The Seekonk
september 2015 Volume 27, no. 9
Serving the Residents of Seekonk, Rehoboth and Surrounding Communities Since 1989
Seekonk Save A Pet Craft & Vendor Fair September 12th
details on page 53
Back to School
see page 66
2 The Reporter September 2015
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September 2015 The Reporter
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4 The Reporter September 2015
Town of Seekonk News Notes by Laura Calverley
Town Needs Volunteers @TheReporterMag
Cover photo:
Dog at Seekonk Save A Pet Event last year, courtesy of Tracy at Paw Prints in Attleboro.
Inside This Issue Antiquarian Society.....................40 Business Directory.....................93 Church News & Events................72 Classifieds..............................92 Club Announcements.................34 Dave Says...................................86 Dining Guide...............................88 Events and Activities..................45 Letters to the Editor......................6 Library......................................54 Obituaries................................87 People in the News....................27 Rehoboth Council on Aging.......82 Rehoboth Fire Department..........20 Rehoboth Ramblings..................12 Rehoboth Town News................13 Rehoboth Veterans Services........18 School...................................66 Scouts..................................76 Seekonk Human Services..........84 Seekonk Town News.................24 Sports.................................65 Sturdy Memorial Hospital..........63 Then and Now............................44 Who’s Who.................................80
Many town boards are in need of volunteers. The following boards have openings: Board of Health (1), Conservation Commission (3), Cultural Council (1), Economic Development Committee (1), Energy Committee (1), Historical Commission (3), Property Tax Work-Off Committee (3), Zoning Board of Appeals (2), Permanent Building Committee (5), Finance Committee (1) All the positions are appointed by the Board of Selectmen except for the Finance Committee, which are appointed by the Moderator. Anyone interested, should fill out a Talent Bank Form, which can be found on the town website at
Committee Exploring Possibility of New Library
A committee involved in a facilities study of the Seekonk Public Library is considering expanding or finding a new location for the library. Voters approved $25,000 for the study in 2013. Library Director Peter Fuller reported on the study at a selectmen’s meeting last month. The facilities study committee will make a presentation on the topic at next year’s annual town meeting. If voters decide to move forward with the project, funding would have to be approved. For now, selectmen are only committed to the study.
School Committee Chairman Against Personnel Policy
School Committee Chairman Ray Grant, at a committee meeting last month, spoke against the district’s personnel policy that changed the status of several employees to “at-will,” which allows them to be terminated at any time for any reason. Grant served as athletic director at the high school for 16 years. He and three other employees resigned from their jobs after the district implemented the policy last year. Grant wants the remaining five employees grandfathered in. He also wants the committee to discuss the policy further. Committee Vice Chairman Kyle Rose said that the committee originally implemented the policy at the advice of the district’s legal counsel.
Town Administrator Plans Run for Fall River City Council
Town Administrator Shawn Cadime is running for Fall River City Council, according to an article in the Sun Chronicle. Cadime served as city administrator in Fall River for nearly four years before becoming town administrator in Seekonk. Cadime made an unsuccessful bid for mayor of Fall River last December in a special recall election. He reportedly said if he is elected to the city council, it will not interfere with his responsibilities in Seekonk.
Seekonk Has New Veterans Officer
James LaFlame has been appointed as the town’s new Veterans Services Officer. His first day was August 5. LaFlame served in the Army for 33 years. He replaces Seth Bai who resigned in May. L’Heureux Appointed Planning Board Clerk Kristen L’Heureux was appointed as the new part-time planning board clerk. L’Heureux grew up in Seekonk and has worked at the Seekonk Public Library for many years. She started the new job on August 17.
West Nile Virus Found in Mosquitoes in Seekonk
The state Department of Public Health reported last month that mosquitoes infected with West Nile virus have been found in town. Most people infected with West Nile have no symptoms, but those over 50 are at higher risk for severe illness. Symptoms tend to include fever and flu-like illness. Officials advise that people take precautions such as using mosquito repellent with an EPA-approved ingredient, wearing clothing to reduce exposed skin, draining standing water on property and repairing window screens to keep mosquitoes out of homes. No human cases of West Nile virus have been detected so far this year.
September 2015 The Reporter
Residents Complaining About Unpermitted Yard Sales
Selectman Dave Parker wants the town to enforce the bylaw on yard sales. Residents are required to obtain a permit before having a yard sale and signs are not allowed on telephone poles or personal property. Parker said he’s been getting calls from residents who complain that they followed the bylaw and did everything right, but others in town do not. The bylaw is usually enforced by the building inspector, but the position is currently vacant. Selectmen decided the best course would be to have residents call the Police Department with a complaint. Then officers can check whether someone having a yard sale has a permit.
Police Department to Get ATM machine
Selectmen approved a request to have an ATM machine installed in the Police Department so individuals in custody can make bail. It will not cost the department anything except in electricity and it is expected to save money in overtime costs. Also, the police union will receive a $1 from each transaction which will go towards their charitable efforts. Selectmen requested that an annual report on the funds be put together.
Selectmen Discuss Getting Generator for Town Hall
Selectmen discussed a need for a generator for town hall. Selectman David Viera said it has been needed for some time. Town Administrator Shawn Cadime told selectmen that the Fire Department has a generator that may be able to be used, but it needs some work. They will determine whether retrofitting that generator will be more cost effective than purchasing a new one. Selectmen hope to have the generator in place before the winter.
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The Letters to the Editor and opinion articles do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all points of view.
6 The Reporter September 2015
Letters to the Editor... The letters in this section and opinion articles do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Let us hear from YOU!
Signatures Needed for Seekonk Charter Study
All successful organizations, whether it’s a business, or municipality, must change and adapt as the climate and customers dictate. The United States has changed according to the needs of its people, in order to serve them correctly. And so too must Seekonk consider change to serve our town, in the best possible manner. It is questionable whether our current charter is serving the residents, in a sufficient manner. We must take a moment, step back and examine the charter, our departments and the way we conduct the town’s business. Massachusetts recommends that cities and towns conduct a thorough study of their charters and by-laws to see if change is needed every 10 years.
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In order to conduct a charter study the town must elect nine people to a charter commission for the purpose of studying it and presenting recommendations to the town for changes. The town will receive these recommendations at a town meeting and vote on them accordingly. There are two ways of arriving at a point to hold an election to elect people to a charter commission. One way is for people to go out and get approximately 1,700 signatures to have an election. Another way is to ask our state representatives to ask the state legislature to vote to allow Seekonk to hold a charter commission election. Either way will place Seekonk at a point to have people take out papers and get signatures for the purpose of running for one of nine seats for a charter commission. Shortly, Seekonk residents will be soliciting door-to-door, for your signature. This will allow Seekonk to hold a charter commission election. We ask that you support this important endeavor so that Seekonk can hold a thorough and open charter study for the purpose of presenting to the residents any changes, or recommend keeping our Charter as is. Seekonk Concerned Citizens
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I’d like to inform potential home buyers in Rehoboth: Don’t buy a house near a golf course! The Rehoboth Town Government appears to believe it is justifiable to allow golf club owners to impose loud music on peaceful wooded neighborhoods nearby. On those summer nights that you would like to sit outside on your deck or open your windows, you will lose the quiet peacefulness of living in a rural community. That’s what living near a ‘golf club’ in Rehoboth can deprive us of. The Rehoboth Town Government appears to believe that all this is OK… to allow someone to make money providing entertainment even if it is intrusive to its neighbors. The town will ask you if you are concerned that your neighbor will build something close to your property, but they don’t ask you if you’re concerned about unwelcomed music. Last year, our local laws served my neighborhood well when a business began operating in our residential zoned area. The neighborhood initiated a petition and the town found that due to the disruptions presented, our laws mandated that they cease and desist. But in this instance, the town has condoned the disruption. So what can a Rehoboth resident do? I guess I can approach my neighbors and the owners of the “million dollar” homes on Medalist Drive. Maybe the local real estate folks will help us given that there may be a monetary interest? Ray St. Germain Hickory Ridge Road
September 2015 The Reporter
Rehoboth Food Pantry Christmas Program
Rehoboth Food Pantry, Inc. will be starting the Christmas program for Rehoboth children. The ages will be new born to High School age. We will start collecting names and addresses for gifts on September 27, 2015 to November 15, 2015 and hoping to start giving the gifts out on December 12, to December 20, 2015. We need a written list from parents or guardians of the children. Please mail to Rehoboth Food Pantry, Inc. at Cowboy Country - 127 Martin Street, Rehoboth, Mass. 02769. We need the sex and age of the child, size for clothing and list for toys or games. We are trying to stay away from electronics gifts. Please call if you need more information at 1-508-252-3263. Parents name or guardian’s name of child, address and a telephone number to be contacted A.S.A.P. are needed. Also, another part of the of The Rehoboth Food Pantry, Inc. is the emergency fuel for town residents only. We will be starting October 3, 2015 until funds run out. We will provide oil, gas, electric or wood to help other neighbors. We only do a 100 gallons at a time or the value of 100 gallons of oil. Please call 1-508-252-3263 for help. Last but not least, the food pantry needs your help to keep the shelves stocked. We are open 52 weeks a year at 51 Winthrop St., Unit 2 in the rear of the building in Rehoboth. Food and gifts are to be dropped off at 127 Martin Street and we also have several other locations to drop off food. If you need a list please call me. If you have friends that may be shy, you may come with them at first to the food pantry to ease the pressure. Together we will make this year the best for our friends and neighbors in needed. God Bless you and your family. Steve & Sara Martin Cowboy Country
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8 The Reporter September 2015
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September 2015 The Reporter
One Family Walks 17th Year for Autism
The Hearts & Hands Walk/5K for Autism Will be Held Sept. 19
Serving Our Community & Neighbors for over 54 Years
by Laura Calverley The 12th Annual Hearts & Hands Walk/5K for Autism takes place on September 19, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Francis Farm in Rehoboth. Bob Randall and his son Andrew have participated in every walk since it began. Actually, they were part of the walk before it even became the “Hearts & Hands” Walk. They got involved because Andrew has autism. Jan, Bob’s wife, also works as Resource Specialist for Community Autism Resources, the non-profit group that the walk supports. Although next month’s walk is officially the 12th event, it will be the 17th year that Bob and Andrew have walked. Jan has also been part of the walk for 17 years. She served as the walk’s coordinator for about 9 years. “It’s a good cause,” Bob said. When the walk started in 1999 as a small fundraiser for the organization, Bob and Andrew were there. “We did it for years before it had a name,” Jan said. “It was very small then. They walked and they came back and had juice and a few raffles.” In 2004, the walk was named the Hearts & Hands Walk. It took place for about ten years at Bristol Community College in Fall River, where it grew into more than just a fundraising walk. It became a family fun day for kids with autism and their parents. The event includes games, arts & crafts, raffles, food and an autism awareness store. Last year, the walk moved to Francis Farm in Rehoboth. Organizers were very happy with the new venue and decided to return to Francis Farm for 2015. Last year the walk drew more than 500 people and that many are expected again this year. Continued on next page...
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September 2015 The Reporter A major addition to this year’s event is a new 5K race. The Hearts & Hands Walk/5K is the major fundraiser for Community Autism Resources (CAR), a support center which provides free services to individuals with autism and their families. One hundred percent of the proceeds go towards helping families in the area. CAR helps families find resources; offers referrals to health professionals such as therapists and dentists; teaches parents about IEP’s (individual education plans) and assistive technology, and has a lending library. They also hold special events where kids get to do things they might not otherwise get to try, like ice skating and they offer courses for schools, community groups and other agencies. “It’s also somebody to talk to and answer questions,” Jan said. CAR serves more than 3,000 families and professionals in 83 cities and towns in southeastern Massachusetts, the South Shore, Cape Cod and the Islands. All of its services and programs are provided free of charge to families. And with autism now affecting 1 in 68 children (1 in 43 boys), there are many, many families in need of services. “In the past year, 261 new families have called,” said Jan. Why are Bob and Andrew participating again for the 17th year? Because Jan and Bob know firsthand how important it is to have support services when you have a child with autism. Their son Andrew was 12 the first time they walked. The autism rate was 1 in 500 then. Andrew is 30 now and their walk team is called “Andrew’s Army.” Andrew loves the walk and looks forward to it, says his mother.
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Hearts and Hands Walk “He talks about it all year long,” Jan said. The team is made up of family and friends and some of Andrew’s former therapists and mentors/aides. One young woman came from New Hampshire every year to walk with Andrew. In the last seven years, the team has raised over $10,000. “For us, we know how hard it is for families because we’ve been living it a long time,” said Jan. For information about CAR and the Hearts and Hands Walk/5K visit www. To donate, email Jan at and she will send a link to the Andrew’s Army Firstgiving page. Donations can also be mailed to Andrew’s Army in care of Community Autism Resources, 33 James Reynolds Rd., Unit C, Swansea, MA 02777.
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12 The Reporter September 2015
Rehoboth Ramblings by Leslie Patterson
Head Out on the Highway I just read that most Americans are keeping their cars for about 12 years now. While this may be due partly to the economy, it is true that cars last longer than they used to. We just bid goodbye to our old Taurus after almost 15 years, by far the longest we have ever had a car. It is always sad to see an old car go, at least if it was a relatively reliable car. Is it because people relied on horses for transportation for so many centuries that we somehow have transferred this feeling that our car is a living being with a personality? Or is it just that our cars are such a big part of our lives?
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Of course, a car can have a good or a bad personality. Back in the 80’s, we had a Chevrolet Citation that I was only too happy to see go. I’d like to give Chevrolet a citation for “worst car”. It was indeed a lemon and it turned me off ever buying another Chevy again, even though I learned to drive in the early 60’s on a 1956 red-and-white Chevrolet that was about the size of a boat. Our new car is a dark blue Honda Accord and I am enjoying driving it very much. Driving a new car is one of life’s pleasures and gliding down a recently repaved road, such as Pond Street in Rehoboth or Olney Street in Seekonk, is an additional delight. One thing that persuaded me to look for a new car now was the sudden realization that all the tech stuff in new model cars is only going to get worse, from my technophobic point of view. I immediately recognized most of the controls on the dashboard in our new car, which still has a CD player, even though the young sales guy assured us that no one listens to them anymore. It is not overburdened with technology I don’t want, such as touch screens. I’m still getting used to the back-up camera but I can see (ha ha) where that is a really good idea. The car has technology that I do want, such as a driver’s seat that adjusts every which way, which is great when you’re short. I also love the feature that shows how many miles you can go before you need gas. So, happy trails to us! New car or not, summer means vacations. A recent study quoted in the Boston Globe showed how your vacation choices reveal your personality. I haven’t read the original academic article, but it sounds like what a friend of mine calls the “too much grant money, too few ideas” syndrome. According to this study which first appeared in “The Journal of Research in Personality”, extroverts prefer the beach and introverts prefer the mountains. If you like both, does it mean you are well balanced? I like both the beach and the mountains, up to a point. I get bored with the beach fairly quickly, not because I’m on the quiet side but because I don’t swim. I do like walks on the beach or on short mountain trails. I’ve never been one for hiking. I confess that I find mountains scary in the winter, or I would if I ever went to the mountains in the winter. By the way, all the skiers I’ve ever met seem pretty extroverted to me and it looks like great fun if you are athletic. Mountain climbing, on the other hand, looks to me like torture. I will never understand the attraction of risking your life to climb a mountain. The study above does say that introverts prefer the woods to wide open areas. I can agree with that when it comes to the Great Plains or being on the ocean with no land in sight. That much open space can be intimidating. But I also love how the beach gives you both landscape and seascape – the ocean waves breaking on the glistening sand, bordered by tall dunes and the wide sky above. Speaking of the ocean and challenging sports, I can understand the appeal of surfing for those (mostly guys) who are really good at it. It looks like it’s absolutely thrilling if you know what you’re doing. I can recommend a new memoir, “Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life” by William Finnegan, for those who want to live vicariously. Finnegan is a writer for The New Yorker who recalls his young and adventurous days surfing all over the world. There are few top-notch surfers and even fewer who can also poetically write about it so that outsiders can understand its allure. Meanwhile, summer is almost over, so the rest of us can either enjoy the last warm days at the beach or head for the hills, depending on our personality.
September 2015 The Reporter
Rehoboth Town News From the Clerk’s Corner Hello All – Another month has quickly flown by, and I hope you have been enjoying your summer. As the summer draws to a close, I wish you a healthy and happy Labor Day! Laura Schwall Town Clerk
Remembering Walt Munroe
I would like to send my personal condolences to the Munroe family and friends with the passing of Walt Munroe on Sunday, August 23rd. Mr. Munroe was an amazing gentleman, and it was a sincere pleasure working with him over the past few years as Town Clerk. When I compiled a list of Walt’s appointments, elected positions, and contributions to the town for Board Of Selectmen Chairman, Mike Costello, I was even more amazed at Walt Munroe’s dedication and generosity to our town. Here are a few of the many contributions Walt made to the town of Rehoboth: Walt’s contributions to the town date back to 1977 when he was appointed to the Finance Committee to fill the unexpired term of Harold Messenger. Walt served on the Finance Committee for 12½ years. and served as Chairman of the Finance Committee from 1982-1983. On June 19, 1984, Walt was appointed as Fence Viewer, a position he held for four (4) years. In 1988, he was appointed, by the Moderator, to the Town Building Needs Study Commission where he served until his term expired two (2) years later. After the Annual Town Meeting adjourned on April 16, 1996, Walt was elected, by paper ballot, as a Water Commissioner (one of five members of the Water Commission). Walt served for 19¼ years as a Water Commissioner; his current term was to expire in 2017. At the 1999 April Town Election, Walt was elected to the Housing Authority, a position he held for 16¼ years; his current term was to expire April 2019. In June of 2003, Walt was appointed to the Community Housing Partnership Committee where he served for four (4) years; term expired on 6/30/07. In September of 2003, Walt was appointed to the Agricultural Commission, where he continued to serve for 12+ years. Walt’s term was to expire on 6/30/2018. A few of Walt’s notable accomplishments while serving on the Agricultural Commission were the passing of the Right to Farm Bylaw at the April 25, 2005 Town Meeting and the amazing “Visiting Rehoboth Farms” brochure listing the wonderful farms and farm stands around town. Walt was appointed to the Stormwater Implementation Committee for the term of October 2, 2006-June 30, 2007 and on September 15, 2008, Walt was appointed to the Stormwater Management Committee (as a Water Commission Representative) where he served for four (4)+ years. Finally, Walt served on the Rehoboth Agricultural and Natural Resources Preservation Council, also as a Water Commission Representative, for 3+ years beginning in July 2012. Walt’s term was to expire on June 30, 2018. As you can tell, Walter H. Munroe was very loyal to the town and extremely generous of his time in serving on all the above committees and boards. Walt will truly be missed by all. I know I will personally miss seeing him coming down the aisle of Town Meeting, complete with his cowboy hat and overalls, to speak on a matter that concerned him. I like to think that those who pass before us are always with us. Hopefully that is some comfort to the family and friends of Walt Munroe. Continued on next page....
Edward Jones, Mills Plaza II 492 Winthrop St, Unit 1, Rehoboth MA 02769 The Food Pantry Is Seeking Any Type Of: Non- Perishable Food Paper Products And Toiletries Monetary Donations Are Always Welcomed. Please Stop By With Your Donation! Thank You!
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The Reporter September 2015
Wonderful Accomplishments of our Rehoboth Youth!
Jeffrey Muri and Matthew Kucia Selectman Schwall and I had the honor of attending three wonderful events over the past month, which highlight the amazing youth we have in Rehoboth. On Saturday August 1st, we attended the Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony for Jeffrey David Muri and Matthew Gary Kucia at the Senior Center. On August 6th, we attended Elizabeth Oakley’s Girl Scout “Gold Star” award ceremony at the Carpenter Museum. Both events were lovely, and it was wonderful to hear the ways these dedicated, young adults have bettered our community through their volunteerism, dedication, and hard work. Jeffrey Muri’s Eagle Scout project was restoring the Beagle Club Walking Trails on Fairview Street. Matthew Kucia’s
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Eagle Scout project was building and placing 20+ batboxes over by the baseball fields (off of Martin Street). As you know, batboxes house bats that each night eat thousands of mosquitoes, which helps to eliminate the chance of Easter Equine Encephalitis, West Nile Virus, and other infectious diseases. Elizabeth Oakley’s Gold Star project was to construct a tower at the Carpenter Museum to house the “chimney swifts” that took residence in the Carpenter Museum chimney. Chimney swifts also contribute to the ecosystem by eating mosquitoes and other harmful insects. It is amazing to note that only 5-6% of the youth in the United States receive this prestigious award (Eagle Scout/Girl Scout’s Gold Star), and we are so fortunate to live in a community where so many of those individuals reside. Congratulations again to you all. We know all of you will go far and make us proud. Thank you for the invitation to attend your award ceremonies. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors! Also receiving an award at Elizabeth’s Gold Star ceremony was Elizabeth’s mom, Rebecca H. Smith. Rebecca received her award for her outstanding volunteerism and dedication to the Girl Scout Troop over the years. It is also important to note that when Rebecca’s daughter graduated from the troop, Rebecca continued to be a leader so the troop would continue thrive. Thank you Rebecca for all your time and dedication to the town and Girl Scouts ~ congratulations on your wonderful achievement. Continuing with our outstanding youth, on Saturday, August 15th, Gerry and I also stopped by to check in on the amazing restoration project at the Blanding Library. Sharon Beskid, of the Blanding Library, was in charge of the Scouts’ project, directing them as they cleaned, sanded, and painted the picnic benches along with spreading mulch in the garden. The scouts volunteered to take this project on in preparation for the 100th Anniversary ice cream social at Goff Memorial Hall, which was held on August 29th. Thomas Savary, under the direction of his Scoutmasters Mr. Cordiero and Mr. Savery, led the project with the help of troop members Charlie Pike, Chris Pike, Max Reuter, and David Simpson on a very hot Saturday afternoon ~ nice job guys and Sharon! The town thanks you for all your hard work.
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Upcoming Fall Town Meeting November 2, 2015
The Board of Selectmen voted at their August 24th meeting to hold a Special Fall Town Meeting on Monday, November 2, 2015. The Warrant for the Special Town Meeting is now open and articles are to be submitted to the Office of the Board of Selectmen by noon on Wednesday, September 16th. The 11-2-15 Fall Town Meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium at the Dighton Rehoboth Regional High School, 2700 Regional Road, North. Dighton, MA. There will be a voter registration session on Friday, October 23rd from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for those unregistered voters who wish to take part in the Monday, 11-2-15 Special Town Meeting. Please mark your calendar for the Fall Special Town Meeting ~ Monday, November 2nd at 7:00 pm. Town Meeting is Rehoboth’s form of government, and it is at these meetings where The People make decisions concerning the Town Bylaws and how revenue is allocated. Only those who attend have a say and a vote. Therefore, please take a moment to mark your calendar and attend the Fall Special Town Meeting so your voice is heard and your vote counted.
September 2015 The Reporter
Selectmen Liaison Assignments
At a recent awards ceremony, I had a resident asked if I would include in my Reporter article the list of Selectmen and their liaison assignments. Therefore, below please find that information for your review. I hope it is helpful.
Liaison Department / Board / Commission BOS Town Counsel Perry Council On Aging Board Perry Conservation Commission Perry Veterans Services & Service Officer Perry Zoning Board Of Appeals Perry Planning Board Costello Building Department Including, Electrical, Gas & Plumbing Inspectors; Building Inspector/ Zoning Officer Costello Highway Department / Highway Union Costello Tree Warden / Forestry Department Costello Bristol Country Advisory Board Costello Town Administrator Pimental Ambulance Committee Pimental Assessors, Board Of Pimental Finance Committee Pimental Police Department & Police Unions Pimental Town Clerk Pimental Tax Collector / Treasurer Schwall BP Vocational School Schwall Cable TV Advisory Committee Schwall Health, Board Of Schwall IT Committee Schwall Municipal Clerks’ Union Local 1701 Schwall Personnel Board
Schwall School Committee Schwall Fire Department Schwall Rehoboth Emergency Management Agency & Rescue Squad Schwall Town Accountant Vadnais Agricultural & Natural Resources Preservation Council Vadnais Agricultural Commission Vadnais Animal Control Officer Vadnais Animal Advisory Committee Vadnais Community Preservation Committee Vadnais Historical Commission Vadnais Housing Authority Vadnais Library Vadnais Park Commission Vadnais Water Commission
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Ernie & Sandra Boren REHOBOTH: $659,999 Colonial on 1.69 acres in Viall Farm Subdivision. Features eat-in-kitchen open to family rm with stone fireplace & 3 season sun rm. Kitchen w/ stainless Viking appliances, granite counters. Great yard w/Mahogany deck, swing set, play house & fenced built in pool & storage shed.
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REHOBOTH: $519,000 Horse Lovers! Contemporary home on 8.33 secluded acres, Gunite pool. Property has 5 stall barn w/all amenities needed for professional or rec use. Barn includes water hydrant, individual stall lights, rubber mats, washing station, tack rm w/utility sink. Too many features to mention!
The Reporter September 2015
Dog Licenses
Lynn and I continue to process the 2015 dog licenses that were due April 1st. To date we have renewed 1,956 licenses, and 18 kennel licenses. We are still waiting for 52 dog licenses to be renewed. An additional $25 late fee is now imposed for a total late fee of $40 along with a Non-Criminal Citation; please renew as soon as possible before any further fees are accumulated. Also, please remember, we need a valid rabies certificate at the time of renewal.
Business Certificates
Your Public Access Station Go to www. TV9 for a complete schedule of programs plus info about becoming a studio volunteer. 580 Arcade Ave., Seekonk, MA (508)-336-6770
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If you received a reminder letter from our office regarding your 4-Year Business Certificate expiring this year, please complete the renewal form, have your signature(s) notarized, and mail the form to our office with the fifty dollar ($50) renewal fee. You may also bring the form to our office, and we will notarize your signature(s) for free. Should you choose not to renew the business certificate, (if you no longer conduct your business), the business certificate will lapse and be void.
Various Town Clerk Office September Happenings
During the month of September, we will continue the process of preparing for the 2016 Census and Dog Tags programs. Marriage intentions and licenses continue to rise into September with 47 licenses being issued so far this year. An increase of five licenses over last year at this time. Finally, Lynn and I wish you all a safe and healthy end of your summer vacations. We also hope you enjoy an exciting new school year and Fall season. Speaking of the Fall, I look forward to seeing many of you at the Harvest Block Party this year. It will be held on Saturday, September 19th (Rain Date Sunday, September 20th) from 10:00 am ~ 3:00 PM at Redway Plain; I will be volunteering in the food tent. Hope to see you at the upcoming September 19th Block Party, and November 2nd Town Meeting. Please have a most enjoyable September. Thank You ~ Laura & Lynn
Rehoboth Animal Shelter
Smoke has just arrived at the Rehoboth Animal Shelter and is looking for a real home. She is one of the friendliest kittens we have ever met -- she loves to play and be cuddled. Smoke is about three months old, a small grey female. For more information about Smoke, contact the shelter at 508-252-5421
Hours M•T•T•F 9-5 Wed til 8 Sat 9-1
September 2015 The Reporter
Rehoboth Emergency Management Agency Looking for Volunteers
The REMA/Rescue Organization is looking for town residents who would be interested in volunteering in our department. Volunteers are needed in the following fields including but not limited to: shelter operations, water related emergencies, large animal rescue, communication, media skills and intervention with use of other skills in the event of an emergency natural or manmade. Benefits to volunteering include educational opportunities for training in emergency operations. These are funded by REMA to enhance the volunteer’s skills and confidence as an asset to the community. Anyone interested please contact the director: William Maiorano at 508-951-8811 or email
for grants which will help to defray the cost of field trips to cultural events. Applications must be postmarked by October 15, 2015. The Council is actively seeking new members with an interest in promoting the arts in the local community. Our next scheduled meeting will be held on Monday, November 9, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at the Blanding Library. We look forward to hearing from you!
The Rehoboth Cultural Council Announces the 2016 Grant Cycle
Do you have a program or project in need of funding? We would like to help. The Rehoboth Cultural Council, an arm of the Massachusetts Cultural Council, announces the opening of the 2016 grant cycle. Funding will be available for programs and projects that promote the arts, humanities, and social sciences in our local community. The Council strongly encourages local artists, musicians, historians, craft persons, and anyone who has a cultural program to offer to their community to apply. If you have never applied for this type of grant or just have a question, volunteers from the Rehoboth Cultural Council will be available at the Blanding Library to assist you with the application process. Information sessions will be held on three dates: Thursday, September 3 from 6:00-7:30 p.m; and Saturday, September 12 from 10:30 a.m.-12 noon; and Wednesday, September 23 from 1:00-3:00 p.m;. We look forward to assisting you. If you are wondering if your project or program might qualify for funding, please visit Additional contact Information and grant application forms may be found on the website. Grant applications will be accepted from September 1 through October 15, 2015. Programs must be completed between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016.Grants are awarded on a reimbursement basis. Applicants should include a letter of support from their host agency or venue with their application. Teachers are encouraged to apply
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The Reporter September 2015
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Rehoboth Veterans’ Services By Richard Grenier
Hello. My name is Richard “Dick” Grenier. I am the new Veterans’ Services Officer for the Town of Rehoboth. I served in the United States Air Force from 1971 to 1977 with the 1962nd Communications Group. I had been stationed in Texas, Mississippi, Kadena Air Base Okinawa and at AAB in Maryland. I received an Honorable Discharge in 1977. I can be contacted at the town hall at 508-252-4467 or by e-mail at My office hours are Tuesday and Thursday 9AM to 1 PM and Wednesday 8AM to 4PM. If you have any questions or need help with any military or veteran related issues please do not hesitate to call, e-mail or just stop in to the Veterans’ Service Office at the Rehoboth Town Hall, 148 Peck St. Upcoming events honoring veterans: September 12, 2015 Massachusetts Run/Walk for the Fallen 84 Eastern Avenue Dedham, Ma Registration starts at 8AM. For Info call 1-800-HELP-VETS or e-mail at November 7, 2015 WaterFire Salute to Veterans Providence, RI Visit for more information.
