June 2017 Seekonk Reporter

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The Seekonk


JUNE 2017 Volume 29, no. 6



Serving the Residents of Seekonk, Rehoboth and Surrounding Communities Since 1989

Summer Camps & Events see page 66

Seekonk Meadows 6th Annual Summer Kick-Off Celebration Saturday, June 10th from 1-5pm

Details on page 23...


2 The Reporter June 2017

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June 2017 The Reporter


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4 The Reporter June 2017

Town of Seekonk News Notes by Laura Calverley

On the cover:

Seekonk Meadows in the summer

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Inside This Issue Antiquarian Society.....................45 Birth Announcement..................87 Business Directory......................93 Camp Guide................................66 Church News/Events..................31 Classifieds...............................92 Club Announcements.................40 Dave Says...................................52 Dining Guide...............................89 Events and Activities...................28 How You Can Help....................36 Letters to the Editor.......................6 Library......................................62 Obituaries................................90 People....................................32 Rehoboth Council on Aging.......82 Rehoboth Ramblings.................11 Rehoboth Town News................12 School News..............................69 Scouts..................................56 Seekonk Human Services..........84 Seekonk Town News...................22 Sports........................................78 State House................................51 Sturdy Memorial Hospital..........80 Wedding Announcement...........48

Elections Set for Vote on Timilty Replacement

Special elections will take place in September and October for the state senate seat held by James Timilty, who resigned recently to take the position of Norfolk County treasurer. Timilty represented the Bristol and Norfolk District which includes Seekonk, Rehoboth, Norton, Mansfield, Foxboro, Walpole, Medfield and parts of Attleboro and Sharon. The primary election will be held on September 19 and the general election will be held on October 17. According to the Sun Chronicle, five candidates have announced plans to run thus far: Democrats Paul Feeney, former Foxboro selectman and former chief of staff for Timilty; and Ted Phillips, aide to state Rep. Louis Kafka, D-Sharon and Republicans Tim Hempton, a periodontist and Walpole representative town meeting member; and Mike Berry, a former Walpole selectman and the current legislative director for the Mass. Dept. of Transportation. Also, former WBZ-TV reporter Joe Shortsleeve is planning to run as an independent. The deadline for submitting signatures for certification in the race is Aug. 8

Widespread Power Outage on May 12 Impacts Local Commuters

More than 20,000 people in Seekonk, Rehoboth, Attleboro and Plainville lost electricity for about an hour on May 12. The outage was caused by a tree in Cumberland that fell on a transmission line while it was being cut down, according to an article in the Sun Chronicle. The outage caused traffic lights to go out and police were stationed at major intersections directing traffic. The power failure did not cause any major problems other than traffic issues.

Local Developer Complains to Selectmen About Board of Assessors

Charles Tapalian lodged a complaint against the board of assessors last month, according to a Sun Chronicle article. Tapalian complained that he was not allowed to speak at assessors’ meetings and said the assessor made errors in evaluating property in town. Tapalian filed a class action lawsuit against the assessors board last year which was recently dismissed in Bristol County Superior Court.

Selectmen Criticized for Postponing Green Community Designation

Selectmen were criticized recently for not allowing voters at the upcoming town meeting to decide whether the town should become a “Green Community.” Charles Peacham, energy committee chairman, wanted the board to put an article on the June town meeting warrant, according to a Sun Chronicle article. “Green Communities” is a program through the state’s Department of Energy where qualifying cities and towns can apply for state grants to fund various energy saving projects. The board of selectmen said they wanted more time to research the issue and talk to neighboring communities. They said the town may take part in the program in the future.

Man Arrested for Allegedly Dealing Drugs from Seekonk Motel

Seekonk Police reported that a search warrant was executed and a Providence man was arrested at Motel 6 on May 16. Police found “a significant amount of packaged heroin, fentanyl and cocaine” as well as two loaded handguns. Rafael Velasquez, 48, was arrested and transported to Taunton District Court for arraignment.

June 2017 The Reporter

Bill Would Increase Physical Education Requirement for Students

A bill introduced in the state legislature by state Sen. Tom McGee (D-Lynn) would require elementary school students to participate in at least 150 minutes of physical education each week and students in middle and high school to take physical education for at least 225 minutes, (3.75 hours) per week, according to an article in the Taunton Gazette. Similar versions of the bill have been introduced in the past, but failed to pass. A representative from the Mass. Assoc. of School Superintendents said the requirement may not be practical because of the time required and because schools emphasize the core academic subjects, since students are evaluated on these subjects. The bill has been referred to the education committee.

Seekonk High Wins High Art Award

Seekonk High School won second place in the Attleboro Arts Museum’s annual High Art award exhibition. The exhibition, which ran May 17 to June 1, showcases the talent of area high school students. This year’s theme was “Architecture: World Icons” and Seekonk students created an installation inspired by the Colosseum in Rome called “A Journey of Life.” Students worked after school for many months on the installation. Attleboro High School students were the first place winners.

Seekonk Valedictorian and Salutatorian to Lead Class of 2017

The valedictorian of the class of 2017 at Seekonk High School is Jacob Ciolfi and the salutatorian is Madison Gilmore. Ciolfi plans to attend Worcester Polytechnic Institute and study electrical and computer engineering. Gilmore is going to Providence College where she will study psychology and social work. Graduation ceremonies are scheduled for Friday, June 2.


The Rehoboth/Seekonk

Reporter P.O. Box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769

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Target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia - Executive Editor Advertising Dustin Oerman Lori Weinacker Feature Writers Laura Calverly Leslie Patterson Director of Advertising & Graphics Michaela Oerman


Graphics & Marketing Keri Cote Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson TCI Press Photographers David Andrade Norm Spring

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PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 news@rehobothreporter.com



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The Letters to the Editor and opinion articles do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all points of view.

6 The Reporter June 2017

Letters to the Editor... The letters in this section and opinion articles do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Let us hear from YOU! Please Note: • Letters to the Editor MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters to the Editor MUST arrive by the 20th of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory Nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!

Email: news@rehobothreporter.com

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As the end of the 2017 school year comes to an end, I would like to thank a few amazing individuals, who were there for my son through one of his most difficult years, academic and behavior wise. In the beginning of this year Mrs. Laura Lynch an 8th grade Spanish teacher seen some of his struggles, At this point she had stepped up an volunteered to mentor him through the year, realizing how difficult over all this may be...She then switch him in her home room, helping with supporting him in her class and as well as others. Organizing all his work into special binders, setting reminders of daily work, setting aside herself or others after school, daily logs, contacting me daily and much more showing so much dedication. Mostly showing my son and myself such amazing support. This teacher went above and beyond, regardless at times how difficult it may have gotten; she never gave up on him. He was a challenge for her and she loved him anyways, and never giving up on him, she will never realize how special she is to our family. The support from Secretary Anne Marie Cheney, who built a loving motherly bond with him, just as she does with all the students. On difficult days he would escort himself down to the office just to go sit with Anne Marie and to see what snacks she would have for him. She always knew the right words to say to him and he loved that, she could still get any smile out of him. As well as Assistant Principal, Mike Martone and Principal Joe Pirraglia at some of his challenging days these two came together an still showed much needed support.. In many cases most parents will say they prefer not to be contacted by any principal, but myself over the past year it was a regular call and they become family as well, as angry they may have seemed at times still never giving up on him. To a parent it truly means the world. And to all the 8th grade staff teachers thank you.. Privileged to say this school is a big part of our lives. Thank You all. Kristin Flynn




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Keith G. Marchand

Seekonk Letter Carriers Food Drive Fills Shelves At Doorways Food Pantry

The volunteers of Doorways would like to express our thanks to the Seekonk Letter Carriers for their continued support and hard work in conducting their annual Letter Carriers Food Drive. The food drive is a nationwide initiative, and the Seekonk Letter Carriers have been participating for over fifteen years. The food they collect stays in town, benefitting Seekonk residents who are experiencing hard times. Proceeds from this year’s drive helped fill the shelves at our local food pantry. Well done, and thank you again! Sincerely, Gerard McCabe Doorways Food Pantry

June 2017 The Reporter

A Note About the Senior Center

Thank you to those who attended May Town Meeting, and voted for the increase in wages for the employees of the Gladys L. Hurrell Senior Center. They surely deserve it. They have a heavy workload and a fast-paced work environment in which the employees work and assist each other as a team. Many residents, young and old, have been assisted by the caring, knowledgeable, and friendly staff. The Senior Center is a lot of different things to many different people of all ages. It is like home to many who enjoy their lunches, breakfasts and activities. Seniors and not-so seniors come with old friends and make new friends. It is a happy place. Most importantly, the Senior Center is a resource center which focuses on coordinating community-wide benefits programs; such as, Medicare and Medicaid assessment and enrollment; Affordable Care Act application and assistance; SNAP or food stamps; LIHEAP – fuel assistance; assist individuals that cannot afford specialize drugs; assist Veterans; explain Homestead Act and property tax relief for seniors and disabled; address issues with families of elderly or disabled; work with protective services in cases of elder abuse; address needs for housing repairs for low income as Rehoboth is not in Title 3 repair program; direct clients to financial assistant services as United Way, American Credit Assistance, etc.; provides Meals on Wheels; and lots more. The residences of Rehoboth should be proud of this great asset to their town. I know I am. For the last 16 or 17 years that I have been coming to the Senior Center it has flourished beyond expectations. I truly cherish the bonds of friendship that I have made; and knowing that if I have a need, I can depend on the staff and volunteers to aid me. Lorraine A. Botts Rehoboth Resident

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8 The Reporter June 2017

Soggy Skies Couldn’t Dampen the Spirits of the Marchers in Rehoboth’s Memorial Day Parade

Monday, May 29th at the Rehoboth Memorial Gazebo

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The Rehoboth-Dighton Memorial Day Committee was very busy working out the details for the May 29, 2017 event. Rehoboth and Dighton again joined forces for the annual event. Rehoboth Veterans Agent John “Jake” Kramer coordinated the event. This year’s Parade was dedicated to Clint Springer II who was killed in Afghanistan and the Veterans Agent, Jake Kramer spoke on behalf of the Springer Family who reside in Rehoboth. The Parade started at the Rehoboth Council of Aging around 10:15am and went along Bay State Road leading up to and ending at the Veterans Memorial. All divisions in the parade had a staging area for embarkation with Boy Scout Troop 13 assisting in the staging of the “Vendors” (participants in the parade). The Ceremony at the gazebo commenced around 11:40am and ended at 12:00pm with the lowering and raising of the American flag. This year we had the 338th Engineer Horizontal Construction Company out of Attleboro Reserve Center participating with their equipment along with the Massachusetts National Guard of Rehoboth, 125th Quartermaster Company. The American Legion, the Ceremony coordinators and the D-R HS Band did not allow a little rain to cancel the Parade!

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Town Of Rehoboth Has Lost 18 Veterans Since Last Memorial Day...

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Robert W. Brassard -United States Navy Robert E. Cook - United States Air Force Francis J. Dullea - United States - Army Neil J. MacDonald - United States Army Air Corps Paul R. Achtelik – United States Air Force Frank R. Rogers - United States Army Francis Souza Jr. - United States Army Edward T. Watson - United States Army Robert McCracken – United States Air Force Michael McCarthy - United States Marine Corps David L. Phillips – United States Navy John J. Van Gyzen III - United States Marine Corps Daniel J. Rapoza - United States Navy Henry Goff II - United States Air Force See pictures on pg 10....

June 2017 The Reporter

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10 The Reporter June 2017

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June 2017 The Reporter


Rehoboth Ramblings by Leslie Patterson

Summer’s More Fun with a Furry Friend

“Isn’t she cute?” This is the usual comment we hear when people first meet our dog Lucy. Yes, she is cute and loveable, but this friendly and frisky little spaniel harbors a dark secret. When we got her, I had no idea that this sweet dog exhibits what the French call “nostalgie de la boue”-- literally, “longing for the mud”. The Merriam-Webster dictionary says it refers to “an attraction to the depraved, crude or degrading”. Would that it were only mud she longed for. Many creatures love to play in the mud, but Lucy craves whatever stinks or is disgusting. We have occasionally resorted to washing her mouth out, that is, pouring mouthwash on a paper towel and wiping inside her mouth when she’s gotten into something nasty. Yuck. She celebrated a beautiful spring day by blissfully rolling on her back in the grass until I came over to see what was going on. She was rolling around on a dead snake, a very dead snake. Not only that, but the snake was apparently deceased because it had swallowed a frog that was too big for it. This revolting scene was a mini version of that lurid photo making the rounds last year, of a python in the Everglades that swallowed an alligator. Let’s just say that it did not turn out well for either animal. Ain’t nature grand? This brings me to one of my pet peeves, if you’ll forgive the pun, where people insist on being called pet parents. So I’m the dog’s mother? The name for a female dog takes a turn for the worse when applied to a human. I always think that it’s odd that the “b” word is used for a mean and nasty woman, when so many female dogs are such nice creatures. You’d think the word should be a compliment, not an insult. I see no offense in the old-fashioned term “pet owner”. It’s not like the animal can understand the phrase anyway. Of course many people say that their pets own them. I’ve also heard it said that dogs may have owners but cats have staff. At our house, the elderly cat has made it plain that she wants nothing to do with the dog and has retreated upstairs. We block off the stairs and keep the dog on the first floor. So now we have an upstairs pet and a downstairs pet. Whatever works, though I wish the two got along better. Then, there is the phrase you hear about pets being “little people in fur coats”. I beg to differ. Please see the description of dog behavior above. If a human was seen rolling around on a dead snake in the yard, the authorities would undoubtedly be called. When out walking, a human is drawn to pleasant scents like flowers, while dogs are drawn to fragrances best described as “Eau de Carrion”. But they sure can follow a trail, at least Lucy can. It’s fun to watch. Pets are indeed family members but they aren’t children. Let’s enjoy them for the loveable animals they are and laugh at their antics, within reason anyway. Thanks also to Lucy for getting me to walk more. It’s more fun walking with a dog. So, who’s a good dog, Lucy? You are! (Sometimes). On a more serious note, I’ve also heard it said that if you aren’t smart enough to realize that dogs do not belong in hot cars in the summer, you should not have a dog. Please leave your dog home when you run errands in hot weather and remind others to do the same. A car can get dangerously hot much faster than you might think and no, just leaving the windows down a bit will not help. I’ll keep repeating this every summer. As I like to say, if it’s necessary to repeat something, it’s not nagging. I’ve also neglected my seasonal tirade about litter until now, however little good it does. So insert usual rant here. A big thankyou to all the folks out there who also pick up roadside trash. Your efforts are appreciated.

As for my other summer annoyances (caterpillars, mosquitoes, ticks, poison ivy – have I left anything out?) I can only say, “Make it stop!” We keep thinking of our trip to England a couple of years ago in June. It was so nice to take a walk at dusk down a heavily wooded trail in the Wiltshire countryside, a walk free from the above nuisances. Don’t try this at home this time of year, unless you enjoy itching. Still, bugs and all, it’s our New England and we love it, especially in summer.


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12 The Reporter June 2017

Rehoboth Town News From the Town Clerk FULLY INSURED


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Hello All – I hope you all had a most enjoyable Memorial Day. I would like to take a moment to pause and remember all the brave men and women, and their families, who have made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our nation. Thank you for protecting the freedoms that we enjoy today. I would also like to thank Jake Kramer, Rehoboth’s Veterans Agent, Laura Schwall for the many hours he spent preparing for Town Clerk the Memorial Day Parade – great job Jake! The month of May was another busy month in the Town Clerk’s office, Special and Annual Town Meetings, Census finalized and reports printed, Street Listings sent to printers, Town Clerk’s portion of the Annual Report completed, Annual Report printed and distributed, reminder post cards sent out to delinquent dog owners, business certificate renewals mailed and much more.

Annual Reports Have Arrived

theenjoyable 2016Memorial Annual Report theto Town HelloPrinted All – I hopecopies you all had of a most Day. Town I would like to take a of moment pause and remember all School the brave men and women, andare theirnow families, who have made the ultimate sacrifice Offices and Committee available at Town Hall (148 while serving our -nation. Thank you for protecting freedoms that weare enjoyMonday-Thursday today. I would also like to Peck Street Town Clerk’s Office;the office hours thank Jake Kramer, Rehoboth’s Veterans Agent, for the many hours he spent preparing for the Memorial 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon) or for downDay Parade – great job Jake! load by clicking the link: https://www.town.rehoboth.ma.us/sites/ The month of May was another busy month in the Town Clerk’s office, Special and Annual Town rehobothma/files/uploads/annual_report_2016_-_final-5-8-17pdf Meetings, Census finalized and reports printed, Street Listings sent to printers, Town Clerk’s portion of the Annual Report completed, Annual Report printed and distributed, reminder post cards sent out to delinquent dog owners, business certificate renewals mailed and much more.

Special And Annual Town Meeting

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The Special Town Meeting and Annual ANNUAL REPORTS HAVE ARRIVEDTown Meeting commenced on Monday, May 8th, at the Dighton Rehoboth Regional Printed School copies of theconvening 2016 Annual Town the Town Offices School Committee are nowin High at Report 7:00ofp.m. with 99andregistered voters available at Town Hall (148 Peck Street - Town Clerk's Office; office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00 attendance for the Special Town Meeting, which dissolved at 7:22 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon) or for download by clicking the link: p.m. and at 7:30 p.m., 228 registered voters were present for the https://www.town.rehoboth.ma.us/sites/rehobothma/files/uploads/annual_report_2016_-_final-5-8-17.pdf Annual Town Meeting (ATM). Through the night the attendance ANNUAL TOWN active MEETING grew to 273 votersSPECIAL out of AND a total of 8,643 registered voters as of April 28, 2017 (last day to officially register for the May 8, 2017 The Special Town Meeting and Annual Town Meeting commenced on Monday, May 8th, at the Dighton Town The first session of with the99May 8, 2017 Town RehobothMeeting). Regional High School convening at 7:00 p.m. registered voters in Annual attendance for the meeting 10:30 p.m. voting onregistered Articles 1-7, and Special Townadjourned Meeting, which at dissolved at 7:22 p.m.after and at 7:30 p.m., 228 voters were11 present for theThe Annualadjourned Town Meeting (ATM). Through nightMay the attendance grew to 273 voters out of a total 14. session ofthethe 8, 2017 ATM reconvened of 8,643 active registered voters as of April 28, 2017 (last day to officially register for the May 8, 2017 on Monday, May 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the D-R Regional High Town Meeting). The first session of the May 8, 2017 Annual Town meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. School present toreconvened a totalonof after voting Auditorium on Articles 1-7, 11with and 14.94 The voters adjourned session of the and May 8, grew 2017 ATM 134 voters ofSchool our Auditorium Annual with Town Meeting. Monday, May 15,present 2017 at 7:00for p.m.the at thecompletion D-R Regional High 94 voters present and grew please to a total of find 134 voters presentsummary for the completion of ourWarrant Annual TownArticles Meeting. Below please Below a brief of the voted on find a brief summary of the Warrant Articles voted on at the May Special and Annual Town Meeting atsessions. the May Special and Annual Town Meeting sessions. Brief Outline of the Votes that Took Place at the 5/8/17 and 5/15/17 Special and Annual Town Meetings STM – Article 1-FY2017 Budget Amendments - Unanimously approved @ 7:18 p.m. STM - Article 2-Snow and Ice Deficit - Unanimously approved as amended @ 7:20 p.m.; Mike Deignan, Finance Committee (FINCOM) Chairman, amended the total from $156,445 as printed in the warrant to $156,604 because the town received an additional invoice. STM – Article 3- Pay Prior Year Unpaid Bill - Unanimously approved @ 7:21


STM – Article 4- FY 2017 Capital Budget - Unanimously approved @ 7:16 – typo in warrant; item #3 was a Ford 350 4-wheel drive not Ford 150. STM – Article 5- Other business - Unanimously voted to dissolve the 5-8-17 Special Town Meeting @ 7:22 p.m.

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Town Meeting came to order at 7:30 p.m., adjourned at 7:36 p.m. for the Water District Report and Reconvened Annual Town Meeting @7:38 p.m. after Water Commissioner, Joe Nunes, read the report. The report was given to the Town Clerk for filing in the town meeting records.

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ATM – Article 1 - Annual Town Surplus Equipment Auction Authorization - Unanimously approved @ 7:46 p.m. ATM - Article 2 - Fiscal Year 2018 Town Budget Recommendations from the Finance Committee – Acceptance Report - After going line by line through the FY2018 Town Government Budget (Appendix A) listening for holds, discussing those holds, and amending a few lines, the article was approved as amended @ 8:38 p.m. Line Item 51 (Police Compensation) was amended up by $38,000 by FINCOM Chair Mike Deignan. Line Item 112 (Park Commission) was amended up by $400 by Park Commission Chairman, Chuck Procopio.

June 2017 The Reporter Town approved $8,721,786 from Taxation and $324,244 from Free Cash for a total of $9,046,030. ATM – Article 3 - Fiscal Year 2018 Dighton Rehoboth Regional School District Budget and Assessment - Line 2 of Appendix B was amended up to $2,649,734 from $2,457,734 as printed in the warrant; bringing the total for Appendix B: D-R Regional School FY2018 Budget to $16,641,216. The amendment was made by Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School Committee Chair, Kathy Cooper. The amended total for Article 3 was amended up from $16,449,216 to $16,641,216 was funded with $16,044,727 from Taxation; $596,489 from Free Cash. Amended Article 3, was approved @ 9:45 p.m. ATM – Article 4 - Fiscal Year 2018 Bristol Plymouth Regional Technical School Budget - Unanimously approved @ 9:47 p.m. ATM – Article 5 - Fiscal Year 2018 Bristol County Agricultural High School Budget - Unanimously approved @ 9:49 p.m. ATM – Article 6 – Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District School Door Security Systems - Article 6, FINCOM Chair, Mike Deignan made the motion, which was approved, to move up Article 6 prior to the D-R School District Budget Article 3. DRRSD School Committee Chair, Kathy Cooper, made the motion to “Raise and Appropriate the sum of $87,203 for the installation of a security system as printed in the warrant. Said appropriation being contingent upon the voter’s passage of a ‘Capital Exclusion’ pursuant to MGL Chapter 59 §21C (Proposition 2 ½)”. The motion was seconded and voted to approve @ 9:02 p.m. The wording “Capital Exclusion” signifies this expense will go to a ballot vote for a one-time increase of $87,203 to our Proposition 2 ½ cap for one tax year only. This question will be added to the Debt Exclusion ballot question discussed in Article 7 below. An upcoming election is scheduled for Tuesday, June 27, 2017. Polls open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. – All three precincts will be open. ATM – Article 7 – Dighton - Rehoboth Regional School District Roof and Window Replacement - Article 7 was unanimously approved at 9:54 p.m. to approve the $3,576,000 debt authorized by the Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District for the purpose of paying costs of roof and window replacement at the Palmer River School and window replacement at the Beckwith School, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto; provided, however, that this approval shall not be effective unless the Town of Rehoboth votes to exempt from the limitation on total taxes imposed by G.L. c.59 §21c (proposition 2½) its assessments by the district for the payment of the principal of and interest on such debt. By approving this expense at Annual Town Meeting, we are required to hold a “Debt Exclusion” Election prior to September 15, 2017. The Debt and Capital Exclusion Election to approve or disapprove the above referenced expenses in Articles 6 & 7, is scheduled for Tuesday, June 27, 2017. All three precincts will be open for voting from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. ATM – Article 8 - Community Preservation Budget & Appropriation of Monies from Community Preservation Fund Annual Revenues - After Article 13 was voted, the order of articles to be heard resumed beginning with Article 8. Article 8 was approved unanimously at 7:33 p.m. on May 15, 2017 ATM – Article 9 – General Bylaw Amendment to Chapter A – Revolving Accounts - Article 9, as printed in the warrant, was approved unanimously at 7:34 p.m. ATM – Article 10 – Authorizing Revolving Accounts - Unanimously approved at 7:35 p.m. ATM – Article 11 – Amendment to Chapter E – Zoning Bylaw Article 2.0 Definitions - Articles 11, 12, 13, and 14 were motioned, by Planning Board Chairman Chris Cooper, to be moved up in order prior to Article 8. Chairman Cooper’s request was approved with the articles being heard in the order of Article 14 first, followed by Articles 11, 12 and 13. Article 11 received the required two-thirds approval at 10:30 p.m. first by voice vote and then by hand vote (108 Yes; 15 No) as required by the Attorney General’s Office for any Zoning Bylaw Amendment. ATM – Article 12 – Amendment to Chapter E Zoning Bylaw Article 6.7 Site Plan Approval - As mentioned earlier in Article 11 summary, Article 12 was moved up in order; honoring Planning Board Chairman, Chris Cooper’s, request. Article 12 was the first article to be heard after the 5-8-17 Annual Town Meeting reconvened on Monday, May 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Article 12 was unanimously approved at 7:22 p.m. on May 15, 2017 ATM – Article 13 – Chapter E Zoning Bylaw Amendment – Marijuana Temporary Moratorium - As mentioned earlier in Article 11 summary, Article 13 was moved up in order; honoring Planning Board Chairman, Chris Cooper’s, request. Article 13 was the second article to be heard after the adjourned session of the 5-8-17 Annual Town Meeting reconvened on Monday, May 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. Article 13 received a two-thirds voice and hand count (92=Yes; 5=No) approval at 7:24 p.m. on May 15, 2017 ATM – Article 14 - Re-Authorize Revolving Account Forestry Department - As mentioned earlier in Article 11 summary, Article 14 was moved up in order to be heard after Town Meeting’s vote on Article 7; honoring Planning Board Chairman, Chris Cooper’s, request. After discussion, a motion was made that Article 14 be tabled for further study. The motion to table received the 2/3rds vote at 10:18 p.m. to table for further study and will be brought back on the Fall Town Meeting warrant. ATM – Article 15 – Acceptance of MGL Chapter 140 Section 139(c) - I sponsored this article to benefit the residents of Rehoboth who are 70 years of age and older. By accepting this section of Massachusetts General Law, residents over

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The Reporter June 2017

70 years of age will not have to pay the $10 or $20 yearly dog fees; however, they will still need to register their dogs – free of charge. After further discussion with Town Counsel, I amended the Article to remove the sentence beginning with “No fees” and ending with “thereunder”, as we already enforce that section and therefore, it was not needed. Article 15 was unanimously approved as amended at 7:40 p.m. on May 15, 2017. ATM – Article 16 – Acceptance of MGL Chapter 90 Section 17C - In the opinion of the Chair, our Moderator Bill Cute, the article was defeated by voice vote at 8:00 p.m. on May 15, 2017. ATM – Article 17 – Acceptance of MGL Chapter 44 Section 53 ¾ - Unanimously approved at 8:01 p.m. by voice vote on May 15, 2017 ATM – Article 18 - Acceptance of Board of Health Transfer Station Report - Presented by Ms. Rachel Smith Unanimously approved @ 8:03 p.m. The report was given to the Town Clerk for filing in the town meeting records. ATM – Article 19 -Board of Health Transfer Station Offset Receipts - Presented by Ms. Rachel Smith Unanimously approved @ 8:05 p.m. ATM – Article 20 -Acceptance of Rehoboth Ambulance Committee Report - Presented by Mr. Scott Meagher Unanimously approved @ 8:14 p.m. The report was given to the Town Clerk for filing in the town meeting records. ATM – Article 21 – Acceptance of Report of the Blanding Public Library - Presented by Ms. Wendy WolfeCardarelli - Unanimously approved @ 8:19 p.m. The report was given to the Town Clerk for filing in the town meeting records. ATM – Article 22 – Acceptance of Report of the Rehoboth Housing Authority - Mr. Neal Harrington was asked to speak in the absence of Mr. Bob McKim – the Town unanimously approved Mr. Harrington’s update @ 8:23 p.m. However, no report was filed with the Town Clerk – Mr. McKim will be filing a report at a later date. ATM – Article 23 – Transact any other business as may legally come before said meeting. - The following announcements (below) were made by the Moderator prior to adjourning Town Meeting.  Boy Scout’s Town Meeting can drive collected 101 pounds of food and $28 in cash donations.  Openings – Town Committees  Two – Board of Health positions  One 3-year - Finance Committee Position  One - Zoning Board of Appeals Associate Member  One - Agricultural Commission – Alternate Member  Two - Personnel Board Members  If interested in any of the above positions; complete a talent bank form (copy appears on the last page of the 5-8-17 Special and Annual Town Warrant) and submit to the Board of Selectman’s Office – 148 Peck Street, Rehoboth.  Mike Deignan was recognized to speak. Mike wanted to thank Colleen Simpson for her time and dedication as Finance Committee Vice Chairman and member for the past 3 ½ years.  Volunteers are needed for the 375th Anniversary Committee – complete the “special” 375th Anniversary Talent Bank forms available at the Board of Selectman’s office.  New website with updated information on Rehoboth’s 375th Anniversary: http://rehoboth375.com/ There being no further business, the May 8. 2017 Annual Town Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. and dissolved at 8:31 p.m. on Monday, May 15, 2017.

