
We all know a hero; someone who has served us during our time of greatest need. Now more than ever, we’ve learned that heroes don’t always wear capes. Whether it’s a nurse, doctor, teacher, grocery worker or manufacturer, ANY everyday hero deserves our gratitude. As thanks, your local Hyundai dealers teamed up to award one local hero with a brand-new 2023 Hyundai TUCSON as part of the Hyundai Salute to Heroes promotion.
Turning to the community, we asked you to nominate your favorite hero when voting commenced on Sunday, October 23 through Sunday, November 20. The groundswell of community support was overwhelming as nominations came in droves with people sharing all the ways their hero has made an impact. Amassing nearly 500 nominations there was no shortage of admirable acts of kindness, and examples of heroism, whether big or small, that usually goes unnoticed. One deserving winner was chosen and received the keys to a brand-new 2023 Hyundai TUCSON with all tax and title fees donated, courtesy of the Western Massachusetts Hyundai Dealers. This special section will showcase a sampling of the stories behind our local community heroes. To all the heroes out there and to those who took the time to submit nominations for each and every one of them - THANK YOU!
Robert, Bob the Bike Man, Charland probably doesn’t need much of an introduction. A quick google search will bring up a plethora of stories about what Robert does for the surrounding communities. From donating bikes to those less fortunate to supplying law enforcement agencies around MA and CT with backpacks filled with essential supplies for the homeless. But there is so much more to this man. Robert has a terminal brain disease that seems to be at a stand-still which is amazing but he also has some injuries that have taken him out of the workforce but he continues to push every day and continues to show positivity in what some would call dark times. He continues his mission every single day with absolutely no paycheck, waking every morning to volunteer into the night. He sacrifices his time and energy to help others. His recent endeavor is teaching students from the Willie Ross School for the deaf how to fix bicycles, taking his time to learn sign language to help the students better. Along with all he does for everyone he also has a family that adores him, especially his stepson Vinnie who happens to have Down Syndrome. Robert did not hesitate or run away when we met and found out that I had a child with Down Syndrome, he embraced us and loved us from the start and has become a true advocate for those with different abilities. He is our shining star that deserves so much more than what we can offer him. Having a reliable vehicle that will get him safely back and forth to whatever charity event, teaching moment, or just getting his side kick Vinnie safely to school would certainly be a dream come true.
Prior to joining the Westfield State community in July 2021, she served as dean of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at University of Massachusetts Boston.
President Thompson has also held leadership positions in public policy, in Maryland. In Baltimore City she served as Director of Occupational Medicine and Safety and developed programs and policies to promote the health of the city workforce, including the implementation of policies for HIV prevention and substance use and abuse. At the state level, she served as Special Secretary of Children, Youth and Families, where she developed programs and policies to improve quality of care for vulnerable populations of children.
President Thompson was one of the first nurses to assess the characteristics of incarcerated youth, risk factors for delinquent behavior, and the importance of collaborative partnerships to promote healthy outcomes. This research was essential in the development of national policy to require mental health assessments of all detained and adjudicated youth.
President Thompson has published more than 100 articles, books, book chapters, and abstracts. She has secured over $70 million in sponsored grants and contracts, and capital campaign and new construction funding. She has received numerous awards, was an invited participant in the White House Conference on Childcare, and has served on numerous boards and commissions.
Dr. Thompson earned BSN and MSN degrees at Wayne State University, and masters and doctoral degrees in public health from Johns Hopkins University.
Denise R. Jordan was born and raised in the City of Springfield, in a household where community activism and service was a daily part of her upbringing. Denise is a proud resident of the City of Springfield and a product of Springfield Public Schools. She attended the oldest Historical Black Institution of Higher Learning in the Country, Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, where she received a B.S. in Political Science/ minor in Public Administration. She also has a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Development from American International College. During her professional career, Denise worked for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in several roles for over 20 years as a Worker’s Compensation Manager, Sexual Harassment Officer, Asst. Affirmative Action Officer; ending her tenure with the State as a Civil Rights Officer for the Executive Office of Health and Human Services.
In 2008, Denise became the City of Springfield’s first Black Chief of Staff and the longest person to occupy that position, serving for over 10 years with Mayor Domenic J. Sarno.
In 2018, Denise was selected to serve as the Executive Director of the Springfield Housing Authority, the third largest public housing authority in the state of Massachusetts.
Denise was named as one of Business West’s 2018 Women of Impact, and was selected as American International College’s 2019 Commencement Speaker, where she was also awarded an honorary Doctor of Laws degree in recognition of her community contributions at the state and national levels.
Anthony Cignoli is the President of the A. L. Cignoli Company, the public relations, political and governmental affairs company he founded in 1992. The company serves political and corporate clients across America. He is also President of Anthony L. Cignoli Associates, Inc.
Tony has built a national reputation creating success for both political and corporate clients in challenging situations. The firm is recognized for a holistic approach to public and governmental affairs solutions.
Tony is a frequent commentator and political analyst for newspapers, radio and television news. He has served on many boards and volunteered extensively for many organizations over decades of community service, including; Hampden County Sheriff’s Workforce Initiative & Charitable Foundation Board, President: Elms College, Board of Trustees: The Pine Point Community Council, Board Member: Hampden County Charter Commission, MA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty for Children, The Eastman Community Action Program, The Spirit of Springfield, The Springfield 9/11 Remembrance Committee and numerous other community efforts.
