14 minute read
Mother’s Day
by repubnews

With Table 3 Restaurant Group
Show Mom that you recognize and appreciate all she does throughout the year by celebrating Mother’s Day at her favorite Table 3 restaurant.
Celebrate Mother’s Day at one of Table 3’s highly acclaimed locations. With the many available dine-in options it may be difficult to choose!
The Duck and Avellino will be offering the Duck’s daily menu plus some fantastic specials sure to delight Mom. Call 508-347-2321 for Mother’s Day reservations at The Duck & Avellino. Seating is 11am–4pm.

Cedar Street Grille will be offering their unique brunch menu all day plus some great Mother’s Day Specials. Call 508-347-5800 for reservations. Seating is 10am–4pm.
The Barn at Wight Farm’s will host a spectacular Mother’s Day brunch buffet this year, brimming with all her favorites. This mom’s day feast is just $43.95 per guest (plus tax & gratuity). Call 774-241-8450 for reservations. Seating is 10am-4pm.
“The Buddy Holly Story”: Majestic Theater, through May 28. For more information, visit majestic theater.com; for tickets, call the box office at 413-747-7797, 131 Elm St., West Springfield.
Friends of the Westfield Athenaeum Book Sale: Thu., 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Fri, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. First United Methodist, Featuring gently used adult and children’s books, jigsaw puzzles, DVDs, and CDs, 16 Court St., Westfield.
Massachusetts Quarter Horse
Show: Thu.-Sun., Eastern States Exposition, Coliseum, free. 1305 Memorial Ave., West Springfield; 413-737-2443 or thebige.com
MGM Casino: Thu.-Sun., MGM Springfield, featuring retail stores, restaurants, Regal Cinemas and more. For more information, visit mgmspringfield.com, 1 MGM Way, Springfield.
New England Regional Genealogical Conference (NERGC 2023): Thu., 10 a.m.-7:30 p.m.; Fri.-Sat, 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m., MassMutual Center. NERGC 2023 will feature eight session tracks with more than 100 talks, seven workshops, a large exhibit hall with vendors and genealogical societies, SIGs, Ancestors Road Show, Society Fair, the Libraries, Archives, and Museums Showcase, and so much more. Whether you are a genealogical novice just getting started or a seasoned professional, there is something at NERGC 2023 for you. From Colonial-era research to genetic genealogy, from military research to writing for publications, from methodology to technology. There are talks that focus in on each of the New England states, as well as various ethnic groups in New England, including Native American, African America, Irish, French Canadian, Jewish, and Polish, $85 to $210. 1277 Main St., Springfield; 413-787-6600 or massmutualcenter.com.
Paper Horse Derby: Chicopee
Main Library, stop by the Teen Space after school to cut out and create your own tiny paper horse. No skill is required and they’ll race entirely on their own. For middle and high school students. 449 Front St., Chicopee, 413-594-1800. Pioneer Valley Jewish Film Festival: Thu., 7 p.m., Amherst Cinema. “My Neighbor Adolf.” Tickets available online at amherst cinema.org/; $12 general, $11 students and seniors (65+). 28A Amity St., Amherst.
Suffield Players present “First Date”: Thu.-Sat., Mapleton Hall, May 4-20. For tickets visit suffield players.org or call 800-289-6148.
COVID-19 precautions will be in effect. Performances on May 4-5 and 14 will require all audience members to wear masks while inside of Mapleton Hall. Performances on May 6, 12, 13, 19 and 20 are mask-optional. $25 per person; $20 opening night. 1305 Mapleton Ave., Suffield; 860-668-0837 or suffieldplayers.org
UMass Dept. of Music & Dance: Thu, 7:30 p.m. Tillis Concert Hall: formerly the Fine Arts Center Concert Hall, Percussion Ensemble. For tickets, visit umass.edu/music/ event/percussion-ensemble-2. Tickets, $10 adults; $5 seniors/ students, UMass Amherst students. 151 Presidents Drive, Amherst; 413545-2511 or fineartscenter.com.