The Moderator and I would like to thank Boy Scout Troop 13 for collecting canned goods and cash The for Moderator andPantry I would likemeeting to thank Boy Scout Troop donations the Rehoboth Food during town and for leading both sessions of town13 formeeting collecting canned goods and cash the donations in the Pledge of Allegiance. In addition to thanking 273-voters whofor camethe out toRehoboth the May 8, 2017 Special and during Annual Town Meetings and the 134and votersfor wholeading came out forboth the second session of of Food Pantry town meeting sessions Town meeting Meeting on May 2017Pledge (thank you of all!),Allegiance. I would personallyIn likeaddition to thank all those individuals town in15, the to thanking who273-voters helped Mr. Cute who and I putcame togetherout and run town meetings. First ofSpecial all, thank youand Lynn Annual Shaker, the toour the May 8, 2017 Assistant Town Clerk, for preparing the voter lists, and supply bags/materials for town meeting. Thank Town Meetings and the 134 voters who came out for the second you Registrars Kathy Conti, Helene Vitale, and Jenn Moitoso for helping run the April 28th, voter session Town Meeting on Rousseau, May 15, 2017 (thank youHoderny all!),forI would registrationof session. Thanks go out to Derek Richard Barrett, and Brandon setting personally to thank all those individuals helped Mr. Cute up, filming, andlike streaming “live” of Town Meeting along with promotingwho the town meeting sessions on Rehobothtv.org and the bulletin boardrun on ourour local town cable channel 9. Thank you First to our dedicated and I put together and meetings. of all,election thank workers for working town Assistant meeting: Mel &Town Ed Bliss,Clerk, Lorrainefor Gobeille, Charlotte Castro, Daggett, you Lynn Shaker, preparing the Jane voter lists, Pattysupply Richmond,bags/materials Nancy Swallow, and Evefor Viau.town Our dedicated, helpful,Thank tellers: Cheryl Linda and meeting. youGouveia, Registrars Greaves, Kathy Cooper, Kelly Hathaway, Nancy Muri, Jennifer Rousseau, and Kathy Conti. – thank you Kathy Conti, Helene Vitale, and Jenn Moitoso for helping run the all. Thank you also to Helen Dennen for preparing the motions prior to town meeting and faithfully April 28th, voter registration outandtoFrank Derek delivering the moderators podium to and fromsession. town meeting. Thanks Thanks Helen,go Cheryl, for

Rousseau, Richard Barrett, and Brandon Hoderny for setting up, filming, and streaming “live” of Town Meeting along with promoting the town meeting sessions on Rehobothtv.org and the bulletin board on our local cable channel 9. Thank you to our dedicated election workers for working town meeting: Mel & Ed Bliss, Lorraine

Gobeille, Charlotte Castro, Jane Daggett, Patty Richmond, Nancy Swallow, and Eve Viau. Our dedicated, helpful, tellers: Cheryl Gouveia, Linda Greaves, Kathy Cooper, Kelly Hathaway, Nancy Muri, Jennifer Rousseau, and Kathy Conti. – thank you all. Thank you also to Helen Dennen for preparing the motions prior to town meeting and faithfully delivering the moderators podium to and from town meeting. Thanks Helen, Cheryl, and Frank for helping break down the Town Meeting materials, we were done in record time! Thank you to the high school custodial staff for setting up and taking down all the tables/seating sections/meeting areas, etc. in the auditorium and foyer of the high school also. Finally, a huge thank you to my daughter Jenn for always being there, at every town meeting session, to help with set up and take down. Without the help of every individual mentioned, town meeting would not be able to take place as efficiently as it does. Thank you all for your continued support.

Three Upcoming Unanticipated Elections

So much for a slow election year! As a result of Town Meeting’s vote on Articles 6 & 7 (see above), the Selectmen scheduled a Capital Exclusion and Debt Exclusion Election for Tuesday, June 27, 2017. Last day to register to vote in the June 27, 2017 election is June 7, 2017 from 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Voters may register at www.RegisterToVoteMA.com or at the Town Clerk’s Office (Hours of business: Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m; Friday 8:00 a.m.-12:00 Noon). Polls will be open on Tuesday, June 27th from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. and all three Precincts will be open for voting. The two ballot questions will read:

Capital Expenditure Question One Year Tax Increase Only

“Shall the Town of Rehoboth be allowed to assess an additional $87,203.00 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purposes of funding the Town’s assessment for the installation of door security systems at Palmer River Elementary, Beckwith Middle School and Dighton Regional High School and for all costs related thereto for the fiscal year beginning July first two thousand seventeen? Yes ____ No ____”

Debt Exclusion

Tax Increase for the Life of the Bond

“Shall the Town of Rehoboth be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay its assessments by the District to pay the principal of and interest on the bond issued by the Dighton Rehoboth Regional School District in order to pay the costs of roof and window replacement at Palmer River School and window replacement at Beckwith School, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto? Yes ____ No ____”

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REMINDER: As we learned from the Municipal Complex Debt Exclusion Election, the State will not permit the Town Clerk’s Office or Election Workers to discuss the ballot questions at the polling site. Therefore, if you are unsure of your vote after reading the questions above, please contact a School Committee representative, Selectman, Assessor’s Office, Treasurer’s Office or the Town Clerk’s Office prior to the June 27, 2017

June 2017 The Reporter election. We will try to answer your questions the best we can. We will not be able to answer any questions on Election Day ~ Thank you! The second and third unanticipated elections were scheduled due to Senator James Timilty resigning his State Senate seat. To fill the vacated seat, a State Primary will take place on Tuesday, September 19th and the State Election will be held on Tuesday, October 17th. Last day to register to vote for both elections is Wednesday, August 30th (9-19-17 election) and Wednesday, September 27th (10-17-17 election).

***Change in Fall Town Meeting Date***

Please mark your calendars . . . Due to the State scheduling the State Senate Election on Tuesday, October 17, 2017; we will need to move our scheduled Fall Town Meeting Date from Monday, October 16, 2017 to Monday, November 6, 2017. Last day to register to vote will be Friday, October 27th from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.


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10% Senior Discount ~ Free Estimate ~ No Job Too Small DOG LICENSES WERE DUE APRIL 1, 2017 – 60-DAY GRACEon PERIOD IS ENDING continued next page... All dog licenses were due and payable by April 1st. After a 60-day grace period, delinquent dog owners will be assessed a $15.00 late fee, per dog, for any licenses that have not been renewed by June 1st. To

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The Reporter June 2017

Dog Licenses Were Due April 1, 2017 60-Day Grace Period Is Ending



All dog licenses were due and payable by April 1st. After a 60-day grace period, delinquent dog owners will be assessed a $15.00 late fee, per dog, for any licenses that have not been renewed by June 1st. To date we still have 474-dogs that remain unlicensed. Lynn and I have really tried to help the dog owners remember to register their dogs before we were required to charge late fees. We mailed a renewal form in the January census with a return envelope, we held a $12.00 rabies clinic in March, and we implemented an online payment service to pay online. Dog owners who have not registered their dogs also received a postcard in May reminding them of the upcoming late fee deadlines. In addition, a press release was sent to the local newspapers in April, and the town website has also publicized the deadlines under “News and Announcements”, we e-mailed all residents who signed up for e-mail notifications that the June 1st deadline was approaching. We also had a message displaying on the “Bulletin Board” scroll on Cable Channel 9 at RehobothTV.org. If you are one of the 474 dog owners who still need to register their dogs, unfortunately you will be assessed an additional $15.00 per unlicensed dog if the license is not renewed by June 1. We are truly sorry for the added expense; however, it is required by Mass General Law and our Town “By Laws” and it is unfair to those who registered within the prescribed timeframe. Please register your dog before the next deadline (July 15, 2017) to avoid an additional $25.00 late fee and a non-criminal citation. Thank you.

Website – Subscribe to News & Urgent Alerts


Just a reminder . . . to keep up to date on all the election and town meeting changes, please register online to receive reminders of upcoming Town events. All residents, who subscribed to News & Alerts on the town website, know what is going on in Rehoboth . . . So, Please Don’t Be Left Out . . . Please Sign Up for “Subscribe to News & Alerts” on the town website. Here are the step-by-step for Spring Specials directions: Step 1: Go to our Town Website @ www.town.rehoboth.ma.us Rubberized Crack Filling & Click on “Subscribe to News” in the “Citizen Action Center (left Seal Coating • Chip Sealing side of home page). Asphalt Patching Step 2: Enter your e-mail address – confirm e-mail address & Residential & Commercial choose alerts and/or documents you would like to receive via e-mail. Step 3: Enter the “Re-Capta” code and click on the “Subscribe Me” on the bottom of the page. You will receive notification of upcoming news, events, meetings, Fight the Cost of New Pavement... elections, and alerts based on what you select to receive. If you We Seal your Old Pavement would like to view the step by step visual directions for subscribing to the website’s News and Urgent Alerts, please go to: http://www. we use... town.rehoboth.ma.us/town-clerk/pages/subscribe-news-step-stepdirections

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The 2017 Census Population Has Been Set

As of May 11, 2017 the new 2017 population figure is set at 12,568. Our population has consistently been over the 12,000 figure over the past eight years (2010=12,237; 2011=12,017; 2012=12,076; 2013=12,060; 2014=12,175; 2015=12,008; 2016=12,219; 2017=12,568). Thank you to all the residents who returned their census forms, thank you Lynn and Registrars (Helene, Jenn, and Kathy) for helping me process and file the census forms and for the numerous phone calls made to encourage residents to return their census forms.

Non-Respondents to Annual Town Census

As of June 1st, if you have not responded to the 2017 census your voter status will be changed to inactive, as per State mandates. We are required to mail voter inactivation cards to each non-respondent. Unless you return the voter inactivation card with confirmation that you still live in the Town of Rehoboth you will be placed on the voter inactive list. Individuals who are on the Inactive List (those who have not completed the annual town census or returned the acknowledgment card) will need to provide proof of continuous residency before being allowed to vote in any state or town election

June 2017 The Reporter and/or town meeting. We still have 176 households that have not responded to our town census. The number of Non-Respondents in Precinct I are 52, Precinct II – 62 and Precinct III – 62.

Business Certificates

Business owners are reminded that the application fee for a business certificate and/or business certificate renewal is $50.00 and that your certificate is valid for four years. New business owners must first go to Building Inspector/Zoning Officer, to complete a sign off sheet and then to the Town Clerk’s Office, as your final step, to be issued a Business Certificate. For more information, please go to the Town Clerk’s website and choose Business Certificates (http://www.town.rehoboth.ma.us/town-clerk/pages/ business-certificates ).

Thank You For Your Service

Over the past month, a few very special people, who have dedicated many years of their time to the Town of Rehoboth, have decided to move on and enjoy their retirement. I would personally like to thank Suzanne Withers for seventeen years of dedicated service as an Election Worker and Deputy Warden for Precinct I, Carl Chase for nineteen years of dedicated service as Constable, and Kathy Knight for almost sixteen years of dedicated service as a member of the Board of Health. I wish you all the best as you travel a new path in life; we all thank you for your time and dedication. In closing, during the month of June, Lynn and I wish all the Fathers a Happy Father’s Day. Please remember to fly your American Flag on June 14th in honor of Flag Day, and as Summer begins on June 21st, we wish you all a happy, healthy, safe, and memorable Summer ! Sincerely, Laura & Lynn

Zoning Workshop

June 20, 2017 – 7:00 PM

The Board of Selectmen will host a Zoning Workshop on June 20, 2017 at the Rehoboth Senior Center, 55 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA at 7:00 P.M. Town Counsel, Jay Talerman, will conduct the workshop and will address questions from attending boards, committees and departments, as well as from the public. Workshop will focus on Mass General Law Chapter 40A Zoning and Chapter 40B relating to Comprehensive Permits. The purpose of Zoning is “to promote the health, safety, convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Rehoboth, Massachusetts, to regulate properly the location, size and use of buildings, and the use of premises in the Town; to lessen the dangers from fire, congestion and confusion, and to improve and beautify the Town as provided by Chapter 40A of the General Laws, amendments and additions thereto” (Town of Rehoboth General Bylaws, Chapter E Zoning Bylaw, Article 1.0 Authority and Purpose). All Town boards, committees and Town personnel are strongly encouraged to attend. Anyone from the public is also welcome to attend.


Rehoboth Animal Shelter The Rehoboth Animal Shelter is happy to report that both Pearl and Mad Max have found happy homes, but there is a new cat waiting for an equally good result. We don’t know how Smoke ended up homeless -he is a friendly, fluffy boy who loves to cuddle and would make a great pet. Smoke is neutered, vaccinated, and combo-tested negative. For more information about Smoke, or to report a lost or found pet, please contact the shelter at 508-252-5421 or e-mail a.ruscetta@comcast.net. For more information about animals at the shelter, see http://awos.petfinder.com/shelters/MA152.html

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The Reporter June 2017



Yamaha Adventurer Utility Vehicles

Seekonk Honors Fallen Military with Parade & Ceremony

By Laura Calverley After several days of rainy weather, the sun came out on Saturday, May 27 for Seekonk’s annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony to honor veterans who lost their lives fighting for our country. Families lined the streets of Arcade and Newman Avenues to watch the parade which began at 10 a.m. at Seekonk High School. Participants included the Seekonk High School marching band, the Bristol County Fife and Drum unit, Police and Fire Department Bagpipers, a calliope band organ from Worcester Sound & Lights, Scout troops, youth sports teams, several antique tractors and fire engines, and more. The parade marshal was Ralph Travis who served in the U.S. Marine Corps and was stationed on a Navy ship during the Korean War.

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Selectmen and Parade Chairman David Viera with Parade Marshall Ralph Travis

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After the parade, more than a hundred people gathered at the Seekonk Veterans Memorial for the ceremony. The high school marching band performed several selections before the ceremonies began.

Seekonk Veterans' Services Officer James LaFlame Opens Memorial Day ceremony.

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The flag is raised by David Viera and Donald Kinniburgh. continued on page 20...

June 2017 The Reporter


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We highly recommend Slepkow, Slepkow & Associates, Inc. Attorneys at Law 481 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence, RI 02915 401-437-1100 Fax 401-437-5066 • www.slepkowlaw.com


The Reporter June 2017


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June 2017 The Reporter


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Seekonk High School band marches in the parade.


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No one offers a better deal! Call 508.252.6575 to Advertise! Police and Fire Department Bagpipers march in the parade. Veterans’ Services Officer James LaFlame served as master of ceremonies. The National Anthem was sung by retired Providence Police Officer Luis Del Rio. Speakers included Selectman and Parade Chairman David Viera and State Rep. Steve Howitt. Seekonk resident Margie Rieske, whose brother was a Vietnam veteran and died last year, read a poem she wrote as a tribute to him and other veterans. Fire Department Chaplain John Amaral gave the benediction. “We are so honored today to remember the brave men and women who have given their lives throughout the history of our great nation,” Amaral said. Viera, who has chaired the Memorial Day parade committee for 39 years, said that many young people today tend to forget the true meaning of Memorial Day. Memorial Day is often thought of as the beginning of summer, or a holiday for getting together with family and friends for a cookout. He said it was up to us to make sure our children know what Memorial Day is all about. “What Memorial Day is all about is those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country so we can enjoy a beautiful day like today,” Viera said. continued on next page...

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The Reporter June 2017


The Seekonk Scene The Clerk’s Corner

Boy Scout Troop 1 of Seekonk marches in the parade. Howitt said it was one of the largest turnouts he’d ever seen for the parade. He said today was a day to remember the veterans who lost their lives. “As long as we keep remembering them, their memory will not die and therefore they will never die,” Howitt said. “Let’s hope we have no more wars so there will be no more names on this beautiful memorial in Seekonk,” Howitt said. LaFlame read a proclamation from Governor Charlie Baker and asked everyone to remember the men and women who are currently serving in the military as well as those who gave their lives in the fight for freedom. “Let us remember all those deployed today, They are far from home but close to our hearts. Let us salute them and wish for their safe return. Let us pause to reflect upon the sacrifices of all who have fallen in service to our country,” LaFlame said. “Let us make Memorial Day every day by never failing to honor the men and women who gave their all . . . Their sacrifice will serve as the staunchest of warnings to our enemies that we shall never abandon the cause of liberty,” LaFlame added. To close the ceremony, Seekonk High School Band Director John Smialek played “Taps.”

Deadline to get your news in the papers is the 25th of each month Send to news@rehobothreporter.com

Greaves Electric

For All Your Electrical Needs Generators • New Construction Remodels • Service Updates

June, the sixth month of the year, brings Flag Day, Father’s Day, and the Summer Solstice. In the Town of Seekonk the month of June brings; High School Seniors Graduating June 2 nd ; The Annual Spring Town Meeting June 5th and on June 10th the Seekonk Meadows Annual Summer Kick-Off with art, music, food and fun for all ages. Here in the Town Clerk’s office, with our freshly painted walls (thank you Florice Craig DPW) and a bit of spring-cleaning we are looking good and getting ready for the summer and the many tasks it brings. The first being The Annual Spring Town Meeting being held 7pm June 5th at the Seekonk High School auditorium, located at 261 Arcade Ave. It is an important meeting as it allows town residents the opportunity to see the budget, ask questions and vote on it. Town meeting is one of the most democratic exercises in government as it allows questions and discussions from residents, on the budget and all warrant articles. Some warrant articles also involve spending and the transferring of money to various town accounts. We are still updating census data and will be sending out post cards to the residents in town who did not answer the census this past winter. If you receive this postcard please mail it back so we can update your information. Just a reminder that failure to respond to the census mailings for two consecutive years will result in the removal from the active voting list and may result in removal from the voter registration rolls per MGL Ch. 51 4c. As of June 1st Dog Licenses renewals are past due. There will be a $20.00 late fee per dog imposed on license renewals. The license fees are $10.00 for spayed or neutered dogs. $20.00 for un-spayed or un-neutered dogs. If you are late renewing please remember to add $20.00 per dog to the above fees. A late fee isn’t required for dogs obtained after June 1st. One of the many jobs of the Town Clerk and Assistant Town Clerk is to keep up with new information from all sources particularly from the State. This helps us keep current so we can better serve the town. On June 15th we will be going to the Massachusetts Town Clerk’s Association Spring Conference in Plymouth, MA. One of the classes we will be taking is How to use the VRIS (Voters Registration Information System) more effectively. It will be presented by Brigid Battell, Supervisor of the Help Desk & Michelle Tassinari, Director/ Legal, Counsel, Elections Division, SOC Office Just when we thought it was going to be a quiet year for Elections in the Town Clerk’s Office Senator James E. Timilty resigned causing a Primary Election and then Special Election to take place this fall. The State Primary is scheduled for September 19, 2017 and the State Election is scheduled for October 17, 2017. By the time you read this Memorial Day will be over but I want to say thank you to all military personnel for the sacrifices you have made for our freedom.

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June 2017 The Reporter


Seekonk Meadows 6th Annual Summer Kick-Off Celebration Saturday, June 10th from 1-5pm

Seekonk Meadows, located on the nine-acre grounds of the Seekonk Library, 410 Newman Avenue, Seekonk, Ma. 02771 (508) 336-8230, will be holding its 6th annual Summer Celebration on Saturday, June 10th from 1-5pm.

Performances On The Amphitheater Stage

1:00 - 1:45 RI Philharmonic Youth Rock Combo, Under the direction of George Leonard 2:00 - 3:00 John Porcino, Story Teller/Musician Mix of stories and songs with warmth and humor Sponsored by the Seekonk Cultural Council 3:00 - 5:00

Ten Rod Ramblers Folk-rock classics of the 60’s and 70’s

Some of the Participants

• Professional Kite Flying: Demonstrations & kite flying by Gary Engvall of ConnectiKITERS Kite Club • Seekonk Artist Network: Pop Up Gallery, Community Art Project, Artist Meet & Greet • U.R.I. Master Gardener: Materials and advice on plants & gardening • Seekonk Parks and Recreation: Backyard Games • Seekonk Public Library Children’s Dept.: Nature inspired art projects, books and take-home project sheets • Seekonk Conservation Commission: Children’s nature scavenger hunts • Seekonk Community Preservation Committee • Food for purchase by Lemon & Oil of Seekonk

Scheduled Times

1:00 – 3:00 pm Kite Making Drop In: Free kite making workshop for children with professional kite maker Maggie Engvall who will help each child make their own kite. 4:00 pm Evergreen Nursery Demo: Larry Hindle shares annual container gardening tips The funding for Seekonk Meadows has been raised entirely by private donations. Gifts can be made payable to the Seekonk Library Trust with a memo line designating the Seekonk Meadows project and sent to the Seekonk Public Library, 410 Newman Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771. For additional information please visit the Seekonk Meadows page on the library website at www.seekonkpl.org or contact cherylafaria@verizon.net.

Seekonk Fire Museum News The Seekonk Fire Museum will be opening for the season beginning in April.

The Museum will be open the first Saturday beginning in April to September from 10:00 am to noon. The museum displays antique fire equipment and many photos and memorabilia on the history of firefighting in Seekonk. The museum is located at the former Station #3 headquarters at 211 Newman Avenue. It is run by the Central Volunteer Fire Association.

The museum may be open for special occasions with advance notice when possible.

Celebration at Seekonk Meadows

For additional questions, call Bill George: 508-951-1398.


The Reporter June 2017

Seekonk Community Preservation Committee to Hold Public Hearing on June 12

The Seekonk Community Preservation Committee will hold its annual public hearing on June 12 at 7:30. The meeting will take place in the Town Hall Planning Board Room. The purpose of the meeting is to introduce the application procedure for Community Preservation Act grants and to encourage residents of Seekonk to ask questions and familiarize themselves with the areas supported by CPA grants: Open space, Historic preservation, Affordable community housing and Recreation. Projects can be developed by individuals or organizations, but they must meet the criteria set forth in the application process. Although the CPC selects the projects, all must be voted on by town residents and only those projects receiving a majority of votes will be funded. The Public Hearing is an excellent chance to ask questions and to learn more about the Committee CPC members participated in the Runnins River Trail opening on May 13. This project was initiated by the Seekonk Land Trust and involved cooperation between the Land Trust, the Conservation Commission and the Department of Public Works. The project was largely funded by 3 CPA grants, one of which was the first successful application to the Seekonk CPC. More information about the Community Preservation Act can be found on the Town website and at CommunityPreservation.org.

Kiwanis of Great Seekonk

At the Seekonk High School class night, Kiwanis of Greater Seekonk presented two (2) $1000 scholarships named the Morris Goldberg Scholarships. They were created by our founder who encouraged students to value participating in community service. The first scholarship was presented to Perry Joubert who has been a member of the Key Club and performed over 100 hours of community service. She has also participated in S.P.E.A.K, the volleyball varsity and travel team, the Spanish Club and the Ski Club. Perry plans on attending Fitchburg State University to study to become a film director. Through this medium she hopes to create scenes that resonate with people and improve their lives. She also intends to continue her community service activities to help others. The second scholarship was presented to Mackenzie Morris who also performed 100 hours of community service. She received the gold presidential award for four years, participated in volleyball, basketball, track and field, the peer helping network, and the science club, the yearbook and the national and Spanish honor societies. Mackenzie plans on attending Springfield College to major in sports biology. She hopes to continue her education and Complete Servicesfor: for: Remodeling, Additions, Complete Services Remodeling, Additions, become an anesthesiologist so that she can relieve patients’ pains and insure the procedures will be successful. Kitchens,Bathrooms, Bathrooms, Siding, ng ng Kitchens, Siding,Roofi Roofi

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Seekonk Animal Shelter G arvan is a handsome, short haired, black and white male cat who is approximately 3 - 4 years old. He is a large kitty who loves attention and really enjoys being pet and having his belly rubbed. At Garvan first he was not very fond of being picked up, but he is learning that sitting in your lap means extra petting! Garvan is a FIV positive kitty that’s ready for adoption; he is up to date on vaccines, neutered, and microchipped. He likes other cats and wouldn’t mind sharing a home with another friendly feline. This sweet, affectionate boy is excited to find his forever home…are you ready to open your heart and home to Garvan? Visit him at the Seekonk Animal Shelter, 100 Peck Street, Seekonk MA. Please call with any questions. 508-336-6663.

June 2017 The Reporter

Doorways food pantry wishes to thank the parishioners of Our Lady of Mount Carmel church for their generosity in a recent parish food drive. The quantity of food donated was simply staggering – several thousand pounds of food worth thousands of dollars. Volunteers from OLMC delivered the food to Doorways in a convoy, then stayed to help unload and sort the donations. Their parish gift supports many Seekonk residents, and the food provided will grace the pantries of homes in our community for weeks to come. More than sixty local families rely on Doorways on a regular basis, and Doorways, in turn, relies on people like the parishioners at OLMC. Thank you!

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Doorways “Thank you” to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church


Deadline to get your news in the papers is the 25th of each month Send to news@rehobothreporter.com OLMC Volunteers


Thank You Stop & Shop

Stop & Shop employees present a check to the Doorways food pantry from proceeds of their “Food for Friends” campaign. Store patrons purchase a prepackaged box of food, which is donated directly to Doorways; the proceeds of the sales are then donated directly to the Boston Food Bank and Doorways. In the past 12 months, the Newman Avenue Stop & Shop’s “Food for Friends” campaign has donated hundreds of boxes of groceries and over $5,000 in monetary donations. In addition, Stop & Shop makes weekly donations of meat and baked goods to the food pantry. Doorways is very thankful to the store, its employees and its patrons for their generous support.


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The Reporter

June 2017

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Friends of Friends Incorporated Yard Sale to Benefit the Residents of Seekonk Saturday, June 24, 2017

(rain Sunday, June 25, 2017) 9:00am – 2:00pm Space Size: 12’ x 12’ (all spaces outside –bathroom & café available) Set-Up Time: 7:30am – 8:30am; Space Fee: $30 for a space (non-refundable). Vendors must provide their own tables, tents and tent anchors. Location: Seekonk Senior Center, 540 Arcade Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771 More Info: If you have questions about the event, please call Beverly at 401.749.4841 or Email: dellagrotta24@aol.com. Please completely fill out the form below and submit by May 9, 2017. Keep this top informational portion for reference.

