January 2010 RR

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The Rehoboth


JANUARY 2010 Volume 22, no. 1


Serving the Residents of Rehoboth, Seekonk and Surrounding Communities Since 1989

The Kiwanis Club of Seekonk

14th Annual Taste of the Town

February 2nd • 6-9pm at the Johnson & Wales Inn Rte. 44 in Seekonk

see details on page 21

Seekonk Youth Join Dighton-Rehoboth Hockey Team Hockey Returns to Seekonk for First Time in Many Years By Laura Calverley

Seekonk has not had a high school hockey team for many years. When it existed, the program was strong and the team was very good, but it dissolved in the 1990’s for various reasons. For years, Seekonk kids who had played hockey since they were 6 or 7, just couldn’t play when they reached high school. Or their parents had to pay to send them to private schools that offered hockey programs. Now all that has changed. Seekonk has entered into a cooperative team with Dighton-Rehoboth this season, thanks mostly to some dedicated parents and school athletic directors who didn’t want to see the kids lose the opportunity to play. The reason they did it is pretty simple, says Mark Ferreira, president of Friends of Seekonk Hockey, whose 15-year-old son Adam plays on the new team. “We have so many kids that play years of youth hockey. Their parents invest countless hours and thousands of dollars every year to participate. Some of these very talented athletes have decided to leave the Seekonk school system because we didn’t offer hockey at the high school level. Our goal is to re-establish the highly successful stand alone hockey program for the town that we had for so many years,” said Ferreira. continued on page 9...

Health 2010 & Fitness See page 52

Spotlight on Schools Turn to page 43

Rehoboth Daisy Troop 1158 collected food and paper goods for Helping Hands of Rehoboth. The Daisy’s also made fleece blankets which they donated.

The Reporter January 2010



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January 2010 The Reporter

Town of Rehoboth News Notes Rehoboth Keeps Single Tax Rate

Selectmen have decided to keep a single tax rate in Rehoboth and not change to separate rates for residential and commercial property owners. The board of assessors told selectmen last month that there is no advantage to separate rates and that it would not benefit the town. Rehoboth’s current tax rate is $8.90 per $1,000 of value. A new tax rate for fiscal year 2010 has not yet been set.

Rehoboth Facing Budget Shortfall

Rehoboth is facing a $13,000 budget shortfall for the current year which is being attributed to reductions in state aid and local revenue, unfunded state mandates and contracted raises for some union workers. The deficit is primarily in town office clerical wages. Selectmen plan to meet with the unions to discuss the situation and suggested that the town consider closing the town office all day on Fridays. No decision was made on closing the town offices, but selectmen said the town does not have the money to maintain the same level of town services. The board said they would present a balanced budget for next year at Spring town meeting, even though the situation is expected to be worse. Selectmen also said they would not recommend an override of Proposition 2 ½, that town meeting would have to make the decision to exceed the 2 ½ tax limit.

Rehoboth Discusses Sharing Resources with Seekonk

by Laura Calverley

Attorney Reviews RePAC’s Agreement with Town

The Board of Selectmen have asked the town’s revenue generation and expense reduction committee to work with Seekonk to find areas and projects where the towns could work together to save money. Gerald Schwall, chairman of the committee, recently met with Michael Carroll, Seekonk Town Administrator, to discuss various cost-saving projects. Some of the things the towns are discussing include sharing equipment, combining town positions, and purchasing materials together. Town representatives plan to meet again after the New Year.

Attorney William Solomon of Stoneham, who drafted Rehoboth’s original public access agreement, told selectmen that the town’s current contract with RePAC needs to be revised. Solomon said that the contract should be amended to provide for standards, accountability and transparency. Certain measures may have been inadvertently deleted from the 2008 contract, he said. Solomon proposed that a meeting be scheduled with RePAC to discuss the issue.

Veterans’ Officers Planning Memorial

Inside This Issue

The Rehoboth and Dighton Veterans Service Agents are raising funds for a memorial at D-R High School honoring Corporal John Van Gyzen IV, class of 2001 of Dighton and Captain Benjamin Sammis, class of 1992 of Rehoboth and others. Both D-R graduates were killed while serving in Iraq. The towns are hoping that a dedication can take place on Memorial Day 2010. Anyone who knows of other Dighton-Rehoboth graduates who died while serving their country, please contact Bill Saunders in Rehoboth or Robert “Woody” Woods) in Dighton. Donations for the memorial can be sent to: Veterans’ Agent, Town of Rehoboth, 148R Peck Street, Rehoboth, MA 02769 or Veterans’ Agent, Town of Dighton, 1551 Somerset Avenue, Dighton, MA 02715. Checks should be made out to “D-R Veterans Memorial Fund.”

Wishing you a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year! - from The Reporter staff

Antiquarian Society.....................34 Births.........................................94 Business Directory...................101 Church Activities & Services......88 Classifieds...............................100 Club Announcements.................32 Dining Guide...............................86 Events and Activities...................22 Health & Fitness........................52 How You Can Help......................30 Letters to the Editor.......................5 Library.........................................57 Obituaries................................105 People in the News.....................36 Rehoboth Council on Aging.......90 Rehoboth Ramblings.................13 Rehoboth Rescue Squad..........14 Rehoboth Town News................15 Scouts.......................................61 Seekonk Human Services..........78 Seekonk Scene..........................21 Sports Update............................40 Spotlight on Schools..................43 State House...............................70 Wedding................................93

The Reporter January 2010

The Rehoboth/Seekonk


Local Dunkin’ Donuts Customers Donate More Than $1,500 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure

P.O. Box 170 Rehoboth, MA 02769

© 2005 Target Marketing Group, Inc.

We welcome all ideas, photos, articles, news releases and notices that affect these areas. We reserve the right to refuse any submission, including classified ads and display advertising.

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Subscription Rate: $15 for 1 year

Display Advertising Sales Call 508-252-6575 Published by:

Target Marketing Group, Inc. Dick Georgia, President Editor/Publisher - Barbara Georgia Advertising - Mary Nascimento Feature Writers Laura Calvery David Howard Leslie Patterson Photography Dick Georgia Norm Spring Technical/Graphics Scott Hewitt Michaela O’Connell Special Thanks To: Lori Anderson Meredith Amaral

PHONE 508-252-6575 Fax 252-6320 news@rehobothreporter.com Visit Our Website at... www.RehobothReporter.com

Pictured left to right: Dunkin’ Donuts employees Bob Palmer, Kevin DeAlmeida, Aurea Devlin, and Louis Olivieira; Ronni Cohen-Boyar, Executive Director, Susan G. Komen for the Cure Massachusetts Affiliate; and Chris Cahoon, Dunkin’ Donuts General Manager.

About Dunkin’ Donuts

Loyal customers of the Deslauriers/Decato network of seven local Dunkin’ Donuts shops in Attleboro, Taunton, and Rehoboth, Massachusetts, donated $1,580.69 during a recent “Pink Day” to benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure. “Pink Day” was held in honor of Wendy Mira Cola, an aunt of General Manager Chris Cahoon, who is a breast cancer survivor. “We are so proud and thankful that our loyal customers joined us in this effort,” said Chris Cahoon, General Manager of seven Dunkin’ Donuts in Attleboro, Rehoboth, and Taunton. “Everyone has been affected by breast cancer on some level, and we hope that this contribution brings us just a little bit closer to finding a cure.”

Giving back to the community that supports them is a key tenet of the Dunkin’ Donuts philosophy, and the franchisees take pride in supporting such local initiatives as the Dunkin’ Donuts Scholarship Program, Special Olympics Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Blood Center and Southcoast Blood Bank, Operation: Support Our Troops, Hasbro Children’s Hospital, the Jimmy Fund, and the Dunkin’ Dugout at McCoy Stadium. Founded in 1950, today Dunkin’ Donuts is the number one retailer of hot regular coffee-by-the-cup in America, selling 2.7 million cups a day, nearly one billion cups a year. Dunkin’ Donuts is also the largest coffee and baked goods chain in the world and sells more hot regular coffee, iced coffee, donuts, and bagels than any other quick service restaurant in America. Dunkin’ Donuts has more than 7,300 restaurants in 31 countries worldwide. Based in Canton, Massachusetts, Dunkin’ Donuts is a subsidiary of Dunkin’ Brands, Inc. For more information, visit www.DunkinDonuts.com.


January 2010 The Reporter

Letters to the Editor... Seekonk Tree Lighting

A grateful Thank YOU from Seekonk Kiwanis to everyone who attended and participated in our 5th annual tree lighting on December 1st. Thanks to the Department of Public Works for stringing the lights. Thanks to the Hurley Middle School Brass Ensemble under the direction of Mrs. Sue Grandy for playing Christmas music. And thanks to Brownie Troop 460 for singing Christmas songs led by Mrs. Tortolani. Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived on a fire engine provided by Chief Jack. After the children told Santa and Mrs. Claus what they wanted for Christmas, they were treated to delicious cookies baked by Johnson & Wales and to cocoa donated by Dunkin Doughnuts and Stop and Shop. The Seekonk High School Key Club acted as Santa’s elves. We received many donations of food for the Seekonk food pantry, Doorways, which will help with their increased needs. It was a festive way to start the holiday season and seemed to be enjoyed by all. Beverly Hart for Kiwanis of Greater Seekonk

Proud of the D/R Marching Band

As a very proud Mom I want to bring to your attention the achievements of the Dighton Rehoboth Marching Band this year. Our middle school and high school students have proudly represented our district with poise, grace, enthusiasm and fantastic music. They have performed at the football games, the parade at the Eastern States Exposition in Springfield, Ma, the Somerset Jamboree, the Dighton Tree Lighting, the Mansfield Christmas parade, the Fall River Christmas parade, and the Taunton Christmas parade. They have been accepted to perform at the Main Street U.S.A. parade at the Magic Kingdom in Disney World this June. This will be the band’s 5th trip to Disney World since 2001. A great honor was bestowed on our band when they were invited to perform for the Fox Providence Rhode Show on the Thanksgiving Day television program. Please take a moment to view the link to the show. I’m sure you’ll agree they are remarkable. http://www.foxprovidence.com/dpp/rhode_show/dighton-rehoboth-marching-band-performs I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the people whose hard work makes our band the best it can be. Doug Kelley’s dedication and enthusiasm are unparalleled and I don’t think words can thank him enough for the years of music, learning, camaraderie and fun that he has provided to our students. He doesn’t do the work alone. Thanks to Carin Baker and the Color Guard, Donna Connors, Shawn Urban, Mark Stewart, Rob Martin, Mr. Grota, Scott Alegria, Mr. Franczyk, the Lopes Family, David Strange, Joe Dunham, Dan Medeiros, Jim and Bobbi Figara, Barry DuFresne, Mark Koussa, Joe Botelho, Sue Kenyon, Sue Sulhaney, Holly deMelo, Wendy Vickey, Christine Oberlander, and the Friends of the D-R Marching Band. I know there are many more that I have forgotten or don’t even know about. My children and many students in Dighton and Rehoboth have benefitted from becoming musicians and being members of the Power and Pride that is the D-R Marching Band. Sincerely, Nancy Muri, Proud Mother of Richard Muri (9th grade) and Jeffrey Muri (7th grade)

The letters in this section do not reflect the views of the staff of The Rehoboth Reporter. It is not our intent to take sides on any issues, but to present all arguments from all points of view. If your point of view is not represented on an issue, it is only because you have not voiced your opinion. Let us hear from YOU!

Dick & Barbara Georgia

Policy For “Letters To The Editor” and “Press Release” Submissions We will no longer allow “Letter To Editor” writers to withhold their name, nor will we allow organizations to submit only the organization’s name on the letter without a representative’s name as well. In addition, we will not publish any letter that is considered libelous. If you are accusing someone of an action or behavior, you must be able to support that accusation with verifiable facts. The reason for this policy is obvious.

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The Reporter January 2010

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39th Annual Firemen’s Ball

It’s that time of year when we as a town show our immense appreciation to the Rehoboth Call Firefighters for their dedication to us and to the safety of our families. The 39th Annual Firemen’s Ball will be held on March 27, 2010, and we would be pleased to place your name or business ad in our souvenir program. We would also be honored to have you attend the ball to show your support and have a fun-filled night with the Department and fellow residents. Remember that the Rehoboth Fire Department is a call department that is staffed by local residents. These residents selflessly give up many hours of their free time to serve our community. These hours are spent performing drills, duty time, fighting fires, and performing multiple other duties beneficial to the community. As a group, the Call Firefighters Association helps to raise money for these brave firefighters. Some of the money raised is used to help firefighters in need, purchasing items useful to the firefighters, offering a scholarship for future firefighters, purchasing a ball ticket for each member of the Department, and many other things helpful to not only the Department, but also to the community as a whole. The Rehoboth Call Firefighters Association is a not-for-profit organization, and all proceeds go directly to the Association. Be assured that all money donated is well appreciated and is put to good use for the firefighters of our town. The following is a list of donation options to be placed in the Firemen’s Ball booklet: FULL PAGE: $ 100; HALF PAGE: $ 75; QTR PAGE: $ 50; BOOSTER: (name and address) $ 25 MISC. DONATIONS ALSO WELCOMED!! We politely request that all responses be received by February 6 in order to have the booklets printed in time for the ball. Please make checks payable to RCFA and send your information along with payment to: Rehoboth Call Firefighters Association, Inc. P.O. Box 313, Rehoboth, MA 02769 For best quality, please send an electronic copy of your ad to Ken.marco@comcast.net The Firemen’s Ball will be held at the Venus de Milo on March 27. If you are interested in attending please contact Ken at 401439-0333 for tickets and information. We would love to have you there. The Association sincerely thanks you for your anticipated support! Very truly yours, Lt. Ken Marcotrigiano, Co-Chairman Mark Johnson, Co-Chairman

Call 508.252.6575 to Advertise!!! A Huge Thanks To Everyone For Supporting Poetry In The Village

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You Are The People Who Have Made This Venue A Success! Jan 20, 2010 Will Be Our First Year Anniversary! We Are Celebrating By Featuring The Dynamic Poet, Dana Rowe, Co-Host Of Arts From The Hearts, The Poet’s Pathway In Middleboro. There Will Be Other Surprise Happenings That Night, So Please Come For The Festivities! Happy Holidays and A Bright And Peaceful New Year To All. Nancy, Your Host Poetry In The Village Blanding Library, Rehoboth, Ma

January 2010 The Reporter

Hats Off to Rehoboth First Responders

I am truly grateful and deeply appreciate the heroic and professional work of those that responded to an accident my son Andrew was involved in on Nov 20. Most of the people are anonymous to me but they have my utmost respect for the great work and service they provided for my son that night. I am sure that without the speed and the skill they demonstrated that night, my son may not be alive today. To the woman that first drove by the crashed vehicle and called 911, to Sgt Rossi who played a vital part as the first responder, helping to get Andrew (who was unconscious) into the ambulance, and then came to our house to drive my wife and I to the hospital, to the other officers that assisted, to the EMT’s that enabled Andrew to breathe in the ambulance, to the urgent escorted ride in the ambulance to the trauma center at RI Hospital, to all the doctors and nurses in his subsequent 6 day stay in the TIC unit and 5 days more in co.op. To each one, thank you for doing the important and vital work you do, and performing it so well. Andrew is now recovering from his injuries, thanks to so many public servants and medical workers, and the many prayers and thoughts of so many friends and family. Thurston and Christine Tarter

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Rehoboth’s Helping Hands Year End Review

Dear Friends, I would like to begin by saying that this year has been another success for Rehoboth’s Helping Hands Project. The program received quite a scare as funds did not begin to appear until the last part of November, and the majority was not received until the last two weeks prior to Christmas day. Through the tireless efforts of The Rehoboth Reporter’s Dick and Barbara Georgia alerting the public of the great need, Rehoboth’s Helping Hands Project was able to aid all those in need during Thanksgiving and Christmas. This holiday season alone over 600 individuals received assistance with food, fuel, clothing, and toys (all names and personal information are kept strictly confidential for the protection and privacy of each individual.) Contrary to what many perceive the program to be, Rehoboth’s Helping Hands Project is a year-round crusade that continually battles against hunger, cold, and deprivation. Every year the need grows increasingly stronger, and the demands higher. This program is not one in which one or two, or even a handful of individuals could handle on their own. This program receives its life support from individuals and organizations throughout the Town of Rehoboth. This is your program! Without the support of each and every one of you, this program would have died and come to a sad ending many years ago. I cannot express just how much of a vital roll every individual has played in making the life of another just a little bit better and brighter this holiday season. The spirit of giving, the benevolence, and the never-ceasing efforts from all those who have contributed, from the greatest to the least, has truly made the difference for someone in need. Rehoboth’s Helping Hands Project has significantly grown over the years and its many branches such as The Blizzard of Giving, Schools, Scouts and Rehoboth Post Office can drives, Toys for Tots of Rehoboth, and The Giving Tree of our local churches provide an outreach opportunity throughout our community. Thank you to all the individuals, businesses and organizations that gave their support this holiday season.

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The Reporter January 2010


Bethany Martone Cell: (401) 265-0960

We hope that you will stop by and visit us in our Food Pantry, which has been graciously donated by Lawrence & Gary Garabedian. We are now located at 51 Winthrop Street (RT. 44), Rehoboth, MA between the hours of 2:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Thursday afternoon. Thank you all, once again, for your continued support to make the life of another a little better and a little brighter! May God bless you and your families in the New Year! With deep appreciation and sincerity, Stephen H. Martin, Director Rehoboth’s Helping Hands Project (508) 252-3263

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“The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each others’ burdens, easing other’s loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of Christmas.” - W. C. Jones I would like to take a moment and whole-heartedly thank the South Attleboro Knights of Columbus for hosting a fabulous party for people with developmental disabilities who are served by The Arc of Northern Bristol County. Over two hundred individuals with developmental disabilities from The Arc of Northern Bristol County and proAbility attended the holiday party on Sunday, December 6 at the South Attleboro Knights of Columbus and had a fantastic time! Thanks to the kind volunteers from the Knights and Sensata who made this occasion so special. Thanks also to Glenn Bourque from Chemawa Golf Course for sponsoring the food for the party. The music, the food, and the gifts were perfect, and we are most grateful. This party began 30 years ago as a way to give those people served by The Arc of Northern Bristol County who have very little and no one to share the holidays with, an exceptional celebration of holiday spirit. For those individuals, this party is something they look forward to all year long. Thank you for your generosity and your caring for those in need. Happy Holidays, Michael Andrade President / CEO, The Arc of Northern Bristol County

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South Attleboro Knights of Columbus volunteers serve dinner at annual party.

January 2010 The Reporter

Continued from Cover...

Seekonk Youth Join Dighton-Rehoboth Hockey Team Hockey Returns to Seekonk for First Time in Many Years By Laura Calverley

The new Dighton-Rehoboth-Seekonk team was made possible because D-R had been playing in a cooperative team with Somerset for about six years and Somerset separated to form their own team. According to Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) rules, once a team has enough players of its own, it can’t be in a co-op, so D-R’s agreement with Somerset had to end. D-R’s athletic director Stan Franczyk and some parents requested school committee approval to find another cooperative partner school. Seekonk was one of the towns they contacted. Franczyk approached Seekonk’s athletic director, Ray Grant, and Grant contacted some Seekonk parents who he knew may be interested, said Ferreira.

One of the parents that Grant contacted was Ron Botelho, whose son played for the Somerset-D-R team, says Ferreira. Even though Botelho’s son decided to stay with Somerset, he did everything he could to get the program together. (Seniors were given the choice whether to remain on the Somerset team or play on the new Seekonk-DR team.) Botelho’s cousin, Mike, also became involved. Mike Botelho’s son is playing on the Seekonk-D-R coop. “Without the Botelhos, and the Seekonk and D-R athletic directors, it wouldn’t have happened. They made it possible,” says Ferreira. Seekonk also got the school department’s approval to put the team back together. continued on next page...


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All the hockey parents put a great deal of support into the new D-R-Seekonk program. Having a child play hockey can be a costly activity. Equipment can cost up to $1,000 for all new gear. Parents also pay about $1,000 for a child to play one season, with the money going mostly toward coaching and ice time. “It’s fully funded by the parents. Hockey parents are used to paying a fair amount of money for their children to play hockey. It comes with the territory,” said Ferreira. The kids themselves are also very dedicated to the sport. Some of the older kids have paid their own way and bought their own equipment. “They stepped up to the plate because they really wanted to have a chance to play. You have seniors paying their own way and they’re driving themselves to rinks that are 45 minutes away,” said Ferreira. The team practices 3 or 4 times a week in addition to games. (See game schedule elsewhere in this issue.) Their home rink is Driscoll Arena in Fall River, but they also skate in Taunton, Bridgewater, and other places. The kids sometimes have morning skates that require them to get up at 3:30 a.m. to be on the rink at 5 a.m. The D-R-Seekonk team has about 26 players and so far things are going well. Many of the kids have hockey experience and some know each other from playing together in a junior high program. “When you spend 22 days out of a month playing hockey with the same kids, new friendships are formed and it’s no longer Dighton-Rehoboth or Seekonk, it’s one group,” said Ferreira. But, the team will have some challenges ahead of them. “The team has been together for a very short time. Their challenge is to compete with programs that have been in place for years,” said Ferreira. One of the most important pieces of the puzzle is the coaching staff. Ryan Cordeiro has been hired as head coach for the team. Cordeiro was junior varsity coach for Somerset for three years. He also played for Catholic Memorial High School in West Roxbury and the University of New Hampshire. Ferreira says that choosing the right coach was important. “In my opinion, we chose someone who has hockey knowledge, both as a player and as a coach and from what I’ve seen, is fantastic with the kids. The program will benefit over the years from having Ryan here,” said Ferreira. Cordeiro is looking forward to the new position. “I’m excited to be part of the new program. It’s an honor,” Cordeiro said. He’s also optimistic about the first season. “We have great goal-tending, which helps. We have a good core of guys. We have to work on some things. Once we fine tune parts of the game at practice, we’ll be all right. I think we’ll have a successful season,” said Cordeiro. “My goal is to make the state tournament,” he continued. “The team is capable of turning things around and finishing the season at least 500.” Another important piece is raising support in the community and letting other parents know about the program. Ferreira says that parents don’t wait until their son or daughter is ready for high school to start thinking about where they are going to play, they make the decision as early as when they’re in seventh grade. “This really is one of the biggest challenges, to make sure that we get the word out so we don’t lose the young kids because for any program it’s not about today, it’s about year two, three, four and beyond. So you have to start finding kids when they’re young,” said Ferreira. Games started in December and run through mid-February. The D-R-Seekonk coop seems like a win-win situation for both towns: D-R found another partner school, Seekonk is re-establishing its hockey tradition and a lot of kids who love the game can keep playing. “If we can look back 20 years from now and say that’s the year we resurrected Seekonk hockey, it’ll be nice,” said Ferreira.

January 2010 The Reporter The team is planning a few fundraisers. One is a trip to Foxwoods on January 16 that costs $40. The other is a dinner at Barrett’s Ale House in Fall River on February 21 and tickets are $20.


Winter Is Upon Us

For more information about the team or the fundraisers, contact Mark Ferreira at 508-269-1772 or to send a donation, the address is: Friends of Seekonk Hockey, 47 Stratford Road, Seekonk, MA 02771.

Dighton-Rehoboth Varsity Ice Hockey 2010 Schedule Day


Wednesday 1/13/10 Saturday 1/16/10 Monday 1/18/10 Wednesday 1/20/10 Saturday 1/23/10 Wednesday 1/27/10 Saturday 1/30/10 Saturday 2/6/10 Saturday 2/13/10


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12 The Reporter January 2010


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January 2010 The Reporter

Rehoboth Ramblings by Leslie Patterson

Who Knows Where the Time Goes? For those of us of certain age, the questions of the moment might be “How did it get to be 2010? Where did the past decade go?” It seems like that whole Y2K business was just a couple of years ago, but a lot of turbulent water has gone under the bridge since then. I seem to operate on a 10-year time lag. I concede that 1970 feels like at least 30 years ago, but 40? How is this possible? It’s been 40 years this month since I boldly left Ohio for Colorado with no job lined up – ah youth! In fact, it’s almost 33 years since I moved to New England. (I know, I know, this doesn’t make me a native.) To make me feel even older, I have just signed a contract for the generous voluntary retirement program that Brown University is offering some of their staff later this year in a plan to trim costs. It’s the proverbial offer you can’t refuse, at least in my case, and it gives a whole new meaning to that UPS ad that always gets my attention: “What has brown done for you lately?” Actually quite a lot if it is Brown with a capital B, though as for UPS itself, I would say please don’t leave packages in the snow. Many people have lost their jobs involuntarily this past year. Perhaps the worst were the layoffs that happened to those who were just a few years short of retirement age. These are people who still need and want to work (and will have real trouble finding a new job) but have been thrown to the wolves as a cost-cutting measure. When this happened to a family member in Ohio, it really personalized this crisis for me. We’ll just have to see what 2010 brings, but let’s hope it’s a better economy and more jobs. Now for questions that have troubled us in recent months: In the age of Facebook and Twitter, why are college students still writing on bathroom walls? This time-honored activity is still alive and well in the women’s bathrooms in the Brown University Library. How quaint, in this technological age. And how tiresome for the cleaning staff who have to keep scrubbing the walls. Speaking of words, here’s a few for WGBH in Boston: why don’t you put the all news/all talk/almost all-the-time format on WCRB radio with its weak signal that we can’t get down here and leave all the music on WGBH with its strong signal? Now that would be an improvement. I follow the news (mainly through newspapers, whether online or old-style) but I do not need or want it all day long and I hate constant yakking on the radio. When I hear voices on the radio, they had better be singing. I can’t say I listened much to either blues or folk (other than the very popular Celtic Sojourn, which is still on) on WGBH radio, but I know people who do, or did, before they discontinued these programs. Classical music fans in this part of the state, as well as Rhode Island, have every right to be annoyed with the switch to WCRB for all classical music. But what can you do? One thing I’m doing is not sending my usual yearly PBS contribution and I imagine others feel the same way. The new WGBH radio is the audio equivalent of New Coke, in my opinion. On a less grumpy note, it’s fun to make up new words or see what words others have made up on websites such as Urban Dictionary, but we could get a lot of mileage out of recycling old words. There was a very interesting and amusing article in the Boston Globe on Dec. 20 by Stephen Nissenbaum, a history professor at UMass-Amherst. In it he looks back on New England’s Christmases past, or in the case of the Puritans, lack of a Christmas. Now I know that there is some unwritten rule that no one wants to hear about Christmas once January is here, so I will save this article for a holiday column in the future. But I do want to share this quote from the late, great Cotton Mather, who complained that Christmas was too often an occasion for “dancing and drunkenness, chambering and wantonness.”


Chambering? The professor says that this handy word was a 17th century euphemism for you-know-what. (I can’t help it; Tiger Woods comes to mind). What a great word! It’s so much better than our euphemism “sleeping with”. To paraphrase Tina Turner, what’s sleep got to do with it? And yet it’s not crass and vulgar like the other words I won’t mention here. Shakespeare too is filled with robust old words that could be dusted off and used to spice our humdrum conversations. Hmm, here’s a fun project for wordsmiths in the coming year.

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The Reporter January 2010 H BOT RES





Rehoboth Rescue Squad Trainning in Personal Safety (TIPS) By Tom Rose, Captain of Rescue


Many town residents are exploring alternate means to heating their homes, especially this winter season where family budgets have been stressed due to rising cost of fuels to heat our homes. The Rehoboth Rescue Squad and Peter Judge of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) offer Carbon Monoxide Safety Tips this month. “Carbon Monoxide (CO) is known as the Odorless Killer because it is a poisonous gas that has no visible color, taste, or odor,” stated MEMA Director Don Boyce. “Each year, particularly during the cold winter months, many people die or are injured from accidental carbon monoxide poisoning.” MEMA and the Rehoboth Emergency Management Agency (REMA) provide these tips to help keep your family safe from the threat of CO. CO alarms should be installed in a central location outside each separate sleeping area and on every level of the home, following the manufacturer’s instructions for placement and mounting height. For the best protection, interconnect all CO alarms throughout the home, and then when one sounds, they all sound. Test CO alarms at least once a month, replace them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Have fuel-burning heating equipment and chimneys inspected by a professional every year before cold weather sets in. When using a fireplace, open the flue for adequate ventilation Never use your oven to heat your home.




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A generator should be used in a well-ventilated location outdoors away from windows, doors, and vent openings. Only use barbecue grills (which can produce CO) outside. If you need to warm a vehicle, remove it from the garage immediately after starting it. Do not run a vehicle or other fueled engine or motor indoors, even if garage doors are open. Make sure the exhaust pipe of a running vehicle is not covered with snow. During and after a snowstorm, make sure vents for the dryer, furnace, stove, and fireplace are clear of snow build-up. Be sure the fire is out before you go to sleep. Never close the damper with hot ashes in the fireplace. A closed damper will cause the fire to heat up again, forcing toxic CO fumes into the house. If the CO alarm sounds, immediately move to a fresh air location outdoors or by an open window or door. Make sure everyone inside the home is accounted for. Call 911 for help from a fresh air location and stay there until emergency personnel arrive. The legislation known as “Nicole’s Law” was signed on November 4, 2005 to protect the Massachusetts public from the dangers of carbon monoxide. The bill is named for Nicole Garofalo, a 7-year-old Plymouth girl who died in January of 2005 after a snow-blocked heating vent trapped toxic carbon monoxide fumes in the family home. To prevent future cases of carbon monoxide poisoning, “Nicole’s Law” requires residential buildings that contain enclosed parking or equipment such as boilers, furnaces, and hot water heaters to have working carbon monoxide alarms. Local fire departments will inspect residences upon the sale or transfer of property, to ensure compliance with the law. MEMA is the state agency responsible for coordinating federal, state, local, voluntary, and private resources during emergencies and disasters in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. MEMA provides leadership to develop plans for effective response to all hazards, disasters or threats; train emergency personnel to protect the public; provide information to the citizenry; and assist individuals, families, businesses and communities to mitigate against, prepare for, and respond to and recover from emergencies, both natural and man made. Additional information about these briefings can be found on the MEMA website at www.mass.gov/mema. You may also contact REMA Director, Bill Maiorano, or Deputy Director Dave Drowne through the Rehoboth Rescue Squad, which operates under REMA. These volunteers are sworn to help, aide, and assist the community of Rehoboth whenever called upon.

SCUBA Divers

The Rehoboth Rescue is looking to augment our Dive Squad. You do not have to be a Rescue Squad member to be a member of the Dive Squad. If you are a recreational diver and would like to volunteer your services to the town, please contact us. We own equipment including tanks and regulators. We also have a ZODIAC inflatable boat, fully equipped, with an outboard and a trailer. Check us out! We can always use help and our training dive drills are fun, summer or winter. The Rehoboth Rescue Squad continues to train and is always looking for volunteers. Contact Chief Gary Kloss at 401.226.3870 for an application. Visit us on our website www.freewebs.com/rescue7squad. Write to us at Rehoboth Rescue Association PO Box 61, Rehoboth, MA 02769-0061. Have a safe and Happy New Year!

