Home Finder September 2021

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Home Finder e ls m o tai

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The Wheway Group

The- Unit Wheway Group The72 Wheway Group 308 Miller Street Ludlow, MA 01056 Pat 413-478-1166 PatWheway: Wheway, Broker Associate Pat 413-478-1166 Pat Wheway: 413-478-1166 PatWheway: Wheway, Broker Associate Pat Wheway, Broker Associate Dave 413-364-6400 Dave 413-364-6400 Dave Mulak: 413-364-6400 Cell:Mulak: 413-478-1166 Cell:Mulak: 413-478-1166 Cell: 413-478-1166 Rich Wheway: Rich Wheway: 413-221-8599 Rich Wheway: 413-221-8599 Dave Mulak413-221-8599 413-364-6400 Dave Mulak 413-364-6400 Dave Mulak 413-364-6400 Kerrie Baldwin Zuzula: 413-847-0831 Kerrie Baldwin Zuzula: 413-847-0831 Kerrie Baldwin 413-847-0831 RichZuzula: Wheway 413-221-8599 Rich Wheway 413-221-8599 Rich Wheway 413-221-8599 www.Whewaygroup.com www.Whewaygroup.com www.Whewaygroup.com Pat Wheway Pat Wheway Pat Wheway 413-478-1166 413-478-1166 413-478-1166

Pat Wheway Pat Pat Wheway Wheway 413-478-1166 413-478-1166 413-478-1166

Pat Wheway Pat WhewayPat Wheway 413-478-1166 413-478-1166 413-478-1166

Wheway Pat WhewayPat Pat Wheway 413-478-1166 413-478-1166 413-478-1166

September 2021

Enfield $424,900 Enfield $424,900 Enfield $429,900 Enfield EnfieldTO BE BUILT -This beautiful $429,900 TO BE BUILT $424,900 -This beautiful CAMDEN model is a Enfield FreeTO BE BUILT -This$424,900 beautiful ADDISON model is a FreeCAMDEN model is a FreeEnfield $424,900 Enfield $424,900 $429,900 condo features unparalleled quality-This and beautiful standing condomodel home.isIt afeatures quality standing condo Enfield home. unparalleled quality and TO BE BUILT -This beautiful standing CAMDEN modelhome. is a ItFreeTO BE BUILT ADDISON Free- unparalleled TO BE BUILTand-This beautiful CAMDEN modelIt features is a Freeof beautiful workmanship throughout. Thestanding offers home. an TOIt features ofunparalleled workmanship throughout. kitchen an home. Itpride of workmanship throughout. The kitchen offersisana FreeTO BEIt features BUILTpride -This CAMDEN iskitchen a FreeBEpride BUILT -This beautiful ADDISON is offers a condo FreeTO BE BUILT -This beautiful model standing condo home. unparalleled quality and model condo quality and Themodel standing features unparalleled quality andCAMDEN island, granite counter tops, cabinets and all standing island, granite counter tops,an loads of cabinets all island, granite loads cabinets and all and pride of workmanship throughout. The kitchen offers an loads of pride ofand workmanship throughout. The kitchen offers pride of and workmanship throughout. Thecounter kitchen an of standing condo home. It features unparalleled quality condo home. It features unparalleled quality and standing condo home.tops, Itoffers features unparalleled quality appliances. familyand roomThe features hardwood appliances. Thecabinets family room hardwood floors. There Theof family roomthroughout. features island, granite counter loads of The cabinets all island, granite counter loads of andfeatures all The island, granite tops, of loads cabinets and allhardwood pride oftops, workmanship throughout. kitchen offersfloors. an There pridetops, of workmanship throughout. kitchen offers an counterappliances. pride workmanship The floors. kitchenThere offers an are 2counter bedroomstops, and 2loads full bathrooms and aand den/office. aregranite 2 bedrooms andfloors. 2tops, full bathrooms aappliances. den/office. are 2 bedrooms andcounter 2 full bathrooms and aof den/office. appliances. The family roomgranite features hardwood floors. There appliances. room features hardwood There features hardwood floors. Thereloads island, of cabinets allThe familyisland, counter loads ofand cabinets andThe allfamily room island, granite tops, cabinets and all www.Whewaygroup.com www.Whewaygroup.com www.Whewaygroup.com are 2 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms and a den/office. are 2 bedrooms full bathrooms and a den/office. arefloors. 2 bedrooms bathrooms andfamily a den/office. appliances. The family room features hardwood floors. There and 2appliances. The family room features hardwood There and 2 fullappliances. The room features hardwood floors. There www.Whewaygroup.com www.Whewaygroup.com are 2 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms and a den/office. www.Whewaygroup.com are 2 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms and a den/office. are 2 bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms and a den/office.

Pat Wheway 413-478-1166


Pat Wheway



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