Charity water key facts

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UPDATED 4.7.15

We’re charity: water and we’re working to end the water crisis. WE’RE A NONPROFIT ON A MISSION TO BRING CLEAN AND SAFE DRINKING WATER TO PEOPLE IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. With the help of hundreds of thousands of generous supporters, we’ve funded more than 16,000 water projects in 24 countries, bringing clean water to 5.2 million people so far. And we’re just getting started.

WHAT MAKES US UNIQUE? 100% of all public donations directly fund water project costs, we prove every project we build using photos and GPS coordinates on Google Maps, and we work with strong local implementing partners to build and maintain projects.


If you want to change everything, start with one thing. Start with water. There are 748 million people on the planet

When a community gets clean water,

who don’t have access to life’s most basic

lots can change. It can improve health,

need. That’s right, 748 million human

decrease medical expenses, increase

beings—just like you and me—struggle to

equality, give girls more time in school,

find water every single day.

and give women the chance to grow food or earn income.

When people don’t have access to clean water, they drink disease-filled water

Why did we chose to focus on water?

instead. They don’t have a choice. And

Because we’re on a mission to change

how do they get it? They walk for it. Mostly,

everything. And we believe that changing

the job falls to women and children, who

everything starts with clean water.

might walk up to four hours a day to collect dirty water. That’s time they can’t spend caring for their families, earning income, or learning in school.

We’re working to end the water crisis, but we’re not working alone. We’ve worked with many incredible people and organizations over the years. These are just a few of them.


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