January 2010 The Reporter


Rehoboth Town News Kathy’s Corner I would like to extend a special thank you to Neal Harrington, his grandsons Brandon and Bradley Hoderny and Bill Carmichael for volunteering their time to deliver and set up the voting equipment for our Special State Election that was held on December 8th. They did a great job and their efforts are very much appreciated. Thanks so much. Kathleen J. Conti A Special State Election for Senator Town Clerk in Congress will be held on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 and all three precincts will be open from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. The Special Voter Registration session prior to this election is scheduled for Wednesday, December 30, 2009 at the Town Clerk’s Office from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. This is the final date to register to be eligible to vote in the Special State Election for Senator in Congress. Potential voters may also register by mail by completing a mail-in registration form. The mail-in registration for those wishing to be eligible to vote in the January 19th State Election must be postmarked by December 30th and received in the Town Clerk’s Office no later than January 5th. Voters who will be out of town on Election Day or who will be unable to get to the polls may contact the Town Clerk’s Office to obtain an absentee ballot. The cut-off for applying for absentee ballots is 5:00 p.m., Friday, January 15, 2010. Dog licenses for 2010 are now available and may be purchased at the Town Clerk’s Office Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and on Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. or by mail. The licensing fees have been increased and are now as follows: Male or female dog $20.00, spayed or neutered $10.00. You may also purchase your dog license by returning the appropriate documentation and fee (payable to Town of Rehoboth) with your census form. Dog licenses are due annually by April 1st. Dog license applications must be accompanied by a current rabies certificate (with a vaccination date of May 1, 2010 or after to cover the current licensing year) and proof of spay or neuter unless we already have it on file in the Clerk’s Office. If you’re unsure, just give the office a call and we can tell you how up to date our information is. Dog owners should note that the license(s) will not be returned unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope is included. Postage on the SASE should be 88 cents for one tag and an additional 88 cents each for any additional tags. Residents are requested to please send in their census forms as quickly as possible regardless of whether or not they license their dogs at this time. The Annual Town Election for the Town of Rehoboth will be held on Monday, April 5, 2010 with the polls open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Nomination papers are now available for any registered voter in Rehoboth wishing to run for election on the Town ballot. The nomination papers may be picked up by prospective candidates at the Town Clerk’s office and must be returned, signed by a minimum of 41 registered voters, to the Board of Registrars at the Town Clerk’s Office by 5 p.m. on February 16th. Positions to be elected on the ballot for 2010 are Moderator (one for 1 year), Selectmen (one for 3 years), Assessor (one for 3 years), Treasurer (one for three years), Constables (three for 3 continued on next page

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The Reporter January 2010

Attention Rehoboth Republican Registered Voters Caucus for Town Elections Feb. 3 at 7:30 at the Palmer River School

This will also be the delegate selection meeting for the State Republican Convention to be held in Worcester. All Rehoboth Republican voters are invited to attend. Peter Jacobson Chairman Wendy Wolfe Cardarelli Secretary

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years), School Committee (one for 3 years), Planning Board (one for 5 years), Park Commission (one for 5 years), Park Commission (one for 1 year), Housing Authority (one for 5 years) and Water Commissioner (two for 3 years). The final voter registration date to be eligible to vote in the Annual Town Election is scheduled for Tuesday, March 16th from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Town Clerk’s Office. Prospective voters are reminded that they may also register to vote by calling the Town Clerk’s Office to request a Mail-In voter registration form. Applications for absentee ballots are available as of January 1st and may be obtained from the Town Clerk’s Office. An absentee ballot may only be obtained by written request and with the voter’s original signature. Any questions regarding voter eligibility or requests for “mail-in” voter registration forms may be directed to the Town Clerk’s Office Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at 508-252-6502, X109 or X110. Our Annual Town Census Forms for year 2010 were mailed to all households in Rehoboth during the last week of December. If you don’t receive your census form within the first week of two of January, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 508-252-6502, X109 or X110. Residents are asked to review the pre-printed forms, make corrections and return them as quickly as possible. Failure to return the completed form may result in voters being placed on an inactive voting list or being removed from the voting list. Residents are asked to return their completed form by mail or place their form in one of the “Census” containers, which are at the Blanding Public Library, the Council on Aging and at the Bristol County Savings Bank. The containers will remain at these locations through the end of January for your convenience. All three precincts in the Town of Rehoboth are in need of election workers. Precinct I is the Town Office Building on 148 Peck Street, Precinct II is the Gladys L. Hurrell Senior Center at 55 Bay State Road and Precinct III is the South Fire Station at 102 Pleasant Street. If anyone is interested they may fill out a talent bank form from Helen Dennen at the Selectmen’s Office (508-252-3758, x107) or contact the Town Clerk, Kathleen Conti (508-252-6502, X110) from 8:00 am to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Friday. Business owners whose business certificate will expire in January of 2010 will be receiving a reminder for renewal. The renewal fee is $50.00 (certificate renewal is good for four years) and checks should be made payable to The Town of Rehoboth. A reminder from Tax Collector, Cheryl Gouveia, that third quarter preliminary tax bills will be issued by December 31st. The Assessors have informed Cheryl that no tax rate for FY 2010 has been set yet; therefore, the third quarter tax bill due February 1st will be based on a preliminary tax. Any questions may be directed to Tax Collector, Cheryl Gouveia, at 508-252-3571, X116. The Rehoboth Anawan Lions Club will be holding their annual calendar dance on Saturday, January 30th at the Hillside Country Club starting at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale for $25.00 and may be obtained by calling Elaine Ferreira at 508-336-5049. Please join in the fun and support our local Lions Club.

For Ad Rates Call 508.252.6575 or Check the web at www.rehobothreporter.com

January 2010 The Reporter

Local Grants Awarded For Rehoboth

The Rehoboth Cultural Council is pleased to announce the award of $4010 for 11 grants for scientific and artistic programs which will be enjoyed by Rehoboth residents of all ages. A complete list of recipients and grant amounts can be found below. The Rehoboth Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils serving all 351 cities and towns in the Commonwealth. The LCC Program is the largest grassroots cultural funding network in the nation, supporting thousands of community-based projects in the arts, sciences and humanities every year. The state legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency, which then allocates funds to each community. Decisions about which activities to support are made at the community level by a board of municipally appointed volunteers. The members of the Rehoboth Cultural Council are: Michael Deignan, Amy Parelman, Denise Laferriere, Maryjean Archambault, Mary Goldberg, and Laura Bennett. It’s the local volunteers who really make this system work. They make limited resources go as far as possible, and they make the tough decisions about which projects should be supported. Thanks to them, the arts, sciences and humanities are part of people’s everyday lives in every community across the state. The Rehoboth Cultural Council welcomes new volunteers to join the Council and help represent a diversity of backgrounds and interests in awarding future grants. Statewide, more than $2.65 million will be distributed by local cultural councils in 2010. Grants will support an enormous range of grass-roots activities: concerts, exhibitions, radio and video productions, field trips for schoolchildren, after-school youth programs, writing workshops, historical preservation efforts, lectures, First Night celebrations, nature and science education programs for families and town festivals. Nearly half of LCC funds support educational activities for young people. This includes the PASS Program, which provides subsidies for school-age children to attend cultural field trips. The Rehoboth Cultural Council will seek applications again in the fall of 2010. Information and forms


The Rehoboth Dive Squad Seeks Recreational & Professional Scuba Divers We Respond To Open Water And Ice Emergencies In Town. We Also Provide Mutual Aid Assistance In Surrounding Communities. We Hold Dive Drills And Participate In Recreational Dives With Our Team Members. We Have Scuba Equipment If Needed. If You Are Not A Certified Diver, We Can Provide A List Of Dive Instructors And Schools To Assist You In Becoming Certified.

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The Reporter January 2010

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are available online at www.mass-culture.org. We encourage local artists, musicians, craftspeople, educators, historians, scientists, and others to apply for grants. This year’s grants include: Pied Potter Hamelin’s Magical Potter’s Wheel $475 Shane Wood Jazz Trio $500 How to Pastel Paint Expressively: Van Gogh’s Starry Night $435 Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary’s Connecting People and Nature presentations $200 Educating Rita: a Two Person Show $400 Ed Cope’s Reading is Magic program $375 Carpenter Museum & Blanding Library’s “Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” Tea and Exhibit in honor of local World War II veterans $350 SMARTS Collaborative Touring Middle School Art Exhibit $100 South Coast Historical Associates presentation of Colonial Life in the 18th Century $475 Lakeville Arts & Music Festival $200 BuckExpeditions’ Explorers Program $500

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93 Tremont St., Rehoboth, MA

Veterans Luncheon a Success and a Surprise

The TRIAD of Rehoboth Police, the Sheriff and Rehoboth Seniors hosted the third annual Veterans’ luncheon at the Council on Aging, Wednesday, November 11th. TRIAD chairman Marilyn Henley supervised the meal preparation and coordinated the days events with Rehoboth Police Chief Enos and Veterans Service Officer Bill Saunders. Sixty-five veterans and members of TRIAD enjoyed at meal of Beef Stew, salad and brownie sundaes. The Luncheon began with the presentation of the American flag and other “colors” by a contingent of the State Police Honor Guard. The National Anthem was sung by Officer Richard Shailor of the Rehoboth Police Department and the Invocation was done by Fire/Police Chaplain Saraiva. Following lunch, the Veterans Service Officer conducted a POW/MIA reading highlighting a special table with rose and candle set up at the entrance to the hall. The ceremony continued with the veterans from each conflict coming to the front of the hall and Major General Kevin McBride, assisted by Officer Shailor and VSO SaunServing Rehoboth, Seekonk, Swansea ders pinned special medals on each veteran; World War II veterans (1940 – 1946) received and surrounding area the World War II Victory Medal, Korean Conflict veterans (1950 – 1955) received the Korean Service Commemorative Medal, Viet Nam Veterans (1957 – 1973) received the Viet Nam Service Commemorative Medal. Other Veterans who have served from 1946 Services Include: to 1991, but did not serve in the other con• In-Home Pet Sitting • Mid-Day Exercise and Training flicts received the Cold War Commemorative • Broad Range of Pet Training • Behavioral Modification Victory Medal. • Pet Taxi, Including Vet Visits • Backyard Wildlife Management The Ceremony was culminated by the special presentation of a full shadow box You’ll feel confident and relaxed with medals and ribbons to 91 year old World War II Veteran Charles Borden. Major while you are away with your pets General McBride and Officer Shailor pinned in our capable, caring hands. Mr. Borden with a new “ruptured duck” World War II lapel pin and a new U.S. Navy Victory Pin. Every Veteran was encouraged to wear Professional Memberships Include: his medal with pride throughout the day and Free Ongoing Consultation •ABS Animal Behavior Society on other special occasions. Tim Dorrance -Owner

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January 2010 The Reporter


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Veterans Luncheon. Photos by Norm Spring.

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The Reporter January 2010

Rehoboth Police Sergeant Mark Rossi demonstrates a possible firing malfunction with the M-4 rifle to other members of the Rehoboth Police Department during annual firearms qualifications.

For Ad Rates Call 508.252.6575 or Check the web at www.rehobothreporter.com

Residential Commercial

Members of the Rehoboth Police Department are seen here on the firing line during firearms qualifications.


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January 2010 The Reporter


The Seekonk Scene Town Clerk’s Corner By Jan Parker, Seekonk Town Clerk

The plans for the dinner dance on January 16, 2010 at Johnson and Wales Inn to raise funds for the new Seekonk Meadows Park behind the Seekonk Library are moving right along. Tables of 8 or single tickets will be able to be purchased. Gaston Malloy, the previous Seekonk High School Music Director is providing the dancing music for us with his renowned band, Malloi. Tickets will be $50.00 each, with proceeds going to the park fund. Tickets are on sale in the Town Clerk’s office now. Please see the display case at the Library for more details. The local 2010 census forms will be mailed in January to every household. The census mailing will include a dog license renewal form and a survey that the Planning Board is conducting. There is a special election scheduled for Tuesday, January19th at the High School Gymnasium. Election hours for all State and Federal elections are 7:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. All four precincts vote at the High School. There will be three names on the ballot to fill the

term vacated by the death of Senator Kennedy. Absentee ballots will be available within the next week or two. Call 336-2920 if you are unable to get to the polls. A special town meeting has also been called for the month of January. Monday, January 25th at the High School at 7:00 P.M. there will be a special town meeting. There are cats and kittens at the animal shelter that are in need of homes. If you are looking to adopt a great pet, please check the animal shelter here in Seekonk first. We have tickets for sale in this office for the Kiwanis Club Taste of the Towns scheduled for February 2, 2010 at Johnson and Wales Inn. The Veteran’s Agent is collecting items for the troops. We will be putting together boxes to send to Iraq and Afghanistan. The list of items is on the web site Seekonk.info. Items may be dropped off here at Town Hall. Save a Pet is collecting items for the animal shelter. Cleaning supplies such as paper towels, laundry detergent, sponges, bleach, dish liquid, dog and cat foods and treats. The barrel is in the Town Hall lobby for those donations. Town Hall will be closed on Monday, January 18th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

The Kiwanis Club of Seekonk sponsors

The 14th Annual Taste of the Town February 2nd • 6-9pm

at the Johnson & Wales Inn; Rte. 44 in Seekonk Food Tasting, from the area’s finest restaurants. Wine Tasting and Raffles. Tickets are available at $30 from Edith (508)336-8130, Bev Hart (508)336-9352, and the Town Clerk (508)336-2921. They make wonderful Christmas presents! Also, tickets for the 50/50 money raffle are being sold. Contact Linda Ferreira at lmfsummerholdings@yahoo.com or any member of the club.


The Reporter January 2010

Events & Activities REMOVAL SERVICE

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Dighton-Rehoboth Gridiron Fundraiser

Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament

Saturday, Feb 6, 2010 Sign in: 6:00 P.M. • Start Time: 6:30 P.M. Buy In: $50.00 Francis Farm, 27 Francis Farm Rd. Rehoboth, MA, 02769

To pre-register call Chris Whitmore @ 508-669-6145 by January 29 or ccwhitsr@hotmail.com

Indoor Yard Sale

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A winter indoor yard sale will be held on Saturday, January 23 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the Woodworth Hall at Seekonk Congregational Church, 600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk. Included in the sale will be furniture, collectibles, toys, household items, books, clothing and assorted one-of-a kind treasures! The event is free and open to the public. To donate items to the yard sale please call (508)558-9301. All proceeds will benefit the Yankee Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps, a Seekonk-based musical group.

Poetry In The Village Blanding Library, Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Rd, Rehoboth, MA

Happy New Year! We Are Celebrating Our First Year Anniversary! January 20, 2010 Helping Us Celebrate A Special Performance By The dynamic

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*Now Available New Poetry Chapbook: Climbing the Family Tree* Poems by Nancy Morgan-Boucher For information on purchasing, contact: nlmboucher@comcast.net

January 2010 The Reporter

Rehoboth Contra Dances

Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA How Much: $8; Information: All dances taught. Beginners welcome. Partners not necessary.; Contact: 508-252-6375; http:// www.contradancelinks.com/rehoboth.html

Caller, Linda Leslie; music by Matching Orange Friday, January 22, 8 p.m.

There will be a Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, January 22, at 8:00 p.m. at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA. All dances will be taught by caller Linda Leslie. Music will be performed by Matching Orange, with Eric McDonald, Brendan Carey Block, and Julie Vallimont. Beginners welcome. Partners not necessary. $8. For information, call 508-252-6375; http://www. contradancelinks.com/rehoboth.html.


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100% COVERAGE! For Ad Rates Call 508.252.6575 or Check the web at www.rehobothreporter.com

The band Matching Orange performs for the first time at the Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, January 22

Caller, Lisa Greenleaf; music by Amy & Jonathan Larkin and Stuart & Matt Kenney Friday, January 29, 8 p.m. There will be a challenging Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, January 29, at 8:00 p.m. at Goff Memorial Hall, 124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA. All dances will be led by caller Lisa Greenleaf. Music will be performed by Amy & Jonathan Larkin and Stuart & Matt Kenney. Unlike the dances in its regular series, this challenging dance is geared more toward experienced dancers. Partners not necessary. $8. For information, call 508-252-6375; http://www. contradancelinks.com/rehoboth.html. Fiddler Amy Larkin performs at the Rehoboth contra dance on Friday, January 29

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The Reporter January 2010

Learn About The $1900 A Month Benefit For Veterans The VA Doesn’t Want You To Know About.


Many Veterans and spouses qualify for a little-known VA benefit designed to keep Veterans and spouses at home and out of the nursing home. It can also pay for assisted living. The benefit ranges from about $1000 a month for widows to about $1900 a month for couples. Our FREE report outlines the benefit and what it takes to qualify. Call now for a copy of your free special report.

Saturday, March 20, 2010 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Call anytime and leave a clear message 1-508-252-3013 Law Office of Lori J. OBrien-Foeri Providing Estate, Medicaid & Disability Planning

Bristol County Agricultural High School 135 Center Street, Dighton, Mass.

Now is the time to pick up other riders’ treasurers or turn your unused horse items into cash. Reservations are now being accepted for tables at $10.00 per table for BCHA members; $20.00 per table for individuals and organizations.

To Advertise...Send Ads to.. ads@rehobothreporter.com

~Free Admission~ ~Great Hourly Raffles~ Snacks and Refreshments will be for sale.

If you have any questions or if you would like to make a table reservation, please contact : Wendy Wolfe Cardarelli (508) 252-5737 Sandy Beauregard (508) 222-2959 or Sue Lachapelle (508) 673-7483

Citizens For Citizens, Citizens For Citizens, Inc. Inc.

Program HeadHead StartStart Program ®

Bay State Road, MA Rehoboth MA Bay State Road, Rehoboth

Bookhounds Discuss Chan’s “Crazy Love”

A Developmentally Appropriate Attleboro – Bookhounds, the book A Developmentally Appropriate discussion group at Good News Bible ChaPre-School for: Pre-School Program Program for: pel, will discuss Francis Chan’s best-seller Love: Overwhelmed by a relentless and Seekonk“Crazy Dighton, Dighton, RehobothRehoboth and Seekonk God” on Friday, February 5th at 7 P.M.

Currently Currently Enrolling Enrolling (by -Sept. 1st) - 5 years Children 3Children (by Sept.31st) 5 years • Foster Children Automatically Qualify • Foster Children Automatically Qualify Breakfast & Lunch Served • Breakfast &•Lunch Served Part Based Day & Options Home Based Options Available • Part Day & •Home Available

All are invited, believers and skeptics alike, to share your thoughts, ask your questions and join the conversation about the nature of the love of God and our response to it. “’Crazy Love’ exposes the deep love of God for us and challenges the paradigm of what it means to be a Christian in our culture,” said Steve DuPlessie, the Bookhounds facilitator. Bookhounds has talked about Yancy’s award-winning “What’s so amazing about grace,” Stearns’ challenging “The hole in our gospel,” and Young’s blockbuster “The shack”. Good News is a nondenominational assembly of Christ-followers. For more information, check out www.gnbc.org or call 508 212 1980.

Please call (508) 675-2151, Please call (508) 675-2151, ext. 204 ext. 204 more information for morefor information Ma. License # 8117990 Ma. License # 8117990 #212592

Mortgageoriginators FREE � Pre-approvals Mortgage FREE � Pre-approvals Mortgage


New Members Welcome!

New Members Welcome!

New Members Welcome!

New Members Welcome!

Adult Programs at the Zoo

New Members Welco

your Credit) ■ What’s Your SCORE (Understanding ■ Appraisal The Closing Process and Legal ■ The Process your Credit) Documentation ■ The Closing Process and Legal January 2010 The Reporter 25 Appraisal Process You really can’t ■ The ■ PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) Documentation ■ The Closing Process and Legal shop for a home Pre-approvals ■ (Private Getting Pre-Approved and the You really can’t ■ PMI Mortgage Insurance) mortgage without a pre-approval.Documentation Build your dream home! “70 years of making a differ mortgage Mortgage Process shop for a home You really Are you looking for something new to start off your year? Whycan’t Every individual or■ PMI ■ Getting Pre-Approved and the (Private Mortgage Insurance) originators originators mortgage without pre-approval. “70 years of making difference.” Seekonk aLoan Center shop for a acouple home not enjoy the Adults-only Zoocademy lectures at Capron Park attending the Mortgage Process The seminar is free, butthe seating is limited. ■ Getting Pre-Approved and originators 23 Circle Drive • Seekon HOME FINANCING individual or aEvery pre-approval. Zoo? These programs cover a variety of topics and arewithout designed “70 years of making a difference.” seminar will be Please call (508) 336-4455 to register. 508-366-4455 Seekonk Loan Center Mortgage Process Rego attending the Nate The seminar is free, will but be seating is limited. individual or for for adults to enjoy learning about the zoo and animals. Everycouple Refreshments served. eligible one. 23 Circle Drive • Seekonk Get out of that adjustable Seekonk Loan Center seminar will be Please call (508) 336-4455 to register. 508-366-4455 couple attending the The seminar is free, but seating is limited. All adult programs run from 6-7:30 PM. Construction all-interest rate! Build your dream home! 23 Circle Drive • Seekonk Refreshmentsor will be served. eligible will befor one. The dates and program topics are: 508-366-4455 Buildseminar your dream home! Please call (508) 336-4455 to register. Seekonk loan Center Refreshments be served. eligible for one. • January 13: Genetics of Conservation: Modern day zoos Build your will dream home! 23 Circle Dr, Seekonk Nate Rego rarely take animals from the wild any longer so it’s important that Refinance Nate Rego Get out of that adjustable out of that Take advantage of breeding be executed in as scientific and responsibleGet fashion as adjustable 508-336-4455 or all-interest rate! or all-interest possible. This session will explain how zoos use science to save rate! Falling homeLearn prices! what youloan need to know Seekonk Center mSIC/eHl/NCUA Nate Rego Seekonk loan Center endangered species. 23 Circle Dr, Seekonk Jean Correia as you look for a home: 23 Circle Dr, Seekonk Get out of that adjustable • February 10: Jungle Love: What does it take Purchase to be a lionTake advantage of 7.5"What x 4.875" Take advantage of or508-336-4455 all-interest rate! 508-336-4455 ■ What’s Your SCORE (Understand ess’ mate? Do lemurs create ‘lovenests’? exactly goes on in a Falling home prices! Falling home prices! Seekonk Loan Center your Credit) mSIC/eHl/NCUA kangaroos’ pouch? Explore the trials tribulations of the animal mSIC/eHl/NCUA 7.5" xand 4.875" Seekonk loan Center Jean Correia Jean Correia 23 Circle Dr, Seekonk mating game in this interesting ■ The Appraisal Process 7.5"amusing x 4.875" session. 23 Circle Dr, Seekonk • March 11: Bringing in the Sheep, Lions, Lemurs and ■ The Closing Process and Legal Lorises: How do zoos acquire animals if not from the wild? Find Take advantage of Documentation out more about the process of selecting and moving any new zoo Falling home prices! You really can’t Hi Scott, ■ PMI (Private Mortgage Insuranc resident! mSIC/eHl/NCUA shop for a home • April Building Bridges, Moats andis Pools: When a have new ■ Getting Pre-Approved and the Jean Correia Hi 8: Scott, Here the ad I created. Below are the changes I was talking to a pre-approval. Hi Scott, animal is planned forthe the ad zoo,I ithave is a big job to get things ready forchanges I waswithout Mortgage Process Here is created. Below are the talking to you about on the EveryBelow individual are or the changes I was talking to you phone… them. Meet the zoo’s chief exhibit designer andHere operations is themanad I have created. phone… couple attending the The seminar is free, but seating is limited ager while learning about what goes into building new exhibits and phone… seminar will be Please call (508) 336-4455 to register. keeping the zoo running smoothly. insert the “New members Welcome” banner members from the last ad.for one. Please insert the “New Welcome” banner from the last ad. FEE:Please Members - $5/adult; Non-members - $7/adult Refreshments will be served. eligible Interior Exterior Residential Commercial th Pre-registration is required - sign upthfor a singlePlease evening or all of Please insert the “70 Anniversary St Anne’s CU” logo from the last ad. (The one I have in insert the “New members St Welcome” from from the last ad.last ad Please insert the “70 Anniversary Anne’sbanner CU” logo the th them! Lightthere refreshments be provided. Contact the Education now iswill a copy & paste from our website.) Please insert the “70 Anniversary St Anne’s CU” logo from the last ad. (T Free Department at: 774-203-1843 to register. there now is a copy & paste from our website.)


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Mention This insert the mSIC, eHl &there NCUA logos the&last ad. from our Estimates now is afrom copy paste website.) HiPlease Scott, PleasePlease insert insert the mSIC, eHl & NCUA logos from the last ad. Licensed Ad and Receive the mSIC, eHl & NCUA logos from the last ad. Fully Insured Here is athe ad I person… have created. Below thethatchanges I or was I am not marketing please feel free to adjust are anything makes sense will talking to you Off make the ad look better. Please email or fax me a copy 10% of the finished ad. If you havePowerwashing any I am not a marketing person… please toadjust adjust anything phone… I am not a marketing person… pleasefeel feel free free to anything thatthat make Jarrett Cronan, Owner questions, please give me a call at 508-336-4455 or email me at jwcorreia@stannes.com.

Knitting Weekendmake at Slater Mill make ad better. look better. Please emailor orfax faxwww.cronanpainting.com me thethe finished ad. the adthe look Please email meaacopy copyof of finished 401.323.0359 Jarrett@cronanpainting.com 7.5" x 4.875" January 22-24 questions, please give me a call at 508-336-4455 or email me at jwcorreia@ Thanks for all your help… Jean questions, please give me a call at 508-336-4455 or email me at jwcor

Please insertCome theto“New Welcome” banner from the last ad. National Designers Rhode members Island th Pawtucket, RI: Slater Mill, located at 67 Roosevelt Avenue foralong all your help… Jean CU” logo from the last ad. Please insert the “70 Thanks Anniversary St Anne’s

the Blackstone River in the heart of Pawtucket, presents Community Thanks for all your Guild Studios’ 2nd Annual Knitting Weekend. Get out your knitting needles! The Community Guild Studios at Slater Mill is bringing the 2nd Annual Knitting Weekend to Rhode Island - January 22 through 24. The theme of this year’s weekend is New Year, New In-spiration, New Techniques. After all the Holiday Knitting is finished, it’s time to focus on knitting projects and goals for you! This is an ideal gift for the knitter on your Christmas list. Friday night kicks off the weekend with a Meet & Greet wine and cheese reception, a trunk show from Berroco Yarns and a presentation by acclaimed designer Mary Jane Mucklestone will present Styling Your Knits for Photos, a must for entrepreneurial knitters hoping to sell their patterns or creations. Mary Jane was the photo stylist for Interweave Knits and her work has been featured in Interweave, as well as Twist collective, and Classic Elite. Saturday night is Pajama Party time! A relaxed celebration of our New England knitting community, we will knit, share, snack and hold raffles and swaps. Saturday and Sunday will offer an array of classes and workshops for beginner, intermediate and advanced knitters to build your skills and inspire your work. Mary Jane Mucklestone will teach a design class on Stranded Colorwork. Students will learn the Fair Isle technique while creating a sampler hat. For the beginner ready to move on, Cheryl Burke, also known as the “Yarn Bee,” presents an Intermediate Knitting class that will teach you to fix your mistakes, comprehend the elusive gauge and properly block your finished pieces. Rose Ann Hunter has adapted over 30 techniques of rug making. She will offer two classes during Knitting Weekend: Heirloom Rug Making for Knitters, as well as her popular Knitted Carpet Bag. Accomplished Fiber Artist Adrienne Sloane will guide students through Free Form Knitting, a class for knitters

help… Jean

For Advertising Information there now is a copy & paste from our website.) and Rates...Call 508-252-6575 Please insert the mSIC, eHl & NCUA logos from the last ad.


I am not a marketing person… please feel free to adjust anything that mak make the ad look better. Please email or fax me a copy of the finished ad. Correia questions, please give me a call at Maria 508-336-4455 Sales Associateor email me at jwcorreia@ Thanks for all your help… Jean

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Riverside - 3 Family, 3 beds and large living room on 1st, 2 small apartments on 2nd; newer roof and windows, aluminum siding. Great owner occupied or Of Your investment, walk to water, Home corner lot, $120’s! Serving East Providence, Seekonk & Rehoboth

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The Reporter January 2010

who want to break free of patterns and learn to design as they knit. Cirilia Rose, of the Berroco design team, offers a class on finishing your work using professional techniques. Local designer Helen Bingham will hold a workshop on the popular Infinity Scarf. Using the Moebius technique you will begin to create this beautiful and versatile accessory. Jewelry designer Leslie Wind will guide you through creating your own shawl pin. “Knitting Weekend is a unique opportunity for the textile community to come together. So much is taking place in online communities like Ravelry, yet people are really craving the opportunity to meet in person and to learn firsthand from master craftspeople such as Andrienne Sloane and Mary Jane Mucklestone. To do so at the Birth-place of the textile industry is a really unique opportunity,” says Slater Mill CEO Janice Kissinger. “Don’t be fooled into thinking an event for knitters is small potatoes. There is a huge affinity audience of people interested in knitting and other craft. The Mill is having great success with this line of pro-grams.” Hotel rooms will be offered at a workshop discount at the nearby Comfort Inn for those who wish to avoid commuting. To LICENSED INSURED see the full schedule or to register using PayPal please visit www. slatermill.org, call 401-725-8638 or contact Bernadette Vaughan at Bernadette@slatermill.org. Housed within the Jencks Education Center, the Community Guild Studios (CGS), is a fiber arts center that links the birthplace of textile manufacturing with a growing community of talented, professional craftspeople as well as members of the general public who enjoy fiber arts as a pastime or creative out-let. A National Historic Landmark, Slater Mill preserves, interprets STUMP GRINDING ~ LARGE TREE REMOVAL and researches the birthplace of the American Industrial RevoluORNAMENTAL PRUNING tion and its collections for the benefit of all. The Mill develops an informed understanding of American heritage in innovative economic, industrial, cultural, artistic and social terms. Slater Mill (508) 336-4869 Seekonk, MA Jim Marcello provides high quality, relevant experiences designed to educate, entertain and inspire. When a group of visionary business leaders and preservationists came together in 1921, they had one thing in mind: to save the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. To this day, Slater Mill has consistently delivered its mission of preserving, interpreting and sustaining this important My Professional Insights… My I want to take thisInsights… moment My Professional Professional site. We draw visitors from every state and to thank all ofpush my family friendsAssociates for makingof 2009 Insights… This time of & There is a strong for the & National Realtors (NAR) to have congress extend from 150 countries, serving approximately expand the $8000year tax credit. I haveWith stated before, this credit has helped the real estate an awesome in realAsestate. your continued year always brings forth a 40,000 people each year. A Rhode Island market. I have been fortunate to work with many first time buyers that were able to get a great support, all of my business came from referrals that chance to reflect on what icon, Slater Mill is a powerful engine for tourdeal on a home, with an awesome interest rate, plus receiving this tax credit as well. ism, education and community. allowed me to have another award winning, multiwe’re all most grateful for.

Call to Advertise in February Featuring A Special

Valentine's Day Section Call 508.252.6575

As far as an investors market, it continues to be a frenzy. I have seen multi-family and single million dollars sales. On$70,000. top of that, wasrange able to Thank you my family family homes pricesinas low as This Iprice makes investing into to real estate it a&"no brainer". make some great new friends along the way. friends for making 2009 a

If youSo arewhat’s still trying to take of the you have until on oryear before November 30, Professional in store inadvantage 2010?MyWell withtax thecredit, taxInsights… credit banner in mortgage 2009 to close. or if you are looking to buy a potential money making investment property, call There is a strong push for the National Associates of Realtors (NAR) to have congress extend & expanded & extended until April 2010, I believe the production. With the me. We have two convenient offices located at 70 Case Avenue in Seekonk, mA & 1006 expand $8000 tax credit. As have stated before, this credit has helped the real estate next the several willRI. beI buzzing. Prices & inventory help of historically low Reservoir Avenuemonths Cranston, market. I have been fortunate to work with many first time buyers that were able to get a great theawesome same, however, competition to thisrates and as thewell. First Time dealwill on remain a home,about with an interest rate, plus receiving tax credit

purchase a home market, i.e. multiple offers,towill Homebuyer Taxand Credit, As far as an investors it continues be continue a frenzy. Itohave seen multi-family single family homes prices as low as $70,000. This price range makes investing intoclosed real estate increase. our Team moreit a "no brainer". Happy Holidays to all of you & may 2010 bring you than we did in 2008.

Adrienne Sloane's " Tea for Two" knitting.

If you are still trying advantage of the tax credit, you have until on or before November 30, continued healthto&take happiness. 2009 to close. or if you are looking to buy a potential money making investment property, call me. We have two convenient located ~ at(401) 70 Case Avenue in Seekonk, mA & 1006 Suzanne Caldeira Senioroffices Loan Officer 480-3670 www.shamrockfinancial.com We’re~looking forward to exceeding 2009 in~2010 and gaining Reservoir Avenue Cranston, RI.

some new friends along the way. Much happiness to all this holiday season!

Suzanne Caldeira ~ Senior Loan Officer ~ (401) 480-3670 ~ www.shamrockfinancial.com

"Pinwheels" rug by Rose Ann Hunter.

January 2010 The Reporter


Triboro Youth Theatre Announces Upcoming Productions

Registration is now being accepted online for 3 different musicals that all promise to be entertaining and fun for participants and audiences alike. TYT accepts every child who wishes to participate in our productions. Auditions are held to determine roles they will play. There is a membership fee to participate but scholarships, financial aid and payment plans are offered. Triboro Youth Theatre is a grantee of the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Rehearsals and performances are held at Thacher School, James Street, Attleboro, MA. For more information about the theater please visit www.triboroyouththeatre.org.


Let Arthur Murray's professional dance instructors get you moving. Dancing is a great stress reliever and a fun way to lose weight. Weddings & vacations will be more fun when you can comfortably dance!

For children age 4 - Grade 2 • E-I-E-I-Oops!

Here we go on a trip to see Farmer MacDonald and the whole barnyard of singing animals! But wait! Something’s wrong with Madame Cow… she just can’t moo! Join the fun as the animals all do their part to save the day! This clever, original 20 minute musical features five songs in a variety of styles with easy-to-learn rhyming dialog. Meets on Thurs from 4 - 5 p.m.; First Rehearsal -January 14th; Performance - March 11th; Membership Fee - $125

For Grades 3 – 8 • A Show Change!