The Jazz Bones: Fri., 7 p.m., Agawam Senior Center, The Jazz Bones. Doors open 6:15 p.m. The performance is also live streamed on Agawam Channels 15 (SD) and 1074 (HD), Free. 954 Main Street, Agawam. (413) 821-0604.
“The Buddy Holly Story”: See Thursday listing
Clock Tower Artists Open Studios: Fri., 5-8 p.m.; Sat., 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Clock Tower Business Park, 3rd Floor. The Clock Tower artists will have open studios on the first Fri and first sat of each month, May-Dec, 75 South Church St., Pittsfield.
The Commodores: Fri., MGM Springfield, in the Aria Ballroom, 8 p.m. For tickets, visit ticketmaster.com/ event/01005D96A29A32E4, Tickets start at $59. 1 MGM Way, Springfield.
Friends of the Westfield Athenaeum Book Sale: See Thursday listing
“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”: Fri.-Sat, 8 p.m.; Sun, 2 p.m. Enfield Annex, based on the Victor Hugo novel and songs from the Disney animated feature, “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” showcases the films Academy Award-nominated score, as well as new songs by Menken and Schwartz, $25. 124 N. Maple St., Enfield.
“Into the Woods”: Fri.-Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 2 p.m., Exit 7 Theater, tickets $20-$25. 37 Chestnut St., Ludlow; 413-583-4301 or exit7players.org.
Junior Choreography Dance Projects: Fri.-Sat, 8 p.m. University of Massachusetts Amherst, For tickets visit www.umass.edu, $10 general, students free. Eastman
Lane, Amherst. www.umass.edu.
Massachusetts Quarter Horse Show: See Thursday listing
MGM Casino: See Thursday listing New England Regional Genealogical Conference (NERGC 2023): See Thursday listing
Pioneer Valley Jewish Film Festival: Fri., 3 p.m., Greenfield Garden Cinema presents “Paris Boutique.” Tickets available at gardencine mas.net/, $12 general admission, $11 for students and seniors (65+). 361 Main St., Greenfield.
Suffield Players present “First Date”: See Thursday listing Woodwind & Brass Chamber Ensembles III: Fri., 7:30 p.m., Bezanson Recital Hall, free. North Pleasant St., Amherst. 413-5452511 or www.umass.edu.
Adult Jigsaw Puzzle Swap: Sat., 10 a.m.-noon, South Hadley Public Library. Up to three puzzles allowed to be swapped. Must take as many as you bring. In the Community Room, free. 2 Canal St., South Hadley.
“The Buddy Holly Story”: See Thursday listing Clock Tower Artists Open Studios: See Friday listing CMSS Spring Gala: Sat., 6 p.m., Community Music School of Springfield, CMSS’ Spring Gala, the single largest source of funding for our extensive financial aid and scholarship offerings, creates equitable and inclusive access to high quality music education programs. The event features live music, live and silent auction, cocktails and appetizers, and CMSS Excellence Awards, $75. 127 State St., Springfield; 413-782-8428.
Friends of the Westfield Athenaeum Book Sale: See Thursday listing
“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”: See Friday listing
“Into the Woods”: See Friday listing
Irish Language Day: Lá na Gaeilge: Sat, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Elms College, The Irish Cultural Center of Western New England will hold its annual “Lá na Gaeilge” (Irish Language Day) at Elms College. The program includes instructional language classes from very beginner to advanced, workshops, conversation groups, a lecture, and a music seisiún and céilí. The cost includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day. Visit the ICC website to see the full schedule, register online or download a registration form, at IrishCenter wne.org, Cost is $50 per person, $45 for ICC Patrons, and $15 for students 21 and under. Springfield Street, Chicopee; elms.edu.
Junior Choreography Dance Projects: See Friday listing
Live Concert of Folk, Indi-Pop, and Experimental Music: Sat., 7:30-10 p.m. Montague Common Hall, featuring Isaac Taylor, Miners, and Cloudbelly, $10-$20 suggested donation, no one turned away. 34 Main St., Montague.
