January 2010 EP

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The East Providence

eporter R

JANUARY 2010 Volume 6, no. 1


Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

Chorus of East Providence Holds Open Sing January 12 by Carolyn Bray

Health 2010 & Fitness See page 47

Betty Capaldo is President of the Board of Directors for the Chorus of East Providence, and she is very enthusiastic about this 78-member singing group. When one hears the group’s soaring harmonies, one understands her wide smiles as she discusses the adult choir, now in its third year and fresh off two successful Christmas-themed public performances at a church and a school in East Providence. The Chorus is about to hold their Open Sing on January 12 at 7PM at the Martin Middle School, which is one of only two opportunities during the year for members of the public to join the group. Adult men and women interested in singing with the group are invited to attend the rehearsals and join in singing. At the end of the third rehearsal they can make their decision if they would like to join the group, which meets each Tuesday night to rehearse, from 7-9:30 P.M. “We are looking for people who love to sing,” says Ms. Capaldo. Continued on page 16

Happy New Year East Providence!

Spotlight on Schools Turn to page 55

St Martha’s church in East Providence put on its annual Christmas Musical in December composed by Stephen De Ceasar. It was a dinner play and was a huge success.

The Reporter January 2010

January 2010 The Reporter

East Providence News Briefs District 62 House Seat Won by Mary Messier A retired schoolteacher, was elected to fill the state representative seat vacated by Elizabeth “Betsy” Dennigan, who resigned in October. Democrat Mary Duffy Messier of Pawtucket, was backed by Dennigan, who held the seat for 13 years and will be running for Congress in the 2nd District. Pawtucket Mayor James Doyle also supported Messier. With only 6 percent of the district’s 8,500 eligible voters casting ballots, Messier will finish Dennigan’s two-year term that ends in January 2011. Messier said the “need to control taxes” is a top priority. Messier won 325 votes — 62 percent of all the votes cast, in the three-way race to represent the residents of District 62. The District is comprised mostly of Pawtucket but contains a small section of East Providence as well. Her opponents, from East Providence, included Thomas L. Clupny, the director of environmental affairs for the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority and lawyer Paul A. Dinsmore, who ran this year for the first time as an independent.

E. Providence To Layoff Custodians Layoff notices were sent to city custodians and more than a half dozen others after a new agreement could not be reached in mid December. Mayor Joseph S. Larisa Jr. and City Manager Richard M. Brown were negotiating to see if the steelworkers union could come up with $600,000 worth of contract concessions to avoid pink slips. The city police officers and school district custodians recently relinquished annual uniform payments, agreed to salary reductions, less sick time and furlough days and higher health-insurance contributions. The meeting, with the union, lasted less than an hour and Brown immediately directed the human resources department to send out the pink slips that are effective Jan. 4. A mechanical helper, library aide, library aide assistant, the city’s switchboard operator and all of its 10 or so janitors will be discharged. Four parks department

employees will be laid off temporarily until Spring. The city will hire a private company to handle the custodial duties. The total savings will be the $600,000 needed to help balance the City’s budget. City leaders also hope the State assembly will provide some relief by changing minimum mandates and other personnel laws. Larisa said, “The truth is we’ve got the city’s budget balanced. The trouble is the state can’t get its house in order, so it’s coming back on us.”

East Providence Officer Injured In A Strange Threecar Accident On Roger Williams Avenue Officer Kris Ellinwood witnessed a “rear-end” collision involving two vehicles and went to check on the occupants and investigate. While Ellinwood inspected the damage between the two vehicles, a third vehicle struck the rear end of the vehicle involved in the crash causing the vehicle to lunge forward pinning the officer between the two vehicles involved in the first crash. Because of the sun’s glare, the operator of the third car didn’t see the second one. Ellinwood — a five-year veteran of the force — sustained two broken legs and related injuries. A rescue unit took him to Rhode Island Hospital, where successful surgery was performed. Police Chief Joseph Tavares visited Ellinwood at Rhode Island Hospital after work on Christmas Eve and stated the officer’s spirits were sky-high. Tavares told him during his visit that his extended police family was just a phone call away. Tavares noted that “Kris is a very special guy. It’s very easy to see he’s going to get all the support he needs.”

East Providence Has A New Website

East Providence launched a brand new website aimed at making sure virtual visitors to the state’s fifth largest city get a positive first impression when they visit www.eastprovidenceri.net. The new website offers a cleaner, more visually-appealing look and features more continued on page 4


The comments in Talk of the Townies, My Five Cents Worth, or other opinion columns do not necessarily reflect the views of the owners, editors or staff of the The East Providence Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Would you like to write for the Reporter? Please call the Editors at 508-252-6575.... Let's Talk! We are looking for writers on all subjects and from all "parties" that may be of interest to the residents of East Providence. Call 508-252-6575

Inside This Issue Births..................................63 Business Directory...................70 Classifieds................................ 69 Clubs......................................26 Dining Guide............................66 E.P. Chamber of Commerce.....20 EBCAP News............................8 Events & Activities....................31 Health and Fitness..................47 How You Can Help..................21 Letters to the Editor...................5 Library..................................42 News Briefs................................3 Opinions Citizens Speak...................18 From the Mayor's Desk......19 Parks and Recreation..............14 People......................................22 Senior Center News................59 School News......................55 Scouts...................................54 Spotlight on Schools..............55 State House....................30 Town News........................12

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information, forms and enhancements than previously available. “Our new site enhances communication between City Hall and East Providence residents,” said City Manager Richard Brown. “The City’s website is a vitally important tool for communicating with citizens, visitors and businesses in our community.” The city’s website had introduced some new technology to residents in October by streaming city council meetings live online. The East Providence School Department also received an update to its website, which can be viewed at www.epschoolsri. com

Christmas Tree Recycling Chip-A-Tree The East Providence Department of Public Works and Parks Division will be collecting and chipping Christmas Trees for use as mulch for City projects. Drop off your tree Dec. 26 - Jan. 17 at the following locations: Glenlyon Field Agawam Field Kimberly Rock Field Hull St. Playground Pierce Field Central Av Playground Silver Spring Playground Kent Field Riverside Rec Field Grassy Plain Park Sabin Point Park Carousel Parking Lot Curbside collection of trees will be available January 4January 22. Please remove all ornaments, lights & stands. TREES ONLY! No wreaths, garland, roping, or artificial trees. For more info call the Recycling Office at 435-7710 or 435-7711.

High Tech Equipment Scheduled for City’s Emergency Center A city council vote in favor of a $485,000 project aimed at bringing the city’s communication facility into the 21st century is set to begin in mid-January. As for paying to install the new system, the project will be covered by a combination of grants and funding from the fire and police department. Of the $485,000, ~ $85,000 will be covered by a Byrne/Jag federal grant given to the police department ~ $282,000 coming from the Federal Drug Asset Forfeiture Account. ~ $93,847 from an Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Grant ~ $108,700 from the fire department’s rescue billing account. In addition to the UASI grant, the fire department is slated to receive an Assistance to Firefighters Grant totaling more than $900,000. Some of this grant will be used for sprinkler systems and the rest of the funding is set for communications equipment, like portable radios for firefighters and mobile repeaters to strengthen signals. Capt. Hogan said it should take about four weeks for the new communications equipment to arrive and that by early February, the dispatchers should be back at their former stations.

January 2010 The Reporter

The East Providence


Letters to the Editor...

Serving the Community and Businesses of East Providence

The comments in this section and the ads do not necessarily reflect the views of the staff of The East Providence Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Please Note: • Letters MUST be signed and contain a phone number! • Letters MUST arrive by the 15th of the month! • We will withhold any letters of an accusatory Nature until the accused person has a chance to respond in the same issue!

Email: news@eastprovreporter.com

Dear Save The Bay...

I have lived in RI all my 57 years and I have seen the bay get better and better looking for a long time BUT! I know that your organization (Save the Bay) has done tons of stuff to help this bay … but I am very, very dissatisfied with your Short Sighted, SelfRighteous attitudes! Because of YOU and your attitude, you have solicited the help of your wealthy friend Gov. Carcieri to help cripple the Ocean State’s biggest chance for jobs and low cost heating Ever because you spread lies and half truths throughout the country side. Also, instead of giving Help in the cause of the bay, you give cause for the only thing YOU see for this state, Leisure! Rhode Island Has The Resources To Have Its Cake And Eat It Too And You Of All People Have The Knowledge To Help With That! Instead You Only Want To Cater To The Wealthy Leisure Attitude Of This State Instead Of The Poor Jobless And Middle Class Working Stiff. URI has the capabilities, and you know it, to research and develop/R&D technology to really Save The Bay! By using the technology we can have our cake and eat it too by having our deep water ports and creating thousands of jobs outright and then creating thousands more by creating support technology for Keeping The Bay Clean At The Same Time And Selling That Technology All Over The World! Oh, and Guess What? You People Can Get The Credit For That By Helping And Making Yourselves Even More Famous! Cake And Eat It, Too! You Dare send me a letter to Support Your Cause in the mail? I Will Only Support Your Cause If You Support My Cause ~ Good, Real, Sustaining Jobs For Rhode Island! Paul Maziarz Riverside

Reflections On 2009

As I reflect upon this past year, one word consistently runs through my thoughts – confrontation. In the most difficult economic times our nation has faced in decades, the East Providence School Committee has embarked upon a path of confrontation to solve the city’s daunting financial problems. As we end the year that course of action has exacted a great price. Valarie Lawson has spoken publicly about the toll it has taken on this School Department and this City. There are those who question exactly who Val represents. The answer to that is simple. In June, by secret ballot, the teachers of East Providence unanimously voted no confidence in both the School Committee and its Superintendent. Val speaks for all the people who voted that day. Webster’s dictionary defines morale as the level of individual psychological wellbeing based on such factors as a sense of purpose and confidence in the future. If morale was simply well being based upon sense of purpose, Dr. Cirillo would indeed be right. There is no morale problem in our district. In spite of broken promises, of legally negotiated salaries taken away, of teachers shortchanged due to the pay schedule they chose, of health benefits taken away for some, East Providence teachers have maintained their sense of purpose. We have worked to give our students the best education possible and continued to prepare them to become productive members of society. During continued assaults on our professionalism, we have not allowed our psychological well being to impact the students in our charge. In that regard I agree with Dr. Cirillo. There is no morale problem.

continued on page 6

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or Mary at 401-569-4726 ads@eastprovreporter.com Published by:

Target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia - Executive Editor Barbara Georgia - Publisher Advertising Mary Nascimento call 401-569-4726 Feature Writers David Howard Leslie Patterson Laura Calverley Bob Rodericks Carolyn Bray Photography Ed Wilk Technical/Graphics Scott Hewitt Michaela O'Connell Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson Meredith Amaral

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The views expressed in The Reporter are not necessarily those of the editor or staff.

The Reporter January 2010

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Valentine's Day Section

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Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

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cell 401.569.4726 office 508.252.6575


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Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence


Christmas Tree Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager Recycling... maryn@eastprovreporter.com Chip-A-Tree -2009 ads@rehobothreporter.com cell 401.569.4726 Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

office 508.252.6575


The East Providence Department of Public Works and Parks Division will be collecting and chipping Christmas Trees for use as mulch for City projects.


Rehoboth, Seekonk & tree EastDec. Providence Drop off your 26 - Jan. 17 at the

Reporter following locations:

Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Glenlyon Field Agawam Field Kimberly Rock Field Hull St. Playground Pierce Field Sales Central Av Playground Mary Nascimento, Manager Silver Spring Playground Kent Field Riverside Rec Field maryn@eastprovreporter.com Grassy Plain Park Sabin Point Park Carousel Parking Lot

ads@rehobothreporter.com cell 401.569.4726 collection will be available ads@eastprovreporter.com officeCurbside 508.252.6575

January 4 - January 22.

Please remove all ornaments, lights & stands.


Rehoboth, Seekonk ONLY! &TREES East Providence


But morale is more than a sense of purpose. Morale also consists of confidence in the future. This is what Valarie Lawson speaks of. At the beginning of this divide, someone chose confrontation as the mechanism to solve the city’s problems. Sadly that person must not be a student of history. Were they, they would have learned that confrontation does not bind, it separates. As a much wiser person than I once said as he accepted the Republican nomination for the Senate during a perilous time in America’s history, “A house divided against itself cannot stand,” Facing a nation divided, Abraham Lincoln paraphrased that line from one even wiser than he. Those were Jesus’ words in the New Testament. East Providence is a city divided against itself. It has been since this path of confrontation was chosen. It will be until those who believe in cooperation stand up to those who are intractable in their belief that teachers are the sole cause and the sole solution to the economic woes of our city. No matter what the ruling of the courts on this labor matter, this City has lost. It has lost three quarters of a million dollars to legal fees. It has lost the strength that a district develops when all partners in the process - teachers, administration and school committee, feel mutually respected and supported. It is time to take the advice of another wise man. In his message celebrating the Day of Peace in January, 1972, Pope Paul VI said, “If you want Peace work for Justice.” As we end this year I Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence implore members of this School Committee to ask yourself if you can beMary that person. Can you beSales the voice of reason that has the Nascimento, Manager courage tomaryn@eastprovreporter.com say no to confrontation and yes to cooperation? Can you have the insight to see that we are a house divided against ourselves and that division weakens not only us, but also the ads@rehobothreporter.com cell 401.569.4726 people that we seek to serve? Can you be the person who helps ads@eastprovreporter.com office 508.252.6575 restore this district to peace by calling for communication rather than authoritarian decisions? That is my hope - for my students, for my colleagues, for the City of East Providence. May 2010 bring a return to respect and dialogue and an end to the confrontation and divisiveness that is a cancer to our district. Mary Teixeira Teacher, Grade 3 Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence 22 years of service at Silver Spring School


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Reporter Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager maryn@eastprovreporter.com

cell 401.569.4726 office 508.252.6575


ads@rehobothreporter.com ads@eastprovreporter.com

Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager maryn@eastprovreporter.com

Email your Letters to the ads@rehobothreporter.com Editor to ads@eastprovreporter.com news@eastprovreporter.com

cell 401.569.4726 office 508.252.6575

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For more info call the Recycling Office at 435-7710 or 435-7711.




No wreaths, garland, roping, or artificial trees. Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager

to advertise in the next issue ads@eastprovreporter.com

Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager

January 2010 The Reporter

News from the East Bay Community Action Program...

Buy from the company that's BEEn family owned and operated since 1978

East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) offers a wide array of health and human services for area residents. Its upper bay headquarters is located at 100 Bullocks Point Avenue in Riverside. For information on services, call 437-1000.

Just a week after East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) embarked on its 2010 Annual Fund campaign, dedicated this year to raising money for the basic human needs of its clients, the Rhode Island Foundation (RIF) announced a $250,000 grant to all eight Community Action Programs (CAPs) in Rhode Island for similar needs, including emergency housing, food, heating and critical medical prescription assistance. EBCAP and the other CAPs will each received $31,250 from the Foundation. Neil Steinberg, Chief Executive Officer of the Rhode Island Foundation, in announcing the grant, said “We saw the need to be responsive in these unusually stressful economic times. Thanks to the generosity of the hundreds of Rhode Islanders with Funds at the Foundation, we are uniquely positioned to make these emergency dollars available for food, shelter, heating assistance and other basic necessities.” Dennis Roy, EBCAP Chief Executive Officer, in accepting the grant from Joyce Botelho, Philanthropy Officer at RIF, made at a press conference at EBCAP’s Aquidneck Island headquarters,19 Broadway, Newport, said, “we appreciate the generosity of the Rhode Island Foundation at a time when many in our state have


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continued on page 8

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A Personal Message from the SmileMakers Maybe you’re embarrassed about your teeth. Maybe you think your teeth are in such bad shape that having a smile you like can’t happen for you. Or maybe you’re just looking for a dental office that you feel good about. Please come see us. RI’s only Brother & Sister Team has helped many people who felt just like you and they found new hope with us. Call us. We can help you. For a Free Consult, mention this Ad! – Drs. Ken & Robin Rawlinson, the SmileMakers

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The Reporter January 2010 been hard hit by economic problems. This grant will support our own efforts to provide basic human needs help to many individuals and families.” Contributions to EBCAP’s Annual Fund may be made online at www.ebcap.com.

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* * * East Bay Family Health Center at 100 Bullocks Point Ave. in East Providence will open on Saturday mornings from 8 am to 12 noon, starting Jan. 9. The additional hours are part of the Health Center’s patient-centered medical home model providing enhanced access to medical care. The Health Center provides care for all ages from infants to seniors, delivered by a staff including board certified physicians. The new Saturday hours are in addition to the Health Center’s weekday schedule of Monday and Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Most major health insurance plans are accepted and fees for patients without insurance are greatly reduced. Current and new patients may schedule appointments by calling 401-437-1008.

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* * * Tax time is upon us and the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) at East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) will again be offering income tax help for area residents. The VITA (Volunteer Tax Assistance) program offers free tax assistance to low to moderate income taxpayers, generally $45,000 and below. There are four EPCAP VITA sites, including one in East Providence, all offering free electronic filing from January to April, 2010. A list of sites will be available on EBCAP’s website: www.ebcap.org. Volunteers are needed to staff the tax assistance program. Certified volunteers, sponsored by RSVP, receive no cost training by the Internal Revenue Service to help prepare basic to intermediate level tax returns. Greeters and tax preparers are needed for the tax season which begins early next year. Those interested in volunteering for VITA may call RSVP at 401-435-7876.

EXIT 4 195


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NEWS Deadline:

is the 20th of each month

Send News To news@eastprovreporter.com

January 2010 The Reporter

Portuguese-American Matriarch Looks Back at Eight Decades in East Providence

by Carolyn Bray Dorothy Perry Silva was born to her Portuguese immigrant parents in 1928, and brought to the East Providence home where she still lives at 46 Tab Avenue. Dot Silva, as many know her, bought the house from her father Manuel when her beloved mother Lucille (“A peach,” she says) died, and raised 11 children in the home with her late husband, Francisco “Yankee” Perry. A widow now for 21 years, and living with son Kenny and his young family in her family home, Dorothy Perry Silva. Dot Silva reflects on her life. Mrs. Silva has garnered affectionate pet names from her six sons and five daughters, all of whom live nearby and seven of whom also still live in East Providence. One son calls her “Big Dot,” making the youngest daughter in the family, who tends bar and waitresses at Mulhearn’s Pub, “Little Dottie.” The son she lives with, Kenny, currently a RIPTA bus driver, calls her “Old Lady.” She chuckles at the names. There are also 19 grandchildren, five step-grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. One grandson had a long battle with cancer, but now seems to be doing well. Mrs. Silva did not simply raise 11 children, with a husband rarely home because he worked a lot of hours, including at Kenicot Wire and Cable; she also worked outside the home, as a factory supervisor at Foxwood Terminal, and doing home care for prominent Rumford senior citizen Bert Batty and his wife. She did teacher’s aide work as well. She was also very involved in her kid’s lives in Catholic Youth Organization and church activities at St. Francis Xavier Church. She served as an escort when four of her kids joined the Royal Lancers Drum and Bugle Corps. It’s very likely Dot Silva got her penchant for working hard from observing her mother, who was an effective and even demanding housekeeper and a good mother despite being blind. Having already lost one eye, Lucille Perry developed cataracts in the other eye and no operation was available to cure the problem at the time. Dot Silva says proudly her mother could get around the neighborhood to visit friends,could judge how well the house had been cleaned despite her blindness and that she accomplished a lot using touch and hearing (“She could tell who was going by through their walk.”). Dot Silva looks around East Providence and sees a lot of changes, many of which she regrets. She says there used to be three grocery stores on North Broadway, two of them where the Merrill Lounge and Mulhearn’s Pub now are. Trolley cars used to be stored in the Car Barn, which she says is where the freeway leading off the Henderson Bridge now is. She also remarks that the next street over from Tab, Rosmere Drive, was Nelson’s Farm, and it contained a pond where everyone would go ice-skating and light bonfires. Another major hang-out was on the corner of Warren Avenue where there is now a pizza place - it was the roller skating rink. These days Dot Silva loves to go to dances, and still does get out to them with friends occasionally. She plays the Hi-Lo Jack card game at a club with friends every Wednesday too. She also goes to the parties and charitable events given by the Trinity Brotherhood, a Portuguese club in East Providence. continued on page 11

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The Reporter January 2010

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Seekonk: Stunning 3 story 4 bed East Providence: Move-in Ready 3 Riverside: Tranquil setting. Large master w/ water views. $239900 bed w/ lower level media rm, garage. open floor plan on almost 3 acres. Debra Donahue 401-419-4165 $229000 Jane Marshall 401-486-4847 $469000 Patty Bain 401-965-4822





LEASE- Barrington: furnished 4-5 bed, Seekonk: Picture Perfect. FP in Liv & East Providence: 3/4 bed, EIK, 2 full Barrington: 3 bed, kit, hwds, den/ofbaths, hwds, cent air, LL walkout. fice, deck, private yard. $348000 granite kit., mstr w/ bath, 2 car garage. FR, deck, 2car garage, lg corner lot. $3000/m Patty Bain 401-965-4822 $424,900 Patty Bain 401-965-4822 $214,900 Robin Lozito 401-486-6937 Michelle Cartwright 401-663-5677

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January 2010 The Reporter


While new stores are nice to have, Mrs. Silva acknowledges, she misses the time when the neighborhood, then almost all Portuguese and Italian, was closer and people were friendlier. As an example, she says everyone knew her mother would be all right when her father was not at home, because there were neighbors who would look out for her. Tab Avenue itself has seen a lot of changes in the last 70 years or so. Dot Silva remembers when it was a street of only seven houses - the rest of the land was covered with woods. Now there are 20 houses on the street and the woods have all been cut down. Mrs. Silva has seen a lot happen in politics too in the town - her son Brian held elective office at one time. For 30 years she has worked at the polls on voting days. An issue that disturbs her greatly is the number of mistreated children being reported about on the news. She says she is a Catholic, but that she supports abortion rights because she can’t bear to see children born to people who won’t care for them or will even hurt them. “Guys are just as responsible as girls - they want to play but they don’t want to pay,” she states. She managed to raise healthy kids, with a husband and friends and family (her late sister also lived on Tab Avenue) around her, but she understands not everyone can do that. Dot Silva is most proud in her 81 years of life of doing her “best” to raise 11 children - all of whom seem to get along, are “well-mannered,” and are all expected to spend Christmas with her on Tab Avenue. She is also pleased that over her lifetime she has made a lot of friends. Even now, people she went to school with still come to look her up, and she is very pleased to be remembered fondly. If you spend some time talking to this humorous, observant, independent woman, you understand why she is so well remembered.

