For the best local real estate listings, go to IN THE GARDEN WITH LEE REICH: Not all basil is the same, F2 GARDEN NOTES: Open house celebrates Hamp den Garden Club’s 90th anniversary, F2 ANTIQUES & COLLECTING: Have you ever thought of twisting your own rope? F5 PROJECT OF THE WEEK: This whale of a project is sure to delight, F6 MORTGAGE RATES: 30-year rate jumps to 5.22%, F7 WMASS DEEDS, F7 HomeINSIDE & Garden&RealEstateF | | SUNDAY, AUGUST 14 , 2022 Takeplunge! the Plunge pools smaller, easier to maintain, build than traditional swimming pools, F4 Flavor has always been my reason for growing basil, and I wondered just how different each variety would taste from its neighbor one row over. ...

The Hampden Histori cal Society and Hampden Garden Club will host an open house of the historical museum at Academy Hall, 615 Main St., on Sept. 10 from 2 to 4 p.m. The open house will feature a spe cial exhibit highlighting the Garden Club’s history and contributions over the years, in honor of the club’s 90thAttendeesanniversary.willbe able to tour three floors of town history and participate in special activities hosted by the Garden Club. This event is free and open to the public, and all ages are welcome.
Berkshire Botanical Gar den presents these upcom ing programs: • “Thursday Afternoon Yoga in the Garden,” 5:15 to 6:15 p.m., Thursdays through Sept. 15. Free to all, this outdoor program is appropriate for all skill lev els. Classes are led by Kathi Cafiero, a certified Kripalu yoga teacher who has been teaching the physical and mental benefits of yoga for more than 20 years. No registration is necessary. All sessions are held outside and will not run during severe weather.
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T HERE’S somethingALWAYSnewto learn about gardening. Take basil, for instance. I’ve grown basil for years, and I’ve always been satisfied with a good harvest, enough for chopping over tomato salads in summer, and for preserving — dried, or frozen as pesto — for the winter. But basil growing became more involved this season after a seed company sent me sample packets of various types of basil, and then I spoke with some commercial herb growers. In spring, I planted short rows of all the basil varieties I had, with a plastic tag at the head of each row. The tags were unnecessary, for no two varieties looked alike and I could have deduced the variety names by the catalogue de scriptions.Flavorhas always been my reason for growing basil, and I wondered just how different each variety would taste from its neighbor one row over. So I picked leaves of each variety and nibbled at them. I rubbed the leaves between my palms, then inhaled deeply their aromas. I invited visitors to sample each variety, and as they sampled I badgered them with questions and jotted down notes. A pasta dinner was needed so we could evaluate each type of basil made into a pesto sauce. What torture! There actually were differ ences in taste between the basils. The variety called Sweet lived up to its name with a mild flavor. The similarly mild flavor of Napolitano had the slightest hint of licorice; that of Spicy Globe, the slightest suggestion of mint. Progressively stronger in flavor were Lettuce Leaf, then Fino Verde. The taste of Genova was strong, bordering on acrid. Syracusa was one of the best — strongly aromatic, yet smooth to the palate. But mind you, these dif ferences in taste were not dramatic; rather, they were subtle nuances of the familiar basil flavor. And after tasting a few varieties I must admit that objectivity is on shaky ground. Maybe even the order of tast ing is important. So which is the best variety of basil? This brings us back to the striking difference in ap pearance among the varieties. Since the differences in taste were not that great, next year I will probably choose a basil va riety on the basis of plant size, and the size, color, shape, and texture of its leaves. If I want a basil with a very large leaf — perhaps large enough to wrap around a piece of fish I am going to bake — I will grow the variety Mammoth. For drying or pesto, I like a variety with a lot of leaf, and a minimum of stem (the dried stems are useless, they are basil-flavored twigs), so any variety except small-leaved Fino Verde or Spicy Globe would be suitable. For eating fresh in salads, even the small-leaved varieties are OK, since the fresh, young stems are tender. I will grow one of the purple-leaved vari eties to use fresh for a splash of color in salads. I might grow some basils just for decoration, even if they had no culinary use. Spicy Globe basil, planted close together, makes soft, green mounds resembling a minia ture boxwood hedge — a nice border for a terrace or a flower garden. The deep purple color of Dark Opal would contrast nicely with bright yellow and orange zinnias in a sunny flower border. Purple Ruffles could be used for a more frilly effect. The large-leaved, green basils make an island of limegreen if massed together, with a texture dictated by the leaves of the variety chosen: smooth and shiny, wrinkled, orAndruffled.who knows, maybe I will grow certain basil variet ies just for the musical sounds of their names. When some one innocently asks, “What kind of basil is that?” I might gesticulate and sing, “Genova Profumatissima,” “Syracusa,” or “Fino Verde Compatto.” Any gardening questions? Email them to me at garden@ and I’ll try an swering them directly or in this column. Come visit my garden at Reich | In the Garden all basil is the same
• “Nighthawks with Mass Audubon,” Aug. 19, 5:30 p.m. Program begins with a slideshow presentation on bird migration and common nighthawks followed by a relaxing evening of watching nighthawks make their way from the northeast to South America. Bring a folding chair, binoculars and snacks. Cost is $15 members, $19 nonmembers.Formoreinformation, and to register for these pro grams, visit botanical.orgberkshire
Upcoming events
• “Family Fridays: The Wonder of Reptiles,” Aug. 19, 11 a.m. to noon. Learn more about different rep tiles and meet some of them in person on the Fitzpatrick lawn.
• “Music Mondays,” Aug. 15, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Bring a picnic, a blanket or lawn chair, stroll the grounds, and enjoy live performanc es by Union Jack. Cost is $10 for members and $15 for nonmembers, and children 12 and under are free. Concerts will take place rain or shine, but in the event of severe weather, concerts will be canceled and refunded. Visit shirebotanical.orgberk for tickets.
. The garden is located at 5 West Stockbridge Road. Send items for garden notes to twopmastriano@repub.comweekspriortopublication.
Basil varieties differ not only in flavor, but also in color and form. (LEE REICH PHOTO) Since differencesthein taste were not that great, next year I will probably choose a basil variety on the basis of plant size, and the size, color, shape, and texture of its leaves.
HAMPDEN Open house

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Plunge pools tend to be no larger than 10 by 20 feet, com pared to the traditional backyard pool size of 15 feet wide and 30 feet long. (KATHERINE SQUIER / NEW YORK TIMES)
“When you sometimes go to a pool party, you’ll see everybody crowded in the shallow end standing together, and there’s a big area of the pool that’s not being used. Just having a body of water to cool off in and relax is really what most people are looking for.”
Lucas Firmin, a pool builder in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, said that most pools he builds these days are about 5 feet deep.Chapman Bullock, a co-founder of Proper Plunge Pools in Austin, said that even before the new popularity of plunge pools, people were using traditional pools in a different way. “When you sometimes go to a pool party, you’ll see every body crowded in the shallow end standing together, and there’s a big area of the
Takeplunge! Plunge pools — like the one pictured above in Austin, Texas — have become an alternative for homeowners who want a simple, less expensive way to cool off. (KATHERINE SQUIER / NEW YORK TIMES)
“We don’t have kids, so we didn’t want some giant water slide, all the features,” said Holland, 46, who works in technology sales. “We really wanted just a ‘cocktail pool’ that we could dip in, have some drinks, have some friends over. We just didn’t want a big pool.” The solution was a plunge pool.While traditional backyard pools are typically 15 feet wide and 30 feet long, plunge pools tend to be no larger than 10 by 20 feet. They are also flat-bot tomed and shallow, usually around 5 feet deep. They are also less expen sive to maintain and easier to build. The design Holland and her husband chose allowed for a pool that fit snugly into their sloped backyard and did not interfere with the lengthy root system of the 100-yearold live oak on the property. Other homeowners like the minimalism of plunge pools, said Allison Messner, chief executive of the landscape design company Yardzen in Sausalito, California. “I think people that are drawn to plunge pools are looking for a smaller footprint pool because maybe they have more functional areas in their yard, which is also a modern look,” Messner said. Larger swimming pools don’t allow for much else in the typical backyard, she added, while plunge pools leave space for dining and play areas. They can also “make your yard look and feel like a stay cation spot,” Messner said. Plunge pools are certainly not new. In nature, they take the form of deep basins at the bottoms of waterfalls, where erosion creates a natural swimming hole. The ancient Romans installed small circular pools, usually 5 feet deep, as part of their baths. Tiny pools inspired by the Ro mans’ example dotted British gardens in the 18th century. In the social media age, photos of plunge pools at tropical resorts or Grecian villas are often widely shared. Once reserved for the wealthy in the United States, backyard pools boomed when gunite pools, a type of concrete pool, became more affordable for many homeowners. For a time, the kidney-shaped pool — often 8 feet deep at the deep end, with requisite diving board — became a suburban status symbol, especially in South ern California, where neigh borhoods were filled with the sounds of splash fights and games of Marco Polo.
hen Amy Holland bought her house in Austin, Texas, in 2020, she and her husband knew they wanted to have a pool in their backyard — but not just any pool.
the Plunge pools smaller, easier to maintain, build By L ia P Times
icard New York

Terry & Kim Kovel | Antiques & Collecting
Have you ever thought of twisting your own rope?