Tony personally, and both of his companies, conduct, contribute and guide pro bono services for clients in excess of $1.5 million annually to numerous charitable and philanthropic endeavors throughout America.
Henrietta wears many hats in our community, what makes her a hero is her dedication to child development. She’s not only a mother, teacher, community activist and CEO to one of the cities brightest childcare centers (Jolly feet Daycare). She sits as board chair to a prayer organization called “The Cry for Springfield”. Her longtime dedication to kids has been far unrecognizable. Henrietta started her career working with geriatric patients then transition to infant and adolescent. She fostered over 50 plus kids in counting with the Department of Children and Families. As a result of Henrietta’s hard work and care, I can say she deserves to be saluted. I am a child of Henrietta that was adopted, I experience firsthand how much she loves kids and helping families off the street. Henrietta is a mother to two daughters and two sons. She raised her kids as a single mother and passed on her passion to helping other single mothers. When Henrietta started the “Cry for Springfield”, her intention was to create an organization that gathered local religious leader and members to help end the violent crimes in our community. The organization gathers for prayer, meet and greet, and to make plans for families in the city. “The Cry for Springfield” has been meeting every month since 2016. They participated in giving food and clothing and participated in the 5k walk to end poverty. They also sponsor other community events in support for kids and families. Henrietta is a prominent resident of Springfield MA, and to add to her services, she’s also a member of a local church (All nation church). She contributes her weekends to helping the church food banks. With the help of Henrietta and a handful of other, All nation church became the largest food bank in Springfield.
8 years ago at the age of 13 Madison started her own non profit called Strong Little Souls to help families affected by pediatric cancer. She is currently a SNAP at Baystate Medical center, a full time nursing student, animal shelter volunteer/foster home, and running SLS. SLS is 100% volunteer based. Madison has put together every single care package herself, she’s granted over 200 wishes, and provides tens of thousands in financial assistance to families. Madison spends her days visiting kids and families helping to create memories for families. Last year on Christmas Eve Madison received a text from a family at Baystate PICU. Their son was battling cancer and a fungal infection, last minute hospital changes left this family without any gifts for the young boy to wake up to on Christmas morning. Madison left her Christmas Eve party to drive an hour to make sure this little boy could experience the magic of Christmas. Around 2am on Christmas morning Madison delivered a little Christmas tree, lights, a stocking, plenty of gifts, and a note from Santa! Madison helped a local family last school year keep their little boy in the only school he’s ever known by driving him an hour to and from school while his parents were with his brother who was fighting for his life. Madison has taken kids for shopping sprees, concerts, Disney on Ice shows, and so much more. Madison has the purest heart and only wants to help everyone around her. Madison has dedicated her life to not only supporting kids with cancer but feral/ premature kittens, and feeding families in the Dominican Republic. There is no one more deserving of this recognition.
“When Henrietta started the ‘Cry for Springfield’, her intention was to create an organization that gathered local religious leader and members to help end the violent crimes in our community.
My wife, Julissa Rawana, is our hometown hero. She has always been a kind and wonderful person since I have known her. During the pandemic in 2020, she felt sadness in her community, and for her birthday, we decorated the whole outside of the house to bring Christmas cheer to all. She dressed up as Ms. Claus and gave out over 100 boxes of wrapped school supplies to kids and families. We even played movies outside the house for everyone to watch. This inspired her to open a blessing box to supply food, and personal care needs to her community. The community helped by donating clothes and food, and it grew from a container to about ten tables of free items for anyone to grab. Lorraine’s Kitchen partnered with her to give out food boxes, and she delivered and handed out about 60 packages a day of food. She began a non-profit to help our community and spread kindness. She held a free mothers-to-be baby shower. Where pregnant moms can get the essentials, cribs, formula, highchairs, clothes, etc., she also made the mothers that came feel special even though we were in a pandemic. She also focused on mental health by bringing autism and neurodiversity to the frontlines by hosting a walk and party for all those on the spectrum to be seen as kids and adults having fun with no borders. She held a fall fest to have kids of all abilities enjoy. A turkey race, where kids can win turkeys for their families. A giant Christmas celebration where she had Santa come and give kids presents and do fun Christmas activities. All these events were free to the public and helped those that needed them. She is a fantastic woman and a great role model.
My hero is my husband Joe. I am a woman who was born with a physical disability, I am small in stature and need to use Canadian crutches. All my life I have never thought a man would be interested in me because of my disability. Joe saw beyond that, we have been married 37 yrs and going strong. Although we had hoped, we could not have biological children, our only option to have a family was by adopting, Joe did not hesitate, he in fact did all of the paperwork which was incredibly daunting. We adopted 2 girls from China, one in 1996, the other in 2000. Our youngest Lynn, was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer in 2011, she was just 14 y/o. She lost her courageous battle 2.5 yrs later, 12/18/2013. Through Lynn’s illness Joe was always there, balancing work and doctor’s appointments. He never faded in his Christian faith, he held our family together. Most families would crumble and shatter under this horrible situation, watching their daughter/sister be destroyed by cancer, we definitely had our low and difficult times, but Joe held us together. Just this past year I was diagnosed with cancer, stage 2. For 5 weeks I had radiation treatment, we drove to and from Boston every day. I then had surgery. I could do very little for the better part of 3-4 months. During this time Joe has been unwavering, he has and continues to be the calm in our storms. Joe is my hero because he is calm and steady in very difficult times, he gives courage and inspires those around him. He may not have run into a burning building to save someone, but he has not run away from difficult situations- he has remained and has been true to himself.
