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Homebrewers share brew’s best for National Homebrew Day

MAY 6 IS QUITE chock full of activities this year.

First of all, it’s my birthday, one that I share with the likes of Willie Mays, Sigmund Freud, Orson Welles and George Clooney, among several other celebrities.

OK, maybe my birthday shouldn’t be first on the list, because it’s also the day the Kentucky Derby is being held this year, and even though I’m not a horse racing fan, plenty of folks are. It’s also Free Comic Book Day and something called World Naked Gardening Day — neither of which interest me, either.

But for our purposes here the most important celebration of the day is Big Brew for National Homebrew Day — an opportunity for homebrewers to gather and share their love and knowledge of brewing with family and friends.

Although I’m not a homebrewer myself, I champion those souls who dip their toes (or dive headfirst) into this avocation. I’ve had so many great home brews over the years, and even the ones with clear flaws are usually quite quaffable and even enjoyable. I assume that most of the time homebrewers aren’t keen to share one of their flops.

(In the interest of full disclosure, I tried homebrewing twice, and both efforts were nothing I shared with friends — even friends who usually drink mediocre beer. I’m just not a science-minder, follow-the-recipe kind of guy.)

But I digress.

So if you know a homebrewer, definitely seek them out this weekend. One thing that is pretty common among most homebrewers

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