Steuben, centerpiece bowl, Pomona green, blown glass, flared lip, applied black rim, round foot, ground pontil base, early 20th century, 5 1/2 x 12 inches, $60. Animation art, cel, Iron Man, flying, with background, signed, Tom Tataranowicz, Marvel, 1990s, 10 1/4 x 14 inches, $125. Silver plate, samovar, dome lid, finial, chased, repousse, flowers, leaves, lion’s mask and ring handles, hexagonal base, paw feet, Sheffield, England, Victorian, 28 inches, $245. Toy, car, Flivver Model T, coupe, Model 210-B, pressed steel, black, red spoke wheels, white rims, decal on bottom, re painted exterior, Buddy-L, 1920s, 11 1/2 inches, $575. Furniture, desk, Baroque, walnut, marquetry panels, slant front, serpentine, three drawers, brass escutcheon & drop pulls, lock, key, Germany, 18th century, 38 x 34 x 21 1/2 inches, $675. Paper, ticket, Woodstock Music and Art Fair, black print, red numbers, unused, $7, Sat. Aug. 16 & Sun. Aug. 17, 1969, 2 x 5 inches, pair, $775. Clothing, pocket, patchwork, brown binding and ties, white backing, blue opening, New England, 19th century, 12 1/2 x 10 inches, $820. Porcelain, brush holder, Famille Rose, tiger, head turned, roaring, mountain scenery, painted, characters on reverse, artist’s seals, Chinese, 7 1/2 x 8 inches, $985. Daum glass vase, forest scene, green and gray trees, yellow ground, cameo cut, shouldered, footed, signed “Daum Nan cy” with Cross of Lorraine, c. 1900, 16 1/2 inches, $1,080. Textile, rug, Navajo, yellow ground, flowers, birds, red and black serrated borders, attributed to Ason Ti Yellowhair, 1968, 126 1/2 x 76 1/2 inches, $3,075.
Pierre Bousquet founded the first factory in 1708. It became the HB are$40,planter.vase1895mperVariationsHenriot-Quimperership,Aftertwomanager.baudiere1782,(Hubaudiere-Bousquet)FactoryinafterAntoinedelaHubecamethefactoryHBmergedwithotherfactoriesin1968.morechangesinownthefactorybecamein2011.oftheHBQuimarkwereusedfromto1984.YourgoosewithanopenbackisaOnesoldrecentlyforalthoughsomesellersaskinghigherprices.
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Antique tools can be interest ing collectibles. This gadget, a mechanical rope twister, has a patent date of 1901. (COWLES SYNDICATE INC.)
A. Authentic Tiffany lamps can sell for several thousand dollars. Some have sold for over $100,000 and a few for over $1 million. Many fakes, reproductions and “Tiffany style” lamps sell for less than $100. The Dragonfly lampshade was designed by Clara Driscoll (1861-1944), a woman who worked in the glass-cutting department at Tiffany. She won a bronze medal for her design at the 1900 Paris Exhibition. Tiffany made the Dragonfly lamp in several different col ors, shapes and sizes. Your mother’s lamp would have to be seen by an expert to determine if it’s an authentic Tiffany or just a good “Tiffa ny style” lamp.
E ARLY 20TH-CEN tury farms householdsandhad many unusual appliances with identities and purposes that have been lost to time. Look at this device with toothed wheels and a hand crank that sold for $266 at Conestoga Auction Co. in Pennsylvania. Is it a kitchen gadget — perhaps a fruit or vegetable peeler? Some kind of grinder or chopper? In fact, it’s a mechanical rope twister. In the early 1900s, farmers made their own rope. Most people buy it ready-made today. The buyer probably intended to keep this rope twister as an antique instead of using it as a tool. But some one crafty, curious or very dedicated to “do-it-yourself” can buy modern, usable rope twisters or kits online.
Current prices are recorded from antiques shows, flea markets, sales and auctions throughout the United States. Prices vary in different locations because of local economic conditions.
Q. I bought a vase shaped like a goose at a garage sale 20 years ago for 25 cents. It’s about 12 inches tall and the back is open like a vase. It’s marked “HB Quimper.” It looks hand painted. What can you tell me about it and what, if anything, is it worth? A. It’s worth more than 25 cents. Pottery was made by three different factories in Quimper, France, begin ning in the late 17th century.
Q. My mother had an original Tiffany Dragonfly lamp in mint condition. Can you tell me what it might be worth? We need to sell it.

A. There were several silver companies named Rogers in Connecticut and Massachu setts in the 1800s. At least three were named Rogers Brothers and eight were named William Rogers. Some of them joined with other silver manufacturers to form International Silver Co. in Me riden, Connecticut, in 1898. The name “1847 Rogers” was a trademark used beginning in 1862. It continued to be used by International Silver Co. into the 20th century. Your silver flatware is silver plate. Silver shouldn’t be wrapped in old newspapers. The ink will react with the metal and can remove the silver plating. Silver plated flatware does not sell well. A fork or spoon might sell as part of a set for less than $5.
screws. The laminated con struction makes the project less expensive but much stronger than dimensional lumber, plus it’s easier to workThewith.rocking whale mea sures 43 inches long by 16 inches wide by 25 inches tall.The Rocking Whale plan, No. 913, is $9.95 and in cludes step-by-step instruc tions with photos, full-size traceable patterns, construc tion diagrams, a cutting layout and a complete shop ping list and cutting sched ule. Please include $3.95 per order for postage and handling and allow about two weeks for delivery. To order by mail, clip this article and send it with a check or money order to U-Bild Features, c/o The Republican, 741B Olive Ave., Vista CA 92083. To order by credit card, visit U-Bild on the web at
If your child (or grandchild) loves killer whales, this do-it-yourself rocking version will make a great gift. And because the clever design is crafted from a single sheet of plywood, it can be built in a couple of weekends for around $50.
Don & Dave Runyan | Project of The Week
Q. My grandparents were married in 1908. Four gen erations of my family have lived in the same house. We recently discovered a box of silverware stored in a dry attic corner and wrapped in newspaper. After polish ing it, we can see some are marked “Wm Rogers Mfg. Co, Original Rogers” and some “1847 Rogers Bros.” What are they worth?
pool that’s not being used,” he said. “Just having a body of water to cool off in and relax is really what most people are looking for.” The standard backyard pool isn’t going away, but a host of companies have cropped up in recent years making prefab ricated plunge pools easily accessible to a growing num ber of people. These compa nies also fill a gap created by labor and supply shortages facing traditional builders and help to cut back on costs and timing.“Ithink the pandemic definitely drove demand for plunge pools for that very reason,” said Karen Larson, a co-founder of Soake Pools in Pembroke, New Hampshire. “Maybe even some people that might have been thinking of a large pool may have con verted to the idea of a small pool.”Larson said Soake, founded in 2014, has had increased demand for its “precast plunge pools” in recent years. After the homeowner chooses the size and finishings (such as tile and bench options), Soake builds the pool off-site as a local landscape con tractor prepares space in the yard. When the pool’s body is complete, it is transported to the home and placed on-site by a crane. The process takes anywhere from “a few days to a few weeks,” Larson said.
Other prefabricated plunge pool companies are Plunge Plus in Easton, Massachu setts, and Modpools in British Columbia. Modpools uses recycled shipping containers for its pools, which are avail able for delivery in the United States.According to a nationwide survey of 1,100 real estate agents conducted by Home light, a real estate referral company, a midtier or upscale pool cost about $70,000 to $100,000 in the third quarter ofProper2020. Plunge Pools charges around $40,000 to $60,000 for its smaller models. “What we’re seeing in Austin is a lot of pool compa nies won’t even start talking to you unless you’re willing to spend $70,000 to $80,000, and then really at the end of it, you’re going to be spending close to $100,000,” Bullock said. “It’s a lot of money. At the end of the day, you’re get ting something that’s just as high quality, and I think aes thetically looks just as good as a custom-built pool.”
A whale of a project
TIP: Don’t use rubber gloves when washing figurines with protruding arms and legs. The gloves may snag and cause damage. Terry Kovel and Kim Kovel answer readers’ questions sent to the column. Write to Kovels, The Republican, King Features Syndicate, 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803 or
Q. I have an old, framed print with three women in period clothing. It says “La Mode Illustree” below the figures. The artist is Helo ise Leloir and it was made in 1870. Can you tell me anything about the print and is it valuable?
A. La Mode Illustree was a successful French fashion magazine in the late 1800s. It was known internationally and was the most popular fashion magazine in the world. Heloise Leloir was the magazine’s well-known fash ion illustrator and a painter. Many of her illustrations for the magazine were made into collectible prints, like yours. Leloir also illustrated the famous novels “The Three Musketeers” and “The Count of Monte Cristo.” Some of her original illustrations are in the permanent collections of mu seums. Framed prints similar to yours have recently sold for $12 to $20.
Once plunge pools are built, maintaining them is also less expensive: They require less chemicals and water, and heating them uses less energy. “It’s more financially efficient for the homeowner, because the heating bill is significantly less,” said Philip Michael, owner of Cool Water Pool Works in Southampton, NewSmallerYork.pools are easy to cool down and heat up, which makes them attractive to people who would otherwise close their pools in the colder months.LeighProfit, 42, installed a Soake plunge pool in the backyard of her Harpers Fer ry, West Virginia, farmhouse that she has turned into an Airbnb.“It’sextremely relaxing,” she said. “It can be heated up to as warm as you want — hot tub temperatures. So it feels really therapeutic, too, when you’re just in this calm water and plunged in there.” This article originally ap peared in The New York Times. to penguins to assembletocured,ness.achieveclamptheeverythingpatternsJustweekendscansingledesigngift.versionthischild)youngestcomerecognizable,markingsbecausenoorcasirresistibleanimalsblack-and-whitezebras,seemtobetokids—and(or“killerwhales”)areexception.It’sprobablytheirdistinctivemakethemverysotheybefamiliartoeventhechildren.Ifyourchild(orgrandloveskillerwhales,do-it-yourselfrockingwillmakeagreatAndbecausethecleveriscraftedfromasheetofplywood,itbebuiltinacoupleofforaround$50.Constructionissimple.tracethefull-sizeontoplywood,cutoutandlaminatepiecestogether(glue,andallowtocure)tothenecessarythickOncethepiecesaresand,paintaccordingtheincludedguideandusingglueand

BELCHERTOWN Wesley P. Szlachetka to Bette J. Hess, 111 Daniel Shays Highway, Roy$350,000.A.Cooley and Jessica L. Cooley to Naomi Valentine and Jonathan Kolb, 6 Jeffrey Lane, $375,000. Timothy J. Frasier and Sandra J. Fra sier to Jennifer Schilling, 21 Green Ave., Thomas$680,000.A.Nelson to Cathy A. Terry and William A. Terry, 376 Turkey Hill Road, $200,000.
