2 minute read

Classic marriage of function, form

IT DOESN’T MATTER IF you’re talking automobiles or alarm clocks, a classic is defined as some ideal combination of form and function. A hall tree — with its practical, attractive combination of storage and seating within a small footprint — is a great example of classic American furniture design.

This do-it-yourself version makes a handsome addition to any home. Perfect for the entry, snow room, living room or even the dining room, the project features a convenient place to hang coats, hats and umbrellas over a generously sized storage bench.

Easy and inexpensive to build, the hall tree calls for standard lumber and plywood (poplar and birch as pictured, but other species will work). All the cuts are straight, so construction is simple. Just cut the pieces to size, sand and assemble using glue and nails. Once the project is assembled, apply your finish of choice, install the seat and add coat hooks.

The hall tree measures about 70 inches tall by 45 inches wide by 21 inches deep.

The hall tree plan, No. 934, is $10.95 and includes step-by-step instructions with photos, full-size traceable patterns, construction diagrams, a materials list and cutting schedule and a plywood cutting layout. Please

The hall tree is easy and inexpensive to build. (U-BILD) include $3.95 for postage and handling and allow about two weeks for delivery.

To order by mail, clip this article and send it with a check or money order to U-Bild Features, c/o The Republican, 741B Olive Ave., Vista CA 92083.

To order by credit card, visit U-Bild on the web at u-bild. com.

Garden Notes


The 29th annual Forbes Library Northampton Garden Tour will take place on June 10 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine. This tour raises funds for the Friends of Forbes Library, Inc. that supports Northampton’s historic public library. At each garden, there are handouts available that describe the plantings and volunteer garden guides to answer questions. There are also opportunities to enjoy music or observe a plein air painter. Tickets provide driving directions to this self-guided auto route as well as a recommended bicycle route, courtesy of their collaboration with the friends of Northampton Trails. Tour tickets are $20 if bought in advance, and can be purchased through June 9 at Bay State Perennial Farm in Whately, Cooper’s Corner, State Street Fruit Store, Gardener’s Supply Company in Hadley, Wanczyk’s Nursery and Forbes Library. Prepay online at forbeslibrary.org/friends to reserve tickets through June 7 for pickup at Forbes Library only on June 8 from 4 to 8 p.m., June 9 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and June 10, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tickets available on the day of the event only at Forbes Library from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and are $25. The Northampton garden tour also offers a raffle of items that appeal to both gardeners and other library supporters. Win a weekend farm stay in Maryland, a garden bench, a hand-crafted rug, organic compost, gift certificates and much more. Purchase raffle tickets at Forbes Library and at one of the gardens on the day of the tour. Ticket prices are 2 tickets for $5, 5 for $10 or 12 for $20. The raffle drawing will take place at the end of the tour.


Upcoming events

Berkshire Botanical Garden presents these upcoming programs:

• “The Art of Colored Pencils,” May 25-27, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In this class, artist


Lee Reich | In the Garden

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