Leapin’ Lizards! The popular comic strip heroine takes centerstage in one of the world’s best-loved musicals. “Annie” is a spunky Depression-era orphan determined to find her parents, who abandoned her years ago on the doorstep of a New York City Orphanage run by the cruel, embittered Miss Hannigan. In adventure after fun-filled adventure, Annie foils Miss Hannigan’s evil machinations, befriends President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and finds a new family and home in billionaire Oliver Warbucks, his personal secretary Grace Farrell and a lovable mutt named Sandy. This is a change from what we originally advertised but this show is so much fun that boys and girls alike will enjoy putting on this show! Meets on Mondays from 4 - 5 pm OR Thursdays from 5 - 6 p.m. Your Choice! First Rehearsal - January 25 (Mon) or January 28 (Thur); Performances - March 26 – 28; Membership Fee - $175

For High School Students

A performance date change!

From Stephen Schwartz (“Wicked,” “Godspell” and “Pippin”) and John Caird of “Les Miserables” comes a joyous and inspirational musical about parents, children and faith… not to mention centuries of unresolved family business! Freely based on the story of Genesis, “Children Of Eden” is a frank, heartfelt and often humorous examination of the age-old conflict between parents and children. Adam, Eve, Noah and the “Father” who created them deal with the headstrong, cataclysmic actions of their respective children. The show ultimately delivers a bittersweet but inspiring message: that “the hardest part of love… is letting go.” Our performance dates are now: Sat, May 1 at 7 p.m. and Sun, May 2 at 2 p.m.; Meets on Wednesdays from 4 - 6 p.m.; Some rehearsals on Mondays on a need only basis; First Rehearsal January 27; Membership Fee - $190 To Register for participation Go online - www.triboroyouththeatre.org and click on On Stage. You may pay with your credit card online or send a check to the theater’s address, 106 Robert Street, Attleboro, MA 02703. If you require financial aid or a scholarship email the theatre to request the forms you will need to complete and send back to the theater Email the theater at triboroyouththeatre@comcast.net or call 508-222-6624.

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The Reporter January 2010

Triboro Musical Theatre and Wheaton College Present Kander and Ebb’s Musical Whodunit, Curtains

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Curtains tells the story about the cast and crew of Robbin Hood! A New musical of the Old West. When their leading lady dies after the opening night curtain call, the group is quarantined at the Boston Colonial theatre while Lt. Frank Cioffi of the Boston Police Dept. investigates the murder. Everyone is a suspect, and as Cioffi tries to figure out who the killer is the cast and crew fix their flop of a show. Curtains marks TMT and Wheaton College’s second collaboration. This year the show will be presented at Wheaton College’s Weber Theatre, East Main Street in Norton, MA. The show stars Triboro and Wheaton Alumnists Ted Nesi as Lt. Frank Cioffi and Amanda Nelson as producer Carmen Bernstein. Also starring in the show is current Wheaton student Katie Anderson as the Ingenue Niki Harris and Lauren Bamford and Pete Rizzo as Georgia Hendricks and Aaron Fox, the show within the show’s songwriting team. Ticket are $8 for students and seniors and $15 for adults. Ticket are available online at www.triboromusicaltheatre.org and at the door. Credit cards accepted online only.

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Summer Institute Set To Enroll At Trinity Rep

Young actors take center stage in summer session; Enrollment Begins Jan. 4

For the sixth summer, Trinity Rep will open its doors for boys and girls in grades 5-12 to explore a world of creativity and theater under the instruction of Rhode Island’s most knowledgeable theater professionals with the Young Actors Summer Institute. The Summer Institute offers students a challenging five weeks of study in the fields of studying acting, playwriting, dance and much more. The Summer Institute runs from June 30 to July 31, with a middle and high school optional extension week from August 2-7 (students participating in the extension week will be working to put on a Shakespeare production, and any student entering 8th12th grade is welcome to enroll). Students will work in the Pell Chafee Performance Center (home to the Brown/Trinity Rep MFA Programs), located at 87 Empire St., Providence as well as Trinity Rep’s Lederer Theater Center at 201 Washington St. in Providence. Call (401) 521-1100 x114 for registration information, or visit Trinity Rep’s Education department online at www.trinityrep.com. Trinity Rep’s Young Actors Summer Institute provides kids and teens with a hands-on experience, exposing students to a wide range of topics taught by Associate Artistic Director Tyler Dobrowsky; members of Trinity’s resident acting company including Mauro Hantman and Fred Sullivan Jr.; Trinity Rep education staff Caroline Azano and Jordan Butterfield; pianist Vicki Dorazio; Brown/Trinity Rep MFA Programs students and local artists and educators. This wide range of talent draws from years of experience as theater professionals on and offstage with a varied background in acting, directing, teaching and improv. Students at Trinity’s Young Actors Summer Institute will have the opportunity to pick and choose from a wide array of electives including: Shakespeare, improv, yoga, playwriting, directing, audition techniques, mask making, theatrical design, voice, hip hop, movement, painting and drawing, and more. The Summer Institute culminates with a two days of final performances for parents and guests on the Trinity Rep stage.

January 2010 The Reporter The Summer Institute meets Monday through Friday with half, full, or extended day options. Regular, full day enrollment meets from 9:00am–4:30pm with an enrollment fee of $1300. Returning students from last season’s classes are offered a discounted rate of $1150. There are also two half-day option being offered, with morning sessions meeting from 9 A.M. to 11:45 A.M. for $600, or in the afternoons from 12:15 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. for $700. Extended day enrollment meets from 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. throughout the run of the camp for an additional $275 fee. Students participating in YASI Shakes, the extension week class offered, will pay an additional fee of $275. Thanks to the support of Hasbro Children’s Fund, scholarships are available. Students can reserve a spot with a nonrefundable $300 deposit (the balance of which is due on May 3), and scholarship students may reserve a spot with $50 upon registration. Students who sign up in January receive a special discounted fee of only $1100! For detailed information regarding tuition and scholarships call (401) 521-1100 x114, or visit Trinity Rep’s Education section at www.trinityrep.com. “We believe that theater has the power to enhance and transform young people’s lives,” states Carrie Azano, Education Director. “Arts education allows children to become creative problem solvers, helps to develop strong literacy and critical thinking skills, and provides them an opportunity to learn more about the world, and about themselves. These positive outcomes are all the more important given the current test-based educational climate.”

About Trinity Repertory Company

Since its founding in 1963, Trinity Repertory Company has been one of the most respected regional theaters in the country. Featuring the last permanent resident acting company in America, Trinity Rep presents a balance of world premiere, contemporary, and classic works for an estimated annual audience of approximately 135,000. In its 45-year history, the theater has produced 57 world premieres, mounted national and international tours, and, through its graduate-level theater arts conservatory, trained hundreds of new actors and directors. This season marks the 43rd year of Project Discovery, Trinity Rep’s pioneering educational outreach program. Last season, the program introduced 25,000 Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut students to live theater. The Brown University/Trinity Rep Consortium offers professional training for actors and directors in a three-year MFA program. Trinity Rep’s season presents six subscription productions and an annual production of A Christmas Carol. The 2009-2010 Season continues with Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare; Dead Man’s Cell Phone by Sarah Ruhl; The Odd Couple by Neil Simon and The Syringa Tree by Pamela Gien. For more information or to subscribe, call the box office at (401) 351-4242 or visit Trinity Rep’s website at www.trinityrep.com. Call (401) 521-1100 x114 for registration information, or visit Trinity Rep’s Education website at www.trinityrep.com/education.

Rehoboth Students Achieve Honors At PCD

East Providence, RI — Students from Rehoboth recently earned honor roll status for the fourth quarter at Providence Country Day School. Honors were awarded as follows: UPPER SCHOOL HIGHEST HONORS GPA of 3.8 to 4.0 with no grade below a BWilliam Douglass ‘10 Lydia Mozzone ‘10 Alissa Musto ‘13 UPPER SCHOOL HONORS GPA of 3.3 to 3.7 with no grade below a BMadeline Farrington ’12 Amanda Leonard ’10 Stephanie Pabis ‘13


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The Reporter January 2010

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How You Can Help Volunteers Needed for Community Allocation Panels

United Way of Greater Attleboro/Taunton invites volunteers to participate on its Community Allocation Panels. Volunteers will review funding proposals from various programs, discuss the value and impact of the program to the community, conduct site visits, hear presentations from prospective partner agencies, and ultimately make funding investment recommendations to the Board of Directors. This is a great opportunity to get to know and serve your community. If you are interested in volunteering, or would like more information, please visit our website at www. uwgat.org, or contact Melissa Vanhorn, Community Impact Coordinator at 508-222-2337, ext.106 or Melissa@uwgat.org.

Horse Play

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“Horse Play” a Rhode Island based 501 (c)3 non profit horse rescue and sanctuary provides rescue, rehabilitation, sanctuary and adoption for any abused, neglected and / or unwanted horses Those horses deemed unadoptable “ live out the rest of their lives at the sanctuary. HOW YOU CAN HELP go to www.hptrc.org or call (401) 294-3565. Their is a volunteer in your neighborhood. For information - call 508-472-3706.

GATCH Seeking Volunteers for Point in Time Count

The Greater Attleboro/Taunton Coalition for Homelessness is conducting its annual Point In time Count of homeless individuals and families on Wednesday, January 27, 2010. This Point in Time Count is required by Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for continued funding to local programs that help those in need of housing. Volunteers are needed to participate in this count. Volunteers will be asked to set out into groups to interview homeless people in the following communities; Attleboro, Berkley, Dighton, Mansfield, North Attleboro, Norton, Raynham, Rehoboth, Seekonk, and Taunton. For more information regarding the Point in Time Count, please contact Melissa Vanhorn, Community Impact Coordinator, United Way of Greater Attleboro Taunton, (508) 222-2337 ext. 106, Melissa@uwgat.org.

Your open door is hope!

Become a foster parent.

Dare Family Services is seeking caring families to provide foster care for area children. While helping a child, you will receive excellent training, 24 hour support and a tax free stipend toward the child’s care. For more information, please call 508-802-9515.

January 2010 The Reporter

Considering Adoption?


David Laurino Plaster & Paint

Adoption Options Offers Free Informational Meetings

Providence, December 11, 2009 – Adoption Options is holding a free informational session those considering adoption and are interested in hearing about available options. Licensed adoption workers will be available to provide information and answer questions. In Rhode Island, the next meeting is scheduled from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 959 North Main St. in Providence on January 21, 2010. Adoption Options, a non-sectarian, non-profit, comprehensive adoption program of Jewish Family Service works with prospective adoptive parents, birth parents and people who have been adopted. The agency is licensed in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, with offices in Rehoboth and Providence. The agency’s work with all members of the adoption triad is focused on helping individuals to understand their options and make the most informed choices for their future. For more information, please contact Peg Boyle at 401-331-5437 or visit www.AdoptionOptions.org.

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Volunteers Needed!

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Did you know that 1 in every 50 children in the U.S will go to sleep without a home this year? Horizons for Homeless Children is looking for energetic and enthusiastic volunteers to play with children living in family homeless shelters in Barnstable, Bristol, and Plymouth Counties. If you have an extra 2 hours a week and a desire to make a difference in the lives of some wonderful children, then we have the volunteer opportunity for you! A six month commitment is required. Attendance at one of our training sessions is mandatory. Upcoming trainings: January 30th in Boston. January 30th in Holyoke. February 6th in Lawrence. February 27th in Worcester. March 6th in Bourne. Sign up today! Contact Jill Miceli at (508) 999-9454 or at jmiceli@horizonsforhomelesschildren.org for more information and an application, or fill one out online at www.horizonsforhomelesschildren.org.

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The Reporter January 2010

Announcements Club Send Your Letters, Club News and Announcements to... news@rehobothreporter.com


The Rehoboth Business Association


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Glass Mirror

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Please RSVP By January 15th, 2010

ATTENTION WRITERS Professional manuscript critiques and marketing assistance available from published writer with MFA in creative writing. Reasonable rates for stories, articles, novels. Contact: writingwell19@verizon.net or call 401-438-8367

Email salcyn506@aol.com or call Dale McCaughey at 508-252-3312 RBA, P.O. Box 643, Rehoboth, MA 02769

Kiwanis of Seekonk

On December 5th, four members of the Kiwanis of Greater Seekonk attended the open house of the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Institute in Boston. Sponsored and supported by the Kiwanis of New England, KPTI is dedicated to the specialized care of pediatric trauma patients and to the health and safety of all children. Traumatic injuries are the leading cause of death and disability to children. More children are killed and disabled by injuries than all other diseases. Since 1981, Kiwanis has worked as a partner with the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center. KPTI is the first pediatric trauma center in the world to provide medical care for injured children, medical research on pediatric trauma and injury prevention programs for children and families. The Seekonk Kiwanis donated $500 to help continue these valuable services. High school Key Clubs and college Circle K Clubs from Maine to Connecticut presented blankets, toys, DVD’s and money to the patients.

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To Advertise... Send Ads to.. ads@rehobothreporter.com Need more information? Call us at 508-252-6575

January 2010 The Reporter

Rehoboth Lions Membership Dinner January 28 at 7 P.M.

The Rehoboth Lions are inviting prospective members to attend an informational dinner at the American Legion on Rt. 118. For more than 50 years the Rehoboth Lions have done charitable work both in our community and for their primary charity, eye research and the prevention of blindness. At this dinner meeting, members of the Lions will address prospective members and discuss the work of the Lions, and explain the various fund raising functions that the Lions sponsor. In addition, a short video will show the effect of our charitable work toward eye research. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you would like further information you may contact members of the Membership Committee, Ray Medeiros ( 508-252-9470 ) or John Moriarty (508-252-9415) or you may contact any member of the Rehoboth Lions.

Rehoboth, Massachusetts Lions Club Up-Coming Meetings and Events:

January 8, 9, 10, 2010 -Massachusetts Lions - District 33-S 50th Anniversary - Mid - Winter Conference The Radisson Hotel, 180 Water Street, Plymouth, MA Some members will attend and turn in donations to Lions’ Eye Reseach, the Eye Mobile etc. $10,000. January 13, Regular Meeting – Pot Luck at Lenny’s Office January 20, Board meeting at Lenny’s Office January 28, Meeting at the Legion – Potential Member Night Members will bring a good prospect! Persons interested in joining should contact a Lion. Feb. 10 – Regular Meeting @ the Hillside Feb. 17 – Board Meeting at Lenny’s Office Feb. 24 – Regular Meeting – Place to be announced – Trying for Jail March 10, Meeting at Crestwood March 17 – Board meeting @ Lenny’s Office March 24, - Meeting @ Papa’s Next Clam Boil will be mid-March – Golf- September 18, 2010 1 p.m. - Crestwood

Anawan Grange

What a good time we had at our December 8th Christmas meeting. We did some business, had Christmas music, collected toys for some Rehoboth children, enjoyed a Yankee Swap gift exchange and shared Christmas cards. The candy march winner was Michelle Harmon. Then we went downstairs where Wesley Paull provided some sandwiches and desserts as well as coffee and soda. Our next meeting is January 12, 2010. Another year has passed. We will be sharing our New Year resolutions and learn about new projects for the Grange. For our members who read the State Grange News, remember it can now be viewed on the State grange web site. As with every change there are some benefits as well as some drawbacks, but we will work to keep everyone informed. Please have the happiest and healthiest New Year. See you in the next issue.


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The Reporter January 2010

The Rehoboth Antiquarian Society News

The Carpenter Museum... Hugs and Giggles Abound at the Teddy Bear Tea Some 70 or so children, parents and volunteers filled the Carpenter Museum on December 5th. There were crafts and a scavenger hunt. There were cookies. There were LOTS of bears. And best of all, there was Mrs. Claus, who somehow found time

in her busy schedule to visit us and read ’Twas the Night Before Christmas. Thanks to all the volunteers and Girl Scouts who made the afternoon possible, especially Troop 507 and their leaders Rebecca Smith and Sharon Beskid.

Joshua Faulder ponders his answer to a question from Mrs. Claus at the Carpenter Museum Teddy Bear Tea in December

Sydney Withers and her doll joined the fun at the Teddy Bear Tea.

January 2010 The Reporter


These Girl Scouts were happy to obey the sign in front of the teddy display instructing, “Please Hug the Bears.”

All enjoyed crafts and games at the Teddy Bear Tea.

Why Support Rehoboth Antiquarian Society? Because Rehoboth is Our Home

We invite you to join the many kind people in our community who support the Carpenter Museum, Blanding Public Library and Arts in the Village. When you become a member of the Rehoboth Antiquarian Society you support all three organizations. This year our theme will be “Rehoboth is Our Home,” reminding all of us that these three organizations offer dozens of programs throughout the year to folks that live right here. All are free or very reasonably priced. By becoming a member, you will help us continue these programs. Many of them, like the Teddy Bear Tea that just took place in the museum, are enjoyed by local children. Would you please consider joining? Members receive our newsletter. Simply fill out the form below and mail it to: Rehoboth Antiquarian Society P.O. Box 2 Rehoboth, MA 02769

e y


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The Reporter January 2010

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The Rehoboth FOP Awards Three Scholarships

The Rehoboth Police Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #10 has recently awarded three $1,000 Scholarships to recently graduated Dighton Rehoboth High School Students. Awarded at Rehoboth Police Station 11-29-09 Pictured in the photo from left to right, Officer Nicole Eastwood (FOP Lodge #10 President/Rehoboth Police Officer) Patrick Gray from Dighton, MA a 2009 D-R High School Graduate, currently attending Westfield State College, Westfield, MA, History Major. Alexandra Spooner from Rehoboth, MA a 2009 D-R High School Graduate, currently attending Rensselaer Poly Technic Institute in Troy, NY, Bio Medical Engineering/Pre-Medical Major. Jason Trombetta from Rehoboth, MA a 2008 Graduate of D-R High School, currently attending UMASS Amherst in Amherst, MA - 2nd year Business Major. Officer Brian Ramos (FOP Lodge #10 Scholarship Committee member) Recipients were chosen based on their strong academic ability, success and personal character.

Local Fencer Qualifies for The Junior Olympics

A team of local fencers competed at the Under-20 Junior Olympic Qualifier held in Boston. This qualifying tournament was open only to members of the New England Division of the United States Fencing Association—fencing clubs in Massachusetts and Rhode Island—aged 20 and under. Medalists and high-place finishers at the tournament secured entry positions for the Junior Olympics scheduled for February 12-15, 2010, in Memphis, Tennessee. Third place bronze medalists included Sean Turner from Rehoboth who won the bronze in Men’s Sabre.

January 2010 The Reporter


WPI Welcome’s the Newest Members of the Hall of Fame!

Samantha Silvia in action.

Samantha Silvia

Samantha Silvia, a senior and captain of the Dighton Rehoboth varsity soccer team was selected along with Alyssa DaSilva to be on the Southcoast Conference All Star Team as well as the Attleboro Sun Chronicle All Star Soccer team. Samantha was just recently selected for the Eastern Massachusetts Conference All Star Team and the Boston Globe State All Star Team. She currently plays for Explosion, F.C. soccer club U18 Girls Div. 1 Team and her Explosion F.C. U19 Futsal Team took 2nd place in the National Futsal Championships in Baltimore. She is looking to continue her career in college.

The Sign you want. The Agent you need.

The WPI Athletic Department, Poly Club, and Hall of Fame Selection Committee is proud to announce its 27th Class, the Class of 2009. The five newest members were inducted on Friday, October 30, 2009 as part of Homecoming Weekend. They include: Kerri (Coleman) Oldmixon ‘03 Track and Field Most decorated women’s track and field athlete in program history, Six-time NEWMAC champion, Seven-time All New England performer, Indoor shot put All-American in 2002 (4th place) and 2003 (7th place), Current record holder in five different throwing events, Multiple time major award winner at WPI Athletics award banquet. One of the most decorated athletes ever at WPI, Kerri Coleman’s name is still scattered across the WPI track and field record board. A two-time All-American, she still holds all five of the WPI’s throwing records. Coleman wasted no time becoming a force on the New England collegiate track and field circuit. During her freshman year in 2000, she earned All-New England status three times and was a New England Women’s and Men’s Athletic Conference (NEWMAC) champion in the javelin. She placed fifth in the indoor New England’s in the shot put (40-0) and second and fifth in the javelin (37.96 m) and shot put (12.02 m), respectively, during the outdoor season. continued on next page...

Have a Happy & Healthy New Year! E





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The Reporter January 2010

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“Kerri played a pivotal role in transforming women’s track and field at WPI,” said head coach Dan Green. “From Day One she had a way of pushing and motivating people without saying a word. Believe me, as any one who knew her can attest, Kerri said plenty.” Her sophomore year was capped by earning the Carolyn McCabe Award at the annual athletics award banquet. She dominated the NEWMAC championships that spring by winning the title in both the shot put (41-4.50 ) and the javelin. (113-8). The next year saw Coleman pick up her first of two All-America awards after placing fourth in the shot put (45.02 m) at the NCAA Indoor championships. She continued to be a force at the NEWMAC championships, winning the shot put (46-7.75) and the discus (155-0) while placing second in the discus. She won the ECAC outdoor championships in the shot put (13.60 m) and took home third in the hammer (45.02). She also qualified for the outdoor NCAA Champions and registered 12th in the shot put (42-8.25) and 15th in the hammer (142-4). Her senior year began with a repeat performance at the NCAA indoor championships. She finished second in the shot put at the ECAC championships (13.56 m), and seventh at the NCAAs (44-8) en route to another All-America award. She continued her dominance at the NEWMAC championships, winning her sixth career title by capturing the gold in the shot put (12.47m) and taking home third place finishes in both hammer throw (44.66m) and discus (35.26m). She also earned a fifth place finish at the ECAC outdoor championships in the shot put (39.7.25). At that year’s athletics awards banquet, she was honored with the Varsity Club Award, presented to the most outstanding senior female athlete. Coleman’s place in WPI history still exists. She holds the school record in the shot put (45-10), discus (134-6), hammer throw (155-0), javelin (128-2) and weight throw (47-6.50). She earned All-New England status seven times and won six NEWMAC championships. “Kerri’s commitment to excellence in academics and athletics was impressive, but her raw potential and work ethic are legendary,” said her throws coach Bill Cotter. “Although her individual records may be threatened or even surpassed in the years to come, her overall achievement while at WPI can never be challenged.” Coleman, who hails from Rehoboth, Mass, graduated from WPI in 2003 with a degree in biochemistry. She currently is a chemistry and anatomy and physiology teacher at Canton High School. She married former teammate Matt Oldmixon in 2006; the couple resides in Somerset.

January 2010 The Reporter

Eckerd College Women’s Varsity Sailing Team Ranked 6th in Nation

In a field of 181 teams, the Eckerd College Varsity Sailing Women’s Team is currently ranked 6th in the nation in Women’s Collegiate Sailing (Sailing World, Dec. 2, 2009). Triton sailors include Cara Vavolotis ‘10, Emilie Mademann ‘12, Lara Dallman-Weiss ‘11, Brianna Wall ‘10, Sarah Morgan Lee ‘10, Caeli McGaunn ‘12, and Charlotte Dorris ‘11. After winning the SAISA District Women’s Championship in Charleston, SC, the Triton Women’s Team qualified for the Women’s Atlantic Coast Championship at Brown University, where they finished with a 4th Place Overall. Steady performances at this championship and recent regattas have contributed to the team’s sixth place national ranking, just behind Boston College, Charleston, Yale, Brown, and Old Dominion. Eckerd’s women have now tied the highest held Triton Women’s Sailing team ranking held by Triton Sailors past. Individually, Triton Sailor Emilie Mademann ‘12 is ranked 13th in the nation in Singlehanded sailing. Emilie placed second in the SAISA District Women’s Singlehanded Championship at Charleston, which qualified her for the Nationals in Corpus Christi, TX, where she finished in 13th place. Sailing World provides bi-weekly, national rankings for both co-ed and women’s teams. Rankings are typically posted on Wednesdays and are determined by an open coaches poll. For more information on collegiate rankings, visit sailingworld.com.

About the Eckerd College Triton Sailing Team

The Eckerd College Triton Sailing Team is recognized as a varsity team and is a part of the Waterfront Program. Eckerd College was a founding member of the Southeastern Intercollegiate Sailing Association (SEISA). Today, the team is a strong competitor in the South Atlantic Intercollegiate Sailing Association (SAISA) and is a member of the Intercollegiate Sailing Association (ICSA). Congratulations to the members of the Eckerd College Varsity Sailing Women’s Team as they gear up for a successful spring semester!

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Let The Tree Experts Help You EC Sailors Lara Dallman-Weiss ‘11 and Cara Vavolotis ‘10 Cara Vavolotis and her crew recently tied in first place in the Women’s A Division at the Atlantic Coast Championships giving her Eckerd College team a 4th place overall. The Championship regatta was held recently at Brown University. Cara is a current resident of Rehoboth and a former resident of Seekonk. She is the granddaughter of Rita Johnson and the late Francis Johnson from Riverside, RI. Her mother, Maureen Vavolotis, grew up in East Providence, and was a teacher there for 35 years. Her father, Constantine, is the owner of East Coast Embroidery, also located in East Providence.


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The Reporter January 2010


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RYBSA Rehoboth Youth Baseball and Softball Registrations Pouring In

2010 Season registration forms were mailed last month to all registered 2009 players. All registration forms must be received by February 7th to ensure a spot on a team. If you did not receive your forms, they are available on the RYBSA website. If you have any questions please contact RYBSA Registrar, Kathy Saleeba ksaleeba@rybsaonline.com or Jay Delaplain, RYBSA President jdelaplain@rybsaonline.com.

Space is Limited

The Winter Clinics at the RBI Baseball Academy in Foxboro are filling up fast. Indoor baseball and softball sessions will be held on Saturday afternoons during the months of February and March. Space is limited for both sessions so please send your forms in ASAP. All forms should be mailed to RYBSA, P.O. Box 586, Rehoboth, MA 02769 with the check made out to RYBSA. If you would like more detailed information please visit our website, www.rybsaonline.com.

New Baseball Divisions starting in 2010

We have added an additional division between what was previously called the Farm and Minor levels. The new structure is T-Ball, Single “A”, Double “A”, Triple “A” and Majors. The additional division of Double “A” will eliminate the wide skill range that previously existed within each level. With players within each division much closer in ability each team will be more competitive and each player will receive the appropriate coaching. Starting in 2010 we will hold a player skills D.T.P. CONSTRUCTION, Inc. assessment day, this will ensure that each player is placed in the appropriate division. For more details please visit our web site at 401-316-2824 or 401-246-1022 www.rybsaonline.com Design Services and All Phases of Building and Remodeling. We specialize in new construction, additions, kitchens, baths, finished basements, Stay Connected window replacement, decks, siding and egress basement windows. RYBSA now has a Twitter and Facebook page. Please click on the link on our home page www.rybsaonline.com and become a fan of RYBSA. We will use Facebook and Twitter to send out updates, news and information and announce rainouts and schedule changes. Please pass the word on to your friends and neighbors.

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RYBSA would like to send our condolences to the family of Mike Nees. Mike has been involved in all Rehoboth sports for many years. Mike was a great athlete himself and was always there to impart his knowledge to others. He will be greatly missed down at Martin Street.

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January 2010 The Reporter


Seekonk Legion Baseball Sign-Ups

Sign ups for Legion Baseball are being held at the Country Kitchen on Jan 13 and 27 Feb.17 March 24 from 6 to 7 P.M. The price $125 for Juniors and $175 for Seniors. If you can not make it at these times and would still like to sign up early you can send a check to Mr. Joe DeMelo at 46 Ipswich St. Seekonk Ma. If you have any questions please free to call Mr. DeMelo at 401-499-1044. Make check payable to Seekonk American Legion Baseball.

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Hope Starr-Mararian Wins 10th Tennis Trophy

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Please Use E-mail To Submit Your Letters, Club or Organizations News, Birth, Wedding and other Announcement To The Reporter


News Deadline Is The 23rd of Each Month




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Hope Starr-Mararian

Hope Starr-Mararian, from Seekonk won her 10th tennis trophy recently when she captured the win in her division of the Centre Court Holiday Tennis Tournament in Riverside, RI. The 12-year old Hope known as “The Backboard Beauty” defeated players ranging from 16 – 18 years old and Hope was back after a two month lay off due to tennis injuries. Coaching tennis pro George Haley said that it was nice to see her back in action, as he’s currently training other players to face Hope in the Martin Luther King Tournmanet. Hope’s coach remains her dad, The Living Legend, from his TV show, “Jeffrey’s World.”

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The Reporter January 2010

Fun Events at the Rehoboth Council on Aging Turkey Dinner

Breakfast with Santa

Steve Martin at Annual Turkey Dinner provided by volunteers from the Lions Club, Police Association, and TRIAD; more than 180 seniors enjoyed a complete turkey dinner, and received a gift.

Breakfast with Santa was sponsored by TRIAD on December 12th. Everyone had a good time. Photos by Norm Spring.

January 2010 The Reporter


Spotlight on Schools Dighton-Rehoboth High School on Quiz Show

Dighton-Rehoboth High School and their Massachusetts school rivalries have taken it up a level and are taking their wits to the public television stage! WGBH is debuting a new TV weekly series academic game competition: The High School Quiz Show, where 20 schools in eastern Massachusetts will duke it out for bragging rights as quiz show champions. Dighton-Rehoboth High School was chosen among a large pool of school applications for the competition, as its size, diversity, and team coach commitment was noteworthy.

WGBH’s High School Quiz Show announces participating school teams

Twenty schools from eastern Massachusetts have been chosen to compete on High School Quiz Show, the new weekly series debuting on WGBH on March 22, 2010. The competition will culminate in a statewide playoff for the championship, as four teams from WGBY’s academic game program, As Schools Match Wits, arrive in WGBH’s studios to compete with High School Quiz Show’s four top qualifying teams. The producers of High School Quiz Show selected schools with consideration given to location, size, diversity, and the commitment of a team coach. More than 70 schools from eastern Massachusetts applied to participate in the first season of High School Quiz Show, and based on WGBH’s criteria, the selection was narrowed to 20. “To make it fair – and fun – we wanted a complete representation of schools in Massachusetts,” said High School Quiz Show producer Hillary Wells. “The participating schools range from large to small in size, from urban to suburban, from charter schools to public. The initial match-ups between the schools will be chosen randomly, with team names pulled from a hat.” The competing high school teams and their enthusiastic supporters will gather at WGBH’s Brighton studios over the course of three days – January 30, 31 and February 6 – for 10 qualifying rounds, as a live studio audience of families, fellow students, and community members cheer on their hometown teams from the sidelines. On May 1 and 2, the top four qualifying teams from High School Quiz Show will meet at WGBH to tape the state quarterfinals, continued on next page...

23 Moses Brown Students Earn 25 Seats in RIMEA’s All-State Ensembles

Moses Brown School today announced that 23 of its students have earned 25 seats as All-State Musicians in the 2009 Rhode Island Music Educators’ Association All-State Festival for Band, Orchestra and Chorus. Auditions were held on Saturday, November 21 on the Moses Brown campus, which hosted this year’s event. Over 1,000 students across the state gathered at MB to compete with fellow musicians for placement in a prestigious All-State ensemble, comprised of instrumentalists or vocalists who are recognized as the top student musicians in Rhode Island. The event was hosted by MB Director of Instrumental Music Stephen Toro, who served as Festival Chair. Three students from Moses Brown’s upper school ranked first in the state, including Daniel Duhaime ’10 on euphonium, Fiona Grant ’13 on viola and Ryan Laders ’11 on jazz trumpet. One upper school student, Tyler Bigelow ‘13, ranked second in the state for his audition on tenor saxophone. Three middle school students also ranked second in the state, including Matthew Papa ’15 on timpani, Nicholas Pohl ’14 on cello and Andrew Sepe ’14 on euphonium. Moses Brown congratulates the following local student who has been recognized as 2009 All-State Musicians: Junior All-State Band; Tyler Tsang ’15, Rehoboth, MA -Clarinet

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The Reporter January 2010

Spotlight on Schools semifinals and championship with four teams from As Schools Match Wits, the long-running series produced and broadcast by sister station WGBY in association with Westfield State College. The state finals and championship will be broadcast in June on WGBH and WGBY. Quiz questions for the teams will correlate with the core Massachusetts high school curriculum, including literature, history, and science, together with current events, sports, entertainment, and general knowledge. High School Quiz Show is endorsed by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Teams for High School Quiz Show’s 2010 season: Amesbury High School; Boston Collegiate Charter School, Dorchester; Brighton High School; The Bromfield School, Harvard; Dighton–Rehoboth Regional High School; Everett High School; Framingham High School; Hingham High School; Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School; Lynn English High School; Methuen High School; Minuteman Career & Technical High School, Lexington; Nipmuc Regional High School, Upton; Oakmont Regional High School,

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Ashburnham; Randolph High School; Revere High School; Quincy High School; Shepherd Hill Regional High School, Dudley; Sturgis Charter Public School, Hyannis; and University Park Campus School, Worcester. Two alternate schools were chosen as potential substitutes: Acton-Boxborough Regional High School; and Wachusett Regional High School. Major production support for High School Quiz Show is provided by the University of Massachusetts. Research and development funding generously provided by Bank of America Charitable Foundation. Additional funding is provided by Comcast and Massachusetts Teachers Association. Follow High School Quiz Show on Twitter at www.twitter. com/HS_QuizShow <http://www.twitter.com/HS_QuizShow> and become a fan on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pages/HighSchool-Quiz-Show/150028153208?ref=ts <http://www.facebook. com/pages/High-School-Quiz-Show/150028153208?ref=ts>

About WGBH

WGBH Boston is America’s preeminent public broadcaster, producing such award-winning PBS series as Masterpiece, Antiques Roadshow, Frontline, Nova, American Experience, Arthur, Curious George, and more than a dozen other prime-time, lifestyle, and children’s series. WGBH’s television channels include WGBH 2/HD and 44, and digital channels World and Create. Local TV productions that focus on the region’s diverse community include Greater Boston, Basic Black, and María Hinojosa: One-on-One. WGBH Radio serves listeners from Cape Cod to New Hampshire with WGBH 89.7, Boston’s NPR Station; 99.5 All Classical; WCAI for the Cape and Islands; WNCK on Nantucket; and the All-Classical WGBH HD channel. WGBH also produces the national radio news program The World. WGBH is a leading producer of online content and a pioneer in developing educational multimedia and new technologies that make media accessible for people with disabilities. Find more information at www.wgbh.org <http://www. wgbh.org>

About WGBY

Based in Springfield, WGBY is at the hub of a vibrant educational, cultural and economic region and WGBY is proud to tell its stories. A community supported public broadcasting organization, WGBY connects the people of western New England to events, ideas and each other through PBS and locally produced programming as well partnerships with hundreds of community organizations. On the leading edge of broadcasting technology with High Definition, four digital television channels, video on demand, podcasting and streaming video, WGBY is one of the region’s most accessible community institutions, engaging minds and enriching lives of the almost 1 million households it serves from its studios in downtown Springfield.

