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Claim Notification

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We recognise that losses can mean disrupon to both Your property and Your residents' safety and lifestyle and to minimise the impact of a loss Our aim is to provide a fast, effecve claims service.

Having the required documentaon and possibly photographs of the items will assist in having Your claim assessed and seled.

Should You wish to make a claim You should, as soon as possible, contact A. for Sections 1 - 4:

Residentsline Ltd , 29 Waterloo Road, Wolverhampton WV1 4DJ Tel: 01908 302 214 or email to britclaims@residentsline.co.uk.

What You must do When You wish to make a claim You must: i. provide details of the incident and if requested complete the claim form We send You and return it promptly together with all leers, documents, valuaons, receipts or evidence of ownership that You have been asked to provide; ii. provide wrien statements if We require it; iii. be interviewed about the circumstances of the claim, if We require this; iv. allow Us to inspect Your Insured Property and take possession of any damaged item to deal with it in a reasonable way; v. provide Us as soon as possible with every noce or communicaon received concerning a claim by another person or concerning any prosecuon, inquest or other official inquiry arising from the Event; vi. comply with all the requirements of this Policy; and, vii. give Us all informaon and assistance that We reasonably require in relaon to the claim and any proceedings.

What You must not do Whatever the circumstances You must not: i. admit guilt or fault (except in court or to the Police); ii. offer or negoate to pay a claim; iii. admit or deny liability; iv. dispose of any damaged items without first seeking Our approval.

Our approval needed for repairs Except for essenal temporary repairs permied under Addional Benefit 4 of Secon 1, You are not authorised to commence repairs without Our approval.

What other reasonable steps can You take to limit or contain any loss or damage: ♦ immediately ring the: > fire brigade or emergency service in the case of a fire; > ambulance service if a person is injured, however caused; > police following the, vandalism or malicious damage; > appropriate ulity provider for failure or escape of gas, electricity, water etc.; ♦ turn off water supply at the stop cock if a pipe bursts; ♦ turn off main tap on the storage system if oil leaks from the central heang system; ♦ where appropriate obtain the name and address details of any witnesses to an incident.

B. In respect of Section 5 Legal Expenses

Legal Protecon Group Limited at: Legal Protecon Group Limited, 8 Pinkers Court, Briarlands Office Park, Gloucester Road, Rudgeway, Bristol, BS35 3QH. Tel: 0344 840 6345 or email to legalprotecongroup@stephensons.co.uk. Please quote reference LPGBTE165.

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