239 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth e r

(508) 252-2300 y  www.lauriemullen.com

REGISTRATION FORM (please print clearly)

Name Address

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Email Telephone I, undersigned, do hereby release Friends of Friends Incorporated, its members and associate members and the Town of Seekonk, Massachusetts from any and all responsibility and liability for damage or injury to myself, or product, while participating in the aforementioned activity. By signing this contract, I acknowledge and accept as legal and binding the rules and regulations of the committee. Signature of Applicant Date

WE THANK YOU! PAYMENT due in full by May 9, 2017. Drop off or mail your check and registration form to Friends of Friends at P.O. Box 233, Seekonk, MA 02771 or Seekonk Human Services at 540 Arcade Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771. Please make checks payable to ‘Friends of Friends, Inc.’ All vendors are responsible for taking their merchandise at the end of the yard sale.

Hours M•T•T•F 9-5 Wed til 8 Sat 9-1

We hope you enjoy receiving The Reporter every month! Support the Local Businesses that make this all possible!

June 2017 The Reporter


The View From My Hill









A Column By Susan Boucher When I was asked by the staff of this paper to take some geraniums, their unmistakable fragrance lingering in our car for pictures of the Memorial Day parade this year, it brought back days after, at our relatives’ graves. Although the holiday was supmemories of another parade in Seekonk many years ago. I am a posed to honor those men and women who lost their lives in service relative newcomer to town, having only lived here for the past two to our country, we left the plants at the graves of all our deceased decades or so. But many years ago, when I was just eight years family members. And that was the only thing we did on that day. old, I had the good fortune of calling Seekonk home for a short six Until then, I had never seen a Memorial Day parade before – never months. With the exception of a short-lived move to California, I mind be a part of one. lived in a neighboring city for those first eight years of my life. We But that day, I fell in love with Seekonk, with Memorial Day had sidewalks, and traffic – lots of traffic – and a store of some parades, and with life in the country. sort on every corner. To escape the city, my Dad would pile us in the car on Sundays and we would take a drive out in the country. More often than not he would drive to Seekonk, always stopping H COA at Arnold’s Ice Cream (now Micheletti’s) for a hot dog and a cone UT of coffee ice cream before heading out for the back roads. As a child, California was mysterious to me with their odd shaped trees (not a Maple in sight) and houses that all looked exactly the same, and I knew I never would want to live there. For I was a country girl, thanks to those rides in the country with my O N F Dad. To me Seekonk was the country, so I was very excited when SIGHT FE I learned that we would be moving to this town, even if it turned out to be for a short time. The house they we moved to for this short stint was on Pine Guaranteed to Contain Any Dog Street – a few doors down from the current Station 2 fire house. As it happened, we lived there when Memorial Day came around. Affordable Alternative to Conventional Fencing To my delight, the fire fighters asked the neighborhood kids if Also, Protect your Gardens & Flower Beds from Digging! we wanted to ride on the fire truck in the parade. Did we ever! I thought I was the luckiest kid in the world that day perched up in Locally Owned & Operated, all products made in the USA that gleaming red fire truck as we made our way down Newman Avenue. Not only was it the first parade I had ever been in, but it was the closest I had ever been to a fire truck. Robert Grant Back then (the early 1960’s), Memorial Day was called Decora(774) 265-5782 tion Day. It was a tradition in my family to commemorate the holiday by taking a trip to the cemetery where we would leave pots of red

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Rehoboth, MA - Construction to begin soon on custom 3,304 sq. ft. 5 bed, 4 bath home on 1.4 acres in exclusive private gated community. Customize the exterior with stone or brick! Call 508- 557-0366 for info! $798,000

Pawtucket, RI - Well maintained home in convenient location for commuters and close to Slater Park & bike trail. Home features 4 beds, 1 1/2 baths, hardwoods and a 1-car garage. Motivated seller. Call 508-557-0366 for info! $249,000

E. Providence, RI - Must see. Currently used as a business, all it needs is a kitchen to turn it into a charming 3 bed, 1.5 bath home. Beautiful entrance through an oversized front door into a picture perfect room w/fireplace. Hardwoods throughout,, handicap access, plenty of parking. Call 508-557-0366 for info! $209,000


The Reporter

June 2017

Events & Activities Rehoboth Contra Dance Whole House Water Filtration Sales & Service

Water Filtration Repairs Specializing in Sulfur Odor, High Iron and Acidic Water Removal Whole Home Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Systems, Anti-Scale Whole House Filtration

Friday, June 9, 8 p.m.

There will be a Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, June 9, at 8:00 p.m. at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769. All dances will be taught by caller Lisa Greenleaf. Music will be performed by Julie Metcalf, Glen Loper, and Max Newman. Beginners welcome. Partners not necessary. $9; $8 students. For information, call 508-252-6375; http://www.contradancelinks. com/rehoboth.html.

Well Extol Tanks

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Julie Metcalf plays fiddle at the Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, June 9

“Pucks for Paws” Hockey Benefit in Memory of Karen McHugh

Seekonk Police & Fire to honor Karen McHugh and raise funds for homeless Pets

June 10th

FREE CONSULTATION Cabinetry for every Budget! 508-557-0170 www.InfinityKitchensandBaths.com info@InfinityKitchensandBaths.com OVER 40 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE

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On June 10, 2017, the Seekonk Police & Fire will hold its 2nd annual “Pucks for Paws Hockey Benefit” in memory of Karen McHugh. Karen was a Seekonk town employee and long time devoted member of the Seekonk Save A Pet Society, whose life was cut short two years ago by a hit and run driver. Please join us to honor Karen’s memory when the Seekonk Police & Fire hockey team take on the Freetown Police & Fire team on Saturday, June 10th, 5pm – 6:30pm at the New England Sports Village, 1395A Commerce Way, Attleboro, MA 02703. Admission to the game is free with a donation of your choice to the Seekonk Save

June 2017 The Reporter

American Legion Post #302 Breakfast

A Pet Society, which benefits the homeless animals at the Seekonk Animal Shelter. All donations are welcome but with kitten season upon us the most needed donations are dry and wet kitten food, baby food, cat treats, catnip, cat toys, paper towels, as well as monetary, gift cards, etc. T-shirts will be available for purchase at the event for $15 and there will be raffle items. For more information, please visit the “Events” section on the Seekonk Save A Pet Facebook page.

New England Antique Tractor & Truck Association will be having an antique farm show with tractor pulls, tractors & trucks on display and a swap meet at Francis Farm on June 11 (rain date June 18) from 9 am to 4 pm. There will be antique farm tractors, antique garden tractors, antique trucks, working displays of antique farm machinery, tractor pulls and a swap meet (flea market) This is a fun, family friendly event, with a bounce room and pedal tractors for the kids. We will be collecting food and cash donations for the Rehoboth Food Pantry.

Rehoboth Ambulance CPR Class

Rehoboth Ambulance is running a CPR class at the Blanding Library. All ages are welcome. Class will be held on Thursday June 15th or July 20th or August 24th. Any one of the days from 5pm to 8pm. Registration is needed. Please contact Bonnie Meagher at 508 252 3049

Sunday, June 11, 2017 • 8:00-11:30 A.M. $8.00 Per Person Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon Year End Home Sales in Seekonk and Rehoboth. S.O.S., Sausage, Homefries, Fruitcup Coffee & Juice 2014 vs 2013

Axis Title

New England Antique Tractor & Truck Association Farm Show


400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0

River's Edge

May 2017 vs 2016 Home Sales in Seekonk Sold Listings

Average List price

Average Sale Price

Days on market

Seekonk 2014 2017 Seekonk

122 11

$298,149 315,716

$287,997 311,536

96 28

Seekonk 2013 2016 Seekonk

104 12

$286,771 283,858

$276,552 280,192

106 105

Rehoboth 2014





Homes for the month of May have sold for 11% more than last year at 119 $350,023 $336,588 135 this time. Days on the Market has decreased by 74%. The window of opportunity is now to take advantage of the seller’s market. 2014 vs 2013 Seekonk & Rehoboth real estate year end statistics If you are thinking about selling and not sure, let’s talk. I will do a Market report picked for youuptofrom help2013, you with make an educated 2014 Seekonk real Value estate market a 17% increase indecision. sold listings, the average You can reach me atmarket 401-419-4165. sales increase 4% to $287,997. Homes were on the an average of 10 fewer days than 2013. Rehoboth 2013

2014 Rehoboth real estate a 22% decrease in sold the average sales price For had more information onlistings, the current Market orincrease an 8% to 336,588. Homes were on the market 30 days longer than 2013.

In-Depth Market Analysis Contact Debra Donahue

Don’t Wait Until Spring!!

401-419-4165 debradonahue@remax.net

Winter is a great time to sell. Less competition!!

There are many serious buyers looking to purchase a home now Contact me for an In-Depth personalized market Analysis

• Custom Home Building • Additions • Kitchens & Baths MA Licensed • RI Registered

Call Mike at 508-801-6130


The Reporter

June 2017

C ustom Pa v i n g Residential • Commercial • Industrial

Driveways • Decorative Stone • Seal Coating


Tired of mud & ruts? Large Driveways made affordable with a 10% discount!

10x40 $689 Installed

10th Annual Block Party June 17, 2017 • 12:00-6:00 P.M.

In Memory Of Mariah Burda Held At The Whiskey Republic • Providence, Rhode Island $25.00 Donation Per Person Rain Or Shine All Proceeds Benefit The Tomorrow Fund at Hasbro Children’s Hospital

Final Year!

There Will Be No Ride For The Final Year Of This Wonderful Event. We’re Celebrating Mariah’s Life With A Block Party Instead.

(508)222-0133 Licensed Insured • Free Estimates

Join Us For Food, Live Muscial And Raffles! Pig Roast And Food From 2:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. Live Music By Rock-A-Blues For ticket or other information: Kayla Burda (508) 726-3471; kburdaft@gmail.com Make checks payable to A Ride for Tomorrow Tomorrowfund.org Aridefortomorrow.com

Rehoboth Contra Dance

Our Family Treating Your Family for Generations

Friday, June 23, 8 p.m.

There will be a Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, June 23, at 8:00 p.m. at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769. All dances will be taught by caller Will Mentor. Music will be performed by Dave Langford, Rebecca Bosworth-Clemens, and Everest Whitman. Beginners welcome. Partners not necessary. $9; $8 students. For information, call 508-252-6375; http://www. contradancelinks.com/rehoboth.html.

Gatlin Show July 29, 2017

Rehoboth Anawan Lions Club Fundraiser

Dr. Debra George

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Country – Rock & Roll - Opera 5 o’clock social hour 6 o’clock show starts 95 Cameron Way Rehoboth, MA $30.00 Per Ticket Jeanne Noons 508-824-0534 Elaine Ferreira 508-336-5049

Hamburgers & Hot Dogs, Beer and Wine will be sold

Rehoboth Contra Dance Friday, June 30, 8 p.m.

There will be a Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, June 30, at 8:00 p.m. at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769. All dances will be taught by caller Ron Blechner. Music will be performed by Amy Larkin and Benjamin Foss. Partners not necessary. $9; $8 students. For information, call 508-252-6375; http://www.contradancelinks.com/rehoboth.html.

June 2017 The Reporter


Americana Auction



Saturday, June 24th at NOON Fine Items from a Nantucket Mansion

West Dighton Christian Church

Sunday worship at 10:30. Pastor Phillip Andrade’s message series is focusing on the themes in the book of 1 Timothy. Can this ancient letter bring hope and purpose into out lives and communities today? Come visit us at the Dighton Cow Chip festival, from June 2 – June 4, and on Saturday, June 3rd, test your aim and toss a ball at the target at our dunk tank. All proceeds benefit the Dighton – Rehoboth Scholarship Fund. Checkout our website for future events and opportunities. Our mission is helping people find their way back to God and grow in their relationship with God and others. 2767 Horton Street, North Dighton, MA 02764 www.westdightonchristianchurch.org www.facebook.com/westdightonchristianchurch Email: westdightonchristianchurch@gmail.com

2017 Vacation Bible School Dates

Announced by Newman Congregational Church, UCC July 31 through August 4, Newman, UCC located at 100 Newman Ave Rumford, Rhode Island will host “ReNew” an environmentally themed Vacation Bible School (VBS) week! Your children will explore the Parable of the Sower through the lenses of self, community, and world to understand how their faith can be put into action. Prepare to grow in faith, have fun, and learn to care for creation with children from all over East Providence and neighboring towns! Newman’s VBS will meet Monday, July 31st through Friday, August 4th from 9 AM until 12 PM. It is open to children ages 3 through 10 and this year we are thrilled to offer VBS completely free of charge. Please register online (newmanucc.org) or contact the Church Office at 401-434-4742 x10 for a paper form. Registration deadline is July 16. Newman Congregational Church is an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ and extends this invitation to one and all, living out the example of Jesus’ extravagant welcome.

380 Winthrop Street, Rte. 44 • Rehoboth MA - under the tent Public Welcome • Accepting Consignments Ed Tessier, Jr., Auctioneer Dr. Polly Warren, Owner

Complimentary Buffet

For more info on the web: www.americana-auction.com

For info or consignment call 508-771-1722

Where Are You Class of 1963 East Providence High School? We are currently looking for classmates’ names, addresses; email addresses/phone numbers so that we can compile a directory of our classmates. Please send your info to josephtavares45@gmail. com or call Joe at 904-673-4584.


Epworth UMC Thrift Shop Now Open 915 Newport Ave., Pawtucket Hours are Wednesday’s 10-1

New spring and summer items Entrance to shop is in rear of church


Saturday, June 24, 2017 Serving from 5:00pm til 7:00pm



The Reporter

June 2017

People In The News Power Washing

In the East Bay area for over 10 years! Vinyl Siding • Mold & Mildew Removal Deck Repair • Patios

Spring Has Sprung!

Call Us to Make Your Home Look New!

Abbie Hopkins of Seekonk will ride for NCAA D1 Equestrian Team

Seekonk High School Senior Abbie Hopkins recently signed a letter of commitment to attend the University of Tennessee-Martin, and ride for their NCAA D1 Equestrian Team. Abbie has been riding and competing for 15 years. She is the current RI Junior Medal Equitation Champion and rides with Tibri Horses of Chepachet, RI. Abbie was also the captain of Seekonk High’s Conference Champion Field Hockey Team.


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Abbie Hopkins in competition.

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Weekends & Holidays Greens Fees: 18 Holes - $36; After 12pm - $26

Tournament Prices:

18 Holes w/ Cart - $42, Minimum of 32 people We are happy to announce that Chef Jeff Paquette, from Heaven on Earth Cafe & Catering, Taunton Ave will be running the restaurant facility for 2017. Banquet & Golf League dates available. Please call Pro Shop.

155 Perryville Road, Rehoboth MA Pro Shop 508-252-6259 • Clubhouse 508-252-6202 www.rehobothcc.com

Abbie Hopkins signing a letter of commitment to attend the University of Tennessee-Martin, and ride for their NCAA D1 Equestrian Team.

June 2017 The Reporter


“Mix It” At Gallery 175, Pawtucket

Featuring Seekonk Resident Ann-Marie Gillett Gallery 175 is featuring the work of three artists, Ann-Marie Gillett, Cynthia Brody, and John DeMelim, who use an interesting and creative mix of mediums in their work. The exhibit, MIX IT, will be on view from May 7 to June 23, 2017 in the Blackstone Valley Visitor Center in downtown Pawtucket. A reception for the artists was held on May 7 from 2 to 3:30 pm. Ann-Marie Gillett, a resident of Seekonk, MA and a former art educator at the Wheeler School, creates painstakingly intricate floral mandalas from painted tape. Arranged from many small pieces of delicately cut tape, the colorful organic forms radiate and spiral against a background of black, creating an effect of jewel-like filigree. Contrasting with the delicacy of Gillett’s work are the wall reliefs of John DeMelim, a retired Professor of Art at Rhode Island College. DeMelim assembles intriguing abstract sculptures from found pieces of wood and diverse objects with textures that reveal the passage of time and wear from use. These forms are harmonized with spots of color and structured within strong graphic parameters. On the other hand, the unique art of Cynthia Brody of Lexington, MA takes us into surreal environments inhabited by beguiling and exotic women from a variety of cultures. To create these sensual images, Brody uses photographs combined with acrylic paint and lots of imagination. Inspired by a Victorian aesthetic, Brody garbs her women in elaborate costumes, headpieces, and jewels and places them in magical landscapes. The public is invited to view the work at Gallery 175, located at 175 Main Street in downtown Pawtucket in the Blackstone Valley Visitor Center. The gallery is open daily; the hours are 10 am to 4 pm. For more information, visit www.Gallery175.com. Image: Mandalas - Ann-Marie Gillett

University News

Rehoboth Resident Awarded Student Research Fellowship at Providence College

Alexandra Loungo ’18, a biology major from Rehoboth, MA, is one of eleven Providence College students who will have their research experiences funded this summer through the College’s Walsh Student Research Fellowship Program. The Walsh Student Research Fellowships were created by Robert H. Walsh ’39 & ’66Hon., one of the College’s leading donors, who died in 2011. Mr. Walsh majored in business and chemistry and worked at the DuPont Chemical Corp. for 40 years. His bequest established the Robert H. Walsh Scholarship Fund and the Robert H. Walsh ’39 Academic Fund. Walsh Fellow applicants must be chemistry, biochemistry, or biology majors or work with professors in those fields. To be eligible for a fellowship, applicants must submit a project proposal and a recommendation from the faculty mentor who would oversee the research. Fellows receive a $4,000 stipend, and their faculty mentors receive a $1,000 stipend and $750 toward lab supplies. Fellows also qualify for a reduced rate for on-campus housing for the summer.

Let everyone know! Send us your good news! Email news@rehobothreporter.com

Sealcoating • Crack Fill Asphalt Paving • Line Striping Concrete • Snowplowing

Dylan 774-888-8881



The Reporter

June 2017

American Form Corp. Celebrating 55 years, Since 1962

ALL TYPES OF CONCRETE WORK • Foundations • Stamped Concrete • Flat Work “We lay footings, we lay walls, we lay anything” 513 Winthrop St. Rehoboth Lenny Mills Jr. (508) 326-5663 • Wayne Mello (508) 326-3698

55 Winthrop St. (Rt. 44) Rehoboth

Star Marble & Granite

• • • •

Fitchburg State University Holds 121st Commencement Exercises

Fitchburg – Fitchburg State University recently held its 121st commencement exercises, graduate and undergraduate spring ceremonies. The commencement address was delivered by 1979 Fitchburg State alumna Mary Pat Couig, program manager with the Office of Nursing Services at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, to whom university President Richard S. Lapidus also presented an honorary doctorate. The undergraduate ceremony also included the awarding of an honorary doctorate in commerce to Martin F. Connors Jr., a longtime member of the university’s Board of Trustees and the president and chief executive of Rollstone Bank & Trust. In all, the university conferred nearly 900 undergraduate and graduate degrees after the spring semester. Students graduating from Rehoboth are: Jennifer L. Karamanian MED Occupational Education Michael R. St John BS Criminal Justice

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Rehoboth Resident Awarded Scholarships at Fitchburg State Convocation

2016 D-R graduate Andrea Duncan was awarded the Kathleen Mary O’Neil Scholarship in recognition of her academic standing in her class. She was also awarded the Dr. Anne May Memorial Scholarship in recognition of her community service with special needs individuals. Andrea is majoring in Special/Elementary Education and minoring in Neuroscience, Behavior and Cognition.

We Accept Debit & Credit Card

Bridgewater State University Awards Bachelor’s Degrees

Bridgewater – Nearly 2,100 bachelor’s degrees in the arts, sciences, business and education were awarded during Bridgewater State University’s 176th Spring Commencement Convocation on Saturday, May 13 on the Boyden Quadrangle. The following area residents were among those who graduated:


Heather Chamberland, Wendy Colby, Rachelle Dubois, Denise Lanigan, Kayla Mourato, Ryan Norberg, and Rayshawn Zavala.


Mary Cote, Marinna Emond, Elizabeth Jensen, Rachel Kerrins, Kelly Lewis-Hicks, Kristi Melo, and Bonnie Wyrostek.

Bridgewater State University Awards Degrees in Graduate Studies

Bridgewater – Master’s degrees and certificates of advanced graduate study were awarded to approximately 450 graduate students at Bridgewater State University’s 12th Graduate Commencement Convocation on Thursday evening, May 11 under the tent on the Boyden Quadrangle. Graduates from the area were: Rehoboth Bryanna L. Rezendes Seekonk Steven P. Cetenich

June 2017 The Reporter

Isabelle Giuttari Inducted into the National Honor Society



Isabelle Giuttari, an avid equestrian, was inducted into the National Honor Society this week and will graduate from Barrington High School next Monday. The daughter of Glenn Giuttari of Rehoboth and Lelia Couzyn of Barrington, this summer Isabelle will participate in the GAMM Theater summer intensive — preparing two Shakespearian plays for late July presentation. Over the past 4 years she has been an intern and administrative assistant for the Barrington Community Theater—a fabulous year-round youth theater. In September she will join the incoming class of the Commonwealth Honors College at U Mass Amherst with a major in theater.

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Isabelle Giuttari with dressage horse Cassie

“Summertime is always the best of what might be.” ~Charles Bowden


The Reporter

June 2017

How You Can Help Red Cross Calls For New Donors To Prevent A Summer Blood Shortage

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About 38 percent of the population can donate; less than 10 percent of those eligible do 6 great tips for that first blood donation this summer The American Red Cross urges those who have never given blood before – as well as those who haven’t given recently – to make an appointment to give blood or platelets now and help sustain a sufficient community blood supply this summer. While the need for blood is constant during the summer months, the Red Cross experiences a drastic decline in new donors. Nationwide and in Massachusetts, about one-third fewer new donors came out to give last summer than during the rest of the year. Additionally, many schools where blood drives are held – and where new donors give – are not in session, and current donors often delay giving due to summer vacation plans. While about 38 percent of the population is eligible to give blood, less than 10 percent of those eligible actually do. The blood donation process takes about an hour with the actual donation only taking about 10 minutes. Whether new to donating blood or a lifelong donor, the Red Cross offers helpful tips for an enjoyable donation experience: As much as possible, eat iron-rich foods leading up to your donation. Hydrate – drink an extra 16 oz. of liquid before and after the donation. Have a healthy meal before the donation. Wear comfortable clothing with sleeves that can be raised above the elbow. Complete a RapidPass on the day of donation, prior to arriving, to save time. Remember to bring a picture ID, blood donor card or two other forms of identification. “Every day, we have thousands of lives to help save, but blood and platelet donations often do not keep pace with hospital demand during the summer months,” said Alyson Barraza, communications program director, Massachusetts Blood Services Region. “In less time than it can take to go out to eat, you can make a lifesaving difference for cancer patients, accident victims and others in need.” Appointments can be scheduled by downloading the Red Cross Accepting Blood Donor App, visiting redcrossblood.org or calling 1-800-RED New Maintenance Customers CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

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How To Donate Blood

Download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit redcrossblood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to make an appointment or for more information. Those who come out to donate blood or platelets with the Red Cross June 7 through World Blood Donor Day on June 14 will receive a limited-edition Nexcare Give bandage with the theme “Roll up a sleeve and give where you live,” featuring vibrant city-inspired designs reflecting landmarks and locales from around the globe. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements.

About the American Red Cross:

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The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit redcross.org or cruzrojaamericana.org, or visit us on Twitter at @RedCross.

June 2017 The Reporter

Rehoboth Memorial Day Parade


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The Reporter

June 2017

Valter Rego Masonry We specialize in patios, outdoor kitchens, retaining walls, stonewalls, driveways, steps, walkways, foundation repairs, basements Residential and Commercial Free estimates, no job too small

Call 401-781-2262 or 774-565-0579 www.valterregomasonry.net licensed & insured

Dr. Kate Marmelo graduated from Providence College with a B.S. in Biology in 2000. In 2004 she received her O.D. from NE College of Optometry. She is licensed by the MA Board of Optometry. Dr. Kate Marmelo is the Franchise owner of both Pearle Vision in Seekonk and North Dartmouth.

83B Faunce Corner Rd, N Dartmouth, MA 02747 (508) 997-6591

Dr. Joe Tarantino graduated from Providence College with a B.S. in Biology in 1988. In 1992 he received his O.D. from NE College of Optometry in Boston. He is licensed by the MA Board of Optometry.

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The Rehoboth -Dighton Memorial Day Parade Refused To Let Mother Nature Win.

