SeekonkThe Serving the Residents of Seekonk, Rehoboth and Surrounding Communities Since 1989 Town Unveils Newly Renovated Connelly Field and Mooney Track see page 57 Back to School see page 54
Photo by Earle S Dias Photography
Re p o rt e r SEPTEMBER 2022 VOLUME 34, NO. 9 FREE TM

2 The Reporter September 2022 Rehoboth / Seekonk 71 Fall River Avenue, Rehoboth, MA 02769 Sales: 508.336.5363 Office: 508.336.5365 ADDITIONAL LOCATIONS Bourne, MA #43 Route 28A, Pocasset, MA 02559 (508) 564-4812 Plymouth, MA 137 Camelot Drive, Plymouth, MA 02360 (508) 746-6111 Middletown, RI 990 Aquidneck Avenue, Middletown, RI 02842 (401) 841-5999 Coventry, RI 1350 Nooseneck Hill Road, Coventry, RI 02816 (401) 822-2265 RHODE ISLAND & SOUTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS LEADING SUPPLIER OF LANDSCAPING AND MASONRY PRODUCTS PREP FOR FALL WITH OUR QUALITY FERTILIZERS AND GRASS SEEDS Keep it Green

September 2022 The Reporter 3 Free Pet Food Delivery! Rehoboth * Dighton * North Dighton * Taunton Free delivery $50 minimum pet food purchase www.baystatepet.comat NEW ENGLAND TIRE Car Care Centers 1416 Fall River Ave. - Rte. 6 SEEKONK, 508-336-2170MA visit us at 1590 Warwick Avenue WARWICK, RI • 401-737-1400 44 North Main Street ATTLEBORO, MA • 508-222-0367 515 South Main Street MANSFIELD, MA • 508-261-6100 367 West Main Street NORTHBOROUGH, MA • 508-393-9183 We service company cars (National Accounts). e y w r Also in: FREE! CHANGESNOWFLATMOUNTING*INSTALLATION*REPAIRS*TIREOVER* * WITH TIRE PURCHASE 4 4 4 4 *when purchased with our wheel balance, road hazard & alignment package No other discounts or substitutions apply. Some LT, brand and aspect ratio size exclusions. See store for details. Buy 3 Tires, Get the 4th FREE* OR Buy 1 Tire, Get the 2nd 1/2 PRICE!!* NEW ENGLAND TIRE e y w r FALL CAR PACKAGECARE $5900 *TPMS Charges may apply. Special oils & filter types may result in extra charges. Special antifreeze may result in extra charges. Environmental fees extra. Shop supplies extra. Most vehicles. No other discounts apply. Redeem at New England Tire. Must present coupon to get this price. Includes: • Lube, Oil Change & New Filter (up to 5 quarts of a major brand oil) • Top Off Coolant & Other Fluids Under the Hood • Complete Tire Rotation* • Check Tread Depth on All Four Tires • Adjust Tire Pressure to Manufacturer's Specs • Evaluate Brake Condition • Inspect Battery Terminals & Connections • Examine All Belts & Hoses for Cracks & Proper Tension • Vehicle DNA Kit Performed • Reg $64.00 $15.00SAVE M-FSat7:30-68-5 ANY BRAKE SERVICE SERVICE MANAGER'S CAR CARE PACKAGE Shop supplies extra. No other discounts apply. Redeem at NEW ENGLAND TIRE OIL, LUBE & FILTER Includes: • Lube, where applicable • New oil filter installed • Up to 5 quarts major brand oil • Special oils & filter types will result in extra charges • Most U.S. & Import cars • Regular price - $35.95 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT SEP22 *No other discounts apply. Redeem at New England Tire. Includes: • Check Tire Wear • Check Tire Air Pressure • Vehicle DNA Check: Check Tires, Brakes and Brake Fluid Condition, Belts, Hoses, Transmission Fluid, Power Steering Fluid, Anti-Freeze, Wipers, Battery, Filters. PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT $995 Must present coupon to get this price. $2995 PLUS TAX, & $2.50 HAZARDOUS WASTE FEE. Must present coupon to get this price. $16.00SAVE DISC SERVICEBRAKESAVINGS $2000 OFF No other discounts apply. Must present coupon to get this offer. SANITIZE YOUR CLIMATE CONTROL Shop supplies extra. No other discounts apply. Redeem at New England Tire. • Registered U.S. EPA virucide, bactericide and fungicide • Kills bacteria and freshens air-conditioning systems • Eliminate harmful microbes • Inhibits the growth of mold and mildew PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT $10900 *SYNTHETIC OIL CHANGE $6995 1978 2022NEW DENGLANERIT 44th Anniversary $26.00SAVE WE WILL PICKUP AND DELIVER YOUR CAR FOR SERVICE PLUS TAX Must present this coupon to get this price. Most vehicles. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Fluid/Filter disposal charges apply. Additional charges for shop supplies. See store for complete details. Redeem at New England Tire. • Regular Price $85.95 • Up to 5 Quarts Full Synthetic Oil • New Oil Filter Installed • Lube (Where Applicable) • Multi Point Vehicle Inspection *special oils and filter types extra charge SEPT. 2022 SEP22SEP22SEP22SEP22SEP22

4 The Reporter September 2022 Back to school already? Time to schedule a furnace tune-up! Your heating system may not be the first thing on your mind when it’s Pumpkin Spice Everything time. But Fall is the best time for a tune-up — because the last thing you need is your furnace breaking down in the middle of winter. Schedulepropaneplus.comanappointment today! 508 - 252 - 3359 Need a new propane tank? Don’t wait until the ground freezes! Call us today to get your equipment installed and hooked up before winter. Rehoboth, MA

September 2022 The Reporter 5 Inside This Issue Business Directory......................68 Church StateSourSeekonkSeekonkScoutSchoolRehobothRehobothRehobothPeople.....................................60Obituaries................................64Library......................................Letters...................................5FoodFarmEvents....................................34ClubClassifieds...............................70News..............................47Announcements.................28&Garden.........................45&Dining..............................62Blanding.......................38Seekonk.......................39COA............................50Ramblings..................44TownNews.................8News..............................54s.........................................43HumanServices..........51TownNews...................21Grapes...............................55House................................46 Please Note: • Letters to the Editor MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters to the Editor MUST arrive by the 23rd of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the sameEmail:issue!
Of course, I am speaking of contracts and the monies available for negotiations, and respectable numbers inline with other neighboring departments.
The goal is to hire and retain a full compliment of police officers which for the past many years has been 40. It has been far too many years since we can say we have a full compliment. So, what is the problem here?
The letters in this section and opinion articles do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Let us hear from YOU! Farmhouse Back in The days A StillnessGramophone.CowsBroughtbellhome.BackinThedaysOfthecameWiththeQuickstepsOfdusk.ThefamilyEarnedrest.ThefamilyEarnedtrust.
Further, to keep our town services functioning and not just surviving we need an equitable division of our funding. We start with accounting for what we pay for, what we need to pay for and what our needs will be in the future. Please strengthen your support for town services. Thank you for listening.
Letters to the Editor...
Is Anyone Listening?
Seekonk needs to stop and refocus on Town Employees. When you take the time to think about “essential” services. What is the first to spring to mind? Mine is Public Safety. Our world has changed and people who want to do harm are not in short supply. We can no longer “afford” to ignore the people of Police, Fire and EMS.
The Board of Selectmen’s agenda has had too many items of “accepting resignations” and not just the police department. It was recently announced that we are losing our Assistant DPW Superintendent. This is distressing because of the caliber of employee we stand to lose. We have not had to worry about the leadership of that department and the services provided by all. They are a championship team. The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent have done a remark able job. Whatever has gone on in that dilapidated, ancient, disgraceful building has not interfered with services. The roof and/or pipes make leak but that is a great group of people.
I wonder, does the town have enough money in its operating budget to pay town em ployees covered by contract?
Doreen Taylor
This takes us back to budget preparation. The division of funding. We always assume the largest portion of funding “needs” to go to the school department. Alright let us assume it. How much will be left for town services and town employees? Answer: not enough and there has not been enough for years. There is a solution, but will town leaders listen? We need a comprehensive look inside the school budget. When our generosity is expected so far over and above the state mini mum required, we deserve a deeper look. We need to measure results. Keeping in step with Education Reform 93 does not exempt us from seeing exactly where our tax dollars are going when it comes to school expense. After all, it is for the children, is it not?
All this makes me wonder just what is going on here? WHY are people so ready to pick up pack up and leave? Is it money? Is it the working environment? Is it town leadership?

I think of her always especially with budget matters and will never forget the things she taught me. When in doubt I could call her, and she would tell me right from wrong or guide me in finding the answers. She also reminded me, “you know what you are doing”. I would laugh and respond, “not like you.” I miss you, Beverly Hart. Rest in Peace, I will never forget you.
On August 26, 2021, we lost one of the most important people the Town of Seekonk will ever Beverlyknow.Hart was a schoolteacher, a wife, a mom, and a grandmother to her family but she was also a true friend and a leader in our community.
Signal Beacon Seekonk Intersection Response
The Letters to the Editor and opinion articles do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all points of view.
Contributing Writers Leslie Patterson Joe Siegel Special Thanks
P.O. Box 377 Rehoboth, MA 02769 © 2018 Target Marketing Group, Inc. We welcome all ideas, photos, articles, news releases and notices that affect these areas. We reserve the right to refuse any submission, including classified/display advertising.
Her vision for what was best for the town came first over personal preference. She lis tened, she directed, she taught, she spoke. Most people listened to her. Sadly, not enough.
This is in response to “The Beacon Installed at Seekonk Intersection”. Is this a joke? Do the Seekonk Board of Selectmen members seriously believe this is a way to deter ac cidents or speeding over the hill located near Mt. Carmel Church from happening at that Lincoln Street intersection? How many people have to die on 44 before an actual traffic light is installed to slow the flow of speeders on that stretch? You have a light at 44 and Arcade Ave. and there isn’t another light until 44 and rt.118 in Rehoboth. While on this subject, I’d like to bring up other areas of town that SERIOUSLY need traffic signals. I’ve lived in this town for 25 years and traveled through Seekonk for many years before moving here. That “beacon” at 152 and Arcade is antiquated for the amount of traffic flowing through the area is in desperate need for a PROPER traffic light. It’s such a joy (sarcasm) trying to take a lefthand turn headed towards East Providence. The intersection of Ledge Rd. and Arcade Ave. near the high school is in desperate need for a PROPER traffic light. Spending our tax dollars on “beacons” is a WASTE, a joke. Maybe next time the members think to add another wasteful, antiquated, blinking joke to this town they could bring it up to the most important people, the TAXPAYERS, and listen to what WE think.
From her days as a member of the Board of Selectmen, the Kwani’s Club, the Seekonk Lady Lions, the Seekonk Human Services Department to her leadership on the Finance Committee there is no one who carried themselves with such dignity and honesty with the people of Seekonk than Mrs. Hart. “Bev” to all who knew and loved her. Bev was a great mentor and continued to teach those who served on the Finance Com mittee with her. I had the privilege to serve with her. She taught me well. She always spoke at Town Meeting with such eloquence with complete explanation as to what the Finance Committee’s position on warrant articles would be. She knew the town budget inside and out.
The Rehoboth/Seekonk
Graphics & Marketing
6 The Reporter September 2022
Re p o r t e r
Karyn Casey
Remembering Beverly Hart
ALL ITEMS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY THE 25TH OF THE MONTH It MUST INCLUDE the name and phone number of the sender.
The Reporter is MAILED FREE TO THE TOWNS OF REHOBOTH AND SEEKONK twelve months a year. Subscriptions are available outside our distribution area. Subscription Rate: $35 for 1 year Display Advertising Sales Call 508-252-6575 Published by: Target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia Michaela Oerman Keri Cote To: LoriTCIAndersonPress PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 Visit Our Website www.ReporterToday.comat...
- Executive Editor Director of Advertising & Graphics

The next Planning Board meeting is September 7 at 7pm at Francs Farm. The developer is supposed to be there as well. The Planning Board has asked them numerous times to come to a meeting, they have yet to appear. If you can attend the meeting, please do to show your support for the neighborhood that is dealing with this unfortunate circumstance and will have to live with the fear that on any given day something could go wrong with the battery system. Your neighborhood might want support in the future. Thank you for reading, I know it was long, but our community needs to be aware. This isn’t a simple solar farm; it is much more with the battery storage facility. Go green, be green, love green there is nothing green about clear cutting 14 acres of forest and the dangers that this battery brings to our neighborhood less than 500 feet from out front doors. Thank You Stacy Haskell
Three members of the planning board remain that voted to approve this project. One sadly resigned right after the Pond Street decision. One was up for re-election right after the vote and decided not to run “because of this vote” his direct words to me. One member the next year decided not to run when his term was up, and one hasn’t showed up to a meeting in over a year and has no plans to do so. He is going to wait until his term expires next April and just not run for re-election and as of now, he has no plans to resign.
The biggest concern we had and have is the battery! This bat tery is the same type of battery that is used in Tesla vehicles. Electric cars/buses and solar panels that on your home, want to know the difference. This battery is the size of a shipping container. Do you know what else, there isn’t have just one battery, there are two. Two shipping size containers less than 500 feet from our front doors.
September 2022 The Reporter 7
A cease-and-desist letter has been served to the developer by the Building Inspector/Zoning Officer and work is ‘supposed” to stop. That has yet to happen. Like I said before, this is our neighborhood now, but it could be yours next. This neighborhood is going to be in constant fear of the battery exploding and destroying our homes, effecting our health safety and welfare. Our neighborhood doesn’t have a choice. I have since become a member of the Planning Board because if you want change you have to be part of if it to make it happen.
The “View” of the Solar Farm from Pond Street sachusetts that gives solar farms development the upper hand, but if you read it closer is says towns cannot turn down all solar projects. Rehoboth currently has 6 and we think this one could have been fought against. You know what the “Dover Amendment” doesn’t cover, the installation of lithium-ion battery storage facilities. In the interest of public health, safety and welfare and the fact they are less than 500 feet from our homes we think the town had a chance in court. Fast forward to now. One of the conditions, Condition 25, of the Special Permit is strict on the installation of the battery. The developer had not yet met these conditions. The Planning Board a few weeks ago sent a certified letter to the developer and told them until Condition 25 was met no work will begin on the property including tree cutting. Well, this week they ignored the letter the tree cutting has begun.
I am going to start from the beginning. The solar farm project on Pond Street started in September of 2019. Before the project was even brought in front of the town my husband attended a meeting with the Boy Scouts and the project was discussed. Once the project came to the town public hearing notices went out and some of the neighbors besides ourselves became involved. There were a few meetings between September and the Spring of 2020 where the solar farm was discussed but was moving rather slow. Spring of 2020 we were in the middle of a pandemic. Things started to go slow, there were less meetings discussing the solar farm until September 2020, keep in mind all the meetings during the pandemic time where being held on zoom. At one of the Planning Board meeting the neighbors were told that the applicant wasn’t going to be at the meeting, and we didn’t need to attend. The applicant showed up anyway on another proj ect and Pond Street was discussed. At another Planning Board meeting we were never told at all that they would be discussing Pond Stret and they absolutely did. Their defense, all these times there were telling us about the meeting was to do our of courtesy for the neighbors, they were not required to do so. That was when I had enough, I rallied more of the neighbors, I went door to door asking to help save our neighborhood. We have the neighbors more involved and the community did a quick petition, we had 500 signatures in two weeks. We researched and researched and brought all our concerns to the planning board. We felt that all our concerns fell on deaf ears, because remember all these meetings where on zoom. The neighborhood hired and attorney our of our own pocket (with help from the community) help us fight. We brought in a professor from URI who did an extensive study on the depreciation of house values the closer you are to a solar array. The study was on over 400,000 homes sold before and after a solar array had gone in. That was still inconclusive for the Planning Board. Keep in mind one of our town by-laws states house values should not be affected by a solar farm. At the end of March, the Planning Board made its decision to approve the solar farm with conditions. This isn’t the only solar farm we have intown. This is the only solar farm that has a battery storage component. Now everyone thought the neighborhood just did not want to look at a solar farm, and honestly, we didn’t, but we will for the first 10 years until all the plantings grow, another bylaw we have that the planning board chose to ignore.
Have you seen what happens when these batteries catch fire and explode? If not look into it. Do you know how these fires are put out once go up in flames? They don’t, they can’t, they evacuate the area and wait for it to burn out. As it burns, you know what is between our homes and this burning battery, 75 feet of trees. Do you know what comes out of that battery as it burns, so many toxic chemicals. Do you now where those toxic chemicals go after they burn out, into our environment and groundwater. Do you know what happens once toxic chemicals get into the groundwater and our aquifer, they destroy our wells. Do you know what happens when our well are destroyed, simple we have no water. Now say we only didn’t want to look at the panels we are trying to protect our health safety and welfare of all of us in our town. If can say you wouldn’t have fought for your families and your neighbors then stop read ing here because the sad part is this the first neighborhood in our town that is getting this type of solar farm, but I guarantee it won’t be the last, your neighborhood could be next. Any existing solar farm in town can get these storage batteries installed When the planning board was discussing the solar farm, the “Dover Amendment” came up. Quickly, it is an amendment in Mas
8 The Reporter September 2022 FREE CONSULTATION Cabinetry for every Budget! 820 TAUNTON AVE(RT. 44) | SEEKONK, MA 02771 Infinity Endless Possibilities OVERinfo@InfinityKitchensandBaths.comwww.InfinityKitchensandBaths.com508-557-017040YEARSOFEXPERIENCE Showroom Saturday:9amMon-Fri:9amHours:-5pm-1pm SCOTT PETERS, PROPRIETOR Kitchen & Baths, Inc. Rehoboth Town News Laura Schwall Want to apply for coaching? Contact Scott Pettey at,774-264-0772,or ATTENTION LADIES It's been a long hot summer. Are you ready to shed the summertime cookout weight? I'm looking for 6 women over 35 who want to lose 10+ pounds in 12 weeks without crash dieting or hours of endless cardio Limited slots available, call or apply by Sept 31st to reserve your spot!
From the Town Clerk
Scheduling Is Not A Problem You get to train when you want and where you want, at your convenience. More Cost Effective Online coaching is more cost effective than in-person coaching. With online coaching you get amazing service without the limitations of costs, availability, scheduling, number of workouts per week, etc. Greater Accountability With in-person coaching, you rarely get any contact from your trainer outside the gym. With online coaching, I'll be with you every step of the way. Benefits of Online Coaching: Hi, I’m Coach Scott. I hold a bachelor’s degree in exercise science from Lasell University. I’m an NSCA certified strength and conditioning specialist with more than 7 years experience helping everyday people reach their fitness and nutrition goals.
Upcoming State Primary –Tuesday, September 6, 2022 The Massachusetts State Primary will be held on Tuesday, September 6, 2022, the day after Labor Day. All four precincts will be open at 7:00 AM at the centralized poll ing location located - 27 Francis Farm Road – the Francis Farm Community ComplexMuseum Building. Polls will remain open until 8:00 PM. All voters are reminded that any outstanding Absentee Ballots or Vote By Mail Ballots must be dropped off at the Rehoboth Town Hall drop box by 8:00 PM on Tuesday, 9-6-2022, if not sooner. As per State Elections Law, NO Absentee or Vote by Mail Ballots are permitted to be dropped off at the polling location; all mailed State Primary Ballots must be either dropped off at the 340 Anawan Street – Town Hall Bal lot Box, Town Clerk’s Office or mailed and received by the Clerk’s Office by close of polls on Tuesday, 9-6-2022 at 8:00 PM. The final voter registration session, to be eligible to participate in this election, was held on Saturday, August 27, 2022 from 8:00 AM. to 5:00SincePM.this is a Primary Election, if you are registered as a Democrat or Repub lican, you must take that party’s ballot; you will not be offered a choice of ballots. Unenrolled voters (commonly referred to as “Independents”) and members of political designations or minor parties may vote in the party primary of their choice (Demo cratic or Republican Ballot). Choosing to vote in a particular party’s primary does NOT enroll you as a member of that party. Also, if you choose a ballot, the election inspectors are required, by Massachusetts State Election Laws, to announce the party ballot you chose at the check-in table and the check-out table. Voter Reminder: once a party ballot is selected by the voter, they cannot change their ballot preference for thatToelection.check your party affiliation or to view the candidates on each party’s ballot (Democratic, Republican, Unenrolled or other designation), you may go to: Hello All – Another month has quickly flown by. I hope you have been enjoying your summer and staying healthy and safe. As the summer draws to a close, I also hope you had an enjoy able Labor Day weekend!

Are You an Inactive Voter ? Have You Returned Your Voter Activation Cards? The Clerk’s Office was required by law to send out voter inacti vation cards to those voters who did not vote in the 2022 elections and did not return the yearly 2022 town census forms mailed in January. If you are one of those “inactive” voters and you are still
- Democratic Candidates:
September 2022 The Reporter 9 Continued on next page... Horticultural Creations, Inc. Forestry Reclamation • Selective Thinning Invasive Plant Management Now is the Time to Clean Up Your Woods! Tim Ramey - MCLP, MCA, MCH, MCPA PRUNING (508) www.hortcreations.com965-2240• Embrace Home Loans, Inc. NMLS #2184; 25 Enterprise Center, Middletown, RI 02842, Phone 800.333.3004, Massachusetts Mortgage Lender and Broker License # MC2184; Rhode Island Licensed Mortgage Lender/Broker. It’s time to fall into your dream home. Anthony Geruso Branch Manager | NMLS #704495 c: 508.561.7716 | ph: 800.333.3004 x3797 3 Allied Drive, Suite 303 Dedham, MA 02026 Melissa Casey REALTOR® | Keystone Property Group, LLC c: 401.742.3348 | ph: 508.557.0366 Love Where You Live RehobothMA.govviewBallotsrunningSecretaryforberRegStatus.aspx,Septem6thfortheStatePrimaryandagainonTuesday,November8ththeStateandGubernatorialElection.BelowarethelinkstotheofState’swebsitewhereyoumayviewthecandidatesfortheupcomingStatePrimary.TherearealsoSamplein12-PostingLocationsaroundtownwhereyoumayalsopapercopiesoftheballotorontheTownWebsite@www.:
Direct Link to Rehoboth Democratic Party Sample Ballot:
Direct Link to Rehoboth Republican Party Sample Ballot:
State Elections - Republican Candidates:
State Elections

If you would like a copy of the 2022 Street Listings, there is a charge of $15.00. You may order one online @ https://www.; request a copy by mail, drop box outside of Town Hall-340 Anawan Street or visit us at the Clerk’s Office. If paying by check, please make your check payable to: The Town of Rehoboth ~ thank you.
Upcoming Fall Town Meeting – Postponed –Date to be Determined by Board of Selectmen
In December of 2021, the Board of Selectmen voted to hold a Fall Special Town Meeting on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, which date appears on the Town’s 2022 Census calendar. However, as of the August 22, 2022 Board of Selectman’s meeting, that Special meeting has been postponed to a date to be determined in the near future. As a result of the State Legislature voting into law the VOTES Act on June 22, 2022, the new election law now mandates a 2-week In-Person Voting prior to the State Gubernatorial Election. Therefore, the originally scheduled Fall Town Meeting will not be able to be held on November 1st. On August 22nd, the Select men decided to poll the department heads and committee chairs to see if there is a need for a Fall Town Meeting in 2022. If it is determined there is not a need for a Fall Town Meeting, the Board will then decide if a Special Town Meeting will be scheduled prior to the Annual Town Meeting. More details to come in next month’s Reporter Article ~ thank you.
On August 22nd we received the final approval on the May 14, 2022 Bylaw Amendments from the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) for Annual Town Meeting (ATM) Articles 22, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32 and 33. Please look for the updated General Bylaws on the town web site sometime after the State Primary Election has been certified.
2022 Dog Tags – Now Past Due
2022 Street Listings Are Available
Attorney General Approved General Bylaw Amendment
I am pleased we have registered 1,886 dogs so far this year, unfortunately, we still have 428 dogs that remain unlicensed; 200 more than in 2021. In January we provided every household a copy of the dog license registration form (2022 Census mailer) so they could register their dog prior to the April 1st annual deadline. We sent dog owners two reminder post cards and two reminder letters, offered dog owners a 60-day grace period prior to assessing the $15 late fee/dog and notified dog owners of the $25 non-criminal citation and certified mail fees in last month’s reminder letter. Please license your dog as soon as possible to avoid further action involv ing the Animal Control Officer. The State authorizes all Animal Control Officers to fine delinquent dog owners $50/day until they renew their dog’s yearly licenses. Please do not let that happen to you. We understand the past year was difficult for residents to get their dogs vaccinated due to the Town having to cancel their rabies clinics due to the Pandemic; however, we did hold the rabies
10 The Reporter September 2022 Continued on page 12... 1.75L 1.75L$11.99 134 Central Ave.Seekonk, MA 508-399-7171 Prices Good Thru September 30th 1.75L 1.75L 1.0L $19.99 $42.99 $29.99 1.75L $32.99 1.75L 1.75L 750ML $19.99 $32.99 $39.99 750ML $4.99 750ML 1.5L 750ML $13.99 $10.99 $12.99 1.75L $29.99 1.75L 1.75L 1.75L $39.99 $34.99 $26.99 living in Rehoboth, you must sign and return the postage paid card you received, to our office, so we may reactivate your voter status. If you are unsure of your voter status and would like to check, please go firstyearlyTofurtheryourRegStatus.aspx“inactive”,pleasecontactourofficefordirectionontheprocessforreactivatingyourvoterstatus.avoidbeingputonthevoterinactivationlist,pleasereturnyourcensusforms,whicharriveateveryhousehold,duringtheweekofJanuaryeachyear.Thankyou.

September 2022 The Reporter 11 429 Winthrop Street, Taunton MA • 508-821-3704 • Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-7pm, Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 8am-5pm Conveniently Located on Rte.44 in Taunton $5999 15,000 sq. ft. Bag $4499 15,000 sq. ft. Bag $5999 15,000 sq. ft. Bag $19 High phosphorus formula helps newly planted seed or sod develop deep and dense roots. Apply the same day as seeding or sodding. Water in after applying. Feeds for up to 2 months. Rapidly raises soil pH. Feeds soil microbes with a natural form of humates. Replaces multiple bags of lime. 20% to 70% of your lawn is wasted when soil pH is too low. High potash formula helps encourage fall rooting and winter disease prevention. Provides a gentle fall feeding with just the right amount of nitrogen. Promotes early spring green-up. Feeds for up to 2 months. Wood Pellets for Pick-Up & Delivery Beautiful Fall Mums in Stock!

