. Schwall explained the two weeks of early voting mandated by the state before the November 8 election, plus “significant staff reductions” in the town clerk’s office, would prohibit her from supervising the meeting.
Selectman Michael Deignan had proposed holding the meeting at Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School, which Schwall said was problematic. All town meetings have been held at the museum building at Francis Farm for the last year.
Schwall had suggested postponing the meeting until spring. Deignan said the tax rate for the next fiscal year had to be estab lished before the end of 2022.
“I don’t really have a choice,” Deignan said, noting there were $500,000 worth of supplemental appropriations which were needed to address a “significant deficit in the budget.”
If the meeting were held in the spring, Deignan said the only source of revenue for the budget lines would be free cash. “I have no idea what free cash is going to be,” Deignan stated. “My only option is to do this before we set the tax rate.”
The meeting agenda will feature four articles, mainly pertaining to financial matters. It will be held at Francis Hall, which can ac commodate 225 people. Only 60 people are required for a quorum.
Deignan said it would be a “very non-controversial” town meet ing. Selectmen vowed the meeting would proceed without Schwall.
“We’re going to have to do the best that we can,” Selectmen Chairman Skip Vadnais said. “I see no way around it.”
The kitchen at the Rehoboth Council on Aging will reopen in a few weeks after a new water filtration system was installed at the facility. “The dishwashing machine is already installed,” Selectman George Solas said Monday. “When the water’s running, we can then test the washing machine to make sure all the pipes work and there are no leaks.”
A new stainless steel table for the kitchen will also be provided.
A state testing process and certification is required for all facili ties which supply public drinking water. When the certification is completed, the COA will be completely open.
Last July, Selectmen Chairman Skip Vadnais said the filtration system needed to be updated. “Because this is such a large sys tem, the filtering systems we need to address, you can’t get the parts right off the shelf,” Vadnais explained.”They got to be special ordered and the system had to be designed by an engineer.”
For the last few months, the water at the COA was only being used for hand-washing and the toilets. Francis Farms’ previous owner did not maintain the certification, which caused headaches for the Board of Selectmen. “Because the certification fell to the side, we came under the new rules,” Vadnais said. “So we had to start from the beginning. We just couldn’t transfer the certification because (the owner) didn’t have one. We had to start at square one which is a long process.”
Voters at the 2021 town meeting approved the purchase of the 47 acre property at a cost of $2.8 million. Francis Hall is the new home for the COA. Solas noted the biggest draw for the senior centers he had visited was the food. “It was the lunches, the hot breakfasts, and once we get this kitchen running and being able to do all that, we’ll see even more people (here),” Solas said.
“Hopefully things will begin to return to normal,” said Selectman Michael Deignan. “Right now, I don’t see anything that’s going to be stopping us,” Solas added.
Like many people, I was caught up in all the pomp and majesty of the Queen’s funeral last month, at least as seen on TV courtesy of the BBC. However, even if I had been in Lon don at the time, I wouldn’t have stood for hours in the queue to pass by the royal casket at Westminster. I guess people just want to be part of history. After a record-setting 70 years on the throne, the Queen’s passing is like losing a national landmark in Britain.
Although the events of the day were obviously well-planned with great precision, it all went off in an amazingly flawless way. There were a couple of things I think worth mention ing. One, the weather was perfect, cool and clear. I could only imagine trying to march for miles in a heavy downpour or during a horrible heatwave (now a summer event in England just like a lot of other places), all the while wearing those heavy uniforms and massive headgear, with people dropping like flies from the heat.
And two, how fortunate the Queen was, not because she was very wealthy and famous, but because she lived to such a very old age in good health, only failing quickly at the end. She was mentally sharp at age 96 and died at her favorite place, Balmoral in Scotland. Those who have watched their own family members linger for years with dementia or other illnesses can say that the Queen was truly blessed. Then there was that rainbow that ap peared over Windsor Castle shortly after her death was announced. Uncanny.
The funeral was as somber as any I can remember, as the cameras panned over a sea of black clothing throughout Westminster Abbey. The Archbishop made a point of describing the Queen as always calm and dignified. Those are the two words I would choose to describe her public appearances. How many well-known public figures appear calm and dignified for 70 years? All those state dinners, all those garden parties, all the tedious events she must have attended for all those decades. I would add the word “patient” in addition to dutiful.
It’s true that Americans can enjoy the British monarchy from afar, with an ocean be tween us and no financial stake involved. Yet there are times when royal proceedings seem
almost like a parody of their feudal origins. At one point, an officer in a plumed helmet, with a large feather partly obscuring his face, pledged allegiance to the new King as “my lord and liege.” Oh come on. We are not talking about medieval knights in armor. Liege is an archaic word that refers to a vassal and his feudal superior. It also sounds like something you’d hear in one of those old Robin Hood movies.
Well, there is a lot to be said for reforming the monarchy. How many lavish royal residences do they need? I wish the new King good luck because he’ll need it. The elaborate ceremonies did provide a day’s break from other more disturbing news, as the UK faces many serious problems. I felt some sympathy for the royal family having to endure almost a whole day of funeral services all the while in mourning under the gaze of many millions of viewers.
The beautiful music was suitably solemn too, though it’s not like anyone would expect the royal family to link arms and sing “Will the circle be unbroken?” I thought it was particularly moving to hear the service conclude with a lone piper in the vestibule at St. George’s Chapel, marching away as he was piping, as if leading the departed to the next world.
If all this seems too somber and gloomy, you can find a video “Ma’amalade Sandwich, Your Majesty?” in which that loveable rascal Paddington Bear has tea with the Queen at the palace in honor of her Platinum Jubilee earlier this summer. After slurping tea right out of the teapot, Paddington reveals that he always keeps a marmalade sandwich on hand (or under his hat) in case he needs it. The Queen replies that she keeps a spare sandwich too (”for later”), pulling one out of her handbag. Then Paddington doffs his hat and says, “Thank you, ma’am … for everything.” Completely charming, and now we know what the Queen kept in that everpresent handbag!
October is here and with it crisp, colorful days, apple and pumpkin picking, football, baseball and of course Halloween. And let’s not forget there’s a long weekend . Town Hall will be closed October 10th in observance of Columbus Day.
September results for the State Primary Please see below for the election results from the September 6, 2022 State Primary Drop in Attached Tally sheet
October is here and with it crisp, colorful days, apple and pumpkin picking, football, baseball and of course Halloween. And let’s not forget there’s a long weekend. Town Hall will be closed October 10th in observance of Columbus Day.
Election Day polls are open from 7AM until 8PM. All four pre cincts vote at the High School Gymnasium, 261 Arcade Avenue.
If you are voting by mail, your ballot must be postmarked by November 8 in order to be counted. Since ballots can take up to 7 days to be delivered by the U.S. Postal Service, it is recommended you mail you ballot at least 10 days before the election.
Early voting for the November 8, 2022 State Election is available to all Massachusetts voters It will be held at the Town Hall in the Selectmen’s meeting room , 100 Peck Street, during regular business hours. It starts on Saturday October 22 and ends on Friday November 4.
Early voting for the November 8, 2022 State Election is available to all Massachu setts voters. It will be held at the Town Hall in the Selectmen’s meeting room, 100 Peck Street, during regular business hours. It starts on Saturday October 22 and ends on Friday November 4.
Florice CraigBallots delivered by hand to a local election office or a drop-box must be delivered by the close of polls at 8PM on Election Day.
November 12: Last Day for Domestic Ballots to Arrive
If you mail your ballot from inside the United States, it must arrive at the Town Clerk’s office by 5PM on November 12 in order to be counted.
During the two weeks of early voting, we will be collecting canned goods for Doorways in memory of Gary Cartwright. Gary was a poll worker for the Town Clerk’s office. He worked multiple elections after his retirement and was a great addition to our staff. He had been on the Board of Directors at Doorways for several years and gave back to our community in so many ways, he will be greatly missed. Please consider bringing something not only in his memory but for the many needy people in our community.
During the two weeks of early voting, we will be collecting canned goods for Doorways in memory of Gary Cartwright. Gary was a poll worker for the Town Clerk’s office. He worked multiple elections after his retirement and was a great addition to our staff. He had been on the Board of Directors at Doorways for several years and gave back to our community in so many ways, he will be greatly missed. Please consider bringing something not only in his memory but for the many needy people in our community.
Early voting- October 22- November 4
Saturday October 22 10:00AM 2:00PM
Monday October 24 8:30AM 4:30PM
Tuesday October 25 8:30AM 4:30PM
Wednesday October 26 8:30AM 7:00PM
Thursday October 27 8:30AM 4:30PM
Friday October 28 8:30AM 4:30PM
Saturday October 29 10:00AM 2:00PM
Monday October 31 8:30AM 4:30PM
Tuesday November 1 8:30AM 4:30PM
Wednesday November 2 8:30AM 7:00PM
Thursday November 3 8:30AM 4:30PM
Friday November 4 8:30AM 12:00PM
Ballots that arrive after the close of polls on Election Day will only be counted if they are postmarked by November 8.
If you are not a registered voter and would like to register, please go to The state website has everything you need to know about voting in the State of Massachusetts. The deadline to register for the November election is October 29. You can also come in to the Town Clerk’s office and register to vote in person.
The Fall Town Meeting will be held at 7pm on Monday, Novem ber 14th at Seekonk High School. Hopefully, residents will attend and participate in our important annual Fall town meeting. You must be a registered voter to be able to vote at the meeting. The deadline to register to vote for this meeting is by 5pm by November 4th. If you want to read the warrant before the meeting it will be posted on the town’s website:
If you have any questions or concerns about the voting process please do not hesitate to call or email the Town Clerk’s office. (508) 336-2920,
Just a friendly reminder taxes are due November 1st and the Fiscal 2023 trash bills are due October 20, 2022.
Enjoy October, have a fun and safe Columbus Day and Hal loween.
The State of Massachusetts has sent out a second round of postcards for folks to send in if they want to early vote by mail. If you have already sent in your postcard to receive a ballot and checked off wanting a ballot for both elections, or for November 8th only, your request has been inputted and you will get a ballot in the mail. Do not request another one by mail.
The State of Massachusetts has sent out a second round of postcards for folks to send in if they want to early vote by mail. If you have already sent in your postcard to receive a ballot and checked off wanting a ballot for both elections, or for November 8th only, your request has been inputted and you will get a ballot in the mail. Do not request another one by mail.
Please note ballots will be sent out the as soon as we receive them from the state. Look for them in the mail by mid October. It is very important to remember to fill out your ballot with a
Please note ballots will be sent out the as soon as we receive them from the state. Look for them in the mail by mid-October. It is very important to remember to fill out your ballot with a black pen or ideally a black felt tip marker. FILL IN THE OVAL do not use an X or check mark. If it is not filled in correctly the machine can’t read your vote and it will not count.
Return your ballot as soon as possible. Do not wait until the last minute as we might not get it in time to count it. Be advised that the mail can be slow. To return your ballot you can either mail it back, place it in the drop-box in front of Town Hall, or hand deliver it to the Town Clerk’s office. The deadlines to do this are:
Your Vote by Mail application must reach the Town Clerk’s office by 5PM on November 1, in order for a ballot to be mailed to you. A postmark is not sufficient to meet the deadline. If you’re mailing your application, be sure to submit it at least a week before the deadline.
If you mail your ballot from inside the United States, it must arrive at the Town Clerk’s office by 5PM on November 12 in order to be counted.
Ballots that arrive after the close of polls on Election Day will only be counted if they are postmarked by November 8.
If you are not a registered voter and would like to register, please go to www.sec. The state website has everything
447 Taunton Avenue
Seekonk, MA 02771
T 508.336.8120
F 508.336.3350
Providing legal services since 1979. Experience matters.
you need to know about voting in the State of Massachusetts. The deadline to register for the November election is October 29. You can also come in to the Town Clerk’s office and register to vote in person.
The Fall Town Meeting will be held at 7pm on Monday, November 14th at Seekonk High School. Hopefully, residents will attend and participate in our important annual Fall town meeting. You must be a registered voter to be able to vote at the meeting. The deadline to register to vote for this meeting is by 5pm by November 4th. If you want to read the warrant before the meeting it will be posted on the town’s website:
If you have any questions or concerns about the voting process please do not hesitate to call or email the Town Clerk’s office. (508) 336-2920,
Just a friendly reminder taxes are due November 1st and the Fiscal 2023 trash bills are due October 20, 2022.
Enjoy October, have a fun and safe Columbus Day and Halloween.
Don “Coop” Cooper was selected as the new District Superintendent at our May 24th, 2022, meeting. He brings 30 years of experience in the Water industry to our organization. This unanimous decision makes him the 10th Superintendent since our beginning in 1946. He was previously Assistant Superintendent for Medway Water & Sewer Department, has outside sales experience, and has served as Superintendent for his hometown, Hopedale, Massachusetts. “Coop” brings strong interpersonal and organizational skills to our district. He’s a “can do “type of person who will get the job completed properly.
He’s currently a Hopedale Water Commissioner, a member of the Massachusetts Water Works Association, holds a Grade 2D Full Water Distribution & Grade 2T Water Treatment Operators License, has several OSHA certifications, holds a Class B CDL and a 2/A/1C Hydraulics License. His qualifications are impressive but more importantly he’s very ap proachable and will respond to your questions and concerns.
We are very fortunate to have him with us. The Seekonk Water District continues to provide its customers with an exceptional water product and leadership stability. We con tinue to encourage water conservation and remind you of the mandatory drought outside watering ban.
Pictured at right: RSWD Chairman Joseph Chauvin (R) welcomes New Superintendent Donald “Coop” Cooper
Proposals for community-oriented arts, humanities, and science programs due October 17.
The Seekonk Cultural Council has set an October 17th deadline for organizations, schools, and individuals to apply for grants that support cultural activities in the community.
According to Council spokesperson Bill Clark, these grants can support a variety of artistic projects and activities in Seekonk -- in cluding exhibits, festivals, field trips, short-term artist residencies, or performances in schools, workshops, and lectures.
The Seekonk Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils serving all 351 cities and towns in the Common wealth. The LCC Program is the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, supporting thousands of community-based projects in the arts, sciences and humanities every year. The state legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency, which then allocates funds to each com munity.
This year, the Seekonk Cultural Council will distribute about $9200 in grants. Previously funded projects
For local guidelines and complete information on the Seekonk Cultural Council, contact Bill Clark, Chairperson at brotherb2@ Application forms and more information about the Local Cultural Council Program are available online at www.mass-
Penny and Phoenix are 5-month-old sibling black female kittens. Phoenix has a white splash on her neck.
arrived at the shelter when they were around
were very skittish, but they have
time with our volunteers and other cats. While we would like to see these adorable kit tens adopted together, they can be adopted to separate loving homes. Both kittens are friendly, playful and get along with other cats, but they would do best in a quiet home without young ener getic children.
They have been spayed, mi crochipped and are up to date on vaccines and tests.
If you are ready to expand your family, please come visit Penny & Phoenix at the Seekonk Animal Shelter, 100 Peck St., Seekonk MA. Questions? Call us 1-508-336-6663
Save A Pet Society, Inc. will hold their 35th Annual Auction in October to benefit the Seekonk Animal Shelter. The Online Auction begins October 1, 2022 and ends on the evening of Friday, October 28, 2022 with new items being added throughout the month.
As always, funds raised from the auction will help the shelter with the cost of veterinary services, heartworm treatment, leukemia test, micro-chipping, rabies and other vaccinations. All animals adopted are spayed or neutered. Funds raised also assist with keeping our shelter guests healthy, warm and safe until their adoption into lov ing, forever home.
Thank you to our Sponsors: GOLD - Bank Rhode Island, SIL VER – Champion Motorsports, Ramada by Wyndham and Krazy Korner Bagel & Deli.