June 2017 The Reporter


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A PROUD MEMBER OF REALTOR, RI & MA MLS, A PROUD MEMBER OF REALTOR, RI & MA MLS, ZILLOW.COM, TRULIA.COM & LOOPNET ZILLOW.COM, TRULIA.COM & LOOPNET ZILLOW.COM, TRULIA.COM & LOOPNET in Commercial & Residential Estate Specializing inSpecializing Commercial & Residential RealReal Estate

Specializing in Commercial & Residential Real Estate

For Sale: 55 Starr Lane, Rehoboth, For Starr Lane, MA For Sale: Sale:A55 55 Starr Lane, Rehoboth, MAgatedMA beautiful 4 bed, 3 ½ bathRehoboth, home in a new premier community A beautiful 44 bed, 33 ½ bath home in aa new premier gated community A beautiful bed, ½ bath home in new premier gated community 55 Starr Lane Rehoboth MA

New Construction

A New Premier Gated Community. Exceptional 4 Bedroom, 3.5 Bath Home With Every Upgrade! Outstanding Craftsmanship, Coffered Ceilings, 2 Master Suites, Office/Formal Living, Fireplace, HW Flooring, High End Gourmet Kitchen, Thermadore appliances, Elegant Dining, Covered Patio. Very close To Highways. $969,000 READY TO BUILD

28 Plain St., Rehoboth

0 Palmer Meadows Lane, Rehoboth

1.9 High & Dry acres. Well in place & Custom built by Aubin Corp. Features include 9ft.+ ceilings, HW floors, 2 master suites and an open floor plan. The kitchen overlooks a covered patio & features upgraded cabinets, Thermadore Appliances and aranch. number of3additional extras. FP, The grand living room has a 2,500sf 3 bed, 2.5 bath car garage, Approved septic design in hand $189,000coffered ceiling & fireplace, while a separate family room and dining room offers a more formal feel with its detailed finish work. The Zone Heat & Air.and Hardwood Custom built by Aubin Corp. Features include 9ft.+ ceilings, HW fl3oors, 2 master suites an open flthroughout oor plan. The$699,000 kitchen overlooks first floor is topped off with a master bedroom that features a tray ceiling, W/I closet, full bath with bubble massage tub and a custom

a covered patio & features upgraded cabinets, Thermadore Appliances a number extras. Theand grand living room a see. shower. Upper level features 2nd master,and 2 bedrooms and 2 of fulladditional baths. This home’s location detailed interior makehas it a must coffered ceiling & fireplace, while a separate family room and dining room offers a more formal feel with its detailed finish work. The $969,000.00 first floor is topped off with a master bedroom that features a tray ceiling, W/I closet, full bath with bubble massage tub and a custom shower. Upper features master, 2 bedrooms 2 full Th2ismaster home’ssuites location detailed interior make it a must see. ING Tand Custom built bylevel Aubin Corp. 2nd Features include 9ftL.+ISceilings, HWbaths. floors, andand an open floor plan. Th e kitchen overlooks LIST $969,000.00 NEW NEW

Commercial ForFor Lease Residential Sale Commerical Commerical For Lease Commerical For Sale Residential For Sale

a covered patio & features upgraded cabinets, Thermadore Appliances and a number of additional extras. The grand living room has a coffered ceiling & fireplace, while a separate family room and dining room offers a more formal feelMedical/Retail/Professional with its detailed finish work. The Space NG first floor is topped off with a master bedroom that features a tray ceiling, W/I closet, full bath with bubble massage tub DI and a custom EN 6: 1,500 SF SWANSEA RT. P shower. Upper level features 2nd master, 2 bedrooms and 2 full baths. ThisSEEKONK: home’s location and detailed interior make it a must see. Rt. 6 • 2 - 6,000 SWANSEA: Rt. 6 • 1,500 SF$969,000.00 G SF industrial buildings sold asSWANSEA RT. 6: 3,800 SF IN Class “A” Professional/Medical Space a package, 1 year Lease back END P SEEKONK RT. 6: 1,000-3,000 SF required $995,000

Commerical For Lease

For Sale

Residential For Sale

SEEKONK: SWANSEA: Rt. 6 • 3,800 SF Rt. 6 • 2 - 6,000 SWANSEA: Rt. 6 • 1,500 SF SF industrial buildings sold as 1336“A” Park St., Attleboro: Well SEEKONK: Class “A” Professional/Medical Space SEEKONK RT. 35 6:Primose 3,248Dr. SFWell maintained 2 Bed Class Professional/Medical Space Restaurant/Tavern a package, 1 year LeaseSWANSEA: back home Central Air. Dead end street. $229,000 maintained, updated, spacious 4-5 Bedroom w/ apartment EAST PROVIDENCE: required LE SEEKONK: Rt. 6 • 1,000-3,000 SF$995,000 SWANSEA: Rt. 6 • 3,800 SF

Commerical home, hardwoods throughout, beautiful For Lease interior details, lovely 3/4 acre hillside lot

Commerical For Sale

Be your own boss! $299,000


I RPrimosePARK Retail/Office Space, Busy intersection METACOMET G SEEKONK: Dr. D35 Class “A” Professional/Medical Space IN Well maintained 2 Bed SWANSEA: Restaurant/Tavern ENFOSFAir. ND end 4,297 ForDead Sale or Lease home street. $229,000 PCentral E EAST PROVIDENCE: 1,800 P in convenient location, newer windows and SEEKONK: Rt.SEEKONK: 6 • 4,804 Rt. 6 • 2 - 6,000 w/SF apartment SEEKONK: Rt. 6Rt. • 1,000-3,000 SWANSEA: 6 • 1,500 SFSF SF Offi ce/Retail, Bullocks Pt. INDUSTRIAL: SEEKONK RT. 6: Office/Warehouse, loading docks Be2 your own boss! $299,000 roof andce 2 oil tanks.Busy $329,000 SF industrial buildings sold as Retail/Offi Space, intersection Class “A” Professional/Medical Space

Revitalization area $189,000

a package, 1 year Lease back


N 4,200 DI SF Industrial: OHD + 2 Loading

N EAST PROVIDENCE: EASTMetacomet PROVIDENCE: 1,800SEEKONK: Rt. 44 PE Docks, Fenced area SEEKONK: Rt. 6 • 4,804 SF Office Park, 4297 SF, required prof/med space,$995,000 SWANSEA: Rt. 6 • 3,800 SF SF Offi ce/Retail, Bullocks Pt. REHOBOTH: New Construction 10 Palmer Meadows, 4 Bed Multi w/ Retail & Garage Office/Warehouse, 2 loading docks will build out to suit SEEKONK: 357 Primose Well maintained 2 Bed Revitalization area $189,000 Class “A” Professional/Medical Space Wheeler St,Dr. Rehoboth: 5+acre mini farm. 2,376sf 2,500 sf, 3 bed, 2.5 bath ranch, Hardwood floors, SWANSEA: Restaurant/Tavern $289,000 home Chalet Cape with $379,000 Central Air. Dead endwraparound street. deck. $229,000 EAST PROVIDENCE: Metacomet

SEEKONK: Rt. SF, 6 • prof/med 1,000-3,000 SF Offi ce Park, 4297 space, will outBusy to suit Retail/Offi ce build Space, intersection SEEKONK: COMMONWEALTH SEEKONK: Rt. 6 • 4,804 SF SQUARE, 3,248 prime retail/office Office/Warehouse, 2 loading docks space with great FAMILY visibility! / SEEKONK: MULTI

w/ apartment SEEKONK: Rt. 44 4 Be Bedyour Multi w/ Retail Garage own boss! & $299,000 $289,000

island, Covered patio $729,000 Commercial For Sale

E 6: & SEEKONK 2 –Details 6,000 SF 2,376sf G ALRT. Visit www.AubinCorp.com for More 7 Wheeler St,Listings 5+acre mini farm. S INRehoboth: EAST PROVIDENCE: 1,800 SF Office/Retail, Bullocks Pt. Revitalization area $189,000

D R with wraparound Chalet $379,000 INDUSTRIAL BLDGS.deck. 1 year Lease NCape O PEF required $995,000 back

Rehoboth 244for Brook St.Listings & Details Visit www.AubinCorp.com More SWANSEA: TAVERN WITH APT.

COMMERCIAL with Garage: Taunton EAST PROVIDENCE: Metacomet Ave. large4297 3 bedSF, unit, One bed OffiOne ce Park, prof/med space, unit, 600 sf commercial space & garage will build out to suit $289,000.

2,876 sf 3 Bed, 2 bath Cape with attached BE YOUR OWN BOSS $299,000 SEEKONK: Rt. overlooking 44 4 season room, AC, deck, 5+ 4 Bed Multi w/included, Retail & Garage beautiful acres. Also is a 6 car 2,800 RIVERSIDE BULLOCKS PT.: 1,800SF REHOBOTH: 1.9 Acre home site. Well and St, Rehoboth: 5+acre miniinstalled farm. 2,376sf $289,000 sf + Garage with Loft & legal apartment. 7 Wheeler OFFICE /RETAIL $178,000 septic approved ready to build $189,000 28 Plain St. Chalet Cape with wraparound deck. $379,000 $699,000

Visit www.AubinCorp.com for More Listings & Details


The Reporter June 2017

Club News & Announcements Anawan Oakton Grange News


The May 9th 6th Anniversary meeting was fun with Vic Solo entertaining us with Vegas songs by noted singers, including Sinatra and all the Rat Pack as well as Louie Armstrong, Nat King Cole, and many others. On May 23 we were inspected by General Deputy Herbert Lafleur and found we are doing Grange business appropriately. The Chaplain then led us in a Memorial service in memory of M Phyllis Bush and C Betty Waterman who had passed away this year. She also read a poem honoring all Veterans June meetings are dine out in charge of the Overseer on the 13th and Election of officers followed by Bingo on the 27th at 7 PM. We host Bay State Pomona on the 24th with election of officers on the agenda. That meeting starts with a luncheon at noon and business to follow. I attended the Healthy choice seminar at Acushnet Grange that I announced last update. You all missed a wonderful program with tips on how to organize your shopping trips by making lists and keeping to them, shopping the perimeter first, do not shop hungry and reading the labels. Our lecturer made milkshakes with his remade bicycle blender and we all took home a salad in a jar. Planting season is here. enjoy and support our local farmers.


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June 2017 The Reporter

Rehoboth Lions Club June and beyond 2017

Dates of Meetings and Activities

Rehoboth Lions Give – at their May 24th meeting the club voted to give close to $4000 to local service organizations. New Members – 3 Rehoboth men were inducted into the Rehoboth Lions Club on 5/24/17. They are: Henry Pires, Jeff Watters and Michael Sullivan-Silvia. • June 3 - District Governor’s Testimonial – Fireside Grill Middleboro • June 4 - Lions Annual Chet Munroe Chix BBQ • June 7 - District 33S = International’s 100th Year Celebration @ White’s • June 14 – Date Change! Lions Clam Boil (And Club Meeting) @ Seekonk Gun Club @ 7 PM – Tickets available from all Lions Members @ $30 each. Come for Great Eats and a good time. • June 9 - D-R LEO’s Installation @ Dighton Pavilion • June 25 - “Work Crew” serving a Private Clam Boil @ Seekonk Gun Club – Benefit our Adm. Fund. Team needed. • June 28 – Rehoboth Lions Installation of Officers for 2017-18 with Ray Olivier, as Incoming President will be at the Anawan Club on Gorham Street, Gathering 6-7 and Dinner at 7:00 PM. This is a Ladies night. • August 19 – Rehoboth Lions Golf Tourney, Saturday, with 1:00 PM Tee Time at The Segregansett Country Club See our web site - http://www.e-clubhouse.org/sites/rehoboth_ ma or – www.LionsOfRehoboth.org The Rehoboth Lions Are always Happy To Have New Members To Help Us Serve Lions Charities, Eye Research And The Rehoboth Community! Members, “Just ask” – Or “Ask One”.

Rehoboth Anawan Lions News

The Rehoboth Anawan Lions held their meeting for the month where the visiting guest was Past District Governor Bev Dillon who brought the new acquired spot camera which was the newest acquired camera to screen eyes of students at the schools which would screen for any problems. It was unbelievable to see how it worked. There was no closeness; it was done from a distance. This acquirement is very valuable in screening. The Rehoboth Lions are looking to have a screening scheduled for next year with the Rehoboth Anawan Lions club helping with the help of the school nurses at the schools aiding in the screening. Those who would help and do any screening will be already informed fully on how it works and what they are looking for; more info to come next year. All of the members who were screened at the meeting were astonished at how it all worked and how it is an important screening for eye problems. It was announced that we had a new member who had been inducted by PDG Kathy Amaral earlier. She is Joanne McClellan and we welcome her as a new member. The club President Deb Pires read a thank you. Note from the food pantry for our recent donation to provide food for the community. A donation of $800 was made for a good cause. Another thing that will be in place for the Memorial Day parade is a Legacy Bench to be placed at the Veterans Memorial on Red Plain field. Another event we will have had is our White Cane Day collecting for Massachusetts Eye Research to help with eye research that is one of the big eye projects we have for the health and prevention of blindness. We would like to thank all who donated to our cause when they donate at the Dunkin Donates in Rehoboth. It is a great and very successful event, and with your support we have always been very successful.


There will be a testimonial for the District Governor Sharon Audette of District 33S to thank her for all she has done for our District and this will be the end of another year which starts in July and ends in June just as our club’s officers do. We will show our new list in next month’s reporter when we have our installation of officer’s news. They will be installed in June at the Hillside Country Club. Looking forward to another year after having had a tremendous year with our President Deb Pires who worked very hard and accomplished all the things she wanted to. Her year just flew by and she couldn’t believe it, but I think everyone’s year goes by too fast. A reminder this year we will be doing The Gatlin Show again, so see Jeanne Noons for tickets or any member of the Rehoboth Anawan Lions club everyone will have tickets so just call 508-8240534. Remember our thank you and also remember our motto “We Serve” and indeed we do. See you next month.

Rehoboth Garden Club News

The Rehoboth Garden Club held our annual plant sale on May 13th. We would like to thank Vice President Susan Thayer for all her efforts to make the sale such a success, along with all the members who donated their plants and their hard work. Our appreciation goes out to our sponsors, Souza Family Farm, 33 Agricultural Ave. in Rehoboth and Araujo Farm & Greenhouses, 1522 Williams Street in Dighton, as well as all our customers and supporters. All proceeds are used to fund our scholarship, civic and educational programs. Our scholarship application deadline is fast approaching. Our annual $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a high school or graduate student from Rehoboth and the surrounding communities who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 on a 4.0 scale and will be attending an accredited college. Applicants must be majoring in agriculture, horticulture, botany, forestry, natural resource management, environmental sciences or related fields. For an application please call 508-252-6337 or write to The Rehoboth Garden Club, 117 Carpenter Street, Rehoboth, MA, 02769. All applications must be received by June 30, 2017. Our club’s next civic beautification project will take place at the Rehoboth COA Senior Center on Monday, June 5, 2017 when we will plant annuals and perennials in their gardens and window boxes. This will be a multi-generational effort, as club members will be assisted by Rehoboth’s Daisy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Senior Citizens. Any teens or adults who would like to volunteer their help will be greatly appreciated. Please bring shovels and hand digging tools. Work will begin at 3:30 PM. We hope to make this a joyous community event!

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The Reporter June 2017

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Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School Students Perform in Massachusetts Lions All State Band

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Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School Members of the Massachusetts Lions All State Band performed at the Mass. Lions State Convention held recently at Hyannis, MA. These students were selected by their School and sponsored by the Rehoboth, Dighton, and Rehoboth-Anawan Lions Clubs.

Master Gardener Educational Demos and Mini-Talks Seekonk Meadows Gardens 5-5:30

410 Newman Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771

June 10: Master Gardener Kiosk at 6th annual Summer Kick-Off June 13: Xeriscape Gardening in the Gazebo Garden July 18: Edible Flowers & Dividing Plants in Library Foundation Garden Aug 15: Walking tour sustainable plants, birds & wildlife Sept 19: Harvesting Vegetables in Library Foundation Garden October 17: Preparing the gardens for winter in all three gardens

Good Shepherd Community Gardens 11-11:30 490 Broadway, Pawtucket, RI 02860

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July 8: Planning Your Second Harvest - Pat Volente & Barbara Levine August 12: Composting and Food Scraps by Jeff Faria Sept 16: Harvesting & Cooking with Vegetables from Your Garden by Jeff Faria October 14: Preparing the Beds for Winter –Hands on demonstrations crew

John Hunt House Museum Heritage Gardens 2:30-3 65 Hunt’s Mills Road, East Providence, RI 02916

June 11: Historic Grounds Tour by – Ernie Germani July 9: Planning Your 2nd Harvest -Pat Volente & Barbara Levine August 13: Medicinal and Culinary Plants – Valerie Begin Sept 10: Dividing Plants- MG Garden Crew October 8: Preparing the Beds for Winter - MG Garden Crew

June 2017 The Reporter


100 Hours of Community Service Recognition Breakfast May 18, 2017

Seekonk Kiwanis 100 Hours of Service The Seekonk Kiwanis invited the thirty (30) senior students who completed 100 hours of community service. Their many activities included: tutoring at Martin Elementary School, baby-sitting, participating in Family Bingos, Walk-a Thons, and collecting for food pantries. They were congratulated by Key Club Advisor Deanna Marinucci, presented with certificates by Principal Dr. Jones, and given 100 hour pins by Kiwanis President Beverly Hart. Young’s Caterer’s provided breakfast. Those receiving awards were: David Abbott, Holly Carroll, Mallory Cartwright, Kelsey Charron, Meredith Cronin, Kaylee Crooks-Letourneau, Luke Doherty, Jocelyn Fournier, Carmel Garcia, Madison Gilmore, Sarah Gingras, Griffin Hoskins, Perry Joubert, Ryan Lamoureux, Vanessa LeBeau, Hannah MacDonald, Meghan McLaughlin, Mackenzie Morris, Alissa Pacheco, Madison Paine, Nathan Pickett, Troy Pina, Amanda Read, Maria Santana, Iris Scherma, Devynn Slaughter, Megan Souza, Sonya Valente, Lauren Voccio, and Sophie Zirkel.

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We hope you enjoy receiving The Reporter every month! Support the Local Businesses that make this all possible!

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The Reporter June 2017

Big Brothers Big Sisters “Welcome To Summer” Fundraiser To Feature ‘Brass Attack’


Cleaning Service

Cranston, RI – Brass Attack will perform at the “2017 Welcome to Summer Celebration” fundraiser on June 17th 2017 at Bonnet Shores Beach Club in Narragansett. Proceeds from the event will benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ocean State (BBBSOS). Last year’s celebration raised over $30,000 for mentoring programs for boys and girls throughout Rhode Island. The event begins at 7:30 p.m. and will feature light beach fare and a cash bar. Tickets are $30 and can be purchased online at http://bit.ly/ WTS2017. Tickets are limited and will not be sold at the door. Brass Attack is a group of LIVE musicians playing LIVE music. “When we perform LIVE music for you at various local venues, no pre-recorded music or vocal tracks or sequencers are used . . . ever!” More information about the band can be found at www. BrassAttack.com. Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Ocean State is Rhode Island’s leading mentoring organization and has been serving boys and girls in Rhode Island for over 50 years. Our mission is to provide mentors to the youth of Rhode Island who will motivate and empower them to make positive decisions, improve academic results, avoid risky behaviors and grow in a way that will positively impact our community. Persons interested in mentoring a child or donating to support the program, can log on to the agency’s website www. BBBSOS.org or call (401) 921-2434 ext. 101.

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Bristol County Elks Lodge #1860 New England Clam Boil Boil Starting At 1:00 PM

Steamed Clams, Fish, White & Sweet Potatoes, Onions, Saugy Hot Dogs, Corn on the Cob, REM Dogs (Buckies), Quahog Dressing, and Ice Cream!!



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Limited Tickets Will Be Sold! Date: Sunday, June 11th, 2017 Time: Starts at 1:00pm Place: Bristol County Elks, 1 Constitution St., Bristol, RI Donation: $35.00 per person No Tickets Will Be Sold The Week Prior To This Event. Tickets available at the bar. We will also be having a 50/50 Raffle! Invite your friends, relatives, and maybe someone you would like to sponsor as an Elk Member. Proceeds benefit the Elks Veterans Memorial Project at the Veterans Cemetery in Exeter, RI This Sells Out Fast So Don’t Wait To Get Your Tickets! Absolutely no ticket sales the week prior to this event!

June 2017 The Reporter

The Rehoboth Antiquarian Society News

The Carpenter Museum... Rehoboth Antiquarian Society Scholarship - Deadline June 15

The Rehoboth Antiquarian Society (RAS) will award a scholarship to one or more students accepted by or enrolled in a postsecondary program related to history, museum studies, or library sciences. Applicants from the greater Rehoboth area may apply, and the funds will be applied to the second semester of the 20172018 academic year. Consideration will be given to demonstrated involvement and interest in activities related to the mission of the RAS to preserve, promote and enhance the significant historical, educational and cultural assets of Rehoboth, Massachusetts. Interested students may obtain the application by writing to the address below. Applications must be received by June 15, 2017. Please email completed applications to: rehobothantiquarian@ gmail.com OR by mail to: Rehoboth Antiquarian Society Attn: Scholarship Committee P.O. Box 2 Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769 The award is a one-time commitment by RAS and all applicants will be informed of the Scholarship Committee’s decision by August 15, 2017. Please direct any questions to the attention of the Scholarship Committee at the addresses given above.

Strawberry Country Festival

Sunday, June 4, 1PM-5PM

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The Reporter June 2017

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Local Barbershop Harmony Chorus Set to Perform At McCoy Stadium

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Harmony Heritage Chorus Invites Female Singers to Join in A Cappella Performances of the National Anthem at McCoy Stadium on June 21st and July 18th


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Pawtucket, RI, May 27, 2017 — Harmony Heritage, the Southern New England chapter of Harmony, Incorporated, an international organization of female a cappella singers specializing in the barbershop harmony style, will perform at 6:00 p.m on Wednesday, June 21st and at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 18th at McCoy Stadium in Pawtucket, RI. To join in, guests must attend 2 out of 3 of the chorus’s Tuesday night open rehearsals on either June 6th, 13th or 20th from 7:15 to 7:45 PM. Regular, open rehearsals take place on Tuesdays at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church at 50 Park Place in Pawtucket. More information can be found at the chorus’s website, www.harmonyheritage.org . “We always enjoy bringing barbershop harmony to the community,” says Anne Diggle, chapter president. “The Harmony Heritage chorus looks forward every year to singing our country’s National Anthem at these games. We see it as a civic duty, and it is also just about the coolest thing we do!” The Harmony Heritage chorus sings in the barbershop harmony style, which traces its musical roots back to the turn of the 20th century. Today, barbershop harmony singers not only celebrate the classics, but also put their own spin on contemporary songs as well. For more information about these upcoming performances, and how to participate, visit the chorus’s website at www.harmonyheritage.org. About Harmony Heritage: Founded in 2001, the Southern New England chapter of Harmony, Inc., also known as the Harmony Heritage chorus, brings four-part a cappella harmony to the local community through regular performances and educational events. The chorus consists of women representing a wide range of musical backgrounds, from novice to trained professionals, and performs under the direction of Bob O’Connell. Harmony Heritage rehearses at 7:15 PM on Tuesdays at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 50 Park Place, Pawtucket, RI. For more information, contact Barbara-Ann MacIntosh at 401-560-0073, joyhi@cox.net or Mary Levasseur at 508-930-5362 or marylevasseurc21@comcast.net, or visit www.harmonyheritage.org.

June 2017 The Reporter

Oure Pleasure Singers POPS!

When: Saturday, June 17, 2017, 4:00 PM Where: Second Congregational Church, 50 Park Street, Route 123, Downtown Attleboro, MA 02703. Cost: $15. Reservations Recommended. Seating is limited. Contact: Fred Saunders, info@opsingers.org, c:508-918-0123 “Fly With Me” will be presented on Saturday, June 17, 2017 at 4:00 pm at Second Congregational Church, 50 Park Street, Attleboro. Straight from their appearance in season 3 of WGBH’s ‘Sing That Thing’, Oure Pleasure Singers has prepared a varied program of traditional & folk music, hits from several decades, and some surprises. Join us for a fun-filled program, some laughs along the way, and some light refreshments. Proceeds from the event will benefit pipe organ restoration at Second Church. Tickets are just $15 and may be reserved by visiting or calling the church office at 508-222-4677 or send an email to info@opsingers.org.


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Christophe Heidbreder hails from the frozen plains of Minnesota, and has journeyed far to find a new home in the snowy state of Massachusetts. From a young age, Christophe has been involved in choral singing. He has sung in choirs since elementary school at his home church, and discovered his passion for choral music in 8th grade at Mabel Boyter Choir Camp, where he learned that music can build community, evoke emotions, and bring people together in a unique way. Christophe is a recent graduate of St. Olaf College, where he received his Bachelor of Music in Church Music. He studied conducting under Anton Armstrong and Christopher Aspaas, and studied voice with Jim McKeel. While at St. Olaf, he directed a weekly Morning Prayer Choir, started his own chamber choir, and sang in Cantorei under Jaime Bobb. Today, Christophe is serving as the Minister of Music at The Congregational Church of Westborough, and is excited to pursue this musical adventure of directing Oure Pleasure Singers. He hopes to further develop their musical talents, collaborate with other ensembles, and help them grow as both a choir and a community. Oure Pleasure Singers is a small group of vocalists dedicated to the joy of serious music-making. Comprised of singers from Providence, Attleboro, and surrounding communities, the ensemble sings an eclectic variety of music, ranging from plainchant to jazz, and embracing both the sacred and the secular.


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The Reporter June 2017

Wedding Announcement Meredith Rose Anderson and Timothy Andrew McKenna Marry

Bridal season is here!

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82 Hillside Ave, Rehoboth MA 02769 (508) 342-5735 • www.cristallospa.com Meredith Rose Anderson and Timothy Andrew McKenna Ledgemont Country Club in Seekonk, MA was the setting for the October 15, 2016 marriage of Meredith Rose Anderson of Lakeville and Timothy Andrew McKenna of Seekonk. The ceremony was officiated by family friend, John Clarkson. The groom was married with the wedding ring his Dad wore for thirty-one years. It originally belonged to Timothy’s maternal great-grandmother, Katherine Mahoney. The bride is the daughter of John Anderson of East Freetown and Lorraine Anderson of Lakeville. The groom is the son of Karen McKenna of Seekonk and the late Robert McKenna. The Man of Honor was Joshua Narciso and the Best Man was lifelong friend of the groom, Michael Chadsey. Bridesmaids included cousin of

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June 2017 The Reporter

the Bride Brooke Robichaud, sister of the groom, Katherine Sousa, Alyssa GarlandFry, Allison Maydoney and Stephanie Meleo. The groomsmen were brother of the bride, Matthew Anderson, brother-in-law of the groom, Daniel Sousa, Colin Clarkson, Jack Marovelli and Michael Connor. The bride is a 2007 graduate of Apponequet Regional High School and a 2011 graduate of UMass Dartmouth. She is employed by AECOM as an Executive Assistant. The groom is a 2007 graduate of Seekonk High School and a 2013 graduate of Providence College. He is employed by the US Postal Service. The couple traveled to Ireland for their honeymoon where they drank their fair share of Guinness and met some relatives in Co. Limerick. They now make their home in Seekonk where they reside happily with their dog, Chance.


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The Reporter June 2017 Jodi Hedrick 1547 Fall River Ave. Suite 3A Broker/Owner Seekonk, 508-509-3925MA 02771


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Johnna Beckmann Keystone Property Group Realtor Associate Thinking ofAve. selling? for 1547 Fall River Suite 3a Call us at 508-557-0366 401-663-5917 Seekonk, MA 02771 market analysisjohnnab131@comcast.net a free current on your home! 508- 557-0366

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Dina Murphy Realtor 401-639-9151

Cory Carney Realtor 774-282-0954

Jeff Harris Realtor 401-837-1119

Seekonk, MA - Lot 9 in Tall Pines on cul de sac. Beautiful location for your dream 2.5 bath, 2,200 Diane Araujo Michellehome. Muggle3 bed,Jennifer Dziedzic sq.ft. homes town water, Realtor feature hardwoods, Realtor natural gas, Realtor on demand hot water,508-336-2650 customized floor plans! Other lots 508-399-7229 774-218-8516 available. Call 508- 557-0366 for info! $449,000

Allison Weygand Realtor 401-965-3785

Tori Turco Realtor 401-316-8227

Steven Rodrigues Realtor 401-533-0021

Rehoboth, MA - Construction to begin soon on custom 3,304 sq. ft. 5 bed, 4 bath home on 1.4 acres in exclusive private gated community. Customize the exterior with stone or brick! Call 508- 557-0366 for info! $798,000 Dorothy Araujo Realtor 401-499-8057

Filomena Mulvey Realtor 508-617-7730

Krystal Pora Realtor 508-446-0189

Kileen Mitchell Realtor 401-595-5056

Erin Mercer Realtor 401-617-3574

Seekonk, MA - Fantastic opportunity to own this 4 bed, 2.5

air, large master bedroom. New septic. Call 508-557-0366 for info! $399,000

Krystle Kelley Realtor 774-259-5850

Realtor 508-455-7691

Rehoboth, MA in Idlewoods E close to all ame tion. Buy a lot a are available. C

Elizabeth Ruehrwein

Realtor 508-243-9632

Pawtucket, RI - Well maintained home in convenient location for commuters and close to Slater Park & bike trail. Home features 4 beds, 1 1/2 baths, hardwoods and a 1-car garage. Motivated seller. Call 508-557-0366 for info! $249,000 Kimberly Jennings Michelle Marques John Ruginski Realtor 508-336-9080

Kileen Mitchell Realtor Associate 401-595-5056 kileen1@comcast

Tony Araujo Realtor 508-399-7230

Kate Costa bathAmaral Mansard Colonial with in law! Home is surrounded Peter Augusta Fantasia Realtor byRealtor fields and woods for that country feeling, yet close to all Realtor 401-419-6364 amenities! Home has 2 year old heating system w/ central 401-699-2945 401-301-9158

Kevin Carreiro Realtor 508-930-4464

Dina Murphy Realtor Associate 401-639-9151 dmurphy921@co

Realtor 508-496-7790

Your Local Real Estate Experts Liz Letourneau

E. Providenc ness, all it ne bed, 1.5 bath sized front do Hardwoods th ing. Call 508-

June 2017

From the State House Representative Steven Howitt remains committed to working for the 4th Bristol District in the House of Representatives Statement from State Representative Steven Howitt (R – Seekonk)

“I am truly humbled by the outpouring of support for my candidacy for State Senator. Friend and colleague Senator Jim Timilty has a long record of distinguished service. I wish him every success in his next endeavor as Treasurer of Norfolk County, MA. I reviewed all the work we have accomplished since I was elected to office and took a long look ahead at all there is still to do. With these reflections, I know that I am right where I want to be, in the great and General Court, working for the people of the 4th Bristol District. Nothing brings me greater satisfaction than serving these good citizens of Norton, Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Swansea. I feel as if I have become part of the very fabric of these Towns. I plan to continue to keep working on the tasks at hand, returning money to the District, creating jobs and bolstering our Steven Howitt economy, encouraging new businesses, improving public safety, and working with Governor Charlie Baker to help make a difference to our communities.” “I thank all those who have offered encouragement to me to run for the Senate seat, yet I will not be a contender for the State Senate position at this time. I remain committed to working my hardest for the people of the 4th Bristol District through my elected position as State Representative, and thank you all for your continued support.”