The Dighton Rehoboth Marching Band The Dighton Rehoboth Marching Band is working hard to raise money for a trip to Disney World in June of 2010 where the students will perform in the Main St. USA Parade. If you would like to help, please contact them at http://d-rband.tripod.com/.

January 2010 The Reporter

Bristol Aggie’s Annual Toy Drive For the past thirty years Bristol County Agricultural High School has held an annual toy drive, raising thousands of dollars to purchase toys and clothing for children in need. This year the Student Council and the National Honor Society joined forces and in three weeks time collected $3,442.45. After school on December 22 the students purchased the toys and clothing from Wal-Mart in Raynham. Student volunteers set up all the toys on the school stage in time for a morning assembly on December 23. The toys and clothing were then given to several organizations in the Bristol County area, including Helping Hands from Rehoboth, PACE from New Bedford, Community Care from Attleboro, Saint Patrick’s Parish of Somerset, and Saint Vincent De Paul Society of Somerset servicing Fall River. Bristol Aggie would like to thank our students, parents, staff, Booster Club, PTO and Venture Crew 1005 members for their donations and support in making Christmas special for area children.

Seekonk Kindergarten Registration

The Seekonk Public Schools will be having kindergarten registration daily during the month of January from 10AM – 2PM. If your child will be 5 years of age by August 31,2010, you may register your child at the school he/she will be attending. If you are unsure of your child’s school, please feel free to call either school for the information. Aitken School and Martin School will each hold an evening registration on February 2nd from 5:30 -7:00 PM. Kindergarten screening will be held on the first 3 Mondays in March during the school day. Appointments will be made when you register your child for school. Registration packets are available at either school beginning January 4th. Please feel free to call Aitken School 336-5230 or Martin School 336-7558 if you have any questions.

Students in the picture Brittini St. Pierre from Norton, Sunny Lynn Farias from Fall River, Kayla Costa from New Bedford, Samantha Vieira from Taunton, Catherine St. Pierre from Norton, Leah Catania from Berkley.



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The Reporter January 2010

Palmer River News Elise DuBois, Assistant to Principal

We Resolve to Grow a Culture of Kindness

As we move into 2010, we, at Palmer River Elementary School, will begin a new character development initiative. Presently, our students recite a character pledge each morning that reminds them of the merits of respect, responsibility, and citizenship. They are encouraged to treat others fairly and to be trustworthy and caring. Each month, we plan to take some time with our students to discuss these character traits and help set a tone for positive classroom and school wide behavior. January’s theme will be respect. We encourage our families to take time to talk about their own experience with respect and review the expectations for their own homes. At Palmer River, we will be growing a “culture of kindness” emphasizing and rewarding the presence of one attribute at a time. Join us in helping our children to develop these skills and understanding that will serve them for a lifetime.

Mathematics Can Be Swee-e-e-et

Supported by some well organized and generous parent volunteers, students in rooms 39 and 46 used their mathematics skills to design and decorate some very beautiful gingerbread houses. In room 39, the students worked with great diligence, committed to following the template indicating which candy would cover each square inch of the house. In room 46 things worked a bit differently. The students first built a prototype using index cards so they could calculate how many graham crackers will be needed for their project. (They also tied in geometry as the class discussed solid figures - the house and perimeter - the roof.) If you were concerned about all the sugar being consumed by our students- you will be relieved to know that the houses were donated to neighboring nursing homes to be used as decorations for the holiday.

Run, Run As Fast As You Can

Mrs. Mason’s kindergarten class also completed their big holiday flat gingerbread project. This activity is based on two stories; Gingerbread Baby and Flat Stanley. The children have to take their flat gingerbread everywhere with them during the holidays and vacation and keep a photo and written journal of their times.


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January 2010 The Reporter Then, they bring it back to school in January to share as a show-ntell. The young students spent the week before Christmas learning all about gingerbread. These students sampled real gingerbread, graphed gingerbread bites, and made gingerbread puppets and decorations.

dreidel game, which uses money skills, the “holiday” game, which requires them to read sight vocabulary, and the children wrote in their journals about the different celebrations, and compared the similarities/differences of the three. The students even used real hoola-hoops to make a 3 ring Venn diagram to help to sort out their writing ideas. We are also using the Spelling City website to do the activities to practice our spelling in class. Spelling City at www.spellingcity. com can be used by students of any grade to practice their spelling


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Making Gingerbread houses in Mrs. Mason’s class.

Black Ice - Carbon Monoxide - Candles too

It was touching to see firefighter Randy impart his final word of wisdom to this years fourth graders. He has worked with this group since kindergarten; this winter’s ice safety presentation brings a close to his work with them at the elementary level. As the students reviewed the tips one student raised her hands to share that she will never forget to bring a rope and a milk jug when she goes ice skating. Randy reminded her, “While you may not be able to pull the person out yourself, having something to hold onto can save a life. This year Firefighter Randy emphasized never going on ice to try and save a pet. He reminded the students that animals are better equipped to get themselves out of the water than we are. It is likely the pet could get to shore and we would be stranded on the ice. Some other great tips were to check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors regularly and replace batteries each time that you change your clocks. Never leave candle unattended – Make sure there is someone in the room “to enjoy them”. And for black ice: Hold hands, wear “grippy shoes’, or walk on the grass instead. Firefighter Randy also reminded all of the students to be sure to dress warmly in the winter to avoid frostbite.

If I Were a Star

Mrs. Fernandes’ second grade students have been busy with a lot of writing this past month. In preparation for the holidays, the students wrote and illustrated little books imagining if they were a tree, a star, a candy cane, Santa, and a present. The children described where they would be and what they would be doing using lively verbs and colorful adjectives. In the spirit of the season, this classroom also collected canned and paper goods for the Food Pantry to spread the spirit of giving. This is a great way to celebrate!

From the North Pole to Spelling City

In first grade with Mrs. Bergeron, the children learned about various celebrations winter holiday celebrations like Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa. The children participated in a wide variety of activities that involved many skills. They played the


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The Reporter January 2010

list. This site allows the students to type in their word list and then interact with the list using a variety of games. It has “teach me” and “test me” menu items that will also allow some feedback on how well the child is mastering their list. Students may even print out a certificate to show how well they have done. It is great fun!

Aloha from Mrs. Janson’s class

Mrs. Janson’s fourth grade class has just received their first letters from their pen pals in Hanalei, Hawaii. The children were absolutely ecstatic to rip open their letters and learn about daily life on an island in the tropics! Mrs. Rowan’s students sent photos of themselves surfing and playing outdoors in shorts and sandals. Most of the Hawaiian children were quite anxious to know if it was

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snowing here. (It was thrilling for our children that it was in fact actually snowing.) Mrs. Janson took photos of everyone in their warm coats and hats and plans to send a group letter back to them this week. The information shared about Hawaii was also a great connection to the classrooms continuing study of rocks and minerals, which includes igneous (volcanic) rock. This week these students cooked up a storm and made the three types of rocks with candy. Thank you to all the parents for their food and supply donations. Mrs. Janson was very appreciative of the parent volunteers who cooked with her students! You Rock!


In room 40, with Mrs. Hicks, electricians and “magmaticians” were hard at work! Electrical and magnetic projects were a huge success! The students created houses with working switches, a circuit board and magnetic games. Several third grade classes came to observe. This classroom extends their appreciation to Mrs. Snow and Mrs. Curtis for their help.

“Stop and Shop” for Palmer River

We offer yet another way that you might help out Palmer River Elementary School. If you already do grocery shopping at Stop and Shop, your purchases can now help to earn money for our school. Palmer River Elementary School is now participating in the “Stop and Shop A+ Bonus Bucks Program”. It will take you only a few minutes of your time to register your card. Your efforts can make a huge difference to our school. Here’s how it works: Log on to www.stopandshop.com/aplus and choose “Register your card”. Next, you will need to type in the first 3 letters of your last name and the number on your Stop and Shop card. You can click on the drop down menu and find Palmer River Elementary or use our school ID #08267. That’s all it takes! Please encourage friends and family to register. There is no limit to the number of people that can join us in this effort. Every little bit helps our children!

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With winter right around the corner, you may want to discuss with your child what he/she should do in the case of an unplanned early dismissal from school or if after school activities are canceled. In the event of district-wide early dismissals due to inclement weather, the local radio and television stations will be notified and they will carry the announcement. In this situation, the high school is dismissed first, followed by our middle school and finally the elementary school. If your middle schooler would be the first one home, he/she should know how to get in the house (with a key pinned in a special section of the backpack that isn’t used often perhaps or knowledge of where a special kept for emergenIs thekey bestis thing I ever did for cies). Also, on Channel 5’s website you can sign up to receive an myself and my children!” email within 5 minutes of when they are notified of a school delay or closing. We are in the process of implementing an automated “One Call” system that will allow us to notify parents by telephone. Try us out for only We will also do our best to notify you by email. Hopefully we will Includes Uniform, Belt and One have an uneventful winter, but it is always good to be prepared.

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Week of Classes!

Beckwith Food Drive

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Empower Yourself!

Our canned drive is complete. We collected 2,255 cans and cash which have been donated to the Rehoboth Food Pantry. We’d like to thank everyone who participated Chartley for helping our neighbors Plaza Rehoboth to have a better holiday season.

Dentistry At Its MOST Advanced. Dentistry At Its MOST Comfortable. January 2010 The Reporter

Spelling Team

The 2009-2010 Beckwith Spelling Team has been chosen after vigorous tryouts. The following students have qualified for competition: Gaby Watson, Lissa McLean, Lauren Farris, Jordan Lizotte, Nikita Bansal, Kelly Brown, Rebekah Philip, Elizabeth Oakley, Casey Wade, Zoe Karavolis, Ally Luongo, Jenna Burke, Chrystal Sousa, Raina Parente, and Ali Freitas. We are proud to announce that the team earned first place at the fall spelling meet on November 20, which consisted of the written and oral spelling of challenging words. Five students had perfect written scores. We are especially proud of Elizabeth Oakley who was awarded first place oral speller and Ally Luongo who placed third overall as an oral speller in the fall Massasoit League


Chris Trudeau, Kyle Rose, Seth Lundstrom, tion to every year if they plan on playing and team managers Matt Shaker and Will interscholastic sports. A physical was Silva. The Lady Raiders roster: Emily Co- required at Palmer River for 4th grade but lon, Olivia Colon, Jordan Lizotte, Rachel unfortunately there are still some students LoBalbo, Petrone, Jessica Potter,in laser who dentistry, have not provided an updated physiThanks toMichelle the most recent advances many dental procedures Alexandra Poirier, and Mikaela Thibou- cal. Please send in with your child a copy of can now be completed without the need for anesthetics, vibration or the tot, Maddie Jolin, Jessica Potter, Samantha their latest physical for them to give to Mrs. Carden, Kasey whine Charette, D’Ambrosio, Mondor, nurse. Also,employs students injust 7th disconcerting ofKylie the dental drill. Dr. Alan school Merchanthouse Annie Mitchell, Haley Mitsmenn, and Taylor grade also need to show a physical as well such technology in a relaxing country setting in Rehoboth. Poirier. as a tetanus booster. For the highest Vision & hearing screenings well as quality dental care – furnished by a highly trained and friendly staff ofasdental height & weight, BMI (body mass Notes professionalsNurse’s – call (508) 252-6121 to schedule yourwill appointment with byindex) screening be started soon Mrs. As per Massachusetts Department of Dr. AlanHealth Merchanthouse. Public regulations, students are Mondor. The Massachusetts Department required to have an updated physical on of Public Health has changed the guidelines file with the nurse every 3-4 years in addi- for students to be screened in 5th and 7th ● ●

Laser Dentistry Comprehensive Care

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School/Police Safety Program

On November 30th, the Rehoboth police started working closely with school personnel to educate students about personal and public safety topics such as bullying, harassment, internet safety, texting, safety measures for students when home alone, and alcohol/drug awareness and prevention. An informational meeting for parents was held on December 1st.

Lip Sync

This year’s Third Annual Lip Sync Contest was an absolute success! Eleven groups battled it out for the top three spots which were awarded as follows: 3rd place Shailyn Foley & Paige Saxon singing Masquerade, 2nd place Tim Guimond & Donovan Burton singing Thriller and 1st place Alley Poirier & Jenn Hirst singing Replay. All the students were tremendous in their performances. The audience enthusiasm intensified during “Shout” and the “Cuban Shuffle,” led by the students. Audience involvement made it a fun-filled successful school event. The faculty performance was another highlight. Singing “I Will Survive” the faculty dressed to impress and wowed the audience with their FUNKY moves. Closing the night was a special guest performance by Alexis Westgate singing Nobody’s Perfect, accompanied by the rest of the contestants. Overall, it was an incredible night and I know the excitement for next year is already beginning.

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Basketball Teams

With the practices well underway for this season, the Raiders and Lady Raiders basketball teams are really shaping up. Defensive and offensive plays are coming together. Every team member is working hard to pull together and have a fun filled season! This year’s Raiders roster: Keanu Baltazar, Tim Guimond, Keith DeBlois, Kyle St. Pierre, Josh Tibbels, Ben Strayer, Kyle Blythe, Ben Palazzi, Marty Parker, Austin Correia, Alex Richardson, Chandler Horton,

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The Reporter January 2010

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grades only. Scoliosis screenings will still be done on every grade. If you DO NOT wish your child to participate in these screenings, a written note from the parent to the nurse is needed along with a physical done within the year stating results of vision, hearing, height, weight & calculation of BMI, and result of scoliosis check done by your child’s pediatrician. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Mrs. Mondor, RN, BSN

ACE Program

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Registration forms for the ACE Program have been sent home with students and the fall session of the ACE Program has started. Fall selections include floor hockey, intramural basketball, math club, book club, knitting club, sign language, game club, and art/ craft club. Class sizes are limited to facilitate instruction in some classes. Enrollment is based on a first-come first-serve basis when students turn in their registration forms to the coordinator.

Music Festival

Call 508.252.6575 or Check the web at www.rehobothreporter.com

Three students from Beckwith Middle School have been chosen to participate in the Massachusetts Music Educators’ Association Southeastern District Music Festival. Soprano Rebekah Philip and percussionists Sal Lopez and Olivia Ackerknecht auditioned in Marshfield on December 5 and were chosen from hundreds of students at the audition. They will be performing at Attleboro High School on March 6, 2010.

D-R Marching Band

As you may be aware, some of our Beckwith students are members of the Dighton-Rehoboth Marching Band. We are pleased to share with you that the marching band recently performed at the Dighton Tree Lighting and the Christmas parades in Mansfield, Taunton, and Fall River. At the invitation of the Fox Providence Rhode Show, the marching band also performed on the Rhode Show’s Thanksgiving Day program. You can view the show at http://www.foxprovidence.com/dpp/rhode_show/dighton-rehoboth-marching-band-performs. They have also performed at football games, Eastern States Exposition parade, and the Somerset Jamboree. We are excited to announce that they have been accepted to perform at the Main Street USA parade at the Magic Kingdom in Disney World this June. This will be the band’s fifth trip to Disney World since 2001.

Holiday Concert

The Beckwith Middle School Holiday Concert was held on December 9th. The band and the chorus performed and the holiday spirit was definitely in the air! The 5th grade band performed selections from The Standard of Excellence Series. The 6th and 7th grade band performed Rudolph and Frosty. The 8th grade band performed Joy to the World and Santa Claus Complete auto collision repair is Coming to Town and was followed by the Towing Foreign & Domestic Jazz Band who performed Jingle Bell Rock We handle all insurance claims and Holiday Jam. The band was directed by Mr. Robert D’Ambrosio. Free Estimates The chorus sang several selections inMA RS. # 1367 cluding Once on a Housetop, La Fiesta and Rockin’ Down the Chimney Tonight just to Serving your community for over 20 years name a few. The chorus was directed by 1849 Fall River Ave. (Rt 6), Seekonk, MA Ms. Paula Roy. The concert proved to be a tremendous (508) 336-6475 success and was enjoyed by a standing room only audience! The Beckwith Middle Robert Coelho Jr. & Ernie Loiselle - Owners School Music Department would like to


January 2010 The Reporter thank everyone for their support in keeping this tradition going! We look forward to seeing everyone on May 5th for our Spring Show!

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Principal’s Coffee

A principal’s coffee will be held Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 9 A.M. in the school’s cafeteria. Hope to see you then.


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Joe Tomellini, an Eighth grade student at D.L. Beckwith Middle School, won the school-level competition of the National Geographic Bee on Thursday, December 17, 2009 and a chance at a $25,000 college scholarship. The school-level Bee, at which students answered oral questions on geography, was the first round in the 22nd annual National Geographic Bee. This year’s Bee is sponsored by Google (visit www.google.com/educators/geo). The kickoff for this year’s Bee was the week of November 9, with thousands of schools around the United States and in the five U.S. territories participating. The school winners, including Joe Tomellini, will now take a written test; up to 100 of the top scorers in each state will be eligible to compete in their state Bee on April 9, 2010. The National Geographic Society will provide an all-expensespaid trip to Washington D.C., for state champions and teacherescorts to participate in the National Geographic Bee national championship on May 25 and 26, 2010. The first-place national winner will receive a $25,000 college scholarship and a lifetime membership in the Society, and a trip to the Galapagos Islands, courtesy of Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic (visit www.expeditions.com). “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek will moderate the national finals on May 26. The program will air on television. Check local listings for dates and times. Everyone can test their geography knowledge with the new and exciting GeoBee Challenge, an online geography quiz at www.nationalgeographic.com/geobee. The game poses 10 new questions a day. The National Geographic Society is one of the world’s largest nonprofit scientific and educational organizations. Founded in 1888 to “increase and diffuse geographic knowledge,” the Society works to inspire people to care about the planet. It reaches more than 370 million people worldwide each month through its official journal, National Geographic, and other magazines; National Geographic Channel; television documentaries; music; radio; films; books; DVD’s; maps; exhibitions; school publishing programs; interactive media; and merchandise. National Geographic has funded more than 9,000 scientific research projects and supports an education program promoting geographic literacy. For more information, visit nationalgeographic.com.



The Reporter January 2010

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Olympic athletes use them and they have become an essential part of the Olympic training staff that travels everywhere the athletes compete. Every pro football team and most other professional sports teams have one on staff. Football Hall of Famer’s Jerry Rice (2010) and Joe Montana (2009) both credited their longevity and performance to them. Hollywood actors and professional entertainers use them regularly but only 8 percent of the American population uses them. So what is it that these people know about the benefits of chiropractic care that most Americans, and even those in a position to refer people to a chiropractor, don’t know? Users of chiropractic care know that they feel better and they get terrific results from chiropractic that they did not get elsewhere. A May 2009 Consumer Reports survey found that 88 percent of people who visited the chiropractor were satisfied with their outcome. The results speak for themselves. If the results are that high then why don’t all Americans visit a chiropractor? Most people think that chiropractic is for bad backs, headaches or neck pain. The vast majority of the population does not understand what a chiropractor does. The first chiropractic adjustment given by D.D. Palmer in 1895 restored a deaf man’s hearing. D.D Palmer thought he had discovered the cure for deafness so he sent his son B.J around town hanging posters announcing the cure for deafness. Deaf people began coming to D.D. Palmer’s clinic in the hope of hearing again. Not one was cured of their deafness but a mysterious thing was happening. These deaf people had other health issues like epilepsy, heart trouble, asthma, sciatica, migraines, chronic headaches, flu and digestive disorders and they were getting better. Soon D.D. Palmer realized he had something much bigger than the cure for deafness. The main objective of chiropractic is to find nerve irritation in the spine caused by a misaligned or subluxated spinal joint or vertebrae and correct it. Ninety-five percent of the nervous system passes through the spine in the form of the spinal cord. Thirtyone pairs of nerves exit the spine and branch

January 2010

The Reporter


ess out and connect to every organ/cell of the body. The health and function of the body is dependent upon the unimpeded flow of mental impulses from the brain to the body/organs and back to the brain. Nerve irritation results in pain and the disruption of normal nerve flow to the organs. Remove the nerve irritation and the pain and nerve flow disruption goes away resulting in better health. Why should you go to a chiropractor and how do you know when you should visit a chiropractor for a check-up? Well, when should you visit a dentist, before or after you have a toothache? I think before you have a toothache. The ADA recommends you have a dental check-up and your teeth cleaned at least twice per year to prevent cavities, gum disease and other related dental problems. Chiropractic is not any different. You should visit a chiropractor on a regular basis for a spinal check-up to keep you spine healthy, in alignment and free from nerve irritation. This will help prevent degenerative joint and disc disease as well as other related health problems. Remember, you can always replace your teeth, but you can never replace your spine. Chiropractic is safe for everyone, even children. It is especially advantageous for children to have their spines evaluated by a chiropractor at an early age when misalignments are easiest to correct. This will help prevent chronic and degenerative problems to their spine as they get older. Adults should be checked regularly to maintain the health of their spine and slow the degenerative changes of aging. Seniors also benefit greatly while under chiropractic care. Regular adjustments will help to regain motion in fixed joints which are so common with the elderly, leading to greater mobility and better balance. Chiropractic is also very effective in reducing spine and hip pain in the senior population. Is chiropractic safe? It is licensed and regulated in every state. Medicare and all major health insurers cover chiropractic care. While there are numerous studies and research articles detailing the dangers and deaths due to surgeries and using properly prescribed medication there is not one clinical study or case control study that demonstrates or implies that chiropractic is un-safe. This is why the cost of medical malpractice insurance for medical doctors

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The Reporter January 2010

New Year... is much higher than for chiropractors. There appears to be little or no basis for these chiropractic safety fears. Chiropractic is safe and most effective. If you are having spinal or health problems, or have not had your spine evaluated recently, call your local chiropractor and schedule an appointment today. Discover what so many people under chiropractic care already experience: The difference an optimal functioning spine and nervous system can make in your life! Discover Chiropractic today! Article was written by Dr. Rodger Lincoln

Be Happy & Healthy in 2010.

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January 2010

The Reporter


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If you are involved in an intense exercise training program or play a competitive sports where muscles are being continually shortened and fatigued, micro-tears occur not only in the muscles, but the ligaments, and tendons as well. An effective massage maintenance program is based on a massage therapist’s understanding of anatomy, and kinesiology (movement of muscles), combined with an in-depth knowledge of which muscles are used in a given sport and which ones are likely candidates for stress and injury. By zeroing in on particular muscle groups and working specific tissues, massage helps an athlete maintain or improve their range of motion and muscle flexibility. Maintenance massage should be performed one to two times weekly where the main objectives is to help an athlete reach optimal performance, Independent Doctor of Optometry and reduce risk of injury. Incorporating massage into an exercise training regime improves circulation, increases muscle tone, flexibility, and range of motion, separates and normalizes muscles and connective tissue, increases mental alertness and clarity, facilitates recovery from injuries, reduces pain, and provides emotional stimulation. In addition to massage, any training program requires an athlete to be responsible for their own self-care including proper Call to Schedule your annual eye exam today! warm-up and stretching of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Mention this ad for more details!!!!! Proper stretching has been shown to increase muscular strength by 20%, and also dramatically reduces the chance of injury. Located next to BJ's Optical Located next to Target Optical Athletes have many injury sites in common, including the 287 Washington Street 79 Commerce Way wrists, back, hands, elbows, shoulders, knees, and hamstrings. South Attleboro Seekonk, MA A massage session focuses on these areas to help reduce inflammation, flush out metabolic waste, break up muscle adhesions, 508-399-7377 508-336-0109 deactivate trigger points, and increase fluidity of movement. A Call for details on savings for complete good sports massage therapist can also identify potential trouble spots long before they become problematic. pair of glassess or contact lens supply. In addition to a proper warm-up, stretching, and regular massage; adequate hydration, and the use of a sauna or hot tub after a game or workout, can bring muscles back Find out why... into balance. There is a growing demand for massage therapy in both professional amateur organized sports. Many athletes are extolling the benefits of massage to reduce physical/mental stresses, enhance performance and increase overall well-being.

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The Reporter January 2010

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Do you have this in common with 200 million Americans? By Dr. George Brown and Dr. Robert Hill

Ocular surface disease (OSD), sometimes called dry eye, affects up to 70% of Americans at some point in their lives, making it one of the most common medical conditions in the world. Blepharitis, skin conditions such as rosacea, hormonal changes, environmental factors, medications, and aging are often associated with this condition. Our tear film functions to keep the eyes lubricated and comfortable and seeing clearly. When the tear film is deficient the eyes become uncomfortable and irritated. This leads to redness and burning, itching, or tearing, as well as intermittent blurred vision. Once we diagnose ocular surface disease, there are multiple treatments available. Doctor-directed artificial tear therapy, punctal inserts, nutritional supplements, oral antibiotics, eyelid hygiene, and prescription eye drops are all effective treatments for the different causes of OSD. We have a helpful questionnaire to aid in diagnosing and treating OSD. An abbreviated form of the questionnaire is below. Circle the number that best corresponds to your symptoms and bring it to your next appointment.

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January 2010

News And Notes From

Blanding Library by Leslie Patterson

Fine Amnesty in January: Once again January will be Amnesty Month at the Blanding. Overdue fines will be forgiven for library items returned this month. Patrons will still be responsible for paying for any lost items. The Blanding turned out to be one of the busiest drop-off stations for the Blizzard of Giving over the holidays. You may also drop off donations for the Rehoboth Food Pantry at the Blanding all year long. Thanks to the friends and family of the late Barbara Scherer, who died in November, for giving donations in her memory to the Blanding. Mrs. Scherer was a longtime patron of the Blanding Library and we are sorry to hear of her passing. The Blanding will be sponsoring a reading program featuring the novel “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” in the coming months. The Carpenter Museum and the library will be holding an exhibit and tea on this topic at the end of March. Coming in May will be a breakfast with Annie Barrows, the co-author of the book. This will be a big event at Rhodes on the Pawtuxet in Cranston on Sat., May 1, and held in collaboration with the public libraries of Rhode Island, which are also reading the same book as their statewide read. The RI library group is anticipating an audience of over 800 people. Tickets will be on sale soon and may be bought individually or by the table. Look for more details to follow. Kid Stuff: Make tracks to the Blanding Library on Mon. Jan. 25 at 1:30 p.m. for a fun-filled winter afternoon as Clara and Ali return to help us create with paper folding and stamps. Space is limited and preference will be given to Rehoboth children (elementary school age). Please register in advance by calling 508-262-4236. Poetry in the Village will feature guest poet Dana Rowe from the Poets Pathway in Middleboro at their meeting at Goff Hall on Wed. Jan. 20, starting at 6:30 p.m. Dana has a gift for making poetry come alive with his dramatic readings. The poetry evenings are open to all and also feature an open mic session for those who would like to read their own work. January is also time for Friends members to renew their membership in the Friends of the Blanding Library, the volunteer organization that helps support and raise money for the library. A letter will be sent to Friends members this month, or you may use the renewal form found with this column. We would welcome any new Friends members too. The Blanding Public Library (www.blandinglibrary.org) is open Monday through Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., and on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is closed on Sundays and holidays and will be closed on Mon., Jan. 18 for Martin Luther King Day. The library is at 124 Bay State Rd. in Goff Memorial Hall, 508-252-4236.

Fun with Paper & Stamps for school-age children Mon., Jan. 25 at 1:30 p.m. * * * Story & Craft Time for children aged 3 –K Jan. 13 - Feb. 11 Wed., 10-11 a.m. or Thurs., 2-3 p.m. * * * New Tot Times for children under 3 will begin on Tues., Jan. 12 at 10 a.m. Will meet alternating weeks. Pre-registration required for all programs.

Monday - Thursday 11:30 - 8:00pm

The Reporter


Friday & Saturday 10:00 - 4:00pm

124 Bay State Road, Rehoboth, MA 508-252-4236, www.blandinglibrary.org

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Membership Application Friends of the Blanding Library

Box 464, Rehoboth, MA 02769 A nonprofit organization, the Friends enrich your library’s services by sponsoring cultural programs and special projects. BE A FRIEND -- Choose your membership category and return this application with your annual dues. Make check or money order payable to The Friends of the Blanding Library Check One: __Individual (per year) ........ $5.00 __Family (per year)............. $10.00 __Contributing (per year)... $25.00 __Sponsor (per year)......... $50.00 __ LIFE (one payment) ....... $100.00 ___ Renewal ___New

Tax deductible contributions and donations can be arranged.

Name_______________________________Date_____________ Address _______________________________City___________ State___________ Zip Code _________Tel. No._______________ Email:_______________________________________________


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Seekonk Public Library Volunteer Opportunities for F O L

There are a few new volunteer opportunities being offered by the Friends of the Seekonk Public Library in 2010. These are short term commitments. First, the Friends are seeking help with printing/ copying their newsletter this year. In late January, 2 or 3 people are needed who can spend 2 hours during the evening - 5:45 to 7:45 or on Saturday during the day making copies. Training on the copier will be provided. Second, a small group of 5 or 6 volunteers will be needed for a morning to insert and tab membership envelops into the newsletter. In mid to late February, the Friends will be conducting their annual membership drive. Plans are in the works for volunteers to act as host/hostess in the Library lobby offering patrons an opportunity to become members and complete other tasks as needed. To become a Friends of the Library volunteer, interested residents/patrons should stop by the Library to fill out a Volunteer application form. On the form, potential volunteers as asked to state hours of availability and interests. For those who would like to help with the upcoming projects, they should note this on their application.

Beginner’s Knitting Class for Adults at the Seekonk Public Library

Adults who have always wanted to learn to knit will have the chance by attending a series of five Wednesday classes to be held at the Seekonk Public Library beginning January 13 at 10:30 a.m. Martha Maynard, an experienced knitter and two-time winner at the Eastern States Exposition for spinning and weaving, will show how fun knitting is. Learn how to knit a sampler scarf using techniques such as casting on, knit and purl, decrease and increase, and casting off. All who attend must bring size 9 or 10 knitting needles and worsted weight light color yarn. Class size is limited. Registration is required. The class is open to either Massachusetts residents with a SAILS library card or Rhode Island residents with a Seekonk Public Library card. Seekonk residents take precedence. Call the Adult Services Department at 508-336-8230, ext. 130 to register. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Seekonk Public Library.

Computer Classes at the Seekonk Public Library

Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to learn how to make better use of the computer that is sitting there gathering dust in your house? The Seekonk Public Library will be offering computer classes to SAILS library cardholders in January just for you. Our classes are available to help ease the fear of computer use. The Introduction to Computers class will help those new to using a computer learn the basics. Microsoft Word is a very flexible program that will allow you to do many tasks such as writing letters, creating flyers, and more. Sign up for the following classes offered in January: January 16 – Introduction to Computers I 9:30 – 11 a.m. January 21 – Word I 6 – 7:30 p.m. Registration is required. The classes are open to either Massachusetts residents with a SAILS library card or Rhode Island residents with a Seekonk Public Library card. Call the Adult Services Department at 508-336-8230, ext. 130 to register.

