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Research Inventy: International Journal Of Engineering And Science Vol.2, Issue11 (April 2013), Pp 20-25 Issn(e): 2278-4721, Issn(p):2319-6483, Www.Researchinventy.Com

Estimation of Noise Reduction by Different Vegetation Type as a Noise Barrier : A Survey in Highway along Waru – Sidoarjo in East Java, Indonesia 1,

Utamiretnopudjowati , 2,B. Yanuwiyadi , 3,R. Sulistiono , 4,Suyadi , 5, Y.Matsumoto, 6,T.Inoue

University of Brawijaya, Graduate School, Interdisciplinary Ph.D Program in Environment and Development, Malang, East Java, Indonesia Toyohashi University of Technology, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Toyohashi, Japan c Polytechnics State of Malang, Civil Engineering, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

Abstract: Noise pollution has become a common problem in bigcities. Most of the noisegenerated the sounds of transportation and everything in the air. All of these noises on the highways impact to the increasing intensity of noise pollution. The research objective was to estimate the noise reduction using vegetation as a noise barrier in the highway along Waru - Sidoarjo. The present study was conducted on the highway alongWaru - Sidoarjo with existing vegetation at the side of the highway. A series of SLM(Sound Level Meter) was arranged at various distances from the highway, in the presence of vegetation, while another series was arranged in the absence of vegetation over the vegetation, the other series as control of those was placed without vegetation. Vegetation types used as samples wereSamaneasaman,Pterocarpusindicus,Tectonagrandis and Pithecellobiumdulce.From the measurement, noise reduction could be made created equal for each of the vegetation, so that estimation of noise reduction could be generated for specific distances. Theresult showed thatPithecolelobiumdulce havethe highest noise reductioneffectivity(P < 0.01) of 10.12% at 20 m distance.Noise was reduced when the location of the listener was away from the noise source and the noise reduction equation for this vegetation was y = 2.67 ln (x) + 2.18 with coefficient determination (R 2) = 0.92.It was suggested that the settlement should be built more than 20 m away from the highway.

Keywords : noise; noise barrier; vegetation diversity; highway; settlement I.


Noise is unwanted sound, allowing sound to interrupt the conversation, or cause pain, as well as the convenience of living activities impede the environment. Nowadays the noise has become a problem for many people. Noise sources can be producedby transportation, such as buses, trains, airplanes, cars, and motorcycles (Yuliarti, 2002). Noise above 55 dB is considered to get attention because disturbing the comfort of hearing. The noise between 65-80 dB can cause damage to the hearing function when the contact occurred in a long time (Buchari, 2007). In addition can cause deafness, noise can also affect a person's mental health, such as stress or tension. If the tension of the soul cannot be resolved then further impact is declining physical health. The need for housing developments encourage developers to build housing, in areas that have high noise levels, such as in the area around the highway. The land around the highway are quite sought after because of relatively broad, relatively land price and not too far from center of the city. Trend of the increasing number of motor vehicles on highways have an impact of the rising intensity of noise pollution in the form of noise for environment around the road. According to previous research, the level of noise caused by traffic on Highway WaruSidoarjo – in 2001 ranged from 65-80 dB. The settlement is located about 20 meters from the highway has also been subjected to noise nuisance caused by the sound of a vehicle through the streets. Due to the large number of pass highway motorists who drove at high speed, it will increase the intensity of the noise pollution. The increase number of vehicles on the highways impact increasing intensity of noise in the form of noise pollution for the environment around the road. According to previous studies, the level of noise due to traffic on the toll road Waru – Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia in 2001 ranged between 63-80 dB (Setiawan, 2001). Settlements located around 20 meters from the highway are plagued by noise due to the sound of vehicles through road. Because of the highwaytraversed a large number of vehicles at high speed, it will increase the intensity of noise pollution.


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