The Reporter

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Community VNA Support Groups Continue to Meet in 2017 All Groups are Free and Open to the Public

Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support - This monthly support group is for those who are caregivers for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or other related dementias. Alzheimer’s support groups meet on the first Tuesday of each month, from 1:30PM - 2:30PM at Community VNA, 10 Emory Street, Attleboro MA. (Group does not meet in July). For information call 800-220-0110. Parkinson’s Disease Support - Community VNA, 10 Emory Street, Attleboro hosts a support group for people with Parkinson’s disease, their caregivers and anyone affected by the disease. Group meets the second Wednesday of each month, 10AM – 12Noon. Meetings include speakers, informal discussions and support. For information call 800-220-0110. Monthly Grief Support - For those experiencing loss, this support group features a different topic on grieving each month. Meetings held on the second Tuesday of the month from 6:30PM - 8PM at Community VNA, 10 Emory St., Attleboro. (Group does not meet in August). Preregistration is requested by calling 774-203-1372. Harmony Adult Day Health Center - For caregivers of a loved one who is elderly or has a disability, Harmony Adult Day Health Center offers a support group on the last Thursday of the month from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM at 725 A Myles Standish Boulevard in Taunton. To learn more, please call 508-880-3000. Mansfield Adult Day Health Center - For caregivers of a loved one who is elderly or has a disability, Mansfield Adult Day Health Center offers a support group on the fourth Thursday of the month from 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM, at 300 Branch Street in Mansfield. For information, please call 508-339-2119. For more information on these groups, as well as other agency news, please visit our website at www.communityvna.com. Follow us on Facebook by searching Community VNA. Community VNA, 10 Emory Street, Attleboro, MA 02703 508.222.0118 ~ 800.220.0110


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The Reporter June 2017

Dave Says *Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He has authored five New York Times best-selling books: Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover, EntreLeadership and Smart Money Smart Kids. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 8.5 million listeners each week on more than 550 radio stations. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at daveramsey.com.

Giving wisely

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Dear Dave, Our son is 13, and he wants to give half the money he received for his birthday to the nursery at our church. They need new baby toys and things like that. Should we let him give that much, or should we tell him that maybe 25 percent is enough? —Kyle Dear Kyle, I hope you’re proud of this kid. He’s a got a good heart, and it’s probably a reflection of the way his mom and dad are raising him. I like this a lot. I would very gently, and without any commanding or control verbiage, use some examples from the Bible when talking to him. There are several things to be learned about money from Scripture, and the concepts of generosity and giving are in there. There’s also a verse that says we need to take care of our own households first. Another one says in the house of the wise are stores of food and oil. We need to do all of these things with money — in balance. Thoughtfully and prayerfully decide what your giving amount will be, so that you don’t destroy your ability to save and do other important things. Talk to him about these concepts, then ask him to wait two or three days and think about his decision. If he comes back and says he still wants to give half of it, I would encourage him to do so. But slow things down a little, and make sure this isn’t a knee-jerk reaction. You need to be a wise giver, not an impulsive giver! —Dave

Bad advice from a bad friend

Dear Dave, My husband and I are currently in Baby Step 2, and paying off all our debt except for our home. A friend recently told us to pay off everything except for the credit card debt. She says we can then settle for a far less amount and not have so much money going out the door. This feels a little unethical to me. What are your thoughts? —Jennifer Dear Jennifer, There’s a good reason this idea feel unethical to you — it is unethical! Would a good friend, a smart friend, encourage you to do something as dishonorable as not pay a bill you’re morally and legally obligated to pay? I don’t think so. If you’re able to pay your bills, you pay your bills. It’s as simple as that. Now, if you honestly can’t pay the bill, and you have to settle upon a mutually agreed upon amount with the creditor or collector, then it’s okay at that point to try and reach a settlement. Otherwise, it’s a simple question of ethics. Pay the bill! —Dave

Mortgage for the deduction?

Dear Dave, My wife and I are looking at buying a new home. We’ve been really blessed with our finances, and we’re at a point where we can pay cash for a new house and still have plenty of money in the bank. Should we do this, or is it a better idea to get a mortgage for the tax deduction? —Brian

The Reporter

June 2017 Dear Brian, I think the real question is this: Why wouldn’t you pay cash if you have the ability to do so? I would never advise someone to get, or keep, a mortgage just for the tax deduction, because these tax deductions are never 100 percent. Let’s pretend you had a $200,000 mortgage at five percent interest. That would be $10,000 a year in interest. If you take a $10,000 tax deduction and you’re in a 25 percent tax bracket, that would save you 25 percent of $10,000 on your tax bill — or $2,500. So, you would never send $10,000 to your mortgage company just to avoid sending $2,500 to the IRS. You don’t keep a mortgage just for the tax deduction. That’s trading a dollar for a quarter, and you don’t want to do that. Everybody thinks losing the tax deduction is an awful thing, but you could give $10,000 extra to your church — something you don’t have to be in debt to do — and get the same tax write-off. There are numerous positive aspects to staying out of debt. One big thing it does is change your risk level. It gives you a level of peace and security you’ll never have when debt is hanging over your head. All that money that was going out the door to the bank can be used to build wealth and give like never before! —Dave

You can’t fix it for her

Dear Dave, I paid off my house a little over a year ago, and I’m completely debt-free. That’s a good thing, because I recently had some large medical bills and I don’t have quite as much cash as usual on hand. My younger sister recently received a tax bill from the IRS for $30,000. I love her to death, but she’s extremely irresponsible with money and in debt up to her eyeballs. I know how you feel about debt, and I’ve tried to teach her how to handle money, but considering her situation — should I take out a home equity loan of $30,000 to help her? —Toni Dear Toni, Absolutely not! Does that mean you don’t love her and care about her? It does not. But you told me she won’t behave with money. You don’t give money to people who won’t behave with the stuff. That kind of behavior doesn’t help anyone, and it doesn’t fix the problem. It’s like giving a drunk a drink. “Help” would be aiding this lady in changing her ways when it comes to finances. If you just give her a fish, it will stink and go bad. You have to teach her to fish. That attitude is not about being mean to her, it’s just where she is in her life. She needs to be educated, not enabled. And it doesn’t mean she’s a bad person, either. It just means you can’t endorse negative behavior or participate in her denial. Keep trying to teach her, and pray for her. Make sure, too, that she’s in contact with the IRS about a payment plan. I know she’s your little sister, but you can’t fix this one for her. Sometimes the best help you can give someone is to help them change their behavior. That way, they will hopefully learn how to carry their own weight. —Dave

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The Reporter June 2017

Audubon Society Of Rhode Island Unless noted, registration is required for all programs. A complete listing of activities & programs are detailed in the Audubon Nature Tours and Programs, a free guide to connecting with the natural world. Register online at www.asri.org or call (401) 949-5454.

Take Time to Explore the Great Outdoors!


June Programs and Events for Children and Families

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School’s out! Let the kids explore the great outdoors. Let them scoop with nets in the wetlands, search for lightning bugs or discover bird banding. Unplug and start summer off right - in the natural world. Unless noted, registration is required for all programs. A complete listing of activities and programs are detailed in the Audubon Nature Tours and Programs, a free guide to connecting with the natural world. Register online through the events calendar at www. asri.org or call (401) 949-5454.

Tales and Trails

Licensed & Insured

June 7; 10:00 – 11:00 am

Join us for an hour-long story time and trail exploration just for preschoolers. Learn about the local animals that live in the habitats on the wildlife refuge - and maybe even spot a few! June 7, 2017: Enjoy a reading of Buggliest Bug by Carol Diggory Shields and learn about some amazing insects. Then take a walk to the meadow where we will use butterfly nets and bug boxes to find and observe local insects. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Program Fee: $5/member child, $7/non-member child. Ages: 3-6. Register online through the events calendar at www. asri.org

Audubon Wetlands Exploration for Families June 11; 11:00 am-12:00 pm

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Take a journey to the wetlands with Audubon and discover just how important this habitat is. Keep your eyes open for turtles, frogs and ducks. We will explore the water with nets and basins, then use magnifying glasses and guide books to identify what we find. Will it be a tadpole? A dragonfly nymph? Snail eggs? Come find out! Wear clothes that can get dirty. Adults must accompany children. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Program Fee: $5/member child, $7/non-member child. Ages: 4+. Register online through the events calendar at www. asri.org

Bird Banding with Audubon

June 11, July 9, August 13; 9:15 -11:15 am

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Join Audubon and witness bird banding, where experts capture, band, measure and release songbirds in order to record their movements. Birds will be gently removed from tall “mist nets” set in Audubon’s shrubby habitats. The techniques of identifying, measuring, weighing, and banding the birds will be demonstrated before they are released. The migratory habits and life history of each captured species will be discussed. Bring a camera and binoculars. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Program Fee: $8/member adult, $4/member child; $12/non-member adult, $6/non-member child. Ages: 6+. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org.

June 2017

Junior Naturalists for Home-schooled Families June 13 & 14; 1:30 – 3:00 pm

Audubon’s popular home-school program now has extended class time! That means more time for outdoor exploration, so come dressed for the weather. Join other homeschooled kids to learn about nature and science. This program will introduce participants to a different topic each class, with hands-on experiments and nature-based activities that are sure to foster a love of the natural world. Classes are limited to 15 children, so please register early. Adult must attend with child. June 13 and 14, 2017 - Attack of the Invasives Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Program Fee: $10/member child, $6/each additional sibling; $12/non-member child, $8/each additional sibling. Ages 6-12. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org

The Reporter


David Laurino Plaster & Paint Serving Rehoboth for Over 20 Years

Preschool Story Time at Powder Mill Ledges June 14; 10:00 – 11:00 am and 1:00 – 2:00 pm

Enjoy a nature story with your preschooler each month. Programs include the reading of a nature story with hands-on activities followed by a nature craft or live animal visit. Adults must accompany children. June 14, 2017: I Wish I Were a Butterfly by James Howe Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Program Fee: $5/member child; $7/non-member child. Ages: 3-5. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org.

Call David 508-252-4773

Blackstone River Twilight Cruise Aboard the Explorer

Fully Insured

Free Estimates

June 15; 7:30 – 8:30 pm

Join an Audubon naturalist for a relaxing evening cruise along the beautiful and historic Blackstone River. Sit back and gaze out over the Valley Falls wilderness area as we watch for birds and other wildlife that live along America’s “hardest working river.” Participants may wish to bring insect repellent. The Explorer is a covered boat and will go out rain or shine. Co-sponsored with the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council. Departs from Central Falls Landing, 20 Madeira Ave, Central Falls, RI; Program Fee: $15/adult; $12/child. Ages: 7+. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org

All Work Guaranteed

National Pollinator Week at Audubon June 19 - 25

Come celebrate pollinators and help spread the word about how to protect them. Ten years ago, the U.S. Senate designated a week each June as National Pollinator Week - a necessary step toward addressing the urgent issue of declining pollinator populations. This week is now an international celebration of the valuable services that bees, birds, butterflies, bats and beetles provide for ecosystems. Join Audubon for fun and educational programs all week! June 19 – 25, 2017: Pollination Station. Make a pollinator craft, test your knowledge of local pollinators, check out some pollinator specimens, and browse our informative brochures. The pollination station has something for everyone! Free with admission. June 19 – 25, 2017: Spot the Bumble Bee. Spot all ten bumblebees in our exhibit hall and get a prize! Free with admission. June 25, 2017: 11:00 am- 12:00 pm: Insect Investigation for Families. See program description below for details. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI.

Ice Cream and Lightning Bugs June 23; 7:30 – 9:00 pm

Just as it starts to get dark, the lightning bugs appear. Join Audubon at Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge and learn all about these amazing insects. Start the evening by making ice cream sundaes and learning about what makes these insects so special. Then head out for a guided hike and look for their flickering lights. If we are lucky, we may also spot a resident beaver along the way. This program is fun for the whole family! Please bring a flashlight. Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, 99 Pardon Joslin Road, Exeter, RI; Program Fee: $12 member adult/ $6 member child; $14/nonmember adult, $7/non-member child. Ages: 6+. Register online through the events calendar at www.asri.org

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The Reporter June 2017

scouts American Heritage Girls Troop MA3712 Farewell Celebration for Patriot Scout Macy Oliveira

Macy and Patriot leader Tricia Larki


Left to right: Amanda Abbott, Sara McMahon, Macy Oliveira, Abi Eckerson, Sarah Baldini, Lisa Omondi, Elsie Omond At their May 4th meeting, American Heritage Girls Troop MA3712 enjoyed a farewell celebration for Patriot scout Macy Oliveira who is graduating. American Heritage Girls is a faith-based scouting program for girls ages 5-18. Visit our local troop at https:/troopma3712-2.trooptrack.com or the national site at www.americanheritagegirls.org for more information.

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American Heritage Girls Troop MA3712 Badge Work

Members of American Heritage Girls Troop MA3712 presented badge work to the troop at their May 4th meeting.

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Abi Eckerson presented techniques of Krav Maga self-defense with the assistance of Sara McMahon

June 2017

The Reporter


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Siera and Ireland Larkin presented some of their artistic endeavors for the Pen and Paper Arts badge.

Troop 3 North Dighton

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HUNGRY? Dining Guide on page 88. Troop 3 North Dighton Boy Scouts and parents from Troop 3 North Dighton attended the 55th Annual West Point Camporee in April. They joined over 6300 scouts from around the country in competitions in such areas as fire building, first aid, camouflage and knot tying. To learn more about joining in the fun with Troop 3, please visit our website: http://troop3ndighton.wix.com/troop-3.

Reporter Photo Submission Requirements

When submitting photos, please provide captions that coincide with photos. Photos will not run without a caption.

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The Reporter June 2017

Runnins River Trails Ribbon Cutting Dreary skies and spitting drizzle couldn’t dampen the spirits of those in attendance at the ribbon cutting of the Runnins River Trails on Saturday, May 13.


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Eagle Scout candidate Connor Pozzi of Seekonk Boy Scout Troop One and Girl Scout Catherine Testa of Seekonk Troop 460 had the honor of cutting the ribbon to officially open the trail located behind Town Hall. In addition to clearing the area at the trailhead, Pozzi transplanted pine saplings while Testa planted Trailhead sign rhododendrons and blazed the trails as part of their respective scouting projects. Following a welcome by Seekonk’s Conservation Agent Jennifer Miller and remarks by Selectman David Andrade and Thompson Webb of Seekonk’s Land Conservation Trust, those in attendance were treated to refreshments provided by Krazy Korner Bagel, Stop and Shop, Dunkin Donuts and Young’s Catering. Other activities during the morning included guided nature walks, public safety demos by Seekonk’s Police and Fire Departments, scavenger hunts, and other games and activities.

Catherine Testa & Connor Pozzi cutting the ribbon to officially open the trails to the public.

Boy Scout Eagle Project Seeking Donations

My name is Aidan Morrison and I am a Boy Scout from Troop 1 Seekonk. From now until June 9th, I will be running a collection of toiletries that will benefit Doorways, a food pantry here in Seekonk. This project is an integral part of my work toward attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. Items collected are toothbrushes, toothpaste, combs, shampoo, soap, toilet paper, deodorant, razors/ shaving cream, and floss. All donations help and will be given out to members of the community who come to Doorways for food, but often need these products as well. If you would like to donate, please stop by the Seekonk Public Library or the Seekonk Town Hall where there will be large boxes with bright green signs with information regarding my project. If there are any questions about my project, you can email me at morrisona16@gmail.com. Thanks to all who donate. This is really beneficial to those in our community who need these items the most.

June 2017

The Reporter


Troop 13 Keeping Busy

Boy Scout Troop 13 ready for their annual 22-mile bike trip.

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508-252-4668 • 508-336-7024 Boy Scout Troop 13 during their trip. This past April, in Myles Standish State Forest in South Carver, MA and camped at Squanto Scout Reservation not far from Cachalot Scout Reservation. The trip was fun as usual as we bike on the paths throughout the State Forest. According to First Class Scout Jack Silva, "We left [camp] with 14 and came back with 10." Now don't you worry, we didn't lose anyone but only 4 broken bikes that didn't want to go after a while like shifted wheels and chain problems. This was also the first camp out with the 7 new scouts that joined the troop. They learned how the troop camps and what we do on campouts. From what i have learned, the scouts had a wonderful time! The Boy Scouts also went on another camp out last month in May where the camped out Camp Buxton located right in Rehoboth on Pond St. The boys this month cleaned up a part around the Palmer River in camp and then drove up to Oak Knoll Cemetery located on Rt.118/Tremont St. across from Bliss Soccer Fields. The boys replaced continued on next page...

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The Reporter June 2017

all of the flags of Korean, Vietnam, and World War veterans who served our country when we needed it most with the old dirty and deteriorating flags that were put out last year by Troop 13 were replaced by nice new flags. This is a yearly thing that the troop does to bring some happiness into the world. Troop 13 would also like to thank all of the people that came out on April 28th to support the troop with the Spaghetti dinner. Thanks to all of the people that came out to eat dinner and for the many raffle items we had, we earned a total of $1,507 to spend on new tents, lanterns and stoves (all which are broken or ripped and need to be replaced..) We thank also the parents that came out to help with the event. They along with the Boy Scouts took 6 hours out of there Friday afternoon to help. Thank you very much. If you happened to see the past reporter on the front page, Future Eagle Scout Dan Furze (A.K.A Eye of the Tiger) finished his Eagle Project by putting back the cannon in front of the American Legion at the corner of Rt. 118 and Bay State Road. Congrats to Dan and his family!

Troop 13 ready to eat

Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England Celebrate Gold Award Recipients in their Community at the “Girl Scouts Shine Ceremony”

Dr. Lisa Daft and Dr. Jared Stubbs

LisatoDaft Alexandra Costa AreDr. pleased announceDr. Dr. Chris Vanderpool has joined our family and cosmetic dental practice. Providing comprehensive Providing comprehensive dental care in dental care in more Seekonk, Seekonk, MA for than 35MA. years. WeWe welcome new patients! welcome new patients!

On Saturday, May 20th, Girl Scouts from across Southeastern New England will receive their Gold Awards and celebrate among friends and family this important and pivotal Girl Scout tradition. This extra special event has recently been renamed to reflect a new local council tradition where we will not only recognize our Gold Award achievers, but we will also honor ALL our Highest Awards earners at our newly named “Girl Scouts Shine Ceremony”. This includes acknowledging the efforts of our ambitious Bronze Awardees, as well as spotlighting all Silver Awardees too! The event will be held Saturday evening at the Warwick Country Club, where we are proud to welcome guest speaker Darlene Allen, the Executive Director of Adoption RI. We are thrilled to share the name of the following local girl who will join the millions of Girl Scout alumnae who have created, developed, and executed “Take Action” projects that have positively impacted their communities and the world, earning Girl Scouts’ highest Gold Award: Lindsey N. Scott, Seekonk, MA.

About the Girl Scout Gold Award

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Since 1916, Girl Scouts have been making meaningful, sustainable change in their communities and around the world. The Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest honor a Girl Scout can earn, acknowledges the power behind each recipient’s dedication to not only empowering and bettering herself, but also to making the world a better place for others. These young women are courageous leaders and visionary change makers. They are our future, and it looks bright.

The Reporter

June 2017


Rehoboth Girl Scout Troop 628 Attend Memorial Day Parade

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Despite the rain, Rehoboth Girl Scout Daisy Troop 628 enjoyed being a part of the Dighton-Rehoboth Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony. The scouts had a wonderful time participating in this important event.

With Liz Morrell

Girl Scout Brownie Troop 494 Earn Dance Badge


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TRI-STAR AUTO BODY, INC. Girl Scout Brownie Troop 494 had a wonderful time earning their dance badge at Shooting Stars School of Dance in Seekonk. The scouts stretched, tumbled, danced, learned, and laughed during their event.

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The Reporter June 2017

News And Notes From Blanding Library By Leslie Patterson

Puppet Show on June 27

“Mr. Vinny’s Little Puppet” puppet show will return to the Blanding Library on Tues. June 27 at 10:30 a.m. This is a free family program for all ages. No registration is required. This program is made possible by the Friends of the Blanding Library.

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Mr. Vinny’s Little Puppets, at the Blanding June 27

Fiddle N’Fun on July 5

Joel Beauchemin returns with Fiddle N’Fun on Wed. July 5 at 10:30 a.m. This is a hands-on Suzuki-style violin instruction for ages 3 and up (yes, even adults!) Joel instructs using locally made Fiddlestix, a single-stringed instrument and “bow” to prepare for learning the violin. Free, but advance registration is required.

Knitting Group

A new knitting group is starting up again at the Blanding. It will meet on the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. and is for all ages and levels, from beginner to expert. Call 508-252-4236 for more information.

Fitness For Real Women By Real Women Small Group Training with multiple class times daily. Don’t miss this opportunity to see what Boom is all about. Celebrate the start of 2016 with 16% Off All new memberships!

508-221-4657 200 William Street, North Dighton www.boomfitnessma.com

Author at Story Hour on July 13

Author/illustrator Carla Marrero will read at the story hour on Thurs. July 13 at 10:30 a.m. Come and listen to one of her “purrfect” feline stories and make a craft to take home. Please register children in advance. Be sure to visit our Event Calendar on our website, blandinglibrary.net, as we update fun summer programs for all ages. This summer's theme is Build a Better World. Students, remember the friendly librarians at the Blanding are here to help you locate books for your summer reading. The Lego Club at the Blanding will be taking a summer vacation – no meetings until September. Hope to see all Lego fans then!

New Books

Sure, you can find a gazillion bits of travel information online these days, but many of us still feel more comfortable traveling when we also have an up-to-date guidebook in hand. The Blanding has updated its selection of travel books just in time for summer. Fiction lovers probably got a chuckle out of the message on the signboard outside the Blanding recently: “A book a day keeps reality away.” But your library is a great source of outstanding non-fiction too. Here are just a few of the new titles available for check-out: “Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City”, is an acclaimed study by Matthew Desmond, who grew up poor himself and is now a Harvard professor. The Blanding also has J.D. Vance’s best-selling “Hillbilly Elegy”. Also recommended is another inspiring book from Jane Goodall, “Seeds of Hope: Wisdom and Wonder from the World of Plants”. For local interest, you can find out more about unusual old New England cemeteries in “Stones and Bones of New England” by Lisa Rogak. For those headed to Washington DC, there is “Official Guide to the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture.” And those interested in Native American history will want to read “Black Elk: The Life of An American Visionary” by Joe Jackson. In addition to all the books and all the other items on the Blanding shelves, you can find thousands more in the SAILS library system. All you need is a library card, available free to local residents. Stop by the Blanding for more information.

June 2017

The Reporter


Seekonk Public Library www.seekonkpl.org • library@seekonkpl.org

Children’s Programs Reading with Oliver

Tuesday, June 6, 13, 27 3:15- 5:15 pm

Build reading skills and gain confidence in reading aloud by coming to the Library and "Reading to Oliver", an adorable Labradoodle. Children should bring a book they can read or come a few minutes early to select one here. We suggest reserving a 20 minute time slot in advance but drop-ins are always welcome!



Family Movie

Tuesday, June 20th 4 pm

Join us for a family film and free popcorn donated by the Friends of the Seekonk Public Library. Call for title and rating.

Attorneys at Law R.I. and MA. Bars

Make and Take Fairy Doors

Wednesday, June 211:30-2:30 pm

Paint and decorate a little door to welcome the fairies to your garden! All ages, but small children will need adult assistance. Please register online so we can be sure to have enough supplies. Seekonkpl.org/children

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Fun With Spanish!

Monday, June 26 10 am

Cutcliffe Glavin

Children ages 3-5 are invited to join us as writer and narrator Maria Elena Cardoso leads us in a bi-lingual storytime. Hear the story La oruga muy hambrienta (The Very Hungry Caterpillar). Then learn a fingerplay, count, and practice some simple phrases in Spanish. Muy bien!Please register at seekonkpl. org/children. Older siblings welcome.

Harry Potter Trivia Night Monday, June 26 6 pm

It's the 20th anniversary of the publication of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone! Celebrate by showing off your knowledge of Harry and his world during this pub-style trivia match. Form a team of 4-6 players or arrive solo and be assigned to a team. The winning team will win a small Potter-rific prize! All ages! Register online at seekonkpl.org/children

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BINGO Summer Challenge

Adults, don’t let the kids have all the Summer Reading fun! Challenge yourself to build your library muscle this summer by playing our Summer Library Challenge BINGO, beginning Thursday, June 1. Get five squares in a row completed to experience more of what the library has to offer AND be entered into a grand prize drawing on Friday, September 1. Librarian Michelle Gario says, “We know summer is a great time for adults to catch up on leisure reading, whether in print or ebooks; but summer vacation is also a great time for patrons to come to the library, enjoy the cool air, and learn about something they never knew was available! Even if you don’t complete a BINGO card, you’re bound to find out something new you can get for FREE with your Seekonk Library Card.” Pickup and return your BINGO card at the Ask! desk in the library. This program will run from June 1 through August 31 with the grand prize drawing on September 1. For further information please contact Seekonk Library at 508-336-8230 or email library@ seekonkpl.org.



The Reporter June 2017

Girls Who Code at Seekonk Library

Members and teachers of Seekonk Library’s Girls Who Code Club gather for a photo in front of the Library. The girls created and worked on individual projects from January through April 2017. The projects were about racial diversity, endangered species, bullying, LGBTQ, mental illness and animal welfare. These coding projects may be viewed at http:// seekonkgwc.org/.

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Build a Better World Summer Reading Program

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Readers of all ages with explore the theme “Build a Better World” during Seekonk Library’s 2017 Summer Reading Program. Sign up for the Library’s online reading program at seekonkpl.org/ children and simply keep track of how much time is spent reading. Preregistration starts June 1 with raffle prizes and the weekly “free book giveaways” beginning after the official kick-off on June 20th. Summer reading is fun, educational and most importantly, helps children maintain the valuable reading skills they gained throughout the school year. The 2017 Children’s Summer Reading Program is open to young people, preschool through young adult, with programs, raffle prizes, storytimes, special programming and more. Preregistration begins on June 1. For more information, call the Library at 508-3368230 x56140 or visit the library’s website at seekonkpl.org/children.

“Summer Slide”

Slides are fun except when they refer to learning loss. By the time a struggling reader reaches middle school, summer reading loss can accumulate into a two year lag in reading achievement which effects a child’s overall learning. Prevention of “summer slide” for all readers can be combatted by having children read something every day. Encourage your child to take advantage of every opportunity to read. In the morning, the newspaper, comics or weather report. In the afternoon, tv schedules, magazines or online resources. Link you child’s interests with television programs. For example, if your daughter enjoys cooking shows, have her find a recipe on the network’s website. Suggestions for end-of-day reading include having your child read a chapter or more from a book they’ve already started or reread a book they loved before. Library summer reading programs are another way to combat “summer slide”. Libraries offer online reading trackers, reading incentives, storytimes, literacy based activities, and exciting programming and activities to engage children of all ages. With a 2017 theme of “Build a Better World”, Seekonk Public Library’s self-paced, Summer Reading Program begins on June 1 and runs through August 19. For more details visit seekonkpl.org/children for details or call 508-336-8230 x56140.

