RP PRESS Published By Republic Polytechnic
April 2016
Innovation lab aims to help logistics firms make tech leap 13 October 2015 The Straits Times
Simulated distribution centre will aid SMEs in developing ideas to boost productivity By JOANNA SEOW
Smaller logistics companies now have access to sophisticated technology at a new innovation laboratory unveiled yesterday at Republic Polytechnic (RP). The 1,000 sqm Supply Chain Innovation Lab – nearly the size of an Olympic swimming pool–simulates a distribution centre. It aims to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) develop and try out new solutions in a bid to raise productivity in the industry. Logistics students will also have hands-on training in managing warehouse operations with innovations such as a driverless forklift, an automatic picking system and a robotic arm, in what is believed to be the first such set-up in South-east Asia. The logistics industry has been identified as a future growth cluster, said Parliamentary Secretary for Trade and Industry and Education Low Yen Ling at the launch at RP yesterday. It contributed about 7 per cent of Singapore’s gross domestic product last year and employs more than 188,000 workers.
Dr Wang Jianguo, director of RP’s School of Engineering, said SMEs can test new technology at the facility and hopefully feel more confident in investing in and deploying it themselves. “We hope students (using the lab) will be able to bring new technology, new ideas and new imaginations to the logistics industry,” he said.
programme and lab would expose staff to new equipment that most SMEs may not be able to invest in straightaway.
The lab is co-funded by RP, the Economic Development Board and Spring Singapore.
Ms Esther Tan, 23, who works as a customer service officer at another firm on the programme, SDV Logistics, said she hopes to be able to suggest ways to improve work efficiency, such as by using the technology in the innovation lab.
“Even if we don’t implement the same machines, we at least have the concepts and the staff can hopefully apply these to the workplace and look at how to make things more efficient,” he said.
Companies interested in testing out new technology or ideas can approach the Centre of Innovation for Supply Chain Management to work with students on final-year projects, while funding is available for larger projects, said Dr Wang.
Yesterday, the logistics industry’s Earn and Learn Programme was also launched under the SkillsFuture initiative. A total of 36 mentors from 15 logistics firms, including DHL Supply Chain Singapore and STLogistics, will be training 39 polytechnic graduates in the first batch.
A vibrant logistics industry will enhance competitiveness in manufacturing and productivity in the service sector, she added.
One firm involved is corporate gifts distributor Axxel Marketing, whose senior corporate development manager Adrian Ngooi said the
9 Woodlands Ave 9 Singapore 738964 6510 3000 | one-stop@rp.edu.sg
The Government will continue to grow (the logistics) sector by enhancing our logistics infrastructure so that our companies are well positioned to seize growth opportunities.
“They’re good solutions for an industry that’s having trouble finding labour,” she said joseow@sph.com.sg
The innovation lab will contain a Lean Production and Services Lab by next April, after an agreement was signed yesterday by RP and management consultancy McKinsey & Company to develop it. This lab will help students and businesses learn to improve operations management while producing real products in a factory set-up.
“The Government will continue to grow this sector by enhancing our logistics infrastructure so that our companies are well positioned to seize growth opportunities,” she told about 300 company representatives and students at the start of RP’s Technology Festival.
Students on the new Earn and Learn Programme for the logistics industry learning about the driverless forklift at the Supply Chain Innovation Lab which was unveiled yesterday at Republic Polytechnic. ST PHOTO: LAU FOOK KONG
MS LOW YEN LING Parliamentary Secretary for Trade and Industry and Education
Table tennis ace scores PSC scholarship 22 July 2015 | The Straits Times National player Isabelle Li at the Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea, last year. She will study liberal arts at Yale-NUS, her sole choice for university. PHOTO: ACTION IMAGES
(Read more on page 12)
Articles reproduced with permission from Singapore Press Holdings.
Poly students have chance to ‘get real’ 2 June 2015 | The Straits Times
Facilities let them learn in industrystandard environment By AMELIA TENG
Polytechnics are adding new facilities and upgrading existing ones in the next one to two years to cope with a rising intake. These include aerospace hubs and operating theatres where students can learn in industrystandard environments. Over the years, students have been drawn to the polytechnics’ various niche courses and applied learning approach. A spokesman for the Ministry of Education (MOE) said it has increased its investments in education “significantly over the past decade”, including upgrading and building new polytechnic teaching and learning facilities.
From top left: Republic Polytechnic’s new hotel training area, Ngee Ann Poly students at the patient simulation centre, and a student getting hands-on experience at Temasek Poly’s aerospace hangar PHOTOS: AZIZ HUSSIN, KEVIN LIM, TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC
accepted 25,000 to 26,000 students a year, up from 20,000 to 22,000 a decade ago.
computerised mannequins that simulate heart attacks, for example.
MOE had previously said that 45 per cent of each Primary 1 cohort will make it to a polytechnic this year, up from 43 per cent in 2012.
Nursing student Mohamed Farouq, 18, said: “Being in these scenarios helps us understand theories better and practise our skills.” From next month, Mr Clarant Lourdesamy, 18, a second-year hotel and hospitality management student at Republic Polytechnic, will get to use six labs modelled after hotel rooms, up from three now. Students practise housekeeping skills in different types of rooms found at resorts, and business and boutique hotels. “We’ll have 30 to 45 minutes each week of individual practice in housekeeping and front reception. Now we get about 15 minutes,” he said.
Responding to questions, the ministry said about 49 per cent of the Primary 1 cohort was admitted to publicly-funded full-time diploma programmes last year. This included polytechnic students and others at Lasalle College of the Arts and Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. Separate figures on the polytechnics were not available as the ministry had changed its method of calculation last year.
Singapore Polytechnic’s perfumery and cosmetic science centre and Temasek Polytechnic’s 6,000 sqm aerospace hangar, for instance, were completed last year.
Polytechnic officials said the expansion of industry-standard facilities was to help students be more prepared for work.
Singapore’s five polytechnics took in 24,200 students this year. In the past few years, they
This year, Ngee Ann Polytechnic added four new labs – an operating theatre suite, two training labs and a nursing room. They have
“The lecturers role-play as guests to train our front desk skills and the rooms are very realistic. It helps me to understand the hotel industry better.”
就业辅导专科受欢迎 共和工院特别开三班 谢燕燕 报道
Specialist diploma in career counselling course high in demand; Republic Polytechnic opens 3 classes The first batch of students from RP’s Specialist Diploma in Career Counselling graduated on 19 November. The one-year programme included counselling techniques and market analysis on the job and labour market. RP is the only polytechnic to offer such a course. It has benchmarked against international career counselling standards.
NGEE ANN POLYTECHNIC • An aerospace hub with a 450 sqm hangar for engineering students. It will be ready in October.
21 November 2015 Lianhe Zaobao
她目前任职于共和理工学院,为学生提供 就业辅导。她在受访时说: “这是一个很新 的领域,除了学生之外,也可以帮助到退休 人士和想要转换跑道的人了解本身的长处, 找到适合的工作领域。”
共有27名学员完成共和理工学院的就业辅 导专科文凭 (Specialist Diploma in Career Counselling) 课程。这项课程为期一年, 内容包括辅导技巧、工作与劳力市场分析等。
她也说: “许多学生接近毕业时都会感到很 茫然,我的满足感来自于为这些学生提供 就业建议,让他们找到适合自己的就业方向。” 她认为修读这项课程也提升了个人的沟通 技能,可让她有更出色的工作表现。
目前,共和理工学院是唯一提供这项课程的 工院。共和工院发言人说: “我们的团队对比 了国际就业辅导的专业水平,也咨询了多位 私人及政府部门的人力资源专家,确保课 程符合本地各行各业的要求。”
由于课程反应热烈,共和工院今年特别开办 三个班(约90人)以应付需求。下一次报名 日期是在1月份左右。
取得就业辅导专科文凭的邱佩铱(39岁, 教育职业辅导员)在大学时修读工商管理 课程,毕业后先后在不同领域工作多年。
NANYANG POLYTECHNIC • A media hub will be ready this year for mass media management students. It will be modelled after print and broadcast production studios. • A training space for business management students to learn about merchandising, visual display of consumer items and retail app technologies. It will be launched in June.
她说很喜欢与人接触的工作,得知有这项 课程时,毫不犹豫报名了。
全国首批就业辅导专科文凭学员前天毕业, 他们从事人力资源与职业规划相关行业, 为他人提供就业发展指导。
A wealth of facilities
REPUBLIC POLYTECHNIC • A new Republic Polytechnic Industry Centre, most of which will be completed by July. It will house facilities such as an engineering design studio, hotel rooms and reception areas, a food-processing lab, and a logistics warehouse. SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC • A new four-storey Aerohub will be ready this year. All of SP’s planes – the Cessna 310, Cessna 172, A4SU Super Skyhawk and the UH1H Huey Helicopter – will be housed there. There will also be a wind tunnel lab and a research and development centre. TEMASEK POLYTECHNIC • A four-storey Veterinary and Aquaculture Centre will be ready in the third quarter of this year. It will house teaching and research facilities, including an animal wellness centre and clinic.
Inisiatif tingkat mutu latihan sambil belajar bagi pelajar poly dan ITE 8 January 2016 | Berita Harian
Tempoh program latihan sambil belajar bagi kesemua pelajar politeknik dan Institut Pendidikan Teknikal (ITE) yang mengikuti kursus Sains Bioperubatan akan ditambah daripada lapan minggu kepada 16 hingga 24 minggu mulai April.
Versi kek cawan bebas gluten berperisa soya, beri biru dan limau telah dihasilkan melalui kerjasama RP dengan rakan industri, Mr Bean. Kek cawan tersebut rendah lemak, garam dan gula tetapi tinggi kadar serat dibandingkan dengan produk sepertinya di pasaran.
Ini merupakan salah satu aspek baru yang diumumkan di bawah program Latihan Bekerja Sains Bioperubatan yang Dipertingkat (BMS-EI).
Selain itu, roti rendah kalori juga telah diperkenalkan kepada semua yang hadir semalam.
Inisiatif itu didedahkan di rumah terbuka Politeknik Republic (RP) semalam yang dihadiri Setiausaha Parlimen (Pendidikan merangkap Pembangunan Sosial dan Keluarga), Profesor Madya Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim.
Sekitar 800 pelajar bidang Sains Bioperubatan daripada politeknik dan ITE dijangka memanfaatkan program tersebut setiap tahun. Memberi butir lanjut, Pengetua RP, Encik Yeo Li Pheow, berkata Pasukan Penyelaras Sains Bioperubatan telah menyemak program latihan sambil berkerja sedia ada dengan mengambil kira keperluan pihak industri. “Apa yang kami umumkan hari ini ialah langkah peningkatan bagi memberikan pelajar pengalaman latihan sambil bekerja yang lebih baik dan menyediakan mereka bagi dunia pekerjaan dalam sektor sains bioperubatan.” Antara peningkatan lain yang diumumkan ialah menyediakan latihan khusus yang dirangka berdasarkan profil kerja masingmasing dalam bidang sains bioperubatan seperti ahli teknologi perubatan, juruteknik makmal dan ahli teknologi bio. Dengan itu, tugas yang akan diberikan kepada pelajar akan dibentuk bagi memberi mereka peluang mendalami penguasaan kemahiran yang relevan dalam industri yang diceburi.
Ia dihasilkan melalui kerjasama dengan PAR International Holdings Pte Ltd dan dibiayai Spring Singapore.
SEDIAKAN PELAJAR BAGI ALAM PEKERJAAN: Profesor Madya Muhammad Faishal berinteraksi dengan pelajar tahun ketiga Politeknik Republic, Cik Nicole Lee, di makmal baru Nu3Lab. FOTO POLITEKNIK REPUBLIC
Penyelia industri juga akan membimbing pelajar semasa latihan sambil belajar mereka berpandukan buku panduan yang dapat membantu penyelia dan pelajar memahami matlamat serta objektif latihan tersebut.
Makmal Nu3LAB hasilkan makanan sihat baru
Dr Faishal mengalu-alukan peningkatan itu dan berkata latihan sambil belajar penting dalam memberikan pelajar pengalaman dalam bidang yang mereka ingin ceburi.
SEBUAH makmal telah dilancarkan secara rasmi semalam bagi memberi peluang kepada pelajar dan penuntut dewasa Politeknik Republic (RP) mendapatkan pengalaman praktikal, terutama dalam bidang sains pemakanan.
“Matlamat kami ialah menyediakan mereka bagi masa hadapan. Apa yang mereka alami akan mengubah kehidupan mereka dan pelajar akan berasa lebih terdorong dan pembelajaran mereka juga akan lebih bermakna,” ujar beliau.
Makmal Nu3Lab itu juga bertujuan menyokong keperluan industri makanan dan minuman (F&B) dari segi memenuhi permintaan orang ramai bagi makanan yang lebih sihat dan memperkenalkan pilihan produk makanan sihat baru di pasaran.
Dr Faishal juga berkongsi bahawa anak perempuannya sedang melalui latihan sambil belajar dalam bidang sains bioperubatan dan beliau gembira dengan apa yang sedang dilakukan.
Syarikat penghasilan makanan juga dialualukan bekerjasama dengan RP dan pelajar dalam membuat penilaian bahan makanan baru.
“Sebagai seorang bapa, saya dapat lihat bagaimana pengalaman ini bermakna buat beliau dan mendorongnya mendalami bidang itu dan ini membuat kesemua anggota keluarga kami bahagia melihat apa yang dilaluinya,” katanya.
Menurut Pengetua RP, Encik Yeo Li Pheow, makmal tersebut memberi pelajar suasana belajar yang baik. “Ia membolehkan mereka berkerjasama dengan rakan industri kami dalam menghasilkan
Career help at S’pore polys Curriculum is part of SkillsFuture drive; consists of over 60 hours of activities By CALVIN YANG
The five polytechnics revealed details of their Education and Career Guidance curriculum, which gives students a head start in their job search before they graduate.
Encik Yeo berkata Sekolah Sains Gunaan RP juga akan bekerja rapat dengan Lembaga Penggalak Kesihatan (HPB) bagi memastikan formulasi makanan yang diperolehi di makmal berpatutan dengan garis panduan Simbol ‘Pilihan Lebih Sihat’. Sempena pelancaran makmal itu semalam, dua produk makanan lebih sihat baru telah diperkenalkan.
RP merupakan pengerusi bagi Pasukan Penyelaras Sains Bioperubatan yang dianggotai wakil politeknik dan ITE.
makanan yang lebih sihat dan sedap, dan menyatukan kemahiran serta pengetahuan mereka secara hands-on,” ujar beliau.
Poly students who started their courses last month will get access to activities such as lessons, mentoring sessions, industry visits and internships to help them make informed decisions about their career choices.
Students will also attend resume-writing workshops and mock job interviews in their second year, and take up internships in the final year.
The curriculum, part of the national SkillsFuture initiative, will consist of at least 60 hours of activities spread over the three years of their poly course.
The poly’s Office of Industry and Collaboration director Tui Jurn Mun said: “In the past, many students were unsure of what they wanted to do after graduation. Now, students can explore their options.”
For instance, Republic Polytechnic will help first-year students develop, among other things, interpersonal communication skills through lessons, and provide industry exposure through fairs and talks.
Some polytechnics have also incorporated career topics into lessons while others have rolled out new modules, including ones that help students understand their individual abilities and interests.
Roti rendah kalori, yang mempunyai pelbagai perisa termasuk durian dan teh hijau, sesuai bagi golongan tua, kanak-kanak dan masyarakat umum dan mengandungi kurang 40 peratus kalori roti biasa. Produk makanan itu dalam perancangan diperkenalkan kepada pasaran awam. naisyah@sph.com.sg
Initiatives for quality training and learning for polytechnic and ITE students Biomedical Sciences Enhanced Internship was announced at RP’s Open House on 7 January. Associate Prof Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Education & Ministry of Social and Family Development, attended the event.
Nu3LAB to produce healthy food RP’s Nu3Lab was officially launched on 7 January to provide opportunities for students and adult learners in RP to gain practical experience, particularly in the field of nutritional science.
9 May 2015 | The Straits Times
Poly lecturers will be trained in skills like giving basic career advice, using profiling tools and helping with career goal-setting. All five polys hope to have all their lecturers trained by the end of next year. Ngee Ann Polytechnic senior director of academic matters Tang Guek Im said: “Students often prefer to seek advice on career matters from their lecturers. “Naturally, these lecturers are in a good position to provide students with better guidance.” calyang@sph.com.sg
Polys step up effort to guide O-level grads in next chapter 11 January 2016 The Straits Times
All five polys have set up dedicated career guidance units and are organising more activities for students, parents By SANDRA DAVIE
The five polytechnics are pulling out all the stops to help O-level school leavers make the right decision in furthering their education. Republic, Nanyang, NgeeAnn, Temasek and Singapore polytechnics have all set up dedicated education and career guidance units within their campuses last year and staffed them with specialists trained in career counselling. The polytechnics have for years held talks, camps and open houses to familiarise secondary school students with what they offer. But recently, they have stepped up their activities to reach out to more students and give them in-depth guidance. In recent months, they have held talks and workshops for parents as well.
To enter a junior college, a student’s L1R5 score – based on O-level results for English and five relevant subjects – must not exceed 20 points. Polytechnics require the total score for English and four other subjects not to exceed 26 points. Republic Polytechnic principal Yeo Li Pheow said it is important for students to find a polytechnic course with the right fit. “It may take a bit of time and effort, but once they find a course they are really interested in, they excel at it,” he said, adding that parents should take an active role in helping their children decide on their post-secondary path. “Sometimes parents get upset when their children apply for a course that they think has poor job prospects.
Ms Irene Chin, a career counsellor at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, said students are often unsure of the post-secondary courses they want to pursue.
“But if they attend the talks and workshops, they may find out that it is a hot new area with good prospects. Besides, their child may really have the aptitude for the field.”
The Find Your Dream Course workshop that the polytechnic conducts regularly aims to help school leavers understand what motivates them and the values that are important to them.
Students Samantha Yeo and Nuovo Tan, both 16, attended the career counselling workshop at Ngee AnnPolytechnic last Thursday, and said they found it useful.
“We have come up with an exercise, which helps students better understand themselves – if they are more people-oriented, interested in business or more into science and technology or media and design,” said Ms Chin.
Nuovo, a student at Jurong Secondary, said: “I am interested in both the JC and polytechnic route so I am exploring all options.
“We also help them think about what would motivate them at work – recognition, financial freedom, community service or personal freedom – people who like to do their own thing, their own way. “Then, we help them match their interests and values to the right courses in polytechnic.” Ms Jeanne Liew, principal of Nanyang Polytechnic, said students often aim to get into the more competitive junior colleges or polytechnic courses because they see them as being prestigious. “They should instead be looking for the JC or poly course that best suits their interests and aptitude.” Figures released by the Ministry of Education (MOE) last year show that 400 to 500 students switch from a junior college to a polytechnic each year. On the flip side, the numbers going the other way are small. MOE figures show only 50 to 60 polytechnic students move to a junior college each year.
Students Samantha Yeo and Nuovo Tan, both 16, attended Ngee Ann Poly’s career counselling workshop last Thursday and found it useful. The poly conducts the Find Your Dream Course workshop regularly, to help school leavers understand what motivates them and the values that are important to them. ST PHOTO: ALICIA CHAN
“But as far as poly courses go, I am leaning towards the sustainable urban design and engineering course. After attending the workshop, I realised that the course suits my interest, which is in science and technology. I hope to go on to study architecture in university.”
is great if they land a place in the course they want, but at the end of the day, they have to work hard at honing their skills and knowledge in the field, understand the industry and know where to seek the right opportunities.”
Samantha, who attends Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary, said she was deciding between the mass communications and biomedical science courses.
He said the polys offer schemes including mentorship programmes and multiple internships for students to get more work experience.
After attending the workshop and talking to lecturers at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, she realised that mass communications suits her better.
“All these programmes offered by the polytechnics allow students to hone their skills, and gain a better understanding of the industry and the jobs that may suit them. Students should seize the opportunities available to them at the polytechnics.”
“I am a people-oriented person and love interacting with people from all walks of life, so a course that would allow me to go into journalism or public relations would suit me,” she said. Ngee Ann Polytechnic principal Clarence Ti said students should follow their dreams, but it is also important to “ground their dreams in reality”. “It
It may take a bit of time and effort, but once they find a course they are really interested in, they excel at it.
MR YEO LI PHEOW RP’s Principal
Learn how to fly a drone confidently in two days
1 March 2015 | The Straits Times
Republic Polytechnic’s course is targeted at professionals, hobbyists RP School Of Hospitality Five exciting and practical programmes to choose from: - Diploma in Customer Experience Management with Business - Diploma in Hotel and Hospitality Management - Diploma in Integrated Events Management - Diploma in Restaurant and Culinary Operations - Diploma in Wellness, Lifestyle and Spa Management Visit www.rp.edu.sg/soh to find out more!
“DRONES” is the new buzzword among the tech-savvy these days. RP lecturers Sasidharan Nair (left), 38, and Decwel Chan, 39, with a drone at the polytechnic grounds. ST PHOTO: MARK CHEONG
Hoping to tap the growing interest and potential of drones is Republic Polytechnic (RP), which has launched a drone training course targeted at professionals and hobbyists. Slated to begin in mid-April, it is one of RP’s Continuing Education and Training courses. It will focus on aerial videography and photography. Members of the public are welcome to sign up. “At the end of this course, (participants) will learn how to fly (drones) confidently,” said instructor Sasidharan Nair. Drones, which can cost as little as $50, can be used in many ways – from commercial advertising to navigation for military purposes.
26 February 2015 | The Straits Times
New initiative to match them with companies also offers a $5,000 bonus
A new programme offered a glimpse into the future that awaits many Institute of Technical Education (ITE) and polytechnic graduates. They can not only undergo on-the-job training while studying to further their qualifications, but also receive a $5,000 bonus when they sign up for the programme. The first batch of students – expected to be in the several hundreds – will start on the Earn and Learn programme, modelled after Swiss and German apprenticeship schemes, in April.
Hence, apart from understanding safety procedures, course participants are required to wear helmets when operating a drone.
The contents of this two-day programme include a theory component, computer simulation and actual drone flying.
Instructors at RP hope that they can develop their course for advanced drone fliers in July, should it prove popular.
While exciting, there are significant safety hazards involved in drone flying. The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore does not allow drones to fly within 5km of an aerodrome without a permit.
Mr Nair added: “There is no age limit to flying a drone. As long as you’re in good mind and spirit, you’re ready to fly.”
A malfunctioning drone has the ability to severely injure a person, said Mr Nair.
ITE, poly grads get a chance to learn, earn and work By SANDRA DAVIE
Due to the vast potential of drone videography, many corporate businesses have shown interest in the course, Mr Nair said.
By 2025, the aim is for one in three ITE and polytechnic graduates to be on the scheme, which could give them a head start in their careers. The Earn and Learn scheme is part of a basket of new moves by the Government to boost the skills of workers here under the SkillsFuture programme, announced by Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam on Monday.
also announced yesterday by the SkillsFuture Secretariat. These include a minimum 90 per cent subsidy for training and educational courses as well as various study awards.
mind of a polytechnic graduate set on going to university. “But it will be an added incentive for those leaning towards the work-study scheme,” he said.
For polytechnic and ITE graduates, the help to kick-start their careers will come almost as soon as they graduate.
He stressed that, at the end of the day, what will count will be the salary and career progression pathways provided by employers.
They will be matched with companies in four sectors – logistics, food manufacturing, food and beverage, and retail. Other sectors will be brought into the scheme at a later date.
“ITE and poly grads must feel that by going on the scheme, they can develop their careers and it will pay off.”
Participants will be employed by the companies and paid salaries while they go through the 12to 18-month programme.
Food and beverage group Bread-Talk welcomed the grants of up to $15,000, saying it will use the money for drawing up the programme blueprint and for mentorship training costs.
At the end of the stint, an ITE graduate would have gained industry experience and a diploma, while a polytechnic graduate would have obtained an advanced or specialist diploma.
Mountbatten MP Lim Biow Chuan, who chairs the Government Parliamentary Committee for Education, said the scheme will give students an opportunity to gain an understanding of the industry and the jobs in it.
Companies that take in employees under the scheme will get grants of up to $15,000 per trainee to offset their costs.
He said: ”Right now, there are students who just go chasing a degree without really thinking about the jobs it will lead to. They are better off going into a scheme like this, where they get to understand the industry, hone their skills and gain a qualification at the same time.”
“Employers gain because they can recruit local fresh talent and prepare them to take up suitable job roles within the organisation,” said the SkillsFuture Secretariat. The graduates get to build on their skills and knowledge.