Frank H. Rogala to David E. Valade and Carol A. Valade, 1041 Federal St., Barbara$335,000.A.Miskiewicz, trustee, and Barbara A. Miskiewicz Revocable Trust to Nathan P. Poirier, 565 Franklin St., $295,000 Jeffrey R. Lamore, Brenda Muel ler-Lamore and Brenda Mueller to Rasif Rafiq, 5 Whispering Pines Ave., $355,500.
By K athy O rton The Washington Post After a brief dip below 5% for the first time in four months, the 30-year fixed rate shot above that level thisAccordingweek. to the latest data released Thursday by Freddie Mac, the 30-year fixed-rate average jumped to 5.22% with an average 0.7 point. (A point is a fee paid to a lender equal to 1% of the loan amount. It is in addition to the interest rate.) It was 4.99% the previous week and 2.87% a year ago. Freddie Mac, the federally chartered mortgage inves tor, aggregates rates from about 80 lenders across the country to come up with weekly national averages. The survey is based on home purchase mortgages. Rates for refinances may be different. It uses rates for high-quality borrowers with strong credit scores and large down payments. Because of the criteria, these rates are not available to every borrower. The 15-year fixed-rate av erage climbed to 4.59% with an average 0.7 point. It was 4.26% the previous week and 2.15% a year ago. The five-year adjustable-rate average rose to 4.43% with no points. It was 4.25% the previous week and 2.44% a yearMeanwhile,ago. mortgage demand was up again last week. The market compos ite index — a measure of to tal loan application volume — increased 0.2% from the previous week, according to Mortgage Bankers Associa tionThedata.refinance index, which is more sensitive to rate drops, rose 4% from the previous week but was 82% lower than a year ago. The purchase index slipped 1%.
BERNARDSTON Inna Falceanu and Veaceslav Fal ceanu to Adrianne Boliski and Eric Boliski, Merrifield Road, $130,000.
WASHINGTON 30-year toratemortgageUSjumps5.22%
BLANDFORD Germaine G. Moriarty to Orca Pod LLC, North Blandford Road, $32,500.
AMHERST Kinga K. Pluta and Michael J. Rosenblum to Cathleen M. Mitchell and Rainer A. Schwabe, 63 Woodlot Road, Christine$871,000.Jonasand Christine S.J. Labich to Christine Jonas, trustee, and Christine S.J. Labich 2019 Trust, 948 East Pleasant St., $100. Jon E. Kent to Trang Minh Nguyen and Max James Espinoza, 128 Cot tage St., $479,900. Doris Troy to Afsoun Ostadaliaskar iha and Yadi Eslami, 9 Applewood Lane, $349,000.
MORTGAGE GUIDE LIC# 613363 15 Yr Fixed 4.875 0.000 $415 20% 4.913 10 Yr Fixed 4.875 0.000 $415 20% 4.929 APPLY online at 5.375% 30 Yr RateFixed APR: %Fees:Points:5.3980.000$415Down:20% 413-267-4513
CHARLEMONT Cathleen O. Buntin, trustee of the Buntin Investment Trust, to Mat thew A. Meade and Aida I. Perez, 66 Main St., $280,000. CHESTER Chester Hill Farm LLC, to Leah A. O’Brien and Timothy J. O’Brien, Lynes Road, $40,000. Edward Marchbanks Jr., to Aaron Johnson, Holcomb Road, $32,000. Philip L. Bragdon and Edith L. Bingham to Ian Gifford, 6 Emery St., Reed$150,000.Howard and Michelle Howard to Mark Hetherington and Deryck Savoy, Holcomb Road, $24,900.
Deeds AGAWAM Brian Burke to Lynn M. Betting er, 54 Beekman Drive, Unit 54, Christine$226,100.J. Chouinard, Christine J. Kadonaga and James Chouinard to Lisa L. Bassette and Bryan J. Con naughton, 285 Barry St., $495,000. Eleanor M. Jean to Joslyn Luginbuhl, 49 Stewart Lane, $246,000. George H. Lolos to Nadia Grushets kiy, 144 Line St., $210,000. Hillside Development Corp., to Randy Payette and Jennifer Payette, 96 Nicole Terrace, $550,000. Ileana Garcia to Tina M. DePal ma, 5 Maple View Lane, Unit C, Janet$300,000.Marano and Gaetano T. Ma rano to Kristina L. Ruhland, Kristina Lynn Ruhland and Jeffrey E. Ruh land, 25-27 Mark Drive, $340,000. Jean E. Brusseau, Nancy L. Benigni, Theresa L. Brusseau and There sa J. Brusseau to Erin Kathleen O’Neill, 68 Beekman Drive, Unit 68, Laura$185,000.A.Skole, Lawrence P. Moi rano and Mark Moirano to Mark Moirano, 278 Silver St., $100. Oday Agawam LLC, to GSD Holdings LLC, 901 Springfield St., Patricia$460,000.A. Burns, Maureen E. Wage, Timothy J. Burns and Kathleen M. Siemen to Maria Petrenko, 107 Thalia Drive, $340,000. Pine Crossing Construction Inc., to Silvio Grimaldi, 56 Villa Drive, Unit #19, Ryan$379,900.J.Leonard and Kimberly A. Perez to Lynn M. Wiggins, 142G Autumn St., Unit 142G, $178,000. Tiffani Alisha Beeman to Annakay Bonner, 158 Karen Lynn Circle, Veronica$345,000.A. Berezenko and Nicholas Gallaher to Joshua A. Hazelwood and Patricia C. Hazelwood, 40 Oak Lane, $340,000.
BRIMFIELD Arthur E. Proulx and Karen B. Proulx to Keith C. Wood II, and Melissa N. Wood, 65 East Brimfield Holland Road, $525,000. Brian Armand Barrows and Melissa A. Barrows to Charles W. Utter, Kristin P. Utter and Carl W. Nissen, 32 Dearth Hill Road, $514,000. John G. Ludemann and Janice L. Ludemann to Kevin Baker and Don na Nicole Baker, 284 Warren Road, Keith$395,000.CWood II, and Melissa Wood to Michael Moor, 52 Knollwood Road, $352,000. Paul J. Croteau and Colleen M. Croteau to Lisa Distler and Daniel Distler, Sixth Street, $735,000. Peter M. Robbins and Gloria Rob bins to John Luszcz and Michele Luszcz, Holland Road, $145,000. Robert G. Zollo, Laura J. Zollo and Laura J. Lehberger to John M. Remick and Wendy A. Remick, 106 Wales Road, $350,000.
CHICOPEE Beverly A. Savaria and Gary R. Gelinas to Dumas Family Irrevoca ble Trust, trustee of, and Brett M. Dumas, trustee, 104 Johnson Road, Unit 604, $240,500. Daniel W. Goggins, Lisa J. Goggins, Lisa L. Goggins and Norman Petit to Katherine P. Robillard, 62 South St., David$325,000.J.Vietsand Diane Viets to Shrone Yvette Tootle, 15 Kurtz St., Doris$349,900.J.Roberge to Sarah Wallitis, 27 Mandalay Road, $220,000. Frank F. Vezina and Danielle M. Vezina to James Edward Mastor akis, John Mastorakis and Mela nie Mastorakis, 10 Tolpa Circle, Gabriel$387,500.M. Liaigre to Brandon Paul Lawlor and Daniel Paul Lawlor, 20 Olivine St., $370,000. Gabrielle Roberge to Macrina S. Cunningham, 63 Felix St., Gary$240,001.D.Render and Heather Render to Ryan P. Shea and Maria A. Shea, 161 Asselin St., $266,000. Juan A. Rosario and Madeline Rosario to Miguel Maria, 2 West St., Karen$150,000.ASullivan to Laura Jo Web ber, 104 Collins St H-1, $150,000. Keith A. Arvanitis to Kyle La Fontaine, 81 Woodcrest Circle, Liam$266,000.P.Reynolds, Katherine W. Reynolds, Brendan D. Reynolds and Ryan Reynolds to Nick Ide, 10 Union St., Luke$340,000.Leszczynski to Darci Morris sette and Daniel Kandilakis, 327329 Montgomery St., $340,000. SEE DEEDS, PAGE F8 LEGEND: The rate and annual percentage rate (APR) are effective as of the publication date. The APR may increase after consummation and may vary. Payments do not include amounts for taxes and insurance. The fees set forth for each advertisement above may be charged to open the plan (A) Mortgage Banker, (B) Mortgage Broker, (C) Bank, (D) S&L, (E) Credit Union, (BA) indicates Licensed Mortgage Banker, NYS Banking Dept., (BR) indicates Registered Mortgage Broker, NYS Banking Dept., (loans arranged through third parties). “Call for Rates” means actual rates were not available at press time. All rates are quoted on a minimum FICO score of 740. Conventional loans are based on loan amounts of $165,000. Jumbo loans are based on loan amounts of $548.250. Points quoted include discount and/or origination. Lock Days: 30-60. Annual percentage rates (APRs) are based on fully indexed rates for adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs). The APR on your specific loan may differ from the sample used. Fees reflect charges relative to the APR. If your down payment is less than 20% of the home’s value, you will be subject to private mortgage insurance, or PMI. FHA mortgages include both UFMIP and MIP fees based on loan amount of $165,000 with 5% down payment. VA mortgages include funding fees based on loan amount of $165,000 with 5% down payment. The Republican does not guarantee the accuracy of the information appearing above or the availability of rates and fees in this table. All rates, fees and other information are subject to change without notice. The Republican does not own any financial institutions. Some or all of the companies appearing in this table pay a fee to appear in this table. If you are seeking a mortgage in excess of $548.250, recent legislation may enable lenders in certain locations to provide rates that are different from those shown in the table above. Sample Repayment Terms-ex. 360 monthly payments of $5.37 per $1,000 borrowed ex. 180 monthly payments of $7.65per $1,000 borrowed. We recommend that you contact your lender directly to determine what rates may be available to you. To access the NMLS Consumer Access website, please visit To appear in this table, or report any inaccuracies call 413-788-1165
CHESTERFIELD Christopher Edward Tejirian to Christopher E. Tejirian Revocable Trust and Christopher E. Tejirian, trustee, 166 Ireland St., $100.