Massachusetts Quarter Horse Show: See Thursday listing
MGM Casino: See Thursday listing New England Regional Genealogical Conference (NERGC 2023):
See Thursday listing
Open Studios, Art Show & Sale: Sat.-Sun., noon-4 p.m. Indian Orchard Mills Dane Gallery, hosted by the artists at Indian Orchard Mills, there will be a pet food can drive for the Thomas J. O’Connor Adoption Center. Bring a can of pet food and be entered to win a custom pet portrait. Food and wine served in the gallery. Explore the mill complex and visit with artists as well as other businesses in their private studio space; featuring painting, jewelry, fishing lures, designers, photographers and more, $3 suggested donation, family and pet-friendly. 34 Front St., Indian Orchard, 413-543-3321.
Pioneer Valley Jewish Film Festival: Sat., 8 p.m., Basketball Hall of Fame, “Matchmaking.” Tickets available at pvjff.org, by phone at 413-739-4715, or in-person at the Springfield JCC, $12 general admission, $11 for students and seniors (65+). 1000 Hall of Fame Avenue, Springfield.
Saturday Playgroup: Sat., 1 p.m., Chicopee Main Library. The library’s playspace will be open for families to meet up and play. Recommended for families with children under the age of 8, 449 Front St., Chicopee. 413-594-1800.
Suffield Players Presents “First
Date”: See Thursday listing
Transhealth Birthday Benefit
Featuring ALOK: Sat., 6:30 p.m., BOMBYX Center for Arts & Equity, Make a wish, blow out the candles and help celebrate Transhealth’s second birthday party fundraiser to support its mission of expanding access to gender-affirming care. The event is fully accessible to wheelchair users. Masks are strongly recommended and vaccinations are required, $50. 130 Pine St., Florence.
“The Buddy Holly Story”: See
Thursday listing
Holyoke Civic Symphony “Let There Be Music”: Sun., 3 p.m. Holyoke Community College, masks are optional. This final concert of the year, is the annual fundraiser for HCS, $10 adults, $5 children under 12. 303 Homestead Avenue, Holyoke, hcc.edu.
“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”: See Friday listing
“Into the Woods”: See Friday listing
Massachusetts Quarter Horse Show: See Thursday listing
MGM Casino: See Thursday listing
Open Studios, Art Show & Sale: See Saturday listing
Pioneer Valley Jewish Film Festival: Sun., 3:30 p.m., Northampton Center for the Arts, “Vishniac.” Tickets available at pvjff.org, by phone 413-739-4715 or in person at the Springfield JCC, $12 general admission, $11 for students and seniors (65+). 33 Hawley St., Northampton; 413-584-7327 or nohoarts.org.
Pioneer Valley Jewish Film Festival: Sun., 7 p.m. Amherst Cinema, “Prophets of Change.” Tickets can be purchased at Amherst Cinema’s website, amherstcinema.org, $12 general admission, $11 for students and seniors (65+). 28A Amity St., Amherst.
Saddle Your Own Horse One Day Play-Shop for Mothers and Daughters: Sun., 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Berkshire HorseWorks Inc, for ages 9 and up. All feet will be on the ground, learning side by side with an intuitive herd of rescue horse and donkeys. No horse experience is necessary. Space is limited. Sliding scale available. Email info@berkshirehorseworks. com for reservations, $375 for two. 101 Patton Road, Richmond.
Together We Sing — A Multicultural Concert: Sun., 2 p.m., First Congregational Church Amherst, Music on Main: Concerts at First Church presents “Together We Sing: A Multicultural Concert” featuring Mak’hela, the Jewish Chorus of Western Mass, directed by Elaine Broad Ginsberg, and the First Church Choir, led by Richard S. Matteson. A donation of $15 is suggested, Free; donation invited. 165 Main St., Amherst.