Details of other programmes aimed at helping mid-career workers hone their skills were
Republic Polytechnic principal Yeo Li Pheow said the $5,000 bonus would not change the
61雇 主加入
29 March 2015 | Lianhe Zaobao
未来技能在职培训计划 工院和工教院的新晋毕业生可通过学校申请加入 这项计划。根据个别行业的需求,他们的在职 培训时间介于12到18个月。透 过 这项计划受聘,并且完成在职培训的学生可获得一笔5000元 的奖励。 黎雪莹 报道 61家各行各业的雇主已经加入由新加坡劳动 力发 展 局所推出的未 来技能在职培 训计 划, 为理工学院和工艺教育学院的毕业生提供职 场实习,让他们有机会学以致用,精进所学到 的技能。 劳发局昨天正式为未来技能在职培训计划
(SkillsFuture Earn and Learn programme) 举行推介仪式。卫生部兼人力部高级政务部长 许连碹博士受邀出席活动。她致词时说: “这 项计划有三大好处。第一,参与者能够通过系 统化的培训,获得与工作相关的必要技能。第 二,参与者能够在实习结束后得到获业者认可 的文凭和证书。这会方便他们日后进一步精进 个人技能。第三,雇主也可培养日后能在职场上 作出贡献的人才。”
工院和工教院的新毕业生可通过学校申请加入 计划。根据个别行业的需求,他们的在职培训 时间介于12到18个月。透过这项计划受聘,并 且完成在职培训的学生可获一笔5000元的奖 励。为支持企业在栽培人才方面所投入的资源, 雇主在计划下每聘请一名学生,也能获得最高 1万5000元津贴。 劳发局局长黄子鹏昨天到终身学习学院出席 推介仪式时说: “许多雇主和毕业生都对未来 技能在职培训计划感兴趣,这让我们感到欣 慰。至今,已有61个雇主加入计划,我们希望 能够吸引更多人报名。”
终身学习学院昨天也举办有关计划的路演。 这项活动提供约150个来自不同领域的在职 培训空缺,吸引超过600名学生前去。26岁 的共和理工学院校友吕俊良是其中一人。这名 拥有供应链管理专科文凭的毕业生说: “我觉 得这项计划最大的好处就是能够让毕业生学 以致用。我希望能够在这次的活动上争取到 心仪的在职培训机会。” 饮食制造业的未来技能在职培训计划下月 开始,其余七个领域,即饮食服务、电玩研发、 物流业、资讯通信业、海事岸外工程、零售业 和精密工程的未来技能在职培训计划也会在 今年陆续展开。
参与计划的中华食品厂有限公司董事经理许 乃洪说: “我认为这是一项非常有意义的计划, 我们必须给予年轻人学习的机会,即使失败, 也能够从错误中学习。这样一来,才会帮助他 们日后更好地掌握职场技能。”
超 过60 0名学生昨天参与未 来技能在职培训计 划在终身学习学院内举 行的路演。熊俊华摄
61 employers have joined the SkillsFuture scheme 61 employers from different industries have joined the SkillsFuture Earn and Learn scheme, an initiative launched by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency. The Lifelong Learning Institute held a roadshow, which attracted more than 600 students including 26-year-old RP alumnus Eugene Lu.
Pelajar veteran kejar diploma sebab mahu tingkat niaga
Walaupun agak mencabar kerana sudah beberapa dekad tidak menggunakan matematik di dalam kelas, Encik Sulaiman dapat mengatasinya dengan bantuan daripada anaknya. “Keluarga saya sering memberi dorongan dan sokongan. Tidak kira usia jika seorang ingin mempertingkatkan diri, ia penting memilih bidang yang diminati,” katanya.
26 November 2015 | Berita Harian
Daripada raut wajah Encik Sulaiman Sahat yang berseri-seri apabila beliau menerangkan cara membuat bahan komposit serat karbon, anda tahu betapa dalam minatnya terhadap bidang tersebut. Beliau lulus dengan diploma pakar dalam jurusan komposit lanjutan (SDAC) daripada Politeknik Republic (RP) pada Khamis lalu. Encik Sulaiman antara kumpulan pertama yang menamatkan pengajian daripada kursus SDAC. Majlis tamat pengajian diploma sambilan dan pakar itu di bawah program Pendidikan dan Latihan Berterusan (CET) yang bertujuan mendedahkan pelajar kepada kemahiran yang sesuai dengan kerjaya mereka. Seramai 119 pelajar menerima diploma mereka di majlis tersebut.
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Institut Pekerjaan dan Daya Kerja (e2i), Encik Gilbert Tan, turut hadir di majlis tamat pengajian itu.
Sejak 1994, Encik Sulaiman menjalankan perniagaan bengkel basikal The Rebound Centre di Geylang East yang menawarkan khidmat senggara basikal serta pembinaan dan pembaikan bingkai.
Beliau menekankan tentang kepentingan kemahiran dalam skop pekerjaan masa kini. “Kita harus terus memperbaiki kemahiran kita sejajar dengan perubahan masa dan juga kerana kerjaya di Singapura semakin bersaing,” katanya.
“Pada mulanya, saya belajar cara memperbaiki basikal dengan melayari Internet. “Kursus ini dapat mengesahkan sama ada kaedah yang telah saya pelajari daripada Internet selama ini betul,” ujarnya.
Beliau yang berusia 51 tahun membuat keputusan menyambung pengajian kerana hendak meningkatkan perniagaannya dan harap bahawa kemahiran dan pengetahuan barunya dapat membantu.
Veteran student pursuing diplomas for business reasons
Antara perkara menarik yang dipelajari Encik Sulaiman ialah tentang asal-usul dan cara pembuatan bahan komposit.
MENDALAMI ILMU BAHAN KOMPOSIT: Encik Sulaiman Sahat, yang lulus dengan diploma pakar komposit lanjutan daripada Politeknik Republic, ingin menggunakan kemahiran barunya bagi memajukan perniagaan bengkel basikalnya yang dimulakan pada 1994. FOTO M.O. SALLEH
Sulaiman Sahat, a graduate from RP’s Specialist Diploma in Advanced Composites, runs a bicycle repair shop, where he constructs and repairs bicycles and frames. He first learned to fix bikes through the Internet, and this course has helped to verify whether the methods he picked up from the Internet are correct.
斥资约四万元打造本地首个模拟医院药房 9 January 2015 | Lianhe Zaobao 陈美谕 报道 共和理工学院斥资约四万元打造本地首个模拟 教学医院药房,让学生在更贴近真实药房的环 境中,掌握实际的配药技能和程序。 这个模拟药房是共和工院与邱德拔医院携手 设立的,里面储存超过600种由邱德拔医院提 供的药物。 卫生部兼交通部政务次长费绍尔博士昨日见 证双方签署合作备忘录,并为模拟药房主持启 用仪式。 使用新设施的主要是修读药剂科学文凭课程 的学生。课程学科主任戴琴恩在受访时说,模 拟药房有助学生更好地累积配药经验。以往供 教学用途的药物种类较少,储存在一般的科学 实验室的柜子上;新的模拟药房则按照邱德拔 医院的系统储存及分类药物。 她说: “单单通过课本向学生解释配药过程, 效果有限。新设施能让学生亲身体验药剂师的 实际工作程序,让他们学以致用。” 共和工院打算再举办工作坊,让中学生和有意 转行的在职人士参观模拟药房。 邱德拔医院首席药剂师兼心脏专科顾问陈素 音医生说: “有了新模拟药房,导师可在校内 培训学生,学生接下来到医院里实习时就可直 接投入工作,并更容易上手。” 药剂科学课程三年级生黄歆颖(20岁)说: “新 设施模拟医院药房的环境,与我之前实习过的零 售业药房不同。我希望日后在本地医院当药剂师, 新的模拟药房相信能为我做好就业的准备。”
新 模 拟教学药房储 存超 过60 0种由邱德 拔医院 所提 供的药物,让学生亲身 体 验药剂师的实际 工作环境。林国明摄
Forty thousand dollars invested in Singapore’s first teaching dispensary
RP has partnered Khoo Teck Puat Hospital (KTPH) to launch the first polytechnic teaching dispensary, which aims to provide its Pharmaceutical Sciences students with realistic hands-on training in medication orders and dispensing. The RP-KTPH teaching dispensary will house over 600 types of drugs and simulate a real hospital pharmacy, which allows students to acquire practical skills even before they proceed for internship.
Polys keep up with need for cyber security 10 January 2015 | The Straits Times
New IT security diploma courses offered, old ones revamped By CALVIN YANG
On the back of a recent spate of cyber security breaches around the world – including the hacking of Hollywood studio Sony Pictures’ systems – organisations from government agencies to financial institutions have been looking to beef up their information technology (IT) security against malicious attacks. And polytechnics in Singapore are leading the charge in grooming IT security professionals, offering new cyber security diploma courses and revamping old ones. Two of the four new diploma courses at polytechnics this year will be in cyber security. In April, Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP) will introduce a diploma programme in information security and forensics, while Republic Polytechnic (RP) will launch a diploma programme in infocomm security management. RP will also start a course in engineering systems and management, while Temasek Polytechnic (TP) will begin a course in big data management and governance. Cyber security courses have been available at the remaining polytechnics – from as early as 2006 for Singapore Polytechnic (SP) and TP, and from 2009 for Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP). Mr James Tham, covering chair for RP’s infocomm security management diploma course, said: “With more people using the Internet, the chances of being affected by cyber attacks are higher. There is a need for more skilled professionals to handle these threats.” Ms Angela Wee, director of NP’s School of InfoComm Technology, said: “Traditionally, IT
Tarik diri dari universiti masuk program SkillsFuture 8 October 2015 | Berita Harian
Mengubah haluan pendidikan bukanlah sesuatu keputusan yang mudah. Lebih-lebih lagi jika tempat di sesebuah universiti sudah pun terjamin.
Singapore Polytechnic’s Cyber Wargame Centre gives students a realistic environment in which to handle various security scenarios. PHOTO: SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC
professionals are taught about security matters as an afterthought. Singapore is not spared from cyber vulnerabilities. There is a need to secure our digital infrastructure, so we have to grow our own pool of cyber security talents.”
and to train hundreds more specialist security experts in areas like malware forensics.” The new programme at NP will take in 40 students this year. Students will learn to investigate cyber crimes, develop secure computer networks and conduct penetration tests on systems by trying to break into them and then suggesting improvements.
The diplomas are being introduced partly in response to the five-year National Cyber Security Masterplan, unveiled by the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) two years ago, when the websites of the Prime Minister’s Office and Istana were hacked. A key thrust is to boost the number of cyber security professionals – such as digital forensics investigators, penetration testers and information security analysts – through tie-ups with tertiary institutions.
The pioneer cohort of 75 infocomm security management students at RP will take similar modules in ethical hacking, application security and intrusion detection and prevention. Both polytechnics tapped the expertise of professionals from government agencies and IT security companies, such as e-Cop and Palo Alto Networks, to ensure that students would be taught skills that are in line with industry practices.
IDA managing director Jacqueline Poh noted: “Cyber security is a growing global concern. There is a shortage of cyber security professionals with deep skills and experience worldwide. We need to enhance the expertise of our existing cyber security professionals
To keep its curriculum updated and industryrelevant, NYP added modules such as cyber
UniSIM kerana saya rasa program ELP ini lebih bermanfaat bagi diri saya. Ia juga memberikan saya peluang menjimatkan masa dan wang.”
Cik Claire menambah, Encik Nazmi juga “tahu apa yang beliau mahukan dan mempunyai pelan masa hadapan” – itulah menjadi salah satu faktor penentu bagi syarikat SDV Logistics mengambil Encik Nazmi.
Beliau ditemui Jumaat lalu semasa hari pertama program ELP bagi Logistik di Politeknik Republic dilancarkan. Seramai 39 pelajar menyertai program ELP yang pertama kali direka khas untuk bidang logistik.
Mengenai pertukaran haluan pendidikan, Encik Nazmi berkata beliau ingin menukar bidang IT yang dipelajarinya kepada bidang logistik kerana menyifatkannya sebagai “sejajar dengan perwatakan diri”.
Program ELP bertujuan membantu graduan mendapatkan pekerjaan di samping meningkatkan kemahiran dan ilmu pengetahuan mereka.
“Saya seorang yang berfikiran logikal dan saya gemar memastikan bahawa sesuatu perkara berjalan dengan lancar,” katanya.
Sebanyak 15 syarikat logistik menyertai program ELP kali ini. Antaranya, syarikat SDV Logistics – majikan Encik Nazmi.
Namun bagi Encik Muhammad Nazmi Mohamed Zaaini, 23 tahun, agak mudah beliau membuat keputusan sedemikian. Ini setelah inisiatif Program SkillsFuture Earn and Learn (ELP) diperkenalkan baru-baru ini .
Menurut jurucakap SDV Logistics, Cik Claire Xu, Encik Nazmi merupakan salah seorang calon yang tidak mempunyai latar belakang logistik yang mereka ambil untuk bekerja bersama mereka.
Encik Nazmi, pelajar lulusan Diploma Teknologi Maklumat (IT) dan Perniagaan dari Politeknik Temasek, berkata: “Saya menarik diri dari
Menurut beliau, Encik Nazmi menunjukkan minat dan semangat yang jitu ketika proses interviu.
Pada mulanya, beliau menganggap pekerjaan logistik ini semestinya kotor dan berpeluh. Namun, setelah memulakan tugasnya sebagai Pelatih Operasi tiga bulan lalu, anggapannya ternyata meleset kerana banyak aspek logistik kini menggunakan teknologi. Encik Nazmi berharap beliau dapat menjadi penyelia di syarikatnya supaya beliau dapat membimbing bakat baru dan menjadi contoh yang baik kepada mereka.
forensic process, and cyber security attack and defence to its cyber security and forensics course this year. SP set up a Cyber Wargame Centre two years ago to provide students with a realistic environment to handle various scenarios, such as securing networks and investigating cyber crimes. NYP and TP have also adopted similar training facilities this year to bring realism to their courses. Mr Liew Chin Chuan, course chair for SP’s infocomm security management programme, said: “Technology is always evolving and organisations need people who are wellversed in various security issues. These students have to keep up with the changes.”
“Saya percaya kita boleh mempelajari kemahiran baru sepanjang perjalanan kerjaya kita kerana apa yang utama ialah pengalaman yang kita raih,” ujar Encik Nazmi.
He pulled out from university to join SkillsFuture programme The article featured Muhammad Nazmi Mohamed Zaaini, 23, who is one of the participants in the SkillsFuture Earn and Learn Programme (ELP) for logistics at RP. He had secured a place at UniSIM but decided to go for RP’s ELP as he felt that the programme was more beneficial, allowing him to save time and money.
With youngsters increasingly looking to pursue degrees, it was feared there would be little interest in a new scheme allowing polytechnic and Institute of Technical Education graduates to further their qualifications while they work. However, initial signs are promising for the SkillsFuture Earn and Learn scheme which starts this year in four sectors: logistics, food manufacturing, food and beverage, and retail. The Straits Times understands that there are already 42 applications for the logistics programme – enough to fill more than half the 80 places on the course, though more can be added. Figures for the other three sectors are not yet available. The one-year logistics programme is only for recent poly graduates. They will receive on-the-job training four days a week, with the fifth spent at Republic Polytechnic studying for a specialist diploma in supply chain management. They will be hired for positions in areas such as air freight operations, customer service and supply chain planning, and be paid between $1,800 and $2,000 a month – similar to the starting salaries for polytechnic graduates entering the workforce.
Logistics looking good for Earn and Learn scheme 26 March 2015 | The Straits Times
42 apply for Republic Poly’s course, modelled on apprenticeship schemes by 2025, the aim is to have one in three ITE and polytechnic graduates on board.
the $5,000 may have helped to nudge students in the right direction, but they are also attracted by the opportunity to land good jobs and further their qualifications at the same time.
Other sectors will be included in the next few years.
He said it helps that most logistics students in the polytechnics have “sampled” working life through internships which are a compulsory part of the three-year diploma course.
Students will be supervised closely both at work and by their lecturers so that they will be able to integrate theory and practice to develop deep specialist skills.
“Many of them come back from the internships with good experiences and want to go back to work for the companies they interned with. The fact that they can take one day off a week to study while they work is an attractive option for graduates.”
They will also undertake a project related to their company operations so that they get to apply what they learn to solve reallife problems.
As an incentive, the Government is offering a $5,000 bonus for those who sign up for Earn and Learn.
So far 13 companies – both multinational corporations and medium-sized companies – have signed up to the logistics programme.
The programme is modelled on German and Swiss apprenticeship schemes and,
Dr Wang Jianguo, who heads Republic Polytechnic’s school of engineering, said
He added that the polytechnic is talking to institutions such as SIM University to see how the Earn and Learn participants can go on to study for a degree in the future.
Republic Polytechnic student Nerine Chua, 20, who is keen on the programme, said it will give her more time to figure out if the industry suits her. “I need to understand the industry better and the kind of jobs available, and the Earn and Learn Programme is a good way of doing that.” An Earn and Learn roadshow will be held at the Lifelong Learning Institute in Eunos on Saturday for polytechnic and Institute of Technical Education students and parents. It will feature employers from various sectors. There will also be personality profiling and assessment, career advisory services and talks.
音频世界中驰骋 15 April 2015 | Lianhe Zaobao
修读音频艺术学的林祖儿和张蕙婷,不久前为专业编 曲键盘做乐器采样,从20多种华巫印民族乐器中做 频率取样。这些音频样本在经过后制处理后,将被谱 到键盘,配合新加坡独立50周年推出。 张嫥芯 报道 /摄影 尽管音频艺术学 (S o n i c Arts) 不是热门科系, 念这科的男生也比女生多,但林祖儿(22岁, 左二) 和张蕙婷 (20岁,右一) 还是因为喜欢 音乐而选择这科。 一开始,父母也不是很清楚她们在学校学些什 么,后来听到她们的作品后,才大概知道两人 是做录音等音频后期制作。 即将从共和理工学院艺术科技系毕业的两人, 前阵子和另外三名队友在毕业作中有另类的尝 试。团队为日本电子乐器公司 Korg Inc 的专业 编曲键盘做乐器采样,从20多种华巫印民族 乐器中做频率取样。 张蕙婷说: “我们接触到许多以前都不知道的 乐器,在了解每种乐器的演奏方式后,学会更 好地安装设备来收音。”
两人最大的收获则是从音乐家的身上学到很 多。林祖儿说: “有位马来音乐家不吝于跟我 们分享业界经验,还教我们如何摆放麦克风 来达到更好的采样效果。” 采样的过程中,最大的障碍是语言不通。一 些民族音乐家不谙英语,这时就得靠团队中 其他种族的成员解说。 音频样本经她们的后期处理后,被谱到键盘 上。为配合新加坡独立50周年,City Music 跟 Korg Inc 合作,今年将推出一款音乐键盘, 无论是印度古典乐器中的维那琴,或是马来 传统的甘冬鼓,演奏者都能透过黑白键弹奏
The world of Sonic Arts Despite Sonic Arts being a course more popular with males than females, two RP female students opted to major in Sonic Arts out of their love for music. Their parents were initially unaware of their course curriculum. Only upon listening to their works did they realise that their daughters were involved in post-production audio recording.
2 October 2015 | Lianhe Zaobao
癫痫症理工生物流业闯天下 郭培贤 报道
校方也表示,他们有信心吴佑文在计划下会 成为新加坡需要的物流专业人士。
要在理工学院毕业前寻找实习机会,却因癫 痫症处处碰壁,男子为了提高就业机会,参加 学校策划的“在职培训计划”。
我国物流表现 排名亚洲第一
今 天,一批毕业自共和理 工学院 供 应链管 理科 (Supply Chain Management) 的学 生,开始在物流 业“未 来技能在职培 训计 划”下正式开课。 学员之一的吴佑文(26岁),在求学时期品 学兼优,但因16岁时诊断患癫痫症,影响了 实习的机会。
新加坡是国际知名物流业中心,在世界银行发 表的2014年物流表现指数中,我国排名 亚洲第一。
“ 我患的癫痫症不严重,只有长时间呆在电脑 前才会发作,症状也较轻微,不会影响工作 能力,可是很多人都不了解。”
为了继 续维持 物流 业的增长 及培养人才, 新加坡劳动力发展局指定共和理工学院, 推出供应链管理在职培训计划。
在校方协助下,吴佑文好不容易争取到实习 的机会。毕业后,校方邀请他参加“未来技能 在职培训计划”,他毫不迟疑答应了。
学院 对全国30 0多名理工学院毕业生发 出邀请,获 得59 份申请。因 反 应 热 烈, 计 划 从本来 25人 的名额 增至 现 今3 9人。
“参加这个计划,因为可以学到不少东西增加 就业就会。”
在计划下,理工学院毕业生将获得进修供应链 管理学专科文凭的机会,也会得到参与计划的 物流公司在职培训的机会。
在这个计划下,吴佑文今年6月就被德国物 流公司 Kuehne+Nagel 录取,在公司“实习” 几个月,直到今天才正式上课。
共和理工学院将在学院一年一度的 “Tech Fest” 为计划举行正式开幕仪式。
“在公司实习期间, 我学到了很多东西,非常 吴佑文毕业 后参加 “未 来技能在职培训计 划 ”。
Student with epilepsy making his mark in the logistics industry Ian Goh, a student from RP who has mild epilepsy, participated in the Earn and Learn programme (ELP). He was part of the first batch of students for the Specialist Diploma in Supply Chain Management. Ian, 26, shared that he was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 16 and although his condition is not serious, he faced some challenges in getting people to understand. He said that the ELP will improve his chances of employment with the hands-on learning that it provides.
“ ”
参加这个计划,因为可以学到 不少东西增加就业就会。
吴佑文 共和理 工学院 供 应链管理科
Hotels first to get sectoral manpower plan 10 October 2015 | The Straits Times
Five-year strategy for industry to upgrade and retain workers under national skills initiative
breakthrough in the short term, but also sustainable growth for the long term,” Mr Lim said at the launch event at One Farrer Hotel and Spa in Farrer Park.
The hotel industry here has become the first sector to get a dedicated five-year manpower strategy, under a national drive to equip students and local workers with industryrelevant skills.
Being the first sector to launch its manpower strategy “shows how serious we are about grabbing the bull by the horns”, said Singapore Hotel Association executive director Margaret Heng.
The sectoral manpower plan, announced yesterday by Manpower Minister Lim Swee Say, is part of the SkillsFuture initiative and lays out five measures to upgrade and retain workers in the industry.
A total of 32 hotels – including Grand Park City Hall and Resorts World Sentosa – and two hotel groups have signed up for the first Earn and Learn programme.
These include more structured internships, an Earn and Learn programme for polytechnic and ITE students, and a framework of new skills needed and career progression opportunities from operations level to senior management roles.
They will receive funding of up to $15,000 a trainee to provide on-the-job training for fresh hires from polytechnics who will spend a year studying for a diploma in hospitality business management.
Mr Lim said the strategy, initiated by the Singapore Tourism Board and Singapore Workforce Development Agency, is important with the number of hotel rooms here due to rise by 20 per cent by 2020, boosting demand for workers.
There will be 60 trainees in the first batch and a similar programme for ITE graduates is also in the pipeline. Internships for hospitality students at polytechnics and ITE have also been standardised.
But the ageing workforce, tight foreign worker inflows and rising aspirations mean that the supply of rank-and-file workers – who now take up around 65 per cent of the 35,400 jobs in the hotel industry – will grow at a slower rate.
They previously lasted from 12 to 24 weeks with monthly stipends of $450 to $1,000, depending on the institution. They should now last half a year and have allowances of at least $600.
“If we are prepared to... strive for better service with leaner manpower, we will not only have
Experience in at least two departments is also recommended. Republic Polytechnic student BaySi Xiang, 21, is serving an internship as a housekeeping coordinator at Four Seasons Singapore and will move to laundry operations next. He said: “I’ll be able to better understand the departments and be more ready for the industry.” The manpower plan should make hospitality careers more attractive and reduce the likelihood of students moving to other industries, according to National Trades Union Congress Hospitality and Consumer Business Cluster chairman Tan Hock Soon. “The new skills ride on technology and form new jobs,” he said. “This will make workers more employable.” Sectoral manpower plans, first announced by Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam in this year’s Budget, will be launched for more than 20 key sectors such as the social services, healthcare, and retail and food services.
薪水重要吗? 答:虽然这可能是一件颇令人懊恼的 事,但首先还是得恭贺你有得选择!
