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WS#2 CERAMIC ~ The design workshop with the best italian craftsmen. 14-15-16 FEBRUARY 2014 Faenza (RA), MUSEO CARLO ZAULI, BOTTEGA GATTI, MIC

Resign Academy in collaboration with Museo Carlo Zauli, the gallery Subalterno1 and the on-line store Autoproduzioni Italiane, presents Manufacto, a series of workshops aimed to investigate the production potential, linked to the design, of some of the most important Italian excellent craftsmanship. The second stage of the project will be held in Faenza over the weekend February 14-15-16, 2014 at the: Museo Carlo Zauli, Bottega Gatti and Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche. GOALS

During the first two days, the partecipants will come into contact with the productive possibilities and properties of the ceramic. Then, the theoretical lecture by Claudia Casali (director MIC), Matteo Zauli (director MCZ), Davide Servadei (Bottega Gatti), Germano Zanzani (ISIA) about the tecnology and the history of the ceramic. The next two days Resign Academy and other special guests like Odoardo Fioravanti, the artists Andrea Salvatori and Mirco Denicolò and the master of ceramics Gino Geminiani, will lead each student through practical and creative exercises, shaping their personal concepts. At the end of the 3 days, Subalterno1 will select a project, financing its production and putting it on sale in the on-line store, giving to the selected student the precious and unique opportunity to follow the production and see the realization of his own idea. TO WHOM IT’S ADDRESSED

The workshop is open to all, but particularly to design, art and comunication students, artists, designers and architects. APPLICATION

Submit your Application Form, that can be downloaded from, including CV and possibly a Portfolio to before 10 February ‘14 (included). In the days immediately following will be selected and contacted the 15 people who will take part in workshop. For those selected the cost of registration is € 220,00. But will offer 1 scholarship to be allocated to the first classified in the selections, which can participate for free.


HOSPITALITY (more info soon) B&B Casa Manfredi Special prices: Room for 4> € 20 Room for 3> € 20 Casa Melandri Special prices: Room for 2 > € 35 Room for 3 > € 45/50 HOTEL Hotel Vittoria (4 Stelle) Special prices: Room for 1 > € 40 Room for 2 (for 1) > € 49 Room for 2 > € 72 ON-LINE RESTAURANTS Osteria della Sghisa, only dinner menu for Friday / Saturday Appetizer: crostino o tagliere salumi e formaggi; Primo:Tagliatella, Dessert: Mascarpone Drinks: a wine glass and water >12 €


Museo Carlo Zauli Carlo Zauli Museum is a container that through its collections and various activities since 2002 has explored and spread the contemporary art in all its forms with a special attention to ceramics, the peculiar material of the local tradition. In fact , the Museum is located in Faenza in the very centre, in the spaces that since 1949 have belonged to Carlo Zauli, one of the most representative sculpturs of the XX century. His work and history are here promoted through the management of the Archives, itinerary exhibitions, publications and lectures. The spaces in the Museum were planned so as to narrate with updated means the vitality


and the meetings of the artists who had characterized the atmosphere of the working shop since 1949. Then, with such a mind, under the direction of Matteo Zauli, the artist’s son, MCZ has become in the years the point of reference for the production and spreading of contemporary art, thanks to the Residence of Artist, numerous lectures, events of contemporary music and didactic courses. The Museum houses Carlo Zauli collection displayed along a chronological path from the early 50’s to the 80’s and passes through the garden, the labs in their original state and still working places, the cellars now warehouses, and a room dedicated to the industrial tiles design. Through the curatorial project “ Residence of Artist” and the other collaborations with artists, the Museum is organizing a contemporary section of ceramics that includes works by Ancarani, Arancio, Avveduti, Boisi, Campanini, Caravaggio, Casini, Chung, Commisso, Garutti, Giaretta, Gennari, Marisaldi, Mercier, Mercuri, Monterastelli, Pergola, Samorè, Silver, Trevisani, Valenti, Veronesi, Xhafa, Zuffi. MORE INFO >