UMass Dept. Of Music & Dance: Sun, 4 p.m. Tillis Concert Hall: formerly the Fine Arts Center Concert Hall, Concert Band. Tickets available at umass.edu/ music/event/concert-band-5; $10 adults, $5 Seniors/Students/ UMass employees, UMass
Will Run for Cookies! A Dakin Humane Society 5K: Sun., 10:30 a.m., Stanley Park. Run or walk, enjoy a delicious cookie, and most importantly, support Dakin Humane Society and its critical programs to keep people and pets together. By fundraising for Dakin Humane Society, you are helping give animals the food, shelter, and medical treatment they need. Every dollar you raise goes towards creating happier and healthier lives for animals right here in the community, $35-$40. 400 Western Ave., Westfield; 413-5689312 or www.stanleypark.org.
Young@Heart Chorus presents “The Love Show”: Sun., 3 p.m., Academy of Music Theatre, Tickets are $20-$50. 274 Main St., Northampton, 413-584-9032 or aomtheatre.com
Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden: Outdoor sculpture garden of largerthan-life bronze statues of Springfield native Dr. Seuss at his drawing board surrounded by some of his most beloved characters including Horton the Elephant, the Grinch, the Lorax and others. Free on the green.
George Walter Vincent Smith
Art Museum: Permanent exhibit: “Ancient Treasures,” a display of artifacts from ancient China, Greece, Rome and Egypt.
Lyman and Merrie Wood Museum of Springfield History: “Big Games, Big Fun,” through Sept. 3. “The Grinch: A Car with a History,” through Nov. 1, 2023. Permanent exhibit: More than two dozen Indian motorcycles and related memorabilia.
Michele and Donald D’Amour Museum of Fine Arts: “Artifice: New Paintings” by Priya N. Green, through Dec. 31. “Nelson Stevens: Color Rapping,” through Sept.
3. “New/Now: Contemporary Art Acquisitions,” through July 30.
“Museum a la Carte” today, 12:15 p.m. “Lost Boston: Landmarks that Left their Mark on the City.” $4, free for members. “Lost Boston,” published by Pavilion in London, traces the once well-known places in Boston that time, progress and fashion have swept aside before concerned citizens or the National Register of Historic Places could save them from the wrecker’s ball or the graveyard of history. Presented by Anthony Sammarco, historian and author.
Springfield Science Museum:
“We’re Still Here,” through June 30.
Native Voices Initiative begins with contemporary perspectives. Curated by Aprell May. Permanent Exhibit: State-of-the-Art Zeiss Projector and updated International Space Station Exhibit. The Planetarium’s Korkosz Starball, in continuous operation since 1937, will be enhanced with the addition of a state-of-the-art Zeiss Velvet full-dome projector. Down the hall from the Planetarium, the newly upgraded, interactive International Space Station exhibit will provide visitors with a better understanding of what it takes and it’s like to fly among the stars, living and working in outer space for months on end. Stars Over Springfield. Fri., 7:30–8:30 p.m. Cost: $3 adults, $2 children. Join members of the Springfield Stars Club for a discussion of current topics in astronomy and, weather permitting, skygazing in the Science Museum’s observatory.
The Amazing World of Dr. Seuss Museum: Permanent exhibit. First floor exhibition provides opportunities to explore with interactive three-dimensional exhibits. Second floor contains Geisel’s personal memorabilia. Timed tickets required. For reservations visit springfieldmuseums.org.
Quadrangle admission - $25 for adults, $16.50 for seniors (60+) and college students with ID, $13 for children ages 3-17; free to children under age 3 and members, Springfield residents are free with proof of residency. Welcome Center and Museum store. Tues.-Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Amelia Park Children’s Museum: Permanent exhibit: Hands-on activities and creative exhibits, the Hurricane Simulator. Sign up online for a play session at ameliapark museum.org. Mon. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Thurs.-Sun, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Open for groups Tues. and Wed. $8 adults, $8 children (12 months and older); $4 grandparents/seniors (60+); military personnel and teachers receive a 10% discount off the price of regular admission; members and infants free. 29 South Broad St., Westfield or ameliaparkmuseum.org.