If you would like to donate an item or gift certificate to the auc tion, it can be mailed to: Save A Pet Society, P.O. Box 474, Seekonk, MA 02771 or dropped off any time in our donation bin at 150 Brook Hill Drive, Seekonk, MA, by October 15th. Please be sure to include a note with your name and contact information.
Watch for updates and announcements on our website www. and follow us on Facebook at “Seekonk Save A Pet Society” or “Friends of Seekonk Animal Shelter”.
In November 2021, scouts and parents from BSA Troops 1 & 9, and Cub Scout Pack 88, worked hard to collect over a thousand pounds of food for Doorways Food Pantry to supplement holiday tables. This year’s collection is set for November 5 in Seekonk and Rumford.
The annual “Scouting for Food” food drive is coming on November 5. The Scouts from BSA Troops 1 and 9, and the Cub Scouts from Pack 88, will be collecting dona tions from homes in Seekonk and Rumford. Last year’s collection was an enormous suc cess, and the Scouts are looking forward to another big day. “The ‘Scouting for Food’ drive is very important to us” said Diane Fox of Doorways. “Last year’s donations were incredible – the people in town are so generous. And it’s not just the quantity of food – it’s also the variety gathered by a big food drive. People often donate the food items they love best, and so you get a nice selection for our clients to choose from. It’s very gratifying.”
The residents of Seekonk have always supported the food drive, and Cup Scout Pack 88 will again collect food in Rumford. As the cost of gasoline, fuel oil, and grocer ies continues to increase, the assistance provided by a food pantry is more important than ever. Over seventy families rely on Door ways on a regular basis, and Doorways, in turn, relies on people like you. We hope you will support the Scouts in their good work!
The autumn curbside collection of yard waste for residents of Seekonk will occur from October 17 until December 2, 2022. The collection by the Dept. of Public Works will take place and correspond with the nor mal day of the week for your trash pickup.
The Seekonk Police Depart ment introduced their new K-9 comfort dog Mac, on Septem ber 23.
“Kids, especially kids ex posed to trauma, have a much higher likelihood to talk to a police officer with a comfort dog,” Police Chief Dean Isabella noted. “These dogs do so much good all over the place.”
Isabella thanked the Board of Selectmen, School Super intendent Rich Drolet, and the members of the school commit tee for their support, along with Peggy and Dave Brogan from Boonefield Labradors.
“They’ve been donating comfort dogs and therapy dogs to local law enforcement agencies across New England for several years,” Isabella said. “This will be their 26th donation.”
School Resource Officer Kevin Nagle, who will work with Mac, heard about the success of the comfort dog program in other towns and suggested bringing it to Seekonk. “It turned out to be a pretty cool idea,” Nagle said, noting the naming process was “crazy.” There were 3000 suggestions for a name from all over the country. Fellow police officers and students from the schools “picked one name that stuck out”, Nagle added.
Building a bigger and better Seekonk Public Library will not be cheap. Representatives from the Library Board of Trustees told the Board of Selectmen Wednesday the cost would be a whopping $24.5 million for a brand-new 23,000 square foot building.
Last July, the Library had been awarded a $7.3 million grant from the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners for the construction of a new building.
Michael Durkay, chairman of the Board of Trustees, said the grant was “provisional”, which means the voters need to approve the grant at a special election to be held before January 9, 2023.
Repairs to the existing building at 410 Newman Avenue would cost approximately $3 million, which includes a new roof/HVAC improvements, the replacement of exterior siding, window and door replacement, public/staff restroom upgrade, an ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) compliance upgrade, and an upgrade of fire suppression/security systems.
A cheaper option would be a renovation of the library at a cost of $12.4 million. The staff would be required to relocate to a tem porary facility during the construction phase.
Durkay said even if the voters opted for repairs or renovations, the library would still be only 14,700 square feet. As it stands now, the library has a shortage of space for programming.
When asked by the selectmen if the trustees would consider scaling back the size of the new library, Durkay explained the grant from the state was for the 24,000 square feet design as submitted. “The townspeople think, we think, it’s the right move to make,” Durkay added. “Financially speaking, it’s the right move to make.”
The selectmen voted to authorize Town Administrator Shawn Cadime to lobby the state for the purpose of using ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds to increase the reimbursement for library projects which had been impacted by Covid.
Seekonk Public Schools will be admitted to the Bi-County Collaborative in 2023. “I am pleased to announce Seekonk will be admitted into the Bi-County Collaborative in July of next year in time for the 2023-2024 school year,” Superintendent Rich Drolet said Monday. “I have been trying to get Seekonk into Bi-Co for over three years now. We anticipate about $50,000 in annual sav ings because we will be charged a reduced rate for any Seekonk students who attend any out-of-district placement as part of the Bi-County Collaborative.”
Drolet received an official notification from the Bi-County Col laborative’s Executive Director Jeanne Sullivan last month. The school is based in Franklin.
Drolet explained a two-thirds majority vote of all 19 School Committees that are Bi-County district members will need to occur before Seekonk is admitted.
Seekonk town officials intend to establish an economic devel opment subcommittee which will be under the guidance of the Board of Selectmen. The board plans to review the town’s Master Plan, which will take effect in the next fiscal year. ‘This is a very important piece of our future as a town,” Chairman Justin Sullivan said at the board’s August 31 meeting. “Economic development (for Seekonk) is very important.
The economic development committee has been largely inac tive for the past couple of years. There are currently five vacancies. The new subcommittee would include two selectmen, either Town Administrator Shawn Cadime or an assistant town administrator, with representatives from the business community.
Selectman Michael Healy said a new approach was in order to attract businesses to town. “Instead of being standoffish to people, let’s sit down and actually have good conservations (with business owners),” Healy noted. “Let’s work with them and see if we can make some things happen.”
Following some outbursts at the September 26 Seekonk School Committee meeting, there will be “an overview of the district’s policy in regard to public participation” at the beginning of the next
meeting, says Superintendent Rich Drolet.
is a Public Comment period at the beginning and end of every School Com mittee meeting where anyone can address the Committee members. “During a Public Comment portion of our most recent School Committee meeting, a person speaking ran out of their allotted time and, per meeting policy, was asked to stop,” Drolet explained. “The person continued to speak and was asked repeatedly to give the floor back to the Committee.”
this was unfolding, another individual attending the meeting
yelling and disrupting the meeting further. Because of this individual’s actions, the School Commit tee meeting needed to be recessed and the screaming individual was removed from the meeting by police.”
Drolet said as a result of this incident, and other similar out bursts and inappropriate behavior by a small group of individuals at recent meetings, there will be a police officer in attendance out of an abundance of caution at future School Committee meetings.
Some speakers have voiced their concerns about certain books being made available to elementary students at Aitken and Martin schools. “This type of behavior during a municipal meeting is un acceptable,” Drolet continued. “While we might not always agree with the topics that are brought up, we respect everyone’s right to free speech, so long as they are respectful and appropriate and the topics are within the purview of the School Committee.”
“There have been times recently where hateful and offensive homophobic and transphobic comments have been made during this public comment period. This will not be tolerated, and I want to reiterate that we strive to be inclusive and supportive of ALL students and staff in Seekonk,” Drolet added.
Our Lions group is planning some great fundraisers this year; starting with our Annual White Cane Day on Saturday October 8 at both Dunkin Donuts locations; Route 44 and Route 118. As you make your morning run, drop a few cents (or dollars) into our collection jars which will be held by our very own charming Lions Ladies. On Thursday October 27 the Anawan Lions will hold their Annual Pasta Dinner Fundraiser at the American Legion at 84 Bay State Road. Tickets are12.00 each. Pasta, Homemade Meatballs in sauce, salad, rolls, butter. Pickup time is 5:00 to 6:00 pm. Call Jeanne Noons @508-942-4903 or Lisa Halajko @ 774-991-0052. Don’t cook, come by, and pick up a dinner! In November we will be sponsoring a Bake Sale for Thanksgiving, homemade goodness by Lidia’s Dancing Kitchen! More info to follow. The Lions will again be decorating the Tree in the Gazebo for the Holiday Season. Watch for that. We do have a lot more planned for next year also, well keep you posted… and remember, if you are looking for something worthwhile to do, please consider joining our Rehoboth Anawan Lions. Many hands make light work. And also, a lot more fun!
Thank you, Rehoboth Anawan Lions
*Hall Rentals - Open to the Public
*Bar & Lounge open to “All Guests!”
*Legion/Lions All you can Eat Breakfast
2nd Sunday of every month 7:30-10:30AM
*Every Friday Night - Music - Food - with a different menu every Friday by - AH! La Carte and with very reasonable prices $$
*Hi-Lo Card Leagues - Monday & Wednesday Nights
*Cribbage Leagues Monday Nights Jan-April & Wednesday Nights May through August
*No rental cost - for Funeral Collation Mon-Fri 3:00PM to Close, Sat 12:00PM to Close Sun 1:00PM to Close Located at 84 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA Call # 508-252-9079 or E-mail Jake @
The Rehoboth Garden Club is very pleased to announce that it will awarding a $2,500 scholarship for 2022. The qualified appli cant must be entering college this Fall or be a returning student, majoring in Floraculture, Horticulture, Agriculture or a related Environmental Science. The application deadline is November 1, 2022. The scholarship will be awarded in December 2022. For an application, email Linda Murphy at or call Mary Louise Pacheco at 508-252-3975.
We invite the community to attend our October 4, 2022 meet ing for a native wildlife presentation. Kim Calcagno, who is the Audubon Society Refuge Manager of Rhode Island, will speak about the numerous animals and insects that inhabit the natural cavities in trees. She will show us what can be done with humanmade nesting boxes and other ways to encourage wildlife into our landscapes. The meeting will take place at the Rehoboth Congre gational Church at 9:30 AM.
New members are always welcome. For club information please contact Judith Doty at 508-567-5276.
351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA 02771
We will be holding our Fall Psychic Fair on Saturday, 10/9/22. Admission is free. 15 minute readings are $20.00 each. There will also be several Vendors (spaces still available). The hours are from 10 am to 3 pm. Proceeds to benefit the American Legion Auxiliary programs for our Veterans, community and children. For more information please call 508-336-9822 or send email to
Participating at this event are: Dawn Lorraine – Medium and Intuitive Card Reader, Beverly Sylvia – Psychic and Spirit Medium, Annalise Hajer - Spiritual Medium, Debbie Matthews - Spiritual Psychic Medium, Anita Wakim - Intuitive OH Card Reader, Astrid Meijer– Akashic Records Reader, Reverend Kathy - Medium and Card Reader, Georgette Biscari – Certificated Spirit/Psychic Medium over 30 years.
Meat Raffles will be held on the following Saturdays; 10/22, 10/29, 11/5 and 11/12 starting at 2 pm. There are 3 tables of steaks, chicken, pork, seafood, TV and other prizes. 50/50 raffle. Kitchen opens at noon. Call 508-336-9822 for information.
Annual Turkey Raffle on Friday, November 18th. Raffle starts at 7:00 pm for 30 turkey baskets that include vegetables and all the fixings. Turkey Baskets raffled every 10 minutes. Admission is free. Raffle books are also available at the Post prior to the event. Please call Post at 508-336-9822 for information or directions.
Friday Night Bands – 7:30 pm to 11 p
Rock- A- Blues – 10/7
Gregg Hodde – 10/14 Road Rage – 10/21
After Dark – 10/28
Rock- A- Blues – 11/4
After Dark – 11/11 Ricky V: Thursdays from 7 pm to closing Hall Rental: 200 person capacity. Contact Bob Reed for infor mation at 508-336-9822
The Seekonk Knights of Columbus will host its second annual charity craft fair on Saturday, October 22, 2022, from 10 am – 2 pm, 532 Arcade Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771.
This year we have 45 artisans offering a great variety of items. There’s sure to be something for everyone. Come meet the alpacas from Kave Rock Farm and see the products made with their wool.
County Fare Coney Island Hot Dogs will be there with their 5-star selections.
To support our many charities, we will be conducting a 50/50 raffle. See us on FaceBook. Rain date is Sunday, October 23, 2022.
We had our last open house for this season in September. This past June we had three 3rd grade classrooms, from the North El ementary School in Somerset, visit us for a day. We hope to resume class visitations from Rehoboth 3rd graders and other towns this spring (2023) Meanwhile, we hope to write some historical infor mation on our Facebook Page from time to time. Find Hornbine School information at our website which is https://hornbineschool.
Join Rehoboth’s own critically acclaimed author, Edward Achorn, as he discusses his newest book “Every Drop of Blood” at the Carpenter Museum, Wednesday, October 12th at 7PM.
Edward Achorn is the author of three books about American history. His new book, Every Drop of Blood: The Momentous Second Inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, was named one of the Best Books of 2020 by the Economist magazine and is an Amazon Editors’ choice for Best History. He is also the author of the classic baseball history books The Summer of Beer and Whiskey and Fifty-nine in ’84.
A journalist for 41 years, he is the former Vice President and Editorial Pages Editor of The Providence Journal. He is a Pulitzer Prize finalist for Commentary and won the Yankee Quill Award for distinguished lifetime service to journalism. He lives in an 1840s Rehoboth farmhouse.
The presentation runs about 50 minutes, followed by Q&A, and book purchase/signing. Registration is encouraged and free. To learn more and reserve tickets visit rehobo .
• The American Legion now serves food Fridays 5:00 – 8:00 PM
• New! Call the American Legion if you’re interested in playing in the Hi-Lo Card Leagues on Monday Nights from September-November & April – June or on Wednesday nights September – December and start up again in January – April – all games start at 7:00 PM @ $7.00 per game
• The Cribbage League plays on Monday Nights January – March and then on Wednesday Nights from May – August – all games start at 7:00 PM
• On certain Sundays each month - 1:00 to 4:00 PM – Craft Work Shops - Having a GREAT TIME! e-mail for more
• October 7th, 2022 - Friday - 6:30-10:00 P.M., Jim Powers En tertainment presents Old Time Rock “N” Roll, Classical Rock & County - No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Ah! La Carte Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks –Dancing and sit back and enjoy groups/657024961125913/
• “New” October 8th, 2022 – Saturday - 6:30-9:00 P.M., Live Music performed by Georg Poli Live Entertainment – Food - Check with the bar for the specials of the day – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! groups/657024961125913/
• October 9th, 2022 – Sunday -7:30-10:30 A.M. American Le gion & Anawan Lions Monthly Breakfast, Second Sunday of every month $10.00 donation - All you can Eat! https://www.
• October 14th, 2022 – Friday - 7:00-10:00 P.M. – “Special” OCTOBER 15th, 2022- Saturday – 5:00-7:00 P.M. – American Legions Annual Pig Roast with the master chef John DuVally -– Food – Drinks – PLUS + 5:00-8:00 PM - Dancing - Live Music performed by Notorious Jones Entertainment with Classic Rock Music
• October 21st, 2022 – Friday - 7:00-10:00 P.M. – Live Music performed by Notorious Jones Entertainment with Classic Rock Music – No Cover Charge! - Food – Drinks – Danc ing & having a GREAT TIME! groups/657024961125913/
• “New” October 22nd, 2022 – Saturday - 7:00-10:00 P.M. – Live Music performed by Gutzy Right Duo Entertainment with Clas sic Rock Music – No Cover Charge! - Food – Drinks – Dancing & having a GREAT TIME!
