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Cancellation – How Your policy may be cancelled

Cancellation - how Your policy may be cancelled – Sections 1 - 4

For Section 5 (Legal Expenses) refer to the Special Conditions listed within the Legal Expenses section 14-day cooling off period

If You want to return Your insurance aer Your decision to buy it, You may cancel it and receive a full refund. To do this We must receive Your request either in wring or via email within 14 days of You receiving the Schedule.

This cooling off right does not apply if You have made or nofied us of circumstances which may give rise to a claim. If You have made a claim or nofy us of circumstances which may give rise to a claim, then the Premium has to be paid in full. Even aer the cooling off period ends You sll have cancellaon rights; however, We may deduct certain amounts from any refund (see below).

Cancellation by You

You may cancel all or part of this Policy at any me by giving Residentsline fourteen (14) days noce in wring to Our address shown on the Schedule.

Cancellation by Us

We may cancel all or part of this Policy by giving You thirty (30) days noce of cancellaon by registered post to Your last known address.

Refund of premium

Provided this insurance is an annual contract and providing no claim has been made against the Policy, You will be entled to a refund of Premium calculated equal to the unexpired period of this Policy less any administraon fee and insurance premium tax.

No refund of premium

If a claim has been submied or paid, or an incident is nofied as likely to give rise to a claim during the Period of Insurance, no refund of the Premium shall be given.

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