Berkshire Museum: Gallery performance event with Shakespeare & Company. May 6, 7-8:30 p.m.
Tickets are available for purchase at berkshriemuseum.org/event
Advance registration is recommended. $30 general, $25 members, students and seniors, 39 South St., Pittsfield or berkshiremuseum.org
Children’s Museum at Holyoke: Permanent exhibit includes the Wiggle and Wash/Vet Clinic, a toddler merry-go-round and a STEM-based cash register for kids.
Tues.-Fri, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sun, noon-4 p.m. closed Mondays. Children
& Adults $8; Seniors (62+) $5; Children under 1 year of age and members are free. 444 Dwight St., Holyoke or childrensmuseum holyoke.org
East Longmeadow Historical Commission Museum: Permanent exhibit: Historical artifacts. Featured at the museum are East Longmeadow artifacts pertaining to the quarries, local Native Americans, period clothing, the railroad system, and much more. Open 1-3 p.m. on the third Saturday of the month, SeptJune, weather permitting. Free. 87 Maple St., East Longmeadow
Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art: “What Might You Do? Christian Robinson,” through June 4. “Eric Carle Loves Japan,” through Aug. 20, featuring never-before-seen photos of Carle’s visits to Japan over a 32-year period.
“The Art & Storytelling of Claire A. Nivola,” through Nov. 5. Permanent exhibit: Gabrielle Healy Carroll Storytime Programs are held Tues. and Fri. 10:30 a.m.; Sat. 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m.; Sun. 2 p.m., free with admission. Museum hours: Weds.-Fri, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun, noon-5 p.m. $6, $9, $22.50 for a family of four, 125 West Bay Road, Amherst or www. carlemuseum.org.
Holyoke Heritage State Park: Art Exhibit: “Ethereal Diversity: The Eloquence of Shared Experience,” through May 31. Pieces created by J. Bryant II will showcase in the Exhibition Hall of the park’s visitor center. Admission is free and the Visitor Center is open year-round, Tuesday through Sunday, from noon to 4 p.m.. The park and visitor center are wheelchair accessible. Free, mass. gov/locations/holy oke-heritagestate-park. Permanent exhibit. Preserving the history and culture of Holyoke through permanent exhibits on the paper and textile industry. Also featuring a new scale model of Mountain Park. 221 Appleton St., Holyoke, 413-534-1723.
Keep Homestead Museum: Sheryl Faye as “Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the World.” May 7, 1:30 p.m. The museum features a permanent button collection, family artifacts and hiking trails. The museum will be open from 1-3:30 p.m. for tours. Trials are open from dawn to dusk seven days a week. 35 Ely Road, Monson or keephomestead museum.org.
Mead Art Museum: Permanent exhibit: Various American and European paintings, Mexican ceramics, Tibetan scroll paintings and more. Museum hours: Tues.-Thurs. and Sun. 9 a.m.-midnight; Fri. 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. 220 South Pleasant St., Amherst or amherst.edu.
Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame: Permanent exhibit: three floors with dozens of hands-on ex- hibits, a regulation sized basketball court and more than 900 artifacts on display. Exhibits include “High Above Center Court,” “Hall of Honor,” “1891 Gallery,” “Players Gallery,” “James Goldstein Superfan gallery,” and “Jerry Colangelo Court of Dreams.”; Hours: Mon.-Fri. 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat.-Sun. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $28 adults (16-24); $23 seniors (63+); $19 youth (5-15); $23 students with valid high school or college ID. free for ages under 5, 1000 West Columbus Ave., Springfield or hoophall. com.
Norman Rockwell Museum: Permanent exhibit: Gallery. Hours: Thu.Mon., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Advance-ticket purchase required; Closed Tue. and Wed. Visit nrm.org for more information. $20 adults; $18 seniors, AAA, retire military; $10 college students, free children ages 18 and under, members and active military. “Nora Krug: “Belonging.” Through June 18. 9 Route 183, Stockbridge or nrm.org.