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South County’s Got Talent!


Wanted: Performers & Artists

Are you South County’s Susan Boyle? Perhaps you have a hidden masterpiece you have painted in the attic? Is your band better than the Jonas Brothers? On Saturday, January 23, 2010, the Courthouse Center for the Arts will present the best talent from South County in a talent show and competition from 6-10 p.m. For Performers: Preliminary auditions and judging will be held January 23, 2010 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at The Courthouse Center for the Arts. There is an entry fee of $10 for members and $15 for non-members. All fees are non-refundable. To schedule an audition please call 401-782-1018 x14. Final judging will take place January 23, 2010 from 6-10pm and prizes will be awarded for: 1st place $100; 2nd place $75; 3rd place $50 Visual Artists: Entries may be dropped off at the Courthouse Center for the Arts between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. on January 8th or 9th. Any “ready to hang” 2-D media may be submitted. There is an entry fee of $10 for members and $15 for non-members. All fees are non-refundable. For more information contact 401-7821018 x14. Final judging will take place January 23, 2010 from 6-10pm and prizes will be awarded for: 1st place $100; 2nd place $75; 3rd place $50 Courthouse Center for the Arts 3481 Kingstown Rd., West Kingstown, RI 02892 jill@courthousearts.org

Dot Silva (center), granddaughter Donna Jean(l), & daughter Lucille(r).

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The Reporter January 2010

Town News

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City Of East Providence, RI, Strives For Solid First Impression Online With New Website

East Providence, RI (December 2009) – Citing the need to make a positive first impression, the City of East Providence, RI, recently launched a newly redesigned website (www.eastprovidenceri.net) with a cleaner, more visually-appealing look that features more information, forms, and enhancements than previously available, such as search features, RSS feeds, interactive mapping, and newsletter subscription lists. “Our new site enhances communication between City Hall and East Providence residents,” said Richard Brown, City Manager for the City. ““The City’s web site is a vitally important tool for communicating with citizens, visitors and businesses in our community. Our older site was not a good reflection of the city. This site serves to enhance a visitor’s Walk-Ins Welcome perception of our city. You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Using QScend’s e-government suite, East Providence staff can make quick changes Rental Space Available to web pages and department calendars, trigger e-mail notifications, conduct polls and Gift Certificates Available surveys, create forms and documents repositories, develop interactive mapping features, Nos Falamos Portugues create photo galleries and much more. Members of the East Providence staff can perform their changes and updates anytime from anywhere there is Internet access. That level of control insures that additions and edits can be made in the timeliest manner so the information available is always fresh and up to date. Further, East Providence citizens will have enhanced access to their local government through: Check out our website at: An easy-to-use calendar of events with customized notes for each entry, and, Newsletter subscriptions which enable citizens to receive in their e-mail box anything from event reminders, to meetFor an informative and entertaining site ing minutes and agendas, to senior center activities – to name just a few possible uses. that provides answers to many of your

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East Providence Democratic City Committee Helps Struggling Families During Holidays EPDCC Members Gather and Deliver Food to 80 Needy Families

East Providence—The East Providence Democratic City Committee gathered at Phillips Street Hall on Wednesday, December 16, 2009 at 10:00 A.M. for the purposes of preparing and delivering food baskets to needy families in the City of East Providence. In what has become an annual tradition for the East Providence Democratic City Committee, members voted to expand the amount of food and families that would be receiving food baskets. The chief organizers of the three month project include East Providence Democratic City Committee Chairman John L. Faria, members Stephanie Vinhateiro and Mildred Morris and volunteer Samantha Branco. 40 turkeys, 40 hams and 80 large boxes overflowing with food, paper products, and health and beauty items were assembled and distributed to 40 local families. The EPDCC also distributed 40 additional turkeys to another 40 families. Local Democratic elected officials, EPDCC members and other “friends of the organization” including Shaw’s Market, Stop and Shop and EPCAP provided funding and items for these baskets. “These are extremely difficult financial times for many families in the City of East Providence. It is amazing how our Democratic Committee, elected officials and supporters came together to make

January 2010 The Reporter


things a little easier for 80 local families in need,” stated East Providence Democratic City Committee Chairman John L. Faria. “The EPDCC works to improve our city, provides much needed support to the citizens of the city through reaching out to the community in efforts such as Christmas baskets, and financial support,” said Stephanie Vinhateiro, chief organizer of the project. www.epdemocrats.com; www.eastprovidencedemocrats.com

minimum usages and companies can opt in or out on any billing period” according to Parente. This program underscores the Chambers’ commitment to their members and ultimately the strength of the Rhode Island business community at large. For more information call your local Chamber of Commerce or call 401-438-1212. www.ChamberPowerGroup.com.

East Providence Prevention Coalition Update

The East Providence Local Advisory Committee for Special Education

The East Providence Prevention Coalition (EPPC) partnered with Shaw’s Supermarkets of East Providence and the East Providence Police Department held a Toy Gun Return on December 11, at the East Providence Parks and Recreations Department Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. The EPPC offered a package of cotton candy in exchange for toy guns at the ceremony. The toy gun exchange was offered to promote safe play and non-violence in our community. The East Providence Prevention Coalition is a citizens group dedicated to promoting healthy lifestyles. The coalition develops proactive strategies through collaboration with community partners in both the public and private sectors.

The East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce

Serving the communities of East Providence, Barrington, Seekonk and Rehoboth

The Chamber Power Group, an electricity buying group for Chamber of Commerce members throughout Rhode Island, saved members up to 25% in November on their electricity supply service. The Chamber Power Group currently comprised of 13 Rhode Island Chambers of Commerce: Central Rhode Island, Charlestown, Cranston, East Greenwich, East Providence Area, Narragansett, Newport County, North Central, North Kingstown, Northern Rhode Island, Pawtuxet Valley, South Kingstown and Westerly-Pawcatuck saved their members enrolled in the group up to 25% on their electricity supply in the month of November. The group is designed to combine the purchasing power of hundreds, potentially thousands, of commercial and industrial customers throughout Rhode Island in order to purchase electricity on a group basis. Tony Parente from Teknikor Action Energy, facilitator of the group, proudly announced, “While every indication was that the potential existed for members to save up to 17% on their electricity supply, in the month of November they saved up to 25%.” Chamber Executives said, “One of the things we’re most excited about is that this program is available to every Chamber of Commerce in the state allowing all businesses to work together.” This provides the opportunity to substantially expand the group and achieve maximum savings for everyone involved. “Within 12 months this group has the potential of becoming the single largest purchaser of energy in New England.” says Parente. With adequate credit approval virtually any business in Rhode Island, who is a member in good standing with their respective Chamber of Commerce, is eligible to participate in the group enabling large and small businesses alike the ability to potentially reduce the cost of their electrical supply. Companies with locations in multiple states have the added benefit of having all locations in deregulated states participate. “It’s a win/win for every member; their electricity is still delivered by National Grid. There are no hidden fees, no

The East Providence Local Advisory Committee for Special Education (EPLAC) – a parent group - will host a free public workshop entitled “Inclusion and Classroom Management.” Presented by Jennifer C. Rutland, M.S., Ed., BCBA, Director of RCS (Realizing Children’s Strengths) Behavioral and Educational Consulting, the workshop will discuss the philosophy of inclusion and inclusive classrooms. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the benefits for all students and teachers, as well as the many challenges, associated with creating successful inclusive classrooms and environments. The essential components for making inclusion successful will also be discussed. The workshop target audience will be special educators, general educators, parents, and the interested public. It will be held on Wednesday, January 27, 2010, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m., at East Providence City Hall, Room 306. While free and open to the public, seating will be limited, so registration is required by January 20, 2010. For more information and to register, call 401-433-6216 or email Krebello@epschoolsri.com. Please leave your name and the number of people registering.

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The Reporter January 2010

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Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

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cell 401.569.4726 office 508.252.6575


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Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

2010 Winter Program Schedule Program registration begins Monday, January 4th, 2010. Register by calling 433-6360.

Except where noted, programs begin the week of January11th. Participants must obtain center membership: 1 year: Ages 6-17, $10 - Age 18+, $20.



Rehoboth, Seekonk Dance: Ages&3-5East Jan. 12Providence - March 25


Arts for Tots: Ages 3-5 /Tues. 4-5 p.m. - Jan 12 – March 23

Ballet: Tues. or Thurs. 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. Tap: Tues. or Thurs. 5:30- 6:30 p.m.

Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Tumble Tots: Ages 3-5. Saturdays a.m. - Jan 23 – Feb. Mary Nascimento, Sales10-11:30 Manager 13 - Feb 27maryn@eastprovreporter.com – March 20

Youth ads@rehobothreporter.com cell 401.569.4726 Karate: Ages 6-14 Thursdays Beginners 6 – 7 p.m. ads@eastprovreporter.com office 508.252.6575

Intermediates 7-8 pm - Begins Jan 14th - 10 Wks. $45 per child

Rehoboth, Seekonk Teen Weight Training: Coed Ages 13-15. - M, W & F, 4-6 p.m. The & East Providence


Youth Basketball: Coed Ages 6-14 - Wed. - Beginners 4-5 p.m; Intermediates 5- 6 p.m. *Ability level tests held Jan 13th. Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Indoor Soccer: Tuesdays: Ages 6-9, 4-5 p.m. - Ages 10-14, 5-6 Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager p.m. Begins Jan. 12th


Dance: Ages 6-9: Jan.15 – March 26 ads@rehobothreporter.com cell 401.569.4726 Ballet: Fri. 4-5 p.m. Fri 5-6 p.m. ads@eastprovreporter.com officeTap: 508.252.6575 Baby Bellies: Ages 4-12 - Wed. 5:30-6:30 - $70 8 week session Starts Jan.6th

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Ages 8 -17, Wed. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. $12 walk in orSales 4 classes for $40 Mary Nascimento, Manager Arts & Crafts: Ages 6-12 Thurs. 4-5 p.m. maryn@eastprovreporter.com collision repair Jan 14 – March 25 Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

TRI-STAR BODY, INC. Mary Nascimento,AUTO Sales Manager maryn@eastprovreporter.com Complete auto Towing Foreign & Domestic ads@rehobothreporter.com cell 401.569.4726 cell 401.569.4726 We handle all insurance claims ads@eastprovreporter.com office 508.252.6575 office 508.252.6575 Free Estimates


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ads@rehobothreporter.com Bead Works: (Jewelry Making) Ages 7ads@eastprovreporter.com 14 Thurs. 4-5 p.m. Begins Jan. 13th School Break Fun: Center opens at 12

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Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

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January 2010 The Reporter


Belly Dancing: Starts week of Jan.4th 4 consecutive classes for $40 or $12 walk in Intro to Bell Dance (beginner level): Monday 6-7 p.m. Gothic Belly Dance: Tuesday 7:30 - 8:30 Fitness & Dance Class (all levels): Thursday 6-7 p.m. or Saturday 10-11 a.m. Student Troupe - performance Class: Monday 7-8 p.m. 8 weeks $80 p/person



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Pilates: Mon & Wed. 7- 8:30 p.m. - Jan 4 – May 19 - $3 per class Coed Adult Volleyball League: Sundays 5 p.m. Adult Cribbage Club: Thursdays 6:30 P.M. Yoga: Tuesdays 6 - 7:30 P.M. $12 per class *Please bring your own non-slip mat. Core - Cardio: (Co-ed strength & cardio workout) Tue. & Thurs. 6:30-7:30 p.m. - Jan. 5 – May 27 $3 per class or Pre-pay for a 10% Discount Zumba: Latin dance inspired fitness! Mon. & Wed. 6 – 7 p.m. - Jan. 4 – May 26 - $3 per class Adult Jewelry Class: Thurs. 4-6 p.m. Begins Jan. 7 /Instructional class. Participants must bring own supplies Family Swim: EP High School Pool 2000 Pawtucket Avenue. Free Family Swim, Thursdays & Fridays 6:30-8:30 P.M. *Please Note: All swim sessions are cancelled during school breaks. * Youth under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult relative.

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Center Hours and Special Events

Winter - spring hours effective as of January 4, 2010 M-F Adults: 9 a.m.-9:30 p.m. - Ages 6-11, 3-5 p.m. - Ages 12-14, 5-7 p.m. - Ages 15-17, 7-9 p.m. Saturday all ages: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. - Sunday Ages 18+ Only!: 1 – 5 p.m. *Please Note: children may not accompany adult members during their use of the recreation center.

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The Reporter January 2010

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Continued from Cover...

Chorus of East Providence Holds Open Sing January 12 by Carolyn Bray

Membership in the Chorus for a year requires $75 in dues, money used to pay the group’s accomplished Music Director, Beth Armstrong and their skilled Ukrainian pianist, Victoria Lambrozo. Dues also pay for the music and the practice CDs members get, each according to their voice, e.g. a soprano gets the soprano practice CD. Most of the members of the Chorus are from East Providence, but there are also members from other nearby towns. The group is almost evenly made up of both women and men. The Chorus repertoire includes both classical music and popular songs - the Christmas concert reflected this mix, including songs like Little Drummer Boy and White Christmas, Dona Nobis Pacem by Haydn, and the Glory of the Lord by Handel, along with holiday readings delivered by members of the Chorus. The Chorus, Ms. Capaldo says, is also proud of having given out a Music Scholarship; they gave $500 to an East Providence music student along with the East Providence Citizens Scholarship Fund, which matched the gift, giving the student a total of $1000. Ms. Capaldo also asserts that the Chorus is very grateful to the East Providence School Department, particularly two successive principals, DeVal and Piros, of Martin Middle School, and Robert Rappa, the Music Director at Martin Middle School, where the Chorus rehearses and usually puts on its concerts. As she talks about the Chorus plans for a spring concert and a potential love-themed performance, Ms. Capaldo is also happy to reflect on the history of the Chorus. Many of its members came from the East Providence Community Chorus. Maureen Conroy and Sandra Medeiros brought six other people together in 2007, including Ms. Capaldo, who had been director of Junior Achievement in East Providence, to start a Chorus and Board to run it. “I feel I’m very fortunate to be a part of it,” says Ms. Capaldo. We love to sing and we love to be together… Music is such a respite from our everyday lives, it’s a calming influence… And the opportunity [now] to get in front of 500-600 people and hear their appreciation of what we’ve done just makes it all the better.”

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(Chorus of EP 05) Sandy and Bill Wood and Nancy Carey, members of the Chorus of East Providence.

January 2010 The Reporter Betty Capaldo also says it was “fate” that brought Beth Armstrong and Victoria Lambrozo to the Chorus. She says Ms Armstrong “has a wonderful sense of selecting the right music for us,” and that she educates the group as she teaches the arrangements. “We are [all] volunteers, non-professionals,” states Ms. Capaldo. Audiences listening to the rich and ringing performances of the Chorus may find themselves differing with that description.


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(Chorus of EP 08), Betty Capaldo, member and President of the Board of Directors of the Chorus of East Providence.

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By Appointment Only If you are interested in attending the Open Sing for the Chorus of East Providence, go to Martin Middle School on January 12 at 7 P.M., or email thechorusofep@gmail.com. The Chorus also has a web site at www.chorusofep.org.


685 Warren Avenue • East Providence, RI


The Reporter January 2010






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Fiscal Stress at the Holidays

They call it the “Great Recession” to recall the Great Depression of the 1930s and there are many similarities. With a 13% official unemployment rate in Rhode Island, we all know the impact here. Everyone in East Providence has been affected. Jobless residents know best of all. Homeowners know, because when the value of the house falls, the equity declines, but the principal balance of the mortgage doesn’t go down, it stays the same. The payments just get harder to make. Retirement plan accounts have shrunk, making us feel less secure. Faced with lower income and most expenses of daily living actually RISING, residents have cut back on spending. The steep drop in sales tax receipts by the State proves it. And the drop in state income taxes collected tells the story of which direction our personal household income has been going. Of course, the result for the City of East Providence is the money we were promised to receive from the State is no longer coming. This, on top of earlier cuts in our revenue, cuts we responded to by raising taxes on our residents by 3.5%, and with reductions in our spending as a City, as reflected in our current Budget. Since most of any city’s spending is on people, we asked our employees to sacrifice. Some have been more cooperative than others. Our Police Department made real concessions. The School Department custodians sacrificed greatly, and avoided being replaced by a private contracting firm. The teachers had sharp cuts imposed on them, which they are resisting in Court, but they are hard hit financially nonetheless. We asked our City employees to do with less, to preserve the jobs of our City custodians, but they refused, so instead of a smaller sacrifice by many, 16 employees are being laid off, with a private contractor providing the custodial services at a savings of $350,000. Our Firefighters refuse to agree to substantial savings, even though studies show that fire protection in Rhode Island is far more costly than anywhere else in the country. They dispute the studies, and cite public safety. We all want public safety, but since safety is not an absolute, but a relative thing, it comes down to how much we can afford. The public is paying close attention to all of this and is less sympathetic to the public employee unions than in the past, perhaps because of the hard times we all face. The idea of sending layoff notices to good people, particularly at this time of year, is the most difficult thing an employer can do. Private sector employers do it to preserve the business enterprise, its competitive position and to save it from failure. In the public sector, elected officials hate to do it, and typically resort to layoffs only when forced by taxpayer revolt. In East Providence, the taxpayers are simply tapped out. In a state with among the highest tax burdens in the country, and a city with modest income and older average age numbers to begin with, our taxpayers just lack the capacity to give more. I wish there were an alternative to the suffering these layoffs will cause. Short of pushing taxpayers past the breaking point, I don’t see one. Robert Cusack is the Ward One Councilman, Assistant Mayor and a founding member of the Citizen’s League.

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January 2010 The Reporter Opinion



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* Joe Larisa was elected Mayor of East Providence for a fourth term in December 2008 by the Council. He was elected councilman at large in November 2008, a position he previously held from 1992-2002, and 2004-06.

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by Joseph S. Larisa, Jr.

For the last year, I have dedicated this page to keeping interested residents up to date on your City government at work - giving you the inside scoop on the big issues we face as a City and how we are holding the line on tax increases during this “great recession.” While times are certainly very tough for many Townies, we still have a lot to be thankful for as we enter into the New Year. We have true gems in Pierce Field and Rose Larisa Memorial Park that are used by so many for sports and recreation and leisure. We have a first rate Senior Center that greatly expanded this year with much more space and more programs. Our senior population deserved and expects no less than a top flight facility. That is what we have. We were able to save the recreation center for another year for our youth. All of our City services remain in place. While we certainly have our differences with our police, fire and teacher unions, the police union in the end stepped up to the plate and provided taxpayers with real savings (enabling a police budget that is over $600k less than last year) while not sacrificing public safety. We are not there yet with the fire union or teachers, but let us never forget the hard work our public safety, school, and city employees do for all of us every day. Our dispute has never centered on the quality of the service they provide, but rather on the financial ability of EP taxpayers to afford the existing level of salaries and benefits costing more and more each year, when their ability to pay additional property taxes is less and less in this economy. Almost without exception, our employees are doing more with less - and doing it well. They deserve our thanks. Our professional council/manager form of government continues to impress with its ability to put merit and new innovative thinking over politics and business as usual. It enabled your elected leaders to take tough stands for the public interest against the special interests. But even a great form of government will not work without good people in office to make the right decisions. In my 19 years on the Council and working with the School Committee, these are the best public servants with which I have had the pleasure to serve. Make no mistake about it, to protect our residents from a double digit property tax hike, and draconian State aid cuts, layoffs (when the unions won’t provide what taxpayers need) and other tough decisions will have to be made. As always, however, you can trust this Council and School Committee to continue to represent the public interest over special interests in 2010. As always, if you have any questions, concerns or comments, please email me at mayorlarisa@verizon.net <mailto:mayorlarisa@ verizon.net.


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The Reporter January 2010

East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce

Happy New Year!


Chamber Power Group

Start off the New Year with a Chamber Membership! It's Less than $25 a month*! A Chamber Membership offers:

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25% on your electric bill?

WHO BENEFITS Chamber members of all sizes and in all industries. The larger the group, the greater the savings for businesses. Companies with locations in multiple states can participate - all locations eligible (in deregulated states.) HOW IT WORKS •Simply call the East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce (401) 438-1212 •Your electricity is still delivered by National Grid. •There are no fees for East Providence Area Chamber members to join the energy buying group nor does Action Energy or its suppliers charge any additional fees to switch suppliers. •There is no minimum usage to participate. No long-term contract. •The Decision Is Yours...YOU DECIDE IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE •Companies can enroll/leave the group & return to National Grid on any billing period* •You save money by combining your purchasing power with other local businesses ELIGIBILITY • Companies with a business electric account. • Companies must be East Providence Area Chamber member in good standing.

*Actual time to become effective based on number of days from meter read. There are no guarantees. Individual results will vary. All companies subject to credit approval.

9Networking Events 9Business Referrals 9Money-saving opportunities 9Chamber Power Group 9Free publicity for businesses 9Member2Member Discount Program 9Marketing Opportunities 9Community Involvement 9Membership Directory 9Advocacy for the Business Community 9Alerts about issues affecting businesses 9Free meeting room space 9Assistance with press releases 9Free publicity for non-profit activities your company or employees are involved in...

