SFAC Summer Camp 2011

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2011 SUMMER CAMP SCHEDULE SUMMER CAMP HOURS Half Day AM .......9-12 PM Half Day PM .........1-4 PM Full Day ................9-4 PM

FENCING SUMMER CAMP DO SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY THIS SUMMER!!! At Sarasota’s Premier Fencing School, Students will train and fence against champions! Highly trained experienced coaches and nationally rated fencers will teach beginners all the basics of this exciting Olympic sport in a safe and nurturing environment. Experienced fencers will sharpen their skills, improve their endurance and accelerate their game. All equipment is provided.

Half-Day Camps

Times: Monday-Friday, AM Sessions 9-12PM, PM Sessions 1-4PM Ages: Recommended for children 7-14, Junior level camps 13-18 Cost: $200 for one session, $350 for two, $525 for three.

Full Day Camps

• SESSION 1 JUNE 13-17 • SESSION 2 JUNE 20-24 • SESSION 3 JUNE 27-JULY 1 Closed for the National Championships • SESSION 4 JULY 11-15 • SESSION 5 JULY 18-22 • SESSION 6 JULY 25-29 • SESSION 7 AUGUST 1-5 • SESSION 8 AUGUST 8-12

Times: Monday-Friday 9:00AM-4:00PM Ages: Recommended for children 7-14, Junior level camps 13-18 Cost: $350 for one session, $600 for two, $900 for three.

GET IN SHAPE... Physically And Mentally! What to Bring For All Camps

• Lunch and a drink. We’ll take a few breaks each day for snacks. Please bring lots to drink, preferably non-sugary drinks such as Water or Gatorade. • Shorts, long pants and sneakers. Long pants are required. You will be able to wear your shorts during footwork, stretching and fencing related exercises and games. • All of your Fencing Gear (For Experienced Fencers) • Extra T-shirt, You may want to change after you fence!

~CONTACT US TODAY~ (space is limited)

CALL: 941.705.1803 1646 10th Way, Sarasota, FL Info@sarasotafencing.com www.SarasotaFencing.com

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