1 minute read

Keep plants stress-free when transferring them from

By JESSICA DAMIANO Associated Press

IT’S PRIME PLANTING time in many regions, and gardeners are flocking to garden centers for annuals, and herb and vegetable starter plants. Likewise, those who have grown plants from seeds indoors may be gearing up to transplant them in the garden now.

But regardless of their origins, seedlings can’t typically go straight from an indoor nursery or home growing station to outdoor beds and borders without risk. They need to be “hardened off” first.

The term refers to gradually introducing plants to environmental conditions like sunlight, wind and temperature fluctuations that they haven’t yet experienced. If plants aren’t adequately hardened off, they could get sunburned or go into shock from more wind exposure or lower temperatures than they’re used to.

Stressed plants may recover, but the ordeal usually sets their growth back by a few weeks.

Start by placing plants outdoors in a sheltered, partially shady spot for incrementally longer periods each day for about a week before planting them in the garden. Shade is important because even your sunniest window (or a grow light) is no match for the direct rays of the sun. Select a day after the danger of frost has passed and when the temperature is above 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Place plants outside for an hour (set a timer), then bring them back inside to a warm spot, ideally under grow lights. Repeat this on the second day for two hours, and add an hour of outdoor time each day for a week, after which they can safely be planted in their permanent homes, whether in the ground, a raised bed or a container.

Check the weather and keep an eye on conditions through

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