Visit our Web site for information on how a Chamber membership can benefit your company. www.eastprovchamber.com

Visit our Web site often for updates to our 2010 Calendar of Events and news about the Chamber!


Serving the communities of East Providence & Barrington, RI and Seekonk & Rehoboth, MA

East Providence Area Chamber of Commerce 1005 Waterman Avenue East Providence, Rhode Island 02914 phone: 401.438.1212 fax: 401.435.4581 email: office@eastprovchamber.com www.eastprovchamber.com

Featuring photo albums from Chamber Events facebook.com/EastProvidenceAreaChamber

*$275/year for 1-5 employees; $5 for each additional full-time employee

January 2010 The Reporter


How You Can Help LEARN TO DANCE!

The Brown Bag Lunch Program

We will be meeting again on Sunday, January 24th at 9 a.m. at Positive New Beginnings, 873 Waterman Avenue, East Providence. We will be assembling the brown bag lunches as well as putting together all of the donations. If you’d like to volunteer please send me an email or if you’d like to make a contribution we are always looking for pantry items, toiletries, new and used clothing and new and used bedding. All donations may be dropped off at Positive New Beginnings any day, Tuesday thru Saturdays, noon till 6 p.m. If you’d like to participate, please email me at wendy. stawicki@yahoo.com or you can reach me by our website at www. brownbaglunchprogram.com.

Volunteers Needed!!

Did you know that 1 in every 50 children in the U.S will go to sleep without a home this year? Horizons for Homeless Children is looking for energetic and enthusiastic volunteers to play with children living in family homeless shelters in Barnstable, Bristol, and Plymouth Counties. If you have an extra 2 hours a week and a desire to make a difference in the lives of some wonderful children, then we have the volunteer opportunity for you! A six month commitment is required. Attendance at one of our training sessions is mandatory. Upcoming trainings: January 30th in Boston. January 30th in Holyoke. February 6th in Lawrence. February 27th in Worcester and March 6th in Bourne. Sign up today! Contact Jill Miceli at (508) 999-9454 or at jmiceli@horizonsforhomelesschildren. org for more information and an application, or fill one out online at www.horizonsforhomelesschildren.org.

Tap-In In Need Of Both Drivers and Donations

The volunteers of Tap-In would like to wish their many donors and drivers a very Happy New Year! The support given during the past very demanding year was nothing short of wonderful. With the holidays over, the agency is once again able to accept donations of small furniture items, as long as they are not upholstered. Tables, chairs, microwave carts, etc. are very much needed. Also, as new gift items such as pots, pans, coffee makers, blenders, mixers, towels and bedding are put to use please remember how great the need is for the agency’s East Bay area clients. As many “snow birds” head south there is always an increase in the need for replacement drivers. Volunteers are free to drive as often or as infrequently as they wish, and may limit the distance too. Please drop off donations or call 247-1444 for further information during Tap-In’s regular office hours, 9 to noon, Monday thru Friday. The agency is located in the lower level of the Library building on County Road.

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The Reporter January 2010

People in the News Rev. Msgr. William McCaffrey Elected Trustee at Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island

Rev. Msgr. William J. McCaffrey.

Providence, R.I. – Pastor of St. Margaret Church in Rumford and member of the board of consulters of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence, Rev. Msgr. William J. McCaffrey has been elected to the board of trustees of Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island, the state’s leader in hospice and palliative care since 1976. “Msgr. McCaffrey is a terrific addition to our board of trustees,” said Diana Franchitto, Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island president/CEO. “For over thirty years, Msgr. McCaffrey has served the Roman Catholic Church in Rhode Island in a variety of roles and we appreciate his willingness to share his expertise to help us continue our mission of service to the people of Rhode Island,” she said. In addition to being a diocesan consulter, Msgr. McCaffrey presently is a member of the board of regents for LaSalle Academy, Providence. He also has served the Diocese of Providence as director of religious education, director of research and planning, Episcopal vicar for planning and financial services and moderator of the Catholic Charity Fund Appeal. He also was pastor of St. Joseph’s Church, Fox Point, Providence, from 1990 to 2006. At various times during the ’80s and ’90s, Msgr. McCaffrey was president of the New England Conference of Diocesan Directors of Religious Education, a director of the National Conference of Fiscal Management and priest coordinator for the $50 million “Vision of Hope” diocesan capital campaign. From 1985 to 2006, he was a member of the diocesan finance council and chair of the diocesan insurance commission and parish capital review and evaluation committee. His work at preserving St. Joseph’s Church in Providence’s Fox Point neighborhood earned him two preservation awards, the 2003 Providence Preservation Society’s Award for Institutional Restoration, as a model for congregations and owners of historic landmark edifices, and the 2005 Rhode Island Historic Preservation Commission’s Institutional Award for restoration and establishment of a permanent endowment fund for the church’s long-term maintenance. Msgr. McCaffrey was ordained a priest in 1972 in his home parish of St. Peter’s, Warwick, and was named a monsignor by Pope John Paul II in 1993. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the College of Our Lady of Providence Seminary, Warwick Neck, and Master of Arts and Bachelor of Sacred Theology degrees from Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain, Belgium. For more information about Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island’s programs and services, visit www.hhcri.org or call 401-415-4200.

Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island

Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island has been a leader in hospice and palliative care for more than three decades and helps people live out the remaining time of their lives with as much comfort and dignity as possible. Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island offers comprehensive medical, emotional and spiritual care for people facing life-challenging illnesses. Home & Hospice Care of Rhode Island is an independent, non-profit, Medicare - and Medicaid-certified organization fully licensed by the Rhode Island Department of Health and accredited by the Community Health Accreditation Program.

January 2010 The Reporter


more information on collegiate rankings, visit sailingworld.com.

About the Eckerd College Triton Sailing Team

The Eckerd College Triton Sailing Team is recognized as a varsity team and is a part of the Waterfront Program. Eckerd College was a founding member of the Southeastern Intercollegiate Sailing Association (SEISA). Today, the team is a strong competitor in the South Atlantic Intercollegiate Sailing Association (SAISA) and is a member of the Intercollegiate Sailing Association (ICSA). Congratulations to the members of the Eckerd College Varsity Sailing Women’s Team as they gear up for a successful spring semester!

Now Is the Time to Advertise! EC Sailors Lara Dallman-Weiss ‘11 and Cara Vavolotis ‘10.

Cara Vavolotis

Cara Vavolotis and her crew recently tied in first place in the Women’s A Division at the Atlantic Coast Championships giving her Eckerd College team a 4th place overall. The Championship regatta was held recently at Brown University. Cara is a current resident of Rehoboth and a former resident of Seekonk. She is the granddaughter of Rita Johnson and the late Francis Johnson from Riverside, RI. Her mother, Maureen Vavolotis, grew up in East Providence, and was a teacher there for 35 years. Her father, Constantine, is the owner of East Coast Embroidery, also located in East Providence.

Call The Reporter at 508.252.6575. We offer FREE ad design!

Eckerd College Women’s Varsity Sailing Team Ranked 6th in Nation

In a field of 181 teams, the Eckerd College Varsity Sailing Women’s Team is currently ranked 6th in the nation in Women’s Collegiate Sailing (Sailing World, Dec. 2, 2009). Triton sailors include Cara Vavolotis ‘10, Emilie Mademann ‘12, Lara Dallman-Weiss ‘11, Brianna Wall ‘10, Sarah Morgan Lee ‘10, Caeli McGaunn ‘12, and Charlotte Dorris ‘11. After winning the SAISA District Women’s Championship in Charleston, SC, the Triton Women’s Team qualified for the Women’s Atlantic Coast Championship at Brown University, where they finished with a 4th Place Overall. Steady performances at this championship and recent regattas have contributed to the team’s sixth place national ranking, just behind Boston College, Charleston, Yale, Brown, and Old Dominion. Eckerd’s women have now tied the highest held Triton Women’s Sailing team ranking held by Triton Sailors past. Individually, Triton Sailor Emilie Mademann ‘12 is ranked 13th in the nation in Singlehanded sailing. Emilie placed second in the SAISA District Women’s Singlehanded Championship at Charleston, which qualified her for the Nationals in Corpus Christi, TX, where she finished in 13th place. Sailing World provides bi-weekly, national rankings for both co-ed and women’s teams. Rankings are typically posted on Wednesdays and are determined by an open coaches poll. For

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The Reporter January 2010

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year!

Boneyard BBQ Collected $1167.50 that went to Christmas for kids!

- from The Reporter staff Dollar Bill Darts were collected November-December at Boneyard BBQ.

The Reporter is the only paper MAILED FREE to 100% of East Providence!

Gianlorenzo & Sons In Business Since 1977 Construction Corp

Weichert, Realtors® - Tirrell Realty adds Kathy Santos to Sales Roster

RI Reg. #37

New Homes • Lots • Excavating All Qualify for $8,000 Tax credit

Address Size Square Ft Utilities 605 Bullocks Point Ave 56'X95' 5,351 W,S,G 104 Don Ave 88'X115' 10,100 W,S,G (2 Lots) Mayflower St 80'X100' 8,000 W,S,G 243 Robinson St SOLD 75'X100' 7,500 W,S **Other Homes & Lots Availabe • W=Water, S=Sewer, G=Gas

Kathy Santos.

Riverside, R.I., December 9, 2009— Weichert, Realtors® - Tirrell Realty has announced the addition of new agent Kathy Santos. The Rhode Island native specializes in residential sales serving clients in Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts. Born in East Providence, Santos is a lifelong resident who is active in the community. Prior to real estate, she worked as an administrative assistant and as a youth minister. Weichert, Realtors® - Tirrell Realty is located at 1086 Willett Avenue in Riverside, telephone (401) 437-2030.

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Big Brothers of Rhode Island To Honor Volunteers at Little Brothers Christmas Party

Award Presentations, Car Raffle Drawing and Gifts for all Little Brothers to Highlight the Celebration East Providence, R.I., (December 2, 2009) – Big Brothers of Rhode Island, Inc. will celebrate the contributions of local volunteers at its Annual Little Brothers Christmas Party on Sunday, December 20, 2009, from noon to 3 p.m. at the Smithfield Lodge of Elks, 326 Farnum Pike, Smithfield, R.I. Scott Nallen, of East Providence, was chosen Big Brother of the Year for 2009. Scott became a Big Brother in September, 2005. He has been an outstanding role model to his two Little Brothers, Patrick and Thomas. Scott also serves on the Advisory Board and helps with Big Brother recruitment and fundraising. Scott resides in East Providence with his wife, Anne, and sons, Scott, Jr. and Brian.

January 2010 The Reporter Community Service Awards will be presented to Jared D. Burrows, Warwick; Ryan Clark, North Kingstown; Morgan Donahue, Salve Regina University; Cheryl Holzberger, Cumberland; Adam Homeston, Johnston; Zaneta Hunter, Cumberland; Justin Jabara, Providence; Nicholas Kraver, Bryant University; Nicholas Norton, Bryant University and Christopher D. Sperry, Scituate. The 5th Annual Car Raffle drawing will take place after the Award Presentations. Over 500 Big and Little Brothers are expected to participate in the festivities, which include a bicycle raffle for Little Brothers. Ed Carosi, founder and president of Uncle Tony’s Pizza and Pasta Restaurant of Warwick, will donate and cook the food. Every Little Brother in attendance will receive gifts donated by Hasbro. Big Brothers of Rhode Island, Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. About Big Brothers of Rhode Island

Big Brothers of Rhode Island To Present Its First Woman of the Year Awards


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Agency to Honor Mother and Daughter Pair Hazel and Shakay Kizirian East Providence, R.I.,– Big Brothers of Rhode Island will present its inaugural Woman of the Year Awards to Hazel Kizirian and Shakay Kizirian at a dinner and ceremony to be held at the Providence Marriott on February 4, 2010. The organization chose to celebrate North Providence resident Hazel and her daughter, Shakay, of Providence, with its first-ever Woman of the Year Awards in recognition of the extraordinary generosity and dedication they have shown Big Brothers of Rhode Island. For decades, the Kizirian family has contributed abundant support for the agency’s work on behalf of fatherless boys. Their relationship with Big Brothers of Rhode Island began with Hazel’s husband, the late Providence Postmaster Harry Kizirian, who served on Big Brothers of Rhode Island’s Executive Board for over 20 years. Their daughter, Shakay, continues her father’s longtime legacy as an active member of the Big Brothers of Rhode Island Executive Board today. Hazel and Shakay are hopeful that with this dinner they can promote awareness of the organization’s mentoring programs, recruit many new volunteer Big Brothers and raise much-needed funds for the agency. WPRI News Anchor Karen Adams will join Big Brothers of Rhode Island as toastmaster for the Woman of the Year Award See My Credit Union For Details. Dinner. Marjorie Sundlun and Donald E. Cummings are co-chairpersons for the event. Rabbi Leslie Y. Gutterman and Thomas Boyle will speak at the ceremony. “Mr. Deep Positivity” James McBride will rap “The Big Brother Song,” and Danielle J. Lima will sing the National Anthem. Federally Chartered & Federally Insured Cocktails will be served at 6 p.m. and dinner will be served at 7 p.m. Tickets are $50 per person. The dinner is open to the public. Ticket requests should be directed NCUA to Val Sinesi at (401) 432-9955. All proceeds Nos Falamos Portuguese benefit Big Brothers of Rhode Island, Inc., Mon - Thurs 9-4:30 Fri 9-6, Sat 9-12 (Drivethru a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organiMember East Providence Chamber of Commerce zation.

Advertise in The East Providence Reporter! CALL 508.252.6575

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The Reporter January 2010

Club News & Announcements January 2010 Events at Providence Children’s Museum

Mechanical Menagerie exhibit • Through January 31, 2010

See a collection of eye-popping sculptures – antelopes, birds, bugs, frogs, a jellyfish and more – fashioned from recycled electronics and other repurposed junk by award-winning Providence artist Ann P. Smith, a Rhode Island School of Design graduate who has exhibited her work across the country.



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Clay Play

Fri., January 8 • 10:00 A.M. - Noon Preschoolers dig in for hands-on fun as they experiment with different clays and tools. Ages 3 - 5

Paint Play

Sat., January 9 • Noon - 3:00 P.M. Sun., January 10 • Noon - 3:00 P.M. Children discover their inner artists as they dip into a colorful array of paints, tint with watercolors and paint at a large see-through easel. Ages 3 - 11

Museum Closed - Mon., January 11 Play and Learn

Tues., January 12 • 10:00 A.M. - Noon Preschoolers experiment with loud, soft, high and low sounds as they use simple instruments. Ages 2 - 4

Blast Off

Wed., January 13 • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. Kids send a rocket soaring across the room using the power of air in the FETCH!™ Lab, a hands-on science center. Ages 5 - 11

Bone Zone

Thurs., January 14 • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. Kids investigate a variety of real animal skulls and compare them to a human skull. Ages 5 - 11

MetLife Family Friday – Free at Five!

e y w r

• All Major & Minor Repairs • All Makes & Models of Cars and Trucks

Happy New Year!

Fri., January 15 • 5:00 - 8:00 P.M. The Museum is open free of charge from 5:00 - 8:00 P.M., sponsored by MetLife Foundation. Stay out late and splash, play, explore and discover! Kids ages 5 - 11 create their own kites and fly them in the FETCH!™ Lab from 5:30 - 7:30 P.M.

Preschool Friday*

ALSO Fri., January 15 • 10:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Preschoolers hear the story “Snow Bear” and make magical caverns in ice. Ages 3 - 5 *30-minute sessions. $8 fee above Museum admission. Discount for series preregistration. Call (401) 273-5437 ext. 234.

Go Fly a Kite

Sat., January 16 • Noon - 3:00 P.M. Sun., January 17 • Noon - 3:00 P.M. Kids build an indoor kite and keep it flying high in the FETCH!™ Lab, a hands-on activity center. Ages 5 - 11

A Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, January 18 • 11:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.

January 2010 The Reporter




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The Reporter January 2010

Families explore an exhibit of photographs, words and books describing Dr. King’s life and work, participate in an interactive exploration of the negative power of discrimination, and see a powerful performance of “M.L.K.: Amazing Grace.” Award-winning storytellers and actors Rochel Coleman and Valerie Tutson bring history to life through songs and stories as they portray Civil Rights activists Rosa Parks, Ralph Abernathy and more. Shows at 11:30 A.M., 1:00 P.M. & 2:30 P.M. Ages 5 - 11

Play and Learn

Tues., January 19 • 10:00 A.M. - Noon Preschoolers practice patterning and fine motor skills as they string together bunches of beads. Ages 2 - 4


Wed., January 20 • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. Kids construct cool catapults from spoons and paper clips in the FETCH!™ Lab, a hands-on activity center. Look out below! Ages 5 - 11

Fabric Play

Thurs., January 21 • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. Kids see what they can make, wear and drape using an array of colorful fabrics. Ages 5 - 11

Preschool Friday*

Fri., January 22 • 10:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Preschoolers meet and touch a live tortoise and make a tortoise puppet. Ages 3 - 5 *30-minute sessions. $8 fee above Museum admission. Discount for series pre-registration. Call (401) 273-5437 ext. 234.

No Time to Waste

Sat., January 23 • 10:30 A.M. - 1:15 P.M. Sun., January 24 • 10:30 A.M. - 1:15 P.M. The audience gets into the act in this hilarious family comedy about recycling. Four 20-minute shows. Ages 5 - 11 Sponsored by Dominion Foundation.

Museum Closed - Mon., January 25 Play and Learn

Tues., January 26 • 10:00 A.M. - Noon Preschoolers build ramps and towers and experiment with rolling balls. Ages 2 - 4

Under Pressure

Wed., January 27 • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. Support a book with a sheet of paper? Give your paper a workout in the FETCH!™ Lab, a hands-on science center. Ages 5 - 11 Strings Attached Thurs., January 28 • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. Kids play with a plethora of puppets and put on a show. Ages 5 - 11

ATTENTION WRITERS Professional manuscript critiques and marketing assistance available from published writer with MFA in creative writing. Reasonable rates for stories, articles, novels. Contact: writingwell19@verizon.net or call 401-438-8367

Preschool Friday*

Fri., January 29 • 10:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Young children sharpen their shape skills as they hear a shape story and create a shape collage. Ages 3 - 5 *30-minute sessions. $8 fee above Museum admission. Discount for series pre-registration. Call (401) 273-5437 ext. 234.

Stick Structures

Sat., January 30 • Noon - 3:00 P.M. Sun., January 31 • Noon - 3:00 P.M. Families build gigantic structures using only dowels and rubber bands. Make a giant cube that stands up on its own. Ages 5 - 11 TM/© 2007 WGBH Educational Foundation. Providence Children’s Museum – a joyful place for children and families. The Museum is located at 100 South Street in Providence’s Jewelry District. September through March, open Tuesday through Sunday and Monday school holidays, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., and selected Fridays until 8 P.M. April through August, open 7 days. Unless indicated, programs are free with Museum admission of $7.50 per person; admission is always free for Museum members. Call (401) 273-KIDS or visit www.childrenmuseum.org.

Knitting Weekend at Slater Mill January 22-24

National Designers Come to Rhode Island

Pawtucket, RI: Slater Mill, located at 67 Roosevelt Avenue along the Blackstone River in the heart of Pawtucket, presents Community Guild Studios’ 2nd Annual Knitting Weekend. Get out your knitting needles! The Community Guild Studios at Slater Mill is bringing the 2nd Annual Knitting Weekend to Rhode Island - January 22 through 24. The theme of this year’s weekend is New Year, New In-spiration, New Techniques. After all the Holiday Knitting is finished, it’s time to focus on knitting projects and goals for you! This is an ideal gift for the knitter on your Christmas list. Friday night kicks off the weekend with a Meet & Greet wine and cheese reception, a trunk show from Berroco Yarns and a presentation by acclaimed designer Mary Jane Mucklestone will present Styling Your Knits for Photos, a must for entrepreneurial knitters hoping to sell their patterns or creations. Mary Jane was the photo stylist for Interweave Knits and her work has been featured in Interweave, as well as Twist collective, and Classic Elite. Saturday night is Pajama Party time! A relaxed celebration of our New England knitting community, we will knit, share, snack and hold raffles and swaps. Saturday and Sunday will offer an array of classes and workshops for beginner, intermediate and advanced knitters to build your skills and inspire your work. Mary Jane Mucklestone will teach a design class on Stranded Colorwork. Students will learn the Fair Isle technique while creating a sampler hat. For the beginner ready to move on, Cheryl Burke, also known as the “Yarn Bee,” presents an Intermediate Knitting class that will teach you to fix your mistakes, comprehend the elusive gauge and properly block your finished pieces. Rose Ann Hunter has adapted over 30 techniques of rug making. She will offer two classes during Knitting Weekend: Heirloom Rug Making for Knitters, as well as her popular Knitted Carpet Bag. Accomplished Fiber Artist Adrienne Sloane will guide students through Free Form Knitting, a class for knitters who want to break free of patterns and learn to design as they knit. Cirilia Rose, of the Berroco design team, offers a class on finishing your work using professional techniques. Local designer Helen Bingham will hold a workshop on the popular Infinity Scarf. Using

January 2010 The Reporter the Moebius technique you will begin to create this beautiful and versatile accessory. Jewelry designer Leslie Wind will guide you through creating your own shawl pin. “Knitting Weekend is a unique opportunity for the textile community to come together. So much is taking place in online communities like Ravelry, yet people are really craving the opportunity to meet in person and to learn firsthand from master craftspeople such as Andrienne Sloane and Mary Jane Mucklestone. To do so at the Birth-place of the textile industry is a really unique opportunity,” says Slater Mill CEO Janice Kissinger. “Don’t be fooled into thinking an event for knitters is small potatoes. There is a huge affinity audience of people interested in knitting and other craft. The Mill is having great success with this line of pro-grams.” Hotel rooms will be offered at a workshop discount at the nearby Comfort Inn for those who wish to avoid commuting. To see the full schedule or to register using PayPal please visit www. slatermill.org, call 401-725-8638 or contact Bernadette Vaughan at Bernadette@slatermill.org. Housed within the Jencks Education Center, the Community Guild Studios (CGS), is a fiber arts center that links the birthplace of textile manufacturing with a growing community of talented, professional craftspeople as well as members of the general public who enjoy fiber arts as a pastime or creative out-let. A National Historic Landmark, Slater Mill preserves, interprets and researches the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution and its collections for the benefit of all. The Mill develops an informed understanding of American heritage in innovative economic, industrial, cultural, artistic and social terms. Slater Mill provides high quality, relevant experiences designed to educate, entertain and inspire. When a group of visionary business leaders and preservationists came together in 1921, they had one thing in mind: to save the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. To this day, Slater Mill has consistently delivered its mission of preserving, interpret-


ing and sustaining this important site. We draw visitors from every state and from 150 countries, serving approximately 40,000 people each year. A Rhode Island icon, Slater Mill is a powerful engine for tourism, education and community.