The State Gubernatorial Election will be held on Tuesday, No vember 8, 2022 from 7:00 AM – 8:00 PM at Rehoboth’s Centralized Polling Location – 27 Francis Farm Road – Francis Farm Commu nity Complex – Museum Building. As a registered voter you have several ways to participate in the fall 2022 election: Vote by Mail, Vote In-Person Early or Vote on Election Day. Below please find an outline of important Election deadlines:
Please’treceive a rabies shot, has passed away or moved. We will not know unless you notify the Clerk’s Office 508-252-6502 x-3109, x-3112 or x-3110 ~ thank you. Unfortunately, if we do not hear from you or receive your dog’s license renewal, we are required by law to charge not only a $15 late fee for each unregistered dog, but file non-criminal citations of $25 plus certified mail charges. Spayed/Neutered dogs are $10 each; not Spayed/Neutered are $20 each. If you are over 70 years old, registration fees are waived; however, you still must keep your dog’s rabies vaccinations current and register your dog every year. Thanks so much for renewing your dog’s 2022 license as soon as possible.
Deadline to receive Vote by Mail and Absentee Ballots in DropBox at Rehoboth Town Hall 340 Anawan Street (Route 118) Tuesday, November 8, 2022 8:00 PM
The State Gubernatorial Election will be held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 from 7:00 AM 8:00 PM at Rehoboth’s Centralized Polling Location 27 Francis Farm Road Francis Farm Community Complex Museum Building. As a registered voter you have several ways to participate in the fall 2022 election: Vote by Mail, Vote In Person Early or Vote on Election Day. Below please find an outline of important Election deadlines:
In closing, Lynn, Odete, Logan and I wish you all a safe, happy, most enjoyable September. Good luck to those students, teachers and administrators beginning the 2022 2023 school year. We hope In closing, Lynn, Odete, Logan and I wish you all a safe, happy, most enjoyable Sep tember. Good luck to those students, teach ers and soon.thatbeautifulsafe.dentshope2023beginningadministratorsthe2022-schoolyear.WeallRehobothresistayhealthyandPleaseenjoythefallweathershouldbecoming
In Person Election Day Voting Tuesday, November 8, 2022 Polling Hours 7:00 AM 8:00 PM at the Francis Farm Museum (27 Francis Farm Road)
Important Dates
Please let us know if your dog is ill and can’t receive a rabies shot, has passed away or moved. We will not know unless you notify the Clerk’s Office 508 252 6502 x 3109, x 3112 or x 3110 ~ thank you. Unfortunately, if we do not hear from you or receive your dog’s license r enewal, we are required by law to charge not only a $15 late fee for each unregistered dog, but file non criminal citations of $25 plus certified mail charges. Spayed/Neutered dogs are $10 each; not Spayed/Neutered are $20 each. If you are over 70 years old, registration fees are waived; however, you still must keep your dog’s rabies vaccinations current and register your dog every year. Thanks so much for renewing your dog’s 2022 license as soon as possible.
12 The Reporter September 2022 clinic with Seekonk in March of this year and owners of all unli censed dog were notified of the rabies clinic by our office. If you are one of the 280 dog owners (428 unregistered dogs) who received reminder postcards and letters, please register as soon as possible either by mail, stopping by town hall to drop off your payment and valid rabies certificate or by paying online
11 8 2022 State/Gubernatorial Election Important Dates
Voter Registration Deadline: Saturday, October 29, 2022
Deadline to receive a request for AV/EV ballots by mail: Tuesday, 5:00PM, November 1, 2022
Thank You ~ Laura all Rehoboth residents stay healthy and safe Please enjoy the beautiful fall weather that should be coming soon. Thank You ~ Laura *Election Date *In-Person Early Voting Date *In-Person Early Voting Hours November 8, 2022 State GubernatorialElection In Person Early Voting Sessions October 22 – November 4 Francis Farm BuildingMuseum Saturday, October 22, 2022 10:00 AM 04:00 PM Monday, October 24, 2022 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM Tuesday, October 25, 2022 09:00 AM 01:00 PM Wednesday, October 26, 2022 09:00 AM 01:00 PM Thursday, October 27, 2022 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM Friday, October 28, 2022 09:00 AM 12:00 PM Noon Saturday, October 29, 2022 10:00 AM 04:00 PM Monday, October 31, 2022 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM Tuesday, November 1, 2022 08:00 AM 04:00 PM Wednesday, November 2, 2022 08:00 AM 04:00 PM Thursday, November 3, 2022 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM Friday, November 4, 2022 08:00 AM 12:00 PM-Noon
11-8-2022 State/Gubernatorial Election
3 Rehoboth Town Clerk September 2022 Article reminder postcards and letters, please register as soon as possible either by mail, stopping by town hall to drop off your payment and valid rabies certificate or by paying online at:
In Person Early Voting Period Saturday, October 22, 2022 Friday, November 4, 2022 See Detailed Schedule Below* at Francis Farm Museum, Deadline to vote over the counter for AV voters only: 12:00PM, November 7, 2022
EV/AV mailed, ballots need to be received by: 5:00PM, Saturday, November 12, 2022 (3 days after election for biennial state elections only and need to be postmarked by election day (11 8 22) 11/12/22 = 1 day later due to 11/11/22 federal holiday Veterans’ Day)

September 2022 The Reporter 13 continued on next page... (401) 736-0600 • (401) 323-6100 Prompt, Reliable, Quality Work Whether Buying or Selling Let Us Guide You from For Sale to Sold Patty Bain pattybain@remax.net401-965-4822 Robin Lozito robinlozito@remax.net401-486-6937 Missie Rose Benson rhodymoves@gmail.com508-826-9966 Hire a Trusted Local Agent 8 Dover Ave, East Providence, RI 02914 Recent Sales 5 Letendre Rd, Seekonk 17 Malta St, Seekonk 31 Hope Av, Attleboro 55 Coleman St, Seekonk 700 Lees River Av #4, Somerset 115 W. River St, Seekonk 31 Cameron Dr, Seekonk Under Contract 68 French Dr, Seekonk Recent Buyers 52 Sanders Av, Seekonk 360 Perron Av, Somerset 47 Pleasant St, Seekonk 258 Chestnut St, Rehoboth
Hello again! Can you believe September is upon us?! As we prepare to return to work and school after our summer break there are a few health protecting items that I’d like to offer to you. When our own children were young, my husband and I referred to them as petri-dishes when the school year began. As I am sure many parents with school aged children already know, those first few weeks of school saw the beginning or sniffles and snuffles. Our children often came home feeling lousy, sometimes developed temperatures and may have missed a few days of school. The easiest way to stop the spread of infection is…..HANDWASHING �� Reminded your school going child, all the way from K-12, to wash hands before and after eating and every time they go to the bathroom. We know this but, our young child in particular, are so busy, handwashing is brief or not done. Keeping a small container of hand-sanitizer in your child’s back-pack or lunch box works well also. Remind your child to avoid touching his/her face and mouth as much as possible, to cough into their elbow and use a tissue to blow their nose. As one of seven, with 5 brothers in the mix, I remember the days of sleeve swipes and nose picking. Gross as it is, I believe that practice continues when we are not looking! And if your child develops cold or belly bug symptoms, please keep them home. It can be a stressor to have to stay home from work when your child is ail ing, but in the long run, it can break the chain of infection, and stop the bug from coming back to bother you a second or third time. We are all so tired of COVID-19 updates and teachings, so I’ll provide the link here to the most recent COVID-19 infection pre vention updates from the CDC. The site is updated from every 1-7 days. The virus is not going away anytime soon, so following the guidelines will help keep your child safer at school and you at chroniccosefromCenternessoutandcontent=diseaseillnessmedium=google&utm_term=rsa&utm_campaign=mosquitoesticks_fy25&utm_and-ticks?utm_source=divd&utm_ingfurthersuntooccasionalcontinuepoliceCenter,thehomencov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html’office,theSeniorthetownhall,thelibrary,andtheorfirestations.ItisnotunusualforsummerweathertointoSeptemberandsometimeandOctoberday,soit’sagoodideaprovideyourchildwithextrawater,andprotectionforwhentheyareoutside.And,continuetowatchforticks.Forinformation,youcanusethefollowlink:,sokeepaneyeintheOctoberEditionformoredetails.Seniors,wecontinuetorunourWellClinicseveryWednesdayattheSenior@27FrancisFarmRoad,Rehoboth10am-1pm.WeofferBPandbloodgluscreeningandinformationonmultiplehealthproblemsbutalsoonhealthy
Health Nurse
From the Public,Gerinurse
What’s Your Island??
Rehoboth Animal Shelter News
food choices, activities and relationships. The podiatrist returns on Thursday September 15th from 9a-12noon ($30) Please call us if you’d like to see Dr. McLaughlin, at Francis Farm, but in the white farm house. This is where the Public Health Nurses’ office is. Call 508-252-5947 ext. 3127 OR 508-962-4558. If you don’t do so already, please consider attending the Senior Center activities. There is SO much to do: activities from card games to bocci, to belly dancing (Yes, our seniors have a blast!) to Tia Chai, corn hole toss and so much more. The activities are great for mind and body and I see strong ties and relationships building among this wonderful group of people. Or just come for lunch and meet some great people. Gert’s Café offers lunch at 12noon on Mondays and is always well attended. ($3) We are still offering our bereavement and caregiver support groups. We are hoping for a bigger turn out as September roles in. All are welcome, please call us if you’d like to attend. (508-2525947, ext. 3127 OR 508-962-4558) The groups run on Wednesdays from 130-230p at the Senior Center. In case anyone might need the following items, please stop by to see me. We have a shower bench, a walker, a pair of crutches and two electronic cooling machines (these are, for example, often provided to a person after a joint replacement, for cooling comfort). We also have some XL adult briefs and some male sanitary product available. All will be dispersed on a first come, first served basis. And many thanks to those who made the donations. Lastly, ‘flu season will be upon us soon. We will be offering ‘flu clinics at Anawan Pharmacy on Winthrop St. and here at the Public Health Nurses’ office. Anawan Pharmacy can provide for our adult population and I can assist with young and older children. However, please know, each group can go to either place. I can also do home visits for the vaccination, for those who have difficulty leaving their home. As soon as we have our vaccination sup ply in, we will alert you all. Be safe and well!
There are a few cats and a dog at the Rehoboth Animal Shelter. This month’s cat is Louise. She is a spayed female tabby cat. Louise is friendly but very timid and spends most of her time at the shelter under her blanket. She would be much more comfort able in a quiet home. If you are interested in Louise or any of our other animals, or to report a lost or found pet, please call 508-252-5421 and leave a message. Louise
14 The Reporter September 2022
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Rehoboth Ambulance to Continue
The Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc. is a local public charity whose mission is to serve Rehoboth residents by providing Christ mas gifts, holiday support, and special occasion needs to our Re hoboth children and their families who are facing challenging times in their lives. In October we will begin taking request for all holiday gifts. For those in need of assistance we have forms available on our website These completed forms MUST be received, by November 9th - of course earlier than November 9th would be wonderful! We cannot accept mailed lists that are not on the forms found on our website. We hope to help make your holiday season brighter! As always, we are grateful for our wonderful Rehoboth com munity support! Your generosity allows us to continue to serve our Rehoboth families with children in need. As always, we welcome your participation and support of our mis sion, we are a 501-c3 nonprofit. As in past years, there will be gift request “snowflake” boards located around town and boxes for drop off. Please check our website (www. ) for informa tion on Snowflake board locations, gift dropoff locations, and information on adopting children/families. Until our “snowflakes” are posted in November, the best way to provide support is by providing gift cards and taxdeductible monetary donations. Checks should be made out to “Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Inc.” and mailed to Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving, Attn: Cathy Edington, 61 Reservoir Ave., Rehoboth, MA 02769. We continue to provide birthday support and Birthday forms are also available on our website. Questions may be directed through our website: www.rehobothblizzardofgiv, email: rehobothblizzard@gmail. com or by calling Colleen McBride at (508) 966-8122. All personal information will be kept confidential. We thank everyone for all they do to make this project so successful! God bless, Colleen McBride, Cathy Edington, & Cheryl Santos
The Rehoboth Blizzard of Giving
The Rehoboth Ambulance Committee, Inc. will once again be offering the Sub scription Service Program, that in many cases may lower your out-of-pocket costs for ambulance transport.
September 2022 The Reporter 15 Our family treating your family for generations Providing Orthodontic care in South Attleboro / Seekonk / Vineyard Haven (508) 761-5230 / (508) 336-3066 / (508) 693-3766 WWW.GEORGEFAMILYORTHODONTICS.COM Read Our Reviews! Complimentary Consultations Flexible & Affordable Payment Options State of the Art Technology
transportation provided by Rehoboth Ambulance to area hospitals during the subscription period. The subscription period will run from July 1, 2022 or upon receipt of payment (whichever is later) and will end December 31, The2023.Subscription cost is $125.00 and covers all members resid ing in the household, who are listed on the information sheet for unlimited use during the subscription period. To participate, you must have existing health insurance. Un fortunately, at this time, Medicaid subscribers are not eligible to participate.Formore information, questions, copy of letter and information sheet, please contact Jenna Przeszlo at secretary@rehobotham or 508 242 2318.
Invisalign & Braces for Adults and Children
A letter and information sheet were mailed to residents at the end of July 2022 by the Rehoboth Ambulance Committee. The following is a brief outline of the letter. The Subscription is available to all residents of the Town of Rehoboth as a means of reducing or in some cases elimi nating out-of-pocket expenses related to emergency ambulance transportation. The Subscription covers all emergency medical

16 The Reporter September 2022 496 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth MA • We speak Spanish & Portuguese. Celeste401-640-8897Fournier Lisa 774-991-0052Halajko Shane 508-399-5272Halajko Raquel774-991-3026Medeiros Wendy 508-415-0064Babbit Let Us Educate You on the Current Real Estate Market! CALL US! FOR ALL YOUR REALNEEDSESTATE

Committee –
3 Generations of FF BakeMastersKevin Foley, Bob Caron (background) and Chico Charbonneau Bill Maiorano and Paul Pasch
On the cover (Rehoboth): Kevin Foley, Kelli Trexler, Sheila Kramer, Jen LeComte, Chico Charbonneau and David LeComte
September 2022 The Reporter 17 Frazao Insurance Karen E. Frazao Owner ~ An Independent Agent HOME • AUTO • COMMERCIAL 146 Central Ave, Seekonk MA • 508-639-5384 • 22 Years in the Industry • Licensed in MA & RI Let my family insure yours! We Referrals!Love Call or Text 774.266.7995 for a quote • DEER, TICK & MOSQUITO CONTROL DEER TAKING A TOLL ON YOUR PLANTINGS? OUR ALL-NATURAL DEER REPELLENT HAS SAVED MANY A GARDEN! First time customers only. One coupon per property, Expires 10/31/22 FREE ASSESSMENTDEER First Annual Old-Tyme Summer Clambake!
On August 20th, The Town of Rehoboth put on its first annual clambake at the new Francis Farm campus. For 120 years, this historic site has been hosting clambakes for large parties and small, including three presidents! We are grateful for the opportunity to carry on this tradition! Over 150 attendees enjoyed a truly delicious menu of clams, sausage, Saugy’s, chourico, potatoes, onions and Watermelon. There was bocce and cornhole for fun and Bill Maiorano provided the music! The committee was looking for a relaxed, fun event, and I think we nailed it! The saying goes “It Takes a Village”, but I say it takes more than that. When townspeople step up and contribute it can really make for a special event, and that is what happened Saturday! Nearly all products were sourced from vendors and farms within Rehoboth, from clams to watermelons! We thank our generous Rehoboth benefactors and helpers, and hope that you will remember them. In no order, here they are! Tim Johnson at Propane Plus, Bob and Cathy Ryan (Chartley Country Store), Dale Sousa (WasteTech), Ryan Robinson (Portside Fish Market), Steve Noons (Harvest Tap) and Raquel Melo of Hapco Farms We’d also like to thank all those who pitched in, some of which are the Bakemasters Chico Charbonneau & Kevin Foley, Selectman Rob Johnson, Linda Sherman (COA), Mike Viveiros (Rehoboth Building Dept), Ralph Arguin (Recreation), Scott and Alys Vincent, Andria Medeiros, Kim Fagundes, Aimee Milone, Jonathan Trexler, Dawn & Sam Crooks. The Town Events Committee enjoyed putting this together for all to enjoy. If you are interested in joining the committee to put on future events, write us at We would gratefully welcome your help! We’d like to thank everyone so much for coming and are happy that you so obviously enjoyed the afternoon! Rehoboth Town Events Dave and Jennifer LeComte Kelli Trexler Sheila Kramer Regan Furtado

After graduating from Clemson, Runey was hired to teach math and to coach foot ball and basketball at Bishop England High School. “It was great,” Runey said. “To be able to have a homecoming of sorts. To teach and coach where I had gone to high school, where my parents had gone to high school. It was a great opportunity for me. I stayed there for 18 years.” Runey eventu ally became the Dean of Students and later on assistant principal and head basketball coach.In2006, Runey relocated to Massa chusetts, where he served as the principal of Bishop Feehan High School. He was principal at Attleboro High School for 10 years before coming to Dighton-Rehoboth. “Moving to New England was a tough transi tion,” Runey said. “But coming into a family environment like Bishop Feehan made it a lot easier. It gave me the opportunity to run a building and be principal of a school.”
Dighton-Rehoboth Superintendent Aims for Unity By Joe Siegel
Robert Baxter is the business administra tor for the district.
“We perform at a level above the state in almost every category,” Runey said.“But I don’t want to settle for just being better than the state. I want to be the best in the state.”
The first day of school for staff is September 6th. The first day of school for students is September 7th. Runey grew up in Charleston, South Carolina and attended Clemson University, where he majored in secondary education and“Mymath.Dad was a high school science teacher/athletic director and basketball coach,” Runey recalled. “He passed away when I was 14 and I saw the impact that he made as an educator and as a coach.”
“Dighton-Rehoboth was a natural fit for me because of the fact it had a lot of com munity pride,” Runey continued, noting the vocational programs and the “strong aca demic profile” of the district were appealing.
Runey is proud of the new administrative team he has assembled, which includes As sistant Superintendent Fred Souza. Souza and Runey have worked together for nine years. “I have always had tremendous respect for him as an instructional leader,” Runey said. “Fred is very strong in curricu lum, very strong in data analysis.”
Dighton-Rehoboth School Superintendent William Runey wants to continue to unify the two member towns of the district. On Au gust 6th, Rehoboth voters soundly rejected a proposal to withdraw Kindergarten through 8th grade from the district. “I don’t fault the Rehoboth (residents) for wanting to pursue that,” Runey told the Reporter. “I’m all about civic advocacy but I am glad we were able to prevail in that situation. Now we can focus on the concerns that Rehoboth has, to make ourselves a bigger and better district.”
“He is top notch,” Runey said. “The changes he has made in terms of transpar ency, in terms of establishing procedures Bill Runey

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Chairman Skip Vadnais noted Rossi had postponed his retire ment by two years to help with the development of the position. “This board wants to sincerely thank you for putting everything else on hold and serving this community for two more years,” Vadnais said. “You did a good job, you were steady, we could count on you,” Vadnais told Todd. “You will be missed.”
Sergeant Brian Ramos has been elevated to the rank of Deputy Chief of the Rehoboth Police Department. “He’s been a big help to me, to the department,” Chief James Trombetta said of Ramos at Monday’s Board of Selectmen meeting. Ramos was sworn in by Town Clerk Laura Schwall. Ramos’ predecessor in the position, Mark Rossi, retired from the department after 34 years. Sergeant Norman Todd has also retired after 32 years with the department. “They’ve represented us well,” Trombetta said.
September 2022 The Reporter 19 Junction Route 44 & 118 - Rehoboth, Ma • 508-252-1000 Visit our web site... Sandra (Rourke) & Ernie (Carl) Boren’s DAVID SMITH REAL ESTATE Since 1971, Licensed in RI & MA “Falamos Portugues” Cassie Krasnianski Cathy Edington Joy Cambria Kori Valente Marilyn Stephens Ron Rupp Sarah Dumke Tom Douglass Wilson Valente Carl Boren Sandra Boren Ernie Boren
“Withdrawal is the only way to end it,” Maynard said, noting the issue was about “independence” and “self-determination.”
Voters overwhelmingly rejected a withdrawal of K-8 from the Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District at the August 6th spe cial town meeting. 70 percent of the 520 attendees voted against the measure, while 30 percent voted in favor.
Runey is hoping for more civility as the district prepares for another school year. “I think positivity and kindness are things that I want to stress to our young people,” Runey added. “We have to have high expectations. I have high expectations of myself. It’s okay to take risks, it’s okay to fail. It’s not about the failing, it’s how you respond to the failing. If you respond to it in such a way that you improve from it, then we’ve done our job.”
If the withdrawal had been approved, a special election would have been held to elect school committee members.
By Joe Siegel
Dighton-Rehoboth School Superintendent Bill Runey warned a K-8 withdrawal would have had a detrimental impact on students and teachers. In addition, Runey noted “a high likelihood of sig nificant and expensive legal fees” if the withdrawal was approved.
In a letter dated August 1, DESE (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) Commissioner John Sullivan said both member towns would need to approve an amendment to the re gional school agreement before a K-8 withdrawal can occur.
Tim Maynard, a member of the K – 8 withdrawal study com mittee, believed the school department and the town of Rehoboth had been in an “abusive relationship.”
The district also has a new Director of Special Education, Juanita DiGioia, who is a former Dighton-Rehoboth assistant principal. “The fact that she has historical connections with the district gives her an advantage that many new employees would not necessarily have.”
Providing Service to MA and RI protocols, has improved the way that we operate dramatically.”
K – 8 Withdrawal Rejected at Special Town Meeting
The K – 8 withdrawal study committee was dissolved on Au gust 22.
“Although Section IX allows for the withdrawal of grades K-8 from the District upon the approval of one member town, such a change would still constitute an amendment to the Agreement to reflect, at a minimum, the new grade configuration of the District.”
Rehoboth Police Promote Ramos to Deputy Chief By Joe Siegel

Town Officials Alarmed Over Possible Groundwater Contamination
By Joe Siegel
At an August 9 joint meeting between the Rehoboth Board of Selectmen and the Conservation Commission, representatives from the Board of Health, the Water Com mission, the Agricultural Commission, and the Planning Board discussed the potential impacts on local wells.
salt, backwashings, electricity, time resetting and your attention
“This is the largest violation in my 23 years on the Commission,” Materne noted. “The DEP originally said that they wanted us to handle (the situation) but it’s too big for us. We rid of E3 not need ment order, which means (Earthsource) can’t do any work at all.”
Andrade said residents who would like their wells tested were free to contact the town’s Conservation Agent and the Board of Health.
“They’re going to serve us well,” said Chairman Skip Vadnais. Kyle Barbosa and John Viveiros were appointed to serve as the department’s newest patrol officers. Barbosa and Viveiros will be attending the state police academy beginning September 6. Trombetta noted major changes in the department. Deputy Chief Mark Rossi is retiring, along with Sergeant Norman Todd. Sergeant Brian Ramos will serve as the new Deputy Chief.
Rehoboth Promotes Officers to Sergeant
20 The Reporter September 2022
By Joe Siegel
Two members of the Rehoboth Police Department were pro moted to Sergeant at Monday’s selectmen meeting. Louis Dibacco, an 11 year veteran, and Adam Brown, who has served for nearly eight years, finished first and second during a recent round of promotional exams, according to Police Chief James Trombetta.
Seekonk Selectman David Andrade, who owns property across the street from the dump site on Almeida Road, attended the Andrademeeting. couldn’t comprehend why the DEP would leave the material in place, which could result in further contamination of the groundwater, when it would be easier to remove it and store it somewhere else.
“If they’re concerned about the envi ronment and they’re concerned about the residents’ drinking water, why is it taking six months for them (to address the problem),” said Seekonk Selectmen Chairman Justin Sullivan.Andrade noted his frustration when communicating with representatives of DEP: “They weren’t aware that any Seekonk resi dents were (impacted). They weren’t aware that Seekonk was an issue which is why I believe the town was not notified (earlier).”
Officials from Rehoboth and Seekonk have expressed con cern about the possible contamination of groundwater following the disposal of 300 truckloads of sewage sludge last March on Almeida Road. The Rehoboth Conservation Commission had issued a cease and desist order to Earthsource, the company responsible.
your current salt system and save money with our new
systems that do
According to Chairman Robert Materne , the sludge came from the Raynham dog track. The state’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) was called in to test the sludge because of the alteration of wetlands, which was seven acres.
issued an enforce GOT BAD WELL WATER? We’ll fix it. Iron, Manganese, pH, Bacteria, Rotten egg smell, Nitrates, Arsenic, Lead and a whole lot more 1-800-698-0068 • Sales: Steve, Scott & Phil Service: Scott, Phil, Jeremy & Paul Fixing Rehoboth water since 1986. Installers MA Lic.#13268 WE SOLVE “Filtration is our only business not our sideline” 32 years experience - WQA Certified and factory trained personnel We custom assemble “traditional equipment” and NEW “E3” custom tailored environmental systems that needs NO SALT, NO ELECTRICITY, NO BACKWASHING, NO CONTROL VALVE, NO CUSTOMER MAINTENANCE. See which is right for you. Maybe you can get

Sunday October 30 No EV Monday October 31 8:30AM 4:30PM Tuesday November 1 8:30AM 4:30PM Wednesday November 2 8:30AM 7:00PM Thursday November 3 8:30AM 4:30PM Friday November 4 8:30AM 12:00PM
November 8, 2022 State Election Early Voting Schedule
There will be a second round of postcard vote-by-mail ap plications sent by the state in September. They will be sent to all registered voters who have NOT already applied to receive a ballot and sent to people who registered to vote after August 27, 2022.
Florice Craig, Town Clerk & Lorraine Sorel, Assistant Town Clerk
Day Date Time Saturday October 22 10:00AM 2:00PM Sunday October 23 No EV Monday October 24 8:30AM 4:30PM Tuesday October 25 8:30AM 4:30PM Wednesday October 26 8:30AM 7:00PM Thursday October 27 8:30AM 4:30PM Friday October 28 8:30AM 12:00PM Saturday October 29 10:00AM 5:00PM
*Please note the above dates are subject to change.
November 8th State Election Information
To ensure timely delivery of your ballot, it is recommended that you request a November ballot no later than October 17. Apply early, in order to have enough time to return your ballot.
If you have already sent in your postcard to receive a ballot and checked off wanting a ballot for both elections, or for November only, your request has been registered and you will get a Novem ber 6, 2022 ballot in the mail. Do not request another one by mail. Please note ballots for the November election will not be printed by the State until the end of September. Once we receive these ballots, we will send them out to all voters who requested mail-in ballots, or absentee ballots.
September 2022 The Reporter 21 Administration of Estates Probate of Wills Wills and Trusts Health Care Proxies Durable Powers of Attorney Stephen E. Navega, PC - ATTORNEY AT LAW447 Taunton Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771 T 508.336.8120 F navegalaw@aol.com508.336.3350 Providing legal services since 1979. Experience matters. CarpentryA.M. QUALITY WORKMANSHIP (508) 222-6573 Wood & Vinyl Siding Roofing • Decks Cement Work Additions & Restorations New LICENSEDRehoboth,RemodelingConstructionMA&INSURED MA #058544 Reg # 111902 RI# 7169 rey • Residential & Commercial • Emergency Water Removal • Soil Protection Treatment • Tile & Grout Cleaning (508)252-6385 CARPETING • LINOLEUM CERAMIC TILE • LAMINATE FLOORS PREFINISHED HARDWOOD PORCELAIN TILE • CUSTOM WORK ExpertPersonalInstallationService Earle Dias Interiors 151 Winthrop St., Rehoboth MA • Tues.-Fri.10-5 • Sat.10-1 The Seekonk Scene Florice Craig The Clerk’s Corner
It’s hard to believe September is here already. By the time you read this issue the September Primary Election will be over and we will be busy getting ready for the State Election in November. The results of the Primary will be published in the October issue of the reporter as well as on the Town Clerk’s website page. This year the State passed into law that early voting (EV) by mail must be available for all state elections, state primaries, and presiden tial primaries. As a result, Secretary of State William Galvin’s office sent millions of registered voters across Massachusetts a postcard vote-by-mail ballot application. This allowed registered voters to request ballots for the September 6th primary and the November 8th general election. To date, Seekonk has re ceived over 1,700 applications to receive a state primary and November election ballot. I’m sure for the November election we will have more than 2,000 early voting ballot requests. Processing these EV ballots involves a lot of data entry, collating ballot materials, print ing mailing labels and stuffing thousands of envelopes with the appropriate ballots. Once people received, fill out and return their ballot the work is still not done. We have to input received ballot information, in the state computer, then process them through the ballot box. Lorraine and I have been and will continue to be vigilant with our attention to detail, in order to maintain the integrity of a fair election. We also offered one week of early voting at the Town Hall before the State Primary. I’d like to thank the poll workers, registrars, the Seekonk post office and others who helped get the thousands of ballots out to the citizens of Seekonk in a timely manner. Vote-by-mail is here to stay and the more elections we do the more comfortable we get with it, even though it can be a challenging process. We know what to expect and are ready for the November 6th election.
If you are not a registered voter and would like to register, please go to This website has everything you need to know about voting in the State of Massachusetts. The deadline to register for the November election is October 29th You can also come in to the Town Clerk’s office and register to vote in person.
There will be in person voting on election day. All precincts vote at the Seekonk High School 261 Arcade Ave. Polls open at 7:00AM and close at 8:00PM. There will also be two weeks of early voting held at the Town Hall 100 Peck St. Board of selectman’s meeting room. See the schedule below.
Town Meeting date has been set for November 14, 2022. It will be held at the High School auditorium starting at 7PM A friendly reminder that trash bills will be sent out in September and are due in October. Have a wonderful September stay well. If you have any questions or concerns, please so do not hesitate to call the Town Clerk’s Office. 508 336 2920 or email us fcraig@seekonk or lsorel@seekonk
To return your vote-by-mail ballot you can either mail it back, place it in the drop-box in front of Town Hall, or hand deliver it to the Town Clerk’s office. continued on next
The September 11th 21st remembrance will be held, Sunday September 11, at 11:00am at the Public Safety Complex. No matter how many years go by it is always important that we never Theforget.Fall