Nominated by Robert Pellin
Ask any of his Grandchildren why Grampie is a Hero and they’ll tell you about their many fishing and camping expeditions and how he never misses a Football or Lacrosse Game when they’re playing. They’ll also site his overnight trip to northern Maine to visit a lonely Freshman, away from home for the first time. Ask his wife and she’ll share how Don dropped everything at a moment’s notice recently and drove hours to rescue a stranded Shopping Party after a traffic accident. Ask his neighbor and she’ll tell of his rushing her to the Hospital during COVID and his waiting hours in the parking Lot while she was treated in the ER for a serious fall. Ask me, however, and I’ll tell you about Don’s passionate support of Veterans in need.
A Purple Heart Recipient himself for injuries suffered in the Vietnam War, Don volunteers hours of his time every week helping other Veterans navigate the complicated road to claiming Veterans’ Benefits they may be entitled to receive for their Service. He’ll drive without reservation to the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Leeds, MA, meet with former Service Members, explain the process of applying for services and then assist them in the tedious task of filling out and filing the appropriate forms so they receive disability compensation their service hopefully entitles them to receive. Whether it’s the results of Agent Orange exposure, PTSD symptoms from sexual abuse or any of a multitude of other complications resulting from their service to their country, Don gladly helps those Veterans in need of his knowledge in the hope they receive VA Benefits.
Maya Angelou said “a Hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people” and that in a Nutshell is my Friend and Hero, Don.
- MAYA ANGELOUI think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people.
Nominated by Sandra Richard
Pierre has been with Baystate Medical Center for thirty-three years. Pierre loves his job and cares about the patients. Even though he works behind the scenes. He always stresses the importance of thinking of the patients first, and keeping them happy, when speaking with his employees. He is on call seven days a week, twenty four hours a day. He is responsible for the Co Generation Plant, the boiler room, grounds (landscaping and snow removal ) and the equipment repair shop. Many a time has he been called to come in, because of an emergency. In the middle of the night, during a snowstorm or anytime. He’s there! He is always checking his phone and answering it, even on vacation! He will stay and remove snow, if there is not enough employees to do it. No matter how long it takes. He doesn’t want people to get stuck or hurt. He once helped an employee change her flat tire on her car and also helped push another woman’s car out of the snow. He was prepared to operate the Boiler room and Co Generation plant alone, if he needed to during Covid. He did stay overnight sometimes, which he did not have to do. He was the Santa for the Baystate Medical Centers Children’s unit for three years. He was also Santa for the employee children’s holiday party, for about five years. He donated his time, two years in a row, for the Breast Cancer Awareness walk, picking up the trash. He also worked the phones for the Children’s Miracle Network Telethon. Pierre is so dedicated to his job and the patients that even during his recovery from major back surgery and two hip replacements, he was on the phone making sure everything was OK. That’s an unsung hero!
Nominated by Jill Lueb
Kim is an everyday hero because she has given up her life to run a 5013c nonprofit, Kane’s Krusade. Kane’s is an amazing organization that assists pet families in all aspects of pet ownership, from special diets and vet care, to finding safe, pet friendly housing and advocating for tenant rights. Although Kim’s position is funded and she is paid for working 40 hours a week, she works in excess of this around the clock to keep the organization running and will answer messages to assist current families and new applicants at all times, every day of the year. Kim is a hero because she never rests, never puts herself first, and is brilliant in her resourcefulness and practical ability to assist pet families so that they can care for and keep their beloved pets. The families served by Kane’s are not just experiencing financial difficulties or poverty - they are sometimes unhoused, victims of domestic violence, veterans, suffering physical or mental disability, or housebound. Kim has a gift for making every one who contacts Kane’s feel valued and that the struggles they face with their pets are important and able to be resolved. The number one goal for Kane’s is to keep pets with their families, where they belong, and Kim’s success rate with this is truly impressive. I am on the board of directors and am impressed daily with the work Kim does, and the sacrifices she had made to keep Kane’s running and to provide a continued high quality of care for our families for 10+ years now. Her personal vehicle is 15 years old and a new vehicle would relieve a large stressor in her life, and allow her to continue her amazing level of service to pet families in our community.
Let me introduce everyone to Ruben Sanchez; we worked together in the past before I became severely ill. He became my primary care assistance (PCA) and has been my PCA for about 8 years. He had a car accident back in February 2022 this year. He no longer had transportation which caused him to lose his two jobs. However, he continues to take care of us, his clients. He still comes to check on us and gave me as much services that he can. I could not walk so there was so much he did that he was not getting paid for. He would stop by on Saturday and Sunday by taking the bus to Holyoke, MA to shop for me and do my laundry. He also helps out with his teenage son, keeping up with him in middle school and all of his appointments. He never gave up on trying to fulfill his obligation to family and patients (clients). He is a young man who had a bad childhood and continues to change his behavior and work on giving back to the surrounding community. Ruben has volunteered his services to the Springfield boys and girl club. He is a good chef and enjoys cooking for people.