问:我们应该追求 自己喜欢、但薪水 不多的职业;还是 薪水高,自己不是 很喜欢、但却不介 意从事的职业? 陈淑仪 共和理工学院人力资源管理, 心理学学科主任
2 September 2015 Lianhe Zaobao
过往经验 好的工作经历,或身边敬仰的人从事某种工作, 这些都会影响我们的职业选择。尤其是自身的 工作经历对我们的影响更大。我们会比较倾向 选择自己曾经做得好、提高自尊的工作。
工作是生活中富有意义和重要的一环。职业 往往有助于定义我们的身份和地位;对很多 人来说,职业会给他们带来影响,比如在自 尊方面、提供归属感、帮助他们与社会其他 成员建立关系。
一个人选择从事什么工作,并不只是取决于 个人的喜好或工资的多少。考量的过程复杂, 但也有趣,因为我们往往会在过程中有新的 发现。以下是我们在择业时可能需要考虑的:
掌握的知识与技能 个人的知识与技能,是否符合该职业的需求? 该职业领域是否看重我们的技能?
我们的个性 不同职业对人有不同的性格要求。职业要求 与工作环境是否和我们的性格、优势(如友 善、热爱学习、勇敢)相辅相成?
生活里扮演的角色 每个人在生活中扮演着多种角色(如子女、父 母、学生等),这些角色会随着不同的生命阶 段改变。在这些角色当中,我们的自我形象、 对自己的期望会影响我们的职业选择。文化、 社会或群体对这些角色的影响和塑造,也会 影响我们对职业的看法和选择。
“Should I pursue an occupation I like with a modest salary; or an occupation that pays well which I am not really fond of but do not mind doing?” Ms Beatrice Tan, RP’s Programme Chair for the Diploma in Human Resource Management with Psychology, shares career guidance advice in response to the above question from a secondary school student.
职业选择和社会、经济有关。生活中的事件会 影响,或在一定程度上决定我们选择从事哪一 行。经济环境和就业市场的改变,也会影响我 们的职业选择和发展。 职业考量的因素不只一个,个人、文化、社会和 环境因素都会影响我们。每个人受影响的程度 不同,做出的决定也有所不同。 与其一直想找出哪个才是正确的选择,不如换 个角度去看待这个情况,我们会发现其实有不 少适合自己的选择。 我们生活在一个 VUCA (volatile 动荡、uncertain 无常、complex 复杂、ambiguous 模糊 ) 的世 界里,环境不断在改变。当你学习和体验新事 物,角色改变,你的兴趣、财务状况和生活中 优先考虑的事也将随着改变,你也需要继续调 整你的职业选择。 这个问题没有一个明确的答案,每个人的情况 都有所不同。希望以上提出的意见能供你参 考,让你更了解自己。要做出一个最适合你的选 择,最好还是联络学校的教育与就业辅导员。
RP School of Management and Communication If you have a nose for news or a passion for business, visit www.rp.edu.sg/smc for more info!
Table tennis ace scores PSC scholarship
22 July 2015 | The Straits Times
Isabelle Li, who will study at Yale-NUS, is the only poly grad among 75 who are awarded govt scholarships this year By AMELIA TENG
Local table tennis starlet Isabelle Li cannot stop racking up the points – whether in her sport or studies. The 20-year-old Youth Olympics and SEA Games silver medallist juggled training and studying to graduate from Republic Polytechnic (RP) last year with a near-perfect grade point average of 3.98 out of 4.
RP School of Engineering
She has now become the only recipient from a polytechnic to clinch the Public Service Commission (PSC) scholarship this year.
If you are a problem-solver who loves tinkering with gadgets and unravelling complex puzzles, check out these courses:
The other 74 come from schools that offer the ‘A’ levels or the International Baccalaureate and specialised schools such as NUS High School of Mathematics and Science.
- Diploma in Aerospace Avionics
Ms Li will study liberal arts at Yale-NUS College this year and is one of the six recipients who will do their undergraduate studies locally. Most are going to the United States or Britain.
- Diploma in Aerospace Engineering - Diploma in Aviation Management
Ms Li graduated from a three-year diploma course in sports and leisure management offered by RP and the Singapore Sports School.
- Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
When competing in major table tennis events, she would train 5½ hours a day for five days a week, and half a day on Saturdays.
- Diploma in Engineering Systems and Management - Diploma in Engineering Design with Business - Diploma in Green Building Energy Management - Diploma in Industrial and Operations Management - Diploma in Supply Chain Management Visit www.rp.edu.sg/seg to find out more!
National player Isabelle Li at the Asian Games in Incheon, South Korea, last year. She will study liberal arts at Yale-NUS, her sole choice for university. PHOTO: ACTION IMAGE
It is not simply a career choice but a commitment that I’ve undertaken.
“I learnt discipline through both studies and training,” she said. “Any spare time I had, especially on Sundays, was spent catching up on studies, or with family and friends.”
Ben Tan, the sailor, and swimmer Joscelin Yeo, “who have done this juggling successfully”.
She added that she is “humbled” to be selected for the PSC scholarship. “It is not simply a career choice but a commitment that I’ve undertaken,” she said. “Yale-NUS was my first and only choice after I read about it when it opened in 2013. I wanted to stay in Singapore so I could spend time with my parents.
This year’s recipients were selected from a pool of more than 2,400 applicants from 13 schools, including Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), St Joseph’s Institution and School of the Arts. In the past three years, seven polytechnic graduates have received the scholarships.
“I like that Yale-NUS is in Singapore but has a residential college system and there are opportunities to explore breadth of subjects.” She added that her new challenge will be to juggle both sport and studies in university and when she eventually joins the public service.
This is the first year that the PSC is no longer making a distinction between its Overseas Merit Scholarship and Local-Overseas Merit Scholarship schemes. Both are now called PSC scholarships.
“I’m still exploring how I may be able to continue with training,” she said. For inspiration, she looks to the likes of former national sportsmen
This means scholarship holders, whether they study in Singapore or abroad, all come under one scheme.
Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, who spoke at an award ceremony at Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel yesterday, said the public service deals with challenges as difficult as those faced 50 years ago. These include ensuring that less fortunate Singaporeans can still benefit from the country’s development and meeting the aspirations of a well-educated population. “Whether we can continue to have a good public service for the next 50 years and beyond depends very much on whether we can continue to attract, develop and retain good people in the service,” said the minister in charge of the civil service. PSC chairman Eddie Teo was “encouraged” to see more scholarship holders in nontraditional destinations like France and New Zealand. Ms Heng Yi Xin, who will read social work at the University of Auckland, chose New Zealand as she wanted to find out about its social policies. The 19-year-old helped out with special needs children when she was at Hwa Chong Institution. “Social work can be applied to different ministries, such as education and manpower,” she said.
Shanti in her blaze of glory 11 June 2015 | The Straits Times
Sprinter’s gold medal in ‘perfect race’ emulates Barnabas’ victory in 1973 By MAY CHEN
The raucous spectators quietened gradually into silence as the sprinters took to the starting blocks for the women’s 200m race. Anticipation was thick in the air yesterday at the National Stadium. Perhaps the 11,257-strong crowd felt that Shanti Pereira, 18, was about to make history. And Singapore’s newest sprint queen certainly did, emerging from the bend with a strong lead in what was described by officials later as a “perfect race”, clocking 23.60sec to clinch the gold and lower the national record for the second time in a day. Her arms aloft, her right index finger raised to the skies as she strode across the finish line, it was then that celebrations erupted and tears flowed. Not since Glory Barnabas at the 1973 edition – when the biennial affair was still called the South-east Asian Peninsular Games – has Singapore tasted success in this event. Said Shanti, who also won a bronze in the blue-riband 100m sprint the day before: “I’m so crazily happy, I can’t describe how I feel right now. “I definitely wanted a medal but I didn’t want to be stressed out over it, because I knew if I were (anxious), I would end up not doing as well.” Qualifying for the final with the second-fastest time of 23.82 – eclipsing her 2014 national mark of 23.99 – the Republic Polytechnic student admitted she had felt intimidated and nervous ahead of her pet event. While the 100m bronze provided confidence, Shanti was particularly wary of 100m winner
Kayla Richardson of the Philippines, who had qualified fastest in the heats with a time of 23.67. “Seeing how she did (in the 100m) and in the heats today, I knew she was my strongest competitor,” said Shanti. Her coach Margaret Oh, however, had more faith in her charge’s abilities. Said an emotional Oh, still wiping tears of joy from her cheeks: “All along, Shanti has been more confident in the 200m. (I knew) she was in control of this race and she ran perfectly. “It’s been a very tough few months (of training), but I’m very happy that (she) was able to achieve what I wasn’t able to do.” Barnabas, who watched the race from the stands, is confident Shanti can go even faster. Singapore’s Shanti Pereira celebrating while crossing the finish line to win the women’s 200m final at the National Stadium yesterday, having taken the outright lead from the bend onwards. PHOTO: EUROPEAN PRESS PHOTO AGENCY
She told The Straits Times: “She’s got age on her side and plenty of time to go out and perform at even bigger events.” Shanti’s win capped a stellar day for Team Singapore in the athletics competition. Thrower Zhang Guirong delivered a gold in the women’s shot put event, the 37-year-old’s sixth straight title in this event. Her distance of 14.60m, while a far cry from her 2005 national record of 18.57m, was good enough to put her ahead of Thailand’s Sawitri Thongchao (13.62m) and Areerat Intadis (13.31m).
“I’m getting on in age, but as long as Singapore needs me, I will still be there at the next SEA Games.”
Said Lim-Prasad: “My preparation hasn’t been ideal, but I’m just counting my blessings that I was able to finish and get a strong podium finish.”
Dipna Lim-Prasad got the Republic off to a good start when she took silver in the women’s 400m hurdles in 59.24, re-writing her own national record of 59.59 set in May.
Last night, even with all the events for the day completed, the majority of the spectators continued to linger in the stadium.
She finished behind Vietnam’s Nguyen Thi Huyen, who set a Games record of 56.15, and ahead of Thai Wassana Winatho (1:01.69). It marked a comeback for the 24-year-old, who had struggled with a hamstring and hip injury.
Said Zhang: “This is my seventh SEA Games but the feeling I had today walking into the stadium is so different from the past.
Last night’s race, in fact, was just the sixth time she has hurdled in the last 2½ months.
They were waiting for the final victory ceremony of the day – when the Majulah Singapura would be played in Shanti’s honour. Having waited 42 years for the National Anthem to be played for a victorious woman sprinter, one hour more clearly did not matter. maychen@sph.com.sg
I’m so crazily happy, I can’t describe how I feel right now.
SHANTI PEREIRA after her victory in the 200m Her 200m gold medal around her neck, the 18-year-old – who won a bronze in the 100m a day earlier – holds the national flag while being embraced by her parents. ST PHOTO: DESMOND FOO
约六成工院课程截分点降低 本地五所工院今年共提供235个 课程,其中截分点比去年低三至四 分的,包括信息及网络安全、数码 媒体设计以 及工程学等课程。
许翔宇 报道 理工学院联合招生和特别招生活动结果昨天公 布,约六成的工院课程截分点比往年降低,显示 它们受到更多成绩优秀的O水准毕业生青睐;其 中截分点比去年低三至四分的,包括信息及网 络安全、数码媒体设计以及工程学等课程。 去年的O水准考生总人数继前年下滑后持续 减少,但不少考生成绩亮眼,至少三科及格和 至少五科及格者,比率是20年来最高。 今年也有更多成绩优秀的学生选择报读工院。 本地五所工院今年共提供235个课程,约六 成的课程截分点比去年低至少一分。 今年截分点最低的仍然是义安工院和新加坡 工院的国际商务课程,分别维持在6分和7分。 除了传统上吃香的商科课程,截分点与去年相 比维持不变或进一步降低的其他课程,包括 应用科学、媒体及设计、工程学以及资讯科技 相关的课程等。
网络安全课程 比往年吃香
包括药剂科学、供应链管理以及体育及运动科 学课程,介于20分至22分,个别的截分点都减 少三分。至于今年新增的两项课程,即资讯通 信安全管理学和工程系统与管理学,截分点分 别是21分和26分。
政府致力推动我国迈向智慧国愿景,以及提高 国人对网络安全的意识,似乎也影响部分学生 的科系选择,不少工院的网络安全、数码鉴证 及工程类课程,比往年吃香。
教育部受询时说,今年有约2万8800名学生通 过联合招生活动分配到高等学府,34%可进入 初级学院、58%进入工院,另8%进入工艺教 育学院,比率同往年不相上下。
例如,淡马锡工院、南洋工院提供网络安全及 数码鉴证有关课程,截分点皆为14分,比去年 过去五年来,有资格进入初级学院但选择报读 减少4分。新加坡工院的通信安全管理学,截 工院的学生,维持在约8000人。 分点是11分,比去年少两分。义安工院今年首 次推出的资讯安全与取证课程,截分点为11分。 新加坡工院的机械电子学和机器人课程,以 及义安工院的电子和电脑工程课程,竞争也十 分激烈,截分点分别是19分和22分,皆比去年 减少4分。 毕业自东景中学的陈伟康(17岁),O水准总积 分(ELR2B2)在扣除优待分后是11分,已经 被淡马锡工院的网络及数码安全课程录取。 “这个课程是我的首选。近年来本地及海外频 频发生黑客入侵官方及商业电脑系统的案件, 让我意识到网络安全的重要性,而我刚好也对 这方面感兴趣。虽然我的成绩可以报读初级 学院,但我相信工院能让我更快地掌握这方面 的技能。”
Approximately 60% of polytechnic courses have lower last aggregate scores this year
另一方面,共和工院今年提供的39项课程中, 近半数截分点减少一分。一些竞争激烈的课程
8 September 2015 Tamil Murasu
National Day Parade 2015: Chapter 1 – Beginnings by Republic Polytechnic As part of Singapore’s Golden Jubilee, RP was invited to be part of the National Day Parade celebrations at the Padang this year. More than 300 staff, students, alumni, trainers/coaches from Interest Groups and even the Director of Student and Graduate Affairs, Mr. Ganesh Kalyanam were part of the performing contingent for Chapter 1: Beginnings.
RP School of Technology for the Arts Are you ready for a career in the creative industry? If your answer is “Yes”, visit www.rp.edu.sg/sta to find out more!
30 January 2015 Lianhe Zaobao
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Out of the 235 diplomas offered by the five polytechnics, approximately 60% of polytechnic courses have lower last aggregate scores this year, showing that students with good ‘O’ level results are very keen to pursue the polytechnic route despite a smaller pool from this cohort. RP saw nearly half of its courses having at least a one point decrease in last aggregate scores.
From rebel to top student
“My parents would say they were okay with (me not going to school), but I noticed them getting more and more disappointed in me. I saw it in their eyes,” he said. In Secondary Three, the Express stream student finished last among his cohort and was told he would either drop to the Normal Academic stream or be retained a year.
5 May 2015 | The New Paper
Mr Chua chose to drop out. He was 15. He worked at part-time jobs for three to four months — serving at a fast-food restaurant, distributing fliers and even selling ice cream.
Realising he wanted better opportunities, teenager chose to excel in poly
He also helped his father, a cleaner at a Kopitiam outlet, to collect trays. He recalled how his dad would leave home early in the morning and get home late at night.
OPPORTUNITIES “During the months I was working, I asked myself if I wanted to do part-time work for the rest of my life,” he said.
He would have verbal fights with his school teachers, and often get into trouble over his hair or attire.
His parents weren’t well-educated so they were unable to qualify for a lot of jobs. Mr Chua realised he wanted more opportunities for himself.
Mr Asher Chua would also play truant a lot till his parents had to be called. Sometimes, he would even catch a nap in an HDB block nearby till school was over.
A year after leaving school, he enrolled at City College Singapore and scored 24 points for his O levels in L1R4 (English and four relevant subjects).
But the person who once did all those things has since changed his attitude so much that come tomorrow, he will be graduating as the second top student of Republic Polytechnic’s Diploma in Mobile Software Development (School of Information). He got mostly As and his grade point average is 3.81. Mr Chua, 20, has also been inducted into the Director’s Roll of Honour for four semesters. Looking back at his past, he said: “It was an experience. Without it, I wouldn’t be what I am today. It was a bit rocky but it was probably necessary for it to happen.”
His mum stopped school to support him
Determined to try again, he decided to study for a diploma in mobile software development at RP. “RP was a new start for me. I wanted to show myself and my parents I was capable. I wanted to just go all out,” he said.
EXCELLING: Mr Asher Chua will graduate as the second best student in Republic Polytechnic’s Mobile Software Development diploma programme. TNP PHOTOS: JONATHAN CHOO
Asked what he would say to other youth feeling lost in life, he said: “It’s very important to think through what you really want. Don’t just go through life, make the right choices.”
Still, it wasn’t easy to get to where he is today. Mr Chua recalled how he used to try to avoid school when he was studying at Yuhua Secondary School.
ALL SMILES: Mr Senthil Kumar graduated with a Diploma in Sports Coaching from Republic Polytechnic yesterday. By JADE TEO
His mother got retrenched, and he had to switch from a fulltime to a part-time course at the polytechnic. But Mr Senthil Kumar Vincent Asokan never blamed his mother or felt sorry for his predicament. He recalled how his mother had to stop her diploma studies at Temasek Polytechnic to support his sister and him after their father died when he was just five years old. “Not finishing her course then was probably her greatest sacrifice. She sacrificed a lot. Too much, actually.
He overcame obstacles with ‘can-do’ spirit By JADE TEO
His mother got divorced when he was in Primary 5 and had to take care of him and his older brother. Wanting to help support her, Mr Jovan Khoo, 23, turned to photography. Even though he had only dabbled in it in the past, he decided to take it up seriously and make some money from it to help his family. He watched YouTube videos to improve his skills and learnt how to take professionallooking shots. Mr Khoo, who graduated yesterday with a Diploma in Integrated Events Management, said: “The first few months were a headache, to watch one video over and over again.”
“It was through her whole life. The time and effort she took to come back to take care of us. She was there for us, all the time,” he said. Determined to help his single mother financially, Mr Kumar, 26, found work as a fulltime football coach at the Singapore American School and took up a Part-Time Diploma in Sports Coaching at Republic Polytechnic (RP). He graduated yesterday while his mother, who eventually got a masters, is now working part-time as a counsellor at the Stamford American International School.
He also learnt to use editing software like Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Lightroom to enhance his photography and design.
COACHING Mr Kumar even started his own coaching academy last November. Sportykids Singapore coaches children from 18 months to 12 years old in racket and ball sports.
The freelance photography he took up in 2013, in his second year at Republic Polytechnic (RP), helped earn extra money for the family. He joked that he didn’t get pocket money from his mother for some time.
DETERMINED: Mr Jovan Khoo, who graduated with a Diploma in Integrated Events Management, said he took up photography work while in school to make money to support his family.
INDEPENDENCE His “can-do” spirit and independence helped him in his poly studies.
He recalled how he even led a committee who were responsible for planning several internal and external events.
Mr Khoo, who is also the Tay Eng Soon Gold Medal award recipient and School of Hospitality valedictorian, said he was able to overcome many obstacles during his time in RP.
He said he loves coaching sports, especially football. When he was a student, he would play football every day, even after work, and watch the games. He said: “Soccer occupies most of my life. You go and teach the sport, come back and play the sport and at night you watch the sport.” jadeteo@sph.com.sg
AC H I E V I N G SUC C E S S Perbarisan Hari Kebangsaan (NDP) tahun ini menjanjikan acara yang lebih gah dan dapat menyemarakkan lagi semangat menyambut ulang tahun Singapura ke-50 dengan peserta dari pelbagai lapisan masyarakat. Ikuti temu ramah SITI AISYAH NORDIN (naisyah@sph.com.sg) bersama dua peserta NDP tahun ini.
Teruja dapat sertai NDP kali pertama
Pamer ‘kelas sejarah’ melalui persembahan Dalam kita menyambut meriah ulang tahun Singapura yang ke-50, kita harus ketepikan sedikit masa untuk mengamati dan memberi penghormatan kepada sejarah kita.
3 August 2015 | Berita Harian
Demikian matlamat Encik Zaini Tahir, sebagai ketua koreografer bagi Perbarisan Hari Kebangsaan (NDP) tahun ini. Menurut beliau, persembahan yang disusunnya itu bertujuan memaparkan sejarah Singapura selain memberi persembahan yang baik. “Ramai orang masih tidak berapa jelas akan sejarah kita terutama sebelum tahun 1965. Oleh itu melalui persembahan ini saya ingin menunjukkan bahawa terdapat persamaan pada apa yang terjadi 200 atau 300 tahun dahulu dan apa yang berlaku sekarang. “Salah satu contoh adalah situasi sekarang apabila semakin ramai pendatang ke negara kita sama seperti dahulu, walaupun ada perbezaannya. Namun, nilai yang kita pegang adalah sama,” ujar Encik Zaini, 42 tahun, pengarah seni bersekutu di Politeknik Republik. CABARAN Bagi Encik Zaini, salah satu cabaran yang dihadapinya adalah mencari bahan rujukan yang akan menjadi contoh atau dasar bagi persembahannya dalam NDP yang memaparkan sejarah Sang Nila Utama.
PERNAH MAHU ‘GIVE UP’: Cik Shariffah Nadia gembira mendapat sokongan daripada ibu bapanya hingga beliau mampu menjalani latihan NDP dengan baik walaupun berpuasa. FOTO IHSAN SHARIFFAH NADIA
Semasa beliau mengemukakan keinginannya melibatkan diri dalam Perbarisan Hari Kebangsaan (NDP) tahun ini, ibu bapanya kurang setuju pada mulanya kerana bimbang ia akan menjejas tumpuannya kepada pelajaran dan tanggungjawab persekolahannya. Namun, kerana enggan melepaskan peluang yang datang menjenguk sekali-sekala, Cik Shariffah Nadia Said Mohamed Isham, 19 tahun, bertekad menunjukkan bahawa beliau mampu mengimbangi masanya dengan baik. Pelajar tahun kedua jurusan Komunikasi Massa di Politeknik Republik itu diberikan peranan membawa bakul sayur-sayuran dalam salah satu persembahan NDP. “Saya amat teruja dapat mengambil bahagian buat kali pertama dalam NDP terutama sempena tahun sambutan jubli emas Singapura,” katanya. Cik Shariffah Nadia berkata bahawa penyertaan beliau dalam acara ini memberi beliau ruang mengatasi sifat pendiam dan pemalunya. “Latihan untuk NDP memberi saya peluang mengenali ramai peserta lain. Walaupun mereka
dari kontingen lain, kami dapat berkongsi pengalaman dan merasakan kebanggaan bersama apabila kami menyanyikan Lagu Kebangsaan,” ujar beliau.
“Agak sukar bagi saya kerana kurang maklumat dari segi pakaian dan pergerakan tarian bagi tempoh itu. Selain itu, pergerakan tarian klasik selalunya amat halus dan oleh kerana lokasi persembahan ini adalah di stadium
Namun, beliau mengakui ada juga mengalami dugaan dan cabaran menyertai NDP. Beliau menceritakan bahawa latihan semasa bulan puasa merupakan masa yang paling sukar ditempuhi.
dan bukan di atas pentas, maka agak sukar menyesuaikannya,” ujar beliau yang telah melakukan kajian dengan menziarahi muzium dan juga berdasarkan pengalaman beliau melibatkan diri dalam kesenian dan tarian di Indonesia. DEKAT DI HATI PENONTON Namun, tambahnya, selain berdasarkan rujukan, persembahan yang ditampilkan juga harus berada dekat di hati penonton dan boleh dikaitkan dengan apa yang sudah biasa oleh mereka. “Rakyat Singapura sudah biasa dengan rujukan seperti kisah Dang Anum dan Singapura Dilanggar Todak. Jadi persembahan yang kami lakukan juga harus bersesuaian dengan pengetahuan mereka,” katanya. Ramai antara kita mungkin akan mencari sumber inspirasi daripada seseorang yang sudah berjaya, tetapi bagi Encik Zaini pendekatan ini kurang bermakna. “Sumber inspirasi saya adalah ketua-ketua pelajar yang dilantik. Semangat yang ditunjukkan mereka merupakan dorongan saya untuk terus berjuang. Saya ingin mereka menjadi inspirasi kepada pelajar lain kerana ia sesuatu yang dapat dicapai,” katanya.
Exhibit ‘history class’ through performances To celebrate Singapore’s 50th anniversary, we should set aside some time to observe and pay tributes to our history. This was Mr Zaini Tahir’s goal, as the head choreographer for the NDP this year. According to him, the show aims to illustrate the conception of Singapore’s history as well as giving a good presentation.
Dream come true for teenager Kwek
“Memang pernah saya rasa nak give up sahaja, tetapi apabila memikirkan tentang teman-teman seperjuangan, saya terangsang untuk terus berjuang kerana jika saya berhenti, mungkin semangat yang lain juga akan terjejas,” ujar Cik Shariffah Nadia.
