Better Health - July 2019

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DEMENTIA: tips for newly diagnosed , D2 HEALTHY WEIGHT: starting with school lunch, D3 BACK-TO-SCHOOL: ice breakers for nervous students, D4

| SUNDAY, JULY 21, 2019

“A child cannot learn until they are emotionally safe and feel that they are in a place that they are seen and known.” - Dr. John O’Reilly is chief of the division of general pediatrics at Baystate Medical Center


physicals mean more than vaccine shots at this clinic By Anne-Gerard Flynn

Special to The Republican

Dr. John O’Reilly is chief of the division of general pediatrics at Baystate Medical Center, and Dr. Shauna Ejtehadi, a pediatrician and resident in that division. They enjoy their aspect of family medicine for the involvement it brings in the lives of the young and helping them and their parents address issues this time of year like vaping, marijuana use and even what resources are available when the lack of the National School Lunch Program in summer results in food insecurity. Ejtehadi likes her specialty for the “continuity I get with my patients.” “When I am in the nursery I get to see them right after they are born, I get to see all the family in the room and when the siblings see the child for the first time and the funny things that they say and then to see them at the newborn visit, at the two-week visit, at the four-week visit and so forth,” said Ejtehadi who sees patients with O’Reilly at Baystate’s High Street Health Center. “We get to see them and really build a connection with them and watch them grow. I can come into the exam room and say, ‘Who is this kid? You have grown so much since last time. It is so incredible to see that and be a part of their lives.” Summer is an especially rewarding time for O’Reilly at High Street where back-to-school physicals number in the thousands and every year include some of his long-time patients who are college bound. “When you do this for generations this time of year means the continuity of seeing the 18 year olds going off to college and remembering them when they were little,” O’Reilly said. “I remember when fourth grade was hard for this one and look where he is now. You will have years and years of seeing a family. The I-took-care-of-mom-whenshe-was-little kind of thing.” It is this seasoned perspective that prompts O’Reilly to add that the back-to-school physical is “more than shots” to meet school vaccination requirements. “This isn’t a factory line in the sense of ‘turn your head, cough and here is the paper,’” said O’Reilly of the back-to-school physical that in the commonwealth is required before the first school entry and at intervals of every three to four years thereafter. In Springfield, this

is kindergarten and grades 4, 7 and 10. “There is a lot more to going to school now besides knowing your colors. There is the social-emotional. Pediatricians learn kids’ temperaments and strengths. They partner with the families to problem solve and they partner with the schools. I know my patient over there is a little high strung and he reacts in certain ways. How do we help Johnny be ready for going to school and how do we plan with the teacher?” Mid-summer, O’Reilly advises, is a good time for parents to schedule the back-to-school as well as sports physical, which can be done together if both are needed, before the August rush and to complete school medical forms that may have been handed out in May and “ended up at the bottom of the bills.” He encourages younger children unsettled about going to school to do what he calls “social stories” with a parent that then can be read in preparation and reflect that first day of class as well as shared with the teacher. “It means Mom takes pictures that show here we are at the breakfast table, here we are in the car, here is the playground to prepare the child so the child is ready and

so the teacher knows that child. Knowing the kid is really important because there is a fit question,” O’Reilly said. “A child cannot learn until they are emotionally safe and feel that they are in a place that they are seen and known. If they feel threatened, they shut down. What we do as pediatricians knowing the child, knowing the family, and working with the school can create a space in which that child can learn.”He added, “We need to maximize their medical care in order for them to learn and we have to maximize all the other things as well.” “Come August we are going to be reading that book about going to school, we are going to be writing stories,” O’Reilly said. “We are going to be writing notes to the teacher. We will be doing whatever to engage that child’s brain to go into school and we want the child engaged in that process to the level that kid can be.” There are questionnaires completed prior to the visit that relate to behavioral health as well as medical concerns, and usually discussed with early adolescents and teens toward the end of the visit without the parent in the room. This talk with the patient is part

of a process that begins early, O’Reilly said. “We start these questionnaires when the baby is born that address what is your child’s temperament like, how easy is it to take your kid outside. When kids get a little older, we ask how is their sleep, their stress. It is a pediatric symptom check list,” O’Reilly said. “Once kids start to articulate sometimes they will answer these questionnaires easier than to tell their parents.”He added, “Ideally we want to treat the parent involved and at a young age help that child to grow independently and take some ownership of their health.” “As kids get older, we say we are going to talk to both of you and then mom you are going to step outside and I am going to do the private area exam,” O’Reilly said. “You set up the expectation with the parent. OK, we are going to have you go. You don’t say,’ I am going to talk to your child about drugs now. Can you leave?’” He added that pediatricians see a child “a lot and get to know their families within that relationship.” “Families start to recognize trying to help that child grow physically and for that child to have their health care independence as well,”

Dr. John O’Reilly, chief of the division of general pediatrics at Baystate Medical Center, and Dr. Shauna Ejtehadi, a pediatrician and resident in that division, see patients at Baystate’s High Street Health Center. (ANNE-GERARD FLYNN PHOTO)

O’Reilly said. “The child with the food allergy is going to have to say, ‘I can’t eat that peanut cookie there because I own my health.’ You want to build that foundation early on.” Topics O’Reilly addresses with parents include how young a child should have a cell phone. “An eighth grader might need it for safety and keeping in communication, but below that it can be just a distraction,” O’Reilly said. “I would have that conversation about when is your child in that situation where it is really important for their safety that you are able to communicate with them. It might mean they only need it on these days. It is thinking about the phone as a safety and communication tool rather than a babysitter. So, individualize it to your child as to where you go.” O’Reilly said some parents do not realize how early children today face situations that could get them addicted to substances like nicotine or know how to discuss the health risks of electronic cigarettes with their popular flavorings. O’Reilly does a lot of education around behavioral issues like smoking e-cigarettes that are considered tobacco products and sales restricted in Massachusetts to 21 and older by posing scenarios to the child. “There is a fair amount of vaping and it has gone younger and younger so we as pediatricians can start preparing even the kid in middle school by asking what would happen if you walk into the bathroom and kids are vaping and they want you to vape,” O’Reilly said. “This is happening and sometimes you do it but do you know anyone who smokes? The child might say, ‘Oh, yeah, my dad.’ Has he been able to quit? ‘No. He is miserable.’ That is the entry point to that discussion,” O’Reilly said. “We also work with the families and say it is really surprising what your kids will see in middle school and what they will be exposed to. When they come home, I want to create a space between you and your child in which you are judgement free and reaction free and if your kid comes home and says that, boy, everyone is vaping that you don’t jump on him. You let them know that you can have those conversations and you will treat them like an adult. SEE SCHOOL, PAGE D4

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