• October 28th, 2022 – Friday - 7:00-8:00 P.M., Sons of the Ameri can Legion’s Monthly Meat Raffle followed by Karaoke Night 8:00 till 11:00 P.M. Come on in and sing a song or two – Food - Catered by Kim Fugundes - serves food on the last Friday of the month from 5:00 – 8:00 PM groups/657024961125913/
• October 28th, 2022 – Friday - 8:00-11:00 P.M. + – Live Karaoke
performed by Jazzy Jill’s Karaoke Entertainment, Come on in and sing a song or two – No Cover Charge! – Food - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! https://www.facebook. com/groups/657024961125913/
• “Special“ October 29th, 2022 – Saturday - 7:00-11:00 P.M. –Annual Halloween Costume / Witches Ball – with $100.00 first prize for best costume & you must register by 8:00 PM with Jake - $10.00 per ticket, Johnny Angle will be playing Music and Karaoke – Food – Cash Bar groups/657024961125913/
• November 4th, 2022 - Friday - 6:30-10:00 P.M., Jim Powers Entertainment presents Old Time Rock “N” Roll, Classic Rock & County - No Cover Charge! – Food - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back and enjoy
• “New” November 5th, 2022 - Saturday - 7:00-10:00 P.M., BLACK LIGHT DUO presents Classic Rock & Roll - No Cover Charge! – Food Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back and enjoy groups/657024961125913/
• “Special” November 11th, 2022 – Friday - 12:00 - 6:00 P.M. –VETERANS DAY DINNER – Food - Catered by Kim Fugundes - serves food to our Veterans - groups/657024961125913/
• November 11th, 2022 – Friday - NO SHOW OF FOOD TO NIGHT DUE TO VETERANS DAY
• November 12th, 2022 – Saturday - 7:00-10:00 P.M. - “3 CAN JAM” from Attleboro - Live Music Entertainment playing Classic & Rock Music – No Cover Charge! - Food – Drinks – Dancing & having a GREAT TIME!
• November 13th, 2022 – Sunday -7:30-10:30 A.M. American Legion & Anawan Lions Monthly Breakfast, Second Sunday of every month $10.00 donation - All you can Eat! https://www.
• November 18th, 2022 – Friday - 7:00-8:00 P.M., Sons of the American Legion’s Monthly Meat Raffle followed by - 8:00-11:00 P.M. – Live Music performed by Notorious Jones Entertainment with Classical Rock Music – No Cover Charge! - Food – Drinks – Dancing & having a GREAT TIME! https://www.facebook. com/groups/657024961125913/
• November 18th, 2022 – Friday - 8:00-11:00 P.M. + – Live Kara oke performed by Jazzy Jill’s Karaoke Entertainment, Come on in and sing a song or two – No Cover Charge! – Food - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! https://www.facebook. com/groups/657024961125913/
• November 19th, 2022 - Saturday - 7:00-10:00 P.M., Ghost Cat Rodeo presents Classical Rock & County Music - No Cover Charge! – Food Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back and enjoy https://www.
September 14th the EP Lions gathered for their monthly meet ing at Davenports.
This meeting included installation of officers for the upcoming year and awards to 2 members who shared the Lion of the Year award. This award was given to 2 members who went above and beyond throughout the past year. They attended monthly meetings and volunteered their services to the community. This included a clothing drive and also a membership drive. The EP Lions strives to hold fundraisers to help support the EP Scholarship fund, Adopt a Family and other worthy causes. If you are interested and feel you would like to see what the EP Lions is about, please contact us thru our website.
October 8 & 9 from 9:00AM-3:00PM
12 Mason Street, Rehoboth, Ma
Money raise from the Yard Sale will go to the K-9 Unit Seekonk Police Department. Also taking donations for the K-9 Unit. Any question you can call 401-601-5665 Sandra Phillips
Puzzical Chairs & Pie with music by the Vox Hunters – Creating Connections in our Thriving City with Puzzles, Pie, Music, & Dancing
Join the crew at Puzlkind Jigsaw Puzzles with their special guests the Vox Hunters as we puzzle, dance, connect, & eat pie! All Ages, All People, All Free.
love with Nature with The
on Sunday, October 16th
these falls
a scenic hike out to Shaw’s
Help celebrate Providence Innovation District Park (on the Jewelry District side of the Pedestrian Bridge) as a haven for com munity connection at our Inaugural Puzzical Chairs & Pie Event with the Vox Hunters on Sunday, October 9th at 1:00 pm (Rain Date: October 29th).
Puzzical Chairs is an intergenerational, interactive, inspiring, family friendly and festive experience that fosters new neural and social connections for our thriving community. We will match par ticipants with an initial puzzle partner to assemble an original Sarah Jane Lapp 24 piece jigsaw puzzle for the duration of a Vox Hunters’ song. When the song changes, partners change, too! Free hand pies for the first 100 participants. LGBTQIA+ and all ages welcome.
Generously funded with a grant by Providence Innovation District Park. This event is FREE, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC and a perfect way to end October’s Mental Illness Awareness Week and gear up for World Mental Health Day on October 10th.
For more information and to register for FREE visit https://puz
Keep up to date on all of our upcoming events by following us on Instagram ( or signing up for our newsletter at Listen to Vox Hunters at https://www.
Thursday, October 20, 6:30-8:00 PM
Seekonk Public Library; Refreshments served. Bring your friends and neighbors from Seekonk, Rehoboth, and anywhere else in Bristol County! For further information:martha@torrance,
The Anawan Lions will hold their Annual Pasta Dinner Fundraiser at the American Legion at 84 Bay State Road. Tickets are12.00 each. Pasta, Homemade Meatballs in sauce, salad, rolls, butter. Pickup time is 5:00 to 6:00 pm. Call Jeanne Noons @508-942-4903 or Lisa Halajko @ 774-991-0052. Don’t cook, come by, and pick up a dinner!
Saturday, October 29th from 4-7 pm
Come join us Saturday, October 29th, for some Halloween Fun! Community Covenant Church is hosting a family-friendly Trunk or Treat event from 4-7 pm at 615 Tremont St. Rehoboth.
A ceremony will be held on the 11th month, at the 11th hour at the Rehoboth Veterans Cenotaph on the corner of Route 44 and Danforth, followed by the placing of a wreath at the Rehoboth Vet erans Memorial gazebo on the Redway Plain. A free luncheon will be held in the afternoon at the American Legion Post 302 for our local Veterans by our special cook, Kim Fagundes and the music.
You must RSVP by November 1st - E-mail Jake at veterans@ or call 508-252-4467 or the American Legion at 508-252-9079.
Friday, November 11, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday, November 12, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church, Coyle Drive (off Rte. 152), Seekonk, Mass., will hold its annual Holiday Fair on Friday, No vember 11, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm and Saturday, November 12, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm in the church basement. Super Raffles include Cash Prizes, HDTV, Scratch Tickets, our famous “Baskets Galore”, Kim’s Special Raffles, and more. Items for sale will be Jewelry, Christmas Decor, Toys, Almost New Items, Hand Knits, Baked Goods, and
Saturday, November 12, 2022, at 10 AM
The Annual Meeting of the Rehoboth Cemetery Association, to which all lot owners are invited, will be held on Saturday, November 12, 2022, at 10 AM, in the Rehoboth Congregational Church, Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA.
October 22 from 10AM-12PM
Physical Therapy and Wellness Center is the largest of its kind in the East Bay; public invited to Open House
Aldersbridge Communities, a nonprofit provider of long-term
care, skilled nursing, rehabilitation therapy, assisted living services, and independent services for older adults, announces the opening of its Aldersbridge Physical Therapy and Wellness Center to the general public.
An Open House for the 1,800 sq. ft. re habilitation suite, located inside Linn Health & Rehabilitation at 30 Alexander Avenue in East Providence, will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2022 from 10:00 a.m. to noon. At 11:00 a.m., East Providence Mayor Roberto DaSilva and other VIPs will participate in a ribbon cutting ceremony. Staff will be on hand to provide tours of the Center and light refreshments will be served.
The Aldersbridge Physical Therapy and Wellness Center is the largest in-house rehabilitation unit within a nonprofit skilled nursing facility in the East Bay. The suite features state-of-the-art rehabilitation and therapy equipment. Trained and certified staff provides high-quality care for adults in need of physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, specialized Parkin son’s disease movement and rehabilitation programs, and personalized wellness and
recovery services for injury, medical disorders, and post-operative needs. The Center also sports a special walkway lane for working with patients on ambulatory motion and steps, and replica kitchen/ laundry/bathroom areas for practicing skills of independent living.
“We look forward to helping residents of our Aldersbridge communities and adults in Rhode Island to improve their activities of daily living, medical recovery and independent mobility,” says Richard Gamache, MS, FACHCA, chief executive officer of Alders bridge Communities. “Our therapists have created unique programs and adopted proven rehabilitation techniques to treat chronic or temporary health conditions such as Parkinson’s, heart disease, COPD, stroke, arthritis, and more. We are excited to showcase our Center and staff to the community and welcome all to attend our Open House.”
Outpatient appointments are available Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with other times and Saturdays by request. Most insurances are accepted and physician referrals are required. For more information, visit
Saturday, August 19, 2023 Time: 5PM-10PM
Five Bridge Inn, 52 Pine Street, Rehoboth MA 02769
Hors d’oeuvres – Cash Bar – Buffet Dinner – DJ –Dancing
$75 per person. Reservations now being accepted. Attire: Evening Casual
Visit our facebook page: Dighton-Rehoboth Class of 1973 or contact Janice Hagopian Narsasian at jnarsasian@ Please leave your name, street address, email address, and phone number. You will be contacted with addition information.
Toyota is the only dealer in New England to earn the Presidents award
customer satisfaction in sales and service and one of only 6 in the Country to earn the award 29 years running...So if your looking for a new car or truck we have over 500 to choose and over 200 used of all makes and models and if we don’t have what your looking for we will find it used being our specialty for over 50 years and if you need service come see what good old fashion service is really like over 50 years of appointments necessary for Express lube free pick up and delivery or 30 loaner cars when needed reward points with any service or part purchases... remember we didn’t become one of New England’s best dealers by saying no bring us your best deal.
The Friends of the Blanding Library will hold their annual used book sale on Friday Oct. 7 from 5 to 7 pm and on Sat. Oct. 8 from 10 am to 3 pm. On Friday evening
is a preview sale for members of the Friends (you may join at that time). The Saturday sale is open to all. This event is the major fundraiser of the year for the library and a great place to find book bargains for all ages and interests.
The Friends of the Library annual meeting will be held on Tues. Oct. 11 at 7 pm. The Friends will be seeking new officers for our all-volunteer organization this year and encourage anyone who has an interest in supporting our library to attend the meeting.
The library’s town-wide read of “The Map Thief” will conclude with a special talk by Michael Blanding, the book’s author, on Sat. Oct. 15 at 2 pm. The book is about E. Forbes Smiley, a dealer in rare maps who managed to steal millions of dollars’ worth of rare
maps from university libraries and other collectors and sell them to unsuspecting clients before he was caught. Mr. Blanding explores the previously untold story of this fascinating high-stakes criminal and gives an inside look into the world of rare maps.
Get in the spirit of the season! Stop by the library between October 11 and October 15 to pick a pumpkin from our “patch.” Have fun decorating it at home as your favorite literary character. Then return your decorated pumpkin to the library by October 22. Pumpkins will be on display and judged by patrons October 24-28. Winners will be notified Saturday, October 28 and pumpkins may be collected that day for your home Halloween display.
• Stories & Craft Times for preschoolers ages 3 and up will be held on Thursday mornings at 10:30. A simple bookrelated craft will follow the story, so we ask that each child be registered.
• Baby & Toddler Storytime continues with Miss Joyce and Miss Cathy each Tuesday morning at 10:30. We ask that you register your child for these programs.
• A special “Through Me to You” puppet show with Newton and His Friends will be held on Tues. Oct. 25 at 10:30. No registration is needed for the puppet show.
• Fall Story Walk: Take a walk around the library’s front garden and read page by page Helen Cooper’s delicious story, “Pumpkin Soup,” a tale of friendship, sharing, and the importance of listening to each other. Then stop inside the library’s children’s room for a story-related craft. This story walk is sponsored by The Friends of the Blanding Library.
The next book for discussion by the Blanding Book Club will be the novel “The Henna Artist” by Alka Joshi on Wed. Nov. 9 at 7 pm. Note that this will be on the second Wednesday of the month. Usually this fun and friendly group of readers meets on the first Wednesday of the month. Next on the agenda is “True Biz” by Sara Novik on Dec. 7. Stop by or call to reserve copies of these books.
After a long pause during the pandemic, Hank Coleman says “I am excited to an nounce the resumption of our American his tory discussion group this fall at the library. The first session will be held on Wed. Nov. 2 from 11:00 am to 12:15 pm.”
The discussions will begin with social, political and economic events during the formative years of the American Republic from 1788 through 1888. Further sessions will continue on Wednesday mornings through April 2023, and will examine events up through the Civil War and Reconstruc tion. These sessions are open to all and a background knowledge of these subjects isn’t necessary. For more information on discussion topics and reading suggestions, contact Hank at
The Blanding Public Library (blandinglib is located at 124 Bay State Rd. and is open Monday through Thursday from 10 to 8 and on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 to 4. Closed Sundays and holidays, including Mon. Oct. 10. Phone 508-252-4236.
Tuesday, October 11th at 6:30 PM
Have you ever had an experience that you simply cannot ex plain? In honor of the Halloween season, the Ain’t it Scary? with Sean & Carrie podcast will be hosting the virtual presentation New England Ghost Stories over Zoom on October 11th at 6:30pm at Seekonk Public Library. Join us as they cover a short history of paranormal and ghost stories in New England - from the cases of the Conjuring series-inspiring Warrens, to hauntings relating to major historical events, to some of the spookiest and strangest stories based in the Northeastern US. Feel free to bring your curi osity, questions, and an open mind! Register online at seekonkpl. org/events to receive a Zoom invitation for this program.
The Ain’t it Scary? with Sean & Carrie podcast is hosted by Sean & Carrie McCabe, a married couple with differing viewpoints on the unbelievable. He’s skeptical. She’s spooky. Together they explore the unknown, unsolved, unbelievable, and just plain weird, with topics ranging from true crime (Jack the Ripper, D.B. Cooper), the paranormal (the Amityville Horror, Gettysburg ghosts), historical weirdness (Henry VIII, cannibalism at Jamestown) and everything, well, scary (urban legends, cryptids, conspiracies and more). Ain’t it Scary? is part of Killer Podcasts, an Evergreen Podcasts network - find out more at!
For more information, visit or email library@
Wednesday, October 12 at 5:30 PM
Great DVD releases are back and you can skip the wait to bor row them by joining us! Come and watch highly anticipated new DVD releases for FREE at Seekonk Public Library in our movie night series, the 2nd Wednesday of the month this October - January. This series is free and open to the public.
Based on the international best-selling novel, this film follows Kya, a young woman who raised herself in the North Carolina marshlands, when she becomes a murder suspect in her small town community.
Rated PG-13. Running time: 2 hours and 5 minutes
Licensing prevents us from printing titles; call the library at 508-336-8230 ext. 56130 or email for the title and other details. Register in the calendar at events for planning purposes and to receive any program updates.
Back by popular demand! There are so many spices available to us today, but it’s hard to know which ones you’ll like. Now there’s a way to try before you buy: Spice Club! Participants will register to receive take-home kits featuring a small amount of a new spice, a recipe chosen as an introduction to that spice, background and history and reading lists to explore the cultures the spices come from. The following spices are available:
10/17/22 – Harissa
10/31/22 – Cardamom
11/14/22 – Star Anise
11/28/22 – Smoked Paprika
On Tuesday, December 13 at 6 PM there will be a Pot-Luck Dinner to share our favorite spices.
Register in advance for each week in the program online at
For information, visit, email agreil@seekonkpl. org, or call the library at 508-336-8230 x56141.
October 18th at 6:00 PM
Looking for the perfect addition to your Halloween decorations? Register now to make seasonal picture frames to display. Whether you want to make something scary or justa-bit-spooky you will have access to all kinds of craft supplies and expert advice from our Librarian. Follow along with a pattern or strike out on your own – this program will get your creative juices flowing! Space is limited. Please register in advance for this program online at For information, visit, email, or call the library at 508-336-8230 x56141.