27 October 2015 The Straits Times
Leon Kwek remembers frequenting the Singapore Indoor Stadium as a schoolboy to watch the Singapore Slingers play.
Apabila melihat kesungguhan beliau menjayakan NDP, ibu bapanya turut menyokong dan memberi perangsang kepada beliau.
Which is why the 19-year-old is still surprised after coach Neo Beng Siang called him up to the 12-man squad for the upcoming Asean Basketball League (ABL) season. The 1.88m forward is the team’s youngest player.
“Ibu bapa saya juga merupakan sumber motivasi bagi saya untuk melakukan yang terbaik buat persembahan ini. Mereka menyokong saya dengan pelbagai cara seperti menunggu saya pulang sebelum berjalan Raya,” ujar beliau sambil tersenyum.
The Republic Polytechnic student said: “It’s been my dream to play for the Slingers since I was 14, so I’m very humbled that the coach trusts me despite my age.
Excited to be part of NDP for the first time
“It’s going to be a tough season, but I’m really excited to contribute in anyway I can.”
When she expressed her desire to participate in the National Day Parade (NDP) this year, her parents did not agree at first for fear that it would affect her focus on educational and school responsibilities. However, RP’s second-year student majoring in Mass Communication Ms. Shariffah Nadia Said Mohamed Isham, 19, was determined to show that she was able to manage her time well.
Kwek impressed for the national team at last month’s Fiba Asia Championships, and scored a team-high 12 points in a group match against South Korea.
Joining him are fellow Singaporean rookies Toh Qing Huang, 20, John Ng, 21 and Kelvin Lim, 19. Neo said he was impressed by Kwek’s tenacity and confidence on court, Toh’s shooting, and Lim’s non-stop running. But the coach is not cutting the newcomers any slack. He said: “We want to develop the local boys, and will try to give them more court time. They need to step up and help the team.” Said Kwek: “I’d like to think I work hard on both offence and defence, and I will try to provide energy coming off the bench, whether it is for 10 seconds or 10 minutes.” Toh added: “Right now I’m trying to be familiar with my team role, but whatever it is, I know I must play hard and hustle on both ends.”
Students turn chefs in cooking challenge 1 November 2015 | The Sunday Times
Budding chefs Ian Wee and Fahd Shah Mohammad Nizam, both 15, whipped up chilli crab and bubur chacha for the judges of the annual iChef Challenge finals yesterday. The two St Patrick’s School students were among 10 teams battling to come up with the tastiest local specialities – one main course and one dessert – in line with this year’s theme of My Singapore Food, to mark the country’s 50th birthday. They also had to incorporate a mystery ingredient, which turned out to be the jambu fruit. The teams comprised students from various secondary schools. The eventual champions were another team from St Patrick’s School, Benedict Fong and Donovan Ang, who won with their dishes of assam pedas fish, or fish
of Hospitality, is in its fifth year. This year’s event, held at Republic Polytechnic’s Oliva Training Restaurant and Kitchen, also featured the iMix mocktail competition, with teams creating their own non-alcoholic concoctions.
cooked in tamarind juice, and pisang pengat or bananas in coconut milk. The iChef Challenge, organised by staff and students from Republic Polytechnic’s School
The proof is in the pudding or, in this case, the chilli crab. Here, students Ian Wee (with microphone) and Fahd Shah Mohammad Nizam (far left), both 15, present their dishes – chilli crab and bubur chacha – to the iChef Challenge judges. ST PHOTO: MARK CHEONG
9 May 2015 | Lianhe Zaobao
“好奇的听觉与嗅觉”不断学习前进 胡洁梅 报道
供应链管理学本届毕业生吴佑文(26岁)则 申请加入未来技能在职培训计划,已接受几 家公司的面试。这是政府新推出的计划,为 工院与工教院毕业生提供工作配对,让他们 在积累工作经验的同时,也有进修与职业发 展机会。
陈冠宇(20岁)凭着对体育的热忱在工院交 出漂亮成绩,去年更获得机会在职业女子网 球员协会实习,参与职业女子网球赛的筹备 工作。这名共和理工学院“体育教练学”专 业文凭课程的首届毕业生希望将来能从事体 育教学或活动策划的工作。
吴佑文有意进修供应链管理学专科文凭 (specialist diploma) 课程,因此决定把握在 职培训计划提供的机会,希望在职场上有好 的起跑点。
共和工院本周刚举行一连五天的毕业典礼, 今年属第10届的毕业生共有4714人,包括 83名修读持续教育与培训课程的学员。
总理公署部长陈振声日前应邀出席首场毕 业典礼,他也是全国职工总会秘书长。他致 词时向出席者展示电影《快乐脚》企鹅主角 的图片,以人体部位的比喻向学生分享他对 成功的看法。
Minister Chan Chun Sing encourages students to retain a sense of curiosity and to learn continuously
他提醒学生要带着“好奇的听觉与嗅觉”, 持续抱持求知欲,课堂学习只提供基础, 要取得成功,个人须有不断学习的态度。 他也说: “要成为一名引领者,我们也要有敏 锐的观察力、宏观的视野预见未来,并做好 准备……此外,要能理性地分析事物。” 怀有感恩之心也很重要,陈振声提醒学生在 取得成功时要懂得回馈社会,去帮助有需要 的人。他也以坚挺的脊椎比喻理念,提醒学 生“要坚持自己的信念,不被他人或较受欢 迎的看法影响”。 最后,他鼓励学生勇于“弄湿双脚” (英文 谚语,get your feet wet),既有踏出自 身舒适区去接触新事物的勇气。即使遇到 挫折, “要厚着脸皮”重新再来,继续尝试 的精神。
陈 冠宇(左 起)、吴佑文与邱永文 是共和理工学院 本届毕业生,他们在各自的学科 都 表现色。 共和理工学院提 供 陈冠宇是共和工院本届优秀毕业生之一,考
实习机会,难得可以体验职业女子网球赛的 筹备工作,这让我更加了解体育赛事的策划 过程,扩大人脉。”
获3.74平均分(满分为4分),并登上“院长 荣誉榜”,他将报读本地大学。他认为,工院 的解题式学习 (problem-based learning) 模
毕业自综合项目管理文凭课程的邱永文(22 岁)以3.85分的优异成绩与课外活动获颁“ 郑永顺金奖”。他几年前毕业自工艺教育学院 后到共和工院就读,求学期间从事兼职摄影 工作,帮补家用。他打算在服役后继续进修, 考取大学文凭。
式让他培养出勇于尝试的态度。 他受访时说: “新加坡的体坛越来越蓬勃, 我在工院所修读的课程对我将来想朝体育 事业发展有帮助。在工院的推荐下,我获得
RP held its graduation ceremony over five consecutive days, with a total of 4,714 students graduating this year. Minister Chan Chun Sing, in his speech, mentioned the importance of retaining curiosity in one’s learning journey, similar to the penguins in the movie “Happy Feet”. He added that classroom learning merely provides one with basic foundation and the key to success is an individual’s continuous pursuit for knowledge.
蔡旺龙在伤心地找 回金牌
14 June 2015 | Lianhe Zaobao
五年前,蔡旺龙顶着两届世界冠军的光环,在东海岸公园举行的首届新 加坡青奥会帆船赛中大热倒灶。五年后,他重回伤心 地,在搭档杨健民 的齐心协力合作下赢得男子帆船470 型金牌,为“哪里跌倒,就从哪里 站起来”做了最佳示范。 我国组合 蔡旺 龙(左)与杨 健民力压其他三队,夺得男子470型金牌。谢智扬摄 吴秀金 报道
与比列纳以24净分获得银牌,泰国组合塔那 蓬与纳威以25分收下铜牌。
社会及家庭发展部长及全国奥理会主席陈川 仁,以及国际奥委会委员黄思绵,昨天都到全 国帆船中心鼓励我国运动员。
五年前,蔡旺龙顶着两届世界冠军的光环,在 东海岸公园举行的首届新加坡青奥会帆船赛 中,大热倒灶,失去金牌。这颗明亮的新星顿 然失去了光芒。
五年后,这名刚毕业于共和理工学院的帆船选 手,回到了这个曾让他跌入无底深渊的地点。 不同的是,他与搭档杨健民昨天赢得了第28届 东运会男子470型金牌。 年仅14岁的亚运会冠军赖暄怡,也为我国摘 取女子乐观者型金牌,队友杜锐斌则赢得男 子乐观者型铜牌。这意味着,新加坡帆船队 至今已收获7金3银1铜。
蔡旺龙:搭档杨健民帮了我很多 蔡旺龙(21岁)赛后说: “赢得金牌实在太棒 了,我不知道要怎么形容。上一次我本来应该 为新加坡赢得金牌,但没做到。这次我有 杨健民这个搭档,他帮了我很多。” 毕业自新加坡体育学校的蔡旺龙,曾在两年前 的上届缅甸东运会上,与另一位搭档彭文杰携 手摘取同个项目的铜牌。 蔡旺龙之后还换了一次搭档,但因一连串不理 想的成绩,差点放弃这项他热爱的运动。幸好
他去年与相识多年的好友杨健民一拍即合,决 定冲击本届东运会金牌。
Cai Wang Long at sad ground to retrieve gold medal
我国13岁小将杜锐斌以19净分,收下男子乐观 者型铜牌。马来西亚12岁选手福齐以15净分 夺得金牌,亚运会季军泰国的素通获得银牌, 成绩是19净分。
Five years ago, two-time world champion and RP alumni Cai Wanglong experienced a bitter game when he lost at the Singapore Youth Olympic Regatta held at the East Coast Park.
蔡旺龙与杨健民(21岁)在首九个回合取得五 个第一名,因此昨天虽在双积分的奖牌回合中 排名第三,仍以18净分夺冠。菲律宾组合塔永
赖暄怡在女子乐观者型(16岁以下)帆船赛 中,以16净分击败其他三名对手,首次夺冠。 上届亚军泰国的贾蒙察诺以18净分拿下银牌, 马来西亚13岁小将诺娜比拉以20净分,再获 得铜牌。
昨天也决出女子470型帆船赛的金银牌,由于 只有三支参赛队伍,因此组委会没颁发铜牌。 我国组合萧嘉慧与黄琳凯以26净分位居第 三,无缘奖牌。马来西亚组合努赖夏与诺拉希 金(13分)及泰国组合巴尼达与纳里莎拉(18 净分)分获金牌和银牌。
年仅14岁的亚 运 会冠军 赖暄怡,为我国摘取 女子乐 观者型金牌。谢智扬摄
我国男女420型组合今天将在全国帆船中心争 取夺冠,激光镭迪尔型女队与激光标准型男队 也将在滨海湾举行的团体对抗决赛中,为东道国 力争金牌。
我国女子49人FX型组合康丽德与陈俐君建立了 庞大优势,已提前为新加坡队锁定一枚金牌。
Five years later, he returned and won the gold medal in the men’s 470 sailing under the concerted efforts of cooperation partner Yang Chien-min, which best demonstrated the saying of picking yourself up at the same spot where you fall.
When I grow up... 12 April 2015 | The Sunday Times
I WANT TO LEAD ACTIVITIES When he was in Secondary 1, Mr Sasi Kumar, now 26, attended an adventure camp held to foster leadership qualities.
Mr Sasi Kumar (centre) is now in charge of water activities at his workplace.
SundayLife! talks to people who had an idea of what careers they wanted to pursue before they reached adulthood
It was a “catalyst” for planning his eventual career.
However, Mr Sasi, who is in charge of water activities at his workplace, did not know then “if there was an educational qualification that aligned with my interests”.
Despite not learning to swim until he was 19, he tried kayaking and rafting for the first time at the school camp held by the sea in Lim Chu Kang.
After attending an open house at Republic Polytechnic when he was in Secondary 5, he learnt that the polytechnic offered a Diploma in Outdoor and Adventure Learning.
“As a team, we had to build a raft out of materials such as tyres and pipes.
He graduated in 2010 as part of the pioneer cohort that studied for this diploma.
“I was quiet and introverted, but it was getting chaotic and I found out that I could step up as a leader to get the job done.
His mother, cleaner Veerappan Nagaretnam, 59, says she has always encouraged and supported him as well as his two elder siblings in their careers and other choices, “as long as it’s safe”.
“I wanted to help other people learn about competencies they might not realise they had,” says Mr Sasi, who has been working for the past two years as a manager at Focus Adventure, a firm that runs adventure learning programmes for corporate training.
He had identified a career that matched his interest in rugby, sailing, rock-climbing and other outdoor sports and activities.
She forbade Mr Sasi from taking up swimming as a child, though, as it was “too dangerous”, which was why he learnt to swim only as an adult. venessal@sph.com.sg
Jadi penyelia kanan PSA lepas 6 bulan lulus diploma politeknik 27 October 2015 | Berita Harian By NUR DHUHA ESOOF
Setelah selesai menjalani program belajar sambil bekerja bersama PSA semasa menuntut di Politeknik Republic (RP), Cik Siti Aishah, 23 tahun, ditawar bekerja di hab pemunggahan kontena terbesar dunia itu.
Jawatan itu dipegangnya sejak enam bulan lalu, tidak lama selepas beliau tamat pengajian di RP. Beliau dihantar ke jabatan logistik dan tugas utamanya ialah menyusun tenaga kerja dan memastikan terdapat bilangan pekerja yang mencukupi untuk melakukan tugas operasi. Cik Siti, yang bertugas di Terminal Tanjong Pagar, merancang membina kerjayanya bersama PSA dan menyasarkan jawatan
Dengan termeterainya MOU itu, PSA dan RP akan bekerjasama menggabungkan kandungan logistik, perancangan dan operasi pelabuhan dalam kurikulum program Diploma dalam Pengurusan Operasi dan Perindustrian serta Diploma dalam Pengurusan Rangkaian Bekalan yang diajarkan di politeknik itu. Sebuah makmal bertema PSA akan disediakan dengan paparan visual yang akan membolehkan pelajar memahami sistem pengerahan dan perancangan teknologi maklumat (IT) serta operasi pelabuhan itu dengan lebih mendalam.
PELUANG bekerja di dalam dan luar pejabat antara sebab yang mendorong Cik Siti Aishah Amran menerima tawaran PSA agar menyertai bidang pelabuhan yang biasa diceburi kaum Adam.
Kini, lulusan Diploma dalam Pengurusan Operasi dan Perindustrian itu menyandang jawatan sebagai penyelia operasi kanan pelatih.
serta mendedahkan mereka kepada peluang pekerjaan dalam industri pelabuhan kontena.
She became a senior supervisor 6 months after graduating from polytechnic BINA KERJAYA DI PELABUHAN: Bekas pelajar Politeknik Republic (RP), Cik Siti Aishah, ditawar bekerja sepenuh masa bersama PSA sebagai penyelia operasi kanan pelatih sebaik selesai program belajar sambil bekerja bersama pengendali pelabuhan itu. FOTO PSA
“Ini bermakna saya perlu sentiasa meningkatkan diri saya,” katanya yang gembira PSA menghantar kakitangannya mengikuti kursus peningkatan kemahiran.
eksekutif yang boleh dicapai dalam jangka masa sekitar lima tahun. “Kini saya lebih faham tentang apa yang dilakukan PSA. Beberapa kakitangan yang lebih berpengalaman juga mengongsi tentang perubahan yang telah dilalui PSA. Ia kini menggunakan teknologi canggih.
Semalam, PSA dan RP menandatangani satu memorandum persefahaman (MOU) bagi membolehkan pelajar RP menimba kemahiran industri yang praktikal
6 May 2015 Tamil Murasu
. 23. . , 48 . 57 .
‘ ’ ‘ ’ . : “ . ,” Son’s achievement to repay mother’s sacrifice , 26.
2012 , .
The sight of his mother pursuing her studies in social service when she was 48 years old was enough to move Senthil Kumaran to take up a Diploma in Sports Coaching at RP. Initially, he even wanted to pursue it full-time but decided otherwise as his mother was retrenched.
RP graduate, with a Diploma in Industrial and Operations Management, Siti Aishah, was offered a full-time job at PSA as a senior operations supervisor after completing a study programme there. One of the reasons she decided to join PSA, a field usually dominated by men, was the opportunity to work both in and outside the office.
- ‘ ’ , . . . “ . ,” . ‘ ’ . ‘ ’ 16 . .
National drive slowly gaining traction
9 November 2015 | The Straits Times
(From left): Mr Muhammad Nazmi Mohamed Zaaini, 23, Ms Tan Li Qi and Ms Brenda Cheng Bifeng, both 21, are part of the first batch of polytechnic graduates in the SkillsFuture Earn and Learn logistics programme. The 12-month programme, which sees participants working from Mondays to Thursdays and attending classes on Fridays, leads to a specialist diploma in supply chain management. BERITA HARIAN FILE PHOTO
Employers and students see merit in life long learning and mastery of skills By Calvin Yang
One year after it was unveiled, a national movement to get Singaporeans to focus not just on getting the right paper qualifications, but also deep skills and on-the-job experience is slowly gaining momentum. The Government’s SkillsFuture drive was started last year to provide Singaporeans with opportunities, or pathways, to develop themselves to their fullest potential throughout life, regardless of where they started from. A range of initiatives aimed at fostering mastery of skills and lifelong learning was introduced under that umbrella. These included the Earn and Learn scheme, for fresh polytechnic and Institute of Technical Education (ITE) graduates to work and gain qualifications at the same time, and the SkillsFuture Study Awards, handed out to young and mid-career workers looking to upgrade their skills.
Responding to queries by The Straits Times, the SkillsFuture Secretariat said the roll-out of initiatives under the movement is on track. However, the success of SkillsFuture hinges on commitment from all stakeholders, including parents, teachers and employers, the secretariat added, noting: “SkillsFuture is a long-term, on going journey that will take time. Over time, as more employers recognise the importance of investing in their workers, and the benefits of recognising skills, others will also be encouraged to come on board. “At the same time, Singaporeans must also look beyond the paper qualifications they or others start with when they join the workforce, and should continually seek mastery of skills in their fields.” But while educational institutions are steaming ahead, employers, and even parents and students, are only starting to warm up to the national effort. Academics and recruitment experts consider it unrealistic to expect employers to shift from fixating on academic qualifications to embracing the importance of skills in such a short period of time. “Just do a random search on any job board. The first line under requirements is qualifications, and many require a diploma or degree,” noted Mr Adrian Tan, career coach at CareerLadder, a career guidance firm.
We need to see more employers come on board to offer training places, and more government agencies to take the lead in changing some of their current recruitment practices to align with SkillsFuture.
DR TIMOTHY CHAN director of SIM Global Education’s academic division
SK I L L SF U T U R E I N I T I AT I V E S He said it is still early days to see a sweeping change of mindset, and suggested that big players, such as the civil service, take the lead. There are some industries, however, such as technology and services, that recognise the importance of up skilling their workers. The hotel industry, for instance, became the first sector last month to get a dedicated fiveyear manpower plan under the national drive. The plan outlines five measures to upgrade and retain workers in the industry, a framework of the new skills needed, and opportunities for career progression. The strategy is important, with the number of hotel rooms due to increase by 20 per cent by 2020, boosting demand for workers. But the ageing workforce, coupled with tight foreign worker inflows, means the supply of rank-andfile workers will grow at a slower rate. This is where SkillsFuture comes in, said Mr Timolty Chai, senior consultant at Careerhub Consultants. He said: “With the labour crunch affecting many industries, employers are able to use it to develop the skills of current employees.” More employers should realise how it could benefit them, said experts. Noted Dr Timothy Chan, director of SIM Global Education’s academic division: “We need to see more employers come on board to offer training places, and more government agencies to take the lead in changing some of their current recruitment practices to align with SkillsFuture.” The most obvious progress towards the national effort is, not surprisingly, in the academic institutions, which have become more attuned to the needs of employers. “Institutions are making changes to their curriculum structure, teaching and assessment methods to accommodate internships and other skills-based learning,” said Dr Chan. More institutions, from schools to universities, are stepping up efforts to get students ready for the working world. The five polytechnics and the ITE have, in the past year, embarked on various initiatives, and will be rolling out more. One of them, Earn and Learn, is gaining traction among students. Launched in March by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA), it has begun in eight sectors, including food manufacturing and logistics, and will start in four more – construction, public transport, power and precision engineering– by March next year. According to WDA, more than 250 polytechnic and ITE students and graduates have applied for the scheme, and more than 120 had been hired by some 50 firms in nine sectors as at end-September. The remaining applicants have not been placed because they are still studying or doing their national service.
Ms Nerine Chua, 20, attending a class at Republic Polytechnic as part of the SkillsFuture Earn and Learn programme. She graduated with a diploma in supply chain management from the polytechnic in May and is now enrolled in the Earn and Learn logistics programme, whereby she works and pursues a specialist diploma in supply chain management at the same time. ST PHOTO: ALPHONSUS CHERN
Earn and Learn participants are paid around $2,000 a month while trying out various roles in their chosen fields. They may work for four days and devote one day to studies. At the end of the programme, an ITE graduate gets a diploma and a polytechnic graduate gets an advanced or specialist diploma. The first batch of 39 polytechnic graduates on the Earn and Learn logistics programme started classes at Republic Polytechnic (RP) last month. The 12-month programme leads to a specialist diploma in supply chain management. The participants receive training at one of 15 logistics firms, including DHL Supply Chain Singapore and ST Logistics. The monthly pay of $1,800 to $2,000 matches that of a polytechnic graduate who is starting work.
added that the specialist diploma at the end of the programme is a bonus.
want this, parents and students still need more convincing.
Ms Chua, 20, said a university degree was still her goal and she intended to pursue one after working for a few years.
Though SkillsFuture has opened up avenues to chase one’s ambitions, many parents still want a university education for their children.
Mr Albert Toh, director of RP’s SkillsFuture office, said the real world experience was invaluable to young people.
Customer service assistant Jolie Goh, 51, whose 19-year-old son attends Ngee Ann Polytechnic, noted that a degree opens the door to big firms in Singapore and abroad.
“In many industries, you learn from the textbooks, but it is different to see how things work right in front of you,” he said. Under the Earn and Learn scheme, Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) has started five programmes, including specialist diplomas in culinary management and retail management.
WDA said it is on track to achieve its target of between 100 and 150 placements this year.
Among the participants is Ms Nerine Chua, who graduated with a diploma in supply chain management from RP in May.
NYP registrar Thambyrajah T. said: “To remain relevant, (our students) have to continuously learn.”
Over 12 to 18 months, participants get job training, work on projects or even go on overseas attachments.
“I wanted to use this opportunity to work in the industry and gain experience,” said Ms Chua, who is now working at ST Logistics. She
He noted the focus should be on “building up skills and competencies rather than amassing credentials”, adding that while employers
“The idea of succeeding academically is so ingrained in the minds of parents that they are signing their kids up for tuition and getting them into brand name schools,” Ms Goh said. “The expectation is that one must get at least a degree. In this culture, parents are unsure if their kids can do without one.”
Goh and Ng strike jackpot in Las Vegas
He may be too young for the slot machines, but Jaris Goh was certainly a one-armed bandit at the QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup in Las Vegas. The 20-year-old claimed third spot among an elite field of 86 – matching former world champion Remy Ong’s finish at the 2004 edition on home soil. With compatriot Geraldine Ng placing fourth out of 71 women, Singapore won the top country award for the first time. The annual tournament is regarded as the sport’s most prestigious amateur singles event. National keglers Jasmine Yeong-Nathan and Shayna Ng clinched the women’s titles in 2008 and 2012 respectively.
which fell short of his opponent’s 198 and 223 pinfalls.
Their feats in QubicaAMF Bowling World Cup clinch top country award for Singapore
Singapore Bowling Federation technical director Mervyn Foo paid tribute to Goh and 29-year-old Ng for lifting the best country title. He said: “It is a well-deserved accolade – Jaris and Geraldine prepared really well for this tournament along with their coaches.
Goh, who finished 37th in Poland last year, was “equally happy and surprised” to surpass his target of qualifying for the top 24.
“This could be a turning point in Jaris’ career. He has had a quiet few years and he didn’t meet his own expectations at the SEA Games.
“I was in the flow these couple of days, just focusing on me, myself and the pins. It worked, for the most part,” he said during a phone interview yesterday.
21 November 2015 The Straits Times
It is a well-deserved accolade. This could be a turning point in Jaris’ career. He’s capable of even bigger things to come.
MERVYN FOO Singapore Bowling Federation technical director on the career of Jaris Goh
“He’s capable of even bigger things to come.” Goh narrowly missed out on the bronze in the men’s team and trios categories at June’s SEA Games in Singapore.
The Republic Polytechnic student led for the first two days, dropping slightly to qualify sixth out of eight for the final round at Sam’s Town Bowling Centre. The youngster averaged a healthy 216 pinfalls over 40 games.