Old Sturbridge Village: Permanent exhibit: Visit Kidstory, an indoor learning gallery in the Visitor’s Center where kids 3-10 can try on period costumes and imagine life in the 1830s; “Neat and Tasty: Getting Dressed in Early New England”; apparel in portraiture. Hours through Oct. 1, Wed.-Sun. 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Standard Daytime Admission tickets are good for one day and are not valid for special evening programs like Phantoms by Firelight or Christmas by Candlelight. $30 adults, $28 seniors (55+), $15 college students with valid college ID, $15 children 4-17, free for children ages 3 and under. Route 20, Sturbridge or osv. org.
Springfield Armory National Historic Site: Ranger-led interpretive programs offered in the museum in the afternoon. Junior Ranger programs conducted frequently each day. Hours are Wed.-Sun, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Putnam Vocational Technical Academy Photos Exhibit, through May 7. Armory is open Wed.-Sun. 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. 1 Armory Square, Springfield or www.nps.gov/spar.
Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum: Permanent exhibit: Daniel Anthony’s Store, The Legacy Room, The Birthing Room, The Portrait Gallery. Open Fri.-Sun, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. $10 adults, $8 seniors, $6 students and children 6-17, free for children under 6 and NARM/ NEMA/ROAM members. 67 East Road, Adams or susanbanthony birthplace.com.
The Emily Dickinson Museum: Homestead and Evergreens: Permanent exhibit. Open Wed.-Sun. 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Admission to the museum is by guided tour, for which advance-purchased timed tickets are required. Visit EmilyDickinson Museum.org/Visit to purchase your tickets and for more information. 280 Main St., Amherst or emilydickinsonsmuseum.org.
Titanic Museum: Permanent exhibit: exhibits from the collection of the International Titanic Historical Society. Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. $4, $2 children and students, 208 Main St., Indian Orchard or titanic1.org.
University Museum of Contemporary Art - Fine Arts Center: Permanent exhibit. The Fine Arts Center requires patrons to be fully vaccinated to attend performances. UMass students, staff, and volunteers are required to be fully vaccinated per university policy. Masks are not required, but are welcome and encouraged. Closed Mondays, holidays, and academic breaks. 151 Presidents Drive, Amherst.
Volleyball Hall of Fame: Permanent exhibit. Visitors are required to wear masks. $2.50-$3.50, 444 Dwight St., Holyoke or volleyhall.org.
West Springfield Town Museum: Permanent exhibit. The museum is open to the public every first Sat. of the month from 1-3 p.m. Items of Interest and on display include hand built models of early town buildings and other structures, local artifacts and historic items from the Civil War, Mittineague Park and Bear Hole area, as well as other local historic items and displays. 55 Altamont Ave., West Springfield
Wistariahurst Museum: Permanent exhibit: Gardens and grounds open daily from dawn to dusk. Carriage House and Gift shop open Mon.Fri. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. For information about house tours, group tours and upcoming events visit www.wista riahurst.org. $7 Holyoke residents; $5 seniors; $5 youth (under 18); free museum members, active military & family members. “Victory Theatre WPA Murals” Exhibition, through March 2024. 238 Cabot St., Holyoke or wistariahurst.org.
Yiddish Book Center: Permanent exhibit, “A Velt mit veltelekh: The Worlds of Jewish Culture.” The center will be open to the public on Thurs, Fri, Sun, and Mon. from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Closed Shabbos (Saturday) and Jewish and legal holidays. $8 adults, $6 seniors, free for members, students and children. 1021 West St., Amherst or yiddishbookcenter.org.
A.P.E. Gallery: Permanent exhibit. Tues.-Thu., noon-5 p.m.; Fri.-Sat., noon-8 p.m.; Sun., noon-5 p.m. Northampton High School Student Art Exhibtion & Senior Shows. May 4-26, reception Arts Night