Behavior Organizational Citizenship Moderating The Effect Of Emotional Intelligence And Organizati

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Behavior Organizational Citizenship Moderating The Effect Of Emotional IntelligenceAnd Organizational Commitments On Employee Performance

Abstract: The challenges of the banking world in recent years have been quite heavy, both in terms of competition with the bank's financial services business and non-bank financial services. Thus, it is very important for banking companies to have competent and high-performing employees in carrying out tasks assigned by companies. This study aims to determine the effect of emotional intelligence and organizational commitment on employee performance with organizational citizenship behavior as a mediating variable. The study was conducted at PT. Bank XYZ in the Sarbagita area of Customer Services and Teller divisions with a sample of 243 people. The sampling technique in this study uses probability sampling and data analysis techniques are used Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that emotional intelligence had a significant positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Emotional intelligence has a positive but not significant effect on employee performance. Organizational commitment has no significant positive effect on employee performance. Organizational citizenship behavior has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Organizational citizenship behavior has a role as a partial mediation between partial emotional intelligence variables on employee performance. Organizational citizenship behavior has a role as a partial mediation or partial mediation between organizational commitment variables on employee performance.

Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), Employee Performance.


The challenges in the banking sector in recent years have been quite heavy, both in terms of competition with bank financial services and non-bank financial services. Competition that occurs due to almost uniform products and services between financial institutions. In this competition, the success of a banking company in achieving its goals is inseparable from the role of employees in carrying out tasks. Thus, it is very important for banking companies to have competent and high-performing employees in carrying out tasks assigned by the company.

PT. Bank XYZ tries to boost the company's performance through excellent products and operations where all of these things require reliable human resources in its performance. Frontliner, which is the vanguard of the banking industry, is one of the keys to the company's success in serving customers. Quality of service (service performance) from the front liner is an important attribute in the banking industry, in addition to security issues and transaction certainty. Quality service is certainly not only limited to a friendly smile from a teller or customer service officer, but more than that. PT. Bank XYZ has a commitment in developing the skills and competencies of all its employees starting from the central, regional level to the main branch and sub-branch level.

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp: (718-726), Month: October 2019 - March 2020, Available at: Page | 718 Research Publish Journals
Ninis Novitasari1, Desak Ketut Sintaasih2 1,2Faculty of Economics and Business 1,2Udayana University, Denpasar, Indonesia

PT. Bank XYZ has a value system that is adhered to by all levels of employees, namely:

1) Customer Focus, which is attention or concern followed by efforts to provide services to specifically meet customer expectations and / or needs. 2) Integrity, that is, a firm attitude in upholding honesty and openness, which is followed by consistent and consistent actions on roles or tasks in various situations and conditions to build customer trust.

3) Teamwork, that is, interactions and synergies based on understanding oneself and others to achieve organizational goals.

4) Trying to Achieve the Best (Continuous Pursuit of Excellence), that is, continuing efforts to achieve the best in order to provide added value for customers.

All things done by PT. Bank XYZ above made PT. Bank XYZ in the Sarbagita region must also make changes to the work process, where it requires to improve the competency of each employee quickly so that they can follow the changes that occur and can be in accordance with the changing times and technology both needed to complete the work while in office or when outside the office, it is intended that the purpose of PT. Bank XYZ in the Sarbagita region can be realized in accordance with the targets that have been set.

In fact, in an effort to improve frontliner performance, PT. Bank XYZ in the Sarbagita region still found several obstacles that had an impact on branch performance. There are still many customers who complain about the performance of frontliners, both CSO (Customer Service Officer) and Tellers. Many customers complained about their dissatisfaction with the services provided such as the attitude of frontliners who were too ignorant, did not pay attention to the needs of customers, seemed to lack knowledge in providing services and even customers also complained of employee discipline. Opinions - opinions of customers like this will of course have a bad impact on the front liner and also the good name of PT. XYZ Bank.

The results of interviews conducted on 12 people frontline PT. Bank XYZ in several Sarbagita regions, related to the indications of a decline in frontliner performance shows that emotional intelligence, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior can be influential. A summary of the complete information is presented in Appendix1. The data shows an indication that emotional intelligence, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior affect the performance of PT. XYZ Bank in the Sarbagita region. Based on the intensity of the incident, there are still many frontliners who arrive late, discussing colleagues who tend to have an inconvenience at work, lack of focus at work because they cannot control their emotions and often bring problems outside of work, seem indifferent and do not care about colleagues or customers, even some fronliner claimed to work just modestly this shows the lack of frontliner commitment to the company.