I want to nominate my sister, Diane. She’s been a hero for over 40 years. My nephew, her only child, was born with Batten’s Disease, a severely crippling terminal disease. Her son is 40 but has never passed the stage of a 5-monthold baby. Because of her son’s illness she became an EMT, went on to become a paramedic. She wanted to make sure she could take care of her son at home, not institutionalize him. As an EMT/ Paramedic she trained future EMTs, saved countless lives and delivered seven babies, but had to medically retire after about 30 years of the job taking a physical toll on her body. She became the first female firefighter in South Hadley town’s history. Diane reported to NY after 9/11. My sister has the most amazing sewing skills, she made the blanket for my daughter’s casket and altered my daughter’s dress so she could be laid to rest in her confirmation dress. This made her my personal hero. When Covid hit she used those sewing skills to make hundreds of masks for Baystate Medical Center where previously employed as a medical assistant in the ER while she was still working as a paramedic. She wanted to protect her friends/former co-workers. Diane volunteers for an animal rescue driving hours transporting dogs, cats and food ensuring a better life for innocent animals. My sister’s car is almost 20 years old and continually breaks down. With my nephew’s disease it’s important for her to have reliable transportation because of his many doctor’s appointments locally and in Boston. There are so many other amazing things she does, family “doctor”, don’t even get me started about her baking/cake skills, custom sewing projects, spoiling the family/ friends. Please give my sister serious consideration, she deserves this and more. Thank you!
Nominated by Christine Raymond Amy Fitzgerald is an amazing co-worker, mom, wife and daughter. Amy is the 6th grade homeroom teacher at St. Joan of Arc School. She teaches math to students in Grades 5-8. She has worked at St. Joan of Arc School since 2016. Her background in special education helps her recognizes the needs of struggling students and enables her to offer positive support. She stays afterschool once a week to help students with their math skills. Amy loves to craft and every year inspires her students to make pillows, fabric pumpkins and other crafts to be sold at the school craft fair. She is married and has two children. Her youngest is one of her school students. Personally, she has had a difficult couple of years. Amy not only teaches 5 days a week but has a part time weekend job as a server at Friendly’s in Chicopee. She is a very hard worker and like many folks these days is faced with financial challenges. Amy suffered the loss of her mom this summer who she selflessly took care of during her very long battle with cancer. Last week, Amy herself was hospitalized because she is diabetic and had a toe infection. Thankfully, she did did need to have her toe amputated. Amy and her dad are currently sharing a vehicle. A few times a week, she begins her day by driving her dad 40 minutes to Old Sturbridge Village where he works and then drives 40 minutes back to be at work for 8:00am. She has also relied on the kindness of her coworkers when she has not had a vehicle. A dependable car would ease her burdens greatly. Amy shows up everyday, thinks of others first and finds the strength to rise up after continuously getting knocked down.
Nominated by Michael Gill
I would love to nominate my wife, Gerri Gill for the Hyundai Salute to Heroes award. Gerri is retiring in January after 42 years of being an RN. When we moved to Western MA in 1987, Gerri was hired as a NICU nurse at Bay State Medical Center where she has worked for the last 35 years. If you don’t know anyone who has needed the NICU, consider yourself blessed. If you have had a baby or know someone who had a baby in the NICU at Bay State, consider yourself blessed. If you got Gerri as your NICU nurse, consider your family lucky and blessed. When your world gets turned upside down and your baby goes to the NICU, I believe they are in the hands of angels who have received a special calling. Gerri shows empathy, support and develops a great rapport with her new family. She will take care of the baby like one of her own. Her greatest strength is breaking down the medical info for the families to understand. She always calls them “my baby” and works with the family and staff in the hope the baby will eventually go home. She is the rock to our family. In December of 2020, I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and Gerri immediately went into nurse mode. I had the best care with her at my side through all the treatments and am glad to say I am in remission. Gerri is deserving of this award because she has ALWAYS put others first before herself. Her patients and their families as well as our family has been blessed to have this SPECIAL RN, wife and mother in our lives. Thank you for sponsoring this contest.
Nominated by Trey Jasmin What makes Lenny Jasmin a hero is a combination of service, duty, patronage, volunteering and sacrifice. He is a disabled veteran, as he enlisted in the US Navy in 1991 after graduating from Westfield Vocational High School. He served in the Persian Gulf as well as in Somalia. He was honorably discharged in 1995. He is a Lieutenant in the Connecticut Department of Correction working at a Maximum Security prison in Suffield, CT. He is held over a lot meaning he has to stay for double shifts. He and his wife Alyssa have 4 kids Cole-20, Ella-18, Trey15 and Zane-13. He volunteers his time coaching baseball and basketball. He is always seen and heard hyping up the kids on his teams as well as his opponents. Lenny also lends his time to helping veterans file for disability when their need arises. He does this all out of the goodness of his heart as well as a need to support heroes. He also volunteers in the community with park cleanups. He is always available to help someone with his pickup truck even though gas is so expensive. It would be heartwarming to see him recognized for all that he does seen and unseen.
A true hero isn’t measured by the size of his strength but by the strength of his heart.