He first rose to prominence in 2010, snaring two golds and a silver to emerge as the top performer at the Asian Schools Tenpin Bowling Championships.
But he fell 0-2 in his semi-final to eventual winner Wu Siu Hong of Hong Kong. The Singaporean posted 173 and 194 pinfalls,
At the 2013 Commonwealth Bowling Championships, he struck gold in the men’s doubles along with Javier Tan.
Back to his predatory prime on the lanes, Goh hopes his Las Vegas heroics will carry over to the Milo International Junior All-Stars in Kuala Lumpur later this month. He said: “I’m a smarter and more composed bowler than I was one year ago. “I will keep training hard, listen to my coaches, and see how far it takes me.” nsanjay@sph.com.sg
Bersaing sambung kabel di ‘Olimpik Kemahiran’ 16 June 2015 | Berita Harian
Sejak dua tahun lalu, Encik Muhammad Mahmoud Abdullah Ng telah bertungkus lumus mengasah kemahiran menyambung kabel rangkaian maklumat demi satu matlamat – mewakili Singapura di persada dunia. Ini meskipun lulusan Politeknik Republic (RP) berusia 21 tahun itu sebelum ini mengikuti kursus diploma kejuruteraan tenaga yang boleh diperbaharui, yang tiada kena-mengena dengan kabel. Beliau merupakan anggota Team Singapore merangkumi 22 belia – daripada Institusi Pendidikan Teknikal (ITE) dan Politeknik Singapura, Temasek, Nanyang dan Republic – yang akan mewakili negara ini dalam satu pertandingan kemahiran sedunia. Pertandingan dwitahunan WorldSkills Competition (WSC) itu, yang akan berlangsung di Brazil Ogos ini, turut dikenali sebagai pertandingan ‘Olimpik Kemahiran’ dengan lebih 1,000 belia dari seluruh dunia akan bersaing dalam pelbagai kemahiran termasuk terapi kecantikan, memasak, rekaan laman web, robotik, penyenggaraan kapal terbang, mekatronik dan sebagainya. “Walaupun penyambungan kabel rangkaian maklumat ini tidak relevan dengan bidang pengajian saya semasa di politeknik, saya nak cuba dan saya bersyukur saya cuba
kerana kini saya bukan sahaja lulus dengan satu diploma dalam satu bidang malah ada kemahiran dalam bidang lain,” ujarnya. Encik Muhammad, yang baru tamat pengajian bulan lalu dan kini berkhidmat sebagai penolong pembangunan teknologi di RP, dipilih mewakili Singapura di WSC antara 11 dengan 16 Ogos selepas menang pertandingan kemahiran peringkat nasional WorldSkills Singapore (WSS) Julai lalu. Selain berlatih hampir setiap hari termasuk hujung minggu, beliau juga telah bertemu dengan bakal pesaingnya, termasuk dari Jepun, China dan Hongkong, dalam pertandingan persahabatan baru-baru ini. “Mereka hebat sekali, lebih- lebih lagi Jepun yang telah menjuarai bidang penyambungan kabel dalam pertandingan peringkat antarabangsa beberapa kali.
BAKAL WAKILI NEGARA: Encik Muhammad yang menyertai WSS dalam kategori penyambungan kabel rangkaian maklumat tahun lalu akan mewakili Singapura dalam peringkat antarabangsa di Brazil Ogos ini. FOTO IHSAN MUHAMMAD MAHMOUD ABDULLAH NG
“Oleh itu, saya akan terus meningkatkan usaha dan berusaha membawa pulang pingat untuk Singapura,” ujarnya.
Competing in Information Network Cabling category in ‘Olympic’ Skills For the past two years, Mr Muhammad Mahmoud Abdullah Ng has been sharpening his skills in the information network cabling area with a goal in mind; to represent Singapore on the world stage in WorldSkills Competition (WSC). The 21-year-old graduated from RP with a Diploma in Renewable Energy Engineering and is part of the Singapore team comprising 22 participants competing in the WSC in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Cabaran tidak jadi hambatan dua pelajar ITE untuk cemerlang
21 August 2015 Berita Harian
“Memang pada mulanya, ia sukar buat saya.
Meskipun mengalami disleksia, Cik Khairunnisa Abdul Ghani tidak menjadikan ia sebagai hambatan untuk mencapai citacitanya mengikuti jurusan kulinari.
“Namun, ibu bapa dan rakan-rakan saya banyak memberi dorongan serta sokongan dan membantu saya dalam pelajaran,” kata beliau yang bercita-cita membuka restorannya sendiri suatu hari nanti.
Encik Muhammad Salehan Jaafar pula menghadapi cabaran apabila ayahnya meninggal dunia sehari sebelum beliau memulakan program latihan sambil belajar.
Sementara itu, Encik Salehan pula berkata anugerah yang diterimanya akan terus mendorongnya agar melakukan yang terbaik dalam pengajiannya.
Namun begitu, beliau bertekad mahu terus meraih prestasi terbaik dalam pengajiannya demi membuat keluarganya bangga.
Mengimbas kembali, Encik Salehan berkata prestasi pembelajarannya tidak begitu baik semasa di menengah satu dan dua.
Kededua pelajar Politeknik Republic jurusan operasi restoran dan kulinari itu antara yang menerima anugerah di majlis penyampaian Anugerah Khas semalam.
Namun, dek terasa ‘cemburu’ melihat pelajar lain berjaya dan menerima anugerah bagi pencapaian cemerlang mereka, beliau belajar dengan gigih sehingga meraih gred A bagi semua subjek peperiksaan Sijil Am Pelajaran (GCE) Peringkat ‘N’.
Majlis itu, yang diadakan di Pusat Bahasa Rantau Seameo di Orange Grove Road, dihadiri Menteri di Pejabat Perdana Menteri, Cik Grace Fu, selaku tetamu terhormat.
Beliau kemudian menuntut di ITE Kolej Barat dalam jurusan pastri dan membuat kuih (baking) kerana minat membuat kuih sejak kecil lagi.
Cik Khairunnisa, 20 tahun, dan Encik Salehan, 19 tahun, menerima Biasiswa Lee Kuan Yew bagi Menggalak Peningkatan (Institut Pendidikan Teknikal (ITE)). Cik Khairunnisa turut menerima Hadiah Buku Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien. Cik Khairunnisa berkata beliau berasa sangat gembira menerima dua anugerah itu. Beliau kali pertama didiagnos mengalami disleksia semasa darjah tiga, namun masalahnya itu tidak menghambat beliau menjadi pelajar cemerlang.
TERIMA ANUGERAH: Cik Khairunnisa dan Encik Muhammad Salehan menerima Biasiswa Lee Kuan Yew bagi Menggalak Peningkatan (ITE). Cik Khairunnisa turut menerima Hadiah Buku Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien. FOTO M.O. SALLEH
“Saya berharap dapat menjadi seorang cef yang terlatih dengan baik suatu hari nanti.
Beliau, yang minat memasak dan membuat kuih sejak kecil lagi, menerima Biasiswa Far East Organization bagi pencapaian cemerlangnya semasa menuntut di ITE Kolej Barat dalam jurusan seni kulinari Asia.
Ms Nur Syafiqah Mazlan got her first class honours last year when she graduated from the National University of Singapore after studying chemistry. She is now doing a PhD in the subject. The oldest of three children, her father works as a cook at an army camp, while her mother irons clothes for a small fee. Mendaki paid for her undergraduate studies fully. Her PhD education is also fully paid for, thanks to an NUS scholarship.
16 August 2015 | The Sunday Times
Mendaki Club salutes 19 Muslim polytechnic, varsity grads who succeeded despite the odds
Seven years ago, Mr Muhammad Zailani Ismail was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Mistaken as a member of a gang, rival members slashed him with parangs, leaving injuries which required a two-week stay in hospital and took away the use of his hands for a year, forcing him to drop out of Nanyang Polytechnic. But he went back to school, graduated from Republic Polytechnic last year, and is now pursuing a degree in communication studies.
Sebanyak sembilan kategori anugerah itu disampaikan – Hadiah Buku Perdana Menteri; Anugerah Lee Hsien Loong bagi Pelajar Dwibudaya Cemerlang; Anugerah Lee Kuan Yew bagi Matematik dan Sains; Anugerah Lee Kuan Yew bagi Pelajar Kursus Normal Cemerlang; Hadiah Buku Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien; Biasiswa Lee Kuan Yew bagi Menggalak Peningkatan; Anugerah Lee Kuan Yew bagi Kecemerlangan dalam Pelbagai Bidang; Anugerah Lee Hsien Loong bagi Pencapaian Cemerlang dalam Pelbagai Bidang; dan Anugerah Lee Hsien Loong bagi Pencapaian Khas.
Challenges did not hinder 2 ITE students from excelling RP’s Diploma in Restaurant and Culinary Operations students— Ms Khairunnisa Abdul Ghani and Mr Muhammad Salehan Jaafar— received a Lee Kuan Yew scholarship, which is given out to encourage students from the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) to upgrade themselves. Both students have faced different types of challenges while studying. Khairunnisa, 19, struggled with dyslexia while 20-year-old Muhammad Selehan had to deal with the passing of his father a day before his internship programme began.
“Dorongan saya adalah mahu menjadi seperti Gordon Ramsay,” tambahnya.
19 honoured for ‘never-say-die’ spirit
Walaupun berhadapan dengan kesukaran apabila ayahnya meninggal dunia tahun lalu, Encik Salehan terus gigih berusaha dengan harapan dapat membanggakan arwah ayahnya.
Seramai 122 pelajar menerima Anugerah Khas tahun ini, yang mengiktiraf pencapaian pelajar dalam bidang akademik dan bukan akademik.
Said the 23-year-old: “I think there are fewer than five Malay girls in the undergraduate cohort for chemistry.
The 25-year-old was one of 19 Muslim polytechnic and university graduates who were recognised at the Mendaki Club Graduates’ Tea for succeeding despite the odds.
“Some people think that there isn’t really a future in science compared to banking or business. But if you like the subject, just follow your dream and I think you’ll do well.”
Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Yaacob Ibrahim, who was guest of honour, praised them for their “never-say-die attitude”.
Mendaki Club president Mohammad Azree Rahim said the annual event also celebrates the people who supported the graduates in their achievements.
He also highlighted how the number of Muslim students graduating with first class honours from local and overseas universities had grown this year. There were 38 such students this year.
For Mr Zailani, they include his family, and even strangers. “I’ve always been very thankful to the people who saved my life. They took off their shirts to help stop the bleeding.
I don’t even remember their faces or their names,” he said. Dr Yaacob said that while pursuing their dreams, graduates should also make a positive difference to society. He cited the example of Mr Muhammad Sadik Mohamed, 26. Diagnosed with glaucoma at the age of 12, Mr Sadik can only see with his right eye, but he coped with his condition and graduated with a degree in psychology last year. He currently works at Dialogue in the Dark Singapore – a charity which employs visually impaired guides to let people experience what it is like to be blind. He also hopes to be a counsellor in future. “I want to help others because I’ve also been receiving help from society,” he said. Added Dr Yaacob: “Much of what the community has achieved today is the result of the community’s resilience, determination and the ‘gotong-royong’ spirit... I hope, as our future leaders, you will build on the strong foundations that have been laid by our forefathers.” goyshiyi@sph.com.sg
Hadi can go one up on mentor
1 January 2015 | The Straits Times
Team gold in June SEA Games will better Mardan’s team silver in 1993 By JONATHAN WONG
FOR two decades, Singapore’s No. 1 golfer Mardan Mamat has racked up a catalogue of achievements and now a teenager, who calls him mentor, wants to follow in his trailblazing footsteps.
Golf Club) that we’re familiar with, winning the team gold is definitely our target in six months.” National coach Luke Cantelo, a former teaching pro at the Butch Harmon School of Golf in Dubai who was hired by the SGA in April, has been impressed with Hadi’s work ethic and attitude. “He’s like a sponge and soaks up all my instructions and goes back to work on it,” said the Australian. “When he’s on his game, his ball striking is very good and he makes a lot of birdies but he needs to cut out the mistakes and turn those bogeys into pars.”
In 2013, Abdul Hadi became the first Malay player to represent Singapore at the Southeast Asia (SEA) Games since Mardan’s outing at the 1995 Chiang Mai Games.
Learning to grind and persevere are traits that Mardan, who claimed his fourth Asian Tour title in November at age 47, has been instilling in his protege at Raffles Country Club where both are based.
While his first stab at the biennial Games ended in disappointment as Hadi and his team-mates returned from Myanmar emptyhanded, he is determined to make amends on the back of his most successful year.
“Mardan has been a big help and has been encouraging me since I was 14. It’s great that someone like him believes in me and he’s definitely someone whose career I look up to,” said Hadi.
The 19-year-old captured four Malaysian state amateur titles last year. He was selected by the Singapore Golf Association (SGA) as part of its seven-man provisional team who will be whittled down to four by March ahead of the June 5-16 Games.
He hopes to join Mardan in the professional ranks after completing his national service.
Said the Republic Polytechnic student after training yesterday at the Singapore Island Country Club: “We didn’t achieve the targets we set out the last time but now playing at home and on a course (Serapong at Sentosa
But Hadi channelled that frustration into a stirring run that saw him claim amateur titles in Johor, Negeri Sembilan, Malacca and Penang states in the span of six weeks to close out the year.
All smiles during training at the Singapore Island Country Club, Abdul Hadi wants to emulate his role model and mentor Mardan Mamat. ST PHOTO: CHEW SENG KIM
He and his team-mates leave tomorrow for the prestigious Australian Master of the Amateurs at the Royal Melbourne Golf Club and will then compete in the Australian Men’s Amateur Championships in Sydney later this month. Said Hadi: “My confidence is definitely high after those wins and 2014 was by far the biggest year of my career.”
The first half of 2014 had been a struggle and included the blow of missing out on the Asian Games in September.
Mardan’s SEA Games debut in 1993 on home soil produced a team silver medal. Topping that with gold would show just how far his apprentice Hadi has come. jonwong@sph.com.sg
My confidence is definitely high after those wins and 2014 was by far the biggest year of my career.
ABDUL HADI after winning four Malaysian state titles last year
共和理工学院表扬 84 模范生 王俐霖 报道 共和理工学院今年颁发84个模范生奖给来 自不同科系的学生,表扬他们克服困难,品学 兼优的表现。 其中一名模范生揭慧绮(20岁)从小父母离 异,她由奶奶叶亚珠(68岁)一手带大。揭慧 绮原本对念书不感兴趣,在中小学阶段没有 认真学习。后来奶奶病重,她才觉悟,振作起 来,重返校园。
揭慧绮是第二届“共和学生奖”(REPUBLIC Award) 得主之一。 另外一名获奖人是修读工业营运管理的许凯胜 (19岁)。他乐于帮助人,每当朋友在课业上遇 到困难,他都会主动帮忙讲解。即便是下了课, 他也会抽出时间为朋友补课。 为了帮补家用,许凯胜做兼职工,也给学生补 习。他说: “我要学习独立,不让父母为我操 心。同时也考取好成绩,让他们以我为荣。” 许凯胜考获3.7平均分。
升上工院后,揭慧绮发奋图强,不但考取3.3 平均分(GPA,满分为4.0)的优异成绩, 也获颁模范学生奖。
共和理工学院模 范生揭慧绮昨天带着奶奶叶 亚珠 到学校参加“共和学生奖”颁 奖礼,与奶 奶分享获 奖喜悦。何炳耀摄
此外,许凯胜也积极到学生服务中心当义工。 他觉得教育能让人终身受用,因此他希望通 过激发孩童的兴趣,让他们从小就喜欢学习, 而不把学习当苦差。
这名养生保健、生活方式及水疗课程的三年 级学生昨天出席颁奖典礼。她告诉记者,颁 奖礼前夕,她嘱咐奶奶一定要来学校看她领 奖。 “我很想跟奶奶分享这份喜悦,也想让奶 奶为我而骄傲。”
20 August 2015 Lianhe Zaobao
Republic Polytechnic recognises 84 role model students RP has awarded 84 students with the ‘REPUBLIC Award’ for their exemplary behaviour in overcoming challenges and demonstrating good character and values. Vivan Kek, 20, was among those commended in yesterday’s ceremony. The Diploma in Wellness, Lifestyle and Spa Management student was single-handedly brought up by her grandmother after her parents divorced and kept out of touch with her.
AC H I E V I N G SUC C E S S Seramai 4,500 lulusan Politeknik Republic menerima diploma dalam majlis tamat pengajian ke-10 baru-baru ini – kohort terbesar dalam sejarah politeknik itu. KHAIRULAMEER RAMLAN (khramlan@sph.com.sg) memaparkan tiga lulusan Melayu/Islam cemerlang dalam bidang sains.
Cemerlang dek didorong minat pada alam sekitar SETELAH belajar pengurusan alam sekitar sebagai satu mata pelajaran di sebuah sekolah antarabangsa di Dubai, beliau tahu bidang kerjaya yang hendak diceburinya – sesuatu yang ada kaitan dengan alam sekitar.
“Pada mulanya, ia agak mencabar,” kata Encik Hazman, 20 tahun. Bagaimanapun, pencapaian beliau semasa di RP agak terserlah juga. Ini termasuk penerima biasiswa syarikat Shun Yuan Trading and Construction pada 2013 kerana menjadi salah seorang pelajar cemerlang tahun tersebut.
Berbekal minat itu dan tekad menyumbang kepada usaha menangani isu alam sekitar seluruh dunia, Encik Hazman Ari Mohd Sidik memilih kursus diploma sains alam sekitar ketika memasuki Politeknik Republic (RP).
Namun pencapaian paling membanggakan Encik Hazman ialah ketika beliau terpilih mengetuai pasukan pelajar RP dalam sebuah program pertukaran kepimpinan pelajar, Pertukaran Tindakan Masyarakat dan Kepimpinan Spesialis Yayasan Temasek (TF SCALE), di Kemboja pada 2014.
Pilihan berdasarkan minat itu membawa ganjaran – beliau lulus cemerlang, mendapat purata gred 3.48. Sebelum memasuki RP pada 2012, Encik Hazman belajar di Sekolah Menengah Bedok South selama dua tahun dan kemudian menyambung pelajaraan di Sekolah Antarabangsa Winchester di Dubai kerana mengikut ayahnya yang bekerja di luar negara. Di Dubai, minat beliau pada isu alam sekitar berputik hasil mata pelajaran Pengurusan Alam Sekitar.
Atasi sifat malu, pendiam hingga cemerlang SIFAT pendiam dan pemalu menjadi cabaran bagi Encik Ahmad Shah Johan Saharuddin semasa beliau memasuki Politeknik Republic (RP). Namun, beliau berjaya mengatasi sifat itu hasil kaedah pembelajaran penyelesaian masalah yang diamalkan di RP hingga bunga keyakinan mekar dan berkembang dalam dirinya. Hasilnya, Encik Ahmad, 19 tahun, berjaya lulus cemerlang dalam kursus diploma sains bioperubatan dengan mendapat purata gred 3.77. Malah, beliau sudah ditawarkan tempat bagi program ijazah sains hayat dan sains biologi oleh Universiti Nasional Singapura(NUS) dan Universiti Teknologi Nanyang (NTU), serta sains kemasyarakatan di Universiti Pengurusan Singapura (SMU).
SINAR KERIANGAN: Siswazah Melayu cemerlang Hazman Ari Mohd Sidik mengukirkan senyuman sambil bergambar bersama diploma tamat pengajiannya. FOTOFOTO JOHARI RAHMAT
“Namun, keadaan tidaklah begitu mudah di RP. Banyak aspek alam sekitar yang saya belajar di politeknik jauh lebih mendalam daripada semasa di sekolah menengah.
Beliau paling berbangga akan projek itu kerana matlamatnya ialah mengajar penduduk kampung di Kemboja cara menggunakan sistem pertanian tersebut bagi menghasilkan makanan secara berterusan. Bagi projek tahun akhir di RP, Encik Hazman membuat penyelidikan tentang pengedaran jumlah ketam ladam di Singapura. Setelah berjaya menggenggam segulung diploma, beliau kini berazam mendalami bidang alam sekitar dan kemudian berkongsi ilmu itu. “Saya ingin menyambung pelajaran dalam bidang sains dan alam sekitar dengan memasuki universiti dan mendapatkan ijazah. “Pada masa akan datang, saya ingin menjadi guru dalam bidang tersebut,” ujar Encik Hazman, sambil menasihatkan pelajar lain supaya jangan putus asa dan terus mengejar impian mereka.
Berimpian besar cari penawar barah
Antara pencapaian di RP ialah menjadi juara serta penyampai lisan bagi anugerah Program Penyelidikan Pelajar Politeknik; menerima Biasiswa Yayasan Hong Leong pada 2013 dan 2014; dan menerima Anugerah Republic yang diberi RP kepada pelajar yang telah menunjukkan watak pelajar contoh pada 2014.
CIK Khalilatul Hanisah Mohd Khaliab meminati sains sejak kecil. Malah, beliau bercita-cita menjadi penyelidik sains dan mencari penawar penyakit barah.
Beliau juga seorang naib presiden dalam kumpulan minat Maven (Maven IG) yang bertujuan memberi pengalaman holistik bagi membangunkan kemahiran sosial dan teknikal dalam bidang sains bioperubatan.
Kini, beliau semakin dekat kepada cita-citanya itu. Lulusan Madrasah Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah itu telah mendapat tawaran daripada lapan universiti luar negara termasuk Universiti Kolej London, antara universiti terkemuka dunia, bagi melanjutkan pelajaran program ijazah biokimia.
Encik Ahmad menasihati pelajar lain supaya terus berusaha mengejar impian dan mengikuti minat mereka.
Ia hasil kelulusan cemerlang beliau dalam kursus diploma bioteknologi di Politeknik Republic. Cik Khalilatul Hanisah, 19 tahun, lulus dengan purata gred 3.83.
“Dengan bekerja keras dan selalu memberi tumpuan pada matlamat dan cita-cita, anda akan berjaya,” katanya, yang merancang melanjutkan pelajaran ke NUS atau NTU selepas menjalani Perkhidmatan Negara (NS) kelak.
“Cita-cita saya ialah menjadi penyelidik sains dan impian saya ialah mencari penawar penyakit barah. Saya sudah putuskan akan melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat ijazah, cuma belum putuskan universiti yang mana,” ujar beliau mengenai cita-citanya itu.
Tawaran di NUS dan NTU itu selari dengan citacitanya menjadi penyelidik sains dan menemui penawar bagi penyakit.
Cita-cita itu diperkuat lagi setelah kursus di RP membolehkan Cik Khalilatul Hanisah menjalankan penyelidikan ke atas sel biomolekul dan cara ia dihasilkan secara besar-besaran bagi digunakan dalam industri.
“Semasa di RP, saya menjalani program kerja sambil belajar sebagai pembantu makmal bagi seorang pelajar doktor falsafah dan kami melakukan kerja makmal bagi mencari penawar penyakit Parkinson.
Bagi projek akhir tahun mereka, beliau dan kumpulannya membuat penyelidikan mengenai sel barah kolorektum, atau barah kolon.
“Daripada situlah saya mula berminat mencari penawar bagi penyakit,” ujar Encik Ahmad. Sebenarnya, minat beliau pada sains berputik semasa di sekolah rendah dan berkembang apabila beliau mempelajari mata pelajaran Biologi di sekolah menengah.
Di bawah program tersebut, Encik Hazman memimpin pasukannya memperkenal kepada penduduk di sana akuaponik iaitu sistem pengeluaran makanan yang menggabungkan akuakultur konvensional (membela haiwan akuatik seperti siput, ikan atau udang di dalam tangki) dengan hidroponik (kaedah tanaman dalam air tanpa menggunakan tanah).
13 May 2015 | Berita Harian
KEYAKINAN BERKEMBANG: Lulusan Melayu cemerlang Ahmad Shah Johan Saharuddin bergambar bersama diploma tamat pengajiannya.
Kehidupan Cik Khalilatul Hanisah di RP tidak setakat belajar dan menjalankan penyelidikan sains sahaja.