Employee performance is certainly not only seen from the ability to work perfectly, but also the ability to master and manage themselves, and the ability to build relationships with others [7]. Research by [5] which shows that finding the right person in an organization is not easy, because what is needed is not only better educated people or talented people. However, there are psychological factors that underlie the relationship between a person and his organization. These psychological factors affect a person's ability in the organization, including the ability to manage themselves, initiative, optimism, organizing emotions in themselves, and do calm thinking without being carried away.

Reference [14] calls this ability Emotional Intelligence or emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence accounts for 80% of the critical success factors of a person, while the other 20% is determined by IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Research by [9], [28], also states that emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Reference [7] states that people who have emotional intelligence will be able to face challenges and make a human being full of responsibility, productive, and optimistic in facing and solving problems, where these things are needed in the work environment

Employee performance is good, because there is a great sense of responsibility in it. The variable of organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior is interesting to be investigated because currently the organization really needs loyal and highly committed employees to be able to survive and develop, especially in the banking sector where there are currently many changes in the use of technology in carrying out operations and in providing services to its customers. Reference [48] state that organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on employee performance. In line with the results of [4] research, organizational commitment has a significant impact on employee performance, but organizational commitment does not significantly influence employee performance through organizational citizenship behavior. Reference [40] found that organizations with higher levels of employee involvement outperformed their competitors in terms of profitability.

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp: (718-726), Month: October 2019 - March 2020, Available at: Page | 719 Research Publish Journals

Employees who have good organizational citizenship behavior will greatly help the company in achieving its goals [41] Reference [34] defines organizational citizenship behavior as voluntary behavior, behavior exceeds the demands of tasks that contribute to organizational success. Organizational citizenship behavior is a behavior that is consciously and voluntarily carried out outside the formal job description and even if it is not done it will not get sanctions. Organizational citizenship behavior of employees is thought to be able to improve employee performance. Organ et al (2006), increased organizational citizenship behavior is influenced by two main factors namely internal factors (job satisfaction, commitment, personality, employee morale, motivation, etc.) and external factors (leadership style, trust in leaders, organizational culture and others so).

It is necessary to conduct a research related to emotional intelligence and organizational commitment at PT. Bank XYZ, in the Sarbagita region which further affects organizational citizenship behavior where organizational citizenship behavior mediates emotional intelligence and organizational commitment at PT. Bank XYZ in the Sarbagita region can affect frontliner performance.


H1: Emotional intelligence has positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behaviour.

H2: Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior.

H3: Emotional intelligence has positive and significant effect on employee performance

H4: Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

H5: Organizational citizenship behavior has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

H6: Emotional intelligence has a positive effect on employee performance by mediating organizational citizenship behaviour.

H7: Organizational commitment has a positive effect on employee performance by mediating organizational citizenship behavior.


The design in this study is an associative causality relationship that is useful for measuring the relationship between research variables or analyzing how a variable influences other variables. The data in this study were collected ex post facto. The data collection technique used is the survey method, with a closed questionnaire tool. The research data will be analyzed and processed with SEM (Structural Equation Model) analysis tools with PLS (Path Least Square). The data analyzed and processed are primary data obtained from the questionnaire answers to measure all variables. The location of the study was conducted at PT. Bank XYZ in the areas of Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar, and Tabanan (Sarbagita). The population in this study were frontline employees of PT Bank XYZ in the Sarbagita area, as many as 243 people, the number of samples taken was 59 for Customer Officers and 92 people for Tellers. The total sample in this study was 151 people.


The significance of the estimated parameters provides very useful information about the relationship between the research variables. The basis used in testing hypotheses is the value contained in the output pathcoeficients that are presented in Table 1.

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International Journal of Management and Commerce
ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp: (718-726), Month: October 2019 - March 2020, Available at:
Path Coefficient t-statistic P Values Explanation Emotional Intellegence -> OCB 0.354 3.198 0.001 Significant Organizational commitment -> OCB 0.484 4.161 0.000 Significant Emotional Intellegence -> Employee performance 0.088 1.720 0.086 Not Significant Organizational commitment -> employee performance 0.140 1.432 0.153 Not Significant OCB -> Employee performance 0.672 8.168 0.000 Significant

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp: (718-726), Month: October 2019 - March 2020, Available at:

Hypothesis testing is done by using t-statistics and looking at p-values. If p value <0.05, the hypothesis is accepted. The results of testing the indirect effect can be presented in Table 2.