Eric J. Engelson, Janet M. Engelson, Eric Engelson and Janet Engelson to Eric J. Engelson, trustee, Janet M. Engelson, trustee, and 260 North Liberty Street Realty Trust, 260 North Liberty St., $100.

LONGMEADOW Brent S. Spruill and Maureen F Ritchie-Spruill to JJB Builders Corp., 567 Maple Road, $300,000. Brian D. Osborne and Emily A. Osborne to Christopher C. Dow, 119 Belleclaire Ave., $450,000. Cleland D. Cochrane III, to Michael Elfman and Alisa Harrison, 217 Wil liams St., $340,000. Geoffrey Putnam and Jessica M. Putnam to Kay Thi Oo and Hnin Wut Yee, 112 Kenmore Drive, $420,000. Global Homes Properties LLC, to Morgan L. Doyle and Karly Bruce, 123 Edgewood Ave., $355,000. Harry Zeroogian and Jennie M. Ze roogian to Donna Casale, 38 Cobble Stone Road, $421,000. Karl J. Petrick and Sasha Y. Petrick to Heather Ashley Kumove and Zvi David Kumove, 18 Bellevue Ave., Laura$290,000.Flynn to Manisha Shastry and Amit Vasireddy, 184 Ellington Road, Mary$725,000.Feldman and Mary A. V. Feldman to Jamil Abbasy and Rachel Serotta, 128 Colony Road, $925,000. Matthew J. Zick to Joshua Elterman, 147 Hillcrest Ave., $515,000. SEE
Regina Rivera and Maria Rive ra-Torres to Jeffrey R. Zuzula and Samantha M. Andrus, 112 Clark St., Scott$221,000.L.Molnar and Nicole Molnar to Olga Lopez Rivera, 159 Casey Drive, Scott$300,000.M.Drinkwine to Isabella Sears, 269 Chicopee St., Unit 2, $145,000. Spire Property Solutions Inc., to Kurt Seidnitzer and Adrianna Berry, 16 Emmet St., $275,000. Steven Alan Maxam and Virginia Maxam to Steven A. Maxam and Molly A. Maxam, 29 Lucretia Ave., Tally$160,000.Marie Beaulieu, representative, Lori Cognac, representative, Brian Gorman, representative, and Glennis Karen Gorman, estate, to Bethany B. Smith and Timothy Czerwiecki, 36 Sesame Drive, $362,500.
Tammy Sue Marquez to Gabe LaChance, Buckley Boulevard, Theodore$254,900.S. Nellis Jr., Stephanie V. Nellis and Stephanie V. Barton to Amanda N. Noel, 90 Maryland Ave., Thomas$290,000.M. Bajgier, Paul S. Bajgier and Holly A. Bajgier to Samantha Wotus and William Kuhn, 65 Simon ich Circle, $300,000. Yomaira Fernandez and Brian Fernandez to Madeline Farias and Daniel Farias, 201 Woodcrest Drive, Zdzislaw$320,000.Rakowski to Yao Agbemor dzi and Victora Antwiboasiako, 105107 Clarendon Ave., $360,000.
Rochelle Nahmias Revocable Family Trust and Rochelle Nahmias, trustee, to Rick D. Chandler, 57 Lake Drive, $554,000.
Plata O. Plomo Inc., to Emtay Inc., 57 Edbert St., $147,000.
GOSHEN Kurt Elgers to Deborah A. Pratt, 8 Berkshire Trail East, $390,000.
Joseph J. Gamba to 4 Dunn Realty Trust, 4 Dunn Ave., $165,000. Joseph P. Fitzgerald to Bryan J. Bou dreau, 321 Oak St., $230,000. Joy Meredith and Jordan Becker to Leonel Mendoza and Erica Mendoza, 323 Walnut St., $273,000. Kathleen A. Dunn to Dante F. Vacca and Sarah Vacca, 89 Madison Ave., Kyle$455,000.M.Stevenson to Jacob A. Ed wards and Madeline T. Levine, 9 Alto St., 321-323$290,000.MainStreet Properties LLC, to Vivek Deshmukh, 321-323 Main St., Lynn$454,500.F.Mikolajczak to Jennifer Fleu ry, 14-16 St. James Ave., $310,000. Marvin Thang and Khoan La to Jonathan D. Murphy and Mercedes T. Murphy, 69 Lexington Ave., Mary$425,000.S.Hayden, Mary Simmons Mc Mahon and Jeffrey P. Hayden to Mary Beth Agostino-Evans and Christina L. Agostino-Evans, 1 Stratford Road, Michael$242,000.P. McManus and Jennifer M. McManus to Raili Raud, 57 Nonotuck St., Mindy$335,000.L.Cotherman to Diane Droescher, Robert Myers and Jas mine Marcia Droescher Myers, 103 Brown Ave., $251,000. Posiadlosc LLC, to 456 Maple Holyoke MA LLC, 456 Maple St., Scott$750,000.Family Properties LLC, to Kmak LLC, and Gallagher Capital Group LLC, 138 Westfield Road, Scott$170,000.Family Properties LLC, to Kmak LLC, and Gallagher Capital Group LLC, 76-78 Westfield Road, Scott$170,000.Family Properties LLC, to Kmak LLC, and Gallagher Capital Group LLC, 76-78 Westfield Road, William$225,000.J.Sudsbury and Michael Al len Sudsbury to Kaci Ernestine Ruh, 50 Claremont Ave., $229,000.
LEVERETT Joyce Austin, personal representa tive of the Estate of Rose Y. Naff, to Margaret Seldin, 20 Chestnut Hill Road, $485,000.
Lynn Fontaine and John Fontaine to Marina Gavrilov and Matthew Gavri lov, 1052 Montgomery St., $242,000. Mary Jo Skinner to Matthew B. Jen sen, 451 Britton St., $275,000. Pedro Davilla and Maria Rodriguez to Ramon Gonzalez, 35-37 Sherman Ave., $250,000.
Meyer to Gabriel Alfano, 81 Granby Road, $405,000.
HAMPDEN Lisa Bullen, Lisa Zizza and Ronald Zizza to Logan J. Sullivan, 168 Allen St., $250,000. HOLLAND Ethan Loiselle and Sarah Janet Loiselle to Kristen Brierley and Daniel Brierley, 32 Old Acres Road, John$529,000.E.Deneault to Corey R. Brote, Pine Crest Drive, $10,000. Kenneth L. Pronto Jr., and Linda L. Pronto to Luke Bardsley, Nicholas Joseph Crouse and Gregory Zini, 15 Old County Road, $360,000.
EASTHAMPTON Frederick C. St. Hilaire to John Dun phy and Matthew A. Still, 22 Gaston St., Tarla$200,000.ColtonBergman and Christo pher William Bergman to Ian Wentz Young and Meghan Eileen Hourigan, 10 Knipfer Ave., $500,000. Huguette D. Beauchemin and Josee A. Vaclavick, attorney-in-fact, to Rachel Matteis and Robert F. Skrok, 9 Gula Drive, $385,000. Mark J. Popielarczyk and Karen Popielarczyk to Lindsey Broussard, 31 Pine Hill Road, $550,000. Mark J. Vecchio and Jane M. Vecchio to Emily Gamber and Genevieve Goldleaf, 32 Briggs St., $405,000. Nathan G. Davis and Maegan M. Davis to Anne Vaillant, 27 Holyoke St., Ruth$450,000.O.Henneman and Ruth O. Thompson to William Lotter, 25 Pomeroy St., $279,000. GILL Renaissance Community LLC, to Corwin D. Edson, 392 Main Road, $476,000.
HOLYOKE Albert E. Paone and Brenda A. Paone to Andrew Rohan, 126-128 Beech St., Real$360,000.Estate Investments Northeast LLC, to Nicolette Leroux Estrella, 47 Taylor St., $327,000. Barbara J. Champagne to Barbara J. Champagne and Ashley McKenney, 85 Hitchcock St., $100. Bernard F. Deorocki to Kmak LLC, and Gallagher Capital Group LLC, 174 Pearl St., $160,000. Daniel N. Fitzgerald, representative, and Dorothy A. Fitzgerald, estate, to Plata O. Plomo Inc., 40-42 Gates St., Dorothy$63,500.Deville to Tiffani B. Curtis and Kirstin McDuffie, 279 Hampden St., Edward$120,000.A.Cianci and James F. Kay to Kettia A. Raymond and Ivline Aspilaire, 19 Cherry St., $260,000. Enviroserv Inc., to Albert E. Paone and Brenda A. Paone, 693 Dwight St., Heather$169,000.LaBonte, Heather Reynolds and David A. LaBonte to D & S Eagle Eyes LLC, 66-68 Pearl St., $308,000.