Tuesday, October 25th at 6:00 PM
Join us for a lively discussion of The Pioneers: The Heroic Story of the Settlers Who Brought the American Ideal West by David McCullough on Tuesday, October 25th at 6:00 PM at Seekonk Public Library. The title is available digitally as an ebook and audiobook through Libby, or you may place a hold and pick up a print copy at the library. New members are always welcome! Register online at to receive program updates.
Best-selling author David McCullough tells the story of the settlers who began America’s migration west, overcoming almost-unimaginable hardships to build in the Ohio wilderness a town and a government that incorporated America’s highest ideals.
For more event information, visit or email
Wednesday, October 26 at 6 PM
We often have to be reminded that in order to give to others we have to first recharge ourselves. To help with this, join us at Seekonk Library for Creative Well-being: A Collage Workshop on Wednesday, October 26 from 6 – 7:30 PM. Presenter Maria Holme is the owner of Your Next Step and has been providing motivational insight to groups and clients for several years. In this program you will both hear and experience the benefits of taking time for yourself. Roll up your sleeves as we explore the creative option of image and word collaging to express ourselves, relax and recharge. Supplies, handouts, inspiration and peaceful music will fill the room as we learn about self-care in this creative way. Provided materials are yours to keep. Space is limited; pre-registration is required. Reg ister in the Events Calendar at This program is free and open to the public through the generosity of a grant from the Seekonk Cultural Council, a local agency that is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
For more information call Adult Services at 508-336-8230 x56130 or email
Saturday, October 29 from 9 AM- noon
Seekonk residents, join us at the Seekonk Public Library for a Seekonk Shred Day scheduled for Saturday, October 29, 2022 from 9 AM to 12 noon. This event is for Seekonk Library cardholders and Seekonk residents only and is co-sponsored by the Town of Seekonk Recycling Committee. Participants will need to present their id or Seekonk library card at the event.
There is a limit of two bags or boxes per trip. This is a rain or shine event.
Register online at to receive email in case there are any changes to the event.
Bring your confidential paper items to the ProShred mobile shredding truck in the library parking lot for secure, on-site destruc tion and recycling. Participants will personally bring material to the shredding truck, see materials loaded into the shredder, and carry away your own empty bags or boxes.
Call the Adult Services department at (508) 336-8230 or email for more information.
Thursday, November 3 at 6 PM
Flowering plants are a great way to brighten our homes during
winter holidays. After the first of the year, does your poinsettia
its leaves and make you feel sad enough to toss it in the bin? Does your holiday cactus survive from one year to the next and fail to produce blooms? Please join us for an overview on how to best care for these ornamental plants in the program Holiday Sea son Plants on Thursday, November 3 at 6 PM at Seekonk Public Library. URI Master Gardener Kathleen O’Connell will teach us how to maintain our winter plants and help them thrive year after year. This program is free and open to the public; register in the Events Calendar at
For more information, call Adult Services at the library at (508) 336-8230 or email
If you missed our book sale at Celebrate Seekonk, we have daily sales in the lobby and will be having a big sale in November. You can shop online at the following address for our fall bulb sale ketplace/seller/profile/shop/friendsoftheseekonklibrary or tinyurl. com/4vpcunsf.
Students in grades 6-12 can participate in these free, fun activities.
*Thursday, Oct. 6 at 4 PM Teen Advisory Board
We’re always looking for ideas to make cool new programs! New members can apply at
*Thursday, Oct. 13 at 3 PM Sweet and Sour Book Club
Bring a book you love (sweet) or weren’t a fan of (sour). We’ll discuss, play games and enjoy sweet and sour snacks.
*Thursday, Oct. 20 at 3 PM Halloween Cupcake Decorating
Learn how to decorate spooky spider and ghost cupcakes (and then eat them!)
*Thursday, Oct. 27 at 3 PM Interactive Movie: Hocus Pocus
It’s the Sanderson Sisters as you’ve never seen them before! We’ll shout, sing, eat, fly our brooms and participate in the classic film in crazy ways. Costumes are welcome.
*RSVP online to reserve a space in this program.
For information, visit, email teens@, or call the library at 508-336-8230 x56141.
Tuesday, October 4, 2 PM (early release day)
Join Detective Keith Perry for another great hour of Lego build ing with a spin, literally! For each round, we’ll use the spinner to determine the two builds that will be a part of that round. Kids will choose which of the two they want to build for the round, sit with others doing the same build, wait for the countdown, then start! Sometimes a timer will be involved, other times there may be changing of seats or a surprise twist that’s added to the build. A special early release day program for children ages 7+. Registra tion required. Join us!
Tuesdays, October 4, 18, 25 & November 1
Join Ms Sandie virtually via Zoom for a Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone book club for grades 3-5! Participants will have
opportunity to practice reading aloud to
it will
will conclude with a film screening of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone on Tuesday, November 8th at 5 PM in the library. (not virtual)
It’s S.T.E.A.M. Week! October 17 - 22
Drop by the children’s room throughout the week for self directed, hands-on S.T.E.A.M. activities (science, technology, engineering, art, math). Activities include Snap Circuits, Code & Go Robot Mouse, Magnetic Science Kit, Geology Game, Human Anatomy Kit, plus activities using Magna Tiles, magnets and Legos. There will also be special book displays and STEAM activity sheets to take home.
Wednesday, October 26, 2 PM (early release day)
Families will meet-up at the Library then start off on a StoryWalk in the Gammino Pond Conservation Area led by Seekonk Conserva tion Agent, Jennifer Miller. After that it’ll be back to the Library for an owl pellet dissection to piece together clues about what an owl eats! This program is sponsored by Seekonk Library, the Seekonk Conservation Commission and the Seekonk Cultural Council, part of the MA Cultural Council. Dissection is best suited for children ages 5+. A simple activity will be available for younger siblings.
Seekonk Library storytimes focus on talking, singing, reading, writing and playing- important principles for your child’s reading readiness.
Baby & Toddler Storytime: Mon, Oct 17, 24, 31 10AM
Join Miss Sharon for a weekly storytime designed for children birth - 36 months old. The storytime will include a book or two fol lowed by music, fingerplays, movement and yes, even bubbles! Held indoors in the Library’s Meeting Room. Siblings always wel come. No registration required. Please bring your SAILS Library card so your child may take storytime books home.
Preschool Storytime: Wed, October 5, 12, 19 9:30AM
Miss Sandie will read 2 - 3 stories and children will complete a related activity. Siblings welcome. Registration is not required, but please bring your SAILS library card to check out books to take home.
Trick or Treat Storytime: Wed, October 26 at 9:30AM
Children ages 3-5 are invited to a Trick or Treat storytime. We’ll be reading Halloween stories and trick or treating in the library. Costumes are encouraged. Registration is required. Please bring your SAILS library card to bring more books home and con tinue the storytime adventure.
Storytime on the Go: Starting Thursday, October 6
Create a storytime experience at home with Storytime On The Go packets. Each packet will include 6 books to check out plus an age appropriate early literacy activ ity.The early literacy activity will support one or more of the five early literacy practices: talking, singing, reading, writing and playing. Storytime On The Go packets are available for babies, toddlers or preschoolers- just choose the packet that’s right for your child. Prefer to select your own items? Just choose 6 or more items to check out (picture books, juvenile nonfiction and/or juvenile magazines) then stop at the children’s room desk to pick up an accompanying activity packet. For October, Storytime on the Go packets will be available starting Thursday, October 6. Drop in.
leader, sharing skills as a one-time volunteer, or even making a program available to Girl Scouts in the community, there are flex ible options for adults to make a difference in the lives of our Girl Scouts! We want everyone to be so excited about the adventures they will have with us that they can hardly wait for it, because they know they can do anything they set their mind to. That feeling starts with parents and caregivers who encourage their children and volunteers who are their role models.
Become a Girl Scout family today. It’ll change your lives forever. Learn more & register:
The Scouts will be holding their annual food drive – Scouting for Food – on Saturday, November 5th.
Rehoboth Cadette Girl Scouts Troop 494 held a teddy bear tea party for younger girls to learn more about Girl Scouts. The girls enjoyed tea, snacks, books, and wooden bead bracelets. Interested girls in grades K-12 should go to to register.
As summer draws to a close and parents and caregivers are sending their kids back to school, Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England is preparing for a new troop year—and we’re inviting families to join the fun and register for Girl Scouts! Families want a brighter, happier tomorrow for their girl—and that’s exactly what we want too. Studies show that being a Girl Scout improves girls’ confidence and makes them better prepared to weather life’s chal lenges. Girl Scouts provides a supportive space for girls to take chances, try new things, and learn to succeed through failure—all within a safe, supportive, girl-led environment. Through Girl Scouts, they can also find their people, discover their joy, know their power, build their community, and live their best lives.
Being a Girl Scout isn’t just something to do. It’s a way to dis cover the magic of being your full, amazing, unfiltered self. Whether singing camp songs, planting a vegetable garden, or building a mini rollercoaster—everything in Girl Scouts teaches girls how to use their unique strengths and interests to make friends, spread joy, and even change the world in their own special way. Above all else, they’re having a blast—because they know bringing the fun is all about being their true selves, trying new things, and cheering each other on.
At Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England, we offer pro gramming and activities in areas such as STEAM, the outdoors, entrepreneurship, life skills, and more. With their troops, Girl Scouts can earn badges that focus on things like camping, hik ing, cybersecurity, mental health, democracy, first aid, budgeting, space science, animals, drawing, jewelry, community service, and trees—just to name a few! And at the core of Girl Scouts is the Girl Scout Promise and Law, which emphasizes being honest and fair, friendly, and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible for what they say and do. Most of all, they commit to being a sister to every Girl Scout. This truly is a circle of friendship like no other!
One of every two adult women is a Girl Scout alum. Girl Scout alums display positive life outcomes to a greater degree than nonalums on several indicators of success, including sense of self, volunteerism, community work, civic engagement, education, and income/socioeconomic status. Alums, parents, caregivers, and volunteers are vital to success. Whether taking the role of a troop
All food donations will stay in Seekonk and benefit the clients at Doorways Food Pantry. Not sure what to donate? Non-perishable food items such as peanut butter, jelly, cereal, coffee and beans are always in need.
Please leave donations near your mailbox, or the end of your driveway, before 9:00 AM on Saturday, November 5th. Scouts will be driving through every neighborhood in Seekonk and bringing the food to Doorways throughout the morning.
Scouting for Food is Doorways’ largest food drive each year, but if you miss it, groceries are also accepted at Doorways Food Pantry every Saturday from 8-10am, at the North School located at 2 North Street Seekonk, MA.
Thank you for your generous support!
Prepare grill for direct grilling over medium-high heat. Prepare rice according to package instructions.
Brush all sides of chicken and corn with oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place chicken and corn on hot grill rack; cover and cook 8 minutes, or until grill marks appear and internal temperature of chicken reaches 165 F, turning chicken once and corn frequently. Transfer chicken and corn to cutting board; let stand 5 minutes. Cut corn kernels from cobs into medium bowl. Slice chicken 1/4inch thick crosswise.
Add 1 tablespoon lime juice, cilantro and paprika to corn; toss and fold in Parmesan cheese. In small bowl, whisk dressing from salad kit and remaining lime juice.
Serve rice in bowls topped with avocado, pineapple, chicken, corn mixture and remaining contents of salad kit drizzled with dressing mixture.
Recipe courtesy of Jess Pryles on behalf of Beef Loving Texans
Total: 60 mins ~ Servings: 10
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1 onion, diced
• 2 pounds ground beef
• 2 teaspoons kosher salt
• 1 teaspoon garlic powder
• 1/2 teaspoon cumin
• 2 teaspoons chipotle powder
• 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
• 15 ounces canned corn, drained
• 15 ounces canned seasoned black beans, drained
• 10 ounces canned diced tomatoes with green chiles, drained
• 15 ounces canned red enchilada sauce
• 1 cup Mexican crema or sour cream
• nonstick cooking spray
• 12 corn tortillas
• 8 ounces shredded Mexican blend cheese
• cilantro (optional)
• green onions, thinly sliced (optional)
Preheat oven to 375 F.
In large pan or skillet, heat olive oil over medium-high heat then add onion. Cook until softened, 4-5 minutes, stirring regularly.
Add ground beef and cook, stirring regularly, until beef has browned.
Add kosher salt, garlic powder, cumin, chipotle powder and onion powder; stir well. Add corn, black beans and diced tomatoes. Turn heat to medium and simmer 10 min utes. Remove from heat.
layer of tortillas then repeat layers until cas serole is full, 3-4 layers. Top with shredded
Loosely cover dish with foil in tent shape to help prevent cheese from sticking then bake 30 minutes.
Remove foil and bake 10-15 minutes until cheese is bubbly and golden brown.
Cool 5 minutes before serving. Top with cilantro and green onions, if desired.
Rehoboth Congregational Church Bazaar
November 4th, 4PM-8PM
November 5th, 9AM-3PM
Meals: Friday Take-Out Turkey Supper (Pre-Order Only), Saturday Luncheon
In-person shopping at the church & Goff Hall!
Bake Shoppe, Cookie Walk & Country Store
Silent Auction, Christmas Tree Raffle, Unique Boutique, Woodworkers Room & Mrs. Claus’ Closet
Visit www.Rccbazaar.Org to Order Your Meals!
139 Bay State Road, Rehoboth
There is something for everyone to enjoy at the Bazaar, as we fill the Sunday School classrooms and Goff Hall with shops featuring handmade goods, delicious baked goods, and a silent auction. The famous Turkey Supper will be held on Friday night! Lunch will be available in Fellowship Hall on Saturday. See you there!
The Rehoboth Congregational Church worships every Sunday at 10AM. Join us for a wonderful blend of traditional worship with a modern twist. We sing, we laugh, and we enjoy the fellowship of one another’s company while strengthening our faith and serving others. If you are traveling or not quite ready for crowds, you can still worship with us! Our Sunday services are live streamed both on our
website and on our Facebook page
We started off the month with a New Member informational luncheon on the 2nd and will be welcoming our New Members during the service on October 23rd . Join Us!
The RCC Soup Supper is BACK!! Our annual Soup Supper, hosted by the RCC Missions Committee, returns on Saturday, Oc tober 8th, from 6:00pm to 8:30pm in Fellowship Hall. All You Can Eat! Tickets are $10.00 for adults and $5 for children 12 & Under. Tickets must be reserved through the Church Office: 508-252-4545. We will also be holding a Bake Sale that evening for all your dessert cravings. Proceeds from the supper will support all of our Missions activities in Rehoboth and our neighboring communities.
The Missions Committee is also happy to announce the return of the Monthly Breakfast! Beginning October 23rd , and the third Sunday of each month thereafter, there will be a free breakfast offered to all. From 8:30am to 10:00am in Fellowship Hall. There will be gluten free items available, as well. You do not need to be a member of RCC to come and enjoy the fare. All are welcome!
We have our annual Trunk or Treat Celebration following the service on October 30th! Children are invited to wear their costumes to church and prizes are awarded to the best decorated vehicles. Join us for this fun event!
We at Holy Cross Catholic Church are a Sacramental Christian church sharing the riches of the Catholic Christian tradition inclu sively with all. We proclaim the faith of the Nicene Creed: Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human, Jesus Christ saves humankind through His death and resurrection. Our faith focuses on the scrip tures of the Old and New Testaments, interpreting them in light of the tradition of the Church, human reason, and the experience of Christians throughout the ages.
We celebrate the Seven Sacraments (Baptism, Eucharist, Confir mation, Marriage, Ordination, Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick). We preserve the Apostolic Succession of our clergy.
We welcome ALL people to worship with us, inviting all baptized Christians to receive Holy Communion.
Prayer is a central part of the daily lives of our clergy, and laity. We celebrate the liturgy (Mass) each Sunday as well as seasonal Prayer Services.