January 2010

Interior Design Workshop at the Seekonk Public Library

Does your home reflect where you are in your life and where you want to go? The Seekonk Public Library is happy to have interior designer Heidi Caron-Guay present Creating a Nurturing Home on Wednesday, January 20 at 6:30 p.m. The hands-on presentation will highlight such areas as understanding your style by looking at the elements in your home; making every room a favorite room; steps to creating balance, harmony, support and a stress-free environment; and much more. This program is free and open to all. It is sponsored by the Friends of the Seekonk Public Library. For more information contact the Adult Services Department at 508-336-8230, ext. 130.

Dighton Public Library

The Reporter


Meetings are held Tuesday evenings at 6:00 P.M. at the Library. Participants can join at any time during the twelve week session; please call the Library to get the date of the New Year’s session. For further information, contact Phyllis Haskell at 508-669-6421 or phaskell@sailsinc.org. The Dighton Public Library offers library services for all Lincoln Village residents and Dighton residents, aged 60 and over, at the Community Center at Lincoln Village. The next sessions are Tuesday, January 12 and Tuesday, January 26 from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. The library will bring books, videos, DVDs and community information each visit. Participants will be able to check these materials out; request their favorites; return their books and movies; and even sign up for a library card. If residents need assistance finding information or resources, they will also be able to ask the library here. Lincoln Village is located at 300 Lincoln Avenue in North Dighton. For more information call the Dighton Public Library at 508-669-6421.

Children’s Events for the Month of January:

Toddlers up to the age of three are invited to participate in their very own story times at the Dighton Public Library on Mondays and Saturdays at 10:30 A.M. Tot Time is an interactive time of sharing language, movement and music. We will read stories, sing songs, play parachute games and dance. Preschool story times, for children aged three to five, are held at the Dighton Public Library on Wednesdays in January at 2:00 P.M. and Fridays in January at 10:30 A.M. Miss Lorie will read stories and show everyone a craft to make and take home. All story times are free and open to the public. Please call the library at 508-669-6421 to register. The Young Adult Book Group is meeting Wednesday, January 13 at 6:30 PM. The group will discuss “Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment” by James Patterson. Max, bred in a lab to be 98% human and 2% bird, leads an escape from the lab and engineers a plan to save Angel from a pack of mutant wolves called Erasers. This discussion is open to all teens, and copies of the book are available at the library. Dighton Public Library, 395 Main Street, Dighton, MA 02715. The LMB (Little, Middle, Big) book discussion group is meeting on Wednesday, January 27 at 6:30 P.M. This group is geared to kids in 4th through 6th grades. They will be discussing “The City of Ember” by Jeanne DuPrau. Ember started as a city of resources, complete with instructions on what to do when the resources were completed. After a corrupt mayor loses the instructions, Doon and Lina prepare for what’s to come. For more information, please contact Miss Lorie at the library.

Events for Adults:

Resolve to create new habits and a healthier lifestyle at the Dighton Public Library’s Weight Watchers® at Work program. Weight Watchers® is an internationally recognized weight management program that encourages participants to achieve a healthy lifestyle of good nutrition and exercise in a nurturing environment. Meetings are run by leaders who have completed their own weight loss goals through the Weight Watchers® Program. They share information, knowledge, tools and motivational help to allow participants to make the best individualized decisions about nutrition and exercise.

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The Reporter January 2010

“Weatherizing Your Home for Ultimate Savings,”

The Dighton Public Library is hosting “Weatherizing Your Home for Ultimate Savings,” with the Massachusetts Municipal Association on Tuesday, January 19 at 6:00 P.M. Bob Meier will show homeowners and renters what they can do to reduce their usage of electricity, heat and water. He will demonstrate do-it-yourself techniques to seal your home and provide resources on where homeowners can receive financing on audits and alterations. The end result for the property owner is the ability to save money by using less. Light refreshments will be provided by Dighton’s own Alice’s Last Stop, located at 1901 County Street. This is a free workshop, but we do ask for people to register for the program. You can do so by calling the Library at 508-669-6421. For more information, please contact Brenda Carr. Dighton Public Library, 395 Main Street, Dighton, MA.

“Books for Cooks.”

The Dighton Public Library is introducing a new monthly program called “Books for Cooks.” The next meeting will be held Thursday, January 14 from 6:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. “Books for Cooks” will be an evening of sharing recipes and food, according to a set monthly theme. Participants are asked to prepare and bring a dish (and its recipe) that would serve at least six people. The dishes can be anything you wish to bring - as long as it goes along with the monthly theme. December’s theme is “A Chili Cook-Off.” Each meeting will take place on the second Thursday of each month. Once at the meeting, all are invited to sample these prepared dishes and discuss cooking tips, recipes and homecooked food

with some old and new friends. Please note that we ask participants to bring their food already cooked as there is no kitchen at the Library. This meeting is free and open to the public, but registration is required as space is limited. Please call the Library at 508-669-6421 to sign up. For more information, please contact Brenda Carr. Dighton Public Library, 395 Main Street, Dighton, MA.

“A Passion for Scrapping”

The Dighton Public Library is hosting “A Passion for Scrapping” at the Dighton Public Library, Saturday, January 23 at 2:30 PM. This is an opportunity for scrapbooking enthusiasts to have a few hours to crop pictures, scrap book and share tips and creative ideas. Bring your photos and scrap booking materials with you. The library will have idea books, the latest magazines, and refreshments. Registration is required. Please call 508-669-6421 to register. For more information, please contact Brenda Carr at the Library.

“I Am In Control: Women’s Self Defense”

The Dighton Public Library is hosting “I Am In Control: Women’s Self Defense” with Douglas Veronesi on Wednesday, January 20 at 6:30 P.M. Douglas Veronesi is 5th Degree Black Belt and Instructor at Dighton Fitness Center. This workshop is a two-part session. Lesson 1 will be a discussion at the Dighton Public Library, with a snow Date of Wednesday, January 27. Lesson 2 will be a demonstration held at the Dighton Fitness Center, 2050 County Street, in Dighton, (Route 138) on Wednesday, February 3 at 6:30 P.M. A snow date of Wednesday, Feb. 10 has been scheduled for the demonstration.

January 2010 Learn to feel confident in your own strength and feel safe in your surroundings. This is a free series of workshops, but participants interested in Lesson 2 must sign up for Lesson 1. For more information, please contact Brenda Carr at 508-669-6421.

The Dighton Public Library has won a Grant

The Reporter



Registration Now Open for Boy Scouts’ Merit Badge College at RIC

The Dighton Public Library has won a grant from the federal Area Boy Scouts have an opportunity to earn up to two merit Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the badges each when they register and attend Narragansett Council’s Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), administered by the Netop District Merit Badge College at Rhode Island College on Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC). Saturday, January 23, 2010. The Dighton Public Library has received a $7,500 federal Registration opened November 16th online at http://www. IMLS/LSTA grant to be used for the Dighton Library’s upcoming netopdistrict.net/ and will fill up early. “Dighton Reads” program. The Merit Badge College is an opportunity to meet with highly “Dighton Reads” will be a year-long celebration of library activiqualified merit badge counselors, earn your merit badge and foster ties focused around baseball, including a project where everyone in development of what could become a lifelong interest. Dighton will read the same baseball book. This grant will fund new Particular emphasis is given to hobby and career merit badges baseball books, movies and games for the library collection; special that are difficult to obtain elsewhere. baseball speakers and workshops; and other special community New offerings this year include Painting, Plumbing, Graphic events. Even more exciting for the Dighton Public Library is that Arts, Energy and Traffic Safety. Also offered are American Business/ this project coincides with the Library building’s 100th birthday. American Labor as well as Entrepreneurship and Music. Fifty differUpon learning that the Dighton Public Library received the fedent badges are planned in all, so register as soon as possible. eral grant, Jocelyn Tavares, Director of the library said: This grant Cost is only $20 per Scout; $10 per adult, payable when you will help us celebrate our milestone of the library location on Main register. The fee includes lunch and the MBC patch. Street for 100 years. We are excited to offer a wide array of materiIn the Eagle’s Nest, Eagle Scout VIP luncheon will be hosted als and programming that will attract the community and combine by University of Rhode Island football coach, Bob Griffin. Dighton’s love of sports and baseball with the Library. As one Boy Scout said last year, “This is the best! I get to have The federal funds will be used to add to the library’s growing cola fun day and earn two full merit badges at the same time!” lection of baseball and coaching videos, books, CD’s and games. The Boys Scouts of America’s Boy Scouting program is for boys Events already planned include a visit from Bill Nowlin, author of who are at least 11 years old and not yet 18. They participate in many Red Sox and baseball books, including, Mr. Red Sox: the ...continued on Page 63 Johnny Pesky Story and Blood Feud: the Red Sox, the Yankees and the Struggle of Good vs. Evil; a historic audiovisual presentation of Fenway Park; a lecture on positive sports parenting; and other educational and recreational events. You can keep track of upcoming activities by I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the proprietors, visiting the Library’s calendar on the website, William (Bill) Beggs and Carnig Ashchian of the Bone Yard Barbecue http://www.dightonlibrary.org. & Saloon for so generously extending the use of their facility and for Under federal legislation, the IMLS, providing a most outstanding array of delicious food for the fundraiser through the Library Services and Technolheld on Sunday, December 6, 2009. It's absolutely remarkable to know ogy Act of 1966, provides funds to each state using a population based formula. The that the Town of Seekonk has a neighbor who is more than willing to State agency receiving the funds may use share their resources to benefit a most worthwhile endeavor. the appropriation to support statewide initiatives and services; they may also distribute The fundraiser, which was well attended, the funds through grant competitions or conetted $1,100.00 and those proceeds operative agreements to public, academic, were pre-designated for Seekonk's fuel research, school and special libraries. Fedassistance program upon the event's eral funds support primarily activities using technology for information sharing between inception. libraries and other community services. They also fund programs making library Finally, thank you to all those individuals resources more accessible to urban, rural, who took time out of their busy schedules or low income residents, or others who have to be present, lend their support, and who difficulty using library services. contributed so generously to a cause that For more information about the federal will certainly provide comfort to those in IMLS/LSTA grants, please visit the IMLS website at www.imls.gov or visit the Masour Community who need it. sachusetts Board of Library Commissioners website at www.mass.gov/mblc. For more Thank You, information on becoming involved in the celebration or upcoming events, please contact Francis M. Cavaco Jocelyn Tavares by phone at 508-669-6421 or by emailing jtavares@sailsinc.org.

Thank You!


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The Reporter

January 2010 patrol-centered activities, campouts, community service opportunities, advancement and leadership while they earn merit badges and all of this while having fun. If you would like more information on Boy Scouting, contact Eric Oulette at the Narragansett Council at (401) 351-5515 ext 27, or visit our web site at http://www.narragansettbsa.org/.

Seekonk Daisy Troop 522


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Canine Mastery

Seekonk Daisy Troop 522 attended the Teddy Bear Tea @ the Carpenter Museum in Rehoboth on December 5th. They made Christmas ornaments for the museum’s Christmas tree so they could attend the tea. The Daisies listened to Mrs. Claus tell the story The Night Before Christmas, made Christmas crafts and had punch and Christmas cookies with their teddy bears.

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Deadline for Submitting News is now the 23rd of each month ~ Call 508-252-6575 for information send news to news@rehobothreporter.com


Rehoboth, Seekonk & East Providence

Reporter Serving the Residents & Businesses of Rehoboth, Seekonk, & East Providence

The Wolf Cubs from pack 1 Rehoboth visited the Central Fire Station in December. Fireman Randy gave the boys some very helpful and life saving information about ice safety. Then the boys got to see the fire trucks and learned what each truck is used for. Thank you to the Fireman Randy and Rehoboth Fire Department for their continued support with Scouting.

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The Reporter January 2010

Rehoboth’s Webelo 1’s teamed up with West Barrington’s Webelo 1’s

Pack 2 Rehoboth’s Webelo 1’s teamed up with West Barrington’s Webelo 1’s to achieve their Science Activity Belt Loop and Activity Pin at POW Science! in Providence. The boys learned Bernoulli’s principal, Pascal’s Law and Newton’s first law of motion. They did several hands on scientific experiments and optical illusions. A great time was had by all!

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January 2010

New Bedford, MA- Buttonwood Park Zoo proudly announces the Zoo’s January events. For more information about these events, please visit www.bpzoo.org.

Toe Jam Puppet Band Creative Arts Playgroup Every Monday 10:30AM and 12:30PM Cost: Zoo admission + $5/family

Sing, dance and play the hour away with New Bedford’s favorite, The Toe Jam Puppet Band!

Toddler Tales Every Thursday 10:30AM Cost: Free with zoo admission

Enjoy a zooper fun story time at the zoo! Toddler Tales is fee with zoo admission and includes a snack and a craft/activity. Recommended for ages 3-5.

New! Indoor Monkey Business Starting January 8, Every Friday 1:00PM-4:00PM Cost: Zoo admission + $5/family

Join us this January for our new open play Fridays. This is a great way to wrap up the school week with a quick visit with the animals and an afternoon of games, toys and puzzles. We’ll provide the toys, you provide the monkeys! Recommended for ages 5-10.

Junior Duck Stamp Art Exhibit January 9, 2010 to February 26, 2010 Cost: Free with zoo admission

Stop by the education center and see some of the state winners of the 2009 Junior Duck Stamp program.

Zoo Explorers: The Mystery of the Scrambled Eggs Wednesday, January 20 10:30AM Cost: Zoo admission + $5/family

Does your 3 to 5-year-old love Dora and Diego? Then join us for this real life mini-adventure at the zoo. Help the zoo staff solve “The Mystery of the Scrambled Eggs.” This adventure will take place in the barn, but please dress for the weather. Register the day of program in the gift store.

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Buttonwood Park Zoo Announces January Events

The Reporter

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The Reporter January 2010

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The Buttonwood Park Zoological Society (BPZS), a private, nonprofit organization, was founded in 1969 to support the Buttonwood Park Zoo (BPZ) so that the Zoo will be a significant contributor to the conservation of nature both at home and throughout the world. Buttonwood Park Zoo (BPZ) features over 250 animals and 30 exhibits, including elephants, bison, mountain lions, bears, eagles, seals, otters, and farm animals. BPZ is accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and has been called “one of the finest small zoos in the United States” by that organization.

It is open daily, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, visit www.bpzoo.org or call (508) 991-6178.


The Dighton-Rehoboth School district is looking for children who will turn 3 or 4 by August 31, 2010 for our integrated preschool programs. The child must be a resident of Rehoboth. Classes meet Monday thru Thursday for 2 ½ hours. There is a morning session (8:30 – 11:00) and an afternoon session (12:00 – 2:30). To be eligible for the program, your child must participate in a screening that will take approximately one hour. Screenings will take place the mornings of March 8th to 11th, 2010 at the Palmer River Elementary School. There are a limited number of appointments available. If you are interested, please call Catherine Silvia at 508-252-5137 to schedule an appointment. Calls will be accepted February 23rd thru February 26th between 9:30 am and 2:00 pm.

SMARTS Offers Winter Programs

The SMARTS Collaborative is pleased to announce its winter programs. SMARTS CabaretKids for students grades 4-7 are welcome to participate in this fun acting/singing program with no prior performing experience necessary. CabaretKids is every Wednesday from 6:30 - 8:00 P.M. starting January 6-March 17, 2010 and takes place at Qualters Middle School, Mansfield, MA. The Southeastern Massachusetts Wind Symphony is accepting new high school, college and community wind musicians to join rehearsals for the spring session starting January 28, 2010 with a concert on April 30, 2010. Rehearsals take place every Thursday evening at Wheaton College, Norton, MA from 7 - 9 P.M. SMARTS February vacation programs include “Around the World” for grades 1-4 at Robinson Elementary School, Mansfield, MA and “Archi-Camp” for grades 5-8 at Coelho Middle School, Attleboro, MA. Each day in the “Around the World” program the children experience a different country through dance, drama, music, and visual arts. “Archi-Camp” is an architectural design workshop where students design and build their dream house, super play-ground, plan a city or build a bridge. Both February vacation programs run Tuesday – Friday, February 16-19, 2010 from 9-2 P.M. Programs are designed to stimulate creativity and imagination, build self-esteem and self-awareness, and encourage team building, critical thinking and problem solving. Program activities and projects offer students with different learning styles an opportunity to feel excited and successful about learning new skills. For more information and registration call SMARTS, 508/2228484 or email info@smartscollab.org.

January 2010

The Reporter


Who’s Who & What They Do Profiling Local Businesses

Don’s Small Engine Repair Giving Back to the Community

Stop by Don’s Small Engine Repair and visit Ryan, Don & Tracey Leffort. Help them help our community and Rehoboth Helping Hands in this time of need. Up until 1987, Donald Leffort, lifelong resident of Rehoboth, led an average lifestyle. Leffort was a truck driver for Mobil Oil Co. and spent his free time with his wife and three young children and also with friends at Rehoboth Fire Station #3 where he was a captain. Life was good and the future looked bright for Leffort. On January 23, 1988, life changed drastically for Don and his family when fate stepped in while Don and some friends were enjoying some winter fun in New Hampshire, as they often did. In a freak accident, Don’s snowmobile hit a large bump, came back down, and then Don felt an intense pain in his back. Don was rushed by ambulance to a hospital over 100 miles away. Doctors determined Leffort had a spinal cord injury. He was paralyzed below the waist. After 2 long, grueling years of rehabilitation and physical therapy, which his wife Marilyn who is a physical therapist, helped him with at home, it was easy to see that despite these hard times, Don was no quitter and that his strong will has brought him to where he is today. In 1990, after receiving training with the help of Massachusetts Rehabilitation, Don began servicing and repairing small engines and sharpening blades for friends, family and the people of Rehoboth from his home garage. His oldest son Greg, 15 at the time, was a great help and assisted Don with picking up and delivering equipment along with various other duties. On February 1, 1992, Leffort took the “big step” to “sit behind my work” by opening his own business, “Don’s Small Engine Repair”, at 289 Winthrop St. (Route 44), behind Plaza Pizza. Without the support of the Community, Don’s Small Engine Repair wouldn’t have flourished into the business it is today. Don’s now occupies a space that is twice the size of where he began 20 years ago and has become a family run business with the assistance of his youngest son Ryan and his daughter Tracey. At Don’s they now offer a full line of Kawasaki Power products including string trimmers, leaf blowers and hedge trimmers, Dolmar chainsaws and accessories and also a full line of Ariens snow blowers. Don’s can get parts and accessories for most makes and models.

With their 20 year anniversary approaching, Don’s would like to take this opportunity to give back to the Community in its time of need, just as the community did for he and his family during their difficult time. Beginning January 1, 2010 until December 31, 2010, Don’s Small Engine Repair will take $1.00 off the price of chainsaw or lawnmower blade sharpening when you bring in a nonperishable food item for each sharpening which will be donated to the Rehoboth Helping Hands Food Pantry. The $1.00 discount will also be donated to the Rehoboth Helping Hands Food Pantry by Don’s. Also, if you bring in a nonperishable food item along with your equipment to be serviced between January 1, 2010 and March 31, 2010, you will receive a 5% discount off of your total bill. Keep an eye out for information on an “Open House” at Don’s Small Engine Repair, coming in the spring of 2010 to celebrate 20 years in business. There will be demonstrations of new equipment and discounts offered. More details to come. In 1992, Don said, “I want to be as helpful to others as they have been to me.” Don and his family urge you and other businesses in town to join them in the support of the Rehoboth Helping Hands Food Pantry and help families right here in our own community.

Every Business Has A Story... Let Us Know About Yours. Advertise in our Business Profile Section... Call 508.252.6575


The Reporter January 2010 April 3 - Egg Hunt Safari

Roger Williams Park Zoo 2010 Calendar of Events & Family Programs

Bring the whole family to Roger Williams Park Zoo to enjoy a traditional egg hunt in a very different setting! Start the day with a fun egg hunt in the “wild” and stay the day for a wonderful spring visit with the animals. Egg hunt activity begins on the hour and half hour from 11:00 am to 2:30 p.m. and is free with regular Zoo admission. Every egg hunter will receive a prize. Special area provided for toddlers. Visit www.rwpzoo.org for further details, or call 401-785-3510.

April 19 - 25 - Party for the Planet:

Zoo-Wide Special Events:

February 14 - Valentine’s Family Zoo Bingo Party

Share the love of family fun at Roger Williams Park Zoo’s Valentine inspired Zoo Bingo Party. Enjoy a zoo-themed bingo game for the whole family (with a prize for each bingo winner), a tasty treat, and create a special Valentine’s Day card for their favorite Zoo animals. All attendees will be entered in a drawing for a unique Zoo themed door prize. Tickets must be purchased in advance and seating is limited. Parties run from 10 a.m. – 11:30 and again from 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. For pricing and details visit www.rwpzoo.org or call 401-941-4998 or 401-785-3510, ext. 343 to purchase tickets.

April 2 and 3 - Visit with the Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny is returning to Roger Williams Park Zoo, and he’s inviting you to join him for a meet-and-greet. Ticket price includes Zoo admission, a photo with the Easter Bunny, and decorate your own Easter basket craft. Visits with the Easter Bunny will be held on April 2 and 3 from 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Pre-purchased tickets are required. Seating is limited. Visit www.rwpzoo.org for pricing and further detail or call 401-941-4998 or 401-785-3510, ext. 343 to purchase tickets.

Conservation Week & Earth Day Have fun and learn how to live “green” at the Zoo’s week-long Party for the Planet! Each activity-packed day will focus on a different theme, from ways to have fun outdoors to “fun on the farm,” environmental art and more. The week culminates with a large Earth Day celebration and environmental fair featuring displays and activities hosted by green organizations from around Rhode Island. Activities are free with regular Zoo admission. Visit www. rwpzoo.org for a complete schedule and more information, or call 401-785-3510.

April 25 Earth Day

It’s the grand finale to Roger Williams Park Zoo’s week-long “Party for the Planet!” Celebrate Earth Day at the Zoo with fun environmentally-themed activities, an environmental fair featuring displays and activities hosted by “green” organizations from around Rhode Island, live entertainment and more. Activities run from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. and are free with regular Zoo admission. Visit www. rwpzoo.org for more information, or call 401-785-3510.


Roger Williams Park Zoo is open year ‘round, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. daily (last admission at 3:30). Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas day; closed at 2 p.m. on June 26 for Zoobilee fundraiser.


General Zoo admission is $12 adults, $8 seniors, $6 children (ages 3 – 12); Zoo members and children under 3 are free. Certain special events (such as the JackO-Lantern Spectacular) and ticketed events are priced separately.

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Open Registration for Winter, Spring & Summer ZooCamp Online registration opens at 9 a.m. on January 23 for Roger Williams Park Zoo’s ZooCamp, a unique environmental day camp that offers kids an exciting experience they’ll never forget. There’s fun and learning for kids ages 6 – 11 during winter and spring ZooCamp (held during Rhode Island’s public school vacation weeks), and kids ages 4 – 17 can get in on the fun during Summer ZooCamp (week-long sessions held June through August). Arts and crafts, nature games, environmental activities and animal encounters provide all-day fun and learning. Older campers will go on learning adventures as they travel to local natural wonders for exciting activities. Pricing varies by age group. Pre-registration is required. Visit www.rwpzoo.org and click on “Education” for further details and to register, or call 401-785-3510.

January 2010 February – May: Toddler Trek at R. W. Park Zoo

Designed for children ages 20 to 36 months, Toddler Trek is an engaging 60-minute class that helps parent and child explore nature and animal themes through songs, movement, biofacts, animal visitors and interactive play stations. Children receive a “passport” for collecting stamps to celebrate their participation in each program. Themes change monthly, with programs scheduled at various times throughout the month. Pre-registration is required. Visit www.rwpzoo.org and click on “Education” to register and to view program dates, times, themes and fees, or call 401-785-3510 x358.

February – May: Preschool Adventures

The Preschool Adventures program, designed for children ages 3 to 5, focuses on a special animal or area of the Zoo and presents opportunities for adult/child pairs to make discoveries together. Each 90-minute program includes a lesson, snack and craft activity. Themes change monthly, with programs scheduled throughout the month. Pre-registration is required. Visit www.rwpzoo.org and click on “Education” to register and to view program dates, times, themes and fees, or call 401-785-3510 x358.

February – May: Zoo Explorers

Roger Williams Park Zoo hosts this exciting hour-long program just for kids ages 6 to 8 years old, Zoo Explorer-kids can have fun while learning more about our world and the animals in it. Each program features hands-on learning opportunities in the classroom followed by outdoor exploration of the Zoo to learn more about habitat, adaptations, niches and animal behaviors. Themes change monthly, with programs scheduled throughout the month. Pre-registration is required. Visit www.rwpzoo.org and click on “Education” to register and to view program dates, times, themes and fees, or call 401-785-3510 x358.

February 16 – 19: Winter ZooCamp

Roger Williams Park Zoo offers a wild alternative to keeping the kids cooped up in the house during February school vacation week. At Winter ZooCamp, kids ages 6 – 11 enjoy a full day of crafts, activities, animal interviews and even bundled-up tours around the Zoo. This winter focuses on exploring and discovering the four layers of tropical rainforests, the animals that live there and how they survive. Camp runs 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (extended day is available). Pre-registration is required. Registration opens on the Zoo’s website, www.rwpzoo.org, at 9 a.m. on January 23; last day to register is February 8. Visit the website www.rwpzoo.org and click on “Education” or call 401-785-3510 for further details.

March 6: Wild Art

Kids ages 6 to 12 are invited to explore their artistic side at the Zoo. Taught by local artist, Meagan Whitney Cortesi leads the class through a fun drawing lesson designed to help develop new skills and sharpen old ones. Each class is based around a different animal theme. The theme for March will be Fancy Flamingos. The class runs from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Pre-registration is required. Visit www.rwpzoo.org and click on “Education” to register and to view program themes and fees, or call 401-7853510 x358.

March 11

Travel with Roger Williams Park Zoo: Informational Session for Iceland Travel Opportunity Travel with us to Iceland – an island forged by fire and ice with a fascinating culture. Steaming lava fields and hot springs starkly contrast the massive glaciers that continue to sculpt Iceland’s dramatic landscape of mountains and valleys, thundering

The Reporter


waterfalls and plunging fjords. Discover the spectacular landscapes and proud people of this small island nation during this fascinating journey. The trip is planned for September 5 – 12, 2010, but interested persons should attend this informational session at 6 p.m. to get the full details and find out how to make their reservations. Visit the education section of the Zoo’s website, www.rwpzoo.org for more information, or call 401-785-3510 x352 to RSVP.

April 10

Wild Art at Roger Williams Park Zoo Kids ages 6 to 12 are invited to explore their artistic side at the Zoo. Taught by local artist, Meagan Whitney Cortesi leads the class through a fun drawing lesson designed to help develop new skills and sharpen old ones. Each class is based around a different animal theme. The theme for April will be Magnificent Moon Bears. The class runs from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Pre-registration is required. Visit www.rwpzoo.org and click on “Education” to register and to view program themes and fees, or call 401-785-3510 x358.

April 19 – 23

Spring ZooCamp at Roger Williams Park Zoo Help the kids to shake off winter by spending spring break at Roger Williams Park Zoo! At Spring ZooCamp, kids ages 6 - 11 enjoy an exciting week of learning activities, crafts, animal encounters and Zoo tours. This year’s theme, “All in the Family,” will focus on the many ways that animal parents keep their offspring safe, warm and fed as well as how they teach their young to survive in their environment. Camp runs from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Preregistration is required. Registration opens on the Zoo’s website, www.rwpzoo.org, at 9 a.m. on January 23; last day to register is April 5. Visit the website www.rwpzoo.org or call 401-785-3510 for further details. Roger Williams Park Zoo, one of the oldest in the nation, is Rhode Island’s number one outdoor family and tourist attraction and is also a leader in conservation efforts undertaken by a zoo of its size. The Zoo has received numerous awards for environmental education, and conservation work done locally and around the world, caring for species that without human intervention would face certain extinction. Roger Williams Park Zoo is supported and managed by the Rhode Island Zoological Society and is owned by the City of Providence.



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The Reporter January 2010

From the State House Rep. D’Amico’s office hours in Seekonk and Rehoboth for January and February will be: Monday, January 4th: Seekonk Library 410 Newman Ave. 6:30-7:30 P.M.

Monday, February 1st: Seekonk Library 410 Newman Ave. 6:30-7:30 P.M.

Monday, January 11th: Rehoboth’s Blanding Library 124 Bay State Rd. 6:30-7:30 P.M.

Monday, February 8th: Rehoboth’s Blanding Library 124 Bay State Rd. 6:30-7:30 P.M.

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David Saad Congratulates Scott Brown On His Victory

Seekonk – David Saad, candidate for Massachusetts State Representative, 4th District, today congratulates Scott Brown on his Republican primary victory. “I have worked closely with Scott throughout his nomination bid. Working phones passing out literature, meeting with his staff, and I’m happy that we finally have a viable candidate that will truly represent the interests of Massachusetts,” said David Saad. The Saad Campaign held phone banks at Saad’s studio, in Seekonk, making phone calls for the Brown campaign. “Scott will bring common sense to Washington. The same thing I’ve said we need in Massachusetts, “said Saad. The Saad campaign will continue to work with Brown in during the next 50 days to help Scott win the senate seat.

Senator Timilty’s Mixed Martial Arts Regulations Signed Into Law

(Boston, MA) - On Monday, November 30th, an initiative to regulate the sport of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) was signed into law by the Governor. Senate Bill 998, now listed as Chapter 169 of the Acts of 2009, was filed by Senator Timilty (D-Walpole) in an effort to establish a set of uniform standards and practices to regulate what has become the fastest growing sport in the world. “I am thrilled that we were able to pass this legislation in a timely fashion. Mixed Martial Arts is wildly popular, and these regulations will bring us up to speed with the rest of the nation,” said Sen. Timilty. The legislation will transform the State Boxing Commission into the State Athletic Commission, and expand its authority and membership to cover Mixed Martial Arts; aligning the Commonwealth with over 40 states that have enacted similar regulations. It is important to note, that prior to the bill’s passage Mixed Martial Arts events were being held all over the Commonwealth, but there existed no set guidelines by which to operate. While studies have proven that MMA is safer than boxing, the lack of standards governing the competitions, certification of physicians, referees, and participants posed a public safety risk that both the Legislature and the industry worked hard to eliminate. “These MMA events are held in venues across the Commonwealth every day, and have been for quite some time,” said Timilty. “That is why passing legislation to regulate the sport was so important. We want it to be safe for everyone.” The opportunity to generate new revenue became an ancillary benefit to establishing these much needed safety regulations. Industry giants such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) have fought hard for regulations in states across the country. They went so far as to adopt a business model whereby they would not hold an even in a state that has not enacted these public safety regulations. Now that Commonwealth has passed the MMA legislation, the UFC has reported interest in holding a large scale event in Boston, and possibly smaller events in the Worcester and Springfield area. As a component of the legislation, the state will be in line to retain a portion of the revenue from the gate and payper-view sales, not to mention the number of one-time jobs created and local hotel and restaurant revenues.

January 2010 The Reporter “The ability of the state to capture a small portion of the revenue from a large scale MMA event was an added bonus in this difficult economy. In addition, these large scale events put people to work, and the fans stimulate the local hotel, restaurant, and shopping areas,” concluded Sen. Timilty. The newly formed State Athletic Commission, under the Department of Public Safety, will be in charge of promulgating and enforcing these newly required regulations. Chapter 169 of the Acts of 2009 will take effect 90 days from the date of the Governor’s signature.


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A Sleep Apnea Informational Fair Will Be Held On January 14

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Sturdy Memorial Hospital will hold a Sleep Apnea Informational Fair on Thursday, January 14, 2010. The Fair will feature the latest technology and equipment available to treat sleep apnea. The evening’s topic is “What Is Sleep Apnea and How Is It Treated?” Additionally, attendees will learn how to care for their equipment. Sturdy Memorial clinicians will also be on hand to provide information and address questions and concerns. Sleep Apnea is a common sleep disorder characterized by brief interruptions of breathing during sleep. An apnea is clinically defined as a cessation of breath that lasts at least ten seconds. Although the typical sleep apnea patient is overweight, male and over the age of forty, sleep apnea affects both males and females of all ages and weights. More than twelve million Americans suffer from sleep apnea and it is estimated that ten million remain undiagnosed. The Fair will be held in the Hospital’s Auditorium from 7 – 9 p.m. For more information or to register, call the Respiratory Care Department at 508/236-7550.

Sturdy Memorial to Offer Free Infant Massage Program

Sturdy Memorial Hospital will be offering a Free infant massage program on Saturday, January 23, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Auditorium at the Hospital. This program is designed for new moms and their partners and will be led by Jean Stringham, Sturdy Memorial’s infant massage coordinator. It will focus on the techniques and benefits of massage for infants. Tips on how to soothe and calm a colicky baby will also be provided. Parents are encouraged to bring their infants, age two weeks to ten months old. Participants from prior programs have the following to say: “Not only did I learn how to soothe my baby, but I now know when the optimal time to massage him is.” “It was especially helpful to me as a first time mother. I really enjoyed the program.” Class size is limited and pre-registration is necessary. For more information or to register by January 17, 2010, please call Nursing Administration at 508/236-7151.