Have You Been Diagnosed With Sleep Apnea And Would Like More Information? A Sleep Apnea Informational Session and C.P.A.P Fair Will Be Held On October 15 at Sturdy Memorial Hospital
More that 200,000 dental injuries are prevented with the use of mouthguards. Dr. Sarah Eager has treated numerous sports-related dental injuries, and stresses the importance of wearing a mouthguard. Get yours today!
Family De nt ist ry
Attleboro, MA, August 28, 2015 – Sturdy Memorial Hospital will hold a Sleep Apnea Informational Session and C.P.A.P. Fair on Thursday, October 15, 2015. The Fair will feature the latest technology and equipment available to treat sleep apnea. The evening’s topic is “What Is Sleep Apnea and How Is It Treated?” Additionally, attendees will learn how to care for their equipment. Sturdy Memorial clinicians will also be on hand to provide information and address questions and concerns. Sleep Apnea is a common sleep disorder characterized by brief interruptions of breathing during sleep. An apnea is clinically defined as a cessation of breath that lasts at least ten seconds. Although the typical sleep apnea patient is overweight, male and over the age of forty, sleep apnea affects both males and females of all ages and weights. More than 18 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea and it is estimated that 10 million remain undiagnosed. The Fair will be held in the Hospital’s Auditorium from 7 – 9 p.m. For more information or to register, call the Respiratory Care Department at 508/236-7550. Sturdy Memorial Hospital is a full-service, independent, financially stable, not-forprofit acute care community hospital in Attleboro, Massachusetts.
September 2015 The Reporter
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Pawtucket: Well Maintained Bungalow in Darlington with a Florida rm. Features spacious liv rm, din rm, hardwoods. Lower level has rec rm, laundry rm, lav, office and workout area. Nicely landscaped fenced yard, garage $170,000 Deb Donahue 401-419-4165
W. Greenwich: Sophisticated Colonial! Pristine & so much character. Fam Rm w/fp, french drs, cathedral ceiling, open to kitch w/ granite & SS appl. Din w/raised panels, moldings, & wainscoting. Master w/bth & wic & Hwds. $389,000 Maria Correia 401-556-2957
Rumford: Stunning renovations! 2800+ SqFt colonial across from Wannamoisett Country Club. Island kit w granite. 2 fireplaces, & built ins! Sun filled fam rm, dining, fp living & studio/ den. Private master w/ bath. Michelle Cartwright 401-663-5677
East Providence: Attractive and spacious colonial! Hardwoods throughout, newer windows, nice tiled eat-in-kitchen, big patio. Location is close to many amenities! Own for less than rent! $89,900 Maria Correia 401-556-2957
E price
Seekonk: Crafstman Cape on a lge corner lot. Hdwds on both first and second flrs. Master w/ Cedar lined walkin closet, built ins. Renovated kitchen 2011, new high efficiency gas heat 2010. New roof in 2014 $254,900 Lisa Halajko 774-991-0052
Rumford: Adorable cottage in great neighborhood! Many original features like, hwds, moldings, high ceilings, etc. Newer roof, heating system and 2 car garage! If you appreciate old charm, this gem is for you! Must see! $199,900 Maria Correia 401-556-2957
East Providence: Well maintained home, 2c garage, Din w/ french dr to deck w speakers, hwds, pocket drs, FL rm, newer SS appl., newer windows, boiler, generator. Easy to train, Providence, hwy, walk/bike trail. $160,000 Deb Donahue 401-419-4165
Seekonk: Handsome roomy 4 Bed, 1.5 Bath Colonial on 1/2 acre treed corner lot. Eat-in-kitchen opening to vaulted ceiling family room with fireplace, living room, formal dining, laundry on first, florida room & garage. $449,000 Jean Clarke 401-374-5039
Seekonk: Spacious Dutch Colonial features 3 beds, din rm, eat-in kitchen & walk in master closet. Walk up attic for possible expansion. On a lge corner lot & plenty off street parking. Needs work well worth the effort! $179,000 Robin Lozito 401-486-6937 E
Seekonk: Charming well-kept 1-owner dormered Cape, quiet dead end, lg treed lot. New roof, refaced cabinets/ granite in kitchen & baths, new heat & win’s. 1st flr ldry/full bath, heated sunrm, lg. Mb/walk-in + office. $345,000 Jeanne Derham 508-942-8567
Riverside: This Immaculate one owner Ranch is located in desirable Waddington area. 3 Beds, 1.5 Baths, Gas Heat & Central Air. Nice deck to enjoy your own private yard. Attached garage. Lisa Halajko 774-991-0052
Seekonk: Abuts conservation! Stroll to reservoir! Fr porch, fireplace & hrdwds! Sunny lg kit, master w/ whirlpool and steam shower, oversized beds, plenty of garden space & parking. Appliances, pack your bags! $415,000 Michelle Cartwright 401-663-5677
We highly recommend Slepkow, Slepkow & Associates, Inc. Attorneys at Law 1481 Wampanoag Trail, East Providence, RI 02915 401-437-1100 Fax 401-437-5066 •
The Reporter September 2015
Rehoboth Fire Department Facts & News Rehoboth Fire Department at
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Real Estate Transfer Inspections
Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 148 section 26F mandates that upon the sale or transfer of homes the seller must install approved smoke detectors. Chapter 148 section 26 ½ also mandates the installation of carbon monoxide detectors. The Fire Department has encountered numerous cases with issues related to these inspections and proper compliance including: Inadequate lead time for inspections. It is imperative that you schedule your inspection a minimum of two weeks and as early as one month before your closing date. Inspections are only done on Wednesday mornings and if you have not scheduled your inspection well in front of your closing date you may have to reschedule your closing. We have had numerous requests for inspections within 7 days or less of closing dates and this cannot be accommodated. Please plan ahead! Non-compliant, inoperable, broken and illegal devices will not pass. The date of construction of your property and your fuel requirements for appliances and heating determines the type and number of devices required and the proper operation of them. Having the wrong or inoperable devices will result in the failure of the inspection. There will be an additional fee of $35.00 for a reinspection! Devices must be placed in the proper location and fall within the area requirements for the home. Devices in the wrong locations will need to be moved. A local ordinance requires the house is adequately numbered at the street and the numbering be readable. The $35 dollar fee can only be accepted by checks made out to “Town of Rehoboth”. Cash will not be accepted. You should also know that your realtor is responsible for the preparation and proper compliance for the inspection. We are seeing numerous cases where that responsibility is being passed on to the seller. As part of the fee your realtor collects on the sale of your home it is their legal obligation to guide you through compliance of this inspection. There are several different requirements based on the home. The Massachusetts Department of Fire Services has an excellent guide on their website at http://www. flyers/consumers-guide-w-sell-1-and-2-famprintout.pdf If you can’t find the answers to questions regarding compliance for smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in this guide please feel free to contact us at 508-252-3725 for additional assistance. We sincerely want the sale of your home, as it relates to this mandated inspection, to be painless and free of frustration!
September 2015 The Reporter
Remembering Walt Munroe: Lifelong Farmer & Dedicated Citizen
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With the passing of Walter (Walt) Munroe on Aug. 23, Rehoboth lost not only an important link to its historic farming past but also a native Rehoboth resident who contributed greatly to the civic life of the town. As a farmer, Walt continued a family tradition that goes back to the 1760’s. The Munroe farm on Fairview Avenue has stayed in family hands ever since then. Walt was not only a hard-working farmer; he was also one of those dedicated people who have been so active in various town committees over the years that he leaves a long list of his accomplishments. He played a vital role as a member of a number of Rehoboth commissions and committees, starting with the Finance Committee in 1977. At the time of his death he was still serving on the Housing Authority and the Water Commission. He was also still serving on the town’s Agricultural Commission and the Agricultural and Natural Resources Preservation Council, after years of service to all of these organizations. Walt was instrumental in getting the “Right to Farm” town bylaw passed in 2005. Speaking of Walt’s many contributions to the town of Rehoboth, Werner Horlbeck recalled Walt’s expertise in agriculture and related areas. “There’s no one who knew more about groundwater in this area than Walt, and he especially loved his work on the Agricultural Commission, and of course, he loved the town of Rehoboth.”
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Oral History on YouTube
Walt was also a long-time member of the Rehoboth Antiquarian Society and was one of the local farmers interviewed as part of the Carpenter Museum’s “Unearthing Rehoboth’s Farming Past” oral history program. The video of this interview from 2011 may be viewed on YouTube. RAS President Rebecca Smith said, “Walter had been a longtime member of the Rehoboth Antiquarian Society and a good friend to us. Although he avoided the spotlight -- getting him to agree to the oral history interview was a triumph -- we have always been able to call on him for help behind the scenes. He had a strong interest in and connection to the town of Rehoboth and to the land that his family has farmed for centuries. This is a great loss to all of us.”
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The Reporter September 2015
We’ve gathered here a few of the observations Walt shared on farming in Rehoboth during his interview at the museum. Walt said that he always enjoyed farming. “I like the livestock, I like being outdoors and I like the diversity of the work. It’s not all the
same thing, day after day… In the summer you’re growing crops and harvesting them and in the winter you’re in the woods cutting wood.” Asked if he disliked anything about farming, Walt said with a chuckle, “You can’t make money at it.”
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Ralph Monroe with his sons Bob and Walt (right) on the family turkey farm in Rehoboth in 1951.
Family Farm Memories
Looking back on his youth, Walt said that farm kids in Rehoboth did their chores before and after school. He recalled that his favorite chore was milking the cow and the most hated chore was “cleaning under the turkey pens.” But it was not all work and no play. Walt remembered how he used to play baseball, football, and go sledding and ice skating in the winter, and how he would ride his horse Duke on the family farm. One thing the Munroe farm was famous for in years gone by was its turkey business. “I think Dad [Ralph Munroe] said he started raising turkeys in 1934. At its height, I think we were putting out about 5,000 birds. By the time he went out of business we were down to around 2,000. Most people picked up their turkeys around 65 Bay Spring Ave, Barrington RI Thanksgiving and Christmas but we sold them all year round except for July and August ... The last year I had it from my father we just 401-663-1709 • about broke even, so I figured it was a good time to quit. I think in Gary Gagne, Owner PO Box 2768 • Pawtucket, RI this day and age, people value locally grown and fresh much more MA Lic# 171546, RI Reg# 28604, RI Lead Lic# LRM-1787 - LHCF-0278 than they did back then. I think you could actually get into it today and probably do better, but back then we were competing with the stores and to break even was lot tighter.” Many local people have fond memories of the Monroe family’s Cricket Hill Gift Shop A handsome selection of on Fairview Avenue. “My mother [Jane] started that shop with a neighbor in 1955, I country, colonial and traditional think, and then she bought out the neighbor furniture & accessories in a and ran it for years. People would stop in the shop when they came to pick up their turcentury old barn. keys so the two complemented each other,” Serving the community Walt recalled. Walt’s wife Sharon ran the gift FREE shop for many years but Walt said that “times for over 60 years changed” and business wasn’t as good as Delivery! it had been in previous years. After Sharon 127 Lindsey Street closed Cricket Hill, their son Ben took over the shop and opened Monroe Feed & SupAttleboro, MA ply there a few years ago. 508-222-1750 At the conclusion of the oral history From Attleboro center, take Rte. 123 interview, Walt was asked how he felt about (Pleasant St.) east toward Norton. Lindsey his farm and how he envisioned it 50 years St. is the first left after McDonald’s. into the future. He said, “It’s very important HOURS: Wednesday - Friday 10am-3pm to me. My only hope is that the land is still Saturday 10am-2pm in one piece. I hope someone is still farming Closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday it. If I had anything to say about it, it would Evenings by Appointment! stay a farm forever.”
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September 2015 The Reporter
D-R Gets New Assistant Superintendent By Laura Calverley
The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School Department has a new Assistant Superintendent - Kerri Anne QuinlanZhou. She started the job on July 1. Quinlan-Zhou, who has more than 20 years experience in education, previously worked in the Office of Instruction in the New Bedford Public School district for 11 years. Her position was Director of Fine Arts, where she overKerri Anne Quinlan-Zhou saw the arts curriculum and instruction for 50+ teachers and worked alongside the building principals of 26 schools. As part of the position, she was also an “Instructional Liaison” to two schools where she met with the principals in a coaching/mentoring capacity. Quinlan-Zhou says she is excited to begin her position at D-R. “There is much to do as we prepare for the new school year including preparations for teacher professional development in August and moving forward. This is in addition to the technology upgrades and curriculum development that we are working on which will support teachers and administrators ‘right out of the gate,’” Quinlan Zhou said. Quinlan-Zhou has a Masters in Educational Leadership and is nearing completion of her doctorate in Education from Northeastern. Prior to being an administrator in New Bedford, she was an administrator in Loudoun County, Virginia where she taught music. She is certified as a principal and served as a summer school principal for four years. She is also certified as a Pre-K teacher and Director. Quinlan-Zhou grew up in Fall River. She replaces Gail Van Buren, who retired last year.
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Southeastern Massachusetts Wind Symphony Seeks New Members
re you a wind or percussion musician looking for a challenge? The Southeastern Massachusetts Wind Symphony, a collaboration between the Southeastern Massachusetts Arts Collaborative, better known as SMARTS and the Wheaton College Music Department is accepting new woodwind, brass and percussion players ages 14 to adult. Comprised of adults, area high school students and students from local colleges, the Wind Symphony offers its members the opportunity to perform a wide variety of music for wind ensemble and concert band. Rehearsals are Thursdays starting September 10 – December 3, 2015 with a 7:30 PM concert on December 4, 2015 at Weber Theatre, Wheaton College, Norton, Massachusetts. There is a $33.00 registration fee for new members or $65 for the full year which goes until April 2016. To join, come to the first rehearsal or call the SMARTS office, 508/222-8484. “Like” us on facebook to see Wind Symphony announcements!
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The Reporter September 2015
The Seekonk Scene Town Clerk’s Corner By Jan Parker, Seekonk Town Clerk
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Think Global. Support Local! Join the solar revolution! Sustainability starts with personal choice, and we choose solar energy. Great financing and low-cost leases available. One of Massachusetts’ original solar installers Come visit us right here in Seekonk!
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Dog license renewals were due March 31st, so if you have not licensed your dog yet, please come in or do it through the mail. By our count, there are many dogs still not currently licensed for 2015. Voter confirmation cards were mailed out to any voter who did not return their 2015 annual town census form. Unfortunately, this costs the town money to do this mailing and return postage must be provided by the town, per state law. Please return you card after you have followed the instructions on it. This helps keep the town’s voting list and census list accurate. With a big year of elections approaching in 2016, the State wants our lists to be as accurate as possible. It really helps speed up the lines at the polls also. Save a Pet is gearing up for the annual craft fair at the Middle School. The date is Saturday, September 12th. We are looking for crafters who want to sell their items. Also, white elephant tables are welcome. We are selling the K-9 shirts that Adam Laprade has to support the K-9 program. Kilo and Adam are such an asset to our police department and the sale of the shirts helps support this great team. A reminder that if you are planning to have a yard sale, town by-laws say that you need a yard sale permit issued by the Town Clerk’s office. Permits are $5.00 per day. Voters are now able to check their voter registrations online. The Presidential Primary is scheduled for March 1, 2016 and the town election follows on April 4th. Just go to www.seekonk-ma. gov and go to the Town Clerk Department and then to elections and voting. There is a link to the State site on there. You may also register to vote online now by going to the State link on our website. The annual Pasta Fest is September 24th at the high school. Tickets will be available here in the Town Clerk’s office. This is a great fundraiser as the proceeds go to help families that need heating assistance. Lots of great food and nice raffle prizes. The Kiwanis 5K and 1.5K walk is being held on September 27th at the Martin School. We have the forms to register for the event on our counter here in Town Hall. This is another great fundraiser. September is a good month in town for fundraisers, so please come out and support the groups in town that help make this a wonderful community to live in.
Seekonk Arts Council Seeks Funding Proposals For Community-Oriented Arts, Humanities, And Science Programs.
The Seekonk Arts Council is announcing that applications are now being accepted for the 2016 grant funding cycle. All applications must be postmarked by Thursday, October 15, 2015. According to Council spokesperson Martha Torrance, grants are available to support a variety of artistic projects and activities in Seekonk, including exhibits, festivals, field trips, short-term artist residencies or performances in schools, workshops and lectures. The Seekonk Arts Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils serving all 351 cities and towns in the Commonwealth. The LCC Program is the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, supporting thousands of community-based projects in the arts, sciences and humanities every year. The state
September 2015 The Reporter legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency, which then allocates funds to each community. Projects funded by the Seekonk Arts Council in 2015 included Dance of Northern India at the Aitken School, pastel painting, paper making, juggling, edible gardening, cartooning for teens, and an Animal World program at the Library. Several musical groups were funded to perform at the Meadows and the Senior Center, and the Council funded “Nudging the Imagination” – a series of writing workshops at Martin School. Finally, the Council funded a field trip for SHS Sculpture students to the deCordova Museum and Sculpture Park in Lincoln, MA. Decisions about which activities will be granted funding are made at the community level by a board of municipally appointed volunteers. The members of the Arts Council are: Sharon Clarke, Patti Dalton, Alex Dunwoodie, Maria Holme, Stuart Montgomery, Tim Tolman, Martha Torrance, and Charles Waddington. If you would like to sponsor a Massachusetts or Rhode Island presenter/performer who offers programs in the Arts, Humanities, and the Interpretive Sciences, or if you are a performer who can find a sponsor, you can apply for a small grant (average amount is $250$500). This money can help to fund a performance or program that will benefit Seekonk residents. Applications can be found at the Seekonk Public Library, the Public Schools, Town Hall, as well as at Questions may be directed to Arts Council Co – Chairs Alex Dunwoodie at alexdunwoodie@ or Sharon Clarke at Applications must be postmarked by Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015, and mailed to the Seekonk Arts Council, 100 Peck St., Seekonk, MA 02771.
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Seekonk Animal Shelter
Meet Rosa! She is a 9 month old, longhaired tiger and white female who is very friendly and likes to cuddle, but she will need a few minutes to warm up to new people. Rosa is a very young momma kitty who had a litter of 3 kittens. This young girl has already raised her litter of kittens and now it’s her time to find a loving home. When you look into her gorgeous eyes, you will fall in love with this sweet girl. She is up to date on her vaccines, spayed and micro chipped. Visit Rosa at the Seekonk Animal Shelter, 100 Peck St, Seekonk MA. Phone: 508-336-6663. Open daily 2-4, except Wed 3-6.
Drop off by 9:30 and pickup the same day by 5:30
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The Reporter September 2015
Seekonk Parks & Recreation News Save a Pet Craft Fair
Columbus Day Youth Race
Saturday September 12, 2015 Hurley Middle School 9am-3pm
Saturday October 10, 2015
Stop by and make a craft with our Something to do Saturday program!
Kiwanis 5k & Youth Race
Sunday September 27, 2015 Martin School/Cole St
Registration for all participants (youth race & 5k) starts at 8:30am. 5k starts at 10am, youth race to follow (approx. 11am).
Do you and your family Geo-Cache? It’s a great way to get the whole family out of the house and into nature! Geo-caching is a fun new twist on a scavenger hunt. Coming in late October, Seekonk Parks & Recreation will be hosting a Town Wide Scavenger Hunt! Be sure to sign up for your Free geo-cache account now, you’ll want to make sure you’re all ready for the event!
With this ad
CPR/AED/1st Aid Class
Seekonk Parks & Recreation is proud to host an American Heart Association CPR class on Tuesday October 20, 2015 at 6pm in Town Hall. Cost is $50 for a 2 year certification To register for the class contact Bridget or call 508-944-4226
508-824-8370 • 1-800-464-8370
Bus Trip to Mohegan Sun
Call for Spring Specials
Come and join us on a bus trip to Mohegan Sun. Date: TBD (we’re aiming for a Friday in Oct.) Time: 12:30 bus will leave Seekonk Town Hall - will return after 8pm. More info to follow
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Seekonk Youth Lacrosse Clinic
Beginner Clinic Dates Are Set If you are a boy or girl in Grades 1-8 and have always wanted to give lacrosse a try, Seekonk Youth Lacrosse Association will be holding beginner/instructional clinics on October 3, 17 & 24 at the Hurley Middle School in Seekonk. Tentative times are 2 - 3:15 p.m. for girls and 3:30 - 4:45 for boys. Registration will be available next month via the SYLA website that is being created. Check back for more information!
“Fun Family Adventure”
Earle's Car pet & Upholster y Cleaning
Seekonk High School Race time is TBD
This three hour course provided by Mobile Medical Training is recommended for children 10 – 13 years old. Education includes: General safety tips when staying home alone Actions to take in an emergency Cyber safety Cyber Bullying Actions to take in an emergency Elements of First Aid Fire Safety The course material is reinforced through role play, games and group discussion. This is an interactive class taught by registered nurses with the goal of teaching critical thinking skills in a fun relaxed learning environment. Location: Hurley Middle School (room TBD) Dates: TBD Times: TBD We have an opening for a committee member. Please fill out a Talent Bank form and drop it off to the Town Administrators office. Forms can be found on, or in town hall. Any questions, concerns or ideas for programming, please contact Bridget Garrity, Director at 508-944-4226 or or
September 2015 The Reporter
People In The News Seekonk Residents Among The Guests At Historic New England’s Feast For The Farms
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Julia and Rob Emlen Seekonk residents Julia and Rob Emlen were among the guests at Historic New England’s Feast for the Farms on August 7, 2015. The event raised funds to benefit the preservation and care of Casey Farm in Saunderstown and Watson Farm in Jamestown, two of the oldest working farms in the state. Nearly one hundred guests gathered to celebrate Rhode Island food, agricultural traditions, and area history. A festive cocktail hour, including a raw bar with oysters from Ocean State Oyster Festival, was followed by a three-course dinner featuring a menu of locally sourced cuisine by Russell Morin Catering and Events. Liquid refreshments included the signature cocktail – Casey Gin Smash. Beer and wine were donated by McLaughlin & Moran, Inc. and Narragansett Brewery, and bluegrass music was provided area band Local Freight. Funds raised at Feast for the Farms support preservation projects and public programs at Historic New England’s Casey Farm and Watson Farm and our mission to ensure that the region’s historic sites and collections will be enjoyed by the public for generations to come. Event Committee members are Ian Barnacle, Jon-Paul Couture, Tripp Evans and Ed Cabral, Cristina and Bill Harsch, Cathy Lund and Peter Karczmar, Chris Marsella, Heather and Don Minto, Jean and Paul Moran, Frank Mullin, Carl R. Nold, Mary and Doug Riggs, Dennis Stark, and Courtney Taylor. Event Sponsors are Maureen and Edward Bousa, Couture Design Associates, Cristina and Bill Harsch, Karen and Warren McFarlan, Sandra and Holt Massey, Jean and Paul Moran, Carl R. Nold, and William Vareika Fine Arts
About Historic New England
Historic New England is the oldest, largest, and most comprehensive regional heritage organization in the nation. We share the region’s history through vast collections, publications, public programs, museum properties, archives, and family stories that document more than four hundred years of life in New England.
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The Reporter September 2015
Use the KraftMaid cabinetry logo & flush right “cabinetry” in all mediums without context but never with the addition of the tagline. the full-color version of the logo should be used whenever possible. the reversed color version of the logo is allowed on solid color backgrounds or directly on photos as needed. if used on an approved KraftMaid visual, the background needs to have enough contrast so that the KraftMaid cabinetry logo sufficiently stands out. Both logo versions when unaltered in appearance are acceptable for qualifying co-op funding (refer to KraftsMaid co-op guidelines). the logo is trademark protected with registered mark ® and must be used when reproducing the logo.
Planning for Fall... Sale Going on Now!
preferred (pMS 525)
Seekonk Student Interns With Rhode Island’s Congressman Langevin
reversed (pMS 525)
reversed (Black)
taGLine Keep current KraftMaid cabinetry logo in conjunction with all caps tagline for all graphic/media usage with context, print ads, brochures and tV. the KraftMaid cabinetry logo is acceptable for use in any marketing medium as long as the marketing message being represented by the KraftMaid cabinetry logo refers to the KraftMaid cabinetry product line and is not used in a corporate context. the full-color version of the logo should be used whenever possible. Both logo versions when unaltered in appearance are acceptable for qualifying co-op funding (refer to Merillat co-op guidelines).
Vertical (pMS 525 + cool gray 11)
Vertical (pMS 525)
Quality Cabinetry & Countertops
Award-Winning Kitchen & Bath Design and Installation Specialists Seekonk Showroom 68 Mink St. • 508-557-0392 Vertical (Black)
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Horizontal (pMS 525 + cool gray 11)
Horizontal (pMS 525)
Jessica Rodriguez with Congressman Jim Langevin Horizontal (Black) Photo courtesy of Congressman Jim Langevin Rhode Island Congressman Jim Langevin meets with Seekonk, Mass., resident Jessica Rodriguez, who participated in Langevin’s Rhode Island District Office internship program over the summer semester. Rodriguez is a rising senior at Providence College, where she is double majoring in global studies and Spanish. She is also the vice president of the Board of Multicultural Student Affairs at PC for the 2015-16 academic year. In the District Office, interns experience a variety of tasks, including answering phone calls, drafting constituent correspondence and supporting staff members on various projects.
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September 2015 The Reporter
Monarchs Near Endangerment Local Youth Has Plan
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Yamaha Golf Car With Aluminum Utility Box
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We are New England Golf Cars, a full-service provider of golf car and utility vehicles with over 25 years of experience. We service, repair and sell all major brands of golf car. We supply vehicles for business, factories, campgrounds, and special events, and are a licensed dealer of yamaha golf cars and parts. Contact us to find out how we can tailor a golf car solution to fit your needs.
Monarch butterflies are near endangerment due to climate Custom Lift Kit Cars change, deforestation, the use of pesticides, and other serious threats. Population rates have declined greatly in recent years. New, Used, and Custom Golf Cars 62 Industrial Way Seekonk, MA 02771 Phone 508-336-4285 Fax 508-336-4762 Journey North, a free online science education project, reports the population rate is 80% below average. Pesticides have been killing the asclepias plant, more commonly known as milkweed. Monarchs will only lay eggs on milkweed leaves. Without an abundance of milkweed plants, the butterfly cannot lay as many eggs, which decreases population. Climate change also jeopardizes the monarch’s ability to survive the annual migration south to Mexico. Learn about our medically designed weight To aid monarch survival, local teen method. Learn about our medically designed weight loss Abby Abrahamson has started a project, Monarchs and Milkweeds, through Jane losseasy method. Your last diet! allows you to 4-phase to follow protocol Goodall’s Abby has Over 4-phase easy tomedically follow protocol allows maintain muscle mass, designed lose fatweight and learnyou to lean Learn about our been raising awareness about the Monarch 6 million butterfly and what we can do to help. She loss method. maintain lean muscle mass, lose fat and learn to keep the pounds off has raised Milkweed plants and sold them, success 4-phase easy to follow protocol allows you to Please to keep the pounds off putting the proceeds toward her goal of maintain lean muscle mass,stories! lose fat and learnjoin us at ou raising over $100.00 for the Monarch But•Ope to keep the pounds off forever! terfly Fund. Abby also brought her love and Lose an stories! knowledge about the butterfly to a local Ideal Over 6 seminar million success Please join us at our next educational to learn more. Head Start program in Pawtucket on July average of 1 Please join us atjoin our educational seminar tomore. learn more. 24, 2015. There she taught the children Please us atnext our next educational seminar to learn •Open House •Product tasting 3-7 lbs. per about the Monarch butterfly’s life cycle. House •Product tasting •Open•Open House •Product tasting Abby’s family garden has been registered week Lose an Lose an Call Tim for our n Ideal Method Weight Loss LLC as a Monarch butterfly waystation through Lose an average of 1539 Fall River Avenue, Suite average of 1539 Fall River Avenue, Suite 44 To learn more about Abby’s project, visit Seekonk, MA 02771 3-7 lbs. per average 1539 Fall MA River02771 Avenue, Suite 4 Seekonk, 3-7 lbs. per of week monarchs-and-milkweeds online. If you Call Tim for our Seekonk, next seminar MA date and more information. 02771 3-7 lbs. per week would like to join Abby in making a tax de774-320-5736 Call Tim for our next seminar date and more information. ductible donation to support monarchweek survival, visit Call Tim for our next seminar date and more information.
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The Reporter September 2015
Local Runner Earns All-American Honors at USATF Junior Olympic Track Nationals
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Max DiMuccio Jacksonville, FL. – Seekonk resident and Sentinel Striders Track Club runner Max DiMuccio earned All-American honors by finishing in the top eight in his event at the USATF National Junior Olympic Track and Field Championships held at the University of North Florida’s Hodges Stadium in Jacksonville, FL. July 27th to August 2nd.
D e n t a l
11:20 AM
Page 1
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September 2015 The Reporter Over 7,000 runners from across the country earned berths in the national meet by qualifying through their local association and then regional championships. Max ran in the 13-14 boys’ 3,000 meter race and placed fifth in a time of 9:31.5. This time represented a 23-second PR over his 9:54.7 qualifying time at the Region 1 meet 3 weeks earlier where he placed second. DiMuccio was seeded 13th in the field of over 40 runners and ran the first half of the race at the back of the pack. He was 13th with three laps to go but passed six runners on the next lap to move into 7th place with 800 meters left. Running a blazing 68 second final 400 meters he caught two more runners over the final lap and missed finishing in 4th place by less than half a second. Max will be attending 8th Grade at St. Margaret School in Rumford, RI this fall.