DAPAT TAWARAN VARSITI LUAR NEGARA: Khalilatul Hanisah menamat pengajiannya dengan cemerlang bersama diploma dalam bioteknologi
Sebaliknya, beliau mengimbangi masanya antara pelajaran dan tiga kegiatan kokurikular yang pelbagai – kumpulan minat Eureka, di mana ahli kumpulan menguruskan pameran, bengkel dan paparan mengenai penemuan sains; kumpulan minat Comics, di mana ahlinya belajar melukis berkaitan anatomi asas manusia, landskap, serta teori warna; dan sukan touch football (sukan tersebut menggunakan bola ragbi tetapi dinamakan bola sepak ‘touch’). Walaupun ada kala agak sukar membahagikan masa, pelajaran sentiasa diutamakannya. Cik Khalilatul Hanisah juga berharap kejayaannya menjadi perangsang kepada rakan-rakannya agar sentiasa bekerja keras demi cita-cita mereka. “Seseorang itu harus tahu bahawa perjalanan menjadi seorang yang berjaya penuh dengan cabaran dan halangan. “Namun, apabila kita berusaha keras mengatasi setiap cabaran, cita-cita kita akan tercapai jua. Jangan lupa agar selalu ingat Tuhan,” tambahnya lagi.
Excellence in results fueled by interest in the environment More than 4,500 students graduated at RP’s tenth graduation ceremony last week - its largest batch to date. One of them is Hazman Azri Mohd (top), who fell in love with Environmental Sciences after exploring a related course in Dubai. The Shun Yuan Trading scholar’s hard work paid off when he led fellow RP students on a Temasek Foundation SCALE project to Cambodia in 2014 where he introduced aquaponics to the Cambodians. He has plans to become an Environmental Science lecturer in the future. Ahmad Shah Johan Saharuddin (bottom left) was quiet and shy but he managed to overcome his weaknesses thanks to problem-based learning. He even graduated with flying colours and was offered placements in three local universities. Khalilatul Hanisah Mohd Khaliab has always been interested in Science, and dreams of becoming a science researcher and finding a cure for cancer. With a GPA of 3.83, she has been offered several university placements to pursue biochemical science studies.
Compound could lead to cheaper skin cancer treatment 3 April 2015 | The Straits Times
A TEAM of Singapore researchers from Republic Polytechnic has come up with a chemical compound that could make a skin cancer treatment cheaper, but just as effective. A non-invasive technique called photodynamic therapy (PDT) involves injecting lightsensitive drugs into a tumour, then bathing it with a beam of light to activate the drugs inside. As light can penetrate only surface tissues, PDT is more effective at treating tumours on or just under the skin or on the lining of internal organs and cavities. Light can be delivered only to the diseased area, leaving healthy tissues unaffected. It is a less toxic alternative to chemotherapy, which kills all rapidly multiplying cells – not just tumour cells.
RP School of Sports, Health and Leisure The researchers from Republic Polytechnic include (from left) Mr Kevin Koh, Dr Chiradip Chatterjee, Mr Keith Wong and Dr Susmita Ban. PHOTO: LIANHE ZAOBAO
The new compound, if successfully tested, could create a new class of PDT drugs that will be easier to synthesise and also involve less manpower, thus lowering costs for the consumer.
promising potential as a cheaper and equally effective drug.” The team of five students and three staff has concluded its first stage of research, which proved the compound’s effectiveness at selectively killing cancer cells.
This new class of compounds has received a patent from the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore and is pending approval from international patent offices.
Research has been going on for four years at Republic Poly and Dr Susmita said it will take five to seven more years before it can be marketed.
PDT treatment costs vary, depending on the depth of the tumour. It can also treat head, neck, throat and stomach cancers.
PDT is now normally offered as an alternative to patients who are not able to go through further radiotherapy and those who do not respond well to chemotherapy.
While the therapy has been in use for more than 20 years, there has been only one class of drugs used with it, said staff researcher Susmita Ban.
It is the only polytechnic school in Singapore that focuses on a wide spectrum of sports skills through these courses: - Diploma in Health Management and Promotion - Diploma in Health Services Management - Diploma in Outdoor and Adventure Learning - Diploma in Sports and Exercise Sciences - Diploma in Sports and Leisure Management - Diploma in Sports Coaching Visit www.rp.edu.sg/shl for more info!
“This new compound can be made in just two steps, with a high yield of 80 per cent. It has
SingTel unveils scholarships for poly students 7 January 2015 | The Straits Times
programme, which starts this April, is open for applications. The closing date is Jan 23.
“This is a good opportunity for students to pick up relevant skills and gain experience,” said second-year customer relationship and service management student Goh Fei Ni, 18, from RP who has applied for a scholarship.
TOP students from three polytechnic courses will now be able to get a head start in their fields, with telecommunications giant SingTel offering diploma scholarships for the first time.
Scholarship holders will serve a one-year bond with the telco, where they will get industry-relevant training and employment opportunities. They can also take up internships while in school. Outstanding scholars will get the option to take on full-time or part-time university scholarships.
The SingTel Cadet Scholarship Programme, developed with Singapore Polytechnic (SP) and Republic Polytechnic (RP), aims to nurture talent in the areas of computer engineering, cyber security and customer experience. Unveiled at SP yesterday, it is the first time a telco has offered diploma scholarships for polytechnic students. SingTel introduced a scholarship programme for undergraduates in 2010. “It is our people that differentiate us from the competition,” said SingTel group chief executive officer Chua Sock Koong, adding that the telco hopes to build a pipeline of talent in the three areas to meet future needs.
Education Minister Heng Swee Keat and SingTel group CEO Chua Sock Koong (both standing) witnessing yesterday’s signing of the memorandum of understanding at Singapore Polytechnic. ST PHOTO: CHEW SENG KIM
and the diploma in customer relationship and service management at RP.
“We need to attract the right kind of talent early, so that they can develop and grow their careers with us.”
A total of 90 scholarships are available each year to top students across the three diploma courses. The scholarships cover up to two years of tuition, living expenses and laptop allowance, among other things. The
The scholarships, worth more than $2 million a year, are available to students pursuing diplomas in computer engineering and infocomm security management at SP,
The programme is aligned with SkillsFuture, a national initiative aimed at getting employers to provide individuals with advancement options based on their skills. Education Minister Heng Swee Keat, the event’s guest of honour, said: “Each industry and each company should develop programmes to best suit its needs.” calyang@sph.com.sg
Test kit to differentiate mozzie viruses 3 August 2015 | The Straits Times
It can stop dengue virus being mistaken for chikungunya By Carolyn Khew
Researchers here have developed a diagnostic kit that can differentiate between the dengue and chikungunya viruses in a single test. The kit devised by a team from Republic Polytechnic (RP) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) can help prevent one virus from being mistaken for the other. Patients with dengue and chikungunya tend to exhibit similar symptoms such as fever and headache during the initial stages of infection, even though chikungunya is typically non-fatal. “Due to common transmission mosquito vectors and similar clinical symptoms, chikungunya and dengue viruses can be misdiagnosed in areas where both viruses are co-circulating,” said Assistant Professor Justin Chu of Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at NUS, a member of the research team. “This may lead to poor patient management at the point of care,” he said. By identifying the melting temperature of the viruses’ genetic material, researchers developed a kit that can tell the viruses apart. The kit can also detect the dengue serotype with high accuracy. “Serotyping information is important for the understanding of dengue epidemiology,” said Dr Chu. “For instance, dengue serotype switch is used as an early warning of epidemics in Singapore as data has shown such switches to be associated with epidemics.”
serotype 1 to become the dominant strain, leading to a spike in dengue cases. For the study published recently in The Journal Of Molecular Diagnostics, researchers collected about 250 clinical samples of chikungunya and dengue viruses from local hospitals. They observed the melting temperature at which copies of the viruses’ genetic material were made during a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR technology can be used for disease diagnosis, among other things. The study’s principal investigator, Dr Ho Phui San of the school of applied science at RP, said some of the kits in the market rely on antibodies, which have limitations. “The immune system in our body takes time to react to a particular virus upon infection and to produce antibodies specific to that virus. “Hence, antibody-based detection is applicable only around five to seven days after the onset of fever as antibodies specific to dengue virus are usually produced during that period,” she said. The team is in talks with biotechnology companies to see how the kit can be commercialised, she added. The number of chikungunya cases from January to July 25 this year is 21, compared with 165 in the same period last year. A total of 294 dengue cases were reported In the week ending July 25 – the most weekly cases so far this year, going by the National Environment Agency website.
20 March 2015 | Lianhe Zaobao
李妍珊 报道 400名来自海内外的学者参加共和理工学院主办的研讨会,对 运用问题启发式学习进行交流,交换各国的实践经验。 来自新加坡、美国、欧洲及日本等地的学者及教育界人士,于 第四届国际问题启发式学习研讨会(International PBL Symposium)上,着重探讨将问题启发式学习跨学科及领域 推行,让学生日后能应付节奏日益加快的职场。 学者们日前在为期三天的研讨会中,分享采用问题启发式教学 法(Problem-based Learning,简称PBL)于各个领域的教 学及经验、对于问题启发式教学法的各种研究成果,以及探讨 将问题启发式学习注入更多学习环境等课题。 与会者也分享自己经验及在推行这个教学方式面对的困难,以 及如何在日新月异的环境中,让问题启发式学习能与时并进。 共和理工学院副院长(学术服务处)郭德兴博士(50岁)说,自 2002年推行问题启发式教育方式以来,该院历届毕业生对这 个方式都有正面评价。因此院方不断改进,与国内外学者的交 流也有益处,让他们为不同的课程制定最合适的教学方式。 与会的永青中学校长谢笑萍(51岁)受访时说,学校于去年开 始将问题启发式学习引入对学生的软技能培养中,有助于加强 他们的沟通、思考及应变能力。谢笑萍说: “我们发现过去两年 的新生对于自行参与构思、策划及解决问题的兴趣较大,因此 除了给学生上服务学习等项目,我们也推出能刺激思考,利用问 题启发式学习的各种项目。"
In Singapore, the most common dengue strains are DENV-2 and DENV-1. It was earlier reported that the proportion of serotype 2 cases rose from 18.3 per cent last year to around 44 per cent as of mid-May this year, sparking concerns that it may replace
四百海内外学 者探讨跨学科 推行问题启发 式学习
谢笑萍也表示,校方目前没有打算将问题启发式学习注入教学 课程,更多的是用于软技能培养。 郭德兴也透露,为配合未来技能培训计划 (SkillsFuture),院 方正朝向资讯通信科技方面发展,与时代并肩的同时,也与企 业合作,制定实质且更贴切业内需求的课程内容,打造一个全 方位的学习体验。
400 local and overseas educators explore the implementation of problem-based learning Four hundred local and overseas educators gathered at RP to attend the Problem-based Learning (PBL) Symposium organised and hosted by RP. The symposium provides educators with a platform for the sharing of experiences with PBL pedagogy. The team that collaborated on the project to develop the diagnostic kit included (from left) Mr Ivan Foo Zhi Kwee, 20; Dr Ho Phui San, 37; Miss Dawn Tan Yu Bin, 21; Mr Chen Huixin, 28; and Miss Mariya Parimelalagan, 22. ST PHOTO: CHEW SENG KIM
48小时的游戏激荡 2 April 2015 | Lianhe Zaobao
48小时可以做些什么? 1月23日的那个周末, 本地183名游戏爱好者 聚集在共和理工学院,在 48小时内和世界各地的 游戏开发者同步创作新 游戏。 张立励 报道 通宵达旦玩电子游戏相信很多人都试过, 但要不眠不休,在 48小时内创造出一款新游戏,你又是否能够办到? 1月23日至25日,本地183名游戏发烧友参加了全球游戏即兴 创作活动Global Game Jam(GGJ),挑战自己的脑力、耐力和 体力,在极短的时间内,根据主题创造出小巧且富新意的游戏。 那两天,全世界的GGJ参与者都在同一时间,不同国家进行集 体游戏创作,然后再把游戏原型(game prototype)放上网, 让所有人下载试玩。 今年,共和理工学院是新加坡唯一的GGJ会场。共和工院艺术 科技系的游戏设计学(Diploma in Game Design) 科主任张 顺强表示,这已是工院第六次举办 GGJ,参与人数每年都有所 增加,其中不少是本地工院修读游戏设计的学生。 他说: “这是一个很好的磨练机会。学生得发挥团队合作精神, 各司其职,完成任务。往年,我们的学生参加完活动后,想法变 得更成熟,态度也更积。” 来自共和工院的三人团队Kutu今年是第二次参加活动,他们都 是修读游戏设计的三年级学生。 要在时限内将天马行空的游戏点 子付诸于现实,大家觉得非常有 挑战性。队员Ivan说: “时间管 理很重要。大家都有不同的游戏 点子,我们必须选择能在时限内 完成的,而不是最好但难执行的 点子。”他们所设计的游戏“Nod &Lud”,要求玩家修理损坏的电 路,具有教育性质。生动有趣的 游戏画面也让他们获得了最佳图 像奖。
48 hours of Game Jam What can you achieve in 48 hours? On the weekend of 23 January 2015, 183 game enthusiasts gathered at RP where they joined game jammers from all over the world to create games in the Global Game Jam (GGJ). Over the two days, GGJ participants globally created games non-stop and uploaded their game prototypes online, allowing others to download and play them.
Too团队 成员朱启辉(前排左一)和Nick(前排左二)参加GG J后,从陌生人 变 成创作好 搭档。程友明摄 影 (左)9 L ives 将 猫有九 条命的 点子融 入 游戏 里,十 分具创意。
( 左下) Nod & Lud 生动 有趣 的画面,让它获 得最 佳 图 像 奖。 (右下)W hat Now要四玩 家 互 相沟通才能完成任务。
Global Game Jam(GGJ) 是一个专门为游戏开发者举办的集 体游戏创作活动,参与者必须根据主 办方开场前发布的主题,在48小时 内创造出一款新游戏。它可以是 电子游戏或实体游戏 (例如图版游戏、纸牌游戏)。 GGJ办了六年,今年吸引了来自78个 国家超过2 万5000人参与,制作了 超过5000 个新游戏。
望能做出不同的东西。”团队 里还有来自美国的程序编写 师Nick,他刚好来新加坡度 假,听到有这个活动后决定参 加。和陌生人合作,最大的困 难是什么?队员何仪婷(23 岁,动画设计系学生)说: “最 难就是队员之间的磨合!我们 讨论了六、七个小时后才确定 要做什么样的游戏,但最终还 是完成任务。”
GGJ也吸引了一些独立游戏 开发者参加。他们单枪匹马去 到会场,与其他素未谋面的开 发高手组团进行创作。 Too团队里的六名成员在活 动前就互不认识。队员朱启辉 (27岁,3D美术设计师)已 是第二次参加活动。 “这次我 想和不认识的人一起合作,希
游戏点子新颖 今年活动的主题是“ 我们现 在该怎么做?” (What do we do now ?),本地GGJ 参与者根据主题,总共创作了 50个游戏,其中不乏点子新 颖,有别一般的优秀作品。 一般电子游戏只有一个玩 家, Too团队开发的游戏 “What Now”却需要四位 玩家互相沟通、合作才能顺利 打败魔王。朱启辉希望这能改 变大家觉得电子游戏会让人 缺乏沟通的负面印象。 “这个 电子游戏能让大家一起玩,互 相沟通。这样年轻人就不会因 为玩电子游戏而封闭自己。”
“9 Lives”则将猫有九条命 的点子融入游戏中。它要求 拥有九条命的玩家(猫)利用 自己的尸体当做垫脚石, 通 过陷阱,离开密室。出色的创 意让它获得了赞助商Utility Technologies颁发的最佳 游戏奖。 今年活动开发的所有游 戏下载网址为http:// globalgamejam. org/2015/games。
Bread on the tracks 9 January 2016 | The New Paper
SMELLS GOOD: More than 15kg of bread flour was used to create this train, crafted by student Tan Yan Chan (right) and Republic Polytechnic’s full-time chef instructor Jaslyn Leong. PHOTOS: REPUBLIC POLYTECHNIC
NO RECEPTION: Aluminium foil was used to create a room that blocks mobile signals.
共和工院开 发应用软件 实习生随时 可与导师雇 主沟通 11 January 2016 | Lianhe Zaobao 陈淋 报道 共和理工学院开发了一款名为“myInternshipBuddy@WORK” (意指“我的实习伙伴”)的一站式手机应用软件,帮助学生做好 实习准备。实习学生不但可以通过软件下载工作相关资料,还可 随时与导师或公司主管沟通。 这个应用软件日前正式推介,是共和理工学院、新加坡资讯通 信发展管理局和Coursepad公司携手开发的。
A train model at the Diploma in Restaurant and Culinary Operations’ booth at Republic Polytechnic’s open house did not just look good, it smelled good too. More than 15kg of bread flour was used to create the model measuring 1.3m by 25cm by 15cm.
Bread-making is also part of the course curriculum. Ms Tan, who volunteered for the project, had wanted to learn the techniques of bread design but gained an even bigger takeaway.
Salted dough was used to preserve the bread over the course of the Open House.
She said: “I feel that I’ve become a more patient person after this project, which requires a step-by-step process of making, baking and shaping the dough.”
Created by the course’s full-time chef instructor Jaslyn Leong and second-year student Tan Yan Chan, 22,the bread train took a month to design and make.
At the Diploma in IT Service Management booth, curious visitors streamed in and out of a “cage” made of aluminium foil that cuts off mobile signals.
They were inspired by the Open House theme for the School of Hospitality (SOH). Ms Leong, who has 18 years of culinary experience, said they wanted their exhibit to be linked to SOH’s theme of Your Passport to the World.
The exhibit was inspired by the Faraday Cage, a 19th-century invention which is an enclosure made of conductive metal screens that block electric fields.
She said: “With the train as an increasingly convenient mode of cross country travel today, we thought it was a fitting idea that symbolised travel and adventure.”
The team of 10 staff and students from the School of Infocomm wanted to let visitors experience what it would be like without mobile reception to better appreciate mobile networks.
学校导师和公司主管可将工作简介等资料上载该平台,并根据 实习进度,通过软件传送学习资料给学生参考。导师们甚至可 以上载测验问卷,让学生检测自己对资料的掌握程度。 此外,学生可将实习期间的感想上传,方便导师和公司主管及时 了解学生的实习进展和反馈。软件还设有通讯功能,学生可通 过文字、图片或视频的形式,将实习中碰到的问题传给导师或 主管,实时请教。 该软件自去年9月开始进行测试,预计第一期测试将在今年3月 结束。第二阶段测试则从3月开始直至8月。 共和理工学院资讯通信系主任巫琮瀚受访时说: “我们会在每 个测试阶段结束后收集反馈并对手机应用软件做出调整。我们 希望在这款手机应用软件更完整、更成熟的时候,将其推广到 所有的理工学院,甚至大学。” 目前已有约480名共和工院学生和相关实习公司试用过该软 件。其中75%的学生认为这款软件有助他们在实习前做好准 备,八成学生认为软件有助他们提升工作效率。
RP School of Applied Science
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RP has developed a one-stop mobile application called “myInternshipBuddy@WORK” to help prepare students for internships. Students can download work-related learning resources and communicate with their lecturer or company mentor at any time. The app is officially available and was jointly developed by RP, the Infocomm Development Authority and Coursepad.
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Belajar pasal enjin sebelum pandu pesawat
Besi-besi ini juga istimewa kerana ia selalunya tidak berat dan mudah bagi kapal terbang bergerak dengan laju di udara, sekali gus membuat Encik Asshikin kagum. “Saya gembira dapat belajar tentang keistimewaan komponen enjin kapal terbang ini. Tidak ramai yang memahami bagaimana sebuah besi yang besar boleh membawa kita ke atas udara dan pergi ke mana-mana sahaja,” katanya sambil tertawa. Beliau berharap dapat memanfaatkan ilmu yang ditimba menerusi latihan amalinya dalam kursus latihan yang lain kelak. “Saya berharap ilmu daripada latihan di A*Star ini berguna untuk saya memahami kebolehan sadur besi yang digunakan dalam kapal terbang.
2 June 2015 | Berita Harian
Minat untuk terbang di awangan membuat Encik Muhammad Asshikin Kamaruzaman mencuba apa sahaja demi mencapai impian menjadi juruterbang.
“Saya juga rasa seorang juruterbang harus memahami semua aspek kapal terbang kerana beliau adalah ketua dan bertanggungjawab kepada semua penumpang di udara,” katanya yang pernah membawa kapal terbang secara simulasi di sekolah.
Malah, beliau kini gembira menjalani latihan amali bersama Agensi Sains, Teknologi dan Penyelidikan (A*Star) di mana beliau bertanggungjawab dengan kajian sadur bes bahagian enjin.
Encik Asshikin merancang memasuki Akademi Aero Angkasa ST (STAA) selepas tamat pengajian di RP tahun depan.
Walaupun melalui ‘jalan jauh’, pelajar Politeknik Republic (RP) berusia 23 tahun itu tegar mengharungi cabaran yang datang. “Saya tidak kisah kerana latihan yang saya lalui kini sama dengan apa yang dilakukan dalam industri penerbangan yang saya minati. Jadi, ini adalah langkah pertama buat saya menceburi dalam bidang ini,” katanya sambil tersenyum.
INGIN JADI JURUTERBANG: Encik Muhammad Asshikinberasa ilmu yang dipelajarinya di A*Star berguna dalam usahanya menjadi juruterbang.
Learn about engines before operating on airplanes
Dengan pengalaman yang dilalui sejak memulakan latihan pada awal April lepas, Encik Asshikin telah banyak mempelajari komponen penting dalam enjin kapal terbang.
“Suhu panas daripada enjin boleh mencairkan komponen besi di dalam enjin. Saya pernah nampak suhu setinggi 1,050 darjah Celsius!
Selain itu, beliau juga telah mengkaji pelbagai spesimen besi di suhu yang berlainan dan juga disejukkan di dalam tempoh yang berbeza.
“Jadi kami akan mengkaji dan cuba-cuba jenis besi yang boleh tahan suhu tinggi enjin,” katanya yang sedang dalam tahun terakhir pengajian bidang juruteknik aeroangkasa di RP.
Contohnya, enjin kapal terbang akan mencapai suhu yang panas dan bahan-bahan komponen di dalam enjin harus diperbuat daripada sadur besi yang boleh tahan suhu enjin itu.
Encik Asshikin juga menambah bahawa jenis besi yang selalunya digunakan bagi membuat enjin kapal terbang adalah besi jenis salutan sawar terma dan tungsten karbida.
Mr Muhammad Asshikin Kamaruzaman, 23, gave his all to achieve his dream of becoming a pilot especially after going through an internship programme with Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A* STAR) where he was responsible for the study of iron-coating engine parts. The RP student braved through the challenges and learnt important components whilst studying various iron specimens at different temperatures which cooled at different periods.
Vector Aerospace’s new facility to beef up regional presence 15 May 2015 | The Business Times By Prisca Ang
Vector Aerospace’s S$50 million maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility – its first in Asia – is expected to strengthen its regional presence by providing clients a “cost-effective, viable and easily accessible MRO solution”. At 5,200 square metres, the facility, opened on Thursday, will be a designated overhaul go-to for Pratt & Whitney PW150 turboprops found in Bombardier Q400 airliners. Equipped with full engine overhaul and test capability, the facility is part of the firm’s 8,000 sq m engine centre dubbed Vector Aerospace Asia. “Engine owners and operators will benefit in terms of faster turn times, minimised shipping costs and superior customer service,” said Vector Aerospace president and chief executive officer Declan O’Shea.
The facility, which started operations in October last year, will employ up to 140 employees in various repair, test, engineering, commercial and support roles when fully operational.
Yeo Keat Chuan (third from left), managing director of the Singapore Economic Development Board; Declan O’Shea (second from right), president and CEO, Vector Aerospace; at the opening of the S$50 million MRO facility at Seletar Aerospace Park
Currently, Vector Aerospace Asia has four engines being serviced at the Seletar Aerospace centre. It aims to service over 30 engines by end-2015 and double this figure next year.
While Vector Aerospace is currently looking at a full capacity of 120 engines, it intends to raise this figure by expanding its capacity in the future.
There are some 500 Bombardier Q400 turboprop aircraft in the world, with 100 of them catering to the Asian market. The MRO facility will service Q400 aircraft worldwide. For now, it aims to reach a 53-day target for its overhaul services.
The unveiling of the firm’s MRO facility comes in tandem with its signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Republic Polytechnic (RP). Under the partnership, RP students will be able to intern at Vector Aerospace Asia for up to six months.
Apart from the PW150 turboprops, its new facility will house mobile repair teams to meet the needs of various engine types in the firm’s regional portfolio.
Upon completing their six-month internship, which includes both theoretical and practical training, they will acquire an industry-wide
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) Level II Certification. NDT is a key activity performed in MRO facilities to ensure the structural integrity of aircraft components. There are three RP graduates working as trainees at Vector Aerospace Asia. The firm also recently took in five current RP students who have embarked on the internship programme.
