3 Great Tips On Link Building Once you own your own website, you are always looking for the next way to improve your website, and boost its ranking on search engine results pages. Even though the principle link building tools are around for several years, people coming to the industry are completely new and might never have heard any tips about link building that they feel might be applied to their own website. One of the principles of the internet is that it should be a free access point for info, thus for anyone who has not heard how to create links for your site, here are 3 tips on link building that can help you on your way. 1) Find Your Demographic Before you begin using link building tools, you ought to assess who your viewers and where they could be found. If you have a website about cats and cat products, for example, you may not need to place all of your links on websites dedicated to dogs and birds. You furthermore may need to understand your people: thus you may perhaps not put your cat website links on a website dedicated to video games. Sensible thinking about who you happen to be aiming your website at will help enormously while you are making your links. 2) Use Link Building Tools Make the best out of what the web has to offer by using link building tools as much as possible. These are sites such as bookmarking websites that allow you to drop links back to your own web pages. Be sure that you have some great articles to post there, or your links will not get the recognition they deserve. You should also attempt to avoid over-spamming your links to these sites, as you are likely to have a smack over the head by Google, as it has become very strict about spamming, link purchasing and different negative behaviors that prevent people from finding the pages that they choose.