Seekonk Girl Tours Fenway with Fellow Diabetic Pediatric Patients from Joslin
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Joslin patient Mackenzie Gallagher (9) and her parents, Amy and Jay Gallagher at Fenway Park
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Seekonk resident and Joslin Diabetes Center patient Macken113 Taunton Ave zie Gallagher (9) and her family joined a group of over 60 people, Seekonk, MA Same Location for 40 Years including many of her fellow pediatric patients at Joslin and members of the pediatric staff for a private tour of Fenway Park recently. Mackenzie is a patient of Dr. Anat Hanono M.D., Pediatric Endocrinologist at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston. About Joslin Diabetes Center Joslin Diabetes Center, based in Boston, Massachusetts, is committed to advancing diabetes research, clinical care, education and health and wellness programs on a Complete auto collision repair global scale. Joslin is dedicated to ensuring Towing Foreign & Domestic that people with diabetes live long, healthy lives and offers real progress in preventing We handle all insurance claims and curing diabetes. Joslin is an indepenFree Estimates dent, nonprofit institution affiliated with GO GREEN Harvard Medical School, and is recognized MA RS. # 1367 WATER BASED worldwide for driving innovative solutions in PAINT Serving our community for 28 years diabetes prevention, research, education, and care. Its mission is to prevent, treat and 1849 Fall River Ave. (Rt 6), Seekonk, MA • 508-336-6475 cure diabetes and the organization’s vision Visit our website is a world free of diabetes and its complications. For more information, visit www. Robert Coelho Jr. & Ernie Loiselle - Owners
The Reporter September 2015
Erica Scott-Pacheco Joins South Coastal Counties Legal Services, Inc. (SCCLS)
Erica Scott-Pacheco, daughter of Nancy Scott-Puopolo of Rehoboth, recently joined South Coastal Counties Legal Services, Inc. (SCCLS) as Director of Development. With offices in Fall River, Brockton, and Hyannis, SCCLS provides free civil (non-criminal) legal aid to low income individuals, families, and elders throughout the South Coast, Cape, and the Islands. Erica graduated from Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School in 2002 and then received her BA from Harvard and MA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She also completed a graduate certificate as a Community Fellow at the Institute for Nonprofit Management and Leadership at the Boston University School of Management. Erica resides in Fall River with her husband Jorge Pacheco, their two cats, and a dog.
Brittany Sousa of Rehoboth attends National Student Leadership Conference
In February, 2015, Brittany Sousa, received an invitation to participate in the National Student Leadership Conference where she would choose which conference she would like to participate in. Since she is interested in law, she could have chosen International Diplomacy or Law and Advocacy at Yale University, Political Action and Public Policy at American University, or Mastering Leadership at University of California, Berkley or Northwestern University in Chicago. However, she decided to attend the Intelligence and National Security conference at American University in Washington, D.C., for which she had to be an American citizen and pass Federal background check. Once this was done, her 5 day journey was to start on July 7th.
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September 2015 The Reporter At American University she was one of 100 students from all over the US that participated in this conference. She then learned the main event of the conference was a National Security Crisis simulation. During her conference, she met Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, who was a few minutes late because of the Wall Street hack that morning. He told the students about how he got his job, what he does, and some of the challenges he faces. Because Secretary Johnson is a high ranking government official, he has coin that is designed by him that has his insignia. He brought five of these coins with him to the meeting and Brittany received one. He is seventeenth in line to be president. Brittany also went to the Pentagon. While waiting to enter, a group of Air Force generals from around the world were also entering for a meeting. Some of the countries she was able to identify were Brazil, Russia, South Korea, Israel, and England, amongst others. While at the Pentagon, she met Lt. Gen. Robert Otto, Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance for the U.S. Air Force. He explained the progression of technology used by the Air Force in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, the future of military intelligence, and the use of drones in combating ISIS. Next, Brittany went to the National Security Agency (NSA) headquarters. There she got a tour of the National Cryptology Museum and learned the progression of codebreaking from the Ancient Egyptians to now. She was able to crack a code on an actual German Enigma machine from World War II. Brittany also met with two members of the NSA who told them all about different intelligence gathering techniques and what the NSA actually does. She also went to a lecture on National Security from Dr. Vince Houghton where the focus was on the CIA’s involvement in national security and gathering intelligence and met with Special Agent C. Bryan Paarmann, Deputy Assistant Director Counterterrorism Division of the FBI. He spoke with the students about what skills are needed to become an FBI agent, what the counterterrorism division does, and explained the FBI’s role in national security and intelligence. At American University, it was time for the mock National Security Crisis. She was the Director of the NSA for her crisis. The mock crisis was based on a the fictional country of Maraq, situated on the Gulf of Oman next to Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan, a small group of armed rebels, members of the terrorist organization Al Seif, led by Tariq al Coman and Prince Qadir, entered the capital Fujar and had taken the palace. King Akbar III and Crown Prince Feroz had been taken prisoner and moved to an unknown location. They demanded that the U.S. remove all people, military, and influence from the country. Tanks would remain outside the embassy and the rebels had been ordered to wait 24 hours before attacking. They also had three U.S. Marines in prison for the supposed beating and raping of two women the month before. The group met a total of three times throughout the conference. The students dealt with propaganda, beheadings, and an oil crisis, amongst other things. They were the only group out of any of the crises to not go to war. Their president was also impeached for buying tons of peanut butter with tax payers’ dollars. After the crisis, the students were told that they be visiting Arlington National Cemetery and four of the 100 students would be picked to lay a wreath at The Tomb of the Unknown Solider. In order to even be considered they had to write an essay on why they should get that honor. She was given the honor of being one of the four students picked. Brittany had volunteered to become a National Student Leadership Conference ambassador. NSLC puts her in contact with other students in what would be considered the Rehoboth area that are thinking about joining the conference so she can share her experience. After returning from DC, Brittany has been interning at The Office of the Bristol County District Attorney in Attleboro. She is learning what it is to be a prosecutor while working with ADA’s and speak-
ing with judges and defense attorneys. She also had the privilege of meeting Bristol County DA Tom Quinn. She was also asked to participate in the Youth Cabinet by Congressman Joseph Kennedy’s office during her senior year and has also been chosen to be an intern for the Congressman Kennedy (D) for the summer of 2016. She will continue her internship at Coastal Legal Affiliates in Fall River. Brittany is a senior at Dighton Rehoboth High School where she is a member of the Mock Trial Team, DR Marching Band and National Honor Society. She is looking to major in law after high school. She is the daughter of Linda and Manuel Sousa of Rehoboth.
Brittany ( on the far left) with the other three members of her conference that were chosen to lay the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
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The Reporter September 2015
Club News & Announcements The Seekonk American Legion
A.M. Carpentry
Psychic Fair
Saturday, September 19th
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A Psychic Fair will be held on Saturday, 9/19/15. There will be several Readers and each Reading is $ 20.00. Admission is free. The hours are from 10 am to 3 pm. The Psychic Fair will take place at the Seekonk American Legion Post located at 351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA. Proceeds to benefit the American Legion Auxiliary programs for our Veterans, community and children.
Donations Accepted for Operation Stand Down RI
Operation Stand Down Rhode Island’s mission is to help homeless and at-risk veterans secure stable housing as well as other assistance according to individual needs including case management, basic human needs, referrals, and education and employment services. Each year OSDRI holds a three day outreach event at Diamond Hill State Park in Cumberland. This year the event will be held Friday, 9/18, opening at 8 am and closing by noon on Sunday, 9/20. OSDRI staff and volunteers set up a military style encampment for veterans in need of services to stay in throughout the weekend and access some of these life essential services. Over 450 veterans attended the weekend last year. The veterans were given access to a variety of services including medical, dental, mental health, housing, employment, legal, veteran affairs benefits, restoration of driving privileges, social security, and welfare benefits. There is a need for donations to help make this event a success. New items are needed include: towels, facecloths, toiletries, razors, soap, socks, underwear and T-shirts. All donations will be delivered to Operation Stand Down RI before 9/18. A donation box is located downstairs at the American Legion Post located at 351 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA.
Lions Eye Research Fund have selected the Seekonk Lions Club as Outstanding Club
The Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund have selected the Seekonk Lions Club as Outstanding Club in District 33S. Seekonk raised over $13,000 for eye research during the 2014-2015 year.
Licensed in RI and MA #176446
Seekonk president George Poli is accepting the award from District Governor Bev Dillon.
September 2015 The Reporter
P.O. Box 633, Rehoboth, Massachusetts 02769
Fourteenth Annual Citizens’ Recognition Awards Night
The Rehoboth Lions Club will honor people whose service to the community has surpassed expectations at a “RECOGNITION NIGHT BANQUET” to be held at the Hillside C.C. on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 This form provides opportunity to nominate a person deserving in any of the following areas: ***(Please check the appropriate award and attach your one page nomination statement.) 1. JOSEPH DEROCHE OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD – Presented to a person whose service to the community has served a wide range of the population and has required effort above and beyond that expected of the general public. 2. OUTSTANDING YOUTH – A young person whose personal qualities and achievements serve as models for other young people in the community. 3. PUBLIC SERVANT – Presented to an elected or appointed town official or municipal employee whose actions have surpassed the expectations of their position. 4. THE RAYMOND G. DYER HUMANITARIAN AWARD – A person whose actions and deeds have fostered attitudes of good will and fairness to all people in the community. 5. EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR - Presented to the professional educator in Rehoboth or D-R H.S. whose dedication to the students and whose accomplishments in the field of education serve as models to both active professionals and those entering the profession. 6. HEROISM AWARD – Presented to a person who placed personal safety in jeopardy while aiding someone else in need. 7. SENIOR CITIZEN OF THE YEAR – Presented to the senior citizen whose life and accomplishments have served as an inspiration to others. 8. OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT – A local resident may be recognized for individual accomplishment. 9. THE RANDALL P. SILVEIRA PUBLIC SAFETY AWARD – A person of commitment, dedication and compassion while playing a key role in promoting public safety in the Town Of Rehoboth. 10. ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP AWARD – In recognition of your significant contribution to, and long-term stewardship and protection of Rehoboth’s landscape. 11. COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD – Presented to an individual who has consistently been a leader in community activities and service to others. 12. GOOD NEIGHBOR AWARD - Presented in recognition of the many selfless acts to assist neighbors as well as community groups. Nominee’s Name: Address: Nominator’s Signature
E-mail Home Phone: E-mail
Home Phone:
On an additional page, please explain your reasons for nominating this person and describe their achievements, supplying background information and the scope of their activities. These awards are open to those who live and/or work in Rehoboth, including all D-R Staff. Award recipients will be chosen by September 21, 2015 and notified by October 5, 2015. Please direct any questions to: Russell Latham, Chairman, 508-252-4272 PLEASE RETURN ALL NOMINATIONS TO THE ADDRESS ABOVE BEFORE SATURDAY, September 19, 2015.
The Reporter September 2015
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Kiwanis of Greater Seekonk 5K Race and Walkathon 2015
On Sunday, September 27th, the Seekonk Kiwanis will sponsor a 5K Race and 1.5 Walkathon. The race is USA Track and Field sanctioned and will be held rain or shine starting at 10 a.m. Registration is $25 before September 25th or $30 on the race day starting at 9:00 a.m. The event will be at the Martin School on Cole Street and be on the neighboring streets. Tee-shirts will be given to the first 100 registrants. There will be events for pre-school, elementary and middle school age children sponsored by Seekonk Youth and Recreation with a $5 donation to Seekonk Kiwanis. For applications please contact Beverly Hart, 508-336-9352 or russellhart@comcastnet or pick them up at the Seekonk Town Hall, 100 Peck Street or the Seekonk Library on Newman Avenue. The proceeds from the event will fund scholarships for child care and for graduating seniors and to sponsor the Key Club at the Seekonk High School and the Builders’ Club at the Hurley Middle School to encourage students to perform community service. Kiwanis is a world wide organization dedicated to improving the world “one community and one child at a time”.
Registration: 9:00 a.m. Start time: 10 a.m. Fee: $25 pre/$30 day of Deadline September 24 for pre Checks: Payable to Seekonk Kiwanis, P.O. 233, Seekonk, MA 02771 Course: 5K - 2.6 road and .5 grass; Walk - all road USA Track and Field Sanctioned Rain or Shine Information: Bev Hart at 508-336-9352
Sign Up Form
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______ 5K ______Walk Name: ___________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________________ E-Mail_____________________________ _____Male ____Female _____Age T-Shirt Size _________
Seekonk Lions Club
The summer is almost over. For some, that means parents will be anxiously looking forward to sending their kids back to school. The sleep deprived dream of gaining that hour back in the fall. The new fall television season is coming to the tube. And for the sports fans, there is Football, Basketball, and Hockey to get primed up for! And for the members of the Seekonk Lions Club, it’s time to gear up for another season of belly filling Clam Boils. Bread, Butter, Broth with Potatoes, Onion, Sausage, Chorizo, Hot Dogs and sweet clams with an ice cream sandwich for desert. So come on over to the Seekonk Rod & Gun Club, 61 Reed St. Rehoboth Thursday September 24th at 7 pm and see why the Seekonk Lions Club has the largest and voted the best boils in the region! The cost for a ticket is $30. Proceeds go towards funding community projects and Massachusetts Eye Research. Seating is limited and reservations are requested. For ticket information please contact Bob Read at 508-336-6984 or any Seekonk Lions member. Let’s make this a great Lionistic year for 2015/2016!
Linsey Woolsey Quilt Guild
“Are you interested in quilting? Linsey Woolsey Quilt Guild is open to quilters of all levels. We have monthly Guild Meetings, Workshops, and lots of fun! We meet on the second Monday of the month at the First Baptist Church in Attleboro. Annual membership dues are $35. If interested in joining us, please call Carol at 508-252-3103 or email at”
September 2015 The Reporter
Kiwanis’ Upcoming events Seekonk Kiwanis Pasta Fest
Built by Hand for Custom Fit, Pre-assembled for Easy Installation
Thursday, September 24th
Seekonk Kiwanis Pasta Fest, 4:30-7 pm Seekonk High School, tickets adults $10, kids 4-12 years $5. 3 years & under free. Take out also available. Raffle items, 50/50
5K Race & Walkathon
Sunday, September 27th
Kiwanis 5k race & walkathon, Martin School Cole Street, Seekonk 9 am, registration $30. 1st, 2nd, & 3rd prizes for 15-60+ age categories.
Kiwanis of Greater Seekonk’s 11th Annual Tree Lighting Thursday December 3, 2015
Seekonk Town Hall, 6 pm Music, sing-a-long, Santa arriving on the fire truck, cookies & hot chocolate. Please bring a non-perishable food item.
20th Annual Taste of the Towns Tuesday, March 8th 2016
Kiwanis of greater Seekonk’s 20th Annual Taste of the Towns at the Grand Rose Ballroom at the Clarion Inn, Fall River Ave. Rt 114A, Seekonk 6-9 pm, great food tastings of different restaurants and a wine tasting. Ticket donation $30. Raffles, 50/50, auction
Rehoboth Anawan Lions Club
The Rehoboth Anawan lions club held it’s meeting of the summer on August 20th at the home off Sue Nokes. It was a very informative meeting after having attended the District 33S cabinet meeting and we had a lot of information from the new District Governor Roland Grenier given to us for the year that he will be the District Governor. Governor Roland’s theme for the year will be Vision through Sound; he having been a disc jockey, and it means a lot to him. The peace poster contest will begin when school starts and it is part of the district events. We will be delivering the information on theme etc so the students who want to participate can begin. The theme for this year is Share Peace. It will be finished on November 9th when it will be picked up by someone from our club. We will pick out the one to be sent to the Chairman to be judged at the Mid Winter Conference in February 2016. We are looking for a good amount of participants. The idea’s that some of the students come up with are very much in depth and that is amazing! Keep up the good work students and good luck to all. A monetary gift will be given the person who will represent our club in the overall judging. Good Luck to all who participate. continued on next page....
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The Reporter September 2015
Maria Correia
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Fall Clean-Ups
The other contest that the District has is the Youth Speech contest. It will be announced when it begins, and just so you older student’s can be thinking about it, the theme is “In What Way has Social Media changed Society”. Those who want to participate, watch for the information forthcoming, and good luck On September 26th the Lions will be having our Walk A Long which will be held at Scusset Beach down the Cape. Hopefully we will have some girls walking for the cause and looking for sponsor’s who will help us reach our goal. The district goal, is $36000 for LCIF. On August 20th our meeting made plans for dressing children for the beginning of school. This year we will be helping at the D. L. Beckwith and Palmer River Schools. Marian Manor will be held on September 9th. This is an on going event we have done for over the last 20 years and we continue to do it because the patients really look forward to it and it’s an easy one to do. We will be having our White Cane Day collection at the Dunkin’ Donuts sometime in October. Watch for the date next month. This is for Massachusetts Eye Research. As I always say.....Thank You to all who continue to support our club in all our fund raisers and without your support we wouldn’t be successful. Remember our Motto… We Serve and indeed we do. See you next month!
Anawan Oakton Grange
Tim Dixon • Rehoboth MA 02769 • 508-252-6959 • Pat i o s & Wa lkw a ys • L an dscap es D esi gned & Inst a l l e d • La w ns & Bush es • C a l l us f o r Yo u r Ma i n t e n a n c e & P r oj e c t N eeds
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The summer is rapidly coming to a close. Tomatoes are becoming more plentiful in spite of the weather. Our grapes are hanging in bunches waiting to finish ripening and getting sweeter. The UMass Extension landscape message for August 21st states that “The dry weather continues to be the biggest challenge this summer.” Japanese beetles are still active as well as Asiatic garden beetles. Two Grange fairs have been held and some of our members entered items to support as well as be judged; lots of fun. We are looking forward to our August outing for ice cream. The September 8th meeting is a fall activities night, followed by a penny sale for the benefit of Heifer Project International. The September 22nd meeting will be an open one. All are invited to see the Massachusetts State Grange Master/President, Matthew Johnson and his suite install our officers as well as those of Bay State Pomona Grange #33. This meeting will start at 7:30 PM.
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Volunteers Needed For 4-H Youth Program
Adult volunteers are currently needed for a couple of hours each month to serve as club leaders for local 4-H clubs. The role of a 4-H Volunteer Leader is to provide skills from your own area of expertise while developing a meaningful relationship with youth. Especially needed are volunteers with skills in crafts, dog obedience, horse care, small animal care such as rabbits, and general science. The goal of the 4-H program is to help youth, ages 5 to 18, become competent, caring adults through positive mentoring, learning how to take community action, and increasing their sense of self-esteem, responsibil-
September 2015 The Reporter
ity, fairness, trust, and decision making techniques. The 4-H Office provides training, resource materials, activity curriculum, and support. “We need people who have an interest in spending time with young people and who want to learn alongside them,” says Jay Field, Extension 4-H Educator in Bristol and Norfolk Counties. For more information on how you can make an impact on the youth in your community, contact the 4-H Office at 508-668-9793 (Walpole) or check out our state 4-H website at 4-H is the outreach education program in youth and family development of the University of Massachusetts Extension in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture.
Hornbine School Teacher - Ester Hopkins’ Wedding Ring
Free Undermount Sink
with the purchase of a kitchen ($300 value)
We often have visitors with connections to the Hornbine School. This June, Christina Souza visited and shared her story with us. During the 1930’s Ester Hopkins was the Hornbine School teacher for many years. She taught in Taunton after the Hornbine School closed in 1937. Her wedding ring was passed down to her daughter, Doris Hopkins who passed it down to Susan Hopkins. Susan Hopkins’ son, Jason Souza, Ester Hopkins’ great grandson, gave it to his bride Christina. Christina Souza, a teacher in Attleboro, visited us and told us their story. The Hornbine School Museum is open every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 2-4 during June – September.
Revolutionary War Encampment October 3-4 Dighton, MA
Rehoboth Minutemen/ 13th Continental Regiment will sponsor a weekend encampment that will portray life during the time of the American Revolution. The camp of American and British Armies will be held at Sweet Knoll State Park Route 138 Dighton, Ma. “The Battle of Segregansett” is Free and open to the public from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on Saturday and Sunday with battles at 2:00 p.m. This event is similar to an encampment held at this sight to celebrate Dighton’s 300th Anniversary three years ago. For additional information visit our web site or call Cathy Potter 508 252 3682.
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The Reporter September 2015
The Rehoboth Antiquarian Society News
P.O. Box 2, 4 Locust Ave., Rehoboth, MA Phone: 508-252-3031 Web: Email:
The Carpenter Museum...
“Two Lies and a Truth” Wine Tasting & Silent Auction Friday, Sept. 25, 6:30-9pm
It’s a wine tasting. It’s a silent auction. It’s a mystery game! Come meet six visitors from the past who will tell their stories. Two will be telling the truth. Four are liars. Can you guess which, and win the prize? You will also enjoy six different wines and delicious hors d’oeuvres. And you don’t want to miss out on some of these great silent auction items: Dick Benjamin photographs, Civil War copies, watercolor of your home, sailboat outing, Rehoboth dinner plates, and more! Just $15/$10 members includes wine, food and entertainment. No reservations necessary. For more information, go to Contact us: Carpenter Museum, 4 Locust Ave., Rehoboth, 508-252-3031,
Cool Crafts from the Past: Weaving Fall Harvest Baskets
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Lots of people enjoyed last year’s Wine Tasting & Silent Auction Murder Mystery. This year re-enactors will pose as visitors from the past who share fascinating stories about their lives. But who’s telling the truth???
e y
Learn a bit of local history, try making your own harvest basket, and weave it all into a fall Sunday afternoon at the Carpenter Museum! Kara Evans, local re-enactor and Rehoboth mom, will lead her third workshop about local historic crafts. Come try weaving your own small basket. $5 supply fee covers cost of reed and 4” drilled base, plus beads for decoration. Enjoy hot cider while you craft, and, if you’d like, take a tour of the Museum, too! Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 13, 2-4pm. Reservations required: 508-252-3031,,
(508) 761-8039 1441 Newman Ave. Seekonk, MA
Segregansett Country Club
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(L to r) Chase, Evelyn & Kathy Cooper enjoyed last month’s “Cool Crafts from the Past: Delft Tiles” program.
Annual Folk Art & Artisans Show At Francis Farm
Friday, Nov. 13, 4-9pm, Saturday, Nov. 14, 9am-4pm
What better way to kick off your Christmas season? Handmade soaps, custom jewelry, local pottery and wood crafts, unique food items and much, much more. Make sure you don’t miss the Folk Art & Artisans Show at Francis Farm on Friday, Nov. 13, 4-9pm and Saturday, Nov. 14, 9am-4pm. Proceeds benefit the Carpenter Museum. For more information:,, 508-252-3031.
September 2015 The Reporter
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Get ready for another great Folk Art & Artisans Show! Friday, Nov. 13 and Saturday, Nov. 14. Photo by Kyle Just
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Nichols Family Visits Their Family’s Exhibit at Carpenter Museum
The Carpenter Museum gallery was crowded with members of the Nichols family on the evening of August 19. For many it was the first time they had seen the exhibit featuring their family, who lived in the home which they’d named “Breezy Lawn,” on the corner of Rte. 118 and County Street, for four generations. The exhibit includes photos, baseball uniforms, and an antique carriage. Summer Intern Noah Gross was honored for his work editing an oral history of Earl Nichols, Jr. and creating a mobile exhibit which will be displayed in local schools. The exhibit will remain on display in the gallery through the fall. Visitors are welcome. The Carpenter Museum is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-4pm and Sundays 2-4pm except holiday weekends. For more information: 508-252-3031,,
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Members of the Nichols family gathered recently to view our exhibit, “At Home with the Nichols Family: Four Generations at Breezy Lawn.” Pictured (l to r): Alexandra Dille, Paula Nichols Dille, Linda Nichols Harrison, Laurie Nichols
Rehoboth Genealogy Group: More Breaking Down Your Brick Walls Wednesday, Sept. 16, 7pm
Join us for another meeting when we’ll help each other solve our genealogical dead ends. All welcome. For more information, contact us: 508-252-3031,, And check us out on Facebook, too.
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The Reporter September 2015
The Hard Life and Tragic Death of William Cahoon by Leslie Patterson
The earliest settlers in southeastern Massachusetts faced hardships that we can scarcely imagine today. One such man was William Cahoon, who successfully overcame terrible times as a young man only to suffer a grisly death in Rehoboth in 1675 at the start of King Philip’s War.
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Bill Hopkins
Lic# RI 18045 MA 134986 - MEMBER RHODE ISLAND
The Rocking “O” Alpaca Farm 49 Allens Lane, Rehoboth MA Labor Day Weekend (9/5-9/7) • 10-3 Sept. 12th • Seekonk Save a Pet Society @ Seekonk Jr. HS Sept. 13th • Farm Open 10-3 Sept. 19th • Procopio Block Party 10-3 Sept. 20th • Farm Open 10-3 Sept. 26th & 27th • National Farm Days Alpaca National Farm Days Open Sat and Sun at the farm 10-3
Venders and refreshments!! Come see the herd!!
This conflict between English settlers and the Wampanoags and other native tribes is considered the bloodiest war in American history because of the huge number of casualties in relation to the size of the population. It was brutal on both sides. Many towns and villages were destroyed. By the end of the war only a year or so later, the Native American population in New England was decimated.
This brick, from the Cahoon Brickworks near the Palmer River, is on display at the Luther Museum in Swansea.
Prisoner in England, Convicted Laborer in America
This is a brief history of William Colquhoun (pronounced Cahoon), as compiled by some of his descendants. He was a Scottish Highlander, born in Dumbartonshire in the early 1630s, probably in the town of Luss near Loch Lomond. At the age of 17 or 18, William was one of over 5,000 Scots captured by Oliver Cromwell’s troops following the Battle of Dunbar in 1650. The Scottish prisoners were marched to Durham Cathedral in the North of England under horrible conditions. Over 3,500 died either on the march or during imprisonment in the cathedral, more than the total number killed on the battlefield. William was one of the 1,400 survivors. The majority of them were eventually transported as convict laborers to English colonies in America. William was sent on the ship Unity to work in New England as an indentured laborer. He worked at several ironworks in Massachusetts before becoming a free man some years later. He also worked as a boat builder and brick maker, among other trades. William’s older brother John was captured at Dunbar as well but he either died at sea or soon after arriving in America. In 1662, William married Deliverance Peck, daughter of Joseph Peck. They had seven children. A follower of Roger Williams, William fled from Puritan Massachusetts and became one of the first property owners on Block Island. William eventually sold his Block Island property and moved his family back to the mainland. In 1673 William signed a contract with the town of Swansea to make bricks for the town. The Cahoon Brickworks was near the Palmer River.
Hero in King Philip’s War
In the summer of 1675, as hostilities were breaking out with the native tribes, a group of colonists was headed home from a day of prayer on June 24 at the Baptist Meeting House in Swansea when they were attacked by a band of native warriors. Some were killed outright and others wounded. The survivors sought refuge in Rev. John Myles’ garrison house, which was fortified with stone walls, where they tried to treat their wounded. William was in the house with his wife Deliverance and their seven children. He volunteered to make the dangerous journey from Swansea to Rehoboth to bring back a doctor. William was ambushed and killed on his way to find help. His mutilated remains were discovered the next day at what is now the corner of Lake and Wheeler Streets in Rehoboth. William was one of the first settlers to die in King Philip’s War. His remains may have been buried in the old Palmer River Churchyard Cemetery on Lake Street. William Cahoon was survived by his wife Deliverance and their seven children, Samuel, Joseph, Mary, William, James, Nathaniel, and John. His many descendants can be found all over the U.S., spelling their names variously as Cahoon, Cahoone, Cohoon,
September 2015 The Reporter Colhoon, Colquhoun and Calhoun. Some of his descendants dedicated a plaque to his memory in the year 2000, near the spot where his brickworks stood from 1673-1675. It is on display at the Luther Museum, at the corner of Maple Avenue and Old Warren Road in Swansea.
• Carpeting
• Laminate Floors • Linoleum • Ceramic Tile
Carpenter Museum Volunteer Highlight for 2015 September Hello to New Trustee Laura Schwall
We are pleased to introduce one of our newest members to the Rehoboth Antiquarian Society Trustee Board, Laura Schwall. Most likely you already know her, since she is Rehoboth’s Town Clerk. Laura has lived in Rehoboth for 17+ years with her husband of 31 years, Selectman Gerry Schwall. They raised their daughter Jennifer here, and for 13+ years Laura was an Instructional Learning Assistant at Palmer River Elementary School. The last ten years at Palmer River, Laura was their Computer Lab Instructor for grades Kindergarten through 4th Grade. Laura was asked by RAS President Rebecca Smith to consider becoming a member of the Trustee Board. Having just completed a records management and restoration project at Town Hall, Laura felt that her love and enthusiasm for the history of Rehoboth, along with her eagerness to learn more about our wonderful town, would be an asset to the RAS Board. Laura hopes to contribute to the RAS mission of preserving and sharing the town’s history through her service as a Trustee. In addition, Laura will be able to serve as the connection between Town Hall and the RAS Board. We look forward to working with Laura, who brings her many gifts to our board, including computer skills, leadership and organizational abilities, and great baking expertise. (As many know, she is renowned especially for her Christmas cookies!) Welcome, Laura!
8 Lamb Street Attleboro, MA Family Owned Since 1965
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8th Annual
“Block the Shot”
Motorcycle Run Block Party Pig Roast In memory of Nathan D. Crowell
(who lost his life “blocking the shot”, in the last 3 seconds of an ice hockey game, saving the game for his team!)
Saturday, September 12, 2015 (Rain or Shine)
Registration: 10:00 - 11:45 a.m. Seekonk Speedway Rt. 6, Seekonk, MA $ 20 per person
Ride Ends & Festivities at East Providence Yacht Club 9 Pier Road, East Providence, RI
(401) 434-0161
Food! Live Music!! Raffles!!!
For questions regarding the ride, making a donation or tickets, email
Proceeds benefit the
“Nathan D. Crowell Memorial Fund”
Supporting University of New Haven Greater Providence Youth Hockey Association
Laura Schwall, Rehoboth Antiquarian Society Trustee
If you don’t ride, the festivities start at 1:00 p.m. (Just pay $20 at the door)
The Reporter September 2015
Cleaning Service
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Then...and Now Be A Rehoboth History Detective! by The Carpenter Museum
Here are the clues for August’s home
This extraordinary farmstead on Broad Street was built around 1800. It was the home of Dr. William Blanding from c. 1840 to c. 1855. The side view featuring a man atop a two-seated Democrat wagon shows the home about 1875 while William P. Gardner lived there. (Gift of Anna-Frances Apap.) Can you tell us the house number?
