Pulse on Property Ep.7 Feb 2023 Slides

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Property Industry Insightintothe Market

Rents Rising- Is Ita PerfectStorm?

Is2023 a GoodYearto Investin Property?

Whatismeant bythetermpropertygrowth?

Property Industry Insight into the Market

Property Industry Insightintothe Market,thesmallesteverincreasefromJanuaryto February.

TomBill, HeadofUKresidentialresearchatKnight Frankcommented: 11 Buyersandsellersswitchedoffearlyfortheholidays"..buthavecomebacksurprisinglystrongly in2023."

MattThompson, Chestertons' headofsales,said: ..Thismonth,wehavesofarseena17% upliftin viewingsand14%decreaseinwithdrawals.

SebastianVerity,headofresearchatChestertons,added: "lesschoicemeansmorecompetitionandthisinturnseems tobehelpingtosupportprices."

Rents Rising - Is It a Perfect Storm?

Hasthe Government createdanightmare fortenantsinactuallytryingtohelptenants

Spirallinglandlord costs, newlegislation &obligationsequates tolandlordssellingor givingupwhichequatestoareduced supplyinturnleadingtoincreaseddemand causingrentstoincrease

The Governmentneedstostop lookingat legislationtohelp rentersbuttostarthelping thesupplychain

Eight out of 10 landlords still see residential property as the best form of investment, according to the Leaders Roman Group (LRG) and added:

11The housing crisis cannot be resolved by penalising the already stretched private rented sector."


What ismeant bythetermproperty growth?

Whatarethefactorsthatwouldindicateanareaisabouttogrowin value?

Istherearighttimeto 11getin"and II getout"?

Whataretheadvantageswithtakinga 11punt"onanarea?

Whatsignsshould Ilook forinalocation?

Whatarethekeyindicatorsinamarket-forexample, should Ilook ataskingpricesgoinguporsellingprices?

Howcan Icheckifanareaisoversaturated?

Whatdoesthe 11 probablyt

Relevant points of discussion:

Salford should actually be defined over 10 years as that is when the BBC moved in - average sales price then was £110,000 which would equate to a 213% growth on sales price now

How Cities follow the same pattern - The Northern Quarter trend started about 7 years ago

Miles Platting the latestwith the latest massive regeneration programme

Manchester is a perfect example of how when one area comes to prominence then the others suffer - that does not mean there is not a wrong time to buy

With Leeds - the massive interest and appetitie for a place out of the City has now usuroed the City itself making the City more attractive now than than the regeneration area from a price and investment perspective

Postcode Location Ave ask AveSold Asking 1year 3year Price (23) price(23) price5yrs growth growth Cities with differing regeneration schemes ago M3 Salford £245,000.00 £237,374.00 £225,950.00 -8% M4 Northern Quarter £289,000.00 £235,000.00 £202,300.00 -9% M40 Miles Platting £197,000.00 £163,000.00 £61,070.00 14% LS1 Leeds City Centre £176,000.00 £192,909.00 £172,480.00 -1% LS10 Hunslet -Southside £185,000.00 £158,000.00 £122,100.00 8%
4% 8% 37% -5% 21%
Syear growth 9% 30% 69% 2% 34% Bought Syears ago profit ifsold now 5.06% 16.16% 166.91% 11.84% 29.40% Buying now versus selling now -3.11% -18.69% -17.26% 9.61% -14.59%



Profitselling -why?

Onthefaceof ittheyareareaswherethe numbers wouldnotsuggestinvestingforgrowth. Thesuggestionandbasedonpatternsisthat Lutonand Digbethmaybeabouttoslipintothe negative, butwhataboutAberdeenand Leeds City Centre?

Postcode Location Ave ask Ave Sold Asking 1 year Price (23) price (23) price 5 yrs growth Areas where you can buy and sell for more based on average figures ago AB10 Aberdeen £126,000.00 £142,000.00 £134,000.00 -3% LS1 Leeds City Centre £176,000.00 £192,909.00 £172,480.00 -1% LU1 Luton £260,260.00 £265,000.00 £138,000.00 -4% 85 Oigbeth £210,000.00 £220,000.00 £147,000.00 -8%
-6% -6% 5.97% 12.70% -5% 2% 11.84% 10% 47% 92.03% 5% 30% 49.66%
3year Syear Bought Syears ago Buying now growth growth profitifsold now versussellingnow

Relevant points of discussion:

Why are these areas of interest?

What are the plans for some of these areas?

Why would the momentum change and what is the reasoning behnd the change - using examples of the likes of the regenration areas.

Is theresomething to be said about consistency?

Postcode Location Ave ask Ave Sold Asking 1 year 3year Price (23) price (23) price 5 yrs growth growth Areas of interest to us based on the figures ago AB10 Aberdeen £126,000.00 £142,000.00 £134,000.00 -3% -6% LS1 Leeds City Centre £176,000.00 £192,909.00 £172,480.00 -1% -5% LU1 Wrexham £193,000.00 £171,000.00 £191,000.00 -9% 4% B5 Derby £161,000.00 £153,000.00 £106,260.00 8% 12%
Residential Estates
growth profitifsold now versusselling
-6% 5.97% 12.70% 2% 11.84% 9.61% 1% -10.47% -11.40% 34% 43.99% -4.97% Please feel free to ask questions
Syear Bought Syears ago Buyingnow
Thank you for watching. For more information on property investment, please schedule a consultation call - see link in chat or contact Residential Estates below; Kinnerton House Bell Meadow Cuckoos Nest Pulford Chester CH4 9 EP Tel: 01244 343 355 EmaiI: sales@residential-estates.co.uk

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