EVIPNetNews - Issue N 31 - Jun 2012

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June 2012 Issue 31 1. Highlights 2. Empirical studies 3. Editorial articles 4. Systematic reviews 5. Relevant publications 6. Events 7. Relevant tools & links

News from EVIPNet Members or Activities April 2012 - Finding Evidence Capacity Building Workshop, Cameroun, Yaoundé

Next EVIPNet Events Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 27 – 30 August 2012. Evidence-Informed Health Policymaking in Low and Middle-Income Countries: An International Forum

Experiences, methods and tools for research translation to policy

1 - HIGHLIGHTS EVIPNet EMRO - New evidence brief for policy on Promoting access to high quality primary health care services in Sudan New evidence brief for policy on Promoting access to high quality primary health care services in Sudan and the dialogue summary reports. The Federal Ministry of Health has started the process of implementation of the policy options and most of the report suggestions have been translated in the national health sector plan and other relevant projects. EVIPNet Chile – New evidence brief for policy Financing options for the treatment of rare diseases in Chile The problem of financing orphan drugs for rare diseases concerns affected individuals and health systems alike. In fact, international agencies such as WHO/PAHO regard that access to essential medicines must be guaranteed by countries, including high-cost essential drugs, since they cause a significant financial impact on households and make them susceptible to falling into or remaining in poverty. Rare diseases have generated interest for a long time. Although these diseases are not specific to high income countries, because of obvious socioeconomic reasons initiatives to meet the needs of people with rare diseases have grown mostly in these countries. The problems in addressing these diseases in low and middle income countries are mainly related to their high cost of treatment. 2 - EMPIRICAL STUDIES

HIFA-EVIPNet-French brings together stakeholders to explore the information needs of policymakers and how these needs can be addressed more effectively, thereby improving the policymaking process and its

Research, evidence and policymaking: the perspectives of policy actors on improving uptake of evidence in health policy development and implementation in Uganda Orem, J.N., Mafigiri, D.K., Marchal, B., Ssengooba, F., Macq, J., Criel, B., (2012). Research, evidence and policymaking: the perspectives of policy actors on improving

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