EAST LONGMEADOW Armand Arce to Comfort Plus Care givers LLC, 264 North Main St., Unit 7, Deborah$150,000.J.McCain to Samuel Edan dison, 21 Schuyler Drive, $325,000. Demetrios Sotiropoulos and Isadora Sarto to Barbara Bosquet, 41 Taylor St., Donald$300,000.A.Casella and Christine T. Casella to Freddy Torres Jr., and Bethany M. Torres, 33 Powder Hill Road, $378,400. Fredy A. Palacio and Leidy Pra do-Palacio to Senaide Lopez, Carmen Lopez and Giovanee Lopez, 31 Voyer Ave., $267,000. G O Markman Holdings LLC, and T L Y Holdings LLC, to Robert J. Collins and Elizabeth Guzman, 53 Baymor Drive, Mikaela$250,000.Pollenzand Mathieu Pollenz to Robert E. Tirrell and Lauren Tirrell, 13 Pondview Drive, $842,000. Susan M. Wszolek and Robert F. Wszolek to Kyle Alden Conley and Jessica R. Steurer, 117 Vineland Ave., Toni$239,000.N.Jacobs to Jennifer Crowl Perry, 5A Acorn St., $428,000.
GRANBY Antonio C. Branco and Victoria J. Branco to Matthew Huard and Rebecca Huard, Cold Hill Road, Lisa$178,000.J.Smigiel, personal represen tative, Mark A. Hudgik, personal representative, and Frank A. Hudgik, estate, to Luis Builders Inc., 46 North St., Equity$59,900.TrustCo., custodian, Robert J. Mitchell and DCD Jean Mitchell IRA to Better Together Dog Rescue Inc., Batchelor Street, $140,000. Jonathan A. Turner to Jillian E. Menard, 36 Granby Heights, Michael$185,000.Eskett to Michael Eskett and Sheila H. Eskett, 39 High St., $100. Lisa J. Smigiel, personal represen tative, Mark A. Hudgik, personal representative, and Frank A. Hudgik, estate, to Michael Romano and Kel ley Romano, 50 North St., $360,000.
Marie R. M. Quattrocelli to Paul S. Tremblay and Cheri Tremblay, 11 Ardmore St., $150,000. Robert B. Badgley to Allysa Teresa Devoe Cornelius, 21 Collette Drive, Scott$200,000.J.Gendreau and Diana A. Gendreau to Kevin A. Holstrom, 19 Kimball Hill Road, $301,000.
HUNTINGTON James T. Dawley to Brad A. Dawley, 22 Basket St., $240,000. Justin R. Pinard to Desmond Whalen, 18 Crescent St., $180,000.
GRANVILLE Gary J. Gingras to Bernadette Levick, 129 Hartland Hollow Road, Michelle$209,000.J.
GREENFIELD Kirk Sanger to Tracey E. Brooks and Stephen H. Crowningshield, 50 Elm St., Bernadette$165,000.A. Bernard to Roy D. Baltzer, Thalia A. Baltzer De La Torre and Maria Del Carmen De La Torre Dominguez, 23 Spruce St., Christine$297,500.Luiggi and Spencer Sherman to Ann F. Leavitt and Jesse Leavitt, 66 Orchard St., $480,000. Kim L. Crowningshield and Stephen H. Crowningshield to Bobisfat LLC, 263-265 Silver St., $202,000. Michael R. Pendriss and Sarah R. Pendriss, “fka” Sarah R. Walker, to Marianne E. Bullock, 10-12 Beech St., Steven$235,000.Rossetti to Evan J. Morrell, 583 Leyden Road. $329,000. Gary B. Noga to Tara L. Savoie, 103A James St., “aka” 103 James St., Unit 3A James Condominium, “aka” James Street Condominium, Richard$220,000.Hopper to Jenny Jackson and Thomas W. Jackson, 198 Briar Way, Unit 4A Briar Knoll Townhouse Condominium, $355,000. Joanne C. Start to Gabriella Margue rite Jasper and Shannon Ciara Jasper, 100 Wildwood Ave., $298,900. HADLEY Anthony A. Pipczynski to Joseph J. Boisvert Jr., 177 River Drive, $290,000.
Laura M. Rich ardson to William Keyes and Joanne Keyes, 104 Gilbert Road, $428,500. Adam S. Taylor and Courtney Neil to Stephen A. Childs, trustee, and Cathy Marie Strander Supplemental Needs Trust, 146 College Highway, Ruth$172,500.B.Stanton, personal represen tative, and Claudia J. Kane, estate, to Nancy Twohig, trustee, and 154 Rus sellville Road Trust, 154 Russellville Road, $499,900.
MONTGOMERY Paul Zukowski and Sharon Zukowski to Joseph Gonyer and Nancy J. Li quori, 62 New State Road, $440,000. Sabino Piccirilli, Pamela B. Piccirilli and Pamela A. Piccirilli to Jason S. Fiddler and Tara L. Fiddler, 52 Pine Ridge Road, $440,000.
Kevin McCullough and Lisa Mc Cullough to Mehmet Siperoglu, 140 Paulding Road, $321,000. Maria Clara A. Jayma and Fernando Jayma to Tracy Bernal and Jim Ber nal, 15-17 Hubbard St., $350,000. Mill Road Properties LLC, to Corey A. Dubuque and Ceciley M. Fenno, Winsor Street, $305,000. Whitetail Wreks LLC, to Hemlock Ridge LLC, Turning Leaf Road, Whitetail$150,000.Wreks LLC, to Krzysztof Haber and Monika Haber, Turning Leaf Road, $159,900. Whitetail Wreks LLC, to Nelson G. Duarte, Balsam Hill Road, $149,900.
SOUTH HADLEY Donald S. Rzewnicki and Mary Silva, attorney-in-fact, to Aleta S. Lanza, 20 Lawrence Ave., $153,000. Reginald W. Lucia Jr., to Brittney M. Stedman, 39 Hillside Ave., $349,000.
MONTAGUE Daniel W. Keller, Charles J. Light and Samuel H. Lovejoy to Ira Barry Karasick, 23 Unity St., “fka” 37 Ferry Road, Daniel$275,000.JamesDrumgool and Karlee Mae Drumgool to William J. Szal, 39 Montague Ave., $249,000. Jessica K. Adamites and Neil A. Young to David William Galvin III, and Matthew Benjamin Lee, 61 Cen tral St., $240,000.
SHUTESBURY Mary E. Foster and Tammy A. Foster, “aka” Tammie A. Foste,r to David Killebrew and Valerie Killebrew. 296 Wendell Road. $359,000 Mark S. Pocsik to Matthew R. Hogan and Shannon E. Reilly, 124 Pelham Hill Road, $405,000.
Dean Cockerill, personal represen tative, Margaret J. Cockerill, estate, and Dean Cockerill to Jordan Veins, 3 Walnut St., $275,000. Mary Beth R. Fox to Cheryl Izzo, 3 Olde Plains Hollow, $330,000.
Robert Morton, Laurie Manning, Laurie Rocco and Robert P. Cole to Patcharee Callahan, 5 Sasur St., $290,000. PELHAM Maria Varriale and Jerome A. Varriale to Stephen J. Prieston, 13 Bray Court, $439,250. RUSSELL William F. Barry Jr., and Timothy A. Barry to Mitchell Gill Young and Sa vanna Rose Young, Blandford Road, $265,000.
SOUTHAMPTON Matthew M. Gagnon and Rachael W. Gagnon to Michael S. Yu, 21 Valley Road, Michael$780,000.J.Vailand
PALMER Carlos Cordeiro and Nancy B. Cor deiro to Rosemarie O. Swiechowicz and Ross Swiechowicz, Boston Road, Catherine$100,000. L. Welsh, estate, and Deborah A. Britten, representative, to Phantom Holdings LLC, 2064 Palmer St., Daniel$40,000.Karalash to Kelly L. Gromosky and Josh J. Gingras, 2268 Palmer Road, $265,000. Dawn M. Watson to Nicole Dalton, 19 Winthrop St., $254,000. HRQ Global LLC, to Bruce J. Lauzier and Kristine L. Allen, 61 French Drive, James$365,000.William Warren to Valerie P. Huard, 3120 Main St., #11, $170,000. Jeffrey Marciniec and Stephanie Elise Marciniec to Brittany Marie Howe-Deutsch and Derek Deutsch, 16 Memory Lane, $305,000. Jin Xiang Ren to Charlotte Phillips and Donna Reed, 1075 Central St., Joseph$255,000.Galica and Anne Galica to Paul George Corey, Thompson Street, $60,000. Mark R. Ricard, Marienellys Delgado Melendez and Iveles Melendez to Hazel Ulate Chavarria and Luke Chevrette, 71 R State St., $447,000. Matthew D. H. Boyer and Matthew D. Cox to Sandra Lynn Page and Gary R. Page, 3034 Pine St., $174,000. Matthew J. Smith to Melissa Getty, Brian Getty and Carol Getty, 5 Field stone Drive, $450,000. Natasha Pieciak to Luis A. Cruz Gar cia, 89-91 Ford St., $229,000.
PAH Properties LLC, to Samantha A. Kloft and Benjamin P. Jensen, 12 Normandy Road, $322,000. Irene M. LaMontagne to Nikkolas A. Michon, 19 Charles St., $70,000. Robert G. Sidorsky, Robert G. Sidorsky, trustee, and Linda R.P. Sidorsky to Linda R.P. Sidorsky 2022 Trust and Robert G. Sidorsky, attorney-in-fact, 28 Mountain View St., Kyle$100.L.Scott and Rachel L. Scott to Lindsay Smith and Renata Smith, 20 Country Lane, $353,700. Christopher Michael Kibler, Christina Nicole Kibler and Christina Nicole Remie to Pavan Nandan Racherla and Melanie Mace, 2 Benoit Lane, Alexander$425,000. Kerkhoff, personal rep resentative, and Michael D. Kerkoff, estate, to Kathryn Peverley and Christopher George Lempke, 29 Searle Road, $355,000.
NORTHFIELD Rachael M. Pride to Ana N. Groza and Ilie Groza, 234 Old Wendell Road, $400,000.