Robert Sam Barchi REALTOR
(508) 336-4745 CELL (401) 247-0202 OFFICE (401) 247-2565 FAX
RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE • 280 County Rd, Barrington, RI 02806
Here is the answer
The original home at this location was built circa 1700 by Deacon Wilmarth. In c. 1790 that building was torn down and the current house, known as the William Blanding House and Farm (“Elm Cottage”), is located at 103 Broad Street. It was built c. 1800, about 20 yards from where the Wilmarth house had stood. Dr. William Blanding purchased it in 1807. After living in the South, he returned to live here and added an east ell for his doctor’s office c. 1840. Later, his nephew William Willet Blanding ran a dairy farm here for many years. Following that, it was owned by William P. Gardner, then Ernest Goff Jr. Congratulations to Dan Cardoza, who once again guessed correctly!
23.67+- acres. May be a great historic rehab on the family home! Majestic 8-9 form A lots. We have a plan, perks and water tables! Town water gas in the street! Large open lots!!! Permits for form A's are quick .1 Month + immaculate! 1183 ft of frontage $799,900
Roses are Red, Violet are Blue Looking for some Sellers and Buyers Too.
Phone or Text me at 508-336-4745 FOLLOW ME:
Do you have a home or photo we can feature? Contact Carpenter Museum at or call 508-252-3031.
September 2015 The Reporter
Events & Activities The Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe Event September 5th and 6th
Each Labor Day weekend, the Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe sponsors a two-day celebration which this year will be held on September 5th and 6th, 2015, at Redway Plain, Route 44 – Rehoboth, MA. Our event is open to the public and host Native Americans Tribes from New England and New York. Our emcee for this year event will be Justin Beaty – from Urban Thunder, our host drum Kevin Roulx – from Eagles Sings, and our 2nd drum Jay Cunningham – from Singing Spirit. We will offer an Educational Workshop (for our teenagers and adults), Native American Dance Style Demonstration, and vendors selling Native American wares, food booth, bake sale, raffle tickets and a 50/50 raffle. For the children planned is an array of Native American activities. Donation is $5.00 and children under 12 are free. Proceeds from our Pow Wow will enable us as a Tribe to continue to provide cultural educational enrichment workshops for our families and communities. Inclusive in our objectives, are other supportive programs that facilitate and implement the sustainability of our rich Native American culture.
Rehoboth Contra Dance
Large Crane for Difficult Removals! No Damage to Lawn! Jim Marcello
Seekonk, MA
(508) 336-4869 ~ (401) 723-6128
Friday, September 11, 8 p.m.
There will be a Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, September 11, at 8:00 p.m. at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769. All dances will be taught by caller Will Mentor. Music will be performed by Rachel Panitch, Glen Loper, and Bruce Rosen. Beginners welcome. Partners not necessary. $9; $8 students. For information, call 508-252-6375;
Seekonk Save A Pet Society Craft and Vendor Fair Saturday, September 12th
Seekonk MA - On Saturday, September 12, 2015, Seekonk Save A Pet Society, Inc will hold their annual Craft and Vendor Fair from 9:00am-3:00pm at the Dr. Kevin M Hurley Middle School, 650 Newman Avenue, Seekonk, MA. (rain date Saturday, September 19, 2015) This is a family and pet friendly event that is held annually to benefit the homeless animals at the Seekonk Animal Shelter. There will be 60+ vendors selling everything from pet related items, home décor, makeup, jewelry, hand crafted items and much, much, more. There will be animal rescue groups bringing adoptable dogs and cats as well as a variety of exhibitors including Seekonk Jr. Warriors Cheerleaders, Seekonk Police’s K9 unit and a Pet Runway Show. You won’t want to miss the Pet Runway Show, which is being sponsored by local businesses: Herb Chambers Honda, Ritz Dinette, The Rocking “O” Alpaca Farm, Minuteman Press and Stop & Shop-Newman Avenue!! The show starts at 1:30pm and features YOUR pets in a fashion show; it was as big hit last year and is limited to 40 contestants, so register soon. Visit the “Seekonk Save A Pet Society” Facebook page or for additional information and to register your pet. Live DJ ‘Mark’ with Music for All Ages will play your favorite tunes, food & drinks will be available and pet water stations will be provided! All dogs must be leashed. Please come support a great local organization! Seekonk SAVE A PET SOCIETY is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization, which raises funds to support the Seekonk Animal Shelter located at 100 Peck Street in Seekonk, MA.
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The Reporter September 2015 American Legion Post #302 84 Bay State Road (At The Cannon) Rehoboth, Ma (508) 252-9079
All You Can Eat Breakfast Sunday, September 13, 2015
8:00 A.M. To Noon • $8.00 Per Person
Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, S.O.S., Homefries, Fresh Fruit Coffee & Juice
Robert Choate
Tree Surgeon
Residential & Commercial Complete Services
Licensed Arborist
Fully Insured • Free Estimates Serving RI & MA
Quality Work At Reasonable Prices
Sunday, September 13
AIDS Project Rhode Island and AIDS Care Ocean State have announced that the organizations are collaborating on a late summer event to raise money and awareness about HIV and AIDS. On Sunday, September 13, it’s the annual AIDS Walk RI, with AIDS Care Ocean State as a full partner in the project with AIDS Project Rhode Island, which has been running the walk for decades. AIDS Project RI is a division of Family Service of Rhode Island, which is headed by Riverside resident Margaret Holland McDuff. The annual event includes an approximate two mile route that starts and ends at the Rhode Island State House lawn facing downtown Providence. The 2015 AIDS Walk RI theme is “Keeping Hope Alive.” Registration starts at noon, and is also available on-line at and through the two agencies’ websites. The speaking program commences about 12:30 p.m. and the walk steps off shortly after. AIDS Walk RI raises critical funds for public awareness, advocacy, testing and comprehensive services for people living with HIV/AIDS. Event participants often form “walk teams” to raise money. More information about AIDS Project Rhode Island and AIDS Care Ocean State is available at and
Neal Bellavance Electric
Pizza Palooza
In less than two weeks, The United Regional Chamber of Commerce will hold its first-ever Back-to-School Pizza Palooza! Bring the family to the North Attleboro Elks Outdoor Pavilion, 52 Bulfinch St., North Attleboro, on Monday, Sept. 14 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to sample pizzas from local pizzerias and vote on the best! This event will also feature family entertainment from FUN Enterprises. Prepay in advance for $7 per person, $15 for a family of four ($3 for each additional family member.) Admission includes pizza as well as soda and water provided. Call The United Regional Chamber of Commerce at 508-222-0801 to register and prepay. The United Regional Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit, business support organization serving the communities of Attleboro, Bellingham, Blackstone, Foxborough, Franklin, Mansfield, Medfield, Medway, Millis, Norfolk, North Attleborough, Norton, Plainville, Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Wrentham.
Rehoboth Mass
All types of electrical work Electric Services Quality work at a reasonable price Insured MA Lic# A-15028
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September 14th
Rehoboth Community Dance September 13th
Now Offering Power Washing
Stone • Brick • Block • Tile • All Repairs
* FREE * On Sunday evening, September 13, from 7 to 9 p.m., there will be a community dance held at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, in Rehoboth. This dance is hosted by the Sunday Night Jammers, a group of area musicians who meet regularly on Sunday evenings at Goff Hall to play Celtic dance music. The September 13 dance will feature contra dance steps and a variety of international and couple dances, such as polkas and waltzes. All dance steps will be taught. Admission is free and open to the public, and all ages and beginners are welcome. It is not necessary to come with a partner. A potluck precedes the dance at 6 p.m. For information, contact Bob Elliott at or call 774-644-1369.
September 2015 The Reporter
DRRHS 50th Reunion September 18
The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School class of 1965 will be holding its 50th reunion on September 18, 2015 at the Holiday Inn in Taunton. We are still missing the following classmates: Judith Ann Bartoswicz, Kathleen Bush, Lauren Davis, Everett Gonsalves, Robert Hopkins, Charles Lewis, Linda Lindberg, Leonie Linden, John Maker, Barbara Jo Packer, Stanley Perry, Robert Reardon, Elsie Lynn Ryan, Judith Sawtelle, Sharon Simpson, Bianka Souza and Walter Vandenberg. If anyone knows how we might contact any of these classmates: Kris at or Jack at
FOR SALE: Welcome home to 19 Winthrop Street. Zoned for both Residential and Commercial use, this home has it ALL. Set on over an acre of land, this charming 1900’s farmhouse has been renovated and comes with all the bells and whistles. Looking to bring your business with you? Customize the 30x20 outbuilding at the rear of the property to fit all of your specifications. Three bedrooms, plus a den, as well as two full bathrooms and a large family room addition make this gorgeous house a home! Call for a private showing TODAY (508)202-8649. Asking $399,900. Generously offered by Sonya Striggles, Keller Williams Realty
Rehoboth Station 2 Firefighters Association New England Clam Boil Sponsored By Rehoboth Station 2 Firefighters Association
Friday September 18, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Seekonk Gun Club, 61 Reed Street, Rehoboth, MA Tickets - $30.00 Each Tickets Only – No Walk-Ins For Tickets Call (508) 226-2914 or (508) 252-3132
Food / Beverage Bands / Music Helicopter Rides
(Helicopter Rides From 12-3)
8th Annual Food for Fuel Pasta Fest Thursday, September 24, 2015 Seekonk High School 4:30pm – 7:00pm Open Seating Pasta Super -- Raffles
Adults: $10; Children Ages 4 – 12 $5, Children 3 & Under Free Take Outs Will Be Available Tickets Must Be Purchased In Advance Sponsored by Seekonk Non Profit Coalition – Benefiting Fuel & Utility Fund of Seekonk Human Services Please help your neighbors have a safe winter! For Tickets Call: 508-336-8772 Make checks payable to: Seekonk Human Services, Fuel & Utility Account
Hayrides Fun for Kids Demonstrations (K-9; Karate; Dance) Farmer’s Market Organizations Picnic Area Petting Zoo
Saturday, September 19, 2015 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Rain Date: Sunday, September 20, 2015
Where: Redway Plain – (Corner of Route 44, Bay State Road, and Pond Street) Rehoboth, Massachusetts FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
Pony Rides
No Admission Charge! Something for Everyone! FREE Parking in Field located off of Pond Street
The Reporter September 2015 Eighth Annual - Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School
Now USA Track & Field Certified and Sanctioned
October 4, 2015 9:00 a.m. Road Race/Walk RAIN OR SHINE Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School 2700 Regional Road North Dighton, MA RUNNERS: Raffles, Silent Auction, Medals RUNNER REGISTRATION FEE: $25 if registering between August 1 and August 31; to Top M/F Finishers $30 if registering after September 1 or at the event. REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.ACTIVE.COM.
More Info at : WALKERS: or Register at:WALKERS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PAY A REGISTRATION FEE. If you would like to contribute but are unable to attend the event, your donation(s) can be sent to the Alyssa E. Correira Memorial Fund, Inc., 30 Freeman Street, Norton, MA 02766. The Alyssa E. Correira Memorial Fund, Inc. was founded in honor of ten year-old Alyssa Correira, who lost her battle with leukemia in March of 2008. The Fund has been providing annual scholarships to graduating high school seniors since 2009. The Alyssa E. Correira Memorial Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) IRS-approved non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. For further information, visit or write
Formerly Patucket Cycle Now Under New Ownership
Instead, walkers typically collect donations (or sponsorships) from family, friends, and/or co-workers prior to the event. Donations are turned in the day of the event. All checks should be made payable to the Alyssa E. Correira Memorial Fund, Inc. Credit card donations are accepted on the fund’s website, . Cash is also accepted the day of the event.
Parts & Service on AWARDS: All Makes Awards given to the first overall male and female in the 5K T-shirts will be given to the first 150 participants who pre-register.
and medals to the 1st and 2nd place male and female in the following age groups: 19 & under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49,
Your Hometown Power Sport Dealer 50-59, 60-69, and 70 and over.
- MASSACHUSETTS “If you like Discounts, You’ll Love Us.” 508.336.7516
514 Winthrop Street (Rt. 44) • Rehoboth, MA 02769
Rehoboth Contra Dance
Friday, September 25, 8 p.m.
There will be a Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, September 25, at 8:00 p.m. at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769. All dances will be taught by caller Sue Rosen. Music will be performed by Julie Metcalf and Bruce Rosen. Beginners welcome. Partners not necessary. $9; $8 students. For information, call 508-252-6375; html.
RBA “Business After Hours”
Wednesday, September 30th, 2015 Come Join The Rehoboth Business Association For a Night of Networking Hosted By One of Our Newest Members Personal Best Physical Therapy Chris Titcomb - Owner Anawan Junction Plaza 237 Winthrop Street Rehoboth, MA
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM RSVP By Friday, September 25th Email Or Call Cindy at 508-641-7146
Arts in the Village Opens 15th Season with Pianist Thomas Pandolfi
The Arts in the Village Concert Series opens its 15th season on Saturday, October 3, with a program by pianist Thomas Pandolfi, who returns to the series with a concert titled “Russian Romantics Meet the Movies.” Opening the evening will be a solo transcription of the beloved Warsaw Concerto, inspired by the music of Rachmaninoff and featured in the 1941 film Dangerous Moonlight. Following will be music by Anton Rubinstein, Tchaikovsky, Scriabin, and Prokofiev. The second half of the program will feature more music from film and musical theatre in a virtuoso transcription entitled “Hamlisch Fantasy,” which highlights some of the most famous melodies from one of the great songwriters of our time, Marvin Hamlisch. A graduate of the Juilliard School, Pandolfi is becoming more and more sought after by audiences worldwide, and he continues to be showered with superlatives by critics for his artistry and technique. His orchestral appearances feature not only masterpiece concerti by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, and Liszt, but also equally brilliant ones by Paderewski, Rubinstein, and Moszkowski.
September 2015 The Reporter During the 2015–2016 season, Pandolfi will be a guest soloist with the National Philharmonic, Ohio Valley Symphony, and Maryland Symphony, among several others. His recital touring schedule will take him throughout the country, and he has performed across the globe, from China to Europe. An outstanding cross-over artist, Pandolfi’s virtuoso transcriptions of the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Marvin Hamlisch are in much demand. Additionally, his critically acclaimed performances of Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin), Concerto in F (Gershwin), and the James Bond Concerto (Proctor) are immensely popular. This concert will take place on Saturday, October 3, at 7:30 p.m., at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, in Rehoboth, MA 02769. Admission is $18 for adults, $16 for seniors, and $8 for students and children. Season subscriptions are still available. The doors open at 7:00 p.m., and tickets are available at the door. First-come, first-seated. Cash and checks only. Information: 508-252-3956;
Join Us Saturday, October 3 for a concert by pianist Thomas Pandolfi, performing Russian Romantic music from film and musical theatre
7:30 pm, at Goff memorial Hall, reHobotH, ma 02769 • tickets at tHe door: $18, $16, $8 for iNformatioN, call 508-252-3956 • www.carpeNtermuseum.orG/arts.Htm
8th Annual Alyssa E. Correira 5k Run/Walk October 4th, 2015
Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School
2700 Regional Road, Dighton, MA 8:30 a.m. Registration; 10:00 a.m. Road Race/Walk Rain or Shine. Now USATF Sanctioned and Certified
Runner Registration Fee: $25 if registering before September 15; $30 if registering after September 15th or at the event. Register online at www.Active.Com.
Walkers are not required to pay a registration fee. Instead, walkers typically collect donations (or sponsorships) from family, friends, and/or co-workers prior to the event. Donations are turned in the day of the event. All checks should be made payable to the Alyssa E. Correira Memorial Fund, Inc. Credit card donations are accepted on the fund’s website, Cash is also accepted the day of the event. T-shirts will be given to the first 150 participants who pre-register.
Dr. Lisa Daft and Dr. Jared Stubbs
LisatoDaft Alexandra Costa AreDr. pleased announceDr. Dr. Chris Vanderpool has joined our family and cosmetic dental practice. Providing comprehensive Providing comprehensive dental care in dental care in more Seekonk, Seekonk, MA for than 35MA. years. WeWe welcome patients! welcome new new patients!
Awards given to the first overall male and female in the 5K and medals to the 1st and 2nd place male and female in the following age groups: 19 & under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70 and over. If you would like to contribute but are unable to attend the event, your donation(s) can be sent to the Alyssa E. Correira Memorial Fund, Inc., 30 Freeman Street, Norton, MA 02766. The Alyssa E. Correira Memorial Fund, continued on next page...
FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 520 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk, MA
(508) 336-7260
The Reporter September 2015
Ferreira Builders, Inc.
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The Alyssa E. Correira Memorial Fund, Inc. was founded in honor of ten year-old Alyssa Correira, who lost her battle with leukemia in March of 2008. The Fund has been providing annual scholarships to graduating high school seniors since 2009. The Alyssa E. Correira Memorial Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) IRS-approved non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible. For further information, visit www. or write
Mission Statement:
The Alyssa E. Correira Memorial Fund was founded in honor of ten year-old Alyssa Correira, who lost her battle with leukemia in March 2008. Alyssa successfully beat a malignant brain tumor in 2005 but developed leukemia as a result of chemotherapy. The fund, established in her honor, awards scholarships to graduating high school seniors and provides financial support to families with children battling leukemia. The first scholarships were awarded in the spring of 2009. The Alyssa E. Correira Memorial Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) IRS-approved non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
Rehoboth Sunday 4th 5km + October 1 Mile race
The Five Bridge Inn, Rehoboth 3rd Rehoboth 5km + 1 Mile race will 152 Pine St, Rehoboth, MA be held Sunday October 4th at Five Bridges Registration 8 - 9:45am Inn, 152 Pine Street, Registration 1 MIle 10:00 Rehoboth. 5km 10:30 opens at 8 and closes at 9:45. The 1 mile Register Online or on race Day! race starts at 10 and the 5km race starts at or 10:30. There will be pony rides, inflatable obstacle courses, face painting and a full lunch provided on the day. The course will be USATF certified and measured. Please go to www.rehoboth5km. com to register. Go to Fundraising and Events and then click on Rehoboth 5km
Offer valid with copy of ad. SALE ENDS OCTOBER 31, 2015 SALE ENDS OCTOBER 31, 2014
Golf To Make A Difference Monday, October 5th
The Seekonk High School Athletic Boosters will hold their annual golf outing on Monday, October 5 at Ledgemont Country Club. The shotgun start is at 9:00 - play your own ball. The cost of $110 per person includes golf, cart, lunch and raffles. Bring a foursome or play on your own. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to play a great course and raise much needed funds for all of the athletic programs at SHS. Put in for the vacation day now! Please contact Karen McKenna 508-336-3168 or Michelle Silva 508-942-7840 for a registration form or additional information.
September 2015
The Reporter
Seekonk Artist Network presents The 3rd Annual Seekonk Open Studios Event October 10th & 11th – 12 noon - 5:00 pm.
Make your own discoveries Columbus Day weekend as you visit over 13 Seekonk artists in a handful of locations in town. Enjoy watercolors, woodworking, calligraphy, pottery, sculptures, photography, illustration, paintings, music and more. Please visit the Seekonk Artist Network Facebook page or email seekonkartistnetwork@ for location information and to learn more about our artful endeavors. Location maps, along with list of artists will also be available late September at the Seekonk Library and a variety of other locations. The Seekonk Artist Network was created as a grassroots effort to establish an active, artful community that strengthens Seekonk through networking, supporting and celebrating the artistic spirit! Contact: Maria Holme 401-499-6764.
Rehoboth American Legion Auxiliary Unit #302, 84 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA (at the Cannon)
Psychic Fair
Sunday, October 18, 2015 • 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Mediums, Tarot Readers, Angel Readers, Reiki & Reflexology Free Admission!
51 Winthrop Street (Route 44), Rehoboth MA • 508.252.WELL
2015 Annual Turkey Shoot To Benefit The Rehoboth Food Pantry
With Liz Morrell
Saturday, October 24th
An informal day of firing .22 caliber rifles at “Lucky Number” paper targets. Donation of $3.00 for five rounds. Ten dollar gift certificates will be awarded for highest score per string of 10 shooters. Open to the public! Come and try your luck and help a worthy cause at the same time! Event will commence at 10 am on Saturday, October 24, 2015 (Rain date will be Saturday, October 31, 2015). All range equipment will be provided and Range Safety Officers will conduct instruction and guidance on the line. RIMLC clubhouse is located at 12 Plain St., Rehoboth, MA 02769. Refreshments will be available for sale. Other non-perishable food items will be gratefully accepted for the Food Pantry. Contact: Charles Schusner, Clerk, at 508 226-4220 or for information.
20th Annual Taste of The Towns
5 Free classes
with no obligation to buy more! (new clients only)
Mondays and Wednesdays 6pm Saturdays 8:30 am 340 Anawan St. (Rear entrance) Rehoboth, MA • 774-991-1163 Free Fundraising Opportunities for Rehoboth and Surrounding Communities
Sponsored by Kiwanis Club of Greater Seekonk
Tuesday March 8, 2016 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Grand Rose Ballroom At Clarion Inn Rte 114A 940 Fall River Ave. Seekonk, MA Donations: $30 Per Ticket To purchase tickets or for more information call: Bev Hart: (508) 336-9352, Beverly Della Grotta: (401)-749-4841 Or Town Clerk: (508) 336-2921 e-mail:, Food Tasting With the Areas Finest Restaurants, Wine Tasting, Raffles Snow Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2016 “All Proceeds Help Children Our Number One Priority”
22 Year Anniversary!!
Check out Vinyasa Flow YOGA!
1 Complimentary Class for any new yoga student until Sept. 30th
Classes begin September 14th Ages 2 & up Info & Schedule on Website
319 Tremont St, Rehoboth MA 508.222.5157
The Reporter September 2015
The Community Players Announce 2015-2016 Season
Greg Chance Horseshoeing
Celebrate 95 Years Of Award-Winning Local Theater
Pawtucket, RI: The Community Players, Rhode Island’s oldest community theatre, proudly announce their 95th anniversary season of plays. Founded in 1921, The Community Players continue their dedication to producing engaging live productions by the community, for the community of Rhode Island. The Community Players have received multiple Motif Magazine Theatre Awards over the years, including 2014 Production of the Year and honors for acting, set and costume design and direction. The group’s member performers, directors, producers, designers and audiences come from all walks of life, all united by a shared love of live theatre.
Providing professional and reliable service for 20+ years
October 9 - 25, 2015 Grease
Shoes to fit your individual horses needs
Music, Lyrics, & Book by Jim Jacobs & Warren Casey Directed by Andrew g. Bobola Danny and Sandy fall for each other during a carefree summer fling. But when the school year begins, Danny is torn between his feelings for good-girl Sandy and his image with the T-Birds and the Pink Ladies. Featuring the hit songs “You’re The One That I Want,” “Born to Hand Jive,” “Summer Nights,” “Hopelessly Devoted To You,” “Greased Lightnin’” and many more.
18 Mason Street Rehoboth, MA 02769
January 8 - 17, 2016 Deathtrap
Written by Ira Levin Directed by Cait Calvo A down-on-his-luck playwright’s student tells him he has written the perfect suspense play and will bring it to the playwright’s Connecticut home tonight. The suspense over whether the playwright will kill the student and take credit for his play forms the crux of Ira Levin’s thriller.
Handyman Services to Full Remodels Interior & Exterior: • Kitchens • Baths
• Windows • Doors • Siding • Decks • Painting • Tiling David Patterson
Free estimates
Serving Rehoboth, Seekonk, Swansea, East Providence & East Bay Area MA Lic #CS98662 • RI Lic #20288 • Insured
We Fix Macs! You don't pay if I cannot repair
PC Repair & Networking
Bringing your computer back to life
Wilson Carvalho A+ Certified Technician PC Setups, Repairs & Cleanups Desktops & Laptops FREE PC Diagnostic
642 Fall River Ave, Seekonk MA
April 8 - 24, 2016 Nunsense II: The Second Coming
Music, Lyrics, & Book by Dan Goggin Directed by Bill Whitehead, Jr. Nunsense II: The Second Coming takes place six weeks after the beloved sisters of Nunsense sisters have staged their first benefit. The sisters are back presenting a “thank-you” show for all the people who supported them in the past. But now, they’re a bit slicker, having been “bitten by the theater bug.”
July 8 - 17, 2016 Steel Magnolias
Written by Robert Harling Directed by Pamela Jackson A group of Louisiana women bond and gossip at a local beauty shop while following the marriage and motherhood of one of the customer’s daughters. All shows are performed Friday and Saturday evenings at 8 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. in the Jenks Auditorium, 350 Division St., Pawtucket, RI. Tickets are $20-25 for adults and $1215 for students (with a valid student ID.) All shows are now on sale online at or call (401) 726-6860.
We hope you enjoy receiving The Reporter every month!
Support the Local Businesses that make this all possible!
September 2015
The Reporter
Seekonk Save A Pet Society, Inc. To benefit the homeless dogs and cats at the Seekonk Animal Shelter
Craft and Vendor Fair When:
Saturday, September 12, 2015 (rain date Saturday, September 19, 2015) 9:00am – 3:00pm
Where: Dr. Kevin M Hurley Middle School 650 Newman Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771
FAMILY AND PET FRIENDLY EVENT Special Event: Pet Runway Show at 1:30 pm
¥ 60+ vendors selling everything from children’s toys, pet related items, home décor, makeup, jewelry, crafted items and much, much, more! ¥ Many animal rescue groups bringing adoptable dogs and cats! ¥ A variety of exhibitors including Seekonk Jr. Warriors Cheerleaders, Seekonk Police’s K9 unit, and a Pet Runway Show! ¥ Pet Runway Show starts at 1:30 pm (visit our website or facebook pages for updates and details on how to register your pet to participate) Note: All dogs MUST be leashed. ¥ Live DJ ‘Mark’ with Music for All Ages playing your favorite tunes! ¥ Food and drinks will be available & water stations for your pet will be provided!
COME SUPPORT A GREAT LOCAL ORGANIZATION! Visit our Facebook pages: Seekonk Animal Shelter Seekonk Save A Pet Society Visit our website:
The Reporter September 2015
News And Notes From Blanding Library by Leslie Patterson
• PVC • Custom Cedar • Farm Fencing • Dog Runs • Chain Link • Ornamental Aluminum • Arbors
Specializing in a Variety of Fencing Styles
Greaves Electric 508-725-5296 • Free Estimates Tom Greaves, Rehoboth MA • MA & RI Licensed Residential & Commercial
Service upgrades • Recessed lighting • Ceiling fans Smoke detectors • Under cabinet lighting Phone - Cable tv • Flat screen tv installations Pools - Hot tubs • Security lighting Landscape lighting • Light fixtures installed Additions - Renovations • Appliance hook-ups
Monday - Thursday 11:30 - 8:00pm
Friday & Saturday 10:00 - 4:00pm
124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 508-252-4236,
Star Gazing on Sat. Sept. 19
Scan the night sky with telescopes set up by the Astronomical Society of Southern New England on Sept. 19. This program, which is free and open to all, will begin at 6 p.m., rain or shine. This is another is our series of 100-year anniversary events at Goff Hall.
Let 100 Daffodils Bloom!
From Monday Sept. 21 through Sat. Sept. 26, stop by the Blanding to select a bulb or two for planting in our prepared area and see the results next spring! This is another 100th anniversary event. Help beautify the library for the next 100 years.
New Story Hours & Tot Times
Story and Craft Times for children ages 3 to K will be held at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays and 2 p.m. on Thursdays from Sept. 9-10 through Nov. 18-19. Preregistration is required. A new series of Tot Times for children under 3 will begin on Tues. Sept. 8 at 10 a.m. with special guest Gretchen from “Music Together”. Preregistration is required.
Lyme Support Group
Bristol County Lyme Support Group will next meet on Thurs. Sept. 10 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Goff Hall. Did you know there was a group that meets regularly at Goff Hall to provide support and networking opportunities to people in this area who have Lyme disease? Open to all who are interested; no registration is required.
Grant Writing
The Rehoboth Cultural Council is holding grant writing workshops this fall at the library. The next times are Sat. Sept. 12 from 10:30 to noon and Wed. Sept. 23 from 1 to 3 p.m. These information sessions are for potential grant applicants who may need assistance. No need to pre-register.
Movie Night Sept. 26
It may be September but the Blanding’s next movie feature will be that summer classic “Jaws”, shown at Goff Hall on Sat. Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. Free and open to all.
Book Sale Oct. 16-18
Canine Mastery
The Blanding is still accepting used books in good condition (they must be clean and have covers) for the annual fall used book sale. (No textbooks, please). The sale will be held Oct. 16-18. On Friday from 5 to 8 p.m. there will be a preview sale for members of the Friends of the Library only (you may join at that time). Saturday the sale will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and will include a bake sale. Sunday’s clearance will be 9 a.m. to noon. Look for more information early next month. All proceeds will benefit the library.
Positively a dog school Training and day care
102 A Pond St • Seekonk •
Ghost Stories in October
As Halloween approaches, we’re planning another evening of ghost stories on Sunday, Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Village Cemetery on Bay State Road. This will be a fundraiser for the library. Donation $8.00. Registration is required. Do you have a ghost story you’d like to share? Contact the library at 508-252-4236.