Adrienne Sloane's " Tea for Two" knitting.

"Pinwheels" rug by Rose Ann Hunter.

The “Knit-Off Challenge” at Winslow Gardens and Linn Health Care Center The residents, friends, and staff of Winslow Gardens and Linn Health Care Center accepted the “Great Knit-Off Challenge” issued recently by radio station WCTK by knitting and crocheting 63 scarves for our soldiers who are serving their country in Afghanistan. The Challenge was issued in partnership with the Warm Hometown Hugs program created by Diman Regional High School in Fall River. Each scarf represents a warm hug from home. Located in East Providence, Rhode Island, United Methodist Elder Care is an affordable continuum of housing and care serving 206 very-low to moderate income seniors. Winslow Gardens offers independent-living subsidized apartments and affordable assisted living apartments complemented by full service dining and assistance with activities of daily living. The adjacent Linn Health Care Center offers skilled nursing home care, long term care and rehabilitative services. An on-site chaplain and dynamic activities staff work to

create a warm, enriched, and inviting community life. Residents of all religious, ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic backgrounds are welcome.

Pictured from left to right: Jean James, Grace Estrella, Marge Hargreaves, Ginny McKenzie, Lynn Green, Grace Patterson, and Barbara McCarthy.


The Reporter January 2010

Fogarty Auto Body, Inc. Serving Southern New England's Auto Body Needs For Over 60 Years • Established 1946 • Collision Experts • Professional Guaranteed Service • Painting / Expert Color Matching • Insurance Lic.# 76

From the State House Commission Studying Plan to Prevent Utility Shutoffs

State House – A legislative commission is studying a plan to prevent utility shutoffs for low-income Rhode Island households 401-438-5290 through a program that would allow customers to pay a lower rate for power. The Special Commission to Study a Home Energy Rate Affordability Program was formed as a result of legislation (2009-H 6463) sponsored by Rep. Arthur Handy, who is serving as chairman of the commission. Representative Handy (D-Dist. 18, Cranston) said he expects the commission will recommend legislation to the General Assembly in early January. The plan the commission is studying, as currently written, would allow qualified customers – the elderly, the disabled and those with income at or below 150 percent of the federal poverty level ($31,800 for a household of four) – to prevent shutoffs by paying 6 to 8 percent of their income, slightly more than the amount that goes toward utilities in a median-income household. They would pay that amount throughout the year, even in summer. They would be allowed that rate only for a basic level of heat and energy, so they must conserve. If they make these payments for 36 months they also would have remaining back bill debt to be forgiven. This program would be funded partially through existing programs and through a modDick’s Sporting Goods est surcharge of $1.40 a month per meter for all residential and small business customers 275 Highland Avenue (Rt. 6) Seekonk, MA – amounting to $16.80 annually per meter. The goal is to use available funding to help customers end a cycle of ever-increasing debt, Saturday, January 30, 2010 • 9am-1pm instead of the current policy of using program funds to restore power to those who have been $75 per player / $160 Family Rate (3 or more) shut off. Currently, most of the funding available goes toward paying enough to get power restored in time for winter. But since customers who are struggling generally end the winter in Wednesday, February 3, 2010 • 7-9pm greater debt to the utility, many then lose power again in the spring as soon as utilities are alSaturday, February 6, 2010 • 9am-1pm lowed to perform shutoffs. The system leaves $85 per player / $185 Family Rate (3 or more) struggling customers in a cycle of growing debt and shutoffs. Members of the commission, which has met twice since Dec. 1, include Representative Handy, Rep. Joseph S. Almeida (D-Dist. 12, Providence), Rep. Brian C. Newberry (R-Dist. Please Visit our website for complete details 48, North Smithfield, Burrillville), Rep. Helio (fees & paperwork) Melo (D-Dist. 64, East Providence), and Rep. John A. Savage (R-Dist. 65, East Providence).

2258 Pawtucket Ave • East Providence

Spring 2010 Sign-ups

Boys Baseball and Girls Softball




January 2010 The Reporter


Events & Activities The Kiwanis Club of Seekonk 14th Annual Taste of the Town February 2, 2010, at the Johnson & Wales Inn on route 44 in Seekonk from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. There will be food tasting from many of the area’s finest restaurants and wine tasting offered by many wine vendors. Raffles of certificates from the exhibitors will be available. Tickets are $30 per person and are available from the Town Clerk at 508/336/2921, Edith at 508/336/8130 and Bev at 508/336/9352. There will also be a 50/50 cash raffle held and tickets are now available from Linda at 508/557/1854 or any club member. All proceeds are to help children and their families. Anyone interested in helping Kiwanis help children, their number one priority, can contact any of the listed members for more information.

All Saints Anglican Church Project Life

The First Adult Education Curriculum Focused on Life

Project Life is an 8 week adult education series produced by Anglicans for Life. This series is designed to give you a comprehensive snapshot of what is happening in the world of abortion, adoption, abstinence, euthanasia and stem cell research and how you can make a difference for life. Each session will consist of an opening prayer and activity, a 20 minute DVD presentation and group reflection. We will have closing thoughts and prayers as well as a personal study plan. There will be a participant handbook available for $4.95. A pot luck kick-off dinner is planned for January 15, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. (snow date is January 22nd at 6:30 p.m.) at All Saints Anglican Church, 1188 South Main Street (Rt. 152), Attleboro, MA 02703, or call 508-222-2640. For more details, please visit our website www. allsaintsamia.org. Carol Leonard is coordinating this program.

Home Buyer Workshop


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager maryn@eastprovreporter.com

cell 401.569.4726 office 508.252.6575


ads@rehobothreporter.com ads@eastprovreporter.com

Rehoboth, Seekonk

East Providence FOPA

Lobster Raffle

Begins 1/2/10 thru 3/28/10 Sundays at 2pm

at Gre


ne Mo


es Priz

s ffle a R

Trinity Brotherhood Woodward Ave East Providence, RI

Th & e Th B e igg Be es st t !

East Providence, RI: Coastway Community Bank and RE/MAX River’s Edge have joined forces to bring residents of Rhode Island and Southeastern MA a FREE workshop. Opportunity Knocks in 2010! - A workshop to answers many questions about the extended and expanded 2009 Stimulus Bill Tax Credit for Home Buyers. The workshop will be held on Saturday, February 20th at the Coastway branch located at 2830 Pawtucket Avenue in East Providence RI from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. Registration is required by calling either 401- 330-1900 or 401-245-2000. Each participant will receive a complimentary confidential credit analysis and one winner will receive a $100 Lowes gift certificate. The workshop will educate attendees on the current state of the market, credit strategies and mortgage programs for the homebuyer, including information on the Extended and Expanded Housing Stimulus Act. The expansion allows for up to a $ 6,500 tax credit for qualified move up buyers. A real estate attorney and an accountant will be on hand to answer questions.

Rehoboth, Seekonk

Reporter en & East Providence h c t Ki pen O

Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager maryn@eastprovreporter.com

cell 401.569.4726 office 508.252.6575


ads@rehobothreporter.com ads@eastprovreporter.com

Rehoboth, Seekonk


The Reporter January 2010

Annual Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Celebration

The 22nd memorial celebration of the life of The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has been scheduled for Thursday, January 14, 2010 beginning promptly at 6:00 p.m. in the East Providence City Hall Council Chambers, 145 Taunton Avenue East Providence, RI 02914. The East Providence Affirmative Action Office will be hosting a spectacular program that will be enjoyable and suitable for the entire family. This year’s program will include an award presentation for students from Kindergarten to High School that participated in the City Wide Art/Talent Contest, also performances by a well known Rhode Island Gospel Choir and readings from local East Providence students. Adults and children of all ages are invited and encouraged to attend this joyous event to honor The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy. For further information, please contact Elmer C. Pina, Affirmative Action Officer/Human Services Director in the Affirmative Action Office at 401.435.7508. This event is free of charge and open to all with refreshments being served.

Sunday Night Karaoke

5pm-9pm with Cal Raye January 17th February 14th & 28th March 7th & 21st at East Providence Elks - 60 Berkley Street

50/50 raffles to benefit Elks Childrens Charity. Public welcome to join the fun – See you there!

Dighton-Rehoboth Gridiron Fundraiser Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament Date: Saturday, Feb 6, 2010

Sign in: 6:00 P.M., Start Time: 6:30 P.M. Buy In: $50.00 Where: Francis Farm, 27 Francis Farm Rd., Rehoboth, MA, 02769 To pre-register call Chris Whitmore @ 508-669-6145 by January 29 or ccwhitsr@ hotmail.com

Holocaust Through the Arts

Showcase Cinema, 1200 Quaker Lane, E. Greenwich, RI

Secrets Of The Dead: Escape From Auschwitz A PBS Film

The truth about the Auschwitz death camp was one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Third Reich. Prisoners who tried to escape were killed in public as an example to other inmates, and very few ever made it out alive. ESCAPE FROM AUSCHWITZ tells the incredible story of two young Slovak Jews, Rudolph Vrba and Alfred Wetzler, who managed to escape by hiding in a woodpile for three days, then fleeing across enemy territory, determined to tell the world about the atrocities being committed by the Nazis at the camp. PBS, Secrets of The Dead, Executive Producer, Jared Lipworth will be present to speak to the audience and answer questions about this most important film. THIS MOVIE IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Date: Sunday, March 21, 2010 10:00 AM Reservations are necessary. To make reservations please call: 401-453-7860 or email: mzeidman@hercri.org

The Newest Lobster Raffle In Town All Proceeds Support Riverside Raiders Cheerleaders and Football Players!


Affordable Fuel Inc. No need to hunt around for great home heating oil prices! Call Affordable Fuel for Our Daily Price Quote


Noon-4pm 1st Drawing starts at 1:30 Weekly On Saturday Afternoons January 2nd thru April 10 (No Raffle on Nov 28, Dec 26, Jan2)

Where: Knights Of Columbus Hall Crecent View Avenue-Riverside (In the hall - clean friendly environment)

Come watch your favorite sports teams on the NEW Big Screen Tv’s! Food and Beverages will be sold Full Schedule Listed At www.riversideraidersri.com

January 2010 The Reporter

BCBSRI to Hold Post-Holiday Weight Management Seminars

Providence, RI (December 29, 2009) – To help Rhode Islanders shed those extra pounds gained during the holidays, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island (BCBSRI) will hold two free weight management seminars, one in Bristol and another in Providence, on January 14, 2010 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. The Bristol seminar will take place at the Rogers Free Library, 525 Hope Street. In Providence, the event will be at The Health & Wellness Institute, 291 Promenade Street. All members of the public are invited to participate. Attendees will receive information to start a healthy lifestyle, simple tips to eat healthier and how to fit physical activity into a busy schedule, and the ability to review resources provided by BCBSRI to help reach weight management goals. As schedules are subject to change, please visit https://www.bcbsri.com/BCBSRIWeb/ inthecommunity/calendar/index.jsp for updates. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island is the state’s leading health insurer and covers more than 600,000 members. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.


We’ve Moved!


Beauty Studio Inc. 536 Warren Ave

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Men • Women • Children HAIR • WAXING Natalie, Paula & Stephanie welcome you to their new location!

10% OFF Any Service

Indoor Yard Sale

with Stephanie only, new clients only

A winter indoor yard sale will be held on Saturday, January 23 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the Woodworth Hall at Seekonk Congregational Church, 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk. Included in the sale will be furniture, collectibles, toys, household items, books, clothing and assorted one-of-a kind treasures! The event is free and open to the public. To donate items to the yard sale please call (508)558-9301. All proceeds will benefit the Yankee Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps, a Seekonk-based musical group.

Poetry In The Village Blanding Library, Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Rd, Rehoboth, MA

Happy New Year! And We Are Celebrating Our First Year Anniversary!

January 20, 2010

Helping Us Celebrate Will Be A Special Performance By The dynamic Dana Rowe We Love Our Audience - Come on over and listen!

Open Mic

Sign up 6-6:30 p.m. Open Mic Readings 6:30-7 p.m. 7:15 p.m. Feature Performances every third Wednesday of the month, 6 - 8 p.m.

*Now Available New Poetry Chapbook: Climbing the Family Tree*

Poems by Nancy Morgan-Boucher For information on purchasing, contact: nlmboucher@comcast.net

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The Reporter January 2010

Seekonk Auto Salvage, Inc. Automobile Recycling

• Buyers of Junk Cars, Trucks & Late Model Vehicles • 24 Hour Towing • Quality Flatbed Service

Blood Drive

The Riverside Post 10 American Legion, and the Rhode Island Blood Bank will be holding a blood drive on Sunday, January 24, 2010, from 9:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M., at the American Legion hall on 830 Willett Avenue in Riverside. Donors will receive a free breakfast and a pound of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee.

Highest Prices Paid for Scrap Vehicles - Call for Pricing 508-789-4047 or 508-761-6343 • Seekonk, MA

Newman YMCA

Newman YMCA Winter Program Registration is being accepted Family Owned now for the following Preschool and Youth Programs starting JanuLicensed & Operated for ary 4th running 7 weeks through February 21, 2010. & Insured 40 years Youth Basketball ages 6-12 plays SAT afternoons divided girls and boys by age divisions. Parent Child Basketball for ages 4 & 5 the program teaches fundamentals working towards a real basketball game. SAT 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. Cheerleading ages 6-15 this program encourages teamwork, sportsmanship and promotes self confidence in a positive and energetic atmosphere taught by the Junior Seekonk Warriors Coaches. Ages 6-8 Tuesday 5:00 P.M. ages 9-10 Wednesday 5:00 P.M.; ages 11-15 Thursday 5:00 P.M. and ages 6-10 Saturday 10:00 A.M. Cheer/Tumble ages 6-15 safe instruction to learn the skills you need to move advance BECOME A MEMBER OF taught by the Junior Seekonk Warriors CoachTHE ART LEAGUE OF RHODE ISLAND es. Tuesday 6:00 P.M.; ages 9-10 Wednesday AND BE INCLUDED IN THE 6:00 P.M.; ages 11-15 Thursday 6:15 P.M. or Saturday 11:00 A.M. Dance Preschool ages 3-4 combo ballet and tap with musical games and technique Friday 2:45 P.M. ages 4-6 ballet and tap with choreography Friday 3:45 P.M. Dance Troupe – two divisions ages 6-9 meets Friday 4:30-5:45 P.M. and ages 10 through teen meet 5:45-7:00 P.M. the first 45 minutes is techniques then 30 minutes of choreography. Troupe performs at YMCA and community events. APPLICATION DEADLINE 5:00 PM JANUARY 15, 2010 Gymnastics Preschool ages 3 & 4 introduction to acrobatics and equipment plus basic DOWNLOAD ENTRY FORM AND FURTHER INFORMATION: ARTLEAGUERI.ORG tumbling Tuesday 3:30 P.M. ages 5-7 more OR CALL 401 331-3465 advanced skills meet 4:15 P.M. Gymnastics ages 7-14 – once the basics are REQUIREMENTS: mastered, unevens, balance beam and vaulting CD PORTFOLIO OF UP TO TEN, UNALTERED WORKS, skills are advanced. Meets Tuesday 5:00 P.M. (PHOTOGRAPHY MAY BE ALTERED) Mighty Mights Sports ages 4-6. Games apINCLUDING ONE ACTUAL PIECE. proach to learning a different sport each week. RESUMÉ AND BRIEF ARTISTʼS STATEMENT FOR REVIEW. APPLICATION FEE $25.00 Wednesday 1:15 p.m. or Thursday 10:00 a.m. Karate Kids ages 5-7 introduction to Tae Kwon Do offered SAT 10:45 a.m. Sports Medley ages 6-8 on Wednesday 4:00 p.m. and ages 9-11 on Friday 4:00 p.m. Indoor Soccer ages 5-11 instructional league emphasizing skill development and fun. ½ hr drills & skills ½ hr games Sunday 12:00 p.m. for 8-11 yr olds; 1:00 p.m. for 5-7 yr olds. Indoor Tennis ages 5 and up Monday 3:00 P.M. for ages 5-9 and 4:00 P.M. for ages 9 and up. Lego Engineering ages 6-10 learn about blueprints, planning cities and more held Tuesday 4:00 P.M. or at 5:30 P.M.





January 2010 The Reporter Shark Attack ages 6 and up this is a pre-swim team training program that will build endurance and condition swimmers. Fun drills and skills, a great way to progress in a friendly less competitive way offered Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday at 4:00 P.M. Parent/Child Swim Lessons for ages 6 mo – 3 or 4 yrs old. ½ hr lesson to teach safety skills, basic paddle strokes, and water orientation. Offered Tuesday 9:30 A.M. or 5:00 P.M.; Thursday 9:30 A.M. or 5:00 P.M.; Saturday 9:00 A.M. or 10:30 A.M. Progressive Swim Lessons Preschool through Adult offered daily and on weekends. For details visit or call the Y. Most program fees are $52 for members and $104 for non members register online at www. YMCAGreaterProvidence.org or at the Newman YMCA 472 Taunton Ave on rte 44 in Seekonk 508-336-7103. Newman YMCA Register at the Newman YMCA Now for Teen through Adult Programs starting in January: Teens through Adults looking for better health during the New Year can shape up with recreational sports like Volleyball and Basketball leagues, Aerobic Classes, Zumba, Yoga, Indoor Cycling, Pilates, Boot Camp, Aqua Aerobics, Swimming and so much more.

Residential Commercial

Post Rehab Program – people recovering from an injury, stroke, respiratory ailment, etc. receive individualized attention and instruction to continue the improvements they have made in the Hospital or Physical Therapist sessions. Masters Swim Program Tuesday and Thursday 7:15 P.M. workouts for intermediate to advanced swimmers wanting to receive instruction on stroke technique and improve endurance. LIVESTRONG a 12 week cancer survivorship program offered free of charge in collaboration with the Lance Armstrong Foundation and Stanford University designed to improve functional capacity and reduce the severity of therapy side effects. Win Over Big a team challenge program with weekly weigh-ins and workouts designed and supervised by a nationally certified Personal Trainer. 12 weeks to a new you! The Newman YMCA is a charitable nonprofit organizations dedicated to building healthy spirit, mind and body for all through programs, services and relationships that are based on our core value of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. For details visit Newman YMCA 472 Taunton Ave on Route 44 in Seekonk MA or call 508-3367103. www.YMCAGreaterProvidence.org.


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The Reporter November January 2010 2009



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Stunning 3 Bed Ranch, Harwoods, Fireplace, Interior & Enterior of home exquisite! $249,900

Exceptional 24,000 sq ft Ranch, Must see cathedral ceiling Great room, Gourmet kitchen Master bedroom suite $409,900





Charming 3 Bed Cape with SpecRiverside Terrace Ranch, tacular view of downtown Prov. Beautiful yard with sprinklers Updates thru out. New Kitchen! Beautiful 3 bed Colonial on 20,000 and privacy hedges, newer sq ft lot. Attached garage, Move in condition. $204,900 roof & siding. $194,900 Hardwood floors $259,900

Brand New spacious 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Hardwood floors. Corner Lot, Garage. $289,900

East Providence



Waterfront – 4 Bed Colonial, Beautifully updated thru-out, 2.5 baths, 2 fireplaces, large living & dining, garage. $289,900

Waddington, 3 Bedrooms Cottage, Well Maintained, 2 Baths, Must see! $199,900





Great Opportunity, Well maintained 2 family Duplex, great neighborhood, Large private yard. $218,900



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January 2010 The Reporter


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WOW Roomy 2/3 Bed Ranch in Waddington, central air, located at end of Cul de sac! $229,900

East Providence



Waddington 3 bed Ranch, Newly Renovated Kitchen & Bath. Large Yard $206,900.




Roomy Waddington Cape, Fireplaced Living,Big Kitchen with sliders to deck,Gleaming Hardwoods $194,900


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Nice Multi Family in Waddington, Live in and collect rent! Great Investment Opportunity. $249,900

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Solid 2 Bed Ranch on Barrington / Waddington line. Attached Garage, Applianced Kitchen, Move in condition! $209,900


Great Location! Three Bed Ranch in Waddington, large fenced in yard. Reduced $179,900




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Mary-Jane King 401-524-6773

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Rose Pereira 401-258-0769

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The Reporter January 2010

Experience the Wonder of Winter with Audubon

Winter is COMING!


3 Bedroom Townhomes

January Highlights from the Audubon Society of Rhode Island

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Starting at $1170.00 / month Utilities Included (gas & electric) * Newly Renovated * Open Floor Plan * Ample Closet Space * Laundry Facilities * Off Street Parking * Playground * Move In Ready

CALL TODAY! 401-438-1576 25 Gemini Drive – 1G East Providence, RI 02914

Call 508.252.6575 To Advertise in The East Providence Reporter

Happy New Year!

