Brass quintet to play free concert on Saturday at Forest Park,
Better Health D
MUSIC: Brahms’ complete piano works at Tanglewood, D9 ART: ‘Marking Time’ exhibit at Oxbow Gallery, D9 ENTERTAINMENT: Smoky Robinson surging at 82, D9
| SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2022
Family Health A family medicine practice encompasses pediatrics, adolescent medicine, adult medicine and geriatrics.
By Keith J. O’Connor, Sr.
are at the heart of outpatient we care for. We are trained to coordinate care with special- some 745 family medicine care. Each family medicine take care of anybody in the ists when needed, including residency programs in the mental health providers. A United States, including two When Dr. John Romano was resident will care for his or her family who walks through completing medical school at own patients under the guid- our door who needs care,” Dr. well-trained family medicine in Boston and three in Central Baldor said. specialist can care for the MA (Worcester, Leominster, UMass Chan Medical School ance of faculty preceptors. Care will include prevention A family medicine practice majority of the problems a Lawrence). It is a three-year in Worcester and considering what specialty to pursue, and routine care, but resiencompasses pediatrics, patient has coming through ACGME-accredited training dents will also coordinate adolescent medicine, adult the door, so they don’t have to program that will train a total he knew that a residency in family medicine would be a and manage urgent medical medicine and geriatrics. go elsewhere for care. of 12 residents over the next good fit for his “interests and issues, chronic conditions and “If you have general health Dr. Baldor came to Baystate three years who will join the much more. concerns that can be taken in 2019 from UMass Chan team of family physicians alstrengths.” Choosing the right physicare of in the office, a famMedical School, where he ready practicing there. While “I love talking with patients and building a rapport with cian can be a daunting task, ily medicine physician can had been on the faculty since Baystate has a long history of address issues such as annual 1986, providing primary care training the physicians of the them and earning their trust. especially if you are looking Getting to know my patients over time and building a treatment regimen that works for them is hard to match in other specialties,” Dr. Romano said. He was among the first five residents to arrive in early July at Baystate Franklin Medical Center’s Family Medicine Residency Program, the only program of its kind in western Massachusetts, where they have already begun seeing patients. “Although I’ve only been here for a month, and I have so much to learn, what has really stood out to me so far is what you don’t learn in medical school. While there you are focused on learning the physiology of disease and not on the inner workings of how to run a clinic and deliver care,” Dr. Romano said. The new program is based out of the Greenfield Family Medicine practice at 48 Left: Drs. John Romano, Rachel Anderson, Bradford Ferrick, Mmaserame Gaefele, Daniel Albrecht are the first five residents to Sanderson St., where the participate in Baystate Franklin Medical Center’s Family Medicine Residency Program. Right: Dr. Robert Baldor, founding chair residents have joined a team of the new Department of Family Medicine at Baystate. (PHOTOS COURTESY OF BAYSTATE HEALTH) of family physicians already located there. The core faculty has been practicing for for yourself, your children of checkups for infants, children, while teaching medical stufuture, establishing the UMadifferent ages, and possibly adults and seniors, provide dents and residents. He noted ss Chan Medical School – Baydecades and will be teaching your aging parents. Dr. Robert disease prevention and health that the first board certified state campus in Springfield and guiding residents – one second-year resident and four Baldor, founding chair of the maintenance, evaluate, family physicians entered the where the innovative PURCH new Department of Family manage and treat acute and field in the 1970s and today program (Population-based first-year residents. Medicine at Baystate, says chronic illnesses like hyperthere are over 70,000 family Urban & Rural Community In addition to Dr. Romano, tension, diabetes and COPD, medicine physicians practicHealth) was founded, actuthe first five residents are sec- if a family is looking for one ond-year resident Dr. Mmase- physician to care for every along with injuries, and much ing throughout the county, ally has a tie-in with family member, choosing a family more,” Dr. Baldor said. more than in any other medi- medicine. rame Gaefele and first-year medicine doctor might be the Family practitioners also cal specialty. “When UMass Chan residents Bradford Ferrick, Rachel Anderson, and Daniel best choice. provide immunizations, famAccording to the American Medical School in Worcester Albrecht. “Unlike a pediatrician, geri- ily planning and contracepAcademy of Family Phyopened its doors back in the 1970s, Family Medicine was While family medicine resi- atrician or obstetrician, for ex- tion, skin care, joint injections sicians, Baystate Health’s and other treatments related Greenfield Family Medicine one of its first offerings,” Dr. dents are trained in inpatient ample, we are not defined by to sports injuries, and can Residency Program joins Baldor said. care, family medicine doctors the age or sex of the patients Special To The Republican
Dr. Baldor noted the new family medicine residency program is a “game changer” for Franklin County and the surrounding area where there is a shortage of primary care physicians, a challenge experienced by many areas of the country today. “When people are looking for a primary care physician, they take many factors into consideration, and now they have one more to think about here in the Pioneer Valley – providers who take care of them and their entire family throughout their lives,” he said. Dr. Johnson noted when deciding where to complete his residency, Baystate Franklin Medical Center offering its new program under Dr. Baldor’s direction was top on his list, especially because of its mix of both rural and urban medicine. “Working collaboratively with the other four residents has really been awesome. They are a like-minded, smart, humble, fun, interesting group who all share the same focus of what family medicine can offer and as physicians are intent on delivering the best possible primary care,” he said. “And it is exciting to be welcoming new residents each year into the program who will be bringing different skills into the mix….it’s just a privilege to be here.”
For more information on the Department of Family Medicine at Baystate visit https://www.baystatehealth. org/education-research/ education/umms-baystatecampus/academicdepartments/family-medicine or to make an appointment at Baystate Medical Practices Greenfield Family Medicine call 413-773-2022.