If you are not a registered voter and would like to register, please go to . This website has everything you need to know about voting in the State of Massachusetts. The deadline to register for the November election is October 29th. You can also come in to the Town Clerk’s office and register to vote in person. There will be in-person voting on election day. All precincts vote at the Seekonk High School - 261 Arcade Ave. Polls open at 7:00AM and close at 8:00PM. There will also be two weeks of early voting held at the Town Hall – 100 Peck St. Board of selectman’s meeting room. See the scheduleNovemberbelow.8, 2022 State Election - Early Voting Schedule
22 The Reporter September 2022 David J. Ledoux HARDWOOD FLOORS DUSTLESS HARDWOOD REFINISHING Installation - Sanding - Refinishing - Prefinished ***Quality Craftsmanship*** "Proudly serving the community for over 20 years" Office: 508-399-6211 Cell: 508-272-7729 Owner/OperatorFullyInsured Seekonk, MA PlumbingVintage&Heating MA. License # 22377 • Pipe Fitters - #28402 Serving all of Southern New England 10% Senior Discount ~ Free Estimate ~ No Job Too Small 508-252-3872 Gas Fitting — Boiler Replacement — Hot Water Heaters Well Pump Repair — Drain Cleaning Water Filter Freeze Up’s — Video Inspections Sump Pumps Installed
Have a wonderful September stay well. If you have any ques tions or concerns, please so do not hesitate to call the Town Clerk’s Office. 508-336-2920 or email us or
Florice Craig, Town Clerk & Lorraine Sorel, Assistant Town Clerk Seekonk Animal Shelter News
*Please note the above dates are subject to change. The September 11th – 21st remembrance will be held, Sunday September 11, at 11:00am at the Public Safety Complex. No matter how many years go by it is always important that we never forget.
A friendly reminder that trash bills will be sent out in September and are due in October.
Ripley is ready!
The Fall Town Meeting date has been set for November 14, 2022. It will be held at the High School auditorium starting at 7PM.
Ripley is a 1-year-old, gorgeous shepherd mix who has beautiful brindle coat with streaks of gold! She’s an all-around sweet girl who is affectionate, loves laps and enjoys riding in the car. She’s also quite athletic and playful… loves going for walks and playing fetch. Ripley’s ideal home would be one with a female owner as she is fearful of men and startles very easily around them. No small chil dren please due to her size, but dog savvy teenage children would be fine. She loves other dogs but has not been tested with cats yet. Elly from All In Stride has been working with her basic training and she’s doing great. Ripley catches on quickly and is very smart… she knows Sit, Down, Touch, Place and is learning to Come when called. All in Stride will provide in-home private training to help her transition into her new home. Elly is also working with her to build confidence around men. She is house trained, spayed, up to date on vaccines and 508-336-6663.anyPleaseSt.,Shelter,SeekonkcanpaniontheDoeswillbondsOncemicrochipped.Ripleywithyou,sheloveyouforever!shesoundlikeperfectcomforyou?YoumeetherattheAnimal100PeckSeekonkMass…calluswithquestionsat

EAST COAST PLASTERING CO. • New Homes • Renovations • Repair Work • • New Ceilings • Drywall • Resurfaced Walls • EST 1984 JOHN GRILO Rehoboth, MA Residential & Commercial Licensed & Insured Quality First Call 401.473.4249 Attic - Cellar - Total House WE TAKE EVERYTHING • Furniture • Brush • Appliances • Yard Waste • Construction Debris • Trash Demolition of...Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools LET US DO THE WORK Free Estimates Call Tony www.BigBlueJunkRemovals.com508-226-1295 BIG REMOVALBLUESERVICE Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Bernardo
September 2022 The Reporter 23 100% Coverage No one offers a better deal! Call 508.252.6575 to Advertise! Seekonk’s Water Superintendent Retires!
Rob worked diligently to ensure our well field stations always operated at optimum levels to provide adequate water supply to our customers. Well redevelopment is performed every year to provide maximum production levels. New wells to replace GP1 and GP 2 were commissioned and placed into service.
During his tenure the SWD received many consecutive “Out standing Performance and Achievement Recognition Awards for Medium and Large Community Groundwater Systems” and “Outstanding Source Protection” Awards from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) . Rob supervised the Route 6/ Fed EX water main installation on Fall River Avenue. This six (6) mile extension was privately paid for and cost the ratepayers nothing. It improves line pressure and Fire protection to the industrial zoned areas in Town. This project could save lives someday.
“Super Rob” leaves behind a District that’s grown to 117 miles of water mains, 4963 service connections, 3 storage tanks, 950 fire hydrants, 7 groundwater sources including 5 gravel packed wells and a staff of 10 employees.
A Retirement Party was held on June 24th, 2022, inside our garage. Family, friends, and colleagues were there for lunch, cake, and plague ceremony. A Proclamation was presented from Representative Steven Howitt from the Massachusetts House of Representatives thanking him for his community service.
The SWD Commissioners unanimously decided Rob’s exper tise was too valuable to lose and signed a consulting agreement with him for special projects. He’s an extraordinary man. Just compare SWD with surrounding communities and you will understand why leadership matters ! We wish you the best life has to offer our Gratitude. Good Luck “Super Rob “! We continue to encourage Water Conservation and request vol untarily compliance on the odd/even day water usage restrictions.
He oversaw tremendous improvement changes to Seekonk’s water quality and distribution system which was created in 1946. These include upgrading the system wide metering program from analog to digital which allows remote readings and quarterly billings which helps our financials. He identified the need to upgrade the treatment plant’s water processing system by removing the original aluminum plates and replacing them with polyethylene sheets to reduce corrosion and improve water quality.

Lunch and snacks will be available for purchase from Seekonk’s own Scialo’s Bakery. Please bring a donation for Doorways to be entered into a specialThereraffle.will be drop off and pick areas in the library parking lot, but parking places are limited. Overflow parking will be available in the Gammino Pond and Hurley Middle School parking lots or on local side streets. We are excited to be partnering with the Seekonk Artist Network this year as they will be hosting their annual free Open Studio Tour on the same weekend. Come meet local, professional artists in their own environment. Not to be missed! Follow them on Facebook @ SeekonkArtistNetwork.Itwillbeafreeevent with the general public invited. A day designed for every age group to take part in, and to Celebrate Seekonk!Thisevent is Sponsored by the Seekonk Cultural Council. For the full schedule of activities, times, and up-to-date informa tion, follow us on Facebook @seekonkculturalcouncil
Dave Maloof – a teacher, comedian, writer and musician – will discuss how and why we laugh, the health benefits of laughter, and how comedy is written and performed.
24 The Reporter September 2022 100% Coverage
The Seekonk Cultural council is excited to announce that the second annual Celebrate Seekonk Day is scheduled for October 1st from 12:00 to 4:00 at the Seekonk Public Library, rain or shine.
LICENSEDARBORIST INSUREDFULLY Stump Grinding ~ Large Tree Removal Ornamental Pruning Seasoned Firewood ~ Cord Wood Large Crane for Difficult Removals! No Damage to Lawn! Jim Marcello Seekonk, MA (508) 336-4869 ~ (401) 723-6128 Landscape Design Plantings, Mulch Bed, Loam & Seed Free Estimates • Reasonable Rates Call 401.632.3602 CleaningDebbie’sService Proudly serving Rehoboth & Seekonk Gift Certificates Available
No one offers a better deal!
He’ll also perform (singing while playing ukulele or keyboard) his own comedy songs, including “My Wife Is In Love with the Dog” and his parody of “Hush Little Baby,” as well as some of his own jokes (including the one about how his daughter doesn’t even look like him). This program is supported in part by a grant from the Seekonk Cultural Council, a local agency which is funded by the Mass. Cultural Council, a state agency.
Laugh & Learn
Celebrate Seekonk Day 2022
October 1st, 2022
Imagine a comedy club in a school or a library, and you’ve got “Laugh & Learn,” an educational show that entertains while it explains.It’shappening during “Celebrate Seekonk Day” on Saturday, Oct. 1 from 3:00 to 4:00 pm, at the Seekonk Public Library, 410 Newman Ave. in Seekonk.
A free day filled with music, entertainment, history, bubbles, laughter and fun for the whole family! Our goal is to spotlight the rich, and often unknown history of Seekonk, while focusing on the culture and talents of the citizens in our hometown.
Local Grammy winner, Bill Harley, will charm and entertain fami lies with his special brand of song writing. Challenge your memory of historic Seekonk landmarks with an interactive presentation by a local history author. There will be stories, dance and music from the Pokanoket Tribe. You’ll be amazed by the talents of the Hurley Middle School Band and an athletic Karate demo. A musical comic performer will have your ears and bellies shaking with his Laugh and Learn program prepared just for us. We will offer a gallery show with local professional artists works hanging alongside town student work. There will be an an oppor tunity for everyone attending to add to a community art project.
Other activities include Kindness Rock painting, Shadow pup pets for preschoolers, community quilt display, face painting, group games, Master Gardener booth, Save-a-Pet special guests, meet royalty from the past - Count Rumford, lots and lots of bubbles, andWemore!will have representation of local government agencies, town boards and local small businesses as well.

Thank you to our Sponsors: GOLD - Bank Rhode Island, SILVER – Champion Motorsports and Ramada by Wyndham. If you would like to donate an item or gift certificate to the auc tion, it can be mailed to: Save A Pet Society, P.O. Box 474, Seekonk, MA 02771 or dropped off any time in our donation bin at 150 Brook Hill Drive, Seekonk, MA, by October 15th. Please be sure to include a note with your name and contact information. Watch for updates and announcements on our website www. and follow us on Facebook at “Seekonk Save A Pet Society” or “Friends of Seekonk Animal Shelter”.
Seekonk Save A Pet Holds 35th Annual Charity Auction
As always, funds raised from the auction will help the shelter with the cost of veterinary services, heartworm treatment, leukemia test, micro-chipping, rabies and other vaccinations. All animals adopted are spayed or neutered. Funds raised also assist with keeping our shelter guests healthy, warm and safe until their adoption into lov ing, forever home.
Seekonk Announces of Seekonk Open Studios! October 1st & 2nd 11:00 - 4:00 Enjoy this self-guided tour viewing the amazing artwork of more than 18 local artists at 8 various studios/homes in Seekonk. Work will include sculpture, photography, pottery, printmaking, fine woodworking, floral, mixed media, jewelry, painting, assemblage art and live music at one location. Truly something for everyone! Seekonk Artist Network is pleased to be part of Celebrate Seekonk event taking place on the Saturday at the Seekonk Library. Be sure to stop by as well for an artful experience. Together we can strengthen Seekonk through an artful spirit! Stay tuned for locations, to be announced on Facebook at Seekonk Artist Network and on website@seekonkartistnetwork. comAny questions please contact Maria Holme - 401- 499-6764
Looking Back at the Landmarks of Seekonk at Celebrate Seekonk Day
Historical author, Phyllis Dupere, will lead a discussion to test citizen’s memories of Seekonk’s past landmarks. How well do you remember the changing stores and business that were along Rt. 6 or Rt. 44? Does Bay State Drive-In, Eileen Darlings, or Oscar’s Hardware bring back any flash backs for you? Maybe you have some photographs to share from historical places in town. Or maybe you just want to gain some insight into the town’s history as it transformed from a quiet farming town into having a busy throughfare packed with chain stores and restaurants. This conversation will take place in the Seekonk Library on October 1st at 12:00. It will be a dynamic part of Celebrate Seekonk Day highlighting the history, creativity, and talent that exists in our homeLookingtown. forward to hearing your memories of Seekonk’s past!
September 2022 The Reporter 25 KENNY’S Masonry & Chimney Sweeps Locally Owned & Operated for 20 Years Quality, Service & Dependability • INSPECTIONS • EMERGENCY SERVICE • SWEEPING • CAPS • LINERS • REBUILDS • WATERPROOFING • FLASHING • DRYER VENT CLEANING Masonry Repair & Restoration: Walkways • Patios • Pavers • Walls • Chimneys 508-649-1938
October 1st at 12:00
Artist Network
Save A Pet Society, Inc. will hold their 35th Annual Auction in October to benefit the Seekonk Animal Shelter. The Online Auction begins October 1, 2022 and ends on the evening of Friday, October 28, 2022 with new items being added throughout the month.
Patios, Outdoor Kitchens, Retaining Walls, Stonewalls, Driveways, Steps, Walkways, Foundation Repairs, Basement Waterproofing, All Types of Cement Work Valter Rego Masonry Residential and Commercial Free estimates, no job too small Call 401-781-2262 or www.valterregomasonry.net774-565-0579 Licensed & Insured

A Remembrance of Gary Cartwright
“Doorways has always been about more than just food “added Gerry McCabe. “Equally important is the genuine human connection between the volunteers and the shoppers. This is particularly important for people who live alone. During the isolation of the lockdowns, that connection was more important than ever. Gary stepped into that breach, standing in the parking lot visiting with our shoppers for hours every week, week after week, for over two years. He cared deeply.”
There’s an old saying that it’s always the same people who make things work – the people who join the PTA are the same people who coach the youth sports teams, are the same people who volunteer at church, at school, or at the local food pantry. Our friend Gary Cartwright was one of the “do-ers”. Gary served as a youth sports coach, he participated in PTA, he chaperoned school trips, and he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Doorways food bank - and he played a vital role in helping to keep the food pantry open during the pandemic. “Gary was a gentle giant” said Paul Hodge from Doorways. “He was a kind, caring man who would do anything for anybody and got great joy hearing about your life, your family and the goings on of your life. He was truly selfless.”
“I’ve been very impressed with how you’re able to keep all the alligators at bay in the swamp, for sure,” Chairman Justin Sul livan said at the board’s August 21 meeting. “We compliment you often on your financial acumen. You’ve dealt with a lot of issues over the last several years. We’ve seen some strong growth and some good contributions for the department heads here and we’re looking forward to see how that continues to develop.”
Gary Cartwright Shawn Cadime
Seekonk Town Administrator Signs Contract through 2025
As Christians, we refer to God as “Father” and desire nothing more than to see His face when we pass on. We hope that Gary was met on his arrival with the words “Well done, my good and faithful servant. Welcome home.”
Town Administrator Shawn Cadime has signed a new three year contract, which extends through 2025. Cadime has served in the position since 2014. He is also a member of the Fall River City Council. Cadime’s annual salary is $184, 381 as of August 2. Cad ime’s salary will increase to $188, 068 on August 1, 2023 and $191, 830 on August 1, 2024. “Upon satisfactory comple tion of his Master’s DegreeBusinessin Administration (MBA), the Town agrees to increase the Town Administrator’s then annual base pay by $5000,” according to theThecontract.contract states: “The Board of Se lectmen shall review and evaluate the Town Administrator every year at the end of the fiscal year. Said review and evaluation shall be based on the goals and objectives de veloped jointly by the Board and the Town Administrator.”Cadimerecently received a positive job evaluation from the Board of Selectmen.
By Joe Siegel
26 The Reporter September 2022 Residential • Commercial • Industrial (508) 222-0133 FREE ESTIMATES ~ Licensed & Insured Crushed Stone New Driveway Installs Sealcoat & Driveway Repairs Discounts for Large Jobs Custom Paving

FREEDOMwww.lincolnpestcontrol.com401-349-5600FROMWHATBUGSYOU! moved 225 Putnam Pike, Johnston, RI 02919Pike, Johnston RI 02919
The Seekonk Police Department is adding several new officers to the roster. The Board of Selectmen approved conditional offers of employment to Kyle Herman as 3rd Class Patrolman, Alex Flax man as Full Time Patrolman, Ian Boisvert as Full Time Patrolman, David Holden as Full Time Patrolman, John Domagala as Special/ Reserve Police Officer, and Thomas Newman as Special/Reserve PoliceTheOfficer.Board also voted to accept the resignation of Brian DiCris toforo as PolicePatrolman.ChiefDean Isabella said the department currently has three vacancies. Two reserve officers are also being hired. When all the vacancies are filled, the department will have 40 officers.
What Will Happen with the Showcase?
By Joe Siegel
PEST & PROPERTY 225 Putnam
The former Showcase building on Fall River Avenue in Seekonk has sat vacant for nearly 12 years. The multiplex was built in 1974, with fewer screens, and was later subdi vided and modified as time went on. It was considered the top first-run movie theatre in the greater Providence area The Showcase Cinemas Seekonk 1-10 was closed on September 7, 2010. However, the 10 screen Showcase Seekonk Cinemas Route 6, is still open. Developer Charles Tapalian bought the Showcase property in 2018 for $3.7 million. In 2019, Maine businessman Jamie Crumb approached the Board of Selectmen about leasing the building to grow, process, wholesale and sell medical and recreational marijuana. Crumb’s plan fell through after it was pointed out the building was not in the designated zone for marijuana estab lishments, known as the town’s Marijuana Overlay District. At the same time, Tapalian had attempted to have the portion of land next to the Showcase rezoned for residential use. Voters rejected the change at a special townTapalianmeeting.had previously proposed a fish farm at the location but dropped those plans following strong residential opposition. Tapa lian, the CEO of RI Seekonk Holdings LLC, and RI Seekonk Holdings, LLC, Trustee of the Greenbrier Village II Primary Condomin ium Trust, has sought a comprehensive per mit pursuant to Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40B to construct seven buildings with a total of 240 multi-family residential units, which will include 60 affordable units. The project will be located at 800 Fall River Avenue on approximately 15.2 acres of land. Town Planner John Aubin said Tapalian is still before the Zoning Board of Appeals for the project on the rear portion of the showcase site. “We do not have any active proposals for the 5.6 acre front parcel where the theatre sits,” Aubin said. Tapalian did not respond to the Re porter’s requests for comment.
Seekonk Hires New Police Officers
The Board accepted the resignations of Douglas Leon from the position of Firefighter/Paramedic and Aaron Braga from the position of Firefighter/Paramedic from the Seekonk Fire Depart ment effective August 5. The Board approved a conditional offer of employment for Austin Prudente to the position of 3rd class Firefighter/Paramedic with the Fire Department.
September 2022 The Reporter 27
By Joe Siegel

• Gregg
• Rock-
• Friday
• On
closing •
Fall Psychic Fair – 10/9
Craft Fair Vendors Wanted
Elizabeth Ruehrwein
American Legion Post 311 351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA 02771 508-336-9822
Upcoming Events 17 – Annual Turkey Raffle at the American Legion Night Bands – 7:30 pm to 11 pm – 9/9 A- Blues – 9/16 Hodde – 9/23 the Hop – 9/30 A- Blues – 10/7 Hodde – 10/14 V: Thursday’s from 7 pm to Hall Rental: 200 person capacity. Contact Bob Reed for information at 508-336-9822
We will be holding our Fall Psychic Fair on Saturday, 10/9/22. Admission is free. 15 minute readings are $20.00 each. There will also be several Vendors (spaces still available). The hours are from 10 am to 3 pm. Proceeds to benefit the American Legion Auxiliary programs for our Veterans, community and children. For more information please call 508-336-9822 or send email to are: Dawn Lorraine – Medium and Intuitive Card Reader, Beverly Sylvia – Psychic and Spirit Medium, Annalise Hajer - Spiritual Medium, Debbie Matthews - Spiritual Psychic Medium, Anita Wakim - Intuitive OH Card Reader, Astrid Meijer– Akashic Records Reader, Georgette Biscari – Certificated Spirit/Psychic Medium over 30 years. Meat Raffles starting on 10/22 Meat Raffles will be held on the following Saturdays; 10/22, 10/29, 11/5 and 11/12 starting at 2 pm. There are 3 tables of steaks, chicken, pork, seafood, TV and other prizes. 50/50 raffle. Kitchen opens at noon. Call 508-336-9822 for information.
• November
The Seekonk Knights of Columbus will host its 2nd annual charity craft fair on Satur day, October 22, 2022, 10 am – 2 pm at 532 Arcade Ave., Seekonk, MA 02771. Last year was a sellout. This year we’ve added 15 additional lots. Outdoor lots are $25 each and measure 15 ft x 30 ft which will accommodate a vendor’s vehicle and pop-upIndoorcanopy.table spaces are $25 each and include an 8 ft table with setup and break downPayPalassistance.remittance is available. Please contact the K of C as soon as pos sible at 508.336.7952 to reserve your space. For more information, visit us on Face Book.Rain date is Sunday, October 23, 2022.
• Music
• Rock-
• Gregg
• Ricky
28 The Reporter September 2022 Club News & ANNOUNCEMENTS 775 FALL RIVER AVENUE, SEEKONK, MA SUPREME 30, BIRCH LOGS, REFLECTIVE PANEL, IRON AGE GRAPHITE FRONT 508-336-2600 TUES - THURS 10-6 pm; FRI - SAT 9-5 pm; Monday by appt SAVE UP TO $300 on FIREPLACEselectINSERTS sale ends 10/10/22
• SuperMags
Events at the Seekonk

2 Burnside Ave. • Seekonk, MA 02771 • September 24th, 2022 Saturday -7:00-10:00 P.M. Gary Cummings & the Soulmates Blues Band - – Live Music Entertainment – No Cov er Charge! – Food – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME!
September 30th, 2022 – Friday - 8:00-11:00 P.M.
Over 20 Experience!Years
Rehoboth American Legion Post 302, Inc.Public Events 84 Bay State Road, P.O. Box 1, Rehoboth, Ma. 02769 e-mail or call #508-252-9079
Live Music performed by Notorious Jones Entertainment with Classical Rock Music – No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Ah! La Carte - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! https://www. September 23rd, 2022 – Friday - 7:00-10:00 P.M.
BLACK LIGHT DUO – No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Ah! La Carte - Check with the bar for the specials of the week –Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! https://
Food on Fridays
October 1st, 2022 – Saturday - 12:00-5:00 P.M.
The Cribbage League plays on Monday Nights January – March and then on Wednesday Nights from May – August – all games start at 7:00 PM. Craft Workshops On certain Sundays each month - 1:00 to 4:00 PM – Craft Work Shops - Having a GREAT TIME! e-mail for more information
September 2022 The Reporter 29 StoneScapeS Specializing in all styles of stone masonry with over 35 years experience • STONEWALLS • FIREPLACES • PATIOS • WALKWAYS Call for a free estimate MARK CARVALHO • (774) 229-6360 T. Moreshead Landscaping
Cribbage League
American Legion Auxiliary presents – “Psychic Fair” –Come and have a GREAT TIME! groups/657024961125913/ “New Band“ October 1st, 2022 – Saturday - 7-10 P.M.
Bobcat, Backhoe Service, Land Clearing, Walkways, Retainer Walls, Underground Sprinklers, Lawn or Sod,
Jim Powers Entertainment presents Old Time Rock “N” Roll, Classical Rock & County - No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Ah! La Carte Check with the bar for the specials of the week –Drinks – Dancing and sit back and enjoy https://www.facebook. com/groups/657024961125913/ “New” October 8th, 2022 – Saturday - 6:30-9:00 P.M. Live Music performed by Georg Poli Live Entertainment – Food - Check with the bar for the specials of the day – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! groups/657024961125913/
The American Legion now serves food on Fridays 5:00 – 8:00 PM catered by Ah! La Carte Check with the bar for the specials of the week. Kim Fugundes serves food on the last Friday of the month. Hi-Lo Card Leagues New! Call the American Legion if you’re interested in playing in the Hi-Lo Card Leagues on Monday Nights from SeptemberNovember & April – June or on Wednesday nights September – December and start up again in January – April – all games start at 7:00 PM @ $7.00 per game.
Live Music performed by Georg Poli Live Entertainment with Classical Rock Music – No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Ah! La Carte - Check with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! Back & having a GREAT TIME! groups/657024961125913/ September 11th, 2022 – Sunday - 7:30-10:30 A.M. American Legion & Anawan Lions Monthly Breakfast, Second Sunday of every month $10.00 donation - All you can Eat! https:// September 16th, 2022 – Friday - 7:00-10:00 P.M.
Design Plantings
Live Karaoke performed by Jazzy Jill’s Karaoke Entertainment, Come on in and sing a song or two – No Cover Charge! – FoodCheck with the bar for the specials of the week – Drinks – Dancing and sit back & having a GREAT TIME! groups/657024961125913/
“Vinyl Frontier Band” from Attleboro Area with Live Music Entertainment playing Classical Rock Music – No Cover Charge! - Food – Drinks – Dancing & having a GREAT TIME! https://www. October 7th, 2022 - Friday - 6:30-10:00 P.M.
“New” September 3rd, 2022 - Saturday - 7-10:00 P.M. Live Music performed by Gutzy Right Duo Entertainment with Classical Rock Music – No Cover Charge! - Food – Drinks – Dancing & having a GREAT TIME!
“New” September 9th, 2022 – Friday - 6:30-9:00 P.M.
September 30th, 2022 Friday - 7:00-8:00 P.M. Sons of the American Legion’s Monthly Meat Raffle followed by Karaoke Night 8:00 till 11:00 P.M. Come on in and sing a song or two – No Cover Charge! – Food Catered by Kim Fugundes - serves food on the last Friday of the month from 6:00 – 8:00 PM groups/657024961125913/