Man About Town 13 Centre Street, Rumford RI 02916 (Formerly Dick's Barbershop)


Men's Color, Hairstyling, and Waxing

Photography Exhibit: My Neighbors, Your Neighbors Too

January 3 – February 28, 2010 Audubon Environmental Education Center Bristol, RI; 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Marcia Sessions presents a collection of photographs featuring the many lives, both animal and plant, which live side-by-side with each of us in our yards, our gardens and our nearby ponds, seashores, and woodlands. She views these spaces as not “ours” at all, but as the homes of many species of animals and plants, of which we are but one among many. An Episcopal priest in Rhode Island, she encourages viewers to understand that our neighbors include all living things. The opening reception will be held on January 3, 2010, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Program Fee: Free with the price of admission. January 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2010 Tuesday Morning Bird Walks 8:00 a.m. These popular bird walks continue every Tuesday in January. Phil Budlong will be coordinating the programs. Meet at the Charlestown Mini-Super on Route 1-A. If you’d like advance details on the itinerary for that week, email Phil at pbudlong@cox.net. No advance registration is required. Leaves from Charlestown, RI; Program Fee: Free; Ages: Adult.

Winter Big Day Birding Trip

January 9, 2010 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Join a Rhode Island tradition! Set out with an Audubon guide and cover many of the state’s winter birding hot spots during this daylong van trip in search of our feathered winter residents. Barrow’s Goldeneye, Eurasian Wigeon, Short-eared Owl, and Snow Bunting are among those you might find. Pack a lunch. Departs from Powder Mill Ledges, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield RI; Program Fee: $40/member, $50/non-member; Ages: 14+. Course Number: 014333-01. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Winter Explorations

Barber-Salon featuring Hours: Tues 9-5 • Wed 9-6 Thurs. 9-7 • Fri. 9-5 • Sat. 9-3

(December 1, 2009) – Get off the couch! Bundle up, throw on some snowshoes and trek out with an Audubon guide. Join a winter exploration to search for otters playing on a frozen pond or enjoy a hike under the stars and learn how wildlife refuges never sleep. Experience the wonder of winter in January with Audubon. A complete listing of activities and programs are detailed in the Audubon Nature Tours and Program Guide. Visit www.asri.org to download a copy or call (401) 949-5454. Unless noted, registration is required for all programs.


January 9, 2010 Audubon Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge Exeter, RI; 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Discover the stillness and beauty of nature in winter. Join Audubon on a quiet winter exploration of the woods and fields of Fisherville Brook. Look for animal tracks in the snow, otter playing on the frozen pond, signs of beaver and more! Please pre-register and dress for the weather.

January 2010 The Reporter Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, 99 Pardon Joslin Road, Exeter, RI; Program Fee: $8/member adult, $4/member child; $10/non-member adult, $5/non-member child; Ages: 6+. Course Number: 134333-140. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Audubon Lecture: Armchair Naturalist Series Animal Tracks and Signs


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January 13, 2010 Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge Smithfield, RI; 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Learn from an Audubon expert the basics of track patterns for native mammals and how to detect signs of wildlife in your outdoor environment. Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Program Fee: $8/member, $10/non-member; Ages: Adult. Course Number: 114333-320. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Winter Beach Walk

January 16, 2010 Moonstone Beach South Kingstown, RI 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Join Kimball naturalist Bob Kenney for an afternoon walk along Moonstone Beach, without the summer crowds or closed piping plover nesting areas. We’ll be there on the out-going tide, perfect for some leisurely beach combing and bird watching. Even though Moonstone is known as a “clothing optional” beach, the only option today is likely to be whether to wear three, four, or five layers! Bring your binoculars. There will be a spotting scope available. Moonstone Beach Road, South Kingstown, RI; Program Fee: $8/member adult, $4/ member child; $10/non-member adult, $5/non-member child; Ages: All. Course Number: 044166-93. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

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Owl Prowl

January 22, 2010 Audubon Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge Exeter, RI; 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. If you have already experienced an Audubon Owl prowl, and want more, this is the program for you. In a small group, spend time with one of Audubon’s live educational owls reviewing what make these birds so special. Then head out on the trails in search of these wild birds. Please wear warm clothing, sturdy boots and bring a flashlight. Pre-registration is a must, this program is limited to 12 participants. Adults only. Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, 99 Pardon Joslin Road, Exeter, RI; Program Fee: $8/member adult, $10/non-member adult; Ages: Adult. Course Number: 134333-150. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

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Environmental Activism

January 23, 2010 Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge Smithfield, RI; 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Discover what current environmental issues are happening at the state and federal levels and how you can affect change. Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Program Fee: $8/member, $10/non-member; Ages: 18+. Course Number: 104333-28. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

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Snowshoeing at Fort Refuge

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January 23, 2010 Audubon Fort Nature Refuge North Smithfield, RI 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Explore the beauty of the Audubon Fort Nature Refuge in winter. Search for tracks and other signs of wildlife. If there is no snow we will hike the trails. Program will be cancelled if the trails are too icy. You must supply your own snowshoes. They can be rented from REI or Eastern Mountain Sports. continued on page 40

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The Reporter January 2010 Fort Nature Refuge, 1443 Providence Pike, North Smithfield, RI Program Fee: $8/member, $10/non-member; Ages: 12+. Course Number: 154333-321. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Winter Night Hike

January 23, 2010 Audubon Caratunk Wildlife Refuge Seekonk, MA; 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. Explore the trails under the stars at the Caratunk Wildlife Refuge and discover how the refuge never sleeps. Maybe you’ll hear a resident Eastern Screech-Owl or a howling coyote. It’s a unique way to spend family time on the trails. Bring a flashlight. Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk MA; Program Fee: $10/member adult/child pair, $5 each additional member; $12/non-member adult/child pair, $6 each additional nonmember. Ages: 8+. Course Number: 014333-02. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Owl Prowl at Caratunk

Snowshoeing with the Audobon.

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January 30, 2010 Audubon Caratunk Wildlife Refuge Seekonk, MA; 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Join an Audubon expert on the trails at Caratunk in search of owls – the mystical creatures of the night. Great Horned and Eastern Screech owls frequent the refuge. Start the evening off with a short presentation on these amazing creatures, and then hit the trails. Hiking the wooded paths at night is always a special experience – you never quite know what nocturnal creatures you might hear or see. Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk MA; Program Fee: $8/member adult, $4/member child; $10/non-member adult, $5 non-member child. Ages: 8+. Course Number: 014333-03. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Animal Tracks and Signs for Families Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge

January 30, 2010 Seekonk, MA; 10:00 a.m. – Noon Learn from an expert how to identify different tracks and other signs of our native mammals and birds. Explore patterns, investigate artifacts and try your hand at making plaster tracks to take home. Then venture out on the trails to see what evidence we can find that wild things have been there. Dress for the weather. Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Program Fee: $8/member adult/child pair, $4/each additional member; $10/non-member adult/child pair, $5/each additional non-member; Ages: 5+. Course Number: 114333-322. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Winter Birding at Sachuest Point

January 30, 2010 Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge Middletown, RI; 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge is one of the few places in Rhode Island where “hot” birding occurs during the winter. Horned Larks, Snow Buntings, Short-eared Owls, Purple Sandpipers, and the stars of the show, Harlequin Ducks, are often spotted. Meet in the refuge parking lot and join an Audubon guide and head for the shore to look for waterfowl and other winter residents of the rocky seashore and scrubby coastal habitats. Be sure to dress for the cold and the wind. Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge, Third Beach Road, Middletown, RI. Program Fee: $8/member adult, $4/member child; $10/non-member adult, $5/non-member child Ages: 8+. Course

January 2010 The Reporter Number: 044166-91. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@ asri.org.

Frosty Trails lead to Winter Fun! Audubon Society of Rhode Island

January Programs and Events for Children and Families

(December 7, 2009) – The winter trails through forest and field are peaceful and quiet. Bring the whole family and search for animal tracks in the snow or look for otters playing on a frozen pond. Get the kids off the couch, pull on some warm and wooly mittens, and have some frosty fun! A complete listing of activities and programs are detailed in the Audubon Nature Tours and Programs, a free guide to connecting with the natural world. Available by calling (401) 949-5454 or online at www.asri.org.

Story Time with Audubon

January 7, 8 and 15, 2010 Two Locations Offered Times vary, see below Enjoy story time with your preschooler each month. The programs include the reading of a nature story with hands-on activities followed by a nature craft. See schedules below for dates, stories and locations. Adults must accompany children. To register call (401) 949-5454 ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI January 7 and 8: One Winter’s Day by Christopher Butler. Program Times are 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on January 7, 10:00 a.m. only on January 8. Program Fee: $5/member child, $6/non-member child; Ages 3-5. Course Number 164333-01. Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Rd., Smithfield, RI January 15: The Mitten by Jan Brett. Course Number: 114333308 Program Times are 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.; Program Fee: $5/member child; $6/non-member child. Ages: 3-5. Course Number: 114333-291

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Nature Explorations

January 18, 2009 Audubon Environmental Education Center Bristol, RI; 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Enjoy the holiday break with fun-filled nature activities the whole family will enjoy. No registration is needed. Free with admission. 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.: Nature Craft Table 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.: Animal Interview 11:30 a.m.: Winter Hike (Weather Permitting) 2:30 p.m.: Nature Story Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Program Fee: Free with admission; Ages: All.

Li’l Peeps

Thursdays*, January 21 – March 4, 2010 Audubon Environmental Education Center Bristol, RI; 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. This popular program introduces children ages 1 and 2 to the delights of nature through age-appropriate, hands-on activities. Along with a nature lesson, activities may include refuge walks, crafts, songs and stories. This is also a wonderful opportunity to make new friends with the other children and parents. Registration is required as space is limited and very fills quickly. Adults must accompany children and there are no refunds for


missed classes. In order to maintain an age-appropriate program we ask that older siblings not accompany the parent/child team. Fee for six week series: $48 member child, $66 member 2 siblings/program, $54 non-member child, $72 non-member 2 siblings/program. Ages 1-2 Winter Series: Thursdays, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., January 21 March 4, 2009; *Please note there will be no class on February 18 due to February school vacation. Spring Series: Thursdays, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., April 1 - May 13, 2009. * Please note there will be no class on April 22 due to April school vacation. To register call (401) 949-5454 ext. 3041 or email programs@ asri.org.

Shaving Cream Snowflakes

January 23, 2010 Audubon Environmental Education Center Bristol, RI; 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Have you ever make a snowflake out of shaving cream? Come and find out how! This fun and unusual craft may be a bit messy, but it’s a whole lot of fun! Free with admission but registration is required. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; January 23, 2010; 1:00-2:00 p.m.; Program Fee: Free with Admission; Ages: All. Course Number: 164333-139. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

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January Activities For Children Weaver Memorial Library Closed for Renovations

Fuller Branch Library

Storytimes – January 19 – May 6, 2010

No advance registration is necessary. Storytimes include stories, songs, crafts, and other activities. Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m., ages 2 – 3

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Thursday, January 7, 3:00-5:00 p.m., all ages – Make a Penguin. Thursday, January 21, 3:00-5:00 p.m., all ages – Cupcake Liner Snowman

Riverside Branch Library

Storytimes – January 19 – May 6, 2010

No advance registration is necessary. Storytimes include stories, songs, crafts, and other activities. Mondays, 10:30 a.m., ages 2 - 3 Wednesdays, 1:30 p.m., ages 4 – 6 Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., ages 2 – 6 Thursdays, 9:30 a.m., ages 0 – 2 (36 months)


Tuesday, January 19, 3:30-4:30, all ages – Sock Snowman


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We read and act out great stories, tell jokes, make crafts, eat snacks, and play games. Thursday, January 28, 3:30 – 4:30, grades 1 – 5

Chess Club

Registration Required. Call 433-4877 to register. Tuesdays, January 26 – March 9, 3:30 – 4:30, ages 6 – 18 No meeting on February 16 (school vacation week) Members will learn how to play chess or improve their skills. Local experts will instruct and play chess with members. The Chess Club will provide refreshments for the players each week and will end the session with a pizza party! Please call 433-4877 to register.

January 2010 The Reporter

Riverside Branch Library

Monday, January 11th 6:30 - 8:00 P.M. Family History and Today’s Health Care

Retired family physicians Dr. Jeanne F. Arnold and Dr. Peter F. Jeffries present a genealogy workshop on the importance of family history in today’s health care. Five years ago, Dr. Arnold and Dr. Jeffries began offering this program after doing genealogical research for 30 years. A timely and important program, this workshop will assist you in starting the research on your family’s health history, learning which resources are helpful, and hunting for difficult information.

Saturday, January 16th 12:30 - 2:00 P.M. Sports Book Club

Join sports fans for a lively discussion of Stephen Brunt’s Searching for Bobby Orr moderated by sports fan Mike Bender. Pick up a copy of the book at the library.

Monday, January 25th 6:30 - 8:00 P.M. Are Your Books Valuable?

Ray Rickman, long time book dealer and former host of Bestsellers on Rhode Island Public Television, will provide information and insights about what makes a book valuable. This is an educational and fun evening with questions and answers about books that come from your personal library. At a recent session a man pulled a book worth $5,000 out of a plastic bag. Audience members are encouraged to bring up to three books for a free appraisal. To register, call 433-4877. Library programs are free and open to all. Questions? Contact Adult Services Librarian Joyce May at 435-1986 or eplibraryjoyce@yahoo.com.

Rumford Branch Library

Storytimes – January 19 – May 6, 2010

No advance registration is necessary. Storytimes include stories, songs, crafts, and other activities. Mondays, 1:30 p.m., ages 3 – 6


Monday, January 4, 3:00-5:00 p.m., all ages – Snowman & Penguin Frames Wednesday, January 13, 3:00-5:00 p.m., ages 10 & up – Fleece Snowboarding Hat Wednesday, January 27, 3:00-5:00 p.m., ages 10 & up – Make Your Own Beads

Rooster Game Book Discussion & Activity Group

Read the RI Children’s Book Award nominee books and prepare for the Rooster Games while having fun at the library. We will discuss three or four books at each meeting, play games, and read short Readers Theater scripts. Ask at the library for a copy of each book. Wednesday, January 6, 3:00 – 4:30, grades 4 – 6 Barrows, Annie. The Magic Half Kibuishi, Kazu. Amulet, Book One, The Stonekeeper Nobleman, Marc Tyler. Boys of Steel: The Creators of Superman For more information, contact the location where the activity is being held.

January Activities for Middle & High School Students Animanga Group

Chat about anime and manga, share fan fiction and art, play trivia games, watch short anime try Japanese crafts, etc. while sampling Japanese snacks. Monday, Jan 4, 3 – 4 p.m. @Riverside

Writer’s Group

Practice writing individually and as a group using games and fun exercises to develop skills in poetry & story writing. You’ll have the opportunity to publish in the library’s magazine. Monday, Jan 15, 3 – 4 p.m. @Rumford


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Charity Day

Earn community service credit: Knit blanket squares (don’t worry, we’ll provide the needles, yarn and teach you how!), or write letters to service people overseas. Monday, Jan. 11, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. @Fuller


T.G.I.F! -DDR, Guitar Hero, board games, etc. Every Friday, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. @ Riverside


Wednesdays, 3 – 5 p.m. @ Rumford Jan 13-Funky fleece hats Jan 27-Make paper beads

Thursdays, 3 – 5 p.m. @ Fuller Jan 28-Yarn Painting

For more information, contact the location where the activity is being held, or epteens@yahoo.com.

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The Reporter January 2010

Roger Williams Park Zoo 2010 Calendar of Events & Family Programs For pricing and event details visit www.rwpzoo.org or call 401-941-4998 or 401-785-3510, ext. 343 to purchase tickets. For more upcoming events, please visit our website. Hours: Roger Williams Park Zoo is open year ‘round, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. daily (last admission at 3:30). Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas day; closed at 2 p.m. on June 26 for Zoobilee fundraiser. Admission: General Zoo admission is $12 adults, $8 seniors, $6 children (ages 3 – 12); Zoo members and children under 3 are free. Certain special events (such as the Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular) and ticketed events are priced separately.

Zoo-Wide Special Events:

February 14 Valentine’s Family Zoo Bingo Party

Share the love of family fun at Roger Williams Park Zoo’s Valentine inspired Zoo Bingo Party. Enjoy a zoo-themed bingo game for the whole family (with a prize for each bingo winner), a tasty treat, and create a special Valentine’s Day card for their favorite Zoo animals. All attendees will be entered in a drawing for a unique Zoo themed door prize. Tickets must be purchased in advance and seating is limited. Parties run from 10 a.m. – 11:30 and again from 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Pre-Registered Family Programs:

January 23 Open Registration for Winter, Spring & Summer ZooCamp

Online registration opens at 9 a.m. on January 23 for Roger Williams Park Zoo’s ZooCamp, a unique environmental day camp that offers kids an exciting experience they’ll never forget. There’s fun and learning for kids ages 6 – 11 during winter and spring ZooCamp (held during Rhode Island’s public school vacation weeks), and kids ages 4 – 17 can get in on the fun during Summer ZooCamp (week-long sessions held June through August). Arts and crafts, nature games, environmental activities and animal encounters provide all-day fun and learning. Older campers will

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go on learning adventures as they travel to local natural wonders for exciting activities. Pricing varies by age group. Pre-registration is required.

February 16 – 19 Winter ZooCamp at Roger Williams Park Zoo

Roger Williams Park Zoo offers a wild alternative to keeping the kids cooped up in the house during February school vacation week. At Winter ZooCamp, kids ages 6 – 11 enjoy a full day of crafts, activities, animal interviews and even bundled-up tours around the Zoo. This winter focuses on exploring and discovering the four layers of tropical rainforests, the animals that live there and how they survive. Camp runs 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (extended day is available). Pre-registration is required. Registration opens on the Zoo’s website, www.rwpzoo.org, at 9 a.m. on January 23; last day to register is February 8.

March 6 Wild Art at Roger Williams Park Zoo

Kids ages 6 to 12 are invited to explore their artistic side at the Zoo. Taught by local artist, Meagan Whitney Cortesi leads the class through a fun drawing lesson designed to help develop new skills and sharpen old ones. Each class is based around a different animal theme. The theme for March will be Fancy Flamingos. The class runs from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Pre-registration is required.

March 11 Travel with Roger Williams Park Zoo: Informational Session for Iceland Travel Opportunity

Travel with us to Iceland – an island forged by fire and ice with a fascinating culture. Steaming lava fields and hot springs starkly contrast the massive glaciers that continue to sculpt Iceland’s dramatic landscape of mountains and valleys, thundering waterfalls and plunging fjords. Discover the spectacular landscapes and proud people of this small island nation during this fascinating journey. The trip is planned for September 5 – 12, 2010, but interested persons should attend this informational session at 6 p.m. to get the full details and find out how to make their reservations. Roger Williams Park Zoo, one of the oldest in the nation, is Rhode Island’s number one outdoor family and tourist attraction and is also a leader in conservation efforts undertaken by a zoo of its size. The Zoo has received numerous awards for environmental education, and conservation work done locally and around the world, caring for species that without human intervention would face certain extinction. Roger Williams Park Zoo is supported and managed by the Rhode Island Zoological Society and is owned by the City of Providence.




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January 2010 The Reporter

Bradley Hospital Team Honored With Lifespan Quality Award

Recognizes implementation of more effective crisis management intervention and prevention program Program has significantly improved quality of care, enhanced patient and staff safety

East Providence, RI – Bradley Hospital’s department of behavioral education recently received the 2009 Lifespan Barnet Fain Quality Award. Established in 2002, this award recognizes outstanding efforts by teams or individuals to improve the quality of care provided by Lifespan’s partner hospitals. The team was selected for developing and implementing a hospital-wide initiative to address the most challenging undertaking for clinical staff at all psychiatric hospitals, including Bradley Hospital – responding to patients who are exhibiting disturbing and dangerous behaviors and may require physical intervention. In 2008, the hospital formed the crisis prevention and intervention workgroup, recognizing that it was essential for Bradley staff at all levels to know how to prevent, minimize or de-escalate a child in behavioral crisis. The group was asked to examine the crisis management models then in use at Bradley, review other available models and make recommendations for improvement. The group had to be mindful that a crisis management program must be effective across various patient populations, treatment modalities and levels of care. Following a thorough analysis, Bradley Hospital based its program on a single, nationally-recognized crisis management model. Because the model was originally developed for adults, the hospital’s department of behavioral education customized a comprehensive training curriculum designed to meet Bradley’s pediatric needs. As part of the new crisis management program, the team established a safe patient handling program designed to reduce the potential for injury to both employees and patients by minimizing manual lifting, moving or escort of patients. If a patient care team determines that a physical intervention may be necessary, specially-trained safe patient handling specialists are called in to carefully assess the situation and, if warranted, direct and supervise the patient move. Other transfer aids or assistive devices, such as automated lifts, are also used when appropriate instead of manual lifting. De-escalation interventions are another key component of the hospital’s crisis management program. Given the varied special needs of Bradley’s patient, resident and

student populations, matching the interventions to the setting is critical to yielding a positive outcome. Overall, more than 700 employees have been trained in Bradley’s crisis management program in just over a year. Specifically, all staff with direct patient care responsibilities have been certified in the new curriculum, while staff with indirect or support care responsibilities were trained in incident prevention and personal safety techniques. A number of clinicians also became certified trainers. “The work that our team has done to address this very critical area in such a short


amount of time is remarkable and has had a significant effect on the quality of care provided to our patients and their families, as well as the safety of our staff,” said Daniel J. Wall, president and chief executive officer of Bradley Hospital. “On behalf of the entire hospital, I congratulate them on this welldeserved award.” To ensure program compliance and reinforce skill competence among employees, Bradley formed coaching teams consisting of staff and clinical leaders from many of the hospital’s major programs. Various crisis management training clinics were also held in central locations and on specific units to

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The Reporter January 2010

Henry T. Sachs III, MD, medical director, Bradley Hospital; Jeffrey G. Brier, chair, Lifespan Quality Oversight Committee; Margaret Paccione-Dyszlewski, PhD, director, department of behavioral education, Bradley Hospital; Jodie Bey Vilardi, RN, M.Ed, employee health coordinator, Bradley Hospital; Patricia Perry, behavioral education data specialist, Bradley Hospital; and Walter Heisler, BS, behavioral education development specialist, Bradley Hospital.

