International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Technology
ISSN 2348-7593 (Online) Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp: (13-22), Month: October 2016 - March 2017, Available at:
A study on Methods of Damping in Sports Equipments Suhas N1, Srikrishna Y B2 1,2
Students Department of Mechanical Engineering, Global Academy of Technology, Bengaluru, India
Abstract: This study focuses on the need for vibration damping in various sports that include hand held equipment and deals with Impact loads (Tennis, Golf, Cricket, Pole Vault, and Badminton). Sports in these days draw huge crowd in turn huge money and the perspective has changed from hobby to profession. Many professional sports are highly competitive where millions of dollars depend on reactions in one-tenth of a second or a centimeter variation. To provide a player with this kind of precision, the equipment they use must react as per the instincts of the player without causing him/her discomfort. This is where damping technology plays a major role. This study also sheds light on different methods of vibration damping and how such a method was inculcated into the field of sports. Keywords: Sports, Vibrations, shocks, Damping.
Modern sports is an ever developing field. As Science and Technology has been making an impact over field of sports, competition between players is rising everyday. Sports is now a Billion dollar Industry that banks millions of dollars of investment over results that occur in a fraction of a second or a centimeter’s variation[1]. Earlier sports was a hobby, recreation and localized to a region. As they gained popularity, the players needed more from their equipment that the traditional designs could not provide. Equipments were designed to react as per the instincts of the player without causing him/her discomfort. The bats were made lighter, their operation were better understood, and better designs gave better performance ranges. The advancement in reducing the weight of the bat, made the vibrations and shocks that the bats transmitted became unpleasant[2]. This is where damping technology plays a major role. Since many close contact sports deal with impact loads that act in less than a second, and the player can only deflect a fast moving object’s path to his desired direction. In early days of sports, all hand held equipment were made using wood, which limited the operating parameters of the equipment. It was bulky, difficult to operate and limited the versatility of the player. Without any knowledge about vibration damping the players faced a lot of difficulty in handling the ball, with an high chance of injuring the player[2]. With rapid advancement in material science, application of composite materials brought the games into a competitive sphere. Composite materials and light weight metals largely decreases the weight of the equipment and helps the sportsman to perform better. Lighter equipment are more responsive and have increased durability when compared to traditional wooden equipment. But with the added advantage of weight reduction, there was the issue of huge vibrations and shocks the players to endure which made it really difficult to perform with the desired accuracy. The primary property that a material must possess to become a good damper is viscoelasticity. It is a property in materials where the materials exhibit elastic and viscous characteristics when they are undergoing deformation. Shape memory alloys(SMA’s) also act as dampers. The body defects such as dislocations, phase boundaries defect and grain boundaries act as energy absorbing elements. The slip between boundaries of phase and grains do provide some degree of movement thus absorbing energy making it a damping property. Advancements in composite materials and nanotechnology has made improvements in damping hand held equipment from simple elastic coverings to complex filler materials [2] which will be dealt in detail further. Now it is established that damping is a necessity for the better performance and
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