The Rehoboth Lions will be sponsoring our 33rd Golf tourna ment on Saturday October 15 with a shotgun start at noon. This year’s tournament will again be held at Swansea CC. which has been voted as the “ Northeast 2022 Course of the Year” by the New England Golf Course Owners Assovciation. The tournament will be limited to 18 foursomes and it will be first come first serve. As of the end of August there are only 9 foursomes available for this tourna ment. Prizes will include foursomes to Swansea CC, Swansea Ex ecutive Course, Segregansett CC, Montaup CCC, Hillside CC, Pine Valley Golf Course, and John Parker Golf Course. There will be cash prizes for the putting contest, as well as other great prizes. Cost is $125 per person, $500 per team, and includes golf, cart, and great buffet meal. Tee sponsorships as well as corporate sponsorships are encouraged. Sign up forms are available at the Lions regardingtournament,,orcontactingRayMedeirosatmedeirr@comcast.netteesignsponsorsorcorporatesponsorships.
Rehoboth Lions 33rd Annual Golf Tournament
Bristol County Fifes & Drums Travel to North Carolina for Annual Tour
Rehoboth Lions will be hosting a Variety Show on October 14th, 7:00 PM at Goff Hall. Tickets are only $15 and are available from Lion Ray Medeiros at 508-496-0171. All proceeds will benefit the DR High Lions Allstar band. We’re looking for musicians, dancers, poets, comedians, sto rytellers and more to entertain our Goff Hall Audience on October 14th, 2022. We’re looking for quality local performers. Each per former will have 5 minutes to showcase their skill during the show. There are a limited number of performance slots, so apply soon! We are hosting auditions, and those interested can fill in a form here show
Rehoboth Lions Talent Show
30 The Reporter September 2022 WEXLER'SSameLocationfor40Years PAYING CASH FOR GOLD, SILVER & STERLING U.S. and Foreign Coins Old Comics and Sports Cards Old Watches and Collectibles Diamonds and Jewelry 113508-336-9103Taunton Ave Seekonk, MA & Driveway Maintenance we use... Rubberized Crack Filling • Seal Coating Chip Sealing • Asphalt Patching Residential & Commercial Fight the Cost of New Pavement... We Seal your Old Pavement Call (508) 252-4195 Mohegan Seal Coating
The Bristol County Fifes & Drums just returned from their an nual tour of Asheville and the Smoky Mountains. They started with a tour of the famous Biltmore Estate and then played a concert on the lawn. Directly following the concert, the BCFD was presented with a plaque commemorating the performance. The next day, the corps spent traveling into Smoky Mountain National Park. Visitors of the park that day might have heard some music in the mountains. At the top of Clingmans Dome, on the North Carolina/ Tennessee State line and at 6,643 feet up, a trio of fifers played the Star-Spangled Banner. The corps treated hikers to a pop-up per formance in the parking lot before getting on the bus and heading back to Asheville for the night. As the trip came to a close, the fife line opened the local minor league game, the Asheville Tourists, with the national anthem.
Bristol County Fifes & Fifes
The Bristol County Fifes & Drums makes touring part of their annual itinerary. During these tours, the corps strives to introduce fife and drum music to people who might not be familiar with the genre. Long time members of the BCFD have visited 16 states, two countries, and one municipality. They have been as far east as London, England and as far west as Mount Rushmore, SD. The Bristol County Fifes & Drums is always looking for new places to travel and tour as well as recruiting members with a love of history, music, and travel. If you are interested in hosting the BCFD or being part of the corps, send an email to or check out our website:

On August 19, 2022, members enjoyed a guided tour of the beautiful Sakonnet Gardens. This privately owned estate is nestled in the coastal fields of Little Compton, RI. Our next meeting will be held on September 12, 2022 at 6:30 PM at Goff Hall in Rehoboth. “Show us your bloomers!” will be the theme. Members will create and display informal floral arrange ments using the flowers blooming in their gardens. The size, shape, container, accessories, and degree of whimsy or drama will be up to each entrant. The community is invited to share this fun and creative event with us. We also welcome the community to attend our October 4, 2022 meeting for a native wildlife presentation. Kim Calcagno, who is the Audubon Society Refuge Manager of Rhode Island, will speak about the numerous animals and insects that inhabit the natural cavities in trees. She will show us what can be done with humanmade nesting boxes and other ways to encourage wildlife into our landscapes. The meeting will take place at Goff Hall at 9:30 AM. New members are always welcome. For club information please contact Judith Doty at 508-567-5276. An Update from the Seekonk Lions Club Hello everybody. This is George Junior here and I wanted to tell you of a few fun events coming up in the months ahead for the Seekonk Lions Club. First, please remember to visit our new Website and Facebook page for the latest information and events of theComingclub. up September 15, 2022, Chris Gasbarro’s Fine Wine and Spirits brings back its annual Sam Adams Octoberfest at the Tasting Room 98 Highland Ave, Seekonk MA 6-8pm. Come join the fun with representatives from Sam Adams bringing all their finest autumn beers! Indulge in wine and liquor samplings along with traditional Irish food. Participate in the famous Stein contest, raffles, and more! TV personality Joe Zito is coming back to host with Chris Gasbarro. All for $30!!! All proceeds directly donated to the Seekonk Lions Club. Get your tickets through the Seekonk Lions website, here at Gasbarro Events or call 508 336- 3311. Tickets will go fast! October brings an event this year that is dear to all. In honor of a great Lion’s Club member, the Seekonk Lions Club through its Charitable Trust proudly presents the David A. Pitassi MemorialColumbus Holiday Music Celebration. This event will be October 9, 2022 at the Ramada Seekonk, 213 Taunton Ave. Seekonk. Begin ning with Cocktail Hour 5-6pm., Dinner 6-7pm, with dancing and entertainment from 7-11pm.
GJ CARLSON TREE Carlson Tree has been your neighborhood tree care service for over 30 years! • Fully insured • Residential and Commercial • Technical Tree Removal • Shade Tree Pruning • Ornamental Pruning Call us today for a free estimate (508) 964-3397 AOLFirewoodENTERPRISES•Disposal•Landscaping (508) 761-8078 • (774) 999-9060 No Job Too Big or Small, Free Estimates Mike Plaut Demolition • Land Clearing Farming • Asphalt Repair Storm Damage Junk Vehicles Residential & Commercial EquipmentAvailable East Bay Pressure Wash Co. LLC RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SERVICES Call for Free Estimate 401-245-5268 • We Accept All Major Credit Cards SOFT WASHING / POWER WASHING (low pressure) ROOF & HOUSE CLEANING SkyVac™ Gutter Vacuum High Reach System - Over 14 Years Experience10% OFF on any Gutter Vacuum Cleaning, Soft Washing or Power Washing Service offer expires 10/31/2022, cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion Reduce Damage to Your Roof from Further Growth of Lichen, Moss, and Black Mold (Streaks)! HOUSES • ROOFS • VINYL SIDING DECKS • FENCES • PATIOS www. .com
September 2022 The Reporter 31 Rehoboth Garden Club News
The Rehoboth Garden Club is very pleased to announce that it will awarding a $2,500 scholarship for 2022. The qualified appli cant must be entering college this Fall or be a returning student, majoring in Floraculture, Horticulture, Agriculture or a related Environmental Science. The application deadline is November 1, 2022. The scholarship will be awarded in December 2022. For an application, email Linda Murphy at or call Mary Louise Pacheco at 508-252-3975.
The evening includes an Italian Buffet; music and entertainment will begin with Liz Poli, aka Bombshell Betty, bomshellbettyproduc, followed by Mike Dutra, a Frank Sinatra Impersonator,, and local favorite rock band Rock A Blues will close out the evening. Tickets are $55 per person, $100 per couple. Purchase your tickets by credit card at or in person by cash only, at the office of the Seekonk Town Clerk, Town Hall, 100 Peck St. Seekonk, MA, during regular business hours.That is all for now my friends. Stay cool but keep it warm (I may have borrowed that from somewhere).

Hornbine School Open Sept. 11th & 25th
David A. Pitassi Memorial-Columbus Holiday Music Celebration
The evening includes an Italian Buffet; music and entertainment will begin with Liz Poli, aka Bombshell Betty, bomshellbettyproduc, followed by Mike Dutra, a Frank Sinatra Impersonator,, and local favorite rock band, Rock A Blues will close out the evening. Tickets are $55 per person, $100 per couple. Tickets will be available beginning August 15, 2022, and purchased no later than October 1, 2022. Purchase your tickets by Credit card at or in person by cash only, at the office of the Seekonk Town Clerk, Town Hall, 100 Peck St. Seekonk, MA, during regular business hours. No tickets are available at the door.
DIRECTIONS: From Attleboro take Rte. 118 south to Martin Street on the left. Go to the end and take a left onto Spring Street. Go to the end of Spring Street and take a left onto Hornbine Road. The school is down on the left.
32 The Reporter September 2022 Veteran owned & operatedLicensed & Insured Tree Pruning • Removal Land/Lot Clearing Storm Work • Stump Grinding Ada’s Cleaning Services 401-499-5018 Available Mon-Sat Residential & Commericial Free Estimates • Insured (508) 252-1227 (800) 720-1227 PESTBI-STATECONTROL Not Valid With Any Other Offer NOW MOSQUITOOFFERING&TICKCONTROL Termite & Pest Services • Woodboring Inspections Residential • Commercial $10 Off Pest & Rodent Treatment $20 Off Termite Treatment
TheThank-you.Hornbine School first opened in the school year 18471848. It was closed and sold approximately ninety years latter in 1937. Interested Rehoboth residents raised money to buy and repair the building during the 325th Rehoboth Town An niversary in 1968.
The Hornbine School is one of Rehoboth’s historic treasures! Touch the actual teacher’s desk from the original Palmer River School. (There have been three Palmer River Schools!) Sit at desks used by students in past centuries. Thumb through text books used in the 19th that show Hornbine School during its restora tion in 1968. View the school’s collapsed roof in the aftermath of a hurricane in the 1980’s.
Adults will enjoy looking at the one room schoolhouse memora bilia on display around the room as well as in the display cabinets. Children may find pleasure from writing on slates with authentic slateBepencils.sureto visit the school this September. It is a pleasant way to discover some charming Rehoboth history and enjoy the day! Visit our website at Or look us up on Facebook at Hornbine School Museum.
DIRECTIONS: From Taunton Rte. 44 west to Rte. 118. Go south on Rte. 118 to Martin Street on the left. Go to the end and take a left onto Spring Street. Go to the end of Spring Street and take a left onto Hornbine Road. The school is down on the left.
Hornbine by Dave Downs
In honor of a great Lion’s Club Member, the Seekonk Lions Club through its Charitable Trust proudly presents the David A. Pitassi, Memorial- Columbus Holiday Music Celebration. In David’s memory, this event aims to assist in the establishment of the David A. Pitassi Memorial Music Fund. This fund will help aspiring musicians with the purchase of musical instruments and/ or music lessons. The criteria and requirements to receive a grant from this fund are currently being discussed, developed and will be announced no later than the event night, Sunday October 9th. The event at the Ramada Seekonk, 213 Taunton Ave. Seekonk, begins with Cocktail Hour 5-6pm., Dinner 6-7pm, with dancing and entertainment from 7-11pm.
The Hornbine School has been open to the public as a museum for fifty-four years. The Hornbine One Room Schoolhouse Museum is located at 144 Hornbine Road at the corner of Hornbine and Baker Roads in south-eastern Rehoboth. (See directions below)

September 2022 The Reporter 33 We hope you enjoy receiving The Reporter every month! Support the Local Businesses that make this all possible! Over 30 years in business Veteran Owned • Interior & Exterior Painting • Residential & Commercial • Pressure Washing • Cabinet Refinishing • Wallpapering • Small Carpentry LUNDCO PAINTING 21 Brook St, Suite 17 Seekonk, MA rey (508)252-6385 Earl e's Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Earle Dias Interiors 6FT SOFA $75 LOVESEAT $60 CHAIR $45 151 Winthrop St., Rehoboth MA • Tues.-Fri.10-5 • Sat.10-1 2 ROOMS $75 MAX. 240 SQ.FT. pricesmaychangeduetogas.$75minimumcharge 4 ROOMS $140 MAX. 480 SQ. FT. Collision & Paint Specialist Sousa’s Auto Body COLLISION REPAIR ~ All Phases ~ From minor scratches and dents to major repairs We accept claims by all insurance companies RI & MA 1442 Newport Avenue • Pawtucket, RI 02861 RI Lic. #65 r w y e 401-725-1933 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am-5:00pm New England’s General Stores: Exploring an American Classic Speaker Series Event 9/22/22 7PM Join author Ted Reinstein at the Carpenter Museum, Thursday, September 22nd at 7PM for the first talk of the 2022 Speaker Series! icon, the diner— they have begun to come back and even be re-invented and re-imagined for a new era. Told with anecdotes from a variety of local landmark stores across the region, the presentation is Talking about New England’s Gen eral Stores: Exploring an American Classic, broadcast journalist Ted Reinstein shares the rich and colorful history of this iconic institution, how they figured in the rise of early American commerce, why they began to fade, and why—like another New England accompanied by the award-winning photography of Art Donahue. The program will be accompanied with a selection of general store artifacts from the Museum’s own collection. The presentation runs about 50 minutes, followed by Q&A, and bookTicketspurchase/signing.are$5forRehoboth
About the Carpenter Museum:
The Carpenter Museum is Rehoboth’s local history museum. Our mission is to collect, document, preserve, and share material culture related to the town’s history. We connect the Rehoboth community with these artifacts and with local history in general through our exhibits and programming. The Museum provides the wider community with research support, especially in the area of genealogy, and promotes learning about American history through direct experience with objects from the past.
Antiquarian Society Members / $10 for non-members. To learn more and purchase tickets visit .

Harmony Heritage chorus primarily sings in the barbershop harmony style, which traces its musical roots back to the turn of the 20th century. Today, barbershop har mony singers not only celebrate the classics, but also put their own spin on contemporary songs as well.
Harmony Heritage Chorus, a Southern New England chapter of Harmony, Incorporated, an international organization of female a cappella singers specializing in the barbershop harmony style, will host a Guest Night on Tuesday, September 13th, an evening full of harmony, food and friendship. Women of all ages and musical backgrounds are encouraged to attend the event, which will take place at 7:00 PM at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 50 Park Place in Pawtucket, RI. Parking for this event will be on street and in the municipal lot on Park Place, both a short walk from the church. “Almost every one of our members came for the music, but each of us stayed for the camaraderie and satisfaction that comes with contributing to an organization like the Harmony Heritage chorus,” says Kim Thompson, chapter president “We welcome women who like to sing, even if it’s just in the privacy of their cars or their showers, to come learn a little about a musical organization that marries novice singers with experienced performers and has multiple generations standing shoulder-to-shoulder as they share their love for barbershop harmony.”
MH Home Services Do you have a long list of projects or small home repairs and don’t have the time, tools or knowledge to get it all done? Let me save you time and help take care of your to-do list! Home Maintenance Services: Trim and Moulding Repairs * Painting Projects (interior and exterior) * Deck Repairs * Door Repairs and Adjustments * Garden Shed Builds & Repairs * Power Washing (homes, sheds, decks, patios) * Shutter Replacement & Painting andRegisteredInsuredContact me for a free consultation! 774-254-7052 • No job is too small! Estate Items: Fine GOLD Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Oriental Porcelain, Old Military Weapons, Old Oil Paintings, Oriental Rugs, Silver Mexican Jewelry, Great Estate Items, 19th Century American Furniture Americana Auction Ed Tessier, Jr., Auctioneer For more info on the web: For info or consignment call 508-771-1722 ANTIQUE AUCTION Sunday, October 2nd at 11am Preview Fri & Sat 10am-4pm LIVE Antique Auction ~ LIVE Bidding Online Bidding Available 380 Winthrop Street, Rte. 44 • Rehoboth, MA Greaves Electric For All Your Electrical Needs Call 508-725-5296 Free Estimates No Job Too Small Tom Rehoboth,GreavesMa email: ttoolmaker@comcast.netLicensed in MA & RI Generators • New Construction Remodels • Service Updates
The Harmony Heritage chorus is an award-winning chapter of Harmony, Inc. that performs under the direction of Bob O’Connell, an accomplished director, arranger, performer and musician. “It’s important to note that barbershop harmony is often considered the ‘every man’s’ a cappella,” says O’Connell. “Members don’t need to have a lot of musical experience, formal training, or even have the ability to read music. As long as they love to sing, we have the tools to help them find success in barbershop harmony.”
Events & Activities
Seekonk Athletic Booster Club Annual Golf Tournament
Harmony Heritage Chorus Welcomes Women Singers
The Seekonk Athletic Booster Club will hold their annual golf tournament on Monday, September 12 at Ledgemont Country Club. The event begins with a shotgun start at 9:00. The cost of $125 includes 18 holes of golf, cart and a buffet lunch. Foursomes are encouraged, but individual golfers are also welcome to participate. All funds raised will support the athletic programs at Seekonk High School. Please contact Karen McKenna at to request a registration form.
New singers attending will learn how the different voice parts blend to make that unique barbershop sound, will enjoy vocal demonstrations by the chorus, and will have an opportunity for singing on the risers with the chorus.
For more information about Harmony Heritage chorus, visit www.harmonyher or call Barbara-Ann MacIntosh at 401-529-1196 or or Mary Savard at 847-922-9150 or mphsav@yahoo. com.
Tuesday, September 13th
34 The Reporter September 2022

Saturday, September 17th
In addition, we collect returnable bottles and cans, can tabs, used eyeglasses, sunglasses and hearing aids. All proceeds are donated back to the community for those most in need. For drop off or pick up, contact Annmarie 508-223-6039 or Joyce 508-7614855. Visit us on
September 2022 The Reporter 35
The 13th Continental Regiment will set up a full camp to include tents, cooking displays, and items used during colonial times. There will be talks on weapons, medical equipment, occupations, cloth ing, toys, food and more. Come out and learn about the American Revolution and Massachusetts history. Event is open to the public and we welcome history lovers of all ages.
Sponsored by Mass Cultural Council
The Carpenter Museum, 4 Locust Street, Rehoboth, MA
Rehoboth Minutemen Camp Event FREE EVENT! The Carpenter Museum 4
Street Rehoboth, MA Sponsored by: Sunday, September 18, 2022 1 4 pm Pack 1 Rehoboth Cub Scout Recruiting and Information Night Come Learn About Cub Scouts in Pack 1 Rehoboth! New scouts will build and launch water rockets while parents learn about our program Get your questions answered and meet Pack 1’s leaders Use the below QR code to complete your scout’s application and join! (Payment made by credit card) Who: Boys in grades K 5 When: Wednesday September 21, 2022 at 6:00PM Where: Rehoboth Congregational Church Rectory, 139 Bay State Rd, Rehoboth, MA Questions can be sent to Pack 1 Rehoboth Cub Scout Recruiting and Information Night Come Learn About Cub Scouts in Pack 1 Rehoboth! New scouts will build and launch water rockets while parents learn about our program Get your questions answered and meet Pack 1’s leaders Use the below QR code to complete your scout’s application and join! (Payment made by credit card) Who: Boys in grades K-5 When: Wednesday September 21, 2022 at 6:00PM Where: Rehoboth Congregational Church Rectory, 139 Bay State Rd, Rehoboth, MA Questions can be sent to 508-245-4635 • 33 Agricultural Ave., Rehoboth, MA Farm Stand Open Daily • Fresh Produce • Mums • Pumpkins... Check our FB page for hours & updates! SNAP/HIP and WIC and Senior coupons accepted
Paws of Comfort Pup-Kin Family Fun Festival
Sunday, September 18, 2022, 1-4 pm Free Event!
Minutemen Camp Event
The Southeastern Massachusetts Paws of Comfort Lions invite you to our Pup-Kin Family Fun Festival at Araujo’s Garden Center, 1522 Williams St, Dighton, MA on Saturday, September 17th from 10am-3pm. There will be a variety of vendors and crafters. Also available - food trucks. Children’s activities include face painting a photo booth. and more. Learn the difference between a service dog and a therapy dog, there will be dog demonstrations, Also present - Military dogs from Camp Edwards. There will be a variety of fantastic raffles. Don’t miss out, come join the fun. We are accepting donations of both cat food and dog food to provide to people in need. For more information contact Lori @ 774-254-0006 or @
The 13th Continental Regiment will set up a full camp to include tents, cooking displays, and items used during colonial times There will be talks on weapons, medical equipment, occupations, clothing, toys, food and more. Come out and learn about the American Revolution and Massachusetts history. Event is open to the public and we welcome history lovers of all ages. Locust

East Providence Liberty Tax is hosting its 15th Biannual Electronics Recycling Event with Indie Cycle, LLC, on Saturday, October 1, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. “We love holding our Electronics Recy cling Events with Indie Cycle, they provide a very important service to the entire State of Rhode Island.” said Paul Pliakas, owner of the East Providence Liberty Tax office. “2022 has been one of the hottest years on record. Recycling used electronics is an important way to help protect the environment. We are taking COVID-19 precautions the event
East Providence Liberty Tax Biannual RecyclingElectronicsEvent
On Saturday, October 1, the acclaimed pianist Frederick Moyer will open the fall season of the Arts in the Village Concert Series. The evening’s program will feature classic works by Chopin, Rach maninoff, and Gershwin, among others. One of the most exciting pianists before the public today, Moyer is equally at home with Bach and Beethoven as with Ellington and Gershwin. His recitals are creative, engaging, and entertaining and generally include time-honored favorites as well as pieces that audiences may be hearing for the first time. Also featured is his MoyerCam, a projection system that allows the audience to see his hands as he plays. Moyer has established a vital musical career that has taken him to forty-four countries and to such distant venues as Suntory Hall in Tokyo, Sydney Opera House, Windsor Cas tle, Carnegie Recital Hall, Tanglewood, and the Kennedy Center. He has appeared as piano soloist with world-renowned orches tras including the Cleveland, Philadelphia and Minnesota Orchestras, the St. Louis, Dallas, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, Houston, Boston, Singapore, Netherlands Radio, Latvian, Iceland and London Symphony Orchestras, the Buffalo, Hong Kong and Japan Philharmonic Sym phony Orchestras, the National Symphony Orchestra of Brazil, and the major orchestras of Australia.Inrecital, Moyer’s delightful commentary from the stage brings the audience into the heart of the musical experience. His wideranging interests have led him to undertake many unique and ground-breaking projects, often involving software that he writes, in cluding his own USolo program that allows him to play while synced with recorded orchestra accompaniment. This concert will take place on Saturday, October 1, at 7:30 p.m., at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, in Rehoboth, MA 02769. General admission is $22, $20 for seniors, and $8 for students and children. The doors open at 7:00 p.m., and tickets are available at the door. First come, first seated. Wheelchair accessible. Payment may be made by cash, check, or credit card. Information:
36 The Reporter September 2022
RD Chimney Sweep Free Inspections • Emergency Service Sweep & Inspect Chimneys Chimneys Rebuilt / Repointing Crown Coating • Water Proofing Stainless Steel Liners Installed Chimney Caps & Gutter Cleanings 401-647-3845
Arts in the Village Reopens Concert Series
Save A Pet Society, Inc. to benefit the Online Auction!! Save A Pet Societ y, Inc. P.O.Box 474 Seekonk, MA 02771 3 5 th Annu a l Ch a r i ty Au cti o n Major Credit Cards Accepted October 1Seekonk Animal Shelter For updates and details... Visit us at: Or on Facebook at: 'Seekonk Save A Pet' or 'Friends of the Seekonk Animal Shelter’ October 28, 2022 Browse and bid on a variety of items, including gift certificates for restaurants & entertainment, collectibles, sports memorabilia, gourmet foods, golf outings, pet related items, jewelry, and so much more! Gold Sponsor: Silver Sponsors:
October 1 with Frederick Moyer

$35 Per Person For tickets, information or to make a donation, please call Rob Johnson at (508) 243-4160 or message us on Facebook Friday, October 14 7:00 PM Seekonk Gun Club 61 Reed Street, Rehoboth, MA 02769 Sit Down Clam Boil Fundraiser & Raffle Date: Time: Place: Facebook: @RehobothPeopleHaveaHeart Website: rehobothpeoplehaveaheart com Raffle donations appreciated!
September 2022 The Reporter 37 will be drive-up only. We encourage our neighbors to stay in their vehicles, and safely, socially distance.” Indie Cycle accepts many types of unwanted electronics for recycling FREE of charge. Those items include computers, laptops, monitors, televisions, routers, PDA’s, mice, keyboards, inkjet print ers, plastic speakers, toner cartridges, CD/DVD players, radios, network equipment, wires, stereos, telephones, microwaves, small appliances, auto/marine batteries, and battery back-ups (but none withAalkaline).$10.00 disposal fee applies to each large wooden-boxed speaker ($5 for small), laser-jet printer, air conditioner, dehumidifier, and other coolant containing devices.
WE DO NOT ACCEPT any type of light bulb, disposable/singleuse batteries, smoke or carbon monoxide detectors, thermometers, thermostats, glass blender bowls, furniture, electric organs, heating pads/blankets, blood pressure cuffs, cushioned chairs, mattresses, plastic bags, cardboard, rigid plastic bins, tapes/disks, glass, broken TV tubes, Styrofoam, VCR tapes, floppy disks, chemicals, propane canisters, wood, paper, aerosol cans, styrofoam, wood, firearms, or hazardous waste such as paint or chemicals. These materials will be sorted out on site and returned to our customer for proper disposal elsewhere. For more information about what can be recycled, visit www. or email To learn more about Liberty Tax, visit
About Liberty Tax Liberty Tax, a portfolio company of NextPoint Financial Inc. (TSX: NPF.U & OTC Pink: NACQF), is a tax preparation service with more than 2,700 locations, and serves approximately 1.6 million con sumer and small business clients in the United States and Canada. Established in 1997, Liberty Tax is one of the nation’s leading tax preparation companies, with franchised locations in every major metro area throughout the U.S. and Canada. For a more in-depth look, visit Liberty Tax Service and on Facebook.