Bridgewater Public Library
15 South Street, Bridgewater, MA 02324 508-697-3331 Fax: 508-279-1467
Oil Paintings by Rob Franco
Laser Dentistry Comprehensive Care
● ●
September 2015 The Reporter ● Cosmetic Dentistry Dental Implants 55 ● Emergency Treatment Bonding
Dr. Gabriel Wassouf Above the Post Office
Rehoboth Commons
275 Winthrop Street (Route 44), Rehoboth, MA 508 252-6121
ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS All Phases of Dentistry for the Entire Family Children of all Ages are Welcome
The Bridgewater Public Library will feature an exhibit of various oil paintings by Rob Franco ( in the Flora T. Little Gallery. The exhibition will be on display during the months of September and October. Rob is trained as an illustrator in the United States Air Force and continued as a graphic artist in the Boston area. A fascination with the ocean and other bodies of water continues to inspire his work. Rob enjoys searching the New England and Eastern Shore coastlines to find boats and wildlife such as the Wild Assateague Island ponies, birds and sea creatures to paint. His first visit to Assateague Island National Seashore on the Eastern Maryland coast to see the Wild Assateague Ponies was a truly emotional and inspiring experience. Many return visits allowed him to study and capture the intimate moments and interactions of these beautiful wild creatures. One particular family band consisting of a six week old filly, her stallion father, mother and two additional mares became the inspiration of this body of work. An Artist’s “Meet and Greet” will be held on Saturday, September 19th at 10:30 a.m. which will include an Assateague Island Pony presentation plus Rob’s paintings of the ponies and his experience on the island. The public is invited to attend. The library’s gallery is open during regular library hours: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9a.m.-8p.m.; Thursday 10a.m.5p.m., Friday, Saturday 10a.m.-2p.m. Contact: Rose Mamakos, Senior Library Assistant,
COSMETIC • Bonding • Porcelain Veneers • Crowns & Bridges • Invisalign - Teens & Adults
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508-252-6121 366 WINTHROP STREET, RT. 44, REHOBOTH
The Reporter September 2015
Seekonk Public Library •
Since 1999 Insured Free Estimates • Commercial Snow Plowing • Landscape Construction • Retaining Walls • Pavers, Walkways & Patios • New Lawn Installations • Small Excavation/Bobcat Services
Accepting All Major Credit/Debit Cards!
Luke Anderson 508-922-6326
Visit our Website to view project photos:
Mood and Memory Screening
Tuesday, September, 8th from 1 PM – 3 PM.
Though often overlooked, periodically checking the health of our brains is just as important as checking things like cholesterol and blood pressure. This becomes especially important as we grow older. Even if you don’t have any concerns right now, taking a 10 minute memory screening could be a meaningful checkup to see how your memory is now and can be used for later comparisons down the road. Keep in mind that any results are not a diagnosis of any particular illness and do not replace actually talking to your doctor, especially if you are having concerns about your memory. Laurie Given from the Rhode Island Mood and Memory Research Institute will be hosting this free memory screening at the Seekonk Library. Register online to reserve your screening session. If time allows, walk-ins will be taken after those who have registered on a first come first serve basis. This program is offered Free to the public.To register or for more information call Information Services at 508-336-8230 x5130, visit: or contact:
Movie Night
Appliance Repairs (508) 336-6226
ALL MAKES & MODELS Washers • Dryers Refrigerators • Ranges Microwaves • Dishwashers Disposals • etc. 28yrs Experience • MASTER LIC. #2505
Thursday, September 17, 6:00 pm
Skip the wait in movie theater lines and the expensive popcorn! Take some time for yourself and enjoy this new DVD release for FREE at Seekonk Public Library! This biopic chronicles the mental health challenges of Beach Boys mastermind Brian Wilson. The film covers the earlier years as he quits performing live in order to focus on creating the album Pet Sounds and later features John Cusack as an older Wilson, as he attempts to escape the influence of a manipulative doctor (Paul Giamatti). PG-13; 120 minutes. Licensing prevents us from printing titles; call the library for the title and other details at 508336-8230 ext. 5130. This program is free and open to the public through a sponsorship from the Friends of the Seekonk Public Library. For information: or Contact:
Music Listening Group
Tuesday, September 22 at 6:00 pm
M&S Cleaning Service Residential - Commercial
Full Service Cleaning Co.
Carpets • Windows • Floors • Walls Post Construction Clean-Ups • Rentals
Call (508) 252-3259
Free Estimates
Fully Insured
Do you love to listen and talk about music as much as we do? Come join us as we listen and discuss Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beatles, the album considered by many to be the best album ever made, at the Seekonk Library. Our listening group meets on the second to last Tuesday of every month at 6 PM and tackles music across all genres. This month’s selection begins our voyage into landmark Rock albums of the late 60s. Even if you’ve never listened to the Beatles or this album we’d love to hear what you’d have to say! This program is offered Free to the public, no registration required. For information: or Contact:
September 2015
Que Sera, Seurat Pastel Workshop for Adults
Seekonk Library Offers Access – Free!
Seekonk Public Library is excited to offer SAILS library card holders free access to professional online computer training from – now available from home! Using the link on the library homepage, patrons with a SAILS library card can choose from over 2,500 courses, 116,000 videos on creative, technology, and business software and topics. With this new tool now available online, you can access the same professionally produced training led by industry experts being used in Fortune 500 companies and colleges and universities across the country – for FREE! Each course contains video, interactive transcript and often exercise files for practice, with new course added every week. Whether you’re looking for a weekly ten minute productivity tip or intensive hourly training, is at your service with popular topics including Windows 10, iPad, Photoshop, CSS, Excel, Photography and much more. “We are excited to offer this top of the line training solution for Seekonk patrons, now from the comfort of your own home. Cancel that costly monthly personal subscription and enjoy this one for free!” said Senior Adult Services Librarian Michelle Gario. For further information please contact Seekonk Library at 508-336-8230 or email
Check out our farmstand to see what’s new & fresh!
Wed, Sept 23 at 6:00 pm
Seekonk Public Library will host award-winning pastel artist Gregory John Maichack’s workshop, “Que Sera, Seurat!” on Wednesday, September 23 at 6 PM. This pastel painting workshop is for adult beginners to advanced artists. Fusing the science of color with the poetry of pastel in this Pointillism workshop, participants will paint a shimmering Venetian landscape. You're sure to have fun while learning concepts such as radiation, divisionism or chromo-luminosity, and utilizing practical techniques such as stippling, pastel hatching, and the “chisel stroke.” Maichack will guide you in the magic of making color sing! All materials are provided. Space is limited; registration with valid SAILS library card is required. This program is co-sponsored by The Friends of the Seekonk Public Library and the Seekonk Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
The Reporter
Fresh Vegetables Sweet Peppers • Hot peppers Tomatoes • Eggplant
Winter Squashes, Pumpkins, Apples Colorful Mums & Corn Stalks 508-245-4635 • 33 Agricultural Ave., Rehoboth, MA
Fall Home Improvement Call to Advertise 508-252-6575
Windows , Doors, Cabinets, Vanities, Mouldings, Decking and more!
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STOCK CRYSTAL WINDOWS Replacement & New Construction with LowE Insulated Glass and Argon
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The Reporter September 2015
Masonry & Chimney Sweeps Locally Owned & Operated for 20 Years
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Masonry Repair & Restoration: Walkways • Patios • Pavers • Walls • Chimneys 508-649-1938
Sanitation Inc. e m o o r C
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Quick Radio Dispatch Service
Quality Service Since 1962
Septic Tanks & Cesspools Vacuum Cleaned • Sewer Rooter Service
508-252-4668 • 508-336-7024 Rehoboth, MA
The Friends of Seekonk Library Volunteers Needed
Do you love your library? Have you considered giving back by volunteering? The Friends of Seekonk Library is looking for four volunteers to staff the lobby book sale. We currently have weekday (Mondays through Thursday) shifts available from 4-8PM (times vary by day). You will assist customers with their selections and collect money for their purchases. Those who staff the book sale find it to be a rewarding experience, by helping customers find something they want at a great price! If interested, please send an email to with the subject line “lobby volunteer”. Thank you for your consideration.
Save the Date!
We will be holding our annual Craft & Vendor Sale on Saturday November 28, 2015 (Small Business Saturday), from 9-3. We will have a good variety of vendors and crafters, and this is a great way to start your holiday shopping (or pick up something for yourself!)
Friend the Friends!
If you are on FaceBook and want to keep up to date with Friends events, follow our FaceBook page! We are at https://www.facebook. com/FriendsSeekonkPL
Book Donation Reminder
The Friends welcome book donations according to the following guidelines. Please remember that these items are meant to be re-sold in our lobby, so we cannot accept items that are musty, mildewed, torn, missing parts, etc. Thank you!
Book Donation Guidelines
The Friends of the Seekonk Public Library accepts donations year round according to the following guidelines: • Books must be in good to excellent condition - there should be no writing/highlighting, no torn pages, and no mold/ mildew/dampness. If the book was sold with a book jacket, it should be on the book. • Magazines should have covers and no more than 3 months old. • Puzzles that are in good condition and DVDs are accepted. • We cannot accept games, encyclopedias, condensed books, textbooks/workbooks, reference books, technical manuals, phonograph records, VHS tapes, professional journals, as well as Reader's Digest or National Geographic Magazines. Thank you for your support!
Author to Speak at Bridgewater Public Library
OFFICE (508) 223-0577
Michael DeLaPena will visit on September 21 to discuss his recently released books The Coyote Wars and The Last Coyote. The Fortress is the terrorist training Academy of the Wallace family, led by the patriarch and evil genius Tim Wallace. Wallace groomed his children, whom he affectionately called coyotes, to be trained terrorists. Each coyote’s mission is to infiltrate key government agencies in preparation for a terrorist assault on the United States. Author, Special Agent Delapena has been with the FBI for 25 years. A graduate of George Washington University, he works and resides in Boston, MA. The event, which begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Bridgewater Public Library, is free and open to the public will include a book signing. Contact: Rose Mamakos, Senior Library Assistant, rmamakos@
September 2015
September Activities at Providence Children’s Museum Play and Learn is the Museum’s open-ended story-based program especially for 2- to 4-year-olds and their parents, designed to help preschoolers build their skills in a variety of areas and to help parents continue the learning at home. This week, preschoolers practice fine motor skills as they play in a pretend ice cream parlor. Underwritten by National Grid.
Collage Creators
Wed, Sept 9 - Sat, Sept 12 • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Children create funky works of art from an array of colorful fabrics and papers in Discovery Studio, the Museum’s art and science exploration space, and make object collages from natural and craft materials.
Located at 310 Tremont St, Rehoboth Servicing the homeowners’
Play and Learn: Ice Cream Shop
Tuesday, September 8 • 10:00 AM - Noon
The Reporter
needs for three generations
Pick Up & Delivery Available
Fully Insured
Spring & Fall Clean-ups Mulch, Loam, & Stone Deliveries Lawn Maintainence • Pruning Hardscapes • Bobcat Work Small Excavation
All Your Landscaping Needs
Happy Grandparents Day!
Sunday, September 13 • 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Admission to Providence Children’s Museum is free all day for grandmoms and granddads. Bring the family to play, explore and discover together! Children craft cards and collages in Discovery Studio, the Museum’s hands-on art and science exploration space, from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
Museum Closed - Monday, September 14 Play and Learn: Animal Tales
Tuesday, September 15 • 10:00 AM - Noon
Play and Learn is the Museum’s open-ended story-based program especially for 2- to 4-year-olds and their parents, designed to help preschoolers build their skills in a variety of areas and to help parents continue the learning at home. This week, preschoolers practice simple story-making skills as they help animals move ‘round the farm.
Collage Creators
Dedicated to Keeping You Protected 183 Winthrop St. Rehoboth, MA • 774-565-0048 WWW.DSMITHINS.NET 664 Armistice Blvd. Pawtucket, RI • 401-724-1660
Wed, Sept 16 - Fri, Sept18 • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Children create funky works of art from an array of colorful fabrics and papers in Discovery Studio, the Museum’s hands-on art and science exploration space, and make object collages from natural and craft materials.
Mention this Ad & Receive a 5% Discount
Hispanic Heritage Month Kick-Off Celebration ALSO Friday, September 18 • 6:00 - 7:00 PM
Join a hands-on workshop exploring the musical traditions of Puerto Rico with Lorena Garay and Lydia Pérez as part of Hispanic Heritage Month. The event is the family kick-off celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month 2015, a statewide celebration of Latino art and culture in Rhode Island. The Museum is open free of charge from 5:00 - 8:00 PM for “MetLife Family Friday – Free at Five!,” sponsored by MetLife Foundation. Stay out late and splash, play, explore and discover!
Mosaics: Parts and Wholes
Saturday, September 19 • 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Join a special celebration of Deaf Awareness Month, hosted by Rhode Island Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.
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The Reporter September 2015
Manuel Labor Green Building & Remodeling
Make mosaics with Water Ways muralist and teacher of the deaf Peter Geisser and enjoy stories told in American Sign Language (ASL) by educator Heather Niedbala and interpreted for the hearing. Sponsored by Vigneron Memorial Fund and John D. & Katherine A. Johnston Foundation.
Imagination Playground
Ice Dam Repairs
Sunday, September 20 • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Kids invent their own ways to play as they stack and build with huge blue foam blocks of all shapes and sizes. Using blocks, wheels, spools, tubes and a variety of loose parts, kids construct castles and forts, invent interesting sculptures and more! Underwritten by Dominion Foundation.
Museum Closed - Monday, September 21
Specializing In Log Home BUILDING & MAINTENANCE
Play and Learn: In the Kitchen
Tuesday, September 22 • 10:00 AM - Noon
• Caulking & Staining • Corn Cobb Blasting • Rot & Pest Damage repair • Additions
Play and Learn is the Museum’s open-ended story-based program especially for 2- to 4-year-olds and their parents, designed to help preschoolers build their skills in a variety of areas and to help parents continue the learning at home. This week, preschoolers cook up some fun as they pretend in a woodland “kitchen.”
We also do: • Decks • Siding • Roofs Honest, Reasonable, Always Quality
Wed, Sept 23 - Sat, Sept 26 • 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Licensed & Insured
Call 508.863.0553 Better Business Bureau Accredited
Green Advantage Certified
Imagination Playground
Kids invent their own ways to play as they stack and build with huge blue foam blocks of all shapes and sizes. Using blocks, wheels, spools, tubes and a variety of loose parts, kids construct castles and forts, invent interesting sculptures and more! Underwritten by Dominion Foundation.
Magnet Play
LISCO, Inc. Irrigation
You Can’t See the System, But You Can See the Results. • New Irrigation Systems • Maintenance of Old & New Systems • Equine Dust Control
Call LISCO at 508-399-6600 David Perry, Owner/Operator
114 Pond Street • Seekonk, MA 02771 (508) 399-6600 • Fax (508) 761-6950
Sunday, September 27 • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Experiment and sculpt with magnets to explore the playful power of magnetism in Discovery Studio, the Museum’s openended art and science exploration space. Artfully arrange magnetic stones, test objects to see what’s magnetic, and steer objects through mazes with a magnet wand. Underwritten by Amgen Foundation.
Museum Closed - Monday, September 28 Play and Learn: Fishing Fun
Tuesday, September 29 • 10:00 AM - Noon
Play and Learn is the Museum’s open-ended story-based program especially for 2- to 4-year-olds and their parents, designed to help preschoolers build their skills in a variety of areas and to help parents continue the learning at home. This week, preschoolers practice hand-eye coordination and explore the power of magnets as they catch colorful paper fish. Underwritten by National Grid.
Magnet Play
Wednesday, September 30 • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Experiment and sculpt with magnets to explore the playful power of magnetism in Discovery Studio, the Museum’s openended art and science exploration space. Artfully arrange magnetic stones, test objects to see what’s magnetic, and steer objects through mazes with a magnet wand. Underwritten by Amgen Foundation.
September 2015
Adoption RI’s ‘Heart Gallery’ On View at Providence Children’s Museum
Providence, RI – Through September, Providence Children’s Museum exhibits Adoption Rhode Island’s 10th annual Heart Gallery, a traveling exhibit of professional portraits of children in state care and awaiting adoption. Every year, hundreds of Rhode Island children are in state care, hoping for permanent families. The children are generally between the ages of 5 and 17 and many have emotional, intellectual and/ or physical disabilities and have suffered abuse or neglect. Some have been waiting for several years and have had multiple placements, resulting in numerous losses and separations. Seventeen of these children are featured in the 10th annual Rhode Island Heart Gallery, an exhibit of stunning portraits by local photographers on view at Providence Children’s Museum in August and September. A booklet accompanying the gallery shares the heartfelt stories, hopes and dreams of the children pictured. The Heart Gallery has helped Adoption Rhode Island increase awareness of the need for loving adoptive homes for children in foster care since 2005, as well as increase rates of adoption of and support for the children pictured. Providence Children’s Museum previously exhibited the Heart Gallery in 2007 and 2013. “It’s particularly poignant to display the Heart Gallery at the Children’s Museum because our acclaimed Families Together program – a collaboration with the Department of Children, Youth & Families – works on behalf of children in foster care every day, providing therapeutic visitation to help courtseparated families rebuild relationships,” said Megan Fischer, the Museum’s interim executive director. Museum visitors can meet representatives from Adoption Rhode Island and learn more about adoption on Friday, August 21 from 5:00 - 7:30 PM; admission is free from 5:00 - 8:00 PM, sponsored by MetLife Foundation. To learn more about the Heart Gallery, visit
Volunteers Needed to Give Homeless Children a Better Tomorrow. Do you have 2 hours each week to play with young homeless children (0-6) in one of our statewide shelter-based Playspaces? Are you fun-loving, dependable and looking for a way to make a difference in Southeastern MA and Cape Cod? Help a homeless child learn, play, and thrive: | 508.510.3250 Upcoming volunteer training: Saturday, September 12 9:30 am – 1:00 pm West Bridgewater, MA
The Reporter
Reporter Photo Submission Requirements When submitting photos, please provide captions that coincide with photos. Photos will not run without a caption.
GROOM & STYLE Dog & Cat Grooming A Warm Heart for Cold Noses ~Very Clean & Cozy~
Special $20-$25 Baths for Short-haired Breeds Includes Nails & Teeth 36 years experience in Seekonk
177 Fairview Ave, Rehoboth MA
Two Lies and a
Truth Wine Tasting & Silent Auction
Visitors from the past share their stories. Who’s telling the truth?
Carpenter Museum
Advertise In The Rehoboth/ Seekonk Reporter
Call 508-252-6575
4 Locust Ave., Rehoboth
Friday, September 25 6:30 - 9pm
$10 members/$15 non-members 508.252.3031,
The Reporter September 2015
David J. Ledoux
Hardwood Floors Seekonk, MA
DUSTLESS HARDWOOD REFINISHING Installation - Sanding - Refinishing - Prefinished ***Quality Craftsmanship*** "Proudly serving the community for over 20 years" Owner/Operator Office: 508-399-6211 Fully Insured Cell: 508-272-7729
We hope you enjoy receiving The Reporter every month!
Support the Local Businesses that make this all possible!
Ray Fournier RI Reg. 850 MA Reg. 115715 Serving all of Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts since 1981
Town W.B.E. Sanitation Inc. Portable Restroom Rentals
Family Owned & Operated • We Accept Competitor Coupons ($20 Limit)
508-336-3555 508-252-9430 400R Taunton Ave., Seekonk MA
Town: Seekonk Rhode Island Blood Center Drive Date: 9/8/2015 - 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Newport Creamery, Bloodmobile Address: 699 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771 Town: Seekonk Rhode Island Blood Center Drive Date: 9/9/2015 - 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Dunkin’ Donuts, Bloodmobile Address: 623 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771 Town: Seekonk Rhode Island Blood Center Drive Date: 9/15/2015 - 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Location: Aitken Elementary School, Gymnasium Address: 165 Newman Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771 Town: Seekonk Rhode Island Blood Center Drive Date: 9/20/2015 - 8:30 am - 11:30 am Location: American Legion Post 311, Hall Address: 351 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771
Town: Seekonk Rhode Island Blood Center Drive Date: 9/27/2015 - 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Location: Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Church Hall Address: 981 Taunton Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771
(401) 726-2908 • (508) 399-6924
Commercial & Residential Pumping
Town: Rehoboth Rhode Island Blood Center Drive Date: 9/8/2015 - 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm Location: Community Covenant Church, Cafe Address: 615 Tremont Street, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Town: Seekonk Rhode Island Blood Center Drive Date: 9/20/2015 - 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Location: Super Stop & Shop, Bloodmobile Address: 125 Highland Avenue, Seekonk, MA 02771
Roofing • Vinyl Siding Replacement Windows & Doors Seamless Gutters
e y
Local Blood Drive listing for September 2015
Annex Office 51 Maple Ln., Rehoboth
Bladder Issues? Free Informational Session On Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation
OB/GYN Associates of Attleboro’s Center for Bladder & Pelvic Health is presenting a Free program on Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation (PFMR), which treats a wide range of bladder disorders in a noninvasive, painless way. Dr. Barbara Stricker, board certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist as well as Barbara Baxter and Mel Delger, board certified Physician Assistants, will present this program. A question and answer session will follow the presentation. The program will be held on Tuesday, September 15 from 6 – 7 p.m. at OB/GYN Associates of Attleboro, located at 687 North Main Street. The program will include light refreshments and a raffle. Reservations are necessary and are available on a first come, first served basis. To register by Friday, September 11, call 508-2368020. The Center for Bladder & Pelvic Health at OB/GYN Associates of Attleboro provides new, innovative testing and procedures to promote preventive measures and motivate individuals to seek treatment for treatable bladder and pelvic conditions. For more information, call 508-222-1105. OB/GYN Associates of Attleboro is one of 17 practices that make up Sturdy Memorial Associates (SMA) and is associated with Sturdy Memorial Hospital.
September 2015
The Reporter
Sturdy Memorial Hospital is a fullservice, independent, financially stable, not-for-profit, acute care community hospital in Attleboro, Massachusetts.
September Support Groups
Attleboro, MA, August 13, 2015 – Sturdy Memorial Hospital offers support groups on a variety of topics throughout the year. The groups are free and open to the public. The following are scheduled for September 2015: Prostate Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, September 2, 2015 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, call the Oncology Department at 508-236-7010. Friends and Family of Patients with Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, September 9, 2015 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. in Conference Room A. For more information, call the Oncology Department at 508-236-7010. Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group – Monday, September 14, 2015 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Michael J. Poissant Clinical Education Center. For more information, call Nursing Administration at 508-236-7151. C a n c e r S u p p o r t G r o u p – Tu e s d a y, S e p t e m ber 15, 2015 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, call the Oncology Department at 508-236-7010. Diabetes Support Group – Wednesday, September 23, 2015 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. For more information, call Nursing Administration at 508-236-7166. Breathing Club – Tuesday, September 29, 2015 from 1 – 3p.m. in the Michael J. Poissant Clinical Education Center. For more information, call the Respiratory Care Department at 508-236-7550. Breast Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, September 30, 2015 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms D & E. For more information, call Ellen Gilbert at 508-236-7015.
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The Multiple Sclerosis (Ms) Center At Sturdy Memorial Hospital To Hold Informational Fair Attleboro, MA, August 26, 2015 – The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Center at Sturdy Memorial Hospital is sponsoring a Free MS Care Fair on Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 10am – 1pm in the Hospital Auditorium. In conjunction with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS), the Fair will offer educational and supportive information to MS patients and their families and caregivers. Over 25 vendors related to MS medications and treatments, medical equipment, motor vehicle modification, physical and occupational therapy, health and wellness, and community support services, will be represented. To register, please call Martha Maynard at the NMSS at 800-344-4867 and select option one. Pre-registration is not required, but appreciated. Refreshments will be provided. For more information about Sturdy’s MS Center treatments and services, please call 508-236-7170.
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The Reporter September 2015
Lymphedema Support Group
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Attleboro, MA, August 24, 2015 - Sturdy Memorial Hospital is offering a Lymphedema Support Group on Friday, September 25, 2015 from 11am – 12noon in the Michael J. Poissant Clinical Education Center located near the main lobby of the Hospital. Lymphedema is an abnormal accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the interstitium which usually causes chronic inflammation and reactive fibrosis of the affected tissues. This program is designed for people with lymphedema and their family members and caregivers. Treatment and management strategies will be discussed at this session. The program will be led by Nancy Hardy, Occupational Therapist, certified by the Lymphology Association of North America. For more information, please call Occupational Therapy at 508/236-7380.
Free Infant Massage Program
Attleboro, MA, August 19, 2015 -- Sturdy Memorial Hospital will be offering a Free infant massage program on Saturday, September 26, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Auditorium at the Hospital. This program is designed for new moms and their partners and will be led by Jean Stringham, Sturdy Memorial’s infant massage coordinator. It will focus on the techniques and benefits of massage for infants. Tips on how to soothe and calm a colicky baby will also be provided. Parents are encouraged to bring their infants, age two weeks to ten months old. Class size is limited and pre-registration is necessary. For more information or to register by September 21, 2015, please call Nursing Administration at 508/236-7151.
Ad ID: 318343 Sales Rep: 06 Date of Proof: 04/04/11 93 Tremont St., Rehoboth, MA Ad Start Date: 04/06/11 Ad Stop Date: 04/27/11 Ad Size: 2 columns x 2.125” high Tim Dorrance -Owner
Account: 73609 Ad ID: 318343 Sales Rep: 06 Date of Proof: 04/04 New2 Moms Group Ad Start Date: 04/06/11 Ad Stop Date: 04/27/11 Ad Size: columns x 2.125” high Attleboro, MA, August 14, 2015 – Sturdy Memorial Hospital of-
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fers a FREE New Moms Group for women with babies between the ages of 2 weeks and 12 months. Participants have the opportunity to talk about their growing babies, discuss concerns and expectations, learn different tips from other mothers in the group, and more. This is an on-going program in which interested participants can join the group at any time. The group meets every Wednesday from 10 - 11:30 a.m. in the Michael J. Poissant Clinical Education Center located near the main lobby of the Hospital. For more information or to register, please call Nursing Administration at 508/236-7151.
Act F.A.S.T. If You Think Someone Is Having A Stroke
Attleboro, MA, August 7, 2015 – Sturdy Memorial Hospital, a Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) designated primary stroke service provider, urges the public to learn the signs and symptoms of stroke and to call 9-1-1 immediately if they think someone is having a stroke. Alerting 9-1-1 operators, first responders, and emergency room personnel that stroke symptoms are present is vital as it could make the difference between
life and death.
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So act F.A.S.T. if you think someone may be having a stroke: Face. Ask the person to smile. A stroke can cause one side of the face to droop. Abrupt dimming of vision or a sudden, severe headache without a known cause are also warning signs. Arms. Ask the person to raise both arms. If one arm drifts downward, that could signal a stroke, which can trigger weakness, numbness, or paralysis of an arm or leg, particularly on one side of the body. Speech. Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence. Stroke victims may slur their words, have trouble speaking or understanding speech, or not be able to talk at all. Time. If you observe any of these symptoms, call 9-1-1 immediately. Stroke is a life-or-death emergency in which every minute counts. Brain cells are dying. To learn more about the risk factors and the signs and symptoms of stroke, visit the National Stroke Association website at www. You can also speak with your primary care physician.
September 2015
SPORTS UPDATE D/R Field Hockey Team Joined Summer League
The Reporter
General Contractor
By Julia Johnson Established in 1940, 3rd Generation This year’s Dighton Rehoboth Regional High School’s field hockey team joined the Durfee summer league playing Monday games at Durfee High School against Durfee, Somerset, Tiverton, Case, and New Bedford. D-R plays Somerset and Case during their normal season so this was a good experience for the team to see what they were going to Specializing be up against. Since the team’s coaches are not allowed to coach their teams during the in Kitchen & Bathrooms summer league, D-R was helped by temporary coaches Deb Charette and Kim Reardon, who both have daughters on the team, and lead by their three team captains Ashleigh Botelho, Caylie Cross, and Kasey Charette. The summer league was a good opportunity • Remodeling • Additions for the returning players to get back into the swing of things and for the new players to get • Siding • Silestone a feel for the sport. It also was a good opportunity for the team to get in shape before the • Granite • Painting start of the school season. Scouts for college teams were at the game talking to players about college options, and Umass Dartmouth’s field hockey coach talked to Erin Kelley, a forward for D-R and senior at the high school, about playing for them in the future. The D-R players were very cooperative with playing positions that they normally do not play. Kylie Fletcher and Lexi Lovell stepped up to play goalie when the actual goalie could (401) 435-4795 not make it to games. The players were also very helpful by teaching the new players the rules and coaching them through each game. The team worked hard and won their first Cell (401) 639-7230 game against Durfee. When they won their second game against Somerset, they were Peter Batty confident that they could take home gold. D-R found themselves with 5 wins, 1 tie, and 1 RI Reg. # 33335 / MA Reg. # CS51340 loss entering the championship game tied with Durfee for first place. In the first half of the championship game D-R scored a goal against Durfee, and during Residential / Commercial the second half, Durfee wasn’t letting up but neither was D-R. D-R scored again in the second half and ended the game with a score of 2-0 finishing in first place. After the game D-R was rewarded with a pizza party and the team was left ready to take on the rest of their season with confidence. The varsity coach, Meghan Marcotte, and last year’s junior varsity coach, Erika Lundgren, attended the championship game to support the team and cheer them on. The summer league was Rehoboth, MA a great experience for the team and they are excited to take on the rest of their season, continuing to get better with each game, REMODELING, KITCHENS, BATHS, DOORS & WINDOWS, and hopefully having the same success during the school season. DECKS, PAINTING, TILE WORK & MORE
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The Reporter September 2015
BACK TO SCHOOL DRHS Auditorium in Need of Updates
Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School’s Auditorium has been our town and high school students’ venue for many events over the years. Our students walk across that stage to receive awards for their hard work as families beam with pride at the accomplishments. Students from each grade at DR gather for assemblies in the auditorium and 8th grade orientation is also presented in the auditorium. Talented chorus and band performances, moving and thought-provoking theatre productions and entertaining musicals have graced its stage. Both Dighton and Rehoboth town officials utilize the space, making the auditorium a location that is wellutilized by all residents from both towns.