DI S C OV E R I N G P O S SI B I L I T I E S GLIDING TO A NEW RECORD Fifty-seven balsa wood gliders were launched into the air simultaneously yesterday – setting a new Singapore record. The event was part of Republic Polytechnic’s annual Glider Fest competition, which aims to boost interest in aerospace and aviation as well as encourage students to explore careers in the sector. More than 260 secondary students designed and built the gliders with help from faculty members and students from the polytechnic’s School of Engineering. Each team of five tested the models with the school’s special launcher, which can send them flying up to 30m. ST PHOTO: LIM SIN THAI
Students come up with ideas to tackle haze, riots 27 June 2015 | The Straits Times
Cockroaches are associated with many things, but “antibacterial properties” probably isn’t one of them. This did not stop a team of secondary students from Gan Eng Seng School from dissecting the insects in order to find possible antibacterial uses for their body parts. Theirs was just one of the 50 projects entered in the Scientific Thinking Programme 2015, an annual competition organised by Republic Polytechnic (RP) which aims to cultivate a passion for science and technology among secondary school students. Over the course of the five-month programme which began in February, some 230 students from 20 secondary schools attended workshops, did research and analysed results with the guidance of academic staff from RP’s School of Applied Science. Yesterday, the top five projects were recognised during an award ceremony held at RP. The winners were from Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Chestnut Drive
Secondary School, Naval Base Secondary School, Singapore Chinese Girls’ School and Woodgrove Secondary School. Rishabh Tiwari, 15, from Chestnut Drive Secondary, whose group created a “vortex cannon” firing compressed blasts of air, said he was inspired by the riot in Little India in 2013. It could be used as a non-lethal riot control method, he said. Celestine Teo Cui Wen, 14, from Naval Base Secondary School, whose team conducted experiments to determine the effectiveness of household materials in filtering polluted air, said: “During the 2013 haze, there were lowincome households which could not afford air-conditioning to filter the haze. We hoped to find cheap household materials that could be used to filter the harmful particles.”
Academy for Continuing Education @RP As the Continuing Education and Training arm of RP, ACE@RP promotes lifelong learning among working adults so that they can stay relevant in the current knowledge-based economy. It offers a suite of programmes from self-improvement to job-specific training purposes.
The team found that polyester, available in craft stores, was effective in keeping out haze particles while still allowing oxygen to pass through, making it ideal for covering windows in the event of haze.
Find out more about the course offerings at www.rp.edu.sg/ace
Internship paves way for full-time job 24 February 2015 | The Straits Times
RP School of Infocomm If you are a problem-solver and you have a passion for emerging technologies, these courses will take you one step closer to your dream: - Diploma in Business Applications - Diploma in Business Information Systems - Diploma in Information Technology The staff at Hope Technik include (from left) engineers Julien Li Hao and Wong Kai; general manager Michael Leong; senior mechanical engineer Samuel Lee Zhi Wei; and technicians Brandon Wong Liang Fu and Mohamad Jafry Samsudin. Mr Jafry was cited by Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam in his Budget speech yesterday as a person who benefited from his immersive internship. ST PHOTO: ONG WEE JIN
All it took was a five-month stint at Singapore engineering firm Hope Technik for Mr Mohamad Jafry Samsudin to decide that he wanted to eventually join the company. Mr Jafry, 28, served as an intern at the firm in 2012, when he was a student at Republic Polytechnic, and found himself helping to develop the latest Red Rhino vehicles used by the Singapore Civil Defence Force. He graduated with an aerospace avionics diploma later that year. After doing some part-time work, he joined Hope Technik as a technician in its composites department. The firm develops engineering solutions for the military, motorsport and biomedical industries.
“He’s responsible, a fast learner and a good team player,” he said. “He’s also a good craftsman and builder.”
Mr Jafry was cited by Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam in his Budget speech yesterday as a person who benefited from his immersive internship.
Mr Leong added that longer internships will better enable students and employers to know if they are suited for each other.
Mr Jafry, speaking to The Straits Times yesterday, said: “Getting work experience is good because while some skills learnt in school are transferable, a lot of technical skills can be learnt in-depth only on the job.
He said: “The early part of an internship – the first month or so – is for the student and company to get to know each other.
“Five months was good because it gave me enough time to learn and perfect my skills, from installing the body panels of a vehicle to welding and cutting.”
“With more time, students can be exposed to more projects, or move on from basic skills to more complex things.”
Hope Technik general manager Michael Leong said the firm wanted Mr Jafry to return as he had shown positive qualities during the internship.
- Diploma in Infocomm Security Management - Diploma in Interactive and Digital Media - Diploma in IT Service Management - Diploma in Mobile Software Development Visit www.rp.edu.sg/soi to find out more!
Pelajar hasilkan keyboard yang mainkan bunyi alat muzik etnik 30 March 2015 | Berita Harian
KEYBOARD UNIK: Lima penuntut dari Politeknik Republik telah merakam dan menyunting 25 macam bunyi sampling alat muzik tradisional Melayu, India dan Cina yang boleh didapati dalam sebuah keyboard unik, Keyboard SG50. Gambar menunjukkan (dari kiri) pengarah pemasaran dari City Music, Encik Hoe Hsin Loong, Cik Azurah Jan Che Onn Azahar, Cik Faith Teo, Cik Norris Sufiqah Suhaimi , Encik Mohd Ifraq Mohamed Basir, Cik Joey Lim dan pakar khusus produk dari City Music, Encik Mayuni Omar.
Lima pemuda bersilih ganti memainkan lagu rakyat Chan Mali Chan menggunakan sebuah keyboard. Namun, bunyi lagu rakyat itu menawarkan kelainan kerana iramanya berbunyi dan berentak etnik seperti angklung, serunai, jingbo dan mirdangam, bukan irama keyboard yang biasa didengar. Keyboard unik itu, Keyboard SG50, memaparkan 25 macam bunyi sampling alat muzik tradisional Melayu, India dan Cina yang dirakam dan disunting oleh lima pemuda daripada Politeknik Republic (RP) dengan kerjasama kedai muzik, City Music. Ringkasnya, penggemar muzik boleh bermain alat muzik etnik menggunakan keyboard ini. Lima penuntut tahun akhir dalam jurusan diploma seni sonik daripada Sekolah Teknologi untuk Seni itu telah terlibat dalam projek tersebut setelah mereka dipilih berdasarkan prestasi akademik, tingkah laku positif dan kemahiran individu. Mereka ialah Cik Azurah Jan Che Onn Azahar, 23 tahun; Cik Norris Sufiqah Suhaimi, 21 tahun; Encik Mohd Ifraq Mohamed Basir, 21 tahun; Cik Joey Lim, 22 tahun; dan Cik Faith Teo, 20 tahun. Keyboard itu dihasilkan sempena sambutan ulang tahun Singapura ke-50 (SG50) dan akan dikeluarkan oleh penghasil alat muzik elektronik terkenal dari Jepun, KORG.
Ia akan mula dijual secara eksklusif di Singapura pada hujung Jun ini.
kerana ia biasanya dimainkan dalam kuil sahaja,” kata Encik Mayuni.
Menurut pensyarah jurusan tersebut, Encik Ng Ting Hsiang, idea menciptakan keyboard dengan bunyi sampling berbilang bangsa setempat dicetuskan pihak City Music.
Cik Norris, seorang lagi penuntut yang terlibat dalam projek itu, berkata antara cabaran mereka pada awalnya ialah menetapkan satmu proses suntingan.
“RP dan City Music sudah bekerjasama dengan baik selama lapan tahun. Kami gembira apabila penuntut kami diberi peluang terlibat dalam satu projek industri dengan merakamkan bunyi sampling etnik untuk keyboard,” kata Encik Ng.
“Kami masing-masing mempunyai cara menyunting audio tersendiri. Tetapi kami perlu mencari jalan supaya kami boleh menggunakan proses suntingan yang sama bagi setiap sampling. “Maka itu kami meminta nasihat Encik Ng supaya beliau boleh membimbing kami,” kata Cik Norris.
Antara tugas lima penuntut itu, jelas Cik zurah, ialah menyediakan peralatan rakaman dalam studio RP, merakamkan muzik yang dimainkan oleh 25 pemuzik tradisional profesional dan menyunting sampling yang sudah dirakamkan.
Menurutnya lagi, mereka kini lebih bijak menggunakan sofwe Protools untuk merakam dan menyunting audio.
Mereka dibimbing oleh penggubah dan pakar khusus produk daripada City Music, Encik Mayuni Omar.
Encik Mohd Ifraq pula berkata beliau mempelajari bagaimana hendak menyelaras jadual pemuzik dan menangani masalah secara profesional.
Menurut Cik Azurah, pihak City Music telah memilih kesemua pemuzik yang memainkan alat muzik tradisional daripada tiga bangsa merangkumi angklung, rebana, gendang, marwas, seruling, caklempong, thavil, dholak, veena, erhu, guzheng hingga ruan.
Pengarah pemasaran City Music, Encik Hoe Hsin Loong, berkata projek Keyboard SG50 ini amat bermakna, terutama bagi penggemar muzik setempat. “Keyboard ini akan terus wujud selepas sambutan SG50 berakhir kerana kami merancang memperkenalkan alat muzik ini di sekolah,” kata Encik Hoe.
Encik Mayuni pula berkata pihak City Music sama-sama belajar tentang bunyi aneka jenis alat muzik tradisional yang wujud di Singapura. “Malah, kami telah meminjam salah satu alat muzik tradisional India daripada sebuah kuil
Encik Mayuni menambah bahawa keyboard itu memaparkan muzik Singapura yang berbilang kaum. “Ia boleh digunakan untuk mendidik generasi muda tentang bunyi alat-alat muzik di negara kita,” ujar beliau. Lima penuntut ini akan menunjukkan proses sampling alat muzik dan menunjukkan Keyboard SG50 di acara pameran projek tahun akhir Symbiosis Sekolah Teknologi untuk Seni Politeknik Republic di *Scape esok yang dibuka kepada orang awam.
Students produce a keyboard which plays sounds of ethnic musical instruments The SG50 keyboard produces the sounds of 25 different traditional musical instruments including the angklung, jingbo and mirdangam, representing Malay, Indian and Chinese ethnicities. The sounds were recorded by five RP students in collaboration with City Music. The students are Azurah Jan Che Onn Azahar, 23, Noris Sufiqah Suhaimi, 21, Mohd Ifraq Mohamed Basir, 21, Joey Lim, 22 and Faith Teo, 20.
Keeping loved ones safe at a low cost 15 October 2015 | The New Paper
Families with young children and seniors need not worry about spending a large amount of money on tracking devices. By RACHEL TAN
This portable tracking system was devised by final-year Republic Polytechnic Electrical and Electronic Engineering students Muhammad’ Izaat, 20, Hafiyyan Yazid, 20, and Hari Ram Ale, 20, over two years.
It uses an open wireless network, ZigBee, which means that the device is subscriptionfree and makes use of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections.
How fast Singapore can grow as a modern and smart city depends on a strong core of engineers who are able to imagine, create, design, build and sustain the hard and soft infrastructure that Singapore needs, going into the future.
This would be more cost-effective compared to purchasing a smart phone with a subscription plan. If someone with the device is out of range and cannot be detected, a warning will be sent out and an alarm triggered.
It also makes use of coin batteries, which will enter “sleeping mode” when unused, allowing minimal use of power.
Mr Seto Lok Yin chairman of the steering committee for Learning Engineering at Polytechnics
Commercial applications Project supervisor Hong Ling Tim, 40, who has been overseeing this project for two years, said: “We are looking for sponsors for the device and we have loaned it to organisations like Salvation Army to test out.” My view The device is useful because tracking applications on smart phones usually drain a lot of battery power and consume a lot of data.
TRACKING DEVICE: A team from Republic Polytechnic devised a low cost tracking device which makes use of Wi-fi and coin batteries.
与国际港务集团 合作共和工院培 养人才 5 November 2015 | Lianhe Zaobao
新加坡国际港务集团和共和理工学院日前签署 备忘录,合作培养港务人才。 为吸引更多学生加入港务业,国际港务集团 (PSA)和共和理工学院将推出一系列合作项 目,加深学生对港务业的了解。 根据新的合作框架,共和理工学院将在工业与 营运管理系和供应链管理系的课程中融入港 务营运、计划和物流的相关内容。工院内也将 设立以国际港务集团为主题的实验室,让学生 透过视觉教材了解港务业的运作。 此外,这两家机构将为学生和教职人员推出讲 座、工作坊和实习计划。有兴趣加入港务业的 优秀学生,也可申请国际港务集团的奖学金。
News brief: Republic Polytechnic nurtures talents in a collaboration with PSA Corporation PSA Corporation Limited (PSA) and RP signed an MOU to nurture talents in port operations. In order to attract more students to join the container port industry, PSA and RP will launch a series of initiatives so that students can have a better appreciation of the industry.
FUN OUTING: (Left) Members of the Republic of Singapore Navy helping participants board the fast craft utility boats that took them to Pulau Ubin. (Below) Muhd Danial, 10, and his parents, Mr Sohaimi Wari and Madam Rosidah Omar. TNP PHOTOS: KEN LU
Enjoying Ubin for the first time 27 June 2015 | The New Paper
Wheelchair users tour island as part of SG50 event By HISYAM NASSER
They were ferried to Pulau Ubin from Changi Danial’s mother, Madam Rosidah Omar, said Sailing Club on five fast craft utility boats (FCUs) she was thankful her son got to take part in Yesterday, 10-year-old Muhd Danial Sohaimi the event, especially since areas like Pulau provided by the Republic of Singapore Navy. went to Pulau Ubin for the first time in his life. Ubin are usually not accessible to people The Primary 4 pupil at Canberra Primary School Bum boats, which are normally used for travel using wheelchairs. was one of 100 wheelchair users invited to Pulau to Pulau Ubin, could not be used as they pose a Ubin as part of an SG50 event, Wheels @ Ubin. safety hazard for wheelchair users because of Her son lost the ability to walk when he was eight due to the debilitating muscle wasting condition space constraints. Organised by Mr Dennis Quek, director at that affects one in 3,500 boys worldwide. Republic Polytechnic’s Centre of Innovation VOLUNTEERS for Supply Chain Management, the event was At Pulau Ubin, most of the participants, who are Said the 37-year-old childcare teacher: “I am to raise awareness about the inaccessibility really happy that my son is able to experience beneficiaries of the Asian Women’s Welfare of certain places in Singapore, such as nature this. My two older brothers had (the same Association and the Society for the Physically reserves, to people with disabilities. condition) and they both passed away at 14 and Disabled, went on a tour around the island with 16 years old. the help of volunteers. It is supported by the SG50 Celebration Fund. “There is no cure for this and it will only get Another 22 participants from the Handcycling Danial, who suffers from a genetic disorder worse as Danial grows older.” Association of Singapore toured the bicycle known as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, told routes on their handcycles. Participants were also treated to cultural The New Paper that he enjoyed his day out. For most of the participants, it was the first time performances, such as Malay dikir barat and He said: “I really love the sea and it is my Chinese wushu, by students from Republic they had been to Pulau Ubin. favourite thing here.” Polytechnic and Ngee Ann Polytechnic. It was also Danial’s first visit to a park or nature Participants were picked up from their homes in reserve since he started using a wheelchair two Mr Quek said: “Having just come back from SMRT taxis. Sweden, I noticed that (the) majority of their years ago.
GREEN ROUTE: Participants went on a tour of Pulau Ubin, with the help of volunteers.
nature trails are made accessible to (those) who are wheelchair bound.” “(We wanted) to show how much (wheelchair users) require in terms of accessibility.” Volunteer Alex Lim, 48, a senior executive, said: “It is truly fulfilling to help people experience new things and to help kids like Danial enjoy life as much as they can.”
‘Kisah kita’ jadi paparan pesta seni Politeknik Republic 22 October 2015 | Berita Harian
penuntut RP peluang membuat kajian dan mempelajari sejarah Melayu dan India.
Kisah kita.
Lebih penting lagi, para pelajar tersebut adalah antara lebih 2,000 pelajar yang samasama terlibat menganjurkan acara pesta seni ini selaku penerbit, anggota pemasaran dan penerbitan atau penghibur.
Kisah yang mengimbas masa lalu, menceritakan kisah hari ini dan masa depan. Itulah tema pesta seni kemasyarakatan Politeknik Republic (RP) tahun ini, Reflections 2015, yang bakal dipersembahkan menerusi drama, tarian, muzik, seni visual, pameran serta seminar. Acara pembukaan pesta seni ini bermula hari ini dan akan berlangsung hingga 7 November ini di Politeknik Republic. Reflections 2015 merangkumi sebanyak 20 acara seni.
PESTA SENI: Saksikan satu persembahan drama Inggeris, Read With Me, yang akan dipentaskan di pesta seni kemasyarakatan Politeknik Republic (RP), Reflections 2015, yang berlangsung hingga 7 November ini.
Lantaran itu, salah satu persembahan kemuncak di pesta seni kesembilan ini memberi tumpuan pada kisah Sang Nila Utama, perintis dan pedagang Naraina Pillai dan Sir Stamford Raffles menerusi satu pementasan teater berjudul Reminiscence.
Kumpulan Kebudayaan India pula akan menunjukkan bagaimana peniaga bata merah dan kapas, Naraina Pillai, kembali terdorong berniaga apabila kedainya terbakar selepas membaca Sejarah Melayu.
Pementasan Reminiscence merupakan gabungan kumpulan drama Melayu RP, Pentas Karyawan, dan Kumpulan Kebudayaan India RP yang bermatlamat menerokai sejarah Singapura dengan rujukan kepada Sejarah Melayu.
Naraina Pillai merupakan perintis yang telah menemani Raffles dalam perjalanan dari Pulau Pinang ke Singapura dan terkenal sebagai perintis India yang membina kuil Hindu pertama di Singapura, kuil Sri Mariamman.
Dalam pementasan itu, Pentas Karyawan akan menyampaikan kejadian-kejadian semasa kedatangan Sang Nila Utama dan era Sultan terakhir Singapura, Parameswara atau Sultan Iskandar Shah.
“Kededua kumpulan telah bergabung bagi mencungkil kejadian-kejadian sejarah lalu yang ramai kurang tahu,” ujar anggota Pentas Karyawan, Cik Sharifah Radhiah Samri, 21 tahun.
Pementasan tulisan dan arahan penggiat teater, Anwar Hadi Ramli, itu dipetik daripada persembahan asal tahun lalu, Kurun Yang Hilang.
“Reflections adalah satu acara tahunan yang didorong pelajar Politeknik Republic. Menerusi pesta seni ini, kami mahu memaparkan karya-karya oleh kumpulan pelajar RP dan menggalakkan para pelajar kami bergabung dengan kumpulan seni lain,” kata Encik Ganesh. Justeru, satu lagi acara menarik ialah persembahan genderang, World Drum Night III – Constellasians, yang akan menyaksikan pelbagai kumpulan genderang bermain bersama pada 31 Oktober. Acara tersebut arahan penerima Anugerah Seniman Muda 2015, Encik Riduan Zalani, akan dipersembahkan oleh para pelajar daripada pelbagai kumpulan genderang. Antara mereka daripada Institut Pendidikan Teknikal (ITE) Kolej Central, Kolej Barat dan Kolej Timur; Politeknik Ngee Ann, Singapura dan Republic; dan kumpulan dram ZingO Festival Drum serta kumpulan genderang Nadi Singapura. “Pada tahun ini, persembahan genderang lebih berpadu kerana persembahan akan dipentaskan menurut alat muzik masingmasing. Contohnya, kesemua pemain dram daripada institusi berlainan akan bermain bersama-sama.
Ia akan dipentaskan secara percuma pada 4 November ini. Menurut Pengarah Pesta, Encik Ganesh Kalyanam, pementasan tersebut memberikan
‘Our Stories’ forms the theme of Republic Polytechnic’s arts festival ‘Our Stories’, stories that tell the past, present and future, is the theme of this year’s community arts festival at RP, Reflections 2015. It will be presented through drama, dance, music, visual arts, exhibitions and seminars. One of the finale events of the festival focuses on the story of Sang Nila Utama, Naraina Pillai and Sir Stamford Raffles through a theatre performance titled Reminiscence. Festival Director Ganesh Kalyanam said that staging this play provides students with the opportunity to study and learn Malay and Indian history.
“Ini memberi satu persembahan yang lebih lengkap dan bersatu,” kata Encik Ganesh. Acara lain di pesta seni ini termasuk bengkel tari moden oleh jurutari mapan, Encik Zaini Tahir; persembahan muzik etnik, Ethnikbeats, yang turut menampilkan kumpulan gamelan, Gamelan Asmaradana; serta sesi kopi santai bersama pemuzik setempat, Caracal dan Scarlet Avenue. Senarai acara seni Reflections 2015, ada di laman http://www.rp.edu.sg/artsfest/ reflections2015/programme.aspx.
MENEROKAI SEJARAH MELAYU: Kumpulan drama Melayu Politeknik Republic, Pentas Karyawan, bergabung dengan Kumpulan Kebudayaan India Politeknik Republic bagi mementaskan persembahan teater, Reminiscence, yang memaparkan kisah Sang Nila Utama, Naraina Pillai dan Sir Stamford Raffles pada 4 November ini. – Foto-foto POLITEKNIK REPUBLIC
PALUAN GENDERANG: Kumpulan-kumpulan genderang dari pelbagai pusat pengajian tinggi akan mempersembahkan paluan genderang, World Drum Night III, pada 31 Oktober ini, 8 malam, di Teater Politeknik Republic.
女讲师提供就业辅导 18 December 2015 | Shin Min Daily News 宋慧纯 报道 硕士理工学院讲师报读专业事业辅导课程,为 学生提供量身定做的职业辅导,更不惜花三 小时和同一名学生聊, “义务”当他的就业辅 导员。 在“持续教育与培训” (Continuing Education
and Training,简称 CET)下,共和理工学院推
但上了课之后,她发现其实可以透过性格测试 更了解学生的特质,把笼统的专业就业辅导改 为“ 量身定做” 的方式,帮学生找到适合他 们的出路。 完成课程至今,已有三位校友找她帮忙。她就 和一位要更换事业跑道的男生坐下来聊了三小 时,给予他适合的就业辅导。据她了解,该学生 在新工作上表现不错,她也感到欣慰。
邱雪玲举例,过去有个性文静的学生问她就业 意见,当她听到学生想做销售时,她提议学生 包括辅导技巧、工作与劳力市场分析等。这批 或可考虑别的出路。更了解性格测试的重要后, 学员就包括共和理工学院体育及休闲管理系的 邱雪玲认为凡事都有可能,其实文静的学生一 讲师邱雪玲(40岁)。 定不能所以就业辅导必须是依照个性为学生 “量身定做”。 邱雪玲透露,她毕业自新加坡国立大学生物医 药科学系,后来则考取教育硕士。 虽然校内有专业的就业辅导员,但她每周都 共有27名学员完成课程。为期一年的课程内容
邱雪玲坦言,自己在职场上摸索十几年,前后换 了五份工作,才在八年前投身教育界,到共和理 工学院教书,找到了生命中的使命和热忱。 她坦言,一开始在生物医药业跑业务做行销时, 也是因为别人说她有自信,口才不错等。
“义务”一两小时和学生聊未来,希望课内课 外都尽量协助学生。
Female counsellor provides counselling tailored for the students Christine Khoo, a lecturer from RP’s School of Sports, Health and Leisure, recently graduated from the Specialist Diploma in Career Counselling. As a Continuing Education and Training programme, the RP course saw 27 students completing it. The one-year course teaches career counselling techniques and labour market analysis, among other topics. 邱雪玲 希望职业辅导内容能依照学生性格量身定做。(共和理工学院提 供)
Biasiswa $1 juta kepada atlit cemerlang
Peter Lim, mendermakan $10 juta pada SOF bagi pembentukan biasiswa itu. Sejak pemberian biasiswa itu, hampir $4 juta telah diberikan kepada 1,450 atlit daripada pelbagai latar belakang yang cemerlang dalam sukan masing-masing. Antara penerima biasiswa semalam ialah Ahmad Faris Muhammad Johari dan Nur Izlyn Zaini (gambar kiri).
5 May 2015 | Berita Harian
Lebih $1 juta dalam bentuk biasiswa telah disampaikan kepada 373 penerima atlit muda yang layak di majlis penyampaian Yayasan Olimpik Singapura (SOF)-Peter Lim di ITE Central semalam. Tetamu terhormat, Menteri Pembangunan Sosial dan Keluarga yang juga Presiden Majlis Olimpik Kebangsaan Singapura (SNOC), Encik Tan Chuan-Jin, menyampaikan biasiswa itu kepada sebahagian atlit.
More than $1 million in scholarships given to outstanding athletes More than $1 million in scholarships were handed out to 373 outstanding young athletes at the ITE College Central yesterday. Nur Izlyn, one of the SOF-Peter Lim scholars and RP student who will be representing Singapore in the 100-metre long jump, was quoted.