The Friends of the Library annual meeting will be held on Tues. Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. The Friends will be seeking new officers for our volunteer organization this year and encourage anyone who has an interest in supporting our library to attend the meeting on Oct. 12.
Book Groups
The Great Rehoboth Book Hunt was a big success at the Blanding Library this summer.
Genealogy Talk on Sept. 7
38 The Reporter September 2022 News and Notes from Blanding Library
Our book hunt concluded on August 26, with more than forty goody bags awarded to those who tracked down all 15 giant book covers. If you missed the hunt, but would like to see the banners created from local artists’ new interpretations or reproductions of book covers, you can find them on display on the clam shed behind the library through the end of September.
Annual Book Sale Oct. 7-8
By Leslie Patterson
The Great Rehoboth Book Hunt
Rebecca Smith, President of the Board of Directors for the Rehoboth Antiquarian Society, will share how to get started with genealogical research on Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. in Goff Hall, including instruction on using the data base (the library edition is available for use free of charge).
The Friends of the Blanding Library will hold their annual used book sale on Friday Oct. 7 from 5 to 7 p.m. and on Sat. Oct. 8 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday evening is a preview sale for members of the Friends (you may join at that time). The Saturday sale is open to all. We are still accepting donations. Please bring your gently used books inside the building during library hours.
Town-Wide Read Events Library director Whitney Pape says, “Copies of ‘The Map Thief’ by Michael Blanding have been flying off our shelves!” Be sure to reserve a copy to participate in the Town-Wide Read before Mi chael Blanding’s visit to Rehoboth on Sat. Oct. 15 at 2 p.m. to talk about the book. This month, we will create a map of Rehoboth in the children’s library, inviting young cartographers to place their hand-colored houses on the map. The library hosted two talks in August, Danielle DiGiacomo, director of the Carpenter Museum presented “New Boundaries: Using Maps as Primary Sources” on Aug. 25 and Lynn Brown from the Leventhal Center for Maps at Boston Public Library explored “What Is A Map?” with young map enthusiasts on Aug. 26. Book Discussion: Wayne Taylor will lead a dynamic book discussion of “The Map Thief” on Thurs. Sept. 15 at 6:30. Call the library for more information.
The Gardner Theft: You won’t want to miss a talk by Anthony Amore, Director of Security and Chief Investigator at the Isabel la Stewart Gardner Museum, who will visit the library Tues. Sept 20 at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the ongoing efforts to recover thirteen works of art stolen from the museum in March 1990. Mr. Amore will share fascinating stories and insights regarding art theft. The library has reproductions of older Rehoboth maps on display throughout the building. Copies of “The Map Thief” can be reserved by calling the Library at (508) 252-4236. Both the book hunt and the town-wide read programs are made possible with the support of the Friends of the Blanding Library and the Rehoboth Cultural Council. Treasure Hunt for Kids X marks the spot at the Blanding Library on Sat. Sept. 10 from 11 to 3. At 11, listen to a reading of Kari Allen’s children’s book “The Boy Who Loved Maps” and then create your own treasure map. Instructions and supplies will be provided. Take part in a treasure hunt inside and outside the library. Maps will be available at the front desk. Open to all ages.Can’t make it to the library that day?
Ask us to reserve a treasure map kit for your child. The treasure hunt will continue through Sept. 24 during library hours. During September the children’s room hallway will transform into a map of our town. Young visi tors may create a paper home to decorate this special map of Rehoboth. Supplies will be on our craft table.
Story Times Stories on the Lawn will take place Thursday mornings at 10:30 for preschool age children (indoors in case of rain). Bring a blanket or chair and a snack if you want. A simple book-related craft will follow, so we ask that each child be registered. Baby & Toddler Storytime meets in the hall each Tues. morning at 10:30. We ask that you register your child for these programs.
The Blanding Library book club meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. Another new afternoon book group will be meeting beginning at 3:30 on Mon. Sept. 12. For information on any library programs and events, call the library or check out our website

Nonfiction Book Club:
September 23 at 10 AM
The Dressmakers of Auschwitz by Lucy Adlington
Tuesday, September 27th at 6:00 PM
Join us for the program Newman Cemetery Walk on Friday, September 23 at 10 AM. This program will meet at the entrance to Newman Cemetery, located at the corner of Pawtucket and New man Avenues, across the street from the Newman Congregational Church, 100 Newman Avenue, Rumford, RI. Librarian Michelle Gario will introduce this self-guided tour with assistance from the Rhode Island Historical Cemetery Commission. Enjoy this educa tional exploration of a historical cemetery that was within Seekonk prior to the separation of East Providence in 1862 and deepen your appreciation for local history just next door. Register in the online Events Calendar at For more information or help registering, call Adult Services at 508-336-8230 extension 56130 or email
Join us for a lively discussion of The Dressmakers of Auschwitz by Lucy Adlington on Tuesday, September 27th at 6:00 PM at Seekonk Public Library. The title is available digitally as an ebook and audiobook through Libby, or you may place a hold and pick up a print copy at the library. New members are always welcome! For more event information, visit or email
Friends of the Seekonk Public Library
Thank you to all who have donated used books to the Friends and those who supported us through purchases at our lobby book sales and our big sale in August. Our next fundraiser to support the library is our Fall Bulb Sale for spring blooming flow ers. You can shop online at the following address. friends@seekonkpl.orgforshop/
Make Better Business Decisions with
Google Analytics: A Virtual Program
September 2022 The Reporter 39 Jose Soares Masonry Pavers • Walkways Cement Stonewalls • Chimneys Patios • Steps No job too small! Call 401-463-8967 Seekonk Public Library Laurie P. Mullen Attorney at Law (508) 252-2300 Divorce Mediation Divorce & Family Law Uncontested Divorce Contested Divorce Child AdoptionChildPaternityCustodySupport Estate Planning HealthWills Care Proxy Power Of Attorney er y w239www.lauriemullen.comWinthropStreet,Rehoboth
September 12 at 10 AM
Business owners, do you ever wonder if your marketing cam paigns are actually working? Did that blog post you wrote or video you uploaded to YouTube actually drive results? Join us online for the free virtual program Make Better Business Decisions with Google Analytics on September 12 at 10 AM for answers to these questions and more. Bryan Caplan, your Dedicated Trainer for Grow with Google, will walk you through analyzing trends about how customers engage with your business online. Bryan will also provide you with best practices to turn these insights into wellinformed, actionable decisions to help you grow. Learn best practices and analyze trends about how customers engage with your business online, then turn these insights into well-informed, actionable decisions. Seats are limited, so register today! Go to the Events Calendar at for registration information. This free, edu cational program is open to all. For information, visit, email library@ or call 508-336-8230.
Newman Cemetery Walk

Let’s make sweet Japanese-inspired treats while we watch the classic anime Astro Boy!
Mug Cakes: *Thurs, Sept. 15 at 3 PM
Join us for the program Saturday Evening Girls Pottery: Dem onstration and Discussion on Wednesday, September 28 at 6 PM. Potter Rick Hamelin, known as the Pied Potter, will lead this illustrated discussion of individuals behind the famous Paul Revere Pottery Company and provide a demonstration of their materials, techniques and products. Come and learn about the legacy of this company started by Edith Brown and Edith Guerre in Boston at the turn of the 20th century. While supplies last, stop in the library to checkout a copy of the historical fiction book The Saturday Evening Girls by Jane Healey based on the true story. Register in the online Events Calendar at For more information or help registering, call Adult Services at 508-336-8230
Saturday Evening Girls Pottery: Demonstration and Discussion
Saturday, October 29 from 9 AM- noon Seekonk residents, join us at the Seekonk Public Library for a Seekonk Shred Day scheduled for Saturday, October 29, 2022 from 9 am to 12 noon. This event is for Seekonk Library cardholders and Seekonk residents only and is co-sponsored by the Town of Seekonk Recycling Committee. Participants will need to present their id or Seekonk library card at the event. Bring your confidential paper items to the ProShred mobile shredding truck in the library parking lot for secure, on-site destruc tion and recycling. Participants will personally bring material to the shredding truck, see materials loaded into the shredder, and carry away your own empty bags or boxes. There is a limit of two bags or boxes per trip. This is a rain or shine event. Register to receive email in case there are any changes to the event. Call the Adult Services department at (508) 336-8230 or email for more information.
Did you know that the highly collectible pottery from the Paul Revere Studio in Boston was created by young ladies in a library social club called The Saturday Evening Girls?
Students in grades 6-12 can participate in these free, fun activities.
September 28 at 6 PM
Candy Sushi: *Thurs, Sept. 22 at 3 PM
Teen Advisory Board : *Thurs, Sept. 8 at 4 PM
Teen Activities at the Library
40 The Reporter September 2022 IACHETTICOMPANYPAINTING Interior and Exterior Painting - Wall coveringPowerwashing Quality Materials, Reasonable Prices Full Insurance Coverage Family Business for 87 years 14 Jones Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02861 401-722-4174 Lic # 7657 239 Winthrop St., Rehoboth, MA Rt. 44 & Rt. 118 TEL: (508) 676-3333 Luke P. Travis, Esq. LAW OFFICE OF LUKE P. TRAVIS ATTORNEY AT LAW Call for your FREE consultationinitial • • 508.336.8230
Kindness Rock Painting: *Thurs, Sept. 29 at 3 PM
Local artist Joe Raez will have everything you need to decorate kindness rocks to brighten someone’s day! Sponsored by the Seekonk Cultural Council.
Seekonk Paper Shred Day
*RSVP online to reserve a space in this program. For informa tion, visit, email, or call the library at 508-336-8230 x56141.
We’re always looking for ideas to make cool new programs! New members can apply at
Bring a microwave safe mug and learn how to make your own personal chocolate cake!
Electric Services Neal Bellavance Electric Rehoboth Mass 774-565-0214 All types of electrical work Quality work at a reasonable price Free Estimates Insured MA Lic# A-15028 RI Lic# A-003583

Tuesdays, September 13, 20, 27 at 6:30 PM
Saturday, September 17 at 2 PM
September 2022 The Reporter 41 e y r • (401) 431-2816 Reg. RI 18045 • Lic. MA 134986 TABELEY’S ROOFING From roofs to windows Tabeley’s has your needs covered Master Elite Installer, 20 years of perfection Our Reputation is on the Top of Thousands of Homes Bill Hopkins REHOBOTH, MA PROUDLY SERVING MA & RI • QUALITY WORK WITH OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE • FULLY INSURED & LICENSED ARBORISTS • FREE ESTIMATES • COMPLETE SERVICE OPTIONS AVAILABLE TRIMMING - PRUNING - REMOVAL & MORE • FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED www.choatetree.com508-252-9947 Since FreeInsured1999Estimates Fall Aeration/ over seeding Patios and Walkways Retaining Walls and Stairs New Lawn Installations Small Excavation/Bobcat services Call us today! 508 252 3749 Check out our website to view project photos: Seekonk Public Library Children’s Room Celebrate Batman Week
Drop in anytime this week to pick up a Batman activity packet that includes a word search, maze, trivia questions, “make a mask” and more. While visiting, browse an assort ment of Batman and superhero books- there’s something for everyone!
Insect Safari with Professor Bugman
Homeschool Parents Get-Together
Minecraft for Education
September 12 -17
To end the week, remember to mark your calendar for a special movie with Batman and Scooby Doo on Saturday, September 17 at 2 PM. (75 minutes. NR.) Everyone is invited to wear all black. Batman masks provided! For exact title, call the library or visit
Batman and Scooby Doo team- up to solve an old case with new evidence. Meanwhile, an unknown villain, the ‘Crimson Cloak,’ must be stopped before overthrowing all of Gotham. Call the library for the exact title. Running time 75 minutes. No registration. Drop in.
Thursday, September 22 at 6 PM Local homeschooling families (adults) are invited to a casual get together. Stop by the library’s meeting room anytime between 6 PM - 7:30 PM for an opportunity to meet-up with others, offer support, plan programs or just have a night out. There will not be a presentation- just conversation and resource sharing. Information on library programs and services will be available. This particular program is limited to adults. Registration is not required but is ap preciated for planning purposes. If you are unable to attend but would like information on various library programs and services that support homeschooling, please email We hope you enjoy receiving The Reporter every month! Support the Local Businesses that make this all possible!
Saturday Movie Matinee
Saturday, September 17, 11AM Are you curious about the many species of BUGS we have in our backyards? Do you love all things crawling and strange-looking? If yes, let’s get outside and get exploring! Join Professor Bug man (Bryan Man, M.S., M.Ed.) on an insect safari in the Seekonk Meadows. Children will learn how to use Prof. Bugman’s entomol ogy equipment to search their local environment for insect and invertebrate wildlife under the mentorship of a real entomologist, Professor Bugman. This insect safari puts real entomology equip ment into kids’ hands and lets them explore their environment just like a scientist would. Children will learn to use equipment, ask questions, find answers, and learn about the ecosystem all around them. Ages 3 - 11. Registration required. Weather permitting.
Join Ms Sandie for a 3-week Minecraft Club session using Minecraft Education Edi tion. Geared towards kids in grades 3-5, this Minecraft Club utilizes lesson plans to visit Minecraft worlds and create projects together! Kids work both individually and collectively on builds while learning about topics such as oceans, outer space, ancient Egypt, envi ronmental sustainability, and more! Each week varies, but we always have a great time working together, building community. Registration required and participants need their own compatible device (a tablet, desktop or laptop) Each registrant will be sent a down load link and username/password to use for the duration of Minecraft Club. We must all be using the same version of Minecraft to join worlds together. We meet virtually on Zoom and in Minecraft simultaneously.

Miss Sandie will read 2 - 3 stories and children will complete a related activity. Siblings welcome. Registration is not required, but please bring your SAILS library card to check out books to take home.
42 The Reporter September 2022 New Location Ribbon Cutting ~ Thursday, Sept. 15th at 4pm 401-722-8132 Specializing in a Variety of Fencing Styles • PVC • Custom Cedar • Farm Fencing • Dog Runs • Chain Link • AluminumOrnamental • Arbors • Vinyl Siding • Windows • STATESIDEDoors PAWTUCKET, RI 401-723-4548 Est.1972 VINYL SIDING CO. Proud member of the Blackstone Valley Business Alliance • Fully Insured • Free Estimates R.I. Lic. #1576 MA. Lic. #40850
Weds, Sept 21, 29, October 5, 12, 19 at 9:30 AM
Storytime on the Go Starting September 20
Seekonk Library storytimes focus on talking, singing, reading, writing and playing- important principles for your child’s reading readiness.
Baby & Toddler Storytime
Mondays, Sept 19, 26, Oct 3, 17, 24, 31 at 10 AM
Create a storytime experience at home with Storytime On The Go packets. Each packet will include 6 books to check out along with an age appropriate early literacy activity. The early literacy activities will support one or more of the five early literacy practices: talking, singing, reading, writing and playing. Storytime On The Go packets are available for babies, toddlers or preschoolers- just choose the packet that’s right for your child. Baby packets include board books with sturdy pages for the youngest of readers. Tod dler packets have stories for children who are ready for books with short stories. Preschoolers receive books with longer stories. For September, Storytime on the Go packets will be available starting Tuesday, September 20. Registration not required. Drop in.
Join Miss Sharon for a weekly storytime designed for children birth - 36 months old. The storytime will include a book or two fol lowed by music, fingerplays, movement and yes, even bubbles! Held indoors in the Library’s Meeting Room. Siblings always wel come. No registration required. Please bring your SAILS Library card so your child may take storytime books home.
Preschool Storytime
Celebrate Library Card Sign-up Month
September is Library Card Sign-up Month, when libraries nationwide join the American Library Association (ALA) to remind everyone that signing up for a library card is the first step on the path to academic achievement and lifelong learning. Libraries play a crucial role in educa tion and development, offering a variety of programs to spark creativity and stimulate an interest in reading and learning. Through access to technology, media resources and educational programs, a library card provides people of all ages opportunities to pursue their dreams, explore new pas sions and interests, and find their voice. Seekonk Public Library, along with libraries everywhere, continues to adapt and expand services to meet the evolving community needs. To learn more about the library’s resources and programs, please visit us in person or online at

In July, Pack 1 Rehoboth visited the Worcester Red Sox. The scouts and their families were on the field for the national anthem, watched the game from some great seats, played catch on the field after the game, and then camped on the field overnight! They even got to watch the baseball movie “The Sandlot” on the field’s big screen from their sleeping bags.
September 2022 The Reporter 43 Dentistry At Its MOST Comfortable. Rehoboth Commons Above the Post Office 275 Winthrop Street (Route 44), Rehoboth, MA 508 252-6121 professionals – call (508) 252-6121 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Alan Merchanthouse. ● Laser Dentistry ● Comprehensive Care ● Cosmetic Dentistry ● Bonding ● Dental Implants ● Emergency Treatment Dr. Gabriel Wassouf NEWACCEPTINGPATIENTS All Phases of Dentistry for the Entire Family Children of all ages are WelCome COSMETIC Bonding, Porcelain Veneers, Crowns & Bridges, Invisalign - Teens & Adults PREVENTATIVE Cleaning, Gum Therapy RESTORATIVE Fillings, Dentures, Partials, Root Canals, Oral Surgery IMPLANTS Dr. Gabriel Wassouf Dr. Alicia Tavares 508-252-6121 366 WINTHROP STREET, RT. 44, REHOBOTH Pack 1 Stays Active All Summer
The first activity in June was a four-mile hike known as the “Pi rate Trek” in Lynn, MA. This fun hike took the families on a tour of supposed pirate sites from the 1700s. It involved climbing a stone tower and exploring a deep cave that was dug many years ago to find treasure. All scouts who participated in this hike received the Pirate Trek skull and crossbones trail medal to wear on their uniform.
Typically, the Cub Scout yearly schedule matches that of the school year (September - May). This leaves a big gap in the summer where the scouts potentially do not see or interact with each other. Pack 1 of Rehoboth aimed to change that this year. Instead of the 3 month gap, the Cub Scouts of Pack 1 Rehoboth participated in a range of activities in June, July, and August.
Also, look for the flyer for our recruiting event held on Wednesday 9/21 in this issue of the Rehoboth Reporter. It will also be distributed by Palmer River Elementary School.
Scouting Around
Overall, Pack 1 had a fun-filled summer, and it was great to get the scouts and their families together. We look forward to the start of another year in September that will include more fun and diverse activities. If this sounds interesting to your potential scout, please email us at
Finally, August brought the Pack 1 summer picnic at Colt State Park in Bristol, RI. Attendance was fantastic and families enjoyed food cooked by the Pack’s leaders, after which the scouts and siblings participated in field day style games. There were some very competitive Tug of War matches and water balloon tosses, with winners taking home prizes in the form of candy.
Scouts at Dungeon Rock in Lynn, MA Scouts at the Worcester Red Sox Summer picnic at Colt State Park

44 The Reporter September 2022 Custom Fabrications • Kitchen Countertops • Vanity Tops • Island Kitchens • Fireplaces & more 55 Winthrop St. (Rt. 44) Rehoboth We Will... Match Your Lowest Price Guaranteed!Satisfaction STAR MARBLE & GRANITE Local Showroom with in stock material Deliveries & Installations (508) 252-4300 • Fax (508) 252-4242 We Accept Debit & Credit Card Kave Rock Farm Alpaca Products All our alpaca fiber products are MADE IN THE USA! Check out our website for Fall events! Open to visitors most Sundays 12-4 Dave & Karen Medeiros, Rehoboth MA 401-465-7589 Rehoboth
Northern Exposure
In this summer of drought, I’ve found a way to make it rain. Leave town. While vacationing in Maine in late August, I checked out the Boston Globe’s website to see this headline: “Rehoboth receives 7 inches of rain.” What? It was especially remarkable considering that this part of the state usually doesn’t get that much coverage in the Globe (though the Globe is far more likely to report the latest Rehoboth news than the nearby Providence Journal is). I’m not sure how much rain we got at home but it’s nice to see green grass again. On that day up north it was sunny and beautiful at Popham Beach, a few twisty miles south of Bath. It’s a big, long and wide sandy beach (unusual for Maine) that I had never visited before. Dot ted with huge boulders, the shoreline is spectacular but the water was a bit cold even for wading. Anyway, the last time we missed a deluge at home while far away on vacation was in March 2010, when we heard news of the flood that washed away the Wheeler Street Bridge while we were visiting New Mexico. It felt strange to be so far away while hearing about floods at home and looking at the Santa Fe River, which appeared to have about six inches of water in Oneit.thing that was noticeable in Maine this August was the number of canine visitors. It was as if Maine had issued a decree declaring you had to bring your dog on vacation. Is it like this ev erywhere this summer? Some of these dogs looked more hot and frazzled than happy (afternoons were still quite warm even that far north). The last time we brought a dog on vacation to Maine was over four decades ago. I have a photo of a much younger me with Jackie, a Sheltie now gone for almost 30 years, at Acadia. It was complicated to travel with a dog then but, lesson not learned, we also took him with us on a trip to the New York/New Jersey area, visiting relatives who are now also long gone. I recall us driving across Manhattan on 42nd Street, back when Times Square was still pretty sleazy, and Jackie barking furiously at everyone on the street as if to voice his disapproval. He also had a barking frenzy when the car stalled at the toll booth on the VerrazanoNarrows Bridge. Ah, memories. It’s hard to take a bad photo of the Maine coast, unless it’s pouring rain. Even a bit of fog only adds to the atmosphere. Every vista looks like a postcard, from Portland Head Light to Pemaquid Light, or looking at Burnt Island lighthouse from a sailboat in Boothbay Harbor, then capturing a bril liant sunset at nearby Ocean Point. Both the white-capped waves and the brooding clouds above are ever changing and dra matic.Of course, taking goofy vacation photos is a must, such as posing in front of the giant boot outside the LL Bean flagship store. I’ve never seen the point of this store always be ing open, however popular it is. Who needs to shop at 3 a.m. on a Tuesday? Freeport is not exactly Las Vegas. I also feel sorry for anyone who lives near the place.
One of the highlights of a visit to Booth bay Harbor includes the weekly summer concerts held in front of the library by the all-volunteer Hallowell Community Band, who are quite good. They play old favorites
Ramblings by Leslie Patterson

A Christmas Carol Children’s Auditions to Be Held September 10
References available upon request
No beating around the bush! Best prices to fit your budget. Trinity Rep’s 2022-23 Season is spon sored in part by the Rhode Island State Council on The Arts (RISCA). 110 Grill is Trinity Rep’s Opening Night Sponsor, and Southwest Airlines is the Official Airline of Trinity Rep. Trinity Repertory Company Trinity Rep is committed to reinventing the public square and inspiring dialogue by creating emotionally-stimulating live produc tions that range from classical to contempo rary and innovative education programs for all ages and abilities. Its annual production of A Christmas Carol has brought families together for more than four decades and made memories for over a million audience members.The2022-23
Services: FALL CLEANUPS, small land clearing/overgrown area cutbacks, fallen tree removal, Brook/Stream clean outs. Selling your home or just purchased a home and need a quick cleanup? Call Joe for a free quote today! (401) 323-9553
Season includes produc tions of The Inheritance Parts 1 and 2, A Christmas Carol, By The Queen, The Inferior Sex, and Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. For more information, visit Trinity Rep’s website at
Auditions for children ages 8 – 12 for Trinity’s Annual Production Providence, RI: Trinity Repertory Company announces that children’s auditions for this year’s production of A Christmas Carol will be held Saturday, September 10 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm at the South Attleboro location of Cardi’s Furniture & Mattresses. Advance registration is required and is available at kidsauditions.Auditionsare open to children ages 8 - 12 who will be 12 years or younger through the entire run of the show. Children should come prepared to sing a holiday song of their choice, and will also read from a section of the script as part of their audition. This year, we are looking to cast children who are bilingual in English and Spanish in select roles, although this is not a requirement for auditioning or casting. All auditionees must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by the time rehearsals start in October. by Strauss and Sousa, Broadway hits, and light classical pieces. Just the perfect touch of small town New England on the last night of our visit to Maine. Nothing says your vacation is over more clearly than encounter ing heavy traffic creeping along Rt. 128 in Boston on your return home. It’s hard to tell what traffic tangles are being caused by the temporary (we hope) Orange Line closure and other MBTA woes, and what’s just a typical afternoon crawl. Sympathies to anyone who is dealing with commuting in and around Boston these days. Back home again, nothing says summer is almost over more clearly than the squeaky squabbles at the bird feeder as the tiny but determined hummingbirds tank up, preparing for their long journey south. I’ll really miss you little guys and hope to see you next summer. Safe travels!
September 2022 The Reporter 45 join us on the farm O s a m e q u i n F a r m S e e k o n k M A P I C K Y O U R O W N never sprayed blueberries & cut flowers F A R M S T A N D all organically grown produce cut flowers and herbal products E V E N T S for all ages Fresh Fish Daily, Open 7 Days Diggers Catch WILD. NATIVE. FRESH. Quality Seafood • Dependable Service East Side Shellfish ClambakeSeason... Order Now! Cell: 401-473-4950 Store: Digger3282@hotmail.com401-490-0740 537 NORTH BROADWAY • EAST PROVIDENCE, RI 02914 e y AVAILABLECATERING EBT
Ouellette Landscaping

Representative Howitt said the cannabis equity bill also autho rizes the Cannabis Control Commission to review and approve all host community agreements negotiated between a municipality and a retail marijuana establishment or medical marijuana treat ment facility as part of the initial license application and renewal process. The bill also stipulates that host community agreements
Full transcript of these press releases can be found at
Boston – State Representative Steven Howitt (R-Seekonk) recently voted to support legislation promoting equity in the state’s cannabis industry and clarifying the parameters of host community agreements. “must be reasonably related to the actual costs required to oper ate a cannabis business in a community,” and cannot require the payment of a community impact fee beyond the business’s eighth year of operation. The bill also caps the community impact fee at 3% of the business’s gross sales. Under existing law, cities and towns can authorize the sale of marijuana and marijuana products for on-site consumption at so-called “cannabis cafes” through a local initiative petition.
Howitt noted that the cannabis equity bill also provides for an expedited expungement process for individuals seeking to remove prior marijuana-related offenses that are now de criminalized from their records. Senate Bill 3096 requires the courts to order the expungement within 30 days of receiving the request.
Boston – State Representative Steven Howitt (R-Seekonk) recently voted to support legislation to legalize sports betting in Massachusetts.Representative Howitt said legalizing sports betting in Massa chusetts will help to create jobs and will allow the Commonwealth to retain millions of dollars in lost revenues that have been flowing to other states that already allow for sports betting.
Steven Howit
46 The Reporter September 2022 E N E R G I E S yer 508-222-3187 Trade name for Al's Quality Oil Co., Inc. • Discounted “will call” C.O.D. prices • Automatic Deliveries • Burner Service by our own experienced technicians 24/7 • Service Contracts • Budget Plans • Propane Deliveries HEATFORCE FUEL * AT NO ADDITIONAL COST • Reduces oil consumption • Reduces sludge for fewer breakdowns • Improves fuel quality for a cleaner home & environment Family owned & operated for over 40 years We OnlinePropane!CarryOrderingNowAvailable! Schedule your cleaning NOW... appointments are available!
Representative Steven Howitt Supports Bill To Promote Equity In The State’s Cannabis Industry Representative Steven Howitt Supports Legalized Sports Betting
House Bill 5164 authorizes the placement of in-person wagers at the state’s casinos, racetracks and simulcasting facilities, as well as online wagering through a digital platform or mobile phone app. The agreement calls for in-person sports betting to be taxed at a rate of 15% of gross receipts, with online betting taxed at a rate of 20%. The Massachusetts Gaming Commission will be responsible for overseeing all sports wagering, including the drafting of regula tions and the issuance of licenses.
From the State House
Representative Howitt noted that sports betting will generate an estimated $60 million in annual tax revenue for the state, with initial licensing fees expected to provide another $70-$80 million, along with additional revenue when the licenses are renewed every five Accordingyears. to Representative Howitt, House Bill 5164 prohibits the use of credit cards for placing bets. The bill takes additional steps to address the issue of gambling addiction by requiring all mobile apps and digital platforms authorized for sports wagering to prominently display the telephone number and website ad dress for a problem gaming hotline overseen by the Department of Public Health. More than 30 states have already approved legalized sports betting, including Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York and Rhode Island.
Representative Howitt said Senate Bill 3096 allows communities to pursue alternative means of approving social consumption sites by passing a by-law or ordinance. Senate Bill 3096 also contains a provision that would provide cities and towns that host at least one social equity business with a share of the state excise tax paid by these businesses. The bill calls for 1% of tax revenues paid by social equity businesses to be distributed on a proportional basis to qualifying communities on a quarterlyRepresentativebasis.
Senate Bill 3096 establishes a Social Equity Trust Fund to help cover licensing and start-up costs for minority applicants by provid ing them with grants and loans. According to Representative Howitt, the fund is designed to help encourage more participation in the state’s regulated marijuana industry by residents of communities that have been disproportionately harmed by marijuana prohibition and Theenforcement.SocialEquity Trust Fund will be administered by the Execu tive Office of Housing and Economic Development, in consultation with a newly created Cannabis Social Equity Advisory Board. The fund will be supported by a dedicated stream of 15% of the tax rev enues collected from the sale of marijuana and marijuana products.