The people of the Independent Catholic Christian Church share a strong common life, even as we are widely dispersed. We do not believe that it is possible to be a “solitary Christian”, but instead believe that we are called to work together as the Church, “the Body of Christ”, in its various expressions, so that we may grow in our discipleship to Christ. We are also called to bear witness to Christ and work for peace and justice in the larger world. We invite you to join us in our journey of Christian life.
For more information, please visit our website:
We hope you will join us each Sunday at Seekonk Congregational Church UCC at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary at 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA for our weekly service. Please come if you feel comfortable, all are welcome, masks are optional.
We will also have a 2nd service on the first Sunday of October, November and December at 11 AM. Communion will be served at both services and child care will be available. Church school will continue at 9:30 AM
We will continue to record our services and they are available the following day at Seekonk Congregational Church YouTube and on Cable 9 Seekonk at 10 AM.
• Oct 7 – Faith & Blue Event, the Seekonk Police and all Seekonk churches are sponsoring a Faith & Blue Event beginning at 5:30 – 9 PM with a cookout, bouncy house, Seekonk Police UTV Rides, Car Seat Checkpoint, Popcorn & Games. Food provided by Chick-fil-A and Young’s Catering. A movie for all ages will be shown inside at 7 PM.
Location for this event is Faith Christian Center 95 Sagamore Road Seekonk, MA
• Oct 15 – 9 AM to 1 PM Grandma’s Attic Christmas Sale in the Hall, this is a PRE Christmas Bazaar selling only Grandma’s attic items, jewelry and a Drawing Table
• Oct 22 - Trunk or Treat - from 3 – 6 PM in the Fall River Av enue Parking Lot
• Oct 29 – Raised Hands Praise and Worship Band 5 PM in the Sanctuary, reception to follow
• Nov 5 – 5 PM Harvest Supper Returns in Person, take out will also be available
• Dec 3 – Christmas Bazaar Returns in Person – virtual order ing will be available
• Dec 10 - Winter Wonderland - 2-5 PM
If you have any questions or wish to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, please email or call the church office at 508-336-9355. All events and services are open to ALL. Please check out our Facebook Page SeekonkCongregationalChurch/ for updates.
Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 3:00PM
Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ is pleased to present a concert titled Blues for Langston Hughes ~ A Blues Suite inspired by the poetry of Langston Hughes. The concert will feature excerpts from a variety of poems by Langston Hughes followed by blues inspired group improvisations.
This concert was conceived of by Chris Turner, music director. Chris has drawn his inspiration from the poetic language of Langs ton Hughes. Hughes was one of the earliest innovators of the literary art form called jazz poetry; Hughes is best known as a leader of the Harlem Renaissance. His poetry and fiction portrayed the lives of the working-class blacks in America, lives he portrayed as full of struggle, joy, laughter, and music. Permeating his work is pride in the African-American identity and its diverse culture. “My seeking has been to explain and illuminate the Negro condition in America and obliquely that of all human kind”, Hughes is quoted as saying. He confronted racial stereotypes, protested social conditions, and expanded African America’s image of itself; a “people’s poet” who sought to reeducate both audience and artist by lifting the theory of the black aesthetic into reality.
For this concert, Chris Turner is music director, reader, and plays harmonicas. Becky Bass, soprano section leader at Newman UCC, is vocalist, reader, and plays steel pan. Featured instrumentalists include Rachel Maloney on fiddle and bass harmonica, Jim Corwin on guitar and dobro, Jack Moore on washtub bass, Matt McLaren on percussion and Geoff Greene on accordion.
The public is cordially invited and there is a suggested dona tion of $10. A reception will follow the concert with an opportunity to meet the musicians. Newman Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, is located at 100 Newman Avenue, Rumbord, RI 02916. For more info, to become a sponsor, or to reserve tickets, please call the church office at (401) 434-4742 x10.
The Pantry has resumed its indoor distribution as of September 13. Modifications to the indoor distribution as it was carried out before Covid have been made to create less crowding in the various Pantry spaces and to shorten the time that it takes for guests to complete the process. Masks are required as there are situations where physical distancing is not possible and the vaccination/health status of volunteers and guests cannot always be known. Vol unteers who are able to lift bags weighing up to 15 pounds are especially needed to assist guests in carrying their groceries to their cars or to the bus stop. If you are interested in this volunteer
opportunity, please visit the Pantry’s website at or call the Pantry at 401-434-4742.
The Bread of Life Food Pantry is a collaborative ecumenical effort of five East Providence churches: Bethany Church of the Nazarene, Church of the Epiphany, Evangelical Covenant Church of Riverside, Newman Congregational Church and St. Margaret Church. The Pantry is located at Newman Congregational Church, 100 Newman Avenue, and is open twice each month, on the sec ond and fourth Tuesdays from 5 to 7 p.m. The Pantry welcomes all those in need of food assistance. For more information about the Bread of Life Food Pantry, visit the Pantry’s website at EPBre; email the Pantry at; or call 401-434-4742.
went completely remote,” explained Brown. “Remote works great for some kids, but is a struggle for others.”
After graduating from North Attleboro High School in 2004, Kerri Brown moved to Florida to study at Saint Leo University. Her plan was to get a degree in Human Services, come home, and become an adoption social worker. “Unfortunately, they weren’t hiring in the area at the time,” said Brown. Instead, she applied for a support staff position at the New England Center for Children (NECC) in Southborough, which provides compre hensive services for children with autism.
The job was appealing to Brown not only because of the Center’s impressive reputa tion, but also because it would pay for her to go to graduate school in either special edu cation or ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis.)
“In all honesty,” Brown confessed, “I had no clue what autism, or ABA was, so I went with special education!” Brown has family members with developmental disabilities and had seen how a teacher could change the lives of children with special education.
Brown, who now lives in Seekonk, spent the next three years working at NECC while also pursuing her Master’s Degree in Edu cation at Simmons University. It was during that time that she started to see how useful Applied Behavior Analysis was in the field of special education. Brown realized that by “using the principals of ABA, you can teach daily life skills, motivate kids to learn, and see the progress you’re looking for.” ABA, the only board-certified behavioral therapy for children on the autism spectrum, utilizes positive reinforcement and other principals of learning theory to modify and improve social skills. Brown eventually earned her certificate in ABA from Western New England University and went on to join Key Autism Services, a national agency that provides in-home therapy for children and young adults with autism.
Brown had been working out of Key Autism Service’s Massachusetts location for about a year and a half when COVID hit. “During the pandemic, a lot of agencies
One of those not only struggling - but regressing - during remote learning was a severely autistic girl from Canton whom Brown had been working with. The girl’s mother, Dina Gray, was discouraged by the lack of services available to children like her daughter who would never be able to live on their own, and who needed to be taught skills that would help them through adolescence and beyond. She had found that most agencies had long wait lists and typically shied away from working with older children. When Gray told Brown that she had long-range goals for her daughter, Brown an swered, “Okay, when do you want to start?”
Remembering that dark period in her family’s life, Gray said, “Obviously, I loved Kerri from the moment when she said yes, I can do all that stuff you’re looking for.”
Brown left Key Autism Services to partner with Gray, and together, in January of 2021, they launched their own behavioral health agency, ABA Helps (, that is committed to providing in-home, inperson care to children ages 2 through 22. “We only offer remote sessions if the family requests them,” Brown said, “And we’re will ing to put together a therapy plan that fits the needs of the family of the child with autism rather than a plan that fits the mandates of the insurance companies.”
As ABA Helps Chief Clinical Officer, Brown’s work includes designing and re viewing individual treatment plans, training and supervising therapists working in the field, and perhaps most importantly, men toring graduate students who are pursuing certificates in ABA therapy. Brown said, “The need out there is so great. We have a waitlist of our own now, and one of my biggest chal lenges is finding enough ABA therapists to work with our clients.”
In the short time since starting ABA Helps, Brown said they have grown from 2 clients in the Greater Boston area to more than 40 in towns throughout Eastern- and Central Massachusetts. ABA Helps recently started operating in New Hampshire, too. Brown hopes that in the next few years ABA Helps will be providing in-home services up and down the East Coast. When asked what she likes most about her work, Brown said that to her, it is all about helping people and seeing the effect that they have been able to have on families. “When you see how proud a child is when they do something as simple as tying their own shoes, it makes everything worth it.”
Trinity Rep’s beloved holiday tradition runs Nov 3rd - Jan 1st
Trinity Rep’s 46th annual production of A Christmas Carol continues the long tradition of young local actors performing alongside Trinity Rep’s acting company and guest artists. This year’s children’s cast includes Seekonk resident Emily Mallon, who is a fourth-grade student at Aitken Elementary School. Emily will play the role of Turkey Kid.
Dazzling audiences young and old alike, Trinity Rep’s annual production of the holiday classic has become a southern New England tradition, having been shown to over 1.6 million people since 1976. Tick ets are on sale now for performances of A Christmas Carol, which runs November 3, 2022 – January 1, 2023 in the Chace Theater. Tickets start at $27 and are available online at or by contacting the Ticket Office at (401) 351-4242.
Today, Citizens Financial Group CEO Bruce Van Saun congratulated colleagues who have been with the bank for 25 years or more. These colleagues will have specially inscribed bricks bearing their names - Seekonk residents Lorie Pion and David Roderick - installed outside Citizens headquarters at One Citizens Plaza in Providence, Rhode Island. More than 2,300 colleagues have been honored with bricks since the bank started the tradition in 1999.
“Without a doubt, it’s our people that make Citizens special, and I always ap preciate the opportunity to recognize our longstanding colleagues who have helped us grow into the leading financial institution we are today,” said Bruce Van Saun, Chair man and CEO, Citizens Financial Group.
The ceremony kicked off Citizens’ Credo Week, a special time each year when the bank celebrates its colleagues – as well as its customers, communities and share holders. It’s an opportunity for employees to support one another in living up to the Citizens Credo; striving to always exceed customer expectations, do the right thing, think long-term and work together.
Credo Week is an important and longstanding tradition that is embedded within Citizens’ culture. It provides an opportunity to engage, inspire and appreciate the mean ingful impact its employees deliver to their customers and communities. The Citizens Credo provides an essential guidepost for all the ways the bank works to help its customers, colleagues, communities, and shareholders reach their potential.
Home Maintenance Services:
and Moulding
Projects (interior
Deck Repairs
Garden Shed Builds
Power Washing
REINHART FOODSERVICE, INC. 100 Harborview Plaza, Suite 200 Post Office Box 2859
La Crosse, WI 54602 2859,
CASE FILE NO. 22 SC 1056 293 PVD, LLC d/b/a Boomerangs Roadhouse 293 Providence Street West Warwick, RI 02893
STEPHANIE KANE, personally 379 Fall River Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771
You are being sued by the person(s) named above as Plaintiff(s). A copy of the claim has been sent to you at your address as stated in the caption above.
The lawsuit will be heard at: La Crosse County Courthouse Courtroom/Room Number: Intake Court
ADDRESS: La Crosse County Justice Center, 333 Vine Street, La Crosse, WI 54601 on the following date and time: Date: 10/21/2022 Time: 9:00 a.m.
If you do not attend the hearing, the court may enter a judgment against you in favor of the person(s) suing you. A copy of the claim has been sent to you at your address as stated in the caption above. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property.
You may have the option to Answer without appearing in court on the court date by filing a written Answer with the clerk of court before the court date. You must send a copy of your Answer to the Plaintiff(s) named above at their address. You may contact the clerk of court at the telephone number above to determine if there are other methods to answer a Small Claims complaint in that county.
Phillip James Addis State Bar No. 1010642 Addis Law, LLC 504 Main St, Suite 200 PO Box 1627
La Crosse, WI 54602 1627 (608) 784 1355
The COA will be closed on Monday October 10th - Columbus Day Come & Join Us! We have added NEW activities:
• Drums Alive, Hi-Low Jack League, Bocce, Cornhole Toss, Scrapbooking and Crafty Fun Classes
• Watercolor class starts Thursday Septem ber 15th @ 1:00. The class will be taught by Daisy Gilmore.
• Stop in and have a cup of coffee and donuts Wednesdays from 10 to Noon. We will also have Pie and coffee on Wednes day from 1:00-2:00. We wil have pies from Bateson’s Apple Farm and Bakery.
• We have added scrapbooking and can always use extra supplies. This is a free class. Come join us on Thursdays @ 1:00.
• We are in need of cotton, flannel, and fleece fabric for sewing projects. We are accepting yarn donations for hats & blan kets. If you can donate, please call and we will set up a safe and secure drop off Meals on Wheels:
Please contact Bristol Elders, Inc. at (508) 675-2101 for information.
27 Francis Farm Road, Rehoboth, MA Phone 508-252-3372
Fax 508-252-4716
Monday - Thursday 8:00am to 4:00pm Fridays 8:00am to Noon
Walking Club 9:00 start time
9:00-11:00 Cribbage
10:00 Bocce
10:00 Cornhole Toss
12:00 Gert’s Café~ Limited seating
Please call to reserve a seat
Walking Club 9:00 start time
9:00 Zumba
10:00 Bocce
10:00 Cornhole Toss
10:30 Circling Hands Tai Chi & Taoist Meditation (NEW). The classes will be taught by Katy Rourke Wilson. Learn the fundamen tals while getting a complete energetic work out in this class that will teach the 3 circles that all tai chi movements are composed of. These simple and accessible movements will give you the primary benefits of Tai Chi.
Following Circling Hands will be a 30-45 minute seated Taoist Meditation. Chairs are available or bring a cushion, towel, or yoga mat to make yourself comfortable. Guidance will be provided for beginners.
10:00 Ladies Sewing & Quilting
1:00 Bocce & Cornhole Toss
1:00 Hi-Lo Jack League (New)
1:00 Crafty Fun Classes (NEW)
This class will taught by Daisy Gilmore.
Walking Club 9:00 start time
10:00-Noon Coffee w/outside seating
10:00 Bocce
10:00 Cornhole Toss
12:00-2:00 Pie & Coffee from (New Time)
9:00 Tai Chi
10:00 Belly Dancing
10:00 Ladies Knitting, Crochet, & Tea
12:00 Drums Alive (New)
1:00 Bocce
1:00 Cornhole Toss
1:00-3:00 Scrapbooking (NEW).
We will have free supplies available. 1:00-3:00 Watercolor Class (NEW)
Taught by Daisy Gilmore.
Walking Club 9:00 start time
9:00 Men’s Coffee 10:00 Bocce 10:00 Cornhole Toss
Bradly Marshall Outreach/ SHINE/Housing Coordinator
Mondays thru Wednesdays 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM and Thursdays 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM
To assist you with Social Service needs from Fuel, Food, housing, Medical Insurance, and intervention help. Please call for an appoint ment at 508-252-3372.
Reminder you will begin to receive let ters/information from you Medicare insur ance company that will be explaining the up coming changes for 2023. Its’ important that
you understand and save these documents. Premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and drug coverages can change drastically. Under the new Inflation/Reeducation Act Medicare can now negotiate some drugs and other drugs will be auto reduced in price and the total out of pocket expenses has also changed. So, for 2023 it will be important for you to review your plans to insure you are covered properly and that all your medications are covered in the manner you would like.
During open enrollment you can make changes to your plan to another that may be better for you and there could be other op tions available for you too. Open Enrollment begins October 15th and runs to December 7th so if you want help, please call the office to arrange an appointment. You will need to bring your Medicare and healthcare cards and all your medications so that we can be assured that all are covered at the level that would be best for you. Also, due changes in the Federal Poverty levels you may qualify for other assistive programs so we will need to check your gross income
Fuel applications to Citizens for Citizens will begin this year of 2022-2023 heating year. We will soon have the new applica tion forms here for you to apply, but if you are having difficulty with fuel and you are approaching a ¼ tank please call the office and we will attempt to assist you in getting up to 100 gallons. Re-certification forms for those on Fuel Assistance Program for 20222023 will be receiving them now, so call us to assist you with them to get the greatest benefit possible.