The criteria for assessing mediation effects are based on VAF values. If the VAF value> 80% mediation variable is full mediation, if ≤ 20% VAF ≤ 80%, the mediation variable is partial mediation and if <20% then the mediating variable is not as a mediator.

A. The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on OCB

Hypothesis test results indicate that emotional intelligence has a significant positive effect on OCB. The higher the emotional intelligence, the higher the OCB in the company. Employees always take advantage of opportunities given by the company as well as possible, do not easily give up when facing failure, have a commitment to the company, and have the motivation to be better. In addition, employees can also understand the factors that influence their emotions, and can control their emotions in any situation. This causes the desire of employees to be OCB also higher.

Emotional intelligence is related to directing one's actions in personal and social life. If an employee has a high social life, awareness to participate in the context of caring will also be high. Reference [5] who show that finding the right person in an organization is not easy, because what is needed is not only better educated people or talented people. However, there are psychological factors that underlie the relationship between a person and his organization.

This result is supported by research conducted by [9] which states that emotional intelligence has a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior, and in line with [25] research, states that emotional intelligence has a significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior.

B. The Effect of Organizational Commitment on OCB

Hypothesis test results indicate that organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on OCB. The higher organizational commitment, the higher OCB in the company. Organizational commitment is an attitude that reflects

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Variables Direct Effect Coefficient T Statistic (|O/STDEV|) Emotional Intellegence -> OCB 0.354 3.198 Organizational commitment -> OCB 0.484 4.161 Emotional Intellegence -> Employee performance 0.088 1.720 Organizational commitment -> Employee performance 0.140 1.432 OCB -> Employee performance 0.672 8.168 Variables Indirect Effect Emotional Intellegence -> OCB -> Employee performance 0,238 2,923 Organizational commitment ->OCB ->Kin Employee performance 0.325 3.957 Variables Total Effect Emotional Intellegence -> OCB 0.354 3.198 Organizational commitment -> OCB 0.484 4.161 Emotional Intellegence -> Employee performance 0.326 4.643 Organizational commitment -> Employee performance 0.465 1.432 OCB -> Employee performance 0.672 8.168 VAF -> Indirect Effect / Total Effect (0.238/0.326) 0,730 VAF -> Indirect Effect / Total Effect (0.325/0.465) 0,699

employee loyalty to the organization and the ongoing process by which members of the organization express their concern for the organization and continued success and progress. In this study employees' attachment and concern for the company is very supportive for employees to behave voluntarily and sincerely in completing work, including helping colleagues who need help without expecting anything in return.

Reference [40] found that organizations with higher levels of employee involvement outperformed their competitors in terms of profitability. However, [48] study shows that organizational commitment has a significant negative relationship to organizational citizenship behavior. [4] show that organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior among lecturers in Makassar. Reference [6] also showed in his research on employees of multinational companies in Korea that organizational commitment had a significant positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior.

C. The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Employee Performance

Hypothesis test results indicate that emotional intelligence has a positive but not significant effect on employee performance, the high level of emotional intelligence of employees does not affect the good or bad performance of employees.

The results of this study are supported by [27], which states that there is no influence between emotional intelligence on performance. That is, whatever the value of emotional intelligence will not affect the high or low performance. In line with [18] states that emotional intelligence has a negative and not significant effect on employee performance. Lack of self-awareness in managing emotions so that they are less able to understand themselves and understand others and have an impact on employee performance

Reference [23], stated that emotional intelligence had a significant positive effect on employee performance. Reference [10], where research conducted on retail company employees in the Caribbean islands shows that emotional intelligence has a significant positive effect on employee performance. Employee performance is certainly not only seen from the ability to work perfectly, but also the ability to master and manage themselves, as well as the ability in fostering relationships with other [12] Reference [14] refers to this ability as Emotional Intelligence or emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence accounts for 80% of the critical success factors of a person, while the other 20% is determined by IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Research by [9] and [28], also states that emotional intelligence has a significant positive effect on employee performance.

D. The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Employee Performance

Hypothesis test results show that organizational commitment has a positive but not significant effect on employee performance, so the high level of organizational commitment does not affect the performance of employees.

This research is supported by research conducted by [47] which shows that organizational commitment does not have a significant positive effect on the performance of mass media employees in Oyo State. This is in line with research by [6] showing that organizational commitment does not have a significant positive effect on the performance of employees of multinational companies in Korea. Employees who have a high commitment to the company tend to show good quality, more totality in work and turnover rates for the company are also low [3]. Reference [48] state that organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on employee performance. In line with the results of [41] research also shows that organizational commitment has a significant impact on employee performance. Reference [40] found that organizations with higher levels of employee involvement outperformed their competitors in terms of profitability.