Owner Commercial & Industrial Paving • Residential Driveways Be one of our satisfied clients: Private roads • Excavation Paver driveways, walkways, and patios Parking lots • Tennis and basketball courts We are licensed and insured for your protection. Over 20 Years Experience in the Local Community EST. 1994 Contact All-Phase Asphalt Paving today at 508-336-0064 for a FREE estimate! •
Class Commissioned –
Congregational Church News
We hope you will join us each week at Seekonk Congrega tional Church UCC at 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary at 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA for our weekly service. Please come if you feel comfortable, all are welcome, masks are optional. We will continue to record our services and they are available the following day at Seekonk Congregational Church YouTube and on Cable 9 Seekonk at 10 AM each morning.
• Sept 30 – Chili Bake Off & Dessert Auction Returns in Person. For In formation contact
• Oct 15 – 9 AM to 1 PM Grandma’s Attic Christmas Sale, this is a PRE Christmas Bazaar selling only Grand ma’s attic items, jewelry and a Draw ing Table • Oct 22 - Trunk or Treat • Oct 29 - Contemporary Christian Rock Concert • Nov 5 – 5 PM Harvest Supper Returns in Person • Dec 3 – Christmas Bazaar Returns in Person – virtual ordering will be available • Dec 10 - Winter Wonderland If you
– Teachers and
Memorial Baptist Church News
Memorial Baptist Church located at 340 Central Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771 will be presenting the following events: Everyone is invited to join us on our church lawn in back of the church for the ‘blessing of your animals and their handlers.’ This will be held on September 10, 2022 at 11:00 AM. The rain date will be the following Saturday (Sept. 17th) at the same time. For more information about this event, please call 1 (401) 298-0033. Mark your calendars for September 10, 2022 at 6:00 PM. The one and only “Brad White” from Tennessee will be returning for his yearly concert at our church. This will be an inside concert as we enjoy the vo cals, piano, and saxophone music of Brad White. Brad has had two Grammy nomina tions, been to all 50 states, all 10 Canadian Email: BeausoleilSept 11 – 9:30 Celebration Sun day Communion Church School begins Pat Smith at 401429-8696 have any questions on the above, please email or call the church office at 508-336-9355. All events services are open to everyone. Please check out our Facebook Page alChurch/
Provinces and over 60 countries. Brad has been coming to our church every year for many years now (exception ‘covid’). Brad is multi-talented and we always look forward with great anticipation to hearing and seeing him each year. We are very fortunate that Brad is able to fit us in to his busy schedule. We can all look forward to an evening of fun, worship, fellowship and praise. There will be a free will offering taken to help support Brad’s worldwide ministry. Everyone is welcome so come and enjoy a wonderful evening and bring some of your friends and neighbors. For more information about the concert, please call our church office at (508) 761-5142 or e-mail at
September 2022 The Reporter 47 ChurCh News & eveNts
In Person Sunday Services
Upcoming Seekonk Congregational Church Events/Services

48 The Reporter September 2022

Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church, Coyle Drive (off Rte. 152), Seekonk, Mass., will hold its annual Holiday Fair on Friday, November 11, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm and Saturday, November 12, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm in the church basement. Super Raffles include Cash Prizes, HDTV, Scratch Tickets, our famous “Baskets Galore”, Kim’s Special Raffles, and more. Items for sale will be Jewelry, Christmas Decor, Toys, Almost New Items, Hand Knits, Baked Goods, and “Louise’smore.Cafe” will open at 10:00 am both days. Disabled ac cessible. Please join us! Fun for all ages!
Sunday, September 11, 2022 at 9am Newman Congregational Church United Church of Christ invites your family to join us for Church School! This upcoming year we will explore various units about spirituality, faith, and what it means to be a part of the Jesus movement. After worship, stick around and join our community for our annual picnic and cookout. Ice Cream Sundays! September 18 & 25, 2022 at 11:15am Newman Congregational Church invites the youth in your home for an Ice Cream Sunday! During our time together we will build ice cream sundaes, get to know other youth, and share ideas of what adventures the youth group might try in the upcoming year. A Middle School Youth Group Ice Cream Sunday for youth in grades 6-8 will take place on Sunday, September 18. A High School Youth Group Ice Cream Sunday for youth in grades 9-12 will take place on September 25. Both events will take place outdoors in the church pine grove. If the weather is inclement, we will gather indoors.Foradditional information please contact Christy Wynveen at (401) 434-4742 X13 or email at
Holiday Fair
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Rally Day
Join us Sunday September 11th for the return of our program year! Church school, nursery & youth group resume, the choir returns & we will have a blessing of the backpacks! Join us before worship for a free pancake breakfast sponsored by the RCC Mis sions Committee – served beginning at 8:30 AM New Member Luncheon Come see what RCC is all about and discover what it would be like if YOU joined our “church in the village” – Our new member luncheon information session will begin at 11:30 AM on Sunday, October 2nd! Bring your questions as our deacons and members answer all your questions!
The Annual Rehoboth Congregational Church Bazaar returns again this year! It will take place on November 4th & 5th – More information to come at a later date – check out our website rccba for the most up to date information.
Save The Date
The Rehoboth Congregational Church worships every Sunday at 10AM. Join us for a wonderful blend of traditional worship with a modern twist. We sing, we laugh, and we enjoy the fellowship of one another’s company while strengthening our faith and serving others. If you are traveling or not quite ready for crowds, you can still worship with us! Our Sunday services are live streamed both on our website and on our Facebook page
Worship With Us Every Sunday
Bread of Life Food Pantry to Resume Indoor Food Distributions
Since March 2020 when the Covid pandemic began, the Bread of Life Food Pantry has been operating as an outdoor distribution in the parking lot of Newman Congregational Church, UCC. The Pantry will resume its indoor distribution on September 13. Modifi cations to the indoor distribution as it was carried out before Covid will be made to create less crowding in the various Pantry spaces and to shorten the time that it takes for guests to complete the process. Masks will be required as there will be situations where physical distancing is not possible and the vaccination/health sta tus of volunteers and guests cannot always be known. Volunteers who are able to lift bags weighing up to 15 pounds are especially needed to assist guests in carrying their groceries to their cars or to the bus stop. If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please visit the Pantry’s website at or call the Pantry at 401-434-4742. The Bread of Life Food Pantry is a collaborative ecumenical effort of five East Providence churches: Bethany Church of the Nazarene, Church of the Epiphany, Evangelical Covenant Church of Riverside, Newman Congregational Church and St. Margaret Church. The Pantry is located at Newman Congregational Church, 100 Newman Avenue, and is open twice each month, on the sec ond and fourth Tuesdays from 5 to 7 p.m. The Pantry welcomes all those in need of food assistance. For more information about the Bread of Life Food Pantry, visit the Pantry’s website at EPBre; email the Pantry at ; or call 401-434-4742.
September 2022 The Reporter 49 Rehoboth Congregational Church News

Currently Fuel applications to Citizens for Citizens is closed until October but if you are having difficulty with fuel and you are ap proaching a ¼ tank please call the office and
• We are in need of cotton, flannel, and fleece fabric for sewing projects. We are accepting yarn donations for hats & blankets. If you can donate, please call and we will set up a safe and secure drop off Mondays Walking Club 9:00 start time 9:00-11:00 Cribbage 10:00 Bocce 10:00 Cornhole Toss 12:00 Gert’s Café~ Limited seating Please call to reserve a seat 508-252-3372 Tuesdays 8-10:00 Pickleball at the Nike Park 9:00 10:00ZumbaCircling Hands Tai Chi 11:00 Meditation 10:00 Ladies Sewing & Quilting 1:00 Bocce & Cornhole Toss Hi-Lo Jack League (New) Wednesdays Walking Club 9:00 start time 10:00-Noon Coffee w/outside seating 10:00 Bocce 10:00 Cornhole Toss 12:00-2:00 Pie & Coffee from (New)
Please contact Bristol Elders, Inc. at (508) 675-2101 for information on the Meals on Wheels program.
50 The Reporter September 2022 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Established in 1940, 3rd Generation RESIDENTIAL / COMMERCIAL Specializing in Kitchen & Bathrooms Batty Construction HOME IMPROVEMENTS (401) 639-7230 • Remodeling • Additions • Siding • Silestone • Granite • Painting • PeterRoofingBatty RI Reg. # 33335 / MA Reg. # CS51340 M&S Cleaning Service RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL FULL SERVICE CLEANING CO. Carpets • Windows • Floors • Walls Post Construction Clean-Ups • Rentals Call (508) 252-3259 FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED Rehoboth Council on Aging Francis Hall 27 Francis Farm Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769 Phone 508-252-3372 Fax 508-252-4716 Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon Kitchen hours: Monday Thursdays 8:00AM to 12 noon The COA will be closed on Monday September 5th in observance of Labor Day Come & Join Us! We have added NEW activities: • Drums Alive, Hi-Low Jack League, Bocce, Cornhole Toss, Scrapbooking • Stop in and have a cup of coffee and donuts Wednesdays from 10 to Noon. • We will also have Pie and coffee from Noon to 2. We will have pies from Bateson’s Apple Farm and Bakery. • We have added scrapbooking and can always use extra supplies. This is a free class. Come join us on Thurs days @ 1:00.
Thursday 8:00-10:00 Pickleball at the Nike Park 9:00 Tai Chi 10:00 Belly Dancing 10:00 Ladies Knitting, Crochet, & Tea 12:00 Drums Alive (New) 1:00 Bocce 1:00 Cornhole Toss 1:00-3:00 Scrapbooking (NEW) We will have free supplies available. Friday Walking Club 9:00 start time 9:00 Men’s Coffee 10:00 Bocce 10:00 Cornhole Toss Meals on Wheels
Bradly Marshall Outreach/ SHINE/Housing Coordinator is available Mondays thru Wednesdays 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM and Thursdays 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM to assist you with Social Service needs from Fuel, Food, housing, Medical Insurance, and intervention help. Please call for an appointment at 508-252-3372. Air Conditioners from Citizens for Citizens, Inc CFC. has a limited amount of standing air conditioners. They are for Seniors 65 and older, disabled/handicapped, and are in the 200% of the Federal Poverty level. If you think you might qualify, please contact BradReminderMarshall.shortly you will begin to re ceive letters/information from you Medicare insurance company that will be explain ing the upcoming changes for 2023. Its’ important that you understand and save these documents. Premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and drug coverages can change drastically.During open enrollment you can make changes to your plan to another that may be better for you and there could be other options available for you too. Open Enroll ment begins October 15th and runs to December 7th so if you want help, please call the office to arrange an appointment. You will need to bring your cards and all your medications so that we can be assured that all are covered at the level that would be best for you. Please get in touch with Bradley Marshall to do the application for this lottery.
Ukulele Bill Wed, Sept 28, 2022 @ 11:30am
Blood Pressure & Glucose Clinic Wed, Sept 21st 9:00am - 11:00am
The Seekonk Cultural Council is hosting Celebrate Seekonk Day on October 1st from 12 pm to 4 pm at the Seekonk Library, a free family event open to all. This event will not be possible without the help of many volun teers. If you have any interest in volunteering for a one hour shift in any of the following areas, it will be greatly appreciated.
Please contact the Public Health Nurse Geri Hamel 508-252-3127 for more infor mation.
Seekonk Human Services has partnered with the Seekonk Fire Department to provide free monthly blood pressure & glucose screenings. continued on next page...
Donna Howard, President Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club
The center is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm, and Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm and Friday 8:30am - 12:00pm. We welcome all to come and enjoy the activities and companionship at Seekonk Human Services.
Bill Whiteley will be here to play his Ukulele. For all who like to hear him please sign up ahead of time. Preregistration is re quired by calling our office at 508-336-8772. Refreshment will be served. Sign Language Tues @ 10:00am A new 10 week session of sign language will begin Tuesday, September 13, 2022. If you are interested in this beginner class please call Seekonk Human Services at 508-336-8772 to register. Arts & Crafts Mon in September at 1:00pm Preregistration is required for this class. The cost for this class is $5 for Seekonk resi dents and $7 for Non-Seekonk residents. All classes have limited availability. **Art Work subject to change.
Seekonk Human Services
• Help pre-school children at shadow puppets theater
• Sept 19 - Gnome Door Hanger
• Blue Cross/Blue Shield of RI Silver & Fit • United Health Care - Renew Active • Employer Based - Active & Fit To reserve your seat, preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-3368772. YMCA - Senior Health Fair Wed, Sept 21, 2022 @ 10:00am 472 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk, MA
There will be a Senior Health Fair at the YMCA from 10:00am - 12:00pm. For informa tion contact: Paula Roy at proy@gpymca.
CLOSED September 5th - Labor day
September 2022 The Reporter 51 org, or 508-336-7103. Event Features: Free Admission, Giveaways & Door Prizes. Senior Agencies, Health Care Professionals, Health Screening, Demos and more!
TRIAD: Senior SAFE Tues, Sept 27, 2022 @ 11:00am Seekonk Fire Senior SAFE Coordinator Lieutenant Kyle Laprade will be leading a talk about fire safety. With the fall season upon us and winter right around the corner we will be discussing our home heating systems, carbon monoxide poisoning, hypothermia, and cooking safety followed by question and answers on anything fire department related. Come by for light refreshments and door prizes. Preregistration is required by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
• Welcome visitors to the event
• Sept 12 - Popsicle Stick Bird House
Celebrate Seekonk Day
• Monitor inside art gallery
• Help visitors paint kindness rocks
• Supervise sidewalk chalk activity
we will attempt to assist you in getting up to 100 gallons. Re-certification forms for those on Fuel Assistance Program for 2022-2023 will be receiving them approximately the end of August. When you do receive the form, please call to the office so that we can help complete the form and obtain the highest benefitProblemspossible.with medication costs or changes in prescriptions that your plan is now refusing, please contact us for as sistance in helping to obtain coverage or possible changes in the plan you are on. Questions or needs on Housing should also be directed to this office.
Farmers’ Market Coupons are available for low income elders age 60 or older who have a monthly income less than $2,096 or annual income less than $25,142. Partici pants must reside in Seekonk. The coupons have a total value of $25 and may be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables. A limited number of coupons are available. Please call 508-336-8772 to see if you qualify!
• Parking patrol attendant These are just a few of the areas vol unteers will be needed beginning at 11 am. For more information, please contact or 508336-5544. Meet and GreetPaula from YMCA Tues, Sept 20, 2022 @ 11:00am Meet and Greet at Seekonk Human Ser vices to discuss YMCA membership options. The YMCA offers scan based membership through the following health insurance companies:•Humana - Silver Sneakers
• Help the public create a community art project in the library
Currently applications for Food (SNAP benefits) assistance are still being process, so please call the office on how we can help you with your nutrition needs and save costs on your food bill.
Rehoboth Public Health Nurse Geraldine Hamel, RN MSN Available Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM 508-252-6502 ext. 3127 or 508-252-5947 Stephanie Reis, RN BSN 508-252-6052 ext. 3128 Offering multiple medical services for our Rehoboth citizens: Home Visits, Vaccinations, Support groups: Bereavement, Caregiver assistance, Dementia support and more Wellness Clinic: Wednesday Podiatry Clinic: Last Thursday of the month Blood Pressure & Glucose Screening
Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club News Quite a few of our members traveled to Davenports for a delicious lunch on August 17, 2022 in lieu of a meeting. We did have a few announcements about our Christmas Bazaar coming in October. All seemed to enjoy themselves very much! Our next meeting will be on September 21, 2022 at noon at the Francis Farm COA building. At the meeting we will finalize our plans for the Christmas Bazaar at the end of October. Be watching for flyers around town soon. There will be sign-up sheets at the meeting for various Bazaar activities and donations. After our meeting we will have a delicious lunch and an activity. Be sure to plan on attending our meet ing – and bring a friend! See you there!
Farmers’ Market Coupons
• Sept 26 - Fall Decor Podiatry Clinic Wed, Sept 14, 2022 10am - 2pm Dr. Lechan provides monthly Podiatry Clinics. An appointment is required. Items needed are insurance cards with your doctor’s names, date of last doctor’s visit, summary of last visit, and list of medica tions. *Please check with your insurance regarding co-pays.
All you
to Artist Materials Complete Line of Woodcarving Supplies Hours: M-F 9-5 Sat 9-12 45 1063 Oakhill Ave. Attleboro, MA 02703-7318 • 508-222-6255 Sine Plumbing & Heating "Quality Service Since 1945" •Repairs & •Fully•Drain•Water•Conditioners•Pumps•Residential/Commercial/InstallationIndustrial&FiltersHeaters&HeatingSystemsCleaningLicensed&Insured Serving RI & Southeastern MA RIMP #625 MAMP #12592 Call (401)434-6436 Call Us To SanitizeWell!Your
Seekonk Human Services will be work ing with Bristol Elder Services to provide nutritional meals for lunch on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to go. Meals come completely cooked and prepackaged. need
Mondays Chair Yoga 10am Knitting 12pm Arts & Crafts 1pm Strength & Cardio 1pm Zoom BINGO 1pm Indoor Cornhole 1pm Tuesdays Drums Alive 9am Hi Lo Jack 1pm Zoom Trivia 12:30pm Wednesdays Drums Alive 9:30am Belly ZoomMahjongDancing1pmCoffeeChat 1:30pm Thursdays Chair Yoga 10am BINGO Cribbage1pm1pm Fridays Zumba 9:30am Tai Chi 10:30am *All activities are subject to pre-registration Community Questions for our Police Liaison Officer Maria Vicenzo is welcoming com munity questions to be answered. Ques tions can be mailed to the center, dropped off in person, or placed in our lock box that is attached to the building at the entrance. We will post answers to the questions in the monthly newsletter and on our Facebook page, if requested. If you prefer to be called, please leave your contact information and we will be in contact. Email List Join our email list! Things are chang ing so quickly these days and we want to be able to get the word out to you quickly. Please give us a call and give us your email address; we want to share fun activities, links to zoon and other virtual programing you may like.
Tues, Sept 27, 2022 at 2:00pm
Nutritional Meals To Go Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Davenports EP
Computer Stations
52 The Reporter September 2022 Women’s Lunch
Library Homebound Delivery
*Please note all clients will be required to fill out a Medicare prescreening form to help us better serve you by looking up your current plan and comparing it to the future plans, if changes are necessary.
It’s that time of year again! If you are en rolled in a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO/ PPO), expect an information packet from your plan by the end of September. It is important to understand and save this information: it explains the changes in your plan for 2023. Premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and the drugs covered by your plan can change significantly!DuringMedicare Open Enrollment, you can adjust your plan for next year. SHINE Counselors help you understand your plan changes as well as other options you may have. Open Enrollment runs from October 15 through December 7!
Did you know that as of July 1, 2012 the Commonwealth banned the practice of disposal of needles, syringes and lancets (sharps) into your household trash? The Seekonk Board of Health has a Sharps Disposal program. This program is for Seekonk residents only. Those who use this program pay for the program. The fee is $9.00, which includes a one-gallon sharps container and the disposal of that container. Any questions please contact the Board of Health 508-336-2950.
“Getting Started with Apple iPhones & iPads”
Sharps Disposal
• Oct 19th at 11:30am Toti’s in Seekonk Let’s Learn Together!
Medicare Open Enrollment
Join Librarian Michelle Gario in this 90 minute session to review the basic information to get started that should have been in a manual! Bring your own Apple iPhone & iPad; Please make sure your device is fully charged. Contact the Seekonk Human Services to preregister for this at: 508-336-8772.
Activities and Programs
We will meet the 3rd WEDNESDAY of the month at 11:30am still supporting our local area restaurants. If you are interested in join ing our group, please call or text Beverly at •1-401-749-4841Sept21stat11:30am
Computer access is now available at Seekonk Human Services. If you’re without a computer at home but you need to access one, we may be able to help. Residents are welcome to use our laptops to surf the internet and check emails etc. For more in formation, or to check for availability, please call 508-336-8772.
Residents of Seekonk who are home bound due to physical limitations or illnesses that are long term or temporary are able to enjoy library materials through our Home bound Delivery Service. Seekonk Public Library’s Homebound Delivery Service is for residents who have no one in their household to go to the library for them. Adult Services staff will coordinate deliveries and can work with participants to choose materials that meet their needs and interests. Volunteers will deliver the materials to the participant’s door contactfree and return borrowed materials to the library. For more information, call Adult Services at the library at (508) 336-8230 or email
**This session is for novice users of Apple iPhones and iPads ONLY. No other de vices will be covered.** Do you feel like you can barely turn on your Apple iPhone or iPad and are afraid to really use it?
We welcome to our stage Cher tribute artist/Cher impersonator (sing-alike, look-alike, walk-alike, talk-alike) Lisa McClowry. Lisa is an accomplished singer and stage actor whose voice has appeared in major motion pictures, international commercials for radio and TV with numerous critically acclaimed original albums under her belt, as well as theatrical stage performances including dramatic, musical and comedic lead roles. Not only is Lisa a well-known singer, but respected as the most authentic and well-rounded CHER tribute artist capturing Cher’s singing voice, look, walk, talk and mannerisms. Lisa brings her internationally acclaimed show to our Best of Times Travel stage.
The Beat Goes On - Cher Tribute Show Wed, Nov 16 Danversport Yacht Club—Danvers, MA - $99 per person
Wed, Oct 26, 2022 @ 11:30am Come meet Maria Pimentel, a representative of Massachusetts SMP Program at the Seekonk Senior Center, and participate in a discussion on how to prevent, detect, and report healthcare errors, fraud and abuse.
• Adds more presumptive-exposure locations for Agent Orange and radiation
The center is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30am - 4:30pm, Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm and Friday 8:30am12:00pm. Come and enjoy the activities and companionship at your center. * NOTE: *Seekonk Human Services is primarily an informational and referral agency. We try to help you directly or by introduc ing you to a network of federal, state, or local support services. Seekonk Human Services offers legal, financial, recreational, medical screenings, and other activities/services by volunteers or nominally paid practitioners. Participation in these services/activi ties is with the understanding that Seekonk Human Services, Town of Seekonk, or its employees do not assume any legal or other responsibility for advice of services rendered by such volunteers or nominal cost practitioners.
• Helps us improve research, staff education, and treatment related to toxic exposures
Northeastern Auto Supply, Inc. 1095 Newman Avenue, Seekonk MA 02771 508-761-6400 • Professional Service directly with 2nd generation owners, each with over 30 years experience!
The following illnesses are now presumptive: asthma that was diagnosed after service, chronic bronchitis, COPD, chronic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, constrictive or obliterative bronchiolitis, emphy sema, granulomatous disease, interstitial lung disease, pleuritis, pulmonary fibrosis and sarcoidosis.
The PACT Act is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic sub stances. This law will provide generations of veterans and their survivors with the care and benefits they’ve earned and deserve.
Lunch will be a Thanksgiving dinner with the fixings and sides or vegetable lasagna. Registration must be done in person and payment is required at the time of registration. Registration ends Nov. 6th.
• Johnston Atoll or on a ship that called at Johnston Atoll from January 1, 1972, through September 30, 1977
The VA has added more than 20 burn pit and other toxic expo sure presumptive conditions based on the PACT Act. This change expands benefits for Gulf War era and post-9/11 Veterans. The following types of cancers are now presumptive: brain cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, glioblastoma, head cancer, kidney cancer, lymphatic cancer, lymphoma, melanoma, neck cancer, pancreatic cancer, reproductive cancer and respiratory cancer of any type.
Future Special Activities Community Education Wed, Oct 12, 2022 @ 11:30am Director Donna Wunschel from the Town of Seekonk’s Com munications Department. She will discuss how the communication department works in Seekonk.
Music by Steve Burke Wed, Oct 19, 2022 @ 11:30am RI musician plays a mixture of music. Uses the saxophone, keyboard and sings.
• Laos from December 1, 1965, through September 30, 1969 • Cambodia at Mimot or Krek, Kampong Cham Province from April 16, 1969, through April 30, 1969 • Guam or American Samoa or in the territorial waters off of Guam or American Samoa from January 9, 1962, through July 30, 1980
If you think any of these conditions apply to your service, please see me or your current National Service Officer about putting in a newSeekonkJamesclaim.LaFlameVeterans Services Officer Office 508-336-2940 Email:
• Requires VA to provide a toxic exposure screening to every Veteran enrolled in VA health care
• Adds more than 20 new presumptive conditions for burn pits and other toxic exposures
• Expands and extends eligibility for VA health care for Veterans with toxic exposures and Veterans of the Vietnam, Gulf War, and post-9/11 eras
Massachusetts SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol)
The acronym PACT stands for Promise to Address Comprehen sive Toxics. The PACT Act will bring these changes:
September 2022 The Reporter 53 do is heat it up! Meals need to be ordered the day before by 9:30am. Payment is $2.50 per meal which will be due at the time of pickup. Pick up will be between 11am - 12pm. September menu is available on our Facebook Page and by calling our office at 508-336-8772.
The VA has also added 5 new locations to the list of presump tive locations: • Any U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailand from January 9, 1962, through June 30, 1976
Join Best of Times as we bring the music of the “Goddess of Pop” Cher Live to our stage with the Number 1 Cher Tribute Show in the world! Having sold 100 million records to date, Cher is one of the world’s best-selling music artists of all-time. Her achievements include a Grammy Award, an Emmy Award, an Academy Award, three Golden Globe Awards, a Cannes Film Festival Award, the Billboard Icon Award, and awards from the Kennedy Center Honors and the Council of Fashion Designers of America. She is the only artist to date to have a number-one single on the Billboard chart for six consecutive decades, from the 1960s to the 2010s.
There are also two new presumptive conditions for Agent Or ange; high blood pressure (hypertension) and monoclonal gam mopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS).
• Home Delivery Available • Most Parts in 24 Hrs • Parts for Older Cars • Hydraulic Hoses Made • Free Check Engine Scan Right Part, Right Price, Right Now!
There is no Covid testing planned although Runey said other school districts are conducting their own testing programs.
Runey said walk-throughs with the designees of the Dighton and Rehoboth Police Chiefs would happen to establish safety and security protocols going forward. “Of our five buildings, there was very little common verbiage, very little common understanding,” RuneyDighton-Rehobothcontinued.
Kelly Fox and Bill Runey
54 The Reporter September 2022 Back to School Alicia's Dance Studio Celebrating 28 years of Dance Education! 224 Winthrop Street • Rt. 44 Rehoboth (Across from Dunkin’ Donuts) (508) 252-1245 • Come Join OurFamily!Dance Ballet, Hip Hop, Tap, Jazz, Pointe, Competition Team Classes Teddy Bear Learning & Day Care Center 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, Massachusetts Caring, Sharing, And Learning Together • 2 yrs., 9 mos. - 7 yrs. • Half-Day & Full-Day • After Kindergarten Care • 7:30-5:00 • Flexible Hours Linda Mace - Administration 508-336-2244 Attleboro Area Council for Children Provide Stuffed Backpacks to Dighton Rehoboth Regional School District 5th Annual Marching Band and Grid Iron Club Mattress Fundraiser Sunday, September 11 – 10 AM to 5 PM @ the High School Cafeteria Email: Every Purchase Benefits the Marching Band/ Grid Iron Club Big Savings – Financing Available • Twin from $199 – Full from $259 – Queen from $289 – King from -$499 • Beautyrest – Adjustable Base – Luxury Pillows – Mattress Pro tector • All sizes available - 25+ styles on display - Brand new with full factory warranties - Delivery available All forms of payment accepted Free set of sheets with any mattress purchase For more info: #beds4dr22 © copyright 2022 custom fundraising solutions
The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional Schools will not be requiring students to wear masks to prevent the spread of Covid when the new academic year begins in September. Superintendent Bill Runey made the announcement at Tuesday’s school committee meeting. “We want to continue to promote a “mask friendly” environment in our schools so people do not feel shamed for wanting to wear a mask,” Runey explained. “Our principals are on board with this and will take any kind of mask shaming seriously.”
The backpacks will be deployed to the schools in the district. Families that wish to confidentially request one should contact the school principal directly.
In addition, the doors on all the buildings will have new locks installed. New keys will be issued to personnel. Runey said this will prevent former school department employees who may be carrying grudges from having access to the buildings.
D-R Superintendent: No More Mask Shaming By Joe Siegel
“We’re working on our overall security vision,” Runey said, adding a new digital management system called E-Hall Pass would be instituted. “This way a teacher will be able to tell how many (students) are out of class at any given time. If we do have to go into some type of lockdown or evacuation system, we know where every student is.”
The Attleboro Area Council for Children ex tended their reach into the Dighton Rehoboth Regional School District by providing 125 stuffed backpacks for children in need just in time for the return to school Septem ber 7. Superintendent Bill Runey said that “Kel ly Fox and her network of volunteers and donors continue to make a dif ference in our local communities. I look forward to strengthening the partnership and helping even more families.”
Regional High School was placed under lockdown last June after a threatening message was discovered in one of the restrooms. A similar incident occurred at the school last March. Dighton Police determined there was no credible threat in eitherPostersincident.willbe placed throughout the buildings detailing how teachers and students are expected to behave in certain situations.
The issue of school safety was also discussed.

