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Jazz Danceworks: See Thursday listing
Jacob’s Pillow presents Complexions Contemporary Ballet: See Thursday listing are seated in theater. For more information, look up ParanormalQueen1 on YouTube, Facebook, TikTok or Instagram. $26. 131 Elm St., West Springfield; 413-747-7797 or majestictheater.com. evening series for ages 14+. Fullday camp, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; evening series, 5-7 p.m. This week-long camp gives students the opportunity to jump right into the world of musical theater with classes in tap, Broadway, jazz, voice, acting, and improvisation. Students will learn healthy warm-up practices for the voice and body, and work on character development, expression, teamwork, and more. The program directors will work with students to produce a small cabaret performance for the program’s final day. $400. 420 Park St., Housatonic.
Color Rapping,” through Sept. 3.
P*ssy Sludge: Fri. and Sun., 7:30 p.m.; Sat., 2 and 7:30 p.m. Blue Room at CitySpace, for 18+ only. For tickets, visit reallivetheatre. net/now-playing, $10-$50. 43 Main St., Easthampton.
“School of Rock the Musical”: Fri., 7:30 p.m.; Sat., 2 and 7:30 p.m.; Sun., 2 p.m. Enfield Annex. This show contains mild adult themes and language, $25. 124 North Maple St., Enfield
Tanglewood 2023 Season: Fri., 8 p.m. Andris Nelsons conducts Williams, Strauss, and Ravel featuring Anne-Sophie Mutter, violin, in the Shed. For tickets, visit tanglewood. org, $24-$112. 297 West St., Lenox, 888-266-1200.
Drive-In Collection of Donations: Sat., 1-3 p.m. Foster Memorial Church, taking place in the church’s back parking lot. Nonperishable food for the Emergency Food Cupboard of the Open Pantry in Springfield, as well as school supplies to be donated to students at the Rebecca M. Johnson School, will be collected. 1791 Wilbraham Road, Springfield, 413-782-2112.
Fall East Coast Gem & Mineral
Show: See Friday listing
Flip Circus: See Thursday listing
Halcyon Arts New England presents Joel Venna and Mir Naqibul Islam: Sat., 3 and 7:30 p.m. All Saints Episcopal Church, for a day exploring Indian Classical Music. There will be a workshop about the use of rhythm and cyclical time in Hindustani music at 3 p.m. and the concert will be at 7:30 p.m. Tickets available now at hartsne.org or by calling 413-345-2917. 7 Woodbridge St., South Hadley.
Home Body: Sat, 6:30 p.m.
Peskeomskut Park, Spirited synth spectacle. Special guest: RAW Impressions with Lou Barlow and Adelle Barlow. Rain date Aug. 13, Avenue A and 7th Street, Turners Falls.
Jacob’s Pillow presents Decidedly
Majestic Theater Summer 2023: Sat., 7:30 p.m. Majestic Theater presents Moondance, a Van Morrison tribute. For tickets, call the box office at 413-747-7797, $28, $26. 131 Elm St., West Springfield, 413747-7797 or majestictheater.com.
MGM Casino: See Thursday listing
Middlefield Fair: See Friday listing Musical Theater Intensive: See Friday listing
Off the Shelf Play Reading Series: Sat., 1 p.m. LAVA Center, “The Memorandum” by Vaclav Havel, $5-$10 suggested donation for each performance. 324 Main St., Greenfield.
P*ssy Sludge: See Friday listing
“School of Rock the Musical”: See Friday listing
Tanglewood 2023 Season: Sat., 8 p.m. Tanglewood, BSO: Susanna Mälkki conducts Mozart and Bartok featuring Seong-Jin Cho, piano, in the Shed. For tickets, visit tanglewood.org, $21-$87. 297 West St., Lenox, 888-266-1200.
West African Drumming Workshop: Sat., 2:30 p.m., Jones Library. Space is limited and registration is required. Visit the reference desk at the library or call 413-259-3096 for more information. 43 Amity St., Amherst, 413-256-3090 or joneslibrary.org.
