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Flat Liv ingAdvice
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Kevin mArshAll offers some timely advice on external redecoration
As you Arrive home to your block and look up, are you thinking it could do with freshening up, a lick of paint to the flaky windows and a bit of TLC? If so, you might be in line for the next external redecoration project.
In many buildings the lease dictates the frequency of works while in others it may be more arbitrary, stating something along the lines of ‘’ as often as is necessary’’ . The generally accepted frequency for most buildings is between five to seven years.
In an ideal world, this milestone should be considered by the RMC or property manager in good time, perhaps by inclusion in a PPM/ Capex report (see Flat Living Autumn 2011 issue). If this is the case then the preparations and funds required will be well in hand. If not, all is not lost and there is scope to have works underway next summer - but there is no time to lose! Timing
Bear in mind the need to comply with legislation. Two statutory notices (Section 20 Notices) eacNotices) each of a month’sh of a month’s du durationration needneed to to be be issued,issued, specspecificationifications s andand tenderstenders needneed to to be be ar arra rangednged andand mon moniesies maymay needneed to to be be colleccollected.ted.
EvenEven withwith moneymoney in in the banthe bank andk and no no adverseadverse objectobjectionsions fromfrom flatflat ow owners,ners, on on averageaverage it it takestakes aroundaround fourfour to to five five months frommonths from pressing ‘GO’pressing ‘GO’ at at thethe starstart t of of thethe processprocess untiluntil thethe menmen are on site. seek proposals and interview companies with a track record of this type of work and especially with experience of leasehold
Proposals should contain initial observations specific to your block and be clear about the fee structure proposed, including what you will and won’t get for your money. References and details of previous projects of a similar nature are always very good
Once appointed, the firm should clarify the brief, prepare some ball park budgets nominated under consultation procedures may be rejected if they cannot demonstrate suitability.
Mindful of the often large sums involved, be sure the process is conducted fairly and honestly. Most firms dealing with such matters will invite bids via sealed tenders so check that your project will be done in this way. In our practice, clients are always invited to attend the tender-opening exercise for their own peace of mind. Finally, be realistic on the costs submitted and the surveyor’s observations. From time to time, despite rigorous checks beforehand and as part of tender analysis, a contractor submits a low bid and steadfastly holds the price when short of work. If the job clearly can’t be done for the money concerned - heed the advice of your surveyor. If this situation arises and the bid is accepted, serious problems almost always arise as works progress in terms of quality of work, disputed claims for ‘extra’ costs and in extreme cases - the insolvency of the contractor mid-works.
agents need to draw up and send the first consultation notice. pOinTs TO cOnsider
A large part of the cost of any external project is the scaffolding or similar access. Make sure that the scope of works to be done is comprehensive; there is nothing more frustrating than paying £1500 for scaffolding to fix a £150 leak a year after a major project has been finished.
Review maintenance history. If there have been numerous leaks or such like around the building in recent years, make sure the surveyor has the details so they can properly address such underlying issues.
Consider phasing the works if the budget
Makesuresomeone checkstheleasesto clarifywhopaysforwhat
FirsT sTeps
The first step is to appoint a firm of surveyors or similar to handle the process. If you don’t have an ongoing relationship with a firm seek proposals and interview companies with a track record of this type of work and especially with experience of leasehold property projects.
Proposals should contain initial observations specific to your block and be clear about the fee structure proposed, including what you will and won’t get for your money. References and details of previous projects of a similar nature are always very good barometers.
Once appointed, the firm should clarify the brief, prepare some ball park budgets and proceed to draft the specification for approval in line with some mutually agreed timescales.
In tandem, managing Take care in the selection of contractors invited to bid is tight. It is far better to do half a building comprehensively one year and the rest the following instead of trying to get away with a job of limited scope in one hit. This frequently leads to a lacklustre final result when the scaffolding comes down.
Make sure someone checks the leases to clarify who pays for what. If balcony surfaces and window units are demised to flat owners, while it is logical to have these attended to under the main project, provisions for obtaining their consent and payments need to be factored-in as the specification is drafted. The time involved will extend the programme, so the tenders need to make allowances for this to be done. ObTaining bids
Take care in the selection of contractors invited to bid for the works. The final list should be such that all are of comparable size and appropriate to the job in hand.
Any previously unknown firms should be vetted carefully by your surveyors. Even those nominated under consultation procedures may be rejected if they cannot demonstrate
Mindful of the often large sums involved, be sure the process is conducted fairly and honestly. Most firms dealing with such matters will invite bids via sealed tenders so check that your project will be done in this way. In our practice, clients are always invited to attend the tender-opening exercise for their own peace of mind. Finally, be realistic on the costs submitted and the surveyor’s observations. From time to time, despite rigorous checks beforehand and as part of tender analysis, a contractor submits a low bid and steadfastly holds the price when short of work. If the job clearly can’t be done for the money concerned - heed the advice of your surveyor. If this situation arises and the bid is accepted, serious problems almost always arise as works progress in terms of quality of work, disputed claims for ‘extra’ costs and in extreme cases - the insolvency of the contractor mid-works. ●
KevinKevin marshallmarshall is managing director of Cardoe MartinMartin Tel 020020 75637563 89008900 email Kevin.marshall@cardoemarKevin.marshall@cardoemartin.co.uktin.co.uk Website www.cardoemarwww.cardoemartin.co.uktin.co.uk