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encourage staff comfort and confidence in their new skills. Meanwhile, all relevant policies, procedures and job descriptions were revised to support program implementation. As a result, Bradley Hospital has experienced a number of significant improvements during crisis situations, including considerable reductions in injury to both patients and staff, and fewer crisis episodes are resulting in physical interventions. “Previously, only staff in select areas were trained in crisis management and two different models were used within the hospital,” said Margaret PaccioneDyszlewski, PhD, director of the department of behavioral education at Bradley Hospital. “Consistency is important, particularly when dealing with a behavioral crisis situation. As we’ve seen, having all staff in all clinical disciplines trained in one model can greatly enhance the health, safety and well-being of both our patients and their caregivers.” “The critical skills that staff need to hone in our settings are those that prevent a physical intervention. The best physical intervention is the one that we don’t perform,” Paccione-Dyszlewski added. In addition to Paccione-Dyszlewski, the crisis management in child and adolescent psychiatric care project team included Walter Heisler, BS; Patricia Perry; Jodie Bey Vilardi, RN, M.Ed; Henry T. Sachs III, MD; and Susan Eagleson, RN, BSN. The department of behavioral education at Bradley Hospital provides a variety of learning opportunities to help improve employee skills, knowledge, attitudes and behavior in order to enhance patient services through highly competent employees. In addition to a full-time training staff, clinician-scientists serve as educators throughout the hospital. Founded in 1931, Bradley Hospital, located in East Providence, RI, was the nation’s first psychiatric hospital devoted exclusively for children and adolescents. It remains a nationally recognized center for children’s mental health care, training and research. Bradley Hospital is a member of the Lifespan health system and is a teaching hospital for The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. For more information, please visit www.bradleyhospital. org.

January 2010 The Reporter


2010 Health & Fitness Healthcare’s Best Kept Secret

Olympic athletes use them and they have become an essential part of the Olympic training staff that travels everywhere the athletes compete. Every pro football team and most other professional sports teams have one on staff. Football Hall of Famer’s Jerry Rice (2010) and Joe Montana (2009) both credited their longevity and performance to them. Hollywood actors and professional entertainers use them regularly but only 8 percent of the American population uses them. So what is it that these people know about the benefits of chiropractic care that most Americans, and even those in a position to refer people to a chiropractor, don’t know? Users of chiropractic care know that they feel better and they get terrific results from chiropractic that they did not get elsewhere. A May 2009 Consumer Reports survey found that 88 percent of people who visited the chiropractor were satisfied with their outcome. The results speak for themselves. If the results are that high then why don’t all Americans visit a chiropractor? Most people think that chiropractic is for bad backs, headaches or neck pain. The vast majority of the population does not understand what a chiropractor does. The first chiropractic adjustment given by D.D. Palmer in 1895 restored a deaf man’s hearing. D.D Palmer thought he had discovered the cure for deafness so he sent his son B.J around town hanging posters announcing the cure for deafness. Deaf people began coming to D.D. Palmer’s clinic in the hope of hearing again. Not one was cured of their deafness but a mysterious thing was happening. These deaf people had other health issues like epilepsy, heart trouble, asthma, sciatica, migraines, chronic headaches, flu and digestive disorders and they were getting better. Soon D.D. Palmer realized he had something much bigger than the cure for deafness. The main objective of chiropractic is to find nerve irritation in the spine caused by a misaligned or subluxated spinal joint or vertebrae and correct it. Ninety-five percent of the nervous system passes through the spine in the form of the spinal cord. Thirty-one pairs of nerves exit the spine and branch out and connect to every organ/cell of the body. The health and function of the body is dependent upon the unimpeded flow of mental impulses from the brain to the

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The Reporter January 2010

New Year... New You! Continued from page 47...

Announcing the addition of Saturday office hours

Starting January 9, 2010 8am - 12 noon Fees are greatly reduced for uninsured patients. New patients are gladly accepted. East Bay Family Health Care 100 Bullocks Point Ave. East Providence, RI


body/organs and back to the brain. Nerve irritation results in pain and the disruption of normal nerve flow to the organs. Remove the nerve irritation and the pain and nerve flow disruption goes away resulting in better health. Why should you go to a chiropractor and how do you know when you should visit a chiropractor for a check-up? Well, when should you visit a dentist, before or after you have a toothache? I think before you have a toothache. The ADA recommends you have a dental check-up and your teeth cleaned at least twice per year to prevent cavities, gum disease and other related dental problems. Chiropractic is not any different. You should visit a chiropractor on a regular basis for a spinal check-up to keep you spine healthy, in alignment and free from nerve irritation. This will help prevent degenerative joint and disc disease as well as other related health problems. Remember, you can always replace your teeth, but you can never replace your spine. Chiropractic is safe for everyone, even children. It is especially advantageous for children to have their spines evaluated by a chiropractor at an early age when misalignments are easiest to correct. This will help prevent chronic and degenerative problems to their spine as they get older. Adults should be checked regularly to maintain the health of their spine and slow the degenerative changes of aging. Seniors also benefit greatly while under chiropractic care. Regular adjustments will help to regain motion in fixed joints which are so common with the elderly, leading to greater mobility and better balance. Chiropractic is also very effective in reducing spine and hip pain in the senior population. Is chiropractic safe? It is licensed and regulated in every state. Medicare and all major health insurers cover chiropractic care. While there are numerous studies and research articles detailing the dangers and deaths due to surgeries and using properly prescribed medication there is not one clinical study or case control study that demonstrates or implies that chiropractic is un-safe. This is why the cost of medical malpractice insurance for medical doctors is much higher than for chiropractors. There appears to be little or no basis for these chiropractic safety fears. Chiropractic is safe and most effective.

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January 2010 The Reporter If you are having spinal or health problems, or have not had your spine evaluated recently, call your local chiropractor and schedule an appointment today. Discover what so many people under chiropractic care already experience: The difference an optimal functioning spine and nervous system can make in your life! Discover Chiropractic today!

Ask The Doctor What causes the terrible backache I get after shoveling snow?

This question comes from Alex B. Alex, there are several factors that contribute to back pain after shoveling snow.

Article was written by Dr. Rodger Lincoln

Dr. Rodger Lincoln D.C.

Sports Massage

Enhances Performance, Reduces Injuries & Helps Maintain Optimum Health

If you are involved in an intense exercise training program or play a competitive sports where muscles are being continually shortened and fatigued, micro-tears occur not only in the muscles, but the ligaments, and tendons as well. An effective massage maintenance program is based on a massage therapist’s understanding of anatomy, and kinesiology (movement of muscles), combined with an in-depth knowledge of which muscles are used in a given sport and which ones are likely candidates for stress and injury. By zeroing in on particular muscle groups and working specific tissues, massage helps an athlete maintain or improve their range of motion and muscle flexibility. Maintenance massage should be performed one to two times weekly where the main objectives is to help an athlete reach optimal performance, and reduce risk of injury. Incorporating massage into an exercise training regime improves circulation, increases muscle tone, flexibility, and range of motion, separates and


One of these factors is the time of day you shovel. First thing in the morning is the worse time to get out and shovel snow because your discs fill with fluid while you sleep. That is why you are taller in the morning. The swollen discs are now more susceptible to injury when bending, turning and lifting heavy snow. The action of bending, lifting and twisting to throw the snow is the worst motion you can do to your spine. Bending causes the disc to be pushed back into the neural canal of the spine increasing pressure on the walls of the disc. The repetitive motion of bending, lifting and twisting weakens the walls of the disc leading to a bulging disc. The cold temperatures of the morning causes your muscles to tighten up putting more pressure on your weaken disc and fatigued muscles give way to muscle strain, ligament sprain and low back pain. Let me provide you with a few tips to help you prevent back injury this winter. Don’t rush out the door to shovel after getting out of bed. Wait at least an hour before going out to shovel. Do not try to shovel everything all at once. If you are like most Americans you are badly out of shape and the repetitive strain of shoveling will lead to injury. If the snow is wet and heavy put less snow on your shovel when shoveling. If you begin to feel muscle fatigue or discomfort in your back it is time to stop and rest. How can chiropractic help me if I injure my back shoveling snow? Here are some findings from studies done by MDs and orthopedic surgeons… Harvard Medical School Health Letter September, 1990

"Chiropractic treatment of low back pain, which affects 75 million Americans, is superior to the standard regiment administered by medical doctors”, a major British study has concluded. “Chiropractic almost certainly confers worthwhile long-term benefit in comparison with hospital outpatient management,” said Dr. T.W. Meade, a British medical doctor who headed the study conducted at eleven hospitals and chiropractic clinics. Federal Medical Study Endorses Chiropractic For Back Pain – US Agency For Health Care Federal Medical Study Policy and Research December 8, 1994 – A panel of 23 doctors headed by Dr. Stanley Bigos, M.D., professor of Orthopedic Surgery, studied 3900 medical articles on low back pain. Their conclusions were that “chiropractor’s manipulation of the spine was more helpful than any of the following: traction, massage, biofeedback, acupuncture, injection of steroids into the spine, back corsets and ultrasound.” Hello, I am Dr. Rodger Lincoln. If you hurt yourself after shoveling snow this winter I want you to know chiropractic care can help you. If you are currently having a spinal or hip condition or you injure your spine after shoveling snow this winter I want to provide you with this a special offer.

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The Reporter January 2010

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normalizes muscles and connective tissue, increases mental alertness and clarity, facilitates recovery from injuries, reduces pain, and provides emotional stimulation. In addition to massage, any training program requires an athlete to be responsible for their own self-care including proper warm-up and stretching of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Proper stretching has been shown to increase muscular strength by 20%, and also dramatically reduces the chance of injury. Athletes have many injury sites in common, including the wrists, back, hands, elbows, shoulders, knees, and hamstrings. A massage session focuses on these areas to help reduce inflammation, flush out metabolic waste, break up muscle adhesions, deactivate trigger points, and increase fluidity of movement. A good sports massage therapist can also identify potential trouble spots long before they become problematic. In addition to a proper warm-up, stretching, and regular massage; adequate hydration, and the use of a sauna or hot tub after a game or workout, can bring muscles back into balance. There is a growing demand for massage therapy in both professional amateur organized sports. Many athletes are extolling the benefits of massage to reduce physical/mental stresses, enhance performance and increase overall well-being. Article written by Darcy Lynch, MS LCMT CYT

January 2010 The Reporter


We see Children

Be Happy & Healthy in 2010. Do you have this in common with 200 million Americans? By Dr. George Brown and Dr. Robert Hill

Ocular surface disease (OSD), sometimes called dry eye, affects up to 70% of Americans at some point in their lives, making it one of the most common medical conditions in the world. Blepharitis, skin conditions such as rosacea, hormonal changes, environmental factors, medications, and aging are often associated with this condition. Our tear film functions to keep the eyes lubricated and comfortable and seeing clearly. When the tear film is deficient the eyes become uncomfortable and irritated. This leads to redness and burning, itching, or tearing, as well as intermittent blurred vision. Once we diagnose ocular surface disease, there are multiple treatments available. Doctor-directed artificial tear therapy, punctal inserts, nutritional supplements, oral antibiotics, eyelid hygiene, and prescription eye drops are all effective treatments for the different causes of OSD. We have a helpful questionnaire to aid in diagnosing and treating OSD. An abbreviated form of the questionnaire is below. Circle the number that best corresponds to your symptoms and bring it to your next appointment.



Red, bloodshot eyes






Uncomfortable contact lenses






Blurred vision at the end of the day






Many hours per day on the computer 1





Watery eyes, especially in the heat, air 1 conditioning, or wind





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The Reporter January 2010 RI MP 2009 RI Pipefitter 1505

Summer Institute Set To Enroll At Trinity Rep

Young actors take center stage in summer session; Enrollment Begins Jan. 4

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For the sixth summer, Trinity Rep will open its doors for boys and girls in grades 5-12 to explore a world of creativity and theater under the instruction of Rhode Island’s most knowledgeable theater professionals with the Young Actors Summer Institute. The Summer Institute offers students a challenging five weeks of study in the fields of studying acting, playwriting, dance and much more. The Summer Institute runs from June 30 to July 31, with a middle and high school optional extension week from August 2-7 (students participating in the extension week will be working to put on a Shakespeare production, and any student entering 8th12th grade is welcome to enroll). Students will work in the Pell Chafee Performance Center (home to the Brown/Trinity Rep MFA Programs), located at 87 Empire St., Providence as well as Trinity Rep’s Lederer Theater Center at 201 Washington St. in Providence. Call (401) 521-1100 x114 for registration information, or visit Trinity Rep’s Education department online at www.trinityrep.com. Trinity Rep’s Young Actors Summer Institute provides kids and teens with a hands-on experience, exposing students to a wide range of topics taught by Associate Artistic Director Tyler Dobrowsky; members of Trinity’s resident acting company including Mauro Hantman and Fred Sullivan Jr.; Trinity Rep education staff Caroline Azano and Jordan Butterfield; pianist Vicki Dorazio; Brown/Trinity Rep MFA Programs students and local artists and educators. This wide range of talent draws from years of experience as theater professionals on and offstage with a varied background in acting, directing, teaching and improv. Students at Trinity’s Young Actors Summer Institute will have the opportunity to pick and choose from a wide array of electives including: Shakespeare, improv, yoga, playwriting, directing, audition techniques, mask making, theatrical design, voice, hip hop, movement, painting and drawing, and more. The Summer Institute culminates with a two days of final performances for parents and guests on the Trinity Rep stage. The Summer Institute meets Monday through Friday with half, full, or extended day options. Regular, full day enrollment meets from 9:00am–4:30pm with an enrollment fee of $1300. Returning students from last season’s classes are offered a discounted rate of $1150. There are also two half-day option being offered, with morning sessions meeting from 9 A.M. to 11:45 A.M. for $600, or in the afternoons from 12:15 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. for $700. Extended day enrollment meets from 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. throughout the run of the camp for an additional $275 fee. Students participating in YASI Shakes, the extension week class offered, will pay an additional fee of $275. Thanks to the support of Hasbro Children’s Fund, scholarships are available. Students can reserve a spot with a nonrefundable $300 deposit (the balance of which is due on May 3), and scholarship students may reserve a spot with $50 upon registration. Students who sign up in January receive a special discounted fee of only $1100! For detailed information regarding tuition and scholarships call (401) 521-1100 x114, or visit Trinity Rep’s Education section at www.trinityrep.com. “We believe that theater has the power to enhance and transform young people’s lives,” states Carrie Azano, Education Director. “Arts education allows children to become creative problem solvers, helps to develop strong literacy and critical thinking skills, and provides them an opportunity to learn more about the world, and about themselves. These positive outcomes are all the more important given the current test-based educational climate.”

January 2010 The Reporter

Capron Park Zoo Adult Programs at the Zoo

Attleboro, MA – January 4, 2010: Are you looking for something new to start off your year? Why not enjoy the Adults-only Zoocademy lectures at Capron Park Zoo? These programs cover a variety of topics and are designed for adults to enjoy learning about the zoo and animals. All adult programs run from 6-7:30 PM. The dates and program topics are: • January 13: Genetics of Conservation: Modern day zoos rarely take animals from the wild any longer so it’s important that breeding be executed in as scientific and responsible fashion as possible. This session will explain how zoos use science to save endangered species. • February 10: Jungle Love: What does it take to be a lioness’ mate? Do lemurs create ‘lovenests’? What exactly goes on in a kangaroos’ pouch? Explore the trials and tribulations of the animal mating game in this interesting amusing session. • March 11: Bringing in the Sheep, Lions, Lemurs and Lorises: How do zoos acquire animals if not from the wild? Find out more about the process of selecting and moving any new zoo resident! • April 8: Building Bridges, Moats and Pools: When a new animal is planned for the zoo, it is a big job to get things ready for them. Meet the zoo’s chief exhibit designer and operations manager while learning about what goes into building new exhibits and keeping the zoo running smoothly. FEE: Members - $5/adult Non-members - $7/adult Pre-registration is required - sign up for a single evening or all of them! Light refreshments will be provided. Contact the Education Department at: 774-203-1843 to register.


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Providence, RI (January 4, 2010) – With the holidays being a stressful time of year for many people, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island (BCBSRI) will hold two stress management seminars, one in Narragansett and another in Providence, on January 26, 2010 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. In Narragansett, the seminar will take place at the Narragansett Public Library, 35 Kingstown Road. The Providence event will be at The Health & Wellness Institute, 291 Promenade Street. All members of the public are invited to participate. Studies show that stress is a contributing factor in as much as 80 percent of illnesses. The BCBSRI stress management seminars will offer information on how stress affects the body, show attendees how to identify the causes of stress, and allow them to practice relaxation techniques to develop a lifelong plan to become stress resilient. As schedules are subject to change, please visit https://www. bcbsri.com/BCBSRIWeb/inthecommunity/calendar/index.jsp for updates. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island is the state’s leading health insurer and covers more than 600,000 members. Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

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BCBSRI to Offer Post-Holiday Stress Management Seminars

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The Reporter January 2010

Scouting Around Town

Boy scouts from Troop 55 Riverside and Webelos II’s from Pack 4 Riverside recently completed a 5 mile hike at Camp Yawgoog. The Boy Scouts were hiking in order to complete a requirement for their Second Class rank. The Webelos were hiking to complete a requirement of participating in a Boy Scout activity for their Arrow of Light Badge.

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January 2010 The Reporter

Spotlight on Schools Fourth Graders At Orlo Avenue Are Going Green!

The fourth grade at Orlo Avenue School would like to invite you to Go Green, right along with them. They have been learning all about recycling in the past few months as the first step in Going Green, and a recent field trip brought all that they have learned to life for them. On November 20th, both 4th grade classes were able to visit the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation. Some of the most memorable sights that they experienced were driving on the mountain of trash seeing the recycling process in action, and observing the trucks and personnel hard at work. They were full of questions and were amazed that the mountain they drove on was all trash! “A can can stay unerground for 500 years!” Richard F. “The methane gas can be turned into power.” Javan P. “32% of the landfill is made up of paper.” Stephanie B. In light of what they have learned they extend the following invitation to all. Orlo avenue collects the following items for recycling purposes: Used cell phones, empty ink cartridges of all kinds, Capri Sun pouches (completely empty, flattened out, and without the straw) tabs off cans, and Frito Lay chip bags. If you would like to accept our invitation, just send these items to our school. Happy Recycling.

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The Reporter January 2010

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Come see what your child’s day at PCD might look like.

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Hello, my name is Meghan Ghazal and I am a 7th grade student at Riverside Middle School and I’m writing to you on behalf of our Robotics Team. Our team is preparing to compete in a competition on January 9th, 2010 at Roger Williams University. Part of our duty in this competition is to find ways in our community to make transportation safer. Our team has sighted an issue in the area of the Riverside Dunkin Donuts and Town Pizza on Willett Avenue. This area has many vehicles moving in all directions continuously with many people trying to cross. There are no crosswalks in this area, so it makes transportation on foot difficult, as I have been in this situation many times. As part of our project we propose crosswalks and street lights in this area. The first part of this area that we want to add crosswalks in is between the Riverside Dunkin Donuts and Town Pizza. We want to add four crosswalks, the first to cross between Dunkin Donuts and Town Pizza, the second crosswalk to cross from Dunkin Donuts to the side walk in front of Riverside Cleaners. The next section of this area that we want to include crosswalks is from the back of Dunkin Donuts to the sidewalk behind. The third section is from the side of Town Pizza to the sidewalk of Spring Avenue. Our last proposed crosswalk is from the new bank Columbus Credit Union to the side of Town Pizza. These four sections of this very popular area are probably the most traveled. We tried to find the most traveled areas near or around us, and to try to make that area safer.

Presention on community safety (left to right): Amanda Crawly, Ryan Garrity, Stephen Coutu and Abigail Tessitore. We have created a display of this area, along with a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation, that we presented to Steve Coutu, the East Providence public works director. Things that may help people cross in this busy area include; lamp posts, walk/don’t walk signs, reflective lights, and proper signs. Some possible innovative solutions are overhead lights and lights in the road would help to add additional safety along with these crosswalks. We would like to protect our citizens in this wondrous town. We tried to find the safest ways to protect our citizens in other ways then the crosswalks.

January 2010 The Reporter


Covenant Cooperative Nursery School at 165 Rounds Avenue in Riverside is

Accepting Registrations for the 2010-2011 school year. A state-licensed program sponsored by the Evangelical Covenant Church of Riverside, the nursery school serves toddlers and preschoolers, ages 3 to 5. Program and curriculum are designed to encourage healthy growth and development of each child. For an application, make an appointment for a classroom visit or request further information, call the nursery school office at Students practicing programming robots (L to R): Meghan Ghazal, Amanda Crawly, Derek Forand & Brendan Ambrahamson. In conclusion, this is why we have proposed the idea of crosswalks in the area of Peck Corners in Riverside, Rhode Island.

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Moses Brown Students Earn Seats in RIMEA’s All-State Ensembles

Moses Brown School today announced that 23 of its students have earned 25 seats as All-State Musicians in the 2009 Rhode Island Music Educators’ Association AllState Festival for Band, Orchestra and Chorus. Auditions were held on Saturday, November 21 on the Moses Brown campus, which hosted this year’s event. Over 1,000 students across the state gathered at MB to compete with fellow musicians for placement in a prestigious AllState ensemble, comprised of instrumentalists or vocalists who are recognized as the top student musicians in Rhode Island. The event was hosted by MB Director of Instrumental Music Stephen Toro, who served as Festival Chair.