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The Reporter January 2010

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January Support Groups

Sturdy Memorial Hospital offers support groups on a variety of topics throughout the year. The groups are FREE and open to the public. The following are scheduled for January 2010:

Breastfeeding Support Group – Tuesday, January 12, 2010 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. in the Clinical Education Center. For more information, call Nursing Administration at 508236-7151. Partners and Caregivers of Patients with Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, January 13, 2010 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. in Conference Room A. For more information, call the Oncology Department at 508-236-7010. Stroke Support Group – Thursday, January 14, 2010 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. in the Clinical Education Center. For more information, call the Nursing Education Department at 508-236-7166. Cancer Support Group – Tuesday, January 19, 2010 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in Conference 26 Hillside Ave, Rehoboth, MA Rooms A, B & C. For more information, call the Oncology Department at 508-236-7010. Blind and Visually Impaired Support Group – Wednesday, January 20, 2010 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, contact John Marino Quick Radio Dispatched Service who serves as the group’s advisor at 508-226-6374 or call the Hospital at 508-236-7680. Breathing Club – Tuesday, January 26, 2010 from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. For more information, call the Respiratory Care Department at 508-236-7550. Breast Cancer Support Group – Wednesday, January 27, 2010 from 6 – 7:30 p.m. in Conference Rooms A, B & C. For more information, call Ellen Gilbert or Julia Twining at 508-236-7015. Diabetes Support Group – Wednesday, January 27, 2010 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. in the Auditorium. The topic of discussion will be “Diabetes & Kidney Disease” presented by Michael Thursby, D.O. FRE E For more information, call the Nursing Education Department at C I E MOBILE SERV 508-236-7166.  Auto Glass

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All About Gout and How to Live Without Pain

By Amparo Gordian, MD, Rheumatologist at Mansfield Health Center Gout, a form of arthritis that causes an attack of sudden burning pain, stiffness, and swelling in a joint, can be excruciating and potentially disabling. It is sometimes referred to as the “disease of kings” because, throughout history, it has been associated with the result of overindulging in foods and beverages only the rich and powerful could afford. Today, however, up to three million Americans are living with this “royal pain,” but fortunately we know more about the disease including what causes it and how it can be treated. Initial symptoms of gout consist of intense episodes of painful swelling in single and sometimes multiple joints, most often in the knees, ankles, and feet, especially in the big toe. This type of arthritis occurs when excess uric acid, which is a normal waste product, accumulates in the body, forming crystals that deposit in the joints. Uric acid buildup can occur if production of uric acid increases or if the kidneys are unable to adequately remove the chemical from the body. Certain foods such as shellfish, and alcohol, especially beer, may also increase uric acid levels and lead to gout attacks. As experts in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatologists evaluate patients with attacks of joint swelling and pain to determine whether gout is the cause of their arthritis symptoms. Rheumatologists prescribe medications for gout patients to decrease inflammation and pain, and to normalize blood uric acid levels to prevent gout

January 2010 The Reporter attacks as well as joint irritation, which could cause serious damage to the joints. Patients are advised to reduce or stop drinking alcohol and to restrict foods rich in purines, such as meat and certain types of seafood. Gout and its complications occur more often in men and women after menopause. It is important for people who experience gout symptoms to seek help to treat pain, to prevent and even reverse uric acid buildup that causes gout, and to assess possible broader implications of the disease. Gout is often associated with heart and kidney disease, obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. With the help of a rheumatologist, most cases of gout can be successfully treated so patients experience a gradual ending of attacks. People who experience symptoms of gout should know that the pain they are experiencing can be treated and decreased, if not put to an end altogether. For more information about gout or arthritis symptoms and treatment, or to make an appointment with Dr. Gordian, call the Mansfield Health Center at 508-339-4144. Most insurance plans are accepted. Mansfield Health Center is one of 13 practices that make up Sturdy Memorial Associates (SMA), and its physicians are associated with Sturdy Memorial Hospital.


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The Vascular Laboratory at Sturdy Memorial Hospital Receives Accreditation

Attleboro, MA, December 9, 2009 – The Vascular Laboratory at Sturdy Memorial Hospital has received a three-year reaccredidation by the Intersocietal Commission for the Accreditation of Vascular Laboratories (ICAVL), based on the results of a recent inspection. Accreditation status signifies that the facility has been reviewed by an independent agency that recognizes the Laboratory’s commitment to quality testing for diagnosis of vascular disease. During the accreditation process, every aspect of the laboratory’s daily operations and its impact on the quality of health care provided to patients is assessed and reviewed. Participation in the voluntary accreditation process and substantial compliance to the requirements outlined in the ICAVL Standards demonstrate the laboratory’s concern for high quality patient care and attention to quality assurance. First accredited in 1997, Sturdy Memorial is one of a select number of vascular laboratories in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico to be granted such status.

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Sturdy Memorial Hospital Holding A Free Heart Healthy Fair On February 26 Stroke Screenings to Be Offered

Sturdy Memorial will hold its annual Heart Healthy Fair on Friday, February 26, 2010 from 7 – 11:30 a.m. in Conference Rooms A & B at the Hospital. The fair will feature health screenings, general health information, samples of heart healthy food and more. Blood pressure measurements, risk factor assessments, stroke screenings, and glucose and cholesterol testing will be offered free of charge. Cholesterol tests require a 12-hour fast. Test results will be mailed. Hospital staff nurses and laboratory technicians will administer the screenings. Pre-registration is required for glucose and cholesterol testing. To make an appointment, please call 508/236-8555. For the convenience of our patients and visitors, curbside valet service is available at the Emergency Care Center (ECC) entrance. The valet service is FREE to all patients and visitors and is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Sturdy Memorial Hospital is a full-service, independent, financially stable, non-profit acute care community hospital in Attleboro, Massachusetts.

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Adult Programs at Capron Park Zoo

Have you been envious of your children as you send them off to programs at the zoo? Well, you need not envy them any longer – join us for an adults-only program series at Capron Park Zoo. These programs will cover a variety of topics and are designed to for adults to enjoy learning about the zoo and animals. All adult programs run from 6-7:30 PM. The dates and program topics are: December 10: The Zoo in Review: Capron Park Zoo has been a vital part of Attleboro for more than 80 years, and more than one well-known local icon has helped it grow. Join volunteer Pat Metrano as she takes you on a time-traveling journey back through the years to see how far the zoo has come and even a snapshot into the future. January 13: Genetics of Conservation: Modern day zoos rarely take animals from the wild any longer so it’s important that breeding be executed in as scientific and responsible fashion as possible. This session will ‘de-mystify’ basic genetics and explain how zoos are using this amazing science to save endangered species. February 10: Jungle Love: What does it take to be a lioness’ mate? DO lemurs create ‘lovenests’? What exactly goes on in a kangaroos’ pouch? Explore the trials and tribulations of the animal mating game in the interested – and often amusing – session. FEE: Members - $5/adult Non-members - $7/adult Pre-registration is required - sign up for a single evening or all of them! Light refreshments will be provided. Contact the Education Department at: 774-203-1843 to register. Education Department Melanie Stoehrer, Curator of Education Capron Park Zoo 774-203-1843; 508-223-2208 cpzstoehrer@yahoo.com; www.capronparkzoo.com

The Arc of Northern Bristol County Receives Highest Certification

Attleboro, MA: The Arc of Northern Bristol County has received a Two Year License and Certification with Distinction from the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services Office of Quality Management and Quality Enhancement for Individual Supports and Residential Services. Two-Year License and Certification with Distinction is the highest accreditation the division awards. “I cannot say enough about our outstanding staff and supporters who work tirelessly in providing the highest level of care to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities,” said Michael Andrade, President /CEO of The Arc of Northern Bristol County. “We take great pride in providing progressive and individualized services, meeting the needs of each person who seeks our help. It’s wonderful to have this effort recognized by the State and reaching their highest standards.” The Department of Developmental Services Office of Quality Management, Office of Quality Enhancement wrote of their assessment of The Arc: “The agency is congratulated for its accomplishment of achieving a Two-Year License and Certification with Distinction. The organization’s continued commitment to supporting individuals to have rich and full lives through valuing and maintaining highly trained and competent support staff are the key factors in the agency’s remarkable dependability in delivering quality supports. This sense of commitment to individuals and support staff, combined with the agency’s strong organizational planning, and ongoing oversight of it systems and practices, should continue to provide a strong framework on which the agency can maintain and enrich future supports that are innovative and responsive to the wishes of families and individuals in need of services.”

January 2010 The Reporter About The Department of Developmental Services Office of Quality Management, Office of Quality Enhancement: The Survey and Certification system is the process by which Department of Developmental Services licenses and certifies all public and private providers of community residential, work/day, placement and site based respite services. The tool used to license/certify providers, known as the Quality Enhancement Survey Tool (QUEST) evaluates the impact of a provider’s services on the quality of life of individuals in five key domains and one organizational domain. A random sample of individuals is selected in proportion to the number of individuals served by the provider in discrete service models. About The Arc of Northern Bristol County: Established in 1959, The Arc of Northern Bristol County presently serves over 2,000 adults and children with developmental disabilities, and their families. The Arc’s mission is “to strive for the right of all individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be valued as individuals, to experience choice, and to be fully included in all aspects of community life.” We welcome participation and support from our community members to help us advance our mission. Contact The Arc at (508) 226-1445 or www.arcnbc.org.

Deadline for Submitting News is now the 23rd of each month...

Advertise In The Rehoboth Reporter

Call 508-252-6575 Attleboro Community Theatre

Attleboro Community Theatre (ACT) is pleased to announce open auditions for “Jake’s Women,” the Neil Simon comedy classic. Jake, a novelist who is more successful with fiction than with life, faces a marital crisis by daydreaming about the women in his life. The wildly comic and sometimes moving flashbacks played in his mind are interrupted by visitations from actual females, including his first wife who was killed years earlier in an accident, his daughter who is depicted as a child but is actually a grown woman, his boisterous and bossy sister, an opinionated analyst, his current wife who is leaving Jake for another man, and a prospective third wife. Directed by Harriet Friedman. When: Sunday and Monday, February 14 & 15, 2010, 7:00 p.m. (snow date: Tuesday, February 16) Where: Ezekiel Bates Masonic Lodge 71 North Main St. Attleboro Performances: Apr 30, May 1, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15 & 16, 2010 For more information, please call ACT at 508-226-8100 or visit our website at www.attleborocommunitytheatre.com.

Ice Cutting in Attleboro

Ice cutting during the depression years provided day work for the men of Attleboro. As part of its ongoing mission to promote and preserve the history of Attleboro, the Attleboro Historic Preservation Society’s next monthly program at 6:45 p.m. on Thursday, January 21, 2010 will present “Ice Cutting in Attleboro”. Dyanne Spatcher, a local history teacher and long time resident of Attleboro will share information about the Cooper family and ice cutting on Cooper’s pond. The program will be held at the Attleboro Industrial Museum at 42 Union Street, Attleboro, MA. The public is invited to attend.


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The Reporter January 2010

MDA Evening Among Stars Among National Efforts To Spotlight Lou Gehrig’s Disease

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[Providence, RI, 1/7/10] — As we begin another new year of Muscular Dystrophy awareness and support, the Muscular Dystrophy Association wants to ensure that all members of the public know the deadly effects of ALS and the importance of helping to defeat it. Here in Providence, MDA will sponsor “An Evening Among Stars” on Friday March 26, 2010. This is a unique party featuring cocktails, hors de oeuvres, a silent and live auction, and of course fun! The success of the event over the past four years has grown phenomenally, raising much needed funds to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association’s amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) research and services. This year’s event, once again hosted by ABC6, and held at the new, noteworthy Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island building is destined to continue the upward trend. The event will raise funds to support services, research, and information programs of MDA’s ALS Division. For information on how your company can be a sponsor, please contact the MDA at the information below. ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease) is a devastating disorder that destroys the nerve cells that control voluntary muscles. Muscles grow progressively weaker until paralyzed, and death usually occurs within three to five years. The disease typically strikes adults in the prime of life. Its cause is unknown, and no cure has yet been found. For more than 50 years, MDA has led the world in funding research into ALS treatments and cures, and providing services for people affected by the disease. MDA’s aggressive $13 million ALS research effort spans the globe. In addition, MDA maintains 35 MDA/ALS centers at major medical institutions across the country, as well as a national network of some 200 hospital-affiliated MDA clinics. Residents of the Greater Rhode Island area affected by ALS and other neuromuscular diseases receive medical care at the MDA clinic at Rhode Island Hospital. MDA’s ALS services include loaned medical equipment and financial help with repairing wheelchairs, leg braces and communication devices. MDA also provides educational materials, support groups and an up-to-the-minute Web site (www.als-mda.org). For information about “An Evening Among Stars”, call the MDA Providence office at 401-732-1910. For information about MDA’s ALS Division, visit www.alsmda.org. MDA is a voluntary health organization working to defeat more than 40 neuromuscular diseases through programs of worldwide research, comprehensive services, and far-reaching professional and public health education.

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The Reporter January 2010

Seekonk Human Services Seekonk Human Services Staff *Center Hours *Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Wednesday Evenings at Town Hall By appointment only *Friday 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 Noon Telephone: (508) 336-8772 FAX: (508) 336-2239 Executive Director Bernadette Huck Ext. 115

Happy New Year! From Seekonk Human Services

Seekonk Human Services will be closed on Monday, January 18th Martin Luther King Day

Free Home Energy Saving Seminar For Retirees Wednesday A.M. Coffee January 13, 2010

Location: Seekonk Human Services Time: 10:00 A.M. Want to reduce your home energy costs? Looking for cheap, do-it-yourself solutions? Interested in ways to finance energy and heating improvements? You’ll learn about all this and more by attending this free seminar presented by the Massachusetts Municipal Association. The workshop will stress the importance of reducing heat usage by providing do-ityourself sealing techniques; information on which in-depth alterations are most cost effective; tips on reducing electricity and water usage, resources for home audits, rebates and financing alterations. Presenters will lead a slideshow to illustrate hands-on-tips and provide free educational materials for everyone attending. A free lunch will be provided for all those attending the seminar, but you must call 508-336-8772 to register.

2nd Annual Food for Fuel Pasta Fest Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seekonk High School 5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Open Seating Pasta, Meatballs & Salad, Dessert, Coffee & Juice

Administrative Assistant Phyllis Corbitt ext. 112 Editor: Town Crier, Art Therapist Clerical Assistant Kimberly Mallon ext. 110 Educational & Social Programs Karen Stutz ext. 114 (Monday – Wednesday mornings) Outreach Case Managers Jan Tabor, LPN ext. 111

Telephone: (508) 336-8772 FAX: (508) 336-2239 Senior Aides Nancy Rodrigues Nancy Vine Loretta Ferreira Seekonk Human Services Executive Board Members Christine Allen Rene Andrews Anita Gendron Victoria Kinniburgh Anne Libby Lynne Neves Josephine Veader

Veronica Brickley, LPN BASOC ext. 117 (Monday, Wed, Friday) Raffles Adults: $8; Children 12 & Under $5 Balloon Entertainer for the children Dessert Donations will be greatly appreciated. Please bring them to the High School for the dessert table. This event is sponsored by the Seekonk Non-Profit Coalition and will benefit the Fuel & Utility Fund of Seekonk Human Services. For tickets call 508-336-8772.

Men’s Breakfast

Ramada Inn Date: January 14, 2010

Time: 8:30 A.M. Cost: $7.25 Speaker Representative Steve D’Amico All men are welcome to attend and bring a friend with you. The breakfast is held on the second Thursday of every month with interesting speakers with topics of relevance to men. No registration is necessary and you can pay at the restaurant. Come join a wonderful group of men who have been meeting together for several years. Date: February 11, 2010 Time: 8:30 A.M. There will be a speaker

PITCH (Hi-Lo-Jack) Dates: January 20, 2010

Time: 12:30 – 3:00 Card games are held twice a month at Seekonk Human Services. There is no registration required and you are welcome to bring a friend with you. Dates: February 3 & February 17, 2010


@ Seekonk Human Services Date: January 27, 2010

Time: 10:00 A.M. Lunch: $2 Our speaker will be Dave Miller from Seekonk DPW. Dave will be available for

any questions you may have regarding the Dept. of Public Works. Portuguese Soup and pulled pork sandwiches will be available after the presentation. Please call 508-3368772 if you plan to stay for lunch.

February 24, 2010

Time: 10:00 A.M. Lunch: $2 Speaker: Natalie Sowersby, Social Security Lunch: French Meat Pie, potatoes, vegetables Please call 508-336-8772 if you plan to stay for lunch.

Chef On A Shoe String @ Seekonk Human Services Date: January 12, 2010

Cost: $3 per class Time: 1:45 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Student chefs from Johnson & Wales will be at Human Services on Tuesdays for six weeks to cook recipes that are good for one or two people. Recipes will be shared and you will also get to take home a sample of whatever is cooked. You may sign up for as many classes as you like. Please call Karen at 508 336-8772 if you would like to register for this class.

Cardiac Prevention Clinic Date: January 20, 2010

FREE 9:00 am – 12:00 Noon Seekonk Human Services hosts a monthly cardiac prevention clinic on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. South Coast Hospital nurses are here to take your blood pressure and to check your cholesterol, BMI (Body Mass Index) and glucose. You will have the results of your test within 5 minutes and will be able to speak with the nurse about any health concerns you may have. No appointment is necessary. It is first come, first served.

January 2010 The Reporter

Seekonk Senior Citizen Discount Form

Seekonk Human Services has Comcast discount forms – 10% discount on the Standard Cable level of service. Proof of eligibility needed: At least 65 years of age, copy of MA drivers license, copy of birth certificate Head of Household – copy of utility bill, copy of tax bill Medicaid Eligible, SSI Eligible (Copy of Mass Health card) OR Senior Citizens receiving fuel assistance benefits. (Copy of fuel assistance benefit certificate or receipt).

Prescription Advantage

Having trouble affording the premiums, co-payments, or “donut-hole” costs for your prescription drugs? Massachusetts has a state prescription assistance program called Prescription Advantage to help limited income seniors and low income disabled persons under 65 cover their prescription drugs. Membership in Prescription Advantage also entitles you to change your prescription drug plan once a year at any time of the year. To determine whether you are eligible for Prescription Advantage, call Seekonk Human Services and make an appointment with a SHINE counselor@ (508)336-8772.

Exploration Wednesday’s February 3, 2010 @ 10:00 a.m.

Seekonk Human Services will have Lisa Yanku from Comfort Keepers here to speak. Comfort Keepers is an organization which provides in-home care for seniors and loved ones such as: companionship, meal preparation, transportation to doctor appointments or other commitments, light housekeeping, in-home safety technology. Comfort Keepers is dedicated to helping people live full, independent and dignified lives within the comfort of their own homes. Families choose Comfort Keepers for different reasons. For some, it is for extensive care. For others, they offer a much needed break or “respite care” for family members who regularly provide care. A pizza lunch for $2 will be served following the presentation. Please sign up at 508336-8772 if you intend to stay for lunch.

Valentine Party February 10, 2010

Seekonk Human Services @ 10:00 A.M. Barney Mallon, Karaoke King, will entertain with song and you are welcome to sing along with him. A lunch of pasta & meatballs with salad & dessert will be

available for $2. Please sign up for lunch at 508-336-8772 as well as the party because seating is limited.

COA Fitness Classes at the YMCA

Seekonk Human Services/COA in conjunction with the Seekonk YMCA is offering fitness classes for seniors to be held at the YMCA. “ Arthritis Foundation Water Exercise” classes M/W/F at 9:00 – 9:45 a.m. Aqua Aerobics (a bit more vigorous) M/W/F 9:45 -10:30 a.m. Water Walking on Tues/Thurs at 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. “Sit To Be Fit” on Mondays at 11:0011:45 a.m. “Slow Flow Yoga” 10:00 – 11:00 am on Wednesdays Evening Aqua Aerobics on Mondays & Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Our pool temp is kept at 85 degrees to keep those joints limber and feeling great! All classes are $3 for seniors age 60 and older. You will need to use your Human Services swipe card for each class. If you don’t have a card, you can get one at the COA, 320 Pleasant St. (508) 336-8772.

Beltone New England “FREE Hearing Screenings @ Human Services Date: February 17, 2010

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon Free A trained Beltone Community Outreach Specialist will be available to provide free video ear scans, free hearing screenings and free hearing instrument cleanings for all those that attend. Research shows that hearing loss, when left untreated, leads to isolation, disruption of family life, and causes a wide range of psychological problems. The good news is that effective solutions for hearing loss are available. Appointments are held every 15 minutes, so please call 508-336-8772 to sign up.

Registry of Motor Vehicles

An express branch of the Registry of Motor Vehicles is opening in Downtown Attleboro in the former post office building on Park Street. The office will be open Monday through Friday from 9 to 5 for license and registration renewals. The hope is that an Attleboro facility will reduce the long lines at the Taunton & Fall River offices. The Registry of Motor Vehicles is no longer mailing out license and registration renewal notices. Check your license each year near your birthday to see if this is the year it expires. Renewal can also be done on line at www.mass.gov/rmv. You may call 1-800-858-3926 for more information.


GATRA Transportation 1-800-483-2500 Dial-A-Ride

Cash Fares Each Way: Seekonk to Attleboro… $1.25 Seekonk to East Providence… $1.25 Seekonk to Rehoboth… $1.25 Seekonk… $1.25 Seekonk to Providence… $2.50 Seekonk to Pawtucket… $2.50 Seekonk to Barrington (upon availability)… $2.50 Any towns outside of these areas will be upon availability. Passes: 10 – Ride Ticket… $10.00 You can purchase a GATRA ticket at Seekonk Human Services or you can pay cash on the van. Tickets cannot be purchased on the van. If you are homebound and need a ticket please call Human Services @ (508) 336-8772.

Go Shopping With GATRA

Shopping trips are being offered by GATRA for any senior citizen who resides in Seekonk. The GATRA van will be picking you up at your home, but you must call 1-800-483-2500 to schedule your pick-up time. * All times are subject to change if necessary. Swansea Mall 1st Tuesday of every month 9:00 – 1:00 Wal*Mart/Target Plaza 3rd Tuesday of every month 9:00 – 10:30 Grocery Shopping Wednesday’s at Stop & Shop 8:30 – 9:30 Grocery Shopping P r i c e R i t e ( 2 n d Thursday of month) 9:00 – 10:30 * Rides will be Free until further notice. Please notify Seekonk Human Services if GATRA is unable to accommodate you with your doctor’s appointments’.

Fuel Assistance

Applications are available at Seekonk Human Services for those who have never applied. For anyone who received fuel assistance last year, you should have received your application in the mail. Please call the Outreach Dept. at Seekonk Human Services @ 508-336-8772 to make an appointment. Other help is available even if you don’t qualify for fuel assistance.

Get Free Or Discounted Telephone Services From Safelink Wireless

Lifeline Assistance is part of a program that was created by the government to provide discounted or free telephone service to income-eligible consumers. Through Lifeline Services you will receive Free cellular service, a Free cell


The Reporter January 2010

phone, and 80 Free minutes every month! SafeLink Wireless Service does not cost anything—there are no contracts, no recurring fees, and no monthly charges. Any minutes you do not use will roll-over. Features such as caller ID, call waiting and voice mail are also included with your service. You qualify for Lifeline Service in your area if… You already participate in one of the following assistance programs: Food stamps Mass. Comm., Mass. Comm. blind benefits, Fuel assistance, S.S.I., E.A.E.D.C., Veteran’s benefits, Medicaid/Mass Health, Public housing No one in your household currently receives Lifeline Assistance through another phone carrier. You have a valid United States Postal Address. Your free phone card can only be sent to a residential address, not to a post office box. If you would like more information on this program or to apply visit www.safelinkwireless.com or call 1-800-977-3768.

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Building with Pride

Audobon Society Of Rhode Island January Highlights from the Audubon Society of Rhode Island

(December 1, 2009) – Get off the couch! Bundle up, throw on some snowshoes and trek out with an Audubon guide. Join a winter exploration to search for otters playing on a frozen pond or enjoy a hike under the stars and learn how wildlife refuges never sleep. Experience the wonder of winter in January with Audubon. A complete listing of activities and programs are detailed in the Audubon Nature Tours and Program Guide. Visit www.asri.org to download a copy or call (401) 949-5454. Unless noted, registration is required for all programs.

Photography Exhibit: My Neighbors, Your Neighbors Too

January 3 – February 28, 2010 Audubon Environmental Education Center; Bristol, RI; 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Marcia Sessions presents a collection of photographs featuring the many lives, both animal and plant, which live side-by-side with each of us in our yards, our gardens and our nearby ponds, seashores, and woodlands. She views these spaces as not “ours” at all, but as the homes of many species of animals and plants, of which we are but one among many. An Episcopal priest in Rhode Island, she encourages viewers to understand that our neighbors include all living things. The opening reception will be held on January 3, 2010, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Program Fee: Free with the price of admission. January 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2010 Tuesday Morning Bird Walks 8:00 a.m. These popular bird walks continue every Tuesday in January. Phil Budlong will be coordinating the programs. Meet at the Charlestown Mini-Super on Route 1-A. If you’d like advance details on the itinerary for that week, email Phil at pbudlong@cox.net. No advance registration is required. Leaves from Charlestown, RI; Program Fee: Free; Ages: Adult.

Winter Big Day Birding Trip

January 9, 2010 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Join a Rhode Island tradition! Set out with an Audubon guide and cover many of the state’s winter birding hot spots during this daylong van trip in search of our feathered winter residents. Barrow’s Goldeneye, Eurasian Wigeon, Short-eared Owl, and Snow Bunting are among those you might find. Pack a lunch. Departs from Powder Mill Ledges, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield RI; Program Fee: $40/member, $50/non-member; Ages: 14+. Course Number: 014333-01. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

January 9, 2010 Audubon Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge Exeter, RI; 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Discover the stillness and beauty of nature in winter. Join Audubon on a quiet winter exploration of the woods and fields of Fisherville Brook. Look for animal tracks in the snow,

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January 2010 The Reporter otter playing on the frozen pond, signs of beaver and more! Please pre-register and dress for the weather. Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, 99 Pardon Joslin Road, Exeter, RI; Program Fee: $8/member adult, $4/member child; $10/nonmember adult, $5/non-member child; Ages: 6+. Course Number: 134333-140. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Audubon Lecture: Armchair Naturalist Series Animal Tracks and Signs

January 13, 2010 Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge Smithfield, RI; 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Learn from an Audubon expert the basics of track patterns for native mammals and how to detect signs of wildlife in your outdoor environment. Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Program Fee: $8/member, $10/non-member; Ages: Adult. Course Number: 114333-320. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Winter Beach Walk

January 16, 2010 Moonstone Beach; South Kingstown, RI 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Join Kimball naturalist Bob Kenney for an afternoon walk along Moonstone Beach, without the summer crowds or closed piping plover nesting areas. We’ll be there on the out-going tide, perfect for some leisurely beach combing and bird watching. Even though Moonstone is known as a “clothing optional” beach, the only option today is likely to be whether to wear three, four, or five layers! Bring your binoculars. There will be a spotting scope available. Moonstone Beach Road, South Kingstown, RI; Program Fee: $8/member adult, $4/member child; $10/non-member adult, $5/ non-member child; Ages: All. Course Number: 044166-93. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@ asri.org.

Owl Prowl

January 22, 2010; Audubon Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge; Exeter, RI; 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. If you have already experienced an Audubon Owl prowl, and want more, this is the program for you. In a small group, spend time with one of Audubon’s live educational owls reviewing what make these birds so special. Then head out on the trails in search of these wild birds. Please wear warm clothing, sturdy boots and bring a flashlight. Pre-registration is a must, this program is limited to 12 participants. Adults only.


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Fisherville Brook Wildlife Refuge, 99 Pardon Joslin Road, Exeter, RI; Program Fee: $8/member adult, $10/non-member adult; Ages: Adult. Course Number: 134333-150. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Environmental Activism

January 23, 2010 Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge Smithfield, RI; 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Discover what current environmental issues are happening at the state and federal levels and how you can affect change. Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Program Fee: $8/member, $10/non-member; Ages: 18+. Course Number: 104333-28. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Snowshoeing at Fort Refuge

January 23, 2010 Audubon Fort Nature Refuge North Smithfield, RI 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Explore the beauty of the Audubon Fort Nature Refuge in winter. Search for tracks and other signs of wildlife. If there is no snow we will hike the trails. Program will be cancelled if the trails are too icy. You must supply your own snowshoes. They can be rented from REI or Eastern Mountain Sports. Fort Nature Refuge, 1443 Providence Pike, North Smithfield, RI Program Fee: $8/member, $10/non-member; Ages: 12+. Course Number: 154333-321. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Winter Night Hike

January 23, 2010 Audubon Caratunk Wildlife Refuge Seekonk, MA; 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. Explore the trails under the stars at the Caratunk Wildlife Refuge and discover how the refuge never sleeps. Maybe you’ll hear a resident Eastern Screech-Owl or a howling coyote. It’s a unique way to spend family time on the trails. Bring a flashlight. Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk MA; Program Fee: $10/member adult/child pair, $5 each additional member; $12/non-member adult/child pair, $6 each additional nonmember. Ages: 8+. Course Number: 014333-02. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org. continued on next page...

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The Reporter January 2010

Owl Prowl at Caratunk

January 30, 2010 Audubon Caratunk Wildlife Refuge Seekonk, MA; 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Join an Audubon expert on the trails at Caratunk in search of owls – the mystical creatures of the night. Great Horned and Eastern Screech owls frequent the refuge. Start the evening off with a short presentation on these amazing creatures, and then hit the trails. Hiking the wooded paths at night is always a special experience – you never quite know what nocturnal creatures you might hear or see. Caratunk Wildlife Refuge, 301 Brown Avenue, Seekonk MA; Program Fee: $8/member adult, $4/member child; $10/non-member adult, $5 non-member child. Ages: 8+. Course Number: 01433303. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@ asri.org.

Animal Tracks and Signs for Families Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge

January 30, 2010; Seekonk, MA; 10:00 a.m. – Noon Learn from an expert how to identify different tracks and other signs of our native mammals and birds. Explore patterns, investigate artifacts and try your hand at making plaster tracks to take home. Then venture out on the trails to see what evidence we can find that wild things have been there. Dress for the weather. Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Road, Smithfield, RI; Program Fee: $8/member adult/child pair, $4/each additional member; $10/non-member adult/child pair, $5/each additional nonmember; Ages: 5+. Course Number: 114333-322. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

10.5 in.


Winter Birding at Sachuest Point

January 30, 2010 Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge Middletown, RI; 10:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge is one of the few places in Rhode Island where “hot” birding occurs during the winter. Horned Larks, Snow Buntings, Short-eared Owls, Purple Sandpipers, and the stars of the show, Harlequin Ducks, are often spotted. Meet in the refuge parking lot and join an Audubon guide and head for the shore to look for waterfowl and other winter residents of the rocky seashore and scrubby coastal habitats. Be sure to dress for the cold and the wind. Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge, Third Beach Road, Middletown, RI. Program Fee: $8/member adult, $4/member child; $10/non-member adult, $5/non-member child Ages: 8+. Course Number: 044166-91. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@ asri.org.

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Frosty Trails lead to Winter Fun! Audubon Society of Rhode Island

January Programs and Events for Children and Families

(December 7, 2009) – The winter trails through forest and field are peaceful and quiet. Bring the whole family and search for animal tracks in the snow or look for otters playing on a frozen pond. Get the kids off the couch, pull on some warm and wooly mittens, and have some frosty fun! A complete listing of activities and programs are detailed in the Audubon Nature Tours and Programs, a free guide to connecting with the natural world. Available by calling (401) 949-5454 or online at www.asri.org.

January 2010 The Reporter

Story Time with Audubon

January 7, 8 and 15, 2010 Two Locations Offered Times vary, see below Enjoy story time with your preschooler each month. The programs include the reading of a nature story with hands-on activities followed by a nature craft. See schedules below for dates, stories and locations. Adults must accompany children. To register call (401) 949-5454 ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI January 7 and 8: One Winter’s Day by Christopher Butler. Program Times are 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on January 7, 10:00 a.m. only on January 8. Program Fee: $5/member child, $6/non-member child; Ages 3-5. Course Number 164333-01. Audubon Powder Mill Ledges Wildlife Refuge, 12 Sanderson Rd., Smithfield, RI January 15: The Mitten by Jan Brett. Course Number: 114333308 Program Times are 10:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.; Program Fee: $5/member child; $6/non-member child. Ages: 3-5. Course Number: 114333-291


but it’s a whole lot of fun! Free with admission but registration is required. Audubon Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; January 23, 2010; 1:00-2:00 p.m.; Program Fee: Free with Admission; Ages: All. Course Number: 164333-139. To register call (401) 949-5454, ext. 3041 or email programs@asri.org.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Nature Explorations

January 18, 2009 Audubon Environmental Education Center Bristol, RI; 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Enjoy the holiday break with fun-filled nature activities the whole family will enjoy. No registration is needed. Free with admission. 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.: Nature Craft Table 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.: Animal Interview 11:30 a.m.: Winter Hike (Weather Permitting) 2:30 p.m.: Nature Story Environmental Education Center, 1401 Hope Street, Bristol, RI; Program Fee: Free with admission; Ages: All. Snowshoeing with the Audobon.