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Our DR auditorium has seen little in the way of modernization over the years. Understandably, this has left the auditorium with lighting and sound systems that are many years past their usefulness. Lighting and sound systems are now in such a state of disrepair that they are no longer able to sufficiently support presentations and shows on the stage. Currently, sufficient lighting must be rented from an outside company to support the quality shows that our drama program presents. Sound issues arise whenever there are chorus, band or drama shows, as you may have seen for yourself. These are problematic issues that are dealt with in the best way possible, including borrowing sound systems. However, having to rent or borrow equipment to be able to put on a quality show is not sustainable year after year, especially for a space that sees so much use from many parties in town. The stage floor has suffered much from the elements and wear over the years. Purchasing a portable dance floor would allow the students to perform shows on the correct surface. It would also provide a professional look for the shows. We are seeking your help in raising $10,800. to update the lighting, sound and floor for our school’s, our children’s and our towns’ auditorium. Donations above $100 will be recognized in production programs this year as “Gold” donations and less than $100 will be recognized as “Green” donations. Please Spread The Word About This Page And Consider Donating Generously To This Worthwhile Endeavor. To donate please visit our “go fund me” page at: Children from Dighton and Rehoboth will realize the benefits of your kind donation for many years to come!
Our View: The best seat at a concert is the one on stage. Our girls and young women are encouraged to take center stage every day. Starting as young as three years old, our students are given ample opportunity and exposure to leadership roles in the performing arts, academic settings and on the field. These opportunities stimulate whole brain development and instill poise, confidence and self-efficacy; character traits needed for tomorrow’s leaders.
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September 2015
The Reporter
Rehoboth PTSA Newsletter
Hello and welcome to the new school year! My name is Karen DeRoche, and I’m excited to be your new Rehoboth PTSA president. Your PTSA has been busy this summer planning and organizing many fun and exciting events - here are just a few “Save the Dates” for your calendar: 1. September 16th: Kickoff Rally/Meet-n-Greet at 6:00 p.m. (please note this new time) 2. October 4th: 5K/1 Mile Fun Run 3. October 24th: Jack Fest We welcome all students, families, and community members to come enjoy these great activities! I would also like to recognize my fellow Board members: Melissa Goulart: Vice President/Beckwith • Susan Bogosian: Vice President/Palmer River • Traci Cady: Treasurer • Nancy Breault: Assistant Treasurer • Holly Williamson: Secretary Together, we look forward to working with all of you in a team effort to make this the best school year possible for our children. On behalf of the Board, I wish all of you a great start back to school and we look forward to seeing you on September 16th! Sincerely, Karen DeRoche Rehoboth PTSA President
PTSA Restaurant Program to Benefit Rehoboth Schools Each month we are partnering with a local Rehoboth restaurant to thank them for their support. When you visit the restaurants during their designated month, they will donate a portion of your bill to the Rehoboth PTSA and we will help promote their business! Give the coupon below to the restaurant staff. Some of these restaurants may be new places you have wanted to try, now’s your chance. Enjoy! Thank you for your support!
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The Reporter September 2015
Back To School Special! Music lessons
Guitar, piano, drum, saxophone, violin, vocal and bass lessons.
Ray Mullin Music 103 Swansea Mall Drive, Swansea MA 02777 phone: 508-676-3900 • Email: Limit 1 per customer
Welcome Back to School!
TWIN OAKS FARM LEARNING CENTER “A Better Beginning” 127 Tremont Street, Rehoboth MA 508.252.5522 Lic#8115541
Seekonk High School Joining Mass Insight Education’s AP STEM and English Program
Seekonk High School is now participating in Mass Insight Education’s AP STEM and English Program, which encourages more students to take AP classes in effort to increase their confidence while providing them with the academic skills they need to succeed in post-secondary education. The AP Stem and English program is a key part of Mass Insight Education’s innovative College Success Campaign. The AP STEM and English program is funded through a combination of state, district and philanthropic support. Annually, more than 10,000 students at more than 75 Mass Insight Education partner schools take part in the program. These schools quickly double or triple their enrollment in AP classes and double the number of students earning qualifying scores of three or higher on the AP exam. Mass Insight Education is a national nonprofit dedicated to improving student achievement and increasing college success through bold district restructuring and rigorous academic programs. “If you give students who are generally not considered a shot at this level of work and you provide them with the support they need, they too can demonstrate outstanding achievement,” says Michael Contompasis, Mass Insight Education executive chairman and former superintendent of the Boston Public Schools. Each year, Mass Insight Education adds high schools to its roster. The partner schools underwent an evaluation and have committed to the program goals of increasing both the number of students taking AP classes and the number of students getting a qualifying score. “We are always looking to challenge our students to reach their highest potential,” says Robert Monteiro, superintendent of Swansea School District. “We think the assistance they get will help make them more competitive.” Mass Insight Education supports its AP students in several ways, including hosting a series of weekend classes to help them better prepare for their AP exams. The experience of taking an AP class shows the students the level of work they will need to do in college and inspires many to enroll in college who previously thought themselves incapable of that work. Getting a qualifying score earns them college credit, thus allowing them to finish college quicker at a lower cost. Statistics show that 78 percent of MIE students who took at least one AP math, science or English course in high school attended a two or four year college after graduating high school. Ninety three percent of them persisted through two years of college and 82 percent either graduated or are still in school four years after graduating from high school. Mass Insight Education also provides extra training for AP teachers to strengthen their skills to make them even better teachers. Attending college is more important than ever for today’s youth. Seventy percent of all jobs will require a college degree by 2020. Those who graduate with at least an associate’s degree have the ability to earn $42,000 annually, while those with a high school diploma or the equivalent earn on average $21,000. In Massachusetts, that puts them below the poverty line. Each additional year it takes to earn a degree can cost a student thousands of dollars. If they fail to finish college, they leave with debt and diminished earning potential. Mass Insight Education’s AP STEM and English program gives its students the experience and skills necessary to succeed in college, thus empowering them to benefit both themselves and their communities for years to come.
September 2015
The Reporter
S C H OOL Help Increase Donations Received for Our Local Schools
There are a couple simple free programs, that with increased awareness, we could be greatly increasing the donations given to the schools in our community. One program is registering you Target REDcard with the school of your choice. The other is the Box Tops program. If you enter your Target REDcard online and select which school you would like donations to go to, Target will donate 1% of your purchase amount to the school of your choice. This program takes less than a minute to sign up for, you only have to register the school once, and it costs you nothing. Target donates to the school of your choice as part of their, “Take Charge of Education,” program. To date, with only 172 REDcards enrolled in both Dighton and Rehoboth, Target has donated a total of $30,014 to the Dighton Rehoboth Community at no cost to the card holders, (See the table below for a breakdown of information). If more people registered their REDcard, these numbers could be so much higher! Please tell your friends and family to register to participate in this program too! You do not have to live in Dighton or Rehoboth to donate to a school here. Target’s Donations to Date: As of Feb 2015 # of REDcards Enrolled Palmer River $9,547 54 DL Beckwith $3352 32 DRRHS $5131 27 To register your REDcard, go to Select “REDcard” at the top right, and then select “Manage my REDcard” from the drop down box. Click on the box at the bottom of the page that says “Take Charge of Education”. “Search for your school,” on the lower right side, and then select, “view this school”. You will then see the school’s information. To complete the enrollment, enter your first and last name and REDcard number on the right hand side. It literally takes a minute to do, and if everyone registered, it would be continuously helping our schools gain funds from that day forward. For the Box Tops program, the box tops coupon is located on many boxes within your home. There is a small icon on cereal boxes, cake mix boxes, tissues, and many others. For every coupon that is cut out and sent into the school, the school receives 10 cents. You can drop the coupons off in the school’s office or send them in with your kids to school. Ten cents may not sound like much, but over the lifetime of this program, the DR district has received $72,307 in donations from this program. With increased awareness, this number could also be higher! 2014-2015 2013-2014 Lifetime Earnings Palmer River $1,762 $2,718 $35,286 DL Beckwith $867 $1,755 $18,363 The Target and Box Tops Donations collected at each school are used to support student activities and needs that are not covered within the budget. At the DR High School, some of the donated funds have been used toward things such as sculptures, plaques, and benches. At the K-8 schools, it has been used to fund Book Nights, after school clubs (such as cake decorating, newspapers, and robotics), and awards/prizes for the kids. It has also been used to supplement the purchase of items such as a laminator. All the figures listed above were obtained from the Target and Box Tops websites. Thank you for helping to support the schools by participating in these programs!
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The Reporter September 2015
BACK TO SCHOOL 4 Tips For Taming Back-To-School Stress
Beating the stress of back to school: what you can do to help your anxious student (BPT) - Do you or your child have the back-to-school blues? If so, you're not the only ones. Saying goodbye to slower summer days can be difficult. For almost three months, you have felt free from the structure of the classroom and the accompanying homework. When the upcoming school year rolls around, it's common to feel some sadness. For children who suffer from anxiety, this stress may be harder to handle, and it may stem from more than just pop quizzes and earlier bedtimes.
Time for Fall Foliage Bike Rides!
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These children need extra attention as the new school year draws near. The best thing you can do to prepare your child is to give the gift of your time and attention. Instead of dwelling on things like tests and homework, talk about how to make the transition into the exciting new school year the best it can be. Lauren Zimet, director of the Early Insights Healthy Foundations Program, is a mother herself and has pinpointed the top four back-to-school tips and tricks to make the transition easier. These tips will help to reduce the stress and tension felt by you and your child, not only for the first weeks of school (the hardest time to adjust) but throughout the year as well. 1. Connected communication. Engage in a conversation with your child and ask what he or she is excited and concerned about for the upcoming school year. Give your child the freedom to speak openly and avoid asking too many questions at once. You'll know you are connecting when he starts volunteering information. When you listen to your child, and he can see the genuine interest and attention in your eyes and through your body language, he will feel more comfortable discussing the upcoming year. 2. Creative calendars. Planning ahead makes adults feel prepared, which is a huge de-stressor. The same goes for your child. Younger children only need a day or two to look forward to their big day. Older children may benefit from discussing the year weeks before the first day, especially if those conversations include working on things like organization, planning, prioritizing, and sequencing (those important executive functions of the brain). 3. Visualize the goal. Get specific and help your child visualize the first day of school. Have your child tell you or draw out the sequence of the day, from waking up in the morning, to dressing in an outfit chosen the night before, to what she'll be enjoying as her brain-boosting energy breakfast. The more your child can visualize her routine(s), the more she will be at ease when the big day finally arrives. 4. Load up on brain food. Breakfast is coined "the most important meal of the day," and rightly so! Food is the fuel for the brain and body, and the quality of the fuel matters. Whatever you choose to give your body and brain each morning will enable you to do a certain level of thinking. American breakfasts are often unbalanced,
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The Reporter
September 2015 heavily favoring carbs, which are only a tiny part of the goodbreakfast equation. Encourage your child to pick a protein each morning, as well as fruit, veggie, and healthy fat and carb options. From there, complement his or her diet with an omega-3 fatty acid supplement from a reputable fish oil company like Nordic Naturals. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to help soothe anxious brains as well as support the entire nervous system, so don't miss out on this simple improvement opportunity. Research on omega-3 fatty acids can be found at The new school year is on its way and while this time of year may cause some children to feel anxious, there are things you can do to help. Employ any of the suggestions above to help your child start feeling more excited about the new school year with each passing day.
4 Ways To Bring Order To Another School Year
(BPT) - It's that time of year again; time for class projects and quizzes, field trips and friends, recesses and recitals. Yes it's time for another school year and for parents, that can mean a little bit more stress as well. If the last school year left you feeling more like a survivor than a thriver, take heart. The following tips will help you get a handle on things from the get-go so you and your children can enjoy everything this year has to offer. * Make your morning routine a team effort. Everyone wins in the morning when you work together. Set a goal to leave by a certain time and make it a fun task by giving each of your kids a role. Younger kids can focus on brushing their teeth and getting dressed while older kids can be named team leaders and help their younger siblings get ready. When everyone works together, you'll be amazed at what can be accomplished. And when you leave on time, don't forget to celebrate. A little positive reinforcement will get everyone excited to be part of the team. * Create a lunch plan. Packing a lunch should be an easy task, not an obstacle. Try and get organized by developing a 5-day lunch planner. Map out what your kids - and even you - will eat for lunch each day. Include fruits, vegetables, breads, proteins and a fun treat like Entenmann's Little Bites Party Cakes or Sara Lee Brownie Chocolate Chip Cakes. This allows you to provide a balanced meal, allow for portion control and put a smile on your child's face when they open their lunchbox! Once the menu is planned, you can shop with your child in advance for any ingredients or supplies you'll need and prevent that early morning scramble - and make it fun! * Pack the night before. Eliminate the risk of forgetting projects or homework by getting your children in the habit of packing their school bags the night before. This will give everyone the time they need to get everything in order and cut another task from the morning routine. * Quell afternoon hunger with a snack. The hectic nature of the morning can quickly return in the afternoon if you haven't prepared a snack for your kids to enjoy as they do their homework. To help, Kathleen Robbins, head baker at Entenmann's Little Bites and Sara Lee Snacks, has created two DIY homework helpers, the Little Bites Party Cakes Caterpillars and the Sara Lee Brownie Chocolate Chip Snack Kabobs, featuring Entenmann's Little Bites Party Cakes and Sara Lee Snacks Brownie Chocolate Chip Cakes. These snacks will satisfy your kids during their homework sessions. You can find these fun and easy DIY recipes on the Sara Lee Snacks Facebook page, Little Bites Facebook Page and YouTube. The start of another school year always adds a bit more hustle to your normal routine, but a little extra planning can help. By using the tips above and getting your kids onboard, you'll be able to pass the first tests of this school year with ease. Editor's Note: To enter the Entenmann's Little Bites "Life of a Lunchbox" sweeps, running from August 1 - September 25, and for official rules, visit the Little Bites Facebook Page. No purchase necessary.
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The Reporter September 2015
Rehoboth Congregational Church, United Church of Christ 139 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA Title: Office Administrator Hours: Monday-Friday, 9am-1pm General Description & Qualifications: The Rehoboth Congregational Church is an inclusive community of Christian faith, welcoming people from all walks of life. The ideal candidate for the Office Admin position will be organized, reliable & friendly. Must have a working knowledge of Microsoft programs. For the safety & security of our church members, candidates are expected to comply with Safe Church policies, including completing a CORI check & be willing to provide references. Please send resume/cover letter to:
MJD Excavating Commercial & Residential Site Development
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No one offers a better deal!
First Baptist Church in Swansea Chicken Barbecue
A Chicken Barbecue is planned for September 12 at 5:00 PM (one sitting) at the First Baptist Church in Swansea, (at the corner of Baptist Street and Route 6). Menu includes barbecued chicken, corn on the cob, coleslaw, and baked beans, followed by Swedish apple pie. Tickets may be obtained by calling 508 679-8921. Adult tickets are $16. Children age 10 and under tickets are $8.
Crafts On The Common
Central Congregational Church located at 115 Commonwealth Avenue in Attleboro Falls is seeking area Crafters who make their own products to participate in their first “Crafts On The Common”, an outdoor Craft Fair set for Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 9am – 2pm; Rain or Shine. Price= $40 per 10 x 10 ft lawn space. Sorry, no commercially made products this time. For an application, or more information, please call 508-9301046, or 508-369-3720 or send an email to
Memorial Baptist Church Concert 6:00 PM
ALPHA is contagious! Have YOU caught it yet?
Call 508.252.6575 to Advertise!!!
Seekonk Auto Body Owners: 32 Industrial Court, Seekonk Tom & Julie Clark (across from Seekonk Speedway)
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September 19, 2015
Alive, exciting and reaching generations..... The Vocals, Piano & Saxophone of Brad White.. The Brad White Concert A free will offering will be taken and refreshments will be served in Fellowship Hall after the concert. Everyone is invited...Come and enjoy an evening of beautiful music, inspiration, fun and fellowship. For more information, please call Ann DeAmaral at 508 336-7023 Memorial Baptist Church 340 Central Avenue. Seekonk, MA
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church will begin the Alpha Course on September 20, 2015, at the Parish Center, 1040 Taunton Ave., Seekonk, MA. This ten-week practical introduction to the Christian faith offers answers to some key questions. Each weekly session begins with an informal dinner, followed by a large group learning time, and ends with small group discussions and interaction. Alpha began in London and is now held in thousands of churches around the world. Join the thousands who have found answers to their questions about life and God and how they relate. To learn more about the course, call 508-472-4242 or come to the Alpha Dinner on September 13, at 5:00, at 1040 Taunton Ave, Seekonk. MA. For reservations cal 508336-5549 between 9:30-4:00.
September 2015
Good News Club
for all elementary aged children will be held each Wednesday beginning September 23rd at Palmer River Elementary School from school dismissal time until 4:30 p.m. This club is sponsored by Child Evangelism Fellowship and local churches. Club time will include fun, games, Bible lessons and true missionary stories. All are invited to join, with a parental permission form on file in the school office. For more information, contact Tim Beachell (state CEF director) at 781-254-6556 or Cindy Williams at 508-369-7293.
"Holiday Fair"
Friday, November 13, 11:00am - 6:00pm Saturday, November 14, 10:00am - 4:00pm
Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Church Coyle Drive, Off Rte. 152 Seekonk, Mass. Fun for everyone at our annual Holiday Fair. Super Raffles include an HDTV, Apple Gift Card, "Baskets Galore", Scratch Tickets, "Kim's Special Raffles", and more! Plus, Hand Knit Items, Christmas Items, Jewelry, Adult & Kids Instant Win, Toys, Baked Goods, and Fudge. "Louise's Cafe" will be open all day.
Religion Community News: Hebrew School “Try It You’ll Like It” September
Taunton – Congregation Agudath Achim invites 1st to 4th grade students from unaffiliated families to participate in Religious/ Hebrew school throughout September – no strings attached. See “Calendars” and “Learn” on for schedules and program details. Contact Rabbi Anne Heath 508-822-3230 (mornings) or
Centenary United Methodist Church
Throughout 2015-16, Centenary United Methodist Church will be celebrating their 150th anniversary with many events during the year.
“Old Home Days” Homecoming Rally
The Reporter
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Sept. 13, 2015
149th annual Rally Day festivities start at 9:30am with worship at the church, 15 Sanford Street, corner of North Main, Attleboro. Rally Days are an integral part of Centenary’s history as a way to reconnect with members, old and new, after the summer months. The community is invited to join in this celebration. Come see what Centenary is all about. An old-fashioned covered side dish pot luck will immediately follow, including the traditional rally day picnic of burgers and dogs. Centenary, especially, is inviting everyone to attend and to share any historic memorabilia connected with the church, such as the first bible verse they learned, a baptism or marriage certificate, photographs, or news clippings, and to share stories of their personal or a relative’s time at Centenary. Perhaps you have a great aunt who used to bake the best apple pies that were sold at the annual bazaar. Or your grandparents were married in the chapel - just a sampling of the memories the church would love to hear. Centenary encourages anyone to submit a “Centenary Story” to be included in a special anniversary book, available in March, 2016. Submissions can be emailed to the church office at or mailed to 15 Sanford St. Attleboro, MA 02703 by October 15, 2015. Contact Persons: Wendy Danforth, 508-446-0084, Doreen Rolince, 508-226-6897,
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The Reporter September 2015
David Laurino Plaster & Paint Serving Rehoboth for Over 20 Years
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Lobster Roll or Lobster Mac & Cheese Lunch
Fully Insured
Retro Housewife “Camelot” Tea
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Friday – September 25, 2015
The fall Lobster Roll or Lobster Mac & Cheese Lunch is coming up on Friday, September 25th. Get a 12oz container of Home-Made macaroni and cheese with chunks of lobster meat and a cracker crumb topping, a pickle, cookie and choice of soda or water. Or order the famous Lobster Roll filled with chunky lobster meat on a thin bed of lettuce (with or without mayo), chips, pickle, cookie, and beverage choice. Just call 508-222-1759, fax 508-222-2326, or email An order form with details is available on Centenary’s website at Complete, individually packaged, take-out lunches are only $9.50 and can be picked up at the best time for you on September 25th between 6:30am and 1pm. Pick up is at Centenary United Methodist Church, 15 Sanford Street, corner of North Main & Sanford Streets, across from the YMCA, in downtown Attleboro. Group orders can be delivered to businesses, schools, and professional offices. So why not take orders where you work and they’ll bring everyone’s Lobster Luncheon to you. To be certain, order by noon, Tuesday, September 22nd. Some extras may be available for instant pick-up on Friday, September 25th. Find out why so many people are regulars at Centenary’s quarterly Lobster Luncheon.
Fit for a First Lady or any Lady
Throughout 2015-16, Centenary United Methodist Church will be celebrating its 150th anniversary, continuing with a “Retro Housewife ‘Camelot’ Tea” on Sunday, September 27, 2:30-4pm at the church, 15 Sanford St. Attleboro. Centenary’s rich history included teas, sponsored by its many women’s groups, since 1865. We are reviving this tradition with an event themed around the 1950s/1960s era of crooning oldies, juke box tunes and cranky waitresses. Enjoy our diner’s specially blended 150th anniversary tea (or teabag), served with a variety of tea sandwiches, a flavorful scone and sweet petite treats. Guests will be entertained by a special guest(s), and are encouraged to come dressed in 1960s attire, wearing a pillbox hat, white (508) 252-5275 gloves, and of course your favorite strand of pearls. Seating is limited for the Tea. Tickets will not be sold at the (508) 252-5490 door and must be paid in advance. Cost is $12 per person, or a table of 8 is $10 per person. Discount applies to multiples of 8 only. For tickets and more information call the church at 508-222-1759. Contact Person: Doreen Rolince, C: 508-930-8371,
Taylor Heating
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Swim Across America To Make Waves In Fight Against Cancer
Open Water Swim to Raise Money for Women & Infants Hospital Women & Infants Hospital and the national nonprofit Swim Across America (SAA) host the sixth annual SAA Rhode Island Swim on Saturday, September 12,10AM, at Roger Wheeler State Beach in Narragansett, R.I. Registration is open for teams and individuals. “The swims are a great way for people to come together and participate in a sport they love alongside Olympic swimming legends while raising critical funds for Women & Infants Hospital,” said Janel Jorgensen McArdle, 1988 Olympic Silver Medalist and SAA president. The one-mile ocean swim starts at 10:15AM; half-mile swimmers run into the water at 10:45 a.m. The minimum age for participation is 12. All participants will receive an official Swim Across America T-shirt and towel. For full details, visit www.swimacrossamerica. org/riswim. Swim Across America is a nonprofit corporation that runs events nationwide to support cancer research at the country’s finest hospitals and institutions. Proceeds from the Rhode Island swim go directly to Women & Infants Hospital, the largest and most diverse oncology service for women in the Northeast, providing a broad spectrum of care for gynecological and breast cancers. Women &
September 2015 Infants, a Care New England hospital, has evolved into a worldrenowned, multi-disciplinary facility where clinicians uncover key answers to the questions of cancer and focus on the needs of the patients and families. Proceeds from Swim Across America events in Rhode Island have supported innovative research into the causes and treatments of women’s cancers conducted by staff of Women & Infants’ Program in Women’s Oncology,” said Cornelius “Skip” Granai III, MD, director of the Program in Women’s Oncology. “This research is vital to the thousands of women who face a cancer diagnosis each year. We are grateful to Swim Across America for its passion and dedication to this important endeavor on behalf patients and their families in Rhode Island and across the nation.” Every stroke makes a difference in the fight against cancer. For more information, email Kitty Tetreault at kitty@swimacrossamerica. org or visit: For more information about the Program in Women’s Oncology at Women & Infants, visit:
Peace Fest RI
Peace Fest RI brings people of RI together in peace, to participate in peaceful activities , to experience peace and to consider how they might be able to create more peace in families, communities and beyond. With celebrations in downtown Providence, we join multitudes of people everywhere on the planet coming together in celebration of the United Nations International Day of Peace. Millions of people everywhere in the world are creating thousands of Peace Day celebrations. Peace Fest RI is being organized by local pro-peace nonprofit The Peace Flag Project (PFP). This will be 12th Annual Peace Day celebration organized by PFP in downtown Providence. Our themes each year are community, diversity and peace. The 2015 Peace Fest RI will be held on September 19th from 1:00-4:30 pm at Burnside Park and Kennedy Plaza in Downtown Providence. This Festival is being organized by The Peace Flag as part of the Month of Peace in Rhode Island, an expansion of celebrations of the UN International Day of Peace, which is celebrated all over the world and which falls on September 21st every year.
Peace Fest RI is a 3-part event: 1:00 to 3:00 pm Activities for Peace at Burnside Park
(1) There will be activities for children and adults to enjoy that celebrate peace. Everyone can make Peace Flags, Peace Pinwheels, Peace Cranes, Peace T-shirts, tie-dye and more. There will also be a large interactive art project, storytellers/puppeteers, food trucks and other entertainment. (2) A number of RI’s hard-working nonprofits and community organizations will have tables to provide information and activities. This is a great opportunity for these nonprofits/organizations to spread the word about their important work on behalf of RI citizens. We will have about 20 nonprofits participating. These community groups and nonprofits help improve conditions in different ways, and they help to make life here more enjoyable and peaceful by addressing the difficult issues of our day.
3:00-3:30 Dance in Peace at Kennedy Plaza
The Reporter
Three amazing dancers are choreographing three dance numbers that will take place in Burnside Park and Kennedy Plaza: Sokeo Ros – Hip Hop Nellie Guerriero – Zumba style Nita Trivedi -- Bollywood style The final dance was choreographed by Rachel Balaban -- teacher at Brown, dancer, movement specialist for individuals with Parkinson’s Disease. Her choreography has been videoed and will be on Youtube for people to learn. There will be several practice sessions for dance groups around the state, so there will be a core of people familiar with the dance, but the audience will be invited to participate. The dance is intentionally easy to learn so that everyone who wants to participate can. ***After the Peace Dance is the part of the program where we would like to have Mayor Elorza and other officials say a few words. It is not necessary to give a speech; what we would like is for him to address the richness of diversity and the strength of community. Can provide more talking points.
3:30 Peace Walk at Burnside Park
The Peace Walk has been the traditional ending to our Peace Day festivities for each of our Peace Day events. Led by interfaith clergy, we all walk slowly and in silence, each step a step for peace. At the end of the Walk, we close Peace Day with interfaith prayers for peace.
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We are planning three Flash Mob dances; these are not being publicized. These are to surprise the crowd.
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The Reporter September 2015
scouts Time to join the Fun! Time to join Rehoboth/Seekonk Girl Scouts! Girl Scouts welcome all girls in grades K-12. Girl Scouting provides girls with the opportunity to Discover their world, Connect with others and Take Action to make a difference in their communities. Our age-appropriate programs, delivered with energy and expertise by deeply committed volunteers and staff, allow girls to explore their interests and unlock their potential. Fun fact: Only 10 percent of all girls become Girl Scouts, and yet: • 80 percent of women business owners were Girl Scouts. • 5 of the 6 US female Governors are Girl Scout alumnae. • over half of the 88 female members of the House of Representatives were Girl Scouts.
• Virtually every female astronaut who has flown in space was a Girl Scout. Empowering Girls. As Girl Scouts, girls discover the fun, friendship, and power of girls together. Girls grow courageous and strong through a wide variety of enriching experiences, such as field trips, skill-building, community service projects, cultural experiences, and lots of fun! Girl Scouts helps girls develop their full individual potential; relate to others with understanding and respect; develop values to guide their actions and for sound decision making; contribute to our community; and develop leadership skills. Join Girl Scouts and join the fun! Check out our Annual Local Events for all Rehoboth & Seekonk Girl Scouts. (More to be announced, plus Troop meetings and trips!) September 22 & 24: Registration & Girl Scout Info Nights October: Costume Party! Games, dancing, Fun! November & December: Toys Collected for Local Children. Food items collected for Holiday Baskets. January Cookie Sales! Cookies, cookies, & cookies! March: Girl Scout Cupcake Challenge! A sweet, fun contest! April:* Project Undercover BINGO! Family Fun! Donations of diapers, socks, underwear. May: Outdoor Day at Camp Promising Acres! Camping skills, crafts, traditions & fun! May: Memorial Day Parade. Let’s all march! June: End of Year Awards/Bridging Celebration. To discover more about Girl scouts, please join us at one of our Info Nights. More info can be found at Seekonk/Rehoboth Registration and Information Nights Tuesday, September 22nd from 6-8 at Goff Hall, Bay State Road in Rehoboth News ~ Sports ~ Schools ~ Things To Do Contact Rebecca: AcelineBarrett@aol. com Obituaries ~ Classifieds ~ Shopping & Vendors Thursday, September 24th from 5:30 – 7:30 at Seekonk Library Contact Beth: bethfecteau@comcast. net Service Unit Manager Colleen McBride: Photos ~ Letters & Opinions ~ Celebrations ~ Events Adult volunteers always welcomed!!! Girl Scout Mission: to build girls of courAnnouncements ~ Seasonal Articles ~ Recipes age, confidence, & character, who make the world a better place. Girl Scout Motto: Be Prepared. Girl Scout Slogan: Do a good turn daily.
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September 2015
The Reporter
Elizabeth Oakley of Rehoboth Receives Girl Scout Gold Award Elizabeth Oakley of Girl Scout Troop 507 in Rehoboth received the Girl Scout Gold Award on August 6, 2015 in a ceremony at the Carpenter Museum. Elizabeth has been a Girl Scout since kindergarten, and counts the girls in her troop among her closest friends; as part of the ceremony, they read her the Gold Award Challenge. The Gold Award is the highest award in Girl Scouting and is earned by a small percentage of Scouts. Fulfilling the requirements for this award begins with completing two Girl Scout Senior or Ambassador Journeys. With each Journey, a girl explores a subject in depth, challenging herself to develop the skills needed to plan and implement a project that will have an impact on her community. The Gold Award project requires the Girl Scout to spend a minimum of 80 hours identifying an issue important to her, investigating it thoroughly, creating a plan and presenting it for approval, building a team to work with, taking action, and educating and inspiring others. The project must have a measurable and sustainable impact and provide a benefit to the community. Elizabeth’s project, a Chimney Swift Tower, was designed to provide a new home for the chimney swifts which nested in the Carpenter Museum chimney for many years. Chimney swifts are native birds which eat insects and nest in hollow trees and chimneys. As a Museum volunteer, Elizabeth was aware that the Museum chimney was going to be capped, and as an animal lover, she wanted to make sure the birds had somewhere else to go. After researching the possibilities and assembling a support team, she designed and built an imitation chimney for the swifts. The swifts need to be able to fly straight down into the tower, so the tower has a square hole in the top and eleven feet of vertical space. The inside of the tower is made of rough plywood with horizontal grooves, so that the swifts can grip it with their claws and attach their nests to it. This is the first chimney swift tower built in Rehoboth. Elizabeth is the daughter of Rebecca H. Smith and Dr. Bernard Oakley of Rehoboth.