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Nominated by Annette McMorrow
Patrick McMorrow, known to many as Big Mike, is a hero to his family, as well as his community. He enlisted into the US Navy as a Seabee in 1992. Mike was deployed to Iraq twice following the 9/11/2001 attacks, The first Deployment was from 2003-2004 and the second was 2008-2009 as a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicle Commander for Convoy Security Operations. Mike and his team were directly responsible for Improvised explosive device detection, with duties involving purposefully driving over the IED to detonate it to protect other vehicles in the convoy. He served his Nation honorably, retiring after 23 proud years, proudly earning his Seabee Combat Warfare Specialist pin. Back at home, Mike has served his local Community as well as surrounding towns as a Firefighter/EMT of the Belchertown Fire Department. He joined the Department in 2002, coming to the aid of his community and others for any disaster, ranging from Structure fires and car accidents to other medical emergencies. During his service on the Department, Patrick was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, then years later promoted to the rank of Fire Captain. He retired from the Belchertown Fire Department this past September after 20 years of faithful and devoted service to public safety. Wanting to continue serving his community after Retirement, Mike just recently took a job with Baystate Health as a Behavioral Resource Technician. Mike will be assisting patients and their families while they work through behavioral issues, providing a safe environment for all while maintaining a caring and professional attitude he has honed over the years as a Fire Captain, Combat Veteran, Dad to 4 kids and Grandfather “”Grumpy”” to 7 Granddaughters. He will never say it himself, no one in our lives fits the definition of Hero better than him!
Nominated by Nanci Newton
Nancy is a retired band director and a perfusion musician. Why I am nominating her is for all she does to for our local music community. Nancy is the director of the New Horizons Band at NCMC. Her support of the senior citizen musicians from beginners to advanced is tireless. Through weekly rehearsals and planning community performances. She is always encouraging participants in the New Horizons Band to play to the best of their ability. Many people think that if they didn’t start playing an instrument in elementary school they missed their chance. Nancy makes the dream of learning to play an instrument a real possibility. She also encourages the musicians to support local music in our community as she also is the conductor of the Joyful Chorus at Whole Children in Easthampton, a group of people singing together with a variety of disabilities. Combining these groups is challenging but that never stops her. She is a powerful and motivating voice of the power making music together in the valley… ask anyone. Nancy will do what it takes to help promote music making in the Valley. She also plays saxophone in the amazing local big band group The Bad News Jazz Orchestra. Nancy is an extremely talented musician on Flute and saxophone but can play with anyone and not make them feel intimidated. Nancy will encourage anyone to do their best and enjoy the journey. I can’t say enough about how amazing it is to have someone like Nancy in our Valley.
Nominated by Linda Champagney Deb is the most giving person I know. She volunteers for: Southwick Food Pantry, driving the van to Hatfield to pick up at the Food Bank on Mondays, she is President Emerita of Citizens Restoring Congamond and current Board Member, Voting Member of Lake Management Committee, she volunteers at the Second Chance Shop in Suffield, CT, she is Co-Vice-Chair of Southwick’s Democratic Party Committee, she worked on Southwick’s 250th Anniversary Celebration Committee, plus she manages her nephew’s appointments and finances due to his illness. She plans to give her current car to her grandson, who is in college. On top of all of this, she drives me to my appointments, as I have cancer. And she does it all with a smile and an encouraging word. She is certainly MY hero!
Nominated by Robin MacDonald
Ken MacDonald , a retired school teacher with the city of Northampton has touched and changed the lives of so many. He not only was a teacher, a referee, a coach , a tutor he was always an inspiration. He has been retired for approximately 9 years and has had an outpouring of gratitude from so many students for changing their life paths. Ken most recently was diagnosed with AML leukemia. He was given the choice to go through extreme and very painful treatments, much chemo and a stem cell transplant , which he chose and endured or his time on earth would be limited. He is a 2 time cancer survivor,he is still under care for the most recent and has battled with all he could with the help and support of our community. He was working part time after retirement driving a school bus but lost his job because of his severe illness and can no longer work. On the way to one of his treatments in Boston he unfortunately was in an accident and his car was totaled. This man has helped anyone in life who needed it , even if he had to sacrifice what he needed. He has helped people especially children and always gave his whole heart. He is a husband, father, grandpa, friend and lover of animals. ( He has 5 Labradors, who are his best buddies) it would be a true blessing and honor for him to be recognized for the true Hero he is. He is a very humble and kind man and will continue to help and inspire those around him to learn with a passion and to love life with all they have because he knows how precious each day is and how fast circumstances can change for anyone.
Nominated by Stephanie Greenberg Jess is a disabled Veteran and has spent the past ten years working on supporting her community through comedy night fundraisers and the kind squad that she leads on Facebook. She’s help raise over $700,000 in Western Mass for all types of organizations and people. She started performing stand up after she realized the benefits it had from PTSD which she got while in the Army. She loves making people laugh and since she doesn’t work, started doing fundraisers to help others. Regardless of her situation, she’s never asked for anything in return even after I lost my job as a PE teacher due to several injuries at school. She’s always looking for a way to help people. Every year, she collects thousands of dollars worth of toys for foster kids through her comedy shows as well as getting coats & clothes for the homeless, food for Lorraine’s Soup Kitchen, hygiene products for the homeless and arts kits for foster kids as well as so many others. I realize I’m married to Jess and biased, but I do believe she has been a hero for so many people by providing laughter and helping whenever and wherever she can. Even though she will tell you she doesn’t deserve the accolades, she does and it would be amazing to see her recognized for all she does.