Silver Spring School Thank You

Silver Spring School Would Like To Thank Its Corporate Sponsors For Their Donations To The Season Of Giving Holiday Bazaar. T h a n k s to: Lisa Gourley Photography, Stop and Shop, Outback Steakhouse, Tokyo Nails, Rite Aide - East Providence, KidZ Adventure Cuts, Fantasyland - Seekonk, Panera, Pampered Pets - Seekonk



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2010 Jeep Wrangler 4x412-5 2010 Subaru Impreza 2.5i AWD


3.8 Liter V6, Open Air Ride, A/C, Fog Lights. Stk. #C15193

Vehicle Dynamic Control, CD, Air.

2010 Subaru Impreza 2.5i AWD Don’t Be Fooled by the Competitors!

These are REAL PRICES, No Cash or Trade Required!

Vehicle Dynamic Control, CD, Air.

ghts. RCHASE! 5193


TO FOR UP LESS! r $ Plus, 3.9% APR $ 32 MPG up to 63/mo.or Lease For 186/mo. ings Buy For 21,650

MSRP $18,190 Rebate -500 Discount -1,701 Price $15,989

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og Lights. #C15193

2009 Jeep 2010 Dodge Dakota ST Grand Cherokee Laredo Impreza Extended Cab 2010 Subaru 2.5i AWD 3.7 V6, Premium Cloth, 16x8.0 Cast MSRP $18,190 Aluminum Wheels, Auto, Air. Stk. #15230 TO-500 Rebate 32UPMPG Discount -1,701 Price $15,989

4x4, V6, Auto, Air, Power Windows/Locks. Vehicle Dynamic Control, CD, Air. Stk. #SP1755


Plus, 3.9% APR up to 63/mo. at this price

2200 or Lease For $169/mo. 42 mos.


2010 Subaru Tribeca Limited

Sunroof, 7 Passenger, Leather, 3.6R. Stk. #12729


Save $ Over $

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Brand FREE SKI LIFT TICKETS New 2010 Subaru


ast #15230


Hurry! Tickets are going fast…

Sunroof, 7 Passenger, Leather, 3.6R. Stk. #12729

6 Cyl, Auto, A/C, PW, PL, Premium Cloth, Side Airbags, Traction Control, Alloy Wheels. Stk. #C15196

Brand New

2010 Subaru 2010 Dodge Outback 2.5i AWD Grand Caravan

Vehicle Dynamic Control, Side &Control. Side Airbags, 3.3 Liter V6, Side Airbags, Traction PW, PL. Stk. #S12749 Stk. #C15209


Sunroof, 7 Passenger, Leather, 3.6R. Stk. #12729


BUY MSRPFOR ..............$23,990


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BUY FOR$34,720 MSRP $ Discount ..........-2201 21,395 21,650 3,200 SAVE LEASE FOROVER LEASEBUY FORFOR Price ........$21,789

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2010 Subaru Legacy X 2.5 AWD

Challenger #C15223A Vehicle DynamicSRT8 Control, Air. ........CALL n Control. 2009 Dodge Stk. #S12806 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan #CP3521 ........$16,995 UP Journey TO 2009 Dodge #CP3550........................$18,995 37 MPG


$$249/ $



2010 Subaru Forester X 2.5 AWD

2008 Chrysler Sebring Conv

PW, PL, CD, Keyless Entry. $34,720Air, Stk. #S12671 TO 3,20033UPMPG

White, #CP3608 ........................................................$13,995


2007 Jeep Wrangler Black, #C15155A............$17,995


2009 Dodge Charger #CP3573........................$15,995


2009 Jeep Liberty #CP3614


2009 Jeep Grand Cherokee

2007 Jeep Wrangler Sahara

Blue, #CP3534 ..........................................................$24,995

2007 Dodge Caliber #CP3520


White, #SP1755 ........................................................$20,995


Plus, 3.9% APR2007 Jeep Wrangler Red, #CP3554A.............. Plus,$16,995 3.9% APR up$13,995 to 63/mo. 2007 Dodge Caravan White, #CP3557 ............ up $12,995 to 63/mo. 2009 Chrysler Sebring Silver, #CP3572 ........ MSRP $20,690 MSRP $21,290 at this price at this price 2009 Dodge Ram 1500-2,001 Quad Cab Discount Discount -2,301 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee Blue, #CP3593 ..........................................................$25,995 Silver, #C15198A........................................................ $15,995 Price $18,689 Price $18,989




$34,720 3,200



MSRP ..............$23,990 Discount ..........-2201 Price ........$21,789

Plus, 3.9% APR up to 63/mo. at this price


or Lease For

mo. 42 mos.

2010 Subaru Tribeca 2010 Limited ST 4x4 Limited Cab Jeep Liberty SportTribeca

ta ST d Cab

Vehicle Dynamic Control, Side & Side Airbags, PW, PL. Stk. #S12749

2200 or Lease $ For 169/mo.$42 mos. 2200 19,995 169/ 31,520 2200 19,995

mo. $


2010 Subaru Outback 2.5i AWD


Plus, 3.9% APR up to 63/mo. at this price

MSRP $18,190 Rebate -500 Discount -1,701 Price $15,989

Brand New

$249/Mo 42 Months

Brand2010 NewSubaru

2010 Subaru Forester X 2.5 AWD

2010 Subaru Outback 2.5i AWD

Legacy X 2.5 AWD

Vehicle Dynamic Control, Air. Stk. #S12806 UP TO 37 MPG

Air, PW, PL, CD, Keyless Entry. Stk. #S12671 UP TO 33 MPG

Vehicle Dynamic Control, Side & Side Airbags, PW, PL. Stk. #S12749

TO MSRPUP $20,690 Discount -2,001 34 MPG Price $18,689 or Lease For

$189/Mo 42 Months

Plus, 3.9% APR up to 63/mo. at this price




MSRP $21,290 Discount -2,301 Price $18,989 or Lease For

$199/Mo 42 Months

Plus, 3.9% APR up to 63/mo. at this price




Leases. $999 cash or trade cap reduction, Aqc, Doc fee, sales taxes and registration extra.

Plus, 3.9% APR up to 63/mo. 2009MSRP Honda Civic..............$23,990 2006 Dodgeat Ramthis 1500 4x4 #CP3473 ..........$17,995 price Auto, Only 1,825 mi. #S12726A ................................$18,995 Gray, #SP1779 ............$13,995 2006 Subaru Impreza Discount ..........-2201 2009 Toyota Camry Gray, #S12750A ..............$14,995 2005 Dodge Sprinter #CP3610 ......................$18,995 Tan, #SP1762 ..............$21,995 2009Price Subaru Outback ........ $21,789 2005 Subaru Forester Black, #SP1675 ..........$11,995 2009 Subaru Forester Gray, #SP1769 ............$20,995 2009 Subaru Impreza Copper, #SP1771 ........$17,995

or Lease For

2008 Dodge Caliber #CP3517





2009 Subaru Legacy Gray, #CP1763 ..............$20,995


2008 Dodge Nitro #CP3551 ..............................$14,995

2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee LTD

Black, #CP3602A ......................................................$12,995

2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

Blue, #S12668A ........................................................$11,995

2005 Jeep Wrangler Red, #C15111A ..............$10,995 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

January 2010 The Reporter


East Providence Senior Center News 610 Waterman Avenue • East Providence, RI 02914 Phone 435-7800 Dining Room 435-7872 Fax 435-7803 Exercise Programs Intermediate Yoga Monday & Wednesday 9 a.m. $3

Integrated YOGA for emotional/mental power. Flexibility, strength, balances, beauty, stretching, weight reduction, improved breathing, relaxation, and stress relief. All are components of our Yoga classes.

Beginners Yoga Mondays 10:30 a.m. Aerobics Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 a.m. $2

Instructor Karen Boyd gives members a great cardiovascular workout. Hand and ankle weights are used to tone and build your muscles.

Arthritis Exercise Wednesday & Friday 10:45 a.m. No Charge

A proper balance of exercise and rest can help relieve stiffness and maintain or improve your joint mobility and muscle strength.


Tai Chi 11:00 a.m.


This ancient art form of exercise has been proven to reduce stress as well as chronic pain. It also reduces heart rate along with calming the mind and body.


Ballroom Dance 2 p.m.


Relearn all the old moves on the ballroom dance floor as well as some new ones. Singles are welcome.

Fitness Center Our fitness room is open Monday through Friday 8am to Noon, 1pm to 4 p.m. The fitness room consists of three treadmills, two recumbent bikes, an elliptical stepper, hand weights, and six dual weight machines. Other features include a matted floor, mirrored walls, water, stereo, and cable TV. You must have approval from your physician to participate in this program. Forms can be obtained in the Administra-

Weekly/Monthly Programs Monday

9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

Pokeno Intermediate Yoga Beginners Yoga Caregivers Support Group (4th Mon) Bridge Book Club Craft Class

8:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m. 1:25 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

Cards (Cockroach) Aerobics Exercise Watercolor Class Bocce Ball PACE Weight Maintenance (2nd Tues) Postal Service (1st Tues) Drawing Class Cribbage BINGO Stroke Club (1st Tues)

8:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

East Side Lab (1st Wed) Intermediate Yoga Manicurist Scrabble Tai Chi Exercise Nutrition


9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:15 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m.

Tax Preparation (Feb. & Mar) Aerobics Exercise Nutrition Weight Loss Bridge Craft Class Diabetes Support Group (4th Thurs)

Our computer lab consists of class room computers and computers for general use. All computers are online. Courses offered: Introduction to Computers, Microsoft Word Part 1 & 2, and Introduction to the Internet Part 1 & 2. Computer classes are conducted by trained computer teachers. Classes are held in 4 week sessions. Each class meets for 1hr. and 15 minutes. The cost per session is $20/members and $25/ non members. Classes are filled on a first payment basis. Class size is limited to six students.

9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 1:20 p.m. 2:00 p.m.

Pool League Scrabble PACE In-Sight Support Group (4th Fri) Hi Lo Jack League Ballroom Dance

tion Office. The fee is $35 for a one year membership.

Card Games Bridge Monday & Thursday 1:00 p.m. Pokeno Monday 9:00 a.m. Cockroach Tuesday 8:15 a.m. Cribbage Tuesday 1:00 p.m. Hi Lo Jack League Friday 1:15 p.m.

Classes Crafts Monday & Thursday

1:00 p.m.

Craft class makes dolls for Hasbro Children's Hospital and cancer pillows for Women & Infants Hospital. Other “make and take” crafts will be taught.


Watercolor 9:30 a.m.


Drawing 1:00 p.m.

Wednesday $5

Come learn a form of watercolor for all levels of talent. Some of the fantastic artwork is displayed throughout the center.


This group of artists works with pencil drawing, beginners to advanced welcome.

Computer Classes Sessions & Times Vary



Daily Lunch Library Coffee Hour Fitness Center

Noon 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. 2:15 p.m. 8 a.m. — 4 p.m. (Closed 12 - 1 p.m.)


The Reporter January 2010

Daily Programs

Leisure Programs

Computer games Billiards Cards Nutritional Lunch Bocce ball Walking Track Morning & Afternoon Coffee

Senior Center Library

The library is a very warm and lovely place for people to choose a good book and read in a nice quiet area. We continue to receive many donations of new and current books. These donations have truly enhanced the quantity of our library. We also have current magazines for your enjoyment. The book club meets on Monday afternoons. New club members are welcome.

General Services

Elder Information Specialist: Our Elder Information Specialist assists the elderly and their families in providing information/referral and assistance with accessing services and programs. Nutrition Program: The center provides a nutritional meal to approximately 125 seniors per day. The Cranston Senior Center provides the meals. Case Management/Senior Services: The center coordinates with East Bay Community Action Program Inc., for all casework and follow-ups. Protective Services Council, made up of city departments and mental health/social service agencies, meets monthly to discuss problems concerning the elderly. Transportation: The center has two buses that are used daily for door-to-door transportation to and from the center. Notary: This service is available in the Administration Office at no charge. Seminars: Monthly social, educational, and financial seminars on topics relating to seniors. Manicurist: A manicurist visits the center weekly for manicures and polish changes. Gift Shop: The gift shop has many different items for the convenience of the seniors. Small items from candy and greeting cards to jewelry, handmade items and crafts.

January Highlights

Blood Pressure Clinic Blood Pressure Clinic Clinical Lab Stroke Club East Bay Center Genealogy Class Evergreen Breakfast East Bay Center Audiologist Weight Maintenance Blood Pressure Clinic The Townie Red Hats In-Sight SNAP Linn Healthcare AARP Board Meeting Genealogy Class Caregivers Support Waterview Villa Breakfast East Bay Center Blood Pressure Clinic Lighthouse Financial RSVP Board Meeting Advisory Board Diabetes Support

4th 5th 6th 6th 8th 11th 12th 12th 12th 12th 13th 14th 15th 17th 19th 21st 25th 25th 26th 26th 26th 26th 27th 28th 28th

10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 12:45 p.m. 11:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m.

Book Club Monday Bingo Tuesday Scrabble Wednesday & Friday Meditation Class Friday Library Daily Computer Games Daily Billiards Daily

1:00 p.m. 1:25 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 8-4 p.m. Lounge Lower level

Senior Center Healthy Aging

Flu update: As of this newsletter printing, we do not have any H1N1 flu clinics scheduled here at the center. As seniors, we are not in the high risk category to receive the H1N1 vaccine. If the Department of Health has enough vaccine to distribute to us we will inform you ASAP!

Nutrition-Weight Loss.

Our next ten-week session begins the first week of this month. If your New Year resolution is to get healthy, this series is for you! Classes are held once weekly on either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. You must pre-register for this award-winning program by calling the Health Office at 435-7870. Did you know we have Registered Dieticians available for appointments in the health office? They can counsel you, in private, about your personal needs and insurance covers these visits. They are certified diabetes educators too. We also have a Nurse Practitioner who will help you with any diabetes teaching needs, especially insulin. To schedule a visit, stop by the health office or call us at 435-7870.

Free weekly meditation group!

Our own Ann Marie Sabula RD and Dolores Norton Braica RN lead this wonderful group each Friday at 11 a.m. This program is open to all from beginner to expert. Try something new for yourself this year!

Walking Club

Our walking club is on hiatus until spring. Please thank Rita and Kathy for their wonderful assistance with this program. They will be back!

Vendor Program

Our new vendor program has been successful! Local vendors who have services or products of interest to seniors will have space in our lobby to showcase themselves. This month we have in our main lobby: January 5th: Atria Bay Spring-Veteran’s Benefits January 12th: Dr. Jodi Glass-Audiologist January 19th: United Methodist Home-Assisted Living January 26th: Lighthouse Financial-Long Term Care

Monthly Blood Pressure Checks

We are very pleased to have Bayada Nurses for monthly blood pressure checks. They will be here on Monday, January 4th from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the dining room. Please stop by and find out what these wonderful home care specialists can do for you and your family. East Side Clinical Lab draws blood work here once per month. The date for this month is: Wednesday January 6th, 8:30-11:30. There is no pre-registration, just come in with the lab slip from your doctor.

The East Bay Center clinical social worker

The East Bay Center clinical social worker, Kathleen Beltramello

January 2010 The Reporter LICSW, assists our seniors with any of their needs. Kathleen is at the senior center twice monthly, in the Health Office, for individual appointments. This month the dates are January 12th and 26th from 9 a.m. to12 noon. Please see Rita in the Health office for a confidential appointment.


also have a supply of donated size medium adult diapers to give to anyone who needs them.

Gift Shop

Nutrition/Weight Loss Maintenance group

Remember to visit our lovely gift shop located in the dining room area. We have a great selection of hand made items, gift cards, and snacks.

Waterview Villa’s nurse

East Providence Senior Center and Monty’s Trips

will be meeting Tuesday, January 12th at 10:45 a.m. in the seminar room. We will be having a general discussion and planning for the upcoming year. Please join us so we may continue this group! Sonya Moniz will be taking blood pressures on Wednesday, January 13th from 10:30 to 11:30 am in the dining room. Come sit and chat with her. Waterview Villa sponsors a free monthly breakfast program, sign-up in the Administration office or with Sonya on the day she visits.


Lisa Marie McCormick RD from SNAP is now here twice each month! On Wednesday, January 13th at 2 p.m. and Thursday January 14th at 11 a.m. Lisa Marie will be discussing Top Disease Fighting Foods. Please join us. Lisa Marie brings treats and recipes to this free program!

Blood Pressure

Feb. 15th -17th

Atlantic City/Tropicana $153.00 pp Dbl. Occ. to include $20.00 Bonus, 1 Brunch, 1 Dinner, Revue Show, transportation, accommodations and driver’s gratuity. Single $243.00 - Triple $143.00 Cancellation Insurance $15.00

March 17th

Saint Patrick’s Show Fest - $60.00pp featuring Trooper Dan. 1st stop will be at the Vanity Fair Outlet for a coffee break and a view of the latest fashions. You’ll receive a discount coupon cook and a shopping bag. Then you’re off to a Lively Irish Musical Show and Luncheon at White’s of Westport. Luncheon will include Corn Beef & Cabbage, Roast Turkey with homemade stuffing served family style with soup, potato, vegetable, dessert and beverage.

Evergreen House Health Center will be taking blood pressure readings on Thursday, January 21st from 10:30 to 11:30am in the dining room. Stop The 40/70 Rule: by to have your blood pressure taken and to speak with Ivone Joia about this lovely Bridging the Communication facility.

Caregiver’s Support Group

Our Caregiver’s Support Group is scheduled for the Monday, January 25th at 10:30 a.m. in the seminar room. We will be having a general discussion and planning for 2010. If you are caring for someone, this group is for you. Please join us for support.


Between Seniors and Their Families

Atria Bay Spring Village

Atria Bay Spring Village will be taking blood pressures on Tuesday, January 26th in the dining room from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Atria Bay Spring Village extends an open invitation to anyone of our members for a tour and lunch at their facility? They can accommodate up to ten for this free event. Just contact them directly at 246-2500.

Diabetes Support Group

Diabetes Support Group will be meeting on Thursday, January 28th, from 1:30 - 3 p.m. in the seminar room. We will be having a round table discussion and planning for the New Year. This program is free and open to anyone with diabetes. Please join us for support and helpful hints from others with diabetes. If you have any questions about these programs, or to register, please visit the Health Office or call Rita at: 435-7870. Did you know the East Providence Senior Center Health Office has medical equipment supplies to loan out? If you or a loved one needs a walker, wheelchair, commode, or tub bench please ask! We

A panel of experts will be available to answer questions about starting conversations that will assure respect, independence, and quality of life for aging family members Cranston Central Library 140 Sockanosset Cross Road Cranston, RI 6:00-7:00 pm on Wednesday, January 27th Call 401-667-2923 to reserve your place for this important event

The panel will include: Jean Allard, SRES, Vice President, Keystone Real Estate Group Tuie Mellor, RN/Home Health Liaison Nurse, Life Care at Home Joe Parente, Financial Services Representative, MetLife Steve St. Onge, Certified Aging in Place Specialist, President, R. I. Kitchen & Bath Jill Sugarman, Esq. Elder Law/Estate Planning Attorney, McLaughlin & Quinn, LLC Valerie Topp, Chief Operating Officer, Home Instead Senior Care

Refreshments and educational materials will be provided


The Reporter January 2010 April 16th - 19th

Washington, DC - $369.00 Dbl Occ. to include 3 nights accommodations, 6 meals – 3 breakfasts and 3 dinners, Tours of US Capitol, Embassy Row, several War Memorials, Arlington Cemetery, Lincoln Memorial, Smithsonian Institute, Iwo Jima Memorial, Tombs of the Unknown, Georgetown, 1 dinner with entertainment, motor coach transportation and much more. Triple Occ. $349.00 Single Occ. $489.00. Cancellation Insurance $35.00. Must sign up by October 1st if we are to have the tour inside the White House included.

May 21st-28th

Oldies Cruise to Bermuda – Hosted by Harvey Robbins, Concert Producer & Founder of the Doo Wop Hall of Fame. Inside cabins from $895.00 - $905.00, Ocean View cabins $1095.00, Balcony cabins from $1295.00 to $1325.00. Private invitation to shows and party. Insurance available.

June 28th-30th

Lake George - $395.00 Dbl. Occ. to include 2 nights accommodation at the Georgian Resort, 2 full Breakfasts, 2 full Dinners including dinner show featuring Laura Roth, visit to Saratoga Springs Casino, and motor Coach transportation and driver’s gratuity. Insurance available. More details to follow.

Aug. 29th -Sept. 1st

Wildwood, NJ - $320.00 Dbl. Occ. to

include 3 nights accommodation, 3 full breakfasts, 3 full dinners, day at the Tropicana in Atlantic City to include their bonus package, visit to Cape May and much more. Driver’s gratuity included. Insurance available. More details to follow. Sign up in the East Providence Senior Center Administration Office or call (401) 435-7800 Ext. 7 Or Eleanor Monteiro at (401)434-8194. Please Make Your Reservations Early


Coupons “Making a Difference'

We ask all to bring in clipped coupons found in the Sunday newspaper and maybe we can make a difference. They are distributed to the spouses and children of troops who sometimes struggle to make ends meet on military salaries.

Cell Phone Recycling

The center is collecting used or discarded cell phones. Most phones end up in kitchen drawers collecting dust. By partnering with Cellular Recycler, we have developed a way to make the most of used cell phones. A box is in the administration office for depositing the cell phones. We thank you in advance. The phones will either be recycled for their precious metals according to EPA standards or be refurbished for use in developing countries. The memory of each phone is “flashed” to wipe out any previous information stored on the cell phone.