June 2017

Outdoor Summer Concert Series Begins July 12

Seekonk Public Library will bring its annual summer concert series outside to the Meadows with three free concerts open to the public. Join us for the following wonderful performances (rain dates to be determined):

Bill Harley Wed., July 12, 6:00 pm – New Time

Join us for music from Bill Harley, award winning author and recording artist for children and families. Recipient of Parents’ Choice, ALA and two Grammy® awards, Bill uses song and story to paint a vibrant and hilarious picture of growing up, schooling and family life. Inducted into the Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame, Bill tours nationwide as an author, performing artist and keynote speaker.

Atwater-Donnelly Wed., July 26, 7:00 pm – New Time

This award winning Celtic Folk and Americana duo has toured nationally and internationally, sharing billing with legends Jean Ritchie, Pete Seeger, and Doc Watson. Their delightful performances include gorgeous harmonies, an astonishing array of instruments, and other surprises including limberjacks and clog dancing! Their warm and humorous performance is appealing to all ages.

Jesse Liam Band Wednesday, August 2, 7:00 pm – New Time

After debuting last year for the Seekonk Summer Concert series, we are excited to welcome back the Jesse Liam Band. Led by a father-son team, this talented group brings a repertoire of top 40 hits that span from the 1960’s through today. Their joy and energy will get you clapping your hands and up on your feet! This event, including free ice cream, is generously sponsored by Sturdy Memorial Hospital and the Rehoboth/Seekonk Medical Center. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets and picnics and enjoy these concerts sponsored by The Friends of the Seekonk Library (except where noted). In the event of rain, concerts will be rescheduled. For information: www.seekonkpl.org or Contact: library@ seekonkpl.org.

Think Faster, Focus Better & Remember More: BrainHQ at Seekonk Library

A recent AARP survey reports 9 in 10 people say brain health is important, but few know how to maintain it. Studies have shown that with training you can gain up to 10 years of improvement in brain function. BrainHQ is an online suite of exercises organized around Attention, Brain Speed, Memory, People Skills, Intelligence and Navigation developed for this purpose. BrainHQ is now free to Seekonk Library cardholders. Librarian Michelle Gario says, “Completing BrainHQ’s two minute or less exercises are fun and challenging, like doing an interactive puzzle! Even better, it tracks your progress and provides guidance for the areas you want to improve in.” To begin your free access BrainHQ, click the button on the library’s website, www.seekonkpl.org, to set up an account. You will then be able to access BrainHQ exercises online from any computer or download the free app for iPads or iPhones (The Android app is in development). For further information please contact Seekonk Library at 508336-8230 or email library@seekonkpl.org.



The Reporter


More Museum Passes

The only thing better than enjoying summer entertainment is getting to enjoy it discounted or FREE! Now you can do that even more with the five new museum passes available at Seekonk Public Library. Whether your interest is sports, art, nature, history, or kidfriendly activities, we’ve got you covered. Passes are now available for almost twenty locations including: • Blithewold Mansion, Gardens & Arboretum - NEW! • Boston Children’s Museum • Capron Park Zoo – NEW! • Fuller Craft Museum – NEW! • Institute of Contemporary Art – NEW! • Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum • MA State Parks & Beaches • Museum of Fine Arts • Museum of Science • Mystic Aquarium • Mystic Seaport • New England Aquarium [June ONLY] • Pawtucket Red Sox • Plimoth Plantation • Providence Children’s Museum • RISD Museum • Roger Williams Park Zoo • The Hall at Patriot Place – NEW! • USS Constitution Museum Use your Seekonk library card to reserve your pass up to two months in advance from the library’s website: seekonkpl.org. Then pick up the pass before leaving to enjoy your discounts! The discount amount and number of people covered vary by location. For further information please contact Seekonk Library at 508-336-8230 or email library@seekonkpl.org.

Movie Night

Monday, June 19, 6:00 PM

Skip the wait in movie theater lines and the expensive concession stand! Take some time for yourself and enjoy this select DVD release for FREE at Seekonk Public Library. This program is free and open to the public. When twelve mysterious spacecraft appear around the world, linguistics professor Louise Banks (Amy Adams) is tasked with interpreting the language of the apparent alien visitors. Directed by Denis Villeneuve, acclaimed director of Sicario, this film was nominated for 8 Oscars. Rated PG-13; 1 hour 56 minutes. Licensing prevents us from printing titles; call the library for the title and other details at 508-336-8230 ext. 56130. For information: www.seekonkpl.org or Contact: library@seekonkpl.org

Gentle Yoga

Join us at the library for a free exercise program, Gentle Yoga, on Monday, June 12 at 6:00 PM. Participants must bring a yoga mat. Space is limited; pre-registration with a SAILS library card is required for all participants. Register on the library’s website at seekonkpl.org or by calling the library at 508-336-8230. Instructor Ellary Gamache from Create Power Yoga will lead this session for adults. You will build a solid foundation for your alignment and learn to move with breath. Participants mindfully and slowly transition through a vinyasa style flow in class & end in a restorative state. All levels are welcome. Yoga has been shown to have multiple health and wellness benefits including increased circulation, relief from joint pain or arthritis, and normalizing blood pressure. Even someone who has never been physically active can learn to adapt the practice of yoga to serve our more mature bodies, minds and spirits. For information and to register: www.seekonkpl.org or contact: library@ seekonkpl.org.


The Reporter June 2017

Summer Camps & Events Memories of Summer Camp by Alexis Rossi

Hands on Summer Fun for children ages 4-16

art • sports • cooking • robotics natural science • forensic science • leadership PLUS OFFICIAL RED SOX BASEBALL CAMP

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As a child, I spent most of my summers at camp. Camp can be a great experience for children of all ages, as it forces you to not only go outside, but make life-long friends. I am still in contact with many of the friends I made during the years I spent at camp. Spending my summers at camp allowed me to further develop valuable skills that I would have otherwise never explored. Being able to have a place as a child to grow outside of school was extremely valuable, as it allowed me to develop skills that are not always focused on in a traditional school. It was a place during the summer where anyone could go, and was welcome. The camp I went to offered a variety of different programs, from athletics to theatre. Since there were so many options, I was able to try at least one new activity every day. By doing this, I learned which activities I thrived in, and the ones that I did not. Whether this was having dodgeballs thrown at me, or trying out for the play. When I was no longer a camper, I was able to become a counselor at the camp. I benefitted from being a counselor as I was given more responsibility, but was still able to enjoy the summer. Although I am no longer a counselor, being a part of the camp was such a valuable experience, and influenced all areas of my life. I felt so strongly about my camp experience that I wrote about it for my college essay. Whether it’s while playing a sport, or rehearsing for a show, finding your camp can lead to discovering skills and activities that you may have never explored.



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June 2017

The Reporter


Check out our advertisers’ summer programs! Some Local Specialized Camps

• Twinkle Toes Dance Studio • PCD Summer • Camp Ramsbottom • Summer at Gordon • EP Recreation Department Summer Camp • One on One Basketball Training • Bay View Academy Summer Science Camp (July 10th-14th) • Bayside Family YMCA & Newman YMCA

Local Summer Activities The Seekonk Public Library

The Seekonk Meadows 6th Annual Kickoff Celebration. Beginning Saturday, June 10, from 1-5pm, they will be featuring summer concerts and gardening sessions. Gardening sessions are from 4-6 pm.

Weaver Library Farmers Market Opening Day!

Thursdays from 4-7pm starting June 22nd. Musicians Keith Munslow and Bridget Brewer entertain at 4pm!

East Providence Recreation

Concerts in the park are being held from June 1 to July 27 at 6pm. The concerts will feature local musicians. Larisa Park 701 Bullocks Pt. Ave. Riverside RI. Free Admission. continued on next page...

Seekonk Parks & Recreation Department

Time to Register!

The Seekonk Parks & Recreation Department will again sponsor the Seekonk Summer Program this year at Aitken Elementary School. This will mark our Tenth Anniversary providing the children with an affordable, fun and educational camp opportunity in a safe environment. The camp is open to children in grades Pre-kindergarten through sixth and will take place July 10th to July 21st on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Children will be able to select three programs taught by adult instructors. There will be the old favorites that fill up quickly such as PE Challenge with Water Fun Fridays, Cooking and Farm Friends. We also have new Special Events such as Laser Tag, Ultimate Mobile Gaming Truck and Tie Dye Day and more. Registration materials can be found at Martin and Aitken elementary schools, Seekonk Town Hall, and the Seekonk Public Library. They can also be found online at www.seekonkrecreation.com. The cost of the program is $155 for the full 30 hours of instruction. If you register after June 5 the price is $165 for the program. The cost for non-residents of Seekonk is $175.

Come Celebrate our 10th Summer with Us!

Surfing, sailing, science, cooking, dance & gymnastics, horseback riding, kayaking...

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The Reporter June 2017

Summer Fun Providence Children’s Museum

Every Friday from June through August admission is free for adults and children from 5pm-8pm. Creative Constructions during the last two weeks of June from 11am-2pm. Children of all ages using legos, and other building materials. Imagination Playground on the last three Mondays of June from 11am-2pm. Kids stack and build with big blue foam blocks, wheels, spools, tubes and a variety of loose parts to construct castles and forts, invent interesting sculptures and more!

The Massachusetts Audubon Society

Field Classes beginning June 17 until the end of October. Hosting classes for adults that focus on outdoor experiences and are taught by professional naturalists and scientists. Family Fun Day at Pleasant Valley - June 3, 2017 10am-4pm. Free Admission. Featuring nature exploration centers, nature crafts for children, as well as other activities and exhibits. Summer Concert Series at Drumlin Farm. June 23, July 14, August 25 5:30-8pm. Featuring local music and food. Bring chairs and blankets. Adults $10, Children $5, Children ages 2 and under are free.

Audubon Society of Rhode Island

Wednesday Morning Bird Walks. Every Wednesday in June beginning on the 7th from 9-11 am. Ages 14 and up.

Sea Glass Jewelry Workshop. June 10, July 22, & August 19 11:00 am- 12:30 pm. Design and create a beautiful pendant with sea glass found on local beaches. Learn how to choose the right piece of glass and transform it into creative jewelry using quick and easy wire wrapping techniques. Program includes all materials. This class fills quickly. Advance registration is required. Wetlands Exploration. June 11th 11:00 am- 12pm, Ages 4 and up. Discover just how important this habitat is. We will explore the water with nets and basins, and then use magnifying glasses and guide books to identify what we find. Will it be a tadpole? A dragonfly nymph? Snail eggs? Wear clothes that can get dirty. Adults must accompany children. Program is weather dependent. Summer Solstice Celebration and Evening Illumination. June 17th 7:30-9:30 pm, Ages 21 and up. Welcome the summer with an evening of celebration! Sample local meads, ciders and snacks while meeting an owl and Red-tailed Hawk. Then take a guided evening walk through the wildlife refuge to the wetlands, following a path lit with luminaries. Adults only. Registration required. Ice Cream and Lightning Bugs. June 23 7:30-9pm, Ages 6 and up. Just as it starts to get dark, the lightning bugs appear. Join Audubon at Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge and learn all about these amazing insects. Start the evening by making ice cream sundaes and learning about what makes these insects so special. Then head out for a guided hike and look for their flickering lights. If we are lucky, we may also spot a resident beaver along the way. This program is fun for the whole family! Please bring a flashlight.

June 2017

The Reporter


SCHOOL NEWS Greetings from your Rehoboth PTSA! Please note these upcoming events and the Restaurant of the Month:

June 8th: The Palmer River Bees Fun Run Fundraiser---funds raised will support Enrichment Programs for our students! June 14th at 6:30 p.m.: Join us for our final meeting of the year, to be held in the library at Palmer River Elementary School. This meeting will include our year end wrap up and election of officers for the new school year. June 2017-Restaurant of the Month is Uncle Ed’s (116 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth). Enjoy their delicious menu and ice cream, all while supporting the students at Palmer River and Beckwith! As this school year comes to an end, I’d like to extend my thanks to all of the volunteers whose efforts have made our events and fundraisers such a great success for our students, and to all of the teachers and school staff for all of your hard work and dedication every day. And finally, a heartfelt note of gratitude and appreciation for the very special ladies on the Executive Board for your passion, tireless efforts, friendship, and support. I am proud and blessed to have worked with you! Sincerely, Karen DeRoche, Rehoboth PTSA President

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Hornbine School Open House June 11th & 25th

Twin Oaks Farm

The Hornbine School Museum will open to the public on the second and fourth Sunday of June, July, August and September from 2 to 4 p.m. If you are fascinated with history, you will enjoy perusing our numerous binders filled with pictures and information about the many one room schoolhouses in Rehoboth. We 127 Tremont Street • Rehoboth, MA have activities for the children which include outdoor games and 508-252-5522 writing with a “Slate Pencil”. Frances Jones Megan, who attended the school when it was open as a public school, is almost always there. She is a wealth of information about the school and the NOW Hornbine neighborhood. ENROLLING - Wanda Hanson, Director Palmer River School Third Grade classrooms will visit the school for a day during the month of June. We hope to have some pictures for the July issue of the Rehoboth Reporter. Our School Marms, WE OFFER: Brenda Saben and Jann McMurry have conducted 16 classes from • Smaller Class SizesMA • Fine Arts Program • • 508-252-5522 t 127 Tremont Street Rehoboth, p e cc was used in other towns this year. They use a teacher’s desk We Athat • Farm Setting • Music ! s the first Palmer River School on Mason StreetVover oucherone hundred • Gardens • Accredited and fifty years ago. (There have been three Palmer River Schools • Audubon Sanctuary • International Teacher over the years.) • Language Programs Programs We are thankful to all the individuals and organizations that NOW ENROLLING • Private Kindergarten • Karate donated their effort, materials and talents to restore the building – Wanda Hanson, Director for FALL 2012 and in 1968 during the town’s three hundred and twenty fifth anniver- COUPON sary. During the past fortyALL nine years, the guidance of the DAYunder KINDERGARtEN Rehoboth Historical Commission, many volunteers have contributed to the maintenance and operationWe of the building. For two offer: — COUPON — decades, until her retirement in 2015, Beverly Pettine volunteered ept 127 Tremont Street • Rehoboth, MA • 508-252-5522 c c A e her services to keep the school running smoothly. Cathy Potter very W rs! Arts Program • Smaller Class Sizes eFine Vouc•hThrough SEPTEMBER 2017 capably took over most responsibilities in 2015. Cathy’s • Farm Setting • Music efforts the building has continued to be open for classes and the thru JUNE 2018 • Gardens • Accredited public to enjoy. • Audubon Sanctuary • International Teacher New Full Time Enrollment NOWin ENROLLING The Hornbine School is located the south east corner of Programs • Language Programs (worth $520) Rehoboth on Hornbine Road at the intersection of Baker Road. – Wanda Hanson, Director • Private Kindergarten for FALL 2012 and • Karate Come visit us! thru


Better Beginning” Twin Oaks “A Farm

Lear ning




“A Better Beginning”

Twin Oaks Farm L e a r n i n $10 g Off C ea n ter Week for the school year $10 Off a Week for the school year “A Better Beginning”


After School Program for Rehoboth School age We offer: Children ages 5-12 years old. •

Sep tember 2012 June 2013

New Full Time Enrollment — COUPON —

Smaller Farm Se Gardens Audubo Languag


• • • •


The Reporter June 2017

Palmer River Elementary School A Snapshot Traditional Catholic Education Textbooks • Homework • Honor Roll


Learning What is your Story?

Nine of our Palmer River students were recently recognized by the Massachusetts PTA at the Worcester Art Museum for their award winning contributions in the Reflections Contest : What is Your Story. Ryan Bomes and Patrick McCann have additionally been recognized by the National PTA and will be celebrated next month in Las Vegas!


We are St. Luke’s School

Molding the Christian Leaders of Tomorrow Open House: A chance to see firsthand what all of the buzz is about at SLS. With a student body from 15 different communities we are a dedicated and thriving community of learners. Come see for yourself!


Charlie Favali, Haleigh Kelley, Gia Papa, and Ryan Bomes and PTA Reflections Chair, Mikki Wilson.

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Audrey Lancelotta

June 2017

The Reporter


Maroon 40

Fourth Grade’s Room 40 Students from fourth Grade’s Room 40 have written their own lyrics to the pop song “Sugar”. The students will be singing and performing their new composition in a video to help other students to learn how to better follow Recess (and lunchroom) expectations. Talent abounds- we may even see some of these talented singers on the voice someday. (I can’t get their lyrics out of my head… well done!)

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Left to right: Olivia Blair, Austin Couto, Zoie Correia, Albert (A.J.) Gouveia, Aiden Fournier Students in grade 3 learned all about different types of fossils --mold, cast, body, and trace and how to identify them. As a wrap activity, up the students got to make their own fossil out of coffee grounds, flour, salt, and cooled coffee mixed together. They brought in an item from home (shells, toy animal, sticks, etc) to make the imprints in the ‘fossil’.

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The Reporter June 2017

The Beckwith Chronicle www.drregional.org

Learning in Action!

Students in Ms. Grosslein and Ms. McNutt’s Math class work together during a station activity

Students in Mr. Ketler’s Science class test a roller coaster design

“CPR in Schools” Brought to Beckwith

Earlier in the school year the physical education teachers at Beckwith Middle School and Dighton Middle School met with PTSA assistant treasurer Jennifer Moitoso about the possibility of implementing CPR in health education classes. Through everyone’s efforts, we were able to make this program a reality. Beckwith received an unnamed National Sponsor and a “CPR in Schools” kit which was donated to Beckwith Middle School. The CPR kit included 10 mini-Anne practice units, instructional DVD, pre and post tests, AED models, replaceable airways and an instructional binder. Mr. Sampson was able to implement CPR in the health curriculum for grade 8 this year. The 8th grade students practiced handsonly CPR, child CPR and how to use an AED. Students were given a pre-test to determine prior knowledge and a post test to show growth of knowledge. By the end of the unit all students were able to answer all the questions correctly. The skills that the students learned during this health unit will be able to be used for a lifetime. Special thanks to Rehoboth PTSA, Jennifer Moitoso, Mr. Sampson, Ms. Miller, Tom Mossotti Senior Community CPR Manager, Katie Kinney CPR in Schools Manager, Kevin Gousie, Kathryn Clark and Mr. Pirraglia for helping to implement the “CPR in Schools” Program at Beckwith.

Students practice CPR skills in Mr Sampsons Health class

Mr Sampsons Health class poses during CPR training

Mr. Kenny’s STEM class uses trigonometry to measure the flight path of rockets



Dates to Remember

6/5 Chorus & Gr 5 Percussion Concert 6/8 Band Concert 6/9 School Dance 6/12 Band Concert 6/12 DRRHS Orientation for 8th Graders 6/13 DRRHS Orientation for 8th Graders 6/13 Orientation for Grade 4 parents 6/14 Step Up Day for 4th Graders 6/14 Grade 6 Field Trip 6/21 Grade 8 Field Trip

BMS Participates in SEMSBA

Congratulations to Ashley Anderson, Charleigh Blackwell, Gianna Blackwell, Hannah Bruno, Bella DeCilio, Lauren DeCoste and Marisa Guertin for representing Beckwith Middle School in the Junior SEMSBA Music Festival held on May 5th and 6th at East Middle School in Braintree. Under the direction of a guest conductor, the students rehearsed with other middle and high school students from the Southeastern Massachusetts area to prepare a variety of musical selections. The two-day festival concluded with a concert that was enjoyed by family and friends.

Beckwith Sixth Graders Raise Over $10,000 for Rehoboth Food Pantry

“Read a book – become a hero!” That’s the motto of the Beckwith sixth graders’ “Read for Rehoboth” program held yearly to benefit neighbors in need here in our town. This year’s students surpassed their goal and raised an amazing $10,815 donation for the Helping Hands food pantry run by Steve Martin. The food pantry provides food and supplies to families who need a little help getting by. This read-a-thon is an annual event in the sixth grade reading classes. Students ask families and friends to support their reading efforts by pledging a “per book” donation. Once the sponsors are set, the students see how many books they can finish in eight weeks. Our students take this task seriously, with many students finishing over 20 books during that time! We then collect and pool the pledges and proudly present our total donation to Mr. Martin. The Beckwith teachers call the Read for Rehoboth program a “win-win-win” situation. Reading teachers win because their students are motivated to read. Students win because increased reading time results in better reading comprehension. The Helping Hands program wins because they are better able to serve the members of our community. Most importantly, the Readfor-Rehoboth program teaches our students valuable lessons in working together and community support. continued on next page...

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The Reporter June 2017


Middle Level Scholar Leaders Chosen to Represent Beckwith Middle School

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Above: Mason and Megan pose with Beckwith staff

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Eighth graders Mason Mello and Megan Reilly were recognized on May 17th at the Massachusetts Middle Level Scholar Leader Banquet as the D.L. Beckwith Middle School Scholar Leaders. This prestigious award is given to students from schools throughout New England who demonstrate Megan and Mason lead the banquet attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance a commitment to academic excellence and the school community. Mason and Megan are positive leaders in the Beckwith school community who model the criteria for student leaders. Mason and Megan consistently work hard in and out of the classroom demonstrating dedication to academic content and a strong work ethic. Among peers, Mason and Megan stand out as positive models of respect, responsibility, and safety. Mason and Megan are kind, considerate, and mature. They are personable students that positively impact the climate and culture of the school building. Congratulations to Mason and Megan for receiving this award and thank you for making Beckwith Middle School a better place.

Principal’s Message

It can be frustrating to watch students absorbed in technology and only interacting in cyberspace. The documentary Screenagers reports that kids spend an average of 6.5 hours in front of some type of screen per day. An adolescent’s reality is becoming more virtual as technology evolves and more screens are put in front of kids. We need to start sending kids outside where the glare of the sun makes screens unusable. This week we started taking students outside for the last ten minutes of lunch. It has been the best ten minutes of my day. Kids are playing football, hopscotch, asking for jump ropes, playing tag, and enjoying being outside with each other. This is something that will never be replicated in a video group chat. Lately, I have been so focused on building schedules, writing evaluations, revising improvement plans, and aligning curriculum (in front of my own screen) that I forgot how great it is to throw a pass to kids in a football game. It is another reminder of how important it is for kids to play. At recess, adults are not directing the games; we’re part of the fun. As adults, we need to make it a priority to get kids outside to play, explore, create, run, learn, and live. The risks of skinned knees and mosquito bites outweigh the hazards of the influence of social media. When kids are out of range of an electrical outlet and a cell phone signal, maybe they will look up from their devices and find the childhood that we had. Sincerely, Joe Pirraglia

June 2017

The Reporter


Tri-County Medical Careers Students Celebrate Pinning Ceremony

Bay View Eighth Grade Students Receive Top Awards on the National Spanish Exams

Franklin, MA – Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical High School friends and family members joined Medical Careers instructors, Suzanne Dodakian, Paula Hutchinson and Anne-Marie Guanci in honoring senior students with a pinning ceremony. Since beginning their Medical Careers program, students have received the following certifications/training: Sophomore year: American Heart Association’s First Aid and CPR, OSHA, Dean Vaughn Medical Terminology, and the Alzheimer Association’s Dementia Care training. Junior year: Certified Nursing Assistant. Senior Year: Home Health Aide Training, AHA Health Care Provider CPR with AED, and some students completed First Responder Training. The pinning ceremony honored nineteen seniors in the Medical Careers program. The students from Seekonk who were awarded their pins are: Sabrina Botelho and Gabrielle Gagne, both of Seekonk.

The National Spanish Examinations (NSE) are online, standardized assessment tools for Grades 6-12, given voluntarily by more than 3800 teachers throughout the United States to measure achievement and proficiency of students who are studying Spanish as a second language. Congratulations to 8th Grade student Alyssa Liebegott of Rehoboth, MA who received Silver recognition (students scoring from the 85th through the 94th percentiles).

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Gabrielle Gagne

Sabrina Botelho

Saint Raphael Academy Announces Third Quarter Honor Roll for Rehoboth and Seekonk Students Saint Raphael Academy congratulates students from Bristol County who have achieved honor roll status for the third marking period in academic year 2016-17. They are:

Highest Honors

Grade 10: Stephanie Amaral (Seekonk)

First Honors

Grade 10: John deAbreu (Rehoboth), Jacob Summerly (Seekonk), Taylor Troiano (Seekonk)

Second Honors

Grade 12: David Demers (Seekonk)

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The Reporter June 2017

CONGRATULATIONS DRRHS CLASS OF 2017! Bryce Aguiar Zackary Almeida Tayler Andrews Leroy Araujo Kelsey Araujo Aliyah Ashton Saydee Barbosa Brooke Barlow Hannah Barlow Jenna Barlow Timothy Beaulieu Ivey Belcher Nathanial Bell Benjamin Bellavance Gregory Bent Kyle Berdos Dominic Berthiaume Jason Berube Jonathan Beskid Benjamin Bellavance Samuel Blanchette Bruce Blogref Marginson Ryan Botelho Mikayla Botelho Erin Brady Alexis Braz Elijah Brewster Benjamin Brown Mitchell Brown Dean Bullock Elisabeth Burns Sophia Burrows Madison Burtan Colin Bushell Julia Campezato Colby Cardarelli Marcus Carpenter Gareth Carpenter Mitchell Carroll Karen Chaves Jenai Childs Annie Conlon Jarrett Cordeiro Arthur Correira Ryan Corvi Tanner Costa Julia Coute Matthew Coutu Blake Cox Allison Cronan Darian Crosby Nathan Cummings Samantha DaCosta Jayde D’Agostino Angela Dalpe

Robyn D’Ambrosio Alyssa Damiano William Davis Dean DeCrescenzo Vinh Doan Caitlin Downs Cameron Draine Caterina Duarte Collin Duffy Abigail Enos Madison Fagan Cristian Fernandes Ryan Ferrara Abraham Ferreira Aaron Ferry Camilla Fiorucci Sydney Flanagan Kylie Fletcher Madison Fontaine Charles Forster Ashley Fredette Jacob Furtado Daniel Furze Jillian Gallant Gloria Garcia Korey Gendreau Christopher George Morgan Gerrish Rebecca Gluchacki Ryan Gois Alycia Gonzalez Joseph Gover Jacob Grady Brielle Gravel Olivia Gregoire Sarah Guimond Meagan Gustafson Tyler Hall Steven Hamilton Alexis Harris Grace Harrison Kasey Haskins Matthew Hebert Jillian Henrique Kara Hermenegildo Cailen Hitz Elijah Houghton Kelsey Humphreys Kyle Humphreys Devin Johnson Nicholas Johnson Drew Kelliher Grandon Klegraefe Joshua Kovaly Alison Kraatz

Hunter Kraatz Brenton LaBanca Lauren Labouliere Ethan LaBree Brandon Lacasse Robert Langlois Jillian Levesque Cecelia Little Benjamin Loell Jacob Longe Darren Lynch Matthew MacDonald James Malloy Raymond Malo Peter Marcille Ashton Marshall Emily Martini Eliza McCann Katherine McCombs Kailey McConnell Jack McGuirk Matthew McGuirk Cameron McIntyre Kylah McKeon Wesley Meagher Robert Medeiros Sydney Medeiros Sarah Mendes Lexi Milich Emily Millett Robert Mingo Stephanie Moore Megan Moran Cole Morehead Noah Morris Andrew Motta Jennifer Mourato Kyle Moynihan Andrew Mygan Madeline Nees Dallas Noons Kaitlyn O’Connor Adam O’Malley Mackenzie Pacheco Briana Pacheco Noah Pacheco Savannah Palardy Joel Papp Emily Parker Katie Parker Asia Parmeggiani Keagan Pearson Eric Pennoyer Shawn Pereira Kristina Perez

Brittany Perry Salina Perry Sarah Phaneuf Yvonne Pimentel Joseph Powell Hevyn Pray Mahgdalen Prophitt-Schwartz William Quirk Aaron Ramos Logan Ramos Joshua Ranley Caitlynn Rebelo Kyle Rendon Bernardo Rivera Thomas Roache Evaline Rodrigues Jessica Rose Cameron Rose Gina Rufo Stephanie Ruta Cody Sanford Jeffrey Savage Emily Saxon Mikayla Silva Sean Silva Lydia Sirois Dylan Slater Dylan Snook Madison Sousa Thomas Souza Dylan Souza Juliana Springs Alexis Stephens-Springer Anna Stone Harry Sullivan-Silva Drew Tardo Jonathan Tavares Justin Tavares Eric Teixeira Abigail Teixeira Lance Theodorides Wilfred Thomson Leslie Trevera Joshua Vertentes Christopher Viau Cassidy Vincent Shawn Walsh MacKenzie Warren Adam Weddell Brandon Weddell Kaylee Weddell Thomas Wood Eve Wyman

June 2017

Dighton: the Town Next Door Historic Rereading To Take Place July 4th in the Dighton Community Church Rereading of the Declaration of Independence Monday evening, July 4, 2017

Dighton Community Church on Elm Street. Cemetery Walk begins at 8:30 On Monday evening, July 4th, 2017, the historic annual tradition begun in 2012 during the 300th Anniversary of the Town of Dighton will continue in the candlelit sanctuary of the Dighton Community Church, when Mr. Patrick W. Menges will again read the document that proclaimed America’s independence and our national freedom. The Declaration was first read in that church on July 13, 1776, by the Reverend Ezra Stiles, only 9 days after it was adopted and while still bearing only two signatures – those of John Hancock and Charles Thomson, President and Secretary of the Continental Congress. Since the final signing and reading by order were not done until August of 1776, Reverend Stiles’ July reading in Dighton was a significant fact of local history. Weather permitting; a candlelight walk through the historic cemetery to the candlelit church will precede Mr. Menges’ rereading. Participation in the walk is voluntary and colonial dress is welcomed, but not required. In keeping with the atmosphere of 1776, and the significance of the occasion, no cell phones or cameras will be allowed during the rereading – photos may be taken afterward. The event is free of charge. Candles will be provided. There will be light refreshments following the rereading.