LUDLOW Braidy L. Miarecki and Curtis J. Miarecki to Yavuz Yanbul, 38 Harris Lane, Christina$420,000.D.Palmer, representative, and Sheila Ann Palmer, estate, to Verronica S. Willis and Jason E. Wil lis, 522 Holyoke St., $307,675.
Erin K. Wasik-Gutierrez and Carlos Gutierrez to Awais Mir and Bongani Mir, 6 Warwick Drive, $340,000.
MONSON Real Estate Investments Northeast LLC, to Cooper Scott, 12 Hampden Ave., Christopher$260,000.M.Fusco and Stepha nie M. King to Harrison R. Morin, 11 Cushman St., $220,000. Eric Gianni, Eric Benn and Der ek Benn to Jennifer R. Pitts and Jeffery W. Pitts, 516 Old Wales Road, Michael$330,000.W. Payne Jr., and Carrie A. Payne to Walter Richard Rogers and Christine Susan Scott, 19 Crow Hill Road, Wenwei$380,000.LitoRobert Kearney, 43 Zuell Hill Road, $420,000.
Tessa L. Smit and Richard Gavoni to Benjamin Sloan and Miranda Mcintosh-Sloan, 84 Massachusetts Ave., $350,000.
NORTHAMPTON Elizabeth C. Walton to Emily M. Jacke and Jake Z. Wood, 8 Heffernan St., Stuart$555,500.R.Mieher to Mieher Family Trust and Stuart R. Mieher, trustee, 15 Park Ave., $100. Rebecca S. Ikehara to Sea Gull Prop erties LLC, 72 Barrett St., $135,000. Burt Snover and Rachel Wright to William Scales and Angelina Scales, 44 Winterberry Lane, $675,000. Brian D. Renaud, personal rep resentative, Barbara Trowbridge Renaud, estate, and Brian D. Renaud to Eliezer Hutton, 54 Rick Drive, Ali$290,000.Haiderand Uruj Kamal Haider to Daniel C. Smith, trustee, and Daniel C. Smith Revocable Living Trust, 51 Phillips Place, $802,500. Ray G. Sylvester and Kristen J. Elde to Spencer Sherman and Christine Luiggi, 41 Chestnut Ave., $631,000. Holly I. Graham to Gaja Ewa Jarosz, 90 Pomeroy Terrace, $395,000. Mari-Jon Elizabeth Adams to Gordon L. Pullan, Norwood Avenue, $8,000.
SOUTHWICK Alison M. Bartlett-O’Donald, con servator, Alison Bartlett-O’Donald, conservator, and Alfonse Maiorino to Denis Zinchencko, 6-8 Eagle St., Fiore$238,000.Realty Holdings LLC, to Dennis Aube, College Highway, $100,000. Fiore Realty Holdings LLC, to Hamelin Framing Inc., 3 Tall Pines Trail, $160,000. Fiore Realty Holdings LLC, to Hamelin Framing Inc., 6 Tall Pines Trail, $160,000. Fiore Realty Holdings LLC, to John A. Jeneral and Carolanne Jeneral, Sawgrass Lane, $5,000. Gary F. Uliasz and Karen A. Uliasz to Heidi Scammons and Eric Scammons, 25 Lexington Circle, Hamelin$650,000.Framing Inc., to Katelynn Halloran and Steven Halloran, 2 Silvergrass Lane, $530,000. Oak Ridge Custom Home Builders Inc., to Robert M. Bauer and Denise L. Bauer, 36 Mort Vining Road, J$649,900.&FInvestments LLC, to Michael Schultz and Farrah Schultz, 20 Noble Steed Crossing, $717,468. Jason S. Fiddler and Tara L. Fiddler to Bryan M. Tirrell and Kate A. Tirrell, 281 South Longyard Road, $455,000. Joan Tortoriello to Benjamin Lisheness and Paulina Lisheness, 11 George Loomis Road, $272,000. Stephanie J. Couture and Stephanie J. Dzienglewski to Noah J. Foint, Sara M. Foint, Armand Soucy and Nancy Soucy, 252 Hillside Road, $359,000.
SPRINGFIELD 3Queens LLC, to Craig Smith, 174176 Massasoit St., $294,900. 90 Tapley LLC, to 90 Tapley LLC, 90120 Tapley St., $1,695,000. A2ZLH Portfolio Holdings LLC, to Carlos Galdamez, 47 Dresden St., Abaigeal$150,000.S. Hillyard and Joshua L. Hillyard to Stephen Anthony Chiavar oli III, and Suja Chacko, 120 Dayton St., Adam$315,000.D.Friedrich and Shannon Friedrich to Shamika Barrett, 117 Pilgrim Road, $350,000. Adriana C. Gallo-Grimaldi, Adriana C. Gallo and Silvio Grimaldi to Mary F. Sawyer, 11 Ashbrook St., Albert$310,000.J.Giroux to Leonardo Toro and Luz B. Toro, Carew St., $30,000. Alison Bartlett-O’Donald, conserva tor, and Evelyn Rodriguez to Naylor Nation Real Estate LLC, 20 Wallace St., $151,000. SEE
Ronald J. Bakowski and Margaret E. Bakowski to Rakesh Kumar Jha, Rakesh K. Jha and Swati Jha, 79 Kemore Drive, $400,000.
Daniel Arcobello to Jeffrey B. Leger and Stephanie D. Leger, 15 McLean Parkway, Elizabeth$305,000.W.Catarino, Margaret G. MacNeill, Jennifer W. Nowak, Ann W. Pieniazek and Ellen J. Schwenden mann to Makenzie R. Reynolds and Kieffer Kalesnik-Orszulak, 38 Wood Drive, Equity$300,000.TrustCo., custodian, Robert Lareau IRA, and Robert Lareau to Re nee N. Smith and Kenneth D. Smith, 336 Winsor St., $318,000.
MIDDLEFIELD Craig Allen Boynton to Sky Vault Investment LLC, Town Hill Road, $2,216.
Arianne L. Robehr to Zachary Lee Barker, 15 Hawley St., $310,000. Bridget Goggins, personal repre sentative, and Michael T. Ahearn, estate, to Milestone Funeral Services of Massachusetts LLC, 783 Bridge Road, $1,147,800.
SHELBURNE Catherine H. Smith, “aka” Catherine M. Smith, to Joseph P. McCormack and Erin M. Wilensky, 2 Reynolds Road, $319,500.
ORANGE Heywood Realty Corporation to Freeborn LLC, 450 West River St., Thomas$825,000.J.
Ellsworth to Linda G. Noll, Nichelle E. Noll and Nicole E. Noll, 20 Royalston Road, $425,000.
Santaniello to Cynthia Naomi Marquez Sanchez, 616-618 White St., $334,000. Attilio F. Cardaropoli, trustee, and Kimball Realty Trust, trustee of, to Guardian Assets LLC, 140 Chestnut St., Unit C-1, $512,500. Barbara A, McElligott to Alexey Shishkov and Lidia Tolparova, 101 Mulberry St., Unit 113, $92,000. Beverly A. Musiak to Sadik Tuyishime and Jennifer Dusabe, 14 Dubois St., Beverly$280,000.Chiarizio and Michael Chiarizio to Ann M. Kissel, 74 Ash brook St., $222,000. Blake L. Chatman and Maritza Chatman to Daniel V. Comstock and Kristin M. Comstock, 120 Garvey Drive, Bradley$286,000.S.Coleand Julianne Cole to Elizabeth A. Steedle and John C. Steedle, 53 Elwood Drive, $317,000. Bretta Construction LLC, to Emman uel Sunday Adegoke, 24 Blodgett St., Bretta$400,000.Construction LLC, to Om B. Khadka, 6 Chalmers St., $490,000. BRVS LLC, to M Tran Properties LLC, 66-68 Everett St., $240,000. Carlos Rivera to Carlos D. Martinez Mendoza, 706-708 Saint James Ave., Casiano$305,000.R. Lozada to Regina Rivera, Maria M. Rivera Torres and Beatriz Torres, 16 Lynwood Terrace, Castle$275,000.Headquarters Inc., and Gleb Leiderman to Una Rawls and Mar guerite Brice, 22-24 Mansfield St., Catharine$385,000.Emily Stevens and Catherine Emily Stevens to Nathan B. McNulty, 51 Inglewood Ave., Catherine$251,000. Sandillo, representative, Robert A. Methe, estate, Jean R. Methe, Karen DiDonato and Mark Methe to Mabel Desiree Guicho and Jose Juan Guicho Jr., 415 Wilbraham Road, $340,000. Cedar Investment Group LLC, to Brenda I. Betancourt and Nelson E. Alicea, 125 Granger St., $269,900. Cedar Investment Group LLC, to Luis G. Rodriguez and Dolores Pichardo De Rodriguez, 42 Stephanie Circle, Charles$372,000.A. Yenian to SJC LLC, 57 Pearl St., $185,000. Cherry Tree Realty LLC, to Bethany A. Psenicnik, 248 Shawmut St., Cheryl$236,000.Ann Muscolo and Diane Lyn Bellefeuille to Miguel A. Hernandez, 104 Duryea St., $180,000. Cleve Coleman to Donald Coleman, 180 St. James Ave., $82,500.
Dorothy E. Taudel to Mary J. Pitoniak, 343 North West Road, $290,000. Eladio Lopez, Lillian Mojica Lopez and Lillian I. Lopez to Eben Wood and Kathryn Wood, 281 Lower Sandy Hill Road, Geraldine$440,000.Moriarty to Olesya Lebe dinskaya, Bayberry Lane, $45,000. Lisa Bassette to Jennifer Lynn Calk ins, 59 Putnam Drive, $300,000. LMO7 LLC, to GS Westfield LLC, 123 Meadow St., $350,000.