Questions or needs on Housing should also be directed to this office.
Currently applications for Food (SNAP benefits) assistance are still being process, so please call the office on how we can help you with your nutrition needs and save costs on your food bill.
Enrolling in Medicare through the Social Security Administration
To actively enroll in Medicare, contact the Social Security Administration. You can enroll through Social Security in three dif ferent ways.
Visit your local Social Security office. If you need to visit your local Social Security office to enroll in Medicare, you should make an appointment. Appointments are strongly recommended so that you can avoid delays and waiting in line.
• Call Social Security at 800-772-1213 to make an appointment at your local office. Visit jsp to find the address for your local office.
• Enroll online. To avoid waiting in line, con sider enrolling in Medicare online. There are two ways to apply for Medicare online:
• If you are applying for Medicare Part A and Part B at the same time, you can use
the online application found here: www.
If you are applying for Medicare Part B using the Part B Special Enrollment Period (SEP), you can use the online application found here: boa/medicare-part-b-online-application
• Enroll over the phone. Call the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213. Did you miss your enrollment deadline? If you need to enroll in Medicare, but you missed your enrollment period, contact your State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHINE) for help.
Toll-free: Rehoboth – 508-252-3372 Re gional Office – 508-222-1399 Email: Website:
To find a SHINE in another state: Call 877-839-2675 or visit
Geraldine Hamel, RN MSN
Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM 508-252-6502 ext. 3127 or 508-252-5947
Stephanie Reis, RN BSN ext. 3128 Offering multiple medical services for our Rehoboth citizens: Home Visits, Vac cinations, Support groups: Bereavement, Caregiver assistance, Dementia support and more.
Wellness Clinic: Wednesdays
Podiatry Clinic: Last Thursday of month Blood Pressures & Glucose Screenings: contact Geri Hamel 508-252-3127 for info.
Our September 26th meeting was stock full of making more plans for our Annual Fall Bazaar (my error calling it the Christ mas Bazaar). Vendors, baked goods, and volunteers are still needed for October 29th.
Also at our meeting we had Fireman John Parker who shared some very impor tant fire safety for seniors while they are in their home. For instance, while cooking breakfast, please make sure a bathrobe sleeve stays clear of the burners, or make sure house entrances are free of obstacles if you have to get out in an emergency situ ation. Fireman Parker reminded us of the differences between a smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide alarm, and which one you should flee from faster. Did you know there are 20 minutes difference in escape time?
Our next meeting will be our finalization meeting for the Annual Fall Bazaar, October 19th at noon. Hope to see many of you there.
Donna Howard RSCC PresidentOct 29, 2022 9:00AM to 3:00PM
Rehoboth Senior Center, Francis Hall Raffles - Home Made Crafts - Treasure Table - Baked Goods - Lunch Vendors
The center is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm, and Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 12:00pm. We
Closed for Columbus Day - Monday, October 10, 2022
Wed, October 12th @ 11:30am
Director Donna Wunschel from the Town’s Communication Department will discuss how the communication department works in Seekonk. Pastry and coffee will be served. Preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
Wed, October 19 @ 11:30am
Join us for an afternoon of entertainment, food and fun. Steve Burke, RI musician is a one man band that plays the keyboard, sax, smooth jazz vocals and dances. Come enjoy music from Sinatra to Santana Wear your best costume for a chance to win a prize! Lunch will served and will be Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Potato Salad and Chips. Cost: Seekonk Residents FREE and NonResidents $3.00. Preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
Wed, October 26 @ 11:30am
Come meet Maria Pimentel, a repre sentative of Massachusetts SMP Program and participate in a discussion on how to prevent, detect, and report healthcare errors, fraud and abuse. This workshop will provide you with the tools to become a more in formed and engaged health care consumer, including the importance of protecting your Medicare number. Preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
If you are enrolled in a Medicare Pre scription Drug Plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO/ PPO), expect an information packet from your plan by the end of Septem
all to come and enjoy
Human Services.
ber. It is important to understand and save this information: it explains the changes in your plan for 2023. Premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and the drugs covered by your plan can change significantly!
During Medicare Open Enrollment, you can adjust your plan for next year. SHINE Counselors help you understand your plan changes as well as other options you may have. Open Enrollment runs from October 15 through December 7!
*Please note all clients will be required to fill out a Medicare prescreening form to help us better serve you by looking up your current plan and comparing it to the future plans, if changes are necessary.
If you have never had fuel assistance and would like to apply or if you need help filing your application, please call Seekonk Human Services at 508-336-8772 to make an appointment with the Outreach Depart ment. Fuel assistance applications accepted November 1, 2022 until April 30, 2023.
Income Guidelines: Maximum income for 1 person is $42,411, for 2 people is $55,461, for 3 people is $68,511, and for 4 people is $81,561
Income includes your social security, pensions and any interest income. Needed Documents:
• Proof of income: 4 consecutive pay stubs, Social Security Award Letter or 1099, Pen sion (Current 1099), Interest Dividends (1099), List of everyone in household plus their income
• Homeowner’s must include: Mortgage statement, Real estate tax bill, Insurance bill, Recent copy of electric/gas/oil bill
• Renters Include: Rent receipt, Recent copy of electric bill and gas/oil bills
• Other Docs Needed: License, Social Security Cards for all members in house
Continued on next page ...
hold, Birth certificates for under the age of 18, Food Stamps - copy of verification
Arts & Crafts
Mondays in September at 1:00pm
Preregistration is required for this class. The cost for this class is $5 for Seekonk resi dents and $7 for Non-Seekonk residents. All classes have limited availability. **Art Work subject to change.
October 3 - Pumpkin
October 17 - Mason Jar
October 24 - Wood Décor
October 31 - Holiday Balls
Podiatry Clinic
Wed, Oct 12, 2022 10am - 2pm
Dr. Lechan provides monthly Podiatry Clinics. An appointment is required. Items needed are insurance cards with your doctor’s names, date of last doctor’s visit, summary of last visit, and list of medica tions. *Please check with your insurance regarding co-pays.
Blood Pressure & Glucose Clinic
Wed, Oct 19, 9:00am - 11:00am
Seekonk Human Services has partnered with the Seekonk Fire Department to provide free monthly blood pressure & glucose screenings.
Women’s Lunch
Wed, October 19, 2022 Toti’s, in Seekonk
The Women’s lunch group meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 11:30am still supporting our local restaurants. Everything is Dutch treat. If you are interested in joining our group of women for good food, & good conversation, please call Seekonk Human Services at 508-336-8772.
Tues, October 25, 2022 at 2:00pm
“Getting Started with Windows Laptops & Google Chromebooks”
**This session is for novice users of Windows Laptops & Google Chromebook and are afraid to really use it? Join Librarian Michelle Gario in this 90 minute session to review the basic information to get started that should have been in a manual! Bring
your own Windows Laptops & Google Chromebook; Please make sure your de vice is fully charged. Contact the Seekonk Human Services to preregister for this at: 508-336-8772.
Wed, Nov 9, 2022 @ 11:30am
The Veterans Services Officer is awaiting confirmation for musical entertainment to be provided by a local military band (either Navy or Army). There will be a FREE lunch for all the Veterans of Pasta and Meatballs with Dessert. Contact SHS to preregister for this at: 508-336-8772. The fee for Seekonk residents who are not Veterans is $2.00, and Non-Residents is $4.00.
Tues, Nov 15, 2022 @ 11:30am
Join us for a delicious turkey dinner (turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, veggies, cranberry sauce and dessert) provided by Country Kitchen with good company and conversation. The cost for residents is $5 and non-residents is $10. Preregistration is required, Seekonk residents may sign up right away and nonresidents may sign up starting October 17 by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
Representative Stephanie Gray
Wed, Nov 16, 2022 @ 11:30am
Stephanie Gray, Constituent Services Representative from the Office of Congress man Auchincloss, will be here from 11:30am - 1:30pm. You can bring your concerns and/ or casework requests relating to any federal agency, including Social Security, Medi care/Medicaid, Veteran’s Affairs, Housing, Health and Human Services, Department of Defense, Internal Revenue Service, Small Business Association, or Immigration, etc… Walk-ins welcome, appointments are en couraged. To make an appointment please call 508-336-8772.
The Beat Goes On - Cher Tribute Wednesday, November 16
Danversport Yacht Club—Danvers, MA
$99 per person
Join Best of Times as we bring the music of the “Goddess of Pop” Cher Live to our stage with the Number 1 Cher Tribute Show in the world! We welcome to our stage Cher tribute artist/Cher impersonator (sing-alike, look-alike, walk-alike, talk-alike) Lisa Mc Clowry. Lisa is an accomplished singer and stage actor whose voice has appeared in major motion pictures, international com mercials for radio and TV with numerous critically acclaimed original albums under her belt, as well as theatrical stage perfor mances including dramatic, musical and comedic lead roles.
Lunch will be a Thanksgiving dinner with the fixings and sides or vegetable lasagna. Registration must be done in person and payment is required at the time of registra tion. Registration ends Nov. 6th.
Tues, Dec 13, 10:00am - 5:30pm
“A Christmas for Carol”
Cost: $95.00 for the Play, the Buffet, Transportation & Gratuity for the Driver
Come see the World Premiere of this hilarious Christmas Comedic Farce! Dur ing the holiday season, Carol tends to take Christmas too far at work with decorations, presents, and overbearing traditions that not everyone celebrates in the office. Her co-workers love Carol, but this time of year she gets on everyone’s last nerve, so they formulate a plan for the company party that night. With wacky office hijinks, pranks, an office romance, and even people caught in their underwear, will they be able to help Carol remember the true meaning of Christmas?
You will enjoy a Great Buffet, A Wonder ful Play, and a Fun-Filled Cabaret!
Registration must be done in person and payment is required at the time of registra tion. Registration ends December 1st.
Computer access is now available at Seekonk Human Services. If you’re without a computer at home but you need to access one, we may be able to help. Residents are welcome to use our laptops to surf the internet and check emails etc. For more in formation, or to check for availability, please call 508-336-8772.
Seekonk Public Library’s Homebound Delivery Service is for residents who have no one in their household to go to the library for them. Adult Services staff will coordinate deliveries and can work with participants to choose materials that meet their needs and interests. Volunteers will deliver the materi als to the participant’s door contact-free and return borrowed materials to the library. For more information, call Adult Services at the library at (508) 336-8230 or email library@
Did you know that as of July 1, 2012 the Commonwealth banned the practice of disposal of needles, syringes and lancets (sharps) in your household trash? The Seekonk Board of Health has a Sharps Disposal program. This program is for Seekonk residents only. Those who use this program pay for the program. The fee is $9.00, which includes a one-gallon sharps container and the disposal of that container. Any questions please contact the Board of Health 508-336-2950.
Chair Yoga 10am
Knitting 12pm
Arts & Crafts 1pm
Strength & Cardio 1pm
Zoom BINGO 1pm
Indoor Cornhole 1pm
Drums Alive 9am
Hi Lo Jack 1pm
Zoom Trivia 12:30pm
Drums Alive 9:30am
Belly Dancing
Mahjong 1pm
Zoom Coffee Chat 1:30pm
Chair Yoga 10am
Cribbage 1pm Fridays
Dancing with Mary Anne 9:30am
Tai Chi 10:30am
*All activities are subject to pre-registration Community Questions for our Police Liaison
Officer Maria Vicenzo is welcoming community questions to be answered. Questions can be mailed to the center, dropped off in person, or placed in our lock box that is attached to the build ing at the entrance. We will post answers to the questions in the monthly newsletter and on our Facebook page, if requested. If you prefer to be called, please leave your contact information and we will be in contact.
Join our email list! Things are changing so quickly these days and we want to be able to get the word out to you quickly. Please give us a call and give us your email address; we want to share fun activities, links to zoon and other virtual programing you may like.
Seekonk Human Services will be working with Bristol Elder Ser vices to provide nutritional meals for lunch on Tuesdays, Wednes days, and Thursdays to go. Meals come completely cooked and prepackaged. All you need to do is heat it up! Meals need to be ordered the day be fore by 9:30am. Payment is $2.25 per meal which will be due at the time of pickup. Pick up will be between 11am - 12pm. October menu is available on our Facebook Page and by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
2nd Annual Seekonk Veterans Community Leaf Rake
Saturday, Nov 19th, 9am-12pm
Rain Date-> November 26th
A Community service event where we clean up yards for our Veterans and Seniors of Seekonk. Volunteer staff and students of Seekonk High School for our Veterans and Seniors of Seekonk. If you would like to have your home’s yard be a part of this event, please contact VSO James LaFlame. Phone: 508-336-2940 Email: jlaflame@
Friday, Nov 11, 2022, 9:00am
The Seekonk Veterans Council would like to invite all Seekonk Veterans to participate in a rolling parade, a parade of cars, motorcycles and military vehicles on Veterans Day 2022, Friday, November 11th at 9am. The parade route starts at Briarwood Plaza and ends at the Seekonk Veterans Memorial Park. Kindly R.S.V.P. to my email or phone. This is a great opportunity for those in town to appreciate your service to the nation.
The Veterans Council will be holding their Holiday Festival Tree Sponsorship at the Seekonk Veterans Memorial Park during the month of December. For those who wish to get on the waiting list for a tree, please contact the VSO at the contact information below.
James LaFlame,
Seekonk Veterans Services Officer
Office: 508-336-2940
Join us for our grand opening event to celebrate the Center being opened to the public on an outpatient basis. Saturday, October 22, 2022
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
From the Cover: Andrew Lancellotta is pictured with the DR Falcon on a recent “Falcon Friday” at PRES.
Palmer River Elementary School has been bustling with activity this month. On Wednesday, September 7th, we successfully wel comed grades 1-4 back to PRES. A special thanks to the Rehoboth Police Department, who was also on hand to greet students with an energetic high five.
Sgt. Craig Forget, Sgt. Mark Rossi, Patrolman Jacob Miranda, and Deputy Chief James Medeiros truly helped to make the stu dent’s first day back special. We ended the week with our first Friday School Spirit Day: Patriot’s Day! Staff and students were adorned with their favorite football team colors and jerseys. PRES was also excited to have the DR Falcon “fly down” to visit. It was truly a memorable first week for our veteran students.
Kindergarten Open House was held on Monday, September 12th, for our incoming Kindergarten families. The event was well attended, and it was great to see families and students having fun and eager to start the year. On Tuesday, September 13th, we welcomed the rest of our PRES family, our preschool and kinder garten families. Our older students were incredible role models for our newest PRES family members. They took the youngsters under their wings and helped them on the bus, modeled how to follow hallway routines, and helped to ensure they found their way around the building. We are so lucky to have such fantastic role models here at PRES!
Our wonderful PTSA also held a meet and greet on September 13th. Many families turned out to meet their new principal, Mrs. Kefor, and the new assistant principal, Dr. Leandro. Families in attendance had an opportunity to speak to the new administrative staff, meet new friends on the PRES playground, have fun, and enjoy some frozen lemonade. A special thank you to the PTSA for hosting the event; a great time was had by all.
Open House for our older students, grades 1-4, took place on Thursday, September 15th. It was amazing to welcome so many families into the school. During the open house, families could tour their child’s classrooms, meet their teachers, and learn about what their students will be learning this year, along with classroom expectations. The staff did an excellent job making families feel welcomed.
The Dighton Rehoboth Regional School District lives by the mantra that We Are DR and the Superintendent wants to take that mindset out into both DR communities. To accomplish this, he is launching the “We Are DRiven to Serve“ initiative where clubs, teams, and other student organizations will be recognized for their service to the residents of either Dighton or Rehoboth.