By Phyllis Dupere
September 2022 The Reporter 55
Her hobby of candy-making, began as a child and continued well into her 70s. From October through April, Becky would make chocolate-covered caramels, cherries and soft-centered bonbons, candied apples, pecan logs, peppermint patties, and various flavors of fudge. There was nothing better than going to her house on Broad Street in Rehoboth when she was “doing her thing”!
Oh, the aroma of all those sweets filling the air as one walked up to her side door. Once inside, it was even better. Pots were on the stove, filled with molten chocolate for dip ping the many centers, caramel-covered nougat centers waited to be rolled in handchopped pecan pieces, and boxes upon boxes of items already packaged and ready for pick-up or delivery filled her parlor. Her candy was always a “5 star” performance.
During the 1950s, the Rehoboth Teach ers’ Club held fundraisers for purchasing school supplies and equipment. A play, “Tish” by Alice Chadwicke, was presented in the new Palmer River School Cafeteria/ Auditorium on March 13 and 14, 1953. The three-act comedy had a very simple theme – it was about a woman and her friends AND her car. The lunch room and lobby of “The Eagle Hotel” in the southwestern part of the United States was the setting for this performance, which covered a period of a few days in the life of these amazing friends. The performers and various committee members were teachers and staff members who, by the time of their retirements, worked collectively in the Town of Rehoboth school department for well-over two hundred years. The “star” of the show was “Tish” portrayed by Dorothy L. Beckwith. Miss Beckwith began her career in Rehoboth as a teacher at the Blanding School. She was Principal of Anawan Junior High School, and a fabulous candy maker, who also taught candy-mak ing classes. Those of us who knew “Becky” certainly remember her as having a boom ing voice – no microphone was needed to hear her from the stage or anywhere else. Her presence was known! She was in her glory in the classroom, where, in the early 1960s, she brought “New Math” using Cuisenaire Rods and Blocks. which were painted wooden sticks varying in colors according to length of each piece all piled into a “hand-sized” cloth drawstring bag to teach both current classroom teachers and their students how to do basic addition and subtraction and eventually multiplica tion and division. She traveled to Europe and Russia with a group of educators from all over the world to witness and compare various teaching methods of all nations.
on next page ... WE ARE A PRIVATELY OWNED SALON Specializing in all your hair care needs.
Continued 579 G.A.R Highway, Swansea 508-730-2600
Looking Back… at Schools, Teachers, & Staff
Jean Dyer taught first and second grades at North Rehoboth and Palmer River Schools. She volunteered at Sturdy Memorial Hospital in Attleboro for over thirty years. Jean had four children and enjoyed traveling. Beverly Calderwood Hart taught in Rehoboth for twenty years. Her parents were business owners in town. Bev married and had three children. For many years, she was involved in civic organizations and held numerous positions in the Town of Seekonk.
David Smith was a teacher and then princi pal at Palmer River School for many years. Later, he became a Century 21 real estate agent, working out of the former Midway variety store at the intersection of Routes 44 and 118. Nancy Carpenter taught at North Rehoboth School for twelve years, prior to continuing her career at a private school in Rhode Island. Doris Johnson was both a “Tish” Program

Olga Gerula (Grade 5), Anna Betts (Grade 4), and Mary Zucchi (Grade One) taught together, yet at different grade levels, at Palmer River School for many years. Boosters of the presentation contained numerous family and friends of cast mem bers and crew, along with area businesses and business owners of the day, such as Briarwood Beauty Shop-New-Street, King Philip Diner-Winthrop Street, Palmer River P.T.A., Ralph O. Perry & Son Grocers-corner of County Street and Reservoir Avenue, Reise’s Dairy, Inc.-Hornbine Road, San tos’ Super Market-Water Street, Manual DeMattos-Winthrop Street, and Sarkisian’s Dry Goods Store-Winthrop Street. Other school groups have also put on plays, shows or events over the years that also acted as fund-raisers for various school-related activities. In the late 1950s, Palmer River teachers put on a musical show, a Cabaret, which featured teacher Randi Ewing and other teachers doing a line dance. In the 1980s, John Egan hosted a “talent” show at Beckwith Middle School to support its Summer Athletic Program. 1957-1960 Pre-Becky
56 The Reporter September 2022 Twin From $199 | Full From $259 | Queen From $289 | King From $499 5TH ANNUAL Benefits The Marching Band/Grid Iron Club © COPYRIGHT 2022 CUSTOM FUNDRAISING SOLUTIONS FREE SET OF SHEETS WITH ANY MATTRESS PURCHASE BENEFITS DIGHTON - REHOBOTH HS MARCHING BAND & FOOTBALL For more info: Mattress Protector Every Band/GridBenefitsPurchaseTheMarchingIronClub SUN. SEP 11 @the HS Cafeteria 10AM TO 5PM Community & teaChers Federal Credit unionNCUA 1169 South Broadway, East Providence438-7789438-7788RI YouServingForOver60Years SMOOTH SAILING! Safe Harbor CreditHometownYourUnion
teacher and principal at North Rehoboth School for many years. Both Beatrice Kam merer and her sister-in law Margaret Kammerer taught at Anawan Junior High and completed their lengthy teaching careers at Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School.

The new turf field completed by Huntress Associates features state-of-the-art, modern materials with upgraded performance technology, including a shock pad underneath that helps to prevent head injuries and other sports-related impact injuries. The turf also includes an organic infill that is sustainably harvested in the USA and reduces the heat on the synthetic turf field by up to 33 degrees.
The track includes eight lanes on the home straightaway and a second six-lane straightaway on the visitor’s side.
An aerial photo looking west of the newly renovated Seekonk Connelly Field and Mooney Track. (Photo courtesy SPS) to research and review the most appropri ate athletic field and complex designs for Seekonk’s current and future students and the community as a whole. Throughout the process, the commit tee oversaw the cost of design services, plans, specifications and estimates for the proposed addition of a turf athletic field and renovations to the athletic complex located at Seekonk High School’s Connelly Field and Mooney Track. “On behalf of the committee, we are very excited to see the project come to a conclu sion and we are grateful to the community for their support. We now have a first-class track and field that our students and com munity can be proud of for years to come,” said Chairperson Prew.
“We are delighted to unveil the newly renovated Seekonk Con nelly Field and Mooney Track the first day our students return to school this year,” said Superintendent Drolet. “Thanks to the tire less work from the Connelly Field Turf and Mooney Track Building Committee and Huntress Associates, current Seekonk students, Seekonk residents, and students for years to come will have access to an incredible sports complex.” In November 2019, the Town of Seekonk approved proposed renovations to be made to the existing athletic complex located at Seekonk High School. The Connelly Field Turf and Mooney Track Renovation Building Committee was then formed that same year
Newly Renovated Connelly Field and Mooney Track Unveiled
Renovations were also made to improve the draining system, walkways, fences and gates to ensure the facility is ADA compliant.
September 2022 The Reporter 57 How Good is St. Luke’s School? So Good That We Attract Students from Over 15 Communities 10 Waldron Ave., Barrington, RI 02806 • Traditional Catholic Values Combined with Rigorous Academics Call for a Tour Today 401-246-0990 Preschool to Grade 8
Smith Insurance Group AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS • LIFE Denise Smith ~ over 30 years experience ~ Pawtucket, RI | Rehoboth, MA (401) www.dsmithins.com724-1660
Also new is a press box and sound system that will allow for better acoustics and less impact on neighbors and a storage build ing sized to better accommodate all track and field equipment.
Seekonk — Superintendent Rich Drolet and Connelly Field Turf & Mooney Track Renovation Building Committee Chairperson Stephen Prew are pleased to announce the unveiling of Seekonk’s newly renovated Connelly Field and Mooney Track.
The newly renovated Connelly Field and Mooney Track boasts a new synthetic turf field, which replaces the previous field that was over 20 years old and in poor condition, and a 400m running track painted in the district’s color.

• Pilar Beerman-Rodriguez, class of 2022, High Honors
According to the School Library Journal: “I Am Jazz” is “the story of a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz Jen nings, who has become a spokesperson for transkids everywhere.”
Congratulations to the following students who were named to the 2021-2022 third trimester honor roll at Providence Country Day School.
Seekonk Public Schools officials are encouraging parents to contact elementary school principals if they do not want their chil dren to read certain books. “The principal is the best person for a parent to contact as they are the supervisor of the library media specialists and teachers and they can ensure there’s proper com munication going to the families,” Superintendent Rich Drolet said at Monday’s meeting.
The SLJ says of “When Aidan Became a Brother”: “this wellillustrated and sweet family tale centers on the experiences of a transgender boy.”
One parent believed teachers were “grossly overstepping their bounds” by sharing these books with their students.
David C Zaluski DDS FAGD Family - ImplantDentistryCosmetic 454 Winthrop Street • Rehoboth MA 508.252.4770
Rehoboth: • Isaac Bates, class of 2023, Honors
Third Trimester Honor Roll
Congratulations to the following student(s) who graduated from Providence Country Day School on June 8, 2022.
58 The Reporter September 2022 THINK FALL... TIME TO SEED! • Granular Fertilization • Weed & Insect Control • Grub Control • Mosquito & Tick Control • Tree & Shrub Care • Perimeter Pest Control • Core Aeration & Overseeding George W. Haworth Owner/Operator 401.392.1025 • (cell) www.LawnDoctor.com401.601.4420 Each Lawn Doctor franchise business is independently operated.
Kyle Juckett, a parent and former school committee candidate, raised concerns over elementary school students having access to books dealing with gender identity. “Currently there is no policy in place to control the flow of these materials,” Juckett said.
Seekonk Schools Increasing Security By Joe Siegel
“I had a student come to me, very disheartened,” said Michele Graf, a parent and a teacher at Hurley Middle School. “They were very disheartened because they felt their gender identity was being treated like sexuality issues. We’re talking about human rights, not human sexuality. I’m not as a teacher, going to take a book and teach something you do not want taught to your children. However, that resource does need to be available for children who need to have access to them.”
School Officials Issue Guidance on Books By Joe Siegel
‘This work was part of our technology infrastructure upgrade in which we utilized ESSER 3 Covid monies,” Drolet said at Monday’s school committee meeting.
Rehoboth: Pilar Beerman-Rodriguez, Bryant University, Athletic Director’s Sequoia Award
Principals and school staff are planning their building openings, finalizing student schedules, and getting ready to welcome students on the first day of school, Drolet said, adding there will be no mask requirement or testing for Covid in accordance to DESE (Depart ment of Elementary and Secondary Education) policy.
2022 Local Graduates
Seekonk: Jules Anderson, Salve Regina University
In addition, Drolet will be meeting again with the District Safety Task Force. The group will include school principals, the Seekonk Fire Chief Sandra Lowery, and Police Chief Dean Isabella and Town Administrator Shawn Cadime.
Administrators are working on enhanced security for school buildings as the 2022-2023 year is set to begin on Thursday, Sep tember 1. Superintendent Rich Drolet said plans are for a second school resource officer to be hired before the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year. Drolet said the new camera installation has been completed.
Some of the titles include: “What are Your Words?: a book about pronouns,” “Julian is a Mermaid,” “What Riley Wore,” “I Am Jazz,” and “When Aidan Became a Brother.”
Providence Country Day School News
Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson’s office was also contacted about conducting an external security audit and are also exploring the possibility of bringing some therapy dogs into our schools,” Drolet said, adding there would also be trainings for administrators to “respond to critical incidents, problem solve, and help continue to provide a positive school climate.” 10 new teachers and instructional aides have been hired. Two teachers still need to be hired due to recent resignations. Teachers will return to the classroom on August 31. Drolet will welcome them back with an opening address at Seekonk High School.
A search through the SAILS Library network revealed some of the books were available at the Aitken and Martin school libraries.

59 NOWFALLENROLLING201KINDERGARt Twin WeVouchers! We offer: CallChildrenforAfterRehoboth508-252-5522“A Better Beginning” – Wanda Hanson, Director — COUPON — $10 Off a Week for the school year September 2012 thru June 2013 New Full Time Enrollment • Fine Arts Program • Music • Accredited • International Teacher Programs • Private Kindergarten ENROLLING2012 and KINDERGARt EN Twin Oaks Farm Learning Center 127 Tremont Street • Rehoboth, MA 508-252-5522WeVouchers!Accept “A Better Beginning” – Wanda Hanson, Director offer: After School ChildrenRehobothProgramSchoolageages5-12years old. 508-252-5522 — COUPON — $10 Off a Week for the school year September thru June New Full Time Enrollment (worth $520) Longest Drive Includes Green Fees, Lunch and Dinner Closest to the Pin Team Prizes Foursome: $600 - Individual $150-Dinner Only $75 Sponsorship Tee $75 Tee & Green- $100 Contact Spencer at 4TH ANNUAL RYBSA Golf Tournament SEPTEMBER 20 2022 • Eleanor Karl, class of 2025, High Honors • Maisie McLaughlin, class of 2024, High Honors • Vivian Vieira, class of 2023, High Honors Seekonk: • Sophia Sodhi, class of 2023, Honors • Salem Yassine, class of 2023, Honors Local Residents Receive Awards Congratulations to the following students who received awards from Providence Country Day School this spring. Awards were given in recognition of academic and artistic excellence, athleticism, community service, and leadership. Rehoboth, MA • Maisie McLaughlin, Class of 2024, Excellence in Chemistry; PCD Alumni Award • Victoria Vieira, Class of 2026, Middle School Award for Outstand ing Effort and Achievement in Instrumental Music; Middle School Award for Outstanding Effort and Achievement in Visual Art; Middle School Award for Outstanding Effort and Achievement in English; Williams College Book Award - Awarded to the most outstanding Middle School student for combined scholastic achievement and extra-curricular participation and leadership potentialProvidence Country Day School is an independent college preparatory school serving students in grades Pre-K through Grade 12 on two campuses. Our 30+ acre campus in East Providence is home to grades 5-12, while Henry Barnard Lower School in Providence, RI serves our younger learners in PreK-Grade 5. The school focuses on academic achievement, encourages exploration and creative problem-solving, and promotes the values of character and good citizenship.

Dupont uses skills and values similar to those found in Seekonk to succeed in the Navy. “The job I had in my hometown prior to joining the Navy taught me the importance of a strong work ethic,” said Dupont.
60 The Reporter September 2022 Walkways • Patios • Retaining Walls Spring/Fall Clean-ups • Weekly Lawn Maintenance Hydroseeding • Bobcat / Excavation Services Tree Service • Brush Mowing Services Matt Blais, Owner FREE ESTIMATES Fully Insured Residential & www.SuperiorLCinc.comCommercial 508-252-4554 Tree Service • Brush Removal Services Seekonk Native Supports U.S. Navy’s “Take Charge And Move Out” Mission
STRATCOMMWING One employs more than 1,300 activeduty sailors and 100 contractors to provide maintenance, security, In The
TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, Okla. - A Seekonk, Massa chusetts, native is serving in the U.S. Navy as part of the nation’s nuclear deter rence mission at Strategic Communications Wing One (STRATCOMMWING ONE). Its TACAMO (“Take Charge and Move Out”) mission provides airborne communication links to nuclear missile units of U.S. StrategicSeamanCommand.Apprentice Logan Dupont, a 2021 Seekonk High School graduate, joined the Navy one year ago. “I joined the Navy because I wanted to take a different route than the traditional high
The Navy command consists of a Wing staff, the Center for Naval Aviation Technical Training, and three Fleet Air Reconnais sance Squadrons: The “Ironmen” of VQ 3, the “Shadows” of VQ 4 and the “Roughnecks” of VQ 7.
Prior to joining BankNewport, Wims was the marketing opera tions manager for NWN Carousel, and before that, the senior digital marketing manager for Schneider Electric. A graduate of the University of Rhode Island, Wims currently resides in Seekonk, Massachusetts.
Nicholas L. Drury
Dupont serves as an aviation electronics technician with VQ 4.
By Stephanie Fox, Navy Office of Community Outreach
BankNewport is pleased to an nounce that Cody Wims has been named Vice President, Digital Mar keting Manager. In his new role, he will lead BankNewport’s Digital Marketing team, managing the cam paign development, measurement and marketing technologies that support BankNewport’s business objectives. Wims will work with key stakeholders across BankNewport’s major lines of business to provide reporting aligned to their objectives and goals, and coordinates within the Digital Marketing Team to ensure Cody Wims campaign strategy and messaging across channels are aligned, tracked, and reported on.
Rehoboth Resident Graduated with PhD
The Navy’s presence aboard an Air Force base in the middle of America may seem like an odd location given its distance from any ocean; however, the central location allows for the deployment of aircraft to both coasts and the Gulf of Mexico on a moment’s notice. This quick response is key to the success of the nuclear deterrence mission.
“My favorite thing about my job is getting to learn about things that will help me get a job when I leave the Navy,” said Dupont.
Cody Wims Promoted to Vice President, Digital Marketing Manager
SeamanLoganApprenticeDupont school to college track,” said Dupont. “I also knew the Navy could help give me a better future.”
Nicholas L. Drury of Cherry Lane in Rehoboth graduated on Saturday August 6, 2022, from Texas A&M University in College Station Texas with a Doctor of Philosophy degree, majoring in Toxicology. Nicholas will be returning to his home state to begin his career in the Boston, Massachusetts area. Congratu lations to him for this very hardearned honor!

Serving in the Navy means Dupont is part of a team that is taking on new importance in America’s focus on rebuilding military readi ness, strengthening alliances and reforming business practices in support of the National Defense Strategy.
With more than 90 percent of all trade traveling by sea, and 95 percent of the world’s international phone and internet traffic carried through fiber optic cables lying on the ocean floor, Navy officials continue to emphasize that the prosperity and security of the United States is directly linked to a strong and ready Navy.
People’s Credit Union Announces Local Centennial Scholarship Honoree
The commander-in-chief issues orders to members of the mili tary who operate nuclear weapons aboard submarines, aircraft or in land-based missile silos. Sailors aboard TACAMO E-6 Mercury aircraft provide the one-of-a-kind and most-survivable communica tion needed for this critical mission.
September 2022 The Reporter 61 508-840-3987 Call for informative,anhonestandfriendlyquote.
“The Navy contributes to the National Defense Strategy because we can be anywhere at any time,” said Dupont. Dupont and the sailors they serve with have many opportunities to achieve accomplishments during their military service.
Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Anna-Liesa Hussey www. .com
“Serving in the Navy is a huge accomplishment,” said Dupont. “It makes me proud that I can do something a lot of people don’t choose to Dupontdo.”isgrateful for those that have made the Navy journey possible.“Iappreciate my family for supporting me this far,” added Du pont. “Thank you, everyone.”
People’s Credit Union has awarded six “Centennial Scholar ships” to local area high school graduates. In honor of this year’s Centennial Celebration, People’s Credit Union introduced its “Cen tennial Scholarship” to benefit students graduating from area high schools that are members of People’s Credit Union. The program was established to encourage and reward high schoolers that exhibit community involvement and volunteerism that reflect the Credit Union’s Core Values of being genuine, trustworthy, earnest, empathetic, and resourceful. The “Centennial Scholarships” each in the amount of $1,000 have been awarded to graduating high school seniors that have been accepted at college/university undergraduate or vocational programs. The scholarship awards may be used by the students at their discretion for educational expenses including tuition, school supplies, technology, or room & board. Winners were selected by an evaluation panel comprised of credit union employees.
Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9AM
FIREWOOD AVAILABLE operations, administration, training and logistic support for the Boeing E-6 Mercury aircraft fleet, an airborne command post and communications relay based on the Boeing 707. Their mission stems from the original 1961 Cold War order known as ‘Take Charge and Move Out!’ Adapted as TACAMO and now the command’s nickname, the men and women of TACAMO continue to provide a survivable communication link between na tional decision makers and the nation’s nuclear weapons.
“My proudest Navy accomplishment was getting to this com mand,” said Dupont. “This is a really important command when it comes to the Navy. Previously, it wasn’t offered to anyone who had not been in for a while, so I’m proud to be here after less than twoAsyears.”Dupont and other sailors continue to perform missions, they take pride in serving their country in the United States Navy.
Saturday 7AM-2PM Walk-ins only last walk in 30 minutes before close. Currently hiring full time and part time barbers!
3 Park St, Unit 7,
The local astudent from Seekonk is: Sarah Parent, graduating from La Salle Academy, and at tending Lafayette College 774-203-3171Rehoboth,MA -6PM

• 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
Stretch Your Grocery Budget with a Savory Solution (Family Features)
62 The Reporter September 2022 Food & Dining Guide Restaurant FridayMonday-ThursdayHours:3-9pm&Saturday12-10pmSunday12-8pm 508.557.0839 • 569 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth MA 02769GiftChristmasReservationswww.ialiverestaurant.comNowTakingforEve&ChristmasDayCertificatesAvailable Outdoor Dining Available! THE SEAFOODFRESHEST&BESTFRIEDCLAMSAROUND! Fresh Seafood Purchased Daily! Fried Burgers-SteakClams-Chowder-Clamcakes&Cheese-ChickenFingers OPEN THURS-SUN 11am-8pm 14 FALL RIVER AVE, REHOBOTH (near Seekonk Speedway) • 508.557.1691
Savor the Flavor
One Carton, Multiple Dishes
Serve Up Nutrition
• 2 cloves garlic, minced
• 1 medium onion, small diced
Low-calorie, low-sodium, fat-free and cholesterol-free, mushrooms are nutrient rich and can play a starring role in a variety of meals. With an array of fresh varieties and nearly endless ways to prepare them, they can be your powerhouse from the produce department.Findmore recipe ideas and ways to make the most of your grocery store dollars at
Creamy Spinach, Mushroom and Lasagna Soup Recipe courtesy of Emily Weeks, MS, RD, on behalf of the Mushroom Council Prep: 10 minutes ~ Cook: 30 minutes ~ Servings: 4
Stretch your dollars by stretching your meals using a process called “The Blend.” Blending finely chopped mushrooms with ground meat can extend portion sizes of your favorite meaty recipes and help your bottom line. Chop your favorite mushroom variety to match the consistency of ground meat, blend the chopped mushrooms and meat together then cook to complete the recipe. For burgers, use a blend of 25% finely chopped mushrooms and 75% ground meat. For tacos or chili, use 50% mushrooms and 50% meat or an even higher mushroom-to-meat ratio.
Thanks to mushrooms’ versatility, you can buy one large carton of mushrooms to chop up then bulk up multiple dishes, from a morning omelet to hearty soups to blended burgers.
In today’s world, grocery shopping can seem more like a burden than an opportunity to gather supplies for your family’s favorite meals. With prices of everyday ingredients fluc tuating almost daily, it’s important for many families to make their dollars go further at the store.
The savory umami taste of mushrooms means a flavorful experience in blended recipes like burgers, where the chopped mushrooms help hold in the juiciness. Or, you can chop, quarter, slice or enjoy them whole in a recipe like Creamy Spinach, Mushroom and Lasagna Soup.
Easy ways to stretch your grocery budget, like using versatile ingredients, can make the checkout experience a little less impactful on your household’s finances. Consider the benefits of mushrooms, which provide a delicious option to enhance flavor in favorite recipes while extending portions in an affordable way.
Save Money

September 2022 The Reporter 63 401-431-1322 288 Warren Avenue, East Providence DINE-IN / CURBSIDE / TAKEOUT OutdOOr PatiO NOw OPeN! Look for Specials & Family Meal Deals on Facebook Mon-Thur 11:30-9, Fri-Sat 11:30-11, Sun 11:30-7 TAKE OUT 401-434-0942 122 Taunton Avenue, East Providence Mon - American Chop Suey Tues - Turkey Dinner Wed - Meatloaf Dinner Clam Cakes/NE Chowder Thurs - Shepard’s Pie Fri - Tuna Melt w/Fries Clam Cakes/NE Chowder EP WiEnErs Breakfast Every Day - All Day! Daily Specials Under $10 Cheeseburger, Wiener & Fries $10.99 736 N Broadway East Providence, RI (401) 434-1505 Outdoor Dining Available! LIVE Mariachi Band on Thursdays! Hours: Sun-Thurs 11am-9pm Fri & Sat 11am-10pm WE ARE HIRING Famous for our Wings and Pulled Pork Over 80 Flavors of Sauce Huge Salads • 12 Beers on Draft 12 Ft HD TV Football Season Has Begun! Order your party platters here Open 7 Days A Week Dine-n or Takeout 540 Central Ave, Rte 152 • Seekonk MA WWW.BONEYARDBARBECUE.COM508-761-6854 Dine In, Take Out, or Cook at Home! • 8 ounces mushrooms, such as white but ton, crimini or portabella, sliced • 1 jar (24 ounces) marinara sauce • 1 can (15 ounces) diced tomatoes • 2 tablespoons tomato paste • 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar • 1 teaspoon granulated sugar • 1 tablespoon dried basil • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon oregano • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper • 1 bay leaf • 3 cups vegetable broth • 6 lasagna noodles, broken into pieces • 1/2 cup heavy cream • 5 ounces fresh baby spinach • 1 cup whole milk ricotta • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese, forHeattoppinglarge pot over medium heat. Add olive oil, garlic, onion and mushrooms. Cook, stirring occasionally, until onions and mushrooms soften, 4-5 minutes. Add marinara, diced tomatoes, tomato paste, vinegar, sugar, basil, salt, oregano, pepper, bay leaf and broth. Bring to boil over high heat then reduce heat to low and simmer. Add lasagna noodles and cook, stir ring often, until softened, about 15 minutes. Remove from heat and remove bay leaf. Stir in heavy cream and spinach until wilted, 2-3 Divideminutes.between bowls and top each with dollop of ricotta and sprinkle of mozzarella. Blended MushroomCrunchyWraps Recipe courtesy of the Mushroom Council Prep: 15 minutes ~ Cook: 20 minutes ~ Servings: 6 • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1/2 cup finely chopped yellow onion • 8 ounces mushrooms, such as white but ton, crimini or portabella, finely chopped • 1/2 pound lean ground beef • 1 tablespoon taco seasoning • 6 burrito-size flour tortillas (about 10 inches each) • 1/3 cup nacho cheese sauce • 6 tostada shells • sour cream • 6 mini soft taco-size flour tortillas (about 4 1/2 inches each) • shredded lettuce • diced tomatoes • shredded Mexican cheese blend • nonstick cooking spray In large skillet over medium-high heat, heat olive oil. Cook onions 1-2 minutes until translucent. Add mushrooms and ground beef. Cook about 5 minutes, or until beef is no longer pink. Stir in taco seasoning. Cook 2-3 minutes. Set aside. Lay one large flour tortilla on flat surface. Spread 2 tablespoons mushroom-meat mixture on center of tortilla. Drizzle dollop of nacho cheese over mushroom-meat mixture. Top meat with one tostada shell then spread thin layer of sour cream over tostada shell. Top with shredded lettuce, diced toma toes and shredded Mexican cheese then one small tortilla. Make sure not to overstuff so wrap doesn’t break apart while cooking. Fold edges of large tortilla toward center until completely covered. In hot skillet, generously spray with nonstick cooking spray. Carefully place wrap seam side down on skillet. Cook 2-3 minutes until golden brown. Flip and cook other side until golden brown. Repeat with remaining mushroommeat mixture, tortillas and toppings. Cut wraps half and serve.