SUNDERLAND Hadley & Ferry LLC, to Gideon A. Porth, Off 375 Hadley Road, Hadley$264,108.&Ferry LLC, to Gideon A. Porth, 375 Hadley Road, $435,000. Hadley & Ferry LLC, to Gideon A. Porth, 375 Hadley Road and Ferry Road, $50,892.
WILBRAHAM Adam D. Couture to Brittany Meece, 4 Vista Road, $370,000. Brendan O’Halloran, Karen L. O’Hal loran and Karen L. Andre to Bryan E. Pelchat and Catherine Gizelis, 6 Evangeline Drive, $420,000. Eric K. Teed to Trixie Dianne Hotch kiss and Ethan Hotchkiss, 2 Hillcrest Drive, $310,000. John M. Rossini and Cynthia A. Ros sini to Michael J. Hyder and Ashley L. Hyder, 7 Falcon Heights Road, John$739,000.T.Thorpe Jr., to Evan Roger Tar dy and Jennifer Lynn Tardy, 4 Oxford Drive, $280,000. Mary S. Christensen, Edward T. Sheehan and Gerald P. Sheehan to Timothy P. Sheehan, 4 Leemond St., Norbert$236,000.Gould and Phyllis H. Gould to Brooke Williams and Alyssa R. Dar ling, 680 Stony Hill Road, $309,900. Shaukat Matin and Zuhair K. Matin to Andrea Rusilowicz and Austin Reed, 459 Stony Hill Road, $480,000. Vantage Home Buyers LLC, to Pauline J. Jones, 335 Stony Hill Road, $437,900.
Alycar Investments LLC, to Dinorah Ayala Marquez, 173 Wrentham Road, Anna$270,000.M.Calvanese, representative, and Giuseppe U. Calvanese Sr., estate, to Giuseppe U. Calvanese Jr., 228 Oakland St., $10,000. Anna M. Gelinas and Anna Gelinas to Heather Wagner and Matthew Wagner, 137 Oregon St., $285,000. Annette Barnes Hightower and An nette M. Hightower to Karl J. Osborn, 24 Lavender Lane, $290,000. Annie Mary Guzman to Kevin Parker, 50A Indian Leap St., Unit 6, Anthony$125,000.M.
Justin Schelb to Jose Antonio Frias Agueno, Maria Rijo Dela Rosa and Maria Rijo Dela Rosa, 140 Chestnut St., Unit 804, $65,000. Karen L. Hansen, representative, and Carole A. Rivera, estate, to Pah Properties LLC, 114 Elmore Ave.,
DDRN Riverdale Shops LLC, to Suso 5 Riverdale LP, 931-983 Riverdale St., Dorothy$47,000,000.J.Link to Matthew M. Marek and Heather L. Armata, 898 Amostown Road, $205,000. Elizabeth A. Charest to Elizabeth Kyerewash Opoku Bekoe, 357 Mas sachusetts Ave., $271,000.
Christine L. Krokov to Caelah M. Aka lis, 228 Kings Highway, $295,000.
Margaret S. Glassman and Ellis S. Landset to NE Properties LLC, 21 East Bartlett St., $610,000. Mercer Island Realty Inc., to Alicem Akkaya and Sarah Focone, 11-13 Bates St., Unit 13, $275,000. Mercer Island Realty Inc., to James W. Warren and Everett S. Dec, 11-13 Bates St., Unit 11, $300,000. Randy Arkoette and June Arkoette to Kailee Margaret Valliere and Jessee Arkoette, 51 Yeoman Ave., $230,000. Ruth B. Stanton, representative, and Claudia J. Kane, estate, to Nancy Twohig, trustee, and 154 Russellville Road Trust, trustee of, 154 Russellville Road, $499,900.
Jeffrey A. Fraser and Maryellen Fraser to Ryan Perreault and Brittany G. Per reault, 49 Bear Hole Road, $460,000. Joanne Siller and Gerd Siller to Juliet Munhenga, 301 Forest Glen, John$650,000.P.Trombley and Kathleen E. Trombley to John Elliott Bertodo and Betina Anne Bertodo, 116 Southworth St., Mark$282,000.R.Cote,Karen A. Cote and Kar en A. Poitras to Trung Van Tran Sr., Hong X Hang and Thi Huong Ngan Phan, 181 Circle Drive, $357,000. WESTFIELD Alfred Pellegrini and Susan Pellegrini to Michael Pellegrini, 5 Norwood Place, Barbara$306,000.H.Kress to Raymond Lange and Elaine Lange, 929 Shaker Road, Unit 11, BCMB1$325,000.OwnerLLC, to Daniel Shokov, 359 Holyoke Road, $226,500. Benjamin A. Lisheness, Paulina Lishe ness and Paulina Wiktorska to Daniy Gavrilyuk and Marina Gavrilyuk, 498 Loomis St., $385,000. Brandon Tessier and David Meyer to Caitlin Martin, 2 Cycle St., $325,000. Daniel J. Araujo and Stacey L. Araujo to Emily D. Chute, Emily Chute, Na than P. Horkun and Nathan Horkun, 367 Steiger Drive, $403,000.
Cristofer S. Herman and Jasmine Herman to Shalawnda Carr, 129 Silas St., Cyril$144,000.G.Marshall and Vivian E. Mar shall to Jewel Kathy-Ann Gaskin, 81 Sycamore St., $100. David A. Pagnoni and Barbara A. Pagnoni to Judith J. Cruz and Jeffrey Feliz, 35 Hudson St., $275,000. David R. Bellucci and Eva A. Bellucci to Orlando Ortiz-Rodriguez, 212 Garvey Drive, $181,500. Delores A. Jordan to Castle Head quarters Inc., and Nova Home Improvements Inc., 36 Devens St., Diane$130,000.Flemmings to Bakish Edwards and Bakish A. Edwards, 233-235 East St., $227,000. Dominic Kirchner II, trustee, and Trust2U Realty Trust, trustee of, to Hector Torres Diaz, 16-18 Malden St., Equity$330,000.Trust Co., custodian, Robert Laurea IRA, and Robert Lareau to Belvid Realty Group LLC, 23 Foster St., Eric$150,000.C.Cassidy to Brendan M. Coughlin and Brooke Packard, 746748 Alden St., $220,000. Gladysh Capital LLC, to Jacquelyn Day, 47 Olive St., $235,000. Global Homes Properties LLC, to Emily Baiyee Toegel, 558 Plainfield St., Helen$385,000.Ganious to Roddrick Ganious, 96-98 Palmer Ave., $47,981. Henry Garcia to Linda Cemeus, 119 Massreco St., $279,900. James P. Lynch to Abigail Rivera, 117 Louis Road, $211,000. Jamil Y. Asad Ubinas and Xiomara Noemy Gonzalez-Roman to Ciarra Jimenez, 40 Gertrude St., $300,000. Jerier Merzoian and Anita Merzoian to James J. Josokos Jr., and Mary Jane Flynn, 31-33 Biltmore St., $350,000. JJJ17 LLC, to Emtay Inc., 17-19 Edge wood St., $1,000. Jocelyn A. Dupre, Louis C. Dupre, Shanna L. Sutton and Michael E. Sutton to Musaab Hassan Ma hammed Ali, 189 Essex St., Unit G, $146,000. Jose A. Nunez to Edwin M. Sanchez, 172-174 Tyler St., $230,000. JPMorgan Chase Bank to Razorback Capital LLC, 105 Connecticut Ave., Juan$105,500.Alejandro and Mariel Alejandro to Cynthia M. Bleil and Kristina Ma her, 99 Cooley St., $255,000.
WALES Daniel J. Hagen Jr., trustee, and Susan L. Hagen Living Trust, trustee of, to Sara Morin, 3 Church St., Eileen$280,000.M.Hatton, Charles W. Hatton, Donald F. Dziadul and Claire Dziadul to Richard F. Dziadul and Robyn E. Pemberton, 11 Cordially Colony, J$175,000.&GConstruction Inc., to Mark Stephen Palmer, 45 Tiderman Road, Jordan$50,000.T. Keefe and Lisa E. Keefe to Keith Trifone and Diane Trifone, 15 Hidden Acres Road, $195,500.
WEST SPRINGFIELD Acumen Management Group LLC, to Pink Finch LLC, 2223 Westfield St., $287,500. Bonnie McEwan, Bonnie Devlin and Danny M. Devlin to Adam Taylor and Courtney Neil, 647 Rogers Ave., Brian$300,000.P.Bessette and Kristin A. Bes sette to Joy Meredith, 53 Highland Lane, $535,000. Carl A. Augsberger Sr., to Joseph E. Motta, 753 Piper Road, $225,600. Carl Glover to Elim Enterprises Inc., 80 Brush Hill Ave., #61, $78,500. Ceciley M. Fenno and Corey A. Dubuque to Trang V. Nguyen, 67 Armstrong St., $250,000.
Kasa$134,900.Springfield Realty LLC, and Kasa Master Realty LLC, to Judith L. Brown (TR) and Brown Marital Trust (TR OF), 748-752 Page Blvd, $1,387,000.
Eric M. Guiel and James A. Boucher to Matthew R. Czepiel and Ashton DiDonato, 46-50 Harrison Place, Gayle$344,000.F.Thomas to JDK Properties LLC, 26 Fairview Ave., $355,000.
Lorraine Morrow and Lorraine Guerra to Michael D. Palumbo and Bonnie L. Karas, 48 Stafford Road, $55,000. WARE Richard A. May, Shannon L. May and Shannon L. Korzec May to Rich ard Anthony Zelinski and Ramoth Rickson, 207 Monson Turnpike Road, Audra$315,000.Hogle, Ricky Hogle and Aaron Farrington to Michael F. Matondi III, and Ashley Matondi, 51 Pleasant St., Arthur$310,400.G.Elwell Jr., to Michael A. Elwell, 19 Walnut St., $180,000.