The Assunta Feast: Sun., 10:30 a.m. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, the Mass and procession are free and open to everyone. The dinner is $35 per person with tickets available online at springfielditalians.com. Mass at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church is at 10:30 a.m., followed by procession at 11:30 a.m. with statue of Maria SS dell’Assunta, 4 p.m. Italian feast dinner at the Parish Center. 123 William St., Springfield.
Fall East Coast Gem & Mineral Show: See Friday listing
Flip Circus: See Thursday listing
Jacob’s Pillow presents Decidedly Jazz Danceworks: See Thursday listing
Jacob’s Pillow presents Complexions Contemporary Ballet: See Thursday listing
Lee Sundays in the Park Concert Series: Sun., Lee Common, Sundays in the Park Concert Series on Main Street, Lee.
Messages from Beyond/Psychic Q&A: Sun., 2 p.m., Majestic Theater presents Lisa Lanno, psychic medium and ghosthunter. Readings conducted wherever you
MGM Casino: See Thursday listing Middlefield Fair: See Friday listing Old Deerfield Sunday Afternoon Concert Series: Sun., 3 p.m. Memorial Hall Museum presents Liana Paniyeva, piano. $15 adults, $8 seniors and students. Tickets available at the door. 8 Memorial St., Deerfield, 413-774-3768, ext. 10, or deerfield-ma.org.
P*ssy Sludge: See Friday listing “School of Rock the Musical”: See Friday listing
Sevenars Concerts: Sun., 4 p.m. Sevenars Academy. Carol Wincenc, flutist, joins Joy Cline Phinney, pianist and Rebecca Young, violist, $20 suggested donation at the door. Ireland Street at Route 112, Worthington, 413-238-5854 or sevenars.org
Springfield Science Museum: “Molly of Denali: An Alaskan Adventure,” through Sept. 3. Explore Alaska by way of this interactive exhibit that brings the acclaimed PBS KIDS series “Molly of Denali” to life. Set in the fictitious rural Alaskan village of Qyah, the show follows the adventures of Molly Mabray, her family, friends, and dog Suki and is infused with Alaska Native values, history, traditions, and language. Permanent exhibit: State-of-the-art Zeiss Projector and updated International Space Station Exhibit. Summer Spectacular Activities: “Play, Explore and Create with Us,” through Aug. The Museums are open seven days a week for Summer Spectacular. Free with museum admission. For more information, visit springfieldmuseums.org.
Sat., 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sun., noon-4 p.m. Closed Mon. In the event of severe weather conditions, check Facebook or Instagram, or local TV Station 22 for closures. Admission: Children & adults $8; seniors (62+) $5; children under 1 and members are free. 444 Dwight St., Holyoke or childrensmuseumholyoke.org
Connecticut Trolley Museum: Open daily, except Mon., 10 a.m.-4 p.m. through Sept. 4. All summer long the museum will hold many activities. For more information visit cttrolley.org. Admission: $12 adults; $11 seniors; $11 youth; $9 for children ages 2-11; half off for members. Storytime Trolleys: Tue, Fri. at 11 a.m. through Sept. 4, featuring stories about the adventures of trolleys and trains. Included with paid admission. 58 North Road, East Windsor or cttrolley.org.
Stanley Park Sunday Night Concerts: Sun., 6-8 p.m., Stanley Park presents Bad News Blues Orchestra. In case of inclement weather, see Facebook. In the Beveridge Pavilion. 400 Western Ave., Westfield, 413-568-9312 or stanleypark.org.
Tanglewood 2023 Season: Sun., 2:30 p.m. Tanglewood, BSO: Andris Nelsons conducts Adolphe, Shostakovich, and Stravinsky featuring Yo-Yo Ma, cello, in the Shed. For tickets visit tanglewood.org, $30-$152. 297 West St., Lenox, 888-266-1200.