Li’l Peeps

Thursdays*, January 21 – March 4, 2010 Audubon Environmental Education Center Bristol, RI; 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. This popular program introduces children ages 1 and 2 to the delights of nature through age-appropriate, hands-on activities. Along with a nature lesson, activities may include refuge walks, crafts, songs and stories. This is also a wonderful opportunity to make new friends with the other children and parents. Registration is required as space is limited and very fills quickly. Adults must accompany children and there are no refunds for missed classes. In order to maintain an age-appropriate program we ask that older siblings not accompany the parent/child team. Fee for six week series: $48 member child, $66 member 2 siblings/program, $54 non-member child, $72 non-member 2 siblings/program. Ages 1-2 Winter Series: Thursdays, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., January 21 March 4, 2009; *Please note there will be no class on February 18 due to February school vacation. Spring Series: Thursdays, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m., April 1 - May 13, 2009. * Please note there will be no class on April 22 due to April school vacation. To register call (401) 949-5454 ext. 3041 or email programs@ asri.org.

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The Reporter January 2010

January 2010 Events at Providence Children’s Museum Mechanical Menagerie exhibit Through January 31, 2010

See a collection of eye-popping sculptures – antelopes, birds, bugs, frogs, a jellyfish and more – fashioned from recycled electronics and other repurposed junk by award-winning Providence artist Ann P. Smith, a Rhode Island School of Design graduate who has exhibited her work across the country.

Happy New Year!

Museum Closed - Mon., January 11 Play and Learn Tues., January 12 • 10:00 A.M. - Noon

Preschoolers experiment with loud, soft, high and low sounds as they use simple instruments. Ages 2 - 4

Blast Off Wed., January 13 • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M.

Kids send a rocket soaring across the room using the power of air in the FETCH!™ Lab, a hands-on science center. Ages 5 - 11

Bone Zone Thurs., January 14 • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M.

Kids investigate a variety of real animal skulls and compare them to a human skull. Ages 5 - 11


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MetLife Family Friday – Free at Five! Fri., January 15 • 5:00 - 8:00 P.M.

The Museum is open free of charge from 5:00 - 8:00 P.M., sponsored by MetLife Foundation. Stay out late and splash, play, explore and discover! Kids ages 5 - 11 create their own kites and fly them in the FETCH!™ Lab from 5:30 - 7:30 P.M.

Preschool Friday* ALSO Fri., January 15 • 10:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

Preschoolers hear the story “Snow Bear” and make magical caverns in ice. Ages 3 - 5 *30-minute sessions. $8 fee above Museum admission. Discount for series pre-registration. Call (401) 273-5437 ext. 234.

Go Fly a Kite Sat., January 16 • Noon - 3:00 P.M. Sun., January 17 • Noon - 3:00 P.M.

Kids build an indoor kite and keep it flying high in the FETCH!™ Lab, a hands-on activity center. Ages 5 - 11 A Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Monday, January 18 • 11:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Families explore an exhibit of photographs, words and books describing Dr. King’s life and work, participate in an interactive exploration of the negative power of discrimination, and see a powerful performance of “M.L.K.: Amazing Grace.” Award-winning storytellers and actors Rochel Coleman and Valerie Tutson bring history to life through songs and stories as they portray Civil Rights activists Rosa Parks, Ralph Abernathy and more. Shows at 11:30 A.M., 1:00 P.M. & 2:30 P.M. Ages 5 - 11

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January 2010 The Reporter Play and Learn Tues., January 19 • 10:00 A.M. Noon

Under Pressure Wed., January 27 • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M.

Preschoolers practice patterning and fine motor skills as they string together bunches of beads. Ages 2 - 4

Support a book with a sheet of paper? Give your paper a workout in the FETCH!™ Lab, a hands-on science center. Ages 5 - 11

Catapults Wed., January 20 • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M.

Strings Attached Thurs., January 28 • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M.

Kids construct cool catapults from spoons and paper clips in the FETCH!™ Lab, a hands-on activity center. Look out below! Ages 5 - 11

Fabric Play Thurs., January 21 • 3:00 - 5:00 P.M.

Kids see what they can make, wear and drape using an array of colorful fabrics. Ages 5 - 11

Preschool Friday* Fri., January 22 • 10:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

Preschoolers meet and touch a live tortoise and make a tortoise puppet. Ages 3-5 *30-minute sessions. $8 fee above Museum admission. Discount for series preregistration. Call (401) 273-5437 ext. 234. No Time to Waste Sat., January 23 • 10:30 A.M. - 1:15 P.M. Sun., January 24 • 10:30 A.M. - 1:15 P.M. The audience gets into the act in this hilarious family comedy about recycling. Four 20-minute shows. Ages 5 - 11 Sponsored by Dominion Foundation. Museum Closed - Mon., January 25

Play and Learn Tues., January 26 • 10:00 A.M. Noon

Preschoolers build ramps and towers and experiment with rolling balls. Ages 2 -4


Kids play with a plethora of puppets and put on a show. Ages 5 - 11

Preschool Friday* Fri., January 29 • 10:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.

Young children sharpen their shape skills as they hear a shape story and create a shape collage. Ages 3 - 5 *30-minute sessions. $8 fee above Museum admission. Discount for series preregistration. Call (401) 273-5437 ext. 234.

Stick Structures Sat., January 30 • Noon - 3:00 P.M. Sun., January 31 • Noon - 3:00 P.M.

Families build gigantic structures using only dowels and rubber bands. Make a giant cube that stands up on its own. Ages 5 - 11 TM/© 2007 WGBH Educational Foundation.

Providence Children’s Museum – a joyful place for children and families.

The Museum is located at 100 South Street in Providence’s Jewelry District. September through March, open Tuesday through Sunday and Monday school holidays, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., and selected Fridays until 8 P.M. April through August, open 7 days. Unless indicated, programs are free with Museum admission of $7.50 per person; admission is always free for Museum members. Call (401) 273-KIDS or visit www.childrenmuseum.org.

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The Reporter January 2010

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January 2010 The Reporter

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The Reporter January 2010

Church Services and Activities Newman Congregational Church

United Church of Christ Corner of Newman and Pawtucket Aves (Rumford) Sunday Worship - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship - 5:30 p.m. With Church School and Nursery during worship For more info: 401-434-4742 www.newmanucc.org

New Testament Baptist Church

We are located on the corner of Woodward St. and Rt. 140 in Norton, approx. 2 miles south of Rt. 123. 508-285-9771 www.NewTestamentSchool.org Schedule of Weekly Ministries: Sunday: 10:00 A.M. Sunday School Nursery-Adult 11:00 A.M. Worship Service

Seekonk Congregational Church United Church of Christ

600 Fall River Avenue, Seekonk,MA (508)336-9355 Web site: www.scc-ucc.com Email at: sccucc@verizon.net The Reverend Joy Utter, Pastor Sunday Services Worship at 9AM and 10:30 AM Church School 9 & 10:30 AM

Dighton Community Church 2036 Elm Street, Dighton, Mass. Rev. David Stewart, Pastor (508)669-6241 or (508)761-5503 Sunday Morning Services. 10:00 A.M. Worship Service, Sunday School and Child Care

Eusebeia Bible Church

224 Winthrop Street Rehoboth, MA 02769 Pastor Ed Collins 508-252-3505 www.eusebeia.org Tues and Thurs 7:30 – Bible Study Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m.

Christian Life Church

222 Plain Street, Route 118 Rehoboth, MA 508-252-3364 www.clcrehoboth.org Email: clcrehoboth@juno.com Sunday Worship 9:30 A.M. Nursery & Kid’s Church

Somerset Congregational Christian Church, UCC

1411 County Street, Somerset Phone - 508-672-6623 Minister Rev Dianne E. Arakawa Worship Service, Sunday School, & nursery care: Sunday at 10 A.M. Communion - 1st Sunday of month 11 A.M. - fellowship time, uccsomersetchurch@netzero.net

St. Dominic Catholic Church

RT—6 1277 Grand Army Highway Swansea Mass 02777 Rectory 508—675-7206 Fr. Joseph Viveiros, Pastor Masses: - Weekly: Monday—Friday, 8A.M. Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:00 P.M., Sunday - 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 A.M.

North Christian Church

Service Schedule Sunday Service: 9:30 A.M. Sunday School: 9:30 A.M. Wed. Night Prayer Meeting: 7:00 P.M. Located at 2360 Chestnut Street North Dighton, MA Tel: 508-252-9494 Pastor Michael Deltatto

Holy Cross Catholic Church

141 Hornbine Road, Rehoboth, MA The Most Rev. Raymond Laliberte (401) 438-4616 Website: WWW.ICMIHS.ORG Email:holycross@icmihs.org Mass Schedule Saturday – 4:00 p.m. (English) Sunday – 8:30 a.m. (English & Portuguese) & 11:30 a.m. (English)

West Dighton Christian Church

Rev. John W. McPherson 2767 Horton Street No. Dighton, MA Phone 508-252-9066 Sunday School for all ages 9 AM. Worship Service at 10:30 AM Nursery Available Sunday Morning

Trinity United Methodist Church

51 Railroad Ave. Taunton 508-824-8244 Rev. Kim Whynacht, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 A.M. Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Child Care Available

Rehoboth Congregational Church United Church of Christ

139 Bay State Road, Rehoboth 508-252-4545 www.rehobohtucc.org Early Fellowship 8:00 A.M. Early Worship Service 8:30 A.M. Regular Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Church School – Nursery Bible Study - Wed Evening, 7:00 P.M.

Hornbine Baptist Church

Church Services Sunday 10 A.M. 141 Hornbine Road, Corner of Baker Rd. South Rehoboth Rev. Lynn MacLagan Everyone is invited to attend.

Church of Salgion

All events held at the American Legion Hall, Post 311, Rt. 114, Fall River Ave, Seekonk, MA Circle of Salgion - Church of Wicca P.O. Box 574, Rehoboth, MA Email: Celtic@ici.net Phone: 774-229-6019

Vedanta Society of Providence 227 Angell St Providence RI 02906 401-421-3960 www.vedantaprov.org Swami Yogatmananda (minister) Sunday Lectures: 5 P.M. – 6 P.M. Tuesday study class 7:15 P.M. Friday study class 7:15 P.M.

January 2010 The Reporter

The First Baptist Church of Dighton

438 Main St. - P.O. Box 533 Dighton, MA 02715 Church Phone:(508)669-5077 Pastor Robert Burton (508)822-1743 10:00 A.M. Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School & Nursery

St. James Lutheran Church

Middle Highway and County Road in Barrington, RI (401)-246-0227 Reverend Elizabeth Eide, Pastor All are welcome. For more information, please call the church at 401-246-0027.

Winthrop Street Baptist Church

Rt. 44 just off the Green 39 Winthrop St. Taunton, MA Sunday School for All 9:45 AM Sunday Worship Service, 11:00AM Thursday Midweek Service, 7:00 PM www.wsbcfellowship.org 508-822-1976

Memorial Baptist Church

340 Central Ave., Seekonk, MA 02771, 508-761-5142, Seekonkmbc@verizon.net. Reverend Delphain Demosthenes Services 10:15 A.M. Sunday school at 9:00 A.M. all ages. Child care and Nursery care is available during the Worship service.

Fall River Seventh Day Adventist Church

(English language) 2695 No. Main St., F.R. Bible Study Sat. 9:30 AM Worship Services - Sat 11 AM Wed/ Evening Bible Study - 7PM Pastor Brian Burgess - 646-3506

First Christian Congregational Church United Church of Christ

GAR Highway, Rt. 6 • Swansea 508-673-7179 or 676-3815 Sunday Services 8:40 AM an informal one-half hour service with communion 10:00AM Worship

Rehoboth Baptist Church

132 Moulton Street (Rt.. 118) 508-252-6437 • Fax 252-1080 Rev. Ronald W. Bridge, Pastor Sunday: 9:00 A.M. Sunday Bible School 10:30 A.M. Morning Worship Service (Childcare available) 6:30 P.M. Evening Service

website: www.rehobothbaptistchurch.org

Taunton Seventh-day Adventist Church

109 Winthrop Street, Taunton (508) 823-6679 Bible study Sat. 9:20 AM Worship service Sat. 10:50 AM Prayer meeting Tues. 7:30 PM Pastor Barry Kimbrough

New Beginnings Evangelical Church

294 Taunton Ave., Seekonk, MA Tel. #: 508-336-4038 Services: Sunday: 9:30 A.M. Bible School 10:45 A.M. Worship Service Thursday: 6:30 P.M. - Bible Study/Prayer http://www.nbechurch.org

Good News Bible Chapel

235 West Street, Attleboro 508 226 2916 www.gnbc.org Sunday Services: The Lord’s Supper 9 A.M. – 10 A.M. Celebration & Growth” Worship & Teaching Service 10:45-Noon Nursery and Sunday School

Church of the Epiphany Episcopal

1336 Pawtucket Avenue Rumford between Newman Avenue and Rumford Library 401-434-5012 8:00am & 10:30 Holy Eucharist 9:15am Program for all ages

West Congregational Church United Church of Christ Winthrop Street at North Walker (Rte 44) • Taunton, MA Sunday Service and Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Church Office: 508 824-3461


St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

81 Warren Ave., East Providence, RI [Corner of Fourth St.] 401-434-7456 Holy Eucharist 9:00 a.m. coffee after the service Rector: Fr. Ashley Peckham

The First Baptist Church of Swansea 21 Baptist Street Swansea, MA Telephone (508)379-9728 Sunday Worship time: 10:00 A.M. Sunday School: 10:20 A.M. Coffee & Fellowship: 11:00 A.M.

Christ Church Episcopal

57 Main Street, Swansea, MA (508) 678-0923 Rev. Elizabeth Grundy, Rector Sunday Services 8:00 A.M. The Holy Eucharist 10:00 A.M. Family Service, Choir, Nursery and Church School

Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd

490 Broadway, Pawtucket, RI 401-723-0408 The Rev. Gardiner H. Shattuck Sunday: 8am & 10am The Holy Eucharist followed by Fellowship coffee hour Wednesday: 6:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist rector.goodshepherdchurch@verizon.net

Brick Church

1056 Center St. Dighton Call 951-7358 Christ Centered Bible Teaching Come Join us! All Welcome Worship and Bible Study Sunday 9:30 AM

Grace Community Chapel 110 County Street, Seekonk, MA 508-336-5971 www.gccfamily.org Pastor/Teacher Richard Glenny Sunday Worship 9:30 Bible Classes for all ages 11:00 Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 Wednesday Kids Club 7:00 Nursery Available for all services


The Reporter January 2010

Church Services and Activities Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church

Rt. 44 - Seekonk, Massachusetts 984 Taunton Ave. • P.O. Box 519 336-5549 • Rectory: 336-9022


Email: mountcarmel1@verizon.net Fr. Brian J. Harrington, Pastor Masses: Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9 AM Mass of the day at 9 AM & 7 PM

Community Covenant Church

615 Tremont Street Rehoboth, MA 02769 (508)-222-9400 www.communitycovenant.org Dennis Baril, Senior Pastor Sunday Services: 9 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. 8:30 to 10:45 a.m. Childcare available during services

Rehoboth Council on Aging January 2010

Council on Aging Newsletter Council on Aging Board meets at 7:00 p.m. on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 Noon Kitchen hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon Transportation Reservations: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon Transportation Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. State Primary - Voting at COA No Activities - Tuesday, December 8th Closed - Friday, January 1st, 2010 for New Years Day Closed – Monday, January 18, 2010 for Martin Luther King Day Voting – Tuesday, January 19th, 2010 No Activities

The Rehoboth Council on Aging Wishes you and your Family A Happy New Year! Change to COA’s New Hours

Lighthouse Gospel Church

Until further notice the Rehoboth Council on Aging will be open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. to support all scheduled activities and club meetings. We are open Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Please feel free to contact Norie @ 508-252-3372 with any questions or concerns. Until the COA Board Meeting scheduled for January, 20th, 2010 there will be someone at the Rehoboth Council on Aging Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. to support all scheduled activities and club meetings. We are open Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Please feel free to contact Norie @ 508-252-3372 with any questions or concerns.

First Spiritualist Church Anawan Grange

Do you have a few hours a week that you would like to give as a volunteer at The Rehoboth Council on Aging? If the answer is yes… Then do we need you! The COA needs help in the following areas, “Meals on Wheels” Drivers, Front Desk/Receptionist, Gert’s Café Cooks and Craft Instructors. Please contact Norie at 508-252-3372 for further information.

Greater Fall River Baptist Church

1980 South Main Street P.O. Box 975, Fall River, MA (508)673-7700 Pastor Lane Briggs, Jr. Sunday School - 10:00 A.M. Morning Service - 11:00 A.M. Evening Service - 6:00 P.M. Wed. Bible Study - 7:30 P.M. Nursery provided for all services

595 Winthrop St., Taunton Sunday Services 9:30 am - Sunday School 10:30am - Worship Service Children's Church Nursery Available

Rt. 44 & 118 Rehoboth Services 10:00am Healing, Sermon, Spirit Messages www.firstspiritualistchurch.com

Volunteers Needed

Activities from Activity Coordinator Norellen Palmer

Important! Registration is required for all upcoming programs. All activities will have participant sign up sheets for them. Most of the Activity programs that are at the Council on Aging are free and open to the public. Some programs require minimum attendance; if there is no interest then that activity will be either cancelled or postponed. Please call 508-252-3372 for information on all activities or to sign up.


Are you interested in finding out all about our REIKI Therapy? If so, then please call and set up you’re Free 15-minute chair session that will be held on Thursday, January 14th between 10 a.m. and 12 noon.

“The Homestead Act” Thursday January 21st 10:0011:30 a.m.

The COA welcomes Barry J Amaral Registry of Deeds and staff on the preparation and filing a “The Homestead Act”. An informal discussion question and answer period and assistance will be available to individuals on the preparation and filing a Declaration of Homestead. Requirements: Deed book & page, Filling Fee $36.00 Checks payable to Registry of Deeds BCND.

January 2010 The Reporter

Health Corner

“Wii Bowling League” Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m. Free The Rehoboth Council on Aging will join other COAs by starting a Bowling League using the “Wii”. It is a great way to have fun, workout and show off those bowling scores.

Tuesday Tai Chi at 9:00 a.m. Cost $3.00 per Class

Try a graceful way of exercising which is easy on your joints. This method of balancing may be new to you, but it has a great positive outcome for any age.

Tuesday Line Dancing 10:00 a.m. Cost $ 3.00 per Class

If you like to dance and have fun then this is the group is for you. Everyone is welcome to come in and try out some steps.

REIKI, 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 10 a.m. Cost: $15 for 30 minute session.

REIKI is a safe and natural system of healing that promotes relaxation and stress reduction and what a great gift idea to give someone.

Free Blood Pressure and Glucose Screening. Monday, January 11th 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

The COA is pleased to have our Rehoboth town nurse Lynn Attienello administer these tests on the 2nd Monday every other month.

Card Games 3 Days a Week!

Cards are here at your COA! Mondays at 9:30 a.m. we have a cribbage group, Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. we have a ladies group that not only play cards but also games Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. we have a Hi-Lo Jack group. All have a great time and are always looking for a few “new” folks to join them.

Departments News

Gert’s Café Cooks Needed

Here’s your chance to show off your cooking skills. Gert’s Café is looking for a few more cooks to prepare meals for the Monday’s lunch crowd. You make the choice of how much of the meal you want to cook, all, part or just the dessert. All food is prepared at the Council on Aging and you are reimbursed for any money that is spent. If you are interested please call Cheryl at 508-252-3372.

Meal-site Information from Cheryl Maiorano

Please contact our meal site manager Cheryl for information on the Meals on Wheels program. A donation of $2.00 is requested for lunch, which consists of a main course, dessert and milk. A copy of the month’s menu is posted at the front desk and in the dining area for your review.

Transportation Info from Lois Fine-Sargeant

Do you need a ride to an appointment? The COA has transportation available Monday through Friday (except holidays) 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Transportation to the Rhode Island Hospital Area is available


with Dr, Marian Markowitz Thursday, February 11th and Monday, February 22nd. Appointments start at 10 a.m. please call early to schedule yours.

Balancing Exercise and Upper Cardio

Wednesdays and Thursdays at 11 a.m. Free. There is plenty of room available in any or all of our classes if you care to join us. This activity uses weights and stretching for balancing done on exercise balls or in chairs.

Wanabee Weight Meeting” Mondays, 11:30am Free

A group of ladies meet and support each other with their weight losses and gains. The best way to lose weight is with encouragement and support of friends. Meetings are held on Mondays at 11:30 a.m. prior to Gert’s Café.

The Rehoboth Triad

The Rehoboth Triad is gearing up for it’s Third Annual Love in a Mug fundraiser. The event will be held on Wednesday February 10, 2010 at the Rehoboth Council on Aging, 55 Bay State Rd. A $5 donation buys you a souvenir mug filled with hot, delicious soup, plenty of bread and butter, a beverage and dessert. All proceeds benefit Rehoboth residents in need of fuel assistance this winter. This is a popular event for Rehoboth Triad. The group has been able to raise about $2000 during the last two fundraisers. Organizers are hoping for a large turnout again this year given the state of the economy. This year’s event runs from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday February 10th. You can purchase tickets, donate soup, or make a monetary donation by calling Marilyn Henley at (508) 252-9366 or Patricia Higson at (508) 252-4602.

Quilters Thursday s at 9:30 a.m.

Do you quilt or know of anyone who would like to come to our Quilting Group. There is always plenty of knowledgeable support offered.

“Men’s Morning Coffee” Fridays 9 a.m.

This is a group of “men” who meet to enjoy fresh coffee, pastry and conversation with old and new friends. Come on down and enjoy the morning with them and share your comments and ideas.

Knitting and Crochet Group Fridays at 10 a.m.

If you ever wanted to learn more about knitting or crocheting, the Ladies of the Needles are always there to share their knowledge with you. Don’t be shy! Come in and join the group.


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The Reporter January 2010

on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for medical appointments, which must be in by 10 a.m. out by 1 p.m. Arrangements Must be made with Lois by 12 noon of the preceding day or as soon as possible. No arrangements for transportation can be taken after 12:00 p.m.; our COA staff can take only cancellations.

Helpful Information - I.C.E.

With all the snowy, icy & cold weather that has hit us so early in the season, everyone should have a “In Case of Emergency” name and number on their cell phones and next to your home phone. The “ICE” campaign encourages cell phone users to enter “In Case of Emergency” Contact information into their mobile phones and next to your home phone. ICE allows paramedics or police to contact the designated relative or caretaker in an emergency situation. It is easy! All you have to do is put the word I.C.E. and the person’s name and phone number in your contact list on your phone and save it. Alert that person that they are your ICE contact. Have any questions? Please contact Norie.

News from The SHINE Program

For information and or for assistance with enrolling in a Medicare Part D plans, please call the SHINE Program at 508-222-1399

Organization Events and News: The Best Is Yet to Come!

The Best is Yet to Come, a senior social group, will meet on January 14th at 1:00 p.m. at the Gladys L. Hurrell Senior Center, 55 Bay State Rd., Rehoboth, MA. Members will have lunch at the Silver Platter, Bristol-Plymouth Regional Tech. School before the meeting. We are leaving the senior center at 11:00 a.m. Members should bring paper goods, hand soap, dish soap, etc. for the Rehoboth Food Pantry. New members always welcomed. Call Pat Higson for details, 508 252-4602. And Remember The Best Is Yet to Come! TRIAD: Sheriff, Police and Seniors working together to enhance the lives of our seniors…. Next Meetings are scheduled for 10 a.m., Wednesday, January 20th, 2010. New members are always welcome. Stop in at one of our meetings to see what TRIAD is all about.

Up Coming Activities

Mark your calendars! The “Love in a Mug” soup supper fuel assistance fundraiser is scheduled for Wednesday, February 10, 2010 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Rehoboth Council on Aging. Enjoy a variety of soups and take home your mug as a souvenir all

10 Emory Street in Attleboro

for the low cost of $5.00! Tickets are available Mondays at Gert’s Café through Pat & Marilyn.

Rehoboth’s Friends of the Elderly

Friends of Rehoboth’s Elderly membership drive is well underway. The funds received are used to support programs for seniors such as “Life Line”. Life Line is available for sick or elderly people so they may stay at home safely. Their homes are where they are most comfortable as they are surrounded by things that are familiar to them. It is estimated that more than half the falls at home result in injury. In an emergency they never know how long it takes before someone is aware that they need help. Personal help buttons or a care partner telephone with two way communication can summon help quickly. There are also medicine reminders to keep them on schedule These services are not free and are usually not covered by insurance. We have elderly in Rehoboth who use these services and the number is likely to increase. This is one of the that Rehoboth’s Friends of the Elderly sponsors. By becoming a member or making a donation we can keep the program going. Remember you can make a difference. Thank you, Rehoboth’s Friends of the Elderly Application for Sponsoring Membership October 2009 - September 2010 Friends of Rehoboth’s Elderly, Inc. P O Box 228 Rehoboth, MA. 02769 Name______________________ Tel.___________ Date______ Address____________________________________________ ( ) $ 5.00 Individual Membership ( ) $ 20.00 Family Membership ( ) $ 100.00 ( ) $ 200.00 ( ) $ 300.00 Business Member ( ) $ _____ Other Amount enclosed $ _________ Thank you again for your generous support!! Any Questions? Call 508 252 9415

Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club

Regular meetings of the Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club are held at the Rehoboth Senior Center at 1:30 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month. Upcoming trips:3 Day trip to Atlantic City, Feb. 21, 22 and 23 at a cost of $151.00 p.p. dbl. occ. which includes r. t. bus trans. ,drivers tip, 2 nights lodging at the Tropicana Resort ,2 dinner buffets, $20.00 bonus and a $15.00 food coupon. May 11. Day trip to Boston, at a cost of $80.00 p.p. Featuring an all you can eat luncheon at Maggiano’s Little Italy followed by a narrated cruise of Boston Harbor. Both trips are co-sponsored by the Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club and Sandcastle Seniors and are opened to everybody on a first come first served basis. To sign up or for more information, please call “Pete” Michaud at 508-761-5087.

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Senior Citizens Club will meet January 21 at 1:00 p.m

Senior Citizens Club will meet January 21 at 1:00 p.m. the Rehoboth Senior Citizens Club will meet at the Rehoboth Senior Center for a Winter Pickup Luncheon Soup, Sandwich, Dessert, Entertainment By Mike Higgins. Take Home Your Soup Bowl. Tickets $5.00. Members Only.

January 2010 The Reporter


Weddings, Engagements & Anniversaries Send Your Announcements to news@rehobothreporter.com

50th Wedding Anniversary

Jolene Cassell engaged to Michael Clark Dennis and LeJeanne Cassell of Wytheville, Virginia are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Jolene to Michael Clark. Michael is the son of Thomas and Julie Clark of 34 Fairfield Street of Rehoboth, Massachusetts. Jolene is a 2006 graduate of George Wythe High School in Wytheville, Virginia and is expected to graduate from the nursing program at Wytheville Community College in May of 2010. Michael is a 2005 graduate of Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School and is a senior majoring in Criminal Justice at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia and is expected to graduate in May as well. The couple became engaged on November 25th, 2009.

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kelleher recently celebrated their 50th wedding Anniversary at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church in Seekonk, the Grist Mill Tavern, and Fisherman’s Village in Punta Gorda, Florida. Mrs. Kelleher was a medical assistant for 25 years at Hasbro Children’s Rehab until retirement in 2004. Mr. Kelleher was a support services manager at CVS headquarters, Woonsocket, RI, until retirement in 2005. Both are lectors and Eucharistic Ministers at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church. Mrs. Kelleher provides communion to the homebound in their parish. Their children include David and Kileen Mitchell of Rehoboth, MA, Steve and Patti Lucci of Hope, RI, and Tom and Anne-Marie Bresnahan of Attleboro, MA. They have six grand children. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kelleher

Winter Clearance Sale! Wedding Gowns $150.00 & up select styles

New 2010 Wedding Gowns Arriving Daily

FREE ALTERATIONS with Bridal Packages

A Large Selection of Designer Tuxedo Rentals Available

Tara Goudreau to wed Ian Altgilbers. Robert and Lindy Goudreau of Rehoboth are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Tara to Ian Altgilbers. Ian is from Champaign Illinois where the couple first met. They are planning an outdoor ceremony/wedding reception at the Five Bridge Inn in Rehoboth on July 31, 2010.

Ana’s Bridal Boutique & Tuxedo 456 Warren Ave. • East Providence, RI 02914 Bridal: (401) 438-5932 • Tuxedo: (401) 438-5940 Monday - Friday 10AM - 9PM • Saturday 10AM - 6PM Open Sunday 10AM-3PM • (By Appointment)


The Reporter January 2010

Births Announcements

New Moms Group To Meet At Sturdy Memorial Hospital

Attleboro, MA, December 29, 2009 – New mothers – women with babies between the ages of 0 and 9 months - can talk about their growing babies, discuss concerns and expectations, learn different tips from other mothers in the group and more. Sturdy Memorial Hospital is hosting a FREE New Moms Group. The program will be led by a registered nurse from our maternity unit. The next three week program will begin on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 and continue on February 10 and 17. The group will meet from 10 - 11:30 a.m. in the Clinical Education Center located near the main lobby of the Hospital. Class size is limited so early reservations are recommended. To register, please call 508/236-7151.

Demetrios Designer

Wedding Dress

NEW, UNALTERED, UNWORN, with tags • Size 6 style 4233. My measurements are roughly 35, 28, 37 • Romantic, Sophisticated & Sexy! Modern Vintage Look. • Sweatheart top, with rouching (like magic,

shows off curves / creates them if you don't have them... which was my case). White lace, flattering

mermaid style. Train is chapel length. • I bought the dress at a bridal shop but ended up getting a different dress.


Matthew and Jody Fallows are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Allie Grace Fallows who was born Thanksgiving morning, November 26, at Women and Infant’s Hospital weighing 7lb 2oz and 21 inches long. Paternal grandparents are Alan and Cindy Fallows of Huntersville, NC. Maternal grandparents are James and Angela Velleca of Pelham, AL. Great grandparents are Claire Fallows of Plainville, MA, Jean Northup of North Attleboro, MA, Christine Velleca of Bristol, RI, and George and Ruth Milhorn of Naples, FL.

(Shops don't allow returns...boo).

*Price just dropped! Bridal shops charge $1,000-$1,300

Only $799.00 (Price Negotiable)

Please call Laurie 339-221-0704

Come by to give it a try...of course you may bring your mom or girlfriends to help. Located in Rehoboth

Happy dress shopping! - Laurie

PS: In the magazine pic it looks more form-fitting...I think it is her pose.

Deadline for Submitting Announcements

is now the 23rd of each month...

January 2010 The Reporter



Brett and Jessica Proulx are proud to announce the birth of their son, Brett Wayne Proulx. He was born on November 4, 2009 at 8:02 a.m. at Morton Hospital, weighing 6 lbs 12 oz and was 19 inches long. Brett Wayne was welcomed home by his sisters Tayla & Madison, he is also the brother of Ethan Proulx. Maternal grandparents are Raymond and Alice Costa of East Taunton and paternal grandparents are Wayne and Cindy Proulx of Rehoboth.


David and Marcia Andreozzi of Rehoboth proudly announce the arrival of their second son, Domenic Anthony, born on September 22, 2009 at 9:24 a.m. at Women & Infants Hospital Providence, RI. Domenic weighed 8 lbs. 2 oz. and was 191/2 inches long. Domenic was welcomed by his big brother Dylan. Maternal grandparents are Manuel and Maria Bernardo of East Providence, RI. Paternal grandparents are Kathy and Hank Myers of Portsmouth, RI and Antonio Andreozzi of Cranston, RI.


Jeffrey and Tanya Gould of East Providence proudly announce the birth of their daughter Talia Matilda Gould on November 9, 2009 at 8:16 a.m. at Women & Infants Hospital. She weighed 11 pounds 11 ounces and was 21 ½ inches long. Maternal grandparents are Franz and Beverly Kuchenbaur of Dighton, Mass. Paternal grandparents are Brian and Linda Thorp of Richmond, RI and Keith and Carol Gould of Stonington, CT. Paternal great grandmothers are Lois Chappelle of Hope Valley RI and Audrey Thorp of Westerly RI. Twins Hannah and Hans Gould welcomed their little sister home with open arms.