“These two towns have supported our students and staff fi nancially for so many years that it is time for us to pay it forward and give back to our residents,” Superintendent Bill Runey stated. “Community service is a win/win situation. Our students will benefit just as much as the people who are the recipients of their service. The world needs more kindness, and it’s a great life lesson for students of any age.” Runey said that the service can take many forms. “Depending on the age group, there are many creative ways to serve those in need in our community. Elementary students might choose to make holiday cards for Dighton’s Council on Aging. Middle school students might arrange a food drive to benefit the Rehoboth Food Pantry. High school students might volunteer for
a beautification project in town. A sports team might host a clinic for a youth league. The possibilities are endless, and the payoff is priceless.”
Throughout the year, the groups who demonstrate a high level of commitment to service will be recognized as the Community Service Champions and will be presented with the “DR 10 Pounds of Gold” championship (pictured).
Student organizations can complete this form to be considered. There also must be an accompanying cover letter. Click here for a sample cover letter.
Community members seeking to receive service should con tact Michele D. Blackburn, Not all requests will be honored, but we will do our best.
Seekonk -- Superintendent Rich Drolet is pleased to announce that the Seekonk Public Schools welcomed several new teachers to the district as part of an orientation program recently.
The two-day orientation event took place Aug. 24 and 25. The new teachers learned about the Seekonk Public Schools and the community, and took a tour of the various facilities within the district.
In total, 14 new teachers attended the orientation over the two days.
The district has been providing an orientation for the past few years but initially only offered the training for one day. Last year an additional day was added and this year a bus tour of the schools and safety complex was held as well.
“The hope of the tour of the schools and town is to provide an understanding to our teachers of where their students come from,” said middle school English teacher Dr. Barbara Shurtleff,
continued on next page...
review the District Strategy for Student Success, and more. Those
attendance also benefitted from meeting their fellow new teach ers
making connections prior to the start of the school year.
“Our new teacher orientation is a terrific opportunity for new teachers to learn more about what makes Seekonk such a great place to work, and to learn,” Superintendent Drolet said. “We are excited about the different experiences and passions our new teachers will bring to the district, and are excited to welcome them all to Seekonk.”
It’s finally back! After three years of COVID and construction, we could not be more excited to welcome visitors back to our campus for the Fall Show! So much has changed on our campus, but the essence of Bristol Aggie will be on full display on October 22 and 23, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
During this two-day event, the different majors will have stu dent exhibits, displays, raffles, and demonstrations. Prospective students can sign up online to tour the campus with our Student Ambassadors from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day. We will also have fun activities for younger children including animal encounters, tree climbing, pumpkin painting, workshops, and other hands-on
activities. Finally, don’t miss our floral and plant sales, student club fundraisers, and the FFA Cafe!
We will celebrate the completion of the new dairy barn with a ribbon-cutting cer emony at 10 a.m. on Saturday. Live music will be on campus both days, including Deja Blue and Donnelly & Carmichael, and CAT Country will host live from campus on Sunday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The faculty and staff at Bristol Aggie couldn’t be happier to finally welcome visitors to Fall Show again. Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Aggie Alumnus, Darrin Mendes said, “We are excited for the return of the Fall Show at Bristol Aggie. We have been eager to welcome back the community to our newly remodeled campus and interact with our students and their projects.”
Acting Superintendent and Principal, Kevin Braga commented, “We are excited to bring back the much anticipated Bristol Aggie Fall Show for the first time since 2019. This is a great opportunity for our students to showcase their talents to students, fam
ily, and our entire community. In previous years, we have hosted over 6,000 guests over the weekend, and we hope to shatter that record this year.”
This will be Sandy Noel’s 20th Fall Show as a teacher at Bristol Aggie. She says, “Our Fall Show puts a spotlight on the projectbased learning of our students. It allows the community a chance to see the magic that is part of our Bristol Aggie family. This year we are fortunate to share the new additions to our campus that blend the traditional ‘essence’ of Bristol Aggie with modern 21st-century learning. It’s always an exciting time.”
“As a student at Bristol Aggie, Fall Show was a time for us to showcase our skills and have something to be proud of,” said alumna-turned-teacher Amber Medeiros. “I’m thrilled as a new staff member for Fall Show to return for my current students to have the opportunity to also feel pride in their work being showcased.”
A schedule of events will be found on our website at www. Prospective students can apply or register for tours at
Free admission and free parking. Wheelchair accessible. No pets allowed.
Straight Stitch won the minor division championship for Seekonk! 4-3 A true underdog story. They were down a head coach and a travel player a day before their first game. Those four Dads in the back stepped forward and all became coaches to make the team work. There were some weeks where Straight Stitch didn’t even have enough players. And their lead pitcher broke her pitching thumb in her first practice. Straight Stitch pulled it together and played amazing. We couldn’t be more proud of these girls.
Are you ready for a change? Is the adhesive under your “For mica” kitchen counter top in need of some additional mucilage in some heavily-used areas? Have your rugs become thread-bare in spots? Are your windows drafty? That’s a signal for making some plans to take care of matters before the snow and cold breezes arrive. Repair or Replace? Sometimes, just going on a quick shop ping expedition and seeing how the prices have risen settles the matter rapidly.
It was never easy deciding what to do. One hundred years ago, homeowners would scrape, sand, and repaint the house or putty up the windows. Rugs got a good beating with a metal carpet beater, oftentimes the beater had a large, flat, rattan paddle that the homemaker would use outdoors to beat and shake dust and dirt out of the rug. In many early 1900s homes, looking through the Sears catalog for new appliances or tools was only a “wish book”, just like the kids would be looking through and wishing for their dream birthday or holiday gifts.
Forty years ago, life did become easier with big box stores nearby. Not only could electric vacuum cleaners and hardware items be found in one store, consumers had choices of make as to their preferred styles and choice of color. AND NOW, well, one can sit comfortably at the computer or use a cellphone to order just about any item there is, pay by credit card, and have it delivered the home or office without having to set foot outdoors, regardless of weather conditions or time of day.
The same goes for those old windows…caulking and a putty knife (or as I have used, a finger – in a pinch!) was and still is a very quick and inexpensive fix. Just today, I received an advertisement in the mail for custom made, replacement windows, some which even contain built-in blinds between the window panes. Very nice, indeed! However, with an older home, how would they look? Many home-owners could not use them if restoring an “historic” home to its original specs.
Outdoors brings the same concerns. Some people have freestanding garages or sheds or as in my case, both. Homeowners want these structures to be sturdy and to provide shelter and protec tion from the elements for tractors, cars, bicycles, lawn equipment, and other paraphernalia that might find its way inside.
My shed has a unique history. It is a third-generation structure that was moved from its original site to its current location by crane, where it still rests. This wooden building was built by two brothers, one born in 1899 and the other in 1901, and their “younger” friend,
in the mid-1910s. None of the three were carpenters by trade, yet they built a shed that still has its original floor, roof rafters and interior walls…AND no leaks anywhere. Its size is approximately 8’ x 10’, with French doors and a ramp to allow one to drive their tractor right in. The opposite side had a screened, hung window.
“walls” were formed by simply nailing panels of wood to the studs, then painted white. The roof was covered with the traditional black shingles of the era. Simple, yet efficient.
When the shed got moved to its current location, it needed a face-lift. Off came the old, moss and lichen-covered, wood panel ing and on went T 1-11 siding, two new, almost identical, doors and a “new” used window. A new roof, green flecks in the roofing shingles, added a bit of color to the white structure. A vented cupula with a weather vane now adorns the rooftop. The biggest change was that it finally got electricity and a propane heater. It became
an all-weather structure, where one could putter around, even at night in the middle of a winter blizzard. Oh, the joys of country living. Then, another addition…a small, glass-enclose greenhouse on the “sunny” side of the shed. After that, a part of the lawn, adjacent to the greenhouse, was dug up to become a vegetable garden. Finally, piping for running water was extended out to the garden area, at the gate, to save time and weary legs from carrying buckets of water from the outdoor spigot on the house all the way out to the garden.
The shed has had multiple face-lifts over the years. Both it and I have struggled through stormy days and rejoiced with plenti ful harvests.
What did I do this past year? I let nature take its course and had a garden, full of wild flowers, birds, and numerous four-legged friends who visited daily. Sometimes, home improvements don’t even cost a penny. Just sit back and watch what nature gives you. Oh, the joys of country living.
(Family Features) Your home’s exterior can say a lot about you and your family while also making a first impression on guests (and potential buyers). Because of the impact curb appeal has on the amount prospective buyers are willing to spend on a home, it’s important for homeowners to look beyond simply choosing the right siding color and consider different siding materials and profiles, adding accents like stone veneer and researching other exterior upgrades that can both increase beauty and deliver per formance over time.
In fact, exterior remodeling projects typically top the list of projects that add the most resale value to homes. According to Remodeling’s 2022 Cost vs. Value Report, nine of the top 10 proj ects delivering the best return on cost were exterior renovations.
Consider these high-ROI exterior upgrades from the experts at Westlake Royal Building Products that can improve aesthetics and increase resale value.
Front Door: If replacing the front door isn’t necessary, adding a fresh coat of paint is a simple way to refresh your home’s exterior. You can take your “dated” door and make it modern again with a bold, on-trend color. Take it one step further by adding artistic house numbers, a new light fixture or a door knocker in an unexpected shape for inexpensive pops of style.
Vinyl Siding: Updating your home’s exterior with vinyl siding yields a 67.2% return upon sale, according to the report. Depending on where you live, insulated vinyl siding can add additional protec tion against the elements, as well as increased energy efficiency. While function is important, don’t be afraid to make bold choices with color, texture, different profiles and contrasting trim to make a true statement with your home’s exterior.
Shutters: Adding or replacing shutters is another easy way to add a bit of flair and can be a key finishing touch in creating the perfect exterior. With the potential to play beautifully alongside windows and siding as well architectural style and surrounding land scaping, it’s important to make thoughtful choices and install them properly to ensure they look and function as designed.
Composite Decking: Another exterior remodeling project with a high ROI (62.1%), according to the report, is replacing your home’s existing wood deck with compos ite decking. An option like Zuri Premium Decking combines the natural beauty and warmth of exotic hardwood with the dura bility and low-maintenance requirements of PVC (cellular polyvinyl chloride), which resists stains, scratches, fading and mois ture, for a deck that will last for years with minimal upkeep.
Column Wraps: Give your front porch an instant facelift by wrapping your exist ing columns with PVC wraps. This is an easy way to achieve a cleaner and more modern, updated look. Available in a variety of ready-to-install styles, they can also be painted to complement your home’s exterior color palette.
Find more ideas to increase your home’s beauty and resale values at westlakeroyal
Source: Westlake Royal Building Products
listing agreement
to Dec 31,
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Donald William Strong passed away September 9, 2022, at home in Rehoboth with his dear wife of nearly 57 years and their family by his side. Don prayed that he would finish strong after a year-long fight against liver cancer, and his prayer was answered.
Don was born December 19, 1942, in Attleboro to Lester W. Strong and Helen King. In 1965 he married the love of his life, Linda Fairhurst. Don and Linda were best friends who truly enjoyed one another’s company, whether it was watching the sunset on Nauset Beach during their annual stay or on one of their memory-making trips. Most of all they enjoyed
cheering on their seven grandchildren at their recitals and sports events.
Don was a hard worker, dependable and loyal. He shared stories of working on a mink farm in Rehoboth as a teenager, as a pinsetter at the bowling alley, and at Glass Craft in Woonsocket. He counted it a privilege to be employed by Bliss Bros. Dairy as the Ice Cream Plant Manager for much of his 43 years there, retir ing in 2010.
In his free time, Don enjoyed fishing and watching the Red Sox and Patriots.
Don was a man of faith and integrity, apparent to all who met him. He was a member of Faith Alliance Church in Attleboro for many years and served as a deacon, elder, small group leader, and Sunday School teacher. More recently, he worshiped at Barrington Baptist Church in Barrington, RI where many have come to see his dependence upon the Lord and his desire for others to know Jesus.
Don was predeceased by his mother, father, and brother, Allen Strong. He is survived by his sister, Erma Remington. Don leaves a God-honoring legacy in the lives of his loving wife, Linda, daughters Cheryl (Bob) Marshall, Lesley (Steven) Berube, and Wendy (Scotty) Neasbitt, and seven grandchildren Nathan and Rebecca Marshall, Amelia and Marah Berube, and Lauren, Logan, and Liam Neasbitt.
A service celebrating Don’s life was held at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 17, 2022, at Barrington Baptist Church, 25 Old County Road, in Barrington, RI with a collation to follow at the church.
In lieu of flowers, donations in Don’s memory may be made to the Barrington Baptist Church.
For additional information or to send the family a written ex pression of sympathy, please visit an online guest book at www.
Arrangements are under the direction of the Dyer-Lake Funeral Home, 161 Commonwealth Avenue, Village of Attleboro Falls, North Attleboro. (508) 695-0200
Katherine “Sis” Mello, 83, of Rehoboth, passed away peacefully surrounded by her loving family on Saturday, September 3, 2022, at home. She was the beloved wife of Francis J. Mello to whom she was married to 62 years.
Born in Providence, she was the daughter of the late Joseph and Celia (Delaney) Moniz. Mrs. Mello was a staff nurse at Miriam Hospital where she worked on unit 4B for 30 years and also worked in Hematology and oncology units as well as the operat ing room. She later retired after 45 years of service to Miriam Hospital.
Mrs. Mello enjoyed the outdoors, camping, traveling the country with her husband in their motorhome as well as going on cruises. She adored working on her farm in Rehoboth caring for their horses and other animals. Most of all, she was a loving wife, mother, and grandmother who was adored by all and will be dearly missed.
Besides her husband, she has one daughter, Carolyn A. Bouil lon of Riverside, one son Anthony Francis Mello of Rehoboth, four grandchildren, Anthony Bouillon, Jonathan Bouillon both of River side, Heather Mello of Warwick, and Mark Mello of Rehoboth, one great-granddaughter, Riley Pirtle. She also leaves one brother Lloyd Moniz of Riverside, she was the sister of the late, Edward Moniz, and Joseph Kenneth, Moniz.
Calling hours are respectfully omitted. Burial will be private.
Calling hours for wake are respectfully omitted. A Mass of Christian Burial will be cel ebrated at 11:00 A.M in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church on Saturday, October 8, 2022. Follow ing the Mass and per their respective wishes, Beverly Rose Ferreira and the late John L. Ferreira Sr whom we lost during covid, shall be interred with their beloved daughter Catherine Joy at the Rehoboth Village Cemetery. All are welcome to join at the ceremonies and/or at the collation at the Crestwood Country Club, Rehoboth Ma (open air as well as indoor seat ing); Please advise of your intent by the event link found @ Perry-McStay Funeral Home.
In lieu of flowers donations may be directed to:
Rehoboth Sr Citizen’s Club
c/o Rehoboth Sr Ctr
Attn: Donna Howard 27 Francis Farm Rd, Rehoboth, MA 02769
John L. Ferreira, Sr. 90, of Bristol, RI passed away on Saturday, May 9, 2020 at Rhode Island Hospital. For the past twenty-seven years, he was the beloved companion of Sarah T. Amaral.
Born in Rehoboth, MA, and later moving to Bristol, RI he was the son of the late Manuel J. Ferreira and Elvira S. (Sousa) Fer reira. John served as a proud member of the National Guard. He enjoyed stock car racing in his early years, go-kart racing with his children, and watching NASCAR. John was a man of the earth, and loved the outdoors, whether working his garden, landscaping, or cutting trees for his wood stove. He took great pride in his craft of carpentry, masonry, and general construction. As busy as he was, he tried to find time for his afternoon coffee (extra light, extra sweet) and a piece of good pie. A humble and caring person, with many friends throughout his life’s journey, he always went out of his way to help others.