“She’s help raise over $700,000 in Western Mass for all types of organizations and people.”
“When life presents an incredible challenge, only those strong at heart will persevere. Indeed there are many heroes throughout this world though the two that deserve the spotlight more than any other are Denise and Gary Hoover. Childhood is something that all kids deserve to enjoy though this is not something always promised. Growing up with a mother and father that were entirely unfit to be parenting, the beginning stages of life for my sisters and I was almost unbearable. The consistent moving from an apartment to the next due to neither parents holding a job. Domestic violence happening constantly being located within the rough parts of town no matter where the next residency was. Drug paraphernalia littered most rooms as both parents were infact users, simply this was no scenario for children to be raised around by any means. After the damage took it’s toll my sister Kylee decided to directly ask our grandmother Denise these exact words. “Grandma, can we live with you? Mommy doesn’t want us anymore.” From this moment on Denise directly brought us back to our true home, without even mentioning it to our grandfather. Gary Hoover is not just our grandfather, he truly is the only person deserving of the title father figure after taking us in when everyone else decided to turn their back. These two individuals were in their golden years retired, after already raising three different sets of children. Yet they still stepped up for another three children, myself and two sisters, to give us a fair chance at this walk through life. They filled our hearts with hope for a brighter future, and sacrificed more than life for us. They are the most incredible heroes that we’ve ever known and will forever hold that title.
A stroke took my mom and it changed my life forever. My mother knew something was coming weeks prior, from her constant headaches, which deteriorated her. I was only a teenager, with a mom in the hospital on the brink of dying, doctors scrambling to figure out what it was that led her to be mute and unresponsive, and just like that, I became homeless. Without a second parent, without anywhere to rest my head due to the parent provider being down, my aunt, Valerie Thompson was a beacon of light, she was my angel and still is. She took me in, in the hectic state of the situation, stopping from work and rescuing me in the midst of my fumble confusion. She had sheltered me within her own home during my mom’s recuperation. She took me to school and we visited my mom together while she recovered. My aunt became a co-parent on behalf of my mother, raising me for 6 months through my mom’s recovery. She supplied for me, took me to school, and made sure I was ok mentally. Later we found out my mother would not be the same, my mom needed 24/7 care, so my aunt opted in to be a caretaker, changing her hours to not only meet my mother’s needs but my own. She has helped me know there is hope in the world and stepped in when I felt lost within myself. She is my hero, and no words can explain how much she has changed my life and has changed my mom’s life.
A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt, or not always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes anyway.
Nominated by Mike DiMauro
Mrs Gillan is my grandmother and she has done so much in the community to inspire people and her family as well. For years, Mrs Gillan has been involved with the choir at St John’s Lutheran Church in Westfield, the German & Polish clubs in Agawam, Agawam Senior Center and so much more. Mrs Gillan has been bingo director for both the Springfield Turnverein and Agawam Polish Club. Mrs Gillan was heavily involved with the Springfield Turnverein over the years with so many programs that she has volunteered for. Mrs Gillan has served on the 150th Agawam Celebration. Mrs Gillan has been serving on the Junior Women’s Club. Mrs Gillan would also work tireless hours for many years at the election polls at Granger Elementary School. Mrs Gillan has helped organize toy drives and is able to give back to the community. As her grandson, she has been a role model for me to go out into the community and volunteer my time, whether it’s with Nathaniel’s Hope, Autism Speaks, The Family Cafe or Pioneer Valley Chapter 8 camping club. I have also been involved with political campaigns and trying to get the people to go and vote. I am currently a Volunteer Advocacy Ambassador for Autism Speaks in Florida. I feel that Mrs Gillan is my hero and inspiration because of the tireless work over the years that she has done and she has inspired me to be involved in the community and put in tireless hours in my years of my community involvement. Even though Mrs Gillan might be 91 and not involved with much anymore, I feel that she is still an inspiration and part of her spirit lives inside of me!
Nominated by Carol Lussier
Lisa has been working with at risk youth in Springfield for 37 years. She was first a special education teacher, then a behavior specialist and finally the administrator for an alternative Elementary School. She offers support to all of her students and staff who need her. She then adopted an at-risk child at 6 who is now 13. She takes care of the entire household of 7 people. She also is a care giver for me, her mother, as I am legally blind. She helps me with all daily living skills after her full day at work. I feel she is a hero because she gives to all who need her.
Nominated by Leah McNamara
Kimberly, Kim, my aunt through marriage is the family rock, the family matriarch.. she is there for everyone in need or facing difficult times ahead.. without thought! Weather that be food delivered to your house (homemade from hers) her picking up the busy pieces of life for someone. In the last year she has taken care of her sister through her terminal diagnosis, jumped a plane to her brother who was undergoing emergency heart surgery, with her elderly mother in tow and her eldest son, B who comes with around the clock care and is wheelchair bound... She does all this when life at home isn’t always easy... For as long as I have known Kim, she’s always owned a secondhand car.. with issues. She found out recently her husband will be undergoing surgery and cancer treatment!! She deserves this opportunity more then I can put in this box of 300 words! But her family depends on her, she deserves a reliable vehicle while transporting her husband and son to many doctors appointments and procedures. In Jesus name we pray that she is deserving enough for such a gift.
