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The East Providence
eporter R
OCTOber 2011 Volume 7, no. 10
Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence
Waddington Playground See Page 48
Fall home
Dedication to “Coach” Veader
By Bob Rodericks The East Providence High School football family lost a true Townie mentor with the passing of John Veader last month. Veader was a 1953 EPHS graduate and was a teacher and coach in East Providence for 35 years. He actually spent his entire career at Riverside Junior High School. Veader passed up many opportunities to teach and coach at the high school or college level, choosing instead to work with young people in junior high school. He was named to the Rhode Island College Athletic Hall of Fame and the Rhode Island High School football Hall of Fame. “I played for coach Veader when I was in school and was so proud that he then assisted me by becoming a volunteer assistant coach for the high school,” said a visibly upset Townie head coach Sandy Gorham. “Coach Veader meant everything to me as a mentor and I credit him with much of the success we’ve had at the varsity level at EPHS. The influence he had on countless young people in our community is legendary and without equal. He helped us out from a love for his alma mater, never accepting a penny,” Gorham continued. John Veader has been retired for many years but continued to coach Townie football as a volunteer. He also attended many practices of the junior varsity and freshman gridders. Veader was on the practice field behind the high school only hours before he was taken to the hospital and died in the presence of family members. continued on page 4...
see page 43
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John Veader with Townie football player, Robbie Delgado.