IN MEMORIAM “May your playful soul shine on.”
Willow would light up the room with her big smile and beautiful brown eyes. She loved being with her family and going on their yearly vacations to Disney World. She enjoyed jumping on the trampoline, going to the playground, making videos and cuddling with the dogs and her big sister, Natasha. She always looked forward to weekend morning runs to get breakfast with her big brother Dominic who always loved looking after her. Willow was a pre-school student at Aitken Elementary in Seekonk and was loved by all her friends and teachers. Besides her loving parents, Willow leaves behind her big brother Dominic J. Rabideau and her big sister Natasha Q. Dryden; her grandparents; Mary A. Rabideau, Raymond H. Rabideau, Kim A. Gossellin and the late Russell G. Gossellin; as well as many aunts, uncles and cousins who love and will miss her dearly. The Manuel Rogers Funeral Home is assisting the family with arrangements. To share a memory or offer a condolence please visit Sienna Dryden
Willow Sienna Dryden
64 The Reporter September 2022 Largest selection of shade and flowering trees, shrubs, and evergreens in the area! ALL AT WHOLESALE PRICES *Delivery & Planting available *Landscape services provided ~ BUY DIRECT & SAVE ~ (508) 761-8039 1441 Newman Ave. Seekonk, MA OPEN 7 DAYS Jean M Kusiak Real Estate Brokerage TRAVASSOS & KUSIAK Broker/Owner, GRI, Notary 20 years experience (401) American Eagle Enterprises,LLC 508-622-5110 Light RemodelingPaintingCarpentry&more Handyman Service Free Estimates
Seekonk - Willow Sienna Dryden, age 4, passed away unexpect edly on August 28th. She is the beloved daughter of Christopher Dryden and Nicole Rabideau.

Olive B. (Medeiros) Soares
Olive Soares
Arrangements by the REBELLO FU NERAL HOME, East Providence. www.
Olive B. (Medeiros) Soares, age 94 of Rehoboth, passed away on August 14, 2022 at Saint Luke Hospital. She was the beloved wife of the late John Soares, Jr. Olive was born in Rehoboth, the daughter of the late Frank R. and Mary C. (Perry)BeforeMedeiros.retiring, Mrs. Soares was em ployed with the Rehoboth School Dept as a bus driver of bus #1. She was a member of the Council of Aging, and enjoyed dancing with her husband, playing cards with her family, camping and fishing. Mrs. Soares is survived by her loving children: Janet Kissell of Rehoboth, Sheryl Cory of North Dartmouth and Judi Watroba of Norton. Olive was one of 13 children. She was also the grandmother of 6 Jaime and husband Mike of Warwick, Jacob and partner Colby of Swansea, Andrea and husband Kevin of East Providence, Leah and husband Michael of Medford, MA, Tyler and wife Tyler of Rehoboth, Kellie and husband Jay of Los Angeles, CA .Olive is also a great-grandmother of 4 Victoria, Adrian, Levi, and Phillip and also leaves many nieces andOlive’snephews.funeral was on Friday, August 19, 2022 at 8:30am from the Silva Funeral Home 80 Broadway (at Saint Mary’s Square) Taunton, with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10am in Saint Anthony Church 126 School Street, Taunton. Interment followed in Saint Patrick Cemetery, Somerset. Visiting hours were held on Thursday, August 18th, from 4 to 7pm in the Silva Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts made to St Jude’s Children Foundation in Olive’s memory, would be deeply appreciated. For expressions of sympathy, to sign an online guestbook visit
Barbara was a warm, witty, and social individual. A great cook, she threw many wonderful parties in her yard and everyone wasMorewelcome.recently, she enjoyed reading, playing piano, crosswords, bingo, puzzles, and answering most of the Jeopardy clues. The Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots, and her great granddaughters ball games were major sources of pleasure.
A Memorial Service will be held on Satur day, October 1,2022, at the Rehoboth Con gregational Church, 139 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, at 11:00am , with a gathering of family and friends to follow.
September 2022 The Reporter 65 Louise Barbara (Veyera) Wil liams, 93, of Rehoboth, passed away unexpectedly at home on Wednesday August 24,2022. Barbara was born in Provi dence, the eldest daughter of Frank and Sadie (Nickelsen) Veyera. Her siblings, who pre deceased her, included Frank, Morris, Carl Veyera and Jane Albanese.She was married to late Frederick Williams Jr. for 49 years and raised 5 children. She was predeceased by Mark F., Matthew Louise Barbara (Veyera) Williams Louise Williams E., and Luke A. Williams. She is survived by Kathleen Williams Mahanes of Virginia and John S. and his wife Jane Krauth Wil liams of BarbaraRehoboth.inspired her 5 grandchildren and their spouses, Na than Nowinowski and Etta Lockey of Portland Oregon, Timothy and Mandy Williams of East Providence, Katie Williams Duarte and DJ Duarte, of Rehoboth, Paul Williams and Cathy Martel, and Samuel A. Mahanes. She was affectionately called G.G. by great granddaughters Tayla, Kassidy, Lillian, Serah, Abigail, Anthony, Nova and Nico. She had 11 nieces and nephews. Barbara graduated from East Providence High School, at tended Rhode Island College and chose elementary education for her career path. She taught first grade in the Seekonk Schools for numerous years before retiring from Martin School. Barbara had been a resident of Rehoboth for over 50 years, was a com municant at St. Nicholas of Myra Church and an active member and supporter of the Rehoboth Senior Center and the Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club.
Burial will be private at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, East Providence, RI Donations in her memory may be made to the Rehoboth Food Pantry, 51 Winthrop St. Unit 2, Rehoboth, MA 02769 or The Re hoboth Senior Citizens Club, Inc., 27 Francis Farm Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769.

SusanAttleboro.J.Main, 73, of Pawtucket, RI and former longtime resident of Rehoboth, MA passed away peace fully in Cape Coral, Florida. She was the chief, cook and first mate to her devoted husband, Steve Main. She lived a wonderful life full of her favorite things: her children and grandchildren, travelling, cruis ing, boating, sunning at the beach in Magans Bay, St. Thomas, and mostly being the hostess and life of any party with her amazing friends no matter how big or small. She loved being around people and in stantly turned strangers into friends wherever her and Steve travelled. Besides her husband she is
• John J. Tansey, Jr., 76, passed away on Friday, July 29, 2022.
Manny was a proud member of the 100th graduating class of UMass Amherst, where he earned a bachelors degree in landscape architecture. He worked as a city planner and a health agent in vari ous states, lastly in Seekonk and Lakeville, Massachusetts. After retirement, his main passion was farming and he was one of the original vendors at the Attleboro Farmers Market. He also loved going to auctions, tractor shows and flea markets.
Susan J. Main survived by her sister, Donna Marcus of Coconut Creek, FL; son, Jason Main of Severna Park, MD; daughter Manda Main of Rumford, RI and four grandchildren: Kaiden, Braden, Sydney and Brenna. She will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by her family and uncountable friends who loved her like family. Words cannot describe the impact she had on so many people’s lives.
Manuel “Manny” G. Mello
Manuel “Manny” G. Mello Rehoboth
• Stephen T. Beckler, 76, of Seekonk, MA, passed peacefully at his home early Wednesday morning, August 3, 2022, after losing his six-year battle with Lewy Body Dementia.
The Reporter September 2022 80 Broadway, Taunton MA 02780 www.silvafuneralhome.com508.822.0081
• Mary A. (Croke) Johnson, 80, passed away on Friday, July 29, 2022.
Manny leaves his four children, Debra Mello-Byrne and her wife, Christine, of Boston, Susan Quatrocelli and her husband, Paul, of Charlotte, NC, Terence Mello of Rehoboth, and Timothy Mello and his wife, Nicole, of Attleboro. He also leaves his beloved companion, Barbara Aubin of Rehoboth, five grandchildren, Kyle, Ben, Emma, Montana and Madison, four siblings, Dr. Richard Mello and his wife, Kay, of Rehoboth, Sr. Carole V.M. Mello of Fall River, Peter Mello and his wife, Maureen, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and James Mello of Rehoboth and many beloved nieces and nephews. Manny was the brother of the late Paul, Francis, Thomas and Raymond Mello. He is also survived by his former wife, Sally Mello. Relatives and friends attended a Mass of Christian Burial on Monday, August 8, 2022 at 11:00 A.M. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, 984 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk, followed by interment at St. John Cemetery in Attleboro. VISITATION was on Sunday, August 7, 2022 from 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. at WILLIAM W. TRIPP Funeral Home, 1008 Newport Avenue, Pawtucket. In lieu of flowers, memo rial gifts to the Massachusetts FFA Association (Future Farmers of America), 135 Center Street, Dighton, MA 02715 or to Anson FFA, 1509 Commercial Avenue, Anson, TX 74501, would be appreciated.
A celebration of life event is currently being planned and will be held privately for family and friends. The family asks that in lieu of flowers, please donate to the American Cancer Society in her name.
• Manuel “Manny” G. Mello, 81, of Rehoboth, passed away on Tuesday, August 2, 2022 after a brief illness.
Susan J. Main
Manuel “Manny” G. Mello, 81, of Rehoboth, passed away on Tuesday,August 2, 2022 after a brief ill ness. He was the husband of the late Karen (Barlis) Mello. A lifelong resident of Rehoboth, Manny was a son of the late Manuel and Geor gianna (Rocha) Mello.
• Renwick B. Chapman, 78, of Rehoboth, former longtime resident of North Attleboro, also formerly of Taunton and Abington, passed away peacefully after a long and valiant battle with Parkinson’s disease, on Saturday, August 6, 2022 at Sturdy Memorial Hospital in
• Harry “Tex’ Torigian, 91, of Chappell Street, Seekonk, MA, died peacefully on July 6, 2022.
• Jeanne M. (Fiore) Toole, 90, gently passed away surrounded by her loving family on Monday, August 22, just seven weeks after the passing of her husband of 63 years, Philip B. Toole, 91.
Owners and Directors, Amy Silva Rigtrup, Type 3, Lawrence Quintal, Type 3 and Christine (DeLawrence) Quintal, Type 3

September 2022 The Reporter 67 210 Taunton Ave., ROUTE 44 • East Providence RI 02914 (401) 434-2600 •
Competent Concern When the Need Arises
Affordable Funeral & Cremation Services regardless of financial circumstance Pre-Planning Specialists
Andrew J. Correia, MBIE; President/Funeral Director & Embalmer
Russell J. Hart Seekonk Cable Access for over 20 years and helped to negotiate contracts and establish the state of the art studio for TV9 Seekonk. He was inducted into the Army in 1951. He served in Germany in Kaiserslautern at the Rhine Ordnance Depot attached to the 2nd Armored Division as a track vehicle mechanic. He received his discharge in 1953. After retiring, Russ and Beverly traveled extensively. They would travel to Colorado to visit their son at the Air Force Academy and also purchased a trailer to camp in all parts of the United States and most of the national parks including Alaska. In the winter he enjoyed downhill skiing with his family in Maine, which was something he did until 2009. He leaves two children, Susan J. Chaisty and Russell J. Hart, Jr. (Ret. Colonel, USAF) and four grandchildren, Russell J. Hart, III, Dalton Hart, Paige Hart and Connor Hart. He was the father of the late Diane Lynn Hart. Funeral services will be private. In lieu of flowers contributions to the Seekonk Congre gational Church would be appreciated.
Russell J. Hart, 92, of Seekonk, passed away peacefully at his home on Saturday, June 25, 2022. He was the husband of the late Beverly A. (Calderwood) Hart to whom he was married 66 years. Born in Cranston, he was the son of the late James and Rose (Brigden) Hart. He lived in Meadow View, Warwick from 1931 to 1955 and was a resident of Seekonk since 1955. Russell graduated from Gorton High School in 1947. He played baseball for Gorton, the Warwick Veterans League, the CYO League and the Providence Amateur League. He played softball for Lark Inn, Greenwood Inn and Monowatt Co. Russ worked at BIF Industries in West Greenwich for over 35 years as an engineer and retired as VicePresident of manufacturing. He was also a project manager for Mercury Construction Company in Brockton, MA. He received a BSBA degree from the University of Rhode Island and an AME degree from Roger Williams University. He also was involved in
Russell J. Hart Seekonk – Fernando “Andy” Oliveira, 91, passed away peacefully at home sur rounded by his loving family. He was the beloved husband of Roselyn (Charron) Oliveira for forty-five beautiful years. Born in Seekonk, he was the son of the late Claudino and Erimlinda (Mendoza) Oliveira. Andy was the sole proprietor of the former Andy’s Bay State Auto Body, South Attleboro, for over sixty years. He was a Korean War veteran of the U.S. Army and a longtime member of the So. Attleboro Lions Club. Andy resided in Seekonk for most of his life and was an avid classic car enthusiast.Besides his loving wife, he is survived by two sons, Fernando Oliveira, Jr. of Pal metto, FL and Joseph Oliveira of Troutville, VA; four daughters, Sandra Parascandolo and her husband, Michael, of Johnston, RI, Laurie Robin and her husband, Robert, of Cumberland, RI, Brenda Andreozzi and her husband, Joseph, of Maidstone, VT and Dawn Quaglia of Rehoboth; twelve grandchildren; many great-grandchildren; a brother, Edward Oliveira of Seekonk and many nieces, nephews and dear friends. He was the father of the late Douglas Oliveira and brother of the late Mary Nunes, Beatrice Fontaine, Della Refino, Sadie Bolduc, Rose Pitassi, Henry Oliver and Anthony Oliveira. His funeral was held on Wednesday, June 13, 2022 and began with visitation at 9:00 a.m. in WILLIAM W. TRIPP Funeral Home, 1008 Newport Ave., Pawtucket, fol lowed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00 a.m. in St. Teresa Church, 358 Newport Ave., Pawtucket. Interment with Military Honors followed in Seekonk Cemetery, Seekonk. Memorial donations to Seekonk Animal Shelter, 100 Peck St., Seekonk, MA 02771 would be appreciated. TRIPPFUNERAL Fernando “Andy” Oliveira Fernando “Andy” Oliveira
Correction: The photos in the obituaries on this page were inadvertently switched in the August issues. This re-print shows the correct photo with its obituary.
Proudly serving Rehoboth & Seekonk families since 1898

68 The Reporter September 2022 TITLE 5 INSPECTION • Voluntary Assessments & Consulting • Septic Systems • Cesspools * Not installationsepticwithaffiliatedanysystemorpumpingco. - Est.1995No Mess! We HaNd dig CoMMerCial & resideNtial Year-rouNd serviCe ProfessioNal iNsPeCtioN serviCes Call Steven Drew • 508-667-4025 MassDEP aPProvED TiTlE 5 insPEcTor $25 InspectiononDiscountTitleV CATEGORY COMPANY NAME PAGECATEGORY COMPANY NAME PAGE Business Directory Antiques/Cash for Gold Americana Auction 34 Art Supplies/Framing Gregory D. Dorrance, Co. 52 Attorney Laurie P. Mullen, Attorney 39 Attorney Law Office of Luke P. Travis 40 Attorney Stephen E. Navega 21 Auto Body A-1 Custom Auto Body 72 Auto Body Sousa’s Auto Body 33 Auto Parts NorthEastern Auto Supply 53 Auto Repairs New England Tire 3 Barbershop Uncle Sam’s Barber Shop 61 Building Contractor A.M. Carpentry 21 Carpet Cleaning Earle’s Carpet Cleaning 33 Carpet Cleaning M & S Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 50 Child Care Teddy Bear Learning & Daycare 54 Child Care Twin Oaks Farm Learning Center 59 Chimney Cleaning RD Chimney Sweep 36 Chimney Services Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney Sweep 25 Church Rehoboth Congregational Church 48 Cleaning Service Ada’s Cleaning Services 32 Cleaning Service Debbie’s Cleaning Service 24 Collectibles Wexler’s Collectibles 30 Comic Strip Sour Grapes 55 Credit Union Community & Teachers Credit Union 56 Dance Studio Alicia’s Dance Studio 54 Dentist David C. Zaluski, D.D.S. 58 Dentist Dr. Wassouf D.D.S. 43 Dentist George Family Orthodontics 15 Dentist Seekonk Dental 18 Electrician Greaves Electric 34 Electrician Neal Bellavance Electric 40 Estate Cleanouts Clean Slate Estate, Inc 10 Estate Cleanouts Clean Slate Estate, Inc 65 Farm Osamequin Farm 45 Farm Souza Family Farm 35 Farm - Apparel Kave Rock Farm 44 Feed & Garden Store Bay State Pet & Garden Supply 11 Fence Installation Fence Tech 42 Financial Advisor Island Time Financial Services 14 Financial Services Eagle Strategies New York Life 42 Flooring - All Types Earle Dias Interiors 21 Flooring - Wood David J. Ledoux Hardwood Floors 22 Fuel - Oil Al’s Quality Oil Co. 46 Fuel - Oil E & V Oil Co. 72 Fuel - Propane Propane Plus 4 Funeral Home J.H. Williams & Co. Funeral Home 67 Funeral Home Silva Funeral Home 66 Garden Center Little Tree Nursery 64 Hair Removal Simply Silk Laser Hair Removal 20 Hair Salon Crew Cuts 55 Handyman American Eagle Enterprises, LLC 64 Health & Fitness SRA Training Systems 8 Home Improvements MH Home Services 34 Home Improvements Stateside Vinyl Siding Company 42 Horse - Theraputic Greenlock Therapeutic Riding Center 37 Insurance South Coast Benefits 5 Insurance Agency Frazao Insurance 17 Insurance Agency Smith Insurance Group, Inc 57 Jewelers Plante Jewelers 27 Junk Removal AOL Enterprises 31 Kitchen/Bath Design Infinity Kitchens 8 Landscape Materials J&J Materials 2 Landscape Service Kimmell Landscaping 25 Landscape Service Oakhill Landscape 41 Landscape Service Ouellette Landscaping 45 Landscape Service Superior Lawn Care 60 Landscape Service T. Moreshead Landscaping 29 Landscape/Tree Svc Horticultural Creations, Inc. 9 Lawn Care Lawn Doctor 58

September 2022 The Reporter 69 CATEGORY COMPANY NAME PAGECATEGORY COMPANY NAME PAGE Business Directory Croome Sanitation Inc. Commercial Residential QuickServiceDispatch QualityFamily-ownedServiceSince1962 Septic Tanks & Cesspools • Title V Inspections Vacuum Cleaned • Sewer Rooter Service 508-252-4668 • Rehoboth,508-336-7024MA e ry FREE ESTIMATES RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL OFFICE (508) 223-0577 SUPERVISED BY OWNER Liquor Store Landry Liquors 10 Marble Fabricators Star Marble & Granite 44 Masonry - Custom Jose Soares Masonry 39 Masonry-Construction StoneScapes - Mark Carvalho 29 Masonry-Construction Valter Rego Masonry 25 Masonry-Construction William Gallant, Jr. Masonry Services 49 Mortgage Lender Embrace Home Loans - Geruso 9 Mosquito & Tick Control ohDEER 17 Orthodontics George Family Orthodontics 15 Painting Contractor EZ Painting 68 Painting Contractor Iachetti Painting Company 40 Painting Contractor Levine Painting Co., Inc. 13 Painting Contractor Lundco Painting LLC. 33 Painting/Powerwashing Handrigan Renovations 24 Paving Contractor All Phase Asphalt Driveways 47 Paving Contractor Custom Paving Company 26 Paving Contractor Gem Paving & Seal Coating 23 Paving Contractor Mohegan Seal Coating Co 30 Paving Contractor Ryan Asphalt Paving 69 Pest Control Services Bi-State Pest Control 32 Pest Control Services Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions 27 Photographer W. Parmentier Photography 26 Physical Therapy Personal Best Physical Therapy 12 Plastering East Coast Plastering 23 Plumbing & Heating Sine Plumbing & Heating 52 Plumbing & Heating Vintage Plumbing & Heating 22 Powerwashing East Bay Pressure Wash 31 Private School St. Luke’s School 57 Real Estate Blu Sky Real Estate 16 Real Estate Century 21 - David Smith 19 Real Estate Keystone Property - Ruehrwein 28 Real Estate Red Maple Property Solutions 6 Real Estate ReMax Rivers Edge Agents 13 Real Estate TK Real Estate Brokerage 64 Remodeling Batty Construction 50 Restaurant Boneyard Barbecue & Saloon 63 Restaurant Dicky’s Clam Shack Two 62 Restaurant El Mariachi 63 Restaurant EP Wieners 63 Restaurant iAlive Restaurant 62 Restaurant Madeira Restaurant 63 Roofing Contractor B & R Fournier Construction, Inc. 30 Roofing Contractor East Providence Roofing 70 Roofing Contractor Tabeleys Roofing 41 RVs and Campers Camping World of Berkley 71 Seafood Market Digger’s Catch 45 Security Systems Home & Commercial Security 7 Septic Inspections Pro Inspection Services 68 Septic Systems Croome Sanitation, Inc. 69 Septic Systems Soares Sanitation Pumping, Inc. 49 Septic Systems Town Sanitation 44 Sports-Baseball RYBSA 59 Stove Shop Fireplace Showcase 28 Stump Grinding Heritage Tree & Arborist Services 32 Trash/Junk Removal Big Blue Removal Service 23 Tree Service Advanced Tree 24 Tree Service Carlson Tree Service 31 Tree Service Choate Tree Service 41 Tree Service Heritage Tree & Arborist Services 32 Tree Service Seekonk Tree Service 61 Water Treatment Water Filter Company, Inc. 20 Wells & Sump Pumps Vintage Plumbing & Heating 22

VACATION RENTAL CUSTOM LOG CABIN HOME: Pearl Lake Rd in the White Mountains of New Hamp shire. Minutes from attractions: Sugar Hill, Franconia Pkwy, Santa’s Village, Whale’s Tail Water Park, and Cog Railway; sleeps 6, fireplace, swimming, hiking, fishing, boating, kayaks or just R&R. Booking now for Fall and Winter getaways: Weekly or weekends. Call Joe at 401-439-8089.
HELP WANTED We are hiring: El Mariachi located at 736 North Broadway is hiring servers, bartend ers, dishwashers. Please call 401434-1505. Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speed way. Positions available for general help around the Flea Market Sundays thru De cember 3rd. Call Linda at 401-263-5737. WANTED Seekonk Flea Market at Seekonk Speed way. Buyers and Vendors wanted every Sunday 7AM-1PM thru December 3rd 2022. Call Linda at 401-263-5737. I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you Joe in Rehoboth 508-558-5129.
REAL ESTATE Renting Harder Hall Resort Sebring Florida; Week 47 (11/19-11/26); 1BR/1BA; Max Occupancy 4; Many amenities; Build ing 2 Unit 17; $600; Trying to sell $1000/BO;; Call Thelma 508-9425362 or HOME & GARDEN Plants for sale: Perennials, annuals, Eu onymus bushes, Angel Trumpets, Coleus, succulents, fig trees & angel’s trumpet, free small plant with visit, prices from $2-$20. Call 401-433-2922. Come and see my plants at The Weaver Library Farmers Market June 30th thru Sept 15th.
70 The Reporter September 2022
HALL RENTAL BOOK YOUR SPECIAL OCCASION PARTY NOW! Riverside Sportsman Assoc. Mohawk Drive off Wampanoag Trail. For all occasions: Birthday, Family Reunions, Club/ Organization Meetings. Cash Bar. Monthly Steak Fries and other events. Call the club at 401-433-0209, leave a message.
GENERAL SERVICES I am a Personal Care Assistant & House keeper willing to help you! Will perform many duties including meal prep, medication EASTROOFINGPROVIDENCE Shingle Roofs • Flat Roofs • Gutter Cleaning & Repair Chimney Pointing • Lead Chimneys • Slate Work • Copper Work Missing Metal Repair • Rotted Fascia Board Repair All Types of Roof Repairs RI: MA:GC-42976189147 401-545-6580 For Prompt, Reliable, Quality Work Call Chris
reminders, shower assistance, shopping/ errands, laundry, light cleaning. Call Terri for information and rates. 774-284-7600. Handyman: GSS PROPERTY SOLU TIONS LLC; Handyman, Maintenance, Home Repairs; We also offer snowplowing service & trash haul; Registered and Insured; PH: 401-688-9749; EMAIL: GSSProper Bike Shops now doing Spring Tune-ups on all brands, Riverside 401-433-4491 and Warren 401245-9755. Call Art or Joe for specials and serviceHousecleaning:now. Is your home in need of a really good cleaning? Whether you need a 1 time cleaning, or regular cleanings. Years of experience! (We include fridge and oven w/ our cleanings) Call Gil for details 508840-6611.BIGBLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House. We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. Call Tony 508-2261295;

September 2022 The Reporter 71 *(SKU 118285) Sale price $18.00, Regular $60.49. Offers may not be combined with any other offer and are notapplicable to prior sales. Product photography is for illustration purposes only and may not represent actual sale products. Valid only at participating CAMPING WORLD affiliated dealerships; See dealer for details; Voidwhere prohibited; ©️ 2022 FreedomRoads, LLC. Unauthorized use of any of CWI, Inc.’s trademarks is expressly prohibited; All rights reserved; See dealer for details. Offer(s) expire 9/14/22. BOS83073-0822 137 Myricks St. in BERKLEY, MA | 877.499.9710 | 202 3 COLEMAN RUBICON 1200RK ALL NEW Visit for complete details GOING ON NOW! MEMBERS SAVE UP TO 70% on WhileBlowoutEnd-of-SeasonSpecials*SuppliesLast!

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