John, the former spouse of Beverly (Venditti) Ferreira, was the loving father of John L. Ferreira, Jr. and his wife Barbara of Lon donderry, NH, Beverly J. Ferreira of Orlando, FL, Debra L. Scott and her husband William of Cranston, RI, Michael J. Ferreira of Atlanta, GA, and Linda M. Ferreira of Rehoboth, MA, and the late Catherine J. Ferreira of Rehoboth, as well as Sarah’s children, Virginia Amaral of Bristol, and Manuel Amaral and his wife Lisa of Peoria, AZ. John is also survived by eight loving grandchildren; Rebecca Maxwell, Jen nifer Ferreira, Bethany Ferreira, Jeannelle D’Isa, Danielle Ferreira, Tiffany Scott, Miranda Antani, Valerie Scott, and Sarah’s grandson Samuel Amaral. He leaves seven great-grandchildren; Morgan and Kathryn Maxwell, Alexandra Ferreira, Noel D’Isa, Antonia and Victoria Scott, and Grayson Antani.
John was brother to Manuel (Red) Ferreira and his wife Natalie Ferreira, and Mary Goulart all of Bristol, RI, and the late Elvira San tos, Julia Ferreira, and Ferdinand (Fred) Ferreira.
Beverly Rose (Venditti) Ferreira, 89, of Rehoboth passed away peacefully on Thursday, June 30, 2022, at Miriam Hospital. Born in Providence, she was the daughter of the late Francesco and Mary Immaculatta (Tauro) Venditti and the sister of the late Eleanor A. DiPippo, the late Dominic Anthony Venditti, and the late Dorothea Morra.
The former wife of the late John L. Ferreira, Sr. to whom she was married for 40 years and had six children whom she loved: John L. Ferreira, Jr. and his wife Barbara of Londonderry, NH, the late Cath erine J. Ferreira of Rehoboth, Ma, Beverly J. Ferreira of Orlando, FL, Debra L. Scott and her husband William of Cranston, Michael J. Ferreira of Atlanta, GA, and Linda M. Ferreira of Rehoboth. She leaves eight grandchildren: Rebecca Maxwell, Jennifer Ferreira, Bethany Ferreira, Jeannelle D’Isa, Danielle Ferreira, Tiffany Scott, Miranda Antani, Valerie Scott, and seven great-grandchildren: Mor gan and Kathryn Maxwell, Alexandra Ferreira, Noel D’Isa, Antonia and Victoria Scott, and Grayson Antani.
Beverly was raised in an industrious Italian family (Seekonk Speedway, Ice Rink, Farms, Restaurants on “The Hill”), attended Bay View Academy, and then East Providence High School. She enjoyed such things as cooking, sewing, quilling, painting, candle making and also prided herself (and often shared) on her knowl edge of holistic therapies. Beverly enjoyed being outside, prefer ably in the sun, enjoyed an adult beverage and lottery ticket from time to time, and traveled extensively with her daughter Linda with whom she had lived. She had a beautiful voice, was self-taught as an organist, had gorgeous olive skin and thick, curly hair that many complimented. She was a witty and very creative woman who lent her artistry to the jewelry and music industry as the organist for plays in the Rehoboth School district and as the musical director/ organist at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Seekonk, Ma until she retired. She shall be sadly missed by those who knew and loved her.
Just remember that loved ones never go away. They are always by our side, even on days when they may seem like just an illusion.
June M. Norris, 85, passed away at home on Tuesday, Sep tember 6, 2022, surrounded by her loving family. She was the wife of the late Delma L. Norris to whom they were married for 64 years.
Born in Leominster, MA she was a daughter of the late James McE leney and Concetta (Campobasso) McEleney. Mrs. Norris worked as a C.N.A supervisor at Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River for many years and also worked as a switchboard operator at Sturdy Hospital in Attleboro, MA until she retired. She was a member of theJune M. Norris
Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club and the Rhode Island Dahlia Soci ety. Mrs. Norris enjoyed the outdoors and was an avid gardener. She loved baking, making her famous zucchini bread as well as baking Christmas cookie platters to share with all her friends and family. She was a devoted wife and mother, and adored her grand children and great grandchildren.
She leaves two children, Thomas L. Norris and his wife Stacie of Swansea and Debra M. Carlstrom and her husband Keith of Attle boro, four granddaughters, Breelyn Rebello and her husband Lee, Brittany Carlstrom, Samantha Moylan and her husband Michael, Delaney Mae Norris, four great-granddaughters, Ava Mae Moylan, Brooklyn Ryan Moylan, Charlotte June Rebello, and Sydney Ann Rebello. She also leaves two sisters, Marie McEleney of Florida, Gail Ardito of Warwick, and one brother, Thomas Paul McEleney of Florida.
Her funeral was held on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, at 9:00 AM in the PERRY-McSTAY FUNERAL HOME, 2555 Pawtucket Avenue, East Providence with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00 AM in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, 984 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk. Burial was in Rehoboth Village Cemetery. Calling hours were Monday from 5-7 PM. For online condolences visit, www.
Robert J. “Rob” Leonardo, 51, of Rehoboth, passed away on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at his home. He was the husband of Diane F. Aubin.
Born in Fall River, he was the son of Darlene (Nunnelly) Leonardo and the late Robert J. Leonardo. Rob worked in the construction industry for the Aubin Corporation for many years. He enjoyed fishing and was an avid Boston Bruins fan. Besides his wife and mother he leaves one son, Robert A. Leonardo, his fiancé Amber Ross, two stepchildren, Kelly Ro drigues and Nicholas Rodrigues, two sisters, Wendy Dechaine and her husband Joey and Jennifer Leonardo, three grand
children, Ava and Aria Leonardo and Penelope McLure and several nieces and nephews.
His funeral service was held on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at 10:00 AM in the PERRY-McSTAY FUNERAL HOME, 2555 Paw tucket Avenue, East Providence. Burial was in Rehoboth Village Cemetery. Calling hours were held on Friday from 5-7 PM.
• Louise Barbara (Veyera) Williams, 93, of Rehoboth, passed away unexpectedly at home on Wednesday August 24,2022.
• Domenic A. Rucco, 73, of Rehoboth, MA passed away peacefully at home on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, surrounded by his loving family.
• Katherine “Sis” Mello, 83, of Rehoboth, passed away peace fully surrounded by her loving family on Saturday, September 3, 2022, at home.
• Donald William Strong passed away September 9, 2022, at home in Re hoboth with his dear wife of nearly 57 years and their family by his side.
• Vincent A. Armenio MD, 61, of Francis Street, Rehoboth, MA, died peacefully on September 24, 2022, at home sur rounded by his loving family.
• Eleanor L. Goff, 93, formerly of Re hoboth, passed away on September 25, 2022.
• Harry “Tex’ Torigian, 91, of Chappell Street, Seekonk, MA, died peacefully on July 6, 2022.
• Roger Whitford, 80, of Leonard Street, Seekonk, MA, died unexpectedly on September 18, 2022 at Rhode Island Hospital.
• Margaret T. (Byrnes) Lockwood, 76, of Seekonk, passed away on Thursday, September 22, 2022.
Sunday, October 16th from 8am-2pm. Multiple families. Good stuff! Halloween, Christmas, IKEA storage, infant/toddler gear & clothing, Men's/boy's clothing, sports equipment, jewelry, small appliances, household items. Rain or Shine. 13 Nichols Street, Rehoboth.
Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speedway. Positions available for gen eral help around the Flea Market. 5AM to Noon. Sundays thru December 3rd. Call Linda at 401-263-5737.
Part-time bartender needed at the Elks! DAY & NIGHT SHIFTS AVAILABLE, $7/hr +tips. Stop in and fill out an application or call Rich at 401-952-3736. East Providence Elks Lodge #2337, 60 Berkeley St, East Providence, RI 02914
Looking for daily household help with nurse’s aid experience. Includes kitchen cleaning and cooking. Call for hours and more information. 401-855-1325.
KFratt Inc./Advocare Senior Living is looking for compassionate caregivers to work with seniors in our area. Flexible hours - days, nights, weekends and overnights. Duties include companionship, light house keeping, running errands and meal prep. Please call 401-434-6727.
Cash paid for vintage trading cards, video games, comics and toys. Call, txt Ernie- 508-662-1959 or email enrboas@
Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speed way. Buyers and Vendors wanted every
Sunday 7AM-1PM thru December 3rd 2022. Call Linda at 401-263-5737.
I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you Joe in Rehoboth 508-558-5129.
Seasoned firewood; cut & split hard wood; $250.00 Per cord or $450.00 For 2 cords; delivered locally; $200.00 Picked up; 401-438-3000.
Plants for sale: Perennials, annuals, Eu onymus bushes, Angel Trumpets, Coleus, succulents, fig trees & angel’s trumpet, free small plant with visit, prices from $2-$20. Call 401-433-2922.
Riverside Sportsman Assoc. Mohawk Drive off Wampanoag Trail. For all occasions: Birthday, Family Reunions, Club/ Organization Meetings. Cash Bar. Monthly Steak Fries and other events. Call the club at 401-433-0209, leave a message.
CUSTOM LOG CABIN HOME: Pearl Lake Rd in the White Mountains of New Hamp shire. Minutes from attractions: Sugar Hill, Franconia Pkwy, Santa’s Village, Whale’s Tail Water Park, and Cog Railway; sleeps 6, fireplace, hiking, fishing, boating, kayaks or just R&R. Booking now for Fall & Winter getaways: Weekly or weekends. Call Joe at 401-439-8089.
ANYONE CAN PLAY THE HARP! Sign up for a FREE TRY THE HARP LESSON. Learn from a professional performer with years of teaching experience. No previous musi cal experience is necessary. All ages are welcome. Harps are available for rent and purchase. Contact
Handyman: GSS PROPERTY SOLU TIONS LLC, Handyman, Maintenance, Home Repairs; We also offer snow plowing service & trash haul; Regis tered and Insured; PH: 401-688-9749. EMAIL:GSSPropertysolutions072@gmail. com.
Bicycle Sales & Service: Your Bike Shops now doing Spring Tune-ups on all brands, Riverside 401-433-4491 and Warren 401245-9755. Call Art or Joe for specials and service now.
Experienced, professional drywall taper available for big and small home projects. Services: Tape and compound, skim coat, patch, touch-up, sand. Cash preferred. Free estimates. Call/text Juan today at 347-6616560.
Housecleaning: Is your home in need of a really good cleaning? Whether you need a 1 time cleaning, or regular cleanings. Years of experience! (We include fridge and oven w/ our cleanings) Call Gil for details 508840-6611.
BIG BLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House. We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. Call Tony 508-2261295;
Art Supplies/Framing Gregory D. Dorrance, Co. 53
Assisted Living Swan Brook Assisted Living 55
Attorney Addis Law 51
Attorney Laurie P. Mullen, Attorney 39 Attorney Law Office of Luke P. Travis 40 Attorney Stephen E. Navega 24
Auto Body A-1 Custom Auto Body 72
Auto Body Sousa’s Auto Body 32
Auto Dealers Bristol Toyota 36
Auto Parts NorthEastern Auto Supply 49
Auto Repairs New England Tire 3
Building Contractor A.M. Carpentry 22
Building Contractor Grant Builders, LLC 60
Camp-Basketball One On One Basketball Camp 56
Carpet Cleaning Earle’s Carpet Cleaning 32
Carpet Cleaning M & S Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 54
Child Care Teddy Bear Learning & Daycare 56
Child Care Twin Oaks Farm Learning Center 58
Chimney Cleaning RD Chimney Sweep 31
Chimney Services Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney Sweep 25 Church Rehoboth Congregational Church 47 Church Rehoboth Congregational Church 46
Cleaning Service Ada’s Cleaning Services 33 Cleaning Service Elaine’s Cleaning Service 62 Collectibles Wexler’s Collectibles 30
Constr & Landscaping MJ Construction & Landscape 63
Dentist David C. Zaluski, D.D.S. 59
Dentist Dr. Wassouf D.D.S. 34 Dentist George Family Orthodontics 15 Dentist Seekonk Dental 16
Electrician Neal Bellavance Electric 41
Entertainment Pirates on the Blackstone 35
Entertainment Polar Express 59
Excavating Foley Excavating 31 Farm Souza Family Farm 38
Farm - Apparel Kave Rock Farm 49
Farm - Turkeys Belwing Acres Turkey Farm 21 Feed & Garden Store Bay State Pet & Garden Supply 11
Fence Installation Fence Tech 42 Financial Advisor Island Time Financial Services 14
Flooring - All Types
Flooring - Wood
Earle Dias Interiors 30
David J. Ledoux Hardwood Floors 21
Flooring-All Types Factory Carpet Outlet 61
Fuel - Oil Al’s Quality Oil Co. 18
Fuel - Oil COD OIL 8
Fuel - Oil E & V Oil Co. 72
Fuel - Propane Propane Plus 4
Funeral Home
J.H. Williams & Co. Funeral Home 66
Funeral Home William W. Tripp Funeral Home 64 Handyman American Eagle Enterprises, LLC 62
Home Improvements MH Home Services 51
Home Improvements Stateside Vinyl Siding Company 42
House Cleaning
Marinalva’s Cleaning 19
Insurance South Coast Benefits 8
Insurance Agency Frazao Insurance 17
Insurance Agency Smith Insurance Group, Inc 59
Jewelers Plante Jewelers 7
Junk Removal AOL Enterprises 31
Kitchen/Bath Design Infinity Kitchens 7
Landscape Materials J&J Materials 2
Landscape Service Kimmell Landscaping 25
Landscape Service Oakhill Landscape 41 Landscape Service Ouellette Landscaping 58 Landscape Service Superior Lawn Care 60 Landscape Service T. Moreshead Landscaping 29
Landscaping/Tree Grey Hat Tree Service 61
Liquor Store Landry Liquors 27 Liquor Store Regency Liquors 13
Marble Fabricators Star Marble & Granite 49
Masonry - Custom Jose Soares Masonry 39
Masonry-Construction Valter Rego Masonry 25
Masonry-Construction William Gallant, Jr. Masonry Services 62 Mortgage Lender Embrace Home Loans 9
Mosquito & Tick Control ohDEER 17
Nail Salon Salon Prov 50
Nursing Homes Aldersbridge Communities 55
Nursing Homes Hope Health 9
George Family Orthodontics 15
Painting Contractor Advantage Painting 62
Painting Contractor EZ Painting 68
Paving Contractor
Paving Contractor
Pest Control Services
Plumbing & Heating
Private School
Bay Pressure Wash
Mary Academy - Bay
Real Estate Cedar Hill Realty
Real Estate Century 21 - David Smith
Real Estate Keystone Property - Ruehrwein
Real Estate Keystone Property Group -
Real Estate Mateus Realty
Real Estate Red Maple Property Solutions
Real Estate TK Real Estate Brokerage 48
Real Estate Vicki Doran 38 Remodeling Batty Construction 50
Boneyard Barbecue & Saloon 44
Restaurant Country Kitchen 44 Restaurant El Mariachi 45
Restaurant EP Wieners 45 Restaurant Madeira Restaurant 45
Roofing Contractor B & R Fournier Construction, Inc. 30 Roofing Contractor East Providence Roofing 69
Roofing Contractor
Tabeleys Roofing 41 RVs and Campers
Camping World of Berkley 71 Sandwich Shop
Seafood Market
Security Systems
D’Angelo Sandwich Shop 45
Digger’s Catch 44
Home & Commercial Security 8
Pro Inspection Services 68 Septic Systems
Septic Inspections
Croome Sanitation, Inc. 67 Septic Systems
Soares Sanitation Pumping, Inc. 40 Septic Systems Town Sanitation 42
Stump Grinding
Heritage Tree & Arborist Services 33 Trash/Junk Removal Big Blue Removal Service 20 Tree Service Advanced Tree 29 Tree Service Carlson Tree Service 31 Tree Service Choate Tree Service 40 Tree Service
Heritage Tree & Arborist Services 33 Tree Service
Seekonk Tree Service 61 Water Treatment Water Filter Company, Inc. 22 Wells & Sump Pumps Vintage Plumbing & Heating 21