Bottega Gatti The Ceramics Art workshop was founded in Faenza by Riccardo Gatti, a painter and ceramic sculptor. He trained at the local Arts and Crafts School under the direction of Antonio Berti, and then attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. During the same period he joined the Baccarini coterie with his peers Rambelli, Drei, Guerrini, Nonni, Melandri etc. He began his career as a ceramicist at the workshop of the Minardi brothers, and continued his work as a ceramic painter at the Farina factory and then at Faventia Ars. In 1928 he opened his own studio, where he met Giuseppe Fabbri, who introduced him to the Futurist Movement. Gatti himself, as attested by a manuscript by Marinetti, was the first to create futurist ceramics, beyond his own pieces, those more famous by Balla, Dal Monte, Benedetta, and Fabbri, with all of whom he collaborated until 1930. At that point, having perfect his own technique for decoration and metallic reflections, Gatti was recognized in numerous exhibitions, which led him to play an important role in the renewal of the modern ceramic style. Production in the workshop continued under Gatti’s guidance until his death in 1972. Leadership of the “Bottega Gatti” was then entrusted to his student and grandson Dante Servadei, who, in order to retrace the old traditions, with his son Davide in the ‘80s esta-


blished new collaborative relationships with painters visiting Faenza for the occasion of producing ceramics for the 1990 soccer World Cup. His experience continued with working visits to the studio, upon invitation by the City of Faenza, by artists such as Nespolo, Baj, Matta, and Arman. The creation of pieces in collaboration with artists such as Aleberto Burri, Sebastian Matta, Arman, Enrico Baj, Della Casa, Hsiao Chin, Giosetta Fioroni, Pablo Echaurren, Luigi Carboni, Giacinto Cerone, Mimmo Paladino, Tristano de Robilant and Luigi Ontani, continued alongside those of the workshop, which was also accompanied by classic productions including the “reflections” that had become a tradition for the old workshops of Faenza. MORE INFO >

Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza The International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza houses many works in its ample exhibition spaces; from Italian and European works from Medieval Ages to the nineteenth century, to important sections dedicated to pre-Colombian America, ancient Greece, the Roman period, the Middle East and Islamic ceramics. Specific areas are dedicated to ceramics by the most important twentieth century and contemporary artists, both Italian and foreign. The Museum also contains a specialised library, the Giocare con l’Arte (Playing with Art) Laboratory for didactics utilizing the Bruno Munari method, and the Restoration Laboratory which has the task of maintenance of the works and also conservation in general, an essential point of contact for the technical and technological unique nature of ceramics. The Museum began publishing the review “Faenza” in 1913. MORE INFO >


Friday, February 14 h. 9.00 h. 9.00 – 10.30 h. 10.30 – 12.00 h. 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch break h. 14.00 – 15.30 h. 16.00 – 19.00 h. 19.00 – 20.30

TIMETABLE > Meeting at MCZ > Presentations and short brief introduction (at MCZ) > Tour and short lecture about the historical Bottega Gatti with Davide Servadei (at Bottega Gatti) > Lecture by Germano Zanzani about ceramic technologies (at MCZ) > Lecture and tour about contemporary ceramics with Matteo Zauli (at MCZ) > Andrea Salvatori studio with some modeling exercises (at studio Salvatori ) > Aperitivo at Gino Geminiani with some turning exercises (at Bottega Gino Geminiani)

Saturday, February 15 h. 9.00 > Meeting at MIC h. 9.00 – 11.00 > Lecture with tour about the history of ceramics with Claudia Casali h. 11.00 – 13.00 > Exercise and creative brainstorming by Resign Academy Lunch break h. 14.00 – 16.30 > Lecture and pratical exercises about finishes and glazes with Mirco Denicolò (presso MCZ) h. 16.30 – 18.00 > Lecture by Odoardo Fioravanti h. 18.00 – 19.00 > Personal revisions focused on the definition of the best idea h. 21.00 > Dinner together with organizers and guests Sunday, February 16 h. 9.00 h. 9.00 – 10.00 h. 10.00 – 13.00 Lunch break h. 14.30 – 17.00

> Meeting at MCZ > Collective revision and development > Technical revision with Davide Servadei + definition of the concept > Final presentation of each concept to the organizers and guests

Post workshop The best concept will be selected based on: originality, innovation connected to the ceramics material and its production process, manufacturability technical/economic relevance to the brief. Resign Academy with Subalterno1 will allocate to the winner a production bonus (depending on the number of subscribers) for the production of the work in collaboration with the artisans involved in the workshop. The selected person is committed to completing the project, up to prototype or the first series of products. The work will then be exhibited at the gallery

Subalterno1 with the other projects that will be carried out from the Manufacto Workshops (the first stage of the project was held at the Foundry Battaglia in Milan). Then the project will be photographed and will become part of the collection “Autoproduzioni Italiane“.