Dr. Seuss Sculpture Garden: Outdoor sculpture garden of larger-than-life bronze statues of Springfield native Dr. Seuss at his drawing board surrounded by some of his most beloved characters, including Horton the Elephant, the Grinch, the Lorax and others. Free on the green.
George Walter Vincent Smith
Art Museum: Permanent exhibit: “Ancient Treasures,” a display of artifacts from ancient China, Greece, Rome and Egypt.
Lyman and Merrie Wood Museum of Springfield History: “Big Games, Big Fun,” through Sept. 3. “The Grinch: A Car with a History,” through Nov. 1, 2023. “We Have a Story To Tell: Stories, Maps, and Relationship to Place,” through Sept. 3. Permanent exhibit: More than two dozen Indian motorcycles and related memorabilia.
Michele and Donald D’Amour Museum of Fine Arts: “Artifice: New Paintings” by Priya N. Green, through Dec. 31. “Nelson Stevens:
The Amazing World of Dr. Seuss Museum: Permanent Exhibit: First floor exhibition provides opportunities to explore new sounds and vocabulary, play rhyming games, invent stories, and engage in activities that encourage teamwork and creative thinking, with interactive three-dimensional exhibits. Second floor contains Geisel’s personal memorabilia. Timed tickets required. For reservations, visit springfieldmuseums.org.
Quadrangle admission - $25 for adults, $16.50 for seniors (60+) and college students with ID, $13 for children ages 3-17; free to children under age 3 and members, Springfield residents are free with proof of residency. Welcome Center and Museum store. Tues.-Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 11 a.m.-5 p.m.
Amelia Park Children’s Museum: Permanent exhibit: Hands-on activities and creative exhibits, including the Hurricane Simulator. Sign up online for a play session at ameliaparkmuseum.org. Hours: Mon., 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Thu.-Sun., 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Open for groups Tues. and Wed. $8 adults; $8 children (12 months and older); $4 grandparents/seniors (60+); military personnel and teachers receive a 10% discount off the price of regular admission; members and infants free. 29 South Broad St., Westfield or ameliaparkmuseum.org.
Amherst History Museum: Permanent exhibit features the museum’s collection of artworks and more. Open Sat. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. during the summer. 67 Amity St., Amherst Children’s Museum at Holyoke: Permanent exhibit includes the Wiggle and Wash/Vet Clinic, a toddler merry-go-round and a STEM-based cash register for kids. Hours: Tues.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m.;
Edith Wharton: The Mount: Open for the 2023 season. The Main House and bookstore are now open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., through Sept. 4. The grounds are free and open daily from dawn to dusk, unless otherwise posted. Special events may affect hours.
Admission: Adults $20; seniors (65+) $18; students with ID $13; children and teens 18 and under free; military with ID $10 discount, extends to one family member. 2 Plunkett St., Lenox or edithwharton.org.
Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art: “Eric Carle Loves Japan,” through Aug. 20, featuring never-before-seen photos of Carle’s visits to Japan over a 32-year period. “The Art & Storytelling of Claire A. Nivola,” through Nov. 5. Permanent exhibit: Gabrielle Healy Carroll Storytime Programs are held Tues. and Fri. 10:30 a.m.; Sat. 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m.; Sun. 2 p.m., free with admission. Museum hours: Weds.-Fri, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun, noon-5 p.m. $6, $9, $22.50 for a family of four, 125 West Bay Road, Amherst or carlemuseum.org.
Historic Northampton Museum and Education: Permanent exhibit. Tues.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat.-Sun. noon-4 p.m. $3 individuals, $6 families, 46 Bridge St., Northampton or historic-northampton.org
Holyoke Heritage State Park: Permanent exhibit: Preserving the history and culture of Holyoke through permanent exhibits on the paper and textile industry, featuring a scale model of Mountain Park. Visitors Center open daily noon-4 p.m. mass.gov/locations/holyoke-heritage-state-park. Free, 221 Appleton St., Holyoke or 413-5341723.
Josiah Day House: Permanent exhibit: Featuring guided tours, artifacts, furniture, clothing and documents from 1754-1902. Call