Elizabeth with her parents at the ceremony.
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1484 Newman Ave • Seekonk, MA 508.761.8668 Elizabeth Oakley receives her Gold Award.
The Reporter September 2015
Elizabeth Oakley awards her mother, Rebecca, with the Volunteerism Award A lifelong Rehoboth resident, she graduated from D-R in 2014 and completed her project that summer. She is currently a student at Colby College, where she plans to major in Environmental Science. Also receiving an award at Elizabeth’s Gold Star ceremony was Elizabeth’s mom, Rebecca H. Smith. Rebecca received her award for her outstanding volunteerism and dedication to the Girl Scout Troop over the years. It is also important to note that when Rebecca’s daughter graduated from the troop, Rebecca continued to be a leader so the troop would continue thrive. Thank you Rebecca for all your time and dedication to the town and Girl Scouts.
“Bring-a-Friend” Costume Party
Saturday, Oct. 24th Goff Hall At Blanding Library From 6 – 8 P.M.
Manage your account online @
Games, Crafts & Snacks Wear your costume and have fun with Girl Scouts from our local area. $1 Donation. Also, we’re collecting Thanksgiving Basket items such as cans of corn, cranberry sauce and stuffing. Non-perisable food pantry items welcome. Hosted by Troop 247 Rehoboth RSVP Carol-Anne Blackwell
September 2015
Scouts! New Members Welcome!
Come join American Heritage Troop MA3712 as we kick off our third full year of faith, service and fun as we strive to build women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. Our first meeting will be Thursday, September 17, from 3:45-5 at the Parish Center of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, located at 1040 Taunton Ave. (Rt. 44) in Seekonk. All are welcome! We are a group of Protestant and Catholics, public, private and homeschooling girls ages 5-16 (although AHG serves girls through age 18!). Some of our things we will be doing this year include working on badges & crafts, placing flags on vets graves for Veterans Day, participating in Operation Christmas Child, Christmas Caroling, hosting a luncheon for grandparents and godparents, marching in the Memorial Day parade, running a diaper drive for the local pregnancy help center, roller skating and more! Come check us out, we’d love to have you join us. For more info please visit Home - American Heritage Girls or call Troop Coordinator Liz Day at 774-991-0729.
The Reporter
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The Reporter September 2015
Who’s Who... & What They Do Profiling Local Businesses
Ribbon Cutting at Personal Touch REHOBOTH- This past Saturday, Personal Best Physical Therapy was welcomed to the Rehoboth community by over 70 guests at their grand opening celebration and ribbon cutting ceremony. Personal Best Physical Therapy opened for business in July of 2015, in Rehoboth, MA. The new business is located at 237 Winthrop St, in the center of Rehoboth at the junction of Route 44 and Route 118 in the Anawan Junction Plaza with Dunkin Donuts. This central location is convenient from all parts of Rehoboth, Seekonk, Dighton, Attleboro, Swansea, and Taunton. The space has been custom designed to serve the needs of an active physical therapy clinic. Private treatment rooms and an open gym space combine to allow for a wide variety of treatment needs. Chris Titcomb is the founder and owner of Personal Best Physical Therapy. Since graduating from Sacred Heart University in 2003 with a degree in Physical Therapy, he has been working as a physical therapist and managing outpatient sports based physical Don’t stop smoking until you are ready therapy clinics for the past 10 years. He lives in Rehoboth with his wife and young daughter and is excited to help serve the Traditional smoking cessation approaches tell local community. you to pick a date then throw your cigarettes away. Personal Best Physical Therapy believes But the problem is that you may not be ready and in a focus on the patient as the center of then some time later you relapse. care, providing a superior level of physical therapy in a friendly and welcoming My approach helps update your subconscious mind environment. Physical therapy sessions with the attitudes of a non-smoker first, so that you are focused on manual techniques and actually feel ready to quit, rather than having to functional exercises, where each patient force yourself. When people quit for good, receives 1:1 treatment without any double Call Rose at 774-991-0574 they are true non-smokers! booking ensuring faster recovery times and better outcomes. They are currently accepting new patients and have availability to or email: schedule within 48 hours of request. Additional information is available at: Hypnotherapy to make you a true non-smoker! or by calling 774-565-0796.
September 2015
Pronk! Returns: Announcing The 8th Annual Community and Activist Street Band Festival in Providence Monday, October 12, 2015
PRONK! Fans can attend pre-festival events on September 26
PROVIDENCE, RI –On Monday, October 12, 2015 Providence HONK! Fest (PRONK!) returns to Providence. Fans of PRONK! can get excited for this year’s festival at two free events – Family Fun Day, at the Dexter/Armory Park Farmer’s Market on Thursday, August 27, 4-7pm and the Big Pronk Party at The Dean Hotel Activisual Experience 2 on Saturday, September 26th, 12-9:30pm. On Monday October 12th, 2015, aka Indigenous People’s Day, the sounds and sights of street bands from here and around the country and around the world will fill our fair city as part of the 8th annual Providence HONK (PRONK!) Festival. And just who are these characters? We are a victory riot of local favorites like the Extraordinary Rendition Band, What Cheer? Brigade, and Kickin’ Brass. We are a cacophonous street celebration with out of town brass bands! We are a street intervention like no other, with outfits and misfits from Rhode Island and beyond - musicians, artists, activists, makers, and groups from around Providence - taking over the streets as part of the Providence HONK Parade. PRONK! is a grassroots, volunteer-run, neighborhood event made possible by the support of hundreds of local partners. PRONK! is a free, family-friendly, outdoor community and activist street band festival, featuring brass and drum-based street bands and other local community and activist organization for an always unforgettable afternoon and evening of celebration, awareness, and dancing in the streets. This year the festival anticipates 15 bands, as well as local community and activist groups—like New Urban Arts, Providence Student Union, Resources for Human Development, RI Latino Arts—in collaboration with local artists.
Details about Pre-PRONK! Events
Family Fun Day When: Thursday, August 27, 2015, 4-7pm Where: Dexter/ Armory Park, Parade St. And Hudson St. Cost: FREE – donations welcome A family-friendly event featuring face-painting, mask-making, an instrument petting zoo, bands, and more! Open to kids of all ages, with special attention paid to PRONK! fans ages 2-10. Lemonade and popcorn will be provided. Farm Fresh growers and vendors will meet your other snacking needs!
Big Pronk Party at The Dean Hotel’s Activisual Experience 2
When: Saturday, September 26, 12-9:30pm Where: Outside of The Dean Hotel, 122 Fountain Street
The Reporter
This year’s big PRONK! Party will be held in collaboration with The Avenue Concept at The Dean Hotel’s Activisual Experience 2. Join local PRONK! bands Extraordinary Rendition Band and a wild lineup of musical friends for a raucous party in preparation for the big event. Full line up to be posted on PRONK website:
Details about the 2015PRONK! Festival
When: Monday, October 12th, 2PM–10PM Where: The Streets of Providence. Parade route to be posted on PRONK website: Cost: FREE Festivities begin with performances from 2:30-4:30PM. Musicians and festival-goers will then line up to join the parade at 4:45pm. This year, with the support of the Rhode Island Arts Council (RISCA), the parade will be a participatory affair, with community and activist groups partnering with local artists to make large-scale puppets; banners; costumes; signs; props; flags; and other visual tools to communicate their work. Everyone is welcome to bring instruments and to play (or sing!) along! The festival will conclude with evening performances from 6:30 PM-9:30 PM on multiple stages along the Providence River. Music will be available on the PRONK! website ( and at the festival. This event is free and open to the public.
Background on PRONK!
PRONK! exploded onto the streets of Providence in 2008 inviting musicians, artists, activists, makers, and folks from all walks of life to come together for a day of celebration, awareness, and music. For the 8th annual festival, 15+ US and international street bands will join Providence’s finest musicians; artists; activists; and thousands of spectators in an unforgettable celebration of sound! PRONK! is part of a national/global HONK! movement with sister festivals in Austin; Detroit; Somerville, MA; NYC; Pittsburgh; Seattle; Wollongong, Australia; and Rio de Janeiro. Pronk! follows the HONK! Festival, held October 9-11th in Somerville, MA. The ideal timing of the two festivals allows PRONK! to host bands from as far away as Moscow and Seattle for the delight out of town visitors, residents, and the casual passersby, inviting all in attendance to revel in public space in Providence in a unique way. Many PRONK! musicians continue on to participate in HONK! NYC which begins on October 14th. The Providence Honk Festival committee is made up of a revolving cast of tireless volunteers who wear MANY hats to bring Pronk! to PVD each year. But, PRONK! would not be possible without the support of the hundreds of local partners! Kickstarter donors, fundraiser attendees, and grantors who provide critical support to bring this celebration to our park and streets. Local businesses donate space and help us feed the 200+ musicians that will descend upon our streets. Friendly neighbors house band members while they’re in town. Artists and activist organizations in the community come together to connect, offer voice to the cause of justice in our community, and to celebrate our shared vision. Volunteers roll up their sleeves to build, cook, create, clean, organize, speak, play and march. It takes a Pronk! village! PRONK! 2015 is help made possible by The Providence Tourism Council, Rhode Island State Council for the Arts, The Hot Club, The Avenue Concept, Coffee Exchange, and other gracious sponsors. For more info about PRONK!, including sponsors and performing bands visit or search for Providence Honk Fest on Facebook
Visit us on the web... www.
The Reporter September 2015
Rehoboth Council on Aging A Municipal Department of the Town
55 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769 Phone 508-252-3373 Fax 508-252-4617
Special Announcements for the Month
We will be closed Labor Day Sept 7th Tai Chi classes will start up again September 1st. We would like to thank our volunteers for all of their help.
COA Corner
We are looking for children’s print fabric donations. We will be making pillowcases for Sturdy Hospital. In lieu of the plastic “Personal Belongings” bag, the bags are given to the kids coming in for surgeries, sleep studies, etc., to put their stuff in, and they get to take it with them when they go home. We are also looking for yarn donations. We will be making chemo hats and infant hats.
Gert’s Cafe`:
Lunch is served at Gert’s Cafe` Mondays at 12 Noon. Menus consist of soup or salad, a main course, dessert, coffee, or tea. Stop in and enjoy a delicious lunch for the “Bargain” price of $3.00 donation. Sign up to get the good stuff and have a seat.
Soup’s On
Tues from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Small 16oz Soup and Sandwich $3.00 Small 16oz Soup $2.00 or Large 32oz Soup $3.00 donation To be announced on the Monday before.
The COA Breakfast:
Wed from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
The COA is serving egg sandwiches, 2 pieces of French toast or 2 pancakes for $2.00 donation and with your choice of ham, sausage, bacon or home fries for an extra .50 Start your day off with good Home Style cooked breakfast or have a mid-day snack for those who wake up with or before the chickens! Come on in and join us!
Tasty Thursdays Lunch:
Tasty Thursday Lunch is held on the last Thursday of the Month at 12 noon. Please come in and join us for lunch with friends. Cost $3.00 donation.
Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon Kitchen hours: Monday – Thursdays 8:00am to 12 noon
Musical Mondays:
Have fun with this group blending your voices in harmony and song. They meet on the first and third Mondays of the month at 1:00 PM. New voices are always welcome and invited.
Men’s Morning Coffee: Fridays at 9:00 AM
Come in and enjoy fresh coffee, pastry, and conversation with this lively group of Men.
Card Games:
Cards are here at the COA Mondays at 9:30 AM - Cribbage Tuesdays at 12:30 PM -a ladies group that plays cards and other games Wednesdays at 12:30 PM we have HiLo Jack Come on in and try your luck and have a great time doing it. All are welcome and if you are not sure how to play the folks will gladly teach you.
Art Classes:
Michelle’s Art Classes Cost of this is $4.00. Come on in and join us. Come early and have breakfast that is served from 8:30 to 10:30 AM Wednesdays. Please note that Art Class will resume in September. Art Class students are welcome to come in on Wednesday’s from 10-noon and paint.
Knitting and Crochet Group:
If you like to knit or Crochet or you wanted to learn this amazing Craft the Ladies of the Needles are always there to share their knowledge with you. Don’t be shy; women and men are both invited. Come in and try it out Fridays at 10:00 AM
Do you quilt? Do you know someone who quilts? Come on in and join in the fun of creating with our Quilting Group. There is plenty of knowledge and a great deal for fun with this group. Meets Thursdays at 9:30 AM.
Blood Pressures & Glucose Screenings:
Our town of Rehoboth nurse, Jamie will be available for blood pressure and glucose screenings. Please contact the COA 508252-3372 for more information.
Podiatry Clinic with Dr. Marian Markowitz
Dr. Markowitz’s appointments start at 10:00 AM. Please call 508-252-3372 to schedule your appointment.
Chair Yoga Exercise Classes:
Thursdays the COA is having fun exercise classes in Chair Yoga at 9:00 AM. Cost is $3.00 per class. Coming and have some fun and check it out.....
Tai Chi Classes:
Tuesdays at 9:00 AM. Tia Chi Classes - a way to exercise that’s easy on the joints and helps with balance...Makes a whole new you and has a great positive outcome for any age. Cost is $3.00 per class
Line Dancing Classes:
Tuesdays at 10:00 AM. Get in the grove if you like dancing this is a fun group for you. Everyone is welcome to try out some steps. Cost is $3.00 per class.
Meals on Wheels and Meal-Site:
Please contact Bristol Elders, Inc. at (508) 675-2101 for information on the Meals on Wheels program and on site meals served on Thursdays at the COA. A donation of $2.00 is requested for lunch, which consists of a main course, dessert and milk. Please call the day before to order a lunch.
The Best is Yet to Come:
The Best is Yet to Come - a senior social group that helps sponsor and doing activities that members suggest. They meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 1:00 PM at the Gladys L. Harrell Senior Center - 55 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 02769 Annual dues are $6.00 - they have many great activities through out the year
Senior Citizens Club:
The Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club is a Social and Charitable Club to help seniors in Rehoboth have a better life. Meetings are scheduled for the 1st Thursday @ 12:30 & 3rd Thursday @ 12 Noon at the Rehoboth Council of Aging building.
The Friends of the Elderly
The Friends of the Elderly help and partially fund some of the services at the Rehoboth Council on Aging - such as the podiatry. Friends meets at 10:00 AM on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. New members are always welcome.
September 2015 The Reporter
Veteran’s Information:
Veterans Service Officer can help you call 508-252-4467 Office hours are Monday thru Friday 9:00 AM to Noon
Registration is required for all upcoming programs. All activities will have a participant signup sheets for that program. Most of the activity programs that are in the Council on Aging are free and open to the public. Some programs require minimum attendance; if there is no interest then that activity will either be canceled or postponed. Please call 508-252-3372 for information on all activities or to sign up.
COA Bulletin Post on Community Information:
Please check the bulletin boards every time you come in to the Council on Aging for information on up coming events such as Free Health Screenings, Support Groups, and other important information that could benefit you, your family or friends.
The COA’s Outreach worker Bradley Marshall is available Mondays thru Wednesdays 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM and Thursdays 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM to assist you with Social Service needs from Fuel, Food, housing, Medical Insurance, and intervention help. Please call for an appointment at 508-2523372. Reminder: SNAP (Nutrition Program – Food Stamps) benefits can be applied for through this office. Please call for particulars on how to apply.
Serving Health Information Needs of Elders
Medicare, Medicaid celebrate 50 years By David Sayen | August 13, 2015 It’s easy to forget that before 1966, roughly half of all American seniors were uninsured, living in fear that the high cost of health care could plunge not only them, but their families, into poverty. Few of us remember that not long ago, far too many disabled people, families with children, pregnant women, and low-income working Americans were unable to afford the medical care they needed to stay healthy and productive. Fifty years ago, on July 30, 1965, the landscape of health care in America changed forever when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the landmark amendment to the Social Security Act that gave life to the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Medicare and Medicaid save lives, help people live longer and provide the peace of mind that comes with affordable health care
that’s there when you need it. Chances are, you or someone in your family either has Medicare or Medicaid or you know someone who does. In fact, Medicare and Medicaid cover nearly 1 out of every 3 Americans that’s more than 100 million people. Marking the 50th anniversary of these lifesaving programs this summer gives us an important opportunity to recognize and remember the ways these programs transformed the delivery of health care in the United States. Fifty years later, no other program has changed the lives of Americans more than Medicare and Medicaid. Today, about 55 million Americans depend on Medicare to cover 23 types of preventive services, including flu shots and diabetes screenings (some of these services are free; for others you have a deductible and a small copayment.) Medicare also covers hospital stays, doctor bills, lab tests, supplies like wheelchairs and walkers and prescription drugs. Medicaid provides comprehensive coverage to more than 70 million eligible children, pregnant women, low-income adults and people living with disabilities. It covers essential services like annual check-ups, care for new and expecting mothers and dental care for children from low-income families. Medicare and Medicaid provide more and more Americans with access to the quality and affordable health care they need and deserve to live happy, healthy and productive lives. Though they started as basic health programs for people who had no other access to health coverage, Medicare and Medicaid have helped millions get access to care they wouldn’t get otherwise. Over the course of five decades, Medicare and Medicaid have become the standard bearers for coverage, quality and innovation in American health care. Innovative and dedicated teams are combating fraud and working to continually improve the quality of life and care delivered under these programs. Medicare and Medicaid are among the most efficient and
well-managed health insurance programs in the world. They will continue to transform to create a health care system that delivers better care, spends health care dollars more wisely and results in healthier people. President Johnson would be heartened to know that the hard-fought efforts to improve our health care system have not only succeeded, but that America is on track to give even better access, higher quality care and improved health for the next 50 years and beyond. Mission: The Rehoboth Council on Aging shall coordinate and carry out programs designed to meet the needs, problems and benefits for the aging population of Rehoboth, and shall do so in coordination with the Programs of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Rehoboth Council on Aging shall: a. Provide, coordinate and link available resources to help meet the needs of the Town of Rehoboth’s elders. b. Carry out programs and services that range from information on community education, referrals, outreach, transportation, Meals on Wheels, health screenings, inter-generational activities, crafting programs and other programs beneficial to our seniors.
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The Reporter September 2015
Seekonk Human Services
Telephone: (508) 336-8772 FAX: (508) 336-2239
Seekonk Human Services Staff
Telephone: (508) 336-8772 FAX: (508) 336-2239 Executive Director Bernadette Huck Ext. 15 Senior Secretary Ashley Cartwright, MBA ext. 12 Clerical Assistant Kimberly Mallon ext. 10 Educational & Social Programs Karen Stutz ext. 14 Outreach Managers Adriana DoSantos, LSW. ext. 11 (Monday-Friday) Veronica Brickley, LPN BA SOC LSWA ext. 17 (Mon. Wed. Fri.) Senior Aides ext. 19 Loretta Ferreira, Sharon Bettencourt Executive Board Members Victoria Kinniburgh, Chairperson Rene Andrews, Vice Chairperson Anne Libby, Secretary Anita Gendron, Treasurer Christine Allen, Guy Boulay Beverly Della Grotta
*Center Hours
Monday – Thursday 8:30 – 4:30, Wednesdays 5:00 – 7:00 at Town Hall by Appointment Only, Friday 8:30 – 12:30
Cutcliffe Glavin
ARCHETTO Attorneys at Law R.I. and MA. Bars
Conrad M. Cutcliffe The Packet Building 155 South Main St., Suite 300 Providence, RI 02903-2963
(401) 454-1900 Fax (401) 331-7001
Seekonk Human Services will be CLOSED Monday, Sept. 7th for Labor Day
Lunch will be American Chop Suey for $3. Seating is limited; please sign up in advance by calling 508-336-8772.
8Th Annual Food for Fuel Pasta Fest
Wed, Sept 30, 2015
Thurs, Sept 24, 2015 Seekonk High School 4:30 – 7:00pm, Open Seating
ADULTS: $10: CHILDREN 12 & UNDER $5 Please help your neighbors have a safe winter! With rising costs of fuel, our neighbors are in need of assistance and the only way it can be done is with your help! Sponsored by the Seekonk Non – Profit Coalition —Benefiting Fuel & Utility Fund of Seekonk Human Services. Tickets will be sold in advance and take out will be available. Please call 508-336-8772 for tickets. *Dessert donations will be greatly appreciated. Please bring them to the Seekonk High School.
Diabetes Cooking with John Quintas
Wed, Sept 9, 2015 @ 10am
It’s that time of year again! John Quintas is coming back to do more diabetes cooking. But his cooking is not only for diabetics, it’s for those who want to eat healthier and reduce the risk of diabetes. Mr. Quintas will be making a Tuna Casserole with you today! Please sign up in advanced as space is limited for this class by calling 508-3368772. Lunch will be the Tuna Casserole and dessert for $3.
Triad: Project Lifesaver
Wed, Sept 23, 2015 @ 10am
Project Lifesaver is an innovative rapid response program designed especially for families with Alzheimer’s disease, Dementia, Down Syndrome, Autism, and related disorders. By using the most reliable technology available and specially trained personnel, Project Lifesaver team can quickly locate and return wandering adults and children to their families or care givers. Participants of the Project Lifesaver program wear a personalized one-ounce battery operated wristband that emits a tracking signal every second, 24 hours a day. When someone in the program is reported missing, a search and rescue team responds to the area and starts search with the mobile locator tracking system. Search times have been reduced from hours and days to minutes. In over 1,500 searches, there have been no reported serious injuries or deaths. Recovery times average less than 30 minutes.
Elder Abuse
Elder Abuse is an ongoing issue today with our seniors. Elder abuse ranges from physical and emotional abuse. There are ways to prevent and detect elder abuse. This presentation will help you recognize the signs and what to do in case you or someone you love is a victim of elder abuse. Lunch will be Chicken Pot Pie for $3. Seating is limited; please sign up in advance by calling 508-336-8772
Exploration Wednesdays
October 7th Melissa Luti from Rite Aid with games and prizes. Lunch: TBD October 14th: TBD Lunch: TBD October 28th Halloween Party! Lunch: TBD
Men’s Breakfast
Thursday, September 10, 2015 Toti’s Restaurant
All men are welcome to attend and no sign up is required. Bring a friend with you to enjoy a delicious breakfast. There is no set price for breakfast, order what you want, and pay for what you order.
Women’s Brunch
Thursday, September 17, 2015 Toti’s Restaurant
All women are welcome to attend and no sign up is required. Bring a friend with you to enjoy a delicious brunch. There is no set price for brunch, order what you want, and pay for what you order.
Medicare Open Enrollment October 15—December 7
It’s that time of year again! If you have a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO or PPO), you should receive a notice from your plan by the end of September. That notice outlines changes to be made to your plan for 2016: it is important to review, understand and save this information! During Medicare Open Enrollment, from October 15th to December 7th, you will be able to change your plan for next year. If you would like help understanding your upcoming changes and options, a trained SHINE counselor is available to offer FREE and CONFIDENTIAL counseling on all Medicare and related health insurance programs.
September 2015 The Reporter Learn more about how SHINE can help you: call Seekonk Human Services @ 508-3368772 to make your appointment.
Fuel Assistance
If you had fuel assistance last year, be on the lookout for your application. File the application as soon as you get it. If you have never had fuel assistance and would like to apply or if you need help filing your application, please call Seekonk Human Services at 508-336-8772 to make an appointment with the Outreach Department. Fuel Assistance begins November 1st.
Income Guidelines:
Maximum income for 1 person is $33,126, for 2 people is $43,319, for 3 people is $53,511, and for 4 people is $63,704. Income includes your social security, pensions and any interest income.
Needed Documents:
• Proof of income • 4 consecutive pay stubs • Social Security Award Letter or 1099 • Pension (Current 1099) • Interest Dividends (1099) • List of everyone in household plus their income • Homeowner’s must include: • Mortgage statement • Real estate tax bill • Insurance bill • Recent copy of electric bill and gas/ oil bill • Renters include: • Rent receipt • Recent copy of electric bill and gas/ oil bills • Food Stamps—copy of verification
Two Safety Measures, One Priority
The Bristol County Sheriff, Thomas Hodgson, is offering the “R.U.O.K?” program. Telephone calls are placed to seniors, disabled persons, and shut-ins. Calls are made the same time each day to check on the well being of the individual. If there is a no answer, a second call will be placed. If there is no answer after the second attempt, the Town’s first responders will be dispatched to physically check on the person. Applications are available at Seekonk Human Services. For more information, please call Seekonk Human Services at 508-336-8772.
Blood Pressure & Glucose Clinic Wed, Sept 23, 2015 9:00am—10:30am
Seekonk Human Services has partnered with the Seekonk Fire Department to provide a blood pressure & glucose screening on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 9:00am to 10:30am. This is a perfect opportunity to get your blood pressure & glucose
tested. This is a first come first serve clinic.
Knitters And Crochet
Yarn Donation Needed!
The knitters are busy creating hats, sweaters & mittens for infants in our town and seniors who need lap robes. Our knitters are in need of yarn to keep up with demand. Donations can be made by dropping off yarn at Seekonk Human Services, 320 Pleasant Street or by calling 508-336-8772. Thank you in advance for your donation.
Wii Fun
Fridays @ 10am
Come join us for some Wii Fun! The Wii is an excellent way to have fun and be active. Come join us! Call Seekonk Human Services @ 508-336-8772 for more information. No sign up is necessary just on in!
Seekonk Total Fitness
1301 Fall River Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771 508.336.4545 Seekonk Total Fitness is offering Senior Fitness Group Exercise Classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11am—12pm. The one hour fitness class is designed specifically for older adults and taught by a certified senior fitness instructor. This easy to follow workout is safe, heart-healthy and gentle on the joints. Energize your inactive lifestyle by increasing muscular strength, range of movement & balance. The cost per class is $1.
472 Taunton Avenue Seekonk, MA 02771 508.336.7103 $3 fee per class for the following classes:
Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Exercise
Mon, Wed, Fri @ 9am
Mon, Wed, Fri @ 9:45am
Silver Sneaker Classic
Mon, Wed, Fri @ 11am *Must be a Seekonk senior and have a scan card, please call 508-336-8772 for further information.
Gatra Photo IDs
GATRA Photo ID’S can be done at Seekonk Human Services. No appointment is necessary. Just fill out an application and take a picture and the ID will be mailed within 2 weeks. Please contact Ashley Pimental @ 508-336-8772.
Free Medical Equipment
Our FREE Medical Loan Closet is available to Seekonk residents. We are in need of wheelchairs. Please call Seekonk Human
Services to schedule pick up/drop off and/ or donations at 508-336-8772. *Please do not leave medical equipment at Town Hall.
National Emergency Preparedness Month
“Are You Ready?” Helps You Be Prepared
Annually, the month of September is designed as “National Emergency Preparedness Month” and is set aside to raise awareness of the importance of emergency preparedness planning. According to the American Red Cross, the better people prepare for a disaster, the better they are able to survive it. To assist community elders to prepare not only for a major natural disaster such as a hurricane, but also for less dramatic incidents like a house fire or a prolonged power outage.
A Disaster Supply Kit Should Contain:
A three-day supply of water (one gallon per person per day) Non-perishable food such as peanut butter, tuna fish, bread, remember a manual can opener One change of clothes and footwear per person and one blanket or sleeping bag per person (store them in an easy-to-carry container). Be sure your bags have ID Tags and any other equipment such as wheelchairs, canes or walkers are labeled as well Prescription medications and special items for the elderly or disabled family members A battery-powered radio and flashlight with extra batteries (candles are not recommended) An extra set of car keys A credit card or cash
2015 TRIPS
Newport Playhouse Featuring Always A Bridesmaid Thursday, December 17, 2015 $ 49 per person (gratuity included) Depart: 10:00am Return: Approx 5:00pm In this hilarious comedic romp, four friends have sworn to keep the promise they made on the night of their Senior Prom: to be in each other’s weddings…no matter what. More than thirty years later, these Southern friends-for-life are still making “the long walk” for each other, determined to honor that vow. ALWAYS A BRIDESMAID is the rollicking tale of four loyal and determined women who definitively answer the question, “Just how far are you willing to go to keep a promise to a friend?” If you’ve ever elbowed a stranger out of the way to catch a bride’s bouquet, seriously questioned the mental stability of the duo saying “I do” or been forced to wear the world’s ugliest bridesmaid dress, this deliriously funny JONES HOPE WOOTEN COMEDY is definitely for you…and your dearly beloved!
The Reporter September 2015
*Please note: All trips leave from Seekonk Human Services unless otherwise noted. 50% deposit is required at sign up and final payment must be made two weeks prior to trip. Checks are to be made payable to the Town of Seekonk. To ensure trips are not cancelled please sign up one month prior to trip at the latest in order to give the tour company an accurate count. For any information regarding trips please contact Ashley Cartwright at 508-336-8772.
Monthly Newsletter Online
*The Town Crier website link is: Click on Departments Click on Human Services * NOTE: Seekonk Human Services offers many legal, financial, recreational, medical screening and/or other activities and services by volunteers or nominal cost practitioners. Seniors participating in these services/activities do so with the understanding that Seekonk Human Services, the Town of Seekonk or its employees do not assume any legal or other responsibility for any advice or services rendered by such volunteers or nominal cost practitioners.