Nominated by Jenniffer Fanska
Derek started out his career as a decorated Marine serving an 11 countries. He then went on to work in the mental health field to serve those who needed assistance. He has since worked with the Hampden County Sheriff’s Department for over 17 years. He started his career as a correctional case worker and is now a correctional officer at the western Mass Recovery Center. Here he teaches meditation and mindfulness to assist with recovery. He is a hero in so many ways. Not only is he a decorated veteran but he continues to speak for people who cannot necessarily speak for themselves. Not only has he spent many years trying to rehabilitate inmates but through this work protects the outside Community as a whole. Additionally he is a warm loving father to his amazing children and an incredible husband. His motto is to help anyone who needs it and he surely shows this in his daily life. So many times heroes are nominated because of one extraordinary event but my husband continues to do extraordinary events each and every day of his life. To me that is the real definition of a hero someone who continues to give back to the world no matter what is happening in their own and always tries to make it a better place.
True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.
Nominated by Arnold Miliefsky
My wife, Sandy Miliefsky is 78 years-old, and has volunteered helping people, since moving here at 19. In April, she started a Ukrainian Refugee Program at our house, where people from Western MA bring donations of clothes, shoes, coats, medical supplies, for Ukrainian refugees, who lost everything. She found Father Peter at Bethesda Ukrainian Church in West Springfield, who picks up those donations, shipping them to Ukraine. Sandy requested donations on, with over 300 people donating, including furniture, for new arrival refugees escaping to this area. Sandy gets furniture donations from Mass. and Connecticut. She started by filling her car with donations, then a tent. This collapsed so we store donations in our living room. She became well-known on the site for the work she does for Ukrainian refugees.......And two years ago, when the pandemic began, Sandy reached out to people, asking who needed help. She began getting about 40 requests per day from unemployed people needing toilet paper, masks, food, before the stimulus checks went out. She recruited volunteers, who donated food to folks without it, met up with Father Peter of St. Marks in East Longmeadow, who did daily toilet paper delivery to folks writing to Sandy, coordinating from our mailbox a pick up and delivery system of donated masks, bags of food, and paper products, with strangers helping strangers. Sandy served meals at Open Pantry for 12 years, read to the blind through MA Association of the blind for 9 years, did fundraisers for charities for the Lions Club, volunteered for Radio Reading Service, Friends Indeed, Shriners Hospital and other organizations her whole adult life. She is in constant pain with medical problems, (survived cancer) but continues to help people around the world and in this area, as she has done her entire life.
Nominated by Michael Erwin A RN by training, currently supports the family business and was pivotal to its success during the pandemic. She put her dream job on hold to grow our family business. There is no other unsung hero like my daughter, who is raising four young children among this time and puts a passionate focus on teaching them to give back to their community. She saw her 9 year old through raising three thousand dollars for a tree (The Big Tree Project) and is seeing her 7 year old through her second annual toy collection and Hot Cocoa stand to raise money for Toys for Tots. Kelly’s mother exited her life in her teen years and she has used that not to define her nor as a crutch, but to show others your upbringing or circumstance does not define you. Without divulging too much of her private circumstances I will share that she rose from circumstances no child should endure to become a nurse, community activist, and devoted mother. When she isn’t lifting our company into the future, she is volunteering at the school or putting time into her community. Kelly is often best known for her quiet random acts of kindness: helping another in need, doorstep deliveries to those who need it, and so much more. Kelly is married to her high school sweetheart and they live together in Westfield where he works for the City. It’s a family that truly loves their community. Sometimes our bravest heroes aren’t those who did one big or earth shattering thing. Sometimes they are the quiet leaders who makes a conscious effort each and every day to brighten and support those around them. The everyday hero who is quietly changing the future and world around us to be kinder, better, and brighter.
Nominated by Robert C. Conti David Toledo for being retired is a tireless worker serving the least of us, the homeless and broken who live under bridges and in parks. For years he has been bringing them food regularly, toiletry items and clothing and blankets. Many times he pays for these out of his own pocket. He picks up food that is supplied to him by a local food pantry and gets it to those in need. This is not a job many want to engage in. He has limped through a few broken down cars during this time and his church that he attends has helped him get his car fixed and has helped him as much as they could to secure a functional used car. So many depend on him these days as he tries to help them survive and lift themselves out of their situation. It is very difficult for David not having a dependable vehicle as he faithfully and quietly helps these struggling people. Knowing David I am completely confidant that he would use a good vehicle to reach even more. I have not met many people in my life who are so selfless and more concerned about society’s lost and hidden souls. It would be a wonderful help for him to have a new vehicle but if not he will still stand tall and be thankful for whatever he has to serve others with. Thank You.