WILLIAMSBURG Mark D. Corner and Sarah E. McMul len to Leigh Fagin and Ryan Stewart, 3 Chesterfield Road, $787,000. WORTHINGTON Antonia Lake to Antonia P. Lake, trustee, and Antonia P. Lake Trust, 494 Kinne Brook Road, $100. Heather Skawinski, Heather Jablon ski and John J. Cournoyer to John J. Cournoyer and Melissa Wilson, Stark weather Road, $100.
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TERMS: Cashier’s or certified check in the sum of $5,000.00 as a deposit must be shown at the time and place of the sale in order to qualify as a bidder. NO CASH No personal checks will be accepted. Cashier/certified checks should be made out to whomever is going to bid at the auction. The balance to be paid within thirty (30) days at the law offices of Korde & Associates, P.C. 900 Chelmsford Street, Suite 3102, Lowell, MA 01851, Attorney for the Mortgagee. Auctioneer makes no representation as to the accuracy of the information contained herein. • West Springfield, MA • Philadelphia, PA 413-733-5238 • 610-853-6655 TOLL FREE 1-877-POSNIK-1 (767-6451) MA Auc. Lic #161 • PA Auc. Lic. #AY000241L Aaron Posnik AUCTIONEERS•APPRAISERS Live Onsite &Webcast PUBLIC AUCTION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17TH AT 11:00 A.M. (ET) TERMS OF SALE: 25% DEPOSIT CASH, WIRE TRANSFER OR CERTIFIED CHECK 15% BUYERS PREMIUM APPLIES ON ALL ONSITE PURCHASES 18% BUYERS PREMIUM APPLIES ON ALL ONLINE PURCHASES OTHER TERMS TO BE ANNOUNCED AT TIME OF SALE INSPECTION: MORNING OF SALE – 8:30 A.M. TO 11:00 A.M. BUILDERS & REMODELERS • WOODWORKING MACHINERY • • FORKLIFT • TOYOTA LAND CRUISER • • TOOLS • SUPPORT EQUIPMENT • INVENTORY • (ASSETS NO LONGER NEEDED IN THE CONTINUING OPERATIONS OF) 87 SHAKER ROAD EAST LONGMEADOW, MA TO BE SOLD ON THE PREMISES AND BY LIVE INTERNET BIDDING LIVE ONSITE & LIVE ONLINE BIDDING AVAILABLE AT WWW.BIDSPOTTER.COM SEND for DESCRIPTIVE BROCHURE or VISIT our WEBSITE at WWW.POSNIK.COM ✩ ✩ PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY, AUGUST 18TH at 11:00 A.M. MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE • NORTHFIELD • 6 ROOM / 3 BEDROOM 1¾ STORY CAPE STYLE HOME ON ±8½ ACRES 23 New Plain Road NORTHFIELD, MA To be Sold on the Premises Features: • West Springfield, MA • Philadelphia, PA 413-733-5238 • 610-853-6655 MA Auc. Lic #161 • PA Auc. Lic. #AY000241L Aaron AUCTIONEERS•APPRAISPosnikERS • 1¾ Story Cape Style Home • ±8½ Acres of Land • • Total of (6) Rooms w/ (3) Bedrooms & (2½) Baths • • ±2,370 S/F of Gross Living Area Above Grade • • Oil HWBB Heat • Full Basement • Deck • Open Porch • • Utility Shed • Private Well & Septic • Zoned Residential/Agricultural • • Assessor’s ID: Map 42, Block A, Lot 2.1 • ★ One Car Detached Garage ★ Sale Per Order of Mortgagee Attorney Gregory M. Schmidt Of the Firm of Doherty, Wallace, Pillsbury & Murphy, P.C. One Monarch Place, Springfield, MA Attorney for Mortgagee Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 Deposit Cash or Certified Funds. 5% Buyer’s Premium Applies. Other Terms to be Announced at Time of Sale PUBLIC AUCTION FRIDAY, AUGUST 19TH at 1:00 P.M. MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE • CHICOPEE • 4 ROOM / 1 BEDROOM SINGLE STORY BUNGALOW STYLE HOME “CLOSE PROXIMITY TO ALL AMENITIES” 148 Joy Street CHICOPEE, MA To be Sold on the Premises Features: • West Springfield, MA • Philadelphia, PA 413-733-5238 • 610-853-6655 MA Auc. Lic #161 • PA Auc. Lic. #AY000241L Aaron AUCTIONEERS•APPRAISPosnikERS • Single Story Bungalow Style Home • ±695 S/F • • Total of (4) Rooms w/ (1) Bedroom & (1) Bath • Oil Forced Air Heat • • Full Basement • Public Water & Sewer • Fenced In Yard • ★ One Car Detached Garage ★ Parcel #1: ±9,000 S/F H.C.R.D. Book: 1533, Pg. 400; Book 1603, Pg. 554; Book 1599, Pg. 264 • Parcel #2: ±6,750 S/F H.C.R.D. Book: 1609, Pg. 300; Book 1690, Pg. 124; Book 1695, Pg. 502 • Sale Per Order of Mortgagee Attorney Philip C. Jack Of the firm of Wise & Jack, LLC 85 Speen Street, Ste. 202, Framingham, Ma Attorney for Mortgagee Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 Deposit Cash or Certified Funds. 5% Buyer’s Premium Applies. Other Terms to be Announced at Time of Sale NORTH CHELMSFORD (978) 251-1150 MAAU#: 1029, 2624, 2959, 3039, 2573, 116, 2484, 3246, 2919, 3092, 3107, 0100030 MORTGAGEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC AUCTION Tuesday, August 16, 2022 12:00 PM - WEST SPRINGFIELD 64 New Bridge Street 2 fam, 2,428 sf liv area, 0.11 ac lot, 5 bdrm, 2 bth, Hampden: Bk 12173, Pg 458 2:00 PM - HOLYOKE 225-227 Beech Street 2 fam, 2,502 sf liv area, 0.14 ac lot, 10 rm, 4 bdrm, 2 bth, Hampden: Bk 17670, Pg 499
NORDICTRAK CanModelELLIPTICAL,FREESTRIDENEWFS7i,paid$2700,asking$1900orb/o.beseeninHampden.Callortext413-505-9500 AARON POSNIK & CO. INC. Indust & Comm. Auctions 31 Capital Dr. W. Spfld. 733-5238 ESTATES-ANTIQUESDouglasAuctioneers.comwww.posnik.com413-665-2877 MORTGAGEES’ REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS TO BE SOLD ON THEIR RESPECTIVEAUGUSTWEDNESDAYPREMISE24,2022 1:00PM - SPRINGFIELD, MA 28 GLENALBYN STREETDEPOSIT VISITAUCTIONSCURRENTFOR(617)SCHEDULECALLTERMSOFSALES:DEPOS-$5,000ITSINTHEAMOUNTSSPECIFIEDABOVEARETOBEPAIDBYTHEPUR-CHASER(S)ATTHETIMEANDPLACEOFEACHSALEBYCERTIFIEDORBANKCHECK.ALLBAL-ANCESDUEARETOBEPAIDWITHIN30DAYSOFEACHINDIVIDUALSALE.OTHERTERMS,IFANY,TOBEANNOUNCEDATEACHSALE.OURAUCTIONLINEAT964-1282ALISTOFTHEDAY’SANDOURWEBSITE auction.comwww.commonwealth FOR MAINFORMATIONSCHEDULINGADDITIONALINFORMATIONUPDATEDCONTINUOUSLYSCHEDULINGANDCOMMONWEALTHAUCTIONASSOCIATES,INC.(617)964-0005LIC2235NEWIngersollRandTwinStackcompressor,model#P1LU-A9,4gallontank,$350call413-575-3088Invacaresemiautosinglebed,$700.PowerHoyerlift,$1250.Tiltshowerchair$1150.Fixedshowerchair$350.413-429-8317 LUDLOW - At JPEDRO RE. Open 12:30-2, 151 Bondsville Road, All updated 3BR, 2BTH with 3 Gar and 2 acres. $449K. 413.250.5115 1 Orange cat for $35.00, and foster parents needed for cats. Text or call 413-427-7709 3 White kittens, 2 mos. old, $800/ea. Also, other kittens avail. 2 mos. old, $400. Grey color, Tiger color & Black & White. Litter box trained, eat wet & dry food. Call 413454-1789 KittensforSale,ScottishAdorablegreysiamese/413-265-6729bengalmix,maleandfe-malekittens,$50&$75,call413-777-9659ADORABLEKITTENSIhave5beautifulkittenslookingforforeverhomes.Litterboxtrainedandfullyweaned.Raisedindoorswithchildrensoveryfriendly.Asking$190each.Callortextmeat(413)386-5105Bengalmalekittens(2)$1,200/each.Call802-323-2538FoldandBritish,Male,$1000each.Contact413-824-5801MaineCoonKitten,2monthsold,$200.Call413-244-79012YearoldMale,whiteMalti-Poo,3yearvaccine,neutered&chipped.$700.1Female,white,10mos.,$1500.B/O.Call413-292-3650 4 Boxer Puppies, 2 males, 2 females, dewormed, parents on premises. $1,000/each. 413-517-5604 AKC German Shepherd pups, Champion imported Belgian bloodlines, 30yrs exp., ready with 1st shots June 8. 3M, 2F, $150 0/ea. Call (413) 218-2321 AKC Shelties, Sable & white, M/F, vet checked, U.T.D. on shots, raised in home with kids & cat. $1200. Call GoldenLiver/whiteEnglish508-317-2724978-544-6325,SpringerSpaniel,male,11wks,vetchecked,1stshots.$1800.413-596-8190GERMANSHEPHERDPUPPpy,OVER2MONTHSOLD,$800.Call413-244-7901RetrieversPuppies,1stshots&dewormed.$850.2females&1MaleCall802-895-2784Chinchilla$250.00Callortext413-523-6002