The Reporter





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Dighton Historical Society Strawberry Festival

The Dighton Historical Society is celebrating the role of the strawberry’s history in Dighton on Saturday, June 24th from 11AM to 3 PM behind the Dighton Town Hall in the pavilion. We are looking for all different types of crafters, vendors and organizations who would like to rent a space. The fee is $20.00. Please call Chris at 508-642-1648 or Robin at 508-944-9721 to reserve a table.




Tues - Fri 10-6; Sat 9-5


The Reporter June 2017


Commercial Listing FOR SALE R




Members of DR Girls Softball Volunteer at the PRIDE Clam Boil Fundraiser

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Members of the DR Girls Softball varsity, JV, and Freshman program were on hand volunteering their time at the PRIDE clam boil fundraiser. PRIDE, Inc. is a private nonprofit organization in Taunton, Ma providing quality vocational, social and alternate residential programs for individuals of all abilities. We are dedicated to improving the quality of people’s lives. Our philosophy is that everyone who wants to work can work and be able to live in the most independent situation of their choice. Coach Kulpa’s brother-in-law, Jeffrey Babbitt, attends PRIDE. Each year members of the DR softball program volunteers their time serving the food at the PRIDE clam boil fundraiser. What a great bunch of dedicated young ladies the DR softball program has. Thank you for your support. Pictured on front cover.


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June 2017

The Reporter


The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School Softball Team 2017 SCC Champion!

Back row: Head Coach Mr. Kulpa, Sienna Kulpa, Emily Reid, Captain Julia Coute, Captain Maddie Nees, Captain Kylie Fletcher, Bailey Rassol, Allison Ainley, Taylor Johnson, Freshman Coach Mr. Silva, JV Coach Ms. Carton, Front row: Delia Fererria, Sadie Pratt, Calli Pratt, Emily Stevens, Lexi Lovell, Mia Iodice, Jamie Medeiros, Madison Dewey


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The Reporter June 2017

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Attleboro, MA, May 26, 2017 – Occupational Health Service (OHS) at Sturdy Memorial Hospital works with businesses to keep their employees healthy and productive. OHS offers services specific to company and regulatory requirements including pre-employment and DOT physical exams, drug/alcohol testing, audiograms, medical surveillance, and medical treatment of injured employees to get them back to work as quickly as possible. OHS can also help with preparation for international business travel. The International Travel Medicine program at OHS provides individuals with destination-specific travel appointments that take into consideration patients’ health status, vaccination history, travel destination, and length of stay, and prepare travelers before going abroad. Comprehensive travel evaluation and immunizations are available, as well as counseling on international health and safety risks particular to the destination. Occupational Health Service at Sturdy Memorial Hospital is backed by the full resources of Sturdy Memorial Hospital including physical and occupational therapy, diagnostic testing, and, during off-hours, injury treatment in our Emergency Care Center, which is open 24 hours a day. For more information about OHS, call 508-2367500 or visit www.sturdymemorial.org.

Sturdy Memorial Hospital to Hold Blood Drive On World Blood Donor Day: Wednesday, June 14

Attleboro, MA, May 12, 2017 – Sturdy Memorial Hospital will be holding a Blood Drive in partnership with the Rhode Island Blood Center on World Blood Donor Day: Wednesday, June 14, from 7:30am – 4pm in the Hospital Auditorium. Each donation

June 2017 you make can treat up to three people and will help alleviate the region’s seasonal blood shortage. While emergencies and disasters capture the attention of our community and prompt people to respond by donating, the need for blood donations is ongoing. Donating regularly is something we can do to ensure blood is always available the instant it is needed, and for people who have cancer, blood disorders, sickle cell anemia, and other illnesses, as well as those who need regular blood transfusions to live. A “Be The Match” bone marrow registry will also be held at the drive. To register to become a bone marrow donor and have your information in the “Be The Match” registry, you must provide a cheek swab sample, and fill out a consent form, which consists of basic contact information, alternate contact information, and some medical evaluation questions. All donors will receive refreshments and be entered in a raffle. To schedule an appointment for the Sturdy Memorial Blood Drive, call 508-236-8555. Donors need to be at least 17 years of age and at least 110 pounds, and the process takes approximately one hour.

Sturdy Memorial’s Nutrition And Food Services Department To Hold Cooking Demonstration

Attleboro, MA, May 25, 2017 -- Sturdy Memorial Hospital’s Nutrition and Food Services Department is offering a cooking demonstration entitled “Healthy Grilling Options.” The program will be held on Friday, June 23, 2017 from 12 noon to 2 pm in the Hospital’s Auditorium. The premise of the program is to give people the tools and knowledge they need to fit healthy eating into their lifestyles. The program will include an informational session, cooking demonstration and tasting. The program will be led by Rebecca Aslam, Clinical Dietitian and Jason Dahl, Food Service Manager. For more information or to register, call Sturdy’s Public Relations Department at 508.236.8020.

Sturdy Memorial Hospital to Be Destination for The Hope Bus

The Reporter


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The Hope Bus, Mobile Resource and Wellness Center Attleboro, MA, May 15, 2017 – Sturdy Memorial Hospital will be a destination for The Hope Bus, which is the Mobile Resource and Wellness Center provided by The Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation, on Friday, June 9 from 10am – 2pm. This FREE event will include healing arts, wellness services, educational resources, and breast health information for all. Join us for a day of inspiration, relaxation, and support. Visitors will have the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences. Refreshments will also be provided. The bus will be parked in the main parking lot of Sturdy Memorial Hospital on the corners of O’Neill Blvd. and Dunham St. For those planning to attend, please register by calling Public Relations at 508-236-8020.

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The Reporter June 2017

Rehoboth Council on Aging A Municipal Department of the Town

55 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769

Phone 508-252-3373 Fax 508-252-4617

Special Announcements for the Month

• We would like to thank the Rehoboth Cultural Council for enhancing the cultural experience for our Seniors at the Senior Center. • Zumba is at the COA! Thursdays at 10:00 AM. Come join us for some fun, music and exercise. • We are still in need of cotton or flannel fabric for our pillowcase project. • We are donating baby stuff to new moms at Sturdy Hospital. So if you love to knit, crochet, and/or sew and would like to make extra items, we can add them to the donations.

COA Corner

We are looking for children’s print fabric donations. We make pillowcases for Sturdy Hospital in lieu of the plastic “Personal Belongings” bag. The bags are given to kids coming in for surgeries, sleep studies, etc., to put their stuff in and take with them when they go home. We are also looking for yarn donations to make chemo hats and infant hats.

Gert’s Café

Lunch is served at Gert’s Café. Mondays at 12 Noon. Stop in and enjoy a delicious lunch for the bargain price of a $3.00 donation. Please sign up .

Soup’s On

Tuesdays from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Small 16oz Soup and Sandwich $3.00 Small 16oz Soup $2.00 or Large 32oz Soup $3.00 donation. To be announced on the Monday before.

The COA Breakfast

Wed from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM

The COA is serving egg sandwiches, 2 pieces of French toast or 2 pancakes for $2.00 donation and with your choice of ham, sausage, bacon or home fries for an extra $.50 and coffee for $.25. Start your day off with good home style cooked breakfast or have a mid-day snack for those who wake up with or before the chickens! Come on in and join us!

Tasty Thursdays Lunch

Tasty Thursday Lunch is held on the last Thursday of the Month at 12 Noon. Please come in and join us for lunch with friends. Cost $3.00 donation.

Musical Mondays

Have fun with this group blending your voices in harmony and song. They meet on

Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon

the first and third Mondays of the month at 1:00 PM. New voices are always welcome .

Men’s Morning Coffee Fridays at 9:00 AM

Come in and enjoy fresh coffee, pastry, and conversation with this lively group of men.

Card Games

Calling all card players

Mondays at 9:30 AM - Cribbage Tuesdays at 12:30 PM -a ladies group that plays cards and other games Wednesdays at 12:30 PM we have HiLo Jack Come on in and try your luck and have a great time doing it. All are welcome and if you are not sure how to play the folks will gladly teach you.

Art Classes

Wednesdays at 10:30 AM

Michelle’s Art Classes Cost for this is $4.00. Come on in and join us. Old and new students are welcome. Come in and have fun painting. Come early and have breakfast that is being served from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM Wednesdays.

Knitting and Crochet Group Fridays at 10:00 AM

If you like to knit or Crochet or you wanted to learn this amazing Craft the Ladies of the Needles are always there to share their knowledge with you. Don’t be shy; women and men are both invited. Come in and try it out.

Ladies Sewing and Quilting Guild (Formerly called the Pillow Case Project)

Tuesdays at 10:30 AM

This is our charitable sewing group. We will still be making pillowcases, baby blankets & quilts, dresses for “Dress a Girl around the World.” No experience necessary.

Blood Pressures & Glucose Screenings

Our town of Rehoboth nurse, Jamie Noonie, will be available for blood pressure and glucose screenings. Please contact the COA 508-252-3372 for more information.

Podiatry Clinic with Dr. Marian Markowitz

Dr. Markowitz’s appointments start at 10:00 AM. Please call 508-252-3372 to schedule your appointment.

Kitchen hours: Monday – Thursdays 8:00am to 12 noon

Tai Chi Classes

Tuesdays at 9:00 AM

A way to exercise that’s easy on the joints and helps with balance...Makes a whole new you and has a great positive outcome for any age. Cost is $3.00 per class.

Line Dancing Classes Tuesdays at 10:00 AM

Get in the grove if you like dancing. Everyone is welcome to try out some steps. Cost is $3.00 per class.

Chair Yoga Exercise Classes Thursdays at 9:00 AM

Come and try this gentle style of yoga that’s performed mostly from a seated position.


Thursdays at 10:00 AM

Zumba is a fun aerobic workout that mixes in dance moves. Dance to great music, with great people, and burn calories without even realizing it. Cost is $3.00.

Meals on Wheels

Please contact Bristol Elders, Inc. at (508) 675-2101 for information on the Meals on Wheels program.

The Best is yet to Come

A senior social group that helps sponsor and do activities that members suggest. They meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 1:00 PM at the Senior Center. They have many great activities through out the year. Annual dues are $6.00.

Senior Citizens Club

The Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club is a social and charitable club to help seniors in Rehoboth have a better life. Meetings are scheduled for the 1st Thursday at 12:30 and the 3rd Thursday at 12 Noon at the Rehoboth Council of Aging building.

The Friends of the Elderly

The Friends of the Elderly help and partially fund some of the services at the Rehoboth Council on Aging - such as the podiatry. Friends meet at 10:30 AM on the 3rd Monday of the month. New members are always welcome.

Veterans’ Information and Benefits

Veterans Service Officer, Jake Kramer, can help you. Call 508-252-4467 for an appointment(s) as needed. Office hours are Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:00 AM to – 4:00 PM and Friday 8:00 AM to Noon.

June 2017 The Reporter

Important Information about Joining Activities

Registration is required for all upcoming programs. All activities will have participant signup sheets for that program. Most of the activity programs that are in the Council on Aging are free and open to the public. Some programs require minimum attendance. If there is no interest then that activity will either be canceled or postponed. Please call 508-252-3372 for information on all activities or to sign up.

COA Bulletin Post on Community Information:

Please check the bulletin boards every time you come in to the Council on Aging for information on up coming events such as Free Health Screenings, Support Groups, and other important information that could benefit you, your family or friends.


The COA’s Outreach/SHINE worker Bradley Marshall is available Mondays thru Wednesdays 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM and Thursdays 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM to assist you with social service needs such as; fuel, food, housing, medical insurance, and intervention help. Please call for an appointment at 508-252-3372. Reminder: SNAP (Nutrition Program – Food Stamps) benefits can be applied for through this office. Please call for particulars on how to apply. Don’t decide whether to buy medication, pay bills or food for the table. Call Bradley Marshall to discuss areas he can help you with. Reminder: FUEL ASSISTANCE – State Fuel Assistance for 20162017 winter season for new applicants has begun. Past enrollees should have already received their renewal applications for the 2016-2017 Fuel year. If you need assistance in completing renewals please contact this office. For additional questions for this service please call Bradley Marshall who can help guide you in preparation for the new application year. If you are low on heating fuel (¼ tank or less), call the Outreach Office, Bradley Marshall, to see if you qualify for emergency assistance.


No Car? Don’t Drive Anymore?

Greater Attleboro/Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA)

What is GATRA and how can it help you?

GATRA operates a service called Dial-A-Ride for Seniors, 60 years of age or older, those who meet the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) requirements (any age) that can transport you from your home to a designated location – i.e. your doctor’s office, then return later to pick you and return you home. This services was designed for persons who do not have access or cannot use the fixed route bus systems, and since there are none in Rehoboth, and the person no longer can drive, this transportation can be very important and useful.

How do I join?

In order to make use of the Dial-A-Ride system you will have to do an application for eligibility. These consist of the GATRA’s Statewide Access Pass and the ADA Paratransit Eligibility application or the Senior application.

Once you are a member, how do I use it?

Call Dial-A-Rides scheduling office at least the day before your travel plans, and no later than 12:00 Noon (between the hours of 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday thru Friday and 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM on Saturday). You must have the exact address you need to go to and a contact number and the time you need to be there and the time you need to leave. These times will allow the scheduler to issue the proper pick up time at you house in order to get you to your destination at the appropriate appointment time and have an idea of how long you will be there. You may reserve your ride up to 14 days in advance. If you must cancel or change your times you must call immediately to let them know. If this happens on a Saturday or Sunday for the following Monday please call and leave a message with the Answering service.


You can also request to bring one companion with you who will be charged a fair of $1.25 at time you make your reservation. Service is available Monday thru Friday 6:30 AM to 6:30 PM and Saturday s from 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM. Call for holiday schedules. Fares are: $1.25 one way and beyond the neighboring communities $2.50 10 Ride Pass are $10.00 Personal Care Attendant is free Call for more information or to schedule: Attleboro: 508-222-6106 Taunton: 508-823-8828 TDD (service for the Deaf): 508-824-7439 Applications are available in Bradley Marshall’s office. Call for an appointment – 508-252-3372

The Rehoboth Council on Aging A Municipal Department of the Town

Mission:The Rehoboth Council on Aging shall coordinate and carry out programs designed to meet the needs, problems and benefits for the aging population of Rehoboth, and shall do so in coordination with the Programs of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Rehoboth Council on Aging shall: a. Provide, coordinate and link available resources to help meet the needs of the Town of Rehoboth's elders. b. Carry out programs and services that range from information on community education, referrals, outreach, transportation, Meals on Wheels, health screenings, inter-generational activities, crafting programs and other programs beneficial to our seniors.


The Reporter June 2017

Seekonk Human Services Seekonk Human Services Staff Telephone: (508) 336-8772 FAX: (508) 336-2239 Executive Director Bernadette Huck Ext. 15 Senior Secretary Ashley Cartwright, MBA ext. 12 Senior Secretary Kimberly Mallon ext. 10 Outreach Veronica Brickley, LPN BA SOC LSWA ext. 17 Senior Aide Sharon Bettencourt Executive Board Members

Beverly Della Grotta, Chairperson Irene Andrews, Vice Chairperson Anne Libby, Secretary Anita Gendron, Treasurer Christine Allen Guy Boulay Victoria Kinniburgh

*Center Hours

Monday – Thursday 8:30 – 4:30, Friday 8:30 – 12:30 Evening Appointments Upon Request 540 Arcade Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771

White Cross Pharmacy Med Packs

Wednesday, June 7 at 10 AM

Medication mismanagement and nonadherence is one of the leading causes of hospital readmissions. White Cross Pharmacy’s med management program can guarantee that your patients will receive their medications in a timely manner. All of the patient’s medications are organized into individual pouches that are labeled with the medication name and the time to be taken. Presentation by: Debra Demar Lunch will be Chicken Pot Pie, Veggies, Potatoes and Dessert for $3, Advance sign up and payment is required before attending this activity/luncheon in person.

Diabetes Cooking With John Quintas

Wednesday, June 14 at 10 AM

John Quintas is coming back to do more diabetes cooking. His cooking is NOT only for diabetics, it’s for those who want to eat healthier and reduce the risk of diabetes. Mr. Quintas will be making with you. Please sign up in advance as space is limited and/or the program may be cancelled if people don’t sign up ahead of time for this class. Lunch will be Tuna Casserole for $3. Advance sign up and payment is required before attending this activity/luncheon in person.

“Whoops I Lost My Keys” John Rogers

Wednesday, June 21 at 10 AM

It happens to all of us! Find out how you can improve your memory at this informational presentation by John Rogers, Licensed Social Worker, Assistant Administrator and Alzheimer’s Program Director for Catholic Memorial Home. John has over 25 years’ experience caring for individuals with Alzheimer’s or related Dementia. John will talk about simple ways we can improve our memories, food we can eat, how we can stimulate our brains and different ways to fix memory loss. John adds a bit of humor to this presentation so be prepared to laugh! Lunch will be Meatloaf for $3. Advance sign up and payment is required before attending this activity/luncheon in person.

TRIAD: 19th Birthday Party and Senior Center 1st Anniversary Wednesday, June 28 at 10 AM

Come celebrate with us at Seekonk Human Services! Entertainment by our very own Barney Mallon! Come enjoy a delicious lunch Lunch will be Hamburger/Hotdogs & dessert. Advance sign up is required before attending this activity, as space is limited.

Monthly Breakfast Tuesday, June 27

MONTHLY BREAKFAST 4th Tuesday of the month from 9:30am – 11:00am Menu and Prices Available at the Senior Center.

Men’s Breakfast

Thursday, June 8 at 8:30 AM Toti’s Restaurant

All men are welcome to attend and no sign up is required. Bring a friend with you to enjoy a delicious breakfast. There is no set price for breakfast, order what you want, pay for what you order. Speaker: John Aubin, Planning Department.

Women’s Brunch

Thursday, June 15 at 10:00 AM Panera Bread, Route 6, Seekonk

All women are invited to attend, there is no sign up necessary. Bring a friend and enjoy good food and good conversation. All meals are dutch treat.

Exploration Wednesdays

• July 12 - Next Monitoring; Ice Cream Social. Lunch: Pizza $3 • July 19 - Dr. Couto, Understanding YouLunch: Chicken Salad Sandwiches $3 • July 26 - TRAID; Lunch: American Chop Suey $3

A Healthy You

Tuesdays at 11AM

Registered Nurse and Seekonk Resident, Rhonda Menard, will be providing

a program called A Healthy You. This program will cover diabetes health, weight management, healthy recipes, and other healthy ideas. There is no sign up required for this class. This is great opportunity to speak with a Registered Nurse about being healthier!

Basic Beginners Sign Language

Starts Mon., June 5 10 AM-12 PM

This is a signed English class. You will learn words, sentences and choruses. Class will start Monday, June 5, 2017 from 10 AM to 12 PM and continue to be held on Mondays. Books will be available for purchase at the first class for $6. Please contact Nancy Smutek to sign up for class or if you have any questions, 508-336-9547


Starts Monday, May 1 at 1 PM

Melissa Nelson will be instructing a Zumba class on Monday afternoons at 1pm. Zumba is an aerobic fitness program featuring movements inspired by various styles of Latin American dance. This is fun way to burn calories and stay in shape.

Nutritional Meals

Tuesdays & Thursdays at 11:30 AM

Starting in May Seekonk Human Services will be offering nutritional meals on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 AM for $2 each. The menu will be available at Seekonk Human Services. Sign up is required for this as the meals are brought in from an outside agency.

Balance -- Memory -- Weight

Three of the biggest problems for senior citizens are poor balance, memory loss and the inability to loose excess weight. Using the Wii Fit Plus program on a regular basis can help you with all three of these things. Exercise is not always easy and sometimes it hurts. This is a painless and fun way to exercise. I would love to show you how this program could help you. Contact Nancy at 508-336-9547

Tech Time

Thursday, June 8 from 2 PM - 4 PM

Students from MTTI in Seekonk will be coming to Seekonk Human Services on the second Thursday of the month from 2PM to 4PM to help individuals out with their electronics. Bring your laptop, tablet, or cell phone and learn what they all have to offer or clean out the hard drive of your computer.

Chair Yoga

Mondays 10 AM - 10:50 AM

It has been shown to help alleviate or reduce many health challenges. The many benefits of Yoga have even been said to slow down the physical ailments associated with the aging process. Health benefits

June 2017 The Reporter have included improvements in sleep; strength/ arthritis; diabetes; hypertension; excess weight; mood/anxiety; depression; chronic pain as well as breathing.

Knitting Group

Mondays 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Knitting and crocheting are great activities year round. Even if you have never held knitting needles before, you can learn the basics and get started. Join us on any Mondays at 12:30 PM and learn why this ageless pastime is gaining in popularity. Crocheted and knitted items are donated to many different entities. Enjoy yourself while contributing to the Seekonk Community and more.

Silver Sneakers

Tues & Thurs 10 AM - 10:45 AM

Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement and activities for daily living. Resistance training and activities is achieved with the use of hand weights and tubing. A chair is used for seating and standing support.


Mondays at 1 PM

American Mahjong utilizes racks, jokers; “Hands and Rules” score cards and has several distinct game play mechanics.


Wednesdays at 1 PM

Enjoy an afternoon playing scrabble and testing your word skills!


Thursdays at 1PM

Cribbage, or crib, is a card game traditionally for two players, but commonly played with three, four or more, that involves playing and grouping cards in combinations which gain points.


Pass and ADA Paratransit Eligibility Application form and/or a Senior Application. BEFORE CALLING, HAVE YOUR TRIP INFORMATION READY. Exact address and requested travel times are required. The day before your travel date, please call the office to check your pick up times. We ask that you call the office between 4:30 PM and 6:00 PM Monday through Friday, and between 9 AM and 6 PM on Saturday. Making a Reservation: Make your reservation Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Dial-A– Ride Service Area: The Seekonk Dial-A-Ride service takes riders to the following towns ONLY: • Rehoboth • Plainville (Thursday 10 AM to 2 PM ONLY) • Attleboro (Thursday 10 AM to 2 PM ONLY) • North Attleboro (Thursday 10 AM to 2 PM ONLY) • East Providence, North Providence, Pawtucket, Providence (Mon., Wed., & Fri. 10 AM – 2 PM ONLY)

2017 Trips Happy Days Are Here Again & Foxwoods Thursday, August 3, 2017

Depart: 8:15am Return: 6pm Cost: $74 per person (driver gratuity included) Test your luck with Seekonk Human Services at Foxwoods before a show at the Pequot Theater. Cabaret LuLu presents Happy Days Are Here Again. This show is a tribute to the Great American Song Book and features the music of Barbara Streisand, Judy Garland, Rosemary Clooney and more. You will receive a casino package at Foxwoods to use before the show. What a joyful way to spend the day! No refunds if you cancel after July 20, 2017.

Indian Princess Lake Cruise Tuesday, August 22, 2017

472 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk, MA 508.336.7103

Depart: 8:30am Return: 3:30pm Cost: $82 per person (driver gratuity included) Join us on The Indian Princess, a modern day replica of the grand riverboats that plied the Mississippi River in the late 19th century. Cruising out of Webster, Massachusetts, she is one of the few authentic paddle wheel riverboats still in operation in the United States today. In keeping with early traditions she was built with stern wheels that are her only means of propulsion. The Indian Princess has a split stern wheel and each is run by a twin diesel engine that powers hydraulic motors which turn the paddles. This is in contrast to most Mississippi River paddle wheelers in operation today that have a “freewheeling” paddle wheel at the stern of the boat for the visual effect, but have traditional screw type engines hidden for their real means of propulsion. *Please note: All trips leave from Seekonk Human Services unless otherwise noted. 50% deposit is required at sign up and final payment must be made two weeks prior to trip. Checks are to be made payable to the Town of Seekonk. To ensure trips are not cancelled please sign up one month prior to trip at the latest in order to give the tour company an accurate count. For any information regarding trips please contact Seekonk Human Services at 508-336-8772.

Seekonk Senior Shopping Day

Serving Health Information Needs of Elders Health Benefits Counseling


Thursdays 1 PM - 3 PM

BINGO cards will be sold from 12pm until 12:45pm on Thursdays. BINGO will start promptly at 1pm. No tickets will be sold after 12:45pm. Thank you!

Advanced Floor Yoga

Fridays 9 AM - 9:50 AM

This class is a Vinyasa practice that is taught at a slower pace to help students find beneficial alignment and nourishment in each pose. This is truly a practice for all and will leave you feeling energized and centered.

Tai Chi

Fridays 10:15 AM – 11 AM

This ancient but effective form of exercise helps reduce stress and anxiety. It also helps increase flexibility and balance. Its benefits can help reduce back pain and pain from knee osteoarthritis and improve quality of life. We hope you’ll join us!


$3 fee per class for the following classes: • Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Exercise Mon, Wed, Fri at 9 AM • Aquaerobics Mon, Wed, Fri at 9:45 AM *Must be a Seekonk resident

By GATRA (800) 483-2500 Tuesdays from 10:15AM to 11:30AM.

GATRA will go to WalMart, Stop & Shop and Pricerite in Seekonk. Please call GATRA to schedule your shopping day.

