PARTICIPATION RULES IN THE 11th FIRA DE MÚSICA AL CARRER DE VILA-SECA 2009 With your inscription in the 11th edition of the Street Music Fair of Vila-seca you will not only have the possibility to act in the Fair. Inscribing your proposal will give you a virtual space in the Virtual Platform of the Fair.
1. The 11th edition of the Fira de Música al Carrer de Vila-seca (Vila-seca’s Street Music Fair) will be going on the 7th, 8th and 9th of May of 2010. The Fair will be placed in Vila-seca, Tarragona.
2. If you want to be able to participate in this year edition of the Fair you have to make the inscription between the 26th of November of 2008 and the 18th of December of 2008 (inclusive). If you register your proposal after this period you will be able to enjoy equally the web site space in the Virtual Platform of the Fair.
3. The Fair is a non remunerated artistic collaboration event. The organization will take care of the following expenses: transportation expenses (0'19 €/km per vehicle) and meal expenses (40 € per person/day). If the band or artist is coming with more than one vehicle, the organization will increase the budget. It will be considered specially and different in each of the cases presented.
4. All musicians have to bring their own instruments (the organization will put a drums set in each stage and piano if the technical rider of the band needs it)
5. The organization will decide and set the sound and light equipment for each stage of the fair.
6. All participants do have to respect the place and showtime decided for their performance by the organization.
7. The selection of proposals that will finally enter in this year edition will be based in an equation where quality, style and creative emergency are the main subjects for the final criteria.
8. The selected proposals will be communicated by the organization (in all cases). 9. All the selected bands or artists will authorize the organization to use the bands / artist photographs and personal information for the following purposes related with the communication of the Fair: bands catalogue, website, press communication...
10. The organization will not consider the artist proposals if we haven’t received the following necessary materials (these concepts are demanded in the website’s inscription procedure): mp3, photography, rider, promotional text, contact information and availability during the days of the Fair.
11. The organization can resolve, if it is its decision or necessary, any situation not included or planned in the conditions expressed in this document.