Mike and Joslin Amaral are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Jonah Michael Amaral. He was born on May 28, 2009 at 5:06 p.m. at Sturdy Memorial Hospital. He weighed 7lb 9.6oz and was 19.5 inches long. The maternal grandparents are Harold and Joan Figueira of Rehoboth and the paternal grandparents are Carol and the late Manny Amaral of Attleboro.


The Reporter January 2010


Rehoboth Hazelle Virginia (Walton) Morgan

Hazelle V. Morgan, 90, passed over December 26, 2009 at her home at Marian Manor in Taunton, MA. She was the wife of Joseph (Todd) Morgan, Sr. who passed in May 2008, also at the age of 90. They were married for 67 years. Together they were participants of Chartley Methodist Church for many years where they volunteered, especially every Christmas fair running Grandpa and Grandma’s Attic. They loved each other. Their son, Joseph Morgan, Jr. and wife Joyce, of Keller, Texas, and their daugh-

ter, Nancy Morgan-Boucher and husband Roger, of Rehoboth, MA mourn their loss. Grandma and Grandpa Morgan will also be missed very much by their grandchildren, Lance Morgan of Natick, MA, Michele Lee Mercurio and her husband Mike and greatgreat-grandchildren Gianni and Mia Rose Mercurio of Wakefield, MA, and Justin P. King and wife Charline, of Thornton, Colorado. A memorial service will be held at a later date.

Shirley J. Maker

Naples, FL - Shirley Johnson Maker, 83, died peacefully in her home Tuesday, December 15, in Naples, FL. Shirley was born March 24, 1926 in Elmira, NY, to Beatrice and Clarence Johnson. She was a graduate of Southside High School and attended Syracuse University as a Fine Arts major. In April of 1945 she married her husband of 64 years, then Ensign Winston O. Maker. After World War II ended, Shirley and Win settled in Rehoboth, Massachusetts, where they raised their three children. Shirley was an active member of the community,

the Rehoboth Congregational Church, and the Garden Club. In 1966 she received her degree in Library Sciences from Brown University and worked as an assistant librarian at Dighton-Rehoboth Regional High School. In August of 1969 they moved to North Palm Beach, Florida, where she began a career in the interior design field. In 1978 Shirley and Win moved back north to Rhode Island, and in 1983 to Mashpee, Massachusetts on Cape Cod, where she continued to work in the design field and they enjoyed being part of their grandchildren’s lives. Shirley had a love of art and interior design, and was known for her sense of color, flair for design, and other creative talents. Shirley was beloved for her generous spirit, sweet, loving nature, positive attitude, and enthusiasm for life. Her favorite role was that of wife, mother, and grandmother, and the times she cherished most were those spent with family. Shirley is survived by her husband of 64 years, Winston O. Maker; son John Roberts Maker, and daughter-in-law Catherine Maker of Boston, MA; son Philip Johnson Maker and daughter-in-law Karen Maker of Cotuit, MA; daughter, Meredith Wynne Maker, of


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January 2010 The Reporter Marco Island, FL; grandchildren Whitney Maker Bailey, Andrew Philip Maker, and Alexandra Elizabeth Maker; great-grandson, Hunter Winston Bailey; and sisters Marilyn McMullen and Nancy Wenslow, along with numerous nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers donations may be sent to the Cotuit Center for the Arts, 4404 Falmouth Rd., Cotuit, MA 02635. www. cotuitcenterforthearts.org.

Arthur M. Baker, Jr.

Arthur M. Baker, Jr. of Rehoboth formerly of Randolph, died November 27th at Tufts Medical Center after a long illness. He was 61 years old. Arthur grew up & was educated in Randolph and has been a resident of Rehoboth for several years. He was a graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in accounting and had worked as a finance consultant for many years. He was a British car enthusiast and belonged to several clubs in New England. Beloved husband of Carol (Pellegrino) Baker of Rehoboth. Father of Craig Baker of Rehoboth and Michael Baker of Dedham. Son of Arthur M. Baker, Sr. & Dorothy (Getchell) Baker of Randolph. Brother of Ellen Willette of Randolph. Grandfather of Darcy Baker. A memorial service was held Sunday December 13th in the First Congregational Church Randolph. Arrangements were under the direction of the Hurley Funeral Home, 134 So. Main Street, Randolph, MA 02368. In lieu of flowers, donations in Arthur’s memory may be made to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of the Red Cross or donate blood at a local center.

Michael Joseph Nees

Michael Joseph Nees, 50 of Rehoboth, MA died peacefully at home on Wednesday, December 2, 2009 surrounded by his loving family. He was the husband of Maggie (Hennessey) Nees and devoted father of Joseph Thomas, Madeline Claire, Hudson Michael and Lily Catherine Nees. Born in Burlington, Vt. on July 17, 1959, he was the son of the late Geraldine Ann (Conway) Nees of Cambridge, MA and Ronald Gordon Nees of Abbington, PA. He grew up in East Providence, RI and was a 1979 graduate of La Salle Academy in Providence. Mr. Nees attended the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa and was a member of the U of A Track & Field Team. He threw the javelin for The Tide and was a member of the 1980 Southeastern Conference Championship squad. Before his illness, Mr. Nees was selfemployed in automotive equipment sales for many years. Prior to that he owned and operated a pressure washing business. Mr. Nees’ greatest gifts were the love and guidance he shared with his entire family. He enjoyed watching his children play football, softball, baseball, soccer and

four-wheeling. He was a lifelong member of the United States Judo Association and held the rank of Rokudan, sixth degree black belt. Throughout his life he was a dedicated volunteer instructor and taught Judo with many organizations including the Warwick Police Athletic League and the Fall River YMCA. He earned a bronze medal at the National Masters Judo Championship in 1994 and was instrumental in bringing the USJA Jr. Nationals to Warwick, RI in 1996. In addition to his wife, children, and father, he is survived by a brother: Timothy J. Nees; three sisters: Margaret M. Criscione of Providence, Veronica A. Seamans of East Providence, Elizabeth M. Romano of Scitute, RI; and seven nieces and nephews. Friends and family attended visitation on December 6, 2009. A private memorial service was held in his honor. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests contributions be made to the charity of choice.

Barbara A. Scherer

Barbara A. Scherer, 78, of Wheeler Street, died Friday, Nov. 6, 2009 at her home. She was the wife of the late Forrest E. Scherer. She was born in East Providence, R.I., a daughter of the late Manuel and Marie (Cabral) Andrade. Mrs. Scherer was a school teacher for the Attleboro School Department for 54 years before retiring in July. She was a member of the Democratic Party, was an avid Red Sox fan and an animal lover. She had worked towards her aviation license and had the opportunity to pilot a plane. She leaves one son, Derek Scherer and his wife Pat; one daughter, Angela M. Steliga and her husband Stan; four grandchildren: Derek Earl Scherer, Jessica Jean Scherer, Savannah Barbara Steliga and Spencer Kevin Steliga; one brother, Edwin Andrade; one sister, Betty Mello; and her beloved dogs Roxy and Hokum. She was the sister of the late Manuel F. Andrade Jr. Her memorial service was held on Saturday, Dec. 12 at noon in the Rehoboth Congregational Church, Bay State Road, Rehoboth. Contributions to the Blanding Library, Bay State Road, Rehoboth would be deeply appreciated.

Rhea E. (Harris) Bilsborough

Rhea E. (Harris) Bilsborough, 62, formerly of 1 Lord St., Attleboro for over 30 years before moving to Fairview Avenue, Rehoboth, died Monday, Dec. 21, 2009 at Rhode Island Hospital, Providence. She was the wife of Leighton Bilsborough. She was born in Attleboro, a daughter of the late Raymond and Florence (Lavigne)


Harris. She was a clerk for the Target store in North Attleboro for over three years. She lived in Rehoboth for a year, coming from Attleboro. She was a parishioner of St. Mary’s Church, Seekonk. Besides her husband, she is survived by a son, Mark Bilsborough of South Attleboro; two daughters, Gail Kidder of South Attleboro and Denise Klang of Seekonk; five grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews. She was also expecting a great-grandchild, due in March. She was the sister of the late Mary Florence Gilliam and Rita Alice Roderick. Her funeral was held Monday, Dec. 28 at 8:30 a.m.with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in St. Mary’s Church, Coyle Drive, Seekonk. Burial followed in Mount Hope Cemetery, North Attleboro. Gifts in her memory can be sent to the American Cancer Society, 30 Speen St., Framingham, MA 01701.

Russell L. Mayforth, Jr.

Russell L. Mayforth, Jr., 65, of Salisbury St., died December 22, 2009 at RI Hospital. He was the loving husband of Patricia (Braga) Mayforth. Born in Pawtucket, he was the son of the late Russell L. and Margaret (Horne) Mayforth. He worked as a supply coordinator for RI Hospital for 16 years. He was a Vietnam veteran and served in the US Air Force. Besides his wife of 39 years, he is survived by his daughters; Kathryn Mayforth of Derry, NH and Jessica Klare of Port Jefferson, NY. He was the brother of Janet Crowley of Upton, MA and Ronald F. Mayforth of Rehoboth, MA. Relatives and friends are invited attended the Funeral Services on Monday, December 28th. Burial with Military Honors was in Gate of Heaven Cemetery.

Norma S. Pierce

Norma S. Pierce, 76, wife of Robert H. Pierce, died Dec. 27th. Born in Pawtucket, she was daughter of the late Burnley A. and Mildred (Perrin) Johnson. Mrs. Pierce worked as an inspector for the former Martin Copeland Enterprises. Norma was an accomplished seamstress and quilter, and was noted for teaching quilting at the Rehoboth Council on Aging. Besides her husband she leaves Sons; Robert H., Jr. and Arthur D. Pierce, daughters; Patricia Pierce and Susan Williams, sisters; Beverly DeBlois, Linda Hayes, Debbie Barbosa and Vicki Piazza, 7 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. She was mother of the late Sharon and William S. Pierce. A funeral service was held on Thursday, Dec. 31st at 11 AM in the J.H. Williams & Co. Funeral Home, 210 Taunton Ave., East


The Reporter January 2010

Providence. In lieu of flowers memorial gifts may be directed to Rehoboth C.O.A., 55 Bay State Rd., Rehoboth, MA 02769

Seekonk Richard Salvatore

Richard Salvatore, 67 of Marnoch Drive, Seekonk died Tuesday December 1, 2009 at RI Hospital. He was the husband of Gail (Haskell) Salvatore. They were married for 24 years. Born in Warren he was a son of the late James and Maerice (Barlow). He worked for Aquiar Electric as a licensed electrician for 18 years. He enjoyed fishing and was know as ‘The Mayor of Warren’. He leaves one son James Salvatore of Seekonk, two stepdaughters Candice Lima of Swansea and Nicole Brigham of Warren. One brother Billy Salvatore and one sister Robyn Kopecky of Warren. He was the father of the late Eric Dupre and Richard Salvatore and brother of the late Jimmy Salvatore. He has 7 grandchildren and 1 great granddaughter. His Funeral was held on Saturday, December 5th with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 am in St. Mary of the Bay Church, 645 Main Street, Warren. Burial was in St. Mary of the Bay Cemetery.

Florence Brescia

Florence Brescia, 85, wife of Anthony Brescia, passed away on December 4, 2009. She is survived by her daughter: Jean Lamoureux and sons: Anthony, Joseph, David and John, her 11 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren. A celebration mass was held at Mt Carmel Church, Seekonk on Tuesday, December 8th at 10 a.m.

Irene M. (Amaral) Borges

Irene M. (Amaral) Borges, age 50, of Forest Ave., died Dec. 3, 2009. She was the beloved wife of Mario R. Borges. Born Dec. 27, 1958, in Mozambique, Africa, she was a daughter of Alfred Amaral of East Providence and of the late Frances (Pacheco) Amaral. In addition to her husband of 30 years and her father, she leaves her sons, James and Phillip Borges, both of Seekonk, and her sister Rosa Pereira of East Providence. Funeral services were private. Her family respectfully requests memorial donations be made to the charity or organization of your choice

Edward Pryor

Edward Pryor, age 87 passed away in Randolph on December 4, 2009, in Cedar

Hill Nursing Facility after a lengthy illness. He had previously been a resident of Seekonk, MA. and was employed by the Fram Corporation in East Providence, RI. until his retirement. Born in Providence, RI., he was the son of the late Leo and Ida (Kloos) Pryor of Providence, RI. He was the husband of the late Veronica (Moseley) Pryor. Edward is survived by his three children: Kathleen M. Siddens of Manchester, CT., Elizabeth A. Bouchard of Taunton and Paul E. Pryor of Apple Valley, CA. Edward also leaves his eight grandchildren. His two sisters: Barbara Wendoloski of North Providence, RI. and Eleanor Oliveira of Johnston. He was the brother of the late Leo and Robert Pryor. Edward was a communicant of the former St. Paul’s Church and was a recipient of the Marion Medal, an honor that was well deserved for all his good works. He was also active with the St. Vincent DePaul Society and other church related activities. Funeral services were private at the request of the family. Burial was in St. Francis Cemetery in Taunton. Donations in Edward’s memory may be made to St. Vincent DePaul Society, 141 Washington St., Taunton, MA. 02780 May he rest in heavenly peace.

Stella M. (Moskwa) Malkowski

Stella M. (Moskwa) Malkowski, 98, of William Avenue died peacefully Thursday, Nov. 26, 2009 at the Life Care Center Of Attleboro. She was predeceased by her beloved husband, Henry F. Malkowski Sr. Born in Pawtucket, she was a daughter of the late Lawrence and Jozefa (Walach) Moskwa. She lived in Seekonk for the past 51 years. Before retiring, she was employed at Sturdy Memorial Hospital of Attleboro in human resources from 1962 to 1977. Prior to that, she was employed by the former New York Lace Store of Pawtucket as a human resources manager. Mrs. Malkowski served almost 9,000 hours as a volunteer at Sturdy Memorial Hospital from 1977 to 2003 and was a member of the Sturdy Auxiliary and Foundation. In recognition for her contribution to the Hospital, she was presented the A.C.E.S. award in 2001. She was an avid bridge player, golfer, a 50-year member of the Highland Country Club and a member of the Seekonk Garden Club. She worked at the polls on Election Day in Seekonk until 2002. Her interests were broad - in the world, and the people around her. Mrs. Malkowski was an active member of St. Joseph’s Church of Central Falls throughout her life. She was a past President of the former St. Joseph’s School Mother’s Club and a member of the Holy Rosary Society. She was also a member of the former Orchard Lake Schools Ladies Auxiliary. She is survived by her loving family,

Carolyn (Malkowski) Rusiackas and her husband James M. of Darien, CT and Henry F. Malkowski Jr. and his wife Deborah (Telford) of Warwick. She also leaves her devoted grandson, Eric H. Malkowski of Warwick and her sister-in-law Wanda Moskwa of Pawtucket, many nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews. She was the sister of the late Frank, John, Stanley, Walter and Alfred Moskwa, Helen Wszol and Anna Turner. Friends and relatives attended a memorial Mass celebrating her life on Saturday, Dec. 12, 2009 at 10 a.m. in St. Joseph’s Church, 391 High St., Central Falls. Memorial donations in Mrs. Malkowski’s memory to St. Joseph’s Church Renovation Fund, 391 High St., Central Falls, RI 02863 or Sturdy Memorial Hospital Foundation, 211 Park St., Attleboro, MA 02703 or Vista Care Hospice of Boston, 2 Willow St., Southboro, MA 01745 would be greatly appreciated. Burial was private.

Isabelle Antunes

Isabelle Antunes, 90, a lifelong resident of Seekonk, died December 7, 2009 at Saint Elizabeth Manor. She was the wife of the late Manuel Antunes Sr. She was born in Seekonk MA, the daughter of the late Joseph and Margaret (Medeiros) Lamb. She is the mother of Carolyn J. Kitchen of The Villages, FL, Raymond J. Antunes of Beddington, ME, William M. Antunes of Swansea, MA, and the late Dennis J. Antunes. She is survived by 11 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild. She is survived by her sister Laura Galimberti of Seekonk. She is the sister of the late Margaret Estrella, Ardelia Ferreira, Mary Perry, Joseph and Manuel Lamb. Isabelle was a communicant of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, a member of the Women’s Guild, a member of the East Providence Business and Professional Women’s Club, and the Barrington Women’s Club. The funeral was on Saturday, December 12th with a Mass of Christian Burial held at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Taunton Avenue, Seekonk. Burial was in Mt. St. Mary Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions in her memory may be made to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, PO box 519, Seekonk, MA 02771 or the American Cancer Society.

Raymond C. Grenier Sr.

Raymond C. Grenier Sr., 77 of Mabel Drive died Monday, December 14, 2009 at Catholic Memorial Home. He was the husband of the late Marjorie (Johnson) Grenier. He was born in Providence, a son of the late George and Eva (Brousseau) Grenier. Mr. Grenier was the parts manager for Bay Peterbilt before retiring. He was a Navy

January 2010 The Reporter veteran of the Korean War having served on the submarines. He leaves one daughter, Kimberly Morey of West Greenwich; one son, Raymond C. Grenier, Jr. of Tiverton and six grandchildren. He was the brother of the late George, Robert and Frederick Grenier. His funeral service was held on Thursday, December 17th. Burial with Military Honors was in Seekonk Cemetery. In lieu of flowers contributions to the Alzheimer’s Association would be deeply appreciated.

Robert E. Tella

Robert E. Tella, 71 died Thursday, December 17, 2009 at his home. He was the husband of the late Dorothy (Stahowiak) Tella. He was born in Providence a son of the late Robert and Stasia (Niedwicki) Tella. Mr. Tella was a computer programmer for Hasbro before retiring. He was a United States Air Force veteran. He leaves one daughter, Diane Cavallaro; two sons, Robert Tella and Steven Tella; one brother, Kenneth Tella and three grandchildren. His funeral and visitation was held on Wednesday, December 23rd at 10:00 A.M. with a service to follow at 11:00 A.M. Burial was in Seekonk Cemetery.

Silvina G. (Doro) Vicente

Silvina G. (Doro) Vicente, age 84, of Elm St., died unexpectedly Dec. 23, 2009, at the RI Hospital. She was the wife of the late Joao ‘John’ Vicente. Born Jan. 2, 1925, in Providence, she was a daughter of the late Adelino and Rosalina (D’Oliveira) Doro. She was a communi cant of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Seekonk. She is survived by her daughters, Lucille Vicente and Isabel V. Pedroso, both of Seekonk, and her granddaughters, Jessica and Kathleen. She was also the sister of Aida Rijo of Seekonk, Ines Mendes of Rehoboth and Jose Doro of Seekonk. Her funeral was held Tuesday, December 29th with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Taunton Ave. (Rte. #44), Seekonk. Burial followed at Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to The ARC of Northern Bristol County, 141 Park St., Attleboro, MA.

John J. ‘Duke’ Mulvey

John J. ‘Duke’ Mulvey, 72 of Briarbrook Dr. died Sunday, December 27, 2009 at Rhode Island Hospital after a five month illness with cancer. He was the husband of Eleanor (O’Neil) Mulvey to whom he was married forty eight years. He was born in Providence, a son of the late John F. and Elizabeth J. (Geoghegan) Mulvey. Mr. Mulvey retired after thirty seven years of service from New England Power Company, Brayton Point Station as a general foreman. He was a Union President of the Brayton Point I.B.E.W. for twenty years. After retirement he was a van driver for the Seekonk Y.M.C.A. for ten years. He was very active in Seekonk Youth Hockey, Baseball and Softball. He was a 1955 graduate of LaSalle Academy. Besides his wife he leaves two sons, John J. Mulvey Jr. of Marthas Vineyard and Michael P. Mulvey of Seekonk; three daughters, Lynn M. Blais and her husband Rick of Seekonk, Colleen E. O’Halloran and her husband Chris of Seekonk, Ann M. Marshall and her husband Rick of Warren; one sister, Peggy Germani and her husband Elia of Warwick; one brother, Thomas M. Mulvey of Narragansett and Naples and twelve grandchildren. His funeral was held on Saturday, January 2nd with a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00 A.M. in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Taunton Ave. Seekonk. Burial was in Gate of Heaven Cemetery. In lieu of flowers contributions to LaSalle Academy Scholarship Fund, 612 Academy Ave. Prov. RI 02908 would be deeply appreciated.


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They must be emailed to news@rehobothreporter.com Photos may be emailed or sent to the Reporter Office. Photos can not be returned.

MISSING CAT Cat missing from Rocky Hill Rd area Female black cat with white feet and neck. VERY friendly. Please call 508-252-6575 if you have her.

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The Reporter January 2010


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HORSE DRAWN HAY RIDES: Special group rates for children. Can accommodate large and small parties. Horses for all occasions - weddings and special events. Call for more info and rates. Call Mike (508) 252-4631 (MS)

Send Ad with Payment The Rehoboth Reporter P.O. Box 170, Rehoboth, MA 02769

Classified Deadline: 23rd. of the Month

Please Note:

Business-Services Advertising Rates $35 for up to 30 words

We reserve the right to alter and/or reject advertising


Wanted: Christmas tree fell, need Rehoboth Lions Ornaments 1994,2002,2006,2007. Call Judy 774-2543290. (e110) Wanted: W.W. I and W.W. II items: Uniforms, helmets, swords, knives, anything related, highest price paid. Please call for a quote, Charlie (508)230-6444. (e610) WANTED: OLD FLOWER VASES: please donate for upcoming show, can pick up, call 401-632-3602. (rfD) WANTED: Old carpenter hand tools; planes, levels, rulers, chisels, chests, wrenches, etc. Please call 508-222-5360. (e110)


FOR RENT: Apartment Rehoboth, Lareg 1 bedroom Completely Remolded. Front and Back Decks. Overlooking Palmer River. $700 Month, No Utilities, Appliances, Pets, Smoking. Call 617-899-5140 (e110)

Commercial Rentals 600 Sq Ft with heat & electric $1100.00/month Ideal for Retail Office

Rehoboth/Dighton Line: on busy Rt. 44. 600 sq. ft.; great for office or retail in a unique updated Carriage house. This has great exposure with over 15,000 traffic count per day yet is in a quiet country setting. With other tenants in place it lends itself to many other businesses, such as massage therapy, yoga, herbs and remedies, art studio, etc. Only $700.00 per month with electric and hot water supplied. Call me with your ideas. Allan Wright H508-252-4149 or C774-2181959 (e110)


Custom Log Cabin: Sugar Hill, Franconia NH, sleeps 6, fireplace, full kitchen; minutes from Cannon, Bretton Woods & Loon; weekly & weekends, Call 401-4334491. (e210)

FOR SALE Firewood For Sale: cut, split, seasoned, delivered. Cord or ½ cord. 508-567-2055. (e110) For Sale: Toshiba 21” color TV with builtin DVD player. Absolutely perfect condition, $75 or best. Call (508)252-9818. (e110)

600Sq Ft $1500.00/month with heat & electric Ideal for Retail Office

1573 Fall River Ave. • Seekonk, MA


ROR RENT: Commercial Rehoboth Route 44 Store Front approximately 700sq ft $700 Month No Utilities. Call 617-899-5140 (e110)


Furniture For Sale, Dighton: all b/o, China Cabinet, very good condition, $300, Trestle style dining table with benches and extensions, $400, Rustic style china cabinet, $150, White desk, good condition, $25, Call Lynn, 508-737-9431. (e110)

WOOD PELLETS: Corinth brand premium manufactured from Maine hardwood. $275/ton=50 bags @40#. $20.00 for 3 bags. Vineyard Road, Seekonk, MA 02771. (508)339-6050. Local deliveries available - $40.00 charge (e110)


SECRETARY/ RECEPTIONIST- Part Time For A Busy Real Estate Company, 11-12 Hours Per Week, Hours 9 Am-1pm Mon-fri. Call Phil At Weichert Realtors Tirrell Realty 401-437-2030 X 101 (rfWTR1) Basic Bookeeping-Part-Time 20-25Hours per week .Local credit union Call Joan or Lori at 401--438-7788. (rfCT)


HANDYMAN SERVICES: Remodeling/Repairs, Kitchens, Baths, Basements, Sheds Built, Painting. All types of flooring, Fish Ponds & much more .Free estimates Licensed & Insured call 508-379-0900. (e210) OLD WINDOWS REGLAZED & PAINTED: Workmanship guaranteed. Call Lou for prompt service at (508) 252-3996. (rp) GUTTERS CLEANED: Call (508) 2523996 (rp)


MISSING CAT: Cat missing from Rocky Hill Rd area - Female black cat with white feet and neck - VERY friendly. Please call 508-252-6575 if you have her.

January 2010 The Reporter


January Business Directory CATEGORY



Appliance Repairs Affordable Appliance Repair Co. 63 Appliance Repairs McPartland Appliance Repairs 74 Architectural Design VIZCAD 15 Art Supplies/Framing Gregory D. Dorrance, Co. 6 Attorney Cutcliffe, Galvin & Archetto 80 Attorney Donald E. MacManus, Attorney 81 Attorney Laurie P. Mullen 70 Attorney Lori O'Brien-Foeri 22 Attorney RCF & P Inc. 71 Attorney Reed, Boyce & Travis, P.C. 8 Auto Body A-1 Custom Auto Body 30 Auto Body Sousa's Auto Body 19 Auto Body Tri Star Autobody, Inc. 50 Auto Body Shop Seekonk Auto Body 40 Auto Dealers Bristol Toyota 12 Auto Dealers Hot Rides INC. 51 Auto Dealers Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 62 Auto Repairs Mike's Truck & Trailer Repair 39 Auto Repairs New England Tire 2 Auto Repairs Somerset Chrysler Jeep 38 Auto Repairs Somerset Subaru - Max Motors, Inc 65 Auto Salvage Gary's Auto Removal 73 Auto Salvage Seekonk Auto Salvage 16 Bank Coastway Credit Union 37 Bank St. Anne's Credit Union - Seekonk 25 Beauty Products Mary Kay - Connie Ackroyd 54 Bookkeeping Meredith Amaral Bookkeeping 102 Bridal Shop Ana's Bridal Boutique 93 Building Contractor A. M. Carpentry 36 Building Contractor DTP Construction 40 Building Contractor Nerney Construction 30 Building Contractor Richard G. Dias 33 Building Contractor Wood Frame Structures Inc. 80 Candidate - Seekonk David Saad - Candidate 69 Candidate - Seekonk Francis Cavaco 61 Carpentry - Finish Mark Koussa Carpentry 14 Carpet Cleaning M & S Carpet & Upholstery 41 Child Care Alphabet Tree Preschool 47 Child Care Citizens For Citizens - Attn. Carol 24 Child Care Rehoboth Family Childcare Assoc. 47 Child Care Twin Oaks Farm Learning Center 46 Chimney Cleaning RJD & Sons - Chimney Sweep 22 Chimney Services Certified Chimney Services 72 Cleaning Service Crystal Clean - Bethany Martone 8 Cleaning Service Dixon Cleaning 28 Collectibles Wexler's Collectibles 73 Computer Repair/upgra Newonet Computers 66 Convenience Store Cork & Bottle 85 Credit Union Community & Teachers Credit Union 11 Dance Studio Arthur Murray 27

CATEGORY Dentist Dentist Dentist Dentist Disposal Service Dog Grooming Dog Grooming Dog Services Driveways & Masonry Electrician Electrician Electrician Electrician Engine Repair-Lawn Excavating Fence Installation Fishing Flooring - All Types Flooring - All Types Flooring - Wood Flooring - Wood Framing - Custom Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Oil Fuel - Propane Furniture Furniture/Upholstery Glass Fabricator Glass Fabricator Graphic Design Hair Salon Handyman Handyman Handyman Hayrides / Carriages Health Care Health Care Health Care Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Heating & Air Heating Service Heating Service



Dr. Dimitri Ganim 7 Dr. Wassouf D.D.S. 49 Jared W. Stubbs, DDS 38 Ritebite Dental 54 Professional Duct Cleaning 104 Groom & Style 31 Pampered Pets 10 Canine Mastery, Inc 63 Blue Stone Driveways & Masonry 29 Dorrance Electric 18 James Tavares Electric 23 Kevin Jordan Electrical 50 Neal Bellavance Electric 7 Don's Small Engine Repair 67 Hire-A-Hoe 29 Fence Tech 58 The Bass Boys 103 Armoush Flooring 16 Custom Linocraft 71 A-1 Wood Floors 57 David J. Ledoux Hardwood Floors 33 Frames of Mind 40 Affordable Fuel 13 Al's Quality Oil Co. 10 Columbus Energies Inc. 51 E & V Oil Co. 104 Pricerite Discount Heating Oil 34 Stateline Fuel & Burner Service 20 Arrow Gas Corp. - Inergy Propane 70 Leather Living Home 34 Masterson Furniture and Upholstery 28 A Class Glass 72 Anawan Glass & Mirror Inc. 32 O'Hearn Graphic Design 66 Shear Innovations 57 ABT Handy Services 6 CBS Enterprises 66 Grandpa Tom 29 Schobel Hayrides 36 Barrington Urgent Care 53 Comm. Counseling of Bristol County 91 Community VNA 92 Bliss Life Yoga 56 Rehoboth Fitness Training 56 Renaissance Gymnastics Academy 55 World Gym Plus 53 YMCA - Newman 52 Taylor Heating-Air Conditioning 23 COD Heating 6 Larry's Heating & A.C. 58


The Reporter January 2010

January Business Directory CATEGORY Home Improvements Home Products Hotels Insurance Insurance Agency Jewelers Kitchen Landscape Service Landscape Service Landscape Service Lawn Sprinklers Mailing Service Marble Fabricators Martial Arts Masonry-Construction Massage Therapy Music Optometrists Optometrists Optometrists Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Painting Contractor Pet Services Photographer Plastering & Painting Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Plumbing & Heating Private School Private School Private School



Professional Property Maintenance 39 Fuller Brush - Earl Goff Jr. 84 Comfort Inn & Suites 103 Lefebvre Smith Insurance 41 Lezaola Insurance Group 59 Attleboro Jewelry Makers 60 Kitchens With Style 7 Big Sky Landscaping 36 K.L.P Landscaping 28 MacManus Landscape Services 59 P & G Irrigation 76 The UPS Store 19 Star Marble & Granite 75 USA Karate 48 StoneScapes - Mark Carvalho 84 Serenity Massage 56 Doug痴 Music Retail & Learning Center 27 Brown Center 56 Dr. Lucia A. M. D'Angelo 55 Oscar Ni,O.D. ,Optometrist 80 C.A Winter Painting/Powerwashing 58 Cronan Painting 25 Delisle & Son Painting & Repair 32 EZ Painting 23 Iachetti Painting Company 48 Lundco Painting LLC. 68 Reliable Painting Co. 75 Rehoboth Pet Care 18 Fetching Photography 96 David Laurino - Plastering 31 Potter Plumbing 41 Sine Plumbing & Heating 30 Vintage Plumbing & Heating 14 Ocean State Montessori School 47 Sacred Heart School 43 St. Margaret School 45

Bookkeeping & Business Consulting Meredith

Amaral M A

• Tax Preparation • Bookkeeping • Collections • Expense Reduction Phone (508) 989-9794




Private School The Providence Country Day School 47 Real Estate Home Source Realty- Shane Halajko 26 Real Estate Maria Correia Realtor (Mateus) 25 Real Estate ReMax Rivers Edge 37 Restaurant Boneyard Barbecue & Saloon 87 Restaurant Country Kitchen 87 Restaurant Francis Farm - Clambakes 86 Restaurant Luxury Box Bar & Grille 87 Restaurant Tito's Cantina 86 Restaurant Vino's Family Cafe 86 Roofer/WaterProofing Cameron Roofing 16 Roofing Contractor B & R Fournier Construction, Inc. 50 Roofing Contractor Tabeleys Roofing 83 Salt B & B Trucking 11 Security Systems Home & Commercial Security 31 Septic Systems Fisk Contracting 81 Septic Systems Town Sanitation 35 Septic Systems-Cleanin Bay State Sewage Disposal, Inc. 8 Septic Systems-Cleanin Croome Sanitation, Inc. 72 Septic Systems-Cleanin Soares Sanitation Pumping, Inc. 84 Services Pellet Stove Service 33 Stump Grinding Mike's Stump Grinding 84 Tax Consultant Albert H Thornton, Jr., Esq. 64 Theatres - Live Trinity Repertory Company 65 Trash Removal A. Viera Disposal 17 Trash Removal Cleanway Disposal & Recycling 19 Trash Removal Waste-Tech, Inc. 9 Trash/Junk Removal Big Blue Removal Service 22 Tree Service Advanced Tree 26 Tree Service Choate Tree Service 73 Tree Service M.D. Tree Service 39 Tree Service Precision Tree Inc. 48 Tree Service Steve's Tree Service 74 Veterans Consultant Lori O'Brien-Foeri 24 Water Treatment Water Filter Company, Inc. 15 Wood Furnaces Reed Outdoor Furnaces 13 Writing - Editing David Howard - Writing Workshop 32

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