Gatra Transportation Service 1-800-483-2500

Riding Dial-A-Ride is easy. To be considered for Dial-A-Ride service, customers must completed GATRA’s Statewide Access


When an issue starts to get headlines, it’s almost a guarantee that a new scam will soon follow. With the Affordable Care Act in the news again, scammers are calling, mailing and e-mailing seniors at a relentless pace. Scammers know that people may have questions as to whether or not certain changes might occur but these crooks are all too willing to provide false information to confuse people. Their goal is to try and get your personal and financial information and then your money. Continued on next page...


The Reporter June 2017

Scammers may call and pretend that they work for Medicare; they may say that they need you to verify your bank account number or Social Security number or Medicare number. However, if you provide this information to them you’re giving them access to your money and their goal is to steal it. Those making these calls can be very persistent. They may say they need your information to “update your account,” to send you news about Medicare, to deposit funds, to provide benefits or to provide you with a new Medicare or prescription card. They may tell you that it’s urgent and your benefits will be cut if you don’t respond or that you’ll lose your Medicare coverage if you don’t join their prescription plan. (The Medicare prescription drug plan, also known as Medicare Part D, is voluntary and does not affect your Medicare coverage.) Truthfully, these are all scams to try and steal your money. Medicare will never call you and ask for your bank account information. Medicare representatives are not allowed to ask you for payment over the phone or online. The next time you get a call like this remember these 5 tips: 1) Simply hang up the phone (or don’t answer). 2) Don’t give out your bank account number, Medicare number, or any part of your Social Security number. 3) If you have questions about your Medicare benefits call 1-800-633-4227 or go to medicare.gov. 4) Report your experience at 1-877-FTC-HELP or ftc.gov/ complaint where you can click on “Scams and Rip-offs,” and then “Imposter Scam.” 5) If you gave out your personal information, call your banks, credit card providers, and health insurance Company, and alert them. You may want to check on your credit report as well to make sure that accounts have not been opened in your name. Medicare fraud is also another concern that seniors may have. Medicare fraud occurs when someone intentionally uses your Medicare number to bill Medicare for services or equipment you didn’t get. What can you do? You can check your monthly statements and if you aren’t sure about a charge you can contact the provider or call the customer service number on your statement. If you need help on any aspect of your health insurance, SHINE offers free counseling at your senior center. Call your local COA and ask for a SHINE appointment. You can reach a SHINE volunteer by phone at 508-222-1399. Once you get the SHINE answering machine, leave your name and number. A volunteer will call you back as soon as possible.

Monthly Newsletter Online

*The Town Crier website link is: www.seekonk-ma.gov Click on Departments, Click on Human Services * NOTE: Seekonk Human Services offers many legal, financial, recreational, medical screening and/or other activities and services by volunteers or nominal cost practitioners. Seniors participating in these services/activities do so with the understanding that Seekonk Human Services, the Town of Seekonk or its employees do not assume any legal or other responsibility for any advice or services rendered by such volunteers or nominal cost practitioners.

We hope you enjoy receiving The Reporter every month!

Support the Local Businesses that make this all possible!

AARP Massachusetts Monthly Fraud Watch Update

Background: Did you know that someone’s identity gets stolen every two seconds? The AARP Fraud Watch Network provides you with tips and resources to help you spot and avoid identity theft and fraud so you can protect yourself and your family. Our watchdog alerts will keep you up to date on con artists’ latest tricks. It’s free of charge for everyone: AARP members, non-members, and people of all ages. The AARP Fraud Watch Network is: • An Educator: Get real-time alerts about the latest scams, tips on how to spot them, and the inside scoop on how con artists think so you can outsmart them before they strike. • A Watchdog: Our nationwide scam tracking map gives you access to a network of people who’ve spotted scams and the opportunity to pass along your own experiences, so together we can beat con artists at their own game. • A Resource: Get connected to a real live person trained in how to avoid fraud and advise you if you or a loved one has been scammed by calling our fraud hotline or attending a forum in your community. • Free for Everyone: Anyone, of any age, can access our resources at no cost. Scam Alert #1: Buying a gift card for a graduate in your life? Choose wisely. In the store, thieves can remove gift cards from racks, copy the codes, and then dial the number on the back of the card to learn when they were activated and their value for online spending or to clone cards for in-store use. Purchase gift cards directly from a store cashier, customer service counter or the company’s website. The cashier should scan and activate the card in your presence. And get a receipt in case there’s a problem. Scam Alert #2: Don’t let scammers ruin your summer vacation. One way thieves prey on travelers is through front-desk fraud. Hotel guests receive a call in the middle of the night, supposedly from the front desk. There’s a problem with your payment, the caller says, asking you to confirm your credit card number. Only it’s not hotel staff calling (they’d wait until morning); it’s a scammer using a lobby phone. Never give your account numbers in unsolicited calls; contact the front desk yourself. Scam Alert #3: Getting calls from debt collectors? They might be fake if the person is trying to collect on a loan you don’t recognize, asks you for sensitive information, or uses threats to try to scare you into paying. Tell the caller you won’t discuss the debt unless they provide a written notice that includes the debt amount, the name of the creditor, and your rights under the federal Fair Debt Collections Practices Act. Never give out or confirm personal financial or other sensitive information unless you know who you’re talking to. If the debt is legitimate, but the collector may be a fake, contact your creditor about the calls. Scam Alert #4: Scammers are creating fake websites that look like known and trusted news sites to sell “brain booster” pills. They post bogus articles about the pills with endorsements from people like Stephen Hawking and Anderson Cooper (neither has endorsed any such product). The site then links you to the sales page for the pills where you can place an order with a credit or debit card. The scammers claim the pills will lead to an increase in concentration and memory recall, but there is no evidence to support these claims, according to the Federal Trade Commission. It’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor before purchasing health products. Be a fraud fighter! If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam. Report scams to local law enforcement. Contact the AARP Fraud Watch Network at www.aarp.org/fraudwatchnetwork for more information on fraud prevention.

June 2017 The Reporter


Birth Announcement Amelia Jessica Thomas




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The Reporter June 2017

June 2017 The Reporter


Good Food Right in your Neighborhood

Dining Guide Fire Up the Fourth with Tasty Backyard Recipes

(Family Features) Fireworks, family and food are what the Fourth of July is all about. This year, add some spark to backyard staples with a festive cake that looks as impressive as it tastes. Dye white cake mix batter red and blue using food color then assemble in a flag shape with whipped cream and berries. Find more recipes and ideas to fire up your Fourth of July at McCormick.com.

Restaurant & Bar

Kitchen Hours:

Red, White and Blue Cake

Monday-Wednesday 11 am - 9 pm Thursday - Saturday 11 am - 10 pm Sunday 10 am - 6 pm

Prep time: 25 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Servings: 12


• 1 package (2-layer size) white cake mix • 2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract • 1/2 teaspoon Blue Neon Food Colors • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder • 2 teaspoons Red Food Color • nonstick spray • 1 container (16 ounces) white frosting • 1 cup raspberries • 1/2 cup blueberries


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Parker’s Meat

QualityMeats, Groceries, Beer & Wine

Heat oven to 350 F. Prepare cake mix as directed on package, adding vanilla. Transfer 1 1/2 cups batter to small bowl and tint with neon blue food color. Tint remaining batter red by adding cocoa powder and red food color. Pour each color batter into separate 9-by-5-inch loaf pans sprayed with nonstick cooking spray. Bake blue-tinted cake 20-25 minutes; red-tinted cake 30-35 minutes. Cool cakes in pans 10 minutes. Remove from pans; cool completely. Trim cakes to remove rounded tops and edges. Slice red cake in half horizontally to form two thin layers. Place one layer on platter. Slice remaining red cake layer in half lengthwise. Slice blue cake in half lengthwise. (Blue and red cakes should be same dimensions.) Frost red cake layer on platter with 1/3 frosting. Top with lengthwise slices of red and blue cake side-by-side. Frost with 1/3 frosting. Repeat cake layer and frosting. Garnish with raspberries and blueberries to resemble flag.

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Hours: Sun-Thurs 11am-11pm; Fri & Sat 11am-12am


The Reporter June 2017

IN MEMORIAM Albert E. “Mopar Al” Brunette

Albert E. “Mopar Al” Brunette Albert E. “Mopar Al” Brunette, age 53, of Rehoboth, passed away at his home on Saturday morning, May 6, 2017 with his loving family by his side. He was the beloved husband of Sheri (Medeiros) Brunette.

Al was born in Fall River, the loving son of Doris L. (Schultz) Brunette of Rehoboth and the late David A. Brunette. Al was a member of Asbestos Workers Union Local 6 as a pipe coverer. He was a muscle car enthusiast especially anything Mopar. Al owned many classic Mopar’s dating back to childhood which earned him the name” Mopar Al”. If you only meet Al once, you became a friend. He would always be willing to help anyone. He will be remembered as a loving and caring person who was devoted to his family. Besides his loving wife Sheri of over 28 years and his mother Doris, Al is survived by his son Jacob E. Brunette of Rehoboth. Mr. Brunette’s funeral will be held on Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 9 am followed by a service at 10 am in the Somerset Funeral Home of Silva-Faria 84 County St, Somerset. Interment will follow in Mt. Hope Cemetery in Swansea.(If you plan on attending Al’s funeral and own a classic car, please assemble at the funeral home at 8:30 am.) Visiting hours will be held on Friday, May 12th from 4 to 8 pm. For expressions of sympathy or to sign an online guestbook, visit www.silvafaria. com

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Walton Horton Earle

Walton Horton Earle Walton Horton Earle, 82, of Westport, passed away Friday, May 12, 2017 at Mass General Hospital. He was the loving husband of the late Barbara J. (Winsor) Earle. Born in East Providence, he was a son of the late Howard Walton Earle, Jr. & Rosalind (Horton) Earle. Mr. Earle was the Director of Package Engineering & Development for the Revlon Co. until his retirement. He was a 1954 graduate of U.R.I where he earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering. He was a former Town Council Member for the Town of Southeast, Brewster, New York. He proudly served in the U.S. Army, being honorably discharged as a Captain. Mr. Earle and his wife Barbara were lifelong members of Briggs Beach in Little Compton, RI. He leaves his three loving children: Jeffrey W. Earle and his wife Eileen of Bethel, CT, Deborah A. Earle of Westport, & Scott H. Earle of New Milford, CT. Cherished grandfather of seven grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. He was the brother of Roger Bowen Earle and his wife Karen of Foster, RI. Relatives & friends are invited and may call on Saturday, May 20, 2017 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in J.H. WILLIAMS & CO. FUNERAL HOME, 210 Taunton Avenue, East Providence, RI. Burial will follow in Rehoboth Village Cemetery, Bay State Road, Rehoboth. In lieu of flowers, gifts in his memory to Southcoast VNA, 200 Mill Road, Fairhaven, MA 02719 will be appreciated. For online messages of condolence, kindly visit www.jhwilliamsfuneralhome.com

June 2017 The Reporter

Maria Theresa Ferris

Lillian M. (Costen), Davis 91, on May 16, 2017, in Attleboro, MA. Larry Clement, Jr. 78, passed away on Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at his home surrounded by his loving family. Maria (Hafner) Ramspott, 88, of Rehoboth, passed away peacefully on Monday, May 15, 2017 at the Country Gardens Health & Rehabilitation Center in Swansea.


Mary A. Costa, 89, formerly of County Street, Seekonk passed away on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 at the Morgan Health Center.

Maria Theresa Ferris Maria Theresa Ferris, 77, longtime area resident, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, May 9, 2017 surrounded by her family. She was the loving wife of Alfred Ferris. Maria was born in Newport, RI and was a daughter of the late Alfred J. and Mary (Mello) Dupont. Maria owned and operated Cutie’s Gifts in Seekonk with her family for many years. Surviving in addition to her husband are her sons, Steven J. Ferris and his fiancée Donna of Bedford, MA and Barry Ferris and his husband Jeffrey of Chaplin, CT. Private arrangements entrusted to Hathaway Community Home for Funerals, Somerset. In lieu of flowers, donations in her name may be made to the MA Alzheimer’s Association 473 South St. W #13, Raynham, MA 02767 To light a candle, or sign the guestbook, visit www.hathawayfunerals.com


John Aparicio, 89, of Rehoboth, passed away at home Tuesday evening, May 2, 2017. Barbara J. (Larrabee) Pontes,86 of Swansea, Passed away May, 15, 2017. Sister of Gilbert Larrabee & Bette J. Dyer of Rehoboth. Private arrangements. Anna (Amoral) Ribeiro, 91, of Chestnut St., Rehoboth, passed away peacefully Tuesday morning, May 16, 2017 at the Grace Barker Nursing Center.

Maureen Harnedy, 52, of Seekonk, a beautiful woman known for her bright smile and happy disposition, peacefully passed away with her parents at her side after a long illness, Friday, April 28, 2017.


Gloria M. (Devine) Smith, 80, of Seekonk, MA passed away Sunday, May 7, 2017 at home. Martin W. Carr, 87, of Seekonk, passed away on Sunday, May 14, 2017 in his home surrounded by his loving family. Joshua M. Silva, 22, of Seekonk, passed away unexpectedly Thursday, May 18, 2017 following a motorcycle accident in Fall River. David T. Proia, 63, of Seekonk, passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 in the Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI. “Howdy-Howdy” Florence Amelia. “Butterfly” Barao, 85, of North Wheaton Avenue, Seekonk, where she lived nearly her entire life, passed away Saturday May 27, 2017 at the Evergreen Nursing Home.

Robert Emmett Curran, Jr.76, of Seekonk, MA, passed away peacefully at his home on May 2, 2017 with his family by his side.

Obituary Submission Policy To submit an obituary for print, please call the Reporter Office at 508-252-6575 for rates and information. Obituaries Start at $75 The Reporter has free obituaries on our website. View and Post at: www.reportertoday.com


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The Reporter June 2017

Place Classified ads at www.ReporterToday.com

CLASSIFIEDS 1 To 15 Words - $10 • 16 To 30 Words - $15 • Business Classified $35 for 30 words Additional Words $.25 each EVENT RENTALS


Hugh Yard Sale.....Everything must go!!!!! 357 Anthony Street Seekonk MA Sat. & Sun., June 3 & 4 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Household items, Kitchen, Bed, Bath, Art Work, Holiday Decorations, Toys & Furniture. Rain Date June 10 & 11; No Early Birds!


Wanted: Flower vases. Please donate. I can pick up. Call Debbie at 401-632-3602. (run free Debbie). I buy Old cars, Motorcycle, Bicycles, Scooter and other wheeled vehicle and parts. One piece or a collection. Thank you Joe in Rehoboth 508 558 5129. WE BUY Diabetic Test Strips for CASH. Unopened,Unused & Unexpired. We get them to people with little or no insurance. TOP CASH paid. FREE local pick-up.I love MEH. Call Ron @ 508-642-6565. Civil War, WW1, WW2, Anything to do with military; helmets, knives, uniforms, guns, HAVE (license), anything related to wartime, will pay cash for items, ask for Charles, 508-230-6444; call anytime thanks


Queen sleigh bed and bureau: Broyhill mahogany bureau w/matching mirror and queen sleigh bed. $650. 508-345-5795. FOR SALE: Honda portable Generator EM7000 – 170 hrs – like new w/ 100ft, 30A cord - $2600. 508-252-2982. For Sale: Haying Equipment; Vicon disc mower $2500, Hay tedder $1000, Hay rake $1000 All good condition (508)330-4448. (rf417)


2.40 Acre Land in ME, 28.5K Spacious corner lot, short walk to ocean vista at Jasper Beach. Ideal building spot on paved road for permanent or seasonal home. 1 hr from Bar Harbor. 5 hrs from Boston Call 207-460-1994 MLS#1303112 See detail on Jasper Beach recently written by Travel and Leisure http:// www.travelandleisure.com/local-experts/ maine/best-secluded-beaches-in-maine.

HALL FOR RENT: Riverside Sportsman Assoc. Mohawk Drive off Wampanoag Trail. For all occasions: Birthday, Family Reunions, Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties, Weddings, Club/Organization Meetings and Graduation Parties. Cash Bar. Monthly Steak Fries, outside fields for activities and games. 30-day Raffle – benefits RSA, multiple winners. $5 per ticket. Call 401-433-0209 or Arthur 401831-0561 for more information. PARTY RENTAL SERVICES: Moonwalks for sale or rent for $125 per weekend. 20x30 Tent package includes tables & chairs $350. 20x20 Tent package includes tables & chiars $250. Setup included. Free local delivery. Call early for reservation. Dan 401-255-1072.


VACATION/HONEYMOON RENTAL: St. Michael, Azores Ponta Graca (Portugal). Pristine 2 bed, 2 bath apartment eith kitchen, DR, LR & laundry. Linens provided. Majestic Atlantic and mountain views from spacious deck. Near golf courses, beaches, and more. $450 Weekly. Call 401-480-0374 or 508-3368432. CUSTOM LOG CABIN HOME: White Mountains New Hampshire, Located on Pearl Lake Rd, kayaks and small boats; Sugar Hill, Franconia NH, sleeps 6, fireplace, full kitchen; minutes from New Hampshire attractions; Franconia Pkwy, Santa’s Village, Whale’s Tail Water Park, and Cog Railway; Booking now for summer getaways, swimming, hiking, fishing, boating, or just R&R; weekly $600 and weekends $250, Call Joe at 401-439-8089.


Now Hiring Full Time Position: Immediate opening for a groundman. Duties include dragging brush, use of wood chipper, chainsaws and driving company vehicles. DOT medical card is required. Drug testing is mandatory. CDL is a plus but not necessary. Pay rate is determined by experience. Call Jim at (401) 692-6215 or Heather at (508) 336-4869 or (401) 723-6128. (e617) Triple A. Prata Landscaping is seeking qualified, dedicated and hardworking employees to join our team. Experience a plus, but we are also willing to train hardworking applicants. If you are interested in joining the Triple A. Prata Landscaping team located in Rehoboth, please contact us at: Tel: 508226-0007, Email: Tripleapratalandscaping@ gmail.com.

Gardener: 4-8 hours per week to help maintain an established perennial garden. 508-252-6438. Help Wanted: Straight Up Cleaning LLC is looking for part-time cleaners that are hard working, dependable and detail oriented. Experience preferred but not required. Bending and light lifting are a must. Must have a vehicle with valid insurance and consent to a background check. Please contact Jennifer Reis at straightupcleaning@yahoo.com. Office Help Wanted: Experienced only, knowledge in fencing required, must know computers. Full or Part-time.


PIANO LESSONS: Taught in my home, both classical and popular to persons of all ages. Anita Russo, 8 Terrybrooke Road, Rehoboth 508-252-4208. Summer Tutoring Available- Rehoboth mom with 21 years teaching experience. Grade K-6. Competitive pricing. Flexible scheduling. I will treat your child with kindness and care and understand that learning should be engaging and interactive! Email Christine at brierlyboysmom1@yahoo.com


Estar desejar CNA portuguesa para sua familia que tem CPR tipo que porta limpeza chama 401-952-0056. CNA 12 Yrs Exp! Do you need home care? I am CNA with 12 yrs exp! RI Hospital, nursing homes, + 8 yrs home care. Avail part time days. Will work RI/Nearby MA. Lic #NA12421. Have car, valid dr lic. $14/ hr. Respond to Joan: joannocera2000@ yahoo.com HOUSECLEANING Fire your cleaning co. today! GUARANTEED better service, and you save money! yrs of experience. Call gil for details 508-840-6611. BIG BLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House; We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. Call Tony 508-2261295; www.BigBlueRemoval.com. (NO EXP)

June 2017 The Reporter


June Business Directory CATEGORY



Antiques/ Cash for Gold Americana Auction Appliance Repairs Affordable Appliance Repair Co. Art Supplies/Framing Gregory D. Dorrance, Co. Attorney Cutcliffe, Galvin & Archetto Attorney Donald E. MacManus, Attorney Attorney Laurie P. Mullen Attorney Law Office of Luke P. Travis Auto Body Tri Star Autobody, Inc. Auto Repairs Mike’s Truck & Trailer Repair Auto Repairs New England Tire Auto Repairs Somerset Chrysler Jeep Auto Repairs Somerset Subaru Bank Coastway Community Bank Baseball - Professional Pawtucket Red Sox Bike Shop Your Bike Shop Bird Feed & Supplies Wild Birds Unlimited Bookeeping Service Hammond, Inc. Building Contractor A. M. Carpentry Building Contractor Blackledge Building Building Contractor M.G. Salois Construction Camp Camp Ramsbottom Camp-Basketball One On One Basketball Camp Carpet Cleaning Earle’s Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaning M & S Carpet & Upholstery Child Care Teddy Bear Learning & Daycare Ctr Child Care Twin Oaks Farm Learning Center Chimney Services Kenny’s Masonry & Chimney Sweep Chiropractor Merolla Chiropractic Church Holy Cross Church Cleaning Service Debbie’s Cleaning Service Collectibles Wexler’s Collectibles Concrete Contractor American Form Corporation Concrete Contractor Cut Rite Concrete Cutting Corp. Construction G CAP Construction Country Club Hillside Country Club Dentist David C. Zaluski, D.D.S. Dentist Dr. Wassouf D.D.S. Dentist Eager Family Dentistry Dentist Frank P. Casarella, DMD Dentist Lisa Daft DMD & Associates, PC Dentist Romani Orthodontics Dog Grooming Groom & Style Dog Services Canine Mastery, Inc Electrician ALKO Electric Electrician Dorrance Electric

31 36 26 63 81 26 16 61 14 3 18 21 19 68 75 6 44 46 29 13 67 66 25 54 75 69 38 55 31 44 45 34 11 24 20 54 73 96 49 60 78 42 81 41 36




Electrician Greaves Electric Electrician James Tavares Electric Electrician Neal Bellavance Electric Excavating MJD Excavating, Inc. Farm Souza Family Farm Farm Supplies Spring Garden Farm Feed & Supply Store Munroe Feed & Supplies Fence Installation Fence Tech Fence-Sales/Serv. Foxx Fence Fitness - Dance Zumba with Liz Morrell Flooring - All Types Custom Linocraft Flooring - All Types Earle Dias Interiors Flooring - Wood David J. Ledoux Hardwood Floors Fuel - Oil Al’s Quality Oil Co. Fuel - Oil E V Oil Co. Fuel - Oil Pricerite Discount Heating Oil Fuel - Oil & LP W. H. Riley & Son Funeral Home Smith Funeral & Memorial Services Funeral Home Waring-Sullivan Funeral home Garden Center Little Tree Nursery Gifts & Collectibles Personal Touch Golf Rehoboth Country Club, Inc. Golf Cars New England Golf Cars Grocery / Meat Market Parker’s Meat Market Gun Shop Bay State Trading Post Health & Fitness Bliss Life Yoga & Wellness Health & Fitness Boom Fitness Health & Fitness KM Fitness Equipment Repair Health & Fitness YMCA - Newman Health Care Southcoast Health System Heating & A/C LS Heating & Air Conditioning Heating & Air Taylor Heating-Air Conditioning Heating Service Larry’s Heating & A.C. Home Improvements DTP Construction Home Improvements Horner Millwork Home Improvements Mark Koussa Carpentry, Inc. Home Improvements Remodelers Outlet Home Improvements Stateside Vinyl Siding Company Horse Stable-Lessons Journey’s Haven Riding School Hotels Hotel Tybee House Cleaning Marinalva’s Cleaning Insurance Agency Frazao Insurance Insurance Agency Smith Insurance Group Irrigation Lisco Irrigation Jewelers Attleboro Jewelry Makers

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24 21 25 64 47 7 2 71 53 61 26 52 11 40 96 93 80 90 91 69 15 32 18 89 93 61 62 58 67 9 42 74 44 55 47 24 77 79 66 88 35 8 17 57 48


The Reporter June 2017

June Business Directory CATEGORY



Kitchen Remodeling Kitchens Direct, Inc 79 Kitchen/Bath Design Infinity Kitchens 28 Landscape Service Big Sky Landscaping 36 Landscape Service Earthscapes Yard Design, Inc. 17 Landscape Service Green Care Landscaping 7 Landscape Service Holden’s Landscaping 74 Landscape Service Kimmell Landscaping, LLC 87 Landscape Service Lawnscapes 51 Landscape Service Matt’s Landscaping, LLC 10 Landscape Service Oakhill Landscape 56 Landscape Service Superior Lawn Care 40 Landscaping-Nursery DeRosa Garden Center 57 Limousine Service Xtreme Party Bus 48 Marble Fabricators Star Marble & Granite 34 Martial Arts USA Karate 51 Masonry-Construction StoneScapes - Mark Carvalho 63 Masonry-Construction Valter Rego Masonry 38 Masonry-Construction William Gallant, Jr. Masonry Services 53 Music, Weddings Classic Flute Duos 49 Nursing Homes Waterview Villa 83 Optomitrist Pearle Vision 38 Orthodontics George Family Orthodontics 30 Orthodontics Romani Orthodontics 78 Painting Contractor Andrews & Sons Painting 87 Painting Contractor Arruda & Son Painting, Inc. 56 Painting Contractor Cronan Painting 16 Painting Contractor Delisle & Son Painting & Repair 53 Painting Contractor EZ Painting 94 Painting Contractor Iachetti Painting Company 81 Painting Contractor Lundco Painting LLC. 37 Painting Services KGM Painting & Wallcoverings 6 Paving Contractor All Phase Asphalt Driveways 95 Paving Contractor Custom Paving Company 30 Paving Contractor Gem Paving & Seal Coating 63 Paving Contractor Mohegan Seal Coating Co 16 Paving Contractor Ryan Asphalt Paving 87 Pest Control & Lawn Northeast Pest Control & Lawn Care 70 Pest Control Services Bi-State Pest Control 46 Pet Fencing South Coast Out of Sight Fencing 27 Pharmacy Anawan Pharmacy 7 Physical Therapy Personal Best Physical Therapy 58 Plastering & Painting David Laurino - Plastering 55 Plumbing & Heating Sine Plumbing & Heating 51

Title 5 Inspection


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Commercial & Residential

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CATEGORY Plumbing & Heating Powerwashing Powerwashing Private School Private School Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Remodeling Rental Stores Restaurant Restaurant Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Seafood Market Seal Coating Security Systems Self Defense Septic Inspections Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic/Trash Removal Smoke Shop Spa Stove Shop Swimming Pools Trash Removal Trash/Junk Removal Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Water Treatment Water Treatment Well & Pump



Vintage Plumbing & Heating Dun Rite Home Repair East Bay Pressure Wash Co LLC St. Luke’s School The Providence Country Day School Aubin Realty Century 21 - David Smith Deb Donahue - ReMax River’s Edge Keystone Properties Keystone Property Group Marcel Robert / Tirrell Realty ReMax Rivers Edge TK Real Estate Brokerage Vicki Doran - Coldwell Banker Batty Construction Taunton Rental Boneyard Barbecue & Saloon La Collina B & R Fournier Construction, Inc. Tabeleys Roofing Digger’s Catch D & D Sealcoating Home & Commercial Security Ronin BJJ Pro Inspection Services Bay State Sewage Disposal, Inc. Croome Sanitation, Inc. Fisk Contracting Co. Soares Sanitation Pumping, Inc. Town Sanitation A. Viera Disposal Wonderland Smoke Shop Cristallo Spa at Hillside CC Fireplace Showcase Lucky Duck Pools Cleanway Disposal & Recycling Big Blue Removal Service Advanced Tree Choate Tree Service Seekonk Tree Olde Colony Clean Water. Inc Water Filter Company, Inc. F & L Well & Pump, Co.

15 32 62 70 66 39 13 29 27 50 78 19 8 37 42 71 89 89 64 52 15 33 35 59 94 43 59 54 25 74 40 10 48 77 10 46 11 12 64 52 28 12 37

June 2017 The Reporter

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The Reporter June 2017

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