Research Inventy: International Journal Of Engineering And Science Issn: 2278-4721, Vol. 2, Issue 6 (March 2013), Pp 06-10 Www.Researchinventy.Com
Zero-Free Regions for Polynomials With Restricted Coefficients M. H. Gulzar Department of Mathematics University of Kashmir, Srinagar 190006
Abstract : According to a famous result of Enestrom and Kakeya, if
P( z) a n z n a n1 z n1 ...... a1 z a0 is a polynomial of degree n such that
0 a n a n1 ...... a1 a0 , then P(z) does not vanish in z 1 . In this paper we relax the hypothesis of this result in several ways and obtain zero-free regions for polynomials with restricted coefficients and thereby present some interesting generalizations and extensions of the Enestrom-Kakeya Theorem. Mathematics Subject Classification:
Key-Words and Phrases: Zero-free regions, Bounds, Polynomials 1. Introduction And Statement Of Results The following elegant result on the distribution of zeros of a polynomial is due to Enestrom and Kakeya [6] : Theorem A : If P( z )
a j 0
z j is a polynomial of degree n such that
a n a n1 ...... a1 a0 0 , then P(z) has all its zeros in z 1 . n
1 z
Applying the above result to the polynomial z P( ) , we get the following result : Theorem B : If P( z )
a j 0
z j is a polynomial of degree n such that
0 a n a n1 ...... a1 a0 , then P(z) does not vanish in z 1 . In the literature [1-5, 7,8], there exist several extensions and generalizations of the Enestrom-Kakeya Theorem . Recently B. A. Zargar [9] proved the following results: Theorem C: Let P( z )
a j 0
z j be a polynomial of degree n . If for some real number k 1 ,
0 a n a n1 ...... a1 ka0 , then P(z) does not vanish in the disk z
1 . 2k 1
Theorem D: Let P( z ) a j z j be a polynomial of degree n . If for some real number j 0
0 a n a n1 ...... a1 a0 , then P(z) does not vanish in the disk
,0 a n ,