Donald E. MacManus Attorney at Law
General Practice of Law Including: • • • •
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Dave Says... The best of the three Dear Dave, I’m 61 and on disability, but I’m completely debt-free and I have more than $1 million in assets. I even try to spend no more than four percent of the principal each year, so I don’t dip into it. I need to buy a better car, and I realize that I have three options — pay cash, do a lease or finance the vehicle. What do you suggest? Linda Dear Linda, There’s no way I’ll ever tell you to lease or finance a car. You have a nice, peaceful financial life, and you don’t want to mess that up. New car leases are one of the biggest rip-offs on the planet. Consumer Reports, and my calculator, both say leasing is the most expensive way to operate a vehicle. And why would you want the hassle of car payments when you’re in such good shape with your money? I’m alright with you buying a new car, because for someone like you it’s such a small portion of your overall financial picture. I advise people to always buy good, used cars unless they have a net worth or $1 million or more, and you definitely fall into that category. Still, my advice is to pay cash or don’t do the deal. You’re more than able to do this every few years and not move the needle where your finances are concerned. Go get that new, better car, Linda. Just don’t go into debt to make it happen! —Dave
Call (508)336-6440 309 Taunton Ave, Seekonk MA 02771 Licensed to practice in Massachusetts & Rhode Island
Rehoboth Senior Citizens’ Club
We are always happy to welcome new members into our club… Rehoboth residents or non-residents are welcome. Dues are payable on or before the first meeting in May. If you would like to become a member of our club, please fill out the application below:
Membership Application = Must be 55 years of age Name_________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ Phone number_________________________________________________________ Date of birth___________________________________________________________ Dues are $4.00 a year Amount enclosed $__________________________________________ Please make checks payable to: Rehoboth Senior Citizens’ Club and send to: Rehoboth Senior Citizens’ Club 55 Bay State Road Rehoboth, MA 02769-2317
No, no, no! Dear Dave, My wife and I are recent graduates with advanced degrees. We also have about $300,000 in student loan debt. We’re thinking about buying a rental property, and the plan is to get a mortgage with monthly payments of $400 and charge $800 in rent. We could use the extra to help pay off our debt. Do you think this is a good idea? Jeremy Dear Jeremy, Are you serious? You’re in a financial crisis, and you ask if it’s okay to buy a rental property? No, no, no! Right now, you guys are acting like Congress. You have a huge mess on your hands, and you’re both going to have to work like crazy to clean it up. That means living on rice and beans for the foreseeable future. It means no vacations, and you should not see the inside of a restaurant unless you’re working there to make extra money. Again, no! You should not buy a rental property. Even if you did, this plan assumes that it’s constantly occupied and the renter actually pays. Those are two pretty big assumptions. Use whatever money you have to get out of debt, and live simple, inexpensive lives until you get this behind you. Stop trying to borrow your way through all of your dreams, Jeremy. Doing that will only turn those dreams into nightmares! —Dave
September 2015 The Reporter
IN MEMORIAM Rehoboth George DeAmaral, 79, of Rehoboth, passed away on Sunday, August 2nd, after a brief illness. Kevin W. Jarvis, 37, of Rehoboth passed away Tuesday August 4, 2015. Karen L. (Martin) Kiley, 38, of Rehoboth, MA, passed on Friday, August 21, 2015 with family by her side and in the peace of her home, where endless love and support poured over her.
Walter H. Munroe
Rehoboth, MA – Walter H. Munroe, 69, of Rehoboth, MA died unexpectedly Sunday, August 23, 2015 at Sturdy Memorial Hospital, Attleboro, MA. He was the beloved husband of Sharon (Alburn) Munroe. Mr. and Mrs. Munroe were married for 48 years. Born in Attleboro, MA, a son of the late Ralph G. and Jane (Hodges) Munroe, he was a life-long resident of Rehoboth. Mr. Munroe was a life-long farmer on the family farm and a part-time surveyor for Otis-Dyer. He was instrumental in all areas of the family businesses including Munroe Feed & Supply in Rehoboth. Farming was his passion in life. He lived everyday doing what he loved most and passed away taking care of his animals. He served on many committees in the Town of Rehoboth including the Finance Committee, the Water Commission, the Housing Authority and the Rehoboth Agricultural & Natural Resources Preservation Council, where he worked so hard to set up the Agricultural Trust Fund to preserve land in Rehoboth. He was also a Fence Viewer. Besides his wife, he is survived by his loving children, Elizabeth J. Munroe of Taunton, MA and Benjamin J. Munroe of Rehoboth, MA; two brothers, Robert S. Munroe and his wife Susan of Rehoboth, MA and Ralph G. Munroe, Jr. of Park Forest, IL; and his two beloved grandsons, John P. Munroe and Frank J. Czepiel, Jr. He was the brother of the late Elizabeth Mahoney Koons. His services will be private in respect of his wishes. Calling Hours are respectfully omitted. In lieu of flowers, contributions to the Town of Rehoboth Agricultural Trust Fund – In Memory of Walter H. Munroe, 148 Peck Street, Rehoboth, MA 02769 would be appreciated. For Guest Book, please visit Arrangements entrusted with Bellows Funeral Chapel, 160 River Road, Lincoln, RI 02865.
Seekonk Judith A. (Rennick) Sullivan, 77, died Thursday, August 20th at the R.I. Hospital. Norma (Iaria) Bairos, of Seekonk, passed away peacefully Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015. Virginia E. Hawksley, 83, of Arcade Avenue passed away on Sunday August 23, 2015 at Miriam Hospital. Joseph Rezendes, 93, of Woodward Avenue, Seekonk, died early Sunday morning, Aug. 23, 2015, at the VA Medical Center, Providence.
Grief Support for Adults and Children
Community VNA Hospice and Palliative Care offers a six week bereavement series September 30th to November 3rd. This program is for any adult experiencing loss and offers a learning and supportive approach. Meetings are held Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:00pm. On Saturday, September 26th children ages 5 through 13 can attend Kids’ Club. This program provides a supportive and understanding atmosphere, where experienced grief specialists guide the children to explore and express their feelings through crafts and sharing. Kids’ Club is funded under grant support from the TJX Foundation. Meeting location for both is Community VNA, 10 Emory Street, Attleboro, MA. Grief programs are free and open to the public. Pre-registration is required; please call 800-220-0110 or 508-222-0118. Community VNA Hospice and Palliative Care offers grief support to any person in the community who has had a loss through death, not just those whose loved one was cared for by the agency. Grief professionals provide suggestions and support for adults and children. They are also a resource on how to help others who are grieving. To learn more, please go to www.communityvna. com.
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Prices subject to change without notice.
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Cook Funeral Home and Foley Funeral Home have merged. Foley-Cook-Hathaway is pleased to serve you from our lovely, updated location at 126 South Main Street.
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The Reporter September 2015
HUNGRY? find it in the... Just a Pinch Recipe Column By Janet Tharpe
COUNTRY KITCHEN Serving Breakfast & Lunch
Catering AVAILABLE Homemade Jellies Breads - Pastries Baskets to order • Daily Specials • • Catering Available•
With the kids back in school, Parents... Enjoy Breakfast or Lunch with us!
Take out Available (508) 336-9807 469 Taunton Ave., Rt. 44, Seekonk, MA
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 6am-2pm, Sat. 7am-11am, Sun. 8am-12pm
Easy School Night Dinner Mac and Cheese With Veggies With kids heading back-to-school, Jenny Powers’ Mac and Cheese with Veggies is a super easy weeknight meal. Kids never turn down a bowl of mac and cheese, and with a recipe this tasty you can bet they’ll come back for seconds. Plus, it’s a great way to sneak in some veggies! See step-by-step photos of Jenny’s recipe plus thousands more from home cooks nationwide at: You’ll also find a meal planner, coupons and chances to win! Enjoy and remember, use “just a pinch”... -Janet “Loved by everyone that eats it!” - Jenny Powers, Franklin, TN (pop. 62,487)
What You Need
Tiki Bar & Restaurant Mon/Tues: 11am to 9pm - Kitchen Bar open till 10:00 Wed/Thurs: 11am to 10pm - Kitchen Bar open till 11pm Fri/Sat: 11am to 11pm - Kitchen Bar open til midnight/1am Sun: 11am to 8pm - Kitchen Bar open till 9pm
82 Hillside Ave., Rehoboth MA 508.252.5563 www.hillsidecountryclub
16 oz box of elbow macaroni, cooked al dente 1 large onion, finely chopped 1 green pepper, chopped 2 stalks of celery, chopped 1 small can of green chilis, drained 1 stick butter 6 tbsp all-purpose flour 2 c heavy whipping cream 1 c sour cream 4 c shredded cheddar (can use a combo of different cheese) 1 1/2 tsp dry mustard 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp white pepper
• Combine all ingredients and put into a greased casserole dish. • Cut the butter into small pieces and stir with warm macaroni to melt. • Bake at 350 for 1 hour. • You might have to cover with foil if it starts to get too brown. • This dish makes its own sauce while baking. ©2011 Just A Pinch Recipe Club. Brought to you by American Hometown Media Used by Permission.
September 2015 The Reporter
Dining Guide
It’s hard to imagine not falling passionately in love with Audra LeNormand’s moist, delicious Banana Cake! All of the flavors blend perfectly... with just the right punch of banana. Depending on how large your bananas are, you may need to adjust the quantity. But to me, the more bananas the better! See step-by-step photos of Audra’s recipe plus thousands more from home cooks nationwide at: You’ll also find a meal planner, coupons and chances to win! Enjoy and remember, use “just a pinch”... -Janet “This recipe is over 100 years old!” - Audra LeNormand, Liberty, TX (pop. 8,397)
Ad Here!! r u Yo
Basic Ingredients Shine in This Old-Fashioned Banana Cake
l l 508 2.6 5 .25
The Home of Real Authentic Mexican Cuisine
What You Need
2 sticks butter 2 c sugar 4 eggs 1 c milk 3 c flour 3 tsp baking powder 1 tsp Mexican vanilla
SYRUP: 2 1/2 c sugar 1 c water 1 lemon juiced 12 bananas sliced
• Preheat over to 350 F. • Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs; mix well. Add milk; mix well. • Add flour and baking powder; mix well. Finally, add Mexican vanilla; mix well. • Grease and flour two 9-inch round cake pans. • Bake for 30 to 35 minutes. Cool on wire racks. • While cake is baking, combine sugar and water in a medium saucepan. • Heat until syrupy, then add lemon; allow to cool. • Place one cake on a cake platter and prick holes in it with a fork. • Place half of the sliced bananas on the 1st layer and pour 1/2 of syrup over Famous the bananas and cake. • Place 2nd cake layer on top of the 1st. Prick holes, layer bananas, then use the last of the syrup. • Store leftovers in the refrigerator. ©2011 Just A Pinch Recipe Club. Brought to you by American Hometown Media Used by Permission.
Taco Tuesday
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for our Wings & Pulled Pork Over 80 Flavors of Sauce Huge Salads 12 Ft HD TV 16 Beers on Draft
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The Reporter September 2015
Rehoboth Emergency Management Agency Offers Power Outage Safety Tips: Throughout this hurricane season the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) urges residents to prepare for the possible impacts of a hurricane or tropical storm. These storms can bring strong winds that cause widespread power outages. “As we have experienced in recent years with a variety of storms, strong winds have the capability to topple utility poles and trees, as well as snap tree limbs causing them to fall on power lines and disrupt electrical service” warns Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency Director Kurt Schwartz. “It is important to plan for prolonged power outages and learn the practical steps you can take to keep your family safe.” While power is often restored in a reasonably short time, history has shown that more destructive hurricanes and tropical storms can cause prolonged power outages because restoration is hindered by multiple downed trees and wires, debris blocking roads, and flooding that limits the utility companies’ ability to address issues. The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) offers the following tips for preparing for, and dealing with a longer term power outage: • Check flashlights and portable radios to ensure that they are working. • A radio is an important source of weather and emergency information during a storm. • Use flashlights for lighting, not candles which can be a fire hazard. • Fully charge your cell phone, laptop, and any other devices before the storm. • Ensure that you have extra batteries as part of your Emergency Kit .
• If you own a car, purchase a car phone charger so that you can charge your phone if you lose power at your home. • Download the free Massachusetts Alerts app to your smartphone to receive important weather alerts and messages from MEMA. • Consider purchasing a generator to provide power during an outage. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines when using a generator. • Always use outdoors, away from windows and doors. Carbon Monoxide fumes are odorless and can quickly accumulate indoors. • Never try to power the house wiring by plugging the generator directly into household wiring, a practice known as “backfeeding.” This is extremely dangerous and presents an electrocution risk to utility workers and neighbors served by the same utility transformer. It also bypasses some of the built-in household circuit protection devices. • Don’t get overheated. If the power goes out when it is hot outside, stay in the lowest level of your home where it will be coolest, put on light-weight, light-colored clothing, and drink lots of water. Remember to give your pets and/or service animals fresh, cool water; and if you need it, see if your community has “cooling centers” or shelters open. • Do not call 9-1-1 to report your power outage or to ask for information; use 9-1-1 only for emergencies. Contact your utility company to report the outage and get restoration information. • Check in on friends, family, and neighbors, particularly those most susceptible to extreme temperatures and power outages such as seniors and those with access and functional needs.
Seal Coating • Line Striping • Residential Driveways • Commercial Repair
401-241-2000 • 508-336-0064 • Fax: 508-336-4446 Email:
Roger Beausoleil - Owner
September 2015 The Reporter FOOD AND WATER PREPARATION
• If you have a water supply that could be affected by a power outage, such as a well-water pump system, fill your bathtub and spare containers with water. • Water in the bathtub should be used for sanitation purposes only, not as drinking water. • Pouring a pail of water from the tub directly into the bowl can flush a toilet. • Set your refrigerator and freezer to their coldest settings (remember to reset them back to normal once power is restored). During an outage, minimize the number of times you open the refrigerator or freezer door. • Food can stay cold in a full refrigerator for up to 24 hours and in a well-packed freezer for 48 hours (24 hours if it is half-packed).
C us t o m Pa ving Residential • Commercial • Industrial
Driveways • Decorative Stone • Seal Coating
$649 Installed
10% off Large Driveways
(508)222-0133 Licensed Insured • Free Estimates
• Find out about individual assistance that may be available in your community if you need it. • Register in advance with the local emergency management agency, the local fire department, other government agencies or non-profit groups. • If you have medication that requires refrigeration, check with your pharmacist for guidance on proper storage during an extended outage. • If you use medical equipment in your home that requires electricity, talk to your health care provider about how you can prepare for its use during a power outage. Ensure you have extra batteries for medical equipment and assistive devices. • If you have life-support devices that depend on electricity, contact your local electric company about your power needs for life-support devices (home dialysis, suction, breathing machines, etc.) in advance of an emergency. Some utility companies will put you on a “priority reconnection service” list. • Talk to your equipment suppliers about your power options. • Let the fire department know that you are dependent on life-support devices.
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Office: 116 Plain Street Swansea, MA 02777
Keith G. Marchand
Over 25 Years of Caring for Our Community
• Keep the gas tank in your car at least half full because gas stations rely on electricity to power their pumps. • Know where the manual release lever for your electric garage door opener is located and how to operate it. Garage doors can be heavy, so you might need help to lift it. • If a traffic light is out, treat it as a four-way stop.
• In order to protect against possible voltage irregularities that can occur when power is restored, you should unplug all sensitive electronic equipment, including TVs, stereos, VCRs, microwave ovens, computers, cordless telephones, answering machines and garage door openers. • Leave one light on so that you will know when your power returns. • Be extra cautious if you go outside to inspect for damage after a storm. Downed or hanging electrical wires can be hidden by trees or debris. Never attempt to touch or moved downed lines. Keep children and pets away from them. • Call your utility company to report any outage-related problem such as downed wires. • Throw away any food that has been exposed to temperatures 40° F (4° C) for 2 or more hours or if it has an unusual odor, color or texture. When in doubt, throw it out!
Waterview Villa Rehabilitation and Health Care Center is a 132 bed facility that offers the following: • • • • •
Physical • Occupational • Speech Therapies • IV Therapies Enteral Nutrition and Hydration • Wound/Post Surgical Care Tracheostomy Care • Ostomy Care • Cox TV and Wi-Fi Services Telephone Services Central Air Conditioning Private Bathroom in all Resident Rooms
Come and tour our beautiful facility.
401-438-7020 1275 SOUTH BROADWAY, EAST PROVIDENCE, RI Managed by Athena Health Care Systems
The Reporter September 2015
Place Classified ads at
ing and much, much more... No early birds! Rain date: Sunday 9/20.
WANTED: Civil War, WW1, WW2, Anything to do with military; helmets, knives, uniforms, guns, HAVE (license), anything related to wartime, will pay cash for items, ask for Charles, 508-230-6444; call anytime
FOR SALE: East Providence 2 Family in Kent Heights. This house has been well maintained, vinyl siding, energy efficient windows, new roof. Good income & living, in nice area. $215,00 or best, owner financing, please call 401-241-3383.
Flower Vases Wanted: Please donate, I can pick up; call Debbie at 401-632-3602.
HELP WANTED: Carpenter’s helper, full time, 1-2 years experience in all phases of carpentry, will consider recent trade school graduates, tools and transportation required, must be clean-cut, organized and confident, call Mark for an interview at 401-480-7190. TAX PREPARER Free tuition tax school. IRS approved. Qualifies for CE credits. Earn EXTRA INCOME after taking course. Flexible schedules, convenient location. Register now! Courses start September 22. Call (401) 572-3644 Liberty Tax Service. Small fee for books.
Miscellaneous Items For Sale: Brass Headboard & Footboard King size, Baby Carriage, Large Wall Mirrors, ladies Adams golf clubs with bag, B/O on each item. 508241-3550. Camper: Forest River, 5th wheel, 31’, three slides, king size bed, sofa sleeper, oak interior with oak dining table and chairs, two reclining rockers with table lamp, ample storage, barely used. $19,999.00. Call 508828-0599.
Rehoboth: One Bedroom Apartment for rent: $775.00 per month. Call Henry at 727-418-6468. Large 3rd fl apt in East Providence: 3 bdr, 1 bath, hardwood floors; lg kitchen, stove & fridge included. LR and DR. Front Porch & backyard. Storage room. Gas heat. No smoking, No Pets. Street Parking. Security Deposit, First and Last Month's rent required. Utilities are not included. $900 Call 508-252-9293. FOR RENT/LEASE: Dighton/Rehoboth line. Great Commercial pad site on busy Rte. 44, has town water and is near intersection. Could be the perfect place for your business in this up and coming area. ALSO large loft great for yoga, massage therapy, herbs, etc. $800 month with electric supplied, first and last, no smoking, no pets. Call Allan 774-218-1959. FOR RENT – RIVERSIDE: Ranch House, gas heat, quiet area, near stores, bus line and schools. Call for more information… 401-439-1202.
Nissan Altima 2011 coupe. 4-cyl. Black crimson w/black interior. AM/FM/CD player. Remote start. Heated/cooled seats. Full pwr. 32000 Excellent condition. 14500.00 Betty 4014346909.
FOR RENT: Central E.P. location, real nice comfortably furnished, private, setup for ONLY ONE MALE. Non-smoker, cable, utilities, fridge, micro, storage shed, lovely yard, parking, bus. $140 weekly. 401-434-1372
WOOD STOVE – AMERICUS: Heavy cast iron, H 23”, L 28”, W 14”. $200. Call 508-336-7486
EAST PROVIDENCE: 2 Family, 4 BR Kent Height house, well maintained with vinyl siding, energy efficient windows, new roof, good income and living in nice area. $215,000. Or Best. Owner financing, please call 401-241-3383.
COUCH: 88 “ Good Condition, floral, comfortable. Make offer. 508-336-8566.
Multi Family Yard Sale - Back Again!! 199 Brightridge Ave, East Providence - Saturday 9/19 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Multi-family sale. Back again! Furniture, Books, Tools, Cloth-
CUSTOM LOG CABIN HOME: White Mountains New Hampshire, Located on Pearl Lake Rd, on the lake, kayaks and small boats; Sugar Hill, Franconia NH, sleeps 6,
fireplace; minutes from New Hampshire attractions; Franconia Pkwy, Santa’s Village, Whale’s Tail Water Park, and Cog Railway; Fall foliage viewing, swimming, hiking, fishing, boating, or just R&R; weekly $550 and weekends $255, Call Joe at 401-439-8089.
PIANO LESSONS: Taught in my home, both classical and popular to persons of all ages. Anita Russo, 8 Terrybrooke Road, Rehoboth 508-252-4208.
We can help you de-clutter your environment! A2Z Cleanout Services. Estates, attics, basements, garages, yards, storage units, offices, and more. Professional service at reasonable rates. Over 15 years experience. Free estimates. Call or text Tim @ 508-369-9067. PARTY RENTAL SERVICES: Moonwalks for sale; or rent for $125 per weekend. 20x30 Tent package includes tables & chairs $350. 20x20 tent package includes tables & chairs $250. Set up Included. Call early for Reservation. Dan 401-255-1072. (e915) BIG BLUE REMOVAL SERVICE: Attic, Cellar, Total House; We take everything! Furniture, Brush, Appliances, Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Trash…Demolition of Fences, Sheds, Decks, Pools. Let us do the work. Free Estimates. Call Tony 508-2261295; THE ESTATE GUYS: Buying contents of houses, barns, farms garages, cellars, attics, industrial buildings. Cash paid no need for timely yard sales. Call Tom or Anthony 774-331-2681.
Classifieds are a lot easier! Visit Post your classifed for PRINT and/or ONLINE, Pay with your credit card.
September 2015 The Reporter
September Business Directory CATEGORY A/C & Heating Appliance Repairs Appliance Repairs Art Supplies/Framing Attorney Attorney Attorney Attorney Attorney Auto Body Auto Body Shop Auto Detailing Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Bank Bike Shop Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Contractor Building/Remodeling Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Carpet Cleaning Child Care Child Care Child Care Child Care Chimney Cleaning Chimney Services Cleaning Service Collectibles Computer Repair Consignment Store Country Club Credit Union Dance Studio Dance Studio Dentist Dentist Dentist Dentist Dentist Dentist Dentist Disposal Service Dog Grooming Dog Services Driveways & Masonry Dry Cleaners Dry Cleaners Electrician Electrician Electrician
LS Heating & Air Conditioning 45 Affordable Appliance Repair Co. 75 McPartland Appliance Repairs 56 Gregory D. Dorrance, Co. 16 Cutcliffe, Galvin & Archetto 84 Donald E. MacManus, Attorney 86 Laurie P. Mullen 24 Law Office of Luke P. Travis 36 Stephen E. Navega 21 Tri Star Autobody, Inc. 31 Seekonk Auto Body 72 MS Classic Cars 25 Somerset Chrysler Jeep 37 Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 14 Coastway Community Bank 19 Your Bike Shop 70 A. M. Carpentry 34 Manuel Labor Inc. 60 Nerney Construction 73 Ferreira Builders, Inc. 50 Bay State Carpet and Upholstery 41 Earle’s Carpet Cleaning 26 M & S Carpet & Upholstery 56 Alphabet Soup Preschool 70 Alphabet Tree Preschool 69 Twin Oaks Farm Learning Center 68 Village Green Preschool 67 RJD & Sons - Chimney Sweep 74 Kenny’s Masonry and Chimney 58 Debbie’s Cleaning Service 44 Wexler’s Collectibles 31 ICU 4 PC’s 52 Saks Consignment 11 Hillside Country Club 2 Community & Teachers Credit Union 9 InStep Dance Studio 66 Step Ahead School of Dance 51 David C. Zaluski, D.D.S. 73 Dr. Wassouf D.D.S. 55 Eager Family Dentistry 18 Frank P. Casarella 77 Lisa Daft DMD & Associates, PC 49 Ritebite Dental 30 Romani Orthodontics 9 Professional Duct Cleaning 96 Groom & Style 61 Canine Mastery, Inc 54 DeJesus Driveways 59 Anawan Cleaners 17 S & B Cleaners 17 ALKO Electric 31 Dorrance Electric 64 Greaves Electric 54
CATEGORY Electrician Entertainment Excavating Farm Farm Farm - Apparel Feed & Garden Store Feed & Garden Store Fence Installation Fence-Sales/Serv. Fitness - Dance Flooring - All Types Flooring - All Types Flooring - Wood Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil & LP Fuel - Propane Fuel - Propane Funeral Home Furniture Garden Center Generators Golf Cars Golf Club Granite Contractor Grocery / Meat Market Gun Shop Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health Care Heating & Air Heating Service Home Improvements Home Improvements Home Improvements Home Improvements Home Improvements Horse Shoeing Horse Stable-Lessons House Cleaning Hypno Therapy Insurance Agency Irrigation Kitchen Remodeling Kitchen/Bath Design Landscape Materials Landscape Materials Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service
Neal Bellavance Electric Arts in the Village MJD Excavating, Inc. Souza Family Farm The Rocking “O” Alpaca Farm, LLC Kave Rock Farm Bay State Pet & Garden Supply Ventura Grain - Attn. Jessica Fence Tech Foxx Fence Zumba with Liz Morrell Custom Linocraft Earle Dias Interiors David J. Ledoux Hardwood Floors Al’s Quality Oil Co. COD OIL E & V Oil Co. Pricerite Discount Heating Oil W.H. Riley & Son Dupuis Oil Propane Plus Hathaway Funeral Home Swanton’s Furniture, Inc Little Tree Nursery Columbus Fan & Machine New England Golf Cars Segregansett Country Club TWD Surfaces Parker’s Meat Market Bay State Trading Post Bliss Life Yoga & Wellness New Life Nutrition Community VNA Taylor Heating-Air Conditioning Larry’s Heating & A.C. DTP Construction Horner Millwork Mark Koussa Carpentry, Inc. Remodelers Outlet Stateside Vinyl Siding Company Greg Chance Horseshoeing Journey’s Haven Riding School MJ Cleaning Thought Alchemy Smith Insurance Group Lisco Irrigation Kitchens Direct, Inc Infinity Kitchens Bairos Construction, Inc J & J Materials Corp. Big Sky Landscaping Kimmell Landscaping Lawnscapes
46 49 72 57 42 11 8 17 54 45 51 43 41 62 28 18 96 42 78 30 95 87 22 40 23 29 40 20 17 27 51 23 83 74 63 52 37 65 57 25 52 71 23 80 59 60 28 39 27 79 63 59 36
The Reporter September 2015
September Business Directory CATEGORY
Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Marble Fabricators Martial Arts Martial Arts Masonry-Construction Masonry-Construction Massage Therapy Mortgage Broker Mortgage Broker Motorcycle Sales Music Music, Weddings Nail Salon Nursing Homes Orthodontics Paint Store Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Services Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Paving Contractor Pest Control Services Pest Control Services Pet Services Physical Therapy Plastering & Painting Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Powerwashing Private School Private School
MacManus Landscape Services 38 Oakhill Landscape 56 Superior Lawn Care 6 Star Marble & Granite 41 Dojo One 67 USA Karate 71 StoneScapes - Mark Carvalho 64 William Gallant, Jr. Masonry Services 46 Serenity Massage 70 Accutrust Mortgage 15 The Washington Trust Company 32 Motor Sports Nation 48 Ray Mullin Music 68 Classic Flute Duos 6 Rehoboth Nails & Spa 71 Waterview Villa 91 Romani Orthodontics 9 The Paint Shoppes 50 Delisle & Son Painting & Repair 11 EZ Painting 94 Gagne Painting Company 22 Iachetti Painting Company 73 Lundco Painting LLC. 79 KGM Painting & Wallcoverings 91 All Phase Asphalt Driveways 90 Custom Paving Company 91 Mohegan Seal Coating Co 26 Ryan Asphalt Paving 58 Bi-State Pest Control 65 Guardian Pest Control 38 Rehoboth Pet Care 12 Personal Best Physical Therapy 80 David Laurino - Plastering 74 Sine Plumbing & Heating 36 Vintage Plumbing & Heating 12 East Bay Pressure Wash Co LLC 64 St. Marys - Bay View High School 66 The Providence Country Day School 69
Title 5 Inspection
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Commercial & Residential
Year-Round Service
CATEGORY Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Remodeling Rental Stores Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Roof / Home Repairs Roofing Contractor Roofing Contractor Seafood Market Security Systems Septic Inspections Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic Systems Septic/Trash Removal Solar Energy Solar Energy Spa Stove Shop Trash Removal Trash Removal Trash/Junk Removal Tree Service Tree Service Tree Service Water Treatment Weight Loss
COMPANY NAME Aubin Realty Century 21 - David Smith Keller Williams - Easton Maria Correia, Realtor ReMax Rivers Edge Sam Barchi - Coldwell Banker TR Little-Residential Properties Vicki Doran - Coldwell Banker Batty Construction Taunton Rental Boneyard Barbecue & Saloon Country Kitchen Don Tequila’s Mexican Cantina La Collina John Rico Home Improvements B & R Fournier Construction, Inc. Tabeleys Roofing Digger’s Catch Home & Commercial Security Pro Inspection Services Bay State Sewage Disposal, Inc. Croome Sanitation, Inc. Fisk Contracting Soares Sanitation Pumping, Inc. Town Sanitation A. Viera Disposal Got Sun - Go Solar Inc US SolarWorks Cristallo Spa at Hillside CC Fireplace Showcase Cleanway Disposal & Recycling Waste-Tech, Inc. Big Blue Removal Service Advanced Tree Choate Tree Service Seekonk Tree Water Filter Company, Inc. Ideal Method Weight Loss, LLC
PAGE 32 15 47 38 19 44 7 27 65 21 89 88 89 88 34 62 42 21 25 94 33 58 75 26 62 28 24 39 10 20 22 3 16 45 46 63 13 29
September 2015 The Reporter
508.252.3359 - 888.272.3359 177 Winthrop Street (RT 44) Rehoboth, MA 02769
The Reporter September 2015
The Reporter P.O. Box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769
A B C D E F G…
1 2 3 4 5 6…
SEPTEMBER is “BACK TO SCHOOL” MONTH! Now that the kids are back in school it’s time to do some of your own homework! Have you been putting off looking for a new oil company because you just haven’t gotten around to doing it? Or the task just seems too daunting?
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