Resign Academy Resign is a collective studio founded in 2007 by Andrea Magnani, Giovanni Delvecchio and Elisabetta Amatori. Resign think the design process is not anymore just a tool for production, but becomes a mean for the establishment of meaningful relations: “the sense of an object won’t be observed from an aesthetic perspective, but will be found in its ability to function as a “creator” of dense relations, connotated by a high identity value”. MORE INFO > SUBALTERNO1 SUBALTERNO1 is a young gallery founded by Andrea Gianni and fully dedicated to italian self-production. It’s a place where self-produced designers and their objects are presented, displayed and distributed. It’s a showcase interacting with those traveling through the neighborhood of Lambrate. It’s a self-managed initiative, participated and shared with those involved in the project. MORE INFO > Autoproduzioni Italiane Autoproduzioni italiane is a new brand that will distribute, promote and support selfproduced italian design. MORE INFO > Odoardo Fioravanti Odo Fioravanti Studied Industrial Design at the Design Department of the Milan Polytechnic. Since 2003 he has worked as an industrial designer, also experimenting graphic and exhibition design. His projects received prestigious design awards. He taught in many design schools and academies: Milan Polytechnic, IUAV Venice, Domus Academy, Istituto Marangoni, NABA, SPD Scuola Politecnica di Design, HEAD Genève. His objects have been featured in many International exhibitions. In 2010 the Design Museum of the Triennale di Milano featured the personal exhibition Industrious Design about his work. In 2011 he won the XXII Compasso d’Oro Prize ADI with the Frida wooden chair by Pedrali. He also works as a freelance journalist for design magazines trying to explore and to change the boundaries of design as a discipline. Odo Fioravanti Design Studio since 2006 developed projects for many companies such as Abet Laminati, Ballarini, Casamania, COOP, Desalto, Eurochocolate, Flou, Foscarini, Gardesa, Guardini, Incotex, Mesa, Normann Copenhagen, Olivetti, Omnidecor, OPOS, Osama, Palomar, Pedrali, Pinetti, Pircher, Segis,Telecom Italia, Toshiba, Vibram, Victorinox Swiss Army. MORE INFO > Andrea Salvatori Andrea Salvatori was born on 3 of March 1975 in Faenza (Ravenna), Italy. He has graduated at the Art Institute for the Ceramic in Faenza in 1995; he has graduated in Sculpture at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Bologna in 2000. Actually, he works and lives in


Solarolo (Ravenna), Italy. Awards: 2009 - First prize at 56 Premio Faenza; 2008, MIC, Faenza, Ravenna; 2007 - Second prize at 55 Premio Faenza; 2007, MIC, Faenza, Ravenna. Solo exhibitions (selection): 2012 - Naiv/Vain, Museo di S. Domenico / Il Pomo Da Damo, Imola; Un-Traditional, Castello di Roncade, Roncade, TV; <1, MAgra, Museo d’Arte Contemporanea di Granara, Granara, Valmozzola, PR; 2009 - Five Solo Exhibitions, ThePoolNyc, Corte Malipiero, Venezia2003 - Collezione di Ceramiche, Galleria Estro, Padova; 2003 - Gemine Muse, curated by Elettra Stamboulis, Loggetta Lombardesca, Ravenna; 2001 - Giovani Artisti Ravennati (1°class.), Galleria La Bottega, Ravenna. INFO > Mirco Denicolò Mirco Denicolò was born in Cattolica (RN) in 1962. He studied ceramics and graduated in Art Institutes of Pesaro and Faenza. He has worked in the ceramics as a researcher and developer from 1985 until 2003. Since 1983 he teaches in ceramic courses and workshops in Italy and abroad for public and private organisations. He works as a professor of ceramic in the ISIA of Faenza (an industrial design school) from 1999. From 2008 he teaches drawing and fine art to the children in the Scuola Comunale “T. Minardi” of Faenza. He began his artistic activity in 1987. His exhibitions has taken place in galleries and cultural centers in Italy and abroad. Recently he’s working on video animation and performances based on his own ceramic works. MORE INFO > Gino Geminiani Master of ceramics, he started his “bottega” in Faenza just a few steps from the MIC. His experience as a turner and his desire to experiment with new manufacturing processes made him one of the best potters based in Faenza. Germano Zanzani Former Director and Professor of Ceramic Technology at the ISIA in Faenza. MORE INFO >

CONTACTS & INFO Andrea Magnani & Giovanni Delvecchio P. (+39) 3393022824 ~ (+39) 3290966687 M.

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