The Effect of OCB on Employee Performance

Hypothesis test results indicate that OCB has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The higher the OCB of a company, the better the performance of employees. Reference [20], organizational citizenship behavior is valuable to companies and although it is often not detected by reward systems, there is evidence that individuals who show organizational citizenship behavior perform better and receive higher performance evaluations. So if employees who have high organizational citizenship behavior at the company can often encourage better performance evaluation. According to [39], the facts show that organizations that have employees who have good organizational citizenship behavior, will have better performance.

The results of this study are in line with [48] showing in his research that employees who have good organizational citizenship behavior will greatly help the company in achieving its goals. Reference [11], [16] show that organizational

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp: (718-726), Month: October 2019 - March 2020, Available at: Page | 722 Research Publish Journals

citizenship behavior has a significant positive effect on employee performance. However, [18] showed that organizational citizenship behavior had a significant positive effect on lecturer performance in Makassar.

F. The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Employee Performance Through Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Hypothesis test results indicate that the OCB variable has a role as a partial mediation between the variables of emotional intelligence on employee performance. This means that when someone has a high emotional intelligence, the OCB is higher in themselves which will improve the performance of the employee.

Employee performance is certainly not only seen from the ability to work perfectly, but also the ability to master and manage themselves, and the ability to foster relationships with others.[14] refers to this ability as Emotional Intelligence or emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence accounts for 80% of the critical success factors of a person, while the other 20% is determined by IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Research by [9], [28], also states that emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

Research by [10] shows that organizational citizenship behavior can mediate the relationship of emotional intelligence and employee performance. In contrast to the research of [23] shows organizational citizenship behavior cannot mediate the relationship of emotional intelligence to employee performance.

G. The Effect of Organizational

Commitment on Employee Performance Through Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Hypothesis test results indicate that the OCB variable has a role as a partial mediation between variables of organizational commitment to employee performance. This means that when someone has a high organizational commitment, the OCB is higher in themselves which will improve the performance of the employee.

The strong commitment of employees in the company also determines how the nature and behavior of these employees while in the company. Reference [48] state that organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on employee performance. In line with the results of [41] research also shows that organizational commitment has a significant positive impact on employee performance.


Based on the analysis and discussion that has been stated, it can be concluded that emotional intelligence has a positive and significant effect on OCB. This means that the better the emotional intelligence, the better OCB possessed by employees. Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on OCB. This means that the better organizational commitment, the better OCB owned by employees. Emotional intelligence does not have a significant positive effect on employee performance. This means that the good or bad emotional intelligence does not affect the good or bad performance of employees. Organizational commitment has no significant positive effect on employee performance. This means that good or bad organizational commitment does not affect the good or bad performance of employees. OCB has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. This means that the better OCB of a company, the better the performance of employees. OCB has a role as a partial mediation between the variables of emotional intelligence on employee performance. This means that when a person has good emotional intelligence, the OCB is better and better in itself which will improve the performance of the employee. OCB has the role of partial mediation between organizational commitment variables and employee performance. This means that when a person has a good organizational commitment, the OCB that is in himself the better that will improve the performance of the employee.

The results obtained from the distribution of questionnaires revealed that the awareness of the ability to work for employees is still low. The company is expected to be able to provide rewards for what has been done so that employees feel valued and aware of their work abilities and are increasingly satisfied with their work. In connection with organizational commitment, employees feel that the company does not yet have meaning in individual employees. This condition is related to affective commitment. It is expected that the company is able to grow its own meaning in each individual so that employees always agree and agree with the goals set by the company. When employees feel the company is meaningful in their personality, organizational commitment is high and will improve their performance. In organizational citizenship behavior the sense of working earnestly towards the tasks given by superiors is still low, it is hoped that companies always monitor the attitudes of their employees towards the work they do. If the employee's OCB is high, even if a job is outside its responsibilities, the work given will be done in earnest. This condition will have a positive

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp: (718-726), Month: October 2019 - March 2020, Available at: Page | 723 Research Publish Journals

International Journal of Management and Commerce Innovations ISSN 2348-7585 (Online) Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp: (718-726), Month: October 2019 - March 2020, Available at:

impact such as progress and benefits for the organization. Employee adaptation in the work environment is still low in terms of employee performance. The company is expected to be able to create a more comfortable work atmosphere so that they adapt more quickly. When employees feel comfortable the employee's performance will be much more improved than when employees find it difficult to adapt.


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