August 2012 Issue 32 1. Highlights 2. Review Articles 3. Editorial articles 4. Systematic reviews 5. Relevant publications 6. Events 7. Relevant tools & links
News from EVIPNet Members or Activities July 2012 - Council of Ministers of Health from Central America and Dominican Republic (COMISCA) and VI Biennial meeting of NeTropica
Next EVIPNet Events Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 27 – 30 August 2012. Evidence-Informed Health Policymaking in Low and Middle-Income Countries: An International Forum
Experiences, methods and tools for research translation to policy
1 - HIGHLIGHTS New evidence briefs for policy by EVIPNet Country teams New evidence briefs for policy - EVIPNet Burkina Faso New evidence briefs for policy on strategies for sustainable universal health coverage for Burkina Faso and strategies to improve budget allocations for health
Strategies for sustainable universal health coverage in Burkina Faso - Full report in French Strategies for sustainable universal health coverage in Burkina Faso - Policy dialogue report in French Stratégies d’amélioration des allocations budgétaires pour la santé au Burkina Faso - Full report in French Stratégies d’amélioration des allocations budgétaires pour la santé au Burkina Faso - Policy dialogue report in French
Piripiri Evidence Centre - Municipal health services Based on the experience of EVIPNet, the Municipal Health Secretary created the Piripiri Evidence Centre (municipal EVIPNet team) linked to EVIPNet Brazil with the mission of promoting: universal access to information sources through digital inclusion in health; the use of health research evidence locally to improve the decision-making process; and the exchange among managers, health professionals and other stakeholders. The Piripiri Evidence Centre produced two new evidence briefs for policy.
HIFA-EVIPNet-French brings together stakeholders to explore the information needs of policymakers and how these needs can be addressed more effectively, thereby improving the policymaking process and its impact on public health. HIFAEVIPNet-French will focus on French-speaking African countries. Join HIFA-EVIPNet-Fr To join, please email your name, job title, organisation, country of residence, and brief description of professional interests to:
The Prevention and Control of Dengue Fever in Urban Areas Physical activity and prevention/control of arterial hypertension in primary healthcare
From efficacy to equity: Literature review of decision criteria for resource allocation and healthcare decision making Guindo, A, L., Wagner, M., Baltussen, R., Rindress, D., van Til. J., Kind,P., Goetghebeur, M, M., (2012). From efficacy to equity: Literature review of decision criteria for resource allocation and healthcare decision making, Cost Effectiveness