Better Health - January 2021

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‘Dexter’ reboot to film in Bay State next month, see

Better Health D

AMHERST CINEMA: New director looks to build on legacy, D9 CONCERT INDUSTRY: Bands eye summer shows, D9 BOOK REVIEW: ‘Aftershocks,’ D12

| SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 2021


IMAGINE What would be the burden on you physically and mentally if you carried constantly and every second of your life a backpack with 20, 30, 40, 50 extra pounds, not for tomorrow but for the rest of your life. - Dr. Yannis Raftopoulos, Director of the Weight Management Program at Holyoke Medical Center.

By Cori Urban

the program’s experience in nation- on small changes. like fruit or vegetables with Greek al quality meetings and through She helps participants pick two yogurt dip or un-buttered popcorn. Mike W. Walsh is just a little more the American College of Surgeons or three things that they feel most “However, sometimes it’s OK to just than half the man he used to be. HealthCare Information Technology motivated to tackle first. “Then we eat the food you are craving. Watch About 14 months ago, he weighed Committee. “We are in the forefront work off that. I encourage self-mon- portion size, eat it mindfully and in at 351 pounds, but thanks to the of innovation in the area.” itoring, such as food logging, exerbalance it out by making healthy services of the Weight Management Registered Dietitian Christina cise logging whether it be digitally choices the rest of the day/week,” Program at Holyoke Medical Center, A. Reardon helps people seeking or pen/paper which can really help she said, adding that a dietitian can he was down to about 184 in early to lose weight with making good people stay accountable and visual- help find substitutions to enjoy and January, just four pounds away from food choices. She advises focusing ize their progress,” she said. sustain long term. his goal. on filling up on vegetables and lean Asked why people gain weight in And don’t just think about food “I feel great. It’s amazing to stop proteins while still incorporating the first place, Raftopoulos sumwhen on a weight management plan. and think about the amount of extra carbohydrates and healthy fats in ap- marized: “The most important Think water. stress of 150 extra pounds,” he said. propriate portion sizes. “It’s also im- contributing factor is that we live a The general guideline is to drink “Imagine what would be the burportant to set structured meal times life that is against our nature as we 64 ounces of water a day but that den on you physically and mentally to avoid skipping meals or grazing were made to be: Little or no activity varies by individual depending on if you carried constantly and every second of your life a backpack with 20, 30, 40, 50 extra pounds, not for tomorrow but for the rest of your life,” said Dr. Yannis Raftopoulos, director of the Weight Management Program. “Carrying extra weight is the single most important factor of a diminishing quality of life as you age and one of the few, if only the one, you have the power to modify as you age.” He sees 600 new patients each year. Some participants in the program lose weight non-surgically while others reach their goals through a combination of surgical and non-surgical means. “When I first joined the program, I expected to only do the medical weight loss. I didn’t think I was eligible for surgery as I had a lap band in the past,” Walsh said. “I was wrong and did qualify for surgery. My goal originally was to get to 225 pounds — that’s what I weighed back in college, and I wanted to get back there.” He has energy since he surpassed his goal, and in October he even Above: Holyoke Medical Center’s Dr. Yannis Raftopoulos, board certified bariatric surgeon and weight climbed Mount Monadnock in New management specialist, speaks with his patient Mike Walsh on Walsh’s weight loss journey. Hampshire for the first time since (HOANG ‘LEON’ NGUYEN / THE REPUBLICAN) high school. “It wasn’t easy, but I did Right top: Dr. Yannis Raftopoulos. Right below: Christina A. Reardon, Registered Dietitian. (SUBMITTED PHOTOS) it,” he enthused. As if losing weight isn’t difficult enough, participating in a program for weight-loss support in a pandemic makes it even more challenging. throughout the day,” she said. (especially now with the COVID exercise, health conditions and body But one of the most successful inShe knows it can be difficult to pandemic), little or no effort to find size. novations the Weight Management change behavior, especially around food, unlimited amount of food, “Water plays a role in transporting Program has implemented is teleeating. “I think it’s important to un- super tasty and extremely high num- molecules throughout the body such medicine. “Results and outcomes derstand where habits and behaviors ber of calories. It’s not a budget that as oxygen, blood, nutrients, bowel have been even better than before stem from. Sometimes a licensed can be managed easily.” movements, even regulating your doing the same conventionally,” mental health counselor or therapist For cravings, Reardon suggests body temperature. These cellular processes are known as ‘metabosaid Raftopoulos, who has presented can help,” she said, advising a focus people opt for whole food choices SPECIAL TO THE REPUBLICAN

lism.’ If you’re dehydrated, it doesn’t run too well,” the dietician said. Sometimes the body’s first response to thirst is to eat, so one might feel hungry but actually just be thirsty. “If you’re replacing sugary beverages with water, the impact on weight will be significant,” she said. And in any weight-loss endeavor, exercise is necessary. “Exercise is one of the most important things we can all do for our health. Exercise helps with mood, bone/joint health, heart health, improvement in conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure just to name a few,” Reardon said. To lose weight, one needs to be in a calorie deficit, and regular exercise can help achieve that. In order to maintain weight loss, fewer calories are needed, and exercise will help balance intake to maintain the new lower weight. “Maintaining a physical activity regimen needs to be lifelong so it’s important to find something enjoyable and sustainable,” she said. “Exercise can be fun and will help it seem more manageable for those who feel like finding the time is difficult.” For long-term weight maintenance, it is important to make changes that are sustainable. “Weight loss is very individualized and often people know what they should do, but it’s easier said than done,” Reardon said, adding that registered dietitians can help people take a closer look at their lifestyles, habits, behaviors and preferences while taking into consideration medical conditions. So to those persons who want to lose weight, Raftopoulos said, “In full awareness of what I am saying, this is the best program there is anywhere in the world to provide all spectrum of weight loss methods — lifestyle changes, medications and surgery — in a very innovative and unconventional way and with a dedicated team committed to provide that level of care indefinitely for every single patient that knocks our door.” For more information, go to

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