BLOGGING PROMPTS 1.Your take on a famous quote or saying 2. The Best Apps for _____ 3. A behind-the-scenes look at your creative process 4. Common misconceptions about your industry 5. Your top productivity tips 6. An alternative view or contreversial opinion 7. Where you find inspiration 8. What you wish you would’ve known when... 9. An interview with someone you admire 10. A monthly income + traffic report 11. Little Known Facts About _____ 12. A collection of your favorite resources 13. How you got started in your industry 14. Your goals for the upcoming month 15. Mistakes you’ve made and how you moved past them 16. Why _____ is important to you 17. Your current reading list 18. Key takeaways from a conference or workshop you attended 19. A review of a product you love 20. Answer a question people are always asking you 21. The Ultimate Guide to _____ 22. Your definition of success 23. Why you started your blog 24. The best and worst advice you’ve heard about ____ 25. Day in the life W W W. PAIN TE D S UM M E RS . COM