Biasiswa SOF-Peter Lim telah dilancarkan pada 2010 apabila ahli niaga yang dermawan,
Delivering real-world lessons
15 August 2015 | The Straits Times
BRINGING his wealth of experience from the newsroom to the classroom, Mr Eugene Lim, 40, left an 11-year career in print and broadcast media to develop the next generation of reporters and communication specialists. Mr Lim was a reporter in Shin Min Daily News, covering crime and sports for three years, before leaving for MediaCorp, where he produced current affairs programmes such as Frontline and won the 2005 Star Award for Best Documentary for his coverage of the Asian tsunami in 2004. Now a senior lecturer at Republic Polytechnic (RP) for the past two-and-a-half years, he says: “It felt great and satisfying to win awards during my years in MediaCorp, but leading students in winning competitions and empowering them to fulfil their career aspirations as media professionals give me greater fulfilment in life.” In addition to his teaching responsibilities where he lectures on broadcast journalism, he is the module chair for development journalism, where he is in charge of how the module is taught to the students. The module chair also crafts examination papers and lesson plans, which serve as a framework for the lecturers to more effectively and creatively deliver their classes. RP incorporates the use of problem-based learning (PBL) for all its diploma programmes. PBL is a pedagogical approach where students are given problem statements in class, often presented in real-world contexts related to the subject. Working in teams, they explore, analyse and develop solutions to tackle the problems. “This learning process — along with in-depth discussions with peers and lecturers — inculcates critical thinking, communication and problem-solving skills,” says Mr Lim.
TEACHING FROM EXPERIENCE Mr Lim completed a Master of Mass Communication programme in 2009 at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communications and Information. He had to undergo a foundation set of training courses before he was assigned to teach. The courses cover techniques of teaching to equip all new lecturers to conduct PBL lessons and skills to manage students. In addition to a degree in a field relating to the subjects being taught at the polytechnic, industrial experience adds value to the lessons delivered by the lecturers, many of whom have had careers outside of the education industry before joining RP to teach. Mr Lim finds deep satisfaction when he is able to inspire his students to stretch themselves. PHOTO: CHONG JUN LIAN
“My work experience helps a lot because I can share more than what the textbooks can offer.
“During lessons, I always give real-life examples and interesting dilemmas faced by those working in the media,” says Mr Lim.
My greatest achievement is to see my students grow and develop into better people. My work is important because I can mould the future of the nation.
One such dilemma is how students are taught in news-reporting classes to report the 5Ws and 1H — the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How questions that are basic to information gathering.
Mr Lim grounds the lessons in reality, explaining that because of the tight deadlines they will face at work, they might only be able to establish some of the answers after the articles have been published.
MR EUGENE LIM Senior Lecturer, Republic Polytechnic
He recently mentored a team of three students who participated in SingTel’s Southeast Asian Games video competition, where they clinched first prize for their work titled “Aspire to Inspire”.
OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM Teaching extends beyond the classrooms at the polytechnics. Mr Lim is in charge of the broadcast arm of RP’s Centre for Enterprise and Communication’s Media Lab, where he works with students on projects and competitions.
“Through this competition, the students not only matured in terms of their skills and
为他们介绍当中哪些属于可捕捉的永续海产。 永续海产泛指非濒临绝种的海产,捕捉这些海 产对生态环境造成的破坏最小。
永续海洋生态发展尽一分力。活动的目的在于 提高人们保护海洋生态的意识。
配合本月8日世界海洋日,来自10所学校的120 名中学生前天聚集在共和理工学院“钓鱼”、做 科学试验以及看录像,在玩乐中了解海洋生态 的发展。
该学院为中学生设计了“海洋酸化试验”和“永 续渔业”两款游戏。
共和理工学院应用科学系的海洋与水产养殖 学院、海洋管理委员会和世界自然基金会首次 联办“小地球,大世界”的两日活动,让学生通 过互动的学习方式认识海洋生态。
海水往往因人为因素而被污染,导致海水的 酸度增加,影响海洋生物。在“海洋酸化试验” 中,学生便动手将酸性物质与碳酸钙 (calcium carbonate) 混合,从而探测海水酸碱度变化所 导致的结果,例如伤害贝壳类生物等。
海洋与水产养殖学科主任陈维龙(45岁)受访 时说,海洋资源非常重要,因此大家都应该为
“永续渔业”是一场模拟钓鱼游戏,学生用竹竿 把纸皮制的海洋生物钓起后,由共和工院学生
Mr Lim finds deep satisfaction in guiding his students. “I have encountered students who could be perceived as unmotivated in their work. As an educator, I find it a positive challenge to inspire them to excel academically and to have self-confidence in their work,” he says. “That is why I took on projects and competitions — so that I can involve these students to give them more experience in media production. Hopefully, their achievements can motivate and spur them on to put in their best effort for their studies.” He adds: “My greatest achievement is to see my students grow and develop into better people. “My work is important because I can mould the future of the nation.”
5 June 2015 | Lianhe Zaobao
轻松认识海洋生态发展 潘万莉 报道
knowledge, they also managed to secure $3,000 cash for the RP Needy Student Fund,” he says.
学生也观看了由共和工院应届毕业生制作的养 护马蹄蟹录像,了解我国如何保护马蹄蟹的自 然生态环境。 来自科兰芝中学的李如玉(15岁)说,活动的 游戏非常有趣,让她能以轻松的方式认识海 洋生物的生长环境,也让她了解到保护海洋的 重要性。 120名学生今天也会到圣淘沙名胜世界海洋生 物园免费参观,了解鱼儿食材的准备过程。
Hundreds of secondary school students visit Republic Polytechnic to learn more about marine life conservation In celebration of World Oceans Day on 8 June, 120 students from 10 secondary schools participated in “Little Planet, Big Oceans”, organised by RP’s School of Applied Science. The interactive event featured industry guest speakers, hands-on laboratory workshops and competitive games to learn more about sustainable seafood and the state of our oceans.
Building his vision of Singapore, brick by brick 24 July 2015 | The Straits Times
MR Eugene Seow, 18, putting the finishing touches on a Lego structure representing his vision of Singapore, featuring cable cars as well as the towers of Marina Bay Sands. He was one of about 1,000 students from Republic Polytechnic who took part in a twoweek competition to design and build a Lego structure with a Singapore theme, to celebrate the country’s Golden Jubilee. The students, who formed 190 teams, worked to the theme, Modern Brick City – Build Without Boundaries. They used commemorative SG50 Lego brick sets provided by the Ministry of Education and from their personal collections, as well as recycled materials. Yesterday, three top teams were chosen based on their creativity, design concept and relevance to the theme. The winning team will be announced on Aug 6 and stands to win $300 in cash vouchers, with their structure displayed on the campus. ST PHOTO: NEO XIAOBIN
帮助柬埔寨青年 6 December 2015 | Lianhe Wanbao
刘珏妤 报道 新加坡世界宣明会与共和理工学院联合举办青 年座谈会,合作推展“青年生计”计划,让学生 有机会帮助柬埔寨的青年。 昨天, 新加坡世界宣明会( World Vision Singapore)与共和理工学院联合举办青年座 谈会,主题是“重新定义志愿服务”,约有150 人出席。 双方也在座谈会签署谅解备忘录(MOU),正 式推动合办的“青年生计”计划,希望帮助313 名柬埔寨青年。 新加坡世界宣明会一项调查显示,10名青年中 有9名倾向于帮助其他人改善生活,突出了青 年有把爱心和信念转为实际行动的潜力,计划 也能让他们在帮助人时学以致用。 “青年生计”计划使用同辈辅导的方式,由24 名共和理工学院学生明年4月到柬埔寨与当地 青年代表(年龄介于15至24岁)分享一些知识, 在10天内帮助他们学习金融知识和商业技能, 加强他们准备就业及创业。 共和理工学院的资深讲师李国伟表示, “这项 计划的反响很热烈,已有36名学生想参加。” 参加这项计划的陈骏豪(19岁)说, “我希望 能通过计划帮助柬埔寨的青年,并与他们分享 一些未来能运用的知识和技能,让他们不再感 到无助和绝望。”
学生冯礎莉(19岁)则把这当成学习经验,认 为一个人做志愿服务虽然好,但分享知识却能 达到更持久的影响。
参与计 划的学生陈骏 豪(左一)和冯 礎莉(右一)、与资 深讲师李国伟和新加坡世界宣明会 会长 朱碧凤合照。(共和理工学院提 供)
Republic Polytechnic students to help youths from Cambodia RP and World Vision Singapore (WVS) jointly organised a youth forum, themed “Redefining Volunteerism”. There were about 150 attendees at the youth forum. RP and WVS also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to launch the “Youth Livelihood” programme that will provide the opportunity for students to help youths in Cambodia. The programme aims to reach 313 Cambodian youths.
共和理工学院副校长(工业服 务)司徒 乐然(左二)与新加坡世界宣明会 会长 朱碧凤(右 二),昨天签 署谅解备忘录。(共和理工学院提 供)
工院生和年长者互相学习 叶俊颖 报道 “ 参加这个工作坊让我学会用YouTube、用手 机发送照片,还能与跟我孙子差不多年龄的年 轻一代接触,促进我对孙子的了解和沟通,一 举多得。” 这是郭素珍(74岁)昨早参加在共和理工学院 举行的智能手机工作坊后受访时的感言。 18岁的海拉与郭素珍同组、负责教她使用智 能手机,她受访时也说: “我觉得这场活动有 助于培养自己的耐心,也让我意识到平时我对 父母似乎就少了一些耐性, 这是我应该改善 的地方。”
共和理工学院艺术科学系学生陈涵汇(18岁) 受访时说: “我从这些年长者身上学到要活到 老学到老,因为我们在人生的不同阶段会接 触到不同的事物,获得不同的经验。” 国家发展部长许文远和西北社理会市长张俰 宾博士出席了昨早的活动。 张俰宾博士受访时指出: “这个活动的目的是 要加强建国一代和年轻一代之间的凝聚力。 我们最近可以看到越来越多类似由民间团 体主动发起的社区活动。我觉得这很让人鼓 舞,因为我们需要这样的活动让群众互动和 交流,增加社会的凝聚力。”
来自西北社区的500名年长者昨早参加了由西 北社区发展理事会和共和理工学院联办的《西 北—共和理工同伴计划》金禧国庆活动。
此外,年长者和学生也在工作坊开始前利用 阻力带(Resistance Band)做了一个名 为“Quick-6“的运动,联手在《新加坡纪录 大全》创造新纪录。
工作坊的种类多达16个,每个工作坊将分为三 至六堂课进行,每个月举行一次。这个工作坊 通过年长者和共和理工学院学生配对的方式, 为建国一代提供学习平台。
参加运动的625名年长者和学生打破了实龙 岗民众俱乐部在2012年3月25日创下的“最 多人同时利用阻力带运动”纪录。当时,实龙 岗民众俱乐部以490人创下纪录。
郭素珍(右)在海拉的细心讲 解下,学习掌握智能手机的功能。(西北社理会提 供)
Polytechnic students and elderly learn from each other At RP yesterday, a 74-year-old lady learnt how to use YouTube and send photographs using a smartphone. This enables her to better communicate with her grandchildren.
课程中,共和理工学院的学生可以教导年长者 有关智能手机的功能、拍照技巧,也分享健康 饮食的信息等。 另外,这个平台也让建国一代有机会向年轻一 代传授生活经验和价值观。
19 April 2015 | Lianhe Zaobao
The smartphone workshop – an RP-led initiative – is part of the rpBuddy Connection programme which aims to equip senior citizens with the knowledge to use a smartphone and share tips on healthy diets with their friends, among others. jwyap@sph.com.sg
15 April 2015 | Lianhe Zaobao
邓伟坚 报道 /摄影 记者亲身体会在黑暗中用餐的滋味,了解视障 人士在日常生活中所面对的挑战。 伸手不见五指,在黑暗中走进餐厅,在黑暗中 摸索自己的座位,坐稳后在黑暗中进餐,又看 不见自己将要吃什么。 这是记者昨天与共和理工学院250名该院师 生,亲身感受盲人步入饮宴场所用餐的情况。 主办这样的一个特别活动,目的是要让参加者 亲身体验后,对失明人士有更进一步的了解。 进场时,同一桌的参加者须一前一后,像小孩 子玩“火车”游戏般地列队进场,双手须紧紧 搭放在前面一人的肩膀上,不能让火车脱节。 一进场,四面一片漆黑,到底走进了一个怎样 的地方?餐桌在哪里?完全看不到。 幸好有50名学生引路,参加者才较容易地走到 自己的座位。开始进餐了,餐具在哪里?桌上的 食品在哪里?饮用水在哪里?都须用双手去摸 索。这时,参加者深深感到,双眼能看到这个美 丽的世界,是多么的宝贵。
学生:学习到同理心的重要 “在黑暗中用餐”由共和理工学院社会企业文 凭课程及新加坡视障人士协会联合主办。 讲师姚忠裕说: “看到社企文凭的学生一起来 策划和办好这活动,我感到很高兴。让学生有 机会应用他们在课堂所学习的,这是重要的。 我们也很高兴看到参加者了解到视障人士所面 对的挑战。”
用餐后灯火亮起时,大 家才知身在何处。
学生陈陪温说: “领导这项活动极具挑战,我 必须与大家合作,确保策划、市场行销、宣传及 管理志愿人员的工作都做得好。” 学生陆泰融说: “最难忘的是引导参加者在黑 暗中进场。我学习到同理心的重要,学习如何 与人合作无间,以确保活动办得成功。” 报名参加者须付的10元餐费,全数捐献给视障 人士协会。
In order to better understand the visually handicapped, reporter personally experiences Dining in the Dark RP’s Dining in the Dark event, held on November 24, was jointly organised by RP’s Diploma in Social Enterprise Management and the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped. The journalist recounted his experiences at the event, describing it as a situation where one has to walk into the eating area, find a seat and have a meal all in the midst of darkness.
A desire to inspire
30 May 2015 The Straits Times
A Master of Education from Ngee Ann-Adelaide Education Centre will enable Ms Sujata Rajaram to be a better teacher By ESTHER TEO
MAKING the switch from nursing to teaching last year, Ms Sujata Rajaram (right) decided to embark on the University of Adelaide (UoA) Master of Education (MEd) at Ngee Ann-Adelaide (NAA) Education Centre as she wanted to gain knowledge in areas such as curriculum development, teaching skills and teaching methodologies. Relentless perseverance and good time management are traits that have carried the Republic Polytechnic (RP) School of Sports, Health and Leisure lecturer through all her years of juggling work and study. The 50-year-old, who teaches RP students in the Diploma in Health Services Management programme, was a nurse for 24 years, where she rose through the ranks at various hospitals, while amassing an array of nursing-related qualifications such as Certificate in Nursing, Bachelor of Nursing, Advanced Diploma in Neuroscience Nursing, Graduate Certificate in Aged Care and Master of Gerontology. Ms Rajaram says she researched various other programmes available, but after talking to one of UoA’s programme consultants, she was convinced that the modules offered in the programme were what she was looking for. UoA is a Group of Eight (Go8) researchintensive university and consistently ranked in the top 1 per cent of universities worldwide. Students pursuing its degree programmes at NAA’s campus are taught by the same faculty that teaches at UoA’s Adelaide campus. The degree the NAA students receive will be the same as the campus-based students. JOY IN LEARNING Four months into the programme, Ms Rajaram finds most of the modules enriching. She says the programme has helped her to be more focused on teaching. It has also taught her how to be an effective positive influencer, with its heavy emphasis on pedagogy, teaching methods, philosophy of education, and educational technology. In particular, the Curriculum Development and Innovation module that Ms Rajaram recently completed has enabled her to be more confident about being involved in developing curriculums in her school. She also learnt how to use Problem-Based Learning (PBL) to guide her students as well as get them to learn and gain new knowledge using PBL. During the programme, she also hopes to learn and build her ability to set tests and examination questions for her students.
Beyond the lessons, Ms Rajaram enjoys it when professors and coursemates share knowledge on classroom practices. These have given her many new ideas on education, and a better grasp of a wide array of teaching skills and methodologies. Studying while working is challenging. However, with the programme’s modules delivered via two intensive weekend sessions, the classes complement her weekday work schedule well. “One of the biggest challenges I face is trying to complete assignments on time. Sometimes,
I could be doing two assignments from two different modules which are due at the same time,” she says. Ms Rajaram manages to cope with the pressure by starting assignments early instead of leaving them till the last minute. She perseveres, thanks to her passion for teaching. “This programme will help me build my skillset and knowledge in the teaching profession. I want to be the inspiring teacher my students deserve,” she says.
RP’s ProblemBased Learning approach is a student-centred instructional design and strategy in which students learn by working collaboratively on problems that are often modelled on real-world issues. It promises to sharpen analytical skills and develop each student into an effective team player.
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2 April 2015 Tamil Murasu
. ‘Yaatra’ – the show that highlighted the equality between males and females RP hosted its sixth ‘Yaatra’ event, which promotes Tamil culture amongst youth. This was run by the Indian Cultural Group. About 60 students, including alumni, jointly put up skits, dances and music performances.
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23 April 2015 | Shin Min Daily News
理工生请客 公众感动拍照表扬 周自蕙 报道 帅气理工院生见男子在快餐店吃剩菜,慷慨把 刚买的套餐奉上,善举被人拍下放上网,受到 大力称赞。 林爱莎(31岁)告诉本报,她与家人前晚在长 堤坊的快餐店用餐,隔壁桌坐着一名疑有智力 问题的男子。 “我一开始没注意到他正在吃桌上的剩菜,后 来一名青年走过去,把自己刚买的一份套餐给 他。我原本以为他们是朋友,直到我听到青年 说‘吃这份吧,不要再吃剩菜了。’” 原来,虽然素未谋面,但青年不忍见男子吃剩 菜,才决定请他好好吃一顿套餐。 此外,青年还为男子收拾好桌上的托盘残羹,并 为他准备好辣椒酱才回座,继续与朋友聊天。 爱莎说,她对青年的善举感到意外,忍不住拍 了拍青年的肩膀称赞他,但青年谦虚地说这不 算什么。 “这类善举时有耳闻,但仍然很难得,尤其他 年纪很轻但举动贴心,令人动容。” 爱莎当晚将青年的照片放上网,分享这则好人 好事,认为这证明了社会上还有好心人,也希 望青年获得认可。 爱莎的留言在面簿被疯狂转载,有近千人转 发,称赞青年年纪轻轻,但非常有爱心,值得 赞扬。
善举获各界「赞」 教育部与理工学院都在面簿留言称赞查尔斯。
好心青年查尔斯已是第三次请陌生人吃饭,没 想到这件事造成这么大的回响。他谦虚地说, 相信换作别人也会有一样的举动。
爱莎的面簿留言在两天内已有近2000则转 发,其中新加坡行善运动在面簿转发爱莎的留 言并说: “我们不止应该认可查尔斯的善举, 更应该以他为榜样,无论在哪里都能把爱心传 出去。”
查尔斯(Charles Julian M Wright)今年 20岁,是共和理工学院资讯通信学院的二年 级生。
共和理工学院也说: “温馨的举动让世界更美 好!查尔斯,我们以你为荣。谢谢你散播温暖 与善心,为身边的人带来正面影响。”
本报联络上他时,他说事发当天是第一次见到 那名男子,他请男子吃东西后,对方有些不知 所措,只是一直道谢。这已经是查尔斯第三次 请陌生人吃东西,但没想到小小的举动引来这 么大的回响,令他意外,对于人们的鼓励和认 可,他也表示感激。
教育部也在面簿称赞查尔斯,更获得总理夫人 何晶按赞支持。定,其实任何看到那名男子情 况的人,都会与我有一样的反应。
“其实在快餐店那名女士(爱莎)向我道谢,已 经让我觉得很感恩。现在事件被传开,我获得 许多称赞,更是令我感激地无法形容。我很肯 定,其实任何看到那名男子情况的人,都会与 我有一样的反应。”
Netizens touched by polytechnic student’s kind gesture An RP student’s kind act has gone viral, with many netizens praising him for buying a meal for a stranger who was spotted eating leftovers at Causeway Point’s Texas Chicken outlet. 查 尔斯请在吃 剩菜的男子吃快 餐,善举感动 食客爱莎。(受访者提 供)
Sparking interest
30 May 2015 | The Straits Times
Dr Eric Teo aims to present engineering as a feasible and attractive career to his students
EVERY teacher wants his students to achieve great results. Dr Eric Teo loves seeing his students excel not only in their academic pursuits but also in their personal development. The 39-year-old works in the School of Engineering at Republic Polytechnic (RP) as the assistant programme chair of the Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering course. With his background in electrical and electronics engineering, majoring in microelectronics, he wanted to work in the industry, and did not expect he would eventually become a teacher. Before joining RP, he worked as a principal engineer in the semiconductor industry and as a research fellow working on polymer electronics after obtaining his master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. While he was working, he realised he could further hone his skills if he pursued a PhD. It was not until he completed his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National University of Singapore in 2009, working for a while in the industry and gaining research credentials, that he felt he had relevant experience to become an academic lecturer at the polytechnic level. MULTI-FACETED ROLE “The role in the academic profession is not limited to teaching, curriculum development and reviews of modules,” says Dr Teo. Besides giving lectures daily, he is involved in other tasks such as organising school outreach competitions, planning annual graduation ceremonies and engaging in several collaboration projects between staff and industry.
Dr Teo is committed to making sure his students succeed. PHOTO: CHONG JUN LIANG
Electronics, as well as final year modules such as Semiconductor Fundamentals and Nanotechnology Applications, in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering diploma course.
“Being in an educational institute requires us to be role models to our students, be disciplined and to resolve issues in a cordial and professional manner,” he says.
Students in the course get to specialise in one of three fields: Digital Media and Communications, Microelectronics or Biomedical Electronics.
There are monthly staff sharing sessions where staff from different departments come together to network and keep abreast of what the polytechnic is doing for students.
Dr Teo is committed to making sure his students succeed as he also believes in advising them on their future plans, such as furthering their studies or making the right career choice.
He adds that the polytechnic’s human resources department takes care of its staff and implements work-life balance initiatives.
“During the graduation ceremony, it is always a heartening moment when graduating students approach us, introduce their parents and take photos together,” he says.
The path to an academic career is not easy.
Such appreciative gestures from his students help to make his job rewarding and motivating.
The ability to multitask, take on responsibilities, be proactive, keep an open mind and accept suggestions from colleagues are all important qualities.
He adds: “Our roles are multifaceted. Not only are we students’ lecturers, we are also their friends, mentors and counsellors.”
SUPPORTIVE CULTURE Dr Teo enjoys working with his “friendly, approachable and fun-loving” colleagues.
The modules he teaches range from fundamental Year 1 modules such as Digital
He says they deal with problems collectively as a team.
“Being in the academic field now is different from the past,” he says.
One challenge he faces as a lecturer is to attract young Singaporeans to engineering. The key is to present engineering as a feasible and attractive career to youth, he says.
He and his colleagues have conducted competitions and outreach activities for secondary school students, for instance, by engaging them in discussions on how engineering is relevant and present in their daily lives through devices and gadgets. “You not only need to love teaching, you should also be prepared to commit more to help the next generation achieve a fulfilling holistic learning experience. Only then will you find the education career a rewarding and enjoyable one,” he says.
REPUBLIC SEASON 2016 Diploma in Engineering Design with Business NEW
You get to integrate your love for engineering, entrepreneurship and innovation with just one diploma. This programme will encourage you to tackle problems from multi-disciplinary perspectives, like electrical and electronics engineering, function, cost-analysis, aesthetics and lifestyle. Students will become proficient in the design, development and implementation of solutions for engineering with a focus on business processes. This broad-based and versatile foundation, together with practical skills acquired through hands-on training in our design studio and engineering lab, will place you in good stead within the engineering industry. JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Product Design and Development Business Development and Planning Project Planning and Management Electrical and Electronics Engineering Start-Ups For more information, visit www.rp.edu.sg/dedb
Diploma in RENAMED Customer Experience Management with Business Be equipped with multiple customer management and business skills needed to make a difference in the customer experience industry. With the Singapore economy evolving to an experience hub, businesses are moving away from just providing a service to focusing on creating a great customer experience and delighting their customers. Besides identifying customer needs, managing their expectations and delivering excellent service, this diploma will more importantly enable you to develop skills to help businesses manage and maintain profitable customers through customer relationship management. JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Customer Experience Specialist/Manager Sales and Marketing Officer/Executive/Manager Account and Relationship Executive/Manager For more information, visit www.rp.edu.sg/dcxb