Happy New Year

from our home to yours!

Monthly Breakfast

Waterview Villa and Evergreen Nursing are sponsoring monthly breakfast meetings at their facilities for our seniors! The dates this month are: Evergreen, Tuesday January 12th Waterview, Tuesday January 26th Sign-up is in the Administration Office on a first come first served basis, each breakfast is limited to fifteen (15) participants.

Remember when:

CALDOR was a chain of American discount department stores based in Norwalk, CT., operating locations throughout the northeastern United States. At one time the company was a subsidiary of May Department Stores, and was also one of the largest discount retailers in the country. Caldor had Several Locations in RI, Including Woonsocket, Lincoln & Warwick. On January 22, 1999, Caldor announced it was liquidating its remaining merchandise and closing all of its 145 stores. Narragansett Brewing Company 18901981was founded in Cranston, Rhode Island in 1888. It was closed on July 31, 1981, and then re-established in 2005. "Hi, Neighbor, have a 'Gansett!" Shepard's Department Store In 1880, the Shepard Company Department Store opened in two floors of a small building at the corner of Westminster and Clemence Streets in downtown Providence. What was initially a small retail venture would by 1903 grow to be the largest department store in New England In 1974; suburban retail establishments finally took their competitive toll on the Shepard’s Department. Store when it filed for bankruptcy, thus ending nearly one hundred years of business. Lord & Taylor, was an upscale clothing store in Providence Place Mall. It was known to fashion buffs for its luxury, unique style trends & classics. It closed its doors 2007. It reduced its stores due to economic times and unfortunately the Rhode Island store was one of the first to go. Based in New York it still operates today with the closest store in Boston. It was one of the anchors for Providence Place Mall. Crescent Park, Riverside, RI - Originated in 1886 – 1979. Considered to be "The Coney Island of New England" it was most spectacular of all of Rhode Island's Victorian-era amusement parks. Amusement parks in those days included boating, games, picnics, music, tunnels of love, and, notably, carousels. Crescent Park known for a grand carousel with 62 hand-carved figures and four chariots - carousel figures date from 1905 to 1910. Constructed by Charles I.D. Looff. It was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1987.

January 2010 The Reporter

Birth Announcements Have a delivery from the Stork? The Reporter lists Birth announcements for FREE! Send photo and/or announcement to



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spring is in the air

name brand Clothing event - saturday, January 23


Proud parents Kevin and Carol Vieira, and big brother Jack of Rumford, RI, announce the birth of James Campbell Vieira, born December 25, 2009. James was 7 Lbs, 9 oz and 20 inches long. Best Christmas Ever!

Come preview the latest in Spring fashions at Children’s Orchard. We’ve got more big name brand clothes under one roof than any other retailer. Don’t miss our Spend $35, Get $10* event, January 23 - February 13.

spring is in the air

Seekonk Mon- Wed: 9:00-5:30 nameSquare brand Clothing event - saturday, January 23 20 Commerce Way Thursday: 9:00-7:00 Come preview the latest in Spring fashions at Children’s Orchard. Seekonk, MA 02771 Friday-Sat: 9:00-5:30 We’ve got more big name brand clothes under one roofSunday: than any 12:00-5:00 508-336-7757

other retailer. Don’t miss our Spend $35, Get $10* event,

* Store credit has cash value may January 23no- February 13. only be redeemed for merchandise and is not valid on day of receipt. Qualifying purchse does not include sales tax & must be paid with cash or charge. Not valid with any other offer.



Come We’v other Janu

887 W. Eisenhower Pkwy. (between Panera and Subway), Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (734) 995-8889

887 W. E (734) 99

*store credit has no cash value, may only be redeemed for merchandise, and is not valid on day of receipt. Qualifying purchase does not include sales tax and must be paid for with cash, check or credit card only. limit one per customer,

*store c purchas


The Reporter January 2010


David and Marcia Andreozzi of Rehoboth proudly announce the arrival of their second son, Domenic Anthony, born on September 22, 2009 at 9:24 a.m. at Women & Infants Hospital Providence, RI. Domenic weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. and was 191/2 inches long. Domenic was welcomed by his big brother Dylan. Maternal grandparents are Manuel and Maria Bernardo of East Providence, RI. Paternal grandparents are Kathy and Hank Myers of Portsmouth, RI and Antonio Andreozzi of Cranston, RI.


James and Jessica Lafreniere of Riverside are proud to announce the birth of their son, James Mariano Cabral Lafreniere born on December 4, 2009 at 11:46 a.m. at Women & Infants Hospital. He weighted 7 pounds 13 ounces and was 20 inches long. He was also welcomed home by his big sister, Sofia Marie. Maternal grandparents are Jose and Ana Cabral, and Godfather Timothy Cabral of Riverside. Paternal grandmother Margie Lafreniere of Pawtucket.

January 2010 The Reporter


Weddings, Engagements & Anniversaries We List Weddings, Engagements & Anniversarys for Free! Email Announce ment and Photo to news@eastprovreporter.com


Jeffrey and Tanya Gould of East Providence proudly announce the birth of their daughter Talia Matilda Gould on November 9, 2009 at 8:16 a.m. at Women & Infants Hospital. She weighed 11 pounds 11 ounces and was 21 ½ inches long. Maternal grandparents are Franz and Beverly Kuchenbaur of Dighton, Mass. Paternal grandparents are Brian and Linda Thorp of Richmond, RI and Keith and Carol Gould of Stonington, CT. Paternal great grandmothers are Lois Chappelle of Hope Valley RI and Audrey Thorp of Westerly RI. Twins Hannah and Hans Gould welcomed their little sister home with open arms.

If you have any questions call the office at 508-252-6575

Winter Clearance Sale! Wedding Gowns $150.00 & up

Considering Adoption? Adoption Options Offers Free Informational Meetings

Adoption Options is holding a free informational session those considering adoption and are interested in hearing about available options. Licensed adoption workers will be available to provide information and answer questions. In Rhode Island, the next meeting is scheduled from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 959 North Main St. in Providence on January 21, 2010. Adoption Options, a non-sectarian, non-profit, comprehensive adoption program of Jewish Family Service works with prospective adoptive parents, birth parents and people who have been adopted. The agency is licensed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with offices in Rehoboth and Providence. The agency’s work with all members of the adoption triad is focused on helping individuals to understand their options and make the most informed choices for their future. For more information, please contact Peg Boyle at 401-331-5437 or visit www.AdoptionOptions.org.

select styles

New 2010 Wedding Gowns Arriving Daily

FREE ALTERATIONS with Bridal Packages

A Large Selection of Designer Tuxedo Rentals Available

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The Reporter January 2010

Dining Guide

Open 7 days a week.

Check out the new Gavi Trattoria at The Sons of Italy! Go to Projo.com Lifebeat section to see a recent Gavi Review! “Right up there with the Best Italian Restaurants in Providence! The Veal Saltimbocca is Incredible!” -Bill Berg, Rumford

Redeem this ad for a FREE Dessert or Appetizer with the purchase of two entrees expires 2/13/2010

Banquet facilities available for up to 125 guests

Check out GaviTrattoria.com

99 Hicks Street, East Providence, RI. 401.490.0618

Catering For All Occasions •H

Q ua ey ome lity Since 1945 Turk mad & f e S o up ee •T s • Schroders own Roast B ake ring Home Cate • r e Entrees • S d r o teaks cut to

JANUARY SPECIALS January 7th – 9th Boar’s Head Blazin Buffalo Chicken.............$8.49 lb Boar’s Head Pepperjack Cheese................$7.99 lb

January 10th – 16th Schroder’s Own Roasted Turkey.....................$7.99 lb Cooper Sharp American Cheese....................$6.99 lb

January 17th – 23rd Schroder’s Own Roast Beef.........................$8.99 lb Sorrento Provolone.....................................$5.99 lb

The Original Lobster Raffle

January 24th – 30th

Every Saturday • 12pm - 4pm Now thru Easter

Best Wishes for the New Year!

to Benefit Riverside Little League

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Virginia Baked Ham.......................................$6.99 lb Land O’ Lakes Cheese......................................$5.99 lb

- from the staff at Schroder’s Deli

New Lite Lunch Menu Items $1.99 each Daily Lunch Specials $4.99 each, Monday – Friday We now accept EBT cards! Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 7am-6pm, Sunday 7am-1pm


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January 2010 The Reporter


CONEY ISLAND SYSTEM 122 Taunton Ave., East Providence, RI

237 Newman Ave, Rumford, RI • 401-435-3037

Serving RI for over 90 years f Home o al in ig r The O e in r Hot We

Now Taking Orders for Super Bowl and All Occasions

We’re Not Just Weiners! We Have It All!

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Expires Feb. 8, 2010

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THURSDAY STEAK FRY sponsored by the R.I. Shriners


January 14, 2010 7:00pm

$22.00 (tax & fees included)

PIG ROAST & BBQ CHICKEN BUFFET Sunday, January 24, 2010 1:00pm $16.00 (tax & fess included)

Call for Tickets/Reservations Check Our Website for Upcoming Event Info.




The Reporter January 2010

find it in the

Dining Guide

Phillips Street Restaurant 51 N.Phillips Street • East Providence, RI, 02914 401-434-3224 • fax 401-228-3323

Portuguese Cuisine

• Daily Specials • Lunch & Dinner

Order Food For That Special Occassion S 12-6 M 12-9 Th 12-9 T closed F 12-10 W 12-9 S 12-10

Holy Ghost Beneficial Brotherhood of RI

*Ladies Night Every Thursday* Ladies Eat FREE

*Some restrictions may apply. Come try our Special Ladies Menu* Grilled Chicken Wrap Jack cheddar, fresh lettuce, onions, peppers. Veggie Chicken Pizza Fresh veggies, grilled chicken, trio of cheeses, red sauce.

Chicken Quesadilla Grilled chicken, jack cheese, grilled tortilla, jalapeno, sour cream, salsa.

Luxury Box Sliders Two miniature burgers grilled to perfection.

Happy New Year! from

Bruschetta Fresh tomato, basil, mozzarella cheese, balsamic drizzle.

Ceasar Salad Fresh romaine, croutons, lightly dressed Ceasar. Mixed Greens Salad Organically grown field greens. Dress it your way. Grilled Chicken Breast Need we say more?

Serving Hot Wieners 7 Days a Week!

New hours 7am to 7pm Mon - Fri

Check out our website for up to date events www.LUXURYBOXROCKS.com

350 Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA • 508-336-6634 Next door to: World Gym Plus

Riverside R.I

Daily Specials * Open 7 Days Order’s to go 401-433-0395

January 2010 The Reporter

CLASSIFIEDS Send Classified with Payment to The East Providence Reporter; P.O. Box 170, Rehoboth, MA 02769. BUSINESS CLASSIFIED RATES $35 FOR 30 WORDS Classified Deadline: 25th of the Month We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising

WANTED OLD FLOWER VASES: please donate for upcoming show, can pick up, call 401632-3602. (rfD) OLD CARPENTER HAND TOOLS: planes, levels, rulers, chisels, chests, wrenches, etc. Please call 508-222-5360. (e110)

FOR RENT East Providence: Efficiency with utilities first floor, 2 large rooms and bath, No pets? No smoking. $135.00 weekly call David 401-742-5601 (e210) Rumford: 2 Bedroom Duplex remodeled, Nice area, washer & dryer hook up. No pets. No utilities. $980. 401-644-5367 or 401-383-7358 (e110)

VACATION RENTAL Custom Log Cabin: Sugar Hill, Franconia NH, sleeps 6, fireplace, full kitchen; minutes from Cannon, Bretton Woods & Loon; weekly & weekends, Call 401-4334491. (e210)


1 To 15 Words - $10 16 To 30 Words - $15 Additional Words $.25 each

FOR SALE WOOD PELLETS: Corinth brand premium manufactured from Maine hardwood. $275/ton=50 bags @40#. $20.00 for 3 bags. Vineyard Road, Seekonk, MA 02771. (508)339-6050. Local deliveries available - $40.00 charge (e110)

HELP WANTED SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST: part time for a busy real estate company, 11-12 hours per week, hours 9 am-1pm mon-fri. Call Phil at Weichert Realtors Tirrell Realty 401-4372030 x 101 (rfWTR1) Basic Bookeeping: -Part-Time 2025Hours per week .Local credit union Call Joan or Lori at 401--438-7788. (rfCT)

Commercial Rentals 600 Sq Ft with heat & electric $1100.00/month Ideal for Retail Office 600Sq Ft $1500.00/month with heat & electric Ideal for Retail Office

1573 Fall River Ave. • Seekonk, MA



Lost Jupiter trumpet in black case. Left in Martin Middle School Auditorium near piano on Friday 12/4/09 (night of Oliver tryouts). Reward for return. Please call 578-6354, no questions asked.

Donald E. MacManus Attorney at Law

General Practice of Law Including: • Wills and Trusts • Real Estate • Personal Injury • Business & Commercial

Call (508)336-6440 546 Arcade Ave. • Seekonk, MA

Licensed to practice in Massachusetts & Rhode Island

Cutcliffe Glavin


ARCHETTO Attorneys at Law R.I. and MA. Bars

Conrad M. Cutcliffe The Packet Building 155 South Main St., Suite 300 Providence, RI 02903-2963

(401) 454-1900 Fax (401) 331-7001


The Reporter January 2010

JANUARY BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountant A/C & Heating Architectural Design Attorney Attorney Auto Body Auto Body Auto Body Auto Dealers Auto Dealers Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Repairs Auto Salvage Bakery Bank Barbershop Beauty Products Bridal Shop Building Contractor Building Contractor Building Contractor Carpentry - Finish Chamber of Commerce Chiropractor Clothing-Resale Collectibles Credit Union Credit Union Dance Studio Dentist Dentist Dentist Dog Grooming Electrician Engine Repair-Lawn Flooring - All Types Food Service Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Propane Furniture Hair Salon


MLR Tax Services (Tirrell Realty) Vicmir VIZCAD Cutcliffe, Galvin & Archetto Donald E. MacManus, Attorney A-1 Custom Auto Body Fogarty Auto Body Tri Star Autobody, Inc. Hot Rides INC. Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc Barbosa & Son Auto Repair Fred’s Service Center , Inc Mike’s Truck & Trailer Repair New England Tire Somerset Chrysler Jeep Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc Seekonk Auto Salvage Crugnales Bakery Coastway Credit Union Man About Town Mary Kay - Connie Ackroyd Ana’s Bridal Boutique East Providence Siding Gianlorenzo & Sons Construction Wood Frame Structures Inc. Mark Koussa Carpentry East Providence Chamber New Hope Family Chiropractic Children’s Orchard Wexler’s Collectibles Columbus Credit Union Community & Teachers Credit Union Arthur Murray Dr. Dimitri Ganim Jared W. Stubbs, DDS Kenneth J. Rawlinson, D.D.S. Pampered Pets North Star Electric Fred’s Service Center Armoush Flooring Thomsen Foodservice Affordable Fuel Al’s Quality Oil Co. Columbus Energies Inc. Savard Oil Co. Inc. Stateline Fuel & Burner Service Arrow Gas Corp. - Inergy Propane Leather Living Home Creative Styles

Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

Mary Nascimento, Sales Manager maryn@eastprovreporter.com

cell 401.569.4726 office 508.252.6575


ads@rehobothreporter.com ads@eastprovreporter.com

Rehoboth, Seekonk

17 72 21 69 69 24 30 14 18 58 26 42 19 27 8 33 34 67 10 38 48 65 54 24 43 44 20 49 63 42 35 25 21 12 8 7 9 4 44 54 16 32 7 18 16 35 39 22 12

Hair Salon Natalie’s Beauty Studio, Inc. 33 Hair Salon Perfect Image Hair Studio 39 Hair Salon Running With Scissors 51 Hair Salon Shear Image Salon 19 Hair & Tanning Salon Rhonda & Co. 26 Handyman Just In Time Handyman Service 41 Hardware Store Standard Hardware 25 Health Care Barrington Urgent Care 47 Health Care East Bay Community Action Program 48 Health & Fitness Juice Plus , Brenda Smith 48 Health & Fitness Renaissance Gymnastics Academy 50 Health & Fitness Work Out World 72 Health & Fitness World Gym Plus 47 Home Improvements Professional Property Maintenance 40 Hotels Comfort Inn & Suites 64 Insurance Stateline Insurance 45 Insurance Agency Lezaola Insurance & Insurance House 63 Junk Removal All Surface Cleaning & Junk Removal 21 Landscaping/Tree Little Welshman’s Landscape 40 Music Doug’s Music Retail & Learning Ctr 13 Nursing Homes Waterview Villa 62 Optometrists Brown Center 51 Optometrists Oscar Ni,O.D. ,Optometrist 43 Orthodontics Romani Orthodontics 17 Physical Therapy Sport & Spine Physical Therapy 50 Plumbing & Heating Dyer Plumbing & Heating 16 Plumbing & Heating Fullport Plumbing & Heating 52 Private School Ocean State Montessori School 56 Private School Sacred Heart School 55 Private School St. Margaret School 57 Private School The Providence Country Day School 56 Raffle The Merrill 11 Real Estate Juan Cerda Bank Of America 46 Real Estate Kent Farm Village 38 Real Estate Maria Correia Realtor (Mateus) 12 Real Estate Mateus Realty 71 Real Estate Red Realty 2 Real Estate ReMax Heritage 15 Real Estate ReMax Rivers Edge 10 Real Estate The Tirrell Team 36 Restaurant Francis Farm - Clambakes 67 Restaurant Gavi Trattoria 66 Restaurant Lincoln Bar & Grille 66 Restaurant Luxury Box Bar & Grille 68 Restaurant Phillips Street Restaurant 68 Restaurant Riverside Kitchen 68 Restaurant Schroder’s Deli 66 Restaurant Sparky’s Coney Island 67 Restaurant Tito’s Cantina 67 Roofer/WaterProofing Cameron Roofing 52 Roofing Contractor Artesani Remodeling 19 Roofing Contractor Tabeleys Roofing 41 Salt B & B Trucking 9 Schools - Private Covenant Cooperative Nursery Scool 57 Snow Plowing B. P. Simpson Snowplowing 53 Spiritual Healing Positive New Beginnings 51 Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence Tanning Salons Exotic Tans (formerly Sunset Tans) 14 Mary Sales Manager Theatres - Live Nascimento, Trinity Repertory Company 53 Therapist maryn@eastprovreporter.com Associates In Therapy 14 Town City of East Providence Recycling 6 Trash/Junk Removal Big Blue Removal Service 42 ads@rehobothreporter.com cell 401.569.4726 Tree Service Advanced Tree 54 ads@eastprovreporter.com office 508.252.6575 Wood Furnaces Reed Outdoor Furnaces 23


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence


Rehoboth, Seekonk


January 2010 The Reporter

Buying or Selling - Call

MATEUS Realty Serving East Providence and surrounding areas since 1975. The experience makes the difference!

So if you're ready to buy or sell, Call Mateus Realty today at 434-8399.

Attention Buyers!! • Large Inventory!! • Lower Prices!! Now Is A Great Time to buy!! • LOW Interest Rates

EAST PROVIDENCE - Pierce Field!!! Clean 2 family 2br, den, each. Young roof, siding, windows, gas boilers/HW tanks, upgraded electric. Separate utilities. $199,900

EAST PROVIDENCE - New sub division! 3BR, 2.5 bath Colonial, Mstr suite w/ private bath & jacuzzi. Granite, tile, HW's, GD, DW, Microwave, sliders to patio, gas heat/central air, siding/brick, garages, 22000+sf lot on Cul-de-sac $349,900

EAST PROVIDENCE - 3/4BR, 1.5 bath Bungalow. Dining, den, Mstr suite w/ adjoining room & lavette, HW's, porch. Young roof, new windows, upgraded electric, new driveway, garages $159,900. Subject to bank approval!

EAST PROVIDENCE - Vets Pkwy! Short Sale! Enjoy city/water views, bike path & golf. 2BR Ranch, heated breezeway, EAST PROVIDENCE - Centrally partially finished lower, HW's/tile rep. located!! 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Cottage, windows, garages, corner lot $229,900 dining, hwd's, updates, sliders, prchs, garage, $179,900.

Barrington - Nayatt School!! New 5 Br, 2 1/2 bath Colonial, 1st flr Mstr w/ bath & jacuzzi, great rm, FP, dining, granite, hwd's/tile, gas hydro/central air, farmer's prch, sliders, patio, garages, 10000 SF lot on cul-de-sac. $469,900

CRANSTON - Edgewood!! Near J&W, Estate Sale, waterview, 4 Br, 1 1/2 bath Colonial, dining, Hw's, FP, expandable attic w/ staircase, front porches 1st & 2nd, siding, replacement windows. $199,900

JOHNSTON - Remodeled 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Cape, modern kitchen / bath, mud rm / laundry, hw's/tile, young roof, siding, windows, deck, gas boiler / hw tank, upgraded electric, 6000+ SF fenced corner lot on dead end. $214,900





R East Providence -Impeccably maintained in & out!! 3 Br, 1 1/2 bath Colonial near new sub-division!! Spacious kitchen & Liv Rm, Hw's/tile, upgraded electric, young roof, siding, windows, eAST PROVIDENCE - Brightridge/Silver french doors to deck, 24x24 car port. Spring!! 3 Br Ranch, FR, cathedrals, $219,900 skylights, sliders, patio, Hw's, gas heat, garage, 7000+ sf lot. $169,900. Subject to bank approval!

Riverside - Great 2 Br, 1.5 bath Town House end unit in a small / quiet complex near Willett Pond, bike path and shopping. FR, LDRY, Gas Heat, Sliders, deck. $179,900

RUMFORD - Spacious 5 Br, 2 bath Colonial, 1st floor, master, office, pool, deck, gas heat, several updates. $249,900



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The Reporter January 2010

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