We do not have to become heroes overnight. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up… discovering we have the strength to stare it down.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Nominated by Heather St Jean My hero is my mother. We hear this so often, and with good reason, but my mother is more than a hero, she is my beacon of strength, and role model for selflessness. Growing up my mom worked nights, to be with us children during the day. At 35 she decided that in addition to family and work commitments, she wanted to better herself and took on a nursing program. She worked many different nursing jobs over the years, ending with her favorite; a labor delivery nurse. Her “career” came to an end in 2002, however nursing did not. My father, her loving husband, had had a life changing stroke in November of 2000. The stroke left him with limited movement and seizures. Not only did worry keep her from continuing to work overnights, but he needed years of rehabilitation and care. I’ve watched them go through so many hard times, only to see the good in both of them. There is so much that goes in to his care that so many married couples take for granted. By 2008, she was still a full-time caregiver but she still insisted on being Grandma 5 mornings a week to my daughter and twin boys! She also made sure to make every music show, game, and performance the grandkids ever had. Just recently, her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, and without skipping a beat, has stepped up to do as much as she can for her as well. All this and she still finds time to be an accomplished quilter continuously making gifts for family and friends. We joke about the lemons they’ve been handed all the time, but her lemonade is full of love and selflessness; helping anyone and everyone she loves.
Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.
Nominated by Maureen Pion
My son in law has had a great impact on our family. He married our beautiful daughter Katie who suffered a brain tumor as a child and deals with Crohn’s disease as well. Ryan volunteered to take our granddaughter to her father daughter dances as she has two moms. Ryan dressed up and brought her flowers for these occasions. When my husband was diagnosed with leukemia Ryan was a huge support to our family. He loved his father in law and felt he learned so much from him about what family means and being a good husband. My husband died from leukemia on January 1,2020. Ryan began training to run the Boston Marathon in Bob’s memory as a Dana Farber team runner. COVID postponed the marathon but Ryan ran his own marathon in Easthampton and was featured in the local newspaper. Soon after Ryan began to experience pain in his hip and had testing done. The results were not what we had hoped for. Ryan was diagnosed with Myleoma which would lead to radiation treatment and surgery to install a bar to stabilize his leg. He endured great pain but worked through his therapy. He has had a long recovery but has started to run again with his beloved dog Lola. He had a recent scare with a follow up PET scan but it seems that things look normal for now. Ryan’s car broke down during all of this and his parents lent him their car. While this car was parked in their driveway someone stole the catalytic converter from his car and he is once again without a car. I don’t know of anyone who is more deserving of something good to come his way. He is the kindest person I know and our family is grateful for him.
I would like to nominate Kim George – Founder and Executive Director of Kane’s Krusade. Kim took her love for her special dog Kane and turned it into a mission to support the most vulnerable people in our community who often fall through the cracks (elderly, disabled, veterans, unhoused). Kim pioneered and has dedicated 11 years (only 2 years as the only salaried employee) creating an innovative program that helps to keep dogs who were at the risk of surrender through no fault of their own with the families who love them and out of the shelter system. Providing door-to-door delivery of food, treats and equipment, assisting with spay/neuter, vaccinations, vet care and pet family housing assistance. These services are critical and thanks to Kim these family units can stay intact – a child gets to keep its dog, a veteran has its emotional support dog, a housebound person is able to get their food, treats and supplies delivered directly to their home. Kim fields some very difficult and time sensitive calls and is often the glimmer of hope that people are looking for, the person who is willing to say yes – utilizing her knowledge and connections to help save dogs and keep them in their loved home. These families have become Kim’s extended family and in return while they are not able to help financially, they are an integral part of the program helping where they can (packing food and treats, assisting with donation pickups). This vehicle would be a well-deserved upgrade to Kim’s 2007 vehicle and would greatly help with accessibility/coordinating picking up food donations and transporting dogs for appointments.
Another definition of a hero is someone who is concerned about other people’s well-being, and will go out of his or her way to help them - even if there is no chance of a reward. That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero.
Nominated by Sharon Wainczak Karen has been working as a Special education teacher for the past 20 years. Most of her career has been spent in inner city schools, working with children with Autism. She has been an advocate for her students and an unrelenting champion for the LINKS program over the past dozen years. Karen has been a mentor to many teachers, a supporter of parents struggling to get the best education for their children and a cheerleader for all her students. She encourages them to reach their highest potential and aim for their dreams. When her middle school students move on and graduate high school, Karen goes to all their graduations! She has even had a college graduate who still corresponds to her, showing the deep impact she had on his life. Karen is an example of a teacher who doesn’t see the challenges but the potential of all of her students. During her career as a teacher, Karen’s hearing was deteriorating. Day after day, she struggled to hear, especially during meetings, loud events, professional development, etc. She never gave up because she loves teaching. Finally, her hearing loss was so profound that she had Cochlear implant surgery. This helped but during COVID, mask wearing exacerbated her struggle with her other ear. Now after a second implant and enough time for her hearing to adjust, Karen applied and was hired as an Autism Specialist. Now she has over 100 students, 11 teachers and 5 schools that she travels to throughout the week. She provides training and assistance to the Links students and teachers throughout the Springfield school system. The funny thing is is that Karen can now hear all the strange noises her old car is making!! With all the traveling this new job requires, a new car would be a blessing!!
When I was very young, most of my childhood heroes wore capes, flew through the air, or picked up buildings with one arm. They were spectacular and got a lot of attention.
But as I grew, my heroes changed, so that now I can honestly say that anyone who does anything to help a child is a hero to me.